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C A T A L O G U E , &c. ^ -4 HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND BIOGRAPHY. 1 Abipoiies, Account of the '2 Adams's Universal History, 3 Adolphus's History of England, from Ac- cession of George HI. to 1783, 4 Adolphus's Memoirs of the French Rev(j- hition, 5 Adventures of a French Serjeant, 6 Adventures of a Killeman, 7 Aikins' Geographical Delineations, 8 Aikins' General Biography, 9 Aikins' Memoirs of James the First, 10 Aikins' Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 1 1 Alison's History of Europe, 12 Alve's Sketches of the History of Literature, 13 Alwood's Antiquities of Greece, 14 Ancient Terra Cottas in tlie British Museum, 13 AndoT son's History of France, B VOLS. SIZKS. 3 8vo. 3 8vo. 3 8vo. V' i 2 8vo. I 12mo 1 12mo 2 8vo. 10 4to. Aid 8vo. 2 8vo. 8 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 4to. 1 4to. o 4to. 10 MONTREAL LIBRARY. 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I 8v(). i 12mo. 1 4to. ) 8vo. 4to. 8vo. 8vo. folio. 4to. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. 8v(). 8vo. 8vo 4$ Biographia Britannica, by Kippis, 46 Biographia Navalis, by Charnock, 47 Biographical Anecdotes, 48 Biography, Modern, of French Revolution ary Characters, 49 Blackwell's Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, 3 50 Blair's Chronology, 51 Bland's Greek Anthology, .52 Blaquire's Greek Revolution, .53 Bonaparte's Consulate and Empire, 54 Boone's Essay on History, 55 Bossuet's Universal History, 56 Boswell's Life of Johnson, 57 Bower's History of the Popes, 58 Brady's Clavis Calendaria, 59 Brand's Popular Antiquities, 60 Britain, History of, by Hollinshed, 61 British Senate, Recollections of, 62 Brook's Gazetteer, 63 Brook's Historv of St. Helena, ()4 Bruce and Wallace, by Barboul, 65 Buchanan's Researches 'n Asia, 66 Buchanan's History of Scotland, 67 Buffon's Natural History, (iS Buffon's Natural History o^ Birds, 69 Burnett's History of his own Times, 70 Busby's History of Music, 71 Camden's Britannica, 72 Campaigns of Bonaparte in Italy, 1796, 73 Campaign in Navarre c'vr the Basque Provinces, 2 74 Campaign of SuwarolV, 1792, o folio. 5 8vo. 3 8vo. 3 8vo. 3 4to. 1 folio I 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 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VOLS. aizr.f. 3 8vo. 1 4to. 4 4to. 1 8vo. 1 4to. 1 8vo. 12 8vo. o 4t(). 1 8vo. 1 4to. 3 12mo 12 8vo. 4 4to. 6 8vo. 1 4to. 2 8vo. 4 8vo. 2 4to. 1 8vo. 1 4to. 1 8vo. I 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. I 8vo. 1 4to. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. !' 4 HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, AND RIOGRAPHY. lo 157 Guthcrlo's Goography, 1.58 Gut/laff's China, 159 Hale's Chronology, IGO Hallam's Middle Ages, 161 Halliburton's Nova-Scotia, 162 Hamilton's Life of Agrippa. 163 Hamilton's /Ti^gyptiaca, 164 Hasting's Memoirs of India, 165 Hawkins's Ottoman Empire, 166 Haylcy's Life of Cowper, 167 Hcnrv's History of Great Britain, 168 Henshall's History of Kent, 169 Heron's Extracts of Nat. 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Do Kock, 2 Gossips' Story, 2 Governess, 2 Grandison, by Richardson, 7 Guards, by Colonel M'Donough, 2 SIZES, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo 8vo. 8vo. k NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, &c. 67 1634 Gustavus Vasa, 1635 Hajhi Baba of Ispahan, 1636 Hajhi Baba in England, 1637 Happiness, 1638 Harrington & Ormon{l,byMiss Edgeworth, 1639 Harry Lorrcqucr, 1640 Hartiy House, 1641 Hawks of Hawk Hollow, 1642 Heidenmaur, by Cooper, 1643 Heiress of Bruges, by Grattan, 1644 Heiress, by Ellen Pickering, 1645 Helen, by Miss Edgeworth, 1646 Helen, by Hirst, 1647 Helen of Glenross, 1648 Henii Quatre, 1649 Henrietta Temple, by Disraeli, 1650 Henry (iuise, 1651 Ilenrv Masterton, bv .lames, 1652 Henry Wiljoughby, 1653 Herbert I^acy, by Leister, 1654 Hermit in London, by Col. M'Donnough, 1655 Hermit's Cave, bv Wentworth, 1656 Hermspronfi, 1657 He would be a Peer, 165S Highlanders, by Col. M'Donnogh, 1659 Highland Smugglers, by Eraser, 1660 Iligli Life, 1661 Ili'diwavs and Bve-wavs, by Grattan. 1662 Honu'ward Boiuul, by Cooper, 1()63 Home as Found, by Cooper, 1664 Honor O'Hara. bv Miss Porter. OLt. gIZ(8. 2 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 3 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. o 8vo. 4 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 8vo. 1 8vo. 8vo. o 8vo. 3 8vo. 4 8vo. 3 Kvo. Svo. 1 Svo. 1 8vo. 2 Svo. o Svo. 2 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. I" I, ■■ li li 68 MONTREAL LIBRARY. 1665 Horace Vernon, 1666 Hours of Hesitation, 1667 Howard, by Gamble, 1668 Iliigenots, by James, 1669 Hugli Trevor, by Holcroft, 1670 Human Beings, by Latham, 1671 Humphrey Clinker, by SmoUet, 1672 Huncliback, by Victor Hugo, 1673 Hurili.s, the Destroyer, 1674 Husband Hunter, 1673 Illusions of Sentiment, 1676 Illustrations of Lying, by Mrs. Opie, 1677 Independence, by Gabrielll, 137S Inlidel, by Dr, Bird, 1679 Infidel Father, 1680 Inheritance, 1681 Inklings of Adventure, by Willis, 1662 Insurgents, 1683 Irish Trails of Character, by Mrs. Hal!, 1 1 684 Isabel of Sicily, by Tuckerman, 1 1685 Ivan Krjhan, by Bulgarin 2 1()S6 .lack Brag, by Theodore Hook, I 1687 Jack Ketch, 1 I68S Jack Sheppard, by Ainsworth, I 1689 Jacob Faltiiful, by Cant. Marryatt, 3 1690 Jaccpieline of Holland, by Grattan, I 1691 James, the Fatalist, by Diderot, 3 1692 Jane Lomax, 1 1693 Japhet in search of a Father, by Capt. Marryatt, I 1694 Jcrcmv Levis, 2 VOM. 1 3 2 1 6 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 4 <•> 2 •> 2 iizm; 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Svo. 8vo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. lit NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, &r. 69 .-0L3. SHE. 1695 Joanna of Sicily, 1696 Julia of England, by Mrs. Norris, 1697 Julia de Kubigno, by M'Kenzie, 1698 Justina, 1699 Kate Bouverie, by Mrs. Norton, 1700 Kentuckian in New York, 1701 King's Highway, by James, 1702 King's Own, by Capt. Marryatt, 1703 King of the Peak, as " Cavalier," 1704 Koningsmarke, by Paulding, 1705 Kuzzilbash, by Fraser, 1706 Labyrinth of Corcira, by Graglia, 1707 Lady Jane Grey, by Thomas Miller, 1708 Lady of the Manor, by Mrs. Sherwood, 1709 Lafitte, 1710 Lake of Windermere, 1711 Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, by Captain Glasscock, 1712 Last Man, by Mrs. Shelly, 1713 Last of the Lairds, by Gait, 1714 Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper, 1715 Last Days of Pompeii, by IJulwer, 1716 Lawrie Todd, by (ialt, 1717 Legendary, by N. P. Willis, 1718 Legends of Ireland, by Lover, 1719 Legends of Scotland, by M'Chronicle, 1720 Leila, by Dulwer, 1721 Leonard and Gertrude, 1722 Leonord, by Miss Edgeworth, 1723 Lctitia, by Mrs. Hunter, 1724 Life of a Lover, b^ Mr<. L' f^ 1 Svo. 4 8vo. 2 8vo. 4 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo, 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Bvo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 S\o. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. •- Svo. 4 Svo. «; Svo. ■\l % 70 MONTREAL LIBRARY. 1725 Life of a Sailor, by Capt. Chamier, 1726 Life in India, 1727 Lights and Shadows of English Life, 1728 Lights and Shadows of German Life, 1729 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by Wilson, 1730 Like Master Like Man, by J. Palmer, 1731 Lindorf and Caroline, 1732 Lin woods, by Miss Sedgwich, 1733 Lionel Wakefield, by Ward, 1734 Living and the Dead, by Gleig, 1733 Lollards, as « Other Times,'' 1736 Lost Heir, 1737 Love and Pride, by Theodore Hook, 1738 Lucia the Betrothed, 1739 Lucilla, 1740 Loyalists, by Gleig, 1741 Love, by Lady Bury, 1742 Lunatic, a Tale, 1743 Magdalen and Talcs, by S. Knowlcs, 1744 Magic of Wealth, by Surr, 1745 Magpie Castle and Tales, by Theodore Hook, 1746 Maid of Kent, 1747 Mandeville, by Godwin, 1748 Manners, by Mrs. Panache, 1749 Man of Feeling, by M'Kenzie, 1750 Man of Fortitude, hy Frere, 1751 Man-of-War's Man, by Capt. Chamier, 1752 Man of the World, by M'Kenzie, 1753 Man at Arms, by James, 1754 Margaret Lindsay, by Wilson, or/. tIZIt' X 8vo. 2 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 Svo. 2 8vo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 3 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. , , NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, &c. 71 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. f . 1753 Margaret Ravenscroft, by St. John, 1756 Marriage, 1757 Marian, by Mrs. S. Hall, 1758 Mary of Burgundy, by James, 1759 Matilda, by Lord Mulgrave, 1760 Matthew Wald, by Lockhart, 1761 Maurice Powell, 1762 Maxwell, by Theodore Hook, 1763 Mayor of Windgap, by Banim, 1764 Memoirs of an Author, 1765 Memoirs of a Family, 1766 Men and Manners, by Lathom, J 767 Mercedes, by Cooper, 1768 Merchant's Clerk, by S. Warren, 1769 Michael Armstrong, 1770 Midnight Wanderer, by Margaret Campbell, 4 1771 Midshipman Easy, by Capt. Marryatt, 1772 Military Adventures, 1773 Military Life, 1774 Minstrel Love, by Mottc Fougue, 1775 Miriam CofTui, 1776 Miseries of Marriage, 1777 Misserinius, by G. W, Reynold, 1778 Missogog, 1779 Modern Cymon, by P. De Kock, 1780 Modern Grisolda, by Miss Edgevvor*h, 1781 Modern Philosophers, 1782 Monikins, by Cooper, 1783 Monk, by Lewis, 1784 Monk of Cimes, by Mrs. Sherwood, 1785 Monks of Leaden Hall, as " Other Times," 3 VOLS. SIZES. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 Svo. 1 8vo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 4 Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 11,4 8v<». 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Sv). 2 8V:.. 2 8vo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. ,"3 Svo. 72 MONTREAL LIBRRAY. II- 1786 Moore's Tales, by G.Moore, 1787 Mordaunt, by Dr. Moore, 1788 Morland, by Dallas, 1789 Murray House, by Mrs. Parsons, 1790 Mussulman, by Madden, 1791 Myself and Friend, by Plumtree, 1792 Mysteries of Udolpho, by Mrs. Radcliffe 1793 Natural Daughter, by Mrs. Robinson, 1794 Nature and Art, by Mrs. Inchbald, 1795 Naval Essays, 1796 Naval Officer, by Capt. Marryatt, ' 1797 Naval Sketch Book, by Capt. Glasscock, 1798 Naval Stories, by Leggetts, 1799 Ned of the Hills, 1800 Neighbourhood, LSOl Netterville, 1802 New Forest, by H. Smith, 1803 New Talcs, by Mrs. Opie, 1804 Newton Forster, by Capt. Marryatt, 1805 Nicholas Nickleby, by Boz, 1806 Nights at Mess, 1807 Nights at Sea, 1808 Night and Morning, by Buhvcr, 1809 Nix's Mate, 1810 Northanger Abby, by Miss Austin, 1811 Novcllotte, by Notte, 1812 Novice of St. Dominique, by Lady Morgan, 4 1813 Novini, 1814 Nubilia, 1815 Nun, bv Mrs. Sherwood, 1816 O'Briens and Flaiicrtys, by Lady Morgan, 2 roll . aizni. 2 8vo. 3 8vo, 4 8vo. 3 8vo. 2 8vo. 4 8vo. 3 8vo. 2 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 Svo. 3 8vo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 8vo. 4 Svo. 1 8vc. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 4 8vo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. I r NOVELS, ROxMANCES, TALES, Stc 73 V Ol.f , SUES 1817 O'Donnell, by Lady Morgan, 3 Svo. 1818 Odd Volume, 1 Svo. 1819 Oddities of London Life, by Poole, 2 Svo. 1820 Old Manor House, 4 Svo. 1821 One in a Thousand, by James, 1 Svo. 1822 Ordeal, 3 Svo. , 1823 Our Village, by Miss Mitford, 3 Svo. 1824 Outre-Mer, by Professor Longfellow, 1825 Outward Bound, by Capt. Marryatt, 1826 Oxonians, as " The Roue," 1827 Pacha of Many Tales, by Capt. Marryatt, 1828 Palmarian of England, 1829 Parent's Assistant, 1830 Parental Monitor, 1831 Parricide, by G. \V. Reynolds, 1832 Parson's Daughter, by Hood, 18Q3 Pastor's Fireside, by Miss Porter, 1834 Patch Work, by Capt. Hall, 1835 Path Finder, by Cooper, 1836 Patronage, by Miss Edgeworth, 1837 Patriarchal Times, by Miss O'Keefe, 1838 Paul Clifford, by Bulwer, 1839 Paul Plaintive, 1840 Paul and Virginia, by St. Pierre, 1841 Peasants of Ardenne, bv Mrs. Parsons, 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. Svo. 2 Svo. 4 Svo. Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. Svo. 4 Svo. o Svo. I! I 'S I 1842 Polham, by Bulwer, 2 Svo. 1843 Pencillings by the Way, bv N. P. Willis, 2 Svo. 1844 Pencil Sketches, bv Miss Leslie, 1 Svo. 1845 Pen Owen, Svo. 1846 Percival, 4 Svo. ' 1847 Persian Adventures, by Frascr, o Svo. ! : ,f i1 1 jj' 74 MONTREAL LIBRARY. \ 1 VuLi. t:zs$, \ |j| 1848 Peter Simple, by Capt. Marryatt, 1 8vo. t 1 1849 Phantom Ship, by Capt. Marryatt, 2 "Svo. 1 1830 Philanthrope, 1 8vo. ! i 1851 Philip Augustus, by James, 2 Svo. i Jl 1852 Phisiognomist, 2 8vo. ||b, 1853 Pic-Nics, by Lover, 8vo. HI 1854 Pickwick Club, by Mr. Dickens, 3 8vo. |l|l| 1853 Pilgrims of the Rhine, by Bulwer, 1 8vo. ' KM 1856 Pilgrims of Walsingham, by Mrs. Strick- 1 mm land, 2 8vo. 1 , t II 1857 Pin-Moncy, by Mrs. Gore. 3 8vo. i wl:; 1858 Pioneers, by Cooper, 3 8vo. !■ 1 859 Pirate & Three Cutters, by Capt. Marryatt , 1 8vo. |!.f 18G0 Pirates, 1 Svo. 1 r 1861 Pneumanie, 2 Svo. I ' "1862 Ponsonby, 2 Svo. 1 r 1863 Poor Jack, by Capt. Marryatt, I 12mo. '4 1S64 Port Admiral, as " Cavendish," 2 Svo. 1 f 1S65 Posthumous Daughter, '2 Svo. i ■ 1S66 Posthumous Papers, 1 Svo. f mm 1867 Praire, by Cooper, 3 Svo. wfi 1S68 Precaution, by Cooper, 1 Svo. III 1869 Prediction, 1 Svo. 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Lathom, 1881 Quixote, Don, 1882 Quixote, Spiritual, 1883 Rattlin the Reefer, by Howard, 1884 Rebels, 1885 RccoUer^tions'of a Chaperon, byLady Dacre, 1886 Red Rover, by Cooper, 1887 Red Wood, 1888 Refugee in America, by Mrs. Trollope, 1889 Refusal, by West, 1890 Reginald Dalton, by Lockhart, 1891 Repealers, by Lady Blesslngton, 1892 Rhoda, 1S93 Rhyaesdale, 1894 Richelieu, by James, 1895 Richmond, 1896 Ricnzl, by Buhver, 1897 Ringan Gilhazie, by Gait, 1898 Rivals, l999 River and the Desert, by Miss Pardee, 1900 Robinson Crusoe, by De Foe, 1901 Roche Blanche, by Miss Porter, 1902 Roman Nights, by A. Verri, 1903 Romance of England, by Neale, 1904 Roninnce of France, by L. Ritchie, 1905 Romance of the Forest, by A. Radclin". 1906 Romance of the Harem, by Miss Pardoe, 1907 Romance of Italy, by Macfarlane, 1908 Romance of Spain, by Don De Trucba. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 3 8vo • 4 8vo. 3 Svo. 1 8vo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. o Svo. 2 Svo. •> Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. !l J r ■ 1 76 MONTREAL LIBRARY* in 13 I voLa. sixii. 1999 Romance of Vienna, by Mrs. TroUope, 2 Svo. 1910 Rookwood, by Ainsworth, 1 Svo. 1911 Rory O'More, by Lover, 3 Svo. 1912 Rosalinde De Tracy, by Eliza Tonilin, 3 Svo. 1913 Rosamond, by Miss Edgeworth, 1 Svo. 1914 Rosella, by Miss Charlton, 4 8vo. 1915 Rothelan, by Gait, 1 Svo. 1916 Royal Legend, 1 Svo. 1917 Sailor, Life of a, by Capt. Chamier. 1 Svo. 1918 Salmagundi, by Paulding, 1 Svo. 1919 Sam Slick, the Clockmaker, by Halliburton, 1 Svo. 1920 Saratoga, 1 Svo. 1921 Sayings and Doings, by Theodore Hook, 2 Svo. 1922 Scenes of Life, by T. Harrel, 3 Svo. scott's works. 1923 Abbot, 4 Svo. 1924 Anne of Geierstein, 2 Svo. 1925 Antiquary, 3 Svo. 1926 Black Dwaif, i Svo. 1927 Bride of Lammermoor, 1 Svo. 1928 Castle Dangerous, 1 Svo. 1929 Chronicles of the Canongate, 3 Svo. 1930 Fair Maid of Perth, 2 Svo. 1931 Doom of Devergoil, 1 Svo. 1932 Fortunes of Nigel, 1 Svo. 1933 Guy Mannering, 3 Svo. 1934 Heart of Midlothian, 1 Svo. 1935 Ivanhoe, 6 Svo. ,. NOVELS, ROMANCES, TALES, Sec. 77 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Ke nil worth, Legends of Montrose, Lives of the Novelists, Monastery, Old Mortality, Peveril of the Peak, Pirate, Quentin Durward, Red Gauntlet, Rob Roy, St. Ronan's Well, Tales of the Crusaders, Tales of a Grandfather, Waverly, Woodstock, Scottish Legends, by A. 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Smith, 1993 Tales of Fancy, by Miss Barney, 1994 Tales of Fashion and Reality by Miss Beauclerks, VOll. 1 lUU. 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 Svo. 2 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 Svo. 3 8vo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. , 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 4 8vo. 1 8vo. * NOVELS, TALES, ROMANCES, See. 79 vor.i. iizii. 1995 Tales of Fashionable Life, by Miss Edge- worth, 1998 Tales of the Garden Kosciosko, by Knapp, 1997 Tales of a Good Woman, 1998 Tales of the Heart, by Mrs. Opie, 1999 Tales of the Manor, by Miss Hofland, 2000 Tales of Military Life, 2001 Tales, Moral, by Miss Edgeworth 2002 Tales of my Neighborhood, " Collegians;" 2 2003 Tales, New, by Mrs. Opit, 2004 Tales of Old Jefferson, 2005 Tales of Two Old Men, 2006 Tales of the Passions, by James, 2007 Tales of Passions, by Author of Gilbert Earle, 2008 Tales of Peerage and Peasantry, by Lady i Dacre, 2009 Tales, Popular, by Miss Edgeworth, 2010 Tales of Real Life, 2011 Tales and Romances, by Moser, 2012 Tales and Sketches, by Stone, 2013 Tales of the Times, 2014 Tales of the Wild and Wonderful, 2015 Tales of the Winter Hearth, 2016 Temper; or, Domestic Scenes, by Mrs. Opie, 2017 Temptation, by L. 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ATLASES, CHARTS, MAPS. &c. 2090 Atlas, Flinder's, 2091 Genoral, 2092 General, 2093 Great Britain and Ireland, 2094 Hamilton's Egyptiaj, 2095 Labrador, •2096 Le Sage's, 2097 Marlborough, 2098 Playiair's 2099 Winterbotham's, 2100 Chart, Vancover's, 2101 Maps, Bouchette's Canadas, Burns's United States, Lives Twelve Cajsars, 2102 2103 2104 ♦>105 Modern History, Taylor's Travelling & Commercial Map of the Canadas, 2106 Washington's Life, 2107 Plans, Buttles, &c. to Wilkinson's Life. 2108 Plates, Froissart's Chronicles, 2109 Monstralet's Chronicles, 2110 Othoman Empire, 21 1 J Sumatra, History of, folio. folio. 4to. 4to. folio. 8vo. folio. 4to. folio. folio. folio. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. folio. folio. .! . PERIODICALS, &c. 83 PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, cS.c. 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS, Blackwood's Magazine, Bentley's Miscellany, Ca.nada Monthly Review, Chambers' Journal, Edinburgh Review, Dublin University Magazine, Foreign Quarterly Review, La Belle Assemblee, Literary Garland, (Montreal,) London Quarterly Review, Metropolitan Magazine, New Sporting Magazine, Westminster Review. lio. [lio. NEWSPAPERS. 2123 Albion, New-York, 2126 ^thenajum, London, 2127 Canada Times, 2128 Commercial M«;'-.'^engcr, Montreal, 2129 Courier, Montr< .i, 2130 Dublin Evonin- Post, 2131 European, Liverpool, 2132 Gazette, iio-ntreal, 2133 Herald, Montreal, 2134 Scotsman, Edinburgh, 2135 Times, M )Mtreal, 2136 Times, London. '^ 'I f >v' 84 MONTREAL LIBRARY. 2137 Army List, (Monthly,) 2138 Army List, (Hart's,) 2139 Edinhurj^h Almanack, 2140 London Almanack, 2141 Naval and Military Gazette, 2143 Navy List, 2143 United Service Journal. I LIST OF BOOKS, &c. NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT OF THE LIBRARY. 2144 2145 214G 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2i59 2160 2101 Lavater's Physiognomy, History of Oxford, History of Cambridge, History of Westminster Abbey, Microcosm of London, Britton's Architectural Antiquities, Britton's Fine Arts of the English School, Bradford's Sketches of Spain and Portugal, Daniel's Voyage round (ireat Britain, Historical Memento of the Peace, 1814, Soane's Cottages, Coate's Penmanship, Voyage do la Griscc, Monnmonts du Costume, Ilistoire des Chenes do rAmericiue, Cook's Hogarth, Hogarth Illustrated, Illustrations of Shakt. |. t'tti?, ' ^ BOOKS NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT. ^^ [lY. . 2162 Costumes of China, 2163 Costume of Switzerland, 2164 Anliquites D'Herculaneum, 2163 Annales clu Musee, 2166 Plans of French Ports, 2167 Bouchette's Topogiaphical Account of Cuiuula. 21(58 Statutes at Large, 2160 Ordinances and Statutes of Lower Canada, 2170 Edinburgh Gazetteer, 2171 Lcmpriere's Classical Dictionary, 2172 General Atlas, 2173 American Atlas, 2174 Playfair's Atlas, 2175 Flinders Atlas, — (Terra Auslralis, ) 2176 Le Sage's Atlas, 2177 Atlas a la Recherche de la Perousc. 2178 Atlai. au Systeme de Lecture, 2179 Atlas Encyclopaedique, 2180 Atlas de Sauveur, 2181 Atlas de la ISIonarchie Prussienne. 2182 Atlas aux Voyages de Marchand, 2183 Atlas Tableau de I'Espagne Moderne. 5184 Atlas to Millin's Voyage, 2185 Atlas to Monstralet's Chronicles, 2186 Atlas du Voyage de la Trode, 2187 Atlas to Hamilton's Egyptiaca, 2188 Charts to Vancouvre's Voyage, 2189 Charts to Voyages de Cook, 2190 Charts to Voyages de Banks, 2 19 J Figures aux Voyages de Cook, 2192 Plates to the Othoman Empire, 2193 Plates to Marsdens Sumatra, 2194 Plates to I'roissart's Chronicles. 1, I -^^bl" ■.. ^m 86 MONTREAL LIBRARY. 2195 Planches d'Egypte, par Dcnon, 2196 Maps to Modern History, 2197 Maps to the Life of Washington, 2198 Maps of the Counties of England, 2199 Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 2200 Map of Egypt, 2201 Map of Lower Canada, by Bouchette, 2202 Map of Upper and Lower Canada, with part of the United States, by Bouchette, 2203 Map of the State of New York, 2204 Plan of London, 2205 Plan of the London Docks, 2206 Plan of Edinburgh, 2207 Report of the State Trials at Montreal. i->Sm ^ I); 't of the APPENDIX, No. L HISTORY, ANTIQUITIEK, kc. V Svo. IIBI. Ivo. vo. vo. il vo. 'O. o. o. o. iu. 0. CATALOGUE DBS 0. 0. LIVRES DB LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DE MONTREAL. 4 I LIVRES FRANCOIS. ^ 1 D'Addi.v . "Ksprit, 2 L'Alcorot. 3 D'AIexcmdre le Grand, par Quinte Curce, 4 D'Allemagne, Ilistoire de 1' Empire, 5 Alpcs, Voyage dans les, par Saussure, 6 Alphonse, ou le Fils Naturel, par Genlis, 7 L'Ambigu, S Amclot de la Houissac, Memoires Histo riques, Critiques, et Literaires, 9 L'Amcrique, Voyage aux lies, 10 L'Amerique, Suite des Voyages de, par La- hontan, 1 1 L'Amerique Septentrionale, Histoire de, par Potherie, 12 L'Amerique Moridlonale, par De Azara, 13 L'Amerique Meridionale, Voyage dans I'ln- terieur de, par Condamine, 14 L'Ami des Hommes, par Mirabeau, 15 Amusement de Sra, par Limbourg, 16 Anachars's, Voycge en Grece, 17 D'Ancourt, Theatre de »OI.f • RAK« 3 Svo. 2 12mo. 2 12mo. 8 Svo. 4 Svo. 3 Svo. 42 Svo. 2 12mo 6 Svo. 3 12mo. 4 Svo. 4 Svo. 1 Svo. 7 12ma. 2 12mo. 9 12mo. 3 12m(>. 1 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V ^ /. 4ig 1.0 I.I 1.25 1.4 M 2.0 1.8 1.6 V] ^-^^ />^ 7 -i;^ Photographic Sciences Corporation IV ' \\ -r--. 6^ 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WEBSTER, NY MSSO (716) s/iusoa i 92 MONTREAL LIBRARY. VOLS. OHAND. 18 D'Angleterre, Histoirc des Revolutions, depuis la dcscentc de Caesar, jusqu'a la paix de 1783, 3 19 Annales dc Cliimic, 41 '20 Annales du Musec 20 21 Anquitil, I'Esprit de la Ligne dans les 16 et 17 siccles, 3 22 Anquitil, Histoirc de France, 15 23 Anfjuitil, I'lntrigue du Cabinet sous Henri IV. et Louis XIII. 4 24 D'Antcnor, Voyage en Grece ct en Asie, 3 25 Aniiquites d'Herculaneum, 8 26 L'Ariosto, Rolland Furieux, Francois ct Italien, 10 27 L'Arithmetique, I'Alg^bre, &c. par Mazeas, 1 28 D'Arnaud, (Euvres de 12 29 L'Art Oratoire, par Droz, 30 Atlas, De Azara, Voyage dans I'Amerique Meridionale, 31 Atlas Encyclopediques, 32 Atlas, Marchand, Voyage de, 33 Atlas, Millin, Voyage de, 34 Atlas Porousc, 35 Atlas de la Monarch ie Prussionne, 36 Atlas de I'Espagne, Moderne, 37 Atlas du Voyage de la Troude, 38 Atlas So|ivenir, 39 L'Attaque ct la Defence dcs Places, (Vau- ban,) 4 40 Augusta, (Roman,) 3 41 Banks, Voyage dc, 4 42 Barruel, Histoirc du Jacobinismc, 4 8vo. Bvo. 8vo. 12mo. J2mo. 12mo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 8vo. Bvo. 8vo. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. folio. folio. 4to. 4to. 4to. 8vo. 12mo. 8vo. 8vo. ' BIBLIOTHeQUE DE MONTREAL. 93 Vi,I,S. (idiND. 43 Bayle^ Dictionnairo HIstorlqnc ct Critique, 4 folio. 44 Beau march ais, (Euvres dc, 3 8vo. 45 Belidor, (Euvros (le (coifccrnant, I'Artillerie,) 1 8vo, 46 Belleisle, Lettres de la Marechale, 47 Benyowsky, Voyages et Memoires dc, 48 Borquin, Idyllos et Romances, 49 Borruycr, Ilistoire du Peuple de Dieu, 50 Bible, 51 Bitaube, (louvres de, 52 Bonaparte, Pieces divcrses relatives aux ope- rations Militairos et Politiques, 53 Bonnet, du Juri en France, 54 Bonnet, du Contenq)lation de la Nature, 55 Bossuet, Oraisons de, 56 Bouchet Ilistoire Genealogicjue de la Maison Royale de Courtenay 57 Bougainville, Voyage autour du Monde, 5S Bourbons, (la Chute des) et leur l*roc6s, 59 Bourbon Conti, Memoires de Stephanie Louise do 2 8vo. 60 Bourgoing, Tableau dc I'Espagne Moderne, par 61 Boursault, Chef d'CEuvre* de, 62 Brandenburg, I'llistoire de, 63 Brumoy, Theatre des Grers, 64 Le Briui, (Euvres de, 65 I^a Bruyere, Caract^res de, GG Burlama(pii, Eltmens du Droit Naturel, 67 Buyiumd, Triompho de I'Evangile, 68 Ca\sar, 69 Cambry, Voyage en Suisse et en Italie, 70 Cumpagnes des Francois en Italie, 1 8vo' 2 8vo. 19 8vo. 18 Svo. 1 ]2nio. 6 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 3 8vo. I Svo. 1 folio. 3 8vo. 2 8vo. 3 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 12mo. 6 12mo. 4 Svo. 2 limo. 1 l2mo. 3 8vo. 2 12nio. 2 Svo. 5 Svo. Ill I JJ ii 94 BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. VCI.I. OBANO. i' 7 1 Caractere Militaire des Armees Europeennes, 1 8vo. 72 Careri, Voyage du Tour du Monde, 6 12mo. 78 Carte de Voyage de BanliB, 1 4to. 74 Carte do Vovajje de Cook, 1 4to. 75 Carte de Voyage de Cook, Figures, 1 4to. 7G Cassini, Traite de la Grandeur de la Figure de la Terre, 1 12mo. 77 Catherine 2'\, sa Vie, 2 8vo. 7S Catteau, Voyage en Allemagne et en Suede, 3 8vo. 79 Catteau, Tableau des Etats Danois, 3 Svo. 80 Causes Cclebres et Interessantes avec les Jngoniens, 20 8vo. 81 Causes Amusantes et Connues, 1 8vo. 82 Caylus, (Le Comte de) Les Souvenirs de, 2 Svo. 83 Chabcrt, Vayage dans TAmLrique Septen- trionalo, en i.750,-*51, 1 4to. 84 Chappe d'Auterochc, Voyage en Siburie, 17G1, 4 folio. 85 Chardin, Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de rOriont, 3 4to. 86 Charlemagne on I'Eglise delivree par Lucien Bonoparte, 2 4to. 87 Charles V. Histoire du Regno de TEmpe- rour, par ilobertson. 6 12mo. 8S Charles Gustavo, Roi de Suede, 2 folio. 89 Cherlevoix, Voyage dans I'Ainerique Sep- tentrionale, 3 4to. 90 Charniilly, Lettrc '^ryan Edwards sur la Colonel de St. mingue, 1 4to. 91 Chastellux, Voyage dans rAnierique Sep- tentrionale, 2 12mo. 92 Chateaubriand du Genie du Christianisme, 5 8vo. BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL 95 4to. folio. 4to. 4to. 4to. 4to. I'imo 8vo. 6 8 2 1 93 Chateau des Tuileries, 94 Chaussee, (Nivelle de la) OEuvres do, 95 Chef d'O^uvres, Politiques et Litteraires, 96 Cheiies de rAnierique, Histoire des, 97 Chevaliers du Cvjjrne ou la Cour do Charle magne, 98 Chiniie, par Chaptal, 99 Chiiio (Le) Ambassade de la Compagnie des Indos Orientales Ilollandaises, 1794, '95 2 100 Chinoiso, Confucious Histoire, (voyez Yu le Grand,) Lettres, 101 Choniel, Dictionnaire Economique, 102 Cicerou, CEuvres de, 103 Clement XIV. Lettres du Pape, 104 Clement XIV. Vie du Pape, 105 Code Frederic, ou Corps de Droits pour la Prusse, 106 Colonics, Les Trois Ages des (par De Pradit,) 3 107 Comines, (Philippe de) Memoires, par Godefroy, 1 lOS Compto Rendu de la Banque do St. Charles I 109 Conde, Essai sur la Vie du Grand, par Joseph Bourbon, Prince de Conde, 1 110 Condillac, CEuvres do, 22 111 Condorcot, Esquisse d'un Tableau Ilisto- rique des Progres de I'Esprit Humain, 1 112 Condorcot, Vie de Turgot, 2 1 13 Constitutions des Etats de I'Europe et des Etats Unisde rAmeriquo, par la Croix, 5 114 Contes des Genies, par Chas. Morcll, 3 115 Contes Orientaux, par Caylus, 1 roLi. SRtMi. &V0. 5 12mo 2 8vo. 1 folio 3 12m(' 4 8vo. 4to. 12 mo, 12mo. Svo. 12mo. 12mo. 3 Svo. 8vo. folio, hvo. 8vo. Svo. 8vo. 8v(). 8vo. 12mo. 12mo. \\ ti I ; G9 LIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL vor.s. 6 IIG Cook, t>cl Voyage de, 117 Cook, Oeme. Voyage do, 8 118 Coriiine, ou I'ltalio, par De Stael 3 119 CoiMicillc, Q^uvres de, 10 120 Cottin, 12 121 Crebillon, (Euvrcs de, 3 122 Crovicr, i{hetorI(juo Eran^-aise, 2 123 Crevicr, Histoiro des Ernpereurs Remains, 12 124 Culture en France, de I'Etat de, par De Pradt, 2 125 Custine, Menioires Posthumes, 2 12G Cvrus, Vovairos de, 1 127 Cyrus Histoire de, ou la Cyropcjodie, 1 128 Dahlias, Histoire de la Revolution, de St. Doniingue, 2 129 Danchet, Tlr.atre de, 4 130 Dante Comedie de (en France et Italien,) 1 131 Dapper, description des llcsde rArc]ii]icl 1 132 Decadence de la Monarchic Franraise, [)ar Soulavie. 3 133 Dclille, (Euvres de, 17 134 Deconvertes Europeennes, (Les) 12 135 Dcuiostlicno et Deschie, en Grecs et en FraiH^ais, par J. Planche, 10 136 Dcinosthciie et Deschine en Fran^'ais, par Auger, G 137 Denon, Voyage dans la Basse at Haute Egypto, 1 138 D'Eon, Lettrcs, Memoires, et Negocia- tlons du, 1 139 Deshoulieres, (Euvres de, 2 140 Destouches, CEuvres de, 5 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 12m(). 12mo. 8vo. 8vo. ]2rno 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 12nio. 8vo. 12mo. 12mo. folio. Svo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. 4to. 12nio. 12nio. ) f BIBLIOTHEQUE DE MONTREAL. 97 V'>" «. OH AN II. llO. k 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 14S 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 3 1 3 3 9 3 o Diable Boiteux, Dictlonnaire Biographique, Dictionnaire do la Fable, Dictionnaire Historique, Dictionnaire Geographique, Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, Dictionnaire des Sieges et Batailles, Dictionnaire de rAcademio Fran^aise, Dictionnaire des Antiqnites Grecques et Romaincs, 2 Dictionnaire Universol, Francaise et Latin, 5 Diodore de Sicilo, Histoire Universlle, 7 Discours sur 1 Histoire Univorselle, par Gin, 2 Dorat, CEuvros Choises de, 3 Doyen de Killorein, 4 L'Economie Rurale, traduite par Sabeur- euK de la Bonnetrie, 4 L'Education, Theatre de, 4 D'Education, Plan pourles Enfans Fauvres, 1 Edncation Publlque, 1 Egarenients du Coeur et de 1' Esprit, par Cr6billon, 1 Elise Dumenil, par Montailombert, 5 Elizabeth, ou les Exiles de Siberia, par Cottin, 1 L'Emigr ■, par Meilhan, 4 Encyclopedic, Poetique, ou Choix de Poe- sis, dans tons les Genres, 1 7 Encyclopediques Cours d'Etudes, par Page, 6 Erasme I'Eloge de la Folic, par Guende- villo, 1 Etats G6neraux, les Galleries, des, 1 12mo 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4 to. 8vo. folio. 12mo. 12mo. 8vo. 12mo. 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Wi % 167 Etudes do la Nature, par St. Pierre, 168 D'EuclIdo, K>^ !. emeus par Dechallos, 169 Eugene de Savoie, Meinoires du Prince, par lui-nie !U', 170 Euir nie et A'^atliildc, par Genlis, 171 La Farre, Poesies do, 172 La Fayette ct de Tencin, (Euvres de Mes dames, 173 Fine n Cluivres de, 174 Fcrrand, l' Esprit de I'Histoire, 175 Fischer, Voyage en Espagne, J797,-'98, 176 Fleury, Discours sur rriist(>ire Ecclesias- ti(|ue, 177 Flora Atlantica par Desfontaines, 178 Florian, (Euvres do, 179 Folard, Abre rs des Commentaircs de, 180 Fonteiiello, (Euvres de, 101 Francais, Vovaj;es, de Deux au Nord d' Europe, 182 Frau^aise, Voyage d'une, en Suisse, &c. 183 Francais, llistoire des, par Sismondi, 184 Friiiict', llistoire des, (Voyez Mczeray, Anquitil.;) par Ciarniier, Velly, &c. 185 La France, par Lady Morgan, 1S6 Franche Maconnerie, llistoire do la, 188 Gallerie des Jeunes Vierges, par Renne- vilie, 187 Frederic, Roi de Prusse, (Euvres de, 189 Genlis, (Euvres de, 190 Genlis, Mademoiselle de Clermont, I'Apos tasic, le Chateau de Kolmeras, le Jour naliste, VOI.I. GFljlNDi 5 8vo. 1 12mo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 12mo. 5 8vo. 9 4to. 4 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 4 4to. 11 12mo. 3 4to. 11 8vo. 5 8vo. 2 8vo. 8 8vo. 30 12mo. 2 8vo. 1 12mo. 1 8vo. 15 Svo. 20 12mo. t 1 Svo. BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTKEAL. 09 J91 Gcnlis, Sinciair, ou la Victimc dos Sciences ct ties Arts, j Geulis, Siege de Rochellc, 3 Georgel, Memoires do, (j Geograpliie Physique de la Mer Noire, par Diireau, 1 VOLS, OHANU. 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Svo. 8vo. 8vo. Svo. Svo. 12mo. 12mo. Svo. •' vo. Svo. Geranliii, Ilistoiro Naturelle des Oiseaux, 2 Gil Bias, 4 Gomez, Les Jouriv''es Aimisaiites do, 4 Gourgaud, Munoirer pour si rvir a I'llis- toire de France sous Napoleon, 1 Granimaire Franraise, par Levizac, 1 Grammaire Fraiiyaise, par Restaiit, 1 Grimm, Correspondence Philosophi(juc ot Criti(iue, 7 3^.^^^ Grotius, Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix, o Guay Trouin, M( moires de, ] Gucscllti, Comte de Longueville, Ilis- toiro de, Guiane et Cayenne, Voyage en 17S9, 1 Gnillaume, le Franc Parlour, 2 Gulliver, Voyage de, 4 Guys, Lettres sur los Grecs l nciens et Modernes, 4 Helve tins, 5 IF nrult, Clironologique de THistoiro de France, o Henri IV. Ilistoiro de la Vie d', par Buri, 4 L'Hermite de la Chaussee d'Antin, 5 L'Hermite de la Guianne, 3 L'Hermite de Londres, 3 4 to. Svo. Svo. Svo. 12nio. I2mo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. l2mo. Svo. Svo. "5 I 100 BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. V '■' 1 voi.a amuD 3 Svo. 21 4to. 2 Svo. 2 8vo. 2 l2mo. 2 4to. 6 12mo. 215 L'Hcrmite en Province, 216 Ilistoirc Naturelle, avcc la Description dii Cabinet du lloi, 217 Hoche, Vie de, par Rousselin, 218 HoUando, Lettres sur la, 119 Honiere, (I'lUiado,^ par Lo Brun, 220 Honn^rie, Histoiro des Revolutions de, 221 Hume, llistoire d'Angleterre, 222 L'Inde en rapport avec 1' Europe, par Anquitil, 2 8vo. 223 Indes, Ilistoirc Politique et Philosoph- iques des 224 L'ltalic, par Lady Morgan. 225 L'ltalie, Voyage d'un Fran^ais dans, 226 Itineraire de TKspagne et du Portugal, 227 Itincraire de I'Empire Fran^ais, 228 D'lvernois, des Causes qui ont amene r Usurpation de Buonaparte, 229 Jardins, Traitd des, 230 Jardins d'Ornament, 231 Jeanne de France, par De Genlis, 232 Jeaurat, Traite des Perspectives, 233 Josephus, Histoire des Juifs, 234 Julia Severa, par Lismondi, 235 Labat, Relation Historique de I'Ethiopie Occidentales, 236 Labat, Voyages en Espagne et en Italic, 237 Lacoste, Histoire General des Voyages et Conquestes dans les Indes Occidentales, 2 4to. 238 Laharpe, Lycie, ou Cours de Literature, Ancienne et Moderne, 15 Svo. 239 Laniballe, Memoires de l:i Priiicesse, 2 12mo. i 8vo. 4 8vo. 8 12mo. 1 12mo. 3 12mo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 12mo. 1 4to. 5 Svo. 3 12mo. 5 12mo. 8 12mo. BIBLIOTHEQUE DE MONTREAL. 101 v., I.I an^Mi) 4to. 8vo. 8vo. l2mo. 4 to. lJ?mo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 4to, 8vo. J 2m o. 4 to. 240 Larroy, IM (.-moires de Clilnirgio Militairo et Campagncs, 4 8vo. 241 Lascases, Journal do Li Vie Privee, &c. de rKmpereur Napoleon, 4 8vo. 242 Logons do rilistoire, ou Lettresd'un Perc a son Fils, 11 12mo, 243 Leclievalier, Voyage do la Troude, 17S5-G, 3 8vo. 244 Lechevalier, Voyage do la Propontido ot du Pont Eiixiu, 2 8vo. 245 Lettres Cabalisliques, 7 8vo. 246 Lottres Physi(iucs et Morales, par Deluc, G 8vo. 247 Lettres de Suisse, d'ltalie, i\e Sicilo, et de Malthe, 177G-7-S, G 12mo. 248 Leves'pio, Histoire de llussie, 8 8vo. 249 Levizac, Traite de Sons do la Lan2uc Francaise, 1 8vo. 250 Ligno, Momoires et Lettres du Princo do, 2 8vo. 251 Live, Ilistcjire Romain, 10 8vo. 252 Loeke, Essai de, 1 4to. 253 Loix Anglaises, Commcntaires do Black- stone, G 8vo. 254 DoLolme, Constitution d'Angleterre, 2 8vo. 255 Londres, la Cour et les Provinces d'An- gleterre, 2 cSvo. 25G Louis XIII. fEuvres de, G Svo. 257 Louis XIII. Slecle de, par Voltaire, 3 l2mo. 258 Louis XIII. sa Cour et la Kegonce, par Anquetil, 4 12mo. 259 Louis XV. et XVI. Memoires Ilistoriquc et Politique, par Soulairc, 6 Svo. 260 Louis XV. Vie IVivej de, 4 12mo. 261 Louis XV L Ilistoiro de, 2 12mo. i\ -i lii ; i. 102 BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. Ii jii- ii i roM GRAND 8 12mo. 1 8vo. 3 12mo. 15 8vo. 4 12mo. 2 12mo. 2 8vo. 7 12nio. 262 Louis XVI. Histoirc du Proems do, par Jaufrct, 263 Louvot, Quolques Notices pour rilistoirc de niGS Perils, 264 Lusiade dc Camocns, 263 Mably, (Envrcs do, 266 Magazin dcs Adolescentos, par Beaumont, 267 Magazin dcs Enfuns, par Beaumont, 268 Maladies Chirurgicales ct des Operations par Chopart et Desault, 269 Maltlie, Histoire des Chevaliers de, 270 Malthus, Princepes d'Econoniie Politique, 2 8vo. 271 Manuel ecs Meres de Famille, ou Mede- cine Perfeclive, par Millot, 272 Marchais, A^oyage en Guinee, lies voisines et a Cayenne, 1725-6-7. 273 Marchand, Voyage autour du Monde, 1790- J -2, 274 Marianne, la Vie de, par De Marivaux, 275 Marie, ou les HoUandaiscs, 276 Mario Antoinette, Heine de France, 277 Mariti, Voyage dans I'lle de Chypre, la Svrie, et Palestine, &c. 278 Marivaux, Theatre de, 279 Marlborough, Memoires Historiques de, 280 Marmontel, ffiuvres Completes de, 281 Marmontel, Q^uvres Posthumes de, 282 Masson, Memoires Secrets sur la Russia. 283 Maudree, Nouveau Systeme de Lecture applicable a toutes les Langues, 2 12mo. 284 Maupertius QEuvres de, 4 Sto. 286 Memoire sur le Canada, 1 8vo. 5 3 3 8vo. 12mo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 1 12mo. 2 8vo. 4 12mo. 1 12mo. 11 8vo. 4 ]2mo. 4 8vo. BIBLIOTHEQUE DK MONTREAL. 103 286 287 •>S8 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 29G 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 Memorcs d'un Homme de Quallt6, Morcier, Le Nouveau Paris, Morcier, 8ermous sur la Culte Piihllc, Mercurc Britaniiique, par Mallot Diipan, 4 Meres llivales, ou la Caloinnie, par Giieles, 4 Le Messie, j)ar Klopstock, Mctastasio, Opere Scelse, Metelerkampe, Taolcau Statisticpie de la Ilollande en 1804, Mezeray, Abrege Chronologique, Histoire de France, Millin, Voyage dans les Departpmens du Midi de la France, Millin, Voyage en Savoie, eu Fremont, a Nice, et a Genes, Millin, Antiqultes Nationales, Mille et une Nuits, Mirabean, des Lettrcs de Cachet et des Prisons d'Etat, Mirabean, Considerations sur I'Ordre de Cincinnatus, Mirabean, Lettres (]i\ d ses Commettans, 1 Mirabeau, Lettres Originales, 1777-8-9-80,4 Mirabean, de la Monarchic Prussienne sons Frederic le Grand, Mirabeau, aux Batavcs et sur la Reforme Politiqncs des Juifs, Mirabean, denonciation de I'Agiotage an Hoi et a I'Assemblee des Notables, Mirabeau, la Caisse d'Escompte, Mirabeau, sur les Actions de la Compagnie des Eaux de Paris, VOLI UHAMO 3 12mo. 6 8vo. 8vo. 4 8vo. 4 8vo. 1 12mo. o 8vo. 1 8vo. 6 12mo. 2 8vo. 8vo. 5 folio. 8 12mo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. 8vo. Bvo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 1 Svo. 104 BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. VOI.I UltANn I 8vo. 8vo. Svo. 1 Svo. 308 MirabeaUj doiitcs sur la Liberie do I'Es- caunt rcclaniee par rEmporour, 1 309 Mirabeau, Systenic do la Nature, 2 310 Mirabeau, Travauxa rAsseniblooNationale, 5 311 Misero des Alpes, ou I'.Hets de la Kevolu- lution Francaise en Suisse, 312 Missionnaires, Lcttres Edlfiantes et Cu- riense?, 26 12nio. 313 Mollierr. CKuvrcs de, 8 12nio. 314 Mccurs de ce Sieele, par Duclos, 1 Svo. 315 Monceau, (Dubaniel du) Traitc Gi neral des Pecbes ct Ilistoire des Poissons, 2 folio. 31G INTon Bonnet de Nuit, par Mercicr, 4 Svo. 317 Montaigne, Essais de, 4 12nio. 318 Montesquieu, Lcttres Persanes, 1 Svo. 319 Montesfpneu, (Euvres de, 6 Svo. 320 Montbolon. Menioires pour servir a I'llis toire de France sous Napoleon, 1 Svo. 321 Montpensier, Menioires do Mademoiselle, par IJoissi, 4 Svo. 322 Monument do Costume, Pliysiquc ct Moral, 1 Svo. 323 Morcau, Menioires du (Jeneral, 1 12mo. 324 Morreri, Dictionnairro riist()ri(pie ou Me- lange Ciirieux, 8 folio. 325 Moysc, Considere conniie Lcgislateur ct Moraliste, 1 Svo. 326 Muller, Ilistoire de la Confederation Ilel- veli(|uc, 1 Svo. 327 Napoleon, ItinOraire de Fontacbleau, d rislo d'Elbe, 1 Svo. 32S Ncckar, Melange Extrait du Munuscrit, 3 Svo. ^ J BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. lOo VOL). oniND. 329 Nollet, Le^on de Physiquo Experimcntale, 6 12mo. 330 Norden, Voyage d'Egyptc ct do Nubie, 4 l:2mo. 331 Ordonnances et Edits Canada, 2 4to. 832 Ordonnance Navalc de Louis XIV. 1 4to. 333 Ossian, 2 8vo. 334 Ovido, 8 8vo. 335 Ozanam, Recreations Alatiiematiqnes et Physiques, 4 8vo. 336 Palissot, ffiuvros de, 4 8vo. 337 Paradis Perdu, par Milton, 3 8vo. 338 Pare, CEuvres de, 1 folio. 339 Paris, Tableau dc, 6 l"2mo. 340 Paris, Pendant I'Annee 1795, par Peltier, 2 8vo. 341 Paris, Pendant I'Annee 1801, par Peltier, 5 8vo. 342 Pascal, Lettres dc, 1 12ino. 343 Pausanias, ou Voyage Historique de la Grece, 2 4to. 344 Pernety, Voyage fait aux lies Malouincs, 1763, 2 8vo. 345 Perouse, Voyage autour du Monde, 2 4to. 346 Perouse, Relation du Voyajje a la re- cherche dc la, par Labilliardiere, 2 Bvo. 347 Perrin, Lettres Choisies en Franc^ais et Anglais, 348 Petion, ffiuvres de, 349 Peuchet, Diction naire Universel de la Geographic C'omnier^'ante, 350 Piv.tet, I'Agriculture de la Suisse, 351 Pictet, Lettres de Gauteron, 352 Pictet, Lettres de, 353 Pictet, Rapport presente a I'Enipereur Alexandre, 1 Bvo. K 1 12nio. 4 8ve. 5 4to. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. |i 11 lOG J1I13L10TIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. ICLS. fiHAMI. '"35 1- Pierre III. et Ilistoirc Secrete des Amours de Catherine II. 3 8vo, •^5 riante, les Comedies do, par Guendeville, 10 1 2mo. o5G Plino, Histoire Naturelle, 12 4to. 357 Plino do Jeuuo, Lottres de, o 'J 1 :2mo. 1358 IMutarquo, Q^tivres do, 25 Svo. 359 Pocti(jue Elementaire, 1 8vo. .'300 Pompadour, Lettres et Rcponses de. 1 j2mo. ' yC5I Pope, (Euvres de, 8 It^mo. «332 Portugal, Etat Present du Royaume de. 1 4to. 8G3 Provinces Uuies, Tableau de I'llistoire des, par Crevier, 10 12mo. 3{)4 Pyschologie, Essai de. I 12mo. t365 Puisavc, Memoires du Comtc Joseph de, 7 12mo. ;3CG Promenade de Dieppe, 1 Unv. 8{)7 Quichotte, Don, 6 Svo. ;3G8 lvai)in, Histoire lution Fran^'aise, Memoires de, 374 Iievolution Fran(,*aise, Precis Ilistorique de la, 375 Revolutions d'Angleterre, par Orl^ads, 070 Revue Encyclopedicpie, 377 Roynier, sm- I'Egyptc apres la Bataillc d'Hellopolis, 378 Ricard, Traite CMural du Commerce, 2 J2mo. 12rao. G Svo. 2 8vj. 2 i2mo. T 4to. 5 Svo. I Svo. 1 4tu. .V ' BIBLIOTIIEQUE DE MONTREAL. 107 Svo. 8vo. 8vj. i2mo. 4to. 8vo. 8vo. 4tu. 379 3S0 381 3S2 383 384 385 38G 387 388 389 390 391 39-2 393 394 395 39G 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 Rioardo, dcs Principcs dc I'Economie ^ liticjLie, li .. :ibiiil, Quivres dc, Robinson Crusoo, la Vic et Ics Avcnture-;, Rocluimbeaii, ^leiiioires dc, Roland rAniourcux, Roliin, Ilistoirc Anclonnc, Ronialne HIstoirc, [rdv Crovior, pour Scrvir do Continuation dc Roliin, Rousseau, J. J. (Euvres tic, Rousseau, J. J. C-onfessions do, Rozolli, la Vie ot A ventures dc, Saint Fondi', Vovanfc en Any-leterre et en Ecosse, Saint Evreniondc, c'lange Curieux et autres Ouvraijes de, Saiiit Real, Quivres Choiscs de. Saint Sauveur, \'oyaires dans les Isles et Possessions ei-devant Vcnitiennes ilu Levant, Savary, Lettres sur I'lvLrypte, Savary, Lettres sur la Greee, Sathanieb l^ir Soulie, Saurl, Cours do Physi(jue Ex[)e'rlnnnlale et Th('ori(jue, Scarron, CEuvres de, Seott,WaUer, rAbb;-, rAnti(|uaire, Dame du Lac, (luv Mannerinj;, Ivanhoe, Kenilwortb, vrii.s (iUA.Nil o 8vo 10 irhno 4 j2nio. 2 8vo. 2 l"2nio. 13 ]2nio. IG l"?mo. 5 J2nio. « 2 ]2nio. 2 ]2nio. 2 8vo, 7 4 3 3 1 12mo. IGmo. 8vo. Svo. |2UK). 2 12mo. 4 12nio. 7 >!vo. 4 12mo. 4 12nio. 2 12nio: 3 12 mo. 4 12mo. 4 12mo. loe BIBLIOTHEQUE DE MONTREAL. 404 Scott, Walter, Fiancee de Lammcrmuir, le Loi-d des Isles, Monastere, Marmlon, Lettrcs do Paul, Pcvcril du Pic, — Pirate, la Prison d'Edinihourg, — ■ Puritains d'Ecosse, Rob Roy, Vision do Don Rodrique, Mathllde de Rokeby, 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 -- Wavorlv, — rOfiicior de Fortune, 418 Senecjue, (Euvros de, 419 S no que, Q^uvrcs de, 420 Shakspeare, 421 Silhouct, Voyages de France, d'E?pagne, de Portugal et d Italic, 422 Sismondi, la Litterature du Midi de I'Eu- rope, 423 Sismondi, Histoire de Republique Italien- ncs, 424 Sivri, Thoutres et (Euvres Diverses de, 425 Smith, Recherche sur la Richcsse des Nations, 426 Spallanzani, Voyages dans les Doux Siciles, 5 427 Spectacle de la Nature, 428 Spcctateur, 429 Stael, (Euvres de, 430 Stephanopoli, Voyage en Grece, 1797-98, 2 431 Strado, Guerres Civilcs de Flandrcs, vots ghahv. 3 12mo. I 12mo. 4 12mo. 2 12mo. 3 12mo. 5 12mo. 4 12mo. 4 12mo. 4 12mo. 4 12mo. 1 12mo. 2 12 mo. 4 12mo. 2 12mo. 6 8vo. 8 8vo. 20 8vo. 4 12mo, 4 8vo. 16 8v(). 1 12mo. 4 12mo. ,5 8vo. 9 12mo. 8 12mo. 17 8vo. ,2 8vo. ^ 12mo. m \ >m I BIBLIOTHEQUE DE MONTREAL. 109 T(il.t OHiIND 432 Stuart, Histoire do la Maison de, par Hume, 433 Tableau de Decadence de la Monarchie Fran^aise, 434 Tacitus, des (Euvres de, 435 Tactiquc des Assemblees Legislatives, par Bentliam, 436 Tasse, Jerusalem Dclivree, 437 Tavernier, Voyage de, 438 Telemaque, 439 Terence, 440 Theatre de Societe, 441 Theatre It alien, Histoire de, 442 Theatre Nouveau, 443 Theophraste, Suite des Caracteres de, 444 Thucydide, Histoire de la Guerre Pclo- ponese, 445 Tissot, Essai sur les Maladies des Gens du Monde, 446 Titans, ou TAmbition Punie, 447 Toscane, Voyage en, par Tozetti, 448 Tott, Memoires du Baron de, 449 Tournefort, Voyage du Levant, 450 Traite de la Saisie Arret, par Roger, 451 Tresant, la Mythologie Comparee avec I'Histoire, 452 Tresant, (Euvres de, 453 Tri'sor du Parnasse, 454 Tudor, Histoire de la Maison de, par Hume, 6 455 Valmont, Comtede, la Theorie du Bonheur,6 456 Vattel de Droit Naturel, 1 457 Valleius Paterculus, Histoire de, (L. etFr.) 1 6 12n)o. 1 4to. 1 4to. 2 8vo. 2 )2nio. 3 4to. 1 12mo. 3 12mo. o 8vo. 7 12mo. 3 12mo. 1 12mo. 3 12mo. 1 1 2 3 2 1 12 6 12 mo. Hvo. 8vo. 12mo. 4to. 8vo. 12mo. 12mo. 12mo. 12mo. 8vo. 12nK). 12mo. 110 lilBLlOTIlEyUE DE MONTKLAL. 458 ^'illars, Vio dii Marechal Due de, 459 Virgile, Bucoliques et les Georgiques (L. ct Fr.) par Marollcs, 4G0 Virgilo, Georgiques, par Delille, 461 Volncy, Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, 462 Volney, (Euvrcs de, 463 Voltaire, Gi]uvres de, 464 Voyages, Histoire Generale des, 465 Voyages Pittoresque de la Giece, 466 Wanostrocht, Eleniens de la Constitution de la (jrrande-Bretagne, 467 Winkelman, Histoire de I'Art chez les Anciens, 468 Xenoplion, la lletraite des Dix-Millo, 469 Yu le Grand et Confucius, 470 Zirphee, ou Memoircs dun Fran^ais, 471 Zachokke, Histoire de la Destruction des Kepubliques de Schwitz, ivc. VDI.S. i,ii«r