CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograplis) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inathuta for Hiatorieal Mleroraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian and/or Wuitratiom/ Pt a naha i at/ow Utotrationt an coulaMr Bound «*Hh otiiar malwial/ avaed'amrax □ TifRi Wndinf may alont imariof w a r gi n / La laNura Nn4a pant c Or OWIOrllOn I'ombraoodala D a tfuHfis ffwtoratioii hmv i wHMndwiaiit Whanavari baan omniad frani filnini/ II ta pant qua aanainas paiai Manahaa Ion d'una mtauration aMaraimnt dana la laxie, wail, lo w q ua ea«a Hait paw i hla. ea» pagat n'ont pai aMfiiniiai. Additional eemmanti:/ CoHMMniairat luppMniantairat: L'Imtitut a wieiofilnil la maiNaur aww^lalTa qull MaMpoMiMadawpraaurar. Ut dttaiit da oat rapraduHa. ou qui pauvant axipr una NMdHiaatioii damlamMioda norniala da fihMia «m indiquia 1 IPkfatdaaoHiaur 1 IPlHatfoMofadandAorlaminaiad/ i_J Npa raitawiaa oi/ou paMauMaa 1/1 ^P* dhcolouiad. rtainad or foaad/ — ThflMdaiaaliad/ 1 i>ina»dilaaMa« {jLiTramparanoa 1 1 Quaiit*in«9aladel'inipranion 1 Indudai indaxtes)/ ritia on haadar takan from: / U titfa da I'an-tHa proviant: ITitiapatiofitMia/ 1 Paiadatitradalalivraiaon 1 Caption of itiua/ 1 TItradadipartdalalivraison D Oiniriqua (pModiquat) da la liwaiMn TMt itam it fitaMd at tha radttcdon ratio Ct doeumant ast fiimi au taux da rtdiictioii ^OX UX Q ItX UX ZI 22X ^^x aox n 2tX 30X 24X rrrm 2tX 32X Th« copy filmad h«r« has bMn raproduccd thanks to th« g«n«ro«ity of: National Ubrary of Canada L'axomplaira film* fut raprodult grico A la O^nArosM do: BIMIotMquo nationalo du Canada Tha imagao appoaring hara ara tf^ bast qualtty posslblo eonsMaring tha condition and iagiblHty of tha original copy and In Icaaping with tha filming contract spadficationa. 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Los diogremmes suhrants illustrsnt le m«thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 t^Kaocory mmiution tbt chait (ANSI and ISO TEST GHAUT No. 2) US 111 u |4jO 1.25 |U 23 22 2.0 1.8 1.6 1653 East Main StrMt Roch«t«r. Nm York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - PhooT^ (716) 288-S989-F<» I^i ^^ THE RITUAL sk Hoi V ■ CHART OF FOREST. \ I Batcred ueocdiac to Act of the PwliaoMat of Canada ia the tmt "•'•t*^ 2! ^"^ omer of the Woodaiea ^ WoSJ^ X^oadoB, Caaada, -t the Departaiwit of AgrfcataJe. The Ritual. OPENING. [ThcC. CghrtsiR.1 C. C.—Officers take your stations. E., you have my authority to receive the grip and exact its words and the annual words from every person present. E. — C. C, I will search the F. and permit none to remain except he be a qualified S. sssa f« iSTbT^' ' «cog»iti«i cm •»! th. E. C. C, I have obeyed your commands find aU present quaUfied tQ ^% with us, (St^ port anjf not qualified') It, orbc and .u ^' ?;"^^***' * ■«'>-S». . ariw and give to me the working rign of Wt. Give »e the .^iti^ ^L, \'°»^- Give me the warning .ign of ilence. It. answer. The .ign of «fety Tad- vance and .peak. lu an.wer. Give me the ^utation «gn lu an«ver. Give me the rig^ of d,«re«. It. an.wer. Repeat the di«rS wc^s Now face each other by^two. .«1 ^ phfy the coin te.t and word.. ExempKfy the nip S^noT^ AJLface, and together'gi^ the a A. L -C. c., the Ss. wiU silentiy and rev- erenUy bow thdr head, and in «lf^mmonion vow to throw a« solemiiity and "nporunoe of the duty of the hour. There should be no foes lurking in the F. of Wt. but here •honld be found the weU instructed W.. ready and wiUing .t ril times to demonstrate to the-^ worid tbe excellenaes of our chosen fraternity. l..». ^f .°"° '"° ** * *""• S- «•"" ••• «"> school h.s obligated feUows. tet us .U determine so to act that peace, harmony and plenty may be as- s««d. I( we should be tempted to speak Ul of our feUow Ss or of their families, let n^member that silence is golden ; and in onr actions this n^ht may we make dear the paths leading out ^« F. that we may be able to part Jth a «mle a word of cheer and good will from each one,toaU. We wiU sing our opening ode. (Openlas Ode Ho. i n., u hm tatroduMd.] „«rJ.^' ^i^'/ ^"°^ *•■'* ''"*«■- ""Mem of punty, of hfe, of power, of progress. I pour this pure water back to earth in memory of our deceased Wi Z f "' *''"' sympathy and benevolence freely bestowed, while we cover their shortcomings with the mantle of sweet charity. E., make j?roclamation that this G. is opened in form for business. K. - By request of the C. C. I make prodam- ation that this C. is now opened in form for business. W., give the signal to the S. S.—(6ive8 jp, Hi.) W.— The signal has been given. C. C.-Y^»t»» 1 R.) . ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Roll Call of Officers. 2. Reading of Minutes. 3. Bills and Commnnications. New Applications. Report on Applications. Balloting on AppUcations. Initiation. Reports of Standing and Special Committees. 9. General Business. 10. Elections and Installations. 11. Social Entertainments. 12. Clerk's Report of Collections. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8 CLOSING. C. C— (Gives 1 B.}—U., announce to the Ss. that I am about to close the C. U.—fBisesJ—Ss., take notice that the C. C. is about to close the C. (Remains standing.) C. C.—Ss., I am about to close the C. Are all satisfied, and is there anything left undone that cannot reasonably be deferred until our next con- vention? (If nothing is suggested.) C. C.-(Gives 8 HsJ—Ss., sing the closing ode. * C. C— (Advances to the stump ; and standing between stump and station.)— I now proclaim this convention of the C. duly closed ; but before we go let each S. grasp the helve of this axe and vow to keep silent when asked by other than Ss. to tell them of the transactions of this C. (All arise and form single line commencing tU right hand qfC.C. and move to axe, grasp handle and each S. shall say :) " I do so promise and vow," (and exit at pleasure). PROTECTION DEGREE. (This degree is the business degree of the Frater- nitff. Ofdy C. Cs., P. C. Cs., Head Camp Officers and duty authorized Deputy Consuls are authorized to exemplify it. Members receiving same are entitled to participate in all meetings of the C. for the transaction of business, and entitled to all benefits and to a monu- ment, if insured. Any number of applicants may re- ceive the Protection Degree at the same time, it beitig optional with the C. C.) C. C. — W., report if any be in waiting pre- pared to receive the Pro. Deg. of this fraternity. [The E. will place in the centre of the F. a stumo. with a 5? I i i/„5^ .L-ii***?.** ^j?,***"*"* T"!'*'"' ?"<* " »«''«> Upon the A. I,. 8 sUnd a small silver dish containing oil. Upon the B 'sstand a glass of water. Upon the C. C.s stand a l^uman skull Each of the SSv may be furnished with a domino to be worn during the ceremony.] C. C. — E., prepare the F. for the reception of the stranger who may be in waiting to receive the privileges and mysteries of Wt. C. C— Clerk, re^'-e and collect the entrance fee from the can. in waiting. to C— The entrance fee is paid, C. C. tion, crc"' ''• " '° ''^'^ fo' his recep. and obl^f ihe ~rr'° "''^ »»«Jprei«« the F. aS asS t^' ffl^"" •'*°'""^ ^'^ '«» i- .V *" officers in instmctinir him « the mysteries of the Fraternity. ^^ in y •nter i^«ldbeL!2-tw" ""'^ '"""'"P" ■»°«ves, it renHiJTT^ f °" ^ <=" "ter yon are reqmred to make a solemn pledge that yon ^ keep inviolate the knowledge and mysteri«whS i ^ tt may be ODmiiinnJcated to yon. Pause and con- sider weU before deciding the matter and then inform me if you will proceed. Can. — I will proceed. E.— Then repeat after me this, your pirfge of honor : I, „po„ my honor as a man, do sol- "inly promise that I will never reveal, except it the W. of the W. . aaythiag that may be this night oommnni<^ted to me, by which the ontside world TL^"t "^ knowledge of the manner or methods of receiving, obligaHng. or instmcting cans m the mysteries and works of this Fra- tonlty. 1 promise obedience to the wifl of the offices of this C, and wiU not attach to them any bhune for the acts or expressions during the ceremony m which I am abont to engage." door..llow.l«htOM"?'jSdS.SptoSJlfe,K't.''i "OPCTI"* a™ of en., «op.Mnimiideiil"." J^SyJfj ''°"' '""''* "Po" <*m,t . ^:~^f ' This man is a stranger. By what nght does he claim to be admitted here ? E.-He has been regularly elected, and has taken an obligation not to reveal that which be communicated to him. may Cv t» W.-rheii let him proceed. and whutfi'^j^^-- ^'•- ''^'' '^-^er. theSs. ■* **■"»« for the C. of A. I,.-By what right has he entered the F » or expenence. ^ ®^' "®*r» and ^sUenT^'"" '*' "■" P"^*^ '^th caution. andpenet^t^ttSr^ir-"' '"'' ^• pass by the W of S-rd **"" ^'"^ '» a^a-r„^t-t^'"h:rrrdlhrs; ity Jtiem ^hT!."* "' '^'^ ®»- «»«»Wed. take as^m «d bmdmg obligation before he ^n b^ Wted to remain. ^A ;rf«« rtW< « «. C c!^ W«^i&*«2P*!^"» *•*• »«ft luind oS?'th. f ?i5"**?'.l5'"« the other «■ right npon tlie Cn.'. leftihouldS.l **"* *^°- ■««* E—C. C, I present this Can. for obligation. C. C— Place him in the pioper attitude T>.t Z rr r''^ '^ ^«''» hand the^hel,^ Se a^^ say aftL r *h th '^^ ^""^ ""^ "" "^'^"<1 W of rte w' ,„ .^ o^***"** °^ »''« S^ of the «Mii J sacred honor, and of my own free ^:s^f' *'' ' ""'^ °°' •-» -i^" ^ nor expelled from, any C. of this Order • that I 1^« andl^^'^"" *" '"^ •'-♦of n-y W cTn^iH?.- ;^''' *""" ^ '^^ f'-'tWullv obey the const.tnt.on. laws, regulations and requirements of th.s Fraternity ; that I ™U forever k^p S «4 V whom I know to be of w«ound h«Uth, or of b«J der the good n«ne of any S. of this OideT^ t^ofany member of h« f,„ri,y, .„d^a" iTnt^JS";" !!? ^'^ '" '^"«' '»»' which wLtoti^ I •,r^'^.°'*° t*^ 8«>d name or r^ttUtion, I wUI remain aUent and give them the benefit of every donbt, and will defend themw Z,^ ? «°.*™*"""'' "^ oonsi«enUy do T I vnU fa.thfnUyg««i the interests of this C and of theFrafernity. and wiU pay aU just and I^ demands which may be made upL me LTe payment of Us expenses and beneficiary obligations. I will i^rerence the memory of deceased S. and wJl render snch assistance and sympathy to thdr dependent ones as my drcnmstenc^ and o^ may justify, and I do hereby and h^n prod«m this to be my solemn obligation. whiT? sJiall keep inviolate." .W «/ o». «<*, o/^„mp.; Remove the hoodwink ttas C. This axe, an emblem of modem toU and progress, has replaced the ancient headsman's axe wl ch brought punishment upon the wrong-doer' Md W» h. btoodstaiM to remind ns tlut the pres- «rt gwerauon is more merciful ; and that the axe, wedge and the beetle, the implements of peace a^the do^ and oUve branch, the symbT^f pMce, more fnUy represent the sentiment of to-day. Mace your hands in this pure water to signify to >^t m tjUcing your obligation you Ce'l^ «Jwd with dean hands to enter upon your engage- ^U .nfurtherance of the benevolent and «S- lent objects professed by aU disciples of Wt. ten. dip. fc„a. ta tlK ««, ,.d drfc. tlKm <» tow.,.) C. C— Place in your mouth a grain of salt an emMem of hospitaHty. In Wt. Zt. ^o^l "^ L^T^l'^l T^' " given to a Can. as a «nce«andh«reception«,idial. It will be neces- ««y for yott to deposit with mea metal coin of^ denomination that you may have in your possei aon. as an emblem of your confidence, the S^ cance of which wiU be explained to you Tthe the A. L. for further instruction. E.— By direction of the C. C. I present t„ ^^^obligated S. for further instruXraild" X' t< A. h.'-fTakes in hand the v«smI of otf.>— I hold in my hand a token sanctified by solemn ceremonies of ancient times. Kneel upon your right knee, your body erect. Receive upon your forehead from the blade of this axe, the anointing oil. This I do to remind you of the sacred ties with which we bind you to this Fraternity. Should discord or trouble ever arise, pour oil, by your kindly words, upon the troubled waters, that the storms of )>assion may subside, and that peace, serenity, and harmony may prevail. Arise! I will give to you the words which yoii shall com- municate to the B. in a whisper, and which will commend you to his confidence and hospitality. E.— The Can, will communicate to you in a whisper, the words which he has received from the A. I^. If correct, he is commended to your hospitality. [B. hands Can. glass of water to drink,] B.— Refresh yourself with this pure water, celebrating thereby the cordial greeting with which you have been received within this F. Drinking in honor of a friend is an ancient custom, a custom wWch we ttlU follow ; but w$ pledge owr friends with pure water, an example of moderation which will be well for you to follow. There jnolnrking demon in a ghss of pure water, nor does its use bring sorrow or prematnre death. Xetmeadmon^ ish you to be temperate and moderate in all things, and remember that yon have been received within this F. with the token of pure water, which fitly symbolizes the teachings and objects of this Pr&- temity. The E. will now conduct you to the C. C. for final instructions. E.— I now present to you this Can. for final instruction. C. C.-^Maytaieinhuhandth0 9kuttandrteUe i^/oUtmnmgpoem; th%§ it opHonal,) I. Behold this skuu. ! How striking and how ttin ; Sid emblem of mortality ; No human skill IMscerns the thoughts that here did dwell :— A bliasfal Heaven, or terrific Hell, In startling imagery may here have found a pUce : Love may have found an idol in a woman's face : Or, bitter hatred may have reigaed supreme ; Or, ambition may have bmi iVf id|e dfe^in. V SE^ 'r«!*^'SS?Sijf"' >»»• kept • *"**««». let It be with ,00. When taking the obligation yon gave me thii coin, which I now return to yon. I received it from your handi aa a token of consideration. Every contract must be supported by, or import, a consideration to complete and make it a valid obligation. You have been admitted within this P. by certain ceremonies and obligations, and for the consideration supfdied by this coin you are now entitled to be instructed in the secret work, which I will now communicate to you. INSTRUCTIONS IN SECRET WORK. C. C— Dedring to enter a P. yon will advance to the outer gate and give an alarm which attmcto the attention of the 8. Yon will then give to him in a whiaoer yoni* name in full, the name and number of your Camp and the fint word of the Annual, which for current year ia Thew proving correct you will be admitted within the outer confines of the P. Clothe younelf in proper vegalU and advance to the inner gate and give two distinct raps ; these will be answered by the W. by two distinct raps. The W. will report to the A. I,., "An alarm at the gale." The A. h. will instruct the W. to inquire the cause of alarm. The W. will open the wickett and you will give to him your name, rank, name and number of your Camp. The wicket will then be closed and these facte will be reported to the A. L. who will direct that you be admitted to the inner confines of the P. if you aft in po88e8fi9i| gf the second word of the Aimnal. The wicket wiU again be closed And you will give this word to the W. in a whisper. On entering the F. you will advance to the S., face the A I,., and salute him with the working sign of Woodcraft ; on recognizing you he will salute you with the same sign, after which you will be permitted to take your seat in the P. Should you desire to cross or recross the F. while the Sov- ereigns are in session, you will advance to the S , face the A. L salute him with the working sign and pass on. Should you desire to retire from the F. while it is in Session you will advan^ to the S., face the A. I,., aahite him with the working sign and pass out Caie should always be taken in crossing the Forest never to pass between the S and the Station of the C. C. Should you desire to speak, move or second a motion, you wiU rise in your place in the F., address the C. C. salute him the working sign, wait until you are recpg. nized, when you will have permission to speidc. When a vote is to be taken by baUot the C. C. wiU state to the Ss., "That a vote is to be taken on the appUcation ^^^ for membership into this C." White balls elect, black balls reject. The C. C. will instruct the E. to prepare the ballot box and present it first to the A L. and then to the C. C. for inspection. The C. C. then deposits his baUot and the E. places the box on the S., and casting his baUot retires to his rtatitm. The Ss. then vote one at a time beginning on the right of the C. C. When aU have voted who desire, the C. C. dedawi tlw iHOlQt Ql^necl. Then the B. presents the \n lK«,^totlieA.L.«idtheiitotlieC. C. for eutnina. r;\lf^!:*"** "*• ^' ^' ^" ~y' "A- I", how did you find the ballot ?•» The A. I,, will answer " favoiable " or unfavorable " as the case maybe. TheC. C. wiU then declare to the C. thesUteof the ballot. (In no case wiU the A. L. or the C. C. announce the number of black balls cast.) ^ ^^ \Wth his beetie the C. C. governs the Cam^ one R. ^la the Camp to order, two Rs. caU up the Officers, thiee Rs. call up the entire Camp, and one R. seats all. 8IQN8. W0R08. Aa I. The Working Sign is given thus a. Recognition Sign is given thus 3. Warning Sign of SUence is given thus 4. Sign of Safety to Advance und Speak is given thus 5- SaluUtion Sign is given thus 6. The Distress Sign is given thui . . . . 7. The Distress World should be giv«i 8. The Grip is given thus 9. Coin Test is exemplified 10. Camp Honors— Sub. Camp Honors (3 times). Head Camp Honors (6 " ). Sov. Camp Honors (9 •• ). Be mindful that you do not improperly use these signs and grip. Remember your vow never to reveal them. -You afe fuUy obHgated and in- structed in the Protection Degree of the W. of the *1 Ml 6ftlie W. Our emblems, the dove and the olive branch, symbolize peace. Our working toob ate the axe, beetle and wedge, characteristic impk ments and synbcia of Wt. The log is also an emblem of Wt. It is a relic of a mighty forest, felled by the hands of sturdy men, that it might serve ten thousand useful purposes and be convert- ed, by our j^ill, into places of shelter and of com- fort for our fellow-men. It also symbolizes a fallen S., who is borne to his last resting-place by loving hands who do not forget his dependent ones. We hope, dear S. , for by that term you are entitled to be hailed, that the initiation that you have thi» night received, and the obligations which you have taken to be a faithful observer of our laws, will be impressed upon your heart. And now, by authority of my office, I declare you regularly introduced into this C. as a S. of this Fraternity, and entitled to all its privileges. The E. will conduct you to the stump that you may receive the congratulations of the Ss. present (the C. C. thall give the Can, a formal inirodttetion to the C.) The C. will have a recess to congratulate the newly-introduced S. (GiveeS Rs.) INSTALLATION. ^ iI>poInt ro oflteer can be inatalled unlew he i« In !w .- ^Vj^orm^tdutv: l/either ic nkpn^wirt £e8c elert an inatallincirilteer. Nr -*" ^- . »•. sr .* *»? ««• C. C. — Ss. in the F., do any of yon know any reason why the officers-elect should not be installed ? ♦«JJLS*JL*?*^**S?" i»*««» the n«*tter muit be inveitinited and de- termined before the officer qneaCtoned can be in*tall^^ * C. C. — No objections being offered, the Clerk will call the roll of officers-elect, who will advance to the stump, as their names are called, and, when all are assembled, shall retire to the ante-room. C. C— Clerk, are all the officers-elect in good standing upon the books of the C.; are they all free from charges, and have the required bonds been filed and approved ? Ci,BRK.— I find that all the offipers-elect are in good standing, free from charges, and their bonds have been approved. s • 44 C» C.-*l wiU appdnt S. — to act ad S. S. J lie will now retire to the ante-rocmi, aii4 oonduct the officers-elect three times arotnid the I^., and then station them in a circle about the stump, the right hand of each to be placed upon the left shoulder of the next officer, thus forming a circle of protection. S. E. — I will obey your commands. re C ■tatknui liiinaelf at ■tttmp h^dinc beetle in hia right tend. 8. S. Cliall plMe in the tends of the o&er»«leet tte ToUowinK emMena :— In tte tenda ot the C. C. a human sknll ; tte A. !«. a vcaael e sacred ^u the eyes of all men. We do not now exact from you any further vows or pledges, but simply remind you of those which you have already taken. The importance ot your preferment by your C. is greater than the thoughtless might sup- pose. You are to be empowered to carry out the wishes of the Ss. of this C, and to enforce its laws and the laws of the Fraternity When death comes within our ranks, when the loving heart ceases to pulsate, when the strong arm falls help- less by the side, and when the willing mind loses its activity, and nothing remains but the tenement that must be placed away from human sight, then it is that the confidence of a S. in your integrity and sincerity is supreme, for he will go hence confident that his loved ones will receive S3rmpathy and protection at your hands, and that under your direction his last resting place will be marked by the honorable emblems of his chosen craft. The X reputation, credit and standing of this C. will be in your keeping ; harmony within the P. will be a certainty if you act with judgment, moderation and charity. Let oil be poured upon troubled waters, but do not flinch from asserting and en- forcing every action which the Ss. in their judgment decide to be for the best interests of the C. And, now, do you each accept the office to which you have been elected, and wiU you faithfully perform its duties to 'the best of your ability ? A1.1..-.I will. C C— -Then each kneel upon his right knee. beetE?nd2y to'JaHTn? -l*^ **' ^^^^ '"****" ^^*^^^r with In Mind and Heart. In mind and heart you should serve your Camp ; ever on the alert to remember every duty, to be sympathetic to those who need gentle words and advice. Arise, officers of the C, and listen to my words of instruction. (Give* lit.) Sen., I place upon your breast this jewel of your office ; let me admonish you to guard well the portals of this C, that eavedroppers and ■' meddlers may get no knowledge of the P. Take this sword of defence, and proceed to your station. W., I place upon your breast this jewel of your office ; do your duty, be exacting in requiring the word, and admit no S. except he be in good standing. Place in your mouth this grain of^salt and go forward to your station. £. , I place upon your breast this jewel of your office ; your duties are such that you can, by care- ful attention, assist the officers in doing good and faithful work in guiding and introducing strangers into our P.; you should convey communications promptly, care for the badges and regalias, and be ever in readiness to do all in your power to make the meetings pleasant to aU who attend. Dip your hands in this pure water and assume your station. Clerk, I place upon your breast this jewel of your office. Into your hands we deliver the books, documents and seal of this C. Your position is one of great responsibility. One careless act of yours might cause a S. to lapse his mem- bership unwillingly, and, perchance, , deprive his dependent ones of their inheritance. Be exact in your transactions, and see that remittances to ■^\. s the H. C. ai^ made promptly, and thna ao com- mend yourself to the Ss. as to deserve their com^ mendation. Take this seal and assume your stotion. ' B. , I place upon your breast this jewel of your office. Guard weU the treasury of this C- be exact, prompt and dignified. The C. gives you ito confidence, and you should endeavor lo merit it. The wedge, the symbol of your office, is yours • use it as a bue W. should. Take this glass of water and assume your station* Mgrs., I i^ce upon the breast of c;8ch of you the jewel of your office. You are the auditors of our treasury ; theonly standing amimittee of the Ci You are expected to act with conservative interest in advising this C. and in guarding its property and investments. Do your duty fearlessly and weU. Take your seats at the left of the C. C. Phy., I place upon your breast the jewel of your office. Your preferment is an honor of no small consequence, and much depends upon your courage and fidcHty to the trust. Do not permit friendship to influence you, but hesitate not to expose weakness and defect wherever you find ' them ; act firmly and decisively, and this C. will stand by yon. Your presence at all meetings of the C. is desirable. Take your seat by the side of the A. L. A. L., I place upon your breast the jewel of your office ; the decorum, entrances and exit^^ the F. are in your charge. The efficient perform- ance of the duties of your stotion will add much to the i^easure and comfort of the Ss., thus making our meetings pleasant and attractive, a result gieatly to be desired. Take this vessel of oil and also this axe, and thus equipped advance to your station and do your duty. C. C, I place upon your breast this jewel of your office. Highest in authority, you are the last to be clothed with its emblem. Your associate officers have now taken their stations, and it re- mains for you to assume command, and maintain a general supervision over the affairs of this C. I,et me admonish you to use your authority with judg- ment and hesitate not to act when duty calls ; see that every officer does his duty ; firmly remind Ss. who may be disposed to be wayward or careless, that they tread upon dangerous ground. I deliver to you this emblem of mortality ; place it upon the ^v log of your sutkm. I deliver to you this beetle; proceed to the head of the F. and call the Ss. to thetr feet. (C, C. givm 8 JU.J INSTAUJNO Oppicbr.— Ss. give to your offi- cers the C. honors. I now declare the officers of this C. duly and regularly instaUed into their respective sUtions and I commend them to the confidence and courtesy of the C. I^t silence be their watchword when tempted to hasty words and may good will and exact justice be their guiding stars. The officers now clothed with full authority will attend to their respective duties. (Givn 1 R,) 3« INSTITUTING. *rf JF^HaS^ J?/^»*** ■'S?' "»• ^^ *?«*'«• ''^"i*. ▼w**! of nit. oroII.caporwateraadliiunaaife«ll.] «•■-•*. Instituting Ofpickk.— One more C. is now added to the galaxy of Cs. of the C. O. of the W. of the W. C. C, I deUver to you the Pro. Deg. of this Fraternity. I have directed that the Charter shall be forwarded to you speedily. The C. will be enrolled upon the books of the H. C, and the name of every S. will be registered upon the H. records. Your C. will now be in a position to shower benefits upon its Ss. and their loved ones. ]Ut its doors be forever closed to the un- worthy, but may they swing wide open to admit the worthy to participate with you in the benefits of our excellent Fraternity. Let your banners wave high above the storms of opposition, and let its staff be well grounded in confidence and hope. Let every S. be aUeat rather than apeak ttnjtiitly of sister Pratemltiet, but let your voices ring in praise of Wt. And now by the authority vested in me as the represenUtive of the H. C. of the C* O. of the W. of the W., I now prodaim this C. legally instituted and declare its Charter closed. It shall be independent in the ezerdae of all. the functions of a C, subject only to the Constitution and Laws of the Order, and the authority of the H. C. and its officers. (SeatUn mU ov$r thtthmp.) By the token of this salt ; (Ddivtn human thM lo C. C.) by the token of this relic of the grave ; (IHpB tk» btet't, am tmd wtdge in oil.) by the conse- cration with oil of these tools, (Ddivmn betiU to the C. C; axe to the A, L.\ wedge to M« S,J and by this libation of pure water (Drinke waUr) I dedare this C. now instituted and in the hands of its officera and Ss. (Oivee 2 B,) UNVEILING. «■» to complttcd sad placed at the «»•• .^ . .1^ PREPARATION, ncnt shoald ha cna£wjLjt-in. _ _ ^ "I*..©! the C The mooti- AT THE FOREST. beta,^ to be pjSSitStte J5:B':?d^^ ^^ce».Urr?!?*S&!i^J!f?^^^ THE PROCESSION Shall be formed aa follows : Bandofmosic. To pUy dirges or eacred mwlc. The Mas. of Car., to wear a black baldric sasb. 8a., with badges or tsaettea. B.with the llagorbaanerof thee. dimpedwitbwWto and black. Quartette. The Reader and the Orator.^wa5raa^h^cgsfSs^:^^ —' I. s. 3. 4. 5- 6. 7. t silver water 34 -\- 8. C. C, havinc in hU lianda the beetle and lUver Teaiel contain, ins salt, walking between the W. and 8., each bearing a branch of palm or evergreen. 9. H. C. Officers. la Relatives on foot or in carriages. AT THE CEMETERY. [The Cap. will form the Ss. abont the monument (securely veiled) the head of the relatives admit- and grave, fonninga wedge with the point beyond i .*?'*k^9°te "** opcew. quartette, reader, orator and ted within the wedge ] [In no event shall the Ss. remove their hats.] I THE CEREMONY. 1. Band — Selections of sacred music. 2. Quartette - Sing appropriate selection. 3. C. C. — Esteemed Ss. and i^riends : It has been the custom for centuries to commemorate great events, and perpetuate prrand achievements by the erection of imposing and enduring monu- ments. We are assembled to-day to dedicate a monument, reared by willing hands and loving hearts, to honor the name and memory of a S. of the W. of the W. It is the fulfilment of an obli- gation, which all W. have taken, to protect the good name of a S. while living, and mark well his grave when dead. Standing upon this hallowed spot we are gjKl w4 sprrpwful; think of our 35 departed S. with tend'.rness, and while his good- ness we would magnify, bis short: (jomings we have buried in the dark recesses of fozgetfulness. We are here to honor his memory and give expression to our respect for those whom he loved best. We are the humble servants to exec^ his wishes, as a W., and unto him, and not unto us should be the praise for his wise forethought in conferring upon us the privilege of comforting the bereaved ones for whom he has provided. This cold stone which marks his last resting place stands like a faithful sentinel to guard his dust, and to indicate to the world his devotion to those he loved and to his chosen craft. It tells its story, though mute and motionless. The passer-by wiU pause and read the name of a good man and a true S. This will be an inspiration to the thoughtful to emulate his life, that the passer-by may become worthy of such a tribute. 4- [W. and Sen. shall place branchea upon the grave.] 5- [Qwrtette shaU sing the foUowinf PMneral 4n(l)^ x^ (Bold aonorous music.) I. ^ KrlJfift?* ^**^ "***? Sovereign sleeps. His life was rounded true and wefi • A"AlTi° ^2^' '^^^ weeps, ' About the dark and sUent c5i. II. No pain, no anxious, sleepless fear ni^n!^**'* ^?"~ \ °° °°rtal woes, To trouble his serene repose. I m. ^Th°o^*¥"^j:*° ^'^ *^« stone, B«;^ Pnendship's tears will often well : Th^« *"** Sovereign's heart, upon ' liiat name, is stamped more deeply yet. IV. So let him sleep that dreamless sleep, Be«fm?«'2°T clustering 'round his Cead ; Be comforted ye loved, who weep ! He lives with God ; he is not diad 6. Reader recite the foUowing poem: I. Liki n^fff?^ « ""* *P*^* °' "portal be proud ? Man M^^ft^^^*' *v^"**^ ?' ^^« ^^<^» wan paa^etl^ frqui ill^ ^ Iji, ,^ 1^ y^^ ^^ 37 n. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade. Be scattered around and ttMgether be laid ; And the young an] the ol