A^V5 AlMliMi mmmmmmtmm IMO I01/M7-M0I ^ ym % ;* ■Q* Centimeter 1 2 3 4^ 56 7 8 9 10 11 « 13 14 1j5 / :-W?V. <-^ ' ^■l j^-v ^ ^^t'"^:' 1''ff' f- (*' Q> ■■■■..'■ • ■ ■- . ' '■■■'* CIHM Microfiche Serlts (Monographs) iCMH Collection ds microfiches (monographles) * ■ c • *■ " • ,:.■*.■■■■■ ^ , ( ■- ■ ... ■. ■ - '. ■ ■ ■ - • - ■ ,■ ■ .'■ - s ■ f Cmidlsii InwHMie fSt i^f •1 1 J J^^ ■^ •< ^ 'i J ' TM hwtttim Ms •tMMplirf to MpyavtNiMtforfNiiilNt. FwMNiafMi aftfwlMiptlN OV wN^RIR^p fliw .0 on: □ CovwtranoiMiMirf/orlMiiMii^ □ C•«■rtH^ □ |~~| CoioMfMi ink H^. MiMr ilwn Mm or MmJi)/ L^ Eowoi ^ Miifir (i^irtw^oeblwwooiiplm) L-J PtanHwi ft/oM HlMrtt«tiom to couto y r » ' ■■■*■■■■.. , ■ . BoviMl wWi oliMr iiMlwM/ RoH* MM i'MMTM ( □ TiflPIt lMMM(MOy aloiif iolMior i^ttiflM Ls nNora Mrrte VMit dl>ionionl«lon|d«hi it I'ombr* ou 4t la r-| «-*!«« 111 ion (Tom IMtMiration awnvaiHMt doM !• itMi, maii. lofMHM Mia Halt potiiMa. cot paiai n'ont MaM QSlS □2: at/ov paNiaMMat orfoaai/ I ^Konowifiroiifn/ Lkll Tramparaiioa □ Quality of .fprWit varlat/ QualH* Iwipalt da I'impronion □ ContinuoM p agiwat i on/ faiination eontinua Qlndudn rndtuMf Cowiprawd un (dai) indaK Titia on haadar talun from:/ La titra da I'an-tHa proviant: D Titlapataofisaua/ Pafa da titra da la livraiaon %. r~n Caption of itwa/ Titra da depart da la livraiion D QAnkiqiia (piriodiquat) da la livriiiQn PT j^.f Wrlnklod pagos may film alightly out of focus. Hwpliiiiwtaini Thara ara aopa craaaaa In tha sLddla of pagaa. thii itim it fNinad at tha radaetion ratio ch aafcad balow/ Ca d e a iwnant att fMni* ao taaw da,rfclMctiow i n dj^oi 10X MX "* 1W ax 26X XV N , y :,: • ■ : ^: laX 1IX ?0X , 24X 2SX 32X "■-■■ .■■' . ' ■■ ■ ■ ::> > • V >■ 1 L*-.. ■ ±r • . f ... \ ■t D 32X y r TIm 0O9V fUmttf li«r« Nn bMn r«iirodu««d thanlu ArsMviiofOiittrt* TIM liiMfM «>0— H w9 **•*• •*• the bMt q m l H y poMibto ooiwM#rin« tiM aondMen an^ to pi bW ty «f ttM original oopy Mid in iiMpint witti tiM ffiminfi oontrast spMrffiMtlonik- Original eoplM in pdntad papir «o««ra mnftmmA ih« iMt paga witfi a primal or Wuairatad li wp na- •ion* ac tlw iMali aavaf wlian appfoprtata* AM ottMf original oopioa aro fUmad baglnnin g an tha- flrat paga with a primad or iHiiatraiad impvaa- •ton. and andlng on tho loot paga «rith a printad Of Hiuaiiaiad impfoaaion* . Tho laat rooordod ffnimo on oooh mieroMoho •liall eantain tho •ymbol «•» (mooning "COM* TINUIO"). or tho tymboi ▼ (rtiooning "INO"). witiehovor appiiaa. Mapa, plitaa. ehanp. ate., nunf ba fttmod at diffarom roduetion ratioo. TImoo too iargo to too ontiroly inoludod in oho oxpoauro fio fHiiiod boginning in tho uppor toft bond eorfiK'lofI to , right and top to bottom, aa many fi|p«|l aa roquirod. Tho following diogroma iHiiRnNO iho mothod: i 2 3 !• * _ f ffmdfut do: raproduh grioo i la da la natiata da raaamplaira fUmdi laoandMon I. oton dviontratda la at arlglnoux dont lo eowvorturo ( ■ont fNmda an aommonpi plat at an tarminam iolt par la a« dHhi a tratian. aoH par la aaaond la aaa. Taua laa autraa awamplalraa aant famaa an aammangant par w gul admporta una am p ralw t a an dIMuatratian at an tarmlnant paga qui opfhporto uno talto On daa ay mbaioa auivanta apparoHra aur la da m iifa imaga da ehapua miOrofioho. solon 10 aaa: la aymboto ^ •igniflo "A SUIVfIt". lo aym baio ▼ lignifla "WKH". bm Bonsst ^anonsa. ibdnpiiii. ois.. pswvwni sifv fHmda A daa faux da rdduotien d i ff d r o nt a . Loraquo lo dooiimont oot trop grond pour Atro roprod u it on un aoui eliohd, il oat fBmd A partir da l*ang i a l upiria u r gauoha. da gaueha A droita. at da haut an baa. an pranant ia nombro dimogoa nAcaaiaira. Laa diagrammao auivanta ilbiatrant ia mdthodo. 6 .■r#.' i'M:-^ X:- »; %r m'k. .:^) THE 9AND IN HAND INVESTMENT LOAN # 0il.VIIVOg|» SOCIETY; i»i f' i ^ I m «tgr, and MxC. and pwhitpa grMtMl ^ lit To affoid to the ladnatrUl, oommendd, pcofBMloiua, and other nU pw , offpotl«Blif Of iiwwetlt thiir mamtf, in hmU or teigo iMiiwK « ■eri Jjrtite, withoat the Mudtty, ktoor, AMi lUk iaoftAMi^Ao plnio woBio fct.th— ifthighei^ wte oUntiwrtUmi nift U^^Mm&H iwwa 8«i or olhor MMi Hodae of faiTMlmBti and. The looning of money on eqoitoble tonat io thoie Nqoiring pbrohMe or improvement UwmH tnymiH **'*>Mi ot^pnenoement or botlnMi, to doTolopiiw the Afrionltoml, M^tfsgt opd o^ woouroee .m/^lfl0t-i .or for onjr other pupoM teadiag toife iMtTanlti».,oC the -ami. The avoidifipe of thoae opyeetve^| |iiil l i^n whloh h»Te OJ^HottDtwbVt in ijiilir »•< Baleil-«ad.S.)i M..-.^ V-*, Btaok'taheedptidnji tmr 1w ut mfm tt A iato4koM of* nation, and the payment of Stock MbeoriptiMUi may be of diftoolty, without intereat behl|r tnlHted, or inea inoorred. BharM aMy hoitraMfnrod, and 'tiaok aol aoooadhic to aaifciorwirlng aaaiek any b diaerottaMrypowatareaMnredteihaDiiaetin. <8aal«|iall A ttva nfiM itt to im d^><» M i < lid^ tHU be teAdalottaiMatHyitf BMl litaio; mOk, with thohiltMel thteeon, iftay be repaid 1» mlfltMt^mhii^i or half.yeafly inatalmkitis^oviaf/ ^« period of 1, 4, «^or 8 ytMte tlMMni|t«1l»ipaid forinteiMtiiMiriMMl^aiid thoaoMmntto bepatdfiir prlMlpii la iimfmi half- / -:H ' • »■ \ a > • A^^ r ',^-'' tw^^j't^*"^'' f¥ "" , . ,y j^-^^^.fjp.^^ tqifws^w^r^^^-^ *'-^ '-.■" '^"TiTT^pTTj-j I ' ■ ■J t ,■■..;■ 1^ Mammpmmd. (8m Balii IS iad ts, wd B«m»I lMt|Mi(«ofOo?«r.) L0Mi>«i?ajm«ili majr b* Inc ir iMi d « it io t Mwtd, bjr • radwUon or txtendon oftfMlOTmof LoMn, to iult th« oooynkao* of Bcmw iwi ; and nMrtgaftd prop- arty bmj be NdMBMl w« th fi«>y rt i n ii biiaif iap<» tat fktmrt, *o., for Um oILoML (SMSolMMaadlf.) • la ipMka OMM, IIm «sp«M« lobe fiOd-M AoMag LoMf an flud ty BvlMieMdST. Dtpoiiii of moiM7, flraoi fa aad opwyurdf, wUl b« rwMtTwl •« latnMl, ntfyiiit f loypOTOMi,MOMdliBffto«haMM»aiU Md ttmo of wHhdntiroL lotMrwl irmb««ll«w«dfr«aidii*«ofditpoaHlodatool wilkdmwd, aad bo p^aUokaU- IMdy. Th«8oeI^itpraliiWlod,b)rNi Aol of laootpomlloa, ftoM teklof or ntelalac DtpwHibt7omliArM:/tarM««r«hoeiiftWtbirt HhM MtMUj Javirtid fai BmI ■rti«OMoaiMlM,Mid«lMM,«Og««lMrwMk«U Ita oMmt AfMli, — d tho wtwritarf MplM of tho BbMdioIdm, an pledged MMowlty for DnMplii. (Am BmIm M Tho Sbwolioldofi hftro tho ontho ooalrol of tho 8ool««|^ optmUoiui, by th«ir volMai«lMaimialdripeoUmoettiigior thoSooi^f.tiid MO •loooMpou^ fauy loMM IhiU my be Inoorred, thiu fredng Bonowon oiid Dopodtoro fkom •II IkOAity In tidi iMpool, whUe tlio liaMl|iy of the BbMoholdna It UnMtd to ttioamoaiitof8to«kini^M(nrflMdfor. ^^ All tho DfaMoton uA OflUmo ara reqirired to hold ottialn omoanti of 8lod^c%~ tlM Sodety, Mid thoir dallM wo oMiHy ddteai by Mt goloi, whllo aiMdi Oflom M iBlghtbyMiyppMibaitybrfaiglo«Mvpoii«hofloeMyby thdr nefUfMMio or do- fMili, MO leqidnMl to glTO amplo Movity for tho foMhtel pMfonMUhoo cf Ihdr Im m tui i, BowowMi, Md Depo; ■''•*'■'■ ^. ■■••■>-.-.v-. ■-■'■,,,- ■■ . ••n«lu»loii. ■ ' .■■ >:^ 1 It li m b wH t id that noTor beftao ivai 9Mh a imnrtdiMtton of adraah^M oAred Vy ony one floeiety, and thio it la boUeved irUl oeooio for M Tn Haaa^a-HAiD la- ▼aninnliOAiAaBlSAVtaik^BooBnr'' Iho ooofldBnOe and potrnai^ both of the InTeating and borrowing poic||pif4r«koo««unanl4iy, and wlU ali»iooaratiie appio- I batfonaad «apfor|:o£ aU thoao who beUorethat loa^aSockfy, JndMoiwIy and onMi^^iQaUyiMMagM^wmtendtoinfiOTotbeinonli^ artotol ooiMUHob of the •^««alxi|MM« for liiwo beneit U te Boro i^)^^ •'1 {^iSf^Mf^v^i.t'mm > vs-« 'js»'i MrMMHi OB iztenaloa [•d prop* . for Um • flMdbj R XJ I^ S3 fll.« >* ,nrfin$ iBltntI in Baal M 16 bf th«ir ipoulble M Bran teitadto • Off (!•• olttMlr Imm «^ UmMmitikt ImMt. Imt ftiorui ^ liof the • an^to> opljaiid noftk* «itli(Ni«ilik 1. ThiM8o€ltt7iiiAUlM«Utd*'TinHAMi>-iir-HAVDlvTifnfB»v LoAV Ain> SAVmas* Boonrr.** hftTlng iti tihkf |»hM of bnituM in Um City of Hftm^t(», 0. W» And it inoorponltd pnmuuit to Cap. 68 of the Oon'd. Sut*f. of IT. Q. Ita obJeoU vtt to raiM- a Amd to aiuiblo iU ]ienib«ra;to rooeire hi advuioe injitll, of om or mora tharei, Ibr any purpoM irhatMMfv«r, upon fturnlthlBg ylni mortgsM or other ifuSIf good Moority on r«di Mtit*! bolongmg to tho aiiau>tr at tha timo of ma boffrowinff money flrom the Sooaty } lo prorida ibr thoae who do Dol reqnira adraaoea, a Mib and remanarainTa mathod of inraatiBg amall or larga anma of mooay ; and for all tlM pnrpoMi nantionad in tha laid Act —- .-, Oftel rf tk* iMMr. Ml Wv |d4 - S, Th^^UlStookof tbtSooiatyaliallooBaiatof thaanadmioed ilzad orpaniiuiant capital, or In oonraa oi aoonmolation. The Siuurea of tha Sooiaty ihall be of the Talne of |}00 aaoh ; and nuy be either paid at oiiot *» >WI^ or by" any of ^e following me- thoda,Tiit— 48 nioBthly paymanti of #1.77 Moh, MPomling togethiT W l$i*M ' idqoarteriy ** ».98 *♦ " (t HAS . AluU^yenrlj ** 10^6 •* . « $3.60 4TMrly •* aojjo ** . •• 8».oo Or, Om pr eaent payment of • • - ^« 7S.10 Prorided that the Direotora ahall hare power from tfane to time, to dtarge a pi e miiuu on new aharea to be taken, aaoh preminma to mm a part of the geoeral flnda of the Society. Ililwiil Hi Tjiili li li iniiii, ■■! flu itift iliH li rnlbpjl \ 8, Shareholdera whoae Stook may hsfe been ftilly paid op aiid iuTeatedaa fixed or permanent oapitil, thai! be entitled to noi|irer of Attorcey — blank forma for which may be had from the Wkn Btook CkbMriptiMU to Md kow losg to ooatlalMk 7t "I^* p^odical or other aubaoription for eaoh unadvanced shar-* ' ^7 J -^ •^'jf^- rfflt^ ■:>y'i|r -,--?|?:r \ d«olAr«a nay than uIm and i oapiul. to with- ih daiin oh with- enticm of Mt their trod (ho and the i a* aay ur oioiito r SotMi fiign tha > be kept eh Blook rehaairiljf, doao by hna the eddharet ky of the B.reiipeot nuea for d. HrmiMioo rehip, be may be member i^sMtiee 9 If from any unavoidable eanae any memlier tif the t leelet y iihoa\d be mmble to oontinoe hie ■nbeerintioM. on onadiraaoed Arfrea, the DireotofH ahall have power to |prant him aenepenaion ofpnymentM fbr any period of time not exoeodrng twelve niontha, aa ho aad the Direetori may agree, daring whieli time no forftiture of hiterilll or flofi fhidl be ineorred for aueh noi»-paynieata. Prorlded alwaya, that at the evplratlon of the time agreed nnoo for iuflMnalon of paymenta, he ihlill reenme and eontinne paying mr the eanuT length of time la the nMpenelon ([over and above the fo«r yeara ixod lipon kft the reaHsatlon of hia iharea^, any number at rabeoripiiona which exeiiied or granted to him by eneh luap^meleB of payment^ 10. Share enbi^ptioni, loan payment*, flnea, and other ehargen or daea, ahall be paid at the Soeiety'i dHoe, on the /lr«l buiiM99 day. ^W0ry m#nM, or to any of the Sooiety't ageiiU duly antlioriied. to ^receive the eame. three dayi previovely thte'eto, until otlifrwieo ordered by the Direotora. 11. Any Shareholder may tranifer hii sharee. provided alwave, that no transfer ihall Uko efRoet nnleM and until it be approved ttf oy |he Direetore. and until the tranpfbrree ihall have given the partioulara required for tne Register of Shareholders, and shall have siij^nod the Rues and Oovenant, and such trapsferree shall '•«<"■■•;■■• '" ' 6th U t ■■ ■'. V,- .« .,, .■•• It . ■ •• ' H : V- " 7th II '■ n I ** ■..if.'. M «-,. 11 . 8tb N B «< md iVo/Ut. Provided that any fines, forfeihk fees, or interest that; nuty be due ot unpaid shall be deducted ; and that members withdnMring their subscriptions during the eurrm/ey of any hal^year of memborship/ / 8 « I r ihall only have inlerMt allowed np to the end of the previous halfrovided alwaya, that ample proviiion ahlll l»e ma gj^fo r Uie nayment^f debts due or obligations entered into bv the SoSlty, before any uare oao be withdrawn ; and that nnder all oiroaniiBtanoes, the sams>paid on withdrawal of shires before being fblly realist, shaU in nooaae exceed the income derived fiom the loan re^vmsQts ; and that with- dntwh shares ^ot fully paid np) shall be paid ont according to the number and r that purpose, which list shall be closed monthly, eacli member then receiving the due ]>roportion of his subscriptions paid in, so that each member with- drairing shall be simultaneously accommodated with a preference before ordinary members in with- drawing within such time^ and to receive back the amount of sub- scriptions on shares whidi sudi deceased or insane menkW ran have paid to the Society, less all fines due imd unpaid bv the insatid or deceased member at, the time of his seizure ordeatii, with the interest thereon and subject to the provisoes memj^dniBii inBule 12, Or in case of the deau or insanity of any mem1)«ir, tiie legatee or lisfl^ representative of such deceased or insane member inav, witiun six months from such death or insanity, beoome cbtitied to thejprivilegei; of an original shareholder, subject to the approval of the Directors, by signing^ the Rules and fbrnifUng the Secretary witii his n&iide— in fnU— profession, trade, or business, and place of abode^ and at the same, time exhibiting tiie 'Will or Probate thereof, or grant of JiCtters of Administration, or such other document as niay bo requ^d foor tjhe ini^fieetion and to tiie satisftotion of the Directors. . ■■'•■■h. Bottoty sat rMfflUiU* M to Xr«I.Fiadi^ . \A^ The Sodety shall not be boimd to see to the execution of any ThUit, whetiher expressed, impfied, or c interest 5. Or in ) or lojg^ itMnsix •rivilegei; irectors, in&ilLe— ^ id at the fJiOtters dfarU»e m of any ay share party in society, Eiianone inffident I respect ch share e to the I »,»^.^ - i|By*j-rt5v'« asKtf Hft, wUk |0Vpt H 1 ft. The fines for the noi^payinent of share sutsonptiooii ^ toan re.mm«DU on the dAy on which the same are made payablp hy th; SSei of the Society, or of any other moneys whatsoever due and pmblThy any ^^r, shaU bo at the nm ot ^ sh«U be forfeited to the Society. Provided that after I^Aate shSl be in de&ult for the term of six monUis, ihe DfrectoM ahaU have power, either to ciiMwar¥»h*ma^Vi a»pwft, yd W tote * 1*21*'^ "^ ' iSISwho'M to Mwmt of UMMm, wd In* fcr eneadiBg the mm*. \ Ifi The I)iwctors are hereby auUioriwd to borrow^i^ the S^, and «« ^mortgage or other Sy good security on. real 4ate,^^^ 6^^^ ?l®S*".^^'"y.fJ«S bartered BanM OK other pubHosecuntfes of , A^ SwSwaywh*tev«J,ex%^^^^^ wH^r the pliUr^ Bfmto I^ywee, , *« mterest^r jnthout and without W^ous notice. J^pvid^ that tje tqtw l^mties oi So SoSty aSl never exceed ihree/eimf'^ the amounV of ^t portiop of Its ^ital w^y in^e^ fy f^^ w«in<(e»7. «»* ^^f^J SSS fin/S Ten pSSs fw. ^ ^l^^ W'^J^jiTt Sfeon o/liabiltties W^ V^rS^ or opntmuedjj^ be m- ^fe4 on oveiy iMreotorm office at^i^^^^ my M , W For Ite information and wtirfkotion of Sharehdderaaiid Dep&tora^ it shall b^ , X.. '>r- \/ \ 10 «o«zlubitmMaMooiMpieiMMMpkoeiB (Jm SoeiAty'i offioe, not hibet than one o dock, p. m., on tbe flwt bnsineM day of every month, and to oolitinm the time ia tnoh ^laoe fvr at least one month, a fttatttient dnly certffled br the Anditon, ahowing dietindtlt what amomit of th* Society's capital w mverted m real secnritiee r Vl» iS0wiii|rforlK)an8orDeooBrtai made to or with the Sodety; and what proportion these lia1[>iUtiea bear to the oanital invested : such Statement to be made up to the dose of the preceding month. !!«*«%**, iiV Imp** tWr l«pw^ trf Pi« Boob t» b. «^^ 18. It shaU be oUigatorr on the TrOasorer and Seoretary.**Hmder a jpenalty or flnfi of Two BoUan for evety refusal so to do--to aUow, dunng office hours, eaobShardiolder, Depositor or Bwrowerv or his Agent^attthomedrnwriting, to see his aceoont as entered on the JSooks ^theSoMety, and to compare therewith the sums 8» entered on his PMs Book. Provided that every Shareholder, Depositor or Borrower shall~.mider a penalt7 ^' ^« o^ 25 cents for Bealeotinff i so to do-JeaveM-^ta* Book with the Secretory for at' least the naoe of tendaysi^or tothe dose of each financial year, for the pmMe of Its behig examined and (if fomid correct) certified by the Auditow. 4||UMIi« «ftt«oiirt7,!th0 subscii^^^^ paid in op oiie or tibife mMPber fi^i^to^^ shafl eeaae tiMwafter to reodve interest on Ajmotoitw required to be withdraw^ and anch amoniit Aidl be WdbyAeflodetee^atrodinMii^ Provided thJiMiiU ■• obhj^llqBy »n ihe Sinectois, t(» feqein^jaMbttembef*; towitbdmw •W :V?-r %Wih li^jfkniiig -#1111 tlie kit intend ; andtluit no flMttbtriMl Wteoatrad to withdfttW M «'«e«Mld lAwe imlll erery other iMnber(thoM£«rdn refeiM&.tel ezoeptod) tha^ liwre nithdrawn on om* thu*. '20. '^ flfittdiil positiott of tike SocAo^ fl^ to the 1lhii1i«thdii7'0f April is eiloh yeat:, md the profits and lotHi (after ttrotil^gf fct the dght per o6&t. kHMreet to be paid «ir ovedited on Stode aapef Bi^e a) a£ili W that dtete |kM^oned, as ilh^ appertain ttUbares #hioh ^idl n<^^ve beeii ftklfy nM %ja^ ifHuH be pUoed to thd^cf^^ of sQoh shares; as d^Mbred profits, to be payable to{(ether #^!ihe prineipal stnn (on^^eir 'b^eoniniff doe (aoeorabg to Rol^a); andisnoh -portion tf ihe nei'prdfitt, thus stseettaiiMd and apjtortfoned, M shalt appertihi to shares w^ nMSi harre been Ihlly ^Mod np imd invested as fixedotr pennifnent etpital in the Bdeiety, ihiill IJ0 j6a;imbie as dficlared proilis to'the hwm ei sneh shSM dr shat^'tttiini^l^ plAoe as may be fixed'iinK)tt>t)y ihe^Dir^^ And !im sharcii '^bonting due during thef ni tiihe to tittte- as "they awjr eee^fit, Mt^^Si^es jwrtiott •■ -P- ' .. 12; ■ amflnff tlM koiatriofPMaiMMBft ShiMt £»r tll#tlmlMtoft in praporf tiimtotlMiiiiMbwofth^thiNii. Tb« DinoUnaluail^tiiMto time, QDon tke odnvenioit into Pennvient (kpital of wj ili^her6> after tQ nutart, dodnot and r«tain oat of tho pro|Uk ff7W» m reapeot of inch thare at the time of saoh oonvenion, and add to the ReiemFraidafam bearing, unearM may bo, A« Mme OTOwrUon to tlie Mr Talne of inch fhare aflthe then exirtiifg^Mffnr^j^d AaU beartoSejwrvalno of tfce whole number of t|i^ ^eavmmg ro^ mMMBtShalM, and an eqinl^ble rate for this piinoaejhaU be strnol^ l^tbe^>iTBoU>rs^w>en and aft often aa they may defdi neoee wK y. , ., ^ 19^ Any n^ber entitling himiwilirtQ en ndVanoe of a •!»«» 9' aharea, ih«Il gi^rnotioa in wAg to the Secretary, of tnentaatiOD, tennre, deMnpliol^ and foU particnlare rf morteaged by iuS meaibOT W th« Socie^, in w^ fo?m wf^the. PiteSora ahdl prescribe ; and ihaU alw depowt . inife %e . Secretaty aU neoeewry title deeda and diKminenta wlatmg.ther0to. ^f^^ able ram on aeoomit of tita SoUdtor^a and Appraised few and other diarge*. wbic^ihaljl inalloawlbepaid by the membwp^.WVftpw aoooont tli^ inay be incurred* $honld any member deohne t4;> t^lf^e np the amoont awarded to1um« ;within one montiiftom the date of appUoation) auoh »f»^*a)er,aM Mya m of one dollar per ahaie, if re^aiif^d by the PireM OTi pw^ m t*^ immnw aety, anda^ aA»» h«i1^*dweMtp w^ ^ no paft in the; management of the>affi»|»;i^tiie .pocie^ in 9fat Barmwim sImOI^ allowed tiwopfioiu w^,^ec^ ^ of making their «H»ywnts, nwttmr 9^1^^ to fi^ their oany<^rt^We|^,,a^^ *ii«S: wte« >P«W^ li »« C!^ >t^ t?>. it''! I ,!.►. .r.i!- J^»'' /f l^tfi^ «»*- -,■?', -, -A-.' » fj .AUiK' . /SimS. TwoTJ TwoTmm. IWbY««Wp f f Momhly, •* *o .Qaart«rlj, 14 34 , f.i I I. H' - 18 58 V82 1ft 87 ill 88 ft 70 11 ft7 $1 *4": 1 4«7''"' • 4t ij .■s.f «Sflrib2l for. nor 2^01 advanow boniido ot oontinn«d for wy tSSS^DSod Sum ten years, nor shaH ad^orti be niade beyond one- S^cHlfcTX/ofSef^^^ case lOiaUA&y menibif receive fcy way of idyaiio^ «»<*re Uiapi Ift.pOQ, , «k iMMorW»I>^ SecoWtieitotto Bodegr^ tt^^STtfce PMdent andT^^ MdshiOlbe p^ep^ in tueh «>^ ««id;A|tt o^Win^«A^ li^^fiMfA. and liff^eeidents. as the 8pli I 4 »J^ jl ^^a^ /'^^ V ^^ . ' -tj-«.-f'v**.^" *l «^.' v- tk / M they ■Eril deem eiBwQelrtr«laH<^^ ittSSi ^e nme ihall be pm4 by the Mortgngor, and AaU Umdm^ upoS themortgiged proj^tetgr. And thit when iii^MkahaU^^plMeo^ any |»roper^ mortenged to the Si^pefty under moitoge shaU, standi ohwgod, With thTSount ^wioi^nts w to>OT(djB^^^ •«»t^per m^ti^^^^ so loftg as itoqitimies u^Mid^^uti^iMnot ^J^nouiiftentonthe iDireotorato mS:e any sueh navmenta^ . nor ah&ll thA Rnm^v :1ia »x«.:m^ «.. a Z? «w°«^ WW^^ any «^ •^^ J^aw^d 1^ r|o |§e4^|rp,^give:io ihe7S£»tanr!» r or^(mcp,n^U4ei w, otoeri matter; or tuiiur i wMdl WiMKtlh fmy way afibot ^ vl^e^ oMe Po£[< thoJWtee ^atiiB^aWB^ gi^ fluoh statement shall -pay a ^e at the I member ,nflglec Btion lurance, tOilpve of tjrejX— jbS:s%^«-. ..4 r ,r ■-« ^ •*'(..f >-, ittending Ige npon I plftM of My* the lilrmbe dMnnthe toflethw the So- Plgovor ease the ihe ^e luffetoieot inentiin to these )bil«ice re^nired dviaabla. iMiignea oMeti^y i|I miibe MiTQumte OpyeWMlt itime'fo i^ve tl&e X rent or oqiended 1 amoant one per w^tinnee ntkeeny f OOOIM- W 9m- isnrittice, «iait«nH»f A. , , , . . . not move Uua twenty^ve oemtfl, b«i not leM than five cente. per ihMf per week, for the time §ash negleel may he oontUuied } vaa the XH- reotom in»y» if they think fit to 4o-ao. «t leaat onee in every year, ^ipoint aome oompetent nenon tp obtaui all the inforwatioB he eain imh Mtpeot to tradea, Jbo^ canied on in a^ about the mortgaged premiaea, and report to the IKreMora aooordingly. ,\ , , IncaBe of damage by fire the D^i^Oilora iball re^aure from the Inanranoe Offioe the amotmt payable in respect of saoh damage: and the reoeipi of the Preaidmit aparTneaairer i of the Society, ahall be a anffioient disohurge to the Inauranoe OflSoe for the money tl^ei:ein expivsaed to be repelved ; and tlu&^tMrectors ihiUl have fUl poWiff to to settle and a^iMt'wiJdi the Inanranoe Offioe any qiieat^ ^ela^g t0 sitoh imrartmpe, aiid ib aoo^t the i^otintto be ^d by the I^sitr^Jkoe Offlfoe ih' respect to the thunage done to the^r^misea ; or to nmko sttfreot0Ts ShaH tluik ireasonable, ' 1%i6' IHrectors, shalL it their ^ticroUon elthW lay dot the money whibh ahall be red^ved from any Insonu)^ Ottoe «i albreaaid; qit wdy ^ pari iheieoi, |b' ' tapii&ring danjiage done to that pre- mlsei; or retain and aj^ly the aibiiie, orai^shpartuiereof 4^ theym thinAc fit, in or towardapaymeht and satia&otion of the amount irhl<^ iiiall be due from the Mortgagorr^ the Boeiej^, and pay th^ stttpfti, if any, to the Mortgagor or.inioe^ al^ tm^^n^ed to rioe^e the . sakne. ■ ■ . ■ ' ■'/•■"'■. '■'■ ' ■ ' \'~*^ BoRowan dtiMag to Mil « Miohiagt'Btttsigtd o J97. Ifany membair who riudOl have exeecited » mortgage to tke Socie^i shaU dfiaire toteUthe tnpftffagHSjoircpertjf subject; to the tpfivt^ oilge, and to beeome releaaed fr^m all ftture liability to the Spolety m reroeolt th#r^ he shall be ait libierti^ to do so, witii tlie, cpnaont of the Direetor^ ip<^ fitttt dt^y .trittaafernng the shares ajbOui^ tj so«)i mortga^,,to the Intended pufeoaaiBri in nianne^ provided l>y, these Rnles ; and upon v^olitnahsfbr b^tifir ciiiMpl^ted, and all arrl0 to i>a^ all re-paymentw pmble ih' irespi^t of s^bh ^i^teA *,, aid tbi& Dlc^eoton ibay them gr^ tcT tjiie dHjc^ l^orl^^r, i^^^ ti,%%U ebat a^d diarges, a releMb il^ all frit^liattility mYeapec^ tl^iBreof. It sKialtbe^lAt^ fot atl^ in#it»ei^, hAVhi^ (^xeoutOd k moHt^h fkit^tfm1hdm» tici shbstitutj^ at hil owii ezpenae, bht |ti(P9ect t&llbe i^i^^ of tfi^ IMrtetors, ai9^ othi^ Ro^ Estate^ ab aepurtty to ^i^odSy; itt Hett ome pi*(^»i^x)ri^ ■::8fftfi^irts. :,'•!< !ff.f -Sfeni he At'ftxyajiiwt-flC .ioi;,..B««m% which Uieloan was ^Sg) to the Secretary, of each deJfe, roeh notice JoOTpfa^wrth IS lSff-y«w of membei4J4 bt paying aU r^peymenta. flnee. fee^ »| oSJXw d*« nptoand ilthetime of a^ich redempUon, and "p«52ntomibelJceof^^t^ to SSeBiile^ On the redemption of aiqr «oari^ by a member. ^ ^ iSiwymento h»ve be«i made by Wm on advMoee pmjnant to S^SoKtWdSi^arge of iSarsec^i^^^ ~»d Se^f^^te delivered toBuJh membeir. ^* -ll^^^^^fJ^^J 5£StidmK)»t»d by liim i^^ with rooh secwigjand S2ESS«^SXbe prepared and the ney^ 2d M?mattere relating ttweto tranwcted, by the Solictors to the Society, at the expepse of such member. , iS^cSd diiM^ JiitifliKl to yote *»»«^Sr^^1l^i*J^ iiffice bf the Society, »t 12 o'clock noon, o» th^ 25^rg J*^^*TrX ^^ Wn£^ <^jSn^mir an?, thereafter at .tJ?^.«|^5£fe ^ ieSSlt laiat ^& daK d»Ti befcte toA mWNf.. f™"W9!.?T' SSrfTiS S^^mS* Jb«n taw tfterii^t tono*™^ .^^r"_ .; 11 ■ ^ JSL^I?n Sm^ bt flflMB or mow mambm (ti •bpve and ▼^■^•f^^L^J^SrmZ tddTWiO* to ;SS^&»4j 81. '^?|!l^£,WMj3!MiB34i,lta^ decided by a ^!r^^i^M^«Sn)vaiiT oOier iubh memberw bii proxy looord- 4 01^ r r'^^-^ * t**f Tm"" 18 of diaqfudifiofttioo, or rMignstion. The Diracion ■hall be eleoted mr the tenn of three yean, two to retire aodimUt. who ahsU not be eligible for re-eleotion antil they hftve been oat of office fbr e ye$a \ the two who ehaU retire at the firat end eeoood annual meetbge of the Sooiet J, to be deoided b j lot, at the Direotora may determine. If any Pireotor shall die or reeign, or become incapable to act aa a Director, or ihall become banlcmpt or iniolTent, or eomponnd irith his creditors, or cease to>old the required nomber of onaavaaoed shares, or be remoTed from his ottce by a ree I The Directon—three of wh<^ shall form a qnoruM— siiall ror the transabtion of business, 4t stated monthly periodt as they 8$ meet. may determine, or oftener if necesswy, at the call bftlie President an^ 8e<»«tary. Hie Directors shall, at th^ first meetbg, aadf-wbeu necessa^, m each year, choose firom among themselves a Ftesideiit and Vice-President, whofshall have the powers and perform the duties usual to such offices, but if the President and Yice-Prefident shall be absent fttim anyjM^ting of the Directors or (^ the Society, then any other IHrectorfresent mav be eleoted m ilie chairmati' for that jmaet- ing only. At every meetbg of the iMreotors eterj questlbn to be oonsi^red and discussed sluill be SQbtnitted iti wming throt^ the President, and shall be decided by ami^<^ty oifthe DireiBCors prdiMiht, tiie President having a casting vote iik addition to hia vote a| a Di- rector. No Director shall hoT^ the office of 'tvitinait and )9e^eiar^t 8oli«4tor, Auditor, Appraiser or Agent to the Society; nbr iioiil m DiriBotor (as such) become a borrower from ita ftnuds, mi no Di^eotdr shall tifcke |^ in any diacnssioni^or'vdt^ on vtif quetdonin vliioh 1^ shall be personallyintereeted. llie Diteetors may inal» ioSh By^ws and Regulations for the gnidanoe of th^ Society^ its Officers, Agents and Shareholders, aa tl^sy may deem JieooMiary, jMovided th^ inch B7'l4wa 8Bdl^g^|rtlyftomtiin«totimodoemnooBaM T y. ThaDlrteton •hall iM Ouit aUttaynanta on bahalf of tha Soolatj. of 190 and «p- warda, ava iiiada.W Oheooe on ha Baakara, rigaad bj tlia Praddanl tor, in oaaa «f hia abanca or UfaMM, hj tha Vloa-Praaldaiit) and by tha TrMiorer, or bj a Diraotor daly anthorind by a rMolatlon of tha DiraotoralbrtiiatvarpoM»andl^thaTraaaiif«r. Tha Dlrwjtort •hall •aa that aU daada, writings, and iaonritlaa to tha Soaiety, ihaU ba mada and takan in tha nanaa of tha Pr«aid«nt and Traaanrar for tha tima bainff, wd that tha ama ara lodgad in a box or boza^aaoh hatbcr t#odiftrantlockaandkaya,oiiakeytobakapthythaPwaldantand . ^^j tha otbar by tha Traaanrar, and that mioh box or boxaa ara dapodtad at tha Beoiaty** Baakara, or alaawhara aa tha Diraotors may dataimine, andthataMitd€thadaada,at(s aontainad tharein. thall ba kaptby tha aaoiatary in tha booka of tha Bodaty. Tha Difaotora may. ftwn tfana to tima, appofait auoh mambsn aa thay tUnk propar to ba tha oiBoara and aganta of tha Sooiatr, and may jprant inoh Mwnaa and amolnmanta as thay daam lit, and mar, from ttma to tima, disoharga raoh offlpors or MEante aa thay may ifad naoataary, bat no offlow or aoapt kbythePiiictorwhowaskthechair. At every meeting ofS0|raotors,immaaiataIy after the mhmiea of their laat meetbff shaU have bean read^aad signed, the Bnkars* book jriuOl be produced ; ' mi mmeeted, and the amonnta leostred and paid on Oapitid and "^ lacooantaiinoo their last meetmg, and tha biJai^ in the handi^yrflhe Banhars airiLTVaaanrtt ihaU ba m^^ Uta Biok. after wWch wUoatioDa ftir advaw«i eh^ Wdad an4 aonriiUrad, and aiiy ^ther^^ bMmasam^th^beantartaibMdapddaMprminadnponasthalhr^Otors y. mBv:#4kflei^ lhe])iraotor8shaUalMv;flrom > ^^ th e booksand aoponnt i kept by t h a Tra aa nra t % m •ortiL tod Iflitwi wUoh tfw/ iw^^ J^, lodge wiA Uia 8««wt«f7 «» '•<»^ «*^ SSu-rtwoa. of «!• oU rjp^^ l»bliA«dinorii«»totk«8o«4«^iaiM»«fbiMiMifc «^«fj™*2 BS«Srb«litbkfottii/lo«#l»wi»tA **!!!#* "ft "^"^ 2 SSSroTtiSTBiil.. 6f hit c»Pi»»atot% tei MT A ">^ 3EiAtoth»»nirin«»oftlie8ofli«*f,bfiWai.Mor tuurtt^amm froimdMOitgr*v . .!» ••>4 »:. Si4^^ " A TuMuitr ilMai ba appoteud wh^ iMl tlio ^«f*™J^ di^of Stdrtyaryj wh© ^}»^} ^JLHSj "^^""""^ ■«^; «»«• W BMetliigs, togethf nitli « - iipfw4i;beilMffl»ttiia«tt«fS>« 3^ tii« ftod«ty, «iit«p miiwtei oj ? «e(i«iito in aV iWrdi Ma^.lN iA 9i^iir finst meeting, wfao tbtll bold thrae dt mptb imMbrnoed Oam eidli, ^ wl^oM duty it tfiall be, and who ehftU liaVe ibe riglit ait all ' timeg^ to examiine and andli the Tieianrer vod pelMUiifB bobka pm aoeoonta, andaP dcKiamentelikTmg teibi«if oe. iiiiakdiillt olrdtherinaej to the boaineMofthe Sodefy ; snd ther ahiall oeHfiy alntl anbDiilt a Ml and detailed atatenient of we Sooiet/^s aafl^iin to the Directors, not later than the first Wednesday m %e inopdi of Jnne in each year ; . they shall aistxdi^certiffihe sttttement order^byR^le f7,<^TOr- ftit Fivd Dollars ea^ for sa6h negleot ; and jtihe]^' 9ha^ teiHicealw ptSA Sfioh simi iM the Directors inay d^m relwoidAbl^i ; ; ; .,;:.. y:m-:^l.i:ni ^j^t'' "-' jnmilftfmliilr flnHw. Ihilii ^ ^ ' ' '' ^ ''^- ,%''■'■■'■ ■ ' ''*"'./; Ope or moreAppt^n nuqr, iSromtime V> ^m* be topoi:^Wpn^ jpitilihiJoi^iliwaf f^ikA^' "^ „ OxtMOO and mder.. , .\» . . *. ^ • . • . • • •••«•,• •-• •W«yVii;V' ,J7|^ M»«», «pft^ on owih |4Qa or fraotio|ipf^l4oo>|ip,toaiid j«^i- A*.«*i4 j^p^ ^e-^i^per oebt ad^tio^ <^ «k(«9M beyond J^c0ntejpsr«»M^,TO»is^^ on ;tb6 iwrd!^ <)f any I jai^berior othisr perfpiu '*a go- i?!Pwi|y4Wh^i li»^'M^t'ifi'\'}'':''f^^'%: fkb'a^'to^ .liiiiv Jrt^w ,iifeyiiii-.»h>^fii ^to ti& pse unless its ,dfi2 becomederaBW^, or it* prin#lrt j?i^^ m»*^ Selects, or its i^^ be ins#^^t*.9>ieet thj^aun*. or 6om «y Sier W ca«s<», rendering the dKoljti^w «*«^J^»!SSS;^ Sen only by aspeoialgener^ meeting d^^T se,at w^^ ^thXdety^dX^ vancedBtodf SFaie m^i^M ^W^JtS^^SSif ^^ must concurm/iTQtftXby WkfioQ^foif sti*a4d*t«»f«ltei«*wii. amend- ment, or rej^^ '^-^ ^''-^ ^■■n.^.^^^i vimZ-i^C^^ i,j'J,-^k^: : ■ ^^- by the Iwwctofti thau M nnai ana cowiwirw. «''*yi-'*2Jr«,«Ifl Sgular nmnber sbaU be i^aUe to^ i^,; "^^^^g^^S unSortingihe masooline«ea[5r ■h'*^ 1^^ " sJywoii' %«?- J^<^ fc^^^ our hand aiid seals, and who have become (testiiied bv^ ow «g»mB ^JSiSheJeS5^«M BbaresSt opposite our respeotiT«Mmes,^d^^^^^ of tte onetp? ij^e p^er, TOTeB^^^^ ISttdlSrer of the said a^e^^ •^^ ***i!!?*t!SSS£ office, that we and ow several and resneotiTe exec«»e!f%« ii*iflmsfc*a- towTand assigns, shall and wiU well and truly obse rve, y rowm, fulffl,andS5aU and angular the said foregomg and firtmre Wmes SQdReff^Iat«»8 of tiie said Society, which, on ottrswend and wjpeo. ^^^r»«Har oi^t to be obe^ved,p«^^^ » \ ■■' ^• \ v^ *''"',■'' . "v.' ^ ^r" V •■^ ^ t .V.'.eA-/, -Wll^' __w^#^ 3F*F° .'HI. '.V* WO' MX ' - Ram. 1 aHiM«c«M8MMr*M4^iM«ridd.. • S. lB«nMlwd(i«fltitotosll0w«d,aadwlM»8toekdudlUiMUi|d 8 4.1 BtCfrtW flf ShwdMlMMH MfldllMi MBMfSMi fhMMirt#l » • • • ^ & »ii|l^to»»ifcgM»«pt*ll*Hn>Wtop»yB*«*'"'V' ••» 0^ itol^aMwtebo«iM.4s,»lirpov«.... 7 ]j|k flluuwi tj Ik TmirfMiM .!<••> ...»•>.».<> T^ ^ flhfiNt auiy>*iiittUiM«i loUMtto yevfldinfbr tb* Sodety^ DsbK Aa.M.,..'f T f^MilUfliMmirato m4 X^mhTw iii«aMitf DeaOi «r IfiuaUy. «-»< > v "' V f 6(»dtftart>M>ii ,i\„..,. ...........•••;.•..•.• • to««ii(MldhUM,ortoiMfSME*»ia»da%A« v. •*•.• » IC P«mwtoIMi«atontob«ra««iMriv*no«ijfliid«porit,MdtoIoM« "" ■ • ■ is. Q^|||||||ggai|||jyi> Bii^fi' Vttiidi... •••>.....••<,•.••■..*■•*.''>'. ^*'^*> ****** ******'** '* & Modacf obtdidacaiiidTaBe*! aadflaofornotooiBvlatinctlieNoirfiir.. ....••..•• IS 2BL iyd!riai8«islMwm«d«Midoni*u*t«Mi.*".....«.......i ••••• U IR HMNiWaypilttwiiin to Vfi^ ■n4Wi«Iiwpiflt«r fu i » i ' iHayi^f^poiiiMh. ....;.......,..,......, ...•.......>>. ..••.••.••'•. **'""***" ** 'flit dNwNMtfDKMlMla.>.^..'.'..>.****.''**..**''*^*****''^^ "^ Hr aiipp^<^»w :> i »» ti it HMi»w ■ ! > « § * ........■.■>.♦''<'. .'*'*'>«*^^ .. SL IjMUrf VliaR Jton t » i l ifmM g M Nl lWi 'V' •* -^^ *>* : •• JJ tti' ■P'iy'W'iJf IWt'iiitttwi flw^yJNjWflUfi^^'''^ ■;MTiij|fi*»k-.....i. ..'.... ..'«»..■■ 18, ■tH>i.;fft»iiiiiil'iiiili^iii»tia>itilw,Jrt>t.....».-'.>^.' fjKlj' '' >(|g||||||n^''lkitardittlM| As. ««••'.•'..:>.. ..^.. ........ 'k.. •«.•*••• '^. .■•.'*• *i*^'.> "....*•• B' '"M.;- '"t4[^4l0N%i'ftliit 4■li■tt,JpB>••«.4..'..••^^.t*'^'•.i*^****'*'*'***'"^*^''''^°''*'"*'"**'''*'^^^**'* '^' ,07, Ajpi^pdi^fwi^ ifcitf dlrtl•■.,i^o..♦..»•.•"••i..'••f*••*•»•*•'*^••'■•r ••*'i"'*""'***'' ^' "* AcMBlp»|l|ifir ds^iwt AO".j>......«*.v....*....M«*...*f,.**^t^**f<''*v*"*'***^*'*****'*'* **' "^ ' <.......i. .r............ .....H.f. ..... .'.»....i.?.. ....... JB' , i',4 ..it, • « . •« V» «.'• • i . » . « • •• d «.»».».«»..'.•%••«...•.••<' IB ' ■f v*1r\'J -*' it-f <:""'*;>-■■■■'. ;-■-■■'■ .' . . : (' ty.i'\ i'^ •*■■.-■' vu: <•'>' f , ^f ' 'J'■ '■'^. ■£.■ '■^»i l' jj ^>.vV:?j:| f ::^,^^ •-^^^•:ii^^i.^'- m ^mm^mr- ^.,:»v^-^ f ^■'''' ..Vl ; ^ I' •^' v- ■■;,*, ^ sr* *jg??i4' •'■^'^ ■'■' ^^A^r^^Jr ^T^■ •.•!^'*l-, •\- fei kS-H :^;'\t'^*^^ -^J^lg «\ 4 ■''■■ "",, .■ ■( _, ■ ■ ■ - .•■ .■ ■ '"''IB ^^H '.':''.v';'J^^| ^V ; / "^■•'IB ^^^^1 "^ '. 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