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His Excellency Major General Sir George Arthur feels the greatest gratification in announcing to the Queen's Regular Troops, and to Her Majesty's Militia of the Province, now so happily engaged hand in hand in the defence of their Country, against internal disaffection, and against the most cruel and unjust aggres- sion from abroad, that their united efforts have proved decidedly effectual in over- coming a gang of desperadoes, who lately had the temerity to make a descent, from the United States, en the Canadian Shoie of the St. Lawrence, between Prcscott and Johnstown. The Pirates, on landing, took possession of some Stone Houses, and a Stone Mill, of extraordinary strength of masonry, about one and a half mile below the former place ; of these they held possession for some time, closely blockaded by the loyal Militia, under Colonel Plomer Young, Particular Service, until reinforced by Colonel the Honourable Henry Dundas, with a Demi Field Battery of the Royal Aitillery, and some Companies of the 83rd Regiment, from Kingiton. Against such a Force, when supplied with Heavy Artillery, it was impossible for the Enemy long to hold out ; and after the Stone Houses had been destroyed, a White Flag was hoisted at the Mill, and its occupiers were permitted to surrender at discretion. The fruits of these gallant proceedings, consisted of about one nundred and sixty-seven Prisoners, exclusively of about sixteen wounded. It is reported, that not less than fifty-six of the Enemy were killed during the operations. Colonel the Honourable Henry Dundas, Colonel Plomer Young, and Captain Sandom, Royal Navy, Commanding the Naval Flotilla, speak in the very highest terms of the gallantry, good conduct, and extraordinary forbearance, of the whole of Seamen and Marines, the Regular Force, the Militia and the Voluntt , iS, em- ployed on the occasion. ^ The British loss consists of Lieutenant Johnston, 83rd Regiment; Lieutenant Dulmage, of the Grenville Militia, killed; and Lieutenant Parker, Royal Marines, and Lieutenant Parslow, oi t ae Militia, wounded ; with about forvy-five Rank and File killed and wounded. The loss of the Brigands was particularly severe in Officers, among whom were the self-styled Generals Brown, and Phillips. His Eyellency Major General Sir George Arthur cannot sufficiently applaud the alacrity and firmness with which Colonel Plomer Young, attacked the Brigands, with a very inferior force, on their first appearance on the Canada Shore; and the gallantry with which the Detachments of the 83rd Regiment, and Royal Maiines, with the Militia under his command, drove them to seek a tem- porary security in the Mill and Houses: in which, however, they found it totally impracticable long to maintain themselves against British valour and persevering intrepidity. The Major General also offers his warmest thanks to Colonel Dundas, for the able disposition of his Force, and his indefatible exertions ; to Colonel McBean, R. A. ; to Colonel R. Duncan Eraser ; to Lieutenant Colonel Gowan ; und Captain George Macdonald ; and to all the Officers of the Militia and Volunteers, whose names he is alone prevented from particularising, by the casual absence of the Despatch from Colonel Young, which enumerated them ; and His Excellency is confident that the gallant example now shewn, will be followed with equal loyalty and spirit, by all the Militia of the Province, should their services he called for. To Captain. Sandom, Commanding the Royal Navy, likewise are His Excel- lency's thanks most fnlly due, for his vigilance and able co-operation ; and to Lieu- tenant Fowell, Royal Navy, who so gallantly commanded Her Majesty's Steamer "Experiment," which although so inferior in point of size and power, obliged the enemy's Steamer " United States," to seek refuge in an American Port. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, likewise, has much pleasure in con- gratulating Colonel Carmichael, Particular Service, and the loyal and gallant Glen- garry Militia Regiments, under Colonels McDonell, Fraser. Chi'shohn,and McDonoll, whose ready aid in moving into the Lower Province, mainly contributed to tho re-capture of the "Henry Brougham" and has earned for them the high approbation of His Excellency the Commander of tho Forces. By Command. C. 1'Uttiii.u, Colonel, Assist. Adft. Genl.