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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) LO LI 1.25 m 1^ III 2.8 II 3.2 [13.6 14.0 1.4 I 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 .6 ^ /APPLIED IfVWGE inc i653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 -P, one (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax ^ -v^^ / '^ 6^ 34751 A CLASSIFIED LIST OF FOSSILS MINKRALS AND INDUN RELICS FROM THE collect: V J. PROVOST. Numkr of^ pecin I Calynimene Senaria 200 2 Acidaspis (Mncinnatiensis I 3 Asaphus Gigas 3 4 Asaphus Megitos 10 5 Ccrauius Icarus rare I 6 /Fiiarthrus Becki I 7 Triarthrus Spinosus I 8 Trinucleus Concentricus I 9 (v'alymmene Niagarensis I lo Ill^nus Insignis 4 II Hypostoma of Isplatus 8 f^ / 2 12 Beyrichia ^rder Crinoidea '3 Clyptocrinus decadactylus '* " O'Nealli Baeri '6 Hcterocrinu; Exilic 17 «< I, . ' Exiguns 18 .. , Juvenis 19 Poteriocrinus Dyeri Caduceus 2f Liclionocrinus Dyeri 22 .( t-rateformis 23 Nncieocrinus V^erneuili 2-* Pcntremites Symmetricus -^5 A.aricociimus 7'uberosus 26 Actinocrinus Biturbinatus 27 i^earrinus clegans 28 Ferbesiocrinus Giddingei ^9 Paleaster 30 Mallotus Villosus (fish) 51 •'»H'f>phomeiia Faciata ^^ ' Alteijiata •'«' rraeta 34 iatenta 35 ?6 u '^'azuta I'licata 3 as 6 2 3 37 •' Filixtexta 2 38 " Rhomboidalis 5 39 •' Declivis 3 40 '« Sulcata i3 41 " Nutans a 4a ♦• Planumbona la 43 •' T'lano-canvexa 5 43 •• Sinuata 4 44 Orthis lowensis 3 45 li Michelina 3 46 Biforata 100 52 7 i-eda Levada 68 Telliiiomya Obllijua 69 Orthotlesma Curvata 70 •' Contracta 71 Cuneamya Scalplia 7^ Ortlmnota p&rallela 73 Avicula SiiJjarcuata 74 Mediolopsis Cinchuiatlensis 75 i^ysonia 76 v Sedgwickia Neglecta 77 • i'inua I'eracuta 78 Amltoiiychia Kt-trorsa 79 .• • " Karliata **« • '• liellostriata ^' " Alau 82 I'terina Demissa 83 'Iriplesia (Jrtoni 84 ■ Meiistella Cylind/ica 85 Trcmatis Millepurictata 86 iLingula 87 Athyiis SublamelloHa 88 Atrypa Recticularis 89 ♦' Aspera 90 " Nodestiiata 91 Khynchouuella Carolina '>2 • •• Capax 3 3 3 5 6 3 3 3 2 20 1 1 93 ."^peiiftfr inicronalus 94 I'tntaiiierus OMoiiijiis 95 I'eiehiatula I'limiclea 96 I'roductus Uostalui 97 I'rcKiuctus (;enus ()rth()cera> 3 6 98 99 100 lOI «4 << • I Duseri 10 Turhulum Amplicameratum Annulatum a CENUS Endoceras) 102 " 3 Varieties of Endoceras proteiform 103 " Annulatum 104 (.iomphuceras Eos 105 Oncoceras Constrictuna 106 Cyrtoceras Magister (lENUS (>iA:'l ETES. Chaetetes Approximatus 107 108 K19 no III 112 Hriarus Clathratulus Corticans Dalei Dclicaluliis Discoideus 114 116 117 118 119 121 122 12 FlOlulosUS Mainmulafuv New I •crryi Nodul us Us (»raiiuliferu>: Ortoni ''apilliitus I't'tcchialis I'ei «<>l»<>litatiij>. •"^iil)l)ulLlielluv '24 Zc])liictis •25 J'Mwanl., '26 C '27 Dictyophyto,, 'l\,|)eixi,l Wniiculum 18 osuiu 12S Col munopora r'lil.rifor mis '' Arulaphyllu III »jt) c: '.)' Sidl •"^tcllaria I'ulystomclla ipora Aiiihcloid cu 1 1 lis '3-J Aceivularia '33 '^iily^ite. (Jaleiuil '.)4 Aulopoia Aracliiioi la '35 Sliell-Mail Deposit »3(> Favorite Gothlandica '37 " Stellata 13^ Chaet-tes Fibrosa 10 6 IJ9 l.ilh<»sti(»ii(n. Maiiillluie 140 Si)Icii<>|Mii.i ( itinpnt'tu 141 Kryddphylluiii (4 varieties) 142 Acervulnria I'rorondn 143 " Davitlsoni 144 Keceptaculites Occidentulis 145 .Stictopora Magna 146 l'til(Klictya Stictopora 147 Mcyaloinus Canadensis I4S /.yyospira Minlesta 149 ** Ileudi 150 Cyclonenia liilix 151 I'iatyosloma Triyonostonia 152 riurotoiuaria 153 *' Occidens 154 " Suh-C«.nica 155 Soniia Anna 156 Hutania Kxpanda 157 Cyrtolites Maynus 158 I'lalyceras Attenuatum 159 Murciiisfjnia Ik-llicincla 160 Jielleroplion Bilobatus 161 Komphalus Decewi 162 Ammonites fj varieties) 163 Sagiliaria 4 " 16 4 I'ecopterib 3 " loo 40 lo 4 20 3 3 3 10 8 <( 165 Neuropteris 3 166 Annularia Spheuophylloids 167 Buthotrephis 168 Dentrites 169 Fucoids (4 varieties) 170 Fossil Bone 171 Petrified wood, Lignite (10 varieties) 172 " Sweet Potato 173 " Moss 174 " Leaves 175 " Grain ;o:- liNUlAiN Kj:i. ICS cajioiis lo 8 40 5 Stone Iiuplemenfs aiul \\' droved Axes all Hae Hand Ham inert, Fleshers gotKl variety (irain Crushers Roller Mortar.— The specimen I have is fine and per feet value at $50. Wedges Shnttle-form Stones 3 varieties (^ircular Stones j Pipe a oT'-'d one of gray sand-stone Polishers Pestles 1 2 Tulte Breastplates, or (lorgets 2 Ball or Sphere — The one I have was found in a grave (m the White Oak Creek, O. It is of (Jalcedony Hemisphere j Bannerii ( fi„f ) ^ Badges Spindle fool rest Chisels or Borers 2 Register Plate 10 Arrow Heads, all varieties and sizes, every Specimen i)erfect 500 Spear head i^o Knives and drills 50 Other articles— (No name for them) Number of pieces 754 MINERALS Several hundred varieties. Some rare and fine Specimens; all classified. .0 :-