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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 D ^t i .1*1 ...0"i m ^^ m % t Becher vs \ ^^. ■if PUBLIC Pursuant to the Decree and final order for Sale herein, bearin 1877, and the -^rd day of September, A.D. 1878, there will be sol Richardson, Auctioneer, with the approbation of James Shanly the premises, in the in the County of Wei a J4ir VHiJavAfll miiinlft V 1 1 ui iliii I ui u at 12 o'clock noon, the following lands and premises in two parce p herein, bearing date respectively the 24th day of October, A D* lere will be sold by Public Auction, by Mr. Robert McGregor ames Shanly, Esquire, the Master in Chancery at London, on f bounty of Welland, on lAfOA^nliAii A n IIII70 f ui uiiiuuci I aiUi lof B in two parcels, situate in said Town of Thorold, that is to say: p t w at 12 o'clock noon, the following lands and premises in two parce Firstly— Lot number 108, on the west side of the Canal, in the Board of Works and butted and bounded or otherwise known and on the £iOUth-east comer of said lot number 108, on said Board ( said Board of Works line ; thence west two chains and fifty linl two chains and fifty links to the place of beginning. Parcel 2— That certain parcel or tract of land and premise Thorold, containing by admeasurement one rood and twenty-two of village lot number 111, situate on the north side of water and bounded, or may be otherwise known and described as follow angle of said lot on Water street, thence west on Water street { the line of said lot in rear of said William Eiel's lot 3 chains, to to the north-east angle of said lot number 111, and thence south of beginning. iXJpon Parcel 1 the following buildings are erected, all of whi( house, about 50 x 30, and a small wood shed. Upon Parcel 2 the following buildings are erected, they too about 20 X 30 (one story), and one frame barn, about 30 x 40. The lands (each parcel) will be offered for sale subject to a re TERMS OF One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down a the balance to be paid into Court w^ithin one month theree produce for the purpose of verification of the abstract c possession. Other conditions of sale to be the standing a For further particulars apply to Messrs. Miller, Vendor's Solicitors. Dated this 12th day of September, 1878. 6EGHER, STREET & BEGHER, OF THE CIT7 OF LONDON, VENDOR'S S0LICIT0RS< ill'*:'] *■»■ I in two parcels, situate in said Town of Thorold, that is to say: ) Canal, in the said Town, formerly Village of Thorold, adjoininjg Lse known and described as follows, that is to say : commencing n said Board of Works line ; thence north IS"", east one chain on ; and fifty links; thence south 18^ west one chain; thence east I' I and premises, also situate in said Town, formerly Village, of d twenty-two perches, be the same more or less, being composed dde of water street, in the said Town of Thorold, and is butted ibed as follows, that is to say : Commencing on the south-east iVater street 57 feet to William Eiel's lot, thence north along 3t 3 chains, to Sidney's lots ; thence east one chain and 60 links thence south 18^ west three chains and ten links, to the place ed, all of which are in a fair state of repair : A frame dwelling cted, they too are in a fair state of repair : One dwellinfi: house. 1 30x40. 6 , ubject to a reserved bidding. OF SALE paid down at the time of sale to the Vendor's Solicitors ; nonth thereafter, without interest. -The Vendor only to e abstract or otherwise such title deeds as may be in his 9 standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. li/Eiller, Mill^^r & Cox, Solicitors, St. Catharines, or to the (Signed), J. SHANLY, 0RS< (Tree Press, London.) MASTER IN CHANCERY.