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' Mscriptio)! to Libraiy Ooe-Ildlaj^ a Tear. lifiadirfff and Recreation JRooms Free to aM. jOpen 2 to 5 and 7 to 9.30, pcm. 18D1. yi^irted.at the GAZBTtic Stfiajn {'(futingJiBi^ • r if ©?":■• '^^*^^^^=f^*^' -'^m^m^:'-'^ H'^: * ■ I, . „ » 'v , V $P^cjAt sairi^^: ^^'-r. ;■♦> h^' Librarian reqiiestti apocial ai^v . ^ ■■'. - ''■ , ^-^ ■ \.' ■ ' _: .- . . ■ ' _ ; -k;"--.'. iention to thi foUoVfeg points :-^ ./Will pteMe always i^id to the nuttiber the letter of ihdi)6||>ai^ttDeiit to ^Uiclir ■^«^v feV/* - *^ ^^ NtTowgs : t^tis 5Qa, 100b; $56t*. 2. Much time wiil be 8i|ye , ''•>•■ ^ Pepartment ''V^^^eyym^j find » num- - bet of the boOft)9 tl^^}'^!^ for out.. KCHANICS' INSTITUTE "•ii .J •'*^Bk>*«>< OKFIOEliS 1890-01. t. Pr«aid«Bt, -7^, ///^'/ '. / la* VIM-Pt4tld«Bl. ^ ,/, Snd Vlet-Preatdent, J. 8. WHITTAKKH. BaeratMTir* J. FLETCHER, Aaalatant Saeratary And LlbrMrlAn w. a B. srRY. H-Tra-urar, A. HAY. / Diraotora, IV MISS E. LEE, ^ V!. H. ROS!^. k^MRS. D. A, SHAW, 'i^ JUDGE BOYS, t^M. FENNEL. i^J. P, SMlTHr P:'. ^ ■< ' -u i jiiw ' .-<^^ ' . • nVLES AND RBQULATIONS UBHIRT, REAime BOOKS ANB lECHEiTION BOOK I Except when otherwito orcf«!-ed by' the f )im: tor», the Library, Reading Kooihi and Ilecroatiou Room will be open every lawful day at th« fol lowing hourn: Afternoon from 2 to 5; EToninji from 7 tQ 9.30. - ■ j'/ : It "■ ■• ■■-■■,■ ■ ■ The Beading Roomf Aiid Recreatfon Room •re open to th» public in consideration of a yearly grant from the Town, but all who rree8 preserved, ^.:■:V^■: '^ '■;'■; v--:i|:-»»^^^^^^^^ '.■■^'' ■■■.'.•-.. Mombeiti wfeWng to take out books must up ply to the Librarian. Those- living in town arv entitled to only one volume at a time, but they shaM be entitled to an additional volume for every 75 centa paid in addition to their membership fee; Members living outside the municipality shall be allowed two volttsves at a time. •^^^^% f It. A. Any nimiil>4^r r4»taininff a )>ook tongi^r ttinn th** tiiiMs iijm'oHWmI th<»reiti, «nd who liaM rrcoivcd fioti(- litliln to a fine of ten wnita for every w«ek or part of a week, the lM»ok ii dfitainml aftok Hhall lie renewed Mmoihi than once uiileM nok in douiand. 1>. M«H»J»«rH who «hall injare, destroy, or loa« any of the hook8 of the Institute, Hhall forthwith pay the value of the damage done or of the book lost Books defaced with marks or writing shali hn considered as injured. K. No book shall be taken "from the Library , until it has been entered in the Kegistor, and no t)Ook shall be conftidered as returned unless it is handed to the person in cha* ge d the Reijtister. If. Membersare prohibited from lending hooks* or exchanging thetn with others. O. Any iierson taking any 1)Ook, periodico4 newspaper, or other property M the Institute, from any room or plaoo in the building, without the consent of the Librarian, shall be liable to protc- «ution according to law. H. Any person cutting ort>th«rwiae injuring any periodical, x)r newspaper or V^ther property be- longing to the Institute, shall lie <}ebarred from all privi'eges of the Institute, and sliaU be Jiable to prosecution oocording to law, - y-rr-.-':^---:^---^-:^-:-- - •N Worka of special value on account of their illus- trations, raiity, or for any other cause, shall not l)0 .. V "i^^f^-^iXf » ,• >'♦ inspected except in the presence of the liibrarian and shall not be taken from the Library exce|)t od the written ordt^r of the President of the Institiie, Works of He erence sh^UV^in no case, be taken out | of the Library. ' " < ' '■'.■'. vi.''<-- '^^ ' A^bUnk^ook shall be placed in the Library in i whiuh me.ittbers may reconimei d any wer^k for purchaaf»,\ subscribing their own naiWHe^thercta; which woVk shaH be added to th^j^iiibrary, should the fundsVof the Institute allow of it, and the | Directors approve of the same. '?■»>•>■ VI li ' AH/books must'bi^rettirned to the Ljbrafy Ity the last Mo^nday in April, fro»i which tim£ the i Library shall remain closed until the Monday foh lowiiiiD;, so as to enable the Board uf Mflknagen^'iit to prelsent a correct report thereon. / i VIII, Register of the papers and peribdicaT» re/ ceive4\ shall IdI kept by. the Librarian. iz. Persons, jn the Reading RoomV, shaH obser l^? ve engage strict order and decorum ; they shaN not inLMny conversation or discussion ad as to distract thle attentiqjafeof readers. Bmoking, spitting and olfher breaches of decorum wte strictly prdiibited. 1 Ga^alogub '©F Boo&s :■/■■ Agrlctilturef Arehiteeture, Art* . .H. Jennings . .R. Jennings .. .M. Miled / jHWlttSATlNfl MttTBK A< l-ai Agricttltare«nd Arts, Atiuual Repq ^ f 1883^ 3 a Agricultural Chemistry and OeologyTWof. Jdhnstoii 4 a Agricultural I'ractice.,. . ■>•.. . " .Prof. Tanner Va Cattle and their Diseases , . - ?a Sheep, Swine and Poultry .. . . • a Stock Breeding.^ .j>-- i^^- 8 a Wheat Crop) Essays oii the... ..... . H. Y. Hind ^' 9« Architects, Hints to Young. . . ... . .0. Wightwick • 10 a Architecture, Encyclopaedia of ,.: .. . -i-"-*'^.* II 1^ »• Lectures on. ... • "' Ruskin -42 a •* Marvels of. ...... B. Donald 13 a *• Principles of Design in . E. L. Garrett 14 a Architectural Drawing. . . . ..... . • • -W. B. Luthill 15 a Bridges, Book of. . ...... . . . . . 16 a Builder's Companion, The. . . • 17 a building CoB^ructioB ...... 18 a Cottage Builder, The ^ . . ti. • 19 a^eqprative Design • 20 a Draughtsman. The Practical. . il a Drawings for . Bricklayers ... 22 a Drawings for Stonemasons . . . A. C/Smeaton , .E. A; Davidson . , . . a P> Dwyer '.,, ..C Dresser ' , . . .W. Johnson ..E. A. Davidson " . .E. A. Davidson 23 a Gothic Stonework. • . . , . . .^; . ...E. A. Pavidsoa /-^. 24 a House and Surroundings, The ■ • v' ' . * . , :§ .' j ■ ■■ .. ■ . 26 a Housebnilding ................ • C. 3. Richardson - ■ " / ■ '■ : ^ . .;-.:: ;:;.-,-. ■;,.■.■ -A :■.•:■:•:•:;.,, .v.- _jSf ■■■■«* ■-■■■- ' . "V ■ ^ P. Barlow . .'27 n Model Draw iiiK. ... . ... ... .....E. A. l)avulRon 28 a Mornio^H in E|Ioreilee....... . ■..,., . . . .J. Ruskia 20 a Practical Perspective. .-. , . .f. . . . , .K A. pavidspn JIO a' Projection . . . . . E, A. Davidson 31 a ilight Lines in Right Phuws... ..i, E. A. BavidMoa 32 a Art and the Formation of Taste .\ , . . .Looy Crane 33 a Art at Home .'. . . . R. and A Garrett 34 % Art ColUire, HandlxMk of . . . . . . . . . . .J. Ruakin 35 a Art, Lectures on. . .... . . .> J« Ruskin 36 a Art and Science. Ph>greM fit, .-. . .... . . ;. 37 a ^ rt, Treasury of ... . .,,...•... 38 a Art, l^ouders of Italian ............ Louis Viardet 3jra Art, Elementary History of . . . . .... tf . D' Anvers 40-i a Hogarth's Complete Works J. Ireland k J.Nicho*M 42 a Paintiuc( on Glass... . 43 a Painting, Lectures on. 44 a Pr^'Raphaelitism ..Dr. M. A. Oessert . /^.-.... .. .J. Ruskiji .;....... .S. Ruskia' Bioffraph^/^ DRSIONATIIia LRrrBR B, ' /. .■.'■■■■■ . ■ . • •■,' ■ [ ■-.•■. 1 b Abeniethy, Memoirs of .... ./ .... Geo. Macll^'aia 2 b A Legacy b Antoinette, Marie...... . Madam^ Campani 6 b.. Apostles of Mediseval Europe.. Rev, G. F.\Maclear p>7 b Ardagh, S. B,, Memoirs oi. ... . . Rev, S. JL Boddy 8 b A.usten, Jane . . . ... ... . . . . /. ., . . . Goldwiu Smith 9 b Audubon, Story of ••»••..»••••'•• • 10 b Autobiographic 8k«tohes . , . .^^ . .. .T. De Quinoey II b Penconstield, Earl. Life of . . . It lr. .John Morley Burns, Rev- Robt,, Life of . . .Rev. R, F- Burn» Byjon, Lord, Life a^d Letters of,. Thomas Moore 31 b Caesar, Life of. . . . . — . . . • • 32 b Canning, Geo., Life of . . ... . . 33 b Canot, Captain, Daring Deedei of 34-7 b Carlyle, Thomas, LKe of . . J. A. Froude .... Rol)ertBeU ...BrantK Mayer ... J. A. Froude .E. P. Hood Dr. Mazade 46 b 47-9 b Chanoellors SO b Gbatterton, 5L b Christendom 62 b Christian Ge M»-48b " ' •• Life and Writings. \ ^^9 b •' • ** Reminiscences of. ... 4|0b Cavour, Count, Life of . ........ ... - 4^ b Gaxton and Printing. . .i, ....!*. ...\. ^^^•42 b Celebrated Canadians ... . . . ... . . . .H. J. Morgan 43b Celrfifated Children...... ., . ...M. Massen ^ 44 b Cer^tttesv....-,. ....... A. B. Edwa;rdB 46 b Chalmei)s,y^ei . Thomas, Life of. . Rev. James Dodds Chambers^ RJind W., Memoirs of... .W. Chamber* Lives of the Lord. .. ..Lord Campb«Bll 'bomas .... . . . . ... Dr. D. Wilson TheStven HeroineVof. .C. D. Yonge ^tlewomen, Memorials of Miss Brifi!;htweB 63 b Cicero, LifeLnd Letters oi.--. • • . .Middleton 64 bCobden andjt'ree Traders. . . . i . . .Lewis Ap John 66 b Cobden andfthe League ... . .v ... . ,.H. Ash worth 66 b Columbus, Life ft Voyages of . Washington Irving 67 b Crockett, David, Autobiography of . . . , . . . . 58-60 bCrockJeriCorrespcmdenee and Diaries .... , L. J. Jenninga ^'^.. "ft- \ M HI ■;•■ 4. 61-3 b CroinWeU's lietters »n A Speeches/. ....T. Qarlyle 64 b Cromwell. Life of ......... .1 . 65-6 b Cromwell, Life of .. . ... ^u. Rev. M. Russell 67-8 b Darwin, Life and Letters of . .'. . . P. Darwin 69 I) De Me.liei, Lorenao ... . . . -,..... William Roscoo 70 b De Soto, Ferdinand, Life of (2 coi)ies)J.S.C' Abbott 7 lb De Tocqueville, Memoire of . . . ... . 72 b Delbalboa, Cortez and Pizzaro, Lives of...;. 73 l» Dick, Robert. Life of -. 8 Smiles 74-6b Mckens, Ohwles. Life of.... *, 77 b Dlwce, Cavendish and Dampier. . . 73 b Duchess of Orleans 79-80 b Durf, Alexander. . . .... ... . . 81 b Dundouald, Lord, Life of. ..i... ,^.Tohn Foster . Geo. Smith 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 no 01 92 03 04 05 06 07 06 Edwards, Thomas, Life of . . . . . Eliot, Oeorge, Life of Ellison Wfliiam, Life of ........ English Men of Letters, Bentley Bunyan . , S. Smiles .M. Blind 09 100 101 102 b 103 b a04b 105 b 106b 107 b 108 b 100 b (I (I (< << <« K f I it y-^r «4, A*' Burke. .... R. e. Jebb . ..J. A. Froude . . .John Morley urns . . ... Principal Shairp ron ..... ... John Nicol Coleridge .... H. D. Trail Cowper. ... Goldwih Smith Defoe. . ... .'William Minto De Quincey. .David Massoh Dickens.... ..A. W\ Ward Dryden . , . Geo. Saintsbury Gibbon .. . . ..J. C. Morrison Goldsmith : . Williafn Black Hume.. Johnson lAmb.. Landor . Locke .. Milton.. Scott/.. . Shelley.. Sodthey . Spenser. Sterae.. Swift.... , ., . Prof. Huxley . f .-"Lieslie Stephen .i; . .Alfied Ainger . . .Sidney Colvin .... Thomas Fowler ; .. Mark Pattison ..... R. H, Button J. A. , Symonds . . Ed. DoWden R. W. Church . ra. D. Trail .Leslie Stephen 117 b Famons 118 b Faradft} 319 b Frankli ^40 b Indian ISO t» Irishm % ;•...:'■■.■.■'■■ / -'''/-■-■'''■■'^- ■'■-'' ■-- -iwli iEiiKHA Mcntrf Lott«i», Thackeroy ..' . . A. TroTtope Jj"b •* " Wor(lBWortb,F.W.H.Myeiti i 1 2-4 b Evelyn's Diai-y ... . • . ;• • • • • • _ ^ , _ 115 b Exmouth. Vi8C0\«it, LW® of. .. . • .^. . . .E. Osier 116 b Extraordinary Men, Mves of , . . . WUHam Russell 117 b FamoasLobdoB ^^erdlanto. ... .H. K. ^.Browne 118 b Faraday. Michael, Life of ..., ^..A M. Olatlstone 119b FranWiB, Benjamin, Life er.^....-. G.B. Smith ,.A. Haywood 6. H. Lewes Washington Irving Hake Gardiner. Col.. Life of. ...... .Rerx- P. Joddridge Garfield J.aMesA VV. M.Jhyer Garibaldi, G,. Life df. ., .... • • • ^. J»^'*"'J George the IV, Life of . . . .^^. • • .. Percy Jltzgerald b George IV and William IV, M^orrs , . . . . .. .V. . . . 0. Craig tou u Hastings, Warren ... Ma<»ulay 136 b Haverg«I} Francis Ridley, Memorials«f..Ii;dr Sister 137 b Havelock. Sir Henry, Life of. . . ^. • ..W. Brock U38 b Hawthorne, Nathaniel. . ^ Henry^ James, je 139-40 b Hawthorne, Nathaniel, tifeof . JuHan Hawthorne 141 h Heine, fleinridi. ... ... . . , . . . . WilMam Sharp 142 b Heroesof the Desert (Moffett and Livingstone) 143 b Herpes of Discovery (Livingstone, etc. ). . S. Mossmsii 144 b HeriJes of the Workshop (Aikwrighti, et».) ^ C. L. Brightwelt 146 b Heroes of Invention and Discovery (Boy le> etc.) 146 b Herscbel, Sir W., Lifeof ..,..• • • E 8. Holden 147 h Hogarth, W., Life of . . . . . .,.. Austin Dobaon 148 b Humboldt, Baron, life «{ . :.::.^;B:B. Thatcher ,..N. P.Davin 120 b 121 b 122 b 123 b 124-5 326 b 127 h 128 b 129 b 130 b 131b mh 133 b 134 b 136 b aA ^4il> Indian Biography . 1^ idOb Irishmen in Canada. ■"f.*? ^ ;^ 10 161 b Jackson, Qeoenl, Lif« of S. N. llandolpir 1Mb '• •• •« .;.......,.... Daiiii'iH 153 b JobnsoD, Samuel. lAk of .Boawdl 154 b Jonei, Paul, Life of, . . ..... ....... , . . . 155 b Joeephine, EmpreM, Life of. . . . ..J. 8. C. Abbott 156 b •• 'f •• ....... ^ 157 b Kennedy, Davld^ReminisoeDoesof.M. ft D. Keni)c«)y 158 b Kings of Norway, Early . T. Carlylo 159 b Kitto. John, Life of. '."... John Eadif 160 b Knox, John, Life of . . .Rev. T. Medio 161 b Knox, John, and his Times. ..... ... Miss Warren 162 b 163-4 163 b 166 b 167 b 168 b 169 b 170-2 173 b 174-6 176-7 178 b 179b 180 b 181 b 182 b 183 b 184 b 186-6 187 b 188b 189b 190 b 191 b 192 b 193 b 194b 195 b Landseer, Sir E. H., Life of.. .'. . . .P. O. Stephoim b Lawrenoe, Lord.Lifeof... R. B. Smith Lee, General, Life of J. E. Cook*; Leading Men of Japan ... Laumau Lessing, Life of ....... . T. W. Rollestoii Looke, John, Life and Letters of ... , Lord Kin^' Lbooln, Abraham .'........G. G. Lelaiul b Lon|rfe1Iow, H. W., life of .Rev. S. Longfellow Louis aVII ................... A. D.. Beaucheano b^ytton, Lord, Life of . ...... .... . . . , , . , . His Son b Maoaulav, Life and Letters of . .U. O. Trevelyan Maodonald, Sir John A., Life of. .... . . . .Collina Maoreadjr's Reminisoenoes. .Sir P. Pollock MoKenzie, William Lyon Charles Lindsay Maokiutoah, John, Memorials of (two copies) .. _. ^ ; Key. Norman McLeotl MoOheyne. R. M., Life of. . . ; ..Rev. A. A. Bonar Mahomet find his Successors .. . . Washingtoo Irvini' Marlborough, Duke of. Life of. . . . . . C. Maofarlane b Mary Que«n of Soots, Life of . . Agnes Strickland Marryat^ Oaptain, Life of Plorence Marryat Martyrs of Science ...... . . .Sir David Browster Martyr Missionary. . . . . . .Rev. G P. Bush Mar^ff, the Book of . . Pox Mazzini, Joseph, Ltfe and Writing of .. . . „ ,^ , ,w Wm. L. Garrison Men of Deeds and Darisg ... ..... . . E. M. Marks Men who have made themselves (Davy, Watt, etc.) Menof History... ... ...Eminent Writers Men of Resolutioii . . . ..... , .a. B, Miixzey 222 b Nobk »*r««* t^if^^Wf^ ^ "^'RlW'f ■""*■? >' . . . '». v ■ . . ■ 100 i> Mendelsflohn, Burtholdy, T.ifo of Elsio Polko 107 b Merritt, ^on.Vfm., IJfcof .- '...J. P. Merritt 108-0 b Metternloh. Prince, Memoirs of ,; R. Mettdrnioh 200 b Mill, J. 8., Autobiography of, .. .\ ...... . 2U1 b Mitford, Misii, Life of ...... A. J. R. L' Estrange - 202 b Moflatt, Robt., Life and Labors of. Rev. W. Walters 203 b Moffatt. Robert Mad Mary, Lives of. .J. S. Moffatt 204 b Moliere... ....•••• "Mrs. Oliphant And F, Tarver 2l>6b Montaigne.... . ....,,... W. L. Collins 206 h MonteKuma (two copies) E. Eggleston 207 b Mnrillo, Life of . ...... ...... Ellen S^Minor 2(18-0 b My /Own Times, Memoir» of . . . : — , . .Gnizot ' 210 b 211 b 212b 213 b 214-5 216 b 217 b 1218b 210 b — eaob 221b 222b Nairn, Baroness, Life and Songs . . Rev. Ghas Rogers Napoleon, lflt,'Life of . . . , .... J. 6. Lookart . ..'.... R.. H. Horoe i,."^r. .. ..... Arnault . .Duchess D'Abrantes ...8 J. 8; C. Abbott ....'..J. 8,0. Abbott .^ISouthey — 1; Joseph Allan Newton, Sir Isaac, Life of. ... ...David BTewstfer Nieholtts 1st. >• ........ . Samuel Sohmuoker Noble Women, Stories of the Lives of. Memoirs of . ., . " At St. Helena ••• ill, Lifeof... Nelson, Life of ... • . W. H. D. Adams .. 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" " " ' ' 107 f Beautiful Jim of the Blankshire ^Edmund Yates Mrs Alexander; ...B. M. Clay ■ C. M. Kraemc \ ■ • . . « J, ]Pay n .. .E. P. Roe Cecil Clayton ...M. E. Braddon . • . A. B. Edwairds • .. Chas. Dickens ......A. Crowquill .. Rev. E. P. Roe ... ... ... C. Lever ' ' ..... Thackeray 108 f Belinda... ..... 109 fBuIah.... ...... llOf Beyond the Gates, lllf Beyond Pardon... lI2rBenHur ....... 1 13 ^ Bonaventure . ; ' 114 f Bleak House . 116 f Borderland I16f Boscobel... ...7* ' ^ • . ... '.» * . . • ;. . f Mrs. Alexander .... Tfie Duchess Regiment, . J. S. Winter . . M. Edgeworth ■ ». A. J. E. Wilson . . . i . ,E. S. Phelps • « • . . B. M. Clay • •. -...L. Wallace .....G.W. Cable ■• . . . . . . C. Dickens . . .Jessie Tothergill ; W. H. Ainsworth 1171 Bound 118 f Bound 119 f Brave 120: f Breaki 121 f Bred i 122 f Brougl 128 f Buries 124 f Buttot 125 f Brown 126 f By th< 127 f By Pn 128 f By W< 129 f 130 f 131 f 132 f 133 f 134 f i35f 136 f 137 f 138 f 139 f 140 f 141 f/ 142f 143 f 144f 145 f 146 f 147f H48 f 149 f 150 f 161 f 152 f /l,53f ■ I.H f 155 f 156 f 157 f 158 f 159 f Calder Called Called Camen Canole Captai Carew Carita Carter Oarylo Castle /Castle Cavalic Cecil C Cecil's Chand( Charlei Chariot Cherry Chicot Cbildre Choiss) Christh Cl^ristu fisti< iristii irismi ristn rysti Citoyet Clarissa ■*'■ ;;-:.:r;- ■;.:;. ■..•19. ' 1171 Bound by a Spell .......... 118 f Bound to John Company. . . . 119 f Brave Hearts and True . . . , 120; f Breaking a Butterfly..... . 121 f Bred in the Bone. . . .... . . 122 f Brought to Bay . . : .... ... . 198 f Burlesque and Yellow Plush 124f Buttons,.... 125 f Brownsmiih's Boy K6 f By the King's Command. .. I27f By Proxy. "....... ......... 128 f By Womaa'a Wit. .......;. 129 f Calderou the Courtier • ••.... Huffh Cunway ........ M/E. BraddoQ . • i.. . , . . .F. Marryat • R. D. Blackniore • • ... J Payn ' • • ; . E. P. Roe Papers . . . . Thaqkeray . . ... . , . .J. S. Winter ......... G. M. Fenn ..^...^^^..V. Hugo . . . . . ; . . . . J. Payn . ^ . . . . Mrs. Alexander Bulwer Lytton 130 f Called to the Bar. . ! > . . ...... . . .... .B. HemyinB 131 f Called to Aciiount... . .. ....A. Thomaf !?? I 5^*"®''^° ^"^P ,;M. J. Holmes ISS i Canoles. . . . . . ........ ..... . . . . J. E. Cook IS i ^»P*a»n of the Guard ...... ...". ..".":", JamesGrant o^ * S*"^^ K*^eiK»» • -m- • • . - ... Mrs. Thompson ^ I Carita. ......... .■iw, .... . . . ,;,^fj^.Mrs. OlipKnt W^ { Carter Quarterman . . « . . . . . . . • fX., ...... A. Bell 138 f Carylon's YeaK . j payn IS J S"Ji® S! Otranto. ,...H. Walpole !? I/S"*^?. Richmond......... A. Trolfope !il S*''^^J?" ?^ Fortune ........ ......... James Grant 142 f Cecil Castlemaine's Gace ... Ouida ISi s?°") Tryst . .... . !...... : : j:^; 144/f Chandos..,. . ... .... ...... Ouida \^l ^r^p:^V^- ■' •...:::: c." Lever liS f S.harlotte's Inhentance .'. . .M. E. Braddon J£|^J?'^7^*P?V ' ••' •^- BMathers "^48 f Chicot the Jester... ,......,. .... A Dumas JiXi Children of Nature............ ...Earl of Desart 150 f Choissy. . . ........... . . ..... . ......... 161 f Christian's Mistake ; Mii 1 52 f Christie's Faith F. W . y' 1,53 f Cwfistie Johnstone. .. .;. "'• ""iristie or St. Philips........ ...... ., irismas Books . . . : . , ... .'. ......... .Thackeray iristmas Stories. .. . ...... . ... ... . . . .c. Dickens trot ^.»/y8*abel > . ......... . .... . . . . E, J. Worboise l=S I Citoyeune Jacqueline ................. S. Tytler 159 f Clarissa. ... ;.^ ^v^. . ;... _ ....... .A. Bowman 154 f CI 155 f Ch 156 f CI 157 f 01 Miss Mulock Robinson C. Reade ■ s'. I- /. ■y-v:. IP *■ ■^7!7B%T'r*;-f; j r^w^i**- 20 ' ■,'■;■.■■ ■■.#1 160 i Clove HalW... ......... 161 f Clouded Happinesa 162 f Clytie... . . 163 f Colonel Dacre. . . . . . . . . . 164 f Colonel Eudefby's Wife, 165 f Cometh up as a Flower . . 166 f Coinin' Thrp' the Rye. . . . 167 f Con Cregau ■^-' 168 f Coningsby .... ........ 169 ' Constance Htrbcrt. ....... 170 f Consuelo, . . ... ... . . ... 171 ( Contarini Fleming ....... 172 f Costal. ... .... . 173 f Count Robert of Paris. . 174 f Cousin Geoffry . . ... . 175 f Cousin Phillis... . . . . . .. 176 f Cousinr. .. .. 177 f Crichton... 178 f Crown and Sceptre...... , . 179 f Daisy. 180 f Daisy in the Field . .\ . . . . 181 f Daisy Plains . .... 182 f Daisy Chain .... . . . .-.;... 1831 Daisy Thornton 184 f Daniel Deronds 185 f Darby and .Joatni. . ; . . . . 186 f Davenport Dunn. .. . ■87 f David Copperfield ...... 188 f David Elginbrod. . . 189 { Dead Sea F/uit ..... . . . . 190 f Dead Men's Shoes......... . 191 f Debenham's Vow .... . . . 192f Decima's Promise: 193 f Ddded^or the Iron Haiid, 194 f Denis Donne . . ... . .... . , 195 f De Profundis . . . ♦ 196 f Desperate Remedies; . .'. 197 f Destiny . . . . . . . . : . 198 f Desultory Man . . . ..... 199 f Devereux.. .............. 20& f Diamond Cut Diaipond . . . 201 f Diary of a late Physician . 202 f Dick Rodney,. ............. . .... Mrs. Smail .Countess D'Orstiy J. Hatioii ... v«--s,/s-*. ■• ..T. Mak't . . R. Broughtoii ..U. B. Mathers ...... C Levor .... B. Disraeli 'G. E. Jewsbury ....... G. Saml ... . . ^. .Disratli ....G. Teny r.>i>^*»/.Sir W. Scat't . ^;K. ..T. Hoolu' ... .... Mrs. Gaskell . .... L.B. Walfonl ...W, H. Ainsworth . . . ...G. M.Feiii* . iAika Wetherull . Miss Wetherc'l} , ^Miss Wettierell . C. M.Youiij,' , . . . M. J. Home-s ' ........ G. Eliot ............ mta. • .;..... C. Levt 1 . . .C. Dickens . . .G. Macdonald . M. E. Braddoit M. E. Braddcia B. EdwardH A. Gibenii .... F. War<^eu ;. ..A. Thomas ., ..W. Cnboi't ...... T. Hardy ... .Miss Ferriei G. P; R James ... Lord Ly tton - , T. A.TroUopt ...... S.Warteu ........J. Grant A rfW^'^0^-^ff^f . . . ... ...... James Payn 260( Forrest House ......... ......... ..M.J. Holmes 261 f Fortunes of the Golville Family F. E. Smedley 262 f For Lack of Gold I .Chas. Gibbon 263 f For Lilias. .1 • • • • . . . . R. N. Carey 264 f For Mamie'sSake. ..... ........ ... .Grant Allan !65 i Foul Play. . . . .*. • ■ • • . *. Chas. Remle f Found yet Lost , .. . . . . . ■ • . • • -E. P. Koe 267 i Found Dead. . ... . . . . . . . ■ .,• • .James Payne 268 f Fortiiwi^avorito .......... .....E, J. Worboise 269 f Framley Parsonage . . . . . .j,- • • • • • • -^ • A. J'o^oF 270 f Frank Farleigh^. v. . • ... • -F. E. Smedley 271 f Frank Midway (riBopws)... .,.,,.. Capt. Manryatt 272 f Frank Powderhom . . . ^^»-vr * • • • • • •'? • J- Samls 273 f Frank Redcliffe. .... . ,: >^>^.. • > A. Daunt 274 f Frank Wildman's Adventure.. vt-N^. Gerstaecker 273 f Free yet Forj^rig their own Chains .V>.^i^. 276 f From Dreams td Waking ........ BMa.^^^" 277 f From Exile.. .. .... ••• •• ■. • • • •''•2*'^(5 278 f From Jest to Earnest. . . .Rev. E. P. Ro«-^ 279 f From Home to Home ... .. A. Stanley 280 f From Diflferent Standpoints ........ . . . .^ansy 281 f Frozen iPeep and Dream of Women ...... W. Golhns 282 f Gabrielle Andre ..... .... . . .... . ^ • • S- B Goul<| 283 f Gabriel Oonroy.. ... .............. ... .;. . Bret Hart 284 f Geoffrey Hamlyn ...... ... • Hy. Kmasley 2S5f Geoffrey Stirling -.- • Mrs. Adams 286 f Gjrtrude. .... Miss Sewell 287 f God and the Man R. Buchannan 288 f Goldophin •• . • • ^''^J^ ^^y**^" fm f Goodbje Sweet Heart. V VmIIv Se 290 f Good for Nothing ...... ........iJ. W' WvUle 291 f Good Wivea. • • • • l;^' *J-,;?^*^" n^ « n^ I .ink Ernest Warren 293f Grand Mother's Chair... ........... N. Hawthorne 294 f Great Expectatiooa ....... -J;- ^^^J®"* 296 f Great Treason... .......,,,; *'•:•: '^^^ ?R^ Se f Green Pasturesand Piccadilly. . . ^. . W™- ^Ji'^J 597f Guild Court..... ......Geo. MacDonald 298 f Gulliver's Travels . . . . . . . •. . • • • ' * • -J?®!"^^" 299 f Gustave Adolph ........ .... ... • • • • • .^vi^,^""' 300 f Guy Livingstone .. .... .... • ^; ^n^nSde™ 301 f Guy Waterman ' ' ''^t ^"rJl! 302 f Gw-endoline's Harvest... . ... James Payn ^4{ HftffArene ................ . .G. A.Xawrence m f IX^ilion of Money .... . • .G. A. Edwards 305 f Halves.... ^;....... .........' V- •Vf^K 306f Hannah... •• ••- ' {^C^l^S 307f Hard Cash. i,^ itwr! 308 f Hard Times. . : . . • . • • - • • • ?,r*^?,?'?*;i 309 f Hard Times. . • . ■■ • • • Chas. Dickens 310 f Harold the Last of the Saxqn Kings. ' ^f ^^^ISw 311 f Harry Heathcote of Gangoil ...:... • - • • ^' ^ roiiope 312 f Harry Lorrequer • • •Ghaa. Lever QiQ f Harrv Omlvie . • • • • .Ja^es Grant 314 f Harr5^ CSverdale's Courtship. . ... . . F- E. Smedley 315 f Harvest....... •. " 'w F NoJriJ 316fH«ap8bf Money. " -r M VoI?^ 317 f Heartsease..... ....... •vS'-. ,.' ^S 318 f Hearts and Hands.......:. ..Christian B^iJ 319 f Hearts and Hands.. Sf -He Cometh Not." she said. .... .^^nme Jhomas 321 f Hector O'Halloren... W. 5- Maxwell *^ f He Knew he was Right . . • ..• • . •; ' t,^~^i°K ■_3^3^Helen - • - • • • •'. .- • Mana ^geworth C324rHe)rDearestFoe .Mrs. Alexander .125 f HenryCEsmond (2copies) ... . . • • ^*15f*®™y 326f Henry^B^hth... .............. Mu^^^^ 327 f Hereward. .^>^^. . • . ... • . . • • • • • • • • • • •^^o!"®^ 328 1 Her Lord and Mi»t« ...... ... . Florence Mar^at 329 f Her Mother's Sin. ..>>^^....'...o.,...,..^«iv^'ay 330 f Herr Paulus .>^. • • • ' • '•^' ™«anii ■ •■if. . 1 , " * ■" . ' 't V^:'''-v ' ; 'f' f 1 t ■■'■ "■ ■■'; ..''- ^■- '•■-■■■' ■; M ■•■■".-■:■-•:■•■:■..:■'■:• ef? I 2f^?****iS *"!* ****•«' Legends. . . Vv. . , . .C. Mathew . 833f,HddenP«irlB ......M. C. Hay 835 f Hgttand Legends ......igirT. H Laude. J?S ; 5 ■ ?*''L**K^.- • V • ' • " • • • • • • • • '^^•J» Oardnor JfJ f g"»?^»«?«?I*^^A^.^^..^.ReT. E. R Roe -^8 f Hitherto ,......,.„......, . ... .Mm. Whitney 839 f Home Affain... ....... ,.,... , . . . Geo. MacDonahl 840 1 Home InBuence, . . ..... .. . . ..... JGracc Acuilai 341 f Home Scenes and Heart Studies.. . , . . , .G. Aguilai 842 f Home Stories Simply Told ........... C. H. Hansoi. 843fHomewardBo«nd....... ....... .p. Cooper 344f Hope Meredith .....:,EKza Tatoi 845 JHopesand Fears... ... C. M, Young 846 f Hpstages^ofFortnne , . ......... .Miss Braddon Jto J 5°""" t°?,*S* *?*" • • • H. Martineau 848 f Household Stones , . , . . . .Brothers Grimm 349 f Hugh Melton. ...... K. Kinu 3601 HunhWorthington... ....;.•.. ..M. J. HolmeV 351 f Hypatia . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . ... (^ Kingsley SS? f J ^'«^,^*''®i?"*^ ^^«^ - Mrs. Forrester 353 f In a Winter City .... .. . Ouida 364 f In a Oi^iM Country. . : Mrs. H. L. Cameron 356 t In the Clouds ...... . . . ... v. . . . C. Craddock 356 f In the Golden Days .: , ..... ..Edna Lyall 357 f In Honor Bound .... ........ c. Gibbon ?S i J",^f **®.° "?d P"* • • • ........ Hesba Stretton 3^9f Infehce .: . .-^........ ....... A. J. E Wifson fS?i {""S^f^f ^-'^-^ ••••••• • Mrs. Oliphant m t In^ilk Attire » ... ...... , ..... . Wm. Black 362f Interrupted...... ....... .., ;. ....... .Pansy iSI S^i^T^- ••• ■: • •;• "■-■'^ ■■'•• • • A. a e. wiison 864 f It IS Never too Late to Mend . . . . . C. Reade 365 f Irish Stories and Legends . . . S Lover SS J i«™elMort Overman.. ...... ...: J. Saunders 367 f I've Been Thinking . . . . ..... . . : A. IS Roe 368f Ivors... ..... ..^... ......... ..Miss Sewell 389 f Ivarx>n the Skyofs Eoy ...... . ; ,. .Miss Carlen 370/ Ivanhoe..,.,.^.^^.,.;,.. -^.^ ,_. Sir w. Scott 872 f Jack Hazard and his Fortunes .J. A. Trowbridge I • 25 »78 f Jftok Hinton . . . : ...... ... 374 f Jack Manly 375 f Jack of the Mill ............ 376 f Jack's Courtship. ... 877 f Jack's lister . . * . . 378 f James the Secoml. ....... .^ it 379 f Jane Bonverie 380 f Jane Eyre... ....... ...... 381 I Jane Seton . . . .... 382 f Jane Shore . ....... . S83 f Jane Sinclair ..:,,.. 384 f Janet Doncaster ....... . . . . . 385 f Jeanie's Quiet Uh #' • 386 ( Jess .. .T. .. 387 f Jessamine . . . . 388 I Jessie Trim. ...... 389 f John ....... 390 f John Eax.. .... 391 f John Halifax Gentleman ... 392 f John Inglesant 393 f John Marchmout's Legacy, ... 394 f Joho Rintoul ......... 395 f John VVorthington's Name . 396 f J9hn Stewart. .. .... 397 1 Joshua Haggard . ... 398 f Julia Reid.. 399 f Juliet's Guardian . . . 400 f Justin Harley....... 401 f kalooiah .... 402 f Kate Coventry . . ...... 408 f Kate Danton.... . — 404 f Katharine Ashton. . •. 405/f Kathie Brand . ....^ . . . 40«f Kathleenr. .:. ... : .~. ••. . 407 f Keltys and'O'Kellya . , 408 f Kenelm Ohillingby . . . . 409 f Kenailworth. .... 410 f Kilriieny ..... ........... 411 £ Kidnapped, . 412 f Kinjf 'Solomon's Mines, ..... 413 f King of No Land (two copies). 414 f King Arthur : .... ... ...... i 413 ! Kit, .4 Memory ; , . . • ( • • • . . . . C. Lever . .James Grant' .Win. Howitt W. C. RuasoU '^W> H, Ainsworth .4, . . . . C. Sinclair - . . .... .0. Bronte ......... J Grant . . .Mrs. Burnett ...W. Carlton ...M. G, Fawoett Eliza Talwr . . Bider Haggiftrd . .Marian HarTand ,^:r. B. M. Farjeon . . . Mrs. Oliphant . ....... Tourgee ......Miss Mulock . J. H. Shorthouse . . . M. E. Braddon . . .F. L Benedict ...EL. Linton .ME Braddon ... .! .Pansy MrSj -l. S. Cameron .,). E. Cooke .. \V. D. Mayo J. W. Melville .;...M. A. Fleming- ..... Miss Sewell ..;..... . . .Holm Lee .. ... A. TroUope . '. .. A. TroUope . . ..Lord Lytton Sir W. Soott Wm, Black » .R; L. SteveMon ...R. Hag^rd . ... .B. L- Farieon . . . . . .Miss Mulock . .. . ... James Pa-yn f> ■s^'l|,".i • ., ' .20 ■'H 416 f Kitty ....... . ...M. B. EdwanU 417 « Knight Errant.... ...... Edna l.yuU /■ -X, .V 418 419 -^420 421 422 ' 42.3 424 425 426 427 4 '« . 429 430 4.TI 432 433 434 A'Ali 4.36 4.37 4as 439 440 441 442 443 _ 444 445 446 447 "— M48 449 . 450 451 452 : 453 '454 "465 456 U5Z Kniglit f Lady Branksniere ..;.... . ..... . . .Tiie DuuIkm^ f Locly Ureensatin Baronesfi E, M. de Ch«anev f Lady Lee^i Widowliood . : E. R. Hanil.y 1 Lady WilUcy'ii Protegees ....... . . Agnes (iniy f Lancashire Witches......... . . >•; . . W. H. Ainswoith f Lanceton Psrsonage, .,...;,....'!... ..Miss Sewell f Ijanra Kveringham ..James Graut f Lavengro Oegrge Borrow f Leah or the .Jewish Maiden fXe( Chien D'Or.. f Les Miae--al)les— Pantine. .. Wm. Kirhy . ..Victor HiiLjo f fjes Miserabies— Cosette, and Marius . ; . V. Hugo '" " ...Victor Hiij;o . . . Jamev (Irant . . Hy.' Kingsivy , . M. J. HoimtM f Les Miserables— 'lean Valjean ..' f Legends of the Blacit Watch., f Leighton Court. . . v- • • *• • • f Lena Jliver* . . .'^. f Less Blacli Than\They Were Painted. . . . . J. Payii f Leslie Tyrell .../.,.,....... (i. M. Cruik f Utter Of Credil.y . • . . . .Miss W^theroll f Lewis Arundll/. .i . . . . . . , ... . . . .F. E. Smedhy f lieila.. ...... ...... ..... : . . . . Lord Ly ttdii. f Lionel Lincoln.. ,.,...... Fenittiore C'oopti f liBdisfam Chase ....... . ... . . A. TroUopt f^^Me Men... .. . L. M Alcott ( Wme Women-. ..... . • • L. M. Alcott f Little Loo . v.......... .. f Little Kate Kirby . ... . f Little Sunahinci's Holiday f Little Dorrit. . . . .... .... t London's Heart .. f Looking Backwajrd .. /. . i Look Before You Leap . f Lord and Latly Harqourt f Lorna Doone. . . ., , . . . . . f Lord Bantam . . . . . '. . /. . f Lord Kilgobbin . v . . . , . ,> f Lost for Love. . . . ........ f Lost Sir Massingbred. . . . f Lottie Darling. ..;..... ■ . f TiOthair. . . . ■ V. . : >....... ... . • R Disraeli . W. C Russell .F. W. Robinson , . ...Miss Mulock . Chas. Dickens , . . B. L. Farjeoii ..E- Bellamy Mrs. Alexandor R. D. Black more .........E. Jenkins^ ;.... Chas. Level ..M.E.Bi addon . i... James Payfi J. C. Jeffrey 458 f Love Me Little Love Me Long. . . .........C. Readc 4.Wf 460 f 461 f 462 f 4(!3 f 464 f Love ii Ixiys L Lucreti Lucy / Lulu's Luttrel 465 f 466 f 467 I 468 f 469 f 470 f 471 f 472 f 473 f 474 f 476 f 476 f 477 f 478 f 479 f 480 f 481 f 482 f 483 f 484 f 485 f 486 f 487 f 488 f 489 f 490 f 491 f 4921 493f 494 f 495 f 496 f 497 f 498 f 499 f sfxn Idablc Maclcc Macdo Macar Madoa Madcl Mader Maggi Maggi Ma||["i Maul Maid MyFi Maloo Man s Mansi Maud Mansf Maroi Mario Maria Mark< Marri Marqi Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary W Margi Margt Marg: Marti Marsl Marti Marc ;•. ". -27 . . 4.Wf Love in a Cottage. ... .T. 8. Arthur 4«10 f Ijoyn Urd BerrcBfortl . . , The Duchess 4til f LucretU .... .... • . . . • • Lord Lyttou 402 f Lucy Arden.. . •• ...lanieB (iraot 4(>,'» f Lulu's Library .;........ .L. M. Alcott 41(4 f Luttrel of Arran ■ ..^.^^^^ . « > . > . . , . .Chas. 1.0 ver 405 f liable Vaughan . ...;....,........,. Miss Cuminingn 400 t Maclcod of l)are (.1 Vols. )....... Wm. Blacic 407 t Macdermots of Ballydoran A. TroUope 408 f Macaria. - A> J. K. Wilson Win Black .Mrs. L. Adams . . . . H. Kingsley . .C. Robertson 409 f Madcap Violet . . . . . 470 f Madclon Lcinoinu 471 f Mademoiielle Mfthilde 472 f Maggie or Light and Darkness. 473 f 474 f 476 f 476 f 477 f 478 f 479 f 480 f 481 f Maggie's Uosary and other Tales Magnum Bonuin .....' . . MaidKUice Maid Wife and Widow . ... . . . My Friend Jim v ...... . . . • - Malcolm . , . . ............ Man and Wife . .O. M. Young .TheoGift Alexander . . . W. K. Norris .Geo. Macdonald . ; . Wilkie Collins Mrs MansieWaugh... ......... .;... Moir Maurice Tiernay C Lever 482 f Mansfield Park (2 copies) ........ ...... Jane Austin 483 f Marcia . . . . . ...; • W. E. Norria 484f MarionCray.*... ... ..... ;..... .M..T. Austin 486 f Marian ............. M. J. Franc 486 f Market Harl^i-ough .. . .... . .G. White MelfiUe 487 f Married Beneath Him • . J. Payn 488 f Marquis of Lossio ... . . . . .. ... Mrs. Gaskell 492 f Mary Marston , . G. Macdonald 493 f Mary, Queen of the House of David . .Rev. A. S. Walsh. J 494 f Margaret's Engaetement .... . . -. •• ^ 495 f Margaret Percival . . . . ... .*. . ... • . . .MisBSewell 496 f Margaret Catchpole. . . ...... Rev. R. Cobbold 497 f Martin Pole .... , . • .. . . . . • • • ..John Saunders 498 f Marston Lynch .... . B- B- Brough 499 f Martin Chuzzlewit C. Dickens &00 f Marchioness of Brinville r H. A. S mith {• ^^^^ J 10 611 M2 613 M4 616 616 6ir 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 626 626 1527 62d 629 tso 631 632 633 634 636 636 637 638 639 540 641 ^41 643 644 Master PaMlon . . . ,. ..My Cooktmi Maud TaII>ot. ..... . , . . Holm ln^ Maud Mohan . . .. .... .H. ThomuH (ft Matt, a Tale of a Caravan. . . . .■.. . ■ . R. Buchanniv^V'l Mattie Aitray vrfP. W. RobertJiom %' Maxwell Drewitt. . . . . Mrs. J. H. Riddl«> ..' MMdow Bruoke. . . . . .... ........ .M. J. HolnjoM Melbourne House ...... . . . MUs Whethenll Memoirs of a Cavalier De Fo«! Mervvn Olitheroe. .. .W. H. AJnswoith Middlemaroh.. ....... ........ . . ^ . .«. ^Oeo. Eliot Midsammer Evrf. . ^•^- ^ M"" Midshipman Easy .......;.. Ow|E;.Marrvut MiUy Darrell: .-. ... ...... ... , — . . M^W-r Braddon Milbank. . . .... . . . . . . . . ... . . .^ ... . .M. J. Holnum Mildred.. .,>...,. M.J. HolmuH Miles Wallingford. . ............ .J. F, Cooper Miss or Mrs . ... WilUie CollinH ' Miss Carew... * .*. . . A. B. Ed war. ..Orace Aguilar Mr. Barnes of New York.. A. C. Gunter Mr. Issaos ..P. M, Crawford Mr. Leadley Revisits Paris . . .Albert Smith Mr. Meeson's Will ...... . . .... . R. Haggard Mr. Potter of Texas v. . . > . .. . . A. C. Gunter . .Holme Lee Mrs. Olipbant . The Dnchesti Pansy y Mr. Wynward's Ward ... Mrs. Arthur. ..,;..... Mr. OeoflFrey Mrs. Solomon S mith Lookigg On , 54rt f My Br flUJ f My 1)« My In My U MyM My M .-►47 f .'i48 f .'■.4ft f rm f .-..-.I f 'r).V2 f .^.-..H f .'^.-)4 f .-).'^0 f .')r>7 f .558 f hm t 5(ja f .'icn f .-.rt2"f r.03 f *.564 f 566 f .•^66 f .567 f .'iBSf 569 f .'i70f .'571 f .'i72 f 573 f 5^ f .575 f .576 f 57Tf 578 f My N« My U My W MyHt.e My Hie Nadin NaDC> Naoin Natiir Near \ Nellio Newt' Nioho Niche Night Ninty Nina. NoM North Nortl Noral Norw Not] Note Noth Notn Not^ Not^ Mttlbcb. . . . ... . . i . . . . . ... .Mrs. G. Praed Murphy's Master...... i . ... ;;..,. f . • . , Jliines Payn 579LOfftl 580 f OflF tl .581 f Old ( 582 f Old 1 583 f Old ] 584 f Old I 585 f Old I 586 f Old ' r.»5 f My Brothor'H Wife • • A P. V^]vv,irih Mii I My DauuhUr Kliiior Frank Loo Hen. diet .-,47 f My Intimato Fiioml... • • K. -T. I>"''«>n . MH f My l.lUlo (Jirl BGHni.^ftm R ci> r.mf MyMliiccninleirTT^T^.— ^t.r^-\VtlkieColliiM nrjOf My Mother and I...... MlMMuock r.al f My Nov«l (2 VoIh. )....... . . Lowl Lyttou . 'r).V2 f My Unclu tho VAirdto. ...'.. ......... . ....... MftvaKc .^-,.1 f My Wife nn.l I Mrs. H. B Stowo .^-,4 f MyBterieii of l'nri«. .|'"«""J' ,"'' .').W f MyitoricHof Metrcpo iftvilic. . K hgglcHton 556f Nadine.. ........... •• . . . .^ /».Mi«. 0; IW . .-.'.T ( Nancy. ....... R;«'««l'». '^^ r'^ 553 ( Naotni ... ' -Mth. J. B. Webb m \ Nature anil Hiuuj^n Nature. Jmlgo llaliburton -m f Near to NaturoVHcart • Bcv. h.V. Hoe m f Nellie Brook , . • • K Marryat .-.rt2"f N«wt' n Foster. .......... .(-apt. MVryat r.03 f Nicholas Minturn ......... •'• ^'- HpH»°" Tr,04 f Nicholas Nicklehy. . . . Chas. DicljenH 565 f Night Wul Morning. ......... • . Lp«» i-ytton .-^fifif Ninty-Three • ' ' •J'^'"» ,"*^" 567 f Nina, or Darkness and Daylight . . .M. . I. Holmes 568 f No Man's Friend . . . .V^ F W. IJolnnson 569 f Korthanger A l.bey .)......... ^J »«« Austea !i70 f North and South ......... M.» ''a»«o" .571 f Norah's Love Test • • ^.r^ « ' ^ 572 { Norwood H. \^ • Beecher 573 f Not Like Other Oirs • ; . • • ^ • R-N; Carey 514 f Note book of the Bertram Family . Mr.-, h Charles 575 f Nothing New Miss Mulock 576 f Notre Dame ... ......... ./. ■ •} ictor Hugo 577 f Not Without Thorns . . . • • ■ .Knnis Graham 578 f Not Wisely But Too Well .. Rhoda Broughton 579 LOff the Roll. . . . ... . .^. • .;=* , • • . .Katharine King 580 f Off the Skelligs .... ...... , • • • : • ■ • ^f^ V"?? . f 681 f Old Creole Days. . . . ......... . ■ .0.. >J ■ ^a,We 582f Old Mortality . . . . . . . . ... ... • •'• • -^w j); ^cott .-183 f Old Margaret • • • • • "y- *^>"«f;«y 581 f Old Middktrf)n' H Money . ■ , . •• • ;, M. C. Hay 585 f Old St Paul's .............. .W. H Amsworth 586 f Old Times on the Mississippi . ; . ... Mark Fwain mh ^m^mn-j. 587 MH 680 AOO m\ ni)2 im 594 897 598 009 000 001 002 003 004 005 000 007 006 009 010 611 012 013 614 6|5 ^■ OHvo.. * ... ... .,..,.'...... Mlii Mulurk Oliver Twl«t .Chw. I)lok» uh OHvor VVentwood . . . K. J. Workjixu Olla I'wlrida Capt Marry. t ()lyin|)ia . . ,^,-,^^^,, ..... ^^ .^^^ , ^R. K Frai»clll4H» Onibrk... ;....... Mm. Oliplmiit On Both SIdei of the 8«a. . ..... . .Mrs. E. (!hnil. ^ On Ouard ...... ..Annie Thoiii.H On the K Jfovl ^iv Pftria Sketohea ........... ........ . . . Thackeray Parkwater .... ...Mrs. Hy. Wood x^ascarel ..;........'.... ... . • .<« ... . .".'^ . . • ^ . .Ouiua Patience's Wins ....... ................ ..Pansy Patty .... ...i .... .,.. ...... Katherine Slacquoid Paul Clifford .\. Lord Lytton Paul Faber . . , . ... ...... . . ... .G«o. Macilorilild Fasuanias the Spartan . . . • ^ . • • • > • . .Lord Lvtton . P0ff WofBugton. . . . . . . . .r. ; . . r. v.Chas. Reade Pelhani ............ , . . .- ....... . . . ..Lord Lytton Pendennis. . . . ; . . . ',.. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .Thaqkeray Pen Owen . . . .x. . . . . .... . j . . . .... ,A. Trollope Peter Simple . .... .Oupt. Marryat Perveril of the Peak #••••• ,.8if W. Scott f Phmdi (Kil ( f Philip (Kfil f Philip im ' I'liiiuii imi f t'hylik im 1 f Pitikwi im 1 PiratA (l.*17 f Playini (KIH I P(»gaiii twu f Poor iV HIO f Poor tl (')41 [ Popula iW2 f Popula im f Portia i\U f PArtra i'M ' Pouuci (i40 r praise liMk (inOf Ci'iiit (i:n f MM^O ii;j2f ry.tt (i:i3 f ilhm » rt:»8f Hitvr twu f DMOII HlOf •nyn ('>41 f runt «42f «V»T (^3 f atiNv (t44f Uloii 045 f rant (i40 f rHfu Ml I miax ((48 f Rot (i40f lopt' 05a i triaii ttrds M\ r kcMIN *\'>2 f Mny im r l^i"K or>4f lelai 1555 f weWi* «56f Novl ..^-^. (557 f erny (158 f ITood H59 f uidn (i60f ansy (Wit noid (i62f rttoii 663f >iiil Poor MiM Vwch.. ; . .Wilkle CoUIiih Foor Humanity ; ..^...,.V. W. HoMiihoii Popular TalcR... ........ .. ....Maria FMgoworth Popular Taka. ..*• ../.... ..... .Bruthom ()riiiini Portia ... .l\ the. Duoh^w PArtrait of a liatty (3 Vola. ) . , . .^^j » , . Hy . J amen Pouuocfonl Hull .;,....... B. Clarko Praiae and Principle ...... ... ..... *^* • • • • • Prev of the (iocIm. ....... . ...... 4w • • F. Marryat Pride and Prejudice ... . Jaue Auaten ProfotRor Conant Hon L. 8. Huntingdon Put V.ouraelf in hia Pkoe. ......... . . .Cba«. Heiide Qaeeohy Miu W«therell Queen of Connaught. . , • < < . . . . Queen of Denmark. .,. . ...... .0. A. 8ala Queen of the Tournament. .. .... . , .Robt. St John Quintin Durward . .> ........ ..... Sir W. Scott Quite Alone... ^...,.0. A. Sala li % ■ A! f 'V iginald Teased. Rachel '■ Secret ,. .. ....... ».;..^- #(.«>■.. ,. Ralph the Heir ............. *: ...»..> . .A. Trollbpe Ralph Wilton'a Weird . . . . . . . ... ./Mra. Alexamfer Ramona... . ....... . . . . . . . , . . ./. .H. H. Jackson Rape of the Gamp. . .. /....€. W. Afason Ram Good Luck..., .. ...1../. .R. K Francil^on Rattlin the Reefer *>, . . ...../ . ... Capt. Marryat Ravenacliffe .... .,.*.. .,.>..,. y.-..^.,,. . ...Mrs. Marsh Ravenfhoe. <..«..,., «,««>,"*Y.cV • *• .Hy. Kingsley Realmah ..r..:.. ..,^V.ry. »;;..... Arthur Helps Red as a I^Ose is She .... ./ .'. . . Rhoda Bronghton Red Gauntlet. . ..... . . . . ./ ......... . . . 'Sir/W» Scott Reginald Dftltpn ./...... ...J. G. Lockhart Reginald Hastings / E. Warburton Rei " ' -- - - \i .f* >'- 672 f Retribution...... ...... .; Mrs. SoiiMiwonl. 673 f Rex and Regina , . . . ..... ... .... • • ■ • Mrs. Marshall 674 f Rienzi. ;... . . . . ■ iV^J^^iH^V'" 676 f RoWt Aineleigh. , . ... ...... ..... ...M. E. Brad(l(>.» 676 f Robert Falconer. , . ... . . . . : . . ...Geo. Macrtonald 677 f Robert Ord'e Atonement. . . . R. 14. Cany 678 f Robin GrayJ2 copies) . . .^__^..^^ Chas. Gibboii , 679 f Rob Roy. ... . . . . .... r . . . .^. . .... . Sir W. Scott , 680 f Roderick Random . ... > • . • l>r. Smollett 681 t Roland Gashel... . . . .'. . . . . • • - . • , •■ • .C'??^' t'*'^' 682 f Roland Oliver. .^ . • • • • . Jnstin McC6rth> 683 f Roland Yorlce. . ........ Mrs. Hy, Woo.t 684 f Romance of the Forest. . . . ; . .. . ... ...;.; • ,, , , 685f Romantic Tales........ . . • • ...Miss Mtilook 686f Romany Rye, <^'eo. Barrow^ 687 f Romola '.,..;..... . • • - . . - ■ ■■^^^ E'»i' 688 f Rook wood .... . . . ..... - ..... W. H. Ainswo; tlv 689 f Rory O'More. .... ........ . • ... • • • • • ■ •§, Lomm 690 f Rose Blanche and Violet (3 Vols). . . . G. H. Lewi. THE DOMINION BAKERY. ■ .LEADS THE; VAN...- v-^^':^; ;:--^ :-;..: In thanking 'the public of Barrie for Uheir support in the past, trusts* to merit their support for the future by strict attention to their business in his departmen|.. . Of the best quality and in all acceptable styles, prdmptlj " delivered in all parts of the towp. \ Everyday. Cakes of every description. Wedding eak68 : and Almond icing a specialty. F. J. BROWN, X Cor. Owen and McDonald Streets. Gill f Rose 1 €02 f Rose 1 Rose i Rosinc Round Roxy. Rutii Safely Salem ,«93f 4f 9.> f m f 697 f (598 f «99f 700 t 701 f 702 f 7P3f 704 f 705 f 706 f 707 f 708 f 709 f 710 f 711 f 712 f 713 f 714 f 715 f 716 f 7l7f Sandf< Sans ; Sarah Sarch* Scene) Secon< Sense Seven Shado Shall Shand She.. Shirie Silas ! Si]ent Silcoti Single Singk 718 I Sir Ai 719 f Sir Gi 720 f Sir Hi 721f SirJa Sister Sketc Sfaves Smok 722 f 723 f 724 f 725 f 7261 727 f 728 f 729 f 730 f 731 f 732 f 733 f 734f Snarh Soidi< Soph] So Ri Spun Squir Stan(j Stanl St. C SSI ,^. a. ml f Rose Miither . . . 692 f Rose Turciuand ..,•.• i{)93 f Rose in '^loom. • ......•.• 4 f Rosine. ...... .... . . . . d't t Roundabout Paper«; . . 690 f Roxv..-.. ... . 607 f Ruth Hall.. 698 f S»fely Married. . . .., . . : ., 699 f Salem Chapel .. '^. v vt^tt 700 t Sandford and Merton. .■'. 701 f Sans Merci. . 702 f Saralf Berenger s 7P3 f Sarchedon. .... ... 704 f Scenetr from Clericai Life 703 f Second Cousin Sirrah . 706 f Sense and Sensibility . . 707 f Seven Oaks. .. ..:... 708 f Shadows on the Snow . . 709 £ Shall I Win Her.: .., 710 f Shanvlon Bells. .. 711 f She. .. 712 f Shirley.... , • 713 f Silas Marner ... 7 1 4. f Silent St ruggles ...,....., 7 1 3 f Silcote of Silcotes ...... Tltif Singleton Fontenoy 717 f Singlehurst Manor. 718f, Sir Andrew Wylie. 719 f SirGibbie ..... ...... • :. 720 f Sir Harry Hotspur. ...... ^. . . 721 f Sir Jasper Care\v' .v. . . , .... . 722 f Sister Rose. . . . . -. ... . . . • 723 f Sketches ..... .. ........ 724 f Sfaves of the Ring ....... . 725 f Smoke .. ... . ...... ... 726 f Snarleyow. . . .... . . . ... 727 f Soldiers Three and other Tales 728 f Sophy Carmine .... . ... 729 f So Runs the World Aw*y ... 730 f Spun From Fact ..... 731 f Squire Arden . . . . .... . . 732 f Standard Fairy Tales. .... . 733 f Stanley Brereton ...;:.... 734 f St. Cliir of the IslesV . ; . ■'f ..M. J. Holmes . Kllice Hopkins . ...L. M. Alcott W byte-Melville . , . . Thackeray . . E. Egglestou .; Fanny Fern T. ,~. ".MfB. Oliphant ....... ..Thos I'ay ... . .0. A. Lawrence. Jean Ingelow .J. Whyte-Melville Geo Eliot . F. \V. Robinson ,/; .... Miss Austen .. ...J. G. Holland . ... B. L. Fttrjeon James Grant ... ...Wm. Black l\. Haggard . . Charlotte Bronte . .. .... . .Geo. Eliot , . . .M. A. Stephens ..... . Hy. Kingsley .#.... James Hannav .T V B. J. Worboiqe ........ .John Gait . . .Geo. Macdonald ... A. TroUope ...... ..Chas. Lever .....Wilkie Collins . . .Mark Twain . . . . , . .Turgenieff . . , . Capt. \Mrryat ..... R. Kipling . . . . J. S. Winters . Mrs A .' C. Steele ...... ... Pansy ....Mrs Oliphant ;..H. H. Ainsworth . . .Jane Porter :".■■■■>:.■■- 1 I- » ' 34 1:: ii':- 735 f 736 f 737 f 738 f 739 f 740 f .741 f 7421 743 f ■ 744f 745 f 746 f 747 f 748 f 749 f :750 f 761 f 752 f 763 f 754 f 755 f 756 f •7671 758 f 759 f 760 f 761 f 762 f 763 f 764 i #66 f "67 f 768 f 769 f 770 f 771 f 7721 773 f 774 f 775 f 776 f Stephen. M.D ' Stern Necessity ... . . . . St. George and St. Miohadl .. (jVm tJ Ames « '• ■ • • • '>. V • • f • Storehouse of Stories ..... . „ Story of Valentine and his Brother.. Mrs. Oliphant Strangers and Pilj^rams . . ..... ... . M. E, Braddoai St)range Case of Dr ; Jekyll and Mr. Ifyde . Miss Wethercll . . F. W. Robinson ..Geo. Macdonftld .W.H.Ain^worth .C. M. Yon^-e Stray Pearls. . ........ Stretton..,. . . . . . . .* . . Struck Down ... . St. Simon's Niece . . . /. Sunrise.... . . . ■ •' Sybil.... . .....V Sylvia's Choice . . . R. L. Stevenson ,..,.. fj. M. Yon«e . . . . . Hy. Kingsley . ....Hawley Smart Frank Lee Benedict ;. .. '.. .Wm. Black * .. ;...... .Disraeli ......... G M. Cra'k Taken at the Flood. . . . . • • • Tales an^d Sketches. . . Tales from Blackwood's (2 Vols.) Tales of the Highlands. ...<... Tales of all Countries .......... Tales of the Scottish Peasantry . . X'SAcroci • • • • • * «••-■•• • • « • '• • • • • • Te^ Thousand a Year. . . » . . . . .. Thaddetts of Warsaw ... . . . . That toM of Lowrie's. ' ... . That Boy of Norcotfs . That Frenchman. ... .. .^. The Abbo|tt • > * . .......... .v./ The AbSey Mill. . . . . . .... .,. . The Antiquary. ..,.. .... . . . . . . The Admiral's Ward. . ...... The American SenatcMr The Armorer's Apprentice. . The Angel and the Child. . . The Arundle Motto . ..... The American Baron . ..... The Bachelor'of Albany .. . The Bar Sinister . . . ... . ... . The Btotttiful Wretc^ The Bastomuus . ...... The Bell offt. Paul's. The BeltQD Estate.... f f . • •' •-• I*. • • • • • • •'« «••••••• • . .M. E Braddoii .Hugh Sliller . .SirT'i). Lauder ...... A. TroUope .... Bi».H. Duncan ...,,. ...Disraeli . .. .., S. Worrell .... ..Jane Porter .....Mrs. Burnett ...... ,..,C. Lever. .....;.A. C. Gunter .... .Sir. W. Scott ...E. J. Worboise .... ...Sir W. Scott ...Mrs. Alexaader ..A.'Tjrollope ....6. M. Yonge ...... .M.C. ^y . ^?..J. de Mille .,'.. .C, A.Collins .Wm. Black ...J. LesperUice ...Walter Besant .V...,. A. T^6llope 777 f The I 778 f The f 779 f Tfaei 780 f The I 781 f The t 782 f The E 783 f This I 784 f The I 786 1 The 1 786 f The ( 787 f The( 788 f The( 789 f The ( 790/ The ( 79ltcThet 792 f The < 793 f The ( 794 f The 1 795 f The] 796 f The ^ 797 f The J 798 f The] 799 f The: 800 f The ] 801 f The ] 802 f The 803 f The] 804 f The] 806 f The] 806 f The] 807 f The] 808 f The) 809 f The 810 f The] 811 f the] 812 f The] 813 {The: ,814 f The 815 f The] ,816 f The] 817 f The: 818 f The. < 819! The< 820 { The < 777 f The Betrotheid , . . , . . ., ... i . . . . .Sir W. SiSott 778 f The Bertrams ....A. Trollope \ , 779 f The Beslfof Husbands James Payne ' 780 f The Black Robe..... / , ..Wijkie Collins 781 f The Black Dwarf. ............ ......Sir W. Scott 782 f The Bow of Orange Ribbon. . .. . .'. . . . ; , A. E. Barr 783 f ThiB Baffled. * . , . . . , J. Goddard -784 f The Bride of Lammermoori . .^w»^. . .Sir W- Scott-i^- 785 f The Burgomaster's Wife. . . . . .... .. .Geo. Ebers v 786 f The Case of Reuben M&,lachi. . ;. .. H. S. Edwards 787 f The Case of Ut,. Lucraft. . . . . . Besant and Rice 788 f The Calderwood Secret* ■ ■ ;,•.•. • • • • V. W; Johnson 789 f The Captain of the Janizaries. . . .j. . ... ;.. Ludlow- 790/ The Chautauqua Girls at Hom%... ........ ... Pansy 791 t<„Tbe Chevalier D'Harmental . . . . . . . ... . A. Dumas 792 f The Child Wife.. ....... . . .....Mayne Reid 793 f The Czlirina.. ....... ^ .......... ..Mrs. Boffland 79if The Daisy Chaiii.,. .... ...... ...vp. M. Ybnge. ^ 795 f The Daltons ...... ..,x... . .C. Lever' ' 796 f The Dead Alive . , .*. ......... . . . . . . Wilkje .Collins 7971 The DeadTyrst. ......... .i.. ...... ,.-^.Ji Granf • 798 f The Deer Slayer. . .... . . . . . . .Fefliniore Cooper, ' 799 f The Disowned .... .............. .Lord * Ly tton • 800 f The Divorced Wife ..... . . . . .• .VT. S. c^rthur 801 f The Dodd Family, Abroad ^ . . .'. ^. .!. . V. . .0.' Lever 802 f The Duchess of Rosmary Lane, ...... B. L. Farjeon 803 f The Duke of Albany's Uighlaudlirs. ... J Grant 804 f The Earth Trembled . ,.:>.. . . .,..•.... E. P. tloe 805 f The Earl's Atonement. ..... ..^... .. . . .B. M.' Clay ' 80Sf The End of a Coil....... ..^. .'.•..... Miss Wetherell * 807 f The Entail .. . ........ ........... .. . . . . tfohn Gait 808 f The Ettriek Shepherd> Tales (2 Vols) . ; . J. Hogg - " 809 f The Enstace Diamonds... ...... ... . . .it. Trollope 810f The Fair G<)d. ....... ..;.«...... .^. ..L.' Wallace " 811 f The Fair Maid of Perth.* .j. .... - . . :Sir W. Scodt ' 812 f The Felmerea. . . . . . . . . ; . .... :. *.. . . S. B. Elliott 813{ The Foster Brothef.. ..... ^. ...... ..^^LeeHunt . ,814 f The Fortunes of Nigel. :. ,...,. ... .Sir W. Scott 815f The Fortunes of CyriLDenham.. .A. J. Worboise ,816 f The Forty Five Guardsman. .> .-.^ . .". . . .A, Dumas' 817 f The lyereB . . . . :fl .'. .\ . " '. . . * . • . .-Mrs. Alexander 818 t The .Gates Bet«ireen........fr~;r. ipriv^' B. 8. Phelps ■ 819 f The Gayworthi^ft .... . . . ... . . . . . .Mrs'. Whitney - 920 f The Girls of Feversham . . ..,....:.... F. Marryat .;■> Ml •*. '-'^ mmaeBOBmimle se 821 f The Gipsy. . . . . ... i . . . ..... . . > .G. P. R. Janics 822 f The Girl He Left ftehind Him . . . .R M. .rephson 823 f The Gladiator. .J. Whyte-Melvillo 824 f The Gold of Chickaree ... . ... .. .. Miss Wetheroll 825 f The Golden Butterfly. ! . . . . . : .Beasantand Ri»:e 826 f The Golden Lion of -Granpere .A. TroUopo 82% f The Grand Gordons 828-f The Grandissimes . . . . .' >. . ; ^Xi t The Hall in the Grove.. .... 8;30f The Haurited Hotel . . .. .. ; 831 f The Hawjorths. . . . . . . . . . 8.32 f The Head of the Family ... 833 f The Hearty Midlothian .... 834 f The Heir Expectant. .... 835 £ The Hf it of Redely fife . . . . . . .836 f The Heir of West Waylarid 837 f The Heiress . . . . 838 f The H. Family. .■ .-. . ... . . 839 f The Hidden Pa^ih. . . . . .... . 840 f The Hillyars and Burtons . . ' 841 f The Homestead on the Hillside. 842 f The Hoosier School Master. . , 843 f The House of Seven Gables . . . . 844 f The House on the Ma^h .... 845 ( The Improvisatore .... . . .... '846 f TliB Interpreter.. .... . . 847 f The Jew's Daughter . ... 849 f the Khan's Tale . . . .^, . 849 f The King's Own. . . ... 860 f The Knight of Gwynne . ...... 851 f The Lady of Aroostook. .,. . . ; 852 f The Ladies Lindores.'. . . ........ 853 1._ the Lsimp Lighter . . . .\ ... . ..s 854 i Theiiast of the Mohicans. ; .. . 855 f The Last of -the Barons. . . 856 f TheLastof the McAllisters * .• '.«' • •94* .R088 c •"••••• •••• It cl II n ^ ; .:.Wilkie CoUii^s .i; . ... Mrs Purnett , . . . . . .Miss .Mulock .......Sir W.Scott ....J. S. LeFanu ...... C5. M. !fonge . ,. .Mary How if; Mrs. H. S. Stephens . .Frederika Bremt!r . . . .Marian Harlaml ... . . . Ky. Kingsley .,. Jl^. J. Holmes ,1. E. Eggleston . . N. Hawthorn I' ..P. Warden .H. C. Andersen Whyte-MelvilU' ...Mrs. Bume't ...J. B. Fraser . .Capti Marryat . . . ; .C. Lever W. D. Howell ...Mrs. Oliphant .Miss Cummings .V..J. F. Copper ..'..Lord Lyttop :... ..A. B. Bari>- 857 f. The Last Days of P, 864 f The Lovels of Arden. , . . ; . '. . Miss Mulock ..... W.Collins . .Sir. W.. Scott^ V .3. G. Glei^ ...T, S. Arthtif .M. E. Braddrtn <-«9^ 1T9«' 865f The Love That Llved^...... ' J^^^ 866! The Lover'8 Stratiigem . .. ... .. '^'k^^ji'f.r 867 I The Living Link . , . ./. , . ' •• ....•••• J-^^ ^ 8681 The Mad World.. /..>.. • • ' • ^^^^-^^^JJIlSll^ 809f TheMaKdalen... ..i..... • i iS^KS 870 f The Magician ...... • . . -"'jl'- V>i* *W 1 871 f The MaS of Sker... •-•....,. .R;l>.Bta^^ 872 1 Ibo Mayflower . . v .• . . .Mw. H. B. Stoi*^ 873 f The Man of the House ..... . . ... • - £?"•> 874 i The Ma»ter ot.Ral«ton. ^***« ; Jl^« 8761 The Master of the Mine...... ... ..B. Buchanan 8761 The Master of BAllantrae.. ... .». L- Steve^wn ^, f The Mayor of Castlebridge . . . . . . , .; ?3*»^^Hardy §8* The Mefrymen : . . . . . . .. . • . • -/^ S^^^ 87»f The Mill en the Floes. ...... .. ... ^ .^- *-»«« 880 f The Misers Daughter. ._. . . • • • W- H. A.nsworth 881 f-The Mystery of Edwin Drood. ... . ..• .}.^v.V»!*^ .882f The Monastery............ ••••••»»'• ^l t^^ Ss f The MisadveAures of Jo^hNicMwn on «J Jjlan^ Voyage.. > ... .......: K.Ij. Stevenson 884 f The Ne* Adam and Eve. . . . ... • .N. Hawthorne SSftf T»&Nab0l>at Home. ..... .-v- •*« Hr«mer 886f The N«gJ>bor»..V. ...... •• ' -LS^ 887 f TKe^emjpomes. ... ... • . . • -• • • * MiJ^Sl /888 f The Oriffies ...vv.., "*?^f ) 889 f The t/Tidw^hue ....... , v. - ^ • • • • ^^i^jT^ 7 880 f The Old Cafiosity Shop. . ... .... • • • • • ;^;^,^^" 691 f The Old English Baron... ......' •>:^'*»*^^ , 892 ( The Old Lieutenant and His Son. • ' " • «|^*»°^5i 893 1 The Outsider......... ^...... • • • . • • ^^Y^?,?^! , 894f The Pftcha of Many Tales ..../... eapt,^Mi^^^ 8d5f The Pariiriana ............ ./.• — 8961 ThePa^fiader,...:vu,,.^^ ^1 The Perpetual Curate .... —^■'■^ ^^J 898fThePhimtomSWp^ ....;.... ^ • ^*1^ "^gg^ .S^fTheRrn^r..:.*. ^^T^a^K 904 f The Pilgrims of the Rhine ifJ^^'^SSi 905f The Playfellows, ^^*Sf Marrvat 906 f The Poacher ^C»pt Mw^t * 907 f The Pocket Measure.... k .,..,..,,... .raiwy -■ =^ ir- \ '4 «• 1 ■ ■■I V ■ - 'it^a ^ 908 f The Prairie Bird ....... . ... \ G.,A. Murray 909 f The Priest of BaroeloD» ....*.. ..>.. .^. Onirand 0(0 f The Pink Wed.Ung. ..... .... i..R M. Jejpheon 911 f the Prima Donna. . . . . . . ... . . .8. Williams Ak\2 I Th« Prophet of the. Great Smoky Motrntaip . . ^ K . . 0. E. Graddock fll3 f The Prime Mirii«fer. ...^ .^. . .:^;. . . . , A. Trollope 911 f The primroJie P^th^, . . TTT . .... . . M«. Oliphant A-.' aw t ^he Priowtof the House of Pavi{l ... *' / ^^L * Rev. J. H. Ingraham 916 f The Pf^feaaoir /T>»nv. ■ • • • • • • • • . ..C. Bronte 917 f The Provost... .Tlx.. .. ..John Gait 913 f The Queen of Hearts. /Hsi. • • • • i > ■ • • • W. Collins 919 f The Queen's Cadet. . /... ?S^ . . i, . . .James Grtnt V i» 990 i The Queen's Necklace. 921 f The Race for Wealth 922 f The^Randolph's .... 923 f Th0>R^bel of the Family (3 Vols) 924 f The Regent's Daughter. . 926 f The Robber's Cav^. . . . . 026 f The Roll of the Drum ... g%27 f The Romance of a Poor Young Man 92IB f The Roses of Ringwood ....... 929 f The "Scarlet Letter ........ . .... 030 if The Scattergood Family .. 031 f The Soots lirigiade...... ........ 032 f The Scottish Chiefs. . .... ... .063 f The Search for Basil I^yndhurst y034 f The Seamy Side ....... ^035 f Th« SenQueeii. .';.....; 036 f Tlie Secret of He^Xife 03^7 1 The Son of the Conisiable 038 f The Shadow of the Sword . . . . 030 t The Silence of Dean Maitland. 0401, The Silent Witness..... 041 f The^tory of the Oadsbys 0|? I thp Story of Avis . «...^4^ f The Sketch Book. . .... . , 04^1 The Small Bouse at AUington. A. Duma? 3. H. Riddle Pansy B. JMtmton .i.. ...A. DmnM^ .A. h 0. B^ R. M. Jephson .Octave Feuillet .E. J. WorbOise. .N. Hawthorne . . . i . .A. 'Smith . . Ji^ies iGra^t . . .Jane Porter I..B. M. Carey, . . ./^esani and Rice .,..|.W. C. Russell .^Ei Jenkiiis L. Rdusaetiet • •■ 4'* '•' • • • •. •' » • 04$rThe|lpy.... 040 f The Starling 047 f The Qqbire's L^ 048 1 The Si^tj^^eon's 019 if the Tafisman >••••! .Robt^uchanan . . Maxwell Oray . . Edm»Dcl Yates .,..R.KipUnlr ..yE. J. Phelps . WaahingtiQaTrviog ....... A. Trollbpe ... . . .- . F.' Cooper . .Konifian Ht^^ooi . . • . . • • AJI. V/.' •nghter ........ ... ..^^^!^. Scott ... i ...... Siir W. Seott 1- H, tngraliain iSjf^lf . Cooper :.J. K. Fromle 950 i The Throne of David .-. .... .'.Rev. J. 951 t The Two A dmiraU .. .^ ......... • 952 f TheTwo MiM Dawaans.,.. 95.3 f The Two Chiefs of Dunboy. .... 964 f The Two Widows. . 955 f The THumpha of Time ........ ...... . Mrt. Marsh ,9(56 f The Three MusketeerU ...f,... . . . _. ... »A. Duma* 957 f The Tutor'a Ward ... , 958 f The Tower of IJondon. ........ W. H. Ainaworth ' 969 f The Tniriipet Major . . . ..>. . . . . ; . .... • Thos. Hardy 960 f The Trial ...;...,... . . ... CM. Yonge 961 f The Tinted VenuB. . ........ . . ....... F. ^stey 962 f The, Uncommercial Traveller . , , Dickens 963 f TheUnkind Word .... ... ... ^ . Miss Mulock 964 f The Undiscovered Country . . . ... W. D. Howe»la 965 f The Vica*^ of BHllhampton „ . . . . . , . .. A. TroIIope 966 f The Vtear of Wakefield . . . ......... .0, Goldsmith 9»^. . . . . . :-• • • • • • • Mooa Catrd 984 f The Yellow Flag . . . . IJW , . . .,. ..... .. E. Yates" 985 f The Young Duke.-... .\...r>*.^. *....•• • ,**»"»*" 986 f The Youqg Mountaineera : . . . , rx^. . . Daiyl ilc^lme 087 1 The Young Step-Mother. , . . . .\ • ^> . . . . . . WM). HoweUa 089 f ThlBV all do it. ...... . . > . . . . • . • -^ J- MiJI^iley 090 if Theo lielgh. . ... .... . . . ........ Annie Tj . . ... . Beaatot ft m<»^ 992 1 Thbmaa Wingfotd . . . , . . , ^. » • • • *Q^ ^^'^S?**? ^ f Throe Feathers .......... V . . v . . . . Wm. Btetjk 994 1 Thit6e People. . • ..,. . • • . • • • • • • •• Pansy 995i Tl^*^ugh one Adminiatrati6n...... Mrt. Burnett 9to f Thttongi the Miat. . . . . . . .'. . . ... . . Jeainie He^ng 997 t Thomyetaft Hall E. J. worbolse 90^ f tilbury Nogo J. G. White-Melvine ; ■ r • I 1- 4 < • 4 mhIM l( / 40 .;■:.:.■■':■;.;■/• ■•7 009 f Time the Avenger. ...... ^ . . . . . Mn. Marali 1000 f Tip Lewie and hie Lamp. . . . .... . : . . Faiiflv . tool f To the Bitter End... M. E. Braddun 1002f Tom Bark of Ours (2 Vdli.).. ... .Chae. Lever 1003 ( Tomjaawyer. ..... .. ...... ..,i ..... Idark Twain^ 7^ lOOf-f^Tbm Brown's School Days ....,«».>i.. . r T. HugheH 1005 f Tom Brown it Oxford .... ......... .T. HughuH lOOa f Tom Cringle's Log. ... ..... . . . .rMichael Scott.. 'v. }j0O7f Tom Bulkley of Ussington.... ....R. M. Jephoon "1008 f Tommy Upmore , ^ . . . . R. D. Blackmore lOOOf Tony ijutler. ............ „*(.,>•... ..0ha8.Levur 1010 f Too Soon...... .............V, K. 8. Macquoid 1011 f True Riches.. . . . . .T. S. Arthurs 1012 f Traitor or Patriot. Mary E. Boswell 1013f Tracy Park... ......... M.J. Holmes 1014 f True as Steel — . .,''. . .;...;...,.!. Gerardin 1015 i Tidie to the Best. . ...... . . Annie Price 1016 f Tugs at Ramsgate... . . ... . Ohas. Dickens 1017 f Twas in Trafiugar Bay ....... ... Besant ft Price 1018 f twenty l^ears After. .. . . . .s A. Dumas 1019 f Twice Told Tales (2 copies) . ..^. . . N. Hawthorne 1020 f Two Marriages . ........... ... .Miss Mulock 1021 f Two Plunges for a Pearl. . . . . .Mortimer Ceilings 1022 f^Two Years Ago .............. ... .Chas. Kingsley *«^P23 f Uncle Tom's Cabin ........... .Mrs. H. B. Stowe I 1024 { Uncle SiliM ......... :; . .......... .J, S. Le Panii) ■/ 1025 f Under One Roof .^ ..James Pf^ii / 1026 f Under Slieve-Ban. ............. R. E. Franoiilon / 1027 f Under the Southern Cross i> . . .... .- ,' ' 1028 f Under Foot. .•••.. .7>.. ....... . 1029 f Unravelled Skeins ......... . . . . * . .. . . . .0. Go w 1039 f Ursula. . . ; . .... . .' Mrs. Sew'ell 1031 f Valeric .... ............. •. . . . . . Capt Marryat 032 f Vanity Fair. . ..... ...... W. M. Thackarey 1033 f Vashti. . . ... . . . .... .;........ . . . .°. .Ai J. E. Wilson 1034 f Verdant Green. ....... ^ , Onthbert Bede 1035 f Vere of Ours. ........%. . . .... James Grant 1036 1 Vica Versa. .^ . . . .. .... . .... . . . . . . . . F. Anstey 1037 { Victory of the Vanquished. . . .7.' Mrs. E. Charles 1038 f ViUete. . . ... . . ....... ....... .,. .Charlotte Cronte 10^ f Violet Jermyn. . . . . . . .-. . . ....;\ ... . JifflW ^'y"* 1040 f VirKiiit Soil ... . ....... , . . . . , . . Ivan iVgnenieA mi t 1042 f Virgi Vivii Walt Walt War Wan Was Was] WaU Wav Wea Wei We 1 Wee 1043 f 1044.1 ^I045f 10461 1047 f 1048 f 1049 f 1050 f 1051 f 1062 f 1053 f 1054 f 1055 f Wha 1056 f Whal 1057 f 1058 f 10591 1060 f 1061 f 1062 f 10631 1064 f 1065 f Will 1066 f Wife 1067 f 1068 i 1069 f 1070 f 10711 1072 f 1073 f W^hat Whal Whal Whit Whit Whit Wh Wide tJV idfo lC74f 10751 1076 f 1077 f -1078£ 1079 f 1080 f 1081 f -1082^^ 1083 t Wutb Wing WinS With With( Wtthi Withi Wivei Womj Wonl Won, Wove Wood Wortl Wortl Wreol Wfsel 1041 ( Vircinians in Texas Wm. Baker ' 1042 ( Vivian Gray. .... ; . '..... . DiBraell 1043 f Walter's Escape., .... . . . . .... . . J. De Liefde 1044 f Walter Goring.. ;..:i^__._^_ Annie Thomas 1045f War and Peace ............... ..A. L. O. K. 1046 ! Ward or Wife. , .... ....,*.. ' 1047 f Was ever Woman in this Humor Wooed .C. Gibbon 1048 f Washington Square Hy. James 1049 f Water Babies ,.;... ., . .. Chas. Kingsley lOSOf Waverly .. .. Sir W. Scott 1051 f Weavers and Weft . . . ... . M. E. Braddon 1052 f We Two ................ . . . . . . Edna Lyall 1053 f We and our Neighbors. . , Mrs. Stowe ■ 1054 f Wee Wifie . ...... , . . . . R. M. Carey 1055 f What Can She Do. .......... . . Rev. K. P. Roe , 1056 f What He Cost Her. James Pavn 1057f WhatlShallBe. ...... ....... .... 1058 f What%ill He do with It. . . . . . .Lord Lvtton 1059 f What Shall it Be. Mrs. Alexander 1060 f White Lies .•. ....... Chas. Reade 1061 f White Ladies. Mrs. Oliphant * 1062 f White Winga,^ . . . . Wm. fetack 1063 f Whv Not. \ Florence Marryat 1064 f Widow and Marquis. . ............ Theo. Hook '' 1066 f- Will Watch . .... . . 1066 f Wife in Name Only . . :. . .C. M. Braeme 1067 f Wings Jtad Stings .. .. . . , . . A. L. O E. 1068 t Winifred Bertram.-. . . ..... Mrs. E. Charles 1069 f With Harp and Crown... . . . Besant and Rice 1070 f Without a Home. . ;...... .Rev. E. P. Roe 1071 f Within the Maze. . . , .*..... . . ..Mrs Hy. Wood 1072 f Within an Inch of his Ofe.. . . . . Emile Gaboriau 1073 f Wives aiid Daughters. ...... .... Mrs. Gaskell 1C74 t Woman's Friendship ..... . . Grace Aguilar 1075 f Won by Waiting . . . .... Edna Lyall 1076 f Won, Not Wooed ..... . ... . . .... J. Pkyn 1077 i Woven of Love and Glory ........ .... Mrs. Barr ■10781 Woodleigh..... .v/...^ ... ,7.:. F.W. Robinson 1079 f Wortlebank Dairy . ... . . . . . . . ;....... Holme Lee - 1080 f Worth Winning. . . . . . . . Mrs. H. L. Cameron 1081 £ Wrecked in Port ... ..... . .... .Edmund Yateu 1082f Wreok of the Grosvenor. ., W. C. Russell 1083 t Wuthering Heights;., v.... , .. ...Anne Bronte \; to 'l -^^, ■A\ ^. >v. I n n ' -' ; .- ' ■ : ■■'' ■■ J" , . ■ --.•■.•:\' ■;;.;,■■ ■'^^■■^■< ■ ■ 1084 f VVyAnJotte. . . . . . , . v , . . J. F* Coop* r 1086 f Wych Hazel.... r MIm Wethonll 1086 f Yankee In King Arthur's Court, A. . . . MI Twain 1087 f Yeast. . ► . .\ Phas. KinKHk* 1088 f Yoland*:.;. ,T77r. .77.% . . Wm. Black 1089 f Young Mr«, Jardlne .Miw Mulook 1090 f Young Muagrove. ............... Mrs. Oliphant 1091 f Zanoni . . ... . . ...... .Lord Lytt.m ■ ■• ' " ■■ - ■ •■ ■ . '-."■-■ ..■ ■ ' . \ • ■ ■ ■ ^. .\ ■ . ' ; ■ . ■ ■ ■. \^ :j|^.- ..■■.... ■.-■.■■ ■ ■ Fiction* : . ■:■.'.' MubDbparimbnt : Talbh of Advbnturb and Hihtohv. No7$ — For convenience some i/vorka not sttictly tales alv placed here. It has been thought advisable also to group the works under the names of the au- thors. DB8I0NATIN0 LETTBRS FA, FH. ARCHER, RICHARD. - '1 fa IslMid Home. BALLANTYNB, R. M. —2 f» Away In the Wilderness. 3 fa Battled with the Sea. " ^ 4 fa Blaok Ivory, ' . ° 5 fa Chasing the Sdn. 6 f» Deep Down. 7 fa Digginsrfor Gold. f ' 8 fa Dusty Diamonds. \ 9 fa Erling the Bold. | / 10 fa Fast in the Ice. }/ . 11 fa Fighting the Wales. — I -^ . ^- 12 fa Floating Light ^| 13 fa Hunting the lions. . . \' 14 fa In the Iraok of the Troop*, i 16- fa Madman and Pitirtb; — — — --—■ — ' : -— — 16 fa Martin Rattler. \ • i ■. ■ ■■■■.■ '(■ ' ■ . "■ '■•. ■ • " ,\ ;■■. > ■ ', - • -. 17 fa My 1 IS fa I'ost to fa Hivo 21) fa 8ave< 21 fa Shift — 1"2 fa Silvei '2.3 fa Six \ •24 fa Storj 25 fa Sunk •26 fa The 1 •27 fa The] •28 farThe i 29 fa The 4 .W fa The 31 fa The < .32 fa The 1 ' 33 fa The 1 :i4fa The] :J5fa Thel .36 fa The I • 37 fa Thel .38 fa The ^ .39 fa Three 40 fa Unga 41 fa Up in 48fa Wrec ■•;•:■:■•".<: * 43 fa The A ,, 44 fa Advei 45 fa The G 40 fa Anion 47 fa Rohm . 48 fa Tom a — 49 fa The B 17 fa My Dogf^ib and I. 18 fa Tost Haat;-;' ;'kNOX,T.W. 170 fa The Boy Travellers in Central Africa. 171 fa The Boy Travellers in Ceylon and India. 172 fa The A^y Tra,veller8 oi) the Congo. :^-r^-rz^ y ~r:;~-yy--.h jjiLLER, ■ T. ^T~ 173 fa Fred and the Gorillas. MimLBACHi 174 hf Bernthal. 175 hf Frederick the Great and His Family. 176 hf Frederick the Great and His Court. 177 hf Marie Antoinette. ._ ^ 178 hf Napoleon and Bluoheiir. ~^ 179 hf Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. < X -'I -K. \ \ ^ 'of'' * "* ' '^ \ ^ 4B * 180 hi The EmipreM JoaephineT . 181 hf The Maid of Orleans. PEROV-GROV^ J. 182 fa Seefei ancl Bifleman. ' * V RICHARDSON, R.' 183 hf Ralph's Year in RuMda. > REID, MAYXE, ■» . ,'• ■ '■- ■ ■ < ■ 18444k Bmin. ; 186 fa Odd People. 186 fa Owen Wynn. 187 fa The Cliff Climbers. 188 fa The Iteath Shot, 189 fa The Forast Exiles. 100 fa The Ooean Waifs. 191 fa The Plant Hunters. 192 fa The Scalp Hunters. 193 fa The War Trail. SCOTT; MICHABli. 194 fa The Cruise of the *' Midge." 195 fa Tom Cringle's Log. STEWART, J. A. 19»fa SeM-Exiled. VERWE JULES. 197 fa A Journey to the Centre of the Earths 198 fa Around the World in Eighty Days. 199 fa Dick Sands. 200 fa' Dr. Ox's Experiment. 201 fa; Five Weeks' iv a Balloon. ^202 fa Godfrey Morgan. 203 fa Green, Ray. 204 fa Hector Servadac. 206 fa Martin P^. , 206 fa Meridians. 207 fa Michael Strogoffi 208 fa Tribulations of a Chinaman. 209 fa Tigfli 210 fa Twei 211 fa The 212 fa The( 213 fa The -214 fa '215 fa 216 fa 217,fa 218 fv 219 fa 220 fa 221 fa 222 fa 223 fn The Ne The" The The Thel The The The The The^ 224 fa Cam] 22Sfa Left 226 fa Off t( 227 fa On tl 228 fa The 229 fa Troai 1 h Acadia 2 h Ameri< 3h Amerii 4 h An)en< 5 h Ameri< 6 h Ameri( 7'h AncieE 6 h Ancien milk 210 fa •211 fa 212 fa 213 fa -214 fa '2V6fa 216 fa 217,fa 218 fM 219 fa 220 fa 221 fa 222 fa 223 f|k TtaAU 40 Tigers apd TMttor«. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. • The Begum's Fortune. . . The Chfld of the Cavern. The Castaways, or a Voyage Round the World— -Australia. The Oastawaya, or a Voyage Round the World- New Zealand. The Demon of Cawwpore. The English at th^^ttMh Pole. The Field of Ice? The Floating Citj The Far Country^ , The Mysterious Island - Dropped Isow the Clouds. The Mysterious island— The Abandoned. » The Mysterious Island— The Secret of the' Islapd. The Wreck of the Chancellor. „ STEPHEa^S, C.;A.;- . CampiiigOut< ■■■' ■ Left on Labrador. : Off to the Geysers. On the Amazon. The Young Moose Hun tevs. ' - ^EVENSON, R. L. 229 fa Treasure Island. - >&, V ^U fa 225 fa 226 fa 227 fa 228 fa *^ Histoiry, DBSIOlf aTINQ LETTBRgT n. i ti Acadia, History of. .... ,; .... 2 h America^ Discovei^ of Jr ... 3 h Amerioa, English Oolohization of 4h America, History of T... ,., ., 6 h American History, Vignettes of . . 6 h American Literature^ Sketch of . . 7 h Ancient Cities of the World. 6 h Ancient History. Stories from . . . . . .James Hannay. Wm. Robertson ..'.. ... .v.. Neil ■ .'. Wm, Robertson ,, . . . Mary Howett . . . . . .H. A. Beers .....T. ^. Rupkley -. - A gnes Stri ckland :A » - ^fi ;,*Tt™^ ^' •-%. <0 .9-10 h Arabia, Hwtory of. ,*. . . . 11 lf^Au8tri|^HuDgary . V. . .> . .. 12 hr Bjittles of the British Ar^ . 13 h BAttles.of the Britiah Navy 14 h fJAttlea on Land ...... v 15-6 h Bible, History of the Bibl^ 17 h'i^ooksellers, 4 History of . . . . 18 h Britaiij, filftriy (Celtic) . . . 19 h Britain, E.rly (Saxon)... 20 h> British Con'stitation, The ■:■'••• 4 •■■» . . Andrew Cricjitou .. . ..;.I)»vid May . .' . . . .C JEl. JLove ...... C. R., Lo\ Mrs. R. Valentiii^ . i^.jQr R. Gleiy . . » ... . . Curwen . . . .■. . ■'V'.-J. RyliH .v* Qrant All'yii Ldnd Broughaiii 21 h^^j^tish Colonies. Parlijamentary Ooviernment W in the ........ ^...,^.. A. Todd 22 IkBritish Navy, History of the, . . W^H. G. Kingston 23 4i O^jutda, Conquest of. . ..... .. . . , ; ... .Henry kirl? V 24-&hC|tnada. Conquest of. \....f...... . . . . Warburton ; 26-7/h Canada, History of ..^i^. ..>.....,. ..Andl-ew Bell Allies h Canada. History of ... . . : . . . .- . . W. H. Withrow ;29:b;C|anadian People, Short' History of the. » .. '. r. : ' Rev, Prof. Bryce 304 h Cana^k, History of the Last Forty Years in . .;■■■■. ■ ■ ..; J.-C. Denfr 32 h Canada Under Lord Dufferin . : . . ..Geo. Stewart, jr ' 33 h €avaliers and Round Heads- . . . . : . . . . .'.J. G. Edgar 34 h :Cavalnr, History of . . . . ...... Col. G. T. Denniaoh i 35I7 h Charles the Bold. ./. : . ........ J. Ti Kirke 38-40, h Charles the Fifth, The Emperor. vW. H. Prescott 41 h Charles the Fifth, The Emperor .....Wm. Robertson 42 h Oharlemagne,\ History of ...... . ..J. P. R. James 434i China. Qistonjbal. ..............;. ... . . . .C. H.Eden 44 h Chittaand Japan, Lord Elgin's* tiiission to. . . 1 Lawrence Oliphaht 46 h China War.^ The.-. . . ... : ,,,.. . .... .Henry KnoWlys 46'h Chivalry. ..........,.........;.;...: G.P.R. James 47 h Church; TKe^st'ly .....;,.....; J. T. Hurst •^48-9 h ConspifjiKsy of Pontiac. . . ./. ... Frauds Parkman 50h Cotton Manafa9ture, History of. .. .EdWCItL Babes 51 h Covenanters, Vales of the. .^. . ... . . , -E. J. Guthrie 62-7 h Crimea, Invasioii of the ... ..... .^ . W. Banglake 68 h CroroW^I 'and the Restoration . . ..... i . M. Guizot '^** h Crusades, Chronicles of the . . . . John M Joinville ^feli Decisive BfttUes of the WorUl . .E.8r Creasy Jfl h Dial-y-of^ Besieged Regident » Paris . r * \' i-"62 h Discovery 6f tlie Great West ... p ParW.««« 03h patch.Rep«bJic. Riaeof theu^'r.^^^^ :>^:.,;-( , 69 h England Making of J' ' ' V ' * - * ' r^y ^ g-^^" 70 h En|l.nd Expanfionof ' •" * • '/ ^ £T- VI h gnSland, F.£.ce and Sp;,in;^|i,onide;of ^^'"'"^ . • ;72.-Ci, England. Hiil-oiy of SirJohnlWart I 96h «, J^ V A \i^- • •^^•A•^^^^ ^|^Engl^. .R^ Mackenzie «]77 fa History of ifae Rebellion of 1745^-6 .R. Chambers 178 h Hol l and, the S tory of. .. . . ■ . . . • . . J. E. Rog e r a 180 fa Ha| J81 h Hui ^2 fa Hui 183-6 fa In 187-9 fa 190 fa IndJ 19lfa Ihdi 192fa Ilidj 198falreli 194-6 fa ' l96faJrel 197 fa Irel 19Sfa Irisl 199h Isra . >. ., ■,■■ 200-2 fa Iti 203fa ItalJ 20ifa Ital: i, - , 1 ■ .. 205 fa Japi •»206 fa J>a 207 fa -^ewi 208-10 fa J( ^ ^U-2fa Lo 21811 214 fa 216faLDyfl 216 fa Man 217 fa Mad 218 fa Medj 219faMod< 220-2 fa Mc -^»4hMo 28Bh Miul 826 fa Miiti 827-8 fa Na 289 fa Neth 880 fa New 281 fa Nor« 179 fa Hngnenots, tfae. .S. Smiles 5S 180 h Hagttenoto in France, the 8. SmileT J8i h Hungary, The Story of . . A/ Vambery J82 h Hun/^ary and ito Revolutions E. O. SC S*St In?>.Hi«tory of British.,*. .^Rev. O. R. Oleig ;gJ-9 \ * ^ •• f >. ,. .,i v^rioua authoiS lOQ h India, Hlrtorioal 7. :; . :.-;::. :7\ .,, .0. U. Eden !^ !* ^^^ Roinanoe of theHiatpryof. Rev. H. Cannter M h Ireland, History of. ,; , • . .... ., JoKii Mitchell lH'ih V . " ".....• .>»..W:C. Taylor 196 h'lretand under Elizabeth and Jamee I. , I2IS?!?W'.***®®.*°'?**' •• •;• ••• • *• ^^^e»^ IW n. Irish before the Conquest. The v.«. . . . . j Ferguson 199 h Israelites. History and Literature o^f The. . - ^u.«.^ , , ' • ' 0. and A. RothchiWf j SS"2 h ^^y '^^ Italian Islands . , : . . , . Wm. Spalding J 2Mh Itahr, History of . ... ,. ...., . , . . W. SJeenS / 204 h Italy, Romance of the History of (two copies). '■■ .'.'c'. >•.■.;■'■"- ...■-->Gi-Madlu;lik»o \ I .• f % ,h ;••• iV 205 h Japan. Historical. r^SS ^ ^*»«**»'n North America. Xherr. i^. . .x.ij 22 l*.*'!*^*' ^^'^w?***'^ *>'^^ yali8ts of America, the . . . . . : ; ... Dr. Ryerson 2}S^ Manitoba..^.. I. ........ Rev. Prof, ^ryoe 217 h Manitoba, Creation of . .... . . . . . '. . .A. Beffk 218 h Medtoval Church. Th6... ' - " ** 219 h Modem Church, The . ... 2SS0-2b Mexico, TKe Conquest ot. .. .. -^«4 h Montcalm and Wolfe . ; . . . 1. . 226h Mnaio, History or...; . ,.;. v 226 h Mtttinies. Great Historical .... -,.- y y, "-w. ;■■, - /^ • ■ , -, 227-8 h Napoleon, Correspondence of .. 1^ li Netherlands, Revolt of The f' . . . J. ■ Fv ■ H'lirst >..... J. F. Huntt W. IT. Prescott . . ;F. Parkman ...F. L. Ritter . ..Dr. Herbert 280 h New England, the Making of . ...... J. A. Drake 281 h Norway.^e Story of . ^ f ■% w .m r- f. Schiller .. — A. Drake . . H. H; Boy ea en (A; r . ^1 ■1 --232 h Old Reglrtie In Cwiia. The U • • • • • J- 1*'^^^^ 238 b Ottomftn Turk*, History of Tb«» . • • • .E. »• V^WMy 234 h PalMtine. History of. . . i • VReV- Mj »"•««" ^b Peninsular W.r. Sisjc^r c.4^ /^^H^mSSS ^-41 h miip the Second. HUtory \i W. Ji. Prescott ,^^242 h i»ioneer»^of Prance in the New VWorld, ^p^^^^^^j^ 243-6 h Popi», History of The . v .:..,: L. Von Ranko 246 h Pre-KtoHo W&pns . . ..... 3J>. Mdwin 2^2 Prince Talleyraiid^d Louis Xyill .M.G, Pallain >- 248 h Quebec. Picturesque fJX^. v- . J. M. Le Moine o 249 h Heootlections and SuMestio^ ' "^ iLI *^Ja%!!!!I ^ - 250 b Reformatioii. ^W^-^h^' ^^oSSn 269 h Bomans, Stories of The Old . . » - - - « x* ^^W V MOb IU)nv&,flistoryof^^. . . ,.v • •^■Al^g^th' ^^.4h'Ru.ri., Hi-Wy-Pf; ; y • ;• V "^N^dSJ MS h •• Young JP'olk's HUtory of -. ...N. H. Dole IS t Russi* Under the Czars ... ..^£...^^^ 2W h SSSSTuriash War, Hlstsry of The. .^^ 3. Sbhem :.■' ■•*<■ t ■ ^7h Spa 288 b Tal« 289 h Thii — ■290h Ton ^1 h Tur 292 h. • 293-4 h Ti 296 h tyr 296 h Uni 297-^3 h 304 h Uni —306.6 b U 307 h Ven 308 h Ven 309-10 h ^ ^11-18 bV 314 h Wei 316h We« 316 h Wea Sl7h Xen i '*' 268 h Satieens fflstory of ^e.v,.. Gibbon and Ockley 266 bSiuidin^viv Ancient and !^m^ ^^ wh^° ^0-78 b Scot In BiWsb N^ America, The^. j j^^^^^ W4;l86ol3and.Hiftonrol .. .. ..^^. -W^ o*7KRh «• • . • ... . ....... ...-r: IT. lyuer ml Scotland, Clans'rf..,V.v... ••vJ-^^<» 0^ ' • >' J^ ». G. Abbott ^-l7tCUiha ,"" .t w.ifr^ •H- i 56 M7 h Spanish InqoiaitioD, 'riw..,, . ,. . . . . .Janet Gordon ^m h Thirty Year. War, Th#. . . . . . . . J . . . . P. Schiller ^h Turkey, JHittory of .. ;.,....* ,i.L.. .J. Bakw ' 292 h. " Story of ..^. . .<.. v .,..;. v.S. L. Poole oS'k •L'^"'^^**'*"' • • V V ••>•"• • • ' • •••• B. Schuyler SJ !L??**f^ ^*®"' The, History of. ....„....B. Oilier 2»T«)8h ♦• . . ...GBaoorpft 304 h United Netherlande, The Hietory of . . J. L. Motley —806-6 h Upper CanadUn Rebellion, History of :ir, C. Dent 307 h Venice, The Makereof.... »V../ . Mra. Oliphant 308 h Venice, P.etand.^'Vewmt. .,.^ . . . ,; ; ., \ 309-10 h Venetian Hiitory.-... .:;... P* B. Smedley^ '.,■',:•■'■■■■ »■" ■■■. ■■ .' ; ■"" ,. ■ 'i''- ■- . • 5U!'J5 S^®"^"8*°°'» SJ««<* to Spain. .. .Sir J» T. Jones ilj h Wellington, Victories 6f ... ... . . W. H. Maxwell , ^15 !* Westnnlnster Ab% Bietgry of ........A. P. Stanley 318 h Weattndiea, History of the. , . . . .... .0. H. Eden : 81 7 h Xenophdn's AnaUsia «Dd Memorabilia . .. ' ' « rrr .X -^^ General Idterature,' obsiomaIino lbttbr t. ;,; 1-6 1 Addiiion'sWorki. . . . .-. 71 Autocrat of thelBreakfast Table "\' .••••«•■•*•'•.• • • • • . ^0. W. tiolbes 81 Banquet of Dante Aie|(iaeri. . . . , . ...M. P. Sawyer 91 BiographioalandRistori^Sketciies.T. BeQuincey !2"?y %ojrt»phy and Criticism^. ...... . . . P. Bayne 13-16 1 Brown's, Dr. John Works. . . . .^rae Subsecivae , 161 Bit}mning,'Rpbert, Intro^i^ction to.., ^^7 1 CaiihiMi or the Mitsing Link . . . . Y. . Dr.. D>Wil8on mmm '/ * 'm- ' 18 1 Ghivftlry, RomAlioe add the Orama Sir W. 8oott ig I Chip* From Many Block* • Elihi; BUrritt 20 1 aauio Franoh Courae in Ebgliah . W. G. WUkintoii 21 1 ClaMio Qermao Courae in Enffliah . '. W. C. Wilkinson 22 1 Culturo and Anarchy . . .^jj,^^^ . • • Matbew Arnold 28 1 Currant Coin. i. •• • ^^^' H. B. HawelH ". . ■ ". ■■.■■ ■'..■■ ■ . " ,.'; ; ■ .' :■** ■ "r :■ ■- '94 1 i>9m(Mthanea' 8pMoh on thaCrowil. ..<« V. 2ft 1 Enidish Langw^. Art Gallery of. , . A. H. Morriioi. •^8 I English. Every Day R- « WhiU 27 1 Evenings in a Library. ....... . . Geo. Stewart, Jr ^ ■•;■.> ESSAYS OF... ■; 281 Lord Baooit. 29 1 Thomas Carlyle< 80 1 Thomas De Quinoey. 81 1 John Forater. 821 Arthur Hal^< 881 Franeii Jeffrey. . •841 T. B. Macaulay. 86 1 Sir James Mackintosh. 861 MaszinL 87 L Mcmtaiipie. 4i84l Sidney Smith, ^^l t 40 llBmith, Tallourd and ^phen, 41 1 Talfottrdand Stephen. ^1 Herbert Spencer. 481 Wilson and Allison. . ^ t-th^ M <» % 44 1 j'rench Literatine, Aotfwlniol Modem. .De Verioour 45 1 Friendship's Garland .... . • • Mathew Arnold ' 46 1 Gargantaa , . . /........ ;^. 'j^ - • • i,- • •?*J'?**^ 47 1 Gleanings o£ Past Years.T Jt^WT* . W. E. Gladstone 481 Gr^t Subjects, Short Studies in...... J. A. FrouAs 49 1 Gulliver's Travels...... • . De«» Swift 60^8 1 Half Hours with the Best Authors. M 1 'Heroes and Hero Wonhip ......... 55 1 Hours With VLtn and Books. .. . . . . 66 1 Humanity and th e Man ... * » » « ■ ■ » , ■ 57 1 Humor, Wit and Wisdom .... . . -^ • .Chwrlea Knight . . . .T. Oarlyle . . W. Mathews ....W. Sharp** •miMnMaaMMMi 881 Irrlng. W»Atogtem,«tftdliig»fro« ... .. 51 John BwllMdHti Wand. .........:.. Mm. O'Rirfl 61 I JnniiMi Letters of . . . • • • • • '^ « ' ni-j-*«-^ 6S I Ijuinnn. Ufa wd Growth of V. :^-AWhitn«y S ULm!«^ Leetarra on the SdeooD ofXKCB. Mnlltr Ml Lay i««nnoni... ••'•••••Vi:V*'v?3S 5 I LeJto«« in America .....OWl- Kin^ M 1 Lecture* to,Qeiieral LiteratuWv. . . • -J- Montgomery IB0I Uttere and Social AIbw ........ ^....*- 'f. 70 1 Leitert to Yonng People . . . . . *,.... 71^ 1 Utler. 9f Charles Dickens, . . . . . . . ^ ^. ^^ 741 Ut«rary Criticism. •• T. gjgjJ^J Ml literary Reminlsowioes i. uevumoey 7? I Uliatow and ScholarrtilpinthelSthC^tnw.^^ 77 1 Uteratare, Curiosltlee of . . . « . .» • • • * • '4 r£^* 78 1 Literature, Hig**^*!* <>' • •*'••• •/*'• "*"• ,794 Lbogfellow's ftoee Works ........... ^-^ 801 MaBanlay»Readlngsfrom ...#.• ..-•• . ^.,k^ A! 1 My Btadj Windows • • • • u ' * ' „ « « ^ • 8S1 MirfowS Morals... ......B-v. H »• Haw^ 881 Noctee Ambfoelanae .,.».%•..»»?.•"• v. .Pt6I.Wilapo 1 OratiotM, Leotureiand Essays .. .....B W. Emerson 86 1 Papen. Humorous and Pathetic . . , . .4. * ***_^5*)* 801 Poetoof^America ... -'-'^ n ISdSIS a*T I PnAts Victorian *• !±:**5?*t'*^ 881 pS^^firBi«akfa.tT^We.The ..p. W. Holmes JI9-001 Becr«»tIons of Christopher North. ^^.WUaon a I RepresenUtive Men. . . . • • » W. B«Wn' 021 Rocks Ahead ....V ......... .^-fW. K. uregg 931 Salmagundi... ■ ■ . -"^^ aSftSyig _iilSrto7Kesairtn..... ... • • • ^^^^^S^IT Mit «^05 1 Sdenoe and Culture ^ ^* •"»«• nuxloy 4 ; \ ■ .'f'' * f ■4 I 'fl M M i 8etcot«■**■■ • • .< 1% .:»;.ChAinb«rluji IM .0. W. Holm. - . •«■•? . ' ■«*' v m — ■■ 7/ rofirjf and the Dranut. ■■*■ \i- 101 I Among the MiU«l »i, ,.» >,...Archihftl«l Umpnim. lO'il HftllAde. Book of ..... ,.%..., Aytpuo Mid Martin 108 I Halladi of KngUnd tnd SootUnd .... .1.8. Rob«rty 104 1 Bide ft Wee and Other Poenn..>. ...M. J. MoColl 106 I Bislow Pftpere, The . ; . . . : . ,v^ .,. J. R Low.! I 106 I Brltiih Dramatista, The ..... » •••. ••••* 107 I Cantelrburv Talea, The ... . . . . , . ; „ . , . . Chaocei 1081 Coming of the Prinoeaa, The.../. Kate 8. Maolean 109 I Coatahca ....,.,.. W. Merit 110 1 Coorao of Time. The. ... , .'. . . . .. Robert Pollock ill I Dftnt*: . . .Tranalated by Rev. H. F. Gary 1121 Death of Abel, The........ ........ W. C. Oulton 1131 Gogliah Playa ../..., ..,;.... ..' .H. Morley 114 I PaOrie Que«jn, The . . .. .. ..:...., . E. Spenaer 116 1 Farm Rallada. ......._ i»^w.^.v^,. Will Carleton 1 10 1 duido and LitU . . , ^ . .Marquia of Lome 117 I Httdibraa. . . ,^ ... .;..,... , ... ^.^.Sftmuel Batter UP 1 I« Divers Tonea ..;... . .... ...0. D. S. Roberts 1191 Legends. The lojoldsby. .........Rev. R. H. Barham 120 I Lonaer English Poems ....^ ... .Editor, J. W. Hale 121 I Lucille. .....: ... . . . . . . 1/ ... V . . . .Owen Meredith 1221 Maad. 9 9 a m «• .•••• ...Tennyson 124 1 Play 12ft I Play I'iti 1 I'uvii 1271 Prov \'2» \ Quee IW I iUd / '4 m\ 8voti 31 1 Shak 32 1 Shak 39 1 Son^ i:t4 i Honu 135 Voic- / 123 1 New Poema—Ingelow/Whittier and Longfellow. f . MM » ^ * ■ ■ * , I ' ^•.* 124 1 rky« of 8oi>lMHilet m, ,..,.... 125 I I'laya of KitilianI Briniley Hhdriflttn (two ly^ iM I i'uvnia Mild Kaatyii . . .,. 1171 Prov«rbUl Philopwphy . '; . 0«. V.|. \'2» I QuMit MiryT . .... * . .'../. .• . . ,. , . Alfre. IW I IM UtUrn Night Cfp Country. Tb«. . '• i \/ KolMsrt Brown Jiig ' V ] * ■• ;■ .■;,■ '■ . % ' ■ . ' iA90 1 8«ottiirti rooms . . h i . rs i , . . f. ..i .. J. Rofi ijp^SI I Shftktupiure, The I^opold . ' ^ial32 I Hhak«>iip«>ar«an UeniM TnntUted into French . T 133 I Hon«« of Charity Prof. Chapinati 134 1 Monufi of thu (ircat Dominion. . Kditedby W.D. Lightiialt IS0 1 Voice, of Nature . T^. ... . :. K V . If ^, "'W' ' /// Ftteiical Work4 136 1 Arnold, Mathew 137 I Aj toun. Prof. VY. E. 138 1 BloomfTeld, Robert 138 1 Browning, Mrs. Barrett 140 1 Bryant, William C. 141 1 Buma, Kobert 1421 Campbell, Thomfta 143 1 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 144 1 Cook» Eli2a ip 146 1 Cowner. William 146 1 Crabbe, Rev. George 147 1 Dryden, John \ 'J^. •148 rOoldimith, Oliver. 149 1 Heber, Rev. Reginald. T" •y . •0 160 1 H«rriok, Robert. 161 1 Holi|M>,OUv«r Wendell. 162 1 Hoed. ThoiiiM (two copies) )68 l^tmt, Leigb. 164 1 Ingelow Jeui. v ' ftel Ke«te, Johii; ^ / ^^^ \ 1661 liMidon/LetitiaBUnbeth. *— 1671 Longfelldw, Henry W»d»worth. 168 1 Lover, SMnneL 169 1 Lowell, JMnet KuMoU leO 1 MaonQlnT. Loid ^ • iei 1 Mttton, John (two oopiee) 1631 MooWi ThomM ; -* 164 1 Morris, Lewis /- 1661 MoQee,ThoniMl)wroy 166Ldldliun,J/ 167 1 Pope, AleMnder ;168 1 Procter, AdeUiine A. 169-71 1 Bninsay, Allan .' " -» 172 \ Scott, Sir Welter * --178-41" '^ •• 176 1 Shelley, Perey Byaehe ^, .1701 Senthey.ltobert 177 1 Tlnnahill, Robert 178 1 Tennyipn. Alfred, Lord 179 1 Thomson, Jlunes .1801 Tnpper, MaMSn FarqahMr (two copies) UWl 1 Kirke Wliite, Henry %': ■ . . ' J-.- ■ ■-.,■■ --■ 1821 Whittier, John Greenleali . ^ ^ 183 1 Wileoin, Prof. John ^^ .^ - v-^ ■■;■: 184 1 Wyttt, T^infs ; ' 1861 Yqgng,'Bdwnrd - ^ \ 222 1 Cauad 223.301 Cer 231-41 Cha 235 61 Gor.1 2371 2.38-91 Con 245 8 1 PoM 61 \ fV Sfagaiinea. 186 I All the Vear Round (Vol. KV).Oc't to March, 1876 187 I Applpton's Journal: . . , . . ., . . .July to De«. 1877 188 1 Argosy, The July to Dec, 1876 189 1 Atlantic Monthly (Vol. LV) . Jan. to June. 1876 1901 " " ' . 191 I •• A' 192 1 fielford'8 Magazine . . ... . ... . . July to D6c., 1876 193-2C91 Blackwood's Magazine Jan., 1827 to Dec, 1835 ?10J •• : .. .. July to Dec, 1875 .. ... Jan. to Jiyie, 1877 Jan. '1880 to Dec, 1884 ...Jan. io April, 1876 '* < < Ml 1 212-20 I 221 1 British Q>iii^terly Review \ 222 1 Canadian Monthly. The (Vol. 8) . July to Dec , 187(i 223-30 1 Century Magazine_ . . ., Nov. 1880 to Oct , 1884 231-41 Chambers's Journal, 235 6 1 Contemporary Reviewi The 2371 A " 238-9 1 Cornhill Magazine ... , . . . 240 I Eclectic Magazine ... . 2411 " " .....v.... 242 1 Bdinburgh Review. . .... ... 2431 1880 to 1884 .,.;... .. .1876- ..July to Dec, 1885 .......... for ISTjfi .July toDec, 1876 .May to July, 1884 July to, Oct., 1855 .Jan. tq^pril, 1856 244 1 English Illustrated Magazine, The '. . . 1884 245-81 PoHnightly Review. .. July 1877 to June 1879 * - ■ * • ■ ■ ■ 4.' 249-50 1 Harper's Magazine ... .Dec, 1875 to Navi* 1870 251-8 " " Decr 1880 to Nov. T 1884 259-621 " •• ....:,..,. ...1889 and 1890 iSB3 1 Leisure Mour, The 264 1 Literary World, The 265-61 '' "■■ 267 I London Quarterly Review. 2681 •• •• " 269-70 I London Sbciety. .. ........ ....... ','. . .1876 271 1 " ' "......«. .....July to Dec, 1884 ..July to Dec 1875 .Jan. to Dec, 1876 July to Oct. law .. « ■•?> ( / :^ I"? Its -i i MialipltliiMMi (32 .1 f ) :i ^72 I Maomillao'^ Magazine . . . Nov. 1874 to Apiril, 187a 273-4 1 ♦• ® "^M- ' .'. 'lft7it . . ..■ .. . . * . . .,. 185d-()-' .July to Deo., 1873 275 1 New Dominion Monthly; The 276-jB 1 Nprth BritisVReview, The. , 279 1 Pocket Magazine :.. .... .. 2801 Public Opinion V7v;...^v. 77^ ,.; ■ - / , . ■ *■ , 281 1 Rambler arid^laier. The. .. ... ■ ■-,-, . ' - 282 1 Saturday R#iriew. The .,......."/.... 2831 Scribner'a Monthly...-. .. Nov., 1874 to 4j)ril, 187r> t....iilaytoOct., 187^ .«-•'• . y,. . Dr. ' Johnsoi) -'284 1 2851 Spectator, The. , , . . Addison and Steele 286 1 Tatl)6r and Guardian .... . . ^s^, .....,- 287-8 1 Temple Bar ,......; . . . . Mfcy to Dep. } 289 1 Westminster Review, The . . . ; . Jan. to April,, 18.11/ ' .... .July to Oct., 185« ..... July to Oct., 1875 .... rJfi#ealtli,The.........^^^.:.^^ Richardson 27 m l&ysiology and Hygiene. .. . . ; . . M. P. Hatfield S8m Premature Deatlj. . ..;... ...... * n^ # « w ■ • »a ••>,•«» ^29i^|Uiptare,T>eat^ ■ 30 m Stomachs, Talks About People's . . . Dr. Dio Lewis IV. The Donrntk Animah. ' * 31mCanaiy,fhe..... Q. J. Rtenesby ^ 1 4^ :'■ f wmmmm »■ ' ^ 64 82 m DomesticPete, Our...... ........ Eev. J. 8. Woo«1 33 m Doga, Management of .3. ...: i.. ,.. ..E. MayheM 34 m Dogcrand Their Doings. ... .:...,... . . . F, Morris 35 oK Dog8 and Their Sagapity. . . . . . , . . .0. B. Pan^on ^89 m Hen Wife, The . . .. -,H-*-»'— L.*_«_^.A_.,*...*. J^ .^.,m.. ».-*4*-«-:.Al- 87 m Poultry Keeper,. The. . . . ... ." 38 m Poultry Keeping. . , . ,..' ... . 39 m HorsieVThe ..-.', . . . . . ... , . , %.L. Wright kvS. B0al«- 8. H. Walsh H T, Oar^ning., %'V 7 40 m Gardiner, The-€anadran , - 41 mgGardener, The tJottage .K^ 42 m Gardening for pleasure. ..^ * • 43 m Gardening for Profit . . . . 44 m Window'G'ar,dening. . . ....\ ...D. W. Beadli ...J. H. Clark , Peter Henderson / VI Educational. ■-•*■■ 46 m Character j . . . . . ^v^ ..... . 46 m Culture and Self-Culture ; .'; ifi>. ", . ■ . / , ■ . 47 m Education and Knowledge t . 48 m Education as a Science . .^. . . 49 m Education, Practical Essays on : 50-5 m Educator The Popular . ..;'.. .S. Smiles ...S.>Neill Edwa:rd Everett . . .Prof. Bail! .... T. Markly ;. . ..* . .,Ca88eH,V 66 m Garfield and Education .... 57 m Hours'With My Pupils, .. . -58 m Uow td Educate Yourself.^. 59 m How to Succeed in Life.. 60 m Hpw to Excel in Study .. . . ii , . .JB. A. Hinsdale ". . . . MpB. L. Phfelps ...G. E. Eggleston . . . Priftcipal TuUoch . . . . . . > . . . J. Mason gim Knowledge, First Steps in CJenieral .■_■... _ 02 m Knowledge is Power, . ... .-. . . . . . .Charles Knight ■■ y '.^ « ^'' * 86 ^ ^ •.-, 63 m Peitonal Education JITn J^ MoCrit /. / f 64 m Queeo't English, fhi Rev. Dean Alford /,, 66 m Student's Manual, Thk » , . . , ... Joliii Todd 66 in teaching, Lekures on i ... ... J.'O. FItoh Words and Theiif Uses R. 0. White -'■ -• ftll ' ft Vtl ReadMg and Etocutiqn. 7 ■ 68 m Composition and Elocution . •, . . . '. S. Npill ^ «9 m^locution, Essays on ..... .j .A. M. Bell 70 m t Elocutionist, The Srandbrd. D. C. and At 4if Bell 71 5P English Reader ., Lindley Uurirfty 72 ni Reading Aloud^ The Art of 6. VandenhoflT 73 m Reading, Second Help to.- P.. A. Quckley 74 m Keadingis ' ' 76 m Reader. .. J. M. McCulloch 76 m Reader's Handbook^ ... . . . . F. C« Brewer 77 m Speak|ng, Art of Extempoff' \W^r . Qautain » MffThe'VechankalArU. ,S^ 78 tn Every Man HisjOwn Meuhanfe^ ,. ^9N9 Tcchnidil Educator, The Cassels -■'*■■■ ' . " 80 m Cajhiinet Maker'/s Companion J. Stoke ■■■■■-■ vu"- ■ *^* ■.■.-!.'*■■ \ . I SI in 'Glass Makin^j, Wonders of ' . .^ A Sauzav 82 ni Photographies Wilson — f &3 m Sign Writing. ' J. Collingham ■"/ '';■■■:■■.•■•■: '-■;■': \ • -■ ^ ' iiiji iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii«iiiMw»>lM»iia«!«^^ *,(.-l ..,;;.'.. ..A . Sea' ini >lSngiii^r>'HiMA#>K>94*' ^^1 • - • ' • ' -Stephen Itopei^i | ; ^ Blngine^r^ and ||Mi^|i^^ -^.v »4 11 ■■:■^:''''^^*<»^^^x^p6liMtive8,..!RiB ....•' ,' ■■ '-^v' / ' ^96 iii Lbcontbtive, HiUiilllioolrvofiH^ N < • • Stephen- Boi^jt;! ■ ■';-\i^: ; ■• ;. ■ %il^ 'Railwaya, treatise on ^: ■ '^:% ... . "r> N.^Steph§i| j,;^ ^ . \.^^ "CIWp K,.^.,. 'Boilers . ., . . . . A.. . f^*^,^-..'. • . . . .ArmBtrqiiig |f* »-. Ste«m Engides . ,.| ....... . . -A. . . , .'. . . . . . Bwxti^l ljf> in.Stilani Engines, . ... . . . . . . .\. • - -•^' Gallpwa^ ?v:' .^f- 101 19 Ca«tiu|;|B . . . . .\ . . . . . ^i w . . . ,> . . . • .\. ....Macfarla '■}.'- A V 102 m' Drawings for Machinists.. ..1 .:, EXA. Davi* _t::^^,;.-#-.._i.- ...4^:, /Z. Sport$ imd Pwitime», 1( ^3 m,, Angler, The Complete . . ... ...;.. .Izaat^ W ^ ld4m Athletic Training ... .......... ...,.J^«..Mio£ f ,125 m Even 126111 Even 0- • r-. . K I2tm Hoy] ■E4' leSm Meta 12pm More 190 m Park <■:": ■ "; ■',■■;_ li "iii__. • \ «t »wn Book of Boat* v. W. H. O. Kingaton ItMh Sports and .Pastitmifl A. Trollope ,ltwi' ^ BoyV Book . r : Routledge mS" S«'IapofaJ| «w> Barb^uld A' «^v. 126 m Evening .Amu80m«itB. / "l . . .R _ 126 ID Evenings at Home . Dr. Aikjnsand MrSw> 12t m Hoyle'seames.... IM m Metals.' Playb9olr^f ,, . . . Prof . PebpeV » I2p m More Magic, . . .^. . . Prof. HofTmadT*' r-y nOm hiiliii 1 n l ii ft >i i ^n ' lldl lliillminr ^ ? ' W H f 'Vp>.r '! <^° p **■*. ■VT' i<*"»* " ^ » M^ 181 D) Scieooe, PI*ybook of . ^ i Frof. Pepper i32 m OyitaiiMtlot 4.. . V< • • ••••• •,•;''• ^'<^ tiewU .■■' ■:'■■-■:■'■.■■•■ . ' ' X. PoUticttl ;«Mi*l88 in BHxhi, John, Speechea of....... - 184 to ChufcblH, Lord Randolph .... . . . J. 6. Crozier 135 m Conatitntion Violated,'The ... '. , . . . . > . 136 in Home Rule and the Irish Question .-. J. ChwnbeHaip 187 tti Innperial Federation ..... .J. MathewH 138 m " '• ............. Marquis of Lome 139 m Russian Storm Cloud, The, ... ... . .^. Stepnlak , , MO ni Underground Russia .......... . . ... • . .Stepnlak ;■•■...■;.'•- '■■ . :_; • xi. Muuarif. : • r-]"' ■ 141 m Camp ilres of Napoleon . . H. C. Watson lis til QimbalgO of the Cataracts ... Col. Butler ^ 148 ni Chaplain in the Field of War, The.Oeo. Jlladstone 144 m Mllitury Manfaers and Customs. . .. . .J. A. Fatter 148 m MlUtsrir Anecdotes .. . . ..• M*in MtnorTactics..:. ............ ......Col. Cleary 147 m Sa'es' brigade in Afghanistan ' .Rev. 0. R. Olegg 148 kh feketcWof the War. ... ...... ......O.C. Nott 119 m Veterans of the Chelsea Hospital */; > ^^ ti , y Rev. or R. Uleig isOm Viotoria Cross in India, The . . . . Col. KnoUys >na< 181 tn Watedoo Comfti gn .0. C. Mercer 162 m Waterloo, Stones of 168m Bern 168 m Blis< 170 m Blin mm Bool ^I72m Boy' 173 m Brax 174 m Brit i75m Cam 176-86 m C 186 m Chni 187 m Clasi 188 m ColU 189 m Com ^I80m Com ''Iftlm Corn V 192 m Cott 193 m Coui > 194 m Crea 196 m Criir 196m Curi W. H. MaxWetl ::'■:'■"'":■. ■' -■ l> ..■■•■■ Xl/ Oeittrat. \ ' ■ Iftft m Abbeyi ^nd Haiti of England .... .; John Timbl t54m A Bundle bfCrowquUls..,. .......... A. CrowquUl IW m AcU of (Gallantry . . . . . .^ v. ^^i, r^x, . , L. Younjf- 186 m Aotora, RepreMutaUve . . . .,:. . . , . W. C. KumcII 167 m Advioe to Young Man ..... . , . . . .j. . . W. iJobbfiti 168 in Amom' Fahlea — . r*^? • . ,.....(.... 169 m Aloonol. J.V.ij*.. .^..#1^^... ,..,..... ; ; loo m Alphabf^.. .. ................ .Amt» : 161-2 m Amusing Facta. . . . . > . . .v . . . ....... Chambert ; 163 m Animals, Stories of the Sagacity cf.<. W. H»«. Kingston 164 m Arabian Nishts Entertainment . . T 166 m ArleniuaWard ill London ...... .^... .\/;', 166 m Balloon 'Ascents^ Wonderful ..:... .... P. Marlon ^ 167 m Aturtster's Ufti^^ Some Experiences of a '' Sarjeant Ballantyne 168 m Bench and Barr ... L. J.. BigeW . 168 m Blind Amos. . . . . . . ... ' . . . . . Rov, R. P. Hood 170 m Blind (iirl, Incidents in the Life of . .. M. L. Day 171 m Book of the Thamta, The. . V^ Mr. a|d Mi«. 8. C. Hall f|72m Boy'itOwn Book of Trade ... a . ;/.... Routlfedge- '\I73 m Brave Boys ......,.../.. ;..^.... ..J. M.Darton 174' m British Museum, Handbook o^...i .. . . . .Mantell 176 m Camp, Court and Club, Reoolleotions of .7; Gronow : 176-86 m Chambers's Miscellany . . . ;'^TT;jrsn^; . ' 186 m Churchyard Literature. . . ... .'. . .J. R. fCippait 187 m Classical Q\iotations , . . . . . . . . . v ■ . . . H. P. Riley ' 188 m College Days at Oxford ..r-.. . . . '. . H. C. Adams 189 m Competition Wallat* « J!& > • • G. O. Trevelyan ^190 m ComiuTest and Self (;om|||B....M.^1^ Mcintosh "191 m Corner Cupboard, TheMHP. . . . v. . . . .Routledge , 192 m Cottagejui the Cliffj Th^ . . . . . C. G. Ward 193 m Courfail Diplomatic Life. ..: . .6. B. Brbomfleld 194 m Creation, Wonders of . . . . ...... : . . 196 m Criminal .Prisons of lx>mdon- • . . ... .H. Mayhe# 196 m Curioaltiea of the PulplUji .....^>.. R^ v. J. Jack son r <-•• omdoi 197 m Da^niuga of Oanioftr ' .TTT 196m Dabater, The.. ». • *.•'» » . %4 Bucklej^f*^ ...F. Rowton m* itmrnffmimmmmmm .#% >!*-. IIH) m nAwUii, Tito Yduiiii .. ... .......... .' 200 m .UdHfluiiH. lOxtr&onfinnry ropaUr.(7|i«r)t» Mackny 201 rii UoijKiiology ... nWr W. .Scdtt ^203 uiAI. Hyiitax .... ... ,.> • 7^"^: ■it 'i'- •■ ■■ ■> . .■-■■■. • . ■ . ^v. • -,•-. .. . , ■iBM.jii'-Kai'ly ifttcts^autl IliiitM lor Kveryday Life .... « •! 208 m Fumoiis Boys 200 nil KuinuiiMVkHunil liardfUROl' |li« VVurUl. 210 ll^VleiiJ* mmU knowing . . . ...^ , . . . . K. I ngersoll . 211 m (JeUinff (HI ill tl»ft World. .....i... W. Mathewn ■»212 m <}ipHie», Tlie Kuljlish^....,.^. .. . . . . C. O. Ulan'r«at Movviiiug|JMiii(tTJJb8e Wli^^ esH. JFNiooll 217D1 (Jreat Uiveiit Qf the WorUl.. ....... x>» .■■■■-■■■• *227 m .Teat Book, The ... .. ..... .' Joe Miller 228 m Jenrney pf Discovery, A . . . . ■.__._. .-_'_! . *% . ; ^ m Kipga and Queens of Englainl, Tales of the. . ■■;<•.. .. ■ "• ; . . ', ■ ■...■■.■ .: .;, _: ■ S. Pearcy 230 tA Kissing, Literature fif > . ■ . /. C. C. Bomlwugn 5^1 m Legal Anecdotes . ,. . • . . • • • - • '• • .John Tinaib«t 232 Ni Lift) '2:a m Livj 2.H4ni I.0M 2:1.'^ in iiOII *-i-aa«m Lori 237 Ml Lon 2;W III li(>h 230 111 Lou * Mdm %, .▲241 lu Me« ^242iu Met 243 m Miri 244 m Mot 245 m Mrs 240 lu Mm 'm m Nav 248 III Nob 240 m Nut 200 m Oou'i 2r>l m Old 252 ni 01.1 2r>3 ni One h 71 ,232111 •2;i3m 2»4di i.'i.'^ Ill ■P-KJ^m 937 III •2;W III 2»»iii - $4lbm .A.24I 111 ^242 111 24;im 244 m 24^5 m 24(i lu "mi 111 'i4H III 249 III ioO ill 2i)l m 252 ni 2r>3 m fii54»t ^26Sm '■. N^' 250 wj 257 m 2S8tr. 239 111 2«0tii 2«l m ^ 282 th 2H3in iWiu 205m I.lfw ScioiK'p, TliougJita oil . . . Living, I'hUom.phy of.,... loit„ M'artyr Lamf Men* 1 1 ait Miracle ^ Motliei-ii o Mra Caudle Miiiiater ('ii in«i (iir«ctiiig|i. teipilHU A .%. ^.. Simpaoii iii«, A •fut MeiL lUiiii Mcturca Naval AnovdotflA. .iM| ..;,.. . Noblo DeodHof \VoHp, T||i . Nuts iiud NuiCiark«tii. .".11.. OoeiipatiouH (»f a Retired Life. Old KuicliillH Pockebi . .. Old Kiiglifth Life. Tales of.:. One Thouannd Oeiiia .... .... J. m H. Fyft ■ • 1. SeiM ....*.. Mrs. KUia . . , . I"). Jerruld H. J. O'Klannif^an . • . • • • K» 8tarliug • . . . .' .^ . .C. Luvelr . . .... E. Oarrett K. Hurritt ■■f'.. W.f. Collier . . . . H. W. Bcecher PaperB for The People ........... . . . . . ...Olmmhferi ravhaiiicntary Anecdotes „ ,. • .. Jennings and Johnstone I arliainentary Procedure and Practice jX^ ■ -,■.„.,' J- (i- Bourinot Pedey .A necd.jtes, The .;^ ^ .............. Preventtwi Better Tlian^Cure . . . . ... Mrs KIUk Puhlio Sul>j^, Notes on . .. > . , . :Trenrcnhure Queens of Ameri6a|i Society . ....... . ; Mrs Kllet Q.»»«eM of Society .>>^Jrace and Philip Wharton W€i^iid7~:: T^ Butler Itehques of Father Prout . . ^N^ . . . . Oliver Yorke Rise aud KaJI of the Mustoche. . XR. J. Bordette Romance of the Harem, L e on o wens L f. Qti6 m Romance of the Kcvolntioii . . . . i 267 ro Russian Folk Tales . . . ...... ... . . .E. D. ter »/ ■fel**aMllM««M«WM«H WJiHtii -% 1 *v *■'■-.' V" ',- , ' ■ ' * ! ■ ''■\. .. . ' .ft \ • -^^ ••-•••■■. : 968m ScotUnd, l»rov«rb«of....M.#r^».. ...i^*"' Hf»l<>p : too ID HootUinl, Hcene* Mid Ugend* Of the North ol ;^ Hugh Mlliiir ^ «70 01 ScoWlah Ufa....... — ..... . ii,Oh»rlMRog.T. D. M«Kiee , 280 m 8t. Abe and Hia Seveo Wivei , . • ' ^ • ,, 'j^ 281 ID Storm Warriors ■ . Joho OUmorc 282 ro Swingin' Kouad the Cirlile Petroleum N Naeby MijIintaMeTalk; ..:... ... ^ ^ . . . . . Dr. JohDton 284 m Table Talk and Oplnlona Napo'eon BDonjp«rt« - 28A m Table Talk; Book of .... . . . W. C. Rue«iU 286 m Theatrical Anewlotep. . . ./. ^ ■ • 287 m Thrift. . . . . . ... . ... ... i . • • •• • • i?-.^"?"*'; 288 n» True iHorles •• • g ••'• • - • • • • • • *«*»f* Stnoktood 289 m Warrior, Prieetand Statc^imon. W. H^D. Ad^ms V 290 m Whime and Oddities ....:.. . . .Tom. Hoo*! 291 m Willing Hearts and Ready Hands . . » ,J. Johnson 292 m Wit and Wisdom of Lord Lytton . ¥t^* rr^.^. , — 293 m W iU and Beaux of .Society . . ^ ^^ . , ..■.,-^^'-:- Krace and l»hlllp Wharton 294 m Woman's Thonghts about Wonian, A . " MIm Mulook 1»95 m Wonderful Things, Ten Thousand . 296 m World of Wonders ... • • • .•■.•. J;*!!"*" 297 m World before the Doluge, The U)uis Pl||iier 298m Yorkshire Puddin rTT-.-.^-T^..-rxnr^.. John Hwiby 299 ro ' Young Man's SafegUara..- .\ ' ^ • • •. •' W. Uttest HeitffiotiM, nvHUis Arntjn i.irrrKN Hr 1 r Ancient Niitlon, The /fho .lewn).... .. . ,. 2 r AtooerfieiiV^ympoRium on the. . .... .... a r Beani« of HtTvhr. . . . , . . 4-(ir Bible. Hours with tite 7r Hible, Diaraiici of th of Iteligion aad Nature !. It r Chli>4, Religioiia of ...... . . , . 12 r Chriatian KoHgion, The 13 r Christian Lu^ders of l^aat ('e.ntury. .•lainea I.effae . Biahop Hyle lit Death Bod Triumphs. ........... .Kev. J. Burna 16 r Ueuominational l(oa«on Why, Th«. Itt r Divine iJarlaud, Tlio . 17 r P*mlHar Talks . >••'••• a t.t i7r P*mlHar Talks 8 r Faiths of the World ..'. . . 9 r Footsteps of the .Master. ... . . .. Rev. H. W. Beecher '.; ..H^ B. Stowe 30 r OArden and the City, The... ... Rev. H. McMillan ai r (lalilee in the Time of Chrisi. . . . . . Hev. g. i^rrilt «2 r Ooapel in I<>.ekiel, The; . ... .. .. .R»V. 5J4 f Holy Scriptures, 'J'he Canon of I,, (iaussen 2fi r Holy War. The ........ John Bunyan 26 r Hor»} Paulinn> H^, ^ |>r. Pal».y 27 r I Go a Fishing as r Interpretattoin, Uiatory o 29 r Jewish Social Life 30 r .leans. The Character of ■ H r Joeephua ; ilirtiu ^y of the Jews. . a?? r Koran, Tlie. ., ... . . .; . ;..... . . Rev. W. C.;Prim6 R«v. (^non Farrar ... Dr. FMersheim Rev. H. Bushnell .^/..Salo'aEditioB NqafiriMniMmBi 33 r Lectures to Young Men ... • — H. W, Beechcr Sr Ku Mttndi. StuLnin the IteH«ion of the Inca. nation, ....■•• > -•• .......■.••••• Sfl r Modern Symposinm, A 3G r My Religion. . .^ - , ,, , . . . ,f . . • Tolstoi 37 r Natural f AW i^ tike Spiritual World.. H. Pn*"*™^^'' 38 r Natural Theology ^- . • . Dr. Pal«y .Rev. F. FergHBOK John Bunyan ^Rev. K. P. Hoo.. . • • • • • • 44 r Sacred Poems .......-••. -r^ •••:..• •• 46 r .Salvation. Philospphy of the Plan of^.. ^ ^^^^^^ 46-» Scripture Club, the . ... : . • : . • • • " - ?• "JS^S 47 r Sermons Out' of Church. ... ..MissMul^ck > 48 r Sons of God« The Known arid ^nknown^^ ^^^^^^^ -4ff / St. Paul. Life ana Eptstksot . Oonybeare J Howson 5C r St. Paul in Rome. . . . . ... . . • ^I- «• Mc"«H 5Kr Sunday at Hcttne. The. . ... ..^ • ■ ^ f;v}^ * '42 t Sunday ICveuings at Home, . . . • • . . »• « '• aqams . " S8r Temple Hill, Recent Discoveries on .Rev. J. King ' "♦ 54 T Teetimopy of the United i^ssociate Synod. . • 651 Whitefieid. Anecdotes of .....'.. .R«v.i. fi. Wakely^ 6«.7 r W^omen of-Israel, The «race Agmla. Science* nBMONATlNO LWTltR.*. / AstronomH^ 1 8 Astronomy *• • * 3 a -4 , . .'Is t ' ..r..,J. N. D. OlJ ..SirJolin •i*^. -Oh- i^iwi'f ' J-it 4 « Aitronomy, AtUs of . .., . Keith Jol>n«ton A ■ Astronomer, Tl\e Praotical . . . ^ Ur. T- Dick 6 • Celestial Scenery .* . . 7 i Heavens, Wonders of the ... '8 s Heavens, Scenery of th^ .... .-, . , . . . Dr. T. Dick . . .0. Planimariou ...Dr, T. Dick —flu Sun, The . • . X. .... ...... Prof C. A. Vjomi« 10 s Stars, The, Half Houra Witl).'. ).\\ » Telescope, Tlie, Hsif Hours With .R. A. Proctpr. .R. A. Proctor -t.-l ■ ' ■ ■..'■'■ I ■ ."■■■..' * ' „ zoopoov. - 12 B Anatomy of the Vertebrated Animals, .^rof. Huxley 13 s Animal Life, Studies in . . . ^ . . O. H. T.«wes U a Animal Mechanism . ,. . . .^.. ... '. D. J. Marey 1 . . . . ^K; • J. D. CP 15 S Animal l40comotion. 16 8 Crayfish, The } X.:. Pettigrew .Brof. Huxley BOTANY. 17 sClimbing Plants, Movements an^ Habits of. . , C. Darwin -> V' 18 • Diffei^nt Forms of Flowers and Plants of the Same Species... i.,.......^ C. Darwin . 19 « Pertiliisatiqin In the Vegetable Kingdom . , C. Darmn ^ 20 a Fungi, Their Nature and Uses. .^ .M. C. Cooke ,i ; 218 insectivorous 'PUints. I ' 22* Orchids,.. ... ■ ':Cs^¥''- ■ .; ■/ • -'■. .> (a Darwin •^. • » • • • .^.V' 1 )*• •••*.. .C. Darwin 23'%° Plants, Power of Movement in . . .... .C. Darwih ■■•■ Ml ■ ■ -.- .-"■ ..." .'■ ■ .' '• . \ itfij»iE ^ ii ; i ) w . iii»i fc»< i w ii ^ fi t i V ■ 'ill o i^J illM l iffWintwN i irMf ^ . . .Prof. Apdletoii "^JBis Oheiniatry, l^^tttiridn^. :>,. ,y.^.>.. ....,.;t. .Liebig ' 27 p Chenmtry of Odminon Life/ . r. *. . . .J. F. Johnson ' ^28 i Chemistry of Light and PhoftDg?aphy . .;^ . . Vllgel ft iV. Electricity. ?9 8 Electricity, The Age ol . . .t . .'. ■ ■ . ^rP- BePjft'"»P 'V. Qeology. (jBOIX)0V. . '"^ f ■• ^ 30.8 Acadian (ieology .. i.;.,* ...,T...LVV, Dawson " W '7 8 Canada, (Geological Survey of T For years 1853-4-6 6, 1878-9, 1S79'80, 1882.34, 1885,. 1886. l887-8v , ■ ■ rf 38^8 Hklinbnrgh and. Its Neighborhood. ' .Hugh Miller / ;*>» y 3 9 8 Fossil Men .................... ..J. W. I^son 40 8 Geology, Principles of ..... .. .... '.i ..8ir C Lyell 41'2 8 iJeolpgy, Wonders of .. • • Mantell . 43 8 (Jeolog&al Field, WaIN and Talk^n in . . ^. Wincbell 44 8 Old Rud Hdfljjkone, The. . . . ... .Hugh Miller .Hiigii Jililler .;Reir:.<'.^ing8ley ■^498 Testimdoy^Tthe'Wocks.. ' .46 8 Town Geology, » ' :* ki.'m' • VL. Heatf Lhjhland S&und \ HEAt, lAonf Ajcn !ioON*p. . 47 a Heat. ...Jacob Abboti ', ♦/ a neat. .« > •.....«.,....• ,,,.... .•.«#«»-»/»» »»»»»w»w .i^i^S • Heat a» <^ Mode of Motion . ; . ■ . . . . . Prof. Tyndall MH s Heat t ■88 s Force. 66 s Power V— 67 s Met€!oi 68 s Anima fe 77 . ^^ I Heat PheQQniena» Laws of .-A. (Jasin /»» Lifitftt ^61 8 Litfht, Nature of . .^. . .' ^52 8 LiKht, Lnctures on ... . . ..,.., .Jacob Abbott * ... 4 Kugeiiu Loinmel .... l»iof. Tyndatl ' ♦ 68 ■ Optics :' . . . Sir D Brewster -^64 8 Sight, ..TT>? ^. .Prof. Lo Coute r v^^ 8 Acoustics, Wonders of R. Radail -^5^ Sound..' Prof. TyWlall .| 'S^^TiTh Sound in Its Relation to Mumjj.V^. ..Prof. Blaaerna ' X"* VI f Me.cha)ncH. , MECMANK'S. • ft8 8 E'orce . 5& a Mechanical' Philosophy 60 8 Mechanics, Treatise on 61 8 Mechanics, Applied . . . Carpenter ' 62 3 s Natujtil Philo'^ophy ,' W. Nicholson 64 s Natutal Philosophy ....'. . . .... 65 8 Natural Philosophy,' Lectures on. .'. . .J. Ferguson la 66 8 Power of Water . . . . '. ; t . ..... pi •*Hi7 s Meteorology, Elements of .: • J- Brocklpftby .#• * M ,; iX.' Popular' Science^ 68 8 Aniniaf and Vegetable Life, Curiosities of . . ^ * ■ - ' -John Timbay 69 s Fairy Undof Science, The .-. A. R Buckley ' > , 70 s Fresh amV^Salt Water Tutors, ^ur. , *' ,=; W.U. G. Klngstoit ' ■ Wti i.^«» V. I.M^AMI *.1 -i. t I':, •' / J - - ^*. . " V71/Half Hottwat S^a ... Z 72 B Half Hours ui The Deep • • .«^' 78 8 Homes Without Hands . ... .^.. R«v. J. O. ^ o«. 1 " .'»«»•*., 7^ ♦^J^umau Body, Wonders of the .. . A. Le F»le«r ^"^' , 7R 8 Leisure Time Studies Andrew Wilson 76 ttUght Soi^Qoe for Leisure Hours . , . R. A. Proctor V ' i^.V' .77 8 Microscope, BJvenings it the .... . . R. H. Goiso, •^ • ''7^ ft Monsters of the Deep ...>>. ...i,. .. .... 79 s NatnraV History Tr«spa«8era. '. ,?<*»•?• g- W°"*V 80 B Natural History Sketches A n Old Bushmau ' -SVii Naturalist's Note Book. A . i_. . .^....^AndwLmi^on ^_^ ^ ' 82b Ocean World, The ....... >^.^^^•••L^ 83'* Science, Curiosities of ..... . • - ■ ; '■■ joYm riwbn 84 8 Science, Wonders of . ............. ■ • H. Muyhew 86 s Science cyclopaedic Simplined -d' H.^reppei 86 8 Scientific Dialogues 87 s Tour Round My Oardeii, A . . . 88 8 Vegetable World, The. . ., . . t ^ 80 8 Water and Land . . . 90 8 Winnem of Life's Race ........ -i- . Rev. J. Joyce Rey. J.G. Wood . ,.L. Figuier' ... .Jacob Abbott . A. B Buckley, ■'•4 ... i \ X. ReligUmand Sdenct. ■ ^ > 91 8 Footprints o^the Creator .. '..'. • ..• .Hagh Miller 92 8 Law, TheReign of ..... .;.;.:.- • • DukebT Argyle 9^ 8 RellgtoS and Science, ^O"^?* '^^^^^^ p,^, 94^ Testimony of the RocIib, The. . . . .<^. .'.Htigh Millei 95 8 Unity of Nature, The .... • - . • -Dnke of Argyhi / 1 96s Atti 97 8 Ani 98-9. > A 100 8 An •^01 8 An 102 8 Bii 103 s Bii 104 s Bii 105 8 Bit 106 s Bu \y: 107 8 Ci^ K— 108 8 Co —109-118 )^^ 'II I _ l . - 'M • , . ' \, XI. General Science. \ . 96 ■ Anbnal Intelligence . . . X, O. F. Romanea ' • 07 8 Aninukla and Birds, Habits of Ci^pt. Brown' * 98-9 8 Aniroala and Plants Under Domestication . j, ^ C. Darwin 100 8 Animals, Senses and Instincts of /\ . SiirJ. Lubbock "01 8 Antiquity of Man, The. . .;, .... . . . ./Sir C. Lyall / , . 1:02 s Birds of Aii|(Brica...V ;......... «.W. L. Bailey 108 8 Birds of Ontario .. . . . . . .... . . . . .T. Mcllwraith "^ 104 8 Birds, Reptiles aud Itshea.. ....,, . :. .Mrs. R. Lee 105 8 Birds ef Song . . . . . , . . . .GL H. Adaoia 106 8 Butterflies and Moths of Canada ... ;..i » ; 107 8 Civilisation, Origin of ...... ... Sir J.. Lnbbbek 'm 108 8 Conservation of Energy, Tho . >!'. ^ . Balfour Stiewart ■ 100-11 8 Cosmos — .;..,.......,.. HumboliA*— <» 112 8 Descent and Darwinism, Tha Doctrine of4$<. O. Schmidt 113 4 Descent of Man, The. . . . . \ « . . ...C. DarwMP* 114 s Earth and Man, Story of the.. ..\. J., yir. Dawson tSsEKpressionof the l^otions. ■■. • >\ ••• O.Darwin 1 1 6ts Fermentation, On... iX^..~ . . ; . P,, ScbutKcnberger"^ 117s Fern World, The .;.,., ..... ....*. ..P. ef Heath 118 s Ferns, Hardy.'. . , :.. . . .-.Nora Bellairs' -"419 8 Five Senses of Man, The. X. .. .,,^v Prof.«6rn8tein ■420 s Floating MatterMthe Air. .^. *. . . ^ Prof. Tyndall . • a21 a Forms of VVater^^tfi*. .*^iKry&a^j(^rof. TyndaH 122 8 Hn'ipan Race, The .^ .^L. Fignier 123s Hypnotism.., Albert Moll • ^ .» -■■.-, , 124 8 Itisect ^chitecture. . .*. ..'......,... . Jaoies Bennia' 125 8 Insects, History of ... 1 ...., * ', -426a Man, The Races of . ! .Ts^X^ .Q. Pickerina 127 8 Mechanism ^I. « ..Sir. C« Befl 128 s Microbes, Fermentsand Monid8!>^E. L. Tronessart 129-32 a' Micrr^^wopica} Society » Jouraal of / • • • ' y , . - ? ^ . •. ♦ /■ ■ . » 1 ^ ^ ' ^. k 1 * ■ ■ w .90 ';\ / -^^^ . l3»PMyth and Sdetice . ^ . . , . . , , . • . Tito VignoH , ^ " " • t C. Darwin 140 8 Origin of the World. The. . . • • - J- W. JHwsoii )4 lsOUrBird8of Pr0y ..... . • • ^^41 • J* J^v^®'*"^'^ 1^2 » ^hyiibal Forces, teoturfla6u the ... Prof . Faraday 143 8 Physical Geography .., . ,»•■.• •• R. M.&>nilin 144 8 Plant Life... . .]... ..... ... ....... -^ Vi£^'2' 4»w»145s Pre-Hlstoric Times,... .... • • »■ ^f**""*- ;,>;^ ; I4fts. Primeval Man ^. . . . . ^ . . . . • • l>«ke ofArgyle *%7s Science and Art, Lectures on ■• • ••T)r. Lardner 14| • Science, Imaffinafion in , . . . • Prof. Tyndall UftV Science and Industry, Annual Record of , l.-'V- : ". T-';;- ■ ■■.:;^ P. BamV -, 150 8 Science, Year-Book of Pacts in. : . .fames M«8on 151-28 Science Monthly ....... .i ., ...> . -.^53 8 Sea, Geography of the - . . = . • . M. F. Maury ^•prl54 a Spectrum Analysis. Studies in ..X. • J- »• Lockyer fip-I5fi 8 Spectn^m An^^^ H Schellen 156 8 Vegetable Mould, Forn}a«|ii of . :^ . , . C Darwia. ^ r 1S7 8 Volcaribes. X • • "'^y. ^' ^' '''***•* '•ii^lge* Water, Forums oi^C^&O.fk/^S^toi. Tymlall ;^^_ V' -^ Mnral Philosdphy.^ • IpJVsJlant andliis English Critics. . . Prof. J. Watsw / 160 8 Plato, Dialogues of *i^,-- .^ . 161 8 Illusions; A Psycholdgfeal Study. X, ••^' ^""y 162 » MiDi 163 8 Men 164 8 Mori ;>,.. Travi 1:1 */'. 1 ft Abaft 2 1 Abyss ~ t Abvta 7 t Adven 8 t Adven 9 t Adven lot Africa H t •• fjt If t 11^5 1 IB t 17 t Alasl i< i8t ft t G t Albert 91 t^Alham^ St ^t 26 t 27t 28t 29 i 30 1 31 1 >32t 33 1 AllAb AllRi^ Alpine Alps. I Alps. £ Amazoi Americ Americi Americ Americi Among Andes^ 1 » »( ' , "r . ..'' 1 ' 81 162 » Mind Md Body. Theorie« of Their RdatiobB >< 164 « Moral Feelingg, I*hilo«ophy of the?!^ ' . «, ■ ; "^•'' Alwrcroinble '», ;>,■. Travel, Adventure^ Renidence in Foteiffu (^ountries^ , VKsfONAtlNQ. LBTrSR T. ^ 1 % Abaft the Mast p. W. 2t Abyssinia. .. i* AbytoittU. Travels io ', -*BVT2WVAHure, A Life of ^ .'"..' 7 t Adventures, Peroic •. 8 t Adventure in the South Sea Inlands 9 t Adventures of Pixarro . lot Africa, Central lit l2t 18 t •Wv" H. Symondson ■ Sir S. Baiter ■ . JamtBs Bruce . ..'C'ol. Corvin W 14^5 t let j7t 19 1 :■*•;■ U. Melville .0. M. Towlev t, .. Bayard Taylor S.**"*'! • , Bayard Taylo* Equatortal ,, p. Du ChallJ^ take Regioiis of /. . . John Geddte Travels in 'Travels in . (Ri D. and J. Landory Ai- iiw» /3 Z^- "" ' ...Mungo Paft-k ^ Aladjfs Great River . P. Scliwatka .7 fl"n*»."«.''» • • • ' V . F. Schwatka All * vrST''®'" *^ ^- Whymper «, . iJ^iy^^*"/! SiirS.:BaRer flt^AII^anYbraaml Tales of a Traveller..'., .. 09> All Au At \ . \ . VVashinffton Irving SM LS^^i^ '^^^ ^ ^- " ^«^«'^» af* t Alpine Climbing.' •--to t Alps, Hours of Exeroise in tjie . .... . .J, Tyndall 26t Alps. Scrambles Amongst. the ...Edward Whymner ^S J -?"*■*?"• Tr*"^''®** **"**>« - A. R. Wallilw MJ America, New. .. w. H. Dixon jW* America, Henry Irvmg's Impressiona of . . J; Hatton 30 1 America, South 31 1 Americans in Rome : . . . H.' P.' Leland ^H I A °??°* S^ Mongols > Jimes Gilmour 33t Andes. The JamesOrton H^w tw SW S >-ri*^)M***' "'^. :»iL. 4»» i ' ^ vl ^) n/ ':■■■ 89 - //■'■■:■ 4i t A.ia Mii^or. On Horaeback Through^. • -^ ^^ •^3 t IS and T«^r on the Prairies. Wa*htagton Irving 44tBAbyl«>n.Voicc8Fron, ...,.>... ..yJ-A^^ 45 t Betilveen Two Oceans . . • ... • • J • P •. "" " > .. t^{ Beytnd the Mississippi ....... • t,?j£ A^aS 47 t Brazil, A Journey in. . . . ...Prof. ««4J^- AMt8«i/ 48 to Brazil. Life in •• -V. •• » •• ^^ Ew^nk . 49 t British Honduras , .^. . • * . . ........A. ^ Wioo' 50 t Broad. Broad Ocean. The .....<... .-W.JoneH • ■ ■:-■> '■■.•■"■;■/■■■" ■ • /^ ^ ■■ "" .* 51 t Cabin Boy's Story, A ... . . . ' . . • .. • • • ;^- : ^„ ^.^ ?2 t Csffraria. Trayels in .. •.•••••••••;•• ••^*^*»,?'V*:1"« g t CanUng in ^^anuckia, . . . . . . - : Nottm^rf^l ebu^^^^ 54 t Canoe and the Saddle. The . ....... T' Wj"*^?'^ 55t Cast upby the Sea • Sir S. Baker ■ . Rfi t Caves and Mines of the Earth . . • • • • H7.8 t Ce^t?ai African Lakes - • J^ n**"""^! 56 t ChalLger. Log Letters from the .... Lord Campbell f !Sfl?Si^E.^;Sir;^ourney m^^ 66t Cook.Capt.. Life and Voyages or. ^^ Kingston 67 tCJorea. the Hermit NatU^ • ... ■ ■■ ^j^^'^y^^^^ 08t Country of the l>w»rf«lThe. . • . ,.^P- p" C^»^^^^ . 69 t Crimea and the Caucasus. Sport m the ^- P- Wa»y 70 fc Cruise of the Betsey, The ... ....... -H?^\*l*"*' • 4^ 71 1 Gr«be of the Chall^ageJ The . . . . . • W. f. X Spry 72t Cruise of the Falcon. The.. * ^5^0 BS£r 73 1 Cryprus in 1879 , - • • • - . ^• - o»r S. Bauer 74 1 Diiyii and Nigh** in the East ; . . : . V. , . . . H. Bonar 76 t Deep, 76 t Down 77 t Easte 78 t Egypi 79 t ggyp 80 1 Egypt 81 t EI Ml 82 t Engla 83 t Engla — -84t Engla 85 t Englii mt Englti ^^^ 87 t Eogli 88 1 Eothe 89 t Euphi 90 t Euro( 91 t Euro; . 92 fe Farm k 93 t Fiji, < f 94 t Five' 95 t Floric 96 t Foreij . 97 t Forei| . 98 t Four ^^-99t Franc loot Freno lOltCtolde 102 t Gtorill 103 t Great 104 t Greatc - 105 t Gree© r 106 1 Greek "^ 107 t Half] — 108.t High^ 1 109t Himal Hot Himal 111 t Holy : ^ 75 t Deep, Deep Sea, The .... ' 7fi t Down the ralanda . . . . W. A. P»ton ■"»■ ■ 77 t Eastern Mauners ..... ....... Rev. .R. Jamiesoa 78 t Egypt aa itia. . . . ...J. C. McOmiii 79 t Egypt 011(1 Nubia J. L. Stepheiia 80 t Etfybt, Notea of Travel ill . . ,,Rev. F. Perguaoii Hi t Kl Medinah and Mecca ... ........ .R. P. Burton 82 t England, Notea on .. . > . H. A. Tuine 83 t England and ita People, Firat Impreiaion. of . . Hugh Miller ■84 t England, Without and Within ..R. O. White 85 t English Circumnavigatora . . . Purvis and Cochrane 86 t English Governors at the Siamese Court. . A. n. Leouowena ' • 87 t English Note Books N. Hawthorne 88 1 Eothen , .- A. W, Kinglake; 89 t Euphrates and Tigris .... ..,^ . . ..... . .\, 90 t Europe, A Canadun in ;...... . W. H. Wlthrow 91 t Europe as Seen With Knapsack and Staff . . > ■^'' ■ y^'. /■:: Bayard Taylor--. 94 t Farm in the Karoo, A. », . . . . . .Mrs. C. Hobnon 9.3 t Fiji, At Home in ....... . . . C. P. G. Cummings 94 t Five Years Before the Mast J. A. Hpgan 95t Florida ;...;:>,.. S. Canier 96 t Foreigners From Over the Watiir . ... 97 t Foreign Reminiscences ... . .Lord Hx)lland 98 t Four Months in a Sneak Box . . . . . ...N. H. Bishop ' 99 t France in Peace and War ,1^. G. Hammerton loot French Home Life .. .g^ iC,.... . . .. 101 t Golden Cherionese, The........ . . , leiabella Bird 102 t Gorilla Country, Stories of the . . . , P. Du Ohaillu 103 t Great Lone Land, The... , . . . . . . . . W. F. Butler 104 t Greater Britain. .. .;..... .,..>. ;. . .C: W. Dilke 105 t Greece, Social Life in .... .Rev. J. P. McHaffy 106 1 Greek Life «ad Sceneiy. . \ . .. ..... ....A. Smith 107 t Half Hours in Many Lands. .\. ..*.... . •-408.t HigH Latitudes, Letters Prom/ ■ • .Lord Dufferin 109 t Himalayas ' ,-. . - J . rV .... ... . .Govdim Cumming 110 t Himalayas, Beyoikd the^ . . ... ....... Johi^ Geddie 111 t Holy Land, The... i... ... . .« W. M. Thompson .,,A \" ■ f..';S- » %'-\ %.:'. H~ : '/.:■ • ■ '• '•;'■ ':" ■ -^ '. •' . ■■. •■ • ■ ..■> ■ '^ ■ ■:. ■...:■:,. *•■•■'•■': ^ " ..- ' '-: '. ■:■■■ .^ * .M,|-.-,- "■ ■'■ ■■■■, ' 112 t How I Found Uvingatoflf. . . . i . . ...ti. M. Stanley 113 t Hudson Bay R. M. Balkntym- 114 t Hunting (Irounda of t\m Uraat West R. Doiige lift t Hianting Grounda of the Old World ■ •■ •..■• , ^-^ ^ :■ .J ll«t loaUnd.. ..*......,.... 117 t India, Lif« and Travelf in ■, . A< H. Leonowenn 119-10 t India. Overland to. . . : , . ...... . .Mn. Elwoor. McLean^ 126 t Innocents AHm|^. ..; . V* • Mark Twain I26'7t In Dark4l|i|Hi. ........ .....H. M, Stanley 128 t In th^ FarW^r . . ■ .' • ..•.•■ 129t Ismalia ..^T-..:.. ,,.,... ...SirS. Baker 130-31 t Japan. Three Years in. . . . ; ... .Sic/ R. Altxxjk 132 t Japan, Travels in. .Bayard Taylor 133-4 t Japan, Unbeaten Tiacksin ... .... Isabella Bird 136 t Journey Round tlie World, A F. GerstMoker 136 t Kilima Njar Expedition H. H. Johnston 1374 Lady's Cruise in a French Man ItpWar. A. . ■'....■...' 0. F. O. Cummlngs Ids t Lands Classical and Sacred Lord Nugent 139'^ t Land of the Midnight Sun. . .. ..P. Du Ghaillu 141 t land of the Pharaohs, The. .. ..Rev. S. Manning 142 t Last Journals of Dr. Livingstone. . «^>^43 t Last Rambles Among the Indians. . . . Geo. Catlin 144 t Lena Delta, In the... .... .. .... .G. W, Melville 145 t Life on a. Ranch ... . .V. ....... ..v . .R. Aldridge 146 t London and Calcutta.'. . ...... . .Joseph Mullens 147 i Lpat in the Jungle. .. .. . ........ . ..P* Du Chaillu^ 148 t Malay Archipolago, The. ....... ... .A. R. Wallace 149 t Malacca, Indo-China ..... ....*. . . J.^ Thompson 160 t Manxland. .. ........ .. .......... D. Stowell 161 1 Man. of War Life......... .......... .. 162t Marvelous Country! The. ... S. W. Cozzena 163 t Masai Land, Through . , , . . . . .J. Thomson 154-6 1 Merv Oasis, The, .... . . . . . .Edmond O'Doflj^vao 156 t.Mummiaa aad Moalems ........... ... O. D. Warner 167 t Mil 168 t M) im i My loot N4 161 t N« 162 t Ne 163 4 t N 166 t ^il 166 t Nil 167 t Nir 168 t Nir 160 t No 170 1 No 171 t .No 172 t Noi 173 t Ooe -174 t Ore 175 t On 176 t On .177 t Ori, > 17b t Pao 179 t Pall 180 t Pen 181 1 Phil 182 t Plot 183 t Pon 184 t Prai 185 t Prai I8at Prii 187 t Pris 188 t Pris 189 t Puri loot Pyn 101 t Quc( 192 t Que< 193 t Reoc 194 t Rec( 195 1 Rein iA7 t Mutiny of the Bounty . . , ; . , • IBS t My ApiiiKi Kiii«.lom . . . . , I*. Du Cham« IM) t My DUry Nurtli and South. .'.. . . . \V. H. RiiimII 160 t 161 t 162 t 163 4 160 t 166 t 167 t 168 t 160 t 170 t 171 t 172 t Naturaliit. Voyjiffe of » . . 0, Harwih New Colorado and thts Santa Fe Trail. A. A. HayoN Newfoundland to I>ahrttd«)r. W. P, Rac t Newfoundland Kxcui-HiODS. . . . .... ^i\% Notca of a flowadji ...... .0. \V. Oiirtlt Nile, A Tbou^nd Milei Up thii . . A. B. Kdwardt Nimrod in tho North .V. Schwatka Nineveh and Babylon ■■...:.. ,... .f.. H. Layard Normandy, I'lcturfsque ... . . . H . Riackburn North- Woat I'asMKv. 'l'h<} ; .. . A. Armstrong North Went l^aBBaK©. Tlie . . Mi'ton and Cheadle North Land, The ..;... Major Butler I73t Oooana...... .......... ..V J. A. Proudo -174 t Oregon-Trail, the . . . . F. Tarkman 170 t On the DoHert ...H M. Fielda 176 t On the Track of the Creaueut Major K. Johnson .177 t Oriental Kxperienre, My .... ... Sir R. Terpple 176 t not 180 t 181 t 182 t 183 t l84t 18ft t I8at 187 t 188 t 189 t loot .191 t 192 t 193 t 194 t 195 1 Paciflc and IHiad .Sea Kxpcditions J. S. JenkiDi Paleat^e, TraveU in . . . . .' H«v. H. B. Triatram Perilous Adventures. . . . . K^ A. Pavenport Phillipine lsland* Recent Polar 'Voyage*. . ..t . : . . . . . . ;'. ... Reindeer, The'..... (........... ... « ..tR. J. Buah •Mw_«ar»~ii< ";;Tn-T^ -^Hfr ^,. r «' « $'■■ • • ■• f ..*' , , ' * , . \ » ■ ; » * ' 4 o -_ ( t« 1 ^ ■r ', - V » A. ■ _ _ ' , • ■ #■ , 1 , .'.^ • ' v • 1 1 ■ •^. ■ ■ ■ ^^H jjH * . .■ 1 ,,■.■.' . « - ■'■_;■■;.- ,» ' ■ .- w ■ ■ \ . . .V , » , ..;■•, ... , -. . ^ -:^ ^ ■ ■• ■.......■ », • ■\ ■ . ■ ,y_- :■,■■■■■ ■ ■ r , ■- ■ ■ '■ '■■ ■ . ^ ' / 1, , ,. ■ » -» r * '■''■■ '•■ "• -v. ■ ^ ■ ■ " ■ 1 X 1 i ■I- .--,Jc_ i -r" r"."- fsn ¥'%1t % \ I: /.*, ••• / ,. " • ■ ■ * - ^ ^ > ■ ■ 'X ■r ■ >^; ■ , . ■ ^ r » -m'^ " " " > • . -v.:/;';'." ...vf i • ■y ' \ ."■■/':'" '■ ' 1 1 * , '»'; $ -ir H4f ^n <■ v' . , M m flJ «. ii^' .4 lb' .>.. w. 1- >:'? .!%, tern % .* * «l -"■*•'■*