^>. SU, V^ ^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) // ^/ * y^:%' '-^% signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de i'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. errata J to e pelure, ion d I] 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 8 e / 23 Great St. James Street 23 B. DAWSON, Bookseller, Stationer, Frintselleri And Periodical Agenty 23 GREAT ST. JAUES STREET Dep.-^ tornll the attonlion of the public to his l;irgc and varied Stock of BOOKS, STATIOSTERir, &c. A full cnllortion of the works of EN'ilTJSir, AMER- ICAN and FOPvKIGN authors always on hand. NEW BOOKS, Aro rocoived by Express and may be seen on his counter at the shortest possible date after publication. A good supply of New and Standard Books in the FRENCH language constantly on hand. A varied assoi'tement of Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Church Services, Psalm and Hymn Books, la roan, morocco, velvet, and other bindings. His Stock of STATIONERY is very complete, includ- uig Writing Papers, in great variety, Blank Books, Drawing, Tracing and Cartoon, Papers, Tracing Cloth, Mathematical Instruments, Colors, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, &c. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES, both English and American, supplied with regularity. English Newspapers received on the arrival of the Mails by Cunard, Canadian and Collins Steamers. Orders for Books, &c., sent weekly to Great Britain and daily to the United States. HK PURT.ISUES : " The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, and proceedings of the Natural History Society of Montreal,"— a tri-monthly Masjazino, at $3 per annum. " The Montreal Medical Chronicle,"— a monthly Magazine, at $2 Edited bv Drs. Wright & McCallum. /' / CITY OF MONTREAL, FROM ST. HELEN'S FROM ST. HELEN'S ISLAND. ! vt ■: . % ■ ■-> • '■A^ SX STARKE'S MONTREAL POCKET AND GENERAL REGISTER FOR 1858, BEING TBB SECOND YBAR AFTER LEAP YEAR. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. STARKE & CO., St. Francois JTavier Street. K Sold, Wholesale & Retail, by E. PICKUP. CONSENTS. PAOE. Advocates' Library 61 Agricultural Association of Lower Canada 00 Almanac 11 Assurancles and Agencies 03 Banks and Bank Agencies 81 Bar of liower Canada 49 Board of Agriculture 90 " of Brokers 88 " of Trade 89 British Ministry 9 Cartage, &c., Rates of 62 Civil Departments : — Bureau of Agriculture and Statistics 35 Board of Railway Commissioners 35 '* for examining Pro V. Land Surveyors 37 Qvil Secretary's Office 34 Crown Land Department 36 " Law " 36 Department of Public Works 35 Educational Department, C. E. and C. W. . 37 Indian Department 37 Inspector General's Office 34 Provincial Registrar's Office 34 Provincial Secretary's Office 34 Receiver General's Office 84 Clergy, Churches, &c.. Catholic 104 " " Protestant 105 aubs 109 IV. CONTENTS. PAGE. Colleges and Schools : — McGill Ck)llege 95 Lower Canada College 97 McGill Normal School 97 British and Canadian School 97 National School and Free School 97 Commissioners for Receiving Affidavits 47 ** and Officers for Montreal Harbor. 90 Cons^ils 88 Corporation of Montreal 56 " of Quebec 63 Courts of Justice, Terms, &c., in Lower Canada . 42 " " ** in Upper Canada . 51 Currency Table Ill Customs' Department 64 Decimal Currency 110 Directory 112 Executive Council and Officers 25 Faros for Coaches, Cabs, &c 60 Inspectors of Produce, Weights and Measures . . 89 Legislative Council and Officers 26 *' Assembly and Officers 28 Marriage Licenses 47 Masonic Lodges 108 Medical : — Apothecaries 86 College of Physicians and Surgeons 86 Montreal General Hospital 87 Physicians 85 St. Patrick's Hospital 88 CONTENTS. V. PAGE. Medical :— School of Medicine and Surgery 86 University Lying-in Hospital 88 University Medical Student ^s Association . . 87 Military Departments : — Adjutant General's Department 38 Army Medical Staff 40 Commander of the Forces 38 Commissariat Department 39 Military Secretary's " ........ 38 Qr. -Master Generars " 38 Royal Engineer " 89 War " 39 Militia Department 40 Mining and Gas Companies 92 Montreal Exchange 88 " FireBrigade 101 " Horticultural Society 90 " Police 47 " Turnpike Trustees 89 Municipal Taxes , 68 National Societies 98 Notaries and Notarial Board 63 Post Office Department, Rates, &c 74 Railroad Companies , 91 Registrars (County) 64 Societies and Institutions : — Benevolent 100 Literary 107 Religious and Temperance 102 Tl. CONTENTS. PAGE. Tariff Of Duties 66 Telegraph 92 The Queen and Royal Family 8 Weather Table 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. R. & A. Miller, Booksellers and Stationers 113 H.Cameron, " <' 114 W. H. Smith, Carver and Gilder 115 Beaucherain & Payette, Booksellers & Stationers 115 D. & J. Sadlier, ** " 116 A. Connolly, Dealer in Coal and Wood 117 Dr. J. A. Bazin, Surgeon-Dentist 118 H. Morgan & Co., Dry Goods 119 John Henderson, Family Grocer, &c 120 Montreal Shirt Warehouse, F. Gross 120 J. Campbell, Merchant Tailor 121 A. Ramsay, Glass, Paints, &c , 122 Donegana Hotel 123 Mrs. Mulr, Millinery 123 J. H. Walker, Wood Engraver 124 Lymans, Savage & Co., Druggists, &c 125 Royal Insurance Company 126 Map of India 127 Colonial Assurance Company 128 W. Turner, Insurance Broker, &e 129 A. Ferrie, Agent for Blackie & Son 130 J. M. Hlggins, Ambrotypist 131 Savage & Lyman, Jewellery, &c 132 George Betts, Painter, Glazier, &c 132 Henry Prince, London Music Warehouse 133 A. Brahadi, Furrier, &c 134 McDunnough, Mulr & Co. , Dry Goods 135 W. & J, C. Thompson, Furriers, &c 136 LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Latitude. Quebec 46© 49' 12" N. MOMTREAL ..... 45p 31' 00" N. Longitude. no m W. 73o 36' W. M Quebec is West In Time 4h. 45m. 04s. Montreal is West iH Time. 4h. 64m. 203. . : €\t ^opl Jfamily. THE QUEEN. Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; only daughter of his late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent ; born the 24th May, :J819 ; succeeded to the Throne on the decease of her Uncle, William IV., June 20th, 1837 ; Proclaimed June 21st, 1837 : Crowned June 28th, 1838 ; Married February 10th, 1840, to Field Mar- shal His Royal Highness Prince Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel, Prince of Saxo Cobourg and Gotha, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c., &c., &c. ISSUE : Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, (Princess Royal), born November 21st, 1840. Albert Edward, (Prince of Wales), born November 9th, 1841. Alice Maud Mary, born April 25th, 1843. Alfred Ernest Albert, born August 6th, 1844. Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25th, 1846. Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 18th, 1848. Arthur William Patrick Albert, born May 1st, 1850. Leopold George Duncan Albert, born April 7th, 1853. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, born April 14th, 1857. THE QUEEN'S MOTHER. Victoria, Duchess of Kent, daughter of Francis, Duke of Saxe Cobourg, born August 17th, 1786 ; married May 29th, 1818, to Edward, Duke of Kent, who died January 23rd, 1820--Issue — The Quebn. THE QUEEN'S COUSINS. George V., King of Hanover, born May 27th, 1819. Georgo, Duke of Cambridge, born March 26th, 1819. Princess Augusta, (Duchess of Mecklenberg Strelitz) , born July 19tti, 1822. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth, born November 27th, 1833. real ' late the the S37 ; ^8th, Mar- jstus and ' the born mher )0. 1853. L857. )uko rried (who $19. |tz), Iber '^ritislj llliitisti'j). First Lord of the Treasury — Viscount Palmerston. Cabinet Mini.-^tcr without oflice- downe Chancellor of t Cornwall Lewi Exch( arquis of Laus- -Riirbt Hon. Sir George Secretaries of equer — l , Bart. Lord High Chanccillor — Lord Cranworth. Lord President of the Council — Karl Granvillo. Lord Privy Seal — F>arl of Ilarrowby. Home— Rt. lion. Sfir George Grey, Bart. Foreign — Eiirl of Clarendon. «2fntn J War — Lord Panniure. ^laic. f Colonial— Rt. Hon. IL Labouchoro. First Lord of the Admiralty— 'Right lion, .^ir ('harlcs Wood, Bart. President of Board of Control — Right lion. Robert V. Smith. President of Board of Trade — Lord Stanley of Alderly. Postmaster (General — Duke of Argyle. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster — Right Hon. M. T. Baincs, Nol nf the Cabinet. Commander-in-Giief— His Royal Highness the Duke of Caml)ri-^ a hn p p o o Hi o ^ ^ 2. ^ — o O p E — O »-^ cn P o CD o p- p 1.* p p p< & p o ft p -• p- o o p p. Q ■-S ?^" P o' p-p-S =2 "^ /^ «,» ^ «-< -^ ~ S- P CO las g- CP O ^ e* C0T3 -, s S > H B 4 J* § hmiit, ^L EPOCHS. Of the Mundane JEra. 5861 Of the vulgar Christian ^Era 1858 Since the discovery of America 366 Since the discovery of Quebec 250 Since the troaty which confirmed the possession of Canada to the British 92 Of the Reign of Iler Majesty Queen Victoria .... 21 ECLIPSES. During this year there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon. I. — February 27th, a partial Eclipse of the Moon takes place, in the evening, on the Southern linib. The Moon will rise partially eclipsed, and will be visible in the Eastern part of the Province, and as far West as Hamilton. At Montreal, the Moon rises 5h. 40m., and the Eclipse ends 6h. o2m., digits 3,160. IT. — March 15th, there will be an Annular Eclipse of the Sun. It will be partial on this Continent, and only visible East of ^lississipi. The Sun will rise, partially eclipsed on the Southern limb, about 6h. 10m. The size will be about b}.< digits, or somewhat less than half the Sun. It ends at Montreal 7h. 45m. III. — August 24th, in the Morning, there will be a partial Eclipse of the Moon. On the Paciflc coast the Moon will set with a small Eclipse upon it. Not vis- ible in Canada. IV. — September 7th, there will be a total Eclipse of the Sun, — wholly invisible in this country. Until Feb. 28th, Venus will be morning star — then evening star until the 13th December. Until May 15th, Mars will be morning star — then evening star imtil next year. Jupiter will be evening star until May 19th — then morning stir until Dec. 8th. Saturn will be morning star until January 15th — then evening until July 25th — then morning star rest of the year. ■' f X— I 1 1 !! THE SEASONS. Vernal Kquinox — Spring begins March 20th, 4h. 28m. in the Evening. Summer Solstice— Summer begins June 21st, lb. 5m. in the Evening. Autumnal Equinox— Autumn begins September 23rd, oh. I7m. in the Morning. AViiiter Solsti( e — Winter begins December 2l3t, 9h. 4m. in the Evening. FETES D'OBLIGATION. Circumcision Jany . l I (Corpus Christi June 3 Epiphany Jany. 6 Annunciation ,. .Mar. 25 (jlood Friday April 2 Asceusion Day ..May 13 Queen's Birthday Alay 24 St. I'eter and St. Paul June 29 All Saints 'Day... No v. 1 Conception V. M. Dec. 8 Christmas Day . . Dec. 25 MOVEABLE FESTIVALS. Septuagesima Jany. Quinquagesima . . Feb. AshWedlitsUay.. ** Lent, 1st Sunday. " Palm Sunday ]\Iar. Good Friday April Easter Sunday.. u 31 14 17 21 28 2 4 Low Sunday . . . Rogation Sunday Ascension Day . Whitsunday Trinity Sunday. Corpus Christi.. Advent Sunday. .April II .May 9 .May 13 . " 23 . " 30 .June 3 .Nov. 28 CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Dominical Letter C Golden Number 16 Jewish Lunar Year 13 Epact or Moon's age 15 Solar Cycle 19 JuHan Period 6571 Age of the World 7366 The year 5619 of the .Jewish ^ra commences on the i4th September, 1S5S. The year 1275 of the Mahomedan -^ra commences on October 15th, 1858. JANUARY. D. H. M. Ixist Quarter 6 7 W F.voning .m ...^ New Moon 15 8S Morning ^^^^ P^irst Quarter.. 22 3 Evening 'C5''^®^a/ ruli .Moon ....jy 4 is Morning DAYS THK srN MOON M 1 w F EVENTS, &c. rises 7 47 sets 4 21 r. AS. 6 52 CiRcrMnsioN c, S Wolfe (lied, 1726 7 47 4 22 8 8 su '2nd Sunday after Christmas 7 47 4 23 9 19 4 M West Indies discovered, 1492 7 46 4 24 10 27 Tu Ut Cong, at Wash'gton, 1801 7 4^ 4 25 11 31 c W Epiphany. 7 46 4 26 morn t Th Battle of New Orleans, 1815 7 45 4 28 35 ^ F Galileo died, 1642 7 45 4 29 1 39 ? S Eondon Exchange burnt, 1838 7 45 4 20 2 44 If SU 1st Sunday after Epiphany 7 44 4 31 3 47 1] M Linnaius died, 1778 7 44 4 32 4 48 ir Tn Lavat.^r died, 1801 7 44 4 38 5 48 1^' W Halley died, 1801 7 43 4 34 6 41 I'] Th Bruce died, 1611 7 43 4 35 sets 1.^ F British Museum founded 1823 7 42 4 37 5 20 i< S Moore killed, 1809 7 41 4 38 6 28 17 SU Ind Sundaif after Epiphany 7 40 4 39 7 37 IF M Kebels executed, 1839 7 39 4 41 8 44 19 Tu James Watt born, 1736 7 39 4 42 9 53 20 W Garrick died, 1779 7 38 4 43 11 2 21 Th Louis XVI guillotined 1793 7 37 4 45 morn 2i F Byron born, 1788 7 86 4 46 13 2t S Fitt died, 1805 7 35 4 47 1 20 24 SU Srd Sunday afler^Epiphany 7 34 4 49 2 50 2c M Conversion of St. Paul 7 33 4 51 4 4 2( Tu Dr. Jenner died, 18i3 7 33 4 52 5 15 27 W Mozart born, 1756 7 32 4 53 6 18 2.^- Th Henry VIII died, 1547 7 3J 4 54 rises 21 F Eord Elgin ar. in Canada, '47 7 31 4 56 5 40 31 S Charles I beheaded 1649 7 30 4 58 6 56 31 SU Sepiuagesima Sunday 7 28 5 00^ 8 8 "' "~ • — — # 1 i »1^' ^ «- , ^ . . f ( i nil iiil: FEBRUARY. DAYS M w 1 M 2 Ta 3 W 4 Th 6 F 6 S 7 su 8 M 9 Ta 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 SU 16 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 SU 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 S 28 SUi D. H I Ast Quarter .... 5 4 New Moou 13 5 First gnartor.. 20 8 Full Moon ....27 5 EVENTS, &c. M. 23 Evening 19 Evening 5 I'A'ening 11 Evening Charlevoix died, 1761 Purification B. V. M. Spanish Inquisition abol, 1813 Order of St. Patrick inst, 1783 Earthquake in Canada, 1663 Dr. Priestly died, 1804 Sexagesima Sunday Earthquake in W Indies, 1843 Canada ceded to Britain, 1763 Queen Victoria married, 1840 Sydenham, Gov. Gen., 1840 Revolution in Mexico, 1845 Sir Astley Cooper died, 1840 Qumquagesima Sunday [Valentine Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Canada sett, by French, 1634 Galileo born, 1564 Voltaire born, 1694 1st Sunday in Lent Washington born, 1732 James I of Scot, nfiird, 1437 Revolution in Paris, 1848 Canton taken by British, 1841 J. P. Kemble died, 1823 Texas annex. toU. S., 1845 2nd Sunday in Lent THE HUN rises seU 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 ,6 6 6 16 27 26 255 235 225 205 19 5 185 175 165 145 13l5 11 5 95 85 65 45 35 15 05 595 57 5 55 5 53 5 51 5 49 5 47 5 46,6 1 2 3 6 6 8 9 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 39 MOON r.& §. morn 36 1 3 4 5 52 5 10 2 42 6 12 rises 6 54 5 I Hi I MAECE. D. H. M. I>ast Quarter 7 1 1:7 Evoiiing .-^,_^ Now Moon ....15 7 18 Morning jy^WT),^ First tiuartor . . 22 2 40 Morning V&J^!:^^ Full Moon ....29 7 14 Morning DAYS Tire srx MOON M 1 w M EVEXTS, &c. rises 6 44 sets 5 42 r. As. 8 3 St. David 2 Tu Wesley died, 1701 6 42 5 43 9 8 3 AV Great Fire at Canton, 1820 6 40 5 44 10 13 4 Th Sardinia dec. war agst Russia, 6 39 5 45 11 19 5 F IstCongat Wash, 1821 [1855 6 37 5 47 morn 6 S Michael Angolo born, 1475 6 36 5 48 23 7 su ord Sunday in Lent 6 34 5 49 1 26 8 M William III died, 1702 6 31 5 51 2 24 9 Tu Hizzio assasinated, 1569 6 29 53 3 10 10 W Hotany Bay discovered, 1787 6 27 5 54 3 58 11 Th Str. President left N. Y., 1841 6 25 5 55 4 35 12 F St. Gr?:(Joky 6 24 5 5G 5 3 13 S Planet Herscliel disc, 1781 6 22 5 58 5 28 14 su 4lh Simda]/ in Lent 6 20 5 59 5 61 15 M .Julius Ci«sar assas., r.c, 44 6 18 6 1 sets 16 Tu Gustavus Illassasinated, 1792 6 16 6 2 7 50 17 W St. Patrick's Day 6 14 G 3 9 5 IS Th Pr. Louise Caroline b., 1848 6 12 G 4 10 23 19 F Peel's Income Tax intr. 1842 6 10 6 6 11 42 20 S Sir Isaac Newton died, 1727 6 9 6 7 morn 21 su bth Sunday in Lent 6 7 6 8 58 22 M Goethe died, 1832 6 5 6 9 2 3 23 Tu Revolution in Greece, 1821 6 3 6 11 2 69 24 W Queen Elizabeth died, 1603 6 1 6 12 3 42 25 Th Axxunciatiox 5 59 G 13 4 15 26 F Bank of England incorp, 1695 5 57 6 15 4 52 27 S Peace of Amiens, 1802 5 55 6 ir; 5 2 23 sy Sunday hefore Faster. Eng. 5 53 G 17 ri>es 29 M dec. war agst Russia, 1853 5 52' G 18 6 52 30 Tu Paris cajntulates, 1814 5 50 G 20 7 58 31' W 1 Allies enter Paris, 1814 5 47l 6 21! 9 3 ll. I l,!l ■|!' !i . !l! ' ill' APRIL. *• x>^ D. n. M. Li?^t (,'uartor 6 S 40 Morning «^ New Moon IJi f» 21 Kvoiiing 5;;55'^M First (^iaitt'r..2(» 9 32 Morniiii,^ "fefef^/ Full Moon ....27 10 2 KveniiiK daym THKSIX MOOX M w EVENTS, &c. ri'cs sets r. As. 1 Th All Fools' Day 5 46 6 22 10 9 2 F (Jooi) FF{ir>.\Y 5 45 6 23 11 15 3 s Bishop Hcbcr died, 1826 5 42 6 24 mom 4 8U Eaater Bay 5 41 6 25 13 5 M Canada discovorod. 1499 5 39 6 27 1 6 6 Tu XaiK)loon sont to Elba, 1814 5 37 6 29 1 53 7 W Wa'lsvvorth born, 1770 5 35 6 30 2 31 8 Th Iludsons Bay Co cstab, 1692 5 33 6 31 3 3 9 F Lord Haron diod, ](;26 5 32 6 32 3 27 10 S Admiral Poron diod, 1786 5 30 6 33 8 52 11 8U lat SuvJai/ after Easfer 5 28 6 34 4 13 12 U Rodney cap Fnuich fl^'Ot 178*.^ 5 20 6 36 4 35 13 Tu Vaccination introduced, 179f 5 24 6 37 sets 14 W Peace with Franco, 1814 5 22 6 38 8 2 15 Th Battle of CuUoden, 1746 5 20 6 40 9 23 Ifi F BuHbn diod, 1788 5 IS 6 42 10 43 17 S Brock's ^lonument do.=^t, 184C 5 17 6 43 11 64 18 su 'Ind Sundat/ after Easter 5 15 6 44 mom 19 M Byron died, 1824 5 13 6 45 55 20 Tu Eouis Xiipoleonborn, 1808 5 11 6 47 1 42 21 W Henry VII died, 1509 5 10 6 48 2 18 22 Th P'ieldiHf? born, 1707 5 8 6 49 2 45 23 F St. GKORr.E's Pay. [Shak 5 6 6 50 3 9 24 S speare born 1564. died 161C 5 5 6 51 3 30 25 v«U Srd SvT} day he fore Eii:t Quarter .... 6 1 40 Mornlnff ft* Now Moon ....13 2 54 Morniiij^ | fc'^^'S; l''ir.)Hi'us Chkisti George III born, 1738 (6) Alex, the Great, horn, B.r \st Sun. after Trinity [35t) Reform Bill sanctioned, 1832 rope horn, 1688 Gavazzi Riots, Montreal, 1853! Cholera in Montreal, 1832 St. Hak.vaius Quebec Theatre burnt, 1846 2nd Sunday after Trinity Magna Charta signed, 1215 Montreal retak by Brit, 1776J4 [L\ither cxconi, 1520 ^ John AVcisley born, 1703 Battle of Waterloo, 1815 Sir Joseph Banks died, 1820 3rcZ Sunday after Trinity Queen Vietoriii procl, 1837 Revolution in I'aris, 1848 Tieibnitz born, 1640 St. Jkan Baitiste Battle of Banuockburn, 1314 George IV died, 1830 Ath Sunday after Trinity Victoria crowned, 1838 St. Pupkh and Sr. Pail Greenwich llo.spital fd, 1696 4 MOON r. A s. 9 6 9 30 10 2 4610 22 JULY. D. H. M. Last Quarter 4 New Moon 9 First Quarter . . 17 Full Moon • • • • 25 1 50 Morning 4 31 Evening 3 45 Evening 7 9 Evening DAYH 1 M w 1 Th 2 F 3 S 4 sr 5 M 6 Tu 7 w 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 su 12 M 13 Tu 14 AV 15 Th 16 F 17 S 18 ST^ 19 M 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 1^^ 24 S 25 SU 26 M 27 Tu 28 AV 29 Th 30 F 31 S EVENTS, &c. Tobago taken by British, 1803 I'ilgrim Fathers sailed, 1620 Quebec fountled, 1H08 dOi Sunday after Trinity -Sovereigns first issued, 1817 Ticonderoga taken, 1777 •^heridan died, 1816 Duke of Cambridge died, 1850 Cholera in Montreal, 1834 .'olumb»i=? born, 1447 Qth Sunday after Trinity liattlo of Boyne, 1690 French Revolution, 17S9 -:ir James Stuart died, 1853 >T. SWlTflEX Hetroit taken, 1812 Dr Watt^ born, 1674 7th Sunday after Trinity Ivirk took Quebec, 1029 "layfair died, 1819 Hums born, 1759 iJattle of Salamanca, 1812 ijanada Union assented, 1840 Irish Rebellion, 1803 Hth Sunday after Trinity .:()lcridg(! died, 1834 Frrnch Revolution, 1830 !{obespi(;rre guillotined, 1794 Wilbcrforce died, 1833 William Penn died, 1716 (Jibraltar taken, 1604 TIIK SUN rises sets 4 20 7 46 4 21 7 46 4 22 7 46 4 23 7 46 4 23 7 45 4 21 7 44 4 25 7 44 4 26 7 44 4 26 7 44 4 27 7 43 4 27 7 43 4 28 7 42 4 28 7 41 4 29 7 41 4 30 7 41 4 31 7 40 4 32 6 39 4 33 7 38 4 31 7 37 4 35 7 36 4 35 7 35 4 37 7 34 4 38 7 33 4 39 7 22 4 40 7 31 4 41 7 30 4 42 7 30 4 42 7 28 4 44 7 27 4 46 7 26 4 47 7 25 MOON r. As. set.s 8 42 9 14 9 42 10 10 24 10 43 11 4 11 27 II 68 morn 32 1 14 2 5 3 3 rises 8 6 8 27 8 48 9 8 9 28 9 50 ! I ^.:(i II : * ',> III, 1% 'i 111 i ii'i III Mil I 111 ill III I>AYt< M w 1 SU 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 6 Th 6 F 7 S 8 SU 9 M 10 Tu 11 AV 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 SU 16 M 17 Tu 18 \V 19 Th 20 F 21 S 22 SU 23 M 24 Tu 26 W 26 Th 27 F 28 S 29 SU 30 M 31 Tu Last Quarter 2 NeWiMoon 9 First (Jnarter .,16 Full Moon ....24 Last Quarter.. .31 EVENTS, &c. H. M. 9 27 Morning 12 00 Evening 6 48 Morning 9 18 Morning 3 23 Evening dth Sunday after Trinity Napoleon dec Consul, 1802 Bank of England com, 1732 Shelly born, 1792 Island of C'husan taken, 1840 Pr Alfred Ernest born, 1844 Queen Caroline died, 1821 10^^ Sunday after Trinity Louis Philii)i)e dec King, 1830 Great Fire at Dublin, 1833 Bat of Lake Champlain, 1814 Ceorge IV born, 17(32 Queen Adelaide born, 1792 Printing invented, 1437 llth Sunday after Trinity Ben Johnson died, 1637 Duchess of Kent boru, 1786 Steamboats invented, 1807 Royal George sunk, 1782 Isaac AValton born, 1593 Dr. Adam Clarke died, 1832 12^^ Sunday after Trinity American war com, 1775 St. Bartholomew Horschcl died, 1822 Prince Albert born, 1819 (28) Br Slavery abol, 1833 St. Auol'sti.ne IZth Sunday after Trinity Dutch Fleet taken, 1799 John Bunyan died, 1688 tup: sux rises' sets 48 7 507 517 52,7 53 7 55 7 56 7 57 7 58 7 59 7 17 2,7 37 37 57 67 717 86 96 116 12 6 13 6 14 6 16 6 18fi 19,6 20 6 216 22 6 23 6 24 6 MOON r.k s. 24;i0 12 22, 1 44 21 U 23 20|m()rn 19 15 17| 1 20 16| 2 36 14|sels 12 11 9 8 7 5 3 7 40 8 2 8 23 8 43 9 5 9 30 9 5Q 2|l0 30 1|11 10 59,11 56 57 morn 53 1 54 3 rises 6 53 7 13 7 34 7 54 8 17 8 44 9 22 55 54 52 50 48 46 45 43 41 40 38 3610 7 I'ii iiil! Ig >?,' JJ? Ig Ig MOON r. & s. HO 12 ?,10 44 l:il 23 ) morn ) 15 J\ 1 20 3| 2 36 llseis i 7 40 . 8 2 f 8 23 8 43 9 6 9 30 1 9 56 llO 30 111 10 111 56 Imoni 1 53 1 1 54 |3 Irises I 6 53 ■ 7 13 ■ 7 34 ■7 54 ■S 17 H8 44 ■9 22 ■9 7 ^H SEPTEMBER. D. fk (^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15; IG; 17; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24| 25! 26 27 28 29 30 Til \V Th F S M Tu Th F S su Til w Th New Moon Fii>t Quarter ..15 Full Moon . . Last (^uirtor EVENTS, &c. H. M. 9 21 Morning 22 Morning .22 10 27 Evening .29 8 58 Evening Cartior disc. Saugonay, ir)o5 5 (Jreat Fire of London, 1006 5 Cromwell died, IGu8 5 Blake born. 1657 6 14//t Sunday after Trinity 5 Warsaw taken, 1 831 5 Montreal capitulated, ITGO 5 NATivin- B. V. M. 5 Sebastopol taken, 1855 6 Mungo Park died, 1771 5 Thomson born, 1700 5 15//1 Sunday after Trinity 5 Wolfe killed, 1759 5 Holy Cross 6 Moscow bm-nt, 1812 5 New York taken by Brit, 1776 5 Dr. Johnson born, 1700 5 Quebec capitulated, 1759 5 1 6^/1 Sunday after Trinity 5 Battle of Alma, 1854 6 >'ir Walter Scott died, 1832 5 George III crowned. 1761 6 Battle of Assayo, 1803 5 Charles I dethroned, 1640 '5 (26) Balaklava taken, 1854 5 nth Sunday after Trinity 5 Nelson born, 1758 '5 Columbus-' 2iid voyage, 1493 5 Mh^nAlilMAS 16 Whitfield died, 1770 ;6 THE SUN M()0.\ risesisels t, a s. 266 28'6 29 '6 30'6 31 16 32 6 33'C 35,6 366 37 G 39,6 30 6 40 6 42 6 43 6 44 6 45,6 46 6 48 6 49 5 50 5 51 5 52 5 54 5 5(3 5 56 6 57 6 596 00 6 2,6 34 11 7 32 morn 30 18 1 34 2 55 4 13 sets 6 48 7 9 7 29 7 56 8 28 9 4 9 49 7 10 41 6 11 41 4 morn 2 45 1 50 2 58 4 3 rises 59 28 27 24 21: 19 17 16 14 12 10 00 67 56 54 52 50 48 46 45 43 5 G 21 G 48 7 8 9 22 G 40 10 8 38 11 18 \% H' I'd : III ■',i" I; ill i I iiiii Ii .f OCTOBEE. D. H. M. New Moon 6 9 14 Evening tfwaj,. Firjif Quarter.. 14 7 48 Evening I^W-UI Full Moon ... .22 10 25 Morning 1 K^^^^ Last Quarter . . 29 3 40 Morning DAYS 1 ^^■^^^^^ »^ ^^m^my*^ n THE SUN MOON M 1 F EVENTS, &c. rises sets 6 3 5 37 r. AS. 39 Come lie died, 1684 2 S Carticr arr. at Montreal, 1535 6 45 35 morn 8 su 18f7i Sunday after Trinity 6 5 5 33 1 66 4 M Belgian Independence, 1830 6 715 31 3 9 5 Tu America discovered, 1492 6 8:5 30 4 20 6 W Louis Philippe horn, 1773 6 9 5 27 sets 7 Th Fire at Minimiclii, 1825 6 11 5 25 6 32 8 F j^heridan horn, 1751 6 12 5 24 6 36 9 S Battle of Savannah, 1 779 6 12:5 21 6 25 10 su iQth Sunday after Trinity 6 14 5 20 7 11 M Dutch fleet defeated, 1797 6 15 5 19 7 42 12 Tu Penn born, 1644 6 16:5 17 8 Si 13 AV Battle of Queenstown, 1812 6 18'5 14 9 28 14 Th Muratshot, I8l5 6 20 5 12 10 29 15 1'' Queen of France behead, 1773 6 21 5 9 11 34 16 S Koscuisko died, 1817 6 23!5 7 morn 17 M' 20^/1 Sunday after Tiinity 6 24 5 5 40 IS M St. Luke 6 2515 4 1 36 19 Tu Dean Swift died, 1745 6 26 5 2 2 62 20 W Kirk White died, 1806 6 28 '5 1 3 69 21 Th Nelson killed,, 1805 6 294 69 rises 22 F Lord Holland died, 1840 6 31 i4 57 4 49 23 S Colborne left Canada, 1839 6 32'4 55 6 21 24 SU 'list Sunday after Trinity 6 33 4 63 6 1 25 M Battle of Balaklava, 1854 6 35|4 62 6 66 26 Tu Battle of Chateauguay, 1813 6 36;4 50 7 59 27 W Captain Cook born, 1728 6 38 4 49 9 13 28 Th Sts SimoxV and Juue 6 39 4 47 IQ 29 29 F Battle of Fort Eric, 1812 6 41 14 46 n 45 30 S Dr. Cartwright died, 1823 6 42 4 46 morn 81 SU 2'lnd Sunday after Trinity 6 43 4 45 1 00 1 39 morn 1 66 3 9 4 20 sets 6 32 5 36 6 25 7 7 42 8 31 9 28 10 29 11 34 morn 40 1 36 2 62 3 69 riaes 4 49 5 21 6 1 55 59 13 10 29 n 45 morn 1 00 NOYEMBER D. H. M. New Moon 6 11 55 Morning First Quarter . . 13 3 48 Evening Full Moon ... .20 9 31 Evening Last Quarter . . 27 41 Evening DAYS M W 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 16 16 n 18 19 2a 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M Tu W Th F S sr M Tu w Th F S su M Tu AV Th F S SU M Tu W Th F S SU II Tu EVENTS, &c. TllK SUN iMOON rises gets r. * s. All Saints' Day Romilley died, 1818 Rebellion in h. Canada, 1838 [Russians deft at 01tenitza,>o4 Battle of Inkerman, 1854 uiots in Montreal, 1837 23y(2 Sunday after Trinity Milton died, 1674 Prince of Wales born, 1841 Maitin Luther born, 1483 Martin. Bat Chrysler's Farm Montreal taken, 1775 [1813 Jurran died, 1817 lAth Sunday after Trinity Chatham born, 1708 Vustrians take Cracow, 1846 Lord Erskine died, 1823 \\ng of Hanover died, 1851 [kittle of Navarino, 1827 Jardinal Woolscy died, 1530 loth Sunday after Trinity nUotson died, 1694 I.t. Weir murdered, 1837 lohn Knox died, 1572 Battle of St. Charles, 1S37 Axst India Co. incorp, 1700 Pr Mary Adelaide born, 1833 Advent Sunday Polish Revolution, 1830 St. Andrew 6 6 6 6 6 G 6 6 6 G 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 444 46 48 49 57 52 54 65 56 57 584 00 4 27|I0 26 14 26 11 30 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 42 40 39 37 36 34 32 31 29 28 3;4 6^4 '4 26 morn 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 25 24 23 22 21 35 39 46 66 11 20. rises 19 18 18 17 4 5 6 41 44 57 8 16 16' 9 35 15|l0 60 15 morn 14 13 13 1 1 9 2 18 'i 'HI h- i '::i lii ■§ lillll 1)1 i; 'i. li! DAYS M w W 1 2 Th 3 F 4 S 6 su G M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 S 12 SU 13 M 14 Tu 16 W 16 Th 17 F IS S 19 SU 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 F 25 S 26 SU 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 30 Th 31 F J DECEMBER. D. H. M. Now Moon ' 5 5 IH Morning First Quarter.. 13 10 34 Morning Full Moon ... .20 8 13 Morning Last Quarter ..27 43 Morning EVENTS, &c. Alcxr. of Russia died, 1825 Buon<'i[)artc crowned, 1804 Adelaide (.1 Dowager d, 184r (5) Mozart died 1792 2nd Sunday in Advent Nicholas Rebels deft, at Toronto, 1837 Conception B. V. M. Milton born, 1608 Wilna taken by Russia, 1812 Charles XII killed, 1718 3rd Sunday in Advent Dr. Jonn^on died, 1784 Council of Trent opened, 153o Buonaparte re-intcrred, 1840 (15) St. Eaustache dest. 1837 First L. C. Tarliament, 1792 Bolivar died, 1830 4tth Sunday in Advent Gray died, 171(5 St. Thomas Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, Newton born, 1642 [1620 Treaty of Ghent, 1814 ('hkis'bias Day. Sunday after Chrisfmas St. John tue Evangeust Innocents Lord Stafford beheaded, 168? Jesuit Society founded, 1534 Wickliffe died, 1387 the sun MOON rises sets r. & s. 7 26 4 12 3 24 7 28 4 12 4 30 7 28 4 12 5 37 7 29 4 li sets 7 30 4 11 4 19 7 31 4 11 5 12 7 32 4 11 6 iO 7 33 4 11 7 11 7 33 4 11 8 15 7 35 4 11 9 19 7 35 4 11 10 21 7 36 4 11 11 25 7 37 4 11 mora 7 38 4 11 28 7 39 4 12 1 35 7 39 4 12 2 47 7 40 4 12 4 2 7 41 4 12 5 29 7 42 4 13 rises 7 42 4 13 4 30 7 43 4 14 5 46 7 43 4 14 7 12 7 44 4 15 8 33 7 44 4 15 9 49 7 45,4 16 11 1 7 45'4 16 morn 7 4514 17 10 7 45 4 18 1 17 7 46'4 IS 2 22 7 47.4 19 3 29 7 46 4 20 4 35 ^: PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE. 25 CANADA. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL, Aides-de-Camp, &c. Sir KmirxT) Walkek Head, Bart., Governor General of Briti:«h North America, and Captain General and Governor-in-Chicf of the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and tho Island of rrince Edward, &c., kc, R. T. Pennefather, Governor General's Secretary. Captain Retallick, 16th Regiment, Military Secretary and Aidc-(ie-Camp, Colonel Irvine, Provincial Aide-de-Camp. Lieut. -Col. Duchcsnay, extra Provincial iUde-de-Camp. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. President of the Council Receiver General Attorney General Eaf-t Speaker, Legislative Council . . Inspector General Attorney General West Postmaster General , Commissioner of Crown I^ands Commissioner of Public Works Provincial Secretary OFFICERS. Hon. P. M. Vankonghnet Lion. Jos. C. Morrison. .Hon. G. E. Cartier. lion. E. P. Taclu^. Hon. W. Cay ley. lion. J. A. McDonald. .Hon. Robert Speiice. .Hon. E. P. Tacho. .Hon. F. Lemioux. .Hon. T. L. Terrill. William H. Lee, Clerk, Executive Council ; William A- Himsworth, Confidential Clerk ; M. A. Higgius, F- Vallerand, Oliver Cote, Thomas Burns, F. H. Hins- worth and Henry Alexander, Clerks ; Michael Naughten, Door-keeper ; James Ryan and Charles Baker, Messengers. '4 ill ! 'jljIiH u :,!liii 1 1 :!''ii! 26 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. E. P. Taciie, Speaker. MKMHEItf. P. B. DeBlaquiere Peter McGill .... W. Morris J. Crooks A. Fergusson J. Hamilton A. Ferrie P. H. Knowlton . P. H. Moore J. Dionne G. J. Goodhue.. . W. Walker C. Widmer P. DeBoucherville J. Morris J. Gordon J. Ferrier R. Matheson G. S. Boulton .... D. B. Viger J. Leslie F. A. Quesnel . . . J. Boiirret G. S. DeBeaujeu. J. Ross S. Crane S. Mills Louis Panet N. F. Bellcau Charles Wilson . . B. Seymour D. M. Armstrong E. Perry E. Cartier W. H. Dickson . . RESIDKNCES. Toronto . Montreal . (( Flamboro' West . " East.. Kingston Montreal Knowlton Philipsburgh St. P. les Becquet London, C. W. .. Quebec Toronto Bouchorville .... Brockville Toronto Montreal Perth Cobourg Montreal Coteau du Lac Belleville . . . , Prescott Hamilton . . . . , Quebec {( Montreal Bath Berthier Cobourg St. Hyacinthe . . Niagara ;. COJfMISSIONKD . June 9th, 1841. u (( tl (C t( (( (( Sept. 7th, 1841. Aug. 19th, 1842. (( Aug. 15th, 1843. Sept. 27 th, 1843. Nov. 30th, 1845. Nov. 3rd, 1845. May 27th, 1847. Feb. 27th, 1848. May 23rd, 1848. Sept. 8th, 1848. Nov. 21st, 1848. Dec. 1st, 1848. Dec. 28th, 1848. Jan. 29th, 1849. Oct. 25th, 1852. u (( Feb. 8th, 1855. (( u (t m I LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. 27 Members elected^ in 1856, under the New Act. Hon. M. P. I^torrierc Laurentidcs. A. J. Duchcsnay Lauzon. E. Masson Mille Isles. L. A. Dessaulles Rougcmont. Hollis Smith Wellington. Louis Renaiid Salaberry. Hon. P. M. Vankoughnet Rideau. J. Simpson Queen's. E. Murncy Trent. J. Patton, Saugeen. Hermaunus Smith, M. D Burlington. Colonel J. Prince Western. The Queen has been pleased to authorize the elected, as well the nominated Members of the Legislative CouDcil, to assume the distinctive title of " Honorable." PERMANENT OFFICERS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. J. F. Taylor, Clerk of the House & Mastery in Chancery Robert LeMoine, Deputy and Assistant Clerk, Master in Chancery and French Translator. Fennings Taylor, Deputy and Assistant Clerk, Master in Chancery and Chief Office Clerk. E. L. Montizambcrt, Law Clerk, Clerk of Committees and English Translator. J. E. Doucet, Additional Assistant Clerk and Assistant French Translator. W. A. Maingy, Additional ditto and 2nd Office Clerk. James Adamson, Clerk of English Journals. J. G. Couillard, Clerk of French Journals. George DeBlaquiere, Junior Clerk, Rone Kimber, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod. Olivier Vallerand, Sergeant-at-Arms. Rev. Dr. Adamson, D.C.L., Chaplain and Librarian. Edward Botterel, Door Keeper. Michael Keating, Chief Messenger and Housekeeper. Samuel Skinner, Messenger and Assist. Housekeeper. A. Lachance, T. Neary, J. Doherty, J. Hanley, J. Young, P. Dunne, F. Boulct and J. Casault, Messengers. i 28 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. L. V. SicoTTi'], Speaker. coNsnruENCii'a. MEMHints. ArgOTiteuil Sydnoy BoUingbam. Ragot 1 imotheo Brodeur. Bcaiice Dunbar Koss. Bcauharnois CharJes Daoust. Bellcchasso 0. C. Forticr. Borthior Pierre E. Bostallor. Bonavcnture Thomas Meagher. Brant (Ea.st Riding) David Christie. Brant (West Riding) Herbert Biggar. Brockville (Town) George Crawford. Bromo James Moir Forres. Carleton Wi!li:im F. Fowcll. Chambly Noel Darche. Champlain Thomas Marchildon. Charlevoix Pierre G. Huot. Chateauguay Jacob DeWitt. Chieoutimi and Sagucnay. . . David E. Prion. CV)mpton John Sewall Sanborn. Ccjrnwall (Town) Rodericlc McDonald. Dorchester Barthelemi Pouliot. Drummond & Arthabaska. . . Jean Piaptiste E. Dorion. Dundas John Pliny Crystlcr. Durham {VAV&t Riding) Francis H. Burton. Durham (West Riding) Henry Munro. Elgin (Ejist Riding) George Southwick. Elgin (West Riding) George MacBeth. Essex Arthur Rankin. Frontonac Henry Smith. Gaspe John LeBoutillier. Glengarry Hon. J. S. MacDonald. Greenville (South Riding)... William Patrick. Grey George Jackson. Haldimand William L. Mackenzie. Halton George K. Chisholm. Hamilton (City) Sir A. N. MacNab, Bart. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 20 (X)NSTITUENriRS. MKMHEKS. Hastings (North Ki(liiieph Gould. Ontario (South Riding) .. .J. MacVoigh Lumsdon. Ottawa (Town) Agar Yielding. Ottawa Alanson Cooko. Oxford (North Riding) Donald Mathcson. Oxford (South Riding) . . . . E. Cook. Peel James C. Aikins. Perth Thomas Maine Daly. Peterborough William S. Langton. Pontiac __ Portneuf J. E. Thibaudeau. Proscott H. W. McCann. Prince Edward David B. Stovonson. (Charles Alleyn. Quebec (aty) ^ G. H. Simard. (G. O. Stuart. Quebec (County) Francois Evanturel. Renfrew John Supple. Richelieu J. B. Gucvremont. Richmond and Wolfe W. L. Fclton. Rimouski M. W. Baby. Rouville W. H. Chalftirs. Russel George P. Lyon Fellowes. St. Hyacinthe Hon. L. V. Sicotte. St. Johns F. Bourassa. St. Maurice L. L. L. Desaulniers. Sheflbrd Hon. L. T. Drummond. Sherbrooke (Town; Alex. T. Gait. Simcoe (North Riding) Angus Morrison. Simcoe (South Riding) Hon. W. B. Robinson. Soulanges L. H. Masson. Stanstead Hon. Timothy I.K>e Terrill. Stormont William Mattice. Timiscouata Benjamin Dionne. Terrebonne L. S. Morin. Three Rivers (Town) Antoine Polette. \ LEGISLATIVE ASSEMULY. 31 coNsmruExaES. mkmukus. m^^^„.^ /r5*,r\ f f^on. J. H. Caiuerou. Toronto (City) | j (. ^^^^^^ Two Mountains J. B. Daoust. Vaudrouil J. 13. Mongonals. VerchiTus Hon. Gcor^o E. Cartier. Victoria James Smitli. Waterloo (North Riding) . . M. II. Fol«^y. Waterloo (South Riding) .. Robert Ferrie. Wolland John Frascr. Wellington (North Riding) .William Clarke. Wellington (South Riding). A. J. Ferguson. Wentworth (North Riding) Hon. Robert Spcnco. Went worth (Soutli Riding) .Samuel 13. Freeman. Yamaska Ignacc Gill. York (Ejvst Riding) Amos Wright. York (North Riding) Joseph Ilartman. York (West Riding) John W. Gamble. PERMANENT OFFICERS LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. , Chief Department. — W. B. Lind=iay, Clerk ; W. B. Lindsay, Jr., Clerk Assistant ; W. Ross, Deputy do. ; Thos. Vaux, Accountant ; C. Langcvin, Assistant do. Law Department. — G. W. Wickstead, I^w Clerk. General Departmi^nt. — W. P. Patrick, Chief Office Clerk 'y. Henry Hartney, Assistant ditto ; W. Spink, Clerk of Routine and Records ; H. B. Stuart, English Writing Clerk ; E. Dcnechaud, French ditto ; Aug. Laperriere, Assistant French ditto ;. W. B. Ross, H. Poetter, Pierre Rivet, A. G. D. Taylor, H. McCarthy and J. F. Gingras, Junior Clerks. General CoMMrrrEE Department. — Alfred Patrick, Clerk of Committees and Controverted Elections ; J. P. Leprohou, 1st Assistant Clerk of Committees ; F. X. Blanchet, 2nd ditto. Private Bill Office. — Alfred Todd, Clerk of Private Bills ; Thadeus Patrick, Assistant ditto and Clerk of liailroad Committee. / 32 STANDING RULES. !i ■ ! M Translators. — T), P. Myrand, Chief French Trans- lator ; William F;innin;^% E. P. Dorion, A. De.silets and T. G. Cour.sollds, Assistiint French TranslatorK ; F. H. Radglcy, English Translator ; Wm. Wilson, Assistant English Translator. JonixAL Dkrartmkvt. — G. M. Muir, Clerk of Eng- lish Joiu'nal ; P. E. Gagnon, Clerk of French Journal ; W. H LoMoino, Assist." Clerk of French ditto ; W. C. Burrage, Assistant Clerk of English ditto. Lihuary Department. — Alpheus Todd, Lihrarian ; A. G. Lajoie, Assistant ditto ; J. Curran, Library Keeper. Sergka\t-at-Ar3ts Department.— P. W. Macdonnell, Sergeant-at-Arms ; A. L. Cardinal, Chief Messenger ; M. McCaithy & O. Vincent, Assists, do. ; J. O'Connor, Door Ke(!{Kn* ; Robert Bailie, Assist, do. ; R. Defries, F'ostniastor ; Joseph Blais, Assist, do. ; P. Laliberte, J. Lenionde, Edward Pelletier and William Graham, Messengers. STANDING RULES On the subject of Private and Local Bills, adopted by the Legi-:lativo Council and Legislative Assembly, 3rd Session, 5th Parliament, 20 Victoria, 1857. 1. That all applications for Private and Local Bills for granting to any individual or individuals any ex- clusive or ])eculiar rights or privileges whatsoisver. or for doing any matter or thing which in its operation would aliect the rights or property of other i)artics, — or for making any amendment of a like nature to any former Act, — shall require the following notice to bo published, viz. : In Upper Canada — A notice inserted in the Official Gazc.'tte, and in one ucv/spaper published in the County or Union of Counties aUected, or if there be no paper published tnerein, thtui in a newspaper in the next nearest County in which a newspaper is published. STANDING RULES. 33 In Lower Canada. — A notice inserted in the Official Gazette, in the En^^lish and French languages, and in one newspaper in the English and one newspaper in the French language, in the District affected, or in hoth languages, if there be but one paper ; or if there be no paper published therein, then (in both languages) in the Official (Jazette, and in a paper pub- lished in fin adjoining District. Such notices shall bo continued in each case for a period of at least two months during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session and the presentation of the Petition. 2. That before any Petition praying for leave to bring in ai)rivate Bill for the erection of a Toll Bridge is presented to this House, the person or persons purposing to petition for such Bill, shall, upon giving the notice prescribed by the preceding rule, also, at the same time and in the same manner, give a notice in writing, stating the rates which they intend to ask, llie extent of tlie privilege, the height of the arches, the interval between the abutments or })iers for the passage of rjifts and vessels, and mentioning also whether they purpose to erect a drav/bridge or not, and the dimensions of such drawbridge. 3. That t!ie Fee payable on the second reading of any private or local bill shall bo paid only in tho Hou-^c in wliich such bill oricinates, but the disburse- ments fur printing such bill shall be paid in each House. 4. — That it shall be the duty of parties seeking tho intrrffn'once oC the Legislature in any private or local lualter, to file with the Clerk of each House the evi- dence of their having complied with the Rules and :^tandii;g ()r>Iers thei-'of ; ;ind that iu (icfault of such pronf boii;g so furnished as aforesaid, it shall be com- petent to the Clerk to report in regard to such matter ■' t'liat tiu; Rules and Standing Orders have not been complied with." ■il • il I 1''! ' t< sli Jl » 34 PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. CIVIL. Civil Secretary's Oh^ice.— R. T. Pennefatlier, Sec- retary ; H. Cotton, Cliicf Clerk ; W. R. Bartlett, Second Clerk ; P. S. Hill, Office Keeper ; G. Boxall, Messenger. Pkovixcial Secretary's Oi^tick. — Hon. T. L. Terrill, Provincial Secretary ; Etienne Parent, As.sistant Sec- retary tiist ; E. A. Meredith, Assistant Secretary West; T. D. Harington, Chief Clerk. Eastern Branch. — T. Ross, H. Jarmy, W. H. Jones, A. R. Roche, S. Tetu and G. S. Bertrand, Clerks. Western Branch. — (irant Powell, H. E. Steele and Charles J. Birch, Clerks. J. Gow, Oilice Keeper ; J. Dorr and J. N. Fradet, Messengers. l^oviNciAL Registrar's Oftice. — Hon. T. L. Terrill, Registrar ; Thomas Amiot, Deputy Provincial ditto ; W. Kent, First Clerk ; G. H. Lane, Second Clerk ; A. Belanger, Assistant Clerk ; J. A. Belanger, Extra Clerk ; Maximo Valequetto. Messenger. Reosiver General's Office. — Hon. J. C. Morrison, Receiver General; C. E. Ahderson, Deputy ditto ; T. Dufort, J. B. Stanton, G. C. Reiffeinsteni, \V. Hedge, J. F. Pellant, L. F. Dnfresne, F. Braun, C. W. Shay and D. V. Fisher, Clerks ; F. h. Casault, Messenger ; J. McCaflrey, Assistant Messenger. Inspector General's Office. ^-Hon. W. Cayle}^ Inspector General ; Josoph Cary, Deputy ditto ; \V. Dickinson, Acting Deputy ditto ; David A. Ross, Chief Clerk : Norris Godard, First Book Keeper ; J. Drys- dale, 2nd ditto ; Archibald Cary, F. G. Scott, Geo. A. Barber, Jr., J. S. Lee and John R. Nash, Clerks ; D. Ryan, Messenger. Customs^ Department. — R. S. M. Bouchetto, Commis- sioner ; T. Worthiugton, Inspector of Foitient. — Colonel Ord, Royal Engineers ; Colonel Bell, Royal Artillery ; A. Gun, Military Store- keeper ; respective Oflicers, SLoreJi-eepcr^s Department. — Alex. Gun, E«;q., Store- keeper ; J. J. Greig, 1st Clerk ; E. Wilgress, G. Wil- gress and Edward Catell, Clerks. J. Greig, (Acting) Barrack Master. Head Quarters Royal Engineer Oftice. Montreal. — Commanding Royal Engineer, Canada, Colonel W. R. Ord ; Assistant Com. Royal Engineer, T. L. Galhvey ; Draftsman, R. J. Pilkington ; Surveyor and Draftsman, C. Walkem ; Senior Clerk, James Kerr ; Clerk, John Gardiner ; Foreman of Works, J. CoUard ; Office Keeper, J. Robertson. District Branch. — Commanding R. E., Captain Chas. Fanshawe ; Assistant ditto, Lieut. Garnier, R. E. ; Clerk of Works, E. C. Osborn ; Clerk, William Clegg ; Office Keeper, John Conroy. Quebec. — Lieut. -Colonel Hadden, District Com. Royal Engineer, Canada East ; Lieutenant C. A. de Mont- morency ; Clerk of Works, William Haddon ; Fore- men of Works, W. Chessell and John Grist ; Clerks, J. H. Oakes and G. H. Peake. Commissariat Department. — Deputy Commissary General, C. A. Clarke. Montreal. — Assistant Commissary General, Alfred Salwey ; Deputy Assistant Commissary General, A. Turner ; Clerks, W. Ogilvy and R. L. Matthews ; Assistant ditto, C. Woodlcy, A. W. Bell, John Ballard and W. Palmer. St. Tb/ins.— Commissary Clerk, H. B. Middleton. Quebec. — Assistant Commissary General, T. W. Goldio ; Deputy Assistant Commissary General, M. B. Irvine ; Clerk, R. G. Hunter ; Assistimt ditto, T. Dickenson. Kingston. — Assist. Commlss. General, W. Stanton. Tor&nlo. — Assist. Commissary General, J. K. Goold ; Oerk, A. Haliburton. ■ui 1 K f!i!! S: i 111: I i.l'i ' li ! 40 MILITARY. Army Medical Stai- Puisne Judges. Rene E. Car on, J COURTS IN APPEAL AND ERROR. Terms—Montreal — 1st to 12th March and 1st to 12th October. Quebec — 7th to 18th January and 1st to 12th July. J. U. Beaudry, Clerk and Law Reporter. COURT OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION. Terms— Montreal — 14th March and 14th October. Quebec — 20th January and 14th July. Three-Rivers —2nd February and 11th September. Sherbrooke— 12th February and 1st September. Kamouraska— 5th April and 5th November. Terms to continue till tho business is closed. Ex- traordinory terms may be held by proclamation. SUPERIOR COURT FOR LOWER CANADA, Jurisdiction in suits over £15. Honorable Edward Bowen, Chief Justice. PUISNE JUDGES. Hon. Dominique Mondelct | Hon. Edward Short '* Cliarles Dewey Day I " ** James Smith " " C. J. E. Mondelet " " Wm. C. Meredith. Ter?»s— Montreal— 17th to 27th, both days included, of each month, except January, July and August. Auguste N. Morin William Badgloy Jean Chabot COURTS OF JUSTICE. 43 Quoboc — Vr,t to 5th, both days included, of Fcbriuiry March, April, May, Sopt., Oct., and Dec, and from •iOth to *25th of Juno and Novembor. Throo Rivers— I'ith to '25th February, 1st to 14th Juno and November. Kamonraska — 2tjth March to 4th April, and 2Cth October to 4th November, Sherbrooko— (Di.^rict of St. Francis)— 20th to Gist January, and Ifith to 27th July. Pcrct'--('nistrict of (Jasp(')--2lst to 30th August. New Carlisle— 4tii to loth Sei)tembcr. The sit- ings at the two places forming only one term. DISTRICT OF MONTR I:aL. John Boston, f^herifl'; Myron H. Pinborn, Deputy Sherilf; S. W. Monk, W. C. H. Coilin and L. J. A. Papineau, I'roUionotary ; John Honey, Deputy Pro- thonotary ; J. Jonos, Coroner ; A. M. Delisle and W. II. IJrehaut, Clerk of the Crown ; Charles E. f?cliiller, Deputy Clerk of the Crown ; H. Bernard, Translator and Interpreter ; G. Stanley, Crier ; Thomas McGinn, Gaoler ; B. Delisle, High Constable. DISTRICT OF QUKBKC. William S. Powell, SherilT; E. Burroughs and L. Fiset, Prothonotary ; J. Green, Clerk of the Crown ; J. A. Panet, Coroner. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVEr.3. I. G. Ogdeu, Sheriir ; E. Barnard, Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown ; N. A. DuBerger, Deputy Clerk of the Crown ; V. Guillet, Coroner ; P. Burns, High Constable. DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCTS. F. G. Bowen, ShorilT ; John Short and L. E. Mor- ris, Prothonotary and Clerk of the Crown ; C. A. G. DeTonnancour, Coroner. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA. Hon. W. K. McCord, Justice ; A. Lafontaine, Pro- thonotary ; L. M. Coutlee, Sheriff. ^ I Hi 'V^ COURTS OF JUSTICE. 44 DISTIiKT OF (iASI'E. M. Shoppartl, .SluM-id"; J. Wilkio and P. Wititor, Clork of i\m Crown and Prothonotury ; W. Tilly, Coroner for Guspe ; W. Filton, do. for Bonavcuturo. CIRCUIT COURl^. Jurisdiction in suits up to £15. JUDCiES. S G. Thompson, Esq. llypolito (Jiiy, Es(i. VVil!i;ini I'owor, I^^q. Jolm S. MoCord, E^n- William K. McCord, Ksq. J. C. Briinoau, E-^q. A. Tasf'hereau, Esq. J. F. DoUlois, Exq. David Hoy, Esq. Montreal Circuit ' apiiieau " <' Deputy Clerk . . . '. (Jeorce I'yke Bertbicr " F. X." Bender L'Assomption Circuit L. Del.oriniier Terreboiuie " Two Mountains " Argenteuil Vaudreiiil J^oulauges i Beatdiarnoi^ ] Huntingd'jn t?t. Jolins j MisHissquoi. !r=t. Hyaeintlio ' Richelieu Three Kivers Sherbrooke Quebec Ottiiwa (( (( u (< u u fS. W. Monk -\ W. C. H. Coffin (L. J. A. Papiuea . . L. Lei)ago [■F. H. Lemiiiro 0. Bastieii Louis Beaudry. ■ F. H. Marcbaud .Peter Cowan .Louis Delormo .T. R. Chevalier (( ti . .Edward Bernard j J. fc^hort and L. E. Morris. Edw. Burroughs and L. Fiset. , A. Liifontaiuo. COURTS OP JUSTICE. 45 , ->W''-*N^-^"N»> TKKMS : Montroal Circuit, in the City of Montro'il — From tbo 10th to tlie I5th of each month, ex(;oi)t Jjuiuary, July and August. Berthi»>r Circuit, in the Parish of Rorthier — 21st to 30th January, May and Septomhcr. L'Assomption Circuit, in tlio Parish of St. Picrrn do li'Assomption — 1st to 10th March, July and Nov. Terrehonnc Circuit, in the Parish of St. Louis do Terrc- honne — I'ith to 21st Marcli, July and Noveni])er. Two Mountivins Circuit, in the Parish of St. Beuoit — 7th to 1 1th .January', Mny and Se|)temher. Argenteuil Circuit, at Lachute — 12th to IGth January, May and September. Vaudreuil Circuit, in the Parish of St. Michel do Vau- dreuil — 1st to 5tli March, July and Nov'emher. Soulanges Circuit, at Couteau Landing— 6th to lOtli March, July and November. Beauharnois Circuit, in the Parisli of Ste. Martine — 13th to 16tli March, July and November. Huntingdon Circuit, at the Village of Huntingdon— 6th to 10th March, July and November. St. Johns Circuit, in the Parish of St. John the Evan- gelist— 10th to 10th February, June and October. Missisquoi Cu'cuit, at Nelsonvillo, in the Township of Dimham— 2lst to 29th February, and 21st to 30th June and October. St. Hyacintho Circuit— 10th to I9th February, June and October. Richelieu Circuit, in the Parish of St. Ours — 21st to 29th February, and 2lst to 30th Juno and Oct. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA. Ottawa Circuit, at the Village of Ayhner — 20th to 25th January, May and September. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS. Three Rivers Circuit, at the town of Three Rivers— On the last six Juridical days of the months of March, May, June, September, Nov. and Dec. !' 'll 'i: ■■'■ ^1 46 COURTS OP JUSTICE. DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS. Sherbrooke Circuit, at the Town of Sherbrooko— On the last five Juridical days of February, April, June, September, November, and December. Richmond Circuit, at the Village of Richmond, in the Township of Shipton--12th to 16th January, I3th to 16th May, 11th to 15th September, and 13th to 17th November. Stanstead Circuit, at Stanstoad Plains, in the Township of Stanstead— The first four days of the months of January, May, September and November. 'i:ii Quebec Circuit, at the City of Quebec— From 2Cth to 25th (both days included) of each month, except July and August. * ^ *— Every day not a Sunday or a Holyday is a Juridical day. GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. A. M. Delisle and W. H. Brehaut, Clerk of the Peace ; C. E. Schiller, Deputy Clerk of the Peace ; L. D. Rene Cotret and Alfred C. Harvey, Clerks. TERMS. Montreal— 8th January, 4th April, 4th July and 4th October. Quebec — 8th January, 4th April, 4th July, 4th Oct. Three Rivers — 8th January, 4th April, 4tli July and 4th October. Sherbrooke— 1st February and 1st October. Kamouraska — 7th to 16th January, and 15th to 24th July. Quebec — James Green and P. Antoino Doucet, Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the Crown ; John Ma- guire, Inspector and Superintendent of Police ; Robert Henry Russell, Chief Constable. IL COMMISSIONERS, ETC. 47 COMMISSIONERS FOR RECEIVING AFFIDAMT^ FOR TIIE Samuel W. Monk. Louis J. A. Papineau. William F.' Coffin. John Boston. J. A. Labadie, Joseph Jones. William Ross. J. Belle. Etieune Guy. SUPERIOR COURT. William H. Brebaut. James Smith. P. J. Beaudry. George Weekes. 0. Leblanc. C. A. Terroux. A. Pelletier. Thomas McGinn. J. S. Hunter. Commissioners under the Aliens' Act, Commissioners to administer Oath to Public Officers, Commis- sioners to Enlist and Attest Soldiers or Persons ice under Delislo and W. H. Brehaut. desirous of entering H^r Majesty's Service the Imperial Act, 12 Tic, cnapRlO,— A. M. » MARRIAGE LICENSES. Issued by A. Ross. Residence—No. 9 Hanover St., Beaver Hall, Montreal. MONTREAL POLICE Charles Joseph Coursol, Inspector and Superintend-"^ ent ; Charles M. Delisle, Clerk ; William Eraser and William Tetu, Constables under the Ordinance 2 Vic, chap. 2. CITY POUCE FORCE. M. J. Hays, Chief ; E. Flynn, Sub-CliiaSfecist Sta- tion ; Joseph Civalier, do. P^ust Stati^^^T^hthony Maher, A. Bissonette, J. McBride, Sergeanpaj^ JoSub- Constables. j East Station — City Hall, Bonsecours Station— Corner of Craig and Bleury •-♦ ;'T^est •-V. ■■If 'M^ '*'^r\ !li i 'll inilP'! 'I "III! It i':; ■Wfl i i:iH 9. 48 JUSTICES. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE For the City of Monfreal. Amiot, Narcisso liaframboise, Alexis Meaubion, Pierre Lamothe, Pierre Beaudry, J. L. liCblanc, Ovide Belle, Joseph Leclaire,. Francois Bello, Oiarles E. Lceming, John Berthelct, Olivier Lcmoine B. H. Bouthillicr, T. Leprohon, E. M. Brault, C. A. Leprohon, Jean L. Bruneau, 0. T. Leslie, Hon. James Bruneau, Jeau Lunn, William Crawford, John Moreau, Laurent A. Campbell, Rollo Masson, Pamasse Chapman, Henry Masson, J. VV. A. R. Charlebols, B. H. Mathewson, John Coffin, W. F. McGill, Hon. Peter Des Rivieres, J. M'Gill Meillieur, J. B. Donogani, John MofTatt, Hon. George Do Witt, Jacob McCambrtdge, Alex. Dorwin, Canflekl Nelson, Wolt'red Pydc, John O'Meara, Michael Ermatinger, William Penn, Frederic Evans, Charles W. Perrin. Francois ! Ferres, James Moir Pare, Hubert i Ferrie, Hon. Adam Phelan, John Ferricr, Hon. James Pinsonneault, Alfred Geddes, Charles Quesnel, Hon. F. A. Grenier, Joseph Routh, H. L.. Gugy, B. C. A. Roy, C. D. Gagnon, J. A. Ryland, G. K. Hall, Bonjarain Shutnr, Joseph Hayes, Moses J. Smith, H. B. Holmes, Benjamin Starnes, Henry Jackson, Henry Trestler, J. B C. Jodoin, Pierre Vigor, Hon. D. B. Jordan, John Viger, Jacques Job in, Joseph H. W^hitney, H. H. Labadie, Joseph A. Wilson, Hon. Charles Lacombe, Patrice Young, Hon. John Lacroix, Paul J. ■ 'fill LAW DEPARTMENT. 49 LAW DEPARTMENTS. THE BAR OF LOWER CANADA. District of Montreal. COUNCIL. Henry Stuart, Batonnior. Strachan Bethnne, Syndic. Joseph A. Berthelot, Treasurer. F. P. Pominville, Secretary. Abbott, J. J. C. Carter, Edward. Cassidy, F. Doutre, Joseph. I^flamme, Rodolph. Lafrenaye, P. R. Mackay, Robert. Torrance, F. W. Berthelot, J.. Bethune, S. Cassidy, F. Doutre, Joseph. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Mackay, Robert. Monk, S. C. Ouimet, G. Robertson, A. MEMBERS. Cartier, G. E. Attorney General. Clierrior, C. S.,Q.C. Driscoll, H.,Q.C. Dumas, X. Q.C. Griffin, F., Q.C. DrummondjL T.,Q.C Abbott, C. C. Abbott, J. W. Andrews, H. 0. Archambiuilt, A. Archambanit, C. Armstrong, J. Austin, H. W. Aylen, P. Biiby, G. Baker, J. C. Bancroft, H. Barnard, E. Barnston, J. G. Bates, J Bates, W. A. Bed well, C. R. Bed well, C. R. Bclanger, h. Bellemare, R. Bcrard, N. Berthelot, J. A. Berthelot, J. R. Borthclot, J. R. Bethune, S. Botournay, Louis Bibaud, F. F. M. Judah H., Q.C. liOranger, T, J., Q.C. Monk, S. C, Q.C. Rose, John, Q.C. Sicotte, L. v., Q.C. Bibaud, J. E. Bibaud, Pierre Blanchei, P. Bleakely, John Boudy, D. J. D. Bonlanget, C. J. Bourret, Joseph Bouthillier, Jude Bovey, W. A. Branchaud,"M. Brault, F. X. Brooke, W. Brown, Dunbar ' I '■ '( ;'v' ; !' ■''' 'liJ! II ' imm i 1 J V\ .^ ^ 50 LAW DEPARTMENT. Bruneau, J. F. E. Buchanan, G.C.V. Campbell, John Carter, Edward Carter, G. S. Cartier, F. D. Cassidy, F. Chagnon, C. A. T. Cbagnon, H. W. Chamberlin, B. Cherrier, A. R. Cornell, Edwin Cotret, L. D. R. Cramp, G. B. Cross, A. Daoust, Charles. David, E. D. Day, John J. DeBleury, C.C. S. DeBoucherville, P Deliagrave, J. Delorme, L. Demary, P. 0. Deseve, A. Desjardins, J. N. DesRivicrs, J. F. Devlin, Bernard Dolboc, Charles Dorion, A. A. Dorion, V. P. W. Dorman, S. W. Dorval, A. D. Dougherty, M. Doutre, Joseph Doutre, Leon Driscoll, Alfred * Ducondu, E. Duhamel, Joseph Duranceau, P. E Dumas, Arthur Dumesnil, A. E. Dunkin, C. Hun lop, C. J. Fab re, L. R. H. Fautcux, P. A, Fenwick, T. G. Foliatrault, A. Fleming, J. R. Godin, E. B. Goidlike, D. B. Gouin, A. N. Groux, Louis T. Hall, Frederick!. Hallowell, J. Harvey, A. C. Harwood, A. C. D Hemming, E. J. Herbert Alex Holmes, W. E. Hubert, R. A. R. Ibbotson, H. H. Jette, L. A. Jordan, J. A. Judah, Thomas S. liaframboise, M. Lafrenaye, P. R. Laflamme, G. Ljiflamme, P. A. R Lambe, W. R. Lamothe, Jules Lamothe, T. A. Lanctot, M. Larkin, H. J. Leblanc, C. A. Leblanc, J. L. Lecondu, E. Lenoir, Joseph Lesage, S. Lewis, W. F. Loranger, J. M. Loupret, Charles Lunn, A. H. Macdonald, L. G. Macdonnell, R. Mackay, J. P. Mackay, Robert Mack, W. G. Macrae, George Marchand, F. H. Mar Chan d, L. W. Marchessault, L. Mclver, M. McLeod , Malcolm M' Donald, J. W. Melancon, J. N. Molson, Alex Monk, John Moreau, Pierre Morin, L. S. Morrison, M. Morris, Alex Morris, L. E. Numcnville, M. Nye, Thomas Ogden, John J. O'Kecte, D. P. Olivier, Louis A. Ouimet, G. Papin, Joseph Papineau, A. C. Patcnaude, A. Pelletier, E. Pelletier, J. E. Penny, E. G. Piche, Eugene Poitras, J. C. A. Pominville, F. P. Popham, John Prairie, — Prevost, W. LAW DEPARTMENT. 51 Radiger, John Ramsay, T. K. Ricard, L. L. C. Richer, A. A. Rohertson, A. Robertson, W. Rohinoau, S. Roy, Euclido Roy, Joseph R. Sexton, J. P. Smith, W. F. Snowdon, H. L. St. Amand, A. Stuart, Henry Taylor, Hugh Torrance, F. W. Tranchemontagne Tngault, H., jr. Turcot, J. R. Vallee Gustave. Vallieres, de ^t. Real, Henry B. Wragg, T. R. Wurtele, C. Wurtele, J. F. R. By Act of Parliament, 12 Vict., cap. 46, all Advo- cates, Barristers, Solicitors, Proctors at Law, &c., are incorporated under the foregoing title. The Corpora- tion is divided into three sections, namely, one for each of the Districts of Montreal, Quebec and Thi-ee Rivers. The Board sits monthly to examine Candi- dates for admission to the Bar. ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. Hon. Sir L. H. Lafontaine, Bart., President. Frederick Griffin, Vice President. John J. Day, Treasurer | Strachan Bethune, Sec'y COMMirrEE OF MANAGEMENT. Bethune, S, I Dorion, A. I Hemming, E. J. Cross, A. I Dunkin, C | Lafrenaye, R. Mackay, R. COURTS OF JUSTICE IN UPPER CANADA. COURT OF QUEEX'S BENCH. Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart, Chief Justice ; Hon. Archibald McLean and Hon. R. E. Burns, Puisne Judges ; C. C. Small, Clerk of the Crown and Pleas ; J. Lvikin Robinson, Reporter ; Robert Pearson, Clerk of the Process ; W. B. Howard, Clerk in Banc, and Chambers ; W. B. Howard, Clerk in Practice Court. This Court sits in Banc, during the four Terms, in Osgoode Hall. '^ I im 1^ , . ii I i M! 1. :.« .'i'-i 1 i! i*il Iiil i'il f: iiiM!li:r I ft lU ill 52 LAW DEPARTMENT. COURT OF ERROR AND APPEAL. Tliis Court is composed of the Judges of the Super- ior Courts of Law aud Equity, and' the Hon. James Macaulay. late Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and has .jurisdiction in Appeal from the Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench and Common Pleas. It sits three times a year, namcdy, on the second Thurs- day after each Term, except Trinity Term. Clerk— The Registrar of the Court of Chancery, Toronto. COURT OF CHANCERY. Hon. W. H. Blake, Chancellor ; Hon. J. C. P. Esten and Hon. J. G. Spragge, Vice-Chancellors ; A. N. Buell, Master ; Alexander Grant, Registrar and Reporter. Terms for examination of witnesses commence on the second Tuesday in February and May, last Tues- day in August, and second Tuesday in November, and end on the Saturday of the following weeks. Terms for hearing Causes commence on the second Tuesday in March, June, September and December, and end on the Saturday of the following week. A weekly sitting on every ^londay is held through- out the year (except during the regular vacations), for the purpose of hearing motions for Decrees and motions for or to dissolve special Injunctions, and Ap- peals from the reports of the Master or any Deputy Master. One of the Judges sits in Cliambers every day, (ex- cept during the regular vacations,) for the purpose of hearing sundry applications. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. W. H. Draper, C. B., Chief Justice ; Hon. W. B. Richards and Hon. J. H. Hagarty, Puisne Judges ; L. Heyden, Clerk of the Crown and Pleas ; E. C. Jones, Reporter. The Court of Common Pleas, established by the 12 Vic. cap. 63, consists of three Judges, who sit in Term in the same manner as the Judges of the Queen's Bench. LAW DEPARTMENT. 53 NOTARIAI> BOARD, MONTREAL. J. A. Jiiibadic, President H. IjTippare, Secretary C. F. Papineau, Treasurer F. J. Duraud, Syndic BOARD. J A Labadio J Belle P Bertrand P E Leclero 1) E Papiueau C F Papiueau J H Jobia J Smith F H Lemaire C M I.eBrun P Benoit T R Jobson PUBLIC NOTARIES Aussem, J Bagg, S C Belle, C E Belle, J Brault, A Beaudry/P J Bourbonniere, N BourbonnierCjT B Broiisseau, A Carpentier, P H Da gen, G D'Armour, A Doucet, N B Doucet, T Durand, F J Ea?ton, W Fissiault, H A Fortier, L J (iagnon, A Gibb, J J Grillin, J C CITY OF MONTREAL. Cuy, Eticnno Guy, P M Houlee, J B Hunter, J C S Huot, Charles Isaacson, J H Jobiu, J H I^badie, J A Labadie, J E UiBranche, J Lacombe, P Lamoutagne, C H Lappare, H Latour, li A H Leblanc, Martin, L S Mathieu, P M(;Greg(»r, J Melntosh, E Mercile, A Moyer^ C Weston, II Meyer, H J Montrouil, A Moreau, Ed Moreau, L A Peltier, G Pelletier, A A Papiueau, D E Pelton, T J. Papiueau, C F Piatt, G Ross, W Sanborn, M H Simard, J Smith, James Solomons, M Spenard, C C Terroux, (; A Truteau, '/ J Vallee, J I) Vveekes, G Weilbrenuer, PA Ill ;i!ii ' ^ Ditto for 3 or 4 persons 1 3 From any division to any place within the next division and back again, for 1 or 2 persons . . 1 3 Ditto for 3 or 4 persons 1 10 >^ From first division to third division and back again, for 1 or 2 persons I 10 >^ Ditto for 3 or 4 persons 2 6 Per Hour.. For the first, 2s. 6d., for each sub- sequent one, 2s., for 1 or 2 persons ; for the first, 3s. 9d., for each subsequent one, 2s. 6d., for 3 or 4 persons. Caleche : s. d. From any one place to any fiber, within the same division, and back again, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour, for 1 or 2 persons 6 Ditto for 3 or 4 persons 10 From any division to any place within the next division and back again, for 1 or 2 persons . . 10 Ditto for 3 or 4 persons „ 1 3 From first division to third division and back again, for 1 or 2 persons 1 3 Ditto for 3 or 4 persons 1 10|^ Per Hour — For the first, Is. lO^^d., for each subse- quent one, Is. 6d., for 1 or 2 persons; 5d. extra for each person over that number. ! f 62 BATES OF CAKTAGB. RATES AND FARES OF CARTERS, ETC. S J! ii; r CARTAGE. From the Harbor Wharves, & vice versa^ to any place within IstDiv 2d Div 3d Div Goods not hereinafter mentioned for each load not over 15 cwt. Ditto 16 to 20 cwt s. d. 9 1 1 4 4 3 9 1 m 2 6 3 9 6 9 7 2 6 1 6 1 s. d. 1 1 4 1 8 5 4 6 2 6 3 9 4 6 8 3 10 6 3 6 2 1 3 s. d. 1 3 1 8 Ditto 20 cwt. and upwards 100 bushels of Salt *' ofGrain Cord of Wood off Boats " *' outofRafte Boards, ^ 100 pieces, 1 inch ) thick and 12 feet long j Ditto 2 inch Plank 2 6 5 3 3 6 5 5 3 9 9 Ditto 3 inch Plank 12 CJoals, ^ chaldron 4 6 Iron and Steel, ^ ton Molasses and Sugar, ^ hhd 2 6 1 6 For each load, not exceeding 15 cwt. from the s. d. Harbor Wharves or any place in the first division to the Canal, within the City limits. . 1 Ashes — For each load of 3 barrels, from Canal to Inspection Store 1 Ditto from Inspection Store to Wharves . 1 Pork ^ " '' StJoseph '^ 2 6 *' " St. Antoine*' 3 " '' St. Lawrence Suburb, west of St. Lawrence Street 3 9 7K /2 ly /% CORPORATION OP QUEBEC. 63 u (. (( a (. II (( (t s. d. To any place in St. Lawrence Suburb, north- cast of St. Lawrence Street, including St. Louis Street 4 6 the Quebec Suburb, as far as Papineau Road 6 3 the Quebec Suburb, beyond Papineau Road 6 the first division, west of St. Joseph Street 3 the first division, north-east of St. Joseph Street 3 9 Divisionx referred to in theforepoinp Tables — First Division — From Prince's Street, St. Ann Sub- urbs, by a direct line to entrance of St. Antoino Street, thence along Craig and St. Louis Streets to Lacroix Street and down to the River. Second Division — The portion of the City bounded by the boundary of the first division, and McCord Street, Mountain Street, as far as its junction with i-'t. Catherine Street, thence in a direct lino ylong St, Catherine Street, to its junction with Papineau Koad. and thence down Papineau Road to the River. Third Division — The portion beyond the second division and within the City limits. CORPORATION OF QUEBEC. Joseph Morrin, Mayor. Audette, G Bureau. J Connolly, M Chart !0, Z Chateau vert, P Eadon, W Fitzpatrick, J Geauvreau, P COUXaLLORS. Hall, G Hearn, J Langevin, H Lemieux, E Lemoino, A Munn, J Martel, J. B. Rousseau, E OFFICERS. City Clerk~F. X. Garneau Treasurer — A. Gauthier Robitaillo, O Rheaume, J P Robertson, A Staflbrd, L Shaw, R Tourangeau, J Valleo, P Young, J (i j 'I i'i ■ , i '■ li %. m 64 CUSTOMS. City Surveyor— Joseph Hamol Water Work.s Manager— William Shoredicho Book Keopor — Hiigli Murray Assistant City Surveyor — T. Baillarge Messenger — F. X. J alien Notary — Chiirles Maxime DcFoy Clerk of lijwor Town Market — Denis Murray '' Upper Town " —Maurice O'Leary '' St. Faul'ri " —Pierre Gauthier Inspector Fire Department— Nicholas Wells CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. MONTREAL. T. Bouthilller, Collector ; Isodoro Mallon, Surveyor. Water Side Department— J . Jordan, C. W. Ma^on, (irey, E. Meyer, W. S. Williams, C. Selby, J. J Beckett, landing Waiters ; F. Campion, J. Watkins, Clerks ; J. Routior, Locker ; 0. Loranger, Assistant Locker ; John Douglas, Sampler and Weigher ; IL Fletcher, Tide Surveyor. Lfin^ Room — John Lewis, F. Crispo, F. Barry, W. Chri-topherson, J. P. Purcel, Clerks ; J. Bell, Ap- prais(>r ; W. Mc'^'fider, Examining Warehousekeei)er ; W. Scholes, Housekeeper and Messenger. Out Stations —RoufiG^ii Point : B. Burland, Surveyor an^ Brooms, "^ dozen 2 6 Cigars, ^Ife 3 Coffee, green, fi ft 0);^ " other " 2 Coloring. ^ gallon 2>^ (linger, Pepper, Pimento and Starch, ^ ft 2 Miiccaroni, " 1)^ Mace and Nutmegs, " .... 9 Molasses, ^ gallon, 2 )^ Mustard, Cloves, Cassia and Cinnamon, ^ ft. 3 Snufr,^ft 6 Spices, unenumerated, fift 4 Spirits and StrongWaters of all sorts, for every gallon of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than that of proof and for any greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz. ; — Brandy, fi gallon 4 Cordials, " 5 Gin and other Spirits and Strong Waters, not being Rum, Brandy or Whiskey, ^ gallon. 3 6 Ram, ^ gallon 2 3 Whiskey, " 1)4 Wine, in wood, not exceeding in value £10 fi pipe, ( f 126 gallons, ^ gallon 1 Over £10, and not exceeding £15 in value ^ pipe, ^ gallon 1 6 Over £15 in value ^ pipe, ^ gallon 2 !'f fi'^' i'''ii I ^.■,,; '"," ■, 1, If i 1 1 !•; 1 ''' ||1 ,..,; i 66 TARIFF OF DUTIES. S. d. Wine, In quart bottles not exceeding 30s. in value ^ dozen, the dozen bottles 7 6 Over 20s. and not exceeding 40s. in value ^ dozen, the dozen 10 Over 40s. in value ^ doz., the dozen. . . .12 6 In pint bottles, in like proportion, the doz. bottles, 3s. 9d., 5s and 6 3 Sugar, Refined, whether in loaves or lumps, candied, crushed, powdered, granulated, or in any other form, White Bastard Sugar, or other Sugar, equal to Refined Sugar, in quality, ^ cwt 14 Sugar, White Clayed and Brown Clayed, and Yellow Bastard, or Sugar of any kind, equal to any of the said kinds of Sugar, but not equal in quality to Refined Sugar, ^ cwt. ..10 Sugar, Raw, and all Sugar of any kind not equal in quality to any before mentioned, ^ cwt. 7 6 Tea, %^ lb 2% Tobacco, manufactured, ^ft 2>a " unmanufactured" 2 Vermicelli " l}i Vinegar, fl gallon 3>^ Croods subject to 20 per cent. : India Rubber manufactures Leather " Goods svl^ect to 5 per cent. : Book Printing Paper Canada Plates Chains, other than Chain Cables Connection Rods for Locomotives Frames and Pedestals for Locomotives only Galvanized Iron Machinery used in the manufacture of Doors, Window Sashes and Blinds Newspaper Printing Paper Plough Moulds Railway Wheels and Axles TARIFF OF DUTIES. 67 Straps for Walking Beams Wheels and Axles, and Hoop and Tyro for Loco- motives Wrought Iron Cranks Ooods sutjject to a duty of 2% per cent. : Acids, Strong Fluid, including Muriatic, Nitric, Oxalic and Sulphuric Alum Bar Iron Bar, Railroad Bleaching Powder Blue, Ultra Marino and Paste Boiler Plates Boiler Plates, perforated Borax Brass, pig or sheet " and Copper Tubes, when imported for Loco- motives only Brick, fire Brimstone or Roll Sulphur Charcoal, made or rellncd Cochineal Coney Wool Copperas Cotton Warp ** Wick " Yarn Draining Tiles Felts Fishermen's Boots 'i wi.,v« «^,>«;oiixr •^^^-♦^.i Fishing Nets and Seines P^^"?, 'SI SS imported " Hooks I ^^^ ^® Fisheries. Gum, Copal Iron Bar, Sheet, Rod or Hoop rolled plates, from }iiol% inch in thickness old and scraps round and square, from 4 inches and upwards, suitable for shafts and other parts of machinery Machinery to be worked by steam, for the making of brick, by pressure, from dry clay u V ! \M '■ Iff '!f 68 TARIFF OF DUTIES. Nitre and Saltpetre Oil Cakes Ore dressing machines Packages (see end of Tariff) Paint (see Artificial Slate) Phosphorus Prepared Rigging Prussiate of Potash Rigging of Ships, prepared Sails Sal Ammoniac Shellac Ships' Blocks Ships' Binnacle Lamps Compasses Dead Eyes Dead Lights Deck Plugs Jib Hanks Sails Shackles Sheaves Signal Lamps Travelling Trunks Slats (except from United States, which is free) Spelter Spike Nails Steel Telegraph Insulators, Relay Magnets, Registers and Batteries Telegraph and Bridge Wire, when bonajide imported to be used as such in Canada Tin Vitriol Wrought Iron Wheels and Axles for Railway purposes Zinc Free Goods : Agricultural Utensils (see Farming Utensils) Alabaster Busts Anatomical Preparations u (( u (. (( u TARIFF OP DUTIES. 69 Anchors Animals of all kinds Antiquities, Collections of Apparel, wearing, in use of parties coming to settle in the Province Apparel, wearing, of British subjects dying abroad Arms, Ammunition and Clothing for Army and Navy Artiflcial Slate and Metallic Paint, the produce of N. S. , and when imported direct from Great Britain and B. N. A. Colonies only Bark Beans Bear and Bigg Berries used in dyeing Biscuit and Bread from Great Britain and British Col- onies only Boat Hawsers Bookbinders' Tools, Presses and Implements of all kinds Books, printed (except copywright) Bran and Shorts Breadstuffs of all kinds Bristles Broom Corn Bulbs and Roots Bullion and Coins Bunting Burrstone, wrought or unwrought Busts and Casts of Alabaster, Plaster of Paris, Bronze and Marble Butter Cabinets of Coins Caoutchouc Carriages of Travellers Cars (see Locomotives) Chain Cables Cheese Chocolate and Cocoa Paste, the produce of and when imported directly from Great Britain and British North American Colonies only ni / .ti fiii! 10 TARIFF OF DUTIES. i ii i' III Clothing for Army, Navy and Indians Coal and Coke Copper, in bar, rod or sheet Copybooks Cordage of all kinds Corn for Brooms Cotton and Flax Waste Cotton Wool Donations of Clothing, by charitable societies, for gratuitous distribution Drawings and Lithographs Drugs and Woods used solely in dyeing Dye Stuffs of all kinds, produce of the U. States only Earth and Ochres from, the produce of British North American Colonies only Eggs, the produce of and from the United States only Engravings and Etchings Farming Utensils and Implements of Husbandry, when imported by incorporated Agricultural Socie- ties for encouragement of Agriculture Felt Sheeting Fire Clay Fire Wood, from Great Britain, British Colonies and United States only Fish Oil, Fish fresh or salted, dried or pickled, the produce of and from Great Britain, British North American Colonies and United States only Fish and Fish Oil, the produce of British N. A. Colon- ies, may be imported, free of duty, throuc'h the U. States, from 1st November to 1st May in each year Fish, products of, and of all other creatures living in the water, the produce of and from United States only. (For products of Fish, see Head, &c., &c.) Flour Fruit, green *' others, the produce of and from United States and British North American Colonies only Furs, Skins, Pelts and Tails, undressed, when im- ported direct, the produce of and from Great Britain, Brit. N. American Colonies and United States only. TARIFF OF DUTIES. 71 Furs or Pklns, the produce of fish and creatures living in the sea, dressed or luulrcssed, tlio produce of and when imported direct from Great Britain and British Colonies only Gema and Medals Grains of all kinds Gravel and J^and from United States only Grease and Scraps Grindstones and Stones of all kinds, the produce of and from United States and British Colonies only Gvpsum, ground or unground, produce of and from Great Britain, British Colonies and United States Hat Plush Hay Head, flatter and Blubber, the produce of creatures living in the sea, and from B. N. A. Colonies only Hemp, Flax and Tow, undressed Hickory and other Nuts from United States and Brit- ish North American Colonies only Hides Hops Horns, the produce of and from Great Britain, British Colonies and United States only Household Eflfccts in use of British subjects dying abroad Indigo Instruments, Musical, specially imported for the use of Military Bands Iron, Pig Junk and Oakum Lard Lead, Pig or Sheet Lime, the proauce of and from the British N.American Colonies only Lime Water Lines, Twines and Cordage of all kinds Locomotives, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars running upou any line of Railroad crossing the lines Manures, of all kinds Maps and Engravings .,a li I I*' I'll; l^h m ^lipm ^2 TARIFF OF DUTIES. Marblo, In blocks or slabs, unpolished Marino Cement Mcul, of all kinds Meat, of all kinds Models of Maubinery, and other inventions and im- provements in the Arts Nuts, used in dyeing Ochres, produce of and from British Colonics only Oil, Cocoanut, Palm and i'ino Oil Paintings Old Nets and Ropes Ores of all kinds of Metals Paintings Pearl Ashes Peas Philosophical instruments and apparatus Pipe Clay Pitch Plants Plaster of Paris, for manure only Pot Ashes Printing Types " Ink ' ' Presses, and Printing Implements of all kinds Rags Resin and Rosin Rico Ropes of all kinds Russia Hemp Yarn Soda Ash Sail Cloth Salt and Rock Salt Saw Logs Seeds, of all kinds Settlers' Effects, in use Ships' Water Casks, in use Shrubs and Trees Skins, &c,, (see Furs) Slate, the produce of and from United States only Specimens of Botanv m TARIFF OF DUTIH3. •73 —/ Specimens of Minorulo^'y " Natural History Stono, in its rriido or uii wrought jitnto, tlio prodiicoof and from rnitiii POST OFFICE. 75 MONTREAL. Hon. J. B. Meilleur, M. D. , L.L.D., Postmaster. James Simpson, Assistant Postmaster. P. W. Cooper, B. McEvonue, M. Ewen, H. A. R. Huddle, McDulT Simpson, M. Murphy, A. Benoit, John McKeon, Alex. Robertson, L. Millard, John Muir and P. Raymond, Clerks. James Maitland, Book-keeper ; W. MacGilvory, Assistant ditto. P. 0. Reilley, John J. Drew, A. Bugor and L. Laf- ricain, I^^tter Carriers. Office /fours— From 8 A.M. to 7 P.M., in Summer ; from 8 A.M. to 6 P,M., in Winter ; from 8 to 10 A.M., on Sundays. REGULATIONS AND RATES. LETTEKS. Canada. — On Letters not exceeding >^oz. in weight, transmitted by Post between any two places in Can- ada, the rate is an uniform charge of Hiree Pence currency : pre-payment being optional. For every additional weight of >20z., or any frac- tion excess of less than >^oz., then is charged an additional rate of 3d., thus : oe. Not exceeding >^ More than >^oz. and not exceeding . . 1 " 1 oz. " " ..1)^ " l>^oz. " « ..2 " 2 oz. " " ..2K No additional charge on re-directed Letters. Lower Provinces. — As follows : Postage. ad. 6d. 9d. 13. is. 8d. New Brunswick.. N'^va Scotia ?;'. Edward Island Newfoundland . . . Overl'dvia Quebec and Temis'ta. 3d. 3d. 3d. Steamer via Portland & St. Johns. 3d. 3d. 3d. 7Kd. Steamer, Boston to Halifax. 7Md. 7Mcl. Is. 16 POST OFFICE. Prc-]^ayment oC those rates is optional. Letters to be forwarded by British Steamer from Boston must be specially so addressed. On Letters deposited at an office for delivery in the same place, called Drop or Box Letters, the rate is >atl. each. Great Britain or Ireland. — The single Packet rate on Letters between Canada and Great Britain is as follows : — By British (Cunard) lilail Steamer, from New York or Boston, lOd. currency f8d. sterling) ; by Canadian Mail Steamers from Quebec, 1};^d. cy. (6d. sterling.) The scale of rating is, for a Letter not exceeding ):-^ingapore i^ierra Leone *%Surinam Gibralter Malta J I an ri tins *Xew Zealand Penaug British W. Indies (inchiding Barbadoes and Bermuda) Letters for the above British Colonies are subject to a rate of Is. 5d. currency, per half ounce, when sent by Briti-h (Cunard) ]\rail Packet via Boston or New York ; and to a rate of Is. od. cy., whea sent by Canadian Mail Steamers. Upon Letters for those places marked thus * pro- payment is com[»ulsory. France. — Letters for France and Algeria, Is. cy. per li oz., bj" Cunard Liue, and lOd. if by CJanadian Mail bteamer. Prepayment optional. Yz d. va- by POST OFFICE. in United 5n fee. Newspapers. — Newspapers, when ported, mu.-t bo so put up as to shew clearly that the wrapper co-i-'.-^ Newspap(3r matter only. No marks or signs to ^( cva the purpose of written commimication is permitted, cither on the paper itself or on the cover, nor uny writing other than the address to which it is sent and the name of the sender. If these conditi(ms are not complied with, the Newspaper will be liable to same rate as for a letter. Transient Newspapers posted in Canada (including all Newspapers not sent from the Ofhce of Publication to regular subscribers,) when addressed to any place in Canada, or British North America, the United King- dom, the United States or elsewhere, must in all cases II ii IN^' li lis. IS POST OFFICE. be prepaid by >^d. postage stamp, otherwise they cannot be forwarded. No Canadian Postage is levied on Newspapers printed and published within the Province when ad- dressed from the Office of Publication. Publishers of Newspapers, &c., may forward, en- closed in their Publications, accounts for subscription and receipts for the same, free of charge. Periodicals, Magazines and other Printed Matter. — Periodicals printed in this Province other than News- papers, when specially devoted to Religious and gen- eral Education, to Agriculture, to Temperance, or to any branch of Science, and addressed directly from, the Office of Publication, are to be transmitted from the Post Office where mailed to any other Post Office in this Province free of postage. Periodicals other than such as are exempt under the preceding clause, will be liable to the existing rates of charge, namely, if not exceeding 3 oz. in weight, >^d. — if over 3 oz. 2d. Transient Periodicals posted in Canada must be pre- paid by postage-stamp. This class will include all Periodicals of whatever description posted otherwise than from the Office of Publication. Periodicals when sent in packets to one address, within the limits of 4 fts. to each packet, pass at the rate of 3d. %i Jfe. Printed Circulars, Prices Current or Hand Bills, and other printed mattter of a like des- cription, and Books bound or unbound, passing as above, are charged a rate of >^d. ^ ounce or fraction of an ounce, whether sent singly or in packets, to one address, under the limit of four pounds per packet. Prepayment of the foregoing rates on Periodicals and Circulars and all other printed matter is optional, except when addressed to the United States or British West Indies, and in such case the charges must be prepaid. On all such printed matter received from the United States or British West Indies, the Canada rate always remains to be collected by the delivering Postmaster in this Province. \r- POBT OFFICE. 79 Circulars and other Printe*! Papers must bo sent unsoaleii to ])ass as such, and Pamphlets, Periodicals, Magazines, Boris, kc., must be put in covers open at the ends or side.^, so that the character of the matter may be seen, and are subject to the same r^trictiona as to the presence of writana:, which are hereinbefore detailed as ai)plving to Newspapers. Book Post with England. — A B(X)k Packet may con- tain any number of separate books, })ubHcations, works of literature or (art, almanacs, maps or prints, printed letters, and any quantity of paper, vellum or parchment (to the exclusion of written letters whe- ther sealed or open), and the books, maj), paper, &c. may either be written, printed or plain, or any mix- ture of the three, and may be either British, Colonial or Foreign. The name and address of the sender, or anything else not in the nature of a letter, may also be written or printed upon the envelope or cover of the packet, in addition to the name and address of the person to whom forwarded. All legitimate binding, mounting or coverin.^,' of the same, or a portion thereof, will be allowed as part of the packet, whether such biuding, &c., bn loose or attached, as also rollers, in the case of i)riiits and maps, and whatever .jay be necessary for the safe transmission of literary or artistic matter, or usually apportiiins thereto, and the i)ostage is to bo rated upon the gross weight of the packet. The rates of Postage on Book Packets are : — For a Packet not exceeding 4 oz Os. 4d. Do. Do. Do. I>o. Do. Do. u <( a i^^ft and above 4 oz. and not exceeding >ilh. 1 '' IK" 2ifes. 2K'' 3 " /2 1 " 2 '' 2K" and and and a u n u u u (( u .03. Is. Is. 2s. 3s. 33. 7Kd. 3d lO^d. 6d. 9d. 1' 80 POST OFFICE. - 11 m .J,!!l(.!, And SO on iiier(;a-inp: 1J3<\. cy., for each additional half pound or fraction of ;i half pound. Th<^ foIlowin.L!: conditions must be carefully observed, as prescrilMMl ])y the Im{>erial Post Office : — Every Book I'acket must be either without a cover or in a cover open at, the ends or sides. It must not contain any letter, open or sealed, or any sealed enclosure wiiatevcr. isV) racket must exceed two feet in length, breadth or thit/';!u'ss. The i -tago of Eook Packets must be paid in ad- vance. FriMt 1 Votes nnd Proceedings of the Imperial Par- 'i.^mcwtand ("olonial Legislatures are subject to the nb"vc .iiarges and regulations, when sent by Book 1*06^ between Canada and the United Kingdom. Al: 1. ok I'ost matter inti^nded to be sent, under lh{}:0 on one order upon second ckiss offices. 2Md. 5d. TOd. Is. 8d. POST OFFICE. 81 Money orders are issued at the following rates : — £ s. s. d. For Orders not exceeding 2 10. . 3 Orders over £ 2 10 and " 5 and " 7 10 and " 10 and " 12 10 and " 15 and " 17 10 and " 20 and " 22 10 and " 25 anrl " and " and " and " 45 and " Thns far, for orders on first and second class offices, and an additional commission of Cd. between o,vv.ry £5. from £50 up to £100 for orders on first class offices only. u u (( (( <. {( a a n ic u li it n u u II il u u (( u u 30 35 40 5 0. 6 7 10. 9 10 0. .1 12 10. .1 3 15 0. .1 6 17 10. .1 9 20 0. .2 22 10. .2 3 25 0. .2 6 30 0. 6 35 0. .3 6 40 0. .4 45 0. .4 6 50 0. .5 BANKS. B.ANK OF ^roNTREAL, Estab. ISIS— Capital, $5,400,000. — Head Olilce, Great i^t. James Street, Montreal. Directors. — Hon. P, McGill, President ; T. B. Anderson, Vice-i'residciit ; James Lxtjan. John Redpatli, Hii.<:?h Allan, B(Mij. ilo'mes, H. t^toplicns, J. Torrance, Thos. r.yan, Jolai Brooke, John Boston, Henry Thomas, D. Torrance. OJficers. — B. Davidson, Cashier ; R. Milroy, Assist, ditto ; E. H. King. Inspector ; Thomas Lee, thief Ac- (!onntant ; R. A. Lindsay, Assist, ditto ; A. McNider, Ledger Keeper ; T. Baviilson, Branches and Agencies ; (;. .J. Brown, 1st Teller ; J. Porteous, 2nd do. ; R. .Moore, 3rd do. ; J. W. Traverse, Inspector Depart. ; R. Ciimming, Di^coimt Clerk ; W. Converse, Exchange ditto ; F. Franklii/, Tiansfer ditto; K. McCandlish, Ex. Ledger ; J. Rogers, Bank Note Department ; H. B. I'icken, Messenger ; J. Br^nnan, T. looke, Porters. 82 BANKS. Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays. Divi- dends : Ist Juno and 1st December. Branches and Agencies in Canada : Branch at Quebec J. Stevenson. Toronto H. C. Barwick, Hamilton A. Milroy, London Brocicvillo F. M. Holmes Kingston A. Drummond Cobourj]^ C. H. Morgan Belleville Q. Macnider, Bowmanville . . . . G. Dyett, Brantford A. Greer, St. Thomas E. M. Yarwood, Ottawa P. P. Harris, Agency at Woodstock W. P. Street, Whitby Thos. Dow, Peterboro R. Nichols, Goderich H. McCutchen, Simcoe S. Read, Port Hope A. Macdonald, Picton J. Gray, Guelph R. M. Moore, Perth J. Mclntyre, Three Rivers.... M. Stevenson Cornwall W. Mattice, Manager. ; ( ( ( c ( 4 ( ( ( ; Age It. Bankers in Great Britain — London, the Union Bank of London ; Liverpof)!, the Bank of Liverpool ; Edm- burgh and Glasgow, the British Linen Company and Branches. Agents in the United States. — New York, the Bank of Commerce ; Boston, the Merchants Bank. Montreal Bank, Savings Bank Department — Under the immediate management of Henry Vennor, Esq. Open every lawful day from 10 till 3 o'clock. BANKS. 83 City Bank.— Capital, $1,200,000. IHrectors^^Vm. Workman, President ; Jolni Carter, Vice-President ; John Bose, Wm. Macdonald. Officer!.— F. MacCulloch, Cashier ; R. Mills, Acct. ; James Graham, Corresponding Clerk ; Jas. Harrison, Paying Teller ; Geo. Ruthven, Receiving Teller ; A. F. Cowie, Deposit Ledger Keeper ; L. Mathewson, Discount Clerk ; D. Kirmell, Assistant Clerk ; J. T. Cornwall, ditto ; James Maclea, Messenger ; Wm. Burns, Porter. Days of Discount : Mondays and Thursdays. Di- vider-Is : 1st June and 1st December. City Bank Agencies : Branch at Toronto Tlios. Woodsido, Manager. Agency at Boston J. E. Thayer & Bro., Agent. " Bowmanville ..R. Armour, " " Trolind X "^^^ National Bank of " ^^^'^^^^ ; Ireland. " London Glyn, Mills & Co. «' " New York Bank of the Republic, " " Quebec Daniel McGie, " " Sherbrooke William Ritchie, " La Banqtje du Pbuple— Capital, £200,000. Directors -— .T. DeWitt, President ; Hon. F. A. Quesnel, Vice- President ; S. B. Bonner, A. E. Montmarquet, A. Sau- vageau, H. B. Smith, A. Prevost, Jean Bruneau, H. Starnes. Officers — B. H. Lemoine, Cashier ; G. Rellier, Ac- countant ; J. L. Brault, Paying Teller ; A. Mercille, 1st Receiving Teller ; R. Torroux, •2nd ditto ; E. Four- nier, Keeper of Deposit Ledger ; A. E. Dupre, Assist- ant Accountant ; J. S. Morley, Discount Clerk ; O. B. Peltier, Assistant ditto ; A. A. Trottier, Clerk ; Louis Duproy, Messenger. Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays. Divi- dends : 1st March and 1st September. m ■J 84 BANKS. Bank of British North America — Capital, £1,000,000 Sterling. — Head Ofllcc^, London, England, C. McNab, Socrctary. Directors, Montreal Branch — Sir Georg*' Simpson, Hon. James Ferricr, AVm. Dow, James B. fJroonsliields. llobert Cassels, Manager ; W. Watson, Sub-Mana- ger ; Angus C. Hooper, Accountant. Days of Discount : Wcnlnesday and Saturday. General Manager, Thomas Paton. Branches : Quebec. Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, London C. W., Halifax N. S., fct. John N. B. Agencies : Dundas and Ottawa. Agents in New York : R. 0. Ferguson and F. H. Grain. M0LS0N3 Bank — Williaai Molson, President ; Hon. John Molson, "Vice-President. Officers, — William Sache, Cashier ; J. Molson, jun., Accountant ; G. E. Molson, Teller ; John Breen, 2nd ditto ; J. L. Swale, Discount Clerk ; Andrew Rintoul, Clerk ; William Williams, Messenger. Agency at Boston J. E. Thayer & Bro., Agent. " London Glyn, Mills & Co., " ** New York .... Mecdianics' Bank * ' ** Toronto John Glass '* * < Port Hope David Smart, " Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays . Branch Commercial Bank, M.D. — Tbos. Kirby, Man- ager ; C. A. Hamilton, Teller ; J. H. Koper, Ac- countant ; C. G. Grier, Discount Clerk ; J. Barwick, Ledger Keeper ; E. Birch, Messenger. Office of the Bank or Upper Canada — 25 Great St. James Street. Ed. T. Taylor, Manager ; Ed. Vennor, Teller ; W. Simpson, Accouni. i^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) !.0 I.I 116 |2.5 Hi iiii Ui !- u 2.2 1^ WUC 11:25 i 1.4 m 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation .V ►."V ^ /- ^ 4^ i\ ^v ^ ^\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716)872-4503 o '^ ^ \\ 86 MEDICAL. LICENSED APOTHECARIES. Beers, Johnston & Co., Medical Hall, Gt. St. James St. Birks, John, 68 Great St. James Street. Birks, R., 29 McGill Street. Bowman, W. E., 38 McGill Street. Carter, Kerry & Co., 136 St. Paul Street. Drake, J. M., at S. J. Lyman & Co. Gardner, John, 293 Notre Dame Street. Lamplough & Campbell, 91 Notre Dame Street. Lyman, S. J. & Co., Place d'Armes. Lymans, Savage & Co., 226 St. Paul Street. Picault, P. E., 36 Notre Dame Street. Trudeau, R., Ill St. Paul Street. Waller, D. St. Mary Street. CoixKGE OF Physicians and Surgeons for Lower Canada. — C. Fremont, M. D. President ; Drs. Hall, and VanFelson, Presidents ; H. Peltier, M. D., & J E. Landry, M. D. Secretaries ; T. W. Jones, M.D. Regis- trar and Treasurer. Board cf Oovemors : For the City of Montreal— Drs. Blbaud, Boyer, Eraser, Hall, Jones, Munro, Peltier, Sutherland. For the District of Montreal— Drs. Brigham, Cham- berlain, Foster, Sabourln, Smallwood, Turcotte, Wilbrenner, For the District of Three Rivers— Drs. Badeau, Gauvreau, Gilmour. For the District of St. Francis— Drs. Fowler, Glines, Johnston. For the City of Quebec— Drs. Fremont, Jackson, Landry, Marsden, Morin, Robittaille. Russel, Sewell, For the District of Quebec — Drs. Boudreau, Charest, Laterriere, Marmette, Michaud, Tetu, Von IflSand. School op MEDiaNB and Surgery. — Dr. Beaubien, President ; Dr. Boyer, Secretary. Dr. Trudel, Lec- turer on Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Gilldren ; Dr. Beaubien, Practice of Medicine and MEDICAL. 87 Parthology ; Dr. Munro, Principles and Practice of Surgery ; Dr. D'Orssman, Chemistry and Pharmacy ; Dr. Bibaud, Anatomy ; Dr. Coddcre, Meteria Medica ; Dr. Peltier, Institute of Medicine ; Dr. Boyer, Medical Jurisprudence ; Dr. Regnier, Demonstrator of Anat- omy ; Dr. Munro, Clinical Surgery ; Dr. Boyer, Clin- ical Medicine. Hotel-Dieu Hospital visited dally. Medico Chirurgical Society. — Dr. Macdonnell, President ; Dr. Hall and Dr. Wright, Vice-Presidents ; Dr. McCallum, Secretary ; Dr .David, Treasurer. CommiUee — Drs. Howard and Fenwick. XJNivERsrrY Medical Students* Association.— Wm. Wright, M. D., Patron. Office Bearers — ^A. A. Boylan, President ; David J. Robertson, Vice-President ; Francis W . Campbell, Secretary ; R. J. Howdeu, Assistant ditto ; William Wilson, Treasurer ; James S. Duncan, E. K. Smith, Scrutineers. Meetings held every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Faculty's Building, Cote Street. Montreal General Hospital Hon. John Molson, President ; D. Davidson, Esq., Treasurer ; R. P. Howard, M D., Secretary. Commifee of Management — .1. Redpath Chairman ; T. Molson, J. T. Barrett, J. W. Torrance, — Ferguson. Dr. R. Craik, House Surgeon ; Dr. R. L. Church, House Apothecary ; A. Symmers, Steward ; Mrs. Symmers, Matron. Consulting Physicians — Drs. Holmes, Bruneau, Hall and Campbell. Attending Physicians—Drs. Fraser, Sutherland, Scott, Howard, Wright, Jones, McCallum and Reddy. Montreal Dispexsary.— PTiys^iciaws— Drs. Boyer, Fenwick, Jones, Howard, Peltier, Wright. Ifll '^d. RiCHEUEU Navigation Company— Capital $300j000— Incorporated 1857. Steamers Napoleon and Victoria P. E. Leclere, President ; N. B. Desmarteau, Vice- President ; J. H. Terroux, Secretory and Treasurer. Office : Corner St. Joseph and Commissioners Sts. Montreal and Three Rivers Navigation Company— Steamers Jacques Cartier^ Ctdtivator and Castor^ L. Marchand, President ; Augs. St. Louis, Vice-Pres. ; J. H. Terroux, Secretory and Treasurer. Office : Corner Commissioners and St. Joseph Streets. 92 PUBLIC COMPANIES. TELEGRAPH. Montreal Teleoraph CaMPANv. — Hugh Allan, Pres- ident ; Benjamin Hall, James Logan, John Redpath, H. H. Whitney ; 0. S. Wood, Superhitendent ; J. Dakers, Secretary. This Company has over one hundred Stations in Canada ; works direct to Portland, and all Stations on the Grand Trunk Railway ; to New York and Boston, by two distinct routes ; and connects with lines to all parts of the United States and Eastern Provinces. Office : Telegraph Buildings, opposite Merchant's Ex- change, St. Sacrament Street. NEW CITY GAS COMPANY. Board of Directors. — ^Thomas Molson, President ; J. Rose, Vice-Pres. ; L. Beaudry, Managing Director ; Hon. Joseph Bourret, R. CasseLs, Wm. Dow, J. G. Mackenzfe, J. W. A. R. Masson, H. MulhoUand, John Ostell, Alexander Urquhart, A. Wilson. John McElroy, Superintendent of Works ; David Cunningham, Metro Inspector ; George Robson, Sec. ; Andrew Thompson, Clerk ; E. Haosselman, Collector. Office : 54 Si. Gabriel Street. MONTREAL MINING COMPANY. Alexander Cross, President ; Wm. Murray, Vice- President ; R. Anderson, T. Bouthillier, A. Macfarlane, G. E. Carter, John Carter, Robert MuJr, Directors ; A. Handyside, Secretary. Office : No. 9 Great St. James Street. ASSURANCIES. ifUTUAL FiRK AssuRANCJE Co.-^DirectoTS — L. Boyer, Pres. ; J. L. Beaudry, 0. Frechette, Jerome Grenier, Joseph Grenier, Ephrem Hudon, P. Jodoin, William Molson, David Peltier. P. L. Letourneux, Secretary and Treasurer ; Hon. Joseph Bourret, Attorney. Office : Corner of Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament Streets. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 93 Colonial Life Assurance Co. — Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Director ; Hon. Peter McGlll, Chairman ; Hon. Justice McCord, Hon. A. N. Morin, B. H. Lemoine, Esq., H Starnes., Esq., R. S. Tyiee, Esq., and A. Simpson, Esq., Directors; G. W. Camp- bell, Medical Adviser ; J. Gilchrist Dickson, Manager. Office : 67 Great St. James Street. Montreal Assurance Co.— Dr. W. P. Smith, Pres. ; A Urquhart, Vice-President ; John Mathewson, J. Torrance, Robert Campbell, A. Cross, J. Sinclair, Di- rectors ; William Murray, Manager. Office : 9 Great St. James Street. Canada Ijfb Assurance Co. — Alex. Gerk, J. B. Greenshields, J. Law, D. L. MacDougall, Krectors ; W. P. Pickering, Agent. Office : 2 Merchants' Ex- change. AOENTS OP ASSURANCIES. iEtna Fire of Hartford— R Wood, Agent, No. 62 St. Francois Xavier Street. Athenaeum Fire— Joseph Whyddon, Agent, Great St. James Street. Beacon life and Fire— Rae & Mitchell, Agents, Union Buildings, St Francois Xavier Street. Britannia IJfe of London — J. H. Maltland, General Agent for Montreal and Canada, Place d'Armes. British America Fire and Inland Marine of Toronto — M. H. Gault, St. Francois Xavier Street. British Commercial Life of London — Charles Lindsay, Agent, Montreal Canada Life— W. P. Pickering, Agent, 2 Merchants' ^^change. Colonial Life— J. Gilchrist Dickson, Manager, 67 Great St. James Street.— See Card, page 128. Connecticut Mutaial Life of Hartford — ^R. Wood, Agent, 62 St. Francois Xavier Street. I' i \ i 94 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Equitable Fire of liOudon— C. F. Tilson, Manager, Merchante^ Exchange. Great Britain Mutual Life of London— James Dougail, Agent, 13 Lcmoine Street. Glasgow Association of Underwriters — Henry Chap- man, Agent, St. Sacrament Street. Hartford Fire of Hartford— R. Wood, Agent, 62 St. Francois Xavier Street. Home Fire of New York— R, Wood, Agent, 62 St. Francois Xavier Street. International Life of London — James B. M. Chipman, General Agent, Merchants' Exchange. Liverpool and London Life and Fire— J. H. Maitland, Resident Secretary, Place d'Armes. Lloyds— H. Chapman, Agent, St. Sacrament Street. Montreal Mutual Fire — P. L. Letourneux, Sec, St. Francois Xavier Street. Mutual Life of New York— M. H. Gault. Agent, St. Francois Xavier Street. National Dfe of Montpelier, Vt, Phelps, St. Francois Xavier Street. Phoenix Fire of London— Gillespie, Moflfatt & Co., Agents, 182 St. Paul Street. Provincial Fire and Marine — A. Howard, Agent, St. Francois Xavier Street. Royal Fire and Life— H. L. Routh, Agent, Commis- sioners' Street.— See Card, page 126. Union Mutual Life of Boston— S. J. Lyman, Place d'Armes. United States Life of New York— 6. B. Muir, Agent, 185 Notre Dame Street. Unity Life and Fire— W. S. Macfarlane, Agent, St. Francois Xavier Street. Western Fire, Inland and Marine of Toronto— J. &H. McLennan. Thomas Wily, Secretary to the Board of Insurance Companies. W. Turner, Esq., Insurance Broker, House, Estate and General Agent, 27 St. Francois Xavier Street. — See Card, p. 129. Manager, Dougall, ry Chap- It, 62 St. t, 62 St. hipman, [aitland, Street, lee, St. :ont, St. Ips, St. & Co., ent, St. Dmmis- Place -Agent, int, St. r.&H. irance teand eet.— COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 95 COLLEGES & SCHOOLS In Montreal. University of McGill College. — Visit&r—Tho Gov. General. Governors— -Uon, Charles D. Day, L.L.I)., President ; Hon. James Ferrier, Hon. Peter McGill, Tliomas B. Anderson, D. Davidson, B. Holmes, A. Robertson, C. Dunkin. Principal— 3. W. Dawson, M.A., F.G.S. FelUms— The Dean of the Faculties of Law, Medicine and Arts, the Rector of the High School, B, Chamberlin, B.C.L., A. Morris, M.A., W. Jones, M.D. W. C. Baines, Secretary, Registrar and Bursar. FacwZ^y o/" w4r/s.— Rev. Canon Leach, D.C.L., Vice- Principal, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Moral Philosophy and Logic ; — Professor of Classical Literature; Alexander Johnson, B. A., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ; Rev. A. DeSola, Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature ; J. W. Dawson, F.G.S., Professor of Na- tural History and Agriculture ; C. F. A. Markgraf, Professor of German language and Literature ; Leon G. Fronteau, B.A., Professor of French Language and Literature ; J. Barnston, M.D., Professor of Botany . W. Sutherland. M-D., Professor of Chemistry , M. J. Hamilton, C.Fi., Professor of Civil Engineering ; John J. C. Abbott, B.C.L., Professor of Commercial Law ; Charles Smallwood, M.D., Professor of Meteorology. The Sessions of the Faculty of Arts commences on the 10th September and ends on the 1st day of May. The course extends over four years, and entitles the Student, after a satisfactory examination, to the de- gree of Bachelor of Art^, Faculty of Medicine.— \. F. Holmes, M.D., Dean of the Faculty and Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine ; G. W. Campbell, A.M., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery ; A. Hall, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children ; W. E. Scott, M.D., Professor of Anatomy ; R. P. Howard, M.D., Professor of Clin- i'S 96 COLLEGES AVD fiCIIOOLS. leal Modicino and Medical Jurlspriidcnco ; D. C. Mc. C'jillum, M-l>., Prof. (»f Clinical Surgery ; W. Frascr, M.I)., Professor of tho Institutos of Mtidlclno ; W. Sutherland, M.D., Professor of Chemistry ; W. Wright, M.D., I'rofesHorol Materia Medica and Pharmacy ; R. Craik, MO., Dcmonstrattir of Anatomy ; Alex. I-ong, M.D., Curator of Museum. The sessions of the Medical Faculty commonco on th(; first Monday in Novemher and end on the first day of May. The course extends over four years, and entitles the Student, after a satisfactory examin- ation, to the degree of Doctor of Medlcme and Surgery. Riculty of Z/a?«.— Hon. T. C. Ay 1 win, Professor of Public and Constitutional Iaw ; J. J. C. Abbott, B.U.L. Dean of tho Faculty and Professor of Commercial Law ; F. \V. Torrance, M.A., Professor of Civil Law ; P. R. Lafronayo, R C.Ii., I^ecturer on Jurisprudence and I^gal Bibliography ; R. G. Laflamme, Lecturer on Cust(jmary Law and the Law of Real Estate. High School Dej>artment. — Professor H. A. Howe, M.A., Rector ; T, A. Gibson, M.A., 1st Assistant Master ; D. Rodger, M.A., 2nd ditto ; W. Bowman, 3rd ditto ; J. D. Borthwick, 4th ditto ; J. Kemp, 5th ditto ; C. F. A. Markgraf, German Master ; U G. Fronteau, B.A., French Master ; J. Duncan, Drawing Master ; J. Follenus, Music Master. Terms— YdW Term, 1st September to 15th of Novr. ; Winter Term, l6th November to 1st February ; Spring Term, 2nd February to 15th April ; Summer Term, 16th April to 1st July. Fees including all tho branches of the regular course : For the two Senior Classes.. £2 10s. Od. ^ term. •* three Junior Classes . 2 *' Preparatory Class . . 1 10 For Stationery, &c 2 6 Fuel for Winter, 2s. Od. Payable, in advance, to the College Secretary, who will issue tickets at the beginning of each term. Applications for admission to be made to the Rector or to the Secretary, at his office, Burnside Hall. u (( u i^ COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 97 McGii.L Normal S(;hool. — Afflliated to tho Uuivorslty under the control of tho Suiterintcndcnt of Schools and the Corporation of tho Unlver«ity.— J. W. Diiw- son, li.L.D., Principal and Adjunct ProfesHor c»f Na- tural History and Agriculture ; William Henry Hicks, F^sq., and Sampson Paul Robins, Esq., Ordinary Pro- fessors ; L. G. Fronteau, B.A.. Adjunct Professor of French. Regular instruction m Drawing is given by Mr. J. Duncan, and in Music by Mr. R. S. Fowler ; Professor Fronteau Is assisted in the French classes by Madame Meyer. MoDKL School of McGill Normal School.— Teacher of Boy's School, Mr. James McGregor : ditto Girls* School, Miss Mary M'Crackcn. Lower Canada College Provisional Oovemors. — Stanley Bagg, Esq., H. Phillips, Esq., W. Rodden, Esq., G. Weaver, Esq., A. N. Rennie, Esq., A. Walshe, Esq. A thorough course of instruction in English, French, Classics, Mathematics and Science is afforded on moderate terms. Free Evening Classes are held, and a series of popular Lectures delivered during the Winter months. National School— The Lord Bishop of Montreal, President ; tho Venerable Archdeacon Gilson, Sec. ; J. liOvell, Treasurer. J. Pope, 1st Master ; Mrs. Jar vis and J. Greenfield, Assistant TeacLers. British and Canadian School. — Hon. Peter McGill, President ; W. Lunn, Treasurer. James Maxwell, Teacher, Male Department ; Eliz. Maxwell, Teacher, Female Department. Free School — In connection with the American Presbyterian Church. — E. Atwater, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. Duncan, Teacher. CommiUee-'B.ev. J. B. Bonar, Beiy. Brewster, C. Campbell, N. S. Whitney, G. Hagar. .? 1 , ' i 1.1 I ;) 98 NATIONAL SOCIETIBS. SOCIETIES. NATIONAL. St. George's SonEXY. — Henry Bulmor, President ; James Duncan Gibb, 1st Vice-President ; J. Parkin, 2nd Vice-President . Richard Birks, Treasurer ; Wm . Turnor, Secrotary ; William V. Courtney, Assistant Secretary ; Rovds. Canon Leach, D.C.L,, Wra. Bond, M.A.. Ven. Archdeacon Lower, "R. R. Barrage, M.A., Chaplains ; T. W. Jones, M.I)., A. F. Holmes, M.D., W. E. Scott, M.D., Physicians. Charitable Com- mittee— T. Ireland, Cliairman ; W. S. Walker, F. C. Dredge, John Martin, T. D. Jones. St. Andrew's Society. — ^William Murray, President ; James Mitchell, 1st Vice-President ; A. Morris, 2nd ditto ; T. A. Gibson, Secretary ; George Templeton, Treasurer ; Rev. Dr. Mathleson and Rev. Dr. Taylor, Chaplains ; Drs. Campbell and Barnston, Physicians ; A. Ramsay, D. Brown, W. McFarlan, D. McNevin, A. W. Ogilvie, W. McGibbon, David Mair, Managers • J. C. Becket, A. Ramsay, Charles Alexander, John Mc« Arthur, Standing Committee; A. N. Rennie, M. McCulloch, Rollo Campbell, W. Benny, jr., A. Mitchell, Committee of Accounts ; David McKay, W. S. McFar- lane, Committee of Instalment. The TmsTLE SoaEiv.— Alex. Smith, President ; W. Bertram, Vice-President ; John Becket, Secretary ; AVm. Reid, Treasurer. Committee— Vf . Renshaw, R. Gardner, A. Grant, W. McNiven, and T. Fairbairn. Caledonian Society— Mr. John Fletcher, President ; A. A. Stevenson, 1st Vice-President ; George Gray, 2nd Vice-President ; P. M. Christie, Secretary ; Jas. Marchbank, Assist. Secretary ; J. Craig, Treasurer. Committee of Management — G. Boll, R. Burry, R. Seath, J. Gardner, H. Mcintosh, J. Garven, Wilson Allan, W. Wilson, H. Cameron, H. Mackay, James Robertson and David Cunningham. NATIONAL SOCIETIES. 99 St. Patrick's SonETV.—H. Howard, M.D., Prcsid. ; Marcus Doherty, 1st Vice-President ; Ihos. McGrath, 2nd ditto ; J. K. Mullin, Treasurer ; Thos. C. Colllins, Corresponding Secretary ; W. W. O'Brien, Recording ditto ; James Daly, Assistant ditto. Phyiicians—Dra, A. Macdonoll, and P. E. McKeon. Chaplains— Rev. J. J. Connolly and the Clergy of St. Patrick's Church. Committee — Edw. Murphy, J. Mc- Cann, J. Murphy, E. Skiddy, T. McKenna, J. McKlroy, J. Cloran, W. Curran, J. Patton, T. Brennan, P. Mohan, J. Norris, J. McCaffry, P. Woods, Thos. Rawley, M. Cavanagh, D. Farrel, W. P. McGuire. Grand Marshal —J. McDonald. Asst. Marshals J. Charles, Michael McShano, J. Maher, J. Ilowley. Meets first Monday in every month, at St. Patrick's Hall, Place d'Armes. St. Jean Baptlste Society— Hon. J. B. MelUeur, M.D., L.L.D., President ; Hon. P. O. Chauveau, Hon. L. Renaud, Rouer Roy, Esq., F. H. Brazeau, Esq., Vice-Presidents ; R. Trudeau, Treasurer ; R. Belle- mare, Sec. of Archives ; N. G. Bourbonnior, Corres. Sec. ; F. P. Pominvillo, W. Marchand, N. Duverncy, A. Tellier, Esquires, Secretaries ; F. H. Trudol, Phys- ician ; Rev. ~ Prevost, Chaplain ; C. A. I^blanc, Marshal. German Society.— Ernest Idler, President ; J. P. Seybold, Vice-President ; G. Rcinhardt, Treasurer ; J. *Rasche, Secretary ; S. P. Schmidt, Physician. New England SociirrY. — Harrison Stephens, Pres. ; C. Dorwin, 1st Vice-President ; N. S. Whitney, 2nd ditto ; P. D. Brown, Treasurer ; Henry Archbold, SocretJiry ; , Cha])lain ; J. B. Wheeler, M.D., Physician. Committee— W. T. Barron, H. A. Nelson, W. C. Hyatt, S. J. Lyman, Eenj. Lyman, S. Browning, C. Fitts. ! ( , t , 1 100 BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. BENEVOLENT. Ladies' Benevolent Society.— Mrs. C. Geddes, 1st Directress ; Mrs. J. 6. McKenzie, 2iid ditto ; Mrs. Thos. Gordon, Treasurer ; Miss F. Evans, Secretary. Mrs. Ogden, Secretary for Children. Protestant Orphan Asylum — Mrs. Ross, 1st Direct- ress ; Mrs. Moflfatt, 2nd ditto ; Mrs. Tylee, Treasurer ; Mrs. McCord, Secretary ; Mr. & Mrs. Cribb, Superin- tendent and Matron. Cathouc Orphan Asylum.— Mrs. C. S. Cherrier, 1st Directress ; Mrs. Tancred Bouthillier, 2nd ditto ; Mrs. Widow Jule Quesnel, Treas. ; Miss M. Laframboise, Secretary j Miss Ulalie Petit, Superintendent. Irish Protestant Benevolent Society. — Hugh Mathewson, President ; Wm. Rodden, 1st Vice-Pres ; W. A. Merry, 2nd ditto ; W. E. Holmes, 3rd ditto ; 6. Home, Treasurer ; W. S. Davenport^ Secretary ; T. M. Bryson, Jr., Asst. Secretary ; W. Clendinnen, Corresponding Secretary. "'owimitteeg— Finance — Alex. Bryson, Chairman ; J. L. Maihewsou, A. W. Bell, R. Irwin, R. Thomas, Charitable — T. Watkins, Chairman ; R. Holland, J. McLelland, J. "Wray, J. McMillan. Immigration — W. Drumm, Chairman ; G. Mclvor, J. Campbell, E. Thompson, John Keller. Fireman's Benevolent Society. — Alex. Bertram, President ; M. Moses and S. H. May, Vice-Pres. ; J. Fletcher, Secretary ; F. Farrel, Assistant ditto ; A. McNaughton, Treasurer. Seamen and Strangers' Friend SodETY— Hon. J. Ferrier, President ; James Court, Treasurer ; John Dougall, Secretary. , • tram. @ OS w B g • a • o a S3 5p a 2 bo S3 o s o Oo ♦J * 0) ^' a d tl CO •'^ a fl d c IS la i . .2 a tj o fc. CQ flqafldflaaas: ;^w _,yi/ 2*0) B^o S*© &« S"« o re ^ hi •3 3 6 -3 -3 -3 5 -3 t ^ B a r/2 a o o 3 CQ V2 3 O •♦» bo 3 ^ 3 B .fM f~1 ""^ cc . .© 03 I QQ 3 02 o »4 3 CG t-i O d o CO .2 a a a o g -3 Vl •3 e8 _- a 02 o u bo cd ^ I - I 3 ^ 3 i 3 Oi oJ 0^ © © •*« bo '3 ^ "S -3 ^ ^ 3 tH ^ ; Ves- pers at 3 o'clock. St. Patrick's Church — High Mass, morning 9>^ ; Vespers at 3 o'clock. Bonsecours Church — Morning Service 734 ; even- ing Service at 5>^. St. James Church— High Mass, morning 9}i ; Vespers at 3 o'clock. Cathedral (Bishop's Church) — High Mass, morning at 934 ; Vespers at 3 o'clock. St. Ann's Church— Morning Service, at 8 o'clock. St. Bridget Church — Morning Service, at 7^. St. Peter's Church— High Mass, morning at 9}^ ; Vespers at 2^. PROTESTANT. Church of England — ^The Right Rev. Francis Ful- ford,'D.D., i/)rd Bishop of Montreal. Cathedral Clergy (officiating in St. John's Chapel, Gosford Street) — Very Rev. John Bethune, D.D., Rector and Dean ; Ven. Archdeacon Gilson, M.A., Assistant Minister. M Sijji 106 CHURCHES, BTC. Trinity Chapel— Rev. A. D. Campbell. St George's — Rev. Canon Leach, D.O.L., Incum- bent ; Rev. W. Bond, Assistant Minister. St. Stephens— Rev. J. EUegood. St. Luke's— Rev. F. B. Tate. St. Mary's (Hochelaga)— -Rev. J. E. Rogers, Chap- lain to the Forces. Rev. J. S. Sykes, City Missionary. Hours of Service ; St. Johns, daily, at 11 a.m. ; Sundays at 11 a.m. and 2, 3>^ and 7 p.m. All ihc others at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Church of Scotland — St. Andrews, Rev. Dr. Ma- thieson, 11 a.m., and 3 p.m., Sunday School 9 a.m. St. Pauls — Rev. W. Snodgrass, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School 9 a.m. Presbyterian of Canada— St. Gabriel Street, Rev. A. F. Kemp, 11 a.m. and 7>^ p.m., Sunday School, Cote Street — Rev. Donald Fraser, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. , Sunday School, 3 p.m. French Protestant— Corner of Dorchester and St. Charles Barromee Street, Rev. Philip Wolflf, 11 a.m. Unfted Secession— Lagauche.iere Street, Rev. Dr. Taylor, 11 a.m. and 2>^ p.m., Sunday School, 4 p.m American Presbyi-erian— Great St. James Street, Rev. James B. Bonar, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School, 9)4 a.m. Wesleyan Methodiots— Great St. James Street, Rev. John Gemley. Grifflntown — Rev. George Young". Quebec Suburbs— Rev. J. E. Sanderson. Service at all the above, 10>^ a.m. and 6^ p.m., Sunday School, 2 p.m. ., Incum- 5rs, Chap- 11 a.m. ; , All the Dr. Ma- 1 9 a.m. id 7 p.m., reot, Rev. ly School, en. and 7 )r and St. 1a.m. lev. Dr. )1, 4 p.m js Street, Sunday eet, Rev. l^ p.m., LITERARY INSTITUTIONS. lot Mbfhodist New Connexion— Panet Street, Quebec Suburbs, Rev. W. McClure. Dupre Lane, off College Street — Rev. J. C. Seymour. Service at 10>^ p.m. and 6>^ p.m. , S. School, 2 p.m. CoNGREGATiONAi.— -Zion, Radegonde Street, Rev. Dr. Wilkes, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School, 3 p.m. St. Urbain Street , 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School, 2)4 p.m. Baptist— St. Helen Street, Rev. James N. Williams, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School, 9>^ a.m. UNTrARiAN— Bonaventure Hall, Rev. John Cordnor, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Sunday School, 9>^ a.m. INSTITUTIONS. Mechanics' Instfeute of Montreal —Incorporated 1846— G. W. Weaver, President ; D. Brown, 1st Vice- President ; H. Munro, 2nd ditto ; A. Murray, 3rd ditto ; A. W. Ogilvie, 4th ditto ; A. A. Stevenson, Corresponding Secretary ; John Fletcher, Recording Secretary ; N. B. Corse, Treasurer ; J. C. McDonald, Lib. & Cabinet Keeper. Cowimittee—John Grant, W. Kennedy, Dr. Bernard, A. Bertram, W. Rodden, A. Penny, W. P. Bartley, R. Irvine, Charles Garth, G. Grant, J. Woods, J. Smith. E. H. Richardson, Supt. Mercantile Library Association. — ^P. D. Brown, President ; S. J. Lyman, Vice-President ; W. H. Clare, Corresponding Secretary ; E. Grant, Recording Sec. ; R. Parker, Treasurer. Directors— G. Childs, G. Grin- ton, D. W. Blair, G. May, S. English, J. Kingston, W. H. Jaques, J. L. Morris, T. S, Brown, J. Burns. T. D. Reed, Librarian. Instttut Canadun— F. Cassidy, Pres. ; P. Doutre, L. Plamondon, Vice-Presidents ; A. Belle, Secretary ; D. Z. Gauthier, Corres. Sec. ; R. Trudeau, Treas. ; C. Dion, Librarian ; F. X. DeMontigny, Assistant do. E' 1 108 MASONIC LODGES. Natural History Society. — J. W. Dawson, F.G.S., President ; L. A. H. liUtour, 1st Vice-President ; Sir W. E. Logan, 2nd d itto ; E. Billings, 3rd ditto ; W. Hingston, M.D., Corresponding Secretary; A. N. Ronnie, Recording Secretary : James Ferrier, jr., Treasurer ; James Barnston, M.D., Cabinet Keeper and Librarian. Council—Rev. A. F. Kemp, Dr.Jones, Dr. Fraser, Rev. A. DoSola, H. Chapman. MASONIC. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE. Montreal and Wm. Henry » R.W. Br. Hon. Mr. Justice Badgley, P.G.M. «♦ Frederick Griffin, D.P.G M. V.W. Br. W. A. Osgood, S.G.W. ; V.W. Br. R. D. Collis, J.G.W. ; V.W. Br. Rev. James Ellegood, Chap- lain : V.W. Br. Strachan Bethune, Registrar ; V.W. Br. George Moflfatt, jr., Treasurer ; V.W. Br. Ogilvy Moffatt. Sec. ; Br. Walter Scott, Assist, ditto ; W. Br. R. Mackfle, S.G.D. ; W. Br. C. W. Macon, J.G.D. ; W. Br. Wm. Footner. Sup. Works ; W. Br. J. W. Hop- kins, D.C. ; W. Br. J. Walker, Sword Bearer ; W. Br. Wm. Easton, Poursuivant ; Brs. E. H. King, G. E. Fenwick, H. Howard, E. Macdonald, Stewards ; Br. R. Colquhoun, Tyler ; Br. Thomas Spiers, Assist, do. Meetings — Second Monday in May and November. ST. PAUL'S LODGE— No. 614, R. E. No, 1, Provincial Registry. V. W. Br. R. D. Collis, V.W.M. ; V.W. Br. OgUvy Moflfatt, V.WJ*.M. Br. E. H. King, S.W. ; Br. A. C. Hooper, J.W. , Br. Walder, Treasurer ; Br. Walter Scott, Secretary ; Br. Duncan Robertson, S.D. ; Br. J. W. Hopkins, J.D. ; Br. G. M. Millar, D.C. ; Br. W. M. Freer, I.G. ; Br. R. Colquhoun, Tyler ; Br. T. Spiers, Assistant Tyler. Meetings — Second Tuesday of each Mouth, except June, July, August, September and October. L0DQE3 AND CLUBS. ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. 100 M.E. Comp. Hon. Mr. Justice Badgley, P.G. Supor- iDtendent for Canada. ST. PAUL'S ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, Attached to St. PauVs Lodge. M.E. Comp. Ogilvy Moffatt, Z. ; M.E. Comp. Fred. Griffin, PastZ, ; M.E. Comp. S. Bethune, H. ; M.E. Comp. R. D. Collis, J. ; E. Comp. W. Scott, Scribe E. ; E. Comp. A. M. Forbes, Scribe N. ; E. Comp. Joseph Walker, Treasurer ; E. Comp. A. H. McCalman, P.S. ; Comp. R. Colquhoun, Janitor ; Comp. T. Spiers, As- sistant ditto. Convocations— Third Thursday In January, April, July and October. ST. GEORGE'S LODGE OF F. & A. MASONS, C.R. R.W. Br.A. Bernard, W.M. R.W. Br. P. D. Brown, P.M. ; V.W. Br. J. C. Spence, S.W. ; Br. H. Bulmer, J.W. ; V.W. Br. D. Mo.ss, Treasurer ; Br. A. A. Stevenson, Secretary ; V.W. Br.G. H. Macauley, S.D. ; Br. J. C. Thompson, J.D. ; Br. B. W. Warner, LG. ; Br W. Hannah, Tyler. CLirBS. Caij:donu Curling Club — ^Wm. Rae, President ; G. M. Millar, Vice ditto ; John Greenshlelds, R. Muir, Representative Members ; Rev. W. Snodgrass, Giap- lain ; James Benning, Treasurer ; E. McLennan, Sec. Committee of Management— Peter Robertson, Frank Fisher, A. Mitchell, Jas. McDougall. Montreal Curung Club— H. McKay, President ; Dr. Jones, Vice-President ; Capt. Galway, Secretary ; J. Tyre, Treasurer ; Rev. Dr. Mathieson, Chaplain. Representative Members— W. Colquhoun, J. Dyde. Committee of Management — J. Brackenbridge, H. L. MacDougall, J. Williamson, H. Budden, R. Simms. no DECIMAL CURRENCY. r 'l>W 'a ' ' i'. -■ DECIMAL CURRENCY. By an Act of the last Session of tho Provincial Par- liament (20 Vic, cap. 18), it is enacted that all ac- counts be rendered to tho Government or any Public Office or Department in this Province, in Dollars and Cents, and that this Act shall take elTect on and after the 31st day of December, 1867. Consequent uix)n tho above enactment will be the general adoption of tho decimal system in all opera- tions of trade, and as some confusion is likely to arise in reducing Fence into Dollars and Cents, or vice versa, we give tho following rules ; Rule 1— Add a cipher to any given number of Pence and divide by 6, and the result is in Cents. Example : 3s. 8d. or 44 Pence : add a cipher gives 440, divided by 6, and tho result is 73 2-6ths, say 73 cents answer. JRwe 2 — Multiply any given number of Cents by 6 and cut off the last figure, which is tenths of a penny. Example : 73 cents multiplied by 6 gives 438, equal to 48 pence and 8-lOths, say 44 pence, or 38. 8d. answer. APPROXIMATE VALUES. Cents Pence. 1 is equal to >^ 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 •••••• Cents, 8. d. 20 is equal tol 1 26 2 30 2K 36 3 40 3K 46 4 50 5 55 6>^ 60 6 65 6M 70 7 75 7K 80 sy» 90 9 $1.00 > . * . . . 1 3 1 6 1 9 2 2 3 2 6 2 9 3 3 3 3 6 3 9 4 4 6 5 Hlii^-I d. 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 6 CURRENCY TABLE. Ill CURRENCY TABLE. Equivalent sums in Sterling and Currency, 8TERUNG. 9* d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CURRENCY. £ 8, d, 2K 5 6 %}4 1 1 1 2 3 11 2>^ 7% 4 10K 6 1 7 ZVz 8 6^ 9 8% 10 12 2 13 4>^ 14 V4 15 9K 17 oy^ 18 3 19 5^2 10 8)^ 1 1 10% 1 3 IK 14 4 CURRKNCY. 8. d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 8 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 STERUNG. £ S. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 d. 2>^ 3)^ 4 5 5% 6% 'J 'A 8>i 9 »% 7% bA ^y» lA ll)i 9 7 4% 2% 0^ lox SA 6 4 1% 11% 9K 7>^ 6% To convert Sterling into Currency— To the given sum add one-fifth of itself and one-twelfth ot that one-fifth. Currency into Sterling, Multiply by 60, and divide by 73. W'i )i V:1 112 DIRKOTORY. tt (I (t DIRECTORY TO PUBLIC OFFICES. Adjutant General's Office, Craig Street, near Sanguinet Street. Agriculture, Board of, 31 Notre Dame Street. Bankrupt Court, New Court House. Bfirrack Master, Water Street, near Barracks. Chief Eng. Fire Depart., Gty Hall, Bonsecours Market. Chief of Police, *' " aty Clerk, »* City Surveyor, " City Treasurer, *' Clerk of the Peace, New Court House. Collector of Customs, Custom House, St. Paul Street. Commissariat Office, 67 Notre Dame Street. Coroner of the District, 70 St. Denis Street. Emigrant Office, corner of Common and King Streets. Geological Survey Office, 58 St. Gabriel Street. Harbour Master, Custom House Square. Harbour Commissioners, " " Institnt Canadian, 61 Notre Dame Street. Inspector of Hospitals, 22 Notre Dame Street. Ladies' Benevolent Institution, 33 Berth elot Street, off DeBleury Street. Marriage Licenses, 8 Hanover Street, Beaver Hall. Mechanics' Institute, corner St. Peter and Great St. James Streets. Merchants' Exchange, St. Sacrament Street. Mercantile Library Association, 57 Great St. James St. Military Secretary, 26 Notre Dame Street. Natural History Society, 14 Little St. James Street. Ordnance Department, Water Street, near Barracks. Protectant Orphan Asylum, St. Catherine Street. ProthonotJiry Office, New Ck)urt House. Registrar's Office, Old Government House. St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum, adj. St. Patrick's Church Superintendent of Education, Old Government House. Town Mtyor, 62 Notre Dame Street. University Lying-in Hospital, 47 St. Urbain Street. ADVERTISEMENTS. 113 National School Book Depott First Prize and Diploma obtained at the Exhibition in September^ 185Y. R. & A.^ILLER, SCHOOL BOOK PUBLISHERS, IMPORTERS OF STATIONERY, FIRST PRIZE BOOK BINDERS, No, 60 St. Francois Xavier Street j MONTREAL, Have always in stock lar^o quautitios of the series of tlio National School Books, English and Classi- cal School Books, Bibles and Testaments, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &c. &c. For Dollars and Cents, of our own manufacture and imported, made of fine paper and at the very lowest prices, consisting of Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Blotters, Invoice Books, Bank Deposit Books, and every description of Account and other Blank Books. Having purchased our Writing Papers. Envelopes, Stationery, &c. in the cheapest market, we can allbrc' to sell at Very low prices. WRITING PAPERS comprising Foolscaps, Folio, Quarto and Octavo Posts, plain and ruled ; Demy, Medium, Royal, &c. &c. Wrapping Papeks — A large stock always on hand. Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Penholders, Inks, Wafers, Pocket Books, Porte Monnaies, Pencils, &;c. &c. BOOK-BINDING Executed with neatness and despatch, in every style. 114 ADVERTISEMENTS. HUGH CAMEEON, STATIONER, BOOK BINDER, AND Account Book Mannfactnrerf Nos. 53 & 57 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MO NTRE AL. SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES, FBATEB BOOKS, Wrapping Papers^ Twines^ dc. QUARTER DOLLAR PACKET OP WRITIN.G MATERIALS. CONTAINING I TWENTY FOUR Sheets Fine Ruled Letter Paper. TWENTY FOUR Sheets Cream Laid Note Paper. TWENTY FOUR Adhesive Letter Envelopes. TWENTY FOUR Do. Note Envelopes. SIX Fine Pointed Steel Pens and Holder. One Fine Black Lead Pencil. Ladies' Packet Writing materials PRICE— Is. 3d. MANUT'ACrURED AT H. CAMERON'S Wholesale and Retail Stationery Warehouse, \ s ( 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. 115 WILUAH H. SMITH, ER, I LOOKING GLASS, AND EET, Pictore Frame Manofacturer) (OOKS, 44 GKEAT ST. JAMES ST., 2nd door West MolsorCs Bank, 1 LLS. mONTREAL BEAUCHEMIN & PATETTE, Paper. BOOKSELIiERS, 'aper. Stationers and Book-Binders^ 127 ST, PAUL STREET, trials siKDij'jrmsASa. ehouse. _ ItJ^ Merchants and the public generally will always find at their Store all kinds of Blank, Cheque and Bill Books, in Dolls, and Cents, both in Eng. and French. 116 ADVERTISEMENTS. r « y THE CHEAP CASH Book & Print Establishment^ BY WHOLESALE & RETAIL. li D. & J. SADLIEE & CO. Corner of Notre Dame And St. Francois Xavier Streets, Keeps constantly on hand, the Largest^ Cheapest and Best assorted Stock of BOOKS, PRINTS and STA- TIONERY, to be found in Canada. Comprising Books in every department of literature, and Prints and Stationery of every variety. Our Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS (most of them pub- lished by ourselves,) comprises a good assortment of the Books in general use. We have always on hand, a large assortment of Popular Books suitable for Dealers, such as Song ^ooks, Letter Writers, Toy Books, Primers, &c. ALSO, 40,000 American & French Prints, Best Quality, Colored, AT ONLY 25s. THE HUNDRED. Having Houses in New York and Boston, and being extensively eno:aged in the Publishing business, we have facilities for manufacturing and purchasing books and every thing in our line, much cheaper than any house in Canada. New Books received semi-weekly from New York. ADVERTISEMENTS. m f\y\rJ' Dt^ 0. STA- rising prints pub- ent of ent of Song nts, being J9, we iasing 'than A. OOMOLLY, WOOD, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANT, Hay Market Square, Montreal, Will have constantly on hand a large supply of the best FIEEWOOD, Consisting of naplGi Birch, Beech & Tamarac FROM 3 TO 4 FEET LONG. Also, the different kinds of Englisli & American I Besides a large quantity of Sawed Lumber of th% following descriptions, viz : 3 Inch Fine Flank. 2 do do li do do 1 do do Boards With over 3000 pieces Hemlock Planks and Boards. Hay Market Square. Near the American Church* •In ,. -s-.f '•*' J? 118 ADVERTISEMENTS. DE. J. A. BAZIN, 7, BlKUftY STftBBT, 2nd Door from Craig Street, mONTREAL. JlLL OPERATIONS WARRANTED. TEST! SMimS® AND Advice given Free of Charge. P. S.— Dr. B. received the FIRST PRIZE for the BEST PREPARATION IN DEN- TISTRY^ at the late Provincial Exhibition. r ;d. re. pZE EN- tion. f' t 120 ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN HENDERSON, FAMILY GROCER, AND Wine and Liquor Dealer, 204 NOTRE DAME STREET, {Entrance hy the Gateway,) MONTREAL. The Montreal Shirt Warehouse, 149 NOTRE DAME STREET. F. GROSS, HOSIER, GLOVER, And Shirt Manufacturer. At the above Establishment will be found a large assortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, &c., &c., cheap for cash. A large assortment of Fancy Flannel Shirts, Scotch Wool Under- shirts, Drawers, Sfc, TERMS — CASH, AND ONE PRICE. • ;i r, EET, DDse. SR, a large , TIES, Under- !■! ■J i !' 1 i;^i 8, ,1 Is r-« ,,i. 122 ADVERTISEMENTS. A. RAMSAY, IMPORTER OF & DEALER IN BOUGH AND POLISHED Stained, Figured &, Obscured Glass, OILS, PAINTS & YAENISHES, Ground & Dry Colours, ©©a® ajE^iF^ Composition Gold and Silver Leaf, BlIONZES & GLAZIERS' DIAMONDS, A full assortment of Artists', Gilders', and Painters' TOOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 118 & 120 McGHIi STREET, nXOZTTXlEAL. hi' ■ ADVBRTISEMENTS. 123 THE DONEGANA HOTEL Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL. BY J. H. DALEY. MRS. JOHN MUIR'S ESTABLISHMENT, 257 NOTRE DAME STREET, Next door to Mr. Wilson's Confectionery, ■■ . \ h ^ i il 124 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. H. WALKEE, 23 GREAT ST. JAMES ST., Over Mr, Dawson^s Book Store, ADVERTISEMENTS. 125 m, :v\ ^: v^-^" ST. ' WHOLESALE & BETAIL rag ®art|0ttse, Lymaus, Savage & Co. Successors to Wm. Lyman & Co., 226 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, Perfumery, BRUSHES, OILS, PAINTS & COLORS, Dye Stuffs. &c.. &c., &c. ALSO Garden, Grass^ Field, Flower & Bird SEEDS. Mannfacturers of Linseed Oil, Putty, Paints, Varnishes, &c. &c. 1 r . -' *' OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. Capital : Tux) Millions Sterling & Large Reserve Funds. Fire Department THIS Company continues to INSURE Buildings and all other descriptions of Property, against loss or damage by Fire, on liberal terms. All just losses promptly settled, without deduction or discount, and without reference to England. The large Capital and judicious management of this Company insures the most perfect safety to the assured No charge for Policies or Transfers. i ADVERTISEMENTS. 127 €a X Funds. ings and 5t loss or leduction d. nt of this i assured Life Department. The following advantages, amongst numerous others, are offered by this Company to parties intend- ing to insure their lives. Perfect security for the fulfilment of its engage- ments to Policy holders. . Favorable Rates of Premium. A high reputation for Prudence and Judgment, and the most liberal consideration of all questions con- nected with the interests of the assured. Thirty days grace allowed for payment of renew- al premiums, and no forfeiture of policy from unin- tentional mistake. Policies lapsed by non-payment of premiums may be renewed within three months, by paying the pre- mium, with a fine of ten shillings per cent., on the production of satisfactory evidence of the good state of health of the life assured. Participation of profits by the assured, amounting to two-thirds of its net amount. Large Bonus declared 1855, amounting to £2 per cent per annum, on the sum assured, being on ages from twenty to forty, 80 per cent on the premium. Next division of profits in i860. Stamps and Policies not charged for. All Medical Fees paid by the Company. Medical Referee — W. E. Scorr, M, D. H. L. ROUTH, ACEXT. Montreal, Novr 1857. JUST PUBLISHED ! 1 Panoramic Alap of India^ Shewing with a prominent mark those places disaffected by the SEFOT MUTINY. For Sale at the Bookstores— Price 12% cents. SALTER & ROSS ! y I'i m 1 ■).#' I? J:' '{If 128 ADVERTISEMENTS. <^^-^ w^ .^^^ THE COLONIAL fife %%immt% Compn^i GOVERNOR : THE RIGHT HONBLE. THE EARL OF ELGIN AND KINCARDINE, Ex-Governor-General of British North America. HEAD OFFICE : EDINBURGH. Head Office for Canada: GREAT ST< JAHES STREET, MONTREAL. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Hon. Peter McGill, Chairman. Hon. Justice McCord. Hon. A. N. Morin. B. H. Lemoinej Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq. R. S. Tyiee, Esq. A. Simpson, Esq. All business transactions finally concluded in Can- ada without reference to the Parent Board. Agencies in all the principal Towns of Canada. JAS. GILCHRIST DICKSON, Mamagerfor Canada. W. MILLER RAMSAY, Inspector of Agencies, ■ ADVERTISEMENTS* 129 W. TTJENEE, ACCOUNTANT, J^^O AND ■■'--'- GENERAL AGENT, 27 Sti Francois Xarier Street, MONTREAL. Risks insured in reliable Offices. A Register of Properties for Sale and to Let. Claims prepared, investigated and ad- justed ; surveys made, arbitrations attended, and insurance and agency business in gene- ral transacted with promptitude and fidelity. ' r I . 130 ADVERTISEMENTS. ARCHIBALD FERRIE, AGENT FOB Publishers and Booksellersi GLASGOW, LONDON, NEW YORK, AND 61 Great St. James St., MOZrTllXUL&. List of a few of their Latest Standard Works : Imperial Atlas. Imperial Gazetteer. Imperial Dictionary. Imperial Bible, New Ed. Davidson's Bible. - Barnes^ Notes. Brown's Bible. Bunyan's Works. Ladies of the Reformation. Scots Worthies. Engineer's Drawing Book. Family Worship. Clark's Railway Machinery. Engineers and Machinists Assistant History of England, Illustrated Biographical Scotsmen, New Edition. Goldsmith's Animated Nature, coPd. plates. Agricultural Cyclopoedia, Morton's. &c. &c. Extended Catalogues supplied on application » if iE, St., ks: » wEd. ication ADVEBTISEMENTS. 131 New Phetograph & Ambrotype OPPOSITE THE ODD FELLOWS* HALL, 64 Great St. James Street, BY JABIES m. HI6GINS, Artist. MR. H. begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle- men of Montreal and vicinity that he has fitted up a set of Rooms, as good, if not superior, to any in the Province, and nas furnished them in like manner, with a PIANO-FORTE for the amusement of Ladies and Gentlemen while waiting for their Pictures. Mr. H. having resided in New York for some length of time, and having acquired, at great expense, all the latest and most approved methods in the art, is now prepared to take Likenesses in that superior and most approved of all styles of the day, the AMBBO- TYPE ; and will also neatly set them in Cases, Lockots, Rings, Pins, Brooches, &c., with the greatest possible despatch. C&ses varying in price from One Dollar up to Twenty Please call and examine specimens before purchas- ing elsewhere. Rooms open from 8 o'clock A. M. till 5 P. M. Children's Pictures taken in five seconds. J8®» If you have friends, send them a likeness at once, and In the mean time secure your own before too late. Pictures taken equally well in all kinds of weather. Instructions given in the art JierDO NOT FORGET HIGGIN'S AMBROTYPE GALLERY, 64 Great St. James Street. rt £ v. 'I lu li I 132 ADVERTISEMENTS. SAVAGE & LYMAN, Manufacturers and Importers of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewellery and Silver TVare^ DJKNER OF Notre Dame & St. Gabriel Sts* // MONTREAL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Superior Plated Goods, Papier Maclie Goods, Card Cases and Dressing Cases, Lamps of every descrip- tion, Fine Cutlery, Tea and Coffee Urns, Superior Paper and Japan Tea Trays, Fancy Walking Canes. &c. &c. . GEORGE BETTS, DECOBATIVE PAPER HANGER, -imd^\i ^ @Mim, SI St. BAary Street, BZontreal. All kinds of Pictures and Maps mounted on reason- able terms. Whitewashing ard Coloring in Dis'emper. Orders may be left at Messrs. Starke & Co.'s Printing Office. ADVERTISEMENTS. 133 The London Music Warehouse^ 145 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, henSyIprince, IMPORTER OF PIANOFORTES, GUITARS Best Londou manufactured FLUTES, STTPERIOR Violins^ Banjos^ Tambourines5 AccordeonSf FlutinaSj Fifesy Flageolets^ AND EVERY KIND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The latest and most fashionable EUROPEAN AND ADIERICAN Received Weekly and for Sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES !!! Every description of INSTRUCTION BOOKS for the PIANO, and all other Instruments, constantly on hand. j8®»Best Roman Strings, and every article con- nected with the Music Trade, for sale, Wholesale and Retail. iS^Hood's Pianos for the Million.'^ I'- i 134 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST PRIZE FURS CAN BE OBTAINED AV A. BRARADI'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nm ESTABLISBMEirT, Ko. 118 Kotre Dame Street, (Third Door West from the Court-House.) THE Proprietor, in thanking his customers for the pa- tronage he has hitherto heen favored with, desires to inform them that he is prepared to supply them to any extent with all descriptions of FUR GOODS for the coming winter, having obtained the FIRST PRIZE at the late Provincial Exhibition for his SEAMLESS FUR CAPS, FUR QAUNTLETSi & BEST SETS OF LADIES' Bsizvs runs, Would especially solicit the attention of his customers to those articles. Also, a large assortment of Silk & Felt Hats, Ladies' Riding Hats, and Misses' Felt Hats, suitable for the season. The usual supply of Fall Gaps, wholesale and retail. ADVERTISEMENTS. 135 MeDUNNOUGH, MUIR & COt SILK MERCERS AND HOSIERS, General Importers of British and Foreign DRY GOODS, &c. (Mum's Building,) . . 185 NOTRE DAME 8RREET, East End, Near the French Church, MONTREAL. McD. M. & Co. have constantly on hand, and offer for Sale, Wholesale and Retail, on the most reasonable terms, an extensive assortment of French Merinos Do Ribbons Artificial Flowers Do Feathers Parasols and Umbrellas Sewed Muslin and Lace Sleeves, Collars and Chemlzettes Hosiery- Riding Gauntlets Wool Tartans Linens and Sheetings Polkas Flannels and Blankets &c. &c. Calicoes and Shirtings Printed Muslins, Bareges and DeLaines Brocade Silks Irish Tabinets Moire Antiques Crape, Satin and Brocho Shawls Spun Silk Tartans Henriettas Cobourgs Cashmeres Haberdashery Mourning Goods in every variety. A LARGB STOCK OF staple Dry Ooods, Small Wares ft Trimmings Of the best materials and finish. 4^A large and extensive assortment of Shirts and Collars, of the best materials and workmanship. Their terms are CASH, and only one price. 185 Notre Dame Street^ Montreal, I 136 •Mtpru^- ADVERTISEMENTS. ; I ' ' m -- ■■■■ SIGN OF THE RED, WHITE & BLUE! i J. C. THOMPSON, ■= 297 Notre Dame Street, Are now offering a largo assortment of FURS. AVhichwlUbeSold Retail at Wholesale Prices ! ll On account of the Tightness of the Momy Market ! inF" Purchasers would do well to call and examine our Stock, SALES MADE FOR CASH ONLY, And No Second Price. Open from 6 A.M., till 10 P. M. -1 -(Utr IKK. BEST'" .WEBSTER UNi^RIDCEBj Ifl CHrffT IXrUBSTSR'S QUARTO DICTIONARY. Containing THREE TIMES the matter found in any other English Dictionary compiled in this country, or any abridge- ment of this work. Ask for WEBSTEE TTNABRIDOE]) PUBUSHBD BY SPRINGFIELD, MASS., ^nd Sold by all Booksellers, Lay it upon your table by the side of the Bible—it is a better expounder than many whiclk claim to be expounders. It is a great labor-saver-«it has saved us time enough In one yearns use to pay for. itself : and that must be deemed: good property, which will olear itself once a year. If you have any doubt about the pre- cise meaning of the word clear, look at Webster's thirteen definitions of the v. i.—Mass. Life Boat ^ Oet the Best.' < All young persons should have a standard DICTIONARY, At their elbows. And while you are about it, ge t the best; that Dictionary is KOAH WEBSTISt'S— the great work unabridged. If you are too poor, save the amount from off your back, to put it in your head. '—Phrenological Journal. n I , ii-ii « BOWMAN'S SYHTJP OF WILD CHERRY. The Nicest and Best Remedy FOR TIIE CUliE OF Consumption in all its stages, Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenag^, Asthma, Hooping Cough, Bronj^tis, &c. Unlike the geuerality of Medicines from the United States purporting to be made from the Cherry, this Syrup is truly and faithfully prepared from the Wild Black Cherries, without heat. It is extremely pleasant to the taste, and produces an Immediate healing and soothing elfcct on the lungs. It is of Home manufacture — is well prepared by a regular licensed Chemist — is bettor and more agree- able than any other Cough Medicine, and should there- fore for thuse throe very strong reasons be patronized by all. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. w Prepared and for Sale only by „ CHEMIST, McGill Street p Montreal. RY. •ges, Hooping the Unit(3d lerry, this Q the Wild I produces the hmgs. )ared by a ore agrce- )uld there- patrouized FLE. \ d. .)