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(r. EASTMAN, ORUEX SMITH, GEORGE AV. COLLAMER, HOMER W. HEATOX, JAMES T. rHFRSTON. ORRE ■;n smith, M, H., I Medical Examiner, j S FRED. W. AUAMS, M. I)., I Consulting Medical Exiiniiner. TH09IAS E. PO"WERS, General Aieeut. Argent at Walton's Steam Press, Montpelier, Vt. STATEMENT FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDING MAY 3lBt, 1856. Net assets in N'oveiuliiu' hist, .'lil IO,U'iri 01 Kcceipts from premiuitiii and iiiteiT:--l >'tnno. lust report to tlic I.eRisliituri', ifi^an 13 ■ii(il(M,C^;3 t.1 flftims by ileulh, AiUlitioiis to same by lUvideiuls, rurchaseil policies, IHvidends on capital stock, Salaries aud rents, Commissions to agents, printing, postages, mfdiciil oxainlnaiions, Kc, xc, 3,1.17 16 P,CCO 00 'iryi .J.1 rco '.w 1,910 (-0 1,519 13 3,1. 17 16 .'tilu,G4C.8> 6l51,3iC -n Bonds and murtguges, Bank stocks in Vermont and Boston, Kail Road stocks and bonds', Premium loan?, Due from aftents. Bills receivable, Total amount at risk, May 31, " " of new risks taken since Xovcmber 1, Total number of policies remaining May 31, " " " " issued sine? Xoveniboi- 1, «M, 130 00 :o,rm m S,07G 00 aO,.563 86 !y,ra 85 3J3 00 ' t)i Ul *1, 178/172 00 as6,P40 00 863 186 The Directors of this Company have the satisfaction oC annouucins the continued suoce.'s of the Institution. After six and a half years' business and full time for investigation, observation and reflection, we see no cause to alter an- of its plans of business; ))ut, on the contrary, are more fully confirmed in them, founded as tliey are on sound mathematical principles, which will infallibly, if adhered to, guarantee to the Company the three most hnportant and indispeiisabl.- considerations in Life Insurance, viz : securitv, ST.vniLiTy, aud perpetuity. The amount of business of the Company will compare favorably with that of the best ftistitu- tions of the kind in Europe and the United States; and it is deemed more for the true and per- manent interest of its members, than to have doubled it, by adopting the i7/(mo»-j/ and/a»ry schemes so common in this country, but which might have been fatal to its permanency and use- fulness. By recurring to the early history of tlic " London Efiuita))le Society," the most suc- cessful Company of which we have any account, we learn that in twelve years from its organi- zation, it issued but 734 policies, less than one half issued by this Company in six years. The " Kquitable " has now existed ninety-four years, and has nii accumulation of fifty million dol- N'.VTIONAI, I.IKK I XS! Kanhk roMI'ANV (•!•' Till.; f. s. 3 l.irs iiftcr pa.vinK many times tl.it muu to k, „u.,u1...m-.. Tlu- „rinc:pl...s a.ul „i«„s of buslnos- of the National Lif,. I,.,„r,n.co Compan.v, iuul of the I.on.lon K.,aital.lr, a.v v,.,-v ...arlv i.l, ,>• tlcuU This I'om.mny l.a^ ,,ai.l lirty-one daii.H bj ilnuh of its nu.m1.,..s, ; ,.a to th.o. -inurti.s of tl„. 1-amilios. il.e amount of ,1.0 policy l.as l,con thcl. .nly su,.„ort. Tlu.sc .xam,,!.. M.ow th. Imm,,.. ftciul operation of Lif. Insnnu.cv, an-l the ,n,yt utility of makin, provision for the continK..nrv of promaturo.l,.at!.; especially as sndiprovision, in a well coustitutc.U Mutual Compauv, do.. not involve any pecuniary .aerllice wlu.tever. but Is uu rely the n,„.rn-ati,., of a part of one's '•"rn,n,sorineom.-toasa.-ro,lpurpose,_T„ATor mvk.n. a snu; Pnovis.ox rou twos, „n.,.N- i>i;m OS iiiM. Ouo ovhlencu of the ,re„t ear,, au.l .kill exereiso.l in >eU.etin;. the best rislcs is the ,ratit> in- fact that but our ,hui!, },„, occurred 0, thr cUIUmoutlu hut pu.i, ui.eu by the tables use.l hv th- < on.pany, eieht would lune been the proportion. Wo trust the same caution in .electin-livs. and the Muu- .conon.y >M.ieh ha. contributed to the success of th. Company, will be ri.idiv prac- tii'C'd. in.: N.no.A.. Un. Ixm K.xe. Comc.vnv or .n. I .^.^^n Hx.vr.s, in Mo.upelier, V,.nuon,, V. as chariero.l by the l.e;:islalure of Vcnuont. Co.n.ueiioed business February 1, ISCO. The business of the (•ompnny is confined exclusively to insurance on 1iv,.s. to the .rantioK of endowments and to the purchase and ^aie of annuities. This Cunpany has a paid-in ca^h capita!, and is mana^.d b^ Diree.ors who Inr e a pergonal nuerest in knowing that its busi s i. prop^vly conducted. It unites the advantages both of a ^.ock an.i Mutual (V..n,,a).y-and its organisation has th. .i-ments of .. ,.„rity, it is boH-v-d. iu 11 greater de.uree, than any othi r sy^tfui of I.jf,. Insurant Tl... ton.pany is „n the purely Mutual s.^stem; Ih. holders of the sto.'k ,lo „oc ,.articipate iu any of the i-rolits of ih. business, a.id only rec.dve a >un.ll per e.■nta^re l\.r the us. , f .IkI,. n.on- ey, in no event to cNceed eijiht percent. I-ers.,ns insured on the nkw .tax of ,h.- (Aunpany, by „ayin^ a sntall increase of premiau,, re- n.tve the an.ount insured at the a^es of ro or U) years-,ly in^ before those a,e., it will be paid to their representatives. , All holders of policies are entitled to vote in the annual meetings tor the election of the Direc tors of ihe Company. XK.A.V£2i:.ijsra- Jprivii^eoes. Persons insure.l uuiy obtain perntission to travel or reside in any part of the v.orld upon pav- ment of a\i extra premium iii proportion (o th^ risk incurred. ixsrvEST]VEE3srT OF ap•u•J^a•I:Js. All the Kttnds, not re„„ired for in.m.diale ttse, are salViy investe.l by the Kinan.v Commit.... ". Mortgages, Stocks, ^c, '-and in n.. case shall it be lawful for said Company to loan any s„„. .d money L. any Director or oliicer of said Company, upon any security whatever." [S^i- Sec ties a.ul cUMn-u, .ecur. from any .lemarul. of th.ir ne-litors if il... . . . i ., fo, tlsen- o« „ l,em.lit, fn-e from all dai.ns of tl.eir cMe.lito.- ,".z:z:z. "'■'"-'•"'■""•'■• "'.— «»...-.■.«..-, -.., „„ ,., «.!.. AM „„s„,„ ,„,o., „„, ,„,, „„„„„ ,.„„ „,„ ^.„,„„„„^^_ _,,.^, ,^.^^_,_^ ir,;:':;;:';;::::;:"""- -"■~— . '■.>■ -.„»„ „,„„ „„„■„,::; -th. So per.s„n is liable beyond the amo.Uit of the premium. Sth. Lo..e« Mill be paid three monlh.s after satisfactory proof of death 0th. .Should the holder of a Life Policy, after three or more year., wish to surren.ier i, be ,vl„ receive its e.,iiitable value in cash. ' " '" iOth. The fompauy will require notice in case of an assignment or transler of a policv • ..nd wl... luiy note« are held by the Company for part of the premium, said policy is ,i I : .; fnted, .„ case the iu'erest or assessment is not paid upon said notes. nth. The a-e will be taken as that nearest the birth day mh. Those only who take a policy for the whole term o'f life, share in the profit-. thi!rs.oo." " '"' '^ "''"' "" '"'' '"" '"' '"■ '""" "'"' '^'''''' "'■ -'>■ "•■"^•>- '--' .'• - Uth. The premiums will be increased from the rates of the Table, if ,he applicant is in the Navy, Army, or is a manager of, or connected with the business of a Steam Engine, or Kailroad I-ocomotMe, or Steamboat, or the manufacture Of Gunpowder, or any businet: „ occt . t Purticttlarly hazardous to life. Persons insured in this Company, at the usual rat^ Z" . lowed to enKa.e in any Of the above occupations without previously obtaining the con u> the Company and paying the increased premiums. 15th. Persons insured at the rates of the Tables of premiums are not to reside south of the southern line of Virginia and Kentucky, or west of the Mississippi rivor, (except in the s t !d Pon^nsof the tates of Missouri and Iowa, and of Minnesota, Kai.as and X brask! ^ r nes between the first day of June and the first day of Xovember, but may reside north oul suthern line named. Within the rnited States, or settled parts of the Northern British Prov rLealtes. ^^'^""' ''' *^" ""^ '-' ''-'' -'' '--' - '-'- '" -- -"- --on - thereaftei , or, if desired. It may be paid in a gross sum when the insurance is made, or semi- XATIOVAI, MFK IXSLHANCK COMIMSV OV THK U. S. , -nuall.v. .,r .,u.r.eH,, with ...U-rct on the acfcrrcd ..«,.ne...., but iu ch.c of ..euth, tl.o ,r,K.,o l.ai , «... the una.,., o.- ...her ,...emlu„.s uu.t be ..„,., the day they fall ..ue, .-the.wise th- polie, '•M..n.s; but t„.ay be.. evlvou any time Within «i.x,y.uy«. the ,.e..oK ho.e life the L .• anco WHS n.a.le bei„K the., alive „„d ,.. «oo.l health, by the pay.nent of ....1 ,„,„.„. „„,,,.,. - ill: .... .uhlitional M.m of ten ,.er cent. u,.on Hal., ,„.e.nlu.n. nth. At the e,.., of every Ave year., after p,-oviaiMK for the Hubilltios an.l paying «U ,oh.. clexpen..o theron.puny.therc..ah.,n.prom« will be dividea and e..ediled i. e..u tab, 0.0 tions to t,,.. .... ,.oMC...s. And provided the holder of the policy ...al. ha,e paid not el 1 ;::: "^ '^"•" "*• -"^ ■" •- ~" -- -"— ^o; 12 00 12 S0| 13 10^ S 00' 15 30 255 G2 8 80^15CO'SG0 75 9 00110 20,2(35 90 9 1016 50 272 15 9 20 16 90 276 cS;j 9 40,173028193 9 50 17 70 287 56 9 70 18 20 294 00 9 90,18 80 299 15 10 30 19 30 305 33 10 70 19 80 310 92 11 20 20 40 317 00 1170,21 10 324 98 12 30 21 70 329 67 12 8022 40 337 03 13 50 23 10 343 64 13 60!23 60 349 36 14 20124 30 357 26 14 6025 00 365 32 14 8025 7037183 15 00126 40 378 69 13 20! 13 301 13 40 13 50 13 60 15 30 27 50 386 35 13 90 14 30 31 10 38 14 80' 15 90 30 50 39114 40: 15 41' 15 4215 43 15 4416 45 16 46117 90 16 00 OOiieiO 21)16 30 60: 16 50 90'l6S0 3017 30 7018 70 10,19 00 409 70 418 87 426 50 32 00 33 U) 435 92 34 00 443 54 35 20 36 50 :iS 10 39 60 47|17SOj20 70 41 48i|8 49! 1 9 30 ,l5 70i2Sl0:i93 80 il5 80i29 00|4.0183 50'20 5l|22 52|23 53|24 54|25 5527 56129 57|31 58,34 59i37 60141 50:2180 40.23 00 80.24 40 30'25 80 20|27 40 50:29 40 5013170 10;34 30 10 37 20 30 40 20 20|43 40 60:46 70 70 50 10 7 43 10 45 00 47 10 49 20 5150 53 90 56 69i 59 40i 62 401 65 70 69 00 72 80, 76 50; 452 67 40189 471 13 480 63 489 93 500 47 509 97 52102 53180 54108 554 39 563 15 575 80 XoTK. A l)linik Innii ini- iiMilicatioii for iusuram'c or a c()i)y of the Coiupiuiy's pain- l)hlt!t of rules, rojiiilatioins \;o., will be forwarded to any iieiv-on ).y mail on his writing to uny of tlie ujients, or to the Huoretary of the Conipany; nu,l any iierson wlieve\er ifsi- dent, uiay tnin-mit to the Seereiiiry liis own aiiidiealion f..v Int'urancc' with proper eer- tlficates. SB' XATIO.VAf, I, IKK IX.Slll.VNCK COMr.WV i»F TirK V. H. APPLICATIONS FOR INSURANCE MAY BK M.\i>K TO TiiK ()|.-|.rri.: of xiit; io.mi'Anv, oil, icii thk i-rkskxt, t.) anv 01' TFIi: FOr.T.OWIVfJ rKRf?OXS: VKU3IO\T. .liimi'M M. HIatle, Jlorutio N'fi'dlmm, .1. I) Atwill. Alox. .\r. Iluliny, If. T. Wliii.., <'. r.I)a\ cy, John Ljniiiii, Horutlo W. J A. iMcMillan, •f"hii Sr. Martin, (ii'.o. Jlason, If. F. Stovfin, >[. [)., Alfn-tl Keitli, W. I'. Wilson, A. .1. .SiiniMoit, Alicl ]?rowii, Wni. Uravton. W).i. JI. Jl. Uin-ham, •lolin A. t:hil('>, ironryStoHcIl, «'. H. Cros))}-. If.JIlake, K Ulnkc, Amos C. JtobinHoii, Xewton KelloKff, Smith .iherniai), (;.M)rKO Allen, ■;' muR.l II. Stowoll, li-'iivyM. ]!atcv, •lamo^ M. Kichardson. Norman AVillinmi--, Warren C'lu'ru'r, ■Samuel AV. I'orter, I'. JI. Kesseiulon, Alex. 8. (;ami))>ell, ■Sumner A. AVoliber, • JeorRo F. ]»avi>j, <>.(.'. J rale, I'erley ('. Jonoi', Marcus Kansteail, H.A. Ifajikn, ^ Kilmunrt U'eston, < encer If. I-oonard, " illiam II. I.iHcomli, Dudley C. Denisoii, HobMiis ic Chapmuii, Warren ('. Freueii, n.'irnfs I'risltii', .^liilillihiiri/, Brhtul. Veritmnr/i, RcnninKton C, iirnniiii^toii. UurliiiKlon. .Irvirhn, IV. Milton, fit, ,/oliii.thiiru, Lymlitii, niinlnrli. hnnviUe, I'rifliam, fill t ton. St. .Alhann. Hhfldon. Biihrrsfirld, Sim II ton. Grnnd I.slr. -Hhurgh. Sfairr. fhlilrimrk. Ciiinliridtir. /.". Iliiruwiek. fliirdirirl/, fticeiishoro', liartnii. Riitlniid. Ciistlitnii, Hrandon, If'ntcrhiir'i. .■Viirthlidd. Ilait.ifirld, II hod.itiie/;. Wii'dsor, Spriiicrjirld. Hriitthln>rn\ Di limns Fulls, Ituclicslcr, Ciii:cnilisi'i, lldl.: Itii-cr. Clicl-ra. Thvtjuri!. Randolpii, Urailford. Brontijhht, Ckrutrr. i-'t Uutlmul. lioilllltllll. liiiilUnr, Hharnn, Miildletoitn, II MASSACHISETTS. James T. Plielp?, Hartley Williams, T. T. Griggs, M. Ji.. Kufu3 Howiand, J. L, Welb, Alfred Rowe. A. P. Robbins, Oeo. II. Roswortli, KeiOien Nye, Boston. H'tirccsttr. Orat'toii, ^ Orceiijlr.ld. .Vurlhampton, Sprinisjicld. (Jamliridgr. Fall Hivir. Fiiirlinrrii, .J. n. Perkins, -M. X. DavisuM. I'ldwin S. Merrill, Itenj. Hoardnuwi, I-mlier J. I'ietclier, Alamnn ilorden, »\'. Bf'id^riraUr, hitihtiiimh, II iiirlivndiiii, Lairrtncr, Lniotil, AV/r Bedford, MAINK. I'".dv\ard P. Itiirnhaui, .lona. W. I'orsalth, Pl.ili,. A UriKfts, .lolin M. (iiioduin, .'olm J(. Kimball, l.bonczer TrnsI;, AVilliam S(imerl)\ , .lolin W. Mun'/er, K. II. Oehran, Samuel Titeonib, Snrn, Bi-iui.siriiL, /iiiristiiii, Jiiddi'J'nrd, Bo tit. Bdiiuor, /'Jlsiriirl.'i, I'lirlland, Jlorhlatid. .lllKIIKlU, Huui .'■; \.'«lMn-v, Idiaidir'Hiltus Kaiisoni. All-till Adams, IOWA. ILLINOIS. '-. f. jr.iii, > 1'. A.Colton. M. It., i Harlow I". .Sniitli, OHIU. W. F. AVIieelcr, .r. P. Ih'innaii, »'. il. Kil.ler, •losej.li Mueiiiicher, llobertlilack, .M. O. Putterlleld. W. IF. Sallord, 'ieo. W. Lilian, lI'Miry A. (iliddeii. <'lias.AV'. Palmer. I'. I!. ]lny\v!ird, A. W, I'rrlev, Ditrojt. h'liltiinnziio. Diilntiiiie Cliicir^o. II iniliffntn. ddum'nis. Jlniisftetd, jVcitark, ,)ft, ycninii, Spritisftcld, Dnytiiii, CliUii-othf. CirclrriHf, Tolcd,!. Cliiirlniiil. SiindiiAii. y.inir.-trilli'. AVISCOXSIX. I', a, roM,r, It. .S. D.irill. Albert (^.Knifrht, Deeatur Vandereook, Alfred Sargent, R. II. Hewitt, Lucas U. Merrill, Biluit. J\Iridi.'ee, Joseph S. AValton, Joshua Hate.--, Geo. Morton, r. IF. Peck, Stanntcad, C. !', JIatliy, <' Montreal, " Qiicbrc, " ShrrOrooke, '• Smith's Falls, C, II. Brockcille, " Prcscott, " .VAT[«).VAI, MFK IXrtlUA.VrK COMl'ANV o^' TlfK I . S. 'rii(iinn<* Kt'iilltiKt Long Ac KcUy, It. H. Dunn, Win. IF. I.imiliin, i:. T. I,f.l.yar«l, Tlionun HliiiiikiJ, » 11, ' Hdlvillr, < Kingston, ' .Viipiiniii-, '/'(iriiiiti', ' NKW HAMPNillJtIt:. ItLiiJ. F.WhliM.'!). A. r. JIukIi"-, IiUHfiiiitfr. .Viinlmn, ( lllM. II. Ttlttll', A. II, Dunfnrtli, I .1. I-. I'lirwi'll, i S-I.liii I'. Wtiltis I. oti.. D.wijV, •I. II, Ki-nilrick, Dnvldlllll, A. ('. VUrrv, < liiiH. \V, Kiiihl. .('ilin T. Cotliu, I'htvi*. A. Tiiftf, ''hn«. (illl, Henry lliildmtd, .Ir., S. II. Ivl.u, .iiiihrrnt. L'lorrmonl, K'fiir. Ilniiiirrf, l.rhiinoH, m)tuiu-lli:tlrr. I'iniroril, IMllrlini. /.iirnniii, Dortr. Kxttn: Vlinrlr-itiiwii, ^Vrirport.