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Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon ie cas: Ie symbols — »• signifie "A SUIVRE", ie symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". re Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Thoss too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diegrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de riduction diff Arents. Lorsqus Ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur geuche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'imeges nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrsnt la mAthode. y errata Id to ' nt ne pelure. i9on i U 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 \] •"'^rf NEW YEAR'S VERSES OF THE PRINTER'S BOY THAT CARRIES THE QUEBEC MERCURY, 5; ' ?:^ i Most reipectjully diiressed to the Subscribers, QUEBEC, utjamitfy, i8u. * lir!^ Alii, Janui, with the double face. Thy backward view help me to trace. From past erents, that I may chnte Fit aubjects for an humble Muse, Whose duty 'tis news to expand 'if ongst such as read and understand i Who true from false know to dirtingttisb» ^d doctrines vicious to relinquish t Who, if the demagogue hold out Bit tinsel to the assembled rout, JHowe'er his country's love he boast. See clearly, sdf is uppermost i Who keep, whate'er party may say. The even tenor of their way % And faction'! sophistry eschew, To kiuf and country erer true. Such fttodare to learn Fate's tumi. Their own, and the wide world's conceni^ Does it hence foUow that the blind, ITnletter'd. uninform'dof miad, ^ HaTe fhciutiea for catoptrics, Or what far worse is, politics ? Can their btaak intellects be bent Lectures to learn on coternmentf Would it not mmm with seose agrce^ Tolenmlhdbi firsi their A, B, C, Thaa to bef^n at the wronf end, Aad make to cahoi, order bendl U tbis not nature to distort. And with mera matter mind assort i Of things their fitaesa In confound, OivUig to blocks reason profound | And thus, by one fhtalmiataka, The demon Anarchy awaka I Thus late nhllofopbera of France, Too early lea ronad Holbein's dance | And the dire circle heedlesa draw In, Myriads to follow their nndoiar. AiHl why f because they wildl^it On any -ninf^but syalema fi^~ Not fbr -the mxf what would do They chesa « b atwkat would please the Um^ A frend mm^gm^ Ioto and fear, C!is Tory orrnnM^BMSP t By habit, sMiMMnpte, fashion^ Mepnrooted prejHBa and pa«ion i #y etery bias thtt could band. And make man's nalwa one way tind# 9r all of tknsa. a f MMhmaa's son! ii moollad to tki tfawn'aconlraiV Yet this, philosophers suppos'd Wib of that ductile stufrc9mpos'd, To take of any cast the shape, Bear, badger, mastiff, cur or ape } Or if they must retain the man. To take the form republican. . . True 'tis that force may sometimes bend The stiffest bow, and make it tend From one strait line to a small curre, And froni its nature somewhat swerve t But kt tl;«t force its pew'r decline. Hie bo!W resumes its nristtn« line : So man. by an impulMTe thrust, Bf ay ev'ry tie of nature burst % But take th' impdling pow'r away. Habit recovers its full sway. Thus Frenchmen's lips, by force might sqneaki^ like parrots. Wive t» RejuibUque i But then the heart— what says it ? hark i Its cry is Vive If grani mmurqw. Had Revolutionists been wise. And theiheart's bias known to prize, And taken, when for charge full ripe. Great Britain for a Lrototyne \ What crimes, which Frencbmennow disgrace, Might thus have never taken place t Nay more, of happin«w what store On Fraiice might providence then show'r | For arts renown'o and libertv. The suffering world she mifnt selfiee f Such aa example conid not fail. O'er sway tyrannic, to prevail. Now, sad reverse I power's iron reign^ Inropdhaslink'd in pne vast chain i WhiMf^Sltii Astaea, Freedom flies To seek a^dti^r in the skies. But, heav'n be prau'd. Napoleon's away, Britannia's thunders keep at bay t Hence, security is ours, « Where^ver dsethe tempest lowers. Enough—ex c ept one short word more Vrom^hunwho, weekly, to your door, Indem, in snow, in ram, in hail. Has never vet been known to faU ^ To bring the news, be't good or bad, Pleas'd trhen the best is to be had. Need I add more ?— « word to the wiso Andgenerons, will here sufflcei *Twere sm to donbt such can be civil, THkia in rhime tem|^ by— tm DrntUa