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All other original copies are filmed beginaing oh tha first page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion. and ending on tha last p«g« with a printed or illustrated impression. , The last recorded frame on each microfiche , shall contain the symbol -♦• tmeaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "BND"). whichever applies. Maps, platta^ charts, etc.. mhy be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one expoeure are filmed beginning in tha upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate tha method: ■ ." : ' ■■■-•■■ / '--^ , ■ ■ , ■ / / L'axemplaire filmi fut reproduit g^rdce A la ' gAn^&rositi de: - , ' • Siminaire de Quebec Bibiioth^qus Les images suivantes ont ir6 reproduites avec le pigs grand spih. compte'tanu de le condition et de la nettett de rexemplaire fiimA,. et en conformity avf c lea conditions du contrat de filmaga. ■ ■ : ■• ;. 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Las diagrammes sulvants lllustrant la mithode. 1 2 3 # #1* J. 1 3 nx :t nm h ■ n ^^ -3 *9 I sn 1 few m - ^H ^ ' ^1 m ■ H 9\ ■ ^p # ^ ) ■0 / ■ » ' . IflWH' a..... J. W:fA.. MSIUCI m, s». APPBAL SIDE ii?pELi.i?rr, Hf SPOHflESrS CASE liOQS htifBiiiU-f in the Court '« dent'i i/«cii«r»uv' -.aameree the same thereof. *>'»'. !■'' Thp sai't 'Dfft'ndiiiu ftod to nxmit we pr^cu !n due oon»« fe <^ l*''*' ITS ttistl pS»toi», W Ttiatby ttte «' twailftriy r»t«!'> *s ^.1 Cro«. & SonsEngl«nd. for One hundred «.dEighty-si. P°"f ;/f Tf/^f^Itt^^^^^ p.nce Starling. And ater giving credit for these ^^-^^^^ ^tJ^^ftt^t on such sales aforesaid aft« due, ^^ Jj "^^^ ^ ,j„„, „,, g^^ day of MarcM instant, lingi and nine pence Sterling, and Interest «fte^» »" ^^ j^ ^^^nnt last as IW more fully >y the acoourit ^^"^^'^^^Iki^om a^England aforesaid, the current raterf ^^^'^^J^^'VZ^Z ^nivremima I V k tu- PiamiifTftvewto 68*6 aTWaged and to bo presently one per oe""^ p'"" (which the Plamtjffavew to niweaTw»H«« iy^icM pounds and four pence or advance) i* equivalent to Two ham y-e'S'" P ,«■ currency." . ' :. n^„n¥. Then followed the general indebttam asmmptU t.oune. # The foUowina is the Plea set up by tiie Appellant :— , . -^ „ &c. for the Canada MuKei or treae, ino *«■* ^„ij t« miflftoLentlv lanie, to »end monthly of the guns mrm ^yftrrfl^jJchlbe Plaintiff wa» Wy notifl«d j crd>y wqarwriar awtoi th . oner lMiMMi^^"Bnt." ^' , . .j j^ i. i 1^ / agreegwp w n stoWmg, he "mi i)l' .■tioahould jfby Ap- ■^ ii.«i,im«u.lf and bv the cross examinatiou of •Mr Leeming who was examined by the Appellant, to »L "'• .?"^^ J, ^Lt«odbv th« rmde in Montreal, aad an commission, as understooaDy T |„ tM abseu*. By 'the Tariff of the Montrea' " \ Z «ontrnrv. h'. addition to whicU,acc,or«u.g - ^b" , P wwboundto ,...^.o «^-^Wv rcmitfcmceB of hi. ., .^^^_^^^^^^^, Drsftfortheaiii hn-rtheinff'stipi be sufficiently large, no resctvijuor. ,nt salcH were rcn- f^ in ca^ of """■^"""'l^tL^sbrougbt dowutho net amou.,. of sale, as an amou,it defedunr* ,! caw-soroufeu The liabilitv of the ApiJellant, ^ to the Kespon.i«.u a. u.o date, th.^e.. indicated.^ 5Slr?«3S-(ra^r 29 of is also clesTly RdButted by him ui I „,„i,.,^„i .,..^,>f S^of *).- AooeUnnt has on theEecordO-Besidesallwhichthere.3no8U„.«u ,- - ,,1 returned hand thegoM andpistolrtcferred to, much less that to hhn for the causes in i /imple con-' Under the circom^auc... ^'^^^'^';;^;^^i^,^.t^lnm^i^ ^-^-^urthavin.h2«l.ep^bythe. ha^tig examined the f^f*»f ' £^^f SiTg that the Defendant is Viable and by the Defeadant, and having deliberated, *^f f °f/" .i„„B,ents of goods made by Countable to the Haintiff for the balance oh^^^^^^^^^ S^^ ^^^^^^^^ m Waintiff to the Defendant for '»^«""/XtotTnot Halle to the Plaintiff to ^t^or'«^ved,aud comdenng totthc 1^^^^^^^ g,mm^ his said sales of the 8*id Goods ^"^ tlmt no ^"^^J"^'^^^ ^^^ ^^ tho fween theni or ha. U.n established '^"»* »;^"t J"*f ^S one Lusand eight i«^itutionof th« action, ^^i*'f f^%7^"'' 1"^^^^^^ hundred and fifty-eight, the ^f-**""* ^^^^Jr^t^^^^^ pounds.Ve M^ the said goods amounting to the sum of ^''^J'Tf ?^ w him filed In this Hags and one penny currency as set out m Pefendantfl rtitcmons ny oala. his eiij number four. (No. 4) as fallows, to w. .^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ Sti^mont of Cluns and I'istoU held to t.e order of Messrs. Beuhin Fr^res. Liege by James Foley. i i ! ii -i ^''^■r --rfi^;. I P Considering that th of the said ttatement io- tioned the sum of Fort^ so held as aforesaid- ing to the sum of Two uuji.. and coiuddering that it iS ad acknowledged to have r^eeived siace the date sjoods ulaiJt's haads of the said goods a balaaoe amount'- \i'Bntv-onfi noiintls tliree shilliDBS and one penny, R«»rdthatth« said Defendant is indehted to the said riuiatiB, m tUe lurtaer sum oi aixtf pounds cur- rency, forming together with the said sum of Forty pounds tiie gnas suiftOf Om hun- dred pounds, wherefrom le oommiasion in the account set out in the said statement, there actually was due m cash to the Plaintiff at the instittttioa of faction the sum of Eighty pounds eight shillings and tiuree pen<», besides the goods in hand as aforesaid, doth wljudge and condemn the Defendmt to pay to fee said Plaintiff the sum of Eighty pounds eighteen shillinga and ^xm pene«. together witii fee said sum of Two hundred and twenfy-one pounds three shillings and one penny, amounting t^ettiw to Three hundred and one pounds eleven shillings and four p«ice, with interest on the said several sums, from the fifth day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty- nine, date of the service of this action, unless the Defendant do within eight days from the service of this Jadgnumt upon him, deliver op to the Plaintiff the balanwof the «iid goods in the sMd statement mentioned, less ftose for which the said sum of Forty pounds have bem by him received, whereupon tiie »id Def«3*iant shall only be held to pay to the Plaintiff the said sum irf Eighty pounds eighteen i^iUiUffi wd tiuree pence witii interest as afor^d, the whole wiUi coste to be taxed aa in « contertod . ai^on of first cl»ss." ^ The Respondent considenug as before stated tbikt be was eatitled to a simple con- demnation against the Appellant, according to ibe «»nclu»kjas of hto decbur«tid ttw chatga rf seven and a half fm cent be made, the debt is of course guwrantoed. JoHH G. DiHKiHO :— « I am BOW and during ^ last four or fire years hava b^ Secretoyofthe Montreal Bowdrf Trade. For many yearn prwioudy, I wm «»gi^ in Oie Owiml Commission business in tiiis City. The unlfwrm W*e ^ OMMniMim for sdlisg Merchsndise in this City without guanmtee. has been d1a^| my experimea Fite p«- cent, ai^ with guawmtee an additional «>mmastoB of two and a tolf per »wt These ebaiges include evety deaeriptioa of tronWe, iafiSudiag that of fetaittiag. The paper p«»dttead by James Huttoa is a tree copy of the ratea of CowtaWott aanotioiwl by MniMkHi ^|NMMAif«raya iwudiafel aa a fW»a*aa «?**«*«« OimmianoB. Thfa CommisMoa is considered to cover ewspy AM«ipti«B d trwMa ift- iiludtog tiiat <^H«iilMBg amief. 7^ JPa/JSCfasf itd**** Cratf]^MMiiiattom» \ i !' <^ V^'