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X k i ^'^%^^ yz%^>i- H < STATEMENT Addressed to tbe meeting by Mr. Stanton The Committee having now made its Report, I may be allowed the opportunity of affording some explana« tion, and offering a few remarks on the subject of the accounts of the Church which were entrusted to me. I shall, for this purpose, beg the indulgence of the meeting for only a short time. The details of the whole of the transactions being in the possession of the meet- ing, throi .^h its Committee, it is only necessary to afford in the few remarks I have to make, such general infor- mation as may be acceptable to the Members of tho Church. The accounts having passed through my hands, I feel that it is proper I should do this— and on an occa- sion when so many of the Congregation are present, I would beg leave to take the opportunity of stating, that I feel myself bound, and shall be prepared on all occa- sions, when any individual member of the Church may require explanation with regard to his personal account as involved in the general statements handed ir to the Committee, to afford to any such individual, any, and every explanation with respect to his personal account wit]ilih&. Church. kention this, that in case any gentleman who may have had transactions with the Church, should find any difficulty in adjusting his account— or as to the mode in which settlements were made— or as to balances due-* .Ola X5i whether from want of recollection of the facts at this distant period of time— or from any other cause, I shall be prepared to give every satisfactory explanation, and from the memoranda I have kept of each individual transaction, independent of the general accounts of the Church, I may venture to say with great confidence, that it will he in my power to afford the most ample and minute detail, to every person Twho^may be pleased to call upon me. The documents for this purpose, are in the hands of the Committee to whom all accounts have been rendered, and reference allowed me to these, I shall be ready on all occasions to meet the pledge I now make* With respect to the affairs of the Church generally — its building, and subsequent occupation to the period of the deplorable calamity which has occurred, I must bftg the indulff^nce of the meetinsr, in oflbring a few brief remarks — ^the details of all these matters, as I have already observed, are before th meeting, and need not be alluded to. Bivinc Service was performed in the Church for the irst time on the 13th October, 1833. Before the close of that year, sales of Pews were made, and as far as my attention could do it, settlements were effected with individuals. The contractors were paid up in foil, and not long after the whole of the Church gstamd was encldsed with a substantial fence and paid fpfl|P During the year 1834, and to Juoe 1835, 1 continued to devote part of my time and attention, to the closing as far as possible the affairs of tho Church :^baving done as much as 1 thought was in my power to accom- „Ush towards this desirable object, with the half year i£g 30th June, 1S35, 1 labored to bring matters to ^ dose as near as could be-and then made up idl the tZl to that period, connected with ^e buJdmg- the sale of Pews-debts outstandmg-and aV^g'^f le ordfnl affairs of the Church, as connected the Churchwarden's account, .omo pains were taken to ci:t tJIdues, and to be Fcp-d - — a gene, statement of the whole, to a meetmg to be cal ea lor r purpte A printed Circular was accordingly sent ^ each plw-hoider, and circulated very generally among he menfbels of the Congregation, convening a meetmg on the UAJuly, 1835, Ld by that day all the accounU tothehairyear'ndingWjune, 1835, were made up and closed,'aud ready' to be submitted to the meetmg. It certuiiily mu»t bo matter for regrfit, that, at that „eet ngTve J few persons attended, and that nothing wa Tone when the comparatively h-lthy state of the Church funds generally, (the correctness of which can at this day be easily ascertained by reference to the d - tailed accounts, and by examination f the Bank book ) would have them satisfied, and will, I think, now sa isty rpersons concerned-that with a then settlement of accounts_a relief of hands at the laboring o^.andthe ^en«gd exertions of fresh ones, the state of "ur ^ff^"* wSh as to preclude all apprehension of difficulty on Th^ore of money matters :-and it may also he re- grettXthat at the' subsequent Easter, the or .nary Lsiness meeting, after the usual notice given, when it was hoped and expected that these matters would be disposed of, that on the part of those mterested m the ^i i: III 411 I.H afTairs of the Church, convenience may not have per- mitted the attendance of a larger number than that which considered it only necessahy to continue the duties and responsibilities in the same hands, and from which no relief has since been afforded. The following statement shews the result on closing the accounts to the period stated. General Statement— Affairs of the Church, to SOthJune, 1835. Balance due to the Bank - - £2713 6 1 Due to the Church by Sundry Persons, on account of Pews purchased 996 16 11 Balance due on the Church £1719 9 2 m l;(!i I If.', I < Ir '■' Value of Pews unsold at the upset prices £2540 (Some of which are leased to individual^.) At the same period (30th June 1835) the Pew Rents and Leases had been collec- ted, as far as possible. The Church- Warden's account was closed to that date, and the balance to the Credit of the Church, lodged in the Bank was 217 18 11 This was a more prosperous period than what now presents itself. The Bank debt with accumulating in- terest has considerably increased. Of other ma^rs * which are in arreur, I may have to take some blawFto myself, but I am certain it will not be considered wilful or as not being shared by others, the same leisure may not have been afforded, though the exertions were not altogether relaxed. The comfort and convenience of the Church was not neglected — renewed Attempts to /^v collect its dues were made, and up to the period of our common calamity, private means were not withheld for the decent support of the Public Worship in that tem- ple whose loss none can moie deeply deplore than my- self. In offering these few observations, let it not be supposed that I despond, even^ in the present state of our affairs. The Report of your Committee is sufficient to remove any guch feeling, and even if it were otherwise, we all would still have but one duty to perform — to re- place the temple of our God, that ourselves and fami- lies, our neighbors and friends may again be permitted to assemble within its sacred walls, again to offer up our united voices in prayer and thanksgiving to the Giver of all good. i /■^i