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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m4thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ll iiH' ' fI H =— # 3 . LABORATORY OF TIlK INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA. CANADA BULLETIN No. 273 ^ELA.Ti:Nr Tr u: f^ LABORATORY OF THB INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTFAWA, CANADA HULLTr.TIlSr No. -^73 GELATIN Ottawa, Fol.ruary 6, 1914. M Wm. HiMswoBTii, Esq., Deputy Minister, Inluiitl Revenue. Sir,- — I have the honour to hand you a report on Itil samples purchased as gela- tin, by our inspectors, during June and July of last year. 'J'his is the first systematic examination of gvlatiu which wc have made. Cielatin as an article of food differs from ordinary glue only in the care employed in its ir.nuiifncture. Botli are the product of treating the so-ealled eoUagens of bonei* tendons, eartiiagc, &o., with boiling water. It goes witLjut saying that in the manufacture of gelatin only carefully selected materials should be employetl; no portion of the anlnial which is filthy or diseased or otherwise '^ ^I'^ti g should be used. The r :-.: 'igation deals only with gelatin sold as such. It is to be remembered . .i enters largely into the variaus jelly powders, crystals and blocks sold ^ ..; fur making domestic jelly; also into tinned and potted jellied meats, and as « ^ tfe.ier in ice cream. By the Ui 3 of known methods of refining, bleaching, &c., it is possible to make a very attractive article of gelatin from the most objectionable raw material. Nor does it follow that analytical processes applied to the finished article must certainly discover the nature of the original substances used. For this reason the in.spection of all gelatin factories should be insisted upon ; and the Meat Inspection Act admin- i«teretl by the Departn;ent of Agriculture covers tlii.s point. (Gelatin has a certain food value, although by no means equal to that of the true proteins. Hutchinson says (Food and Dietetics, p. 76), •' .\ quart of jelly (contain- ing about 2 per cent of gelatin) would only be able to spare the proteid of 2i ounces of meat." Glue is legitimately .made from every kind of waste animal matter containing coUagens ; but although the processes involved in manufacture prevent the likelihood of any living germs remaining in the product, it violates every sense of refinement to imagine such material being used as the source of edible gelatin ; for this' reason it is desirable to distinguish between glue and gelatin. That commercial gelatin .5.'J643-1J ill may b<' iin .ilijtvtii>i.:''iili' fdml Mili^iiuni. \u\* Ihm-ii pri'M'ii in.tiiv tiin>-. I ii iv i-iti- the following from the i-xiHsrii'iici: '■! tlu' fcd-ral lalioriitorii''* of the I'liiti'd Stutct: — Notioc of JiulKiiifiit — No. 1127.- Filtliy. piilrid imitiTiul-- 'Ul' imckuKf- iIi-'immI. No. 1128.— Filthy, piitii.l ti'iliri: I Tn iinrknu:.-. X(i. l;}*!.";.— Filtli.v. |piitrii| i.'iifiii:ii ."i Imrri'l- il. -tn.v,..!. No. 2062.— Gliip. will ii« ^'
  • *■ fi'lli'UJ ( Kitif. I -'.ts ) ; — <;El.ATiy. The tiir-(lrii«i iiriNliut .it tlu- iiitinii ,,i JHiiiin): wmIi r nii >ii<')i iinliniil tisHues *^ skill, ti'ndons, liffaii cut-, niiil l"iiif^. Cliarart'is nml Tisls. In triin-liircnt iiiiil ainio-t lolourlis^ ^l.ects or shreds. A solution in .'hi parV '"f hot walir i- inodorous, .ind «i'liili!ip- to a jflly on eool- inpr. Gelatin i.s insoliiblo in alcohol (90 pe; cent) and ether. It dissolves in nci'tic ni'id. Its imiih-.u-. -i.liitic n yields a iirtH'ipiwti' witli ti..ii of tannic acid, but not with solution ot otIiiT ai-ids, nor \v 'h -ohilimi nt a'.uni. solution of loae rejected as unfit for food. 2. If in aqueous solution, it yields an appreciable pn-eipitati', with the re- agents named by the H.P. it is to l.e regarded as of inferior quality as containing exeess of ehoiulriu, re-ultiuL' from tlu> decompo*ition of hyaline cartilage. U. Its ash should coutaiii no hi-avy metals, such as copper, whii'h is some- times present to the extent of 1 •^r.\'u\ i«>r lb., and not more than 10 parts of iron per lOl.OOO. 4. It should not i- .ntaiu more than 5 parts of SO. per 11HI nurts per milliini. It i« certain thnt this ln*t fijrurtf in exi-wnivo. The matter of stand ardizing gelatin an iistiiiKiii^liiil from glue will be kept in view; and the iiiialyfif Mitiiufar Inn r or Kuriii»htT a-« given liy 111'" VniMliit. Nutiirt- of Saiiipli'. ! \.\Ui" Hill A'ltirt— I 1*1 Wn'lot. M»iiilf»itiirK NOVA SCUTIA I;, a ■, m liil:' Jul) 7Im'I;i>iii . |)i .. i: - i: ,. -.'3 .. ■-•» 2* M Auit 7 (ifl itiii June *20l!l."i l: K. Hiiiri'. A AiiiH, :i n \V.,lf^ill,. N.S. ,^^llli Muri.liv .V |1. iiicnt. 3 . Wlnl-or, N.S, ,">in7-li'liii l.vii.-liAS.m, Wiihl :i »,.r, S.S. .■>4U!« W. II. StivHii". |l«rt r, ,./» iMMiih, N.S ,'lll!Mi,,«.- Iln...,, Tnii.., N S. I) .. ;)ii I'. II Ktiiix Co., I'ykwHro-. .Hall Montreal. fax. 31) .1, Aii,l'.'ii,. Kilin Mfr» hurifli. S<-utlatlil. ^.'ft Mil.iirin ". Toron- •• • to, :«i Ki«>i>tr t t'o. till I iiknown iii)in> , fj (', II, Knox (' Iiio, Toliiii Af'o., .M, Halifax, N.S, Ml rnkiiowii N, l>, & (". f'o. ! Halifax, 311 .Staiiilarl liii lioltri lioltrt t o , Montr'-al, •ll-Jll U\.U> I'.fM Triin., N,S, Iplig- \'< I I! Kii..\ I'o.llUck * f" Muiitri'ul, Truru, N.S, • llL'l Win, M-i.. llalifiix, 3 • .3" .1. A (i. Cox, I'Miii Unknown ,, N.S, I liiirKli. .Scotlaiiil.' |i|.sri!lil' OK NoKTIIKRN NOVA SCOTIA AN1> CATK IlKRToN ".37"-J .\. ,\ Mil>on.»M. N. w » oz" :M> Chu., li. Knox Co., IliaV'iw. N.S. .loliii«toii, N.Y. •.37(>.-, Th.. J ll;iik.T. C..., N.-w 1 . 30 tilliHCOW .">37ll I). C. McKa\, N.wtila«- t .. M ,fow, N.S, i I : " I IH.STKICT OK NKW BltHNSWlCK 5ot;il W. \. Siiii .11 1>, St .lolm, .i|ik5.-<; t.") C. 11. Kiiox Co., . .Moiitrial. .3!! .1. A ti. (."ox, K.'lin li;, Scotland . 45 ChaH, U. Knox Co., Montreal, 30 SUnilaril Ini|i(irtn, T.t.l. N. r.. .')•• Nor iAcid Srff- Ueg Nr^ IKftl ativc ktive atlve 1 Ik"' 2«j 1-26 7; 14'.' lit S, ilil a< nheet gf lat in. 13' f 1 " i;i I •-'J 21 1 H<» 111 Kamkrkt. 1 Coloured red with » vegouble dye. •Ml 12 .'>4113 MIU .'•4115 r>41t« •.41 17 MUM 541 lit < Ml»> 54121 II MiisKS UELOREV, TKMHORARY INSPECTOK. 1 12 126 2!l 1ft 27 ■■3702 .53706 .53711 JNO. C. KKR(iUSON, IN.SPKOTOR. Kiit'X .Sparkling No. lOOi 33{ 1 i;»'liitin. ' 2-211 31 I,it'ter» 1 26 Trace! I 12; J V:>\'» IiiaUut Pow" 2 60 der. I K n u x's Hparkling! 1 42] No. 1. I ! I l-46|None .Neu- I 60611 60612 6061S 60614 50615 60616 60617 i^ HILLETIN No. 273— Cent. Niime and Address of Manufac- turer or Furnisher as given liy the Vendor. Nature of Sample. I i "a. < N »mf> am of Ve .\dilre99 ndor 1 1 1 ' "3 i e ce II . MjumfHctiirer, Furnisher. .Tune 18 Gelatin „ 19 ., 19' .. 19' .. ., 20| ,. 20 DISTRICT OK NKW URIXSWICK— 1913. July 23 Gelatin .VJorts, Ltd . , Montreal Chos. B. Knox Co.. Montieal DLSTRICT OF QUKBKC- i i I i I : .Sin69|l', L.-gar<-, Charlelxmrg, 3 pkgs 36 Mm -MilN. Kdin N.Turcot etCie Quel>ec ; 3611il'A. Lachance, Limoil'i I I »nil G. Lapointe 5(iU2! .. ..'3 1 ..'3 Uiro, Scot. ,30 Staniliird In]|«irt», Quebec Preaerv- i Ltd., Montreal | ing Co. 30 lUnkn .wn I Jaynor * Garent 30 ! Ru • d« 3 Pont, i^uebec. 50I14I .. 3 I .W116!H. St Cyr, :).•> Rue dull Pont, t^ueb»T MllGi .3 . I 56117 Arthur Drolet, 7U Rue 3 1 St. Valier, Quebec. 36118 . ..3 3<> Stiindard lini>ort»,'.Iuiieph & Son Ltd., Montreal j 36 M .., 30 38 30 !\V. Brunet. Turcot * Frere.. 36 iim .Mills, Kdin-; I lH»ro, S'lit. Jane 23Gelatin 23: I 23: 24| 24! 34! J HISTRICT OF KAST (JFRBKO- 63316,0. CaiUmiiui, Bertier. . . 3 pkgs W I'nknimn 53318 a E O Roy, Bertier . 3 .^3319 ..3 3 .53320 Z. Roi, St Francois, Ci i Montmagny. .53322 L. G. Fournier, Mont 3 magny 53327 A. N. Nonnand, Mont- 3 tnagny . 63831 J. Fournier, St Thomas, 3 p.g. 30 T. tG. Co. (ielatin VVks., Kdinburo. Packinl for Stand- anl, Montreal. Unknown Standard Imports, Montn-al. rnknoHii Turcot II Frere, Quebec. GELATIN. Ke«ulta of Analysis 1 i i a M IS ■is •r V (Mourof a 5 p. c. Solu- tion i':xpoeed to air 2 days. Reaction with (Is not an exprcsHiun of Opinion.) Litmim Pajier. Lead Subacetate Solution (Sp. trr. 1 26). 5 p c. Alum Solu- tion. 5 p.c. Ferric Chloride Solution. 3 X 1 1 1 Cottrludfil CoxV The Lady Charlotte. Kniix's Sparkling . . p. c. 1 2 25' 3PiMi- tive. 1 -to None. Nor- mal. 1 12 22 .. Acid.'Nep- jN^- [Neg- I ative. ! ative. ative. Neu- , „ 1 .. ! „ tral , ! Acid I ■■ .. i .. 60618 60619 60620 F .\. W K BEL.VNl), IXSl'KCTUR. • 2-5(i trace.' .. i M iNeu- „ : .. ' „ 1 j .. Acid. .1 Coloured red with a , v<¥etable dye . M 63330 63337 6SS81 10 Nature of Hamplr. ■1 Nuiiu' anil AddrcM.-* of Vendor. C'lHt, BULLETIN No. 373- Niiiiif* and Addr«»«ii of Manufoc- tiiriT i>r Fumiober an given l.y the Vendor. M inufautiirer. Kurniither. \'.>yx DISTKICT OF FAST in E«KC- 2 iK-liitin ... .".cm K. U-^iKTanee, M.mtiS pkK" 30 j niaifny 3 .■.■>3»HF. T. Caron, Cap St.i3 „ 3() I'nknnwn Ignaee. 3 •• .'.3351.1. Z. liuimoud, Cai> .St.j3 „ 30: Ignace. W 111 t .• Ii (' a d & Turner.i'ueliec Turcot el frere, yueliev. KISTRICT OF THKKK KIVKRS- 2iH;..Utin . 23 .. .. 23 .. 2» .ill - :;o^ ., 3') •I rv 2 .h,n.' 25 ."'S»20 Camille Barrttte, .roliette I lb .i 41) i I ' .'.Sit2C;Loi;ii. EiioK, St. Felix dejj „ I 45 Valois, I '. "■.S!i27 Krnest Asselin, St. Febx:201ea' 23 dn Valois. , vea ' •|J<'.I2S VVilliani.i, Three Kiver». il 'b. 75 VH'.lj;) Arthur l4:icerte, Vamai hi :I ., 50 ell... i ">8930 1i..iirret et 111.-., L.,uisville.|l ■ 50 .".«II32 V,. A. He I^mirande, i T*uiii»ville. W.m fh.aias Auger, L!miBville.:12 .. 'iS;(31 Ujiao (iuiguere, Louisville 1 .. 27 10oz8. 32 40 .■)8!)34.I. T. Hogue, I„nii»ville,ll lb . :« IV) h. C'liaput&Civ, I Montn'ol. {J o B. l)uf rvsn*', 1 Joliette. ">M:)7(i I. K. I). Uuinoiit, Three: 1 Kivern. ! Lyuianti, Ltd., Montreal. )L. ChaputA fil», Montreal Hudi'ii Heliert, Montreal. Lyuiaiis, Ltd., Montreal. OLSTKIt'T OF KASTKRN TOWN-SHlf-S- .[ii'v l."i i;i-latin . 1.-. l(i . 17 .. 23 r.i „ Itil:! iMaii 4 fiac^ey. Sher-|3pkg« 45 Ijhas. B. Knox & broike. j Co,, Montr>?aI. 1613 Bailie Nonnandier 4 Cie, 3 .. .35 .1. & (}. Cox, Kdin Went Shefford. liurgh. 1014 Biron .1 Blonin, Sher Ij 11 :u) bro )ke Kaat. i 1615 La Uie Lafond Knriges-'^ ■. 55 l'iikno«ii ! tree, Wmxion. j 1616iAvard4 Naaeau, BeHtu«;3 pkgs 'M j Junction. [ 1617 C. Oittigny, Rougeniont. 2 .. 20 0. O. Genwit & KU, SherbnKike Unknown L. Chaimt fila 4 Cie, Montreal. tl r ti : ^ "x < ■r. la If A" ^1 X 1 r 11 1 "s :.i,.u-hidfii. 13) 1 (t2TraCf. 1 05 None. 4 1'os- Nor- X€ii- X(')f- Nij}- itive mat. tral. ative. ativ*- N*-g- r'oluured re<1 with h it.'Wil ati \v. vegetablt! dye. I .".334!» i ! ' -iSXA 1>K. V. r. r.AVALLEK, INSPECTOR. i Jtllv ' 25j 81 I ■•£>': R 1 9i(; .^ 1 !l2i 4.j 1 2<)^ 54 1ST: «7 2 05 87 1 ir< I i«: 107 «f> 1 ;M)TraceJ i 212 (lit Acid., Coloured red with an, aniline dye. i 1 Coloured red with \ ejfetable dye. 5N92«> .t8»2: •mT.> bssm 58!t31 68032 58!t;« 58931 .1. <:. ROULKAl', INSPKCroK. 32 I 1) ) 4.l! 1 27 2 2.'i 182 1 »» 1-87 3| 1 TiONcne :.! Neu tral. • ,'oloured led with a| vegetable dye. leis 101 « 1615 Hil6 1617 . ■ r- 1*1 1 ^fl 12 BULLETIN No 27)— Name and AddrMW of Manufac- Ciwt . tiircr or Furnisher aa given by the Ven ' Kiig. I^hine. . . . cinthe I ! 1621 S. Bourgeais ft Cie, Juc. .( pkg« AS Chas. It. Kni>x *| Sr. Hviiiinthi , Co., Johnstown,' ' _N.Y^ [ DISTRICT OF MONTREAL- 22 WSO 22! 58731 23' . . 58732 LM 587:« 24; 68734 24 . 58735 58726 RoiiicoTh.min,2<;54\otre'3 I I >anic weHt, Montreal, j I 58727 W. Royal, 2542 Notre 3 I I >aiiii' wi'ft, Montreal. .: 5872S .V. Oravd, 1671 St. ■^a^u•^ o W'«t, Montrral . \ . 5872f» A. .lolico. iir, 1707 St. |3 ■Taimw St., NIontreal. I K. l,ini;lois. River Beau- :t (l.tte .I'tsciiiuSauve, River liean- 3 (li-tte. K. (iuinette, St. Poiy 3 carji**, T. Boyer, St. I'olycari..- . 1 S, Brunei, Coteau Land 3 ing •1. -Xumais, Coteau I^nd- 1 iug. HkgK 60 70 30 25 Pure Cold Mfg. j Co.. Ltd., Tor- I onto . i .To Standa d lu)i)ortH,i i Ltd., Montreal. | 45 C'haa. B. Knox 4: ! Co., Ml mt real. 30 , Standard linp<>rtM. Ltd., Montreal 60 i Hudon Hebert . Unknown Bergeron, Whis- sell Co., Mon- treal. Ill . I 60 i L. Chaput ft tils, Montreal. pkgK 29 ' I^ainrte Martin, ! Montreal. Ih. . .W DISTRICT OF VALLEYFIELD- .•58 SO 30 .' .58021 L. E. Chocpiette, FarnlipkgB ' ham . ! 58022.1. A. N. B,,urai.»a, Valley. 1 11> ! Held . .58023 Prinieau frere, \' alley- \:\ pkgs 5S021 Thfodiilf .\ul.y, Lanc-i :6 .. I ster, Ont I . 58025.1. Boyle, Alexandria. jS .. I 9e026|Ad»m Miller, Hunting- 3 . I don. . I M027>.Ino. 8n.aill, Huntingdon. S .. 36 I 75 Chis. B. Knox & Co., Montreal. 30 Pure Gold Mfg. Co., Ltd. 39 ^ L. Chaput filx ft Cie, Ltd., Mon- treal. 13 GELATIN. Inspcctor'a Report. (iRnotAn pxpressiun of Opinion). Concludtd . Ki'sult-H of Analysix 3-s 2J _i^ Ri action will ifi 1 .2 « 'is « ■=s i ^ - j= ^ ' '^ 'J I .a 3 :o Remarks . 55 p.c. 202 3 (» 54 1 82 6 It: 32i Potii- l>or- j Acid. Xei{- tive. mal.l atu'e ativp. Neg- ative. IHl.S KilH Coloured red with an I6"o aniline dye. 16-'l l» .1 KKAHNEY, INSl'KCTuK C..\s f'ure (Jiild .lelly O.")? 1 15 m' i 1-95| 78 2 55 l.-l I .ady C'ltarlotte 1 KnM< ' 1 \.:\<\y Charlotte.. . 1 1 e<.\ . 2 2 None, Piwi- Xiir- Neu- i Neg- Xtg- X««- tive. inal. tral ative. atlve. ' ative. IColoured red with a ; vegetablt dye. •felly Po-.-der, Artifi- cial Lemon flavour. Colour'd yellow with an i 1 i no dye. .Sugar 17 20 None 70i 45 i 45: 361 21 id.. Colouml leu with an nni'ine dve. 58726 .58727 58728 58729 58730 58781 58732 58733 5«7:»4 58735 .1 .1 COSTI«i.\N, ACTING I.V.-iPKCTOK *'.).\'^ lui^taiit Pow- 262 1 • \>U-i\. 80 7 1. > Charlotte. . . . 1 87 trace. 107 .. 1 42 SS Xeu tral. , Acid. Coloured red with ai aniline dye. Coloured red with i ve«retal>le dve. Knox Sparkling Cox's liiMtant Pow- (wred. 1 10; 13: 62 13 58(p21 5S02-.' 58023 58024 .5S025 58026 68027 3 X»t>ire of Sample. u BULLETIN No. 273— i Nai'ii^ anil .\«l(ln>«6 of Vendor. Name iinH Addmw uf MiinufiiC' Co«t. Hirer or KurniiiherM nivin by the Vendor. ! I f 6 Manufactuivr. FurnUher. DISTICT OF OTTAWA i:;i n-' ^ Ml .1 19i:t. i 1 I'm.- 24,(iel»tin ■J»] ■• I.ily «, ■■ u! .. ir 11: „ 11, ■• 111 •• 1 . 5',tl<)6!Tho Andur*Mi I^nifstaff .3 i>kg« 1 Co., Kemptvitle. . 59107|The Mackay ISnis , Ltd., 3 .. I Renfrew. . 59108 Cherry ft Craij?, OtUna . 3 .. .1 59109 F. H. (Jilchrist, Ottawii. , It „ ! I .i 69110 Wall t Co., Ottawa .•? ■ 99111 59112 .Io9. I'. Valiquett*', Dal- J lb ; hiMnie St., Ottawa. 59113. .. ■• J .. . 59114 A. K. K«a * Co., Ltd., } .. . i I )tuwa. 59115, " i ■■ 4.5 Cha«. B. KnoxCo.,!H. N. Bato ft Johnstown, N.Y. Sons, Ottawa. 4". .1. ft ('.. Cot. Edin-|Hiidon Heljert* boro, Scot. I Cie, Montreal 30 I'nkntiwn ICastle k Co., I Ottawa. 4.') Chas. U. Knox, Montreal. I ;W Pnre Cold M'fg. Mfrf Co., Ltd., Tor onto. I ;W Unknow.- ,lInknown 18 18 Standard Imixirts, Ltd., Mon*real. 38 Jas Ch»Iiner» Son. Wil'msville. N.Y 38 ,1. 4( . Cox, Kdin-| Uiro, SfHit. S. .1. Major. Ottawa. Unknown . . DISTRICT OF KIXUSTON- •£1 Gelatin . . . 5731! 23 . ... 5732! .. . 57324 2fi .. . ' 5732.- 2« " . . .. 57321 20 57327 2(. .. ... .^7328 r. Gilbert, Kinf»Ujir ... P. A. HafTner, Ki .„nton. •1. Cullen. KinMTxton .1. II. r. YoimR, Belle ville Thoiniwin Bros., Belle-|3 ville. K»tat>' H.Cro/ier, Coliourg H. Hi-i/|>liaw. PeterborojS i I. h. Lillico, I'eterboro. . ,13 P. S. Wliii.-, Peterboro .. 3 Spkfra 45 Cox's, ICdinlwro, ; 1 Scot. , 3 .. ! 45 C. B. Knox Co., j ! Montrtv.'i. 3 .. 30 i ♦5 iRnox Co., Mon- j treal. 45 i W. II. Ilaniilt.m, IV^er- 3 l>oro 38 Cox .. 45 I Knox . 4b i .. ! 45 45 :t i/ I GELATIN. IT) KemiltN ((f Aiialyfiifi. i It T. (ielatinizinff power of ad p.e. Solution. Odour of a 5 p.c. .Solu- tion ex|Hjiiea to air 2 Reaction with Inapeotor'* Report. lU not an ex predion of Opinion). 1 i i - £ 2 |6 5 p.c Alum Solu- tion). 5 p.c. Ferric Chloride Solution Kemarki. •I. A. RICKEY, INSPECTOR. Knox Sparkling No. p.e. 1 36 2 00 1 32 '40 1 07 vr. I 65 215 137 1 27P<»'- tive. 13 „ 1 Nor- Aciil.. mat. Neg- ative. Neg. ative. •1 Neg- aUve, 1 1. Cox'a. (iuaranteed Abxojiitely Pure. Lady Charlotte None. 38 35 None. 54 49 29 „ Neu tral. AiH.. Neu- tral. Acid.. " Knox Pure Gold Quick Gel- 1 . atin. Lady Charlotte C. C. F. Brand Coloured red with vegetable dye. a Fleur de Leys Brand Chalmers Cox's Instant Pow- 2 64 Trace. •• \ dered. i 5910); 69107 eeiott 30U9 69110 &!)in 5!ni2 6911. t 69114 69115 .IAS. HOOAN, INSPECTOR I 62; 27 •22 22 •2!) .,2! ' 2 75, .; i-26i J l'22i .i l-20i I I H Posi- Nor- Acid., tive. I nutl. ' 64 ., I 25 2, 29; 6 3 32 48 21 Neg- Nejc- j Neg- ative. ' ative. ative. 57319 5733") 57321 57322 67323 57324 5732:. .'i7;«6 57327 6732« Fri I 16 BULLETIN No. 273— NatHiv of ! 1 ? Sam|i|p. - - 1 3 "5 y. Name and aildreitii of ^fanllfac- Cuat. turiT iir KiiminheraaKiven by the Vendor. Nam** and Address . f V't'iidor. Manufacturer. Kuminher. a DISTRICT OF TORONTO- I9i: . nne 2H .. LM „ 2f ••latin .. W Iwl.v 7 .■>74ir> Darroch Bnw , Collint; 3pkga. wood. .">741fi Whitel>read Kn:..'.., Allen- 3 " dale. .">7417,J. J. Hatley, Orillia 3 .. .">7418J. K. JVaton. Oahawa. . . .'3 I ; 57419 Fuckett & Scilley. Oshawa 3 .">742U Bruce A Sanderson, 377,3iiz9.. Parliament St. , Ttiropto. ! 57121 K. (iiles, 2S-J College .St.,,. Ipkpi. Toronto. 57422 W.BH. Taylor, 24» Har .Sum.. Utr St., Ton>nto. I i 57423 W. Miller, ;t51 Bn>adviewL'lpkfp>. I Ave., Tonmto. \ 57424 A. Trovftu, 134 King '.., 3pkgB. Ka."!, Toronto. I ]T. Lonf?* BroK., Ltd., Collintf- I wood. J Unknown MacLarnenn Imp. Cheese Co., Limited, Torontti. I'lynioutli Rock Unknown lyii Ctelatine Co. i Boston, Mass. 45 I Knox, 'Tohns t o n < I N. Y. 15; James TjUHiIwts 4 Co.,Tomto. .■JO Mai'Laren Iniper- Unknown I iai Cheese Co.,! I Ltd., Toronto \ 15 T. Kinnear ft I : Co., Toronto :« Cox 45 Knux. . I Unknown. . . Unknown. i DISTRICT l)K HAMILTON— 1 , i I . i i Aiiit. 2."i <;elatin ! 588;)n'\V. H. I^-.itti.-, Windham lib . . «) Unknown . . ....'. ! St., (liM-lph. 1 M 'i'l .. , .".SS."?! linnson liru-"., 2"i Wind 3pk?«. 45 McLarens Ltd.,. j ham St., Cuclpli. Hamilton. 2J .. ' 58)<32iCo-oi«Tative .\s».Kiatii>:i, 3 .. 45 Chai. B. Knox ("■!. \ ' 41 l^iielMO .St., (iuelph. 1 .Montreal. " 2'> I iTipro ved ' 58.SM .1. C. Hadden, 1 i^iieliec." .. 2."i Vouug Winifie Id . Cherry ,)elly , St . (Iuelph. Ltd., Ilaniikon :---.)-liy Tow.l^r '■ .■Wii34 lVti^n.-.r * Co, 4-* Kir.g .". St., Berlin. :ii! TKr I.;tKt.r t'liri' . Koo Kitrn liy tim Vendor. 5 V 1 ! 3 ■8 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 Maniifiu'turt-r. Kiiriii»hiT. DISTKICT OF VVIXDHllR- 1913. .Inly :i(!i.latin :\ a M t ■ ■ t .. 8 „ ... 9 .. lu 54t<;W<)r(.inl..rf Jims., i t I). M, Squire, Walker- 3 ville. 54>«i7 .Miller A Wiggli., Ewiex. . ^ 54SC9 A. RaineH, Kmiex 8 54870 R. T. Morun, I.eaiuiiiKt<wu. N. Y 45 iChiw. It. Knox ft Co., .lohnttown, I N. V. 45 iChaa. it. Knox ft Co.. .luhnatown, X. Y :« 45 45 45 McF srens. Ltd, Hamilton. 45 |Cha.H. K. Knox I Montreal. 46 I 45 1 A. M. .Smith ft Co., I^indon. T. Kenny, Sar- nia. Unknown K. .Smyth ft Co., Windsor. Uuknonn ... . DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- .lunu .luly 26 Gelatin 2(i! .. 27i .. 2! M 48'Jll V. Fawley, 436 Notre Dame, Winniijejr. 48912 .Fohn Dyke, William Ave., 48!ti:t, Winni|»K. W. ./. Rotiinson, l'ort.i(fei3 48914' Ave., Winnii-g- I The Central Crocery, 54l|3 48915 Ellice, Winni|jeg. i M ., 13 48910; I iO. Hughes, I'embina St., 3 4S!(1-; Winnij.-.-,.-. B.iin'i> droceiy, Pembina 3 48918 St., Winnipeg. | T. A. Newmon ft Hro,, 3 48919 Portage la Prairie, I Greenstone Grocery, Bran- 3 48920i dun. I 3tikga «5 Chak B. Knox ft I ! Co., Montreal. 40 jGorgie Mills, Edin- . boro, Scot. Chas. B. Knox, Montreal. :!orgi« Mills, Edin- lioro. Soot. Chaa. B. Knox, Montreal, (iorgie Mills, Edin- boro. Gorgie Mills, Edinboro, Scot Knox * Co., Montreal. UKI.ATIN. 1» InH|HHJt<>r't« Kfp«>rt. (Ih not ftn -xprcmidn uf (>|>.niiin. ) Keaulti of Am -in. i * •3 -= a -i- =.■9 5— Kenctiiiii with i s B ■J K'liiarks I •8 .rX(». T.VLISOT, INSl'KCTOK. Hr. KiiuxS|>;irkliiii;, Nil. 1 I Knox aridiilatiHl ' 1 Knw- der*^i. Kmix S|iarklinK. Nu. 1 Kni>x Sparkling'n"i( Invincil'Ii' (iramilatHfl. Ki'ox S|>arkliiiK. . . Knox Siorkling, No.l I 1- 31 33 37 -2 tfij 16 WiNime. 3lt 2: 32i 2!»: iiul. 1 „ j 1 „ i „ " ! " ativ»' ativi- " ! " ativt' ( •'■ 1 „ 1 64838 MMI M84A 5IH5a 518. 548l>!) 548T0 54S7.T \. C. T.AKIVIKRE, INSl'KCTOR. ('ox'» I'owdered. Cox'k Powilered. . Cox's I'owdored . Cox'b. 120! 48Ho«- Nor- Acid.. Neg- , Neg- I i itin'. , inal. ; ativi-. ative. 2»!2; 1 (fi; 21 I 2- 10 5 I N«g- ative. 1 S2 33 " .. 235 13 .. 2 f>2 Hi " 2 40 1 ■• 225 14 ■■ „ 1 65 17 '• 48S11 4S!)12 48913 48914 4891.5 48916 48917 48918 48919 48020 ■itiaiid •20 II BULLETIN N(.. 273— Suniph' Co»% Nunix ami Acjilnu nf ManiifM- ttiriT or FiiriiiMher km ^ivni liy the VViMlor. Naiiir iinil .\(l; Trail (irmery ('..., Triiil, 3 (.kK* 4ri Chiw. H. Knox A W. H. Malkin * j Co., Vancouver liKiJt I'liioiil'ii Op. .AsMJciatioii, 3 Ko».-r(;niehy S Carlaw, ."itli 3 .\ve. anil (ininville ot.. Vanro'.niT. .j)!ioo London liroc.iy Co., 2L>(H»3 < ;ran\ illfst.. Vancouver | r.liNKiA. c. liartift, -'l.tT llran 3 \ illf >t., Vancotntr. i Oenenee Pnrt' KikhI Co., HridKe- liufKh, Ont. I. *<;. Cov, Koiigla«, Vanconver. ..i\V. H. Malkin, ' Vaucot-ver. .Inly 9(i.latin I 9 9 uX.!) I Wiiirlsor (in*, ry Co.. HlTJl |b I tii.M. «t,, \'ict..ria. B.C.! i I ! I :>3li<.>>}l. ,V K. (Jroc.T^v. 14'J.i3pkg» B.C uSJiK'i R. Kr-kine A Co., Ml 3 .. I .rohn..rt. (U not an i'«|>r>'Miiin uf Opiniuii). Riwiltii (if Analrni*. Ki'OctHm witli ■i 7- ' Is "^ : If ft -1 ' il" H J.ii; r? It. murk. II ! JTi^J TIUW. KER. INSPKCTOK. .1 F. POWKR, INSPKCTOK. Jell O.. ( iiiarsntoHl abanlu- t»'ly |iurc. ODO 2-37 r37 13. I 6 Po»i- Nor- .Vcidulat' fl era mi-; r37 latcl. I I tive. 2!t 2l! mal. Acid. ■i I a p. c. S|iarklinK 1 35 2.V. 27 4 P.*. itive. Nor AiicJ.. iiml " 1 »ti I- «tiv«.. XeK- iltlVI-. ■ ■ .Vnt^nt 2 22 Tr»ee. " 1 " AciilulfttKl 1 07 17 ■• ,. „ ., 1 !5 5 .. .. " „ ' 2 .-ii) 1ft ■ 1 1 Stiir 1 12 IMl „ " •• .. L..^^''^'. ■'■■■■ Aciilulatwi 1 12 1 37 3S 33 ! S|iark!iiig " •• l!Kill!l 4)«l|0 lyttl 1 49! 122 4!)U24 4!I'J2.^ 4!)0;t.l 4!»!M4 Nfg- Neg. ative. ative, ... . I jji'lly I'.iudiT. .\rtiti .Vlimi I ! (nir'tig. Kf'l vi'g t»He (iyt- 'nul migar. Shi«t 0!l2;N4 '>i'.)OG l>. <»iULUVAX, INSPKCTOK. Silver Ijeaf Label. K nox Spark ling No. 1 1 1 ■ 12 i 1-75 10!) „ IG; M „ j „ 1 1 1 1 1 1 il.l2 1-85 .1 53o92 < 53598 J I! 22 H't- HULLETIN No. 273— 3 *,Vi«t. Xain*" and Addr»*j« (»f Mannfac. turrr or Furnisher a» n'*''" l).v the Vendor. Naturt' Sun (ill-. N.iiii.'iin.l A. Mr ..f V,.„cl(,r. tins, j .Inly l.'i(; 15: I i IS IS is IS 4 i ,^ Maiinfticturt'r. i Fiirni^lMT. DISTRICT OF VICTORIA- .".:ii;i«i II. my w. V;it.'« ^t., Viitoria,r..(', . :,7im M. l>\rlaiHl.'.i:i \at.s ,l., :) , j \'k-t<»ria. I> ' ' .; r.:r.(l:«\V, C. (.,,,,.1,.. -.11 .l..l„i~ 1 11) tc.ti si.. Vii-t..ria. lie. I>ri\,;r. S.-.(i:! k^s 4.-| (has, I!. Kno\, Muntreal. :VI .1. A i;. ('..X, Kdin- Ikum, Sci»l. ."■7tlll 'I'h.. \V.»t Kill flrofcr-. 1 C... I.!cl,. llKlL' ll.ivt. St., Vi,-t..iia, H (V 57(i1t Cii|«.s tt N'l.iiiit'. i'iM II. i;..-s .V ('..,, ini7,i (;i)vt. St , Virtnria, l'..(:.i 75 M .'ill 111! Till' (Jn.v,' Cheni Cu,, Api.lry liri d;.'i> \Vi(;i,'aii, Knir Nat, DniK * I Chem,Cii,,Vic- I toria. H.C, Lm Wfnlnrtf A j Co,, Vicliirirt. U.C. Ik. v. Kiihit & r.)., \ktciria, 1! C, W, 1*. I)(}WMfy, Montreal. I It! 33 OELATIN. In'*|»ecti»r'i* Kt'|)ort. (Ih not an H\pr*-»Hiiin of opinion). Kf'Mults (if Anulysjj*. Reaction with ?= 75 - r* i-f'S Jil: I !|S:i:; ii ^: «w Concluded I'lMiiniks '^ p.c. Kim\ SimrklirK Ni). 1 2:> It; a-42 2 2 37 7(i 1 85 21 *!el:itin Arj^iit. .. t H-J 5 Silver Leaf Luln-l . ; iti:. Ml White Diiik Itraiul 1 .So Smwrior. K! I'lrai- Nor- i Acid. Nep:- XeK- iXhk- ... tive. null.; ative. ativi-,: alive. ., I 53U0O 57(>02 o7(iO«.l Coliimed led u'ltliaiii line dye. .17611 57IIU 57(110 57617