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Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: Lee cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmte A dee taux de reduction diff fronts. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. il est film* A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images n^essaire. Lea diagrammes suivants illustrent la mitbode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 * 4 5 6 8UPERVI8INQ EXPERTS. MILK COMMISSION Duncan McEachran, D.V.S. OF Chief Inspector (^ the _ DepLofAgricuuur.. (jjjg HDotttrcal f■^e^tco*(Ebiruroical Society. R. F. RUTTAN, M.D., Consulting Anatyst to the , ^ ^ Provincial Board of Health. Sir, Following a plan which has succeeded admirably in securing a pure milk supply in many American Cities, the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Montreal has established a Milk Commission, affording to those milkmen who are wishful to fulfil the modern requiremeuts of sanitation in connection with their dairies and milk delivery, an opportunity to keep the members of the medical profession and the public generally informed as to the quality of milk supplied and the results obtained by the employment of due care, as laid down by the rules of this Society. To this end, it has been decided to establish a system of registration, the Society placing upon its register all those milk dealers complying with its regulations, and who are willing to pay their share of the cost of such supervision as the Society may deem necessary. Those upon the register of the Society shall be permitted to freely announce the fact that they are so registered, as long as they continue to conform to the rules and regulations of the Society, of which a general outline is given on the reverse side of this sheet. The fee for registration will of necessity vary, according to the extent of the business and the extent of supervision found necessary, there being no desire on the part of the Society to make a profit out of the supervision, its object being simply to ensure a thorough supervision and to remunerate the necessary active officials. The supervision will include chemical and bacteriological examination and veterinary inspection, for which a definite scale of fees will be established. For details, please address, J. -Allan Williams, M.D., Secretary to the Commission, 385 St. Antoine Street, City. I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, J. Q. ADAMt, M.A., M.D., Prtsident, Montreal Afedico-Chirurgical Society. P. T. O. SUPERVISION. The general scope of the supervision will include means necessary to ensure : — 1. The sanitary control of the dairy animals (including veterinary inspection and tuberculin test. ) , 2. The proper construction of the buildings at the farm and depots for the distribution of milk. o. That the staff is free from infectious disease. ' ' 4. That there is a due supply of the proper apparatus for preserving the milk and cleansing the utensils. 5. That, where this is required by the conditions under which the business is carried on, or by the distance of the farms from Montreal, there be arrangements for Pasteurisation of the milk. 6. That the quality of the milk, both bacteriologically and chemically is maintained at the standard required by the Society, and that chemical preservatives have not been employed. Information as to the result of analysis will be furnislied to regis- tered milkmen concerning their supply, to members of the Society concerning any supply, and thirdly as regards the milk used by them, to individual members of the general public who pay an annual sub- scription. If fuller information is desired we will be glad to furnish you with the same, * and with copies of rules and instructions, as also with a copy of the contract provided for by the Society. * In order that the Coinraissiou may afford you. an afLproxiuiate estimate of cost of supervision it will be necessary for us to have from you a stytement with regard to the following points : — (a) Amount of milk delivered per diem. fbj Source or sources from which milk is obtained. (c) Methods of delivery, in bulk, bottles, or both.