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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Tnose too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmAs it des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche ck droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 2- 1 ^ iij4iiii,^'^^--^-.:4jL 183/ r ^ 1887 LITHOGRAPHED AND PDBLTSHED BY THE GEORGE BISHOP ENGRAVING AND PRINTING CO., Limited. MONTREAL. JUNE, QUEBEC JUBILE E IL L U 8 T R A T E D^ 1887 QUEBKC. c, " / pr^y r^M ki <•< m/m/v mr twf with Ihf mttnfitiiilt anS tSt tKmgi ^/ fiimt that «*• trnt^iu iktt , ttt." UuftbflO, fnund«d bjr Hftmunl ite ('hAmplaIn, nn tbo 3rtl •/uly, IBOH. 1m thti criHUl of Itm pmvlnfe, t>fiarlriK tbfl ■ftriio Diini» (hf^ulilent nf thv Mv»ral |imvtuiM««, < uu- fmieiaiwl to lHti7, m tbn Dtimmtoo of CadaiIa. There U nu r.ity in Am^rloa iiiurti famouH, in tha annaU ut bUi- tt)iy, and fow on tbu I'oiUiunut of Kur<>p« more pi(v turMqutil f looataU. Wbllat tho atirrounillntf soeoary ramintU mm ut the unrivallfKl tIuk j of the tkisphurua. LU« airy hIU> if tti« ulU4lel uu rap« IMainoDd. rtJoaUtf louHpnirk aud Ktlln- burtfh. "Tb« Gibraltar vt KimrirB." brUtllatr wttb artlllary. «lts Ueflaiit. uQ a rocky promoutury, al llie cunthiuuiHi or thnHt iJiwrrurit auil Ht. i'barlt^ nvom, ISOmlli'i* from Montreal ami ovor titu tnllnH from tbo (iulf of St. IiA\.* r*>iiro. It had about 7i),iH)i) ItjIiiihitAUiis wltbHlxchart^tr- eauktt, rttiVHtal MaMouit.' linlixfa. Mx rrnnch aiitl thrim Kni{lli«h ut»wi«pApoiH. tho ohlitt ItUblneiM of t'm olty until A r<*w year* ^nok waa tihipbuildtuir aud Ibii etiHir- tailou of lumber , iallerly, thn bUb rattw ut lalmur. oit- toroiHl by ftrlpiirarv r(«i{ulatlon-«, birlaiit inunufactorit's bavti npruuir up. HHpei'lally iiilbt> tH>pulouH>uihiiri'orsi. li«M!h; Ui^ city Ut ox{>eoteil to dorlvn tuaterial brtiinllt front Iho ooiivurKCDCH tiaiM ot several lln^'-i of iHilway. i>'jnrii'etlDt{ wltli the trarieallunlli- iit*^iniHh)pH, atid mukliitf <(■ & depot of inunlKtaii'ii md of frttitfliilutf ; tlm erreiluii of the pro;eoted L^ndgo airoHb tbo ISt. Lawn^uce nt or a Uttlt* Lirbe* up tbut th> city, wbilnt Hiipplyliifr tbn mlMiDjf Imk lu thul ffreut nutional work, the ('4tnadtaii Pacllb; rAilwuy, will remove tl n dtrindvaiitatfti lutllctrd by tliH winter L«'vl croBeluy; It tee or moio llneb of rail- way will then lan'l thtflr pantit nirufH and freiaht In thn otly ; the plaoo will huvn cruH)' t& an eowalletl ai i Mtrouvly fortUtml PlufT tbroH hwudrod and nriy tnet lixb. whilo the latter Iti built oD the oontra(U«(l (and lo/laimedi atrandrt be- tWL'«a the i:i\((a aud the rtynr. H miv lia aaiue of the " Walletl ( tty of the North" Htveral ot the atre«la, by thfilr lUiuiee. 'rrarwif AUe>\l\>uUar(i, Ui Monloffne, etc, recall the narrow Datb>^ of a .rly days, wheu If. de I'umeaux, reat^hud, m UtV*. h i HlUory home at I'olote- a-i'uU»MUux, under lueleufy b^nd<*e of thn intervenUiif hlUur) woods, through the t-rat, U AlUf\ the main for- oei avenue; or when U .Sirur > ouWarH, about 1611, located hie laron. near tho HtH>t wb>ticuUaritioe which help to itmko It the mo^t qualut, >|<.-!urHaiiuo aud tnedltuval I'OkiUtf olty in America •HtiulJul aud healthy, wltbal. "Take mountain and plitiii," baya Elloi VVarburton. " elnuoua river, andbruad. tranquil waieni, Htately Hhip and tiny boat, gentle hill and uhadv valley, bold headland an; battlement and uhoeiful villa, Klitt«rlai< dome aud rtlial spir>\ flowory garden and eitnbro foreat - tfrouit them all Into the choic^'nt picture '>t Ideal treauty your fuii«^y onii crtutti, arch It over wit li a cloudleea Hky, liKbt It up with a mdiiknt buu, and lent llio eheeu be too diu/Jlotf, huiii a veil of lighip*! haze ove- all, to nuften thn Unoii aud perfect tho reiH:ae, you will then have beeu guetmc on ihUt lSeptemt>or morulug" " The bceulc beauty of Quebeo." eayn l>r. .John (^harl- toii Ki^er, " had tie^u tutt theme of Keueral eulogy, iho ma;wlle appearance of rape Diamond and tho for- tilloatioiie, the cupol&a atid mlnareu, like thuoo ot au >A^.U'rn Olty, bla/.liig and sparkling In the huu. the lovWlutsefl uf the panorama, the noble baHhln. like a Bhe form a 'oup tftril, which, without ox- Hifgi-ration, 1h aoaroely to be aurpaaaed in any part of tho world. " Iho Walloil City has been truly atyl»l the key to Canada, autt the Levi earthworks, uajvunates and now fortB, to meet the requlremeuLd of uioilern warfare. BtlU m&ko goud tQid proud lioAAt. It wa-^ couHidered so wheu ItH oltadel was crowned with tho h'teitr tie lya of Old Franco. It may yet be called on to play a part lu tho future. Under it.^ grim, moasv walls, tho two foremost uatioiLS of Kurope were on<.K« arrayed lu deadly etrlfe, to deculo the fato of empire lu tho now world. As far batk as ir»35, lis green banks oflerod a refuge and winter ouarterelto Kuropeans: the city must ever awaken tho doepe-t uiterest iu the eyes of every student of iilsU'ry. " viewed from any oue of lt« approa^hoe, It ImpiOffioii the htranger with the oonvlctlnn of strength and pormanon»;y. Tlie reader of American hlatory, on eiiU»iiMg iLy gales or wjindering over Ite mjuarefl, Its rtimpailB un'rbattlt.-flG!-fi, t-y Its remoteness Is an inoldont of Interi-bt, not only to Cauadlans, but ttlao to every denizen of America. It takt*e one bock to au eta nearly coeval with the discovery of thc> continnnt by ( 'ohimbufl -much anterior to the foundation of .Tamee- tnwn in 1007 -auteri()r to that ot Ht Augubtiuo, In Florida. Leugtuy dincusttiuu has it name head- Jaud. TheHuffolk seal luBcripUon, pictured by Hawkins. haa Ixten prtiv^d to mean Cai pkhki', a town In Nor omudy. and not i^tielMHi Hut let ua Uiti trtuul raahlv on ih« ground of the antlquarv. Hiiltrtequeiit agoi have iHtlilMl ine»>t)nd judgiueni >f rhnmplaiu In neiH.tioir thi* <^oiiiiii4Ud)nii aiie of ijaetx*o a>t tho lw«r In Vmeruua. the "fulcrum, which for a eenuirv niuv»oiiUneut from the ahoree of tlin Ht l.awrence to the (iult ol Mexioii; ' tliuugb at omt time, the sbeliered iihufea of the ^t < harlen w«*e tif the aaoimt nettlemenL How oft, Indeiid, hae the atorm of battle rag«%•<« u of pn'y, re«'iy to iiouno)* oo any a^naliant. Ita •^olld waIIm and cr**ii0 fenl. from 'Ite Ht. Lawrence Im^ow, by the KiuHT HUt.wAT ill Canaila. >-(iHt Knglaiid miUlont. Mauy and murderous were tho fuilan raldt around guethtc at the dawn of ihe atHilemnnt. Cliampialn hav- ing lujiidlclously taken part agalnrfl the Iroimole. io itie lnct«>4aiit wars they wagml against the tfurou and Algonquin trlbMM. nutted In th-* viwera, uueonmteted then by treaties of oumineroe. Kive^iHgcB. in Wld. Ul'.io. UM». I7iid. 177r., bore loft their biiKMly fooiprmte loiiud it«t baitlemenlii. Had tho bulu of itrt •Mti£tMU*, thn HoUf of old France, In 177i'>aiid iSti. sided with th" inva^bir. there would not likely tm at nrewmt, lu this fair band of tho Weei^ any loviug subjootH to greet Vioio< 1..^ om gueeu. It might not bti an uuluterestlng iubje<^t of r^searoh, to tratH^ the complex origin of the 70.iiOd mmls mhxx- prtsAl In the population oftho Anulent ( apttal. For year-*, tJUt'l>ee meant New France, tboiuh Its Buoossatul rival. Uontnial. verv kinmi played an Impor- tant part in colonial afTalrs. New Fr«noif ui faut was orlgiiKUly peopM by emigration from itrlttanv, Nor- mindy. I'erohe, rottou, Aujou. Aunla^ mdurttnou* and moral pAaaant*>. hardy lUhermeii, artaut claw soon came t4 had to \m rttudlod and uhortant »*lttifttions of trust, rmeof whom was for a time charged witu the aflnumstratiou of tho ooltmy. the lianm de l.ougueoll ; let ui aUo uientlou others uuuh as Uarsollet. Nioo'nt aud Couturo. Oreat oaro seems to have been practised in the neteo' tlon of oolonlsts. by the public companine and later on, who') Ouolwc became a nrowu ctjlonv.-by the king; unlike the nuMte of oolonl/lhtr which obtained for the Isloof SL ( hrintophe and other UlandK. I ho distianding of several (^uiii}anio^4 of tbo dashiug Garlguan lleglmont. brought out here by the Marqul>i of Iracy, lu lf>(»r>, by the InfuHlon of uew bioouIh the (irtwl liad tempt- ed the oHloers, many of whom were connei-ted with the French nobility, to settle In Canada, by loyal gifts of waste tandM, ofTering to tbo prtvattts, farm stock and laud as well. This accounts for the uameH of several old seigniories, callod after their first proprietors, all mili- tary men; Sorel, (;hamblv, Vercheree, lierthier. (Iran- ville, < 'outrocu-ur, Varonnea, Uougeraont, l.a Valtrle. I.a I't-rade, i>e la Naudlere, etc. Many of thfise refined Canadian fjt'nldMhtimnieii, however, apixwr to have been more addlct«td to beading sanguinary raids on th** peace- able hamlets of Now Kugland aud to border warfare generally than to oioughtng aud harrowing their liroayaltsts, from tho adjoining heretofore itritlsh rrovinces, recog- nized In liHit, asau InJep^'udtMit uailon, was but slightly felt at gu«tbeo. Ihls progresnlvo clemout, the founders of Western (3arvla, were, bowt'ver, reprohentod In that city, lu 17M*1, by the late ('hlef Justice of Nt-w York, the Hon. William .Smith, appointed iu 17h,'( by King Cioorgo 111, Chief Justice of Quebtic; by his son. William Smith, the hlHtonan of CAnaila,aud later, in 17HD, by his 8on-lu-law, tho learned Jonathan Soweil.anothnr 1'. K. L. from MaeHnchiisetls, who. in IKO'J, t>ecaiiie Chief Justice of liow»r Canadii. aud died in Ih:I9. leaving eighteen sons aud daugh't'ra. The Koign if 1 error in France In 1793, which brought over a colony of distinguished French lloyallsis to Western Canada, added nothing appreciable to the cen- sus of (Quebec, with the exiH^ptlon of a few zealous l-nnioh prh»ts. who were provided with cum*, in and round the olty. Ihe banner of Ht, Oeorge. Instead of tho White Illy of France, Heating on our baniions. secured the oUyagaluat the invasion of the delegates of Couthou, Kobespiorre. Dsnton. Carrier. "10. ; uo-»ca(Told8 were erected In the upper town market place, and French noblemen and 1' rench prlost^ were wi-lcome among us. without th<* ooustaiil tear of ttie guillotine before their eyos. Quebec was nott-syonuo! Cue word about auottierolcmeni a law-abiding one- iu our complex population, lelt, but wboe4< origin ro- mains yet to be enquired into by our i 'hnologists: the Ot^rman element. Whenc4) and at wha; daU^ came among ua these notable men the Wurleie, Hofrman, Hessu. Aiiipleraan, Uuthven. Von KoeniA \ou ItHand, De liottenburg. Idler, Heybnuld. Boweii sta-pleben, llt^lnhart. CJoiback. Hind, Wolff, ivikhartV llow many ot them can seek for their ancestors ftiiiougsttho Hruus- wickers aud iiesslauH, which lauded at Quebec In 177t; under liaron Itodtesel and wtiu iho various shiploads of Uetmutm. chlelly from Wurtemburg, who emigrated to (Canada U> ObCAoo conscription during the early Napolfouiu wars and previous. The Fozer family ilat^w back to old George Fozer, the niillumaire, as Ue wikd styleil, but he did noi come direct from Germany; he had first settled in New York and then returned to England, lauding at Quebec m 17'Jl. Iho lru*h popuiaticmot Quebec became considerable ati«)ut IH'^3, when emigration was flowing from the (•reen Isle to America; emigration Increased to very large proportions a>>out 1847 ; the Irish heartant!e and uumbere, under the wise guidaniM ot a vom rated priest, the Uevd. Father McMahon. lUiug In amity with thidr Kngllsb neighbors; they founded a uatpmal sooioty iu IHlin. l^io great bulk of tho i>opuiatlon of tue citv ■tilt French, Is not by any means oblivious of tho father- land, beyond the seas. "Few cltiei, sajra lA. Marmler. "offer as many striking contrasts as Quebee, a fortress anLeli. hn lllgbiander-i. /Nth i'Mh i»:lrtl regiments, a oily t>f tbn mlddlo age* by mo^t of IU aoelent mrttttutluu^ While It H Adruittrt-l to alt the o»»mbtnatt..i» of modern ooiutltutionai g<»vsrtiment. an l-'.uro|Htaa dlT by IU nivilluktloQ and Ita hablu of rellnnfimnt. and still cl.Me by, thn i»mnani.s ot tlie Indian iiIIm-k 'in I the l)a.-niu mountains of the North, a olty ol about the ■aniM latitude as I'arli, whiln sueeesHtvelv eoin- binlug the torrid cllmatn of H4>uttiara ri'irtrms with tho aeventltM of a hy(mrlM)rt«n winter; a eltj at the same time Catiiolui and i'rot^wian's where the labor* of our (French) lulanlonH am »ttdl untnterrupi^Ml aloOiT- Hlde of the undnrUkliiga of tho HUiln Hoelety. and wiiere the Jttsul(>t driven "Ui of our own oountry (Kranoei llnd a plaoe of refuge under the awla of hrlUsb Furltantom." J U LaMonra UUtm sur I'AmtritiM, X. Uarmlar. FvU, tHQV. TIIK COrNTKV HKAT8 AROUND QtlEHEC. A striking feature about l^unbecS'^enery 1r the ni [e;iMt ro group of hanilsome rualic manors which eni-lrcln the brow of thnold Capital like a Iresh and fragrant ohanlet of llowers, though it wouM he Idle to aeek in a wrtain numhttr for arrhtteotural nxoidlenne. old-world dimen- sions, old-world spimidor and aiitlenl ronstructlon. As a rule, they are the pleasant and healthy aboden of the high dignl rUnt in xhunh and state, as well as the prlMH) mansions of the sui-'^ee-^ful oiti/euct, in thn pr'de^- Hlons. OioomorcH, «ta "Nowhern Indnml are to tj« found iMed rtilUK, dating back to dmim-^day bmik. moated oaO- tie, or m'^tltcval tower. Wu havM no Hli>nhelms. no Wal- ton halls, nor (!hatHwortbs, nor Woburn Abbeys, nor Arundel castfes to Illustrate eyery style of architectural l>eauty, rural eiid>ellishinent and landsi^ape. naluiilnrre, KiM^)iecoitt\ iiSdaudinlere. Chantllly. lAHmerut the arcbiUtct's skill; nature hsil itt>en so lavish to us in her owu lordly dunlry scat of Arch. (JAmpboll. Esq. Hpeucer ((fauge—lhe country seat of James M. Le Moine, binq. Koeslyn The country seat of Lieut-Oot. Joa. bell Forsyth. Montague Cottage -The country seat ot .Ufred P. Wheeler, blsq. CataraquI riie country seat of the late ('has. B. LK»vy, I'^+q. liardfteld— The country scat of Alfretl Furulas. Esq. Beamore Tho country Sfiat of Kt-Col. Wm. Uhodes. Kirk bllla - The uountry snat of Itobert Oampbnit. b^q. Iteaurolr -I'hs country soat of Ulchard K. DobtMl. Ksd. ( 'lermont-The country seat ■'fljt.-Ool Ferd. Turnouli. The Highlands - The country seat of Frs. W. Stoclt- well. }<^q. Meodowoauk -The country seat of HIr Andrew Stuart. itaveuswtMKi -The country st^At of Wm. Herrlnir, hlaq. Dornaid Iho country seat of John Neelson. 1*^. R*)dalyiTe— T'he uouuiry seat of Amos itowen. l-'isq. HolabrilUnt -The country scat of .Mmeou l^eeago, Esq. Holland Houso-^The oountry seat of Hoiu James G. lloss. Hamwood - riuoountiy seat of Qobt. Haintltoa, Ksq. AitA Mont - iho country seat «if Hou. Davtd V. lioss. Hyan The country seat of Andrew Thoms*in. l-lsq. Faviliy lou *Jrande Alh'e) Hon. Frs. ijaugeller. Haudon Uxlge lion. Jos. Hhehyn. Aslle Chiiinpoire M^rs. Henrv Ulnntug- Haldlruand H nise (Duke or Kent's residenoe^ L791-4) -The couutry seat of I'atorson Hall. 1*^(1, Uoutmorend (Jottage -The country seat of Ilertwrt M. Hrloe. tk)ucy'lu-Ca8hl -The (;(.iuntry seat of Uoo. Judge Taschoreau. UlngUeld TheoouutryseatofGea Holmes Parke. Esq. Villa MasUil— The (Miunlrv seat of A. C. U. P. Landry. Ksq. The alKiveaie the most extensive oountry seats round Quebee; them are several others In theenylroas, most picturesquely KKjated and affording strlkloff Tlaws of tbo city. •Ptoturesque Quebec, p '?72 THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. No spot In the jnvlious ol Quc'„oc '.., i,.oro oaicnlatMl ttt attract the atu a^^c^Mit of hiH ouomy, uuly abtnii nix In llio inuraiiiir, luoimli Wolfo bad .boffan to limd his troopa ai. Wsl -iix hours pruviuiidly. LoavliiK a btjdv of ineo Lo (ftiard htn llniM, which ttxiemtod from lUutftiold lm>luruve, iu it lino with tho Uarlue lloeplUil, ou ihe Htmuport beai'b, itn I'ar iia tbo KalU of Montmoronci. hii tuok all hU avallal>le lon'o wlih hliu, oxoopt his choion corpu. the (.IrouadlHrt-, wtiirti baU acouuipanttKl ilou^iUuvlllo, pan I St. Auuru^^lio, ami ru^hiiU ovor tho terry unil biiUico of boat -i, hoping to over- power the I-^ifUab bofnre thoy oouid huTo Itmo lo ostab- ush thotn^el"OBluforuuou tho ortwt of tho hill at Maich- mont Uut heairlvod too lato; aloUhta.m.. tUeMa^lt^h leirious woru onuarupt'd on the hill suiiiinlU above what in uow ol>imi "iVuiiea "i'«'vo. muu at Uju iiiwy weio d.t- ployintf oue mile doner u> tho olty, with tho two small pioct^s of artillery they had Ixionabln lo b&jl with ropos, up the Ulzzy hetf^ht, throutrh tiiu bed of the tit. (Mold atroam, ruinneau Si. Prnts. Montoalui. mounted ou a dark charjter, wa8 conapiou'ma In front of tho left wictr of hU Uito, and Wolfe, on foot, ai the hoail of the 2Siti Retfimuu^ and Iho Ijouiabouri; (Jrniiitdlon), towardB the right of the Hrttlab line, mu^t have been neatly opposite U) eaub other at the coinmenoemeut of the battle, whfoli INTfiHpANT HOQUAar WfM moat aovure in that uart of tho tleUl; aud by a bliiKular coineUb^nc ' each u. tbe^o heroic itMid<>rt) had beiui twice wounUnd dmiiti? ihe brief (siuUiot before he reooived hl^i last aud fiita) wound. Hut the vallaui Mouiuulm, rotfardleas of pain, relaxed nut ul:3 etTorls earinff. Supgrnriud by two j^ronadiera, one on each Hide of ula borso, ho re-fn-- red tho city, an<» IjiCii' ilXu<» tJirii' it. .Mlii'tjili/^ rtii I'fit', OUUiUtli«t> aa^ured them that be was not nerlously hurt, and betrffed tbeiu not to dletread th^ntrtHlvea on hla aooount. Oi n' rien ! C'- /iV«( ricn ! A> vouh (^fftiyez paa pour moi, mcN bimii'-a wnL^n. the last words of NVtilfe, tra penabably enahrioud In hlatory. oxolte, after the lapse of a ceutury, toe llToliest admUntlon aud ayiu; ,tny, aud Hiniilar tutenul may, |ierhai>s. beawiikeued by the narrative of the oliwlnif scone, lu tho eventful career of hla urimt opponent iho llfrht Aciretnlv laeted an hour; at twelvti the whole Krenoh foroo yraa in lull rolreafei aeokinif to criws tho St Charles, at. tho fofd where there waa a bridtte ol L)oat8 and hornwork with palUades to protect that nortlon of the camp loo.Lted inside of the extensive earth worKa, the coutouraDd remains of which are quite vUlblo to thla day, lu rear ot G. 11. Parke's roaldenoe, on the HL Oharlesbourif road; a party ot Oauadiuu luihlia couueaiud lu tbu brusbwoiKl which friuifod a portion ot St .lohnrtuburbs. towarda the OUciu til (/eri.oin, kept the lb>rco 7Hth llitfhlandt'r** in chock a short time, but they woro s• W ('■ A 1 K S. 1887 iWl^"' 'ir:n ( 'r A T 1^ (; \ 'I I 1 :'i 1 :j 111 k I) S I'', V K \' I E \V () F S r . I< ( M ' 1 1 : 1887 JUNE. QUEBEC JUilLE E IL LUST R A TED, 1887 Jii F, T . T H O M A S , JUNE. QUEBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATED. 1887 tWy TtiPno ffontlomon nro nil porHoun ot titaiidtnijr In thti (Ximiiiuuivv, aiut roproi*eutDroIo**9l<>na!, comiuorolal and mi>uol»i'y loluroBlH. Tho Slayiir in a loailliiK linvyi-r ami public nmn. He is a profufcioi in i^aval i'uivfliatly, and ^m(^ i>[ iliu iibimt mon in l.tio I'milniniuil iit < 'unada. tie wiia Troasurnr of tne I'rovmcfl In Mr. .lolvV (^abinot, and repranyntod Mojrimtlc I'ounty in t^ft last I'arlia- monl of Ibn liommiuu. In llio present I'arliarnont ho 8lt« for OunltM^ Tontn). Mr Lau^nlier uan btum '.tirloo elecuid Mnyor nt yuolioc. naohtorTn bolUK foi' two yiiara. Aldt^riniin Chouiuard laan mJvoojito. lie hasln'on I'rnsi- dout ol th" iDHiiml i\mii'lieii aa woil a>> I'romdnnl ol 'he M. loan Uaptibte Sooleiy. In botli of wUiih olllcos ho acl himself well. Aidoiuian DoniiTH Ih on« of thi, proprloloio of Lr (Vi/ioriii'ii and I,' Kfenemenl uowf papom, and. thiinKb iiulie a youna nmn. h.> hue already mado bin njarli id Ibo eommnnlt > . Ho la pnhilc-Hplritod am' ei'torpriMinif. Aldnnnau W. I. Miller Is an iidvooate. who BnjoyK a luoiall-o prucU^'o. II" U Kxironuily popnlai' wiih the oitizouB of both md** of iioiiUon. Alderman Ilearu in ono of tbo ollost, niornborr^ of tho (-oi'poration. Me Ih a iHr^o prop<'riy owner, and a director in aovftrai linportaui enierprl-itarv. Counoilior Cttambors la a leadinit ionrualist ol ijnoboL. and forgeveral voara has boen tJty odiu.r ot tho ( '/ooiii. /«. He Is onjoylnu his seoouii term (n tho Connoll, havinit been chosen at the last eiouiloa ijy acfllaniauon. Cojudilor Chanibors is ono of tho niuet uaoful members of tho Board. Ills lonfrrre. is Counoil'or Duqnet, one of iho laruost loweiiiira In Caaada. Ho is also a valuable moinber ot tne Board. Mr. .lulos Uvwior la both a member of I'ariiamont and a CtyiXjunciilor, He la a prominent lawyer, and In tho House ot Asaorably rooreaonta I'ortnent I'ounty. Mr. McWIIliain 18 a wholoaa'e and retail oonfoclioncr, and a man of eioai energy. Mr. Franris (Sunn is the pro- pretor ot a large ship ohandlory oatal.iiahinont. and Mr. Matthew Miller la a bookaolior, atatlonor and printer. Mr. Kanie is a maator carter and Mr. .Murphy Is a coal merchant Mr. llotert McHroevy la a irantractor and Mr. Thomaa C. Aylwin la a barrister. Mr. I'oaohy is an aichitoot and Mr. Vincent la a printer. Mr. 1>. Cluay Is a tanner and Mr. I'lamondon la aiao engaged In tho same buaineas. Mr. Itarbeau Is a looler and .Mr. liou- chard la a CHPiWlist Platea showing the City Hall, llie Central tirehta tlon and the I'olioe OlHoe. will give tho readei a very good idea of thoie t uUdinga uueueo 18 tne seat, ol ine itomau Catholic Archbishop, Cardinal Taschereau, whose palace la reprosontod in thia paper, and the fjeo of the Ulabcp ot the Churoh of England. A large full-page picture represents the Lieut«nant- Oovcrnor of the I'.ovlooe, the Hon. Louis t'rancois Kodorlijuo Masaon. su.roundeer of the large wholesale dry gixMis hral vears. and "nly resign- ed it last \'earto asaimie thediitlesof aCatiinet Minister, He haa been a member ol the (Quebec HartHmr ('.ommls- aion. Mr Siiohvn enjoys the confidence of his con- htlttienta, tJueboc l-'Ast. to a remarkable extent, having represent^'fl ilie dlviaion uninterruptedly since IHT.'i. and no fewer than throe tliuea be gained tho aoat by acclb- mat Ion. I be lion. Charles Antolne Krneet Oagnon. Provincial Hecietary and Heglsirar, son of Antolne Oagnon, mor- ch'int of Itlvlcrel luclie, and the late Jvdle Adele I'elletler, alati'i' ot Senator Pcllotler, C. M. (r., was born at Ulvlere Ouclle, Dei»mb>'r 4th, 1846. His ancestry came to Can- ada from France In 163.3. Mr. tlagnon was educated at tit. Aune'a college. In .liiiie, 1870, he espoused the hand of Mario .Malvina, third iKughter o! Friincolstiagnon, fjiriner. He field the position of valuat^ir on the Inier- colouial railway (St Lawrence district 1, Irom Deeeinher, 1873, to March, 1878, and was the Itecclver of Vreck lor thi^ district ot Kamouraaka Irom Juno, I !^ . 1, to March, 1878. He was appointed a Notary Public, March 2nd, 18ii'.i. He la secrotarv ot the municipality, secre- tary of the school <^>mmlaSloners. and treasurer of the Fabrique. He waa first reiurniHj to tbo House ol Assem- bly for Kamoiiraska, at tho general election of 1881. The eleotluu i>emg contested, be waa unsentod, but In January, 1883, he wan re-i>lecteunty of Armagh. Ireland, and settled in Moutruul. His father oarrle clllor. Tho Hon. Mr. Turcotte, son ot tho late Hon. J. F. Tur- ootto, a former Speaker of the Legislative House ol Assembly ol Canada, was born January I'.lth, rH45. lie married, Itsth January, 1873 Marie l-Ueanor Isabolla, only daugnter of .Angun Macoonald, Esq., of Bocancour. lie was ()duoatellei^i, Montreal, and at Stonyhurst College, Lancaahtro, England. In 1867, be was called to thf. Bar. in 187'J, he was anixilnted a Queen's C.iiunsel. He la an Honorary Director of the British F.inpire Mutual Lite Association company, and baa been (Councillor. Alderman, and Mayor ol the city ot Three Uiyera. Ha was Speaker o( the House of Assam' Dly ot Quebec from Ith Juno, 1878, until the dissolution ot Ihcllouaoln Dccenilwr. 18S1. !lo was tlrst elected March 18th, 1876, and again In 1878, when ho waa re- turned by acclamation. In 1881, ho was defeated liy Mr. Duniouliu. but that gontloni.m bulug unseated. Mr. Turcotte waa electeil March 27, 1884. In I881I, he waa again letutned, and accepted a seal in tho now (Iovern- ment without offlce. Queheo was llrat visited by tho French navigator, Jaciiues Cartlor, in 15 15, when It oimalstodol a sparsely settled Indian village called Stailnioni. in July. 1668, the city was founded by Chamnlaln, who bestoweil Vj. and J. Bte. li«nier. Whoso atooks are alwaya caroluUy aeleotetl. and iMught in tho tjeat markets of the old and new wnrhL FIno slea and imrtera oan alwaya tie hiul at tne well known brewery of tho Messra. r.oswell. and ahip atorea in great variety are auppliod by Mr. F. (liinn. who enjoys a very extonslvo patronage at the b^nda of ship owners and maatars. Indeed, Mr. (lunn Is one ot tbo largest dealers in goods In his line In Canada. For china and glassware, either at wbolosele or retail, the reader la oonlidently retorred to Mr. F T. Tho'iaa. aud Mr. Thomas H. Norrla, both gentlomen keening fine aaaortnienta of the latoai piitU'rns and styleH. The largo furniture house of the Meeara. Is well worthy of inspection, and tho pronrlotora Invite the fiubllc to examine bargains in parlor, bedroom, hall, Ibrary or dining room furniture. Mr. Jules C. Dorlon a chemist's shop la ono ot the neatest atores In St Joseph street A siioclally is mado ot the preparation of phy- sicians' prescriptions. Lovers of whoieaomn cnnfectlou ery can lind their taste gratlflod at Mr. A B. Dupuls' places of buainoas in St Paul and Du Pont streets. Two photograph studios are shown in tbia paper. They are thioe ot Mr. J. K LiTornola and Mr. !•. P. Val- Ii'e. both artlats of reputation. Their pictures have a trana-Atlantic tame, aud are deservooly admired tor tbolr lino finish and perfect tone. Musical Instruments and sheet music may be fou'jd at the stores ot t hoee en- terprl&lng tlrma, Meaare. A. Lavlgno and Bernard A Allaire. Their st?» i^" "11™! "i'it„'i"?„^, on time and aff^fd ed through thia province afoot the more striking and pany, whow *'•*'''' »'''';^*"''™ ihmugT'a dollghtlul romantic are the Folia ol Montmorency, which are ono the tourlsta "»'» ''.?^,„«»y '''?■ J'''H"''R,,° T"^^^ hundred loot higher tlian th.«e ot tho famous Niagara and S''?""??^.!:^!™?- n.Sf n^th^St U/,'" The drive out to them is "t-ugh a ij-vely French (W ^W. «- "•.j^frailii^'mottS'^n tu^e J-aveSe"?! section 01 ""i."'Ti;„;';..p7»^ Tbesewell known hoslnlrioa are tie St Louis Hotel Mid the KuasGll Houeo, both oatabiishTienta under the able management of Willis Kusaell, Esq Hood, airy ro.iina, attoutlvo aorvioo and an oioelien: t»bls may be secured at either ol these bousss. dlan village, and along Ing. rhe tourlat does not Invoatigate the charms ot the Falls at St Anno, or the Chaudiore, aa otten aa ho wouhl doulitlees wish, for they are not so acoesalble as tho two 1887 1 a vi-^itan't wilt )^'tt. tho raiiA4i''Mi It pii'tun»ni|iin in iliniromf Nutiirft. iir bMautirul IaUa, litmrniilvcm to I tie nc. JiKikliiff down rket. fflv«-t ft tote- lilt other plotiim n rtti'a'iiHr '• liftkfl imt^nd tU«lt tothe if yuoNwj. I AMUbllshinAntb, nt of trai1<«, eo-n- ivi> trlotl to ropro- p of the rnoro irn- ir U) thntn In thrt ■I Intflreul 1h mprn- MtMsPrt. McCWil. IH19 .V (V)., UtM tafturliiif oonoarns Ip-bulhllnir nraotl- iu an'l about that I'ft, omharl£4Hl Into lilts ami Htiotfti Iti- tLiniiiiiiruitf of men, ar Hinntoymoiit la mm ar*» owned by y atul (teniiain k. ^ ftaitt (Ut over tbo appnara on one of urn anM in great who nnioyd a very f fihip owners and the Urtreat daatera wholosoleor retail. Mr. FT. 'I'hniaB. i^oiUlomnn keoulnir OB and BtyleH. The .FH. V alii- TO Is well iprietoFH luvlto tbe lor. bedroom, hall. Ir. Jule-* C. l>orlon s stores In St- Joaoph iroparatlon of phy- olfuuinn cr>nfectlou ; Mr A H. UupulB* a I'ont litroetA. )WD In tbii* paper, sand Mr li. )'. Val- >lr pictures have a ■vedly admired for luslcal tnstriinienta rt Btori^ of Ihneo on- ne and Bernard tfc loe of almost every 8 vary aocordtnjf to torn Is to nieoL tbo inerH, rtrerfuut lamoH. iHir Eot*9 with » re- reproaeuted ploto- J Quebflo Kiro Assur- IV, aud Tho Koyal. of '.heso companies laalngly lar^e t)usl- atfen* avo outorprls- Ith nhom In a real fuuk lUHway (X>in- m timo. and afford jnjutfh a dollKhtful , Arriving; hete, the tho St. Lwuli Hotel tlon to the traveller. ( HL lioulfl Hotel and eots under the able . (lood, airy ro-ima. U)le may be aeoured JUNE. QUEBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATED, 1887 Watches and Jeweitery Emile Jacot. Horloger Joaillier et Bijomiei. Chemist. J. C. Oorion. I'harraacien. China Ware Crockery Thomas Nokris. Faience et Verrerie. Leather Merchants Ui.Ric Germain & Frere Marchands de Cuir. Bools & Shoes. J. E. Woodley. Manufacturier de Chaussures lanners & Curriers. Tanneurs et Corroyeur*. 1887 •"'W'^ JUNE. UEBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATED. 1887 ^mf' ¥^-- ^ 7 :0jM '.jt/lfli mmm/''r. Ki^ lAS^^ WX^r''' ^^ fWm^'i ^^' ! \ \t': ' ' \^ \ ' Tf 1 ' ■ ' 1% i=^i, fl^ ^flj'i F jW'I r j|Pii^' jOt-'td,.'.,:^ ¥^B" ' M'ii^ '.> 1' 1'. Ills I ■ RKSI I) I, N (• K s JUNE. QUEBEC JUBILEE ILLU8T RATED , 1887 JUNE. QUEBEC JUBILEE IL LUS TRATED. 1887 Till. Ni:w iiiiiiHtt; III" I'lniH I'll I'll- hii.l«.'iiiMl ii).itii|iri«.'lM'" Uiivo i.«in iTMiuiiwI i.v hii Ininoi i^iimi Hi.. u.'ut l-.iialliili lutfir r, iK.i i.-l 1.) Mr \ I. I.mlit M u-t (. 1... liuvi.riiiii»ui "iwiuwr-ol Uj(i I'imvum:.' ii( ijiiiicy will h.i limit at ■ (lUtaii.'O "I I"" iii'i -I ' li'"' "">" '■"" "liui*" "' "•" rIviT 111 .1 'luplli 111 Ri'i"!' '" '••■■' "' W"t."i'. "ii'l "11 IIV"" Ihi. iMHiriii.iiHiiiiiiii ■viii irmi «"i« will Im >»ui:li'il. I ln' pl.TH Allli... i.iilli Hiil1l'l"iilh IHtrn 111 iilliiwili'i iimiU .il tb.' larg.i^l .ii'i'piii Bli'Biiiom t" piifH uniliir 'liii ceulni auiiii lh.'d.Mi..ui.i..D.' "t 111.. hrlJifii wIllliB an |..llow». l,i.nrfUi..i n.iiUi. i.iiiililoi'in jpmi. Itutw't; lnuKllmt 1I..III1.I111 sticii. piiu, »H7 t..i.|,. I..ii«ni .it wiutliiiru sdoin npiiii, >^^ liwi; I'l'iil I'liiKlli "I liiiilK" mill Bpipnuicliim, .Uilii Iwl; Mmunr kihim iiiuii n < ikii \i\u\-. tiitiutiiiiiiiil liililK". I 'ill li'nt; liiiitflil lit pliU'^ nbnvii lii»li wAl.t>i, I'll ioiil; ).\ir*)iiiii h.'lulit (11 t'lp III I'liniiiovur iiliuv.ililuli wiiiiT. Ill" l." prnviili. A -.mull' triiik ..iilv. I.HOk ilf xptiK IIM.Vi'llti* mil' I'XPItUltllllK Ull UlU VUlllH (if il)U piiipiiHiHl Hirii'iiii'.. \\liii-b will iiiiUutibluUiy be oi.iiiiilMUnl la ihii UBur iiuun 1 li'i I'Diiravliiij ill till' Vhiiiliei' lliavliiu lioi^k oi'isupleH II lull pnKn "I ilil- iiiili.i II will lii'iii- ni.iwi HL'tiiiiiiy. Till" Unci. ... Willi mill -.iriiiiKly niul will (.iiiiiiiiitiii riiviiiiiiii. with Hinilliii wiiik 111 itiiy part nt tni< w.iriil. Ihu I'l.iiiiiiiiiili in III ilii' lliirliiiriiiii. r. \. \ ALII. Chiilrnmu. Ibe lli.niiiiihii. 1 iiii i. Mrdiir.Kvv, M. I'. II. II. Iiiiiii 1,1.. • Il 1,11 N rilMUP'. \Vii,i.i iM IIm:. .1. Ill i.i, I ..|i~\ III. l>ltl'IN kNli II \MI l« II. II.Hmiiii t-,|t\ liuuil \, __«__ — — — Sir lliiiitiii' I,. I.iiiitiiiviii, k. I'. M. II. I'. IT whoM niirtiiiit uiliiMH IhU jMiriiiil. Iitt» Imim Mliilnterof I'ubllo \V(iili» Hihca liT'.l, llu 11 liiii lemliir iit 111* !■ iniioh I'aim lluul'.iiH. rvutUK piiity, nu.l wim Ihh u In iJiii I'ltv ot liu.'i.mi. oh till- ■ii'.m 111 Aiitfint. iKjii. Hir bM buoii II 11I1I-.I II .I'liil pulilli' iiwiii. mill hiix iM'Oiipliid iinarly nil Sialii.iijfopi Hull 111 I'roiiilBi. Ily pi'iilit.|>iliiu bii Hn lawii.r, lull. Iin |4 kiinxii prIuulpAllv lo ihii pi'iipli. iH II HtiitBniunii nl nupiTl'ir ailiiiliiUiiatlvd aiiilPIi'iMilivi' laimiUiy. I la liiin liuiin Miiyur iif i^iiiibBO, Nii'ii-riM-liliiiil 1.1 ibi! Niirlli hhiiro Hallway r.iiiiiiauy. ITii-iiiiiiii 111 '1. liiiiii llaiililii Siii'iuty, rii.Hlileiit. <>l I,' I am II 111 I ana ii. aiiilnniiui Ibo riMiuiIniiiiil tlif lioni- liiliiii i.r I'linila. I'lir Inn b.'I'vIcui hi lbs lu^t iiainsd liii|iiiiUiil. woik. IbB giiii.'u criiatnil hi in a I'liniiiaulou ol th.. Iluili Dniliii Jlib .\iay, IhhI, llor .MaJoHty raisoil hliii In Ull* ilhiiiiiv ill Knluliiliiniil. In tlm must dlatiu- uui-ilii'il iii'liT III >!,, MioIiihI huiI Ht. Ofi.irari). Ihn I'upB I'liulnrml iih bliii till KniKbl rnniiuHOdiirablp lu tbFiu.lDi (il '..I iliiiK.irv iliii OiaaU lu rarllaineDt, Hll' llBOtUI nil" fill i lui'B lllviirit. Ni:\V liRll.l, SUM). u|i 1 1 i\\\lii] ■''^yi'_';,^!L-iiJ; lll'.l i:Ll.LrElLj.*tl-Ul!ti4-'»^ luUTi Hjauuib-'^ _viiLti-t.iiiJ jln-iM .-III iq ' i.iiilcl;L_J liHiriiiifr' WHriKHEAD cV lURNliR. Direct Importers China and Japan Teas. Mediterranean Goods. India Produce. Broom and Brush Manufacturers. pi; nALHOUSIE STRKKT JUNE. QUEBEO JUBILBB ILLUSTRATED. 1887. 1 *» J > 'i,S s - X J »r ^^■S'^ I'MHk '■ . rl Js!l^. t — .-^jnrt^^ Milliiicn. I MM\iA~ Mav \ (.1, .\riiili> lie Mudes Dry lliHiils. Mct'Aii, >^MHivs vV Cv. Martliaiulincs SccIiks Dry Ciijods. I', (Iarnkau I'U.s .V (.'.tt. M.iri lianilKos Scilies The Convknt ok ihk llRbti.iNF.s. 1,k Couvkni hks Ursklines. JUNE, THK CITV OK QUKOKC IV oromiii vi»w»Mi, |k mi. r m; QUBBEO JUBILEE ILLUSTRATF.D, 1887 ljii«i'«i'. Itm uni'ltnt <'»pll»l nf r«nail«. »n't rr»»i'nt iif iliH l'ii?virii« ..t uiiotMiii. la «liiii>i«l "O th» i.r iiinii<»i H" limi'ilcin i\lNnit ili'ii" hiiiulri'il inllimfriim wM llflil r ' W«. iinUlli.ltn .' nnit trH!l. niMinw'oi '"•"* will th« SI (hurl*!. lliiXluH i>f Kl l.Kwrrii.w, ikiiil oim hiiiuli*! IM»v Wllimm I'- ll. >wnll'. "iTw llUlKUlunt, ■ w«^ln>iith".il'lri*k ''I'v nml with 1U Ilka c^iiniimllnhn In iipwitrilH 111 'ipwi iiiIIi-h hmn It iirfi'MinvxIi'iM "< IMliiiiil lmvl>rml..n whiill l« nn-iir- ^lluMtciiir»»lii iim wnrlil ijih'Iwo > tli» iiiixt i.lolurnninMi »iul iiiiMl nirDimly fiirlini'il ••Hjr III! thn .'ontliH'iii. Inr \mrn II liiia Iw'n known, fnr uml wlilo, iw Ihii ilii.rilUi of ^m^ili'd. II l« f"''!' '"" "' iii>iMi*Tn ««tr«inttv .if i»n i'lpvntt*«l i«i' ci.Miprl'Mw till! Ii'fl l«nk .if Ih" Hi tjiw taiilHi nf nlitlil null.. Ih^hlirhfnl pur' l»('il|i« Ulnnmnil. IhrM li llil'-O'l '"' kbiivn Ihi- Icvi'l'ifihi'Wut^r. uii.lCf whii'li* Rii arnH of forlv ii.>re«. ,.. ami nri*< ii'H"'!'* fr-tut or tlin >*oiitt)-4Hi.*' Wtti'iiM till* ii<« ■.'..!■ tif tlHiu-wmlrt nf pwipl*. who.lally maW. - i' t)y Nti'ainor. U !a at*o th»' iM»al of innii > dmiw*, •• w"ll a< of a larifo Imlol, wh..,,. 'i boanlorH, wlnhlni? (o .».4capi» Ih'' h^af of u.» . , ««' plnaxHutlv rntniialni'il Ihn apilnti tlil»n at (.JimUk rlw' ami (hII almut nlulili-iin !• .-i yuelmo In .luMml into I'ppar nnrt lownr Town aounw to Ilia toi iiiar iKliivoblUnail hy a ^liMip ami wiml- Inn alraxt, anvBral llluhia ..t minow »Uip<. an'l an •lavaUit wblih la run oy wnUT i>.iw«r In Iha L.iwor Town ar» •.l.uaUtI th« prliulpal hanka. ni.'H'haiila nlll.xn. anil wliolMala an.) rHall Kioraa Tha alrnata. with init^or t»ot«M'trf tli* alrm-U. aii> wllor ami wall DaywI. are lh» battar claaa -if iIw.>1I1dk boiini*!, I la puiiln- IhoWIiius. "loi't .■f the chmvhiw, Ih.' cmliilc walka ami uaiilfoa retail nloraa ami »iniill -bopa. wellap- nuluioil niark.ila are allnau-ii In hnth tho I pi>'"r nP'l Lowor Town ol yu«be«. I'o 1 no wkmI ar» thn Buburl" of 8i..lohn. (*t I.0UI1 an.l .st Uoch* The lallar. which omupiB" the Inwrr plain ami U f»at h^cnmlng a lOiii'" '' alaht tinman ' aiii..!!.' ' !iu..-i.«<- mv. 1 loir, h ..t I iim lainl, two rrn«l.)t«rlan i^>l. AmlrnwN ami < nalnitini 1. one MntbiHllHl. one llaiillal, one l.iitluian. one Con- freaallonal now o.'<'ii|iIh.| liv tb.. n«l».itl..n AroiT'. ono ..amiinavlan. one Krauib l'r..t*iiani anil a lewlah HyDaoiNlu". whl. h u ailiiatml In the MiMonlo Mall a taw wnriU I'.inoeinliiif thn m.-ra nr.n.ilnanl nl tbme hiiililliitfa limy not roine anilav Ilii. N.w I'aillaiiianl Uulbllnini. whmhareiHi ibeiiranila Albe nMi«lili' "f ijl. rimleUal* »ve'l by lire a few v'ara an.., when many naluabla patwi I an.l laioka weri' lo«l. The new armory la one of tlia prattleat binlillng" In .nail*- I' la .'riMto.1 by the ilnveruoieuiit of I aiiaila ,!► ui! I'A' ^■oi|...rail..» of iJii.'lK'i', ami will f . .inll ahei ami all aihlbi- !i ..t, II 1 iliiely llnlalii"' irtl.'iiiirly atrlkluKanil 1 HI Itnown 'i* tlie ■ nili i.lev-ilwl i..rtu.l .^oiil'* .' ' ' ' , , ■ , . '..1 m.-ipnl -an I" pi.-tUi.- ■■ I C^til.-. IliWlni" • ■ '■ I ' ,. , , \vaii I.i.iu. ' ■" Holy l!»inllv "■:' iinV, «iiw aiu 1 . ■■ . I. . • 't the •'Nullvlu ' - slimU.ry n't Ij ..i/'iii.Um llii.llU. on t 1 b, an.l laillYMe.1 ml rfreal ami the Utile a«lill..iH v. Ih.'. BonUiiii. II .. "oo'l i.aliitl.iKH, lb.' wori. .iC . 1 I' Da 1 hniiipaum, ' •' l>f riiaii.i.naii". I'e in ! ■ llutUi, 'liiillol ami oUi. r<. Tbi' ^uifl an nibe- 1, ,: .«M.-hlH biilUiiM Ibo hit,.,.! tboolil llf I'l'i «iiUiii ..«.rvl vVu, 111 am biiiix tho i'oloi» liillniwil ami toi 11. i.Mi. reKlniiiut. M. Amlmiv » 1 huicb, 'Mih ila ani iiiaiiiiK. HtaiiiNoii the iriiiiiKle it the InlurHi'i'ilon ..I SL Anne an.l Sl«iii.ilaumlr"..i» While not » pan 1 ly Ki'ui»i(ul liuil'liiiK II iM iiuw.ivniinoiiKb. nriiiiii'il in iMHby Mr .huni... I'raiu. A iiplnuili'l It In till' .huii'li. in. ipal nil lu. ih nor Ihn I he lllKll groat cointnerclal «. la shown here on a hull- Dane, anil Irnm thw blrila-«ve view a Vfrv «.h>iI lilea nf lb.' -liKi ami ihariii'ber ol Ht ll.'Oha may be got. Soimi of the larueai »Uiie» and warelmnn'e in Canada iii»y I"" toiiud in thu Hnti-rprlaliiK ipmrU'r oi the illy I be other two aiiburba are 00 the kiuiib level wllb the I pper Town. Suiilh-weat ol Ht John, etretch Ihn bM.>rlc I'lalua of Abtaham. (in thle hatUeirrouml wln-r.' I be fuiura I'oli.niai Kitiplre wa.) lo..t ami won. a nnlnmn. J.irty loel IiIk' ■•» been "r-«T«eii t.. mark ilio»ii"t wbiTB l»«m.'ral Will 17.V.I, a** "ii'torlone. la tb» (1.1. r'li iiafif* which overlooks lb.' M. lifarence, ».. »ifor.lH a "ant breathinir iilrn.'" 'ir tl»,.al»abitaiiu, laaatatcr. iiiiiiienl, i'..'i feel In bi'Ubi. whlob ■• ■ tn the .oryf Wnlfo an.l M"iit calm. lb Iron pillar, aurii. uiled l.y a bron/ei^iaiii. n' Ut'lbma ihoirltini I'rln. »Mimn Nap.iloi.n ll"iiaiiiiii", Btamla on Hi, Foye U .1 ami I'omineinoialee ilin BchlovBiiii'DlH of the Hrliwh ami Freni'b tr."il« m 1 ."(i. A nioiminenl ii the memory nf .lai'nUB.* ("artlar will ere lonn I " <'r«ot. 1 In St Kooha. by a cunmlltee of oltl-«(n», who have ilio niatler In hand. Four Marlell.. lowera. wblch 'ii^t In ISo7-r^, hlxty thouaand dnllam. occupy co'iiuaa.linK pnalilon*. and are arranxed lot aev.'ii itiiiix i.aoi'. A polni nf Iniereat In the Ipiier Town i» Hiirrorlii lerrai'B. a maunlllci'nl promi'n».le. lUki feet lona and ■imi Let aliiivn the level of the river. Fart of thla ter- raoo ixicuplosIbB hIIb of tb" old I'hatBau St. L.uIb. whWh wne dnatioywl bv lire in IMMt The vb'W from the pint- form m atrlking ami beautltiil. and on tlno euinnier dayt tbumiauilK ..f iiimple may hi* aeon onjoylnir the lov.'Iy iii-Uido. llaiidHOl iiiu^lo frotiuenlly perform In the larirc kio~k on alternoms and evenlmre, when tbn aa.ll- tluual aUracli..n .lraw« great crow I.1 of .-Itl/ena an.l tourlHts. Tb.i Icrrni'e waa op..n.«l on the llltb of .liinc, 1h7'.i. by th" Mar.iulB nf l.orueanrt Ibe I'rlnorm l>oiil»e. In Ibe preeenoonf fully ten thouaami apicUiora HI.) of tbie promenaile. lormBrh railed after Lord l)iih.iin. thai Hawkins apeaka, whim he wya; " v..d llilther, the J.ilTre/ Hale ll.sipt- lal, till' t'burch • i:ngland Female druhans' Aayluiii, IliB Fliilay Asylui.i, Ui" I^adlea I'mb'Stant lloin.i, tha Woman's rhrlHtleii Aaaoclatlon, HL Hrliiipit'a Aayluin, drey Nunnery, an.l tha Lunatic Aayl.ini at lleauuairU Thi'darriaonclul' liuliding la a lowiainbllng iriicliira, ^iiuaiid In St. I.oula street at the liaan ol Ib-i li.'l lead- iu,- I t the I luiil.'l. It Ih well furiilalii'tl with a isillar anU . ..isim. bllllaril ami . ar.l nsiiiia. wblla tbe ..i' vtlon •>( hiMiks, miga/liiea all. I pata-re la large. In tb.v . .it. s ruli of lueiiiliera. the iiaim'ri nf je Ural ulllxenj ol Uuebao appear. Kiigrsvlngs will be louml In tbbi tia|Mirur nuat of tho buildings iiiciiLloued In I his briel notloit. The CllailBl I. one of the lea Hug attracllons l,> tha visitor and la always Inclndel In bin Hal of sights. Acceaa 1.1 11,1. fnrmldabl.. strongbold Is eaev. Piaeea from I III! T' .trail.'.', ncnnuw^nit nilt tlie nil' I hiolel la ateep. tb iilnrlv ln\ltlng I I cTeaa I 1 In. fnrml.labl.. strongbold I- eaev, piaee. rom the mllllary aulh.irllles belme no longer r#i|iilr.Kl 1^1' "inmamlaiit allow" vlsllor. >•" ,""'7 .^ '" ""Jp*. i ..riain hours. , iml asnl'llermoelinir the slgbtsner at lh« pini over the grniiiid, and poinia — - ' ■ the more Intereailng features. The r"O.I I'l ibf a atoep. wliiilimi ami iilctiir.eiipie, and Is iiar. ,„.,,v milling 1.1 the ,H»\.'«trlan Ih.iugh iminy risia preb.r to drive 110 the apurnach In a , iileche or r wbnelei-. I he view fmni Ibe King's imailon Is malAlli'eni river, niniinliiln and valley In turn ineel- liiglhe eye. nnd lending enehuntment to a aoem. which ran si-arceiy P.- aurpaased on the globe. k.i-» g„el*o la we 1 auppUeil with newspapsra. there being n.i fewer than nine daillea. -iU of which are publl-heil In Ibe French language. The FngUsh press la repre- aenle.l bv Ibe Monil.ifl (Vonnirfr, Ibe ';i^'"i"r/ '■ '• i'^''!',". pul.ll-heil bv Mr. .lami-a darrel and Thf .M.r.i.rv. pul llalied by Mr. W .1. Magulra ""■ "" '"" Irciilailona an.l Inlluenee. rheae papers enioy large The offloa In which Iba " I nm a .It; unawlnu it bone. I iiiiiiw I take mv r.'lt.iHB, Tip. I. mo w.ll .-..1111. ib.iikd t y.'l. When I ivUl l.lle III Ml hIi) u.'W Ulltit Illd. " '■ rhU lanipism.' says Swtioieei, "wai alined at tho luiBuilant Hlgnt bv .M. rhiilliert. wlio had sulTere.l wrniirf Ironi liliu. lull soou ufior ibo .arved atnue beeu put Into tbe iroiit ol 1'liilii.ert'a huus.', iliat gentle- niau waa aaaiuisinaied in an nllUei of the gHrrlsou. The. niur.lerur eicnuugoil into the 1 jiat Indian army, but wan puiauud uy Fhillbi'n's limlher, and waa killed, al I'oiidi obcirv, alter a aovero cmillio'. ' .Mr. Wiiluim Kirby, I-'. It. S. ('., of .Miigaru. oiiiarin, line iniidna vci \ bk'.olnal' lUg lilalortcul rumunce oul of tb.i maienula supplieil by tbIa IrageUy. Tbe ('u»tolli House, built In tbe Hone Ht\k\ wiibauuuie. uud a fneivde of inaaalvo cobimna, la slLuatml at till) .'.iiilluciK'U nl tho SL Lawrenco and St. ibarlea Hi vera. al I'mveti . Iiisli'di of guePi'c. wbofouiKlon ill l<.P:i the euniluai y inr Iba training of priuals. Is ilie priiiciinil educational iwiablisbineul of tb.< lloinan Claiboliiu. It waa Inatiui- tod in la.'i'i bv .1 Knval cbitrUir from gueen Victoria nnd - " ■■isliolini u charter from llii ineas Fop.' riiia Iha Ninth. The clrciuallona an.l iniiiienee. 1. "^^ <" "••■•.■ ■ — fiirmerlapubllsbeil by .). .1. Fwile. I'Jiii.. la an old Id., torlii bullillng known to a paat generation lui the Nbp- luiiB Inn." A plctura ..f Iha building la given here, aa well as one of Meaera Pawson .♦ ( 'o'a hooksl.iro on the opposite Bide of tho atre. I. /,.• '■'inm'i''" j", 'I'" lemllng rreiieb c.maorvatlvo newsDaper. published Uitbe innrn- liig It Is Iseiieil from He iirlntlng lioiMo on I'ahrbiue street, and was founded In (hiis. 1 ha h:U.'c. and II and l.ii ./usdVc iNatlonaliati are iniiillahed In Ibo anino olllee is» niigravlngi. fisil of Mountain Hill. The Kvwmmi Is Issued from Ibe aaine nill.'ans Iho Mmnilieii and la owneil by the aamellim, I he Moaars L. I. Hemers .t llrothar. Tbe Omnrr Is inibllahe.1 by Mr. L. Hmuaseau, on Hnado street and the .Inurniil *■ ilurhrr la publlsbwl by Meaera. A. (.ot« .t Co,. M Diifort atreau _ ■ . . A giaal an.l enicleni eiipnly nf water Is alTorded froin Lake Ht Charles, gucben having suffered greatly In IliK riast from dnvasWtIng llres. a secoiiil pliie waeor- .lered bvthei'livi'.iiimiil lobi' lal.l In IHH;i at a cost nf iver halt a millbm of .l.ilbiis. Tho water Is wboiesiiine an.l 'roe from ImiiiiiltliM Tho citv la now well (iroU'ct- e.l an.l the Ineuranoo coinpaiil'M, In .onsequenee of the action nf tbe corpornthm. have re.lii.'cd their rali-a. ijuols".' Is llgbled witb gas iiii.l eloctrclty. lon- nectlnii Is had with all parla ol Canada and the I nlted Hlstesbvscvninl railway ami ateamlHiat lines, and the city la al Iho lieail of ocean ateaiuahip navigation to Furope Tboroarelwo liiuia ol atront oars and oinnl- biisi'B llesldee tbe banking liouaea montlonnd olae- wliere, there are thriw aavluga banks, vis; the I'nion - ■jjCiilased'Frfonomlede Notre DUililing IB largo ami spiiciouB. and lbs uiilvorsliy, Hank on St. Louis slieei. Ijil'alased Frfomimleiie Notre which la held m high ealeeiu. la well eipilpped with iiamo do IJuebec, '21 St. loliii si., and Ibo Fiwt omoe «».=...., " B • _.. ThoF/inlnnn* near St. IjouIs Oale. attracts many vlaltoro and alTor.,i, anleasanl walk along Ibe ramparts, Pol ween St. Lnu|^^ aa.i .SL .luliu o(iai."». Il la tiiw .../uale.'it .osort cr picac ure seekers. Among the princlual odiHcee are the lar- llamenlary and Departmental Buildlnge, a stalely idle BituatiHl oalirande .Alh-o. the new Court House, which the lontractors promlao aball be ready for occupancy In Bepteiuber next, the Armory, which replaces the old tea c&idy ehapiad drill sbei on St. Louis atreet. the Post iiftlco, theiAiBtom House, tho Aeademy of Mualo, HI. Fatrlok'a Hall, (;ity Hall, Maaonio Hall, the Baalllca, or Koman (Jatbollo Cathedral (en Irregular out slono building. 2ir. feet long by IHfl feet wide, and containing many oil paintings ol groat merit, by artists ol ackiiow- leilged ability), tbe Uiirdinal's Falaoe. the Anglican Cathedral la plain rtructure. In iho Koman alylo ot arcbllecturei, Bt. Patrick's and Kt. John's ( hutches, the Haatlng Kink, and iha Hall of tbe Young Moo's Ohrlallsn Association, In Ht John atreet, without. There an appar.itiia, a libiary of nearly nluoly Ihouaamt vnlumoa, a uiuaeum, geological and mineral. igloul aiieolmena. and u picture gailcty. m wbicli nfaiear palntinga lepiofent- lug almost OMiry aubool of aru. Laviil baa a atioiigalalT of prolussirs. lav and clerical. luid Ibo facultloB are theology, law, lucllclne ami arte. The buildiuge. three in uuinber, aiu ul cut stone. .'>7i' fool long .tho main atruciuro being '^'.IV feot,i live stories high. .\ wing '^(i.'i feet long was aildml ab^l<-..iupagne, whiotj ^ romarkablo for Its color lUid ei.' .11 jn. 'The Mariiuu ot Montcalm lies burled here, at;.-, his skull may beaoenlntbeohaplain's private two yeara The present Cliy Ouincll li t. ._ 'ri... ....»......i ..« ,,.» tl.^.^f U,..>nl...,..l I., ■.-.. l.,nan l\.,rfrMlta (tf Whi Lachevroil.'re blroet. and aeveral nuniieriue complete tha list of Koman (jilbsllc educational Institutions. Morrln I'ollcgoil'reabyleriani waa founded by tho late Dr. Morrln.of giioboc. Itlsamilatod wltb Mcdill Dnlvor- sily of Montreal, and under tho prlnclpalBhip of the Itev. Ur.(;ook. It has tilled a notable place lu I'rolestant Instruo- tiou. In IHIU the building wan onxtea af a prison, and It was uaod for that purpose until tbe now gaol on tbe I'laiUB of Abraham was bulll. In tho anmo edillco are Ibo rnoiiiB ol tbe Literary ana Historical Hocloty, which was loupded by tuo Kad of Ualbouslo in IH'i4. I'be society which lioaMtaaKoyalCbarter Irom Klngde.irge, ha.a a well ciiuippe.l library of over fourteen thousand volumes, aspacloua roadtng roo'ii lu which all tho lead- mg periodicals of tbe Uld and Now World ure kept, and a nuo museum. 'The oollecllon ol unprlnted hUtorical SavlngB Hank. In the I'ost ( inice building. I he poiiuia- tlon ."1 Ibo city In IH71, was r>;i,ll'J'. ; in IHNI. (I'J.ilB l^H,'i'ir, maliia, and :\3,MJ foraaloei, iViOt) tielng I'rolee- Hblplmlldlng waa formerly one of the chief Indnetrtea of uuetiec, but of bii'i voars very few wooilon ahliis have 1,0011 bulll. In 1KS:I, the numlair wiia tweiily-llyo, re- proaontlng a total Umuage of 4.^11 tons MiinufaolnrluB a carried ou to an extent which Juslllles the ladh'f hat tho inluro will boo tho Ancient Caplul taking a llrat place among the In'ii ■ -lal .•■•ntroe of Canada. The principal iiianufacti - 111 o.,.rui..if >) Mil ■ . «na til III « ntnlM I I'muiltftii th<> v»rh*u« w*-r» ifirU. tN'nl'litit the .li>* Innlilut iiiiitf llHir* lIllKiy llUVH ' musi •,^>.<^. /iiS JiSS^ CEO.BlSMOr CNG I, PTQ CO MONT«tAL PKOroSKl' NKW HKIIMIK A< KOS:- s|. I.AWRKN* K KIVKK AT t APE ROUGK. !l -^ t^ 1 if (^1?'^5 -^ si^y=^ 1 rir" ' l^lilt - -- _ :j;-;--- i / JUNE. QUEBEC ILLUSTRATED, IBS'? isiisw 1:1 1 - I'.Ki \^ ^.l<^ JUNE QUEBEC JUBILEE I L L U S T RA ^ jJD , 1887 J — ■ ''' i;rr;i;ir Mi.HMNu i;HKIIM(ll,H llKHl'i:, .1. ,1 l-,.,.l,', l'.iMi.h«r r, i; mii|,I\V1;I.I.. Army Slalioncr l,K (■ \N,\I>li.N, I.. .1 linii-'i" .V l-'r.'n', I'littlinhl JQNE. QU EBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATED 887. JUNE QUEBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATED 1887 JI \l \V(1K. M.DKKMI N \M ) Ci il NCI ll.l )KS. (^t K HKC JUNE. QUEBEC JUBILEE ILLUSTRATE. L^, 1887 ]. A. rAOTTIW, ClTV I'lUHK. GLO BISHOP CNC ^PT<,,t-OMr>Nr»t*l AI.DKRMKN AN1> CCHMII.l.ORS. QUEBEC 887. (2 .u, III ill QUEBEC .V- LEVIS ELECrRIC LIGHT Cu. JUNE. QUEUEU JUBILEE ILLU8TBATED, 1887 l'{ |!1,M HI I 1,1)1 M.^1. IM8 7 C. A. I. !) I w li . ■, I M r, N T I '"% t I! I I J I 8 m "fc. > I -' /■* ' ^ T**'*^-*. ^^*^^*' ■.■<)•«> ■N.V ^*m .lAv" /^ o •■\ \ V I'll. -' / -Js-:; v. >v £ s^'ic-Hi.l ■ -" .^ V jft^»*J^ ^ ldH%^*S%H^%'HHHHH^%^H^H*vV ^^^^^^^iSi'i^^ /^.\^ ,''■* sV;; m f *-i S >, •S \ £/ i " \ °- / \\ to c % r x5 3 -^F^ /l\f "So \1?^ V