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Les disgrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 BY HIS EXCELLEN( SIR JOHN COL] Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Military Order of Order, Commander of Her Majesty's Forces in the If routwci •Administrator of the Government o/ the said I'^rovi iC/EPOSING *^special confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and Good Conduct, I do by these and appoint you to be You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of and I do hereby command them to obey you as their respecting Her Majesty's Service, as you shall from time to time receive from me, o- any othlr your Su presents z Given under my Hand an day of of Our Lord, one tho BT HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMBIAND, d Seal at pand eigh HIS EXCELLENCY [)HN COLBORNE, itartf Order of the Bath and of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic in the Pfromncea of Lower Canada and ITpper Canada^ and y the saiil i^rovince of Lower Canada, Sfc. Sfc. Sfc. I do by these presents aad by virtue of the Power and Authority to me given by Her Majesty, constitute and you are to observe and follow all such orders and directions B, o- any othir your Superior Officer, according to Law. ' r my Hand an Lord, one th>o d Seal at Arms, at tho Government House, Montreal, the «"» '*« year of Her Majesty^s Reign, and in the year ^and eight hundred and it