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'*-'*l*;'- * -« «L ' JWe ,.'#J1 "^M 'i^i '^: AND .■^.;<-» FOR THE TEAR .,* t ,.' , *■'■ ..v .-^i^' ''. :i .,. * ' • *• ^ BSim BfSSEXTlLE OH LEAP^Ytm, m- %m CALCULAtlONS FOR V^ MJStmiAfi OF TORS^ "" Jforth Lat. . ,. . 4S^ 39\W * ; ^ tyttt Long. . . , . w 4' ir i'l; ir « Letw mdiwate the GroHn^t thai Un Feofi asvnUMth^ Rteh, m^f l« JUttd, mtf iSigppineu apd Peace be eHablitlud thniugkoiU Mi^^knkn!'* YORK, U. C. f ^^CTEiy t#; ^jva) for, charles rorffHR^/ti, iit. 4; ^\ '>v J^fditghoui^^mada, ■*•; ^'fe^-^- '-— ;.-—■ -'^,, -^i- ■«, ^'*' •■• '''^y^'^'^^?*^^^*''^^''A*# ■ vAi^-. . ♦ > ■^ m %4 iW' # m- ,^%il » % '■'(■:m ■*' ■^ ■» ■-#,' i * # ■ /?V- v*' '-**(:, ^^■■ ,f ->»'■ , if. -*- * .*■■ -■'■j^*a iafc ?"■-, ALMANAC FOR THE YEAR ' ' I824I ■ J :* w ■ Ji': ■^■. ,-1-. "• , t ■ ¥ ■ *■ BPOCaS, jiND COMMON NOTES. EPOCHS. Of ibe Julian Period • . • *- '« « Of lb« Miindane -Sra . Sinvv the ^tb of Ciirist, according to Cbronol<^eri Oftfae Vulvar Cbi-Utiaii iSra . . . Binee the Uiawivery uf Anaerica '^.. • . . . ,\ Siuce^the ,Tr»raty which confti|iiiti^ the pMSCMion of Canada to the Brilitb Crown ' Hiiire Ihf British Acknowledgement of'the Independence of i the Untied Slates of Amnrira, at the Peace of 1783 tincp I he DiviMon of the Proviace of Quehaa into I,) • Nudiibtr ^ 5 ' ^Iftaot Solar Cycle Roman Iiidtctiriin Low Sunday April tS Kogatiinn Sunday May l|d Afcenfion Day, or Ho* > ^ IjJbundBf i ^ June S IS l^f. SS WWt Sunday Trinity Sunday Advattl Suiid«jf •' I 1 .♦..> -i-l '%■ ..'■t-''".- ■-•'-• 1 i COMMENCEMENT OF THE SEASON!. Suntnitor— Sim fnter» sd, JIune 21. Autumn — Sun enters ^. September 8S. Wiitter— buu enter* Vj** OecemUr 21. ECLIPSKS. - Jan. 1st.— The Sun will b<^ Eriipsed M 05 minutes past two o'clock in tlip morning, to Us inviiiitttR. _, 2fl.-^The Moon will^be £cli|)sed, vUible, and is •alcuiated ah foiiuws:-~ Bc.'jinnhig at »li(idle Tabular rim* Ecliptic 8 End Whole Duration . Digits Kflipsed 9 an the MoonV Morthern Limb, or from tne MMilberntiide cftbe EurtU's :>hadow. Jdna t0.-i^The Sun will be £Glif)»t>d at 27 minutes past sii o'clock in tbe afternbou, to u8'iiible. Jfkly . 10.— The Moon will be Edipieu vitibU,>BnCl is calculated «l follows:— Bei;inning at 10 h. 24 m. Afternoon. JMiddle Tabular Timt Ecliptics End Whole Duration »' Dij^its Eclipsed 1 1*^ on fbe Moon's southern Jiinb|ior From (he north aide of tbe Earth's shadow. Ike. tOir— Tbe Sun Eclipse^ at 28 mtuutcs past five o'clock In tk« moroingi to u» liivisible. 2 b. 27 m Morninf. 3 • 34 — do. 8 > 36 — do« 3- 38 — do. 4 - 38 — do. 2 - 11 — do. 11 - 2 — do. 11- 7 — do. 11-11 — do. 11»39 — do. 1-16 — do. .-7^. ■; THUNDER AND LIGHTN||K>, To determine the distance ot Lightning, cibiint ientfs between tUi' fliath and the clepof Thutut^faMi tlMin loiiarf«ro/aim/e for ear h Rei;ond. '^ , "^iCbklniddle of a room is ihe safest i 0— about h2. 9— «t near 1 in the Doming, 16, — at iull, it riMt aboat < is tliA evening, 16~Bt 1-4 af(er 7, 17— at 12 after 8, 18—at abdut 10, 19.^1 about 11, 2ti— al abuut IS, fi. B. Till* (able ii* siifSeienlly avrurat« for ibe.|mrpose it if WMt* odfor, thatof avcerlaitiiitginocinli^hteveniiigi. * OF THE CHANGES OF THE MOON. .Many personii, uuderstaiK^ng that the mviin time' between one new Mown and anul her i« 20 days, J2 hours, 44 minutes and a frHction, imagine that, to findthe full or quarters of the Moon, tliey hava-oq* ,Iy to add a half or fourth (lart of liiat lime ; and whi n they do not liid the cbangas marl(ed<>in tlie Calendarto correspond with (his nie- thod, they im(iut« it to mistake in the calculation of thosechariges. It Is therefore, necessary to.|)tit them in nilod, (hat the g>^ At incqua* Ifty of the Moon's motions renders the ahuve rule extt. ..fiyjuaciu rate, so (hat nineteen tiincs iu twenty itdootust fail io gi^iu^ {be (rue «)BjuUction orchaiig^. . ^ ', MlSCELLAHEOUS. ^ A Barrel of Anchovies ab«>ut ll^lb. A Barrel uf Gunpowder, is 1 121b. A Berrel of Herrings, No 600. A Kex of diii6 d()--two of which count a -hundred. AXast of Hides, 12 dosen; A Truss of Straw, 361b. A Truss of Hay, newvld,6«lb. A Iqad of, Hay 3(i tru^^aef. A Load ot Bricks, No 600. A Load of Tiles, No UMXt. A Load (M; Timber, 60 feet solid. A Tun of Stvi-ft oil, 236 gallons. A Foibef ttf Lead, 19(;. 2qrs. A FirMuof Butter. 5(ilb. jUA Stone of Iron, Shot, or Horse man's weighty. 14 Ib.-BattiUer'k t weight, SM). Vaeue of Gold and Silvkb Coins. A Grain of Gold, about Sd. A penny weight, about '4d. A Grnin uf' Silver, ftboW faalf a farthing. A Pennyweight. Sd. All Ounce, About 6s, " According to the :#m|ifat of Ettg- lish Coins the tnint valoff of a lh.(tf tiuld is 44 Guineas and a half, or JE46 I4.«d»— »»b of Silver, £3 2s~thfr oz. ofG«/ld £3 n» 10 12d end ih^Ot«ird« of SilvM-^-fis 2d, 3o (bat ihe va* hie of thestandiod Gold is lA times thai of Silver ^nd- 1 '■i4(4| more. *1 ho value of a'lh of (Slides Bul- lion, ill Oct. 1808> was Xii5 ><»«. 4', • >.■ ■j^;- ■4*l*'.WffX!f' ^ '■'•" /■ • PERPETUAL WEATHEK f ABLE. •V DOCTOR nxmCRKLL. Th« follow incTnble, cnn^tnicted by ihe celebrated Doctor Hei*' •chell, U|>rtn a finil<).«opbical conHtd«r«tion offbe atirhctlon p( the sun and inuon, in tlieii Mivf ral pu»i(ion», att to the «arlh, and confirmed by (be expvrionce of mwny years actual observation, idbv, without diiubt, suggHbt to the ob!>tfrv#;r what kind oi weailier will itrnbably follow Ibn uiooti's entiaitce into any oiin of bor quariera, and tbatao naar !h>' trutb.that it vrl\[ be very •eidum found to fail. If it be $ new or full mouD, or tb« moon ent^ri into tbtf firnt or lAst quarter, at be hour of 12 at noon " . . , Or between tko hottfi of 2 and 4 4 to 6 - 6 to 3 - SUMMER. Very rainy 8 to 10 • 10 to midnight Midnight to 2 rs to 4 to to to 6 8 ID Changeable Fair, if wind N. W.— Rainy it S.orS. W. .Ditto Fair CoM, with fre quent showe.rs Ruin V^ind and Rain Chang««bte Fieqt showery WlNT£a Sooir or rail Fair and noild Fair Fair and froity It N. or N. E. Rain or snnxy if S.orS W. Ditto Fair and frostjr Hard frost, un- lets wind S. w S. W. Snow k Slor-' my DitiA . Sformy cold rain, if W t.oow if E. 10 to 12 Freqt showery Cold high wind From tha.aboye Table it wJtl f»e neen, tliat the nearer to midnight either of the oiuon's p«r>odi(.al changf>», (i. e> wHbin two bouts eitner before or afier it) th**. more tnir the weaiher-b in suoimer, while the nearer to noun that tlut changes take place, the reverse may be >:- |M^ted> Fair wentlH^r may aUo follow uhen either Uy d»-|jefident on the-Mrind. — The moon's entrance dtl- rin^ all tiie hours after inMnight, eieepf the two first, is unfavourable to ieir weailAr. Thf^like may neatly be obierved ia-winr«r Every lirm^r uught t(»4»reA«rve a copy of this table, and carefully to regu* late his pursuits by H n widifatiuns Such a tine of conduct Oiigbt uik terially promote bis cumfoftsand bis interests, while in no case aould it disturb bis pro»|*«ct9 or destroy bi;i ho|«e9. EXJPtAN ATIDN OF THE CALENDAR. , The First Column (ontaitis (be Days of the Moqth ', tbe Seeond the D»y<; of the W^ek: The Third, Anppcts, Holliday?, Aikniversa- rlet^&c: the Fourth , Prognostications of Weather-, tbe.Fiftby tbe pieces onbe Moon ; the dixtb and Seventh, (be Rising and Setlitgyg of the 3uu ; lod the, Last, the Ri>i(ig and Setting ff the JKtouo. '";u ' ■«a'«<«*Vii;r'!** '«-/Kft jL ^'^'"Vi.m.^u**^' >j.1*Wi(Pt;^, tb ; the Seeond ' t r 1» Eraxmsu von «■■ PiAiiaTg fob. m Itt, Wh, m SMk J}Att or KACH MUMTH, CURTHK VV41t 1824. K t 0'» ¥ h u i ?!» 0'« V b'^U t % 9 m m PLACI. yy « 2Z> 1C3 TTIVS" •1 . PLACE. V5 u 2o :& 2b n ' 1 10 V5 6 12 18 « 4 24 22 ^ 9 2B29 14 4 2011 2 19 ■ 13 22 20 13 18 4 U ^ 20 66 14 3;2a 16;17 23 S5 4 0X33 13 17 3 11 21 20 » 2 ass 14 6 or 23 a a 1 11 39 14 18 2 13 29 15 b^ 9 5 1 13! .6 1 27 27 10 17 Sil3 23 48il4 1« 2 14 V5' 5 Saturn, ^ GAorgiaaSidw. 11 tAMLE or THE DIAMETERSi. &«. OF THE SUFI AM» • 3 b d O e o o e o d § » m s , •b o a o a . © 'O o e J9 ■S ■ • 1 g s 3 •« 3 o ^ 3 I - ,r-5 I §- 64 s E 9 OD CO _ a >. .s s S e4 I ^ 8 S 8 '^" 3 8 Sl :S I. JANUARY. E wn mm o d » o JB s S a d ■S » ^ 1 '.a ^ s" (0 • •^ a > g -a 9 • o > » O ' ( • h« ^ r « m : a 8 * 5 New Moon*, lit. flh 66ni aiornlnf« Firiit (garter, 9th, 7b 24in cioriiiiig » Full Moon, i6ib,8h 8810 i^urnlngy' Lad Qiwrtar, 'iSd, 8to 82in aitornoon, f4««v Mooo, autb, liNi 88(11 aftarnooa, 1 '3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 W rh 2|Fr. Sat D M. lu W. rh Fr 9a. D. a. lu Vf Th Fr. Sat D M Ttt W. A«rcoT«i H«iLioATa» Aam- vcRSAaiK*! kc. ClROSMCI»|l>ll, 0*)<>^'P^*'' (§ ^]^(§ runtioM, [iiivl. »>«>«« C.61D-61D (f Apagca 3d Sunday mUf CYimlmM, CitiPHAMT, twelfth dayi 21 Go. 11* B, Pr. Cbarlotta o( Luelan, [Wal««. b, 1796, O'adec. 2i2de|. 8. , Id Sufwfaj/ afttr Epiphany^ . [7,23, ^lary Cainb.TcrOi beg ^ »lu. Oxford X. beg Q »low. C. 9ai. (9 rails bigli, d ^ D. Uluu't. (9 eclip. vi». (^erig. Lb 1779. idSund «ifler Epiph. Pri»en. 25 28 27 22Th 23 Ff S9 30 Sat D M To 28 W. Th Fr 9 Gr Eloiig Fabian In. 8d of St. Hil.' 1 ret Agnes, [O "Ot. Vincent, Q df>c.20 deg. S. Hilary Term begins, ^ Stationary, 9d Sunitft Epiph. CSiViVh. [St. Hil 2 ret D.of Sussex b. 1773, 15d.of Oslo C. 13m (§ runs low, K Geo. IV. Access 1820, K. Charles 1. Msriyj- 1649,' K. Geo IV procinimed 1820, WCATHIR ? ■Ab' Or Some Snow and coldf Now eleai with higb winds, Expect a thaw a- bfiot tbaif days, Snow and [^ StaYeiy cold weather, Look for snow, hail, or rain, Now Tery cold. ^^ V5* V5* n n So a a m m t t t 344 269scU 344 "" 334 33 324 31 31 30 29 29 28 27 26 '46 25 26 244 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12,4 10 9 Os R98 26 27 27 28 29 29 30imom. 31 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 a 7 8 9 10 11 4 7 B d 6 7 11 16 18 28 34 36 6 32 Qlrise 6 37 54 6 10 17 11 29 morn« 38 49 66 61 4|i 36 10 ? 2 3 4 6 6 (Pseta 5 50 ■'<(- ' -«. TUEwhirlins[ Umjifd rimes tdong th9 plain i ^nd on the cottagtthateh'd^or lonily roof, Keenfadening, ihnkes them ta the toUdbate'— Hvge uproar lords it vnde. Theelouds commix'A With'ntars, mift glidings sweep alot^ the sky. ' The cattle from the untasted Jields return, Jhfdask, mlh meauina /ow, (Astr wtdUitsdUt Or ruminate in th$9$tdiguoutiheulc. '■! I { li • N If. FEBRUARr. Bfi First Quwrtor, 7th, Mi Mm •fteniooa« Full Moon,. 14l|^, Hh 12ai afreraooo, Last Quarttr S^lst, Oh 8n aftornoooi Naw JMooD, 29tb| 6h 26iaaftaraoen. SM. 3Ta. 9 10 11 12 W D. AtFXCTS^ Holidays, A«iii>b»* SARUS, &c. W Tb. Ff. Sat 8|A WBAtBBB M. Til. W. Th. 13 Fr. 14 Sat 15 A 16 17 18 19 90 31 -«^ S3 24 95 S6 27 28 29 VI. To. W. Tb. Fr. Sat D, M. lu. W. Tb. Fn Sat 4l/k Sunday afltr Epiphany^ Caholkmas, Pwrif B. V. Marj/t BlASlVS, QTs slow C. 14m. AoATMA, O's dao. lA dag S. (§ L. 6, 3, N. D ^ O 5IA Swnday afltr Epiphany. InStiays*!' Parificatiou, 4 ret. a'r nias high, Uary Tarm ends, (|X^ AParigae, TAlBllTlirB, SqfifuagM. Sundtgf \/ statio. [ ^ itatio. Chilly winds and soma snow. Q's dee. 12 dag. S, 0'sL.5,IO,S. O enters X O slow. C. Mm. Sexageiima Sundays StUATHiAS, D. rnmb. b. 1774. CkNnA T9rm. div. m. (f j^^ 2^ Stationary, (i Apogee, 0'«slow,X7. 14m. Q's dee S deg. S. (gitwuyttogei Sunday. ^^ Clear and cold, More snow, then clear and plea saoti Good sleighing, Look more mow, Clear and eold, Mora snow. fortri. ifi:6 rf5i,6 ttl6 *"6 1tl6 ^6 #6 IW6 vye V56 6 6 K 50 5 10(9ri«e 485 12( 6 38 475 13 7 5S 465 14 9 8 44 5 16 10 20 435 1711 3S 426 18 mom. 405 20 042 39 5 21 1 46 38 6.22 2 41 365 24 328 34 5 26 4 8 335 27 4 441 32 5 28 5 17 31 5 29 5 41 6 305 30(isets JVO W Shfj^erisi to ywr helvlai eharge bt kmi, Bqffle the raging ytar, and JtU thtir pent With food at ufttl ; lodge them btlou the ttomtt ^ Jtnd wakh them ttfiet; for from the betiowing ew/j in this dire eeiuon, oft the whirlwind't ufing Sweeps wpthf burden of whole witUryplainM, jfl «ne tnd* mtftt imd vhelme the hig^m fMktr, ■*' ^^iifi#h'if; ia>a^;,fj.Afcrf..Y.,j^- ri.'- ' : -^t'»^.^^-a, fj iiffriftf if liHfji iilaniBi lfr> MARCH. V0 Qnarter, tthi 8h 47in mor^nf. Full Mttottf 16ib, Oh 25m noroing, Last QuaHw, $8d, 6h 60in meroing, lii«w Moos, 80th, Oh iOm moraiog, m •i ms 42 5 18 morn. 6 305 30(iiets W. AlMCT.. HOLWArt, AMI- W,^tH«B ▼M»Aiiii«ii be. M. flTu. dw. 4Th. AFr.i 63ftt 7C. 8M. 9 To. 10 W It laiFr. IS'Stt 14 16 16 17 18 Tk lOJFr. Some cloudf with hif b windly 90 tl 82 23 S4 15 26 27 29 30 31 Set C. M. »^ th. Fr. Set St. Divio, 2^ ilow 7, 14, . 8krw Tuudajft Chad.^ AfH WSDRSSDATy (iL.4. 6», N. Q*«deo.6tlef. S. Ut Surid. in Lent, Pbivstva. ^ran*l|jgh, (•15 O's •low, C. lOflH. |Gregory Mertyr. Perigee, Suttdojifin Lint, 0'» dec. t deg« S. (9L.f,2,S. St. Patkiox, EOW. K. or Vf MT SaXOVI, ||;.|, , . , , winds Oeotert IP dey & night equal, from the 3d Sundojfin Lent, Behxdict, ji. West, Q'f dec. 1 deg. H. (§ Si ruQt low, 8 t O. Aooua of B. V. Mary, (H Apogee, O's slow, C. 6m. 28 C M. tu. W Look for nun, Clear and pleMaot, Now ex pect some rough weather. ^ Sund. in Ltid» Mid L. Sund. (§ L. 4, 60 N. Flying clouds and some rain, . Nowolearl^ and plea sent. a tn.!6 I&6 ^6 $\s !5 d 5 10 9 7 6 4 2 1 aie 586 56'6 55,6 & 53|(9i'ise - 64| 7 Si 56' 9 16 5^10 28 69 2 4 6 7 81 9P 5m 506 101 496 11 48'6 12 4616 14 4516 15 9 16 11 36 morn. 36 1 20 2 n 3 22 3 61 4 18 44t 5 f (fseti 768 *^^ ; TUESE naked theoti Mnrrei^ tu Uneea, amov^ whidtihe wnd Maket mntry muiie, tighin^ a$ it goe$, Shull^ut their gneefMjthage on again, Andt mere atpirihg ; and with mmptetpread, Shall boaia new ehamu, and mare thanth€jf hOM W. All Ifatur* feelt th* renovatinjf force Of Winter, only to thitkoughtlteitift JHrtiJnweii. „* -■IT ^~ri , .# '. ■:■■ • " ' '" ' 'i*"" ':■■ ■ :■■; ''■ < ' ^^^Hiii Fint Quarter, 61h,6h 6in afternQoti,- # Ful? Moun, ISih, lUli85ni tAornmg, Last Quarter, 21st, Oh 68in morningy New Mooo^tb, lib Sin afternuon, M.W 8Th AsPKOTs, HoLYDATS, Ahui* TERSARIBS, be. Richard, Bp. of Chich. 6th Sund. ti^ Lent, St. Ambrose, O's dec. 6 deg. N. n ^ O (i 51 ^ run* high, Q's slow C. 2m, Cambi^dge "^wm ends^ Okford Term eqds, 6/A Sund, in Lent, Palm Sund (^ Perigee, () L. 4, 62 S. I O dec. 9 deg. N. Sup. (j ^ Q Q and C, togelhcfi Uooo Friday, EASTER DAY, §) runs low, 49lM, Easter Monday, Alj.hege, i®^ 20|Tu. Easter Tuesday, Qenlerit H ip. stationary, , 23|Fr. St. GxARoK, K. Geo. IV, b. d. f4 Sa.|(|| Apogee, Q fast C. 2m. [kepi S5 C lit Sund. a/i. £;a$ter, Low Sun. (iL.4,64N. [St. Mask, Q's dec. 14dejr. N. S^W. Onf. U Camb. Terms begin. Weathkr?G)R. Cliear, Now look furtt change of ueatber. Cool nights and pleasant days,' Rain, then clear 4nd pleasant, It may be some snow flur* ries,or rain, Now warm for the season Clear and pleasant. OS. b 5 41 6 8 & 406 n5 38 « n!6 386 Il|5 27.6 So 5 36,6 ®'5 34^ njS 336 ^ 31 6 nf 5 29 6 TIK5 286 ^5 26 6 •&5 256 tn,5 236 trts 226 $ & 206 196 186 1(> 16 14 12 11 9 ^5 $ 5 5 T'i6 b 8 6 66 36 26 1 19 21 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 81 32 34 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 46 46 48 49 51 62 64 65 67 58 69 RQS 8 9 10 4 11 8 mora. 8 1 1 2 3 3 2 48 26 29 3 66 423 (Jrire a 9 9 18 10 24 11 22 morn* 13 64 29 66 25 49 10 35 2 d^sets 7^9 9 f JiS yet the trembling year is unconJirm% Jnd Winter oft at ere reaumes the breezet ChiUtthe palftnorn, and Ma hia driving sleets Deform the day deli^htlets ; so that scarce The bittern knows his time, with bill itigulpht To aliake the sounding marsh; or from the short The plovers whtn to scatter o'er the heath, Jnd «tnf their wild notm to tfm listctthig wute. mtmmi ^""^^'^"^•^tii^niiitiMr V. MAT. $' OR. 1, 5 416 &406 5 38 « ;5 38*6 |5 27,6 rS 36 6 '5 34^ iS 33'6 |& 3l|6 '5 29 6 5 286 5 26 6 5 256 5 236 5 226 5 206 5 19 5 18 5 16 5 16 5 14 5 n 5 11 5 9. OS. i6 |6 i5 5 6 6 8 6 6 3 2( li 19 21 21 22 23 26 26 27 29 81 32 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 49 61 62 64 65 67 68 69 RQ8 8 9 10 4 11 8 mora. 8 1 1 2 3 3 2 48 26 29 3 66 423 8 9 9 18 10 24 11 22 morn* 13 64 29 66 25 49 10 35 2 7^9 9 6 '4$ tt «•« tie. prsl ^^low8, 21,; QlastC. 4m 0'«dec. l»d«>tN» 4th SHndatf afUr Eatlefi In lim» aft. East. 3 ret. d^Q (9 rans Jow, Dunktan. Qf. Charlotte b, 1744, (f Apoge», O enters n [^ Statio Pes of Mombiirg burn 1770 Bih Sund aft East. Rog Sund lu 5 week» after Easter 4 ret O d<*c 21 tf*f . Jl >[(f L.&, It^ ^. A'lg. 1st Abp. rf Cawt. \8C nifolyTh V Bede On inor. of A 436 4 35'7- 25 69 10 2 qp y|4 36 8f4 34 33 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ; H 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 7 20 7 21 7 25 7 23 7 ^ 32 31 31 25 26 t 11 4 11 62 morn, at 1 7/ 1 36 2 5 ^26 2 59 3 30 Oiise 8 11 9 13 10 7. to 5« 11 28 a 58 moripi, 26 48 1 16, 1 35 2 1 22f 3 1 3 38 - 7 2t.(f seta- 7 28 8 54 29 '9 46; 7 29 10 -to: FROMtkf moitt madoit to thi wUhfyAhill^ Lid bif the- Srer sre. the viriil mrdure'runti0 Jlnd swelts, and ditepen$t to the rherjMdeyt, Thf hawthorn whitentt and the jwtijf i£roves Put forth their bttda, mf^ldi^ hjfjdttiree*-^ Till the whole (eafit fotitt stnndt tUsptajf'd^ I . »^_-ai;^fe,-. i. '^:>^- VL JUNE- First Quarlerr 4th, 3h 69(a moining, FuU iVhion, llth, Vk 'iliu muriiing, Last Quarter, I9th, Oh 9ai utlemooni Hevf Moon, 26tU, 6ti '21m aUeruoon. i* M 1 2 W. lAspkexs, HoWdays, AuirjVER I9AR1E9, ISLd. Wbather t'a Nicumede, vv.i • ib.'CanilM-rdge Term div. ti. 4F«" K Geo. lll.boru 1738. Sftt Onf tefai endsr D. of Comb iWliit Suiid, [b. 1771, Boniface Whit MondHjr, M n H may be ^ fo}?gy and some rain with tbuii' der> TU'lvVblt Tuesday," 9|Vy Oxford I«rin begint, ll^Fr. St. BARiriBASi laSat l.TC. Trinity Sunday, 14iM. Oil iimr. of H. Tr. 1 ret. l5pP*«| i^ iiatio. «» , njTh. St. Alsaw, [Waterloo WtS, places, 18!Kr. Trinity lerrb begin?. Battle ofi ItjSat! [Edw K.ofW.Sawnifl' 20.6'. ht Sund afl. Tnn. trans, of 2IHVI. In 8 days H Tr. S ret, Oent 2B 22j Fti* Bat. of VUtoria [longest day, 23iW.|, % Q4\rk- Mlivity of St. John Baptist, 25Fr.i 4 115^14 30 7 30 ^!4 29'7 31 4 28 7 32 more clear 5 < 11;^ 33 and plea> + «ant. + V5» 4 26!7 34 4 267 34 4 267 34 llmaybeV5;4 26 7 34 want of rain In some 26 27 Sat O •c'»P»fi''J Inviaihle, ~C. MSuttiaydftrr Trinity^ 29 30 V5',4 26 7 34 ^'4 25f 35 ;d4 257 35 iX;4 24:7 3G X4 247 36 K 4 237 37 Thunder'^'* 23(7 37 Showers « It 247 36 jy 4 25 7 35 Cleafand,»i4W 34 very plett-lni4 26 7 34 35 1 29 37- 15 (frisa 8 43 9 25 9 53 10 2 10 49 11 13 11 35 11 5tt morn. 18 28 M. hi 16 dayp of H. Tr. 3 ret. IPu. St. Peter and St. Paul, W. sant, A storm at hand. n;4 So4 4 26 7 34 26 7 34 26 7' 34 26i7 34 26'7 ^4 ii j i i 51 24 4 4 8 19 8 59 9 3to 10 5 FROM brighlening JieliJi of tUter fair dUctos'dt ChildtffthcSvS, rhfuigetit SvwMitRe*nus, In pride 0ktouth,ttn'ijett through .^Atuus's deplha jjc comciiaftenilfd by the ful> ryltowi, And fctrjfftnitm.g brtezes, on hit way r While, frmn hisardefil louk.iht /wrntng Sntt?!'© Jtrerts her bei'fhfii'f face ; andeartiU am skits. All mitiiig, to hii kiidomimou /^vet.'^S^ -I.-'-.:.-'' W ^.^U'lr.. ,:-^,...'l.V. "•"'"'-■"ffiiltfaii III 'iiiiiiiiiiiiTifiri'fiiiiiiy'i ^^-.^:-- -^ ^ksfsasm Vri. JULY. First^Quurter, Sti, 9h t9m naornin^, Full Uotmy iOtii,llh 3^11 aitf moon, ].H>I QiiarttT, 19rii, 2li 45iii murning, I^t^w Muoii, 20lij| lb 53i» Diuriiihg. * . OR. 31 31 30 30 30 OS «CD8. 4 '4 '14 7 7 7 7 7 30j 29'7 31 1 |4 28 7 32 14 27.7 33 ;4 27 7 33 4 26!7 34 267 34 267 34 26 7 34 ?,4 26 7 34 14 25f- 35 J4 257 35 (;4 24:7 3C <:4 247 36 ^4 237 37 p:4 23i7 37 p;4 2417 36 :i;4 24 7 36 5;i25 ti4^6 ak 26 [i;4 26 Sl4 26 S4 35 34 34 34 34 26 7' 34 26|7 34 26'7 B4 2911 10 29,11 40 30lo)orn. 301 7 35 1 I 1 29 2 2 37- 3 15 8 43 £l 25 9 53 10 2 10 49 11 13 11 35 11 58 mnrn. 18 a 51 1 24 2 4 3 4 8 19 8 59 9 3to 10 5 sctos'df E'i deptfui m vv, VKKSAQIES, , with flowers jttrfitin a } And scarce a cMrpinp; grass'hQj^per n fiearH Tfimiigh' Vitdiimb m^ad, DiUresxfnfMJvre J»rt«/* The rfrfi sfftmii look Janpiid fr6vt nfa^ ; • ' Or, (hrantsih tk' nn^etifiTH gladi,inipdHe»t seem Tdhuim*ifilhscover(oftfti^^i ^ ' *f ■I:. T '■■■m-- Vin. AlttJUST. * #f ' -^t Q{|art«r, (si, 4li 4Sno aftornooni Pull jMuoi), i>ib. 2li L iu altvniiMMi, Ln^i UiiAr(*>r,.LTlb< 9li 2u.ii ■fiernooni N(>tv iVl«>oiij24n nf our Lonl^ 8^t Saiiflni/ afur Trin, St. Lawkencic/ (J| Apogfte, W»liMv9, ?8, Kitio Georgb IV. burn 1762) (9 L. S. 8, 9/A Sim afl. Trin, As^'imptioli, D.'ol V«»rlt, honi 1763, Q *low [C 4(n.Sar.ofU^H.Uull 1812. D.ofClnrfttiCf^boni 17(>5,0'J^ mh Sunday after Trimly^ , 0>»t«»r» i^, (9 Perigee, St. BartboluQiewi, WB4TH8R ? Clear and p)ea»an(, Somr want of rniii ; and sultry hot Ihuilrler ill many ' |)lac«8. Now re |r«shtrH{ showars. ) Clear anid ^ood tvea ii)«r for ^i^veral d»ys. A^anl of rMn. ' \9 OR OS RdS. op n r O.- St 25 4 497 lUO 4 607 WV U\ 4 517 911 58 4 537 4 547 4 657 4 5«7 4 577 4 597 5 017 7' morn. 6! 501 5; 1 47 4 2 48 16 59 ^6 58 36 57 46 56 66 55 %G 54 &6 52 96 51 116 49 12:6 46 146 46 15^ 45 17 6 4^ isfe 42 30» 40 2l|6 39 37 j6 36 ttt 5 26!e 34 nt,5 2746 33 $yS 2^6 sajio 51 a" m (iL6,5,& 0*» dt-c. 10 deg. If. St AocrslJtiK, 1 ItkSund. aft. Trin. St. Joltn n VO [B«P' beheadtid, Some Mild G. tof^Hther. rain. THE 9vn has Mff his rnge : Hit tfownwdrd orb Shnof$ nolhtHX nov^ut rniin/tnting vmtmiht JIhdvitalliitttti that, VfHhtaxiout ray, iiiirhttup Mt dowhy those beatUnm rabii ^ tkmm^ InctsmntroWd^inforini^nlieAapes, Titt ilrmn of^wakinffjaiitg! I^roeul beloWi . Covered wUh ripening frwti, and swdl^ngfiu^ ^Qtk9p&rft4ywr.ilhMpti]gMmli t«rA. * . 1-rr 3 511 ^ list I 7 14 7 39 9 4 8 sr 8 47 9 24 9 67 10 3T 11 2S morn. I IS 1 22] 2 3fr| 3 62 (9s<:tt 7 8 7 38 1 38 9, IT 10 •! U^JS^tiUg.,.' . iMwAtttMiitaMiasiiHMMtfiHi IX. «EPTEMUER. n« Full Moon, 8th, 6h 27 lu morning, Last Quarter, Idtlv, 2li 6m uiornihg, New Monn, 22d, 6h 16m atlerntb) 6b 20in ufteraotJiii ■a HdS. M 1110 iQ'n i5| 911 5«| • 7'uiui'n, 61 60| 5; 1 47 '4j 2 49 3 3 5i 2c. ;> Wi 5 26!6 hms 2'7i6 9, It 10 1 1 \orh Vhmm^ fatt 1 S 3 4 6 6 W. Aspect*, Hulidavs, Anni- versaries, 6ic.. W. TU Fr. Sat C. M- 7|Tu «w. ofTh 11 Sat 12' a 13! M. i4iru 15W. 16TII. 17 Fr ISlSat 19 C. 20 M. 21 r«. 22,'W. iJxh |4 25 26 27 M 28 29 ao Fr. Sat St. Giles, I^l slow 8, 9, London burnt 1666, O. S. Dng Days «iid, O'' dec. 7 deg. N. I2/A Sunday after TrinUyt (§ Apogee, Enurcbus ^ Gr. Elong. QfnA\ Nativity of b. V. Mary, [C. 2m. d L. 5 N. l^ slow 9, 32, 13/A Sunday after Trinity f i HolyCrosf, O'a dec. 3 deg. N. Labiqert, B. p. (Ji 7J O fast C. dm. Capit. of Qnebfv 14ect some pii^asaiit wcalber, Look for a storm f«-om the N. Ea^t, Clear and high winds. GR. OS. 296 316 X X op rf b b b n n 2S 235 as a'5 \rjl5 "K5 ii:6 :£i:6 iri6 TTte f 6 t 6 V?6 33 34 36 37 38 40 41 43 45 47 48 50 51 52 58 54 55 56 57 59 2 (4 5 7 8 10 11 31 29 27 26 24 23 22 20 19 17 15 13 12 10 RG» 11 44 morn. 46 1 47 2 53 3 53 51 4 (9>-ise 6 40 7 6 7 35 8 5 8 43 9 .26 9;i0 17 811 15 7 morn. 23 1 35 2 48 4 3 1 ^sets 6 9 6 7 8 8 58 56 55; 53; 52 9 46 50 10 47 4911 47 39 .20 4 51 tROIfJ^D tcith the fickle and the wheaten sheaf y While AVTUMN, nodding o'er the yellow plaint Comta jovial on i the Doritreei once more, Well pleat d^- 1 tune^-whate^et the fViniryfrotl JVilreout prtpar'd ; Ihf variotCi blossom' d Spring Pat in white, promiitfbrlh j and Smnmer suns Concocted strong rush boundless now to mw ; FhU, pufeclcUi, and sivtU my glorious tketne f ..**,■ X. acTorrn. Full Moon. 7lli. lOh 44»n ftf'Krnnont LnHQitrU't. l^ili Mil Iti'ii nioiiiiiigt ^jt*M Viooii 'Jiil, 2li 5hn'iiH>riiiiig^ First Qii.viler^ -^.'(h, Oli 60iu atu rnooni \- ... . . »1 1 a. 3 4 6 6 •7 I 101 II 1.'2 13 14 1;> 10 17 W. ll'r. a. VI. Ju. w. n.. !•>. C\ M. Va. .V Jh. fr. c. I'i ;V1;, l»|l-u. 20 vV. 21 Th. AsrKCT.^, rToi.in w*,' Ahni* wind* liiiin W.VV VVk vt hi r' j^^O" 03 -. ^■(^^' 23 24 Sir 27 2 2.* Sa{ C. t Pr. 30|3«t R» luii-iiis B|i. y^ low t>, 'iU. luf. (^ !;( O l«)//t Huiiilaif nfln Trinltif, i> A|.n^fe"a l^i o QlftMU.IIui. KhiiIi, 03 dec. 6 Ueg. S. ^ L. 5x>i. St. Dpoys Bp. 17//i ^iiiviai; fififr Trinit}/, Oxt, ^ LauiU. 1'. ItOL^. ^ tnUo. Tian«il. of K. E(l»v. ( rtiif. Bdltttt O'^ ec HSS,* IbUiSnn. 'jJ't.Tiun. LtuELKEO, St. Luke, (^ Perigee, (f L 6, S,S. [rd America 1492. O *"nt. Tl| CoKUMBUS. ilidcuvcr I'Jth, Suntini/ aj'ttr Tnmly, Oispm.Q'jdi-c 12 fltg. S. K. (li:o 111. Froclaiiutsd i7(K), Si ^imon nnd S(. Jude, O last C lt»«a. 20/A »im(faynfler Trhiitp, ricsr afii vuul^ Look fo a sto.i>oi, Warm, ^;6 •Xi6 }£6 X6 KG 'Y^e « 6 b 6 Clears up,',^^^ 'n 6 Windy fa ^^ s >iue ."^^^ coarse 0^ ** weatber, Ki 6 Lotik for =^6 raiM, Tn.6 TJ1.6 NoweJpar'nie and |il«a- i^ 6 saiit, |jt 6 V5 6 Modt^rai** yy 6 Hiid warm A/v e r»»nhe . :a«/ ft KJ5 l/>i 125 115 21 •> 225 235 255 265 2B5 20.5 47 II" TO 45 .'iO 1 53 43 42 2 41 3 39 4 30;^ 37 5 35 34 32 31 6 6 7 8 3^)5-30 9 32.5 28 10 335 2711 3.'>5 25tnorn.| 54 ••0 17 2^ 18 2» 37 5 23 305 22 405 415 425 445 45 5 465 40 ly 12 .505 10 515 525 53 5 55 5 .^^7 5 20 19 18 16 15 14 40 51 4 20 m 5 6 7 8 9 10 II >in| 581 4l\ 391 41 41 JIFlXrR from thf hmj/ foy reaovtifUnpJidiit, In eheerfuf frrnr. le.l us Irind the maze Qf 'iutumn nnronCm'ii ; and ln»ft. revived, Thfhreafh of orchard hig with fierulhr^ frml — Ohtdifnf lo the brcuse fnd hrattnfc raif, From Ihf d*.ep haded h')U0i -t mellow ahoioefir Jneeiinnl niflls mrnif Tin- jin'ry pear iAe*, in a *<>ft prc/utionj leatt^'d rtund. tmmtii XT. KovKMnnR. 4 K'6 b 6 |b6 in 6 265 20,5 3«^ rl7 5 35 34 32 3t v.), 5 47n"»''n 15;j 45 50 13.5 43 1 53 125 42 2 54 11 5 41 3 ' '21 tJ 39 4 225 23,5 6 6 7 8 n 6 3^)5-30 9 05 e 32 5^ 28 JO 206 335 2711 35 5 37 5 38 5 405 415 425 445 455 465 48 5- 50 5 515 525 53 5 55 5 5 'H.'ii| ,U0 iL6 "3^6 ^6 jTTi6 hii6 in.6 ,:^ 6 !l 6 V56 Vi6 '206 6 54 •-e 45 17 o2 .^4 24 13 .■ •) 29 25 .norn. 23 40 ' t 51 3 4 4 5 22 20j 191 18 161 15 14 12 10 9 20I m 391 8 5 58 6 47 7 8 9 10 II 4S 4( L/djI, 'I MW ^7, 5 •<>• 1 '^ 1 M w. ■ _ ■ 1 ••'• ■ 8iM| ■ 3 w ■ 4 Tn 1 ■ s Pr Full Motin, fl I) S'l StHn •»ff#».iif»'^>n, i.H!)t QiiHiler Mdi. 71) f> it Hll«>nioont JN»'«» 'VI'Min, 20ih, ill 49 n xliouiiHiri. FW-bt QiHitKr, 2bfti, i^u 43iii iiioriiinjj;, A«PCC1S. HoMTtAVS, X.IMI- VKR AHJKH, >.V,R. ' UrATIIKB'*Gr<. O ^' 8 9 10 Ai,L SJ.iuLi*. M '•( K«MiH*. 1707. O'l M. .>• All .Stiul- I rpl, Tis. ItnOK-VV Ih.mI, IrtSBf-iopliiH I'uw.Jm IMoI 16' 5, [l...rn 1777 HhjIWic/;, T. 6'if I '»•«•»• »»'(I Con. ij. \\2iil Siindai/ iifttr TriiiUi/, vj. jPrs Aii;iuxlH riopliia, b rii 1768 1(1 'Lonl VJny| I h i\. »8 50 ittl VI. iVKcHUTUS, (9 I'.i iv^ef . (J L. o, 10, S. liii^U B|t. oi Ltiiuditi, ill 8 dnysaltKr St. Mait. 3 ret. Brisk lr>m I Ik; ;N VVt»8t, I'll*' In- diHn Sum iiiKi i.e. Snine HI tier, I ti a iJ-L iX6 59 X;7 ^Y'l"' 1 T7 2 5 4 59 4 68 Ti? 3!4 67 «|7 4,4 66 « 17 6 4 55 n!7 64.54 ."^iiifky jiir for 8r "747 2 4T •^ 4T 4 4S 5 4« 5 35 6 22 n7 74 33' 7 16 ^l|7 94 51 8 18 2)7 10 4 60 9 23 ^17 124 48 10 31 vSl'7 1.J4 4711 4C rc7 M 4 46 \unrn. 'W^ 15 4 45 6« 111, I'^drft. K ^ Alaifyr. Sup. ci ^ O wiinl! re.aldHy-j'tt!JlC4 44 2 3 ^ '^7 17 4 43 3 IS j^,„y i:b7 18 4 42 4 2V hIn.tfiii.R 1U7 19i4 41 5 41 Si'W Sunday after Trinity, C'BciLiA, Q outer f 3i. Cleuieiil, with fly il)g clitU'lK and some iyj'!? 23J4 1117 20;4 40(f.«f» 7 214 7 2214 [CailierineV. ••»'". :V5'7 24 4 In 11^ (Jays of Si. Mariin, 4iH. tJu .i» iindyy? 25 4 5^0 0'" rf««.2 1 dfig S G lat pleasHtH, ^ ^ /^e 4 O (.is» C 12m. [sioiiu »7o3, .Adrieiii bimday, Mich. Term md», 2^ stalio. St. Anu.kkw Now p»- 7 2'( ,X7 27 |*cla 1^7 28 rold ram. s^ y og 39 5 26 38 6 21 37 7 24 36 8 2« 35 » 2t 34 10 2f 33 11 31 as tnom. 3^ 3« 31 1-31 BUT set' ihf. fading mofty eahur'd.wwds, ' Shade detp'riintr iiito shude Iht conntry round Imbnmaj a cmvodtd umbraae^ dusk and dun$ Oj every hue, from wane dttlining; tgr^tn , To sooty dark. These ni,ii>AY>. Ammmkr* SARIE", kc. w EATHER ^ GR 1O8. Q'h deo, 22 deg, S, O fast C, 10m, 2 0'sdec.23<»27'S. O^C together, CURI!JTM48 DaT> !«/ Sunday nfler Christmnt, St. John, [Si. Siepben, Innocents, (^ L. d, 16, N. I [Pretender died 1765, Q stow C 3ni, [ y Gr. Rioitg. Silvester, [Daf. of Aipen's 1775 Clear and <\ more plea- ^ ■ant, I y Snow or jj 7 30:4 301 7 rain, n S3 So 30 31 31 4 30 304 30 29 2^ 31i4 29 32J4 2B 334 27 344 26 R(i8 /2 28 3 29 4 28 ^ 32 6 33 (fii'e 6 P 7 6 8 16 fur thtt season. Clear and rj^ 7 34|4 26 9 27 iirU7 3S;4 2511 44 T]^7 36 4 24,inorn. r2:7 36!4 24* 55 7 S 7 38 4 22i 4 30 Nowflf.-''' 36,4 24; 6i inS,S=j3^23l2 ; and chilly J}1'7 37 4 23i 3 .11 ^'iuds, ^ .7 38:4 22. 5 36 t ;7 38 4 22 6 40 Snow a- ^ 7 38 4 22 Osets huut these \3 7 38[4 22 5 S9 day»,. iVJ?7 3814 22 7 3 be 7 37|4 23 8 OC 7 37 4 23 9 Very cold X 7 36 4 24 10 weather X7 364 24 11 ends this X? 35 4 25 morn, year, »cy)7 354 25 3 T7 364 25 1 2 FartwtUi a 7 344 26, 2 I >»l7 34.4 26i 3 6 7 7 6 *TIS dont! dread viinrr.n ipreadthii latest gloomf, JInd reiffnt tremtndom o'er the con(fuer'dyt(w% Hiho dead the vegetable kingdom tits t How dUtitb the tuneful ! Horror wide txtnid* His detolate Do mmn — Behold proud man! See here thy pictured life : past some few .. fcrs, And pale eoneluding winthr cotnts at last, Jindshult the scent! lat.. tateUr In (MO, victory bave eo cioiM fmoWn (b«ir «a ihUtook foes- — en 6t Family Xantut, fifv. H vale of wards, whoM Q of tbe 8 from Ca in this • ttfry.ait f7tb. original into Pat into irel ky, and been ju>*i Hiiwnii the «onn in 16$6 %n d«liv( bltnd,;b«i wit|l>uri a choreh ^efoU, I using a i fr«|sres«n and/itp v FlfTI >mrf for fvliilib w to (he pa idMfe rea •llaniesi Myy .W:hi ^guifyiuj mtmtiim riiffiiiiiimiif MK 08. R(iS » ■■— 4 30 /2 28 4 30 3 29 4 90 4 28 4 29 ^ 32 4 29 6 33 4 29 (Jii'e U 28 ?4 27 6 P 7 6 14 '26 8 la k 26 9 27 4 2510 35 4 25 1 1 44 4 24,inurn. ;4 24' 66 4 23l 2 7 4 23 3 IS 4 22i 4 30 ;4 22, 5 36 4 22 6 40 4 22(3)8eti i4 22 5 59 [4 22 7 3 [4 23 8.6 4 23 9 7 4 24 10 7 4 24 11 6 4 25 mora. 4 25 3 4 25 1 2 4 26. 2 I 4 261 3 lf» UlAHRICftl. TBXPLAXAtlON OF SOME IIEMARKASLI DATS IN MARCir AND APRIL. Ut. SAINT DATID— Tbe Welsh regard St David aa th«lr tatrlar Mint, and, annually, bold fctlivt mroiiugt on ihiaday* III (HOytbA Britons, under Kiiii( CadWall&der, oliiMined a completa victory ov^ tiM Saxons j and St- David is consid«r»d not only (• have eunlrfkitad to this victory by his prayers, but by the judi* eious re|f;iiliMiuna which ha.a'dnptad for rendering (he Britont Iniown to each other. |i« directed the WelHl) to wear leiks in tliAir caps, drawn from a garden near the flpid of action ; whila the dliions, from a want of «oine^distin|tuishing maik, frequently ihittook ernsh other, almost ioaisorimiiiately slaying friends Hnd foes.— Henc^the custom of the Welsh wraring lei>k* in tlieir hats on -St David's day. St. ^vid was dnSMndcd from the Royal Family of, the Brilonn, being uncle ^ of Kin;; Arthur, and ran of Xantus, Prtnee crf'Cerotieu, now Cardiganibire. Being ordHined fwitypt, he retired into the Isle of Wight, and embraced an aretis if«. He founded twelve monasteries, oue of which was in tht valet>f Rosi, near Menevia, now called St. David 'r. Soon after* wards, the Arcbbiibnp of Caerteon resigned his see to St. David, whofii opposition^ was- o^ly overcome by (he absolute romroandc of the synod. He had, however, the liberty to transfer his seo from Caerlenn, then a po|Hilous city, to Menevia. He continued in this see many years, and died, towards the end of the ai&th cea* tury« ait a very advanced age TTth. SAliytPATRICK.— He wasanativeofScotlaftd.whoiio original name wa* iuccuthus, bat was changed by Pope Cellestine into Patriok. In 432, he was sent by that pontiff aa ft misstonaiy Into Irelan4> He converted* great many of the frith to Cbt istian* ky, and faundisd, in 41(3, (be Ar6hbisho|iritlc of Ar^nagh- He baa been jo4ly_ ealled (he A|)Os(le of the Irish, . and the Father of th« pitiprnian (phurch ; and hei^ it also esteemed the tutelar Saint of the eonntry. The works of St Patrick we**e published in Londoi in 16(6 Among the miracles of St. Patrick, li isretorded, tb^ lie deltvared Ireland from venromous reptiles, i^sUnred sight to (hi blind,:beallh to the sick, and raised nine dead persons to life. ^Ho was iniriad a( Dpwnpatrick, where his body was found In IfftS, i« a chnreh bearing bis name. The custom of wearing tbkiinrock, or 'M'/oU, on this day, arose, aeuiurding to some, frcnn St., fatrlek'a using a leaf of it. when expouudiitg (he doctrine of (he T|rinity« to »r«present the divisibility of the Divinity into three distliiet itarttf •nd;itp union in one stem- ^ F^FTH SnNDAY^ IN LENt^Ritet peculiar to orly used, In the Roman CathoUo chnrdh, on this da}', fvliiih was called JPoMfoil Sunday, heoause (bey began to advert to the passion ofCbHst. Inthenorth of Kugland tpcre are yet ioMVe remains of thesa .observances. Among otlietof th" old cer> o^nieSf soft beans were dislrjbutod (u a kind', of dole to dei^nle ^«s tnafon of grief ; but pea«r are now used in their fepasts of (bit 4«y> which is known by the name i^rmre or Mreing Sonday, ^gttifyiug a day of .of espedki caro or dovoUiinal atteutiun.~--At ! I tf ewarl(*iin«i« Ti*nl( mn9 (if lh« fain U 4#ii«mliitt» my arrWal ; Ind if, |[ie»itlfi (hfl public liolurifty of ibe fiirt, I bad nnt betsn an «v« wUiif>»(t 4\ tli«»M vehaoieiit «'ino|iiMia uf tympaihy, tilcndfd with aduiii^tioa, ,which it bad Ju»tly ekoitad in liia uiiiid of avary individaal at thi Cape* A violant gale nf wind iiHtlng In f^om 'tb« North Weal t ■ ve»!i«| in the ritt»iA draicged her anoliurt, wa« furcad iI|kiii tlie rockii. hii4 bilgi^d ; and whila tbr^graaltfr ^lart u| the crew lull an ini/nc>dirti« samitca to the Mravtot, the reinAiiidnr were te»n from tbe si)>*r« ItrUjCKiinK fortlieir lives, by oiinflfiiiK to didWrent piecfii of the HvreoK. The sea rin dreadl^iliy high, and broke over ibr sailori With luoh aiMKsing furj't that oo bu«t wbatavar would venture ur iu ilipir ascistaiioe. MeHnwhile a filanler oonsideraliljr advanced In iife, had corns from hit iann to tie a sptfotatur of the slii|>wreck ; his hftarl wai neitfd at the sight of the unhappy seamen ; but knowing the hoU ••nd eiiterftiriBiug aiUNt of )»i« Itorxe, and hit particular excelli'iics •t a Rwiiuiofe, b^ instantly determinpii to make i| (iiff<>rt '^for lbflirTifliv«rance,> He aliglvted, and blew a little brandy tntt tlie nostrils of his horse, when again seating hiuisvlf firm in his saddle, be intlanily rnolted into lb** midst <•( the breakers At (irst both dinaiipeared ; bur ii was not loftg bf fore they floated ujxia Iht aurlace, and fwam to tlie wreak ; when taking with hnn iwa Pi4*n, , eafib ol hJioqi held by one of bisi>outs, hebr(>ughi .iL^ui •afe to shote This |»«-riloM9 eiperimfcnt be re|)*>Mtcd no l*!>s liitta #«ven tiuses, and «aved f't fitrraidabli* wavr, be lo^t his balaucK, and Vraa over«»beln)«d In a miMDHnt Tu»* hurfe swaiit lafa to laodi but hie gfUMit rlde% ■alas! wasnoiaore. , • rOLEMO Wa* a y^ng man of Atbens» so diatiiigQisbed by bU f»> «#fies, that be wan tbf jiversiion of alt (be discrea|er part ot the ^ity. He led a life of ounlinued intf ro|>eranc« uiid diMipation.— Hi^days were given up to feusting and amusf meats, hi» nights la riot and, inofcicadun ^ He was ctiMtantly aurroiinded by • sal bf loose >uanx men, who imi<«ied and encouraged bis viewa; and when they bid totally drowned tlif Utile reason they pttsseM«rd,' in copitms draught» oi wine, they were aecuHtumed to tally oat} aod piaetiiievevieiy s|N!cie8 of atNHii-ditndrtoeniious frolic. One morn ipg they were tims wanderii^g about, after baring ^Jj^ot the night a« fmuei^ when th(>y beheld a great coiteourld of ^ 4^e 0/ (hoi anpt-^ifrimM ^tei..i. iiiiiiii ifi ii iKlMTiVr i mU!f i i i [r I t mrnut i il uudft/t** wkiuii nitre, hud comi k : his hoart Wftil fN»«r^« ttiat i*«i« Utftntng to th« HUoonnw nfn c^VSraff d phil<»«*. pHer nnmfd XEnorKATBii Tlii* (^rvxtKr |Mit of llti* youiiK {Ut% Whottill mniiifd H'iii[ti> a>*M«tt ol khnina, M'ltre lo ^»rii«*h wiib Mi* •)ir)«)(Rel«« Ihiit th**y lunifd «>ii«c ; r>ir bilhf'ilJ vT«4 or)M«ii>*(l,«Vill) 3o«Wrrt, hi* Mfi«; liiiiK it^glidC^lMly «• b>Hft hiin« nnd hit wh«>iplnidy wh* rf>*-kiiiK wMi |*"r?t(tn<*s : be- •it|kt niid luiiiiiikra were i>u<',h ai littU) •{Uiliaod l*iiu fut liioh * eiiiu tiMii nth crnAt <«v*rilf, ^tit tlie vi>n«?rMl*t(( pUilosuiihfr pr«VAiled uh»ii them n>it to luotfat Ihn Intruder, and mlHily C'*'tii'itK.d \m diito>iiir, whifh hnppeo. •d to tut u\mn tlin uiONiTV and adv AtiTAOa of TrMPKKANCB ! . k* he iirocot^dcd. h«f dffecnutfcd U|m1ii tlii« >iih|Rct with •»• much iaeift nnd elnqHeiice, that th»y'MiuK niAo twcamf* more eoio>ioi«td -and ai*er)tive« t^ it w^rA, in f|ii»ti4if hiin«i»lf lVei>«nily after, na 4he SM en grew Mill ni«vif aniniadfd - in his represHiiiNiiiui of ibe abvnii'rul slavery whieh>attr, tiiff ooutt- 4enance'of P>ilem • he^an to change, a'lU the ««|iieMion of it to ht aaflencd He cati hin nytn in in>Mirnliil »»l^iioe upon thn ground« jav if in deep rftp«ntBnc<> for hiii otvn cont«m|i)iblf) cotiduci. Still ■ Jhe |diUoAn;>hpr lnnrea'<»M'ee. over the minds of. b(s hrarers. He d ew the portrnit of anin^entiniH and modeat youug man, that ■ bail lieen bred up to virtHuuit toils and .uanly hnrdineaK ; he paint* •d him trinmiibant Anver all. bis paauonn, and train)i,tini; upon ha* m HI fears and weakneai. Should hih country b6 invMii4>d, you te% bin fly to it^ defence, and ready to pour forth nil fai» blood— raloi ll'id ooinp'iaed, he art|H»ars wiUi a Iffrihle beauty' In th^ front of d!tnger->-(he ornniaent and bulwark of biaouuiUry:—»l he thickest «i|UAdron4 are pei^etrat|>;d by his n;f>9tle»» valour, Bnd he jioiqtt the path of victory to hi« adu)irinjr followers! Sb«»uld be fiiU ii katil^, boiv gi Polepo- ieen>ed ll^bo transported witu a saered entbuaiaani ; bia eyi^ ^a«iied Are — bia aountcnauee (flowed with iBan|i|i indi^rnatiouv aitd the whole ei> presaion ol hia pKr^^on was changed Preaeoity, the philoaophtr, mb't bad lenaaiked IbAelTect'^of bisdisfr»ura«t, p«i>ktrd'in uo lesa |iewiu|t Clio ira th^life and and matmer^of an effMuinate ynnng- man i^UnliH^ipy youth I said he ; whit words shati I find equal t«. tby abaseijienl 7— Tiiou art th« reproaL'tf of thy |>areitt ---Ihe di*« frace of tby couMiry-— titf scorn. or pity of every geoeroufi heart 4 lo*/ ia uature dishonored mi thy fters •». and all her choicest gift! •bused ! That stren|;th which would have rendl^red thee thfe glory of thy city , and the tf rror of )ier foed, l-^ Haaely thrown away on lux- ury and iulem^^eraace ! Ihy^ yooUi Aad h«tt|i»ty are wf steiliu riot» ! ( ->*. (fc,":^ It 1^' ID- \ tad pwimfiirtly Hbfasted Ky dlscne ! Instead of the «ye bf (Ira, lh» ii«art of inlrephlity, the 8t«p of modest firraneM; a squalid {lalMias lift upa bldatnd corpulency enfeeble* thy Irnba, and preienta a picture of fauoiUn nature in ita most at;Je night ofiges, reeking with wine and odours, and crowned with flowers — (be only trophies of his warfan ; he hurries with tremb» ling steps across the city ; his voice, his gait, bis whole deport* nent, prociaicas the atiject slave of intemperance, and stamps in* flelibla Infadoy upon his name." While Xenoerates was thus discoursing, Poleme listened with flied attention : the former animation ot his countenance fave- way to a vijibia dejection ;-^presently his li|>s trrmbUd, and his .^beefcsgrew pale^ he was lost in melancholy reflection, and a si* font tear was observed to trickle down But when the pbllo$o« i>h«r described a character so like bis own, shame seemed t« take eniira pgssession of his soul, and rousing, as from a long and painful lethargy, he softly raised his hands to his lirad ana tore away the ehaplel of flowers, tbr* monuments of his effcmi* nacy and disgrace : be seemed content to compose bis dress into ^ more deoeut form, and wrapped his robe about bim that before ItujUE loaseiy waving with an air of studied effeminacy ntwbeu Xenoerates had finished kis discoarse, Polemo ap- proichad bim with all the bomility of conscious gnilt, and beggtd to becoiQa his pupn ; telling him that he bad that day gained the ■lust gtoritftis conquest that had ever been achieved by reason and fhilos<»phy, by insftiring with the love of virtuti a inind that bad itberto been plungH in folly and sensuaKty. XsnooRATSs embraced the young roan— encouraged bim ia auch a iaodabie design, and admit led kim among bis disciples.-- Norbadba ever reasoif to repent of his faeiiiiy, tor Poli^mo f r<»ill that huur abandoned all his former companiom and v/ices ; and by kis vncummon ardtfr for improvement, very soon became as eel* ebrsit«>.d for virtue and wisdoot as he had b«fure been for aver/ eoBtrary quality. mm m» t% bim in Iples.— noifttitt and by M eel* »r«verjp SIGNS OF A GOOD FAR WETl. Hti corn Innd is plou^hfid InMhe FmII— His hnll is fron tvrttta live yenrs did, and he work* hirn.— Ho always raises pi^'s from old aowi — He sttid< m ivla his work drive him. — Has a cooking stove, tnfh pleoty of pipe to it. — The wand lots he possesses are fenced. His sled is housed in summer, and hi% cait, ploughs, and wheel* 'barrow, winter and summer, wlien nut in use.-^Has as many yoke of good nxii-n aff he ha-s horses — Does nut teed his hogs whh whole grain. — Lights may be seen in his honse often before break of dajr in winter. — His lioj; pen is boarded inside and out. — Has plenty of weed>i and mud in hisyaid in the fall.- — All bis manure is carried out froin bis biiiidingx and farm yard twice in the year, and chip* dung once a year-— His cattle are almost all tied up in winter.-*- He begins to find out that manure put on land in a green stale is the most profitable. — -Raises thre^ times as many turnips and potulonis for Ms stock as he does for his family. — Has a good ladder raised against the r<»of uf his house. — Has more lamps in his hou-* than candlesticks. — Has a house to k)3ep ashes in, and an iron or tin ves- sel to take them up. — ^Has a large barn, and a small hou^e — Seldom has more fjiigs than cows.— Adjoining his hog pen he has a hole to put weeds and sods, and makes three loads of the be.st rtianure from every old hog, and two from every pig A. given. With horned bt>iists it agrees well, when thus prepared.; the straw, faav> ing imbibed (he juices nf tbeislover and the brine, is palatable and autritious to caiHe and sheep. Oat straw is the best, j[though any ether, good and sound, will answer,) for stacking with clover.-» Sotne iaruiers have slightly sailed buck wheat straw ; which has been fed proiiiaMy to store-catde and she»p. Those who exceed a ^eck of saU to a t^n of bay, have repeated ot iiieir •▼erweenini^ ■M "l :« deiire to do good- That sail isnot onlv a preserf ative of hay, bvt A wholfitoiiie condiment, in* iliftg and necessary to our domestio aiiiiufils, it proved by l(»tig eiperiMHee. , The wild animala of diiir forests Airiiish proofs in ahundaii.ee, by their instinctively frequent- {ng,fur liclcin;> and lapping at their pleasure, the salt found in the licks and snlt springs, which ar^ henignaiitly afforded to Ihenii^ whilst they roam unmolested through our uDsetlled country. '' „ ' A METHOD OF EXTRACTING THE JUICE OF THE SUGARMAPLE, For the Making of Sugar, without Injuting the Tree, It has heen tustnmary to cut a gash in the tiee, from whi^h th* saccharine liquor flows, or to bore a hole, and put in a reed ; ands when the liquor ceases to flow, plugging up the bole. , Both these methods are injurious, and tend to destroy the tree. In the latter ease, the tree rots under the plug to some distance within The followfhg mpthud is profiosed in lieu of these, and has heen success* Jaliy {iraUispd, in Kentucky. At the proper reasons for the running of the liquid, open the ground and selent a tender root, about the siee of oneor two Angers; cot otf the etid, and raise the root Buf> ftciently out of the ground lo turn the cut end. into the receiver.— It will emit tife liquor from the woued as freely as by either of the othpr methods. When ii ceases to floWi bury the toot again, an4 %e trea will not be hurt. SOWING WHEAT. » tun practice of sowing wheat on a clover sod, with one pTongh iiig, ha» been much recommended both in England and the Utiiie4 Slates, as bring attended with complete success in raising goo4 ert»p», and also Improving the lands; but some farmers, in trying tbe fiperiment, have failed attO|;ether, by ploughing too shallow, by which the grass and weeds, g'-tling ahead, choaked out the wheal. — Let not this t>e a diseouratrement ; tiel rather try it again ki H proper mar ner. Turn down the sod. whether it be clover, ti* nothy, or herd grass,,wcth a good |Tiouf(h, and a strong teaaoi, to deep, as completely to prevent their growing, to t\ut injury ol the erop. The ile'd may he broken U|> in the t^ighth month ; the aaa- ■ore spreae well e«> Terad. / * CARROTS. ChufsibXRiRe hew nuch is said in England -in feVofii' of raising (Murelai H ia serprisiug that the eoeatry (ai-mers do not |«y mere \„— .^.„ y^*V»..... > ^7' ^— V 15 iAt0ntion,1o this branch nf bustiMsi. Tl»e Bnielish farMtrt itai^ thni Carrots ar» not only gbAd for fpfiding cattle anf^hnn, hut they av,er (>usitively,llint Carrots boiled are the bfst food yet known for fattening hogs : and aho, that pork ran be m^de wilb thi>ini :with l«(A etpence, than with any other food. I liave hut little ex* rrience ia raising the'ni ; I, however, fiate th« fullowiug, hoping ivill he of some benefit. In the year 18 15| I sowed a small piece of <;arrots, aboni tb« •ichth part of an acre. After firstly ploughing the land, I harrovr- eain the carmt seedt just as 1 would wheat or oatf . The soil was very tavourable tor them ; it was a deep 8§,ndy loam, without anr hard pan ; had been well dnnged the spring before, planted wits . Indian corn, andthe weeds thoroughly subdued- I'found when the %arrnts cme up, that I had not soined more than one eighth part as much seed as Inught to have don* ; the cttrrots were very thmt r, however.had a fine crop. The carrots were ofa prodigious siztt and length ; one nf them, in consequence ofa small bet that was made upon the length of it, was aocbrately measured^and found to be three feet two inches, eictusive of the tr>ps. These carrots were principally fed out to milch cows. They make a great quantity of milk, «Qd of a superior quality. I had not then read the English accouiits of their being good for fatting pork, From what little. I have experienced of raising carrots, 1 do not hesitate to say, that fiftpen hundred bushels may be raided on one acre of land of a suit- able quality for them rand properly prepired. wflntertcon Farmers PUMPKINS. Br attending to the following directions, these excellent vegetal Bles may be preserved much longer than usual Cut the vine, about four inchtis from the pumpkin, wipe thein» and load them in carts, without bruising. Store them aw/iy in cel- lars, dry pits, orihs, or huts; or in heaps, after the manner of tur- nips or potatoes, surrounded with straw and earth ; or in any place where the fro»t wiH not reach them. Observe to use those first that are likely to decay sooaest. ^ FALL PLOUGHING. Iv our last Almanack, this practice is recommended, as it highly merits One great advantage attending it, in preventing th« rava* ges of the corn grubs, by exposing the egg"* ot their paren' ur par- ent", is mentioned. The result of numerous inquiries, made since our publication) is decisively favourable to the fact adduired, mt're- ly as one iifcitemeni to this benpficial operation But thrre are so natny and so various opinions on the subject of the parent of the Gruby that the writer of that article has suspended nny nomvusive judgment concerning it. It is now helieveil by several inleilicent entoinoio^rists, (hat the parentk efthe gruba are M9th» o( diffetieni ipeoies of the gentMnodua» IMBB *!■■ ■ ... * Tbiii foin«nHbnrd with the ▼i<>w to pn>T«iit mfotaket u (<» lb«- •lasK of lu&ecl* (Voin whit b lh« grub spiings, op4>rattni; un thefiiot of tl«betog d«>stroye{], nrrenJered liarBnle»s, hy fall plouj<;Iilng ; h0 Its p8r»-nt what it may In sonie lu»lamea« fMll ploughing ha» nOl Wen fuDy ^ucveesfnl ; hut, in generalt it has answcl'ed pvrry px> |ievtAtioD on tbifl puint ; and never fails, (when poi formed JMdi«:i« •iisly, iind in proper season.) fo be otherwise indisputably hene£» •IhI. i^orieing pn caus^t> oft»;n ipduti«ii h;creduliiy as lo practi- ^•al results and leads astray the minds of those to wl)om^cl« are lOore iaiporlant than are 'the most inueniitus theories Aitd, iiv^his case, the fact of fail-ploughed fields e:>raping injuries from the grub, Whilst those spring ploufihed have been ruinously injured or das* iroyed, is established by multitude» uf positive proofs So far as vmhs are concerned, arguments against the ntility of fell-ploughing are adduced by some farmery, who view onlv (heir ^ present ronvenienee. These replileii are said to be enticed from ' Ihe corn plant by th^ worthless and misc bievous vegetatioiii left on hafkit; when only a few furrows are ploughed foi the purpose oC phintHig This is called lUliYig ; and it is ihie that suchj-eprehen* sihie practice often answers the temporary purpose; but it is ad Irne that it not seldom fail:^ Buckwheat, anr) even succulent coarse a;ra>-'es and weeds, ^sorrel among others,) will invittt the grubs vvm the corn, fur which they do not shew an nnalterable predelic* lion. But the pestiferous covers of the«e balks remHin, touain strength and vigor loo f^vveiful for late ploughing to conquer y and Ihns.the fijild is left with unsubdued foes to injure future crops.— flood and timely (ilougbhig is the fcundation of good husbandry ; and this indispensable operation rnnnot be well and suffiriently ac- toinplinhed in the practice of tialing. If it serves a turo, (like ai|> paiiativesj it leaves cur8**s behind it. instead if the blessings atteu* dant un the praineworthy mUure of those who consider corn iiuile as valuable, as a cleaning rrup for the destruction of weeds and o- ther pests, as it is frtr tbe imiQediate advantages it affixds in itst-if. A very intelliget.t, large southern farmer, among the t'^w from whoDi accounts of Ihr failure of tall- ploughing in destroying grubs, fcave been heard, replanted after Jbe deparure of inepe veinnin. — His crop Was so wonderluliy forwarded by the eflV^cIs of his faiU )t)us:hing, that he has as good corn as if no injury had occurred to is fir>t planting.^ He has become, from a doubter, a decided con*^ ert to the fall ploughing system, indepeodei^tly of any regard to iU op«ratiua ou the grub. *^* USEFUL RECEIPTS. TO MAKE AND PJ^CESERVE YEAST. To Malce it —Boil a handful of hon« in three pints of water, thres erfonr minntes. The water must noil when the hi>|t8 are put in. Strain the liquor, and llien tkleken it with flcur le the ooD&iiteDce MH iMMMl mm . 17; ^ ' . . . ptHflt^i Ifi it »f«ni while liitliSn corn as «\ ill make it atiti' enough li'' l>a rolird' thill ; llien. inimt.dialfly, ard bftore it rise» a s'-cniid time, ritll it- aqd nilh a !«» fup or w'xue g hs.>^, cut it into cnkes. and dry ttiein ill tfie shade, in an airy ronm, >or in any otbrr g4ii>d place. Turn the m thief or f(»iir tiim's in thf day : alia moititure. On«> of \\\*-*e cakes, ruaked ahout \b minutes io cold wateri nrMI be aufficieut for tMo good sizvd luavea. HKTHOD or IfAKlKQ GOOD Bh|^V. AT ABOUT HALF THX COMM09 It ha» h«on lont» known, that hrt- ad may be made from fntatneS} bat Ht«> method i^f inakiiiG; froodiread (roni (hem hasiemainid a se« •ret ^vith many. Believing that the information oiay prove of im* ^.porlance (o all. we give it an iiitierlion. I^Oit the potatoes nn| quite so soft a? common; then turn the wa- ter our^Biid let them hang over the Rre and dry a short unie; Ihea petti thi^m while they ar^ hot, and pound tliem as 6ne as poHsihle ; then take a «mall qnanthy of penrl ash, which alioSld he added t« new yeast, tvhich in working biihkly : add the potatoes to these in« gredientA, and Jcnead them tu^e.ther ; then aid as mtir' -ye meal,- or flour as you can possibly work in — ihif whole shuuiv; be pound* •d tugfther with a pesite, or something of the kind — no water to be added at^any time. After the dough is thuA prepared, let it stand an hour and a half, or two hours, before it is put in^o the oven- It --hould be baked on the hearth of th^oven Be i artieular in fol* lowing these directions, and you may niake as enod bread as cnn l»e made fi^m the best ryo and Indian uieal ; indeed many give it the preference It does not require quite so long time to bake as Dm common brown bread. *. AN ■xcxtz.r.NT rxceipt for cnaiNo hams xvvuzzr. Take t> lbs of coarse salt, , ' 2 lbs. of brown sugar, 2 oz of saltjietre, -' 4 (iHllofis of water -- . Boil the pickle, and skin it well Put orcr the meat- when col^ and let it remain in the pickle about eight or uina weeks ; for beeC not so long in fiickte. 9AST hkthoi) ot prksbrviiig nrtAT in thk covntrt, foRAriw DAVS, WITHOUT SALT AND WITHOITt IGB. Pct the ifieat into the water running from,a spring. It will «}fih» Examine it dnilvv-^VVhen it begins to ri.il«d or roasted.: M«at may be preserved tn thta fflftniier three er Sow days ifl suinmftr time, frfie from taint The outside w4ll ap.J £eai- iiompwIiAl whilf ned« hut thn flavour U not injured It would f e advisal>le to bavn a boi or tub, with a cover, into and out of | which the water shali have free passage, which may be put either Inside or outside of thu spring house. . Prom the French " Annates dei Artt Mtd munufadwet.** A VKW HBTBOD OF PRJCSXRVING WOOD FROM THE EFFECTS OF THC WXATHERt Take three parts of air-flaclced iipse, two parts of wood afshes, and one part ot fine sand : sift the whole, and add as much linseed oil as is neeessary to forfl a mass that can he laid on wiiira paint hruAt' To make this mixture perfiDi and more durable, it wil^ be well to grind it od a marble TWo osats are all that are necessary ; the first should he rather light, but the second most be pot on as thick as the brush will permit. This coniposition, well prepared^ is iBpeuetrabla to water ; resists both the influence of the weather, and the action of the sun, which hardens it and makes it more du. ASORTIOir, BOW TO PREVENT IT VS 00 W9. A prartical farmer, who is in the constant habit of observing his %ows, will perceive when there is a tendency to abortion, some* times three weeks before it lakes place. When it is discovered, and dors not take place from violence, four or five ounces of aU am, given in coTd wa^er, once a fortnight, for four:;wftve times, ^for it may be giv«>n at an early staee of gestation) Ww'ifibeck the disease The alum must be given to ttie whole dairy, (if dry at the time) when there is a rational fear that the cows may cast their •alves ; but the good effects depend imtireiy on the repetition of the doM. BOTTS IW flORSES. No disease kills more horses than those insects, which are the produce'of a small winged tniient, like a bee, that lays its egt^'s in the hairs of horses, chiefly on the. main, ned*, T^^i legs, dnrini; the fall months, wltile suspended by the actic:^ ot its wings. These cggx or nils are taken into the horse's s'omach, either by their dropping on the grass, when the anfmal sheds his coat, or by their mhbing the part to whicli they are attached, with th«ir lips, while food is in tlieir months, or by biting it The iHiirs, with the nil^ oh them, stick to the lips, and are Hwallowed with the food. Whm in the stomach, they increase by absorption, and remain until they •ttacl|;.tbemse1ve8 to the white coar of the stomach, by means of two lirMiks, between which a slit or fissure is seen ; this is the mouth 0fthe#l>va The' way ta prevent- 1 hem from entering the body of the horse, b >tb keep hiaa wel|»^(irried, and not to permit a nk to remain on U» 1^ hoAj' Hi* qraiHovM of both are reitlenncM, tarning their h*adi to (b«ir flidet, often ehatiKiiig posture, rubbing ttuir tails againit the «ide8 of ihe liable or the stall. Remedy .- — Tii^ u|< tbe horse, ior twelve hours, to the stable, without food ; then give hiov a quart of milk, sMeelrAed with molasties, with which tb« wormo will fill themselves ; then give an hundred and twenty grains of calomel^ at night, and next morning work it off by the following :— AIoai« in fine powder, one ounce ; Ginger, in powder, hnlf an ounce; oU I of anniseeds, sixty drops ; molHsses, enough to makn (he whole in- t 4o one or mure halls Let thu horse fast an hour, after taking the I above dose *, and give him milk warm y-ater during tlie day Re- ' ' peat the fbregoiug dose in a few cjays, and kill the grubs that eome #woy. '•':''^/.- TO CmiE BRONXEllinESS. ScRAPK the pith of a cabbag# slump, aud squeeze one spoonful of the juile through a cloth ; orf if stumps are not on hand pound the leaves of cabbage, procure the juice, and give it inwardly.-— this madiciae is harmless, and always effabtual. TLASTBR TOR TUB KHEVMATISM. Boil, hemlock boughs till you procure a thick subsfance like far; noil equal quantities of this extract, and white pine turpentine; thept^ \v honrc «ft«rUU mHtie ', and as soon astlin»pon!!«*(thH iniKluieof die coin- nasi) inn with thA flour) begins to fail lb« firat timei the bread ihouil li^ade and |)at ia (lie oven. » DCTCH liCTBOD Or rRKPAniKG G008B ((ITILLI fOK WRIHlfS. Thk priie^a cannists in immersing ih** quillt vvhf>n (il»icl(t.d frnni Ihn iviiii^nf the bird, into WHter almost liuilhig.; lo l*tiive it^lhfia till it bf^cnme!) audicieiitly snft to C'>io|>res8 it, turning it on its mi* U M'ith (be liRok of (be Ijladf t.)f t.i& liRite. This kind of friclloi^, ng well as the immersions in watnr, hf in^ continued until tho ban el of the qiiill becomes transiiarenl, and the infmbranft, a^ well as the greasy bind of covering, be entirely removedr i) ia iniinnrsed a last ti-:>n, to render ii i>erfectlT cylindrical, whinli i« |>er(orm«d with the IkidM finger and tbe tbdub ; it is theii^ried iu a geulle temperature. TO MAKC SI.OCR WIITI. To n!n« gallons of WMter, put (hree fiet ks of blaek elder-berriet, iboil them f >r half an b»ur ; (b<^n strain the Ii luor into • tub: dis- solve two pitunds of niKple sugar to each gallon of liquor; wbeii it it eold, pul. half a cupful of yeast on a toast made of bread ; If yeast cannot be procure^ put intuthe li(|uor a cupful of milk.-~> fVhen it is vurkiiig, skim eflftiia froth an it rises: after it ban dod6 ilrorking, put it into a caak, tVhere it will riM»to (he bung hole — Th«t it may wuil. over when i( is done hissing, pat one tjaart of S|ii>it4, four ounces of ginger, and four oi allspice ; (btj^t may b« bunged up«>-'rii s vHiie is bottled off in March; ^l|(Ps^''''^''7 warmed to drink iu tbe winter, and is very fine io ariMTMi iu tlie (Kimmer* TQ KAKT KA&PBEKkr'Wlini. Otu gallon of raspberry juice to one gallon of ram or gin. ft is '•weetl^ned t«y thetaMe Of those who niHke it Should it uot fiaO) IMit a little milk to it, aud it will fiue down. tflK%Am WIITE — KKD Airn WHITK. To maHvune t[atlotu — SifHecze three pecks nf currant!* and one cation of rasfil)<^rrie8 ; w»sh them, end squeeze the fruit ; put tlm 'liqiiO''^ into a barrel thrtt contaiiiH nine galjon!) ; fill it near the bung' "bole witti eOld water ; dismtlve t«o pound)* nf maple suitario eacb gallon «if -liquor When it has done u'ofking, put two quar(<) ^ I andy or spirits— it will he better fur the branjl,v. Put a quarter •f a )i»nndt)f 8W«>e(, and a queiter nf a pound of bi((er almnndt. Xet thein be btanctteJ and bruised ; thm pat (bem^n(o (he caNfc. «nd buug it up -^K will be fit to driuk in JaawttrVf wbett H ibutfWi be 4H»til«i oi rrducfd spirits Pt-finfil Ku^nr, nlU •p4v»*n(iginc*r, iDe1>oiltid« anti (h«^ w inc in Mveetpned to ttx ra* |it(f Ltlito* boltled off, and in thrt-e montha it witi be fit to iritok. — > TO cvitE A vri.oir. ' Mii' ftniKc^iii weak lye once in three ur lour honra. After tti« . w«l« llnK br»ak»i apply another poultice, ma'fe of two psils cream and one part of kufr uap ; hail the rrrani and soap tand thick- Ott M itb t»beat Aour till it U of sbitable coniiiirtf iiee. CmL LIST or UPVKK CANADA. PRESENT LlEUTEN.'iyT GOVEBNOR. . RIs'Cxof tiency Aif|«ir General SaBTKKEORiNr^A/l 4iTLAifi>> Knifht Coinmanderof the MnM HosurAble Military G^dl^rul the BMh, Knighi of tbe RuMinji Order ot St. Qeorgr, and* of the Order of ft^iirinro in ttfe Netherlands. Jw^ku. &ic. . .,M|^< - Jl&mbef$ of LegiitcUtve Cmneil. - • The Hon. W. D Pqwki.I'- Chkf JusHee, Sp«Af«ii, The Bi);lit Ht>h. ftev«JACi B, LoRfi Bmi< p of QciejiEOr The Hon. Gkoftoc C'RivoKiiAifKi '& Rev^ J. Stracham, D.>. Am0i;» MACKiai^tsQ, PdrcaU rjujmoir, '^ GK( >R6C ft;. IVlAiUEIiAlfV) P*v-'fe" Tbb Hok Th ma* Sc'iTT, Jamks ^abt,: J.^u Vf'Giix, * .Vj TaiiA- TALBrvi> ^ ' IVlCLIAJi <'LA1»i TauifA ()LARk» ^e itev WiLUAM iW:A0ACi.Ay, -CAepMnt . " ; . "> "*^' fe';;;. R ,-C^ * » I I a .•■•< . kotSE ^F ASSEMBLY jfffD OFFtCEJtS, Tm Hon. tevms P. SHERWOOD, Spkakbk. MEMMM. '/•-^ BAbf , PranvU, ; B«i Middlviei, JMiUdtes^Si '■'■,■ '* . LahnM & Addlngton, Haltnii/ Lincoln, 1«l ttiding, Lennox h AddiagtiMi Halt^H) Grenyillff Ktnt, MEIIOBlfCK. i— ,-1 > jrobM,Cbwrl|| JoH^f, J^ni K«rr,W.J. :• ]^oiigbnatt,Fi^. fan M«Coraiek, Wa. ' J!HcDoi|)|iL Alaxaknder McLaaii, AltftQ Melieati, Archibald V AfoMaHiQ, Alexander ^ Morris, WHIiaoi ifisbc^, Rofeart, PaUi«, i)airia ^ i>0t(i;rsoo, Faul Randttii, Robert Robin»on,^JiC(ba B. Ro|^ins«ii, Pe«M^ V Ro^ejtt, D; KipGwNgor Kuttdid; Henry ^ Town df Ernfiton, War«tivoHb, Lincf>!R, 3a Itidingf. Oxford, Leedi, Gi%H%ille, Liu^oln, 2d Riding, Storiaenti > Essex, Glenfarjr, FrootRnaC} Stormont, r Glengary) Carltooi Sandwich, Vluorlt,, I'wr Talbot, Adolpbnaiow*, Neison, St. Caiberiaeif Bith, Dui|da0, Presents • Ambersfburgbi >■ Norfollc^ 1^ StaoifbNt, rt /'-v, Shavf jTi^Petef •'''. Siif evoed, L. P/ Wabb, rrauojs I.. lVbUC|ReHbe«^ PCe^cotiltRaiMll, Prinit^ Edward, Lincdia, ith Riding, Town of York, York and 9ii»do((, Norlb«)tubefianj, iXbrthumberiand/ ') DH^dtWi HmUb^i Kingston, MaflfiUton, Qiieenstuiii Biiifordi Brackvil Elrookvil Waterford,^ Cornwall^ Antheritburfb; York, Kingsteo. • Coniwall, Cor<)wa(l, c Penh, Hawkeikburf, HaUnweil, Queenstoa, York, Newmarket, HiKldioMtHl, Ualdiiil«Bd» • -'-4' , ■ -■.-• Matildn. BrockViltf) IC^torfii, &j".^ 4 f' HOBNCK. ^t^ ,.4,: ^ -'-rX^-lk-'-' ■•' ■^ --■"iw ts , i ■ '" vr.MfeKlis. 1||)%WUAT PLiCB. RKSIDBRCft. Wilmot. Samuel S, Witfloti, Jiviet Di»rli8ni, Weill won Prince Euward, 'I |Clfirk«, IGriinhby, iHaltowerti ^ ],, Grant PuweH, E9<)ttir«, — Cletk. ; The Rev Oobrrt Addison,-;- C/flir Ji«;)«r, .''>. .. #•'■ UEMBEnS OF THE EXECUTIVfl COUNCIL. Tlie Hon. William Duaim«r Poirelij, rtiief Jm(\ct,'^ChajviMm. {TheRight Rev,J|aj(|jBb> Lord Biibop of Quehoe, ,t< The Hon. Jamas B»hy,.'\ ;, The Uoti, k Rev. Dr. J. Slraohaiii ■ s* SiiliUel iitDitb, William Claas. , J »hjB Small, Esquire, C/ef/co/fAe CowirtV. ^ John Belkie, vEtquiie, JQ/tputy Clerk of the CounctitS t - is^lfaof rjgr* ^ «'^**>» %^«««' m^^' Hugh Carfiae,-r-i>oo».K(ff;)?r cnrf Jlft* «*^>*^ ■'?;■ i« regular Land Cour^l Ddyt for tJuyeaf 1924 fun, ^ January ^^Febrnary, Maixk fc^ ■ ilay -■■;.? , Jude 7 «odv21 4 and 18 3 and 17 7 and 21 '5 ond 19^ 2 and 16 Jf JTuijr August Sf^pfember Ontobair ■ November D^c^ubff *■■ 7 and m 4 and W 1 and )5 and 20 »an«rif laodlf .p. »^ ;V*,! :i iTpper Canada has at present Jl t)i.4(ricf»; {i4Coonfie»j- 280 .-...:.. i.i_ _ J -.e«. /.Ar.t^K-u !.-_.. '^jjijg |^^gj,ji^ ealoulation^ '^ . .,,._..., _ jif 30,000 strong. ' ; ; 'For fnilj^tfr pnHhHJi Ian iresipefr tin^ ther^pfest iintl present irtatt i»^k tb* Country, andfor a d«-taUiBd a«euuDt of il»1resoiirces> and elrery iDiniitae respPclinK il, the readar is referred to the ." Y(ms Avtik-' 1824.- mUm:^ '■ . A : • ^ .^ . ■■ - /i l-E i:„4t&4,>r,K -♦ 1 ^^l^MlAlljWiMi^|'i^'■'^*^''^' --^ '' L' ^ «|^| Qi^ i 6 /» ^ % LO « »* ^ A ,0/^0*0 (It ;, a « 1ft I tt # r^'o i 1 ,ar 0. <^* * 0*«C0 A » •n ^ 2*^(1 I * t Q J ^ Ik 8/l O J 1 4 f 2 8 Q I *♦ 7 ?% i « 3 1 » 2 2 10 I Q 2 ^0^ 2 2 Of 3 a r M '^». '9 2f#2 4 9{ j» 10 as 8 VI 1 jfl 01 3 8 '' 1(1 ^^ ^ an V) oj n* 8 »4(' AT 1 * oJ.« 4.. (|l .*'<>, I. So 60 «•"* '# .0>W 6 © a^^ fl W2 n '•*Jfc^058 4 r4 «,#- «» o a 00 &! 0. a 4> o IS om 4'-<» 2 8 2 i4 »o J ;■:-. ri«*u. --,■■■ .■;.■■.•■' i^ ^ ^ 4*- 4"^- iL .5"- -i.* '•" I'^'.-'-r.^n: ■v, <■ V 'hfi v.;!! *i' ST* > - t » % [f It, r M V*. r s n f I * *• "..<•• *■ ■ .. :«j ^*» ■'S-- b^ S-