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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. irrata to peiure, n d □ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ CONSTITUTION RULES ANI^RECJ^fc^rffoNS \ OP TUE RIDEAU CLUB. Adopted 19th March, 1873. OTTAWA: PIIINTED BY A. 8. WOODBUEN. 1873. / b Hio%^ IMDEAU CLUB. Incorporated wukr the Act of the Le^is/ature of Canada^ 2^th Vic,, Ch, g8, 18G5, \ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J. M. Currier, Esq., M. P., Hon. John II ill yard Cameron, M. P., Hon. P. Mitchell, M. P., Hon. Georoe \V. Allan, M. P., A. Wright, Esq., M. ]\, K. .1. Cartwright, Eisq., M. P., H. Y. KoEL, Eh(i., John Tilton, Esq., Licut.-Col. Walker Powell. 11. S. Cassels, Esq., J. M. CUREIER, Esq., M. P., President of the Club. Auditors. A. J. Cambie, Esq. B. Batson, Esq. Bankers. QUEBEC BANK. Treasurer. II Y. NOEL, Esq. Secretary. ROBERT SINCLAIR, Esq. I I RIDKAU CLUB. CONSTITUTION. Art. 1. — Tliis Association sliall \)0 known as tlie RiDK.vr Cm'b of Ottawa. Art. 2. — Politics and roli^jions questions ofcvory Tolitios^t description shall be absolutely excluded troni the '"*'""''""• objects ot the Club. Art. '^. — All mendtera of the Club shall be elect- <-'aiur.I;if.'K. ed by the Executive Cojumittee, and such election must be unanimous, absent mendters of the Com- mittee bein^ at liberty to vote by ju:eneral proxy. The name of every candidate pro|30se(i as an ordinary mendier shall be put up in the Reading Room for one week before his election, and shall also be en- tered in the proposal book of membershij). If two members of the Club object to such election, and enter and siers on a dav to be fixed by the Committee; whicli ballot shall take place between 10 A. M. and G P. M., and continue from day to day, until twenty-one members have voted — one black ball in seven to exclude. Art. 4. — On the adtnission of each new member, Now the Secretary shall notify the sanie to him, and fur- nish him with a printed copy of the Constitution and Regulations, and request him to remit the amount of his entrance fee and f^ubscription to the Treasurer. Art. 5. — The entrance fee shall be Eiglity Dol- Kiitranw & Sub- lars, and the annual subscription Twenty Dollars, ^'''l'^'""- the latter to be payable in advance, on the first of March in each year. And a proportional part of the annual subscription shall be payable for the fractional part of the year of entrance. Mcinbcrfl pay boforo votlnj,'. Members fiillinfj to piiy iinmiiil Bubucriptiun. Secretary must report. Paid to Treuauror. AiiT. (1. — N') jicrson hIiiiII lie iKTinitti'd to use tlu' riiil) or vote iiiitil Ills ciitriiiicc fco, i( .'iiiy, and jvu- luuil <)!• (itlier sMlisi'i"i|>tiuiis arc jiuid ; and any ncrnon el(M;trd as a nicmitcr ncLdcctiii'^ to nay kiicIi Icos lor one wvvk from tlic date ot" election, nis election hIuiII be ennsidcred catieellcii, unless satisl'aetory explana- tion of tlie neirleet is niiide to the Mxeeutive Coin- inittec ; and no such piTson shall he a^iain eligible for eleiiion during the then current year. Art. 7. — The name of every member failing to pay hi.- annual subscrijitlon on the first of March shall 1 exhiiiitcd in the ('ollee liooni on the first of Aprd, ; not tiu'u \)\uA', and if the Kubscription be not jiaid on or before the first day of May fol- lowing, the Secretary shall retiort accordingly to the Oomnittce, who shall catise nis name to be erased from tie list of members; but he may be re-admit- ted by the Comndttee, uj)on assigning to theu« rea- Hous which they shall consider satisfactory for his failure of payment. AiiT. H, — All entrance fees and annual subscrip- tions shall be paid to the Treasurer or into the Quebt'c Bank. Art. i). — Any onlinary or privileged mend)er, so long as the cause of privilege exists, who shall re- move liis residence to a greater residence than five miles from Ottawa (all his subscrij)tions then due being Jiaid), may give notii;e to the secretary of such removal, and of his intention not to make use of the Club thenceforward ; and such member shall cease to be liable to pay the yearly sid)Scription of $20, so long as he shall continue to reside at such distance from Ottawa and does not use the Club; and such mend)er shall at any time have the right of again using the Club by notifying his intention so to do, and paving the subscription for the then current vear. l3ut if anv member so removing his residence from Ottawa, and taking advantage of this rule, shall again return to reside in Ottawa, or nearer than five miles therefrom, he shall, within one month from such return, notify the Secretary thereof, and pay the subscription for the then current year; and failiiij: HO to do, hJH name hIuvII 1>l* Htru«'k Jrom tlu' roll ay, sliull be eli;iil)!o as |>rivile;j:ed inend>orH for nneh tini«f and on such terms aH tlie K.xecutive Committee nuiy determine. Art. 11. — Mcndiers of l>oth lIonseH of Parlia- ment ."hall l»e elile as j)rivilen of Canada, and any otluT person nyj. (h'nt beyond five miles from Ottawa, shall Ik- i']i;;;ible for election by the Executive Committe aa Privi- le^'ed Men\berH of this Club. The annual sum payable by such Privile<>;ed Members is !?1'(), payable on first day of Mar(di in e.ich year, and if elected durinnin''ttee of managed by a Committee, to consist often mem- '^^•'"®"^ hers, who shall be elected annually at the General Meeting of the Club, which shall be held on the first Wednesday in March in each year, and to that end tlie said Committee shall have full power to make such Rules and Regulations from time to time as . thev may think fit, not inconsistent with the consti- tution ; three of such Committee shall be a quorum. Art. 21. — If any member elected to serve on the Committee shall resign, or should a death vacancy occur, the Committee shall have power to choose a qualified member to act in his stead, until tlie an- nual meeting next ensuing, when the member so chosen shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-elec- tion. Art. 22. — The Executive Committee, three of Weekly whom shall form a quorum, sliall meet eao.h Wed- ^^leetingB. nesday, at four o'clock, to transact current business. Art. 2.3.— It shall be the duty of the Executive Jl'^j^^^""" "'^ Committee to take immediate cognizance of any infraction of the Constitution or Regulations of the Club. Art. 24. — There shall be an annual meeting of^j"""/^^^^^ the Club, on the first Wednesday in March, for the * " ' purpose of electing the members of the Committee lor the ensuing year, at which meeting it shall be the duty of the (Committee to present a report and nijJ'J'JIfanfi"^" abstract of the state of accounts and general con- confirmed, cerns of the Club for the past year, clearly audited, together with an estimate of the receipts and dis- bursements of the current year, which re|)ort and 10 MeelingB. and estim.ate sliall immediately thereafter be printed and distributed amongst all the members, if request- ed bv a majority of the General Meeting. Any member wishing to propose any change, addition, or alteration in the Rules and Regulations, must give notice thereof by placing the same in writing in the Reading Room one week before the annual meeting. Two Auditors shall be elected at each Annual Meeting, who shall examine the accounts from time to time, and report theron at the next Annual Meeting ; and the chair shall be taken at all meet- ings at noon. Extraordinary! Art. 25.— The Committee shall have power at all times to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Club on giving seven days' notice, to be posted up during that period in the Reading Room of the Club, specii'ying the object of such meeting, in the form of a resolution; at which meeting no subject shall be discussed beyond that specified in the notice. Twenty qualified members will be requi- site in order to constitute any such extraordinary meeting. Art. 26. — The Club House shall be open every day for the reception of members, at ei^ht o'clock in the forenoon in the summer, and at nme o'clock in the forenoon in the winter, and shall be closed and the lights extinguished at one A. M., except on Saturdays and Sundays, and also upon any night when no member is in the house at that hour, when the hour of closing shall be midnight ; and no member shall be admitted into the Club after these hours on any pretence whatever, unless specially authorized by the Committee. Art. 27. — No member shall, on any pretence or in any numner whatsoever, receive any profit, salary, or emolument from the funds of the Club; nor shall any member give any money or gratuity to any of the servants of the establishment, upon any pre- tence whatsoever. It being understood that this rule is not intended to preclude any member of the Club from selling property, or goods, or stocks, or other money securities to the Club, or buying any of the same I'rom (he Club. House hours. No profits or gratuitous. I 11 Art. 28. — No member sliall take away from the ^ako away Club, upon any pretence vvhatHoever, any newspaper, impcrs. pamplilet, book, map, or other article, the property of the Institution, unless upon such terms as niay be deiiideil upon by the Committee. Art. 21). — No servant of the Club shall be sent Servants on out of the liouse upon any errands, on any pretence ^"''"'l*- whatever. AiiT. HO, — No provisions cooked in the Club Provisions, «fcc., House, or wines or other liquors, to be sent out of*"'^^"""** the House, unless upon such terms as may be de- cided upon by the Committee. Art. 81. — Any cause of complaint that may arise Comphiiuts. is to l)e written and signed bv the member so com- plainin^r, on his bill; which complaint must be s])ecialiy noticed by the Committee, on settling the weekly accounts; and any inattention or improper conduct of a servant is to be stated by letter, ad- addressed to the Secretary, by the person complain- ing, which complaint will be laid before the Com- mittee at their next weekly meeting. Art. 32. — All members are to pay their bills, for Pay Club Bills, every expense they incur in the Club, before they leave the house. Art. 33. — No game shall on any account be No gambling, played for money, except Whist, Ecarte, Piquet, and Pool ; nor Dice used in the Club House, except at Backgammon. No higher stake than quarter dollar points shall be played for at Whist, nor shall any bet exceed one dollar; the games of Ecarte, Piquet, and Pool to be played for limited stakes, the limits to be fixed by the Committee. Art. 34. — No smoking shall be permitted in the Smoking, Club House, except in the rooms set apart tor that purpose. Art. 35. — No uiember is on any account to bring No dogs. a dog into the Club House. Art. 36. — Any article of this Constitution may be Constitution altered, amended, or suspended ibr any length of'"''^^ ^*^ "'*'^*'*'*^* time, by the consent of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting specially convened for that 1 12 purpose; and provided such alteration, amendment ornuppension shall have been specified in the notice summoning such meeting, and that at such meeting twenty members at least be present. Art. 37. — The payment of the subscription, fee, or the entrance i'ee and subscription, shall be held to be an acceptance of the rules and agreement to comply therewith. Art. 38. — The foregoing shall be printed and dis- tributed to each member. Art. 39.— The Committee of Management are authorized to invite His Excellency the Governor General, or the Administrator of the Province for the time being, to become an Honorary Member of the Club. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE R I Dill A. U CLUB. —»•■•- Executive Committee* The ordinary weekly meetings will be held every Wednes- day, at four P. M., at which three shall form a quorum. In the absence of the duly appointed Chairman, a Chairman for the day will be first elected, and the minutes of the last meeting having been read, the question will be put by the Chairman, " that they be confirmed." If the minutes be objected to by a majority of the Members present, the particular subject objected to will be reserved for consideration, either at an extraordinary meeting as may be de- cided upon ; and if objected to, then the Chairman will affix hia signature thereto. After the disposal of the minutes of the previous meeting, all such matters as require the consideration of the Committee will be brought before them, discussed and decided upon. For the despatch of business, the Committee will, at each weekly meeting, appoint one of their number, to be called the "Active Committee," to superintend the ordinary business of the Club, and submit a weekly report of their proceedings. Secretary. As Secretary, he will attend all meetings of the Committees, note their resolutions, and minute them in the books of their proceedings. In all his written official communications, he will state expressly that they are made by direction of the Connnittee. r 14 ^!: Besides his altendance upon tlie CoDunittee, lie will conduct the official correspondence of the Cluh, draw up lieports, keep regular ac^counts ot all the financial concerns of the Club, an account of the wine and other stores m the Stock Cellars of the Club, an account with the House Steward tor wines and stores delivered for the consumption of Mendiers, and for the use of the Establishment; examine the accounts of the tradesmen previ- ously to their bein<:; admitted for final adjustment, and will pay the same when passed by the Committee. He will ascertain that all goods and provisions delivered, are in strict accordance with the orders given, and are correctly charged in the Tradesmen's Books, and will sign such books. He will attend to all communications, receive information upon all subjects connected with tho business of the Club, and particularly all matters relating to the Members thereof. He will submit to the Executive Committee a weekly state- ment of the receipts and ilisbursements of the Club. He will place before the said Committee for the time being, the receipts for payments, which have been authorized by the General Committee at its previoiis meeting, with the exception of such as are paid directly by the Treasurer; and will pay over to the Treasurer, at least once a week, all moneys received by him. House SlcAvni'f!, The House Steward will constantly reside in the Club House, and will have the Custodv of the Supply Cellar, Plate, Cutlery, China, Glass, «fec. He will liave the general conti-ol and super- intendence of the Servants, and be responsible for their conduct and cleanly appearance, and in case of misconduct will report the same to the Secretary. He will be charged with all deficiencies which, may occur in the Stock of Wine, Liquors, &c., placed in his custody. He will account daily with the Secretary for all moneys re- ceived from the Members for supplies. He will make the established charges for all Provisions, Wines, o'clock ttending »t within t to the r, except it is per- niatters )mmimi- rd to the jperty of use, they , and the t'ho may ', will be 1, and be Lie or she nless ac- hours of Member aux sent Dressing Coffee Room* Breakfasts may be served frouj eight wuiW eleven o'clock A. M. ; Lunches and Dinners from noon until eight o'clock P.M. ; Hot Suppers from nine to ten o'clock, P. M ; Cold Sup pers up to twelve o'clock, P. M. ; and Lignors, Teas and Coffee up to one o'clock, A. M. ; after which no orders of any kind can be received, unless specially authorized by tl e Active Committee of the week, on timely application, in writing, to the Secretary. Mendiers ordering dinn-er or huichc^on will fill up their dinner bill themsclces and not empl(»y the waiters to do so. Articles of glass, eartlK'uware, ifec, which may be broken by the Members, either in the Coffee Room or elsewhere in the House, will be i>aid for by them. Dratvfng Koontj Reading Room and np stairs Roonuu No pamphlet, advertisement, or notice of any kind, will be laid on the tables, or put up in the Club by a Member; but any pamphlet, «fec., which it -may be wished to make known to the Club, shall be sent to the Secretary, to be laid before the Com- mittee. Writing materials will be provided in the Reading Room. The charges for cards will be 25 cents each player for the evening; and 13 cents Breakfast, Luncli, Dinner, or Supper, on the terms stated in the IGth Article of the Constitution. No eatables and no wines or liquors of any description what- ever shall be allowed in the Reading Room ov Drawing Room. No eatables beyond a Sandwich, Toast, or Biscuits, will be allowed in any room beside the Coffee Room and Strangers' Rooms. No servant will be allowed to enter the room where a 'General Meeting is assembled. Any portmamteau, bag, or baggage of any kind, must be taken away immediately after use, and not allowed to remain in the Club House for future use. 18 ■¥■ No servant of the Club will be employ (.'d by any Member to clean clothes, boots or shocH, or to assist liim in elressing. No Member, except on special dutv, nor Servant of a Mem- ber, will be allowed to go down into tlie basement story of the house; nor will any such Servant be allowed to go into any other ro(jm than the Dressing lioom, and then only to iiseist iiia master in dressing. The foregoing may be altered by a majority from the General Committee. ROBRllT SINCLAIR, Ottawa, 19th March, 187:5, HIDEAU OLUB 1873. LIST Oin MKMBMKB. I •Armstrong, Judge Allan, Hon. Geo. W. *AiKiNs, Hon. J. C. * Abbot, H. •Austin, F. P. AsHwoRTH, John •Beaubien J., M. P., •Blake, E., Hon. Batson, Benjamin Brown, Alfred Brydges, C. J. BURROWES, F. D. Bowie, Alexander •Burpee, J., M. P., Bryson, Hon. G. BURRITT, H. O. •Botsford, Hon. A. E. Bernard, Lieut.-Col. Carling, Hon. John Carrall, Hon. R. W. Cartier, Hon. Sir G. E., Bart., Cartwright, R. J., M. P., Cassels, R. S. Chapais, Hon. J. C. •Chesterton, W. •Church, L. R, Cumberland, Lt.-Col., A.D.C., Currier, J. M., M. P., Currier, James Cochrane Hon. W. •Chipman, L. D. Clark, T. M. Crawford, John •Dewdney, E., M.P. Daavson, Rev. JE. McD. DoMViLLE, James, M. P., •Dickey, Hon. A. B. •Dodge, A., M. P. ( I ( •Clemow, F. Cameron, Hon. J. H., M. P., Campbell, Hon. A. •Edgar, T.D., M.P. 20 Fkixowks, 0. B. L. •Fl-KMlN(i, S. *Fkaseii, Alcxaiidir Kkkfkr, S. Kkkfhu, T. C Kino, E. U. 4 Halt, Sir A. T., K.(\M.G., Gir-Morii, Allan Gzow.MKi, Lieiit.-Col. C. S. •Grant, J. A., M. D., M. P., •LocKK, Hon. J. La I NO, Dr. Lax(ii:vi\, Hon. Hector L. *liKi;, W. IlorJice *Lkk, T. W. •J.ANULOIS, J. M. P. % Hamilton, Jr., John Hamilton', Hon. John HoLTON, Hon. L. H., M. P., HrxTiNOTox, Hon. L. S., M.P. *Har{jravk, G. H. Haycock, E. *HiNCKS, Hon. Sir F. Irvine, Hon. Geo/ Irving, Q^milius JoLY, H. G.,M. P., •Jones, F., M. P., Mc(;aritv, T. Macdoxald, lit. Hon. Sir J. A., K.C.B., Macdonali), D. a., M. p., MAci'HinisoN, Hon. D. L. *Macpherson, Lt.-Col. John McGrekvey, Hon. Thos. MiTCiiELii, Hon. P. Morris, Hon. A. Morrison A., M. P., McLaughlin, D. *moylan, j. g. *Merritt, T. R.jM.P., Mather, J. Magee, C. MriRHEAD Hon. W. Morris, His Honor Lieut.-Gov. » 1.- \«' 21 Noel, H. V. Nathan, 11., M. P. •Nklson, H.,M. p. Smith, Hon. Frank, Senate, Stkwaut, McLeod Skeai), lion. .1. Skeau, Kdward Slatefi, J. I). SVVINYAHI), Th08. , Shkddkn, J. Smith, Henry R. ./x,»r ^^ TT *SlMl'SO\, Hon. J. •OMeaua,C.H. •Scatcheri»,T1io«.,M.P. O'Heilly, Junu's, Q. C. M. P., ^^^^, jj^,^ j^ ^^ ^^ ^ p,^ rvn'^''" m'"* Smith, Hon. A. J., M. P., U Ctara, m. Stefiienson, Ruf'us, M. P., •Patteson, T. C^ Price, Hon. D. E. •Price, W. E., M. P., Powell, Lieut. -Col. Walker Pope, Hon. J. H., M. P., Perley, W. G. Palmer, A. L., M. P., *PlCKARD, J., M. P., *Plumb, J. B. Tessier, Hon. U- J. Tilton, Capt. John Thompson, Philip. Thistle, W. R. ♦Thompson, J. S.,M. P. •TOBIN, S., M. P. •Thompson D.,M. P. •Thompson, J. H. Taylor, I. B. TuppER, HoN.C, M. D., M. P., Thomson, W. A., M. P., Robitaille, Hon. Theo., M Reynolds, Thos. Rochester, John, M. P., Ryan, Hon. Thos., M. P., •Ryan, M. P., M. P., •Ross, Lieut. -Col. Thos. •Remon, E. p. Russell, J. W. White, Major W. Wright, Alonzo, M. P„ Wright, W. McKay, M. P. Workman, Thos. ♦Wise, F. A. M. •Robinson, Hon. J. B., M. P., Wicksteed, G . W.