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The play opens uith a Marlid sound of JCciflc-dnms and Irumpets behind the scenes, after which the curtain goes, up, and discovers St. Ruth, Lffrd Sa?sjield, and Col, fZward '^^ ^^^^^° *'^ ^'^^^^' ^^^y ^^ ««^ <»W Secure brave Sarsfield in our camp we lie And from our lides the British force defy ; ' Though in their cause both Dutch and Danes do join 1 boast their dear-bought conciuost of the Boyne Irom yonder hill, my Lord, I can survey • Some great rejoicing in their camp to-day, for in the air I could behold afar Their ensigns waving in the pomp of war, Their cannon firing, and a smoke arise, As with their acclaraations reach the skies Believe me, Sir, those whiggish winds do brinrr borne lymg pai^ket from the Orange king. The vicious allies do some fort invest, Qr else their fleet has caununaded Brest • But let their arms in Flanders so proceed ' By us the famed Hibernia shall be freed.' Our Fleur de Lis and Harp we will disnlay To fright those wolves and lions' cibs away Those non-contemners that polute the soil And grow both fat and wanton with our spoiL !• or which great Lewis, anxious of the land Hath «eat me here your army to command ' .Sar5 We stand indebted-to the Christian kinff • ricxt, Sir, to you, wlio do those succors bring Long may you live in martial pomp to wield ^^'^'"'^ - =:•-,•.= sTTurd, the truncfleou or the shield. 1^ vm \ You see ouv king and of ,uie.t. are seat Wtb aU their relics n.t. bam>l.-;^t. But L menck, G^^^; '^ ^;^"^';; ,„ from youder ground WhicU you my Lord »>^;\'^'°„,,„..ed rom.d ; With British lorcej ^^'^;'];£-;^,y ,noru •From whence our letters baj tnai «% , 5bey stand in clan,-or of a g;'|' ^^^^ !,^;^;; * the revolutiou," a Neil Fear not. my Lonl, but s»^o'" * A^hUe,reatC.aosn.le^|^P-----^^^^ When tiiut brave llomai founa h.6 a Nolon<^er couUl detend his nat vc I.ukI A thought so noble suits tue ^ly.t C) xNe.i. Thvpi^ SI;ce^aell'dErt;.ugis^t^:-;n.^^:;^ •When he n triumph hiy cii a.n .cu uv. Laid some as HoO ,-^ . ..o^en shore ; And drove the remnant ^ t^'^^^^^^^^,,,,, ^fUe. Thus liks brave souls, by one con ^ ^ They freed Hibernia Iroai the 1-'" ^V-nve ' S sl.all a .or,l like yours be -n m .ov e. 5y England', power or te proud r t/o Slav— his cro^vn bhall iall-— S:;i ^dominions mouhU^ by decrees A^LvesinAntunu^wU nn,o U^ ne^^^^ Loop down ^^^^'f^ttl^^^^^ »-d J And holy incense on our altars bum, , 1 5 W 1 ■iVliose Hiiliioii?* smoke sliall penetrate the air— {A honi sounds uithih^ St. Ruth. Hark 1 a post arrives who does some mesr sage bear. EnlcT a rout Post. With iinp.ntitnt news I tVoni Atlxlono am sent, Be pleased to slmw nio ti the •^'citrars tent. Sars. Behold die p;ciieral there, your mes.sajjjc tell. St. liu'l:. Declare your nio^-saye, are our friends all ucll ? Post. Pardon nic sir, tlu^ talal news I bring, ' .'. I.iko vultures' poi.son every heart sliill stinjj. Adilone is lost without your ti;);ely aid, At six this nicriiirij an as;-au!t w:is ni;i<'c, \Vhen under slicltfr of the R/U'sh c;i!inon, Tlieir grcnui'.iors in armour ti>i)k the Sliaiinori, Led by bravo capt.iin .Sundays, wl'o with rauiej ' Plunj^ed to his middle in thcinpicl stream : He !(,'(i them tlirougii, and with undaunted ire Ho gained the bank in spite of all our firo ; Being bravely followed hy his grenadiers Though bullets lievv Uku had about th'dr ears, And by this time tiicy < ntcr uncontrouled. St. Ruth. Dure ail the ibrce of England be so boluj T'attempl to storm s ) brave a town, when I With all Hiberiiia's s ins of war ai:i nigh ? Return; and if the ijritous dare pursue, Tell them St. Uut'i is near, and that will do. Pu&t. Your aid wuul 1 do nuiLh belter than your name; St. Ruth. Bear back this answer, friend, from whence you came. (^Ejdl Post. Sar.^. Send speedy succors and then* fate prevent, Ton know not yet what Britons dare attempt. I know the English fortituile is such, To boast of nottnng, though tlicy hazard much, No force on earth theii- fury can repel, Nor would thoy liy iVom all the devils in hell. St. Rutli. Name 'em no more, my Lord, but pray forbear. I will not aid them l)y my namo I swear ; 'Tis butascwfl", a ridicule to try Would I outbrave 'em m the victory. Dare British force ntti-mpt to make thorn yield, When as the Sultan I commaad the field? ^ars. Boast not, my lord, but rather take a view Of what these Britons' did in France subdue : I \ Siec Tvbat their Edward aUl on Crc.isy plain o' where at PoictticrB he the f.cia a.J ga.n ; Then tell me would those Britons fear your name ? Though I'm their fc, I must cspouBe so far The English honor in the feats of war To Bay with glory they would rather dic, iJe tYey for fhame would rom a nn hon fly. ' Erttcr Colonel ndbnt. gt. Ruth. Brave Colonel Talbot, thy victor.ous hand. Nurtured in art of war can best command. Thou Irihh Scipio, lee your word alone Pronounce your thoughts say. s ludl ^^ ^^^J^/^ °»^ ^ Talb. Pardon me sir, I fear tis past your aid, For nn a risine ground I row siirveyed The BriUsSdard on the walls displayed; r;o further confirmation can V«« .<^'-;^;'«' tvTfee'nthe wall^ o'ersproad with George's cross; And with remor.e, just as a pointed dart Shot from a thundeiibolt, it pierced my heart : This I beheld, and heard the cannons roai, I turned my back and would behoid no more. ^ *"'"'' ""Lter Major ^-^-^^^'.^^ Dor. Misfortune, Death a.d horror ! O th- griel . Athlone is lest, and now is past rchet The flying soldiers from the town do run. And now for shelter to the camp are con^o. ^tKuth Then it is surely taken past a doubt. H^s te o^de'r my guards to march and beat them out. Sars Easily said, could they as soon obey, wf'd makMhe sceiloms for their entrance pay ; T5iit vet I fear in an unlucky hour. The/ w.n not fly from you ,>or all yo«' power. Bor The works that face out camp arc yet en ire, Decamp and march to M.tou pass to-n-ght, AndinffoodorderalltoAughnmfly, For ihefe's the spot on which I choose to die, And draw them off without the beat ol drnir. Bxeuni Vorrington, Tolhot and Nal. I I } I 1 Sms. Bo calm my sonl, thy swelling ijneenussuag*, And curl) the b li'.ing nr.dtioss of hjy raoe. Now let tlto oPiMh I'C into chaos htiih-J, Whilst eartiifiii;ikod v'lnr. and nvortiirow the world. Let gloomy vapours veil iho nei> lost, that lV,vcIy scat, Tho pride of empiic and Ihu throao of state. Thy sons are 8lan-hltrc.I, and thy walls b.traycd, Becaus.' that did not scnil Ihc aid 1 But I'll revenge the wrong and he Khaiir.ili, The crime is great, thou^^'h the revenge is siiiail ; Come, draw, and let yoiu- sword alTorcl your head relief, St. Ruth. Consider, 8ar^:field, 1 am hero yourchitif, Yoiir Coinitry'.s ruiu would attend our strife. Sars. No thought but tlial oiiid i^a-.e your worthless Ihat binds my sword, or by tic Lord I swear, I'd S(.'nd your soul to wailow in despair. St. Rath. YouM semi my sold ! lliero I conjure you hold, For ki.ow, prouil traitor, yoa are now too bi»ld • Detested from my camp you shall be di Ivoi, ' Without the hopes of linding aid from Ifeavcn. San. Yoii dare not drive nie, nor, I wont obey, let, know, cur:;od mongrel, here I will not .stay ; ril quit your camp, then shall you surely lind, Thcrc^s nut an Irit'.i soul will «t!iy b'hind. Then with a retunant of my ciioseii band, I'll drive your froor-devoiirers off f iio lanit (slate ; Meanwhile, let vengeance, war and public shame, Irate your damned aelf, your country and yuur name. c. ( ^'^** St. RiUh, .solus. St. Ruth. Insulted and -^bandonod ! yc ^ods Did ever man jiicet such uncrjual odds '^ ' Sent by tiic king to .sa\e a stubbcnn crew \V ho with perdition wotib! my life pui^ue'i Hut ]\ iM niv lionrt. ili-i fl il'.N timorous fear, i^or lo, O'Ncil anil l)oriin<:ct'" appear. i E)ffrr Dnrrintiton, Tr.lh:tavtl (yXcil. O'XriL \om- orders r\ro ohoyed, my lord, the righ^ Detatchmcnt. of your hor'ia is out of siglif, Your left the center, m-il the royal train, Are on thoir marclA aiul have forsook the plain, St. Rnih. h^ncress attend 'cm, bi'.t O'Neil fear, The boist'roiis siirgos of our iate are near, A cleam of hurror docs my vitaU damp, I fear Lord Lucau iias forsook the camp. O'Ncil. (ii-eat Heaven frri>id tlic hero should dcsfert, The thoncht like li-litninc; hhists me to the heart ! As I rode thro'v^h r.w: lin;'S to move this way, He marshalled i^n-t!» hi^troopij in bright array, And with, a simile ^vhinh spoko his i»'v-ard wroth, Ho boldly hid thom vpr?nd his banners fcrth : This, Sir, 1 t.oard ; ihc r;ext his sword he drew, IVlountod'his sttcd, and hid tliom all pursue Their country's frccilom, and its soil redeem Vroni pcrviln" hmnh — i'ut when he found 1 seen .Hh, fovH'ard i'^'^linaii' ns every v^-.y, lb; waved his arm alolt, 'lid me stay, To join hi;; pprtv : lime will show the rest. HI. Riifh. The news, like rushing torrents have del- Mgcd mv b'.ra'^l-. But haste, O'N; il, rvj IViend, a-vl ovortakr^ His rash re-^'dvcs, and for his conntry's sake, , To his -;>ech h'm not t:) pro : Brill"" him to Anf;liriin, and if you prevail, Whe7i we are 'ynw<\ we will our foes assail. I)o tliis, brave" friend, ^«'ith tloquenec on sight, Whilst'in the rear I shall make g'^od our flight. *. . , (E.rcj'-iit >'t. ]lui!>, Dorrihgton invl O j\eu. Co'nirl TalLot aclu". Talh. Should be de?crt, ye powers ! I will not stay, But liUo Lnrd Syphax, bciu- my troops away. Confound the h oU'.er, ere I do retire, And set Olymp'is on a fla^lc of lire, For s^TC the god:^^ '^n- ruin do decree. ° llvjrr Sir Cl'rrlcs Go'lfrry. Sir Char. By the account she gave this must be he. Brhold a '•■trail 'r.-^r kri(^e1< an 1 humbly prays, {hnccis That you \.ould add some moments to his days. Pbotomoaat Tulb. Wrap luo nut iu cout'usi m Lml o\|>liiiu, Your wrongs, young- soldier, and Iroiu \vL( uce you cuine^ Sir Char. JMy heart cnsijareii Ly luvc dues iuvvurii bleed— Jf Talbot IS your name, I will jnoceed. Talb. Strange youth it is — arise, and pray disclose, With free acL-ess the author of your woes {He rises. Sir Cliar. Tlien sir to tell you vA\ luy liual case, I am a Dritoii of a tiuxcn race : Sir Charles (Jodfrey, iu uiy lawful nan)C, My father in our late great inuiiarch's reign, 'V\ras by a buii 1 of villain s slain. He being dead ! ^' ua of friends bereft. One virtuous sister 1 had only left. And she is wedded as 1 needo nni-sl owji, To Colonel Herbert now bef )re Athloiie. Thither was 1 going-, vihen by chance 1 spied Thy daughter hiLtini^ b) a forest bide •, 1 stood amazed, and viewed her o'er and o'er, And as 1 viewed alas ! 1 bvcd her more iind more. She seemed so char^iiing- to my ravished eyes, That mighty Juno, lioveruig from liic .sliies, Drawn by her peacocks through ii.juid air. Must yield her throne to one so kiilinc^ f;i;r. Tail. Eloquence well tvuiicd: yotiiigrilurcus what remains'? Sir. Cliar. Her beauteous charms b;ae set my heart cn ihuiiea, WLeu on my knees I did iox mercy .sue, Uer answer was, 1 must apneal to you. Then, noble sir, if mercy ia eoniiuej Within the dictates oi a wanior't, mind, Irapower tiiis sword to serve iier iie.tvenly charms, I'll court her iu the fitdd by deeds of arm^, In spit',.- (if death or all \\> luud alarms. Talb. Thy s;a!t siiall be ucee|ned, gullant youth, Let me inform t ur general bt. lUiih, If he receives you, then 1 pawn my path Win hor, she shall be yours, aud you boUi, Sir. Char. lio"v shall my gratitude r jward your care ? . T<^db. Follow tu Aughrim, lor we stand it there, By force of war make good our rightful claim, And wreaths of laiuvis for our monarch gain. Sir Char. Now like the jm.rincr I leave tiie shore, And put to sea iu search of golden o;e. Through boisterous surges plough the troubled main, Midst rocks and tcm|icsls, and at Jtltuiu A bay of love and pleasure lor my pain. (ExcHJU TlicaidnftJic First Ac. 10 ACT 11. SCENE L Scene — The plcun of Anghim ct five in the morning, Th Irish Camp, and the castle of Anghrm ujij)canng at a distance. Enter Jcmina, icko sits down and sings* Ye Gods, look down and sec a maid. By cruel ibrtune llius betiayctl, A saciilice to late ; A. youth I love, and he is brave, Like ini;;lity Maio oidained to save, But yet to caplivalc. Come all ye uynii>ii;i who ever knew AV'hal Cupid or his dart could do, Give car unto my moan : Pity my pain, ye maidti, aud know, I love, but cauuot tell him to ; Then melt each heart of stone. Immortal Gods, some pity show, Ou constant lovers here below, When dangers do surround : Let them at last when all is clear, Enjoy their love and only dear, And let these joys abound. But if the powers do decree, Tliat I must lose my liberty, Distracted i-ill 1 run. To seek some dismal fatal grove, There fall a victim to my love, Auii so be (juite undone. (Shn rises a?td comes forward. Ylail ! STveet Ilibernia, hospitable i&le, More ricVx than Egypt with her flowing Nile ; Fair garden of the earth, thy fragrant plams Are seats of war ; and thy sweet purling sireanis All run with blood, and vengeance seems to trace The shining remnant of Hibernia's race. Enter Sir Cmrles Gotfrcy. Sir Chnr. See how fair Venus like the breaking morn, "With virgin ulushos docs the plain adorn, The glcamy damps of ni-ht she docs control, And darts her rays to ch?er her drooping soul : Oh! my Jemina, listen whilst I say, The news I bring shall bless the breaking clay, Apollo rises from the eastern seat To crown those joys my tongue can scarce repeat. Jew. What jov is tliis, Sir Knight, you would impart T Sir Char, fcjiich as has raised a sun-shine in my heart ; % \ PhotonovBt i I 11 Thy gallant sire has grantod nil thy charms, With all thy Ilcivcns to those transported arm3. Jem. Oh I nniiio not joj's like these, for heaven's sake. What; is not love, naj- fortune, both at stake? You SCO my country's fate reduced so low, To try a gamester's chance for one poor throw, I Sir C/to.r. Lot not a thought sa vain as this perplex The brightest star of all thy beauteous sex, For if your country shnnUl in danger be, By ITeaven 1 I swear I'd die to set it free ; Inspired by you, I'll rush ac;ain=t my fate. Like SalaJin, and all our foes defeat. Then fairest on the earth, do not dospair, For Ileavcn,. who formed you so divinely fair, Will raake your safety its peculia'caro. Jem. Forbear, sir knight, the language T detest : Could thoughts lise these inllamo a virgin's breast At this sad time, when love's auspicious charms Are all decline*' for ma'-tial deeds of arms ? And at my sobhing heart there's something too, Whispering within, that men are seldom true. Sir Char. Witness with me, yo gods I who rule (he sky, How far my nature is beyond a lie ; If I dissemble, may I ever be, A sad example to posterity ! When first your fair angelic form I riewed, The god of love my liberty subdued, From your fair eyes ho stole a fatal dart, And sheathed it rocking in my captive heart. Nothing therefore can end my ragmg pain, Unless for love you grant mo love ag-ain ; For if you do my fervent suit deny. I like the phoenix iii my nest will fry, 'Till cruel death ^hall finish all the strife, And I in scorching llames give up my life ; Then as my ghost to p;iradisc shall go, I'll praise tnat heaven in you 1 leave below. Jem. Can flftttr ij hke this jiroceod from one Whom all my thoughts are H<,\rW fixed upon I \our ele ,ueiice di\rine my her ' ' -iocs move And now in spite of virtue 1 must love ; iiere take my hand, 'tis true the gift is small, But whon I can, I'll give you heart and all. Sir Char. Thanks to the gods! who such a present gav\ Such radiant grace? neVn- could man receive jO J ^ ht Fa- vvho on par*n Imr^ oVr pui ii h-nnrjports known. What is tlic Tnrki?li ^fonnrcli on hh throne, Hemme''. ronnd with vusiy swovils in pompous state 1 Amidst his court no Joys can lie so great. ■Retire with mo, my soul no longer stay ! la public view, the jenonl moves this way. {Exeunt. {A f/ovrisk f'f tium-pets uithtn. Enter S'. Rut,.', Vrrri,i,q!on nful (yNfil. St. Is Sarsijchi tlion returned 1 biess the day I Draw out tljo troops to lino the horn's way ; Aroidst our shnuts in (riiirn-h shall lie conv;, Like great Einiiius when he entered liomo •In pomp, bedewed with iMaredonian teavF. ; Dor. Beheld, my Lnnl, ynrslield the brave appeqrs 1 Enh-r Sursjicld. St. Ruth Now stand distractinn! here thy conquest ends, {Embraicng. Thrice welc'ojnc to my heart, tliou best of friends, 'Ti>e rock on which our i)oly faith depends ; May this our meeting us a make The vast fouminliens of Britmiii.i shrdcc, Tear up their orani^c plant and overwhelm The strongest bulwarks (d" the British realm ! Then shairth'.' Dutch and >fanoverian fall, And James shall ride in trium[)h to Whitehall. Then to protect our faith he will maintain • An inquisitirn here, lijce tlint in .< do say, That near ti;c' river Huck the Britons lay, Secure of conquest, and wiU hither come, Like boisterous Miri^es pjnidcd by tiie moon. Dor. Then fear 'em not whilst here we he secvrc As ever Guiscard lay in ,n:reat Narnurc ? Yoti see my lords, our cauip on every side la both by .n't and nature 1' >rlil'od ; For sitna'tion not a spot of ground liike this in all lliberni.t, can iic found. . . \j (Anaiarm^ Pliotomoaat i'.'i I Enlrr Cd.rael Talhnt /lasfili/. Tall). To arms iny friciuls ! the English are in sight, And in contempt of lioath rcsc'vcd to light j ' Despising fcaij like luries they advance, In open war to d.iro the power of France ; Their echoing fhouts tho pregnant valleys fill, ' ' \"' And all onr workd arc levelled on tlic hiP, Otu- scoutd no longer at their posts can stay, .But fall like snow that gently thaws uway, St. Ihdhi Be it your care to march with present aid : Talb. Your orders, bir, with speed shall be obeyed! {Draws hu sivord and exit. Brumx beat %nthin. St. Ruth. Come lot us arm, my friends, and at tlio' lieau, Of every regiment let a mafs be said ! 'JDraw furlh onr army in tho best array, T^o try the fortune of this doubtful day, For sure the English sccllums void of fear, Delight to force our lines and fight us here ; But should thoy cume, there oach victorious band, Shall fall like wheat into u reaper's hand. Dor. But first my Lord, I held it best that we On Kiicommodon post our cavalry, Behind these htdgos let somo forces stand. That may tho centre of the bog command ; Then shall wc see, lor all their great designs, f Scaudeuberg" hiuisclf dare forco our lines. (yl Si'coiid alarm icithin. Enter Sir Charles Godfrey, vnth his ffu-ord diawn and Tj'iOodlj. Sir Char. Arm, quickly arm, wliy stand yc loitering here, In cold debates? tho conquering foe is near. Brave Cunningham's driigooiis, Sir Albert at their head, Have paved ilio fud.! all over with th(3 dead, Bet">ro tiiG galhiut knight no tV.rce cuuld stand, But all siibniiited to his uii,>h«y hand. Hore could I ij>y but h)iro uiy si;i;lif , A Sir Char. Patieuce, my soul, dispel these guahing ' tears, For see your Godfrey by your side appears. I Jem. 'Tis true thy sight is at this fatal time, Weicome as rain upon a sun-burned clime : But oh 1 my gJiof, I need no more disclose, You see the mangled cause of all my woes. Sir Char, I saw him plain, but that is no cause at all, For though he died he did \\ith honor fall. Though like the san when darkened by a cloud, You for a while your beauteous beams do shroud, Yet, when the' el ipse is patt the darkness o'er, You shine much brighter than you did before, Thou fair Diana ! — retire with me this way. View there our army drawn in pomp array, Amidst their ranks, inspired by you I'll Uy, So underneath thy banners biavcly die ; But should I fall beneath'the force of arms, Let no proud victor dare to share your charms Eather first find mo welt'rinj with t!ie slain, Let thy blood too, like dew, enrich the plain. To mix with mine in one united stream. End of lice Sec /lid Ad. \ {Exeunt. ACT III. SCEXE 1 Scene chongcs to the Iva; Camp. Efums beat within, the Eni>li'i<)n isc-oni.i to ic'?u. Ber. It does; wc shall d.lent tiiem,a..d inaj ; ' In the defence of England'.s honor die • • ' '. Fired with such glory, let ns meet the toil, And cultivate with blood the tliii.stv :'oil • .'' Maiutuin our ground, nor .t,ive an ineh away. Though death and hell stood ,£rnf.iiiv»- in the way. ^Ext. A table and chairs are set ; flourish of iriiuipets whhin' EUer at several ihors, Gcnrah- Ginde, Ruvinny, TaU maJi, Mackcif, aitd Colond JkrbcrC ' ■■ . Herb. Defend great (iinido, oh ve Cods uud may u His -nighty sword redeem ourlaxv^ to-d»v. Girl. Hail mighty ]^rilons ! we nppeal {o you, WlKstlier or no we must the il.s;ht pursue ■ I hold it best ft-r to encamp lo-nioht, And so fall on th. i' by the m :;nin;z lijdit ; . ^ But let us sit down here r.'^A ;n-.>t delirite • - •- . Of proper means to poise the seal;* of late. ,., . T ( Thry all sit doion. JN-cTw 1 present, J;TOfi( h:>roe^. to vc:!r view, The plain of Aughrim wdiich my guhuer drew. , (iShcu's a 3Iap. 'ihat 10 a hair their posture does describe, -And hlwws their camp as it is forlilitd. Herc,"rcj brave soldiers, you may plainly see, • , ( rdntin^ to tht Map. Photonoaat 17 Vlieir riglitoxteiuU'd all to rrnehrcc, Tlieir U-ftaml ronti'V ilo tw* niikfl contain, .ExJindinj;- o'er the well ^uricmmlcd |ilaiii. EuiMpe can't show n spot thus lortitied^ With rivers, liilb, bogs on overy side : Then spr^ak, my lorJs, pronounco jour thoughts 04 siji^ht. Shall we decline it, or renew thof.ght ? Herb. Uy lords, my rlaii w.ks ever to pursue, And with our inmost i'orco llio fight renew ; IIn/,fird was still the glory of the ^roAi ; Then let im fi-'it, so shaft v.o extirpate Those purplft slaves who wnu^-l our faith devour With bloody zeal, and cruel priestly power, Subvert our law^!, nnd make a not-on bleed, Then think they merit IL.Mven for their leed ; Let thoug'hts like those yonr noble .jiiuds cnflame, To add fresh laurels to great William's name ; Kclieve your brethren, nnd wlt'r. fame subdue Rome's wooden idols, and Ih^ir monkish crew, Th )sc vile oppressors of our ?acrcd laws ; Then side wiih inp, and Heaven will join our caiise. Rui\ There now, brave Herbert, you have touched ii light; Btit yet consider the powers we have to fight, For, by the accounts that v.-e have lately seen, They're fiv--and-twt nty thousand, we eighteen ; A desp,M-ale odds, my friends, besides the ground AVith forts and breast-vvorhs is beleaguered round, A boi:^ secures the van, a rivulet behind, Besid( s the ndvantag-e of the sun and wind. Weigh all Uiis well, tlicn you will plainly see, If we engage wc fight then one to three. Ginc. fc^end f >r o-ir tentn, then will we lie all nighj, Encamped along the vuliey in their sight : That when the sable night shall pass away, And Sol's fair ehari-t usher out the day, Wh(>n the fnm: availing mo; in shall be o'errun. Then we'll ttlack them by the morning sun ; '' So Heaven, great Heaven, shall be divinely kind, 1 To drive our foes like chiif before the wind. I Eiifrr Col Olid Earlcs. \ Ear. My Lord, this moinent as I firmly stood, Lodged in my post, near tlic adjoining wood, A herald from the Irish camp is come With some demand— his name is Dorrington. (Exit. Enrhi>, i To ^'""St S . Xcj«t d..,md, Joth make : My British s.WioM k'' l^y "/.'"^mlcrs iy ,"e ho moots o >olol ovorv u^^v^ ?r£lTL,orro,nUo.^h.y,o«ny^ _ My ^-''"'^ l'7,"'\ '/:,L"' .o'i.»ml to, To the dccisitM. of -^^^rc;-te ^v^r : ^^^^ Tell lum from ^^ <;;'^^,;f;"; ,, -,1 .Maintain : Nassau's ">^^.«" 1^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ meet renown, To-day great ^\''''«' \" . ,, ,^j,,,„ his crown. Whilst circhn- laurels ^M lU^ ^^^ ^, ^^^^ You'll curse your rashn.^s auu ^^^.^ Darnngim. H„*. Thcte .PO.C a T™o;Unc-b,,t n»o «y .otds. Renew the r.sht.a"' ""h ™' ";','„, Attack the f°^ »»j/ ™ ;^u , n "' "'S^- Lest they march oU ui'P"'»'-"- ^(^-^.k^ Photomoaat daw. } 19 GoJg ! shall true Britons tamely hold their haiiJ« To Bit like Blavcs, ami hoar sucli boltl (Icmamlsl It cannot bo — dispel llicsc caiisclcsa fears, Strive to retrieve the fame of former years : Think how o'lr Henry tanght proud France to yield At Agineourt, and binvcly won the fiiMd ; Then shall not \\ e his glorious deeds pursue, And sword in h:ind, the insuUin;^ foes subdue? Mack. As ILnhcrt s lys — so let us straight proceed, By fi»roc of war to make whole thousands bleed. Loiter no longer but on St. Ruth's rip^iit Let our brov(! soUlicrs, with a dreadfid (light Of leaden balls Ix'gin tlio mortal fijrht: Which if they di), my lords, the Irish then From Aughrini castle will detach their men, So when that way shall be of the guards bereft, Our right may pass and so attack the left. Gin. Agreed, brave English, let our cannon play, Whoso aspiring smoke shall overcast the day: There let your rseless stalTof honor lie, ( TItcy throio dcxvn their truncJteons. For on our sworus the battle does rely. TJieij all drata, _Eacu to his post and see that it be fought 'With matchless courage as by Britons ought. On every side our George's Cross display. And die each m^n, or else redeem the day. Protect us Heaven, in thee alone we trust, Prosper our arms as this our cause is just. Plant thy true word once more in this poor isle. Shield it from them who v/ould thy faith deBle, Now my brave friends, kit us the combat try, No task is left us now. I)ut how to die. Then let us fall with glory ere we yield, Or with a sea of blood ddugc the field. {Exeunt gcnerailf. Trumpets sound a churfje. Enter Lucinda, Lucinda. O stay, my Herbert, I conjnrc you stay. Re-enter Herbert. Herb. What would my ever fau' Lucinda say ? Lticin. Oh I don't engage to-day, I thee desire, ■ Jjast night methought I saw you wrapt in fire. All clad in Hames, while Angels did surround Your lovely form, and bore thee oil' tiie ground, Thou I hel.eld theo as a cherub rise, And soar aloft to the celestial skies. '/^ i.) Jle.X Wlitil mrar'? iviy -onl ? AVhat sicrnifies thy dream? It but portonils I .shall bo <•■ owjicd with fame. HnrK — Now the ;;-I(»rioii« h.-ittle is begun, And thmidcriiirr c.innori do eclipse* tho sun : The trumpet's blast roriunanils me to tho figtit, Atliue, my Iniiost o:li, my soul's doliglit, I mli^t U'lt be I / »ro!ii:in".s counsel -jWa ^d For love anf] honor both ..i)',r be oheve> joyful day is sp^.-nt and done, They close their pride an 1 niourn the absent bUn, Then cease your fearr, .0 loii.cror can I stay, My eouiitvy calls and lnns:aiit joys and f(-nd dolilcasant vrrdant brow doth so invite, That you would sit down tliere and view the fight. Banish your fear- my love and come away, And from that gra.ssyou may witii ease survey, How Britian's ucnins shall with glory rise. To re^ch with joyiut pomp the applauding skies. ' (Exeunt. ■t PkaCoa< «■! \ ( Drums u-ithin. , rr i i Enttr Generals Glude, Machvy, and Culo^id HcrUr., J- icith their titvnts araivn. Gin. 'T\H now past, and wc li ive just bt-uu To \o\v the buttli' by a siprnul kh" 5 . No slucknei's can be IV-iitul *.» t^uU r sulo, /or through the air death .Iocs u. tnu.npU rice . Our men with intnpi.luy n.lva^iie . 'Midst sliowers of balU coi.tfum liio rage ol b.ance. . Our left have pas^rd the l.og.and now To gain more grom.d in spite ci all Hlm.- hr.-. /fac^. But lure, .uy lo>J, ^ hav. ohst., ve 1 m spUe Of all their force, our loft subdue n^- .1, t'or L survey how they iluiir lo .b supp-y, And fill the ground wh re s.-veral hundrvd- lie, With undaunted bravery, the chur-e ihey st.vnd, , And from their ri^ht bo.h h ,.s. and fool ..J>u:aund. Now bho.ild we hold of this advautao-€ lay, And march our foot acioss the narrow way, There post thcinselvos in order t:> oppose The main battalion of I ho s.uUin^Mors Ginc. V,M that coirmUt.-d to hravo Herbert a caie, The martial orh of Br.lon's h'ln.bphere. With tliesc but»alious let our fauio be slijwn, Drcighton's, Earle.V Brow.i's ;uul yd^..r ^^^u Attempt the bog, and : ee your ground ma.utaineu, . , Until with forces )ou id-.ll be suilamcU. lie b. My lord no iurllier glory do . asU, But meet with pleasure so renowne.i a tab.c, Tbe great command willi extacy c.nh.a^ e, Though death a.iu ru u stare me in the lace. {I^xit. Gin. Fere we embrace my friends, as hoieto.ore Brethren have parte.!., ne .cr \o meet n,. re, Or as uvo friends, wiio u Ili» reiooi-:,e survey Their vessel severed on tlu ragiu;z «.ea ; Each gets a phink, ai, 1 hn contpaaion leaves, ! To 'he wild meicy of ilie raging wMves ; As long as possible hi- fri' nd lic v, .\vs, Each lorccd ai last, a dillVient futo pursues. One smks vvhilo t'other gains the sliore at Inst, .. ^ There mourns his fellow'^ lois, and grieves tor ^ynat i3 past. .,. , {l^xcioit. (Inmpds iciiJur..) I End (f the Thitd ^ il ! i 22 ACT IV. SCENE 1. Scene. — The plain of AuQhrim between both Armies ai six in titc Evming. (Trumpets within.) Enter St. Ruth and ^^Jarsficld, Ihcir swords dratvn, St. Ruth. Fortune seems doubtful yct^she wou'fc decide The victory, but I'avors either side : Strict to their charge our soldiers stand their ground, Whikt Mars in pomp surveys the battle round, Rules all the field like aii imperial Ciod, To scourge these 13rittons witli his nidrtiul rod. Sars. View how the foe like an impetuous flood, Breaks through the smoke, the water and the mud. They'll ocarcely^pass the bo^^'aiid then contenm The puissant-power of you and all your men : ' Nor ill! the great habiliments of wc r, Iv )r walls of brass their passage can debar ; Or should your legions of their numbers kill, Leave but a few alive they'll rally still. St' Rath. By lleav'ns they're brave ! 'tis pity the; should be Exposed to hazard, death and massacre. Heroes they are, my lord ; and as I live. Were they not heretics, 1 would forgive : But yet oi<" holy clmrch doth so command That we niust root such miscreants from the land. Oh I let us then our soldiers animate, To be courageous, and their foes defeat. Enter Gen. Dorrigntmi, loith his snord drawfi. Dor. Aughrim is ours, brave general Ilostile's dead, Who even now lord Portland's hor^^e did head, He that ere now triumphant ruled the plain, On ajproud steed that did the bit disbain, Drove all before him till a lucky ball, Shot with good aim from o(V the castle wall, Clove up Lis skull, and with tiic mortal wuund, I saw him fall and bloody on the ground. St. Ruth. Thanks to the gods— and all the sacre powers, Heaven row is just, and Aughnm shall be ours, Now conquest chirups in the liquid air, They fly, pursue, and charge them in the rear. {Ecccun The Scene opens, and scirral soldUrs enter as runnin away, tvilh them Col. Earlcs. Eatlcs. Oh — stand and bravely perish ore you fly, For Ml the worst, brave souls, We can but die. PkotoOMNIBt iiiiiics ai draion. u'fc decide L'ound, >od, ud. 1 pity tbey d. rawn. i's dead. I, • the sacred i-s, • {Exeunt. •,s running you fly, Then Lrarely stnnd your j^ound, and scorn to flinch, But if Ihey conquer sell them every inch. ^ Enter Gen. Tulmach, his sword drawn. Till. Stand, cowards, stand, and yet redeem the day j No hopes are left you if you run away 1 Oh stand y^ur ground — for shame maintain the field, Must Britian's glorious sons a conquest yield ? If so, alone I will the battle try, And in defence of England's honor die. Earles. Bravely relieved, and succored just in time, When Britian's cause \/as ready to decliuc ; Herbert is taken prisoner, and conveyed Back to the foe — in spite of all our aid ; Twice we retook the hero, but, at length They took him from us with their utmost strength. .We being severed, Herbert in the throng i Waved his great arm as he shot along, > And 0, he said, brave friends be noble still, ; And in so just a cause whole legions kill. Talb. Is he then lost ? oh, my renowned friends, /Rally again, and here their conquest ends ; •ijRenew the charge, then shall you surely see, 'We'll gain the gloiy if you follow me ; I'll you lead on and yet redeem the day. Though squadrons oi devils stood to thwart my way. {Exeunt. Soldiers shouting, enter Ginclc, Mackey and Ruvigny. Crinc. Routed I — confusion ! — See, our centre runs, Driven by the foe just even with our guns, Which rendered useless in the worst of times, |I fear the battle with the day declines. 'Never till now could Irishmen maintain A fight so bloody on a woll fought plain ; iBut lot us yet advance, then will you find, They'll fly like atoms severed with the wind, So ou the east, at the approach of day, The sun dispels the sable clouds away. i Mack. Yonder, my lord an\idst the throng appears, lA gtillant youth but tender yet in years ; |His heroic actions shine amidst the light, iTor in their host no hero seems so bright. P marked him well, in all his martial pride, ^Whilst by his sword severtil of our soldiers died. ICurse on the stripling may I never fall Trill with this sword I make him pay for all. Rung. ]My lords, 1 hold it best that now on sight, a^Ton detach brave fcjiv John Lanier from the right, ill It I Shall we mXi^'T'^'r'^ l^rk : . " f-- al/ rife :^l,^'tr"' ^°"''"^'- -" ;J;«'-t the tl.ou.| iwr?*?^^ ^^« have won 7 Jhat from «o gS v; '1''^ ''• "^'^'^ be said Jo sell our iXftV T\"T'' '^^ «^d, ^« those poor (latl u? ' ^'''' ^'^'' ^-!>'>' /^ iren.on/ '^ i; "^l^l' ^ho land defile •• ^m foot ha.s rallied -in,) i, 'l ^ ^'^"^s way; ^"d bravely have ti; •m^:^^''"^-^ mnintained, ^"•e »ns,ver, fire, and j L/f ^''"""'^•^•^ffa'ned I," van, his li-^-lu'jWnt "^ ""*^« «"ow Of our noTV seattescd ?,:,^ *""''"' '^'^ at head I Photomoiint ,25 1 • I thea I marked thy bloody p^ume^afar, .» before your mighty deeds of war, for a while your person could discern, nd wished to meet you singly arm to arm ; rwas [earing Jut iiov, I see that wars uncertain scale, v;'erweighed by force, has made your sword - 1 Yet know, proud victor, tho^ a captive ta en, . -^ Mvliberty my brethren shall regam. - ^ ' Enter St. Rutk. St. Ruth. Fly to your post, be now or uerer l^rave, .Nor waste your glory with a captive slave ; • - • -Our camp is now almost beleagued round, * Though ♦Wice repulsed the haughty foe gams ground. But yet be brave, defeat them once again, They'll yield the battle, and desert the plain, JHeri. 'lis false as hell, your efforts^they'H detest, No dast^r.' thought can rule a Briton's breast, My rallant countrymen disdain to ny, Put fall with honor first and choose to die. ■ St. Ruth. Bear hen'^e that captive scellum from my sight. 1 i5 u* Lodjre him secure, and then pui-sue the fight : This' is no time to lose, wben in their pride, The enemy appears on every side. , rr t. > / (Exit Dorrington, O'Ned, and Jderbtri. '' St. Ruth solus. ' ' • ,Bode \ rell, my heart, this prisoner shall npt live, One minute's respite more I will not give ; His friend comes on, and at the last, I fear He may be rescued from us, and get clear ; Theft would he drowh whole squadrons in their gore, *And be tnore desperate than he was before.' I'll hinder that, by hea , en he surely dies, 'i^nd to my fury falls a sacriticc. {Exit with kettle-drums and trumpeif. The scene opem, and discovers Col. Herbert lying bleeding, ' Jie cravils forward to the niiddlt of the stage. Hero. Wounded to death, but yet my heart won t break, Though I retain scarce power enough to speak, My butchers are returned to the fig L*, Yet had not mercy left to kill me quite. Almighty Heaven ! victorious William bless, And eve>* crown his armies with success, May laurels ever-green adorn his crown, And may his arm throw Popish altars down : Long may he reign, to shield this famous laud n m-wi |;a'n would I say n?rr^f^' ^ hesoech?^"°^°- "Teiojied ivorid oj- ^^"^^ S^r Clu^rles Godf ^^ S'all, bou,,j i"'';''' '""Is, who ,lLt" f""*"' •* PkotoBOvat band ; come, fJirone. Jiviue I 3ne, lovvn. P^ my speecJi, '"• (Dies, ^n, spea/an>r ord in ^jand^ » mean ? ^^ Herbert '.the ring. ns, anns. • ■\ 27 liere on thla earth, I was your father tlif " ^ But I was butchered by the worbt of mr They butchered, then hid me under grou:;d, And to convince j-our eyes, behold the ghastlj- wound. l^hews his breast. Sir Char. O Heavens ! my father, behold thua low, I bend my body, and my duty show. Ghost. Stand off, and tou'ch me not, for fear that I Vanish a.vay and from your prejerice fly ^ But mark zr.y words, the whistling winds do sing, How prompt by love you fought against your king. And hovv you would your conutry cxpiute j I hovered down to let you know your fate. Sir Char. Could such vain trifting thoughts as tlicse entice A ghost for to abandon paradise", Answer me this, if it be no olTeuce, When thuu'ft at rest where is thy residence, For mortal rn'owon earth are prone to say, Were gliosts in hcaveft in heaven thoy tlrerc wonMstay, Or if in hell, ^hcy could not get away. Ghost^ Where visions rest, our souls imprisoned dvvelt> By Heaven's coriiinand, we are foibid to tell, But in the obscure g'"ave, where corps decay, . Moulder in dust and putiify avray, No rest IS there, for tlic iniinortal soul Tak. sits full flight, and R^i^tters round thia pole ; Sonveliines I hover over the EuTciiie sea. From pole to sphere, until thj judgment-day ; Over the TliracKin Bosphorus do I fl')at, And pass the Stygi.ta lake iu Charon's boat, O'er Vulcan's fircy court, and a sulphurous cave. And riJu Pike N';ptinue oa a briny wave, List to tlte blovvinV^fi,ch must I follow ? here "r! ^ P"""«' Nassau's great title tn;i.?"P™'='Ma, ^ Sar^. As Heaven is t;f '""o^^nce. fce"r4iF=-^ter'°"'- As wilful murder "° ^^^ ^^n^pJ/ ^'-- By the p-'cds, nor 1 1 Once .ore ^X tlfi.^S"' '"^ --"t b ot' ."^'^ ^^^ Jursue, we'll dri^e thnm k /'"'^ '"^^'^^ts, Fall on, my friends ^f™ "V"" ^"l^J^'n Vates ■ Hew down whole cohor.'T ^^''^'^ make^ ' f «° as a terror to the ?oi ot"' '^'''' "^^^^^^ take • " ^4e Bajazet Pi] bind ht'rS^c:^' ' ^'^ e^ ;A. i^^4 4,^; {Exeunt. Pbotonoaat me. Jie. It can I do ? drawn. e sustain,' 1. ' 2n times' un. irnoT# eunt. ACT V. SCENE 1. Scene. — TJce kill of Kilcommodcn. Enter Sarsfield atid O'JVeUfMicir swords drawn. $ars/kld. Aughrim is now no raoie, St. Fv«ilh is dead, And all his guards are from the battle fled ; ^.8 he rode down the hiil ho met his fall, And died a victim to a canuon ball j ^ith him our lives and foituues all decay, For now the unthinking cowards fall away. ONeil. Hope now is vain, no succor can be found. And death displays his sable flag around } But yet forbear too soon to yield to fute, Nor sell our lives at an ignoble rate ; Here let us stand, and hero attend our falls, As once Rome's senate waited for the Gauls. Sars. 0, my C'Neil, thou partner of my breast, Thus shrre my love, I^Ernbract^i.) for now my heart's at rest ; Death is now welcome since I have a friend, And one like yoa ou whom I may depend j The cheerful pelicans with vigor stood. To pierce their breasts and feed their young with blood j So shall thii sword unsluice each azure vein, To let forth blood to feed the tragic pUiin. ' CNeil. Oh,name not that, my Lord, withstand their powers, To sell 'his spot, which only nov? is ours ; Who falls with glory, annals do allow, Share equal laurels with the victor's brow. Enter Dorrington, his sword drawn. Dor. Haste noble friends, and save your lives by flight, For 'tis out madness if you itand to fight ; Our cavalry the battle have forsook, And death appears in each dejected look, Nothing but dread confusion can be seen. For severed heads and trunks o'erspread the green ; The fields, the vales, the hills and vanquished plain, For five miles round are covered with the slain ; Death in each quarter does the eye alarm. Here lies a leg, and there a shattered arm. There heads appear v, hich cloven by mighty bangs. And severed quite, on either shoulder hangs, This is the awful scene, my lords ! oh fly The impending danger, for your fate is nigh. Sar*. Oh spare the talc, rny friend, nor let me hear A sound so harsh ill (innadin? to mv ear; i' 80 Blast all rov crl^«7 f coward's name, He fled to AfWca 7e .' ^^'^« ^^^--tbroVn, • He wand e , ralonrf^'^' ?'"' •'^-"-' Then shall ar tII ,'''"" *'"«'' to door • -Ocr. Mv lord f, jk "^'" J«'n my cause. Your life ^il, „„t ^«™«; » b«8on, ; ijimerick anrl p„i "='17 atone, Trom whose Trel wkfr"' '^^^ '° L''n«^'ck fly. Here hope fsS T.r ' '"" ^"^ "^^ ''^edefy Sir Charles GonL *. ''^'^ '"^ t"-"*^- Who,. I,er ;•,„"■:;;• '^^ejo^^^^^ his ,„.e, ?"t here through aSnes. h ?^ ^''^ ^'''"e >" And l,y |,is folfy „?^ X" ^^, '^^'•P'ed them all, Oh Hearens I can nav ?'^«''"a's fall, Ofdeuthor-Lrytrr :re''^'"^^'"g-uad And formed for somHJ u"""^^^^ ^'"■"''• To hed^e and p ou^TaCw ?s^' ^ P^«^^»''» cub, ^o cultivate for ^"ain " V7;'f """'^^ried toil, ' Towatchmyflocki In? ^^''^''^''' With all m/locts ^erwid'Jf "^ ^^^^"-^ through Rather than being great ^it^^ "'^''"'"^ Mr«/i of kettle- drums and trumpets Enter with their sw.ords drawn, the Genera's Talmash, M'ckc,,, and Sir Charles Godfrey, wUh so'di ,s Tat. take quarters, gentleman, and yield on sigUt, Or otherwise prepare to fight ; , . • , Yet pray take pity on yourselves and yie d, For blood enough has stained the sanguine field ; 'Tis Britian's glory, you yourselves can tell, To use the vanquished hospitably well. Sars. Urge nut a thought proud victor, if you da^'e, So far beneath the dignity of war ; • . I am a peer, and Saisfield is my name, And where this sword can reach I dare maintain. Life I contemn, and death I recommend. He breathes not vital air, who'd make me bend My neck to bondage ; then proud too, decline • - The length of this, {sivows his sword,) because thf spot is mine. , Tal. If you are SarsfieUi, as you bravely show You're the brave hero whom I longed to know, Ann wished to than': you on the reeking plain, For that great feat of blowing np our train : Then mark, my lord, for what I here contend, ''^a Britain's holy church I MOW defend, ■f Enttr Jmivia veiled. Oh look not on moVorn''' S ^°'' ^^'^^ «nco wert so ^ »d blot ,.. „„t Zmy"JT,.''''T'"""- "■«»'. ,, -^m. Spare (te smS ,"'"™'"-=n« q«ile. ; . . y 3aven and by men forgot, Pbotom Miat 33 rm cursad-iaid marked by heaven for wronging inno- A«dheU*iteeif must punisbtte offence; ' To the d»rk shades of the abyss below Im dtt the fi^htl did y°«'^'^^"«J, • ^rt W^th Britiau'a conquenns ^ons to take a p^^t, When neavca whoever does the fair defend, Th Jiietipa overtook me a tje ena : i^o^a ho Eritons did tbelr cjaae pursu«^ In the pursuit, with th. muca blood I^d^^.^^^ ^ .^ ^^^^ Which beins viewed by an Hibernian lord,^ hJ^ lllfcd blck and wUk a V^randxshed .word, With furious force mj person be assaUed, , My optrcucrves grow dim and lose their sight, xJd all my veins are now exhausted quite, Cold w^Its bedev. my gb.stly looking face, . My life ebbs forth, and death comes on apac*. T fam would live to nsalie ^msnds lor all, ^ , . , „ fi»rc\I2o1iedicu,m7=oul! you see your Godfrey fait ^. . Jem. There fell as brave a youth with fame inspired,' As ever yet a virgln'r. bosom fired; Bv sure his ghost wUl noi be so unkind, . To soar to blaven and leave me here behmd. No, it is iur^t ye gods, it cannot be, He hovers on the wing, and waits for me, But shall not lon^, th^ ends the -rtal^^e^ ^^ ^^^^^ . This puts a period to my worthless life ; , Then after all my anguish, grief and pain, In Heaven, my lovo, we'll surely meet agam, Witness, ve Goa? i Jemiaa still was tnie, And see what lov; can make a virgm do. • Let fair Hibernia's latef=t annals t^l|, That, by the force of love Jcmma fell ; ' .This to my heart, so wretched world Jarewcll^!^^ ^ J^ - j^nter General Ginde, Marquis Rimgny, with sUdter, and- a^om> ••low came tfi « in-i„ i ."••■" m I'.'.e. S-me vwr Sou ' if 'T ?"'?«»' the deui I ^«", officer. ha,.e l„ bid .,„ ..i^f;!;*^- f "« '» % brave Ruvignr to vnii I ~ . (^•"■.' "J. Tor «• ,o„ on, l,o»t seeme/ "ad' 7" " » ''.""»«; C-//^ bpeak, /valiant 8„ld er^* ?. T ^" ' a" aei,.S,.:t:'J;^''- ;-'MJe.„a,, -t 'lese men. mv In. #? o r ''"7'^^=* ^ou^hrci : A^'o /ou,,,, iG':; 1. ,::■;;;■;' s ,t"- «-/a,;e,- G^««. Hail mirl.f.. n • "''^P'^ of slain l^Iust we disl.and our Je ? , ^'"'"'^'' "°^ ? It could no bo l7d h ' '. .""^^ '"°'« i • ^ wt raa^ tho bog surround. Pkft^l fain, place, "ffOu bodies 30. {^Ejcit officer. not raise lise: led, le ' it, y clear ? 'ners taVo, ifte,- iin. bow. i g* lea rev rs sent,. o'ma^ Til, There's *Cne rr [^barred ''ach soldier And that they nii>? Their belts i«nd »rm-i I'oui hun 33 inain« oiitirc f< r tl;c n ght, ,,. from his fallow's si^lt, ht he hvjhl, to run mnre iant, and a I i.w. y ih > ("'St. Its "ot, Ircd soldieis wo have ^.^i^onl^s g (£z/t. And seven thousand lie dead up- n the 8|H.t, Their t.-nts and l 't^ » tir.-, With all til. i. « ai.nop, jirn.s ami « • «m,-. t u I il/flc'.-. To let vfluiy !•.• n oiv Mcn, Send all their. c(dnrs t.r the Hr-iish (^men, As lasting ei..bir«ns t.r t. eir t<>l;d Ji. II, To L'nic-, in mi-hty pomp, W.Min ns'er Hall. Girt. It shall he done ; l>iit nil the m. hj^ht, X"t our tier.-.' s Id eis i>uard ih • fi id all nigr.t ; •Let our small arms, ami our thim I. lii.g cannon, Pnxdaim our con lU-st V> llie vanqtnshed shannon, Let II m • in si! nee and atll ct on vM-ep, J^nd let our shunts prochdni it to ihe deep. Tul- My lord, the must r-master's list .ocs tell, flow many English in this '^attle fell, Abmu 1 account consideiing \.lKit we gain, Sevi-n Jiuudred wonnded and as many slain. Gin. wond'rous God, who c:in the battle guide, And give a.-conqui st to the wtakcr so*-, Snre thy tremt-nilous hand th«! battle fought When En ber-r. Great U avtn Oiine more onr eon juer ng army bless, Let B,i iun's arms ever me t sue >s ; O'l r oil: poor land t ly la-ii g tnith . finvcv, And guaiil til s Isif we imv. re Ic. iiie.i lo-dav {Ex^Uid wJ.'i d/UiHj beMn^ and coluisjl^ //'j I '■ . "^ — ■.t , - 1< SIEGE OF LONDONDERRY. 'r'* « I I DRAMATIS PKR.S0N.5. Arm- "' •^''"•Mclal and Gt.„,.„| , , defended hy D^,^^ ,, . t^Je Trisifc Pliotomoaat 1rela:md preserved j OR, THE BIEGB OF ll,o:^^£)ONr)£RRV- ■Oft, naf« ACT I. SCENE 1. KeprexmUng tlie suburbs of tJie CHy on fire. Enter Granude, knocking at a person of note's dooTr GRANADE. On ! n way JJ^T retreat ; and ^hat shall tof T ^'- ''"^^ '' ^^^^ J», when we Lave eleven. -I .""Sainst a body of ^° i^erry, aad .o ho^s'cro" s'^^'^^-^-l^ before we'g^f Photomoaal n food conduct e must have jot^ernor of •you to have sheep with- 3sibIo care as the cir- en did jou ^t you, auj to consult rid several 1 ; but for, ted me to a greater of taking tvas going hope jou ' ? garri- iia man- >n, and Z Q are all f in the n.ght to ' amiQu- id more. I leave, gain no in they t~but >Ieram I hare —the, i table noWfi I ford way nake BgCt ■'iv Gov. Tt can't be helped, I cannot supply you at this unicand tell you plainly, I have not provisions for a forl- 'ni-ht,forthegarrison, althou-hljut for three thousand men Gran. That neglect is yours, yoi might have enough, if you would let the country bying it in, and that was iho least you could do ; but there is still a help of 5000 head of cattle round the totV^n, their owners have lelt them, and why not provisions for us as well as the enemy I Gov. 'Tis all carrion meat, and not worth eating the ga'risou will not eat it ; bchidcs, do you think I will torce and seize other men's property ? ■ Gran 'Tis true, at present it may be coarse meat, om when a bard siege comes .-e shr.ll b. glad to cat the worst bit and 'tis xve'-l if we don't find it so ; ar.d for property, if there be any that own the catiie let ihora take share. 1 am sure that the enemy will net regard property, and i think we have cs good u /.ght as the.-n : I am resolved to have my share. Eut, sir, 1 thm^ you have no mind to stay and run the risk of a siege. , , ^ . w;i Gov. I must stay and give an account to King Wil- liam, whom I am sworn to be true tc, and uave accepted his commission ; and let them take cars uot to violate the authority he has given mo. ' Grak. But piay, sir, cor.Gidcr my ovrcuniatances an^ Bome thousands more, that are procJaimed rebels to the government, and must undergo the penalties thereol,'ii we come imder the mercy of the enemy : is it not better to fight out raanfuSly than to be han^eu like dogs .' we kre here ten or twelve thousc:nd men, and a body ol horse. Call ashore the tv/o English reg.ments, do yoti think we are not able to deal with 6 cr 1 COO Irish ?-^ Let us come together and join in a body, you'll see what work we'll make with thein ; but now can we do any thing, when you keep your regiments 5> 10, nay 15 miles from one another, and will not let us come together I It yon have no provi^ons, we huve the greater cause to fight them ; you wrou'^ht night and day to get the-pow- der, balls, arms, and other materials into the town, and do you tlrnk wc can live on powder, or on a lighting taatch, at the same time not suffer provisions to be bro t into the town -.—This can never be for King Williams service. My life is ai stake, and therefore I must be blain with you. , -rr a Gov. You are not to tell me ray business ; if 1 do any thing amiss, I am to answer for it, and none else ; so 1 pray, sir, go where I have commanded you, aad let me have these passes well delcmled against the enemy. / mw'-^. >' I f 1 l! ll I III is ■ SOI ammu„i,i„„ ? ■''"'•°' ""''^ "> n-arch ? I,„, •f ORG. Ali's readj. O^Ei. Sir three of '''^'' '''' ^•^'■' Gra.v. VVeJ? if » J. *^hicii cost ten pounds eucl, i! 1 ',''°''""^ ^'t'' them are in a miserable corSa TT'"''^' ""^'"d- We theGovernor, to weaken h!' ^^^''^^^^ on all handle passes to all who come a„d 1 '",'" ""^ ^^' cause gTves of our enemy ,_ J,; f"' ^."'j^^^^f -« are in th^l^^e we* f 'ir'"- °» "^' King WHIiam I ^''^''^ '"■^^riet FoBo. Tf, • = Be at in 1,3 •rnor, «i,(, ijSH^J'"i[ '^ '° encouraged bv ,U to come and banglH,' ="'^ "''l"^^. ''»/ ^ ■• "he enem, g"tou8hipboard fir« 1,**?^ " ">e man that S -K^-na f ii'vft'ir."""*^ "■«■ '"="^e toV;rc upon a return of the tide I iL!^^ '^" ^^^ ^^rand, |u«t Photomoaat ow what I could re better jou 48 {d<» op to a boat that lay on the side of the flca, who should I "see but Captain Bell of our rej^iment, lie gasping and i speechless, rolling in hh blood, and snveral sold-ers plun- ^ del inj? the boat ; I asked the reason haw that gemleman came to be killed, they told me it was they did it, that they had orders for it ; they told me likewise that ofti» cer that lay dead and one officer more, had hired the boat and were deserting the garrison, aa other ofticer* had done the tide, with an inlent to go on slnp- board f(jr Ens^land op Scotland, leaving their soldiers to be hanged bv the Irish. Graw. What a surprising thing this is 1 wasn t it the other day we took a solemn oath to stand bj one another, that we should sacrifice our lives in the cause we had undertaken, and that before the whole regiment, with our swords in our hands 1 Did not we cause all the 3ol« diers in the regiment tp do the hU.e 1 and this captain to gbow t(» all an example of pcrfidioucnoss— 'tis a judg. ment, and I'll say no more ; let the cr.plam, Mr. Knox, stay and ^ce him decenlly buried. Scene II.— The IriSh C^.mp. Enter Gen. Hamilton, mth a general's siaf, Ramsay and Sftc/don, Sir JSeil, an Irish Jiul^c, and at a dis- tance an ugly fdloio, an cxccuiionr.-. Ham. How fortunate and victorious are our arms sinca ■we marched from Dublin ! what dread and horror pos* bpsses those Hying rebels 1 how from town to town, from mountaia to .-nountain, like untamed beasts possessed with fear, cowardice and destruction ! those dt'-mned heretics, filled with rebellion and confusion ! how they fly before us, and are but as dust before the winds. Sheld. If any thing saved your credit, 'twas that at Colerain, which gave us a week's diversion. Ham. But in what condition are they now ? where are those ragged rebeily rogues that skulk in every hole and corner? we'll s..on catch them and make them a spectacle to the world, as the vilest traitors ; as soon as I have tpken a view of the army, we'll prepare to march. Sheldor advance your detatchment of horse and dragoons to Der.j , and discover the rebels, and observe if they are in motion and send me word. {Exeunt Hamilton and Sheldon. Ram. The navigable river that lies between us and Derry is of great advantage to the rebels, for I am in- •.-■'•• " • v^ i\ circuit rouad Strabane, I li 44 degree, infatuated Lddlvo^^lnf^''''^ *° '^« ^''S^^^t «ot the least mercy or pity To 1 IT'''' \ ^^'^ deferve leave them, refusij^ an^^ ?«; Jr to Tp .7 "'«''• ^^^-^ me. Jhehaltarj fa„t these remafnir^h" °''?'''^' *« escape to be noosed, tc handselThe Zi'tr ^5 '^'^^'''^ ^««i^e Come Sir Neil ^'ann.v. u- " legged tree at Derrv the judge ^n-nt^l^:;^^.) ^^^ ^S t'on : an Irish jury and ° 5 f \^ *''*'''" '°^o e^ecu^ .quicklydispatch S;L; butwfl • "^^"^ Sallows wH| ' Sir xVeii.. We mmi hL ''V^'^ ^^ ''^Pea enough 1 fashion, With gal ;7oica"Lm''" '''^'- ^^ '^^""tJy . 8 pence a r.p% to eZZeh'^^ w-H h %°"' '"""^''y ^^'^hs j ;!»'« can gat a hundred gads'' S?° *°1^ '"^1*='' «-^Pense tiou he trussed them uftn ^^t^^^"' favor or affec- touncry justice if t^Jo^'t 'T''. ^^ ^'^'^ ^o your [and ; J got mc: 2y "nd ?V " ! ™**^^ ^^^ ^^st of Eng. j^our estates, Mr.;,!Ian v., *."'"• ^'^^''e are provinces of :^einste:f Mu-uTterUis?. "''3 /? ''^^ ^°"^ ^o b^- my faiti.. Jack Englthm' Sf "1? Connaught I Now hose aiat are run to r 'i^r^^th. ff°" • ^^ ga'lo^.- ?«h, that have :«eo: our iW^f "^ ' °%r-"6: of the Eng- rants to cur count .aer'^vu''? "f/ '•'^^ ^^^« ^^^^ 1- kingdom r^it;: a ronp % ' ."''^^ '''^'•* exit out of this b^Twel.e ye^'ccntw^^^LrJr^'^^-^^ English treasure f par then, J ^'^f'^"^' with so much English dogs, Scotc?^,?. "3 1 '"''^' '^' ^^"°^^' -"ogues; Ram. Sir N-tvou^Te"^? ''^' ^''^^■ true I am of yo.; op,^ic„ tL// fuf^ ^'''^ '"orning, 'if, and hope to see tl^e most of thfe!;^' n'""? *° ^« '^^'^^«d, tw,ce, thrice our number ^'d XT; 'T^ "^ ^^o hi sides, never their faces b'faiT.t^ '^^"^ "« their baqk:: Colerain I But n wh?/ ^ '^^ ''-'« over the rampart of are those Eng sh fce et;"" ie^ '" '""'^ ^^ ? Xre tie lord Tyrco^nnei's prc;]am. ttn;r7 "? ""^^^^ «'««•« ' W W ^K°"^^ the sueJS;*"^" *° *'^^ 'J^S:'^ tail, and burni^ alfoalhirsidro^X I^ye'fl '' *^^ ^-^^^b *^e-U.ereingrSS:.:;tKK.S^ ' Pliotonooal 45 tUscourazcd by the mismanagement of the governor, are p. d • and that they hava not fifteen days provision in wn, and all unnecessary mouths were turned out, v;hich .ill facilitate our enterprise, and make our 8j»proach easy, J DGE. I did not care how soon ; I wish the town was n our possession, that 1 might go back. I ain of opin- outhat very few of them can plead not guilty ; soot :iece8sity they must take a walk to the gallows, for our ountrymen, our Irish jury, will have as httle morcy on hem as they had on us when they had the power ; tbey anged many of our relations the last war, Sir Neil. Teague, league, hear me Teague. ( Calls to t/te executioner that stands at a distance. Tea. Fat will you be after speaking of som3 thing ? Neil. What quantity of gads canst thou and thy jroiher make in a day ? ■ ., , . i ^f aJ Teao Sir, we can be after maUng viA de help ot de ive (Mding up his Jive fingers) arrah joy fat do you :allit? SiK Neil. Five score. Teag. More, more. Sir Neil. Five hundred. ' - Teag. Ay, ay, dad be de five hundred. Siu Neil. Shall they be good ? • ..■ t Teag Ay fait, hang twenty, one after de Oder, and dad plashes myself very well, to make dsm hang up ae Englishnians. , , , . u *. Sin Neil. Teague get all thy tools r^ady.and in about ^ veek thy trade will begin. My l«rd judge we attend Your English customs shall no mors prevail, And gads instead of ropes do i)ever fail ; _ . . Our horses shall again plough by the tail. {Exit. Scene chaviges to the city burning. Enter Anthony, Evangelist and Camil. - Ant. And did yoa observe how with multitudes the walls were filled, when the Irish army on the other side of the river, in formed troops of horse and foot, in war- like order marched trumpets and kettle-drums threatening destruction to our town ? • ♦!. ' Cam. After a while our governor, as one not m the least concerned, saw and viewed the formidable army from the front to rear. , . ^ • Evan. We plainly saw the Irish army— but whete 13 ours, in what warlike posture do they appear ? 'Us now high time we should think to make a defence, to oppo^a the merciless enemy, for we are on the brink of rum ana destruction. is Wi.l«lundi„s, „e look U|K.r'o rXtrCr.^' ""'-, much „,„i.e >.teS :f"S d ai^'/pZISirl"" /'T " «ry short u.e. hi, ,„krj;.;::r4t'„v ,,t;:l«;" * ?° I srno.bef-o-i;fr,rf '•■"'''■' '"I:'* °'^'''»"«. to he there, two very o v Sm, „ ^ ? fP °"»'" •i:.intaii> !ho river a"ni„^? ij » , , ',*"'"'-""° forces lie up ,M down", c„ 1 '"-i' ' r'^r"' '"" r-tlKT? aj the enemy mrchedZ'M n ' ^f'"" '"■ 'in.r, „e „„>,ht ff. To-morrow or next day, I shall hear he is knocked on the .bead, .be is more a man than to be taken and hanged like 9 dog. Well, whea King James comes to hear bow bis business was carried, he'll admire how 15,000men could be b' 5 or 6,000 Irish, for u' we had let them to blaws, those north country fellows would beat tw'ice the number. Thjit was my contrivance to scatter them up and down tlve country, and not suffer them to come togetiier. Sending away tiie governor of Colerain, giving way for the Irish to force the river, was a good contrivance, and his leaving thena and going to Scotland. I could not have effected my ,l>U¥U£3s, uad iic not uscu tskcn 0u|i0r hau uS3taysu|.4>^ l;' JSt I 'f 'I I! »L F f jm I i 4« nons but myself to manale i madl' n,^'''" *^«'« ^^^^ was not proper to leavrDfl ^Td ,!n7 f.'^T' ^^^^ '« -order and confusion-but I hl'e^;' ! t'^' ^*" '"»<> ««'«- forget him or mo, for uuJ ^ood uTv^L ^'T' ^'"' °"° '"""' '» feavo fiom the counc I ia ^.^^t °'"'" ''««'■' without fected per«,„ torp^.^LsSnu;^-™'". -" » ^: OOT. I hope this pleueg too all ' "^ "«"• ,«»fe"v;§2J^';^f4„^--. tte he. order tisnota auaWpr «r*^ V '^ • . ^^'^ •ounci e-onp f •mer.forSran°dro,hirr,;|"4' ' """ «" >«" S A wMat the wol^reTf totT'"'' '"" "'-'-P , •« with their commands aS n^t /""^ °*'^?'-' ""S"" •? ,«.or ; fitter maCgteaTnoTrn £"^1'!^?!;." ?»- •«.«« vi "^""^"lauus, ana not drin'nn than one Salonl ii?^ T*^ apprehensive of danger ^^^^^^^^^^ 49 Scc/ie duin^cx ^i He loicu, CA great nolic wlHmtt.) We are betroycd, sold, -ux- done! let's pull down tlie governor's house. n n^^'^^ G'otr/•?^^/• and Clerk in haste. bov. Clerk, p your way and summon 3 council inirae- dmtely, the mob will jiuH me out of the house. r... . , „ ., (Exit Clerk. l^Is general Hamilton is a plagny fellow, what a delrfy has he made, to be coming twenty miles in four days? J:.ithei-hi3 cannon is nut come up, or somo;iiing is the matter: he knows on my side nothing is w;.ntiiig : they need not fear that, f.n I have taken eftbctual care to dis- pose our regiments and troops that they shall have no re- sistance. fT? i, r^ Lnter two rr -i with I rgc staves, crying " mnke room for the Governor and Council." ' (A/l se-ited Gov. Gentlemen 1 have with a great deal of ddibcra- tion considered the matter, and was loalh to put you to any more trouble than the necessity of our atfairs doth recjune thus ber^ Soturday, I am informed tho enemy will attack us to-morrow or Mondav, I think it of use that this order of council l.c read, which if you approve of I desire every one of you vyill sign to it, for mv Vindication, and I will think no man hvir.^- can find fault' with my con- duct in tms matter. This is Saturday, and on JNIonday ZlZu "''■ /^".'^ ''^ ?''^- ^t a general cour.ilof war held at Londonderiy, April 13, 1689, Resolved u?ia,i. tmous/i/ : " That on Monday by 10 o'cl-^ck, all oflRcers, soldiers, dragoons and loot Hsted or not li.ted, that can or will ffrS "^"f^"*^^''fJ''^'"-;;0»ntry, shall appear at Claudy- ford, LifTord, an*! Long Cawsey ; there to draw up in ba^- talion, and lo bring a week's provisions with them, and as much forage as their horses will carry '' ( All s"';? All. The best order that was ever given out by a ^en- hTL - ^ V ^^J'"" ^^ ^-^'^' '^"^^^' 1^"^^^- "Huzza, Huzza, without. ^^j.^^^^1 A ^!^'^ AntJwny, Evatigdisf, and CamU. *L "^Iv. , '^^""'"'^ of war was well enough to those tha understood nothing of a soldier's business- otherwise there is not anything that betravs his base de- signs more than this. When the enemy riiade thei. at- tack on rny fnona Gianade, at six 6t seven in the lorn- L°?' TIJT''^ "^'^ *° ^?^^' t«S<^'»'" at ten, and to form iato battal 3 . I 4 i J f^any of them to my knowledge, have -i^iin- ' ~' ■'^S i^M' y'y^.'^: ■| h'l I I ^C 60 to meet at three ZhZ. 1 ft l^T'}l^'' ^'^^ "'^ '' »'"•» as r it ,va^ to ^'"/ ="'J «"^!' ^noth.r ^'oxt to it. I V s G " ;^r "^^ ' ^^'"""""•^. ^r in the that he may corni off safr'^' '^'''' "H* «"*5^'- b/ it, and EvAy. I have the same wishes vith all n.y heart. ; 'ng since he with th ree Z il ^ '^'"dnos.. -fi, ,„.t from them aL fl ° t L '"^ ^"""^ a strontr ..a,, grappled with th n' Z i"^ ""r' ""^'"""^^ -'-» -« the governor Xkitto?? "^^'f ^/^P'oit came to he was a tnan not to be truste.J T t' ^ramide, for the drinking trade eoL on xl ^h ' ^'^ ^"^ ^^^^ '^ ernor, the lord bJITcoLTg ^T' !"'? '^' S^r- they'll nnt eforc and behind us, we are betrayed, sold, our lives allotted and designed by them" a sacriiice to the enemy's :iny— Providence will yet pro. tjct us from their malice. Our innocence and fidelity to our country, shall yet flourish. MoN. 'Tis a most deplorable case to tiiink how wc are perved. Lord Kingston is within twenty mdes witb 3000 foot and 1000 horse to join us, yet by private de- signs and villany, this treacherous governor and his friendg are not contented to get this kingdom to themselves, but destroy ns root and branch. Thus we are scattered tlirough the country on purpose that the enemy shall have httle opposition. FoRG. Just so it was at the break of Dromore, and so ft will be here at Claudy ; there they value not poor men's lives, sit ill couujil haif-an-hour, dri.ik all day after, not fearing tlie enemy, fancy thena 500 miles^otT, and drink elaret as long as they can sec : confouBd Tryconnftl an* his armv. W 62 Gran. You are in the litrhtof i> • ihn ti • , . ed on u.s, not on thcrn • 3 wM ' ^'"''' '' ''^«'>"- Gen. Hamilton as lev w " ".'".. ^'""'''^ ^^'th Lieut, be hanoed ? "^'^' ^^'''" ^'« «''«" either starve or Enter an Officer ^:Z:. !;:^^^!;r^ iSif"' ''t^' ^ ^^^ *'- -- count. ' ^^^^^^^^^vayto^nteyouanac- tl.^^^ni^S' Twi/lll^^rrV' ^ governor, that not alarm lum, then ^vlp;^^ "'^^ I' ^hi^ does kingdom Bold. I in tl. m ' . ^"e''"'d''>^ riglit to this ground to the las?.^ ' honorably, and maintain my Ste«e cha?t^es to Berry. ^^^''^• Gnv ^t: •^^''^'''''^'''^^^raltwoOmccrs. 4^r:h;7^ri;^r;±r '^ f---'^r Bide of the river; in vinv of th^. t! - ' ''"A'^*^ '=^"*'-'»^y ion,.^^rt;,,!;^la!;:^r:;;r -^^ - ^^^» ^.2ndOKn. But the two English legi.eats on board, in another pLe an ?oT^ T ""'^ '"^''*^'"" f^"" t^em encourage '^tteee^'^J'VX''^^."^ ^"S "ff ^^'- '^^'^ is no wa> to retreat^ "'°''' '" ^ P'^*=^ ^^''efe there ^''''"^ f/Vf^^^"* ^^>^'-^-'^ ^« the Governor. -Sir- tJ7 '^'"""^^^^'^J^FIN. I fpnr LT ! .^"^""ys 'foops are advancing unon us - .n the nver occasioned by the great rains! " ^""'^ 2oS)'Li andt PMh"''''^'' out to-morrow morning with in timr for tt/ P'^<^««. Jut I fear they will not be Pkotoaieaat 53 End Offi. That o»g;h* to have been done yesterday, so Bliould all the rest of the forces — 'tis a great shame such a number of brave men as you have, should iiot have lib. crty to come together and try their manhood. Gov. 'Tis too late now to talk of that, I must take care of the preservation of the town. I'll go send an answer to this express. {Exeunt. Scene chnnges to the Irish catnp Iv fJ'e river side. Enter Hamilton, Rarmay, Slie/do)i,Wuuckop aiid JJohan, with them, a minister. ITam. Now f^entlemen we have come within 11 miles of Dtrry, (turning to the parson.) You are an ancient dweller in these parts, what account do you give of these rebels ? MiN. May it please your excellency, there are great numbers of them, but I have not seen any considerable body these three or four days, only part ol a regiment came to LilFord the last night, in the to\vn where the two rivers meet. Ham. And pray sir, is not the river passible for horse and dragoons ? .diN'. Not at present, by reason of the wetness of the weather, but both will be passable to-morrow if there be fair weather, and the tide spent. Ram. What advantage may be had if we pass the first river ? MiN. When you pass the first river, and advance to the second, there are three fords and a bridge ; bat one of the arches was broken down on Tuesday last ; but none »f those fords are to be passed but when the tide is out. Iho best lord and easiest is Castlefin. Ham. The only place you think will be Castlefiiu. — 3ut what guard of tlio enemy may be there ? Mm. I presume it may be pretty well guarded, for ttere was a regiment marched thither on Wednesday last. Ham. It matters not much ; they'll not stand twc fir- ings ; I'll attack the rebels at Castlelin to-morrow morn- uiir. {Exeunt omncs. Scene changes to Cnstlcfin. Enter Granude, Monrntk and Forotis. Gran. Monrath, wo must stand close to our business to-n.orrow morning— and your troop will beat two troops of the enemy, if they should gain the pass upon us. MoN. I warrant you for my men, as good as ever drew a sword. ■I 54 Gran. It is now t'.velve o'clock, and all is Tm ourel- Jog,veoiders,as 8ooa us one cornea into send ano.lier ' * . < J? fiier aft Express. . ^RAN. From whence comest ihou ? ^XPR. From the Governor of DerrV Gban. This is a favor, 'tis more than I exp.ected. iSt f . 'l ;^ ^' "" ^"S^''' 5 1 '>-vo given orders tl ip i^c^n n^ n «v°''" '"^ '■'°""'^"*^ ^° J«'" ^'^^ to-morrow^ .monmig p,ay secure jour poet us well as you can. Eleven o'clock. K. LANDVILLE.V ^mti ei this letter had come or not ; therefore it af fords but very little co.nfort. ,1 wonder rXf he roosts so clo«e,n Derry ; ho to have bee he^^e three or four day. aj.-o, and ihrmvn up some wo kslt ^^ch pass, burnt the f^.rago on the other side of the Hver and .a a week their hoiscc. would have starved dl^; ^ut that would ho contrary to the methods he 's practis- fe tl " "'''?'' '''I' "^'"'^'°" «^>"ld do us no bfrm Lad thcp. not taken off the Governor of Derry!aMd 2 crmis desfA ;\ I ^ ''^^' ° ',""'' "'"'''"«"^ •'^"•1 breach- poor country peo,)le d.iving their cattle, a.* please your excellency, the detatehment uV. r? ""r^ ?,T°''"'; V"" *" ^^^'^- ^^^ fi'-^fc i-iver, which waft Mnr /' "' 'r' '^*''" "'•"'^^ °^'-^'- t»'C foot, and wait your further orders. JIT'- F" i^Tu °^-'*'"'' ^"^ ^^^'^"^ of the rebels on the ctner side of the river. Offi. Very few, not worth taking notice of ; some three or four troops, and about a batl'dioa of foot ;' /"'^7^'^'"— —-Tiii-s second river gained, this long ex])ected Derry ^ill be ours. (kmint. Scene chanffcx to Derr^i. Enlcr Governor of Dcrrii a nd four Officrrs. Uov lis a brave morning lor our men to fiu-ht, what tune of the day might It be ? o . -•' .rl ?-\Vi ^^^T*^°" ^^^••^" ^in-i eight. 'Tis to be feared >ou mil be much wantin- this morning to give out your orders, that they may be in condition tcrengage the ene- my ] h,r yoix have not ordered any to act in your absence Pkotomoaat i Offi 'Tis 11 miles, an^l if yon intend to fiprj.t tbo enemy this morning, 'tis time yoa were -on.- ; t^ ill take you tvv.> houis luid riding ; they expect you, or one m ^"3 OFKrTam afionl the enemy will not fail on their side • Lieu. Cen. HamiU >n is a brisk, busy man, a,,d its expected you'll he as brisk as he, you are a man acxount- ed to be a -ood omocr, and as ,nuch expenenced as anj Hanulton c7f them all, And what w. 1 the ^vorld soy wlien they hear you never went into the field, or headed your army \n the day of action 1 I as.ure you 'tw.ll be a reflection on vour conduct. -r .u . Guv I am assured our men will not fight for if they stood their groun.l, wo had not been put to this rouble , they'll run awav as th.>y did at Dromore and Antnm. 4 Offi. 15ut they did not run at Coh-ram, there the aeneial,thut is the governor, ran from them : and at iromorc they had ignorant commanders and the men hiid most of them famili.'S to take care of, all that was over, when they came hither. Now 'tis on you the whole trust and contidence depends, and if any thing misearry on vour side thoy are all ruin;'d and undone ; and sad ,,ili be their cise, to come under the mercy of the enemy. 1 Offi. But sir, we must go else they will lay all the fault on us, that we did not head our regiments and troop. ' 'Gov. Is'inv regiment iiuvrthed ? , , * u 2 Offi. It is about an hour since, but too late to De there, the action will ^c over before tliey get half way ; for if the enemy engages our people, they are at hoi work at this moment. ,, •, ^ ^,^ :„ Gov. Notwithstanding we have 11 miles, and it is ci-ht o'clock. 1 am resolved not to go tasting, but t.) ta'ke breakfast and a b ttle of wine, and then we II be troin-', 'tis riding a little TaAter. ^ ., <« 1 3 Orri. I iVar our poor men that are at Castlefin and Claudy will have a poor breakfast. (Eieiint. Scene changes to the Irish cimjr Enta Hamilton, DornH<^, Sheldon, Eamsay, Duncan, (Inbnmj and Bohan, Ham. You,lord Duncan, with your regiment of dra- goons, you, lord tialmoy with your horse. Col. Dorring- Ton, with your regiinent cf foot-guards, be in readiness, we will attack Ca.stlenn ; Sheldon with your horse and three regiments of foot, ..ttack Claudy : llams* y and Bo- han, put-h on, and tbrce your way to Lillor«- ^ lioR. The river is impassable by reas(?i\o/ the ram ; if you do not give crccfit to it ask the guide. f f 'SI ) \t 58 their usualVuards '?ls .^?, ? . '/f'"' "'^•^- '''^''^ ^'"t men to I.e c^ ^.^o^^^'^'Ul^ know thefr leading as hard asjou c .,! '"^ °^ '^"'^^ ^""''' ^'^^" P"^h' on ago, tV ^^^r..^^:^^'^:^:;^;;^-^ isouradvant- no finnr be t-ll il> in k • ",'"""'' •swiriTm.n:'. Let -a ,..,Ko «,r fi r,™:7„;' '",'.,'" "■'■•,''1','= °f "'' ■■■-'' ei- tlian tl„.y ram.. ■•,«!, "■"'' ""■'"' ''»Lli fct- f tlie enemy should swim over ly^uL P' ,^''^"''''.'''' l'"t one fire, and full on, sword in ,) TM "'' ^■'' Offi. Sir, the rMicniy's hor p ., "'^" J""» and are now within i^^^:::^':!^ ^^^f ^^ ^^--e. Oran. Hark I the minq firn *i • •. ., ('RG. About thirty. anS alK '^'""" "'^•''" '"^"3" ^vent down tbe river, horses ford. Forgus take .r. • '"l"'''''' ''^ ^'*''"''/ «"d f^'T- general nml t'iJe L^°7^ "n.nedia^oly and Hnd oat the (he two ET,giT . roL .^L T''""*- ^''"^ "'^ ^^'«''^' 'f and foot ar/come'S';" r , d '°"" "^>;"^; 't'^' '^^^ -you may see jSem ^J on Th?'* ?' '^"'"''•^ "'^•' P^^' Raphoe. '*" °^ ^''^ ^•^^'•cat marching int<^ Photomoaat M Gban. Well ! it «n-.t be liclpcd, vc aro bctnycd on ,11 bauds. £„,„F»rs,«. ^ ^ , :;i'o«':"':::;'t.i''ro:;,ift fori;i,„«w a„d „.ub. docs not answer v; we expected Iro n hun^ j shrewdly -speeted to be .n ^^ ' ^f ^^n" t/con.e nothinj? more plain tlnin not ^.7*-""- . J^ to come "^0:^^ u^o' iS .baa reason .i„co,aH are n.d .ba. „o tbink of an honourable '■^^'.'■'■"'- j/''" '* „r tbclr ii^el bad the l'''""- '"/^rs ^ »'' ""itted the flying army, Ibc eencral and °'l"'\ "»;'"? , j„t ja field However this credit, wo haie, to be me m»i. , thp Peld and .the last out. 'We'll make a good retreat they all may say, We came to fight, and not to run awa^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ACT II ScEXK— The Irish Camp. Enter Sheldon, Dorrfngton and Ramsey. , Ram. Major General Sheldon, I am glad to sec you on ^^'shI'' I observe the enemy's horse to decline and bofh they W their foot gave way when our guards ad- v^ucercarrying deal before thorn to repau- be b d T took the advantaffe and swam the rivei, tlie uor.c loi v'd and made tl/rebels give ground, turn ta.l and vun^ Dou The river and the bridge vrere gained with veiy little loss only poor Major Nangle is drowned, and the titlt Ihat'took iL^ viver'. Our foot are psssmg over the ^ bridce with great diligence. • Enter three scouts. Sheldon. Please your honor we advanced as ^ear the rebels us we could, uud about a tn;:e trvm i-i-^'-e '^igmA'ft-. ss 60 we saw n reglmoiu of foot with flyir.g coloi., .Inims beat- Jng a marcl. winch we ju.]ge to be th. ir roar ;^uard I cha ge them before thry ^^et a n.ile inrtlier ; let i\xo trumpets sonnd to horse, I'll ,„a,rh im,n,.dialelv- Sr ?,'r T^'" r f f '' \ ' ''•'•'' ^'^^^ "^t ^'-''"g' colors ? Dn T. ^^^■/"' V ^"^'"'>l^'^^t'K.n twolve%olor,- on.7? f r." '" t'''^^'^'"^'-' «o man:y of our m.u in ..e county of Antrim : you'll lind a sh..rp opposition. memTi;. ? ^'". *''" ^''''' ^'" ^•'^^'••^"' «"^' ««« ^vhat /. ;^/( ) Haomlton, vnih nttmchnts. ( Tlin, mlute ) wi.h ti;. V"- ''''^•'''''"•^ "'"'* ^^^«J^ ^^^ ^^^^" P'-"«s<>d Willi this (lay s action. tl,,^''.f ''''°/'""?,'» the world would please mc better, • than to see the whole power of the North make no mor^ to'C""i ^M^r'" '^''''' ^•°"«^d«^-^'l>'« oflleers are Hed Scotland, and lelt no-^e but a coufusod rahble hehind Scotland when the skinnish was over with so good a conveniencT ; for now thcy^ll be thron- ing one upon another, and happy is he that can gCt nto a boa or .inp fust. I have been told that two or thoe families of the towa'.i people ami others that fled into Derry crossed over to Scotland in small boats J;^OR. 1 dimk all IS outs to the walls of Derrv Ham And in the walls of Dorry. Now governor, play % part with as great cunning as thou has hitherto done a d thou gam eternal honor. He acted the part of p. es( nt o. i,oOO money, and £2000 more to bo aid out for conven.encies. Some of it went to unlade Ihan ^'oo ; "'"'""""'"" f ^'^ r -•« f"r our service, no less than oOO barrels of powder, hall, &c., otherwise we .ure- y niust have been forced to bring it to Kinsale, two undrcd and twenty miles by land carriage ; that ;ould have mightily impeded our expedition info Scotland — /he rebejs cannot choo.s. but bo weary ,.f the sport hav- ing so .11 success. To-morrow morning I'll try how their pulses heat, and send to see if they'll surrender the place to the king, when be appear in person Dor. Kinir James was startled when he heard the governor of Derry had taken commission from the Prince t.l Orange, and a solemn oath to b-o true to hirn, and his prm,ce> interest, as king and queeu of Eu-laadj and Pkotoniowit 61 g(jt a large present of Eii.o'lisli inoiic}*. Well- -he must be closetted, as he puts Deny into our hands : nothino* will absolve him of liis hypocritiotil oath, but some pen- ance and absolution from annthcr cliurch. The kina can- not give him less than 2 or £3000 ver ann. of tho for- feited sliare of tliose in England. What an anny shall •we have in two month-,' time ! 50,000 out of Ireland 20,000 in Scotland, led by Lord Dundee, and as many of the loyalists of England and Scotland, besides what the French iving will send us- Those people of England, that is the Parliament, are busy in settling the succession of the crown : th(>y little think that we are so near them and that the scheme of tlnir contrivances was laid by the cabinet council of France. Did they think that King James taking a journey from France, thig winter time, was for nothing ? No, 'tis for what will make their hearts ache, and their estates fly, when we enter England with fire and sword. Ram. 'Tis very probable and will shortly come to pass,, for there is nothing- to hinder it. I m;st in all this dis- course stand np for my countiyn-.a-), old Edinburyhosoever he is, he has not his trade to learn. Dor. 1 told you you'd do no good against him : this is the third time he brought up the rear of their flymg army. He has his men in as good discipline as any of iis ; he marches with flying colors, and cares not a pin for the government; regards not lord Tyrconncls proclamation a farthing. Tiiere's a sp.?,-k for you. Ham. The gallows take him,' and those arch-rebels that are with him : I protest I commead him for one P fctoi t 6* t'hinf^, he sticks to hlg principle and doea not falter a bit' at what lie first encjagod in. I'm afraid li<;'|l com > off in" tlie end. Lot oiilers be given that tlio wliole aimy eet ready to march to R:ip!ion, and encamp there this ni rht ; to-irforrow to St. Johnston's, sii miles from liencc. ° I'll nend a summons to tho reluds in the morniu''. When tins is done, then for oiir fri.Mids In Scotland. * Scrne ch'Wgirs in Dcrry. Enfrr (he Go\-ernor tcith three Ojficers. Gov. You see, f,'ent!einen our men will not fiicht ; be- sides the straiohfness of otir provisions, tliat wiM not ex- ceed 9 or 10 days, if all the unnecessary mouths were turned out of town ; .To tliat I think most consistent with therr maj .si„>s' servico, that tlie principal oHloers that are lett, withdraw and leave the kingdom; that by this m(!ans the inljal.-tanta and others may miilce the bos^ conditions they can lor thems-Ivos, to which p'lrpose V\X prepare passes realy signed for them, ai. 1 for t ho two English I ogiments that arc on board ; I have sufficiently satisfied them that they are preparmg to return back to' England without so much as landing. JEuter a sercant. Srrv. Sir, here is one at the door comes fronr the en- emy's army. Gov. Let him in. Ei/ter a Parson. Par. Si , his excellency, Lieut. Gen. Hamilton, has' sent me with a to know if you will deliver up his majesty's city of [i.rry, on honor iblo conditions ; and tlial the kin-:^ will be at St. Johnston's to-moirow, five miles from l^erry. Gov. Sir, that can't be done without holding, a coun- cil, for which I'll nrive orders for vour quick d.^spatch that we may come to a speedy resolution. (Exeunt Enh^r Gramyh, An'lu^mj and Erani^clist. (They salute.)' A.vr. I am plad you are safely returned from Castle- fm; we had the ill news that you and your re-iment were cut oflf by the enemy. Evan. Two men brou-ht us word that they saw you ana the enemy engaged, and' they were afraid that you would bo overpowered. Gran'. Th-jre was no fear ; They are as great cowards' as ever breathed. But 'lis hard to have our governor, this f^enoral of ours, > be of their side, betrayin- us into" their hands. 'Tis too long to tell you all the passajres. In sbort I made a very great retreat; some skirmishing 1 H^d with two or three sciuadrons of horse, b it wbej >', .'^"'fm^mm^ 1' i'^f ri j II ),i i( •» 'ii ■hi u 64, they saw I was bo resolute, and made horse and man be- gin to tumblo, the^ would by no means charo-c nie a second time, (iiotwitlistaiidiiig they had some consider- able officer at the head of them, which I knew bv two horses and grooms in liverie-^.) He them, their of- ficers beat them ; I saw the chief officer lire his pistol, nothiiij^ would mai?e tlieni charge tlie second time, we gave tliem two or three liuzzas and luarrdied away, with drums beating and colors flying. I never met with such cowardlj rogues in my life. I'd engage with one inindred to beat five. Three or four of their hoises threw tiieir riders, and are amongst our men, and brought into the town. A.VT. Now «e are mot again, we will partake of each other's conditions, wiiethjr good or bad, as Trovidence shall dir.'ct us. Gu.vx. We are not without hope, we are capably to de- fend this town, till hunger forces us to surrender. Ant. We have a great quantity i.f provisions in the town, for every house is a store ; for ail the governor has certified to the enemy that there is not 9 days' pro- vision in the town. Ev,\x. This is a great mistake, I am well assured by those who liavc surveyed the meal beef, fcahnon, pork, &c. T'lere i;i three moutlis' provisions for 10,000 men. Gran-, Io it so, old boy ? have at them (Strikes him on the vshouider*) "W^e'll be merry boys yet. Enter a JMasc/iger. Mess. Gentlemen you are desired by the governor's order to meet in council immediately, (Exeunt. Sane changes to Council Chamhti . Enter the Governor and Council, mid u-'ilk them tko. fort- mentioned r arson' Gov. We are obliged to send an answer to Lieut. Gen. Hamilton, by such as we shall appoint that they may en- ter upon a treaty of surrendering this place ; the Arch- deacon, Capt. Kenneth and Capt. Novel, are chosen il you agree to it. Council. We agree to it: very good men, none better. Gov. You are to go widi this gentleman, who will conduct you to Lieut. Gen. Hamilton; where you tray make this apology, that you had waited on him sooner, but the town being in di.sord(.'r hindered you ; but are come now to know wl' t terms will be given for surrender. Two things are de.-ired before they enter up.m art-cles ; first, whether tlie king he come to the camp or not ; tho other is, hat they shall uot advance the army any nearer than they are. Hxcunt Gov. and Conwil. \ Pkotovc«at r>ft Manenl, Granada, Anthony and EmngeUsi. GUAN. Th.' to wn is not yet surrendered- Ant. Nor shall it be by my coi)S(;nt Evan-. Whoever preaches non-rt'sistance, I'll be tho first man that will lay hold of him, and turn him out of the gates. {Exeunt. Scene changes to the toivn. Enter Gratiade, Atithoiuj, Camil, Monrath, Evan>y,liat and Offucrs. Cran. The to'.vn has bseu surveyed, .md we find p visions for 10,000 men for three months, if well manageu : every house is a store, they hare barricaded tho walls of their rooms with sacks of meal, for fear of the enemy's cannon, all but the governor's, where there is very little — we may see we have all along been betrayed by him, who under the specious pretence of bein^i? gorerror, and having King William's commisaioii, has held corr spon- dence with the enemy, and endeavoring to ruin us all, hns sent away the two English regiments, and woulu i;ev- ci let us come together *nd unite in a body. Ant. We have here provisions enough, ammunition and men enough ; let us not destroy ourselves a. d all under our command, by a treacherous surrender This town is of great ccnseqnence, and the Protestant interest in this kin^^dom is lost if not now defended. DvAN'> It was not for a small business King James came into Ireland, and left the French court in tho midst of winter, but on some secret design against England and the Protestant intere t, and now to leave Dublin and come hither. 'Tis to 2mbark for Scotland and be on the borders of England before they can be ready for him, Ora^v. I have •]) ee score officers, and 1200 men, who will stand by mc as cue man. Anf. I have as many. MoN. I believe I have about half the number. Gran. No su .cnder ! no surrender ! Ai.L. No si-rrcnder, God bless King ■William and Queen Mary, and the Protestant religion. Eznint. Scene changes to the town of Rajihoe, and a magnijiccnl castle, ths hiship's palace. Enter IIimiHon, Dornngton, Shddun, Ramsay, Wau- chnp, Bohan, ifc, the Parson followin<^. Par. ]*lease your excellency, tho gentlemen cornnis- bioners from Derrv are without. Ham. Conduct them in. Enter three Commissioners Uam. Gentlemen, from whence caine ' oi: ? fil li r Archd. From the governor of Derrjr and the rest of ^lie council. IIam. Who is your governor ? Archd. I presume your excellency knows him, Col, Landville. (Lieut. Gen. Ilaniiltou anil the rest gmil'e, and look upon one another.) Ham. Pray what are your demands. Archd. Good conditions for surrendering the placo. They desire to be ej^cused that they could not answer you before by reason of the disorders of the town, and ,to know if the king he arrived. They desire likewise that none of your troops may advance n.earer to the ,town, than where tliey are, till all be oncluded. Ham. Truly, for conditions, I think they deserve none ; however, to save his majesty any further trouble, some- thing or other will be done, but I am afraid nut to their satistaetion ; and for the njarchin-j;- of the army before the town, if that be of any service to them, I promise they shall not. So to-morrow come and lake such conditions as we'll give you. Delay not the time of coming and dispatch, for to-morrow night the king is to lodge in Der- ry. Let the bishop^s house be got ready for bin), and an iiundred ludgments. Then their cui iosity v,'ill be satis- .^cd. {Exeunt Commissiomr cmd Parson. Now for the conditions we are to give the rebels. Dor, I think there ought to be no conditions out sure rendering on discretion. Shel- I aai much oi y.i>c same opinion ; why should the «ing give any conditions to such rebels, that have all along bore arms against him in open rebellion, and ia contempt of the government. 'Tis a great undervaluing of his majesty to condescend to anything but hi^s own pleasure ; 'twill be an ill example for future limes. DcR. T!'.ey ought to make an example to all notorious lebels, an.' be served as ^hey were in the west of Er gland. Pray, what were the judge and exeeutioner sent dowo for, but to judge, condemn ^nd hang ! AVau. This condition I would have granted, to deliver up all the officeis, and every fifth man sent to all the market towns iu the kingdom^ to be han red and quar- )tered, * Ram. But if they should not agree to those conditions and defend the t»wn ! Ham That must be for a very short time, they have no provisions ; besides such a conlused number w.ll nev- er be brought to any method : a rabble of people, as they are, caa do nothing j for all the officers that had any con- ^ \ PhotomoaBt pidarable comratVTid the governor sent away. Therefor^ lor the honor of the kin? and the army, and for a quick despatch, we'll march to-morrow morning', with flying colors, drams beatinpc, and the king at the ' head of us, and you'll see they'll open the gates ; the governor wiU witli the keys deliver the town, and in particular secure the keys of the magazine ; when the army niarch up to the gates, they'll bo thrown open by the governor, with- out any opposition, and the king m,ay do what he pleases. All. We ail agree to this method, and thinli it is the most honorable and expeditious way. (Exapt Ramsuy, uho keeps silent and $ecms to be veiy rcneasy.) Ham. 'Tis now but the tenth of April, we sha'l be earlj in Scotland, time enough to relieve Edinbiii;,^h castle. — Then, gentlemen, prepare for a march to-morrow. Exit. Scene changes to Derry. Enter Granade with two sjncs Gran. Here's two crown pieces for you ; go you tw9 oitf this night, take two long sticks in your hands, and be ^spies in the enemy's camp ; take some tobacco along wltU 3'ou ; you'll soon know what news is stirring amongit the enemy Can either of you spcak Irish ? 1 Man. I can. Gran. That will do very well , about the time they give out orders, you'll be there. One of ypu must be sure to come in a little time, the other may stay tiU next piorning. 1 Man. Wee's Wing you aw the news. 2 Max. Come Jonfiy, let's gang ; this colonel is a brave man. 1 Man. God be wi' you, sir, (Makes leg. 2 Max. Wee's be his sawgers whea we come back. {ExeutU. Enter the Gov. and four officers. Gov. The town is in such distraction and disorder, there is notliing to be done, the ral)ble threaten to hang me and all others that shall so much as propose a surren- der, nMtwlth^»tandiug on as honorable conditions as can be given. These of my own regiment that have been along with me in garrison, man bed with me from Dublin, and whom 1 instructed in the plain methods I intended for their safeness, are as mutinous ' as any — they are poisoned. Offl Besides, sir, there are many mutinous oflBcers that are worse ^han solaiers, and give encouragemeut tp / -■geK-:v ■Jt-rat" ijfi ( m lit i m Y order „f Colo, el .\„,°,o„; P M' ^;<"" "■' • 'twa, ''t;r„y,„a„ called E,a„sel' t " ' "'""'*' "™"'''-'. and . c'cr-'vjnan called Evangelist." ' "'""i"je, ana a -ne, I'll concern myse7 Z f if '"""r ^^ '« taken kecarehowthey viulatrl 1 l'*"' ^"' '^^ them ^en in«. ^ ^^^^ "ie power Kins;.^ i.„. fro... ...c, X jj concern myse/f nn V.V»r ""'"'"'fJ^ 's taken takecarehowthey viulatrl 1 l'*"' ^"' '^^ them '•ton.. He seL VeV ,?„^-; »-' ^t" Lieut. Gen. Ham. condition, we may e.poct^J^f^^ ''"'^ "^' ^^'^t v^hat f^'^t.on. He told „,, Tm^' 7'''";* '^^^ ""«^h to our satis- ^pje, not to n.archTe a 2 oT ''^ ^'fr*" ''^^<^' ««J c.'..ded, and wished us to be with f'"^ '' ' '" ''^ ^°«- and has ordered the bUhor.'Tho..^^ ^arl;. to-niorrovv ; l^'ng nuends to fee there oorror ^ ^'^* ^^"'^^ ^''^ ;<« expected to be got rear fo Tn "I^?'' ^"'^ '^^^S^''^^ ^his ,s what the general d,lnr a °^ '"" «'<«'HlantsA use^your method/.Sdinifl"'^^'^ ''^ "" '' ^^ t'overn*^ f - U;eJX:;7.^'^^ti.:^^^^^^ Co the best ; b., concern myself. "-" i^'^'^^'rior, I will no longer (Sci-tTai huzzas u-ithiv « at , {^^>^«unt. l-f VVilliam, and the Sotestfnt li"nT'^'"'" ' ^'"^ bles« tiw^tr Grn'»n,i, A ^, "J'^'^^nt line ) ^ranade, Antho.y, Evar>.elil A/.,,.... .. , ^'■"8' vv,,„an), and the ProfestVn; Z'l^'"'' ' ^'"'^ ^lesa Jbntcr Grn'»n,i, A ^, "J'^'^^nt line ) for 11,6 governor, dare noJoDen H r' ^"'' ""-''•"'-' are y. Boy, call the captain of the gunners. (^Exit boy. Enter Captaifi. Let all the ^uns bo charged immediately, and the g'unnejJ at their po.its. {Ejit Cojiiain. ^ - ( 1 ' ,.^'^^'' 'The onoJ:XV ^^'''' <^''ected towards the town '^'">' ^'« «« tl'cV march - ^e.r:e^e;^:o2S;;^-^— A -^ line t,. wa„s, Offi S.V 41, ^'''^^'' '''"'"her Officer ^^^'^ ^^' ^^!:^ t ?:r ;• ir r ^ r- ^^ -« L.-eut Pam of death. ^ "*-" °" ^''« walls „ot to fi.e^-j ■ r^^ l' ^.SZ. t^J::;^ ^--., ne.|.e. the 5:;n- but ourselves, and thev'N^r ?^ ^^^ *''^ '" ^'""^ garrT Tlic ffov<.rner want to polt j '^ '° ''" ^ ^''^^'^ tune "^•r of the tow„,^„hne th< '^ '■'^""^■"' '" «onio cor-' ^ountry. What a ?oo J ^ ' f'""^''"'^' ''"'^''•"en.s fn ti"e^ know.n. it was only a tl j'l "r '" '**,^^^«t''^fin, and 1 tke my, eyen.o/but 1:^/7, r? I n.-.j/t no,i Orrr. The keys of tht "^ ''-^"^'' ^^''' "^^^ .n£.^^--r advances apac.e:\he,.^f-^^^^^^ conn^'ef tT'en Jnly t '",°"'' ^^^tion, to see with what' o have all .hings du7e U J "^h '' '^'' ^a"«' they t^ Jot do ,;,>„. ^/ treachery ; the/li fi„d ft ,,f^ "they run, they run."^ '^' '''''''"' h^^^^<^ -^it/toui Evas »T »ojaieis ran' \ __. ^ — -^ Pbotomoaat n A trumpet ioiaids. E?iter a?i OJfcer. Offi. Here's u state triiinpet from tlie kinjj^with con- ditions for surren 'er : and to acquaint you that Le is in person on the field. Gran. Let him be there, wc know nn Ivin^ but king' William and queen Mary. They are in great hastu, thiee months hence will be time enough. AnotluT tru77ipet .sounds. Enter an Officer. Gran. Give entrance to the trumpeter, r Trum. The Lord Strabane is ut the gaio and coraeji with conditions from the kiiii';'. Gran* We desire no conditions. Let this be his an- Bwer ; th(;y are in great haste : there's two words to a •bargain. Give ns safe conduct to Englaml, to Kinj^ Wil- liam, and wlmt directions he shall send us, we will ob- serve. Our nine days' provisions exceed ninety, and be- fore that is spent we may chance to hear out of England. My service to Lord Strabane. {Exit trumpeter. Trumjiet sounds a Uiird time. Ant. Brine- in the trumpeter. Enter Trumpeter. What news trumpeter? Trump. Lieut. Gen. llamilton will within tliis hair- hour advance to t!ie back of the ravelin — wiiere he de- sires to discourse the governor, or any otlier rational man that shall be cniph)yed by the garrison ; and he en- treats you (for your own good and the sake of so many thousands in the town,) to take such large proposals, as are too great for a prince to olTcr his subjects ; only the great kindness he has for his people. You shall have a blank sheet of paper to set down what conditions you please. Ant. Go tell him for answer, he may save himself that labor, for we have taken commissions from King William and Queen Mary ; and we resolve to maintain their right, and will stand up for the honor of our country against any rebels that are enemies to it. Exeunt omties, Scfne c/ianges to the Irish Camp. Enter Hamilton, Sheldon and Dorrington. Ham. No proposals will do with these rebels ; there will be nothing done against this damned town but a formal siege. Did you observe how they fired the can- non which fell in the midst of our men, without respect of persons, although the king was there ? Dor. Most admirable traitors and viiiians ! how they persist in their treason ! There is no notice taken how ,tue king is dissatisfied at this repuise, coming along from 'r-'T f 72 l)u'jliii-yca from France, and J.aviug an assm-.m,... i fore he left Dublin, of fl.c surrender of thr n ^ e «.'d go.n.. for Scotland. To be tl.u.s balllej i he he !i.t of expectation, 'lis dismal to thinK of. ^ ^^ Shel. Tne king intends to morrow to return to Dub- lin, and It IS thought will call a parliament ^ Ham. Well-tho king is so banlked, that ho is careless in prosecutnig his conquest any further. How miser-ibl J wd our fiends be disappointed on tl.e other sid.IoTtl^J xyaler ? Here we must stay in this kingdom 'till the Eni comn and beat us out, and all on account of thfs cursed p ace, that has spoded all our measures. All that IS to be done ,s, that we draw oft' to soa.e conven n place, near this town, to encamp 'till our cannon ani- munition, and bombs are come up, and 'till wo aro'rein- forced with more troops which will fake up a considerable tnne '11 go to know of h.s majesty what further orcles ha has, belore his departure. Dor. Wiiero does your excellency think would be the best place to encamp ? ^ "'® from'^Derrv.'^' ''" "" '' ^^^""Jbarn-hil!, a short milo ^cenc clfingi's to Derry. Enter Anthony, Evangel id and the Gove.nm- of Dei-r,, Oxov. I am mighty fearful the rabble will do me a mi-* chief. Ant. My life for yours, not a hair of your head shall be touched whilst with us ; but we must bl your pardo, if we censure your conduct, which has been very unfair jn several thin-s, but in it you have done yourself the greatest prejudice You had once the opportunity to have made yourself a great man. But what obligations you lay under to serve the late king, it is not n.y business to enquire. lou sec how we have rescued ourselves from rum, and hope we »!.all c.mtinue so, till relief comes to us from England. So propose to us how we can bo servicublc to you, and we shall do it with all our heart • lor^truly, I do not think you are safe in this town ' Gov. My request is, that I may be privately conducted on ship board. ^ ^ Ant. That we'll take care shall be done, and a boat shall be provided on purpose. Eveiigelist conduct the governor home to his lodginc^s. ( Ext Ev in. with the Governor Enter Gramdc, Monrath and Camd Cam. Now we hnvc some spare time, and the enemy's designs are frustrated, the old governor turned out, and Photomouat 13 4 #♦ fthderstand, tbeyMJ b« on tha defcustro ^n, ani Wock us up if tliL7 can. Our business will now be to •ettle the garrison, and choose a new governor, it beinff the desire of buth officers and men. Enter Evangelist. EvAv. Come, genllemyn, a new governor, the old ono w gone, and has left us ; he Would have staid, could he have been put in statu quo. He saw what a baulk was jpon the laie kinj^, by those of his own armj and of us • fce never beheld, or beard of such a great distppointiacnt. What a great happiness it is for (beir majetttes, our fr». •was kmr and queen, for 8«glaa4, Ut tli« ?r»te«UMt Vk- wreit, Md frr va all ( M , ^'"®*^ P"*"* '^ *^^® otit^rs hare desired that I would take the charge of the garrison, aad be ffoyernor. because I have lived all my days amangst then, and nerer been out of the kingdom. Gkan. »Tis an the reason ia the world they should ftave of their own choosing, and I assufe you. Col. Anthony, I am very glad of it, and what lies in my pow- er, skill or experience, snail not be wantin<^ ; for we must stand for the public good, and the preservation of- xne place, which is of so miich concern to the three king-' .U^u'^'c^ '^^ ^"^'""^ ^""' J"^" ^^^" ^'3^e all the respect, all the freedom, that can be given by me, and what is acted or done by you in public or private, shall never to contradicted by rae ; I know n.y ability in war is not- Comparable to- yours : you shall there also manage as ycu Gran. I thank you, sir, you'll find me aiways ready to do your service* *^ "^ Evan. Come Colonels, all this while at your private discourse ! Let's to the election of a new governor un- less you have a mind to reinstall the old one, and send for aim on ship board. Ant. Well said, doctor, you'll still be a joking. I ernoT ^°" *'* extraordinary kindness for the late gov- Gran. He has gone to complai-i to Kin- William 'hat we turned him out: 'twas, J confess, a little saucy, but Id rather have him turned out than we all hanged J-VAN. Now for a fair and free electiun ; the most just »na proper vvaj'. •' All. We all ajrree to it. Evan. These are the two that boar the b. 11 away ; it i^ i'^^f ill I'll u is hard to say who meritd the most, our bulovcd Anthony or our faitliful Granade. {Exeunt. Scene changes to tlie Irish Camp at Penniihvrn-Mi'll. Enter JJamiliOH, Dorrington, Shsldofi, Ramsay a?id lio/ian. Shem. I understand the kin Buff. If you are shaking now, how will you behave before an Irish jury ? I am afraid you'll bu in a stinking condition, and probably 1 shall be much in the same tak- ing. Step. There is one thing yet to be done : what think jou of Gen. Hamiltons protection ? ByFK. I protest well thought on, we must get that or enough to !^^r^-T-^ 76 ! > \U I ii X> u« are ruined, ! bear thero is one CJeorg^ tfaniiltt)^ thatliolds correspondence with Gen. Hamilton, and sells protection piivntely for half a giiinoa a piece. Step. Does he and Gen. Hamilton go Knacks ? I'll g-ive a whole guinea to have his seal to it, it •ill be th« more authentic. But first let ua part with oi>r Hworda and belt?. (They pull off their swords and belts and thro\^ them away.) Go thy ways ; these swords ruin many a man. Burr. Cut if the rnemj" should force into the town by snrprisc, and get upon us over the walls, what must w« do then ? The}' must destroy us before we get our pro. tections out of our pockets. How then roust J make my cotnplaint. Step. I have contrived to barricade my door ^itb my wife's kneading-trough, bars of iron, and other roaW ters. I am an h(>ur every uigh'., placing stones, so that they cannot get in for their Hves. When they come to mv door, I will look out at ray window, and cry, do it if you dare, I have protection, I am a protected person j besides we will contriye to have a mark at our doors. BuFT. That's well thought on ; wo will go to ouf •wives and acquaint them. Step. But hold, brother Buff, do you see tliis scaff about my leg ? £ am grcTiously tioubled with the gout Buff. That is within this wei.-k, you were never troub* led with it before. Step. You don't understand rae ; this may happen t» save my neck ; I will let my bi^ard grow long. Cry they, this poor old man is fitter for an hospital, than to do us any hurt. (Kreunt. Me- enter Buff, and Kis vnfe follmeh^g kimteith his sword avd hilt, WiFE, Captain Bufif, I little th«ujkt you'd have given up the cause, and deny serving Kiag Willbra, and our gracious queen : you used to strut at tlie head of yout company ; I took great delight to see you in warlikt posture ; put on your sword and belt (oflers to put it on for him) and go out among your fellows. Fiv* iu a hous# and not one to serve the King ! Burr. Not I ; I will not, wife ; I'll wear nc sword, till God sends peaceable times again : Fll wash my hands, and be no longer concerned ; I shall be hanged, wife, I shall be hanged, it is well if I escape for wbttt I bavo done already. WiFB. Neve- *''jar, theie is no danger ; put on your swotd, aud «! ^ nrself a man, you have fit^y stout Ujh """ "** ■-sy.- i-xdiiyi .T-^T/, ..rart'"'-'mt\-a9 t' 17 f lows to follow 3'ou. Buff. I will not, wife, so take tlmt for answer. AViFE. You havo not the heart of a goose, a gelded capon has more. Alderman Stepstately has pursued jvu to this, he has got a silk scarf about his leg', and pi e- tcnds he ha." got the g(jut- -iStepstately and my nusband are arrant cowards. Come — on with your sword. BcFF. T ')uble mc no farther, wife. Wife, 'i uen get me a pair of breeches, 'fyou will n(! then I will : — Take you charge of tl:e house withm docs, and I will manage without. I will out among them. Buff. W ith all my heart, anything but fight, my dear wife. ( Ties the apron about him, and she puts on tlf. sword.) Now yon look like Mr. Cook, and I likn a female vvai- rior. Come, husband, give me your hand. (Snc takes tht right hand, draws t/>£ sword, and gives him a stroke on the crown. J I dub you Capta'u Buff, sir knight of the ordt^r ©f the white apron. (A noise and shouting vAtutn ; h-^zza, drums and trun." pets sounding. Enter some soldiers huzzaing. " W* have a new govcrno.-,a ^o ernor of our own choosing ! Long live Anthimy., our governor !'") Enter Gratiade, Monralh, Camil and Evaiigelist, Cam. Noble A tho,iy is c' osen our governor. Evan- gelist his assistant : one for tlie army, the other to regu- late the provisions, and all civil affairs in the town, to which there are five more of a council. The next thing is, all troops and companies are fo be regimented, the garrison being in disorder, occasioned by the many offi- cers that are gone from ub. As soon as our companies are made up, you are to prepare muster-rolls, and by the goTcmov's orders, Granade is to muster you. Enter Anthony, tJie new governor, Vny all salula him. Gov. Gentlemen, though J had the casting voic, yet for all things withoat and within the town, what at any time ehall appear to be done ia my absence, you are to do, and observe Colonel Granade's command j he ib ,a all things relating to the army, next to myself, with great aiVection and kindness to hitn be it spoken. We will act together, band and hasid. and manage well the work But come, geutiemen, our tiita is precious, there- fore let's to the business ; do you agree to what wo have long wished for, that is to fight the eueuy | A14. VV^o all agree to fight ^ Gov-, At iix tomorrow i^ orning ? "r / ».s y\\ GuAN. Quarter to be given or no quarter f Ali.. No quarter : they »ive none unless for a day o» wo, i'.iil then hang us in cold bio .d. Gk\n. I question not but to-morrow, by divine assis- tance, to establish our cause as firm as a rack. {Em:u'nt, Acr in. ?CENE — THE JiUSH CaMP. Enter Hamilton, Sheldon, Ramsai/, Wmichoji, Bohan and Dorriii^tiiii. HA>f. T had all tliese letters from the town, giving an account of the ringleaders of the rebels, and of ihc new govern'V ; tho -"Id one, it seems, they have turned out. I hod iikewi .a arcouul of the slioi tne?s of their stores, and that the. . veiy little in them. Ra>:. But, vsir, the private houses are well furnished, and there is mor(» uieal ^nd other provisions in some aurticulur houses than in the st >re.s. Wau. I had a note last ni.iiht from a very honorable bur her, who was deputy major to col. Cornish O'Neal, plated there by the lord Tyreonn.'l, when a Quo Vv'ar- raiito went against their ehurtcr. John Bowman, they call hi lu, makes it i lis request to your excellency for a protection for himself and family, and nuiny others. Ham. My secretary is drawing 5()0. There is one of my name makes r^^eat prolit by selling them at half a guinea a piece. Boh. Your excellency mcy see their cobwed govern- ment is already tottrring. Ham. If it is not totteritg I'll make it totter, and those febels .shall totter by scores on yonder gallows. (^Exeunt. Scene changes to Dcrry. Enter Governor, Gra?iade, Camli and Fergus. Gov. The enemy lies very secure this morning, chiefly depending on our cowardice, and really believe that wo dare not look them in the face. GuAN. We'll try that, we may chance; to brush their jackets for them. Forgus, order the drnms to beat to arms immediately, and a detatchment of 2000 choice firelocks, to be Kupported by my regiment. Monraih, with his horse, marches on the right of us, along the strand : go to him, and bid him be in readiness immedi- FoRr.. T saw him begirt m armour, and he is now at the bnad of his horse. 70 GaAN. 'TwiU bo necessary lae f^arrlson be unJcrarflftS til! omreturn, and l0iv> men ready to us. if tbere shall be occasiou. - Gov All lliis shall be punctually observed. GuAN. Governor, adieu to you tor a w*'''^' ^^^^^^.^^ Enter Goccrnor and EvongcUd. Gov. Opr men march boldly ou ; th« euemy arc in a crrpvL hurry in their camp. . , ^ Eva " We are now on even terms with tbem, no de* ce.t or treachery, all true to the cause. Enter an Oijvcr. Offi. The enemy has liue.l all the ditches, and dare not e;.gnge us in the open field. C^^'^- ° Elder anvthcr Officer. Offi. The fi-hi is b<-.u.. {^^'^• Enlct a third Ol/scer. Offi The enemy gave way, and our men have beatea them out of the ditch ; I saw it off tne walls, as also by the shout our men gave. ^ '' Enter a fourth Officer. Okf' The enemy Uy, and arc beaten over Peunyburn river and our pany have set two houses on hi;e. Gov Cau\e 1000 n.en to march for a reuaorcoment. Enter affih Officer. Offi Col. Monrath did wonders, but is forced .o giva ^ay and is pursued by the enemy's h;>rse to the gates. ^ ' Ent,r a sirth Officer, from the fight. Offi Our men as they were marching homo lined the ditales on the enemy', iiorse, and have cut ^^^f^ "PG:J'rnC::d^h"ome Canade back. iE.ncM. ' iiccne—Ge?ier('l Hamilton's Quarters. ' Enter IlauillloJi, nohra, WawJo-p. Haai. One came t') me not long since, ^tnd told me th'vt a ^warm or two of the rebels came out ot the town take tbo air ; they are so h.t in keeping w.thm that hive o' theirs, hat the old ones turn out the young one.. I-^ serve t,.;^ one of ^osc days, as thoy do bees put i imstone under their hive and -"Ot.ier them al . I J .^ indeed -oing on horseback, hut 1 thought it not worth y whUe. "l shall have an 1- ndred or two to hang pre.- „Uy 1 have indeed allowed cp.arter to be given, but .t is only for three days, to sport with them and tantalize Ihem'to serve theni ns a cat d„es a mouse, play with them a little, and then devour them. Wau. 1 like that very well, if it were uo more than to \t i III 60 make them on example to the oounlry. Etiter Sheldon. Ham. What news, Sheldon, what prisoners shall wo have to hang ? Shel. Prisoners ! your men are all beaten, they had like to have prisoners enough of ours; for if Lurd Gal- moy had not come down with his horse, iind Brigadier Ramsay with three brigades of foot from Ballugry, we had been quile routed ; they caused the rebels to retire ■ and draw buck. Ramsay himself had no mind to engage them. Lieut. Gen. Mauno is killed, and a great many more. Ham. Is it possible ? Shel. It is very certain, sir. Ham. Oh, most miserable ! these rebels begin to get heart. Let me immediately have a fort built to cover Pennyburn mill, and another at Bellugry, to preserve my infantry. Scene chnvges to Derry. Enter Governor, Evangdist, Granade, Camil, Fergus and Monratk. GRAy. A blessed Sunday's w -^^^ them before they niareh. v Sa'ue ch'ingrs to IJerry. Enter Graiuule, with a Spy. G«AN. Well, .ny friend, what news from the enomy • ""^tl^ There are no less than four re-ime.A ' foot, and one Jf horse ordered to be ready. Thev are to march at ten this night, hut I eo.ud ^:^^^^^^l^:'^, ,,ttle Cran. Let them come— 1 hey ni. "'^^'- '',., ^ .. • than they had at Ponnyburn null. T. , y ^'""^ '' ^J ^' ^^,„"! i„ the night. I'll to my post at the -'"J'' ' ;« ^^"^J^l sentries and at their appn.ach draw o^ to the laveim. "" S; Gorern.r and For,us, the To.nMv^ Gov. Town Major, give orders »"«!f '^^e y,/;;J^;i earrisoa to be on their arms, and to repa r to the-r sevcial alarm posts, the enen.y is on their '--h.^^^^^ ^^^.^ [An alarm afar off : seconded by another neat ^; a vol- '' ley of small shot, seconded by anotbei. An alaira nearer.] _ lU-entcr Forgus. FoRC Our men are beaten off the windmill ; Gra-iU* ana his party arc retreated to tha ravelin. Si-''-^^^-.S^XvP^ ■■■^■f- i I ll u \^^ 82 Gov. Forgus, ^o immctliafoly and let liim in to consult wliat is most noccssarj- to be done. (.Eivif. I'or^nx. We arc luholden to (ion. Ifainilton ; for tliis his visit for visit. He'll liaruly siiipriso us as we did him at Peu- n^burn mill. Seme cJ/avi;rs fo the Irish Corvp. Eyihr IJaiuidoa. iS/icfdm and Mou/iaj). Ham. You talk-d of troiudics. AVhat si;,'nifird tr(>nclKS when the enemy fl;i>i]<( i pray kt me lie down. ,- , , \^^^ lordship is faint- ^ Evan. Get a surgeon m^meduitely,Ug^^^ ^^^^^,^^^ injr . a glass of sack .luickJy. ^ ^ j^^^j^i,^ bed, and good ^^^'^fl^' \ret.hrfidd toi'h atlnidants. loora- , , ., ^,.„ „,prp vipwinw the dead FoRG. As I With some ^^^^^^\ViLn but" Brigadier bodies, who should ^^^ .ee -"-f ^^^^^'^^'^^ jlttlck ; we -^;?^Lr^S;heboat.vthe.tocome^;a^^^ their dead, ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^..^^^ ^ "'"sHEt. It wouM pity a n,a„', heart to .eeW many cart-loads of wo.mdcJ men «e.e K">"g W *'■ J""" * '°"°- Enter an Ogiccr. Offi Sad news ! sud nows 1 brigadier Gen. Ramsey is ^°BoH. hit poBHiblcthat:tUe rebels have such adv an. II n 1 1 84 Iflfe f they are devils. Ham. \Ve must find some ntlier way t6 get this (own ' tbcrc inu8t be some ))ol!.-\ a>-(Hl, tliey uro now in much better condition than bnforp, for there are great quanti- ties of our men's arms fell intc their hands, besides sev- eral colors, 3 brass gn-^s. , "art-loads of pick-axes, spades and shovels, no less ti:a, ten barrels of powder, naila, drums, halberts, &c. To-morrow morning let a narU'V be beat to know what prisoners they have.° Enter an express, deivcrs a letter to General Haimlton. ; he re ids : Sir, "The kin;,' is much dissa Unified aa your slow pro- ceedmgs, and the great defeat you met with ; the loss of 80 many considerable men.— Marshal Rosin is marchinff to summon Enniskillen, with 10,000 men, and *')en will advance to join you ; hi^ majesty is impatient till the town of Derry is reduced, it sto|)s all his measures and utterly rums the cause. The 800 men sent to the Lord of Dundee, are safely arrived in the highlands of Scot- land. Edinburgh castle is stoutly defended by his eiace r/ukc of Gordon. Farewell." ' Ham. Famine and plague light upon the town of Der- ry ! ihey stdl persist and glory in their wickedness, pride, and rebellion ! I would take them in my bosom, tbey should have all the kingdom could aflbrd, if they would but reform and run headlong to destruction ; they may be assured no promise I make, but on my honor I'll per- form ! yet, notwithstanding this, they are building two privateers, which I fear wdl be launched in two or three aays ; these will certainly hararss aui fatigue our men especially those on the river side. I have nothing to 8er I in answer to this express, but tbuf there are fifty or Bixty ships discovered at sea, making for this harbor which no question is fc/r the rcliel of the rebels. ' Scene changes to Der/y. {Exeunt, Enter Governor , Granade, and Camil, with them a Countryman. Gov. Repeat again what you told me about the ship- ping. *^ Country. 'Tis now days since I saw the English fleets ofl the coasts of Down and Antrim, not far from Carrickfergus, steering their course towards Derry, and at the same time we saw sjiue bonis maiiing for the Rookery Islands, where we were given to understand that the fleet was for the relief of Derry, and that there wer« fi c thousand men on board, under the command Oi .^ Pkotomoant 86 Mftjof Gen. Klrt, together with aininunitioa and proTleloit for tlie garrison. Ca^m. With y<-ur approbation, governor, let u« hare a day of rejoicing, the bells to ring, and at night the nauaX firing of caniior and sn»all shot. Gran. Let it be delayed fur a day or two, till my spy comes in. Scene changes to the Irish Cam ft JEiittr Mar! li^^ 80 guns exactly, and tTo great execution. Enicr an Officer. , ■. Offi. Our liorses have leaped over the stone ditchet on the 8T ind, and have broke in upon the nb !• Dor- rington pushes hard on the norili side of the windmill. Enter another Offi. er. Offi. The rebels give way, (iJosin and Hamilton huzcu. {Entii^ n third Officn, .. Offi. The rebels advanced up with a reserve of five hundred men, and have quite routed the regiment of guards. Brigadier Dorrington is carried off mortally wjundcd. Enter a fourth Officer. _ Oefi. Bad news 1 bad news ! our grenadiers are ariv- en back. Six iroops of horse entirely cut otT; Mount- garret's son, with many others, eitlier killed or taken prisoners, and sixty volunteers, French or English lost. JEnler a fifth Officer i Offi. Colonel Farrei and Captain Grime are killed, Captain Watson of the guards taken priso.ier, and a hundred mc re that I cannot name. Ros. Go and call a retreat or I shall lose my army. Offi. They have retreated fai.t enough already, for our men are all fled. Eight hundred of the rebels arc in pursuit of them, and a party of liorsc. Ros. Hell, damnation, and confusion, that I ever came amongst such ! I'll study tdl to-morrow but I'll form a device — hold, J have it already- I'll blarve the inhabitants of tho n -rtli under the walls of Derry, man, woman, and child; V\\ send forth my edict immediately ^ to drive all old or young of what degree or quality so- ever, that are within these eight counties, protected or unprotected, I will serve them all alike without respect of persons. '^cene changes to Perry. (Exeunt. Enter Governor, Granade, Evange'list, Fo'gus and Camil. EvAN'. Providence makes us fortunate and crown* '• ftU onr undertakings with success, makes our caui?e in- vincible, teaches our hands to war and our fingers to fight.N Gran,. Let that be the subject of our discourse next Sunday .~Let a, parley be beat for the enemy to come and bury their dead. Enter Amazon, Deborah, and, Letitia, leading a Captain i of ilic Irish Guards, prisoner. > • \ Pkotomoant 87 t Amaz. Tlrs captain is my prisoner, I came first to him and with mith iiiy cocked pistol bid him bfg hid hfe — which ho did, uiul gave me this pursi; of Spanish pistols : ani] liere noblo captain is your purse ai^ain ; it may do your service. — (iovernor, judge now if he is not my pris mer ? Gov. He is jour prisoner, dear Amazon. (One lif the stldkrs ^;;4^s Itis hands in ihe jrri cncr^s yickcts.) Amaz. If you touch him {f,:iking out hr pistcl,) I'll shoot you through the head — we woiiien when we take prisom.'is, are generous tD them, we scorn to put our hands in thi ir pockets. Gov. I protest ladies you ought to be chronicled, you were resolved to attack where the UiO;t honor was. AiiAZ. Nolde Governor, give us leave to see our cap- tive captain v»ell lodged. Come captain, wo are both merciful and charitable, wo will every day come aud dress your wounds. { Kxcunt Enter Ftiiiia end Girtnnh ivith one of Iht L7wr,ys colors. GiirlruiJe going Icfo'c icilh twj c.uhines rtsting on her arms. Geu. Order the colors, Felicia. — Noble Gi)venior, we two were oi the, party of the 800 that were upon the re- serve, which was ordered in |)ursuit of the enemy ; we overtook an ensign, wh > had slipt the colors oft" the staff, and was tying them about his waist that he might run the faster away, half a dozi.n shois made at him, and down he fell : the s i)ldiers were not long in getling oft' his cloths, some got his money, anoiher his witch, we de- sired no more than Ihe colors for our share- — We are al- most breatlliess, these peticoats of ours, so hindered us that we could not run ; had we each of us a pair of breeches we should have been foremost in the pursuit. Fei.ic. Tiie gentleman had a very white skin, though red haired ; wo saw nothing but his breasts, did we sister? for when the soldiers went to strip lower we chipt our hands before our faces, and ran away with our colors, is not this true sister ? Ge«. Ma ! Ila ! this girl makes me laugh in good earnest— By a letter or two he had in his pocket 'twas told iiie afterwards, his name was Flemming, son of Sir John F:'''lemnhng. Gov. 'Twas bravely done, sweet ladies. ((roveinor and Granade kiss f/iem.) Gkr. But sister what is become of Amazon, our cap- tain, nod licr sisters Letitia aud Deborah 1 .mrjfif^ Ij ^ Gov. Tliey are all come in safe, you will find them at their llodgings, o;- with the prisoner thoy took ; they are now as 1 hupposo dressii<;^' his wounds. Forj^us, ease these ladies of tlieir colors and arin-^, and see thi-m at their li)d;:finj,^s. I'll dispose .f them in the church amonir tlie rest of our trophies of honor. {^Eiyunl Forgus and hiJieS. Gov. 1 would fain kmnv what numlttr of the enemy'i horse wore killed? Evan. Between 60 and 70, as I am told. En'rr Fnrgus. Gov Forgus, j^o you and ^v.i what butchers yon can, and others and have the horses flayed, and ihir quarters brout'-ht into the town, and let. there be casks got ready, and s lit ; thjy'll be a month's provisions, 'tis a great while since we have had any iVesli beef, let me have a dish of steaks sent to my cook for my dmn> ^^' > ^^^ ^;^/ Photographic Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 I v*^^ ^ I,-- over into Scotland and England, to practise tlie same there 1 — No this exasperates me rather, makes my blood boil, and to study a revenge suitable to this bloody ty- rant's cruelty. Far be it from me to act or do anytiiing but what is honorable and just, but oa the other hand, when there is a case of necessity, to strain a point is the more excusable. — This is it then, to hang all the prison- ners I have in tiie town, witiiout respect of persons. — If they say it is cruel, after quarter was p;iven, to hang men in cold blood, is n) more than Munsieur tanght me, and it is what is agreeable enough, to follow the French fasliions ; and 'tis Hamilton's practice to give our raea quarter, and tiien to bang them in cold blood — It must be so I If the IVutestants of eight counties will starve by Rosin's and Hamilton's command, all the prisoners in D^rry will hang by the governor's command. — If Rosin will remove the puor people from the walls, and keep them from starviiig, I will keep all the prisoners from hanging. Enter Forgvs. FoRG, Sir, here are tive carpenters at the door. Ghan. Let t'liom come in. {Enter Carpenters. Do you (honest carpenters know how to construct a strung gallows, to hang ail the prisoners, thirty in number ? for upon the first approach of the pour people that are driv- ing hither, I'll hang all the prisoners that are in the to'vn, neither lord nor knight shall be exempted. — I am as absolute in my command, as Mareschal Rosin or Lewis le Gravd. 1 Carp. Yes sir, we know how to build a gallows, »ad how to hang them when we have done. Gran. That is well said ; I'll find others to do that drudgery ; I'll pardou one uf the prisoners to hang the rest. 2 Carp. No pardoning, we bosecch you, sir, the best employment we hixvj been put to these seven years. Gran. Since you are desirous of that office, I am loth to hinder you of it. — To-morrow morning let me have it set up, on the double bastion joining the general's tent that he may see them swing as he lies in bed in the morning ; a ladder and pins very complete, or else I'll pull it down again. 1 Carp. You'll like it well enough, if I do not pleas© you, then let me never carry my budget of tools more upon n.y back. {Excioil Carpenters^ E'ltcr Gramde as gover?ior, with a perspcdire glass i/t his hand, foil owed hy Forgus. . j , \ ■MMhl Photomoaat sp3ct.vo glass, V-^^!^-^^^r^o.o.^^ corning a relnforceinenl uf the r '^'^'"} ' J; ' , f ^or distressed alo.g, and hoa.M the one. ^"^^^ '; r^j^^/hcavt to think xnenrwomen, and ^'"''^'•^''o^^Vrror ' Sk and dismal ! of this Fronch tyranny. ^^0^0' .n 5 ,^^^^^^ what would I .>ffev or the -k ^^ ^ po^ ^^^ ,^^^^^ but to svirrcuuer, wuuld oe ieia. ,^7,^. ""^ Enter some Carpmtcrs cvul a Mf^<^ 1 Caup. Fray "o^l^ governor vvnchou',-- art in tying t^^%^"°^,,^';;,^;'t".|s they give bcfo e the left ear.-I can t^, h^^ .^^ '^^^ ,f i,/„|ing is a base • gullet closes. Ihe 1 cnU y ^ ^^ butchery ^vay. ^^^'^^/^^j' journeyman to Jolnv Ketch 8g the English J ^f^^,,, X:i„v ^ix years before I set up for myself : ao« '0 •"•' mvself, tliough I say it. England does it bet ^r =^J "^^ ^^J^'^e some Christianity Gov. Hold fnends th^re mu ^.^^ . j ,,ed. and ^Vtllat they shalf no! die liU to-morrow I have pron.i^^ed that tncy ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ . to-morrow Lave granted a V'\';\ll^X ^° ^ ,,« in haste, they are will be time enough, thougn j uu no^- o. ><• .«..«ona\)le that they should have Hangm. Su-, 'tis reasomtbie ir j journeyman auch an art in hangmg. (^Exeunt. All. Black . J J) ACT V. ' • Scene tlie Insfi Campi Enter Hamilton and Sheldon. Shel. I have received a letter directed to your ex- cellency ; the raessengors informed mt tliat it is from the prisoners ia Derrj. ( Gives Hamilton a letter ; Ae reads: Sir, The protected, a? well as others, being forced under the walls to starve, has so exasperated the governor, that we are all to die to-morrow. We made our application to marshall Rosin, bat leceived no answer. We a.-e will- ing to lose our lives with our swords in our hands- but ro die as malefactors, is liar I and cruel. Pray represent GUI- condition to tlie jreneral, and take compassion m Your most dutiful and dying friends. r, ,, , Netherlleld. Irora the dungeon in Ed. Butler Derry 1689. q. Ayhner! _ , , , Macdona«?l. In the name of all the rest. Ham. Why ..t the fault lie at his own door— This ia Marshall Tobin's doings. These barbarities may do in France, but not here. We nust have a councir of war immediately, to consult what is proper to be done in tbig affair. And in the mean time I'll answer this letter. . Enter Marshall Rsin and an Officer. ' * " Offi. May it please your excellency, the array is in muntmy,occa8i)ned by some letters dupersed orer th» camp, laying the fault of tnc piisoncrs being hanged oa the French general. The officers and soldiers met to- gether. One says he will not have bit conaiu Lord Netherfiold hanged ; another will not h»T* C»lo«el Ttl- bot hanged, as being a near kinsman tf L«rd Trjcon- oel ; a third will not have Sir Gtrrtt AyJtav haa red • a fourth will not have Captain Butler haufod, beiag my Lord iMount^iarret's son. And this through the whole camp. They thre iten to seize Marshall Rosin and to deliver him up to the town of Derry.— They say ther wdl see 1000 Frenchmen hung before one of the prisou- ers shall die. Ro3. Ah, Monsieur Hamilton, what must wo do to appease this grand mutiny I metbiuka I hara tht pain Itt uiy neck already, ' /hotomoant 93 Enter an OjHcr. , Vi rebels taking advantage of it are n.arcuin^ p %->s O iriscrablo 1 Diablc dc mutiny 1 Je rebels de .el^;^;^ ITJ^^Z into de field and take c^ adv.. ofdi. rnuti.iy -, 1 shall be hanged on J^'^^^/^f ' ;^^e%„d rebels have set up: go presently and order horse foot to draw into a battalion. . Ovvi None of them will handle then- arms. :*LI and tk./.l.aU go to .heir o«n l>on,«J^^-l..U be seized. ^^ ^a Bdlwn, SheUy please to name. {Exit Messenger. Enter a servavt, he sets a table and ckaiis, and yuts two or three dishes of meat on the tabk^ Then enter Am- ;. : azon, L'.liliu, Gertrude, Felicia aft^l Bilorah. Gov. Ladies and gentlemen, this present coming so opportunely, I invite you all to a bottle of wine that is sent me. and such other entertainment for eating as our present circumstances will admit of ; take it as it M and you are very welcome. Th« firfst dish you see io slices, is the liver of one of the enemy's horaes that wa killed the other day : it i» very good meat, with peper and salt, eaten cold. I have seen those livers boiled, end after they are pickled, they eat very well. The other is horses' blood, fried with French butter, other- wise called tallow, and thickened with oatmeal. Th« third dish is what we call in Fr-mch, Ragout de chien ; in En^^lish, a Ragout of the haunch of my dog : it does not eat so v/ell boiled as loasted, it is something strong, but it eats best >vhen baked. I have a horse's head m the oven very well seasoned, but it »vont be eatable till night. My cook tells me that the horse was sonic- thing old, which makes it require the more baking. Give Die a glass of wine, and PU drink the ladies' health. (^Atnnzon pulls out of Iter focket half a biscuit.) Amaz. Pray, sir, accept this. 'Twas given mo tliis morning by our captive captain. Gov. By no means, madam, Pll not rob you of so great a dainty. r, , ? • ' Enter a servant with a letter from Lord Berkshire, .. "Sir, .. ,, Mareschal Rosin and Lieut. Gen. Ilamilton highly approve of your conduct. They made cboico of me (I being acquainted with you) to send this, and let you kiiow, tfiiit lacy arc Very .ieiisiijie Of i:R <■■ t.>- - -'-" ces you are in, and so unfortunate as to engage in that ••vice which will prove your utter rum. — You have Photomoant 95 » •♦» t.^ rPtiicve yoiir formers mistakes ""7 » '"' Tr4 .?d Mare cW Vsin, Lieut. G.n. .„d prove ''>y'-'',f „•,,f'„„.,Eeyou8haln■»v■■aBU,ta- We re-»rd, »nd RooJ P«''''"'," , ' , .Kf jrc at success of fa,„ our hands 1 .t '«;[;?;|;\ t atd s-ti^J-T.^f his majesty's aims, l"*'"^;, ='''„, proposal shall be this be speedily 'rP,fi,"f'iSa'ud sealed by both "Sf"?e: thSpruo^^o bepaidyeu either ,u g,"gUud'or Irelaod, for this great -^™|g^sHlRE." , Gov. I'll sand an answer to <^^^;„i „HUs. 0„, Gentlemen, because I would write nothing secret . to?he"nty:r-iil-admya„»«erto,o«. • " Sib, , „„„. rnwch obliged to Mar- M persued yours and a^ very much^ob ^g^ ^^^^^ ^ eschal Rosin, and L»eutJ^en ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ good an opinion oi my conduct 1 xu ^.^^ ,^.^ |ood, they had been mut ot tins to. ^^ ^^. ^^^^ Sur great happ^ess to meet w in ^^ .^ ^^ ^^^^ I ve'ry well know of wbat mp. t.n^^c^^l^ p,.^^ ^^ Protestant interest, ana ^« '"^ ^ ^ .^rding me and whom I know serve : he ,s ^a ^abj^^ ,; u,^n brass those under my ^°'f'"^'^,^'/:',^^^^ tbem not a have engaged .ny honor for Pertonnauce, -na J^^^ „ V ««, Til kpen Farewe.l. . ■"oJv oSmen, how do you like .t! ^ . All. Extraordinary well. • ■ . S..Herei,a,ersrr.='tnoraUCir.onshi.: ^°*''^* r GoytJ/-n(W r<;^^Z5 ^7^e letter.) , you will be reUcved .n a ^h rt t "O^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ .. Gov. Camil, go and ^"^'' fu^^wthat we arestarv- -. you can ; l-^^»»^ f ?f X! ^^Iw Crses^ will not .« (ng, andnothn.glef u«b,uafew^-^^^ ^^^^^^ lastabvove ^ J^^^'Ve reveres hU own honor and reputa. t:S^:s^otehn;Stalittlohreaa^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter tx»o soldiers, runmaq across th, s^«.- . A Q I ■'4 I ■ V — tpaniel dog by the two hind ifgi. GdV. What was that the soldiers hud ] FoRO, 'Tis a dog they aro going to eat. ^ Gov. T took it to be a kid. It made my teeth tO Water. Enter another soldier lOilh a cat, tind funs across the stagt making her cry. Evan* The soldiors hunt up and down the town (at _ dogs and cats, as cats do for mice. .'y Enter anolhe' with the Governor's mastiff dog on h%9 bark, with his ttoo legs over his neck. Gk)v. Hold, brother soldier, you shall give me eotn* share of that do;^. (Ite uhistles, the soldier lett AoH , drop ufhis batk; the dog and man runaway. ' Sure the dogs must be very poor, for the people e«0 get nothing to eat, ard v^at miist feed the dogs 1 FoRj. The dofjs go in the night, and tear up the grave, ] and feed upon the dead bodies, which fattens them ex- ; tremcly ; as soon as tlufy are fat we eat them. We have ■ an eicellontway ofdressrjig them, '.Reasoned With peper arid salt, and baking the flesh with tlie decayed wine, we get injnercbants' cellars. Go/. Alas 1 that gold cannot proctire us bfeacf. The^e soldiers have eaten all the dogs and cats in the town, we mpst now, if not immediately relieved, give up the pris- oners next. They had belter be at once devoured, than to lie languishing and starving in a dungeon. We hav ' fold enough, but what does that signify, it would not afford us one morsel of bread. ( Takes out his p>.i.rse and puts a guinea in his mouth.) Tliere is no relish or comfort in it, no more than « stone, a piece of leather has more sustenance. Yet thin is vrliat the worW admires, and by which the world i» governed. [^Takes his purse and throu,s it against ilie wail.'\ Scene changes to tJu Irish Camp. Enter liosin, Hamilton, Sheldon, Wanhop, and Bohati. Ham. Viewing the outguards near Ennishowen, and casting my eyes towards the harbor-mouth, I saw lour Bbips under sail, I waited about an hour, and I beheld their English colors, they at last came to another anchor at Quigley's Point. They are, no question, ships of pro- visions for the relief of the rebels. Shel. They w: a jrn. t well pass foi l at Culnjore,anu ouf batteries, and the worst of all will be the boom that lies r.Toa& the river, and the batteries on both ends of the na. Pbotomouat 9T HvM. It i-J "nif^PO^ 'Mi they couU e^.'ipe f '• ^^^'jj'" ^" J' . .L... . ;..V t,> till' b(j that id wood cannot pa SS UH 'Jown they btific \o ibo bot- tom Roa. Oive qr Ibemlftl.oto were a" 1™"'!"^ river. ,^'"V U ^^^,;<,ho(l anchor, be at work.— iNow reijc _ I _ ^ .^^^.^ ^^^ -rs:».'oVS,e,rS-r^os:>r U.e,Ue a.>,..« visjcn snips ccuii . ^^ . g.^,jg river, but not »"« ^>; .J;;;.'!" may a little escape our llAM. This makes lo us tncy y ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ .mall shot, but wbcri t ey ^^^^J^^ ^^^^^ ^f ^u, „,ao * batteries, what vv.U ^^^^^^rn am run Nvith all her forco of war had ^^^^^ '"^^^^:^'J,.^ have beon done; against the bgoa. ^I'.'^f ""P^„m°,i her small shut about ptied us -ith , and rat eaj ^^^ ^^^^^^ 'our ears: ^bey "^ouU cerUm y u^ ^^^^^^ . ^^^^ tenes ^c peUin, Jj ^-.■_^„^,,,„ offia,: 0,„, The ship, have c.oa.J '^^^ ",^0." .ail a„d ont of our carmen shot, aua i, "'-{•eu/hlttrar^t^^rli.oe.e.s.ce™ proud ri I 1 f »;u,a u,ul.,! Here to wait i„ .J, .pai^ >ti|| •^'■iHlumul, ,mii..- luen in lhel,..a.t of Engla.d.-ln vain d« xve and resist run down ami ovcrcon.e by ( W? StTn^:;; ' ' ^"r-^V "'''"':''^''' "'"^ — iuite undo e'f!. Ji^tr. nal honor he to vo..i, (.'uvcrnur oiDeny, v<,ur rrrc-ut ,:oi>duct tu be recuided loi ever. l£cvnt cmnct : ill t .-■. I.:-. ■ . \ I. i:l.S-. i J . '■ -l.- J. ! , .1 ■ ...XI ■:■ ■: ,ir- -. ;H i i* !.'.<■ /, : i M •-.:. ';,.,i> ^; . I „ i i t! -> i:v t I. — bai troi, X m / ;•:• .n '• 1 .iiV I. 'I .. ,»;.>» Pkotomoaat .i;,r^ • ! •■ , f^.- / SIIUTTlNa OF Tilt: G\IKS, 1821, (0. S.) jitr—" AuLD Lano Svse." Qnum per >^nth n'm mnn^ amnwiUL ^^^, Claiorum upiiar.'iit' — t. Full manv .hums and tmmpele ga>. The 'Prentice boy. just heard the, . And icininp hand m n«'7,, Before the wall r.solved to tall, Or for their freedom stand. When honour calb to Derry's walls - ^ The noble ftnd the hrave, Ob he that in the battle falls, Must find u heroe's grave. »h f \M ■ 100 III. fli<«n rnme ill? lot xiid tl-ubtfiil fray, NVi h miiiy o m irta! Moutu', WMle llioti-iinds in wi!il wnr s airav, Sio id rimrfilmlld nl] uro ind, Kiicb liill and plain was strewed with nlaitr, - 'Ilie FnyliTan led wiih h'o .d, UijI bII wjis vain tlji' t;)\vn to jrnin. Here Wi.liam'j sluiidard si >ul.' Thrn Iierc's to ilmse fhnt npct their fo«9, As nii'P nnd lieroe:* should, Aiid let the slave steal to tiis prave W)i6 fearj to shed liis blood. rr. The mntchless deeds of those who liere Diliwl tiic lyriint's Crowp, On liisturys l.'rjriit mils uppear, Knililiizu.eri ji, nnown. Here (itjattilcss \Valkkrs faithful word,' Sent hosts ii^ainst \\vi loe, Arid g-aHa::t Mirray's Lloodji sword The gallic chief laid low. Tht'n here's tb those— heroic dead, 1'iieir Ui-oinbrs MkmorV, May we who Ktaud here a; thtir etead,- Ae wise and valiint be. Oh, sure a heart of stone would melt,- 'ihe scenes once here to see, And witness all our father's feli; To have thwir country free. They saw tiie jovely matron's cheek, With want and terror pale, They heard their chi d's expiring shriek^ Float on the passing gale. Tet here they stood— in fire and blood, As battle r g d aro-ind, Beaolved to dje, till victory Tbeir Purple Standard crowneu* .% Pli«»toaao«Bt m vr thr5nrrc<>n3M^tWhero«ga1rt«t Or ha^o'v rtway ; F;aa!lr..l.«'Uv,len-lc..erourWe,' Oh. unre'y ro (lie Itti'hWs fix^. Must bona before the vhrone. ' To all C'X'f^ ™'" ''•^*' *"''• .:« . \voll ihio l>e ttll TRCE Bl'CB. T fit E 11 E M £ ^' • Wnmr.. .on thk. Cn.r.B.xT.oK or that Event, isToK AuoisT,1822. (O.S.) .. Grata .vfrvzuui qud non spacMlur hora.' jlir-." Mv Ais Kind Dkxmh O." \\ \ 01* Tlrf ' — Ko«J ' the gloomy Wocl- of trials o'et, No longer canaons rattle 0, ThctvraiUBflugisseennomore And James bas lost the battle O r Ar.l here we a.e. renowneJ and ft^. Bv maiden vMls surronnd^d U, wSe aU th3 knaves who'd make us -lav«. Are baffiled and confounded O. I*: the Dartrrcnth spread, her snow White ^\f Her purple pendant flying U, Wh'le we the dauntless heroes hai . Wv.o saved US all from dying O, T ik" Noah's dove seot from aDove, WlJle foes would starve and gr.ere i», O, Thro> flood, and flamo an an..' came, To ooBifort' and relieve «», O^ i j«^ ^v-afe^^ n lit ■m w % w a i'. . II ^ ii '! I I I m m. Oh whcrt the vewel Jtrucfe tlie* boOtr. And pitci.ed and reeled ^nd stranded O, TV iih shouts the foe denounv;ed our doom. And f'pe.i gates demanded O ; And shrill nnd liish arose the cry, Of anjiuish. grief, and pity O, Whiles black with care and deep dcspairr We mourned our railing city 0. IV. :feut neai^n her guide, with o«c broadside. The ladtn bark rebonr.ded O, A favorin"- gale soon filled the sail, While bills an J v*'*'^ resounded 0. the joy-bells ring-Jong lire onr King, A dieu to grief and sadness, O. , to heaven we raise onr voice of praise, IQ heartfelt joy and gi»d"esaO. ^ ....ri v.- A -»• ' ■■ I 1 , ■# ■ t. : v: jiia ui .O . ? ^» \ b; ' < • :.f: •; :. »' u ■: -f •' ■ ■ ** .1 rr jfAfeQCii i'Wiuroojc, Pmittbm, MiLTbx.- Photomoant ^ / • " «^ • / 71 /■^