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Canafen Institntj. /i^^/s/'w^^A^^wv^^^f'V^r^'^A^AA^^^A^ i' TORONTO: PEINTBD By LOVELL AND QIBSOIT, YONGB STBBBT. 1858. ttmmtatimt " I in*WMB«iximii_j !ea 7 673 tmjum NOV 1 9 19711 mmm. ,j| i;ni.,. MMH vrrxi-^fmcas^.^Tsrirs^^s^^l-n i"^-'--'- ■ -' iteisaBiMBW CATALOGUE OV TBB CANADIAN INSTITUTE LIBRARY. OYOLOPJGDIAB, DICTIONARIES. Ac COMPT. B D I) C D E B O B B B BHKLF. Cyolouaedia of BioRraphy, Appleton't., " British.. National., Dictionary of Arts and MsnuftMsturea, Ure'i Biomphical " of OlaMical Quotations " Oommeroial, MoOuUoch'i " of Dates, Hadyn's " Gardeners', Don's " Johnson's " of Law, Jacobs' " of Mechanics, Appleton's " Mythological. Smith's " of PaintTnK, Spooner's " Topograpmoal of Weights and Measoires.. Diotionnaire Universelle Enoyclopndia of Agriculture, Loudon's of Architecture " '• Gwilt's " Britannica of OivU Engineering, Owilt's Orety's.. " of Gardening. Loudon's " of Trees, Loudon's Gazetteer, Harper's ' Imperial " Johnston's General Lexicon, Latin-English., vou. 1 5 6 n I 1 1 4 2 1 1 S 1 6 1 6 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J0UBNAL8, PBBIODIOALS. MAGAZINES, Ac. A 1 B a t( 2 r Catalogue of the Canadian Institute Library. COMPT, SDFLT. B n 11 2 7 B e W»tt, James, Mechanical inventions of. ; WoaleonBridKes I WelKhtsand Measures I Wood's Perspective ▼0I>8. 3 3 1 1 ZOOLOGY, GEOLOGY, BOTANY, AGRICULTURE, &C. 6 » 7 D 4 « 9 C 6 II 1* 6 l« E 't •« 6 II 6 «l 4 41 G B 6 C 6 II 6 II II 6 II 5 * « II 1 1< 6 II 6 *t 6 B r. C 6 II 3 II 5 G 9 M C 6 II 6 «l « II 6 l« 5 II n II 6 II 7 II 6 D 4 C II S B 3 II 3 C 7 B 7 C S B 6 A S B 3 C 5 B 3 6 II 6 Agassiz' and Gould's Zoology Auriculture, Loudon's Encyclopaidia of " of Southern Counties, Marshall's Allen's Victoria Regia Angler, Walton's Compk'ti' ., Anfmal Kingdom, Cuvier's R. Jones' Arboretum et Fruticctum Britannicum, Loudon's., Aurclian, Harris' Bcchstoin'i Cage Birds Bees, Huberon B('i?in's Therai)Dutics Birds, British, Mudie's " " Ha.vcs' History of Bischolf s Cliemieal Geology T^lodget's Climatology of the United States , BotMiical Text Book, Gray's Botan> of Nortlicrn United States, Gray's . Bournons Collection Min6ralogique British Museum, Mantell's Fossils of Brogniart's Minuralogie Buchanan's Culture of the Grapo Cage Birds, Bochstein's Carpenter's Comparative Pliysiology " Elements of Physiology " Human Ph.vsiology " Revelations of the Microscope Catalogue of Insects of Massachusetts " Owen's, of Osteological Series in Museum of R.C.S.L. Cattle, Youatt on Chalmers, on Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God Cosmos, Humboldt's Crauia Americana, Morton's " Egyptiaca " Human, Catalogue of Crystallography, Griffln's Cuvier's Animal Kingdom Dana's Human Physiology Dana's System of Alineralogy Dawson's Acadian Geology De la Beche's Geological Observer Don's Gardener's Dictionary Entomology, Kirby and Spence's . Flemish Husbandry, Outlines of .;. Flora, Torroy's North American Foot-prints of the Creator, Miller's Foster and Whitney, Geology of Lake Superior . " ■' on the Iron District Gardener's Dictionary, Dop's Gardening, Loudon's Encyclopusdia of Geology, Acadian, Dawson " of Arran, by Ramsay " Chemical, by Bischolf " of Isle of Weight, by Mantell " of Lake Superior, by Foster and Whitney , " Lyell's Lyell's Manual of Geological Observer, De la Beche's " Science, Manual of. ly Zoology, Geology, Botany, Agriculture, ^c. ■%l 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 I 3 1 1 1 COMPI. 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Religious Truth Illustrated by Science, Mitchell's Science and the Bible, Dana's " Religion, Hitchcock's Hopkins* Stdckhardt's Elementary < hemistry Taylor's Scientific Memoirs. (See Journals.) United States' Astronomical Expedition Ventilation and Heat Whewell's Astronomy and General Physics 1 2 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 D 4 4 6 6 6 5 6 S 5 6 6 TRAVELS, GEOGRAPHY, &c. Addison's Damascus and Palmyra Afghanistan, Atkinson's Africa and Arabia, Boteler's Voyages In " Barth's Central " Isaac's Travels in " Owen's Journeyin Algiers, Travels In, by Puckler Muskau Amazon, Gibbon's Valley of the •' Exploration of the America, by W. Chambers North, Warden's 1 2 3 2 :a 3 1 1 1 3 ^SBBm I 12 Catalogue of the Canadian Institute Library. COMPT. 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Ennemoscr's History of Magic Froissart's Chronicles Gervinus' Introduction to History of 19th Century., Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire " Rome Goldsmith's History of England Grant's History of the Mauritius , Guizot's History of Civilization English Revolution Hall's (Mrs.) Lives of the Qi Df Quincy'd Ch'swh '■ HioKrnpliicnl KHHay* " l.itcrnry Hi'uiIiiIkcimkm'n " MiKCcllannonit lOanHyit " ()|iium Katornnil Siiitpiriri,, Do Vcre'ii Comimmtlvf I'lillolnny Dick's Improvi'iucnt or Hoi'lt.'ty Dictionary, Biovcranlilciil " of C'lftsHtcal Qiiotallonn '- of Dattis Dies Bort'ftlos, WlUon's Dixon on Hiirnanii.'s Douglas' AdvanconKMit of Soi'luly •' Summary of AiniMMca Dramatic Poi'tH, Knitlisli Dumont'.s liucollcctious of .MIraucau,.,',, Earnest Man, Tin-, Lifi.' of Dr. JiiiUon Edinlmr^lii ^(ciiiorials of " Traailion.s of Ellis' Polynesian HcMiiurcln'H English Lan;(U!U( Locturesi on Haiiitlnif, by Uoyiil .Vcadouilclansi . 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