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" ' ■" • i^'&tii^f '. • - * MICROCOPY RESOLUTION Tl {ANSI and ISO TEST CHARl 1.0 1.1 b2 |5|0 l£ ISA |3. 1^ |a« U£ u » " / ^ •^PPL-iED IN/ BSrii 1 653 Eost Main Street^ f^S Rochester. New York <# ^S (716) 482 - 0300 - Phor (716) 288 -5989 -Few KOPY RESOLUTION TBT CHART ^NSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ,v„ |45 y£ M3& MM 1^ m3A la L£ 2^ 2.2 » " 2.0 1,8 1.6 / / v^PPLiED IIVMGE I, nq 1653 East Main Street^ Rochester. New York #14609 USA * (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 208 -5989 -Fax RULES AND ORDERS —•"•«,,. ^ f FOR ,',!■■ CONDUCTING THE BUSINESS or THS CONFERENCE / Jl M ■■^ \; f • ^ i\ or THX I «■ 1 /^/' >' Wtnltj^n^Mt^Mnt fihutth [ ^ / l^i IN CANADA. ^4; * AdOPTBD at tHX CoKrEliSHCK BXX4D ut BrqcktillSi 'JuH«, 1844. . - ■ .::■ :■■■■:■ / : '^ ■■/ ■:. TORONTO: - / PUBLISHED BT ORDER Or THE CONFBRBNCEf . .,, BYANSQN green;- ^ r m 1845. t€-^. I ! L V if . I ^ I ' > -^ y . t^»« _-,,»,-.»j.^^.;p^.„:^-. , r •■ i > \. f (« ^♦ («(^^ •1^ 3-. ft>j ' J. B^ IJiWftBNCKt rUNTlE. ) ; .r; 1 ;• •l^ :l: .-+ JL "':;>" i T: i%* t ■ (« V t^i^) #»1 JL i^ 1.1 tDt9ltsan^iMttl)obi0t (Rt^wcdi ^^ <(analr(t ■>., ^^^^>^^m^s^^^^^^^»^^0^^^ RULES AND ORDERS OF CONFERENCE. sy:'\ Th^ Conference shall meet at 8 o^clocK, A.M., and adjourn at half-past I2o\d!pck,^ majr alter the times Of meeting^d adjournment i^t ihekdiscJretion.^^^ ! :* The/Pwsident shall takie the Chair^ predoely at i^ie hour to which the jEkmfereiiGe Btood adjourned, imd cause tibe same to be opened by reading th^ I5criptures,sfaigittgr, and prayer.. And on the appearance of aquoilim, shall ha^e the J^mnals iit\ ih0^|nre^ding .1 ' ".'•i .-,l'?4 ! T V J" \ *r5" .>f t ..f^ ,.v •f^ i: S 4 ByULXa AND 0EDB&8 r dfily read and approved, when the business of the Conference shall pro- ceed in the following order, viz.: — 1. Reports, first of the Standing and then of the Select Committees. 2. Petitions, Memorials, and Appeals. ''■■■■■-■■-'" ^ iiL -::.-:;/:-'^.^ ■ The President shall decide all ques- tions of order, subject to an appeal to the Conference '^ but, in case of such appeal, t^e question shall be taken without debate, I m;>(»!'' IV. .^Ile sl^all appoint all Committees^ not otherwise specially ordered b^ thi Conference; but any member may decline serving ^n moi^ ,, l^biaii X3m Cpmmitteo at the iame iime^yTrt^lf II , H* 4 Ni^t ; m ► < #;>/* # : %' -Jr-^ .4- II h * f / it ■ ^ V < # I'* I «' or OONFBfttNC*. S „■ • V.' •• ; ; All motions or resolutions introduced by any member shall be reduced to writing, if the President, Secretary, or any two members request it. ,; , ■■'■■..:■ -VL ^ , y'^^^' When a motion or resolution is made and seconded, or a report presented, and is read by the Secretary, or stated by^the President, it shall be deemed )8Session of the Conference ; but ^ motion or resolution may be with- drawn by the mover at any time before decision or amendment VIL ':*^: be made until the one under conside- ration is disposed of ; which may bi done by adoption w* rejection, unless ^^0 of the following motkms should ^ -i — ^ J^-^'ri^iit'^ ftVLM AND ORDEEM r/' 4" ' i<.<. intervene, which motions shall have precedence in the order in w^iioh they are placed, vit. : indefinite postpone* ment, laying on the table, reference to a committee, postponement to a given time, amendment, or a substitute. VIII. / . \No member shall be interrupted when speaking, except by the Pres- ident, to call him to cfrder when he departs from the question, uses person- alities, or disrespectful languagQ ; but ^aia^^m^mber may call ^e attention of the President to the sul&ject, when he deems a speaker £i^t of order. And ai^ meipber may explai^ i| hp^ Ainks ^f^^li^eai any member is about to speiak id debate or to deliver any matter to 19 f I h t>!ii>«A* i > ■ i «.,i 1 ^' .iv'.r ^ 1$ h '«IMI>«A t .■ 4 r r*i > k- - Of CONf IIUNCI. • the Conference, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully address himself to the President ^ ' - No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, without leave of the Conference ; nor shall any> person speak more^^than once, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken*^ When any motion or resolution shall have passed, it shall be in ord#r for any pember who voted in the majority to move for a reconsideratioii* ^ V > from the sittings of the Gonfereiice ^thout leave^^^ \^^ he be siekr f» ipiable to attest ' ; /< » ' '« «■ \ •-» „t ■. . V*^.'s. i^ .,^-'- rV J3'., / f ' • RULKS AND ORDRRi OP CONrERRNCC No member shall be allowed tovotci ^on any question who is not Mritbin th(» bar at the time when such question iii put by the President, except by leavo of the Conference^ when such membe has been neqessarily absent. Every member who shall be within the bar at the time the question iis put shall give his vote, unless the Confer- ence, for special reasons, .excuse him. , ifo ^solution altering, rescinding^ oir proposing any new rule of disci- pline, shall be adopted, untiV it shall ^ave been at least one day in the pos- ffessioii df the Conference.! ) A motioh^ in ordeti cuKid shaU b^ dec^^ wii^iaut debate.^' . ■- ■-: ■fi #' '' j^' ■■<', ■ V.'n *N^