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[Passed 27th l^lay, J 831.] TTiiE d enacted, by the Mnyor, Aidermon and Common- .i^3 alfy of the City of Toronto, ia Common Coiuicil assembled— SECTION I. •■ T]iat the pnbiic Market Houses or Market riaccs dow, or hereafter to be established within the said citv, shall be the market houses or market places thereof; and th« butchers thereof, aitd gther persons using the same, shall be subject to the regulations following, to loit : 1. Any person exercising the trade of a butcher within the said city sludl be previously licensed by the Mayor; imd for every olFcnce for seihng without such llceiice, he shall forfeit three pounds ; and every person selling anv meat,, less than by the quarter, shall be deemed a fel'utcheV within the meaning of this lavv, and subject to the rcTW- lation.><, pains and pen^ties thereol. 2. Market houses shall be the only places for selling meat, (excepting by the quarter or greater quantity :) pjid from the first day of May to the first day of November, in ©ach year, inciuding both days, no ni^eat shall be ex- it i. :.aacr:: -a..- . «i1 J posed for s-^ iu-^piaritetN^ftfi'fct^MO ttoon, excie'pt on 3!iturday«, oft- wBicK^ ter- be ke'pt€pen 'till 9 o'clock at night : provided ho#e^eK|^iat it shall be lawful for butchers to open their stalls and sup- ply ^ith meat any, steam boats or other shipping coming into harbour after m. rket hours; and any person offend- ing against any part of this regulation shall, for each of- fence, pay a penalty of five shillings. 3. Every butcher shall furnish his stall with a plentiful supply of good meats; and in case of neglect for six days successively, (without a permit from the Mayor for tliet ])urpose,) he shall incur and pay a fine of ten shillings; jind on a second offence of the like nature, after convic- tion, be shall forfeit his licence. And no butcher shall cut or expose any meat in market but at his own stall Or standing, upon pain of forfeiting five shillings, for the lirst offence; and on conviction of the second offence, he shall forfeit \Ais licence. 4. Any butcher, or other {erson, selling, or exposing foi sale, in market, or in any other part cf this city, any unwholesome, stale, emaciated, blown, stuffed, tainted* ])utiid, or measly pork, meat, poultry, or other provision, 8hall forfeit ten shillings for each offence ; and the meat, j)ork, poultry, and provisions ^so exposed, shall, withe • (Jelav, upon' view of the Mayor, or any Alderman, or upon complaint, under oath, before tl*em, or any of them be seized and destroyed by the Clerk of the Market. 5. Any perso n Vho shall by himselt; his agents, or servant, be guiUy of foi totalling, regrating, or engrossing any poultry, egg's, butter cheese, or fresh fish, in this city, shall forfeit tm- every offence the sum of ten shillings ; and if an/ licenced butcher or his servant, or ngent, or any person in his behalf, shall directly or indirectly pur- chase or cause to be purchased, from any farmer or other person, any fresn meats (/ffered for sale in this city, before tiie hour of noon, ant' re-sell ihe same meats at an ad- vanced p^rice, suck licensed butcher shall on conviction tbcreof, besides the abov« penalty, forfeit his licence; and 4.uch Ucence shall not be renewed during the same year thcit juch offence may have been ccmmitted. e. or s( gress or th ment 7. by w< neces meas mitte be so tho s perso meas scale; €d, a] meas 8. provij rate v 0, in a c - shall of tb' 10. stand and fi % pave II stall, 1 No the in nalty 11. exclu the si ses ai . the n * the ai m Il fee| ghSH^ and 8up- ; coining 1 offend- euch of- plentiful six days for tliat hillings; r convic- ler shall n stall OT , for the fence, he exposing city, any , tainted^ )rovi3ioii, :he meat, , withe ' jnrian, or of them i:e(. gents, or ngrossing this citv, shillings ; agent, or sctly piir- r or other ty, before at an ad- •onviction ence; and same vear I x %* 6. In aii^^^P^here t!ie agent, apprentice, Iabour©r or servant t)f any butcher, or other person shall trans- gress any p^irt of this law, he or they so oflending, or his or their master or employer, sh?ll be liabk to the pay- ment of the penalties prescribed in this law, 7. All meat sold shall be previously weighed in Sl scale by weights properly inspected, stamped, marked, and if necessary duly corrected by the examiner of weights and measures for the city ; and in case any fraud shall be com- mitted in the weight of any meat, or in cas« any meat shall be sold not being weighed as aforesaid, the perso?i sellinj; the same shall forfeit ♦.en shillings for each offence ; all persons selling provisions cr other articles by weitrht or measure in market shall provide themselves with' good scales, weights and measures, regularly marked, stamp- ed, and duly adjttstedtiy the »atd examiner of weights and measures. 8. Every Licence gr^jiidin a Butcher shall contain a provision that the same shall be void, and cease to ope- rate when the Common Council shall require the same. 0, Every Butcher shall keep his cellar in the Market in a clean and sweet state ; and the Clerk of the Market shall have access at all times to the said cellars, or any of tbem under a penalty cf five shillings for each refusal. 10. Every Butcher shall keep the table of his stall or standing, and the place where his Meats may lie» clean and free from fdth or dirt ; and shall also keep clean the pavement of the market-place opposite to and under his stall, upon pain of forfeiting five shillings for each offence. No person when driving luider the arches or inside the market shall drive faster than on a walk under a tie- naky of five shillings. 11. Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and ilogs shall be excluded irom the interior of the market-place and from the side-walks surrounding the same outside ; and Hor- ses and Oxen drawing waggons and other carriages into the market-place, shall be im.mediately removed out t.]e same until again wanted to draw off the $tmQ wa^ gons and other carriages. " * ■ of ".igiaiMM iSKSiMgaa J V2. Firc-^'ood, Hny nnil Liiinber siiall^J^ff^lnded from the interior of the present mnrket-place ; and all persons (requcntiiig the niarUet ;5hall place their waggons and other carriaiies hi such order as «he Cltrkofthe mar- ket shall nir«ct/or otherwise? be liable to a |jenalty of two shillings and six pence ftiV each offence. SECTION IL That at least six copies of ilie foregoing; regijlafions shall as often as the same is requisite, be put Up in conspicu- ous places in and about the lUc.rkets \ and a penalty ot live shillings shall be innicrcd on any one defacing, de- stroying, oftaluiig down any of the sait! copies. gECTION III. That any person who shall use, occupy, build, or keep any private stali for thesale of Meat.«i, shall torieit and pay the sum of two pounds, and tiie like sum for every week thereafter in which the same shall he used. Provided however that nothing in this act contained shall be taken to prevent licensed Butchers, who have stalls in the mar- ket, froTn selling meat by the quarter in waggons or bther carriages after the hour'of twelve o'clock atn6on, oo week days, in any part of the city if they have been unable t& dffect a sale thereof in the market. SECTION IV. That the sum of five shillings shall be paid for a Licence by every Butcher who occupies a stall in the regular mar- kets. SECTION V. That the clerk of the market or market;?, under the direction of the Mayor, shall inspect the w^eights, measures, and balances that may be used in market, and i»,eize and destroy such as are not according to the estab- lished standard. 2. He shall inspect all Meats that may be exposed for sale in Market, and seize and destroy whatever may be tainted, or otherwise unfit to be eaten. 3. He shall cause the gates of the Market Place to be ©;)ened every morning (Sundays excepted) at five o'clock, lita 1^ Mm ^mm ^ 5 between tlic first of Ihy MjJ first of Novcmt)er, and at 7 o'clock tlui'iuic tJi« rest of ihe vcar ; i\m\ to be sliiit every cveiiiiis; at 4 o'clock all the yeV.r roiuul ; Liit on Saiuidavs the maiket sliill hu kept open til] t) o'cIocU, 1*. M. 4. lie shall a«isi;i;ji a place to the huckMers frerjuentinjr the markets, ariil lake Doticc th;U their cci'tificates ol'reiu agree with thci** term of occn-^aiion. 5. He sliall report from thr.o to time concerning all re- pahs uccessar;,- to be done to the uiarkct biiildin,.-s in his chargo. "" o G. Me sha'l! tietcrnihie all disputes that may arise in the market re-specfin^ v.'ei;i;ht aiid mea^jure, and char^f! no fee or perquisite for U)y service by him perfonned other than such fees as are auihuriscd and enjoiKcd by the laws of the city. 7. lie h!)u!1 enquire into the conduct of all persons ex* posin^T for sale any provisions in market, and ol)serve whe- ther tliey are guilty of any iniraction of the By-laws of the Common Council, and report a]! oifenders to the Clerk of the .Council, wViose duty it shall be forthwith to prosecute the ofiender:3 for the penaities annexed tu their several olleiices. SECTION Vf. That no p, ,son shall build, make, or use, or cause or permit to be built, made or used, any Slauirhter-house for the ])rirpose of butchering any cattle, at any place Avith- m the bounds of ihis City under the penalties of two pound ten shillings for each animal butchered and slaucrh- tered at any such place. Provided, however, that this section shall not take effect until after the 15th day of June, 18;M. ^ SECTION AH. That no licence or lease to anv butcher shall be con- strued to vest any interest in such butcher in the soil or any part of it, on which any public market place shall stand, or m the market house thereon erected. SECTION VIII. That no person shall buy any provision or article of food m the market for the purpose of selling again, dur- i ^ 6 ing Market hours 1^^^ i^ *»3 to siy from the opening of th« market until twelve ©'clock, nooa, on pain of forfeitini; two pounds for each (jffeuce. SECTION IX. Thar ail articles in nmrket sliall !•" sold by weight or measure; and any article which shall l)e offered for salo | for a certain weight or measure, and shall prove defective, shall be forfeited and seized for the use of the poor ; but if sold, then the seller shall forfeit, for the first offence five shillings, and ten shillings for the second and every sub- * sequent oiience* i SEGTlOxN" X. ' After the first day of June next, no butcher, or other person -.vhatever, shall, by himself, his agent, or servant, sj.vli or expose for sale in the City, any lamb, mutton, c:.»i, *JGei, pork, in quarters, or oihcr meats, (venison, pork su the hog, wild game, poultry, dried, smoked, and other cured meats excepted,) at any other jdace than at an authorized public market; and if any butclier or other person or persons, shall sell, or oi:er ibr sale, any (iesh meats, at any other than the {)!aces above mentioned, or shall take any stand for the sale thereof, at any other than the said places, it shall be lawful for the Mayor, or any Alderman, to order arid direct any person to remove such meats to the public markets ; and if any such person shall refuse, or neglect so to do, he, she, or they, shall forfeit for such offence the sum of one pound. Provided^ how- ever, that nothing in this act shall be taken to prevent per- sons from the country from trying to effect sales of fresh meat, in any part of the city after the hour of twelve o'clock, if they have paid the fees, and been unable to dispose of their provisions in the regular market. SECTION XL That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to cause the market place to be well swept & cleansed and the street and paved ways in front of and adjoining the said market, also, to be swept and the dirt carried away as of- ten as occasiot) shall require ; and it skall jikewis© be hi4i ng ofth« forleiting pveiglit or I for salo jefective, cor ; but rence five very sulj- > or other V servant, , mutton, (venison, aked, and :e ihan at r or other any (iesh ione ""^g ;iny kinds of grain, meat, poultry, and counti \ or eggs, butter, or chees % to ;.'hrchase or tc . or agree for the purchase of any kinds Oi .. duI- try, country produce, or eggs, butter, or cheese commg toi the city for sale within any part of the liberties of the city, nor to hire or employ any persons to make such purchase, contract or agreement under the penalty of twenty shilHngs for each offence. Provided always, that nothing in this section shall be constiued to prevent any private house-keeper of the liberties of the said city, wiio shall not be a trader or dealer, in any of the articles afore- said, from purchasing such articles for the consumption of his or her own family. SECTION XIV. That all the stalls, cellars, stores, stands, rooms, grana ries, and apartments^ in or belonging to the market build - I ings, shiill, when let, be let by public auction ; and tlie rents of the market stalls shall be payable quarterly, in advance. .SECTION XV. That tlie Clerk of the I^IarUet shul! be entitled to dc- icifUi J ainl receive the follovviua; fees, viz: I'lom the owner of each slcijjh, wftggon or other car- riage in which tljere shall be vuy fresh meat exposed (ov sale in market six-pence; fliid from all persons Iriuging other produce to market, whether meat, poula'>', butter, cheese, eggs, flour, oats, peas, vegetables or any kind uf grain wliatsoever if brouglit jy a two horse waggon, or .sleigh, the sum of six-pence; if hy a one liGrse cart, sleigli, or cutter the sum of four-pcuee ; ii brought on liorseback or in a, wlieel burrow, the sum of three peuee; and if bv hand the turn of one peiiu^r. Win- L. MACKENZIE, Maifor, Common Council ChamUr, f May 'Z7x\ 1831. $ * A'N ACT COxXCERNIlYG NUISANCES AND THE GOOD GOVERNx^IENT OF THE CITY. [Passed May 3()lh, 1834,] BE it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen, and CoinmnnaUy of the City of Toronto, in Common Council assembled — SECT{0.\ 1. That any person who shall be ^?'Mty r ' any of the offence? hareiiiafter mentioned, idiall be subj^jt to the penalties herein- after prescribed, to wit: 1. Any person who shall on Sunday do any servile work, or hibour, (works of piety, charity, and necessity excepted) o.* buy _ or sell, or show forth, or expose for sale, any" Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, or any other thing shall forfeit a sum not less than five shillintrs nor exceeiiina: lifteen shillings for each offence, in the discretion of the jMatjistrates conviclinii, but it shall be law- ful to sell Milk, until nine o'clock in the mornin;?, and after four nV.lnr.k in t'l^ nffprnnnn nurl \hn ^^r»/^ ^f .1 l»lpu o*a jojapd to carry lljis Law into effect. r ^Jb*-*.. and die ^d to dc- tlicr car- osed fur bringing ', butter, r kind uf rse cart, light on e peuce ; iQTjQTt GOOD 834,] mnaUy of offence? s bereiii- work, or J) o.* buy lares, or less than ffence, in II be law- ifter lour j! 10 Servant to be Tnoculfited, shall forfeit two pounds ten shlllln for cTery such Inorulfition. 8. Any perpori vendina; or disposing of any goods, or other arj tides, at cards, dice, billiards, bagatelle boards, shuffle boards, El O. tables, ph^ro bnnV<^, or any other unlawtui games or petting up the same t(» be raffled or played for, and any person guilty ol raffling or playing in Ins own house, or dwelling, or otheirwis for money, liquor, or other articles; and any pe;.nce8 to remain on bis lot, or in his house, or other build' ing, or in or upon any sloop or other vessel, to the annoyance of any other person, after notice from an Aldermnni to remove, fill up, destroy, or abate the same in such reasonable time, and rann- ner, as he shall direct, shall forfeit one pound five shillings, and a like penalty shall be inflicted on any person who shall cause any filthy, putrid, or unwholesome substance, to be placed in any street, lane, or al'ey, and shall neglect removing or abating the s;une after such notice as aforesaid : And any Alderman with any person in aid of him, after such notice, and either before or after prosecution, (but in the day time) may enter into, or upon any sloop, or vessel, or into any lot, house, or building, and remove, or abate such nuisance, >n such manner as he shall judge best, nt the expense of the offender, to be recovered by action of debt from such offender, with costs, and if any person shall hinder, or obstruct such A|dermf\n, or any person in aid of him in the e»e- Oution of this duty, he shall forfeit five pounds. . . ■ i n i »« i III I »»< — "■•-'■IMi-- • . ' limHL»sr~ i I ten shlllingi" , or other nr He boards, E es or petting son guilty o! 3r otheirwise, Q keeping a tnble, pharc ' rd, or wh<'re e played for, sion any bil . or any ur I permit an;^ ?r of the saiJi not, shall in four pounds pennlty shall r or any Al- 1 aid cf him, , yard, and to | instrument!", I •r or obstruct ^ e pounds, g, keep any I ter-ni"*. nine-l to be invent- 1 e shall keep i fish, or nny|| ! on the pier,| or who shalli mwholesome r other build-;| annoyance nf'l I remove, fill|| Yie, nnd raan> ihillings, nnd 1 I shall causo • )Inced in any ' abatin^y the- nan with any jfore or after or upon any and remove, iidge best, nt rtion of debt ^ lII hinder, or | 1 in the e^e-f tl 11. Any person digglnp, tnkmg, or carrying awny, any earth or sand from any of the streets, lanes, or rilleys, or from the pub- lie squares, or from any of the lots belonging to the Mayor, AJ- dermen and Commonalty of this City (except m pursuance of some Law or Resolution of the Common Council, or by virtue ol pome Order of a Magistrate for the removal of nuisaMces or ob- gtructions) shall forfeit iive shillings for every such otTence.^ 12. Anv person bathing or swimming along, or near the Piers, Wharves", or Shores of the said City, at any time between the hours of six in the morning, and the hour rf eight m the evening, shall forfeit ten shillings f.r every such ofTenre. I rovided, liovr- ever, that nothing in thi. Section shall be taken to f f^'^^t ^"> person from bathing in the Lake, in any part West of the line oi Peter Street, before the hour of 7 o'clock in the morning. 13. No Steam Boat or other Vessel sailing on the '-^^^'J^IJ^j receive any freight or discharge any part «fthe oargo on the Sabbath day, at or near any of the Wharves of this City except the baggage of passengers, nor .hall any be! be rung »" t^^ "^' "" ner of a fire bell on any day or night except in cases of fire under a penalty of five pounds for each offence. 14 Any person who shall wilfully and wantonly injure, deface, or tarnish, any house, porch, stoop, door, gate, well, or punnp, fence, tree, or any useful or ornamental public, or P'-Jv ate work, or improvement, or any post standing in the street, either by daul»ing or besmearing the same, or any part t»^«*''««^' '^''j^^.^X;; mud, tar, oil, or grease, or by throwing stones, ?«• in any othei man^e whatliver^or who shall aid or assist therein, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one pound five shillings. 15. No person shall place any cask, wood, stone, plank, boards or other article, in anv street, or on any side walk, so as to in- commode or obstruct the free passage, or use thereof, on pain 1^ forfeiting for e.-\ch offence five shillings. And any A^^rman mny cause the same to be removed at the expence of the f^'ffj^ nor shall anv person under a like penalty back, drive, or lead niy horse, wagg'on, or cart, over any such side walk, or use, r'^^./^f drive any sled or sleigh thereon, unless it be m crossing the same to go into any yard or lot. If). No person shall place or cause to be placed any stone, lum- ber, or any other materials for build ingwhatever,on any «ide- walk, or pavement; nor shall any person be alloNved to occupy mrro than half of the street (and in case of two buildings being erecte-j opposite to each other at the same time not more than one-lhirj of the street) with any such materials, and then only dunr.g t b :, time which may be indispensably necessary for erecting the build- ings for which such materials are designed, under a pena,t> ot twenty-five shillings, on conviction before any City ^lagis.ratc, and any Alderman mav cause the same to be removed "t »sie ex- peuite of the uilcuaers, lo oe r«cuvcicu «j a-L.-.!^^ v* .t^r-- W' IQ JcesinIM •»■*' ■resr.itl. tl; vided ftlwnys, that no lumber or other matftr'mis deposited in (■I't-rs of s roads fur buildiuji f>hal! be so placed as to obstract the passageB''V'*"^ ^^ water in the guttuis or siiif;ice draui?. " ■.-: i^.t ^.. 17. rso person shall sutler any Carri;ige witlinut liorsei", to, main or stand in any street (tr i;ine, for mere laan (Hie liour [wii out a writien pennisj-ion frr,in theiMajor, vr one of the Aide mcri] under the penalty of il.{> sijiiliiio;^ f)r .;-;ch t-d'cncc. J8. i\o person s'ia!] at any tinju, fa-ten aiuy hoisc, or liorse«, any porch, or in such wny, a-; that tlie reins, oi lines, shall pro,, nn obstacle in the tree use of the side walk, u\nm pair; of forfeiL inj^ five shiiiin^^ for each i^lf-nce; and the person in uhoso poll," •,,„-, session or use, such hursc or horses shall Ihtn be, shall heueeiff- " "" ' cd theoffcnder, unless he shall prove tlie contrary, to the sal " faction of the i^ia-n-trate before whom he sh;i!I he brou;:ht. id. i\a persor) shiU cist or thr \v at.y !;a!i of snowTor ic<*. i! nnyofti-.e public streets of this City, under a penalty of liv £h:llin of a certain wsiiiht o measure, am! tiie same shall prove defective, and nut acciodii! to law, or ti:e a urse or usa;^e of trade, sneh seller be ^Mdes bein )vided sui le, and if Id, then tl Council n cn«'o nr any othe father, r penalty r against inst 5UC ing of any spirituous liquors any person who shall durin*; the time aforesaid, collect in num bars in any street, lot, or other place, for the purpose of gaming, dancing, or ojher amusement, shall forfeit one pound five shilling? for every ofl'viuce. SECTIO.X III. No swine shall be permitted (o run or be nt large in any of th streets or any of the side walks in this City, and if any swin« shall be so found running or beino; at large, the owner or owner! tiiereof shall forfeit and pay for each and every such swine, tla siun of sliiiiing^ to be recovered in the name of the lAJayor Aldermen and Cunanonaity of the City. SECTIOiN IV. It shnll he the duty of tlie High IlailifTto employ persons to talce and convey all iSwine f.)uinl running or l>eitigat large, con- trnry tothe above section, to the pabiic pound, there to detain lae ^nmv. f /r six days, and in case no person shall appear to claim the same within tb* time afort's.iid, and pay such tine, and ail reasotmble ch;irges, for convening and keeping such swine, then nnd insn, h ea-^,' al the txidration of the siid six days the pound master sliall sell ^ur\\ swini' nf nul.lir. fujofinn ■ir*,.- .r;,,;.,,.. 111..,,/! h offence preven any part part of ich west \t, or min one offe shall nc ine in tl: beer, meador cider, or any kind of meats, cakes, or fruit, am beach it] ommon «l«ys pub ic notice iu wrilin- of such sale, iu at least Three'^pul^ lie, a L'posited in tj the i)assa;?,e( liorse^, to lie hour [will of the Aldei r(.'iic(?. :s. shall proJ pain of forfeii iu u iioso }jo| s^haU i)o ueeii , to the sail rou^iht. lo'.v, or icf. eualty of liv| jrcliaudi'/.e, ij tain us'iiiht liut nccoidiiii hf.'ides bcini y-fivoihiilitid o.t or cause t ts of the Cit ituou"^ liquors , or iruit, nm beach in front of the city, under a penalty often shillings for )IIt ct m num se of gaming five shillipgf in nny of th if y persons to at lar/re, con lere to detain pear to claim tine, and all J swiiie, then ^s the pound Mr \ \7 I i\ ttf i iy ^ g\l , three pui^iitj 13 cts in Ibis City, f nd aftcrdeductip^ snch Hnennu a^l tharjrei the surplu'j, if any, shall be |)f!iil over to the owner osr I'ers of such swine, if sfitisfactory evidfuce or p.-or.f that suck iniant or claininnts war; or were the owner or owner* thereof, vnieAl such claim shall be nr>ade in three nunths aftt r iuch e, and if no such claim sliall be made within t!ie time af«ro- (J, then (lie n»'tt proceeds of «:uch .*a!e shall be appropriated by Council to the support of the poor of this City. SECTION V. n cn«?ft Tiny minor of servant shall incur nnv pcnnUy urder thli any other law of the Common Council, then and in such case father, mother, or guardian, or the master or mistress of any h minoror servant shall be hnld liable for every sn^h penalty, in ca^e a minor or servasit shall be guilty of any olfence, then penalty incurred may bo recovered in the first jjistance, ei- r against bis fatlier, mother, guardian, master, or mistress, or inst 5uch minor or servant ; but in case, proceedings to rment shall have been had against any such minor, or servant, 5uch judgmeiit shall not have been immediately paid, then, in such cases il shall be lawful to sue fur, and recover, the alty incurred from the folher, mother, guardian, master, or tress^of such offender; and that no proceedings or judgment inst any father, mother, master, or mistress, shall prevent or ct any proceedings, judgment, or execution against the ser- t, or minor, provided there shall bo but one satisfaction for one offence. SECnON VI. shall not be lawful for any person or persons to have ordratr ine in the bay for the purpose of catching fish, in any part of h offence. Provided that this clause shall not be soconstru«d prevent any person from fishing with n seine or otherwise^ any part of the Beach east or south of the Don llivcr, on part of the peninsul.i oppo«ite the City, of any part of the ich west of the old King'f Wharf. Wu. L. MACKEiNZ!B, M0$0f* t any sum j^^^jj^q^ CquocU Chamber, Toronto, M»>' 30th, ISM. ler or owner! ' » * i h swine, th( tf the i^Jayor, \H j! I 14 AN ACT , CONCERNING LICENCES. [Passed 31st May, 1834.] BE it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of the City of Toronto, io Commoa Council Assembled. SECTION I. THat the Mayor shall sign all Licenses to retailers of Ale, Beer and Cider, Butchers, Cartmen, Showmen and m^ Keepers of Ordinaries or Victualing Houses, and the jide. Chamberlain shall countersign the same. SECTION IL Two pounds shall be annually paid for each Licence granted to a keeper of an Ordinary or Victualing house, or house of entertainment for the purpose of selhng Ale] Beer or Cider, or of a house where victuals? or cordials or any other manufactured beverage may be s»>]d, to be eaten or drank therein, within the said City or the Liberties thereof. SECTION in. \ed fo! e to t lAnd t h en The! each ailers dVict the Si Any p thout all for *ence t und, B nee sh e but 01 ne dav, ion for All Licences that may be granted by the authority of this " Law, shall expire on the first Tuesday in June, of ever^l^^very y^^^» I an ore SECTION IV. Inof ti Before any keeper of a Beer house, Ordinary or Vic.tre"o^; uamg house, shall be entitled to any Licence or permit, |sT iui^trument, or devicf Jijes ^ the fi; three ue. 15 :es. [ay, 1834.] n(l Commou- doa CouQcil led for gaming, then the foregoing obliga. le to be and remain in full force and virtu [And the said bond shall be ation to be void. »» ach Licence aling house, selling Ale, r cordials or , to be eaten ixe Liberties , ^ ndorsed, ** approved,'* and \i endorsement shall be signed by the hM Mayor. SECTION V. he High Bailiff, on or before the fifteenth day of May each year, shall report to the Mayor the names of all • .1 M'fx^r'^ ""^ ^^^' ^'^^^ ^"^ ^*^e^' a«^ k^q^ers of Ordinaries ► retailers ofid Victualling houses, or Houses of entertainment, with- howmen and! the said City, and in what Street, Laue or place tbey les, and thefcide. * ^ SECTION VI. Any person who shall retail Ale, Beer, Porter or Cider thout having a Licence so to do, according to this Law! all for the first oflbnce forfeit one pound, for the second ence two pound, and fbr every subsequent offence five und, and every such sale as uioresaid without such Li- nce shall be deemed an offence ; I'rovided, There shall but one recovery for any offence or offences on any e day, and one conviction shall be a bar to any prosecu- a tot all j>revi»us uilences conjmitted under this Law. lorityofthiii SECTION VII. ne, of everyPvery person Licenced as a Tavern-keeper, or keener I an ordinaiy, or of any house licenced under the 2d scc- n of this law shall within twenty days after obtaining hi$ -ence, place wp and keep in front of his house, ^rhory^ re, or cellar, tn conformity %vith this Law, a shew board, h two .uffi I i*.^''* rf^^ignanng thereon the business »br which h two »uffi.i,s»oLn. iKcd, with the word " Licensed- and ^^yl!^!t ■ 'offcndiKii herein shall pay a penalty of five shillitiaa th Thar iAl fhl '' ''''f ' '""'* 'J** ^""^^^' "*^*" ^*" «»« «i^«"»»g r ^oi7 Llue "^ ''''^'^ ^^ *'**'^ ommioQ ^hnll cou? ^Ilar, on ihJ f^ECTION VIII. * ler of Gamfft nh-^ll be the duty of the lii^^h Bailiff, ro7EJi; J** r**'?/'^ '*'*" ^H""' '""^ *» Alphabetical lin of th« I. or Uevii.^«e8 of all persona having Licencea under tbia Linr, lary or Vic e or permit ■^ 16 (lisfinguishing ib.s nntiirc of tlan Licence Mhich snoii person shall have obtained, and v/hen the same vva? granted. 2. To furnish at least once in every three months, and oftener if requh-ed by tlie Common Council, tiie names of all ])8rsons who h;ive obtained Licence under this Law, and the lime of i]:ranting the same, together with the names of the sureties for each person, and the sum paid for each Licence, and the names of sucli persons having Licences shall be Alphabetically arranged by the said Bai- hiF and nled by the Chamberlain. SECTION IX. No Licence shall be granted under this law, until the application for the same shall have been submitted to a standing Committee to be composed of the Mayor and six Aldermen, of whom three shall be a quorum. W. L. MACKENZIE, Mayor. Common Council Chamber, May 3l5f, 1834. AN ACT . TO IMPOSE A TAX ON DOGS. [Passed 30th May, 1834.] BE it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common- alty of the City of Toronto in Common Council Assembled : SECTION L That there sliall be annually levied and collected with- in this City and the liberties thereof, the following tax up- on dogs : upon every bitch oi three months old or up- wards, kept by any one person or Aunily 7s. 6d ; upon every additional bitch kept by the same person or family *^5s ; upon every dog of three months old or upwards other than bitches, kept by one person or family 5s ; up- on every such dog more than two kept by \\x9 aamv per- •OQ or family I5s. e same was months, nnd tiie nartios of T this Law, icr with tlis ;he Slim paid rsons havi?i;^r the said Bai- w, until the )mitted to a a^or and six , Mayor, OGS, ly, 1834.] \ Common- an Council lected with- nng tax up- old or up- . 6d ; upon n or family )r upwards ily 5s ; up- I «ain« per- maki 17 SECTION II. The A<;sessors of this City .irid liberties, at the time of iia: th ejr ascer- enter mnual assc.smen «j, shall enquire and . I tain the number of dogs liable to be taxed ; and shall .»..-. m lists to be made by them. Jlie name ol' every person, then owning or keeping any dogs, subject to the above tax, the number kept by such person aud the whole a- mount of the tax to be paid by him. SECTION III. The owner or possessor of any dog liable to the above tax Shan wnenever required by an assessor, deliver to him a description in writing of every such dog owned or poss- essed by him. For eveiy neglect or refusal so to do, and for every f n f 18 fOmpel sncli collection, and the pnyrncnt over of the mo- ney collected, m:iy be had againsr. such Collectors, and their sureties as in the case o( Taxes levied under the said assessment laws. SECTION VI. If any dog shall attack any person peaceably travelling (n\ any high-v/ny, or any horse in a carriage, or upon which any person shall be mounted, and complaint thereof he made to the Mayor, or any Alderman, such Mayor or Alderman shall enquire into the complaint, and if satisfied of its truth, and that such dog is danirerous, he shall order the owner or possessor of such dog to kill him immedi- ately. SECTrON VIL The owner or possessor of any dog who shall refuse or Jieg!ect to kill him within forty eight hours after having received such order, shall forfeit the sum of 10s and the further sum of 5s. for every forty-eight hours thereafter, «ntiJ such dog be killed. SECTION VIIL Every person in possession of any dog or who shall suf- fer any dog to remain aLout his house for the space of twenty days, previous to the assessment of a Tax, or prc- TVf/° ?«y ^".)"»'y' or a?iy such attack made by a Doa: •hall be deemed the owner of such a Dog for ail the pur* potes ofthis Law. * W. L. MACKENZIE, Mayor. Common Council Chamber, May 30th, 1831, AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF HAY, [Passed Jufse 6th, 1834.] T>E it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- .8^ alty of the City of Toronto, in Common aeterabled— SECTION I. That all hay sold or delivered wifhJn iTita oW,. K* *k. f*n< waggon or sled load, ihall be weighed bjr th« wtigk. 'r of the mo- Hectors, and I under the I 1y travcUInj; ■ upon which t thereof be 1 ]\]ayor or tl if satisfied le shall order im inirnedi- ill refuse or after having 10s and the I thereafter, 10 shall suf- lie space of rax, or prc- e by a Dog all the puf' . Mayor, OF HAY, b, 1834.] J Common- ou Couur^il th« wtigk- ID mP.stcr in manner hereafier directed, nt the expence of the seller u-nenever it shall be den,anded by the buyer before delivery; unless where an airree.nenC shall havo been previously made to the contrary by the parties before Witnesses. Any person Mho shall refuse to coniplv with this re,^u!atiou shall forfeit for each ciffe«ce the sum of five shij 110,^3. SECTION XL i aevc snail bo such and so many proper and conteni- ent machH.c3 or engines erected, and scales and weights provided for ^vc^obi,,. carts, waggons, sleds, hnv and^ny other article not likely to injure the said machines ia ^cighmg, at sucn place or places within this city as th» i *^^^^'^^^^^ Cyuuiii :.lia]l direct and appoint. SECTION III. Every persco who shall be appointed weigh-master for the weighing of hay within this city, shall before he en- ters on the duties of that office take an oath well and laithfuhy to execute the duties of the said office accord- 10^ to the best of his skill and understaading. SECTION IV. It shall be lawful for evtry person, who shall be appoint- •d weigh-master of hay, to ask, demand and take for •very cart, waggon, or sled load of hay, to be weighed at any of the said machines, the sum of nine-pence, tf less than half a ton, and the sum of one shilling if over half a ton, and no more ; to be paid by th« person who MIU ©r delivers th« iame. SECTION V. ^ It ^haU be lawfVil for any weigh-master to weigh at hit hay icales any load of merchandize, or other articles for which he shall receive the following fees, to wif : For every waggon, cart» or sled vith its loading, whe- ther It weigh one ton or under, one shilling and three- pence, r -l for every ton above one at and after the rate of #U0 tbillmg per ton, and for any other article not in an? - -«o--"j vuii, wt B.-wd, «i aua au«f iii« rdt« ot one ihil- Mg ^m tUr»e*p»n«9 p«r ta». l1 .III u n ■I JiH n 20 SECTION VI. It shnll he the duty of every person who shall be ap- ;ii)n»t(;d *veiii;h-ina.ster to ci4ten(l to the said machines from ri;jie H> tiin(3, when and imuiediatcly after he shall be re- ,;iinM) b^ auy-persoii who sliail apply to him to have hay )i iiay olher articles weighed, so that such attendance be iiot reqninMl in the morning before suurise^ or in the even- ing after sunset : And provided further. That all wacgons, (•:irfs, vleds, or articles required to be weighed, •^lialJ not inJLireor endanger the machines or scales in v.cighin;r» and the weigh-master shall weigh all such hay, warrirons, carts, sleds, and other articles as shall be brought to him (or that purpose, together with the waggons, carts, or sleds iti which the same shall be loaded, and shall Airnish the person who shall apply to have such hay or other article weighed, a weigh-note subscribed by sucit vv< ie* u . * twenty shillings. SECTION rx. When any person shall apply to the %vri':!i 'ftayter ti weigh his waggon, cart, or sleigh, or other arrtt i, , , os likely to injure the said machines in wei<:iaii'r. i'' :iid weigh-master shall weigh the same, and shill ,'it.'^!i jIic; weight thereof in a book to be kept by him i\>r iiuu pur- pose, and shall mark if requested on some coii.^picmaia pait of such waggon, cart, or sled with a njadviila inni, the weight of the same, the owner paying thfrLior out shilling to the weigh-master in addition to tl-e tV'P or cu?n~ pensation allowed for weighing liay as aforesaid. SECTION X. The said smns shall be paid if the wei2:b masfer re- •Cjuire it, before such waggon, cart, sltd, hav, or 'thi r ar- ticles which shall be weighed in any of the saifi :?i ( bin y, shall be removed therefrom ; and if any weieh-mijter shall neglect or refuse to do or perform any of ihc duties re- quired of him by this law, or shall demean himself par- tially or corruptly in the execution then oi, he shali forfeit and pay twenty shillings for every suth offence be- . fides being answerable in damages at the suit of the parly grieved. SECTION XT. If any person- shall falsely and knowingly fabricate, alter or make any weigh-note, or any endorsement thereon, at shall knowingly alter the same, with intent to defraud any purchaser or other person, or shall alter or pass any true weigh-note, as the weigh-note of any hay, merchandize or other article, for which the same weigh note was not in ^act given, with intent to deceive or defraud an> person, ^ .,,. ^,tvii Tj-iivijv-ij I v-Dj/ci.j ivc:j V i;;itt)it lUiU pay the sum of two pounds ten shillings besides being answerable in damages to the party grieved. M H 22 6ECTIO.V XII. No weiqrh-note ^iven for the weijjht of hav shall hs ia force lori^or thnii one i\,\y, and any person who sh.ill sell or olior fur sale :\ny hay which has been \vt^i:;hed more than one day previous to the sale thereof, or previous to sucli oiler to sell, shall forleit and pay the 3uiri of twenty shilliiJgs. SECTION XIII. It is the duty of the weiiih-mnster in every case whe»i hay which is wrt or improperly cured, or not suiTiciently dry, or which fronj nuy other cause may be heavier than good and »ucrchaufal)le hay sliall be broiiinion sliould be deducted by reason afore- said, and any weiy;h- master who shall falsely endorse such weigh-note in manner aforetaid to the* prejudice of the owner thereof, shall foneit and pay tlie sum of ten shil- lings, which sum whcr recovered, may in the discretion of the Comuioii Council be paid to such owner. SECTION XIV. The weighers of hay shall respectively make due en- tries in books to be kept by them for that purpose, in the name cf every person whose hay shall be weighed by them ; the day of wel'i;hing the same and the weight thereof, which boo' a sidl be open for inspection by any person at all reasonable times when required ; & each weigh- er shall once in every three months, make return to the Common Council in writing under his has 1, of the number of loads of hay weighed by himduring such time, with the weight of each load and the feeoi compen- sation received therefor, SECTION XV. All hay brought to the city for sale shall be conveyed to such places withm the bounds thereof, as the Mayor* and direct; which places so designated as aforesaid, shall be and are hereby declared to be the public stand* for shall bff in o sh.ill sell :;hed more >rcvious to i of twenty case when suiTicieritly eavier than him to be }te, accoin- of pounds nson afoie- idorse such dice of the of ten shil" ; discretion jr. ke due en- pose, in the weighed by the weight tion by any each weigh- iturn to the n 1, of the wring such ; 01 compen- e conveyed i the Mayor* resaid, sbaU ) : stauda for i 23 ttii- ^-ilc of hay ; and the wai^cons, sled-, or other cania- g : cont:;nr.,|.he sa.ue shalll.e arran.od m a line as c .e tgetU.r as ccvclemly ...ay be .o as to '»ve »t «, bR .U^tances. opeuinj^s for r':>»^^e"aers ; any l^r .u^l' o' this section or any part of it, sh,. I subject the o.UuUer to a penalty of five sliillings for each otlence. 'common Counclt Chamber, Toronto, June 0. 1S31. \Vm. L. MACKENZIK, Mayor. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A BOARD OF HEALTH. [Passed June 9th, 1834.] BE it enacted by the Mayor, Aldern.en, and Comirior,- alty of the City of Toronto, m Commou Coime.l assembly board of health shall be annually appointed by the common council, to consist of the mayor and loijr niemirsof ,V,e council which board shall have author.ty to cnlbrcc the laws of this province P',''7'"'f. "«"'"f '"; feclious and pestilential diseases, and lor that pntpose -shall assembli at snch time and place, and «^ "f"^" "^^ t ev mav judge necessary, to superintend and direct he exect^^ioV of'all such laws of this I'rovoce, and of the. Common council, as now a.e or hereafter -^ ';7»; f^ .irovidins against the said diseases, or which rela e to the 'public heaUh of the city, to be by 'l--^--'--! '"''";' manner as in their judgment and discretion may best pro- Sr the important' oblect for which the said boa.d .s m- Ttuted; and any three members of the board shall be a ouorum to transact business. U2 The said board of health shall .nake dihgent in- miiry' with respect to all nuisances which may exist m ?he city, which they may deem obnoxious to the health and hve; of its inhLita^ts, and shall have [ull power to order the removal of the »' th-;;!- '^'^<=''= '""'/"i;^^^^^^ penalty of any sum between five «.h.lh"g« -"jd f'^ .P""^:*, tor every refusal of any person m compving >..-a --=,.- erder. 4 i i I k. 24: § 3. The said board, dnrinis; the existence of any epide mical disease, or npoii its prohiible approach, shall have a power, at the public expense, to open Lazarettos, or such other j)lace or phjces as tliey shall deem proper, for the accommodation of the sick, and to. make snch rules and rei!,ulations for tiielr admission, reception and treatment as they may thijik proper, hereby authorising such board to employ such and so many physicians and nurses, and to procure such nourishment, (bod and necessaries for the use of iIk; sick so admitted, as well as for the use of the sick of this city, as^- they may deem just. § 4. The said board shall have power, in their discre- tion, to remove or order the removal of all persons and thincjs within the said city, infected by or tainted with, pestilential matter, to such place or places as may in their opinion best conduce to the preservation of the health of the city ; and in order to enforce a prompt and punctual compli- ance with the said order, all offenders in the premises shall respectively be subject to a penalty of two pound ten shil- lings for each o/lence : Atid further, It shall be the duty of the High Bailiff and of the City Inspector to observe, such instructions as may be ^iven them respectively by the said board touching the duties enjoined upon them. § 5. It shall and may be lawful for the board of health from tima to time and for such period, and at such time and place as tbey shall think fir, to require the keepers of all public h .uses, hotels, taverns and boarding houses, to make reports of persons sick or diseased, and also to require all physicians to report the number of persons sick and attended by them, an<^ the number of persons deceased who have been attended by them during the pre- valence of ^ny infectious disease or epidemic and sucli other regulations as the board inay deem proper for the preservation of the public health, not inconsistent with the laws of this Province ; and every person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions hereof, and the regulations so established, shall be subject to a penalty of two pound ten shillings. § 6. It shall be lawful for the said board to rlirect some suitable person or persons by ihevpL to be authorized for ings, t I private be cle; health § 7. direct from a posses be, sh gard t( a penfi shall h lexecui fender ■^ceed fi ■; § 8 use of ifrom t Imay d 'iders \ •the of i §9 alley, erect laying goods finon ♦day tl ry sh? § 1 or oth It lea: n any epide lall have a DS, or such er, for the 1 rules and eatnieiit as ;h board to ses, and to ies for the use of the leir discre- ersons and inted with, lay in their ealthoftho lal compli- nises shall id ten shil- e the duty to observe, Bctively by pon them. I of health such time le keepers [ig houses, xud also to of persons of persons ig the pre- ; and such )er for the nt with the lall neglect f, and the penalty oi irect some orized for 25 the purpose, to enter in the day time and examine into any buiidino; of any kind, cellar, lot of ground, alley, sink, vault or privy which they may have reason to believe are foul, damp, sunken or ill constructed, and m;iy direct the cleansing, altering and amending the same nnd th.e remo- val of all ni! sances in and about the said f)vemises ; and i the city superintendent shall from time to time report to I the Mayor, Aldermen or board of health, ail such build- I ings, cellars, lots, alleys, sinks, vaults or privies, public or i private docks and slips, as may in his judgment require to be cleansed, altered or amended fur the security of the health of the city. § 7. It shall be lawful for the said board of health to I direct any stagnant waters to be drained oil* or removed ,from any lot, or out of any street; and if any owner or •possessor of ground on which such stagnant water may fbe, shall omit to obey the directions of the board with re- gard to its removal or draining off, such offender shall pay Ja penalty of two pounds ten shillings; and the said board ^shallhave authority at their election to enforce and put in ^-execution the directions so given at the expense of the of- .^fender, to be recovered as a penalty, provided it do not ex- >ceed five pounds. ^ § 8. It shall be law^ful for the said board to prohibit the use of such vats, pits or pools of standing water, whether I from tanners, skinners, dyers, or other persons, as they Imay deem dangerous to the public health ; and if any or- ,'iders given by them in the premises shall be disobeyed, :the offender shall forfeit two pounds for each offence. i § 9. No person shall occupy or use any street, lane, or alley, or any public square or avenue of the said city, or erect any hooth or platform therein, for the purpose of laying, opening or exposing for sale any fish, provisions or goods of any kind, without the permission of the com- ,inQn council, under the penalty of five shillings for every .day this provision shall be violated: but no single re ove- ry shall exceed one pound five shillings. § 10. No person shall inter any corpse in any '^emetary or other place in the said city, unless in vaults* or graves at least six feet deep, and without removing, disturbing or Mil ; J 26 RI txposing ar.v otlier ileaJ botly or cofGu, under- tlie penaltyf of one poiiiu' live shillirjojs, j § 11. Every butcher or other person, immedhitely after killini; any beeves, calve.^, sheej), hogs or otlicr c;UtleJ shalldcstroy tli« olTah^ g'.irbajie and otlier oiicnsive «^"^L^ useless parts lliereof, or convey tlie same into some place||&n »t wheYQ the same shall not bD injurjoas or oUensive to thfiPy^,^,^* inhabitants, under the penally of one pound five s^hin;ngsjcjj.\,„t,e for every oifence. ipn, or ej § 1:2, No person shall cast or leave exposed ihs cJeadpfter rt carcass cf any horse, cow, hog, do,a: o*" f>i^i^'»*.amnraI._iiJP^^^^ any street, lane, alley, yard or lot within thia city, underpaid Con the penalty of twn pound.-i tor every oifence. infe cus; ^ 13, Whenever any nnlrid or unsound beef, pork, fishll""»<^?' " Wht substance, shall be found \n imy part of the city, it shallla to th< as it regards the public health ; anti if any person shall relosuch i aist the city superintendent or constables, or either ollVom tin fJiem, in the execution of the (Juties hereby imposed, «j|j*JJ,"-^"^ shall disturb, hinder or molest them therein, such oi}end-|^ ^^ «r shall (brf^it the pen«dty of two pounds ten shillings, ^erly st; § 14. No tub shall be removed from any privy or ne-f'eceipts •essary hous^ within the city, except betw^^eii the hourifc|*^ of eleven at ni^ijlit and three in the morning, (torn the hrst&^^g^ ^ day of May to the first day of October, uoder the penaltjCo then of two pound ten shillings for each offence; nor shall anj||he said person, under the like penalty, empty, cast or lay ^^CropeM contents of any tub or privy iu any slip or dock, or in an|py Q„y •treet, lane or alley, or on any public property. |nnd sha Common Council Chamber. Toronto, Junedn 1834. mp-iMin- Wji, L. MACKENZIE, Mayor. pnS ■ jjiiiDistr; ; ider to t f^hnllbc hiofthe SI ^ Itered ir S«ll rece ?bamb laBnpxrMa tlie penalty (Ihitely afiOT .tlicr cuttle, liciisive Jirid some place nsive to the iive kibUlings^ ed ihs c3ead| r animal, ini citv, undei 27 1^^ ACT rO REGULATE THE DUTY AND OFFICE Ot CilAMBERLVIN. [Passed, May 30tb, 1C34.] E it cnncff 1, by the Mnynr, A!d«rmeii nnd Commonally of L^ the City of rorout*. tu Commou C«»uncil assembled — i. Thai the jvmsou hIi.* «!inU li«.'fe'it'f Chamberlaia of the said City, by the Cominoa ►r the policelbonncil thereof; or to be disJ Now the condition ofthcpreccdinsoMigation is «tieh,tnat iftn» ' U - M^'^ A, 15. shall, &dofs in oil lhin}i;s whatsoever, which shall & may uaiiy securw^ ^^^^ ^-^^^ relate to his said t)ffice,ol>sefve, comply with, & adfaera son shall re-Jo such laws, orders and directioa«, wljico are now in torce, or shall or either ofprom time to time be devised, p.T^std or given, by the suid Com* iinnnsod orlwoo Council, respectnis the paid oilice. of Chamberlain, or r««- 1 ' Meeting the method or form to be observed by the Chamberlaia 'or conducting th« business uf the said otfice, nnd the more or* lerly stating and keepivtg just, lru«, and exact account** ot tlta eceipts and expetnlilures, und debts nud credits of the «aid May* r, Aldermen and Conoraonalty, of the ««aid City, and shall and n\[ from time to-time, and at all times during hi<« continuance itt guffice, at least once in every six months, nnd oftener, if ho ahall f the penaltjpo thereunto required by the said Common Council, render ta lor shall antphe said Common Council, true. just, and regular accounts of h^ y «■• lav t>>i§ -eipts and expenditure, and regularly state the same in sucft I or idj ^"«C)j,oper booi^^ a^ shall be provided or directed for that purpose, ck, or in any«,y ^^y ^^^ passed or to be passed by the said Common Council, \y, Innd shall nnd will, within thr©« days after the expiration of tha 8 l??*?i mime for which the said A. B. shall hold the said office of Chara- >, JDO^. fjerlain; or if the snid A. B. should happen to die, during h« Li, Mayor, icontinuance in office a« aforesaid, then, if his Executors or Ad- ininistrators shall and do, within thirty days after his death, ren- der to the said Common Council, or to such person or persons m shall be appointed f>r that purpose, by any resolunon or order lof the said Common Council, n just nnd true account, fairly en- Jtered in the books kept by the said Chamberlain as aforesaid, of kll receipts and expenditure of the said A. IJ. in his office of. IChamberlaiu aa aforesaid, and ihull well and truly pfiy# ot Uat- such oileiid** shillitigs. privy or ne 11 the houri from theiirsi ■•■i V i 1 ill I • tP liU !■ 2S liver to ihfi Knul Mnyor. Aldermen and Commnn^lfy, or«icii pi »uc Of |jcrs!»u* iij* >ImH t>« {ti»jM/»Hleo for the pu»'|Mi>e #if rcr.eivi th« same by tli« sniJ <;i>uitnoti Conocit, nil such sum «r Jiuiris money «» ^hnW b« in htt «m* th«'r liatids, or vviiicf. fi.'or thr> slial upou 9uei» accotint-* be t»i arr«?;»r, without any dcUuctJon €>r ahat nient whatvoevf r ftir the tservice^ of t!ie said A it, other (h; •uch as shall have heeu 7intv«, i«as«j»s, mor gages, bond-*, obli^atiuMs, nssuraucc!*, a»d aii other muniment' hooks, |»aj)<;rs Kood!.-. chattel'* and clefts boJ(mj:i»J? «« »ii«J «ai Mayor. Aldermen a«d Commonalty. «o preceding obliiintioi* t« he v may from time to time have occasion f<»r; and to pay out no mo*"'pt»on ,nie9 whatsoever except by the direction of the Common CouucilS VH. ' to be certified to him by the Clerk thereof. w''"'^^ ^^ in. All Deeds, Convayences, Leases, Mortgages, Bonds, Ob3 ^^ pj^ ligations and Assurances, for money piven or belonging to *'i^t,\or ( said Mayor, Aldermeri and Cyonimonaltv Slid all other instrui meuts of writing (Qxce^ii X^uteulb, MapSi i6Mtie)» ar^d Fidi 'CCtUii f y, or «i<»1» p i>e lif rcr.eivi fitiin or i^urns fi.'jir thry shai ictton €>r abut it, ot(i«r (b: luitnou Coutic », iease«» me,t jer njuuimenti ,iug lo the fill jiny time, dur ail cume to hi nir a|t|>ei'taiu t( Stal, I hen tl) luU be lu.'tde i i {!}}!:«;!« iu thi r«muiu iu fui 21) >rtk^.) relftfinr to nny re^l or |»tfrnn1 c^tnte of the snlil Mayor (It^rintMi a?»'J (Jotnmona Ity, fihalt he «lc'|>i>si{'»it' r:m to state al Ji Comnioually ^jj lyur, Aldermei ;e ciairus of ai omiiiuaalty, n my Law or R« s wbertjuopro t liquidate an iii oi^e uf the Uauks of Use ^i1.fU i'lly^ JV. Th« Chamhorlain «!>aH he nnd i« hprf hy reab!e« nnd w bat assurauces loay have bceo ive« far the paymcul thereof. V It §batl be the duty of the Chamhrrlfiin to call on nil pcr- t)n«5 who may bn iadehttfd to the ^um Mayor, Aidero^co ond lommonnlty.' for the jviyment of the firineioal nud iiitefeslot. eir said debt« xvhi-nevtr the same shall fall due; nnd aI«o lo • on al! persons entrusted with, or *vh»i have r»>cnved any mo- belonging to «h« said Mayor. Atdermvn and Commonalty, nd %vho shall not bfjve nccount^-d for the same* lo s*ftllc ♦be»r ccounts, and to exhibit lo him their vouchers far the expends [lire of the said monev. and to report fro»n tunc to time the names fall dt;ljnq»i«at« to the Common Council, desi^rnaUog irj euch- eport the sum* doe from each deliuqttcut, Olid the particular cif- and report Ihjiumstances relating thereto Conned, Willi ^j ^^^ Chnmberlain sbnll be, nnd U hereby r«qn\rea to fl» crtain from time to lime, what rcat estate the snid iMayor, Al i settle, the ac Aldermen an lounciirandth'e Chamberlain shall also procur* a particular 'rrnt'ex'nensesi^^^criptionofthe boundaries of the f aid real estate, and cator Ji. tothcTreaPe same, together with a copy of hi. last mentioned report m """^ ^*book to be by him provided for that purpose, nnd kept in hi^ iffice; he shall also see that a proper survey or map is annexed all such possessions, and to the deeds or grants by \ynic!i thry ire conveyed, and that reference U made to the auniem the dea- iption of the premises in said deeds or 'grants. Vlf. The Chamberlain iu conducting thfl busiucM of his o{hc€ iall observe the following rules: — Bs, Bonds, Ob^ longin}; to tht^ I other instriia cy» aiid Fit ri ^ •" itatemenl; an It may be mad [e mode of rnia d Commonaltyi pay out no mo mmon Council, 1. He shall open accounts lo the Leger, with every pereon lebtor or creditor to the ftlayor. Aldermen and Commonalty, by _ -^ f* •« ^"'/^ 11 r> *» »I I I' ''m mW I 30 t. He shftll po't the .Torirnil of expendihire^ nnd receipt:*, a!%'„;(-|i least once in ev^ry quurter of the year, calculatin'' ftQin lUe tinii , ,, iut, shall a ©f j)is nppointme. 'J, He shal! post all int«rc.aid, shall be consjdr.'rtd m« hi» vouchor. i Vllf. The Cbamherlftvn sh.l! attend th« stated meetings of th« under Common Council. i\ud hi«? « Hice jsliall he k* pt open from ten o*. clock in the forenoon t«» thne <>*cIock iit the aft ernooa every daj ia the week, Sunday txceptrd. IX. All fines, forfeitures a^.id p<*naUiR«, enacted by any ?aw o! the Common Council, sh-ill ht» sued for in the name oflhe Cham- berlain, to and for tbc u.^euf the Mayor, Aldermeu aud Common ftTly of said City -Common Council Chamber, I'oroQto, May SUth amber, ) , 1UJ4. $ Wn. L. MACKENZIE) if ihe beara« B due by (ipeci or ceiling with wire, chuin, or iron huop, under a Mnyor, AJder ^n.^lV of twenty slullings. icreon may beir^ "^ j o 1, Every stovo used in any house, or b«u.^.^iQ og afo*.r>s'^id shall forfeit and pay the sum ot ten shillings, and the further sumof five shillings for ieforc so- of iM^yi I'clork in !r, to tl'.e ail be re- owner or iluch the Bver^ that istrued so [uircd by ad in this ifTering to [ip, in any the same antern so s commu- snch sta- lillings. in his or any work or in any 1 and eve- covered of ns: of two in the said ft a scuttle ler leading I a conve- fire ; and I dwelling ing such a bo sum ot hillings for 33 every ton days the said offence shall thereafter con- tinue to exist. 10. Every dwelling house, manufactory or work- shop having a chimney or chimnias, shall be furnish- ed with ladders, reaching from the ground three feet above the eaves of the building, and from the caves to the ridge of the roof under a penally of ten shil- lings payable by the owner of the building. 11. It shall" not be lawful for any person to fire pr set off any gunpowder, squib, rocket or other fire works, or to fire any fire arms in an;- part of the city, and any person offending in the premises shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten shillings for each offence. FIRE INSPECTORS. 12. The Common Council shall annually appoint one or more fre Inspectors ; whose Duties sha4J be to eramine carefully,- at least once in every month, every House, Store or Building, and to ascertain and note any violations of any of the preceding Sections, and to report the same to the Mayor, or any of the Aldermen. SWEEPING CHIMNIES. - 13. Every Chimney, or Flue in which a Fire is commonly made shall from the first day of November, to the first:. day of April in every year, be swept inder , the direction of the fire Inspector, at least once in every six weeks; and when the same is us'^d daily, as in kitchens,- once in every six weeks thro» - gho.vt the year in the same manner for which duty the Inspector as aforesaid shall be eutitledto demand and receive from the tenant occupant of thu house the sum; of six pence for each chimney or fiue, so Swept as aforesaid, and every person refusing, or Beglecting to comply with this Regulation, shall forfeit and pay on conviction thereof, the sum of 5s. ■t;W^ tl4 Hhfat feeittfi:^ ttiB mI Pro^'^«i3 ncfvertlitt«! cupant or tenant of any house in which there may be H 1t6e^ or cfrinmey-, ^huir bo compelle'd to have ftich k^& 6t cfiirtittfey s^w'ppt at ^ end of six weeks^ if he or sft^ sfcall p«y or offer to p«y tliree pcwce t» tih« Jrt»- «pe«(^ ; athJ if any sUclif fluef or chitnxt&y ^-aH taku | itre #itWrt tftc then ne*t ensuiflg sii w^etoksr afiei< rt*« inspector sft^H h?we ofietcrf to sweep k, the 04Jtttp«rtt of t^rttiiv^W tftO' hoiAto' iintl^rch sud* flue ot ch4ntney Mt^Ttafce flm, Oil eohVictfOrt skttll forfeit aftd pay tiie tdraW fifyriy'i^hil'Rrtgs, artd if a chininey or Ihe pegu- I^fy t^pt t^^i s^ v^ef^ks shaiH t^ke lire wit^a ih< said tertri rf six wfeeks s^ter ttife fire itisfectofr shall have swept the seifie h» sihatl en conviction thereolj .forl«il afld pay the sum of tsrenty-fiye' |hilliffgs,r fe!i^iNetf«if!i^cf'Op pmE.^raiE wardens! 'ii ^lere sfi^tt b^ appoirtfed, Dj the Cammoi WQuhcit of tli'e (Jity of Toronte, eVery year;, xwemv- '%y9 dtscfe'et and active persons to be fli'e war^errs.rj *(thai fs to sayl fiVe in each ward, Who, itt eases of ffr« sijhall he authorized to inforce with the help of tfiecon stables, and o^her p^acte 6f6eeri,4htf' aid and assist ^'dm^-oi dflttfee^itjale ih*airttaiitsof itte CHy, bet^vee •^tlitf^ye^^ ^Ixt^en afwd sixty; tiid to pre»^itv»e^ »*" >«!««?f>o^bld, «f dev, regiifariity a^^ii^ch^ 5i^ th^ lia f^t tSfe i^p\i^Y <^( «^aier, a^nd Id appoiat and estabUsI » s^aatd»;1ot twe prtfe^rVarioftf ef fttrnituro awd other «f misifrnva lii}ufy audi piltogt :,«ieh of the' gai^dl wiir afeni^^Mi, to pretettt ai»y ow pfeadiwg igtierawc^ *li« «t3iti6n, iMVe i«i Ws hatitl »l>«iroofi eif akoift ala ^h the #ordsJ " Fti^e Waf den*" paiiited tteveot», ani ; ^ie4»y pei»«ttii sso s^Ject to bes called u^ttr;wiioslr|^ r#i«^, et ft^e^g^t toKokey chdiMiifec^lons or tne sm y*!li?e li^ftt^eirs^ »8al*, tfpoii iMnvJcJI*o»thtil'eaftvfta^^»if -^%;]^ t^# ««^ of ^It^iiiin^gs ^ iicre may be I i have ftjch ce t» the irt" i !y ^>ali' Ukn ' ska aftef^ the he 04ti3p«iilt ot clvintncv atid pay tile* sr fliiiie pegu- si^cfoT shall I tion thereoi he CommoD ^e^ar, ttrewtv- r €slies djf ft« J j^of (he con. d and assi$('^ Itty, beltreeM imdothoraf Iw sai^l w&r ,, igttdnmxsB (1% n sfeott staf »n, wiio? sita I of nie »i«| ^IRE COMPANIES. 1^. The A\ffefeni Engine and HaoJc afv^ l^ci«i< Fire Companies, shall be under the control and direc- lion of a Captain, first and second Lieut6i)ant, $ecr^- lijry and Treasurer; and upon every al a citi oF fire, tiiey shall immediately repair thereto^ wi^h (he tn- o'lnta Jnd other implements, unoer their care, and there \fork and manage the same, in (he most efiectual man- ner, until the fire shall be extinguished. 1^. The CaptaiiKS, or persons having charge pf Cn- ginos, or other fire apparatus, shall have the ^am» kept in the best order for immediate use, aad ha?e X[\ti «n^nes washed, cleansed, and oiled, for which pur- pose a person will be appointed from timo .to time by the officers of the said fire companies, who will re> ceive for such services, otit oi' the funds of the city, the sum of twenty-five pounds annually, to be paid 2a ()uarterly payments, by the Chamberlain of the said City, upon the before mentioned person produ(iing u certificate, signed by the Captain or Captains of Hie said Fire Engine Company or Companies. 17. For the good j;overnmont of the said Fire Companies, the fire-tnen shall have power to frame sach by- la wi as they may think prudent and firoper* provided such laws are not repugnant io the general iawij of tlie city and the province. IS. The said fire companion shall t;otisist, of as many fire-men as the Common Council shall think fir. 19. The Common Council shall direct their clerk to igrant to each member of each corps or Company, a. certificate, that he is enrolled in the same, which ^?tf 1 1 !• • I (luring the period of his enrolment, and his coatinU' j^nceon actual duty as such fire*man,'from militia du- ty in time of peace, from serving as ajurymaa or coo- Kjmir^ ^»p" . . , HIGH BAILIFF. . . 22. li shall be the duty of the High Bailiff, or his deputy, as soon as possible after any fire, to report to ilie sitting magistrate, any person or persons who may ' have been imprisoned for offences committed thereat. " SUPPLY OF WATER. 23. Every licensed carter in the city shall at ail times provide himself with a good and sufficient puncheon for the purpose of conveying water to fires; and on the alarm of fire being given, he shall forhwith procure and proceed wiili a puncheon of water to the place of fire, and shall continue actively to provide ^futer under the direction of and until disch'irged by % dices ; any thslanding. r. officers ill or for anv rden to re- in drawing or to any lect or re- ' 9 offender It all fires, ' ill wear a and under ' re shall be the Com-* cers of the ' ent of thd n case any i shall for- ' ililf, or his report to s who may i 2d thereat. jhall ' at all sufficient 3r to fires; 11 forhwith ater to tha to provide} ih'irged by * 87 the officers in commatid of the engines, under a penal- ty of twenty shillings. 26. To insure the utmost promptitude in furnishmg water at fires, the following premiums shall bo awardf ed to licensed carters or others, viz : For the firs! puncheon of water brought to the fire and furnished to any of the en- gines thesumof. ••• •••• ^1 •> ^ For the second, - • ^ ^^ ^ Forthethird, H) For the fourth, .--^ 5 And for each puncheon afterwards furnish'd 10 But no carter shall be entitled to any premium whose puncheon is not at least three fourths full whea delivered to the Engine. Common Council Chamber, ) Saturday May lOtk, 1834. ) Wm. L. MACKENZIE, Mayor, AN ACT For regulatings paving, cleansing and repairing the Streets and Roads^ and for constructing Common Sewers. . [Passed 19th June, 1834.] BK it tbcrefore enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of Toronto, in Comtnon Council As- sembled. . . « ^ M J- $1. There shall be appointed by the Common Council, a dis- creet r.nd proper person to superiatend and direct the Street Sur- Tcyor's Department, who shall be known and called the Street Surveyor. . $^ The . . i^-'-Jt kJ\»M he the dwfy of fhe said Street Surveyor, to submit :V!I estimates received by him, to the Common Council previuu«> tij cJQsj'ng any cgntrac|<». , (•^/.Jt sh^all he the duty of'tl^e said Street SurVevor to enqiVrro into the subject mfitterof ai^apiflic{5tions to the CoiV»mon Coi^n- tUI, in rel/uionto regulating, paving or otheiwi-e improviihg th^j streets, roads or wharves in the City of Toronto, and to report !.» the Common Council the particular state of the circumstances of «rich ca«e,.nad if necessary a survey or planofthe fmpruveraeuH thereby intended. ^3. U shall be the duty of the ftaidi^trcet 53nrvevortokf^ena'{o the due execution of all the ordinances of the Ciimmon Council »ui' the regulating, digging, fillijig, paving or repairihsr !uiat5o':,s- or the i'ommon Council. J53. lii all streets m flie City if 'i onto of the width of forty ke! auJ upward', which are piived, 0? sihull licrv'iirtef bo paved or »* id it shnli bt) to ndverfiiie eewer«, p,"»v- luJs, for t ho cnten wher^ Depnrt'mehl e» requiring r, to submit cil previou?) r in pnqiVrro fimon Co!\n- proviih^ ttusi to n'port !tj rtist.Tiices of pruvemeuH to fif*ena to noil Council ihsr sfreelJ*, he Clerk of ther oi* the >r to fake a (le to time^ :es.«arv atid ^ of Tbrots-- ith th^bket )r to at'feiid i\f* are par« of the roi*- he remrtvfti the street,*, )<*iia!titi3 'as »r to aftciNl to pj'esv'it eacroaGfi- tvedfo pa^^ft ifl anrna 6a Council., ill «t'/prty JO pave«i ur r^pavt'cfe^'cb 'of i1io«r^^^^^ or foot wlTts Tiet^tfcn fft^Tinesof tlie streets aud keunels shall be oJ tho fuilowing width, thai i» 1o ■«ay *.. t—fn allfitreet^ foirfy feet wide— «even feet. 2— I:i -ill streets fifty fetit uiile— ejjxht feet. 3— In all stietjts sixty teet wide— eleveo feet. ■ 'I— 111 u\\ streets sevmity ft*et \yJde~«levco feet. 5— In all streets eijihty feet wide— twelve foet. 6— lo all -treets al>uv« highly ieet wide and not exceeding oiiB hundred feet— fittjco feet. 7— In all streets of mo»e than one hundred feet— twenty feet nlid no more. §11. In all streets Tes^fhnn fort> feet in width such nroportion thereof a>* may I.e directed by the Street Surveyor shall be U!«fed aniMiajiged for s do iVaUf* or foot pathr*. $15. iNo street thj width whereof iM less than sixty feet shall hcre.jftcr be accepted by the Common Couoeii as a public htreet or hi^hwny. ^$!rt. The iload Committee shall examine the afatf oftheroad-t, strcetj*, avenues aid hi^hvyays at least oiice in every in«)tith. and irive the Street Surveyor any atid -^ue'i inforte ttion .iS tliev may thnik nece-^sary and proper, relative to the regulating and keep- ipg the ^ame in repair. $17."*No person Oiiil nb-^trnct the walks laid across toe pubHc sh-eets or at the head of {\u'. psjblic slips .j.j the i'ity of 'IN.rfnitd by placing or stopuinj? fiis hor^e-cart or other carria;r« upioior aer.)»s anv.of tii^ slfie. walti-j, or by pho:in«r or putting or other ob4 htriifitio?M>r things across oros; the same, uudtif the penalty of te» shiUiija:*?. $IH. No vennn or per«on' of th.^ City of Toronto, whether a- gt-nt, owaer or emi)lo>er sball Mifl%r or p.rrnif any ca^k, bate, haadie, box, cr.ite, or any other jrf.od^, \vares or uit rehahdize or nay boards, fd.iuks. j t'x-ti or other li.tjhec, or ritsy thinj; whatever to bf raised ffom auv streets on Hie out.>' any Jolt, store or v cm. or to be loweretl fn ni the same on Ihti outside of riny btiildin;; by mea. IS of any r.>}>e, pulley, tackle or WifuJIas', uiMler the pea;«lfy of T'.vo poUi;ds j.-ji shiiliuirs, to he re- covered by an action oi'debt from sueJi pe.\- ji.iJ, aijent, owner or efnpfoyer. '§Pd. Mo pf^r";-*'! shall !Tij?cp oi- CI rstrnct o',' cau^e or permit or precMjre to be tm ulijor eonstrncted auv drai a or sewor frosn atly cellar, yard or oiher [)l;n'e lendi-i;/ i^-fo ar.v o.'tJie common sew- er* of the City of Tor-iao. wilhoit the wn'teo permission of tlSa S^treet Stjrvevor. nfid'M'ths p'jn:>tty of ♦w) i»uuf»ih tea '•hiliin.i?. , V"-^. All drain « lefulim.' ifito any of ihr» cotnrno'i sewers in tba City shall ba m"d<» of bnckor st.ino. wifh mi iro^i or cojjper grato Cpfos.s the cutlet of «nch(lraia or s.^w^r ;>t it.jinction witti tha "Otmrion or miin --ever. tha«^t aneuiilly of ivf'j p mod-* ten shil- l \ p .1 llii ' l':i! I IB i- C*4. 40 I'ln^fl, for cncli offence, nnd (he owner or oc«upnnt of any premi- He 8 fro 'Ti which such drain shall lead shall forfeit and pay the fur- ther penalty otlen shiilinffs. for each day such drain or sewer ihall remain after notice from the Street Purveyor, to such owner or occupant to remove the same, fCI. No person shall construct or make o«c of any drain, or ««ewer leadins; into any of the puDlic common sewers in the City of Toronto, for the purpose of carryin;> cfTJhe contents of any privy or water closet: nor shall communications from Distilleriesi u>ing grain, whether ^iround or otherwise, in the process of dis- tillation, be in any case permittfd to communicate with the pub- lic sewers, under the penalty of 2i)s. for each offence, and 5s. for each day such communication is permitted to continue. ^2'2. A just and reasonable compensation fcr the use of any sink or drain shall be paid by any person who shall be authorised to use the satne. $23. It shall be the duty of the Chamberlain every Saturday evening to pay the wages of each labourer or overseer employed in any day work on the road by the Corporation. Each labourer shall bring to the Chamberlain a ticket showing the work he ba« done during the week, signed by the overseer, which ticket shall not be transferrnble. $24. No person shall erect any awnings nfiade-of cloth in nny street in this City unless the same shall he at least seven feet elevation from the side walk, nor shall any one be permitted to erect thera of wood : and if anv person, shall erect any awning contrary hereto h^ shrill forfeit the -^urn often shillings, and for every dny he shah continue the same after notice to have tho same taken down, he shall forfeit the sujia of two shillings and six- pence. $25. Every Inhabitant, or fv^^spssor, of any House, or other building, or the owner or possessor of .'iny Lot or Lots of ground, frojiting any Street or Lrsne. shall .tt hiser«on biivinz charge •ach inhabited house Of other buHdiog in.the City of tdroati «ball wjthJu the first four hours after every fall Of iliow, or bj or ram wLitb shall freeze on the «ide walka, and iu fbe xuttfcrl eause the »aiiic to be removed eritlreJy otf the side-walks and tl the breadth of one foot out of the *:utter oppoiits eiiffh house ol building, uud«r the penalty of 5s. for each such neglect, to b pAid by the said owner, occupant or person haviog ^harffe sevi cral^v and respectively. » is i ^>5. In caKclhe ice or snow tlhufll ba so congealed, that it caal wot be reRioVed without injury to the side-walksor pavemenf.Mi/ o^yiyer, occupant, or person having charge of any buildiug d atoresatd, irhalt, within the first four houra after every fall ther3 or, cause the side-waHvd opposite hi«, her, or their premiaoi, t b^ atrewed with ashes or sand, under a puuulty of 5s. to be puia by the owner or occupant, or pcrsoi* having oliarge thereof never] ijiiv and respectively. | ?J3S. Incase the owner, occupant, or person having charge oi suy House, Lot, building, or land shiiii neglect to comply w id *ny of the proviaioaa of the previous aectiune of this Act, it ahall be the duty of the Street Inspector of the Ward in which su«t premises are situate to cause the same to be done, 4;omnioo Council Chambir. June ii). W4. U ' air 4»i'ipaoi' <^ii . ^b« dirt and giMrb vcypr, fromth€ul •fery yt>ur, tocau< ki^, through all t' carl:) sUaJd give u \U axtd dliall recei. h «ba!l be det(7er«i ivery neglect or r occupaat oV a hau uud 8 weep tile pat • stor^, before eigl >thetft.-tftday o/O ytjac, tliepeualtyft •ji hiivio^ eharge »e City oftdroat fall 0f allow, or tid aod iu rhe ^utti^ri \ii side- walks and t >o^ite e^c:h bouse o mph neglect, to b, having charge sev igealed, that it catij ksor pavtMWeaf, Ml of any buildiug, ai er every foil there their premiaoi, i ty of 5s. to be pai mrge thereof uever III haviog cfaar.geo tjct to comply wiL of thid'Act, iV«halJ /^ard in which su« diiOC,