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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 A 5 6 rOMTieS OF PEEL AND U Public KTotlce lis to the electors of the Counties of JP ence to Her jflajesty's ^Vrit to me-H TweKty-Fifth ilay of the month of An One ThouNan«l Ei^lit Hnndred anil fl m n.y <%^ m/mj*- (eompoNed of the Comities of I \J HAITO^ TO WIT : ' im hereby Olven leN of Peel aiul Haltoii, that in obedi- to ine^ilirectecl, anil bearing elate the th of Aii^UNt, ill the year of our lioril Ml and Sixty-Two, I require the pres- jai^jr jK V £ kjv M ^9° m B ^tjr .at «.' itieN of Peel anil Haltoii,) at the In the Townslii|> of Ckiii^imcoii Tflcsilay, tlie ZM day AT TWELVE OP THE V For the purpose of Electing a Person to Kepresi this Proyince ; and that in case a Poll is flemant cribed, such will be opened on TUESDAY, th |l|E8DAy, the First of October, in the se>e eousy, Albion, Toronto, Oore of Toronto, aii<1 ton and 8treetsville ; and also in the set «ral Toi gar, Esqnesing, and the Incorporated Town ty of Haiton. Of wliich every person is hen cordingly. Giren tiiuler iby liantl at Brampton, ill the year of our Li*e!!iciit them in t!iic T^egislatire Council of I is fieinaiMiecl niicl allowed, in manner by law pre* SDAT, the Thirtieth of September, and WED- II the several Townships of Caledon, Chingua- ronto, and the Ineorporated Villages of Bramp- ;vei>al Townships ofNassanrnaya, J^elson, Trafal- t^d Towns of iflilton and Oak;ville« in the Coun- on is hereby required to take notice, and act ac- iinptoii, ihitii Eleventh day of September, liouNRiid Eig'lit Hundred and Sixty-two. ilHimil RRiUA. Mieinrnin^ Officer*