IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT3) 1.0 1.1 ■it Ui 12.2 2.0 m m u 14.0 IL25 i 1.4 U4 HiotograiJiic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMIT WnSTIR.N.Y. M5M ( 71* ) •72-4503 Co CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Instituta for Historical Microraproductions / institut Canadian da microraproductions historiquas <^ ^<^" '<«^ T«ehnieal and iiblioflraphie NotM/Not«« taehnlquM at bibliographiquM Tha Inatituta haa anamptad to obtain tha baat original copy avaiiabia for filming. Faaturaa of thia copy which may ba biMiographically uniqua, which may altar any of tha imagaa in tha raproduction, or which may significantly changa tha uaual mathod of filming, ara chaekad balow. □ Colourad covara/ Couvarturo da coulaur D D D n D D 13 D D Covara damagad/ Couvartura andommag4a Covara raatorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura raatauria at/ou pallleuMa Covar titia miaaing/ La titra da couvartura manqua Colourad mapa/ Cartaa gtographiquaa an coulaur Colourad ink (i.a. othar titan blua or black)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua blaua ou noira) Colourad plataa and/or illuatrationa/ Planchaa at/ou illuatrationa en coulaur Bound with otiiar matarial/ RalM avae d'autraa documanta Tight binding may cauaa shadowa or diatortion along intarior margin/ Larcliura aarrte paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la dlatoraion la long dim la margo intiriaura Blank laavaa addad during raatoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poaaibia. thaaa hava baan omittad from filming/ II aa paut qua cartainaa pagaa blanchaa ajoutiaa lora d'una raatauration apparaiaaant dana la taxta. maia, loraqua caia 4tait poaaibia, caa pagaa n'ont paa it* f ilmiaa. L'Inatitut a microfilm* la maillaur axamplaira qu1l iui a it* possibia da aa procurar. Las ditails da cat axamplaira qui sont paut-itra uniquas du point da vua bibliographiqua. qui pauvant modif iar una imaga raproduita. ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dana la mittioda normaia da filmaga sont indiquAa d-daaaoua. TI te EZ Colourad pagaa/ Pagaa da coulaur □ Pagaa damagad/ Pagaa andommagiaa □ Pagaa raatorad and/or laminatad/ Pagaa rastauriaa at/ou pallicuiias E Pagaa discoiourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagaa dicolorias. tachatias ou piquias □ Pagaa Pagaa datachad/ ditachias SShowthrough/ Tranaparanca r~1 Quality of print variaa/ Qualiti inigala da I'imprassion Ineludaa supplamantary matarial/ Comprand du material supplimantaira n Only adition avaiiabia/ Saula idition disponibia Pagaa wholly or partially obacurad by arrata slips, tissuaa, ate. hava baan rafilmad to anaura tha baat possibia imaga/ Laa pagaa totaiamant ou partiallamant obacurciaa par un fauillat d'errata. una palura, ate ont it* film*as * nouvaau da fapon * obtanir la maiilaura imaga possibia. TI P( b( t» si o\ fl si 01 T si T %i M d a b ri n Additional commanta:/ Commantairaa suppl*mantairaa: Docket titi* psgi is bound In at latt page In book but f ilmad as first page on fieht. Thia itam is filmad at tha raductioh ratio chaekad balow/ Ca document ast film* au taux da r*duction indiqu* ci«daaaoua. 10X 14X laX 22X 2SX 30X • y 12X 1BX aox a4x 28X 32X Itails du odificr un« mag* Th« oopy fllmaci hara haa to tlia ganaroaity of: baon raproduoad thanka StiniMry of Qutbic Library Tha Imagaa appaaring hara ara tha baat quality poaalbia eonaldaring tha oondltion and laglbiUty of tha original copy and in icaaping with tha filming eontraet spaciflcationa. Original eopiaa in printad papar eovara ara fllmad baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha iaat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- •ion, or tha bacic covar whan appropriata. All othar original eopiaa ara fllmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- •ion, and anding on tha iaat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraaaion. Tha Iaat racordad frama on aaeh microflcha •hail contain tha symbol -h^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol V (moaning "END"), whichavar appiiaa. L'axamplaira fHmA fut raproduH griea i la gAniroalti da: Sfoiinairt d» QuMmc BiUiothAqiM Laa Imagaa auhrantaa ont 4ti raprodultaa avae la plua grand aoln, eompta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da l'axamplaira fiimA, at an conformM avae laa conditiona du eontrat da fllmaga. Laa axamplairaa origlnaux dont la couvartura an paplar aat imprim4a sent fllmte an comman^nt par la premier plat at an termlnant solt par la demMre page qui oomporte une empreinte dimpreealon ou dlNuatratlen, solt per ie second plot, selon Ie caa. Toua lee autrae exemplairee origineux aont film4a en eommen^ant par la premMre page qui comporte une empreinte dimpreealon ou dllluatratlon at en terminent per Ie demlAre page qui comporte une telle empreintOa Un dee-symboles suhrents epperettra sur Ie demlAre imege do cheque microfiche, selon ie caa: Ie symbole «»> signlfle "A 8UIVRE", ie symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". irrata to psiure. ni he. n 32X IMepe, pietes, cherts, etc., mey be filmed et different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoeure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right end top to bottom, ea many fnimee aa required. The following diegrama illuatrate the method: 1 2 3 Lee cartee, plenchee. tableeux, etc., peuvent ttre filmte A dee taux do rMuctlon diffArents. Lorsque ie document eat trop grand pour Atra raprodult en un soul clichA. il eet fllmA A pertir do i'engle supArieur gauche, do geuche A droite, et do hieut en bee, an prenant la nombre d'Imegee nAceeaaire. Lee diegremmee suivents illustrent Ie mAthode. 1 2 3 A 5 6 ft ^ ^^ ^' S''; ■ ■ ( - 1" *— 1 .1. ■ ■ V,'. '-■wlI. ,' ■^r'^^^ .mgut mpnmuu ;^~iL^^lL>^ 1*?.'^ /■??' * -Mf ■■t' ■ ... .^ jF ■ Milt • ^ ••H^^..**xwffl^;w-. ,. iJAt^t ';';'^;;.,;'{5*t^ ' «^ w^fc 4MIM - 1 Wifct'iiJl!L*fe I' ■* in r'V'^^^^-%- ■J jt 1^-^ 4,' tl^' -,_, ^ m ^/^*!'>, •*'%^fi^iN'- ^it^' r«i-.«e':■'■• '^MS ti\ ■WS«(W*^f«, 2£2***^-^*'^*«¥« ^' ' ;/^fc^^' ''4*- ,:^y' "'^-' ^-;.., , J^j^!^^^^~'m>M I f ^v '" >,. ^..K.ij. ^tA'i' ■■■!!^i'ir ■• .i;^x '4"ji- ^^f^^'^^ =>^S*:i/>r-^- iiU. . .'iV *'>• S^r^K'.^*- 3^ t/*s|j§'_ 'A,»»* \ ,\ 4'.''%' ii ?" *f" A"*?.Vi,'.''^5v ^^ ^i|^ WVJ ^' . >. *«-",;,^ j! ,* d-' :Ji.ii _w . I- ^ .MSI. aowi-i^wiW'^^ ■^ ,»' » :'K?.f*-*s.; C«^#?6fi HMifiviriiMii msB (fcMMhir giijiijT fiti* rtOMiTMrru* llvJialliiiMlQok N am* Mkir Mro OwipiricfMi* ^i^^l;..>ilu»-r■■.l.^■ai«fe«^KiA ■MltWli l l