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Toua laa autraa anamplaira* origihaiix aont fHmda an commanfant iMr la pramMra paga qui campbrta una amprainta dimpraaaion ou dlNustration 'at an tarminant par ia darhi#ra paga qui comporto una talla amprainta*'':^^ . . . 0^ daa aymboloa aulvanta apparattra tur la damlAra Imaga da chaqua microflcha. talon la cat: la symbola ^a^signifia "A SUIVRE ". la aymbolo ▼ signifia "RH:'. J * Laa oartaa. planchaa. tablaaux. ate. pauvant *tra filmte>^aa taux da rMuctlon diff«ranta. Lara^ la documont (^ trap grand pour ttra raproduit an un aaul cNehd. 11 aat film* A partir da I'angia aup#riaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'lmagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagramrtiaa auivantt illuatrant ia mdthodo. . ' It / ■ . 1 - •• 2 ♦ ■ 3 t ■». 'V . . 'A: 5 6 V '■'■^ ,■'' ■ »w - ■ • . * 1 A- utiiB^wrm>Tif's <2»pciba.jp iss^axrii ^ !■ POPULJIB BB1DIN6. AT mULiK PfttOkS. ./. r^^-^ THE EdirPTIAN OBEUSK I And the Masonic Emblems. fou rid at ^ • its biiae« t!i< ' SISTOB, y OF TECB 3 YMBOX48' .;?! fcV . ;i fits tOMa ISlUpinTORQHTO. ""J- ' -^ 1 >■* i \ , ^tn ;.x I' I' IllV)^' f —1 * ,"■* .^,i>'" *^^'- ^# ij, K*^'' V i? ^*jfri*/. Y '♦ '*> '■*. ur- '^ >"m H: > r¥^ /" MASONib ANTIQUITIES. AST OBBX^TSK^ ' . ' s St. ;*- ■• ■'<-. > *• ^v A i'f^ :l . . .": ',. '■'■^^ K': \ ',,.l.- ^ v4|^Pi 1 ■>' ¥ t* ff^.i .*!'%'• 's-,,. •- E-^' A- : "K i ■': r ■*»■. MrA,80NlC3 ANTIQUITIES ■>■■■'■■. .'J ,iBH*iW-at», »,* 1 UlV. I il'.Ui iiji ii'li If I'liHi >. ji*!,; ■..,. A«j R'.i/. «r.A* >.l- p ■•>*?, :,*»^:;-,„, I II I J iil lW Wi i" I I ' i^T>W> *T[f' *"j»J^^ *^*^{» •^ '^■ II t m i ii * kf-. .<* *^.%«l»lf«'t'*'*»*^-«*''''^ VUkn. iis?(p? -„, •.Ari'f^ •■V'***'"' j-*J^>f i'-- -' •• ."""^ «^! •.vrvW>.v;'«r,-^!5"- ' i,. , ,^»,«,.,:,,«»^i-(.. .•"•.*■^■ ■f,■^---^•■«"«»«i••-/*^!'. ■*?» ■■■' :^wmM . '%«• w ik^iJsi^ - **. X..^,f, j^/.j} «3^-.j» -A^' ,»,«„'' ..„. .„ %-.. '*r-*^'- v«>St. l-...Hr-x!f-!^'i'^-- ^'S'fjf^iiota^^W) .l™»?i•■>^el^^^^J,/.,.•M(lS^•^,' ,fv'"'*-- •.i-f^''s'«94;, y m^i^^t yp^^m^^m "'IWI ^-i*.-^. 1^ 5i, %ir?*''^ :-,.^n';*.jj „ •; --r-- ,-«.-4«w^n9«^.*a'-r4»/S«<«»««|***"^| «^M^->j^«ia ,. . Mtri',-t^m-**r T"l ia6.MC»-Jj #94*^ vu, t^-u^S?iM^| Kt-JHlfctfjS i^^' w>n -««W-i r».^;vv!#',*<.-«*.n'»^-<^;^' ''***';(^ ■^<' M'.4tiJ'' !tm ^Siivi'St/JsA.iXn: ifp'^WSmf^^wi 4 lr^> ; ;■ ,^i,li^,1t,!ftrnHy,^,,r.t UHJ^n ^^^4,,pS^.^ ^.,.'':.:f . .,..,^, ^..^.. ■PMvMMki „P|^lF2s*¥S "iJms^isdm^' iWl'WMSariir*"**^- 't' A-s -..«t»«».*v. > j^t- . ^■'-w«'«.,W-- H^^T, ■4| Xti!^ i £ bjT?\ t ' ^ .».' ■fiJ'T'* •■. -.•((.*-»< *■*;*!■ ' ,,>W«*-iS!^ E,4i ■s|^'»4»^»*,l-'*witomiMii* ■ "■^•f^- 'w-^sm ■.'■■a. ** > ','i '^\ H- r* *,■) pj.. " ''. ,v 1 I^v, ".^* ^1 ^ S{ 1 K^ .1 :^*^-??f^^ ,54^! »MS«***i>.lB^^'**v ■'Vf-" %r-i^_ \ '9tf^mi.(r',.*- /'^•W'l ,;.,.^,| ^,„*-,^^,|j»^.*,^5^^^ i.*il ■irsRi*»«^-^rr - ^'^ t - f /SivVcVV •^ rJ \' " ISI 'A. A-" '^i ■*-&»^*- 'ssrt'f^^W'fe «■ f ' JJ^'Mj^^ li^'-MAuMuJkmM^ RL^i^ ?*■* Jl^^. ' 'f \~l ^l || I H»|ll/H l»M»*»<)B(*W «*f-'1--<-it"t»(ijaw5J !«i«-l<44«-'^pi-!B8.M^J,i,^. ;^,;^ j;sif - ^rf^ftS«jl«*1--B>- warVfjkt-,! "".^■"'irr'^^ ».^'»rfei-S«»l»' ^*^ j-!M>,»-^:Vi. '■■:*(i<^-^,i3f!x(r..^ir!^i^~i^^„-,,„„i,l^^^^^^ ••Jf •RSfcjM, •«.' ■V-.3f,s, '-^ i^-^S^C-ii-^-^ i'-W'C-*--y: 'i:ff..-^i«0.*rf' 'M^mxr ^ _ l5V«**^,v^ ^Ht* ',''4*^,»'.-.r. ■i)#v««*'"*'«'")'^«W< 'K'tf^''*'' .''i(ty;r--v>^tr5i^i^v ,■,'>*-/ UjSk.', SX^"'- j' ' fii!A.4V^> li^ .«r<9**>W'r-4*--f**i^- "r«-iKi ^Jti*^ ■ '^fgH^^w^H/ '^i Ji •|«-*S^ jfe««i^S«.,j|t*.JWW. -J *i6*"S*?!*tS!9V.H<'Ji!|i*r; s,..*H ^ j^:. A..,.%,v.,,j^#„. 'A;J'. »,.«■*" .5i--.w,J^„ *^,^f *»*^ '.iSl^^S%^^ "■.t:^-iS*?-%., ■ 5,,-?..t^- -'V«H- ■>;,,« >r ■ » '*■ •*~»i«fWi*^ if^'i^HMteJ i>"'.'!*'fv^'i|*r-''^ ^ ■ ^.Mr. l««S»f«*'»<' 1. yC H)A;39,' * '-^ji^i*,. ! jSH^r* --^J' " '!rStl if ft li*-' ■ '^v-rte*.^*. *itlw«Vv.-.- ,^,,iv i-W«iiC4«'t^> *-waf»«»^<("^- m< it ^iii«a4#»«#«f5*ipri ■S »; 'iv^Wisrivite.- : i' /<..>.' • AAji. C^ «(^ ^^' ■ MfJV^ m^sm.-t Se'*'^*'«^,-» X' 'i-«i'i^«*ioi|f»«fiM' -,V»';*«»»;j«Sij;;'^. -.tf.-wVfi'- .;,*v.:^!ri ^"*^^*-"'V^*"'«'*li*- iKf-V; i»r''«»-?--'<^ ftt-"^ /at'.U, V-'-' ■ »•« ^ .% ■^►j'' ■ ■»> kKI ■^•f't**^^'" Twi *^*i.; ' .' ■-'«* ''Sri -tapji'SjlJ^Mf 1 'W-if •t-Wj If? ,v^, .,^- ji ijW--4-_.,lJ'-,V .:!t'.-.' - -1 |"P?rr fV'ai ■. ■ U, ■■'*if;i;>j¥9.-^.' %»' : -J**-!. **»*:■ f^«,igfe*-,*- 1;- wi|s&i» ,'j^'m.:'.iift'm>--^^M' f'*iii *«*.'. ?>,^JWa|. -■f^^sis^yAittJi -iftj* '■&fl*'W^ ,*»>!«,.( ■Wr>K4l*»>.H «S«*" **''-*J5r%''WBiSi5;i S !'.t,J;r-i,5,,M(/»j.-.->;-fs.;l^< 'jfx-^eY^f**. ■rT^tdifi'-f'^'iA^i^r^.i- .'l9Wi(^'V---* V'?"*i,'J ^m»,im^$ *«>:-;* ssr |v^..,^^.^,^,^ ^,„, iilfc!»*'<(|B!»; .P.^^*. f-' -'■ . v^(.]f «-;i,:pii/ ■ p'Jh lt^'^H'f^'^ri; |,Ci«-v-'—|iMl^.' ■ yt ^^(^■Ssfe'Sirr: ,-|.i>-»«''"T ill,. . V ':.lf v^sftV.^ ■S«feis,v>iKteiV ..'-■.^M^h-l: ., w-m^^-^m <5;.A-^f^^ , . •5.1rW«-.f:a".i, , „-., ,,, i 4a v.. *,i\,-j':.-fiP-.l» ,'•-■ ■■ .;/'• l-^^ ''''' ^^' .liliiMib' .«» , ; ,<] iji ' i^'yTitf. V-i-: «,pr.:;'T.,-'^.iM.tv *ire»i,'.,r)«V!iy!'-twa?y i, >ii'i?|H47(iM.t,"i.- t,- V-!*' " ^ "' J ! » , 1 1 ,1 ) |p.--~— , I tai?T?.?s*^'-^^«^ «tDt. ,»" r'*'- '1.;'' ,1 ;:■■..,.». •, , s .jj s'.J*'.,.>- iblapoMd Ja the oomw, mmOmg ito cAd. SL"^ ditto, ijji.1 'iSnSr^SrX •jpp«M> tb h»T* bMtt worn loMlhM^y • nfaltrai^ • MdAini tgriM of tiutldMiUi •inuwti ooaM not havo tiMa Adoplod «» 3ri!!2S^ J'^^'T ■»y ** *nw«i to *!* "y!^<>Ifg7 te «iM iWMotart iMHtof ilM ESitrS' *•'• *^P??.*»' «*'• "a ««» ai«»<*i. *'J1>» tomb ira*d«|[io^'ioft^ 111^^ »!««w*fi» i-f '*! m Sits 1 ■:.^ ^SUk h' %^. .m 8ltfif> ■ ■ '^S i^:..**^ ■ y.i- .4" M ASONid AHTiQinnm I.I II) |i ^r» i.< o% i « » 'i>v jiQ * » #. Ikmt —iiMirt to ^il^HOHi^ j^n XtlL \ ATT«|M--*OT!»)r»#4 oar MilMM www A-})^U'>-UC, •»-».? -t>n >T. g ■!«1 iM l» 4iVfi si|,. "■■r -r* ^-. - »i , i*?. »- '•M"; .%: tMxMr ii Hi M4 MM ■Mmr'ttTd :'|i' * w _i rmm BUfT JM>M mm MTIT. MASQinO AHn^ITITllS. %*>^¥*v«*p51^^^ .%» «M^«r in fotMiiig th« iioM MmiotmI r Wnay iaflniitfM WMttaiacd SSfflsStir-*^**'^'*^ ^OTKtiv* JlMona. Down to thai tfno tbo fc^pndty Ud^bMo. th« Dootdr Mm bo had. tj^ in oonoMlinf, m of|^MiioB not oik- fflw tko tndo anions of modwn timoi. '• Bn^" ho oontbnad. •' fnaTo^Kn^Hi pU«MOphioal ud booovolMt'MMktf." TBI KfOirJs n WTTT^ NotwiUutMidiaR lua , fnwic ndmiMion t&at &!fiS^it'**TJ*?i wwigniB. thoM bodies ttMMHa^hmototi^tttlbbok^ thoBifB Otdw o( MoBipli^ la ^ V; liiMioNio Jkim •mbtltaM of an (Morlbwt lid nmlMiliUkotho^ tt»fe wo. an enii||»y&« utd this !• oVideiioe thi* onr Ordor oniiNf^ ?,O0OyemOR9?"' ■' '• 'J" '^. ,;'""' lUL BBOKiraiB'S WQMBS&KEi. " Book up what 8 toinbraiui«r mti ? Why, ho hasn't gwon jroa half aa inkling of tho iaiarytheoo ornamental dosrew aro doing iii oar groat and good Ol^or."^ ISio apoakor, ]|v. Samnol W. E. Bockner, oditbr of.tiio Swnor^tda^ haa boon a oonatant Tiaitor from lo^ to Ibdgy in t^ oity for oightoon vaanpaaV d hehM m#y bo aauunod t^ kno« oiahy Maaons* opidioni- Hooontipi^^ «dl :— •• Tho flrrt tkr«« do^w** oontain it •IL iTho higher doffreea aro in^rely omtik- mental ; «»y. nioro, thoj^aro often j^tiVo- ly hnrtfol ; for many a |»aaon koe^ np^» ^tandinx in ohapt<«' ind opmmaadery at lAe «^i# of hia iiniity, riaplir Ji »imp*r hu own aolf-ttlor]^. and ,ttio faurf&Mo^ ^ ^ "^ #«»t Ihroagh him to th^ titno of 100,000. an{fjr^*^<''^ thaloUoiiiiitf ;- , , |i wor^y «, remirk, tdlholmodoeottiio \t!^..ia|y«ii'«.,paitie poaMeal*ri>*% ^l**^ V'l'^^li^ , lentMoioty, aa the MaMHRio iMlitiitliA^ ahonld moko a iiStfi^rtanO of tkk kind Ao paoHof dobarringradnikjwi tjOl^WgW t^SSTfor ii It i» t^ otm h^lhim^. Any ono Hrhp, wt;!.. , baMlM d liberty and hia Am^tig', ihai^ lout > 1^ or an ^ ann M iWoitl4 in Taui app^ t : bU»dt&* 001 , . IB tBl6'tIib wluollbM ■■^^ i' :t<)r ^j ^^J ,# iu«9ino, i^QtrixQis, «r ^riBg itjr-foarMi difr^e, om 1«m _ _^ Iqr hiiBMlf At Uuf time, M Onuid Hier^liMit, thodgb-k* anliyqaeDtly niMd himMlf to tbe ninety MTettth dogroe and aMtodioaiBOty.«zth degnei TAr.^mtaa** letter goee. on to remidiete t]ieRtieefMiiBiphie,Midtiiii rmabfi<$iii»oa is reinforced by tbe ediior irftbe 6»lrai.wbo b«d writtM :— 1%e went'feitnre eboat tbb Memtdiia Biteimivalietbat ite diief epoetb itta itinenat tA dmbtfol Maeonio tepatetioQ. •ad, ae I em neU iaft^iinted, 'tbrongb bia eileintoe*dMvMriiigtoproaalgi«e tbeae viDmMmMu^ demeee, ■«*«-* S^ ..^ ^ d i ieew 4^ .OaaafttwlaltiMi tbittte A ef JlfiMB thapea^ Mr, Joba W. »». nwimmSkmst,:^ i-m*- bag; '^aNiarayea|i,ev,' ttMb' ^W^ib^'laaMirbi' hbMftegtbabaatyt liilti-kMidi@W4fi^^ iiiwy-TB)nr, „P>%t% '■* t--- - - 41 . 'His ^ .,* .1.1 1 ; tf ■#■■ «- - IfASMHO ANTIQUITiBS. t 99 1lMt«»jvi^«Miaii*i'<>'^Ait^''=«aii''«i*^ Mtt ■ 'it'rtfHitt'iiM\ wall*' tte f*Mi7 d^i^^ [ITK miiii^: i^tf • — — — - ■k«4|i|g- VVfMiVags M «iMfiMi«iwd«t„ I4| i| i ii i ^itid' »W I . > ;jijI ' j < . i ' . ' l p m! ' ^ 'wi. ' t a »i| i |ir.«Jii(1 r i i.» .;itii «itiail'iiMiiga|iilMiail' iiMiM«^l^«f jUtf^;' ^1 «tidirf««a fMl'IIW' o^iiriMWM«WU. or '•Mi'i jj*4».' ^m«0*'fUHi 1,1 > ■tt'4 W!!fer«L ;i.^j tHWiil^ttiliUllii, Md liA ,M If A^NIO ANTIQUltlilES. ■ ! •'t"^!-4i(THj^,;::)lH0 i lm j t : riW^)' 4 ia-?ar liM m PW* :«rf. "" '___" %oo^.» htfaiMI I ■.4- "^,'jJ(#IU*|(' "> fiTlillriJ ■IMl" ■ -iMfiiA-'Mili-J ■^i^ BtiM mkfh t* Jiii i>: ■ y • "iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii ' ' ^■m., •I ♦! ly danonifcriMl Ml adfwwad ilkmul r iir'liiiiiliiiiiwi' «i^*o ''»|iilKiy«4i»'.li|finl>»tiy . . i«fc'^^-.AiA«ll^' i>«rtra»^e I |fhi^iti(f![f li s iiir4ipiM'»f1lw i^ipilog^«)r«. TI^iMt jTMn afo tbat ir«t.aM io-day^ ajM: oii: ai«d«tt MMMuy w w it wua Ud m motor* '%qMllWr«Mibi:tliiii> ^ ~ ' oft '^!U%i^mt'mdttf-illfMllU 'iMfMini "tliift^' bMarfa W:l itiiimi'mm&L ± ' ■ ■■' '• ■"''<■ -^--■' .-''i 'r^»- ..K!;.'r. 4iri!i:*-;!i-k-'^.i'* -^i^.l.t-*lv,fcr:.;rtl^, jtri n*^ T*?"^-^" y-rnift'TiMiii ■nn.nHiiiiKiij' " I. ^T^^^^^^F J ^^^^1 wbmti ife<>Mf|fc>lib P».i.i|pQ|i> ifJv «:• ■»iii«l«Mti0''i^r¥t<|&ie<#B. '! U ttW iMjrtyM *'.«liliMlriiMiii^itb-lL.''fiir.' iM iftw ■Mr aot ;'~'-*'trfiitr'twitoi''' __ _ -^,"7*1?*' ,.:'^'->iJM. •»•*'", ... .. '< .„.L \ iofiiQuinmgB. ^ t 45 W^«ilM«N oi _rtiiikf ^'^ ^ '■0ii''aiilocMfiry 'o('M# oaAirTs& xvn. IgmtthaapMtew «» Dr. Wwidd, tiie ■Mb dMadflloftMiAMMMqf^ ud ReiMMU«r' InmMid SiHil vwltfi ' vh* Im^ imoh'Mi ia(m«MiiBthealMi^:«biith« mad* the foU Mm.....'...'.... ..'........Vv, •• ....'..w.TW ....... ...... i'i,i ...... t....;.. O.i'OQ MII7 flUMI - ^ .,_.„„_ ^^ _•• •••••♦•• ••f|*>*a*,a«* *,•">.'( •••«•• ^&IBIDIBH1^A ■•••■•^••a •••«•• •■■• •.• ■ f^A • ,• • a*!* ^ • — . — • •aaaavkaka*.*- aiatfacaaaaaaaaaiarfta • ••ft*aa»* taa.aaa a^l'^ •••^«aaa«4aa • aaaaa*aa«aa»*a It « aaaaaaaBtaaa ■ XVMU* a • • • • • 4 aa * a^^ ■ « ft,ir<» a • fcaaa • » ■ • a *4f4^-a' ', "i^jte liiiiniiiiiliflly .-— =-^ (|||lfc-#iAii» SS3; 1 \ "rf ¥Jmm\ I" !;J2Si'r^' *^ ' • J ! ' . C. . I. Ill J ll»i- ' ,''iA' TfteuAoluiiMairatof «h« tt« padtctal of iiui l^grptuiii |i»to tnuportod to tkk SlMooio qrmbola, hag awi ■pirwd intorwt nol only bMUMMMw oatrido of ^'^■ onft. n r'. mm^<^ond«iM^ <|l tho ontfi to to bMJMUM.tlM gMtfil Ik '^WW'ffl any ^^^ fk **f- .»"■ .,*a^ . i5^^.^.». #<*^ ^' 2- -*■ s& » • tl 5 1 § ' I n i ■ •« : i ■ Jifei^^^i?. :-!^ ''•"'■''iSIr ' MiJONIO 'ANTIQCTITIEB. HI Mitt* oaMlioa Imn to 4mL m • kag aad Th« Ibiha a— wm lyMtfi'iil' W' IwitoaiU 1877, • of fMMi|iv«n?*« A«h«MM» fl< «te*7Mb' Aa «IM eMidi fonk^ly wmI fe «• in M^ to ABMriM, MM •d to «h*^fi«iiwK «f Mn W. E bdJtkft "^^^ 8to«rlhidr of IteMdito ■todimto widtoMNttm, towlli fMtoix PiwM tto."'-llM aiort tolhiitMppNail to rwto ad- IlioB i# hU jpleto oopy, mpfMitA to . BKrtooli •&. ... wildh givw til* four ridM, ) tollMMl wifh thaothan. ^ "tlifOTf)w|i4toii aa «t^ iln» «4p M %kW. «^»^lfl" • PiK or pwltotoi. tlw orowMd to tta Oi^ 1i«% li^/ ^£(« kia is tb« itod B«k J ■o to d oo • throoe, holdtog • 4f|(> lMwl«d nantrf to bif right Iwad, and »n •nUMB offito in hi* |«ft B« hoM to th« Wt hMd.^mvvtMb'lMlii is 'Bm*- ■wkka [HMOMofda. a fon» of Horu, sr th* ran on ikTlibriilii.ltbd' jMyi/ '#»dClord of th* M»?w^r wjUob H Hlloirad Iw, fHo ||H«nMMiM}il»w nU lifbto «• «odg«l, thi |Md •< «h« *W9 OMnirtov MwUmmmil tidi'Md tko If oditomnaon, wf tho mopl > ■Mtiii*. Tk* toooifUoM on pMffott aidM kktroboon 4 Jilii^liihiAiim .^3 1 a I*.* t: ^ Uii «*fi;^t5^ «v^^.- t^,m f ■1 Zrl i "^ SHtMW ' — .i *-f\"* an S^ ; I .sp. r..\|1, 111480:910 mCBLSMS;/ h-' lie nbyatori ■mim ll^aad b«ffM Mk la jriMToariDg to 40* Ml^thh t««/^w«r' .hrdan^ of ' ' w tfala intoTMUag #^tt|A.)^Vt9AJV^0|PSMaV^u'ill Oltl^ #D||VftVIBgi^ pUfivfttioa Mm Itio^ rJMirraaikni, sad oArria* tlM Mbmiuo iMitBd^ far bMk «o -wluc i« •ymbol orfbe woMing virgin, brokon ool> oma, MMis aoAliine stftiMlfag behind her, ooraltiBg the qngbts of her "^r, i« bat the MtUAl wp r e e ii wti f n of 1^"^ f eepioK at Bybloe, ovir the ^lomn tornvJiwni the pkleoe, whioh OoatftlnM the bod/jl. Oaiii*. whi.e Uerav Ood ^f tun», pmfuUbtimm, STohhave^^^^ rW^ ioetroiktecnf^M of -VMdi^r MKrwHie Solo. a»6bil(ioi;tfiihii*^ the jm^]imii>»'mmflmA . 4b«ae'attatMi«^''eiftLtil9Jli« , IfisW.i! ,*■•'■. ■•-••' ' Hi /ti^tiil'': ' hi>':'i;,. lV '-■-* ' A)-#?- JMntfii j-.i--;. -'- ed that the onttiage oa.theM hl^ ■.fn ..■..A •nu Bipoaii. • 99 HeportbyllL-. Bro.*. 8. A. Z-da, SS P.*. Q '. Coak*. npon the diamvenea nude by Brio.-. Lientenaot 0«im||iander 0*>nriogea^d bioiaelh^thebeaeofOIeapatra'e No^le :\- Ha^M learned fhat eorao eteMOi k$mriM Mfkaodiof yoiiboU had bet- n broeaht ; ti liiiht l)ytLieVt«iiai|l Qimmander Oorrii^itf I pieeoit- edi uiaelf tk |in and auorpted Ih4 oHer 0(ihru|nakly (nafe to aaaiat at the fro#k, ^• ap(ot th4 etdnea diaoivered and^eiprei* ihy otiluirii fa to their Biaapaio sikaiBoaliofM' 4jn; Qflmnie laing oa iNltoth»»kftof tiMMoa. «mi do«kk oU%M MMiam, aliMat pavalM. (80a draw- ling) nw laatUi r4 «ha oirtliaga la 0. 10. tkiif wMih 04I6L .», rbaatnMiiag' ■nab aad alaa^ pralMbljr, a akatdi «f Biaaar aNaaara t>f thoaa dafa, (X— 'OorriMa'SteM Naw S.~Tya Imwd MavA. Mtplaaad aMfa tawaid Mm vaak. laif^miitiiiaiMBtMi^Bdbw panlMa. /mMia«dalli«iCMeaara NtoghoMd dewa. TMnpiMMaMl«af tec tow waalMid « ttMwuhtj asKd aMiiilliatnnral. mMmt laiiarlhaa thoaa aft piaftMl^ •Hb^i did«ataMll«aMNkW apaaa Mnaa arfaar dwB afiwift waa diaoovar* na flka alMa waa Mnp^ thiaafouMMof A ■aaaMiilN^ -wm MiWMMaMjr aaaMuMaa, - aM INraMW M«iiialgiA|ipM«fa« of Mha Hiaitiiiatla^ flMiiiiilailBg llw imi' ■ '^^^^ •^•^paawj^wpnjjBpBpWf^a D.-atoMAwwvaiadbgrBNlkN' filial B» Imft plaaad t9«aid Mm aiaft la Mm aai^ <4 Mia pMt fonaisg • aqaaw. TU« afeeaa/pia* poiaad eo aanOw r, tfcaa wnafagaafttpL raar lM«a aca raaflh, wUla Mm twi mmiwmtk ■lap aia loaiAHMd d««a aad Mm biia «f Mm •l^p la loajj^ Of MMr«B«ittlBgfaM~MM aida at Mm alip tt a appar patwaw, abaaft *wo.a fiiirnwiUMiia a«i MnOol ly aadar Mia 4afafta ii a Um la talkf da «ka wkotf kaflh of Mm aulMa. Ha dirtaatiwi baftwaill^ Uaaafenriair Mm Modal ai«#«t4a^ 0^11^ tMr l«4{lbvfaiia«HMiOi2tttaOillft tka MrfakMaa of tta lowir Um iaOiOlta^lka iNiMiaiOBL UadarlUa1iMaMfi«pa«fai a law, at i%|ii| Migiaa 1^ «U> fio^#wlr "" * >viiwa,r4M«««Siift0.01 Mih and a01l|«ikk OlOlt •! a«dO.OMa>«ei^ • level formed by j^wo r.d ^ i*uto h^f4 n4in of 02*. » horiBon^ s uMin«4 a062' in le*gth uid ^^i<|Wftndtciilur ; ijThjVkTif it 002 io reliet In the centre I ef thi^rts ptsl line i>»'aeniieircle haTiuffft yidiiif Itfibont O0d2 The length Dfthia: Uoe i^ ^ertfcrre^ ewuel to the long didooft theemnUeqiMnv Voder t^ ijtv4 m visible Mother eraMem o« p*rf of one, f prbied by a bpriaoiit*!. line- and aoorv*, .iriiioh form an «mt*«nflie lai the ahape of a vedira with a i^eCflf 0002^ The hcHriaental liaeiaO^ies »le«gtfa and the <3iirTe is a^ift^ piaiM. _ ' Sjjwftpatiftn — Tomy min4 thif^tone, fbeiCtaae ef the ronitli, partly vrooght Md entirtiiy tioiahed part*. iaTalao, ^^hewiir tvliett % itMlf or in oonjonction with the enihleine ont apon it, #mblai)lHittS!d of the ^ymbulie dtgriBMi. 7he fqwIateroidiH mer»- 0T««", r0pii9a««%thepvopor»ioi||4^^th««tonM thn^ far4iaftov«red,aiad alap «^ the whole editiiw. Tt^, therefore, was the general, ino<)«} by whioh.the master tfsted the akiU and protkneney of the eraftaman iati^f loyali iart-- . ./ .„ ; I ahooid apt «iti|t here to menttva that * perff oti nt^del was fdnnd in hUok graniit^ of i the hf^MOiwI ^iQmn above deaofihed. }:|;[M^ is madep Ii., wsaJ^niVby $m|ihwr Ooiri tge Jin thp In^ WiQT^ the f«niidi|tioa%. In snape pl^ili » m^i ang» l.W l»i|tll.<,ud ,t« ^^;•l^iB^fc -H , ,,..,^. „,.... ,. V /; \| -...,: .. ^g^id terior of the oh«m||^r,;^t#eeii fut and ed aiid th« lart imiflNI dowT^rtmia •tonejb 1.60 in lengtbiTOS in .JMt^tftakil '1l«2^^iaWsi.it me«itL ibf Ttbai atthbfr as well as; ^e ^G ;^ln the^terior o|j£e loan JMtionI and nade»tlA Unt atmiBr.6.^)M>tg(i fonHcl a sqaaravone side of which [ffi^ shirterjf lian \ fi'om wiMt to north and the 4' her ffotn W^t ' to sottlkteitThi»>. square is |»lso of syenite granit«, ont io a bliMsk 64 ^hinkrS^i^^K and 1. 30 wide. The oBttinK^ |0^«p and .^ftp"?f •■*•• o* the sqna*e Aire «i-iismeMt«d iHiETthree paralle^titfeirrforiiting three st«Mi TheM iinee are 06 tljjok. Tht Ur««, aule ^047| wide, reeohing to, O'l^ alr^e knsle. ■"T- wliite «|ie other ia 9>44l^ •« the^le «j^dT4 ai ttjtwid. .^- .-. ,,-,;., j.^ , : : \^ ■■' ''.\ H.-^A perfeelljr. white' «tQi^>^pd!jhy Brother Oorrii|geiik thMenttedf the eighteen stones forming the firateti^ , this «t|»iu»>f-in shape a reota^gnlar paraltdliigram^^ga^r- eottf and, as first sight, ot Iigh|^hcown ooloor, baton bresking it p^iMln^,|^|il^ky white app<>»raaee. It wan « ioan<|i itears the onbeaad has the fuHowieg 4ila«|aio|l4:— Len^h, 1,24,; width, 60 ; thiipMnesM, 0.2Q, This stone presents a ourions phenomeann. ft darkens perceptibly at ^he.ti^ih nnrfon exposnre to the itir. The n«tiv4s khow it by the appellation of the 'niiUfyiStiiine/ aod ascrilte to it the yirtoe tif tm\i,y»,%ifn csases of OAnHnement. Thin stone is u to have been held •norod % Ih^ ,„„„^» %ypti«P« M a jMrihlmt of the' wfiViiiid of other oelestiM bodies. I thUk th«t It is meMt to r^resehtth.1 fMirity ittat ik^ld 4i«tingiiish( thf appliMoi |br initiiit"^ Ui -m' ■' <»il|t in apposed \«i ehlrterr i»D her ffom ^^t to of Byfxika D JHt^^ aait •OTnameHt^d ig three ateps. «, Urger, nde »k;|heliisle. ./, •,• is. ■ f the eighlifea ■ rhia «t(»^*«^ia nn-^fiaiimr- jlighWhcewq iml -.|»iNir.i-,tii«' lOniMlou. timiah »ni( oi^ Knew, tM mm . .Mcient e "tttiiYm of ah thillt ia iltftt iktbiild igTanopammeut „M^e'.^i MBiBMli Note.— HiiNllf hA «bawy«d thai U (atom '■■■^W^ tmwalL' J|a(lWrM(; MUMh? (rongl^ ifilliMM) M^JMpicw^hittia ■«««») »fe no^vne^ I >l»«M!ioMi4a:>«h», «h«tab«i; banaiuw: beiM ^{« »i»»P« g»ieiittydwwriheAiiiith* s«Jt»'«f ; the, ^1 AU «MM«MlMllt•M•4B^•»tr««4UMi4e4i• VKf«Mft«f Mli«^l!m«.«,?..^< .' . . . ■Ji.ife'.ilia iati.. v,ii.,.r ^nla::^!. . ':i, , ;,; .^. :,T.- ; ■' ^"^ll1?te^"«ue. ,^,.. «a« to hear whet Jferiette Paohia, whb al p w ea a tli»ea>tthe lAoaenm, oiight haTe to aay aboat the now famona atonea faq^^ W iMOteDaat-ComnaDder OerrioRe nadenieath the Cteophtra Needle. IftarrietU Paoba'a daioia to the higbaat rank aa an Bgyptologiat need net 'oi eet forth here. Saffloe.it to aay — teidl.think fbia will be pretty generally eoneeded— that the two \iriaa ERyptologiat* who'^tand head and abonldera $hnv4 all Athera an Henri BmgMih.Bey and Mariette Paoha. Brngwh-Bey beaidea beinff ma Bgyplologiat m alap a Frcemaaon, hat ia an- • fortaMteiy In Berlin, ao that there will be ooni* delay Before , hie viewa oan be laid be- fore the 'iwdere of the Herald. Upon being dnly aaaoanoed I waa onndaoted to a latge^ pltoiaat room, overlooking the Nile, MM deeoratod entirely in aooordaaoe with aaoient SgyjptiaB art. Thia %t Marietta prthe&ia* • The ob]cot<^^i{py^,viai| Tor W* pearanof «; toe iyj)^ an|^aiwia||bt^j^ fl- .wwa weaia J^,raatt|| o£;,^f*l^.,,,,|i|P«» f/%l*wir, m4, m}uia U, ]t|||k^,Yea^ fhe in Cairo.byrai 'f«*» ikt • S%i, ,Pr,,^^}Dft ,aa4^A|fdoa jii| i;ii|«|§|ap .tin,. «|«t<^he«. ^, ; ,B.u-,:..,„.(ii ,^.,if». l:<«;-n , ..; •■ ,.ri:>M)nirha:dHMt pptHwiiniy eaaiwatiea I aak«4 the Paehati^f W^faat do jm thfaak of thdee , ^otiea i foKid. ^ mtAm. ^jOieofpira'a Needle f ,n«> Itariette PMh»(lfeiKMng*ii<«NM«l«llhIv)-. <3iHne. oome; itrey«a'b«fcaaMl>at«Wt^Bere ia aone J>k)e abeat thealT Lot l|tiUk of ■onethii^Mrioaa;'"^'''-' . CVnrreepondeot^An 'i^oft i K««gu^ '«ariWfi5pteh»-N3i'^^ .» tlTT"^ a9rreapnndent>3yite ^T i^e .IfteMpiiona pj£^%ho wnS^'tmmi^'^mSiZ aetive iptoreat in them, ^t eomehow even f he tifhak itaelf, nnder whioh the etopea Were foand. haa never aeened to be a really aeriona obeliak. In the iirat riante it fell over at Heliopolia, then it went on to Alexandria to awve aa a aort of {daything for Cleopatra, and now it ia going to wander off. pottr ae proatitaer, in Amerioa, far away from ita native land. The Paaha here ahowed na a plate from the famoaa work ' L'Expedition Franoajeb en Egypte.' Thia plate repreeented the Cleo> patra'e needle, the [edeetal and the thraa atepe andemeath. The Paoha aakod, * VVhere were theee thinga foanA'T* I^CiMTatpoiideat — Inaide the foandalioiia nndeiWath tholoweel atepi (The foond* atiooa aro sot repreeented in the plate beeoaaa they were iMt known to eziat. ) ■^ r I»H^ iiiiiio "iritt itif UttmiM — Tffi- '''*Triwiiiftiir iiffl ^^'NiAfl'ildMMl Ala MM, llMir 'Mr "kMI ■Mntoii 1^ tewrMM rwmSjR Ml^yM dMI^pi* .,■#, TBH nra^ * ( ' 11 I < / J ':&\ m ^»^ ,*« «J ^ 1 -*'» i«» V? i' »• « '4 1 ■ t-. /- ' B:'^i" ts. -if .t-J • . :.:X t j < ^^1 ) , ', . \ '*i ■^- ; .•J* < r '4f ' >»■ I'm Uyt- 1. 1 .ii^fJtAAk*???; -_' J- k>r -<■•• N 9 • —^ r : I V/r ..^_ » • T'r LAH I.ISIIAIIIBJI. r .^, HOI TO C^rSTROIfi, tOj STAY SO. BY WHUPP BLAiRIE, V " u. JUup_Mtijr Bon. IIL w^AA(birPinrnaAX.Xsn(anivM r, wmt mm aqf»«nu> i^onctta itamT. . IX. Batut Mmmnam of BH«»"ixiisaE««|p Bx X ' ' '■■c'>a ii>(ri» iitif »iimTmii, »m*jOu», ■ xn ^IANCLIJB * MOiBlggB. y«h 9mm»»m mvMmimm vt tax to tubi DAcur. .110119. prOOT BALL^'wii^H DOlEtKION r»UBLiN^, WITH AUTHOBIZED V/ TnH ii mUlM ilUKpliyii^ttK guM,«ido«lMr J AcaU)88B A^fyS BULBS.— lilt Mil ORE eotEfi. wwmma^mysim: WOOU» OOtfV TOU IN ORtQINAL EOmONS PRICE 30 e£Arr5. VnaiiiM^ -HITiMdtai^Ht '5' 4*^ M "> V umim§tiiiimmm y V^S^ ;i C'v' Y-r rr- A BITTER; AilTBOR OF " THR6WI [ ON THiE WORtD. A MOST FASCINATING NOVEL BY 2 EMENT; ■Ptncvi 30 Ccjnts, SEVEN I IN THIS ilCCOMPLISrfED AUTHORESS. ■::Mr ONE SlOOO VS^ORTH FOR SO cents. The Mpdein Oarsman. - Praotioal Training.;- How to Aoqtiire Health, Strength and MnBole. - Indian Club Exercise. v FootbaU and its Bules. - iLacrosse and its Rales. i Curling and its Rules. ALL IN ONE COVER, COST OF OBXOZHAL iZTION .A) Any otB9b«rtM>n'8 Books lent portfraetoaQy addn as in Ouwd* ortbe United State* on i«o«iDt >. of tn^ nuurked price. r^- ■-«-•*'• J. B088 ROBERTSON^ 55 King St. West, Torontp, Canada. ( . - TORONTO (bANADA, CIRCULATION, ,- . -; ' l(ji.00p DAILY. / THE ONLY EVENING NEWSPAPER IN TORONTO, BRIGHT, FpiRLESS AND INDEPENDENT IHE ORaANi^j^p^TYl-THE AD¥()CATE OP ALL GOOD '\" ■'''■•. THREE EDITIONS DAILY-r-C^NR^ CENT PEI^ COPY. ADVpRTISl^MfiNTS ONIE tJEKT A WOI|©. •« The EyeiUBg Telegram " owes fts u »paraUeie| snceess to the ^t thai behig without partjr prejudioe or politioal bias, it is invariably on ^e ijflht J. ROSS ROBERTSON, PrapHetor t^d^ Publi^hw, t!5 ^m0( wfnm. tio.00. ^Mi^M tfM pralMmijPoiMn ■■"i. '-'** ■as ■aat..,^-.:..... ., ^