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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds 4 des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd A partir de I engle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'image.«: ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 32 X : 4.. V V/ /4 LES^AND BY-LAWS jVHK ^-^ CIETT r'"v OK «iW NOVA SCOTIA. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT, SESSION 1861. «• CONFIRMtD BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUT. GOVERNOR IN . COUNCIL, JULY 31, 1861. « HAJ.IFAX, N. S. PRINTED BY JAMES BOWES AND SONS, •1861. Ova .0/6' ''f>'k \ *^^%(*t' 7- 1 1 -«¥ ^»f #" RULES AND BY-LAWS '"^^■' **'' ''•*•'• MEDICAL SOCIETY or ■-*^„ ' %,. % NOVA SCOTIA. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT, SESSION 1861. CONFIRMED BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUT. QOVERNOR IN COUNCIL, JULY 31, 1861. HALIFAX, N. S. PRINTED BY JAMES BOWES AND SONS, 1861. .*f" ^fm^imimmmm fifmim^^m^ ( v.. RULES AND BY-LAWS f>F THK MEDICAL SOCIETY OF i^OVA SCOTIA. * It is universally admitted that " Union is Strength.*^ The Medical Profession in this Province, although numerous, are at present powerless to effect any great or important reform for their mutual benefit ; hence it becomes imperative on every member to co-operate with his brethren to exalt his profession above the standard of Empiricism and Quackery. To accomplish this desirable object, we, whose names are an- nexed, do hereby form ourselves into an association, and pledge ourselves to each other to observe and be guided by the follow- ing By-laws, and such other Rules as may from time to time be adopted. _„.^ RULES. Rule I. — ^ame mid Objects. — This association shall be des- ignated the "Medical Society op Nova Scotia," and its ob- jects shall be the advancement of Medical Science, the discussion of all subjects pertaining to the profession, and the protection of the rights of its members. II.-— Members. — All legally qualified regular practitioners in Medicine and Surgery, shall be eligible as members of this Society. III. — Officers. — The officers of this Society shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, Corresponding Sec- retary, and Treasurer, to serve one year each ; and a Managing Committee (or Council of Nine), one of which shall be the Sec- retary. J^ i«l ly—Duti/ of OJirers.— The President shall preside at .'ill meetings of the Society, — enforce a Htriot ohservimee of the Rules and By-laws, — eall special meetings, — sign all orders for monies to he paid hy the Treasurer, and perform suih other duties as may he assigned to him y. — xhe Vice-President shall render such assistance as the President may require of him ; and in the ahsence of the }*iesi- dent the Vice-President shall j)erform his duties. y^- — The Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Society, and of the Council ; shall prejiare hallots at the election of officers ; shall notify monhers of all meetings, and perform such other duties as may he assigned to him. yil. — The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all the husinesH of the Society external to the city and Dartinouth ; have charge of all lettei-s and communications transmitted to the So- ciety ; prepare answers to correspondents according to instruc- tions ; and furnish, within a fortnight preceding the annual meeting, to the Treasurer a correct list of all who have hecome memhers of the Society in the year preceding, and perform such other duties as may he assigned to him. VIII. — Interchange of Duties of Secretary. — Should either of the Secretaries he ahscnt from' any meeting of the Society. the other shall perform the services of hoth, as far as may he, for the tiine heing. IX. — The Treasurer shall demand and receive all monies due to the Society, and keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures ; shall (when in funds) pay all orders drawn on him hy the Society, when signed hy the President and Secretary. He shall make an annual statement to the Society of the appro- priation of its funds, and perform such other duties as may he assigned to him. X. — The Council (or Managing Committee) shall examine the qualifications of all new candidates for memhership ; shall adjudicate upon all disputed questions of a professional nature, and perform such other duties as a majority at every annual meeting may assign to them. The decision of a majority of the Council at any meeting, on any matter brought hefore them, shall not be considered final until ratified by the Society. J.!> ll lL«.il i» l/ >>s, and to all till- outli ; liavo to the So- to iiiHtruf- lic annual vt> heconio rforni such mill cither 10 Sofiety, nay be, for nonies due Jceipts and drawn on Secretary, the ajjpro- us may be 1 examine ihip; shall al nature, ry annual rity of the bre them, J- 15 Y - L A W S « KCT AllT. I.— MKHTINGS. I.— The annual meefinjr of this Society shall be hold »»n the first Tuesday in January, (not being New Year's Day), from year to year, at such time and place as the Society shall determine. Skct. 2.— Monthly meetings shall \n' held on tiie farst lues- day in every month. . i i Skot. 3.— Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, upon reiiuisition of three members. Skpt. 4. — Five members (including officers) shall constitute a quorum at any monthly or special meeting ; and ten shall form a quorum at any annual meeting of the Society. Sect. 5. — In the absence of the President and Vice Presi- dent at any regular or special meeting, the members present shall appoint a Chairman (being a member) to preside during the transaction of business. Skct. 6.— The President may convene a meeting of Louncil on the requisution of one or more members of the Society. Five members shall constitute a (luorum at any meeting of ART. 11.— ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Skct. 1.— At the monthly meeting next preceding the annual meeting persons hhall be nominated (eitl»er viva voce or in writ- mg) as office bearers for the ensuing year; and the Secretaries shall transmit the names of those nominated, with voting papers, to all the member* of the Society for their election, ♦tgothor with a notice of the annual meeting. Sect. 2.— Members residing m the country, wishing to vote, may do so by proxy, sending in their votes for the .several offi- cers in a sealed envelope, to the Secretary,— said envelope to be marked proxy, and not to be opened until the day of the annual meeting. „ , , „ i Sect. 3.— Officers shall be elected annually by ballot,— the presiding officer naming two members present to examine the ballots, and declare the result to the meeting. Parties so elected shall, if present, at once assume the duties of their respective offices ; and retiring officers shall, at the same time, hand over to ™»(„„,<. „„ „|„„„.„1 » "'"J-niy of vote i„ „„. i,„|,„, ^^ ■*• "•mJy .lescTibcl. "^ ''"-^'''^ "^'^tm^', in the ...a.wier al- ■n?X after ,f,e TilLd S;-,rt'-'',''',,P">- ''« '1'- wi,l,!„ ,,, '"■•'»" ""I'oir annual ,l„c" , '",""" "■*»'"«t (in tCZl' •^^"-'1, !■■■«*« Tn J f'fliPi- proporfy „r ? perfoniii'd tlioir lulviinci', for t\w -'lectt'tl ail iiually, l' «lmi,„i ofoffi. lit" l.iillot box to •'"'inio sliall 1,0 f'li-' iiiaiujer ul- 'artmoutli slmll einl)or8 present at an annual n,eetin.. of tl... « • iH'ing gnon at tlie n.ontlily mJZJ^l Soe,oty,-„oti,o -eting, of the proposed JlSS ::tlS^''' ''' '""'"='' BY-LAWS FOR TrUlDANCE AT ttjp ^r.^x.m ^ -^RT- IX.-GENERAL BUSINESS. al«o for hearing an.l <^:scu s^n'^e vV 'T"'''''^ ^'"^'"''^■^■^' ""^1 1. Society constituted. 6. New members propose'd. ^. Miscellaneous business. cationSS "' ''"""^'' «-' -«- -d oral eomnnnW- 0. Society adjournda. ART. X._RESOLUTIONS. VOTING, ETC n^arbe con7dtcf ^flt;!?""^ ^^*^« «"^«« ««J By-laws to be read before Ih Vo'cLy Tt S S'^— '^'^ Rosol^tC on wh^h they will be disSed Rosnl ?^ "'''*, P''^'^^'"^ ^^^^^ under'debate are excepted^ maf 4 rerard"'" ^'^ '""'r' the same evening. •'^ ^" ^"" considered on Sect. 8.— ill dhnntoj „ .?' '™ proposer attached. Sect. 4.-Nr„ffirr1J ZX"> ^'"^''''^ "-^ "»'• »»bjeet under debate, Xi^ShS EfflT '^ '"'T"*** '" «■» be entitled to vote „,;„„ . XnTatt faVie™?*"' *"" ^ 9 society, — iiotk-o 'ng the annual 3NTIILV OK 'AX. 'ngs also when ? I'lisino.s*. and and oral eoni- eeted with the > 'clock, p. M., d ed at fonnei al com man i- nd By-laws Resolutions ceding that e to subject iisidered on 3 delivered bed, I'J ballot, 'ted in the rship, shall Skct. 5. — The President shall vote as a nietnber, and Ih? on- titled to a casting vote in cases of equality. ART. X.— ESSAYS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Skct. 1. — Any nienil)er wishing to read an Essay before the Society, must communicate the subject of his paper to the Sec- retary four weeks piovious to its being read. Skct. 2. — Short written or oral communications may bo brought before the Society at any meeting without previous notice, on the President obtaining the con.«ent of the Society thereto. Skct. 3. — Essays or Communications, sent from the country by a member to the Society, shall be readVbyone of the Secre- taries, or by a substitute selected by the writer. Skct. 4. — All Essays and Communications, read before '-y Society, shall become the property of the Society, and shall oe regularly enarticularly re- 1 their individ- connected with I. — Sec Article to publish, at •0^ m