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Loraque la document eat trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un aaui clichA, li eet filmA A partir da Tangle aupAriaur geuche, de gauche A droite, et de haut an baa, en prenant la nombre d'imegea nAceaaaira. Lea diegremmea auivanta iiluatrent le mAthode. y errata Id to nt ne pelure, (on A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 Si iheCo Ingwil imtht] «Dy ot 4lieBi fd^as to Thu^ attem] contro consul . we!gh ] Ohart< ' Eoglif 1 ' iinfort most] hut ih mom amoui trUcli iJovei '■ '.*^ draw of tlu teeal porati |n«u] ■ '* ■. ] c Ml ,(f. MONTREAL AND KINGSTON RAILWAY COMPANY. ■< if .'ttrrfc'j W f I QcBBEC, 12th October, 1862. l'-;'y<{ TB» QpAHMAM or TO» ComOTOBI OS RaILBOADB. , * ' f -, , Sib, — In compliance with the desire of the Oommittee, we ftiraish herewith the copy of preliminary articles ifigncd by the prii»(%ial atocU^oldenin this Company, b^^NW tiieir Subscription qf^tvck, a^ flso the Stock Book of the OomiMuay as sijjned on the 28rd August. - f We doofesa we am aomewhat itarprised at being oallcd njion ibr this information after ouf cxpEciC understand- ing with the Inapector General, that we should hove the opportunity of placing dur views before your CoaMpittee, with the disthact pledge of the cordial co-operation of the QoTemment wjth us lnt;|ii&,,exent.of thp failure of thr ' ^'^iS^^ li^ltk^ll^^^^l^.'-ei' OtH mmmOhig we'iSrbore rn'''oW'a>^^ HtT ]|ll^i9t, totcIaW our rtg^ under an existing Charter. Wetherein placed ourselves on a pu with our opponents, and ^aonght only a fiiir and e^al investigation of the pretensions of both parties. We admit that the course adopted by the GoTemment,dncethe 2ad instant, has not inspired us with confidence that we should have equal justice from 4Uiy other tribunal than your Committee and the Legislature. The unseemly and ill-advised precipitancy with Vluc^ ihe HQ now before you has been attempted to be passed, after our express condition that our rights should remain intact during the investigation, had alarmed us, and made us dread that the whole design of the Inspector General (0^aM to disarm the opposition of oui Company, on legal grounds, until by the new Act, he could safely set us ande. This design is now we fear but too evident to every one, and we cannot but express strongly our reprobation of an Attempt to werk upon our known anxiety to meet the wishes of the Legislature, in order practically to remove all control over the arrangements with the Foreign Contractors. We were led to believe that the Government would consult the Hulroad Committee, on the whole details of the proposed contracts, that our suggestions would be weighed ai the same time, and that if the decision was finally agunst us, we were then pledged to resign our I Ohwter, which would be amended in either case to suit the nature of the arrangements, whether made Irith the English Contractors, or through our Company. The doubts raised in our minds by the determined pressure of the new 'Grand Trunk Railway Bill, are unfortunately confirmed most fully by the course taken by the Government this day, before your Committee. We must plead our ignorance of Parliamentary usage If we are wrong iu referring ta what passed in our presence, but the statement of the Inspector General that the Government had determined to make a contract with Messrs. ^^fMskaon aud Co., for £7,600 Sterling, or about £10,000 Currency, per mile, and that they were prepared to carry ito i jUJl GevCT ninent measure through Parliament, leaving only the mere detail of the Bill to Your Committee, and .ailoimqlWi «Cf ©ppMPtmntjr. truatever of snewinff wnat tbe tennsoi. cue ceniracc ongnt-reany to be, we ' m u w itiyr-^* amounts to a distinct breach of the arrangement between the Inspector General and our Company, on the faith of which, we intimated our readiness to waive our extreme rights, and most reluctantly we are thrown back by the Ch>vemment upon our rights as well legal as moral. We beg most respectfully, therefore, to represent to your Honorable Committee, that we now desire to with- draw firom our statement of 11th instant, every expression implying any wiuver of our right to appear as opponents of the BiU on legal grounds, and we pray that we may be permitted to, appear before you as representing the Mon- Ireal and Kingston Railway Company, either in person or by Counsel, as opposing the proposed Bill for the incor- poration of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, with the privilege of examining and adducing evidence in aqpport of onr claims. In m^port of this petition we transmit herewith, and request that the documents maybeentered as evidence. 1!» First, The Charter incorporating the Montreal and Kingston Railway Company, 14 and 15 Vic, cap. 143. Second, Official Gazette of 7th August, 18.V2, containing tlie Proclamation of the Oovernor in Council, declaring the said Charter to be in force, and that the line thereby granted form part of the (irand Trunk Railway. Third, Subscription of Shares Book, as demanded by the Conuniltee. ii\)urth, Official Gazette of 28th August, notifying subscription of Stock, and lirst meeting of Proprietors, Fifth, Official Gazette of ISth September, notifying subsequent tneeting hf Stockholders fcf election of Directors. Sixth, Copies of Minutes of the said meeting of Stockholders, and Miutttes ot ttieetin^ of Directors, nppoiift> ing L. H. ilolton. President, and A. T. Gait, Vice-President. Seventh^ Receipts by Secretary and Treasurer for call of ten per cent., and ceitiHcate of deposit With the Com- mercial Bank, Midland District, by the Cashier's letter of 12th October^ 1^52. "W^ believe iKftt our pvooont appl'Ir'ofinrt in npppnt- hoforp yoM fts rtfipoTipyits nt fhp Bill, is io strict canfnrroit.y with the practice of England, and indeed of every country, where privnto rights Are protected by Representative Assemblies. XVe trust your Committee will nat tnisunderstand the positlott we now occupy ; our rights have been invaded most seriously, and we might well and safely stand alone oh the pledged fairti of our ^urHamcnt and Government, but thiswe do not even now proi')ose to do. We are driven to tins course because "by no other canxrt; sec a probability of getting the facts before the Legislature of what this Railroad really is, — its advantages, its traMc, its cheapness, the competition for its construction, and the entire absence of necessity for the course adopted by the Government. We are prepared to place in evidence before the Committee, the testimony of the m^«t escperienced Engineers of this Country and the United States on its character and cost. We have already thrro^' I'enders for its construction, from perfectly respotisible and skilfel Contracting Companies, any one of which we are iible to carry out, and before the close of the investigation we doubt not to have yet thrther proposals ; and we Ute ■ now ready and willing to undertake the whole responsibility With such 'friends as have proposed to join Us, of retain- ing the Stock, for £GOO,000 subscribed by us, in proof of Which we have alreafly from our own resources, mad^ good the payment of f C0,000, to be applied towards the work, so soon as the Railroad Comtnission will sanction pur proceeding. ..>t.vutn.s«««« • rnbh ■■• n-.iiiuiT We now i'38pectfully appeal to Your Honorable Committee, and ask, what more could have been done;, under any Charter, than has been done by the Montreal and Kingston Railway Company ? We have not lost one day in our proceedings ; we have struggled to maintain our position under very scrions disadvantages ; we have even offered to waive our rights, and would have done so, had faith been kept with us. Now we rely on Your Committee and on the Legislature for protection, in the firm conviction that, if our rights are to be oVer-rldden hy the high Jiand of Executive power, no rights under any Charter can be safe in this Country, and we may bid farewell even to the flattering visions of Foreign aid with which our mind's eve is now souirht tnhp dnzzled: 'for who ran sunpooe. Ant English caplialisis, inoverbioUy the most timid iu tfie world, will euiiii^i their funds in a scheme, the vtiy basis of which is a spoliation of the rights of others, as strongly pledged to those others asiiny present Act of Parliament can confer rights upon them. We solenmly warn the Government of this Country, that the course they are taking, as regards this Company, is fraught with more fatal injury to the credit of Canada than all the prontised capital will ever repay. Let it once be known abroad, that no respect i« liere paid to the tights eattftfrtfed %y Ptxriiamttit, and the rising coxrfidence of Enj^ish caphafHsts i^ this Province \ri6i 'depittt assjM^tly as it HeAftom the yt^dhltiMg States of the Union. Adwritting that it were eveta troO'— which we deny— 4*iat our q)posati(m is «ialfi^ ttnA cfbstrttc- tlve— that we «hall drive away the English Oontractors, and th^ fail ourSelvcs-Hddtilit 'aSl'thls, "atoAMi^n flieft Ae injury wai not he one tithe as great eA tf— to ser\'fe a tomporary «n(J"^tlhe faifli of J*ai4iMnent "h WvoHtti, ^dtlioic that have trusted it betrayed. Our course involves no such sacrifices — no such risks ; b«t '1#e WBl iMt'ptiMiH Wfir knowledge of the result of the .policy of the Government, to induce ns to sacrifice MM-4-igbt«j i,a«iidoc 4a prevent their being guilty of tin infruction of them. Our duty is partly discharged when wc put the inevitable consequences before Your Honorable Coniniittec ; but if our hopes be falsified, and the Executive influence, which has been pledged to our opponents, should prove stronger than our claims for justice, we shall have to look for protection even at the foot of the Throne itself, having suHicient sympathy for our fellow-subjects in England to let them know exactly the treatment they may hereafter expect, should the interest of the party in power at any future time require a surrender of their rights. We have the honor to be. Your most obedient humble servants, L. H. HOLTON, President M. & K. R. R. 0. ;'r ^ A. T. GALT, Vice President. JOHN LOVIXL, I'ltlNTEU, JlOt^'TAIS STREET.