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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '^'^^ SS/S) li/J.T^'A II \ l*VV^^sX^ _»H.COWWIU. »CQ.PROPS TOROWTO LITHCO. r= O) M ci 3^ 1 » 7 O ^'lAiXW^l^ (I., /> ) /'fOf'^^ If \ 1 » 7 O u ■^1^^^ ^ 1 I V GENERAL I MAPS OF TOWNSHIPS AND I GENERAL MAPS Aslilli'l.l T..\vM-lii|i 12 lui.l l:: t'nlliHiiic •■ 11 I'.Msti'iM llcniisplirn 77 ( loilclirll Ti>uil-lii|' Ci mill 7 Oifv " L'll mill 27 liny " "4 mill ."i."i llowick " :l(i mill :'.! Iliillull " ... Ill mill II lliiniii Oniiiily J mill :'■ MrKilln]! 'rnwii-liip u; mill :',7 Miiiiiluliii, Ki'i'wiitin mill Nmlli- \Vi>t IVnitoiT Ill' mill t''7 M iiitiiiir Piiiviiici's 1.4 Munis T(iwiisliii) I'll ;iik1 I'l Oiitai'iu i'riiviiK'i.' i'>'2 mul ii:! (,l|H'lirr I'liivilllO Ill .•^tmili'V Tii\vnslii|i .".O ami ."■ I Slc]ilii'ii " 'i^i mill "''-I Tiiikcrsiiiitli •■ 17 Tiiniliri-iy " :'■:'■ U>liiinir' " ti; riiitfil Stiitrs 70 ami 71 WawaiinsliEiwl/rnwii-liip li'. mul 17 Wawmn.sli Wot, Hi ami 17 \Vi-.|ciii lli'iiiisiilu'ii' 7i' VIEWS. Aniistrniii;, .1ii~i']ili :\'> A vey , (I ci ii'i^c 1 '. I I'laiic.-, .liiM'pli IS rii'ckiiiliiuiL-r, Homy Is Bi'iiiK'tt, .Tamos V.' r.iMiiatli, C'liivail I'J nisli..).. William lU lirac.-, L. .1 -2-2 r.iiitoM, .ii.iiii r.r.iaiU'iwjt mill liiix 7-' Briiaiiri.i.t, J. II 7:; Kii.wii. Cliaili's IS r.rnwn, ]!i)lnTt 4'.l r.urliaiiaii, Dr. G ."li Cliaj.maii, Rirliaiil '2- Ciiiirlin., .1. r l".l Co.\, Capt. William .'.7 Ci'riTy, Itohert :'..". r.,/./,.|is, 11. H.. liO Ci-iMiks, Cfort,'!' -V2 ('unit', Kubt'i't liii 1 1. ill-, Cliristi.iilicr I'S Dalziil, Ji.liii :l."i I i.ivis, Chalk's G,", I iilL'aly. .Mi'xaiiili-r "ii; l»itk>oii, Ai'i;liibalil GO JJicksuii, Jaiiios 32 liiiisli'V, .loliii 4',! Ka.lii', Daviil GO Kl'.ial, Aiijili'tiiii -.. ■.'."". l;ili.,tt, T. M 4.-. r. i.wii:k, William 4.". InwIiT, William "i I'l-'li.T, J, ,r 4S l''iill'', ('liaiiuoi'y .'iG (laiiiit,E'l\vin 4S (.iilib"iis. Riilicrt 4;" C.irviii, I harlcs ]!! <;..lillli..i|.i', ,;p|i GO •i'lVl'llllIrk, A 2.") Hall, Aluii/.i 1,S iiani-, William 1!) VIEWS Continued llayili'ii, W. .1 lln.Uai'lll, .S IliM-. .Iiilin Ingram, tii'orj,'!' Jai'ksiiii,Tliiimas Jnikiiis, William .1 s, S. K J.iwi'ti, T. R Ki'ini^liaii,4iiliii I.rar, Klias l,i'Ti.ii/i'l, .1. (' I.iiiklali'r, William .^ri-Diiiialil, Xi'il .Miliiiliiiuldy, BnilluTs Mrdi.waii, (li'iirj,'!' .Mrliilu.sli, Dilliriui McKiiilioii, Ciei)]';,'!' MrPhail, Aivliilialil .Masnii, .liilni Ill I l' 4S U. H Gil Ml I. 4'J 57 22 r.." GS ,"iip 211 Milli'r, Tliiiiiias .Miliir, llaviil Miillat, (1. U .Ml II ill, Tlinmas .Moni'i', Daviil Moiii'L', . I ami's .Miinliiili, .luliii M '.iriay , 1 Ii il n'lt I ••ikli'y, (li'iir^iiiii ' iki', .lamos I'arsiiiis, Jolui I'l'tty, C. .t .1 I'l'tty, John I'nlli'y, A. M 1,'attriil.iiiy, Isaar Ilattfiiliiiry, .lolin Ki.hli, William Kiil.iiiMili, l;. .\l. ct Co Rollins, \h. .1. A l!(m>, K. A Ross Haviil Ruiu'iman, .lolin, l!ev..lami;s .Miir|ihy V.V '.. Samwcll & rirkaiil .Sill iitri'oil, .lull 11 .'-^Ii'mmon, .loliii .slum mi 111, S Sloan, William Hd'^f, Chavli's .Sni'll, llumiilirtiy it Suns Slahl, KlizaAnn Si iiillifoiiibL', Ml i/.aln't 11 Sjii'oat, (!i!ijri;r Tamlilyn, .lolin Taylor, T. H 'ri'iiiKint it raler.siin Tlmmson, IV'tef Tiplaily, P-viil TownsluMiil, William Ti'ick, Tliomas Tiivilt, Tliomas Til I'll I mil, Jaiiui.-i Tmnl.ull, Kobmt Twitclie'.l, .Famos Van E^;monil, A. G Vanstiiiic, William & Son.s Vai'ooe, .roliii Wallaitc, SaimiL'l Whitney, Mrs. E Willi.s, .lolm s 42 IS 111) •)') 22 GS 111 4S 111 tiS GS • 1 ( IS 21 i 111 4 4s lit 411 Gil liO li'J JG S 1 2s 4.-, 42 211 IS 2S i;h 42 29 19 :!2 llij 22 VI Wilson, I». It.. Wilson, Willi.ii Wis,', William Wylio, .liimi'.s Ariiislrniiu', .111 I'lrlhiini', Dr. A riraniliin, Jaiin Uraiulon, Tim I'.riui', 1,. .1 Corbi'tt, Chris jiani', ( Ii'or;.'!'. DaviiU di'. Doii,L;las, .iaiiii Dnimmoml, \\ Tralirk, 1! (.u'liimill, Joh (iiliboiis, R,,l„' I'ibson, A. I... (•'bson, Tliom: Hays, lIolK'it. Hiii','stoii, W. Ki'lly, I' I.i'i'kii', .lohii. Luckic, Rolu'i Li'i'i'li, nrolhi' MiDoiialil, D MrKililiull, (o' MrKiliboll.Ml r.illisoii, U'lilii' .'ialk.'hl, .lolm. Shii'l. .T, W.... Sniilh, II Smith, .1, K.... Siii'll, lliimiib Siioll, Mrs. II. .Strarhaii, Ali'.N Strai.'haii, 'riioi StroiiL;, tii'iiryi' Speiii'e, Willia Toms, Tsaiii- F. Trivitt, Tliom: Van Iv.'inoiiil, Vanstoiii', Wil WalkiT, I lav ill AVatsoii, I) Wilson, D. I). Ili-loiiral Ski PLANS OF ' Alma Annan r>aiiiiiii'kljiirn. IJaylii'liI llrlyiavi' lii'liiiori' I'llnrv.ili' Hlylli rioilmin ]5rii|i;i'iiil I'lai liriu'i'lii'lil liriissi'ls (j'lilralia Clinton Colliorni' Craulirook Craiislonl. .. . Cruililon Drysiliilt' Dnii^aiirion.... Ei'mimilvillu . R AL I N DEX. I '.I 1 ■IS VIEWS Continued '•"' ' Wilson, l». I> 72 ' Wilsiin, \\illi;MM 7:1 "- Wi-r. William a W'ylio, .liuiio "p" PORTRAITS. Arnistniiiu', .lu^ftih ','> llrlliniii', l»r. Ali'NanikT "lil I'liMiiiliiii, .fariic- :'.S llraiiildii, 'riiipiiiii-- It I'.llUI', I,., I '>•> t'liibi'tt, Cliri>l(iiilicr 7:! Illllll', (Icijl'j;!' :'.S Diivitlsiin, (Ii'iul;!' ."i:'i Diiii;,'las, .liiiiu'^ 7:! Kniiiinimul, Williiim .V2 Kriilick, I! I I lll-llllllill, .liillM II (lllil«iiis, Rnlicrt l."i (■■ilisdii, A. I ... 11 < ■''i-^iiii, TliiiiiiMs "i;! •'■' Hays, lldlicrl ;1S •'-' Hiii.^'st W. (I .V2 -- ' Krlly, I' 7;! '■^ Lc'cUii!, .liiliii .".2 -I- Jjrrku; Uolicrl 'i-2 IH Li'.'cli, linilliPls :l!l VJ i;.s "ili -2 cs I'.l IS r.i OS CiS IS I'.l 4 IS V.) -V.I (III lio (iy ."(i s 1 2s 4:, 41' L".l IS 2S M 42 29 19 :!2 7.'! ^ij 7^ 22 McDuMiiM, J) -,:; McKililpiiii, (ilMil'i;!' ('i,"i McKiUl«Mi,Mr>. (I il.T r.illUoii. i;.ii.rit 11 SalU.1.1, .InliM 7:! Shirl. J, \V 11 Suii'li, II :is Siiiilh,.!. K II Siii4l, lliniipliicy till Suoll, Mis. II i;'.i Stnioliaii, Ali'xamlrr 11 Strac'liiiii, 'rinmias II StMii- (!cur-i' :'hS S|ii'iict', William 73 Toms Isaac F 1.". Trivul, 'riidiiias l."i Van Ku'iuniiil, A. II I ."> \'an-tonc, William 11 Walk.T, Davi.l .".il WalM.n, I) .",:! Wilson, D. I) lo lli'-loiical Skclrli i. I0 \xiv_ PLANS OF TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Alma 40 Annan :i:! lianiuii'UliiuM ."i4 Baylwltl ."II J!(4L;iavo 17 Iiflnioi'c L'll lilni'v.ilr 12 lilylli 10 I'loilmin 21 IJriilLScnd I'lari! :i4 l!ruc-i'li.4>l 21; r.nis^i4s ao (J'nUalia 30 Clinton 411 Colliiivni' '.I OrauluooU 17 Cransioicl. .. 12 Ciuililoii .T.l Drysdali' 44 Dnni^annon 12 Jv'iiioiulville 34 PLANS. &c Continued. I'MO.S. Ellu'l 211 Exeter 24 I'onlwirli -4 Krit'ilsbni'^; "'li (iiidei'ich -'1 loiii-ie ■>'■'> llaill'o.l 11 I la ipuil icy '"'S llriilryii 20 Hcnsill :!0 llolnu'.-ivilli' 7 .IllMi.'tiollville "i4 Kiiilairn It Ki])|ion "''' Lakulft 211 l-aki'vic'w W l.diidfsiiorn' 4ll MaiK-licstor 20 Nile !l Port Albert 12 St. ll(4eirs 211 .Sealortli l" Spencetoii 20 .Siininier Hill 41 Snnsliiiie 21 Tin.lell ^4 Varna 44 Walton 20 Win-ham 4:! Widxeter 14 Zetlaml 12 Ziirieli 54 PATRONS DIRECTORY. Asliliel.l TdWii.-liip 81 CoUionio " '^O (oKlericli ■' 70 (irey " f^-1 Hay " W llowick " «;5 Hnllelt " 81 Morris " 85 M-Killop ■• 79 Stanley " SI, Sleiilieu " 81' Tuniborry " 83 Tiukersmith" Su Usliorne " 78 W.awaiiosli, Kast and West 82 (loderieli Town 75 Wingliain " 78 Clinton " 75 ■Seal'ortb " 75 REFERENCES. Farm House " School Huiise JJB Church St- PropuseJ Kiiilroads Creeks Mills - « IJlaOk.smitli Shop _^ Conu'terics .t Bailruads - dk «mM Historical Sketch of the C OEOORAPHIOAL POSITION AND EXTENT 111.' lllH.'h Ml iIm- |.i, -.111 I- ,.ll.' .11 Ih,. h.ilt Hi,, , iitU'H »|||ittriit-< nf Mii.k..ku, Hjililimi Si|ii«piim!. I'iiii\ >>'iiiini mill Alni'iiiu oiiii|inKi' lilt' I'luvihi'i'iil duiarii'. I'lii' |>i'ciiliai ■.ll Mil' 111 till' tlTlltiilJ rtllll'll U.iulil .llilnuu »Hll I I 111 till.' otlll'l' ...iiiitii'R mI till) I'liniiiii, liir iliat iiiiillia- til liiiw Ihtii Iniil mit with I ■iii|.u.iiii. iliKivKni'il fill- M'lniiii'tiA or «v«ti'iii i» piTli'i tlv iiiiii'ii'iilialik' ill :1IH Mlllfl (.•nil llllill till' Wi. Ill ■■ MlU^ihiU ll llln ,1 trnllllll!!' nil l.iki- lliiiiiii iilik'li i« itn wiiHti'in liiiiiiiil!ir>, mill timii ulmli it t.iki'n lt» imlllf -ul l.ftBl'lll .Vl illl.l lUI lllllfH ; alill fXll'llils inintwuril (l-cilll till' Liku »liiiri' I I iliHiiiiufi vMiviii:.' fii.iii "i tii 411 iiiili'*. It« iinrlliurii ll. '111111. irv u till' t'liMiitv "I Hi'iiii' ; il» i-ii^tirii. ;iiii'tH of tin' I'niiiitit'H "I W.'lliiiKinii mill I'l'ilh ; mill It- d.iiulii'iii, ilu. l\.iiiin ..f .Miiiillum-x viliili' tilt' iinii'fi' mix '"^iibli'-i .ii'iimiiirii itn .hi. nth ivi»tirii tuwii- ^lll|' (Stl'|.|u'lll flulll tilt' 'r..»||»||i|. ..I |t..»mi.|lll'| 111 till ('..iiiit\ ..I l.iiiil.t..ii. riif ^ii|.i'riii;iiil muit itii'liiili.l uitliiii tlicHi' I..11111.I1 ('..iii|.riN|.H 7..iin.lHr.\ , 1- iiliont I'l mili't Miiitli .,f tli.' 11 ..1' 11. .nil litlitiiili'. TOPOORAPHIOAL CHARACTERISTICS ( ii'ruM'JilIv -^jn-iikiii:;. Ilni'-ii iH .ih i'\ri'j.riiiniiil\ lr\i'l (,iiiiiiir\ - dn' siiiitliiTii |iiiri [iiirtRMiliii ly >*"■ It in it » Miiiiiri'iiiisr. in fjict. iM'twi-t-ii till- illliloHt |iritrflly ifVil pluui-- '-f I )|t< !«iiHt ll- Wt'sltTll I'iMlliI u-m bur ■ li-niiLi I.akf- Krii^ ami St. t'liiir. mul tin- \utv\\i Wfsti'ni. wl- fli air \i,islu'tl I'V tilt' wati'VH i>nii'oi-iriiiii Hay. Ami in .h.-iI aiitl ilinialf. tin- -a MM' t-liariictfi'istii' ami i'>>iiiparatiM.' rnniiitinn may In- olist'i vnl. Wliilf ill tilt- smith a Vi'r\ ritli vrkjt.-tal'K' .U'Immm, timlfilaitl liy tlu' ■'tiMrik;t'<*t u{ flay »iiIim from tin- laii'l iif tin.' MUn. in nn phuv h.>\\i'\,r with tliu fxci'ption of a Hiiiall avcraj^c ot swami', wliu-li miiiiin in vaiioun parts t.f the * niinty j !■* tlir i.iEiil so llai a-* not to 1m- L-apaMi' i>t Niirtacu ilrainaur ; the tt-rni ' ^'<'iitl> uii'lnlatui^ " lK>ini^ upphraMc to thoiisainU ii)Min tliniiaan(i> I'f aiivs covi-rinii tlu- Inilk of its i-xti-nt. rin- ti'rritor\ is ilraimii- or watrirtl iwott-ini' ilmitly tin- >,\, I'oiii.- of i-;i. ll nthcr. yut Itoth lu-r- a|.|.lK-al'K- hy tlu* Muitlumi.'liayliehl. aii'l Aii\ Sjil'Ifs Hivi-rs, with ihfir tnliiilaiu-s, inail'lilioii to iiuiiu-rotKt '■ti. iiiiH of jntiu si/i? or .-i^nilii-aiKv ruiininu wustwanl into l.jiki- Miuhmi ,a .lilii-ivnt points, Tin.' pniu ipal hrandn-s ot tin- foniicr sticam north, ujiit'llt* ami soutli take tla-ir n-t- rf«pfcii\i*ly in tin.- 'rowinhip oi Mint.. Ill thf rt.nnty of \V(■Ilin^'l<■n. ami tin- Townships of Wjillm-c itini Klin, I in thf I'ouMty of IVrtli. Aftt-r traw-isniL,' Ilitwick, Tnrn I't-ny. lii-t-y an'l Morris, tliry fouii a LoniliHMrt- at Win-ham. t|ow -■uiiiWiir'l ihioim'h Kasl ami U'l-st Wauaiiosh. ami form tlic in.umlary la-twi'L-n Culhonie umi (omIltk-Ii Townships f Lo^.m in iln- County o| Perth. IJow • '111 'iii^li llililx-i-t aii'l Tinkt-r-iiiitii to ('lin{<-u, uhcn^i- it lorms tin- t'i'iiihlary Uttwi-i-n tlu- Town.-ships of (.'...U-iuli on tlu- north ami Sianlt-y )Ui tin.* south, i-miityint,' at the \ illauf ..f ilaylit-lil, Uivii-n- aiix Sal'li-s is cliii'lly in tlu* Conntii-s of Mi h is«|iiiti' a liiu- iintl strt-ain). runs through I >lioiht-. Hay soMth-t' tonn-r) ami Stephi-n : aiiit tin- main stream •'wiuiil- tlu* latlt'i town.sliip on tlu* .-.ontii-wi-t. .i- prcvioiislv iiott' v.liich othiT pHrt-s ■ t *.hf ' ouiity aii'l of tin- country do not pos-t's^ For instame. ilu-ri* ill- s.. iii:in\ nt-ci'ssarily lra\i.-lh'd roads rrossi*d li\ tli'in that tlu* nuin- •I-. ot l»ridi,'»'s throughont the iiorilu-rn section ..f the -ounty is soine- tiKiL; ainio-t woiulertiil f'-r tin- exieiil of territory. We notice i»y tlu- ' >:!i.ial Iteport of the (.'oiuity Kn^'iiieer for 187*^, that in the nnul mmii- .,,.ii,t„;^ u/'./M there are no less than ninety-two Lridu'es /.;eo]o;;ista uliiHsify the rro\iiicu of Ontario in six District-, known as: (I. the U'wer of- i.Tua; (1! the N'orth-rn Townslii[.- ; {III. the Ontario; {IV.) tlu* KtK- aiid Unroll ; \ . tlif Manitoiilui ; and <\'\. the Ipper l.akes : and It is uiiiieiessarv to add that the territory iMHiipri^iny Huron t'oiinly i'elonuA to the fourth of tiie-e divisions winch lie-^ ininiedintuly west of the third, or Ontario District, fruni wliuh it is separatod hy the '■•U'e of tin- v'leat " Niagara eacarpnieiit." running from tin- Niagara lliver ''I'l \nu-eii-ton. Thorold, (Jriiiishy. Hamilton, Dnndas, 'ieori^e 'oun. etc. t" ('al'ot'a Heiwi, on ( Jeorj^ian liay. 'I'he watcr> of Lake Krie. and the otliei lakes and rivers which eniptv into it, heginning nnei ; the iinrtheui ed^e (a|. Ui.ui |(a> I ri^iiiu in plact s to an altitude of I.i'xhi fci-t. ^loiiiHi the Unroll -«lioii- to an altitude of r>7H fri-t ahovc the nca-lexi vsard Lake Krie to .'itlu fr*-t idiovi* theoi'i-un. Kxcept where eii valleys. (1r- *iirfjice .-f this whole di>*lrict is imnparatu idy i It prem'tiln a iiiaiked contiast to tlu* Lower Ihitaiio vv\t'\< aliiioHt toial at'tence o| hikis . thoUi.{li Irat e|-sed l>\ niinieioii poitaiit rivi'i-, nioHt of v^huh tlow intu the hndieNitf v^alcr t< norihetn, western and nonlhetn lioumtaries, thouijli a nnml the ••ppnHiii- directiiin. an-l hri'akitii; thiiiUL(h the escainnie InMimU It u]e\i.nian a^'e ; and iiiediati 1> uiiderl,\ iiiu t he ( I lacial, I'ost (ihiend.aml Ueeeiit Ay thioii^diout this county are principally the Onondau'a atidt'i lorniatioiis. The former extends o\ei an iiieu comprising a country Leu'inniiiK in the vicinity of .Seaiorth, and running i westerly direelmn, endiiiL; at Lake Hiiion, near Kmeaid territory is in round nundx-r- hfty miles lon^ Ly ten m In an area of .*ilhl sipiare miles. It where where the salt de| found, the luine appearihi,' to proceed from extensive iinderl of roi-k-salt, which in many cases have hueii penetrated \vh the salt wells. It is the opinmn of i,;eolo;{ist^ that these i>!^h culcareo i.rLrillaeeoiis shales, interstrat irregular Led-* of gypHiiin. The economic value of this f he-ides the salt product , extumis to valuahlc material for I facture i.f hydraulic cement, ohtuined from the tlolomitic ; laceoiis shale ■». the ^vpHUiii ahove mentioned, and I lied oh .mi which furnishes excellent hiiildini^ stoTie of a colour l.elweei drah. The Corn formation, which rovers u |. ition of Hiun consist^ of i^'ieyi-h limestones. i-nclosin^' (piantitie-* of fottsil e (he strata in this ret,'ion are e-tinmtcd at 1*10 leet in tlii< kiie; III Ka-^tern Michiuan, to which the Land of this formation ext laid to l.e .it least ;150 feet thick. This is the formation in |.etroleum of *outli-we-tern Ontario is helieved hy Kfolo^ists att-. afterwards asceniliiii,' ami accumuUtin^ in the next one i The -oiithern part of thu county is tliitinguishud hy the "I foiinaiion, ealled hy t'anadian geolo<;iHtH the " Lamhtou.' prevalence to so yreat an extent in the count) of ttiat nii thickness of the strata is estimated at over 2.'i(ifeet. I nil it is \ ohscured throuyliout this region Ly overlying cluy«. •'ands, i dnits and supcrtieial deptmitH. Deposits of the (Jlacial, i*o»t-( Jhicial, and Kecent Ages i \ery generally t.\er tin- Silurian ami Dovniiian Strata of tlu Huron District pariicularl\ in theCounty of Huron, Tln-s are dassitied (ascending onlei) (1), Lower Drift Clay; : orStratilied Drift Clay ; ;{ . Lower Kresluvater Clay ami > rpper Froshwater (.'lay and Sand ; and .">). Kecent dep«isi Tlioj^e which iiio-t ahound thri.iiiihout Duron are the first, -t tifth ; the lir>t l.eiiig found te in tlu- northern part of (I the .•ystem in variuiis localities of Imtlt sections, treine southern portion of the county appruachos the tliiid i al.nve named formation-, which prevail more throughout Miildlesex and LamLton, >titl further soiitli, and inrst of th hunleriiig Lake Kri* . EARLY HISTORY. With this term we are naturally mclineil to associate oiil settlement of the country hy tho presuiit doiuimmt race. Ill country and even this county had a history, luudern very Compared with the evt-nts unfoMed hy geolo^dcal resi-arch, y in comimrisoii with the "early settlement," is apparent to ji the details are familiar to hut few. It is not proposed to her incomings aiiil the outgoings of the race which imiuediateh us. or to dwell upon the mvsleries of still another race ot evnh-nce ot whose existence upon this or adjacent parts of t can contiiu'iit thousands of year- liefore " thet'ieation ' is pr ao noonday hy the many evidences they have lefi for the geology to uneaith, any further than to stat<- that the ori hiMg since -ihoiigh none can tell how long- extinct, inlia [Hirlion of (.'anaila distinguished us the Laiirentian formatioi of which noticeahly among the silver, copper, and iron mi Lake Superior region ahundant evidences, in the shape of articles of common iisi, have heen found iuihedded among 111 some cases hundretls of feet helow (he surface, which i were a race possesseci ot the know ledge of working the metal the halame of evidence i- in lavoiir of tin- theory that tliej accpiaiiited with the science of working tliem hy heat. Ilov suhjeet is st. va-t as to he almost incomprehensible in ev except its very truth ; and for this reason, as well as in con of the fact that it was ppihaldy already a matter of history before the section of country which now includes Huron Coi from out the depths, we will simiily refer brieily to that race with whose history we of the present day are faiiii And coni])aratively familiar as we all are with the hiator latier, the time and circuniHtimces of their advent to this we tiiieiit. and the place of their origin, is a subject on which evui of the Coiintv of Hui'on. II 14 llMh'h lll'illi'l llliill till' liiMi-l' likClUl' lillit Jl till' ImIIiu-I . lllf hnltlu-IM i->t l.tiiHi fcfi, "t'lhiiiK tiiwiinlt liltltihli of ;>7H ficl iiIm.\.> IIu> mil l\r|, iihtl U> Fifl IlliHM* tlu'.ui-iili. Kxii'I'I ulirlirlll lt\ lUlT llll^ Wlinlc illMll'U't IM riaill(lM'l\ I'M-II. UIhI I'-htiu'*! to Ilif I.i'Wir ihituiiit ri'-^'iMn lt_\ tlic IjlklH . lIlnUljIl tl'liM'l-M-il liy IIMIlll-l-iillH UIhI ill) ulllih tInW intn tlir liotllCN of HittiT tHrilUDX itH n<>ll()||-M) l)>il|||(li||i(>N, though II inillllii'l' lull 111 . liii'l Krr.tkiiiL; tlirMiiuh llit* I'ni-iivhiia'rtt vsiiicti •ast. fii'iii Ho-iii'* i.f II vvil'i uimI |iiitnii'»'|iii' wuMtfi'ii |>.tit tit' tliu iliAtiii't (ill hIiu'Ii IIuimIi ' iif t'ii|ii-i Siliinaii aii>l I>i'Vtiiiiati ■n'lii'w ii- • liiiK •'i-lci') oi the < )iH>ii-l,tL'a iitnl 1<>\vit Hi-Mcl' t"iiiii'i HiTi' ■ ; ami llir l 'riskan\ . ' "t iiit't'nMi», III* I'niia^'i'nl ihi' I'l'Viiiiiuii a|.'t* ; aii'i tln-f^f iiii lii'tiliu-iiil. post i-i>iit-Aui>iti-|».Hit>< ' lUT [■niui|mllv tht- nnuuilai^a ami t oriiifrrMiN fi rxti-iiiU I'Xri nil ai'i'a i'oiii|ittHin^ a Hlri'li'li of lit' vhiiiity of Si-aloi'tli, ami luiiniii^ iii a iiortli- ilinL{ at Lakr lliiioii, near Kiiicai'tiiu*. 'I'lio [itiuilit-i'- liftv mill's litiii; )•> ti'ti Ml lii-fu valuuhlc material for the uiaiiii- .'eiiient, iihtuined from the •lolnutitie and uri{i) )HUni ahove inentioneit, an, ■Mtnm-f*. rnclo«inK' iiuanlitie- of fn«Hil i-uraU. ami >ii are e-tnnatnl at Wii) feel in tlii< km-KH, th>iUL.'li o whi" h the hiiinl of tluH fonnatioii evteinN. it is feet thick. TliiN is the formation in v^liiih the -tern Ontario ih Iteliuveil hy geoldtiists to nriKin- iii; ami airiiniuUtinj< in the next one ahove. •f the I'l.unty iH ilntiiiguisluiii hy tin- "Hamilton" 'aiiiulian geo|ii*t, -ccoiid, and ■uikI iiioii- III the northern pari of the cimnl\, I- tlie Nouth, ami tin- fifth o. curriiii< without n various h-calities <.t' hnlh seL-ti'tiis. The ex , of the colli. ty appioiicheH the tliiid and fourth n-. whi( li prevail more throughout Western y uiiutatioii frniu tht* norlh we-t, aiio«M ll. h^n^i'll Stiail>*, as -(onie Htienlist- ansert is proven l>y tradition. ,.-u'rni|, and ^eo);rapliy coiiihiiied , or whether, as is i|iMtu II- Hti>iitl\ athrmcd hy others v\h «eie deocemli'd from the N..r^eiiien. v*Iiohu im-liiiutioii n| iiect'HNitie- hroti^ht them l<< llie suiilh west, is a matlei which iio amount of resean h ■ •nis now likely t.i . -tahlish Nor is it matter of iuipoiiaiice, sn i-M u^ ihls IuimI limtMi-y is coliceineii. how It .niiies ihat 'he liiiliaiiH uiih wl i uiMi-e leceiit disoiveries ha\u shown the greater hulk i>f the N«>ith Aiueriian continent, and p.nti >ii:irly < 'utiada, to have hieii | pled, .tre of a dilhreiil race, with ch ractenstics in direct antauMliisin In tlioM' of (he more Nniithein tnher* deM-iihe.l h\ Coliimhus. Cnite/. ami Ti/arro The fniini'r fniind the U'iKt Imllo pnpulated >>} a pli'.i^aiit, pea-efill people, luli d oM-rhv canities, enjoying existence, mid knowing nought ot war cry, stake, or criiiiHoii trophy. Covte/ found l!ie A/lecs in a still more progressivo slate n-HideiitH of cille-, advain ed iti the ails of ci\ ili/.ation, huilders nf caiiscwa)-, d»i-lliim-' and temphs, ainl tilhrs..f the ^oil ; whi!<'iin the soiitlnin o>utineiil I'l/airo ci.uipiered a imIiom who weie only inferior to iheir conijiieroiH m Ihe art- and aitilicc- oj war, deceit, and dishiinoiir. Ill fact, the Mexican and rcriiMaii were admitted typesnf li civili/almn which ere long would have emulated, if not siirhassed, easlerii »lages of progression, had no! u more eiuel and warlike race ciiished Milt the national instim-t, and planhd its gtims upon the ruins. Having hrietly referred to Mnine of the iinccrtaintie- « niineileij with the aliongmal tnhe^, we might say thai the tirsi aiilln mic knowledge We piisnesN uf tho*-c trihes inhahiling Western Ontario piiiticiihirly the Lake Htiioti shore re-ulted from the iiadiuu ixplorations ami warlike exped I tiotiH of Samuel de t 'liampl.uii, a l-'reiichmaii, tiie founder of the tlag iukI einpin of Old Kram-e in I hi' New Woild i]ii> father and lirst govcrinu' of New Krance an adventurous exploier, a successful discoverer, a pro-peroiis trader, a valiant sMlditi|-, a chivalrous gentle- man, a deviited patriot to his native Kriiiii e, and the lir-'t of his lace who looked upon Lake HMion, -t with the primary ol.ject of exploring the St. Lawrence with the Mew ofeHtuli- lishing a depot for the fur trade. How he ronm d an allimu'u with the ihree gnal Indian natioiiN to the tioitli ot theiiicat Lakes ai I S|. Lawieiice known as the .-Vlgomptin-, Onlaoiiais and Hiirons. tid called hy the Kreiich the Northern IroipiHH) , Imw he fought liieir liatth's against the live great confederated Indian Irihes to the south of this chain ot w liters at times w it h success, and again w itli most disas- trous results; all these are fact' -o iii'imali ly eomiecteil with th-' early lii-tor\ of iiiir country as to make it heie uniieres-ary to repeal them, further than to mention the cir> umslance^ under which he Ihe lirst of his race to set foot ii|ion the territor\ --t the H>iio)i Histnci was led at thi.^ early day so tar from his l>a><4' was -ei^ed with a desire (o torn I an alliance w iih ihe •' Neutral Nation," who lived in what IS now Northern t>hio and Snuthern Michigan. He therefore returned to (ieoi^uin Hay the way he had come, and tlnuce coasted around hody of water io Lake Huron, which ciistern -hore he followed lo its outlet lift Kiver and Lake >t. Clair, halting m*ar the present site < r' the City of Helrnii, where he spent the winte'- of It'iLi Hi m hohling ciiuncils with the Neutial Nation. It was during his progress on this mission that he tii'st visited Huron c,„)||ty lamping, as tradition informs us, hoih in going ,-ind returning, at the -tpot where tioderich now stands. It should ha\e heeu hefoie menlioMid that tli. Imliaii trihe known as the Hurons wt'ie tUv ones to give the name to the hecoiid in size ot the great chain of .Vmericali Lakes; or rather theearlv blench mliahit aiits named Lake Min'oti after this trihe (so cdted hy tliemseh es and the ftllnr trihes of the Northern and Southern Iri'ipmis). who lovelt upon its hanks. Thi.s trihe was one y tliu uxtuiit "f tluir c(in(|injits iir thu wiHilnm iiiid fknnit'iicu of thuir chiefs, tlieir iiiipjitifiicu vt luritrul, thuir tiviitiiieiit of till' viimiiiishcil, iir tlioir |ms>ii>ii fur war, tliu uumiiiiiiioii is will titkuii. TliiH tril>iv- tliis Hnlendiit ipei-imrii uf tliu '* iiohlf Hiivaj^e " — vvhit-li Kavi' Laku Mni'tiii laiici !tiili.ti'i|iH'ntly tin! " Hiinui I)istiiit")it» tianu'.weru ;hsh t'luni the faet nf their eiMisistin^ of that nuinher of [invverful llilies the Miihawks, t'ayanuas or < 'ayngas), (>nada;:a-. and Seneias ; to ivhimi wor>' allenviird- added hy ailoption tin' 'I'nsea- rawas (simietiines eidled TuseawraM), niakini^ the celehrated " Six Nation Indian-" witli whose history fanadians are alt so familiar. Tliese *' Five Nations" possi-sr-eil from time innneuiorial the territory ciiverinKthat [part of New Vork Slate helv.ein tin Niagara Kiver and Lake C'hamphiin, and were lieyond all eomparison the mi>'t powerful lli'lian Nation oiilhe Ani'iiean t'ontinelit : and the terror of their name inspired the lireasis of idt the trihes as far south as the I'otoniae and thi> Ohio, as far wt;st as the Mississippi, ami as far north as tlie habitahle reoions extended, hoth len^' lu?fore ami lipiii; alter tlie iuhfiil of Chaniptain and his foUoweis to New Kranee. Snliseiplellt to the lirst vi-it ipf rhamplaili to the situ of iloderieh, thu territory ';ontiiiind to in- \isited at intervals of lussei- ipr i-reater duration hy tin; fur-traders of his Huuce-sors, anil casually hy the early missionaries ami .le-uits, those tievotud patriots of Kranee ami the Komisli t'hnreli, wliose eneru'V' was soon apparent in the chain of prosperous settlemellls eslalillshed aloli^ the " water-wavs " eonm et- ill^ the ( Mtawa with the I'liper Lakes. .\fler the anllihihition of tlie llurons, however, and the eonteiuporary desiruetion of the .leHiiif settlements aloiiij thu south shore of tieoriiian Hay in 111411, :%<' have no further uvitleiiee of the while mall's trail upon the sanils >pf thu Huron shore until the first seilleinent of (iodericli hy an Indian trader named (ioodini^, .in account of which may \>v seen in the proper con- nection. Most closely as-ociati'd witii the history of ILiroii County from its very earliest settlement to the present day, and luo-t intimately ideii- titied wiih it- " minife.-it destiny" .-.nil o..iiiifold m I' inti-re.-ts. was tile •* Caindj' Company," a hie^'i- hind inoTiopoly of Koi^lish capitalists, .lolni Call, the father of .M i. Jiistire Call and Hon. .Ue.x. T. tlalt. was the orioinat a- of this tJompaii>, in vliieh Lonl.s tioderirh and Collionie, l.l.-l lem-ral Cockliiirn and Col. Sir.lohn llawley, were intluetitial -hareiiolders ; as well as Mes-rs. Iliddntpli, I'osaniiuet, Hhinchard. David.son, Downie, Ka-ihope, Kllice, Kullarton, Call, Hav, Hihhert, lluUeli, Lo!,'aii. .Met liilivray. .MeKillop, Stanley, Stepheii, Tucker Smith (which was always spelled as two words , rslniriie, Williams, and others, after iiiaiiy of whom townships in the old " lluroM Trai't " were iiflelwardH named. Ity the provi-ions of ;ilsl (ieo. 11 1., cap. xxxi., oiii-evunlhof all lands .surveyed after March 1st, \!^-2\, well! reselied liy "His Majesty," and known as " Ci iwii Reserves;" another sevelilh heini,' also set apart as "I 'lei-oy Uoi'rves, ' for purposis implied hy the name. I!y an aL'ri'cmeiit hutweeii .',.n' Bathurst, Ills Maji-dy's Seerelaiy of State, and tins propo-iedComoany iwhicli was entered into 'Jiilh Novemher, l-^;!!), the laiier were to receive a i|Uintily of 1 mil, e-timaled at "-Jll,l;)ll acres, of the I'leroj Uostivus, hesides o\er a million acres of Crown Reserves, in Ipper Canada, at the nominal |irii-e of ;t.^. li-/. |ier acre, or a to'.al ol i.'M."),ir)l) .J.-'., lorlheClelvy Reserves alone. Tliis excited the hostility of the " (jluru'v," hy which term is meant the miii;nates of the "Kstali- lisheil"or.Viii;licaiii'huicli, who. with llr. (afterwards liislmp. Stnehan at their head, exerleil sullici. Ill inllueiiie with the Home liovernment and witii theilirecioisof the C.iiiada Company to pro, u re a inodiliiMtion of thu aureemelil Tlie terms of the new aorei laelil formulated hetweeli Karl llalhiir-t ou hihall of the (iovenimeiil. and .Me-srs. Ilowniu, Fullarton, .Mci iilliuax , l,o...aii, and tialt on helialf of the Company, were contained in a dispali h to Sir rerenriiiu .M.-iiiland, the Lt -tiov- ernorof Ipper Canada, daied HoHijiiiL,' Street, L'ltli .May, IHi'i; ; and the Kcnural features of tlm scheme may he judged Iroiii ilie followin;,' extract fr the dcsp.itch : "♦ ♦ ♦ |„ |i,.|i ,,f the hefore-nielitioned '• NiU.Kto acres (of I'K^r^'y Uesurves , His .M.ijesty's liovernment will "grant and convey to ihe Can.ida Companv "for the same ]irice " ii'U.'i.llJo .-|.,. currency a liloik of land containing one million acius " in the territory lately pureha-ed from the Indians, in the London and " Wustern Hislricl.s. iine-lhiid part of the hefore-mentioned sum i '• .i'l4.'i,l.")ll o.-i. cunency shall he expended hy the Canada Company in " [luhlic works and improvi'iuenls within the said hlock of land ; ,iiid " thu remainini; Iwo-ihird parts only of the said sum of i'l l,j,l."il» .js "currency shall he actually paid to liis .Majesty's Coveriimunt. liy the " terms ' )iulilic works' and ' iiaprovements' will he understood canals, " hridi,'es, liiudi roads, chiirehes, wliarves, si 1 l-hoii.sus, and other " works nndeitaken for the henelit of His .Majesty's .siihjecis resident "within tliat part of the I'rovinceof Cpper Canada! in contradistinction "to works intended for thu use and accominodation of private persons." It shouhl he here luenlioned that the new arraiifjeuiunt did not inter- fere with the oriu'inal one in re-pect to •' Crown Rusurves." whiih, to the extent 111 l,:ts|,ll:l acres, scattered throughout almost evurv county then Biirveyud in Ipper Canada, the Company still rutaiiied, as for- merly agreed upon. It is only our design huro to bring iho history of tho county to the point at which actual suttlumeiit coniniuncud under the iliruclioii of this great landed n poly. The towii.ships which they hucauiu of III (J.ii', under the terms of the sec 1 agreement 'with Karl liathurst, were Itosaiuiuet, in the Couniy of Laiuhtoii ; Itiddulph, Mcliillivrav, and Williams, in tlii' County of .Middlen'x ; lilauchard, Downie. Kast- hupe, EUice, Fullarton, Hihhurl. and Logan, in the County of I'urth ; and Colhornu, llodurich. Hay, llulh^tl, .MeKillop, .Stanley, Stephen, Tucker Smith (as it was originally and for many years ealled, but now Tuckursmith), and rsborne in the County of riuroii. (Ipinioiis are as varied as Ihose who form them an to tho particular amount of credit or discredit which the Ciimida Company caniuil in the opurations which followed their occupation of thu "Huron Tract." It Bhould bu renieiuliered hy tlm-e wliooll'er, as thu chief iirgumunt in their favour, the fact of their giving the peo|ilu so many public improvuinunts, iSc., that they were spending thereby only tho one-third sharu of thu prico of thu land, as they were biunid by thu original iigreement with the (ioverninunt to do, and that a very large pro|iiirti f thusu works were paid for hy thu salu of this very saimi land which they had bought for ;i». 1)./. per acre (payable, one-third in iniprovuiuciit"ii. and the balancu in money, in alxtem j/.,i,»), iit pricen ranging from 91. M to «2..')(i pur acre. Thu balancu of evidence, in fact, which wu liavu liuun iiblu to obtain goes to provu coii'lusivuly that the " Cainida Company " wuru, through and through, thu most uiicoiiseiomiblo niid iiii-cruimtoiis ring of "land gribbt any kmovledge of ; anil it is the aeipiailited with the (■ircumstanct.'i the i-arly selllemelit and subsei|U Tr.u-I " was due sohdy to the grui lory and the enterprise of tho sui ill .i/)i7r of the uiiiiio|>, lists than bj MUNIOIPAl What is now the County of Hur up to the year Irt.'HI, was known as prised, in .addition to thu presen winch has since been eructud inti lo^eiher with the townships of IJii annexed to .Middlesex County. Huron District, the local govt^rnm was rarried on hy a lioard of .Magi? the first session of thu ItrsI I'rovi was pa.s.sed, I'lititlud, "An .\cl " governinent ul that part of this 1 " the I'rovinee of I'ppur Canada " miinicipal authorities therein," ui and Hr. Will, lliinlop, .M.IM'., was .■IS the lirst Warden of the District. The representativus of thu ditl'e al lloihricli. the seal of local gov Isfii, when, aceording to theniinuti "C,,iiiieil the coiiimission of Win. "ofihu Districl of Huron. Dan *' ment by the Warden, constitu " District t'ierk, in pursuance of tl " .\it. " The t.'lerk the namus of "Chalk, Dick.son, Daly, (hilt, (iu. " llodgins, .1. Ilodgins, Hawkins, '. " Un thu motion of .Mr. (ieary, "act as Ch.-iirman in thu absence " .McC i,.ll .Ml-. (;,ilt ,„•„,.„„,/ » •' lak the .h .■ : seconded by .Mr. I " ihe foll.iwlng members voted for " I Juary, Holmes, R. Ilodgins, ,1. H '•for the anielidmellt, viz. ; .^lessri ".Mcintosh. -Motion carried hy a " kins then lo,.k the chair. " .Mr. (odt moved that the Cler " ipi.iliiicationsof ihet 'oiuicillors in "of I lie .\ct ; sec led by .Mr. CI "of Mr. Ch.ilk Were then ]iresuntud "Commitiie for Townships of Ti •o.ith ol allegiance, o.illi of iiflice, e " son. consisting, etc.. Townships i ■• The oath of the Ch.iirman of elect " liiiced, .\lr. liall moved, 'll'l„lli,i ••••;■ ir'l :' seconded by .Mr. ('ha when the Council temporarilv adjoil tin resiiming, nil. niinuies, " tl| " cated to the Council a message fr "of his arrival ; and rei|iiesti "lecuit journey, that thu Cinincil " o'clock, at Uattelihury's Holid "tli.-il if aceoiiimodation was to lu " the |irisellt .sessiim witllouf clll "adopteil; if otherwise, and " pulilic, this Council shall contin " noon Ihe (.'oiincil enjoinud as a ■• • . onliiine to be held during thu " The Council then adjourned ti " ( -Signei It will be iioliceil Ihal no re clp.illlies repri'sellted by the dill' and Dickson, This oiuission on to Ihe session of |s.-)ii. (hl.s In.,,, weiu printed ; but impiiry an that of the other members of tin from Downie. .Mr. tialt from C Town-hip, .Mr. Hawkins from .\si .Mr. .Mclntosli from William: Sehring from Kllice, and .Mr. Ilul The lirst .\iiditors appoiiitud and Hyde, the former by tjie Till hrsi Clerk was David Di from a list furnislicd him by the own, tin- names of (ieo. Fraser charge of the oHiee May (1th, ls4i! For IS4.'t the list of (.'ouncilh Tuckersmith ; C. Van Fgniond •lames Cairns, Stephen ; .M. 1 Ilodgins, liiddiiliih ;.l. C, W. D, The naine-of .Messrs. H. Hodgins. and .Mix. Young also apjiuar ; w we find tlie names of .Mussrs. .1 Sebach, David -McConiiull, Win. John Holmes, .lohn Longworth Dickson, 1>. .M. Mcintosh, ,lno. 1 In I ft*.") the ininutuHcontauied Claik, Holmes, R. Hodgins, ,J .lank, Dickson, McCulhuigh, .M IH4li the meinhurs wuru .Messrs. .lolin Hawkins, .lolin Holmos, Longwoi'h, , lames Murray, iMcl Ritchie, and , lames Simpson. The Council for IH47 was c< Chalk, Will. Clark, Robt. Donki, Hicks, ,Iohn Hawkins, ,la8. H,„ (iuo. Hydu, Thus. Lamb, .lidm L hiugh. Win. I'iper, ,las. Kankin, \ an Fgnioml. Thu law providing for Ihu oli camo into elluct in 1847, iiiid ii find it was " .Movod by .Mr. Van "that Dr. Chalk bo appointed "amundmuiit by Mr. AlcCulluu ill ■d) vl STORICAL SKETCH OI< THE uii«mipnl.iiis i-in.' of " lan.l .,'rilil,ura " whidi tlii» eoiiiitry lit li'iist li.i.l ,111V kiicwlclyi! i.f ; Hiul It i.s tlie .i|.iiiiuii nf all cuimIi.I- l.-.i ii.l-ii mmiiiinlr.l with llu' ciicilliliitiilii.™, tlmt tlii^ ^'luilt auocuss .ill.Mi.llUK tl „ily .sotllriiiriit .ili.l siili«i...illulll ilcvflupin.iit ..f thy • llur.ui 'I'lMi I ■' wiiH .liii> »..h-ly to thi) gmit imtiinil iiilviiiilii|,'fa of tliu ti'iii- lor.v luiil thi- iMit.Tiii'iHu of tho HuttliTS, Mill WHS ,iccoii,| nilhiT 111 .y,it,' of thi' uioiio|ioliat.s thiui liy tlii'ir iii'l. MUNIOIPAL HISTORY What Ik now Ihi.^ County of Huron foniiurly forimiil a luirl of what, ii|. to tlic yi'ar IH.'id, was known as the- Diatriet of Huron, wliiuh i^oiu- i.risi'il, inaililition to thu pri-Hfiit County of llnioii, lliu ti-nitoiy ^ whicli has sini-i! huin uiTuteil into tlio coinilics of IVrth ami Itniuu, limthur with thi' towimhiiw of Hiililulph ami Ml'I ollivray, at |iiusiint iiimi'ici-il to .Miildli'HC'X County. I'ruviou^ to thu foriiiatn.ii of tlm i Union IJistl'ict, tin; hu'al govi'ViiiiH'llt of thai s.tliiin of tin- I'r.ninci,' was iMlrii'il on liy a lioal'il of Jla^'islniti'S, who nii't at l.onilon ; Init at | thu hrst ^L'!l»ion"of tliu lirsl I'lnvincial J'ailiaimnt of ( 'aiiaila an Ait WHS |iassi'il, I'litillfil, "An Act to |irovii|i' for tin-' hi'ttiT inlirnal "Xovi'miiii'iil ol that part of this I'mvinco whiili toriuurly lonslituli'il "tin.' I'rovini'i' of I'pper C.iiiaila, hy tln' I'st.ililisliincnt of local or " iniiiiiiipal aulhoritiL's IhiTi-in," iinili'V which Iho District was f..riiii'y Mr. Chalk.- Carried without a division ;" ; when the t'oniicil temporarily adjourned. , tin resumiiiL,', m/- minutes, "thu .\ctiiivj District Clerk coinniuni- •■ lated to the Council a message from Win. l-)iiiiliip, K-i|. , the Warden, '•of his arii\.il : and reiiuest in;;, in ei-ili>ei{ilence of the fatignu of his •• ii-ci'iil journey, that the Council woiihl aiijourn till to-morrow al ten , " o'clock, at Kattenliiiry's Hotel. The Council unaniiiiously .lurced ' "that if accommodation was to he allorded for their ineitiin,'- diiriii'4 1 *' the present session without charge, the Warden's prop.isitioii lie ••adopted; if otherwise, and to avoid unnecessary expense to the '• [lulilic, this Council shall continuu to incut ill theConrt-iMoiu ; where- I ; •• noon the t-'oimcil enjoined as a standing order, that ' the meeting- do ! " • itiliue to he held during thu present -ussioii at 111 o'clock, a.iii-' I " The Council then adjourned till to-morrow. I "(Signed) .liillN ll.iwKINs, ( Vorii iioiii. ' I It will lie noticed that no rucord appears ,if the particular niunici- ( cip.ilities represented liy the dill'erent in iiliers, except .Me--rs. Chalk and Dickson. This omission on the part of thu Clerk is contiiiite.l up to the session of l''."ill, this hclllg the hist year in which llle miliute- weie priiiied ; hut imiuiry among old residents reveals the f.ui ihat of the oilier meiiiliurs of thu tirst District Council, Mr. Dalv came from Dowiue, .Mr. Halt from Colliorne, .Mr. Holmes from ti.'idericli Town-hip, .Mr. Hawkins from Ashliuld, .Mr. J. Hodginslrom l',idilul|ili, I .Mr. Mcintosh from Williams, .Mr. .McConnell from l-liorne. .Mr. Wuliring from KIMcu, and -Mr. liuliuer from South Kaslliope. The hist Auditors appointed for the district were W , !■'. (iooding and Hyde, the former hy the Warden, the latter hy 'he Council. The lust Clerk was David Don, who was selecleil'liy the tioMiiior from a list furnislicil him hy thu Council, containing, inadditioii to his own, the names of duo. Kriisur and Daniel Idzar-. Mr. Don took charge of the ollicc May (ith, l'<4i!, relieving .-Vcling Clerk l.izars. (•'or I84;t the list of (..'ouncilh'rs appears to have heen: W, Chalk, Tuckursniith ; C. Van Kgniond, lluliett ; W. W. Connor, .'Stanley ; .lames Cairns, Stephen; .M. 1". dallaghur, doduriih Town-hip; . I. Hodgins, Hidduljih ; ,1. C. W., Dowiiiu ; .lohii Hawkins, Ashliuld. Thu name- of .Mussrs. U. Hmlgins, Holnius, Haw. .Mc oniiell, .Mcintosh, and .\le.\. Young also appear ; while in thu niiniites of the year lH4-i we liiid the namus of .vlussrs. .1. C. W. Daly, C. \'an Kgmond', .\ndiew Sehaeh, David McCoiinoll, Win. May, Diivid Clark, Hold, llodgius, John Holmes, .lohii Loiigworth, W. 'W. Conniir, Dr. W. Chalk, .\. Dickson, D. .M. Mcintosh, ,Iiio. Hicks. in lH4."i the niinutus eontaiiiud thu namus of .Messrs. Chalk, C'omior, Clark, Holmes, K. Hodgins, .f. Hodgins, Hawkins, llelmer. Hicks, .lank, Dirksim, McCullough, Mcintosh, and Van Kgiiiund ; and in I84i> the memhurs wuru .Messrs. W. Chalk, David Clark, .lohii Ilieks, John Hawkins, John Holinus, Junius Hodgins, deo. Hydu, .lohii Longwor'h, ,laiiius Murray, Mcl'hurson, .MuCullough, II. Jaiik, D. H. Hitehiu, and .lames Simpson. Tho Council for 1H47 was composed of Mussrs. Jas. Harlier. W. Chalk, Win. Clark, Uoht. Dmikin, Chas. dirviii, .loliii Holmes, .lolin Hicks, John Hawkins, Jaa. Hodgins, Uoht. Hays, Aiidruw Heliner. ■■•-" t » ....u. > ■.-.i^tii.-,, nwoi. iiajn, .^liiiiew iieiiiier. duo. Hyde, Thus. Lamb, .lohii Loiigwtirth, H. K. Jaiik, W. K. .MeCiil- loiigh. Will. I'ipui, Jtts. Uiuikiii, John Spiirling, Jus. Simpson, nnd C. \'an Kginond. Thu law providing for thu olcutioii of the Warden by the Coiimil came into ull'uct in 1847, and in the niinutus of the liis't meeting wu find it was " .Moved by .Mr. Vim Egmonil, sueoudud by .Mr. Simpson, "tlmt Dr. Chalk bo appointud Warden of this District. .Movid in "aiueiidmimt by Mr. McUuUoiigh, Hucondud by Mr. Hawkins, that "John Longworlh,,., he thu Warden of the Distriet dn ilic i ■■ " being taken, Di. Chalk VN'as uluctud by a majority ol lour. L'p to the pre.-unt time. Dr. Dunlop had continued to li"ld ti„ ollicu uf Warilun, by virtuuof his original ci.niiuissionfr lliel.ovei,, ""'"'or the year 1848, Messrs. Chalk, I'.alkwill. Carter, Clariur, Clark. Dilv Donkiii Krvfoglu, dibbons. dirviii, Haniiltoii, Hawkins. Hick-. Hodgins, lloli'iie»,"Hays, Lamb, Mcliityru, .Mcl'liersoii, .Miiri -y, l'i|,i i . liilchie, Kaiikin, Sparling ami Thompson C'iiii|.ose.l the (ouiicl. In Chalk was r.-eluctud to thu Wiirdun's chair. For l-l!l thu Councillors wuru; .Messrs, ( alter, I lialk, I ui-li., Donkiii, Frvfogle, dibbons, dirviii. Hays, llawkins. Hicks, loluie,, Jas, Hodgins, John lloilgins, Hamilton, Lamb, Mclntyre, .Mel hcrs..i,. I'lper, Rankin, Ritchie, Slioubotti.m and Tliom,soii, During llu- ,M;,r an Act was passed by Parliament by which thu district was .Ii-oIm ■!, and the tliruu countius of Union, I'ertli and llrinu erected in it- -nel, and at the la-t session of I^IH it was "M.nud by .Mr, ( hii-ii. , "sucomli'd by Mr, Daly, that this being the last nu'Oting ot the llui-.n " Distriet Council, the mumhers do uiianiniously return t i " Wanluii for his uniform kindness to each individual, ;ii,.| p.i " the very projier and dignil'ied nianiiur in which he ha- cinliut. .1 ih,- •■ proceedings uf this Council as Warden ; " which motion was .iiri;.-.! unanimously, • ,. , , Notwilhstandingthe dissolution of the district, doilerich e..iiiiiiiii-.| to bu thu county sunt for the " I'niled Counties of Huron. I'ertli an.l Bruce " till 18,j;i, at which time, the County of IVrth liaving erectcl the necessary county buihlings, an drder in Council was made setting It aside as a suparatu county, and from that time lill the settiii- aside of linicu as a separate county in 18(il!, (ioderieli was the seat of l".i ernnieiit for thu " riiitud Counties of Huron and Mru.e, ' Kor the year 18,"iii, the lirst Council lor the I iiited ('ouiuus w:i- composi'd of .Messrs. Aiinand. Chalk, Ch.ndennin. Daly, Donkui, Kldur, Ki-hur, Havs, Helinur, llunry. Hicks, Hill, Hodgins, Holmi'-, .lohusoii, Ritchie, Scott, Smith and Wallace, though no record exist- in thu Clurk's othcu to show what townships they respectively repie- sellted, in IH,-!! .Mr. 1). H. Ritchie was appointud County Clurk. to Ull thu vacancy caused by the duatli of .Mr, Otto, who had previously suc- ceeded", Mr, Don, From this time forward w.- lind the eoiintv re- cord- in better shape than formurly, thu minules for this year sli.m in. for the lirst tin.e-excupt perhaps the previous year, as no rcc i.l i.l the tirst meeting of 18.jtl exists in thu Clerk's ollice the Huron iiiiimci- palilie- and their rupru-sentatives. a- follows ; Ashlldd. Wawim-li, iVc, Chas, (iirvaii ; liiddulpli, Daniel SliotI' ; Colliorne, .loliu .\iiiiaii.l. jr. itioderich Township, John Holmes ; doderidi Town, Wm, Wallre c : 'll.iv. Robert Hell ; .Mcdillivrav. Kee e. Win, Carter, Di|'iny l!e,-M-. 1', "Flaiinigan ; .McKillop and lluliett, Robert Hay- ; Sianley. H- II. Ritchie; I uckersmith, Wm, Chalk; I'sboriie and Stephen. Tlcmi- Laiiib. Dr. Chalk was again nuanimously elected Waideii, For l-.'i;; the Huron iiieinbers of thu Council wen- ,\-iili. il, liol.ert Davidson ; Hiildulph. W, II, Ryan ; Colliorne. .lolin .\iii,;',ii.i , do.lerich Townshiii. .lohn Holme- ; doderich Town. U'liliam Ualime, McKiUopand diev, liol.ert Hav- ; Mcdillivrav. .lohn Cmbuti ; Stanley. H. W, Cole; Stephen. Alexander Walker; I'lickersmith. \\.r]i;ilk: ■ Hav. Robert Doig ; llil.bert. Thomas M. do.'y ; rsboine. Tli..iici- \ Lamb; Wawaiiosh, .lohn I'entlaud. Dr. Chalk was r.'-eleet. d t.' tlir Warden's cli.iir without opposition. From thi- time forward the counties' Conucil bore such a iniiiierK,il -iiidlaiity to .1 parliament, that to give the names ol all the iiieiiii.i'V- duriug the iiu.vt twenty-six years would rei|Uiru a volum.', I lie ■ numbers kej.t incruasiiig until, "in l^ii-'i, the year before the wiilnlniwal of liruce from the rnioii, there were ,'i,i lueiiibers at the boniil ; hut after r.rui I' assumu'l thu reins of self-L'overniiieiit. the niindui «a- 'v diieed to ;i7, since .vhich it has kept steadily increasing till it r.-,i.lie.i I 4.1. at which it now stands. The foU.iwiiig is a list of ih.' \'' r leii- Irom l^.j'J up to the present year : li.'ol. Will, L'halk. this lieing the seventh coiLsecnliM' • . liiii Dr. Chalk had held the ollice. .\t the lirst meeting in I8.'i4. ii. .b'lui Strahan, Keeve of the Town , of dodcricli. was eii-ctc.l \\;u.icii. ;iii.t at thu tir-t meeting of the following year it was •' Mocd by Dr. \\.i".i-. " seconded by .Mr. Hays, that, taking into account the long -ervai- ot ' ••Mr. Holmes in this' Council, .uel. prior to its existence, in tin- Di- •■ tiici Council, .serviceswell and faithfully performed, with uiiwe irj iii.; '• zeal and patiuneu, wu aru of opiuioii that the geutleiiian i- ""I'l'i.y "' ••the highest honour which we can confer upon him. /,'• . -ooi. That •••lohn llolmus, K-i| our Warden for the present year. Canj,-,! •• unaliimouslv." Mr. Holmes was again elected Warden in the yuiirs IH.'ib, 'l8.-i7 and D-."!--. In 18,-iil .Mr. Itobl. diiiboii-, the pu sent Sheritr, al that time Deputy Reeve of dodcri.h Town. «"l Ward.n by a majority of Hi over -Mr. Diek-on. of 'I'licker-mith, .Mr dibbons appears to liavu got a monopoly .if this hoiioural.le ollue, i't he was re-i'lecle.l Warden twelve consecutive ye.iis. making iliiilii'ii years in all, a period oi continuou- -urvice uneipialled by linit ol .in> j iither Warden which has yet come to our notice. It i- also woilliy "I . note that during the greater number of these years Mr, liilib"iis »a- ' the illialiiliious choice of the Council, and on the few occa-ion- • e . was opposed, his op]iiiiient was invariably di-Iiinced in ilie r;i"' l"i' i liouonrs, L;:;;ng this entire term he continued to ie|ireseiit tloiiiii- li I Town either ill the capacity of Reuve or that "f Deputy IocM', pini- ciiialK the foriuur, 111" 187'-' and 187;! rusiiectivelv, Mr Aieliibald Ibsliop. ilecM' "1 rsborne, was Warden, while for tiie ye;irs l'-7 1 and IS7.'i Mr, WilliH" N'ouiig, Reeve of Colliorne, lillud the Warden's chair, ,\lr. .lohn l.eekn-. lieeve of I!r;i8sel8, held the gavel in l'-7li; d, Kdwin, '1 'I'lickersmith, in 1877 ; Chas. dirvin, Reeve of West Wawaiiosh, in 187^; while for the present year Mr, Tlio,s, E, Hays, liceve of .McKi:; : , ■ was elected Warden, The coiii|)lete li-t of the present County Council i- her. with -■> i- Ashliuld. Rol'l, Webster, Reuve; James drain. Depulv, l'.;i\i',i- W, W, Connor, Reuve, Rlyth. Wni, Clegg, Reeve Urussels, .1 In. Leckie, Ruevu. Clinton, .'losepll Chidlev, l!ee\c, D. K, Men/n-. I Depiitv- Colliorne, Richard Jewell. Reeve ; Thos. dhdhill. D.i'.ti j Kxeter, Launeclot Haidy. Iteuve, doderich (T.i" ii . .lames T. d,iii"»- lluuve ; Frudk. W, Johilston and John C, Detlor, D.puties, d. i (Township), dabriel Klliott. Heuve ; J..seph Whiteley. Depuiy^ i.!.'- j Tlios, Straehan, Hueve ; Saiiil, Slenimoii, Depulv, Hav, deo, l!i.:.i I an, .M,D,, Reeve; J. C, Kalblleisch. Depntv. Ib.wick, .I..I111 k:ene 1 lieeve; lienj, S, Cook an.l Davi.l Wier, Ih'l.iill. s, Hiilleil . .!■ 1'" McMillan, lieeve; John Mason, Deputy, McKilh.p, Tims, K. Il;iv- j ^Wardell , l{eeve ; .Mux. Kurr, Depulv. Morri-.tleo. Forsyth. !!• im ■ Francis Clugg, Deputy. Suaforlh, D, D. Wilson. Iiee\>', Siiinli). 'i'lios, Simpson, lieevu ; lieo. Castle, Di'iuiiy, Siepluii, Se| tiinii- Hiigartli, Uoevu ; Chiis, Kilbir. Dqiuty. Tuckersmilh, David W.nkii. COUNTY OF HURON.— C(i K h '^ fs I tV; Rt'i'Vi' ; Ji.liii itniiimh, Ufputy. 'ruriilu-iTy, Sami. IMiuk, Itfcvi' ; Jhiiil's llL•lllliIl^H. Mi'iuUy. I almna*, Li-oiiiml Huiiti-r, lU't-vu ; Thn.-*. M. Kav. I'ri'iil_\. Wuwaitnsh Kast, .laiiii'.s I'l.tti-i. Ki.'e\i- ; Itnl.t. CuiiM', l)i*|tut\. WiivviUH'sli West, Ciiii.s. (Jirviti. Itii'vu ; Kilwiii Gaum. Dfi-uty". Wiimhani, iVti-i MrlLuial-l, M.D.. \{vv\v. \Vv..\- ettr, Alt'x. L *iil'i KtM-M-. Tlu' i.i)unty nlUi-iiil.s uiv us : ' niiiily Ci.iirt .IuiIl^c, W. U. S.juur ; .luiiiitr .luili,'f, Iniiac F. Toms ; *'l Itt'i'Uty CU-i'k of till- t'i-..v\'ii aixt I'lcas. 'l >anifl .Mrl ).>iial>l ; ^la^lt*l■ in eiiaiii-t'i-y, llfiiry Mu'lK-nnnd ; Sliciitr, lluluit (iilil»>iiH ; (1 ^M-nu'i- ol' (Jaul, \V. Dicksuh ; Kcgistiar. .laiiii's I'li-ksmi ; I'Miiiily rii-rk, I't'ti'i- A'laiii.SMii ; (.""Uiity TivaMUiri-. .\. M. Kuss ; I'luiiity Au.litnis. W. N. Wiitsciii, Aivh. Ilu'ksiUi ; Iiis|.trtiiis of INiKIic Schools, Aivli. Ui-wiir. .1. Kolu'vtsoii Milk-r ; County Kn;iiiu'i'r, A. I'ay. Ill conui'clion with tlu* newly i*stai»lisln'il " Maiitinn.' Uonrt of Ontario," tlu- folluwing ^'ntK-niL-n liavt* Kfi-n apitointfil for tlu- lliiron District to the positions markcil opposite tlieir respective names : SurioL^'jitf .hhlue. Issue Francis Toms. K.-t(uire ; Deputy Heiii^^lrar. Heiirv M.uUennott. Ksq, ; Deputy Marslial, Mr. ^lieritl (lihlnais; As^.,,sois. Uapt. Will Cox, i'apt. Alex. McCreuoi. .lotm McCoUum. Ksij. 'riiisCoiiiI has. with n few exception-^, tlie same jnri.sdiclinii as th« r.ritiali Vice-Aiimiralty I'ourts (if giieljec aihl ihe .Maritime lMi>- vince-, POLITICAL HISTORY The histipry of that portion of Canada whicii in ISH was eiecteil into thr Uistricl of Huron as a political eon>litnenLy. liates from the tir-^t j-ariiameiitary election tlierein in [S'Xi The political (Hiesiion.s which a,'ilatel liy Will, l.yoii Macken/ie. ami a«l\oc:iteil l«y his colluauiu-s - reii-niis (iiami-trically opp..seil to the inteiests an«l iiriiiciples of the Tioti'nous " Family Compact,'" if iiitleeil it can truthfully he sanl til it the ■' ( oiiipact " was jio-ses-eil of any principle hut which hav< JoiiL,' since passeii into law, alul lieen traiismitteii In jtosteiityas an heirloom t.f freeflom, thanks tu the " men wh-t knew tlieir riiiht-, ami kiiowiim. ilaiv.l maintuiii," (luring the turhulent time- fioin Irtiil to is;is. The electi(»n t>f IHXi resulteil in liie return of ;U Uefoiniers ami 'Si Tories to the Artsemhiy- -anioiii,' the latterCjqit. Hohert tiraham Dun* l"i'. who lijul retiieil from the Koyal Navy. 'The hMstiii'_'s were eivrte'l on the octa^'oii in (ioileruh. hut llie iiii^lit hefore the election thry Were Imnieil hy a party ttf rioters, suppttse evei char.uterizetl the Jlutch nation. Ilim.-^elf a lineal 'lesceii'lant of the Co, lilt \'an KL,'nio(i.i. who was one of the h-aiiiui; -pirits in ihr troiiMes wlmli 'iiiiiiiiiatc'l in tiic fall of the I'liuli iJepulilic. he lelaini'l with !ii- iioiile lineage a military enthusiasm which loiunl him. uheii his naiu untiy was in vailed by Napolfon. lioMinu' a commission in the Dm. h ,irmy : and during the war irfi-neil To he many times di>- tiiiLi'ii-lied iiimself i)y performing most dilHcult and arduoii> military sei\ico-. Atter the siil-juifation of HoUuiid hy the Freiieh. that conn ",iv w.'s 1. hinged to furnish Napolt-on with a eontimrent of troops wlu-n ! - u.'iit to war with RuRjii.i : and in this continirent C..I. Van Kgmond roijiiiiaiided a re^uiuiii. and followed the F-mperor throuiili his di'-as- tr-'ii- . anipaiL:n in Hu-.^ia and meiiiorahle letuat from M..m..\\, I. emu one "I tlie few win- survived the enemies" hiillets and the st-veiities --t the Kussian winter. After the retreat of the French army from Mo.^^o'W. in |Hi;t. the Colontd found a niean-> ol havinmln- French army, and p ninmiu to H«iland, reeuived tlie rank of Lt.-< ..Innel in the " Allied \;iii'-.' which were then "peratiiiii aLrain>i the French, heing in thf .Iiiatid whieh Ulucher led at Wj telio.,. utuie he was -e\erel\ u..iiiide'j and carried fnun the tield, rtf whieh eircumstance hisehhst S..II still retains the certificate. This military caieer covered a snaee of rwmty-tive years of perhaps the hlocnliest period nf modern Kuro- pean>' ; ami duriiiij tliis career he w.-ia wounded tourteeii times atid covered witli seal-. S.M.ii aft*r the defeat of the Fnuicli he emiu'iMted to America, and - ■'!.■ i in Indiana Cm Ijotlaml .-:d.i means. He lesided euht year-^ in I'eiiri'.y l\ aiiia, where ■lai ol his sons were horn; hut Cnstaiit. tin- ehiest. who now ■ - at K^iuioiidville in this county, is a native of Holland. \i tie end of llie time referred' to. the Cohuiei < ame to Canan K" t 1. n- Mil side of Huron Koad in HuUett, and is now nuned andoiciipn-d I > Ml. 1 ram is Fowh-r. Th'- C;i,iada Company gave a ca-h hoinis of i" |H, i'aO, and £'*;U ; in the winter of l^.'il-:i his ant ieipatu n- wt-n- :■ di/.ed. aiel tins piovedaniosl piotital'le hiiHine-- venture, ami f' r ■ iiio tiiiK- atlei this lie kept twenty toiir-hoiM? teams on the n-ad ■ t woi-n T'lohto and (Mitlurich, to hriiig in immiurunts and their _ .ods. Dunn.' the political e.xcitenient atteiidim,' tin- atti-mjit-* of the lofoiiii party to reseiie Canada from the yia-p of the oliuaiehy, tln- I oloiiLd tull\ ■ iidorsed the doetrin*'H of the lU-foinn-rs, which l< d to ii"* lieinu M-fe.'L-.l us their candidate at the first eleclioii in the ml, however, was captured soon after the at Montuoinery's tavern, and thrown intoTonuito gaol, wln-ii hefon- his contemplated trial for treason. It was reported lieved hy many that his death was caused hy poi.son. whieli Voluntarily to escape the death whidi at that time tliieatei one who could he convicted of entertaining Liheial st ntiiin we do lint voiicii i.u- the correctness of this suppo-ition. Hut i hate of the so-called " Lo\alists " towards the Colonel did with his ■ ill till' " Allifit Ai'ijiii-.- " 111 anil iiire'i'iliiii,' WuturloM ; ami all iliuii in prisi-n with a I'liar^'t* uf ti-fasun Iianuin^ owi- liini, In lili' fnr H-liat 111' linnly lu'liuvcil thu saiivil n^-liis ami IiIhtii pu'-pli' -ili>'il hilii. ami >neli a- llmsf pi'lly Ivranla ami | rsnliititatloliH cil uld-tiini' ( 'anailiaii 1 lliL- ** Kainily C'tiniiiact." I At till' next fli'ctiiili, wliicli c.cniri'l in l.'<4l, tin.' camli. j tin- Distrii'l wcif |ir. Win. l)iinln|i, a InnllnT .if tliu (.'a|itaiii, ; ■ Sfi|Uflitly till' lil'st Wai-ilcn 'if tin.' Histritt, ami .laim-- .Mayill ^ i tilt' fi inner lifini;, lilif Ins Wrntlu-r, a sii)iii.iitt'r uf tin.- Tury - tialiiin, while the lattel' ailvneateil the seiitilneiils eliampi Kiilieit lialilwin alul his eiille,n;Me-. Mi. Stralian was this lime i eleeteil : Imt hisuhelinii lieiiii.' peliiimieil aiiainsi, the Cnvernn ' a emnniittei' uf three lawyers n|i Irnlii Tiininln tu sit a- an I'liiu'l, ami as a result Dr. I.)niilii|i was ••eniinteil in" ami timk in the first Piirliameiit nf I'liiteil Caiiaila, whicli wils eiiii\ Kiniistuii un the l:ith nf June fnllnwin^. The llniise wasilissnlveil in lsl4..'inil Ur. I liinlnp having al linn- aeeepteil the sniierinteinlemv >'i the Laeliine Canal, hrni alterwariK llmi. William I'ayiey up ilitn the ilistriet ami im him as the "enniiiii;" I'nr the sntl'rai;es nf the 'I'nry |iaii ■ iistriit, lie w,ts aeenriiin^'ly their eamllilate at the eleelii.n \ear. .mil was eleeteil nver .Mr. .Iiihii Lminwiirlh. wlm rai llefiirm interest. In l*^"»l .Mr. I'ayley wa.s sm eessfnil;. npji linn. .Malenlm Caiiiernn ; Imt alter tlie ilisanlntinii nf the I I.''.i4. he ilefeateil Mr. 'I'hns. Metjlileen. nf the Jhnnii ,si,ii„tl, ih ilate >>i the Kefnriners. liaMiiL.' Iiee-n restirreetfl trnm the iilill\inn tn whieh his fnriner ilel'eat in IHM hail eniislL'lieil hii • avlev iiL'ain nlhleil himself a- a eamliilate ill 1H.")7, Imt "as i l.v'.Mr. .Inhn, nf (imlerieh Tiiwiishiii. .Mr. linlnies I'aliaila frnln I'nnnty Kilkenny, IrelamI, in 18:10. He In\Mishi|i in tin- lUstrirt ami fniinty Cnuiieils many years, am sreeral terms as W'ar'lell. In IMiil .Mr. Ciyley siillereil his tliiril ilefeat in this eniisli ihi« time at the hamls nf .Mr. .lames Dieksmi nf Tneker-mith, ' I'leeteil l.y aeelamalinii in I"-!!:!, after the ilissnlulinn nf the llii e iiiiiiiui I'l in nlliee till I'liiifeileralinii in 1-117. .Mr. Iinksnn j represi iiteil a greater niiiiiher nl ennstiliienis ilurinu his Iwn ntliee than any nther memlier nf any I anailian !';irli.iineiii. a.- time the I'nunties nf Hiirnii ami lirnce were iiniteil fnr parlia as well as fnr mniiieipat pnrpnses, ami eniitaineil npwarils ni penple. .\t theelnsenf his parliamentary eareer .Mr. Dieksmi ihe appnintmelit nf I'niinty l!ei;lstlar, all nlliee whieh In slill liy the " Keilislriliiitini! .\et " llrm-e sel apart liy it llnrnll ilivlileil intn the' ivn |{iililJ(.'»nf Nnllh ami Smith III eli-etmn plirpnse*, ami eaeh nf these riilili!,'s sent a inelnlier eat (' linns ami the l.enislatiiii . The nlil llnrnii linail fun ilivnliii;^ line lietweeii the tvvn, ami the lirst m-lieral eieetin ('nllfeileratlnll wltlle-.seil a triiill|,'lllar ennlesl in the Nnltll the e.imliilates heiiij; .Messrs. .Iiise|ill Wliileheail, Imlepeliilen llnlmes, Kefnrin , ami Tims. Farmw, Tnry ; fnr whiih latter the w.ay. the Innie i;let,'ant lint less appiii|iri.lte niie nf " t "nlisel ua^alimit this lime siilistitnteil. In the Sniitli llniinulhe e.i vere .Messrs. .Malenlm inliii I'aniernli alnl D. II. liitehle, llit lieilii! eleeteil ^•\ 'he liefnriinrs. Ity the leiisiis nf I-7I, Hiirnii was fniiinl t nituiii suHieie latinl'l In entitle tile enillily In three meniliers in Ihe Cnmninl the manner in whieh it wa.s ■* t;eir,\ inamleieil " in nriler til se return nf t.'niiservative nii'inliers frnln the Nnrtli alnl Sniitli i nspeellvely (h lieiiin iliviiliil ilitn .Niirtli. (.'elilre. anil Smith I priivnkeil niileh erilietsm Imth in the llniise ami thrnui.i|i I .imiitry at lari^e ; ami .Mr. Kynial, the hiimnmiis inenilier fi wnrlh, ill the i.imrse nf a eliaraeteristie speeeli in ihe llm playeil the map nf the fnilnty a- it w.ts prnpnseil In iliviili piayeii iiie map ni iiiu eniiniy a^ n w.ts prnpnsen .nit ileelareil that In wnlsliip it wmilil nnl lie at all inenlisl-ti nrthniln.xy. sinee il Imre nil reseinlilanee tn "anythmi,' 111 the aliii\e nr the earth lieiiealli." It was t.'ipial tn -Mark Twain'i I'aris, as there was '■iinthimi like it in the N'atieaii." The enmity was tlivnleil as prnpnseil, hnwever, ami ill the in IH7-' .Mr. Karmw was a^ain eleeteil fnr the .Nnrili Hiilini; ; I liter .Mr, Snmertille, wlin ran in the Lilieral iiitere t. In llit .Mr. linlaee llnrlnn, llefnrmer, was eleeleil nver .Mr. Whlleln lan as an linlepemleiit ; while in the Smith, the elei linn nf .\l ('aniernii nver Mr. Ureenway, the t 'niisurvative iinminee, iirm Ihe illsei|iles nf llerrvinan hail reiknneil willinnt their hnst. In 1--71 .Mr. H'arrnw .lelealeil Dr. Sln.m nf lilytli in llr 'tilting ; .Mr. (ireeliwav was eleeteil liy aeelamallnn in Ihe Snii .Mr. Ilnilnii ilefuiileil '.Mr. Clins. Tiaiili in Ihe t'eiitre. In I I'armiv wa- ie,'aiii eleeteil in the .Nnitli. ilerealinu' Dr. SInan 111 lime; ill the I'enlre, .Mr, llnrtnii ilefeale.l .Mr. Samuel I'latt, Hervaiive eamllilate ; ami in lln- Sniith. Mr. I 'amernii was el iippiisilinii In .Mr. jNirler, tvhn ran as an .iiltmale nf " Trnttit .Mr. Hnrtnii resinneil his seat snnii after Ihe eleetinn, ami the Liljvrals seleeteil as their eamllilate tn till the viiuiiicy 1 HURON.— C ONTINL'l'lD. 111. iif U'iii;,' I'umiivi'il liy the iliipliiity iiml m'li- I'liiuMH lleiul, at tlittt lime l.icut.-tiiivt'i-iioi* nt' itii'iii'f iliiiiy iiKTi'jiMi'd tif tliL' iiui'fssity "f an i in nnlt'i- lo siH'urt' ii-Hpcnsiltli' ^rM\l') iniiriil • KifMiint'i'M ii;;ilal<'il I'lilcmi'l Van Kjiniiml H'li'in-f til tin- iialty whiist' iluctnnt'H hi* hail whi'n tin' ii-isiH iirnvi'il. In- tli'w to the a.H-i»t Iritits. Owin^'. hiiwi'vcr, to the cnnfiiKiun in I* |tfii|niHfii ili-sft-nt u|nin Viirli. tht- nix*i'Hsai-y p. lit iif till' iiatriiit.s was pri'Vi-ntrii. niiilt'i I'll all ( 'aliaiJiali.H arr t'linilllar ; alnl altlimii^h Mill niiiitaiy sih'iths. (In- lilijiit hI ilu' iiiJinr- i^ ailvi'iit (it M>M|iiin^ili|r ^iivuliiniL'nt nhhii aftei'. 'ivt'VL'r, was i-aptiiri'il smm aftiT tin' tiloisini, which ho timk I' ili'ath whiihal that tllni' thlratiniil fv.'iy 'tt'il <>i I'littTtainii)^' liiiii'iiil SI ntniii'iits : luit nri'fCtlK'Hsiif this supiiii-itiiili. Uut tln;lnlti'r l.nwilists" liiwarils till' (\'|i'iu'l iliil nut t'li'l ' Ills I'l'iiiaiii- We'll' laMiij; hroii^ht ln'iiii' lt> his ivii'i' lii"kiii nin'ii by urniL'il iiit'ii. iiinlfr tin- T arms. " us a i^altaiit snlilit'r, an unti'rprising pimii'i-r. a I riltli'att'ii iji-lith'iiiati. liir was a pursmial f Sir .liilin ('iilliiiiiii', wliL'ii liulh wi-ri' utlici'is at anil pri'ii'iliiii.' Wali'rlim ; ami allliini;,'li hi' il^'i.' I'f tri'asuii lianuin^ ovvl liilii, lu' gavi' liis .'liL'Vfil till.' sai-ruil rights ami lihi'rtii's t»f tlii' lii'li, thi'iiuh liiin; ihiiK'il, wrrc furi't'cl hy lliu 1 liv the ili'ath ut liiiii, anil sucli a^ him, frnm ■rsiiiiilicatiuns ul' nlil-tiniu Caiiailian Turyism. . wIiu'Ii iiieiirrc'il in 1841. the cainliilales lnr 11. Uiinhip, a liriither nf the Captain, ami s,ili en I'f the Distl'iel, ami .laliie- Maglll Strahali : Is Iirnther, a siippniter «it' the Tery .'Xilniinis- r ailviieateil the sentiments ehalnpiiilieil l'.\ tilleat,'tle^. Mr. Strahali was this time ileelareil lii'ini.' petitiiiiieil ayaiiiHt, the (iiivernnieiit sent wyers lip fruin 'I'lirniitn tu sit a~ an Kleetiuii r. l-hiuliip was "eiiiiiiteit in" ami timk his ^eat iif L'niteil (.'.iiiaila. wliieli was innwiieil at .lime fi'lliiwin^'. veil in IHI4, anil l>r. |liuilii|i liaMiii.' ahiml this nteiiileney lit' the Laehiiie L'.inal. hriiiiL'hi -Mr. II t'.'ivle.\' lip illtii the ilistlii't ami introilni-eil ii" I'lir till' siitl'raties nt the Tiiry party in the ini;ly their lamlnlate at tlie eleciimi ul that >\er -Mr. .Ii'hti Ijniiijwiiith. wli" r;in iii the •■"il .Mr. ^*a.^■|ey was sm eessfiiU.'. nppiisi'il li.\ ; lint alter the iliss.iliiliini iif the llnuse in Ills. Metjneen. nf tin- 7/"/m„ ,\i,i„,il, the lia\iln,' lieeii restirreetf'l truiii llie pnhtieil iiier ilefi'al in l.''<."il hail ei'iisiuiieil liiiti. .Mr, elf a- a lamlnlate in IH.'iT. lull «a.^ ilefeateil I i;..ileruh ■l'iiwiislii|.. Mr. ll.iliiu's eame 1" kel>ii,\. IrelamI, in l.siln. He leplesenteil his anil t'liiinty t'luineils maii.\ \ears, aint si!r\e'l llereil his tliiril ilefe;il in this iniislitneiiey : .Mr. .I.-imes Dieksnii uf 'rm-ker-iiiitli. wlm wa- l-ll;i. after the uf the lliiiise. ami iifeileratiun in lsi;7. .Mr. Ilieksmi prnlnil'l.v iher 111 enlistltllelits illll'inu his tWit terms et ilii'l' uf any t 'anailian rarliami'iit. as at that n anil Itriice were iiniti-il iin- pjirliaiiieiitai \ pill-puses, ami eiilltaineil llpw.'ll'ils i.f Hll.lH'tl parliamentary career -Mr. Dii'ksun receiMtl t\' Ueilistlar, all ullice wlliell In' .still rel.illis ■'I! Act" ririiee was set apart liy itself, ami >.u Hiilin^isiif Ninth ami Siiiitli Ihn fm h uf these riiliiii;s sent a memlier each tu the latille. The tilil llnriin Ituail furiniil the e twu. tlliil the til'st 1,'i'lli'I'al eteetiuil illnler I triaimnlar euiitest in the .N'urtli Kiiliin;. ,rs. .Iiiseph Whilelie.i'l. I llilepelnlent : .lulili li'is. Kari'iiw. Tiiry ; fur which latter teliii, i-y lint less appiupriate mie "f " i 'uiiserv;iti\ e " Itilteil. ill the .siiilltll Itlilllie the callilnlatl'S [ill ('ameruii atnl i). II. Kitchie. the furnier rmi-rs. ililruii was fiiiiiiil t litaili siitlicienl pupil- ity III three meiiiiiers 111 the t'uniimins ; ami IS " lierrymamlereil " in unler tu secure the iliers fruiii the Nurtli ami .Suiith Unliinis ihil iiitu Niirili. Centre, ami Sunlh Uiiliiii;s . liutli in the lliiiise ami tliruilgliuiit the r. Ilymal. the hiiiiiuruiis memlier fur W'l'tit- a charai'teristic speieli in the lluiise. ili^- iiiity a^ II pi'iipuseil III iliviile it. ami It wuiilil nut he at all ineuiisi^telit with lu resenililanee tu "aliythinj,' ill the hcnens atli." It was eipial tu .Mark 'rwain's map uf Mil like it in the \'atieall." 1 as prupiiseil, liiiwevi^r. anil at the electiull ^ainelccteit fur the .Nurlli Itiiliiit,' ; this time ran 111 the l.llieral iiitere t. In the (Jelill'e. rmrr. was eleeleil uver .Mr. Whlleheail. w hu lllle 111 the .Siiiitli, the ele.tiull uf .Mr. .M. C. i\,i.\'. the I 'iinservative liuminee, pruveil that lii'l rei'kuni'il williiiill their Imsl. ili'li'.iteil Dr. SI. .an ..f lilyth in the Nurtli .IS i-ii'i'teil liy .'icct.iniatiiiii in the Smith ; anil ihiis. Ciaiili Millie Centre. Ill IvTH .Mr. Ill llie Nurlli. ili'leatlliL' Dr. Sliian the secumi Hurl Ii'feali'.l .Mr. Samuel I'lalt, the (,'un- III tile Sunlh. Mr. < aincrun was electeti in whii ran as an a'l\ui;ite uf " I'rutectiun. " his ^eat siiuli afltr the ele.tiun, Imwexer, IS their L'uiiiliitute tu till the vucuncy the Hun. |{. .1. Ciirtwrit{ht, wlm wiia upiiuauil hy Mr. I'latI, liut electuil liy u (j"ud iiiajiirity. The (Intiiriu Le|,'ishiliii'e was createil liy the " Uiilish Xuith .\iiierica .\it," the same which calleil the Dumiiiiuii intu existence, ami lluruii lu'Canie eiititleil tu twu represiiitati ves in this huily alnu. The same iiieies ami huiimls were uhserveil in the luriiiatiun iif the riilinusfur the l.ueal lluiise as tliusu fur the Cuiiiiiiuns ; ami at the lirst electiull 111 I«(i7, the camliilales fur the seal in the .Nurth Hiiliiin were .Mi"is. Thuma.- IlilLsiiii, Uefuniiei, ami - - Haves, Cuii-crva- live ; the latter liein« electeil. In the Smith Kiilint; "the same year ■Mr. Uiilierl liililiiins, the pioeiit Sherilf uf the Cuiinly, ilefeiiteil .Mr. Isaac Carliiig, ami helil the seal iliirinu I wu sessiuus, at the enil uf which time, uwiiii; tu an alli'Ki'il infunnality in receiving the vi.tes uf "ume nnnatiiralizeil resiileiits uf Hay, .Mr. tiililim,^' elecliun was ile- elareil vuiil, ami Mr. Carlim; assnineil the seat. In IS7I, huwever, when the same twu p'ntleiiun up|iusi'il each ulher in the .same riilini^, .Mr liililiuns WHS electeil liy a ilecisive maiurily ; l.iit after having serveil twu terms in the limine, he receiveil the appiiiiiimenl uf Sherirt', ami the .Siiiith Hilling was mice I e llie scene uf a -piiileil luntest '; llli- time l.etwei'll .Messrs. .\rcllil. Hishup, Lilieial. ami Case Ciin- scrvative. the result heiiiti Ihe electiun uf .Mr. Hishup. The camliilales in the Xurili Hiilini; at this ehctiun were .Messrs. Thus.tiilismi, Lilieral, ami- Hayes. Cunservative ; .Mr.tiihsiin lieini; iig.iin sileci-ssfiil uii this uccasiun. The seats in the l.ucal Parliament were " reilisir.lniteil " iliirini/ the secmiil Parliament, ami hy this prucess lliirun lucanie eiitithil to Ihiee tncmliei's in that liuily alsu. The .seals were assiniieil in a manner entirely ilitferelit fruni that fulluweil when assiijniii!^ Ihe seats in the Cummuns ; ami the riilini,'s were in this case ilesiuiiateil lespee lively Ka-1, West, ami Smith. In the furmer ul these liiliii.^s. at the electm iin was III. 'I'l'il In -Mr. \an Nur- hllt the uf C-Tf). Mr. Thus. Ilil.. man. uf I'.rantfiiiil, wlm ran in the Cun-ervative inteie.^l furmer was retiiriieil hy a cunsiileralile niajuriiy. In the \\'esl, jjr. Kuliert UaviiLsun, Ciiiiserviitive, was ileleateil hy l,i.-Cu|, Alex. JI. liiiss. Cumity Treasurer, ami .Maiia;,'er uf the (iuiieiich hranch uf the Hank uf C'uinmerce. wlm ran in the Liheral intenst. Ill the Sii'ith. the same ,Ml. Iiisliii|i ,ii.raili ilistameil .Mr. Case 111 Ihe race fur the seal ; .iml at the preseni writin;.'. all uf the Iliirun Cmility inenilier- uf the last Parliament ari- caliiliilaii's fur re eli cliuii ami the iitiestii \\ wliu will represent the respective riiiiii^'s in the next Parliament will suun he settleil liy the hallut *' The wi'apiiii that rfitiifs liuwii ;is still •As snuw flakes fall upmi Ihe sii.l. Vet l■^el■Illc^ the fleeliiails Mill .\^ li|.lLtiiin>;s ilu till- will uf dull.' EDUCATIONAL. It is a fact which the splemliil eilncatiunal iii~liiiiti..iis uf the iiro "I'lit makes it ililliciilt fur ir; uf tu ilay tu Ciiiiprelieml. ih.n in the early .SI illeliienl uf Ihecuiilitry. uneuf the Very },"i'atisl ilisailvaiilai,'es mnler which the piulieers laliunreil was the enlire alisemi' uf lacililii's fur ihe illstrilclimi I.f their cllihllen. \\ hen Ihe i|lli'sliiiii uf keepinj,' siilll ami liiiily tuLiclher hail mice lieeli si.lvcil l.\ the hruaileniiiL; uf thelittle clearing ; when the curii. wavini; uver Ihe -put iihiili rupiireil lull anil siiHerini; nnspeakalilo tu ciini|iier fruiii its prinn'val stale uf n.itiire. ami iraiisfi.rm int.. fertile hehls smilinu with pn.iiii.scs uf a l.uiinlifiil har- vest, lull! Ill nil mure imnieiliate want uf the hare necessarii's I.f life ; nheii the ailjiincis uf a generally impiuvci ilumcstic cumliiimi lieijan lu till the J. lace III illM'iilirau'emellt ami »miI. ami their chlhlren were uiuwinn lip in iiiiiurance uf the must primiiive literary ai'i'uiii|ili.i|inieiits winch ailil a Kiace tu the nalnral inlellecl ; il was liiiii that the neeil 1. 1 the schiiul. thai v;ri'at ailjiinct uf eiili;;hteiimi'nt which till nuw hail l.ieii a ihiiiu with them mule arileiitlv lu he wishi'il than seriunsly hii|.eil fm. hei;ali must gravely lu be fill, .iml the means fur snpiilyint,' the want must earnestly tu he suilght. I'll.- Li'ijislaliire tm. seems early tu have lecunni/eil Ih,' fact that upi'ii the cmiipleleness alnl ellicieiicy uf mir I'llinaliunal institnlimis milsl rest the uf a healtiiy nalimial ileveli.|.mi'iil ami mir cunii. try s liltiire ;,Ti' , alnl as early as l-'HI Imij. hi fm,. . „ hitu man, iither than the early l''ri'iich iliscuverers ami their mure iiiiiuetliate -iici es.siirs. hail set fuut » iililn the limits uf the '^'reat " llnruii Tract " ^ Parllamcnl jiasseil the tirst ( 1.1111111.11 Scln.ul .\cl. the i;eiieral pruvi- siuiis uf «hich ri'i|iiiri'il the ihciiuii uf time inistees lur each luwii- ship. whuse ilnties wen- lietiiieil as inclmlinu the hiriiiir ut teachers, selecllun uf hunks, tVc.iVc. ; l.ut the u|-eat .(llestluli uf mniiis tu carry , mi the wiirk was left eniii'ily lu private ami imlii i.liial enter- prise alnl lil.eralily, till the year l"--!!. when the II .11. S. |). Hariisun l.ruiiijht ill a Hill, which siiiisiipielitlj I.ecame law. pruviilini; fur an aiinnal Kralil i.t l*2IHi,lloii tu the vai'iuiis l'..lllltle^ uf the I'l'uvincein priipiirli..ii III their .<,'A,.i,/ ;.i,,,.'i/„(;,.m, ami i litn.nal iipmi Ihe saiil cminties siipplemeiitiiig the .saiil respective sums hy like ammints fur similar pnrpuses. Shurtly afierwanls, in IMl.'t, the llmi. (nuw Sir; Prancis llincks. intruiliiceil a I'.ill m.ikim; a iinmlier uf ainemlmint.s which twu years' ex|ierieiii'e uf the wurkini,' uf the h.-i'l ailg- .uesteil. Ity this .-Vet pruvi-iuii was iiiaile fur iliviiliiie luwiishij.s intu schuiil seclimis ; ami variuiis ulher refurnis weie i.i'.,'aiiizeil which, still ri'liiainiii),' III I iir present scln.ul law, ((ive the ahuM' Act cumniunly kliiiwli a- the llarrisiin Hunks .Scliuul .\ct) the preceilence uf heilig the curlier Bli.iie nil which mir present maitnilicent .sdiuul system rests an .Vet whuse pruvisimis make it the fmiiiilatiun uf a atrncture which, impruvinu with years, ami beim,' at vainnis pcrimls anieinlcil tu c.iinciile wilh the altereil i.'uiiilitiuns uf the times, elicits frum ilisintnr- esle.l anil capable jiiil){es the upiniun that Uiitai'in imw pussesses the tine.-t schiii.l >ystem in the wurhl. lint althmiifh the fuiimlatiui. uf mir prcseiil s\ stem was the wurk uf Messrs. Harrisun ami llincks, the sneceHs uf its wurkiiij^, the appliea- tiiiti uf all its iletails, ami its splemliil ami e.vtriurilinary results are line, mure than to any ulher i.r'all utiiers cmiihineil, tullie liev. Kgertim Uyersiin. I). 1)., whuse name h.r mure than half a leiiliiry has been a hmisehulil wunl in every Imme in mir cuiinlry. 1 if P. I''.. Luyalist ilcsccnl. this Keiillemaii hail experienceil what all the pimieers uf Catiatla were ubiigeil tu in the way uf the ilitliciilties uf uhtaining an eilncatiiin. \ Helf-maile man, with a must sincere ilevutiun tu ilio cause uf eilllcatiun, emiplcil with the ailvantaifes uf early experience, pussessiiiK an enerjry ami iletermiiialiun which never relaxeil till the uhjecls fur which lie struve were accumplislieil, ami a physical cuiisti- liiiiun which nil aniuiint uf lull ..r exertn.ii cmihl euni|iier, a spirit which neither tlitlicnlties in.r iliscunrageiiients cmilil siilnlne, Dr. Ityersuii was beyunil a ilunbt the best titteil man in all Camilla tu ileal with the intricate priihlem uf public instriutimi as he bniml il in IM44, 1.11 his appuiiitment tu the ullice uf Assistant 'Snpcrinleinleiit uf Kilncaliuii fur L'liiierCntiaila. Sitcli was his title, thuii^li in .eality h« I IV. HISTORICAL S Vll'W wiiH Vhiif Siipuiiiilfii.U'iit, tlio l'r..viiiniil ,S«ci-et»iy pro hii,. h..Mm« tlu. liiltiM- l.tU, Kimi'ly ... i.(Kf"'. lliiviiiK coimueiice.l Ins w,.rk hv iimkiiiu Hudi iLiiiH.i' chiiiii{cH ii8 lii« ex|,i.iiL.iu'U HUiiKusluil, liu 8.,..ii iim.l.; touiH, i.c;n,«linillv, ..f tlii> iu"»t ii.lvuiiiv.1, ill an f.lucuU.niul |..iml •■ i.f tho linte.l Stiili.s, uml iiftenviinls ..f tlii^ iii.isl ..nli^hU'ni.l iilni'H, f..i- lliu imiiKi-i. ..f iimkii.i? ii clu«.! iii»|.wti.,ii nt tluMi- VHri.iUa ...lufiitiiiuiil KVrtleiMs. Siilmi'.|iifiitly hu fminu.l u Mil wiiicl. tlic lii'xl puiiitH, :i.H »iiili'.l I" tl'" circiiiiiHtaiia's .jt I uiuulii, ..f 111.. Mill.."- ».:1 1 »ystuiiis .lill-.Ti'iit n.HiitneK till kIi wliidi lie Imil i.HSHf.1. Hii.l til., eliirf f™tiiiv» ..f lliiH Act still f. .1111 tin. j{r"iiii.lwiirk ..fill.. i.r..«.iili..liicuti..iiHl systuiii ..f tliiliiii.., Inmi whi.h Ihi. ..tlu'i rr.iviiii'..» ..f I'liiui.lii ImVL' v..ry liui;>!ly ..'|' T.. nil «li...sL. i...rt...ii!il k.i..«,'o ..f raiiuiliaii liiMwy .lut..» l.iu'k I.. tliL. tiiu.. ttlii'ii 111. Hv..r-..ii l.."k 111 Imii.l III"' fliautunml iiil.-r.-stH ..I thu cuiilrv, it i.s ii..r.lillii'iiU t.. uii.Uv:.luii.l li.."' Iii'iviili'iiii a Hi»k wu.s his : mill liml It v...iiiin..l 111..1V limn tli.' fiuiiiint! ..f 11 HiH "i tlii' |.iis.siiii,' (.r an .Ai'l »f Pailiaiiii'iit I.. l.iiii« "■■'l''!' ami Hyiiuiifliy ..ut ..I tli.' .'Xist- illK clia.i« i» ».. liati'lit I., all as In make il ii.altui. ..f ast Iiiiii'iil li.iw ho i.v..r s.. siiuo».-,liilly a.. iiilish..,! tlu. ..l.jwt iioarost 1.. Ins li 'art. lint a faithful u.lh..ri.iiiv t.. llir iim|i..»o aiiiio.l at, ai.l...l l.y a n.livei-siijli ..f II1...M. ..1.1...SI..I to th.. si'lit'lu.- a> th.rc ahvuy.- will I... t.i any ..f i.r..Kr..»- aii.l a.lvaiux.iiii.iit ii..ou....l Lv llu- iii..r..a.siiig w.^allh aii.l a.lvaiilag..s ttliich .:, higher slal.. ..f .levi.l..i.iiic.iit always l.riiiKs, j;iwliially sw..].! away Ih.' 1iH„t ^tiil.ln.i-ii ..lisla.-l.'s, aii.l has 1,'ivuli us, 111 th.' (.laco ..f a f.'w watK.iv. an.l .lila|>iilat...l h.u shaiitu.s, a sulliui..|it liuuil...l'..f .■..lillii...lluils ...-1 1 h(iu.s..«..f'li.siKUi whili. lli.. placs ..f 111.' tliii«u.,ay.i — i)f wh.iiii vciv many wcru ,i,.sai.»suil ..f lliu ni.lilli.rwit sl-Ii. a.^lu- fttliiiiiiui.nis . liavo l.i.uii suiipliiiil, l.y iiii.aus ..f Hit; N.i.Mal ami M.slul«lii.htliu lil.oiality an.l patii..tisiii uf our lu«i» have Ki^i'ii "». »'"i "tli''« »li.. ai-i. a I'wlil t.. tin. syslfiii an.l I.. Ilic i-duntry ttliii'li sui.|..iri- il ; in a w..i-.l, lli.) I'ulili.- Sell.... I syst.iii ..t Ontari.., " fn.iii a c..ii.liti f i.tTfc'l iiilam'y, has'.l within lln. cnnii)a..s I.f a i!un..rali..n int.. ..iiu whioli will cniiiiari: favminilily willi any similar systciii 111 tlR. kiL.wii wi.rl.l." In ii'.'ar.l t.. lliir..ii ('..iiiity particularly, it iuikIiI I.u snnl that III.; rarly sfUlfis in till.. I.1.I..1' (..wiiships ha.l all tli.. .Iiscuniging i..\pen. (iiiei's i.f Ihu lirsl puri...l, iiiai' l.y any Icijialalivu aclum, of tlii' ..hi I'riiviiicial S<.h..i.l sv.'li'iii, or, iii..ri. wrrei'tly, fnliri' want of syslcni. f..iMlu. I'uiinly ami il.^ inlial.ilaiits, liowuvi-r, Hie priivisinns I.f thu Ads ri!lii.v...l lliuui, uro ninny years, t.. a very Kreat extent fnuii Hie ilraw baek.^ uf Hie lirst periml of their suttleiiieiit ; iinil sinee the operation of Dr. Ryer»on'«Miiiemlnients thereto, I he people of this pari of the eoiintry have oeeujiieil a position in regaril to eiliiea- tional ailvanlanes which (to use a ilii.loiiiatic expression) is eipial to that of the " most fav.nireil nalion." With the miiiutia. of the thousaii.l ami one iletails whose oh.scrv aiice lias liroUK'ht Hie eiliic^tioiml system of Huron Ooniity, as of Ihc I'rovince, from chaos inlo symmetry, we do not propose to ileal. S.. far as has l.ien liecii practical. le, we have ijleaneil facts eonnecteil with the earliest schools in the various minor municipalities, which will lie elsewhere brieH\ iiole.l. We niiitht just say here that the very lirst school-house iii'the whole " Huron 'I'ract " was a Iok liuihliiif; erccteil l.y the Camilla Cmpaiiy' for that ]iuipose in tioilericli, on the spot where Uev. Mr. Krasei's Presbyterian chureli n..w slamls. .lohn Fonl, one if the very earliest settlers in (loilerich, was the liuililer, at a lime when the town c..niaiiic.l .scarce a ilozeii tamilies, ami it was u.scil for the purposes of a aihool for many years ; but with the a.lvaiice of improvements, it linally gave place t.. more suitable anil more imposing structure... In 1..'47, the hrst year of which we have been able to iliscover any ollicial lecoril of the woiKiiii,' of th.' school system in this particular section, we liii.l that in thai p..iii..n of the Huron District compriseil 111 the present (.'..uiity of Huron there were '.':! public schools, as fol- ; lows ; .-Vshliehl, I ; ('olboriie, 1 : (ioilerich, !l ; Hullett, 1 ; .\lcKlll..p anil Hibbert which at that time iiiiite.l. tli..uo|i the latter is now in the County of I'erlli), ;) ; Stephen, 1 ; 'ruckeisinitli, :i ; Isboriie au.l llay(then unite.l), 1 ; ami Wawanosh. 1. The lefiislalive grants to theseseveral b.wnships amoiiuteil that year to a t..lal of i'l.VJ 0,1. 1.'., aiiil the total aiii..iiiil ..f salaries paiil lo teachers to £'.>H lUs. : an aver- age ..f i"!'J l."i.i. ;i'/.. ..r s-l as Clergy Keserve Kuinl, Halances ami other sources. The expemlitiires inehnte #711.411!. H!l for Teachers' Salaries ; S1,'J7-'.K'* for Maps, Prizes, ,V.'., Ac.; S'J'J,17r).7li for School Houses iinil School Sites: ami s!l l,7>-"i.O'.' for Kent, Repairs, Cllectors' Kei s ami Sun.lries ; making a L.tal of ?! 1 l,('i4U.H.-| of e.vpemliture, ami leav iiig a balance of jiUl.mib.lW to be eariie.l b.rwar.l to the next year. In aiUlition to above shoulil be iioteil the expenses coniieeteil with the inspection, which woulil probably increase the total by another Sl.lHXi at least. The above Ueports also show that the number of chil.lren of ''school age" (between ■■. an.l III years) in the county was liO,H!t;i : the niiiuber who uctiiiilly atlemleil school .luring the year, 'JO,!i:tli. of whom n,l7"2 were boys ami !t.7li4 were girls : ami llio iietual (irciK./f attemlaiiee ftir the wh.ile school year, 11,170. H shouM be inhle.1 that the above figures ilo not refer to the tnituH, of wliieh tioilerieli, t)linton,' ami Seafortli (Wingliaiu was then only a village) together eoiitaineii i!,702 ehiltlreii of school ago, ami hail an aetuiil ainl iixernge attembince uf 2,41HI ami I,;!ii4 respectively. The total cost of the Public Selnols uf these towns for lH7!lwiis: (iiHleiieh, *5,H,«I.71 ; Clinton, «l'J,81 liillur I 111. ■I'll. Miil.HliiTitc ■■f tlif I'nMic Scl I lii-pfclm'.'. KipnrU fiir l«7i m I., ihi' cllVit llml Ihi' »i:li"c,ln iiru iu a i,'uiii>riilly uml iiiiTc«iii "I |.u ti'iicluTs, mill Hfiiurul fduuitiiniiil iiilviiiu'fim'nt ; iiiul, «hiit is iltn yi vrry mi'iii iiii|iiirtiiiice, an iiiurcaBinn ii'.miic atlciulaiu'i' nf iiii|iils. It in alsinMui.iira'4iiif< In imlio! thai, iiiitwilhslainliiiK all Ihi'si' iiii.nivi- liinits. III.' augruKatii est In llif .•iMiiily ha- hii'ii. in tin' ahstrarl, ninti^rially ruiliu'uil ; ami, liy cnmiiarisun nf irsulU, viry h'sscnuil ilnniih' Ihi' liast vwir. a fact nillwIinK crcilil iipnn llif alnlilv ami iiriir- tlnil iMisiiiuss tat'l ipf Ihf iii.H|iiati)r.» ; aii'l wliili' lliu fnriiiur ciivuni- slamv will iilain ami stiviiatlinn in llic miml.s nf ilic niassi's llnir alli'itinn fur a ci.miui'lu^ii'ivf plan whicli is ;;iviiiu tln' risiiiK Ki'iirraliiui (if IhJ cuunty iMlncalinnal ailvantaiics sia-nml tn iniiif, tin; laller will liavii a tomliMii y tn restrain ami lesHfii a latr urnwiii!,' ii|i|iositi(iii im the part iif a vory'inci.iisiilLMalilu niiinirity In wlinl llicy niislakunly ( .m- siilur an dSpensivc ami I'veli cxlravananl -istiMii HiaHWAYS Till' lint highway .■nnslriictiul. nr rallnr I'lmppi-il, tlirnngli the nhl lliiriin liistnit was" llm still nmre aiuicnt llnrni Hnail, which was Mirveyeil IhrmiKli frnm Stratfnnl in IH-2-- liy the t'aiiaila (.'nni|iany's eni interest crilii isnl liy the nver-esactini,' Cniirt ; ami, in .slmrt, he was siilijecteil tn a snrt III' •■liack-stairs" interest, the acciiiiiitai-.t nf the Cnnipany living sent I lilt ami kejit in Caiiaiiaasa spy iipnii his imivenieiils. Hence the liiiLiin Rnail was nut put in as gnml comlilinii, In any means, a.t it wniilil have lieeii hail Mr. (ialt's enterprise ami lilierality lieeii allnwcil free scnpe. .Inhn McDnnalil anil a party nf leii nr twelve men iliil the siirveving, ami there were tw-n pack-hnrsi^s ami "pack" Imlians wlin lirniit.'lil up the rear with a supply nf iirovisiniis ami nllier necessaries. The late Seiiatnr llniialil McUnnalil wan alsn engageil nii this survey uniler his uncle .Inhn ; his age at that time Wfts iiiily iibuut twelve nr fnllrteell years. Cnl. Aiilhniiy \'an Kgninml, who Is refeireil tn at length in the I'nlilical History nf the Uistrict, wan the cniitraclnr fnr the Iniililiiig nf ihis mail ; lint as the Ca:iaila Cnnipany at this time shut nil' their .luji- ))lies nf mni.ey tn .Mr. (ialt, ami his iletermiiiatinn tn carry nut the enterprise lieiiig tliercUy iiicrcaseil insteail nl abateil, ho was cnnipelleil til resnrt In the Cniiipaiiy's land, uf which he still held cmitrnl, as an article with which tn pay the cnntractnr, and he in turn was nliliged tn pay III- suli-cniitractnrs in the same cnnimnility. We ipiute frmii .Mr. tialt'- accniinl nf his nperalinns in l'anaila, tn shnw the state nf health prevailing ainniig the laliniirers on this rnail. He remarks : " Hut "thniigh the niagiiitiiile nf the ' Ca'.sarean nperatinn' on the wnnds I *' was gratifying tn the imagimitiun, it nccasioiied some painful tugs to j " hinnanity. t>ne morning, upwards of fnrty nf the iiieii came in I " atllicted with the agile. They were the cnlniir uf niumniies, and by [ *' harilsliips frightfully emaciated. I had written to the directors In 'let me hire a dnctor for a year tn the settlement, hut nn atleiitiun '' was paid to the .inlicitatinn ; however * *. * I nrilei.d a siirgenii tn ' he engaged as a clerk, and made him a coinpensation ifi his -kill." The lirsl point of cnntact nf this rnad with Hie iiieseiii i 'minty nf Huron was at the south-east uorner of .McKillop Township, where l-jirronlu'iiok is now situated, whence it took itscniirae along the -niith- hniindaries nf McKillnp and llullett, and through the sniiihern part I 'ft Inilerich Tnwn-hiii in an aluinst direct line tnilndericli Harlmur; iist'ipiently its original location in the vicinity of the town was further nth than at lu'csent. It was over this road that most of the early aetllers caiii'.' in. many of thi'in liefnre it was clmppcd out, until whicli time the " hhizcd " trees were the only The next inipnrtant highway cniistructed Mas the (imlerich and l.niiilnii Hoail, running frniii the fnriner place, thioiigh ('liiiton. Hrucc- lielil. and Kxi'ter, In linndnn. This rnad was cut thiMugh hy the I inveniiiieiit. hilt its cnn.strui'tinn was nnly imperl'ectly accomplished iinlil It was assunied some years later hy the county, who gravelleil it 11 what they termed secnnd-class style; ami frnm llrncelield they nnslructeil two liraiiches the one tn llaylield mi the slmre nf Lake Hiirnii, and the ntlier through Sealnrth ami the present Village nf llriis-cis to Wroxeter, Imth of these hranches lieing con-tructi'il in tirat- class style, and toll-gates placed therenn. The only privati' corporation who ever controlled Hurnii Cniinty I'n.iils was the " Nni-lhern (iravel Uoad Company." the only road owned hy them heing the (loderich and l.iicknow highway, '.':i miles in length. The county, however, hmiglit lilt the interest nf this Cnnipany, and aholi-heil tlmse Incal scnurges known as Inllgales which had iieen Incated nii the line ; and there lieing .still Hii miles nf " lii'st ■clas.s ' county roads mi which lull was iiilli'ded, a liy-law was passed by the County I 'miiicil in l"-?,'! abolishing all lolls thriiiighout the county. In addition to the lirst-claas mads alluded to, the county owned UK) miles nf " .secnml class " road which had been gravelled, but not in .strict cnufnrmily with the statute pm- vidiiig for the iinpnsition of tolls ; though wo would reniiu-k in this oonnectiiin ihat tiieir condilinn was and is generally superior to the majority of lull mails in othercnunties. .\iiimig the ieci iiil-classrnads might he mentinned the Ondorich and Kincardine Koad, which w.'.s iiponod by the tlnvernmeiit at a cmnparatively recent dale, but after- wards ap.iim'd by the cnunty, and the tindericli and Lmidou Hoad, befnro referred to, which, ahuig with all the nther ci ty roads, were subsoipienlly transforred to the respective townships through or be- tween which they run ; reserving, Imwi'ver, the cmitrol nf all bridges on what had rornierly been county roads, together, of course, with the ri'spniisibilities which attach to the dignity nf ownership. The value of lhi> bridges at present nwiiod by the cnunty is s*! lii.- (inO ; and when it is e\phiined that from lifteon to twenty per cent, of tlioir value is annually expcinlod in keeiiing thorn in repair, it becomes ipiestionable whether the " responaibilities " alluded to do not out- weigh the "dignity." The guild roads of Huron are not an expensive luxury. The nature of the surface, whioli is generally level or nearly so, renders the con '■triiilioii of highways eoiii|iiirati\ely easy, while ilie miinre '.I rlic „iil is such that it does not retain the water nii its surface Inany 'jriMi i Mint, in whicli ri'S|iect il dillors iiiateriiilly from the soil in il miniie.. liiiilii.| siinlh tabl) that in the vicinity of the Kiver Thames ; ami ailu'd i.i these advantages, is tlio still greater one of hiimig ample be.l.- of lirsl- class gr.ivel located in all parts of theioiinly within convenieni ilistiiiiiv of each other, mily a drive thrniigli the ililbuenl Inwn-hips iiein;. heiv« sary In demnnsliMte the fact that a liberal and luiieliiMl ihc 1i:i~ Iicii, made of the prnduct of the-e bed-. In short, tliere is pmbilily ii„ county west of the Hay of i.,luinte that can boa-t such uniloinil.v i;...! highw.iys at all seasons of the year tliriiughont its enlire li iigili aii.| breadth as can the County of Iliii • RAILWAYS. The Wonderful progress iiiade by railways in Camilla, when muTe ilu- building of them had been eniereil into, is oven at this lati- dm ,,( siupeiidoiis public works ciuisidored a must reinaikable epneh in t|„. history nf the dovelnpment of the coiinlry. This stage of deieli,],- iiieiil "did not, however, imniodiately succeed the "invcniimi.' -.. i.. s|ieiik. of railways. In fact twenty yi .ar- had passeil since tin' nic r able lith October, IH'JH, when the pirb.rm.ime> of Siepheii, '•Kocket"nn the new line frnm .Manchester In I.i\ei|.n..l lirst eln Irihod the world, before scared move was niade intheilircclinnnl phuin,. that great "nindern civilizer," as tin- railway has been aptl> ii.iin.-.l, within reach nf the lieople nf the North .\niericali I'luilici-; ^in.l i-ici, as late as I"-.'.!!, theie wore scarce a li.iH hiindreil miles in opii;iti„ii throughout the whole eniinlry. I Miring the next decide. linwevH, the (Iraiid T-uiik, (Ireat Western, .S'nrlhorn. .Mnllaml. and a Inr^i niiniber of others wore completed and put iiilo running ..piiaiii.ii , .lu'.l ever since that time the developinmil has been s.i r.ipi.l. ihit .\li Hrydges, the late lienoril Siiperinleiiileni of C..veinineiit l;,ij|«;iy«. reports, as now owned and operated in Canada, .'i,.">7lt miles ..f i..iiil, ,,| which 4,:illi miles are of the "siamlard" nr I feet --1 inch gauge. ."i:i!i; milesiif the "bmad" nr -"i feetb inch gauge. and ti'-.J miles ol iiarrmi. or ;! feel II inch gauge. The l..tal c..--i ..f these railways wii- .«:t;!t;,;iL"*,!t7(i. 1^, divided a- follows : Drdinarv Sliare Capital i^l 1:1,711;;, IJii -■! I'reference " ii^.«7i;,-il7 :'! lionded Debt 7li.i;7ii.:w.' 11 Loans and Bonuses frnni- Doniinioii (iovernnient ie'.'ir),,'t'.'n,«(ij •_'.- (iiitarin •■ l,7:):i,'>17 HJ l^iebec " 141, (Wl i"i New Hnmawiek " LM(l;i,i«iii is) Municipalities fi.iW!),^!)!* DO SiM,:!l«..'i'.)ii I'll Loss paid-up SecurilioH, above in- ehided I .;;7.'i.(iiiii i"i i;.|.(i7:i..V)|.i ill .■':i;;il.:L'.s.'.i7ii 1- These railways are laid with :i,7^:t.^ miles ..f steel rails. l'.7''.j| ..t iron rails, and -5A uf wooden rails. They owned and opi rJili-d !'!i-'i locumotivea, 4!)7 passenger coaches, ;i'.)4 secmid-class cars, Jll l.jig..'iii;i-. mail, a)id express cars. 14,71*2 cattle and box cars. i:.'.''J7 plalform cir.^. l,0.")t) coal cars, and lit gi'aiii elevatoi's. The gross earnings for ilii- year were l?l^,74'i,i)j:t.4» ; the working expenses, 5i|."),:;!iii,iii,i|.-l.s . leaving net protita of st:j,4DI,l)liJ, the e\]ion>es swallow ing up '.l,."ilt pel cent, of the gross receipts, leaving the balance sulticieni |.. pa\ '.iii> l.llil per cent, on the bonded debt alone, to the eiiiire e\cliisi..ii ..I jiil share and (.iovernineiit and municipal lo.iii-. The .ii.-i.i;^.. earnings |>or mile wei-e sjiU.HI'.L', and the avenige expenses .^J.7i:4. Coming down to nur nwn cnunty, the chief mad Iiaver-m;; it thnugh nut the niie nwiiing must miles williin its limits is ih.- lliiIIHl" ami Lake Huron branch of the (irand Tniiik liailwav. .\nylliiiiL; like a cnmplote hi.-*tory of the (Jrand T'riink, which comi.ines iiiiiier nin' managoinont by far the greatest length of ma. I ..f .mi company in the Dominion, and is mio of the most pnwerfiil i;iih\a> corpnratimis in the wlinle wnrld, wiiiild reipiire a large vnliinie, and cmilit ii.'t he attempted in a simply Incal w.irk. .''^uliice it to say tliiii il is tin- amalgamati.ui nf a number nf lines, ('a.-h very imp'.rlaiii in ii-eif. amnng which wore the original "iirand Trunk" between Mniiiiivi! ii . Tnrnnln, which was livst cnnipiised, howcM-r, of tie* '•Kmg>i"ii n'.'i .Mmilroal" and " Kingston and Toionto." ami the " .■ii;li Kxlensinii" nf the Wellington, (irey. and llruce Railway was al«.. ii-n alruclod. This was really but an "exiensimi of the tiiiclph l.rati.'li "I thellroat Wostorn. Kntcriiig the c.uinly at the e;is|ern limit ••! ll"' Township of (irey, it travoi-sos that towiiship ami the T.iwii-lii|- "1 .Morris and TiirnbciTy, taking lirnsaols, lllucvalo, ami Wiidiiim m its co'irae. The London, Hnron und Mnioe Division nf the (Ileal Uis:iiiii> perhaps at the present time the innst iiii]inrtai.i frnm a cmin.i . -.ini nf view, nf all the rnilwavs which are Incated w ilhin i|.i limiH I' '"i «MI COrXTY OF HURON— C t); my 11 at iln I'Xtiuiiii.' Hciiithi'i'ii Ihirilur. it tniv.vsi'-' the 'rciwiiHlii|i« .il St.|.|l-li, lliiy. StiUlK'y, a onin'l- iif I LmIci l, li. lllllli-lt, MmIiis, ali.l |mri "I Tiiriilic'rij. J"iiiiiii; llii' >".illi K.\t.ii»iMii ..| tlir Wvllniijli.ii. tiivv ai'l llnuv |iivi«i"ii at WiiiHliaiii. ami iias-Mii,'. .1/ mnl.. t\,r Vlll.i.''< ■ f ('.Tillalla, |-'\i-li'i. llillsall ali.l I'.nlicllrM. tin- I..Hii,,f •'liiitMii. a.i.l liilthrr Mil. ||„. Mllaac's ..f l..iii,|,,l„.i..'. Itlylli ami l!fl gi-iw till' ,'!ilin' ilisuiiui' liavci-Hi'il within tlir 1 .aiiilj I'liiii,' ■•<' iiiilc». It w an imlu'ati f tin- i,'iVHt c"ni|iaiati\i' luMictits I'li'iiir.l fiv>iii tins mail Im ivpcat winii is stiiti'il liv ilins.^ wlm kn"« mIhti'iiI' tlirv -iicak, tlial ilic I.hiiiImii, llim.ii luiil itnii'i' Kailvwiy ii, in pinpiirtinn In its Ifiiu'tli anf tlm I'rnviiun Iiiih imw nmii' iimi'li' lailway farilitii's lliaii Inis ilm imo nf which we wiiln ; ami that tliMsi' ail\anlai,'i's wiTn ap|>n'i.'iiiti-il at their tnm worth hy llin pcnpU' nf ih.' . nimtv IS sutlK'ii'iitiy pr..vfii l.y tli.' lil>iTal I ns.'s L;iaiiti'i| t.i tile .liHiTniit linns liy the si'vnral nniniiipalitiis , hiitly inlniistn.l ill each ami all nl' tlii'in. a hlinl allnsiMii Im whnh may In' t.niml l'\ ri'fcri'in'n tulhi'il- unli. i.lii '.1 sknti'lms il-nwlnic PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND MATERIAL RESOURCES A pniusal i.f till' f"li'i,Miii!,' inmarks will ha\n ilniinnistrali'il t.. oven tli'tsi' pi.sst'ssin^' mi pli'viniis km''n "t" llm tails, that tlm ili'Viliipnii'iit ami pln^'l'iss III tin.' ('niinly of llninn, w liithi'i- ■ misiil Bl'cil liy ounpalisi.n m- simply in tho alistlai t. isnt llin inusl rnniark- ' alili' ihaiai'ti'i' ; whiln tnlii' I'l.nvincnil nf tlin vaslni'ss ami mannitiiiiu'n nf its prt'st'iit *' matt rial I't'siiiiri-ns " uiiIn tlm niost casual aiipiaintancc with the incalitv is iii'ccssaiy. It is still within the nnimnyi.f men nf Inn ini.hlle ai;e. when mnioht lull natiues snlitmle- echueil I'ack the ncieam .if the eaijle ami the velpini; uf the wnlf tljr.iiii.'li.iiii this sphn- iliil .listrict, m.w cniilainiii;; a half score nf lar^e ami pi'osperoiis nie.ii'- p.iiateil towns ami villa;;es ; inme than iloiilile that innnliei' ..f Imsy little towns ami \ illa.^es 11. it yet inc.. r|.. 'late. I : ami iii' ll'ly a sc.'l.' of p.ipnlous aii'l wealthv town-hips. II. .w 111 any can leineinliei' when, for mill's ..11 all si.les of the cmnty town, llie'n the ./../ /;. n ..1 the whole " Miiroii Tract,"' source a hiiinan haliitation exi-tcl, or ha.l a white man taken up hi^ alioile in what wa.s then the nmlispiiteil hiintiin; yrolimls -if the aliiil'i;:i a celeliratdl ilcserijilive iinthur wrote thus of the now inaiiiiiticent cuiiiitry lyim.^ on ami :i.liacent to the I.oml. Ill lloail : "'I'llele i- nn -emlilam i- t'. e\eli a vi'hiL-e tiir. ul^liout lie- '•wh.ile extent . if the i.on.lon ami (ioihrich It.iail. .\n ait.'mpi li.'is " lieeii iiia.le to .start one to winch the name of rnucetielil '•hi- lie.'ii 1,'ivenl .'it the spot where the Hayti.hl lioa.l cr-ses the '■ l.oii.i.ui It.ia.l. 1- miles from (ioileiich. Most of ihe laml alum,- ili" •• i":i.| IS very flat, an. I prolialily 110 roail of similar len'_'tli in the " •■■.iiniv has so iniicli i'..r.lur..y on it. The i'leariii'.,'s ,'ir.' f.n* the most '* p.ii't sni.ill. ami the h.nises, iVc.. very inferior, as nii..:ht he expecteii " iioiii the lieiieral snrroiimlin^s." Kven yet, in .'i \fv\ few insian.'es, th.' i...u'- ami -wainpM which sejianiteil the enil.ivn senlinients remain to t.'ll lis of the e.'irly lack ..f f.icilities of intirciimmiinicalion, aiel t.. r'tiiimi us of one ..f the many .lisa.lvanta-^'es iimler which the pi.inecis of Unroll lalionri'il : while tiie spleinliil highways mi all liamls ..hseiv- at'!.' ar.- exi-tinii monuments In the i'iiir;:y. perseveiance ami well- .iii il.ii iii.lnslry of tli..sewlio have compnieil a ilesolatc .'iiel inlios- piialile wil.leni.'ss, ami maile it what it is one ..f the most .lesirahle 111 111 ij y lesj.ects of all the coUIItie- nf a !*l'ovinee ailmitteil the first ill e\i lyihini; pert.'iining to pro.sperity ami national yreiitne-i* within the hi' I'l llominioii. Many hear livin;; witness t • the ehaii;,. :: "'!:;>!; l.eive occiirreil iimler t!i. ii own eyes Avithin .« ^eiienitinn -ehaii;;e.H km va«t m to riviil tiction Ml til. II' w. iiiilerf'..! reality ; wlio have seen laryetnwns arise fr.ilii the f 1' -■ ami a ..lile expanse of trackless o|ve place to we.ilthy ami p- till. us . .iiiiinnnities ; ami a iiopuh'itioli. which w.iul.l n..l then ciii- I' I 'I ■ xce'l that .if a siilinrh f.u' a coiinliy t.'wn. n..w an nmnle.l, till .'■■■' :i score of inile|iemleiit tiiniiici)ialities within the co'iniy count III' .!■ inhahitant.s hy the thoiisainls ; who have seen the in'.selies ami ^ .'!■ Lnu's inciilint to the early settleimiit ..f a w IMerm'ss replaceil hy I ..: 11. plenty ami allluen.'e. ami the emliryii siitlennnts o|,,„ I'i .1. i III. I moi'i' hi'iiinl nmler the hl.iw of the w Iiiiaii s axe. till now .11 u iii\ p:irts hut an ocea-sioiial ^ruve of native fnre-t il.its here ami I'l.- a laii'ls.'ape etiihracim; far-strelcliim_' area- of wavinij corn n, 1 luxuriant ineailnw, inste;i.l of an almost nnliioki'ii wihlernuHs, II;;' !-['. i'-e.| at no oft-recurrini^ interval- with sm:ill p;ii' lies ..!' -tiimp- . \' i.'l . leariin^ siirr.iiin.liii^ primitive' Inits. riR-e facts are all so patent a.s to leave little to he sai.l in their -Mppii;t ; yet as some say lii,Mires are the most stnlihorn facts tlinnoli ill ai'.' ;i.'i'i'eil that statistics are extreiiiely " ilry " we will enil.'av.uii' I" '.'ive :i lew wliii li hear llpoll tile case. iiIkI " llloi-ti'll " tlleil' ill'Mless. - •' i;ti a- may he. hy inakiin,' tin- columns very Hli..rl : ;uiil we iniLtht I !. iiiise this hy .saying' that the ile-.criplion of the presint eomlition ■; the ..nioiis localities, to he foninl in the respe. live lo.'al sketchi's, 'A t! he '.uttici.'iit exeinptiticatioii taken in eonneefion with the ilatis ..I I'ircuni-laiices of the early settlement of the .same nf the .li'Velo|i. I.' nt of tlieir m:iterial resourees ; so that we are left the simple lure slcwim; the ailvuiice of the population nf the ilistrict iliirini,' ' i' several slai'es of its linpreue.lclile.l Hlowth. The lirst ■,tli, :,il recnril we have nf any white settlers within the ii. -eiil limit- .if llur..n County is in the I 'eiisiis Itetnnis of I'pper I I'.r |K:i:i. at which time there app.iirs t.i have heeli a total I "I 'Illation of CH.'i souls, inclmlin;,' 4lH males ami '1^\ females. ioiis. Tlii- ilillienlty oM'li le, however, .so far as 11 nasal all pns-ilileln iln so. hy >. l'ia|iean, \V. II. .Inhnsoii, ami l!ev. lir. Taii>!iiay all I'v hi-ioriiiil ami ceiisiisstatisiics w Im weru emploveil in coiineci the llepartmi'iit nf .Vuricnllnrc of t'an.nla, from IHil.') till the i l'>*7l wascompleti'il (some years following! the latter ilate ), in -. lev isiiie ;in.| arrilll)411iu' statlsti.'s as ;(ppliei| to the sevelal t. .liMsi..i.s now in existence llii'iineli..iit the eoiinliy. Ill 1 llnnii, their p;irl of (lie I i-k w.i-i miilier >.. tclioiis li'nr sn ili to leavi' the sliohti'st room fni ,ni\ 111 iccnracics in the li^nres 1 from their lalioiirs, Koll.iwine the ilevelopnieiii of the eoiinly ..1 ilnit par ilistiici winch is now thet'onntyof llnrnii - ilowii thinueli tin years for which relialih' olliciai liiiuns have heeii ;,':itliei'ci|. that aiiolher census was taken in IH:;!. wliii'h shows the popn Inive imreaseil hy l.s:l, makin;.' a total of I.IUS, of wlmni I imiles aliil 1^7 felmiles. We llieli have statetnents of the nii'l'i, till Is)-.', the ilale of the I'nioii of Tppir ami Lower as fnllows ; - 1n;i.'), l.tiH'i male- ami 7.M1 females Intal, 1.77'.' I,7'-''I males ami l,:W:i females total, :i,lliii; ISi7, l,'.i'-".t ma 1,'iiii'i lemah's total, 11,!'.!."!; l-'ils, •J,iiL'7 males ami l,H:;7 f i..i;il, :i,.s.-it; |-.;i:i. '.i.iiiii ,„;,ic- ami •J.IUiti femalis total, I.VJi L'.Hill males ami L',4'.':l females t..t;il, .'i.'J-'l ; I'SII, LMUMl m •-Mill females;il, ."i,.Jl''> ; l«l-', -'..W:! male- ami :l.l'.Ci f total. 7,11111. It will lie ohserveil from this that the im lease « rapiil ami iininterrnpteil ; ami this reiniirk eipially applii -m .ee.liin; yciirnp t.i the titiie of the last cen-iis l'-7i).fr we timi the c.innty conlaine.l mi, lti."i souls, nf w hum :i'l,'J"7 w ill,'.!-'!-- lemales. (If these JlMHIl wel c lilal rieil, XU wi.l.iw willows, ami 14,4 Ili nnmarrii.l ami ehililrin. This pnimlain I 1,|{7!I hoii-i's -there heint; otlnr l-i'i in course of erecti. in, auil inhaliiti'.l. The ilivisioti of the ;ilinv. p.ipnlatioii at that tunc : t.'oilerieli (town). :i,'.i."i4 ; I'lintoii (villa^.. , '.'.I'li'i ; ^ (villa;,.e), l,:ill-; .\slili.'|il. :t,--!i:i ; ('olliorne, '.M:!'.!; Crev, iloilerich township, ihlil.'i ; Hay. :i.Hli7 ; llowick, '"i,417 ; :i,i'i7^ ; .Morris. ;!,!i.'rj ; .McKillop', :i.^iW ; .Stanley, :1,«II4 ; S I,:i4:i ; Tnekersmith, :i,i;illi ; Tninliirrv, :!.'.'n| : rslmnie, \Va«;ill..-li Kast. -.Mlol ; Wae. mii.isIi West'. •J.74.S. .Ml tl tin ino niilepemleiit mnni.'ipalitii s were then within the mnnieip; ilictioii of the si'veral townships in whose ;,'eoi,'rapliieal limits til sitnati'il. The lielil proiluct- of the almve pi ipillat ion fnr the y. ;ir pi the census enlnpriseil t(I'-.4,"i:i luishels nf wheat, iilij, tlij of l,'.'(l.l.s;',ll ,,f nats, l,4."):l of rve, ."il'.','.".'.S of peas I,."i7l of liealis, limkHhi'ill, S,.V,I! of col'li, V,ll-,:i'.'J of, l,llMi,7:l'' nf t ■JI-J.M:; nf other roots, 4,. 'Nil of i,'i'ass ami clover seeil,tSI7 nf tl: anil ^:i.7l'.M.ins of hav. The .Inmesiie pr.iilncts ainonnteil In I, U.S. of liiuiir. liH.'.'lii U.S. of hollie ina.le ehi'c-e,"i'.l II ili'css.'il flax, DK'.I var.lsof h e-iiia.le linen, •-'■J.n.'i:! of li.iii elnth. ;t7"i,iill7 Ihs. of maple siit;al', l,ii|-_' Ihs. of tiiliacco. 7.1'.M Imps. Iliy.4.'i4 hiishi'Is of apples. >,!l.".il Ihs. of orapes, ami !l,."«lll ..f small flints. In the line of fill's the eniinty pi'oiluce.l 4 lie hear. !i .itter. 7:i'.i mink, Jl:! toxes, H:i .leer.'i:! musk-rat an. ..tiler skins. The forest prnilni'ts com prise. I Ii4,l:i;i .'iihic feet .. |.llii' s.pi.ire timlnr ami 7,lU7 nf re.l. •JH.7I17 of oak, l.nlNI of t; 7.iK'l of hiich ami maple. ■.':!:t,:!il4 of elm, :< f hlack wahiiii of hick.ny, .">:)■<. 4511 of other timl.i'i's, [M.M^ pin.' I.ies. H.^i.s;) l.i'.'s, 4 spars, ll->'.l,ntln slaves, IM col. Is laths, 4,4117 e.inls tanlia lfl.'<,:ll!l coiils nf tirew I, The (Imlerich ami liavtiel.l li .Mi'l.le.l :i,lll harn Is ofherrin^', J.::'i; ..f whilelish, -J.-.h-i ..f tr nf other ti-li, ;ini| Iil7 ;,'allniis ..f lish nil. .'\ siniiimuy nf the inilustrial est;ihlishmi'iits slinws that there were 1,11(17 liamls I'li in enterprises which iiivolveil a ca[iital nf ??l,(IL*:{,.*'i7l us a pen investmi'iit. These liamls receiveil yearly wayes amounting to 4.">:1 ; w'orkeil up raw material nf the value of .^I,'^i)."»,ri4'i ; ami out m.uiufactni'e.l prn.lncts valueil at S'.','-.'i4,7"-ii. Since the pei'in.i to which the almve statistics relate, tile prn the county has heen as rapiil ;is iliiriny any similar previous s Its history; ami it will he seen ir..iii perusal of the several skel the various ton lis ami villai;.'s, that their .levi'l..piiieiit has he extraorilinar.v character, hi iiig scarcely impe.le.l even financial .leprcssion ami coniMielciaJ sla^niation umler w liieli the 1 as a whole -ami not only the cniinlry, hut the whole X'.rtli .\i eontineiit, ami even the I'litire commercial wnrhl Iteen si the past few years, with eHects lunri' visihie in every part tl one of nhns.';nii'i.iiient the ah.ive is ilesiijlleil to he a t reeiu'.l ami I TOWN OF OODERICH ! Mt'i" tliun Iwi) fi'iiturh.'." prcviinit t' tlio lir^t M'ttl<*inotit of j M'litiitivf of tlif Ali;,'In-SuxMii latM- ill the plii'-i' wlnn- tin* liaiitUnti III (i!' Caiiaila, I Tliiit taiii'iii-* I'xjiloitT laiitli-it at tln' iii"iitli ol tin* MtMU'xetv I llic Maillaiiil Uivir \va^ ialU-Ml lnv i Cur -(.■nirs ol \i-ai.- allfiuarU--', lieiiiL,' lioiii tl'i- rpi'ii- Ottawa (J"-ttr;,'iaii Hav, wlu'ticc In- ena-trd anpiuvl into ami tlnwn Liki- I thiini:.'li tht'ltiv.-i ami Laki- St. Clair un<• ChaMi|ilain, tin- imxitli <.!" tin- Mt-m-.-^t-tiitii,' j !)<■ a lrv.|ii,.|it railing pla«e tur ih-i.^r imhtati^alih- wnrki-rs, iln-*, iti tln-ir (-xpi-ditions i>> ami tVn littwt-i-ii llnir .-ftthMm-nt' [ Nhnri'.-*Ml (Junr^iiiih I'.ay ami tlmsi- t'ailhn- tl'-wii t"wanN l)t tmit. i- nut niir piirposr tl' ;,'ivt' in ihi-* jilini- a hi-tory mI' tin- .Irsiii \ i-ii('il, or tin- Mnrnn Iriiliaii- \vln> iiihaliiliil tin- -itt- nf tin- pn-t-i nl (l.Mhiii li. hiitlnr than t<> siy that tin- lluroii- wen- <-> tiriiilm tlit-ir t-m-rnic-t, ami thi- .li-^uiis, wlm wt'n- piii'.tii-ally thtir alliis. I cxtiint ah'iiit tli(* "atm- tiim> ami in iiim li the -"ante tnaiini-t Hniun-. Kitr vt-ry many yuais afli'rwarit- of wliili- thi- Mcni--<-tnii'^ Wi-ru fuw ami far liitwi'i-ii ; ami wt- iiavn iio rt-m '•(•tthtin-iit iu-in^' ma. It* hy a whiti' miiii at that pla<-f till two I> ami ti-n \i-ar> atlcr itiu tir>t vi«it of l)c Clianiphtin, ahnvi- ri-iiM-rci In tin- year \'^-2i\, W. K. (J lin^-, at'inmpanii-tl hy a Fri'ti nanic'l l-'rank l><-<'hamp, lift tin- nnmlli of thi> (li-an-r|, loaih-il will) -^m Ij y.toil-- as ihfy intiHiilcriMl m-ccssary t-r^tahlirtliiML-nt of an Ihitiaii tripling post, ami Kuilril along the m HURON— C ONTINUED. V. Of, nn \\\\\H\ lU'i't'sHiirily In* flu- r:iHi' in tlir ly, riiiili'f it t'Mmiiil\ ililliinll, iS iml in iiiakr Miitf i-t'nHiirt iMiifnnn t<' pi-ft-cilnii; mifH 'I'itni-ial l)H. 'rin> tlittiv-nl(>' lia^ )>ri-n at* il was at all |ittH-iliU' I" cl.i s.i. hy Mi^.trw, '»ii, anil Itcv. hr. Tanmiay all f\|u'i't!* in tii'H who wri'U(-nipl<'\cnnrrlii''t a.s ;i|ii>lh' isk vvaH ni'iiluM' Ml li>>tiiiu-i nm- sn ilitlii'iill as tiii'anv Ml ivouracic.-t in the- tl^iiivs i-f.sultin'.; inifnl (if tliii rininly m thai part nf tin' 'imnty nf Hnron — ilmvii thrimyh tin' scvt'ral 'tliiiai lii^mrM Iia\t' lu'rn Ltathi'l-i'il. wr tiinl iKi'n III IH:it. wini'll hIiiihs the |>ii|inlalion t" ikiii^ a li.lal of'iS. of wlioin I'lHl w.-ro V\'i ihi'li ha\t' stali'iiu'litH of tin* niiTcasi' I'ai-ii ■t till' I'nion of I'll]. IT ami l.owiT I'anaila, mall'- ami 7.M1 fclnah's lotal, I.TT'.'; l"-:!!;, nali's tolal. :),lliil: I'-IIT. I.'.I'J'.I inali'n iiml l.'i : l'^:!"-, -.'.ii'-'T inah's ami l.''^-7 fi'inali'S nail'- ami '.Mllillfi'lnali'S lolal, I..V.M ; I'Slo. nial.'S total, .'i.-J'-'l : l.s 1 1 , -'.iiin; luak's ami l.'i; IHIJ. :l,'.i:i."> mail'- ami :l.l'.l.". fclnali'S irtiTvi'il from lllls ihat lln- inrri'a.'^i' was liolli : anil this n'inark t'i|nally applii's to t-at'li 'linn' of tin' liist I't'li-ns I'^Tl). from wliidi ii''l r.ti.lli.'i soul.'*, of uliiim:M,-"7 urrt' niah's, . Jll.Mlli Hrri' ni.iirii'il, .-l.'i:! wiilow. is, I.II.MI M'ii-il ami cliililrru. This |iii|inlatloti livcil in LX"lh»i" I-'*) in foniHc of i-ni'ti'in, anil --J nn- of tin- aliovr jioimlalion at that tinn' was as i). X'.M : Clinton iviUau" . -'."Iii ; ."icaf.irili I, :i,-:i:i ; rollioni.', •-', UH ; ilri'v, il.Hnri ; ITi ; llav. il.'-*!!? ; lloniik. .■|.417; ilnll.'tl, ili'KiUo].', :i.riiW ; Sianlcy, :1>IU ; Sti'|ilnn, llit'.i ; 'rninliiiiv, ;!.'-'ill : I'sliomi', :i,rt:tl ; Va'.vamish Wi'sl', '_',7W. All thf ollli'l' ixisl- alitirs wi'i'i' llu'ii within Ihi' municipal jnris- i-hips in whilst' oi.o^ra|ihifal limits they wi'i-o till' aliovi' |io|inlatioii for tlif yi'ar luici'ilini,' ■•,4."i:! hnsh.'ls of wheat, ;liW,'lii:i of liai-li'V. ■ ryi', ."if.'.-JL'S of |,i'.'is. I..-.71 of l.i'ans, l,4:i.-.of 1, 'i;ii'-,:l'.'J of |iiilatoi's, 1, |iiii,7:i'- of tmnips, ■i7;l of ^rass ami clov t si'i'il,M7 of lla\ sri'.l, riu' ilonii'stii' proillii'tsa iinli'il to I ,."ili'.l,s:iL' of liomi'-inaili' I'hi'i'-i', 1--.II.V.I llis. of honii'- honif-maiU; lini'ii, l'l.*,n."i:{ vavils of hoim'-inaili' ill' siiijar, l.iil^' llis. of lo'liai'Oi, 7,1'.M llis. of ipph's, .'•,ll.''Mi llis. of orajii's, .-mil '.i,.'iill Imshi'Is ni' of furs the I'ounty pro'liii'i''! 4 lii'a\i'r, :t l-J luxes, S:( iliiT, l,i:'i:i musk rat ami I.II.M iroilui'ts c'linprisi'il lil,l:i;i fiiliii- fi'i't of whiti' iHTof ri'il, '.'8,7117 of oak, l.uiHiof tam.irai', L':i:!,:iOI of I'lm, ."niiiof lilaik walnni, l,(li;i; hi'r tinilii'l-s, Xi,'M^ pini' liii,'s, H,"i.-:)li oIIi.t I's, I'-t I'oiils laths, 1,4'.IT I'orils tanliatk, ami III. The (ioilerii'li ami liaytiehl lislieni's I'rrin;;, :;,;'i'i; of whitclish, ■2.:\'M of trout, ."i-' ons of tish nil. A summary of the \arious ihiiw.s Ihat there were \.W! hamls employi'il ■il a eajiital of .>il,lll':i,."i7 1 as a permamlit ■I'.eiveil yearly waives aimninlim; to S14:i,- lal of the value of *I,'-Il."i,."i4."i ; ami lurneil valneil at !*•-', ^."i4,7mI. h the aliove statistics relate, the pro),'rissiif ill as ilurinjj any similar previous s[iace of .cell ironi perusal of tin* si'veral skelcln's of ,oi-s, that their ilevi-lopmi'iit has hcen of a .'ter, hi in^ scarcely nnpeileil e\ell liV the ■iieiciaj slamiation uuiler which llie cownlry U' coinitry, liul the whole Nuth American tire comiiierci;il wui'M lieen suH'crin,L4 ill'ects more visilile in evei'y part than the t the ahove is ilesii^'ueil to he a Iruthfill ■riptiou. FN OF QODERICH pre\iiius t' the li['-t M'Mleiupiit r»f a repre- lai e at Ihe place wlii-ie the hanils'iine I'lwn locality wa- xisileil hv .Samuel ile rliarii- iliircr who ever helil lii^ wav Ihiou^ih the foM'-ls, or pa.l'lleil hi- laime up the n.ilile 'III lake- lit I'anaila. mleil at the neiiith of the .Mem-cluii;; a- leil liy III.' In.lian- in Ihe year Mil'', while p. Ill I't 111.- pr.'-i'nl I'l'ivinie In Detroil; hi o. casion. ali'l in.l.'.-.l th.' onl>' one known 1-. l.eiuL! Il"l" 'I'c I ppcl Dllawa to lIlc 1,1-leil aroutiil into ami ihiwn hake Huron, ke SI. Clair ami Detmil Itiver In UcUoil. plain. 111.' m.iutli of III.' .Men.'seliin;,' niew lo lor thos. inilelalioiilile work. 'I'S, tlie .1,'suit I" anil fro liclw.i'ii Iheii ..■lllein.'nl- on the Ih.i-.' latlher ilown towar.l- liul il llii- place a hi-tory of ihe .lesuils who who iuhaliileil the -ile ol'the presi'iil Inwii ■ay Ihat Ih.' Huron- weic eyterniinaleil hy Is, who wi'i'e pla.liciUy their alh.'s, lie.-iiniti M' .'in.l in ruMcli Ihe -am.' inanner as tlm ears aflei' the visit.- .if while men lo I.I far lielweeii ; ati.l we have no recofl nf a i white man at that pla.'e I ill two liiimlreil ■isii of I)e I 'hainplaiii, al)o\.' reierre.l l.i. '. (ioiiilino, acciimpanieil hy a I'Veiichman I Ihe inoiilh of llielli-nnl Kiver in a small mil- as Ihi'V cimsiilereil necessary for the lriiiliii|{ post, an. I saile.1 ahinx the southern .ii.isl of sonlli-we-terii, up tlii"Uj;h ih.' Hetr.iit ami St. Clair KiM'isamI Like- St. Clair ami lliiion lo ih.' imiulli ..f III.' Meiiesotuiii,' Ihen.ehirwaril calleil Ih.' .Maillaml Kiver, in h.imuM' of Sir IVrej^iim' .Maill.iml. III. ilovermir of I'pper and there they .|i-enil>arkcil, -c.uii'.l llii'ir Vessel, ami a -mall cahiii .ir "mme" wliere Ojjilvie's mill m.w staiiil-. llen'lhi'V reinainc.l more than three iimiilhs liermi' -eein;,' Ihe lace of a while man, ami it was nut till I"-."" Ilial any iillier selllers .ainc in ; liiil in thai M-ai .Mr. Hall, the Sup.rinlen.lciil "I ihe allaiis of iheCanaila C 11 ipanv. Iiv will. Ill Ihe eiilite iluroii TiacI w^is owii.'.l, ilii.'nnuicil lo pl.'inl a -cllleinenl at Ihe mouili of the .Maitlaii.l. Thi- .leleriiiiiialiiiii was piol.ahly hinneil hv the rcoiiiiiicmlaiioii of Dr. Dniilop, who hail ].ieviiiusly visiii'il the place, j,Mii.leil hy an Imlian n.iineil Caplain .lacoh, III 1 who «a- Very intiinale with .Mr (lall. Hal a mail lo llu' propo-eil s.iil.'ui.iit wa- a prim.' ni'ces.«ily ; sou I 'iiiipany of -iirvcyoi- ami avemcii wei.' . ollecleil at (lall, ami, iiinler Ihe ilire. ti.iii of Dr, Duiihip, -iiiveyeil ami cut mil the Huron llo.ul. allii.leil lo al s.iine leiiolh in mir lli(;hway Hi-tory. In Ih.' imanlinie, .Mr. (fall pro. Id li.mi Yolk lo I'ciiclaiiuui-hi iie mi ( Uav, wlieie Ihe l!iili-h xiin-lioal /.'n was phu e,l al hi- ili-po-al. .Mr. Call lia.l le- • civ. '.I a l.'ller friiiii the Ailmiral, in thai fumliouary ha.l .li-nlaye.l his kmiwlc.l^e or, more cnriectly, his i^imram.'e ol o(',,^,|-a],liv l,y -laliiiL; that the /.'ic woulil carry Mr. (lalt "mi l,ake Huron in /.incV I '" The oliject ol'the ( ioveriiiiienl in semlino ihe Imat wa- appaiciiily In make surveys iii'cessaiy to the esiahli-linieiil nl a perimiiienl harlmiir. Kiiiiii Mr. tlall's ile-criplinu nf Iheii sail armiinl Calmi's Heail ami ilnwn Lake Hurmi wc iiiinie a- Inllnw- : "( In Ihe alter n ..f Ihe rollowiiin ".l,iy we -aw alar oil, hy mir tele-coiie, a -mall ileaiin^ in Ih.' fm.-Uaii.l " .111 the l.r.iw .if a risiii),' ormiml a'.'.illao.' .l.liohiiulK'.l, The " appearan.'e of -ucli a sinlil in -iirli a pi. ice wa- uuexpc'i.'il. ami we hail " -m leli.ite if it ciiul.l liclh.'lo.ati f lir. Diinlop, win. hail ;,'ni',. '1 " Ihe laml-explnrino parly alhnleil I... Nor wi're we left l..iin in .Imilit ; *' fnr, oil appr.'a.hinn the'.-. we wi'i'e niel hy a caiio.', h.ivino on Imaiil "a-iianj;.' of Imliaii'', velveleens ami whi-ker-, ami ilis- "coveleil within ihe loot- of Ihe Icl hair Ih.' livilin h'iilnres of the "l)o.t..r, II. re we lamleil, all.l cheeiriilly -penl Ihe lli;;lll in the hlj; ".■oila^ic which Ihe Doctor hail rai-eil. ' |i a|ipeais ihal al'ler (jivin;! 111.' Mirveyoi's the necess.iiy in-lriiilions a^ In the cmr-.' .if ihe rnaii. Dr. Duiilnp hail hirwanl with a siiiail p.iily ami I Mr. Hall, a- .l.-.iilie.l hy thai ni.nih'inaii. Il is rrom thi- lime ilial Dr. Dnnlop's -ellleimnt al Ihi.leri.h .lal.'- ; ami a- h.' was lor maiiv yenr-: clnselv iili'lililie.l iiily with Imal hiu alsn Willi |iiili|ic allair-, ,i h'rief sketch .'if hi- I'liaraclcr, a.'liie\eineii|s ali.l pccnliai ili.'- m.iy he inleieslinn. Tlie lil-l lee. I'll we have nf llilll i-, that al (lall, I he eveliino hefme the present I 'ily of duel I'll was hiiiuileil. 111 mel .Mr. (lall, the huimlei of that city, li> whom hi' i- ih'-crili.' 1 a- " ihliiin a roviii;,' c mis-ion umler the ■' Camilla (.'olnpaliv." Th.' in',., ilav, .\pril '_':liil. ISJII, he ac.'.impaiiic.l Mr. C.ill .111.1 his parly to the siie of I luclpli, ami s i afler .sun-el. In ii-e Mr. ( lalls own lanoiiaoe, "a lai'oe ma|il.' lice was ,-elecleil, mi which, " Inking' an axe rrmn a wnnilinan, I strn.'k Ihe lir-i sti'nke, ♦ ♦ ♦ anil " the -ilemeiif Ih,' w Is that eclmi'il to ill.' s.iiiml wa-a- the sii;ll of Ihe " s.ilemii -.11111- ..f Ihi' wil.|.'ni.'s-ile|iarliiiL; fnr.'v.'r. Th.' Ilocinr hillnweii "111.', if 1 remcmlier riohtly, ami llieii Mr. Prior ami thi- w Iiiiaii " liiii-heil the wiirk. " Thus il appears tint (Imleri. h wa- not ihe lirst Caiiaili.'iii lowii lhal the Dnclnr wa- iiislruineiital in I'liiimliiifi. From liini' forwanl we have im sp,'.iiil rei-nnl of hi- .loino- lill he assuiiieil ih.iro.' ..f Ihe survey of ih.' Huron linail ; iinlhino of -p.'.ial inleresl maik.'.l his , are.r l'r.iiu thai tiiii.' lill ihe re'i.'lliiui lirok.'.iut in I "-liT. when he warmly espnuseil the uau-e nf ihi' l,nyali-ls. In ISIl he was elecleil to Ih.' .\s.enihly, ami al the cl.ise of hi- leriii in that, leceiveil an iin]iorlaiit appointment on the liiiie Canal, then in innce-s of coii- -tni.ii.iii. When Ihe Di-tii.l "f llui.ui wa-'.l in 1^(1. he re.'.'ive.l li.'in ih.' (I.ivernnicnt the coiiimis-i. I \Var.len of ihe Di,-iri.'t, wlih li ..nice he hi'lil till wai'ileiis were mail.' elective, in I'-t:. The Dnclnr wa- .1 linn friemi, ami enjiiyeil cmisiilei-ahle per-onal popularily. Ho wa- hoih faieliou.s ami ecceiiiric, ami his will relied- a lair -hare of each "I till plalilie^. We ipinte limn il In -Imw the apparent levity Willi wlii.h hi' ri'Harih'il apploaihiuK ilis-oliilioli, lie : "I leave all the •• laiiiliil pro)ierly I ni;iy ilie ]nissesseil of to my si-ters Helen Hovie " Siorv ami Kli/alielli Hoyh' Duiilnp ; the fnriner, l.i.ause -he is inarneil *' In a mini-ler, whniii {(io.l help him ! -ln' hen pecks ; the latter, liecaiise " she is marrieil In nnlinily, imr is she likely In he, for -he i- an nhl maid "ami mil markel-rih'. ♦ ■* » I leave mv -ilver lankanl In the ehlest •■-"n..f..ld .l.ihii. » ♦ ♦ I w.iuhl havi' left ill.. ..1,1 il.ihn liimseif, "lull he w'.iiihl melt il ,lnwii intn mclal-, ami that wniilil Im> " siiirih'o,. ; h,iwev,'r, I leave my liin hnrn -niitl'-hox tn liiiii ; he i-aii ntily ■■ iiiak,' 1,'iiipi'rami' linrii -| ii- out nf lhal. * * * * \ K'ave my " t.r.ilh.'r .\lleii my hin silver snnll'-hnx, as I am inhiruu'd he i.s rather a I " il. ',',111 Christian, ivilli a ^wao hi'lly' and a jnllv lai'e. ♦ ♦ * I leave ".lohn Cmhlle a -ilv.r I.apol, lo the ,iid thai he may drink tea theru- I " fr-'iii to ,-oiiiforl him umlei- the allliitioii of a -lail.-rnly wife." , Th,' niaiiner in which (imleiich received it- mum, wa- as follows : .Vfter (iiielph was located and miineil hy Mr, Hall, the Dirednrs of the Canada Cmnpiiny in I'lnnlaml .lisapprnved nf his action, and instructed him I.I chaiu'e ihe name of llnetph to thai of llmlerich. in lionourof a mililetii 111 of name who wa- a promineiil inemher ol t!i,' C.unpan.v. .Mr Hall replie.l, lliat a- ihe |ilace ha.l ali'.'elv ln'cii ihe s.-eiie of leo'al lran-aclioiis. an .Ad of the I'rovin.'ial rarlia'iieiit w.nild I..' necc'i-ary to elfecl Ihe clmiiHc ; hut as tiny iicf^lectcl l,i apply h.r llie .\el, thai town relaincl iis name, ami Mr. Halt ln-towe.l llie ii.mi.' .if (.lodericli mi the Lake Hiirnii -.'tlh'iiicnt, a-s a " p.'a.'c oO'eriiio'' to the Oiieclnrs. Ki'vertino, then, to the early s.-ltleineiit nf (lodericli, w,' hml that th'' surveyors, iniiuediately after Iheir arrival, lai.l .,ut the town in its present novel shape, according to . ],lan wliicli had hceii iirepare.I in Ihe Company's nHi.:o in York. Many of the laliourers who eaiiie through with the siirvi'yinn pally took up land ami settled in tin' vici- j iiity, ami many more settlers follow, 'd as soon as the roa.l was madi! ; pa.s.'Sihle. Aimuij,' the lirat l.iarrivi afler this was .Mex. .Mcdreyor, who '■aiiie throiij^'i the wiioils from Znrr.i, in Oxford County, l)rinxiiiK''"-'veral yoke of lattle, with '"hi'li he w.iiki'.l on the Coniimny's ro.i(ls. During this year also thu,' arriveil .Inhii Wilson, who tniill a Imuse an.l tan- nery on the harhour Hat, this heiiin the lir-t tannery in the Huron Tnicl. Mr. Wilson, in compiiiy with .lacnli Cnmmr, Valentini' and i .Michael Kislier, and some others, were sent up from ^'oI■k in a si'hooner I at the I'xpenae of the Company. These were all Yonwe Street men. ! Itehire the eslahlisliment of a post olHce, W'm. Ueed used to make sutni* monthly trips lo (juelpli to lirin^ the letters lor the Company's imonts ; i and any settlers who were so fortiuiata as to receive letters were eliartiwl I extra for their carriage I'roiii Huulph. (If course, iliiriiig this time the new Bcttlera wine olilineil to endure 1 the hariUhips and privatiuns incident tn pioneer life -hanlslii])8 which MM VI. HISTORICAL i arc tint U'fit UIkUm'^IuiiiI lu I'ri|UII'c Jl MtUhI hi'Tc ; I'llt tllt'V W<>ri' UlultT- liiki'ji iiiiil Ipuriic Willi iiilim'io III' pMliiiioi' mill in'r^cVfrniifu Ihiil »i'"ii lii';4itii tu lu'iir huil ill llir Hliiipr ut -iilNiaiitiiil I'Mtiitiii't.-*, Hu>'li iH only iiiimiiiltln^' tiiil can jiroiliiri'. 'I'lir CaiMula l'uiii|iiihv iri'iti'il hhhh' rliiuii liuililiii^js- wliiili -hniihl |iii.|iiily 111' ralli'il .»lii'iU iii'iir Ilir liar- liiiiii', I'm' tliii uri'iiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiii ami ilii'ltii' ul -t'llii'ii iiiilil llii'V i-milil I'l'i'i'l luMHi'!. I'll!' tliiiii-ilvi'^ ; an. I in tlii'-r -lii'il". in l>;tii, Win. Iiri"l lilliil n|i llii' lii'-l lavi'in nr inililii'-liuii-i' with uliii'li lliiilriii-li »a- Mi'H-i'il. Wii .siv lili'-Hi'il, lii'i'an^i' in llm-i' ihm llii- lu'iii'lil nf ilic airiiiiiniiiilatlun ullrii'il liyiiii'h InniHi-'i iiiitivi'i^^lii'il tlir hant'liil iiilluiii'ii 111' lilt' liiiunr wliii h wa.s'siilil Almul llii< linio W. !■'. (luuilini,', lii'lnri' n li'ivi'il liiiH llii'lii~l wliili'^i'llli'iimil trailiT, was juiniil in tlii' niinan- tilii iiilii|iriHi' liy his liiulliirii .Ia-|ii'r ami Kilwin H. ; ami sunn iiltiT lli'iijaniin Halt' iiriivi'il, ami i>|ii'iii'il llir -miml Hliiri' in tin' plari'. In l>;li, Oi'iii^r,' I'l'i'^ini. liviiiKini tin' Huron Itiiail. in tin' rastiiii siilmrlis uf tin' tnwii, airiviil, in riiiii|iany with tlir Stunly family, William Ifntliilp' ami wifi', ami Amiruw Wliililv ami liimily. Tlii'V hail ilrivi'ii tliiniiKli lioin Mainiltiin. wlnri', tin' iiif;lil I'l'l'mi' thi'V h'lt. till' lather ul' tlii' Imilhi'is, wimsi' naini's wi'ii' ii'«|ii', tivily .liihii ami t'liris|ii|ihi'r, iliiil in tlii' liii-|iilal. Sn with tlii'ir imitln-r anil liriithi'i's-in-law, Itiiili'ilp' ami U hiti'ly, tlii'V pmr Inl nnwanl tnwanl tlii'ir ni'W liiiini' in tin' viniiils. 'I'ln- ni'Xt yiar tin.' (' I 'iini|iaiiy linilt till' stianmr .!/■ m.ii (umij - wlin.-i' name was i-iiaiiniil a vi'ar later tu the (i'i../i , ii-/i - al this p.iint, ami C'apt, U. (i. hniilnp, Vim arriveil the «anii' year, was j^iveii in ami nl' the i rail. During; the hahime nf that seasmi ami llie next she plieil lulweeii (Imlerii'li ami the |ii.rls lit Lakes Krie ami I liilarin ; Init iliirinn tliu seasiin nf Ih:i.') slie was iniprisiiiieil in the liarhimr, lieiiig unalilu tu pivss out over the liaral the nmutli nf llie river. liy I--:!.! Ihe si'tllennnt ;;ave ;jleal prninise nf futnie lapiil ileVelnp- ment, ami the wlinle Union Tiint huh tlieieafler repiilly sittleil ; while (in.leiii h, loiialiiniinn as ii itiil the liase nl mipplies hir a very laip' pnrlinii nf this trail, lieeanie the eeiitii) of a large traile, uinl assui I an a-peil in keepiin,' therewith. The lir-t sermon pnaiheil In (Imleriili was liy a Mellimlisl preiieher, wlinse iiaiiie we iniilil mil h'arii. lint he hail iieei'i sent friiiii (imlerii'li as a iiiissiiiiiary In the Imliaiis at the .Sangeeii as earlv as Is:):!, in wliieli year ancither .Methmlisl minister, Kev. .Mr. Whiteheail, arriveil, ami preaiheil his first serinnii in ihe ilwelliii;;-liiinse of .laioli Coomer : ami the fall nf that year w.i.s markeil liy the arrival of the tir.t Koniaii I'athiilie |irii's|, Kallier Heiiipsey. It was in this vear al-n, as nearlv as we eniilil learn, that the fir-t sehnol-honse in the seltlenieiit, nr imlieil in the whole lliiroii 'I'lait, was luiilt, its loialimi lieini; where Kev. .Mr. Kraser's I'reshyterian elinnh imw slamls ; ami here Dr. Sentt taii(,'lit tho VDUiii,' iilea linw tii slinot, liavino lieen eiinaf;ei| liy the Coinpaiiy t.. liU llie eninhineil ollices of peila^'nune ami "ineilieine nian " to thesel- tluinent. At that time the (,'iiiiiiiany'» alfairs here wero in ehar^'e of Mr. Clias. Pryor; Mr. .lolin LniiHworth, win, is still living! in (Imlerirh though lit a very ailvanceil ajje, heing at that time Ihe t'oinpanv's eii^^iiieer. (ioik'iieh I'lmt Olli.e was e.slalilisheil almiil Isics.wiih Kilwiii (irilliii ns I'nalniiisler, the loi-atiiin heiiiLC in a slnie kept by K. I'. Taylor, on U'es: Street, near the oeta^nii. The couple who lli-st eniilraiteil iiialriimniv— lieiin; resiilents nf the settlement— Were W. K (iiiniliii:,' ami a .Mi-s llomle. The event neinrreil (liiriii;,' l.s2!l; lull as then' wa- no lursnii in the place, they went tu Uetinit In have the eereniniiy perhiriJieil. It is a roim iileiice woitliy of remark that the three limiiieis (Innilini; marrieil three sisters (Jnmle, the nnly liiriim-laiici' ap]irnachin;; this in ^imilarilv within the know- lei|-e of the writer feiii'; that of Iniir l.r.iller- liiMrii'iL; the iiniisual name of Smith, ami re-iiliin,' near DinIit, Jlah,. wle. mariii'il f.nir sisters o, the same name. The lirsl cliiM Imni in Cmlcriih was .Inhii, son .if Samuel (iilisnii, aiiil he receivi'il a grant nf one hiimlreil acre- nf l.iml from the Camilla (.'nmp.'niv. Xof to llwell Inn ininil'tely Upnll tile evilll- nf the villll'41' from ihis tilni' fnrwalil, we wmiK! sav thai after llie ereiti f tlw Huron Di- tricl, in ISIJ, the uiiinroi'pnrale.l Villa-e nl (Jmleri'li inniinlleil, in a greiii ilegree, the iiiuuiripal elertiniis in (iorlerich Tnwii.ship. within which it was siiii.Ue.l ; Inii m fs.-.n {• was in.'nrpni-ati.l as ■» tnwn liy .special Act nf I'arlianiint, withoiit liaviin,' passci tliriin:,'li the "onlear' of village governmeiil. The fnllnwing i:iiiili'iniii inii;pn>i-.l the lii-l Town Junncil, viz. : .MesM-s. Benianiin TarMiiis, iJaniel Keiilev, Chris. (Valiii, Horace Hnrtnn, Win. Wallace. .lame- nis.sctt, .lames 'Wai-nn, Dixie Watsnii, .\Inrgan llamillmi. Win. II. Hicli mnl .lanie.s (ienlies At that time niaynrs were eledeil hy the (louncils ; ami at the tii-sl nneting of the (imlerii h Cniimil. Mr. lieiij. IMrsniis was iiiiaiiininii4v electi'il Mayiii'. The fnllowing were the other civic niH.ers fir thai year, viz.: Tims. Kyihl. Clerk ; H. (i. Ciiniiiii.jham ami (ieiii"e Kra-er, Aiiililors ; Kev. Charles Kiel, h.'r, Suiierinteiuleiit nf Schnol r^ |> Me.. Dnngall, M.D.. Coroner : An-us .McKav. ; lleiirv Ifenl, Win. Iteiil, Duncan Lamliert aiel .lolin .McLciii. Coiisialiles. Dnriiig l.sil .Mr. I'araon.s again tilleil the elmir. fn IS.-|2 there arose serious ili-|iiitis at the Cniincil l!.iar.l reganling the i|ualilirations • it inenilii'i's ; ami on Mr. Ira Lew ii living ]irop,ise.l lor .Maynr, a pro- test was enleieil against his return liv Messrs. .sltnuhaii', Watsnn Campliell, Katlenliiiry ami Mlack. Neveriheless, Mr. Lewis wius electcl '; wliereupnn the live memhers nuiiied " se.eileil," fnrmeil a Couinil of their own, ami elecleil a full set nf nUi.ers. There was no meeting of the Cniimil Imm .Mav :>iltli till ( l.' (itli nf this vear Imt at the meeting on the latter 'ilate, we linil tli.u .Mr. Slraehaii wa,s electeil .Mayor "in phice ,if Ira Lewis," During ls5;i, 180.1 ami 18,).'i, Mr Uoliert (iililmiis w'lvs Mavor, ami was followe.1 In- Mr. R A. .McDiingiill, who helil the ..nice ilnring l.s.Mi, lH.-,7, is,"i8ani\ I.m,")!) In IWiO the lirst .Maynr was electeil hy popular vnte, Mr. Malcnim Colin Cameron heing linnoure.l hv his sele.tion to till that oltico, while Uohertijihhnnsainl V. A. MiDnngall were electeil Keeve ami Depiitv Reeve respectively. Mr. (Janicrnn le-elecle.l Mayor in each of the years 18(il, l.SliS ami 18(i:l. [n I8IU ,Tames Watson was elecleil anil was suceeeileil in IKIl.", liy ,Ioliii V. Dellnr, wlin hehl the otlice during the two snceeeiling years. Hugh .rnhnson wis electeil in I81W Chris Crnlib in 18ti!), iinil W. T. Ilavs in 1870 ami 1871. Mr. Horace Hor- ton occupied the civic chair during the next three years ; ,Iolin Davison ','i,"*''''','!,'""f ^ ''''"''*.^' '" '*'"" "">' '«T7, anil Samuel I'olloek in 18,8 ; while the following is a couiplete list of the jirincipal town nfli- I cials lor the current year, viz. : Mavor, I!. L. Doyle ; Reeve ,T T (farrow; Ut Deputy Keeve, F. W. .irihiisnn, all elected liv ncclaination- 211.1 Depiitv Keeve, .1. U. Detlor. Ci.uncillors : St. Patrick's Ward (all elected by iicclanmtion), Samuel Sloan, ,Iolm .\chesim and William Mitchell ; St. (ieorge's Ward, Hutchi.son, Malcolm Nicholson and w ,'/;';•;'•" ', **f' V""''*''' ^^""'' 1'- ^- '^"'"'.v- J"'"' Mitchell and w' . Si''"'''', ""' ';'.','" "'"■'' •"''"« " "« "' ""^ 1'"" i St- Andrew's Ward, K Bingham, Wm, Seymour. Clerk, James Thomson: Treas- urer, E, F. Moore. ■■ . * »= (Jnderich is one nf the most land on whii h it stands liing retains its altllu.le of mure lll; Lake Unroll till it reaches its banks. Thu line iiatniHl liarb considerably iniproveil by the aii ailv.imeil w ith a view to make tl appears to have been well act two line elevatnrs, the mie nwill llutl'aloand Lake Hiiioii dlvisii capacity of |IKI,UI1(I bushels ; th with II capacity of l7.'i,IH>ll biisli with one of the llnust lli.nriii^ with ten run of stoneH, and has day. The inotive power is steal to produce the evaporation of b imniedialu vicinity, which will of the Salt Intere-I. This mam: veiiieiil. The pipes tlirnugh will aloi:g the under surface of the ' steam, which would otherwise h to ami fro under the pan in Its the double piirjiose of running t Tilt: M/ It was the discovery of salt linilerich from the ranks of con 1.1 a eommercial prominence w hiclory to the friends of the tow able e.xteiit, bir reasons which H of the discovery nf this staple, but aiiiitlier ilemoiistrHtioii of t soinetinies spring from inire ai pluck, perseverance and eiierg attribiilalile is .Mr. Samuel I'lat enterprise is pretty niiicli as fnlli was at its height in Western (.'ai in dillerent parts of the westei " strike lie," a compatiy was fori object ill view. The compaiiv, had ai|ii,(Hi(l capital subseribeil, bank of the Maitland, just east < depth nf 7(1(1 bet, mosl'ly throng I greyish limestiini', ami meeting I oil, the stockholders deterinineil I and the apfieals of Mr. phitt ( biiled of the desired ell'ect of can j lion of abandiinment, and they ' their slock. In the meanlimc tl of Sl.iiilil if they wiuild bore to t prnspeit of rinding nil ami nbt tiniie bnring at his nwn e.xpem : rowarded his well-directed ell'oi I surfaie he encnnntered, not oil, lock nf aralhersnfi to.xtuie, in b'lt, thus' cniupletiiig the one above meiiliniieil. I As snnii as the bnnan/a was si i lime previous, refused to furthe in ardent desire to pav up their ■ if salt. This Mr. I'l'alt allowe •lii'ieafler known as (leorge Kiin liniii ten tn binrteen thousand di ■>c|iteiiiber, 18(111. Ill the inoa inrwardcd In I'rnf. Uniit,of .Mon '• The brine tested was obtained o "gr.ivitv was found In be l-Mii, repnit was highly eiicnnraging, the brine wa- almost entirely ; chlnride nf .alcium and chlnride and reiaids ilu' niaiiufa.'tnri' nf rrnf. Hunt and I'rnf. doer iman the Works, pr.innunceil thetiodei "possible, ami the ]iurest kneivii Knmball iV ('o. immediat.'ly 1 ea. h, Ihe capacity of the kettles i tlieui a cajiacily of about 10(1 bar mniilhs' operations they deolarei nuinths later this was siijiplemc cent., making a clear profit of ,")1 the lliaiiy im idental expenses nri entirely new bn-iness. The pric 81. -J.") per barrel at the works. " kettle" bir the English or "pn all blocks siibsei[uently erected w the success of the [lioneer well in blocks and sinking of other wcl valley of the Maitland was d.ittei nearly to its mouth. From tl (todei'ich assumed gigantic prop following blocks, with the eiiuiiu in full blast, viz.: The •'Goderii Iiioneer well) ; " .Maitland," 1(1 " Huron, ' liii) : " Dominhm," 2(K " llawlev's," situated near Ogili " Inniskillen," 2th) ; " Internatio had meanwhile severed his conn constructed works of his own. A sprung up between the manufaot and Clinton, at which latter phi covered : and it was found that, these latter places, they coul.l a at a lower price than "their Ooi rellecled most injuriously on the of wliicli many of thnin were com At the present time there are i in operation, as follows : Piatt's, which is common and halt dai Hodge, 7.-) barrels ; " Hawley's," : 40(1 barrels. These last me'ntior notice. They are o|>erated by J of ()(K) barrels per day Is the g Situated on the bank of the lake IISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE (idlll'lilll !•< "IK' olll I""! lillWllllllV nilmitcil InWll' irit'lUlwlll, till' liiiiil nil It -liiihli I'l'iiiK II IiIkIi lli"iii;h vctv li'U'l trait, wliiili i.liiiii^ ili« ullilihii' .if iii'iii' tli;iii 1 IiiiimIii'.I li'i'l nil.. \.' till' IimI .it l.iiki- lliinni III! It ri'iulii.-i it.< vitv -Ii.. !•.•,» lift i' it l.r.nk- liil.' iil.iii|.t l.,iiikH, Thu liiii. iiiiliiml lmil...iir tin. tnwii |i..--i.^«i-. Iiii-- L.-i'ii r.iiiiiiilirulilv iiii|.r.ivi'.l l.y tlif iiiil ..f liliui-iil (^miit.. ri.nii lliclii.v.riiim.iit, ii.l\.iiir..|| with a vi.'H I.I iimki' llii-iu 'aii' liuilii.iir ..t iilin;.., iiliji'il ii|.|.i'ur^ ti. liiivi' li.i'ii wi'll iiic.iiiipli>li<..l. At till' liiiil..ini- iiri. l...' Itt.. liiii' i'11', tl I wiu'.l l.v till' llnih.l Tiiiiik Hiiilwuv, wlioi' iiii.l l.iiki' lliuuii .livlKi.iii liiH ii ti'iiniiiiiH lii'ic, Hilh a '•I'lriim' rilpiuitV .if lim,U(lll l.ll.lli'U ; tilt' .itlli'f .iwiii'.l liV (I^IImi' .V. IllltillUuli, with 11 Va|iiii'ity uf 17.'i,()(«l IhhIicU. Tliin lattci i- ..wiii'.l in .'..iiin rti..ii with ..111' iif till' linust tliiiiriiiK iiiilN in tlii' l'i-.n iiii.'. It i-. "iiiiplicl witli trii nm ..f -ti.iii-M, aii.l liai a Kiiii.liii|{ .ii|iiiiitv ..f Inn Inri'il- pi'i I iliiy. Till' iiKitivi.' jiiiwi'i' in Ktcaiii, uii.l tlir " cxI'iumI" hIi'iiiii iH iitili/ril i 1.1 |.r.)(liirc till' I'Viiiiiiiati.iii iif liiiiii- |iiiiii|ii'.l li.iiii t«-.i ('n\ erii's aiiiplv i'i,''.l his wi'll-iliniti'il I'Ifnrts ; fnr at a ili'pth of !m;i) IVi't from tlio siirlaitt 111' i'm'.iiinti'ri"l, imt nil, the ohji-.t ..f his -.-ari'li. Inil a siiliffrmis r.iik nf a ralhi'r suit ti'Ntiiii', into wliiih hu Imri'il a ilistaiici' of nixty I'i'i't. thu-' i.impli^tiny tlu' niii-' thniisanil fi'i't, anil sei'uriii;; the linnus ahovo nii'titinni'il. As soon as the lionaii/ii wasstrn.'k. the ^'I'lithnnn who. only a short time previiuis, refnseil In further prosueiite the enterprise, iiianifesteil :in iirileiil ilesire to pay n]i their sto.'k ami prmieil with the nianiifaotnre of sail. Tills Mr. I'lalt ullowoil llieiii In iln. ami the .'..iiipany was 'lii'ie.'il't.r known as tieoi'ne Uiinihall A I 'o. Th.- .apital iiii'rea.'ieil I'tniii ten In hinrteen thoiisanil ilnllars, ami they eninnienei'il iiiimpin;,' in •(I'pteinlier, IHIIIi. In the nicantiine, a sample of the Inin.' hail lieeii Innvarileil In I'rnf. lliint,of Montreal, to he analy/eil. His re]iort savs : •' The liriiii' te-l.'il Has olitaineil on the '.Mill of .\nt;ust, IKiKI ; its specitie " ;,T.ivitv was Iniiml to he 1 Mtt, eipial tn 1(1(1 ile.jree.s salonieter." '1 his repnit was hi,i;hly eiirnnraj;in>,', as it emimilie.l the aililitinnal lai't that the lirine wii~ almost entirely free from th.' mihsiames of oy|i»iim, ehloriile of .■.•il.'iiim ami ehloriilu of inai;nesiiiin, wlii.'li taints ih,' |iiiritv anil r.'ianls ihi' niaiiiifai'tiir.' of -.all in many loi'.iHiies. In f.u't, l.oili I'l.if. Hunt ami I'r.if. (Ineniiian of ,Syra.u.-e,' wh.. viileil the w.uks, prononmeil the ('rieli lirin.' to he " themimt conoentrat(?(l " pii.>sihh*, ami the jnirest known." Kiiiuhall \ I'll, iinine.liiit.'ly con.slru.te.l two "liloeks'' i<( :,•> kettles lai h. the eapai ity nf the kettles ransiiij,' from \M to Un i;alloiis, Kivim; Ihi'iii a .apaeity of ahnnt liKi harrels of salt |ier ilay. At the eml of six nionlhs' operaliiiiis they ileclareil a iliviilen.l of i.j p.r eeut.. ami six months later this was supplonieiiteil hy a further ilivi.leinl of HI! per lent., niakiii',' a . lear profit of ,")1 per .e'lit. the lirsl year, in spit.' of th.' niaiiy in. i.lentiil expenses lU'isino from a first attemjit at startiui; an entirely new lui-iness. The priee ohtaine.l for the sail at this tinie'ivas 81. -25 per harrel at the works. This company s,j,ii, iliseanle.l the "kettle" hir the English nr "pan" .system of hnilint;. "U which system all hliK'ks siiliseiineiitly erecteil were eoniliiete.l. As mi^iht he exp'cctiul, the siiwess of the pioneer well iniluceii the spc'iU' eniistiiictioii of other liliK'ks anil sinkiii;,' of other wells, ami iluriii;,' the next summer the valley of the Maitlaml was ilotteil with ilerrieks from aliove the hriil>;o nearly to its mouth. From this time forw.inl the interest of Uoilerich assumeil i;ii;antie proportions; ami ahont the year l,S7-2 the foll.iH'ini! hloeks, with the cniimerateil eapacitv in liarrelsper ilav, were ill full hiast, viz.: The " Goilerich," idll harrels per ilav (this was the ]iiiiiieer well) ; " .Maitlaml," 100 ; " Prince," lOJ ; " Victoria," 100 • '• Huron," mil ; •' Dominion," 200 ; " Ontario," l.'iO ; " Teeumsel'i," l,jO • " llawlev'.s." silnateil near Ogilvie's mill, as liefore nieiitioneil', 200 • " Inniskillcn," 2tK) ; " International," (UK) ; ami Piatt's, l.-.o. Mr. Piatt hail meanwhile severeil his connection with the " (ioileri.'h ' well, anil constrmteil works of his own. Ahout this time a very hrisk competition spruni.^ np hetweeii the inanul'actHrus of (Imleri'li ami those of .Seaforth anil Clinton, at which latter places fully as jjooil hriiie hail heeii ilis- covereil : and it was I'oiinil that, owini; to the cheaper price of fuel at these latter places, they coul 1 siipplv the limited ilemand in Canada at a lower price than their Ooderich compeiilors, a discoverv which rellecteil most injuriously on the (.lodorich works, ami in cons'eo.ience of which many of them were compelled to susiiend oiieralions At the present time there are only four of tde twelve lio.l.'rich works ill npemtion, as loUows : Piatt's, making 150 harrels per dav half of which is cominoii and half dairy salt ; " Tecnniseli," owned liv A, 7.-1 harrels ; " Hawley's," 200 harrels ; and the " Internatiimal " 4(HI harrels. These last mentioned works deserve more than a passim, notice. They are operated hy Mr. Peter McKwen, an.l their capacity ol (iOO harrels per day is the greatest of any salt works in Camulil. Situated on the bank of the kko, about a luilo ..fouth of the harbour at ft plaie where a deep ravine niini down to tho lake, the riuinn it iilili/id tlin.ii).'h tn run a lallma.l .u irnmwav down In lli.' wharf owiie.l hy .Mr. .M.'Kttill ; ami here, win ll llie like i- illllll, lar.;e ve..i|, are loaih'.l with the -nil fmm tlie-e wniks. wliii li, in I'limiiinii unh i|ip greater part nf (hi.|en.'li biiIi, liiuls its .'liiel nulhl 111 (Mill. H'o luiil .\1||. wailkie, sin.'e heillg >lillt nlf fmill tl a-telll mirkets hy the plmliK't .if the S.'ahirtll an.l Clinlnll wells. The well nf rhe-e Woikl I- oV.'r l,:iii(i leet deep, li,iviii« p.iiei hiiid the lii-l layer of -all at a diplli ofiiliout l,0.'iO feet, aft, r which almiit l(K) l.-el of limi'-lnm' 1 .iii,,,, was eneniinlereil helme rem hill;,' the s,.,.,,ml layer of s.ilif.inii. r." k. tln' lliiekness of which is at present iindeteriiiine.l. f.'onn.-. led with tln' " liilermilional " are Iniir "pans," nf ..'..ill 1 In X Iln leil, and ii^lili'in in.'hi's ile.'p ; hut niily three of Ihe-e ale ill op.'iali III it pre-i'iil. \li in twenty cords nf w i an- ii-."l e.i.h Iweiitv-lniir Imiirs, .iii.l .i I .o .■ ,,t thirty inen empliye.l. .\ll llie other " Mocks" in town, with tli.' ll ex.iepti.iiis above nanieil, iiru now in disiise ; and while in. my of ili>.|ii are jjoiiig to ruin, their smokeless chinineya stall. I ii- iiioioiiiieiit- .1 ilepaitei pro-perily. Apirt from the salt works, tlodericli can boast of luit li.w iiriiinr.i... lories; the priinipal ..f which i- the fniin.lry ninl maeliin.' sli.ip i,| Hiin.'imaii iV Co. on Kast .Sireol, wln'ie steam eie.'iiies, a',{ri' iilliiml implements, and other arli'les imlileiit t" th.' trii.l.', are iiriiiuracliinil. There are also flue .arriane fa.'tnries, pl.inin'.; iiiilU, ^isli. il'inr .iii'l hliliil factories, an.l » lar^e niimher ..f Idack-milh and nthiT iin'cli.ini.,il shops nf lesser illlpnl'talieu. The ediii'atinmd interest receives the att.'nlinii tn whi.'li it- aiice entiili's it, Ihe town beim.' well snpiilie.l with sell.... I liiiililiii:,^ of tt superior oilier, the Hin|i .'scliiiol on Waterloo Streel bi'iiii,' ,i .|ic. eiiilly hue one. l''or sum.' years pist the rate of pioiiiiUinu fmiii tin ('eiit'ral to the Hii^h .• has been the highest of any town in diil.ui.j .All ellieiellt Kil'e Ih'iija.le of tell p.ii.l lilelil.'ll anol'ils -ullici.iit |ilii. ii'jaiiist the .levoiiiiiii; ehimiit. Tli.'V are suppli,..| willi a " .Silsby " steam emjiiie, and other eipiipiiieiits ..f ,i .pi.ility. The liii.iiicial status of (lodeiiih may be at least parti. illy det riiiiiitil from the hlllllwill^' : Tln'ir liabilities are .^lll.lliiO. iiiclu.llm,' llii'ir .l.'bt to the .Municipal Kiimi ; s.mie.if tin- priin i|ial ileiii- ..f; .ireS.'i,."i(illof Hi),'li School Uebeiitiiri's, to malnie in ten fniihtlicir .late, ami the |iayiiieiit nf a -inkiii>; I'liml ..f f^Jilll i- i-tal • lishi"! ; ;?(i,(HiOof I'lirk Dibentnn.s. in maluie in Iw.nH y.-.n-. tn imi'i ! which a *I(MI sinkino fund is prnvi.le.l, ami .*l,J0ii ..f li...i.l liiipi-..v,.. I lueiit llebeiitiires. The assets consist nl the sihonl luiil.liii;,'-. park .unl I lire apparatus. j The ass.'s>e.l of till' lowii is Sl.l 1 l.iil.'i. The anininit ul j taxes cnlle.'teil in liT-* was §111, -J:;.!.."!!!, which re.piire.l a rate "f Ij ! cents to be levieil. The puimhilinn is l.iill:!. Imlications lead to the b.'lief that -piiiliial matters are Hell alteii.|i..| t.i, for there are chnrches of all I'lulesl.inl .leiioMiiiiati.nis a- well a* I'lie Uoiiian (.'atliolie church, the most inipo«iiii,' slruetiire of the kind heiii,' that rece'llly ere.leil by the Presbvterians. Tlle|ire-s has two able le|.li- selllative- here, the ohie-t of which, the //h.'.hi .S'eoi.l/, n.l- e.slal.ll-lie.l ill IMS by llnii. M.ih.ilm Cimeron.iiinl is al pies.iil In .M.— 1». Allen iV (iissiiin, iiiidertln' name ol the " .'[asoiis, the oiliest of ilo'se biiii.,- " (ioderich ' X.I. :i:!. till' other ".\lnit- land" No. 11:1. " Huron " Chapter No. :)n, H.ival Mii-ons, i- al-i located here. ( lihUellow-hip is represented by '• lliir.ur' l.mliie .Si. (J'.'; and "Unroll" Kncamiinienl No. is, I.d.o'.;.'. There are al- . -J"' 'i l.i.ljl.'sof the I.ll.ti.T. ..,11.1 S. .if T., and III.- lim-T.iiip.iaiK.. Ilail'.i North .Sireet is the j.iiiit pro)ii'rty nf tlie-e Iw.i bu.lns. Tin ii-nii iinmlier of (lran;;e an.l V.nino Hrilon l.i.lges Iniin.l in ..f \ikf ■!/.■ may als.i be re.k.iiied aiimiig the i loiUri.'ii Ir.iternilies. This is likewis.' th,' he.i.l.piailers of ili.' :i:!iii ■■ lliimii " R.'.'iiiieiit ol Infantry, the fnllnwino beiii^- ils .-lalf : l.i. Alex. .M. Uoss, .M.IM'. ; MaioVs. 'riniothv T. Coleman and \V. W. Ciin.'r: .•Vdinlaiit. Henry Cooke (.M ; (,l'ii.u'ti'riiia~ti'r, I' .lonli.n Cipt.). ; Surgeon, Will. , I. H. Holmes. M.I). This re-inniit is. ip I ..f ili. f.ill.iwim^'coiiipanie-, vi/, : X.i. o. Win-ham ; No. :!, ; N". I. Cliiiloii ; No. ."i, Unissela ; X„. ,;, V,\,.\x'v ; No. 7, Porter's llii! ; No, >. (iorrie ; No. 0, Ounoaiinon. The oriL-inal No. 1 company was "i. 'tie i/.ed in 1H(I2 by Col. Ko,s. and wa- some Mars sine eniivi'rli'.l iiiM i battery of (Jarrison Artillery, with'ait.'is at (biii.'ri. h. The sitnatiim and plan of (io.lerich are exceo.liii','ly pl.'a-;int aiil cnnvi'iii.'nt. In the centre of the town is located a piibli.' ploi nf nct.e j;onal form, iiiel in its centre the ('.unity Cniu'', .i'.' aui liand-.iine stniie .-.lilioe, is locat.'.l. I'miii this octagon streets i.iliA!.' towai'.ls the eiolit principal i>oiiits .if the compass. It is surrnuudcl 1" a br.iad and hamlsome uveiiue, .me-thii'.l of a mile in extent, "ii liii' exterior si.l,' ,if whi.'li are situated the principal busine-s .m : hotels of the town. The b,.aiity of th.' ciiitre of (i.i.leri. h is inalcr: i!l,v marred hy a very iiif.'rior m.irk.t biiil.lino, whi.'h simd, nn 111.' ii'iil^ west part of the octaj;.in. The -alubrity of ils dinial.', caiplr I "■'!. ' the eh, 'ap rates of living at the superior h.iti'ls of the t.ovii, .uel lie' healthfiil ell'ects of excursions .m Lake llur.m. has w.m for (huliiii'li ipiite a reputation as a summer resort. In re,'ar.l to the commercial importain'o of th.' town, it i- l» ii • means eipial to that of many smaller pl.iccs less favicu'ibly s,tu ue 1 -- • graphically, the amount of Cust.ims .luiies .'olleci.'.l at tins port iii l-" beiii',' hut S'i.iM:!.!),-*, and llie expense of colleiiiiiL; this aiu" m: » ■■ l?l,7!).">."if ; as a;jiiiist .*7,101.lili collecli'.l at fi.ilt. .sili>.;ll'.1.:il i: A':' herstbnrg, !*J;i,'2iS.;!!l at Chatham. .*:;:!. I,"i7.."i I at .Sirni.i. in.l ?t:il.' :i "- at Str.itlor.l ; the pnipurli'iiiat.' .nst .if e dl.'oiin.,' llo' .lulie- at C : being gre.iter than at any of the .ither ports nieiilioin' I. There is a cousi.lerable lack of piibli.' enterprise here ; in su].; :' 1 which statement we woul.l .ih.serve, ihat thoiis;li the town be. ii m '•■ tiorated for almost thirty years, they have iiecr as y.'l i-i'eote 1 i i"'>ie liall, nor, indeed, is there any pulilic hall worth the name in th.' i '"':! It is also worthy of remark that there is not, nor has 'here ev,-: '' .ii. liny gas w.irks in lln.lerich.anil in .'onse [ueiice ill.' str,.e|s aiel l.iiMni-s are still lighle.l with, coal oil. In short, eveiylhiiig aliout the I""" points to the belief that not only the earlv but tli.' pr.'seiil l.''Ii i I'l '^i of (Judorich were and are a decid".lly c.nis.'rva'ive class ,.1 pe.iple : ml i if its present aspect is ever t.i be' that of pro-pi'i-eii' activit.v, we must look to the enterprise of the rising generation to etfcit the transformation. COIN l\ or liURON— c (} TOWN OP CLINTON riu' ;;iv"„'rii|'hii'iil ["■■•ilii.ii iif t'htilnli wmilil »i'oiii In liini' irmiri'd lur It, ti-i.iM tli>' vi'iy lift. Ill III! i'Vfiit« it li.''iil ii«riiilani\. I.c^iuli'^l nt till' jiiiii'ih.ii ..I llii' l,oii.|i.ii iiii'l llnr..ii U.iiuIh 111.' imhI. iiii.l «mII till' oliiil liijliiviiyi wliuli iMvriHi «liiii «ii« iiiu'i' tlu' lliiv.Mi l)il'\ IIMU ('t'111llu till' I'' Mini \ "I II ii'.'ti, n-'ilnii'j ^rnii" li » miiht;. '*■• taru^ uniu'imutx nt ifi'u- Ki'iil'liinil |i.i.iitinii H,i« I'Miii.-nii'il, III I'lmiii'i' iilmi ,'i I'li'ili'iiiiiiiiii' I' ill CiiliillU'l'I'lllI l'olhlll|.il|». V.I fnril M'l'V I .lllf llllll' llfll'l till' lil»l Hl'llll'- IIU'llI iif llu' .llilliit, 111. ..|i|. nci'illl'il I.. IlilM ln'i'll llltl'ili'li'.l !■> till' a.lviiiilau'.'H ..ll.'i'.'iii.iii «li.,li 111.. |.liii il'i'ii'il . uii.l II «ii« li'fl t.^ lliil 111. .'I. Til I'u ili/i'i', ih.' r.iihv u , I.I III iiijiiraii,' :i n -w iti hi ih |ir..uii''.i, wlii.'li lum'l..|.i.l l'liiit..ii niiii'i' ilii'ii ml. I :i I1I..HI ll.'iiii-liiiiv! iiii'l I'l"- ■ |ii'r..iH I..HII, ppiiiinihi; III 11.1 .li«liiiit ihu l.p l.rnniii' i.iHn.f lla. Ii'ii.liiii,' ci'iilrc'!i..f '.'I'lirnil> III Wi'sti'i'ii (iiiiaiiii, im it iilri'inlv i« iiiii..iii; llii. chut' |...iiila..f l..i'!il I'liiniiiii'i'.' Till' livit ll'llllTM ttillllll llll' I'llHl'lll lllllitA ..!' the |..\vii woi'u .Iniuw Ciil.l.iii^,'», i'r..iii T..i'..iii.. r..wii»liip ill llll' (.'I'liiily ..f IVi'l, iiii.l IVti'V «nil Sii'|.lii'M''i;, fr.'iii V..iim' Strnl, Imi-k ..f T..r..iil.>. Mr. (iiM.iiH.-H li'tt 'r..r..iit.. Ill till' 111..11II1 ..f .Iiiiii., |s;i|. cluing l.v w.iIit t.. 0...liiuli. ,'111.1 ..III III.' II. 11'.. II II. .,'1.1 t.. Its jiiiii'li..!! mill till' |.r.i|..isi'il L..11.I..11 It. .11.1, mIh.Ii h.i.l II.. I yi't l.i'ili ..|.i''lii'.l ; .iii.l ill fail llii' lliirnll R.i,'i.l,fi'..iii li...|i'nili. ill, \\i\t .mly I'll .|.|.i'.l ..111, nil. I ill iiiiiny plui'i's ii..t yi't l.iim'i'.l ii|.. llll' Viui.l.'i'l.iir^'i I'aiiii' llii'"iii,'li l.y liiii.l. arriviii),' nt llll' aaiiii' liiiii' 111 Mr. liiMniiua. »Ii..hi'||1,'.I ..n I,i.i L'll, llun.ii Itnii.l, Ti.«ii«lii|. ..f lliilli'it , hIiiIi' IVi.i' I'liiii'i,' »i'tlli'.l ..11 till' i'..nii'i' li.l ..f Tu.'kii'.iiiiili. all. I liu l.i'..tli.'r Si. |. llll tin' 1'nili -iili'. t'lHI ..|.i...siti'. IViii' \ .111. li'i 1,1111; l.iiilt a I..1;', ..!• >lmiitj, wliii'h ,u iisi'ii f..i' a tavirii, ilii' lifit iiiiy» liiii' wiiliiii many iiiili'M. AfliT ii'iiR- vi'ars ..111' ..f till''il.iiri;-ii|ii'.l, an. I llii' ..iln'i' iii..H'.l iiwiiy t.i till' I iiiti'.l Si.ii.'i, lii'iiii,'»iii'.i'.'.li'.l l.y a man naiiii'il Iti'.i.l, i'..iiiiiii.iily kii..\vii ai •' \ aiilni' Iti'a.l." win. lu'i.l' tlir laM'i'ii an. I aU.. a sl.iri' fimii that timi' till William Italti'iil.iiry l...iii;lit liini ..iit, uii.l l..calcil ut llic llllll'" in l.>*14. I.. .111; i.i'i'vi..iist..tlii,siiiui'tlii!i'..niiti'y.siiiT..iiii.liiii; " Vttiiilfrliiirx'ii" hail lii'o.iiiL. t..|i'ralily w.ll .si'ttl.'il t.i tlio ii..i'lli ..n the " hani'-liin' "), til till' si.iitli 1.11 thi''l,i.ii.l..ii li..a.l. anil In lliu ii..rtli-w.«t ami si.iith- ea-.! ..II llll' lliir..ii l!..a.l : l.iii th.' inim.-.liati' in'ii;lii.. .iirl I ..f "Tlii' ('..MliTs" |'il 11. .t a Hinu'li' ml i'\i'i'pt tli.-si' liii'iiti..iii'.l ah.ivi', nil'.(iii'nt 1.. Mr. Ualti'iii.iii'y m a.Ui'iit. This iit'iitli'iiian. wli.. wai it'ally till' f..iinili'i' ..f ihu t..\vii. in a ii.itivi' ..f Di'v..inliii'f. Enu'laii'l, iviii'iii'i' III' cam.* t.. I.' in I.SIU, aii.l i..thi' lliii'..ii I'l.slrii-t ill l--:Ci. Ill' lir.Ht ai'ttli'.l ..11 L..t 4-2. I...n.|..ii K'.a.l .Siirvi'V, TinkiT- »iiiilh. ttli.'iii'ii 111' »'.|Ui'iilly ri''.l 1.. Ii...l.', hIiiti' hi' lin'.l fur i'i;.'hl yearn, ni.ivim; t.i the pieseiil site i.f L'liiil..ii 111 May, l''4.l. He wa.i a l.laiksmiih i.y trii.le. ami ha.l l.e.'ii W'.rkiiii; .lii.'lly f..r the Caiia.lii r..iii{.aiiy since his sittU'iiieiii in the ]|iir..ti ilistrict, .luring which lime he lia.l heli'd I.. I.iiil.l 111. .st ..1 llieir mills, wharves, Hl.'l't's, iVc. at \ari..ils ]...iiits. I{i'ci..^liizin,L,' the a.lvaiitai,'i'..iiH [...sitinii i.f ■• \'aii'lerl.iir',-"s," he [.iirchase.l ..11 llir.'e ..t till' |..iir ciniers wh.'i'.' the till. r..a.l' .r.isse.l, aii-l lai.l ..ill a village us early as I.H,"»,'>, which h.' callel I 'i.iST'.N, ill li..ii..iir ..f Lieiii.-i i.' l...r.l riiiit..ii. up. .11 hIl.s.' estate in lleviiiishirc his laiher a !a^^'e tenant farmer. S....11 after this settlers heiiaii t.. c'liie in anil l.iiy h.ts fr..iii him. .Viii'. 111; 111.' lirst Were U.-irtlev I*a\in.a Macksiiiilh, aii.l ..iie lle/u'ins, a slii.ciii.iker. lie... Palmer was then liviiu' ..11 the smith -i.le nf the II III'. ..I K'.a.l,jilst..iiti''.-!y kept at llieharil Twaiie.s',a...nsi.ler;il'l.' .li-taiic up th.- Hiirnii Una. I, .\s early as !«:):!, H.nry Itaiisfnr.l (imw in Kiii/lainl), whnse sniis 11.. w carry nn the '• .'^taplotnii Salt \V..rks," settleil ..n the next hit t.. tile I'.irner nf Tiiikersmitli. He tn..k up si vcial tlinii.saiiils nf acre- ..f laii.l fr.itii tliei..' t'.impany, ami was fnr many years a very a.'live III, in in the enii.luet nf private Inisiness enterprises teniliim in ileveinj. th.' pr ispurity nf the pi. ice, as well as l .'iiiLj laru'ely i.lentitieil with the iiiaiia..ieineiit nf inihlic Incal iilTiiirs. -Malenlni McTujik'"'' was als.i an early settler, an.l ..lie tn wlmni the t.iwii nwes it very lai'(,'e share ..f its early ilevelnpmeiit ; in fact. ]tre\inii- tn his a.lvent, the pr.imi,',e 'if a siicues-fiil intnre in stnre f..r 1 'lintmi seemcil it wihl prnph.'cy. He eslahlishe.l an e.Meiisite laiiiiiii;,'-niill factory, which j,'ave .'nipl.iynient In a lai'L(e niimlicr nf nieii. 'i'his cslahlisliment con- tiniii'.l tn ;;r.iw ami ilivclnp, an.l .tt the same liiiiu tn a.lil to the growth ami .l.'V.'li.pni.iit nf l.'liiitnn. It is imw . ..nsi.lere.l .'iie nf the largest aii'i li.'st .'Mts nf the .lescriptinii in the cniintry. Till' null limit l>y llic liance limthers was the tirst inthe iieiKhhoiir- hon.l, the n.'arcst previ.iiisly luniij^at l'','iiinii.lvillc. the next nearest at lioHs, near the s.. nth boiimlary of Tiickersmilh .111 the Lniulon RoinI,iuuI the next at Linilerich. Tlii-. latter was nfteii the one the pcopio here- alt..iitH Were ,.|.lii;eil In p,, nil ai'cniinl nf n.cas al nr failures nf the li.lter supply al the nlher plllcen. The lirsl Hinre in the plme was kepi liv " Viinkeu llea.l " I'l the a. U llll ..f Ml. Hall, iil.iiry, .111.1 the ni'M hy the Kane Willi.'im{» Hiis lilt, lirsl niale .hil.l I... in m tl. lh..lH,'ll ihcr.' ll.l.l pl-.-MnUsjl lieell ,1 i>irl 111 each nt the I'liri; l.imilit's Mi-. 'I..nas I;- is n..u Ih.- ..hlest Iuiiil: III riinlnii ..1 Mciniiy. liir li.isliaml, » Im Has Its pmne. r sell ..II the nl.l hnmesiea.l s..nie seten yeiiis since, after a l.iisy ai. life, inll.hnl ulilcll n lis tlei nttil In'tl.e llllpriitellienl an.l .let. .if his a.l..pti'.l tiilai;.' U'e lin.l his .i.iine inteiy nian> place ii.'cte.l ttilh |. "Sill.. lis.. I liniiniiraml Iriinl, while Illllklll^'..v.'r 1 1 rcc-nls ..f the niiinii'ipalilt . .\ii..lher tery i.M seltler was .Inhn (inr.lnii, wlm, with Ins killeil in a ritilway iicci.lent while .,11 a visit In in ih. Mtittes, leaviint an a.l..pi.'.l .I'linihlei, now the wife nf Wm. I I'linlnii, one nf the largest prniliice an.l ciiiiniissinn iiierchan ciintry. The lirsl ivhn ever lau^'ht the yniiiij! i.lca was a Mr. Kstiii. lishmiiii, wli-t settle. I nn a farm al ni', 11. .w ll..liiii'-t nse.l I., walk fl'.. Ill there l..iitlen.l l.i Ins .hilly .llllies, I li. ii..use ere le.l f..r 111.' tr.iiiiiiii; nf the vniith iin.ier .Mi. Ksiin'- li..ii si I near the present site ..f the Kimiish I'hnrch erect.'.l aliniit I'-*!'.', the year nf the passage nf the liisl " Sell. hy the I.c'islatiire nf Ipper ranaila It st 1 i.lle niiicli ..f 1 fnr the lirst feiv years f..r Hani nf a li'.i. her, ..r h.iiiI ..f niniic\ ..lie. It was als.i iis.'.l as a " iii.'t'liin.' h"iise," the lirsl wlm a scrmnii lle'iein. ..r prnliahly 111 the hIi..!.' villaije. Iieim; • laiiies. a Hihlu t'hristian minister. Penple t(.il ni'irrie.l, h liefnre there tvere any ministers in perr.irm that iiiterctint; i The lirst event ..f tlie kiii.l whi.'li tram.pir.'.l 111 lliis neiiihl.' was the wi'.l.tiin,' ..f ,l..liii Kr.'ciiian an.l a .Mi-s Harris, w h. shnrt ilislance ..111 ihe Ilumii It. .a.l. I l.i.lericli Imlli nf families wlm tvere amnniist thetiry earliest -dth rs in the iie liiinil. The rite was perfnriiie.l at li.i.lerich, liy .Mr. I'rinr, the l-'ninpiiny's atreiil. 111 his .apaciiy as mawislrale. The lirst ch.iich. l.uilt specially as such, was cre.'tc.l near I as the nl.l sell.. Ill alinve liielili..lie.l. .\fler it lliel lu'eli p cniiipl.'lt'.l, a .li^piii.' ar...i' as t,. tin- title I.f the laii.l. ami it st many yearn in an nntinishe.l e..n'liiinii. lliiriiii; this Inn tvere w.'iit In I... hel.l 111 it ill the siimm.r seas.ui, an.l the lirst rcli^'iniis services therein was Kev. .Mr. r...iper, an l')pis. niinister, wh.. settle. 1 s..iiie tw.i miles sniilh nf "The I'. 'fliers. Lull. Inn Unail, ill Stanley, ami f..ll.i,vi'.i fariniin^ as an nee liatim,' exchaiii;i'.l the sacer.l.ital rnlte in Kiiulan.l fnr the axe H'.a.l ill the liackw.,..i|s ..f the lliir..ii District. With the liuil.liliL.' ..f ih.' Ihlll'.il.i ami l.ik.' Kailw: sil.'h a rapi.l increase in the p..piilal mil nf I'liiit.iii, thai stej taken 1.1 iii.'..rp.iriitc it .is a t illjc'e m 1 **."i7. ami .ilitlie 1st ,1; l.'*'.'^. It l,i'.:iiiii' a s.'par.tle iniiniclpalily. We ^'ive e\Ir,icts tr iiiiniites nf the lust m.'etini.' nf tilt; villa..;e t.'niincil liel.iw. '•The Ueliiriiint: ntlicer jiresente.l the p..ll-! k use. I '* iiiiinici|ial I'lectiiiii, hel.l ..11 the 4lli an.l .'ith nf the current •■wiih a c.'rtili.'ati' ami -\v..rn statement there.. 11. fr..iii w " appear.'. I tllilt .L.seph Whit. 'Ilea. I. (;e Killtnll. .Sa.iiuel "William It.iweli, anil .I.iiias (iil.liini;s ha.l Iteen elecle.l. am " u'cntlemeii licini; present, recnr.le.l their nalhs ami .[iiaiilicat *'nlli.'c, tvlieii it was " Mnveil l.y S.iiniiel II. Italic, secui.leil by lienri,'.' Knit.. " ..Willi; t.i the .leep int. 'rest l.tkeii l.y .Inseph Whiteliea.l in I " fare ami pi..spi'i'ily ..f t'iinlnn. Ihis iiieeiiiii; is nf .ipini..ii 1 " is the lit ami pi. .per pt'rs..ii tn its inlerests ; " flire /I'l .>')/.■' '/.that he lie Kceve fnr the .'urreiit year ; tvliich run "was Carrie. I, ami th.* I'niincil it.lj.niriieil fnr half .m Imiir in "the Itecve tn lie* sw.irii in." -\t this iiieeliiii; Tlinmas Sl.*ven8iiii tvas appiiinteil Clerk ; I I'inslev ami H. .1. .Mi.|.liiii'_'h, Assess* .rs ; D. S. Dnini, I'.. I .Malclni .McTaii-ari . Treasiii-'r ; Win. It. .well, .r.iliii W. Kei Will, ('.tales, l.i.'cn-e Inspect.. rs ; Dinsley an.l Th. .as iiier, Iii-pec|..rnf IIii,'liwavs. We liii.l tin* fnllnwini; r.*. ..i.l : " M..vt*.l l.y Samuel Uan.-c, mle.l l*y li.*..r^;e Full tl "Cli'rk lie anthnnzi*.! t.. rent a Inwii-hall fnr tin* use ..f this (J "all. I f..r a I '..urt-r.t.ini ; rent ii..t tn e.v.ei'il ^li per aiiinnn annllier resnliHinli. the salary nf the (.'lerk tvas lixe.l at £:< ; the Assess.>rs at .i';l ea.'li ; ami the Cnllclnrs, 1".'. The win, trast ttetwien the then c*. 11. Iili. .11 nf the place ami ils preseiil may l.e tairly jil.iu.f.l fi'nm a previnlls perusal nf the a!...ti' res ami snlise.pmnt iiispeclinii nt the really tin.* l..tvii-hail. luiili 111 acn-t nf !s| l.iioii. It is a iai'_'e ami hamls.inu* l.rick strti.'tiire nf 1 ilesi'411, ami cnlil.tiiis the I'liMic Mall. I'.inlicil rlian.lier, stea l*!ii;,'iiie-liniist*. Mechanics' Instil. iti* Lil.r.irt , an.l vaii.iiis pnl private iitlices. Tn rcvirl tn the iiiiiiiiei|.al hist. try. We lin.l that ,*ph Wh: was Ueeve Ity re-eleciinn ill l*"-.*"i',l. ami li.'..i'i:.* Hrnwii 111 LSlii which Mr. Whiteheail tvas again retiiriic.l t.i the jmsiiinn, ai tiiiiieil therein fnr each siicceeiliinj; y.*ar up In anil iiii*lii.liiii^ liciii,; the lirst Kecv.- electeil Ity the pn| vnte, William \ Farrali, Ihe pr.*-.*nt Divismn I'.iiirt I 'lerk, tvas then elecle.l Keeveship, retaining tin* pesitinii frniii IHil'- t.. lH7:i, inclusive siK'cee.ic.l in turn l.y lt..lii*rt ' '.lilemler. wlm hehl the p.isitinii years, ami was chnseii the lirst .Maynr. ..n iiic.trp.iratinii, m I,*<7 The lull li-t 11! I 'niincillnis f.ii' the lirst year nf iiicnrpi.rali* tnwii incln.le.l Mcsis. ilartnn, Chi. lilt . I '..ales, Dnan, lnviii..litl M.TJ'.nahl. Searlc, Sheppanl ami Sin'ith. of the almve. Mr. I was electeil Keevi- f"l' that year. The Maynrs ami lieeves Inr the several years siicoee.ling inc. as a tntvn tvere : I.H7li. .\. .S. F.-her ami .Inseph Chi.llev ; 1 an.l .l..s.'|.h Chi.ll.y ; IST.S. .V. C. Searlc. . I. ise'pli ( anil D. II. .Mcli/les, llie Inwn li.iiig entitle.l this year t.t a I Ueeve ; an.l the year l'-71l. the same gentlemen till the pnsi Maynr, Keeve ami Deputy ; the ..Ihcr nieiiiliers nf the C-niinci Messrs, Caiilelnii, Cnrheti, Krtviii, Fnriester, (ila-gntv, (iihbings, .Mniitcastle, M.i.ii.*, .slicppar.l, .Sievensnii and Tnrnbull. .Mr. the Village Clerk, was re-appninlcl. .Mr. Nelles having resigiie.l the Clerkship, .Tnlin Calleiuler t poilite.l tn the pnsiti.tii. being setecte.l Ir.tiii a large llinnbcr nf cants. The Treasurer fnr this year is Niclmlas Itnbs.ui ; Aa^ Hugh Sentt, Fcr.liiiai'.l Whiting ;, W. ,1. I'aislcy ; An U. M. Iia.*i*y,'In.i, .Mcliarva: l.'hief t.'niistable ami liispectnntf Li W, J, I'aislcy; Chief Kiigiiieer, Fire lirigaile, Ilumii Sgutt ; i keeper, Hell-ringer ami Caretaker, John Wlieatley. 1 I li RON — CoNTINUKD. VII. miii/it. fin nivntitit iif iH-oniiohitl nr trt'tpii'iit ly al llii- ."tlirr |i|uivn, iliin- w.ii kf|it liv •' Naiikt'i' Hcii"! " |«ri'\iMiis iriiMin . iii'l till' uc\l liy tin- Itum.-!- lU-itlu'V-* -« llh' tii-'4t iii;il(< I hiltl l*«>th III till' I'liU't'. u^\\ Iti'i-ii n in\\ Ixirii til citcli ut' (III* \ uihli-i' i4(i|lilt|||i.'« 14 imVV (lir nhliMt llvniU K'Hhlrht 111- It 111) in ml, rt li'i uaH iI-* i'i"iic. r Hctllci . tlifi I' Mi'icti W'ltlH Milii'i', iiilrr li lillsy iiihl iHcfill -• oil i| (•< t l.r l1ll|>l'M\('MU-tlt III hi pliU'lM, IIM I'll iiltll'|.tt y LT WUH .l'>)|ti (inl'iluli, tvlh', Witll IllH VVlfl'. »aH lit whili' "Ml a vihK to trii'inli iii tlu' I iiitnl I 'l.uc'lili'i, ii'tu tlif wit't' of Will, rirnii "i 4l )MiU('ii Voiitli liml'iT .Ml. KHtlti'n IDHtVlli.'- 4Uiit Hiiu uf tltu Kii^lifth <'li)UTh. It wiis i'nr nf till' imsmiK't' "f lln' t'lint *' Si'ln'ol Art " ■t-r ('aitaila It M I idle* iimuIl of tliu tiiin* ■ Haiit of ;i tc;u 'iff. of \v,iii» of iiimu-y to imy a " iiu'ftiiiu' Ii"iHt'," till' tii'Ht who jirLMrlii'tl Itably in tin* wliok- villak;u, lifUii; Kev. Mr, I iuiiii!*li!r. IVoplf i(ot inarru'ti, Imwfvor, iiisUiH lopcrtonii tliat inti'rf,.tniu' riTi-niony. nriiH>-i iit (io'li-ni-li. liy Mr. Prior, tliu I'lUiiKla jipat'ity aM niiiks'istratL'. spfcijilly HH Hueli. wan i-ri'i'tt-.l noiir tho ttami' tve iiit'titioiti'd. After it liauriii.,' thin time services t in tlie snniim-f season, and thi' tirst to hold 11 was Itev. Mr. t' .op, nil Kpiscopiiliiin ■ -•-■■ ■■ i---. I — I le two miles south of "The t'tTiiura,"" i'H thv ■y, and fojlorted farniiin^ us an neenpati<>»i, I'ldotal folie 111 Kiiulaiid for the axe and u\- llie lliir>n Uistnct. the HiiiriJo and Lake Huron Uailway <-aiiie the population of Cliiiton, thai steps were s a viilai,'e in [•'."iV. mid on tiie 1st .laiinaiy, e mniueipahty. Wi? ^ive extracts troiii tin III,' tif the vilhiLCe Cmincil hehiw. lii'L-r ]. resented the poll 1 k used at tli- d oil the -Itii and .'it h of theeiirreiit nionth, ■iWoni statement thereon, from whieh it Whitehead. pi*r aiiniini." Hy laty o| the Clerk wa.s HxcmI at X'» ; that .".f , and the CoHei tors, £2. The whole o-n- ndition of the plaeu and its prefal history. We thid that .Joseph Whitehead in ls.V.», and CJeoi-ee Hrowii in iHtiO. after IS aL'ain returned to the position, ami eon- ineeediiiLt yar up tti ami ineludiii;; I'^tiT. i \'\ tin- vote. Wilhaiii Wallace in Court Clerk, was then elected to the -ition from ISr.s to 1S72, inclusive; beiny t ' allemler. who held the position for twu -1 .Ma\or. oh incorporation, in lrt7.'i. Inis for ilie Jirst year of incorporation as a III. CliidieN , < 'oateii, l>oan. h win. .loimsion. d ami Smith. < »f the above. Mr. Chidby vear. lor the several voars Huccoudiiif^ incorpora- A. S. F.-her aiul .lose|.h Chidlev ; IH77. S. .di.y : ISTH. vV. C. Scarle, .loseph Chidley iwn beini; entitled this year to u Deputy 7'.'. tlie same gentlemen till the puaition of . the other members of the I'ouncil being ■!rwin. Forie.ster, tila.-go\v, (!ibbing», Lesliu, I'd, SleveiLson and TurnbuU. Mr, Nolles, j.jjointed. led the Clerkship, John Callfinler was ap- \-j, st-iected IVfUii a largo mimln'r of iippU- hi.s yi-ar is Niclnilas RhIihoii ; AsseHsora, tinii ; Collector, W, .f. Paisley ; Auditors, . C'hief i;onstab!eaiid (iiapuctor of Licuiisus, nuer. Fire Ih-igadu, llugli Sieutt ; Puuiid- •ctakur, John Wlieatley. Ab n inanufiu'tunng town, Clinton him iiNMUiiied within th>- pimt fow yearx a poMition of leading prominence, ( 'hiet among tln-ne indmitritfH in present iiiiporlunce, as ucll as in punt value in tnrlheiinb^ the material inieiesis of the t'>N\n, IS the riiili I'uxniess. There all! two exteiisne eslabllsliim'lHs in this lilie I he " .Stup|et..n Salt Works " and the "Meir|ioiation , on the barrels per ilay. The last nientit>iieil " litoeks " are loealud on tin- (i r. Ivailway, near the de|><<|, Tiny are aiio of large • vteiil, alidbeiwen both eslabllshinents I'inploy iiieiil i-* altonletl to ,1 large nnmlM'r of humlH. The m-xt important industry to the salt woiks are the a;'rieuUiiriil Works of idasgow, MelMierson iV* Co. This is a brain-h of (he eelu- iuated l''niual works of Mel'lierson, i da-^ow ,V Co., and tin- two com billed form much the largest enterprise of sinnlur charucler in tin* whole I toll) til loll. The original house at Fiiigal, KiLriii Count > , Ontario, was established in IHlH, and the ( linlon bram h lias been in siicci ssfnl opt-ratioii since l>'ii'J. The speiiait} ol this tirni eoii-isls in -team and horac-power •-eparators, They imuinlactnie alt the best lines of tlioMe articles, though the " Climax," a pattern peculiarly their own. has superseded most other kindit throughout Western ( bitaiio, and is having a most successful run in every part of the lloiinnion, while many liave been Hhipped to foreign rnimtrie.^, including the aiiMpi ides. There are nearly Ml hainls einpb'yed in the t'linton workn, tlie iiMehinery of which is thioULihout of the very best description, com- bining all tin- latest improvements; and the amount of work turned out entitles the establishment lo the credit cif lieing the largest iion- \\orking industry in the County o| Huron. Then comes the mammoth fanning-mill factory of Matcolm McTii^* gart, eiuptoying a large number of inechaiiies ; Fair'n steam griitting, lloiiniig and siw-mills; and Itoheity's organ factory. The latter, though anew enterprise iiere, has pro\ed an txeeediiml\ smcessful one ; and the instruments of ( 'liiiton manuiaeture are fast making their •iiiull parts of the I'rovnn e, and giadually in varioii* other appearance 111 ull parts ot tli Provinces of the Dominion. There are two Hteam Maw-mill.s, u steam bemling factory, tliivu sti-aiii planing mills and susli, door and blind factorie-n, two large tan- neries, a steam "dog" factoi-y (an article used in saw inills) the only one ill the l>oiniiiiiui, steam carding and fulling null, i-xtensive plough factory .steam waggon Works, three carri-ig'- shops, overahalf- do/.eii blacksiiuthing establisliineiits, two ]uimp factories, one broom f lelory, a targe Hieain tlax iiiiU, a number of furniture factories, and various small maiiufaelnring establishments in various lines. < tlie industry, ] "ecu liar to Clinton alone, deserve • meiitii'ii that is, the iiiaiiiifactory of (Jrant's " Kxcelsior " liotse hayfork. This is the p.iteiit and sole property of one of the townsmen of Clinton ; anil they are ail piMud to tell that it was awarded a gold medal at the Cen- tennial, a bronze medal at tin- Internatiomil KxhibitU'ti ul Sydney, N. S W.. and a silver medal at the lni\ers:ii Kxposition at Pans la-t\ It IS stated that Mr. Ilrant sol. I the right to uiaimfactuni in the New l-lnglaiid States aloiu* for ^itn.tHKi, T" eoininereial status of the town is kept up to at loast an average .stamlurd by two jewellery, two staple, ami two fancy dry- goo.N stores ; four other ilry-goods establishmenis, which also carry other lines; about tlnrtydive groceries ; two boi.k. two inu.sic, and threo dniLTitores; two saddlery ami four cabinet shops; tlin-e hardware, two till and stove, aiid six I t and shoe store-.; three bakeru-s ; several coiifeciioiieries, four Imtcher shops, and a half-do/eii lloiir, feed ami seeil sli'ivs ; three merchant tailor and several millinery shops. There are e'ghl hotels, two liipnu- stores, two livcy stal'les, and throe barbel shopj. There an- tlire.' law lirms, b.iir - < rtoi s, i. tie dentist, and one very superior gallery of ;irt ; also hve chiirehes ("^lefhodist, Kpisi-opaliaii, Pri'sbyteriaii, Itibln Christian and I'lyniouth iJreliiren), IIi_di Schonl. i'nblie .School, .Mechanics' lii-^titute, and a very enler- ]»rising ami ably eomhieted weekiv paper, tlie S'l'' Em. .Son f the eliurchi'S are verv tine, one, the Presbyterian, being .1 be.nitiful brii k edilice, uhi;i7.7'.t were jtaid (cluetly in tcaclier.s' salanes; to run the school in 1^7^^. 'i'he extent to which various orders rtf secrot societies has auained in Clinton is .somewhat surprising. There is the " (Minton " l/odge, A. F. it A. M.. No. ,s4, ti. H. C. ; "(Minton " Lodge. L O. O. F., No. H;{ ; Court "Clinton Maple Leaf," I, O. F. ; ".bjrennah" Tent, Ixts. of Maccabee-H : "Clinton" L. <>, L., No. 710. Tliere is a Lodge ("Huron Star," No. 10) of the Ijiiiteil Temjierance Assouiutioii, u union ot the British and American Oiiiers of t iood Templars. This is a very flourishing organization. ^. t'. Stevenson is " Provin- cial Deputy" of the body, and Thos. White President of tho local Society. The temperance cauao has exidontly soino very powerful advocates in Clinton. It is tho huadipiarlers of the (Jouuty of Huron Prohibit- (uy .Vssociatioii (incorporateon the sentiment uf tlie peuplu who organized and carried "I."''"' "'■■'"'l';" Ht, .1,11,11-V Waril.. . .. 117,1.1'' II. ■!.■""' :l";^' Ki. .i.iiiiii. W.uil ioi,(t;in i,i««i •^'■J'f Ml. (I..„rm.'. \Vi»r.l I|ii,il«> «),♦«• i"."""' '•'■'••'■" (iriiiiilTiiliil. H'lM.'Jw. »8I,MNI #l!l,Hiiii #fiV.,l»tl Tiiliil |...|.uliii lii«i.i'»» i-iiiiiiiiiiil ),'.', .'il'-' ; mill Hi ml'.-r I'f r.Kiili'iii mi.-i'iii.-K. mi 1 TOWN OF BEAFORTH Tlil« lliiiiri-liliiK iii.'..r|ii'i-iili'.l ii.wii iii!>v I..' in>lly .ji".. iHu'il ih m-i 111' III.' I I |i|-i.<|.i) Illl'l (i'lili-mli, -li'iwiim till' ilii-.-.-li..ii mill iiniiili.'i' ..I inili'" l" i''ii li jilm i'. 'I'lii- lii-l wli" I'Vi-i- li.iil 111.- i-.iiimyi- ll. -i-llli- ill "til.' -vv.iiiii. " vvu- Aiiili-i'W SI.'. II.-, will. Ii.i'.ili-il I.i'i i!ll, run. I, Ml Killiip, lit nil .-mly .liiy ill till- lii-liii\ i.r lliiil i"vvii.lii|.. II.- iiiii'li' 11 .l.-iirini; iii.l liiiilt II li'K liiiii M ilu' -i.iiili i-iK' i-.iiii.-i ..r till- I'll, vfliii-li wii- 111.- lirsl mill I'm- 11 Hi-'i.t M ■ v.-ui- ll iilv liiiiniiii liiil'iiiili vvliiil ii.ivv i-"iii)iri-i- llii' , 1-1 .S.'iifni-ili. Till- III, 11-.- -Ii....l till .iiiili- I iitlv in i.ii;;iii:illv l.iiilt, ' vvii- il.-li' vi'.l I'V 111.' Iiililv : 11 |i.iil I'l' il, III.' iil.l.-t Imi.liiiiuk III' till' |i|ii.-i-, vi-l i-.iiiiiiiiiii'^ ill ill.' .'i.iiililiiiii ..I'll riiiii- .\l 11 vi-i-y i-ml,v iliiv, l.iil 1 1, <'.iii. 1, ill 'riL-kiT-iiiiili. vv-u-- iiiiriliii-.-.l III '111 lli.-('miii.lui''"iiiiimiv I.V M.llii'^i.i-. vv In. Link ii|i lii- ii'>iili-iii c liu-lli.-i- vv.-l ..11 till- If II liii.i.l, I'.v.iiiil llmimilii-v, rlmiiiiL; -..iin- li-ii iiui-.'^, liiivv.'V.-r, 1.11 III.- ii'iiH'i- vvlii-i.' (' iiiiiu-liiii'l'M liiiti'l iiiivv -IiuiiIh ; mill ufti'i- llii.i 111 ml "f iiii| wii- iiiiiili' 11)11111 till' |.liii-.', Im- ..ll'.-nil lliii vvliiil.' iii'i-.- I'l.r ("l-'i", vvilliniil ii |.iir.liii- a..'. pt.'.l, Willi llll' il'l.lllinlllll llll • llll ll.' Iil.'-«is.- I. Ilili ll.-.- nf ''V iiihil.iliiiit- .ll I'V Ivill.- iin.l . I, limn -nil ii-.-.l, ami mi tin -p"l IV I.lii'.l t.. nivi lip llm ih.'iiuli pr.'viiiiis to till- liiiii' It wa illU m-llllv inln/i-.l -l"|i-», Si-Vi'I'll 1 111.. Ii.inii - .''iil- .if -ill if \nil m.H l..'piii III.- -.1 nil whi.-li hail pi.-vi..ii-lv llll -hnll, iht. I pi.- ..I till- lil-t IIIII In 111.- il-l-llilmi.'V nvi 1 Ilillplll-hl-V III II liy llii-v li'iw iiiiiii.rl.inl pi ii'i iiiim;;iiiiil.-il, ».i- lit l.-.i-l » I. -I liv.. p'iil..ils l,.-i;;l|linil|-». Kvi'ii -III |iii'iil to tl ll.l -hilinii li.-ii'. Kj^ni'iii'lull.' w-ii- I l".i- mill imp.. limit plii'i-. iniilam l..,.il mmiiilii' liMi- nl v.iiii'ii- kill' Ih.'ii pnpiil.ilinii .iinl im-iiiiiiili' tl lii'ii "I III.' Iiv.. pl.ii-t.- .'iii' ..I ll.iipni'li.-v, til.' iii.i. Iiiinl- 111 .-\i-l ^1- |ni-al , llll- nii.v.'iiii'iil Im-imsn III. -II nf llll' liill.'i pin. I' 1 ill.- iiviil villn;;.', nnw liiitt iis'iii II l.ii-v Intl.- i'ailr.i,iil tnwii. .ViimiiK ill.' lii'-l In ii-ninvi- llll- I 'nlllllV, tllUll llll' l.'ll.lill^' III. 1 Ihi'l'iiillllv nf llnrnli. II.' I. Ilili t nil 111.- Wist si'li- ..f .Main " fnlll' '..I Ill-Is, ' Vvlliih i- now nt-i-M] Till' iiuw liivvii i-iiiitinili'.l to ili-v till' lliiatinll h.'l.' of snillu I'lltulpli uiivinlili' ri-piilalinii an 11 i fi-niii m pnillv I'.-.. 111-.- 111.' tia.'.t ..f ."iiiitiy to llu I. .WII In a l.iisin.'s-. nf v yi'.ii-s fi-niii mi alim.-t iininhal.itt'il f wliu-h f.i. I i- i--pt'.-iiiltv till.- in ruspi ll l-llli- 'I'lOVIIsllip nf Mi-l>i till' y.-iii- IH117, a thill llll- i-.'ii-iH (liik.-ii l.y Win. ^ l.ii.'.il »..iil-, it iiiiiili' pr.ivi-i.nis fu I.V '1. 'lining.' till' turrilory in thu 11 , ..f " L'.ls III mill II mill till' I'lisl '• Til' ki'i-milh. mill siiinh-w.--l .p '• l,"l- :;.'i iinl Jii, mill tin- -niitli " ('nm-.---i.ill nf .Mi-Killiip, rnvuri nppniiitiii;; -lami-s II, llunson Ki'liii whi.'li v.i-ri' h.'lil ill tl 1.1 villi "S.-h..ol .\... .'), 'r.iwiiship .if Mt Till- viiriniis il.-iails for thu .-nrr wi-r.- .Inly pi-i-f.-.-tnl, iiml tin- liiU" an .ii-'-'iiiipli-hi'il liirt on thu Isi ('"iim'il liiin-,' a- I'lillnvv- : IJ.'i'vi , li.-iitli.-, II. lit, .Mi'D'.ii^ill, Slr..ii , S. (1. .M.-I'minli.-y wa- uh-.-tuil K . tw.i siu-i .'I'.lini^ vuai-s, lu'in^ foUovvi was i-i'-.'l.'.l.-l fi.r 1871. S.I ^;ri-.ii hiul li.-uii lliu pi-onri- yuais siii.-i' it- liisl in.-oi'itnr.ilion, sti'jis vvi-ri' Ink. 'II 1.. Iiiivu it iii.-orp. its n.-w mnniiipnl u\i-ti-iiri' will vvlii. h yinr .\. .\rniitaKu was llii' ami thu'nlill'lui-k, .Mr. KlliotI, wi In lH7li, .Mr. .\rmitaf^u ami iiosittoii- ; w-hi-ii IJr. ('.iluiiimi wa- iiuiiin i'h"-tuil Uuuvu for 1.S77, am thu . iirruiit vuiir Ihu miinii'ipal Columan, M.D. ; Huuvu, I). I). .Ii.liii Campliuli, N. Cliilf, .lohii Stuwiut, A. .Sir.iii", (i. Aiiilil..i-s, .laiiius Clin.', \V. N. W li'iitor ami Cliiuf Con-tahlu, C. J iiiiiru ; Chiul of Kiru Hrixailu, .Jai Th.' si^jht of this last otliuur's 1 c.nisi-ts of oiiu haint-un^ IS .-aiitain, ami n hook nn.l laiM Mnililun. Thuru nru a ilo/.uii tan town, all of Ittige cu|)ui:ity, uiiil ci ISIOKKAL SKl/KII 0\ 1111. Illi'hl'l'lu'- . Illl'l IIm' PM'hl.' hI' KkI IcUilli' l>Ulll '|, ill,'' iiM'l Siii/Hiifi ItMiiil M"« .M.iiii Sliwl "t M(.il..itli, rii'V v>. !!■ Infill ii-i"l •iMi|>lt ,1. 11,1^ -liiliHim liii ,1 . .in-hl,'lr lii mi \tlllli' l>"lll |...Mllli. - U-IIIL'lhrir nil 1 .■ll.lim ■. Willi 111!' r,iiii|.,ui.v I" i»laMi-li ihr Mil -liili.pii mill IImiiitIm-. N" w li.^ii w i- liiitcii, li'i« •iviT, till M'-i- I'liiinii. Ili'iiiahl, \ I.VKi'iv liihl nut iIk' mII'i.i>' I'l' I. IIIkI hl.l'li' nil ciiriM nl .Mlluli Kl i.|. I.I llli' t'.illl|ii.liy, 111 I' 111 I IlillUi', nil niliililiiiii "I (111 II liLiliiiK ll"'ii -lull"! llii'ii ii|i..ii. Till' "H'l wii- llri'l|ilr.l, Mllll Ihl' inlilllliillill nillillti.ill nil I 111 I ' illljnllH « |i.ll I .1 -llllliill III. IlkiWIHi' llllilt 111 I IHjK Ill llll'lll* In-. 'rilr|vil|iiill I 111' iiili.iliitiiiil- III Kuiii.iinlvilli. mill Nnif.iHli ..uiiliiiiiil. .iiul iii" lul l'"' -l.ili.Mi -.lill ii-.'il. ail. I .ill Ihl' -|i..l wlii'in «i. 11'. » -I'l- il . iiii.l lliir|iiiilii \ VI, I- lllill.iil III HIM ll|i till. ..i|lll-t liil ■.lljilvlllil. \ .(' lll...VI' ll.lllllll.l. lli.iMfli |ir.'i l.iii. Ill llii. Iiiii|. It \m. i|iiiti' ,1 Ihiiirl-liiin: i illiiK.', I'.iiil.uii ill',; iii'«il\ iiilii/iMi «|iiri'», m-vi'iiil li.ili'l-, nil. I .1 I i.iii'ii|iiiii.liii;! iiniiilii'i nl iiin llilllii'*' I'niilliliollllli. 111.1 111' .ill ilrii lilillLll". \ii.l II. .» l..'..'Mii till' '.mil. ■tiir.' I..'iv\i'i'ii Ku ii.lvilli .III. I S.'i|..ri|i » li.i.l |.i. \i..ii-l\ I'M'iiil lii'iHi'i'ii '-.^I'lil.iilli mill ll'ii|iiiilii \. Ill, Ihl. |ii'ii|.li' ..I III. lii-.! iimiii'il |il,ii I Iv iK-i-li'il III. .11' ..I .>4i mI.iiiIi I.I llh' II" I'liil.iiii'v iiM'i' lliii|iiii'lii'\, til 111' till Ivi" -iiiiiliirh ili'jiiiti'.l "I il liy lhi.< ii.'it iiii|i..rt.iiil |il'ii'i', nliim' I'liiluv.i ^rnwlli, IT 11..I r\iu'tl\ lll'|lli:iil.ll.'l|, H. ll'il'l Hii|li|i'lll||l\ ih'M l.ijii'.l hv till- ili'l'ilijill. 1' .il il4 I.V.I |i';lliill> l,i'ii;hliiillr». Kvi'ii 'iili'i'ijiii'iil III Ihl' i"li'.lilinliiiii'iii III Ihl' |ii'riiimii'iil i.ilUv.iv ■ hili.iii lull., Kj,'iii..ii.lvilli' rt.i' l..r -..iiH' liiiii' liy thv 111. .-I |...|iii I..11-.1111I iiii{n.rimii I'lii.'.', I iiiilmiiiiig Mr.ulv a .In/ni u I' kIhii", hIiIi l.' iiMiiiiilii. iiiii". ..I vuri.iiK kiiiiU In .'.in'i"{iiiiiil with llir rxltml n| ii. Ihi'ii |i..|iiil.itiiiii mill nil rrmililii tnnli.. .Snuii, hnvvi'Mi, ihi' ri'l.iliti' |iniirlii'\. till' mil. haul', ami 1 liaiii.'-. ..I' l'l>;ii Ivillv Iic^mii In i-\i'll.ili;;i' |..r'lli..|i-, Ihl''liii.||l ...iiliiiiliin; till lii.' ihii'l jiall nl tlm liii-iiii'»» null III the latli'i |ihiro liiiil nillnli.iwii liniii it mi.i ^I'lthil 111 till' iiviil villa;;i', iiinv taut ai'iinilnx lIui |irii|initlnii. ami iiii|init.iii.i' nl il l.ii'V Mill.' niili' t.iuii. '\lll.illf,' Ihl' lil'-t In ri'liiiivi' Will ,lll 1 l»irk*.|l, II..W |{i';;i -trill- nl' llii' I'.iiiiit.v, thru till' h'.iiliiiL; iiiiTrhmil nf Kniii..ii.l\illii, .111. 1 M.IV hir till' Ciiiiiilv nf llnrnii. Ill' liiiill Ilii' lir-l Inii k Iniililin^' in Si'.if.ii'lji nil llii' tti'Ht niili' III' Main Slii'i'l, mil' .ili;;l.' liiiii- ill tin' |ila. . wlinliavi' hmnlli'il nvir 11 iiiillii.ii .InllaiH vvnilh III' whial al tlii^ pnint in i.iii. -i'a'...n, aii'l it w.ih an I'Vi ryilay m- nrii'iii'i' to ii-r 'In' '.lii'i't* lilhil with IvaiiH limn .ill jiniiil' 1.1 Ihl' iinfth I'.iia ili'.lani'i' III' lifly iiiih'H ami ii|itt.ii'ilH llin-.l', Wmx- I'ti'i, (;..iii.', I'ai-h.y, \V,,lki'rt..ii, .Vi'., liii.liiii^ an .iiill.l I..1 tli.' , liirl Htujili' III Ihl' ...iiiitry tllr..ll^;ll Ihl- Sial'iiilh iiinnh.iiil'., Willi Ihl' l.iiililin;; III iii'W riiilwuy- int.. Ilrm .' anil Nmtli II111..M. a vi'i'y iiviil Khali, nl this tnuh' has'lu'i'ii with.lrawn rinin Inn', ami I'uiilii'il IiiwiuiIh ||ii. ahnvi' naini'il |iiiint- ami hiIu'Ih nl' aliim-l i.i|iial iiiipnila , wliii'h havi' -iini. ihi'ii h|.i'1|iik int.. rxi-ti'in u mi all hi.I.'h wiih 111,' inii...ln.'li.'ii nl II • hi^;liwa\- ..I . ivili/.iti..ii .iii.l .'..niiin r.i'. .Slill, Ihl' ini'i'.antih. intii'i'-ti nl' tliii plaii- havi' mil lni'ii ■.n ailvi'inilv alhi'ti'il an iiii>;lit liu Mi|.|in.i'il in 1 iiii.ii'i|ii,'ii, r i.|' tli,.' caii-i.i, i "[- i.'l.twilli InhliiiiK almii', w'liii'li in tlinHi. ilav.i tta< lii.),'iiiiiiiin in ii'-iiini' 'I'll \liii~ivi' |iin|i,iiiii,ii, in ,1,1,1,. |,mii,',i|,ii Hill', It j, ,|„. ,,|,ii,i,,|j ..I ill.. -I' Will iiil,,i'i I ,,ii ..iii'li niatii'i', llii' nlail trail,. Ii.h ,'V,.ii k.'|.| .,11 in. I'.'i-in^., |.aitly l'..i' tli,. ri'a-.iii that tin' -|i|i.|iiliii -tnii". ami i'iili'i'|iri«,' ,,l thv .S,'iihiitli iiii'ii'lmnts nlhi- iiiiln,','iiii'iit- whn h liiui. iiliia.'ti'.l iiiiii'h Inial tnuh' I'l'iini nfiKhliniiiinn imvn, ,iml vilian,'H, ami |i;iillv l.i'.aii-,' 111,, liiwt ,if .'..niitn i., th,' ii.,i'tli, in liati'U liil.iil.ii'v 1.1 III, I..W11 in a liii»iin.s., piijni nl' view, lia^ lui'ii ili'vi'lnpi,! .Iniiii'^ llio-i' .^'■'11'- II' an aliiin-t iiniiilial,it,..| fm,',,! i,, a llii.klv -iltli.l I'ninniniiilv, whii'h 1,1,1 i< ,".|ii'i'ially li n,' in„','t in tin. n,.,.,'!,,,',, ,,,,|'| ,,f ,i„, li,,,. ,,||,| I'l'i'tih' ■|',,vviiHlii|, 1,1' .Mi'Ki||,,|i. ^ 'I'hii- l.y lf In th,. Tnwinhiii nf '■ 1 11. ^.'I'.-niith, ami »,inth-w,.it i|iiart.T uf l.ui i\, tlir H,,nlli halvi'i nl' " l,..i 2.1 mil :.'ii, aii.l th,. i,,iilli., ,|um'tiT nf Lni '.'7, m th,. |ii',i "'-M.iii nf Mi'Killnp, i'nv,'riii^' an .irea .,1 lull a.'iv- ;" .iml l.y a|ipnintiii- .lanu's II. livnim, H,'tniniin,' ( )lli. or Inr tin. mi-iiiiuil.'. limis will.', v.i'ri' hi'lil in till' iilil villain,' „ linn|.|,„nn.. ••km.ttii a. I'lii,,,, "^.■h,.nl N... .., I'.,vviiilii,, ,,|' .\IcKi||,,p." Till' vari.ini ih'laiU I'.n- th„ I'arrvinn on' '.f thi' nlij,-,'! al..iv,' i,t I'nith w.'iv ,liilv p,'il..,'i,',l, aii.l th,' liionrp,.rmi'il ViiiaKi' nl' .■Ji'.'il'.nih Iv.'.in,. an .n','.iiiipl,..h,'.| hi, 1 mi tl„. u, ,|„niiarv, Isiis, ,1,,. i,,.-! Mmii.iiial (nnin'il^' as l..|l.,vv. . -Ki'i'v,., D,'. ( 'nl,',,,,,,, ; r.,iiu.i\hn-. M-'y.. j l^,■atll.^ ll'itt .M.'l)mi^,all, Strmin ; t'l,.|k, T. I', liiiU. Nu.vt v,'.,r, I s. u. .Mil .iiinlny was oU' Kwn; .uiitiimiii- In hU tin' nlli.',' th.' iwii Hin.|i.,'i|„iny..ars, l„.i„), |'„11„»',.,| i„ is7:i l,v .laini's H. limi.snii. whn ' win r,'-,'li.,t,',| 1,11' 1H71. j Sn-i'i'.n ha.l iM'un llic prn-n.sH „f .Si'al'nrth ,l„ii„^ tin' almv,. h-w I ywus.-Mi'.'il'.liisi im'm'p„r,„i„„, (|,,„ i„ n,,, ,.,.,„. |s7.1 th,' imo'ssarv iit..|is w.'i'i' taki'ii til hav,' It iii,iir|ini',,l,'il a- a.lnvVn. ami il I'liti'nil 1 n I ItH lii'W inlliiiiipal n.-iisli'iic,. wilh llii' ailvcnt ..I tli.' v.'ir IS7.-i ■ |'.,i' I wlinli yi'ar -\ ..\,',nitaKu was lli,. tii'ii .\laynr, I.. 1). Wil,..,,, It,'',',,', ami theniil I h'lk, Mr. Kllintt, was iniiliiiin..| in nllhi- In M7(i, Mr Arinilanc. ami .Mr. Wilsmi a-aiii 'lilh'.l tlm al,.,vi- imsitimi- ; wlimi iJr. CiK'iuan was Muvnr Inr Iwn voais, M. V. M.-hian luiiin ,.l,','t,.,| i<^,^..v,. I',,,' 1,S77, ami D.'l). WiU,,,, an.iin in |s7,-' ]■.„■ tliu ,iirrenl_ yi'iir thi' niiiiii.'ipal ollii'i'i's^ire us InllimH ■- \lav.,r T '1' Uili-nian, J.|..; H.'ow, I). U. \Vi|s„„ ; f„i,„dlh„s. .laiin'H I'i.'atti.,' S. ,1 v'-i'i • ^•, '',',', '•'"'"' l>"«'.v. W. (ira,', L. Miirpliv, .\ ht« art, A .Mrnn« (i. Wi||iaiii„„„ ; (.Mi'rk mnl Tr,,r..r, Win. K.ili ,tt ; A.ul„rs,,/anu's (,„,., W. n. w,„,,,„ . ..\,„.,,„ ,,,.,„,^,;, ^,^^^,, ,, • raiiiM. ; ( lii,.| „f tin, Hi'inaile, Jaiiios Clin,.. llri ;, r "'"'''K"'"!''* Ill-"' "Hi™r's iiaiii,. ri iiiimlH lis that Dn'al.nvu nain.'.l ■V ^: ! !iin"",n1'' '1 ""," '""V';'''!'i'"'' '■""'P'"'y, "f wind, Wm. H. CUm. 18 ui, tain. 11,1 a h„„k ami lailili'r ciiupmiy, ,niiii,iaii.l...l l.v (iem-..,. town all / "-■'•'^ '"■^' ".'l'»'nt«llkH,jlulic'i»„Hly h,oat«l thrnUKhoUt the town, all „l hii^e cipacity, and coutniniuK 1,728 cubic fo^.t of wator Th,' viiliii" ,i( till- llrt' npjiiihilii" i'*! Iii-Im' ill I inki U «( t «:'..•,, Th,' l.,»'n i- iili'iill MiLutiiiu a lianils i' liii' h.ill iii ki'i.jnti^, i; Ki'in ral iillriliiili'H ainl •iiriniimliiiK', ami .il-n ill*, il-iriit l'"' *iUH.>liillli III piii'i'iiaiiiii){ a 'ti'mii till' initjlm' < Inn rally, il (.•■piiiv-.a il\ I, i. In iliilii. I Vniiiii; ami urnwiii;! Inviim III slii.lti.i tlii'ir . iti/i'M- l..'liiH I .' ifh'i|iiali' sv-lini nf III-,' prill, lli ami H wa- ilin- wilh ><|.iif.,r!li 11. til,, nil Scpliinli,'!, |i77, . I,.,llt twi'lvi- ai'fi H ■■< lln Ini'lll. •■ p r , 111 Ihl' l.iwii wii« lanl in aiiifs, 'I'lm |iri-i'iil liiml ''ii^iiii' tta. Ih.ii ., , il II. .w. lull till' trniililu ai.isi' I'lmii .111 ili-iillliii'iil miplilv ..I' li I'liliii il.-i'ii I 11 ri'i'l-. Tlii-i- I'liKi-, ".iiil'iii"'! wilti ill, III III,,! till' liiiil liiiU' wi'ii'iiiarh all nf wnmLri'-nlli'il m tin' I..-- iImv. .1. 11, 1,., I, 1,'pi'i Iiiii< .1 vain,' ill tiiiililiii;{- al.iin nl -..iin' «^I'iii.ini.i, ih.' 1,,, lil.'Mlly liiiriiiiih' itai'lf nut' This ilKii'ti'r I'nrmi'.l mmtln'i I'lm' h in th,' lii;-, .iml -lal,' ...v.'n.l. Th.' . . p.iii n .111 iiiniiiiii'il liy a liiaiitifiil n.vvrr nl r,'.'t.iiinnl'ir -up, lli' i.'-, vviih ii,iii,'ai,.i| rnnf ill Iwn .'.itirs,'-, ill till' ujipi'r niii' 'if whii li .11," rii'iiil'ii "p.'iiiiiu'- l'"r , Ini'k'ilial, ami tin' vvlmh' iv nr t'.wii in III,' . .iiiiitiy. Th.' w..rk- urn In, in a f.'h'lirali.l Ili-l ai m um faiiinr, ami rnst alimil cll,i><"l, |,.i. ki.l ami iiinlv |..r 'hipim nl ; airl 111.' a.lHistiiii,' ami ,,llii r iii'i'i'--.iry w.irk- in niniU'ilimi wilh 11- in .11. .11 I'nst .in a.l.liiimiil <*l.i«iii. Th.' wlml,' siriii'tiini i' i-l im-i Klil.iiii", iinl i< li;;lili'i| tliniii;;liniil Willi nils 111, null. ii'turi'il mi tliii pnnii-,"'. Tln-n' air l\ hirni. innnliir nf n-ally Iin.' liii.iiii-- 1.1... kn. mni " liimlsnini' III' i'\p,'ii-iv,' a- tin' al.'ivi'. .\lm.ii'^ lli.' lust liiiv I." 111, 11 lniiii',1 .Miyi'is', Sinit's, Kyihl's, KmI.I.V MiLlii'll'-. linlu-rt-nn'.. .Sink I'mnplii'll'-', Whilimy's, IJ. L». Wi'lsnii's. ihi' I''.l ll'ink, ,V iVr. Tlii'ri . .1 ii's I . larvj.' niinilii'i'iif n I |ii,|,.|,. ami H.iim' ,,l lln in .i' wi'll lip 1.. till, siamlai'.l nl tin' turn's. ;' i^i.,, 1. ... " 1 I'LiMi.!. I- iiimli till, Im'sI ill till' pl.iia', mill as a Imti'l is lint a whii 1 1 Inn, I lln' I'l'sl in til,' iniiniry. Tlii'ir at',' a lai'i;,' niinilii'r nf iliiin Iich in ih,' |.,vvii. al h'a-t llin.'..l whii'h I. ist lii.|wi.|.|i|il|L>.iilNlmi.|« mi'ii'liaiit tmlnrinn I''iil- , I f.iiiry v!n.,.|s, I statiniicry, ami M ntlii'r li.i.,k -I..11'-: ;! iiiii-i.' -Inns,;! .Irii.' si,,i'i'», :l li'WM'llury st.,ri's, ;t^ nnu'hiiii''s, :i Iniiiilin', :i h.inl- wmi', :i tin ami si.,v,. si.iii's: II ^fniwrii's I'Mln-ivily ), :i Imnt .iii.l -hi' -tmi's, ;t I.III. hi'r-, :l l.aki'is, I i..iil,','ii is, ,Vi'.. iVV., ami -"iin. hall- iln/i'ii Hi'i',1 ami thmrmnl l',',"l slmiH, ami :;7 hmisi's wlmn' ui .. . 11- aiv .li'all in, l„'-iil,'s thus,' iint,'il as j;ni. I'rii's i-xilniiv. Iv. Thi'i.' 'ii.' il-. ;i liniinr sliiri.'s .oxvliisivi'lv), 7 Imlil-, ami :i l.illiani hill-, .iii.| 'J lu.iv st'llill'S. .Maiiiifai'lun'H I'laini a i'lri;,' sli u-,' ,,f all,iitiiin. Tin' sail iiil,ri-l n nf cmin-i' Ihl' ihii'f. rrnliililv ihc lar^'L'sl nf ihi. -,il 1' imi'ins '.! vvin.'li thi'iii an' till',',' v,'iyL'Mi.'ii»iv, s In-i-,') is ,,f ( ',,|,.|iiaii \ i;..!iiii l.ii'k, win, lirst ili'Vi'lnpi'il tin' Halt iiiti'ivnt nf th,' plai'i- hy tin- .li"' r> nf III,' I'xlstein-,' nf liriiio in I'^iW. Its pii'si'in-,. Innl l„','ii ni..ii' ili-m -ii-l Ii'.l I'V siii'iitisi- fm' „,nii. y,'arH pi,'\ imi-ly, Iml il- .i.''.ii il 'I. v,!..],- 111. lit n.ui' .S,'iil.,iih an inipi'tii- » hi. h |..rni.'.| iji,. nm-t imp'.itanl .p » ii in th.. hi-lmy nf its .li'Vi'Lijinnnt. Tin- linn ..f (,'.i|i'iii,iii \ il'.'i iihi. k .in-l'inlly niiphiy hi'twi'i'ii ilu ami 7.'i iiivii alimit llii'ir WMik-. iinla liii;; saw-niill, i',iiiipi.raj!i', Af-. "I'niH "iii--lMilf tli,' nnmii.'r 1','in.' I'lU'i-.'i.'l with sill s.ih'ly. Till' .'apaiity ..f this r'.mp.inv'- w..ik- i- .■iUii liiii,'!- pi'r ,lav, lull (ln'y mily avi'ninn al.nul Inilfnf iliil am. mil l..r wiiit .a a iiiirUi't -1111111' III thi'ir pniiliiut nf any I'Mmit lii-inn sliipju'.l liirlli'i la-t Ihaii Ihl' hi.'.il p.ijnts h.r T',ir..nln is tin- .|i-liil.iiliii,' . .iiiii', llinn._'li lln'V s,.n.l tlm liniT liramlH in liinitiil i|naiitilii's |.. Si. .i..|in.iii.i llalilax, TliL'ir I'stalilisliini'iii i- kiinw n ;i- th.' .<.• il'nilh Sail W.irk., .N'i'Xl ill nnh'r nf I'.ip.u'iiy ar,' tin- Ki-lips,. Silt SV..rk-. ..w n.'l .1111 "pi'iati'il liy tJray, Ymiin,' A Sparlinj,', .nipl.., in^ . ..n-l.imlv -Jn <■< :'■ nii'ii, ami Inininn nut 'J.'iil tn :iuu liarnl- p,'r ,lav. Till' .M.'iihaiits' S.ilt L'n., nf whii'h .Mr. .V Annil.i,"' i- ill.' ni ina.. 1. havi' aliiiut tlm sain,' capai'ily anil iln a likv aninuiil ,.| l.usiii.s-, ..1 \>i.v nt'.iiK a. nuii'li. Tim nn'al,' of Scnhirtli ovrr ( i.„l,'ri. h as a -ilt niiinifa. 1 ml"; ,1,'pi'it I'liiisists ill thi. I'oinpaialivi' alniinlam-i' .iml rhi'.ipii.-s- ..f Iml U till' f.irini'r plaui', tlii' c'niiv,'iii,'iit Inratimi ha- piirpusi's ..f'-hipni nt "i '1! Ih.' "salt 'il.i.'kH' In til,. (I.T. 1!. Ir.i.'ks, ami th-' -hnrl.-r .li-laii' .• ■■ in.irki'l. Till' lalti.r ai|vaiila:,'r is alinnsi inmiali' li..w,'Vi'i'. lli ajii till' tvvn tils', ari' nf siii'h iniiinnsi' impnrlanr,' tn th.' pniiil- iiil.r -i"! that they liavi' imnilyz.'.l th.. ,.iiiin. tnnln ami I'ripph'l th,' pninpi i '■ "I 111 luity tiiwn. In tlm i-nrn' r.MIII'trit"'. tWii Cllluili'l tiU'lnliiH, tWi. sIllVll I'hu- toriij, ii i'iiuipIi' i.r iiMiii|> liuK'iii'!!. l«'i ]'l:iniii^; iiiilU, two strim siw- mills, sixi iniiiL;i' l'.i<.tMii,.i(,i,.|i l.liu k-mitli >li.i|is, ainl lliri-i' |i.pik-iiiukiii>; t-^talilishiiii'iit-i, .in iirif wt iiKiiiiil',irtiiri--i, tlit* SiMtnitli Klax Mill-. Tlii- hitliT iuilinli-v, wliicli i- tMiii|i:ii;ilivi-ly ii iifw itiH', i- I.t'^uiuinL: t>' .i.(-nmr vn v larjjt' init|..iitit'iis in the cniiiti v , iiiiil Wt' li.T<' -1-- all '-'t i'«li«tiiih n: u'hiiii '-an -■■■niiiari- la\>'tirai'ly witli any nl' llii; lai\4f iiiiuil"r »liii-li liavi' -I'l'iiii^' tiii ■m all sulo Hiiliiu tin- \':\-{ iliralc. It i< .iwnci aixl M|M/nili-il liy Annua'.,'!', lii'allii' A ('.>., vvli't t'Minl.iy con^lan'!*' attnut twenty t'l twt.'inx-tive iian-iuii.'*. The Hi^li Sel I w.i- '.iily oi-.'ani/e'l on tlieTtli Jami.i. , I'-Tll. Th.- le.iil'liiiu' is a \er\ lint' -|ii'eiiie'ti of nioilefn -i-li-iol arohitci'tiiic ; ami the -t.iir.'l le.ic'liei- ■■mpl"yi.l, aui the ariam,'eim'iil- in .'iiiinci'lion wiili 11, 111. ike the leinark e puily line wlieii applied to it a-' ,in oilnta- tioiial iii-iiintioii. Tin I'liiMino aiul grnimU eust 8i>. I'li.irle- (-larUs"ii. \':\.. i- the The I'nlilie Seli.i >1 ae>-'oniiiio.|.iii"ii eon-i-t- t'l .1 I'l-iek tW't -lory iitul lia-eiueiit, T-sli.ipeil ltni|,|iiio, ,^^01,. Ia:iiiiij ei,;lit rot. ins. all til' wfiieli weve lilliil In el'twiliii;; till the o|ienilii,' ol llle lIlilU 'I'lule are llttW seven leatiler- emplt.yetl, with au alien. laiiie vei'eino I'lttse Upon .MH'. Leoiiiifil McKaul it Heatl .Master. The liniMiiii; it-^eil* i:^ L'ttiisiilei'etl a i'oiii]tK'te anil eummotiion-i one I'oe the pnip i-e- 'le-i_'iie.l. the entire etst liiviiif; lieeii Within a f"a.'tittn itf l*iil.uii 1, Ti|.. leeeipts el' ilie I'lllilif SJi'.'ii 11 taltl o| which Dr. t'tile- man i- (Iriirmia .ui'l Win. iiill.inlyiie Se.-ret.iry) ft)r 1^7."^ wert- S'),137.'H, aii'l ttie .'xpeiitliinre e 1111 ' williin 8:!ilil.78 til that ainount. Of llle ahttve I'L-eeipts, the iiiiiniei|ial ;:iaiit alone w.i.s :J:i,:i(iO ; ami of tile e<|ien lilaifi. ?:;.il."iS. ;)ii went l.p iny teiflier.-' -^alarie.-. Tilt' .Mf, haiiie-" In-titalt' iii.iv properly he ile-eril'etla- in it tleeitlotllv tltjuii-iiiii;; t tiiithiittii. ( hi-'iiiall> or'j;ini/ei| .it llarpiirhev, when that town •■ intivetl tlitwn " tti .'se.iftiilh. the In-titnte tti«t likewise. It nttw HI— e-i-e.s a liln-arv of l,."iiiii vttlnmu- of nitt-t earefully selected Itnok-, aiti'tiii; whitli are many of the nei-t ealn.ittle -t.iii.lartl W'liks ami htitiks tif r-lt rente ; iiio-t ctiiitfttrlalile aetttim latioii-. inehitliiii; liltiary. re.itl- iiu' ainl it'.ieali'tn rooms, ^Vt. ; aiel a nn'mlier-iiip of '^-2'*. \h\ Veicie IS I'ri'-i'leiit. aiitl Will, Mo.ire Lilnariaii. I If lilt Ma-.tnie lti"lv there i- a fli.iiiler liere. vi/. : " Stalonh," Nt.. i;i;. II. .\. .M.. timl the " Hriltinnia ■ l.'t,|..te, .V. K. A .V. M., No. I-Jil, i;. K. C. ; " l-'itlt'iity ' l.t'L'e. I. 1 M '. I-'., No. oX al-o Ihturi-hes : an.l llle alitiVe liti'liifs have litttli Very e.xtellelit halls. As alrt'Htly leimirketl, the ine-- i- very alily represeiiteil here ; in fa t, the //tii'toi /v'(iii.<.(t.i' lias mt -iipeiior ill the e tiintry, ami lint few cipials at an etiturpri-ino live hn-al tiew-p.qier. It itahmit twelve years oM, is pulili-hf'l. printe.l ami etlitetl liv the .Mt Lean Hros , is Kc't'orin ill pttliiit s, aiel cirt iilatet very nearly three thiiut.intl ntpies. .■^taftiih 1- llie seat of ilie Seconil Divition I'. tint uf tliB County of lliirtii. It w.\s L-!altli--heil at llar]airhey over tliirly years aeti, with .Ml. Hitk-tiii. the pre-eiu C'tiinly a- the tir-'t t'lerk. He \v,is Si t'eetletl Ity l!ie pre-elit Clelk. .\Ir. LutlwiL; Meyer, who lias miw re- I.i.iieil the ptt-iiitii tor ttver tweiity--ix years. The terrilttry emltracetl u .thin it- juii-tU'tittii i- the Tttwiitliijt ttf .MeKilltt|i anil all of Tm-ker- -iii;tli, extt'pt a pttrtion ttf the iit.rtli-we-t corner next tu Clintiiii. .V penit,,l itl tilt. .\ii'l:tt,rs Kep.irl for ItT-^ leaves tlie iiniuestittn the t '\Mi ttf St.if.iiih It lin.imially in a lieiilthy eitiiililion ; in latt, eXft'pMttii.iltly favttiiraltle with iiittst towns ttf i't|iial a-'.'ir.ilitin- This ifpoii -httw- that !<~.liH) wfre ctllecteil in laxt s, .^I..'t7f in Vttri'tiis lifeii-t't. aii'l ."^-IJ in -iititlrv ittlier w.i\ t ; aivl that of tlietttlal expemlitnret vvliieh timonuieil 1 t i^lii.' , iht. I'tnintv rate took *Sl'7 ; Ktliif.ilittii, 5i:(,'.'iill ; Charily. .*;;:;i I : Diaiiiaoe aiitl Str.-i-t Imp: "Vtineuts, .^l.Miiii ; l''ire Dep.'irlineiit, ."S'Jii.-i ; Munitipal tittvern- ine:il tiiitl Siiutliiet. ?t;..-i(lii. The as-tt.t) t.i ilu. ittun iiit Imle S:)..'it"iO i. t-.ttt.l 111 If.ll e-t.ile. the interett Iteilio Ve.irly ap|tlie.| tti st-'httol iti.r- p' ■ : •*L'.Jiliiat'eniiiuliletl tinkiii;;fiintl itntlelieiiliire loans ; tstimaleil ol Tt.wii II. ill ami o|.,imitl, .• 111 Tluiu^h settlers locateil in Its limits ttr rather the liniilt of I. ham over '.'I years a^io, yet the place was scarci' oinwii 1. tlPce t'l oive it a 11. line Itevolcl the Itoltlitrilu' liwnsliipsl lllll>etus tmincett liy thf lailw;l\ eXt ileniellt -oliu' h'llf tltizt'll -ilK'e which time it li.i- fi'twii troln what 111. ly he litei.illy h.icknooils village t.i he one uf the foiei t town- of lii, "Iferin^' facilities a.s a maiiulaclnriii:; cetitri', ami po-tetsiiiu' a- .1 -liippin;^ point for '.,'rain, lloiir, ami m.innf.ielureil piol in.iteiul. which rank it \\ilh the hiirlier cKi-- of our coinnii'i iiiitl iiisiut' for it. 111 the 'trtlinuy t ttf linimin event-, inex.ti.iltle It.oit ihittUiih which traile seeks il- '• future lull liilh' .lie.iinetl of hy tin- nio-i enthu-iastic of even as lalf ti- the l.t',:iiiiiino uf the present iltt,-.itle. Hilt to lieoin with iltee.irly hi-Itiiy of \\'ii|oliaiii. Wt' mi the (l't\i-rnineiit (as in in.tiiy other ta-et tluriii,' their survey' town-liips l.iitl out a " town plot" it' Wiii'_'liiini, citn-i.mii; l-ti- in cttiit'itsion " \ " of the Town hip ot Turnit,.rr>. win ll'ieiice i- forme.l ity the north tin 1 souili luanches of ili Kivitr. \\'e li.ive hail ri.ison to rem. irk on ttiher occa-iuii- m.ikin,.:" w.i- a liusim's.s at which tJovernnienlH. ami p.irti t'anatlian (iovernnieiil. ha.l not iiiiially provetl sncces-li lliuiiiilil hv maiiyt hitwe\.'r, lint lieitiutit the (iitvernmenl 1 a " town plot," that wtis all which wa- rei|iiii'e'l to make t'lwn, autl wiOi tlii- itiea a nuniher of iteople settleil on tin tin early il.iv. The alnise which the (iovfrninent tiittnint of s'ime ol tlie-e Worthy citi/en- for lieino imlncetl to eoim in .1 frog-poml a- " Lower Winohain." now -o c.illetl, is. ai tiiv inu-t for niatiy ye.irt coiitiiim' , it explain. ihle when we u- anil "take in" the extraonlinary -tiipiility of the (itt\ oineers, who selecteil thai locality in preference to Ihe he a'lvanlaee.iu- po-ilion wliiili W im:haiii piitper pot-c--et. The lir-t settler wiihin the limits of the •■ town plot " ol ami heftire any one ha 1 inrneil their atlfiilion to tin' place the present town, K.lwiiril Farley, an lii-himin, who hat rt -itletl at t Iweii IStiiiiiti, which pla.i' he lefi for the '• plot ' -prin^; ol 1^,-,^. in,,! arrivittl at ihe spot where In' still re- 17ih of Man h of that vear. He relate- sonie extreme 111' itlciit- in e«nneclittii with Ili- iourney, which lay hy w liiiL^wtioil ; thence hytlie Noi'therii Hallway, lately fmishetl, liraml Trunk to Strathtnl ; ami then on wheels as far as h This l.itlei I t provfti to he Hittlmin, a little -.ttlement ir -hip of Morris. (In his \\,,y his " In ijhter- ' .iltauiliiiict oii-lt'tl with the awful coiit!iiion.i| the nttitlt, ,11 ISIyth. It 1 Ite on ,1 .Sumf.iy, ami he wa- ohlieetl to hunt anuiml hir whit h he inanaoeil to secure, toijether with two yoi>e of oxe them ciintiniiftl to lioilmin. where he Iniilt .1 raft, t'lnharket therc'oii, aiitl tl.t.itftltlown the -treain to hist lost mat ion, wher on the ahove iiamctl il.iy, timl at oiiee went to wurk to 1 ha Iniilt the fir-t liou-e, a lo^ one, which, with annexes .it va -ince tippeiitleil, still forms his resilience. The ilillit.nltie.s ai of ti.ivelliii_' in ihostttlay- may he juiloeilfntm the fact llitit paiil, lirst an.l la-l, in llie iifiLliliourlii.titl ol $liiii in lieiohi 1 tort at ion ch.ifL'esol \tiiittns kimU. on ahout one ton of hoiitt It is no womlor .Mr. Farley is of iho-e who think- il i Wtis ii;;ht iiiitl everv hotly else wroiin in huiltlino Wiiijr|iani .nitl lt',ivtno the twainp-tif the " plot " out in the ctiM, Xa I iiihtiltil,iiil, .Mr, F'arlcy has a iii-lorital interest to every one whrhwiis iioi ahatt'tt 111 onr-elves hy the lat:l that we w I'l.tinvince him ive wete ii.ii a " (.Ve'tc iiiatr hel'ore we f any informalioii froiii liini. The lirtl -ettli'i't 111 what is now Win'.'liam wen' .lohn ( Itiinily, ttimiiri-ino hi- -ons, Uoher', Willi. im .iml Th the li'r-t hoii-e in the place, mi the s|iit| where the 1 Jueen's titiml-. in the -iimnier of IttV.i. Il wa- a lo^ huiltlino til Ii -uh-etpieiiily ailtle.1 to, ami n-etl ori.L;inally at 11 hotel -liei pnl.lit-htais't' in tin- locility -till 1 ■'7:!, when it was piiih make room lor the more iirvteiiliou- slriietnre which was 1 its ruins. .Mr. Cornyii liail orii;iiially livetl in M'lrnin; I'luniy; Iml came In Tarnhirry in IH.M'i, "elllin^ tm Lot ■ that ttiwnship. when' lie tili Is.V.l, when he -etth'tl us 1 .Mr (.■ornvii tlietl in l*W. His tun Itoh.'rt is now the eai living within the liinit.s of the original Village of Win.'htim, Next alter the (.'ttriiyns in Wiii^'hani I' Fole part of the silt ceeiliii;; (Isi'tii), who Itiiilt a liaiiie lioii- .1- a store ami siilee.|m'ntly as .1 pnlilic-httii-e. known .is Ihe ll'ttt'l. .\ eliihl horn in his himily w.i- the liislhorn in Wii wa- luvomp.inieil, .ir folltiweil at Very short intervals, hy \n'liihalt| Fisher. I'eleraii'l Thomas Icuii;, tltthii antl Thoiii iml Th'tiii.!- The two lir-t ii.init'il -tltlftl at "111 Itiiili the first mill at the place or in the n.i..;lih"iirli.toil ; a 1 me. Ills ol t"nf.iitratmi; ipiile in ainounl of tratle ,il thf -pot iiio up a MllaL:e which at tine tinie pioinitetl to n-tili/e the I tti ihe tiovernmi'iit eiifiiu'ers hy inakino Lower \N iie^ham th In fact, up to witliMi -i.v oreiohi ye.ut aoo it wa- the t hiel two in -ire ami iniporl.inco. t-since the inipi'lu- WiiiL'hani Ihe prtpo-etl railw.iyt, wliitli afterw.irtls hecanie a reality, '■oinineticeil to retrttt,;i.itht, Im', it is -till an uninctirporale.i t me.iii importanee. c.,iiiaiiiin)r 1,' ami saw-mill, doth fa ot'iifial st ins, harness store. ctitipi'ni|.'e, two hotels, school, .'iiiil inhaltiianls. The lireoories ahove inentioneil were tile orif.'inal hull mills nowowiieil ami carrieil on hy Hockey A .Sons, which, ire aiiiiim; tile very heti in the coiinlry, tlriveti hy foiir anprovetl |i.itltiii t'.f Lell'tl wl I-, coii'laininv' the newi's i ili'tur-ta\ iMo aii'i o|'jiii,.^;iviiiL' inachimry, seven riiti of si fill .111.1 v.iliinif ttf water whit h m.ike il in I'Vtiy way one 1 mill pniperiii's in (' The capacity of the mill is :!! tlit'in. Follitwino the atlvtnl of ihe ahove-nanieil ocnilenieii, ea 111 re or lest rapiil -iiicestion ; ami iilthoiiHh \\"inL,'liani ctmlii apace, its i^ro will was m.l purely or even lar^'cly of a specnlalii ami it was not till Ihe year |x7H that the people lie^jan to si -ith'r as a vilhiL'e. The nhjeil was atliiincil )V HURON.— CoNTlMKD. IX. ki't", IK well as 11 oiiiii|i|t>lu sj'Ktcin nl wiitvi- su|r|ily J alifii'ly, Miul iimii' tmi sunn, uiuliM lliu lunii'st ■Ciiv F.itlh r~. ' •OWN OF WINQHAM 1 ill «lial i-iiti'iprisi' mii lU'iMiupn^li, .1' laim' mill pi(i|ili'iiii.iiti.l|.- til lu' InUllil pnililllilv 111 111! rillia.lll. il ill it.< limits inr nitlu'f tlir limits nf Lhwit \Viii|;- ^11, Vft till- |il;ici' wiH .sriin-i' jjriiwii tn iiu iiiipnrt- HI' liL'Viiiil till,'iin,' t i\vii*lii|iH lill thi. firini 111' lililwav IX. Iti'llUllt -nllli' ll.lif ili.Zill VO.Ui U.M . 11.^ ^M-i.Hii Irmii iii.iy \v. luii.illv .ia^i'il u^ .i 111' niH' III' tlif fiiiviiiiiil tii\vii~ III' lliL' I'roviiiii' ; iiiitiiuriK-tiirin^ coiitiv, atiii pn^-cs.niiiL,' iiilvantjijjt-- 11' uniin. Ilmii. ami uuinnr.u'tiiriil lunlii. 1^ .n- mw It with tlu' ImltIut I l.i>^ III iiiir luiiiiui'ii iul towns ; 111' .irilimiiy ■ .iiii'si- nl' liiiman rvi'iii^, ami Ky (lii- iil;Ii wliii'h ti'aili- wi'lis it^ " naliiial iiulli't'«.' a itmil 111' liy till- mii>t I'lilliiisiastii' nl' it< ailinn'iT- .'Ulllill^' III* till- plVSt'lll lii'.'.l.ii'. li.i'i'.uly lii-t.nv nl' U'iii^'ham. Wn niiu'lit say tlial 1 111. my ntliiT oi-i's iluiiiiL; ilnii'snrvi'ys nf tlu' iit'» ■' lown plot " il' \Viiij;liam, I'on-i-tin;; nl' suvural " nl' tilt! TnWll -llip nl' 'rill'Il'ii'lTy. « lu'fi- tin' I'Ull- ,■ tlif north anl smitli Inanilii's nl' tlm Maitl.iii.l I rnasiin tn rt'iii.irk mi i.iln-r ncasinii- i!ial".iti iL'ss at wliirli (inVfi'iinu'iits. ami jiailii nlai-ly tlm It. lia.l nnt nsiially prnvnl sm.'i.i.s>rnl. It iva- wi-vi'f, tint litrauso tlm (l.ivtrnmcnt lia.l laiil mit was all wliiili \va^ ri-'i|nii'i'.l to iiiakt* tin- jilai-i' a .lia a lUiniliiTor pnoplu M'ttKil nn tin' " pint ' it Inisi' wliii'li the (nivi rnnicnt sustain- at tin' IiamK thy I'iti/t'iis Inr l.i'in;^' imiiu'i'il to oniim anil si'ttln l.nwi'f Winnhani,'' now -n i-.ilK'il. is. an.i ol' in'oi-^- 'ars I'ontiniu' , is fxplaimililn wln-ii we look aioniiil :■ oxtraoi'iliiiary stiipiility ot' the (ni\t'ri'.im.|it iii- that lui'ality in pri't't'rem'i' t.i tin- liL-antiiui ami whiili W in._'liaiii propt'i' pnss(^,,i.s. itliiii tlio limits III' tlm " town plot " ol' U'in};hain. il turneit thi-if atti-ntioii to tlm plai'o n.Tiipieil hy Kitwai'il Kaih'y, an, whn hail previmi-h 111, wliich plari' 111' h'ft Inr tlii' " jilnt ' in tin- early mvi'il at till' >])ot when' he still rn-iiles on the lal voar. He re'late- soiiie extremely amusing' 111 with his pjiiiiu'V, wliii-'h lay hy water tn Col- tlm Mnftheni Ihiilway, lately linisheil, toTornnlo ; itlnril : anil then mi wheels as far as he emiM n,,. ■e.l tn lie liiiilniill, a little -eltleluelU ill the InH li- liis way his " triiu'hter- " .ilianil.'iie.l him. dis- I e.imlilinn 111 the mails, at lilyth. It lia]ipem'il tn he w.i nlilii^eil tn hntit armnnl lor u wangnn, -e. lire, tn.L,'etlier with two ynlve ol' nxeti, ami with iliiiin. while he linilt .i rait, einharkeil his ellV'ot- .lun the -.treatii In his I lest mall. in. wln-re In,- limleii il.iy, .mil at mice went tu work tn i lear laiel, ami a log one, whii'h, with annexes at varinus tiinc- ,'ornis his resideiiee. The ililU.iilties nn.l expenses ilays may he jmlofil finm the I'.iet Mr. Farley 1 tile nei-hhoiirhnnil ol Slun in heiu'lit ami trans"- arions kiml-. mi atimit mn' ton ol hnii-.i iiol.l n,,,,,!- ■. Farley is of tho.-e wlm ilnnk- it was lie who oily el^e wrong in huiiiling \\ inghain where it i-. p-of the "plot •■ out in the e.iM. .Vsthe "ohki ey has a hi^turieal interest to every one, an iiitere-t .1 in our-elves l.y tlie laet we were olili;,'e.| were not a " illohf man " hel'me we i-.iuKI i.htaiii him. in is now \Vin_'h:nn were .Inhii ('..rnvii an.t ^ -.jiis, Knliei', SVilli.iiii .iinl 'I'll 'I'lii'y hniit e plaee, nn the spot where the i^dmen's Hotel nmv r of Is'iil. It was a lug Imililiiig at liiNl, hut w.i> I, ami iiseil originally as a hotel — heitig the lirst Ini'.ility-till I--?:!, when it was jnilleil ilnwn t.. 11. ire plvtenlinll- .-tl-lletllle whi. Il was ereeteil nvel ityii lia.l nrigin.iUy tive.l in M.irningtnn, Perth | I Turnliirrv in IkSiI, settling mi l.nt 4, (,'nn. 1, nl he live. I till I S.V.I, when he -etlle.l a- ah.ive. Ohl i l*W. His smi Knhert is mnv the earliest setllei Is .if the original V'Uage 'if Wiiighani. irnyns in \Viii-_'li;ini Ivhv.tnl l-'nley, the earl\ ; year (I'^li"), wlm luiilt a flame hnii»e, u^eil lirst leiitly as .1 pnhlii-hnn-e. kii.Avii .is the ( 'miiinereiiil in his family the Mist Imrii in Wingham. He fiill.iweil at Very shm't intervals, l.y I'eti-r aiel er uii.l 'ritnimis, .I..hii aiei 'rtinmis (Iregmy. 1. 'rile tivn lir-t naiiieil >ellle.l .it " I lie pint ." ami tile plaee nr ill the neighlioiirlio'i.t ; anil w.'ie tin- ,g ipiite .111 am. milt of tra.le .it lie- .-pot, ami Imilii II at one time j.lnmi^eil tn re.lli/e the ealeillatiiilis giimi'i> liy nmking I.. iwer \N inghain tin- real tnwn. -i.v nr eight ye.trs agn it wa- the ehief plaee 'A' the ■t.llno. .-Silieethe illlpelll- Wingham reeeiveil hv s, w liii h afterwarils heeaine a reality, Inwer tnwn .ele, hii'. it is -till an iiiiim orpnrale.l village nf no ntaining grist ami saw-mill, elnth I'aitnry, three IS -tore, eooperage, two lintels, Hi'honl, iinil neurl\ ive meiitioneil were the migiiial liuililcr.s of tlie earrie.l on iiy Itmkey A Sniii, wliieli, hy the w.iy, lii'it in the eniintry, ilriveti hy I'mir of the most I.elhl wl \>, eolltainillg the tleWe-t Jillil most lin-^aving mailiiiiery, seven run of stones, ami a liter \\hi.h m.ike it in e\ery way mie of the finest iii.iila. 'I'lie eapaeity of the mill is :i."ii) hhl.s. per ent of the alin\' gentlemen, came others in iis^inn : ami althnngh W'inghani enntiniie 1 In grow int purely nr even largely of a speenlative charaeter; 1' year IH/IJ that the people hegan to seriniisl\ eon- i a village, Tlie ohject was attaineil in the nsuul way, tmiler the (h.neial .\et. hy hy-law of the Iniiinty (.'oiiiicil, ilniing the ahnve yeir ; ami Winglmin heeaine a village. .laniiarv l.-t, |h7.|, ||i,. po|iiilatinn at the time I.eiiig >ligliiiy ill e ol TtMi. The village reemil- slmw that Hen j.imin WiNmi was tin tii-t Ueeve : hr raiiihlyn. H, D.ivis, i i ge I'ettypii m.l T. ( liegmv were the lir-l r.iiimillnrs , ami Walter .1. Ilaywai'il was elmseii the liist Clerk. .Mr. Wilson wa.- again Iteeve in IH7.">, ami lleiii> L>avis in IhTH ; h.llnweil .ijaiii liy Hetij,imiii Wil-mi in 1-77 ami ah-.i in Is7-, whieh wa- the List \eir W inu'liam remaineil a vill.ige. Itiiiing the pivvimis yem (I.H77 .in iHml «a- in, ele in inmrpma .■ as II town. ,\ Spei'ial .-^et was prep.iieil ami suhniitteil In I'arliameiii. hilt was ilefeateil hy thestlelinnu-. ii|lpiisitinll of theinh.ll.ilantsnf l.nwel Wiiijham, whn wi-ilieil to I.e im Imleil in the ioi]ii.riiiimi. The extent .1 lenil.iry, h.ine\er (weie tiny imlu.leil . Koiil.l I.e gnaler tliaii the .Mimiiipal .\et allnwi, witlmut hia\ing mil aii..tlii r portion of the pie- -eiit enrpnr,iti..ii til the nnrtliwaril , wlii. h i- Innkeil upon aanimli iiime valmilile than the Imi lamls ailja.enl tn the iimth ami -miili l.ramhe- nf ill.' .Maitlan.l. Hen. e ll ppn-itimi -the Inwer tmiii people aetmg mi the ilng in-tlii-mangi i piimiple..t keeping oiljei t ..f.l -noil thing he.allse they emilil lint pi e it hir :iiem-eles. When the Speeial .'\i I was ilefeateil, the | pie went to vmrk with a will ,mil seenieil the neii— ary Uv.i'. leyi^lalimi in the Cmiiitv Cmiiieil tn eiial.le them to in..irpiiMie limler the ( .\i t. The vaiimi- lime-, lesnllltimis, ami l'\ laws mi the -nlijiit wereilulv ]i|epale.l, hilt l.y an .ll tin- Vilhu.'.- Clerk lhe\ wei.' |..i wn.leil 1.'. the I n.vernnr- lli'lieral in-teaii nf the l.t-Cinernm :..| in- apj.r.val. The thiveinm - iJeiierul was at the lime ali-eiit from the se.u ..t gnvernment ; i ml lln- .l-l.iy which ar..s.- in . i.n-e.|iielii'e nl the aliove error so -hortelieil tin- lime, that the three niniith- |iri.viileil hy the Miinieipal .\el as mi es-ary I.I intervene hetweeli the ..f the i-'-iiiiig nl the l.l.-( ;i.\ ene.r's I'l'ii- I ami the mnniiipal eleetimi^ was eiieroaelnil U|iiin ; ami ihi'ieliy l!ie imorpnratimi ileferreil hir aiinlher year, except hy the pa.-age lif a Sp. .lal .\rl, whi. h again piep.m .1, -iiiil .igaiii ilefea'te.l hy the pnli- intliieii. e the peoiili- ol, i W ini.'liaiii limnght to hear 'against its pa-sage. Steps wereanain l.ikeli, Imwever, in iliie lime, in 187'-, to aiemnplish the emi sought hir hv the heoinnii.g nf ih,, mMiing year, ami this time with hitter -mil—. The ri"..iil.ii m titimi.-. resnlnlioiis, hy-laws, ele., itc. were fnrwaiile.l ill the iiimilh nf .Inly, m'..ii .liter the 'miilsiimnier -essimi nf tile Cniintv Coiiiii il ; .iml the pro. lamatimi ol tlm Lt.-lioverm.r im'..r]>iiratini; Win-liam as a 'own in ilne emirse i--nnl, ami hme ilale the i;ih Oetolier. |s7^. The illlimeratimi of the eelislls preparalniy ll. ininr|iiiraiinii re^nlliil in a reiinn nf L',(i7:i as the aetiial nimi'.er I'lf inhahitaiil- then wiiliin the pre-ent limits nf tlie tnwn. We liml the InllnwiiiLr prnilainatimi is-mil hv the Clerk nf the Mnni- lipality, whieh hears mi iN fiee the |i,iiii.iilar- ami /xrsmini/ nf the new municipal nrLiani/ation : " rriSLlC NOTICK. " I lierehy give imtico that the Inllnwing is a cnrrect stalement of ■■ the ininiher of votes polle.l lor the s,.veral eainlhlates at the muiiieiiial " elections hif nu-tnhers nf the Cmimil, mi vestenlav, the lilli .Tannarv. '■ lrl7l) : •• F..I' /,'..'.■.. "W,, Want'.;, w.ii.l:i Wnnl 1 I. .ml, • I,. ,1. Hrace -I I -^i; i-2 -JC, i:(s ■ Ih, Mi'li.iiialil ISO ;il i;i II |.|s ■'/•'..,■ ('.„r„nll.,r.<. •' W'ar.l 1. (Ireell. ."it; ; Neelamls, (iH ; Kitehie. (1:; ; Hi. I. ill-Ill, i;7. ■• Waril -J. -11. Cuest, :!7 ; T. I., .Inl.h -III ; H. Kiinx, Kl; 11. l.eiiinii x, •• III ; (f. .Melxav, :W. Waiil ;t. .\. Ihll, l.'. ; 'I'. Dell. 7-1 ; C. .Mclx'en- •wie. 27; W. Kerr, 44: I,. Kiiiim, (IT ; C. UomI. :)(). Wanl 4 .f. ■' .Vmh'rsnn, i\ : .1. KMer, :!i; ; T. (ire-my, ;i ; T. Ilnlmes. 1 ; W. W. '• Ingli-, ."i!) ; S. Kent, :!-i: W, Mi (•Ivinmi'l . :i:i ; 1 1. M. Kil.l.mi. 4- : J. "Sm-U. 17 ; O. P. WelU, -J. " I therefnre deelare the Inllnwing In he the iliily elected nieinhers ■■of ilie Mniiioipal Cniiiicil of the Tnwn nf Winnhain Inr the ensuing '■ year : " NIavm : neniamin Wil-..n. F-'i , I'i.-i'led hv .leelamalinn mi the ■•:llllli Oeeemher' la-t. Iteive : l>. \1. I Lmald, .\l. D. Cnlineillors : "Wir.l l._.l. .Veelai..!-. .1. Hit. hie, U. .M. I!..hins..ii. Wanl u'. II. ■■ I,.- lex, T. r,. .I.ihli, (1. MeKav. Ward :i. T. liell, W. Kerr. I.. ■' Ki.ini' Ward I. W. W, In-li-. W. MeClvin .lit. (!. M. Kil.h. n. ■■ 1'.. FrV.VN. It.l'ilh'ni,! lllH.i,. ■• WlNOIl.VM. .'.lii. 7'/i, ls7:i ■ Mr. Flyim had suceeeded .Mr. Hayward as Ch-rk nl the Atiiiiiei[iality mi the hitter's resigiiatimi, ineviniis to his removal from W'inLdiam in l«77. The other nihcials eho-en hy the Conn, il to till the varimi- town .illiees for the tirst lear .it it- new exi-teme are: Tieasnier. .|..hii Dick-nn ; .\-ses-ni',,lii7''.:i7 went hircminty rale, .■Jl,'.'7r>l I I'nr -clmnls, .Sl'.Li.'js.oiM'nr piir- eli.i-e of marki'l grmind-, ?1, lirs.lW for local iiiipn. cements, !*-tH-2.7ll I'm ih.irilv, .iml ,'«i!ol.4."> hir inicie-l .ni deheiitiires. Tlmie wa- a halame ill h. 111.1 at the of tin v i :ir of .^I'H. I I, an.l at the end. .<1I.MI. Tile as-e|s of ihe town iiiiliiile a puhlic cenieteiy ^.'..n-i-tiiig nf ten .leie- jii-t heyoml the limits. I.I the norih-wesl), piireiia-eil in i''7llhir .^I.IIIHI, on which iiearlv $',i,iiiill have since heen expeiuleil ; niaiket properly and In.U-np, '^'J.IIOn . piilili.' -.hool, i?ll,(iliii, imlusiM. of gi'iiinds ; and old Si hnnl property (estimateih, >iij,(liiii. Tin- lial.iliiies ill'.' within a fraction nr8-l,"tl", ■■iml are all m.nle up ..f unpaid lialaii..cs ..f delienlnies given in aid nf the twn hrani he- nl the liieal We-iern Kailvav, viz. ; the smith exlen-i..n .if the Welliiiglnii. liny and Ihiice divisinii, and the Lake Hnrmi .V Ihill'Mh. divisinn. except the imirket and -ehnnl dilienlnre- lately i-siied. .■\s pievimi-ly intimated, the almvi' Iwn roads give Wingliam un-nr- |ia— I'd facilities nf inniinniiicatimi with ll iitside wnrld. To the nm-th-west, Kincardine, one of the principal ports on the Canada side of Like Huron, is in miles di-lanl ; 1' iiiner^tmi, the jniietioii with the main line of the Wellington. ( Irev and Hrme is :is miles eastwanl.and laiiidon 74soiiili. We have already stated lliat ii|i to the lime nf the iigilatimi hn the liiiilding nf these mads the prngre-s nf Wnighani lia.l heen slnw. and its liistnry ciinlined In the hnmdriim and mminlniiy of the eveiMlay experience of all cminlry villages. The impelns given hy the ahnve ninveniHiit, hnwever, was sim|ilv wmiderhil ; and the heantil'nl and hii..y town ',. hicii now greets ns has experienced the greater pait uf its etilire giowtli iiiul ilevelnpiiient within lite past half dn'en yenra, uiul h mt X. HISTORICAL this ilurir.K a |wiiiiil uf time tlin iiidst nf which has hccii ii season "f iiluKHt uiiivi'isnl (■(iniTiicrciiil ili'|iivs>iMii, ii..t imly IliiciUKliuiU C'aiiiula but thr»ii;^licna the Uiiilid 8t.ili- nml evfii tin.' wlioli' w.irlil~a larl whii'h iimkis the |.r.iKri-ss cil' \Viii;;liain all lliu ihoir tn hu w..iicl<'iwl at. At the liiai' nl' its ihc(»|i"i:itiiiii ^is a village, l''":!-4, thv |Mi|iiilati"ii wan just sutlii'iiiil tn wnniint it, i.f., haicly tiviT 7U0 ; while at ihr ehise ol' It*"*! it liail inrrea-i'il Id m-i-r '.'.(10(1, aii'ii it i» iiuw ostiiiiati.'il ihat it cuntaiiis at least t),0(«l, exeluMve nf Lower WiiiKhaiii, which hicreases the tutal hy am.tlHT Mn. The Inwii has Ijecciine an inip"rlaiit centre of trade, while the nianuracluriii;,' interests are rapidly as-iiiiiin;,' |Mo|.or- tions of leailin;,' iiiip(irl.ince I'or a place of its ilirnmsions. Tloii, are two very extensive |,'risl and llourin^; mills, one wiih seveji jun (dslones ; one foundry and auricullural iiupleinent lact.,iy, where iill varieties ol the last named articles are luincil out, except sejiaratcav only ; oni' Very extensive furniture factory, which has idicady worked up a con- aideraldu export trade, iuiludiii;; lai;,'e sliipnieiits to .Miiiiitolni ; tliiee tannerii'8, of which cuie.ownc.l chielly l>y .Messrs. Hvinaii, the celehiated leather niercliants of Lundou, i* ii very I'Xtm-ive one, and turns out in the nci){lil>ourhood ol lii.lKIO side- of sole lealher in a season ; one steam WDollon factory in operation and another under constiiidiun ; a cardiii;,' mill ; two hiriie steam plaidii^; mills, and sii~h, door an.l Mind lact.a-ies; exteirsive steam lumher, st.ive, lath ami liiMdiiiL; mills ; four carria^'o shops, some ipiile exieii-ive ; a laifie numlpcr id' Idacksmith shops ; a pottery ; two luickyardH ; two lime-liurniu;; est.iMidonents ; one pot-ashery ; lour saddleries ; live sho,' shop> and toui lailnr sli.ips. The mercantile inteiesis aiv repre-eiited hy ten dry ij Is stores all of wdiicli also deal in various nthei lines), two hardware, ihiee dru'.', two hook, three tin and .'itove, two li,.i,t ami shne, two jewellery, six f,'iocery and two millim'ry stores. There are eiolil hotels 's,,uic "f llieui very good ones), three liipiiir stores, and two liverv st.iUles. The .Vmeiicau Kx- l)ress Company anil .Montreal .iiid D.nuiuion TcleMia]di (.'omiiauii's have oHiccs here ; and most of the hest insuranc and loan and investment com- panies are represented hy local .a^'cnts. There is one chartered ("Ciin- solidated") ami two piivate hanks. Then' .are six chnrche- (.Metho.list, Episcopalian, Preshyterian, li.tpti-t, l*rimilive Mctlioili-t and Roman Catholic), soiiK'ol which areof ,on-ideiahle )tretensiinis as to aivhitecniral design, nu'ohani al execution, and ^' ( tfcct. The line arts ami litera- ture are repieseutetl hy three phut. ii^r.iphers, two weekly newspapers, aiel a Meidninics' Institute. The press nt \Vin>,diam cuinpaics I'avouratdv with th It of.ither towns i,f ^ -i/c and imp o-lance. The '/'(f;;..-, Uelorm in politic^ waseilaldish.'il in l^Tl liv Ui.l.ert .Mathes m. nowof Clintmi. It IS owned and edited hy S. \V. (lalhniith. The Alas. Fcivuson Vice-Presi,lent, James Fleuty .Secretary, and Elward liowers Lilirarian. Education is imt forgotten, as the m.i;,'- niliceiit Piih'ic S hool luii'diie,', recently erecte.l at a cost of SlD.IXHi, amply attests. There are >ix le.icdieis (of wlimu James Ferguson is Ueail Master', with an attendance ver^inj upui ton. "Our lield is the World" could almost he written as the legend of the secret societies of Windham, Judoin^' from their nnmher, there hciiri-' a Misonic Chapter (",'' No ■^}), " W'inoham' Lodje \.F. \- .\..M.. No. iSli ; an 1 U.d.F l.odg- (" M lilland, ' No. 11:1 ; .in lliaii^,. Lodge, und nourishing Lodges of l.().(J.T. and Sons id' Temperance. There are a l.iige numlier of more than usii.illy tine Ini^iness hiiild- ings, among the liest of wdiicli are the " lleaver " Idock, the "Kent'' hlock and the " Wils-m " block, hiiilt at a cost of about sW.tWt), ?>),(IL(0, and 37, CDC respe.lively. The last olli. ial assessment records sh.ow a val;.ation for IS7S id' 8'13l,o:10 I'or real estate, glJ.ldH fir i>er,soiial in iperly, and S7,iiiii for taxable income, or a total of 3;i-sO,;!;W, wdiich the town ollicials ~av will he increased by this yevr's a^-essment by between ^lii.o.Hi and .•s'lCl.iHH). Allogether, we can epito oi/e the past history and present condition of Winghain in no fairer w,ay by lepeating vcilt'ttiut an extract I'lniu the sketch of an e\tensi\-e travellei and descrijitive writer, who says : " On all sides stretch away a country rich in every agricultural les.iuice, " with abundance of water for all purposes, including the mo..t .iiiiple " motive power for in ichiiier>'. The t'ounly ol Huron is jas'ly reeog- " nized as one of the l,iire-t, 111 isl fruitful sections of (.)ntaiio. .\ siipe- " rior cl iss of settlers have rapidly peopled its al'ori-time wilderness ; the "virgin soil iias been made to return its heaviest harvest; .-miling " fields have suppl.uited tr.ickle^s fnest- ; and in tliedevelojiiiieni of the " ctmntry o.iiue the -np|iort ol the town. It i^ .ippiirent ti every one •' that here and is an oiipoitunity to build up a most thriving centre "of trade; and that the opporliinities have no' thus far bem trilled " with is evidenced by the fact that the aggri'gate of mercantile tr.uis- " actions have year by year shown a proportionate iucica-e with the "exceptionally rapid growth of the iiopiila:ion ; and the town now, " both as regards the total amount of iiusiness done .ind the cliaractei " of its business houses, need not fear ciini[iai i-on with any of its older " rivals throughout Ontario." THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Oeographically this village is located between the Townships of nrey and Morris, a portion of each being included in it.s present municipiil bounds. It is on the line of the Sealoith and Walkertoii gravid nad, being l(i miles north of the former place and 'M miles south of the latter. It is a station on the South l-Atensiou of the Wellington, (iiey and liruce division of the (ireat Western Ifailway, distant lioiu Kincar- dine, the nearest port, ;)!( miles ; from Uarriston, the junction of the main line, '^i" miles ; and fioni Toronto (nearest all-rail, no (iuelph), 115 miles, liy the nearest Irivelled road the di.staiice to (joderich, the county town, is a fraction e.'er 110 miles. The location of the piace is a favourable one, being on the south branch of the Maitland (liver, e»eivwliere a inagnllicent stream, and noivhere more so than at ihe spot which lirst tciuptcil William Ainlev, tilt pioneer of the vilhig.>, to seleil it as his future home ; the magnili- cont water-power and ceiieral favour.ible surrounding-, ineliidiug iriidi virgin soil, giving him faith in the " iuaiiife-1 destiny " of his , hoice. This g.:.iiietmui was a native of Yorkshire, Kiigland, coming to Canada with his par. iits, John and Anne .Viiiley, when hut eight years ot age, and settling at the Town of Port Hope'; at which pl.uv, and in the Town of IVteibiiio', and the Townships of Fiillartoii and Logan, in Perth County, he spout the inlerveniiig vears till is.-.i. During this last-named vear he explored various parts of the then new Couutv of Huron, ami chose the spot where he afterwards settled, lived and died, niid which is now within the eornoiation ol the Village of Ihussels, ns hia future residence. He elfucted a small eleaiiug, erected n log shanty, and r«tuined home, cutuin ,' back next spring to hurti olf hisclearing mid plant .some potatoes, ite., Ac dome in Logan, he induced a him to his newdy selected lo of November, IBoli. Tli I a lot on the Morris side of tl yet got his slianty erected, ill and settled at lesser or g early day was looked upon .\inley and .Mr. Halliday wer is the present village. In I'j.'i.'i, or less than thai the (dace had assumed the ai laid olf what is now the souti naming it after himsell, .\in until its incorporation, tlunig " Dingle." This latter event (ieneial .\it, the luoclamati sepaiMli- municipality bearin and its provisions coming iut vear. The llr-i meeting of ll L'dth January. l''7:S : John Li deny, Thomas Hallantyiie, a Clerli aiipointed was K. V. Cm and the lirstCollector, .lame- " village lia\e been continuou wdio in IH77 occupied the \\' lull list of the t'liuucil and oil Leckie ; Councillors, Peter T Patk. Moore ; Clerk, I'inlay sessor, Donald Stewart ; Coll .^cott, .\nsoii Dulmage ; ('on lisli ; Chief of Fire Hrigade, Pi The statement that firu times is more than substanti to thai of other localities and n of a similar description. The i and the wdiole place wears at which imparts to the stranger ; siou wdiicii i'. but heightened at ance with the place and its pe I'lUt this stage of progressioi reverses. On two or three the major part of the business \ before the lire-liend ; and till these disasters by fresh and gri among the villages of the Pii possess w'itli pride. The iiuiuIh houses are matter of remark out exception among the line- town in the Pro\'ince ; its privat of elegance and ipliet comfort ; extent which {|iarticulaily in so than piovincial or even nation, ments are of a class in keeping ■ public spirit of its inhaliitaiit -Vmong the best of the bu-iii Little Bros., l-'letcher, and Ainu of the liuesl buildings we ha\e si/e. The main facade shows a the interval being tilled by a ban lu.iin building, which is three s lopped by a lofty and highly orm by a cupola whose top is protectei tectuieol the rectangle being hrol which add to the general elt'ect, i commercial buildings iuywhere lure of a line order, we also have t as a hotel ate fully up to its a|>|ie We have refeneil to some bra a character lo give the place a ve lUu.ssKi.s SriiAsi Fini; Kmiini located here under the proprietoi (liil. The villa.'e having deci.i lionald in consideialion of his e.* the oll'er, and removed into the the pre-eiit year. He had been lire sieainers and the heavier clas; years. In companv with aiiotlie lilst to coll.. ellce the iii iiiulactiir al any rate, to do so with succ " Centennial '' engine from the a'lmiration of hinelreds of tlioll inspect Ihe lieasure olferings 111 Love. This engine wusafterwar Another old-time specialty of tli SepclMtors. Tllcy were tile hist il ■' V dilator ■ pattern of .separator, general use, nut mdy in Can.ida -oriy the s|iaceat our command I'.i releivnce to these celebrated w ui of two of the streets, ne Consist 111' a single building of ihr part (on the angle), jon.sists of pattern-loom. Om wing is two sti machinery on the ground lloor, other is a single storey in height shop ill whiidi is an uiiright ste: lurnace, foundry, and lioiler-rooi the second wing. The engine s ; |iow;er of Mr. ilonald's own make u|uiglit paltern -a beautv in ev click, or a jar of any kind. Tlie- Doiiiinion. Tliev jiave a verv h the towm of Newcastle, N.U. " Tl for engine alone, including suclii and power of the machine, wliicli valuable points peculiar to itsell niiinber of the boiler tubes. Tli the size of the machine, and are i is guaranteed from cold wati'rin the specialty of \ castings for agricultural iiuplem HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE tnl plant some potiitiifs, Ac, Ac, fur future want-. Affiin returning to Ins IhiUie in L(i(,''">i '"^ iniluted a iiunilur i^f liisnlil neiHliliuursto nccumnany liini 111 liis newly selecteil Incatinn, wliielj lie came ill anil oerupied llie Nl ul N'l.veiiilier, 1853. TliuimH Halli.lay Inul niuveil in ami nioupieil I a lut nil llie .Munis siile i.f the inuil u fi-w" 'av- previi.nsly, liut lunl imt ■ vet K iailv f -i tiic iiurpuse, and the business and circni.itoin have -ince then attaiiieil tc I large proportions and been luUowed by llalleiing re-iills. lh"U/li iiu i better than the proprielois deserve. The Pi:sl is a live | aptr. ' spicily edited, well printed, ablv managed, and lieform in politi.-. It should not be biigotleii that the village has the iiio-i aiiipie tele- grajiliic and mail facilities. The kilter i- dai!;. ...ver 111- Wel!iiigt.iii lirey and Hruce Railway ea-t and west, and by st.ige iioiili aiei .soiitli. There are two telegraph oHices and .\ineii.aii Exinvs- ollice be-t Canadian, American and liiiti-h Insurance and Lean (.' are represented by local agents. The various societies of a fraternal character here al-n liicl Held for work. There is a Masonic Lodge, viz., St. .fohii-. (l.R.C. ; an Encampment of the I.O.d.E., a Lodg- i.l lie- -,Uie. \iz.. "Western Star," No. U'J ; a Court of the 1.0. Kme^iers. viz., • .\\-x- aiidria," No. :;4 ; a Lodge of tl.V.H., No. M ; ami L.i'.I.. .Vo. 77-1. The Orange Society own their hail and other e-late. «l -liuiale'i value is ab.iut !?1.0i ,1. The iLldlellows have a beaulilully liniii-h.-.l hall in the (irahaiu block : .iiid the had one which was a ciclit to the l.ical craft previou- to the lire of ..Vjiril last, which d.-ti- vi.l tliv Fishley block (in which il wa- siiiiate.l) and all ilnir ell. ■ ',- Hv tin- accident Ihe Lodge lo-t nearly ^lam worth of new linniluie. The village has an elticieiit Fire liiigade, with lire -teami-i ■ iiipl-ti-, having a ."li inch pump and II inch cylinder niacliiiie. ami c -t .*." The villagers are justly very proud of their l-'iie llrigad.-, "f ulii li IVli i Thompson, one of the "City l-'atheis. " u , hief The Fa. C iiipany i- coinmanded by Caid. P. Scott, with Win. Law-.n as Fii-t l.u iilehint. ■There is a very elfective hook and ladder c.iinpany ; and all thiiii;- ci:- sidered, very few villages can boast of so g.iod a Msieiu of tire pi..te.'li.iii as liruss-ls, while but few have; to coiuiian- with it in p.-iut .■! etHciency. To revert again to the village as ,i corporation. We mi^lit, that it" present imlebte.lness is 6!31.5iiit, exclu-ive of a few trilliii.- Il.ial- ing debts ; S'Jd.iKlo of the above was ineuiTeil liy eiving that .iiiieiml il debentures to .Mr. Koiiald a- an iiidieemeiil to locitemgiue w..rk.- lic|e : i^.'i.iiiHi Were raised by debeiituies to pui.h.i-e liie ; i^J.L'no were spiiit in street impiovem. iits ; {?l.otiil i- Mill owinj f .r t;a- a.iiii- tion to the Public School, which, by the wav. is, as an educiili'ii.i; iii- sliliilion. a credit to the place — emplo\ ing live teachers, of «iioiii J.liii Shaw, R. A., is llea.l Master. In to the sM.hJs ,. -nil due the town-hips of tiiey and .Morris, on the pnipoiti..n -et .ip.nitr as.siimptioii by Urnssels as lis share ol the railway .lel.t ..| tlm-e t-.Mi- sliilis. The original amount settl.d !.■ be pai.l liv iiru-il- w.i- sL'.o.'iii tiiUrey. and *'.',:)7r> to M..rri-. The assets of the villau'e iiiav bi> stand ,it .'rilbmi'i ; in. ludm.- lac aiiparatus, ?-,,ii(M) ; Town' Hall and L;r.un.l-. .^il.iioii : .iii.l .S, h ai; i grounds estiinateil . .•J.-i.tKIO. The Town Hall wa-.liiillv biiilt l^v :l:c village's share of the .Municipal Loan Fund Siir|ilu-. wliicli .me lii'.'d (incliidiiig interest! lo g:!,liiii. The Iniilding is a handsome « .i.n one, c.inlaiiiing public hall, lockup with two celU, cl. rk s olli. .■. life hall, band room, butchers' stalls, .i^c. A.-. The Corp.a.iti.ui own a fi;tlaT sum of J'.Vid ^wllich should be added t.i its,i-sel.-l in tlie inalimuiul- of the Village liand. They aho own a public paik.whi. h w.i-oriu'iailU ll-v ali.l h- lup.m it- 1 aw .1- .V-. : .S.) donated by .Mr. .\iiiley for a market si|iiare, and wlinli in the of lime will become a valuable adjunct to the atiribule. ..f the \. i.e. and a pleasant retreat Iroiii " citv " cues, noi-esaiid lur il. The Audilor.s' Report for l'-7.S,li,.w, re.eipis ,,f jil;!.7>LII, c.l expenditures of «l:;.8y;t.,'i(l. Among the items going to iii.ike i;;. the latter we notice $2,11.^!! set down lo b« lio.d-, si-.',.S7l.0.-i to street iin'iM- ments, and ?3i).">. ti.") to otlicial s.darii s. Altogether, Rrussels is what we may cla-s a- alive lailroa: inm of substiintial present resources and gi eat fuliire luomi-i' ; wlilillic character and enterprise of ils ciliieiis is such as will not alf » it I" retrograde, but keep il even in advance of the spirit of the tiia. -. «.ii in the race for empire bring it out second to none. VILLAGE OF SXETER. This important and pnsperoii- pl.u.'. which wears more the .iii "i ii busy town than a village but lately incorporated, is siiiiii.'l ii lie' " London Road" aliuo-t midwav in a nearly direct line bclw. ■; 1. ii- don and Uoderich, being 'U miles norlli by we-t of the loiiii- iily. 1» miles south of the junction of the London and Huivn I! ■ i :■. J'"' COUNrV OF HURON— C( i I 31 uiiK-s smith \>y vtiA ftoiu thi' rounty )*tut. In ptiinl of suttU-nuMit it \v,i< .ilmo^l till' lir.-l III till' wliiili- lliui'ii Ui^liiel, witli tlii' i'.\ci'iili>'ii iif'iiili, ,111.1 | '■ Hum -lira ' ami lliijla'lil, innl ii vi'iy Uw puiiil-< iiloiii; the lliiiMii i{.«l. mIiu-Ii liiivu iiuvir iisaiinii.'il tlii' ilinicn- Binii< ■■! I'vciiii I- iillillv vilhi^i'. iliitiiiM Willi-illlil will', « lli) l"i.uti'.l nil Lot '.'II, I,M11,1..|| U.i.l'l' ■' L'.ikI'.u Uo.kI f.'i' llh' t'.iii.iil.i t'<.iii[.any. He look up a lar^'i' 4iiaii- tity III' taii.l lioni tliL' l'"iiipaiiy, .in. I wa.^ thi' oii^'inal piirchasi*r, troiii thi'iii, "I laii.l on h.iih's ol'tln' Lomloii H..ail, uiiil on holli >'< tlu' Aiix'li-. whiiv iIk- villai;i. now -uimls. llu liuilt tlii.' lirst saw'-inill in all lliat ..I'llion of cimtiy in tin. fall ol IM!;), on thu Aux Sables, wln-ii' it i;i..--i.s the Loiiiion U.-a't. aiul the lir.-l grist mill at the same Ijlaee in X'^'M. He was lor inaiiy years lUiriiit; the early ilay of the ohl Iiiroii Distiiet one of tlie foremost eitizeiis in the promotion of all use- ful eii;erpri-es of wlmm that territory ever Ijo.usted. A ehilil horn in his lainily. the lii-t suiiiiner of his arrival, was the first within thr whole ie;,'ioii ah'.ve relerieil to. ".;r. Willis was a native of lielaml. wheiiec he came jnst previous to Lis sellli'iiieiit as ahove. On his way up he eaiiie through Loiulon — then a iiio-t I'rimitive hai-kwotuls vilLige, eont.iining lint some half- dozen lou: shuniies — where he left Mrs. Willis till he ha.l eleare.l otV a hit of laiiil .111.1 put up a sh.inty for himself. This ohl laily, now pa-t the allotle.l aii.l ten, -till resi.les in E.veter, where -he li.i- liw-.l to see .1 v. 1st wiMeiiuss, ixtemlino for many miles in all .lireetions, transloriiie.l into a country now t.ntirely with the evi.leuies nf n higiier eiviliz.itioii. The fore-t has fallen lief.'ie the a\e of the pioneer, till the whole eouiitry presents ;i siu-cessioii of tiel'l after litlil of w.uiiio eovn, (L.ttiil at ever-iveiirring intervals with comtoitalile .111.1 111 111. my i i-e- elei:ant re-i'leiui-s, which -how the builder aii.l me. hanie to have been Im-ily eiiiployeil .liiriii}; this space of years, w liicii lias lucoinplisheil changes not seen in other climes in as many L.'"-iieiaI ion-. The coiitia-t between M.e then aiel the now is not less remarkable than are many of the imi.leiits by ami throiit^li which the va-t ch.inge has be. n elfecti .1 ; aii'l Mrs. Willis can relate innumer- uble cpis.p.le- .'f the pioneer settlement- and settlers, rivalling the iii..-t thrilhii^' a.lveiitiiri- of " Life on the Western lionlers. " It i- stated that when .Mr. Willis ^'..t his -liaiity up, aiol li.i.l brought bis wilV up troiii Lull. loll to lue in It , it beiii:: then -I'ling time , he returned all the way toL'ii'l.'ii to pur.lia-e a h..j to I'l.inl his p.. tat. les with. He had jn-l exactlv .me Kiioli-h -liilliiio left in iiiomy ; an. I lin.ling on hi- arrival at L'jnd..ll tile che.l|ie-t hoe he .oul.i pr.iclirc .would c.i-t at le.l-t three tiiiiei that am. Hint, he returned with.'Ut one, ami planted liis potatoe- unioiig the -lumps with his a.xe. ll is satisf.ictory to kii.iw this inetli'il of lui-bau.lry w.i- f.'llowed on that particular occasion by most tlitteriii:^ results — the enp being at leiLst eijual to any Mr. \Villi- had ever seen upon the " ould sod" of his native cuunly, Armagh .Ml kiii.l- of lish and game wen. very |deiitiful in those days— the latl. r langing in si/.e and value from the sipiirrel to the deer. .So also Were '.ears an. I w.ilvei, allil tlo'Se use.l solllelinies t.i illllicl Mlb-tailti.ll ilanii.'eon the pigs aiel -Inep. aiei even, ..f ib,. -elller — when they b gun t,, be bles-ed with hicilities the posse— ion of su.h luxu- ries— to s^iy 11. .thing of the '• conseqiienlial ilaniages '' to the nervous sy-tem, by keeping the women who were often left alone for weeks at a time by their, in the ne.e--ary pursuit of 'heir avocathm- iii.i-tit.' of bar an. 1 dread ,111.1 wakefiiliie-s by "making niglit lii. Ic- ons ' with their howls. uii ..lie oci-ioii, during her liusbaiid'- iibsciice, Mrs. Willis was roasting a jiiece of venison over the lire on the l|.-.ulli. The 'loor "f the -haiily wa-opeii, and while A\f was in Ihe.ict of h iiiging ihe p.. -It i. Ill of ih.- •• i".i-t " a l i-lloii- grey wolf b.iiimb.l int.. till' ap.iilmeiit, .piick as lightning sn.u. Ic"! the -acury nmr-.l l'r..m her h.mii-, and a- iiuickly .lisappeared with its prize, leaving the victini .if the r..bbet'y to coinposu her rullle.l nervesaiid me.liiate on the feltisliness ,if Ihe denizens of our Ciiii.idian fore,-ts. .•Viiiong the inci- ileiils pe.'ii'iiar to |ii liner life wa- the ipiite coninioii, ami in l.i.:t almost iieccs-iiv of ill.- tiist -.lil.i- b. uig oblig.'il to log and clear llnir land '.;/ Iiiiiiil al.iiie ; ami in iliis way .Mr. and .Mrs. W illis togetlier eleare.i olf over live aeivs— the tir-I clearing within the present limits of the village. .1 hmg time after the hr-t settlemenl of what is n .w Kxeter. there was abs.iliitely no iinprovement in the place, or in the imnn^liate locihtv, it we . xcpt the mill built by .Mel '..iiin II. The cause was not far t.i bi- -nu.'ht -the cmntry near the crossing of the .\ux Sable- being hiw, ami. during tli.- time it w.i- a forest, for a great portion of the year parti. i!lv umler water. It wa- not till the arrival of Isaac Carling, in IS17. ih It the place ever gave promi-e of being even a country village. He ihiiight liesaw a I'litMie for the sp'it, and events have inoved the wi-l,.iii I'f hi- coiicli|si,ins. He tannery here inline. liately .ui hisarrivil, ami ahso-tarteil the lir-t siure in the |ilace. Thi- he soon gave up, h.iwever, ami followel the tanning biisiii..-s excUi-ively for nianv Tin' ainoiint of Ini-iiiess h.. siic.'ee.led in luiildiiig up nl-o built lip the village to an extent which -ooii g.ue it an appearance in open , ,.111111-1 to lis -.iiiieiime .|U.iii.l,iiii .'ondili.iii ; in fact, llie success whi. h iiietelel this gentlenrin'- bu-iiiess allaii' was -hared by the vil- lagi- at l.ii_-i., ill who-e iii(.'ie-ts lie has ever been .me of tli.' most /.eahuis W'lrk. is. iiel ol who-e prosperity he ha' been among the i lib.f |iroiii. iters, .Xiio'lni Ml III who-e hi-tiry has in great nie.isuie been the hi-tory of Ex.lei i-.l,ii Pickard. .\ti Kn.dishiiian bv birth, he came to Caiiela iioor, .ir.l 1., I'A.-ler, in l--."!'.', with little but hi- n.iliiral .pialities to til Iiini f .r I li.'Iit with the world in w.i- oven then ,i coiiip.irative wil.leiue--. He ill once opeiie.l a -I'lfe on a very sinill -, ale, ami bv f.iir d..,iling .iml -nil attention to business, hi, trade gi.idiially assume, I such prop.irli'iiis a- have placc.l him in the po,-itioii of one of the most prii-n..rous iiieivhantsof lln- Province. .-Viid with hi- success, Mr, I'i ■'• • nr.l .'111 m.t f.u.'i.t th..iliily he owe.l tothecounlry whi, h give it to !■. - lie hi- been ev.r .ictive ill tile eiiioura'gem"iit of ever.' enb- ;' i „, whi-tlier of a religi 111-, edui-.itioiial, or commercial ch.iracte • him cro- mi-cl 1.1 dev,l.i|i or iiiipi'.ivo or b.'iielit hisadoplel vill; everal of the large m iiiiif.uiuring e-t.iblishmeiits in the pla.'u are rM/ c'. iofly owne.l and operated by liiiii. Among the earliest settler- now living in Exeter is (Jeorge Mtlieo.l, 1.1 a native of Sulherlandsliire, Scotland. He came heto in IS4I1 -aid to be the oldest Freeina-oii in the County of Huron, V lirst lodge was oig,iiii/ed at Uiddiih, inilieohi Huron l)i,siricl one ol the charter iiiembi is, .Vt lliat time theie were but .M.i-ons 111 the distiici, including the present Counties of llui. and Uriice. He was lor years a " woo.l-ranger " tor the Cm. paiiy, his duties in that coiineclioii exlemliiig ..ver their whole t imliided ill liaiiibton, .Mid.lle-ex, Perth and Huron There was a post olli. e at Kxeter ul a ciunp.iratively early the place was so iianied by the inhabitants when the post < usliiblishud, the great ni.ijority of those in the ueighboiirho.i oi'iginally oine Irom the town of that name in Devonshire Win. Sanders, one ..f the oldest settlers, was the tirst I'o He .lUvays all extremely active man in nil .itraim jiertaini general interests uf the loc.ility, ami was particularly hirwar siibst.intial em'ourag.'iiieut of all matters, agricultural ami He was one of the oi.lest ami iii.i-t magistr.ites in tli until his .le.iih, which occurre.l s..o.e two years since The lir-l cirried by .b.lm Kaitcnbiiry, on the route between (ioderieh, his brother l-,iac having the mail cuilract Iron, the iiieiit bir a niiniber of year.s. In weather ami with g.n as go id r.i.uls went then — he made the round trip in a week, olletier rei[iiirc.l a fortnight t.i accomplish it. l'"or several yens previous to its iiicorpor.ilion E,xeter hail a status which give it the reputation abr.iad of being oneof the county villages m the western a.-, li'iii of the Province ; a six years ago the idea of a separ.iie miiiiicipal existence l.r upon the inhabitants as one of the best levers to operate for tl ingot the b'lii.l.ui, Huron ami Urme Kailwav, then lieingagit as yet by no inc.ius ceit.iin to be built. The incorporation wa b. Special Ad of the lliitirio Parliament, being the Itii Vict, assented ti March li'.lih, l-^Tll. We .pinle the seeomi clau showing the snpcrhcial limits of ihe Corporation : '■ (-2.) The sai.l ViMag.- of Exeter shall c.unprise and c.uisi "billowing lots and jiaicels uf land, that is to say : the soul •• Lot 1 in the lii-i of the Tow iisliip of Hay : the iiori " Lot iinmber -Jil, l,..ts Jl, '.'J, j:i an.l ii in the Town-lii]i of i ■•and the n.irth half .d' l,..t I. "i, Lots IC, 17, 1«, lit and 20, and t •• half of Lot 21 ill the Township of fsbornc." The pre.imhle .stale.l that the Villages of Frances and E whi. h the new Village of Exeter was birined, cunlained over I.iM and till' tliir.l cl.iu-o appoinlcd Wm. liailey Ueiiirning DItiocrto appr.i.i. liiiig cicetioiis, the rc-ult of wliii h m.iy be seen from tin iiig cxtr.ict from the minutes ,,f the hr-t niceting ; "The l.'oiiucil eb-ct met at the Orange H.ill, Exeter, .\ pi Isyii, at olio o'clock, "Isiiac Carling, Es.p, Heeve elect, and Messrs. .lames Pickan " Verity, John Trick, and Edwar.l Drew, Councillors elect, sii " to tlni declarati .lis of .illice in the presence of ,l,i-eph Aches. ",I. P. • • • • Michael Eacrelt appointed Clerk at this meeting; S.imlers, Treasurer; J.iseph Acheson and Oeorge Kilpatrick, .S (b''rge Willis W.IS elected lo the lieeve-llip ill 1-7-1 ami 1 Wh.irton in 1.S7II ; siu.u which lime tli.' p.isilion lille.l by the pie-ent imuiiibeut, Lancelot Hardy. The billov the municipal otlieer- tor the current : Keeve, L. .ill. IS, lii— .-ll, K'Uv. It'll Orew, 'lames I'n kard, John 1; (!leik, ,'Micliael E.oreil ; Trei-urer, (ieoige Eacrelt ; Aiuiitoi .McUonell, 1'. O'liyrne ; Constable, John (!ill. On wilh'lrawa'. from the Townships, Kieler a«-ume.l l-27tl .lelit of Stephen amoiiiiiing to ,*l,61'.l). on which an anuuiil in Sl)7.0.'> is paid 1,1 that township, .111.1 a sinking fund of 5 p raised; also l-2Jlli ol the debt of rsbi.rnc amounting to ifl, which interest and sinking bind amount to gllii per annum. Th gave dl'',"ot* on its own account a.s a hoiius to th.' L. H. an and pav $1, Ion yearly towards interest and sinking fund mi th The .Municijial Loan Fiiml Surplus, amounting inclusive of to .?4,iHHi, was cxpemb d in the erection of a Public ,-1 liool ; am .ellitioiial weie Mised bv -ale of ibbeiitures fur tl.,' coinplelio buihling, which is .i real credit to the place, cu^tin.; in exoes above $,-<, 11(111. Over !?l,2iH> of the 8*1,11110 are already pai.l. Th" auioiinl raise.l la-t h.r school purpose- w.i- ;J'2,4ii3. aresi.x teachers in the school, wilh .salaries ranging fr.iiii 8,'iiiii t Tae total aiiount of taxes levied la-t year 87, tJ'J.'), IS, < .^.'i-i' Went f.n c.iunty rate, and the balance for .sch.iojs. pr.ivenieiits, nuinicipal goveriiineiit, and interest an.l sinking debentures. The assessineiit for 1H74. the year of iiicorporaiion, wa- $ and in three years ,,l.'s77, it had incroaseil nearly S'to per ..-i jtlsi.:!.'!."!. On account of ihe prevailing shrinkage in values, th iiieiit lor IH7.1 is scarcely .s.i high as the ]iri'vioiis year, A luark.'l was erecied l.i-l vear on the public sipiare conn -ircei leapling lo the Hailway U.pot, the grouml being presented Cirling aii'l others, Tlo' former geiilleinan also presented the with ample aii'l eomuMili.ius gnnimls for their station, Ac , w .'iiterpris.' in progress. are Iw.. v.rv g 1 lire compauie- in the villago, their being of the h.iiid p,itt.rii. The prin.'i|ial b.i-iuess p.irt of th.' village is on the old Loud ,iiid ext.iils 1 1 mile- from the south end of the old Village of 1 th.. 1. 1.1 Vilhig.' of Kramesloivii, at the corner of the Townshiu where there i- -till a post ollicc letained, umler the name of I Ollk'e. The business houses .■oiiipri-e seven general stores (all lari har.lwaru, six gio.'eiy, two drug, two book, two jewellery, five shoe, tlir..e till ami stovi., hiiir furniture, six harness, loiir i t.iilors, ami -everal inillinery stores. There are six hot. Is, two .1 lii|iior sbire, several barbers, butchers, b.ikers and shops, \-c., a music store, two photogrjiphers, two lawyers, sis two I liartereil Kxchaiige ami hanks, one private b two olliiea, tw.i telegraph olhc-s, a weeklv newspaper itli piibli.: s.h,!, ;, ami hve .hurdles -Mi'tlmdi-t, Episcopalimi, Hil liaii. Presoyteriaii ami Itoinan t'atlidic. There are also some spe.'im.'iis of loeil 111 innf.i tales, which imliide two large grii t|, Hiring mills, tw.. -t.aiii iil.ining mills, one steam hub and lien ■ t'lry. one b.umliy and agrieiiltiiral impleinent lactory, one woo .IMC llix mill, twii cooperages, one steam saw-mill, live waggor riage factories, iiiid a large number of blacksmith .shops. The buildings are geiierally of an uxeeplionally good class fi of the size, many of the stores being as wouhl he an to aiiv of our best cities of lO.tJOO inhaoitiints. F HURON— Continued. XI. i', ScutLiiivl. lie iMMic lioi'u ill IH4:i. Uf \» : .^I'limsiiii ill till' Cuuiity lit' UiiKiii. Wlu'ii the u Unli'ii'li, ill tlii'iilii lliii'iiii Diairii't, In' was I IH. At tliiU time tluTc wen- I'lil six iithei- .•lU'liliy the ]*|-raelll INillliIies nl llllltiii, Perth yejir> a •• wuini-raiig"-r" lor the (';iiiail.i I'ltni- iiiiiectiiin exteU"lniy .t\ er their wlioie triiel lunv I'lle^ex, IVi'lli ami IIiumii ■I' at Kxeter at a ci'iiiiiaratively early ilay, aii)Wii (it tiiat name in PevniiHliiie Kii}jlantiul. aiel m-tst pupnlar ma^istr.ites in the le llie roiiiKl tri)> in a week, tiiniiL;h it lit to aceoiiiplish it. ions to its iiicor|ioratioii Kxeter had ae-jtiired re|intatioii aln-oad of lieiin,' oiie.dthe " livest " veslern se.tion lif the I'loviiiee ; and ahoiit f a si'|iar,iie iiiviniei|ial existcMiee li.ned itselt no of the liest levels to o|ierate lor tlie liniid- in ami ISrui e Kailwav, then hem;; agitated, but II lo he liiiilt. The iiioiir|iiir;ilioii was elVeeted tiri.i Parliament, lieiiii; the ;!li Viet., ea|i. liv., l-*;:!. We i|noie tlie seeond ulaiise thereof, mils ot" the Curporation ; V of K\iter shall loiiiprise and consist of the ■els of land, that is tn say : the south half of •ion of till- Tiiwiislii|i of Hiiv ; the norili half ot !l, ■JJ, :i:i and H in the To'wn-hip of Steph.-n. It l."i. Lots 11!, 17, 18, 111 and '211, ami the south iwnship ot r>horne." that the Villai,'es of l-'ranees and Kxeter, of K.^eter was furnied, onnlained over I.iuiii smils, iiilid Will, liailey |{etiiriiiin.'t)lhoirtu hold the * le^iiit ot' whiih may he >een t'lom the follow- ites of the lir.-t Couiieil meetiiijf : met at the Orange Hall, Kxeter, April Inlh, lieeve eleet, and Me-srs. ,Jaiiies Piekanl, W. H. il I'Mwai'il Drew, Couneilhns eleet, snlKerihed ■tliee ill the pre.-eiiee o| .lo-epli, K-ip, I appointed Clerk at this meeting'; jlolieri 'pli Aeheson and tieoroe Kilpatriok, .\^>essiirs. eted to the lieeve^llip ill 1-7-1 ami 1 ,s7,"i, and S7ti : siuee which time the position has lieen umlteiit, Lancelot Hardy. The t'ollowiiiij are the eiirreiit year: Keeve. L. Hardy ; I'uiiii- w.inl Drew, -lames Pickard, John Sanders ; Ti'iM-nrir. lieor^e Kacn-tt ; Andit'irs, .lohii I' -nslalile, Joliii (iill. the Town-liips. Kxeter a«-nnied l-27tli ot the 111;; t.i !*l,61'-l|. 1111 wliidi an anniiiil interest of ownsliip, and a sinking,' fund of 5 per cent. 11- -lel't of I'sliorne amountiin; to jil.iHiii), mi ; fund amount to ^110 jier aiiiiuni- The viil;. -e II account as a honui to the L- H. and It. It., waul- inteiist and sinkiiio fund on this deht. lid Kurphis, aniountin^' iiielnsive of intere-t) 11 the erection of a Pilldle .-i hool ; and .»il,tMHI ale of di-lieiitiires for tl-.' c-.mplethin of the ciedil til tile place, cu.stin; in excess of thi- !i«l ol the Sl.iiiio are already paid. t lor s.l.ool piirpo>c- w.i- *'J.4n.1. There 'ol, witli salaries rauifiiiv: fi-im S.'itin to S-i,"». ,ixes levied la-t year was 87,lV,t.'). IS, ol which rate, and the haiaiioe for .schools. ' mI ini- verniiK-iit, ami interest and smkiiit,' fund on <7-t, the year of incirporation, wa- $10,''),r)l.'>. r. il had increased nu.irly Sou per cut., or to the pri-vailiiii,' shrinkage in values, the assess so hi;.'li as the jirevious year. I.i-t vear on the puhlic sipiare comoriiiK the vav D.pi'it, the t,'iouiid beiii:,' presented hy L.*aac former L,' aUo presentetl the Railway ious i^roiinds for their station, itc , when that id lire eiiiiipanii's in the villaj^o, llieir engines f the villa;^e is on the "Id London, luth end of the old Village of Exeter to iwii, at the corner of the Tuwiishii) of Hay, tlice retained, under the name ot Hay Post p.irt 111.. St iiipri.-e seven geiierjil stores (all larj;e), three I dni>^', two liook, two jewolleiT, live Iioot and , lour fiirnituro, six harness, lour merchant •ry stores. There are six hot.-Is, two liveries, li.iilii-rs, hiitchers, hakers and confectionery two pliotii,:^rapliors, two lawyers, six doctors, and Mols.ins hanks, one private hank, and trapli otliees, a wecklv newspaper (the Tim(n , urchi-. - Methoili-t, KpiscopallRii, Hilile Chris- nion I'ath'ilic. There are also some lirst-elass .itiiie<, which incliide two lar^^e oristinj^ and plaiiiiii{ mills, one steam liiih and hending fae- leiiltiiral implement lactory, one woollen mill, Ol--, one steam saw-mill, five waj,'),'on and I'ar- ' niiiiilier of hlacksniith shops, -rally of an exceptionally ^'ood class for a place I- -tores liein^' such a- would he an ornament f lll,l)UO inhaoitants. Exeter ia the seat of the Kiftli Oivisiou Court of the Count v of Hnron. of which Trivilt is Ch-rk, and Wlmrton Hoili,'son Itiiililf. The .South Kidiiio A;;ricultnral .\s-iici.iiion li.ive their f;riiiiiid- here. Tliey coinpri-^e an e.\teut of tell acre- 111 -iiiiplied with the usual -ic 'oniiuodationsof a K-iodcla— , the wleil- iu-iiio valued at d-'.-'ilHi. There i- also a Hriviii^ l*ark AsHociatiun, nwiiin^^ u line iMltniile course. PrevioiLs tn the Imildiiii; of the 1.. II. and II, |{., tlie prodiiue of the seclion was teamed as far east a- St, M.iiy's .iiid Stiatlord to lind a mar- ket. N'ow Kxeter is uilniittedly one of tin- he.-t omin and proiiuce markets in Western Ontaiio ; and the f.icilities il oilers for shipment taken in connection vvitli tin- really maf^Miiliceiit slretoh of country hy which it it on all sides surrnunded, li.ive alreiely -eciired for it a local a-ceiidancv which it -seem- hound not onlv to niainlaiii, lull to increase ; Its natural and aci|uireil advaiitanes, proiimled hy the enterprise of n must puhlic-spirited class of citi/eii-. -tandiii^ Exeter in good stead, as the preaeiit nucleus of a future great coiiinier.ial centre. VILLAGE OF WROXBTER. The eiirlit'Ht actiml .Hi'ttlciiuMit witliin tin- pri'sciit tiinitM i»f tins iu»w tt'Miri-sliin^ vilhige wu.t nri l>y Tli<>iii;i-> aii>l)t>rt (ri)tsnii. wlut tirst jnuvhiiHeil l*t»t 2'J. C'ln. II. Mnwick. m Ilu; ni'tiitli ttf Koltniary, \^W, lit tlio aaiin' tiiiu- iilitainiii^' [,>>t L'ti. mhiu' i-'Hii-fMHinii, on which thoy Nt'ttk'tl, and uls'i the watiT |irivih'i,'i' wluTt- thi* jnvHt-nt mills art* aitu- att'tl. Tlio innvhasc "f the lattn jir..ji.Tty was ftlVftftl fnan Hmi. .laiiii'M Patliin, prosfiit law parliiiM' nf Sir l>tliii A. MafU'iiaM, who, in t"rnpaiiy with .Me.sHi'.s. l>"\> an\\ wliirh tlu' thief part of the villatic ni>w -taiiils. The iinprnvuiiient.^ nia'if l»v the ' lilis'tn hiotherH the two alxtve-iiientioned hein^ fnlluwi'-l at slmrt inttTvals '-v otluT thr'^e crr a« a hittel.and kept the pnlplie-hoiise. The mills eveeteil wi-re a ^rist and saw-mill CMinliined, on the present site of the oatmeal null, These mills were. eonHiderintj[ the time and eircnmstanees, of a very supmor ela-'^.s ; Imt with the advance of imj>roveme[ita in the nn-ehanical arts they have lont,' aince ^iven way to more modern Htruetnre.s, until when- there was hut one small mill, there are now a luimher of e\tin.Hive oiu'S, all j,'ot up with a view to otlerini,' the t^reatest facildiea in their respectivi- linea. In fact, the ajiplicatiou by the (Jihsuna of (he princijil'* itf keepinj^ abreast with the tiini'S » \ercised a most potent intlueiice ou the ilevelopment of Wro.x- eter, which owes it.s orii,'in to their eiiterprisr. and its pro^reaa and jire.sent condition fo tlieir energy and pnbli,- apirit. After IHr>'' i;,u ftilure id" the vi!la>{e aeemed assured, althonu'h it waa of no mnshrooni l^rowth, "slow but sure*' beinu' -'ipparontly tlie hi,'eiid borne by the place, as it haa always lieen of the sturdy sons of that lati"! which ^'ave it ori^^inally a founder, and sul»seipiently the greater portion of its bi*st idti/.ens. The loc.ility ii|cred) t>y the ma- jority, that they toi.k advania^'e of the earln-st opporlmiity atl'orded for inciiriior.ition umler tlie (Jemral Act. This presented itself durini^ the eonstrnotion of the Wetttorn Division of the TtU'onfo. (irey and liruce Unilway. A special census taken by Win. Smith prelimin.iry to incor- poiMtioii found the population to number TtU; and appbcition iteiiiL,' male to tl'ti Coaiity (' luncil in the Uf^ual m inner, that body puse 1 a by-law which i^rinteil tlo- ]U;iy.r >ti the jietitioucr- bv a-'ltiny <f Lot 'Jl», " (.'onresaion A ; all of Lot 2."». ''oncesaion It. exceptin;^ L"> acrtM under " water, and ten acrea of Park T-.its N'o.s. 1, '2 and 'A, subdivisions •* of said Lot ^r), ( 'iiiice.ssion It, north of the Toronto, (Jrey ami Hrnco '* Uiilway, citntainiiiij 7" acres : '-'4 acns <.f the -onth part of Lot 1. " Concession IX., beiiii; alt that p'-rtion of ,said lot Koiitli of the iiorth- '• erly limits of the Toronto, (irey .aiid liruett Uailway ia not umlcr " water ; a'l thitt portion 7L" It provided for its coiuim; into operation on the lir.u of the year erisuiiii; ; and bore tlie ai}j[naturea of Peter .\damson. Conuty Olerk. and U'm.,j. Wafilen ; and from the last above-iui^ntioin'd date \Vro.\eter entercl its indupeinlent existem'e aa a se[)arate mnincipatity. En p-iiitn', Wii mii^ht ob.servi' that the rither poi-uiiar territorial description of the n-iw villa;^»' is ac ouiite 1 for by the f.ict that coii- aib.Tilile min-uivriie,^ was re.piiied to ^fet in i>'»pulation etioui^h to incorporate it without a Special .Vet, an I at the same time keep within the territorial limit (as to area) wui>'h the iJeneral Act preacribes. It will be nrter th.m proviib'd by the (leneral Ac:. Tao i fite Xll. HISTORICAL S iilliT cxiili'iinK I'll' li'iK'' t™'' biii.l iii-ii.ip.ili.'l", »'U-cM'<\ 111" -1 Imriii' l.i'' lMlmta-< il pLi'i' i.ll. lin. iiii^lit iliiy liillil tlif iiiili.)!'.! l.v l.r.'i.liiihK M SJlLMl iilltll' "t 111 lN|ll'i'l:Vliiill« IlllV.' lilllcn r-linll 111 wc.iHu liir lliu plai.i, witliiiiil ili M |i('lvc'|itiiiU III' lli>' p-iillriinin llullV lllill ill IKllllI-ill Iniilliiill ii.lvuiiliijc-' lli.iii many ii' ciiii cvir, ill till- iiMtiin- (il tiling'- Till' lin'iitiiiii liL-iii>; iiiii'i' iliii'l c(infiniiiii({ Ai'l wm ihihscI l.y the hpcvuhI I'lirliiiiiiunl nf Diitiiiin "' it» fimrlh H-s-i..ii, wax,'.! t" on D.niiiliii- liMli, 1X74, uii.l i< kiuum iwtliniWlli Viil., iM|i. Ksix. .1,1 Thf,' liv-imv |ii'"vi.k'.l llml \\ m. Siiiilli, »li" I""!- Hi'' pri'liiiiiiiarv .•unsim, uliiuilil l"- tin' lli-tmiiiii;,' <>lli''<'i- f'"' I'"' '"■^' imiiiii'ilial Vlciiiiiis ..,-,l,.|v Im. Iirlil ; iiinl Hi.' Ki'iilU'iiii'ii n.liinir.l iiH tlu' lir-l n'l.ivi.'iilaliv.' "f llu' in'w villii','i' wi'iv; lii-i'vi', Alex. I., ( ; (■,11111.111.11-. .M.'sMH. liliH-l>, ''lurk.', I'liiilin ami Mnalc. «ni. Small »a.s . Ii..s.ii lirsl \illaj{u l-'li'ik, iin.l Samuel ll.iiiiiuuk tlm A-»is»..r aii.l (■..||.T|..r. , V,.iv s 1 all.i-iiK-..ii..iiali..n a ililli.'iilty ar..m' laitttfcii villai,'.' am t..winlii|. ill ivi^ii.l t...livisi..ii ..f |.r.'»ly iii.'iiiTcil. ami ni.s.iil wat lia.l t.i arliitratii.ii. .lam.- Sliaw imnv M. I'- I'.n' ^. Unn'i'). |-.:l() Ir.nii llu' Cuiiiiany lian-istiT, iif Walk.'il wax .Ih.m.ii l.y II. .wick ; ll. I >. May M.I'. 1'. ,.;|,.l, ,.|,|,. ,,t ili,. m.iulli nf tln' I'la f..r N. I'.i'lli), ..f l.isL.w.l. l.v WiMXi'l'iT; ami .iinU'i- '('..iiix. ..f'- ||.ii,,ii,, a.- w.ll a- tin- "I I'ifli, was llii' irfmu'. Till'' il.'ci«i..ii was lliat Wilm-Ut »Ii.iii1.I I.i' -l-liiN hm.l wa- -iiiv.'y..l iiiL. a 1.. .■ntiii'lv ivli.n'.l fr.iiu il.< imiti f Ow ;!■ nn'nl l..\Mi»lii|i niilwiiy i,, ili.. way ..I iiii|ir.Hfimi|it IiH I imli''.lmiss III -LLIili'iii I.. Iliix, lu.wuv.r, Wr.iM'lir iiii.l (i..rni. ,,,1 i|„. <..iilli ..I llif nv.r, ..i (iiml.r wlml waskimwii aslli.' " I ;n.ii|,.ii;,' Ai'l' lia.l V..1..I ai.l I" ili.- ,„,iiii," ami ...viiliii-.l l.y ..m- liil. ■r..r.iiit.i, llr.y ami Itni.f llailway 1.. ilii. i\t. iit ..f .^..liiin, ..f wlii.;li n wlm wnv .•iii|.lin..l \Vn..\i'tfr lia.l issiu.l .li'l.viiliiiis I,. III.' am.nint nf Sl,.'iiiii aii.l ll.ini.' makiii.; jj.'ii.Tal |ii-.|iaialii.ii- fm- i .■il.TiUO. Siilismim.iillv. ami |.n.\i.iiis l.i, ."'I.IIIWI (Iw.i i,,,,. ,,| th,. |ii-,7!I Iti'vvi', A. L. (Iilisi.n; ('niiiuillnfs. .Mussi's. Sanili'i's I'anli'n. K. ir.syl h am I Samli'i's. ( If 111.' ali.ivi', Mr. (iilisnii lia« l.oi'ii I'li'.'U'.l ,.'.r..i .1). .1. iiy ai'.' Tn.' ..llni- nniiikipal ntlii'Ci's fill' till' .'illT.'iil vuai- arc as l'..ll..w:i : ('!■ I'k, 'A'lUiam SiiliU ; 'I'r.'asiii'i'i'. William M. It.' ; ,\ss<'ssi.i'. |-'i..\ ; ( nllt'tliir, lliu 'I'l'i^as iiri'i- ; Anililnr.s. K/iki.'l Kvaiis ami II. .M , W.iUmi'. Till' pnlilic iiiipi'iivi'iiii'nts.if W r.ixoli'r ar.', like llu' \illas,'u itself, in dii'ii' infamy. 'I'll.. I'lililic ."^I'lnml is alu.iil tin ly Hiin.,' they liiivi' in that Iin.'. aii.l il is. a~ a liilililiii._', nf an infeiinr ili's.'i'i|iti..ii f.H' a |ilaee "f the size. Tin' eilm'al i.mal'.'i's .ll'i'iiil ,a'i', Imwever. nf a llilili nl'liT. There are llil'ee l.aelieis, nf whnlll 1 1. -M. Walk.'l' is llea.l Slasler. Tw.iverv gnnil wniiili'ii truss lii'i.l^;us spun lliu main l.raneh nf the MaitlamI Hithin (he Uiiiils nf llie village. They arc linth kept up liy tlie I'nllnly . ^ _ , . , • . . »i . 1 imn. , nn n.'i.n^ " . " . . .".i."i, This nvi'i' all.ii'ils niaijnilieeiit walei'-pnwev, wliii'li IS lii.i'i'alli taken i[i|,,v. i;,.,,, .\I,,iiis ,l,,|ni H.nili.n 111 the sprini; if l>3.'i Iw.i 111. i M..i'ii-anil.l.iliii linyle thi.-i'i.f u|i III that time ami ilntiiit,' llu li.iii-.' .ill a hit he hail l.ik. this silnilii.l', als.i, th.' linilier nil was ihnppi'il iliiwn iiml l.'t.',i;eil . M'lisiin was n.i cleanup; I. I.iwaiil Ihi- s.iiith, 1.1 " r.iewsiii ■ ea-l. Ill ill.' I Inn Una.l. Iliiiiiii; 111.' siiiiiinei' .if lH;t7 .\ l.'.n.l ill, lia.l II iiiiiiihi'i' nf nii'ii sliu'ls, Ai. : .iiihii .Miir;;aii liiul vaiiniis ilnlii's, I'll ai'.'iiiiiil nf Tayl iiameil Smith (iimlei' .Ml'. M.Diiiia hail a ^iiiveyin^ party laying; nlf 1 aliiiiit s.-v.nty-live men in tiie .^eti " tiali-i. Ills ; ' a- wli.n llie i.ill \ lill.'.'ll alili-liiiilii.l niiiil," ini'liniiiiL: W. \V. ('.niiH.r, a.lvanlaue .if Ly faelnl'ies nf valimis kilnls, the mainif.'li tiiliiin ml.'i.sts nf \Vi'ii.\el.'i' f.'irmiiii; a eliief an. I imp. I'lant a.ljiim't m the plaee. Ainnll',' these in.iy lie iiienlinm'.l a lliiuriln,' null with fiiur run nf stnlies. an .latmeal mill w ilh twn 11111 ..f slniies. a w...ill.'ii l.n'lnry ili.iie.; a I'.illn 1 extensive l.ieal tia.le, u lai'n.. steam sasli, .hiur ami lilin.l fai't.ny. steam shinitle mill, steam saw-mill, lal'^je eal.iiiel f.'ietnl'y. a ennpeneji'. a tan- nery, anil several lilaeksmith, wuggnii ami cariieiiter simps, ntie hai- 1 ness shnp, shoe aii'l tailnr shnps. I The i.v'iiei-al liiisiiiiss nf the plaeo is trauaiii'teil tlirnugh three Ren- { erul slnres, .ine haiilwaie, niie ilriii;, .me tin ami sinve, .me I k an. I statiniiery, ami Iw.i i,'r..eery st.u'es. There are Initeher's, hakei's ami liarlier's shnps, auelinneer ami enmmissinn stnre, thre.' Imlels an. I a livery stalile. Wr.iM'ter is a statiiiii nil the T.m.nlii, ( irey ami Uriiee iiailw.iy. > r either, Wi'.ixel.'r ami (l.irrie (L'.l miles ilistant ) liavi' .'i slali.ili aliniil miihvay li.'twei'ii them. It isealle.l '•(;.. rrie ami \Vi'.i\.'i,ir " St.iii.m. ami is i;t miles fi'.iiu Teeswater. the |ii','sent termiiiiis nf the West, in l.)ivisi..n nf the ali.ive I'na.l. CH miles fnnii (lfani;eville, the jniiL'tinii with the main line, an. I Kill miles fr.iiii Tni-iiiit... There ate ntPn'es here nf the Mnntf.'al lVli",naph I'.i. ami Amerieail Kxpl'ess Cn . ami a ilaily mail In aii.l fr.nii the ea-t.wcst an.l smith. The hitter e"nm'eti.ill is hy sla','e In S.'af.nth. l'."i miles .listunl. The meili.'al anil li't;al prnf.'ssinns are represeiiteil hy twn physieians anil twn ennveyaneers. There are Ihiee .•hnrehes ( "lelh.i.list. Kpisenpal ami rresliytei'iali), ami a very Ilnurishinn Iiran.'h ..f the .Me.hanies' I list it lite, |inssessiii^' a lilirary nf n.'iil'ly l.nnn v.-hiiiu'^ an.l a m.iitlier- sliip nf nearly Imi. Aiulrew I'attnn' is I'risiih'nt. William .Murray Secretary, Till iinas 11. Sale lets Treasurer, aiul \\'iliiam Snijill l.ifirarian. The villaiie is the seat nf .Musniiie, ( i.l.lf.ll.iws' ami tiiain.'.- Lml;;es, reiiriisetiteil respeetively hy " Kiie-I " I.1..I.41', .\.l''. A A.M , Nil. l(;i;,(i.R.C. ; "Mnntanu'' L,nilne, N... 17i!. I.O.I i.K.; ami I..11.I,. No. l,(P'.i|. As tn Wrnxeter ^'eiierully, it may fairly he staleil lliut it jmssesses the elements nf prosperity ami sntistantial in.liealiniis of ennliiiiieii progress. The as-esseil valiialinn nf real |iriipeity for 1S7*^ um.ninteii to glll7,(i."i."i ', nf liersniial, I,. .■'L'll.Xlll ; nr a tnlal .if .'ivisiiin (.'.iiirt nf tin' eniinty. (;e..r;,'e (iihsi.n hfiiiLX Clerk, ami Steiiheii I'iayfnril liaililf. Il is the eentre nf a I'espeelahle uiul ;^rnwin^ hii'al tnnle ; ami amniin its altrilniles are many nf tlmse properties whieh iinint tosnlistantiai .level. ipinent ami local siiiiremaey in till} future. VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD Unlit. I!iis-ell, ('hri~t..plier,l.ihns aiinth.'r name f.irnnttiii) fnnu II Thniiias Wells, who hail lalelv - Tlli'se were in the Cnmpany nt I a] all. I were .ini'inn the wii Clinton n.iw -tan. Is. Ur. Diinl.. I'.iail hetwei'ii here ami what i- im heili .'hiipp.'il, liill lint iK-ali'il. lli The lil-t sehnnl tcili'lier ill thi Tnwn-hip of Stanley, wjis K.Uv.iri early s.'ttler nii the llurnn ii.'ar tile liver hank as e.iily as Is y.'t -lamlinn— li.'iii;; 11*1. 1 as a ] having lieeii imprnveil l.y re.eiil i I. .Is -eliniil iuir|iiises, ami the The Uev. Mr. Cnniier (Epis.'o lil'sl I'eli^'i.ills sci' in ill.' s.'tl an.l always |.rfailie.l in the hiinsf Til.' present En^;lisli ami .Mel linth the same siasnti, hut not .Inliii H..iilt..irs s.m .lollll, IlnW ehihl li.irn in the s..lll.'m. '111. an.l The pi. s. 'Ill \illau'e .l-'es tint .' •* 111.' lial'.in,"' tl.nllnll it is still u to speak- ■-ciiiitiiiiiiiiL; l.7li7iicres iiiii 17> lesi.leiit r.ili'payers. (_!en the I'a-t -li.ile nf l.ak.- Hllr.ill. at 1.11 l.nlh si.l.'s nf Ih,. same, ln'im,' Tiiwii-hi|i n| (i.iilerh'h. luit . Iii.'il -hip nf Slanlev ; .li-lant |.i the s. twi-lve mile- ; alnl fi'nin Ul'iieeli -lalinlis, I aeh t.'ll niih'S. Th.' h ■li'-.'iiiie.l ill 111.' A.t .if Im'iirp.ira " emh.-.'.l within lli.' t.niin.laries " C.lmllletK'lIl^' at ill.' ii..rtli-w'.--t " Ihe Township ..f Stanley, in ll "ahilin ;he [layli.hl [;iv.'i' In th " .\ ; th.'ll.e s.iulll alnil.n th.' .'i "N.I. 8, Hange (1; tlniice we "shore, t.) the pla.e of heiiinii " I, -1. ll ami 4, ami the lial " of the T.iwiiship of ( i The h'nislali.iii hy I This place, whi.h has lii'-n hut a -Imrt lime :iii imlepcmhiit miiniii- Spcial Act of I'liilianienI, kmi\ pnlity, ami is in fact the yniniKest of the wlmle family which make np to .laniuiiy 10, l''7(i. The pup the C.iunly of Iliiinn, hail yet a "local hahitaliini ami u name ' ni'iirly'pinut.' nii.hii' the (letieral / a gcneratinn previous to tile exislciice of what lite 11. iw U11I..I1.L; the lar^'est to sa\e a year's tiiiu'. yiii.'e ll and iiHist pros]iernus centres of trjnic \\ithin the h.iun.l- nf llu' whole ..f eiiuuieratiou, ulmve eve the olil " Huron Tract." Unlh the Incal liahilalinn ami the iiaiiii' u very coushleruhle falling nil' in were given it hy a celehraleil Kiigli.-h eiejimer iinnie.l Ituytiel.l, The llrst iniiiiicipal elecli.ins whose profe-sinnal services the Uainn lie Kuile eiilisteit to come l.i owing gentlemen to the (Jouni CnuHilu ami scluct u place in the terriloiy nf llie Canaila Cniiipaiiy Coiiinilhu's, .loliii Esson, .Inliti whereon to fouml ami hnil.l a town. The anangeimnt was tiiaile li.'- h'.lge ; ami llie folhnviug olliciul twt'cn the llar.ui ami the .'liief olliccrs of Ihe Caiiiulu Coiiipuiiy as I'urly .lolni A. Uutle.lge ; Tieasuret', . as 1828, ami lUiiing the ensuing year Mr. l.uyli.'l.l came tn Cuiiuila, ami Wmul ; Collector, John Wilson | iHlM IISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE I iillci i'S|ili.riii); tlic liii;;r trait nl iviiMitry lliin liy lliiil riiij,' cf l:lllcl llI'Mliipcili^ls, -I'Ici'.ll'cl the »itl' nl' tile Vill.lj;!' wliifll llil^ C'VlT »illCf I.Tinr |,U iiiiijR-M^ n pl.iifi.lliiiiiK ii'lviiiifii;;!-^ wliicli, it |iicp.rly I'.wliTi'd, iiii^lil .iiic (liiv liillil till' iiiili.i|«iii"ii- "f till' nri).'iriMtipri nf ilii- I'l'iji'i'l, l.v lup.i.niiiiK ii tiW.a c iiilTi' nf' ;iij>l ■ .1111 111'. Anil it llii-c ^;iiMt i-xiii'i'l:itiiin» liiivf liillfii ^liiul "I rnn-iiiiimalinii. it i-" "lily .-o ipimli tin' ; VVMisu liir tliu liliirc, willii.nt ilclMdiii;,' liniii llii' innfi'^Mi'iiiil iiliility \ M' ; fm- nniiu I'liii iliniv tliiit ill iMitiiml lnr;i|ir,ii Mild suri llllill^;■< llaylii'ld |iuwusswl j;riMtiT iiclv.ililiiji'-' lli.iii lii;iny imw liiil'ii' iiji|Kii'lalit |iliiw< thilU it 1 iiii ivi r, in till- iiatiiir ot tliiii;;-, li'ipi' In Im'. 'I'lii' liuMliiiii lii'iii;,' uiiic iliriilrd ii|i"ii. Ilaniii I >!-■ I'nili' piiirliasnl in I-";!!) Ii'.iin till' C'anaiia (-.'"iniiany, at ;i.i. %!. ^t'j. \nf iwri; l..'i()ii iutck nil lai'li' nf till' iihUith nf till- lii'aiililiil ^l|■(■alll Ih-it cniptyiiii; iiitn Ijiki; Hninii, whirh, as wi-lj a-* tin- *' Inwn,'" nrciv-l tin- iiaim- r)t lta\ tit'ti), 'i'liiw land \va^ -iirvryrd iiilna tnwii pl"l iii l'^;i-, Imt nntliin;; was dniiu ill till' \^a> nf inipiiivrini'iit till I **:{:{, \n)u'Ii a ^iiiall < li-arin;^ wa-« niadi* nil till' -nlllll "iilu nt lllf livir, all I a -mall |n;,'.|l.ill-i' laiill llpnll "till' I'l'iiit/' aii'l nn'iijitcil liy nnc Kilt'>,ulin ki-pt a li'iaidin^dinu-t' fnr tin' liainii'^ iiifii wlin w'l'i-i' I'niplnyrd ill '^'•■itin^' uia tinil'rr, \r., ^Vc, and making (;i'iii'tal pr('|iaialinn- fni- tlu' l.iiildin;,"i| iln. tn»n. I'), i'. 'I'aylni', nnt' nf llif lir.-t Mi'tlli'H and t-ailif-l mi'ivliant- nf tindeiiili, wa-* tliu Canadian ai,'fiit nf thr liamn, wlm liini-«-ll in-vfr r.iiin' mil tn m-i' how lii-" "inwn' »a^< K>'tvai lyiiy aluail tin' liviT I'aiik rnliin;;, wliili' Ihu '.nly hniisi' yi't ill till' plain up tn I8;t.'i \\m liili'v'-. pruiminlv iiicntinin'd, and tlial nf Joliii .Mnr^aii, wlm kupl a kind nf stmi' fur tlie llaiiin as early as IHIM, and in tin' lattuf part uf IH'M. At ihi' tiiiM- III llif l!ar..ii'ii ili'atli .niilrail- had lu'i-ii lit tn mii' William (liay, a imii'd innliartni- mi piiMir wmk^, Im- tin' cnitinn nf vaiiniH piiMii; iiiiprnvi'iin-iit< a- almvc al l!aylii-!d ; lnil tliniit,'h hi- dralh di'- iavi'd lln' inti'ipri-i', yet ihi' null- wiri' I'UTlcd tnnii' tiini' i-iilisi- i(iiiiilly hy William Allrii nf (iinlpli, iimlir dini linn nf lln' ynnnx liainn, ilii' lir-t dam ai'i'n*" tin' rivi r lia\ inn 'n I'H alivady Imilt liy tl ray. Thi-i' milUaii- llii' saiiii' nnw in npi'ialinii In'iv, ihniiuh'ilii'y liavu lice'n at vaiinii- tinu-s addt-'d tn and inipmM'd. In lln^ -pring d' l>;j.') I«n ni'iri' In;,' liiiildin;;s wi-nj iroi'ttd liv (Ji'n. .Mnrris and .Inhn Hnylc tlm-c nf liilcy and Mnriiaii la-inn thi'only nims up tn that tiim'~ and diiriiit; thi- suninii'i W. \V. ('minnr liullt a Ing hull 11 a Int whii h he had takiii n|i Ihr pri'vimi- autiiiiin. During Ihi- siiininiT, alsn, thi. liniliur iin tin- " inaiki'l sipiair " and Main Stri'i't wa" I'liMppid diiwii iind h.^'n.'d nlf liy llin llarnn's niL-ii. I'p in this si'a-iiji tliiii' was nil cU'aiinn tiiwani tlio nnrtli, shnrl nf (inili'iiili ; Inward till' sniilh, tn " Itri'WsUr's." imw (Iraiid 'luinl ; and towunl ihi' na-l. In ih,' l.nlidnn Uoad. Iliuiiii,' Ihi' siimiinr nf i8.'!7 Alkin-mi and llndniiis, tniitriK'tnr.s, nf i.niid 111, had a niniilii'r nf iiii'ii umplnyi'ii in ih'aiiiiH ami luidliny nlf stiiji'ts, Al'. ; .Inhn Mnrnan had -miii- liflun nr twi nly cniplnyeil ut vaiiniisdulics, nn ai'inniil id Ta\ Inr, tin. liainn- ani-iil :'anil a siirvcvnr iianii'il Smith (iimU'r .Mr. .MiDni'iaM, Clui'l Kiii;iiiii.r fiitliL' I'anada ('n.) had a -iirvryin- party lavin;,' nlf h.i-. .v..; -n ilm all.'-i llii'i Ihi'ii' wi-iv aliniit -IV. nly-tivi' mi'ii in liu' -I'ltli'iiii'iil. ISiii ilny \\\n- mn-tlv niily " lian-ii Ills ;■■ as whi'ii till' call was madi. fm niilitarv sriviti' in tliV li'lii'llim ilylilti'i'ii aldi-lindii'il nun wire In ho fnuiid in ihi' ".sctlk'- III. Ml." in. In. tin. r U' W Il II pi. ..I.;.. 1.1... -m • '• ."">■""■' ..'inii^.; Ill'- " 111 111 111 1 s... - 1 s.i.-s ill 1(11- fnrilirs w-liru- Cliiili.n nnw -lands. Dr. l)iinl,.p was I ■,,lnni-l ,.f lln- ri'-iim-iit. Th.- rnad lii'lwei'ii huii' and what i- imw Ihui-i-lii-ld, mi lln- l.mnlmi Una,!, had hei-ii .-li,.pp(-il, l.iil lint i-h-ari'd, ihi' In-s IviiiL'iis ihi-v fi-ll. Till- lir-1 s.-linnl k-a.-ln-r in this -utth-' and ind.'i-d in thi' wlmli- Inwn-hip nl .Slaiili-y, «as 'I'l'lnpli-lmi, wh..-,- fallnr was a vr-rv railv .s,-iih-r mi tli,' llnmn Knad. 11,. iaii;;lit in a Inn laiihlin.. i-ri'i-t.-.l mar tin- rivi-r hank as i-arly as Isliii. It was hailt id oi-ilar li."s and is yi-l -tamliiin-lH-in- ns,-d a.s a privati' i-i'sidi-m-i' l.v lli'iirv Al'i-Cann. lavui- l.,-,'ii inipi-nvi-d l.y i-,-i-ent ri-paiis. " Th,. Ilai-.'.n- nav.-'iwn villa..,- Inls l,,r -L'h.inl purpnsi-s, and lln- villa^ir.H m,-. ii-d lln- huildin- lln-H.v. .Mr. t'nnp.'r (Kpi-i-,,pal . ulsi.wlicii' n Ii'Mi..I i„, hi-1.1 tin- liisl r,.l,;;,n„s s,-i-yi,-.-s in thi- .s.-tilenn-nt H,' ns,.',l i,, vi,-it it m.mlhlv. aii.l always pnai-lu-.l m Ilii- linusi. ,.| Mr. Cm r. Tin- pri'si'Ht Kiinlish and Motlnnlist Chiiri-h',.. wi-n- ih,. |ir-t Imilt ~ lii.lh Ihi' saini' siasnn, Imt iml Inr s.,mi- viai- lali r than lln. almv,. 'In ill liollltnllS.,,,!, .Inhn W livil,- ill IMinlia, Has ill,, lirst Whitl' I'liild linn, Ml ihi' si.'ti|,'m,.,„,„i„| prnliaKlyalsntlivtirsI in lln.. mwiiship. I hi' pi.-s,-nt villa,'i' lines m.t iiain all tlu' hin.l di'si-in-d f,,r il I'v •• Ihi' I arnn, ti.i,iii;li il is slill a villas,' ,.f - ma-.'iiili,-,'iil di-iami- - -., t.i sju'ak -I'.mtaiiiin,. 1,7(17 a.-rcs nf land Im- a p,,n,ihiii,,|| nf .-,mi, im'lud- n.^' 1,- i.-idc'iu r,il,.p,ui.r.s, lli'i^iaphii-ally .k'-.-rila-d, il is sitnaU'.l nn llu ,.ii.-.| -hm-o .. I aki- Huinn. at llu' nimilh nf iIk- Davtii-I.l Kivor, ami nn Iintli siili-s nl ,|„.sa,m', lii'ing ,iarlly in the snuih-wcsi , nrmr nf tln- l.i«nshi|in (,n,|..|„.l,. l.iit,luitlyinthi'n..rlli-wist,„|.,„.,„|-|lii.-|-„„-n- -iiljnl.sianlcn ; disianl 1., ilu' sni„h. li.m, il,>,|,.ri,h, ih,- cnunlv Inwn, t«.-M' m,li-:aiid Imm rn.-i-lu.lil ami Clint lli,. m-aii-sl Vailwav - , I,, ,-, .-aol l.'i, niil.s ll„- i,',.r„n,.y , |,,i,„,, ^-m,;,, i,, |i,„i,^.-^ I.- ii.i-.linl ,-..\, nf I ,r|,„,ati„„ ,,. .. ,|,„ |,„,,,,,, , i„t, „,- |aml in.l..s.-.l w.llun 1 II- liniindarii's hm-i-inafli-r nn-mimn-.l, thai is |„ J.v ...i,iiiu-noi,,:,.atlh.-n..rlh-wi--t,-,,riH-r,,f ihi- liavll.hl T-wn Pint in ...11,^' .1,,' l.ayl„.|,| |,,v,.r t.i th,. ..astmn limit nf |,„t X„. | ,. ,{,^,„;, N.I. fl, Haige (. ; |l„-„ce west, alnn- llie sidi-ina.l, t., th,- h.ko- »hm'.' t» the plai-e nf he.-inning ; and als„ ,!», s„„tl, halves .f,, •■ .rfii'Tn; ,H,h! t"' r"',''^''f 'i' '"■' '• "' ""• "^'>»^'''' ^-w^^o. nl the lii»nsh,p,il(n„le,-,el,, 111 th,- ('..iiniv ,if l|„,-mi." I he li',i,',slal,.,i, liy whii-h liavliil.l «a.s tl,.„ iiiL-nrnoi-ilo,! w-i. „ Spi-,-,.,1 Ai-I nf^ I'aHiamenl, kmiwn as il„. ; , Vi.- ' \ "™'"t::^..^ In.lanuary I,., |s7,i. The p.ipnlali,,,, was a' that tin e su I i-ie 1 , "'■•"■I"-n.ti' n„d,:rtl„. (Imn-ral Ael. i„. ,1,„ ,„her ennis^ „,,,', to save a years time. «,„,.„ then, if we ,„-,. ,„ take Iho a v'S enumeratn,,, ahoye „,,.,„, ,|s even apprn.viinalely eon-e.t, there hils bee, a verv -■onsnlemhle lalli,,^, nlf i„ il,;. |,iipnlatin„ I he lirst municipal elections held ,e,ulle.l in the return of tho fol ow,,,;; P'litleiiieii to the Coniicil : lie,.v,. \V Wei , , t ,„ n Couinillors, .foil,, Ksso,,, ,l„h„ K ,,■',,'' 1,-1 i I, *" I r"" ' hidKC ; mid 1 ,,e f,d,,.wi„«'oHi,.ials w.u-e'a pliule:! "l^^'ul t '^ ^"c l-k" . ohn A 1 utleilK-e ; I ,-eas,,,-er, .lames,,,, /Assi-ssor, Fivder ,k \\.„,,l; Collector, John Wil.sou ; Cousiald,., ll„l„,,.; |)„.,ior "^""-""' ,liiliii Keys was i-leeti-d In the Ui-evi-»lii|i l..i IH77, -inn- win. 1, tm,,, W. W. Cnnnnr has lilh-d the pnsitimi. lii-l..w Ihu lull li-t ..f villu;.. i .illiciils Inr the i-iirri'iit year. I"-?!!- I!i-i-ve, W. W. Cmiiinr ; Ciiineilliii-, .\iiilii'«- l.'iilli .1^.., P,iu ( lea,i-, lli-iiiy llnwaril, ll..l.e,-l llark.-i ; Ch rk. Win, .\. .\|.,1,i,„„, Treiisiiier, .lames Th p-mi ; .A--, r. 11. Ili;.vnis ; An. hi..,., Ijciiu' I \Viiii,»',inhl, Kre.h'ii.-k U'.ind ; Constalde. .I..I111 Keiv'n-..ii. 'I'lie villiiKe , .s lln pnl'lie iiiiprnvi-nii-nts wmlli nn-iiiii.nini;, fiu. Cniineil iiiielH in a hall;iii,' to tie- I lian;,'e In f 1.1, ilii- plj,.,. M'eins to a straiiner P. I..- iilin^'i.i.liii:; «iili im iin.. il.iin si,|,; yet, Mir. i-nun,l,-,l as il is l.y a v.-iy li,,,- ami i-mnpar ilively ihi. kly -.-lll.-.l|,|j ' of country, it Hlill n laiiiii il po-itimi as ihe euhtie of ijuii,' a ti«l... Theroaie si.v general slores in ihe pla.-e, one tin and si.i\e .t.,,-,., m-„ liarneHs, tli,ee i.iilnr, I a,,il -hue, twocahinei. ihri-e ,,.1;:.'. 111, an.! thii-e lilai-k-inilh -Imp- ; mn- ( w.ilei jnristiiiL.' ami ll'.iiiiiiu' inill.a -aH-.|,iil|, planing ail. I shinnle null-, two .'oiipeiagi-s, .1 mill, ..n.l a Ln-wcrv, There are f.iiir rhuichiH (.Mi'thndi-I, Kpiscnpal .Mi-ilmii-i. K|ii-.ii- paliaii, l'i-i-."l.yli-rian . ..lie .s.-hn..l Willi llin-e le.-nher-, ,\|..iii|.al Ti-lo- grapl, nllii'i-, ami daily iii.iil hy slag,', nil' .S.-alnrlh I'll.,-,- .-u,. f,,i„ 111, -1, sill ami lhr,-e Ieinp,-i-.ince hotel', an llran','o h.ill, anl liiik.-i'. liajl fnr the U-i- of,- im-etillgs. iVe, The ass.ssuil valiiati'iii .d pr.ipi-rlv is small, the mn-i -.. .,| mv mimi. cipality ill the ,'cuiity, liein-,' only i>isi,(. i:|H for real and .-ri'i,:;!!! Inr iirf. sonal piniierly, or a t-aal of .Sti l.d.'iT. The lialiililii's are Imwiver v.-iy Irilling. il in. I I ih.r. 1:,. ,i„v ni all. Th,' .sum of ?i:iiil ..ri-,'in,illv set olf as it- sha,',. ,,f tie- T"»h. ship ..f .Sianh'y railway ilel.t, and tin' last of the ».'ho.,l d,.l.,.niiir,. ,|.l,| (im-iirre.l s,,me ye.iis sin;.-,- in eiilapgi g the piildii- -.-hnnl) wa- li.|;,i,l.,l,',| last yea,-. Aliiinst the only thi,, n all ut li.iylli-i.l which imrils a d.-ri, i- its h.irlimir ; an. I why the |)..i„i,iinii li.ivi r,,„ii ,ii w.-i.- i-vir p..-.,....; to waste Jj.'iii.iilMi nf ihe peoples niniiey nil linil.liiu.' a hail... 111 wni.-l, has mil yet hill, used, and never pri.-li.-ally spcikiii;; will he ini-il. jj .lilli.-ult t.i u,iile,-staml. Wnrk ciinj„,e,n-i-il upm, it ,11 ls7,-,. ;|||,j .-..niph-tcd diirinn 1'.7m. I„ a.ldilini, i.. what the (incriimen, -uiik ihen, the Tnw,ishi|i nf Stanley wa- inilu-i-d In s,|„a,ii|,.r .-illl.iiiiii „| in .Miiiii.ipal l.nan Kiiiid Surplus mi the -an,.- ..I.iiet -an ,u-l wliiili we venlnie tn s.iy '.111 nnt .,f e\i-,y lllo nf the ,-.itepaM-i- III nimiieipiliu- „ow deeplv ,-i-gn-l. There have I'ee,, a niiinher nf -i-liemi-.s agil.ili .1 at vaii. .1- iiiii.-sin .give llaylii-ld railway„„,iii.-ali..ii : 1. 111 Ihey have l.iili-.l, as lli.-v\,i|l conlinm- to dn, IVmn the fad nn pn.-il,|,.",;. 1,, ,.„/ i-,..,i,|t- c..„lil 1.,. dc'ived the „i-,-,'-sary e.vpeiidiln,',', and the village it-eli is and will hi- Inn we.ik In slmuld.-r i-ven a tithe III what it would 1,1 pl.i.-e a pul'li,- Wnrk williin ils reach w hi. li Mould ln-m-lil iNelf .\.-vi.,i|i,.|ess. liavtiel.l p ,s„.ss,.s .iiiiil.iiie- which n-ui,- .an .Iciv ii- llmse.ifa ple.isaiil, ipiii-i, heillliv. liille .■..iiniry town, eiiji.\,iig all llu- licnelits whiih may he i-eaped frnn, a rich an. I fciilc ...unli-v surp.'.n,.|;i,s! it ami a g.ioil i-lass nf citizens inhaliiliii..' il ; an. I a- -ucli il caiiiMt Imt cnulinue to llourish, though the h.ipi-s .,f ii ,-v,-r 1..'. .miinj a ■niinat'r- i-ial centre ol any iiupiii-l,,i,ce a,-i- eMiemi-ly inlin,li-im,i). VILLAGE OF BLYTH. This, the youngest of lie- niiii,,!- inuui.ip.ililies .,1 jlui 11 1 ->iiiit\, came li,tii existence as an imlependi-ul .■.i,-pi.,-atio„ al the I e-iiiiiin.' i.f the year l-'77-tlie iir.i.-.'.'.lings p,-epa,-atii, v to ,-i-si,lt haul,;.' ln-.-ii i-llect.-.l lin.ler the Ihliel.l'. .V.r liv liv-laiv nf the I'l.iinlv (■ leli at tlu- .luiie, l,s7(i. lis muiih-ipiil lii-t.,iy js ihei-ef..,,- hrii-l. We lind that the special census i.iken previmis in ii,.-,.,-p,,Mii..,i .,im- lilyth a p.ipulalii f -..-111; and il was laki-ii l.v I!. W. Mil. lull. who was also Keturning lllli.,-,- at il,.' .-li-,-li..iis sul,-,..|u,.,ii|v 1„|.| f..i the ]ii,rpn-e nf rl -iiig III,- tii-sl C..i,ncil the ,„-v vill.i.-e Tli-s,- '■I'-'ct s i-esultcl in Ihi' return of I'ani. k K.llv f.u- Iteeve ; and \V,i, Sloan, .M.I) . I). 11. .\|,-Kiiin.,ii, .lam.-s Wils..||, 'i„|,l 'ph .1- N,, l,..l...ii as (■.ii„, K.ih,.,, Phillips was a|.p.iiuli.d Clck an. I Tha-nicr. Cliarh-s l|aii„lt..n Ass,-ss,.,-, .I..l„i ( ;,,smai, ( 'oHectnr. and .f. A. Aml.-i- s.. 11 an. I 1; W. .Mil.-heli .\u.| Wu,. ( M,-;.".' wa- li'eeie l.-i l.'<7->- an-l the "urrent year the Cuncil an. I villa-e ollicc-s a,e 1 1!.-. v.. Wm. Ch-gg : Conn. -ilhus. .lames IVleh, Hugh .\|,-i,iuar,i.-. W. II. W.i!-. 11 anl Cl,,,s, Kl.,.,.|y : (-1,.1'k ami T,e,,s„,i-r, Kol-t. Phillips ; A.s-e-"i. ' haili- Man,, Ilm, ; Cnllectnr, .Inhn lio.smai, ; A,, 1). II. M.Kin,,..,, .m.l n. ii.-i,.h',s,.ii. The p,-esent c.ind.itim, .,f Blyth presents as ma,-ke.l ., c..,ilia-l t.i it- em, d,tim, ot half a doA'i, yeai's ago as is tn he fmiml in aav ..ther town or vihage in the whole countrv. and is a,i'.lher..f lli ' niaiiv evidences of the wonderful iinprovement'aii.l .levelniimeiit of the r.iii- r lail age. To trace the his, ,ry of 111,, pla,,- f,,.m it- ii:-t s,.iii,.|||,.|it i- „ „ .,k inviilvmg tho i-elatm.: of nothing hut , ..,um,.,i|.la. ,- eM-nl- -in-c Iin: m,c a, either ,n a „,.,-t ,-.,11111, ..nnlai-c maum-r. with imii.d,l 1.. reli.-v,. ili. m.iimlouy „,i-iil,-iil In th,' ev,'rv,i,,v "viste f lih' in ,1 I- v,llage, as Hlyth might ve,-y propel Iv he ti'riii".l till williiu lln- pei,-»l ihov.- ivti-i,.-.l 1... rii,. |ii-,t selll,-.u,.nt within Ihe pn-seat liiiiii- "I niylli wa« ina.le l.y Lucius A. C. .Mci 'onni-ll, li",,, ih.- C..untv ..f V ifc (.irig„,allyl,-om County l)„wii. I1-. laii.l ,.in.| M. H.-ania S. . 1, li man wlm l,;„l p,i'vio„sly seitle.l in th- Township .,1 N.,iil, K-i-ih-.i..-. ":ach came 9epa,-at>dy. hut l..,tl, arriM'd al aliu..-l c\a,ilv the -nn,' tune ; the li.rm.-r nccupviug l.nls I ami -2 in C .-sim, X, ami the lall.i Lots I ami •-> ,n C.mci'ssi.m l.\, i„ il,.- T.nvn-hip ..f M..r,is. Tlii- i- also cla,, lied -auil with undnuhled a' cina.-v -In hav,- 1.,-. 11 ih.- Ii,-st -,-nli- nient in the original T .wn-l,i|, .,f M,„.,-i. ; ,„„i i, t....]i pi.,, e in lh.-.,iiiv part ..I the m.mih ..f May, l-.-.l. The m XI occupier of laml wilhin tin- presi-nl villagi' li,nils w^s |i,,l„.,t I),-i„u„„m„|, who took u|i Ihe ..-rii.-r ol Wawaiiosli, heiiig X,,. li. C,,n..,.s..i„n I. ,I,din T,-„,pl,-tmi. 1 -n of one III the hr-l selthu-s in (h..'l,'ri, h. was the ni'Xl actual .setthi. 1. w ever, on the Wawan.ish si,l,.. |1,. p.a n,, ,, 1,,^. i,„„„,. therein h- i.- I't the hrst st„,e ,n the phi. e ; an.l tin- lir,-i hnlel was huilt snnn alhr -,: the s,ten.,w.i,-cup„-,|l,y llawksliau-'s liv , Inhn. l.rnihi-r nf li-dierl lii-ini mond. 1 us was „„t f„r s.,n„. ,,.i„N s,il,s,.,,„e„t t,. the -eltl.-m- nt ..I Mcl,'iin„ell an.l .Mcliean. Ve,-y .s,„m afl,-r lln- setih'un-ni .,f Teinph'tni, ami. I. dm Dramia.n.l :,- above the latter als-, starlcl a -Imp : ( (,.„,^,, Di,,,,,.,- ,„„v,.,l ,„ .md stalled a hlacksmnh's ,sl„.p; ami .an- (iunn-v came ami n'pen,-.l a i.u!..i- shup. ll„s was in l^.-.(, and in tlie -pringnf l-,V, M.-li.-an huill a-aw- 1111 I, and the jdai-e be^an In ,.ivi' pruni-.- ..f - lav 1.,-in-.' .|n:te ,, vill-ige. II w-asal this time tli.-.i William llr„,ii„, m.w mu' ..| lln- eailmg clizens nt the plac, but ih,.u n,a„.,g,'r of Ih,. me,, antilc i-mI- li.shineiit ol .\ilaiii Hop.- At',,,, of Lnudon. ciinceiv.'d the hh.i of Luiiu' out a v,llag.' m, the siie of his h,ili,',s p|.„p,,,, . „|„i |„„| j, ,i,.,„, ,,,.;.„■„. ingl.v. In looking up ,.hl pap.u-s -ah i,I,ii,-.l 1., ihmw lig!,i .ai its .-.irlv lustory Mr. Drumniond diseovci.'d ,, "opv of the bill a-lveiti-iiu- llir COUNTY OF HURON— CoNi i ori);iiiiil liitiil sal,- wliiili wn- tin- ini'>'iiliu» dl' ilie Villn>;c ..I' lllvlli I'm- iimiiy villi- lalli'.l till- Vill.ii;.' Ill' lljiiijiin'Mi'l. A- a m.ilh'r .■! Iii-l..riiul intrn-1, ni' ^'in- it mluitnii : '■ Kmkx.-i\ K ArnioN Smk' (•'[.•.Ini. k W il - in-ini. li'.l i.. ".•ill l.y iiiiili wilh. lilt i.'! ullau'i' i- imt ai|i'i|iiali' in any way In "i-illil'ly till' nam- n| ilu' iin I'l'i-ilijly lllllliiluil- c'l.liilillluily nj Wi'ailliy " laiiiiii- at ini'siiil ill till' liiialil\, anil a^s a j;ii-t ami -a»'-iiiill, with a " tan'iii ami -tiirc, aii' alrwuly in i i.iiiiili'tiiin, tlii' Villai;i' nl' Driiniimiml " 11111-1 I'M'iiliiallv ].|.ivi' 11 ni.i-t' Incaliun. Tln' tinii-, Al'...Vi'., "♦ ' * Cliiil L'l'ml .laniiaiA. l-."i."i." Kli'iiik till' villani' Willi -uili l.ii'ii' a» t" I'li-vati- It sim-i' tlii'ii rrniii tin' prii|i"lliiili- III what wi liaM'iilna'ly ili-unati'il a- a lia.'kw 1- villa.:i' lo tliii-i- I'l a luiiiX mill |irii-|nii(ill- littji' I'ailli'ail li.wii. It imw mlilaiii- ftvf piii'ial aiiil I'ln- laiirv '.1.11.11- -t..ri'-, rijjlil ^'r.i.'ii'ii'n, mii' liar.Uvaii', oni' bill. I -li.T. .'11.' ll.iiiraiiil k'l'.l, mii' I'uriiitiii'i', niu. ji'vulliry, mii' ilruy, twii l.....k. tiv.i tin an. I -toVf, ami Iwn lianu'-i ■"lincii twn liakiM'ii'*, liul. liiT-, Ai'.. iV... steam lliiuiiii;; aii'l ^'li-t mill, -train -aw-mill, -lavr fiiil.iiy, -liiiii:!.' I.i.ii.iv. I'liin.liy ami a:_'ri.'iiltiu'.il iiii|.liiiii'iit la. i..ry, plaiiiiiK mill. -i-li, .1 ■ aii.l liliml lai.|..iy, wmilluii la.l.iiy. riiinitim' iactiiry, twn wa^'^;..!! .iinl I'lmi''kiniitli'- »liiip-, li.iii' In.ti'l-, twu -1 I1..1.I- (thii'i' ti-ailii'i'M. liiiii' iliiiirlH'- (I'li-liyli'iian, .Mitlmiliat. K|ii-i.'iiiialiaii. an.l K.-maii C.itli.'li.' .t«u wi-rkly m;« -pniH'i'- ( /.'.run/ iiiitl It'ri'n-), two ti'li.T.iiih 1.II1.1-. all. I .M.i-.'iiif (lilvtli, Nil. IMM , Oranui', ami I.o.ii.'l'. L.I.U'. *. I'll!' valii.ili .r R'.i! |.r,i|ii'ity in tin' 1 iirii.n'atinn l-<7'' i- SI li!.:!:!.'i ; i.f |.. r-.' SI l.'.KHi : ami .it tax'alili' in.'.inii', Simi ; a tntal i.ri?l."iS.:i:i."i. Til.' iiiiml't'i' 1.1 rati'|..iyi'i- i- liill. 'I'ln' a— i--..i's rL'tiiin- i^Wv m. i-li- ni.iii' .it ii.i|iulaliiiii ; l.iil ill 1877 a -p.'. ial cii-ii- wa- taki'ii in I'.Kini'r- ti.'ii «iili tliu liii'ii-ini; .i| li.ili'l-, whiili -linvi'.l it i.. 1..' at tim.' fliillitly in a.lvaii. I' ..I l.Klii, ami il i.- at |iri'-i'iit .-tiniatL'il at l.iiKI m- a liltli' iiv.'l'. Il i- |K'tlia|i- init Inn lale In rt'lnark licii' lliat tlm i'..i'|..ira- tinii iinitain-' .'hki acri'- nl laml tak.ii ali.nit ciinally trniii the -uutlii'iii coriiui nf till' T'.vvii-lii|i III Ka-i W.iwam.-h iii.l tli.' w.-t.'in .'..rrn'r nl till- T'lHiisliiii III Mniii-.aii.l llul u i- nl till- Ifailiiif,' -tatinii- "11 ill.' hak.' Hut.. 11 .iti'l Hitllaln Uailua\, .li-taiit li"iu Lnmlnii lid milt'-, ti-niii Wiii.'liaiM I 1 mile-, ami Imiii 1 .ilmiit l(i mili'*. Til.' 1.'.'. i|.t- ..I ilu' iiinnii i|iality Ini' tin' \i''"' l**""? wi'ic ?:i,ll'-H.;iJ. of Hliicli Sii.7.H;i.ii| wi'ii- I'l.lli'.'U'.l in ta.M-. ( if tin- .'.\|.i'ii.|iiiir.'-, i.'nv.'i..l til.' tntal aniniint nf n'i.'L'i|ii-. .■*l,07i!.7."i wi'iit lut .-.'linnl-, ami a Hull' int:iilt'nt m ..'niin.'ili'.ii wiili its ...irly liisl.iry, il minlii In' 1:.' nliniii'il lliat Itniialil, .-nn *>( Ki'iiiu'*li Mi'IJuiiii, wlin in now- in .Maiii- ■ 1, wa- tin- lli'.st wliiti' I'liiM linn in lln^ pl.i.i'. Oni' nf llii' niininal ■' 'tl'i-. Mr. .M. ('nnn.-;!. -till livi- with lii-. .<..ii, in \Viii;,'|iam. Mr. 1 ': iinm.iii.l. ill.- l..iiin|.': nf ilie \ illiU'.-. 1- imw tin- n|.U'-l liviii„' ri'i^iiiiiii i'. lln.' villii^','. Th.. lii-t ic'.i;.'i.>n- M'l'vii'i' uvii- hul.l in ili.' l.i.ality wa- 1 \ lU'V, .Ml'. Alkiii". 1-I-. will 1. -p.iki-n nl, in tin- Imn-i' nf Mr. Mi'liiiin i iii.illii- :_'i.|ill.'miin al-n p ilmnn'il lliu lii-1 inaniam' ri'i'i'mmiy in lln' I, jiil. .iiili. ml, .iml ii i- .il- 1 - li.l - ill llu' Tnwn-liip uf Mnrri.'', Iji'twi't'ii .1 ;.i, I.ii.ll.iw an.l .1 .\li- W.iMy. liM.'lU -iiiiiiii.'.l lip. It iii.iy III' slati'il tliiit i'.vi'^tin^i t-'i'iiilitimi'i ami : !■ ■i-iit imiicatinii- .-I'mi In pmini-i' a pruL'i'u— ivu an.l pin-piruii- InUiri' I : till' ynuii;;i.»t villa.'ii in till' i.'niiiity nl llurnn. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW Til.' |ii' l.ii:atiiiii i.f ilii.i villa;;.' H'luk'i"* it ipm-linnalili' wlirllnr il -Imulil III- i:l,i-Kilii'il ammi^' Ilic iiiiinii.'ip,ilitii'S nf lliiinn Cmintv, m 1!. .-|. "I linici. Siiiiat.'il partially in latli nf lln- llini' nf A-lilli'l.l ami \\'' -t W.iwaiin-li in iI11r1.11 (■'.iintv. ami Kiiil.ifis in llriiri' (.'ninily. wi' . ii-ili'l -I'lvi'- jii-lili.'.l in ii'fi'riinn In it a- a villanr nl lini'ii ' ' 'i|iit\. ill iiii/li a Inii^ tiiiif alit'i ii- inrnrjinralinii it wa- a I..1111- ..f ' '.nti'iili .11 Im'Iwi'i'ii till' Iw'n 1: iiiiitiu-. anil, a- will lu' ^Imwii furllii'r mi. 1' - iv. nliially -1.1 a-ii|i' to tlin <;iiiiiily nf linii'i' liy tin' (Jnviri nl ' I iiiniii. piirp'.si'-, tli..H'.*li, Inr D'lmininii IVirliannMilary cainliiliiti'-, 1.1' ii-'li'iil- nil I'lllii'i -ilk' nf til" i:iiiiiilv liiii' (ivliii'li i- al.-n thu iiniin ■: i-t ..fill.' vill.i.,;.. -till vnlt with llii'ir ii'-pi. livi- iniililius. Till' pinii-.'i'nf Ihi' pla.c was Kii Stanlli'i. a (k'niian, wlmm -nmi'-ii|i- ; .-I! In li.iVi. Ii.'i'll till. Ill'-l wllili- man wlm I'Vi'r I'lnsuril tllr Tnwli-llIp "I Klllln--, tl|..l|n|l W'l- lln lint ViiUlIi Inr till' I n^ I'.'l IH'— nf llii- opillinll. 11" pill' ln-i'l thai pnrtiiiii uf Kiiil..s- iin«lii.h llii' iiiajnr part nl llii' ll.i}.'.' I- I. nil' .ilmiit till- yiai I -.."in. anil wa- Inllnwi'il in l-.'il liy Wallir Aiiiisl ._■, whn ...iik-.l in \Vaw.iiin-h just i-a-l nf tin' villai,'.- »iti-, wliil" illiwi-i. h.,rili.w..-i,aii.l miithia-t n'-pi'.'li\ .Iv nl what has ninwii I ' 111' ill" \illii..'i' D.inii'l Wi'i.-lir an.l family. Win. .laim's ami Davi.l II' ii.l.'r-..ti. .111.1 Ui.'li'riik f;..laii -I'llhil iiliniil l-.'i:), tin' fnni.i-r in A-h- ■ I'l. ilii'nlli. r- 111 Kinl.i". .Mr. (fnlaii, tlinii;.'li liv no ini'iins a voiins,' n.aii th.'ii h iil.'.l hi'iv, cniitiiiiii'il III livi' wlii'i-i' hi' niiiiinallv Im'an.i till April ..f til.' pi''iit yi-ar. wln-ii In' ilii'l at ll.i' rip.- ohl .11;.' nf niii. ii'i'i'lii'l an.l lliit-i' yi'iii-. a riri'iiiiistanci' wmiM jiis'-y tin- lii'lii.f ■lilt till- i-lilnat.' Iii'11'al..iiiu 1- w. II lakulali'il In pinmoti- Inlixi'Vilv. hi l"-."i" .liiliii'- Snlni'l villi', wliii hail -nvi'ial yi'als pri'vinli-ly si'llli'.l in 111.' -niithi-rn poitiiiii of \Viiwaii..-li, ii'ni.ivi..| 1.1 till- iiili' ol ihi; villaKc, whii'h he piirchasul fioin .Mr. Staiilli-r, ami the «auii' year erecteil till' first mill ill tin- Tnwiiship nf Kinlmis, mi the Niin'-mili I wliii 11 llnw- tliiiiiinh till' pliii'.'. Till' ■aim- yi-ar he simvi'M'iI tin' \ Kiivi' It the 11. mil' II, LiiiK.'nw iltii till' Iinliiin nty wlm h was In' I'V Ihr lliiii-h i.liniii lliat tiini' , ainl iiaiiii' I tin' stVi'.'i, after ihe I (,' wlm ili-tin),'iii-lii'il llii'iii-i'lvi- ill thill war. Till' iii'M winter .Ml. M. ramplu'll iiriiM.I ami ..peni'il the lirst Al Ihi- liiiii' al-n, vi/., [--."ill, ihe l.ii.kni.w Tn-t lllliie wii- i-ial.l .M. r.impliell lielli'^ rnlllllll — inlleil ,1- l'.i-llllil.-li'r, a pn-il|n|l wlii ll.l- I'Mr -llli'e Iit.iiliiil. Frniii till- tim.'| settler- 1'. line inthi.k an.l f.i-t, lill lln-e nf the villane- pm-peiity wa- re.nhi'.l almiil the year IS, It. In llii (a majnnlv nf tin- lalepayir- liiiviii;,' il.'ilaieil theiii-elvi - in favi iii.'..rpnr.iti..ii at a m.'i'iiii',' h.'l.l fnr thai piirpii-e) the l''iiiiity Ci 111 Hiir'in llii— I'll a l.\l.iw fnr ihe in. iirpniiilinii nf the \illii'. I'.in.liii.'ii it -h.iiil.l I... aniti'M'il In lliirnii Inr iniini.ipal pnr The l" iiinly t'niiii.'il ..f llni.'e ilnl likewi-e, es. .pt th.'ir I imp.i-e.l the emi. llii. Ill lint the new villai;e -hmilil he iiiiiieM'il In I Ullller ill 111 h llU' nil the llnlllS n\' tile ililinima Whii'll W I- lllll' seiite.l, ihi' villii.,'er- -.'. iii'.'.l the pa--.iui' nf 11 ,>r(li hy thi* Ttwt HuP'ii, 111 till- L'diiiitv nf llriii I', nil thu L'.'isthylhi' r \V;iW,llin-,h, i'll thr M-tiith hy tin* T-wnsllip nf (.'nilHirilu, llli'l west liy I/ikf llurnn. It in tlu; m-i-nntl in >i/c nf tlii- tiiwn Huron » 'Minty. h.ivini; within its limits (li>, 184 jtcii's, the "id , sliip cxa-fiin^' this nunil'iT ht-in.; Ilnwick. As AshtifM I ini.-Iiith'.l in ih." Mnfk nl liiii'l pnrrli.isi'.l \>\ thi- ('uniula ('ntiip; tiiic nf i!iMni|_'r,ii!oii whii'll lln\vi-e, anil Stujthi'ii Martii . ami tlmuj^h we have no i ( the exact ilate of their stttleiiu.ut tlijre, il wiis Hnnic time ljut\ HURON — Continued. Xlll. M viNiis IH;i7 unci Isil, ill wliii'li liittiir yi';ii' tlicy were fullnwcil liy Jiihii ll.'iwkiii' :\uA <:uu\\y, wli'i nl-'> IhimIi'iI iui iIic lutvii |>lii lii- way fi-nm (ioili'i'it'i. (<> Tort Allx-ri in u I mat ; SliaTpc Ict'i till- I'oiiiitry hiuiii) tiiiii' lat>-r, aii'l Mart III aiil (<• Iim- iIu'I'- till tin- tiiiieuf tluMr rt'siii'iiivi- ilfatli^, not iiiuiiy ycai-fi iiina'. l-'nllnwinj,' clnHi-iy «in the itatc nf their Mi'ltlctiu'iit, a i-niiHiilr"alilu iiiiiiilu'i- of iiiiiiii|{raiitH si'ttli'il alniiy till' Like I! iir^T all tlw \va\ lip to tlw ikh'IIutii liMiiinlary nt' llic tiiu ii.i)u|>, ]>i'<)iniiii'iii aiiiDii^' wliDin ui-rr Ji'lin Dean, Miiiirice Daltnii, uii>l .Icrcniiali Flyiiii, »li>i wrif -m.hi I'.ill.nvi'il l.y Ali'Saiiilcr M.'la'aii, whii K.iltli'il .III '.', Ci.ii. l;i, \\\'»t liivisiun"; llniiiTick l''illlays<>li, whn JHL'ati'il 1)11 lait 1( nf till) salllu ('i>lirt-ssiMii, iiiKJ DtllLTll. Tin- lil'Mt Kctlli'f III till' iMsli III part ■ f the liiwil^liip was Win. Slallnll^ll, wli'i ili'HM' iliiMiiLili ft' Ilaiiultiiii in till' fall nf I^|:|. ami Ki'tthil on thn faiaii at pn'scnt nwin-.l ali. ivtanlcil the ilcvilii|iuielil nf the t nvnship. ami was siilistilnleil the scs-inll nf l"|«7;l. At tile ilcctinll ill III IS l"^ li\ the " tell _\ eal -s' .sy.stelll " nf payiliellt . wllli'll hail tile ellect ,, ,„|,.ii ,vas ejeeteil us f.illnws, \i/..: M. "I lirineini,' it. settlers ipiile rapiillv. hiirini^ mi's ami ISIil Uichanl rclntvre, Waltir Tieleaveti.Thns. 'Lawrence 'I'l-eleaveii, Tl a.s An.h-rsnii, Daviil, .Insepli, ami Valiniiiie Altmi, |l,,(,j^" iln-epll Ulickelt ami ntllers Meltleil ill the vicinity nf the \\ awallcHll jiui-ilicliiiii was left iinsettleil hv the Aef nf '""n line. The lirsl mill in the InHiiship was I'milt l.y the (Invern- ixhip iif Kiulins, nil the N'liie-niih' liiver, ee. Tlic Hiiiie he siirve\eil the \illane, IV illci llic Itnliaii city which «a» lic-iencii me , aiiil iiaincl the streets after the Ihitinh thcin-eUes in that war. I'aiiipliell aniicil ami lipeni'il the stnr, 11. the l.ucklliiW I'n-t Dtlice Was eslalili.»hii|, siniicil a» 1'ii-tiniV.sler, a pusilimi wliieli he 4etllei'scaiiie ill thick ami fast, till tliediiiiaK IIS reaclieil aliiiiit the year !H',H. In this Is liavin.L; ilcclurcil Ihetiiselvcs in favmir nf hehl fi.r that piirpnsc) the Cniinly Cniiiicil Inr the im iir|inialiiiM nf the villa-'c, mi annexeil tn lliirnii Inr niuiii. ipal piirp. Is Inr tllepilssa'-'e I'f the I'lillnwillH IVMpllllinll •Cniincil : Uiwi'ctii e. sec III. le I liv ('iiiiie illnr Trcli'ivcii, 1. 1.1 t.. writ. ■ In the ill ('nUllill In kmiW .iniieVc.l tn the C'nillltV nl lllll'nn fur this (.'niincil inii-i.lcrs the villa^'e .li-liau .■if.:illiistaliees."--l '.irrieil. llaj;e appniiit.'il li.-n. T. Hiirt'ess t'lerk an. I ■.niliniie.l tn Imlil till the lir-t .laiuiaiv. 1^7ll. icsalinii c .iitinili'il tn anital.i tie- villaiie f.r n, ali.l it is av.Mf.iil l.v s.iiiic an (Irild ii in. Ml at I'nrt Alliert in lH4!t ; the lie\t «-.iH erecleil alinllt I"".! nil the Null' .Mile liiver, Lnt 7,1.111. I, hy Wilhain Harris. In I'i'eJ Alux- all.ier .\lc|l >l|n|l erecte.i a slililU t.lllllely nil thi! Nine Mile KiviT, lit, t'nii. II. 'I'liu first nninicipiil tr.inaactiniis .late frmii the erectinti nf tlni ilis- irict in isr.'. At time Ashliehl liiel aiiiiuxud tn it the in-eaont tnwnsliip.s nf Mast ami \\'est, aiiil as .snnii as selller.s Incateil III the -sninhcrn p.irl nf I'lfic.' Ilic\' Wfri- assesse.l l.y the .\slitielil 119- tli.iiinh lie hail m. anllinrity .s.i in .In except 'that nl 111.' t..wii- sliip fniincil, whn iimre at tent inn tn the enllecti..ii nf tuxes than tn till- legality .il the prncea.s nf enlleetini; tlniii ; hut when tlio 'I'nwn- iiii'cMii.' it tn llnrnn.linl a severe pivs-iiie III »l'i|' "f "i'"^''' «■'■< snrveyeil it was annex.-.l m A.shhel.l. ^ . . . '. ' . . 'I'l I.. ..f .1 ,1.;.. ...11 ii. ii — ,,1,. .■.I the .ir.|er h.'I'.ire it was i;a/etti'il, wlieri'- ali a-.-elif t.i laki- a v.itc nf the pcph' .m the I alie^'eil " crn..k.-.iln''> " in the liialiai;i'lilelit .1 ill a ti.'. aii.l an Onhr in l' wa- liia.i.' I..'. Privi.ills tn the i.-suc nf th .l.M. llnH- •ntesleil a^'ainst the intcmh'.l pr.ic-cilini;, ainl cniisiiler thi'iril.' ; Lilt tin- l.'S.ilii- .st wa- l.arrili nf rc-illl, cxcpt t.. pla.- the actlnll nf tile I inverlllllellt. aline- ill ill.- /). i..'..;iHi/ ..f ihc I 'null' il -in. .• it- II .■niitinile.l t.ilml.ltl Ili.e ..f Kiev.- till I). 1, ill l-7'>. Tl Ih .'Is f..r the year niiiicillnrs, M. Cnirinaii, i;. I) 1.1 ■nil ; Clerk, \V. II. Smith ; 'rieasiiivr, I). K. .U...t..r, ilnlin Tivhav.n ; Amlilnr-, \>. Ilnr- inil cilncatiniial ailv.inlanc-, li ivin.n iil.-iUy cnllllllnlipl.i.e — liiiill hy -einii-ncc nf ill.' h.isiililv nf lli-j tiiwnships tn line t«n st.iry liri.'k, recently eie.t.-.l ich live teachers are enipl.iyeil, (i. W. I'rn-l ..list, line Kjiiscipal uml fw.i I'resl'ylerian nf was Imill in I'-tl'*. previmis |n ileil sclinnl-h..iis.' wa- il-.'.l r..r tin- h.ililiii.L; m inie til. Ill a y.'.ir' its .• -.-rviccs .Mr. Smith h.iviiin preach. '.1 the lir-t -.riiinii. , 1 is here represellte.l hy seven gellerul. three clinii| (.'ninniissiniiers.'" The lirsl p. |iiilar eleclinii I'f an entire Cniincil nf tivu» iccnrre.l ..n the liili ami 7th ..f .laniiary, \>*''i<. at the Imnau nf Daniul, Lake Itna.l, when the elev.naspir.ints t.i inniiieipul liniiniirs r.ei'iv.'il vntes as fnllnws, viz. ; William I irahani. il .' : Cnliii .McKeii/.ic, li,-< ; .lereniiah Klyiili, 7:i ; .l..lin Hawkins, ll! ; ,lnhlls.iii, (JJ ; Charles Cirviii, ill ; Itihert Daviilsnli, -|.l ; Charles Wil.s.ill, Dl' ; Her- narl McCal.e, S.i ; Davi.l (lirvin, '_'! ; ami Kenneth Meilreg.jr, 2 ; tho lirst five hcilin eleete.l. Fiiiiii tliat time In the presi-nt the fnlhiwiiij! miiiirtl genfhni.'n liuvo hehl the nlli.enf R...'ve, vi/ ; I'harlea (lirvin in 1>>.")1, Unhert Uuviil- snn in I.^.'i2 it, aiil .Inlin Hawkins liniii that time up tn ami ilnrinn 1H,-|7. In IH.".^ Mr. Hawkins 1,'ave place In Knlierl Davi.lsnn, hut anaill ..cciipie.l the chair .luriiiL; I'-.V.I, l-^ilii. an.l ISiil. in which lutler vear the tinviisliip liec.ime eiitiil.-.l t.i u Uupntv lieev.'. ali.l Mr. .InhiiRim; w.isi'lecte.l tn til It nllice. Hiiriii^' 1 'siij Willi ini Mallminh uml .Manricu D.iltnii were eleete.l Iteeve ami Depilly lleeve lespeetively, ami cmi- liniieil tn h.ilil tliiise nlhces till the eii.l .".f lHi;7. was the tll'st year ..f iheir electi.iii l.y the p.. .pie, after tlu' ..f t.iwnship wanls. Diirinn Irtil.s ami 'isil.i .Mr. .\l.ill.iii-,'h was U.evc. whih- (,'o Ariu- slrniin was Deputy Keeve the furmer anil Ah-xanilcr Fr.iser the latter Mar. l-'rnm l.H7u"t.i I.S74. inclusive, the Heeve ami Deputy lie.'vo w.'i'i* tienfi^a' .\riiistr.)i|.^' an.l Maurice respectively, ami in 1875 .I.iiii.'s .Miilliii siicee.le.l .Mr. Dallnii as Deputy Keeve, while fnr the lic\t three years Knhert Welnl.'r was elecleil In the lie.-n'ship, uml William Lane serve. I as Deputy .liirinn IS71;, ami Itnli.'rt ll.imiltnn .11 cnpieil that ilhce ilurini,' 1M77-7S. The civic nllicrs nf A-hliehl fnr the ciirrenl year arc a- fnllnws, \ iz. : Unhert Wehster, Keeve ; .lames (iriiit, |le|iiity lie, \e; I'iiiri.k Clare. Amlrew Dreany, uml ,I.i»eph lirilhn, C.iiineillnrs ; .I..I111 Cn.ik fl iiini,' iiinnii I'.O.), Ch'rk ; Dennis Snllivun, : .lames Ha^en, Cnllectnr ; William Mulluui,'h uml Williuln Kilputrick, Ainlltnrs. Ashlielil e iiitaiii- u i,'reat ileal nf an infermr ipiality of laml, tho pnnrest nf which is .'hiclly cnilliiicl tn Ihe central part nf tho township. The l.iml referreil In is n.'ither hilly nnr -amiy, hut a cnliipurutivcly level tra.'t, inclininn in tn swamp, ami is what farmers would i tiescrihe as a " smir, cnl.I snil." There are several villages ami Imlii- j lets sitiiuli^l either wlmlly nr in part in tin' tnwn-hip, the iinist iin ' pnrtant nf these lieiiin I iiiiinaiiiinii, mi the Wawunnsh tnwii line, nine miles fi'niii l.nckn.iw anl ihiit-.'n niih'S fr.ini I in.lerich. T'his villaf,'U lai'l ..lit hy .Mr. William .Mall.iii^'h in l.S."i."i. un.i hy hini given tlio name it hnu h.-ars. in Immiiir nf the linrnn^li t.iwii ..f the sutiio iialiio 'SHIP OF ASHFIELD. ltd in the eitreino imrth-weat pnrtinii nf the honiiileil on the imrlli hy the Tnwnship^ nf ■ linn I', .111 the east l.y the I'nwnshiii nf West h hy the T-iwiiship nf (.'nlh.iriie, uml nn the i,, Cminty Tyiniie, lleluml, wheiic Mr.;,'li e.iiiio In t'anuila. I is' the secnii.l in -izi- nf the n.wnships nf -I'l,,. (ii-.,i ',i,,i'c was starteil here in l-'.'il hy Itnhcrt Cloinlenning. In vithiii its limils (1I>.1«4 acres, the only town- i^-,! u p.isl nlHco was npeneil u slmrt ilislance nf tho preaent iiilier heiiin Howick. .\s Ashlii'M was village iiinler the name nf hut on the .surveying nt Dun- Ian. t piircli.iseil hy the Canailu Cninpuny, the gunnnil it was remnve.l tn that place .-mil ussilmoil the tillage nuino. ich tlnw.-.l iiit.i that Cnmpany's Ian. Is ili.l m.t -piie mail cnnecli' 11 is fiirnisln-.l hy ast.ige inuking iluily trips between t the ISP.'. The lirsl sottlenionls wore ilnih-nch uml Liicknnw. The village cniitiiins three genoriil stores, It .\lh rt, the phit nf which village was luiil hesiiles shne alinps, tin shii|i. \c., tw.i h.itols, a lurgo curriiige shop, a Hawkins, a surveyor in the employ of tli.' st.-ani grist ami saw-mill, u lelegruph olH.-.-. ami three ehiirchos — Cana- he exp 'Ctation an.filosire of the lloveriiment ^ iliim M.-tli...list, I'l-esliyl.-rian, an.l Kpismpal. [t is the seat of the i-ri-cteil here, as the Nino Mile Iliver, which Sixth DivisioiiCmirt nf'llie cuinly, .l.iliii Cnnk ami linheit Hiigan lieing IIS pniiii, furnishes water pnwor, un.l fnriiis a re-peetively Clerk uml liuiliff therenf. I iiingaiinon is surrnumled hy it'r.illahle cirellniHtanccs ilefeite.l this ■ ^ timi stretch of furming c.nintry, an.l, with u jiopnlati.iii of ahullt 200, rt .-\lliert s coninierciul ami imlustrial iiistitii- i.s at once a i»leasaiit uii.t pros|ieroiis rural village, p il..;^ : tw.i at. ires, one saw, grist ami aliingh' Amiikki.kv is l.icate.l ..n Iht-t.iwn line hefween .-Xshtiei.l and Huron, - -.irapli ntllc ', tw.i hlacksinitirs shops, ami u in liin.-o County, at the intersectinn of the Kincardine Koail. It con- iig siippli.'il with a daily mail north ami south tains a lelegruph ollice, atore, uml post ollico. I'canline » age. j Kt.NTAii. is situated on the I hi.lorich and Kiiicanline Uoad, in the le.-H in I'm'. .\lhi'i'l wore .\mlrew McCotitioll, Dth Conceasion Its uttracti..ns, in ud.litinii to its euphonious naiiie, ph.-ii .Uurtii . ami tlmiigh we have no record of ; consist of a post ntlicj, telegraph ollice, two stores, and a saw and grist .-ttleniLiit tli,'re, it was some time between the mill. a XIV. HISTORICAL S KiNimiiiiitiiK iiii'l I.ANKs iirv ri'«|>i'rlivily liu'iili'.l mi lln' (iiMliTicli mill Kiiii',ir.|im> llmul iil iN iiili'rlili>'lil himI lliiiHii, iiliMiil tliri'i' iiiiloH ciiKt H wliii-ii Wni'i' I'tiri U wart naiiH'il in linii" liri-'U'inH.'nir an ll.ivi'ni ^t I".!' rly III tin' "I in.rllii'rly raiiKi' ..ft. liaHi'il iiv thi' I'anaila ('.'iii|iativ Ifi'iii llin Cf. il-.'f Urn. Sir .l.iliii l'..lli..ini'. Sir h'r.iii. i-. Iln "r.'f I pi'crCanaila. 'I'Iih |..«iitlii|'. - iaiii" n Hiipnrlii'ial ar.'a nf lln, liln anni, it liniiihli'il "ii tin' l.y LaKn Hiir..ii, "11 till' II. nth nail hy A»lilii'lil ainl Wi'^i \Vawani.»li, ami "ii thn nait ami Kuiith liy Ihr Maiti.iml iiivnr. 'Ilin vnry turliii.ns ■■.mrm' "f lln." tuiT, K.I fri'.|in'ntly nlln.i.'l 1'. in llin 'n ski'ti'lnrt, nf imirii' ha.i .in iiriit nil till' liniimlary "f ('..llmrin' .''irn H|i..ii.lini; with that nn thn li'ilimlary nf tl.i.|i'ri''ll'i'nwil»lllli Jl|,t tn llli'rtnllth It jnaVl'.H the llnl-.ln-s nf th.1-1' ln\Vn»lll{i- nf »lll' ll it fnllllrt till' l.nll||.laiy Vliy inllill nil till' " ra;.'i,'i''l I'.l^jf," rtn tn Mpnak ; anil at "nn I'ninl, liy lakinu a nwi-np inv.ay In tin' H.nilli. It all'.Hrt I 'nll.nnii' t.. prnj.i't al.niii till' iiiilnii fiirllnT in that .liri' than thn linn nf ii» umuial Hnntln'rii Thn lirrtl f.iriii -I'llln.l inl'nllmnin was lln' nlii' at prn'tnlil nwinil anil ni'iinpiiil hy Mr, .lainni ('. l.i'Tim/il, a hrinf iint" nf llin .■irniini "lain'i'H li'.nliin; i" ilm n'ttlnnniit nf nhii'li niav Im iiilnri'stin;; ; sn wn hirn ri'l.iti' thniii. Ill l'-(:il) Mr. .Miilianl l••|^^ll•r. win. \t allmln.l In 111 till' liislnry nf (ii'fl.'rn'h, whiln ('\|i|nriin.{ Ilm lainl almiu' Ilm Mail lainl, ilimninri'il llir rrnnk which IraU'rm.'n that pnrtmn nf tlmlnHii nhip, anil nn fnllnU lilt; It tn its .Milirin ilisi'nVnri'il it ISilH'.l frnlii a niniiHtnr spriii^i lining; f.avniiratily inipri'.sM'.l Imth uith thn w.itnr priviln;,'n alnl till' lainl in it- liaiiiity, Im plirnliiiHi'il "f thn Caliaila ''niiipaiiy ilm nnxl ynar a lilnnk nf .'i, lii."> iii'mn in Ilm \iiiiiiiy. min- prisinij a ^jrnat pnrtinii nf that whmh linrt in ilm linml nf Ilm rivii. On tliii Im limit a In),' .ilianty Ilm laiim yi-ar, l-'ll, Ilm lirst il.'ariii-,' l.i mi; lliailn when' llin nri'hirii imw .-.talni.H ; ami It Wi'li-a.i w-li tnlnnialU Imrn as nlsnwlmrn wln-ii Im Iniilt thn prnsniil Hlnin'\n yc'irs latiT, Im was nliii^ri'.l 1.. Iiriiif; a Mlatl'nf ninchanii's frntii N'.'rk, an wi-ll i\^ a yiiml rtliarn nf ihn m.-itt-rial iisi'il I 'f nniirni' Mr. Ki-lnr m-i.l.l tlm Urnatnr pnrtinli "f iIuh tr;mt as snnii an ;i .Icinan.l wa-* nrnalml. Anmni; ilm .ii'tllnrs wnrn tlm I'nnlnp lirntlmrs. wlm wlnnlml tlio vicinity nf the jirn.Hciit lianili't nf Maitlan'Killi', nr Saltfnnl, a.i a place nf rnHnli'iicn. ami snnii tlmrcaftcr 'lnhii I'uln'r ami family, ami H-'ii Miller .111 Kni;lisliinaii - ami fainily, si' nnar tlm prcscnl villa^nwhmli luari ilm iiaiim nf Ilm latter ucnllnnian, in the limality nf Michael Kislmr, wlni Innl cniim in a shnrt liiiic pre\inin*!y. In is;tj Henry llyinlinan, the .Mnirises, .lames Scller.s, ami Daviil Clark came in. <)ii the nf .\pril nf that year Win. V.miii!,' came In I'nllinrne, BUil slept lliat nii;hl mnler a live nn t.iil H, I'nneessinii S, nn tthieli Int lie Incatt'il ami still resiiles. Mr. Vniitn; c.-unu frniii the iinilli nf .Se..t- lainl the prc\ mns year, accnnip.-inieil ;is far as KinjLtstnii liy his hrntln'r .Me.\aiii|er, ami in iNli.'i the rest nf the lainilv came nut Ir'iiii Scntlaml. ami all scttlml tn',;etller in the Inwility inelltlnneil, where they nwne.i a mile alnm,' each .siilernail. Kiillnwiiii^ the Y'liiii:;- came .l.isepli I'aw ami Unlit. Cainpl.ell. win. als.. seltlnil in tin' Htli ('imeessinn, Kasteni Divininii. (In the 7lli Cniicossinn .Inhn I'aieismi ami the l)ar!int;tnns fr.nii the imrth nf Ire- laiitl seltleii the Haiiie year, ami Knlit. \'nuin; frniii (ilas^'iw InC'-iteil in the lith ('niicessinii. Tile price pai'l fnr lainl ill this tnwnship prinr In thn laiincliiiiL; nf the .\/.,i..//in,;i, which the Caiiaila t'nnitiany Iniilt at (Jmlericli in \s:\;\^ w;ts 8- )ier acre ; Init as snnii as that steainer l;niiicln'il tin' price ailv.ince.l In .?l' ."ill, ami nn her relnrii frnni the llrsl trip in Sariiia alinllier half ilnllar per acre was tacked nn tn ihe price ; all nf which Knes tn shnw, nf c.nirse, that the nieinlierft ..f Ihe Canaila I'nmp.iliy Were really the ili-iiitere.iteil, patrmlie philanthrnpists ,() which they clainie'l In 111' .Ailing the Lake Una.l tile oarlicst Hetllers werti Henry llyinlniaii. liefiiie nientmni'il, whn timk np Lnt I east ; Daniel l.izir.", w lin tmik up lili.ek ll i Daviil Dmi, Illnek 4 ; ami a .Mr. Ihristie. Theiv was aemi- siilerahle villane as early a- l.H:)ll at I lairl.r.iiil , which the Diliilnp- nanieil aft.-r a pl.-icc in Senllaml whence they .aiiiu ; Jlnit iininy iif the e irly M'ttlers snliseijiiently left their f;iriiis ami went aern8.s the Itiinler. where laml nn'm.pi.lies hail mi e.vislcnee. In spite "f the •iisail\aiit''iL;(.'- mentiinieil, linwevcr, tin; pnpiilatinn nf the township ki-jit sti'ailily incre;isin^', ami as early as l'^;(4 or I^:i."i .lollll .Mnrris npeneil nlie nf tlmse inevitaMe attemi.alits nil ci\ ili/.atinii —a tavern, calleil tiy the higli-toneil name nf the '■ I'rnwii ami .Xnclmr. " nil Hlnck D. The tiist hniise raiseil in the Inwnship was Dnnlop's, ami Unbelt I lihliiin-i. Ilm present Slier ill', was one nf the '• cnriier iiteii *" at the *' raisiiij^." The tirst teaclmr in the t.irtnshi[i was .1. I' Tini^, the place where sclmnl wa- helil lll■in^' the liniise nf raptain Keir. win. atlerwanls ran the '.'.i./i'i i./i, ami w,i- nlliinately ilinwneil. 'I'lie first school-house Iniilt was mi .'i, Hlh I 'oliei'ssnm, ami V. (tallai;her was the peila^o^im who olliciate.l at its tieilicalioii. Here the towiishiji iiieelinL;s were helil fnr many years, Init the laiililiiii;, which was a frame .iim, was a Inii^ lime since repliiceil by one of brick. A Mr. Iireeii, foreman for the Dunlops, tnrneil the first riirrnw in tlm tiiwusliip, nil the Hats near liairhraiil. TTie lirst ni;u'riay;n which tnok jilace in I'nllinrne was snleninizetl >) iiniler circnm^tances rather "peculiar," tn say the least. The cnii- tractiii^ parlies were Capt.-iin l(. (». Duiiloii ami hi-* housekeeper, wliiise niaiileii name we ditl not learn, ami the eeremony was perfnrmeil liy no loss a persniiaj^e than tlm I 'aptain's negro butler, who re;ul the Kpiscnpal miirriii^e service out nf a prayer bnok. Soiiio years later, liowover, Mrs. Uiiiilop was cniiviiiecil by her frieiuls that the hymeneal knot hail been incompletely ami iir-iocnrely tieil, ami bein); an'xioua to " make assiirancu ilonbly sure," persiinilcil tlm (Japtaiii t iisont to usually alli'inliiil,' lit floilerich till chilli born 111 tlm township wa-i • 'lames T, .\nilersiiii. Till, llrsl iiinnii'ipal iiii'etiinf nt at the "I 'rowii anil .Viichor " on tl of the Sialiitn Will IV., cup. H." ealle'l to the eliair, ainl mi an t place, .lames Mel 'lean was elucte Tuns, but Mr. Iliiiry llymlimiii eleiii'iii nil Ihe i;riiiiml lliil he wai Kiiially "It wa- a.'iecil thai Ilm " miniiiialinli aHl'niiimtrtsiniii'rs, vi " D.ivi.l ''lark. .Inhn .Viinaml. Kiel ' .\|l M. I''islr-I was nnaniinnil-l,^ " llylnlman wa- chcle'l by a inaji ■■ llaciil ( 'lurk waseli'cleil .\ssessol many ntliei resnliiliniis ailopteil i thai "all stray ilii^s shall lie lia " ireale.i a- stray cattle. " Tlm li iniliMli'i'eil in llial nninner lill ll iiitn Inrcc, but from IHI'.' onw.iril I ally elecleil, ami our innimipal h tallve- of the various Inwiisliips. status of t'lilboriiu (nr IMI is ii Were ; " llalame frmn last year •' Cash frmn Treasurer of Ijnml Total While ihe ilislilll'seiiii'Iilil wurn I " I Inn," anil t'll i;)'' I"'. " \ Kyaii, :i'S ; I'. Kllioit, :)'J : Daviil llnice, :;ii; Will. \'iillll^', ;irt. .Mess t'lerk ;;ave his Clstinu Vnte for .Ml .Miller, .\miaml, Kislier, Morris, subseijin iitly eleeleil .Mr. .Viinainl re I'll'' te. I Ihe two sncci'dllii; yeal vilio Iml.l Ihe nllice bir twn years hel'l It a like perinil. Hun Mllle's incumbency , anil was in ti relaille.l Ihe lo'eveshlp frnlll IH."iH .M. Illlssey was electc'l t'l the ell,' llelilv Spelice, who lielil the iilli lovie.i byl'. M. lln-scy. In l«i;7 which nilice Im cnlltinneil tn hnl.l I year. In Ih;,"i the inwnship ele persmi ,.f .\lcx. .Milli.y, wlm coiitii veal", when these i;elillenien Were Je.lell, UeeVe ; Tllns. (ileilhill, Ih Mcllaiilv, .1. I'. Ki-her, Cnnncilln: p.iluy aie ,1. A. .McDmiau'li, Cle Stewart, Assi'ssi.r ; Dmialil .Mc.Mi (If Ihe :);■), Kill acres cnlitaineil iimlcT cnlti\atioii. The \alile of of personal property, J?."i.'l..'iiili ; tin is ei'-diii; ni.ikinj; a l.ital of cl.ii.'i the township represents ; which, averam' of nearly !<1S0 per hcinl. There art) several little \ill;ii;i these belll^ ('\ui.iii\, the iniiniiipal " ea iiilirsectinii nf the 7th ami Sih ilivi7,i'in lines, six miles frnm llmli Imtel, .M:isiiliie Hall unil Town-ha cnsl !*!'■>", I.csi.le the post ollici Mlll.r. siicalle.l after tile earliest frmn I inilerieh, ami liesi.les the p< \Mi kly iii.'ul, ciintains such stme: hnnlreil inhabilants. KN is a pnst olllceontli north nf linilcrich : ami at tile j .\shiielil tnwn line i- SlIKl'l'.VKIir. pnst nllice, which reeeixesa ilaily .MvlTHXIivll.l.Kls the villllL'e \i ties acrnss the river Irmii lioilir s:'Veral ilefuilcl salt works, Ihe llj nllice nf Sallf.iril at lllis place, bo a line sil I ami chnrch. .\ \-er; piers spans the .Maillainl at this ) .\ l.iri;e pereeiitaiie nf the Ian fr '.; 1 1.1 lirsl-ela^s ; anil tin |.i'n|ile imlicale that this yrcat n.i gooil accmiiit. another marringe, which was perfnrmoil by Huv. Mr. riiiiiiibell, who was the lirst to preach a aoriunii in the' township ; Burvicon rieiny liohl in Diinlnp's limise fnr a considerable time. The lirst church Iniilt in I'olbnrno was the Hiblo nn Li t 1, Con. (>, K. D. , bnt this was at n coinpanitively late date, the pcnplo TOWNSHIP This is the fifth township ii. . the niiinber of acres within its In 1.4III1 acres which were taken fr-n (ioileli.'h. lis western bmindar; where (inderieh interveims -win directly north and smith. Its ei smith, beini; forined by the Tov ci'iinkodness nf the Maitland and 1 north and si nth respectively, mak niucli so in fao; that the length of sides respictively is nearly twice midway between tlinso bminila ' The first netuni settler in (..., the present tmvn was probably as early .as IH-2H nr l«L'!> mi I He was killed by a falling tree si farm. In May, IKII, Hugh St' ll ilariei d IS [ISTORICAL SKKTCIl OF THE M.nnllv„.lmi! ,.t ''jK"i,>(,,., .1,1 < MrClraii'liMlr.l liyu uiHJ.'niy ..I i»" "^'i • ■ ' 'riiiiH. lull Mr. Il.iirv llyii.iiimii iii.llV.liiullv |,ioi,,.|..,l u«iuii« Iim ,.|,., tlMll 11.' l.r..lll,.'i lll.'lt hi. WllH Ili'llllH- flv.llul.hT M .r |..,H.'ll..|.hT, l'ii,;,llv ■•II «;i- .i„.i timl 111.' I"IIm»ii,w' pw-niiH hIi .1 Ur iml m •• li,,i„limli"llUHC..IlllllMli..lhTH. M/.: ll:.llli'l l.l/.:.!", Ililll> M V iMlllilll. ■• Hui.i ''l.iik, .Ic.liii Aiiiiiiii.l. Ilii'liurl |i,'iiliii«i"ii, iiii'i Mhliacl I'i-Iih' • \li M. I'Hlri »uH iiii;iiiiiii..ii-lv ol.'.'lr.l Inr Kn-liTii rnlliMiiM- . Mr ■• llvi,.|lnull «ll. I'l.Tl.'.l l>V il lllilj..lll> 'if VMiri f..r UrHllTIl I ■. .Ili'TIll' ; ■■ Ihi.i.H'luik wu'..'l.'1'li'il A»..i'«<"r, .I'lliii l',il.-r.<"iii'"ll<'l"i'. A111..14 MMillV .illllM r,.«..lllti.,ll» U.|.i|.l>'.| III llll.. llli'.DIll,' wii""!"' !■> lli""ll''I lli,il'"iill Mill) .liiXH "liull l.c liiiMi' tM lir iiii|i.iiiii'li'il, uii'l "lii'll !"■ ■■lr.:llril H- Htniy IMllli'." TIioIh'hI ),"'VITI1 Ml collllllllfl l"lr.Ml.l- iiiiiiMiiT.'il ill lliiit niiiniicr lill IH.Vi, wliiii llif Miinhi|iiil Art ciiiiii' iiilM l.iivr, lull fi"iii 1M1-' "iiw.ii'l lliiTf "11" il l)i»lri'l ('..nil. ill'T .1111111 iillv .'I.. .It'll, iiii.l ..111- iiiiiiiMi|iiil liKl'.r.v «li..».H "II.. "111. 111.. r.|.rr«i;ir tiit'ivi.- ..f tiR. l..«ii»lii|.H. I'lir full.miua ii.)...!'! ..f llii. HtuliH ..f C.illi.iniu f..r 1--II It 11.. I ivilliniit intun-nl. Tin. rfccii.ti. t ., ./. " Haliiii. !• fi-'iiii lii-'t yi'iir " ' " " Cn»li fr.. Ill TruftHiirL.r .if Uniil.. 11 District 7 l.'i " .-. 4 III T..tal i'i:i -'■ ■<■'■' Willi,. 111,. wurii 1». IW. •' |«)iitiii{u I., lui.l liinii .. Liiiiiliiii," mill t;i i;i.'. <"'. " piiil Tli.iH. M.insli |".r m-iliM. ..f iJuvi.l ••ri:ii-k ;■• li.iiviii.,' 11 liiiliiii,-!. nf til l'.'.<. «|..'- 'I'lii- "liit.'iiii.iit «ii» ■•.■x:iiiiiii,il mill fiiiiiiiU...nwt " liy iii...iKu I-'iuhit uii.l .1. 11. W Iriill, liHti i,.| .\iiilii.iri*. Ill is'.ii. ttlii.ii tho Miiiiiei|iftl Autciiii,' int.. f,.!.^', tliu riili'luiyiir" ii»„.iiil.|iil ai 111,. HL-liiiiilliiiii*,., I.Mt .'i, Hlh t'iMi., I.> i.|,..l 11 full <• nf liv.. iii..|iilii.r.,, rtlii.ii till. fi. I III" 111.,' iiiiii,.i| •..|.iilk.iiii.|i |.,.|.,.ii,.il viit,..H 11- t'..|lim», liiivii..,' IirX I" l-ii^-' iiu'^iLslv,.. Ill l--li;l 'riiniiia.s M. Iliia.^,.y waH ,.Ii.ctu.l |.i tlif cliair, lull ..;nvi. phu'i. tli,. iii.\l y, t.. Iliiin Siilnc,., "111. lielil III,, nllii'.. !«.. \i.ara, ami in ISi;i; was fnl- |ii\i,..i liy r. M. llii-«.y. Ill IHil" Mr. Vniiiij,' wa.a ai;aiii ,.|,.i.|i..| Iti.i^vi., Hliiili nili.-,. Iiu rnntini'n..l t.i linlil liy annual r,. iiU'ctmii nil tlii. |.ii..hl.|iI In l.s7.'i lli,' inwnslii), ,.|,.,.tt.H liii'ir lirst l>i.|>iily Un-v,., in thi' pi.r.ll,..tnr. I If 111,. :ir>,li;il acius m i'lillinrn,., iIii.H.'ill ar... ami iiiltivaiinii. Til,, vain,' I. f tli.. nal i....i.i1l' i.s .rn nf l,*,:^l)ii, gi\'t.H an ..ivi.niu,' ,.f lu.arly !?ISii pt.r Iiu;m1. 'rin-rt. iiro .st.vt.ral littlu \ilhii;t,..s in tliu tnwii..*Un>, tlii' inimiiial nf IIr'S,! I'l.lll^ rvui.n". III,, iiiiini, ipal •* ,..ipilal, " uliicli is MtMtaI,..i al 111,. iiili.r.s,.,.|inn nf tin. 7tli ami .^lli I ■nnt.cHainii.s ami III,. ,.asl anil wr-sl lliV lnl.,11 lilll.S, ^i\ mil,.?, finlll I nilil'l icll. ll.S attrilnitt.S art! t« II Htnri'.s. Iiiiti'l, .Ma.Hniiic llall ami 'rnwii-Itall, ill,. lalU'r a frain,. Iniililini^ i\hii.|i fnst .'^4!l,i, I.L.!,iil,. till, [inst nlli,.,. aiiil ai.vtTil ini-clianic..,' HJinp^. |{,..n Mill.r, »ii, afttir tin. rarlir-Ht .siltlt'r in tin. Inialiiv. inilL.ri,.|i, ami lR.siili.,s till, jinsi nliii.,'. ulii..|i i.^ i^i.r\,.ii witli a jt,.iiii- ",.. kly mail, i-nlitainH aiu-li stnics as an- ll.snally fmimi in :i \ ilPr^'i. nf linn liuil inlialiitantfi. .Ml 1,1. Ill kx is a pn.r>.l>liii, I'si'lnsivt- nf Ihi' . I.JIlii ain-s whi,.h wii-l' taken frmii il ami as tli,' Tnwii nf Its western liniimlary is fnnmil l.y Lake Uiirnn -exoe]il Hliii,. linili.rioh interveiii.s - slmr,. al this pnini runs ;.|iiinst ilirei'tly nnrlh ami »,nitli. Its I'aatern liniimlary alsn runs iinrt^i ami Hniilli, li,'in« fnrinuil l.y the Tnwnslii). nf Hiillelt, luit the exeeeiliiiK' ■' crnnkeiliiuss nf the Maitlan,! ami liayliehl Rivers, which limiinl il mi the iinrth anil s, uth respectively, make thnse li,,uii,lari,.s verv irregular s.i iiincli »,i in fao; tliiit tho length „f the tnwnship iilonj; the east ami west siile.s rosptctively is nearly twice as great as at a pnint slightly east nf midway Iwtween thnse bduinliiries. Tho lirst actual settlor in (imloricli T,iwn8hiii iiutsi,U' tlii' limits nf tho prBsent tnwn was iimlialily a man naiiicl 'Rivlnr, whn settleil . as early .as WiH nr IH'.'H nn I„,t« :!(l an,l :!!, Maithiml C,.iice.ssii>n. He was killwl liy a falling Ire,, snnn after, liut his sims still nccupy tho farm. In May, IKtl, Hugh Hturily came York— having como Irelaml Ihe previ.nis ami s.llleil nn 11" ai,.l :il. Mm rii|lt.ell»i wll'Tl' 111' II"" |-e'l'll^'«. At Ihe inn., nf lil» l.; tin Iv settlers lielw,,ii his InMn.. ami l.n.lericli »,.r,. lli.. r.ivl.t l,r..lh..r« I", »li" Im'l a ennsiil.ralile ,l,.aiiiiu ,•! , ii,i| Hr. n,.aii -I mill al this lime wa- in l.nml ilnn a ■mall villajc Iml llit fnllnninu \ lli,. I' niaila rmniiaiiy i.iiill in I iml.ri. h. "In. h iliit. im' till, lirsl l»n y.iars ..r iimr,. nf its ,.\|slemi. lia.l niil,\ lnr»in..»s In keep it'rnniiinK ' t»n.lays in a "...'k. Ti,. >,.:,r |.r,.. linns In's airual. hnwi.t.r. Ili.mi.isl cam, in ami iiir. Iv. s.llle.l ..n l-iils :!."• ami :U r,.-pecliv.l.\ nf tin Mallliiin rnnivssinn. The -.11110 Near Unlit, I'lni'tnr anil fmii (-' Iniillici-. .laiiit-, Ihmiias, .Inhn. ami (it.nii/e am,, in, aii.l |..|.,il,.i| iniir tl,,. Iln|iii,.s ; ami nf tin-.' fmn', all art. at pri.s,.iit liuiiu ii..iir ||iiliiii.s>'ill,i except ,laiii,.s, wlin f,.|iiriiei|'elami » e .vtafiiiltif M itling h,.r,.. When limy taiiie in there was .uily .ni,. frame l.iiililin;' in (n.leriih. ami Iml I'lw'nf any kimi, Mniiglh,. llnrnii ih.ii. very ft.w at till. IiIni., Init an gthciii wercU, Shiinry ami Iwn l,r,itht.r» (iil « li .|...| aliniil l"n ami a halt ,.f ( in l-;iiiiir IMIII, ami .,1 tl,..., Mr. .'l.."ill piraci.-. iiml lie -c i,li.. .li.l ii..t wnrk .III the In pay fnr il Innl liv,. y,ars in 1.. " c e ilnwn with the iliist." 'I'lnre wer,' t'liinparalively f, « ..I ili,.., liiiw,v,.r. as liv far the givai ■ nninlit.r nf the iml miiy |.«ii I'l.r their I. iml,' Iml a 1 ...lihn.i.l f..r ilnin-i lv,.s .iml tin ii fainih,.* ihe Willi,., liy wnikinu mi the inail- which 111,' Camnla ('nm|iaiiy "cr,. liuililing. .Vlniii'y was an arlii-le alnm-i iiiis,.,.n aniniig tin. m-h1ii«. ami fni si.veral years t.i.nililinii was very ilifjiniramiiL' In I'ii.t. I„.fnie tli,.y t.niii"iiieiic,.il raisiny grain, lli,.ir lalimir was th,. mil> •' I'^'al temlcr ' III tlnir cnnimaml. Inr it mn-t 1.,. r,.|ii, that iln j >■; Ill wiih lull,, nt Iln la-li capital, lull were •' full nf hanl ihn.-' « rk ; ' .111.1 the us.. In which that I'lipilal was pnt i- felledeil 111 the »|.|in.|ii| farms ami lino l.ilil.liiigs wliicli\ urac the elilire ti.wli^lnp. Tlii.< slringiiiey eriiliinn-.l, ihniigh in a snim.« hat inil.K.r f..riii. nil Ih.. Iiiiililmg nf the liiiU'aln. Itrantfnril ami ( ;n.l,.iicli llailr .a.l; aii.l as all example nf the scarcity nf cash, as will as 1 if tin- .system nf '■ Larlcr." whiih then prevaileil, it may he iiiLri'sling tn meiitimi thai .Mr Stnrilv nn .mo iie,asi,in Innk a l.arrel nf llmir tn llmlerieh .iml eii.l,.a. M.iii,.i| In ,.\,liaiig.. it fnr a l.arr,.|iif salt. Init as tin- -alt was c..n»iileriil wnrih mm,, than ill,' he was nnal.le In ellect th,' ,.xcliaii4,.. In ailililmn In the eaily settlers alr,.,iily iiaine.l. this skitcli «..ii|.l lie int.niiiplete shniil.l »■■ m.^ilcct tn ineiilii'iii tlieC.x lirntlnis .l..!iii. .lames, (ienrge. ami Havnl wlm came fi 1 Cniinlv reriiiam.,'li.liil.iii.l tile fniimr Iw. I in l.><:li', the ..tilers in l(*:i:i Very s 1 ili.r.afi.r ..aiiie .liis,.pli W liil,.h,.ai| ami -evi'ial smis i ami .Inhn Wil-.n. ivlm ln,ate,l mi l.nt 1. ('micessinll li, is niie nl the ver,\ .'arlicst mIiLts, 111. High w,. have tint the |ir,.ci!-e ,late ..f his sellh.nn.nt. In r,.g!ir,l 1.1 iiiuiiici|.al gnveriimeiit, it wniihl thai vnli .1 fnriii cMsie.l al lea-t as early a- IH:i,'i ; fnr fmin th,. ininiites ..f a i..«ii. ship mc.iing heM al 1 imleriih, ,I.iiiiiarv 4lli. l-:'.'i whnli ii.. tie. earliest 111 existelli'e »,. ,|nnte t,i shnw thai the lnc,.|ilig was lidl "al " \aleiilnK. l'"ishor'» Imlel, |iiir»naiit In a pnl.lic imtiie giviii hi .Mi "(lalPi'jlier. Tnwn.ship Clerk /.n- llf )n;,:'.lii,.i ■{■.!,. (! i;..t'.|..n "was |,in]i.iseil ami. nnaiiininiisly elecleil Tnwnshiji Clerk Im tlie m "suing M'ar." At this mceliiig"i lemve |.',llinti, W . K. t;.... nnu. ..inl IJnbert .Shaw were clccteil Cninmissinners. ami at tin. met.inn.' nf ih,. C.iinmi.ssimiers nn tho illiih nf the -ame imnith. -nine .si.\i,.,ii "f ilic li.iiisihnlilerH wore "trieif fnr iinn-perlnMuance nl their statin,, lal... in. nf whniii t Helve w..r.. tilie.l ; tw., eases ".|i-iiiisse.| ;" in mie. tii ilnf llev. ii. r. I'ampliell. th,. ,l,.,lsinn was " r,.-,i\ eil," ami ihe nth,. 1 ,.,,-s,. ".is ilismisscl with cnsls against th,. c..niplaiiiing ,.vcrst!er. Tw.. nf ilic parties lliif.l wore inagislrates - E. C ami ,1. S. Wanl. Fnr lSi7 the Cminnissinners elecleil weit. Wm. Iie...|, .lames 1'. r :. ami .Inhn IVacnck, ami fnr IH:;,s|, ,l.isper K. C ling. Aieii. .v Wliil,.|,.y, ami Samiiel .'splali. Kmiii l^liS 1.. l-s.'.i; the lecnn's nf ill.' tnwn-hip are Inst, Iml a .^laii,.,. at niir llisi..iy nf the ,...nn.y will slinw whn was til,, reprcseiital i\ e ..| the tnwn.ship in the |ii»ti,,r Cniineil iliiring the time Irnin 1842 tn l>"i(i ; Iml ilnriiig l.^'H, l-'T. ami |H.-|> ,lnhil Ilnimes necllpieil the p.isitlnli nf lleele, ami wa* f. I l.iwe.l in IH.V.I liy William I'ip.r. .Inhn Clinri lull liein.g , 1. cl.I iL.puly Keev,. ihis y,.ar ; ami fr'Hi this tim,. iiji in ami iluring l'-'l"> ili.-c genllemi.n r.tain,',! their respectiv,. p,isitiiiiis l.y annual rcelecn..!i. l''iir I81I1; Henry Fnnl was lieeve, ami Daviil I'attnii |i..|.uiy ; while in I.SdT, whnh the liisl year nf th.isc ..III. ..fs |.,.iiig .ir i. 1 liy pnpniar v.n,., Wm. .Sh,.p|.aril wa- ,'l,.cle.| Ina'i,., ami li,iiiil 1'. I'll was again iet',irii,..l as hepiiiy Uei'v,'. In l.'si'.s ,\l,.-sts, Sheppai'.i iin.l Samuel l'nll,.,.k li,.lil the ,.|li..i..s nf Kt.eve ami |ii piny respt.ciivel\ , .iiel the fmir siiccee.ling y,.ars tin y w,.re In'hl hy .Mi'ssrs, .'»hep|iai.i ,11.. I I'aitnn, In l'-7;i. ami again in I'-Tl. Pavi.l was h.iiiiinri..l Lv his elt.ctinn In th,. Kiev,. ship, ami llelir\ l'".a-.| l"lll,' I Nplity'.- 1. lir. I In l.s;.-i ami IH7I1 ll,.nry Km-il ami ilaliinl Kllintl .ic-npieil tie ii". tnwnship nllie,!s in the nnler iiaiii,',l : in l.'<77 -Mr. Kllinii »a« , lovalcl t,> the Koev,.'s chair, ami Mr. .Insepli Wliii,.|y t,. th,. He; ai.i «. linlli giiitleiiion 1" iiig r,.-electeil in ls7,>< ; ami fnr tin- current j,-.ii tin' fnllnwing are ih.' mnnicipal, \ iz. ; iialMi,.| Kllintl. Iliic; .Insepli Whitely. Hepilly Uceve : .InhnCnx. .lalii.s IVaciick. ' i.a'- l.aithwait,., Ci'nineiHnrs ; .lames I'attnii, Clerk; A. lam CaiiuLn. Troa-nrer, 11(11, MKsviM.K. Ihe niily villag,. nf this tnwnship. is sitnaleil • r 'lie (f,i,l,'ricli ami Clintmi Uniul, iiiiu' iiiih's finiii the Inrniei* an. I hi',' finm the hitter tnwii. It ....iilains a stnrc. p. .si . I'l...'. telegraph .ilht.e, hntel.schnnl. lil.ii ksmiiirs.shiip, ami i wn clinrch • Il is alsn the " seat ,'f the gnverniiienl " fnr tile tnwnship, I'liKTKirs llii,i, IS a post nUi,.e sitiiate.l near the centre "f lie i- '", ship, Willi a ilaily mail otl' (Snilorieh, There is iinthiiig in the -1 ipc tif a village at this pnint. The surface nf this tnwnship nn.lnlates geiilly in the iiitein.i. ''Hi near tho lake it is very levul. excu|it where lirnken by una-, nal COIN IV or HURON— c UN r«viiiin. III |„.iiii III wi-iilih III. iifii|ili. milk iit Uni.t tlunl in llw li«t .if HlMull C.MIIlty t.HVInllllill, whilii fl-,,111 111) llllclUvlUill |l.illll nl Vil'W tlir.v nil' iiiii.iii'|i;i.»i'.| l.j t||,„i' III' any liihiT iM\tniilii|i. In «linrl, llii' tii»ii»lii|i r.iiiiiiiiiii in nil I'niiiii'hi il.'Krff nil ilir fli nu'iitn nf inti'lli gi'ini'. ri'i<|ii'itiiliilil_v, mill iii-.i-i'i'i-itj-. TOWNSHIP OF OREY ill «li;iiii-. ihi.4 t.»ii>lii|. I- ili.ii ,.i ,1 I, , iin.'l.-. MiiiiiMiu'liiiijjiiiNirly In Ik iii|ii:iri'. llu' |.r.ijiu-tiMii 1.1' ilH liiiiiiiiia riiiiniiiir iiniilv iiii.U iv Ih'Imiimi thi'_iMriliii il |...ih|.. In Ki/..' 11 ii tlic tliinl in llir J,.iiiin , rnnliiiiiiin,' tl4,7lil 111 If., ilii' Imui'iii Kiiiii'ilu'iiil iiiiMnI iiiij i nii>l A'.liliil.l, In |in, I'minly uf llir riiiui' .if il..\frnnii'nl linnnliiin lyinu iiurllii'inl of tin'' mitjiiiiil "llniMii 'I'liiii ■' .if III,' I' '■i.iii|i,in\, I'l'iiiK Imtli'il ami li"iiiiil.'i| on till' iiMiili-ra.t liy ilir 'I'.iw iikIiIih hI' Tniiilu'n'y uml l|,.»i,-k in ili.' Ciiiiiity "I lliiii'ii, aii'l U'.ill.ii'i' in tin ('..iinlv ..f I'l'ilti ; mi llir kuiiiIi eii»t l.y ilir 'I'MniiHliii, ,,f I'.lina in il,,. C.iiniy nf I'fiili ; mi llir iimiiiIi ••.■»i l.y III!' rowiialiii, ,.( 1,,,-aii in tin' I'minly ,,| IVitli, uml .M.'Kill..|i ill till' r .limy ,.f lliii..n ; an. I ..n ih,. ni.itliwi.Ht liy llif Ti.wn-liin ..f 111 il« |.liy»nMl t..|...niii;.liy. (irry i. f..i- tlic |iurt an iiiviliin; tfiTit..ry. ilh. iiijiilar iiri'^iii iniy i.f in i.\>.nlv niicM'ii mirliio. I.i'iiiu Kiirli a.> I., ihl.l a li..aiilv In tlu' l.uii|Hi.a|.i', iiinl iill' |ii.u'ti.iil iiinl |.|ii.n|. niitiii-al .li-.iiiiiim. 1.. aliniist . vi-iy am' wiiliin il» li..iin.l-, i\ri |.|iiii; ii (M. 111. 11 I.f III.' I' ami i.'.iilli-i.! »linli i* »»iiii,|iy . wlulc 111 tin. iliaf.i. Ill ..f ii» « il i'miiiiiiiv» favmnalily willi tlii'sr tii»ii»lii|.< ...|i»i,li.ii-.| ih,. I'lilu^t Thr tiiHl »i.|tlciiii-iil l.y any «liii._' niiiii «a» I'V ii Fnin'li I'aimilian liiiiiK'.l l'.i'iiiiiliaiii|.. wn.i livi'il f..i' H.iiii' tiiiii' Hliii'i. Ili'iifivn nmi m. th.iiiuli tin. |iM.. i»i. .Int.. ..f liiK 1.., all. .11 i. iimiTtiiiii, lliil li.' lia.l liv.-.l tlirii- amiii' iiiiii', ami aftirivanU ii.|ii..ii..l an. I ..iviii.nil ilii' l..t Mlii'iv til. rivii- iTii.-i's Ihc .■..iiii..»i..n a "li .rl .lidtmu'i. wi'sl ..f llu' i.rf.i,.|it viliaLii' "f l_', an. I wtu>'.l ill lliii |...iiit l.ffmv li.- «in full. .Will liy any "llnT : -.. that In- ..i ijiii il Hi'ltliiiicnt iiin-t Imv. l.i-rii uivvi..ii« I.. 1>.MI, im.r.ilin Mil. In'll wli.i ini« aiiiiwuivU f.n- many vimis Diputy |{i.\,., an.l ..m. nf tin. Iim.Iui^' iii,.n in ihi. !..» iwlii|i'« |iiil.lii- alliiu* <.itl...l at tliu niti. I.I till' |.iv>t'iii Mllao' i.f's\v..rili in.liim.. l-'i-, 1111.1 r.iam lmiii|. lia.l ln'mi »..nn.' linn' in liii »i'i I liiiMli..n Mr. Miulii'll was tlii' m.'i 1 .I'ttU-f in tln' tmnmlnp, iiii.l tin- iii'Xl ri'siili'iiin w.Ti' llif I'lirly Hfilli-ia nf tin. pivsiiit ulLi^'i' ..f Bnis-i,'l.i. uli' ii-fi'iivl i.. Aiii'iii,' llnm- wli.. i-inn' in llnr.. ('i', L-t-.J Hi'M' I'l'ti'i'. .I..I111, aii'l Ihiinan l-'i-r(;iis..n, lt..l.i'il an.l RniiaM Mi'Nniulit..n. IVui .\K'l)..ii:ii.l, th,' l!y»l..|. family, iiiolii Iiiik tut In-T mill a nninlH'r ..f j;r..ivn-ii|i umin, Win. ILmnlu'in aii.l fmnily nf f'lvn, Tlimmn llhukii', .Linics ,1. I-'..m1, tin' Si'llafH fnmilv, tin' Jlil-'a.liiMii l.rnlli.'is, ,l..lin .'^liwart, .'..liii I'.laii, li..iial.l AlK'i'i, ami tlil.'i' I'IIiiiIr's nf l,aiii..iiU. Pr tlii» liinr f..i'»ar'l tin' m ttlmn iit w.i' I'li'i'l, ami till' :;r..wih ami ■li.'Vi'|..|.iiiL.nt iiiiiiitci-niiili'.l, iiiilil al till' |.iv"'iit (assi'SHiniMit nf l^-TH) »..lia\i-a tnwii»ln|i witli :.'7,HI I aiTi-ii ck'ari'.l. lln' wlmK. lil.TH! lu'ln;; valnc.l at i?l, 1 l:;.:ii'U' Tim |inpiilatii.ii, in'f'.riluii,' t.. iliu saiiii' ninin, was at that tiiiii' ll.'.M'J, nf wli.Hii ■-'ill Win- i-..Hi.l.'iit rati'i.ayiTs, assf<~."l f..r 1^:17, liin nf |ii-r.s.'nal ].i-'.|.irty, an.l ..wiiiii:; .i.iiiii.»ti' aiiini'iU iiu'lii.liii:,' l.iiilii cittli', I. Hill sliri'i., l,."i;lli |.igs, ami 1, I'-i lln'-scs. rii|. piilihc roc .nil nf (liuy slmw the tnwinlii|. 1.. liavi. I. roll oruiiiizi'.l iM a si'i.arati' iimiiii'ii.iilily in IH.'iii, an.l the iiiiniiU's nf tliu fi|--i iiii'i'tiii,. nf tlic I ''.luiiil aru .latol " ilri.y, i'mR'i'.isi..n 11, lj..t In, " .Ian iiry '.'lit, lf<."iii ;" ami IMlii tliiin it apiioar-s ihat '• Tin' fnllnw mn " •.'.■mli'iin-ii, ciiiiiiniiii',' ihe rniiiicil-i'Uot, a»-«''il liiri' tliin .lay .it " l!i,'a|.i...iiit.'il tiiiic, vir.. ; I'utor .M iJ.m.iM, I'lt.i K>'r-.ii«..n, H..iiori '• 1,1. kk', .I..I111 I!nl.i'rt*.n, anil Tlimnas .'^tiailiati ; wlicn. .Mr. M.|)..mii.l ** ln'iiiu' I'k-etn.l I 'llairiiiall, I'lllu'aii K. i^'ii-..ii M art !ij.]...llitt'.l Si'i'iolary '' "t tlio iiK'otinu'- TIh' Hovfi'.'il iiR'iiil.i'is lia\ III,,' ffsi.i'L'tiM'lv tomUi',',! " 111. ir natliH nf ..tliii'. .Mr. H..l.('ns,.ii i.'.l, m-i'.imk.l liy Sir. l.eoki.', '•an.l om-rio.l, tliiit I', tor .\K'U..iial.l l.o lioovo fnr tlio'pi-osont " " * *." 'I'lio miiuitos aio »ii;noil liv ,I,.lin .Slowait. wlmiii tlio ('"uiioil iii.|.,.int.'.l till' lir^l T..W11 riork. Mr. .ML'L>..nal.| liol.l ilio [.n^itinn ..f Uoovo iiiiiiitorrii|ite.lly l"..r nino j't I''. oii.liii'4 Ins loriii ..f ..tti..'o with tlio yoar l''iU, whoii li.-' was mio- Co. lo.l hy ,Uoliilial.| .Mol iil.l, mio nf' tlio ..Most »ottlor» in tlio ll'irh'-rll linrtl.ill nf tlio tnwnslll|i, will, rot.'lillo 1 tlio nllioo fnr tllloo yi lis. Ho wa.t Inllnivoil ill turn l.y .l.ilin l.oikio, .liinni,' llio yoar.-t 1^' '< I.. iMTi,'. inoliisivo ; wlioii lio aiiiiii tilloil tlio ..iHoo fnr niio yoar, 1.^7:1 : at llio .'11.1 I.f which Tiiniiias .''iii.ichaii, the prosont inciiiiiliont, Mil' .'loctcil In tlio [...Hitimi, anil has rotaim-il it l.y ro-olocti..n oacli siic- ci'.'.iin^' yoar. In IHilJ tho tnwnsliip liicaiiiu oiititlo.l t.. a Hopntv K. .'..', ami ,li.lin Miloholl, nf .Mniosw..rth, wa» tho clocloil, hnl.liin,' th i ".-iti..'i l.v rooloctinii r..r l.-iicco-Ki..ii hv Al !i .McD'.iialil f,.r Miil ; .Inhii Lockio f..r lM(jr.-l-'lii; ; li.ivul l)..lisnn, IM.T l,^i;i<; .\rcli. .M.'liniial.l iiKuiii, lMi;il-IH7;! : ami Sainiiol Sk-iiian till I'. .' till tho tiiiio. I III- wiinlo t-.niiicil has liooii tho n;iiiio oacli y oar, frniii iiml ineliinivo of -7»i. mill is 118 fnllnivs ; — Koovo, ThniiiUM Stracliaii ; l>opiily Kouvo, K:ui'!icl Sh-nian : Cnuncillnrs, .l..lin llvslnp, Walter (llivur, .Iiicoh Ill" ' 'lork is .\loxaiiili-r Hiinlor, app..iiitoil in l'.7;J In -iiccouil .fnlin li i;i ii.t, wh.i hail lilliil tho iliitio>i..f tho nllioo fnttlmo yours after its va' i:i";i ('\ his l.r..tlior Win. ( Jraiit, which latter i;oiitloiiiMi suicoe'loil Ji'liir M.'Wari, tho ('lork,iii 18."i's. The mhor ti.wnship ..lliciali .mr. ■ri"i,iii,.r, .Mox.imlcr .M.-N-nr: .\ssis»..r. Win. lii-h..p : I ■..lloclnr. It'll il'l .M'l.anij'hliii ; .\ii.|, .\li-\, .-^tow.ift. .laiiii's Ln ini^sinn. riio I'tli.'ial ropni'l nf tlioBo laitor ^'ontluinon fnr 187rt slinws tho lial'iliiics I.f tho ti.wnship 111 lio .■<'17,IKHi, all nf which is li.ilamo iliio on ilio 'loiioiitiiros i^ivon as a I...1H1H '.1 tho W.-llint/ti.n, liroy, ami I'.i i -■ ll.iiiway, tho .s..iith oxtonsinn .if whi. h pass.'s thr"n^'li tlio e"i'i.' t..\uishi.., having tw.. statiniH, llonfryn ami Kthol, within us Tho nrii,'iiial mill. lint nf ilohoiitiiro iniluhtoilnoss mi accniiiit (if liiu iilinve was S3."),llilii. Tho chief part nf tho ro.lnctinn Ima 111 'II oH'i iii'.l l.y the applicatii.n nf the tnwnship's share nf tho Miini- cij .1 L..aii l-'iiml Hiiriiius. The enrpnratii.n ]i..ssoss m.assi.ts, imt oven a riwirliall, the rmincil nioolin^' in a Imlel at t'ranlirnnk. Tho niii'iiiit I.f l.ixos o.illooto.l last was .«rj,7 (n.-!! : mol iho tnlal r.' .'ipts frmii all sniirco.s, inclinjini,' lialanco.s in liaml, i! a .laily mill nil' Inslnnil. an nlHi f Iho .Mn Teloi;rapli rniiipaiiy, a htnro, Imtot, ami Hi.voral inochanicN' sli v.'iri'.iis kimls, W ii-i'.N, .11 tho sniithiirn cnrner nf tlio tnwitship, is alsn pat MnrriH ami .McKilhip. It o.iiitiiins i.nat ami t.h .'rapli nllico li'itol-, twn iilmos, stoaiii sawiiiill, Willi all kiiuU "f iiiinnr iiiai Ini'ini,' ostal'lislnm-nl- 1.. sii|.ply the In. al iloiiiainl ; aiiil liai a mall 111. Ill w.ivs I. I fi'..iii lliii-'ols ami Sonfm-lh per »tat(i f 'rmer ili- laki* r.iiii,'*' "t Huniti ' '<'iiiity tttwiiftliipi*. iiiinu-ii.ittly t.i lln- St. nth «i| Stiinlcy, itn raMt'in ItMiiu.lai v Iintii,' I I'V l-nltlnlM "f TlU-licrimnh !VIl'l iHlmnii'. illfl St.'pllCil I'Mllthl lilf •"Utll, I I ChViTH Jill UrOl III ."l|,.*i:i7 iUTi--*. nf wIlU'll ^fi,!*!.') iici iiii;novi"i. riiu HMHi'-'-'t-'il viiliio uf Vfiil v*i:\\v iti tin* tiMVii-'Iiii* in )*\ fi-.'i; the j'l'iNiiniil |irn)nTiy \a vuluo|t ai-ivs nf laixl in tiic tn\viisiii|>. w) vaUii''lat a tritii- nv»T ?*l*J.'i,0(H). "MiiMpmlity nf tin- laiul in Hay m laki! tw ri'Hily fxcillt'iit, a-* it h al-m in the fantiTn imrhnii .if the .sinp : 1t>]H-nH in niaiiy|iluct a I'nmtivi- nwainii in lln- I.itttT tnwn.shii.. Hay uat si>ntt-v\ liat lattT m Ixcninin^' Hi'ltlcil than tin- sunoti , tn\vii-lii|.s. still, a ftw sfttlrr.-t Iniatt-il alnn^ tin- L-milnn Un.ui a ' a- It was njM-iu'il np. ir IHIJT m' IH:IH licfnre any » ihiiu'il nii'iil ua> nia'K' i-M-n alnn-^ tins rnaij ; aiitl u Immi Win. Wil.-*!! fa?nil> ai'fivt'il, almnt l^'.i'J, tln-n- wciv only llu- W'aUln-^ ami tin nn tin- I iK-UtTHMiitli sitic, the t ';t'i'^ an*^ at what i^ iinw Mi hut tho niily thniu' iiriilii'tJil ^viiL'iv thotnwn nf Seaturth imw ; . was a " tinu'cr-hnupi " tn slmw tlu' ilistances tn KjiimniiviUi lin'hrich. The tirst ImrHt' which In* nwiicl wa» u'ivcn him 1 father, ale! was hmujlit np fmni l 'nnihcrlaiiil, ami n-lilen all th finiii that tnwiiHhip tn Hiiy. I lie nnlv way nf ycttinj; ynnds in il.iys wnA tn 14*1 ni-rti'iiil tn tlnilerhh, tlinnj,'h tliL'i-c Was a small st t'liiitnii. Tlieru was an mlil oliaraeter callt'il " .lack i^>iiick '' v In In evera! ntliee.H in tin* ;^nft nf the pcnplo. vi/. : .1 -Murray, District t'nni. Mnr; .laine- fJnr.Inn, i'lerk : Win. W (.'nllecinr ; An'lrew Miii, Asscssnr ; Andrew In;:rani. linUert I'.itt .iml .lames .\liuiM\, I'athniasters ; Ucliett l»nii^. < ahtnr Willis .luhn Kell\. Wai.h'ii' ; an fmiu tlu lirst opcrafitiii nf the Mini \ ..I ... 1 u.'.ii 'I'l ...;.... I '....■...: I ..f I h-.f t ..■...'. .,i....(...i 1... ......1 1...I eh'^en the lirst Kueve nt H.iv. Iho Itcuve.s thereafter were : I! lijil in I*-'.l : K)hcii U..i^' iii KtJ ; MnsL's.lohnsoii from \i .lames Smiliu ; and in I'^tU Win. Case was eh In IHii'i Hay heumi" entitlcil tn a Deputy Ueeve, and .lani'--* •*■ was the first uiected tn that ollioe, in unijipany witii Knhert Hnn i; 'evif the same yeap, e.ieh lieinj,' rtj elected a year later ; and ii» the lirst year nf [mpular election of thnsts nlihers, they were retiirmjd hy the peitplu, as they weru alsn in iHtin. Thuncufo tiie Ucevu.H ami Depiitie.i weru ru-poctivuly Uuhort Brown and W: HURON— CoMiNULu. XV. 'I'lif ri"l," fiviii lliffiK-l lliiiltli.'U"HTn I. ■nil" i« •itiil.'itril iiiiir till' I'l'iilli' "I till' lh> I'uill till' h'lli'l hIiuIi hi' -till iviriii't on I il'IIIlT III "'fill' I'lol, IlilMIIK «l'tlll"l llll'l I'lli- ll'-lHi' III |||i< l>>H||4t|l|', III AUiftl'l. l**''!. M.'1'llllli'lll llll'l it "lit ill l"la. A •! .Ill'l I'»"i5 1iy U'iM. 'ruiiii' r. Tin' |iliu'i' ii"« i'"ii U, nii'l It iiniiilii'r nf nu'rliunu'iil r^liili|i«lr III "ir llrili^i'ia, .'i liilli'K ilialHIll. Till' |>ii|i|| t (l •.'.Ill I., joii. • Ttli l>"Mii'l ii't . It iiii'lly III till' Ti'»'ii "f liral l>\ ilii'Mii'lii'll lif.illii'i'B, |.ri'\i.iiiil.v il o'll' Litii'iMl. :iii I'llli'i' "f till' Mi'iitri'Ml I'l'. Ik'Ii'I, iiiiiI ki'Vi'I'iiI Mit'clmiiioii' iili-iiiitiri '•I fri'iii It t'i' "f imiitiK "f ill" t.iri'iiiK tiiii". ui'iil'l inii'i't'Kii I'liK U'iih III" uli'ii tliiit y .'^n'ti'li, itii'l lliin iiiii'ri'tiii'iii i<4 I'lirii" miV ..t llii* I'lrriiiii^tiiiiii' IS th" '■ iii^". II 111! I'Mjtli' ..liiri'V r"iiii'ri«i' a-* .1 wli"li' "11" "f oi'iiiiiiiiiiili"- t" II" loiiii'l .iiiyvtlii'i" 111 ill" II foriiii'il ii|">ii llrni ;ii''|ii.'iiiitiiiii'", I" III' iiU'i'i'i'iirHi'. llll'l L'"ir"li"r.iti''l I'V nil mIi-'so til" ltn"tvlL'lljjt' I'll wllli-ll I" liilsi' il imlll ^NSHIP OP HAY. Iv.' TMiiL,'.' >'l llur-iii ( '.unity tnwn(ihi|i'*. ft lirt I ^laiili'V, it^* fii'li'iii l.' Ih-iiiu' toriih'il 1) .-Ill'l t^lMiriK', aii'l Sti'plii'.i ImiiiiiiU It on nt ."»l.r»J7 lUTfH. ..f vvliu-h 'J'!,*') 'micivh.ih- luo lit' real i-*i;ito III tlif tiiwii-liip w 1*1. ft!*',- If* vjiliU'ii M )*:!U.!t!tH. till' total jHH.*vsr.| viilu.' lint. .11;,' (I |iitiMiLiti-.n nt I. nil. Till' Ciiri'l.-i H.IM>(> mrvn .It liiii'l ill tin- t.'Uiisliii', wliuh i- niMi. 'riu'i|uulitv "itUv l.iixl in Hiiy near t lie It iH iiNo III t)it' ciiMtiTii |>ii (if till' t>)\s II icli rniiH ihriMi^h Stni)li>y frnin nnrth to hoiiiIi Il II ty, I'lit it ilfi'jii-MH III many |>lucvs into lir ti-unsliip. r 111 luoiiiiini; Hi'Ult'il tliiiM til'- ' cloHt? of tlif ra[>itu'aii f|Miii8 « liicii tlii'V nvnt Ii.u-k to WilBori. ilnir f.l liini til foiiif n]i lu-vf lioiii * 'iiiiilirilniiil , to wliirli pluci' lu'cauif frmii \Vt«tMH',itIi. lii'- ynirH .taii
  • Hitiall |iiiri-liiis('.s : hut alihoiiLrh ).■ wn.-i { n'y on a " .H|iri-(',' hv u.inh.' ix'l'^} H wi 1 's for u siniihii" puriMtsc. Hv* wa.-. ntt-viwari."* ;.jon, universally rt'j^i-ftli'. I. Monu\ wa* '-ufn ' till* st'ttlfi-K. ami it was wi'h '-i; 1 -nio.>*t pay taxiM i-i-uM In- ol.taint'.j, .m th-^ ir.iij.' ■ many yi-ars it uas impossililf to sell c\ i*n i:oiilllct of opinion 1..H t" who, lM'si.h->i I ln' claHHi'J ainoiiu' tin' i-arlii-'^t scitli-rs, lnit frill ant, of the inaiiv It ll.i>, to loi_at(.* in tin; town.sliip. ■f lla\ a.s ail iiiih-piinlfnt innnu-ipality was it wa;< .still uarly in (he liistoi-y of tlu- town- all lilt- nam. s whii-h o<-< iir in tlu' miniitt s of i lln* foljowin;^' namt'il Lft-'iitlfim-n wcii* ■vn ill tin* ^'ift .if thi' p.'oplo. viz.: .(aim'>4 or; .lanif- (J.-nhui. Clerk: Wm. Wilson. iH.srs.sir; .\iit, Wm. Kl.ler was lay. The ll.'evt'.s llH'ieaftor weri' : Kohert ill Ki2 ; Mo.sui.l.ihnson from l--."':* to Ih:.7 ahl ill I.H.'j-^ ; Kn^ilenek Knell .luring the he w.isa^^iin ruluiiieil in I8t;;j after a one i Siuiliu ; ainl in IMU Wm. Case was eleete.l. ml to a Deputy Weeve, aihl Jam*'- Smjlie ; otliee, in cuiipany witli Kohert Brown a« heinji ru-eh'.-ted a year later ; and in IHt»7, tilection »ti those ((tiii-ers, they wen- ai^aiii i they were attin in iMlW. 'rheiiceforward ero ru-puctivejy Uoliert I^rowiiainl William CtMihk from \xt\'J to |>«7;) inelu-iu* : ami front thnt time till tlie end of |n:7 ll|oNeoflliy Ifoliert Hiom n 'Utd Jnlm M the ltee\eilhlp thiiterii eoiii«eeuti\e year'*. In lH7'» .1 H. tieiuher wm ele«-ti'.l \\\h i*ii>eeit*or. In oppi»*ittoii to |)r Hmhatian, of /irn li, the Oeputy Keeve einled o|i that oeea'tioll heinu ■•*.niiue| Itelilil.- j-'or the euriellt \e.u |>i' I'lirhaiiali Has < leete.j Heete Ity arejamaltoii . •'.din (', Kaliilleiscli l»eputv Uee\e , ll.'iiry Meuek. I>aiii>t Mi'i ',,11. iiml T K. Montz, Couiu'illor'* ; I'lerk. Samuel' K.mter ; Treamiier, .Miehji*! teller, .XnneM^or, Conrad Merhol/Mchenulu-r , (iiid Collector, John Sehmll, /( lit! H iM the {iriiieipal villaue within thiM-niitiiiuMor thut t.>wnHhlp, and It a parlu'iihtrty <4mirl, enterprisni^ littl" town of ahoiit tiiHi inhalutatitK. thouifh they have never ait yet iipplie.l for iiu'orporation aH a \illa«i'. 'I'lie lirtt -ettler* in this loealily wit.- ni.iHlly (lerimiUii, leii the pioneer of the viilau'f '•if'' wjih Krederiek Knell, aSwMs, who settle. I .III Lot '.'I. Ciiin-.M-ioii I 1 'r»\,t lil.ieksnilth' name. I re^pei tively Teier Ih'i' Inrdt ami l-'re.hii.k \\( mie ainonu the .jirlieftl MelderN. a'»aHal-o Henry Wohlnieli, a I'arpeiii.'r, »im''- .lei-ea-^eil , hut the oldent Hi'ttleiHiit present livlii'^inthe vilhu'e are Michael /.eller and MiiMv tln-h. The lir-*! -«tiire keeper and l'oHtina>'ler wa^ Kred. Knell, th>' poi«t oltii-e liein^' opfied in ls.'>7. with a tri \teekl> mail .'iT lta\ tiel.l. Ml. Kiiell also ran a urist and >.av\-mill. ihii heiiu' the hrst i^ri't-mill Ml the (.i»n«liip. thoiiijh .\LiHe.« dojiiison itutst teiu-liiiiLj Hehiiid in Mh liiLfan) ha I previoiiHJy Inuli a xaw ntill at .lohnson'N Mill" I*. ( >. The tirf*t puliliedioiiie will* kept hy IL-nry s.,Iden, a Hlioemaker, Hlmcom- lumd tlie tra.liN ot landlord and eohhler f'U- i4n, Huhui, and I'lUi.' Uiilroid. near the imrth eint corner of the towiiHhip. Tin' \ illaife plot wa* lai.l lUiI in v (hem. He was one of thu liritt intporters of th iMuulilircd sifick into H inui C.uinly, ani stores, I W.I steam sa« -mills, one steam urist and tloiirlnii mill, two hotela, an* I the usual numher of -h.ips of less Imp.ut.ince. . I. MISS. IN 's .Mil I..S 1*. ()., as the name siiuuchIs. was ho calle.l after the nulls at this p.ilut run hy Mr. Mo-^.-s .l.diiisoii. wh.i ll^^uie.l in the municipal all'urs.if Hay t.-r 111 viiy years, Imt recntly fade. I in Inisin.'ss auil went t.> Michigan. This pie c i~ .rii the I.ak.' Koad, four iiiiIch west of /uricli and ten miles from lleii.salt. otl' wlmh Utter name.l place it li.-is a semi-weekiy mail. It was -settled hy .Mr. .I.dinson, who came iVont Itlenheim. Oxford C.>. Tlie niit!s here are stilt running. iUui ihi'V als.i havu a store, .Methodist church, sohool, and attendant attiilmleH. ThoUL^h Hay is jieopled principally hy ttermans, yet the .Vnulo- SiiX(tn is the *' otHcial" laii'^'uauo of the ttiwii-liip except in (teriuan S.ililiath-.s. hools ; ami circumstaneeH will heii* us out in tin- assertion thai this township, either tii re-pec( of the .|uallty of it.s land, the thrilt and eiiter|irlse of ks peojde.orihe numher. extent, ami proHperity of It- \illa^es. will c.'iiipare favoiral Iv with any other t.iwnaliip in tlio ..iiinty. TOWNSHIP OF HOWIOK Howick is the mo.-^i north ea.sterly of (he sixteen (owiisiiips coin- pn.siii;; (he ('ounty "f It is I'ouii.led on the north Ly the lowhship ef ( '.irii.-k. in the ('.unity of llniee ; on the east hy the Township ol Mint. I. in the County «if W.-IHnL'ton ; on the -oiith liy the Town-hip of Wallace, in the C.mnty .if I'erth ; and on the west Ly the TowiiMhIp of Tiirnherrv. It als.i has a south -western honmlary alonj.; (hi' Township of Ci.'y. and at (he north-east extremity corners tho Toun-'hip cattle. l.^itKI Hhee]i, LM •-.*('» pi'js, ami 1,7^1(1 The physical t.ip.»uraphy of tliis town.iliip varios fnuii gently r<»llinj; t.. .leei.le.liy naigh, the n.irthern ]>art. tmrderinu the County of Hruce, c.'mln;^ imu"e espi-eially within the scope of the latter dcscripti'Ui. Thu v;iriety an.l cprility of the timl>er are iiiuch the same as in otlier town- ttliips further south, with a possihiy slii^htly increasing ditfurence In the pine aii.l hemloek, air! smh varlities of wood as usually imlieate a li^ihter .soil unich of the area, possiMv a hirger proporti.ui than any .'tiler township of the cuth would he classed as deri.ledly light, yet much superior on the avera;;u to many localities in thu ol.ler, and even some of the newer, sectionH of the country which are placed high in thu scale of ai;rii.ultural excellence. A ut'iii^ratioii has not yet passed away »ince the places wliieh now know the pleasant h.unes and waving tiehU of Howick were merge.! in one hr.iad expanse of nature's primeval domain. The lirst settlement ifil t XVI. HISTORICAL S in tlio township wiis inaclc l(;s» tliim in yuars nj!". John Cartor, wlm •ettlod iin Lot II, Cim. K, in Annusl, I'-.M, was tliu pinni'er i.f «)ml is n(iw tliu |iriisiii'rMn-< iidunnunity, i:"nipri»inx nunitTdiis thriving; vil- lages ami sciiKiH i)f mini prospiiity, liappinesa, and ploiity, wliiuli rosnlf friHii pnipi-rly ilircotccl ull'urts in subju^'ating priniilivo natniv, nnd nioiildini,' it tn tlic wiHlies nf liir owniir -man. Mr. Cartur uanii' in rid till) |>n'siiit Villann i)f .Molcswurth, stopping,' at tlic' Imnsu •■{ Anilri^w Mili-lmll, >>ii Ihu Wall.ici! and (Iriiy tiiwn-linii. Thin wan llic end of allNt'Uilihiiit'i' to a road, and Mr. (,'arter was oliliged to " brnsli " H road into hi'" location, a ilistan. f of ahont ten niilus. For over two years Mitelit'll's was the ni-are^t Ininian habitation. About the end of this time, or in .September, IH.'i;!, .[acob Cook, father tpf the jire.-ent l)e[inty Keevi-, came in and settleil on Lot 1-'), Con. ;i, beini; the second settler in the township. He did not move his fanaly in, however, till Feltrnary, IH51, and in the absence of a pa».«al)le road beyond Mitchell's at Moh'sworth, and in view ipf tin- dilll cully ipf makin){ one. Mr. Cook and his family were obliged to " por- tftge" all their illccis in from Molesworlh on their backs. Mr. Cook was rlnrh.g his lifetime one of the most respected men of the town-hip of which he w;is one of the pioneers. He died at Fordwich. nnivei'- «ally regretted, in IHTii. Mr. Carter, the original settler, ■•till lives to enjoy a gooil share of the world's comforts and natnre's cherished gifts, at the same villa;{e. The spring am) summer snceeeding Mr. Cook's advent was marked by the arrival of ninnerous additiniis to the inhabitants. Among the first to follow were Henry Snnlh, who settled on Lot (i. Con. 4 : .lohn Donley. Lot 4, Con. .") ; Allen Ireland, Lot ;in. Con. li ; the (ireer brothers, on the lots now covered by the Village of (iorrie : ami, early in I8."i4, the Sotherans, ,biel lingers, \V. (1. Walker, and Arthur Mitehcl'., at or near the location of the " town i)h,tHKi, besides vlie SJ,;""! ^'r„nted by the villages of Oorrie and Wroxeter (under the "(Imuping Act ") (irevums'i, .vfc:"'! to. The larger amount has been reduceil to the present figures by the appropriatii'n of the whole of the township's share of the Muni bipal I subseipieiit history. The settlement by the Oroers In the summer of IH.'i.'i James I of Richard Leech, one of the oldi Lanark (^lunty, started on a pi explorations lay through the c< Lake Hiipiu ; ami they were so upon their return to the old 1 brothers jmduding themselves' t chase of mill lu'operty in Howick ing on a general business in tin suggested as certain to settle up a After making the necessary pr Kdward Leech returned in the fo place where (iorrie now stands, which ]ilace they chopjieil out a over fifteen miles, by the route t Hugh Hollingshead, who had coi: Lot :i, ('on. ii, where he still rei at the present site of (iorrie they at the present site of iho Village such energy at their new eiiterpri in ciuiiplete running onler by the accruing to the community there! that during the next winter (I8.")(i- in its infancy, as many as sixty u the (iorrie Mill, whose ilrivers grists. .About this time they laid out the name, on otticial plans, of ' by everyboily, far ami near, as Li by all who wore cognizant of tin early settlement of Huron, and th Perth on the north, east, and sou the place has been such that dorr best of our unincorporateil villa which have already assumcil the r ci])al government. It ctuitains t hardware, two tin ami stove, one one jewellery, one grocery and shoe, tailor's, ami barber's shops, I shops, iVc, i*tc. , twii photographeri lively stable, three hotels, school (KaptisI, Kpiscopal, and Methodi luoilious public hail (besides tei grist and Houring anil two saw-mi mill, cheese factory, two lime-bur ing establishment, &c., iSc. There is a Lodge of (iood Tem been in successful operation for ti l!)2, I. (). U. F., also nourishes tt the Onmge Order is represented I Perkins is Master (also District .\l As observed in connection Wroxeter" station on the Toront both of those places. There is above road, ami to and from Seaf stage. FoiiiiwicH, situated on Lots i the 7tli Concessions, is the ne.vt ] It Wiis designed by the (Joveriiui was laid out by them as the " T of the (ioverniuent, however, in repeating itself ; and the to-be to anything worth while as a tow country village. It was first set and Arthur Mitchell in 1x54. T juiblic house, and the latter built the tirst in the township. He for part ill the conduct of municipal the "plot," kept the first store which he still retains. The villa stores, one grocery, two carriagi large steam planing mill, two sav one large tlouring mill, one elu shops of the various mechanical t house). Dominion Telegraph ofii. three churches (Methodist, Episci extension of the Toronto, (Jrey is a daily mail both ways to am place, the station being eightee terminus, fifty-five from Orange and one huiiilred and five from '1 Thei-e are .Masonir, Orange, a viz: "Fordwich" Lodge, A. F No. 0-12 ; and " Prosperity " Lo Uei.miiuk is the idace next in the north-west coiner of Howick Tnrnberry, in connection with w but chielly in the County of (iiej Si'K.vOKTOWN, so cidled by Wi neighlKiurhood, who laid it out which, however, is Newbridge, i the Maitland crosses the road be cession. A store, grist and saw shop, and a few houses constitnti located, can never he anything i ofiice with daily mail off Foniwi miles distant. Lakklkt, on Lot 18, Concessio or s..ufh end ,if a nuccession of i outlet to which runs soni!: an. I Maitland. The place contains mechanics' shops. It is abmit ti inoin lino of the Wellington, (Ire Altogether Howick, though i county, may (airly he called a ve ably in the class uf its farm buihiin ISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE Odirk' is in many respuctH at luast the oqilftl "f Wrcixctur. I lie luinl wlaru it hUuuU was liiy (host- familiar with lis »ul)8i;()nunt histciry. The sittlunient hy the Oroura was mailo in tho early part of lBn4. In tho sniuniir of IH.V) James Leech ami his briither Nathaniel, sons of Kioharil Leucli, one of the ohlcst settlers of thi' Town of IVrth, in Lanark Comity, starteil on a prospecting (onr. The route of their exploralioim lay thron(,'h the country iMHilerinjj (leorgian Hay ami Laki! Huron ; iiinl they were sii well phaseil with the prospects that npoii their return to the oM home they iiidiiceil eight of the ten Ill-others jnclniliiig theiiuelves to form a co-partnershiii for the pnr- cliase of mill property in Howick, the Imililiiig of mills, ami the carry- ing oil a general Imsimss in the new eoiiiitr.v, which their foresight snggistecl as certain to settle up ami develop rapidly at no distant day. After making the necessary preliminary iirriingeiiu'iits, .lam .s and Kilward Leech returned in the fore part of the wiiitei of IHiV -(i to tho Jihice where Gorrie now stands. They eaiiie in rin Molesworth, Ironi which place they chopped ont a roaii to their location -a distance of liver lifteeii miles, liy tlio route travelled. On their way in they met Hugh Mollingshead, who had come in tho previous night, to settle on Lot H, ('on. .'1, where ho still resides. Immediately on their arrival at the present site of (iorrie they purchased mill sites, hotli thi-i'e and at the present site of llie Village of Uluevale, and went to work with aiicli energy at their new enterprise that the mills in both places were in complete riinning order liy the next harvest ; and the great lienelit accruing to the community therefrom may lie judged of from the fact that during the next winter (lH."). ( >■ K. halls , one grist and flouring ami two saw-mills, a custom foundry, steam planing mill, cheese factory, two limo-burniiig establishments, ou ; iiork-pack- ing establishment, &c., &c. There is a Lodge of (iooii Templars here, the "Lifeboat," which has been in successful o[ieration for tifteen years. " Howick " Lodge, No. 192, i. (). O. F., also tloiirishes with a membership .if >;bout fiiity, and the Orange Order is represented by !.. O. L. No. 7(i7, oi which Henry Perkins is Master (alsii District Master and ('unity .Master). As observed in connection with Wroxeter, the *'ti.UTie and Wroxeter " station on the Toronto, (irey, and Bruce i{ailway answers both of those places. There is a daily mail east and west over (he above road, ami to and from Soaforth, eighteen miles south, by daily stage. Founwicil, situated on Lots :!(! ami 21 in the (i h and 20 and i!l in the 7tli Concessions, is tho next jdaco of importance in tho t, is pleasantly situated at the foot or s,.u!l. end of a successnm of so-callod lakes hence the naiiio), the outlet to which runs .soul!, aii.l ll„iv., into the north bniieh of the Maitland. _ 'The place contains iioat office, hotel, store, and several mochaiiics "hops t is about five miles distant from Clitlord, on the main lino of tho Wellington, Orey, and Bruce Railway. Altogether Howick, though one of the newest townships of tho county, may fairk lie called a very pnisporous one, comparing favour- nbly in the oIm. of it. farm buihiings and privuto improvoment. through- out with many of the townships whose settlement dates back Ion? anterior to the day when .lohii (.'arter, the original pioueei, passeil thioiigh miles after miles of forest ami swamp, and located " far from tjie busy haunts of man," now nearly thirty years ago. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. With the exceiitiou of Morris, Hullett is tl lily township in llup.ii not extending its bounds to those of the county. It is biiti.-.l i,n tli.> north-east by Kast Wawaiiosh and Morris ; on tie- sMiiih-.a-i l,v .McKillop ; on the .south-west by Tiickersmith ; aiel mi lii,,. w,.,t l,v the Township of (jodericli, from which it is si.pnnitcd by the •■ li.u,. line" extension of the London Road, runiiing iilii: ist due north. It contains, according to the last assessment returns, ."i.!.."!.'!!! aiTcs of laiiil, of which 32,-iil7 acres are cleared. .\11 but 1.2117 a'l-es i- in | ^.j^i,,,, of actual occupants. The whole is placeil at a valuation of ijil.U;!!!,:!;:, which with personal jiroperly assessed at i?l:14.(l.'i(i, plaris tin- tutu! ussessinent at 92, Li:i,427. As to the character of its suiTuce and i{iiality of >al, tie- lunijir varies from ipiite level to gently nndiilatiug, wliiii* tin- latt.f is t-'itiai on the average to that ot the best, and although then, are sill i|iul.' r\|.i|. si ve areas of " new country " within its limits, llicse virv poi'liijii> arr, or will be, among the richest of any part of the county wli, n ni,,ii; generally brought unde,' the subjection of tlie liiisbaiidniaii. In fart, the only rcMoii we can iniiigino why so much of the laid in ll;i, ^iiltii- did township has so lotig remained uiisellled, is that the ]i,irt ..f ih.- Road which passes Hullett is iiiucli of the way located lliriii;.'li acniij. paratively low tract of coiinlry, which in the early d.iys mu-t haiv borne a very uninviting aspect to those emigiaiils whose ..mzi' liad Iwn wont to fall upon lovelv English laielscapes, or the I' vcrdiir.- - n>wii- iiig the hillsides of theEiiieraM Isle. The first luiiiiicipal organi/ation of the township took piai-- in Isb. and wc find from the records that the " Town Mi. -ting " was lellat Clinton on the ;trtl .lannary of that yi>ar; and afb-r William ll><.iL.'-< ii had been calleil to the chair Edward Van ivguion.l was ,■! n 'I'i.wii Clerk. .lames Longboltom Assessor, ami .1 ones .M.-Miihael Cilln t i. These officers were at that time all elected by the " T.iwii Milling, ,i, were all others, and among the others pla I in oiti e lor tie- lir-t iiiiai- cipal V ear were : William .Mclirvan, (Jerrett Whiiclev. .lolin .Millii, .lames' Miller, Robert Bingliani, Forkwell, Hugh Ai. Ii,i-. ,I.,liii Ford, .John Patterson, Edwar.1 McLean, (ie.uge, .lame, Haniell, William Haniell, William Irvine, .lohii Fowler, R.. licit Hill. Gilbert McMichael, Thomas .Mc.Michael, and .lames .Mulle.llaii.l. Although it appears from the minutes of this meeting that '• Williaiii Hodgson called to the chair," they are .signed •' .lohn llin^'lKUii, Cliairmau. '' The Hnancial statement for that year shows the -um of £.'i:i ."is. :H. to have been received at various times rnmi the |ii-triil Tiva-iinT ; and the following extract from the detailed state iit of expeinliliiiM shows how the Town Clerks were |iaid : - " .laniiaiy l>t, I'')!!.— To 2 pir " cent, on i'."i!» 'a. ;ii(.. Clerk's Fees." 'I'ln. " statement " is emloiseil ,ii follows ;—"(ioderich, ."ith .laiiuarv, IHlll.- Kx.'d and a|ipiiivc '. Um. "Frain, T. B. Woodrull', District'.\iiditois." At tho town meeting of 1S4JI ('. L. Van Eginond was 1 liaiiiiiaii, and was also elected the .secoin'. time as llistriet Councillor. The lirst year of the operation of the .Muiiiciiial .\ct foiiiid Hullett and McKillop united, and in the records we tiiid the I'olluwiiig iiiiiiut.: - " Received from Kdwaril Van Eginond, late Town CKik. if Hullett, '■ the following books and diieuments. viz.: '/'A" I'dimtliiii I'l.rk, Tlf ■' Dct Deputy Reeve in the person of .lolm .Mm-aii The Reeves and Deputies following were :~l.'i(i4, John .Moi.-.m, It. H. Suell • l«(i.-i, K. H. Snell, Win Warner; iMili. Tim-. M.Mel.ul. Humphrey Snell t lMi7-^-"J-7(l, Cliarl.'s .Moir.oi. Humplii ■ " ... i^i^ij - - . nide Monteith, J. Warwick. For the years l((77-'i-:i the same Council have been returned at each succeeiiing ele.tiou, a- I'ollnw- : -Reeve, .lohn McMillan; Deputy Reeve, .lohu Mason; C.iiiii. ill..i-, Ji.lm Hrittoii, Joseph Hows.ui, John Lasliam; and the other muni, ipal oth.ers birlS7!l are. Clerk ami Treasurer, James linlhwaite ;, Uo'iert Smith ; (_'.dlcclor, Thomas .Veilans. The mwu^hip has ii.i Towii-h.iU, the niei-tings being prim-ipallv held at the public at L.iiidesliir ■. The hnancial all'.ii IS ..f Hullett are in a niosi -;ili-lacliin . iiidilmM. Although the municipality graute.l ,^2."i,iiiiit l.i tin- l.ik.' Iliiivii ami Buffalo Railway, they soon n'-purebased !?2il,iii>ll ,,f their own deb. ii- tnres, partly with the money receivcl from tli,. .Muni.ipal Loan l-'iiml distribution, and partly by general lev, so that but .«.'i,oiiii ii.iw rem iiii- slaiKiiug against them,' an' I this is the full .■xli'iit of lli.'ii li.iliililic-. Tln' receipts of lM7rt amounted to lsllii,ilH4. id, of wliicli s?l:i, weiv ■ il- lecled ill taxe. ; while ;?l.'),."i4ri.;17 Were expemled, .if wliieli .•i(,.".id..'<7 went for county rate ; «,-),;)7.'i.ri,-> for ; «i;l,:il7.ii:l for Ivil improvements ; ^()4ci.;Ui I'.ir inniiicipal goviirnmciit, ami ?:il2iii I r interest on (lebentures. Ofa iinmlMM' of Ihriving and pleasant villages in Ihetownsliip.thei'iu'l is LoNnKsii.ino', .m tli.' Clint. m an.l Wiugliam Hi.a.l, and a station lie Lak.i Huron an.l Kailwav, tiflv-six miles mirth .il L ui.lou. Tiic lirst .settler here was R. Wriglii, now .l.i.-eased, wli.i lo.Mt.'.l Lot -'i;, Concession 111, and luiilt a log hous,. .,ii thcciriier wIlm-.' the hut. I iii>w stands. Will. Herrington, Lot 2.-1, C.iiicessi,,n |ii, au.l I'raiicis llnmii. Lot 27, Concession 10, were llie next setll.Ts eoiuing in. Ibit the luui who lai.l out the village an.l gave it its mime was Tims. Hagv,i;,l. .la EnglishniaM.and formerly a ix'sideiil oil til.' .'Slat. 'of Lm-.l .imiuIi. near I'ocklingion, ill Vofkshiie. He si.|il,..l ,,„ |,,,| '^r,, ('..u. II. ai,.l laid out the village in IsuO, wlii.-h in the .mi-Iv .lavs..f tin' lowii-liipHas known as Hagyard's Corners. It is surioiin.led bv a inagnilic.iit .i.initrv .in all sides. It contains two geioMMl stoivs, f.Mir .'arriag.' and >v.i..:.'i'" .!...|..., 1'....; !.l,-.,U:niirbs' shopn, a b.'iiding fa.torv, two -I Ii •\-. 1"'' niereliaiit tailors, a private s,.lm,,l, mi,l an.l I'r. -lu, li.ui churches. It has lelegraphi.- au.l mail facil.lics ei|ii:il to tlm-.' "1 aii.» town similarly situated. The on each siile of tli.' road b.'twe.Mi Clint. .ii an.l Lni'l"- b.mi' was, with the of soni.' pla.cs the Hunui Riel. the lirst settled in the township. .V great niaiiv who tirsl came iii ".ro ■ ■.•i.i^'it,^ J kjiti II , J .-,,1 -(i-i/-, VI, v^iiaiies .»i.irj-iiv\ , iiiiilipin.'^ .^[ 1S7I-2 Thomas Moon, Humplirev Snell ; l-'7:). lluniphr.v Sn.ll, , Warwick ; 1x74.,-,, Hiimplirev Snell, Alex, M.niteith ; 1^7b, COIN l\' OF HURON— Co: fri>in ('hiii^Mini'iMwy TiiHii.lii|.. AIiiih-I tli.' hi>t uf lluw wa» lluiii- phii'V Sncll. I."l« ■Jil ^111. 1 J7. <',.ii. 7, k\ |,||„.,. Has the "TiMVi-lli'i'- U.-i " l.'i yiMi-, r..r .ill III..-.' .1,111111,- III I1..111 111,- t',,iiiin ,,|' IV,. 1 ; :iii,l Hiiiiiplir.i Siu'lj wi\. ilii' iM,.-i ii„|mi,.,| ;ili,.iii mill iiiivwli.T,- in tin- ili-111,1 l,> -,-tIk'r'< ,,11 arriviil :il •• Uiill,iil,iiiv'- ('.,rn,i<.'' ii,,w Cliiiioii, whiill ,'.,iilililH',| a l,,,i; tavi'ip, li- |,iiiii- 1,11, lilv I1..111 I'liii.,- K.iwanl Cniiiity >,-tlli-,l ,,ii L.1I -Ki, (',,11. i:t, in ISIS; till- iii-M .s.-uli-r in lli<- lii-iL;lil-,,iiili,„~l l.i-iii- K. Klkiiis, wli,, m-tllc-il al llie pivsciit ."iu-, aii,l >iili- si-,|iuiitlv 1.11.1 ,,111 111,- Vill.i,.,- ,.IM,-iii. Ii,--u-r(,,ffii'ially !iii,nvii a.< Auliuni), ri-l,iT.-.l 1.. ill .. '11111. ii. .11 Willi \\,i«,iii.-li. 'I'll,- ..Illy .,tli,-r villa-,- .,1 any iiii|,..rlaii,v is CiNsrAXiK (niniv p'ln-'-- ally kii,i\ni a« Kinihun . It i.s ii,.ar tin- ,-i-iitr,. ,,r llip i..,i>ti-ni |wrt .,!' tin- l,.Hii-lii|i. aii,l 11-. i-ivi-,1 iis ,.iij4iiial naiiii' (tlii' ,,iu. last alu.v,. im-ii- ti,.ni-.l) fr.iiii l,'.i),liai-l Su-|.1ii-iim,ii. ,,n,- ,,|' tin- carli.-nt s,-lll,-r-, in lli,- li.c-alily, ilu- 111.111 «li,. lai.l 1.111 ili.- lilla-,- |,1,,1, an, I wli.,-,- iiativ.- jiaii^li Kinl.iirn \\.i« ; l.ul il w.-is ,-liaii-,-,l t.i •• C.nst.m,-,- " mi tliv ,-.-y ii-iw,ii ol' anolliiT ufficv alremlv I'l-ariii^' lli,- ori-iiml iiaiiic. It ciitains t\v,> .-^lon-s, lavi-ni, ami viiriiius incliaiii.-' sli..p-i. ItAXIuIN p,,-,t ,,|tioi', a miles s,,lltll-i,.a-l ,if L,il|,li-^'„ir,i' ; SlMMKU Hn.i.. 1,11 till' " La-ii' lim-," ali,,iil 4 iiiil,-s n,.rtli ..f L' : aii,l .M,,n- TKllHS Mll.l s ,.1- \V ll.KKKIirilN. llclirtll,- ll.,rtll-\M-sl ,-.,1111-1- .,f till- t.iWll- fhip. an- ill,- ..illy ,.tlii-r appi-.,a. lu- t-> a villa-i'. Tlieiv aiv, li,iwi-vi-r, many -eili,. IIS «li,iv tin- rural ],..piiiati,.ii aro s., tlii.-klv l..,-at«-.l a- li, (livi'tlh-w-v.-iil ii,-ii;hl.. iii-l .Is a pl,-asiiii; villa;.;,- air: Hl:il,-,,ii all m.U-s (savi- ill a l'i-«- 1,.,-alilii- wli.-n- tin- s,-tll,-iii,iits air .~till ,',.iiipai-.itivi-lv y.-uii-l an-| lariii^ liii,- i-,-si,U-ii,-,,a,,-^. ,,.iii-- iii.i.lii.iis si-li.'.'W. aii.l ,-vi-iy ,-vi,li-m-|. ,,r a iii,,-l pi,isp,-ri,iis slat,- --f iiia- torial .iLnni-taii.-./n. aii-l a 111. ,-1 a-lvaii.-,-.! aii.l ,-iili_'liti-in-il iiil,'ll,-rtiial i-,,ti.lili.,ii. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP .\L-i.'..r.iiiii; t., (lie last i-imisik r.-tiinis. Mi-I Ih,' s,.iiili-east. the T.,n'iiship .,f I, .'111. HI Perth I '.unity ; t., tlu'.s.,iith.\vest, th.- T..vvii;rcat extent — 1:: ,1,' \ih..le 'I'l.iet. \ii,"li- th 'se wh" f',r;ii,'-l the sot tleiiielit ,,f '' [i'isht.,wii " as th,' 1'. .illy IS still t.iiniliai'ly c.llle.l -wer,' IK'Iinis ami .l.thll l>.iwiiie, 1'., nek aii.l Micha.'l t'arlin. Patrick irsiilii\aii, Tlmnias l'"..x, 11. n S.-llI, am! - 1 >('.,llli.-ll .,11 ih.' .\leKill.,p si, I,-, an. I |-'..|wal'.l l)..iviiie. ' ..vaniu.'h, .Michael 1 Irilihin, Tli.,iiias Carllii, lliii;li .Mcl.aii'^.lilin. \l.i;'|.liy. Peter Md ' ins. a i-l .Miles .Mcranli .,11 th.' llil.herl si. I,'. ■f:. !■- was als., a ".*>.-. ilea .-^I'ttleliient "t., rule. I ah. .ill the -aliie tilii.'. .' r\ sli'iiily afier. ahni,' th.' lirst line hack .if llar|,iirliey, luit the 1- .Lite which witnesse.l the 1., cat!. ,11 .,f the lirst l'esi,leiits i,f eitlni ~ '•' ht-.wii" iir ■' iri-ht.iwn ■■ ciiiii.,i li.' as ■crt.iinc.l. I i.'.ik.' ' .itli.-r new t..wii-liip- in ,-,-i-tain l-i.-aliti,-- wi-r.- ■ 'I l.y S,,it.'h an,! c'ltain ,,tli,'rs hy lii-li. th,: i„'.,ph' ,,r .M, Kilh.p :i."l t.i ant III,, tin aml.'.ilily in tli,' iii.imi:{eiiienl ,ir tli,'ir ami r pn'.lic l,,ca' iiU'airs ; an. I a pi-riis.ll ,,1' llie t,,wiisliip -li.iws '. iii 'Us ..llicc' t'l hi\,.' 1,,'eii 111. >ii>>p.,liz>-'l I1-. neither wiiie, .■Vii;;i|st N'uii K-iiiiiii,l. ,I,,liii P, ami 'I'll, Unas (;,,veiil,,ck, ami .if tli.'se Mr. Hays was miai ch,,s,ii the lirst l!e.-vi-. l;.,l.,-rl Caiia w-is Cl.-rk, 'Ih. .111:1- li 'rr,-a-ilr, r. I'.ilri,k n' Knheil M.-Millan, ami ,I,iliii' hull. , 111, A'-ess,.rs ; .VI, x. W1I-..11. (■.,ll,-,l,,r ; P. O'.-Julliv.lii au.l 'ril.Ullps.ill, .\ll lil'.l's ; II, 'V. t'harh's l''l,'l, her, Sllperilltemh'llt ciliiui. I'pl-i aii.l imlu-iv,' .,t IS."i;i the vi-ar ,,f the wilhilrawal Ctiiiity fr.,111 th,- uiii.'ii). ill, Is, - wli,i r,'|'i','s,'iit,'.l th.' s.-v.'nil t-- ill III,- l>isiri,'l an, I (^,,uiil v ('-.iimils will l„- f, ,11 11, 1 in the Ih'iieral X,\t year \s:,\ |{,,l,ci-|' llavs was |!,.,-v,. ,if M,Kill,,ii ami (I 111 l.>,")."i he was liccve ,,f M. Kill., p. (ir,'y. ami ll..wi.k. hut the 1. 1st Vi'.ir i,f luuiiii-ipal iiiii.iii. We l|.i"ti.-e iille very rare in .■..iiii,','Ii.,ii with miiiiit-ipal alf.iil's this ye;u' : .l..hli 0'Siilli\;i w.i- the 'I'.iwn I'Krk, alsu lill,',l the sain,' p'.,siti.,ii f.,r llil,l,erl, a I.iwii-llip ill iim.ther .-..iiiity. Dennis D.,wiiie was Ii,'ev,' f,ir IH.'i f',,ll,,we,l l,y Tli,,inas (l,ivei'il,,ck fr,,iii l-."i- 1,1 ISii-.'. wli,-ii Mr. a-aili ,ic. U|,i,'.| ill.' livi. chair f,,r .,11,' y,':il', IHll.l, l.,'iii- :iu':iiii l,y Mr. ii.,vcul,.,k in l.-^iit. In l-il."i ,i..liii K! w.i- l!,-ev.-. year, ill,' lewnship h,r the Hist tiim- ,-le-I,-,l a U.puiy l(,','ve. til the pi','si'iit time the Ciutiity ('.niiicil repres,'iitiiti\-,'s wer,* .liiseph Kv.ins. .I.inies llavs ; l-(;7-ln(l-, .F,,s. Kvaiis, .-Sainiiel II l,Si;'.i-l-7l. Willi.iiii ,1. Shliiim.n, Samuel Haiin:ili ; l-7J-l.S7."i. ' .1. Shanii'.n. .lam.-- Hays. in 1-7'', llit- I..\vii-liip w;is .livi-l, a ,li\i-i,,ii wliii-h il still r,tiiiiis. Th.unas p. Hays w.i Ih'i'Ve, ami Ah'X. K.'ir Deputy Ueeve. .Mr. Iliiys his nta ],.,siti,ui eviT sim'e, iM'iiii; rutiiriicl evi'iy hy ai.lamali., the ple-ellt Wal.h'il ..f the t '..llllty. The Depiltv lie. -\, -hip w; l.y Mr. K.-rr -u'aili ill 1-77. ali.lh\ William ( Irievc in 1-7-. Tl p.ints ..f Ih.- vari..ii- t..ini elh , ch-.liv,' ami ap|i,iilil,'.l. f..l 1:^ Iv.'.-v.-, 'I'liiinns K. Hiivs ; Deputy ll,-,ive, Alex. K,-rr ; (.',1111 Mi—rs. Kv.iiis, lirievc' ami Hulhiml ; I'lerk, .r,,hn O'Sullivaii -iir,'i', S,,l,'iii..ii Siianmai ; .\'-s,'-s.,r, D.uiahl .\l.' irei;..r ; r..ll,'cl.' f. M.>rii-..ii ; .\ii,lit,,rs. .I.iseph ICvaiis, Lri'liliii .M,'Millaii. There are .piilc a iiumhcr i,f mure nr 1,'s.s iiiip,,rtaiit p,,st ill McKiihip. I'hiif ,.f them all is Drill. IN, sitii:it,',l i':irtly in the s,iiitlierii c.riier .,1 the t..i ami partly in the west.'rii cnier <,f the T,,wiisliip i,f L,,iiiiii, l.i ,'ipally ill the T.iwnship ,,f Hihhert. Duhliii is what is kii.,\ " P,,li,',' Villa','! " s,,iiielliiiii; very ran' in I'lilari.,. if in.leeil 1 am.iher. Their ,,r;^aiii/.:itii,ii is pr,,vi,le.| f..r l,y cap. 174 ,'f 111 sull.late.l Stalules .,f Ontari,,. the .letails .,f ^., veil lit licim,' -| lai'l ih.wii ill sect!,, IIS .'ilili t'l .*il'7, inclusive. The in.iline.' ill they ilitl'i'r fr.,lii an uiiilic.,rp"rate.l villaije is. that altliiiii'..,'ti tln- Ills. Ievi,-s, iVc, ..f taxes :i|-e ci,ll,lil,'te,l hy the L.ttliship . ill.- pi.,p..rii.,ti:iie -hare l,el.,iii,'iii..; t., the territ-.ry iiu'lu.l.'.l will limits ..f the P,,|ice \'illai,'e is siil,j,-ct (in the hamis ,.f th.- T.,i Treasurer) t,, the ,,i',l,'r ,.f tin- •' Trustees," thi',-e .,f wli. .111 are an el. etc, I t.t receive I'l'., in sai, I Treasurer, amloxjiemlas lliey see hi ,','rt:iin l'eslricti,,ii-), their sai, I sliar,' ,.f llie nemral levy. Al tin lime, the villa'.;e l,el.,m.'s t.i the t,, unship f,,r all ,,l!i,'r purposes lll.,s,' :il,.,ve tlielili..|ii'.|. Tile P,.li,'c \'illa-,' ,.f Dilhlin li,','alli ,.11 tilt lirst .Inly. I.st7- at which tune it recei\e.i lis present 11 haviiiL; lie, 'II plevi.,iisly kli.,wii as I' uiKiiNiili.niK ; .,rii;ili illy very : pl'iati-iy S-, calle.l after a l,i-:iiitifill Utile stream ..r " l,r,.,,k " past the pi-icc. The lirst "Trustees" electe.l hy Diihlii .l.,si-pli Ki'l.l. 'I'll. Unas Kill-, ami .M.-xan.lor I!,,s» ; ami the lirst-i was I'll,, sell I,y the ,,tll,-ls " llisp,-,-tilli,' Trllslee." Tin- p..|,ul;il III" \ill:i-4,- is i-sliinal,-,! at T-'i", Imt "iily lli-'it |i,,ili,iii "illiiii tin ship ,,f llihherl is c',listitiite,l a P.. lie.- V'lUa^'e. line Pux w:i.s II -,-iller. Ih'- Camilla I'l, nipaiiy hinim,' niveii him tw,, hiimlr,',! a, himl |.,r er,'cliii-_' ami k,-e|,iiii,' a li,;,' tavern. He was s sue, l,y ll.ihcri Dune. in, m,w .,f I'. .it li.iwaii. wh., :::iv,' th,' pla,',' i nam,-. I'. <'. l.,-c, uh., kepi tin- lirst at., re, als., k,-pl the tils .-llici'. The villa-,: m,w cntains the clehrate.l sail estahlishm .l.'seph Ki.hl ,V Siuis, the lari;e-l, with thu excepti.ui ,,f the " nati-i'ial " a' ll.i.lerii-h, in tin- l>,, mini, ,11. The liriue In supply w.,rks is ..I, lame. I fr..ln a Hi-11 live liilh's .lislanl, lie-ir ."^eahulll, T.,wii-hi]. .,f Tu,'k,'rsiiiiili, wlu'iice il is f.,rce.l tlir.iin,'ha pip.' hy Tlie,,|lier hilsim-ss :ittiil,iites <,f the villai,',- arc l,,iir -,-iieral : line nierchant taihir, ,,iie «lrii'_t sture, a iinmher ,,f wai,'n,,ii ami smiths simps, a .schi,"l with tw,, teachers, Kpisc,,|.aliaii chiircl t.'l,';,'rapli ,.tli..-s, ami live li.,tcls. Tlui mail fa.iliii.-s are m. .111-1 l..ik,' Hill'., 11 hriiich .,f the llran.l Trunk. .,11 which stall. , II -Jil miles l'l'..lii f l..'lericll. ami ,(! from St rail. .1. 1 W\i,, situate, I partly in lln'y ami partly in M.u'ris, is elm referred I,,. Wisriiiioi', .,11 til,' Se.if.iith ami liruc,,' (-'.ninly turnpike, is llvi ii-rtli ea-i .-f llie fonm-r plac, ami has .laily mail hy sia',n' l„,th There ar ' tw,, lar-e sieaiii mills (i^rist ami saw , st,ii-e. I>,,mini,,i! 'jr.iph otlii-e, cheese f;n:t,,ry, church ami sch,„,l. The s:iiiie stu) also carries , laily mail t', I.KKhlil liv, just half-way lietweeli Seafol'tll illi.l HrilsseU, there is a li.,li-l ami si,,i'e. I 'liarles Davis, a iialive of ln'ielhiiry lami, an exii'iisive i'xp,,rter of li,,rses ami c:itlle to l'air,,pe, is man " of this Inir-h, owning the whole phicu — what tliei'o is of il only ,,tlier posi othce is lti:Kciiwo. Ill ..ii cr. ,ssiiii,'of fifth lino hi'twcen Lots lo.anil 1 1), is a p., St ..ilice pure ami simple, with Htiiiii-wuekly imiil otf Sei .lislanl son \,ii miles. The lir-l s,'lii„,l ami ,'liureli Iniilt in Mi'Killop were thuseat " t.,wii," helwi'i'ii Seiforlh am! Ijulilin -holh li. ,1111111 I'atllolic. Kev. K.ilhir I lihlley. ,.f loielph, lls.'.l t,, cine llir.,il},'h peri,„l exlemlin- his \ i-ils as far as 1 luelpli, ami preachiiit{ in the holl the si'tlh'l's al IrishloWn. He was the lir-.| to In, hi l','lil,'i,ill» s( ill the towiislii|,, ami at 11 very ,'arly ,lay Iniill the liist elm: little log ,,11,'. wln-ri' the present iln|,osilii,' stl'llcturi- m,w stall, Is. lalli'r splemli.l c.lilicc was parliall. I'oill l,y Katlier Schiiei, ii.„l,'ri,'h, wli.i was Hiiccei..|.':l l.,i a short lime hy Pallier lirilli VI,, us to l-'!.'i. ,v!i.-ii l''atlier .Murphy, the present occupant |,ar,„-liial |„,siii.,ii, .am,' to lake , li iri,'e. 'I his xi'iilluinan liiv Miii'li an a-si.| w.irkii' tint .turiii'.' this ,'oiiip.irativcly lirief he has f,, 1111. le.l ami Omit cliiii'.'In's al the .Seafoilh, Windham, llrussi'ls, /iirieli (Hay), ami l>ry»,lale (Stanley) iitali,uis ; husiili ill- li-aiis,.pt, sanctuary, ,^c., I'^ the imtthor church, whici HURON— Continued. xvii. w tr.tiu tlu- utlin t\\-n tn\vii-lii|)-. aii'l -i'MU' •t ;il-n uilli.iirw, I'lit tlicn- \v;is iilw,iv> a "I- I V -I (Ih- l..|l>.wiuj;; ilnllrit. Munis ill wliicli viat- till' I\V'- Ullt-r willi livw, I.-av- ilun.-. nf ill,' Mjn'iatipii (if llu- Mimicipal A'l.tli.' t ami Ililtln'it WfiT tln'ii in llu- iniiun) w.-tr inif, Aii.:ii-t N'ati Ku'inoihl, .Inim ltiiiu'li:itii, iiliil "f llic-;f Mr. ||av< was iuiariiiiiiiiinl\ {I'l'i'lt ( 'ana w.iH Cl.-rk, 'I Imuia- ( J.ivtiil", k van. U.'litTt M.-Millan, aiin,'- YiiM.n. ('..ll.viur ; I*. O'SiiIlivnii and (Jr-.r^i- . I'iiarli-* KlfttlitT. SniK'rintcmit'nt of Kl in tlnMJiiinal lli>ti'i\. lavs wa-* UiM'Vi' nf MiKill.ip and (Jr«'y,an«l M.KIIlnp. liivy. and Howi.k. imt Ilii< wa^ iini'in. \Vf ii'iiii-L- unc very rare tu'< ujivm r '.U all'aii^ liiis year: .I'llm (I'SuIlivan, wliu dli-d tin- saint' p'.iMtion llildiert, a di>*tin. t Di'imis Oownit' wa-; Itrcv.- lur I8.'i(j-l^f"i7. d"ck rir|>nty Itr.'Vc. Tinner I'lHinty ('.Minril nqin-sfntativc-: wi-n- : lHt)t;. ■s : lMi7-lHi*', .fi.s. KvaH", SauMK'l 11 mnali : ,nnnn, Samnt-l llannali ; I'-T-lST'i. Willi. uii III l^'T'J the tdwn-liip wa-i divid.d into still i-.-tains. Tli-mia- K. Hays wa^ t'Ii-.-l,-d K'pnty Ui'cvi'. Mr. liays has n'tained tin- it'tnrni'd evrrv vi-ar hv acilainalinn. and is 11 Cuunty. The D.'putv K.-.-v.-liip wa- tili.'d . and by Wjlliani ( Jrit-vf in IS7''. Tin- .Mrii- nthr,-. vit-i-tivi- and appuinti-d. lK71»ar.': , Ui'pntv lu-.'vc, Ali'\. Ki'iT ; Cninnillnrv, id llulland ; rh-rk. J. dm O'.^nUivan : Tna- A-^M-.^.ir. IV.uald M.< ;ivL,'ur ; i \,lkriMi-. .(.dm 'seph Kvan^. Lii^hlin .Mi'MilIan. Iter of nmiv nr h-ws important post villa^i-s em all is ly in the MoiithtTii corner ol" the township. eoriiiT ol tlu* Township of Lo;ran. hnt prin of llil'hert. UiihJin is wliat is known as a lunu' very raff in * 'ntaiio, i( ind.-ed there i- ioii is proviilfil f..r hy eap. 174 of ilu' r..n- iio, thf details of irovernnit'iit heini; spirially t to .");i7, imdnsivi". The nianiie.- in whirli irporalfd villaije i', lliat altlhui-^h tin- a-^sc-s- ;es are ondneted hy tlie township niticers lon:,'inL; to the territory inehid.-d within the is snhjeet (in the hand- of the Tou Mslii[» rhe *' Trustees." three of uln.m are annually I Treasurei', and expend ;is they see ht (with said >*liare of ihe i,'eiiomiiiion Tele- L-hnreh and school. The same sta^e line ly hetweeii Soaforth and linissels, where iiarhs l>avi». a native of Leadlmry, Kiil,'- if horses and cattle U> Kurope. in "the tin; whole place -what there i«of it. The of fifth line hit Ween Lots jOand 11). which pic, with semi-weekly mail off Seaforth. •iiilt in Mi'KiUop were thnneat *' Irish- Uuhliii -lioth lioman Catholie. The d|di. used to come tliroiigh periodically, (•nelpli, and preacliint{ in the hou-se-^ of le was tin* tir-'t to hold r'li^ioiis servict'S rry early day hnilt the tiist clinieh a nt imposiiit{ .ttnictnre iiom' .stands. This parliallt i"':!! iiy Father Sehneider, of I {ol a short tiuiu hy Kalln-r (hilliii, pn-- r .Murphy, the preaeiit occupant of the iak«.* I liiri^e. 'I hifi gentleman h-'S been it diiriiiL'this tNiiiiparatively hriet' peri'xt ir 'lies at the Seaforth, Windham, BIyth, I >rysdale (Stanley) HtatioiiK ; hesiden add- , i\c., to the mother church, which is nf the French renaissance .style of areliite-ture. and one of tlie hainl- MMinest church edi tires to he found in any rural 'ection of the l'ro\ince. The method of mana:.4emenl of the ti.seal afl'airs of MeKillop dif- fers materially from Ihe other lown-^hips of the i iif\ ; the appro- priations lor all loc;il pnldie iiiipro\ ennnf s heiiiu' niadi- in the first pla'e.(.-;,f irh"h , and then apportioned ln'tweeii the foiir wards the ( 'ouncillnr for the respective wards leitiie.. all eontraets and pa.ssing all johs in hi-- own territory. The Treasurer tif MeKillop never has a dollar of ihe township's m.'uey in his [PMSsissii.n ,.r w ilhin his control; liie money lu-iui,' de[iosited in a hank hy lite whence it can- not he drawn fvcept on i-nh-r of the Chrk and Keeve. r»ut we fancy the general de\elopmeiit of ilu? t.i;\nshi[i has heeii >ullicieut!y portrayed -though hut enr.sorily follnwed to .show, hy com- parison nf its jireseut resources willi those of otiu-r townships posaes- -ing similar past op])ii>ii'^ n.irtli-iM't ;iiiIitii. XIh' |.i\vii-lii]i nri;jiiiall,v I'uiilaiiii"! 'iT,!'.'!! ai-rc-' I'l laml ami walfr ; Inil il W..11I.I iippiMr, Il ih.' a-.c--..r'- n.lU alv i-..nv.t, llial llir VillaL;i-< .if r.iil-- s.l- ami lllvlli. aii.l III.- Iwn railr.iaiU win. Ii run llii..iiL;li il. Iiavi' (aki'li mII' l.''7 I arcs, a- llli' imiiiliiT lif aiTis iv|inrU'i| liv llial nirkial a- inn- |iiriv III iii.livi liiaU ammints ti> ."i'i.:;iii. lis siM'fai-i' is cuiii|iariilivi'lv I'voii, fMi|it iumi- ihc riviT. Tliv s.aitli liraiK li "I' tlu* .Mailian.l cutiTs al lliii--('K. aliiwii-lii|i mar llm miilliciii ali^'li', al W'li;;- liaiii. liaviii^' lirrii Jniiii'.l liy tlic nii.lilli- Ki-amli. \| .-nti-rs lliu tuwii- sliip at lihii'valc. Aliiiij; tlii' liaiiks i ( lliusc .stiiMiiis the luinl is i'xtii'iiirly Itiiikcii, wliioli is iIh' iliifffxri-jitinii to till' ^^I'lii'ial ili'sri'i]»ti'iti i>l' a L'>'iii)KU-ativf i'Vi'illK'ss nf siiifa.c. In tad, I'l.lli in this i,.s| t a« Will as ill n';,'anl tn uniliiy .if snil, .M..iiis vriy -ti'.iii:;ly n'si'iiilili;a ( Iray ami Wawaiinsli. Uiil-i.l.' tliiisi- p.iits iif Mmiis miw imlmli'il within Ihe liinils nl lilylliami itriissi-ls. till- lirst sfltli'iiu'r.i in the l.i\viishi{i w.ts at lii-l,L,'ravi-, l>y a |iarty .niisislin:; nf .lulin MilJar, Christ. iiiliur CnllMtl, .l.'lui liranil..ii, ali.l iinli.-il Arin-tr.m^. 'I'lii's.. \vo\r all iiri.;iii.llly Ir.nn Ciiiiiily KiTiiianaLrh. In-laiul , lull Inul aftiTwarls siitlfil in \V.'-i(lwil- liinlmiy. Simim- l-'.Minly. wln'ini- limy .aim. In laki- up flu'ir irsiilt'in-e in Munis, 'I'lii'y lifst .■ami' in Sipiiiulicr, [-.."it, iiiiumlin^' tn sch-.t laml anil luiihl sliaiilii-s iln-n'nn Urf.iii- ii'tiiriiiii;^ ; Imt liflnit' making a ihi.i, .• th.. h,i.l ^-nl s.i I'af ailv,inri.,l that Ihi'V I' In iIi'Iit 1 U'ariin; ami luiihliii;.: upi-iatiiuis till tliu iii-xt spiiif^. The lnts .st'lr. tcil, ami whi'iv thi'V siilist'ipii'iitly si.tlh'.l, wiif as I.iIIhws : — .Mil{ai., -', (■..ii. .">: Ciiiliitl, I..1I ;i, ('..11, .") ; Ihamliiii, I.ut :i, (.'mi, 4; Arm- sti.iii;,', Liil (i, (,'i>ii. I. In |iiirsiiii uT th. ir inii.|iii,in, tlicy ii'lunu'.l .ally ill till' spiin;;iil Ki-2. ill' -iii,ill .hariiii^s .ni llnir l.ils. ami al'li'i- t-rrcliii;,' shaiitii's anil pl.nitiiiL,' p.ilatu.'s, vVi-.. a^'ain vt'tni'iitMl, rniii- iii;,' in t.i ri-inain p.iiii im"iill\ in the f.ill uf I's,'!:;. \t tin- liim' nl' tin ir lii-l I. lining' th.-r.- was li.. .sitllir in llii' t.iwiisliip i-xii'pt Kriimlli .Milii'in ami U illiain M.i 'niimll, wli.i I1..1I small cluarinjjs ami l.y slianlivs wlii'if Hl>lh nuw slan Is, Dilriil..' the lattiir part .if iXTti. Iliwi'Vim', a iininluT nf siltliT.s L'aiin' ill In iliHi'l-fhl s'-etiiiiis nf till' tnwnship, ('has. W. I'.irki'r. afliT- warils tlio lirsi K.'ovc, wa- till' lirst whn fnll.t\\i'.l tlu'iii - aii.l in fact his .1. ^i.i/.si/(/. m.ii' .lati's ahi'a.l nf thi'lll all, as hi' imiiu' ill, put llji 11 shanty mi Lot I", C.ill. ti, itliil r> ufiiiini tliel'i', ililrill'4 the tilm. llu' .ithi'rs were oast, .\iiintiir tlu' (larlifst nf tlir ntht'rs wrre .Ins"pli Kiiii- laml. William, .Inlin, ,'ili.l l>,iviil (ii'.lih's, ami llt'ilnr ,Mr],i'aii, » hn set- .111 llii' :ir.l ,iiiil nil l.iiM' ; .M.raliani rr.n-lnr, 7, ('im. 1; ('has, riiulnr, Lni 7. ('nil, ,'i : ,inil .Inst'ph SiiiIiIm L.iI K, Cm, I, KiirthtT siMilh .loliii Kbily, with a hirj^e family nf sniis, si'tili'.l in ,\Iay, Isrill, mi in. Cull, 7, StillalittU- fii'lhi'r s.iiith Win. Wilsmi, "alti' fur many years liui'Vi', sitlli'l in 'liiiii'. I,'<."i;!; ami the haiillaws hail alr.''se'ltli-.l a shurt time pnvmusly ;ilnni; the '.it h .111. 1 lotli I, in,-- ; aiiil 111 IS,'.;',, alsn, aiintlier laniily nf h\i' hruthers uf Kelleys uf ivhnm Tlinmas, now uf liriissels. w,is aftetwanls lleeve nf the tuwiiship) seltleil nil the Htli aliil !MIi Lines. Mr, Wilsnii wa-tthe liLiuistrate whn imIIi 1 the tirst piilili. ineelinu in the luwiiship Imtli sehunl anil miinieipal pnr]iu~es, William ,\iiiislruiij,', I.ut ,H. ('.m, i;. alsu setth'il in till- fall nl is,'.:!; Will, It, lines Ineateil jiisl a wi'i-k pre\ii.iis tn him, nil l.i't 7, Cnti, 4 ; .VIe.x, Kiiihiy, smiie time iliirin^ the preeeiliint siiiii- iiKT. nil I.ut M, ('nil. ,"i ; aiiii Unliert A mist rule,', mi l,nt (1. Cm -I, in the aiitiiniii nf Kt'i. The tirst settlers in the eastern part nf the Inwnsliip were (Jen, !'"urs\tli, the present Uei-ve. whn si-tlleil upnii I.ut Js, Cnii. 5, II, t]„' I'arly part nf S.pti-inlier, Isiii, ami .l.iliii Sample, whn e.ime in iiii the (Ji-ey tuwn-lim- ,-i slmrt time siiuu'.pieiitly. Thero was nut a sinult- settler iim-tli uf the 4tli Ciiieessi.intiU after the winter uf IS,'i:i-lH."il, Imt iliirini; the ensiiim; sprint; 'he inlliix was lal•^:e, ami enlitliine.l iin.iliateil till allnust e\i-ry in the luwiiship was iicciipieil within the eniirse nf a half ilnzeii uf ye.irs, .-Vinuiii; wh.i e.iiiie in iliirihi; the wiiitei' nf IH."i:j-,"i,4 was Win, Harris, the [iresent I'nliee .Mauistrate nf llrllssels at least the f;elit lo- in. ill wli'i line- all them i.^' Inisim-ss fnr that seelimi nrihecninlry, lie seltleil at what is ealleil '' Ituilniin," wliioli he naiiie.l after tho cniinty seat uf Curiiw,-ill, KiiLtlainl. his native tnwii. He hnilt a (,'rist ami saw -mill there, the tirst in the pr.seiit timiis nf the tnwiislii[i. The tirst sehniil ereeleil in th.' t.iwnsliip was n|i I.ut I I , Cull. (!, ami the tirst te,-ielier was Kelioi'ca \'alH-o, whuse family tia.l onlile frnm Na|iaiieo ami setlh-il in linieeliehl, Kev, Mr, .\ikiiis (N, C. Moth,) w-as the tirst miiiisler wlm ever pri'achi.'.l in the tnwnship. Ho caiiio tirst in the seas.iii IH.'i;i, ami .lilrini,' the wililer uf I'^i'i,! - IH."i4 iiseil tn travel mi snuw-shnes, in " heavy mareliiie^ ur.ler." with his pack nn his haek, Mr, ,-Mkiiis preaehe I fur several years in the In;,' ealmis uf till! settlers, -.iiitil a ehtireh Iniililin^ w-as prnviiie.l -tw.i uf wlii.'h were siilise.pieiitly ei-e.leil aliinit the same time, niio till Lilt to, Cnii, 5, tho ulher nil I.n't fi, C'oli, ,'i. Till- 1,1111.1. marri'j-! '" »'i" tnwnship were .Miiri^aret, ihiiiK'liter nf .Inhii Itranilnii, uinl .Inhit I.awlnr, the eerenimi^ l. .;:'!;; iMirfnriiieil hy llev, Mr, Uiiwler, u ,Methni'iist iiiinisler, ami the tirst wiiitu oliiM Imni was Christnplnir, sun uf .lusepli Kn^'l.lllll, ahnve relerreil tn. Me in imw a ,Melli.Hlist preaeher ill Miehitt'^ii- Ity the year l-i.jti, ,Mnrris, wliieh with (trey alsu hail lieeii iiiiila.l fur iiiiiiiieipal )Mirpnses In MiKillii|i, eiitereil iipuii an imiepemluiitly nri^aiiizeil existence, iiiiil the lirst Keeve was ( 'hiirles .\I, Parker, with Cliristnpher Curlielt. William Wilson, .Inlin ,Mel{ae, ami Charles Fnrrost, us Ciiiim illnrs ; .(, I!, Taylur, Clerk ; .lohii Laiilluw, .Vssessor ; « '/« l.««l fife mm^ will HISTORICAL S vnH llic lii-si in uliiili .M. litis »:ih nililli'il In a |ii'|iiily lliTVr, ^ l''i-.ini timt ti f.irwiii-cl I hi' Icrvm-luii's ri'|in'«i'iiliilivi'H in I lie Ccinnlv Cnimiil wuri' ; ISC-I, Cli.-iili'K \Vlnt,'lic.i.l, I'rnliio ; I --i:,". unH IHiili, Cliiul.'s WliilchiMii. Allrc.l Kii.Hn; 1^.7 .■iniM--ti'-, Alfird Hnmn. 'rii..niii.s Kcllv : IHi;!i,in.l IM7ii, ■ni.,MiiiH Kellv, W, (I. Ilin^'»t.lll : l'-71, Tliuniiis Ki'll'v, W. .1. I!. I|,.,n,i-, Ml).; l-7i.', \V..I. It. Holmes, .M. I>., iMn.'il.l Sciil't; 1^7:1. Alfiv.l Itn.Hn, l)..n:ihl Snill ; IK7I, I'atii. k Kc'll.\, linnaM Sell; IH7."iiiml l-'7ii. i'.ilriik Krllv. ( liurlfs l'nii-(.,r ; 1-77 himI iH7--. William .linms .l..lni-t..n, .lolin li. Millir. I''"i' IIm' cnm-nt yc^af thu variiiuHnllii' ari' ; licvr. li -jf l''..rsvlli ; Dcpniy llccvi', l-'mncis t'li'^'K;, liavi.l \'an' Alsiiiii', Henry Mocriey, Henry ll"»- man : Clerk. William I'laik ; 'rii-asiirer, ■riinmiis Itniiehin ; Ass..'!, .Inlin Walscm : r.ille. I,,r. .laim-.s N.«e..iiil.e ; Amlilnis .\,lam Kee.l. William !•'. Kim,'. Tile |.if,|.,.i'ii f iinpnivecl In lnt,-il area nf lali.l in Hie |nttiislii|. i» lifty-nne anil a li.'ilf pel' eeiii., i.r ;;.s,:t7'-' aires mil nf ."n"),'.'!!;. The HHsesseil vallialinii is SI , l:i",,i;:iii. Willi iiersmial |irn|ierly assesse.l at S7'i,!l(l'-, ni- a tnliil nf .«I|,-Ji Ki. IIW, invmil liv 7.''!l nite|iayers, ie|iiv.senl- illfi n tntal pnlMilatinll nf I'.ll.'i.'i snills. The lllimliel' nf I'llltle ill the tn«-iishi|, issiiiie.l as heiiii; :;,.-«:;, I.IKHI shee|p, l.JH.s pii;s, ami !ls| hnrses. The linanciiil stnteiiii'iit I'nr IH7S sIkhvh Hie leeoiptH tn have been Si4.7!ll.Hi;, mill the expemliluiv". !ii;i,riliri..'iii. Ill the fnniier amniiiit the ver\- lalLje prnpnilinii nl ?f IJ.'_'S!I.O:t were levied in taxes. Ilf the ex|ienililiires, .■S,"i,;;:ll,ll'.' «enl the siippnrt nf piililie selmnls. The a.ssels nf the ln\nislii|i eniisisl nf a Tn»li-li:ill vali'eil at .*li."il) ; amnlllil slill line lirii.sseU nii the deht ilistnlmlinli as setlleil at the time the \ iilau'e was iiienrpnrateil. !*'«rii' ; ami aniniint j-imilarly iliie fr lilylh, .•ll.iliio, i.r a tntal nf *:i,lllll. Tim lial.ilities are fiJ-!,."iiKI, the wllnii' nf ulliell is lialaliee nf iletielitnre ilelit eniitraeteii in Iliil nf the I,. II. >V li. l!ailw:iv ami llle W. 11. .t I'.. Hallway, in sums nf ?:lli,iillii f,,r the lirsl iiami'.l. ami .sill,! fnr tin- lallei. The ntlier l!fI7,.')l«l nf ileliellllin'S have lieeii pureliaseil liaek liy the Inwll.ship, principally with niniiey nhtaiiieil fiany as nriyi- nally cnimlituted. It has an are:i nf .'»;t.s.l4 acres, and with the cxeep- tinii nf sniiie rnii^h larnis aloiii,' the Haylield, and a stre;ik of low. swampy land whieli runs in a southerly dlieetinn frniii the iinrtherii liniiti'lary ni'ar the centre nf Ih.- tnwnship, the snil nf .Stunley par- takes largely nf ihn.'.e features nf excelli'llee ehar.icleristic nf Huron (.'niinty laud. The nther Imundaries than the nm- iiieiilioiied nf Stan- ley are formed hy the lownship.s of TiickiMsmilh and Hay on the east and south res]ieetiv»'ly, ami I. .ike Huron on the west. Tlu' history of the earliest setthiuenis in the Inwnship, especially the iinrtli-western pnrtinii. i.- i.hiitieal with that nl the fn.inilim; nf the present Villane of I'.aUield, nliieli was included in the Township nf Stanley until set apall l>y a :-peci;il .\et of the Ontario LeLTislalure in 1K7II; .so wi' refer the reader I" the sketch nf that villiii;e, which ;ippeais on anothir pane. The lirsl setlleliienis 111 the easler;i part nf the tnwnsliip nceiirred at'iHit ]^Xi, when Kev. .Mr. I 'onper, an ex minister of the K|ii-co].,-il lier-uasioii, settled ou l.ol :l;l, nii the liniidnn linad. Althnuj-h Mr. Co. per followed farmim,' theiieefnrwiird, he did nnt wholly iil.amhiii the s;icred oei'ilpalion nf prejichinn. anil he wa.s the pi. Ulcer picaelier nf Stanley, Tuekelsmilh, and -e\el;ll settlements in nther Inwnship.s. lielwceii the lirsl sell ler's arrival and ls:ii; the fnl- Inuiii); named men with Ihi'ir families li:id settled alonn the London Itnad 111 Stanley, mz., Hmiald .Mc.Miilleii. David .McKcnzii', and Hnhl. (iilison; and ;it this time aksn .Inhn .Midntosh was living on the T'llekersniith .dde of the road. In lh;(';, however, there was ipiite an inlliix of setllers In this Inialitv, amniii; wlmiii were Hmiald .McHnnald. who l.icateil l..,i :):;, near lli.' '•• desert. 'd village" of (Ir.iiiinn, which place, hy the way. was iianicd l.y I'eier llrant. an nhl siiilermi Lni ;I0, thnii^h not the oriu'inal occupant. The saiiii' year Alcvander Unss. frniii lnverness--liire. Scnilaiid. einne and seiilcd in Stanley »i;H his live sniis, D.iiiald, .lames, .\lexander, .Inhn. and IIul;Ii. the f.'Ureldcst of whom are still liviiin in Hie couuiy. then father liein^' dei d. Knr some time after coining in they domicihd with .Neil Itoss. on llie Tuckersmilh .-ide. till they could liiiild a lor tlieni.selves. The same year came .lames Copeland. who -ettled mi Lot 7, Ijomlmi Unad. At that lime the mily settlers al llriiceliehl a iiiiiii named I'i'ter McMuUeii and a widnw naiiicil \niiiin, the fnrnn'r nf whom h;nl ;i shanty liiiilt, and the latter was jiiM liiiihliiu; one on the Tiickcr- sniilli side. There wa.s no house helwecn the llraiiinn settle, iieiit and Cliiitnn at tliis time. Tnwanl the interinr nf the townsliip. the s:iiiie year (IH:ti;), llaniel Ilrnlidson setllcl on what is now known as the lirundson Line, so called from ilie fact c.f Ins having heen the lir.;t settler in that locality. .\Ir. I'.rmidsou came here from (ianannque. Ho was of I'. K. Loyalist descent, and was a de»|iatch-liearer in Hie C.'aiiailian Militia almig the St. Lawrence in IHl'J lsi,\ The greater iiiimluu nf the nmlh and ■•ii'lv Uviv»l>irnugli the tnwn- »hi;> are triii/r>l ^ifdr th- c.^vly settlers therenn. nr finiii snine circiim- Blaiicu connected with the earlv sctlleiiieiit. Thus the Turner Line (lith and 7th is named after a family of several hrntliers nf name, who were among the early .-etilers ;' the .McNiiughton Line (.Uli ami nth) is so called from .lohn McNaiighlmi, tin' lirsl one to locate in that vicinity. The road along the lake was called the Salde Line, on iic- cniint of its crnssing the river of that name farther south. Thi^lioschen Line (Kith and llth' was so naineil liecanse it was lirst settled hy I'rotestunts. who lefiiHed to ullow Catholics to hicate njioii it. The Uiihylon Lino was «u called liy the I'rotestants, from the fact of its beinu ulmust cxelusivuly settled, in the lirst instaiiee. liy I 'iitholics. It ' is perhaps not too Into to inontini nil Lnt 7. liaylicld Cnncession. d at one timi^ very ]irominenl in t] the eniinly. ami for several year.s As early us \k;K the lirst " ti W. W. C.nnor w;is .ippointed t.'l tiiiued to discharge fnr many ] election to the District Council i .■I iiierehant of H.iytield. who ri lirsl year after the erection of i sin V.-. that .Mr. Connor held tin com.. ■'■', five \ ears, and aNo give.^ i t represented the township in that to l.s.'ill, in which year the lir: 1 follows, viz.: I). Hood Ritchie, Turicr. and Henry Ilaaeke, n mnii-ly chosen Reeve. Wni.Welli voto of the Reeve, the vote heilif] .racksnii. Mr. liitcliie was aga hut succeeded in l.Siili hy Di I t.i Dr. Woods, wlm held the olliot ' 1«.")7. Ill IHo'l .Mr. .lohii Rnss H Stanley, heing fnllnwed in lH.")7li nnward the Itt-eves and Uepiitii lS."i-, Sininii Unclie and I'etcr A l«."i!l t,, IHii:l inclusive. I'eter A Deputy ; IHiil, P. Adam.snii and and .Alex. Caniemn. hut as the k he was succeeded hy Thoa. liaird The nieeling held "on the l:;th characti'r if iiolhing more, aa Dr. at the Hoard, whereupon it was ' " hv Tlios. liaird, that every a; •'seconded hy Dr. Woods at th " liciiig the lirsl meeting of the p "cancelled, and have no ell'ect wl " future proceedings of the Conn This nintinii did not prevail, iiii ceeded in regulating the I'tinl ] T'here was a dead-lock existing ai ing, and not a sin^de molion jiassi were moved and seconded. The; and We suppose the Reeve becai There was no meeting from that the iuvali>lit,v of his former elect that he gave hi^ note lor lanii f elected Deputy Reeve at the nexl In IHI17. the lirst year of Hi jiopular vote. Or. Woods was elect and tlienceftirward these two ortii .Simpson and Peter in 1 the .^ucccetling six years : and th( till l'^7'*, \\'m. Keys succeeded .\ the three years just past .Mr. C having hei.'ii eleeteil last year in The Coiincii elected for the curl lien. Caslle. Deimly Reeve; Pe .\ikciihead. Cniincillnrs. Win. ■^iirer. and lien. Parke .Assessor. Stanley gave a honiis of ^lll.l issued delientures to this aiuoun sliiire of the .M. L. F. surplus wa inadesiilistantial improvements < at Variii at a cost of ;?7.">0, mad and redecme.l .«r),()0O of their del li. heffu-e mentioned ; so ;it prest cept the unr.deeinud !il.'),l«ill of r There are many smart village! southern towti-lines. The most i ltiirci;i'ii:i.ii. mi the Tuckersi Clinton. The lirst .settler hero v liut among He lirst liuildings er who named the village in hi'tlnu Karl KIgiti. and .\ide-de-(.'atnp t of his toitr throitgli I'pper Canai on the L. II. \ H. li., and contaii two tailni's slinps, one talitu'fy, < one Imtcher's shop, two hotels, ra :i po])iitalioii. It is distant 411 mil l\ii'ei..\ is also located on tho w here it is inter-ected liy the Ha Llgiu and the Pnstiiiaster-Gener ago, Mr. Uolit. liell, of Tiiekersi I. liter, and reipiested the openii Poslmasler-lieneral invited Mr. gesteil "Stirling," the name of maater-IJeneial tleinurred, as he turn suggi'sted " .Mullingar," to acuiMint of its " Irish " "derivati u.iiiie it. he proposed the name I though iiilen-ely Scotch, was i liesides a store, hotel, and lir,-t-i , on the L. H. A 1). !{.. and Me Diivsini.K. on the Stanley ai man name it hears, whos lory of the townships. It has '. liot.l, church, school, ami a few Hi Alii: and Mill's Gkees at I and Hrysdale. Vahn.v is a smart village on ■ Road, altoiit midway liet.veen tli here, and here the Council meet : this place, and found nothing in : log shanty, kept hy one Sales as 'i opened the |iioneer store of the I ollice was o|Muied in his store. j eidehraled in cnuuectioii with th ! general stores, one hotel, two • schciol-honso in which Iwoteaehi I blacksmiths' shops, clieosu facto population of iihout 1011, IISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE ii |>crliii|iH iM>t tun liitu til muntidii tliiit the Hi'ttlciiiL'iit i.f U. H. liitcliic, Mil I,,pt 7, liiijl'u'lil CiinTO.HHiiiii, iliilm from |s;iri. This ijcnilumnii w.-is at mil- tiiiK! vciv iiriMuiiienl in the |"ilitic.'il iiml iiiuniii|«il utriirsi "f till' i-uiiiity, aii.l s,.viT,il yciii-s lilli'il tlii! oilii'i' "f t'.iiiiily I'lcrk. k 1 •,..... .1 .- , .< . t ■ .:..•• 1...I.I ... ...l.;,.i. fi'ii^.i '■■'.! I vi." yi^urs. aii'i ai.uii.'ri;i*inu'iiii-ii » n" I i'i'|iivsi)iitc'irtli(! tuwimliiii ill tluit Cniiiicil iluriii',' the vaiimis yi'iiivt iip j 111 l.'trid, ill wliicli yi'ar lliu Tinviisliiii ('I'liiu'il was clii'ii I a» I fulliAvs, viz.: 1). Il."..,il Kiti'liiu, Dr. Ili'iiry I'-ii', ..i-i,'e llati-, Win. I 'I'miimi'. ami Ili'iirv llaackc. i.f wlunii IJ. II. Kitiliii' iiiiuiii- I'. ami Ili'iiry llaackc, i.f wlunii IJ. II. Kitiliii' iiiiaiii- iiiiiu-ly cliii^cii UuuH'. Wiii.Wclliiiijtciii waa ulmscii I 'li'ik liy tin' ca.Htiiig vi'lo nf tliii Hi'uvc, lliii viiti' lii'iii),' twii tutwii'iH'lHi'cn liiiiisi'lf anil V\'iii. Mr. Hill-hill wim again I'lvtti'il Hwve tin,' fulluwiiij,' yiiir, If, whn gavi' plaw tin- iii'Xt yt-nr niMi.sly till tlni mill uf tiif year .Fafk.siin. -Mr. Hiti-hiii was ag Inn siiiii'i'il.'.l ill t,ii>'.> liy Dr. ( i-'ii iin.T .-i|li.l\.^>ll<| Jll Li'fr*d i»* I'Ip * ''1^, HH'' ^Ift1\. |»ii«\.i \ii* ■■« -•!. J ^ i^m til Dr. Wiiii.l.s. will) Ill-Ill the iiIHoi! oiiitiniiiiii.tly till llni iiiul uf tin.' year IW57. In IH.m; Mr. .luhn Rns.a wm uImIuiI llii' first Di'|iiity H./i'Vii nf Slaiili'y, liuiiig fiilliineil in 1857 liy Mr. Thus. Siiii|i<"ii. Knnii this timu mnvanl tlii' lii'uvi's ainl Ui'|mlirs nf tlio tnwiisliip wiri' as fnlliuvs : — IH,"iN, Sininii Itnchii ami I'l'liT Ailanisnn, tliu prusi'iit Cniiiiiy ('lurk; IS.*ii| tn 18ii:i ineliisivi', I'l'ter Ailanisnn Him'Vi'. anil (Jrn. -Vii'lursiin Di'l.iity ; ISIM, P. AilaiiLsmi ami Alex. .Inliiisnii ; lHi;.->, Ali'S. .Iiiliii-nn mill .Mfx. ('aiiii-rnii, lint us tlu' lattrr gentU'inan ilii-il iluring this year. Ill' wassiiL'i'ifiluil liy Thus, liairil ; IHIKi, Tlin.s. Sini|i.snn ami l)r. U'ninls. Till' nii'iling lii'lil nil tho l:!th Fi'liriiary this yrar wa-^ nnvel in its rliaracU'r if nnlhing iiinrt', us Dr. Wnnils sent in a ilisclainier tnliis si;at at till' linarii, wheronpnii it was *' Mnvoil liy U. H. Iianlncr, secnmleil " liy 'riins. liainl, that ovory ami all ri'snlulinns passi'il, innvuil, nr '' si'unmli'il liy Dr. Wnmls at this Cniincil, at its llr-t Vaiiia sitting. " lit'iiig till' tirst iiR't'tiiig nf the present anil current year, liealii)li>heil, *' canei'Iii'il, ami have no ellVct whatever nil cither the past, present, nr ■1 fllllll',, I. ■•.■,».,, ..( Il,.> fl..,i,...;l r...< lit.. •.■...u..>.t .,,,.1 ..>.,....i..t .'..on " T 1- I ■t. I \v nil eiiii:i «iiiiu'^er nil I'liiiei iiie jiii.ii, [iieseiii, n fiiliiie jii'neeeiliiigs nf the Cniincil fni' the present ami I'lirrent year." 'Iiii iiintinii iliil nnt jiroviiil, ami nn wnmler, fur whnever yet siio- .iieili'il in regulating the ;«(.i( prnceeiliiigs nf any legisl.itive limly ( There wai a iliail-lnck exiBtiiig aninng the tnwiiship sires at this iiieet- iiiLT. anil nut a sin;.'lu iimlinn passeil the linanl, althnugh nearly twenty Were iiinveil ami seciimled. They even ilefeateil a nintinii tn ailjnnrn, aiiii we siippnse the Heeve liecaiiie ilisgii>teil, ami left his ctiinpany. There was nn iiieeling friiin that time till Dr. Wnmls was re-eleete'l, till' iiivaliility nf his fnriner electimi having heeii nrgeil mi the grnniKl thai he gave hi> iinte fur l.aiiii piirehased at a las sih. lie was re- ulccteil Deputy Reeve lit the next meeting, hnwevur. Ill 18(17, the first year nf Heeves ami Deputies lieiiig electeil liy pnpular vnte. Dr. Wnmls was electeil Reeve ami Tims. Siinpsnn Uepiitv, ami tluncefiirwanl twn nftices were respectively filleil liv Thus, .•^iiiipsnn ami I'eter Dniiglass in 18118 ; Tlin.s. Hiiiipsnn ami fiun. Cii.stlo the '■uceeeiling six years ; ami thnugli .Mr. Sinipsnn retaineil his nllico till 1^7'-, Will. Keys sncceeileil Mr. Castle as Deputy in 187,"); luit for the three years just past .Mr. Castle has again liuen Depiitv Keeve, having lieeii electeil la>t year in eniiipany with Gen. (iialiaiii, Keeve. TheCiinneil electeil fur the current year are Tims. Simpsmi, Heevu ; (Jen. Castle, Deputy lieeve ; I'eter iKiuglass .Inhii MeKinley, ,Iaiiie> Aikeiiheail, Cnuiieillni's. Win. I'lunkett is Clerk, Rnlit. Ue'iil Tiea surer, ami (ien. I'arke As^es.snr. .Stanley gave a liiinns nf 31II,(KI() to the L. 11. A li. Hailrnail. ami issueil ilelientures fn i.his aiiinimt. In aiil in its ennstriutinn. Their share I.f the .M. L. F. surplus was $i;t,^7:).il4, ami with this sum they niailesulistantial iiii]irnvoiiients nn liaytielil harlmnr, luiilt a Tnwii-hall at Variii at a enst nf !?7.'iO, niaile iiiiprovenients in mails ami liriilge-, anil leileeiiu'il 8"),()0() nf their ilelientures issueil in aiil nf the I,. 11. ,v II. hefiire mentinneil ; sn at present the tnwn^hip has im lialiilities ex- ee|it the iiiii'iileeiiieil SJ.'i.liUO nf railriiail ilolientiires. Thi'i-i' are many smart villages in Stanley, ami ainng its eastern ami snnlhein tnwii-lines. The iiinst iiupnrtant nf these is liiii ei-:rii:Lii, nil tlie Tuekersniith town-line, -'even miles snuth of Cliiitnii, The first settler here was I'eter .McMulleii, as liefnre stateil Imt aiming tin first liiiililings erecteil was a stnre liy mie Mi ( 'nwin wlimiameil the village in hnmiur nf Miijor Hriiee, a'l>i'n(liei-iii-la«' of l-.arl KIgin, anil'-ile-(.'aiiip tn that (inveriinr-Oi'iieral at the tiiiir nf his tniir thi'niigh Cpper Caii.iila. This is nnw an iiupnrtant station nil the U M. \ H. II., ami cnntaius four general stores, tw.- of haki- Huron. It eovi-i- an r.vlini nr.">3,'-4-laii-i'>. iilw-liii h niilv 17.111'' airi'iiire iniprnveil, the wlmle iuin; asses.'i'il at S^dKl.i-li, aniniig IKtl rit. -payer-, nr ii p.iniil.iiiiin "I .'!,N lit, ivsper the assessnrs' return I'nr 1878. Hiil this nluni li-m-tli «t,iiM|i of iinrelialiility -n i-iniiieiilly iharacleii-lii- nf tlin'i- ilm iiiiiiiils. f..i- 1||,. nlKeial eeiisii^ nf l''7l gave Sti']ilii'n a inipulation of 4.1)111. ami thi' .I,-. tiiii'tinii rrnin this niiinlier whiili mcurri'il liv the iin nrpnriiti.iii uf tli.. Village of Kxeter lia-i lieeii l'iill> neiitr.ilizeil liy the inrreiM- in iji,. rniiil ilistriets. The topngraiihy of this township iiiiiy lieile-i-riln-'l a- pi-i siillii i.-mh nnilulatiiig to allow of i-niivi-iiii-iit ili-iiiiiitge, sn Inr ii- tie- lii-Ii-rn |Mirtiiiii is cniii-eriicil, lull the >li-eak nf Inw laiiil el'i-w here il'--crili.-il a- riiiiiiiii; thrniigh Stiinley ami Hiiy is cnntinui'il Ihrniigh Ste]ilii'ii, in viliii'li tu-,i-i|. ship it exiemis intn a hiniiil tract. It iniiv lie siiiJ iilin.iiii ji, entire sniilli-we-l iniiirter is a swamp, hy reii-on nl the insiilli. ii-nt u]< prnviileil liy the .\iix Sallies; Imt as tlieii' is at pn-si-ul mi th,. /,y„..; sclienie In cnii-triict a eaiial rniiii the (Ileal ii"nil in the .\u\ .Sill- t' -'Ugh the Township of ISii..iiiii|Uet to liike lliiniii. we umv n-iisniiiilily hope to see that large swamp tlioriuighly lii-iiiiieil, juiil. in mir iipiiiiiin, the creatinn nf mu' of the richest liirming Im-iilitii'- in thi- nt- .my etlii-r tiiwiiship wniilil fnllnw such ili'iiiiiing as a ii.itiiial le-ult. In bil: Messrs. Hrcw--ter \- Co. purcha.seil fmni ilu- ('aii.ula (.''imp.-iiiv a mill- site anil privilege nn the Aiix Saliles, where the present VilKigenf (inm.l Heml stamls, imil hy the crectinii nf a ilaiii they flomleil ni.iiiy liiiinlriii ai-ri's ill Williams, l!ii|i|iil|iii, M.-(!illivniv, aiel Slepln n ; .unl «li.n settlers licgaii tn Incatu in the portinii- of tli isr- tnwiisliip- iill'i-ii.-il In the nverllnw, the proprietors ami the mills lieciinu' eiiu.illv niipi.piiLir. The Camilla Company instiiuteil h-gal prmeeiliiigs again-t the pi'i.|irietiir- sonie iiiiii-teen years after .stipnl.iting that the mill iuhI il uii sli..ii|.l I.,, erecteil, anil simght ili'iiiages Inr the ovi-rllnwing nf tlnir l.iiul, Imt tl:.- prnprietors hieil a hill in ('liamery to lesliiiin the C p:mv limii takiiii' legal action, ami this relief granii-il Ky ('liaiii-ellnr HI ik.-, mi iln'. i-herisheil principle of law anil ju-tice that "when a peismi ha- -1-11111 liy seeing an act, or has cnnseiiteil lo it, he sli;ill not use his h-gil ri^'lils ill oppnsitinii tl) tliii; permissi.ui.' .Mier the gi'.intiiig nf mi- .1.-. rf... the prnprictnrs nllereil to ilemnli-h their ihini on p.iniieiit nf ,1 n-.i-un. alile eninpensatinn liy tin- (.'niiipiiiiv, hut lio.lys tn .1 ,i-i|.- tn this prnpnsitiiin was hut une lulililiiin lo the mnltituile of pii--i-\i-tini; eviili'tices tieit there w-iis no i-oiim-ctinn lietweeii their philiintht..pv .iii-i till ir piii'se. The mill and il.iiii were suli-iipieiilly ih-iu .li-li.-.|. li,,vi. ever, liy a innli nf rinler- Ir.un tin- tnwuships ineiitimieil, aiil,; time ihereiilterthere was mi mill in (iniiiil Iteuil. This is tlie village wliicli is shown oil tile ('an.iihi ('ninpauy's map- as " I'nrt Kruiks," aini a liiii-l sk. tell nf the cil-cillnsl:im-es cnnllectoil with thilt " Piil't" will l-e illti-ri'-;- ing. The plot which lies in the mil th of the mouth nf lIu All.V .'Sill'le- KM liiiil "111 thii.ugh a freak nf Dr. Diiiilnp. iiml re-irvc 1 f.T ii Imni liiit Smith's "Camilla" ile-crilu- tin- h.cality as l.i-ing " ,- ,iiip,.s,.,| ,,f " hills nf shifting saml, aicumnhiieil, nn ih.ulit, hy iinrth-we-t sini-Mi-mi " the lake, and where, iherefnre, the ide.i of making a /mr/ iiiiisl lie " alisiiiil." Still t-ach new map issued hv ilie Compiiiiy i-.ini.iini-.i " I'uri Fr:ink-" :is large iis evi-r : :iii,l -me of the-e maps cniiiiiig inin tlie ImihI- nfiiii Knglishiiian iilniit si:ii-iiiig Inr ( '.iiiadii. In- picked u|iiiii this .1- jii-t the place tn suit him, and alter Ids arrival in the Pnivince lia 1 a i-.iilier iimiising experience in hunting for the " In-tcity." Arrived :it S.uiii:i, h.' iu'|uiii-il lor a linat i-alliiig at I'.at Frank-, lull wa- asiniii-lu- 1 t" liiil that many even doiiliti-d the i-xisteme of such a place. N'.i i-il.i-iii- li-ried. hnwever, he staitid to walk to the town one iiioniiii.-, .ui.l :it night Iniind shelter iit " niiiiilii r 111, Plvmpi "the residi-n- f :iii ecii'iitric liiit hnspitalile e.x-iiiival otticer. 'Pui-uing hi- way ihi ImIIhw- iiig innrniiig, still niicniivimed nf flu- iimi-exi-ti-nce nf lie- /-.'.'■/--. mh. in the iilleriionn he met a iiiiin ne:ir Hrcwsters mill, w-hn iiifmiiie I liiiii. in answer tn iinpiiries, tlieiv wa- no I'ml Franks there. " lint, ' -.lil tli- " liere it is on il^. map." " Ves," was the replv, "llieie il e ml III! WM/., hut if you hud it ,uiijirh,rc ./.<. ril eat it :" ' At tiiiii' the nearest selfleis, lii'sides the mill liiinds, were eight iiiih-s .listiiiil ..a nne side, ami on ihe ntlier then' were imne nearer lli.iii twelve iniK--. The present Village of (iiiin.l lli-nd is alimit a mile fuilln-r up tin- iiv.-r than the originally plnlled tnwii nf Pnii l-"i-aiiks. .iiid i- ipiili- .1 lliii\iii„' place. .Mr. .lohii Dalziel ciiine here in l.Hils. purcli:i-ed tin- Hiew-U-r pinoi-rty and erected ii'mther mill, \iitli i-miiliined sti-.mi :iii.| w.iti-i pnwer. The village iinw cniilains saw-, phining, nniMlding. -liiii.:li-, grist, and nat mills, iwn gind Imiels. pnst nlliie with tn-weekh iii.iil nil' I'arkhill, twelve miles di.-tant, and iiiei-li.inii -' simp- .md snii-nl every kind. It is Inity-tive mile- liniii S;iiiiia iiiid tliii-u-iliiee fr-iii limlerii-h, and is situated in alioiit eipial piirts mi eiich -ide nl tin- ruit. Having eniiinieiiteil at greater leiiglh than nrigimillv inlcii.lcil iii this |ioi'tinii nf the tiiwiisiii],, we will dwell lirielly 11} th ulv settlement nf eastern Stephen. The lirst -ettlements' 111 lliis, .is III lllc nther snnthern tnwnships nf the county, wen- efh-cled iilmig the l.mi- dim Unad, and pmlialily the first persniis tn Incate here were .l.iiiu-« Willis and wife, who ciime in 18.11. and were lollnwed ilie nex' vciir liy a niiinhernf the lialkwills, s e nf whom settled in Islmriie. '.Mr 'rrivitt, iit present in Kxetcr, settled where the i-j Vil!:ii;i-i'i Centralia nnw stiinds. in 18:i;(, and iil tli:i| mm. ,I,,lin Ulner and .leim Kssery well- settleil mi Lots .'i and 7 respectivelv, ami the hitler iv.u running a saw-inill and distillery in the luisli. I'leim,' the tirst nfc-icli kind in the tnwiislii|i, Th,. f.illnwing miiiud persmis were ,i|s" I'liBW .-il (he time or came so ifter. vi/.; -den. U'l hher iiml l.i'iii- Holnian, whn arc -till living; Itielie! Itissetl. TIms. Friend, U'm ilinii way (father nf the late M.P. , Tims, Hawdille, .Inlm .Miulieli. :iii-i Hiclmrd Staiihike. the latter geiitleiii:in li.iving died i-i-ceniK :it llii' suppnsed age nf KH» years. The lirst selinol in .Stephen Wiis luiilt mi the f:irii, nf in-i ."iiicll, l.nt I,"), l.nndoii Itiiiid. It was also the lii-st place wh.-ie nliu' ii-si! vices were held, the first iireacher lieiiig Uev. Mr. Cnnper, r.-ii nd i in the sketehes of several other townships. The lirst icie le-r n i- nn- ploved in ls4,1 ; tlio original seliniil-hnnse ri-neiined si .11 1 lu- n- within a lew nioiitha. I COUNTY OF HURON— C ONT 'I'Ik' iiiiim. iial iv,Mi>l III Sli'iilii-n is pnttx imu'h us liilluws. ni-j;iiii- izutimi wan i-lliitwl in 1->1'J. mi tln' iTioiiuii iil the ili.-triil, Iml until ls-l."i liiilli Sti'iihi-M ami lliiy witc iiuiiixnl In IMnuim' Inr iiiuiiiri|i:il |lllllin.,s; illlii Ml lllr hl-t llli'lll i< <|||'<| M.;i| Sli'|i||i 11 ll.sllim'il I iilll V 'l I .| II- i.Wll llllllliii|i,ll piVcnilHl'l.l, lul llii' liiiiliU Hil,, lint lit hiiUil lliijli «lii,li wi' oMllil rxtliiit till' 1111111(1 III llif lii.-ii! Ii');i-liiti.l!i. liv III,. tiMiiia o till' Muiiiiii-Hl Alt. Slc|i|n-n w.i* n.,r,iiii , tn IMiiifuc in \<<0. liul uii it- s.riiiiil •■ilirlaliitiiiii nf iiiilr|.,.ii,li.ii,c'," llii^v iv-uiiu'il liuiil i;iivciiiiiii'iit ill l>."iL'. 'I'lii' rmii,, il li.i lluil \ liir inii-i-liil' nl' Mi ,-rs. Hi.l.cil Walk.-i. Wnlkii. liiilianl llii'k-, ( ;,-i i;;,. Wil.l.ii-. uml K'llicrl M.t'.iv. ami at tlu' lii-M iiu-itiii^ i,| tin- limlv Ainlnw WalkiT «a- miaiiiiiinii-ly .■lci:ti-il Uii^vc, wliili- at llir Fi ln'iiaiv iiu'iliiiir llii' I'.illi.iviiif; i.lliiiT- w.r.i a|i].iiiiil,.l. viz. :— Tliniiiii- Tiivill/cliik ; Davi.l Klliiill, TiiaMuvr ; William Hamlin. A-i— .a ; .Mi.liai'l Lvnii-. ('..llii'- tor. Kri.iii tliiit y.'ai- nil 18:.7 n Walki i InM tin. nUi. ,• nf l!,.,'Vf, mill ivas -iicviaili-il tho lalti-r \.ai liy ■riiuiiia- lli'ililiMi: liul a- lliu C'.iiin.i Mili.-iiim-ntly ili,i|ualitiiil liiiii 111.111 liuMiiin hi- srat at tlir ('.am. il. i.wiiijj In H ]ii,.t,-t liliil ).v .li.liii llis.-itt, tn wli.iin his -cat na- a.nriliil. the (■niMiiil,-,l Isaac railing; In lln- Iti 1 \ i-lii|.. In Wi- Silas 1>. r.alkwiU -ikv i'i"li'.l Mi. Cailiiin. ami L:avi' iilaif tin- m-xl viar In lliliiv S\nl/ir, win. wa- 111 lurli -lUi'inli'il l.y 'I'l as(ii,ll,v, Ihi' kilti-r hi.liliiii,' nllii'i- lill 1--I11. ill wliii hyear, as tin- luwii-hiii luranii' cniiiliil III a M Ill iv|iri--i'iitaliv<. in llic ('minlv I'mincil, U. Svnit aii.l ilnlm I'ar-iin- »i iv fh/iicil Ki-i'Vi' ami Ut'inil'v Hwv, iv-j.i'ilivi-lv. an. I Hi'i.. ii-iliiiiil cai'h "I'tl.i. tttn .-m , ,.,.iliiij; vi-ais. In 1 vn;, ih,. lii-t .Mil in tlni-i- i.lliivi- wiTi' iKvUil l.y till' pi'i'iili. .liiv.ilv, l-aar • 'aihii.:; ami .I..I111 I'ai-.uis liikl the iwn i'.|liii..s in i|ni'.Hliiin ; in Isil-- lli.y«i-n- 1 nil 1 l.y .l..lin I'aisnii- ami Tlii.nias (incinvav ; in IHli'.l l.v Til. .Ilia- tin I'lnvay ami Hi'iiry Unyli. ; in ls7iil.v TliiMias (ini-ii«av aii.l Tliniiias Yearly, wlm wi iv rc-i'li-.tiil I.t lln- tHo -ii..i|.o.liii;; viar-. Mr. (iiviiuvay was lii-i'vi. .liiriii;; tlii. lime Inllowiiii; viw-, with Wm. Kiilli.n a- Dei.uty in 1-7:',, ami .Inliii I'ai-mi.s in 1H74 ami 187:. ; aii.l li-niii tliat vear till tin- iii.l i.f 1-78. Si-|.tinni> I|..-artli ami Thninas Y.aily hilil th.- |..isitii.ns nl' liei-M- ,iml I),.|iiiiv Itieve u-pii'tivi'lv. Tin Cv.iiniiri'lciti-il li.r l.'>7i* are S. Ili.narlli, liVeM- ; Chail.-- KilluT, l>i|iiily K.-c'Vi- ; Win. liaker. Valc-ntiiie l!at/. ,I..liii livaii, (.' Tile 111. .St iiii].i.itai)t I.f the nlliiT nltin-s are lilleil l.y Cliester I'lvntv, I'lerk : .1. U..lliii-. M.D., TivasurtT; Aiiiamhis Kraiise, As-e-snr ; ai'nl Ji.lin Lewi-, rulliitiir. The lial.ilities ul' Stephen mii-ist ..f ilelientures to the ani.nint of S17.,-iiKi. i-sueil in aiil i.f the L. 11. .V li. U.. ami their assets imlmle a frame Ti.wn-hall at Cie.lit..M. l.iiilt ten i.r twelve vears aiju at a oust nf al.nnt S4(iii. Thev reeeiveil 5il7.!i'.'-.M:i the JI. 1,. F." snrplus, iiiul till- aimmiit was esjiemleil in ii.a.l iin|.i..vement-. There are a of villa),'i s in the tiiwnslii|i. among an- Kn]v.\. ;U miles sonth nf lia-liw 1. with a seiiii-weeklv mail ..If C'entialia : SiIii'K.v. (! mile- we-l i.f C'ie.lii..ii, willi similar mail latili- tie- : Ukf.v, ..11 the -..ntherii l..iumiarv. with a tii-wiikly mail ntV I'aik- hill. Ill liiilis (ii-talit ; CmilKIT i- al 1 the MotiiUivrav li..rili-r, ali.l is >iiii]i!:ii! with a mail in the -ami- niinner a.s I Ufa. amilher newly-estalilisheJ j.. -t ulfiue. i- iin tlie Mitiillivray ti.wn-liiie. It was s.. . .ilKi! in lii.n. \ir i.f Th..maslirieiiway, Ksi|.. who re]iresenle.l .S.iuth Hi;i..ii in llie ('uninioii- at the time. It is aUu hivouiiil with a tri- wi.kly mail. H.Mii'LKV, the la-t of a loiej lis- oroltiieson the -omherii lown-line of Ste).lieii. ;,'ets a triweekly mail iilf I'aikhill. S.^iitiTt is a Diiiall village on the Hay t.iwn-liiie, (I'miles Irnni l-;.\eler, ..If wliieli jilaie it i- SI rve.1 «ilh a jenii-weikly m.iil. Irs\. ihe early hi-t..i v of whi. li is ahove set forth, is a remai k- alily |.l.,i.saiit villa..'e in tin- -..iith-ea-iiin iiart of the tnwii-hip. Il is an iiiiimrtant siatmn on the L. H. A: li. U.. with the altemhuit faeili- tie- ami i-.inveiiieiiees, iiml has a nf ahmt ^(10. The laml siiir ■iimiino it i- iine.\ielleil. (.'iii;i.iruN i- the tnwn-lii|i '• capital," .iinl i- -itiiateJ live miles from l-'iiiiialia. i.lf whiili it i- serve.l with a ilaily mail. It has telegraph .laiiliti.s, a piipnlalion of ali..iit .'iCHi. ami the I'isiial eompleinunt of aiiil shops, hesi.les extensive lirick-yaiils. whn-e niamilaetuieil proilu. t- ar. -hipj.e.l to all ].arl- nf the siin..iiii.ling ...iintrv. Ih T..wii-liip ..I St-phi-n II. ciipii - a Hell-im-riteil place in the front rn.k ..| '^liir..iit'..niiiy imiiii. ipalitii- ; ami if ili.. energy, eiiterpri-e, ami ! :-eVfiaiice which elltni.-.l its traii-ioniiatinn lioiii an unl.roken fmest ' ;t- pii--ent inviting toll. liti.. 11 — ijiialilies which have ever ch.iracteiiztil .•■ p- pie fr..iii its earlie-l -ettli-uient-are inlierileil hy theri-inggei.era- !:■ !.. thcie i- leitaiiily 110 laii-e for anticipating the forfeiture of that I..111..11, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH rl.i- is the .-mallei i\. .pi Tin ly ..f ihe -i.Meen lownshi|i- • iMpii-ing the ('oiiiily ..f Hnn.n, cniaining l.y ailme.i-iiiiMieiil |ii.,H,Mi acres of suiieilii ial area, ft i- likewise the mo ' thickly -i-tlh-il all! i . -t imi.roveil. the of acres nmler cnltivation l.ciiig a fiicti u un.ler Hl.iiiNi, i,r sonielhingover 7.") per cent, nfthe total aieii — I -h' .V :iil: which e.xceels in that n-pect any oilier tnun-hip within kii wi.-.L'.- whi.-e lir-t -ettleinent ci.mmem cl within sn ncent a pcrioil. I'.iit lill- re-nlt, hir from hiving l.eeii dlV. hy any lilierahty or eiiiei^ l.'.i-e nl the t.'..iiip,iiiy, within whose tract it wa- loeateil aii-i .ilvr . U'- ..f whose .iiiecl..r- it wa- iiaineil, was the legitiinatu con-e- •|Ueii..' ..f Ihe natural aitril iitc- winch the t..wii-liiii ]io-si— el. .Aiei here we might nii-ntion that the naim,' of Tiuker-mith was ' M.'in.iilv -pelle.l in two — Tiieki-r-S,. ith : the geiilleman. Smith, iil.n.ivi- it the nam.' wi-hing. mi loul.l. t.i .li-tingiii-h hini-elf fr..m liie niii.|iiiti.n- an.l plelieian .lohii .Sinitli hy ap| <-mlii.g, or Hither pielix- iiij. hi- -..niewhat ari-t..eialic ''gi\en name, T'uckrr. In all the early :■ ■.•r.l- an.l in all e.irly lefeii-nce- whi. h have come iiinler our notice i:.- nam.- was -|..lle.l f iick.i-Sniith ; an.l llic present methoil of spelling .nil- gra.iu.iUy inl.tii-.- wiili the ih -ire wt- can -e.- no nth. r i.-a-.m ol .;|. cling .1 -living ol time w hile w 1 itn.g it. Tie- t.,p..giaphy of Tiicker-mitli present- a l.eaiilifnl ami genllv ii.lulatiiig snrlaee nf whal is hir the greater Jiart a m.i-t hMtiit an.l ; There is hut very liul.. wii-te laml within it- limits. I !ic r.a.iti'l I Kiver is it- only stream of any iniporlame. iiinning in a -■■ liclai ic ilh-wi-lerly ililei tinti aj.prnximately paiallil t.. tin- m.rlh- ' i-tiMi 1" iiii.lar\. The -liape nf the tnwn-hin is piciiliar, Iniiig that of i light-anghil i-oseeli- triangle, with one of the acute angle.- cut nil. I'- l.a-e l.iits ihi. Loiiilon Uoail, which ilivhles it from the Tiiwiis|>ipsi.f s^lnl.y an.l May ; its 11 .rth-ea-leni -i.le lie- along Ihe lliiion lioail. li.uaiing 11 Imni llnllitl ami .M.lsilliip; it e.xlemls along the T..wn- i'lp ..f llil.liii, in the Comity of Perth, on the -oiilh-we-l ,■ ,111. 1 l..r a il -It ili-taiice has rsliorne for its s.tiithern hoiimlary. The a-se-seil value of real estate is?l ,iM:l,n-.") ; of per-mial pr.iperty. ■-ll-',.'..Vi ; an.l of lav.ilile in , ifTt'HI a l..lal ..f .SJ,iI(;l'.1:I."i. The p ijiiilation (a-se-sors retniii) i- oiih -d ilown at ll.n I-, though it was n.iilHI in 1871, ac. ..filing to ceii-ii- return-, ami it i- the lonviction of e\ cry ui.e thi;imiea>e in poj. illation sin..- then has heeii at least iimteriil. The imnilier of raloiiavers rc-iileiil is71-<, ami iho nuiii of ih.mestic aiiinial-ii-p.irle.l is, :i.lUiii-atll... ;;,.MW slieep, 1,111(1 pigs, 1 1,4!H hor-es.. all of ,i,ii,-,e the real ligiires. Financially, tlie ror|ioration nf Tiickersmilli is uii.hml.teilly in he-l shape of any mnnicip.ility iti the c.nintv, while cninnier.-iall p,.-e-es facilities at |ea-l -eci.n.l to le, hiving Seaf .rtli ami I'lin' parlly wiihin ns limit-, with all tlnii allcmlanl ii.lvantages, iiiclinl tho-e of the iMiliv.iys, while at llen-.ill, Kippeii, an.l lliuccliehl, on West lionmlarv. are stations of the l.oii.lon, Mumn, ami Urucc To latter mail Tnckersniiih gave a I. .1111- nf ,i!|ii,iiiii>. T'his sum, aimniul an iimulaicl in -inkiii- I'liml of S-'.IKI yearlv sim-e theoi-gaiii/al of the railway, i- Il Iv ; while there 'are S117.li8;; pi...e of ami inlcr.-l liom M. L. F. siii-].liis inve-Ieil in lir-i m< gages on real e-tate, the ihter,.-t of which, ^l.liiu, is applii-.l in | petnity towanl the aiil of piihlie .sclionN. Ami here it oeciiis In lis that in Tiickersmiih Ihe " Towns III lai'il " sysieni is in operation. It • mu only lownship in Ihe cm where such is the case, ami the only mie in the I'rnviiice with excipiioiinf Kiiniskilleii, 111 I, ami. t. .11 ( 'niinly, ami M.icaiilay. in Muskoka l>i«irict. Till- svstein was ailopteil here 111 1.87."i. ami 11 elaiim-il for it that lis operatimis give general sati.sfaclinii, Imth in in I.f inciea-e.l elliciem-y an.l .leereasing expemliture. The I' or 11. illy consisii'il of live meiuliers. Init now consists nf eight. .Inliii U was the lirst Cliainnaii. .iml still reiains the pnsilion ; the other im for 'he pl'e-ent year heiiig (ieorge Sproat Sec. -Treas. , ,li W 1. Ih.l.erl liri'tt, S.nmiel 1 ieorge U.iherl reac.i an.l .lame- .McF.waig. There were l?7.1'-."i.4ii e\pemh-il in 1-78 in cause nf local school instnictioii. The present ciimliiinii marks a wnnilerful contrast with the st nl alV.iirs at the time the lirst sclinnl in the t.iwnship was erect aliiiut ISUI. nn l.nt 8, linail Survey. Hol.ert Hell, fnim S lingshire, Seollaml, who setlleil on the l.omlnn Itnail in l-;ill. was chiif huilihr nf the schoi.l, as well as its chief siippniler fur si ye.irs. till the ..peratinn ..f Ihe llarris..ii-niiieks Sclmol .\ets of Is 44. Tlieie were, even prior to ls:iil, ipiite a large iinmber nf setti on li.itli silks the Ijon.loii lioail ; Init as they were .scaltereil, ami none hut those loeateil very near the selionl were pleaseit with siliiatinii. ami further, as cnntrihmions towanl it,- suiiport w entirely v..liinlai> . il was correspi mlingly ilillicult In i.litain fiiml-. The township, however, hail ■ " nf the attrihute- of civiliz,it lu'fore they ever had ,. .-hnn., •• Iiml that a mill was erecleil the 1 'ana. la I'ompany t i^gn .nm ,c as early as 18:ii, ami coniple in l-H;!. The locality wa- kimivn for some years simply as "' .^Iill ;" an-1 we stilt hive a leminiscnce of this in the r..,iil riiiin from Brnceliehl tn '*g ., n b-illi.. This siirveye.l l.y tlie Can; (.'.inij.any t-. give tin- I., mini. 1' -vil peuj i-' <. - 'ss tn " the mill," 1 was. anil is tn this ilay. km.-^. " th .i,li Unail." This was mill 111 the wimle '•lliirm T.aei " ihai al 'Imlericli hav I.eell liuill some lime prcvi..llsly. Hal even Willi these f.icilit water soinetimes gave out ; ami it was i|iiite a e.immi.n thing In settlers gniiig from Tuckersmith tn l.i.n.lnii t.. mill, ami earryii aack of wheat nn an nx's ha. k. returning the same ilay with Ihe Ih l^revious In this a \ery lew settlers ha.l c .me into the t..wiisliip the Uoail. am..iig iheiii Francis Fowler, S,iiiiueM'arn..cli an.l Dr, I'lialk, the fmimler of llarpurhey ; ami a very few weie loeaieil on the Loinlou Rnail. The hrst who Incateil in the wes the township were Neil Itoss, on Ij..t .■14 ; .lames t'ampl.ell, Uol .Inhn .Mcintosh. Lot:;!;; U.ihert lliiiitir. William llunti-r. Will lieU, ami .Mexan.ier Mackenzie, l.nt :!.'). All lln- almve .-xc-pl U.i-s came 111 in 18:11. This gentleman came in in .Septeiiitn-r. 18:1". wa- the lirst settler, not only in Tncker.sniith, hut nn the whole I. lion l{ lail hetween thai place — Ihen a hackw Is village— ami settlement al ihi.lerich, evc.-pt a feiv cnlnure.l S.. nth. -in i-efugees \ hai jil-t come 111 an.l ficitcl iinme.liately mirth nf the then liamh- L'.ml.-n. 'Ihele was then htlt a single settler on the whole lln lii.a.l within the l.oumls of the present County of Huron, viz, . 1 Van l-'gninnil, on the llnllett siile, a short ilistance south-east of prt-seiil t.iwn I.f lii tin- year 18:{*_* .\rthiir Sipnres. Leslie, K.lwari Cr.ilg, anil .Inhn Vniing came in. lite hitler sett nil l,ot lI'.i, just -.null of lirncelieM, wiiere he still resi.ies. F.vei this ilale ihe liolelou Uoail Inel only l.eeil cut out in places, ami nut loggeil up anywhere ; while on the Huron Koail i.'nl. \"aii l-c_'ni was sllll Ihe nlily seltler lietween llelmer's nn the lj.,r.ier <i Wilni'.t ami f'lintnii. al which latter place the \'alii lungs an.l ilii.l. mil's ha.l just seitteii ami were ere. -ting shanti.s. Si ..lie hail alsn inaile a small clearing at the crossing nf Carroll Iin when- lliiiilin linw is, Init 110 halm. ill. in ha.l yet heen erecleil. \\ hill the Caiiaila Comj.any or ihcir coniraclois llr-i cninmei to cut nut the liDiiilnii lio.ul, I hey put Up 11 sliaiily h.r their worknni Lot :iti. In ihis tin- lir-l -erim.n was preache.l in Tuckersmilh 1 .Metho'li-I miin-ter, a iiiis-ionaiy, naim-il Whiteln-a.l. Hi- c..iii.'r ' lion coii-i-t--.l nf tln-ie pel-nils -Neil |{i.--, ami .\iigii> ami ,1a CampI.ell ; .\li. name. le-dilieil him, he heing thin vi-i-y lie wasals.ta very tall man. ami the shanty-roof In-ing pn-tly l..w was ohiigt-il In stoop coii-iilerahly when slamling t.i .1. -liver hi- iiiiir-e, alter whi. h he remaim-.l all night with his " amlieiice." ' w.i- long hefore the ilay of churches, the lir-l ..I which w,is l.uilt ..n •J:t, L. K. S. It -ti....l several year- without heing linisln-il -erv lii-ing me.inlime hehl in it ilnring the -iimmer -easoii— when it linally taken ilowii an.l reimiveil to iiriicelletil. .\iming tlu* ear pri-a.hi-is lo holil -i-iu.e- tlit-te were .Mr. .McKeiizie, who set.leil i ver\ eaih il.iv in Si.inlev, .Mr. Skiiimr ami .Mr. liroailfoot, I l.nn.h. II, .111.1 .Mr. .McKi.l.l, ii i (iinleiich. The lirst white chilli Imrn ill the town-hip was Donahl, ehlest of lioss, ami with the exception nf James Lainh, of I'-horne, wa- lln- lir-t i.iilli in ,ill the ilisliict Iraverseil hv the entire ili-tam the L..11.I..U an.l C...liriih Itnail. .Meniinii h;i- Ill-en imi.h- ..f s.niie of the early settlers heing ol.i tn go to Lomloii occiisiiitially with their gri-ts. Sometinies. Imwi thii-e will) laiiie ill in ls:)l have gone all the way to "orl .Slaiiley Lake Krie, wilh ihi-l. -ack of wheat packeil on the hack of an ox : this little " aiiiii-eimnt " c..m|iiiiali\i-ly ol freipiunt occnireiici one Win, .liwilt, .1 \eiy early -eitl. rin Iiml- rich Town-hi[), three ii 111. Ill li.iylt.'lil, caiiie in wilh a h.Ln.l-mill fr.iin I'higlaml, ami then Tn. ker-inilli peii)ile u-cil to pmtage their peck nr h.ilf-peck, as the might he, 111 the " raw material ' to this liaml-mill, ami return their lloui, ini-ilil.iling the siipiiuiie gooil luck w-hicli ha.l intt-rv..|ie ].r.-veiil a loinniy wilh an ..x-train toihe Lake Krie shore. .-Uterw .1 .Mr lii-..iliv, a -i-lller mi the lliinni Itnail, near Clinlmi, hn.iigli the lii-t pair of linrse- ever owne.l in tin- -etlleinenl ; ami uscil lo lect grists from his iicighhoiirs for some miles iironml, ami lake the be (.Toiiinl lit St.all'ui-il, where a mill had heen lately erecteil. E. HURON— C ONTINUED. XIX. I'piVfi':* r('>ith-iit' is 71**, Hinl the luiml'cr H. ;i,'.Mt;,;itl!.',;i,:i:t:Jslin'p. l.HKt jiiys, iin.i |m\v tlh' ival li-iin-.v. Ml uf TihliiTsmiili [■^ uirhniltti'dly jit liii- ly ill tile fuiiily, wliili* iMmm-'n-ially it >u<\ ti) 11. 'lie. liiviii^^'Srafurtli ami riintnii ill! tiii-it' alti-nliii'^' L Mnio.ill, Kippi'ii. mill I'>i'ui-i lit-Kl. nil ttic tlu' l.tiihlnii, Hmv'ii.imil Mnu;i'. Tn tlii^* a !''iuH n|' .Slii.mtiv 'I'lii^ siiiii, U-^-* L! finiil uf SMX) viMily wiiiic t)ii'.iiViUii/:i1i"n l.ility ; wliili- tlit-n- uii' Slir.lJHiJ pi.i.L-tMii M. L. K. >iii]'lii.s iiivt'-iifil ill lii'Hi riinit- LMv^t tti which, ell. 100. is ajipli«'>l in \n-\- lie ..hnnU in tliat in 'riU'kt'r-^mith the " T.i\viishi[i n. It ■ .lu' iinly tiiwiiHliip in tin- (.■■unity the uiily MHO in tho I'mviiK't* with thi- l.aiiihtnii C.mnty, ami M.u'aiilay. in thi' UMM was ;ni'>ptL'ii hiTi' in IM?.*!. ami it i« »ns :^ivi' i,'tMKT;il Matisf;u'Ii"ii. lutth in imint '(.Toa-^in'^ irxpfniiitiiro. The I'lnanl crii,'! 'i-s, Itut iii'W ciinsists uf eight. .luhn Ditii; itill retains the pusiliuii ; the uther niriii- eiiig tJenrt;,' Spmat Sec, -Tivas. , Julni U'allaee. tJeur^e Uul.^oii, Kohert IVae.Jck, e were ;?7.1'^'>.40 e\peiuieil in I s7S in the lull. irUn a wtnnU'rful cuntrast witii tlio state irst aehuul in tlie tuwiiship was erected, n I{u;ul Survey, liultert Hell, from Stir- leii on tlie Lun.luii I{ua- sup])urt were rrespi ndiiiu'ly diliieiilt tu nhtiun fund--. \iu\ " '■ of the attrihules uf eiviliziitiun H>., «! lind that a mill was erecleil hy '11 i^i'H' as early as lH:\-2. and eum]iletewi. "thr .udl Iluad." This was the Ilur.iii Trae' " '.)>;ki at 'Juderieh havin;^ lously. liul even with these facilities, and it was ipiite a i-uinniuii tliim,' tu see iiiiith to Luiidun tu mill, and carrying a k. returning the same day with the Huur. w settlers had enne intt» the township un lii'in Kraiieis Kuwier, Samuel ( "arnmilian, ut Harpiuliey ; and a very few wen' alsu id. The tirst who luealed' in the west of <. uii Lot M ; .I;imes (.'ainphell, Lut 'Xi ; /'l.ert Ihint.r. WiUiain Hunter, William i/.ie, l.ut -J.'). All tin- ahuve cxeept .\lr. ;entleman eame in in Si.'picinlier. iHiiO, and ' in TuckeiHinitli, hut on tlie wiiule Lon< ice — tiien a haekwuuds village— and the pi a few culiMiied Suiith.-rn ivfug'-es whu iiniiiediately iiurlh uf the then hamlet "f ■ut a single settler >'\\ the wlnde Huron the present County uf Hurun, viz,. Cfl. t side, a short distame smitli-east ttf the In the year 1S;1L' Artliur S.|iiire.i. one uhn Viiung came in, the latter settling iieelieM, wliure lie still resitles. Kveii at lad only liei-n cut uut in places, and w;is liile un the Huron Uuad i.'ftl. Van Ku'moiid ti-tween llelmer's on the lj..rnaiy, named Wliilihead. His cuiigrega- -oiis -Neil Itus-, aiiii Angu> and damt-- iiamedi-M lihed him, he being tln-ti very tpld. and the .-hauty-rui.f heing pietty low, he L'lalOy whi-n standing tu didiver his dis- iied all night with his '* aiidieme.'" Thi"« nit lies, thi- Jir-t nt which was liuijt ')n Lot •al year- withuiit heiug tinished -servi/e-i luring the Miiiimer season — when il was luved tu llnii'-etield. Aniung the eai'liest ,ii' wi-iv Mr. MeKeii/ie, who setded at a . .Mr. SkiiiM.-r ami Mr. Hroadfout, fnuii ■um (luderii h. II in the tuwn-liip was Duiiald, eldest sun xceptittn of James Lamb, ot IVhuriie, this distiiet Iravei-sed hv the entire liistance uf ■ad. • 1" '^iMiie of tho early .settlers heing uliliged y with their grists. Soinelimes, however, lave guile all the way to "orl Stanley, on [' wlieat paelll'rin (luil rii-li Tuwn>iiii), thn-e miles a h.ind-mill from Knglaml, and then the poitage their peck or haH'-peik, as the case nial 'to this hand-mill, and return with i|ii(Mne guild luck which ha'l intervened to .-train tutlie Luke Krie shun!. Afterwards he Hurun Unad, near (.'lintun, hruiight in iwiied in the settlement ; and use seetion of ruunlry was heard lielluwing luriiMisly somr di'taiue ulfiii " the Im-li ;" and arming himself with an axe the anviuus uwiier iu-uce [Hty, did not see ils enemy until the aKe in .Mr. Kuss's hands was hinied in its skull. On aiiuther ocra-^ion lie wa-i attrailed hy the lielluwing uf his uxeii, an I nn arriving al tlie --put luniid tlii'in eiigagetl in a lively light with a small i)aek of whip, yet liv iKlfi llie numhel-' had fn imreased that a munieipal MrLr;i]ii/atioii was I'urined in (lie u.~-ual way, some par- ticuhii- uf whieli it may l)e interesting to relate -which can l'e-*l he done l»y relereiu'e to the minute-^, from wliii-li we liuole : •' At a n ei'tingof the inhahilants and houseliolder-* uf the Tuwn- '• ship uf Ti. kersniith. I'.C, held puMi-lv at the Havlield Mills, on "tlh ''th .lai. lary, IHH.'), , ailed l.y \V ni. Wuulley. swurn (.'unstable uf "the tu\Mi,,,ip, by the urder uf .Me-sr-. Charles l*riur and llichanl " Itiew-ler, .Justices uf the INaie, tin- fullowlng individuals were ummi- " iiiuusly appuinted by the meeting to fiiltil the respective ulHces placed *' (»p|io-ite their several names, and the h>lluwiiig Ityedaw-* were unniii- '* niuiisly agreed upun tu be in fuire uliili* the geiilleineii iiuminatt-tl "hold uliiee : that is tu siy, from the Tilh .lanuary, Ih;!.'). till the nth *'Janiiarv, iSJfl, viz ; .luhn Col. pihoun. Town Cleik; IVter Vander- "burg. liichard Lowe, Assessor^; \Vm. Chalk, M.!).. Collect.u-; Henry ■' ltaii>ford, Jonathan Wade. (Ic.r^eeis of lligliways ; Win. Fowler, '* Puundkceper ; Saml. Cariiochan, Jnlm Hannah, Town Wardens." Then followed the jiy-laws, and lastly the following "certificate:"— " I hereby certify that the above meeting wa.s lalb-d and huldeii in " pursuance cd' a warrant to me directed by Charles Prior and Uiclianl •' Hrewster, Ksfpiires, and that the above IJydaws were there made, " Wm. Wooij.kv, ('oiistable, Tuckcr-Sinith." In I'^iU'i the " Cuminis.sinuers " were Adiim Black, Saml. Carnu- clinn, and Wm. Chalk, M. l>. We ntitice this year in the minutes the '• cluiid the si/.i' of a man's hands," whitdi subseipiently resulti^d in the deatlnd' the gentleman referred to. aluiig with many utlieis : — " The Coiiimis-ioner-* met on January llitli, at the house of Wm. " Towler. * * * * mill i-unsidering tho disliirhed state >ioners were (Jeorge Worsley, Robert Hunter, and Wm. LamNboruugh. The resident luui-^eh^dders present at the town meeting this year were Saml. ('ariiui hati, Jiio. Hannah, Kdward Turner, ,Lunes Town^eiid. Wm. Chalk, Teter Vanderbing, Kubt. lllack, James (iosnian. Nathan .lolin-toii, Uavid Campbell, Thus. Carter, .Matthew HvvA, Wm. Miiir, James Che-iiey, Juhn Landsborough, Wm. Itatleiibury, Jame> Uioadfuut, Kobt. liuiiter, Juhn Cuhpihonn ; and we ipiute fruiii the recurds) "thi- li.-t wa- lead over by the Chair- " m.ui, name by name, and every individual wa- unanimously allowed " III l)e a Voter without any oliiectiun. *' S,\Mi.. C.vKNoni.\N, Chairman." The pioeceding- of the ConimissioinTs all throiigli Ihisyear are taken up witii a hght against Mr. Van Kgniund tu cnmpel him to do statute, whirh he n fused. Kinallv we see the following, under date of July :.Mtli :- "Received Iroiii Tlios. Carter, the sum of £\ 0,,-. :\,l. cv.. " being on account of sale of -oods and chattels of A. Van Kgnioiid, W " order of the Commissioner-», lor nnn-)ierf'irnianee of statute labour;" and we >ee liy the " Financial St itemeiil ' that the abo\ e was the on/i/ >n..„-ij reeeiv!'., and "paper, pens and ink" lor other iVv., he bronglil in a bill against the township for llie balanie of S.s. IJ./., which the township wa> unable to tind funds to ))av. As a conti'a.-*t between the then anil the iiow, wu may say lliat the " Keeord Hook '' was such as ran be purcha.-'ed at any modern bookst<'re. fur •Jue. or ;iOe. Hill interesting as i- inueh uf the matter referring to the municipal g'lVeniineni ul the ti>wn-hi|), we are »diliged to curtail it. Hriutly speaking, the Town Ch-ik "ran" the Town>liip here as elsewhere in tiiose days; ami tliu pusilion was held by J. Cohpilioun up to 18;i!», when C L. Van K^muiid was chosfii, and held the po-ition to 1842 imdii-ive. being sn.iceded liy Win. Muir. The Disiri't Couneilhirs sent I'V Tihker-mitii up to isjd, ;iinl the Meeves up to l**."i;(, may be .seen e|-i(wlieru. The lirst set of muniiipal uflicers on the upeiatiuii uf the .Mnni.ipal Aet were : Keeve, Dr. Chalk ; Connciilors, C. L. Van Kgmuiid, Juhn -Mcintosh, James Murray, Francis Fowler. Altir tlie witiidrawal ai Perth from the united counlie<, the lleeves of Tiiiker.-mith were as below :— Isj^. Wm. (J'lialk ; Ih.'io-HO, James Dick-on ; IH(il-*;4, Henry Cliesney ; lSb.'i-tii», George Sproat ; lMT()-77, (f. Kdwiii Creawell ; 1H7H, David' Walker; aii.l the Deputv Keevea-- Im;7 (tirsl vear , John Duig ; IHiiS, Havid AValkei ; l^(ilt, Jas. MeLean ; 1^7(1-71, James Dallas ; I i7ii-77, David Walker; 1S78, John Hannah. Kor the current year the following is a full list of municipal oHicers : — Keeve, David VValker : Deputy Keeve, .luhn Hannah ; CuuncillnrR, Samuel l«uidsburongh, Wm. Mundell, Ju^ejih Nigh; Clerk and Trea- surer, Wm. McConnell ; Assessor, .lohn Vuiing ; Cullectur, Samuel Car- noihan ; Auditors, Wm. McMillan, Aruh. Dewar. The only villages ; within the limits of Tuckersmith are KoMoNDviM.K and HAHi't iiUKV, both of which liave been at some length reterred to in conin'clion with the sketch of Seahirth ; and there is nothing more to add except tlie latter was founded and named by Dr. Chalk, the lirst Di.-trict ('ouncillor and first Keeve of Tucker.sniith ; and the latter was founded and named by (.'on.stanl Van Kginuiid, eldest son of theCulone!, and is still fiir the nioal part under the cuntrul, one way or other, (d" tlie V'an Kgmoml family. And now, although we have imt done half justice to the history of this Hpleiidid township, we have already e.vtended the space lieyonii its proposed limit, and are constrained thus to leave it, with the single remark tliat of the many inagniticent rural municipalities which go to make up the great County uf Huron, Tuckersmith, if not actually tlie lorcnioi^t -as is largely claimed - is at all events entitled to the legend upon its lianm-r, " Xi'lm SEi.i'MJUs." B < i| '■ :''f di ! I I ' ' . 'Ill il XX. HISTORICAL TOWNSHIP OP TURNBEREY. Til.. L'.'..Km|.;.i.Ml IniM, ..f ilii- l..»i,.lii|. H M,..ilv llml <•( iirJKlit imnlc.l tiiiiii.,.1.', «i(li llu.l.;,.,' iv,i„,^ .-Min.l tin- T..« n-liipH nf .lev, M..m». ami Ka.l \Va»aii,.,l ll,r s,.„ili w.-l, (he ™«l hmIo l.rm« liouii.liil l.v Ihf ■!■..« nshi|. ,,( ll..tti.k, iupI 111.' M'Ttli liy tin; lovMi^liip il iimv I..' "IHI.'.I ii» "f iair lo ..upiTinr .|U.ilil.v, wliilc it« s.irli.Lv w in tliu niiii'n nn.liiliilini,', in- u.ini,' to i-.mi.„'Iiii..m hi ll.i.H.' partH< 11... iiui'ili ..f 111. Maillaii.l IliviT, «l".'li Iniv.Td.M il .n an ".-x- MivK.ilai' .■».. fr..iii 111.. ..a»l..|ii l...iin.laiy M lli.. iiuilli tti-»l anKl..,'« II... ..f II... ■l,.w.. ..f W in«liam (whi. 1. ix will. in 111.. u...i« ..f ■runil...ri-.v) l.v 111., nu'l'll.. l,iai...|.. «lii.l. lalUr silvan. .liv.Ti,'. s fr..ii. M..nH. ami Imv.Tws, r..r l..n..l.ul 111II..S, 111.. »..iiili H..M.rii v,l-^v nl II... |..WIl,lll|.. S,.fai. a» «-....aii a^...ltain, III.' Ii.«l s..tll.iii..|il » illmi Hi-' r>'''«'|i' lilllil^ i.f 111.. |..»I.Hlii|, war. Ilia.l.. H1....V III.- vill,.:;.. nf I'.h.ival.. l."W ..<. .I11....I. t'anl..|..i. (1...Ih:iI an.l:i-'), AI.-xaii.l.T lliin.aii (l,..u'.'!i aii.i .in), 1.11,1 .iaiii..« M.I ■.1II..111J1 il."i»:i:' I'li'i •!•) «<•■'■ ""■ !"■»' -'■' 1 1''>-». •■<""''• liiii.. i.i,.u..iH I" 111., ■■lan.l »al.." ..f llli S..|.l..iiil.i.r, IKi".! : Jlr. .Mi.riilluM.^li lia\ iiiL,' | 11... | Mai-.l., aii.l tin' .itli..|s a Nli..i.t liiii.. | I.. Ihai a.^aiii. Ill 111.. ..a-l..iii »...l...ii "f U... I'iwnnliii. ,laii...s lli'iininiMli.. |.i-..s..iii IVpiilv l!,.,.v.., aii.ll!..l...rl .1. Dull li;"! Hi'lll..,! «„nu. Iiiii.. |.ii..i. i.iili.. •■ lan.l »al.. ;" uial al.Miii Dial ,lal....;lin (ialla^ll..!-, .\l<.\. ■Ili..iiil.s \iiai,.« Mili.|i..|l. .I..I111 M.lav.H., \\ in. M.iiiis Sr ami .Ir., ami Win. r...iiii..|l, in ami ..i....i|iii..l Inn. I. .'"Im M..»^<.i., manv v.'.r- ll<...v .'f il..' I.." »a» mi.. ..f Hi.' i.arli< • williin 'lis limii-, lia\iii.,' 1... i l.'.l- ■^■' m"! "'. ''""■ '■. "' (li.|.il.i.|., l«i, aii'l ....lll.-il II. .'.•.. | .liiiiiii,' II... fnll.'wini,' «iiiiiiii..n ami S...11111..I Ithi.-k-. ill.. lii-Hl lit tti.ll as llm pi-c.»..iil iWv\v, ni.|ll...l LiiU :i,". an.l llli ..a|.|v in I.'*.''''. In ill.' ii'.i'ili n-t.-iiTii f.vni.r .if til.. I..»li^lii|. ..11.. IIi.Im.iI iia.l M.|ll.-.| |..ivi..lM I.. 111., lan.l sal... iili.l lia.l ...■.il.-.l a savv-iiiill al ll... plaiv. alM'»anN l,nn«ii as /...llali.l, .m l,.il I'l, r.iii. II. In 111., v'lilli '■:'^''ii' I""'' ""■ I' wi.r.. lum.iiH II... v..|.v lirsl, if imt lu-tiially III.' I'nsi "..uLts, .\l...\amli,.|. ......npyiiiu' Lots' •".!' ami 11", C'li. 1., ami K"l'i. M"llall sulllii...; "ii 1..i|b .".I ,iii'.l .Vi jiisi ali.iiil 11... s.iiin. liiii... W. Irwin, wlm li.iil "111 aii.l naiii..l ill.' \ill.i-.. .if r..'liii..r.'. was ill,' lirsl suIIIct in 111.. n..rtli .'asl.'i'ii pi'i'lii.n .if 111.' l.'Wiisliip, .111 l,i'"n. C. U.'Vi'rIiiiv' I'i 111.' iniimipal .irj;ani/ali.iii. w.' liii'l llial pr.'viinis 1.. ils scpiimt.. aii.l imi.'p.'ml.'i.l .'xi-li.n.'.'Ti.nili.'ii y»a-, l'..r Hiiiu.yi.ars, I'.ir piMp.i-.s .il' im.iii' ipal ;.'.i\. -111111. 'HI, I" Waw. >li, lli.'ii i'.iiiipii>in;; li.illi Kii'-l ami W.'-l W.iuali.i-li ;aliilllial lln- lll-l Vi'ai "I iN ■ i;aiii/.'ili"ii was l.-.".;. aii.l 111.' lii-l ('..umil ..11. 1 -I .if |.iwii»lii]> .illi 'lals was ..iiniiiis.'.l as lull.iws : li.'.'V.., .'^aiiil. I'.la.-k ; r.iiin. ill...s .I'llm Ki.i'', Davi.l Ilau'^li, Wall.r SI. .an, Wi.i. KIlii'M : CI. rk, Tl...-. K..!-- Ii.ii,. ; Ti'.'aM.r.'i. .lasl An.l.'i-..ii ; .\-s.'--"r, .Vmlr.'W Mipliill ; I '.ill.'.'l.ii, itiilil..!. Hull. I''i'..tii 111.' V....1 ..r .ii>;ani/ lli.' l.iwn^l.ip lias lii.-i. l-.'pr.'s.'iil.'.l in 111.' I'.iiiiilv Tiiiimil asl.ill.iws : 1 ^.".^-.•|!l, S,in.ii..| lila.k; IHliO, ' ; iMil. S.iinl. lUaik : IHil'.' 1.. 1^71. in, liniv... .I..I111 M.'s-.r : l^-T:;.:;!, l'.,.|ij. \Vil,H,.ii ; 1^71, .l"lin M..-.S. r : 1^7,''.. ami lli.ii,.' ,'a.l. lill lli.' pr.-','lll, Saml. IUa,'k. In 1.-I1!! ill.' I,iwii-liip li.'i'alii.' .•iilill','.l l,i a 11, p.ilv li.i'V.', r. Tail S..ill lillin;; 111.' p,i-ili.iii Inr llial ali.l ill.. l'..ll,'Win^;' lain',' l,,ll,iW. ,1 ill I'-TI l.v Win. ('.il', wli.i was in Uini sii.'.'wiil.',l in IH7;i.7:iliy Win. I).iii),'liis ; an.l li.', in 1^74, l.y .lanu's lli-nniiii;, wli" lias .-inc.. ..c.npi.'il II..' p.isiti.iii I'.u'li suc.'ssivu Vt'lll'. Til,' ('.i.imil ami iiiiini.ipal Inr lli.'|it y.'.'\r mv : - U...'vi', Saml. Ula.'k : |)i.piilv, .laiii.'s Ilinniii},' : I'li'ik ami Ti'.'nsiiri.|', ,(as, ,1. .1.11-1, ,11 ; .\-s.'-',ii'. .I.iliii MoTavisli ; r,ill.'.l,,i'. l!i,!iar,l l'.,il..i' ; A.i.liinis Will. .M, rii,r-.iii, l!,,l„il'. Tl..- ,.lli, ial ..'p,,.' ,.r lli.'.s.' lall..i';;'ii f..r ili.' 1,.-7h -liiiw^ u.lal r.'.'.'i|,ls .,1 31:1,1 III..-.J, ami l.ital ..\]...|i,litinvs ..'f SLl.i'lM.--:;. Tli.' ani.iUi.l ..f laxi's .iill.'.l.'.l \vas!?|ii,.''.ii'.i..'.s. I If II... ..\p.ii.liliir..s, Si'.',:i:ir>.ii.'i w..r.. I'.ir .■ ly ml.', 8l.:l7ll.llM"l' .-.'li.i.'l-, aii'l »'I,'J00.7.'. I'lil- iiil.TLsl .ill il.'li.'liluri.-. Tli.' lial.ilili.'^ aii' iSlC.:':'.!!, ..ii.l lli.', •lil. All II... lial.ilili.'s in- cUi.l.' 111., lialan.'.s -lill ,1.1.' ,.11 .li'lanlni'.'S issiicl I,, lln. ilill'.ii nl .livi- .if III.' T. 517,iil«i. Tl'.c niali'iial'i's .if 11..- t.iwiisliip 111.' slmwi. liy llu' A.'i was lirst s..tll..,l l.y .lacli I'aiili.l.iii an, I Al..x. iLiiu'iiii. Tli... f,iiin,l..|.s of 11.,. villa^.', Ii.iw.'v.'i', wii'.. 111.. li...'.'li liroili,'!-, a parlial ac-iiiiil ,if wli.,s.. .ip..i'ali..iis ami .'iit.'i']iiis..- in il... I. nil. lint; up ,,1' this part of ti.e .'...iiitry will Im' su.'ii 1111,1.1' 111.' l..'a,l .if lli.wi.k. The l,..i;iniiiiii,' i.f Uluevale was ih.. piir.'has.. fi.itii .lii.uli I 'an I el, ui, ahnv.. men lion. '.I, ol 11... propel ly where 11... Ki'.'al.T pail of Ih,' villa.:.' iiow l,y Ih.' aliove .i.'iille- iiii'ii, win. e.iiniii..ii''.'il liiiiMitiL,' lli.'ir mills ther.' when the .uilv liahila- anywh.'i.' in 11..' n.'iylili'aiiho.i.i w.'i'i' lli.. h,j,' shaiiti.'S of Mr. Can- tuloii ami Mr. 1 1. 111. '.in. Tlnir L,.risl-iiiill was .'..inph'le,! at the "auie tiiii." as thai al limiio -■ ill., aul-.n 1 |.>.*)ii. \\'illi.iiii Henry l,.'...'li was the one in eliarj,' ,,f llie Iniihliiix "f ll.e l'.lll..vale mill, all.l it is sai.l he strin.k the tii'st ami last 1,1, iw up, .11 il. Il .l.'li'iirts nothing; from his reputation l,i nay that lli.' .lam li,' .'i-.'.'le.l' the MaitlamI al this niiinl is the only on.' .'X'.-r luiilt .in the wliol,' u,nirse of 11... river wliieh lias;^lily sio,,.l the lest .if tiiii.. ..ii.l ll.i<..l, uii.l to this .lay r.'inains in ils oriKimil enlii.'ly. The, l.e.'elies .Ii.l not st.ip w',irk when tli.'y t,',it their mill e.>iupl..t...l. Tlii.y hiul the -I'.'at.'.st faith in ill.'' of t' part .it the .'ouulry, tlioiij/h we'-s il must \v.ivr i't.(iuir..,l an ..y.' ,if hiilli I., s.'e any yreut future in it at that early .lay. Tim.., li.iw..v..i., has prove.! th.'iii cor- rect ; iiml thuiij,'li they were .ililig...! 1.1 haul all tin' iiincliiiii.ry and material (except timher) l.y horse or ox-leaius till the way from Paris 1111,1 IliU'lpli I,' us.' ill Ih.' .' 111.) K..'ati'r I'lirl ..f 111.' swamp of 111.' il'iisesl iiiiil iii| >,'e a lliriviii:; I'lWii ^row .'i.l. rniis.' planli'.l lli.'i.' : aii| of 111.', i.i .r.' populous ami i| lioai.l liav.ii;,' in ih.'ir imi '.'XlelHion .if Ih.' W.'lliiml.i \Ves|..rn Railway. Th.. lirsl sior,. in 111.' pla.'l Mr. li.'nii.'U, ami ih.' lir-l I'.f H.'i.m'tl, ami ,arri,',l iiii. ..Hi,'.' was .»liil,li-li,,l liL'n.l S| 'I'll.' hr-t school in lln niiiall Irani.' huil,liii^', ami isl tail^hl Ih.'l.'in was Tliolna- I'I of riaik.', who was .,11.' .if If n.'.ir to lilu.'val.', ami i- Hi] II. ills.' .if (,',11.1111. HIS. Th.' .lesiniieil as a I'r.'sliylerian nl as siii'h wan also i.s.'.l, h.'iiiKl of llhn.val.', ami (it is.'laiin.f Hay llie lirsl was th.' New' (',, .,11° Lot II, I 'on. II, lis early a- iiiK, wlii.'h, llii.uoh cr.'i't.'.l l| lien, iiniiiali, ins. The lirst D.iwl.'r, a W.'sli.yan. The pi hoii-e. Th.. liuil.linj' still ~lai| Sim-., iia-l. The Villa-eof lllnev.ih. II' Ihr.e si 8li,ip», two taihirsl fa.-lorv, raliiiiet l'a,'|,,ry, laiin.f ami w.n;;,',iii shop, tlir.'.' lilaekl liim.l wal.T ami »U'ain,, sawf lea.-hera), three ehiirch.'s iM.- t..|-iaiil, Kxpi.'-s ('., jiaiiv's ,.lli.-.-, ami post ollice w .V It. 11., oil 111.. -iulh..rn way lielwe.-n Kiinanlin.' ami I'.Ki.Mi.KK, ill the nortli-i' I'eri.'.l to ill .'onne.' with t till'.'.' uemril si,,i..s, tw.i li,il.' all' 111., n-ual niinilier of mimi in any Ihiiviiio villas... It h»t stall, 111 .ill the main lin. (Il.KNANNAN Is ill.' Iialll.' .if of th.' w.-l.-rn .livisioii of the h.'r.'.ln.'lely a stole ail.l |ii.-t o ill that iiaii of the liiwuship. th.' po-t ,itlii-.- its nai.R- from .MiilllllsI.ANK I'. O. is 1,1,- ami town lines, on /Kri,.\Mi, w-hieli was once ] olliee anil all, liy Wiii(;l.ain, wl ' from a forest t.. a livu towi place. The p-ciit railway faeililie.s tin.' water-privil.'ge.i which Ti a.ljiincts .if its present maleri Irilinte.l ho surely to its hualll [..iHses.sion of a.lvanta^^os seen TOWNSH The Towiisliip nf l'sln>rn ti't'Uiity of tlie county. If, i tilt' t'iiiiiulii Company's eii^inu foctly ini|«is.siltlf of niiitlu'iuiit fi[UJil tn till' eiueix'uni'y, iW a j IhiuihIh I'Xtt'Utl northward tt t'HMl, (.'{ist, finil HoUtll-LMHt to I (.'onnty of iVrtli ; Houtliwanl sfx ; anil westwaril to tlic 1 anil Hay. In to|iograpluciil fi'atureH I iiluntical with Tnukoi'r'niith, h jiioltahly not so well iinprovei of till.' woril. It contains, ai of liin.l, u| which 21>,V:l7 are ! ?1,(>-J:i,'27.'>. Thunnmherof re j i)f a^^aeaseil p'jrsonal pro[iei'ty ' a.s.'*es>ois to niiike correct rotii \^~^ return of pojinlation, wl was ;i,8:n in IHTl, ami nothii , in the ineantiui ; has iloubly time nf the incorporation of ] i Th.' early M'ltleineiit of V ■ may he nioie dearly mulerstot i whii'li, ti.l incorporation, wa uliicli aftiTWiinls lu'canu' KncI ; Hoaii a shoit ilistance south ol I tilt- town.'^hip -although .som , scltli'd two or three miles n \ si'ttli-ment was June 21st, l^H I catt'il ; hut it is ouite certain first in the whole sivtion ol ■ (loilerich. The Halkwills— n eanie very soon after Mr. -M Halkwills tin both the I' shorn It sliouM be mentioiR-il that .t i tier (with tin* possible excepti I uv^ of about four acres made spring' of lrt:U. by .lohn \U\k su nh'iiseil with the e(mntry tl I intuu'e a number of his frieutl ■ suececdi'd, junl of those bo im and ereiied the tirat sliantj ' soon after. Tlicy weie Dev.i : friends at home subseum'titly ■ section of the town.-^hip was i ; .Shire. The Balkwill settle) j villauti at the place still hear Londim it cou^lHted ot but a f HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE uli C'Mi mil illu fur I'lit in. K'). IIIU hi I', iii't h.p la.l .lift 'ill. ilin lout 1 I in i"K (VU, r..f likI oh ure ilia- itiv 111'.' I il- «r», liiiK •(11- 'iiih iiliii ?or- tiir, ii'i'ii U'k; olin •lire IIIIU' timt whii , In l>.ivf t..l l|.i, mill tli|..ipviT iimiiil intniiiiiiKli'l l'"r'-< »"'! ihvv Iwvi' livdl I" ll;;llt iillt 'I'lii' piiHt 1 1 Wll'< II lir»t wliii T""ii-liili f M..iii- itli llv '!'• imI •St aihl (lii.'Ipli til 11"" ill I'll' (■"""tnirtiiiii iiflli fur lli(j;■"■" ''"■;" Mvniiiii iilllii' il-n^.'4 mill -t ilUli.ult ili-.'ni.- •• ■ ■,.,.„„,. ,,,,,| ,.„l, n.ii-i' Ilia I llii'iv : "iiil l"'k^ 'l"v .iiii.y Mu.-t -I Hi" '" \' ""*; , t|. ,1, I. iiiiiiuliMH mill mi.rci mnlvnl tnwn- mnl • UM'-. ii.m' ll,.-u • U.Z ln.v,n, in lliLir in.iii.ilmt" rr-^imi'v u ,tu.,..n nl '";;""!;:; ',.sli.„.,i.ii III llii' WilliiiKlmi, tirry, mi.l linn.* .Iivi-i-m "I "i" <'""l ^ 'Th',."lli-l'-lnlv ill till' I'lun' (in 111-" ill till' tiiwiiHliip) «ii- ki.|it l.y it Ml- IViiiii'll, mill llir lirst I'l.-liiuwtiT wm- .lnliii Mr-^i r. wlm ' lli'iimtl, mill lanii-.l mi iiiiiiTiMiilili' l.ii-ini-" fm- immv .V'"-- .,llifi'«u...-slulili'liiil liiiinl Si'iilniiliiT, l^nil. Til.' lii-t -cliiiiil ill llii- liiwii-lii|i wii» I'UiU 111 I'l'"'*'^':- HiiMill I'rmiir tiiiililiii^,', mill i' im" "-''I "■' " ilwUniK^ ""' tiii|.||.l iliiT.iii \MH ■I'lii.iiia- h'iiriiiw, II I'.ii-iii.r n-nliiil "I Hn' „r rimki', Willi »iH i.iir i.r tin- i'mliu»l -I'llliT" in llial |'ml , mar 1., Hliirviil.. mnl i- tin' pri'-uiil M.I'. Im- Nmlli Hm ii I .- IJiMi-,. iif (,' iiiiiii.-. Tlir liuililiiiK 111' tiiii-lil III, a- alii.v,., wai ul-n iU.«i.mi.l ai II l'ii-,livUTimi iiiraiui^-lii.u-i', in aililiUnii I" u -I'liiml, aiin a- -Mill W.IH al-ii UM-'\, l.i-iii« tlic lii-t I liiiiili aiiywlii-iv in lln' vnnnty i,|- liliii^valc, mill (it is riaimuil) lli.^ liii-t i" I'liiiil'irrv -.illln.iiKli '">»'■ my 111., liwi »a- tin- Sow C.niiii'xiiMi .Mrllimli-t iiioi'liiiii-lnaiH,. .•ii.- nl ,„i' 1,1,1 :i, Cm. (i, 11- fuilv .1- 111.' -prill;; "I l-'iT. 'llii- "a- a I":; aiili ■ iiiK, N.liiili, lliiiUKli >;i-.'.t«l fill- On- N. C. .M.'llii.ili-I-, was u-r.l liv all ili'niiiiiiiiatii.ns. Tli.' lir-t nui' pn-ailicil in it waH liy Iti'V. Mr. Ilmvli'i- a W.-I.'vmi. Tin- plii.o wa- ahvay- kimwii a- Miirnn iin'.'tiiiK- li.iiiH'. 'I'liL' liiiil.liiiK still stamU, llii.ii«li it- .lays of n-i'lulnu- aru l.niK sill.'.' past. Tliu Xilla;,'!' .il' Itliiuvali' IH'W ii.iitaiii- twii Ki'iiunil >t"ii--. nin' «"":';■>■ tliivu -liiii' slmp", twii lailiu-' simps tw.i, -ash, .Imn-, ,iii'l I'lunl farliirv, I'liliin.'t farli.rv, laniu'rv, iliwsi, la.lorv, piiiiip laitniy, carria^^e mill wan"iiii slii.p, Ilir.'.'li|aiksiiiilli9'-liii|i-, ;;ii-laiiil lli,uriiiL;iiiill (.mii- l.iiii'il wat.'i' ami sL-mii , -aw mill, sliiii;;l,' ami l.illi mill, -.'liii"! (twn li'aih.'is), lliii'.' iliiiirlii's .M.'tliiiili-t, I'liinilin' M.' ami 'ivsliy- tiiiaiil, .\iii.'riiaii Kxpi-.'-s ( •miipaiiy.s lilliii-, Mmitnal Tel.'t.irapli JJoiii- paliv's iiHii.', ami pii-l .illic with ilailv mail Imtll ways nvi'r tin' W . »j. ,V 11. 11., nil till' -imlll.'l-ll .'Xll'll-iiill III' wlli.ll il i-H-tatinll. Jll-I llllll- wav ln'tw.'i'ii Kimanliiii' ami I'.iliiu'i'-liiii CM mil.'s Imiii .'ai'lu, r.KI.MiiKK, ill tlii^ mirtli-in-t.-ni pmt ..I tli.' ti.wn-liip, lia- ln'i'ii n- luni'il 1.1 ill .'i.iim'.liiiii with thi' Ti.wiiship nl' lli.wiik. In iiililitniii tn thri'i' gin.' st,.n's, tw.i lint.'l-, sti'aiii mills, ami l.'li'-rapli iilliii', llnTi- mi' thi' iiMial niinilii'i- lit iiiimir ,-talilisliiiiriits In In' liiiiml in any tliiiviii^; village. It lias ilaily iiinil larililie-- "If .Mil.lmay, tin- ' iiuar.'sl slati.iii uii Ihu main lini' ul' tli.! W. ( !. \ 11. ilivisimi nl th,- ( i. W . |{. ' (ii.BN*XN.\N 1-llif iimiu' .if a pii>l.,lli..'al tin- \Viiii;liam Hniil -latimi i of till' w.'slcni .livi.Mnii i.f th.-'l'. (1. \ II. l{ailwa\. Tlii'i.' is im villa;;.. li.'r.'.m.'i.'lvast..i.'aii.lpii-t ..Ih. .', k.'pt hy Win. .\ml.'r~iiii, an nl.l -.'ttl.'r in that ]iart ••( th.' (.iHii^hip. 11.- is als.i -latimi anfiit th. iv. Hi' ;,'av.' ih.' pii-t nlli..' it- mimi- fi.iiii hi- miliv.' plar.' in S.ntlmi'l. .MmiiiisliANK I'. (I. i- lucati'.l at th.' jiiiiitiiiii "f iho liivy, .M.u-ris, mill 'I'lii'iilii'iTy tiiwii liiifs, (111 Lilt 1, ('mi. .\,Tiinilu'ri'y. Zkti,.\mi. which was luiui. a pnst villaf,'", has Imi'ii alisurliinl, pusl- I iilKi'i' ami all, liy Win;iliain, has un.wii up near it, ami il.ivi'lnp.'.l ' frmii a f.,ru-t t.. a livo t.iwii sine Z.'thin.l was a cmiiparalively nhl plai'.'. 'f 111' (.'luat railw'iy fauilitii's, KUpi' highways, ami uxouptinimlly till.' watL'i'-privih'y.'s which 'rnnilicrry piis~cssc» arc aii.mij,' tlio many ailjiiiict- iif its jn'csciit material icsmirccs have'c cmi- Iriliiiti'il S.I siii'cly tn its healthy ilcvclnpnieiit, ami still . .mtimiu it iii 1,1' ailvaiita;,'es secmnl tn ii.nie in the c.ninty. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. The T.iwimhip nf I'sli.iriie is siliiateil in lliu sniith-castei'ii ex- tremity .if the e.Minty. If, in layiiii; it uiit, it was the uhjeet ..f the Camilla Cnnipany's en^'ineers tn make a li^^nre wlmse shape is per- f.'clly inipo.-silile nf mathemati.'al ileseriptimi, they pmvcil themselves i.i|ilal tn the eliieri^eney, as a (glance at liie jilali will ili'iiinlistrat.;. Its IkiiiiiiIs exteiiil iinrtlittaril tn the 'I'liwiiship nf 'rm'k.'rsmilh ; imrth- I'lisi, cast, ami .sniith-east tn Uililiert, Kiillarlmi. ami lllaia-hanl. in the Cniinlynf Perth ; sniithwaril t.i lli.l.lnlph, in tin- I'niinty nf .Mulille- se.\ ; ami wustwiir.l t.i the Lii Uoul, .livi.ling it frma Stephen milt Hay. In tnp.igraphioal features ami .iiiality nf snil I'sli.iriie is aliimst iilciitical with Tiickersiuith, lieretnfme .lescrilie.i, tlmiit^h mi tlie wlinle jii.ihalily mit s.i well imprnveil, yet a spleinliil township in every sens.' nf the wnr.l. It cnntaiiiH, iiecnriling tn assessment rnll, l'..*,tiHl aeics ,if laml, nl' which 211, 7M7 aru iiiiprnve.l, an. I the wlinic is a-scss.'.l at ^l,ii'J:l,'27,"'. 'riie iiiiiuher nf resi.lciit ratepayers is (>t:t, uii'l the amnuiit nf a-ausseil p'.'r.snmil property 8,">'-,','OII. The p.'rfect far.-e nf expeotiiij; ■ asse8.-nrs to make correct retiiriia isiinwhere more jialpalile tli»ii in th.' 1^7>> return of poinilatimi, which is set ilnwii at niily :i.iilii, wh.'reas it was ;t,H;tI in 1H7I, ami n.ithiiig is iiiore certain than that ilie Increase ill the ineantiir. i has iloubly lialancc.l the .le.lilcli.m etl'eetc.l at the time of the incorporation of Exeter. The early s.-ttleineiit of Ushorne, or what wa- originally rshnrii.', may h.' more clearly niiilerstu.Kl liy reference to the >keti-li of K.xeter, which, ti.l ini'iirporalinii, wivs part of it- terrilory. Oiitsi.le thi- part, which afterwards liecani.' Kxeter, Win. May, now living: on the London Hna.l a short distance south of Kxeter, was prohahly th.- lir't setth'r in th.' lii\vn-lii]i -altliniiifh .-oiiie "ive tliu claim In Thns. l.aiiili. wlin settled twn nr lliiv.' miles nnrtli nf Hxel.'r. The .laii' ..f Mr. May'- sellleinent was .June 21st, l's;t2 ; that nf Mr. Lanili's is not autlieiili- .at.'.l ; liutit is .luite .erlaiii a .;hil.l horn in the hitler's family was Ih.' tirsl ill the who!.' si-.-timi of the llurmi Trat't lietween Lmidmi and (.ioilerich. The Halkwills- a uiinilicr of lirolher- and (oorK,' Sn.U came very soon after Mr. .May, Siiell selllim; in I'sliorne, and the Ualkwills on Imtli th.' rslmrn.' and St.'|ilieii si.ies of the Lniidmi Uoad. It shniilil he nienliniit'd that iltliounh Mr. May was the first actual set- tler (with the .'.xceplion of Jlr. Laml.), there lia.l heeii a clear- inn of about four acres nia.le about Ij niil.'s snulh of Kxel.'r, in the spring; of lrt;ll, by .loliu lialkwill, Mr. .May's lii.ilher-in-law, who wa- so phased with the c.miitrv that he returned to Knnlaml sp.'cially l.i iniliu'e a number of his to c.inie .nil ami sellh' in il. In this he siicc'i'ileil, ami of th.ise s.i in.luce.l to c.uiie, Mr. .May was the lii-st in, anil erecli'.l the tirsl slnuity, a liir^je number of .ilh.'rB I'ollowin^r soon after. Tli.'y weie l)ev..nsliire people, and their iiillneii.'.' .lu .illier friends at limn.' siibs.'.iueutly prevnile.1 to such an extent that that wlioh' .-ecliiin nf the township was settle.l U|i by nativ.'s of tin- id.l Knnlish Shire. The BalkwiU aettleni.'nt was called " Devon," ainl a little village at the place .-till hears tliu miuie. When thoy came through Iionilon il cousistwl nt but a few log shaiitius ami a liin" tavern. For miinv voar- after Ilie I'lirly ■.■llii'imiil IIm' Ii ii.l-lii|,. ..I ij^ Hutlli-rs were' -licli a- tlm-e of all new pail- nl lln' c ,iinli\ ,iiv Umilni with lliiiu;;li innie-n linin Ihelarl IImI diviliipimnl «.i- •!.■»■, ,ii..| ,.;, seiiiii'iillv the .l.'pnvalioii of tlm ii-iial ac i].aiiiinilils "I i iviliMii.,|, |„„| hm^ierlnlii' born.'. Il i- rilaled of ol ( th.' |.iii| f, wli.ufi,,. «,iii|s beiaini' nt f tile l.'adiiin ami i I wi-illliv i iti/.-ii'. i.f il„',.tn. niiinilv, that mi hi- arrival, willmul . viii the pi.m iMal .iii'l iii.'Vil.fe Iliili-h shilliii;,' inlii- p"' kel, be went In lin.liii.h .iiid bni'munj .., iiimi' prnperlv lii",".;i'd- a half biish.'l nf wli.-at II i 111.' ii'.'ilil "ft!!, Cmiada ('ninpanv, half of I -i.w.'il " or - Ii.-.| in «|.i a self-iiia.le rake'mimn;; Ih.' -lump- nf tin' littli' cle-iliM.' lie kM' i veil" i in making sub-isting iiiianwlnl th.' mh.i hall. Imil.d l,i n |,ii!;, [or .'iich meal, liy the tini.' he nnl the .me li.ill plaiili'd lln- mlur Inil wa- eiil.'ii lip, ami he went tn wnrk at the ('aiiad.i l'"liipiin • mill ii. Tmk.'rsmilh, known a- the " ll.'ll Mill," to pay fm hi- li.ill liii.lii.l .! wheal, and .'arii -. n- In .at while in' was liarv. 'ling hi- . rif aii.i making fresh il.'aring. , , ,. , It was imt for many y.'iirs after the liiii.'We lii-l -p.'ak "I tliiit lln si'ttl.-r- wero piovide.l with such bh-s-ings a- .-i li ml- m iliuriW-. though iravi lliiig il.'rgvmen ii-.'d i a-i>imilly to c.ill ami ImM ]v\ii,.«\. Di'rvi.'cs whil.' pas-ing bi'lw.'eii l.niidmi and (ind.ri. Ii. Ib'V. Mi, (J.ioper, el-i'wh.'i.' Ireipieiilly ii.iiilinmd in Ih.'-.' -k.'l' In-. i< sii'l t., havi- be.'ii III.' tirsl wlm .'ver |irea. In"! a -eniimi in ihi- li'i.ilitv, nris Ihi' t.iwn-liip. Fnr vear- marri.i.'.' cmv lie- what few ....iirti'.l u.t. pi.ifori I either al I Ion nr ( th.' n.'ai.'-t |".iiit- »li.i.lli-i. were either clergvineii nr magi-ti.ites th.' nl' npiiiii"! in tin,- day- being in favour of III.' .ivil .lignitarie- exei. i-iii. Ili.'ir I'jiliim;- liglit to pi'irnini a rile hgiliiiial.' .i- well a- iiiLTi'-ling. Hat liu-in,-. iiiiiiiy lint iieglicti'd by iv.i-nii nf 111.' il'lh. iillv of ac "iii|.li-liili'/ 11 : and tJMt " 111.11 ri.ig.' was lonsummalcl" all right wa- -mill .'vii|,'iii,"l l.y the great niimb.'r .if littl -in Ih.' I>i'vnii -.•Itl.'ineiit ; .iinl .iii- .,(li,- greiU'-t .lavs the seltlenieiil ever had wa- wlnii lev Mr. I'lniivii,..] Lnii.lnii. aftirwanls the lirst .Xiclican lii-li' p nf tin- I'b ef lli«"ii, lanii'i'iil -p.'iiallv to lb.- linii-e of lliigli lialkwill Inpeil'iiii lln'lof- tisinal .■.•r.'iiimiy 'mi twelve litlh' bie kw I- p.ts Ij.'lmigiiig 1" tl.."^."-! IHSIple of the ll.ighbnlirllon.l. Th.' first ehiir.h ami s.lmnl in rsbiine w.'iv ..u lln' I, U'l'.ii I! ,; mirlli of Kxetir. th.' Inriner beiii:; the I'n-byt.'ii.iii chiinli iit liolj i- vill.', and th.' latter tin- "Id Ing -i hnnl, eiecl.'.l al Fraii' i-liwii in l«:i>, III Ihi- lall.r, 'riiniiias Taylnr wa- Ih.' lii-l li.iili.'i. Thi- i;i'iit!ili»ii wa- a "ehar.icl.'r" in hi- wiiv. lb' w,i- -eiit for to Kngl iiid mi piir|«'~' to t.'aihlhi-schiiol. Ilewa-'aiiold bachelor, and- iml -., v.'iy «tiaii'.'ei"t nid ba.hi'lnrs — verv .'.leiitric Hi- resi, Unci, was the old l.g s,lii..l hmisi', where he "iaiight llie ynung i.lea ' during llie dav airl .itli'inli-! In dmne-tic diili.'s at all ntli.'r tiiii.s. He w.i- mi.' nl lln. ..jdi'-t Imni- ship clerks, and the .-arly i.'cniils bear .'vid.-m-e nf hi- .itt.iiimu'iil-.iini Inve nf sy^t.'iu. II.' sii'lisei|iieiilly inira.iilmisly ili-appi'ar.'.l. and M.i< mvirinni',' heard nf, b'aviiig im living i.-laliv.' in the «..|M. -" firs, the pii.ple nf I'-linrne ev.'i knew, and hi- .'iid r.'iu .in- .1111 .ii.- tin my- leri.s wlli.ll will sb'i'p till the rc'-nii.'i timi. Ni'Xt tn I..1111I1 »b,,v.-iiii'ntimM'i|, ami Wm. Khbr, th.' Milie-I -.'tll'-r- Inwards th,' nnrlli nf lIu' township were Tims. I 'ase and hi- ten '.mi-, fr'Hi I'miiitv Wi.klow, Ireland, wh.'ii.e they cine tn th.' II111..11 Ti.i' t .\ii'. s.'lth'ii, all., lit line.' mill's imrlh nf F.x.'i.-r. in llie -pring "i l.'<:i''i. "ii'- : the -nils, ,|nlin, had .'.uiie "ill in 18:14, wmk.d that -iiiMiuer l"r .M.i'ui.- Hell, the Canaila Conipany's cnntractnr oil the bmidmi Ibsid. aii'l t.ik.i; lip th.' laml where they afiorwards localed, subs,. |iieiilly |i li-itiiig 11" land and Ih.' wled.' lamilv In reiiiii with him. 1 hi iimi'- lli" niie nc.a-iiiii the ('ase have b.eii aimi-.'d Irmii llni: I'cl- tuy'ik. lip Ih.'ir ox.ii anil pull the limses mid rig "f lli.' I.niulnii ami il"i|i'iii: nut of the alnm-t botlniiiles- ...vinri'il ''. tweeii the Imig stretches nf cordnrny. Th.' tir-l nl the .na.lic- ev.! passing over th.' mail was .Iriv.'ii iiy Win. IJeeiy; .md the w.iv li li.indled Ihe nf his f.iur-in-liand was said In lie a «hii'1'1. i-'."- to the .lellU pri'fes-inll. The first waggmi in llie s.'ltlenient was .s.i great a cininsiu 1- !" I'l' ' "seven days' wmider." It was owii.'d by 'lie Ca-e lamilv. wlm .ib owni'il the iirsi pair nf horses in the tnwii'-Iii]' ; nxi-ii nil '•.imiil'i-i' b.iiig the mily means of Incmiintinii ami triilic fnr many .i.ii- Tile niHiiiiipal histnrv of the tnwn-liip b.'gins "illi tin >'■'■ 1-''-"' which lime Stepli.n and llav were Imtli unit.. I In l.'sbmii.. Tin- ii'"'' of the lirst " Tnwn Meeliiig'" has b.'.'ii il..», but w,' liiid in t!. n.'ik's "noles" the Inllnwing .iilry : "IS-tJ, .ianiiarv li-iirl I 'iclau "lions In perfnrm .liilies ,.f th.'i'r s.-veial nlli is w.'i'.' -igin-l bvtli' " billowing per.-.ins eleit.'.l In llnld tnwii-hip "lliii- ; .l.illie- Scntl. K-'i. " Richard Uissell, Cmnniissimiera ; T--^' lliv. II. I', fn.iper. Ml. Tli"». " Case, and .Mr. Jos. Ilanly, the other ihne t'nmiiiisiiniier-, di 1 iii.ti'"ii- " si.l.'r It ne.e-aiv In si-.^!, a declaiMtinn. -!•; Wm. 1 '.i-c. Hi' ii..V'i " lialkwill. ami .laiii. 'S Willis. T,,«„ Wai-.b-n- : Tims, n.iiiiliif, . .\-.-.t; ■■ Knbt, ISis.sett. Cnlbclnr; .l.iim- lialkwill and Cist-r \\'i;:is, I'minl- " k.'cper- ; Jain.'s Similake, Tims. I.anib, Unbt. .MmiM-. .b'lm W.-l-n. "and Will, lialkuill, Overse.'i-nfU,, .1,1-. * * * ii,,..rg.- Sii.ll. " To\vn,-lii|i Cl.rk." For IH4:',, Willimii Sanders, William Wil.snii, aiel •bum- Ikilkwiil w.'.e Wnr.b'ns, and Hugh lialkwill Clerk. Tlimn.H"r w.i- ih-.U'il Clerk in I'-U, retaining the po-iti'in till hi- ili-.ipp.'aran' '• ab 'Ve iiii'ii- ; li.iii.'.I. Frniu the minules nf th.- Tiiwii M.'itiiig of that Near, " lii'M .laiiuarv Isl, in the Sl.'phun S,l l-hou-e," Ki- .'Xtr.icl ilic fnll'Wiii.' : - i ".M"v,''.l by William lialkwill, s.-i'mi.led bv Hugh lialkwill. lli.iMi" '•lings ,1,1 come In Hiviiie service, iiiidor a tine nf :;-. i' '• y'r th.' lir-l "iilleiice; the second olfencc, '<<. ov. Carried, mm. , "i." \\ ,■ ciiil'l see 110 icinid of any .livg- h.iving I'leeii siibsei|iieiilly tiled iiinicr lla' ', opei-.itinn of this bv-law, which slmws that llu- .l"g- in lli I',*' miml.'d their I'saini (,!'-. I In l"-!.-) Ste|ilien sec.^d.-d Ir.uu the muiii. uiii m. aiel la Islij llav dill likewise ; but uiiib'r the tirsl year's npeiatimi nf the .\l 11111; ipii S .\ct (IH.Mi) St.'phen was r.iiiiii.'d In I'sb.inie, and the lirst -.'t ..f "Ihia.- j fnr III lib lowiiships under the mw svstem w.i- cniiip isnl nf .laiii"- >•' 'H^ Keevo ; .M.'ssrs. lialkwill. li:ssel't. I.imb, and (.limk, Cniiiioill'H-; Tlionia- Tavhir, Clerk ; K.iberl Hiss.'U, Tr.'.isur.'r : ,lnliu K-ery. .1 ma- Haikwill. and M.illhew lingers, Assi'ss,,rs ; William Scull, C.illi" 1 r- Since the willnlrawal nf Perth fr.uii the nni.iii of .nnnli"- i-'':'! the He.'ves nf rsborne ^Sl.■pllen wilh.lreiv again in bS.'cJ »'i''' l'^' I lN-)4, David Kirk ; b'-.'i.'), ,Inliii Siraiig ; I ■-,-«>, Tlimiia- I.aiiii' : l-.i.- i I'-.-is, ..\le.x. Miiilh ; Is.V.I, Flam liiit't ; Isiin, Knbert KmM . I'"!' ; 'Inseph Case ; lMi2, Dr. Kav ; l-siid tn l'<7l imbi-iv.', .\r. Ii. b.-'' ■''. : the present .M.I'.P. bir Sniilli llnmii ; and th.^me In the pn >, n' 11:111'. j I-emiari! Hunter. In ISiil I'sboriu' b.'.'.ime eiilill.'.l to a i. • 1. 1 u'l" resentative in the Couiitv Council, and Ibib.'rt Craig wa- llie 'n-l 1" 1 till the pnsili.,11 of Dcimiv licvc, whi.h he li.-ld for -ix yen-. '" ini.' succeedeil in l.'<7ii by (i.'.ug,- Willis, wlm ipi.iiiii',! the p-i-iii'ii '"in I years, when ho gave way in l''74 tn Leonaitl Ihintei, two ,M'.ir-. »"'' COUNTY OF HURON— Co wimntitm' l..|l,.wi'.l l.y I),i\i,| Millnr, ymrM'mling with 1«:h. ' ' '' ••iiiiiiii'uti ul mniiM' iirtiii'i !..r thi' I'l'irri'iil ve«r arc Iti'i'Vi-, I ""■•l MmiliT; |)i.|iiiiv U,.,-i,., T M. Kii\ ; (■..inuMllur», .liiiii.- Mill-. . I., I, nil, 111 !4li„.r. lli'Miv H.rii.v; Clirk, N lifUrkr; Th i -iirci, Thotii.i, Cuir, ; A«Ni.,.,,T, Th..'iiiiM lliiy\v..,«l ; ('ullf.liir, Ali \. Iiiin. .111. Th.. .iiilv l;,il.ilitv ..I IMji.nio i« 111., iiiip.ii.l l.iilttiir.' i.f thi. .liWi'ii miv. ,.ni;in,illy »■.'•.. huh k.iv.ii t.. Ili.i L. H. A H. R. Th.' ..i , ill. Muni. i|.iil ( Kiiii'l .>..rla- li..ii 1.1 iliiir- |i.iiii.iilnrl\ ill..... ..| till. w,..i,ni |..irti.m- ( 'unlriliii uml Kv.Ut li.iili...i.l -1.1II..II- I.I ih^. |ii-e m-r.i" it- w.-i..-ii lumii.liiry. Tlirv ' li IV.. »l-.., 11- .1 ttli..!., tir« iii.iil .i. . ..iiim.i.liiti..n-, thiTi' h..iiin iiii 1.— lli.til ..veil |i..-l .villi II 111.. Iiiim-,,f III.. t.iwii.lii|i, y\/. ; Kl IMMl.l K, II. 11- 111.. ii.Illr.. 1 KlllKT.lN. ..II 111.. «.Mll|l-..|l«t ll.Hlll.liirV. iii..|».iy I..IW. .n Kx..l.iiiii.l St M.ii\« ; \Vimhci..i'..«, mi ili..- mi.. r...i.i. I'l .ii'. ' 1.. K\.i. I . \V.i..i.ii\M, ..II ill.. «..iitl|.,.,i-t l...iiii.liirv. a mil.. •.iiiili..| Kirki ill .111 III.. Kv.i.i iiii.l .>S|. M.irvH It.iii.l, iii'i.l li iviiin .l.iiU lii.iil I1..1I1 «.iy-. riii'ii 111,'!.. 1- U iKiivii.; K, .III ill,. :„,ii.l..ii II. ir ill.' II. .nil .f 111.. |..n'iiiiliiii ; KMigiii ah, -ix iiuli'- ..lUt-I'V- 11 .illi ..| KmI. 1 ; iiii.l I.I Ml i;v, 11. -Ill- 111.. II.. rill l...iiii.liiry. HI ill..-.. Kliiiivilli i- Ih. '• iiiiiiiii ipiil .■.ipiial," iiii.l i< citlii.rwi-.' the 111.1-1 iiii|,iiit, . ..iil.iiiiii.i.' Ii..t.l. tw.. -I.. I.-, .1 iiuiii1...r ..f iiii'clianic-' -li..|.« .'t i.iii.iii- kiiil-. !«.. . lull. h. -. .1 111... Iiii. k l.iiil.liiiii .ret...! '.y -11).-. iiplii.ti .1- H " I III. . 11 .Sun. 1. 1> S.," mill j.ri.l.ahly lu' .lilt- I...-1.I.H tin- 'r..wii-liiill, .1 .■ l.n. k -tiii.liii.. wlii.h . ..-t (11,'JiKl t.. I.iiil.l. 'I'll.. |.n.«.iit ...ii.|lti..n "I r-l...iiii., u- i...iii|i.iri..l with t,,wii- -lii|.- ..t th.. .'..iiiitv, i- H ii'l t.. 11. .11.. ..\...|it 'I*iU'k..|Miiiitli ; mill ..v. -11 III.- .Iill. Mil... iii.iv ..l.-ir\.ilili. 1.. i«'...;ii th.-.. ).f..iiiMi.- l...|',.r.. 111. my ill till. pr..«i.|it ..I ini|.i'..v. iii..|it ..11 all haii.l- piit.iil. t'. 111. Ii .ii\ iv I.. t..r.- th.' I'll. ri;\ ant ..|it>.|'|iri-.. ..f .1 pi.tiplu wh.. Iiav.. -ilr.'.i.|\ lMii-l..riii."l It ti..iii .1 wit.l .111.1 ir.i.kl.'-- wa-t.- int.. ..n.' ..I tli.- l.iii.-I H.-fiion- ..f III., t'.iii.-t Pi..\ in. . ..I th.. lir-t Finpiri. in th.' w.irl.l. WAWANOBH EAST AND WEST " i Th.'W |..wii-hip'. lH.f..r.. tlii'ii «..| 111 *|^iiiJtT nil. .1 l.y lar tin. ' ■...■-t t'.wii-hip in p.uiit ..f tL.| i.\t..|ii in tli.- c.uiity, tlio iiniu- ■ 1 ..t' .i.T..- within itH IiiiiilHl.i.iii>; .-.*i,ti4'i. 'I'll., uliapi' of Wawan*i-h, a.t | 1- . iijin.illv -1 1, w.i- iiliii.)-t ..f a pltI... t «.piir.-, i! I.. iii_. .nli -lii;lirv l..iii;.i fnuii ii..r1li ' • I'h ili t-i '1 .ni . i-i i • w. -1. li i- -ii 1 nil' 1 ill 1'.. ni..-l 11. .nil. Ill I 111 : I.' II II 'I I'lin'y l..»ii-hi|.-, ...I 1 1 'i.. I I .11 111 n.rlh l.y till. r..»'iiiiliip III' Kiiihisi. in llin. . , ,111.1 .1 j. .|. l,.ii . '1.111.'.. rry ; th.' T.wn-hip- ..!' .M..rri» nn tin .mt, Ilull.ii aiil ('■.ll..irii.. ..11 ill., -.'till, .ml \-lilii.l.l ..11 tin. w.-t, (nriu it- . ih..! I. uii.|..iii.-. 'I'lu' ti.|...:,'rapliy ..1 \Vn»Mii.nh in .iiiitc utiircirmly ..f Ihn mini.,, lli.iui;li n.t .-x. ..--uuly hilly, i- .*..iu».ivhal iii..r.. 's'.iilh' uiilulaimi,'. i.x. ..pi in th.. \i.inity .if thi- M.iitlan.l liinr, wliu-li tr.ivci-..- th'. t'.vvn-Iup» lioiii a p.iiiit in.,ir iU nnrth-cAntiTii .-x- tr..iiiit\ , ill an ..XL-u.-.tiiu'iy tiirtn..u- ....ur-i', t.> th.* iOiith..rn hmin.Ury, at M in 'li. sl.T, al...iit niilwiy it- i.a-tcrn ami wo«torii liiuit«. In th.. ii..n.'lil ill 1 •■( 111.. M.iitlan.l, tln.ii, \\w laml is .1... iJcUy niiixli, .111.1 th.- >i...'k..l 1. 1 tl..' ri\i'r inipurtrt thi- rrni(jti uii.l brnkuii n.iiuii. t.. a .|^.' .ina .1 ihu t.iwinhip. \V.i»,iiii.-li wa- liiliiml Hint ..f th.- Lmn-liipn .if llii! county in tho .lit.. ..| It- ...iilv -..Itli.inent ; lKiw..v..r, an ...irly an 1840, ..r mion* afii.i, .li.lm .la. kniaii -.tthil .111 but l.l. Cm. 1, ..f thii t.mii«liip. TIil. Iii-l mill.' ciiil I I. .111 111 W.iiv.m i-li wa- a siii nf thin uoiitli'inan, wh.i w.i- 11. mi... I " \\'.iw.iii..-li, " alt.T l...tli hi- hillior aiul the tnwiHliin, nil t..-il.iv hi. .1. iiliii'ii ill., l.iini i.ii wlinli hi- l.itfior .iriaiiially «ettli-.l. 'rh.-r.. w.u a f. ni.iU. . hil.l Imrii 111 th.. t..wii«liip prior to the birth of the ; .l.kkiiiaii inr.iiit, .1 ilaiiuhtir ot, who l.K-ate.l on IH, 1 fill. 1. .\li..nt ilii- lime aUo Mr. (,'liail.- llirvin, who ha- •luce bei.ii .if the ciiunty, -..ttli'il ..II Lot 1.1, Con. '.'. I)y lrt4t) the nuiii- li. r ol'n in tluH purlinn ..f Wawnini-h .iii.l the a.ljoiiiinn Town- j -hip ..f .\-hli. M .l.iiiaiiih-il pi.iTi-|.in «houl.l be mule the j .11— •mill. 111. Ill 1.1, aiiil th.. tii«t •chool-hou-e wm aiicorJinnly .■i... te.l in tliat y.'.ir 1;), (-'.m. 2, aii.l .l..hii McHriiie wa- th.. j lir-t te.i.-lier en^.i^i.l t.. . ..lulii. t the -. Tlii» »«o wa- the | iM-i pla. I- in the tuwn-hip wheie vlii^ii'in "ervice* were regularly | Inll, till' III it- ei' Rev. .V!.'!. .MtKi.l, who wit*, n> hia : ii.iin.. iiiipli..-, a ri..-bvi..naii, h.-M th.* tir-t Divine service here, though Ili.T.. Ii.i.t pr..l.alily L 'in -.'iinon- pr.-.i. hu I by .Metlio.liat mini-ten prior ; t.i Th'.i; pnti..!. Ill th.. LuMnhiji near St. Helen'ii hexaii t.i ' rn.'iv.- -etllei- .1I1..111 I - Id, wlnii ,l..lin an. I William (lonl.iii ainl .1.1-. ill liaiint aii.l »..ii- m.ive.l in. Tliey were f.)llo««art-' of the town-hip l.e^iin I lai'K'e .mil p.>piiloii4 lo I., I'il, iiiiil in .1. conlaiii t' with ih til. 11, an .\.t C.'lltli \ 1. 1 , ea).. •>■.') pa--...! by (h.. 1 '.111. Ii .nil. lit .ill ill.. I'.lli Aiiijii-I .i| Ihiil yi'iir, by the ot I oin-hip w.i- iliviil.'il by the ro.i.l now ninnini; north a iiini'.ii J7 .111.1 'J8 ; th.. towii-liip- , reat.'.l ..11 eltli.i -1 Iiii.. I...iii^ 11. nil. ..I re-p... Iivi.Iv Kast an.l W.'-t Wawaiio-h. .\ft..i thi- .'Vi-iit, ..I .'.iiirne,'h township ni.iinlaiii<..t i I ' . Ii. il, an.l ill KA«T WAWANOBH th.. li'-l Council W.I- i.|..i in I8117, an.l wa- i-omiio-nl of Uol K..ev.. ; He/ikiah II. Ip-, Davi.l S,, l„iiieel..l N.thiry, .iii.l Tavloi, Colin. lUi.r-. riie ..tln.r tiovn-hip offii .-r- w.-r.. .I.iin.. Cleik . lloiiiil.l M.'iiilil.on, A-se-.ii ; .lame- Hiiiibir, ('.ill.' . I. line- Mwlb.wan, Tir.istir.-r. |)iiriiiii 'In- lliM'f -uc.' ll../i.kiah Hi.lp- ...■■ th.. U.>'- .hair, ainl wa- toUow bv D.ivi.l Se..ti, who W.I- r..-i.|..< t...! in Is72 .iii.l I87;l ' w.ire thill .linnilv .luring th.- four vear- that I0II.1W..I, a l'..'tt..r hel.l th.. Kiv. 1 in 1m7h. In |^7i they ..|< tlnir tii ft. -eve, ill ihr p.-r-oii of l*ott..r, who wa.- 111,'aiii ..|... I aii.l wa- -III. II...!...! Ill that by Ibibt. Ciirrn., wh,. h,.|.l ill,, tw.i liillowiiu' y. ;ir-. F..r lli,' eurr..|it \ th,' 11111111. q iir.. .lam." I'.itt.i. ; U..lit. I'liriie, ll..piitv U.^ev,' ; U..I1. J. line- Cli.w. an.l Kinl.iv .Sielei-.m, C. ,1111. ill. n- ; IVl, r I' Ch'ik ; Will. C.iir, Tr.'.i-iii'.'i' ; K.innlain Savior, .\— e-s,.i' ; .In Ci.U.i t.,1' ; .1.1111,.- I i.irriek ,111.1 Williiim Th.iiups An. lit. .r- .\ ol.iiii . .11 111.' plan .'f thi- t..»li-liip will -how that ll .'ii ill-Ill l.i.'iliti.-. ill,' 111 i-t inipoi'tani p.i-l ntlie.'- tliroiih'h whi, h 1 at'.' -.'ivi'l b..iii^ Win.. HAM an.l Hi.vrii, ro-|.e,iivi north-, a-t and -,,111' -,.,1-1 .'..rin'r-, an.l lu-t ..ut-nl.. ..t 'h,. 1 mill Ili.i.r.iiAVK, iib.Mil nii.lwav b,'iw.',.ii the-,, pla. f- on lln- M.. liii... Tiler.. .11.' al-o th.. •tli.'.'s ..I I'i.stkk, on Lot "Jll, Tiirnbei lino ; K.iKi.v, K. ..11 I.. It '.'7, Con,..— i. ,11 ;i . Makn.m ii,,ib.,iit ll we-t ot Ib'liir.ive ; \Vi.-rKiKi.i>, ..11 *J7, C,iiices-i..n I ; .iiiil or Villii;,. of In.-I.r, -itnili'il partiiilly in iiwh ..I the b -hips of Ka-t .111.1 W, »i Wawano-li. Ilnlletl .111. 1 Culboiin., I lirealer p..iti.iii ,.1 th.' villa,;.. Ii..s within W.'-t Wiiw.iii.ish, it w li.rriHl to anioi|o the vilhi^'e- of thai town-hip. \Ilh..iv-;h Iher.. is 11. > railway runniiiK throiii(h Kast W III. I 111' vi'll.'iil shipping fa'ilities at lllyth. Helgvave, a liiiii. J.I < .lUai.le Its limits. Its tilianci.ll statu- IS iiliiiiit as fi l.i.ibilitiet--Uob, nturi'S li. ai.l in e.iiistnietioii .if tho b. II Uailr..a.l t.. Itlyth, a.'cor.lmu to the ..riginal plan, (I8.111K1, wl was HiippKiiiii.nt...l by a furtlior grant of 87, nisi to anl 111 it- o fr.iiii lllyth lo Wingliam, ami ileb..iitiires w.'re nlso issu latter sum. It- sharu ,if thu Muni, ipal Loan Kami Disi Surpln ainouiitul to SI'.',"!)!), .'il, ami owing to it« own ,le having gon.. of thu eoutity, this sum was exiieii,lu.l in chase i.f .lebentuns .if other iuiiiiicip..titius, of which leeur townshij) no* owns >j,ii(MI issuu.l by thu Township of Stanio; by Hlyth, ami $",,"11111 by Winghain, which ,lebeiiliiro» coneti s,ile fisset-, as it lias m. Town-hall, thu Council meeting at thu -Mr. l',.rtortiel,l, the Clerk. Thus it will bu seen that the .'xecss ..f liabilities over .inly |'<,''7'.> '.'4, as there was a balance of Jli'Jii.Tii on han.l 1st, 1.^711. Thu -mall aimniiit of imlobtuduess as e.impare.l resources certainly imlicates a very prospenuu comlitioii, ami farms ami bnil, lings, ami guiiural signs of thrift which aboui parts of the township, clearly .lemite that the circuiustuncc imlividual meinburs of the coiuniiinity will eompan. favoura those of thu coijairati. 111. Returning to thu BUbjuct,ol municipa munt in WKdT WAWANtmll aftur thu " ,liv,irci'," we timl that in 1M)7 Charles llirvin wa Ueuve an, I K,lwaril (iaiiiit Deputy Reeve, an,i that they have thuir ruspectivo ,ilt]eu- by annual ru-ulection ever since, hav hol.l thuir seats .luring twelve cunsuculive yuars, a coinci.leiic foru iinhuar,l of in the annals ol municipal g.ivurnmont i County, and probably m Ontario. It is also worthy of rum tho entire C,iuncil of l'<7l) havo been re-uluctud each year si in l87.'i-7li by acclamation, uice|it that this yuar. in conseii Mr. Mcllw'iiine's refusal t,i again bu a candidate, Mr. John ^ toll was elected in hi- place. Thu Council for the current ye c.iiisists of Messrs. Charles Oirvin, Iteeve ; E.lwanl Uauiit, Iti.uve ; Charlui Diirnin, William Kinahan, and John Wai Councillor-. Thu other oWcum are Robert Murray, Clerk 1 Diirnin, Treasurer ; Hugh McCroitio, Auestor ; ,lohn I'entl lector ; .loliii 11. and Aleiander I'entlainl, Auditort. aru but two villagus in thu township worthy of eitun.lad notii MANiiiitHTKH is -ituate.1 .hietly in Wust Wawanosh, thou an. porlioiis of it also !ii Kast Wawanosh, Hullett, and Colborne, I'tatud. Thu village was originally lai.l out by Mussn. Oeorgf ill th,. Wawanosh sidi., ami K. hikiii- on the Hullett side, lo.ik lip till' laiiil oil W'lii.h it -tall. Is. Th.- 11,'aluHt luill'oail -ta lllyth, -ix mili-s , a-t. Th,' \ illag.* .onl.iin- two -tot,.-, lour blai -hop-, oil.' w.i_',.. n -Inip, on.' Uiibir'- -Imp, two -ho.' -I1011-, on -hop, ..III. i.oiii, ly, ,,ii. .'h. '.'-.' la.'t'iry, I'oui .lini. he- (^^.lho.l byt, Dpi-, iml Ijiiiln' , foiii hol.l-, ami is -erv..,! wit mail utf iio,l,.rii li, tn.-K.' mili- ,li-tiiiit. Tin' Montreal Tulegni ii.iiiy h.i- .III ..Hi. ,: lull , Ml a,l, to its other facilities. The lliver at thi- point i- spaniie.1 bv a line wooden truia bridg n.sts on substantial -lone piers ; the cost of thii bridge wh §1 being the iiii'-t eipeniive in the county, with one exception, 1 of the post ultlce at this village is At'lURN i It WM eilutUd I river from its present position before the vlllaga wh laid though its liHMtion was suh«e.{uently changed, ita name mu same. Haii«t HiLiN'a is built along the Una between the lotb 1 Uoneeuioni, in Lota 18 and 19. It wu laid out in 1867 by Ui worth, a (Jovurnmunt engineer, at the rtquMt of UeHTt. Oonli.n and Henry Mathers, the former of whom named It wife— Helen. The first store-keapar han wh WUllam Qoni engaged in the wholesale carpet trade i> Toronto ; tha ftnt P< wu John McKay. The village poaiaiiai one atort, taltgiw several siuall mechanics' abupe, a itaam iaw-miU, two ohuioli byterian and Episcopal), a tampamnw hall, and a population iw. The post olttoe it served with a dailr mail off Dalbat, wMt, on the Athtteld town-Una, which ia rtfamd to at 1 ^ iflp F HURON— Continued. xxi. I HP ■liiniit! l-'ilSHIi, Willi Wni. Kariuliiir»oii ta ll>/i kiiili HpI|m till' Utter yi'nr. pli' III .ill i«irli of tl»i tiiwri'liip lii'xiiii til ri'iili/i' iviiR I'xi liitxi' .ukI |Mi|iuly till' i'i>.('l II. iw iiitiiiinu' iKii'tli iiii'l ^-'iitli *; III'* t.'Wii^liilH . rfiiti'ii "ti uillifi' ..t tlii.* livi'lv Kilt iiii'l Wi'»i \Vii»iuici>li. i-nur.**', catli tiiiviHhip iii.initaiiii'iiriiiii tin- tint'*' ■'^lc^'^'t■•llll^; vrir-t .1 tlu' Ki'.'v.'> . Iiiiir, mi. I Wii. I.ill.ivvi'.l in I "7 1 «,i- IV .1.'. Ii'.l III IS7-2 .,M.| IH7:l Th.i-. II . 'Iiiriiijf till' li'ur vi'iir;* tliiit I"II..\V'<1, iiml .Iiinii"- I l'<7'<. Ill l-75tlii'y ili'iti'il llinr lii-l |i'|.iity f .l.lllli'^ I'littiT, who WiM il^Jilill I'lntt'il in l**"!'', Ihit .'Hi' .' Iiy It.ilil. I'lirn.', wli.. lii'M it .liiiiin,' *. K"!- tlir oiirrriit tin- ulli..|.* 1- ; Kilit. I'linie. Ili'piitv K.'i'V.' ; K.'l'i'it lliillv. l.iv Aii'li'i^.iii, ("|..ii ; IViir I'.irli'flii'I'l, -iiirr ; F'imitaiii Nayl'ir, A^-^i'-nni- ; .Iii-*. Ilf.iwii, ok .iii'l TliNiiipH.iii, Auilit'ir". I 'f ihii tiiWii-liip will «liiiw that it i'ti|(i\< fi'il iMiportiiiil P"^t .'tllci-i tliroii>ili will, li till' pt' 'pli' HAM nil. I Bi.vrii, Mtiiiai'.l ro^pi'itivi'ly iit iIm' i-t .''iriitTi, iiii'l luit ..ut'*i'li' III *lii' I'tivii-Kip, lll.Uv.lV lntWri'Il tlu-»' plil'f* nil tllf M. 'Ill'* (.'Wil- li' •Hi. IS III ri.»Ti;n. I'll hot ilt, Tiiriiliorry toHii- ■J7, t'.tiiri't'«iitn II ; MakN'm ii,ivl"'iit llifi'i' inilui 'iKiKi.n, I'll L.'l 27, C"iui'ii''i"ii I ; .iii'l Ai'iiiiiN, r, ■'ituiiril piirti.illy in riu'li ol tin- four town- t Wiiw.iii'iili, Hulli'll .iti'l t'oll)(iiiii', I'ut 11" llii" illii^'i' lii'K within \V.'«t Waw.iii.nh, it will l.i' iv- lam" 'if thill t.'wii-hip. II" riiilwuy ritnniiii{ thriMii^h Kiinl Wiiwannnh, [iping fK^'ititiuH at Hlytli, Hflnvavt', iiinl \Vini{- iiiti. Its tiii'UK' Htatii-* 1* iiliiiiit as f"ll"W* - * t" iinl in cnstriiction "f tliu L. M. aii'l M. .nliiiu til till' "I'liiinal plan, (IH.iiim, wlii. h siini I furlliur i{rant nf $7,iniii tu ai'l in it" oxttmainn .1111, aii'l itehi'titiirt's wrf aU.i isHiii''! fur this u llf thu Muni' ipal Lf Stanley, ft.'.(NXI y Wiii|/hani, whiih ilobentiirus ciinttitntu tlic Town-hall, thu t'nuncil meeting at thu hmisvof rk. that thu excess .'l out by Messn. Ueurge Fulton, ami K. Klkini on tho Ilulli'lt siile. wlio Hi"-! . Ii it "tamls. Till' iii'arunt luilionil "luti'iii i- nl III' \illiiai' I'oiil.iiii'' twii 'l 1.1 1, li'i" a I'niportioiiiite ihareto binkiiow lor the turrilorv t.ikeii out of W..»iinii'.li liv that village, mil lliii w,i-> applicl to the reilemplioii of oiilntiiniliug ileb,,iiluri'< i-iui''l 111 .ml of till' VVi'lliiiijton, liivv, ami llniee Sniilli K»- teii.i.iii : the aimmiilol Iht bbeiiluiv" onginallv i««ueil being ♦iH.miii. The "WiHt Wawaiioili Miitiinl Kiie lii-iirame Coiniiany," win. Ii wai organi/eil iiii'lei the recent lii-uinm.' Acl, has ili heii'i nlliie in Si, Helen''., .iml iti lliree iliiif olheeri uie I 'liai. llirvin, l"ii".i.leiit ; Tlioiii.i'- K, l-'inley, Vne-l'ie.iileiii ; Ibiberl Miirrav, Scretiirv 'I'lea-iiiier, Tliii township' i' s|»'' lallv well "iipiille.l witli ...■ho'ili, illel llm inteiliK'etl. e ..f il> pe'.pli liiiiii-liei ample pmof that they have been put to n"0'l u-e. BIOORAPHIOAL 8KST0HEB l-»»i Kuan. H T.nii. .lii.lge "f the ('"iiiity "f lluion, is a s.iiinf Mr, Allien Toms, ami was b"rii at i liarlntteville, Ni.rfnik Cniiiitv, Out,, l''ub. I till, IMII, ami iiilieiits 1'. K L"\.ilist bl I fi'oin both lii^ pareiiH, He licue'l hit eilile.ilion 111 his native e.ilinty, ami in IHIil' leni'iveil ti Iliir'Ui, Having I iken up the stmly "f law, he was ealleil t" thu Har III I •il'"i, 111. I till' f.'llnwiug year was appoiiileil I" the Heiieli us lleputy ,lulltic.ll ami M iinieipal llislories, is of Scot eh origin, having been boiii in lilasgow, Ueceiiiliei '.'Itli, I'-ll. In l-.l'.' he emigrate.l to Camilla, aiel on ttiu IMli of May of that yuar iirrivcl at (ioilurich, then a village of les'i than 'J.'ic inhabitants. Here be launeheil into biHinu'ii, ami at an early age took a leailiiig part in miinicipiil affairs ; siiliieipieiitly serving several teriiis as Mayor of I ioilurich, ami was for many yu.iri Ueevu of that t'lwn ami Wanleii of the County. .Mr. lliliboiis elucteil t'l represent S'liith Hur.iii in the lirsl I'arliatmiit of ilntario, ami four years later iiilHTI) was reulecleil t" thu I.ugislatnre, uach time as the eaieliilate nf the Liberal paity, whnse iliii'triiius hu elfectually ailvnrateil ; but utter serving in that ciiiiacity iliiriiig two terms of thu secnml Parliament, he reiigneil his seat to accept the Shrievalty of lliii'iin t'niinly, ami has since lulniinis- tereii the affairs of that important otiicu in a miiiiner ucuep* .ble to all parties. Daniki. .MiDoSAi.ii, llepiUy Clerk of the Crown, Uegislriirof the Siirr.igatc Court, iiinl Clerk ol tl'ieCoiinty Court lor the C'ouiity ol Huron, i* a native of the Towii-'hipof Stanley, where he wa^born Aiigii^l liltli, 1*^44. .Mr. McDntiaM reiciveil his eilucatton at the (imlerich Uramiiiar Scliiiiil, after which lie eiituruil the legal prob""*ioii, ami wu.* praeti'.iiig law in iiartnersliip with .Imlge Sipiiur at the titiiu of his appoiiitiiient to otliie, previous to which he wiis an active ami ilistinguisliuil member uf the Keiorni party. The high pursoiml luvl intelleitual attainment" which charmteri/i' .Mr. .McUunaM in lii< pin ite capacity a" a lUizeii ami a getitli'iiian, liaving been brought to bear on bi" olticial iliitie>, have earneil for him the reputation ol being one ortliumi".i eiurleoU" ami ellii ieiit uf iliinin I 'iiunty officials. RiiBIHT Hays, Iwea'.e.l, late of MiKillop, lui" l.oni in Coiinly Duiiegiil, Irehuiil, in ITHo, ami at the age "f ainiiit thirty years emigrateil to Rochester, N. V , where liu remaiiiiil live years. At the eml of time he rcinovuil t" Itigi-rsull, Ciinaila, ami four yearv later ihangeil his resilience tu Waterloo Cuiinty where he einbarkul in the griit ami saw- mill businets, at a plauu which sulm'i|iicntly grew to be a village, and was given the name ol Hayiville. In 1N42 Mr. Hays settleil in Mi Killi>|i, where lie assunioil munici- pal honuurs, niid afterwuiils served twelve yeuts as Keive of that biwn- hip, being elected uach linio by acclaiiialion, and six years ai Township Treasurer. It is almost siipeilluoiis bi add that he uciupiud an uralted iilacn in the eatoum and mnflilence ufall who knew hini—u place which lie retained till the time of his dea'li a few years since. Thomah Tkivitt, .T.I', of Exeter, came from that land which lias |(iven Canada many uf her best cititens- England. He waa usheml into exiiteiioe in the valu of Taunton Oeane, Homcr'ct, in 1HI:I. He married a lady of Nurfulk nativity in 1H4H, and the samu yuar emigrateil to rpper (,'anailu nnd settleil on Hie site of thu present V'illaae of Cen- tralia, which was suhseiMicntly finmdod by liim in IHfW. Mr. Trivitt was the Hrat Township Clerk of Ntep'ien, and held that olHce several yean. In 18At, on the urgaiiiiatiun of the Fifth Division (.'uurt of thu (,'nunty, at ('entralia, Mr. Trivitt was appninieil iu Clerk, mid though i the Court haa been since reniuved to Exeter, he still retains the clerli- : ship. In 1BA7 he vu conimiuioned a .liistine of the Pence. He hat been among the foremnet tn Iiroteet and advance the iiitereste of his locality, and through hie anterpilse and lilierality in oinnectioii with the con- •truetion of tba L. H. & B. R. many permanent advantagea were iecored to Ctntralia, Hm>T Smith, decaaiad, late nf Hnwick, waa an Englishman who emigratad to Orillla, Himcoe County, at a time when one .Moffatt, who had Mtn laot in by the Ouvemment to teach an Indian lohuol, waa the only white neldentat that place. Here Mr. Smith, who waa a Hethudiat praaohiT, uiad to preach to the Indiana through interpicten. The Townthlp of Karyboro' waa hie next place ot raeidanca, he being the third aatilar in that towDikip, and here he pnachad the ftnt earmon. Mr. Smith oame to Howiek in 1854, wttlad oo Lot (I, Con. 4, and the year opanad theraon tha firat atora in the townebip. Ha taok an ,>* iS^ active part in muBidpal albira, and waa tha Atat RaaTa of tha town- ^ w^m "^ miwi fww^ii^pilil c XXII. HISTORICAL S T ihl|i, 111 lir wm alio 111, ftr« 111 ■liliv»i ii •>t i in Hii»" k. tlii- "iT- V I»inglip|.l 111 111.-, .ill Ih. I.inn ..f Mr, l|..llin((h.ii.l, L^t •!, (.'..h .1 Mr, Kniilli ..iilitiiii..| r. Ii^' "» tlii' I .1 will. Ii lif ..iiaMi.illt I11111I1..I ill ll.ini. k nil williili 11 nil. .11 III I llMili'illli. wlllcli .n'CMlwl • AuKU.t SM, I "Til, In. 1.1 iiiii 111. 11 111 llii. 71«l vi'.ir cl lii< ii«.' I(\ lii« .l.'.itli .... hti 1. »f nil ..111 1.1, ll.."i.k nil ii|.riKlil iin.l iiwliil i.ili/i'ii, .... I III.. r|iri-.ti>iii r.'li>fi..n nii iiLI.' iin.l (iiitliliil xp..iirnl AlMiAMiHK IlKriii Ni, M l», ..f Wiiiglmiii. w.i< l...rii in Kifi-liiir, s 'il.iiiil, III in:):i, l.iit 1 uiiii' I.. Ciiiiiiil.i whfii ..iilv I'li'Vi-n yi'iim "( me . If. ^•I,l.ltiili"l II .11 ll Ii 1' I.'ii. .il .1 I, I f..n.|.|H, K.'i;; I..1, ... I ■■ I ll.,- ,... V ■ ... I i!i '.. . I' '1 I I. «i..ii iM II. ...nil I.ul |.. M..1111I II. .|.. . Ill III'. r..«ii-lii|. . < i:i,iiif..r,l, 111, l..l|.,wiiiK H'lir, .111. 1 r.iii.iiii,,! in |.i.i' 11.' nt 'li'i' I'lw '.il M,ir,li. I'-TT. Ill l^iUi |)r, llilliiiiif ».i- iiimiiiiiii,.ii«1.v I'li. U"l li. ..|i.-i'lit l^iu.ii" l'niviT«itv 111 III.. Mr.lii'.il ('.iiiiifil, Iin.l liii" i-vi-l II, ,' l(.|lliUlll.,| ilN l|.|.l.",-lltllllt, 111 tll.ll l.,.'lv Tin. I),.. l,.r w.i. Il.,.v.. ..I llliHil..i,l ilniiiu' hum- \iiir-, iiinl in IHTI, I. miiK If., i\,il ill,, CiiiH, n.iin.' ii.iiiiiiiiiti..n t, llii" (.'.iiiiiii..n". In' im- ■ • ."liilly ,,iiilr.|,..| M..11II1 WinlM-rlli Willi Mi, .I..»u|.li Uyiiml, In M,ir, ll, I^TT, tin- M... I..1 ii.|ii..H'l l.. WmKliiiiii, mini' wliii li limi' ll- 111- .|.v,,U'.l liii I , <. Iii-n.l> |.. i,r..l,Kiii 'iiiil iliilii-,. .lilllN I.K, MK, J I'., Ki,\,' .1 llln-,-rlv I- II li.lUM' < '.111. 1.1 i, III, II IV 111^ liui'ii 1,1.111 111 ll,, I ' mill 'll I, 111, irk in I'^ilV Winn inn, I, ,'ti \, ill ,i| 1141-, liH ii.iii..v,-.| Hilh 111- l.iih. 1 . l.iiiiilv 1.1 till- T..wii.lii|. "I lirrv -Ihi'ii .1 »il.|,-Mi, ••, iiinl nil. 1 t».i yi-iiiii,il pniiii'ir liiriiiin^. In- I. nil ii.i.iri. Mil lln."T.iwii l'|..l, «lii. Ii li.i- .iini' ^^..»llt.| In tin' \ ill.iKi' .ll ('riiiiliri...l,, Mi.l i-ulil >, 11- lull I In- i,iii,,v,'.l l.i Hiii-,.i,Ik (linn Aiiil'-vvill,' , kIi, 1, In- i-mluiik, ,1 111 111.- ;:imiii iiii-l |ii.,ilii. . .Mr, 1... kie wii- , ..iiiiiii-»i..iii-.l ii.lii.ii,,- ..I 111,. Till. .■ in iMIiJ, w.i- ili.. li'.l Hi. v.i.l (im 111 IHi;-,, iiii.l r.l.inn.l ..lli.i- till IH;:I, Mi- ll i- iilm, I,i-, -11 U,-,i,-,.| llni-.-i'l', . ..iilinii.ii-tv -111.,- il-, ill. ..II. null. Ill 11- II ull.W Ml il,-li'.l llii. N..11I1 Ui.liii;.' 1.1 lliiri.n ill till' Ki-I..Mn iiiii-ii-.l 111 1"71, l.iil w.H ili-fi.iii-.l liv Ml. l-'.irr..w, iiiiii tin- (..ll.iwiiiK H.iii i.l,-. |,-.| \V,|i ..I iln- i'...iiirv, Mr, I kii' li,i-< I.toii .Iiki-I) |i|,'iitili,',| Hiiliiill ilii. iiiiluiti 1111,1 niliir |ir..|,-,'la r,.r tin- ili-\,'l.i|iiii. nl III tint p.. 111. .11 1,1 tin n.iinliv, iin.l 1- nl |,i,-.,iil itii- iniiniiK'i nl tin- HriH-i-N ngiii, V ,,!' Ih, K\. ImhKi- Hunk i.( I'.um.lii, Hi.iiiiir I'liii-iiN, I.I', ,.| \Vul|..ii, M,Kill..|. T,.wii-lni., i- .1 iiiitiv,-..f llrmiipi..ii |.iiri-li. V,.rk-I I'ii>;liiii.l. Bin n In- »ii- I...111 111 lHi7. Ill l-,'.'<|n- ,,1111,. I,, Aiiiin.,!, iin,| Inn, lli-.l , Iri iMv in tin- Hiiiillii-rn Si.iii-«. ii..t,il.|y ill Mi,«i"ippi, win r,- In- -nil i.wim pi'.,].c-itv. illiil nil* ill lln- C.lili-.l.-filli- .111111 ililrill;! tin- lill,- Will. Ill, I tin- liiiltli- ..I III, It wiir ul-.i II l.i..||i.r 1,1 Mr. I'lilli '- 1,, iivi-il h,,iiii.U, In.iii 111,. ,.(r,-, 1 iif wlmli In- mil muWy ilnil in Imiipiliil m ('..niilli, Mi....iiri. ,Mr. I'nlli.. II oiin, 1.. M. KilL.p in IMii4, wlmii- Im Im. I..-.,, , in;nK'i'.i ill iinnnnlili- l.ii«it i, 1 -iim.. .m.l ,liiiiii;i tin vtiir- p,i-i lifi-n r,,riit \V, ill, III Mr l',itti«i.ii I. jii-il\ i.iipiiliir iiiii,.ii>; In- fi.||,,w-,iti/iii-. Mr in « prnninn-iii im.nil.i r ..I ilm M.i-iiin. IniM-riiilv, iiinl liii.« i,i-,'iipi,',l 11 "nit III till. ('..nil. il IL.iir.l ..t MrKilliip; l.iit liii- III lull- ii-iii- ili'i'liiiiil innni- , ipnl ln.iiour», 11- hi- priinl, l.ii-im-i,. iv,{niii-. Iii> -,.li. miiiitnin. nir I Ki;, 11 kimii v Til.' 1,11 liii.lli. rn, ttli.i-i p,,rlniil. iippi-iii- ll-,, wliiri- »ri' Iln- -,.ini nl Id. Imnl nii.l L.i-ili, wlm w,,ru l...tli iiiitiv,-- ..( Iri'lttml, tln> f,.riiiir liuvint; ln'i-ii Imrii in \V,\l,,ril, .s I7III'., iiinl till, liittiT in lliirrjiiritl, Si.pii-inl.i-r •Jn.l, IT'ii, Mr. !,H-.-li niiiii. i.i llnnkull,-, Cimnlii, in l-l'J, uinl w.,ik.-.l ••oiin. iniir III hiH ,,| ,,il,ini-t-iiiiikiii)<; Inn , .11 iln- lin-nkinK ..I tln- Anu-L.-Aiiieriniii Wm m ilmt viur, h,. vnlunti'ti'i',! I.„ Iln. .lilVn. 1- nl In- ».|„piu,l oniiilry, ninl nt llic ,l.i,i, ,',f tli„| «iriiKt;l«- In- wiw ill-.- ,liuri; liy till- Inipi-riiil iiullniriln.ii, iiml Innk purl in tin- r,iriniiti.iii i.l tin- Miliury Sitilcini-in ui IVrih, wliii-h wiw iiti.TWiii-,1. , ,,ii.tilnliil tin ( ininly Ni'iii „l Uiinik. At tin. pin,,., ,.r nitlnr in tin- ■r,.\ni.liip -.f llrnimniin,!, jii-l willmul tin- liinil- ,.r I'.-rlli, li itm 1 I,, ii..i,l,. I,.r nninv ypiii., lunl lii-n- kohthI nl In. .nii. wi-io I...111 , ilnni -h |„- utii-r- WHr,l. r..nn,i,-.l I,, tin- 'rmnnlnp ,.l Aukm-Iii, innl .iili irmlv (,. tin l.iwnKlnp III li,i.tiii-,i, m 1,it,1, (■..imiy. H,- ,|ii.,i in 1,47. ,,11,,,. liiimj, „ u«,-liil nml ii,iivi. 111.-, ,111,1 will I. .11- l„- ri.iiniiil.,.r,..| iii tin. IiiIht ..f l.ii ...n.,wni,f„riM,lii-liv,rit,-i;riiv, 1111,1 tin- Im,- pnin-ipl,-. ,.| (, iiiv I' A ,-„py „t 111! Mil.. Tin. in.illn-r nl Iln..,- -,.11. |..n..Mi-.l liM- liu.l.iin.l tn 111.. Ki;i,,- in iH.-i:. lulling , ,.iiipl,.(,-,l hi^r ini..n.n ..11 .mill, iiinl Kiv.n t.. tin. «..rl,l 1, l.ninli- i,| .„n. win, «t,iinl it. ,uch prnliiil.h witlinnt ,1 pi-.-r n, iho li.iMnnn.ii. Tli,-,-l,l,.,i ,.| iln-...l.„,i|„,., ,. Hi, „,„„ U;i:,.|,,„.i,„ „.„, )„„„ j„ l^n-,l..»,i,. .\ iinli :iotli, |,ki,i. |„ ,»;,;, ,,,,„„ „„|, ,.i^,|„„^,^, ,.„,,., „,,, '"■ ""• ' ■' ' '"'" "^'i'*'' ■"'"<•■>■ in ili-f.- f hi. , ..iintrv, mi.l ...n.-.l III In. ...niMiiin.l „l (,•.. . M, Mi,||„i, „|„„^, ,|„. si. I,uwr..n,-u Kr,iiili.-i ■Inn in: Ih.- M.^kni,/,,. Il,.|„-lli„n 'll., |..||„«„,. v.-ur l„. i-,-i,:,.v,.,l >,-«l„.l.,, |„-„U ( „inity «h.-r,. I„ V. ,. , 1|..M,;,.,1 111 lii,.,-,„„t||,, ,,i,r.,i liilii.ll!-^''!.',','il'"' ' "'"''" '"■" "'" l'''"''""'"«li '"' '- »"« " n- if 111. .....n.l ...n, ttin, «ii- l...rii in- n II. I. ■nil.-. I 111, , 111. lln.|-Mlllk.-l'. 11,1,1, 111 1. 1 I>,"m .m; ll, i.innvi-,! fi-,,iii hi. i-ii-u-in '.I (J.lii.-. H-Ini,. In. iiiiil hi. I.rntin i« |.i., Inn, 1,, (In. plmi-, piiri;lni....| tin .Ui ' ■,.p.i-l 111 lllil I.'-IMI,' iiiiliv.-- ..' ,'pliniil., r 1^11,1, i',l I-. I nil. I .iiw-iuill. in iip.-tnlinii n.i. p,ll,■hjw.^l ill tin- inli-r.-il lil. ll.iiiKiir 1,1 ,11 i-ihi. mil I'.'i'.li, .liiiiiiiiii mill, is-jii, III' .MMilli, un.l il, ihi- niiiui l>..nii- In III,- pi,--,.l,l \i||„p IMvinnl iin.l.liiin,., wlin Im,] iiiill-iiil.. Ill Ihiit lii.'iitiiiii ,111.1 ll' ili.r.' til" r„ll„wiii« lull, Tiii. I '■I n |wirtn..n.hi|i win, h In,,; |,.„.,| |„i , |,„,«;.,.„ ,., , ,. , ,, ,,,„,j,-- ;,';;;^';.;,7, "'*'"■"' '"""iv -n -.t i.. ii„i,.i-? nn,i i.-u hii,.:."; nliirJhidi'll.'rinTi"":" -'•"•'.''"''■■'l ■' ''l'"*"' fnr.liili.v nn.l uHii- i„Mt nf ^^ ,rowii.lii|, I'niiin-il ,. niinil,,.,- .,1 v»«r., till the .Ini'l..!.. I,. In ^r-''"\"". •"'"'"'"" ■'^■"■ hi, ritiieiuent fmii, ,, , I, lie EiiWARi) i,»K.!!, .T.P., the lhir.1 in gHiiiit of ue of thcia linithcn wa. ^»^Ss^''?S^«5 I _2l?"* "^ '*'<••>>, «ii. lit . lit, Willi miiunx Ihr rtmt 1.1 • I,- . I., 'mIii-I. (10 l.lllll »nil r.ill, \ . .1- H<' ruin iv«d tn H.iwick ii .'I Iln- ;.Tiiin nil, I iil,i,lii.-t In -" 'i.'',,, ""'f t-'."!*.).! .aarrii'il Mr. .".'.r irtiTiiiZ" hff" ..f, .-lit* ,il ...ll n.v.iy liy 11 ..niiliinl I -III 1. .-.I, lii.w-i'V(.|-, hf ri'«,ilv,'i 1. ■ * ii|Wl 111 I.. I'll In.rii I'l-rtli, July llth, I .I'.iin'tiii'ik'T . Iniili!, ann an, inturi'.t fmni a relit,'inu«, I'l III' ,iri{iiiiir.«,l llietimt Saliliath K .1,1.- in llii. ..'ctii.n nf iliui'.mntrv, in -Imit ha,, ulwaya hi'iiii I'-ipi'uiall) mill i.'ligi..ii. ri'f.iriii, when. thi. il<-< li.'li.'li. tn the .'niniiiuiiity, uf H ni..|nlii'rN. Wll I UM HknHV I,«Krll, ,1.1 I,.',-.'li, ami wiia li.nn 111 the Tnw II.. 1. 11 iiiill\iri>(lit l.y', nml 111' l.lllll mill, lit Cnflctnn I'lac.', tin- 1.1 .ii'Knni/.e the plan uf Ini uiiil It iiiii-t lie gratifyinu to hill ulii. h hu' t.i a. .'umpTinh it. Mm, h, 1H.-,(1, ami itnick the flrnt lit lllii.'iale, an.l hai reniain«l I lirntln'r Juacph piirrhaae.! the intp null-, nt the unii. time nullinKtht' ,Mr. 1,1'eili han lii'en lre.|iiciitly ship L'niiiail, hilt nn one o.'ca»iun .1111' yi'iir retireil atfaiii t liBuii actively engamil In t atitinneil ut UreenwiMul, Tnwnihi The fnreuolng hiifory it pro Uuinininn. In it we have an aoc urnwii through infancy and ohildl thi* writing art ttill tlivt— Utat break tht family droit. It U no hat ever tulTtrtd tht illghtitt mul framt. But what thty rtmnl rtmarkablt truth that atoh nLt of Oou, anil, through that jMct, " 1 are mtqibtn of tht Mttfitditt 01 who art not in lu nlDlitnr hav laltj. In ihort, »t doubt It tlMwhti family of torn who om ihow 10 ■ "'»'»^ •n««prf»«. uatlrin^ in«t Mid rigid morality— or to many ■po^bU and to ttalvtmUy rMPi BauAMiii Fwuo«,Tp., oM • ''nf .2?* «f tW mot! rWd Albany, ir.T. , wEm ha MiMd a « ii ISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE ,1,1, w.|,i. mil. i«ii^. •»•* »"' ' f""**" "1' uhii i.f llii' (iri'i'iil 'kit' I 1. )t ., IVPil III ll .1 UllV lif 1 L>>' Ihi' Timii>l>ll> "I ti> «l> auticutliiri'l H, wiMi aii.onK the Hnt I.. .l«rl ch- •« '*'■"■"••'" ,'|'".' ;, H.' r..l»..v«J M Hnwick I.. m:4, «!' h", •"«"•<• f t"il, viituprinr, ivii.Ulie"t . „,,.t.l iivviiy liy i» uiiiil.nmUnii "I ml|l^'l:'"?"^ li-iii is«''l. ii'-w't'^er, hf ri'*t>lvt',| i imi-r I'l'imliy. -r III ii' I' li,,iio•'' '" *'"'" , ,„ ,l|l•ll•|||•|l^lHlm^abl•tl>r,■lrll•vl•ll^• litll«;iif;""i'"' 1,1, ,l,iir,.il.n.Uc iif til- liimily, ifli'l ■■•"'r,l";",''u '"' "" '' I »li,i liii|K< (iir lii« «iKii'« in liu IH'W lliilil "f iif ■mr. I'l- ,1 VMM I.I k.;m, ,1 r , fiilliiwt 111' I.MlU.r iliilii. i» I'liint ,.l ii*i n He Iciirin' I till' I irin'iilu rni.lii I Imviiii; . .,.,i„ ,.„,,r C, rth. July Mth, 11*27. He In.rn. 1 t.,.. i .r,i..n..r i.nil ,i,i.„,Hk.T, mill., ami .u.'c.iMli.iiy uirneil on ilnjt Im-iiw,^ i H.nnh II. „C,Minty. 1.11 uliimt HT v.iu. -lil. Al thii liiui', mlluiM>..M ,„« ili-it.. t„ kviM' 111" l*i»>l,v li'.<>'tl.vr. ll.' iiimi' wi;.i mi ii fM- .11, , l„U ti.m. in a,m,,uiiy with lii, lin.ll.iT N.tluiii.l. mi; Hn'v ■"■I"'' - ?(,!.,', 1.1 II. -lUnil «l..rn..a,tlic.f,uiiivliiiH..' "I tl"' 't-'"'"^^'- «'"' '""' ''"7:,'::;l«;;;':";;ii"^'.ri..l,|.r K,U, h. r^Uimnl .. t.,i. ..Im.. m 111, ivml.-r III IHiVilMl. fniii In. hmu. in 1 1- t""i>nt.v. I'n.l ln'i.' llii.'» ..„ I tlK null BlmiiW iv!Vrr.-il M, n. •'.■ll .w uimtln'r uiir .. «lia '•, n,i» llliiinMli'. ■..111.' ili.taiico Lirlliur ilnwii llu; nviT ; ,i (iiH ii "l «l*.-l .....iTiHiH... ni,..^ l.r ...„ii in l.iHl,.ri,-' .ko.c li „l lli. "«,,.lii ■ „f ll„«i,k. Mr. L..o,l.toiikch,ir«..,,fl-lli"i nulU in lum i- L. n.iU,'i,imil ultli.iimh lie liml niiy.^r ■n'-'l .." iiiii.rviili. i'«lii|. L. I >»'', till' ill. I>it\nu iirti un»tiiiii.iii< in 'lo'r ii"tiiii..ny ii« tn uii' illKiiii. y with wliicli 111- ilnohiirKnl tlio,.' iliiliiv Mr. l.BC'.li now iTniilei »t (Inriif, injnyuiK nipi'ti'ii iiii'iKV mill imluKtrv liaviMmiuiroil. iiiul mi iiii it ,if riM|ii,, i .ii « hi, h nmnjlil hill fmr il«»lint| .iinl ni.riKliI , ..mlurt .mi -e. .iri'. iii,\ir |iiv«iii«fi.rwftr(l to »poiitiiiii III' iiminiiifii, .■ in |..ilili' .,i„„,Hlli>-nit'hrntiI.h.--. Wlier -I III* '»*r»'' 1 „,nM thi l<,.,i,» Wit (') ►i.l, Lii.l.if hi.f...l.rr,«l...h..|.Ui..|.im ..,1,1- '..'n. 11.1 ll..i^..>" ttH.., 111.' '•'hiiii-m -f .Viiifru'.ii; ,1,, ,|..Mil>ii. mMi'»,lt„.'i,...,l..,i.nil -.IW " III'- l<•.*'^"»" |t,.|,|.i 1 Kiiiluk *ii. li,iiii *...! hi"ii.(M " i„wii, C.iiinlviil Aililinn'.ii . . | ,1, llurum' ihf .4ti«h. .\i.i.ri..m »..r yt 'l'-, ' '"■ 1'. 11.11 «.l',>iii..iii I'l L'litC i'»n't 'l"'l "' "",-' Ilit.'Ina I'MMu.l llu' tiiiiniT mill i niii. i n.i i ,,,miii.n.'"l 1..1.I11'-" in 'I'" I""' '" Kiii'-'"«" lH^^.„.,,.,l,lllv ,iM«.,..t.-.i ll.'' :;"":■ 'ri":,;:,::',:;; •:,„.„„ ,,,,,11. 1 II,. ii,.w ihtiTininiil I iiiiiirilinKlv, llii' •'' m'U- (I"''."!) h inumiiuil iw.i .M..r>. mill lining In,. "■ ,■•'-.-,•'., ■; i ,,,. '..i ,„„1 -H ,„wu.liil', 1. v«il ..ithth. li,il..ii.v 1,1 hi. '■■ I.I.I- ..'mill Cm. ;l. Miiiim. hi' |iri-«..|il jiLu >■ "' ii'"• '■"niiii"i;.; .j^ '','■,, '1, ,.. •.iiiiitv, mi.l w.i, Ihi. ...111.' yi;..r ,.|.|...iiil...l • hrk ..I i. I'll. ' riimi'iif Ihi ...inlv, whii'h ... 1.1 ll.n--"l- >l Vi' ,;„" ' Uiiil, LHiiiihiiilv "1 thi' |..«ii,hi|i( iiiiiiiil 1.1 I M.. til. it liiWII>lli|. llll. 'I', .«ll»lllll "( fri.iii 111.' |,)iii«li SiiM, h .1. » !■ .. Ih. <. Ihi'imh 111' iiiiititi.. till' ln«t I.. ,i,|..,| ll'.' i- wliivh 1 .••li'i'iii Tlmiiuh .1 muni- itr,iliiin Ihi' ,if iimml nil' IIIII..I lc.|»..,ti..l , iiiiil uH.iir", hi' hiiK iH'cn »n a«.iilni.ii« w..iki.r in .ill in ilt inture.l tmiii a r«ln;ii.U", rhnrilnhh., niul '..liinitinn:.! ■.Imi,l|..,inl. II,. ..ruuiiiM'! lliMir«t S«lih«th .ihm.l liki'wi... ih.' liiM Milluiili. rill" in ihi" ..'cli'in ..r ihu iiiiintri , .►». lor iii.inv vci.r« .i rli." Ii'inhr, i»n. in -hiiil liM i.lwin« hi'i'n i.,|H'ti»lly i.l«iiliHml with fviy 'pm anil rilini.iii'.ri'funii.whori'lhi'.l.'Viliiiiiiii.nliif «iili liiv« nii.niiwl r hiiiilii i,il III thu niinmunily, of which hi' in on., of Ih.' nii'iiiliiT.. , , , , .. I, I I WiiiuM Hknhv I.eki 11, .1.1'.. i« the »i\lh iif till "'llll. i.t lliliml I.iitIi. ami wii. Imiii m Ih"|i of AukikIh, Ii limli, l'<'2l'. Hi. 1. ,1 iiiillwriuhl hv Irailc. mill hi" rcminul tn lliir m (".niiiH hf I. mil null, "t Cufleton I'lac.'. Alnii.nli', nllier plmi.. Hi' ».i. Ill,- iinv III oiKiini/.B the uUn of InrimiiK it iiiin|i»ny »iii.iiiK Ih.' hinther., 1111,1 It iiiii.t he urntifving tii him to wili.'M th.' rciill "I Ih.' illni- »lii, h hu iimili' tn ai iii'mpUnh it. Wjllimn Henry iirriveil in Hnwuk in Mini h, lH.-i(l, ami ilnieli the amt iinil la«l hinw mi the t'liii'iiiiiiv i null 111 Itliii'Vale, anil hai reniainwl here ever time. In Mliihe uiiil hi. I.r.ilhi'r Jo.e|.h piinhaa.'.! the inleir«t of their limthei. iii llie Itluuviili null., i.l the «nie liiiie .ullinn their own llie null, it H.irrii'. .Ml. I.eeih ha. lieen lrei|iiuntly ui'Keil In accepl ulfclii.n In the Tinvii .hi|i L'niiiicil, tint nn nne orcasion nnly Hiil he inn»elil. aml.iller .eiviii„' line leiir lolirisl a(<»in U> the manimenient of hi. larue Im.iiiii... Hi; i. iiiiw li.iim in retirement nn a cnniiieteney wliirh iii. |,er»evi'rinij in- iln.liy ha. iiiaMe.l him li> arcumulaie, imil i.thi.rniinlilyi.ini ili.erveillv n.«l„i'ii',l hy the entire community, of which he ii on,' of tin. nm.l iiroiiiinenl niemher.. iliMiiPH Liic'H, the Mventh ol the.e linither.. wai bnrn in .\u^u.l.l. .1.111. 14lh, IHIll. anil prior In the remnviil of the l.mlher. t'l llii" cnmi.y he I11.1I |iiir.ueil the peaceful avocation of aifriniltiiru. Nince i nniinK hell' ho 111., heen intereileii in variuu* enterpri*e., Iml lu.. t.lvv.iv.nwni'.l nil inteie.l in the mill, at llluevalo, thouxh he nf hi. inten-l in the (iorrie mill, many year. auo. I'ei^iiniilly he iiartake. liirnely nf the ealinialile niinlilie. r.'.'lteil n. lieliiiiuiii)< III' llii liintheri. He ha. heen a «tew nil nf the Methmli.l Church fi.r many yi'art, anil i. an eneructie .npimrternf tholeniper.iiiri' I lu.e. He al.n take, an active intere.t in iiolilic>, aiel ha. heen l.'V iBelveyeai" I'roKidenl of the Niir'h Huron Conxrvalive A..miatii.ii. S,.fiu>lKi. I.F.KCH fnllnwa neil in iinler. hi.viiiK l.ceii lorn ni Aiiu' Hi'pl. llMih, \W.Vi. He remnvwl tn Huron I'nuniy with In. briilher., where he remaineil hill a ihnrl lime, a. he .n.iii thereiiflii .'iitereil the miiii.ti'y, anil ia i.nw in rliarge nf a ciinf{ri'^alii.ii iit Hi.iiu Cilv. Neliia.ka. Ukiiimk I.Kk:rH i< the ninth «in, having lin'n Imrn in .'\iiKii.ta. Jiine "111, l"*;)!. He leariieil the car^ieiiter and joiiiei'. Ira.le, liul .imn after t,..,k a tlienlomcal r.iiir.e in Vielnria CnlfeKe, eiileri'il Ih,' Mollu .li.t niini.lrv. anil i. nnw in charge nf the L'anailn Mulh.nli.t ('hiircli al Newliinvill.', (Int. Wkiiktkk \Vk!.i.kv Leki'H, the youngeit nf thia nnniemn. family, wa. hum in the 'I'nwnihip nf Maitanl, Leeila County, Suntenihor 4lli, IH;III He Krailiiato.l Iratn Victoria I iillaKe, ami wa» nnlaineil in thu iiiiniitrr nf the Weilajran Methmliat Church in IHtH), lince which time li„ liei'ii actively engaawl In that laoreil calling, ami i. at preaent .tiliineil ut Ure«nwui>«id oIUmm of Iktt loeality. He le daetMMUd tnm V. B. Lo}«Ibt BiMk or tk« moet iM Mkool. mmI ti * gnadioi of lUrtla • ' ?!!"*• Jf^ •■*^**!* ftom WiirtMilwug, OwnMay. tad i»t«Ud new f AlbHqr, rT.,wEMk*Mlaid*fhiiUyalemBiMiMdoMdM^l«, .,.n,.,l Willi i(r,'.il p,,|..iliiiilv ill Ihi' ^..^Llnp < ."m. ll ' ■|',ii,M\« Sra.i IIVN, .' I' . "'"'"• ..f 'iiiV' ''"'ll'; '" l-,-,,l previ.iii. In which he hail lr..'il m 'iiH. .ui'l i" I'li.liiii h Welliiigt'.ii t'l.unly. Lnt he eaiin' i.riijni.. Iv III I'aiilyie. .\rgyl.'.hiie. Scnllmnl. [«>'}■■ ^" ii„.,„l,er nf the hr.t .Mnnuipi.l ('..niieil nl l.r.'.. i»ml hi. iii:niv term. ,it tlio ('niiiicil bnanl. in ilill.'ieiil cap. I. llVe... Ill prcont. He In., aliv.'.y. Ii.'in .icli." m pi' nit..r.>.t. nf hi. hicality. He ..... pr..l....l.v Hi;' In't <■■ ,. cinlnii'tiim nf tho W. ll \ H Uml«..y lhi..ii«li I'mi.-..!., "'.■ -i '■; ipiintiy liink a pr.iunneiii p.irl m Hi.' m L'"ii« «hi'li I'.nU'il in Um' liiiililing lit Ihat rnml nver it. pr,'..'iit i'..iil.' Mr. Slriichiin n I'r.'.nleni nf the K.i.l Hiilhi l..'l.'i. iia l,icen.i. (■iimini.-inn.Tfnr Hie .aim' U'.lmu, ha. In'i'ii l"i' y.'iir. an oMor nf Kiini (IVc.l.yU'iimii rinii'li, mi'l i» m .il' "'I" lepi.iimlative man anil K leailiiig eili/.on. .liiiiN ilKM.iii.i , ,11'. i.f 'riinib.iry. h.iiil.'.l "ii l.'.l I''. (', if that t.iwn.liip in llio iiiilniini f \-'><'< He i" Ayrshire. Sc.tlainl, where ho .va. I„,rii ni l-l 1. an. I fi reiiiinoil wilh hi. father', family in l-'-"-' t" Ihe I',... ii.liip ^ nf Uniirk, Tpper I 'miail.i. I'lmr I'. In. i.' I" H'"' n ' ;.i hi' hivl heuii oiigimeil in fanning ami Iniiilnrniu' in I.aii.irl.. aiul »a. mii. Ill Iho pimieir luniliernieii nf the Tppi'i llltai.a. Mr. lioiiiniill haa i.l .iglit vear. in Ih ' I'luvn.hii nnil ..f I'lni- i. jn.tly pnpiilm-. r..lilii'all. . In- i. in ailimicl Ke|..niier, having iiilioiiie.l 111. p..lilical .enliiiii'iil. hi. f.illi. r TiKiMA. CiB.iiN, M.IM'., Ill Wi-iixi'lir. in... lie j.i.H. .I,-., iii.e.l a. iiti.. nf thu lumt iriilv r.'pre.i'iiial.M' iii'ii in llm ri.iiiiiy nf Hiiinii Hewiui the ehloit »..n ..f i III,, n. i.f i Ire. nl.iv., m k .hiru. Senllanil, where In' wa. I". in -Ih .Imn', I---' lUialing llieiue In thu riiit.'il Statu. Ill iN.'iil. aii'l I" I'aiiaila in l'.'.4. .etiliiu linal y in Ihu wililuriiui. nf llnwick. wlieie Wi.n.l.'i iimv ^lanll., mi l.t Kuh riiarv, l».,'ill. , , .i- Krniii till, tiniu fiirwiirl a rofiri'iice t,, mn' Ine.l "kilcli nf "rm eler will .hnw Mr. liil,...ii In hav.. I.ieii Ih.' chief ,,ne in Ihe fniitnlnii; ami .iib.einiunl buililing up nf tliat plnniii litlh. I.vvn . wlulu the public rocnrdiiif the 'I'nwn.hip I.f ll.n.iik .h.n. Iliil lie i..rt...n yeai. Ill .iieccinn iicciipiud a «eat at th,' i '..ini, il H...111I, .lining "ev I which he wiu Keovu. He cnnle.leil N.irlli lliirmi ii'.Hlnlly al the tint gunural eleclion fur thu Itiitann 1.,'gi.laiiir,'. in iHii:, ajain.l \V. T, Hay.; but at the genoral elecli..ii ..I 1H71 he ilefealuil hi. fiirnior nppnnuni bv H large M lb,, generalelei I1..11 .'I 1'^. . the c.mntv waa .iivnluil iiiln llireo Unlnni., ami Mr. Ilil....n carnu 1 the Kail liiiliiig ovur .Mr. Van Nnriiian, .f llr.iiiif..r.i, by a in.ijnrity ,,f Hill. A farmer by nci upatimi, Mr. (Iili.,,n i< u man nl mmli iiiUiiri' ami grual iiitulligeiice. Allliiingb he i. niii' ,,f tin- Iie.l nn n 'i th.' Kufiimi iiarty, he i< held in l.... highi'.i e.iin'm hy pniiiici .'pl" iieiit. a. well a. by hi. pnlitical ulli..., aiel it may truly be »ai.i ..f Imn that n,, man in the cminty nr thu eniiiilry b.-aii. a f.mer in either public nr privalu life. (iKoKiiK Stron.i, .1.1'.. nf Ilnwick. tir.l cnii,' In the tiiwn.lnp aimut Chri.tma., 1h5;|, but hi. perniaiieiit .ctllcmenl llieie .lal,'. fMiii the fnllnwing fall, when ho roturneil fi 1 In. rnrnicr I1..111U m, Onlnril l.'nunty, tn harvint a of p,,iat,,i'. he li,i'l plmit."! the .pring pievinii.. Hi. father niel limllnr.. cHiue I" llnnick tin- lamu year, and .ultled iiuar hi. Incaiinn, l.i.l. :i mi'l I", '"n. I" Mr. Strung ia a nativu nf I'luinty fennamiiih, Ir.lamI, wheiue hii ttccompanieil hi. father In (lanaila whiln yet a bi.y. Hu was the ..'ciiiiil Ueuvi' nf Hnwick, and ha. nccupicl Ihal pn"ili..n a number .f yuan, It. h« ha. alio ihu otHcu nf Tremiirer ; iiiel .ilili.iu.'li he In." nnw "rutiroil tn a wull-uamuii repn.e fnnii pnbli, i|.ii;e». vet be retain, an iiiHiioncu in thu tnwn.hin fully enual tn that nf an. nl her citn.'ii. Hmi'iiiiKV Snki.i., .1.1'., i. line III ilie iin.-i ilc-nviiglv pr..iiiimiil re.i.lenl. ..f lliilletl, an. I, a. ..Ill .kul.h ..I Ih.n l..«ii-l.ip «ill .h"", ha- lui'ii I hie.'lv idenliflud .vith it« hi'inrv .nice il- ,iiilii'-l .eltluinuiil. Although nf ^iigli.h birth, he eaiiiu i.. Hnllm li .m fliingnacnu.y, ..'here Tie lived for .ome lini,' alter hi. arrival m I 'iina.l.i. Mr. 8ni'U i. a c.m.iu of thu .Snell l.n.llii'r. nf Kilimmlmi, 1.11. 1. like them he .leal, extensively in .Im k He ha. lik. n 1 ft leading part in municipal atfair. uver .'inn' the iirgiinimli..n nl the tuwii.hlp, aiid ha. ««rved more than twenty yi'ur. in it. luniicil. iii'^i of the time at either Reeve nr Deputy Keeve. Mr. Hnell it Fie.ldent of both tliu roiinty ninl the Cuntro Unling Rtform Awxiiatione, having held the iHi.ilinti in Ihe lalt.r Ai.ncnili.n many yean. 'Thmugh hi. inHuenc.' the .VgricnlUiral .Snmely were Induced to bring inU> Huron tho first thoroiighbn'il Shnit-honi ; and he i. crvdltcd with being the pioneer impniler of .ucli stnck iiiUi the county. He it in all re.pectt an and public-.pirileil gentleman, and evidence, ol thi. fact are 11. .1 .vanling. CHRlKTorHiR C'onnKTT, J. P., of Morn., caniu frmn Ireland m 1H8A, and .ettled In West (Iwilliinbury, .Siuicoe t'ounly, fMm wliuh place ho came to Murrii in nitolwr, 1m51, and tmik up Lot :i, ('on. '., and in 1BS3 effected a permanent .etllement Ihuruoii by muviiig iii willi hUftmilv. Mr. Corbett aoon gained a place In the confllence and res|iect of tne people, and wu elected a memner . f the hrslTnwii.hip ('uuncil, huvinij linoe ir.rvid tix oonHcutive Jf*n in that budy. Mr. Ourbettwat placed on the Ooinmiition of the Peaou at an early .late in the town.hip'. hittory. He hae alwayi been charaoteriied by intelliuvnce, charitv, anl Integrity, and, at a natural canM.|uence, ia very highly reepected by hi) nametout aoquaintanoet. COUNTY OF HURON.— G John Saikki.u, lU'Cwwil, liili- if tli.' 'I'uwii^liip of (loilirirli, w.i.h born ill riiiulu'iliiiMl, Kiiislaiil, 17>>. ainl Miiitliii Wilsmi, h Jiinnlitcr cil lii-i |rli WilMiii 111 ilu' -aiiie ]iliirc, I'V lu' liiul iliniii chiMn-n. [n I--:!; In' liliiiiiiinil In My lii- fnilniH' in Ilii' New Wurlil, anil fill' arki-'l fiir t'.iiM'in with n f.iiiiii\ nt' sfvi-ii iliiMrm, \v]ii-:i' lu- joineil Ills Mil', r.itliii-. Mr. WiUmi, .nu' ul tin' I'lii-ly |iiiiiii'i|i. lnriilril ill till- Tiiwii^liip lit ('iii h, wliii u»iu-il l.'.'oti mil's "I ilmiri' l.iiul. In the Willis 111' ilii' rmv^l Mr. Salkilil lirj,Mii ti> laivc mit lii,< Iniluni', uiul lieinjj a man nl' itntiiitiL; i'ni'r;;y, Iiis l.ilnnirii wiTi- criiwni'il willi siui-t'S!*. Hi' llM'l til till' li|iL' a},-tiiriLiiiily yial'. alul I'llllv ivaliii'il llii' aniliuiiiu ol hi- lili- tu -i-i' lii- si.n- aiiil .i.ii'iL;litii-i iiiji., llii- rniii* ol lunu-t luil, 119 lhi'\ n ■«■ inisM -M siinii' 111 llii- liiu'-l rariii- in llio rminlii's nl' llvinni mill PiTlli, aiiil art' iininn^'it llu-ir iiin-^t wr;iUhy anil inliiu-nlial lili/nis. Hi' ".i-i an a.tivi' ami I'nn-i-li'iil nii.'nilii'f nf llii' Cluuvli nf Kii.i^laml for many yt'ais anil Innk a ilii'p i'ltrn-st in tin' wi'llure nf liia li'llnw- uien. I'.vTKii K Km IV, .1.1'., Ill llie VilhiKi' nl' Hlyth, is n «t'ntli'inaii whose |i.i|iiil,im\ i- nut limiti'il to his nwii Imality, nnr uvt'ii In tlir county. Ill' i> 1 I lii-li |iaU'nlaL;i', ami was limn in tliu ("nniity Ti|i- peraiy. Iril.iinl, wlnini' lii' taiiii' tnt'an.iila in I'-tV with lii> iianiils. who si'ttliil ill l''!iiii.y, ('.nliii.n 1 'minly, wln'ii' tliry livi'il al'niil -ix years : .itu r nliiih tin y i'.'ni..\i'il ti .Mniris in \>'<'.\, whi-rc tlu'V si'tllcl on Lnt Ki. Cull. 7. Sir. Kt'lly Inlliiwi.i laniiiii;; tliirliiii years, at the I'lnl nf wliirli lime h- imi. Ii.i-iil tin' mills in tin' ViflaL:i' i.l lilyth, which hail been Imill liy .Mr. ,l.'-t'|'li Wlntilu'ail. at iiii'seiit a Paiili. Kailrnail nni- tractnr. Mr. Ki-Uy |'.l fully as s,i, ,rs.|ul in tin' inilliiij4 liusiiieiis as he liail Ininiirly lu'eii as a lainnr ; ami his siicress in Imlh avniatiinni ' has I'ei'ii lulU I'nualh'.l liy iiU iini»iilarity as an eiier^'c'tii', ciiterprisin.L; . citizen, anil a i^i'iiial. kiiiil, anil I'lnli tenll- ^^vlitU' Till inlluiiKi' whieli .Mr. Kelly sways in local, ninniciiial, ami poUlJial all.iirs in iinrtion uf the cmiitry is the ilirect renill nf bis alla^ulily. inte^'i ity, anil the iniisi..juent resjiecl in which he is hehl by nil will, kiiuw him" He is I'lesiilent nf the ^^'est Humn rmiserva- live .\s-.'i i.iiinh, aiul llie lamiiilale nf that [ariv Inr l',irliaiiieiitary honours at the eliclimi tn eiisni. this -nninii'r. He was the lirst man north nl K.Mter tn call a I'Ulilic meetiii;; in re^aiil tn llie hnililiiij; "f the L. H. A- li. H., ami was niie nf the must active sii|iihirtei5 nf thai enter- prise liniii its lirst iiin'|ilinii till its iiltiinal" ioiii|iletinn, while tn his advocacy iii,iti\ nf the lieiiflits which havi.>itiie acoriieil In lilyth may be (lire, tly liaceil. J.v.MKs liiii„r.4s, (if the Tnwn-hii. of (iny. is the ehleat snii of William Dnii^'las, uf (.'ulilinLtham jiarLsh, Ite'rwickahire, Scntlaml. This is ahr.iiichnf the c-lehrateil Hlack |).iiii,' family, wlin w'ere, afew 1 iiitiiiii's a^n, aiiinn^ the stanmlie-: ami strniinest ailhereiits nl the Scolli-h I'ri'Wii. Mr. D.Hiijlas catiie tn tb" •"vushiii iiiOctnlier. I's.'ii, in ci>iii|iany (fith hi- lather anil fmir h. • at which time he s,.ii|eil where he now nsi li'-. Me was mil • ; .meer- nf the Invviiship. ami as siicli is entitliil in his lull sh, ire ■ reilit nf tr.iiisfm'iiiiiiL; llrey Irmu a howliiin wiMeriie-s int'i a emu,,. :iiity nf |iins|i,.rnus aijricultiirisis, nwn- ing fertile funis wliii h are iliitte.l with stately Imil. lilies. He was niie of the patty will. Hit the lirst mail tliriiu;;h the t..wn-liip. all the w.iy from tirii \e - llriilL'i', in the 4lli Cmuessimi nf McK'illnp. lint Ml. l)iiii;;la.s'- claim tu the respeet nf the iienple rests 1 y lei mean-, "ii the fact nf his having' been a pioneer, neither nii the lact nl his' I'.vteii-ively kimwii ihrmi.'hniit the Incalitv nf his resilience; but I'll till- I.l t that he IS known a.- as he i- eMelisively, We base "111 .I'-erttoi' 'hat llieie i- no mnie ile-erveilly esteemeil j.;eiitli'inaii in th'- 'rnwii-hip of (Jrey than the -nliject nf "this sketch, who has alway- .lesnteil him-cll tn lariiiin,', ami has ilmie much by his practical advii'i a v of ailvain eil iileas i" further the intere-ts of nmst hmiour- able i.I .ill |irnle.--ioii-. Wii-i.iA.M V.iN.sTiiSi:, of the Villa;.'e of limssels, is one of the iii'-t conspicu.'U- ,141 nlleiiieii in commercial and soeial circles tn be met with in tha' -ectinii nf tile einiiitry. He is a native nf Devon-hire, KiiL-lainl. wheii' lo- l.iiiii 111 IH:i:i, Ten y.ais later he ciiiie to (.'amula v.iih his p.itelm..l ijrali.ll.itlier. .Mr. Ualiib. ami. with tlute of his lunthii-. driiM- .1 ynke "f lAcii amlcarl fmni I'nrt Hope, tint. , to (' illmrin. 'I'liwii- liup. h.Ml lioilerieh, where they sellleil. At the a'je nf twciity--ix "he reiiioveil to what i- now the tliriviiin 'Vill.i-e ..| l'.rns-el-. Imt'whiih was then Is.v.i) nf milch less imiioii- MIO', .iiel li'ie I'liilt mills m place of thn-e which hail been iileviniisly •recti i l.y .Mr. Fishbv ; ami a few vcir- -line ivpla.eil llinae mill- in turn !v tile line emiil'iiie.l ateaiii ami water llniirin^', ^irisi, ami saw-mill- whi' 1. Ill- now owns i':i ili" boik nf the .M.iithin'l. These mills are the ■ [iipli te aiiii i'.\ii'ii-i\i wiihiii I"ii..; ilistaiices on either si.le. aiel the » cei-pnwcr I'y whn h they an- run i- .secnii'l to none mi the .Maii- lanil. Still, a- w.."lielcre relll.irkeil, tllelv i- sle.lln power lirnviile.l I'lr emeij' 0.I1-. Ml. \.inst"iie has reieiveil an cvpre-imi of the cmjiileiiee with Wh'il the peo].|e ri'i^.inl him. by his electinn to the Villaoe (' ; but le '■■ IS -iii'i'ilielineil liirllier hoii.iurs in that .lirectlmi, as the e.Meiil of hi- pilVate bllsilli-S In ; only lldl — itales lijs nWII per.-niial attilltinll, but a'-n that nf his -1,11. whnm he iias ailiiiitteil to a parliieiship. Mr. V.iii-tiiiie al-n -lami- hij^h ..i iaily ami liiiancially, while an iilea of )u- ' iiti:pii.-e may be uleaiieii from the line view of his buihliiii,- Whie!: ippeal- oil alinthm l«l'4|.. l;.. 1.1.1;! 1,1.1 KM., of the Town-hi|i of (irey, is a native of filas^jow, Scotl.iiel. whence he came with hi- lather's family ami settleil in the Town-lop i.f Dalhnu-ie, I'nuiity nf Lanark, in iMil. Here he jiartially aisie.l .1 l.iiiiiiy of sons ami iliunliter- wli.i.e siib.seipii'ii'. career has rjM i ih in wnilhv of tJli'ir pa|eMta.i.'e, ami anion,;,' the sn'is reb'ireil to Ml. .I'l.ti l.cckie', who-e bio;oiiL;all bniijli, bill c;inii' to Canaila lor the beiiehl ol his beallh in I' spent about three ye;us after his lirst arrival in ('aniula in Inn trappino, ami Inr abnilt ei-lll veals thereafter lllleil a positimi ami protit in the eiii|ilo\ ol .\ilam Hope A Co. of l.melmi. Mr. linl.eil lliuiniuniiil, his father, settleil in .Mmii- in I ill IH.V.l Mr. \Villi;ini llruiiiniiiinl eanie in ami embarkeil in lie tile liiisiiii'ss ;it what has i;rowii lo be the Vill.iae .4 Ulylli. this bll-ine- ever -ilee. He ll;l- ilone Ins full -ll.i. bilililinn up the vill.i^e, both lii;ui;itivily ami literally, ami w the piime iiio\ii- ill -ei utiiiL; the con-irnctioii of the L. II A roail. Mr. Ilriinimnnil i- a in.i:;istrati' of imiiiy ye.ii-' stamlinn. jjiveii niaii\ eviilelues i.f hi- public -piiil, ami animiu; tin iii nnte I the I'.ict he w.i- the lil-t olle who (.ver iilnaili/cil a H ill l.miilon. He li.i- been I'n-ima-ler nl lilyth -ix year-, but p Jirivali; business lleicssitateil his |i'-imi;lliiin of nttii e. I'.y eiiterpiise, ;iml iiileuritv all ol w hieli virtues .Ml. Uiiimmonil to a hinh ile;jri'i' he Ini- built up ;iml leiaiiie'l a \ 1 1 y Imrai ami ni;iy now be ile-i^n.iteil as the key-torn, of Ibytlis e,. structure. \. II. V.4N I'aiM'Mi. of Komiimlville (Seafnrlh I'o-t IHlic yminmst son of the late i 'nlmnl V;iii Knmmnl, a sketeli nf « iippears in mir l'nlilii';il llist"ry. He was burn in reiinsy l-:!!. ami reimo eil with his father to Camilla while still vet ami in bsiio tliev .-eitleil in what has since grown to be the Vill;i-e of Komi'.llilvlUe. Mv. Van I'lommnl embarkeil in the iimiinfaetnre of wnnlle villa;;!' ii;imeil in l-'.M, ami thnii','li at lirst on a .small .scale, h ami line biisiiiess ipialilii's s i establisheil a tl'aile to which I iligs were inaileiplale. ami ill IMIiH he eredeil the tine tli brick null in which he imw carries mi his successful biisine ^'entlcnialis c:ireir as a citizen ami a meml'er of society li.i been inarkeil by the same intc^'rity which has eharu'terizeil trans;i(.'timis : ami the fact that he has been several tiliu to the Council nf the Intel lioelit ami wealthy Township of Tin- is ample proof tint his personal attailiuient- are appreciali people at laroe. Divii: \V \T.soN, of the Town of Winoliam, is a son of the 1; Wat on. barrister, of (Inilerieh, who -eilleil in th;it place in I wiis one of the lir-t iiractisiii;,' barristers of llie llurmi ilist was alsn a member nf the lir-t Tnwn I 'mliicil ..f ( Imlerich. .Mr. Walsmi i- a Canailian, was bmii in Lnmlmi in 1«4L', ahvavs ri'siileil in the I'mintyof liiitiui since hi- father- tir iiieni ill linili'iich. He .il-n, like his father, has been hniiniin selectinli as a miiliici|ial le;,'islator, liavino .served two years a; liecve nf (Inilelich. .Mr. Watsmi w;is appointed an I lllicial .\ssioiiee of the t' Hiirmi in lsi;7, and nIHce till IH7."i. In lH7li he the appnintnieii' nf Clerk of tlie KIkIiIIi Division Court of the liavino its hear plirteis at Winnliam, and since that tiiii re-ideil ill the oiwli l;ist iiameil. lie is a oi'iitleiiiiiii whn-e all'ibilily and ailmir.ible trait o (er have w.ui him hn-is nf frieiels ami given him a widopii which extends thi'oii-hmit the entire eirele of hi- aeipiaiiilaiici .\s a public olHcial, .Mr. Watson "oinbiiies ( rteoiisness eielicv to a rue ili",'lie, :UI'I he eollseipli'lll ly wins llie esteeiii ii whoa'i he is liroiinlu in ..llieial emimetinn. In pnlili. s he is; V.ilive, mill has been ;illlnll.:sl llie lllnat ai.'ti\i' and perseveri pariv ill the County nf lluinii. (iKiiKilK DaviiisoS, ilecca-ed, late nf .McKlllnp. was I lerl Inwnship when it was nniied with Morris, i Irey, and lliillett I ei|.;i: piu'|iiises, lb- was liolii ill .^c illaiid lu I7'.lil, ami 4ii .vi settled ill -McKillnp. Ilewiisof enUlse a farmer. lUld tn sa w.,1 an expert ill b'- '.'hnseii avoeatimi is only to recite a fad by 11 who knew hllll. .\[r. David-mi w;is cmi ilerable of a ]iiiliiici;iii, ahvay- t active part in piilltle;il ( l.'-ls : I'lit his chief chal'.ieteristi sterlili'4 inteurily, which was proverbial bu- iiiile- armilid. wasairexanii'le ill" indilslry, perseverance, ami iiprin|it dealinj the imitation nf any persnii. His re' fnils faith was built ; doctrines enuneiated by Swedeiiborg ; and tlie-e doctrines, cnsiilerc'l the peri'ectiiin of hniiian ruasmi, proved a most piti in the liiiur nf ills di.ssnlutimi. Dwin 1). Wii.soN,nf Seafnrlh, is of Canadian nativitj b.en bnrii 111 Nnrlli Dnnifries, Waterloo Cmiiily, in 1H:W. 1 sesses mmi' than an unlimiry share nf o.'iiiiim' Canadian er the exercise I'f which h;is iinu'le liiin one of the llliist sili'Cessfll' „ ,i| .SiKilnrth. The dali.' nf his setllemelit in tli;it town w; IHI17, aii'i iiiueh of the time siiici) then he h'ls been eiiMiig expnrt nf eo,'s. He Inlldles all ImnieMse nillllber nl the articles nf fund ; and nwiie,' In the inm'e reliabie nianner of |iiK curing which is jn-acli-ed bv him and nllier iipially eiiterprisii ili;ul ili'lllels. these e-'.'S are i|Uoteil hiohel than .\llierleu the New Vi'lk inarkel. ^ , .Mr. Wilsmi has mi several neeasimis been the nn.snlieiting nf ,],uiiicipal limimirs. .mil lilled the iiillce nf ifecve of Seah) I veals in a nmst salisf;icl.iiy manner, besides beiii ighl yeai ; iier of the School Hoard "f that town; and Ihe s;uiiii line trait aeter which elevaied him to the positions menlioi nl still nii| ill the place to which he has been raised in the esteem of h iu«n. .IllSKI'll .\llMsr|liisil, of the Tnwiishin of (Irey, is nf Kite and parent u'e. He lenii in Vmkshire in Ih-jT, and in 1 to Camilla in i oinpaiiv with his lather, Mr. William Anii-lrmii balance of his lainilv, who settled in Noik Cmiiity, s i after F HURON.— C(A'iiNUKD. .will. lill;;. 111' tiink :llli|i I,. ( •iilif,.niiil in llli' llcipi' (.r iliiidi,! . liin.iti' c.r thill St;ili' ; l.ul Uir lri|i wa^ I''! it'~uli, tiihl Htiiiii after hi.-* r.-tiiin, in .Iiiin', hi^ r,M. the tijiii' nl'>:iyill.llv.l r.'cl till' liiTiaViMllcht III' a -.111 ill-"lllll,' III Illicit nil lli< llianv pnillti lif |li'l illV', anil 1.1 I'l-i.! that they ai-i' nnl almn. in uriiH till- liis^ which it has sn-tuiiiiMl ; ainl in I ixpri'-.- I'm thu -ailijivt nf jiur ski't' h, it puv* ■ni..rv, ; I., .1.1'.. i.r Ih.- Villiiyc.r nivth. i-Hhi.s, mi 1, 111' Idv. hill, Sfiillaml. ami 'wa- lioiii at liaii- -Imlii'il lav -.vith 'riioina- WalkiT, siilifilm-, i.f il'tiT"- ..will, lianli-r- A Mi'Dniiuall ..f K.liii- .la ii.r th.. hi'iii'lit ..I hi< hiallli in l-|:i. H,. il'ti-r hi-, lii-t arrival in Caii.a.i.i in hunting, .iinl iulll \i-al> tlii'ivaltiT lilk'tl a |n)sitii.n nl' tlil-t 111 .Vilam lli.|.i. .V (Vi, iif Lnmliin. ii.l, his fatlui, sittle.l in Muni- in l.'<.".t, aii.l iiniiii'.n.l L'ami' in aii.l i''ki..l in tin- nii'ii'an- -n.wn 111 111' till. Vill.iL;!.. n| Hlylli. II.' has I'Ver .-iln'f. Ill' iloiR' Ills lull shair tnwald li,i,'urali\.'ly aii.l iili't-ally, an.l was ..ii.' ..I' iiiiij.' till' .'.iiislincli .1' till' li. II. iV l>. K.iil- iiia:,'istrati' ..I many yi-.irs' Mtaiiiliii^'. lie has f his pul'lii' s|iiiit, anil aniiiiiL^ tln-m iimy In IS till' lii-t iiiic wliu I'vi'i' i.iL'ani/.i'il a Killu i'lul. II I'li-tiiia-ti'i 111 Itiytli -ix yrai's. hnt iiri'sstuc ul iti'il his ri'simialimi 1.1 nlli. i'. Ily iinlu-lly. all i.r wlii. h \ irln.'s .Mr. Urtinilii.ilnl |ii-si'--i's • liuilt up aiiil M'taiiiL'il a vriy Inrrativi.' traih'. [ii.itt'.l as iIr' i.f lllyth's' riiiuiiuTciat , of Eitiiiiimhilli' (Seafnrlh I'l.-t dllici''', istim ; II Ciiluncl \'an I''L;ini.n.l. a ski'ti-h <>f wlmsi' life : il llist-iry. Ik' was l...i'n in l'i'iin.sylv,'iiiia in ' I Ins t'.'illii'r ti. C' wiiili' still wry yi.un^, I 111 what has siiu-i' gruHii t.. l.t' tlif pleasant ' nliarki'il in tlir mannt'actni't' nf w....|h'iis in the iml tli..ii:4h at lirsl ..ii a small si-ali'. his cm'r.iiy it's SI ...11 .'staiilisliiil ;i ti'aiU' ti. wliii'h his I.iiilil- aii.l ill IXIiil hi' I'l-ciU'il tliL' Ilia' thri'i'-story iiiiw carries iiii his siii'i'essful Inisiness. This citizen aiiil a nioinhcr nf sni-icly has always ic iiiti".,'lity which h;is cliaractcri/i'il his I.ii-i- thc fact that hi' has Lci-ii sc\.'l'al tiliu-s I'l.-ctcil clligcnt ali'l wealth} '['..wiiship ..rTnekcrsinith. ; pcrsniial attainment- are appreei.iteil hy ihe e 'rnwii nf Wimjliain, is a snii nf tlie late HLvie ulcri.'li. whn -.'illcil 111 that placu in I.-*!"., a:' 1 ictisiin^i liarnsturs i.f tlie lliirnii ilistrii't, ami .' lir-t 'r.iwn I "nuncii ..f (....leriili. a. hail, hiii'ii ill Lniiilnii in IK4L', an.l '..niity nf liiirnii since hi- fathers lifjit nettle .li-n, like Ills father, has I. cell li..n..liri'.l 1*} his lc;^islatur, ha\in^ serve. 1 tw.. y.'.irs as llcpnty liiiteil an Utticial .\ssii;iiee nf the ('..iiiity ..f lllc.l nllii'C till IMT.'i. Ill IHTll he rceiveil i I.f the Kichlh liivisL.n r..iirl nf the enmity, .'It \\ iiii^liam, aiiil since tli.ti tiiiie he has nanieil. i-c all'iliilily an.l a.lliiir.ilile trait: nf eliarac- .f frt.-ii'Is ami i,'i\cii liiiii a wi.l. pnpnlarity, ..I ill.' ciitii'c .'ircic nl hi- .■ic.|iiaiiitaiicc. Mr. W'atsi.n 'nnihiiics C'liirle.iilsness airl el.i ili.l he C'ilisc.|ili'lilly wins the esteeiii nf all with tlicial cniiiiectinii. In pnlitics he is a Cniiser- 'lust iliu iiiiist active anil jicrsevcriii^' nf his lili.iii. lecc.i-i'il, late nf .McKillnp, was I'lcrk nf itcil with .Mnriis, t fi'cy, ;iiiil Unlli'tt fnr niiiiii- I...I1I ill .Sc itlan.l III 17!lil, aid 4ii years lai r 11' w;is i>i ciiurse a fanner, all. I t.. say that he 11 aNncatiun is niily tn recite a fact cniK'eili.l iii-ileralile "f .'i pnliticiaii, always lakiii;,' an ciinli'-ls : Kill his chief characteristic was his i was prnverhial fnr mile- amiiml. His life ' ly, p.-rseverancc, aid iiprn^'ht ilealin;,'. wnrtliy .11. Ills re' iniis faith i.nilt llpnii the Sw.'^' ; an.l these ilnetrines, which he nf hniiian, prnveil a umst p.'tellt a.'laco li..n. ■ i Seafni'th, is nf (.'aiiailiaii nativity, haviiiK imfries, Walerlnn t'niinly. in IMMli. He pi.s- 'iiiary share uf ;(ciiniiii' I'aiiaiiian enterprise, iicde him ..lie nf the iiiitst siicci'ssfn' tiiisiiiess ate nf his sctlleinelit ill that t..«ii was .March, time since then he hn liecli elinageil in the iii'lh'S all iniineiise .it these staple 1^' In the iiinre relialiie manni'i' nf packiiij^ ami liy him ami nllicr ci|iially eiiterprisiii;; I'aiia- 1 are .|iinteil liiijliei than .Ann ricaii eggs in vcral nccasinns lieen the unsnlicitinj^ recipient 1 lilleil the iiilice nf iiecvu iif Sealwrth fhieu ,y maiiii.'i', liesiiU's lieiir ii^lit years 11 iiieiii- .f that Inwii; ami the saiiM' tine traits nf cliar- ti. the pn-itinns liiellliin ■ il still suppnrl him has lieell raiseil ill the esteem nf his fellnw- .f the TnWll>hill nf ( ll'ey, is nf Kll^li-ll hirlll I. '.Ill ill Vnrk-hire in lf-;:7, ami in IH.M laiiie III his lather, Mr. William Ariii-trnii»;, ami tlio i.iscitleil in Vuik Cnuiity, suoii ullor remuvili^ i In I'e.l TiiHiisliip, in the Cniiiil. ..f W. Iliii-inii, uii'l ultimately rc- veil t.. tlie'r..wii-liip ..I llr.y, aii.l -etllcl .111 :t:!, t'..ii. 1, at ii'very early ilav in the inwn-hip's hi-tniy, an.l h.' reiiiaiiieil till the time nf his .Icath, which ...ciirr.'.l in .S.', I.Mlll. .Me.iiiHhih' Ml. ,l,.-.'ph .Vriii-tr.ini;, th.' suhjeel nf this sketch, liail Icarne.l the hlack-niitli's lia.l.', ami c..niiiii'm'cii Inisiness fnr hiinself in llnlliii. .'M.irylinrn' 'I'nwii-hip, ill IH.'cJ ; I. lit ill Is,"!.'!, haviiij^ hirincil a il.'siie t..l>e...iii.' a tiller nl ihc .snil, he fnll,,wi'il hi- lather iiiln ( liev, ami li...itc.l nil 1,1.1s :tl ami IIJ, ( 'nii. I. II. 'p; Im .ii.lnr.'.l the iiievitahle har.lships ..f pi..neer life fnr the lirsl twn years ahm.', Iml at the emi nf lliul time lie niarrii'il Klizaliith, ilaii;4liii'r nf I'Mwaiil Kraillev, nf the 'I'liwii-hip nf I'l'il, ami he is n.iw hlcsseil with an interesting family nf six -nil- ami I'mir .l.iii-hlers. .Mr. .\;,' Iml. Is an enviihle place in the respect ami cmiliilencu of his aeipiaiiitaiiie^ ; a fact which iiia\ lie atlrilnitcil tn his prnverliial rcctiliule, his riniil mnrality, ami his ■{cmral Chii-tiaii l.carini^'. He has heeii an eslci'mi'il iiii'iiihcr nf 111.' .Meih.iilist Cliiiicli ..f Iwcniv yens ; i-aii ar.lenl -ilppnller nf ih.' Icailii'l.ime ninvi'ineiil, aid a li-ail- iiif; lii;iiri' aninii:,' ih.' I'ali..iis ,,f lliisl..iiiiliy ; wliil.' In- "ii.'lcy, imln-trv, an.l prii.lciice have cniitiil.ut.'.l t.. plac his stains nn a lev. 1 with his sncial slan.lim,'. .i.iiiv K. Smmii, ..f Hniss.'ls, is till' ihii.l snii nf Iviithcrhii'il Smith, nf the Tiwli-hip ..I Clarke, Diiiiiaiii i '..iiiilv, winre the nf niir skct.h was li..rn; l.iit allhnii-h ..I l.irtli, h.' is „f S.'.itti-h e\, ami. w.' iiiav well ail. I, in his nalure many nf the lini'-l .haracti'ii-li. - nf l...ih the .Set. h an.l the penpie. .Mr. .Siiiilh laiiie In Uuinii ( '..iiiity in l~-r.l. an.l al.'.iU .-inht years agn npeneil a lar^e (general stnrc in llrnsscls, in piitiicr-liip with Mr. .\lex. Slrai'han, I'lsewlierc reh-rr.-.l In, in .l.-r Ih.- linn name nf Stiachaii .t Smiili. The c.nrtisy, eiiier|.ri-.', an.l inte,:;rity ..f l..>tli ncnth men altracli'.l a lar;;.' ami prnHlal'l.' tra.l.'. .Mr. Smith has retllilieil sine the ilealh nf his iisincss parlinr in ISTli. -Mr. Smith's line p.'isnnal ami Im-iiii -s .pialilics are fully a|i)ireciateil I'V llmse with wlinlil he is l.|'nii^>lit in cut ict ; an.l the pcnple nf Brussels li.ivc ^;iveii an .•xpres-i.iii ..f the .■..nli.h'nce with which they reganl him l.y cle.line him t.i Ilii' N'illage Cnniicil, where he icmlcieil most etticieiit anil v.ilualile services. 'riiMM.\K IlinsiniN, of Hel|,tr,ive, is a sun of .loliii 1*. Hmiilon, who cairieil on Inrminn exlensivdy in the imrtli nf Irelaml prinr to I'iM, ut wlii.h .late he r.ninveil tn Cmiaila ami ,-eltleil in West ('.willinilniry, Siiiicoe CiMiiity, wlieie the siil.jicl nf niir sketch was linrii in ih;!'', ami was line uf u himily nf several suns, nf wlinm ,Iames, the ynnngcst, ilieil in Dctnlier, l'-78, at the a;,'e nf lweiit\-tivn, mniirniil hy his many aciiuaintumes, whn rci^rcttcil that nm- i;iviii^' sii.|i hri^'lit prnjnisc of social w.ii'lh shniilil lie sn early lemuvcii. The Hraidnii f.iniily seltlnl in the Tnwn-hip ..f .Mnrris in IH.'!;), ami here Mr. 'Ilminas liraidon a-si-leil his father ami lirnthers in reileemiiin a lieaiitifnl farm fmiii it- jiriiiiitne state d forest ; ami ainait I'.tur years a'.,'u rciiiovci t.. llelLirave, aiul cii;4aL;eil in nicr.'uililc pursuits, wliicli lie has since fnlloweil siiicissltilly. Mr. liraiiihiii enjiiys a wi'Il-iic-erveil repiitatinn for enterprise atnl the striclesi, inii'L;rii>, ami nr.npie- the rcspnn-ilih' nlli.cs ..f T.iwiislii]i Tr.'asiirer nf .Mnrris aid rn-tma-ler nf H.'lj;iavi', the iliities of Imth of which he ili-char;;i's in a iiin-t elliiicnt ainl cniirtenus maniicr. 1,111 IS ,?, I'.lui K, ,1. 1'.. nf Wiiiu'ham, I- ,1 native nf lliirnn Coiiiity,- h.iving lieeii horn ill llmlerieh in |s:li;, where he resiilcil till he .ittaiiieii his m ijnrity. In IHTtJ he r'.'iiinveil tn /ctlaml. twn miles west of W im^liam, where he lesiileil sixteen years. Here lie Iniilt ami eoii- ilui'teil a lari^e steam s.iw-mill. He was successfnl in l.iisimss in Zet- laliil. as he was also in his emlea\<.lirs to ph'ase all with wli..lii I e .lealt. .Mr. Ilrace was for maii\ years I'nslmaster nf Zetlallil, was pl.lceil "II the nf the Ceace, ali-l was electcil a .Municipal Cnnii- iillnr : ami his [...plllarity in each of these otlice- was only eipialleil liy his repiitation as a thorniiirli geiitlcman ami an npiiiiht eiiterprisiii;r citizen. In l"-?:! Mr. Ilrace reiiiove.l t.. Winu'liim, whither his success has attelnleil hiiii; ami he is now eii;;,ii^eil as a lumtier nianil- faetni'er ami iniitractnr, an extensive emplnyer nf lalmiir, aid one ..f the imist pr.iniinent of WiiiLiliam's Inisine-s men, as well as an im portant aid estceiiiei f.ictor in ihc social circle of that town .ImiN W. SitlKI., ilccea.seil, lale of the r.mnship of llrcy, ..f .Sent. I; exlractinn. the s f .Mr. Daviil Sliiel. wlm setth.'il in N..itli hiniifnes, Waierl.i.. Cnuiity, liefnre the hirtli i*( his son, ami in that tovvn-hiii Mr. .Inliii \V. Shiel was linrii in IHII'i. In Isiin he iciiinvml to the Tiiwlislilp nf (ll'ey, ami In.'ateil nil l.ol ;l, C..m'.'Ssinii !t, II. 'ar the preselil \"illa;^'e of I'li'lissels ; prior t.i coniili.; here he hail llM'iI sniiie years in Wrnxeter. lie marrieil .Maty. ilaii;^liti-r oi ( 'hrislniihe.' Iliimlile, nf -Ayr, Waterhm I'mmty, .iiiil hail a family nf mie smi ami line ilaiighter. Mr Shiel larrie.l ..ii farniiii'_' in the t.. unship, .-iid .lealt in grain exteii-i\*'ly ill the \llla','e : w;is alwav - '..'I'.s.'ly i.l.'iitirieil with the in- terests of ttoth mniiicipalilies, aid <.nc of th.- liiLjIi';- r- specie. I of the citiziins theiealioiit. His health failiin,', hnwever, he starteil late last year to visit l''loriita in the hope of physical inipr.iveiiient, hut he was not ilcslineil to leach laml nf ({olili n siiii-hino ami lialmy Ureezt's. ..n his way thither he was prnstrateil in Uiohmnml, \'a., ami ilieil in thai 'Mty Uecelnlier 'Jl'ml, |s7s .Mr. .shiel was emphatically an estiiiialile citizen, an ' his virtues Here thus smiimarizeil liy the hrnsseU I' aiiil cmlnrseil hy all whn knew him: " \ gnml man, a iliitiful smi. an aU'ecliniiate hushaml, ami loviiiii parent." C.ter.tiN Wii.i.nM (i. IliMisT.iN, .1.1'., .if the Township of .M.irris, came liniii Devnii-hirc, Kiiolainl, his native place ; ami in 1H;U settlcil in iMarkhaiii, \*iirk Cnuiity, where he contiiiiieil to re-iile till I8."i*', in which latter year lie came to .Morris, an.l sctlleil nn l.nts ■>[! ami ;)i), fitli Cnllci'ssinli. Since his ,'tth'ini'iit here Capt. has lieeii nnteil as an eiier- oelie, skilliil, anil siices-fnl farmer ; ami in sncial ami municipal all'airs he has alsn aliaiiieil prnniiiii'iice. He. has sevveil six years in the Morris (Jiiiincil, iluriiig several of which hi' has helil the iiHice uf Deputy "'■''*'"•• The Captain recciveil his title in a ciimmis-inn signeil l.y KIgin ami Sir V. IS. Ilea.l, appnii.tiiig him to a captaincy in the nhl l-.'th Ynrk Ui'Kimeiit nf Militia. He wa- alsn iniiiiiiissinueil a .lustice nf the I'l'iice hir the Cnuiity of lliiion, ami has lillcil the ollice 'if Trn-tee of the Ilrussi'Is Si liniil cniitinmnisly aid acceplahly for einhl years. Captain liingstnii has lieen I'lesiilciit of ihe I'ai-l lliiroii Agriciiltuial .Siicicly ever since its fonualinii. Ili- yoiiiinist -on was at one tiiiiu eilitor of the i'mk llrniht : anil iliirino ihe .•\nieiicaii War hu sirveil in Slewalt's celel.laleil ( 'niifeilerale cavalry, aid was suli.seiplentl> l-IIKitgeil liv the r. S. (liiveiiinieiit in the cmistj'Ui'lion of rortilicalimm in New Yuik harbour. In nil inallcis all'cctini; the pnhlic weal lliv (Japtaiii has ^ XXIV. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THI i l)i!cn ninrkod liy liia devotinii tii \ua\\ intcriHta, ciiiiaei|Uoiilly liu in lii(,'lily I'Hteomccl; liiit iKit for tliw iilcmc, iis lie i« :iUi> iiiucli rcsiiccti'il iia ii wanii I'rifiiil, II puliliu-.-'iiiiilc'il ciliwii, iiinl an inti'lligi-Mit Ki'»tli''»i"i- Ar.KXANDKii liiNHAM (iiiisiiN, Kcuvi) (if till! Village cif Wni.vclcr, M iif Sciiltixh imiTiita;,'o iinil liirlli, liis futliur, Tliomiis (iilisc.ii, licinn a imlivt) iif Herwickshiri', wliciv Alexaiidur L. wan alsii liorn in IH-27. H^' cairie In America in \>^M, an.l tn rt'roxeter in IS'il). I'rinr Id liis arrival in tlial Incalily, linwi-vcr, liii limtliiTs UoIutI ami Tlionias liail luttlfil IhiTc ; and Irnui llit whic! '.:\^ heen the means (if hiiihiing the Villa;;e of Wroxeter. Th(3 (iilisdn hna lers carried mi milling in all its liranclies. Alexander L, had charge of their saw-mill for sixteen years after his arrival in llie jilaeu, and lias recently mirchased tlie remaining interest of the others III all the mills, of »liicli he is now sole jiroprietor. As one of onr represenlalive men, Mr. (libson's ipialilies may he Indued from the fact that he was four years Deputy Keeve of Howick, previous to the incorporation of Wroxeter, and since that time the people have elected him lo llie |{eevesliip of the village each HUceeeding year ; while the opinions held of him in hotli his pulilic and jirivale capacities, by p(ditical friends and imlitical o|ipon(^nts alike, relleit credit on the' jndgmeiit of the citi/eiis who elected him the lirst chief ningistrale of a village which he ami his family had founded. Nor is his iiitluence contined to the and municipal affairs of the village, lor on (^dncntional, religions, and social interests he lirings to hear the same high attainnietits liy which he is distinguished in other matters. (rKtiiKJK KoiisYTit, Reev(? of Morris, was horn in the north of Ire- land. The Forsyth family were originally of Scottish extraction, hut the ancestors of this gentleman settled in Ireland several centuries ago. In In4-J Mr. Forsyth emigrated to Canada, andsetllco .a the County of Lanark, where he lived for a number of years, beii.^ engaged in the lumber trade of the Ujiper Ottawa. He sulise.i|Ueiilly went to Cali- fiirnia, and spent three years in the (jolden State, in the early days gf tho gold discoveries, returning to Canada in jiresent homo. Lot 2H, Con. .'i. Thus it will he seen that Mr. Forsyth i this vast labyrinth, which lia-s within a ipiar formed by him, and such as him, from a pi wildeiwss, echoing back the yelp of the w. fowl, into a beautiful and prosiierous c(iuntry may be .said to " blossom as tne rose ;" and strumental in the encouragement and .su(-ci's: public improvements is but the stricli'st tr the man. It was in a great measure owing ti Kailway (iui«tioii that the original narrow defeateil, at a time when the whole success hinge on the action of the jieople of Morris. Mr. '■'or.sytli has held various )iulilic jmsi oeeupying i.." important and hmiourabk' iillii of decided impulses and iiroiiounced c pinion all alike that the ipublic interests in Mr. For and ably guarded, and that no more useful c lied with the history i^f Morris. (iKdiiiiK Dank, deceased, late of llowir settlers in that lownshi|i, and during lii.s widely known and useful men in the cntir he never occupied a strictly represenlalive pi sense of the word one of our best representa Horn in the < 'ounty Fermanagh, Iiclaie in ls;)o, and bir the next twelve years divi Mmitreal, Toi .nto, and Hniiilfoid ; his tiiii eontiacis for public works, among which w London plank road, which be built for the yet known as the " (iovernor's Road." In the autumn of lH.'i4 Mr. Dane settled 7 and .\ lOlh Concession cif llowick, from w gaged ill fariuing. When the township was I Dane was chosen Township Clerk a posilio of about a vear, he continued to oecupv till the 23r(l February, 1874. nCH OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. iiM iliMovcries, rctumint' tci Ciiniidii in I.S.^3, nml .wttliiig iit liis It liDiiiu, L(it 2H, ('cm. n. . m» it will lie smi tliiit Mr. Komvtli ww one of the pioneera in ii^t liiliyrinth, liits within a .|uartiT c.f ii (•.•ntury l.een tmns- il hy him, luul such iis him, I'runi a ipiimcval slate ol nature aiM mess, u.lining hack the yelp of the wnlf an.l the ery ol the wil.l into a heautilul ami prosiierous ((jnntry, whieh, wilhout metaphor, le said to " Moasom as the rose ;" ami to say that he haa been in- ental in the encouragement an.l su.-ciis of niany ot the most iiselul • improvementa is hut the strictest truth, and simple justn'u to an. It was in a great nieasuri' owing to hia vigorous action on the av iiuestion that the original narrow guage from London was ei'l, at a time when the wh.ile success of the scheme app.tared to on the action nl the jieople of Morris. r. '•'oraytli has held varioua )iulilic positions of trust, ami is now ying I.." important and hoiiouralile ollice of Keovc. He is a man iided impulses and iinuiounced i pinions ; and it is the evidence ol ke that the puhlic' interests in Mr. Korsyth's keeping are jealously hlv guarded, and that no more useful citizen has I'Ver heeii identl- •il'li the history i.f Morris. BoitiiK Dank, deceased, late "f llowiik was one of the earliest ■s in that township, and during his life time one of the most 1- known and useful men in the entire eominuuity ; ami lliough i-er occupied a striclly reprcscnialive position, he was in the literal of the woril one of our hest representative men, an in the ( 'ounty Fermanagh, Ireland, he emigrated to Canada )'_', and for the next twelve years ilivide.! his ivsidc'iici' heliveen leal. To 1 .nto, ami Uniiitlord'; his time heing chielly occnpied i i lets fur piildic works, aiming which was the old liraulfinl ami in plank road, which he laiilt for the (iovcrnment, and which is lowu as the " (lovernor's Koad." the autumn of lH.'i4 Mr. Dane settled with his family on Lots .\ lOlh Concession of Howick, from which time forth he wus eii- iu farming. When the towiuhip was lirsl orgaui/.ed, in Is.^ii;, Mr. was chosen Township Clerk a position which, with an interval lUt a vear, he continued to oecupv till death ended his lahiiurs on ird Fehruary, 1874. Of superior parts, a genial manner, and I'ligaging di-|i"-ili.iii. Mr. Dane hail hosts of friends, and in hia dealh the peopl.- hli ili,.y |u.| sustained a real loss ; while the .xpres-ion "f -orinu lr.,iii all, irrespective of creed or politics, is ihi! he-t pro. if Mr. \)mk\ lifr among his fellows was one of many happy nuieiuliMii. i-^, ami of evidences of duties faithfully performed. WiM.iAM Se'KNCK, of the Tinvnship of llnwiek, is one of the larstsi property owners and leiuliiig farmers in the .section in which lie rcsiil.s. He ia aiao one of the heat examples we li.ive among us of ilu; si|(.|naii' nieii of our day and generation. liorn in tlu^ County Fermanagh, Ireland, he emigrated In Cmuli in 1H4H, and aettled in Darlingtini, Durham I'o., where he rciiiaiu"! six vear.i, roimiviiigtheuco to his present locition In .\|iri!, I^.VI, wluif hu was the very earlieat ,settler in all the south ea-tirii |"Tii f llowick, and one of the very few pimieer.sof the whole touMsliij, n.,, remaining among lis. Coining here without friends or Meaiis, Init with an extraordinary aiimunt of energy .ind perseviraiice. lie lu- suc- ceeded, liy the exercise ipialities, in acipiiriiig one i.ftlic limsl jiroperties ill the eoiiuty ; and what is much lietlir, his h..iii -ty ainl hiinour have made him the friend of e\ery man ; and wc liiiil him t..- day --although now approaching that age which is hy cmuhuoh iicieii- tation set down as the allotte-d time of huiiian existence a lialc nnij liearty man, enjoying the respect and esteem of all wlii. kicw liim- and their name ia legion. Mi's. Speuee is also a well jueserved and vigoiou- Muiaaii, win., after helping her hnsliaiid to hew Irom the f.nist a c..iiifori.-il.;can.l pleasant lionie, eiijoya the satiafaction of si'eiie.' tlie s..iis Aiv riiisi'.! oeeniiying po-itiona aiiiniig the leading fanners ..f the secti.iu ..f country in which they resi.le, .■\fter having given each of his sons a .good farm, Mr. Spciice .«till owns and carries on over 4IMI aen-s of the liiiest land in tie t.iimslii]., poaseasiug an energy whieh eiiahles him to auceessfiilly c.iii.liKt ilr large ainiiuiit of husiness couin-cted with such an eiitrrj. rise, an.l '.hf true principles and attriliutea of manhood of which much yniiiar men might justly he luoiid. ill I fi^ mmk imM ■SC^ \ •r^.'^^r~f-t~f -- f rnr -rr^ H A' N > "I, OOU riTj 3 Towiislilp B( Pf)s1 Ufficeie ly-i^;^ -•"•-•, fc^^^-"*" OOUMTY OF HURON ---SCALE^ j\v 1 isl li p B oi 1 1 1 ( 1( 1 1 • i f ' s osi (Jffices i) Is -ggV^ iHM '/I^^ ■"■••^3SS£i?|S|si^3^ A- ^r SJjn •v/ GHDRnw nr St. GoLUr^SAH, if^i J'?^'^^;^ EPTIMU8 HOGAF^TH TH,Co^ a, I or 13, step^ich tp. oj^i f \ m dltaMBflii IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^'0 Z .4> 1.0 If: i- I I.I :: 1^ lllllio 2.5 1^ 1.8 11.25 1.4 1.6 .#- 6" — > ^^ m ^h om m /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S72-4S03 ^.^^ \ ' tK'W I ' I'T T'TT r yi n r t » ' '^•^'^'r'-f^y-^y /^ i^':F: 1 ! « r+< U o fc3 i ft H! <<; ik- -£h„ . SJ« ^? ''^ -^i i^- a — ;-^ rJI^H ■T-tr[ C- ^ li?' ^ t II, 4- ->- Si H Sn -j.--_ Ki (4 4- t^ --f V- •^ w \ ..>' t>. ^' f^l r^ -\- -\-r- ni v-t /< \ . —L - - „ ji_ '^X'^/^'^'^- &• s Sy ^ i^N^c: ! ski,"© .. I ^ — \ ..^ ■x>.-%\*y/ ,0 _^ \xv ^^s^^' -\ — •/9 ^i/6 "^ < \ o L^x%^ ^ li > i ,'34\ >^ •S" «: VJl \ V -X^^-AV ,.i,>A \ \ t5 '%ri^ "^ ^- \ ^ \ A O ^ r 'V' y :r— ,r--]i:! S3Hf 1-1 > .1 L_i. i; I r , , , ij — ]rr;~|i I Ji_ii. L.JiblliL!lJUJUb^> L ^ -5 <^' ^ ,, >^ 5 LI-- i: li :' — T — rnn juEii ! ■ ir , ^ i. ; ^1 ^• 7K 1.//, ^'. •'^ -'-'*V';^ :: X ^ 5 ^ ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ > ^ H f, 2 :c - > >^ o \\„, 5 j.r. :„ >o> '-'■' • W • '^ I O) Oi -^ U t\) ^iS^ 1^ , / ■^** .*.< t. t -i«. 'l^i^iS^ >A iA . * iv^.; 'ii ,_ .:^, |:.. I^?;j5 i— .;^- / - o-^-^v: - ■! ■■: i2^:^,.^r r V- tN ^ ; ■^ 'v; •-• iV V ,. ^ 1 •/// ft iiif/\,i IJ \. -s. 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'1 ■♦ .. /. y-y^^^ /.'/■ jr ♦ VILLAGE OF c o L n o /^ A' £: COLBORN E TP Sca/f /O C/ioLin.s fo / Lii r h HivS ' 3 < "/ BEN f^iXLERm ASHF/ £LD .Lij / I V (on / > ( (>! h n r ,1 ,• //> i W A WA NOSH /iV.,,.'/ .;//. i.e ■' " Avftl'ti' f(/ . 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'••■(» r;^j.M ^^M 12 f^ r^ k 1^ iS^ UOQ U OQ y -y ,/y /- ' 4VQ dUI ^ '-mo V^ < \ \ / ; 1 cransfohb fHa^st-Arri^ DLv'i-JStion. of ' A sun ELD TP. Sco-l-e. 10 ChstolJnch.- -uoQ ,^^^^ lihrEXAJ.B TURNBERRY TP. HURON CO. ON^- Scule /fl 0? / Inch .'_ ELIZABETH ST 9a JAMES: ,MARCARET 10 T i, ST 40 38 •13 3/ 44 SC *{ 52 QUEEN 9f f/f <"| 9C Uj fS •^s S9 SS so -*7 Sf *-] 82 ■#.5 ^? <*-< ,?5 W aa\ ST. * JACOB ST ST. "J -?T ■*,> ■?-;' -s^ J? 18 y iJ' •fy 5: ?.' ;r fi^ -2MiyG£"__.__S7L <0 77 P.Min .^ hetMoms^ *--, '.riA.r-n.bHry '~ is \' m - - — , — NORTH TO^N or J^OltT ALBERT ASHFIELD TP Scot^e to Ch.,,^ Lo rrru^h. IS I ^ re ,ltn.,t 7',J — ~\jr* — I Y- ST. r ')^tnaAf>rfi~. |jr '" W.WAWANOSHSi:ASHr/£LD !'''■■ K-'rsV- '7r(ii e /(> f'//S f O r/nclr NORTH t ■J i'" ^ t; ST. —f — '^ -J 1 ^ e •t MELBOURNE - 3 4 . -J / ST. RUSSE'LL ^ OS '■J * v/c fORl 'A h i^ ST >. o H o IS 5: \ .\^ m* ^ ±^ MARKET ST *• ti t? g >o . tv, ■s ViAR VEY »o ri N >^ ^ Oo -■5 South r , ^ ST ^ V. tJ - ST \ ^^ '-x' 'n. ^v / N> V V' / y \ y / / CD \ / A A A.^ .4 .i. , i fc ifcAi fc fc.i > « * 4 * * » *i < lW W Wi M i>iBIMWMwiN»«»|MMWIIII | My H W ti .'iW B H \ ^'^ 1> ^ yiLLA GK oy ]) irNGA NX o \ 'W^ ,' >' V •7" y y > Sc a I (' /() C hs. pC r /,/ r A W.WAWf\NOSH acASM n ELD r^s S 1.. J.„ / r: .u v^ P i^ic X/ ii'l sybil — '-, — X'r~-—\ii>69 sAi-^Sc i ' r ]i',5 i''H ./ l\. JO SiTP H a tt> '7 13 iO -» ^^ -< <^i JV if ^^'• st' i?l ^O"" /'^•'c JD (V .:^ ;x\ .^>vr ,.s"' 1 + r' «(; ^^ANoMDHMMK \ l> >' y-: 15 r y POST OFFICES \^MM IGODERJCH :\W^:^ ZDUNGANNON 3 PORT ALBERT 't NILE 5 SH E PARDTON 6 ST. HELEN S 7 HOLM ESV ILLE S K/NGSB Rl D6E 9 BELFAST w lane: s n KJNTA/L ri LU CKNOW ' a LO CHAf S H I'i AM B E rLeY ''!-/^' U-^ llt-'m Im ■ J, ' 0- 1/, '" m HI ill l/.*v1 'Wiiii»,tiiwraiii>p!' KS}i&k}Ua9BG ■? «>' tSEe. 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O^T- "™«*5*'-16M*Si''^v'>'"' GnAfJo Be)^o,Stephe|>i Tp. 0|^x ^ism'^' 'ifft^t^^'^^^^^^^ ^ ''■'^lll Rfs or WiuMM TowI^8HEHo.B^rFlELD Cori.LoTiO, GoupjciT^ ^ ' SETTLED Hr^E i^T^E WlLDE^riESS 1^ 1B66 PodP /|*^>"■ACTORr. ppenjises Of Joseph Baj>4es, bf^EDijo^uf*' T*|.S PF^OPrRTY FOF^ S^LE,0l4E OR A,LL BuiLDiplGS. R,ES.OF Dr. J.A.I\olu|4s, Ci^ED|TO[^,0|^T ;» h 111 t !"M i! a. •ar f 1 * 1' ^;^ '!' :iKel.t(> too _ y>»» »T»t»»»>» *'vrf fr' 'I A firvmi-sh u I 1 ; JuL'l___JS -' ! M Kelt ill yt x^.__ _... Fran c r s ^«1*K^ ^ .^ SAST VJ^ WAV\/AN()SH ■ 1.-4 £■_ i"^ -.ij Hf, .v,« I )' r S i,\,'<^ .?/ rs' 'r' /• M^^ ii>^ e Si i> 5 i-- (' (or he tt .0 7 * C. P ro t.t o r Co I \-i_ IOC I 'On VV" .Jar A so n 'E.M y-yoLii-x n: ^' Hobt ■^ir . v.^.. (2> f'? _ M..MLtl-e.r(i' ho .•) y\'" Jiryti-TtS 11] to !zi So Si?.) 50 C P ro c tor 17) 100 vn i* ,Jos S' /:u.b/iS i ■ 'Zj -loo. to A rtn St ro\it cf \zfE 'T TPrortor uj\5o • (^ ) so A.P rod o 7' Th o s wo "i^A e r ''' >rc W G.Fa m h II I' u iV /*y. " /'/•/•/ H (to II :,■; / A JC ich.oL-'i on, J! \zi £c_.. JXichoison- 5 _iLi ■ \fn//ien: H ra n ft u /I Uiintf r so I.:: ■Jus Mr Gee ''\. • (J) I " '' ly.j ■ l> Jusir i.i BrcLiirl.o iL ^ . ':>' I.ilii .■it e r ino '\W!" f'a.iikniori' \-^' / Wct-tSoru'l) SO A. S /J nor 12 < 50 J. S p e t /•',;/' _ • ; jiS A rxs li.erii oty :7 ) 10 o l e. &\\ (J ri t.rt 11 h,^e r m ut) > firr^J^tLttnrson. v ^ I ■^ \f':Kice. .il Hulj/l >''>C ■ ,m'JJonfi t,l ':lMrA/<- CLure 00 N .!=< ^ «S \lljj t.tOLTI, o ?• it ^ ^ j Titles _ o J;* { 1 i3J So Ifotjt ^m Ca s e /n.o m ,'JJ 99 J 110 .K / ^t On, I i ,' IOC C/i u .i UV G ,1,1 t:' y. . r^ [71 '100 (?) .1). Bluck.'^) SO Hob-t Soicctv (7.1 100 JJcT. E/ I rs ■J. JCilojc, a) 5>'' W. K, 71,0 X. (?.) 1 Tlio.i • G arri.i-SS 'tl J ! ;' HeiLvy u Vi'.vot.u.e proLur t. s y G 01 m i-.s •■t'J^ " Hf-n rifj'-'ercjt.t4.e { i; • Tti, 'SI J. G , JiJisP, JJ a n ii't ^.F/fa ii)ris A . ii P t t)s, -^ 'I, I ' ix:.k. -^ ) ■ t^' l ,c>o xrnpAAlt Titos ■Jeuitt, (w n"" ..Jeuiitt or y^'^i 7 o /i n m nil ^Geo_Ag n r I'i ■ /no \GtoT urotif ■S f ''/ ) IOC ifikMMlHHB^ai )ariL way PajjJ, ACrs J.t.Ttoss » V, /«, i 1 1 Wl LLI AM ST 7) OLii. ret .h'l c km c 1 1- J'T/? £-£:r SI Ot, •^ o 5 - f >u tvi - 1 ' CHURCH ST !> C (4 :-^~ .^ ir> "j- \ r> '^ S' "1 ^ u , R M I L L. 11 (> ■■'I ST K / N G To h tt. .Mi I n f ■ ■> r> — \ Z. O T Z4- L O T Z4- ^ I (4. f^t V, *i -V > ^ •-■*-, V ^i 5 ^ K rt;>i,tiit.*j.it4 BROC K jrr~ i ") <\l to' 05 1 (* Qi w b ^ ■■<7 ^ Kl • r^ <« > > C* « cc^ hoi Sthortl Mot i* - » ^ i^'* ^ * * !* t iL ii » t t i i >i fc*«i4 i «^^«^MI _ F ra n c i & • V/r C in rk. e til \ntii. I W IS.i., lictSftuTcl & ' j J t SSe. Wriv/h -ZJ LUL // "/>/ //.///i»^ lUthf So lie, j-i uiuck.i7) so J" Df Wo If '7; >4 ^rA:7'.Ii// IS i?^ lOO L . ni i,ik K-^" Ova If • p Vv! '// r 7 .-.I ^^ I ?> 60 ■ U F a r r o n: > f a v _Z, a I >'(J T.RLlis iJn.o iO_n N. R Y^V\Joh II i / nil m I I « o '»/< ft? 7^«J.v•^^>" no t O^,/^ Abhc ij ' ^ ir) 96 T/io.^ Bo riU. J/e,?i-ry , 1 1 Arm s /■ fo n cf (^i - I 71 foil " '-:^'- ^ f> c o Vo rsyt/i * v^-r JoijDuu coltl ■v ?.v A ■B ich'rf Arm. s f 1 ■or zoo ! m ., 6 /.' fj F t> noa Ua r "^z ■,n lJoejSry.l.oi. TS :^ ^ I'll y- '/'I A'. /•'« .'i / p , I't (ieo^'lllDP.I^ J 7' \^ Thus I' II r i-i e (■■/J ICO SujtlL C ft.hhec1<. 100 S ni urA ^l• -B Wfi-tt iii\ 100 'JfohfJf Far/ line H'/' Koo droit! ■ :4i'th II r .57ft»w J II o fi >Vr" For/relA \\ /fnht Jo/uisl oiu (6) I 100 Vjj ■ '■■/.I 100 ""1 nil ,7) 2oo <^ *> h ArrTvd Ttt-ulor a^ IL Alex/ J rt-^rotn-'- 17] lOD ycs' IM- 30 a A IfAjcFo j\i ij th- J r '^ >^ ri.-- '0 \ [. (j.^ A j Ji itj 1 1 sttni ' •;' ,'\t\l>V Forre.if ■J iLO J'' o r r >> -S f ,'6; --OO \ ^l A/cx^J'^'nrrnst , 6 ■ .' O I' >V^ »'/7.y»/7. liv ■Ateit/i eti;. <6, . 00 ^lAfoses Sr 16.' /Co (6) ">^ J no )\" I /so. JS 73 >• r/ n n.s h. M.(i i-hS O JL \2hiie,ford. % or '><^ 1 <; i K c 'i^ i l> 1^ Oo /:>c. t- "IV c ■S.--1 I *(•/ wp c //.. // * IS iirHtrm; •o * *- ■ 1/^ ac. \' ■/-. " ^ \:r- s ^ -i .!« S h -< <^ i« '4? rv (V ^ Co . "•«, rj ^ s s ^ ^ Mill i I I I I r I I i^ t ti.1 rt-. ft^-^-S-*— 1. Jk< Ml > fc A it * i :«, Sf, H . ■iiiil! •luLll iiilllU il: ; • I If /{ ohf, I !•— Tv' '). I fir-m ^5 ■Mail / h : I !i i» k:'j m '^■ I ill 1 1 ' III II 1'; 11 WSWJJHfJMillStafSts-^H.'V Go;>i. 6, Lot 12, Gf^ey Tp. ojix. ■«^^gi(f»fr-;v;v>v r.s*!«»»>?^»sp5V '.■■''■ IT" • ''•Kj'"liii I f •• w' iii i iii m ii tt ^i F^ES.or G.J^. |v\orr>vT, Coj^.l.LOT 51, N(qf^f(is Tp. 0|It, Bp^ussfiLS WooLE^ Mills *^S^'?5#^''H»".V1^^^1!^>Jd£^^ Res. or Geoi^ci|^>^^ Oa»^ley, Co)>i.13, Lot 1. GFiEr Tp. Oj^r. •>'.-T(fH: li .; I?' It t f f : h i 'li' :i LS ! 11 li Kl H [I ?!^j^s5~K-.'r;' ■■■'■■'■■ ■ . •-■-■-■■: -■; ■, w:.--,--.- .- ■■^ -. .-.■'■.-...':..>■-- ■■',■.■'■■-'•■■ ■•■-•^' ■*;-.-?''-;-.v;.^ , ;'■-"-. ■: !.»*•:??(?» '^^^^p^ V- I^^Stti.Y".' '■"' ^ ?;''•»»»,.*•.;;- ■■■■RES.or Robert puT^AY, issUEi^ OF ^ariii^ge LiCEM3es,iP^^«^ Co.Oj^i, "■''■''?f¥j?& 3^ii■ m Ej8q.C0r4TR/\CTOF^, Wlj^GHAI^, OHj. L.J.Br/\ce»Wijr ^ v / »7V j;./.^'''^''^ \ > xt / r'^' }l X /' // \ ^y ±s I '^J IM- S' ' ^T'i 1 '•' .5, ^^ *0 'c IJ. 1 ^ ?• v--:^ V. K 1 ^ (i! «0 *0 ^ >a m ia * J£L '<^ \ 'S V ■« ^■ : ^I'^S U- ■ 1 1 -< ' ^ 1 » . O J*j tv i ^^ -^H w. • >« ^- ! *; , ^a U-^i— -J ±U3a-iv if , fc; iJfcjUi-? 1--'^ a. ^^ «/ S! H ■0 IT H .^ U,i IS- "»' -1 S o t. > ^ -.-'S- nL _*^_ ? je '''t Vv <»> lil (> «! 61 riA^n ;^:s^^ ":o,'. ^^m. ^ ->te ' Ui.S" -J NIT'S «t^^_^U- ^ ? IS iV) N .^ 00 :t) ■.•> t ■^^\ <,. 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I V Lo / ?9 k\-». iM HAMI L To N (ON vin /.of t Lin, ,1 1,1' f Co, >" ym A- IX i-^-'-l "dno ■/■'■! 4-»t' « h m t" vy.'i ' ^,IV >> I) S / r u- «/• A ^ -''•. i v.^» •^ 1 4:> / ; '■'■' N /y^* .'.■ j-r- \z 7/ »y £> urrcni M iiZ ^1 :A'f x ST i ..'o rv. s^f ■ «! ^7- .1«V Vtf** i=^^^^75ki? >>f^CI .- I ^^ Sho*i GnouNOS' ^ f ■ ■^1 .t' .)/'' l.i, > ? '■' ' '( '\ I'M ly|,. ••4 ■.■■.■■7 . ?<-i. ^Z13 £j 1^ (■«'7 A « A ?..9 -X- ST/rc£-r Z99 I <«v ' bl *lii ft; "f^^M~fsf ». ! i. I 1 (., 1 31- ; /J? ^''"-'JL ''- ' " ''" " ■'' '^ "^ y I 't Cl l-c V 7;i •b sUl^i^- RIVER sr WILLIAM ft^JiSsiu; : ^l^^'-VhJpviVpo/f'/v ST. ^v^^EH= HCNR V j-r K ^ RfKCC Co U R S C RA •i:- i /J (fc I "^TttirHj"' /W/ i.^ S'TR E ET •- 47 7^ ^ 1,9 V fl^i^ \ ! V \ rco RA MARKET xr^4 ^! '.^tiw^ ST ECNSBtRRY ST. 2, /-PI'S .?*'jsj ■ .',■?• ChTei t.n i rv ^ S'T '^.'/ /US if i /•UBIIC lsqtiA0e 1 J--.^ ;:'4 . "■ ^. '^i • •o.' V-a UMMiniii 0, I- ^, V -0,^^. .^; .vV^ li T>>- Jus : ;. ii ::;i: il i|fiiilijii£|ij4l i 4-... M.'-AU-t'^^-ii.!^ L. ...... I, • . -I Hiiiiiil («3J :i ^■ -s' "^ '^ . ^ ^ 5 :: \ !• "^ ^ ;» • % "^ ^ T' ^ > :j ^ > > fnil ri o II. ' Uai 'til ^andernoii _i_' (j[ tHuni ■f; u) H'"" Youj-tcf 'e > -i h Mitch e// i I ;_;_••> ' • fi Tttiy w \Ui rl.1 oni A^ ^- !' . ' ' i;P(7 li Thos H. (t if pi n flfi.'f Ja.nie'/ Ort( 5 a (♦; n^'^Fer^uso "r'reer Ti !•;« Gr'"" i '^•'-'^•' JaJ ■JtM.rrfin I Me ft r tj (f 1 1 (J II e r JPhJ.lip a M^ Intosh 'J iV) J no (t,\ rove. '(.! : , . ,.,,[ ^/v.* «■ I r so n- Mlq, 9nt>' ''"'tifJi I I- (' r mm. -/■ ' i I ' ' ! i i it I I .( - > . ^' >5>'r T U Fi N n y u li."^ II.' l?i>-^ ~. ai'llS- *• « 'l "> " I' ■*■' i 2 I a 3 \^- . . si, ? 4. 1 Ti 1 *.i -i 53: jNL J -", • ■■ .-.^4 ■".cl i o "1 1 TiT'-. '.■^Iff-^T =. ,13. i i- •» i ^ .,"■";»> ; , I at 11. = >li'^L. r s 5^ You fry \nat 7t 9 i I ; .,. •» 5, if - -5 t;^ r- K 'I • - lip, yyVJ/iMstm Sr -Jf- ^■Sd.' "/Ci' 1 ^ F:^I*'«^^^i^itrt7^'•' /-'"''' liob't A/fX Fiiilftw \,\0' St., III ^^^^iMfi^H SteplL*^ St '* M --_-, ■ ('| rlj i ;i ' J j i i l i l . I l l I -'•,tfH;-rTt— 4-1 r'VfM.f M //!«// ,V/// z/^i-jjV/^ Itutgltir, \C,Mraia, I f- « '*'«"' •'' , , ,j.ii\j2i-X-AAcn.fiirit4\ ,0 "o a_4- — — >^>^T^i r ,|.,,,ii,.ii,,i: i — [-- , t, .1 iV, i ■ ■ ' ff so ■ ■ T iiui mley Sr 1 ./o-V A eJ €i I, ■ x/H^i; . ; Roht .\iahaitvf. \ ''- '■^ u; \'''';\'^l';ALaU9hf'r,\ Rtr^ -+r+t ^if^'m; rf,5' ■:><)> Cumtiit'jl W" n'liji/ in 31 .•-^^ injf^m .Irs ■v\ li- •'. Vr? r'(?i I ;i ' 5. V. ''• tr--; — «*'T ^ I t ; :8) iFinl//oi',if/ [ Jfio /iiaUn II. |l ^T"' "."^ A/itk/' y/i?^\Vij/ie \ ^jJ ) . .^, y 1; JitoMaid'A.itttt.etf )n 1 lUtit ks'^ UiS .'T/,os ' 'I n'." C.Uncj/n- V '<'0 (/■ Sn re h li ri U <) •> • RU • I n/iii .1 {) // ^lii-l/L^\ .Ilia $ tVil.ion. II Siriiifi\Saji0»fer\ h r a.i t fi >V A Vi Htttfx ■ , 1 o • p ,1 Geo imlcy Sr ■ ■■>} -I'- *- - - -■ -i /»♦ i I, ' ^'' r//-.s; I :'(»? ■' -I:. o.j<:t, I • O ■'^ ^ j^ ill,, 1 !■ < c 3 I .^^ !!'• i ri ^ \ TT «: 4 . f 4h( f *' * '1 vH- *c L_l . I u. fquAnc U^llh CATHCfflNK Sn- CHunoH sr \ Ho / nt f s h N r.^^.^ V I- )■ r;;; ■■q.. Mi ~,HltWHCS ST et L £ fj I 1 ■ jr IZS—L. Eilifflilll. ( c 1 1 if- }€fv M Yo u n fi K ' ' t V I I.i\i^.,^ ^* yieXs I i I I. I \ JOHN'S ^l/«" Mti'WJP .•;r X THO MA S sr 5>i O Lii>ii(\ brt " ''a i< *' .r A'-. .V/ VII s |/i /<';7 ^5 isys Do I ._LJ « ...^. .7.'l./iV // I' /y . :0 A 4/:. 4 Jlf- .. \(i u 1/ /i I /■/ 1 1 V/LL A G£ OF MORRIS 8c GREY •y((l i r /'(' ( // n I II s pr r /nr // , (fiitvf II u 111 he ry on Lot .V arr r/r w, or I'n' n n 1 11 ij /' i< m 6f ?-a' • \ II III /'f lA- ail 1 1 II I' ,v uie o / h 11 .\ /( // f (■ /i / (■ '( AV •„^-7^ ,l,Xf>l I G f? A H A m ,.'" \>i I' r> O UTO N K \\ ; 7^ " ^^..t A . „,, Cj P Mo i) f r I 5|u: P :JU„ o v.- :;,; : ,1 , . -^ IRj} a (J /<<■ / "_ Co II ■>■ XI j<- Xh /. o / .'\"'' / C ON. XJI in G,-^ V '} .'\ ULi r. '^ '\-'\ ! ;j udliN^ sr '•*'/ i '"'"' ,;,(• 1 -..T ^^ . . . <;1 I-"*^ "'.) 1 I - - tr- - -■ ^ ^4^* ■t o ■^ ' ■-+ - ■ , ^ 1 ■" J Hft^f-^ ;K ■ti i*' rf. I'.'V sr III . \ /l // I' C /i / c. ( ./.,SV1«/ ^: A V£: /''■J / / 1' '-^ A 1/ e . H i ■•='•♦' ""•",, !yf // ,1., -. rf I O / /(/» / /, '".11/ Arlitn, »\J^ rrtd Ja i^x^ /-'^ I'U-uf, {^'1.-' "^1 [J- ^•„„ ,j 7?i'l Jui-(f\ \ '^\aiX, « r lh A- It H I u-iu SI' n ^..„iii .. .-V- - .. ; :'--i^si2^.x : . .,. A'fJ <'» ^- fi I* •rr> h'l i> • ... .. , :'"/ vruiv J r ,/ A- : P^/^,, I , I ' • ■ ' ■ S"' )( nf •r-H- 77/0 J- W". I"!.!''"' Sfx' 'I I'' v* •"" h'o II / ij c >• ; j,^.;l':^^:,.; ' J- .S'f fy (t.v, Ly<;2 ' t A' * c^,;> ^;\ '" _;!(■■>■ . S'/' /• n r , 1 , ... L L o f .V" / jW. XII in Ci,-c Y Tn =®i « f! .. ■ '^^ / ■' /i-i/-/iiini \ h .1.1 /.'...,..,..,■// - ^ ^ " ... , />.o.;75'.vr.-u-!' * ■ i 1 . r« © ■ "■< 'J•''n^lJl^.^l>nl \ t~.~.L. ■ • , ''-'jL l» ^S^/ iphc II s o n. IK) ^.-L-.'t'^ii' : .— -»» •'^'^ ''•'•- ■ -|c - ■;--f i-:- fr-'? '..*/ f t'" ;;-;V;-T-------5irjir.r--rir/i'.,il;'''\^rT'' ~~r ■ ,;— | ../w Z't) wyXw. .<•.«' H 'P -f. CrK.ii ff.'l f I II It (■ f ■ ..'fr.l- ,V,- „ , / i% ■ ' f'-ir 1 1 ^' ■'%' Uii f it I- X ■) I ■ Frev/'' "/>'f* r II r .V S r J' */J '/ i-i ,■ .1 I, ,/,v>' /I '<» f/ '/ « r I / ■' ' " ,,__.. "^ ^^""■'/^'''' , ' - .•, ,- — ^:-^^■^^' - ■''"'^'"'' "'•■'" ^'-'^ ^ .//lo /'/rA■l•/^y!s• «/<- ? 4v'- • a //,,/ Mo. in t ■,. : ^ , , r-.ij ^V*-,-----*- I ■ ■ " ■'-ft- .fi -''. : ji urn 1 _ ;'>" "• 7 '' ' ■»''■'"■ m ./i,<.- Th .IX J a; ;,' (' 7','.ri / . .,Ji.':;.. 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I /,-j, f,'/)ir„ll Hk 'J- 49.1 • !• ti^.-llir"i (l. ff/f I i »( /i /■! ■^•1 tall ; ,^ , , ^m^ ( ficis floo/Ji ( h ri .\-l It.: ltnh.\h/l,l>(in n ■ m 07 l\ »«i»*»Ww«V:? *5S -?si^«8i!aK«a*^j«M»iiS(fi«i'*i?«ias«s^^ '^^^^^m^'mmmmK^^^amm BMB i W ■ l i '«'! 1 ""*^w^r C U L R ■er-^^i S t. ^is. ,.-v! v>!!t r ^i-^i^fcii, ^■■j^^Hliii ^1^ I TFrrr: ! ^ BELMORE ll/--"-/.; L^il 9 * o^^-ss-Ji ■■•■<<-••> „>A.J'> >,.;<; r « ; 3 ? •^•■T i| ■■'I ji V / .>' / "^^ ' y?*^ ^ ' I I 1 -■ t ;< "•^ 1* v^ /_ ^ ;'=^>v '■■' /i™™^ .""^ ^ '•%:!!' vis- l">t' 5-- I 5 «>..i ',; ' ^ ■, ?\'"> S^U i;;- ' » !^- •S i i ■> e i^- ^J: * -s.- u iV- 5 I p, 2' II *:? K '. i;:'i ^^f^7iS"7x ~ii r II -J" I A.|| JV, &.I .IV 1-1.1 ■ -^ . i I 3 lA.lf.llC/n,r/ • .i_>^ i 5. I _1^ nil \ ^S:4 1 — i;A^.|_s_ ■"ii-j •I St: -5!. %^> : POST office:^ 14 belmore: :; wroxeter / 6 MOHR/Sa/*NM -^^ / A cXral .JlX' 5 « ■5 S r-i :^,: '^ ' IKJ T ' i ^^. * ^ ! S ? -**-|^: nh. J V,l I.- aj,j ■ fni.1t>rt4/i tun 5 i| 7'/to.v.iftif/ini 5* ' lifci*' : . .J»_(i« ■«/%!•• I >JtMJ . \ ?,.^ I. '■■^- it 'i Tf •" >i ~ |l .In.l0,t, Mf I '■ i: ■ r.- -1 .-ts- ^^i issll L^.Xl--'?.- .; 'jj''«' i"! k/fii^ihl 5V? .Joseph '* fUtchfn Hf- N 5- 5 !-'S|. s Ji^ J I ^■^ ■>. «l|l>4^ ' ^J ,.-i;;:.y I"-,' TrHXHKKKY \ y^/ ":4fy '^:^' i ' ii i.^c '%v ,//r / j_L„!q..4_;A- t« I ■I.H ■«' -5-J?Q I I > 5 B- « iP' J-S ^L. ? - i c'lVI ' i 1 - ii >. Wi 3 I J ) ";^« 5 3 ||- ■ .'I/'' 'fir. I i.r/1 ■• vu.i.Mii'. or coniiii': HOWICH TP ■V.-i,/f h>l.'Ji.< '•> I I" •■!> I'' ,■ „,, . .•.c.tliiii ..■ .5 ! ^ t 15 I 'NX ■. i.j.i-.T - 3 I ■ 9 sJ 5 F bfili ' <- no AD Bcr at* ... ..A y^.j^_,. I 'W I'r''' 11 " 1 •>• I row«rj jflf^ iMoff /?. ST. ~' I Gfonci fe L- j-^'^w/*,; ^Lll.^J::J-^-'^^>V, \ 4--^-.;k I TVrrtr. .Wtfj'f)f»Y71-f' #■ >■ I > ' I I ^ ii-'t'/'-V./, I, .,..,■«/, «",<' -• '^o Jilili ~ «: s^ r »; . ifffi ::»A. VlLLAUl': u:- AySAS' On /•'■•l.oi., 11.1 A- //"•run. a- P.'J..ot ■i9/.iiAe l{,t mie. .AS.H./'-J f::i, n. Tf ■'icnif IO
  • i ■■f. -5 "<•* — 4- t; ■tj. .3; ^ -" i i? ""' a ^5 s? "" 1 1, ,i,. I I — 1_-* — K ! Ui J.S WTivk '•ft »« Hd.yON <* IS ^5 2 Li^ll^p HD'anH "\^ V ■ %l N ^ a^ Z" rt N 'v. •ft ^ . M s « >*) \. ivvm/M ^ n^^ ^- lis iVVnifM Lf- .^ 1-r [ 3:> .,-'£^:-'«S>;-".-'^.^-«'>i-*K*ft#»' ■ ^ L- v'a MW MI 0»UB 8riWl>fc-g'««e.'cn >fe.-ai£ «**>^,'"i ._.i — . L^_. JLS _ . I ?^ Ci!^ o \-^ '^ i I ^i ' •\ V, 1 1 V 1 i ■n 1 , h'' I — IS ":_!»■ ^^:^?*w*^-C,"; I I — 1- *0i I 1 ^ I - _ — I t- i ^t ^' hi ^^ 1 — — .^^i IM\/fll!M 1^0 ►> ii • ■> -s&if- Vii*«*,-*'ji«fc*>«*«*IB«»ra ■ «0 ^^ ^m 51 t mx^3 If '1 f i i f I iln u*. / 1 i : 1 - S . _ -rML:^ f\] L L S 6r R r S. OF J O H I^ D>\ LZ I E L , E S Q • G R -.*• ■f ''j ^ \-'-^'^:::;*-'i&:- lf^"B R "TaR^ R E S . F ROBERT OR EEKV^OH *i ', ■'■■^ s^ »!H1PIP* ■s'-.'r Sprig Broo k '■"'fX r";C?* 'W^^r^yrr""^^ iisr ;>/?* '•■y;atff* <^j* -4sl'* ■'<',* "■"■:>' "^ .,^.... J..S:, 0£,,.J.O HH,,yA R ^CO C, C N, 6 , LOTS 4 d 5, C L B O R N L" T P. N T. "'^^^^^ R C S I DEN V^-v,- ■.jiK*iii'^-'K:>vi Res. of a v » b R o s s ,"B -t u s s c i. s , d j^i' r "I 11 P& 3iipiiiiii \li^^;^:^^i^mm^^umm^-^-"^'-'^'-'"'-i_2ri , _ ■\f^f^,itvMi*-»*'^litfii.iii^H'*T-^M , V-i;' IdW-fl- -I*. 4Vi(/ni>'. ; f=^ E E F^ Y, COjJ. 10 . LO i IS, U SBO RJ^ f TP. OjiT, "■v- ■•■ .-;;-; .-■■^■.. ■■■■■■■■■ ...■-.■■ Jf?^ ■•:■■.'■' '\ ": ■ Reisidence uf Thom/ ?^?gn-T!CTP" VICTORIA ST M o i :» ■""1 1 5 ^ J g O c to to |2 r is -4 (1 ^ k ^ to Jj s) 0> ..; * n5 2 \ \ ] K ... 1 .. h 'i; ■s ; SI ' »■ r» ■"■ ^ o5 6, ^- ' 'I- i 1 i 1 t; ri PRINCE ALBERT . I r- r Co < to o ^ <« :& ? o o •i + •»>. DUFFERIN OR TOWN LINE BET C/> l> 'Ol UlUoUt 'A AD 'A to O, o> f/DOUPH \ !l_l_ P. ■ / /J f II II L d t/l' 'f'li o n, /t.VO II \\ ]Mi lift y Cfi a I k. Jisf n tt Mis . §'' J> o^v<- I ' i ■ ^\ (■■ ^ ^v /L 1 1 I,} T l),< V I • <•> /' -" " ii.yl.,1 , " f II J R\'S,o/f \\^ , / li. v Scott S. ./J o rr n }L c f w !| ../ JJ„ , ,\ JCi-a, Jus ■; ; g G r tx. h a in •■■ > ' /' ■ , i lA r f ^-._.M- i< %' J . U I c k s » n. vv.',,,,, ,,/../, /r/, , .v«'.- >^}%Jr,iS. Scott 1 ^r M^ K I roy Sun-i^^ Os H ^ I '^ i ■ ^_ \WA,tcHi ■<^oii jj \'rj': /yciy s /e .<■ Ill I. / A. (,1 y _., 1 — , ^f. =< :- -4— S>r..-:.!5i la t J o h It !• CK /l CI III K t^ r I f ■\- <■ (t o If II foe _if'-5rS'=*^^^ T" !^ u'.vit !Ji- -■'■■' I 1 i« ,f, li ,. , ,: , I ,- • , — ^k J^ WTi I so II. '["feMJ /,.„ ' / ■/ ^> -f v/.' r',( ,vr '". i 'J' 6 I I f ^'/ ■ / / M ' (. t u n .^^ n ti f >-.\'n 'I § >/<<,V //i*// (l( l-M'l, X' I ;• 7J /^ u L i I «./ .7%c) in ps' o ru \ H ' t/fucy/rt-io F-M A' i'' ry ,v f i' ./. .W q 11 a , d \\--^- D . S'c o t t ;1A-.? Sc o ft IV" , I., c e too ^u . ' ^' If i7" Z, c a 43 /a, ij/ ^ ~J) t Y c I' e iL .r fo J .\/<: iiL I o s /i lOO J. .J (/ (1 7/'^,S" \ ^l .^fu. l\i .V /, J Downey \ur ir i i Vu ■ 00 „V I .,, .1 _. >r. ■ i ..._^ __] /._.„_..!_ llx ■ /gi> /'i/ r,- H jL . ^f o r r ii w ll I .. •uKA - % i ^ H 11 f^ -A u ^h . / I h <* II! /% X a n *,/ n, 'I It "/ /• .V (' '*., A' c' ,t> €i r /) o I ■*•■ •>.' -4" fi* A.' *r 4- -f>»- 4-- ' — ]i\ .}/ f >• (t II (I r r -A'^ii' /ft L ( ft A> iV/ :l . '' li f r r V n ■ . . ^ '^ r // /■< / r Co h\ .w / // / n .s- /, ; '^ • '^'' ' '^ " i/ ''"• n ■ ' ^i" ' ' .4 /inn- on S^ , To h n. :i t o lA ■ J. .f.CulhilA ff I fOrOLliixm. ■ .— ^?-CC" I .V /I'cY V I " ' I f.hriftopK,.i>i I i ' J m.lM ,.V Do 1-rfit.ii c t net .5,-5 p_ l£-_ihL •>»/'/•.?. 1 1 ./ (• rit y \ \\ C'l o u to n\\A7f.xanrlcir )'n II nif,<\ ■■'/lO C 1 1 t h i I I j; .J o ••• C > (.1 i. (f C Clay clou. ! OAT , || ^7' L ,> i- ,■ ■,,■ /-i,. j 7^' /SV, ^- /■ o w .v m^. :^_^ /? OL !• V O Vt' .9 '■■" , C ^r-^r'- «/ ' J. B. (jra ^W // . h''^ A S Jie. n. (H f7- kV o n ■ \ ;, , ^ ; X— ii ./ c I ;p *« am i> br LX.. 7S f, Co/ f 111 CITL i do u ill I (ic k. My, Oo\-e II tOCk.\ -Tf- '1 isl H Or/ (• \ e. J . Oil r I- c jii? /*/ .5'. Gcf:t y C.Co .P.' . Af^ . VV.* />». a. roL I ,// Wi'i gfiL 7.'.- /i,' . vr i All , ,. \Arpcc, J .S I- II r I c I f ■---t- •-■'' \6.Alf-. '/i yet ■" I ^ i^-»^^|^ ^ju::: ^^__,/rZ._..7X^L--_^ -^ -^ j |i -^^ •.y *^es/>i .To 7i 71 .5 W fK t I {> IV ■''i-9z 1 01 1 \--^" • r — "- . fc:^ /< ■"'*-^ ft TSUr'T :• I^»^ "wr T^77 / UWA; L, riT'^ti t I ^^^ Ur S/iiPHr^/ a, BrDOUPf' d ■:*)^ ^^■t :*-i^i 5r. 2^6 ~5i" j-ai y/-' ifSl .'V/ OPi loo 061 /39 Ibl de -«/ li-p- .jtiy._.i 13& y>tf' 1 /JfS se: 'Sir . 1 1 /.W •* < .'3X SOZ mr. ■^07, Ofil SSI Inl sei K.\<" l\l -TTi:{isxmm^^^ L H AND B TiM WELLimrON 27/ 1> AWE RT 57 ^ K' i- & ^ 2 Is ! ^ 1 ^ sr t- 0i stT rv t ^ ALFRED 1.0 1 A 5T ;^^ r 3: 3 <- i> 1^ ICi 15 sr «) Nj '1 Si- I hi '" ^r u. -i\ !S ^ ^ .^ ^- ,^1 ■^ to V u? 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T AV i r I- J )\'i II ff / e I ■ /' MtxMr/i e .v ,v Suit I. i CI n-f- — -•'■■ - •* ,— ^ ■: ." ^ "' .-Z^. l/c- / t /i e n-A- I y - n 1 , y\'.J-0 II O H- I) »• /-/! - .^' Dow ri \ P Jifu It eUftf,. . / /I'l- I I / y \ 1%:, \.\/ii ipfiv i ■ r; .;,,* I vl / AVji «. .J ^ 1 X Co l~^I -1.1 . . ; +'l"f^- C(ti; aciu Co , ^- ^f O o rcCfo \ . . i-____ ^£lJ.r^. •...! Tpeii ^<">>r„' "'I .V^ C n n it CCo'' ■■' Rurhlc w.- ■ (/ M n r,( C ( ■mP A/n, p/i y LB t 'I 11 tx (i a C ■ I Kr n J- r r ,'JO h'Mr,they.S^ i. r-"- n r )\ nor ■w ■ £Si /.c /r. /r-,. n rh I • ( It It C ,■) T- IK .-. — «.__-t_ '°? (1/ * -'f-»<.^y»*«i.^ ''**^ -,,„, /' r'l, T / I. "■■ ' 'm/H %**'* .) ' l//n^^■„.■, ^l ■ ^/f '• (V_ ^/>C f ,• .'., ^J^I,_. l._ J K r 77 7t e. yd .Ji?./?iL. ^^F^^&^^ J^^ //. .ifo TH- b r a y .Vi'. ' • / .yf I ski IK u/fKf ■;# . i._J /(ill • /'If "• J • /^ ,'o/i n ^1 1 ,■ „ nw C . ( rt r / / o It 'c H. S <> it S- H' Sf o r I V ^''.Vi! W'.f/ctf r t gti It. C('o T^ ,«, :, II '<' ■> ■'■■ .' /i < ,% I / y II i' P II It (ii /fi< r r n >v'.\' 7s ,V J 11 1> UcivriKfoi. >!.. ^ .^ /// / / I, iiiiii h • I, \H< I n n ■I A' ,. V 1. 1 It ■ //./ / 'II e .V :■«' I i^. , J'et r t-jfh .to /4, .4, I? o i»' .V • ('fo ,1 2i o V c rfrf /• 1^ ' 'Vi J. w. ' Jf Ctrl' o >*-j>.i'/f # — — — .1/OiV I dso n I ( nv --it ^r \ /f ' / 1. <• II \ .. " , , J r '.J.* /iv So TT n en I- I il ji 'J' S, n, p.y on /J I- ( ' o / c- ///. tt //. ■■■■♦.' .V Hall!> »// CCo (> '/ii //(til,/ //n//i,,ii/ . |l/,. .',)//,-,•'''<'"" <' ('-' l/ll I (i I//- .••• /; II /■/' ^ ' Jl ■ .-Vi? ft _y < (• »»■ liH- /p en, \7hoiii pson 1_^ ^ . ,Mo I' !• LA- o ?.'- v»'i3 * -f '00 fij /l' Ol H-/ I 11.0 S ir/i r J ( 1(1 1 so f — ij:(- ^ b1 /'I \r f r Tt / .i/,-.r ■ 1 -._S..j -4- JL \ i ffLj&t !_ - . . TTT — ^ T ■ / -' .^1 an / .'i! \' f* // 'IV /Vi* /Acr ^'■ J -^ // r r r/ /r I" •'•' ■ Ti'm o / 7i y- I ' ^ I I- r / i' >i. Li O Jlii r ex i^J _^ iU. C 7. u ft f »• fiB /, v. ^ , •; . _ < i y n r \ H I It tc. c .,<,• I'' <^<» >'^ .a i SI. /v <^<"" - ^/^ furs eJls",. H'V .A'Vt */i Vj .7 /-'J'/ n i), >• ___. .? i Wi; ( K c >' iiaC Co , ,, Ml . // . ■-/« // II ,v ,•' (( // -— ;; — - -: -— (i ■ ■ ,• l.'i'o \ H ,i/e ri.iicr V C cjt II. ( p zi \ 3?:; — ~ .M^ Km y .*b V f r V i 6.Mevcr C. Co £iL.jC:v . ~ — I^^JI s^ C(„ j :/ O 7j /t il nM i ><■ , vf I M It Vv / /. ■ l .4 H, 11, >«f Cra\ ^ ^' ,"'%?^f:[:'o ' V\' Afe Ad Y rco ,i>0 /' A' I r bv .-i ik. , V«,. Kcv U Kt-t Jl II f. S/.r >n 1 1)1 r -ih ( J. A fir a. 11 X k. u pF\ J ii (< ^4 i h c* t f. ._ X'Xe L ^_ ...... i^JZ^ - ■» Lli • e .'i III (I I (li. rCo :'c> \A.Jiroot/t oi.oft It. % './no,,^ '01/ /is, . f o .V 1 I* ti r e ''' 1%' a,i* S'. /? «.TTO -WS i 00 /e.i ,, ^/tf ri ,tu-n\. ^ ,, ■, J/ A- // 1- I i; >i I' ■ -', ■ c re. \Jf'tll.e.t. ^i .Ahrausfeopf * ,„ .. ' I'-''-'' r/j : J'n. o ^4 l/c CI. yt J in.A'j , ^^ . _ 4/^, ,1 f ^ r r a m T- .Wlautif/iUn.*! /■',"»>• [Kc^.f C JPi '' tj ^';,. ! C Co <>" '<'/7, S'ii-/rn o hr\ a II /* // i' t.(> '■ n & o n 5^i5t _.-lj r Mu r r ory '^. -i'--:^ ^[« -;.. ^ )V. >V; p. ,71 «.>t. rt-'rt !' « 'c'.^ />,' j ■-^- li t e cf 7 f T so ^ .1. . Jfo ft <7 y j'> . Ii^ a. ♦/'".$• Q u. I. n. ri.. '■ so f7^... I M J) . O, hit tt. n.C Co \ C' Koe,Al e-f C Co \ _.._£?_^ ■ — ; \ C V,T I cjlry Y —- -^— -^-1 _ .^ ^^ ie'^^i -— Jl— ^e_- -1— i f.2/?l^c_co__J^ Ji'//eH.J CCo // _._ .:i ,;<_ .. ,. .,l/i'S^'e.7-A' III Z t^ . • -j CfCfigf.e.T r Co t ^ yc '7.. - ' ,/ Mtt. 1' 1' f*-.y i ■■ ■si'.-tt. . \}J. JJ' y (^ e />■>■' ch(- .Ze t tt'. i.tta Si. : rry CCo \T Uo Cccn Co >cv\ i — — c/ C K e. 7t /£. C' a IL Co ' ^' A' ■' rii ■ . i\_S: ffeiiTfr," -o.v I sa J) fierhc r C Co !; ion ^.j . | sc 7... If«.Ti u c %%• c ^V .V \C.. Ki-1 e g It e f -i,,pCo. \\ 'TT/^TWr s.ff.rsm.i/.7i. ?5-, , 1 1 t_ _ ■ ~-J t . /(> s c. J} h. /C . rr/ <■!• /("fl /• /■ fl W.S' ' '*■ — 7s ,i/ ... ,^ ^,Jr. - ""■ |"ir g~' '.,-7 //" ' ^''* "- •"- " " ! 3} 1u ^ «%. «'" .-v^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 I'o nil 2.0 2.5 2.2 U II 1.6 Hiotographic Sciences Cbrporalion ■^ .•V 4 ,v N> ^9> V ^ Ci^ >> % V '^ 1^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. I45P0 (716) 872-4503 IffI t'i Eiil ^>^ -s^-^r-^ f - ( !k 'i "'^y^J^ #' .'*1.» f » James Srandon , (Deceased) fp. of Morris H //enry Stndh. •i)eceaseS first .^tei^s o/ ^i^wici. • i * « 'I Georye S/^rcny /V ^e?t/e of howicA ^:> Geo dane.Der=asPx.i ^irst r/o^ C/fri' of h'ounc k . 39 ill ■ I ■a^^ til i ^cse^A Zeec/t /}oi ^b;e XaeDscDBc Bhos.see 38ioGRi5.p ^ '■.VMlfc".. ■ K'>'- ^^'"iWlP 'LUSl^'Zt.2 /^L) Jnt. /Richard Zeech. Jfader^ Zeeeh lOGRJRPHY, Pji.GDB XXII. N I \.y < ! I 1:1 :. w r^' Hi(!r T^^ 40 ^^*' "-"""^^^"^Si^^ ./{Set- ^^ . . -""^^i .A'". JCi/K L6 Lot 23 \KMm ' I I » T ft t t - »"rT-»-T--r-'-rT-»- ■» .-.^' £>int.t.f Zio't /r,. J?ooS . ^n ft Fi SMART, ^ACH£ A P IE Q O^^'C.W D M',. I>\ Co /C H AL. E p Las/ Ml S T. \ Lo) ■>'j ^ 990 COi.l-£G£ ^r, ^c ht u. f-- (,- 1. N Jl fA f^lh"'; ST 9!- 9 J* V?5 /'705 if>v6 I- l- t-- t^ ><1 '-1 -^ --j. I.; ?' 1, > s K IttLS-- laJ: 2¥ ^21 W t:I\^ 1^ C H A n U £ S ». A" ;; w.M I TEH e: -^ ° .•^T"- k 1 i <0 1 ^ O/y A/ SPENSER Me>V>fAf>lO ST. A< t. t/l A. ^ Ty9 Q p 2 y?7 PdS il ,1*9 1 J*f JiJC J87 K )V.' .ii'< 41 ■!9i' j?5 .i9V y**- JSf- JV5 k) ? 395 Jf? 396 i ■■*■■ j97 , --■' •-■49!^ J79 S -r. (;??t '7 5 5 f.';* ,'!i S5^ •. f ■' 6>9 1 s r. ;;^ m^^. S7A^.i>/y ^^^^ ROvS'T OFF! CI CLINTON SEAFORTH BLYTH LONDESBOROUSf CONSTANCE WINGHAM EGMONDVILLE BANDON GODERICH DUNGANNON HARLOCK AUBURN I3K1PPEN N / ^ v;,' 1 in ^ .^ vj Hj ^ ^ A :^^ ^ ,5 ^ s >;« M 1 ^• ^ 1 ^ ^; J ^^ ^t ^. ^^ ^m %Mt*^^^.^ // HAFfLOCK 12 AUBURN 13KIPPEN ^1 aV { > /4M/>^LrO/V IT O W M . • Of- - ; I ic mnovGu TP. .1 / ///("// lUEM/^N ST. — \ Y6AR D t; 1 ; 3r i -»'/ ' PL A /v 1 ELIZABETH •0 : '.:■ ^v:^ ~1 ST. ' 1 I : ' O 10 &II SUMAJlJlf lllLL ■Of I /.of ?? r f /' ( O/IC (' HU ULETT TP \ \ MA IT LAND ST. \ \ 12 -I- 4— «3 ."« .-v; |:«' 1 3ii\3i j7*' 1 "i ^0 3f »J «; HURON \ A«n vO\ /<'' \ J^ Ik? ' I r ■ 1 I/? k/ ('(5 I'' I -1-1 RO/ID /»Z.i. BET e (k. iiSia^-.. . ILJul S'ra/f' 60 r/tcnrf,? / i , * Ai » , * - i u ^Jt A.. i. A t . t >.* I t,A » ^ ,. A J i>i< « i«> * > Ak ■aawnrtiwiintiitiiii ^» i ::i M. I« 'i (^ES.ur D^VID B. Moore, Co>i 9,L0T S5, HuKKia Th O^r, Res. OF V/iLti/\M Bishop, Coj4.5, Lots ^a &r 13, Gf^tr Tp. oj^t.- f^Es.or Geohge Crooks , Cu^. 8 . Lot 4-, Gfi w u i.L,C u|N.4, Lot 5,Gt;t.Y . ' i- ■ ■■H ^ J!ii,.ii^iii2;^g;4i^^ iH' M i.!j mumgi nmgnn m :• ;li i 'i - ! I 1 1: :'h; !.' -i tp'l III r II J ■i^ 46 i.ftfTSvi^ .a»4^^: •'■r*^' • I m um ^ < ■ I I I ■ I T t ■' I > I . I r» »tt-i i » i i i wimm^ n i i it i i i > i i ' ' r r i i n ' i i i i i i i m m i m i i r ■ • i i i i ■ r-ii ii - -ryr- =F -,.-Z- (iv^ 1^;— — -TV,—./* '--.C — '"'^^iu\ 'JLZ-^CJz. -'V Li? ' 'i. !!:.,_ f __.__ J/. /Jou gill / ■7j ^» ^ t?-X.*u.-.- i7 «.. o ,/f o .V ,v ?(./ 4 i?^.. '■J?'' M'. C » . 1/ ■ \.xJ lie It ,.t It n II I •»'<'' '■ •> I V i-* ;/ \ .V, > / I, ,'-/ \ .■ • I y. r> IV- ('• • I "- I » -T _ — 1^/Z/J**-C. 'I'/l (> .^- C CI ."^ f I.Vcl ^ !: > ^ — ,'^, I ■ ^ N p '•: ,/?/ o (ye o Wa/ tfT //' .Uo r i- __} V • • ; ■ /f^ M'"'"- A**-- tl. dy n H LanftLotHarAy \ .•-y Y 'fh-os 'KfUphKi-cic^Y J so ly \%J.f'6reen.v,-0OijL\ * I C/1 ' I ■• "■ .■i/(7 n II I n (/ Step ft I i- TAcP ,r* lHaiiiii.iia\Ofr.rlit I '\ fj^ \.-.rii o Hen I- 1 I 6- ■ VT — r A'.v/ .)/' 1 ^ / /) I O IV IL I <• f -1 W'."- 7J Kty TIL ix. n^ Ji nil St. roTt .Ir J„.v Oe.o ((^^ \\C.M..ffo ^r...^.-;.: !• ri a y i',J -./J \' //o I- II f v ■n \Jfi < i IT >i r It ,Bii» '/<•/. n ,1 I ■ / '* I] ?. j^cz ■■'•' i Hob' hWrld, ■'<', :;. 4-: .ti^ii " ^ I s ^ ^ '1 (V f*^ po /'Cl.f.'.' CI , ^■v K' 'v» >• /J. l' iO e." in" •'/ fT • . A' I v A r I loo h'l s Kf. r I'lJ 7'^/fii I rh 1 It xott-Oyi . ?? '•-•- .^....i-j.,/\'i r /i \\ r : .:■ Ii H rtu -■ IV e I > ■* I ICsl of- • Hvi n. CO It If /•'s( ot' a ' It V ■ fJr. ywo It <•/ \J no Ko'we. i i l^t'r.. Vk-"^ .Ifot •o i-Ikil ! .- 1 C A • . ,. ■ ,*>'..//«..•.»-.■/• F" j^^^, 7.^,„ ,,,^~r •7X<. o ,<". J^w / m. CI It .P y' i'Y ,irV' M,-r/: I'iiJ'y' — "'w:vr. cr-fo — . Tn n Jt'o-wr 1 1 f^fie. .VTi^.'.- • . -{.fi'o rdL -ieo A/ Ty,c,.'.- ^ .4 iL-cf,7'e y\- J* , »/ ./a.v //,- // J\ h 7 ■?(,;.%■ H u/ «. w . fo W-tJOL All, y ) "/('■(■A .1, . ( I ."'"•- 4L^^ '■• V H< > X ^^/ Ji iinut corn he ^ ,v> , I _ J!TLi3U[ ■ k A 1 -•^ TT/ 'i — ££ :j:L-... Isaac ^h I tlor h - -I (J ■ K Pf.T'k ITL. /J/ .-,1 - • ■i I-. :: I > „ I rzzz -a Jl. J^r rrtrn e '' • ftl ^. ■ Ati n- I'b tt cL , }^ot> ' (' c> Hoy ;• cl rrv" ~'^^ t^ p--r C-. ,u •s. * -•■> ^ • „ ■ .-o "^ ■^* (M ' /J t-' «' 3 a . Or- Aich/^ I/Ot^ (je it , Di' J no ■ f'ci HI p he (-1 :v>-.»v /'*' T/tox , V //,,// 'P •'/ In OS' Hi? /-''>* I A_..^A^.l ^„. IV >" Hr-rx- I :_:- fi-'^^Tnot d lie st^,% ^ ^/ II II ,1 oh 7/y-^'' i 'f'k ox I o i.< I e s ■ Kir/i/^ t!i (T I r y 2 X - .,. A' ,/,)htt.\\: \ f\ (' (I w (< f rJ ^0/ftj /ll" /Ac « f 1 /<• 'ch ./of, n .V 1 .\o r I h Thox. <: t « y k. .Hi m /Jfi ^■l (•/ [nil fl II •;, ,> 1 H 1- ; !i, ^ _..:^^ /V,-. 1- 7V/ I'll hul.l^ , /« o Ftl I f: fin. ' M h'1 e f^ i-hf iy,,A i/ II II P, I- II I ley ' _ i*^ ../« .V- if fu /Lough.* Jus .CI (> 1 l^e ' loo r,,i /j'o /> ' f re /• ;• V • J/e* j> . /fa r i- i * •.JIoic/c. n. e. V "'^''''7 A'^ — ii J n o JJ itn c u ri_\ #: .¥ h'/'e /f/i e.r M //to.v \ ,Vr,'" V. fit <;. f y ''."-ijt il* . ?•/ '■ (' 11 /■■''■ -K /J/rviff .Vi.// "t\ • , 1/ ii /<■ I II .V 13 ■■■■■<' li.V M''" .^ I ■ T~'jf ^^ U? is ? V. ^•1 • n / .--' d' '-^4 i^F ! A' .J >i .>^ L -^. ^1 3! 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I i "^ r, V I t' y ? V. ,v.' .■ V ^ ,'V'' >. -.4--^^,.-^ ,t" 1;^*= r ! j : ^i^-YT .(^ -^.■#- ':C^#:/'>iii A A '5 ii^ I vlt '# I! i i i * ' N 1 I) I J I k d sal .005 Ml'-'-''' „lc AH" h \ H I i^T^'^<^" " rwWELUPIC KARDl ''WIHIIIHI ■T maan "W^ 3amwell'3 Block. Exeteh.o^t SamWELL 8f PlC/.HA9TIWCS,f1*N«(CrR OF ExETtR BF?A)4CH S.E.Jo^Jcs, Jewellery Store Exetep t^nt •<5» 'f •'f'rssrp'^ P/\cKiNG House of GSrJ. Petty HEfJsaa.OMT M^J ^*)?j*jv'y "■ '-'■«v*3iE,. ^^JSMiOiiSe^ 'Berry HA1-CRe3.0F Edwin GauHt. BRFECtp of LeiCESTEf^ Sheep, ConlfiAoTiWWi^^/ifAjiMttTp.QjiT Bi^EEDEHSOF Ht/^vr Dii)\FTtCi)ACH"H0RSE5,Dm;HAm Cj\TTi-E » Suffolk eiG3. G0J4.1, Lor 7, Coibch;>: f in' AiHii ss r.,.^^ll^G NIills, LuhdEH Y/iRD & U^is.ur Jmivjes Bennett, uku^'se ^3, OjjT. ,-.:Ti.miiiiiiiWii>ii58^3g=^*' .-***** RrS.OF I^OBEf^T Bf^OW|<,BREFDEft OF U ^ K ^t ^ '1 .^^ ' ' ^j ?„ H j^'' L.^""- "-y-1- -1-- i !«1 * I 5 1 If iifi di^HaBMi ,.^MncCM3Di|£' r TT"' 'T^ Y * »T' > T Y^'-r -T'^ V T r T T' T ' VILLAGE OF ST A N L E Y rr 3 > •% ST 0-. N '>i cr \n It, 1,1 > > > ' ' ■ i Mill 1 1 M:i' ,: *''.iii' 'li'f///J G O D E R / CH T'P ^,-^^, / D 6Z 5? TE: Fl RACE 1 i^ /'k 5-/ /6 n { /g I /i' £■; 5^ ; ys *'»' '/? ! V(< 5 r. -h-f- -1-_J L "^== 3- >|* O) 2/ 23 •^ "n 1 . i 1 j ■■ H In 11 CJ -~. ^ f-i .-v, rn ^ 2^ i5- '^=55,1 26 I / i'- «i 6'V •t 6Z 59 7 A TE: Fi RACE 57 f:* -'f /6 5,1 ' uq 1 ./y i 7 ; LU CO LI N A s r. / '93 102 ■Vi 26 i,^* li-5 ?6 110 ■— 1/'/ DE LtHS/Afl S ■^. 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I ttA-. 13 o y c If '■J /'I /u,' ;l ■Johrt roI/ocJc ■'ol /^ /((' \\'i(xi}n- i| A!Vli4 rrci \ ^3r JJcttT\\ Pen H .»•(> » I . /^(.trhcL.I .1 ( fjr , Mitrhrn I,' A' A.*' /^ .0 Jo fun.. ' so so DJM91 W '." Ale ■foi Tfvos.l. ,J), 10 1. j .4 «l '•6 f > » '■1 >■ ■' 1 ' "5-" 1 ■> » ■i* ST *s 5/ 9.9 t 9y. 9i "o" GLASS T > i 4^ CHRISTY t -. . " T— 1 'vj CN ou 'v Vf, ^■) -.». r^ l-v Pv r. V- •^i ^ ■■•> ■^ ■X v> NJ .V, > :^ i fee 7^9 779 79i ^ 7 > :k S» ■> > > •r .-- vi^ rv •r» Ch ^ -^ w 1 > 5 .* i." lo ^(\ "'1 ^ l:^ 1 1 V ^ ST. *? t^ r.7r-^T] ^ > > > ^> -p C' 'N ■T. 1 0-. ■^ o, "• ^'\-\-^\-rv-\ ST. en r. Hp 1 1.-1 » ~,^ to *D \ •J. J >c -^ •n ST. <-* ->1 on •N •41 V, > vi '^\ ^ U"' *n <^ iji ■■•l ••\ . ^ ^ ^^J ■V ■r c^ 'i' 'O ^^ r\ f- c oo : X,:. :i:i'^ 1- «0 V, •> ,« .^ «s '*\ '»-, 'M M '- '^■ ''' *"■ n. '■^ fx r>:. C- .. .M '^ ('h.\- /' f r Jiir h . 1 ! GALTOK' I ' ; r ! ^. J? ^ ^ '.M ? 1 1 i 1 QUCEN S'-r ■'n ft %> ^ ;? r* ■i •V S-r. J-' ±j 1. i,.. T r h I I I 7 Vr» / .' ; II y u' O n (I !/■■ .v;i .!/.< KVi- 1( /f h' II If n" h e t " JltotA /.5 (V /f> / ' -iSfi L?Ili.,i>7, 5;5| ^ffff J: jrv .fA/ Ql 5;'/! $•«* '«; AJsl.S.'^s N 5^9 (fcc, 5<.s'jfc-? lUI f '^pj ... |b-.V O (/ .s B/,1 -[- / ■p ^^ '^A <'sSc 'i/ sn. ■"'•••/I / ..r .^ ^/j/- -i?^ /J, «••// './,, v^^- A7/^ '^s- v.'/. iV, '•'-6 '^j(- ■l, /{.' Hi'tn-y J afiii .>of I ■ • ' ! ■ 7'.. 'Cl( cph €/,„■, . . ■11 llAi ,1. .,f ,nn ,r ■ /,,.> Purl: Cem., "H"" Oil II •fnh./i Of I ii-..( ' . ' Mllii " J n-"'St (Kicfetr I ■V 7'/,(' R o/'. h^ I ^ .(' r I A-i'/ /' %■'!'. I/' r /..:■. •%■ Ifi //( /* "<7 ■/v.. W-f)/^' v:ti I i "/• ' (I coil ,J, •^.>. J 1 ^ •/. Wp ^;' "^"-^'--, "-^OA "'^-v-- • ■'' '■ -John ? .« 7) / / ,' i^jiiil 13 /. V 1.' , [ ■• . s^ iffa-yoil K. l^i;: ) \ 0- i bl ' "•'H^ti'.i 'm^'n.^ms^M .Mr.t PollorJz ^>^. # 'J^ >? ■'% ^/i'rf.t-r^.^n'i'n. _-^i>- J ^^^"y>M''COur.h rt. 1 1 iH liki. (%t . \ -.1 ., AjOtnlIrrt -I- 1 1 h ^ :%' '/OO ■'.•/i ', JfT/Cin/ .T Ml < .\f'- liiiif ■ V W" .,■/: rri i f ■i.P.-,- .\r CI ■■'.-/•* \, B i>'-ii< !■.<■ -t — r n I, 'I ^I^Tu./ f . ^'- si; ,^,- . 31 'i.. i .7/>"-J? .'/^ / • il j ;i?j i H'"' r 7,^ 'h r 1^ Lj/f -/y:, : iV US AvfoV/"'"' " ,I'/(r/y.,y/i' : ,> o.PnrfcS ^91 \-7 r-/,, S II , John, Conx.'tA. „ 1i" ^tf. . -_ m ,lill]_ ^ l^^<' - V •■ '^''" . ^ ■ ^ i V I': ^ I. liirfc ii -'.<' il ,"^ ;; n fj- p\f • .1'.i ,v» *« ^„..j: -.j^? ' 4/^.^ JJL_.%^-^^ Hnl,: OfhiJi. v.- t. * ■' I -J "P C I' f ' ! M^W/ L L^ jm^XiLj.1^^^^ J--- ^ ilH IIMiaMiiftiMilttiliilttiiM , > I ii Ji ii I n IC'--/ '\('^y.To/L, TANNLKY Wr J/.i,.it.a rr/ * ff !1' ■,-'" ■cj.**»'i,i^,*»ft-i:.' ii ^'-f^'i^'ilirirMj-iV'-.Ti •" II -•o??Vr;"-" .'•.•■■ ^^ ^^^^>2^. '*L-''<>^?'2^^ '-^^^ -^ J-4<^^<^-;^ >^^^'^ ^^ >:?;^.^ ^ ^ y ^t ^^t<^2^^^ ik ^ J>^r'^4,o'»A ^ If ^_/ • ;» /f r^/ Zee A I /? iTs-j?. .''»£- ij/ .''I 'first A{u nicip o / ifs:<« r; / •Joseph y^rnisf/'onar Tp a^' (7>eu . 'i-(o r r :' s 'if. 3russ g C s P^ O A t! i "^1 1 r \ luim. ■Lui^ w /^ 'i iO' 'il 'i:: IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ^ m 12.5 12.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 u 16 ^ 6" ► .^ v] <9 ^ /}. <5>: o /a ^ ^ >^ ^^ / Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 t/j r ' ^w^^^^^" 54 'r-r^r^-r-r'tr^^ r y T T r t ' t-V T > r T T T HAY TP. S'r 70 Ch .y. Lo. / . H 'V B U)l f 4-_i LJ^ MARY sr. *! "II l 1 '^r ^ ]v, ^-- 20 a ^ 2/ j»*ot*rt/»ft/^ K;tt LrriP. i,et /fi&:lO t^ry centre: iS'' •.ss 1S3 V- 160 161 ST. I 1 fS6 I /-S^ 153 ' '« -'** Tl ND ELL On /.(, / ?..\ h"" ((,!,. (> r (• y Tp. • ^ f (1 / >_ .lit i> I II II. II ,/ , W G ■ Sc B . R R TT'"i.^:/i r-'i-^h C L/\ R K IS\I7 BEffflf BANNOCKBURN STANLEY T'' JUNCTfONMLLE y // r II he r )■ y / /> Sc a i <• i() ('/' y p <• r i II > /i i I i im /.'III ///lis i hi! M ,. //, I >i I lilljIS^r., /^ ''/ r>C"'^/ z^. ?" , / / i nil im-- ''''*'''^. '^'7::- '•r-,.C.'#; ill' i^>. " ^"a •L J' /'OS'/' oi'/'/r/:s\ S' JOHN son's MILt-S .9 l< I P P £1 N 10 B L A K e: 11 H I ll's Gn €. CN /? DFt YS a A/, e: 1 1 \ T ROD G£R\/I LLC .V H A y /. S A R E: PTA h DASI^WOOD (•• ZURICH 13 B R ELW^ST Ei R \ \{iiM off^yS D ALC ^' •'ill / li . - :^''^. . 7 , .J^ a » "A ! -JJi / / ) ' I ! i^i lit -f' .^ J^ i ^ _j :> us ^ 1 S w^j. '__l_^_i o i -4- --, ,.,,.. ,, " ;■ ,/lK' Schli<--I/ I W .1., I, ; .<:„' J M Me I k. • ,_,_, ^„y .Jos. Of. sc/i. .«', Jnn Ocs'ch. sof'i^ // /l(i/)/)e L so/c/ ,/ n It (.' r .11 ' l| .J . fi" ff ni. ,f c V >■ (' f // . I /. 'J • r I / fa n Co r- .'a,> I ^ I ^' ,0,' I '5! /- / I r.'.>\^l ~ ■'/„., ■-'• "'"r *• • // /V ^y '^ f. mm fare Co C We l> f T .-ru * ,V O '• ' / ■ I /I S/i e L hy f'O j J:' A' / r // r !■/■('(', . '/ JJ fi It 'I / v.* .\ M_.i (ill t-^¥ (Itflhii'i hi' ; T'»'»«<''' « '»»'»^' *. <■ .-7^9^ii^^:r::--^ y ^ ^^'.l^■ •s 1 •i T [If ,( />, fit. . // I:' fi't- c 'I- ■ j * -V j ^"n II <■ I '^. .! '' '^ ' C .9 b/, // ,^.(' ,(,■/, I III I ,/ («. J 1 zs C'a/f iiinn \ ^ ''" ■" ^ , ; i/fl A ti s o IL I H ,loh It v o n. g ! IV A'.. cr 7nch^. ji-ACTJoyviuJ': 7 '< I'll /'(■ '■'"^' ''/•' <;Vr. I c loci'.s- n'- '• '" ■ '' II ///if /^^-J in mm. ^ i^t- If//// I / rf'^' /ff ^ / ^ mm \' ;^ ■^- ^<' //Jn ■ff'M^' ^^-^^^^"V X ^'> .' ;v////>^#^^-. /X ll/'/ \\l.0'OttA-ch.a Ik J ^,.3^ ' •! ■V C /I r( Ifl"' r III /n r r >ii •■i ;i M ■ / .v.-,'/ /J , / <''' ' ■ J ■00 A/ ji /''■/••'-/'I L,,.,. CSho n /J 'I • -U--- 00 CJJrc/' I <- r /, I V c >' q " " tf ■ oo 'tj •.f!ii ■>/ // <} Fa II ,v/ £ J*Tr. -=T- 1 ^-A^V- . 11—^-^,. : A JS 71 g I cLit d tin ■■*.^ jn -JL- . H(ti-/- n> nil ■ ,! ■ / /i S _ ■ ■ I . ?. 5-1 V C, . ! ^ " ! ■ '^ N . r-. i J. Wi >< ^ ^.1 ! >*'' ■•>• 'i f / >ti r^i A- ,/ f/llf/o \h'oehl, \j, dot I ,vctt.a /A- ::^ii.. y/iov />',, ,, .vf, It f I .%• f} tr i' Sc/i I tiCl , >' Sv ft/ * -_i?..*i. C Sr h r,, ,/,■,- • '■'■■ ,K i^''. rj." "• « ^lif' 'if 'fro. ?>. ■''■_ r)'jl»,y (■ ,■„ , ,- " W 7J I g II o )i (' Ct) M ( / (' r„t7„ n r r l/..,.^„/^ („„ (o r < r> ff qi I It tl ( fl I <•< // ( (> -V-' .C4;-_J M ,S .// wn I "nj ^1 fi* t SC tthcx Ch^ S'^/f^y f fi f m c r y It 'V j\ --i:^- II '.""■/• n, rhf ,• ,• i — '.':■- H -..'M- ._ . <''f' n ( II /i .V.^ /i' <» »i /» I <• '", /,!/■ A-l jf- • '-'^-^'-^ \ J ('or i^ „ ,■■■ /' - iL r^— ___ j|_._ vi.'^_-i. ! •_ V^ -■• !^ .'c ,-i I // (''o ( II II f n r.j w'l ismi (■ el L-J:'.-:'j;_'.'«jL<'.':L'.!.'_2_f:: ii r i ^Bk ^^ .11 i'.i ^il ^! )' * i ) i '; I I I ¥\i ,^-.J- > ,s,-;«- XSa.^a^'itf'gg'S.'*''*'' ''*''''''*' "*'''''''' i'il''«iJffi8».1>!B««w>--.«' i»"- Fi^ES ot CH^u^4CEY FULLEH Co|*.11 Lot 5, UaaORflE Tr 0;(T. .*^ 1 Office, F^ES 8, Dhucstoke of Dk. Buc^^afc e: t e r^, 0>it ^.■±Adu m^'^kt).: Jm'^.^'^^ t^ ^.^,. y4i^!^i^«.^;^^jgjg^^^ -ii^ '^? flV: fM i^^;^^^h?^MM^^^QihBM^4;'S^& ■ •• H'i^ ^.a. r^^T^^'T^"* * »i /■ • , ("i^-i r^ CENTRAL /A CR£DITON orrA SAPCPTA DASHWOOO BR£\NSTCR GRAND BEND HARP LEY CORBCTT GFiE:€N\NAY SHIRK A KHIVA BREWSTER PO %■-, .'c /> N V / -^ «<"-- John. ''"''» I / \^ i^ ,^J ^..._''' ^ J('*: '■■■■■: 1 £•• r. ^ I iJWR'V/Yj'ovv Joft/t & H""-, • APttch^nr 50 \MSh.o u J^ j,^, ■ ,IV a f .vo n ■:o\ Ca, . John J>'07Ci H> ^■■M ■ ■A'./f A/ Colt iiri'~~^'^ ' R.'init.if ronn ^yTl Sttukr'i i'J) _ y^thcrt ml;l .fi imt hcjrs •-// _I91 i m^:FiUiifPs()ii ro I I "•'-si.-i'f' 'i^^mmmmMmmuMmMmmi, Tl r "5 -U , - -f'-" r T <5 . ^ ■' "St rei I'P I "T ■ ' ■ , ^ ( hcrro /I r iS'ii. To. 'll'.±.Hl±^ (' _, Cii ('„. N|.Xi> _.£. Cit. r,< liiA ■ II,',,!,- Ca Co. \:\Cii Co ,co ■■or; r i 11 •' Cn Co J I ■*rtr/,n,l\ " 1 — - Cn .Co . \->0 iO'J Ca Co >nrj *i ','/" il • r-L ^ '^ ■JWW" (son p .-/ Thomjosc /I I JV.''//fWt«.v .v:/f /,n fOO .•/>('tf f .s'on :-o U^ "vTv— ^' ^^'^ • ^-'^ ■ iV_ J '■(-■ _^ T/o. . 6V . -^j £-'oU(s O.')'// fr on ^M.'f./herA-'^'r/i'iit' , I . I Cr,,„phf/f \ 'r. ! ^- ., Lj ^-lL- X\77/ I'f/'/ •To roi ^■.'^ ' ,0 1 Jf't/i XVII • ..^^,0 > i ■ ni. vn rh J (■ (.J-li In- 1- r.: I ^.is — i.-N.^ ^ x/v -1^ A^icV \ .\Buchnii- ttii -'■■ I'C/tnin-fff ~-f' I ^ '1 M . Vf ( .llTMt /J., ■..w.\-.'io\ '^ ?^ ,!'.« "' (^) Il CtxCe. ■ .IJIilUi-Olt -ffOi lou 1*^ 50 r toe * i^Kfoii fffi f^i •% .«1*TR. • I, 'r.OT.onnoj- :7C I, PTRya II. ■;o , fa Co. '00 i: ,rdf^j:.eoct (,3) '^ n .:' _ •It .«■ i! R.^lnii.itrong sn 22 ._ i.9\ ^ttpkr It •Viu ft r r .p Eilfiotl TO /(>h ri ( 'i'ft'rTTi '' C(l .Co ■ \Vr'\l,„■ro^y.i•,. [kY \}>' ^ "" ■- iJ'S'3' Va^-,s '•:.' -■ -v!?/-. . 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'?:'; "T is ~is ~Z7 u s^ tsa/e: E N lun r-i--|-7-7- Fi?a.r MillLoi l-'ark Lot F I'll rk Lot /•; V / -i«- ,Ji I 2 7. iS|'.'» /« LOTS C I' If X. go' XO K NO ! Sine .uiir- I a AN i r.ot CON VI LOT 10 T ../ O /^-?L li ?• O i^' / ?. f^ L A N or C Jx* /: iJ I T o X IN T ri E TO\^ N SH / P or 5'^ ^ J=^.H E N COUNTY or H U FiO N in ■^in/v. /() Chei-iriS . / i.iic/l. LiriLtf: B I'.t l.ots 9 Ss- 10 H Hihr If '<> I*, i < I MUB.^. ;%T-^*ir"'f^>y-^:V''' I / 'y\'t//,y • S iW'll list on. •[ ^ i V* MtW'-"i".' ■ "■ '''•''''■i^jM. .iwiwuimiiBiniiHp HHaMI f^ES.OF R.H.C0Z2E>lS GoDEf^lCli, OjvjT. WW!^*^-''' F^ESIDEHCE OF W(I.L(/\M LlNKLAJER Co^.13, LOT 39, E.'a>w*^IoSm, T?, Oj.T. F^ES.OF Dt^. SLoa)4, Blyth, 0;^T. f^ES.oF JosEPK 6oj.DTHO«^PE,Co|^.3, Lor 1, ColqorjnI e Tp. Oj^t. ".isia""-™""' "-stWwwwi^FW^sawiyeifrt^. - >l / J^ ■"* Wv « t-, it w -a k% jO --^ ^— h |UJ!^pJf(J*K*i|>S^-!<<«^--'- - ;^.. XftO^ L0DGE^;F(ES.0F JoHf^ l^UF(DOCH,C0H.13,L0Tlfi,-/\S^FIELD Tp. 0}J F(es.of F^OBEFiT Cu[^f?iE,Co|t.|4,LoT 41, E.v/^wAHosii Tp. OM", ''Willow Ba^k:[^es.of Da^vid E>yDiE,Co)^.10,LoTl6,TuRHBEFls<^'»Ara^Sb7^rr58s:^V^ mA"! :i^.n„^^"-'^/^n'^".^/ -^ 7P)U0^ W&B It,, '--^ Jr^'^'"^'^"^;*! :5?<.,, ^'-ro, mm " /^S^ ,'■'.'« \ o ° """.Urn *'■ i-/'*"' .^J^-^T^r. ^k^l-^^^^ '^^■^fm '^^SL^SKMBS gs/^^^^^^a^r ^feAp'^ssis^^:^ ^•^p^-^ivi.-^Tf-^-^ . njK y^rj ''tyi^:}^ZTT>. 4-4>^ O o ■^r'"^^ 'Wv;"vy'"''.«'i?^" " '«-.>iC"^r: "-".v i)«„'^^V;'''"'''»^,.f ''¥^Z"o-"'^ ^':i^^^V'^o "^rT'^' ■'"'U/O'Q o^>. ^^^^-lii ;w; '"/-JO '/"/»y-' ^'"^n^/ip.v^^^Vl t^^ ■851111^ jrxaxv.Lg .^o mvog 3 ■'s-iipjjV-*' %^.d .^.^^ "V/. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ,j5 IIIIIM m us IIM 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] ..^3 'A VI ■c*l <5>j :^^ 7 ^* ^^ 0}\ 7M Photographic Sciences Corporation ,-\ « ^ \ \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) B73-4S03 r^^N % ,<'' C<'x W, Ua i ^anoe route \ w»^f "^ ,-^y 1 — ^^ u^ — -- 1 '',, „ij»r ^ ".9 Bar ''ih\ ft BatteattJc P^ ^g^ vc. ..^"'5t U :?^ 96 95 -U.X- _<.._i.o ./y/ iM) PART or THE DISTEICT OF f}<^ l^^'iir*">:t^v ■/'<^»^I4'^ Hxr 1 A^ )■ ^ SHEWING THE TOWNSHIPS & SETTLEMENTS \\WN FROM THE LATEST GOV. MAPS, SURVEYS^ REt FOR 'HPTPTIT^ THE PILUl^JE I'iiOMNCE ^ TOWNSIHP DIAGHAM Shtyving the nmnner of NTJMHEmisro TUK SK.C'l'IOisrs __,.._j.-_ ,^ — ,- -J — _ — ^ — . — JH-JO ^A dRW 'estinacott (kt le due 3,'(h\9-9\-tB'\ 'IJ frfl- * -« ^-\ i^i-S \-^ \-^- SURV Karri TowTxtihip is tJlfilcs Scfunrf „ Sfrh'nn .. 1 ., " /' Cottfmtut h'Kf rrrres rif^ffrftirPS m. ■^K ^K ^ ' \ Afuunlpd Poficf SititiotiH marki-i] thus a liuiif/a, Trfitfn fi c „ ,. — Cfntrrhfs .... ,i - 6 > ^liUs . .,....,». * i neiyMv abovT tfi^ Sea arf rnarktd in J^ft 67 94 Lx. n :oF mv^' t ttlTC ILEMENTS SW/CKS (£ REPORTS VINC^E <^ 1 ± '\-' ^1 ic Mile» ' GEM 'estinacolt Del. i-^ X SUR\fEfS Red I Mo. H^dL rsi 1^^- i"' Ji i^ .)0 49 \ I^Tifrrrd firrorf/tru/ /ff thf Act of L'aTlinrufnt t <^^ of CoTuidn in the if far /Sfft bi./ Jas.Ch'lami HatuiJiori, ftt the (fffiff of fjir Alhiitifcr of ^qrifijflitr^f. iY/C 105 J02 mmm ivr..y^ I 5 - t idnwi "Df^f ier /:^//t/Ll %ii ^fe'^/W^ i\\*4 /''« /Tr^^^jUr'.i^lr^/^^r vx'-»"'"'";>, T ^^i^^^ al i. 1 \CtjiHI lb j-rj v/cr wf/A Stf j.U" >.Ar .^ J. '^ riivr'r /! a^JUi roiJI /.^ im I I //3 • "i- :-~^— I 1 ^^ ftSrin7 ^, '5: -^^ t— >■ nr ^ I 'Jtoa 'nffM "■ '>,f MKlVWINlTi: ■'5>.,, "y^^-^ >trr :^ r' .y .?'' M^hife Mouth K(0 .Inkf /' ^^a ^ ■i) V.cS^V'^'^/ foE Wf, i,.J-ii>aeon Chippf-was f104Sf 7 9€ ^J wmtm fifly^y-^amr Water!. ).^^6u .JO -i'f I :i I IP MilliHIIIIIIil 'I li: I 11 r ■ '^iiy' ^. f ^x.:a^^&-''\vi ''8U>JSY SlDE'^'Fi.ES.OF J0H|4 KeRH'GHAI< Co^ S. LOT B.GOLBORf^E Tp. OJ^T. Hotel aJ^lD FaRNj of C.D^vis Residence of George 1*1? Kibboh WiNgham Ont. Beaver Bu i i.GOLBORt^CTP. Oj^T. wJi([V^ff'>««*">-''^'^ vjr W/\LTOH-HOTEL,C.S/^GE Pf^OP? "\V^LT0H,MORillS TP. 0}^T. ;;^;*-^*f^ik;ci^:j;^:' ; , . ._ ' ,. !TiW^e*'^**?/WESPir'. ^wl ■ ■■■ ■-■■:L^jA.-r.r.-^^...agj«««lig»aHllti1MW»»»«il»I>»--,^T-«-. ■ ^ .^»'._l-«<.-.ii r.Pi.jr,u, J J-i\"llMim . l/^ ! . , 07 nc ;■; a ii) G-iliJNJ iliKAJj^ MAP riE THE leied States and the British Possessions ons M II t •iM«'SKv^;;>Vss>*tv';^^"''"' '" ' L U'l . L> ir«:-% -^iv V'..v iJ/-,L3iHE"t ohuP8.Fuh^itijf,■■,<•;';>;;:,■ ,.>i. ''■ '^^^v ■ ■■;■ ■ "''>'i?Ss-V;>,0-. ,■■■■ :/ i iv ',■■;■',•;."■"■■"' 73 !!*»*•■ '"%'K:'"-':-': ■ "5 A&^^Y, c^/^/^, ^/ llLLS, KE3IDENCE &.l-|OTEL Of WILLIA^M V^NSTO^iE ^ • ■.vprj^pa|Sg»S»fa^>«t;^<;i: -ri r .^;iy!-*!* ... i.,3,._ ( ■ 1 r..u-k-liink. I' ■ ]«r. \V, H., Ir i.'.iiii}il'oll. .luhii .- .>. T. C |i.>'.,onl. Nihil " jiiii.l. fii-.irge.. ... .1 " Krwiii. 1 1 . . , " K.iiTcli, \V. W •• I'lMar. .\. S K.iir. i'hi'iiias iirir".v. J I' lJiiM", -MllOpllt-TSl'll * I M tt.-v.l.iii \- Kinlavson ,. '.i!- 11. .\. M., M.D.. l!...v, II ILirtt, f. A a ;:,i.5. K A .! I. w ... l: I :.--:il.'ll V, Indllf ,. K.Ti-f .rl, Uii'hir.1. , . "•*' v«[i^..ii. Tiiomis, . -.;•, .\ s ^'I't'l'.ini Jc ('oiiiHT. Un,;,ii!i, ,1.. It .\ f '^\'.- tu'll, .ramea. . V\",L'i 'II, treoriif ..v.. Ai.. mall Briitheri, .. '\ ■•-, W. !•; 'A .;i,, t. W.. ^V,ri. liiMther*. '■V..t,,.it, H Ii ^.i;i, 1,11,1.- .\ l.iv,.ry .•t'al'-iin .-\gri.iiltiil\il ware. St.iv. s, Tiinvart-'. ,iii 'I-'.n^laliil. t'eaier in I'laiios, Dr^aiis, .unit 1 .Musical .Mi'ivhaiiilinf Canaila , i llutihiT I'anaila I'liliiiitt Mak.-r aii'l rpholNtt-ivr, . .. (uTinany . . . Kl.iiiraiiil, (..11. Cico ni'a.'i aiiaija !,. . . Uivisi.'ii ( i.urt I'l.ik, lin*iuaiK-i .ViriMit, 1111.1 ( '..iiVL-y,tlict'r .(' M.H'liiuit Vaiiaila r.istniast r |"i.nlhiliil ... . lifiK-ral .Mcicli lilt , ....I Canada laii.l . -Manufa.tiiriTs ..f Tlir.'-tiiiig .\Ia- cliiiifs, .■\j,MiLiiltur il St... nil Kii- giiifs ami g.-n.-tal K..iiii.irv Work ... liMcuis " . I'liysi.ian I' i' iuui .\'yiit-l,aw .11 r..s , ('iiiivi.yaii..r, .v"i; . . I'nilo.l Slates Atl.irney-at Law, Notary I'lihli., I ('.iiivi'yan.t'r, aii.i l.aii.l .\ueiit N.*w Uiun.swi il-Aiittirs an.i I'r.tpiiet.irs ..f flint. .ii I .V.-1.- i:r„ 'liroLL-ries jiiil l*r.>visi.iii;^, .. Sf.itlaii.l . . . ( 'Id! Ill 11 1; .M' r. haul Kiiiil.iii.l lUveiy St.llil.s, Diak-r in Horses Taiiit.T l-aiiilanii . . . . 'M.iiiaji.T I'.ms.ilt.latfil Hank Faltllilig .Mill Ntaiuti.ietnrers Luinlier>, -Miiiiiil'.i.-turors of II.I..1-, Sa.h aii.l, I'ro- Iiriel.irs .>! Clinton riiniii^' Mills l'r.i|ilietor of (,lil.'.ii'» r, I'roini.t.-tr ..1 t'liinin. i.ial li..til , Ii.-lan.l , 'si'l.ller, A-.r t'ana.ia llea.1 .Mast.r, M.iilel S.I11...I - l>e(iiity Ina| ..f W. iuhts aii'l i .Measiir.'s, Unroll, . I'ana'la . Statii.ner .111.1 T-iwii rl.ik . . Ciinaila liein-ral Sewilitr aii.l Knittuiii .\l.i- 'liine ,\u.iit, I'' an I nr;;aii /\^. nt . . Kiij^lali.l , reacliel . . Hotel K.'e|i.r Kimla 111 . I' .il riin eof Wales Hotel. ,r, . I'mpii. lor ..I liitli'iiliiiiy 11.111— Vaiiala Manastir of Stai.lei.iii s.ilt Woiks. r„iM,lii ('.il.iiiet Mi.k.r aiei I'll leil.ik. r Knulanil llestaniatit .111. 1 c '..ntetliotiery. 1 ' ,|ii.'i .Merelialit.s I'lin ipal .It lli.uh Sel 1 an. I Pre- si.l.-lit ..f .Mivliaiii.s' llistitill... S..oilan.l , r 111, II.. ..ts an 1 Slio.s. 'rninkH, N'.illses, .V.' I'liiiaila . . ISnli. 'I' Brokpis, liual tsiiite aii.l li.siiran.ii Ajii-iits , . ' 'aiiaila Chcnii-t an.l Dniiiiiist Kiiflaii.l, L'hmiist aii.l Iini«i; KiiL'l.iiel l'lioto>; an.l |)e;i|.-i in .Miisi. - al Instruineiil!... I'ainter .... rana.ia IJoiikselliT an.l Stalionei, .Ai;.iit .Vin.'ri. an Kxj.ress I'.i. ami I'o I minion 'reiearapli •'... C.iia.ln iiioi»Kitirii \>-; t'oz/ens, li, H 1 IH.', , lames. |sils I Davis, 1:. N I.S4V! I, l.S4r Uoyle, H. 1. Is;'s lionliip, Huijli I'., "ling, Kpliraim l.siil 1!-4S , Kiiiliiv. .lames H lS,-i;t Kl.teher, U.'V 1 'liarles I FiTKnson, 1> I liililioiiH, Uol.ert. ISliS I Carrmi, ,1. T ... . ... ' H..rton, lloraee IS,-."! ' Moskei. E l.s;;l ., •riioniiis- ., Hem \ KV18 II. .It, I'liilii. 18.54, W. .\1. Hiittv, Kie.l. . . . 1874 KS«li 1S77 IS.-e'. 1 S.V.I 1 s|l,-) .l..liiist I). F, \V, .Ionian, F, ., .IdhiiSiiii, F.. I., .lolinston, (■. It . Melioiiall. Ilaniel.. M.Fa.l.leii, \V. H. MeI.eail, A. 1' . . M.I.ean, lioljirt .. Melnlosli, .lanie.- A Mel'lain, William . MiKirhuiis.-, T. .1. 1s71 'i Maltiii, Fli.iah IS.-.l ;, Martin, Henry. islirt '] Moore. K. F " I lS.-i7 II Miller, .1. U.ibertson I 1.SII7 '-i l,'<4'.t I Nieholson, M.ileolm ' ijUxilvies .^ Huteliison : 1S77 ' l'ars..ns, r. -i^e II., 1,S,1-,! ,ll'..llev, A. M l>.7ti ,| Fulilie U.iar.l 1,SI7 , Tnisl.e- . , IstiS .1 r.atman, .\ H . I H..SS, A. .M. l.s.W ! Ka.l.-lilf.., Ui..liar.l. 18118 I I Ka.lenliiirst, li. A Is,-,) i U..l.eri-..ii, W. 1; .. |s,-,.-, 'Lsipiiir, W, I! Simini.ns. .\. (' 1S7"2 iSij'i'i/ I'rintinu I'o, ISll 1 Seiim-r, 1 liarles, ,Ir ls;tH I Sniitli. .I.raliam. , Is44 M S .lames lSi,4 i IMIJ ll Stia. Ii.iii. |i. 1 ■ isils Sliaiinoii. W ll. Sllinly, (Isnal.l,-.l Stotts', William ls,".n T.iln.-, Isaa. F. ■|'lioiiips..n. li. It. Triieihiii, C. .M I s.V.' 1 ^'i.'l l'7:t 1^7■-' \\:..l.. 1; K , W.iii.linan, .1 . U'llli.inis. .I.isepli W I.o.k, K W.lls. Heiirv West. Fr.'.l All trews. .Stuphi'D..:. .'noiUrieh, Keorge 3 1 ■>, II. Y. , . l'..i'ik of,.. II. 1!. H. W. .. !'. itl'-y , ,latn.-».. ' ti>!ne. If. ' iint'ltfU, William.. ' -oft., BiMijamiii ... ' iinpi.iti, K . .. . ' iiii'-roii, M, IJ '1.-. .1 r. ■'i-irt. .lames ..... ll.'nrv . "le. (iiiori^e. h IllltcUer , KllL'lali.l t'uminereial A^f.-nt nf the ri.ite.l ,Stiilt'8 at li.i.luri.'li, an.) for tile r. .Aoemies at Stratfiiril., rajnieistoli, «i.-., *e . |l'nite.l Stat. I'ropiietor of Sail Well. Dealer anili Itrf.'iler.if Stu.k I I, H. Fmluv, A(,'ent j . Kiinlanil. . I'lopiiftor I'nion llotul Irelaml .Snlicitoi- ICanaila . . Dealer in Bouts an.l Shoes, .lalt I Dealer .jstaple ami Faney Dry timals 'Solieitor 'SoIi..itiir ; !..\uetioiiier, Insurance, H.'al Kstate ! an.l Ceiieial .Ajtelit yoiifei-tionery (iroceran.l l.i.pior Dealer l)ru(/iiist ' aiisila l.'anailii . Iri'laml. (.'aiiinla 1 'aiiaila .. I'anailii laiylaml Ki.Klau.l 1.S7-' 1^71 ls7:t I s,vj is:i.i is7:t .; I8al .1 Ic57 Amenl, .loLiii; Al.ell. .li.s.-l.h Itiiiik .(J roinmeree. l'.«'tiHon, ,1a. lies II Itti.', .lolin II. ('oleiiian vV li.iuililo. rar.ln.., .A I'lill. r. II rainplii'll, Willimn lanipliell. .I.ihii, M.D.i, li..v. W. F.; Carr.ill, .loliii W. Dewar. .Xrcliilialtl Dent, lleoij^.i Davi Ihoii, .'Uexamler. Duiiean * Duman. . j . S,.iif..rtli lt-72 l.'.V,! '] , f»67 11 Dorsev, .lolin .1 IS59 Duwni'y, Th"m«i f tlie Coimtv of Huron. V(»l»KRl(il Coiitliiiicd Settlt'it in Co NAME. POST OFFIOE. t Con. Lot. i«r: } c.iz/i-iis, li. H IMO I |).ivis. C. N i-iii l^.■.;^ lll.ksoh, .\ivllilwl.l li..yl.-. It. I.. ii'iiii"]'. Hugh i'l' Miiig, Kpliriilni l-ll.hlV. .I,1IIR'» H Kl.t.'lur. It.'V (.■li;ui>'» FtT^'UMlll, I) CiIiIk.hs, Uoliurt, ISllS ' Canon, .1, T II-'rloii. ilnraL-e IS.-.M ' llcsk.-i. K lS7;i I il""l. Th iia Hiirton, Hcnrv . . . . KS.jS ll'ilt, I'liilic 1834 W. .\1. . . Iliiltv, Kri'.l l.«74 .r,.liiisi 1). F. W, .I.TillllI, K, ., .IdllMSnll, K. I.. ,l..linsl..ii. (;. li , .VI.-liMMall. D^nji-l,. M. I'^a.Kii. W. H. M.l.iaii, A. 1' . . Mil.tan, ... . NU-lntosli, .laUKi.-. A ISi;il 1S77 1 !.•.■; IS.'ill Miriam, William .. IMi.'i I,, v. .1 lv71 M.iitiii, Klijali IS.'.l .M.irliii, llwiiy l^lili ; M.MPrc. K. K IS.'iT ' Millir, ,1. UnbiTts..n l.>.ii7 - l.xi'.l ; Nicliulsnii, M.iK''>lin i.t;;ilvit'i( A; HuU-liison '■ 1S77 'I I'!ii>c.n>, i; ■7'1 !| I'ul'llc llnar.l 1.»I7 ! Tnisl.i'^ . 1 -'■.■> ; I'latiiiaii, .\ II ' I!..»s, .\. M. Iv-.i; Ita.i.hir.-, Ili.liar.l. i Kii.icrilmrat, li. A l-.-,l i H..l.fil-..ii, \V. It ,. I-.-..-, i.-<,ini.r, \V. I! . , Siiiiniiiiis. A. (.' Is7- iSii'titt Printing I'o. isl 1 I Sc.imT. I iiiirk'-. .Ir ls;iN ; 1 Siiiitli. .lirahiilii. . Iv44 ■'.■;iiili.l.r«. . 1 11111.-1 l^'.l . IstiJ '■'■ Str.i.-lnni. 1 1. 1 ■ isti-- Sliamtnri. \V. 11. Sliirilv, ILsnaM . I •»,".( Stiitts', U'illialii , , I >.'.(! 'I'.mi.-, I».i.ii V. I'h.m,|,«,,n. li. K. I ^.'I'J ■|'riK'iii.iii, ('. .M \\:,.l,. i; !■; . l-7:t \V.i...lMiau, .1 . 1^7■-' Willi. Mils. .losL'|.h .- \V I,,„.k. K W.IK. IKniy IMli W..i.t. l-r.'.l i>:..i .Vniciit.; A1..11. .I...H..i.h Miuik .(J I'otiimerrf . r..', ,la!tU'« il 1-77 hr..'i.lf....t. 11. .. r.iK'iiian A 1 J.iuinlfnk, 1-7'.', A l>7l i-7:t Iiill. C. II 1 ».•.•-• raMii.l..'ll, William .I.jhn. .M.H is:f!i 1 aii,|.lii'll. If. v. W I'. 187:i rarr.ill, .l.iliii W. IMf.l liiivar. Artliilialil . 1 1p57 lil'Ilt. liu.iiK'i 1 Pavi Ihiiii, ,.\luxaiult'r. 1 I>-72 IMinuan A Duticaii. . i fW7 1 Dorst'v, .Iiilin 1 1S5» Duwni'y, Th"!im» Siaf'irtli BUSINESS I.uniIhi I1..1I.1 .■i:i>i.'i?ti.ii liii^iiiiili ... ri.stiiia.'ti-i. .. Law . ... Mi'i-.liaiit rail..!- ..i.Maiiiila.tiuvr iiii.l 1)..i1,t in Hn..!- aii.i .--liiiit* . .'A(ifiil Hank 111" M.mtifal ami Masor ] iif i;.)iiiMifii .. ...;(.*lt•^^yMian an. I Is-uei .it .\Iairi:i>ji' LlVC-Il'.CH . . . ... (icn.'ial .ML'ii'liaiit . . . . .. Slii'iiM ..I Cuiity .. Harrisler ...]M.r. Cull tit! Hiiriin , . . ., 1 Kri'iHT. M.iillaiul lluiiac. .. ...iStiwl hi.s| ...jllr.icur ... . jHarii-ti',a« .....Miller. Dealer 111 F.'.-.l aniKirain. . lieslailiant I'arl.iur au.l Hilliar.i I . ..[ .... I'lieiiiist an.l l>iug;,'i8t . ..'I'li..t..(4r.i|iliir . . ,:l' '.nkiiij an.l Iiif.uriincr . . . Iii'i.. I'U-rk i.r tlie Crown . . 'IVinUter ....'.\Ier.-liaiit Tailor . . JHiiteli.r an.l U.-.iler ill St.ii-k , .. .... (ieni-ral Mi-i.liant an.l C T. 1! I Wooil C.intlii.tor .. I ll.-al.'r ill Stock an.l I. an.l ....Ili...ik5ell.-r ... 'Di-puly It.-eve .. Illiitel l'i.i|irictor ...I.\i-i-iiiintallt ...I'nlili.- S,l 1 liisii.'.' W. j an.l Town of i;...l.-ri. li .. .!l).-ntint, West stro.t Mer.liaiil Mill.i.s, Co.l.rieh liar hour Mills Ilanlware Merilinnt I.ivi-ry Stay.: an.l Ileal. -r in lloi>' ; NATIVITY I '11110.1 .Stali- S.iitlnn.l I'ln^laiiil I ' . l-hi>:lanil .Si-otlan.l .<,!aii.l. Seotlaml S...,tlail.I . ( 'aiiaila . Kn^'lali.l . Knglaiiil . S.-..llan,l.. I'!nu'liinil . Kii),' . Cnna.lii .. Knglaiul Cauaiia Knglainl .Sciitlaml Canatia L'aimita Cniiaiia Scotland iCanaila I 1842 I'an.iila 18-44 1 Year Buttled ni Co. r-74 i,s;w 183ti l!*48 1 MV.i IS74 1803 1847 lS.'iB 1892 18fi4 1832 1,S«1 uri7 1832 IS.aS 1.-71 U70 1840 18f.7 18(il 1842 1844 1874 185 lielin.l Thi^laml jl'niteil States. . k' irnileil Stales.. otlaii.l . ollalid. I 1840 1854 1843 184.1 1803 1870 IS47 ,Canaila | 1874 I'anaila 1837 Cnite.l Stati-a. IS02 C. Cralilio, Cliaivnian . . l'rolirl.t..i ..f Alliion Hotel. County I reaMlrer... ( Loa'i So.ii-tii-a Line.s Itarri-ter. iVc .... II leneral .Mereliant. j*i.-nior -Uul^'.' IN-opnetor of t;,„/t r an.l Agi'lit f.iil anil Steamsliiiii .iCanatla .. .!Seotlanil.. V/i .SViii- . Canada.... . . . CaliHiia ... 1834 18fi0 1870 1870 18(>7 1847 Kn^'laiiil. Kli^Iali.l li-otlali.l. ' Menliaiit Tail..r . IMnnili'i- an.l Tinsniill St. IK- Heal, r ill (iro.eiies. LVocki-ry, an.l I'r.ivinions , S. otlaml Wine an.l Spirit .Mei.-liant . .- I'anaila.. Itak.-ran.lConi. ti.iii.r. ... (]aiiada . ., . Livery and lleali-r in Horses.. . Kiiglaiid .,.,.. ilniiio'r.luilne ;Cannila . T'hoto Arlist fanada . '.Vn.ti.iiie.r, Comniisnion an.l I.ati.l .Viieiil ; Tin-I ' Loan C,i. .M.iney to Loan. ..... Itairi-trr-at-Law ,.| '-Xttorney-nl-Law.. ..,;,... Lninlier .Maiiufaiturer , I,, Kslate .-Vni-nt I* ..!..... Ilrewei mill Malt'.ter I'r-.pri. tor of .Villi. m Hotel i.l LnKlan.l . liiiLll uid Ir.-laii.l .. Ir.-laiid . Knulan.l. lOnglan.l. iKngiaiiiL 1870 IS.^ifl 18.17 lSfi9 1847 1852 1848 1801 1874 IS,'i2 1809 1848 1 SJ.- I -.!2 1872 .seilOKTil. . Hanoi Maniifactory tierniauy. Knglnnd .. Stave Liver M. r. Hayes. Manager Harrister A AUorn.y-at-Law Canada Mannfai'tnr.-raiiil llnilder Canada.. !Maiiuf'»of Salt, l.nniliir, Staves.&c jpropri.tor of .Nlii.-ii- Mall, Hakcr an.l l.'.iiife.-ti.iiier, H.-al. r in lii-neral (iroeeri.-H, ^e ,. S.-otland . I.loli rrinlir England . iMi'ieliant Tailor, .Main Strc.t ... Nova ,Si-o jlMiy-tieian aniMiiroi'..n. . Iclaireli of Lnglan.l CI. rgvnian Camilla., jl'roprietor of the C.-ntral ll.itel . . Canailii . Tn«pe.; of I'lildi.; H.liools Canada .. (ielii'ial Hryli Is Kliglalid I'ropr. of the Coniinereial Hotel.. Ireland . Ilrv l< Is. Cl.itliiiiL'. .Millinery and Nl.intlus .. ,, . ' Irelaii.l . lien' I lUa.-kNiiiitli.V Carriage Huil.ler lielan.l. l.unilterini: aii'l l-'arniiiig Irelati.l 1870 183(1 IS(i2 1 KK\ I Sot) 1-877 1868 I80H 1872 I8,'i8 18.'.1 r M (> n T M POL 7\ / / '"*-*. ^ '<:<^^ / '..,rf,' / 7 ^ W.-.,_ ^"^.•-^. '".'-.. © 'H,, '";-<»/ ""^a. «•(» U^'A^ m"^. aI>it>]fo1 ""'♦J* '"/*/ ""orfo, .'^, '<•/ ^-^^^Z-:'"^/?,,, 7 >'*"-^v»L.vv„, — w •*•'.'*.,, "=""f^*,,„ -Jh" •yom/ -fJJ^Pnmrl^ fftnt4r^,„g t rS'l.iiriifi m fhnt»i ^^*oh4J ^»*afoo/ ' j_.— ■"Will ■ ^ — "' ■ _^_,j rrjo *yi6 , o 15 - +- r' i^o >•":"■" ^ lajo H^O lOUATOW up . CmlU P O-^v' L T*w,y,.,yN K S I A „^«„-^.^., ,J^..o, •J-hr.n.rl J^_^Jt^., _ t-.™*.".' OH.. "Vk. / '.jw'../-™".""-"""*"*" .^•X ' J»ri»' if"''' . «-»* \ ^„.r J5>\ ♦* .^►-'^"\- \ ^' \l>:.. 80 UTM pot I It ?r- '^■^ -.(T- • *■ » m r in'""' . . r » » < V ^% y .-.T • i'i V K ,1 '.' lt.loiDbtjl't"«rf» It;*..' ^■ ibnd Unoij A'.VfiJ A '/'ii(*.llr l«lnnda|, ■Jtatdn-tt ■ff'9""°« — ^^a i! *L_ .Uj]l..f""''"-' -i .■*» i ' ( MAiirilnIi Jt'ilnyiir ■ 'o.. ,ai« ^m'f'^' •'•»'<'"' '■ .^Uttriimnt / / nr"U-- ''r«iv. Nl.ii IXIlT, .1. \V«, Vi'lliiir ' 'i.i> , Ail.mi (•nmoii, \Vill<;ini lli>">, M I' IIi.'IhIi'I'ndii, l|<-ll<'. I'l.niua'. M.lMlui* \Nillu. , M I...,,, M, v., I .M'N.'iiiL'l.l, |i.. ..i ] .M.'ioMMm, .1 ! MitHi mI>-. .Iiuiini ', S\„r, |i ! Mr(',Mi>;lii'V .V lli.llllv I ■ ,1 111, 11. \V .iiikilitnii, Willinin .■ Hair)- . -Mot.ri', * liiiili-« Miiil.liy. I , Miiiit'i. Mnk'Mliii.. , , ,M.-.V1T, I I Miiii'iiN, A.l'! .'I Smith .Miir|ihv. lUv Ininr" ' .MiiiliMlliinil. Ailiiiii. I Ni'lHiLT, Jullll j ( >i;ilvicf* ,V Itlltl'lUHMll. I I'llllll.Ul \ 1,1 j INiWfll, Mriion I'.ilMt. C, W ll.iluils, .Inhll .>< Ilnsr, II. II Itnt.l,, HuKh liuii.'ililiiii, .1. S StL-|ilifiiH. i'liMuiaa.. ,. SlriMii;, Alolizo .st.wart, .hiiiio'i Si-ult, llr. .Iiiiiioil |l. .. Tli'Husnn, .I.iliu Hviifiillli Van Kgnii'ii.j. A. »• . '••rcw, II 1,, M.n, 1, .l.ihn. ui'V, .\lr.<. K. A . 1,11. n illllL'S ,. <, (■ WiN.Mi, .Iniiu.... Willi. .Ii'v, <;«u ... Wliili'suli-, 'i'Ikiii^-u . AuHlin, W lt,iikl.v,.l S ltl:il. lil..r.l.v\V»;t'lilliT il lluirti'iiH .M.tkiT, Tiniiki* IUkI N'iillHl^ II. it. I l'ri.|iiiiliM> link NOTIVITT Iril.iii.l '■.IIM.IU ( 'ati.ulii .".Mil I .".'.. ll.iM'l Ir.'inll.l I 'iiiin.l I raim.l.'i l'■M^liUlll . Iliii.jmti-f M.-r.'JniiitN ,, rnnailit |iMijfi«t . I.iiiiiiiili'ii .V Wilaniii '.iilliiiiil . IMii. I hiii.t mill >li.iH .Miiinifn. tiiriT- . lI'iilili^liiT ll'i'i"! KtfU'nli,ir rmiiul.i . .llif;*iiiitli Jiiiil Vi ti-nntiry ^iirtif.iii -'•ciiil.-inil lllulll"-.! lilMil.l ' . I'llllHil.l |'|-.i|initii|. Ill .S'llli'llll ll..ii«r Cilll.l.lll , IliiiiUiiiiil.'r . ,M. iitlanil Wiii-lm Wi.iii, A., . . . lii.r.*. TlioniiiHS . (iilli.ii.'M (; iruw, r Ooilina, V. .1. , . . II.i.l);infi,V M.'liitiiKli. Il.ilikirk, .T..I111 . .. . Hiunnioii.l, .1. S . ll.iwsnn. 1 liarli'S. . . llt'ii^'lis..ii, .laliltis... . Inylin&r.i , . ,. .Iiir-lmi, \Villi,.^iu ... •la.kH.m, riioina-s 11. K11...V, 1; I,..Mtllll'X, llii-.'iiii . . I.iit, .I..I111 M .\I. Kilili lli'iirnc, II., Sr. . , .M.rCut.h 1. \V,J. ! Mycr, II. W. (• ; .M.irt.Mi, .1. A MiU's. Cliarl.'s F V it.-ll, .LisL-pli IM-all.mliaii, I l'ro.;, .lulu. (i.. , \ 1'aik. II I'nult, .liiiui-a Kis.l.m, .liiscph Uiti-liie, .Iiilni li.iliinsiin. II. .M.ftCi. ('. Tilit .Smytli Hr.ilhtira S.'oltH: ISi'll .Sniitli t IVtIlii'k Strong, It. .S., Jr Watsim, liixie ' WilUi.n, It. .tCo I Willi.iins, (.'. K haiiintrr.*. A'..- '.,, .S'hiiiil 'IVai'lii'i C'liiiiuU l,iM-r\ *( 'iiniiila Hii.ks, .'^tjriiiii.Ty .in.l K.tii.y itii.i.1..* ' 'aniula riii.t..i,'raiili.T " I'auaila S.-Miiiu' .M.I. hiiii'ii mill Aijrii-iiltural liMpli'iiii'iiN. ... ..... f 'aimilii I'|.iii.:lii4 ..I' all km U M.iniifa.-tiiru.l. I'Hiiaila Cli'ik .ii' ilii' |iivi«i..ii r.iiirt , , (li'iiiiany .. I'. . .It ami .Sh. 11. Milk. •n . ,. I' 11 (' rl..i>'\riian . , Cniiail.i Mill.T, l!.i\l...i.>' MilU.. Irt'lanil Maiiiilai'tiiicr 111 Ai:ririiltiiral lin- pli-m.'iiti ami Kiiiiiiiler lifrinany . ... !.\iiii.ii Ciirnaui' lliulil.-rf* .. . . Canaila Itiiiiv.l \Vali'« ItuiikH. .>>latiiinury aii.l Kam-y (inu.lN ( 'anaila CllrniiNt an.l Iirii^^'iMt 'Canaila ll.ii.Mal (, hi-xt ilii..i- t.i r, (I. Si'iitlanil I'nrk I'ackiiiK .mil lifiirnil Krm'i-rii'H .**.'i>tlan(l Kiiiitiilry Caimila I'iupiii'ti.r of i,iiii'i'ii'» Muti'l Canailn ItiHiiraiK iMtii.l Itral Kntatu .\i{c'tit . . Camilla Ilnpli lit .Aiifiit ranailii l'liy..ii-i 111 ami .'ni|< .Murcliant Kn){lnnil lU'iilrr ill .Si.ivrs au.I Tiiiuari; rnitf.I States . . I.iviTV St^ Kii^Ihii.I Ml! (■ I' , Miinlier rulloKe S,...llnn,l . ]Mill I' Caimilu . Tlii.l..-ra|.li.T .iri.iinii-t.'r I liinin Bakery, Kiiglaml .jl'aiiiter i'aniulA .il'riiprii'tnr llinsli'y Unilsi' C.tliaila .iMaK'.ii an.l l'la..feT.'r I'liilt'il States.. .jKilll.ii ami ri'.p. ot Wiiiijliaiii '/'."o Kiii^laml ..,,. .iK.liti.r.v I'h.p ..I Hi i;;li:im .|./r...i.. Kii^lau.l ,. ,, .jMu'r. <'..m.nli.lal<..l lliiik ..r CanaJ* .I'ivil I-aigiiieer I'aiiaila .iTea.-lii.. . Iri'laiiil Hiitel Kei-per ami .Maeliiii. ly .\^eiit Canaila . .Malinger (' iif Canaila ri.ipriel..r» It.iyal llitil ... (teiieral (Ir.uiTi. s ,^ I'r.n i.^ St.n-L- 1 'anaila.. Dealer in .Sewilii,' .Ma.-liilies, .Mm^ieal ■ naila. . ll 'ana. la.. iKiiKlan.l. ll 'anaila . jl-'.ii|.lan«l . il'ln^laiul . laii.l . . ( 'anaila . . I 'anaila . I 'anaita . Canaila . . I.'aiiaila . . .Scotland . Instruments, &c. ■ Il.iverv . Priiieipal Wincliaiii I'lililii |\ M.innla.liirers ('lleiiii.piiotiir iif Kxeli iniif ll.itel. . . I' nl' I eiitral lli.l.l . ., lllarnster anil— Ciinauliilat- ; e.l Hank Illarrister jl'roviiieial l.aml Siirveynr . I'mprii'tiir iif the i.ln.rn'a ll..t.l .((triuei & heal.T in KLnir ami l-'.e.l. . .-Vr. liit.el, Siipel'iiiten. lent anil Me I i-Iianii'al llraiiu'htsnian . Watelmaker iin.L.IeMellur ... ..Pri.prietnr l.s;ii 1S77 i»:iii I iw. I 18ii4 I IS.'iO ] IsR'.i 1^71! j is7i: ' l^7« I 184-2 ' .! ls7.'i J 1.S71'. .i 1844 ' ISii7 . ISlK . i.-iia .! ISOS I l.Mi- ..! 1S7I ,.' LSiiO . I lf.71 ..i 1870 l-'i vu Vu i!;;; (!.. Ii. 1:.. (.1. ill I III lU III 111 II, III III . Ill llr III III III 111 III III H. Ill 111 In In .1., Franco . I 'anaila.. I 'ana. 1. 1,. . Ciinaila.. I'ji^lanil Kiiglaiiil l.s-;) I 1871! 1 I87.i i US77 ' l.«77 I 1877 i 1870 18(13 I I8.'>7 1872 I 1877 l.S7r> 1877 187.S 1844 1877 KONS DIKICTOin- Ol TIM |!^KOK,M. lOWNMIir NATIVITY grltlgil I in fl» POST OFFICE Ott, Iri'Litxl 1 'iUMilll . Caii.iilii .•*| iM-r .. S...tlfii|.( Tniiikx t .111:1.1 1 raim.l.'i I'.iiahujil rnimi*u . n) . "^'otlniHl ni. . . 1 'lUIUtl.l . •iirKvttii .•^ClitljUlll riiiiinU St^ittiunl (lltMlU . •I'tiMiitIa V fiiHiilit t 'iitutiln ('niitiiU 'tiltiini t'iitmila tiiri'il I ItllUitll . y (iiiii'Ih I 'lUmitn . .. ... ilaiiattft . . Sicitlaii.l icH ScuttlUlil . . . ('iiimilA . . e.. I' t\.i(giit < 'aiinilii . ('itliin)n . . I'lilintlil . rmiiula . iirni Ma- CiuiiKln rnit«-(l StiitCH.. Kii^liin.l riiiiaild tiri'liniit rnilc'ilsinlos.. titll .. .. ( 'itri itliv CilWi'lu . . rmintla ACtiircr. Caimilii I 'iilliidii ,.,. l'llit«lStiit<'» , l(t:u hTi I'.M INA.1 I Mill in:. I 11*7'.' IvVi jHIH I «7;i i«;i) l?7- I Ml 1875 iw'm I |!-74 I I turn iN7.'i 1x112 IK Ml im'p.'l IS.i7 1-17 In.'iM IKIIII IXlIX IMi7 IMitt l»lf.' 18711 ixiin Kn^Iaiiil . . . I'liiti'il Stntt'H . , Knijlniiil llcnuS.-citliiiiil Caimiiu 11..J* . KiiKlniiil ( 'iiiiiuln . r,ill;l.l,l . I'liilcl Stati's - Kii^Iunil . ... IJiKlan.l I 'iiiiikIh . . In'liiiul . lit ('aliadii . if lf>77 1871! IS7.- AlliKMii. .Inlin ,\liilir^ili, .loliii ,\l(lll, Jiiliii" AlliM, I'll »> .\li.lri w, riiolnii*. . .\||,1|V«, .I..H|.|l|l , llr.M.i. M iii> (• HiMMii, .l"lai, li hi^WI'lt, TIlOlllllM. liiHiuniiif, .l\V.,M.I> Kriiivii, Willi nil. . ItHMtt, W. li .. tlalkwill, ,lniiM'«. Ili«li..l., .\ ,M I' r lllit.hfiinl, lli.'liiir.l ll.,WlTlii:lIi. 1 llriiiMi, il< lii\ lliyiii«, \\. ILilMiall, 'riiMlil.lH llrn.'k, Wlllmiii r.iiMv. II. H I'lii'iiiw. Imiie . I'l„rk, Nii'lh.liiK.I I 'nllti-l. Tli'Miiilx rami, llnliurt (ru.iv. Il.ilii'it ICIaikr, .laii,i'» I'laiU. WalUT I ( 'niik, 'rilDlllllH : CiiiiiiImII, Aiiilii'w.. r.manl. IL.I.rlt . . ;r.itt>-l, .liilili Cottel, AliiliruHU Orfw. Kilii'il Kni'Ur. Hay .... Khitur, . Kllmvilli' Ksvl.r Mil bit- lUilNIU H*Ti»iTy %i. ■>viviiiiii,l''iiiii i.nw.r J f'.iriH.i *iillnii'l .,,,.r.-.l K.iiiiiT *iitl«i..l »..».,...! Kariii.'i Hay II. ..lurl villi'. I. mill. y WitJi'lii'lHca. Kiikt.ili. INl'IlT — Wiiiiilliatll Knvlvr. l-"ar.jiiliar \:x,u< . \\'ilH'll«l»t'rt . NKIlj '» ' 11 nth' :l li 10 I 10 •I" K.iri)iiliiir . . Wiii.lH'Uea. Karijuliar . .. iKxctcr tsTIt llr.w. .I..I111 D.nwii-.l, rlimli'ii ,. Illiii. all, .M.'xaii-I.r n.'ll.ii l^..'.lli.'li.ii.l,.> ini ami >nr;ii'..ii MilllT ItunliT ami .M .imlV'tiir.T i.f liii Mniv, Ht-.v..., *.■ , *!■ r,,h.t.iiil,' .inil A^.'iii !Jil 'h'ari HI K.iriMiT 'i' l''..riii.'i 1. 1.1 AuiK'ulimal .X^i'iii lllii'kHiiiitliuii.l \Sa)(K.iii .Mak.r.. 1:1 l''arlii.-r. • ir. h'ariiit'l- . ■ A ram,. -I .. ., M.iiTi-li'i ifli.l Att..llii.v. itlaw . ;ll.ii,ial M.ivlniit .' lU MiTi'liilit, (' > ' III Hank riii't'V iimI Iiihiiiiiii.x. A(t«-iit II Kaiiiii-r, T..wii.|ii|i Tiuimin'i' nn'i Stii. k llual.T '-.'► Kiiiiii.i '..,,. I'.' Kiiiiii.r 1 U K r . . I' irii.'KH Milker I 10 Kmim.t 10'i-. . ill Knrii„i I.'l Kaniiir ill Hiiil.l.r III " WiHiillialli. . Kxi'tcr .. SKH Kan.. , William lK7li 1S77 ISIKI i l.-.M l..l. IViFi-kH. Lliilat H- ... VvvA. .1 Ml Caii.ula . ( 'anatla . I'aiindii (.'aiiailn .1 Is7ii .i 1814 . ' I.S117 ,, isiii . lMi;t .| iMiS . ' 1S7I ., ISilO . I.-71 . 1 1S70 I ' Kilt. Ill, 'rii.iiiiiiN KylV, .li.lili . . Kl.Mi. r, Mi.'ha.l . . Kil'l.r, (■ lil.ll.'V. Iti.'liar.l . |li.,.lli.,lt. h'li'iUM-ii k. . (lil II, .lam.':. (l..mliv, .li.liii li...llH.l'l, .l.ilin.. Ili.irnv (iU'lili, .I..I.11 Il.mar.l, ('apt .1. N. Ili.Im.s. Iltv. .1. W 11.11. ly. I.a i.L.t...,.-."n. Wliiiil.ill , llaMim;-, W. .\.. , ll.irl'iK. .I.iliii llmitii, I lar.l . , . llallK, .laliiux |, llaivfv, Itii' , i' Ma.-kiifV, ti.'.ir-i' ! Ila/I, «.'....!, William. H.I/I.W.....I. 'I'tMlllliH i j 11. .Ill . >..lnlR'l 1:.. ' Ii..v«.....i. i;i...iu'ii. lliuittr. I..I111 llalU. .I,.|mi .. . H.'.lL's.iti, .laliK-s ... Ilim'l, .I..I111 llllIittT, I.'i.-lianl f Irviiit". .I.iliii. lrviii.,',W, .[..III-.-.. .■;, 1; .li.ry, Olicil .I.iiius, llfiiry, . ,. . . . Kiiii|.. rapt, li.'oige.. Kiik.l.ii.l Kniilaii.l I illiaila Kiiitlaiiil r.iiia'l« KiiJ.iK I Kii^l.iii.l Caliail.i la I.i >. ..iLili.l I'.iiai'iii.l I 'Hi. 1.1 I'.IIM.I. I.i'laml K.iL'lanl Kiilllall.l 4 ana. 1. 1, tl.l.l..l. laiu'laii'l I'.i.ul.iinl ll'i'lall.l I 'ana. Ill Iran. iKiiUliiml I 'a I. I li^liiil I'.l.illaliil l.umtrv. . V.'iii.'lii'li..'a. W.i.i.lliam I'lsi'tlT . . Wiiu-huUi'ii. Kiikt.iii WiiKli..|s.-ii. laitiil.-y .. . K.x.t.r 7 II II 11 11 I'J 111 II Ni;ii Mamila. Iiinr ..f lliaiii t'rii.lli'», II. .r» I llaiiil llak.'K, A'.'. . . KiiKlan.l litalir HI I'iani.s, llr)iali<, Scwinii Ma. hill. "..ilI l''ali. V I 111. -I Krimi.T l'';iriii.-r iH'lalll. ran.i.l... Ir.'laml. In I. II. I. I' r.ii;l,.n.l KariiKT aiiil lift-vi- of Tiiwiisliip.. . Knu'laii'l 1.1, MaL'i'tiati. nnil (.'uiincillni'. Kiii:laii.l i.r Kimlaml- it-'i . Caliaila. i} 1 IIi)tii,'t*rville 4 ;«)|tiliar XTU 14 l;l 17 13 Ifl Kiiktnn. M.iir, ,Ianic..s ;llay Millar, Haviil Exi'tfr . . . Ma.lK.., Waltur " M.iii, Ali'xan.ler ItiHlKcrville. M.iir. IVt.T •• M..ii. An.lrow .M.'iitLitli, (li'.irg... . . Faniiiliar. . .. I'.iiil.l.r Kngl K.utn.-r k Ilrue.leri.riimli.iin I'attl.- I'anaila. I'avpi'iit.r an.l Unilili'i Kiiulaml. I'ailiitr ami lii.ivcr Knu'lnilil. lallnci- Iri'Tall.l. .... ... I'livsi.iati ami Snr^fon 1,'aiia-la . iWatiliiiiakir ami .l.w.-lliM'. iL'slui j in Wall■lK!^.('l,..■kl!,.l^•^Vl■lll,^.* Ki'tail A,i;.iit 1 I'.ir Creat Wi>.ti'rn .-^t.'anmliii. , l.iiic. Ir.iiii New York to Briiiii..l, ' K.iiiilami Kmila.iil. Kaini.T anil (.'..uiicillor S.'..tlar..l Kar r.. (.' Kanii.'f Caliail.a.. Kar raml.I. 1' Irulaiul. . Kariiin- Knulali.l. Karnicr .Si.i.ilan.l Karnior l' KaniiiT and Ulaiiil i.f l^■a"m■l■ Ir.'lioi.I... • • ' '(l.n.ial .MiT.hant and I'lmtiiiastiT. Irvlauil. .. , I'livsi.i.iii and Sur^'o.ili I |\Vli..l,.salL' ami llelail liraifrin (Ir... j I I'irics, WiiR'S an.l l.i(|< rami. la. 4 I 2f IKaniiLT .Sootliml . NTI! I 8 iK.imi.'r aii.l IVputy Hicvi. . STIt ■ 10 ''f iKiiKland. . .1 ' 3'J Kann.T '.Vutlimd . 2 art KarimT .Si'iitlaml . S' 30 KarmiT iScotlan.l . .STli il KamiLT |.Seollalid . I-; !Mil I «llll I <7'J I -I'J l.^.'.'J 1>.VI I -.-.I l-7'i IM- l-l' Im7 iv.a l-.o I -.'.Il I X.'''J ix.-.r I •.'.; 1 -.■• • I-;: I ■ l-.':l |v-,:l :m.: i-n 1- i l-.VJ I.N.-i.-. 1 -.v. IS.VJ I -Ml I- I -.-..'l 1,4. l-'o I.H.I.-. I-..; 1-i:l : •;:! 1 -.-..'I !-. I l-.-.l' 1-11 Iv.'. i-:o \-:- l-.lll 1-Ti li'nu'y 1-7.-. b,-.l 1-1: I -.v.' I V.I l-i;i l-.l 1-ro 1-: M". 1-.-.0 ]-:■■ 1-1' i-i,-. IM- IM- coL^^^■ oi- iuron.— Cox isicokm; iOH^siiii> roiuiim.Mi. NAME POST OFFICE. Mill, Ilsviil. , .IWiiiclic'lsLM \l,»h.ili, WotlnM-ill 'Kirkt.M, . Mill .-.I. P.ivi.l. N''tHii. KiMiui-.. .'Whalcii , M'irh >. .li'lm I 'nitialM .Nb:.ii>. WiiliiiMi. Ir . l-'.;iiiinl.f . M:iy, riiiiiiiiis . I-A.'lii . . N lU'u. 'I'lumias l{;.rv)lU> I'ki", .);iuii'i , K\.-tiT . . . i'itk It'll, .hiiiiea " . ra^^iii' rv, S:niuicl r. W.'U, (illlvll l.llllil.'V , I'.Mt. r. liuliiTl Kiikli.'n I Mil, .lolin . 1 liiiivdli' l;;.«., ,1. 1' \ h, A , l,\,ui i;.)Stbriii:li. \l M Ilnl'MlSMll, Kol.fll i;.,l.i:.»..Ti, ,l,.hn K i.w '.iillV', ,Ialiu's l;...i allV. .l..lin. l;. k, .....rj.., Sr l;,.:it y, \\ill.,uri. •*«■ . t \\ liii.tin ^I'.i-kllliUi, John . Sunwi'll, (rvdr^c . S:iior, .l,';;,illiaii >tl:illL', ,l>ihii . sui.tii. Altx.iiuUi ^ iiur-. U 'l"Tt ^■-i Witt, Noll M icf.-, riioiiufi . .>:iilii>lt', -** ilmiel .•^ttvr. Ni 1k>1;-», . . >:.u-r. A.liiii. . >TI i-i. UmMI. .1. U ^■. vtna. Knnoll r.itt, \V li;,i uU. All■l^t.v^ rivl-.:. luhn . WVitv, W 11 Wiiii'lu'Ui'n- Kirkton Wiii'hil.u.i. Kxi'tcr.. \V,„„lUut.i Ia.Ut Kiiniviltf. Ksit.T \Vill.ln-l»e,l . KxcUT « , ;ls, .l.xmc-* U'liilo, ,lulii, A - .ns \V..:;iv.s, U.ivi.i ■Wu'.iti, In-ir^e . . U'.l.b, Willi,,,,! W^iitlu'k, Isini- W. ,i_v. Th'iiii;i.>i \V,-,v, Willi. Ill W i.i, Wilhuiu, :?r. Wt-tv,.tt. .l,tll|.:S . V*li!l9, .l.iiiii. . Wi-t itt, llijniv. , W.-ii, liourgf 1.'" . Kirktiiii. W,i,„lliai.i 1',Iim WitoiUla!ll . ll..,1i:.Tvr,l.v Witiilii-Ne i l.ilmK-\ - . . Kii'ktuu '•'I'lii. •! jKliiilaii.l. ^'■""|l■l■ Kii(;laiiil, ^■^lr"l'■l■ K'niiiiila, . I''aiiii. 1- . raii,„la. . I'-'Hii'i.. i;,i>;laii.l. , lllliiib'l ami (ViilM lit. I . ,Klif:iai|.l- I'lil'luT. iKll>;lali.l. I'liniiiT . , |.Si,.tlaii,l " .1- i.f iViitial llnt.-l li.iiiial Mviv!i.iiil Mil. I Mill Hull,,-. Kii^laii.l. I'-iniiir . aii.i.l.i . r.-ai'li.T S. S. Id '• . ". S. ■li..,.licr , . .'e..ii CalU Uy l'..«t ..r I'ele^'falili ].r..lll|.tly atieii.le.l I.. Caiiatla. I' Kim;1.i1i.1 Caiia.h.. . S(..ti,a„.l ... . li-ei.-.'l.l.. . . Se..llai.l .. Kli-lali.l. . Irel.ii..!.. t'uiui.l.i. . .. if 'anada, — .'1' 'I'nnaila . . 1 -.-..-I IS.'.II 1 -."i7 I s:i:i 1-111 IMM 1 -,vj ifi.-.i; 1 -.■•,!i is.;,-i ls,T .\i;eiit f..i r. 1 .iiii .Merehaiit ■il-lt i:i •J..1 K.-iriiiei- aii.l Fanii"! . , '..nil ellL.l ". ij K.ufiier. , Nil; ; (i Fanner.. NKir ■J.T Farmer.. i-j ' Ifi Farmer.. 111 14 Fann.-r . . Fanner . F'arnier Hotel r,..i.riet.>r F.irnier.. . ...... I.nmher liealer, .V.-., i.f the Finn i.f l!..,s Hina A I'aUer t ' Maluiraet'iier anlPealer in H''* ami .'ili,.i» Fniilaii.!.. F.irni.T .•<.■, .'la, 1.1 Fanner . Kii(;la,i.l .Ma.'hine F.inii.lK >' ' .ne.iltuial \V„rk« Kimlan.l Wli.,l,sal.-ali.l li ; ' ■ ..'.er.Mi'r- . liaiit, l>res>e.l • agli laiin- .■iliiiiiiles, l«ili. ami I'e.lar^ I'nsts ,ilw.i>!* ..n Ininl. . . ' . Klu.irs an.l I'nl.lisliei-H .it Krf*r 7',,„..« . Kstal.lijlie.l M innfaetMre' ..f 'I'wee.K. V.irii.« 1-7.-. 1-71 LSI-.,-. 1 -7.'. isir 1S4: 1 '-,".:i 1 S'i-J IS.'iS ISV.i l>r.i l.-'tSs IW,! ISf,4 IS7."> l.-.V, 1 l-.-.'l |s,-.:i i -.M ISli^ IS77 l«77 1 s.-..-. 1-7 1 isf;.j I,-..".-. I-,",- ali.l W.K.lleli ; l.raiii I leal, r ;' l-aiiiier ■J l-armer aii'i ' 1 ) ~ F iriiiei . . . . !•; F.rniei ami Hie ■lie. 11. .!«.■, 1.. Farilier . 1.". Farmer. . I'ariner . 1.-1 Farm.! an.l l>i. vet. 1 i Farm.T. F.iimi! . ..I Clvl.s.lal.- ...liana t'inaila. . Fn-laii.l. Iniiial. , KiiKkiml. Kn^'lainl. i:i;glaiMl Kn^laml. 1 1 ana.l.'i, . I'aii:i,iiiit. i'.ilia.ia 1-71 l'.4.J 1 -.V) I'-l!' IMI" KSi;7 l-UtS I, -.'ill l.«i:f 1-44 1-11 1 MW .M.'K i./ie. I '»i..lim.' M.Cartuev, .It.iiii .MelMiail, 'a ... M. liii..»li, (' 1, .\lili<>ii);ill. ,l..tin .M.r.,1... Willnin, Miil.llei.iii. ( i;. . .Mii.llet ,:,,l,i, Miil.lUl. n, I liarli'- .Maltinan. ,li.|in Me.liiui.i, .laiu.-s Mi-.soli, W illiani. \K...r.-, l..,»s..ii . . Mav, All.eit ... -Naltel, J.iliii I' .. . Nesliitt, I'. .1 I'lew.'M, .l.iliii riiiiiilner. -«. (i r.aei.ek, .I.imci Itatlnvell. .-iiinii.l. . llatliwill. William. l;..!.i-rl*.'ii, .(.ime- l;, .\le-\aililel llil8-ell. ll..l.ert IveviU, AleViin.ler Sniilli. .Mr.-. 1-al.ella Swit/.ei, .lames .M Swit/er, .lam.s 11 . .stun. liiiiisi..)„iii-,- P. Searll. (l.-.i-te. i Slie|.|.ii.l. havi.l SI, .'I. pari, ,l,ili,i ' ^t..\eii,-. Hel.rv ' llnul, Slnr IV, .I..I111 Sanin.'l Salkel.l. ,1., T ■rri..k, riminas j Townslieiil, Willi.iin riioiniiscMi, Roliprt.. . Ti|., Wilaam I i. lil.i.'ni... ,1. K . 'r..rran.t'. .laine- I'liwii "t i; Walk.r. .1. S . Wi»e, William, .I..I1M WalliH. ,lam..s WiH);int.m. ,1 I. Wa.le, W 1. Willi ini-, (■ W. Wl,i,,.|v, ,l..s,.|.h , .\mlie» POST ll.ivlie!. ll..'lmeM l'..rt.r. l.i.lene <,;oiii:itini iomnsiiip. I'urter'- Hill. H. Miry 11 rii„t..'i, li...|.Tiell ,. i'.irt.r'H llill. . llivli..;.! . i;..'i.-,i.-l, Il..lm-v-ll.. . . havliel.l. .. Il.nmill.'i. lliivli.l.i I' 'Hiilini'avillG.. I liiitim Ilioileri.h .. . 1 111' 'il r 17 Mi- ll 1! 17 M II It :'. I lir.ii 7-J a I '.I ;ii ,-i.t 4:1 ■ii I'i ■J I ii'i-7 ll-h iin ■ji :'.s 1 !l 1(1 ek Fal M I .1 1 M n I 11 II 1 \i 11 1; !';7' 411 Is 4. 'Jil F.irm.-r F.inii.T Fanner ami Sl..ek lli-..«-.r Farmer, 111 ler ..I U..I.I-1.' Farmer Fai-nier . F.ll lllel Hi lleril St 1- ai mer l-'armer .. Hla.k-niitli l.iimlier .M.iiiiif.i. lure, Fanner '.,i.l r..vv,i-l,lli lleei 11, lieral .S'.ak Far„,.-r I'ar iier F.irmer. . Fniner ami St.i. k lii-.iwer. Farm, r ami st .. k Cfuw.'i-. IJeiielal Stm-k F',.|-lner . li-ii.-ral Far,,,e,'. Kree.ler a,i in S|...k - . F.tiim.r . . Farmer F..inier anil SIn.k Dealer .St.i. k Farmer . (ientli'Mliill Faiinei. Sl.i.k II ii-ei. Hr,- Ueal.r 111 II. .r-. - I-' ilinei Farm.T Farin.-r . I'.-inn.T. Farme, . . Kariiif.r I'lirnier.. . ' irine,- Fanner ami .stt.ek Uai-er lt..|iie.l Kariner. . . l-'arim-, anil Si.ak (:,..«. 1 Fain.r llln.'kMiiilli ami (leiieral .1" I'.rme, Fi. tiller l-iirmer r-..ll.,.r. Illmk l.'t 11 "iKl ,-.ill,.inie -|'.i»-|ishlii Il I'ealei I.. I Irel.inil... I„i;la„.l. ( .,,i,,.la. . Inlan.l . -Knulaml Fn^'laml . Irelaml Inlaml I'lna.l, I alia.l,, Klielaii.i I,. l.,...l It. l.n.l r.,1 ..11 r.,....l.i. riiia.iM |-, ... S..11I I. Fn^hin.l. I ..nmla. I -,in i.t.i . .F.ii);lanil, I . I 'anailll.. Kiixlanil . Caiiaila. - , (^aliiiiU... Ciiiiaita, . . Kiifflnml lieVitn.l I 'anii.lii.. Aiteliisiin. William Aiti'lii- rlint.ili Itavli.l lli.l (i.Hl.'lll lllillllei ■ ;..,lerr '11,11... Il.-iyll.l Chniiii lii..leri I'l.rter lli.lrae: I linti., I',.rt.r Itayliel riitii..i II. lime ll.iileri .Staf.i la ailh iti.r l.i aill W alt. \V iiitl . . KllKlalnl. Iieliml... Wal. - ralin-la. 1. Slveilel, Caniiila I '.iltii.'a (-ana.l . 1C4H <-alll,.ltell..l.ih,i 1S44 fanil.l.ell, ('..list. i*;4 (-,■1 1' Seul'.n i>i4r. ll,..l-, I'liarl.- I--47 iHill. Wilii.m 1; l!*4!i ll.ivi.Ui.n, .lane - '■ 1-41) lP,,'- lt*:)S 1,11V, 8, fharl.... Fe.n.ll. 1. «.'•,:( llel^ntv. .Vlexaliiler Wall, l.-iiii hiviilH..-. 'FliMina- l..-a.|l. I-7-J ' lliek' .11, .Inlin. .. .ut'. I.s7:t 1 Itv ks.iii. rhri-ti.i'l,, r 1 « 1,-1 Kvan-. .I..«e|,l, Ileeel, l-:-.7 Fer^'U.11.,1. .lallien. Wall. 1 .Sllll (Imeiilnek. .\nilre« . Wiiill Ili.xeiili.ek, 'riiiinias Seat..i 1 .SH4 (liivelll...!,. 1; 1.-47 litav, II.Hl.'rlek 1-71: lliirniw. Ivlwanl (iiievi, .I..I111 1 -,'.7 tJriive, H,ii,'li isr.r. (;, WiUi.ln Wilitl l-.vt IN 4-,; tJriftVe, Tliiinins l-.",.a (Jrieve, .Inliii (J " 1-41 llat/mever. .I.ilt,, II. ...■L', .l.tlin, . S.'ni'i.r IS,-.-.' iliiv-, Tlnilna- K . . " 1.-74 IlaVH, .lame.- ISTII Hastle, .lames . . . 184». Hi.ran. .lull,,, .Ir H..eeli I MIS,:..liil .1 li-:tn 11. «itt. U.ilieit Feailli 1-41 II. ,11.1,1.1, H.ilie,t Wi.lli, lh74 He,',, Kill, ,l.|ll,. Wiiill Kir,-, lames. . . . ls4il Ker,', .I.ilili 1.-4H , l,ii\vre,ie", .liiniew . . ISM 4 : l.illltt. .Ii.liti Wintl 1S4'.> 1 MeKav, .liilileR. . . . Lea.lli 1X74 1 ,\.. Kftieher, Hiilwrt. H ,,r 1-42 i MiMllll.ll, lii.lHTt ;.s:i7 ; M.i'l.iv. .l..iin Walt. 1-17 ' Ml Kuan. Peter . . 1 P. M, liil.-li, ,l..lin. vvtiiii Ill RON.— Cmmim I'.i). 79 (iioHUieirii innwsiiii' rouiiiuu-d Year HI (Jo- IS.'ill I -.".7 is:i:l 1-111 Is.T 1-71 KS'l.-. I>77. IS 17 IS47 1 S.i-J I >r.'j i><;.4 is;,-. ]>:,:< i.-:.:i i-.'.i isi;- 1-77 NAME \1'*K i./U'. I 'si.tliii' MrCurliiiv, .l.iliii M. IMuiil, A . M. liii..»h, (• 1. Ml lloii);.!!. .ImIiii; WiUujii Mi.l,ll..l,.ii, V li. . Miiillit I..liii, M 1.1.11,1,1,. rl,:irl..s M.iltiiiiiu. .I,.|iii Mi..liiui.i, .lai,,>.K .M:i-,in. \\ illiaiii. - . , \lu.iii-. I..i«s..ii MiW. All.,-,i - Niiit,l. .1„l,n I- . . N.-sl.itt. C. .1 rifw-.s, .l.tlin riin.iijw.r. s. (i r.a,, .I;im,vi . . It.,tl,n.ll. .•<,in,ii.-l. . Kutli»,ll. Wjlluitii. l;,i!.,-rt*..ii, .l.iTu,.^ It.,l.,r|....n, .Vl,.-\.,,i.l.-l Hil8-,.ll. I,',.l.,.rt lU-viU. .M.-x.iiL.l.r Siiiiih, Mrs. lvil,ill.i SwilZfi, .lam,.- .\l Swit/iT, .laiii.s I! . St.. 11. 1„. IIS. ..I.iii.s I', , SciirH, (;...ri:.-. Sli,.|.|..,i.l, havi.l Sli.|.|.:ir.l. .I..I111 -t,.M.n». H V .Sli,,,ly. ll„^-l, Slur IV. .l.iliii, Shi, HI. I S:,lli,l,l. .l,.M.|.l, T Vwk. il,.iilia» r,.wii«li,'n'l. Wiili.iiii rii.iiii])s,„i. Knlifrt.. . ri|. William 1 1. lil.„'ni,., ,K K . r.,rr;,n.....laiiu.- . r..«ii ,.I Walk.r. Is \Vi>.,-, William Wi.»t..ii, .I..I111 WalH«. .Iaii,,.» POST OfFICt Con Lot l(.,vlii.!.l . 1 II..Im,<...m11.' . M l' Ihll. 1; 'li..-liiiuli , I ( liiii.iii , hliyli.-l.l' < lint,,,. l^,„l,.n.'h t'liiit.m M B 111 M ii 17 M II I' I i:..,l,.ri..l, IV.,ina .. 1 illll,,!. T..rt,.r'»llill llllllll.'KVlll,. . I', ltavli,.UI 1I<.1 svill,... i;.,.l..,i,.h lliilli„'HV,ll,. . i:,,.l,Ti,-h .. . Ii,u.,., llayli.1.1 riiiii.ui li...l,.ri,li I'.Ttc.i .- iii:i. Il.ilmcsvil:,.. I'linttin . . . r..rt,.r'- Hill, llnvlifl.l. 1-7 1 1-4..1 I'^l'.i ISIl" lsii7 1 Slit! l,-.i;i l.-lH 1-M IHII 1 MIX IM:! I 1S4J I I.VM isj.'. 1-17 l-l'.i l-4:i I s:(S I iMiii .1 is;-.! ls7:i 1 ■ I :, l-.".7 l.Sli'.l 1 s;(4 1-17 1-71; . I>ri7 !.'■.•,+ \sr,r, 1-41 is:,-.' i ).>'74 .1 i»:(i I 184*. I I Ml.', u:f;i ! 1,-44 ilS74 1-4,1 I-4S l,s:i4 l.S4'J I. ',74 1 -4'.' '.s:'.7 Wit;>;int.Hi. .1, 1. l'lliit..ii , n Wa.l... \V 1. 17 Willi, III.. (■ W, ILilim-svill,... M .l..s.|.h il,„leri,'li . , ; \\ .\mlli-v^ , , M Aitiliis,,!,. WilliaiM ,S,,.af..itli .\it,'i,i.on, .lan,..,, .\i-,lill,al,l. William Li-aillmiy ,-\ihUts, 11, \V, A Sfaf.>rtli lltrrv. .!,,lin l.i-ailhiirv , llr.iv, William 1' , ■ ' Hell. William Walt. .11 Hull,,!-.!, .I..I111 \Vi,itl,r,.|, Brt.wn. .loliii I. " (•,„ik. W ,, \\nitl,i..i, ■lllir. William S,.af„ltl, '.,\vaii, .l„l,il •aiii!.l.i.ll,.l„l-,i, ■,,Ti,;.l.,.ll. I!..l.,.rt Caistam-i- ■.■l..n, r .,,itli I...K. ( liail.-s Hill. \Vilii,.m (i . ■■ >,ivi,ls.,ii. .laiii.'s '■ P,..1,U, ,!.,m.- lavm, 1 liarl. ,. Ipjjiaty. .Mexiili.l.r W .,It,,Ti . >,\i,i„.,-. Tl,,,nta- l..-a.|t,,ir\ Hv\i- '11, .l,,lm, V, .,it..ii . Ii, kK,>li. I liri-t,,i.l,, r ■:vnnH. .I..»,.|.l, H I,«,„..| I'r^flls.'li. .lalll,.-«, W ,ilt. II i,,\,-iil,i,;k. ,\ii,iri'« , Wiiiltir,,], i,.v,-,il,,tk, Tl„,inas. S,.ai..,tli .,,v,.nl,..|,. 1; ,a\. |{,„l.-rn-k " iiiri.w. l-!,l\vjir,l , lii.v,-, .l.,lin " ri,-vt', Hliiili , '■ . ri,.vc, W'iUialii Wiiitliri,), liriftVe, Thonii,!, (•rlrvtj, .Toliii (! tlati^nievcr, .l,.li,i M,.L-i:, .i.ilin. , lliiyM, Tliiiliiati K Ilayc, .l.amu.s liitRtu-, .IniiieK. . . Htiran, .Idliii, .Ir ll„raii..l„l ., ll,-»itt. Il,) n..ll.,ii.l. H.,l.,-rt ll.-rinaii. .Iiiliii Kirr, laliH'f,- , K,-r,, .l,,l,li l/iwrciu.", .lumen l.illlv. .li.liM 1 M.-Kiv, ,l„m,-!, 1 ,\., Kui.-h,-i' U,,l„.rt, , Hi-iir,.rtli ■ M,\lill„ii. I,',,l, , .I..ii'i Wnltim ' M, Kuan, l',.t.r . . I UmiV \li I11I..-I1, .I..I111, U'nil 1 S,.ni',,rll, l!,.,.(-l,«„,„l l.t>a,ll„ll',, W;.ll„li .' Wiiitl,l„|, S,-.,f.,|-lh Wiiithli.p l.i,n.lliurv I 1,1 M !l 1; r, .M II II M .\i i« 17 l.VM '41-41 11 411 ._„2 .'.(1 111 4.'. ■21 14 I '■: 'Ja 4.^ 4.', ll'.l j fill M I lis ' 111 :ii i;i ■ 'Ml :i'.)-.',, II' l^ •2V BUSINESS Kami MiuiiiL'i'r I'liriiu-r lui,...r l-'ailiu.r. , , .,.,, . . ......... l-'iirim-r. l.'iiniit.r . . (i.'Ill'I'al .Stia-k Kiinmr . Flirmi.r ami .st,„.k Uai-i- U,-li|-|..l (li.litli-lMali lu'iii'nil St...Ix r'ariiur , (Jt'iientl Sto.k l-'.iiiii,'r l*'i,Mii,-r ai,.l st,„ k (;r.,\s. K.,rMi.-r l'"arm,-i , .. . llflirt',! (.,-iiti,-iii:,ii K.ii r U,-lir,.l l-'ani.,.r l-'Hiiii,r Kami,., l-'ai-im-r an.i .st,„-k IJ.,isi K.irimr ami si.,.,k llai...- (M-i,,.ral St.tik l"i,liiRr tiiTal St,»k Kariiu'i Wi-av, r an. I T-'WiiMliip .' aiiiu'r l-'.uiiii-r Kanm-r . . illin-r aii.t St,,, k llais,,'!- l-"arii„r l-',i-m,r ., , Ririiii'i Farm,.: K.ii-iii.r Kailm-r I'aiii'ir . , l-'ailii.-r , , ... , ,. |-"ariii,r aii,l rr,'|.,i. tor ,.|' .Spring NATIVITY Kiiglaml. Ir,'l.-ili,l. S,.„tlali.l. lai.a.l,,. I ' lr,-li,ll,l. t'tiTm.Ia (Viii' Kii»!lali,l, ( 'ana, I a ,. i.'.ii^-laml, . Knulal,,! s,,,;ii,iii.i, I 'alia. 1.1 |-'.llgliin,l, ('anu,l,i I'.liiiula , Caumfa CaniuU . (■ai.a,la I 'a 11 a, 111. S,.,.tlaml. .s,-,.llaml Si-„liai.,l , rana,la . I 'itnaila riilK-,| Slal. 'Cnit,.,! Stat IKuKl.aml, I 'aiia,ui.. . . l|ri.Ila , , tall,„l;, ... 1'1,.,-k .Mill-, Havli,-l,l I! i;.i„-ial Sl.ak l-'aim,.r Fiirtii..r l-"ar.,...r I-'ariii,-r ami *;,n,'ral St,„k < Far r I.lai,„-s 11. Kill.llay. May..r 'i,-neral M,-r,-lianl Farmer . , , . , , l-'ariiL,-r an. I .Saw .Mill I'ropr (;.-ii.ral l-'arni,-r, ll,,.,-.l,-r ,, w..l,l a, I, I l.i>i,.t.Ht,.r Shfop i;.ii,..ral St.„k Farnit-r , Farni,"- F.,ni,,-r- . . .. ■■'.iriiu'r . F.,ii;i..r . . ., M TOM.X.Sllir. 1:1 1-1' 1, inner Fami.-r l-,,n„er l-'ariner , 14 14 111,, ksniill, la. Ill, r l.-,„ri,.,r Fal Ilii-r \\|,',,ii Maiiiila.tiiiur an, I i;,'m-i:,l r.|.„-k»m.ili F.Mll,.! Fa, 111. r ami Sl,„-k l>e.-ll,-r, ,. F.irnier Fanner . I-':iriner l-'arim-r r, a,li, . l-"aniier . . F.trimr ,ui.l l.iiiie lliinier |H,.t,.l l'i,,pri,-t,,i- am] l-'annei , li, lieial lleaUr tl!el,ir,-.l l-':iiii,.-i . ...;. ]l''ann. r , . jr.-,.l„-r |Farm,-r aii,l Mafjisti-al,. . . . I'ar r Fii..'lan,l . MiiKlaii.l . , . I ana, la , FiiL-lami ir..«,r , I 'ana. la, , , S, -,.111,11,1 I'aliaila, Knu'lan.l, it-t,,r, . ' 'ana, la. f fets- - . I' I ' . ,l'alia,la '('ana, la . , ilielan.l. . . Ir,-lan,l S,-„tlan,l I 'aninta . , .Scntlttllil ( 'iinailfi I rein ml ('aiinilft , Irelnlhl Iretainl ( 'aliii,lii , n i.','. II *7 1 :i,'. ,'. •J,'< Mill.-r ami ll,ii,.ral .Mer,-hunt |.'an,„-r aii.l St.i,-k Healer lii'tlri'.l (ieiitli'iiiaii, , ;i I ■:•.! II ; a.'l l.-l 14 r, s i:i II :i 14 111 '.'4 •i.i I'. •i!l SO 1:1 :t:i Fanner , , . ,. . . , . , Farmer Farm,'r . . I''arm,r aii'l .A^'iiil t',,r .\f:'-i. iilmr. lnip:,.|ii''nt.- : ('..iiin-ilinan |-'arm,i- , , , I-'ariller Farmer ,.. Farmer i i-unier allil 'r.,wii^liip IN'eve .. I'arit„-r ami Magistrate. iFallni-r I Fanner ,. 'Farm..r ' I --inner Kaiiii- r ,11, .1,1 l'n,pii,.tnr. .. .... I'a, -r iF„,i"er... |Fai,,ier... jl'',triner iFnnn,.r ..,,....,...... jKanin-r , .,,. . . Farmer ,, , , . l-\irm,. I.'iini., 1,1 Sl,„-k Hre<-,!nr, < ana, 111 ll.-laml Se,,tlan,l Irejaiiil . jSeotliinil llrcliiiiil jSi-ntlanil ■KhKlnii'l 'Sentlan.l S,-,.IInli,l. |-:ii(;la,.,l Si-i,ilai„l , Se,,tlai|,l S.-,,tlaii,l, .Sfotlfinii IreKinil, ,, Ireliinil -e.itlan.l , ,S,-,,tlal„l . S.,tlninl ;,,. tlaml 1 I anmla ( .111,,, la ( anil, til , (iei inan} ,s,.„tl.,ii,l . < 'iiiiikU , Siotlanit, ('ilhialil . Iielanil , ]Knj!iiin,l :( 'una. 1,1 (iern,an\ ISin.llalui , ',S,..Mliiml , ilrelaii.l . iF,lt^•la,l'l Cnlitnlll .S,-.,tl.ill,l .Sentlninl 1'|II)II,Ia . . 'CnliKiln , Year 8»ttl,il ■11 1',. isni l.-l,;.'. I -a'.' LSI',' 1 - !'-< 1,->10 1 S.14 1,-1:1 1 s.-l I Is7ll I.S.'lii 1 -,■.-.' 1 -.-.-, LSI I 1S,I-J IS.'. I \y.iiitiiiii«>d NAME. POST OFFICE C.n. Lot. ■i.'i ■ MirAlluiil, IIUIII-.III WmIImM , , M.Milliiii, .loliu. ... s,Mi.,vih , ML^Irah. I'.'trr ILt'i'lilviKiil, Miil.iii.', .1 1 i Muv'liii', Alrxaiiilor. . Wiiitlirup. Mn\vl»i-.iy. Iiii;;li | Ni.'h..l, .1., Niisll, rilMiins .. Nisl.itt, WlilMlll., .TmIiii. . . lI'SlllllV.ITI, I'l'llM- ilUni'ii, K II .. ., U'l'l;iliirly. .1. . ,, ( ►'* '.iiiiit'll, |{fiiianl ri'l!.-illv, U.v.n (IHncM, ,l..iiM O'N.ill. IN, 111. ■1;. . I'.lttlMMl, lillMTt r..lliinl, William Pi»ll;u'.I, .I'wliim lt..«s, IN'tcr Hiwli V, Mi,li:iol.. , SlKiiMiun, W. .1... ., . Simrlini,', Ilolii'rt. . . Soarli'tt, Saimiol Sw.illinv, ,1. 11. S\j;.\ I'li.irUia Slallnr.l. .I.ilm TisU-'v. I'ili.ts Tiirnfmll. IJ.ilMNt. ... TlKiinjKon, JmIiu, .. . \V(jLnla, I'atri.'k S,.af,.rtli i|,oa.lliury MMl'l.lUl VHli.llll. lliiMiii S,.ar..rth WllltlMl . . I.c:i.11mm.v.. VVintlir.ip- '1! Invn,„l.. iSiMlnilh Willi liii.|i. l.c'l.ll.MIV.. Wail-i... .".'. 1 I l;i 1 I'.ininr . iann.r .. I'nrniiT ... l''aniier . . I'liMtiiia.sIi GUSINESS r. Mi'nrhaiil ami Ka NATIVITY. ; Tour iSi'ttli'd in Co. aniti-r l-'i l:i .I'nuiis . Cl.ik 1 1 K. ■ •r |.n,-t.. .|,|-R-t., i:'. II 1 1 I.". ' 17 I I I I il..t,l I llol.'l I .•'.aVTIHT ■" iniHT.. . . (■'.iriii'T.. . l-al'iiiiT. . I. .•11.1 Ml .Mi-i ■r.|.f;i-a|.li l-'ariit.r I'ainu'r. [■'.iniifi . . I''.iiiii''r ..( NKKill..ii rt'hinii riuiailii ('.'uiadii I'aiiHilfi ^f.itlaiHl . . Iri'l.'iii.l . . .. ■i.-.ithiM.I .Nova Sc.itiu i ' ... In'lancl Irulatiil ' i.'aiia.l.'i rt'lanil .. . lii'liliiil Iri.liM.I .. .. In-lan.l .■haul .111. I r. Ap'M.'y ,K.i>;l,-lM.l ,i;i,Klan.l. Kiiglar.l . |l '.iiiaila .. .Ilrufiilul .. .■lai V lii«'iir ( '.>iii|>aii.\ Ir.'liiiul . . !" ' . an.l'l I'r.iprit't.i C.iiis'aiu Diililin I'ainii'i- lanil.T K.anm'l" Kan, Kail! aii.l l.uiiilii liulan.l .... I'.u^laliil ... I'jiulaiul . . Iralall.l .... I relaml ... Si'iiilan.l. . . I'^ii^laii.l ... Irclau.l I8(i8 IN,'i:| LfliH 1 8,-)? IS.W IWil i.H.^i; I Sal ISlU 1-41 I, '■41 l^Ali IS.'ili l,S4ri 1.S4I! I. <.■..-. I ^:',.' isi;.-i isi;;i 1 .'-11:! l,s.-i.-, l,S-.'7 l.'<5() isriO I .s.mS 1 ."*o.'i IsTil \XM ISl'i '■ 07 iolkoicm: tow>:.'.hii». Allen, Aiitliiiiiy. . Austin. IK'iiry... Attrill, II. V... . '.\Iilll.:ini... :S,\.- ll.i.lcricli .. li ■-?■ B.-nn..!tt, \V. .1 Hean, (Jo.irfro Ik'L-k, J.ISl'pIl H.itea. i' . Itiiclian^n, .liilui S\. . HiAA\it, U'lijort, Sr . Hnclian III, .luliii. .. lire^.i, C. K Diur, Divi.l Carroll, I'.itri ■!< (•liitt..ii, Willia-n . ., rliarlHH IkwiiUo'i, .laaivH. Uurat, W. (' Kl«Mr,l. .loll 1 . Kialier. I) ivi.l Fisher, llfiiiy I' . . Klslier, .\iii M (•■isclicr. .I..I Fisoti.'r, ./. 1', .1 (.irtien. A. H liraliani, W. I ... (!!eii, .l.)lm Iteilllill, .l.'si.. Cli'.lllill, I'n.iiiw . K.'ii l.'ri.ii. Davi.l.. Hmtoii. Hillary. .. ll.-'til.Tlll^ ".|o!.Up .l..«i-'l. Ki.'liir.l . .. KiTiiiiiliiii. .lolin Lisii nil. Williatii . l..yr.Mi/.l..(.is. 1' .... .M.'X.'il. .Vli.yan.lor M.M'ina. William.. Miil'iiiio. .I.un.'S ... .«.•(.'.. rvi... \,-il . . M irtin. N la" NtilliT, 1,111 itliaii .. , Vtorriih. .IdIiii .Morns, t'liirli.s ... . M trris, loliii Morris, .liisi'ph Mitiiniiii^, lt,>niiniiii M1II..V, .\ M omsli, Ni.'li.ilas . . X.'av,., Williaoi . . 01.1, c. W otw.iv, rioii.Mt . , . I'otllM-, Wlllot (' Uohi-rN.m, .l.i'iii ... RoSiM-tson. William . S ill twt. .lamiM . . . SvininotoM, .lami'.' . . S.Mtt, Itoli.Tt H . .. . .^tra ■hill, lames ,Snv.l.-r, .l.ilm iStewarr, .lami.s O .. Stranjlian, Uoliert .. Stevi.|is, , lames Thurlow, Ileiiri;p . . Vareoi', .lolin .., Wrifht, .1. .1 W.IN, ll.airv W.toliiiaii. .ionai. . . Walter, William. ... Wilsim, A Willson, .lacoh Walters. .I.imoa YoiniL', \Villianl . .. . Yimni(, (oirilnn . . . . YoHn.(, Uiehnnl . 'Sli.'ppar.ltol .'.Milllinni ... .;(;,i.l.^riel. ... Varlo.v .(lo.leneh ... , Carlovv |tleniniller.. .jl'arlow .'Milllinrn .. .'N'lle .'li.i.lerien .. .jUeninillei . C.irhuv ... .'ilo.l.'n.h . . :.siiep[ IJjninilU'r.. l.S l!...leri.h . '•■ii.'ppar.U.. .■,irl..w li.iimilhr . ^Sheppar.Uo MilUiiirn... Nile Iloleri.'ll . heiiniiller.- li.iilerieh .. Kennnller.. it.i.leri. h .. Nile.. Ileiimiller r,i|.,« l'..oiiiiii:..i sii'.poir.lto ii.le'ri.'li , illolliniller.. ilo.leri.^ll \ulmrn , . Slieppai-.lto loi.lerieh .. \1 M : l.l'- ' 1" :i \1 ■t ; 1 I :i .•1 1,1! W i.inv l.liW I'.' i.iii-: m\ .\l . (Jeneral Healer . Ilutelier .. . I'r.iprietor of W.-ll, Dealer an. Uii-e.ler 01 .Sto.'k . MerehiUit Farmer . rannei I'ariller I lelllh 111 111 I'.IIIIHO" , Farmer I'\irmi-r Fanner Farmer Farmer I lee keeper F.irnu-M" .. Warmer K.irm.o" , . Irel.inil... iMiolaii.l . 1833 IHIil K, F.lliino' mer ante I ; 1 I F.iiaier : mer. I'.iriner. Fariiitfi- nil Imp. Her 111.1 M..,U lie . r i;i l,S I' I l:t III I F \\'.> ill.'ii .Mannta. -Hirer M.iniila.-liHvr F.inn-r F.irm.o- I-', timer. . 'iaw iiiill l'r..jiii.' I ,Farm,-r ■ Hotel I'ariner i".iniier ■Firm.r F.ii iii.-r , r'ai'Mlef ;ll..t,l l'r,, ll.ileMie.p.T anl clroi ■,;i 1S37 is:u l.s.-i4 |S4J IS Sit 1,S,-|S lS.-,li ls-;3 l,s;).a I ».'.7 I'-?! 1 S.'l.'l IMI'.' Is4il ISSH 1.S7I) \n\:> iMin ISJH KS.VI 1S|:I 1S4'> 1-4S lsp,> is;i'.' l'-:i7 I Ml I I. '■1111 IS) -J 1S4S l.'^m 1S74 ih:ti is:;-.' Is.-.s isr.ii ISIII 1.>.;i7 isr.i I8H7 IS.-,'.' Iifiiti 1 >•'li:v row\siiii'. NATIVITY. B.ttird in Co. IiTland riuiailit '';iii;i(lll 1 '(iiiiulu II T ■;.ntiaiHi Irclrim! VnthlM.I Ni.V;i Si'iJtiu i 'aiiiuhi . - Irt'Iiuul Iruliin.l ■.■ i'iinait;i nhin.l ... . ... iu'laiiil Irrlnitl Il't-llltlli . . ■r. ; .I'lti^lainl ... ,,i;i,Kl„n.l... Kngllird ... ...Ilroruiul cr ii> Iri'liiiul ., .. . !" 'iiiiii'ia ...|lri.linHl . . .. .. Kliglaiul ... ;.. Knulitiul . . .. Irelaii.l .... .. It-clantt .... ... ..>riilljinil. . , . . Kiijjlaii'l ... ..Mrvlau.l ! 18(18 ! iSfi:! { jMIM Ih.'l" ! IS.'i.s ISIil i.^.m; ! isji i.s(;4 • l>4l i I. '•41 i»r,(i i,s4(; lS4li I, .•.■..-. I ^.^J isd.-i iMi;i 1 .-i;:t I.S.-..-1 l.s-.'7 I8u(! isfio 1 ..<.5S l.MM I NT -J i>7i; l^l\; livl.m.l... Kiiuhiii.l . I '.inula Kiik^laiid liL-liicI i 'aiiiuia S-otlaihi :Si'i>tlai.ii ;■<.■.. thinil liiTiiiany Il'alliul.i. ii'.'l..n.l Il'lnglaiid !l "aliaila ■tt'.itlan.l \K\xl\ V'nll..n.l '.uia.hi I'a.i.i.lii r,iii,i.l,i I'aiiaila (•.inula I' Si'otliin.l Nfiv Hriiriswjck. S,.i,tlanil. .. . Kn-laiM N\.« V.Tk * '.iiimla l''.ii^'lanii i;Mi;laii.l I' lulili.l {■'.Tiylatl'l I':iii;lan.l I' I'anaila ('iinaila . ynn.iiiil Canada ('anaila Cimaitn,. . L'aDaila I'iiii^lunil Caiiaiia I'hi).;lanil Caiiailti Ilni;lantl .. Caiiaila f 'aiiailo...., t'jn^^Innil ... I'anailii Scotliin.l .. <'anii>la.. . . Kn<;liinil ... .Soiitlaiiil . . I'^iiKlaiiii . . . •^I'litliiiiil . . Caiiiiila .Viitliinil . . ( 'aimila. , , . i'lUiaiift..... I'ftiiaila. ,. KuRlanil ... Kngluuil ... Knalaiiil . . Iri'lniid H'ncliind ., Iri'laml.... Ciinadtt.... I'linadii...,. .Scotland . . SooHand .. Knglantl . . I NAME POST OFflCE. Con Lot .i I8:l:i . 18(il . \>1- .. 184'.i . 1S7.S . 1 .>ii;:i , i l-«.'.ll ..' 1.^7.". . i lf^31 ' 1,-'41 . , i;v.'J ..1 1.'*'14 IM-J 1S70 iNfil l>.',li I. -I'll ls:17 IsM .. 1....-.4 .. 1,S42 . 1.SS0 .. is.-.,'< . l.S.Vi .. IS'i.t .' ISM . 1>.'.7 1 ^.aT .. l^rl . is:h . ISII'J . Is4ll .. ]-:n IS.'i'.l . 1.S7I) . I.^I'IM ,, I Mill .. 184'1 . l.s.-.i . IS|:l .. 1S4'. . 1S4S .. 1S4'' . 1832 . i»n- ISIi4 .. ISlii) ., lS4'i .. 1S4S ,. lS,-i!l ,, 1.'-,■.( .| 1H47 IMI'J Ariiistriinf;. .Ihiim-.^.. .. Hriiun, Th'iiii I'l ... Ilii-'niiis, William .1. . ll.n..', liulirrt Haml, (, .Sr , , H.iv.'.'. .lauii-^ Ilny.i., Kdw.ird . . . Ciilalldi.r. David .. I .llili'Hili. .Mal.-ollii . (■ain|ili.-ll, I'liliii, \V. \V . . .. rall..«ay, .l"s..|ih 1'.. Cislli., Ui'iiii^i' I'mvi.., .i.i.iii.s . (.'Ulvvrll. .Ili«.|.ll . .. I'all.niai-, Aiiinl ... Ihrhl. Val.'iiliii.., ILiiifjIas, Hi.l...rt Il.lll^.hl^ All. Ill K>siiii, .liiiin I Ir.ili.iiii, W'llll.iin .. . (\\ ill. l-r.inkliu K. II. lid. ll.iiiv Il..iiiiir, .l.iliii S , .. . JlHlfH, JdIiII .Ii.. . ; Stuwait, li. .t C.i .. Havli Kin.' .Id . .tirld,. i.liiit ISriH- III.. . .|li.ld. llavli Itlak. ISiu.' .Id... lii.M .'Init III . . 12 I BUSINESS. i.| Iii.....|.i ..f.-|iri..ti.r .Si.'.im .Mill F.ilaiit'r KarnuT anil T.iwiisliip Tn.a>iin.r,, Faniit.r , Faniu.r l'"aniu.r ,■ ,l*liv,iiia!i llwid iFarnuT jl-anm.r jFa.'iiiinii 'MiTuhanl and l^l^'tlml~t..|■ iKiirnior 'll|.|iIi.rH ill llrv, (irn..|.rii.. ; (.'10111111.1;, It.'.ots and .■iliia.s, .Mi lim-ry aii.l . . Iloti'l l'r..| AVati'liiiiak.-r Faniu.r Fariiifr . Fai r : Faiint.r F.iiint.r .l-'aniiiir FariiH-r 'irrlaii.!.. '(,'aimdii Kii-laiid Kiit.|aiMl .-.."tl.iii.l,. IKliKlali'l-,, 'Knulaml.. iCuniida. . . Si.otland , '(■: la ,, lr..laii.l, Kiml.ind , Fii;.'laii.l - Ian. I li..|aml ., I'anaila , , lii.rimiiiy .•^.otlaiiii , , ISei.tlaiid . ,iS.a.llan.l ll.'llllU.lil . iKl.^lali.l ., iKliiillil.d,, aliii.l.i. . . , KllK'lalld I'Jli^'liin.l., llKilaiil , ,|lli.lal|.| ls..,illalid , . ( ■aiiada. , , .S,.,.tlaiid.. jSo.itlund. K'an.i.ln,., . *i'otland . . Canada... t'.iliiida. . . I'liiitida,,,, . (,'a|.iula. . .Siiillaii.l. , Ciiiada... ,|i:n..;laiid. ,i.-i,..illalid. .JKn^l.ili.l . .iKliKlan.l . Ilri'lalid.. !( 'anada... ,|Iri*lainl..,, .^CutiRda. . ICainula. . .! Iri'laml.,, 'S,.„tl,irid. .lln-lind... ,, ic'iiiiadii... ,, I Canada... , j Canada , ,. Knglan.l , ,.iS>.ollaml. ,,iKiii;lai!.l., . . KuKlalid Iri.lan.l Caiia.Ia.. Knulan.l , S, .■, CiUlii'la. . Canada... Canada. . Kimland., ntKllliSUITII TOWNSHIP. Kiln. 111. Ivill.. .■i..alnrlli lli'li-all , Urmi.tiil.I. Kippili . . I'.^'iiirnidviUc -'i-aloitli, ., K.,'iii..ii.lvill.. liriioi.|ii.ld ... Si.afortli ., Hrm',.|i,.ld , Si.aloilli ,, Cllis. Iliiir,st , I'iuoiioiiilvilli. Ilni.'ili.ld 'Clint. Ill ;)tl Fa l''.irm..r ."^tock Kaniii-r ,(;..m.ral Hnilili'ian .Maker, . . Fariner Falliier Karmt.r |.A..|.Isior (Iri.vtiii;,' Mirniondvill.. (M-iiL.ial (iroii-r , , Hn.wi.r Faiimr .111.1 K.lC. Fanner ami .^loik Fanner aii.l .Slo.k Farmer Fanner Farmer I'''iil"i'l!! 111... I. 1 Mai & Flo iiiilv ' I'.r,;..!. ll|..ed ..Mill., Seotland,. Canada . . C.inada . . Iivlami'!.' Canada,,, .•4r. •;ii •37 • 45 ■.vi 1-17 M2 -41 -37 .■•311 -14 1-32 -I'.l (•.'i4 Sl- -.". 1 •I- 1 S."..'. 1-37 I-711' 1-74 1,-41'. I--3'.' 1M2 -11' -I''. COIN [\ ()V HURON— Co TKiillKsYllill IO>V.>iM||il> ( .iiitiiiiictl. NAME- POST OFFICE Lot. BUSINESS NUTIVITY I. K-.l.. .I.lii.s. .Il- . I.l;i.I^I''Mi>u;;I», •laint's l,..LM. . Il.v. .I„l,i, Mli.u, .I..I111 K M .li.ix. Al.xiiii.l.r 11 M KiV, lliiirl... . . \l.l ..uneil. Willl.UM . \r l,"..ii. I!i>\.,it , . NMia.i,!,, II ... M iM...-h. Willi.,!!... N| iirtn.-v. lliuli \1^h'. IV.. r . . M I !... Al.. . \ii;li, .i.....|.|, N.w.!l. U.I..Mt ilMii.1,1. Wilii.iin ■iN.'il. \V I'li'iih'. Kiinii.i 1; •". .\!i Iri-w i;" iii.itU-s 1: ■". Wtlijjl!!! l;..lii-.,v. .Mr,. K ... u.i.;., Wiiiuiii, KltlMll.'.lll. .I..I111 . .. l!.-<. l!..v: .lolii! .. i;..i.i.. tiiiiu., i;..s.s Nwi i;..s-. W I!.ni-l..ri. li^..!l.!al.l,. S| l^-..r^,. Siuht rt.tiiil, .lai!i'--s., S|!! .. . Nlril|"«";i. Mil;,'!! ... .'^iiiiiiii', .1.111!!-, J.iin-.-, . . . .■l!!aa .\ . tifid. Il'-iiry Hitrr. Li.tii!-! . . H'Mf. r'TUcllU^ H.irr. .I.-i'!!*., Urit! .11. .I..I111. . ItriLvn. .l!itiit-.4. I. I'll-.. I. .tin, , , riiiipli!.!!, \V;,li, r rr-isl'i!', .lohii ' 'iMwi-ll. .ljllll..H >''triii>ii. .ta;!.-< t'i(!«!^ii!nl!. (M-iir,;.. I'urrttii.'lit.,.! .tail's I'.jiit.e. I'lirtfr. .Mr. I'. t'Lirk. l;..iii..-n c'lin.t.j].|!..r K:kiii. Kii.'.i" KiKi, li!.iiri."'. Sr K,tir, .l.ttiictt. KTr-ivv, Hfiirv. K, c'hiiri^, . K,tir,.Tvi. .., rii.imii.1,,, i' ;ir, Tt!'tiii.i!i K .ukT. ,r.,lui . K.ttl.T. Charl— r...\l.-r. Krnii.-i,, .Ir. . lir.iv. Sl..i,!!!.|i .. . <■..■ 11. U.'S II . !.ll. Willinm II A.,,„..l„„.|,|, 111'.-, Willi!!!! . Il'l'.... I), ."i Hiii!!..-r, Iti-iij. until H .II.'iii'l, .liiiii."i Iruii!, .ItittLtl! .1 !'k, ■!!. WiilLirii, Si-, .Ilk, hull Kiii.v. .I.ihii l.:|A,'>II. .Ii.llll I.'ijkif. .\I''.\.iiiili-i-. I.. Ar, Kti,i.4 I.-f. Tl!..!!HS I.iwrii-, I'lurli-, M- .\ii.|r.-« . M Millllll, .|..i.'Hltit,''i I '"I,,!.,,,'.-'- Il!rl'..k l,-titr<, rliiit.t,! j."i..,.|..rll! [Aul',i!,t . L'jitil'-nlitir.t' Aiil.iirn.. I,.iii'lfHln,rii' I ■.tin'iilli'i*. \iil.iirn . .. 1 'oii-'iiritiw , .S..,,f..,'ll, l,.„,.|.-l.'.r..' Aul.uri, . I, .„.l.-'.l...r.. H'.l.ik..-|.rr. , 7 ,1 KuiiH-i- ■J 1 Kuiiitr.. ■• 4 l-.irrrnT ... "" .'■ I' irriirr, . , ( •J 4 1* .nu.-r ;! 1:1 K.iniiiT jiii'l T'l^n-i'i]' ■l.-ik i< -'.' Kirm.i- (1 I'J hu-rin-r iiixl St.i.-k \l.\u r. . ;i ') :t :il iMiinn •) ;1 !■' inner Kiirtri-i Kiiiiiur nii.i I>. • roiUiiu-ior itixl ItoiMiT t-r , 1-J l*.iiriK*r. , > •» l-iiiriuT itn>l l..\\ii-lti|' ( 'uillli ■-' 1 Ftinn.T ■-' ■J I-imii.'i - '' S;..Mli-r , . > 1 14 l-itrniur ,^ ■J.'. K.iriiirc. 1 "J*! .nT. , . . 4 i;i Ki'iIIItT ■J i:i Kiiiiiiitij; . , - -'• K.irmtT .. , KllMlUT. ... 1 1 111 I'rfjiltylfriiii Minivt.-r Kiinirt r 1 1 IV.i 1 :v.i K.irmiT M.' Slii.U-rit . .... S:(UwMrks .. .... 'J S F.inii'T . I i 1" F.UIiKT illli Stork Mrrt- K.inii.T i.T . t; ! '" Kiinii'T ..... ,'t . *j,l hinntT , 1 1 •■it I'lrtiifr ,. . . 1 •J. 1 .'•li btiniici F.U'iiifr . ,it'-tirfil (Ifiitli'iii.ui U'ntt.T . . .■> 1 :n IK.IMIMT UII'l r.-rtll-llll- I.'fVf f, 1 ;;•■ .K.lIMli-l . t 1; Kiniii-r ;in!lll '.Si-iitliiiiil llnlanil , K.ittlaiiil 't'aiiaila . i.Si .itlanil IIIM.KIT H»>V\Sllli>. Ml; ,-, Mili.r 1 1 i:) :)!■ Kmitr .... K.iriiiur .. . , •-'1 l-ariiifp . . , . Mil I'J Fiiriiii-r . . .. 4 Kiiriiii-r 11,1.1 1 '.,i k,i, ik 1 1 .1, [■''iriii'-r , . 7 Farnii r i 'J- F iriii.r .Mil ,", Mlll.T III 1 FiniiiT an. I '"* 1 M.I I-.' .'. t'tnntT II .-ill F',ir„,fr 1 *_"• h;„„,.'r '" v.< F-trni'M . Farm.', (1 :i ;i Fariiii'T Karmin;; . 1 " Tar, 11- r I |:i HI '*» 1 ,1 1:1 !l Mil Mli I • I > II M 14 1 II Mil 1:1 111 V 10 4.1 ;t.'i ■j;i .17 •Jii 17 Mi'r'liaiit,.Mill.' iiiiif.ii'tiiri r |-'.iri,!i-r F'i,r„i.'r Kartn.-r l'"i,ri,,. r, L.T M F''i,„i. r Kii-iiiiT I'*ar r lal 1 F'.irnR-r Kiriiiir Kirn, IT F'arnii r . , Kira..',' 1' inii.'r. . Kar„,.'r I-'aliiii-r . MllliT ami l.llliii Kanii'T Kir r. F',irni-r KariiiT KiiniH'r. Kaniifr I'-'inii.-i F'lrmtT l-'arnn'r l'''i, ,Mi'r Ka. ,„.', F'.inniT Kiiniii'r K.,rii!i-r F'fu „,i-r F'aniiL'r l-'iiiiiii-r l-'.iriii'T F'.iintr, ami 1.1 |,-r s,.,tlaml . Irtlaiiil... ('ntliitla . i'lUMllil . . KittflAn.l .. llJi-rniiiiiv |l-.!,! KnKlamI lln-laiiil. iKiiirlaml iS. iiliaml. ■.<, I ■ana-la K,lf.'l.ll!'l ll' Kiiu-laiiil ( 'iinailii . I'a'i.l'l'i . . Kiiulaii'l l,.-laii.l l-ji-lali'l l',.,l,.Ia„.l I,. I mil M'l.ll I KiiKlaml. Kn^l.imi K!n.-lai..| Ij.t;;..!!.! Kll..l!llil |l-:,iniaii.l . I, -itlali-l 'Kiii/l'tn.l l'.,i.,'Ia!!.| I'la 111.1 111- 1-1 |li'|iiity.|ltii!Ve. Knxlaml . . ;i'aimila . . iiTniimln , . . KllKlaml C.ii.a.l \ti. Ilrii,i»«i.'k S,'..tln„il . . Klli^laliii . . Knulaliil . Si'..llal!.| , Ni'U r.!l!NH»\i k . S.'..lla,i,l . . , St-ntlallil , 'Cfiiiuiia .'(.'unnilii ,'Catiinlii , .('kiiHilii .{Irplnml . KnKlnml . CniiHilii . t'llliuila Ti'ar 81'tt It'll NAME PO m Co 1.M7 M. ...,!. Tl 1.1, 1 l>47 Martin, .I,i>.i.|il, . 1^'JS Ni'ilail,, 'riiiiinai. l!-4r, I'lip.., .Mr», 1; . , ('111! IS14 l.!.ir..rl, lliiuh. .Ir. l-'JS .>IVI!,,|.ll!ll l.,m l,.Ml 'I'.ivli.r.,!!,,!. 'l-.,i, 'I'llilailv, Havi.l riii! I'-.V!! ■I'livUir. Il..|!rv. ('.Ill W.ilki'r, rhitiiia, . . , I'llll IS 4.-. Watt, .1..1,,,. liar 1 S.'.'J Wat,. .\l.'.M„i'li-l-. Jr. is,vi W.itt, i.i''. . l>.V2 Wav, William. liivt 1 -.1-2,,,!,. .1 I!!!,',. l.iii, |,ii « It,..!!. F;,l«'aiil .. W...iil!in!i, .\rtli-ir.. Clin 1. 11! ls74 Wavni.altli. William. H.17 V..i!!ii:.,! A 'lllvi Is.VJ 1S'J4 Amlrt'M. .lulin K .\l,Mr. .I"lin .\„il,i'w, l-M„ii,„il. .'\ri!.,t!..!!/.', lli.hi'rt . .'\'i'ji.H!, I l.itmaM Allin, H. ,V I Itariiliv. 'rliiimaj* H. 11, .1"! ai'iih - It.iir'l. laiiii'H Mriiwii. K. K. . . . Hii,','n\ ,, (Ictir,!,- 11..V.I. Ii il.l is; 7 IS71 I Sill 1 »i:.' I Vii; l>7:i l-.-rJ iN.'ill iH.J.'i;.^ ls7:'. 1 S.'it'i lh;i I .>.4,s l-.M' ', Is.MI IM'.' ' iM'.i ; ls.">4 : iva.! ' iMl, IS.'..-, I ".VI 1>.VS lsl» IM'J IM'.' ' IS.-ill I l.-ii:l I I '■-'-I , l-s.-i4 Is;:! \\ !,.'.!! :i I -is i-'^i |H.'i4 1 Si'ili IN,'!'! l''.,^tl iMii I'S.'i'i is.-, I ls4:i lHi:i IS4'J IS.'.'.' IS.VJ Is.all IV'.S l.^'■l■J ls,-.;i Haw,!-, .l-.|,li Ui.'y.l. .I.thii HLM11Hall>,', \Kv\. Ilriiwn, S.ii.iut'l H.-irklt-v. -loliii Ciiiik.'.Miihi! . Clar.', I'afri.'k. CUjnilinniiil.', A. I'. ( r-inst.'!!. lj,>l..-,t Ca!!i|il.i-ll, Ct'iiru.' ( '..iirtn.'V, liavi.l 1-' Cli.iml.i'i's. Ilu-I, Curri'll. I It'-ir.L'i' Ciitl,liL'rt«„n, .loliii Ctimt'r'.ii ,^ .Mill, r ('..wall, I. .1.11 ll.aliiliiTty. William ll.ilfiin. .lam.'H. Il.all..,., Halt..!!. Kl-lll,,!, Klliiav, (inllili. Ii..ll!lt. .I.illl! . M i- .liilill . Willi.ii .I..^.',,|i •, Willi. Ian- ll.'ll I.!,. Il„li l.m' Hill .sill' Am Am lli'l III,, I.. I, (iirvi,,, lliiu'li Itrahuni, 'rin'ina, Cr„I,a„i. .lam. , Hani,..,!, It It ll.|.|iilt..ll. li.'la'lt Ililiit.-r. 'rlt..i!!.-l,i . II l.'k.'tl. ,l..».'lll, lla,;.'!,. .Ia„i.'!. llirmlt'ii. cliaili', I|.!rri». William llarliiM, .lam. '.4 lli.llami, Williaui lla>,l.-l!, W,.l llap.ii, lti.l.,11 . Ilank; - .'.. C ii.iwf ' , riiiiiiiiui .liilumtiill, .Inhll .lainii.Hiio, •Inhti .li-ithsiin, .I..I11, .l.lllllHllll, .Ii.llll ihniiirK..,!, lii'V. ( if..!'^'i' 1 Kllj.atll.k. William Hi Ki'iim'.ly, .'M.'xan.N I.iiiii;. M. 11 K M.-riii-rwoli. .'Mi''i I .Mi'Iirii'ii, M..«'>. Mi'WIiihii. V,,, . ^ M.'Arlliur. W ,ll!am I Mi.Millan. .I..I111 . .Ml H.imiM, 1: Mi'l'iMinalt, •li.lin . M. Iiityr.., |l..i!„|.l Mi'Ki',i/it.. .Mi'xai .Miidrfuiir, iliilin Mi'Nav. WiUmm Mm. lull,, .liilin M' lliiiiuli, 'I. .-.'I'll Mill!.,!. \,i-li.'» I'. I'. 1; ^ I I U RON CoMINUKI). 8 I IIILLKT TOW\M||||> roiiliiiiH-tl. Yi>nr inCi 1M7 I- 17 iMi; I'-.-M l!tlll I. -,'.4 I v'.tl ls.i:i NAME. M"..n. ri .,- Mnrtiii. .I..„.|,|, , N.'il.i.i-, ri ,« l'..|.'. Mrs. i: .. , l(.il.,ri , 1<.~., R A.. Mil., lii.l.l.U, \V.,|t,.i-.., lliiiili. -h: ■•lir*'y. . ^iiiili., .Vl'-\;tii'l<-r. .^iiiirli. Willi. nil Sii.l!. 11 .-^imlli. Ui.l.iTl.. POST OFFICE. Oou. Lul. IMS , l.-.-.l li 1S4S i i-r.:. i-r.;i I S.'i2 IH.'.I l!».V2 |sl3 11-74 IS'I' , 1 ISW I IVJl I I -."■■-• I s IJ -rj I -IS l-'ll ly.M 1-7.. 1 i-'-.'i I>-77 IKTI IS.; I 1 -'■..' Iv-,i; 1-7:1 I '-,-• IS.'.ll I - 1.- !>.;-. i.s;:: IS.-..; 1-7.' Ih7l IM.s I, -."ill ■ IWd l.S4'J l(-li| ivr.4 Is-.-. i...ii.;>.-ii.i ' '.ll-tilllf. Il.irl...k Chut.. 11 Aiil.uni.. I,.ii.|.'«l..i ('lilll.>M .\ill.nili . riiMi'.ii . Iliii..,li'..i llarUn'k .)Utll.'..1lll<.', Kll/I(li.-I)l I'jiiili.M . .-ir..!!.|| l,..ii.|.'dl...| StiUtlfV. '['Il..tlt!l^ '..IHtilll.*' S,l,..,.i;-, .K,i,.- . .Slin:ilt. Will lliin.l..i< r.iiiii.lyii. ,l..lm l.i.M.|.-l.,.i 'r..y|..i-. .Vi'i.ili.tiii, 'ri.tisliiii. f Tipliiily. I'liiili.ii T^iyliii. Il.-iiiv ("..iist.iiii-'- W.ilk.r. I'll. .inn- , , .1 linli.ii W.itt, .l.iiiii. .. . ;iliirl...k Wiitt. .\l...v;ih.|.M-. ,lr. I U'.ill. I...iti.-... ; " W.iv, WilH.iiii. . . lilyth . \V.,t...!i. .Iiiii.-s. , ;i..,ii.l..»l...i \V:,t-..ii. Kilwai.l .... jCiiiit.iii \\'<.i..lm III. Artli'.ir.. l.iii.lfMli.>i Wiyiii.'Ulli, Wiiliiuii..; " V...linr. .Ii'lii. A .Utlvtli 1:1 III 1 Nit l.'i r.' 1:1 I 14 \:i 1:1 I I is III BUSINESS NATIVITY ^".•.l^l.lll. I'ltniitT lini.r iiii'i r'.«lniu»t.-r.. . I';lllliii'i< I'nilii.l- IMiyniiiiiii . KmiiuT Tariii.T , , KiiiiiuT iiii.t I'liltli- IJi'jili r. l-'iif'iu'r .... I'iirinur K.iriiH-r FiiniitT l-'iiriiiiT KiniiHT KurintT . ... Kill in.'i- KiiriiiKf 'l-t.l-k.-.T'-r.,..,. Ii.-tir.r l'':ilni^s I'.' II I'.ii III. r l!iif.'iaii.l IH.I'J .\', l;..liiTt 11' 1 I'ainul- II. lan.l l.s,'i4 .Xii.Uts.iIi, rt,.'tii;m liiinL;anii..ii 11 I'J |-'arii.,.r. Itr.f.Ur "I' Uiirhaiii Citll,' faii.iila .: lH4(i A Hill. B. ~\ .1 I.ii.kii..«' 1 1 - l-aiiiiei- lai^lan.l . ... isilii H.irnl.y, ■ni..iiMi.- 1'.; ■J Kaninr, . . Kni-'laii.l .; IS.',;, 11, 11. ,1". sipl, . lllllii. Illlll-B i:t It '1 s Ir.'iail.l S.,.t 1 1 l.'OM KalMit.i . .... :! isiiii Ur..»ii, K. K . lMiii>,'aiin..ii Ti-.'i.-h.T Ill'lali.l , ISIi'J limi..»rt. li,...rL'.' .s|i(.[ 1 :( h. 11 nut Ir.l.ii.l. Isii; It..y,l. 1 ll.l Aiiil..ili.\ 1 1 17 I'li-p-.-r. 1,1111, tier! MilU ali.i S!iiii^;l S.-otiaii.l l.s.VI Uavlif, .l,.liti i:; 1.", | ... .s.a.llin.l IS.MI U„'y,l. .I,.hii Kinl.iil I.m; ■Jl .\itilii iai l.iii.l. .Miiiiii a.'lnr.'V >,i.tlan.l l.s.-.ll Ho.iii»iin>:. K.v 1{ KlIlL'-l.n.^^'t*; 1 1 I;. 1 ■ t'i..vj^yiii.iii Irolall.l . i.'irn lln.wii. S:tviti,.I Aii,i...||.v I-.' ^■: l-'ani.iT Ir.'lan.l iMll li.irkl.'V. .I,.lii, l'.i.lla.-t 11 11 lariii. r Calla.l.a 1 s,->li r, I.ihii , liiiiii.'niiii'iii 'r.-it ll.'Ifast III 7 I'anil.'l' - ., 1810 (■.•11II1.I..1I, lli.TL'.- 1'' 7 1' irin.r 1>. lan.l : ix.'-.ri C.iirlii.'V. Ilnvi.l 1' I'.iil Alhirl Milling. Ni.«- IliniisMi.k , IsT'J ( ll.lll.l..T». Illlu'l, Aii,I..t|.-> . 1 1 1 1 l--..iii,.i ( 'aiiaila . Isii4 Currt'Il. 'ie-.r^'u Klllg!*l.-I.l^.'- 1.11,'kll.n; !l I'ariiiir. Hi- li-r .1 1..- .-..-l.T Sl|..|p Kiiulan.! ISf,.'-, CiitlitiurtHiin. .(i'liii u 1 rain.,M s.-,.tlan.l ' Is.l,', 1 "aimT-'ii .V- -Mill- r Mat. iil.i. turf. H i.f Cai • lap-. Wa^ mm- an.l Slriyl.M . .iM-iy 1 ..lia.l.i l.s.-,l r.iwiui. I.'li.i Knit. Ill II M l''ain..T 1 aii.uh. 1S.-.4 ll,.iljl,iTty. Williiini. Sli..|.].ar.ll..ii 1 1 l"i.ii..-r 1 .'lili'l |.s;|ii II.1I1..11, .liilii.-.. 'Kiii;.'vl.ri.!:;.' im; IJ I'.irni.r li.laii.l . iN'iO |l.lll..n, .l,,lin 1 si; 1 1 i'.iuii.i l,,l.,i„l . IK.'.I) |l,lt..ii, M.,1111.. Kiiitall - S Kariiiir Inl.ii.l 1 .S.IU K.'lilin. .I<.lin Kiiil.iy. \Vill,..m Nile I.aiii'i* 1 III _-, Karnit r .... ..... Ir.'lan.l . 1 -.T'J rilln.T .. . . IS.III (inllih. .I..i..'|.|i . Kiiij:»l.ii'l^" i.m: Hi 1 .rill. 1 an.l Tui n^tiil' C.mi. ill-n . 1 S411 (i..llll<'\', \Vlll|:llll I'liiij;. '1 . . ii Kann.-r Ili'lalnl ; 184,^ lorMii,'l|iik.'l, .\il.- 1 I'J 1 aiiiu 1 'r.iiia.h .' |s4;-i linilmtii. 'rli"liia- . >l„|.|..,i,li..i. . 1 ., l-'arnii-i tlrelainl. . .' IS44 1 irali.'iii.. .Init.i - 1 1 l-'iiriiH'r ,. -, hrelan.l .1 I'll lliirii-,.n, l!..I..Mt U,.:f.„.| 7 I'.irlli.-r an.l '!',.« itsliip Tll'artlll.T. 'Canail i .1 l.SI.'ll ll.niiill l(..l.iMt . .■\iiiliri'l,-y 1.'' IJ Till 111. 't an.l lli-piily II .'V,' :ir<'lan.l , Ih.".S iiiiiti.-i. 'riioiiiJiM . l.uikii'.w l:-. .. l-'arli..'r, I'r. n. .-i .X^ci. .*;... 'y •!.M., |(..|..|t . hiiiii:aiin.>ii. 1 I'arttHT aii'l Iiivi«t..ii t ..ilrt Hailiir. ■Iriliiii.l . 1 s4.'i lllUvk- ' .■,. (-■ IV.rt All.."t Lan.l an.l 1 ..iiu,ii-M,.|i Ap.nt . .. Caii.ld.t - IsfJ, ■ , rh.iniiui . " (Iciii-ial -Ml r.'liant ami r..-InmstiT i .M.inlival •r.l.'m,.|,ll illli.-... . .. Ir.'lan.l l-ll .I.,llll>t..ll. .Inllll 'l.aiH's II 1 KarilMT s,..,ttan'l .laiiii D, .I..lm II :i I'aini.'l S,..tlaii.l 1 H.l'J .l..pli-..n. .I.iliii I'.irt AII...rt, .', 1 K.iriit.'r 'Ir.'lan.l. 1 .StiH .I'.iitii...ii, .I..I111 I'li.l.ri.tiir of H..yal II .lel Cana.l.i . . IS4II .laiiiifK.ji. llcv. 1 ■.'.■r/!! I.iiii.'- .. I'lcMlivli-rian MiniHtir 'Si'ollan.l Is 7.'. Kli|..itll.k. William lmiinann..n . . "' B Kariiit'l' 'ir.'lan.l. |s-'.l Kfiuii-ily. vVi.'X.-iii.l. r li III Karmi-r. . I 'nna.l.'l li-Vli 1 H. .M. 1' .. \1. ■'.n. ..\l.'\;.ii.I.' Kiii;,'sl.ii'lK.- Ti'llclliT 1 'anil. la l>.'',.'i Iliiti^iiiili.>n ■ Tailor NiiVft.'^.'oli.'' Isfilt M. lln.ii. .M..-" M, Wliii.ii. V. .I..I.11 . :( I'J Kaiin.r Ilnilnnil .. . 1S4 7 V.l... 1 1 1 l''ariiii'r '..'."..."... ilri-lanit 1^411 M.'Aillinr. U illiaiii lliilH!allli.m.. . liiili.i.-i an.l ('..ntrai'to Si'otliiliil . .. .M.'Mlllall. .I..I111 . . I',.rt All.iTI,. - im 1 l-arilH'I ih'ftiiiMl.. |s.;i .M. ll.iM.i:.!. 1! •liM.h.T Cfiiinilti . . 1 -'^T Mi-l,('iinaii. .I'.hii Aniliirli'y. . 14 11' l''anii.r an.l T.-wiiMliip .\s.rt'KHor S.'otlan.l . 11*711 IS. -.11 M. Iiilyf, l>..iial.l . M.K.II.!!!'. .\l.\all.llT " l:< 1(1 l-'nnii.r New nriiimwi.'k b.,'t„iWi 14 111 1''.1P1I»T ,Sn.t.laiiil 18-1 1.1 .\I.;I Jri' .I..ltii M.'NiA. William Klhlilil I.iifkii'.u . I.S1{ 2*J "i l-'iirnifr ..... KaniHT ICntinilii !STOil«ml .1 1N4.", IK'i'J Miii.l'.'li. .I.'liii l.'< I'J l<'*rt)ii'l' mill Hliilitcr.. ^SiMilanil.. IH.'iH ls4.-, 1S.-.11 M. Il<.iiilli, .l.'»i'|ili - Iliiit.j.inii.iii .. Hill,.li..r, C.iiitaiii in V iiluntrt'i".. (1 'ann.lil ... . Miillni. \ii.|i.'» l:.ifa-i . il 7 l''aniu-l. Cana.ln 11] \w 82 PATROxNS' UIRKC'IO Ar4llll'IEIil» IO>V>si]||>-f oiilliiiit'il. NAME. Miiril'iili. AK'Vamtt'r. . l.uilvhn^ Mallhs.iii. .ImIiu . Miinill, .lull!) l>llll>;.llMM>tl. MulluiiKli. Wiliiil.i Miiv, li u- Niii' ■ . . Mil/i'. William I'lirt Allicil Mili.n. Ii,i,l;.i.r •■ Miiliallv. .lanii'R ., '* .Miinl;c S KllIK'itll'ill, -Inliii ... |)|iii;:alilli>li liy.m, ,la...ti ... Nil,' Ili^'IriiiN, .lam.' ., I.iiikti'iw .Sl.illi,r,,.l,,lin .. . .-il.a.kl.-lHii. Williaa. Sl..lliiT.<. Willi nil. |1iii,l;iiiij"Ii Sti'vi'ii.. W Harliimr, William Hr.ijihv, Ivlwar.l Hinpliv. (l....r;;,.. . . H ..|.liv. .L.liii Ilaili-.W KraielMii. .la Ili.ii.-. .I..I111 Ilml(;e. .luliii Iti'lini'll. .I.iliii liiiilianan, li'ilnTt. .Si Itla.'klm.iiuli, .I..I111 Hniivii, William Currii', Itiili.-rt . . Clow, .laim'-i, .Ir faiin-roii, It. D... . t'aini'ih 11, . I. lines. .. (■aiii|.l..-ll. I'et.r t' |i-ni.iM . . Ciaii;, .liiliii, .Ir Cnnvronl, tleiij. .1 <',.a.l, lii.liar.r ... (■.miles, U.I.erl.. ,. .. (.'uiiiniiiiL;s, iU ''unites, t; s (.'aiii|.h.'ll, .l.ilin. Cmilles, .ImIiii . <'ani|iln||. Dey, .M.AHll.ler r;^e. Hivtli ... .Si! II. lei W.slli.M Nil.. .. Win^'liam . \laii, D.'Iki.iv.'... . W.siii.l.l,. ■ lllylli .\iil'niii Win-liun . risier . . .St. ILIi'iis ll.ilist S.. ILLn's. W,.,ili,.|.l ... hiiiiL^iiiii.iii M.U11...I1 ,. Wiii^liaiii .Mar li IWiirav.. .. 4 1(1 14 |:l 1.1 1:1 II 1-J l>iir I'liail.'. . Dnriiin. Willi.un Ihirliin. William.. Il.iw, ,laiii..s P.M.- . ., .I..I11, .., .l...s.'|.li. . . . I) William.. . Il.'iis .', U. II . ICIlis, .la.s,ni Kills, William l'"..rsl.r, .L.sepli Kanier. lt.nj.'imili Fiirrier, W. W Karri. 'I, Itavi.l Kinitian, .lolm K.-r^iis.,ii, .lame.s . l-MIs, Saliiu..| V'.itli.-ixill, (!.'.. ru'.. . . . l\ir.)iiliais..i(, Willi. in.. (iii\ in, ( liail.'s. . (iirviii, ( liarl.'s, Jr.. tijiilnl, Ivlwiii (, .l.iliii ( Jirviii, Daviil . ( Jllisnn, Jatiu's (iill.'H|ii.'. .'.ihn. , 'iri^u'. .lani.-s , 11. .ai,., Tl ,s Mnmpliii y, Willi. 1111 III. kiii).l.<'ill..iii, .I..I11 W,.,triel,l.. I>iiiii;..iiii..n .St. Il.-len-s. K..|.lv. .• . Wiii-liain... 11.1-riye. . W.-sllieU . lilytli :I,ii.'knuvv . . St. Il,.|..|,s Mum^ l!.■l,^rav.. .. .\ | Nil..' ■it.« Nile . , . l>iiii;.'anmm. . n-t..r li. l-i.iv.... .\nt.inn. ,. St. ll.lell'N. . Iliin^.iiiiiiiii 11. II IJ 4 I I 1 I II II II 4 1(1 4 14 I.SI! I.Sli 1:1 II II I 14 In 11 I.SU I 1:; 4 l,Slt 14 >V.V>Vi\<>.SII .■*t ll.l.n's l,n.kii..\\ . ... St. Il,.l. ii's K.'ll'asi Xile Murm).'ii . . BUSINESS MATIVITV- &U 10 Co I'm rii'T , Srotlainl IMII I'liriiirr ,. . ri'iiii'i- I'M. Island Is.-.n Mni.l rM.|.ri.'tiii- I'.ina-la IS4:l I-JUIIIIT nil. 1 .1.1' Is 1:1 liuiiii't . ..... Cai.ala ls:l.-, Karim-r Iii-laiiil |s(l:l KiU'int'i- Canail.i ISilll l*'I.Mii. S.iw. St;i\r.-<, llciKliriK lUllI SliiiiKl.' Mills . . (-'aiimln 18(17 Kjirni'-r Jiinl IliiiMiT ... .. . Scotland 1 .s.Mi Kiinii-r , ... .S.'utlaiMl 1 '•c; <•• iiiinl .Mt ivlianl Kn.Janil Is. -.11 I'arnn-r . .. Iri-laml I^KI I"'iit?in'r .Si'iitliunl l.s.-,l LiiiDliiraiiil S|,ii,-1r MillH.. . ... Kri^lami 1 l-'aniirr jiml S;iu .Mill 0\mht . . Wales Islill Kaniit'i iiiiil Slii|)|iiiii; A^'vnt . . . . Iifl.mtl ls4s lairiuT ,. . Nt'W HiniHwi'-k isi;:i Kainn'i- aii'l hniliiiT New Httnniwii-'k IS.ll I'aiincr . . , 'Canatia . .- l-;.-i l'..rMH-i-»ii.l.l r Ii-Ian.l 1 >y.< l-aiuM-. ( 'an iija IS.'ili ranu.T av.l Klmir Mill Uwiirr . Sci.tliimi IWIIi [■"atiiirr . ., ,, ,,. CiuuMla l«4!t I'.iiiiiiiiL; . ..'I.'anntlii 1 s.'iS I'.uiiifr. .. .. Iitlami 1.S41 )' u'tiKi' iiihl HiiiMcr. . Canada .. ls,-.:i Ciniai;'' .mil Wii^.'dii .\latnif;i: nry. ( 'anatia IS44 Kaiiin-i- ami .Shi [I]. in;,' A).!uiit ,. t'aiiaila ..... IH74 iMIIlMT , .. , lu'lainl 1H48 hllllUM' .. . ... In-laml IHIS l''ariiK-r ,,.. , ... ... lKnK'I:ind |s47 ■•ariiiur , IlivlaiKJ 1SI7 KitrriK-r . . '.■^.iitl.inil IS.I.S l-'aiiiicr ainl UniMtT ('aiiuila l>77 I^UIIliT ail'l TiiUll-liili IlitVr Inhm.l 1 s.;'.' lariiHT . ,1'anaila ., Isill Mi-rrhaiit mill ^^^^^lnn8I^■^ !|)i-lariil .. ls.".l K.irriHT . In-land is.-.l ri-nfiiictnr Ml' CnpL-laiura llotf . . Canada l.S|() IS.^ili Ilnt.'i |'ln|.|ii-tHr Canada V.\^llirs KAhT A WKST. u ! Ill M ■2:\ 111 i:< il I'.i l''armer .. Fanner. . |-arni.r . I'aiii...r .. l.nnil...rali.lSl>iii):l.. Mill. Fanner, . :l'. llelir.l FariM.r ;!7 l.tiiiMT ■J I F.iini.r r.\ Fir r •J:l Fai 1 -■.I I' irin.r I I F.ilm.i II Fanner ;;,-. Finn.-r n Karm..r .'.7 K.ii lilt r ::ii I'arin.r .., ;;.". F.irnier .•!! ,lietir.-.| Far r in iFarimT ami |li.|.uty lieev.. ;'.ii I'FiMiner ami 'rnwlisliii. t'..ii 1.1 ! -1 'l-'aMIL-r 1.-. Finii.r Farmet I'arm.'i, an. I Saw mill Sler.lianl Uetiiv.l Fiiin.r jFarm.r. Ilr... .I.r i.l' ami C.-.tsVvol.l Slii..|.. . . F.trm.'r Fiinii. r |-\iini.'r . Firm.r .V U .I..r.>l' l,.i.-e,te ('niiailn , Irelan.l,. Kii;{laii.l. lielanil . Kiielati.l . Ii.lnml . Irelaml.. S.'..tlall.l S.MllamI t-'.imula. .. ('miiulii .. Irelai.J . i.' Irelaml... S.a.lhinil . Se.illali.l . Kn^'lan.l . Irelan.l.. Kiml.Mi.l. t' .. S..,itlan.l,. S...illanil,, ('una. Ill ., Irelan.l , S.-oIlitlnF, Se..tlan.l I'lna.ll , ( ' ,. Irel.iml . ('.nil.. She..,, Man. Ilia.ksmiili ..tC.imai,.. Mak. .iiest.r, , Farmer im.l 'r..\Mi.l ij. ('ii..iii.-ill.,i . .I''iiinier ..11.1 'r.)\\iisl il. 'rr,.asiir..r. . . , 'Farlmr ' Farmer F..|iiier Fanner Fanner Farm.-i . . , Farmer F.nni.T Fiiimer Fanmr Faiiu.'r Fai m.r I''arm..r K.II iner .. .. Fanm.r Farin.'r l*'«inii.r l-'ai iii..r atiil IN.stmasl.T . . F.iriii..i-,*r.iwiinliii. Ili'eve ami County |,W..r,l,.n .-^ jKarniiT JFannvi- nnd 'rnwuKldii Di'puty Ktvvc il-amuT, Cirni'i'al Mcndiant and Post I uiHstpr FainuT K:iiii!i:.ii Ksf.l 1S.-.7 li*,-.3 ivll ISali I Mi I I.sii.'i l.^HL' l,'>7o l.HliO IHIS l.-ila IMI 1S71 1, •<.'.;! 1 sr. I 1 s.'.ii 1.177 Is.'.l 1S.-.7 l's7ii l.siis 1S.-.7 1 .'Mi:i 1N.-.7 1M7 I Mil I S(i2 IMili l.^ll 1»4S IS. Ml I.S1I7 IMll iMili l.sils IS.i.i I Sill Camilla ' ISlUl 111.' II.. lla llariis.m. Il.nrv, .1.. I|....i'.i, .1 II....V. r. .\ li.Klis, J..1 Johns .1,1. ks, i.lllles, F.l .laiiii..s.,ii, K in ih.iii. Kin-, Wil 1. ask, 1;. I kh.iil. l,...'kliail. I...i|.,.li. 1. .l.h, W. l..iillit. M'i , l.inkl,il.'i., Mllklal.'l, lai-hiiMii, ■M.IIw.iin. II. M.'l'li.. M.'ll.,! Mi'i'iv-ii.. M.I i..sii.. M.l..aii, K M.I.. M.I.. M.K.u, .la M.l'.auall M.Calllini. M.-CillllM, M.'('lil|..ii. .\I,M;.,wah. .\l.ll..iv,i, . M.'dill, .1., .M.I 1., wail, .M.'ll.evan. M.(l..waii, Meliowaii, Mlirriv, K MillllT. (' .\leM, U.. )NS' DIRIXrrORY OF THH WAW AXO-iM TOWXSIIIl'.-l. KlfSl »V WKXI roiUiiiiK «l. NATIVITY S.'c.tlilll.l J'rin^'i* K'l. Lsl.tiiil r.Mia.hi Ir.' Ii.'laii.l ( ';ili;iihl .. liti-il Sillies.. illi.11.1 'anadii. . .. .iriii'la Iti'.l Stall's . ■ rallaila IStlr S.Mllan.l , ISM S,-,.tlar..l . . , l-i;7 KiLu'lanil Ix.Vi lii'laii'l |S|(I S.iiliilMl |.s:,| lai-lali.l |m;.. Will,-. IMIH li.'l,.li.l lv|^ Ni'W llinn^wi'-k ISfi.'t \<'\\ litiiii.iwirk ISt;( C'aiiaii.l l-7'i li.lani iN-.'.i . . ... ls:,il sr.iilan.l ' 1H:1II raiiaihl I 1N4II I' Is.'iS ll.lall.l ! I.SII ..! \s:,:\ I \S.H I' ' HTI lic'lali.l I'-JH Ir.l.iu.l IM'' Kii;;l;iii,l ; 1*47 h.laii.l . ..: 1.SI7 s...ll,incl I !>-•;» raiiaUii I 1>77 Ir.hih.l i IsiW : ISlll Ir.lali.l I l*:.l Inlaii.l I l»:.l I'aiia.lii ; lhl() .^'"thli.l \SM . .^_. I IM'.l JST. ■allada ISn:) li.laiiii lMi!l Kii-laii.l ISaa li.laii,! 18IS Kn^laM.l !8W li.lan.l IxM lr.-laii.| l^.'.-J ■^r,,||anil IM-:! s.i.llaiMl I'-iil isr.:! ■.ili.Mla l>:i:) ll,l,i'..l ]-:;^ '.ciii.:<\ ■lali.l l-.lj ..iiaiid im;;. ..llalid 1!*117 Inland isiii; laml l,--:.! lU'lalid l!-r.l l*f.O ..llalid isjl ..Hand IM'.ll liada 1S57 I. Mid IJM iillalld ISS.I ..tlalid IS.'iO ilid.i lf>,'.l iiada ls.'i7 •l.iiid is:,3 I. NAME. H'llali, 'I'liomaH . . Ilallll'll. .Inlill... 1 1 an HUM, W. A ... Il.iiiv, .latiM's ... . I|.,.,v'.-i, ,1 pli I) M.mvri'. .\d.iiu I).. Imk1i<. .ImIim .liiliti.l'iii, .laiiM's. .. .1,1 l.-,.ii. .I.d.ri.. . .I.iiii.-, Kdvvard. . •laniit'sMii, Tli'iiiMs . U'llliaiii Kill-. Willi . l.-isk, llrv. l; l....'kli.iil, l;. ill.. it . . I...,ll,ail. Millh.w . I.MUill d, Willi. 111. I. ddv, Willia:,i l.aillil, M ii;iiii~ . .'i. Williiiii. .. laiikl.ili'i, .Mai^iiil.i l.iiikl.ii.'i, .ImIiii I.illklat--l. .Vlidlrw.... I.iidiliiaii. Ifii liiid.. . .\MI»..ii<. Il.ivid .M. linn. 11. .\l ilr.iliM.. M. I',,1. Ilii.di M. Il.iu.dd. .\iiuil- . \l.i'i„-li.'. .I..I111 . NM r..,li,., 11,1-1, . . . M.l,,-aii, lvlw,,|,l S. . M,'l.,aii. .\llliili. . M. I,.ali. .I.,lili M, ii.iv, .h,iii,'.. M.n \r l'„i,jall,.\l.\alid,'r MrCallilMi. .I.,hii .. POST OFFICE. W.'.stliidil... iMirtgiiiiii'in. . I Wi'.stliidil . . ! Mani'itdi . .. W,v,tli,d,l.., n«t,-r... \ul>iirli. . Mariio'di >l. II. Il' \ilhiiili . >i. ^v,■^ni.d.l.... l>.|.i;,Mllll,>ll Wiii^diaiii. Man li . . Nil,- I,,.\v . . Si. Il,l.-ll's lai. kiiiiw.. Ii,-|l,ist., . , ■;i. il,-i,-ii's l.ii.kiKiu- . . . I>iiii''aiil).ili. M.Cailii.i M-rli I .lam. .I„lll M, 11. .wall. Willi, r M. i;,.«.ii.. (;r,-|!..r. M,i;ill. .laii,,-.^ .. .\I. -11., wail, ,1.1111,--,.. .M,'ll„waii. I!,ilii-it . Mill, .wan, (i.-.ii-,;,- M,-li,(Wati. I ii',,11.',', Miirriv, l!,-il Miliii-f, Chill,-, . .M,-.l,l, l!„l,-il . . . IMU ISM I. Mil I sii-l l.-ll'J l*7ii .11.111,1 ' l.tliO lall.l 1S4S lan,l \X^i, r,-laii,l MiU lada 1.171 ,uia,la l,*.'.;! ■w hiniiswick 1>,',I ..llainl is.'.'i iij-ia 1.^77 .v.i .Si-otia. ... l^-'.l ■laii.l l.'-.'.7 -Ian. I l'^7ii .lliUl.i l.'>ils ls.-,7 .Ilia. la , Im;.') I 1S7.7 -liiii.l 1SI7 -laml ■ l.Mil aiijlanil iJal aigliinil : l.slVi ,,llan,l 1M1;I dan.l 1-11 iinaila l.'-ls if;laii.l....' ..llaii.l ' IS-ll) iiia,la I.''il7 aliaila ISII) .ilin.l ' isiili ii).l.-llid ! ISdH .-lillal l.S.IS iLiliind ISdl I ISOO Mori'lali.l, llll^'li .... .Martin, .lanii-H . Martin, Ar,-l,il.:il,l .Miiilin, William ... .Mitiliill, T. It Mmi.Ii, KidH-it Marsh. ill, -SaliilU'l .Ni.„l, Walt.-i- iiCaili,udiaii. I'.. 1 lw,-ii^, .li.liii . ilw,-n>. -Iiiiii,-s r,itt,-r, .laii.,-,s.. I'iii,|,.ii. I!„l,-rl I'.llll.ill.l, .\l"V;lll,l.-r I'.iill.iii.i. .l,-:,i. . l',-r.lii,-, -laim-s Hint, .111, I Itinl.iil. .I„hn. . . I Kama;.',-, .Iam,-s ' Hiltli,-rl„r,l, Charli-s. ll,.l,ilis„li. ,1.1111,., . ... Ita.llnr.l, Kl.-ii.-/.r .. . H,d..-ii-, ,1. M ' l!iii;,,l.;,-, Tl Willi. ml, .\I.Mii.l,.r ... I!iiil„iil, Chiirh-s . . Ii,-,l 11,1, .l,,l,ii Sli-WiiM, 11,-,,1-f;,- Slii-nill', ,l,.liii I Smiih, C.rii.-lin. , .Soim-rvill,-, T. 11 . .. S,>ni,-iNill,-, .liiiti,-s Smvth, II..I..11 Sii.ii, Ar, . Siriiii(;,„iii-, .\li..xa,i-l,-i Sti-Wiirt, W. * .\.. . Sulhi-rlaii,i, William S,-„||, Wahi-r -S.-ott, l)avi,l Sli,.ils, l-;ii.„li,V- Will, r.ivii.i. 'riiDiiias T.ii.i, r. ,\,- n T,.,vl..r, ,l..hi, II ... 'rhi.iii|.s,m, .l,,hii .. ■|'a.vl.„. W.ilt- 1 . raylnr, 11,-nry II.. . 'rii.vl.ii. Thmnas II .. \V,iilli,-rhi-a,l. lii-iiri'i- W.l.l,, ,l,din W. Il«,„„l, ,l„lin... W.Uw 1. William. W,-l,si ,. I ;,.,„■,,,- . ,. W.illa.,., Tli.,mas.. Wil-,m, J.din . W U, ■|'l,..iiias.. WiIIm.i,. Wils.m. William .. " ashin-t.ili, .lidin . . . W'i^diiman, .l,,liii \\ iuhltiian, 'riioiiiiu . Wi«liliiiaii, K. ft .1.. Winliiimin, llinrv. .. Wilsmi,' .... I'lsU-r... , l-',i|-,h-,-p.. risti-r. .. W.-stli,-hl .Aillinin. .. Ii,-l|,'nivp . l'lsl,-r.... Ili-l-'iav,- . ;i!yii' St. ,ii,-i,-irs . [>ll,i;;aliniill. Vii,- Winuhiiin... l-',.r,l.v,-,- .... ■it. ll.-li-n's ll,drast .. . W,-.stlK-l,l . !I)un^'aiili,,ii ■\ill.urn l-',.l, . . W,-sHi,-l.l ninh 1,11,'klinw SI. Il,d,ns It.llast. . l.iiikiiitw , .. IlilfasI Wi-stli,-I,l . .\ul. 11111 .. liiiiikMiiii.m l'lsl,-r jH.d(;mv,. 'w,-st 11,1,1. S|. 11,1,-1, 's W,.st 11,-1,1. .\ul.iirn M,irn,),-h SI. ll,-l,-i,-.s. Oon. { Lot M .1 ,'i 111 » 111 II » 1 iii ' fi ti l:< 1:1 l;i 1:1 II 1 1 I ]■> 11 11 1:1 4 W,-stli,-|,l.,. St. H,-li-ii'.s Iti-llast Ihln^ann,,!!. Aliliiini... Ht'lgruve Man li .'.' .Vllhllfll BUSINESS NATIVITY Karmil Ir'"'"'-; l-'ainu-r ami S|,„-k (inwi-r Kii« KuriiMT Kn^lanil l-'ari ' """I" Kiirlin-l . l-'.ir r l-'.irm,-r Win^diiim.. .. li lii-l-iavi- » W.-sltii-W ..,^^. ; -'■ Hlvlh i li " ■• I :i St. Hi-h-ii'.- WL-Stli.-l.l Vul.ui'li 111 VI I :t 1 1 11 II 11 111 10 1 10 U 1,1 1.1 4 11! 11 11 111 11 11 1" l-'aniirl . Kiiriii,-i l''arm,'i '' ^nniiils.siiiii.T ali,l .1.1'.. FariiH-r |'i-usliy|,-iian .Miiiisli'i- Kuiiii-r ■ S,-l„-,.)l ■r,-ii.-li,'i-, -S. S. .N,i. I'J.. . l-'arniir aii.l V,-l,-riMaiy Silr)(,-i,n . l-'.iniii-f l-'ariii,-r ami Slum- Miw,ili . Kiiriii,-r ami l>.iil,l,-r •-'ariii, r , . . . . !''.iriii»-r l-'arnn-r Kiuiitt-r. l-'iinn-r iiml T,iwMslii|. ( ',11111, ill„r l-'anm-r |-'allll,-r rariiiHr Kiiniu'r I ,,1111'r l-'iiriiii-r KiiriiH-r ami Dnivi-r Kill f.'uiiailit .. . ;4'iilliiila. . .. ' :S-„llali,l... ;..' Iri'lnnd ,.,.,. ]ralia,lii .. t( '.iliiiiia ... .:v ;.s,-„tiaiid ... r,iwiisliiii I'lmm-ilh'i. . ,.: ... Ii,-laii.l lS.-..tli,1l,l |s,>„llaii,l .. i.'anailn I "iiiiinlii (.'iliiailii, . .. Il'anada iSi--.tliili,|. . |.,-.,ll,,l,.l . ,.S.,.tl,i„l . ; , . 's,„llali,l .. i>,-..llali,l . 111. laml fliit,-.! Stall- .lliin-l . |S,„lland . Soill.iml . . |s,i.llaii,l .. iranailil L -1 ami lIuiH-i-al St,ii-k (iiiiwi-r. IMiysi,-ian, A,- I'"ariiii'r l-'allner l-'.ir.m-r _ l-'iirnii-r ami Tt'iii'luM- l-\irim-r Kar,ii,-r Kariii.-i Kar r l-'iirini-r ami ,1.1' Karint-r aiiiiL-r ',1111111 isi,)ii.-r 111,1 'r,.wii>liii. I 111 k llr,-,- .,,1,1 .- r,.r Unrliiimriilll, '-l' Ill 111 'Jii i:i :'.l :i.', :i'J IS ■J 4 l-';,iiii,-r ami lli-m-ral Air'-lit I'-'r .1,)- llull Mamiia-tniint; W.iiks . . Fariiu-r Kitinu-r Hlaiksmiili iiii 1 l*.,sliii.isti-r Farnu-r.. . i-iirnit-r . .. K.irlm-l- Fainit-r - l-'iitnu-r l-'i 1- l-'i.riii.-r ami 'I'tiv-nsliip lU-i-ve ..... l-'iirim-r l-'iirmt-r — l-'iiiim-r I''.irmt-r l-'.irnu-r Kiirini-r l-'.innt-r r,'ii,lii-r Kanm-r l-'arim-r i»,-m'i-al .Mi-r,'hiint and C,,uv,-y.iu.-,- l-'anm-r l-'iiriiH-r... l-"iiriii,-i' Kaiini-r , !l-'.irim-r... ..... K.iiim-r l-'.irim-r l-'.uiii,-r ali,l Klmlfil.ji Mill I 'oiiv,-yaiii-t.'r l-'iirmi-r Kariii,-r Kiirmt-r.. Kiinm-is, l''aiin,-r. l-'ailm-r. l-'ariii,-r.. l-'.inm i-.s l-aiim-i-. l-'itrim-r. l-'-iini.-rs. and Saw .Mill. Saw .Mill K.\ U,-,-vi.... ranii.-r l-'iinm-r l-'ariii, 1-. Ill l.-i ami H,-ikslirri- Karim-r. llir,- 1,-r an.l l;,-iksl,ir,< Kiirim-r, I'.iriiii-r l-'anm-r. Kiunu-r . l-'aniii-r l-'iirmi-i- l-'anm-r. T,-ii,li,-r l-'arnu'i-.. l-'anntT 'Kiinnt'i-. l-'aniu'r, l-*aniii-r. l-'iirini'r Kiirim-r.s Kaniii-r. ranii.-r. ■ „!' ('olsw,d,l Sl„-,-| I'll."* ,if (',,t,w.,l.l Sli,-i-| I'lL'S hvlaml ... ll-,-la,|,l... -i,|ian,l . -i.tlaml. I 'ami,lii , . illalld . Iivlaml.. I 'ana, la . . (.':imi,la.. Il'i'laml... ( 'aitatla . . C'aliailu . ('nilii,la . 's.-,.tlali.l S.-,lllilli,| I'.iiKlaii-l jKiislanil,. 1 1 11 loud.. I 1 I'iiiiaila. I'aiia-lii... I.s,-„tlali,l .S,-„tlan,l l-:ii,,'lali,l. . S.-.,llali,l I' ll',diiii.l . lli-lall.l Kn^laii,! (.'aliililil . ('ana,la . Ili-lalitl . <.'iilia.ta .,. . Cana.ia. . S.-..tlai„l. . . Kiml-iml. I '.ina,iii . Cana.ia .. Canada , . Cana.ia . li,-lai,d . S,-,>llaii,l S.-.,tl,iii,l ( ' S.-„lliii„l . S,-,,tliind li',-laii.| . ■S.„tl:lll.l . S,-,)ilam.l Camilla. , I 'niiiiila Camilla .. Caii.iila . Cana.ia . -S.-.,lliin,l . I' .. S.-i.tlan.l . KllKlaii.l Kn^daiid . lli'M'd-r iif Dni-hani I'attli. I ' . . !l Jl;,'lall.i S,,illal|.l . Kiiyliiii.l . Ill-land Cana.ia . S.,illaii.l I ' ..s,.>llan,l. h.-lan.l Cana.tii. Ili-lali.l . Kii-liiml KiiKhin-l . l-'.ii.uliiml il'iinaila . KiiKlaiid . KiiL-laml SoUll-ii m Co- 1 «.1" lsl7 l-.'.s Is.','., 1 ».•.,, l-.;i l*7.', |s,-.:i I-.-. I i-ri |s,M 1 '-.'.'* I -.-4 1 sl'.-J ls7,'. 1-14 1-4:! l-.'-fi l-.-.ii 1 -.•.,; i-;i i-.-.i 1 -;.7 1 -.■-.. 1 -.'■ I 1 -■!.'. I --7 1-.;.'^ I-.'..; i-.d l-.s is.-j l-7'J s...' -,'.l -,'.:l -.-1 s.",:l - ir COUNTY OF HURON— CoNT 11 it:v»i:uit% ioiv.\!siiip. NAME AiiMs.'li, \V Aii't* r«>pii, S;iiiiiii-I . . I!:.kk, Siiilill.l M.>\ni.tti, Jiim.'ii li:i kn.ll, .;,,.ri(,. ' 'ti liiiiiiii^. Willuiii). POST OFFICE. I 0». jLot., BUSINESS NATIVITY iti>-itiiiiiiiiii. . HlM.'V.lli'. ... Wiii^hiim.. 10 1 1 r irr>. l'hri^tt'|»Il<*r . • 1 rv. I.utlirr |i. ■•'<: I'.I.T \'.i li . Arties 1.;;: ''A, .1.11111*"* K-lw.irli. W. II.. \",' tiling;, It.ili.Tt.. . Kti;!.., ililliiTt (iriv, WilUiiii H . liillll.. . .. i:. ■Miiill. .I..lm. .-ir. I!':i')l;i|j, .l.i'ih-H . H i''ilik."», TliDiii 18. II Mtnii;*, lUvi.l . H ^'k'. .liimi'* llvMIi. K. W .' 'iili-I'iil, Iniiifs. .1 .liii-t.'ii. Willi.iiu .l.t.'., |■|l^i^t.ll'l[.•r . .I.irriy, W'illi.uii.. . .'. Ilkill.a. 'rilOlllJt. . K. ..:>•. .1..1111 Ktii^. Utui.ui.. K.y, .1. 1'., .Mil. lili'imiiniiii iiii. Hi'lmori'. . . \ " fl lil' 11 11.11.11;, Wuigli.ini . \Vr..x..t< r . II '"J 12"; fil.ii.iiiiiiiri .... VViMKliaiM . Wr.rMMil-.. .. In H '.M < i!<'ll:llllmil Uhl.'V.ili- .... 11 i;i 11 \\"iiu-li.iiii .... s is Wruutii.. . . Ilhi.-v.ile Wiiiitliuiu 1 •ji 7 In niiiT iS.MtliUhl .. . K.iriniT r.iriiii.i- mill J.I' :lri.|;iii.l K.iriiii.r A 'r.ivvii>lii|. Cli ik & Tri'ii.i'r In liml I Tfiir Sotlll'll I in Co ISIIl 1.\'pS 1 «.-|,-| I s:..s I Mi,-1 1.i4m NAMt. l.iUli., .Mm I.ittl,-, Hiil...rt l.v li, W. ll.Ai.Ios.. M I)..-,i:.m!1, Hu^li M.iVit, (i.-ori;.- -Mil. I1.-II. Willi;,,,, Mit.h.Il, ,I,.|iii .Muhi'v, . 1.1111. -H Miv h.'ll, \V. K Mit li.H, .lain,.. Mirlin, K.iviil Mu»tT"v.., .I.ihn Ni li.iU.,11, (ii-or^i- . ... riiiir, Kilwjir-l I'r. rv.ii, J,ihii r I'.', Tii.iniiis I: ^.i^i:!, .loliii . > .;;.*■. 11, WilHiuii S; .k' H. Th"iii;i8 ^!.. I', tii-urj^i' ■> It, K. M Siiii'!/, Willi. 11,1 ^t..;l,.r?. Ilii^h Tliviii,,., Klli„t W. il-, I'.itri.k \N*. ir, .r\m,.(j . Wvi... ,l,iiii,.s.. \V'~l. ll.-liiior.' ... ., Wiii),'liiiiii . , niii.v.ii,. ... nellinirr, .. Witi^htim . Illueviilo , . WiiiKliiiiii, , >to.k Di'iiliT Fjinm-r .KiUllliT K;irillrr 'I'livsii iiiii 1111,1 Supgcnn, CiiiiKirr, (■ii|it. Nil. 7(',iiii|i. i'2 llatt.,Biii.c."<,'uthiiul . Fiiriiier S, i,tlniiil . ' KiiriuiT .Scutlaiiil . idriat ,11,1 .Saw .Mill — Wliiilfjiili- iiiiil livl.iii.l... I'aiiaila. . . ( 'imiidii. . , Kiifjlaml. . .*i.„tlaii.l . .Sutliii,,! . l!t,'.,-i ; is;,7 1>74 I >*;•.' 1 >•:« IS-.7 KSf,;i I Mil I!>.-,4 l»,'ll l.s.-,7 Is.-.ii l-,',:i l.«3ii 1>,',7 \>:<7 1 8110 IS,'iii I Hi I l.S4(! ltt,'ill Iiitvi', Hiluli, ,lr I,nw(ii>ii, NN'illiiiiii .. MoC.j, llul,t. A.^alii'l .M,-Kii\i'r. .I.iini'.i M.t'aiiii. lli'iifv ,, .. .Mi'Ki'ii/ir. .MiAaihlri Mi-1 1. Will, ill,, , Ml'Klll/ll,. TIloMiaH. .Ml'l),,ll>!all, W.iU.l- , MuiTav, ri,,il,iaji. , . Moilu.'k, .liili„» M..1/, llimv .Miti'lic'll, .l,il,ii. . MllHllilillr\', lirur^l.. . M.,llar,l, .hiMii's .Ni'villr, .Mi.liai'l PiirttiiiiM, ,liiliii i'rmitj', t' I'f.iir, (li„r|j;i, II l.iiiarrv, .1. ti l;..ll,i,"s, 1. A., M.l>.. Ilu.iil, Uaai' l:.,»s, ,l,.l,i, it .Mr.-. M Uii>:iT«, 'riiniiias. . Mill/, .1. ,* s,,,,, Ili.itli, .l„l,ii .Sfliiiarr, W'l riiiT . . . . S«-,i't, ,l,,l,ii Siifll, ,li';iii Sauiiilurfi, William. .. Siiii.H, .l,ili .siiiiM, .laiUL-H. .... SiiMfi. ItoKert StL'vi'iis, Mirhael , .SaiiiK-rw, ,I,iliii .slmiik, ,la,-,,l. II. . . .Staiili-v, K,.l.iTt . . .. Sparr, Misa Kli/a . . Trivitt, 'riiniiiad. . .. 'rrui'iiiiiLT, .Vnilrcw. Wi-ll, Iluiiry Willfi, Mattliiw Yi'urlt'N, Tlhimas... Ynlllli.', ,Iiillll 11. . . . POSTO llariiliy i'ri.,lili,i) I'liitrali rn.lil,,! li.mliwm '^liipka . ri.,liti'li I rami II I'lntiali 1 r,,llt.,l liaii'l 1 •lira,. ''lv,lil.,i Hay . I>aitli\\i, Ml'a 'rfiliiiii Vtitr.ili 'ivilil..! I Ilia . I : rail. I 1 rrcilit"! Kvi-ti'r.. Cnilitoi Sare]tta I'ri'ilitol Ci'iitrali San-pta * "ri'ilitoi STEIMIEX TOWNMIIIP. -\iiiv, T!i,ima>t K.ik'ir, William r,rauii, Charlra Hr'.k, ii^hirt-, Samufl. 1'. lU.-, William ... I'll. Iialiau, I l,,lial,l . . . ltr"»]i, h l'.lak.,Ar., r,cck.iiiliaii' r, H.nry r..ikcr, .Inn. & Will... I "aL'liliii, Tiniiitliy. ' ink, .lanu-n ' liaiiilitTi, K'lmiltiil .. 'i.irk. .VlexaiicltT.., I asvlmaii, H. .M .. li.-iriii);, William . . ll:.rlalillll, Kc-v. II. . I'.il/i.l, .Ichn |ii.'kM.,n, .Ii.lin II .... Kilhii, Cliark-s 1 ai-."t, llvnilLtrilt ... W.ri, .ImIh, rull.,11, William . . . •"'rci.'invav.Tlins., M.P ll..!ik;rk;Arcliil,al,l A IIJl, .Limo-s ll.jartli, .Suptiinu,! . . n.ill». H.irtli-il,, CliriHtopliur. Ilaii,:f.,r,l, Cakli. .. ., Fn-'lerick. Mall, Alnnzo II.iyti.T, Ttiiimas N,. . Ii'iiJii'ti:, John Kil.lpr, rii.,Ii..ri' k Kralt, William Kiily, l:,.v., .M I.,vn«, William Lamport, .laim-s. . . . 1. iinp.jrt, Ilunry . .. . Cruiliton - Knetcr i.'re.liton Sliipka. Crt'tUtiiii B.-ewst'T.. .. 1 ir.anil He ml. Harpley . ... UfTa <.'re,litun. 21 .S H Famit'r Il'.tel Fruprit'tor. . 'Mur.llant . . FarmiT aii 18,i() IS.W IS.IS 1 »7« ISfi4 P-7(i \!>-<0 P-4II I s,-i.1 I»I4<.I 1»7.'> 1.M4 1878 |s,'i4 1877 I'-.-il I. ■>,'■. I ISOS lK.->2 1848 1.S55 ISSli l.'!4!l l.'53!l 1,878 l!>54 IS,'!,'. 1»7» 1852 1871 18,'ili lierinany l-'^'ii^ Ireland . England . I 'anaila . . (.'anada . . . 1808 l85,-< iHr,r> IN,',,'-. AyliMUMrili. V \* Coni.' . Aii'lcrMon, Williftiii. . Hehiior AihIltsuii, Joseph '* Kliiir, .liiiiif» Bt.'l:iviH . :... (iorrif H"^A '''riiiik Ilcin^itoi'k, (ii'iir^u ., . " Kn n I wi ' Hastie, William Wrox.- ! FIipitiHlall, I'l'lLT M^k■s^ Hulibanl, Thomas LakL-h Ilalli'layj (icorgK " Harris, Daniel Konlw ' Henry, (Jfor^i'- Chllor Hanliiif,', John lurrii- llarriH, N'elHon K . . . . ' Janneji, John W " JoIlM**'!!!, (Ifur^t: Lakrli- ■ Johnson, Jnhn lU-lnio 1 Johnson, Kilwan! .. ( lorrie HURON—CONTINUED. 83 hiki>iik:n Ton.>Mllir (ontinnril. Tf«r ' itiUu NAMC POST OFFICE 1 i Lot. BUSINESS NATIVITY. Brltlwl lU Va) Mi,i ' I,..v... Mii^h. .Ir Iar|>I..y ., i 'JO fJ Karmer Senlland ,,. ' I.S40 1 »r.s l,:tWHMii, \\ illiuiii .. ■tr.lituii 11 II Karmer Khuland Iniaml I l.^ 1 -;.,•, Mr*'o>, Itulit. A Siiiii'I i-ntrali.i . I li I'arnieiH. and H-alerHin llnrMi''* 18SU i 1 ".-.s MiKti'VlT, .I;IIIH'S 1 "rf-liti.ii S ji 14 ••'arMi.r ... .'Indaml 1 1807 18^11 1 m;,-. Mr( aim, Hciirv )ai.Mi is;.:i .Mrl>..Hj;;.II, Walter. • rami Kt'inl . . ' ^aw Mill Scntliind lotind Farmer Ireland.. IKIIO IMIi 1 ■•:..s MiliTay, rimiiia)*. . , "i-iitialia ! 1-1 Mollork, .IlllMin n liitf'U rilai'k>milh aii'j Camaj^e Maker Canada l.^'ill i,s;,7 Mitt/. Ili'niv *' ..... & II Faniiei and St.„k (Imwer ,. ( aiiada 184U 1 i>:4 Mltihutl. .Inlitl A 17 I' arnl Hro kmaker. . Canada 18.10 1 IMJ-J MawliiniH'V, liiorgc, . " . . . ' 11 i:i F.utner Itel.ind IKII4 1 ^-.'.1 MMllani, .I'liiH'i • raii'l lU-iiil 'j'_* 1 l'"antii;r , Knulftud iMil I-.-.7 Ni villi-. Mi.ii;i.-1. , 'lira Hnl.I K.eper Irebml ISIIIi 1 S.MI I'jllsniih. .Inhll ' inlitiMl . . Meteh.uit and C.oi\ e\ am'-r Kn;;land ISSt! I-.;;; tlav li Karriii I and low nthip Ch rk . . Canada :»nii I s;,4 I'l^lll. C.vnr^v 11 llasluvooit lSla^K^Inl^ll and^t jJiiilder. . .Cuiaila l^^^ 1 >:ii;irrv. .1. i\ M!rt iM'iieral Mer<-)iant and I'ustm.iHter Ic.iiiada . . ., 18118 i-:.r lluliuiH. 1. A., M.I),. retlittiii riiynitian, 'rM\\ii-*liip Treasurer. ICanada , 187'J l^.-.i; " . Hnur and heed Sture,. . iKnuhuid I»7'J \^M n.MH. .Inhll ti Mr^. M 'I'litr.ilia ri Karnierrt Caiiuila. ISIIl ' i I.-5II U(i>.'t.'rs, 1 hniiia.s. . 'rc'ditnii Te.-ieluT. S. S. Nil. 2 Canada Linu i^:.7 Hat/. .1. 1^ ^oUH < Hla 14 10 KariiierM ; Saw Mill ami Hendin^f : -:<7 l-aetorv Canada is7a IMIO K-'ltll. .Inl.ll 'Iraiitl lii'Mil. . 1. It \V 1 Firniir ami Stu. k Cmwer Canada I8S'J ISIls S. Iniarr, \\ riiuT i'rt't.lit(ni l-'lav Mill and Saw Mdl; Township is.',6 Cuiim-illur tlermany 1S73 1 KS.'Ml , *iw. rt, .I.ilin Kxrti-r... . N B 4 Farmer Knehind is;!.". Itlll SlU-ll, .IrlMl SftuiMicrs, William. .. ('rt'iliton » 17 15 Fanner Farmer KiiKlaiid l.s;!3 I8.'>l , Fnj^land 184li 1>:,.; Simw, .lull ,., ,, S It .S 1) i;t 13 KnglamI <'ati.ada 18I.S is:.8 .*'iiii.'', ■l.-iiiifM Farmer l»."iii Siiii.H, Kitl.ert f It '1 Kngland F.ngland l>58 18r.:i SirvfiiH. Miclmul •• 1' Firmer IS'm .Saii-K-rs. .l.ilin Sliuiik Jar..)) il. Sarci.ta Cri'iliton. . .1 11 1<> Firmer and Mriekinaker Kn^iland I84'.' IS74 l.s.W St.inlrV, KuluTt . . .. 8 C.irpeiiter .ind HuiMer Canada . 1 i>:.4 i^iiip >li.irr. Miss Mi/a . . 1 'I'livitt, Tlmiiias. I Vntralia /. |{..\al lintel Catiada Knt'land 1874 1848 1 Hivi.Hinn i'mnt Clerk 1S74 1 ruiiiiiiLT, Aoilruw. . Sarepta N II 111 Farmer; JJreeder of HoracM and 1 -I'.T 1854 1 -.'..'l Will, ilcury t'rnliton I'roiirietnr nf Creditnn I'laninjr Mill ; Manufaetnrer nf DonrH, Is-,;! 1S:> Sash, ito Cermany is.'.ll 1 »:.t; Winer, Matthew " fi 1 Farmer Canada IMil iMii Y.-arK-y. Thntuas •' II S Karnier Kiigland l!.47 l?7ci l.-f.7 ^ nllllg, .Inlitl (1 11-11^"- r, 1," F.irmer and Canvanaer.. Canada IMili i K-MI l.-M i>:.7 1S.-|5 km; l>7li no tVirH TOWXSHII*. Aylfsworth, 1' 1* »;nrrit* i\ (I FiiriMur ('amula 1871 Aii-lffHon, William. . lit'lmuro It I Farmer ('aiia»la ISM 1,'.73 .AiiiUthuii, JoHt't^ih " A 11 Fariiur ant>ali-riii I'iaiioa and Itlair, .laini'i . MorrJHlmiik. . M.ilcHwcrtli.. . (' (■ 1'-. -'1 (hxanM Canada .... I8,'.4 I8,''j(i 1870 i.'-ri4 S.'i.tlnn.l iMill BL-lden, .Ii-reiiii:ili . , F;irnier Canmla Halli-iitine, IhiiK-aii Hu-Mv, Thumas K Hunting'. J. H Mnmiiiton, W. J tJorrii- I'.' - Siotland I8li'.' I8.'>l! 1878 1878 1S7U Fhnto^raplier Camula .Merchant Canada Fordwicli C"ok, H. .S " Loan and Keal Kstate Agent, Hep.j Township Kfeve Canada 1M4 1 if'ri4 ('ainpbell, .lohn ChevuH, William .. . 1».''.4 185U I,akelavis 1»7fi priet'ir .Mftiil'- l.i-at Hotel Canada I8r>4 Davs II. M ,. 10 'i;j I'mprietnr Alhiiiti H"lel : iN'aclimari, U. .. ., . .Piiriner Caiiuda I8II4 1S(14 hiinlry, Jaiiiin I>a!if. Williaiii '* . .,^... Tem-hfr 4 Farmer ' 1854 1854 ) Canada iMiie, Matllit-'W . •' lU 7 Farmer jCnnnda 1804 haric, 'I' • ' 10 Iv F.irmer iCanada 18,M 1 haiic, .lames " 10 lii FirnitT .. . . 1 Ireland 1S,'>4 h.uu'. -lolni, .Ir •• 14 ■1 Firmt-r Icjuiada 18S4 i I'-.i.. Oail.v, -I.-hi.. .Ir • • .Menhant ICaiiada I8S7 1 h7r> Ktlj^ar, Jatiics " .... fi In l-'iiriner and I'residi^nt of llnwickl l-'ariii-r-^" Mutual Fire Insurani-e' IC44 CniiinailV .SrutklUtl l.SfiO 1 KIlis, (iei)r>;t' . Karreiul, Cltarlcs . . . • ■ ... Farniei aii,'un »ri, William. . . " .... 13 3 Fanner 1 1 reland I8«a istis I (JilL-j-'ii, Alexftiuler I.. I'roprietor Flour, Woollen, and Oat; MilN, lleeveof Wrnxetcr Smtland lh.-.9 1852 1 (talhraitli, William.. . 1 (Irittin, Tho?naH r.urnv l.akflut 13 V2 1858 1863 OTj FaiTiier , Camula 1848 : (lilcs, William Fohhvich 13 li't l-'armer, Hiiector iV Aijent Howi-k Funii'TH' Mutual Fin' Ins. Co .Scotland 1850 ' (JretMi, Daviil D Ikliimro. .... 18 r» Karriipr, .Secretary of Clieuao and 185ti MaiMnck, .laiiM'M . ;,.. (iorric Hutter Co .. Canada Ireland 1854 1.H7S Healer in Stove'J and Hardwaru — 184!» , nn^% Frank ' Hemstnrk, V Hiinn . .. l.-'f'cll, JlUIH'S I.lllllf, I.i'irpi'i', Williniii, ,, . M.\l..h.ul, A.,. M.I) .Mi'KtTclHT, Williitni. Mc'iimdi, Itifli.wl.. . Muh liiiiiii, iMiriniri .M.ij,'.'.., l.iifu- A .Mi'Mli^Mtin'rv, .liillll. . .Milli.-, n.ivi.l .S Milns William .MlilT. .lohii On, .hiiti' s (IviTcriil, .I'iHt.'|th . . . r.i.lli.l.l. (^i. C, , I'.itlim, .\Mij''rH. Joi'l Um»I...I.iI,ii Uu^ii. li X'- Itll.'llit'. .liillH'H ."^trmi:^. .hiiiieit Siri)li){, (li'niKu SjiuiK •-, \>'illiam . . .. Siuiili, Ilcnry SmMi, .1. II, .Inliii Strnii^', 'rii.iiiia.s .S.utt, A. lain Tllllu'r. lldliiTt \Villii>m...n, .1. II ... Wilsnll, 'rilOlllllJ* ... \Vii.'u'in», I'aviii Vco, ('ll.llllll)UII . . . .. /iiinucniiuii, Kuniy.. POST OFFICE. On. bV ■U8IN[&8 NATIVITY I Taur 'Btttlml In (In. Wroxt'lor.. (Jorriij...... Ill 13 Wroxi'tcr MoloBwort)).. liiirnc Wioxcl.r .... (Iiirric Nfwln-iilm' .. Moli'swtirth lioiiii. Kunlwi. li. ., . WroxL'ttT. (inrriiv . \Vni.\i-l(T . llllK'Viilv... LaUrlft . . tionir l'\ililuil'll. clilloril . Ui'linon! llnrrlo... N'fwlirlilm' (iiirriu Ill ii' N l:i II 17 l.llkclet .. . Fnnlwich . l.aki'lit. .. t iuirie . ... I.:ik.'lct . .. KiipUiili . (iuriif II II !i; iKarniiT IKiiriiHT .... iDi'iiIftH in liciiorjil M<-iclmtplirtr, l'ri uf .S.iw iiikI liviat Mill .Itotiri'il KiiiHii-r Kiirnii'r i*liyiiii-iaii imtl SiirKrnit, runiiuT for I'lllliJIl Co KiirriMT iiikI Sf.Tftary llnwiik Far iihmm' -Mutual l-'iii' lii>nrHIa'« fri. I'ni|iii,li.r c.r l.iv. IV Stalilr \Vaj.'K"ii aiiil »'aiil.i>,'r.|uak<"r I'raihi r .^..S. .Nil. U) Kiirinur K.irii.rr . .. h'aniii'r ''.ujifiiti'r. ... . I'rii|inrti)r Ifnynl lintel KariiH'i' l-'aiiiiiM' anil Tmuisliip AM.tri««iir . Ilanluaii: Mi'ivliaht T.-auliiT .■< S. .\.,. I- raniKl- ami ('•aiii> iliiian Illa^'k.iiiilli I'.iniin aii.l llMt.'|.k.'''|it'l, lloval I'.ilia.liaii llnti'l lli.lLl.k.ipvr, llall'-ivi.y lluuim, iltb I'iill ". .. . FalliuT I'',iiiiii-r I'liriii' r FariiiiT l-'.iriiiiT . . I'.uiin'r and 'rnwiiHliiii Tii-'aflinur. Kanii.'r l-'artiu-r »t Itin-e-tiir Hnwick F.iiiiu-r.i* Kiro lii^tiiratirel'u l-'iiniier liliit lll8U*'iilic'e Af(cilt. . .. Mini. lor r I'.itliii I- aii'l ( 'alla'iiti'r hi'.ilii ill all kiiMls iiF .\),'ri''iiUiii'al liii{>li'iri-nt.i K.inii.i- ri..|iiictMnif l''m.l«i.hl-'liiuiiiiKMill' liiT Aiii-tiniK'tir ami ll'-al l->tatf Agoiit. Kinii't- Klllflallil Irumiiil . I'tUMiita .. CaiinilH , Caiiaila... t'niinilii . . Hiutliiul . iitlali'l. .Si'iitlaiiil CniiU'la... Cuiiailu .. Cniiwlit,. Irt'luml ('iiMiiila... (.'anaila.... I'aiioilii .. . (.'aiuula ... Iiulnml. Kiitflathl... Cii inula.... I'^iimIiukI . Irolaiiil. ( 'aiiiiila ... .S.Millanil . Suiillaliil. t 'uiiiiila... Ciiiiaila .. CiiiiHila. . I'aliaila. . iK'lali.t . Iri-I.iii,'laliil ' f 'lunula . (.'aliiula .. IlL'liuui .. Uaiiuila. . C.illaila. . r.iiiiKl.i tiallil r.itiaila. . Klifflallil i'aiiiula .. IN.MI I«.'i7 I8ri7 IMA l«7U 1KS4 1 8117 I BAH JK.-.4 l«7.t \Mr I *:..'/ I».''i4 IMl IMSII l,siis IWill ' l.>.'il" IN.'.M . JN.-ll 1 .";i) l-t!l ISI4 isiii i.-iiiii l>,V» IS.-..-. is; I IH.VJ im;;i IMiil l.Mi-J L^n IS.-.7 l-.M;7 l.iV lOW.XWIIII*. Allan, It.. I.eit IIU.'I|..II.,II.I^L.. .M.IM'. ,\: S., Hill . liiiL'hanan, William, lin.i.ks, C'lir^c .. Kr.nliTi.k, .Inlin . Hi-an. Naa.' Hall, William W. Itllsln V. I.(.llls . . . Il..n.l, ll.lirv, .... • '..Iliiis .l..lin Cruiiinin, t'liarlrs . Blako .... /.uridl Ili'ii^all. ii.'y /llriril . .. . Dartlnviiu.l C.illiim. William II. (■....k, II. my IHi'k, 'rii.imaH Ktiilieit, N Uoii^las, .\U.\anil.T. Diistviii, II. V. . . K.i'Titt, ItiL-liaril F'.i.att'r. .Sanimil ... Kau.Ht, 1). .s... Kricl, .\..ali. . K.-ii, K.hvar.l . . . Ki'i', Walti.r .", Kayi.i.k. ll.lirv ... .l.thiiainra .Millh I.IIK l-J .l..lin-.t..n, 1! . . /.uri.'li, II. .VJ.C. *' 14 L>5 Ivlut))., William " I,.intlit, IVti'r Ifi'liaall 2 24 lianitni... William, .Ir. Kna8liwnotl.. .. I'L'ttV, .I..1111 Ilmaall «> 27 IVttv. I>. * .1 " 1 21 hysii-ian, anil I''iit l!«-t'..ini .Vsa.ieiati.tii Iff Hay Scntlaiul F.inii.'r Srntlaiitl :l.iimlii-r, Karrcl lli-a.ling ami .'^tavf [ .M.innfailnrir Caliaila. I'arnu-r aii.l Tt-a.-lii'r Cana.l.i Karnu-r i'anaila l.'ar|ifiiti!r Kllglnilil Fainii'i- Caiuuln.. .. F;iriii.T, ( 'ariitntir a nil .luiucr .. .. Ilnrmauy Fanii.T Kn^Intuf Faini.r Knt'lauil jTiuMiiitti -umI |l.-..l.r III st.iv.a an.l ! Ir..ii Wile I ;,.rinany ali.l I'aliii. I I'liii^laiul : lintel I'ruprictor ( 'anaiU jFarnii'r Siaitlanil llli.t.'t-kfiiit'r t-'uiniiicr. inl Hotel, an. I Farniir .(iermaiiy Farm.r Sontlaiij Fariiu.r aii.t Manai,'.'r lla\ 'r..wiisliii. Fire In^uialH'.' ( '.I . ali.l I '.uiiiiil.-* t'.iiiit l^tii('eir> Heu.'li 1 'iiit.'.l.*^ttites Teaeller Iivlali.l Tim-ii.slii|. Clerk I'nile.l States.. . tieneral .Meleliant ami IViHtinaHt. 1.. Miller, Farmer ami I'lmtmaiiter Farmer Ir.lnn.l.. Farmer ail. 1 .1. I'. . . Irelan.l l-'.iini. r ali.l T..\Mislilp 11, '.v... I'rea ' I'aim.ra' .Mutual l-ire Ins. C.i, ..JL'.maila.. . Carriaj;.aii.l W.i._'i;,,n Maker . . Ilermaiiy Wateliiiiak. r, l'h..l..).nipli.r ami Tel.-Kraph iiperat..r (lerniany I*laliiii>,' aii.l ."^aw .Mill Sa^li aii.l D.u.r Fa. t..iy, Fiiniitiir.' Wli..le- sale ami Retail, ami Ciintra.tor,. iC'anada I.'attle llnyer '(lerniany Farmer 'Canaila Farm..r |Se.itlaii(l Farmer, -Mill Owner tV I'.istiiiailer. ;lierinany .. Cl.rk. 'irelanil FarmerH. Millers; Itoi.r anil .Sashi ! Fa. t.iry (lernumy LSa.liUe an. I llariii'ss Maker, .A^'cntl j tur \V. Inzer ami New York Singer] ! Sewing Maeliin.'s '(iermany Farmer iSeotlanif Farmer ICanaila .Manager of Store ;Seotlaml l-'ariner and Carpenter {Canada.... Farmer ICanada Fanner [(,'anada Farmer Seiitland llisnranee, CDiiimisaiun anil Heal Kstalc .AHeota I'nnadu.... Tanrn'r and .Sli.iemaker .(iermany Farm.'r !(.'anada Iliiti.'l- keeper and Auctioneer I'l'aiiada. iFarmer |Kn)!land .'.' Folk I'ackera JK.nglaiid 1863 lS4li I84ti IMIO isdl IS.'.S 1S71 IMS \>&> i>7i; l.'-72 1»4,". I.fis IXIi.'i IS.'il hSliO 1 S.-.3 is«a l,'<.'.4 l.'-r.'.i 1847 IMT 1S52 18(io ISS.I 1.-K2 I Sli.-i 1SI19, It* .'.4 1 S(i3 l.-.'.ti l>7ii |M,-| ISKi l.Mili 1.<.M> 1 S.-,l! IMi; l.S(12 1.S72 I.SIIO IStS ls-1 Id.M l!i54 : Arm All. I Arm .■\riii Avii li.'iii lir. i',H II.. liutt i;.i!i I'... Il.sli. Mail. Il.lle lllshi 111'.. I!l>ll.| li.rn Ca.M I 'll.ili CaMi (.'am. (.'..lie Cnrdi ' L'nii.l ( 'rer.i Clem .(■ami ''■■"111 CJ.ap C.I.. II (a'.li. |lr.« I1..I.1 ! iMiln Davi Park I liiiki I |i..l.a I II.. m: ' K«a Kill.. Fiali l>ay Fai,'a Flshl I l-'erK F..rl. j KcrL' F'ras. jCiali I (iran "ill. I (iarr. '■ li.ivi' lire.-! Ilarr II. .hi II. .In Ilarr lllliil Halli Hill. Ilisl. llisl. Ili-I. Hill. H.M.r J. me, K.Ily Knee Lueki \n RONS' DIRI-XIORY OI< Till" kmI. ■ATIVITY I Taw 'amtjad In On, NAM[. UiV iOMWMlllP-i'uiitiiiiifii POST OFFICE C'm Lot. 1 BUSINESS NATIVITY Kim-l I Ii'i'laii'l . . . Ciiriitilu ..>.', It Mill I'linriila .. ., ..... <'ji'Uiila ,.* .... (.'UIIIKlil . Sinlliin.l . liT fn .■U( n. Koyall iitiiiii'i. .Si'ulliillil I'niiikilii.. ( 'iiiia.jii . Canuila. . Ilri'liiii'l ('iihiiilu... r'(iiiiila . Si-iitlanil.. - (liTiitaiiy. iillaiiii. . INMI ! IMi ; IM,'>- I IM7 \< Hro i.H.'.t I so; IN.'iN l^.•.4 i.s;n 1 ■«." I ».•.:, Is -.4 IN.-.l IN.'ill |^^l^ I Kill I iN.'ill Ix.'.n I Nil l-ll IMI i^r.s i-i.-i;t IMII Inc.!! 1374 l>,Vl iN-i.-. iti::i I s.-i4 I m;;i Itiiil \SM iMl.'l 11.71 1.-.-I7 1Y-|7 1>.M lis.17 isiia t \s-\v 1848 iMiO I mil ls.'4 1S71 1S4> 1 «,i-< I KM l^TIi l.'i'iili, Willi iiM . liuvliiilili. lili'liaril . ll.ylllll.lK, \V. II . j KlM'.lflJll^, .liutii^ . Ilrgiiii. .laini-H . . . ' Siiiiillrr. \V . , , Slllll. .|.l»M|.h .'^Illilll, .\illlMI j .Sliiilfi, W'illi.iiii . I H|i-ii. .r, li.iM.I ,. j .>ll»<»iM'Miiaiiy. 1 Kirnu-r anil 'ruwiiNliiji t'liiiiuilliir i '.iiiaija.. ImIiii.h'iii'h Mill.H MtK II Kaniii'l' anil I't'piity i'n-tmii'.ti'i l-)ii^lali-l |)rvH6 Caldwoll, I). ,^ .Suns t-'aiiuTon, ilnhn t.'ulier, Julin ('nrdiir, .l.diii Cronk», iu'iiigo Crt', .Inlm (-'IclIH'llS. .M"-i'H (*am|il>i-ll, I'liiiraii ('ani|,li'll, David Cliapniaii, Hi. liani ('tiiimtiw. .li'si'pli Catliew, Hid'. It . . l>rf\M-, .la'iirs . . . liiadnian, (^. .\ Mtillnni;,', .\ Uavifu, IMwin ('. K. Hark, i:i'.iri;i' Ilnkc, William hidiaiHl, l.aH n-li.L' Ooli^las. .i.inii'. Ki.'Kar, Aiitnii Kllint, Holuil Kialiok, II I'Vaynt', l-'.li jali Kayan, W. I, Kiahloij^h, W K«r^;uss,i|i, .laliicii .. KiiiiiM, JoHli Ker.L'ilson, havi.l .... KraKtT, Kindlay (tiuliAin, William. . . tirant, ,1. il |i;all 'y.rov. . . iKtIud lllnias'lH liirv .... Wall. in . r.i-'i-s.df.. 1 sr,-> I '•li.'l I.Ml'J INj.-i l,'..-.4 1 >n:t l.V'ifl l>7il |S4,-. IS4(i 1 Mi.i is,\a 1 sM \Sti-> T'-7J IMIO I. HIS l.H-l l.t.'ll USi 1 llill,.! fiarruw, Kdward . .. 'lovenl.'i'k. Walter. . ■t 17 Jaim-stinvn 1 M..t.'svvortli . Uiussfls * ** lU'ni'ryn lin-v , .. 11 I'liuiltrouk . . . It KfK'I 7 Walton . !.-. MmI. Rworth . . 1 Itnis^fU ... Kthi-'l... hnis>L'l» •* It '• .s Wiilt.m 1 7 I;iiii<''t'>wn. . , •> ItruMsi'U Kth.'I 10 (;rev 11 Kiiissi'ld s Ktliol 111 HniHscU llrry hrussri.s *' 111 lu l.'l III 17 III 17 1 il •jii i;t ;i4 I 14 I 'J H'arniiT.. S.iillahd l''armiT.. Kiijland 'ri'ailur H. S. Nn, i I' I'a'iii.T Kii;;laiid Karni.r Kii'ii.inl Kanii.T I'anada. I'olitraL'tor and HuiM>>i, .Manufa''- IiiriT III" liiiurs, Saali, lUilhls and .Miinldint,'.! ••.■itlaiid KaniiiT '.■s.sitl.iii 1 i''arnii'i' iCanada. rarpfnliT :('anail.i . lariniT IKn;;l.iiid llitir.'.l Karin.T Knuland. KarniiT Kiirjlaiid. I'ainii.r ScMt|,,n.| raniii'i- an.l St.n'k Dualer Knaliml. I''ainir|- Canada.. KiiriiiiT and 'ruttnuliip Asat'sior .... Canaila. . .. ••'iriiiiT Canad.i. . d-'arnier Canada.. . il''arna.f Swit/.-rland Siir\»'y<,r an. 1 Civil Mngiiif.'r .. .. Camilla. jl-'armtnu' iK-altT, r|>liiilitti>rt.'r ami j rn.liTtakitr .Nnisfiymi-n l'"annvr d'arriaLt ^ .Mnk i)f W imlmii -■r aiitl Ntiiiniiacturer ii'T Caiiatl.t. iKiiriiier iKaniier iKariiit'r JFjrinui- . 'F;iriiitT . ,. I'"aiiin'r KiiriiitT I'minii'tor ot' MolcMworth Hoiil... Ilanlware hni^giMt _. Station A^fiit . , .". Maniifuriiitiii^ I.timbtr, Farnu-r .unl Stuck It.iisu- F.irinfi'. I'.irnier ., .. FitriiHT F.iriiirr rritiirit'tui' ol S\vi»8 \\o\v\ FuriiuM- Ihvisioii t'nurt (Urk I'oiiatlililr Station A;4ent lUiinhvaru Miivliaiit FanntT FaiiiHT , Farmer Fann*-T.. Kiiulati-t Scutl.tiut ( 'aniulii '"iitiaila. , Carimtit. . Caniiti;!. S.-n!|;,n.| lh-l,-u,.I FML'laii'l Irt-i-.n.!, F.iiL:tan>l. I'anit'la ,, ;('anaiia. . ^Fiijilanil. Kii>.'!anii. Si-ntlaii'i l-:n-i;tn.l Sn.tUii.i -Swii/i-rlan ScntUnul Caiiiitli. Ciiiia-l.i. Irfhtnl. ICana.ia. IS.otlan.l l(^:iiiiula. S,ntlariii S,otl;.n-i 1) 14 l.'l 1; IS 7 -7 10 il ■ — "^ ■-. I'llllll'l riiyt.i.-ian and Snri.',..)n .Scntlan.l .il'iislma.stor an.l .\Ki-nt for Montri'al j Ttdi'iiraiili r.i jcanad.i. ]l-'armiT, Hotidk,i|nT, Klhid Station iKn^dan.l. l-nndiiT .Minuj'.i.inrer, < 'ranl>r.iok.. jCana !a. . l''i>"n;isirati' .1.1'., Conv. van., r,, T| I'l.rk, Iiis.Aginl. .Not.irv I'lildio ll.'al Katal.- Am lit, I'laidin.i.k IVal.rin Si.,\ ,,s. I'inwar., Kniiiitnr I'.iniier ,, l''iti'iiu'r , ,., l*'.ilnier F.-triiiLT Karmer . ..'"' l-'aiim.r I''ainu.r ami Stock 1 1 rower I''arni.'r i .Nnrserynian and Ticas. ol' iiruss.'ls licland '■'"I'liif-'- (ici-manv Kccve 01 Ifrusscls, (irain an.l I'm- .Inc.. M.Tchant, Loan an.l Kcal Kslate .Vgunt , I ' . I Kn-I.n.l. Can.ala. Can. Ilia . i:n^:lanil . S. liaii.l Sc.llan.l . Kn-hiiid. Knul.ui.l. Irclan.i. Knglan.l ls.-,( i-:i I -'4 i-'ii I -.MP IMn I -711 i-;i I .-.I 1 «;..'i ls.> I -.•.',! 1 -7.! 1 •.•.■* l.>.-i:i 1-M l-7s IM- I-7I l-'lH : m;:i Is.'. I l-.fl l-:i ls7.-. !■;■•• |S.Vi iN.',;t i-r.l 1- - Is.'i 1 ■ :.■ i-'.:; Ml IV. I l-il l.s.-i;i 1 -7.-1 I-,Vi 1-id Is;,; IMS i-i'.: i-'.i |-:ii i ».'.,. 1 •.-.:; Is".-; iv.-.' Is.-.; 1 s..,-, Is.Vi IS.-. I l-.-.l I-, I COUNTY OF 111 RON— G UKr.\ IO\V\M|||> ,„„, ,,, NAMl I.II.IIlM, li'l'ftt. Um.'iit. Iliii;li I .IN'.!. M.1I0..I111 l.-«l.i'. H..lrrt M.-i.ili t\l\) llr.ij. M r,., . V ,1 \l I ■ ..ii. I'.IUMIl . POST orrici. Itrtiw^i'l* . »'r.iul*p.t.ik Lot BUSIN(SI MTIVITY M :.ii hliii, |i..ii»|.| M I1..1.-1.I, .l.iliii M.KuiH.'ii, Mn^li " M Int. ..II, .liihii M l> M, -liiiii.-i Willi. .ri M l,.-.|. i;..liM k... . " M 1 » i.fiiti, rh..iii.iii. " M 1,1. u:, III. W.ili.iiii iip.y. M 1... ,. hiui. Ihiii.iin llruMvU . M 1 ,: lii...ii, William M. hii.i'n, Aith'ir .\M'..»ill, AI.'xhii.Ut .'.'itnffHt4iwii UraiHi'li . . M 1 .r.ue\. .I..iiii Klli.l M |i...,|.|. l!..l...rt\V Miirriiliank M ;:. I;. I- |i. 11 ., ' 'r:iiilir.>.tk . 1... ■.•It .. \i hiliaia .1 iiii.'^iiiwn \I..l..«,.rtli , I'liii .in . .l.tlll'-ttilUll , .M.AIUlllfl i:..lii-it • • M r .11.1. AlLlll ... .. M ■•.■.i\;.,>iIiiiih1 M K.!v y. Willi.iiii M Kw h. Tli'iiiui. \|..l(>*»-ortli ■laiiif.«towii M l....,.,..ii. M ly v.y. A., .M l» M- K i»i.v. .I.niii.'i» M.ili.««.inli Kliifl .. M-,' ll!.ll-.ll. .1..-. 111! .M.iXl.v. Wi.Ii.iM, Itnix.U. . ,S|.. .ri-. r .\l..ri. .. >. 11 ., .\|.i..liair, A . . i^r.'V .Mi.ii.', W'llham KthVl .Nlfii/iiH, Jaiiiv* M.. r. , I'll "Ill.lH. Itrita^vU. . Mrii....ll. 'Iiiuiiia4 'ir.v .. . MiJiiiri;, 1' Mill. r. Kr.iiii'i> Mv.iu, .M. s Ii. Kiir„ii,. . Kth.l .Muiif. luviil M >'..», ,lv!ia BrutNli ... 'Ukivy, liv .fjiiln " "!•• 'iiixK r.ih.-l roiiui- j,".cii, .1. li. I'.ru... I. r.rkir. I..!.!! ,, IVvtt. .I..I111 I,., \ » , I'lr,... l;,.l..r! . . .., 1; l.l.u.iv, Williiim i;-i.i.. K 1: 1; ■>-. li.iii.I k: :.4: i,„ll. .Veil i:.l.-i1...n. .L.l.ii ll'jiM 11111, .\iiib<.iiv Ii- . ilikti , .;,.. );.-•. .As. x.iii Id- le yiiir.l, lliuntuplier. *...;■ I. Klwiii K ^T'-'i.tit. .lauivii ^ .1 -. ."•.iinat'l .. -■i..:h. .1. 1; '.• •'. |.'. > ■^•I'W.iM. I'.lllli'i -p-i. •.., ^•. A I. .'Ill, Tli!^iii.. Michal "" i.n» .11, W. W ... ^i.-.l. .1 W ' iiiiiii .n. n.iiiiiiul .. . >•., AlvKamUr. . >i,.:li. .\l,ir».|i.ii ^■.n.'.n, -;. I lici!, .\.|,ih, ^..ll.:i.-.h-, .li.liu, >i.l.Ur., J..I111 . . *!, ('iiarltis, ... .. *,...rin. I. like ~; tiinij. Ilic'liaiil "..;..( li-, .lulm. . *" ...ill, Thniiiim. *•; ..Hi, Tdi'iiiiis ^ ^. ..•!, .V1.S.-.U.1. . ^i:ii".ii. .\iilr«w.. .. ^. MIS'. II, J;iini.'il ,, . I ii iiiv.ii, 1'. ler ' '.i^ II. Tii.iiiiiw, Ilk. .1 1 i.^k, K. W I. 'I'., -l.-liii \ i.-l.iiie, William . «■>! Wl, li. A \Vy I„|„i \Vir,„.r, William, . 1.1. iiil, A>.el . .'•.ii.liiill, Andrew . ' i;. I'lr, liiiiii.jii . . ' .ti.imll, .LviK.! i«.>'l"r. John .... .. I "I!, It..iijainin. . IC. .l!llll<«. Str,iif..i.| . . rn.wliriilgu • •ii:y ,!. HniMt'lii . , "iri.y . . Ktli-1 '. .Iani<-.iti>wii K-.^h1 . . Itrr^wlit . . Ktlii'l Uruawla ... llrey HruftftuU . ■ i;r.7. . HriiMiels ... Waltnri.. . , KiIh-I V " |tnitm.'ls. . .M..rKtn*tI . ^lrU^l^cI■i . \I.!.-awuitli .laiii>'8toiMi. . \'2 1 1 li Brutftulii (irey .... ■ lirii-tHfls. l.ivi«ry ,,, ,. ,, l'')iniit'r, ,...,.,, , 1',",'.! '." Krtniii'r .„ !!.*..' l'*'iriiuT.. ,, !", .. F.irimr ...-..,'.,'.!** *"* I'lililmliori of the Hniiwli /*,.>/. HI li •■ HI •-•1 ■J SI 12 H ■* ■' 4 r, 1 ;i 0.1 IM aii WiimIUii Kftiti>i\ SuIuitM . * t'tillet'lor of lirry Kiirmur ,* Kiirnitr ..., , ., ritnmT. ... r, F.iriiier „.. I liniiiT KiiriiuT I'.irtlir t-iiit U ..rk KtMivyl ( uitmiit, . . -;taiul |('aiia{('itii ilraiiuiite tin-'.iiruli rollcj;,' K.irnifr . ... U';ii;;,'n:i .MakfT, '■r;inl.i»it.k l^ient-ral .MiTi' .Mi.'n-liaiu Tailor KarniiT . l''.iriiiir Kairnrr.. r. inner K.irnicr Karmor. . .'ni-er .,,,... MiT'liaiil Tailor _.. . M-T.-liaut MiTihant and Vill.ij:*! Cjeik I'.irnitM,. Maiitirictiin'r oi Karlht-rtwair F.irmt'r auii Tnwntihip Itvevc ... FarnitT ......... Merchant, ('rtvnhro.ik Farmtr.. Farnii-r and In-jmiIv Kt'i-ve. ...... Fiirniir Fanmr , FainitT , FaniitT FartiH-r . Farim-T IJv4*ry anil Kxchange Slalilen . . Karmi-r Farni'T . F.trnn-r. . J FannL-r, I'Uning .Mill, Hash Ac iJitor .Sr.,iliintl Fiirtory S.-..tlind 's.otUtiil ol ( 'an.tdtt ('anailti :< 'anad 'S,-..Tl.ind SrotI;Ul.| ;< 'anada 10 IJmiu MannfaitnrtT jKn^land. BiMik k'-t-'in-T. ("rariiirook ('anadf .. iJfnL'.'al Nlcffbarit, Tranbiook . iCanada . . FarnHT ... ■) "anada . , W W'x.dlurn, Tboni.m ■■■■ ,-I, .los<.,.|, " ' 12 4 Kthel ■J i;i W'allon l.-i 10 .lain.«town .■1 4 4 Ktli..l S Id liciifrya 12 :i2 HruHseU 1; 11 Kthol II IN Mru..o|. 11 IS ' iin.-.l .wii ■i 7 FIntii, liri^t ami t*hw .Mill . . HainosH .M;ik(.r ('iirria^n. anil \S'aggun .Maiiiifaeturcr Farmer K.irnii?r K.iriiicr Karliier. . l-'ariiLT Farmer Farmer ,..»...» FaiiiH.r aii.l .Saw Mill owner (..'anmla . .s.iw .Mill Owner Canaila . Farmer .Scutliind Fanner Canada. Fmiiier ranaila Fariiiiir Inliiid Kii^laiiil Kiigland ( 'anada . Kngliind . ranaila... .utlaiid Canaila . Canaila . ('anada . . i 'anada . T.>r ei'lllrd into NAMl. IM7 IN77 Invj I'W I Mill k7ll l»7ii lS7il ls.'i.l iMiK l.'<.'.il l!t;.'.' I.-.H IS.-i'J I *.-),'< i.'«.-i:i l(t,'.7 i»r7 IM'.' ii^'iii 187U lati! i»ii 1943 IS.It iK-i! IS.'i^i iti^:i Ilt.'i9 1.-.-.2 iliAii IN.'iii IN51I I. -,■.7 1875 l.'*52 l.'iiKt I -H.'i.j I, -(.v. i.>7;j ISfi..' I Nil-.' IWl IS.'m 187N I8.V, br.'i I'-Tii 1^7 J l.-iTil 1>7(I 1 1-,'.;. i.s;ii 1X74 1 ^'i7 1S.V.' 1H.13 , 1.SS3 I I8.-.7 1 It-Ill IW'. 1874 I8.-.4 ISlil IKIII ISO is;.3 I. >"!(•. |.'*,'1H l^,'.4 I87« I Will I.S.TJ I. •.-•;) I.s-i!t 181.1 l>.-KI ' IS.M IStii") 187*1 IHiil ! leoi 1 ■M', Ml, Ariiiiiur. .I..|in Ariiinir 11,!, William .UiiLtLuiK, W ilium Aii.|..i«..ii, rii.iin.ui. .\rMi»ir..ii,,., Ii„l,eit ArilLtlim,;. Ileliiy Ald,ey,01uer . Ann. ile.irKi. MniHiili'.., I1..I,. tt llraii.liiii, rii.imiiK , lliirie, William , lliiri;e.ii, Maru.uet , ll.lll..». Il.iil-v .. Mnin.liiii. ,1, !"• Mi-eui.r, i; ye 11.111 k, .M,il,.,.lm, Marker, .l,.|,ii , ll'iyiiti.ii, (i.s, nr I'. H".>maii, K.lniir.l llc'll, ll.lUhl llliiiillillelil, l;.,l.,it. Ilraiit, .\. ... Carter, .l.imi;li,iu . •■■I' UK. W Cii|le«, Sir W II 11 ,Kl <'ar.|.r, |i H , .M I) Caiiiiili..||, ,liiimiiiavhUim. lieiirge .. Iiear, K ., KNt Ii.lm Fill'.. Ill, .Iain*.. . Ali-xamlir . Kri'v, . Ferine, \V. '1' PO lllyt Hrm Slim llelil I '.rill Kim IIIM ll.'lK Kim Mu 'mmi. Hill. Win lllyl Will IHvt Mii>l .Suns llriH IWwi ■nivi, Win I Wall :HriH lllyi, W. I). I''ra.i..r, L.tiu'lilin. F.iwlt.r, I't.t.r . F.ihI.'I, .l.iliii . (tiiHiii.iii, .liilin, IJein-);.., Kelil.en I. ray. Tli.iin.i.^ li.irvie. William llM..liiali. Iletirv. I I. .Mill., I'll. IIIM. . .Ilavwanl, W. .1 lln'wiiil. i:, W llamilt.m, C lanii lllue niyl Wal Hn^: I IK IS.'iS ihiia l»li4 LSVI IS.'.7 IH,17 I '110 1.S74 IS,',,') i.s:.,"i I.SII2 ]»i3 IH7I> l.vll l.s.ll \tsM I. '.61 I S.-)5 18115 li.ll IN.'i.-i 1((7.1 IX'K I, '-.IS l»i)l \>-r>e l.'.7NriNi;i;n. «5 HOKItlS HMV^SIIII*. Jl I'o IM7 in?? I. tut! 1»«U u;» l»7U l»7(l ls.'.;i itt:i'j 1HJ4 IS.VI is;.; Ik: 7 ItM'.' ItiAli I8-(l iHil I Mil l!*7'J is:.; ih;.;i 18.'.!I iNAd I \K:. l»7il i»7J I.S7II I ■..;•. 1-711 I",'.;. l.S7ii IN74 IS.'i" IM'.' IH.'>3 18:.7 I W.I lh,'is 1874 18.'i4 1801 tsul 184^ l».-.3 iKiiO 1 <.-);) I -.-4 I.l7» 1,H(!(1 |S.V.> i>.-.:i INV.) I ■>.-.() IS.-. I IHti.J i»7r> IS'll POST Orriti Uou Lot BUSINIia. NATIVITY Alilrioh. \l I, Aniiour. .I.ihu Ariinti 'lij;, W'llliriiii .\riintroji^. \\ illwin .\ii.ii'i»..ii, rii.iiiMK. .\riiiNtr.>ii.^. {{..l.tTt Arliihtioii^'. tifiiix Al.t.,y,01n,r Ann. limn;.- HroHiili'i', li.ili.rt Hrikii.luM, I'lmiuiut . Iliifiii. Williiiiii . , hurj;<'si», Miii';(,iri-t . Htiiicn. Il.nrv . , llnni.l. I (• Hrt-wi.r. i: ll.a.k.' Il.-irkcr, ,l,.lin . ll".\rit<>u. (ts. ar I' ho^itmii. K'll. Ii.ijinl. Ill'i.tuiliuia. l;..l'ii llraiit, .\ . . . . f«rti'r. .iMiiiilh.iii lUyth .... |tniiimr. K Klstoii. .1,'lm Kult'in, .laiiivs . K.irsvth .AIvxaml'T . Walton . . Illvtli W^ilt.iii.... llllHlltiulll .'M. W. t: Briia>..|.< .. Ilaiiif*. I liiiH. II " ll,i..l.-lm.ii, David . " llill. •ni"Tria» Hill. I'etiT Illilival,. lliMi'U'rM.'n. William. Win;(li.t,,i Ihln^tcr, .l.'hli. .Icilinst.m, \V. .1 Illufvuh' .lucksoli, Aliraliam ' " . .. 18.->3 IKIiS I.SIi4 l.sVI l,s.'.7 I s.-i7 I'liO 1S7< ls;,.-i ih:.."i lwi2 1 843 187l> 18111 1.S.-.1 It.".;! l.-fil IS.-ij 18115 li.'.l isri.-, I,s7.1 lNii4 l.-.iS I SIM INlO Ib7v l,ai.ll.W, ' ' Laiiii'ly. lli'iiry. I.vii'li. .liTiMiiiali . . IJ>wr.-i,iH'. C. W Mul.'iiiial.l, l.i'»i» " \I,-Iliin.ilil, Neil M, Iiaiiiol .. . . \I. \rl,T. William MiKiiiiicy I'i'is ■ '. M.'Ciilla, (ieorK,.. i[ Miliniiald, Kiilicrt. ii Mil-.MTii, lohii A, a. w 'Mnffiitt, GenrRf II MullKillaii'l. William Milreliic, ("lialks .. . Murray, .I.iiiif.i MtHiri.', .!ii!iatli«ii .M.ions Davi.l H ., .Majtilirc, .IcHciih Millrr, Thnllia!! .Mithii-. Willian Maxwfl', riioiiiaa Martin, W. A Hlyth . .- ■IlriiHm'Ia ..Waltiin ... .■lluslilMil. . IBniSHi-Ifl. . 1 Illytli . llniBH.Ia. .. Illytli .. . llii.^lili.'M. IWnravf . Walton . . Illyth . . llnissclH. . Walton Ili-l-rinf Win^lmiii. Hlyth .MorriHliank.. WalloM Blyth.. . . llruHtijIs .. Smishini', Ilelfjr.ivf.^t•l^... if Hly»h ^iiVii' I'niti'il Stall". .... I'anaila lii'iunil (■'.irniiM- I'aiiiula l-'iiriniT ,„.....,,.., Iri.|aii.| ►""fiiiuf .. .Sn.tliiml . .. Kitriiur , Inlaii.l •■'iirmiT , , , Iii'lan.!, I''"ii"<-'r ; raiia.lii iMXMr Knulaihl .jl'mpriiior of Mun.iion IIohhi. Canaila • I'lHtnmiitiTiiii,! (ifin'iiil .M..r,.huiit ■r.iwmihi|i Trwuuriir Camul.i '•'"I'llli !■ ^'■'|■1||||IK I'alia.lii '■'Hriiiir K„-lai„l l''i>niiur Iirlaiiil . VMiwt , Knulaiiil 'Vi'liur , I'liiinila ^'■|"||'•l• Iii'laiiil farpintur Canaila •■'•iniuT Kimlanil . l-'-inioT Iri-lan,l .. I''i>fim'f Iiil.ihil '■'iiriiiiT Irolaml .. Uiiihlir, Poor), iiml Hmh Hlii\,l« Canaila... (liiii-ral llar.lMiiro. llluss, l'aiiit», thU. V.,nii,li. .\.,iU, ,V.. Soli. it"i jiitil ^il■nl'alo^i.^t, l''urfi|{ii K.lali. Cl.iiii, .\^,.nt IroUnil I'liy...iiian and SiirKiion Canadii Caiiadi 13 •JH lloti'l l'rii|iriotor Canada lliiillii .VCoiilractor Hrifk Monon KuHland. . K.irniir and I'ow nsliip CIvrk 1 '.iiiada . . .jdiiii r.d Miri.-li.iiil s. nllaud . .Icarpi'iiloraii I .liiiiiiT h'arniiT ... Knglaiid .. ■t : '!• Karmi'i' KariiKT Oiii'-ral llliickniiiith '■'i>i'mi-r jCiinniltt . I-'iinniT iSi-iilIand l-'iirnior ..JSi'otlanil Koiiiiilry Iiiioraml Siwh Monufr.. ISratlaiid lUiiii'ial .MiTthant ISi'otlanil I'hotiiKraiilKi Canml!' iiU Yiar 81'ttlii.l in Cu. 1177 Unii iNlllI I KM IMIli iHf.ll IW. 1K74 1Hi:() I Ic-iS l»74 IN. 14 l-.'.li I.K.V'l 1H.^.•, l'-7l IVi;-. IH.VS |H.',4 1 »,'i I l-.-il I.S'iM l''7,1 1877 1^7; IS.'..'. I.K.'.S 18,',4 Kunlalid i 1»;l'J Srotlaml .| 18(11 Cana.Ia I»7tl lailO ... 1.84U .... IS.'.t IS7I1 I8.',4 . H77 1.1711 IMil ; ic^.f rarmtT I'"anii.T ... (H'lii'ial hl.u'ksinit Kaiiiiir Hiriilnr oi llii. Ilovviik \ I'.iniirra* l''irf liiaiiraiiii- Co ,,. il'mprii'liir of thv C.nlral lloti'l... iC'al.iiii tiiiakrr A liiiil.Ur, llraltT i all kinds ol AuriLiiIiiiral Inipli intuits jTiwhiT FarmiT and Carpenter Karimr lllai'kHiiiiih and l''ariiit r iSrotland |Cai|'.-nh'r aihl lliiil.lcr '(.'an.iila llloot aii-l .sli.,1- .Maniifafliirir illi'iinaiiv |Carri:ij,'i! and Waj{Kiiii .Maiinfa(jtilrt'r|Kn)(liind ' I8B1 I'aipeiitir. .loinc-r ami HiiildiT IKiiKlaiid 1873 (ieni'ral K.irniiT i.Si otland 18,17 I Farmer ;i'anaila ; iKarmiT |Caiindn ' 'Il»rrialer-atlaw Kntjland iHinklayer and ri.lsli..ror Kn^lalul Kntd.ind KiiMland. . Iridjlld , ,. SioUand Canada,. . I 'aiiada , Scotland... t 'aiiada. . . . .Seolland. . 1.117 1878 1\M l8.-,7 l.-.'.« iwri.i I 1807 18)10 lll'il'l I'r.ipneto ll.aiil. Loan .111(1 hi I (ieneral Healor . 'Kiirnier Karmer iK.unier Farmer uirauco Agunt Canada 1870 Knolniid ISKi Seotland IS.'.f) Ir.'laml IS.'.5 I''ariiii F.iriiM F.uiiier. . i;.-iiHd T her Karniei and Ite.-ve Fariiiil Director of the Howick I'arnier^' Fire Ins. Co Millii and lieeveof lilvlh F.iriiir ■,.,,: I'"aniii 1 Farmer Farmer I'armer and Stunt) Muun, ,'aiiaiia 1871 1870 1848 •Seotland . . l-'iiKliind.. Knj^Iand . Seiitlmid,. Clttlild.l. . (,\ll,ada .Seotland. Seotland.. C.tii.ula... Canaila. . Irelriii,! Seotlar.l Canada... Ireland.. 18-0 18.'.8 ISfill'S 1 l.'.S 185-2 1877 IS.'.i) l.WS - , — Irelaml.. Fanner ('aniiila.. Farmer Seotland.. Ireland ..' 18.W 8 '.'11 ;l 10 1 11 1 51 10 F.trmer .Seotland... Farmer .^ Kliftlanil .. Farmer . .^. .' Ireland Farmer Cnnatla I'arnier and Lumber Manufacturer, .Save and .Shinfile .Mill IS.ollaud, . Farmer Si othiiid,.. Farmer k'anada... Far r jCiiuada l'r.ipiietor.s of the Alneriean Flotcl.jCanaita.. .. FBriiier jlruluhd Farmer UJanaila.... Farmer and. I. I' !Scotlantl... Cell- ral (Iroecr, llarnesa Maker anil F^xpleaa A^ent Ireland Farmer Scotland.. (ieneral HIaek.smith ('aiiatla.,.. I''armer Seotluiitl... Farmer Cana.Ia.... Fanner Canada. . . Fanner Canaila. . . County (.'oimtahle In-land F'an,,er Scotland... Farmer Scotland... Ii'aimer Ireland IVoprictor of the Tecumaeh Houae . Canada. . . 18C0 1803 I8M I8fi0 18liU 18(11 1870 1870 1854 ik.-is 1870 18,14 1849 18(13 18.13 187(1 1862 1801 18S7 1801 187.1 1853 18.13 1854 N'i wm '• i m ' t ■■■ ; i ... i}-' w 86 PATRONS' DIRECTORY OF 1 MOUKIS TOWXSIII NAME POST OFFICE. Con. Lot. BUSINESS MoHfH, Matthew Jiiiiifstown M..*'-., ,liin.i-« ' .Miv^'uirt', ( 'liarli'H Wiiigliam. , .Miiln, William I! .Murphy, Artlmr liluvv^li. ... . New.MMihc, William, Sunsliiiii' ... Nott, Unhurt MrnHHchs... . nliver, 'riiDmas ., Oliver, K Petuh, Jamt's (Viiotir, Cliarlcii. , r'Ttliiu, .Iiilii) (. 'i!y, .laiiu'.H ... hymal, K, K llngiTadU, h. .M.. l{(igi;rann, luaao . . Ktibh, Jiihu HuHMfll, .laini'H^ liouahl, .luhn L). . . SI. Kin, W .Smith, Alex. V Sterling, K Shr)rtrL'iMl. .Iiilm. .. Stnitt'Ui, T Strachaii, Mr.H. A , SkeltiiTi, ThnmaH ,. ShiaiL, \. W .Scott, W. 1' . niyth . I^liicvali' . . Miyih Mrl^rave. . . Wiiiyliam . .ililylh Snnsliin*' . Ihu.ssula. . SuuHliinu . Uiih.siIh.. niyth. Ilulgravt' . Waltnti . Ilriiss.'la lllyth. KarmiT . Kiirmcr . I''iinn.'r . Ill Kiirtii'T t'arpi'ntiT Farmer 'I'aildr it Chitliii-r ticiita' Furiiish I i»K lh>'«lM .■ ■ t'arpiMitir ;iinl Jciimr Kartiu'i' t'arpi'iitcr, .Vc Karmcr l''artTU'r anil Carprnlrr Ilh'tir.'.l 'rti'itDgraplirr I>nilih-r and .M<-r«-haiit Tailor !Saw Mill — I .iMibi-r Manufai'tuir, . ' Farmer iF'imiiT MilltTatuI Fartni-'i" il'rnprietor r.russt'Is Stc;iiTi Fir. ( l-jiuiiu' & .A^rii'ultural Works.. iM.I) L\ii.'liili'i'', anil Unihhr Wa;igi'ti unci Carriago Ihiihier r'arnicr |l'r)»priftor of l^nei-u's Uotcl NATIVITY Scollanil. .^.-oilan.l,, Mvhin.l.. FnglatuI Ireland .. Caiiaila. Ciiiaila... Knglini.l Caiiaila... l-lnglalld . Year • Sotllwi mCo 18.-.6 IS.'.."! KS70 1 'aiiaila Catiadii Kinjlaml 1 Kngland 1 .Sc.itland ' I i aiiada Sintland 1 \s-, IS7.S s.'iT S.-.7 s.-,i Sli'2 17 1 KaniiiT . Farno'r . FarintT . Sr.itland I.S7S famida Is:.l Scotland l«7l'. Canada ISI9 Canada ,. 1S.-,!1 .Si'otlaml (lanada ISIil F.llhlalld 19iil I'.Mgland l.'-.-.l I'nile.l Slale.i ' l.M(i5 ' Smi ■ Stil She San , Smi Spe Smi f Tru jTru Tl.o I'ui Ta.s •I'av Th"v Vat Wil ' Wil Wa \V;i Wa W.I Wil Wh , Wr ! Wil Wa iCTORY OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. MtfUltlH TOWXSIIir-t'ontiiiiied. NATIVITY Sn.llm.l.. S,„ll;tll.l.. Iivla.1.1... Kiighitui . Iruiulia'.. <';iii:m1;i. ('.Liiaila Canaila. .. Knyliiml . Caiiii'U. .. < 'atiaila. . . Ciin.icl.i... i-jii;l;ui Sanipl.', .I..I111 , Smith, 'llivi'i Sjifiicc, .\ia:,i]."s. . . .'^ruinii'. .T.ioph t Truax, Juii ls Truwiii, Tl omas.... TIiravi' . ji Wilkinson, ThoniaH . j Wilkiii-'Mi, .lames ... *' I: WliCL'l.r. Charlua... . ||\Vrav, William 1 Wil*in, .lolm lami'stDWii I Walton, I'Vnwiik ... Ik'lyravi' . 0.n. Lot. 10 15 ,'; H tl 18 4 i'.t BUSINESS. ;.U' PailniT Karmer Kanni'i an.l .Millir ... Karnier and Stock Hi [Upi-nter iiriniT ami l-'ar|«nli'r arrner rofcncs .Millinrry & Kain'V (ioo.U lotliini; to Or.l.r, llatsl'a|.- and t:frit.-i' rurni-,liino(* ■arni''r arrniT '. iirnitT iirnier ami Stor-k UaiHrr armer utiri'd Karnitr arnnT oiivcyancrr, Ma^'istratu and Ciiln- missioncr of tlif (.lllei'n's Hunch- Marri.igi' LiciTisi-a NATIVITY. ( ' Iji^hud Kngland . ,'aii;tanil . s.oilaml. .S.otland. ''anada .. Canada.. . I 'an. da... S land .-i.-oll 1 Ireland . l-^ngland . Scotland.. .Scotlaml . I'anada.. •-'.S farmer . .. Farming; ft FarniiT H l-'ar r lU KarmtT 10 FarmiT and lilack.■^n.ilh ;i I- irmcr 2!) Farmer 1 Farmer Ireland.. Canad.T.. ptlalid.. Canada... Ireland Fngland . Fnglaml Knglan.l . Canada.. . (Janaila . . Kngland . I Sntli'd Id Co. is.v.i I-.-,:; \so: ls7i) ]-■:; l-':i IS.Vi im;i I»7ii i>:.7 IS.^..', Ir'o ' IS.-.;) isi;i . ]-:\ . i-.-.ii .1 '*,> .' l-.i l-:4 b'll J