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U^Ia'^""^" a"'l§ T"""^'* ^5""^' with an hum. bleand a moft thankefoll hand, firftvnto God for your Honours health,und next,toyour Honour for yoi:rcontinuaH fauonrtowards mc, befeedune the vour h^ N "'''^, ^'°.^ ' '°"S ^'nd long to confinue youl htaI:h,tothe aduancemcntofhisslorv, both hero , at home, and elfe-wl,ere. I mSft humbly prriy you to buld vpon ray dutifuH care and dili- gence tn the fctting ibrwards and follov/ine of your H.jnours bufinc.ic,cuen to your beft aduan- lugc, ^.ij ^«waiit^uiUH ur tne vvorkc,anct aifo liiat • A ' I null -P.cr -( i^-»<^tl^mam^' *»•» p Ifhall be adutifull oWeruer of your pleafure and commandcmcnt. And Co wfth the like humility, I doc prefent youi Honour with thegcx)dtydiAgs of all our healths, faftty and good (ucccfTe in our proceedings(Gods holy Name be praifcd for it. ) Ir foUoweth now (as my diirre requircth) that I render vnto your Ho- nour a due account of what hath bccnc done by vs here this ycarc, and of all things elfc, which apper- taines vnto me to doe. Thiiw«i the Therefore it may pleafc your Honour, thaws lofoETfand"' ^^°"^ ^ ^ ^^^ deliuercd my laft Letters of tl#5. Se*ye«re'be- of September,! immediatly addrcffed my CclCe tne- fere, t6n. [y to our bufineffe ; Notwithftanding our diligent labour and extraordinary paines-taking , it was Al- hallontide before our nrft range of building was fitted for an habitable bdng.Thc which being 44. foot of length, and 1 5 . foot of bredth, contayning a iiall 18. foot long,an entry of 6, foot,and a Cellar of 20. foot in length , and of height,betweene the f round floore and thatouer head, about 8. foot, eing dcuided aboue , that thorowout into foure chambers, and foure foot high to the roofe or a halfe ftorie. The roofe buer the Hall, I coucred with Deale boords,and the reft with fuch thatch as I found growing here about the Harbour,as fcdge^ flagges and rufi)cs , a farre better couering then, boords , both for wamith and titeneffe. When I had iinifhed the fame withonely one Chimney of ftone-worke in the Halljl went- forward with our kitchin, of length i8.foot,i». foot of bredth, and S . foot high to the eues,and walled vp with ftone- worke , with a large Chimney in the fame. Ouer the . - *-«riiiiiiii|aii-caie : bc- A 2 fides >*? < ■•% Ji iilliiiiliiiitiln iianUli liiM itMhiiMiMMMtHii Tbcywere bittwelue men all the lift Winter, Sifc VST ""^T r"^^'' "' ' ft^»<^ a"d=' nalfc, whiLh ferucs for aStor^-.houfe tiUwcearc othcrwifc prouidcd. The Forge hath becne fi^ ftedth>s fiuc weckcs : the Sa)T-worke is now a * jno(l ready Notwkhftanding t/iis great taTfor t7 ^7t ' ^' ''^"^ ^°'^ Wheat, Barleroltcc «,„.„„,. ^caft. and ficanes about the quanti.^ of two Ac es vntiUihcncw Ot Garden roome -^hr^ni- 1,, ir«« / ^* 'wuncrcs. ninca m tiicir bJoomes this twenty daves Wr^ rifting nulow of at leaft Le fa "V """- agrcat deale more againft anotlicr vcerc Inrhl SvsSert ■''r'S'''" g'-°""'l't''c which af- ioras\swattrm a fiifficient mcafure. ThetimK^r uwcd iince the irrinall r.fn' • rornier, «-' — r" ■'"^ *vx4.i2i" : fa ji fo that within the fame, for the romfort of neigh- bour-hoo J, another row of building may be fo pitched, that the whole may be made a prcttie ftrccte. '^ For the Country and Clymate ; It is bettc i , and "i?^ r ^^}^ ^^ F ngland hitherto.iMy comfort is,that the Lord is with your Honour , and your dcilgncs.- for we haue profpered to the admiration of all the beholders in what is done. And thus with my hum- blc dutic remembrcd,! reft> rcuf Non»ttrsmofl humble and faithfukfiruanty Edward Wtni^e. FerrylandiS./i^/)' 16»2. P0jlfir, The fliip with the reft of our prouifion arriued here this morning, and what is omitted by me, (liall by Gods hcipe (liordy be performed. Your Honour hath greater hopes here , then hereto- fore I haue becne able to difccrne. All things fuc- ceede beyond my expectation. A? i^n ii'iiii I if TiYh'-ir ■ Another Letter to Maffer Secretary Calucrt, from Captaine Daniel Powell , ii>ho con^ dufitd the new fufphf of men^ tint -^ent for the 1'lantattony the la ft Sfnng, dated At rcrrylandiS./^/) \6ii. Right H or? our able: MAy it plcaic your Honom to vndtrftand, rharon the iS.of Apnll,niy fdfc^andalJ thccompany, whole names I fcntyouin the Lid, by my lii\ fiom Plymmoiith tooke fliip. ping there,and onthcz^.ofiMayfGods holy Name be eiicr praifed for it }wec all arriucd Cifc and in good health in Ncvvfoiind-land. Our lourney proued io Iong,by realbnof the contrary windcs we continually had. For at leaft three weckes to- gether, wc were forced to trauerfc the Teas to and againe, and got not forward to the VVcftward in all that time one hundred leagues. The accidents which" happened in our oucr- bound paflage were thcfc : The firft wceke aitcr our being at Tea, three of our fou re Ewe-Goats, by reafon of their extreme Icaneneile when they were bought and brought aboord, died, ^o that now wc haue butonelyoncEwc-Goareanda Buck-Goate left : the other Ruck dying likewife within few dayes after our landing. On the i^. of May ,'thc furnace in our /liiptookc fire, and us God would haue ir,burft forth in the day time-orherwifc ic had endangered both jliip and vs. ~ ^ On L« On the 26. as aforcfaid, early m the morning vvc dcfciicd land in Newfound- land, a hrtic to tlic Northward of the Bayof Bulls, and before night came to anchor in Capling Bay within one league 4)f Fmylaml, The next morning our fliip came about to I'cnyland Harbour,and there landed all our people, where we found the Gouernour and all hi*; company m good healtii, as wee all continue in tlie lame, prai fed be God for it. 'i\\Q Coaft and Harbours which we failed by, arc io bold and good, asl aflure my/el/c there can be no better in the world ; but the woods along the Coafts, are fo (poiled by the fifliermen, that it is great pittic to behold them, and without redre/Ic, vndoubtedly will be the ruineof this good Land; For they waftfully barke,feli,and Icauemore wood behinde tfaem to rot, then they vfe about their ftages , although they implov a world of wood ypon them ; And by thefe their abulls doe fo cum- bcr the woods euery where nceie theiliore, that itisnotpoifibJeforanyman to^oc amileinalon•■». «.■ !» . frill tf,},r, „.rfBni.^',tf^:^, ^^ ^ r- id 5. I, )C J, IC It le If d n it d c >t \i Another Letter coMaftcr Secretary C^A^rr, fromCapcainc W^'/sww, of the !/• of Au- guft, i6ii. LMay itpkafeyour Honour ; VPon the 17. day of May, your Honours Letters of the ip. of February I recciued here from the hands o{ Robert Stoftwg^d'c. And fo forward, as in his former Letter of the 28. of iuly, relating the manr and proportion of their building. We haue Wheat, Barly, Gates and Beanes both eared and codded, and though the late fowing and fettingof them might occafion the contrary, yet it ripens nowfofaft, that it carries the likelihood of an approching hanieft. Wee haue alfo a plentifull Kitchin-Garden of many things,and fo rankc, that I haue not feene the liVt in England. Our Beanes are exceeding good : our Peafc fhall goe without compare ; For they are in fome places as high as a man of an extraor- dinary ftature ; Raddifli as biggc as mine arme ; Lettice, Cale or Cabbedge,Turneps, Garrets and all the reft is of like goodncffe. We haue a me- dow of about three Acres : it flourifhcd lately with many cockes of good hay, and now it is made vp for a Winter feeding. We hope to be well fit- ted with mamr Acres of medow againft another yeerc : of pafture land, we haue already to ferue ai itaiiiiiitciiui^uicu nt-Tiusor v^atteii .' ana ro ail this, if it pleafc God, agood quantity offecd- B ground '•* miiBi4i-. .i*..-.^ . iW«Si(^ XI the day in Winter longer then in England: the nights both filent and comfortable, producing no- thing that can befaid, either horrid or hideous. Neither was it focold here the laft Winter as in England th^ yccre before. I remember but three fcuerall dayes of hard weather indeed , and they not extreme neither ; for Ihaue knownc greater frofts 5 and farrc greater fnowcs in our owne Country. At the Brijlorv Plantation , there is as goodly Rye now growing, as can be in any part QiBnglmd: they are alfo well furnifhed with Swine, and a large breed of Goates, fairer by far then thofe that were (ent ouer at the firft. Theftoncs,kernels and feeds that 5/w/>[^ brought me, were put into the ground prcfcmly after his ai*- riuall, the which are already of a pretty growth, though late let 5 for they came to my hands but vp- onrheiy. ofMay. The Vines that came from P//>»/»tf»/^,doe prof- per very well ; nay, it is to be alfured , that any thing that g/owes in England^ will grow and prof- per verie well here : whereby it plainly appeares vnto your Honour, what manner of Country the (amc is. Therefore it may pleafeyouto giue cre- dit vnto no man that (hall fceme to vrge the con- trary. And for my part, feeing that by theproui- denceof God and your Honours mcere fauour to- wards me, th is imployment is falne to my lot,I truft that neither Gods grace in me , nor the experience that I haue gained by the trauels of my youth, will me to goe about to betray you andmy Country^ B 2 as a others h^ done that haue beeoe imrioyed in theMc truft. I tnift aIfo,that what Ihaic radcr- rakeneitherby wordor writing, will be fbundthe Garaaersofatrueandzealousminde, wholvdc- uotedvnto your Honours feruicc, the good of mv poore diftrefled Countrimen,andtotfie aduance- ment of Gods glory. It may pleafe your Honourto vnderiland , that our Salt- maker hath performed his part with a greardeaic of fufliciency, by whom I haue il-nt your Honour a barrell of the befl Salt that euer my eies beheld, who with better fettling doth vnder- ?.^^?u'*'J';'■ 'I'i'' ^''•'^n he hath made already. I fliall humbl V alfo defire y ou to remember my lift yeeresfuit, that our dehcate Harbours and Woods may not be altogether deftroyed. For there hath beencnndedthisyeere notfo few as 50000. trees j^^^'J|y''«»'.eoutballa(tintothcHarbors,though It may lilcewife pleafe your Honour to eiue ex- prdle order .Firft,thatfuch as befcnthithfr here- af ter,may be fuch men as (hall be of good ftrcnsth • whereof wee ftand in need of fixe WonsS t^arpenters, two or three good Quarry men, a Sla- ter or two^Lyme-bnrner,and Lymeftones,a good &"?/ ^u^ ^'^ ' =" ^<>"P'<^ °f ftrong'm^^ds, and^fi '^•r''"''e'''"^""^°''' brewed bake andto&rmlhvs withwheeles,hempe,&flax,anda conuement number of Weft-counter labouremo fitthegroundforthePlough. ^'^°°"««to fi,? vfi!""^! ''^ "° '"O''^ Wes and girles be ^^~.'t.l'"^'^^^P« Ho«ou« charge, . "" "'^ ""«=f pcrwns which haue not beenc - brought . '^ ■■!„,...,> ..,l,-n\v.^.W,^- | ,; | y. , j.! , ;- , if bronghtvp to labour : forthcjr are vnfic for theft af&irc • Thirdly, your Honour d* nectifity muft fend feme Cunnes and a Gunner with his ncccflaries : for the place and time doc require it. It is a dura- ble Chattel -they will command the Harbour^and fecureali. We ftand alfo in need of anotlier brewing Cop- pcr/ome Clap-boords^more Iron and fteele^brick, fome Lime, and Tiles for a beginning , whilcft the Siate-quarry is in fitting. A compleat Magazine of all things will be ne- ceflary with vidluals, linnen, woollen for apparell and bedding, with better couerleds, fhooes of wet leather, Irifh-ftockings, coorfe knit-hofe, coorfc ticks, good flocks in caske, and in fteadof cloth, coorfe mingled kerfies , and no canuafe fuits , nor any ready made : But otherwife it may pleafe your Honour to fend Taylors,fuch as will hclpe to garde theplace,anddoc other things. The like of other Trades-men, and all to be furnifhed out of the Ma- ga2ine,vpon account. I went to Formoufe and Renoufe yV^oniho^ fourth ofthismoneth, to buy fait for your Honour againft > the next yecre,becaBi« it is fo deare in BngUmdy aftd - that which is now bought for the next yeeres fifh-_ ing , amounts to the number of 1 85. hogs-heads. It may pleafe your Honour, that another I*on mill, and two Bridewell mils may be fent hither, and then our bread-cornc may be fent vnground: and if at any time it fhould happen to t^e wct,it mav he drv^<4 acrain^_ We want a doozen of leather buckcts,a Glazier, B 5 forac ■ jw^iiK^^- V fomeglcw, rats-bane, two fowling peeces (if fixe foot in barrelJ, and one of feuen foot, with a mouid to cad fhot of feuerall iizes for fowling. Tue laft yeere I jfhewed vour Honour of much courtefie recciued from fundry Matters .- many this yeere haue done the like, though fomc likes not our iflouri/hing beginning and profperity. How- foeuerj haue proceeded with a great deale of care and refpe^avntoyour Honours commandements, to vfe them with all humanity. I hope you will beplcafedtofend vs the Plough next yeere, and Gunnes ^ for the time requires it. And fo I con- clude,refting Auguil.1^22. 79ttr Honours mofi hum* bU^hAnkefuUandfdiih^ fullfemmt. Edward Wynne. I The names of all thofc thatftay with tne this yeere. (Caftaif/e PovelL '', Michoias Hoskinsm Rohm Stoning. i Roger fUjhnm, Chirurgion. I Henri I>ring,\i\x%h^^mS!i. QrpenBHAmt j Henry Doke, Boars-mafter. WiliiAmSh^u^ffis, Tailor. Eliz.ShMrftis^hismk. lohn Botfly. L^nne Bayly Ms a-ife, Widdow'i-iy^. Nary II H> w n»lfti» if:iXwiiw;lg*».5 MsTj nujfeit. S$kliDee,maidc. Elizabeth Kernel ^. , lonelackfin. |Cirf«* ThtmasWilfin. ?« . - lohn Prater, $ Smithes. lames Beuelly Stone-layer, Beniamm Hacker, Quarry-man. ^ch, Hinckfon.^ Robert Bennett > Carpenters. Wmiam Hatch, o Ufe^ Parfcert Robert Rotv, Fiflierman. Philip lane y Cooper. William Bond, 1 f-Boats-maftcrs, Peter IVotton^ j Ellis Hinckfom, O Bigorj FUjhmaH. VBoyeSr Richard Higgins^ j In all }2. I looke for a Mafbn, and one more out of the Bay o£ CoficeftioM, -^ T-1— "^ — — — -^-1 r-TTT-i^-i ■. - — --■ [ f-l I - - - -I ^ Cop of 4 Letter from N. H. 4 Gent/eman it- tdngat Ferryland in Newfound-land » to a 'Worthy friend^. P. of the \ 8. oftAuguSi, 1 6 11* MY humble feruice remembi cd • accounr ting my felfe bound vnto you in a double bond, namely, loue and duty: I could not be vnmindfull to fliew the fame vnto youinthcfe rude lines, -Hereby to acquaint you with our health, the temperature of the Country, and the commodities and blefTmgs therein. Andfirft,for the firft : Concerning our health , there is not any man amongft our company, that hath beene ficke able to follow his worke. The Oimate differs but L'.^ttbgf^fafi^'-'' i' i^iK»iitt''iiliiiiAliJI)B*^1^ii'i' ■Jiiliteit^fcililSiiifc but little from Engtmd^ and I my fclfc felt IrifTc cold here this Winter, then I did in EngUnd the Winter before by much. Theayreis fwceter : fori neuer fmeltanyeuill fauor in the Country , norfaw any vcnemous creature to hurt me. Gods blcflingsvp- on this Land are manifold : As for Wood ancf Wa- ter, it pafleth£;f^/4;i4^.the one moft fwectin grow- ing and burning , the other mod: pleafant to tafte, and good to drinkc. For in the Whitfon-holidayes (I taking with me Maftcr Stoning) didcoaftfome tennc miles into the Country Weftwardfrom our Plantation, to make fome difcouery of the Coun- try,andtokill aDea^e-and being fome fine miles into the Land, where wee lodged that night ina Wood, we found much Champion ground , and good leuds of one, two, three or fourc hundred a<^>;es together, and at the foot of each Mountaine ^d fmall hill, wee alwaies met with a fairefrcfh Riuer,or a fweet brookc of running water, where- of we freely dranke, and it didquench my thirft aswellasanv Beere,and muchrefrc(hvsboth,and neuer offended our ftomacksat all. We trauelled three daies, but found no Deare faue their footings which came to pafle bymcanesof agreatfii^^hat hadbumed the woods a little before tenmilcs com- paflc. It began bctweene/^«m<^/?and Atju^m.-it burned a wecke,and then was quenched by a great rame. jL i nnownotT^oorwhathewasthatgaueSrcto It, but I thinke he was a feruant hired by the dbmll doc that wicked deedc whoCldoe not doubt) will pay him for his workc.Inthc night the Wolues be- ing neerc, did lomething affi-ight vs with their how- ^ai^mmmumt Itiiiiiirii */ howlings, but did not hurt vs : for we Iiad doeocs firc,and fword to welcome them. As for the Beares' although there be many^ they bearc vs no ill wilJ I ihin.vc, for I haiie eaten my part of two or three and taken no hurt by tiiem. Foxes here arc many/and aslLbtilJ asa Foxe, yethaiicwe coozned many of ihcm ofthcir nch coats, which our worthy Gouer- nour kecpcs carefully, as alib of Cattagena's and Utters, whole coucringsweprefeiucas Ating prc- ients for greater perfons. The Fowles and Birc^ of the Land are Partridges,Curlucs, Fillidaies, Black- birds Bulhnches,Laikes, Span-owes andfuclihke rhofeofthe Sea, are Goofc, Ducks of fourc forts' Capderace Teale , Snipes, Pcnguyns, Murrcs' Hounds, Sanderhngs, Redflianks and others, aJi vciy fat,fwccte ard wholefome. The Fowles of prey, arc Tercels, Golliawks, Falcons, Laners Sparhawkes, Gripes, Ofpreis, Owks great and imall, RaueiiS, Gulls, Pitterils, and fomc others . and of moft ofthefe forts I haue killed many! As for the plenty of Codf^fh it is well knowne vnto you. Salmons, Eeles, Mackarell, Herrings, Lance Caplin, Dogfifli, Hollibuts, Flowkes, Lobfters ' Crabbs and Muskles : All and more then allthefe arc here in great plenty, very good and fweet meat. I he wildc fruit and berries^are fmall Peares,Cher- ncs. Nuts, Rtsbcrries, Strawberries, Barberries Dewbcrries,Hurtleberries,with othcrs,all good to eate. Many faire Flowres I haue feene here, which I cannot name,although I had learned CerrardsH^v ball by heart : But wilde F ofes are here both redde and damaskc,as fragrant and faire as-in EtigUnd, All our Gornc and feedcs hauc profpcred vfd\, and arc i U?-i.V- ■.?Ri-4inwe*^fc«^ V i*.,*"JbXit-4JuimainM*'JaU^ii»'j^ i9 fc M %, ril already grownc ahnoft to p^rfcd maturity. What fliall I fay i To fay that I know not,I dare nor. Thus much I knowj as ancycwitnclFe, and much more good the Countrcy doth promife to (hew mc* ; the wliichj when I Ice you,my heart (hall command my tongue to certify you. Our Gouernors Letters ( I doubt not ) will bring you nevves at large : I wrote but this in haftCjto fatisfy my felfe,and (hew my dii- ty5dc(iring you to lookc thorow it,as thoro w a pro- fpediue gTafre,wherein you may difcernc a farrc off what I haue fcene necrc hand, and (ee that your poore well-wi(hing friend is aUue and m good health at FenUnd^vfho in the loweft fteppe of duty takes his leauc,with prayers for your preferuation, and will euer remaine. Your feruantto^e commandtdy TirryUnd i8. Auguft, 1^22. N. H. *J«*;til>;J,- „^, •■*♦•*/*%-/ ^.■.^ ,T ,-....;;>»#*'i hat lUS 3 re :hc ny .(I )rc ill- ro- off nir 0(i iry ^^ [, »imm*:i