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AH persons who may apply at the Institution shall be received into the building erected for that purpose, and be furnished with a night's lodging, supper, and breakfast, after which they are to be discharged ; no recommendation whatever being required to entitle them to such assistance. Unless under very special circumstances, the relief afforded shall not extend beyond one night, as this branch of the Institution is intended to be confined exclusively to temporary assistance , The Weekly Committee shall have power to place out temporarily the children under the care 10 Oi this Charity, in accordance with the by-laws provided for that purpose ; it being necessary in all cases that the written consent of at least two meoibers of such Committee shall be first obtained. 1st. That where practicable the children shall be placed with persons of the same religious denomination. . !^nd. That no child shall be apprenticed to any person not of the same religious belief, while there are any applications from parties of the same denomination, whose testimonials are in other respects satisfactory. 3rd. That where no such applications are before the Committee, no child shall be sent out of the' House under the period of 14 days from the date of their admission. 4th. That a note shall be sent by post to a member of the Board of the same religious persuasion as the child, as soon as it is admitted, giving its age and name, to afford an opportunity of finding some fit and proper person to whom the child may be bound, in accordance with the articles of apprenticeship. 5th. That failing any such application within die before-mentioned period, the child shall be placed with any respectable party whose of 11 application has been otherwise approved of bv the Board. 6th. That in no case shall a child be considered as permanently placed out, until tlie applica- tion for such child shall have been approved and confirmed by the General Board. 7th. That, as a general rule, a preference shall be given to applications for apprentices from the country, provided they are in other respects satisfactory. 8th. No child shall be placed out with persons keeping a tavern, or where liquors are sold. 9th. Persons receiving assistance from the Charity, who shall make away with, or sell the food or wood given them, shall be liable to be struck off the books for relief. RULES FOR THE SUPERINTENDENT. 1st. He shall keep a register of all applications for assistance ; the names of the parties applying ; with full particulars of their cases ; age of the parents and children ; the number in family ; and to what denomination they belong, together with the relief afforded, or the reason for refusing it. 2ud. That he shall keep an accurate register of all applications for children ; the names of the / 12 parties applying ; their religious denomination, testimonials, residence ; whether freeholders or otherwise, and their trade or occupation. 3rd. He shall enter in a book kept for that purpose, the quantity of provisions, wood, clothing, 6th, CoiTespondence shall then be taken up and considered. 7th. References and Reports of Committees shall then be considered. 8th. Motions shall be considered, of which previous notice shall have been given. 9th. The general business shall then be pro- ceeded with. 10th. Notices of motions, to be brought forward at tb6 next meeting, shall then be given. \ ■^'tv-:'