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All othar original copiaa ara fiimad beginning on the first paga with a printad or illuatratad impres- sion, and ending on the laat page with a printad or illustratad impression. Les exemplairaa originaux dont la couverture an papier eet imprimte sont filmis en commenpant per le premier plat et en terminant soit par la derni^re pege qui comporte une amprointe d'Impreesion ou d'liiustration. soit par la second plet. selon le cas. Tous lea autras axamplaires originaux sont filmto an commandant par la premiere pege qui comporte une empreinta d'impresaion ou d'liiustration at en terminant par la darnlAre pege qui comporte une telle / .* 'i* f! ?^ . a"/? »\V^' 3^LdP 3'. *!^4,9^- ■0 'i Ax ■Vv Excise Tariff. l'.Y A . C. CARTER, CUSTOMS Broker, 309 COMMISSIONEPxS SFREST, MONTREAL. ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 ;§llEf Bm . IMPORTER, |lanu|ac(urinj9 IMouoi, General Icj^bm^er, AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER. WHOLKBALE DEALER IN BOOKS, PAPERS, STATIONERY AND PAPER HANGINGS, Sole Agent in Canada for Wyli© & Lochhead, Paper Hangings, Glasgow. Esterbrook Steel Pen Co., New York. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 15 Victoria Square RETAIL DEPARTMENT, J. L. CARSON & CO., 387 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. 4 I i ■'^ er, w I rk. /. ADVERTISEMBNTS. 3 W* & W. F« CUBBIB & CO., 100 GREY NUN STREET, MONTREAL, IMPORTERS OF CANADA PLATES, T/V PLATSE. Boiler Tubes, Qas Tubes. Ingot Copper, Sheet Copper, Sheet Zinc, Ingot Zinc, Dry Ked Lead, Dry White Lead, Iron Wire, Steel Wire, Paints, Fire Clay, Fire Bricks, Veined Marble, Portland Cement, Canada Cement, Garden Vases, Chimney Tops, Drain Pipes, Patent Encaustic Paving Tiles, &c. Manufacturers of SOFA, CHAIR and BED SPRINGS. A liar^e Stock always oti Hand. THE DOMINION PAPER COMPANY, MONTREAL. Ingot Tin, Antimony, Pig Lead, Rivets, Glass, Flue Covers, Roman Cement, Paving Tiles, Fountains, The Pulp Mill and Pulp Departments of the Mills of this Company, burned at Kingsey Falls in December last, have been since rebuilt, en- larged, greatly improved, and with improved machinery, will again com- mence, on or about the 1st of April, the manufacture of No. 1 and No. 2 Book Printing Papers. No. 2 and N(i. 3 Book and News Printing Papers No. 1 and No. 2 Toned Printing Papers. No. 1 and No. 2 Colored Printing Papers. Bleached Manillas, Unbleached Manillas, Filom Sack Manillas. In Reams and Rolls to suit Customers. Orders now solicited for delivery in April and May, or contracts will now be entered into for successive monthly deliveries exteudinc over a year. * JOHN LIVINGSTONE. S ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FIRE~AND LIFE. CAPITAL, ..... Funds InTested in Canada, $10,000,000 ®'''' HoldJrs^T** '"' ^'^^*y i' cinidiW Policy* ^'^^ B. .. - » • • • • . . 160,000 6 PRINTED BY LOVELL PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. 1879. <^ 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSURANCE COMPANY, Head Office, 19 4" 20 Cornhill, London CAPITAL, - $12,500,000. Funds in Hand and Invested, over Uncalled Capital $7,750,000. 11,250,000. BBANCH OFFICE FOR EASTERN CANADA : 64 St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL. Fire 2C>ef iirtme^t. Insurance granted upon Dwelling Houses and Mer- cantile Kisks, including Mills and Manufactories and their contents, at Reasonable Eates. X.|fe S>e|>iirimei^t- Terms Liberal— Eates Moderate—Security Perfect- Bonuses large, having heretofore averaged over 25 per cent, of the Premiums paid. FRED. COLE, General Agent for Eastern Canada' T '^ ^ h T CUSTOMS TARIFF. % i( 11 li (( II Acids, Acetic and Vinegar per imp. gal., 12 cts. ; pkgs. " Agaric Carboys subject to duty full or empty Muriatic Nitric Oxalic • Sulphuric per lb., ^ ct. ; pkgs. All others not specified Advertising Pamphlets per 100, $1 Advertising Pictures or Bills Agates, unmanufactured Agricultural Implements not otherwise provided for Alabaster (see Fancy Goods) Alcohol per Imp. gal., $1.90; pkgs.. Ale, Beer and Porter in bottles, 6 qts. or 12 pts. to an imp. gal per imp. gal., 18 cts.; pkgs. " " " in casks or otherwise than bottles per imp. gal., 10 cts.; pkgs. Alkanet Root Aloes 4% Aluminium Almonds (see Nuts) Alum Ambergris Amber Gum Ammonia, crude Anatomical Preparations p. c. 20 Free 20 20 20 Free 20 20 30 Free 25 20 20 20 20 Free Free Free 20 Free Free Free Free 20 4> v./ 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. Dominion Line of Steamships, KUNNING IN CONNECTIOK WITH THE GRAND TRUNK RA/LWAY OF CANADA. ONTARIO .. .. 3,200 tons. MONTREAL, Build- ing 3>2oo TORONTO '* 3,200 MISSISSIPPI .. 2,250 TEUTONIA .. 2,150 4< ST. LOUIS . DOMINION TEXAS .. . QUEBEC . BORUSSIA . BROOKLYN 2,000 tons. 3,200 2,350 2,250 2,150 3,500 Weekly from Quebec in Summer, Fortnightly from. Portland In "Winter. RATES OF PASSAGE FOR THE WINTER MONTHS : Cabin, Montreal to I^iverpool, . . . $g0.00 & $60. GO Return do 90.00 & 110.00 No Bteeragm Taken. Through Ticdets can be had at all the principal Gr^nd Trunk Railway Ticket Offices in Canada, and Through Bills of Lading are granted to and from all parts of Canada. For Freight or Passage, apply in T.ondon to JBowrijjo, Jamikson & Co., 17 East India Avenue; in Liverpool, to Flinn, Main & Montgo-. MERY, 24 James Street; in Quebec, to W M. Macphjsrson; at all Grand Trunk Railway Offices, or to DAVID TORRANCE & CO., Exchange Court. I) if ^ CtJSTOMs TARlFf. S, )ns. om 00 00 ray md & so-. md rt Anchors Angola Hair, unmanufactured Aniline Dyes, Salts or Crude Oils Animals of all kinds not elsewhere specified " for the improvement of stock. Under regulations to be made by the Treasury Board, and approved fay the GoYernor in Council ' " brought into Canada, temporarily, and for a period not exceeding three months, for the purpose of exhibi- tion or competition for prizes offered by any agricultural or other association. But a bond shall be first given in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, with the condition that the full duty to which such animals would otherwise be liable sht>,ll be paid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-export«d within the time specified in such bond " from Newfoundland Annatto, Liquid or Solid, and Seed Anthracite Coal per ton 2,000 lbs., 50 cts. Antimony .^ Antiquities (collections of) Apparatus, Philosophical, for the use of Schools, Colleges, Scientific and Literary Societies, including Globes and Pictorial Illustrations of Insects " for Stearing ships Apparel, Wearing, and other personal and household effects, not merchandise, of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada , Apples, Dried (see Fruits) per lb,, 2 cts. " Green '^•' per brl., 40 cts. Aqua Fortis Argentine, Albata and German Silver Plated Ware of all kinds Argol Dust Argols Crude Arms for the nsa of Armvand Navv,,„,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,...,, P. 0. Free Free Free 20 Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 20 Free 30 Free Free Free # 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. mw '9 WAREHOUSEMEN, ouse, J ortttardmjj and ien^pl \m^§, 13 COMMON STREET, Facing' the Iliver, fl^ustom MONTREAL. Pirst-Class Storage for Goods in Bond or Free. RE fc:re:nc£S: Messrs. H. & A. Allan, of the Montreal O. S. Co., Montreal. Messrp. Gillkspib, Moffatt & Co., Montreal. J. M. YouNO, Esq., Montreal. Messrs. David Torrancb & Co., Montreal. mm ^^mm<€. Placed in PIRST-CLASS Companies at Lowest Current Rates. office: 42 ST. SACRAMENT STREET, OPPOSITE CORN EXCHANGE, Or Box 1842 Post Office, Montreal. j|@*Fire Insurances of every Description, not special- ly hazardous, granted for One or Three years. t 1*5 CtTSTOMs TAIITPF. 11 t|. lL. f^ T, I ial- Army and Navy and (^anadian Militia, for use of: Arms Clothing Military Stores and Munitions of War Musical Instruments for Bands Arrowroot Arseniate of Aniline Arsenic Articles for the public uses of the Dominion Government or any of the departments thereof, and for the Senate and House of Commons " use of the Governor General " " " Foreign Consuls General Artificial Flowers •4 Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda Atlases • Axes (see Steel) Axles of all kinds except Carriage, &c " for Carriages, &c B. Babbit Metal. Bacon, Dried or Smoked (see Meats) per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. Bagatelle Boards Bags, Seamless (see Cottons) per lb., 2 cts. and Baggage (see Travellers' Baggage) Baking Powders Balances (see Iron) Balls, Glass t Bamboo Reeds not further manufactured than cut in lengths for Walking Sticks, Canes, Umbrella, Parasol or Sun- shade Sticks Bamboo, unmanufactured Barilla or Kelp Barks, Hemlock and others, used chietly in dyeing Barley per bush. p. 0. Free Free Free Free 20 Free Free Free Free Free 30 Free 20 30 2.5 30 10 20 25 15 Free 20 30 20 Free Free Free Free 15 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. CANADA SHIPPING CO., Running in connection with The Grand Trunk Railway Company OF CANADA, COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS. FULL- POWERED, CLYDE BUILT IRON STEAMSHIPS : LAKE CHAMPLAIN 2,300 Tons. LAKE NEPIGON 2,300 " LAKE "WINNIPEQ 3,500 " LAKE ~ (Buildwff) Sailing for LIVERPOOL FORTNIGHTLY : from MON- TREAL in Summer and from PORTLAND, Me., in the Winter Season. ALSO THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS CLYDE BUILT IRON CLIPPER SHIPS : LAKE SUPERIOR 1,274 Tons. LAKE ONTARIO 1,060 " LAKE ERIE 938 " LAKE MICHIGAN 880 Sailing between MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW and LONDON. Rates of Cabin Passage by Steamer or Sailing Vessel, $50. Return Tickets, $90. THOMPSON, MURRA Y & CO., Agents, i CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, MuiN i JK.fc-AJL. I CUSTOMS TARIFF. 13 i: !^- iT ). p. c. Barrels, of Canadian manufacture, exported filled with do- mestic petroleum and returned empty, under such regu- lations as the Minister of Customs may prescribe Free Bars, Brass, Tin, Copper 10 " Iron, Rolled or Hammered 17J " « Puddled 12^ Barytes unmanufactured Free Baskets Willow or Osier 26 " other 20 Bath Bricks 25 Batting and Batts (see Cottons), not Bleached, Dyed or Colored per lb., 2 cts. and 15 Batting and Batts (see Cottons), Bleached, Dyed or Colored per lb., 3 ctB. and 15 Beads and Bead Ornaments (see Fancy Goods) Beams, Iron (see Iron) 20 " or Warps (see Cottons) per lb., 2 cts. and 15 " Weighing (see Iron) 30 Beans per bush., 16 cts. - " Cocoa Fre® Bedsteads, Iron (see Iron) 25 Bed Ticking (see Cottons) persq. yd., 2 cts. and 15 Beer (see Ale), in bottles, 6 qts. or 12 pts. to imp. gal. per imp. gal., 18 cts. ; pkgs. 20 " " in casks or otherwise, per imp. gal., 10 cts. ; pkgs. 20 Bells for Churches Free Bells, and Bell Metal, old, broken and only fit for re-manu- facture 20 Belting, Duck for Free " Leather fbr, tanned but not waxed (see Leather)... 15 " Leather 25 Benzoline (see Oils) per wine gal., 6 cts. ; pkgs. 20 Bt'iries, Flowers, Nuts, Plftnts, Vegetables and other articles in a crude state, usad exclusively in dyeing or in com- posing dyes, not otlei nse provided for Free Berries as Fruit, not otherwise providtd for pr qt. 2 cts j^e§sei«ey Metal, as Steel (sue Iron and feteel) .,... JQ 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. ^Il 28 ST. FBAJ^COIS XdVIER st., MONTR EAL- rkprksknting: J. & J. COLMAN, London, Eng. ,, ^ , JOHN MOIR & SON, London, Aberdeen, and Seville (Spain.) „««.«.! HENRY J. ROWNTREE & CO., STork. LEWIS BERGER & SONS, London. WM SYMINGTON & CO., Market Harbour. HILL, EVANS & CO., Worcester. JOHN W^. MASURY 8c SON, New York, HENRY WOOD, SON &. CO., Boston. Orders to import or quotations for any of the above makers goods, delivered at any port in Canada or United Statf^s, respect- fully solicited. Bonaventure Cabinet Factory. ■ <•» *- CRAIG & CO., Manufacturers of RETAIL DEPARTMENT^ MONTREAL WHERE GOODS can be BOUGHT at WHOLESALE PRICESs CKAIG & CO., I*roprielon, CUSTOMS TARIFF. 15 *} id ct- e, 5Ss u <{ Bibles Bi-carbonate ofPotash « « Soda Bichromate ofPotash Billheads (see Books) Billiard Tables, without pockets, 4^ feet by 9 feet each, 3^22.50 and " « " 5 feet by 10 feet.each, $25.00 and With pockets, 54 feet by II feet each $35.00 and '« " 6 feetby 12 feet each, $40.00 and In addition thereto, each table to include 12 cues, 1 set of 4 balls, with markers, cloths^ and cases, but no pool balls. Binnacle Lamps (other than when Brass is chief value) Biscuits Bismuth (see Paints) Bitters (see Liquors) per imp. gal., $1.90 ; pkgs. Bituminous Goal per ton 2,000 lbs., 50 cts. Blacking " for Military Blacklead Blank Forms, Commercial (see Books) Blankets (see Woollens) — per lb., 1^ cts. and Blasting Powder per lb., 3 cts. Bleached Cottons, not stained, painted, &c. (see Gottons) per sq. yd., 1 ct. and Bleaching Powders Block Tin (see Tin) Blocks and Patent Bushes Blooms and Billets (see Iron) Blue Black and Chinese Blue Boiler and other Plates (see Iron) Boilers (see Iron) Bolting Cloths Bolts, Brass, Copper... « Iron Bones, crude, not manufactured,caicined, ground or steuiued. p. o. 5 20 Free Free 30 10 10 10 10 20 20 5 20 25 Free 20 30 20 15 Free 10 20 Free 12i 25 Free 10 30 Free li I ' 16 ADVERTISEMENTS. SCOTTISH Iffiiaereiil fkB \mnm HEAD OFFICE, GLASGOW. CAPITAL, $10,000,000. MONTREAL OFFICE, 110 St. Frcuncois JCctvier St. THOMAS MACKAY, Agent. m* 0A^*$^ Suocessor to B. T. & M. DAVIS, % And COMMISSION MERCHANT, MONTREAL. Personal and prompt attention given to Entering Goods at Cus- toms Bonding, Warehousing andl'orwarding to Quebec, Ontario, yaited States, &c. I^OODS STORED IN BOND OR FREE. To prevent detention, send invoice and have ^11 packageg pmM' ^we of M. ©4yi«?« CUSTOMS TARIFF. 17 ^^ JOn St t^tilf t Cus- atario, Jkageg Bone Crushers (and parts thereof) Bone Dust and Ash Bonnets, Hats and Caps (except Fur) Book, Map, News, Printing, &c., Paper Bookbinders' Tools, including Ruling Machines " Mill Boards (not Straw Boards) " Cloth ..........!!.!! Books, viz.: Advertising Pamphlets per hd. $1 Bibles, Prayer books, ami Psalm and Hymn books„.!.... -^'■'—*^ — Blank, bound or in sheets [ " British Copyright Work, reprints of.per lb., 6 cts. and " Maps and Charts " Music, printed, bound or in.sheets per lb., 6 cts. " Periodicals, and pamphlets imported through the Post Office, for every two ounces in weight, or fraction thereof ^ ^^ *' Playing Cards * " Printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate bill heads, cheques, receipts, drafts, posters, cards, com- mercial blank forms, labels of every description, ad- vertisingjpictures, or pictorial show cards or bills'. Printed ; periodicals and pamphlets, bound or in sheets, not being foreign reprints of British copyright works, nor blank account books, nor copy books, nor books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, prayer books, psalm and hymn books, per lb., 6 cts! Boots and Shoes (see India Rubber and Leather) .for Z^ZZ. and Shoemakers' Machines Prunella, Cotton and Woollen Netting for Borax Botany, Specimens of. Bottles, Glass, Pressed p. o. 20 Free 25 20' 15 10 15 25 12^ 20 30 30 (I <( containing Wines, Liquors, &c. Bort or Diamond Dust Boxes, Musical (see Musical Instruments) 25 15 20 10 Free Free 30 20 Free 18 ADVERTlSEMENThJ. |otlIt $n\h\\ m\\ %tti{m\\\t (FIRE AND LIFE) INSTJIiA:NCE COjMrA^'i ESTABLISHED 1809. Accumulated Funds, ...... £3,976,872 Sterling. Annual Revenue, 1,453,869 HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA, m. 72 SL FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Insurances Effected on all Classes of Risks. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LIFE DEPARTIVIENT. Ninety per Cent, of Profits Divided among Policies of Participating Scale. Managing Directors and General Agents, D. L. MacDougall and Thos, Davidson. WM. EWING, Inspector a. E. ROBERTSON and P. R.FAUTEUS, Sub-Agts. for Montreal. Agents in all the Principal Cities and Towns.' I i! CtstOM8 TARtPP. 19 lit 1. ling. ^ET, Jisks. 3ies of l8on« ontreal. 1 i fioxes Ornamental, Fancy and Writing Cases. Bracelets, Braid, made of Hair Brads (see Iron) Bran (i (( K t( " from Newfoundland Brandy (see Spirits) per imp. gal., $1.46 ; pkgs. Brass in bars, bolts and sheets '• Manufactures of Brass not elsewhere specified Old and Scrap Pins Rods and Strips Seamless Tubing, drawn Tubing, plain and fancy, Wire, round or flat ^ Wire Cloth " and Tin Clasp Slides and Spangles for the manufac- ture of Hoop Skirts Breadstuffs : ' . Barley , per bush., 15 cts. Beans per bush., 15 cts. Buckwheat -. per bush., 10 cts. Buckwheat Meal or Flour per lb., i ct. Cornmeal per barrel, 40 cts. Indian Corn per bush., 7^ cts. Oatmeal per lb., ^ ct. Oats per bush., 10 cts. Peas per bush., 10 cts. Rice per lb., 1 ct. Rice Flour per lb., 2 cts. %e » per bush., 10 cts. Rye Flour per barrel, 50 cts. Sago Flour per lb., 2 cts. Wheat per bush., 15 cts. Wheat Flour per barrel, 50 cts. Bricks, Building " Fire *!!!.'.!3»»3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brim Moulds for Gold Beaters p. 0. 26 20 30 20 20 20 10 30 10 30 10 10 10 10 20 30 20 20 Free ^0 advebtcsements. T. €iST£ll & €i., MAKERS AND IMPORTKIIS, Near Post Office, MONTREAL. JOSEPH R0DGER8 & SONS, POCKET CUTLERY, and W. W. GREENER'S CHOKE BORE BREECH LOADERS. THE )i%nil»td iff l^stttatufc |;iui«pan|. (ESTABIilSHED 1825.) HEAD OFFICES; EDINBURGH, Scotl and, and M ONTREAL, Canada RATES REDUCED. TOTAL RISKS over ^oS^* INVESTED FUNDS over Je,ouu,uuu. Prospechisos with full information may be obtained at anv of *n ^ Affercies in the Dominion. ^ W. :/l, RAMSAY, Mana^eVj Canada, v-^ CUSTOMS TARIFF. 21 Brimstone, crude, Roll or Flour Bristles and Hogs' Hair ofall kinds ..' . Britannia Ware British Gum liromino Bronze, Phosphor, blocks, bars, sheets and wire " Ornaments Broom (^rn Brushes and Brooms Buchu Leaves Buckwheat per bush., lo'cts". Buckwheat, Meal or Flour per lb. ' ct. Building Stones (see Stone), " " Rough Freestone per ton l.'J cub. ft., i$l ' " ** dressed Freestone Bulbs (see Plants) Bullion, Gold and Silver, except U. S. Silver Bunting, for Ships' use Burr Stones, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured and not bound up into Millstones Busts , Burgundy Pitch Burland Cement ^"^*«r ....r^r'ib.**4ct3! Buttons, all kinds Butts, Iron (see Iron) * p. c. Free Free 30 Free Free 10 20 Free 25 Free pkgs. 25 20 20 Free 20 Free Free 20 20 25 20 c. Cabinetmakers" Totf»ls (see Steel) g^ Cabinetware (see Furniture) ok swiv- Cabinets of Coins, Medals and all other Collections of Anti- quities Cables, Chains, Iron, over ^ in. in diameter, shackied"s elled or not (see Iron) Chains, Iron, not over ^ in Hemp, Ac, Ships' use other , it 35 Free 5 20 10 20 22 ADVERTISEMENTS. Citizens iRseranoe Compani OF CANADA.. FIRE, GUARANTEE, LIFE, ACCIDENT. CAPITAL (fully subscribed), $1,188,000, Deposited with the Dominion Government, $112,000. HEAD OFFICE: 176 ST. JAMES STREET, - MONTREAL. IBtrectots X SIR HUGH ALLAN, Fres. N. B. CORiSB, ROBERT ANDERSON, GERALD B. HART, General Manager. HENRY LYMAN, Vice-Fres. ANDREW ALLAN, J. B. ROLLAND, ARCH. McGOUN, Secretary Treasurer. ALFRED JONES, Inspector. This old established Montreal Company deserves, from the high standing of its Directorate and Stock holders, and the liberality with which all its claimants are treated ; a preference on the part of all Montreal Merchants. Its rates for Commer- cial hazards are as low as safety will permit, and its Policy conditions unequaUed by an, other Company ia privileges granted to Manufactories and Merchants. Every Employer should hold this Company's Guarantee Bond on his confidential Clerk's fidelity. |jei«ernber. the security of this Company is tenfolds that ct any other in this Department, you are therefore sure to get your nfionev in the event of loss, ^ Sis M i CUSTOMS TARIFF. 23 any 2,000. EAL. Pres. reasurer. rom the and the ference jmmer- s Policy irivileges Employer ifidential Is that cf get your I Cambrics ('see Cottons'). ' * Cameos (see Precious Stones) 20 Canada Plates (sec Iron) 12A Candles, Tallow per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. 20 " Paraffine Wax per lb., 5 cts. ; pkgs, 20 " all other (including Sperm) 25 Candy Sugar (see Confectionery) per lb., 1 ct. and 35 Cane Juice, Syrup, &c. (see Sugar) per lb., f ct. and 30 Canvas, for manufacture of Oil and Floor Cloth not under 45 in. wide, not pressed or calendered Free Canvas (for Ships) 5 " (see Cottons) 20 Caoutchouc, unmanufactured Free Capers 20 Caps and Cartridges 20 Caps, Hats and Bonnets 25 Carbovs, (see Glass) ;_, 39 Carbolic or Heavy Oil (see Oils) 10 Card Clothing, Machine 25 Cards, Playing 30 " Printed, &c (see Books) 30 Carnelian or Cornelian, unmanufactured Free Carpenters' Tools (s'-j Steel) 30 Carpets, treble ingrain, three-ply and two-ply, composed wholly of wool per sq, yd., 10 cts. and 20 " two and three-ply ingrain of which the Avarp is composed wholly of cotton, or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like ^^•"^'■^^ per sq. yd., 5 cts. and 20 " not otherwise specified 20 " Jute 20 Carpet Bags (see Trunks)., 25 Carriages, Cars, Railway Carriages, Waggons, Sleighs, and Wheelbarrows °.,,; 30 " Travellers', and carriages laden with marchandiso and not to include circus troops nor hawkers. Under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs. Free '' Car Wheels , 25 24 ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardmafi Manufacterifi Manufacturers of GENUINE 1 : ': ^k ^jmn\A m^^t^^t |)el!in0^ F/RE Emm HOSE, Psieit hum h®i mfiMm^ w. f &c., &c. OFFICE AND FACTORY : Nos. 107 & 109 QUEEN STREET, [♦ w. ^ET, CUSTOMS TARIFF. Cartridges (paper), filled with shot or ball Caskets, Undertakers, (see furniture) Casks, Canadian manufactured (see Barrels) " another |' Cassia, ground , " unground Cassimere (see Woollens) per lb., 7^ cts. and Castile Soap per lb., 2cts ; pkgs. Castings (see Iron,) Casts, as models for use of Schools of Design Catgut, unmanufactured " Strings for Musical Instruments Catsup Cattle (see Animals). Cement, raw or in stone from qnarry.per ton of 13 cub.ft., $1 burnt but unground per 100 lbs., 7* cts. (Hj^draulic) ground, including barrels. per bbl., 40 cts. Portland or Roman *' in bulk or bags per bush., 9 cts. Chaff Cutters, parts thereof Chains (see Cables). Chairs, Railway (see Iron) Chalk and Cliifstone, unmanufactured Champagne (see Wines). Chamomile Flowers Chandeliers, (Jirondoles and Gasfitting Charts (see Books) Checked and Striped Shirting per sq. yd., 2 cts. and ^•^^^se per lb., 3 cts. ; pkgs. ^^^^on persq. yd., 1 ct. and Cheese Vats, Presses, Factory Heaters and parts thereof... Cherries (see Green Fruit) per qt., 1 ct. Chicory, Raw or Green per lb.,'3 cts. or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for cottee, roasted or ground per lb. 4 cts. China and Porcelain Ware [[ Chloride ot'Lime.,..,, ,.,. = _,..., 25 p. c. 20 35 Free 25 25 20 20 20 25 Free Free Free 20 20 25 Hi Free Free 30 20 15 20 20 Free 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. B. FURNISS & CO., iri mm m m mi IJSr BOND OR FREE. WAREHOUSES: 86 & 88 GREY NUN STREET, AND 25 NORMAND STREET. Office: S5 NormcLnd Street, BONDS, Nos. 13 and 106. Aclvanoes made if required, and all Customs Entries promptly attended to. CUSTOMS TARIFF. 27 y 7777 3ET, veet, Bntries p. 0. Chocolate, not sweetened 20 " containing Sugar per lb.. 1 ct. and 25 Church Vestments 20 Churns 25 Cicuta, 'oiiium or Hemlock Seed and Leaf Free Cider 20 Cigars and Cigarettes (see Tobacco) per lb., 50 cts. and 20 Cinnamon, ground 25 " unground , 20 Citron, in brine for candying Free " green 20 Clay, Earth and Pipe Clay Free Cliffstone, unmanufactured Free Clocks and parts thereof 35 Clothing (donations of, for charitable Institutions or for Army and Navy Free " Cotton (see Cottons) 30 " Woollen (see Woollens) per lb., 10 cts. and 25 Cloths (see Woollens) per lb., 7^ cts. and 20 Clout Nails (see Iron) 30 Coach and Harness Furniture 30 Coal (Bituminous or Anthracite)... per ton 2000 lbs., 50 cts. " TarandPitch 10 " Oil per wine gal., 6 cts. ; pkgs. 20 Cochineal Free Cocoa, Bean, Shell and Nib Free Nuts per 100, $1 Nut Oil, crude Free Paste, not sweetened •. 20 " containing sugar per lb., 1 ct. and 25 " dessicated, sweetened per lb., I ct. and 35 Cod Liver Oil, Medicated 20 " Oil, from Newfoundland Free Cqifee, Raw or Green per lb., 2 cts. Coffee, Roasted or Ground, and all substitutions or imita- tions per lb., 3 cts. " from U. S., extra at? vaZ. duty of. 10 u <( <( .'I- ■' 28 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRE AMD MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Andrew" Kobertson, Esq., rresuknt. Hon. J. R. Thibaudeau, Vice-President. Arthur Gagnon, Seei-etary-Treasurer. James Davidson, Manager Canada Fire Department. Menrt Stewart, Manager Marine. Department. HEAD OmCE; MONTREAL. WINGATE STANDARD ENGLISH REMEDIES. ^^ JJcalththe Groivniny Blesshig of LifeJ^ These Kemedies are undoubtedly the best in the Market and comprise the following Blood Purifier; ^°i^Kof?^^£V,'^ Preservative, Neroo Tcnic Pills, Cha- lybeate Pllis^ Cathartic, Dyspepsia Tablets, Pul- monic Torches, 'Worms Lozenges, &c. STANTON'S PAIN RELIEF, the best family Medecine ^ known for internal and external use. I^ull 3 oz. in each bottle. "SMITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN RENOVATOR" IS tne J:{est_ Blood Purifier that has ever been discovered, ' being purely vegetable it is unequalled. PItlCE LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION. TREVAREt) ONLY BY TJIK WINCATE CHEMICAL COMPANY, MONTPEAL, F. W. SOvvDOI\, Proprietor, I i m :M ■a CUSTOMS TARIFF. 29 Coffin Trimmings of Metal (see Iron). Cotfins Coins, Gold or Silver (except U. S. Silver Coin). " Silver of U.S Coir and Coir Yarn ^^^^ per ton 2,000 lbs., 50 cts. Colcother, Dry, or Oxide of Iron Collar Clotli, rim on (in paper) Collars, Paper Cologne Water, in bottles or tiasks, not weighing more than 4 ozs " in all other packages weighing over 4 ounces per imp. gal., $1.90; and Colors, viz. : Bi-chromate of Potash, Blue, Black, Chinese Blue, Lakes, Coutille, Scarlet and marine in pulp, Paris Green, Prussian Blue, Satin and fine Washed White, Ultramarine, Umber, raw Commissariat Stores Communion Plate Compasses, Ships (Brass manufactured) Composition Nails and Spikes and Sheathing Nails Confectionery (see Sugar) per lb., 1 ct. and Copperas Copyright Works (see Books) per lb., 6 cts. and Copper, viz. : " Bars, rods, bolts, ingots, sheets, and sheathing, not planished or coated " Caps and Cartridges " Manufactures of Copper not e]se\yhere specified " Old and scrap " Pigs ^!..""^. ....."!!!!!! !! " Rivets and burrs " Tubing and Piping, seamlesa drawn " Wire, round or flat " " Cloth "..'..3.3.^*''"! Copper, Sub-acetate of, dry Cordage, for ship purposes p. c. 30 35 Free 20 Free Free 10 25 40 30 Free Free Free 30 20 35 Free 121 10 20 30 10 10 30 10 10 20 Free 10 30 ADVERTISEMENTS. tfiS$ 4 C0«^ Manufacturers Office Furniture AND UNDERTAKERS, 11 St, JBoTLCUventvure Sti^eet^ MONTBEAL. ii ATWJITEi & ^Oo, Manufacturers of V^arnislxes cund. Jcvpcurts, Sole Agent in Canada for Messrs. BENNERT & BIVOET'S WINDOW GLASS. ST. NICHOLAS STREET, MOIJTREAL. Hbwrt W, Atwatbr, Chas. S. BlaokmaW. 1 1 % re reetj FLi^SS. per sq. yd., 1 ct., and 15 AOKMAlf. CUSTOMS TARIFF, 31 f. 0. Cordage, all other purposes j. 20 Cordials (see Spirits) per imp. gal., $1.90. ; pkgs. 20 Cork, Bark and Wood, unmanufactured Free Corks, and other manufactures of Corkwood 20 Corn Huskers 25 " Indian per bush., 7^ cts. Corsets (see Cottons) 30 Cotton Seed Cake Free CoitOD, not stained, painted 07' printed : Bleached Canton Flannel Drills Ducks Grey or unbleached Sheetings Dyed or colored : B°ams 1 Bed Tickings Canton Flannel , Denims Drillings Drills Ducks Ginghams Jeans Cottonadej , Pantaloon Stuffs Plaids On all goods of like description. J Regattas, viz. : Oxford Stripes and Checks, Jeans, Harvard Shirtings and checked Winceys com- pose wholly of Cotton per sq. yd., 2 cts., and 15 Not bleached, dyed or colored: Batting Batts Carpet Warps Waddings <( (( (( (I « (( (( (( i( a ic (< i( « It (( (r <( (( « l( (( « (( persq. yd., 2 cts.*, and 15 per lb., 2 cts. and 15 32 ADVERTISEMENTS. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in British and Foreign DRY GOODS, St. Paul's Bu ILDINGS LONDON, ENG., AND 381 and 383 St, Paul Street, Rear French Cathedral, MONTREAL. DOMINION BRUSH WORKS. Established 1S48. JOMM BOTB, FIRST PRIZE Brush Manufacturer, OFFICE AND WAREHOUISE: 12 and 14 ST. JOSEPH STREET, Near McGILL St.,, MONTREAL: Seven Medals and Nine Diplomas awarded at ditferent Exhibi- tions for Excellence of Manufacluic. h s, ;hcdral, ^5. rer. LL St.,. it Exhibi- CUSTOMS TARIFF. 33 P.O. « (t <( (( « (( (t a u (( (( H U U t( <( <( (( <( (t (( (( per lb., 2 ctg. and 15 Cotton, Warps " Yarns under 40, not* bleached, dyed or colored, Yarns not elsewhere specified Hosiery Knitting if bleached, dyed, or colored... .'..per lb., 3 cts., and 15 Warp on beams .....per yd., 1 ct., and 15 Seamless bags per lb., 2 cts., and 15 Shirts and drawers, woven or made on frames, and on all cotton hosiery 30 Duck on Canvas, of Hemp or Flax and Sail Twine, when to be used for boats' and ships' sails 5 Clothing or of which cotton is the coraponcn t part of chief value, including : Collars, Cuffs and Shirts composed of Linen and Cotton Corsets Dresses or Skirts of Cotton, Linen or Silk... Gloves, Cotton woven or knitted Shirt Fronts Underclothing, Ladies' and Children's All other manufactures of, including : Bed Lace, Boot and Stay Laces, Boot Wei, ] 30 Braces, Braids, Brilliants. Cambrics, Carpet Bindings, Cashmere, Cord Hair, Cord Web (Elastic) Curtains (known as Swiss, Nothinghanx or Lace, «&c.) Damasks, Diapers Handkerchiefs, Huck in pieces and cloth Jacconet, Rolled Lawn, Checked, Bishops, Cambric, Victoria. Lens and all printed Muslins Muslin, Book, Lace Oilcloth for Table Covers I 20 84 ADVERTISKMENTri* OALEOONmi^ WQBKS. JOHN McDOUdALL, ENGINEER, jMn^, |oM«er I ^^MM, >IA^'^;FACTURKR OF Engines and Boilers, FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, BARK & BARLEY MILLS, MONTREAL. t\9» ^1 b e lilES, (C \ OUSTOAr.S TAltlFP. Cotton, Parasols, Umbrella*, Piqu^, Printed Cottona, Skirtings, Scarfs, and Ties, Prints (furniture ftnd plain) " Sheets and Sile.sias Tarlatan, Tassels, Towels. ...y.!l. "'..... * Velvet and Velvet Ribbon and Vdveieen Wifran ((Hove Hnislied) Window Line Sewing thread on spools " In hanks ^ Seed cake nieal ' All manufactures of cotton no7d sew he re 'specified*' Cranks, Mill, Wrought Iron (Heo Iron) !.. *' Steamboat '« « Crapes of all kinds and Colors Oream of Tartar iu crystals !!!.!....!.. Crockerywaro (see Earthenware). Cubric, Nitre, or Nitrate of Soda Cudbear Cultivators and parts thereof Curled Hair, used in manufacture ■o78oVarM'a't;;esse*s,''&c* Currants, Green (see Green Fruits) ^er nt i ..' " (see Dried Fruits) :;;; ^ ^ ' ^^• Cutlery (see Steel) ^5 ». o. 20 12^ Free Free 20 20 20 20 Free Free Free 25 20 25 20 D. Dandelion Roots (see Chicory), Dates (see Dried Fruits) , Dead Eyes (Ships) ": Lights « '.'."''".. Deck Plugs 25 25 30 Demijohns (see Glass) *...'".'.*.... ^^ 30 Denims, &c. (see Cottons). Diamond Dust or Bort Diamonds, uncut, including black for borers V^^ Dice, Ivory or Bone ^^® 20 36 Advertisements. AROMATIC MONTSERRAT. A New Combination of Quinine with Lime Juice. ENTIRELY FREE FROM ALCOHOL. The combination of two agents of such universally acknow- ledeed value as Quinine and Lime Juice, in at once a palatable and innocuous form, has been a desideratum long sought for. The tonic qualities of Quinine have truly been popularized in the form ot Ouinine Wines, but it is well known these combinations have been attended with serious evils consequent upon the Alcoholic stimu- lants they all contain, at once prejudicial to health and demoralizing in their tendency. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 per bottle. N B -No Ouinine Cordial can be f^uarantped genuine unless the Trad'^. Mark oftlieMoutsenat (Jo. is upon each Bottle, as well as the Autograph Signature of h. SUGD EN EVANS. F.C.S. J. M. MKAKIN8. C. W. MEAKIN8. J. N. HiCKEY. 1 M ■■'?: iAKIMS ^ CO., (Successors to the late Joseph Kirkup) •I 317 ST. PAUL STREET, x CUSTOMS TARIFF. 37 ^X-« iiee. HOL. acknow- table aud The tonic I form of lave been ic Stimu- loralizing bottle. the Trad'^ Autograph ^S, F.C.S. HiCKEY. I > Ti Dolls Donations of Clothing for distribution by Charitable Insti- tutions Drafts (see Books) Dragon's Blood Drain Pipes and Sewer Pipes, glazed or unglazed Drain Tiles Drawings and Chromos Dried Fruit (see Fruits) Drillings and Ducks, dyed or colored (see Cottons) per sq. yd., 2 cts., and Drills and Ducks not colored (see Cottons) p.sq. yd., Ic, and Drugs not otherwise specified '* used chiefly in dyeing Dualin (see Gunpowder) per lb., 6 cts., and Duck, for Belting or Hose Dyeing or Tanning Articles for dyeing and tanning only in a crude state, not otherwise spe'^.ified Dynamite (see Gunpowder) per lb., 5 cts., and E. Earths, Clays and Sands Earthenware and Stoneware, viz., brown or colored and Rockingham Ware Earthenware, white granite or ironstone ware and '< G C " or cream colored ware Edge Tools (see Steel) .*.....*.!.......'.'.'.' Effects, Personal or Baggage. Under regulation prescribed by law Settlers'. Under regulation prescribed by law Eggs , ''"' Elastic Bands, Cotton " '' Silk ^■""^*"*'^!!1!!.!!!Z"Z..Z"!. Electro-plated and Gilt Ware, all kinds ..'.'.'..,............. Types and Stereotypes of Standard Books.,,,.. ,.,„.., for Commercial Blanks and Advertisements.... (( ti p. o. 20 Free 30 Free 20 20 20 15 15 20 Free 20 Free Free 20 Free 25 30 30 Free Free Free 20 30 30 10 20 38 ADVERTISEMENTS. M* n, xirss ^ C0«, MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWARE. IRON RAILINGS, Ac, Ac, TASTINUS TO ORDGR. BOLE MANUFACTURERS OP MRS. POTTS' PATENT COLD HANDLE SAD IRON. QUEEN STREET, MONTREAL OSTELL & CO., # isi mml jts % ^wS wSvJi^wMufV^ i iPP OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SPORTING GOODS, LACROSSES. No. 16 Custom House Square, MONTREAL. Sole Agents in Canada for Pool's Celebrated Thermome- ter and Barometer combined. I 95. CUSTOMS TARIFF. RON. t 5 4 ire. lome- 1 Q/t C Electrotype Blocks for printers' purpose?. Emetic, Tartar Emery " Paper and Cloth Endless Felt for Paper makers (see Woollens)..... Engravings and Prints Engines, Axles for ' Car Wheels Cranks and Crank Axles Crank Pins and Connecting Rods Hoop Iron, for tires of wheels bent and welded Locomotive Frames Locomotives Other Steam Piston Rods, Guide and Slide Bars Steam Fire , Locomotive, Fire, Stationery and other Steam.... Entomology, Specimens of Envelopes (see Paper) Egparto, or Spanish Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, for the manufacture of paper Essences, viz., of apple, pear, pineapple, raspberry, straw- berry, vanilla, and other fruits containing Spirits per • imp. gal., $1.90 and " other , Essential Oils, for manufacturing purposes Excelsior for upholsterers' use Extracts mixed with strong spirits or waters per imp. gal.,$1.90 ; pkgs. Eyelets' brass « it II I u << (1 (( (( 39 p. c. 10 Free Free 20 10 20 25 25 20 20 12^ 25" 25 25 20 25 25 Free 25 Free 20 20 20 20 20 30 F. Factory and Mill Machinery, except for Cotton and Worsted Mills (see Machinery).... 25 Fancy Goods, according to component part of chief value. Farming Tinpleraents (see Iron and Steel) 40 ADVERTISEMENTS. ^^i "^pif^m imnumct €$. 07 NE W YOR K. Capital, ....... $662»080. FEEDINAND MOTZ, Esq., ALESANDEE MACEA?, Esq., Fresident. Vice-President. Represented in Montreal by the undersigned, who is authorize i to issue Certificates of Insurance payable in London or Liverpool. INSURAFCE AGENT, 21 ST. SACRAMENT STREET, MONTREAL. ASSETS, 1879. United States Bonds $764,652 50 Real Estate 32,273 00 Other Assets... 150,053 73 1946,979 23 RECEIPTS. Premiums $417,646 18 Interest and Dividends 38,357 18 Other Receipts 341 93 $456,345 29 EXPENDITURES. Losses , $178,503 55 Dividends on Stock , 66,054 20 Scrip redeemed and Int^ and Disct. in lieu of Scrip... 66,981 82 Salaries, Commissions, Brokerages, & other expenses. 68,994 16 Surplus 75,711 56 $456,345 29 C( u « CUSTOAIS TARIFF. Farina (see Starch) per lb., 2 cte., pkgs. Feathers, Osh-ich and Vulture, undressed " " " dressed Felloes (see Hubs) Felt, Adhesive, for sheathing vessels " Cloth of every deseriptiou per lb., 7^ cts., and Boots and Shoes Endless, for Paper makers, when imported bj manufac- turers for use in factory Glove Lining Hats, Caps and Bonnets Roofing Fertilizers Fermented Liquors (see Ale and Beer). Fibre, Mexican and Vegetable, for manufacturing purposes. Fibrilla Figs (see Dried Fruits) Filberts (see Nuts) Fir« Arms (see Steel) when from U. S. entry to be duly autliorized " Bnick or Tiles for lining stoves or furnaces '< Clay " Extingui hers, according to comptpart chief value. Fish Bait '* Fresh, salted, or smoked, except fish free of duty as provided by the Treaty of VVaghinglon per lb., I ct. From Newfoundland Glue or Isinglass Hooks, Net and Seines, and Lines and Twines for the use of the fisheries, but not to include sporting fishing tackle or hooks with flies or trolling spoons Oil and Fish of all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the United States (except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and fish preserved in oil) Plates (see Iron) Plates (Steel) (after Ist May, 1881, 10 per cent) II 41 p. o. 20 15 25 20 Free 15 15 10 10 25 20 Free Free Free 25 20 20 20 Free Free Free 20 Free Free Free 42 ADVERTISEMENTS. "W. M. BOXD, SHIP BROKER AND AVERAGE ADJUSTER. 309 COMMISSIONERS STREET, MONTREAL. 1 :lli- Lt ■ J. BELL FORSYTH & CO., I Jlni TS. ST. PETER ST., ^^l.Bm^, CUSTOMS TARIFF. 43 Pish, Preserved in Oil Fishing Tackle, Sporting Fixtures, Gas, Coal Oil or Kerosene... Flannels (see Woolens and Cottons). Flasks (see Glass). Flax Fibre, scutched p,, ^^;^^;:; ;; tT' Perlb.,2cts. <( << (( <( .per lb., ^ ct. Tow of, scutched or green. " Tow and Hemp undressed... " Waste Flies, Hooks with, Sporting [''^ " Spanish or. Cantharides []" Flints and Ground Flintstones Flour, Buckwheat ^^^^Z'iiZZ'peribl^i'ci. ^'^® perlb., 2cts. ^^^ —per brl., 50 cts. .. Wh^ '■ P- lb., 2 cts. "^^ta;:;:.:::;:::::::::::::::::':^:';^;;^"^;^- Flowers, Artificial " Chamomile " Natural • "i.'...........3... Seeds, in bulk or large parcels [][[[ " " small parcels Flutes (see Musical Instruments). Foil, Gold and Silver Folioe digitalis Forging? for Mills or Locomotives (see Iron) '......'..... Forks, Hay, Manure, |ii}^^i^j^^|«ppli^j^, fenwickTs^olater, CANVAS HOSE, _^ Plain and Rubber Lined. JBeltiTig^ Lace Lecttlxer. ASBESTOS PACKINO, In Sheets for Joints, Round for Pistons Blocks, Sheaves, Cordage and Ships' Stores. The indestructible properties of Asbestos Pack- ing, which have been established by its use as Engine Pacliing, peculiarly fit it for steam and ^iher joints, especially where high temperature and great pressure are to be withstood. NO. 325 OOMMISSIONEES ST- (2nd Door East of Custom House Square.) MONTREAL. CUSTOMS TARIFF. 55 ER, :iro, Pistons, rdage B. 3tos Pack- its use as steam and mperature >d. {S ST- Iquare.) I. Ice Implements, Agricultural, unless otherwise specified " Bookbinders Indian Hemp, crude (drug) India Rubber Boots and Shoes, and other manufactures of, inclftding Aprons, Carriage Covers, Cloaks (ladies'), Coats, Horse Covers, Leggings, and Waterproof Cloth- ing " unmanufactured Indian Corn per bushel, 7^ cts. Indigo Inks, Writing " Printers Instruments and Apparatus, Musical (see Musical Instru- ments) , " " for Army and Navy Insulators, Lightning Rod and Telegraph (see Glass) Inventions, Models of (provided that no article so deemed shall be fitted for use) Iodine Ipecac , Iris or Oris Root Iron, and manufactures of, viz. : " Axles Band and Hoop Bars, rolled or hammered, including Flats, Rounds and Squares, Nail and Spike Rods, and all other Iron not otherwise provided for Bars or Billets, puddled Bedsteads and other Iron Furniture and Ornamental Iron Work Boiler Plates Bolts, Washers, and Rivets Bridge and structural Iron Work, malleable Iron Cast- ings andiron Safes and Doors for Safes and Vaults... p. o. Free 25 15 Free (c 25 Free Free .5 20 30 Free 30 Free 20 20 Free 25 1'4 17^ 25 12* 30 25 56 ADVERTISEMEN!rS}. MONTREAL 61 ST. SULPICE STREET. 15 4= III ■ '^•i\ — THE— ItttlffO ** mk This Clock has now had a fair trial for ABOUT FIFTEEN YEARS, And is Highly Recommended by all parties who have it in use. It is an Invahiable Safeguard to all who employ a VYatchman, as it records faithfully his movement when on duty. The undersigned can confidently recommend it to all who employ a Watch- man. Many strong Testimonials in favor of the Clock may be seen at their office. Sole Agents for the Dominion of Canada. Montreal, May 10th, 1879. ClrsfOMS l^ARlFf. 57 RS, es who d to all thfully led can Watch- of the u « «( l( Iron Canada Plates " Car Wheels " Castings " Chain Cables over half an inch in diameter, whether shackled, or swivelled, or not Composition Nails and Spikes and Sheathing Nails Gas, Water and Soil Pipes of Cast Iron Hardware, viz. : buildersVcabinetmakers', upholsterers', carriage-makers', saddlers', and undertakers', inclu- ding coffin trimmings of metal Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails Iron and Steel Screws, commonly called wood screws... Iron and Steel Wire, and Galvanized Locomotive Engines and on Stationary, Fire or other Steam Engines and Boilers, and on other machinery composed wholly or in part of Iron Locomotive Tyres of Steel or Bessemer Steel in the rough Masts for Ships, or parts of Mill Irons and Mill Cranks, and on Wrought Forgings for Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 pounds or more. ; Muck Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, whether galvan- ized ornot per lb., f ct. an Nails and Spikes, Cut per lb., ^ ct. and Nuts per lb., 1 ct. and Old and Scrap per ton, 2,240 lbs., $2 Pig per ton, 2240 lbs., 5tl»2 Rails or Railway Bars for railways or tramways Railway Fish-plates, Frogs, Frog-points, Chairs and Finger-bars Rolled Beams, Channels and Angle and T Iron Rolled, round, wire rods in coils, under half an inch in diameter ,., „, Seamless Drawn Boiler Tubing Scales, Balances and Weighing Beams (( (( « (( C( t< « <( (( p. O. 12J 25 25 5 20 26 30 30 35 15 25 10 Free 20 12^ 10 10 10 15 17^ 15 10 10 30 r I 58 ADVERTISEMENTS. CUSTOMS, SHIP AND 309 Commissioners Street, MOJSTMEAL. SPECIAL kTT^miQTi^ GIVBM TO CHAETER- ma 0? VESSELS ANB FOItWASDmS OF (K30DS. INSURANCES, FIRE ANDMARINE, Placed In Reliable Offices. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. m if CtrSTOMS TARIFF. 59 h JfM a ITEB- J INE, I ron, Sewing Machines, whole, or on heads or i)art3 of heads. $2 each and " Sheet, Smoothed or Polished, Coated or Galvanized and Common or Black, number seventeen guage or thinner Skates and Locks of all kinds Slabs, Blooms, Loops or Billots (puddled or not) Stoves and other Castings Tacks, Brads,- and Sprigs, Hungarian and Clout Nails .. Tin Plates Tinned, Glazed, or Enamelled Hollowware of Cast or Wrought Iron Wire Nails, called "Points de Paris" Wire Work (of all kinds) Iron, Dry Oxide Iron Stone Ware Isinglass, or Fish Glue Istle, or Tampico Fibre Ivory and Ivory Nuts, unmanufactured " and Bone Dice <( <( <( ti <( Bone, Pearl and Horn, raanufaclured Veneer, sawn only, not planed or polished. p. 0. 20 12| 25 30 10 25 30 30 Free 30 20 Free Free 20 20 Free 9. J. Jalap Root Free Japanned Wares (unless otherwise specified) 25 Jars (see Glassware) 30 Jepns (see Cottons). Jevvellery, and other manufactures of Gold and Silver, and on Watches 20 Joss Stick or Josslight Free Juniper Berries Free Junk, Old, and Oakum Free Jute, unmanufactured Free " Butts Free " manufactures of, and Hemp Carpets of all widths 20 " Rags (see Rags) Free 60 CUSTOMS TARirt*. w ■ I ; K. Kaolin " Kelpe, Alkaline Matter or Sea Weed ..••• • Kerosene Oils (see Oils) per wine gal., 6 cts. ; pkgs. Knees, Riders, Ship's (see Iron)...... •••••••:••••"": Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, unhandled, for use by Klect'-oplaters Knitting Yarns (see Cotton and Woollens) Knives (see Cutlery and Steel) Kryolite ?. o. 20 Free 20 20 10 20 Free Li' L. Labels (see Books) Lac, dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell Lace, Cotton component part chief value « Silk « " " Lakes, Scarlet and Maroon, in pulp (see Colors) Lampblack "" * Lamp, Lampshade and Lamp Chimneys (see Glass) Lard. " oil (see Oils) ; «' tried or rendered per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. « unt:ied - P^^ ^^'^ ^^ *^*- Laudanum Lava, unmanufactured ' ','*ou V Lead, Old and Scrap, and on Pigs, Bars, Blocks and Sheets.. Lead Pip3S ; "' V" Lead Shot, and on all manufactures of Lead not otherwise specified " Sugar of. « White and Red, dry (see Paints) Leaf Metal (Gold or Silver) Leaf Hemlnck ...= = = .. 30 Free 20 30 Free 20 30 20 20 20 20 Free 10 25 25 20 5 20 Free i 1 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 61 V. 0. • • • 20 ■ • • Free T9. 20 • • • 20 for t at* 10 • •t« «••• 20 • ••• Free 30 • • • • • • •• • Free 20 • •■ • 30 • ••• Free 20 30 20 kgs. 20 ^ct. 20 20 Free sets.. 10 25 wise 25 20 5 20 Free « II Leather, all other Leather andiSkins, tanned, not elsewhere specified Board per lb., 3 cts. Boot and Shoe Counters made from Leather board per pr., ^ ct. Boots and Shoes and other manufactures of Leather and on Leather Belting Dressed and waxed Japanned, Patent or Enamelled Leather Morocco Skins, tanned, but rough or undressed Sole Leather and Belting Leather, tanned, but not waxed, and on all Upper Leather and French Kid Sole, tanned, but rough or undressed " Dressed and Waxed Leaves, Buchu Leeches Lemons (see Green Fruit)... Lemon and Lemon Peel, in brine for candying Lichens, prepared or not prepared Lightning Rod Insulators (see Glass) Lignite (see Oil) per wine gal., 6 cts. ; pkgs. Lithographic Stones (not Engraved) Lime, Sulphate of, or Gypsum Limestone, Water or Cement Stone... ..per ton 13 c. ft., $1 Linens, all manufactures of, unless otherwise specified " Collars " Clothing, Ready-made, or Wearing Apparel, in- cluding Cuffs, Shirt Fronts, Shirts composed of Linen and Cotton " Gloves " Rags Lines and Twines, Fishing, for fisheries " " " sporting , Linseed Cake (Oil Cake) «' Meal " Oil, raw or boiled (see Oils) Linseed (see Seeds). ,,,,,, F, O. 20 25 20 20 10 15 10 20 Free Free 20 Free Free 30 20 20 Free 20 20 30 20 Free Free 20 Free Free 25 20 62 crSTOMS TARIFF. i p. o. Liqaears («ee SpiritO per Imp. ^"^^'^^^'^^^ Z, Liquorice Root ^q «< « Juice, Paste ; " Liquors (see Spirits) pcr '""^;;^;^j^:^^: f^ LUhog?apfe'«V Ooppe'r'iMa'to Uiii Heuas, Cbcqucs, &c. (see Books) Litmu8,and all Lichens, prepared or "ot-;-'--;*"* Lobsters, preserved, from countries other than U. b <« preserved or fresh, in cans from U. S Locks (see Iron) Locomotive 30 Free 20 Free 30 « u (( (( t( (i Axles • (se«|;o°)- Car Wheels Cranks and Crank Axles Crank Pins and Connecting Rods.... Engines Frames Hoop Iron for Piston rods; Guide and Slide Bars. Steel for tires of wheels, &c, (After 1st Jaauary, 1881, 10 p. c). (( (( (( 25 25 20 20 25 20 12i 20 Free Free Locomotives and Railway Passenger, Baggage a^d Utight Cars, being the property of railway companies m the United States running upon any line of road crossmg the frontier, so long as Canadian locomotives and cars are admitted free under similar circumstances m the United States, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs • ' Logs and round unmanufactured Timber, not ^^'^^^'^^^^1"' ^^^^ videdfor " 2o Logwood, Extract of Loops (see Iron) '■"** '"'" Lumber, plank and boards, sawn, of boxwood, cherry, ches- nut hickory, mahogany, oak, pitch-pine, rosewood, sandlewood, walnut, Spanish cedar, and whitewood, »ot shaped, planed or otherwise mauuiactuicd M CUSTOMS TARIFF. 68 V. c. 58. 20 ... Free ... 20 ;a. 20 ... Free lee ... 30 ... Free ... 20 .... Free .... 30 .... 26 p. o. Lumber, not elsewhere specified 20 " from Newfoundland 20 • • • • 20 • • • * 20 • •• • 25 20 12i 20 Free ight the sing cars the y^the Free pro- Free 20 12i ches- \rood, v^ood, Fret M. Muccaroni and Vermicelli, Mace Machinery, Models of (which cannot be fitted for use) " for Worsted or Cotton Mills of all kinds what- soever not manufactured in Canada " all otker not elsewhere specified.. Machine Card Clothing ♦' Linen Thread (see Cottons.) " Twist and Silk Twist Madder and Munjeet, or Indian Madder, ground or prepared, and all Extracts of. Maize (Indian) per bush., 7^ cts. Malt per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. Manganese, Oxide orOre of Manilla Grass Manufactures, all, in whole or in part not elsewhere speci- fied , Brass Copper Cork Cotton Tin German Silver Glass Grass Hair India Rubber Iron Jute Lead Leather Marble « « « (( rietai7 Medicines). 20 Free 20 35 20 20 Free 20 20 20 Free I u m i CUSTOMS TARIFF. 65 p. o. led .... 20 .... 25 .... 20 2.5 25 .... Free 20 tific Free not 25 les.. 20 iwn ling 10 . ... 15 20 , Free 20 • • • • oo kgs. 20 ikgs. 20 Free Iried )kgs. 20 id i.a des.) )kg3. 20 }d in rwise )kgs. 20 Free 20 '?:■ .Meerschaum (crndo or raw) -M^la-io, Cniifont rated Molado, Conc-ntratod Uano Juico, Conoentrated Molasses, Concentrated Boot Root Juice and Concrete per \h. 5 ct. nnd M.'nageries, horses, cattle, carriages and hnrnosscs of, under regulations to be prescribed by the .Minister of (.'usloms .. Mercury or Quick Silver Merinos (see Manufactures of Woollen and Cotton?). Metal Type ' " Yellow in Bars, Blocks, aad for Sheathiu: Mica Mill Iron and Mill Cranks (see Iron) Millstones Mineralogy, Specimens of. Models of Invention (not fitted for use) Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or notifying pur- poses, or for vhe manufacture of sugar, when imported direct from the countrv of growth and production " when not imported direct from the country of growth and production " when not so used, when imported direct from the coun- try of growth and production " when not imported direct from the country of growth and production Morocco Skins, tanned, but rough or undre3sed(sce Leather) " " undressed (see Skins) Mosaics (see Precious Stones) Moss,. Iceland and other Mosses, crude " Seaweed and all other Vegetable Stibstances used for beds and Mattresses, in their natural state or only cleaned... ., Moulds, Brim, for Gold beaters " of Inventions and other Improvements to Arts (provided they are not adapted to use) Mnndic, Iron Pyrites Mungo or Flocks (Shoddy or Waste) Muslins (see Cottons) E r. c. Free Free 2() 10 Free 20 20 130 P'ree Free 25 15 20 10 Free 20 Free Free Free Free Free Fio.- 66 CUSTOMS TARIFF. li Music, Printed, Bouud or in Sheets (see Books) per lb., 6 cts. Musical Instruments, Brass chief value " " Silver " " « a Tin " " «« «« Wood " " " " Imported for Army or Navy Muskets (see Steel) Mustard Seed, unground " ground Myrrh, Gum p. c. 30 20 25 25 Free 20 15 25 20 fh i -1 I 1}> 1 N. Nails : " all other Brass, Composition Clout Gold, Silver, and German Silver Horse-shoe Hungarian Iron, Cut per lb., ^ ct. and " Wrought and Pressed, Galvanized or not l)er lb., 3 ct.and Rods (see Iron) Sheathing Naptha (see Oils) per wine gal., G cts.; pkgs. Natron, as Soda Ash Natuntl History, Specimens of Naval and Military Stores Neat's Foot Oil (see Oils) Nets, Fishing (not for Sporting) " Snorting and other Newsp-apers by Mail Nickel Nibs, Cocoa Nitric Acid (see Acids) (< 20 :i0 20 P.O 30 30 30 10 10 17.] 20 20 Free Free Free 20 Free 20 Free Free Free 20 -S: i CtJSToAfS TARIFF. P. c. 30 20 25 25 Free 20 15 25 'M ei 20 • . :i0 , , 20 ,, 30 • i 30 • • 30 30 id 10 ll 10 .• m ,. 20 s. 20 • f Froo • ■ Froo • • Fioe • • 20 « ■ Free • • 20 • • Free • •• Free • • Free • • 20 i^iterfcubic as Nitrate of Soda ... ^" *'• Nitre (see Saltpetre)... ^^^^ Nutgalls Z.ZZ.**.'.'Z ^'' ' ^^ '^'- """^ ^^ Nutmegs ^''^-e Nuts, all kinds (not elsewhere "providod for) !! " Cocoa "^'^ « Ivory .'.".v.'/.;;; j'^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Free Free P^'i- Il>, 1 cf. and 10 20 " used in Dyeing (see Berries) " Wrought Iron Nux Vomica 0. Oak Bark Oakum !!!!.!!!..!!!!! ^''^^ Oatmeal (see Breadstuffs) Z neri'h ""'i'"*l V' ^''^^ Oats !»«' ^»-, 2 ct. ; pkgs 20 ^ . *' per l)ush., 10 cts Office Furniture ^^ Oil Cake ^^ »' Meal Free ;; «ioth,tbrFioors;;;;:;;;ed;*p;;in;;d;;;;-;;;^^^ ^^^ u u for Tables (see Cottons) *• Paintings and Chromos ", ^^ " 'L. !"/ *'^^? ""^ ^^ell-knownmeri't"" or copies" of 'ihe Old Masters by such artists Oils, viz. : " Carbolic or Heavy Oil, used in making wooden block pavement, for treating wood for buildingand railway 20 Free ties Coal and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined Nap- tha. Benzole and Petroleum, products of Petroleum Coal Shale and Lignite, not elsewhere specilied .' per wine gal., Octs.;pkgs. 10 20 68 ADVERTISEMENt'S. IMPORTERS AND ia.|- ^i^'^?:.? ,^i»>< S>^?! Kft| No. ]7 ST. JOHN STREET, MONTREAL. i'l EAG LE FOUN DRY. 14 to 34 KING AND QUEEN Sts., Montreal, Maker of Sterna. ESxxslrLOs, steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, Circu- lar Saw Mills, Bark Mills, W^ater Wheels, Mill Gearing, Hangers & Pulleys, Hand and Power Hoists for Warehouses, &c. Also Sole Blanufacturer of " Warrick's" Universal Fnglnes, for Yaclits, &o,, and <•' Askwltli's" Patent Hydraulic liift, And Agout for '* WATERS' " PERFECT STEAM ENGINE GOVERNORS. and " HEALD & SlSCO'S " CitNTRlFUGAL JfOMrS. I mm ^Y. trealt Circu- lill ?., and JfUMifS. CUSTOMS TARIFF Oils, Cocoanut, crude " Cod Liver, medicated " Fish, from Newfoundland " Lard " Linseed or Flaxseed, raw or boiled " Neat's Foot " Olive or yalad " Palm, crude " Seal, from Newfoundland " Sesame Seed " Sperm " Vegetable, not otiierwise specified " Volatile or Essential (not otherwise specified). /' Whale in casks from on shipboard, and in the condition it was first landed " Of all kinds, except Whale Oils and others, elsewhere specified Old Tom Gin (see Spirits) per Irflp. gal., $1.32| ; pkgs. Opium, Drug " prepared for Smoking per lb., $5; pkgs. Oranges (see Green Fruits) Oranges, Citrons and Lemons, all kinds of, in brine for can- dying Orchill, in the weed or liquid Ores, Specimens of, not otherwise provided for Gold, Silver, and Iron of Cobalt Organs, Cabinet, viz ; — " On Reed Organs having not more than two sets of reeds $10 and " Having over two and not over four sets of reeds $15 and " Over four and not over six sets of reeds Ji?20 and " Over six sets of reeds $?,o and " Pipe, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for cabinet organs. Ordnance Stores... Orris or Iris Root..., .,., ,., 69 p. c. Free 20 Free 20 2.5 20 20 Free Free •20 20 20 20 Free 20 20 20 20 20 Free Free Free Free Free 10 10 10 10 25 Free Free 10 CUSTOMS TARIFF. p. o. Osier or Willow Free Oysters in cans, fresh from countries other than U. S 20 " Preserved, from countries other than U. S 20 « Fresh, from U. S Free " Fresh in cans, from U. S Free " Shelled, in bulk, from IT. S Free Oxalic Acid Free Oxides, Metallic, (unless specially provided for) 20 P. 1 I Packages (see Schedules at end of Tariff.) Packages of all goods pnviag specific duties 20 Pails (see Woodenvvare) 25 Paints and Colors, not elsewhere specified 20 " " ground in Oils or other Liquids 25 " " White and Red Lead, dry; also dry White Zinc and Bismuth 5 " " (see Colors) Free Paintings in Oil, by Artists of well-known Merit, or Copies of the old Masters by such Artists Free " in Oil or Chromos, not elsewhere specified 20 Palladium 20 Palm Leaf, unmanufactured : Free •' Nuts and Kernels Free " Oil in Natural State Free " Nut Cake Free « " Meal Free Pamphlets, Advertising (see Books) per 100, $1 " (see Books) per lb., 6 cts. " through Post Oftice (see Books)... p>^r 2 oz., 1 ct. Pantaloon Stutls, Dressed or Colored (see Cottons). ..per sq. yd., 2 cts. and 15 Papers, News, by Mail .....•.•' - Free I'fipeVj all other kinds not provided for ...,, , ,, 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 71 I p. o. Free 20 20 Free Free Free Free 20 20 25 20 25 5 Free Free 20 20 Free Free Free Free Free a (< a t( It i( a u a u u (i (( P. C. 22^ Free 25 20 30 25 10 20 Free 20 20 10 20 22J 20 no Ffeo 20 Free 20 Paper, Calendered Cli|>l>iii}j;rf ol' KnvclDpcs Olass and (}lii,s>! ('lollis Han cts. ; pks. Pewter, Platina,Japanneil and Planished Tinware Phials (see Glass) Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus, including Globes, when imported by and for tiie use of Colleges, Schools and Scientific and Literary Societies Photograjihic Instruments not elsewhere specified Photographs Phosphorus Phosphor Bronze, in blocks, bars, sheets and wire Pianofortes, viz., all Square Pianofortes, whether round cor- nered or not, not over 7 Octaves $25 and " all other Square Pianofortes $.30 and " Upright $30 and " Concert, Semi- Concert or Parlor Grand. $50 and Pickles and Sauces Pictorial Show Cards (see Books) Pictures, Advertising (see Books) Pig Copper (^ee Copper).... Iron (see Iron) per ton of 200u lbs., $2 73 p. c. Free Free 20 25 30 (< " Lead (see Lead). " Tin (see Tin).... Pimento, ground " unground Pineapples (see Green Fruit) Pipe Clay Pipes, Smoking, according to component part chief value " Clay " Meerschaum " Rubber " Wood Drain and Sewer, glazed or unglazed (I 20 20 Free 10 10 10 10 10 20 30 30 10 10 10 25 20 20 Free 20 20 25 25 20 ^^i ■v.i 74 ADVERTISEMENTS. I>A"WES ^ CO •p ESTABIIiSHED 1820. India Pale Ale and XX Mild Ale. JYo. 1 SLrong Ale. ctnd Ex, Stoivt (portcr. IIRKWEIIY, LACHINE, r.Q. «>lli«-«', aiS ^t. James Ht. MOJVTREJL. L iATTeHY & m • WHOLESALE TOBiraiSTS. WAREHOUSE: 428 ST. PAUL, Corner ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER ST. FACTORY: 1^0. 80 ST. CHARLES BORROMEE STREET, WONTREAl., CUSTOMS TARIKF. 75 4t. (( It Pipes Gas and Water Pistols (see Steel) Pitch Pine " Coal ^.3.1^..^' ,. '.^^ .!3..'!!!!!!! Plaids, Cotton, dyed or colored (soe Cottons) IHT ti<|.yd., ;? cts. tiiid Plaits, Tuscan and Cmss .,, Planks and Sawed Lumber (see Lumber) " and Sawed Lumber of all kinds, dressed Plants, viz., Fruit, Shade, Lawn and Ornamental Tree.s, Shrubs and Plants ' *' from Newfoundland Plaster of Paris, not ground or calcined " " ground, calcined or manufactured Plated and Gilt Ware of all kinds Plates engraved on Wood and on Steel or other Metul Fish (see Iron) RolKd Iron and Boiler(see Iron) " Canada " Tin ', "!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!"**'***"'*.'"' Playing Cards Ploughs, and parts thereof Plumbago or Black Le; d " " manufactures of Plums (see Green Fruits) per bush., 30 cts. Plush, Hatters, of Silk or Cotton Pomades, French, or flower odors preserved in fat r oil for the purpose of conserving the odors of tlowtrs which. do not bear the heat of distillation, when imported in Tins of not lesp than 10 lbs. each. Poplin Porcelain Ware ^^^^ per lb., ! ct. ; pkgs. Porter in bottles (see Ales) i)er imp. gal., is cts. ; pkgs. " Casks (see Ales) jjci- im{). gal., 10 cts. ; j)kgs. Posters (see Books) "_ Potatoes (see Vegetables).., per bush., 10 cis. V. c, 20 Free 10 15 Free Free 20 20 20 Free 20 ;{(» 20 '"2 12.', 10 30 25 10 20 10 15 30 20 20 20 20 30 i # l\ ADVEUTISEMENTS. i.: i 76 SYDNEY, C-B^ST. JOHFS, Newfounl'd. " I^TIIE— SS. 'MIRAMICHI' Sails every alternate Monday (from 5th May) for Perce, Gaspe, Paspebiac, Summer- side Charlottetown and Pictou ; and the SS. 'VALETTA' At regular intervals during the season, for Sydney, C. B, and St. John's, Newfoundland. DAVID SHAW, Mf<^nt. MONTREAL. 1879. 1879. London, fliieliec and iontreal. TEMPERLEY LINE. Comprised of the following FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIPS : - .Gotland," 2645 tons. •' mark lane," 2095 tons. ««THAMES,» 1687 - « SOUTH TYNE,"i5i9 *' Sailing at regular intervals during the season. AGENTS ;— Tempekleys', Carter & Darke, 21 13imtcr Street, London, E.G. Ross & Co., Qiioboc, and David Shaw, L unl'd. -ir ►m 5 th immer- ,on, for ndland. REAL. 379. MSHIPS : ' 2095 tons. "1519 «' •n. ARKE, 21 loboc, and OnsTOArs TARIFF. 77 itu'ea p. c. Potash, Bichrnmatp of Pp^g Pot Ash and Poiirl Yvq9 Powder, Bronze 20 " I51euchin{? (Chloride of Lime) Free " (Jiin (riee (inn I'owder). Prtiyer Hooka (.-^eo Mookt^) 5 Precipitate of Copper Yvqq Precious Stones 20 Preserved iMeati? and Poiiltrv 20 Preserve?, Fruit, in iiii-tighl cans, inciiidi'ng'ca'ng'/ if sweetened p^r lb., 3 ct3. " if not sweetened per lb. 2 cts. " in Hrandy or otiier Spirits. per imp. gaL.'itil.DO ; pkgs. 20 Printers' Implements, ineludiug Presses, Klectrotype and Stereotype I'.locks for printing purposes 15 Printed Matter (see Books). Prinlinrj Ink 20 Prints, Furniture atul Plain (see Uottous) 20 " and P^ngraviugs 20 Proprietary Medieiues, commonly called Patent Medicines, or any Medicine or preparation of which the Pieci|>e is kept secret, or the ingredients whereof are kej.t secret, recommendetl l)y advertisement, bill or label, for the relief of any disorder or ailment, in liquid form 50 " in all other 25 Prunes 20 Prunella Ui>pers of Ladies' Boots and Shoes 20 " for Boots and Shoes 10 Pyrites or Sulphate of Iron Yvqq Psalm Books (see Books) 5 I'ulp 20 Pumice Stone and Pumice f^i-ee I'utty ; ;;;;.;;; 20 Pump and Pump (xear for Shii)3 use 20 Il ?8 CUSTOMS TARtft'. Q. V. 0. Qiiadrant3 (for ships use) Brass Chief Value 30 Qruirtz > Free QimssiaWood ^0 Queen's Ware (see Earthenware) Quick Grass lioot Free Quicksilver.... 20 Quillii l>ark > ■ •• ••• «....». rre© Quills 20 Quinces, Green (see Fruits) per bush., 30 cts. Quinine, iSiilphate of 20 M' Rno-s (Clipi»in(rs, Cotton, Hemp, Jute, Linen, Paper) and waste of every kind lit only for manufacture of Paper Free Kailroad Bars (see Iron) 15 « " iSteel (iinui isi January, 1881^ Free " " " after " " 10 " Cars(Freight, Passenger and Platform) 20 Rails (see Iron) 15 " ateel (until 1st January, 1881) Free " " after " " 10 Railway Chairs and Finger Bars (see Iron) 17^ '• Fish Plates, Frogs and Frog-Points (see Iron) 17^ " " Steel (until 1st January, 1881) Free " " " after " •' 10 " Car Wheels and Axles (see Iron) 25 Raisins (see Fruits, Dried) 25 Rakes and Rake Teetn (see Steel) 30 Raj)e and Jlenip Seeds in bulk 15 " " " in small papers or parcels 25 " " Oils 20 Raspberries, Green per qt., 2 cts. Raspberry Syrup not containing Spirits 20 " "Wine (see Wiues)> Ratafia (see Liquors) per imp. gal., fl.HOjpkgs. 20 OtJSTOMs i-ARlFF. V. 0. 30 Free 20 Free 20 Free 20 20 Free 15 Free 10 20 15 Free 10 17^ m Free 10 25 25 30 15 25 20 20 20 Katan for Chair Makers and Whip Manufacturers (unman u facture't) Red Lead, Dry Re':»ds, unmanufactured Tl< 1 net, raw or prepared Rt forts, Gas, Clay " " Iron •••"^■^^^iii!!!!!!!"!!!" !!!!!! ' Uhnbarb Root Ribbons, Cotton , " Silk '. '^Tpi- ::;::;:;;p;;:ib;;T;;: ,,., ^^^^^^ per lb., 2cts. Riders and Knees, Ships (see Iron) Rifles, Guns and Fire Arms of ail kinds (see Steel)!!.!.. Rigging Wire for Ships (see Iron) !!!..... Rinds of Oranges, Citrons and Lemons, imported in brine for the purpose of candying Rivets, Iron " Copper Rockingham Ware (see Earthenware) !!!!!!!!! Rods, Wire, in coils under .} inch (see Iron) ....,'..'.'.'." " Nail arid Spike (see Iron) ....'. " All other (see Iron) Rolled Silver in sheets Roman Cement Roofing Felt,...- " Slate, prepared./ Roots, as Chicory, used as substitute for Coffee, kiln-dried roasted or ground pgi- ^^ ^ 4 ^.j,' " Medicinal, \u natural state, unless otherwise specified! Rope and Cordage " (Ships use) ."*'. Waste "■■ Wire rigging (Ships use) !"! Rosin Rose Leaves Rotten Stones ii u (( p. c. Free 5 Free Free 20 25 Free 20 30 20 20 Free Free 30 30 25 10 17^ 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 10 Free Free Free Free Free BO CUSTOMS TARIFF. p. c Rubber, manufactures of ^^ " unmanufjictured ^^'^^ Ruling Machines, Bookbinders' ^^ Rum (see Spirits) per imp. gal., $1.32^ ; pkgs. 20 Rum Shrub per imp. gal., $1.90 ; pkgs. 20 £yg , per bush., 10 cts. '" Flour Pfr barnl, 50 cts. s. Saddlery, Coach and Harness Furniture, and Hardware of all kinds Safflower Saffron and Extract of Sarfron Cake Sago. Sails, Ready-made, for Boats and Ships Sail Cloth or Canvas, Ships use " Twine, Ships use Sal-Ammoniac Sal-Soda Salad Oil Salt, Coarse, from United Kingdom or British Possessions... " imported for use of the Sea or Gulf Fisheries. in bulk per 100 lbs., 8 cts. " bags barrels,or other packages.. per 100 lbs., 12 cts.; pkgs. Saltpetre •••• Samples of goods having no intrinsic value as Merchandise, and cannot so be used Sand " Glass and Emery Paper and Cloth Satin and fine washed White (see Colors) Satinets (see Woollens and Cottons) Satins and Sarsenets, and all other piece goods, of which Silk is the highest value Sauces of all kinds Sausage Casings Scales (see Iron) 30 Free Free 20 25 5 5 Free Free 20 Free Free 20 20 Free P'ree 20 Free 30 20 20 3U J'.!, p. c 25 Free 15 20 20 30 Free Free 20 25 5 5 Free Free 20 Free Free 20 20 Free P'ree 20 Free 30 20 20 3U ADVERTISEMENTS. 81 j;MiS!pW |i mm md SHIPPERS & POEWAEDEKS. No. 32 St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL. Prompt jiUentiun given to goods forwarded West. Storage in Bond or otherwise. Agents for Ocean Express Co. of London, England. MONTREAL. CONNAL, COTTON & CO., - - - GLASGOW, AfnCKTS FOR CHARLES TENNANT & CO., CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS, St. Rollox, Glasgow, and Newcastle-On-Tyne. Offer for sale in lots to suit purchasers, to arrive ex Spring Vessel :—Tennarit's Oiiibunatcd Soda Ash, 38, 52, 56, 57 and 58 per cent. ; Tennanl s Sai Soda, in 3 and 5 cwt. casks ; Tennant's Bleaching Powder, m hardwood casks ; Tennant's Roll Sulphur; (Jauslic Soda, Widnes, and other good brands, (30 to 02 and 70 to 72 per cent.; Bi-Carbouate of Soda; R'^d-Lead and Lilharo-e VVm. Alang, Sun. «& Oo's. ; White Lead, Foster, JUackett & Wil- son's ; Linsf^ed Oil TRaw), ''Thistle" ; Sulphate or" Codper, best selected for Telegraphic purposes ; ,,. Bi-Chromate of Potash, Lump Alum, Flour Sulphur, Epsom Salts. Fire Clay. ' 82 ADVERTISEMENTS. CEOSSE & BLACKWELL'S t ' !< I Pure Pickles? Sauces? Potted Meats & Fish, Prepared Soups, Calves' Feet Jellv^ Jam and Orange IVIarmelade, Always bear their Names and Address on the Labels, And limy be obtained of Grocers and Italian Warehousemen throughout the World. J ft «2^ ^h Have been Awarded TWO GOLD MEDALS at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. CUSTOMS TARIFF. 83 I t. 1 ^ ■ per imp. gal., .'flLOO ; pkgs. 30 20 20 10 30 30 Scarfs (Silk) ^; 5 " other Scb'edam Schnapps Scrap, Brass and Copper Screws, Wood (see Iron) Sea Grass and Manilla Grass " " from ^V>wfoundland"y*!!■■'.■..■.'■''..■■. !!'''^ " Weed, not otherwise specified J^"^' Seed, Flax '"•'• ^'^^^- Seeds vi. : fl„„., s:.a:„:-;;:{i;;;,a-;;;,;:^z^f^^^i^: cultural purposes, when in bulk or i„ large mrcols ,5 m small papers or parcels ;' Seeds notclassedas Oercals ^^ Seiues, for the use of Hsiieries. ..!]!'...! ^" ." a" ot!>M (see Fishing TackIo7sporliug)'.'.'.'.'..'." f"' Senegal Gum " " Senna, in leaves -" Settler,' Effects, viz ^-w^zi::^^;:;^;'^--,;:;:,:;^^!;;;^;. "'"' ture, i,rotess,oual books, iu.plements ,u„l tools of d occupattou or employment, whici, ,l,e sntler has , ,d n actual use for at least six n.onths before rento^ a ' Canada, not to include machinery or livesirc ,r «th.. articles imported for use in ' „y „;, „t ;.,n es abbshment, or for sale. Provi.led t lat any dut w;! ar,cle entered as Settlers' ElfeCs shall „„t U ' t . Free otherwise disposed „f ,vitho„t p„yu,ent of duty until after two years aelu,al use in (;,u«a,. ^ Sew,„g^M„ehines, whole or on heads or parts of"he;;;;.;;;;; Sewing Tb^e^d'™ s;;:',:;;:;::c;;;o;;):::;:-;;;;';.';' ^^■- "'-^ " in hankc5., Shawls, Cotton "^"4 " of Silk, or of which Silk is the c Shafts, over 25 lb. (see Iron) Shears (fip^ 8t<>f.! ^ Fret 20 20 20 omponent part 30 20 •••• 30 84 CUSTOIVIS TARIFF. 'if ': Sheathing (see. Copper) " Yellow Metal Sheets, for Bonnets and Hats Sheet Iron (see Iron) Sheet Music (see Books) per lb., (5 cts. Shellac, Gum (see Gums) Shells, unmanufactured " manufactured Shingles (see Wood) Ships and other vessels, built in any foreign country, whe- ther Steam or Sailing Vessel^, on application for Can- adian Register on the fair market value of the hull, rigging, machinery and all appliances Anchors Binnacle Lamps Blocks and Patent Bushcri lor Blocks Bunting Cables — llemi) o" Grass " Chain, over ^ inch, shackeled, swiveled or not (yompasses Cordage Dead Eyes Dead Lights " Deck Plugs " Felt for Sheathing Iron Masts or parts of Iron Masts Knees, Iron Pump3 and Pump (Jear Riders, Iron Sail-cloth or Canvas (see Cotton) « Twine Sails Sheaves (see Copper) Signal Lamps Steering Ai>paratns Travelling Trucks p. 0. 10 Free 20 12J Free Free 20 20 a It <( u <( i( (t u (( (I u i( (( u il (( (( (( It 4 10 Free 20 20 20 20 5 30 10 20 30 25 Free Free 20 20 20 5 5 25 10 20 20 20 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 85 p. c. 10 Free 20 12J 10 Free 20 20 20 20 5 I 1 Ships, Varnish, black and bright '^°' " Wedges '..Z^Z^^ZZ''''Z ir " Wire Ri|?giiig p. Shirting (see Cotton). '^® Shoddy (see Waste) Shoes, Horse (See Iron) '''^ Shoe Nails, Horse (see Iron) .....* Shovels, Steel (see Steel) *." ! " Iron (see Iron) Showbills (see Books) Show Cases (see Furniture) „- Shrubs, Trees and Plants (see Plants) .!.'.".!.!'. 20 " " from Newfoundland .„. Silex ■ ^^^ Silicates, Alkaline or of Soda !J^^ Silicias (see Cottons) Silk, all manutacturos of; or of which "sUk is' the iM^inponeni part, not elsewhere specified as : " Black or colored, .fee, Barathea, Cashmere, Ducupes Glaces, Grosspalns, Poplins, Sarsenets, Satins, Tur^ quoise, Velvets and other piece goods o^ '' Bonnets and Hats, Braces, Braids, Fringes'," Gloves" Handkerchiefs, Hosiery or underclothing, Laces, Lace M.tts, Mantles, Ribbons of all kinds and colors (in- eluding what is usually called Hal Pands), Shawls Tassels, Trimmings, Umbrellas, Sec, VvUoi Pubhons (all widths), Stay and Boot Laces, or other like arti cles of which silk is chief value.... " Cocoons '^ " Floss ""*!'""'!3!* ^'^^ " in the germ, not more advanced than singles,' tmm,' and thrown organzine " Raw, or as ree led fronithe Coc'oon',"not"b'ein'g' doubled' twisted, or advanced in manufacture any way. ' FrP« '' Sewingand Silk Twist... , ' 2j 86 CUSTOMS TARIFF. p. c. '! f ill U i'. K (( Silk Velvets, and all marnifactnros of'Hilk, or of which Silk is the component part of chii^f value, not elsewhere speciliod " Waste " Church Vestments " Fancy Work Silver Coin, United States Leaf and Gold Cloth Plated Ware Rolled ill Sheets Ware Skates (see Iron and Sieel) Skins, undressed, Dried, Salted or Pickeld Slate, for iMantels " Roofing " School and Writing " Slabs, square or in special shapes Small Wares, unless otherwise specitied Snuff, ground, dry (ser Tobacco) per lb., 25 ctg., and " damp, moist or pickled per lb., 25 cts., and Soap, common Brown and Yellow, not perfumed. .per lb., 1 ct. " Castile and White peril)., 2 cts. " Perfumed or Toilet Soda Ash and Caustic " Bicarbonate " Nitrate " Silicate of. Spades, Iron (see Iron) '« Steel (see Stcol) Specimens of Natural History-, Mineralogy, Botan}' or Sculp- ture Spelter (see Zinc) Spices, viz. ; Ginger and Spices of all kinds (except Nut- megs and Mace), unground " Ginger, and Spices of all kinds (except Nutmegs and Mace, ground) 30 Free 20 30 20 Free 20 30 10 20 30 Free 25 20 25 15 20 12^ 12^ 30 Fiee 20 Free Free 20 30 Free 10 20 25 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 87 30 Fiw 20 Fiee Free 20 30 Free 10 20 25 p. () " Brandy per imp. gal., .^1. l."3 ; i»kgs. ::o " Sweetened and mixed, so that the strength cannot be ascertained as aforisaid, viz.: Bitters, Cordials, Rum Shrub, Schiedam Schnapps, Tatia, and unenumerated articles of like kinds per imp, gal., .ij^l.lM) ; pkgs. l:o " Old Tom Gin in bulk per imp. gal., 551.32^ ; pkgs. 20 " and strong waters not elsewhere specified per imp. gal., :j?1.90 ; pkgs. 20 " and strong waters imported into Canada, mixed with any ingreiient or ingredients, and although tiiereby coming under the denomination of Proprietary iMcdi- cines, Tinctures, Essences, Extracts, or any oth«- de- nomination not elsewhere specitied, shall be, neverthe- less, deemed " Spirits or strong waters," and subject to duty as such per imp. gal., $1.00 ; pkgs. 20 88 CUSTOMS TAKIPP. p. c. \ 1 sf (< l( cei Spirits Wines of all kinds, except sparkling wines, including currant Avines, elder, giu^^er, li!nu)n, orange, rasp- berry, strawbcrrry, containing 2*', per cent, or less of spirits of the strength of proof, by Syke's hydro- meter, imported in wood or in bottles (six quart and twelve pint bottles to be held to contain an imperial gallon) per Imp. gall., 25cts.,aud And for each degree of strength in excess of 20 per >ut. of spirits as aforesaid, an additional duty of '.i cents \m' imp. gal. until tlio strength roadies 10 per cent, of proof spirits, 28c. to 07c. imp. gal. and Champagne and all other sparkling wines in bot- tles, containing each not more tlian a quart and more than one pint per doz., ^:; and Containing not more than a pint each and more tlian one hall-pint per doz., .SI. 50, and Containing one half-pint each or less per doz., 75 cts., and " Containing more tlian one (piarl each shall pay in addition to three dollars per dozen bottles, at the rate on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle I't^i' Ji"P- g«^H-j l^l-''''> But any liquors imported under the name of wine, and containing more thanfOrtyper cent, of spirits of the strength of proof of Syke's hydrometer, shall bi; rated for duty as unenumeraled si)irits. Unennmerated Spirits : Spirits of Turpentine ►S[)onges Sprigs (see Iron) » • Starch, and all preparations having the qu:ility of Starch... ])er lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. " including Corn Starch, Farina or Flour per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. Stationery of all kinds not otherwise speeitied Statues of Marble 30 3i> .30 30 20 20 30 20 20 20 Si u CrHTOiMs rARU4'\ Steam Engui<»3 " " Locomotives iindor certaia restrictiong (-joe i.oGomotives) " " over 25 lbs., (seo Iron) Steel, viz : 89 p. c. 25 Kree 20 (I Uat's. to Jjinuarv 1st. i ivvo « " Railway •' ** *' .... « Coils " " " " .... « Fish Pl«t<\s" " " " .... ^^ Ingots " " " '* .... 1^ Altrr u Flutes '• " " " .... <( Rails *' " " " .... a Sheets " " " " .... t< All Mechanics' Tools i( Axes (1 Cabinet-makers' Tools Carnenters' do ..,, u Coopers' Tools it Edge Tools of all descriptions Forks, Haj, Manure and Potatoe.... Hoes , • « Rakes and Rake Teeth 11 Saws of all kinds i( Scvthes u Shovels a ISkales a Spades . 1 1 a a All manufacture of Steel and of and Steel not elsewhere specilied. Cutlerv Iron a Firearm"? a Muskets 1 a I'istols 1 a Rifles (( Shot-Guns • < Knife Dlades or Knife Blanks, in the kad, tor use by electro-platers roug h, unhand- 10 no 20 10 t> '"^-^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I !rr ■ 56 13.2 *» 140 us 2.0 1.8 S IIM 1^ -^ <^ /a m. 9^ em 0% Photographic Sciences Corporation 'Oi r<^ 33 WEST MAIN SI REET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 87ij-4503 L<*i &?, y^ \ ^1- H, i ■J" 90 ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Contractors? Quarrymen & Others- EOCK DRILL, Patented Sept. 16th, 1875, by W. Weaver, Phcenixville, Pa. AVLNG been appointed Sole Agents for the Dominion of Canada for the above Celebrated IJAND RO<'K DRILL, would respectfully call attention to following facts : Two Men will do the Work of Nine In the ordinary way. Weights only 350 lbs : can be moved by one person by putting it on ils wheels. Drills holes any depth and dia- meter, from ONE to FIVE inches, in any kind of rock, at the rate of Five Feet per Hour, Works in the space of 16 inches, drills at any angle desired, war- ranted to give satisfaction, and repairs guaranteed for 3 months. Machines delivered in Montreal duty and freight paid, including emery wheel for sharpening, five bits, Irons for dressing Wrenches and all in complete working ord^r for $250. The following is one of many testimonials received from leading contractors in the United States and Canada : TESTIinONIAIi. To Whom if may Concern : We do hereby certify that we have worked and are now working the Victor Rock Drill on the new line of railroad, building between Columbia and Port Deposit, and feel confident in asserting that if we would have had the drill when we commenced operations, it would have been the means of saving us $5,000. We have drilled the hardest kind of Hint rock five feet to the hour, which is really the work of at least lilteen men in the same kind. Respectfully, JAMES FRERLAN D & CO., Contractors. Drills constantly kept on hand, and can be seen in operation. Circulars and full information sent by applying to MACDONALD & CROSS, Office, 6M Craig Street, [Rear St. Lawrence Hall.J 'I CUSTOMS TARIFF. 91 p. o. Steel Chairs, Railway, fiOoomotives, Tires of, (gee Iron).... 10 " Screws (see Iron) 35 " Wire, not over IS Gauge (see Iron) 15 « Wire Rope 20 Stereotype Blocks for printing purposes 20 Stereotypes and Electrotypes of Standard Books 10 " for commercial blanks and advertisements 20 Stone, viz : " All manufactures of Stone or Granite 25 " Building stone, except marble, per ton, of 13 cub ft.,$l " Cement Stone, Water-lime Stone,per ton of 13 cub ft.jSjgl " Freestone and Building stone, dressed, of all kinds, except marble 20 Grind.-itones, in the rough per ton, $1.50 Lithograyihic, not engraved. 20 Rough Freestone, sand.^tone, of all kinds, except Mar- ble per ton of 13 cub ft., $1 Straw 20 " Tascan Grass and other Plaits Free Succory Root (see Chicory) Sugar Candy, Brown or White per lb., 1 ct. and 35 Sugars, Syrup and Molasses, viz. : Glucose or Grape sugar to be classed and rated for duty as sugar, according to by Dutch Standard ia color. Glucose Syrup per lb., ^ ct. and On concentrated Beet Root Juice and concrete, con- centrated Cane Juice, Melado, concentrated Melado, concentrated Molasses per lb., f ct. Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar, when im- ported direct from the country of growth and produc- tion And for the same purposes when not imported direct from the country of growth and production Molasses, when not so used, when imported direct from the country of growth and production 15 35 30 25 30 ! 1" SI! It < ii h lii- 92 OUHTOMS TARIFJ'. t. c. S,„a., And when not i.po,..ed direct from tUe country of ^^ On all sngaraliove U.Dntcb »^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ „.„„,„.„ „„ -;g;;;" jCocinetlon, npon the IVumtlie cinnu-y °f/""7" "■' ' .^<,e of pnrchase, ,■„■. „,„,.Uet valne . -eof a the place ^ P^^_^^^ ^^ 35 30 30 addi tton for the cost of hogsheads ^vill.o^t ^"y ;;7;;';i;;r ,.im.ges and expenses pnor ^''"r-^^":;:' ;y hinrcoatainedins^ of the 1o shipmout, anjtuing c contrary notwith- Act 40th Victoria, chap. 10, to tbe ^^"^ j'^ on Syrups, Can J a ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^g. syrnp, syrny of sngai, g ,^^ ^v,., B ct. and hum... per lb., 8 ••••••••• •• • •• •" • ••• ••••t« •• 30 Free Free 20 t^ulphur, roll or tlour • ^^nmacGnm Surgical Instruments - 30^ Suspenders, Cotton •••••'•'^ 30 " ^i^^^ lOcts per lb. and 25 ^^^o«^^^-' ; : per lb., 1 ct., and 25 Swoetmeats (see Confectionery) P«^ ' ; 25 Syrups (see Sugar) T. 20 30 20 Tackle, Sporting Fishing. ...■•..• -• Tacks, Brads and Spngs (see -);—;• ^..^o; pkgs. Tafia, (see Spirits) ^ ^ Free Tails, undressed • !..!!!!!*per lb., 1 ct. ; pkgs. 20 Tullow .per lb., 2 cts. ; pkgs. 20 a Candles li! %< ll CUSTOMS TARIFF. 93 d 30 • • Free ^, Free 1 •• 20 • • 30^ >• • 30 aA 25 ^d 25 ... 25 • •• • 20 • • • • 30 g9 « ■ • . 20 Fr« Tampico, White and Black Tanners' Bark Tanners' or dyeing articles in a crude state used in tiin- ningor dyeing, not elsewhere specified Tape, ('Otton " Linen " Silk Tapes, Measuring Line (see Small wares) " Slotted for the manufacture of Hoop Skirts Tapioca •••• ^ Tar, Coal - " Pine Tarlatan (see Cottons) Teas, Black per lb,, 2cts., and " Green and Japan per lb., 3 cts., and " when imported froTP ♦he United States an extra ad val. duty of. • Teasels Telegraph Insulators (see Glass) Tents Terra Alba, Aluminous *' Japonica Thibet Hair, unmanufactured Thread, Cotton in Hanks — " on Spools " Lace Insertions " Linen " and other articles embroidered with Gold or for Em- broidery " all other Tickings (see Cottons) per sq. yd., 2 cts., and Tiles, Drain " for Lining Stoves and Furnaces (s«e Firebrick) Timber from Newfoundland Tinctures containing Spirits per Imp. gal., $1.90 ; pkgs. Tin, in blocks, pigs, bars, plates and sheet« p. c. Free Free Free 20 20 SO 20 20 20 10 Free 20 10 10 10 Free 30 25 20 Free Free 12^ 20" 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 20 10 !■: f m 94 ADVERTISEMENTS. R. C. JAMIESON & CO, Manufacturers of J Importers of OILS, PAINTS, COLORS, SPIRITS OF TUR- PENTINE, &c., &e. HAMILTON CHAMBBES, 17 ST. JOHil STREET, MONTREAL. CHAS. D. EDWARDS, Manufacturer of Ire |fii itti |M§lif |iQtt |ate|, ^ No.49 ST. JOSEPH St., MONTREAL. CUSTOMS TARIIT. 95 R- IBET, S, ifef, Tinware, Stamped and Japanned ware, and on all manufac tares of Tin not elsewhere specified Tin Clasps or Slides or Spangles for manufacturing Hoop Skirts '' HoUowware " Plates (see Iron) Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes per lb., 50 cts. and »' Leaf, unmanufactured, for Excise Purposes '' Manufactured and on SnufF. per lb., 25 cts. ind " Pipes (Meerchaum and Clay) Tomatoes (see Vegetables) per bush., 30c. Tortoise and other Shells, unmanufactured Tow, undressed Toys , Tra-n Oil (see Oils) Travellers' Baggage. Under regulations prescribed by the Minister of 'Justoms Tree Nails Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants, unless othe;-wise specified. " " «< " " from Newfoundland Trimmings, Bead, Silk and Metal " Cotton " Crape, Silk chief value " All other Trunks, Satchels, Valises and Car[)et Bags Tubes, Brass and Copper, fancy, plain and seamle&s, drawn " ad Zinc Turmeric Turpentine, Spirits of. <' Raw or Crude Turtles Twills, Cotton " Worsted per lb., 7iJ cts., and Twines manufactured of Flax, not otherwise specified " Sail Twist, Silk, or Silk and Mohair Type Metal, in block or pigs •.•• '* Printing p. c. 25 25 25 10 20 Free 20 Free Free 20 Free Free 20 20 20 20 30 20 25 10 10 Free 20 Free Free 20 20 25 5 25 10 20 HM ■ r 96 CITPT0M8 TARIFF. u. p. c. Free Ultra Marine (see Colors) •" ^^^^ Umber, Raw (see Colors) """^ .^^ Umbrellas, Alpaca ...!..,.!!*. 20 Cotton jjQ (( « Silk Uneniimerated Articles 20 Uneniimeraieu ^vitivxv,v.. ._ Union Collar Cloth Paper, in Sheets, not shapen 10 V. 25 Free Free Free Valises (sec Trunks) Varnish, Bright and Black, for Ships ^'^••"'' -'-';;;" ''^^ ^o « all other P^'^ i»«P- S^^^' ^^ ^^^-'^"^ Z Veo-etable Wood for Dyeing "«« Felt for manufacturing purposes ■••••••• « Fibre, Natural, not produced by any mechanical ^^^^ process • .^o Vegetables, all not otherwise specified ^^ « from Newfoundland u Potatoes P^''^"^^ Z T u Tomatoes per bu«h,, 30 cts. Veils (see Cotton, Silk and Woollens). Velvet, Cotton ;•— Silk and Cotton. Cotton chiet value Silk. 20 20 30 Free Veneers, Ivory, sawn only ••*''"• p^.^.^. Wood " 20 Free Other Verdegris or Subacetate of Copper... r;7:":';;Z; 20 Vermuth (see Spirits) per imp. gal., i$l.90, pkgs. 20 Vessels (see Ships). v) m« • vUcr^ 20 yi„^.gj,r — P^^ '™P- S*^-' ^^ ' ^^ Violins (see Musical Instruments). ^^^^ Vitriol, Blue " jg Vulture Feathers, undressed ,^^ dressed (t ,ii . p. c. Free Free 20 20 30 20 10 25 ... Free ,nd 20 .... Free .... Free ical .... Free 20 20 cts. cts. 20 20 30 Free Free 20 Free ikgs. 20 )kgs. 20 Free 15 25 CUSTOMS TARIFF. 97 p. c. Wadding, Cotton, bleached, colored or dyed (see Cottons). per lb., 3 cts. and 15 " Cotton, (see Cottons) per lb., 2 cts. and 15 Waggons (see Carriages) 30 Walnut Lumber, plank and sawn (see Lumber) Free Walnuts (see Nuts) 20 Ware, Crockery and Parian (see Earthenware) 25 " China and Porcelain 20 Warps and Carpet Warps, (see Cottons).per lb., 3 cts. and 15 « « " " per lb., 2 cts. and 15 Waste, Cotton, Hemp, Jute, Linen, Paper or other, fit only for manufacture of paper (see Rags) Free Watches, Watch Cases and Watch Movements 20 Water, Cologne (see Spirits). " Colors ^ 20 " Mineral •. '^^ " Lime, ground, including barrels (see Cement) perbrl,, 40 cts. 20 " " ground, in bags or bulk (see Cement) • per bush., 9 cts. ; pkga. 20 Wax, Bee, Paraffine and other 20 " Candles and Tapers (not Paraffine) 25 u '« " Paraffine.. ..per lb., 5 cts. ; pkgs. 20 Wearing Apparel, Cotton (see Cottons) .•••. 30 << «' of British Subjects dying abroad (see Apparel) F^'®® « " and Ready-made Clothing (see Woollens). .....per lb., 10 CIS. and 25 Weaving or Tram Silk, and Weaving or Tram Cotton, for making elastic webbing, and crinoline thread for cover- ing crinoline wire 20 Webbing, Cotton 20 " Rubber, wholly or partly 25 " Silk 30 " wholly or partly of wool, worsted or mohair „ per lb., 7^ cts. and 20 Q 98 CUSTOMS TARIf*t\ M tl 20 Wedgewood Ware « 2o Whalebone, manufactures of. •••••• ^^^^ u unmanufactured Whale Oil, in casks from on shipboard and iu the same con Free dition it was first landed ............. per bush., 15 cts. ^,,„\ ! per brl., 50 cts. " Flour f ' ^^ Wheel, Felloes, Hubs and Spokes (see Wood) ^^ Wheels, rough (see Wood) "•• ^^ Wheelbarrows " " 20 Whetstones ' -ptee Whipgut(see Catgut) •'* ^5 ^'^^Pf ••••; a'.'-ilV Ber Imp. gal., $1.90 and Whiskey (see Spirits) P*^^^ ^^"v- s j * White, fine washed (see (Jolors) White Granite Ware White Lead (dry) " White Zinc (dry) '"' Whiting or Whitening " Wicks and Wicking Cotton Willow for Basket-makers " and Whalebone, manufactures of Window Glass, common and colorless (see Glass) u » Stained (see Glass) - Wines (see Spirits). Wire, Copper, round or flat (see Copper) '< Brass Cloth of Brass or Copper • Flat for Crinolines, covered Galvanized (see Iron) • Iron and Steel (see Iron) Other not enumerated Rods, in Coils, rolled, round, under ^ inch (see Iron) Rope (for Ships' Rigging) <» Work ' "** (< (( t( t( 20 Free 30 5 5 Free 20 Free 20 20 30 10 10 20 20 15 15 20 10 Free 30 : ■ III ADVERTISEMENTS. 99 J». (3. ... 20 ... 20 ... Free in- ... Free ■,t3. ts. ... 20 .... 20 ,... 25 .... 20 .... Free .... 25 md 20 Free 30 5 5 .. .. Free 20 Free 20 20 , 30 10 10 20 20 15 15 20 :ron) 10 Free 30 MONTREAL, STEAM WIRE WEAVERS. AND MANUFACTUHERS OP WIRE GOODS, Foiirdinier Wires, Cylinder Cloths and Dandy Rolls ; Brass, Tron and Copper Wire Cloth, Fly Screens and Mosquito Netting; Wrought Iron and Wire Fencing, Gates and Window Guards ; Sieves and Riddles, Iron, Brass, Galv-ni/.ed, &c., &c. ; Iron Bed- steads, Cots, &c. ; Wire Signs, Meat Safes, Flower Stands and every variety of Garden Work. Qalvanizing and Tinning. Works: Cote St. Paul. Office & Show Rooms : 18 St Sacrament St Tenders for Work given to Builders, Contractors and others- SILICATE PAINTS, As supplied to the Admiralty, Board of Works, Austrian Lloyds, Woolwich Arsenal, Cunard Company, Great Western, and London and North- Western Railroad Companies, for HOUSE, SHIP AND GENERAL USE. Manufactured by The SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, I IVERPOOL AND LONDON. The chief economy and advantages over ordinary Paints are. nearlv double bulk, j^reater covering power, no chemical action on metal non- poisoncus and inodorous do not blister, much more durable ' Samples and Testimonials can be had on application to the Agents P. THos. mum & m., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, 18 St Sacrament Street, Montreal. II 100 CUSTOMS TARIFF. (( (i 20 p. d. Wood, and manufactures of, viz. : Brooms, Brushes, Churua, Pails, Tubs, Woodcnware, and other manufactures notelsewhere specified 25 <« Felloes, Hubs, Spokes, parts of, and Wheels, rough, hewn or sawn only 20 " Lumber and Timber not elsewhere specified.. 20 <• wholly unmanufactured •' Free « and Drugs used chiefly in dyeing Free Wool, unmanufactured. Hair of the Alpaca Goat, and other like animals Free Carpets, treble ingrain, two and three ply, composed wholly of wool .per sq. yd., 10 cts. and " two and three ply, ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material tht*ii wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like animal per sq. yd., 5 cts. and Not otherwised specified Clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every description, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca .Goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured, wholly or in part, by tailor, seamstress or manufacturer, except knit goods per lb-> lOcts., and Cotton Blankets of every description Cassimeres • Cloakings Cloths Cloth Yarn Coatings 20 20 (( (( u <( (I 25 Free (( (( i( Doeskins Drawers, knitted goods Felt Cloth of every description. Fingering Yarn under No. 30.. Flannels of every description. Gloves Horse Collar Cloth I per lb., 7 J, cts. and 20 CUSTOMS TAEIFF. 101 V. 0. 25 !• 20 »• 20 • • Free • • Free 5r • • Free )d id 20 is .A er jd 20 .. 20 ry 3l, ke rt, Qit nd 25 • • • Free per lb., 7i cts. and 20 T. O. Wool, Hosiery of every description, knitted ' goods " Knitting Yarn, under No. 30 " Shawls " Shirts, knitted goods " Tweeds " WoiSted Yarn, under No. 30 J " Felt for Boots and Shoes 15 " Glove Linings and Endless Felt for paper makers, when imported by manufacturers for use in their fac- tories 10 " ManufactUvV,3 composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca Goat, or other like animals, not herein otherwise provided for 20 " Manufactures composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca Goat, or other like animals per lb., 7^ cts. and 20 " Netting, for Boots, Shoes and Gloves 10 " Waste Free Worragut(see Catgut) Free Wrapping Paper ... 20 Writing Desks 25 " Ink 25 " Paper 22^ Wrought Iron, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified (see Iron) 20 Y. ,Ct3. md 20 Yams 20 Yarns, (see Cottons) '* Hosiery and Knitting, under No. 40, per lb., 3 cts. & 15 " over No. 40 20 " Unbleached, -^lored or dyed, under No. 40, per lb., 2 cts. & 15 " Cotton Sewing Thread on Spools 20 ^' " in Hanks uj :» f I l'02 CUSTOMS TARIFF. p. o. Yarn, Coir ^'^^^ « Fingering, under No. 30 (see Woollens).per lb., 7^ cts. 20 " Knitting, under No. 30, " per lb., 7J cts. 20 « Worsted, under No. 30, " per lb., 7J^ cts. 20 Yellow Metal, in Bars and Bolts Free <' » for Slieathing Free z. Zinc, Blocks, Pigs aid Sheets 10 " Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 « Old, worn out, fit only for re-manufacture 10 « Oxydof » « ^'^^ ' Sheathing Metal ' 2^ " Sulphate of. ^"^^^ I Ji 1 The following auicles shall be prohibited to be imi^orted under a penalty of two hundred dollars, together with the forfeiture of the parcel or package of goods in which the same may be found, viz :— Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. The following articles, being the natural products or the manu- factures of the colony of Newfoundland, admitted free. viz. :— Fish, fresh, dried, salted or smoked. Fish-oil and all products of fish. Seai-oii. Animals of ail kinds, « p. o. Free 20 20 20 Free Free 10 25 10 Free 25 Free I I t tit CUSTOMS TARIFF. SPECIAL EXEMPTIONS FROM DUTY. 103 Apparel, Wearing, of British Subjects, dying abroad but domiciled in Canada. Articles imported by and for the use of the Governor General. Articles for the public uses of the Dominion. Articles for the public uses of Foreign Consuls General. Army and Navy, for the use of. Arms. Clothing. Musical Instruments for Bands. Military Stor^^s. Settlers' effects of every description, in actual use, not being mer- chandise, brought by persons making oath that they intend becoming permanent settlers within the Dominion. UNDER REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS TO BE PRE- SCRIBED BY THE MINISTER OF CUSTOMS. Carriages of Travellers, and Carriages laden with merchandise and not to include Circus Troupes nor Hawkers. Locomotives and Railway Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, running upon any line of road crossing the Frontier, so long as Canadian. Locomotives and Cars are admitted free under similar circum- stances in the United States. Menageries, Horses, Cattle, Carriages, and Harness of. Travellers' Baggage. SCHEDULES. That it is expedient to repeal all Acts and parts or Schedules of Acts, and all Orders in Council impoaing any duties of Cus- toms upon goods, wares and merchandise, or providing for the exemption of goods, wares and merchandise from Cus- toms duty, when imported.into Canada. 104 OUBTOMS TARIFF. 'i i I ! The value of all bottlee, flasks, jars, demijohns, carboys, casks, hogsheads, pipes, barrels, and all other vessels or packages, manufactured of tin, iron, lead, zinc, glass, or any other ma- terial, and capable of holding liquids ; crates, barrels and other packages containing glass, china, crockery, or earthen ware, and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines or malt liquors are contained, and every pack- age being the first receptacle or covering enclosing goods for purposes of sale, shall, in all cases, not otherwise provided for, in which they contain goods subject to an ad valorem duty, be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value for such goods for duty, and when they contain goods subject to spe- cific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a duty of customs of 20 per centum ad valorem, to be computed upon their original cost or value ; and all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding liquids when contam- ing goods exempt from duty under this Act, shall be charged with a duty of 20 per cent ad valorem ; but all packages not hereinbefore specified, and not specially charged with duty by any unrepealed enactment, and being the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation only, ac- cording to the general usage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty. A 4.U- That on all goods imported into Canada, subject under this Act or any other Act to ad valorem duty, upon which a drawback of duties has been allowed by the Govern- ment of the country where the same were manufactured, the amount of such drawback shall in all cases be taken and considered to be a part of the fair market value of such goods, and duty shall be collected thereon ; and in cases where the amount of such drawback shall have been deducted from the value of such goods upon the face of Jie invoice under which entry is to be made, the Collector of Customs or pro. per officer shall add the amount of such deduction, and collect and cause to be paid the lawful duty thereupon, and the fair m«rkfit vRlue of all goods, wares and merchandise imported into Canada shall be understood to be the ordinary wholesale I i CUSTOxMS TARIFF. 105 casks, kages, er ma- la and irthen placed )ottled pack- ods for led for, uty, be dv such to spe- duty of id upon J above 3ontain- sharged ,ges not duty by )rdinary >nly, ac- l be free ler this L which Govern- iactured, )e taken ralue of . in cases ieducted ce under s or pro- id collect I the fair imported vhoiesale 1*1 price at which the same are sold for home consumption in the country where they are purchased or manufactured without deduction of any kind because of any drawback paid or to be paid thereon, or because of any special arrangement be- tween the seller and purchaser, having reference to the expor- tation of such goods, or the exclusive right to territorial limits for the sale thereof, or because of any royalty payable upon patent rights, but not payable when goods are purchased for exportation, or on account of any other consideration by which a special reduction in price might or could be obtained : Provided that nothing herein shall be understood to apply to general fluctuations of market values. The following Goods from the United States maybe imported free of duty, subject to alteration or regulation, by proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be Issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that similar articles from Can- ada may be imported into the United States free of duty, or at a rate of duty not exceeding that payable on the same under such proclamation, when imported into Canada. Animals of all kinds. Fresh, Smoked and Salted Meats. Green and Dried Fruits. Fish of all kinds. Products of Fish, and of all other creatures living in water. Poultry, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, Timber and Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, but not otherwise manufactured in whole or in part. Fish Oil. Gypsum, Ground or Unground. Hay, Hops, Straw, Bran, Seeds of all kinds. Vegetables, including Potatoes and other Hoots. Plants, Trees and Shrubs. Coal and Coke. Salt. Wheat, Peas and Beans. Barley, Rye, Oats, Indian Corn, Buckwheat, and all other grain. Flour of Wheat and Rye, Indian Meal and Oatmeal, and Flour or Meal of liny other grain, 106 CUSTOMS TARIFF. Ill I That if at any time any greater duty of Customs should be payable in the United States of America on tea or coffee imported from Canada than on tea or coffee im- ported from any other country, then the Governor in Council may impose on tea or coffee imported into Canada from the said United Slates, an additional duty of Customs equal to the duty payable in the United States on tea or coffee imported from Canada : Provided that tea or coffee imported into Canada from any country other than the said United States but passing in bond through the United States, shall be taken and rated as a direct importation from the country wherever the tea or coffee was purchased. That an allowance may be made for deterioration by na- tural decay or breakage upon all perishable and brittle goods imported into Canada, such ab green fruits and vegetables, crockery, china, glass and glassware, pro- vided such damage is found to exceed twenty-five per cent, of the value thereof, upon an examination to be made by an appraiser or proper officer of customs, at the first land- ing or within three days of such landing ; but such allow- ance shall be only for the amount of loss in excess of twenty- five per cent, c^ the whole quantity of such goods contained, or included in any one invoice ; and provided the duty has been paid on the full value thereof, a refund of such duty may be allowed and naid in the proportion and on fulfilment of the condit'mis above specified, but'not otherwise, on application to the Minister of Customs. That in determining the dutiable value of merchandise, except when imported from Great Britain, there shall be added to the cost or the actual wholesale price or fair market value at the time of exportation in the principal market of the country from whence the same has been imported into Canada, the cost of inland transportation, shipment and trans-shipment, with all the expenses included, from the place of growth, production or manufacture, whether by land or water, to the vessel in which shipment ig made, either ixx transitu or direct to Canada. CUSTOMS TARIFF. 107 That the Governor in Council shall from time to time estab- lish such regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be required to secure a just, faithful and impartial ap- praisal of all goods, wares and morchandise imported into Canada, and just and proper entries of the actual or fair market value thereof, and of the weights, measures or other quantities thereof, as each case may require, and such regulations, whether general or special, so made by the Governor in Council, shall have the full force and authority of law, and it shall be the duty of the appraisers of Can- adaand every of them, and every person who shall act as such appraiser, or of the Collector of Customs, as the case may be^ by all reasonable ways or means in his or their power to ascertain, estimate and appraise the true and fair market value and wholesale price, any invoice or affidavit thereto to the contrary notwithstanding, of the merchandise at the time of exportation and in the principal markets of the country whence the same has been imported into Canada, and the proper weights, measures or other quantities, aud the fair market value or wholesale price of every of them as the case may require. Tiiat no refund of duty paid shall be allowed because of any alleged inferiority or deficiency in quantity of goods im- ported and entered, and which have passed into the cus- tody of the importer under permit of the Collector of Cus- toms, not because of the omission in the invoice of any trade discount or other matter or thing, which might have the effect of reducing the value of such goods for duty, unless the same shall have been reported to the Collector of Customs within ten days of the date of entry, and the said goods shall have been examined by the said Collector, or by an appraiser or other proper otlicer of Customs, and the proper rate or amount of reduction certified by him after such examination, and if such Collector or proper officer re- ports that ^'/- goods in question cannot be identified as those named in the invoice and entry in question, then and in such case no refund of the duty or any part thereof shall in any case be allowed, and all applications for refund of duty Iq •fi ; 108 CUSTOMS TARIFF. such cases shall be submitted with the evidence and all par- ticulars for decision of the Minister of Customs, who may- then order payment on finding the evidence to be suflBcient and satisfactory. That it is expedient to provide, that the whole or part of the duty of thirty per centum ad valorem imposed by this Act upon wines imported into Canada, may be dispensed with upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that the Govern- ments of France and Spain, or either of them, have made changes in their tariffs of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada in reduction or repeal of the duties now in force in said countries. EXCISE DUTIES. On every gallon of Spirits of the strength of proof by Syke's hydrometer $1.00 On every pound of Malt ••- ^-01 On every gallon of any fermented beverage made in imitation of Beer, or Malt Liquor, and brewed in whole or in part from any other sub- stance than Malt •.— ^.08 On Cavendish Tobacco, on any lb. or less quantity o.^o On Canada Twist (Tabac llanc en tourquette) do.. 0.04 On Snuff, per lb. or less quantity 0.20 On all other descriptions of manufactured Tobacco per lb., or less quantity ■•••• ^,20 Cigars, subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calculating the weight for duty, to be fixed by Order in Council 40 cts. -T lb. Vinegar ■ 3 6-lOc, p. gal. All goods manufactured in bond shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to duties of excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they would be subject if imported from Great Britain and entered for consumption in Canada ; and when- ever any article, not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into a bond- ed manufactory, the difiference between the duty of excise in which it would be so liable and the Customs duty which would be levied on such article if imported and entered for consumption, shall be paid as a duty of Excise, when it is taken into the bonded manuiactory. I all par- who may suflficient ■ the duty A.ct upon rith upon may be e Govem- ave made I imported w in force 1.00 0.01 0.08 0,20 0.04 0.20 0.20 ct9. #" lb. 10c, p. gal. of bond for iqual to the ported from I and when- jh a duty of into aboud- ise in which be levied on hall be paid anufactory. ALPHABETICAL LIST OP CUSTOMS PORTS, OUT PORTS AND PREV^ENTIVE STATIONS. Those marked * are Out Ports. Those marked t are Prevontivo Stations, Clarenceville Coaticooke, W.P. Boundary Linof. Hereford f- Island Pond. Dundee. St. Regis*. Trout River*. Frelighsburg. Gaspe, W.P. Esquimaux Point*. Fox River. Madaline River. St. Anne des Mpnts *. Hemmingford . McLean's Corner* LacoUe. Amherstburg, W.P. Anderdon f. Riviere aux Ca- nards t. Belleville, W.P. Shannonville t. Province of Quehec. Montreal, W.P. Magdalen Islands, W. P. House Harbour. New Carlisle (Paspe- biac), W.P. Carlton f. Port Daniel f. New Richmond. Perce, W.P. Cape Cove. Potton (Mansonville), Quebec, W.P. Chicoutimi f. Escoumains f. Jersey Point *. Tadousac f. Rimouski, W.P. Province of Ontario. Brantford, W.P. Simcoe*, W.P. Brighton. Consecon f. Brockville W.P. Maitland *. Father Point. Matane. Russeltown. Athelstan. St. Armand, W.P. Philipsburg *. St. Plyacinthe, W.P. St. Johns, W.P. Rouse's Point. Sherbrooke, W.P. Sorel, W. P. Stanstead, W.P. Georgeville f . Rock Island. Stanstead Junction, Sutton (Abercorn) Three Rivers, W.P. Burwell. Port Bruce f. Chatham, W.P. Rondeau f. Romney f. Clifton, W.P. m I i}i I! I!' 110 ADVERTISEMENTS. aiiBnari 77 & 79 ST. LA WRENGE STREET, MONTREAL. MANUPAOTURBR OF PICTURE FRAME & LOOKING GLASSES. Special attention given to ADVERTISING FRAMES & SHOW CARDS AT LOW RATES. J, F. PiWEi i ©i.j FLOUR, PRODUCE, Provision Merchants •> AND SHIPPING AGENTS, 20 FOUNDLING STREET, MONTREAI.. LIST OF CUSTOMS PORT«. Ill TRE/^L, CARDS i % •J lilts •> Cbippawa*. Niagara Falls *. Suspension Bridget Thorold *. Uobourg, W.P. Grafton f. Colborne (Welland Canal), W.P. Collingwood, W.P. Cornwall, W.P. Aultsville t. Cramahe, W.P. Darlington ( Bow- man ville), W.P. Dover, W.P. Port Ryerse f. Dundas, W.P. Dimnville, W.P. Elgin (Edwardsburg), W.P. Fort Erie, W.P. Gait, W P. Gananoque, W.P. Rockport t. Goderich, W.P. Guelph, W.P. Berlin *, W.P. "Walkerton *,W\P. Hamilton, W.P. Hope, W.P. Kincardine, W.P. Kingston, W.P. Bath ♦. CoUinsbay t. Garden I?land f. South Fredericks- burg t. Wolf Island t. Kingsville. Lemingtoii*. Lindsay, W^ P. London, W^P. St. ThoniHS*. JStratbroy *. Morrisburg, W.P. Matildat (Iroqpois). Napanee, W.P. Mill Point \ Newcastle, W.P. Niagara, W.f^. Queenston ^, W.P. Oakvillc, W.P., Port Credit *, W. P. Wellington Square *. Oshawa, \\\Y*. Owen Sound, W.P. Meaford ■<■. Ottawa, W.P. Pembroke *, W.P. Paris, W.P. Penetauguisbene. Parry Sound t. Peterboro', W.P. Picton, W.P. "Wellington *. Milford *. Prescott, W.P. Prince Arthur's Land ing, W.P. Fort William*. Silver Islet*. Rowan. Sarnia, W.P. Co'irtwrigbtt. Moore t. Point Edward t. Petrolia*, W.P. St. Catharines. Port Robinson *. Port Dalhousie ». Saugeen (Southamp- ton). Sault Ste. Marie, W. P. Bruce Mines *. Manatowaning t. Killarney t. Moose Factory *. Michael's Bay *• Stanley, W.P. Stratford, W.P. St. Mary, W.P. Toronto, W.P. Barrie *, W.P. Byng Inlet t. Muskoko t. Trenton, W-P. Wallaceburg, W.P. Sombra t. Village of Lamb- ton t. Whitby, W.P. Pickering t. Windsor, W.P. Belle River t. Petite Cotet. Sandwich *. Springs t. Woodstock, W.P. Ingersoll^ W.P. rs, Province of New Brunswick. Bathurst, W.P. New Bandon *. Bay Verte. Campo Bello,(Welch- pool). W.P. Grand Manan *. Caraquette, W. P. Tracadie*, W.P. Chatham, W.P. Dalhousie, W P. Campbell ton*, W, P. Dorchester, W.P. Rockland *. Fredericton, W.P. Grand Falls, W.P. Edmunston *, W.P. Fish River f. 112 LIST OF CUSTOMS PORT;^. I !■! Grand River *. Lower Andover*. Tobique*. Hillsborough, W.P. Harvey*. Almat. Moncton, W.P. McAdams Junction, W.P. St. Croix t. Newcastle, W.P. Ricbibucto, W.P. Buctoucbe*, W.P, Cocagne*. Sackville, W.P. North Jopgins*. Shediac, W.P. Shippegan. St. Andrews, W.P. St. George, W.P. St. John, W.P. Lepreaux*. Musquash*. Quaco*. St. Stephen, W.P. Mill Town*. West Isle, W.P. Woodstock, W.P. Bloom field t. Canterbury t. Centreville*. Florenceville t- llichmond Station*, W.P. Province op Nova Scotia. Amherst, W.P. Joggins*. Pugvvash*, W.P. Tidnish*. Wallace*, W.P. Annapolis, W.P. Clement's Port*. Thome's Cove*. Antigonish, W.P. Harbour au Bou- che*. Little River, or Bayfield*. Arichat, W.P. St. Peters*, W.P. Port Richmond*. Lardoise*. Lennox Passage*. Island of Cape Breton and Strait of Canseau t. Riviere Bourgeoise*. Baddeck, W.P. Aspey Bay*. Great Bras d'Or*, W.P. Ingonish*. St. Anns*, W.P. Barrington, W.P. Port Latour*. Bridgetown, W.P. Port William*. Cornwallis. W.P. Canada ('reek*. French Cross*. Harbourville*. Horton*. Kentville*, W.P. Port Williams*, W. P. P. Digby, W.P. Bear River*, W.P. Free Port*. Sandy Cove*. Westport*. Guysboro, W.P. Cape Canseau*. Crow Harbor t. Isaac Harbor*. Liscomb*. [ Port Mulgrave*. St. Mary's River*. Whiteherd t. Halifax, W.P- Sheet Harbor*. Ship Harbor*. Liverpool, W.P. Londonderry, W.P. Locke Port, W.P. Five Islands*. Lunenburg, W.P. Bridgewater*. Chester*. Lahave*, W.P. Mahone Bay*, VV. P. Margaretsville, W.P. Port George*, W. P. North Sydney, W.P. Little Bras d'Or*. Parrsborough, W.P. Advocate Harbor*, W.P. Apple River*. Ratchford's River*. Pictou, W.P. Merigomish*. New Glasgow*, W. P. Pointe Brule*, W. P. River Johnt. Tatamagouche* W. P. Port Hawkesbury, W. P. Hastings, W.P. Port Hood, W.P. Margaree*. Port Medway, W.P. Shelburne, W.P. Jordans Bay*. Sydney. W.P. 'Caledonia*' •p. LIST OF CUSTOMS P0RT3. 113 n, W.P. iVll*. W.P. k, W.P. eldt. )iiry t. Mile*, leville t. md ytation*, Cow Bay*. Lingan*. Little Glace Bay* Lonisburg*. Main a Dieu*. South Bar. Truro, W.P. Weymouth, W.P. Acadie*. Beliveaii's Cove*. Port Gilbert*, W. P. Windsor, W.P. Cheverie*. Hantsport*. Maitland*, W.P. Walton*. Yarmonlh, W.P. Beaver River*. Pubnlco*. Tusket*. Phovince op Britiso Columbla.. Victoria, W.P. Burrard's Inlet, W. P. Kootney*. Nanaimo*. New Westminister*. Osayoos*. Steekeen River*, W P. 5*, W.P. 3 Bay*, W. sville, W.P. Jeorge*, W. dney, W.P. Bras d'Or*. •ough, W.P. late Harbor*, River*. Ford's River*. W.P. )mish*. xlasgow*, W. } Brule*, W. Johnt, lagouche* W. .wkesbury, W. ngs, W.P. )od, W.P. aree*. edway, W.P. •ne, W.P. ms Bay*. W.P. Ionia*' Winnipeg, W.P. Province op Manitoba. I North Pembina*. 1 York Factory*. Province of Prince Edward Island. Chirlottetown, W. P. Bay Fortune*. Cape Traverse*. Cardigan*. Cascumpec*, (Sur- vey Summerside). Crapaud*. Georgetown*, W.P. Grand River*. Malpeque*, (Survey Summerside.) Montague Bridge*. Murray Harbor*. Murray Harbor North*. New London*. North River. Orwell*. Pinette*. Port Hill*, (Survey Summerside.) j Rustico*. Souris*. St. Peters*. Summerside*," (In- dependant.") Tignish*, (Survey Summerside.) W. P. West Cape*, (Sur- rey Summerside.) 114 ADVERTIS'- lENTS. F« 1 # #j -AND DEALERS IN — FORAGE & GA TTLE SUPPLIES. ®i ^ ®i Ml^T-J' lit ; ■ MONTREAL. u TARIFF OF RATES AND DUES HARBOUR OP mOIVTRKAIi. i i i Dues to be levied on all Vessels in the Harbour. ctf. I On Steanibonts meaHuring 50 ton? nnd upwards, ppr ton register, for each day of *24 hours they roraain in tht; Harbour, reckoned from the hour of their arrival to tiiat of tlicir departure H On all other Vessels measuring 50 tons and upwards, per ton register, and per day, as aforesaid On Steamboats measuring under 50 tons register, for ouch day reckon- ed as aforesaid, each On all other Vessels, measuring from 25 to 50 tons register, per day, reckoned as aforesaid, each On all Vessels of less than 25 tons register each, per day as aforesaid, each •• 40 26 10 /ES. f $ .1 Hates to be levied on all Merchandise, Animals and things whatsoever. Landed or Shipped in the Harbonr. ARTICLES. or Ashes, Pot Pearl Axes Animals, unde- scribed Apples Alum Anchors Anvils Arrowroot Ale, Beer, and Porter, in btl . Beef Bark Baskets Brooms, Corn. .. Buckets Batteaux Boats, undscb'd. Burrstones Bottles, empty,.. Ballast Bouea Per Rate cts. barrel dozen each barrel ton weight ton meas'mt. barrel cord dozen (• n 2 Gear, Raft ton weight 25 Gypsum " 25 Grmdstones " 25 Glass, Window. . 100 feet 2 Glassware, in packages ton meas'mt. 20 Grain (uats ex- cepted ) 100 bushels 25 ARTICLES. Per Bate cts. Ginger , ton weight 30 Glue " 30 Grease " 80 Gunpowder " 80 Gold or Bullion Free Groceries, not otherwise en- umerated, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Hides dozen 5 Horses each 4 Horns ton weight 26 Hoofs " 25 Hay " 20 Handspikes 100 pieces 15 Hemp ton weight 30 Honey " 30 Hops " 30 Hardware, man- ufactured, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Hollow VYaro... . ton meas'mt. 20 Iron ton weight 26 Iron Pipe " 30 Junk " 30 Lemons ton meas'mt. 20 Lime ton weight 10 Luggage " 25 Liquors ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Laths 1000 4 Lumber (board measure 1000 feet 10 Lampblack ton weight 30 Lard " mt. 30 Leather ton wt. 40 ton 30 Lead (ground) White or Red. . ton weight 30 Liquorice Paste " 30 Meal barrel 2 Meats " 2 Motals of all kinds, in pig, bar, bolts, rods or sheets ton w<>ight 30 (When in lots of five tons and over, 25 cts.) Millstones. . .. ton weight 25 Moulds, Plough " 25 ^Matches 12 gross 2 MaJt 100 bushels 25 Marble, unman- ufactured 100 cubic ft. 20 Do. manufact'd Granite, &c ... ton weight 30 Meats, dry salted ton wt. 20 ton mt. 15 Moats, preserv'd. ton weight 25 Molasses '• 30 Machinery, ton wt. 30 ton mt. 30 I WHARFAGE TARIFF. 117 Bate cts. Ight 30 30 30 30 ....Free 30 30 10 ARTICLES. Per Rate cts. Nails ton weight 25 Nuts of all kinds. " 30 Oars 100 15 Oranges ton meas'mt. 20 Onions bushel 1 Oysters " 1 Ores of all kinds, ton weight 25 Oil •' 30 Oakum " 30 Ochres " 30 Oilcake " 30 Oats 100 busiiols 15 Pitch barrel 2 Pork " 2 Plata's, Canada.. box 2 Plates, Tni " 2 Pails dozen 2 Poultry •' 2 Puncheon packs. each 2 Pipes emjfty *• 2 Puncheons, empty " 2 Pipes, Clay ton ineas'nit. 20 Potatoes biishf'l 1 Plaster of Paris. . ton weight 25 Poles, Hop 100 5 Pulse 100 liush»>ls 25 Paint ton wt. 30 ton mt. 25 Paper, (wrap'g) " 3') " 25 Putty '< 30 '• 25 i'hosphate of Lime, unman- ufactured ton weight 10 Plaster ' f Paris unmanifiict'd . " 10 Petroleum (four barrels to the ton; " 20 Pickles and Sauces ton wt. 30 ton mt, 25 Rosin barrel 2 Rags ton wt. So ton mt. 25 Rice " 30 " 25 Rope " 30 *' 25 Shovels dozen 2 Skins, Buflalo... " 10 Skins, uutanu'd & ancured..tou wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Spades dozen 2 Snooks, punch.. each 2 Staves, barrel... mille 15 Do. punch.. " 20 Do. stand'rd. " 60 Sand ton weight 10 !fhort'? <* 25 ARTICLES. Per Rate Shot " ' 26 Soda Ash, Caus- tic Soda, Sal Soda, Silicate Soda " 25 Spikes " 25 Stoves " 25 Straw " 20 Stone (except ballast) 100 cubic ft. 20 Salt 100 bushels 25 Seed " 25 Sleepers, R.R. .. 100 26 Shingles 1000 4 Slates for roofi'g, 1000 10 Sago ton weight 30 Salaratus. '• .30 Sulphur " 30 Saltpetre " 30 Snuff ;.. *' 30 Soap " 30 Spices " 30 Starch . " 30 StoncwarH, in crati's ton meas'mt. 15 Sujiar ton weight 30 S o \v i n g M a - chines ton wt. 30 tonjmt. 30 Steel '• 40 <' 30 Tar barrel 2 Tiles lor rooting. 1000 10 Timber 100 cubic ft. 10 Tallow ton weight 30 Teas ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Tobacco ton weight 30 low " 30 Vehicles, unde- scribed each 4 Vegetables, green bushel 1 Do preserved . . ton weight 25 Vinegar ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Wood, tire cord 5 Do. lath " 30 Wliiting.: ton weight 25 Wine ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Waddiug ton meas'mt. 15 Wax ton weight 30 Wire " 30 Wool ton meas'mt. 25 Whetstones ton weight 30 Whisks, corn dozen 1 Wood, manu- factured ton meas'mt. 20 Waters, aerated uud iuiiiurul. .. " 20 118 WHARFAGE TARIFF. SUPPLEMENT TO 1¥HA»PAGE TARIFF. I I'': 'Hi Ton wht. Advers. Pamphlets. . , Agricultural Imp'muts Axles Bagatelle Boards Billiard Tables Belting & House Duck, Bathbrick & Fire do. Books (printed) do (blank Boots & Shoes (leather do do (lolt).. Bustles & Hogs Hair Bulbs Cables, Iron Chains. . . . do Hemp Canvas Cigars Clocks •• Confectionery Clay tlas Retorts Drain Pipes Drawings (not in Oil). Dye Stuffs Engravings and Prints. Fancy Goods Felt for rooting Fire Arms Furs (dressed ) — cts. 40 30 30 40 25 40 40 40 40 26 30 60 40 25 25 40 40 50 40 40 60 Ton meas- mt. cts. 40 30 50 50 40 p.mill 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 40 40 15 15 40 30 40 50 40 30 50 Ton wht. Furs (undressed) — Gas Fittings Galvanized Iron Guttapercha (nat. state Hair or Mohair Harness and Saddlery. Hats Hose and Tubing Horn and Ivory India Rubber (manuf.) Instruments (msical).. Jewellery & Watches.. Japanned Ware I'aints and Oils Paper {writing & other) Paperhangings Perfumery Piping & Tubes (Iron) Pipes (tobacco) Plated Ware Plants and Shrubs P'tgs(inOil & Chromos Small wares Soap perfumed & fancy Stationery Salt in jars Twines cts. 40 40 40 40 30 40 40 40 50 40 50 50 40 40 Ton meas- mt. cts. 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 40 50 60 50 40 25 40 40 60 30 20 50 40 60 50 60 40 30 40 Harbour Commissionbrs Office, Montreal, September 3, 1877. On all Gooda, Wares and Merchandise whatsoever, the quantity of which by weight, measurement, or other mode of estimate provided tor in the Tariff, cannot be conveniently ascertained, it shall be lawful tor the Harbour Commissioners to levy a rate of ^ of 1 per cent, on the value thereof. Goods not coming under any class enumerated in the Tariff shall be charged the same rate as the class to which they are most nearly assimi- lated. Each entry shall pay not less than 5 cents. All property landed on the wharves for re-shipment shall only pay one wharfage. The Ton Weight mentioned in the Tariff shall l-e 2000 lbs. r. Ton ?. meas- mt. ■^" cts. » 30 > 30 30 ) 40 ) 40 40 50 60 40 50 50 50 40 (► 25 40 40 50 30 20 50 •() 40 60 .0 50 .0 50 to 40 10 30 40 uantity of ovided for lawful for 1 the value ff" shall be irly assimi- ily pay one 1 W: ^.0.9. ^^ 1 e.Bee andy n — oOld hiske im.. . -."T'H : ', "^ o • S B : : ^ • o • 1-^ . n a c o > o Glass Gars, 2 Gal. I mpl. Inc'g Cases Mats. t ir 120 ADVERTISEMENi:S. THE ACCIDENT §^ OF CAN ABA. Incorporated by Dominion Parliament, A.D., 1872. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $250, 000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTHEAL. President, Vice-President, SIR A. T. GALT. JOHN RANKIN, Esq. MANAGER, EDWARD RAWLINGS. The Accident is the only purely Accident Insurance Company in Canada ; its business is more than twice that tiausacted by all the other Canadian Companies combined ; it has never contested a claim at law, and is the only Canadian Com i. any which has made the Special JJeposit v:ith Government fov ih) transaction of Accident Insurance in the Dominion. If aais® ^ ipaEj Is specially authorized by Government I'or the it^sue of BONDS OF SURETYSHIP on behalf of the employees in positions of trust. The full deposit of $50,000 has been made with the Governmeni It is the only Company transacting Guarantee business that has made any such deposit. This Company has paid over S100,000 to employers for the defaults of employees. Head Office.— 103 St. Francois Xavier St., Montreal. Prkpident;-SIR ALEXANDER T. GALT. Vice-President :~JOH^ RAJNKIN, Esq. EDWARD RAWLINGS, ITIanaaer. ** TABLE SHEWING THE OF ALL Svims from Ono Penny to Fifty Thousand Poun-ls Stg., CALCULATED At 9|, or New Par of Excliange. £ $ c. £ $ c. £ $ c. 1 4.87 18 87.60 35 170.33 9 9.73 19— 92.47 36— 175.20 O »..' 14.60 20— 97.33 37 IPO. 07 J 19.47 21 — 1J2.20 38 184.93 5 24.33 22 107.07 39— 189.80 (■ 29.20 23 111.93 40 194.67 7 34.07 24 116.80 41 199.53 8 38.93 25 121.'o7 42-- 204.40 9 43.80 26 126.53 43 209.27 10 4^.67 27— 131.40 44— 214.13 11 53.53 28- 136.27 45 219.00 12 58.40 29 141.13 46 223 87 13 63.27 30 146.00 47 228.73 14 68.13 31 1 50 . 87 48 233.60 15 73.00 32 155.73 49 238 . 47 16 77.87 33 160.60 50— 243.33 17- 82.73 34 165.47 51 218.20 iii vi 122 52— 58 — 54— 55— 5G— 57— 58— 59— 60— 61— 62— 68— 64— 65- m— 67— 68— 69— 70— 71— 72— 73— 74— 75— 76— 77- 78- 79— 80- 81- 82- 83- 84- 85=- 86- EXCHANOE TABLE. ® C. 253.07 257.93 262.80 267.67 272 . 53 277.40 282.27 287.13 292.00 296.87 301.72 306.60 311.47 316.33 321.20 326.07 330.93 335.80 340 . 67 345-53 350.40 355.27 360.13 365.00 369.87 374.73 379.60 384 . 47 389.33 . 394.20 . 399.07 . 403.93 . 408.80 - 413 e 67 . 418.53 87— 88— 89— 90— 91— 92— 93— 94— 95- 96— 97— 98— 99— 100— 101— 102— 103— 104— 105— 106— 107 — 108— 109— 110— 111— 112— 113- 114- 115- 116- 117- 118- 119- 120- 121- 423.40 428.27 433.13 438.00 442 . 87 447.73 452 . 60 457.47 462.33 467.20 472.07 476.93 481.80 486.67 491.53 496.40 501.27 506.13 511.00 515.87 520.73 525.60 530.47 535.33 540.20 545.07 . 549.93 . 554.80 . 559.67 . 564.53 . 569.40 - 574.27 - 579.13 - 584.00 - 588 . 87 122— 123— 124— 125— 126— 127— 128— 129— 130— 131— 132— 133— 134— 135— 136— 137— 138— 139— 140— 141— 142— 143— 144— 145— 146— 147— 148— 149— 150— 151— 152— 153- 154- 155- 156- 8 0. 593 . 73 598.60 603.47 608.33 613.20 618.07 622 . 93 627.80 632.67 637.53 642 . 40 647.27 652.13 657.00 661.87 666.73 671.60 676.47 681.33 686.20 691.07 695.93 700.80 705.67 710.53 715.40 720.27 725.13 730.00 734.87 739.73 744.60 • 749.47 . 754.33 - 759.20 E^iOIIANaE TABLE. 128 $ 0. 593 . 73 598.60 603.47 008.33 613.20 618.07 622 . 93 627.80 632.67 637.53 642 . 40 647.27 652.13 657.00 661.87 666.73 671.60 676.47 681.33 686.20 691.07 695.93 700.80 705.67 710.53 715.40 720.27 725.13 730.00 734.87 739.73 744.60 749 . 47 754.33 759.20 li 157— 158— 159— 160— 161 — 162— 1 63— ir.4— 16;') — 1(;6— 1 67— 168— 169— 170- 171 — 172— 173— 174— 175 — 176— 177- 178— 179— 180— 181— 182— 183— 184— 185- 186— 187— 188— 189— 190— 191— 764.07 768.93 773.80 778.67 783.. 53 788.40 7^)3.27 798.13 803.00 807.87 812.73 817.60 822.47 827.33 832.20 837 . 07 84 1 . 93 846 . 80 8f)1.67 856.53 861.40 866.27 871.13 876.00 880.87 885.73 890.60 895.47 900.33 905.20 910.07 914.93 919.80 924.67 929.53 192— 193— 194- 195— 196 — 107— 198— 1 99— 200— 201 — 202— 203— 204— 205— 206— 207 — 208— 209— 210— 211 — 212— 213— 214— 215— 216— 217— 218— 219— 220— 221— 222— 223— 224— 225— 226- $ 0. 934.40 939.27 944.13 919.00 953.87 958.73 963.60 968.-17 07:^33 078.20 983.07 9S7 . 93 992.80 997 . 67 1002.53 1007.40 1012.27 1017.13 1 022 1026 1031 1036.60 1041.47 1046.33 1051.20 1050.07 1060.93 1065.80 1070.67 1075.53 1080.40 1085.27 1090.13 1095.00 1099.87 00 87 .73 227— 228— 229— 230— 231— 233— 234— 235— 23(]— 237— 238— 239 — 240— 241 — 242— 213— 214— 245— 246— 247— 248- 249- 250- 251- 252- 253- 254- 255- 256- 257 258- 259 260 261 $ 0. 1104.73 1109.60 1114.47 1119.33 1124.20 1129.07 1133.93 1138.80 1143.67 11-18.53 1153.40 1158.27 1163.13 1168.00 1172.87 1177.73 1182.60 1KS7.47 1192.33 1197.20 1202.07 1206.93 ■ 1211.80 - 1216.63 - 1221.57 - 1226.40 - 1231.27 - 1236.13 1241.00 1245.87 1250.73 1255.60 1260.47 1265.33 1270.20 124: EXCHANGE TABLE. : A I fii £ $ c. $ c. £ $ C. 262— 1275.07 297 1445.40 332— 1615.73 263 1279.93 298— 1460.17 333— 1620.60 264 1284.80 299 14.50.23 334— 1625.47 265 1289.67 300— 1460.00 335— 1630.33 266 1294.53 301— 1464.87 336— 1635.20 267 1299.40 302— 1469.73 337 1640.07 268 1304.27 303— 1474.60 338— 1644.93 269 1309.13 301— 1479.17 339— 1649.80 270 1314.00 305— 1484.33 340 1654.67 271 .1318.87 306— 1489.20 341 1659.53 272 1323.73 307— 1494.07 342— 1664.40 273 1328.60 308— 1498.93 343 - 1669.27 274— 1333.47 309 1503.80 344 1674.13 275— 1338.33 310 1508.67 345— 1679.00 27ti— 1343.20 311— 1514.53 346 1683.87 277— 1348.07 312— 1518.40 347 1688.73 278 1352.93 313— 1523.27 348 1693.60 279— 1357.80 314— 1528.13 349 1698.47 280— 1362.67 315— 1533.00 350— 1703.33 281— 1367.53 316— 1537.87 851 1708.20 282— 1372.40 317— 1542.73 352 1713.07 283 1377.27 318 1547. CO 353 1717.93 284— 1382.13 319— 1552.47 354 1722.80 285— 1387.00 320 1557. 3^ 355 1727.67 286— 1391.87 321— 1562.20 356 1732.53 287 1396.73 322— 1567.07 357 1737.40 288— 1401.60 323— 1571.93 358 1742.27 289 1406.47 324— 1576.80 359— 1747.13 290 1411.33 325— 1581.67 360 a752.00 f 291 1416.20 326 1586.53 361 1756.87 292 1421.07 327— 1591.40 362 1761.73 293— 1425.93 328— 1596.27 363 1766.60 294 1430.80 329— 1601 . 13 364 1771.47 295 1435.67 330— 1606.00 365— 1776.33 296 1440.53 331— 1610.87 366 1781.20 EXCHANGE TABLE. 125 ^ c. 1615.73 1620.60 1625.47 1630.83 1635.20 1640.07 1644.93 1649.80 1654.67 1659.53 1664.40 1669.27 1674.13 1679.00 1683.87 1688.73 1693.60 1698.47 1703.33 1708.20 1713.07 1717.93 1722.80 1727.67 1732.53 1737.40 1742.27 1747.13 a752.00 1756.87 1761.73 1766.60 1771.47 1776.33 1781.20 c. 367— 1786.07 368- 369- 370- 371- 372- 373- 374- 375- 376- 377- 378- 379- 380- 381- 382- 383- 384- 385- 386- 387- 388- 489- 390- 391- 392- 393- 394- 395- 396- 307- *.'*.' I..' ».-# , ' ■. •— 399- 400- 401- 1790.93 1795. SO 1800,67 1805.53 1810.40 1815.27 1820.13 1S25.00 1829.87 1 834 . 73 1839.60 1844.47 1849.33 1854.20 1859.07 1863.93 1868.80 1873.67 1878.53 1883.40 1888.27 1893.13 1898.00 in02.87 1907.73 1912.60 1917.47 1922.. 33 1927.20 1932.07 ji):;6.93 1941.80 1946.67 1951.53 402- 403- 404- 405- 406- 407- 408- 409- 410- 411- 412- 41M- 414- 415- 416- 417- 418- 419- 420- 421- 422- 423- 424- 425- 426- 427- 428- 429- 430- 431- 432- 433- 434- 435- 436- $ c. 1961.27 1966.13 1971.00 1975.87 1980.73 1985.60 1990.47 1995.33 2000.20 2005.07 2009.93 2014.80 2019.67 2024.53 2029.40 2034.27 2039.13 2044.00 2048.87 2053.73 2058.60 20()3.47 2068.33 2073.20 2078.07 2082.93 2087.80 2092.67 2097.53 2102.40 2107.27 2112.13 2117.00 212i.S7 437- 438 439- 440- 441- 442 443 444- 445' 446- 447- 448- 449- 450- 451- 452- 453- 454- 455- 456- 457- 458- 459- 460- 461- 462- 463- 464- 465- 466- 4'J7- 468- 469- 470- 471- $ c. 2126.73 2131.60 2136.47 2141.33 2146.20 2151.07 2155.93 2160.80 2165.67 2170.53 2175.40 2180.27 2185.13 2190.00 2194.87 2199.73 2204.60 2209.47 2214.33 2219.20 2224.07 2228.93 2233 . 80 2238.67 2243 . 53 2248-40 2253.27 2258.13 2263.0.0 2267.87 2272.73 2277.60 2282.47 2287.33 2292.20 126 EXCHANGE TABLE. £ $ c. I £ ■ i ■' ■ i ;;! 1 472— 473— 474— 475— 476— 477— 478— 479— 480— 481— 482— 483— 484— 485— 486— 487— 488— 489— 490— 491- 492— 493- 494- 495- 496- 497- 498- 499- 500- 501- 502- 503- 504 505 506 2297.07 2301.93 2306.80 2311.67 2316.53 2321.40 2326.27 2331.13 2336 . 00 2340 . 87 2345 . 73 2350.60 2355.47 2360.33 - 2365.20 _ 2370.07 - 2374.93 - 2379.80 - 2384.67 - 2389.53 - 2394.40 - 2399.27 - 2404.13 - 2409.00 - 2413.87 - 2418.73 - 2423.60 - 2428.47 - 2433.33 - 2438.20 - 2443.07 - 2447.93 - 2452.80 - 2457.67 - 2462.53 507 508— 509— 510— 511— 512— 513— 514— 515— 516— 517— 518— 519— 520— 521— 522— 523— 524— 525— 526— 527— 528— 529- 530- 531- 532- 533- 534- 535- 536- 537- 538- 539- 540- 541 $ c. 2467.40 2472.27 2477.13 2482.00 2486.87 1:^91.73 2496.60 2501.47 2506.33 2511.20 2516.07 2520.93 2525.80 2530.67 2535.53 2540.40 2545.27 2550.13 2555.00 2559.87 2564.73 2569.60 2574.47 2579.33 2584.20 2589.07 2593.93 2598.80 2603.67 2608.53 2613.40 2618.27 • 2623.13 • 2628.00 — 2632.87 542— 543 — 544— 545— 546— 547— 548— 549— 550— 551 — 552— 553— 554— 555— 556— 557— 558— 559— 560 561 562- 563- 564- 565- 566- 567- 568- 569- 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 561— $ 0. 2637 . 73 2642.60 2647.47 2652.33 2657.20 2662.07 2666.93 2671.80 2676.67 2681.63 2686.40 2691.27 2696.13 2701.00 2705.87 2710.73 2715.60 2720.47 2725.33 2730.20 273.5.07 2739.93 2744 . 80 2749.67 2754.53 2759.40 2764.27 2769.13 2774.00 . 2778.87 2783.73 . 2788.60 . 2793.46 — 2798.33 — 2803.20 EXCHANGE TABLE. 127 $ 0. 637.73 1642.60 S647.47 !652.33 5657.20 5662.07 2666.93 2671.80 2676.67 2681.63 2686.40 2691.27 2696.13 2701.00 2705.87 2710.73 2715.60 2720.47 2725.33 2730.20 273.5.07 2739.93 2744 . 80 2749.67 2754.53 2759.40 2764.27 2769.13 2774.00 2778.87 2783.73 . 2788.60 . 2793.46 . 2798.33 . 2803.20 577- 578- 579- 580- 581- 582- 583- 584- 585- 586- 587- 588- 589- 590- 591- 592- 593- 594- 595- 596- 597- 598- 599- 600- 601- 602- 603- 604- 605- 606- 607- 608- 609- 610- 611- $ c. 2808 . 07 2812.93 2817.80 2822.67 2827.53 2832.40 2837.27 2842.13 2847.00 2851.87 2856.73 2861.60 2866.47 2871.33 2876.20 2881.07 2885.93 2890.80 2895.67 2900.53 2905.40 2910.27 2915.13 2920.00 2924.87 2929.73 2934.60 2939.47 2944.33 2949.20 2954.07 2958.93 2963.80 2968.67 2973.53 612- 613- 614- 615- 616- 617- 618- 619- 620- 621- 622- 623- 624- 625- 626- 627- 628- 629- 630- 631- 632- 633- 634- 635- 636- 637- 638- 639- 640- 641- 642- 643- 644- 645- 646- ^ c. 2978.40 2983.27 2988.13 2993.00 2997.87 30(12.73 3007.60 3012.47 3017.33 3022.20 3027.07 3031.93 3036.80 3041.67 3046.53 3051.40 3056.27 3061.13 3066.00 3070.87 3075.73 3080.60 3085.47 3090.33 3095.20 3100.07 3104.93 3109.80 3114.67 3119.53 3124.40 3129.27 3134.13 3139.00 3143.87 £ 647- 648- 649- 650- 651- 652- 653- 654- 655- 656- 657- 658- 659- 660- 661- 662- 663- 664- 665- 666- 667- 668- 669- 670- 671- 672- 673- 674- 675- 676- 677- 678- 679- 680- 681- $ c. 3148.73 3153.60 3158.47 3163.33 3168.20 3173.07 3177.93 3182.80 3187.67 3192.53 3197.40 3202.27 3207.13 3212.00 3216.87 3221.73 3226.60 3231.47 3236.33 3241.20 3246.07 3250.93 3255.80 3260.67 3265.53 3270.40 3275.27 3280.13 3285.00 3--89.87 3294.73 3299.60 3304.47 3309.33 3314.20 m It! i 128 682— 683— 684— 685— 686— 687— 688— 689— 690— 691— 692— 693— 694— 695— 696— 697— 698— 699— 700— 701- 702— 703— 704— 705— 706- 707- 708- 709- 710- 711- 712- 713- 714- 715- 716- EXClIANaE TABLE. 3319.07 3323.93 3328.80 3333 67 3338.53 3343.40 3348.27 3353.13 3358.00 3362.87 3307.73 3372.60 3377.47 oo82 . o.> 3387.20 3392.07 3396.93 3401.80 3406.67 3411.53 34i6.40 3421.27 . 3426.13 - 3431.00 - 3435.87 . 3440.73 - 3445.60 - 3450.47 - 3455.33 - 3460.20 - 3465.07 - 3469.93 ~ 3474.80 - 34i9.67 - 3484.53 717- 718- 719— 720— 721 — 722— 723— 724— 725— 726— 727— 728— 729— 730— 731 — 732— 733— 734— 735- 736— 737— 738- 739- 740- 741- 742- 743- 744- 745- 746- 747- 748- 749- 750- 751- ^ c. 3489.40 3494.27 3499.13 3504.00 3508.87 3513.73 3518.60 3523.47 3528.33 3533.20 3538. <:7 3542.93 3547.80 3552.67 3557.53 3562.40 3567.27 3572 13 3577.00 • 3581.87 . 3586.73 • 3591.60 - 3596.47 - 3601.33 - 360t>.20 - 3611.07 - .3615.93 - 3620.80 - 3625.67 - 3630.53 - 3635.40 - 3640.27 - 3645.13 - 3650.00 .87 752— 753- 754— 755- 756— 757— 758— 759— 7r)0— 761— 762— 763— 764— 765— 766— 767— 768— 7<;9— 770— 771— 772- 773- 774- 775- 776- 777- 778- 779- 780- 781- 782- 78 784- 785- A EXCIIANQE TABLE. 129 * C. 3G59.73 3(U)4.G0 8r)00.47 3074.33 3679 . 20 3684.07 3688.93 3693.80 3698.67 3703 . 53 3708.40 3713.27 3718.13 3723.00 3727.87 3732.73 3737 . 60 3742.47 3747.33 3752.20 3757.07 3761.93 3766.80 . 3771.67 ■ 3776.53 ■ 3781.40 - 3786.27 - 3791.13 - 3796.00 - 3800.87 - 3805.73 - 3810.60 - 3815.47 - 3820.33 - 3825.20 7S7- 7SS- 789- 790- 791- 792- 793- 794- 795- 79(;- 797- 798- 799- 800- 801- 802- 803- 804- 805- 80()- 807- 808- 809- 810- 811- 812- 813- 814- 815- 816- 817- 818- 819- 820- 821- $ c. 3830.07 3834.93 3839 . 80 3844.67 3849.53 3854.40 3859.27 3864.13 3869.00 3873.87 3878.73 3883.60 3888.47 3893.33 3898.20 39o::{.07 3907.93 3912.80 3917.67 3922.53 3927.40 3932.27 3937.13 3942.00 3946.87 3951.73 3956.60 3961.47 3966.33 3971.20 3976.07 3980.93 3985.80 3990.67 3995.53 C 822- 823- 824- 825- 826- 827- 828- 829- 830- 831- 832- 833- 834- 835- 836- 837- 838- 839- 840- 841- 842- 843- 844- 845- 846- 847- 848- 849- 850- 851- 852- 853- 854- 855- 856- ^ c. 4000.40 4005.27 4010.13 4015.00 4019.87 4024.73 4029. ()0 4034.47 4039.33 4044.20 404!). 07 4053.93 4058.80 4063.67 4068.53 4073.40 4078.27 4083.13 4088.00 4092.87 4097.73 4102.60 4107.47 4112.33 4117.20 4122.07 4126.93 4131.80 4136.67 4141.53 4146.40 4151.27 4156.13 4161.00 4165.87 857- 858- 859- 860- 861- 862- 863- 8(>4- 865- 866- 867- 8()8- 869- 870- 871- 872- 873- 874- 87.5- 876- 877- 878- 879- 880- 881- 882- 883- 884- 885- 886- 887- 8s8- 889- 890- 891- » c. 4170.73 4175.60 4180.47 4185.33 4190.20 4195.07 4199.93 4204.80 4209 . 07 4214.53 4219.40 4224.27 4229.13 4234.00 4238.87 4243 . 73 4248 . 60 4253.47 4258.33 4263 . 20 4268.07 4272.93 4277.80 4282.67 4287.53 4292.40 4297.27 4302.13 4307.00 4311.87 4316.73 4321.60 4326.47 4331.33 4336.20 I * ,1 ( 130 £ EXCHANGE TABLE. 802— S!K'i— 8l)i-- 81)5— 80()— 81)7— 81)8— 81)9— 1)00— 901— 902 — 903— 904— 905— 90G— 907— DOS- goo- 910- 911— 912- 913— 914- $ c. 4341.07 4345.93 4350.80 4355.07 915- 910- If 917— 918— 919— 920— 92 1 - 922— 923- 924- 925- 926 4300.53 4365.40 4370.27 4375.13 4380.00 4384.87 4389.73 4394.00 4399.47 4404.33 4409.20 4414.07 4418.93 4423 . 80 4428.67 4433.53 4438.40 4443.27 4448.13 4453.00 4457.87 4462.73 4467.60 4472.47 4477.33 4482.20 4487.07 4491.93 4496.80 4501.67 _. 4506.53 927— 928— 929— 930— 931— 932— 933— 934— 935— 936— 937— 938— 939— 940— 941 — "942— 943— 944— 945— 946- 947- 948- 949- 950- 951- 952- 953- 954- 955- 956- 957- 958- 059- 960- 961- $ c. 4511.40 4516.27 4521.13 4526.00 4530 . 87 4535.73 4540.60 4545.47 4550.33 4555.20 4560.07 4564.93 4569.80 4574.67 4579.53 4584.40 4589.27 1594.13 4599.00 4603.87 4608.73 4613.60 , 4618.47 . 4623.33 - 4628.20 - 4633.07 - 4637.93 - 4642.80 - 4647.67 - 4652.53 - 4657.40 _ 4662.27 - 4667.13 _ 4672.00 - 4676.87 $ c. 962— 963— 964— 965— 966— 967— 968— 969- - 970— 971— 972— 973— 974— 975— 976— 977— 978— 979— 980— 981- 982- 983- 984- 985- 986- 987- 988- 989- 900- 901- 992- 993- 994- 995- 996- 4681.73 4686 . 60 4691.47 4696.33 4701.20 4706.07 4710.93 4715.80 4720 . 67 4725.53 4730 . 40 4735 . 27 4740.13 4745.00 ^ 4749,87 4754.73 4759.60 4764.47 4769.33 4774.20 4779.07 4783.93 4788.80 4793.67 4798.53 4803.40 4808.27 4813.13 4818.00 4822.87 4827.73 4832.00 . 4837.47 . 4842.33 . 4847.20 EXCHANGE TABLE. t681.73 mij . 00 ^691.47 tG96 . 33 1701.20 1706.07 1710.93 4715.80 4720 . 67 4725.53 4730 . 40 4735 . 27 4740.13 4745.00 " 4749,87 4754.73 4759.60 4764.47 4769.33 4774.20 4779.07 4783.93 . 4788.80 . 4793.67 - 4798.53 - 4803.40 - 4808.27 _ 4813.13 _ 4818.00 _ 4822.87 _ 4827.13 _ 4832.60 _ 4837.47 _ 4842.33 _ 4847.20 £ 907- 998- 999- 1000- 1100- 1200- 1300- JIOO- 4852 . 07 4856.93 4861.80 4866.67 5353.33 5840.00 6326.67 6813.33 PENCE. 1_ 2.1-12 2— 4.1-6 3— 6 . 1-4 4— 8 . 1-3 5_ 10.5-12 6— 12.1-2 7_ 14.7-12 8— 16.2-3 9_ 18.3-4 10— 20.5-6 11— 22.11-12 12— 25. £ 1500- 1600- 1700- 1800- 1900- 2000- 3000- 4000- $ 0. 7,300.00 7786.67 8273 . 33 8760.00 9246.67 9733.33 14600.00 19466.67 SHILLINGS. 1- 9— 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 131 c. 5000- 6000- 7000- 8000- 9000- 10000- 50000- 24333.33 . 29200.00 ■ 34066.67 . 38933.33 . 43800.00 . 48666.67 243333.33 24^ m 73 1-218 1.46 1.70^ 1.94'4 2.19 2.67§ '> 09 SHILLINGS. 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20— 3.16^ 3.408 3.65 3. 89 J 4.13# 4.38' 4.62 4.86S 11 RELATIVE VALUE IN CANADIAN CURRENCY OF THE COINAGE OF ALL NATIONS. Country. Austiia Belgium Bolivia Brazil British Powossiont iu North America Bogota . ; Central America. Chili I INIonetary Unit. Standard. 1 Money Value in United States. China Denmark Kquador. Egypt ... Franco . Greece German Empire . Japan India Italy Liberia Mexico Neiherlands Norway. I'eru. ... I ••••••• • Portugal. Russia Sandwich Mauds Spain Sweden Switzerland Tripoli Turkey United Statf'« Columbia. .. Florin Franc Dollar Melrees 1000 reis Dollar Peso Dollar Peso Taet Crown Dollars Pound of 100 Piasters Franc Drachama IMark Yen llup«'e of 16 Annas Lira Dollar Dollar Florin Crown Dollar Milreis of 1000 reis Ruble of 100 Copies Dollur Pese'aof 100 Centinis Crown Franc Mahbub of 20 Piasters Piasters Peso of Gold and Silver do Gold Gold do Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Gold and Silver Gold and Silver Gold Gold Silver Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold Gold and Silver Gold Gold and Silver Silver Gold Silver Standard Coin . 45 3-10 19 3-10 96 5-10 54 5-10 .SI. 00 9(5 5-10 93 5-10 91 2-20 !ft;1.35 2») 8-10 93 5-10 !ii;4.97 4-10 19 3-10 19 .3-10 23 8-10 99 7-10 44 4-10 19 3-10 $1.00 IBI.OI 5-10 38 5-10 26 8-10 93 5-10 §1.08 74 8-10 «;l.00 19 3-10 26 8-10 19 3-10 84 4-10 I 04 3-10 i m 5-10 8 Guildur or20 Francs Gold 5, 10 & 20 Francs Escudo, ^bolivar None Dollar Condor dubloons and Escudo 10 Muceo & 100 Candarens 10 & 20 Crowns Dollar 5, 10, 20, 50 Piasters 5, 10 & 20 Francs 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Drachma 5, 10 tfe 20 Marks 1, 2,5,10,20Yeu 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100 Lira Peso or Dollar 5, V). 25 Florin 10 Guldens Gold.* 1.01 9-10 10 & 20 Crowns 2, 5 & 10 Milreis \, h & Rouble 5,10.20,50*100 Peseta 10 & 20 Crowns 5, 10 & 20 i^'rancs 25.50, 100. 250 A; 500 Piasters ' THE Beli;;ian, French and Swiss Fraucs ; SjKumh Pesetas^ Grecian. Drachms, and Italian Lirar,. EAC1I=19.8 CKNTS. d Coin . ir or 20 i ilold Francs i bolivar illO Uar dubloous iscudo eo k 100 larens I Crowns illar , 20, 50 isters 20 Frsinc3 ;0, 50, 100 Lchma 20 Marks 10, 20 Yeu ), 50 & 100 Jra ir Dollar 10. 25 10 Guidons M.Ol 9-l<> Crowns 10 Milrois t Koublo :o,50.t 100 Vscta iO Crowns 1 20 i^Yancs , 100. 250 & riastcrs Francs, &c. 1)0 lars and JJt'Cinials Francs, Dollars and Decimals Francs, &c. Dollars and Decimals thereof. thereof. thereof. 1 .193 45 8.685 89 17.177 2 .38<> 46 8.878 90 17.37 3 .579 47 9.§71 91 17.563 4 .772 48 9.264 92 17.756 5 .905 49 9.457 93 17.9-19 6 1.158 50 9.65 94 18.142 7 1.351 51 9.843 95 18.335 8 1.544 52 10.036 96 18.528 9 1.737 53 10.229 97 18.721 10 1.93 54 10.422 M8 18.914 11 2.123 65 10.615 99 19.107 12 2.31G 56 10.808 100 19.30 13 2.509 57 11.001 200 38.60 14 2.702 58 11.194 300 57.90 15 2.895 59 11.387 400 77.20 ]() 3.088 60 11.58 500 96.50 17 3.281 61 •11.773 600 115.80 18 3.474 62 11.966 700 135.10 19 3.667 63 12.159 800 154.40 20 3.8G 64 12.352 900 173.70 21 4.053 65 12.545 1000 193.00 22 4.246 66 12.738 1100 212.30 23 4.439 67 12.931 1200 231.60 24 4.632 68' 13.124 1300 250.90 25 4.825 69 13.317 1400 270.20 2G 5.018 70 13.51 1500 289.50 27 5.211 71 13.703 1600 308.80 28 5.404 72 13.896 1700 328.10 29 5.597 73 14.089 18"0 347.40 ' 30 5.79 74 14.282 1900 366.70 31 5 0H3 75 14.475 2000 386.00 32 6.176 76 1 4.668 2100 405.30 :j3 6.3('9 77 14.861 2200 424.60 34 6.562 7M 15.054 2300 443.90 35 6.755 79 15.247 2400 463.20 3r, 6 948 80 15.44 3000 579.00 37 7 141 81 15.633 4000 772.00 38 7.334 82 15.826 • 50(0 9()5.00 39 7 527 8;', 16.0 1 It 6000 11.58.00 40 7.72 84 16.212 7000 1351.00 41 7.913 85 16.405 8000 15^4.00 42 8.106 ^^i 16.598 9000 1737.00 43 8.299 87 16.791 10,000 1930.00 44 8.492 88 I6 9S.I 1 5,000 2895.00 MARKS OF GERMAN- EMPIRE. MARK=23.8 CENTS.* •:^^ II' ? Marks. 1 2 '^ 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 A'l Dollars and Decimals tliereof. 43 44 .238 .476 .714 .952 1.19 1.428 1.666 1.904 2.142 2.38 2.618 2.856 3.094 3.332 3.57 3.808 4.046 4.284 4.522 4.76 4.998 5.236 5.474 5.712 5.95 6.188 6.426 6.664 6.902 7.14 7.378 7.616 7.854 8.092 8.33 8.568 8.806 9.044 9.282 9.52 9.758 9.996 10.234 10.472 Marks. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Dollar;* and Decimals thereof. Murks. 10.71 10.948 11.186 11.424 11.662 11.90 12.138 12.376 12.614 lz.852 13.09 13.328 13.566 13.804 ] 4.042 14.28 14.518 14.756 14.994 15.232 15.47 15.708 15.946 16.184 16.422 16.66 16.898 17.136 17.374 17.612 17.65 18.088 18.326 18.564 18.802 19.04 19.278 19.516 19.754 19.992 20.23 20.468 20.706 20.944 Dollars and Decimals thereof. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 600 TOO 800 900 1.000 MOO 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,()00 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 i 14,000 15,000 21.182 21.42 21.658 21.896 22.134 22.372 22.61 22.848 2.3.086 23 324 23.562 23.80 47.60 71.40 95.20 119 00 142.80 166.60 190.40 214.20 2.38.00 261.80 285.60 309.40 .333.20 357 00 380.80 404.60 428.40 452.20 476.00 714.00 952.00 1190.00 1428.00 1666.00 1904.00 2142.00 2380.00 2618.00 2856.00 3094.00 3332.00 3570.00 ADVERTISEMENTS. ►oUars and Decimals thereof. 21.182 21.42 21.658 21.896 22.134 22.372 22.61 22.848 23.086 23 324 23.562 23.80 47.60 71.40 95.20 119 00 142.80 166.60 190.40 214.20 2.38.00 261.80 285.60 309.40 333.20 357 00 380.80 404.60 428.40 452.20 476.00 714.00 952.00 1190.00 1428.00 1666.00 1904.00 2142.00 2380.00 2618.00 2856.00 3094.00 3332.00 3570.00 CUSTOMS, SHIP AND ill ILii ly) 4d Ik & iiii 4^ ^ MJJ & %JJ Ha. %j IL 309 Commissioners Street, IfONTMEAL. SPECIAL ATTENTIOUT GIVEN TO CHAETEE- :m OF VESSELS AND FOEWAELING OF GOODS. INSURANCES, FIRE ANDMARINE, Placed in Reliable Offices. CORRCfiPOKIDENCE SOLBCITED. 1! in I if!' 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. [ESTABLISKHID 1318.1 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL AUTHORIZED - - ~ - - $}2,000.00a CAPITAL PAID UP. ^J?nn nnu RESERVED FUND, 5,500,00u. HEAD QFTi- -MONTREAL. asocirti of JDivcctovs. C. Stevhkn. Esq., P/rs'. V,. W. Cami'JJKLl, 1>q., M.D., Viro /'r-.s. Hon T Ryan. I Hon. O A.Smith. KJilhkkt Scott, Esq.. ' UEDPATH, KSQ. Sni A. T. L.Al.T. (. (\M.r. , I ALLAN (.ilLM«U U. I'-SQ. Emv^urL' mIckaV, E.q. K. P>. ANUUS. OY-nt-nt/ J/«/(«r, N.P. COBOL' U(i COUNVVALL, OODltlC'H. l.EULl'H. II A IJ FAX. HA.AIlLl'ON, Oitt. i\.S. Out. Out. » 4 Out. r.icTox, I'OIIT HOPE, QUEBEC, SAllNJA. STKATFOltD, ST. .JOHN. ST. MARYS, TORONTO. \V1NNII'E(J, Out. Out, N.B Out. « * INIau. KIN(JSTON, LINDSAY, LONDON, JNIONCTON. ^E^VCASTLE, OSHAWA, OTTAWA, PEKTH. I'KTKia-.OKO' A. :M A( N 1 DER Iu.y>ect «ANKi:it^i l\ " British Lnion Couii)aiiy auil Brauclics. a<;ents in tiik initkd stats>. ^K^V YORK. C. F. SmitluM-s aud Wait.T Watson, 5'.» Wall Street. Cine \C.O, iiank of Montmil, 151 Madison Stm-t. BANKI<:US IN TIIK UM Ti:S> STATICS. \FW YORK.-Tlio I'.aul: of New York. N. B. A.; flio Mercha-it.^ Na- tiau-i'l Bank. BOSTON. -fDi- -M.Mcliants National Banl, 1*1 ll'.ALO- TiriS'Vs i .Meclianics xN.tional Bunk, S.vN M;AN(. IS. O.-ri.H llauk of IJritisli Coluniliii. C;OI.O?JlAIi ANW l'03«B:Hi> < OKIfiKSI»ONI>l':NTS. i^T liiHN \FD -The Union i'.auk of Newfonndlanii. HlilTISH CO- ll'viBlx Tho liank of IV.itish N K\V ZKA LAN l> -Ihe B^^iik ot^New Zealnul. INDIA, Cill.NA, JAPAN, AUaTUALlA. Oriental Bank Corporation. T. 300.000. 998,4CO. SOO.OOu. L. Vico /'/V'.s, DoTT, Esq.. Moi'ii, h>g. / Muiiaat-r \ID, Out, Out, Out. ,(J, ]Mun. . .Inspector, Htnvt, t., Iv ( M ii rntidoii, Till' t' Li\ iM !>i)ol. tuvt. S. Tcha-its Nil- I II ALO- KS. «>.— Tilt; liirisH < (>- ..\M> — riiH UaTUALlA, I M FIRE & MARINE HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, CANADA. f CAPITAL, , . $1,000,000. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT, .... $50,0C0. SEAD OFFICE FOK FBOVIITCE OF aUEBEC, No. 119 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. CHAS. D. hTnSON, }■''"■«' '^^«- ^ffts. Province of Quehec. AGENT FOR THE NORWICH LOCK MANUrACTURING CO., Norwich, Conn., THE PEEK, STOW & WILCOX COMPANY, Sonthington, Conn., THE UNION MANUFACTURING COMPANY, New Britain, Conn., AND OTHER MANUFACTURERS OF GENERAL AND MARINE HARDWARE. 12 LEMOINE STREET, MONTREAL. 1803. tm^^utA% mo3. FIRE 3 1 3 Tin!* uigiiraiice %j OF LONDON. BSTABLTSMEIJ 1803. Subscribed Capital, ..... £1,600,000 Stg. Paid-up Capital, ...... 700,000 "■ Eest, 31st December, 1878, . . . 715,916 '' Invested in Canadian Securities, ., 83,000 '' This being z, FIRE Office only, tho whole of its Assets and Uncalled Capital, amounting to £2,457,000, is available for the payment of FIRE LOSSES- THREE YEARS' POLICIES ISSUED ON PRIVATE DWELLINGS &c. r» GEJVERJIL AGEKIS. 6 HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL.