CIHM 1 ICIMH Microfiche Collection de Series microfiches ({Monographs) (monographies) Canadian Instituta for Historical Microraproductiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona historiquaa 1994 Ttehniut and Bibliofr*pttic Notm / Now* tMhrnquM «t bdiqu4s ci-dessous. □ Coloured pag e s/ Pages da couleur □ Pages damaged/ Pages endommagias □ Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaurias et/ou pallicultes Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages dteolorMs, tachaties ou piquaes □ Pages detached/ Pages d^tachies HShowthrough/ Transparence □ Quality of print varies/ Qualite inegale de I'impression □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continue □ Includes index(es)/ Comprend un (des) index Title on header taken from:/ Le titre de I'en-tCte provient: □ Title page of issue/ Page de titre de la livraiton □ Caption of issue/ Titre de depart de la n livraison Masthead/ Generique (periodiques) de la livraison This Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filmi au taus de reduction indique ci-dessous. ^^^ 14X 18X 12X 22X 16X 20X 24 X 26 X 30X y I 28 X 32 X The copy fllmad h«r« hM t—n rapreducad thanki to th« ganaroslty of: Library of tha Nattortal Archivat of Canada Tho imagot appaaring hara ara ttia baat quality poaaibia conaMaring tha eendltien and laglbillty of tha original copy and in kaaping with tt«a filming eontraet apaelfieaiiona. Original eopiaa in printad popar eovora ara fUmad baginning with tha front covar and anding en tha laat paga «w.■' i '>'';sc;ri,.,,v,.: iim,.; ,\u,.i '*' ''>« l..ur ..r Cbf IDtthr ant) ihirlifofl of ComtoaU anz> Pork '•>-m the I'acifi. ,., the Atlantic Canat)ian Jtercfir Kailtoap I 'W"^ V 2 ^y^-^^ BMr4 mt Dl#««|«va H.H U „ M .M r V ., Huh,,. K.i; M .*, ... M...TH, M •MM llllliANit H. AWill-. , ,. '^iHTiiuM^nHHtitMorHMV . . , .. «(i»N»..»,r..Hii|.'Mi!mw. K.c:.Mn, . . . irrr Mh. n...Ho. K. II VHH... ..( M...... ,„..,.. „„^ ^V. .. ' lb J.r M« U..»..n.nM*m,.H. ^„„.,^^, Mil. TM..H.»«»im^»Ki, ... «i»:?«BK,U.MAMI»!|,'l,iollA« ... k^^ ». Mi,.r,UK,w.R |i,»H,.„ . . . . . " „;'^"'"' MoHfTIIK\U 0«a«r»l ortUmrm HIK W,t.. AX r. V.^ |..„,N»:. K.C.M n . < h.l„„„,. . .MoVTHBAt M.nT„oMA-H„u-.u.vK..r. ,,^,,„.t . . . „.,..t««.u. Mn. n. M.Nu ..,.,.. .,.., V,,....,v.,i.,.n, .„., „..,.. M.„n«.r. M..,ni.«M. Mb. « „... Dm.nkwatmh. H...y ,»„., A.,,.,..n, ,„ iw. Muntkka.. Mk. Wm. U „ vtk. A«i.U..t ...„,.. |.r..|.|..„t . u-,NM..M, Mil. 1.(1. OiiriKN, C..fiiiitri)l!.r - . „ \f.. W u f> • , MiiNTRKAL > ... W. R. IUk.u. A..lH,a„i K. ,„..,,,,., v;....,v., ,„ Movtkk.l Mm. I'. A.Pi.rrKK«.,«, r»,l..fKuKim.,.r - . . . m.,;^„^, Mr. (). .M. H„Mwo.,TM. F-if iKht Trnrtlf Ma.u.^j.r . . Montrkm' Mk. H..MT. Kkhh. Pu«..„g„rTrani.M,in«»f..r - . .M<..ntuku MH.T.,.. Tut. Ma„H„.,.r..f T..,u..,H,.utl„„ . Mo>theaJ Mr. J A. MMKK.MX,.. H.lpt.S.. I, ,„„, ,.. ,,„„.„.. „..t..U M..NTRRAI, Mil. AiiTiiiit I»ii.i..i ki....> , . «j. . .... Mil. Ai.rmH I'ikiih. Mupt. r-.'NtP,ii„«hi,. l.i,,.,, . Mh. a. C. IlK.Miv. (i,.ii,.ml I'.ir.^ .\^eiit .Mb. .V. 1). .M.vrTlKli, (lenrml t'u.l A^;pn^ Mu. (). H. Cavtmi;. .SuiHTintcnd nt of Car H-rvi, r Mh. K. T. Grihi.v, Iwind ('.>.„mlwioner MdNTRKAL .MllNTHICAL MiiNTRKAL Md.VTRKAI, WiN.Ml'lIO Mil. (i.MrL.nuowv.Kxcr..livo Agent . . V...,couvB».B.a Arthur, an.l the hou^s /,.,.)"'"■'■'■ '" ''"«•' I Will h. ,..o„. „ t„ ,7,%^:;;'" "-" t..,„i,,„i^,t "rot:?— "-..on .,„,,.„. ,.„^,^^ PACiriO TIMK u- branoh... ■ ~ ^-"«'»"'"' to La,„„ ^„^ MOUNTAIN TIMK i, branch... "*■ " '•"«««"' »» Branrton „„^ fn7Man!to"!i~bTanch^: *° "«"♦ *"""'. Includ- and Detroit. "*• ■"•* <>♦ Port Arthur """""::"irr".r-te"-5-"-.™.. '" •• U'i!. • • Mountain •■ Montreal. K.istern Canadian Pacific Railway SPECIAL TIME TABLE, EA9TBOUND Vancouver and Laggan : 525 Miles Pacific Division 'ri.m I txiiifiil ■^'"■■v'r I Train m STATIONS Desoripti.k Nltkh ! VlrLirla l>3.J.iil : I'.lMi. ! fft'liiN.-W| York .,r I itiid .1,71)1)' I Llv«r|».| vl.r MoDtrfHt I VICtorla-Populati..n 20,821. CapiUI of Hritish (/'oltiiiibia, chariniiiirly situated at the southern cxtieniity of Vancouver iHland, ovcrlookiiiK the Straits of Fuca to the Pnciflc, anrTK Uavii I ThuM-l Oct. 3 10 (X) 5 KiiTivK Stnai KN'iminiilt Tin 'hi,! ' "":, ^ ""<""• 'VoMh Pmil,. ,viM '" V" "'•* h«>'"s..s. worklhonV ' ""'■"' •"•"•'■• "...I i..„„;.n" ' ,';;,",:"" """•''• S2'"'< rr.m AHHIVe 'Hi., situ itim. ?s ... ";■■«*■'""«: out. '"7'-iaTu, i7 "-l:r-d«ri;:lriri-i^'?^ The (.'. P U Whit 'V''"""'"*'^'"'-'*- to the Or e„f '},' t-'npress Li„e are the . Iv WVi 7^'" ■^''"'■".ships "ons K "Z. «■ 1,1, ■ /■"""'''^''"'' Jit other points on ft. i'""''" ""d VVoMdVoute. vv"./!!r,..4'r""'*. *h« -''^Ausa^'^'^^^!i''^^i: which pl> beuv,^" H^l^'^t*'"" <'"• Au.straKa^. o.""^it"h""fh^Kf! 111,45! 2900 Hnng Konc «.37l t.. Sm Kr»n rilco THANMI'ONTIMKMT.M. ((Alt. HOITK Mllx mo 4 13 (l.iiiuin r.ldv.l HU'iiiiiHl.ipN from .SImi.Kli.ii or rioHK K....^ vU SinKa-; oIoimIm.. Sue/. Nu|.leN anj (ienoii to Hoiithiiniptoij. Thf fountiv mmth, touiiiils thr HiiHst: ntid Mt Hakrr loominK "P at tin- .south .-ast; JStanlfV Park isa ii,a(^nifl,.^„t ,,|,i,|j,. lih-asiin- n-sorl. an.l u visit toCai.i- lano ( anon, a reinarkahl.. mountain fl.-ft, across the islet, is a (l.-liKhttnl oiituiK. Opportuniti.s for sport art- unlimited at no threat distanee- iiiouiitain Koat. hear and deer in the hills aloiiK the iidet; trout-llsh- inK in the mountain streams ; and iea-flsliin^iii endless variety, Ficin Vancouver the railway follows the south shore of Buiraid Inlet, and the outlook is most de- liKhtfuI Snow-tippii TRANWOJTTIJtKVTVI, KAII. MolfTK VilM , Hut- V»ii. '»'r Train u Mount Baker 26 27 88 48 STATIONM Dkimhiitivk N.n-Ks Hammond Haney Whonnook Miasion June 68 From MiMnion Jiinr. a liranch line'H the KrH»»'r Hivcr iinil i-iins to the iiitei'iwit iiiiiiil . lioundarv line whiTe iHil foniifciion is nia(fi> with the Seatth" & Iiiternntioiial Uv. for Seiittlf. Wash., thence via Northern Pacific R(J. toTaooina, Portland, all Orc'tfon and California points. This line jfive.s through connection for all the prominent points on Piiget Hounil, and for Portland and .San r rancisco, NIcomen Harrison Xcar JItinison S f(i/ii))i the Harri.son River , . is crossed just above its confluence with the F'raser. rntii llie oiiening of the liaser route, in IHftf, the only .-ircess to the northern interior of the province was hy way of the Harris.>n river and lake, where free milling gold heen discovei-ed. k I.I rrnin headi|uarlers of ihe Hiilmon ran- nhiK industry, which is r prcMerited hy a dozen or more extensive e^talt- lishnients. It has also larg-- wiw- inills, the prixluct of which is shipped hviKily to China, .South America, Afiiia, Kiiro|». and Australia, and the Provincial Asylum and Peniten liary are located here. Soon after leaving the .luiiilion the liriecrosses Pitt River l.Vii Lriilge oneoimrterofamilelnlengili tmni which a nmgnillcent view is to lie had up Pilt I^ake, emiiracing water and woods and mountains of great hi;ight, and at various distances, with great mea^lows alive w if li cattle 111 till- forcgroiinil. On either side of the liver extensive (dill vial Hats have Iwen dyked, thus renileriiig alniut a»,(IOII acres of the m i-Jf- MOW lUM. rp-'W ixKitMl v«i.. . t I ma TBANN^tiNTIMtvrAI. HAIL MIH'TK HTATIONM Dkiukiptivk Notkh 71 Kl tlO lUi Ap. firoai'h' riR the null' Muim- taini II WmI. him ^"111.1 tt;m Tnia «»utr«l Carl bno j woKon rood 114 AsMsia Ai .l(/(i(.«(j, iivi-rliMik.'.! l.v Ml. ( lll'-lllll, ion \i'| iiiiH'lll t-Xllcr I- iiii-ntui taliii nil. I., fiiiil itiiil KiJiiii III .• Krnwn ill ({ vm i«.ty. /.' « /, ,/ Huby OrMk i,..,.. ih.' k„i- ... lifts fiHiml ill II,.- M. iiiily. AImiv.' Hi, l.v mi(l,-( ...INl tothJH |>.>iiit.KiMiliiiil|yilmii>{c, l.>lli.'iii>>i'f Hliiiil.MJ jiiiil K'H'iil.-.l KloMlli III Ih- I'liiiriil nil the iiii.iiiitiilii >»l«aiil iiiav l.c h.m'Ii II. .(M- Peaks, whi-ic ificat fiii(lii' •'\|iil plotllalily. V«l« -Alt. am II. )•,//,■ \h III,. l,..a.i ..f iiiiviKatiiiii ami rniiii ii a waKoii rii.i.l ua-. laiilt in IHIH-I t>> t Iip lluri fani(i.iN('aiil«„) .Mini'>. lull tlii'lii^l 1|N) iiiili'K III' it li,i\c Im-.-ii alianildiicd Miner the riinstinit ..f Ih.' laij. way. and Ii.toimc in iiianv pliicis iiii|iii»sal>li'i'vi'n for a fi.i.t iiasscuKfr. Yiilf xvaN fiiiincTly an i)iitHttin« I jMiint t'lir mil, ITS .uui f.-niclnii, n | noillnviiiil. It ...riipics a Uiah ' iiImivi" the liver in ,i ,1,.,,|, riil-ili-xnr ill the iiiiMintainM, which rise aliriipt- ly and teeii on tl plmsite hank, and in the vilhiKf a run- spicniiiis .lar the way. The w.if^on ncill crosse.-^ and recrosses the railway many tiinen in the next 12 miles, till we ri ;uli Si)u:::iini where it pa.sse.s _ I to the opposite •puuum .sid.M.f the river l>y .1 most pic- ture.iscpie .suspension liri.lK.', thence to HoMton Bar (abont 12 miles) is one .-■.-i;,tin!iTHi5 f.uio.-i. The .s. eii,.| v i.s not only inten.selv int.restintj ''"t starlliiiK. It ha.s been well described as ••matchless ■' The great river is forcedbef ween vertical wallsof black rock.s where, repeatedly thrown back upon itself by opposing clitTs, or tfCtt 2M-24 ( 2N|fl llt.p.' I'l'Hk 2Hin nliiK uf I hi. utnonM 2702 € - -..-.• -"-.•NsC'•^t, '>.':;'''''f" '«. H|MU/.,„„ i, //,7/f,„', ,'''••- "•-"»•< I"""! in thi. r/,,. „','•,''''• ■•'»*''"t '"•'•I tm.k I V I ; ,""• ■•*»••«• I" «hop.:■^,:^; ■•;;•'. «n.i , ,,.»... ''''•'''HofA..K,;if!f ;:::.';'/:' '"•''•• "••nK.-ix „nly, ,h.. i,., ' J""' 1""- «»»<■ laiUny " "'•«"'1<'h»mI f„r North B«nd -Alt. 42.^ r, . „, •"K ' h(il,.| hot,.! innlJ X, r'"'<-«i- (" •"vi-innaliH, '',»'", -^"'V' """i •'-•'KM f„l »lo'p,, "' .Pla. ::V'''' ''*' ""•' who wiHli (,, ' '"'r'''"' ''"•'■ ''>'iii'■ <■""• Willi the rivpi. siirJiV, !" •■""•"I. far l«.|,.w -ri ."^/r"."«''^wiMi„« Hl.M.1.1. |\ ,.'' ••"'•'>•. tKr.s, „n.l iHiallv twi,( L V,"','V''^"" ^''ll-vs 'lown toil,., liv "•""•","■'* ^•""•un.s i«'l-..Vklv Hv ,',v'"'"''- '^'"■"'••it alxivr III,. ,.,•.■,., " *'""'*'i'»l f..,.| Hlt..|IlHt,.|v \vi,I,. ; I ' '"■ '"""" «nliiion or ^r..„„;,„ . *^ • '"('•■"'"iK H«lMMa/«;;.''^,.v ' 7"'''.\ '^(•"/'i. the niines... ''""'f'* "f h'lts of the ' zim SSMl!MSB3n^, TnAM««.nmMC!«TAI. 11*11. KniTK Mih9 i Hnti I It 141 IM 1 Thorn' "Oil •'anon IHl Ifltt 172 Hmnmhm -Ni-nr hi-rfihn rnllwHy ihmwm thfiMIKh 11 llllltli'l ililrilly ,.„ I,, ,1 <'Mtilllrv..r' IiiI.Ik.'. mill '-i.wMi'it III till* «'(i»» i-lilf i(f thf KritMT Kivir, wlili h ^^•••** iiImiiiI ,ii( iiiita-a I " /.//Hon, a ■iiiiill triuliii)( tiiwh. Hit., tlio i,»iUvay l.av.. Hie vnll.-y of thi> lf|H'!i.., atiil Ihm'iiiiii'n %vilil Ih'ViiikI Til.' UlnVlliliK rfiir, ■>,,,., will. Aiv ni'itllii (iii.l.sti.iik.a ill iiiniiv i«H-ik- liiK i»\»v*, ,ui.l n,.w ,iii<) tlwn tlirmiKh lii.akHii, ili.. (iIkIi .••..litp. lUi'iil. Minwy i»Mks 111.. s,-,.|i KliHt..||. iiiK hIliw. I hi' iIimi.Ih. T,.„ ,„j|,.„ IllMivr l.yttuii, \ii„„i»ii, II |)tt|<< iimiiein villiitf... is iMi,«.,|. ,u„i „„ fh<'i.|t|Hi,it,. I.iuik l.f till' liv.i jfoia xllllH- K<||K' rii|ii.||y iinr- I hi' Nrt'lii'TV llfXI|'i||(|||||, wiiH (Irst iiiHi i II t I h « Mci. ii.'ry Im'- AlL7(X)ft. ••«>m"N v.iy , ■•IrikiiiL; II t| (I tWTulmi- Th.' Iraiii ,„„s u,„,ii ,i Hini.ons Ii..Iki- .lit ..III „r I hi- l,,,rp hills (inlhi' iiT.'>{ul,ii- siMithsi,!,. of hi'sti,',,,,. th.' rHvin,'»s,,„„„,.,i hy hiftv l.ii.lK.'s. Hii,Hh.'Th..iiiim„ii. in thl' llllllly ,,f ,1 |,.„„| |„ |j ,y(,i,,|„ ..> V|,,i„. ocsoin.' whit.'.'X|.osm,.. With ihiH fantastic .•o|.,r. |,, 11,,. l.iii. Imiit .iiii'ialil riviiopposis n strik- inKronliast.aiul ov.i- whi.h Iwiids a sky ..f . ,.,.p,.Ht vi..|,.t, th.'iv is th.' ftil.litioniil interi'st of ^reat liciirlit and lir.',a.lth .>f pinspert, aiul ,i '..iistantly .lianKinif t;io|..s,,„,.n.'sH .It lonii, (■aiis...l by !h.. w.'aiinu.loui, of rocks of iinf,|ual har.lness, l,v watw ami win. I. int.i towers anil moniinu'rits, ^"I'lins nn.l jfritftns. i r:f.-;tr.tnKO r..niisaii.i naii.iv hii.sof tlic rorks and scant llv li.'rl.aire.l t.-rimes nnpii-ss th-nii.'Iv.'s most stronRly on the ineinory. '"T?**,'!? ■••'«•«•- At Spe,„r-8 HrHge the old waKon road up this valley to Thi- rand : lovnr lirlilaa \ 'UBH 27011 27M 2740 2734 I rBiiitip- I . ""■"> ! HlviT Oro- I tCHIIUV forms : of I rockfi 2728 nt,r, .,,.1 .t. ^^u"l'^^'*"•:•''" «••»./ Mr M,., A«l»er*f| Alt. I 'nto « l,,;.v I ' •»«toufn Hiv*r I" «»,.. ,»h',;, '7,:' '••»''••■«"''• A'l.t-. """"""■"■.,s;:;;';'i„"ii'™»- ••vonas P«rry n22.05i FriHii Navoii»Mi «hi. line f..||,,H„ thfHi.iitl, Hhori. a '"•HiHifiil hill ..u. Y " " " ■ ^'r-.i Hill ,„„v.. ofV,^,, V ' IM ! Ohmrry Or«a|t ' 1 !i '' " N <■ a r I I ""'TV rm*„ I liiiii xpurH tii-,,1..,,. : ."'"''i"'" "f iriiiun. ' «>.. i.i'. '"I'hCt „?' ■' "I" '"''*• '""« ^-ll/>wi,,K f I -y, 'h, f''"'' '"""fK ..rm .lis,OV..,.H,| "f" ," "V" '"■'' '*•«>' »>^i».(f, Hhip,".U. "• "'"^ '"'" "'•- P"«t. The „„,.," r,,k o hr-Th '^"^ »U2 aoTo b.W. ui^m. '^^*t »•— •'••rrjMii.r.j N»ll, Mol'TR '^'1 tag I "TATIONH lH«„.,^,v«N.,r», fc':r;r;^;;;;■d•;'i:«; r:^ P .f ;v;Kr;K,;,.';j;:,vt ii«., n*.rv,„,.H. ..v,.,i ,;,t.;' '" ;»• i«n..r "'.'''P'> I"''"' '"rn/firM lianiii «? IimIm. I in*. ; '«ii..y ,.,.,1„: ,,,'•' •"•■ ::::::!::;:';::.::!>:.:'';!'iMir:t;vi:- '"'.I on , ', * I ''' 7. '" *••'•>•. K-xHl. .,H.Kj.,. p,:,,;;';;:;-,;;.a u, ...,n,n,|,, of s.„„Ll, J,.M'...' .!'•• lUn. T*t It *E?JS HT.\ril..NM |H,«MirTI»i. N.rriB, me •ttJ Mm- iDoua «•>■ Out./ I 5j,,i. i, ||,|| MfPiHll* II .iUiiit ma) (•„.( ,%i,,u^ ij,, nKtiinldiii •IiIp (inii wtviitM » niit«iiin •^lil viowa.rou ltf'l<«|.|iit« ■bt>rt'« oil aldio ,>l III* Imiik «„n nitrr<>Mr .Ih-pi of ••■•rairfiihiiiMfar ■Ml litd.r Imiiil, Willi hiKti iitiiiinUIn rt- for «h<-.i|(|Mi»ii.. Urk^rouiiil, Tilt' llti«« tlirii MriwIiMlly run. .|oi»n hill until It r*iti-HK« thi> lovl of tb* wi»l.'r. m Haliiioii Arm, «»liirh li niii« Mitirilv numi. nml ilipii ||o.» for it lonn •lUlAlirn viitlr«>ly aToiik tha _ _,^. wMilh.rn •horn T«»p«n •Itflns ••fih.lak- IliU •almttnArm i* • »■'»! m- ninrli.., VrllIKU val|p)r» likf • liUKf ., 4 in Imlf iiilocfti illrn lltiim. T «i •mm •r«' itmnir inili-* loiiu. i«m itriiialiy <» chawliHilK" lit Mlfrtiii,.!,, Narniwa. A'ii-rimiiun In till- •litlion for , ,. . ., Ill" iihniiiKuml •icri.ulliiiitl ilUtriria to llii. w,iith wh«TM ;li..ri' litl»rKi> >«>lll«-rN for thiwp wImIii n to rpiiiaiii ovtr unci nIkmiI or (Ish. Ihfu- is ••xifllfril (tiMit li-hii.K nrlthiii rt f..w n.iiml,..' IHUlillr of the holi'l nlno ,1! AltnMl<- '-"It' ir Ihf hrikil of .Stytiioiir Ann iinii Whit^ I^ik.. nijif Coi.- I»'r Ulanil liolh iiliirc- .1111 i-nnily !»• ifiiilipil t,y Im.«i«. th«n hy •iliorl liiiil uhirli the lujlway rotn iHiiiv hii* nil. (iroutp ■liiH.iinK in til.- IjiII it iileiitiful itiiil llicii- IN .|,.«| xhootiiiK within a Nhort .lUlanrp ovirllii-hrllifliipcth II. io». thf lake from I hi. hotel. A hrni.h idiKvay riHiH to ri'fvioii nnd (thinngan \ at th • heml iif Ijike OkiuwiKiiii, n > iniiKiiiHii'iit xheet of witter oil whirb the Kte.ulK-r "AlM'r.l.eir' plU-H to Ki'loirnn mi.\ to /V.i/ir/.>,i. ui »i,j. foot ol the lake, from wiiirh tin, Fairview ami other mining reKionn are rearheil. Near Kelowna. on the lake «hor.<, thirty live nilleN from Vernon. I^iril AlMideeii. formerly Oovenioi-tJeiuTuI of ('uniMja, haw a •l««meuaau«»e Alt. l.Kllft, Vte« urn £«i) Mun. •tar. l» M Th« Htiu*- wa» IrftkM I 2S7I Kl.h and Kama ! !4hu« I wan (Ikan IN TKANHTONTINKNTU. HAM. H<.r TK »ll« I Rut I ^ar^l^^l .STATIONS I>KH.H„T,vKN.,T»>. *"<■*- t Mtlit ',t *-| •mlKr..w7,.Kfr„i,HofHll^ki I'Ci U » ...„m.r«(,. ,,„„. ^i„ ,^,,;'« "JiuMi'iin for kcon iMirfKii,,.,, f„r oftrilM.ii iM-ar, drop. Hiiflinin ...ll n..nui"r,'„.'?'''""""'r "'." f'"»"""ti. iV . ' '"" "Ni'i'rK N Ml,. .,,11, ,„ ..f K-Kle Uiv..,. whirl, ru ; .hrVnih , e ct-Uii, hulNdiii aiK 111,111 V ..ilw?^ I Oraiarellachie I '['"'O'linrhif ; Alt. l.i:,(Mt. ""' ''"<• "I'ik.. llftHII iif lln. KOliI :ifisr> QHftln Lake-Alt "'.'• hiffh. st I.IXK) ft. point ri'dclicd I III KhkIcI'jiss in Olanwilliam-Alt i"^ , ''^ " ■" '" ' • l,(J(X)f(, l-'iko.nheicihi' way I l„, |„„. ,|,..s,.,,,„|^ -^r, f,.,,, : , -t. -n fnnn ^r /;;::i^^;;::''::f i-,f >i 11;:: -:^L:::;"'::;";;r "■;i:'''^o;rxi^ri4':-i--i: ^ jv'-"i"K .■«..„,«.„■ r. ; SI.*?.;:,' "'vr i on„.ary. -/v.i, (-r....k ' /" 1„ . " K' si Kn;./""' '"the.oal niin.-s f r/.lst Kootciiiiy. "•velstoke AH. i.47.-,i(. On the ('<,|,„„i,ia Riv,.,- tliyisional |.iiirit. Tli,. oMKinally |„cHt.-d on tli,- I Tho •>r till- fop. L',.')(HI. 'I I'liiJway town \\!l\H '■iviTli/ink, Sun- Sep. 2!)' /is. 05; "17.a): 2M4 2527 :.^ '11' ..Kill * ^^H t j;«^~'««"'TINR.VTAL HAH. ....UTIC wnii'fi it hlW ftt let! I (Kill f» ... I Ho th!. wi ' """"ii"ii'nti.>ii with with K,i»U-nav 7 '."'"H-ction ►•'■"'■« I rr„n, ir4.i* ".Iiiuti**! ! The • olum t£oo- teosjr niinlD(( roKlona 301 401 d..ij,nt p™k, „,t ,1,,. .i;. •„,;,"& Sh.,"'!'.:'"^""'~"""-i" iK/r; Enter- inK the I 8«l- ktrku Baxeof theScI- kirk» 2515 29 (o I fan- , j onH of the ! lUecll.l lewaet TKA.NM<()NTINK.\T.\I, It Ml. HiU'TK Mlla I but. Vu Tnlu M. I. ,«| 407 410 lll«oill«wa«t :»,5Ki fM-t. Rosa P«ak ■•),t«»ll fc't Alt. j Th.> lll.(ill,.w,ipt ] UiviT in hcl-f of Ilia i)f ciiurMn I tiii'liiili'iit. lu KiiiMi withnlutirtl wilt IT in, It lll'Nt I)t>li nniil. iMit nipi.lly cluiiH.s. Thf KiURe Oorife of the llleull lownol 423 Climb- ing thv LoopH Oct. 4 ARRITI 045 Sir Donald and other peakN Names of the peaks IH H..iii,.tiiiifH of (!nii,i.l..rul.l. wi.llTi". flll.-.l with thiit i.-iiiuik)il)l.. foreHtLf KlKantic h-.-cm t.„. wliicli Mriti.^h toluiiitiiu IS fuiiiiMiN, aii.l tliiT.. an- • ■Xi-.'.MliM^|yL{riiii. IVak Hi.liiiK. the lino Nkii IN aloii«the haw of Couirap •Moiin II. and looking foi wafd up the v: .y one of llic aiidiiioat nuiKiii Ic-nt views on th«. line niuy i>e lm(l of the peaks near the siiiii- iiut ot the Selkirks, with Sir Donald, the highest of them all, near the reiit«. of the piiture. {'..ntiiiuiiiK ii|) the vallev, th.' Illecillewaet ih (lossed tor the thirteenth and last time and Nweeping sharply to the liKht the line touches the"hase of H..S8 Peak, and tiirniiiK ''ack to the lett iierosH the valley leading down fioiii Hoss Peak (ila.ier forms a double loop like the letter S, and rontinuinn to ascend around the mountain side, soon reaches the (riacier House. *"**'!f''u"*»V*" -'^'t- ^•'~ ft- -Station and hotel within thirty minutes' walk of the Ureal Glacier, from which, at the left, Sir Donald rises a naked and abrupt pyrumid, to a heiff ht of more than a mile and a half above t iP railway. This stately monolitnwa.snamedafferir Donald Smith (now Loixl Strathcona and Mount Royal), one of the chief pro- niot. Somewhat at the left of Cheops the shoulders of Ross Peak are visible over the wooded slope of the mountain behind the hotel. The hotel is a haniL^^ome structure reaemblinga Swi.ssvi. th." I^velof the hoti'l. A kof iiii'iiritaineers. A Klacial Htroani han lieencaiiiflitiinil furniNheH foun- tains ahout the hotel, (Jaine is very abundant ihroiiRhout these lofty 1 raUKMH Their summits are the I home of the mountain goat, whidi I are seldom found southward of ■ Canada. Hears can also be ob- tauied. t Oune 42S 426 I ' MtB. Mac- ' donald ' and I iBrmlt ' CurvinK sharply to the left the train passes a lonn snow shed (not through it. for an outer trade is pro- VHled that the sinnmer scenery nuiv not be lost ),and continuing to ascend ainnsf the slopes of the Hummit Peaks, the line soon crosse* the ■uniniit of Iht Helkirks. Salktrk Summit-Alt. 4,:«)(j ft— .Sum- mit of the jMisa. The mountain at the left siirmounti'il bv a pyramidal peak. seemlnBly of Titanic masonrj-, 18 Cheops: and looking out of the pass towards the west, and over the deep valley of the Illecillewaet, id Koss I'eak, a massive and symmetri- cal inountjiin carryiuK 'in immense glacier on its eastern slope. Rogers' Paw-Alt. 4.275ft. This pass was named after Maj. A. H. RoKer,-, by whose adventurous enertjv it discovered in 1883. previous t<> which no human foot had penetrated to the summit of this great central r.nnge. Ihe pass lies l)etween two lines of huge snow-clad peaks. That on the north forms a prodicrious nmnhi- Llieatii'. under whose pjirapet, seven oi' eight thousand feet .above the valley, half-a-dozen glaciers may be seen at once, and so near that the ' "•}'"'"» K';^*'!! fissures are distinctl visible. The changing effects o, Tlie sum- mit of thoSel kirkA Over- look - liiK the Borae of the IllfCil- lewaet 2181 itSO Peak! i and ciei-Kln I Pau VtMVr Tmia THANWIINTINKNTAI. HAII. UilITK STATIONS DKM-Hii'riVK NoTicii WlM bou«4 Tnui The Hniilt Kzit from Rocani l'iu<( Bear rroek H'rmlt Mount The anow- shedx ilttht and «haniild iin- tlif rhii'lN, run nevpr l)o forKottfn liy tint forliumlo Iravcllui' who Iuih Hccn the itunNi't or MnnriN<> tinting tlifir baltli-nit'ntN, or liHH liHiktMliip from lli*> Ki'''''» viill<-y nt II Hiiow -Ntortn triiiliiiK Hn ciiitain aliintf tlioir cri'st.M with pi'n'huiicc ti whilt' |M>itk or two MtiindltiK HiTcnt- ii)m>V(* th*' hHrniU'MH rloinl. Tht' cowltMl tlt{tiri'of n iMHii, with hixiloK, on thf filgi' of oiif of thi' frii^fs Hhii|M'n itm-lf out ol tin- rorkM, mid KivfM Ih)- iiitiiii- of ili'i'inil to tilt' nioiintniti. Thf wuy is lii'tw n I'nonnotiH pri-ripiccH .Mt. MiKiloii- aid towiM'H r ahovi- till' railway in alnioHt Vfrlinil htout4 miles fi'om Hoyrrs' I'nsD station the line turns to the left into the valley of the Beavei and near flfHT I'retk station a hrief hut preeious ulimpxe is caught of Hermit Mt., throunhaKapintheclitTsoiitlieright. This station is 1,()00 feet above the Beaver, whose upper valley can he seen penetrating the mountains southward foralonj.(ilistam'e. Many of the difficulties of the railway from snow in the winter oeoiir be- tween Bftir Cnvk and the suiiMiiit on the cast and for a similar dis- tance on the west slope of the .Sel- kirks, and these have heen complete- ly overcome hy the construction, at Vftst ''xpense; of sh.efls. ov mos'e properly tunnels, of massive I imber work. These are built I'f heavy sipi.ired cedar timber, dove-ttiiled and bolted together, backed with lock, .ind littecl into the mountain sides in .such a manner as to .Mnnnt donald A Na- tional Ite- rtervo I I)e»i- > cent i thro' ! Bear Creek gorge The snow- RhedM .^c* "h ' ."'( ¥-1 hi 1)1 h) i 24 »*1 • l,„,.„J Tho Siir- prine Bmvfir Valley TM»N«-,.NTI«*K>ITAI. HAII. KiMTK HTATIONM UBBtKIITIVK NilTM ^^^ Hvli;!r."*'"" '" ""• ""-« "•'-'«'• Maairad I ir Or««li Alt. .v«iii ft. Th.. li„,. Jfcviv..,.. wh..r.. it u „„„.i,...l i„i , rwt a HIV.- th.- tiv.r. wlii.h „. ars »'HI.-\. ||„. pnii.ipal oii.l, wh..,-,. a pow.Tful t.)m-nt T.\l. MAIL HOITK v£?J lS? STATIONH -UUKMIITIVK N.^TM 403 458 4flB 475 482 487 •V r mmiih •* ssr \« Tho Col umbiK nnd thi) Hel- kirlm Nftvi- gallon of tha Upper Col- iiiiibla At the foot of the Uo|iaiiil luirrow K<>rK<-. •t«'N from tho I'liiioii a iiiiitrnillrt>nt vivw \h tolx- liiul of I III- Idii'kifit, riniiiK ruiiKH ii|miu I'liiiKi-, mill )'zti ! "f •'"' Want 14. ?vllf» AlHMit GolArn ** "" I anil lit vurioiiH plucpM Hbovf, Kolil Hiid Hilver iiiiiit>i« ail' »H>inK ! f^.''.'" ''••hoing walls, thi'pas- s.igi (if this gorge w lit never iie for- gutteii. An ahrnpt turn of the river reveals .Mount Hunter which pushes it.s forward like a wedge hptween the Ottertail and Beaver- foot ranges. At the right the ri«eaii to ,111 ii,M,„.„„. lifiKht iukI lookliiK wiiith th.' Ifc-av.-r- rt nuiK«' In onli-ily aitiiv •" fiir nil the .•>•■ rnii ivm'li, k««nehoil A I h„,„iti,ii Ottartall .\it. | th<' li<'iiv«i'riH>i !<..»7tl fl. i-iviT ■'■iiiic( ill ... . from III!' ..«iiith Hiul j..ii,H (|„. \Vh|.i,i ,,r Ki.kii.K Moiw. liv.i, uhiih -.ti.niii 1h fol- low.'.! I., th.HMMimit ,.f III,. |{o, Li..«. 1hi. rrtilwuy. ruii» .lii>. ii,„th I" Oltert/iil. Ki,iduiilly ,iirv..H in „ iK.HliiHHt.rly illr..,tion, ii«iti,|,im h.. VHll.y ur 11,,. VV«|,U IviiiK »Mtrt.'.M 111,. Otl-iUil hikI VllM lloiin. lanKCK, iin,t , a hiirh l.ri.lK,-..v.Tlh,.<)tt..||Hilriv.T. fr.riu whirh „i,e ,if th.. (lii,.Nt vi.wH .an !>••_ <'l)fni,„.,|. ..Mteis th,. WniH ,.f t|„. >Vii|)lii. H.It)'l iiiuiiaK.,1 liy thf rHihvay <<)nipuiiv- th,. .Vli. ,stenli,.i, lloiiw- - not fur finm f h,. h«M.' <.f Mt i Htrphfti, whiih iiH..H«,(l(lOf,,.| alM.VH th.; nillwny niiit fn.lng Mt. Ki,.|,l ' IhlNlMiifiiv.irIt,. ntoppiiiK i.lii,,. f„r toiiiiHU, luiil hai- h,.,.ti ncntlv .-n- li»r){e,| t,) iiieft th,' want.., of in- cre.i«.,l travel. Firl.l is th.. porUil t.. th.. newly .llm..,v.-if,l Yoho yiill.-y, wh.m,. T.ikakkiiw FallH. .IrojipiiiK l.4( ulacii-r- M ci-tarii.ts. Th.TH are iniiiu-ns,. glHCUTs riyaliiiK th.- Ill..,ill,.wa..t ot th.. .S..|kirk.s in vaHtnes*. nixl a n-rnarkatilc panon whow wall.s ar.. from '£*) to ollO IVet lii^h. IriiiiH i,.,„i ft|„„j. t)„, ,„o,„|tai„g. 8i(leM a.i.l throuKh th.- vall.-v, and «helterN are l.,.inK ..ivcted for the .•.)nv..niPn... <.f visitors to thiM new won.l.rland. Kn to the valley th.T.. IS a natural biidKe, and Km- emld Uke, , in.le.s from Kiel.l. i.s one or the most charming of mountain Wftt,.rs. On th.. shoulder of Mount Stephen, iH a fo.sHil he.l, ri.h in rare specinicns of trilobite. an.l a trv.«ral cave i.s near the vilhiKe. Swms KUKh's are also stationed here to a<;cott,pany tourists a-id mountain climbers. I^iokin^ iti„| •iv<-r«rlietiiilriK In lU griMiilMir Ttif III!.. »«-,,„r, r*|>iiil)r < MiMinK ttw> .U^i. ici>rR» tir 1^01* jtlix Wi«|iit( mill >n Ali..v.iinr,.|«»"rHi.g ih» ... ^, . I*tlk«' ite llt'ftiir. At th.' ••Ur..|il iKvl.l.. whf rfit .iMrii- lliiK ■Irraiii *«iimint<-* Inln two WHJITH, out. HoWitli{ I.. lUv IWlflr ■mi thxotlixi li. iriiilMiii llav, lilt' liin<'kUiiii<<>rrlit*iiititii-ii( l» rpiti hfii Thf Nlitll..ii nl ihf aiimiiili ,,f ihf K'Miky Mi.iinUliw. Ilki* Ihf itnt|..n- iloiln iiioiiiiUiii «,„„. ,„i|„, |«.|,^,„|_ ,, ''")••';•"*'' "' Hif l<t..ifii<|lMK « Iribiitiiry ..f thf tiiiw Klvcr which r..iir.«.» through a uuu |„ thi- ii«>w lUiiKc throiiuh whieh <«ii )». M.f.11 thf hiiKt> |>«ft| K\wWr « il<>»>n iiillw. HWAjr mill I.;«)0 sUive you. thf Hint iiton ia «t higgiiH, thf tfr- iiilnuii of thf PiwIHp rHvUlon. ami tht< HtMlon for thf UkM in tb« I li 111(1*. l«1*M ' «f ih« Hnrk I TIM I l«>l ■larlw y ril4Nw«i dtlM AlUn Ik- I At iAKKHIlallff- »l, I f«nii»-ti|»..m«<«or I r I K ■ til • y l> • I l,i«ti«>* In ttiK I'liMiiU, fnni 'il Ih*' wiirl'l over fot- ihi-lr uii>iii|H*mKM>a, hlittlfll friilli Ki-IKIitt MvW 'llllttlat thi* llliml t'ii|iiiiiiH4 •■liviiiiliiiirntx, Htv riiri* |{i-nii> whiHu- |i>«>'liiii*Mt mwl I'linriii ■iiiiwtaa itll it>'W'rl|>- I loll. Ijtki' IxmiIm'. wliii'h 11 I ha Hrat, U two nmi inn liitif iiiMi>« (nun thi- KlMllon liy a iilmiutnt ritrrinK*' tlrivf m i-iimm Iiii- fmi' of llif iiioiiiilnln. On th«* iiinritin of thi* lit'ikiitll'til Inkti Im n ihMct llott iiioiin- liiln, mill n utill further aMi'iit to l^ki- ,\t(n''«> itiiriiiK whii'li h imtKnU Hi-i'iil vlfw of thf< iiow Vitllsy and tha iitirniunillnK iiiouiitainH in oli> titlnml. TralU kImi {(ihiI to I'nrHiliiMi ValU'v, to thi- Viillcy nf I hi' T«"ii IViikx, itml to other ■••otifntonil N|M)lH. No nior<>
  • ll|ihtfiil |ilnr<< i* liiiaKJnahlf than thfM' lnvi-lv «tn't<-h««i of wiitt-r III cliintHnnd. Mhi'ltent hava r*H;enti]r htifn iim- •triiut<-iy di*t of i-HiM'cinl iM'nctlt to itiiintoiir photo- KrHiihci-N who di'littht in riid'hinu tht'liMthlNitiid kIiiwIowh of the xiiiHirri viewn of thf lorality. NwIim fniidi^a, h<'r«', «« t»l»«'wh«r<' along the roiita, niiiy Ik- iu'<-iir«>d to iM'corii|Htny toii'riMtH thi-oiiKh thlN ■)p<'rl«>M>< r*- Kioii. Wnli'hi'M mIiouIiI Im' ttinifd on iin liour here for " Mountain tiiiiii." ■Mon -Alt. (.TJI>ft. Th»' riillwny riiiiM down till' fofi'Mti-tl How ViilU'y, whii'h Im si-ntiin'lltil liy inountiiiiin I'xriifdInKly giiind and iiroinincnt. Thone on the left (northf'iml) form the Iwii', ruK- K>*d nnd sharply M<*rratP«l Hawback Huh-ranKc, with u xpur, callpd thtt Slati' MtM.. Ill th«» fort'krround at I^iiiKK""' *'" t'l*' right the lolty tlow riinKe froiitH the valky in a neriea of iiiuKiiiHrt-nt Niiow-lmien nm- mnntorieH. The gap of Vfnnllllon PiMi» 'ifH-ns through thi" rangn, piT- mittinK a view many a Infty spirr and icv orfnt ..ona the oontinfiilnl I low it*/ . IMlV. » Ukp* In Ik* iCIoihIi Ml arro Tw i—iif iwiwrt*!. lull. iMM'-m Ml 8M S6I> wAidxiiMMl. rmm whtm,' i(ta< l«>r« mimI MiMW (WW. M... V.Mt,i7ll...t »{u»r Wow. «»n,l«*i«H ilil., Ihr K Intii V»riiiil|i.Hi w«l III,.. »r.H,i ..f Ml T.TMi.l.T.hli M M... ngUl .i»iMllnir .M|»..|,w „v„r IhU iMH ..r Ih.. irtMif.. ih. itriNllul .Hl«, i«.|«|.,,|. h.lM...| .(l«l«-.r I.MMIII '•III naiiir.1 |,.fr..) i»»« f.,fii. .i «„j ||r«n.|r,i i„ thi, »h„|,. ,«„.„rtiH,,. I III. Kn(ll(»ll,| Allllllrtllll' r,.H i-.r....f (hi. w^.,| %<.||..y. whlih •»'"•'• ft,it.Hi to l.y iiii>< v»r(i..r ^••ii"«iii|,hii|i..rtr>T..r..,.|,i, ,,|,,rr " ni.. Kivrtf r,i«t|.. M.Minl.iKi ..II Ih.. -tt.'i.h.«.(i. 1,,,,^ i,.,,„,|, ,.,r „.v,.,„i mil... Hilh hiii^t... Im.l|„ii,rtn.| Iwl lliliKriU. ,wi<| „| ,„„, ,,H.| „ Miiiitrk -•M,. •.■|,r.N|.irli..ii ..r ,, .|i,.wl,ii,la„ with |».r». iiliu. 0|.|H»,ii.. i» «■...«»., M...4iiti.ln. Ill Mhirfi nr.- xtl.l tl, U- larK...l..iM».(l,„f ,„,.. „,„| |^y„„,| ,, I II..I M.Hinl^lM. Mh.m.. |)vti«irit"«• "t Mi.' ..min.ti. .. whnritrll.. whi.h ho. rt i.-itmik«hl» I'Mv.. will, h .Mil »H. .■|||.».-<| f„|' ittl f^t wh-r.. ii .hiiiin..vlik.' «|H.rtim. K'v<"« .. tfli'iiiM.' t,l ih<< »ky Ih.. '■.iv« I. I,^llt|'....t „|„,v,. ,h.. VHll..y .1. iMU!....! ii,H,n th.' wrt, •n.l lien. .» lilt I.. U.y.„i,| Ih,. ih.. < -wKuliHi, N,,t|,,„„| |>,„,|j ,, ,.„tpr«l at thi' »»..»i«.iii i',iin,.|-. JnT UHoa XKU Miin Map. IS 'il(».;«ii i H«tur. i8«p.i8 JOUt ■•nff Alt. l,.VIIIft. Ilnnft i. Ih.< mU- |ic.|. for III., ('miii.ll.ui Nat i.,i,«( „f K'Mkv„in I'aik. uii Inciii- jmml.l.. I.,.,iiity H|M.| ii, th,. ht'ttrtof tlK' K.xkv raiiK... iiiii.h fi.'.|ii,.tit,.d Dy t* Hii.l ror..i nishiii|<. .n.-Tiilil-lik,. lotwiitH of tn.- i;.,vv Hiv,.,. „,.,. ,„„v alim^t ns W.'li-kllOHIl IU«»II'i Uke TN*hMi>^*ri«IR»t «l. H«ll HatTTII t^f ts MtATniNt tife^HimVH NurriiM isr llllil •IhI l>)r HnMiml I h< world loullala la B|Hllk>-H of ! Xiiwrt'Ki, " Ttita jiNrlk N a ni>ik>iMil nHwrvnUoii, '4t hi. bHtK N.K. ami M, W, by liiHt *»(«!••. «'M(l»n»«'ttnr iwrla i>f Oik vitlti<)«i>f lh<> IdiW, I4|iiii> itiui ('aM'««|f rlti'i*. iKvila IaWc ititil ■avi'ral tiolilat iiHMiiiiaMi ri%nii>'«, No |Hirt i>( Ihx lt>f •tiii|iiii« himI |itt*rt«iii|( at'piicry I ari4l ii<>«li«r<< i>f aiMt |it| iili'i'ioi •"« .•••■■ •«llil«', "111" » Miiiny RihhI riMula ami lirtilli- |Htlli> tiiivi* ■■•'It iiiitili-, Tha railway niitiliiii ni lltnitT la III IIm< iiiiiUi of iiii|ir<'w>ivt< iiiotiiiiain*. Tlii< liiiKi- iiiana mnili' Waul l« ^'l*m•lu^^• Ml. ltl.M7A fl.l. •>nat. waul l« Ml. Iiiilli i.iakli)', ami tii<< h>-l|(liu of I lie Kairliolim* -ulnntiifi', tH'liimt whhhlio iHviJ. UiWi', Hilll fiirlhrr i-a«iwaiil I lit* aliarii torn- of I'l'pihi'i- Hti lh»l rafiifal t|t>»«« (lie vIkw III that ihrci'tliin ! ttila ix thx IllKlical iiiiitiftlalti \ialltti-, fHi'fMliiiK |il.<»«i fl. I'll IIh' li-fl of « na. mil' Ml. ami iiial iioitli of till* Iriti'K iiai-i ili>> wiHMiiil iltl|(<< of H4|tiaH ,Mi,. latii'iiih which til' iht> Vi'riiilllioii li«ki*a. ••■••n jilat lo-fort' t-t'Hi'hltlK Ihi'alatloil. I'p thp l< ilia- tani, a.towy, I'ciilral hflifhla of lhi< Main ratlK'' ulxml Hliiiimnn'a Pu«a, liHwl |iroiiiliii'iilly thi* aqtuiri-, wall- likx •tf'i of ,Ml. Maaalvf, A llllii* ncnriT, it thi'ti'ft.i'wr'iitln'iiorlhcrn ••mi of iht- HoiiiKi'.iii I'Hiitf, >ii)l Htm ni-ariT lh«> Miil|ihtir .Ml. alotiK lhi> htuu- of whii'h art* tin- Hot NiirinK*. Thf IhoUIimI liliifT aiHiihwaiil U Tun- nrl Ml., wliilu Jii^l lH-hiiiw ill that ilim-lion. Thi' villitK« of llaiilT la a ahort ilUtaiu'i' aouih- Wtmt of III)- atalioti, on th» liithpr ■Ml- of Ihx lUiM, iiml th<> r.l'.K. Hot Sprlnifhoti'l niNiiititiiitli'fiiilhi-i-oti. A Nlii'l hrlilKi' liikfH thi' rarriuve- ••oatl acroaa in ihf hotfl, Iniill liy thi* rnilwiiy riiiii|Niiiv. iicai tli<> Miif falls in the* Itow ami tlu' mouth of thi« fapiil Hpniy lilvrr. TIiiti' •IT alHo u •ianilHiiani ami hoMpilul III the vill'iKi'aml Mui>u-iiiiiiif imii'«< than liM'al iiiliTi lat Ix'Pii •■atali- liahtil hy lh<> (i>> I iiini'nt. Truiit of i-xlfiinriiinary aiziMKi'tii- in Hfvira Ijiki'. anil (|pi>p IrulliiiK for lh<'m« «(Toi'mMKh- horliiK hpii(hlM, Tlii' apiiiiK" aii- al diflferent i-h-vationH i>|Hin th(> i-awtt-ni nldpi' of Hulphiir Ml., Ilii'liinhi'il la*- inKMIDft. ftliovi' thi' How. All urn re»rh»'i-.- iin- p..ilHi,| „,,ri„K, 1 •.•lM...Miini)i<.v,.d 'y »!.'(.. iv.-iniii..iil, an.l |.i.tur..sq,ic Iwtliiiig iKMiwH Imv.. I,,.,.n .•i.-.ted niKl |>la.-...l uii.l.i- iliH , ,n.' ..f iitt.-n- .iHiitH. In ,„„. l.Hality is ,1 IH...I in- MKli' a .l.)iii(.-r.><>f..(| cave, .tiliT..! hv fill arlill.ial lunn.l; an.l n.-a.' 1./. an..tlifiH|iiiiiK forms uii .>ii.ii I,;,niii <>l uariii, Hulplmrous water, since 111.' oiH'iiiiiK "I' th.. lailway. Ilu-w, H|"'i>tf» hav.- l.,.,.,i Jarn.'lv viHil,.,!, and i.",siii„„„y t.i ttuir u..n,|,.,|-,il ••iiiativi' |irii|H iiicH \h |)li.!iiifiil 603 Anthracite ».;!.".<) ft. Alt. 575 580 588 •I list aft.T I <• a vi ii(^ the ■••latioii, the IraM, ,„«,«,.„ aloi.K a laiK.- coiihI "•,;"""••<•« in whicli arc a nmnl)pr (,f hulfttl.. tt,.. last. .si>,.,|„„.iis of till, iiiona.clis of t|,p |,1ainH. Th.- rail- way skills (l„. |,».s.. „f (.,i.s,.„,i,. f. . ',","""■■* »''i'^<'ipii,B lapi.IIy und.-r scientific m.-thods the output largely siipphing th.. country Irom the .oast a.s fnv ..ast "f ,y"'n'P''K. Half wav lHlw....n Aiithra.'iU' and Caruiiore. the park Oanmore -Alt. P"l>. .•«)«».. Kail- I 2(0 ft ^"■y '"Visional , . ', ! point, near whi.h are large coal mines, in which with those at AnthrH..ite $I,ll()(),()()0 liav.. iH-en invest. (I. A strikinir pi-oHl.. of the Three Sisters is obtain- ed With Wind and I'ig<.on mountains ooiinng up beyond. On a hill be- Miiid th.. station stands a group of isolal.'d and curiously weathered conglomerate lu.uiunients, called hoodooH." Th« Qap— Alt. I,2WJ ft. Kananaskis Alt 4,l(N)ft. I'assingthrough the (iap-a nar- row passage be- tween two ver- tical walls— the which the How Kiver Issues from the hills. thi. Kananaskis Kiver 18 mthe railway Wear it the track turns and descends £{41 2:«l 'jam 2318 THANH<'<»NTINKNTAI. ItAII. tllllTK (t.'.m I b^nci STATIONS- DKHtllllTIVK NoTKM Vftli- 'v'r TrttUi •00 anQ 019 eaa Morley Alt. (.(DM) ft. Radnor Alt.:<.80oi't. Cochrane Alt .:iTUU. fi. I Kolth Alt.:<,.-)i-.ft. ! «< tiiuuit frott hi \ lew MI ,1 ll.f . /IRllt. •■ . I|■:l^.i I. I.iil I. I In- liitiK x.ilny Im'Iwccii llii- |''iiii'- lioliiic I'liiiKf on I lie It'll mill I hi- Kan- iiiiJinki'< ritiiK<' ii|i|it«ii|i the I'arincN iti vii On the lull aiv t'ant/istically lirok'-n and raHtfllal«-il liri^ht- ; On tin- I'IkIiI inaHHixi- snnw-lailcn |iii>ni(>n- loriis, riNin^; llinuNands nl' IVcl, (h'ni'liiitfd hy cniirniDii^ alcuvi-.-. ni which ha/.i' and .shadow nl' iror- Ijti'om coloring lii' t-nKiilliil. I'ho jaK({c'dncs.s nf pi'iitllf ol>H.'i'M'd i.-i now cxplaini'd. Thi'sc inonntainH iirt- Irfincndonnnplil'lsof iliatitlcclnick.s, Dt the Ocvonlan and railiiinifcron.s it^i-s, which have licin liiokcn onl nt' the iiiisl i>f Ihc cailh and slowly hcavi'd aloft. Home scctioriN miles and niilos in hrcadlh.and thonNand.s of fi'ct thick, have hoen |inshed Htr;ii^(lit up, so thai their strata remain almost ,is lev i as before ; others are tilled iiioie or lesM on ed^e (always on this hlope towards the easDand lie in a.steeply .'^lantiri^ iiosition: still other sections ar« iieiit and crumpled under lirodiKioiis side-pressun', while all liave lieeii hrokeii down and worn away until now they areonly colossal I'r.iKinenls of the original' upheavals. This (liHturlH'd Ntratillcation is plaiidv marked upon the faces of Ih.e cUITm, by the ieiWes that hold the sfiow after it ha.siiisnppeared elsewhere, or hv lon({ lines of trees, which there alone can maintain a foothold ; and this |>e<'uliarity is one of the most striking and adniiralile features of the .scenerv. Hy the lime Cor hrit II e is reached, the traveller is well within the j rounded ifrassy ■ fool -hills and i riv"r"henches" or terraces. Kxtensive ranches come into view and are paased in rapid succession as the train speeds east- ward towaiils the fertile prairies of the ffrt-at ( herds of horses .ire .seen in the lower val- leys, thousands of catth- on the ter- races, while the hilltops provide KraziiiR for flocks of sheep, m.iking a picture restful, novel find iiiterest- iiiK t<» one who has hut a moment iK'fore piLssed from the Rocky rauKes 2306 2297 2287 2273 M tf. • ' ( TRANWONTINKVTAI. HA||, HuCTK vr"„j -S' ! STATIONS- I)K„r„,„.,vK N<,tkh ! ^ •uml Trwi« [MuainM I Bntur- I "lay. U><'t.« 042 "".;«• |0«|»«ry IviiiK t(iKl«-,ii-.l IiiiiiiIi'oIm ,,f i,,il,.H ;.'"!' ""■ ''";i"'- A...., i..Hv!„; « orhriiri.. anil ,iK»iii ■•ro,si„K Ih?. in... II,.. („,, of th,. l„st hrra,,.. wiifurv a iimKiiiM.riil virw ,,f ihe Hi.-I wli..r.. ih.. f.Mii-hiiis f„|| in* s..r.VN«,v.,,l'M,„|,,i,,r..,lh..iKhtM rioiii til- .snowy iHr.«,. I«.|,in,i tiirni. / 1.4(1 IjlHt (rli'PHc of thii Hixk- ICN . , Alt.:j,:{Nsff.-j>o|,. .-,,7.iH. This IH'tim.-qu.. ninchin^ .-ity Imn I „ .'H>i..|,n«tHyn,u I I h.- •• Sirloin of "<-'. Plar.. "•lu.en Xancouv.r un,l Urandon. •I s ••hannniKly Nitimt-d on a hill. KiW pl.itcmi, ov.Tlook.Ml l.v tho white ,,,.aks of (|,„ UorkieH. in.l is .■m",'""I'''.'.'! ''"""•" f "" '-t'"- '■>.",•"' "/ f the mmrr,.H of snpnlv for tli.| rnnnnK devoted prineipallv to cattle and horse raisiiiK, the r.iihvay falls ti; -in the valley of Hi,^^■ Kiver. At ]'''■><•'"'> (.11 ail way divisional point) a last reiedinK view of tli.- Rockies may he had by the Iravelle, as he^s iVw" . '""■'"■'' the rising sun. The ajtitiide at this point is 2,S((J() ft At Mimaka i.s another farm of the Land and Kanche Com- pany. About I.H(rii|iiiHl hythcliliirkroot lixliiiriM, NDiiii- of whom iiiity fx' Mecii curiiiK lor their Ntoct or loiti'riiiK tiliout Ihf stii- tioii. Kroiii Tit- hji siutiDii on .1 hiKhi-r ix'iiks of very rlcftr ftiirisct over these peaks is ii nt>ver-t<>-l«-forKolteii siifht, the snowy caps of tli.' j.iitKeil line of the liori/oii aildiiiK lo the spleiiilor of the view. TIk eiitiri' eomitry is iintlerlaiil with two or more l)e(lH of Kood cual, anil iiatur.'il ^as is fic- nuenlly found in horin^f <'t a mini. «■> '•v.i. mill,. li,„H..« ami. lUll...,,,. '"I ami i.a«t,ir..,l j,,.,.,.. pvon. .• o r w..Ht..||y p,.M /.,^A/,;.':),;*,^ Cml ' ""I'l'lv t..r 111.. .•.Mint IV .-nst i„ Win- I '•"—," „.U,u.Wv.M,.,.n,ai„;LrK....N I .•n.iy iwik.. ati.l to tli.- mines of W.-st I Hills. « 1,1,1, ,,.„,.,, ,j„ ,„ i,,„|„,;f';(^„ "III. valiinhl.. timlMT. It i.s im r»-<-il.l.- t<>.<.ii,-,.iv..or a t...|t..iMo<-k ;;''";'■;•;, """•I.*"" '?'"« '«•'»,...„ I "I Ji in th.. xia«Nro- Hts realizeii by t h .• stoekinen testify hetter than words to the valii,. of I 10.27 I Sntiir liay. lOct. 6 '• Kincorth Maple Creek Colley Orane Lake Side wood Tompkins Carmichael Quil Lake Antelope Webb Seward Leven this distriei tor cattle raising. I^ikes ami jMinds, some tVeiih «o.n. alkaline, oc.ur at int.rva s At '!:.l^uSi:''''' " f'"^' '"''•'« south of which Sittinif Hull, the S x ('hief of < lister and his America n cavalrv- men. are for t^e -^..pment of cattle, /he town is sun! |x>rted hy trade with th,- catife raiiches, aiKl farminff m s„rce!.sf,.|Iv carri,..! on in the vicin ity. Near the town :n a police station, and not far away ,s a Cree Indian village U (raw; Lake is locate«t I PI , IIIKt ii,| „,„| „ liii-v iii.irk)-t (tmii. iiciir ih,. ui-ii».rii Hiiiit uC 111.' iHiMMl M'ltleiii.-iil.M, I 111' tiiiiiH- IS nil «llli.l^Mll. lit f.,..j,|« .(„„„. • „,„i ^p,.,.|„„.,„ „f •he (Jifal Cir.' .\atii)M, |).illit...| ami lilHiiki'ltil, may Ih' v.ii liMiii^iiiK rttxait this itml .it ht'i- Mf at loiis furt hir I'aHt . ,>'''",'.'.',',' """"' "'■'' hI|"||Iv s,-..n ih« Mill Hills, Ih.. n<.ilhNvar.r,.xl.-iNi„ri »t th.. K'tnt Mi>.-ioiiii ('.■t.-nii, an.I th.H,. mark lli.- wikI.tii I ii.l.iry of a vast ii|icii. whiiM' ••axl.Tii iwir- tion is kimuii as ih.' 1{< j^ina I'laiiiM -It, hfoa.l tricliss »'X|nim,. ,,f tlii> HiWMl aiiii.iiltiiial laii.l. with littl.- •■haiit.'.. ill Ih.. soil to th,, ,|,.,,t(, „f twenty f.-ii or mor.'. I^AI'lf'' Vl'hriil Kiirii).! «il7.()l(| '*2 KrI ' 10(>2 IIIIO nm 1115 Paaqua Belle Plaine renae Qrand Coulee 1125 I'-tt.OO l'' I'limiiiii a lii-aii.'h liii.. ex- I.'II.Ih tllMltll- '•ilNl (Iii'oiikIi KstHvan to tin- int I'l iiat ionnl .... . , , li.M,ii(Iaiy liiit> «r I oi-lal,|...,tioii |«nia<|p with the Hoo Lin(fr<.iii .St. I'aiilanil .Minnea|.oliM, and it is hv thi.H route that |>a.s.sciii<.-is from ih.' Paciflp roast travel to thf> .Mi.l.ll,. .Stut.'s.' Iraiiis run through Ht. Paul jin.l Mlnneaimlis and Moos*. aw. where connt-.-tion is made with the ImiM-rial Liiiiited trains. Alt. 1.S75 feet.- Pop. 2,ff25. . • ■ ,;,•■: North- West IVrri- l.'n.-sand the distrihutInK point for therountry far north and south. A nanch line extends iioifhwar.1 from her... erossin;; the south hramh of the .Saskatchewan at Saskatoon, and r..ntinueH up to Prinr.- All«.il on the Worth .Saskatchewan a short di« tanre ahove thi' junction of the twf, branrhes. This line opens up a very '•"■" ■"; y. K.innv:: a.srh.- r.ark country in which lar>fe nuniliers of settlers Wve alrea,ly heoomo pros- fu'^Z- X^;, Executive Council of 1 the Nort_h-West Territories, em- hraomK tlie di,striot« of Assinihoin, ReKina The capital of til 7 l.\ (rll. 17UH 17UI 1 781 Mil'. IXSi TMA\»»f<»NTINKMTAL HAll. HillTK HTATIDNH hicwRirTivi Nt/nw i» Bator- ^^5 m 1134 1141 1160 1168 SI 1168 1178 1187 1106 1202 1210 Qu'Ap. pelle Valley 21.51 AMii-rfrt, Nimkiiti'hi'Unii iiml Allia- iNkHia, iiii-i-tN hi-ri>, iiihI tin- jiii'i>«lii< tiDii of th*- l.i>'iili'iiaiil-(tiivi'riior, wliiKi-ii-niiliririMMiit Id'Kiiui.i-xIfiiilk "VIT itil tJU'W
  • ' till' lifiuliiimrtiTN nf (In- Noiih- WfMt .Miiiinti-il Piiliir. 'I'lii' hnriackM, lltlll'i'I'X IJ||I|I'I*>|-N, lllllcc™ •.iKI'l-hnllHCN mill till' iiiip'-iiiK ill ' liiill, t>i'nilly. NfaiiT Ihii city iiri'tlii' l.ii-iili'iiitiit- (fuvfniin'H if».ii|ciici', till' fxliiliitiiiii liiiililiiiKN mill till- iiiiiii'i'tciiliiiiiN biiiltliiiKM of thi' 'IVi'i'itiiriiil tiiivfrn- llU'llt. I'a>isiii(^ Kiiliita, I'iliil Halite, a Miiinili'il liill li-tii|iiiK it-* iiiiiiii- to Hn iiniiii|iiirtHiil hill ni'iir liy, Im mm-m. Within 11 mill' of /Inli/iinif Kliition is the last or most i-astnly farm of thi' Cariailiaii l^iid anil |{iini-ht< Com|Miiiy, (I farm ihiflly ilcvoti'd to Kl'aiti Kt'<>"'<»K. thiTe "hciiig 4,(l()0 HCIC.H ill ITop. A t M rl.rnn Pilot Butt* ! (^I>><'li Htiit-iN «_, ,^ \ 3lH» fi'd hiKher BalKoni* thanyuA,.rH.|le MoL««n I and H75 feet hi Kill- 1' than Ki'niiiiO the KTPat Hfxiiia niain is left at itH eauU'rly ImrdiT. Piuising through a, Nhort'. stretch of wooded country, t h u train rearheB -Alt. aOuO ft.- Pop. 050. road oxtcndH northward Qu'Appell* A ({ood to I'ort (iu'A|>pcllc and Iwyond. Fort Qu'Appellf, 2(1 miles distant, is an old iMwt of the Hiidion'.s Bay Conipnnj-, iM-autifiilly situated on the FishinK Ijikes in the deep valley of theQu'Applle Kiver. There are several Indian reservationH in its vicinity, and an iiniHirtant Indian miHsion and school. Indian Head Sintaluta Woiseley 8u m merberry Qrenfeii OalcBheia \tlndiiinHead is located a fine experimental farm conducted under Govern- ment au.spicea. ft *f- ^ttuftttHt on the north side of the railway and in this lo- cality are numerous farms on which great yields of wheat are obtained. The town of Indian Head is making ^ rriiUy Hc|i r 4 Kort guAp p«Ue 0.06 1/8.30 l<(4.16 1772 17flS 17S6 174F 17H8 1728 1710 171 i 17U4 laoft riiW'f > r Htka , I2IH l2aH I2S< !.£«) I2M ia« 1271 I21M lau-j l:«iO TMtNmtlNTtNK!«TAI. N4II. HiMTII •Mar 1134.00 / M. to mpM ^,wth ri.ri«.H|iii-nt iiinmi ihn ..M-...«f,.| Uru,i„u „t H,.- .Ii^lii<-t U. Kn.m Tri.lui. H.rt»l.-,«t. w»r.| U... Ihi- follow, a Kiwl.mlly ..w.rinn iirnlHf. Si„i„l„i„. \\„i4. !'•» unci ilrruffH Imv,. be- ••'Miif ini|i«rUtit liHul umikou. ■roadvlvw All i.iift.ft. pop. i.uio. A iv.iiw.iy .livJHioiml point. pr..t»ll» i.UiJul..|»ttli.. Ii.mlor W-'l |^.|i,; A i"«-ivu(i..ii .m,„p„m| |,v Crmi ltllll;illx In not fftr ItWA}'. i^tp. ft t 2.*) '• 'i.'iO 12 » 5» Ad proch I nit Maul tuba Whlt«weo ti<'i|iii'nl poniln mill co|i'il tli«> • ■••Hiidlp hy 1817 132.') I8:«l l.'Ul II l.rulKf ov.T thfi qnApp..||,. Uiv,,-. .»/m«..mi«,<.Hllni|M.itanttown III the oust.. rn iM.rlloiiof IS tlu) HlHiioii for Fort Klli,,- at III,, iioitli Hii.l thv .\I<«.,,. .Mountuin • listnct at thf south. ak Laka | FL-minK the Qriswold I I'loviniM' of Alaxandar Munitoi.n is „___ I <'tit«>if(l. I'ir- Kamnay | ,/^„ j^ , |,„ ,„„,.. .... ■ ki't I own of n iwrtuiilftrlyaltimtiviMlistrut : an.l luHliiT the iiiKliilntliiK piaiii,. IS Will <. I ■H.p. it ithur- H«. « i M(MM« • M I'll Km IMO l«7» 11167 lo&e 1&-UI KlCi io:i& 1012 latM 1007 .Moiin iHin Timo (llrnn. tlun to trim) j/'.' '12*2.1(1 1581 1673 lu(i5 OfMt Mar- ket 1557 THANlM-CirrriNKNTAI. HAII. WM'TU HTATIUN»-0BIN HIITIVK >VTUt 41 y I»6 lasu l»7« law 1397 14()S 1411 141» Hun day. Ort.« rlly Thp l'l|M'«toiit< ItmiK-h hiinrttn* from li>>i't> III Aiitli'r, iitMnit 7U iiilli-t ■HMitl:. At Mxiiittllh Ji'i. il I'liniim'le, with llii> HoiirU Hi'BiK h wlilrh runii i:c< iiiilfn ••iiiilli wi--a h«T«« In •■ C. iiiriil " — iiiii- hour fitit^'r. 1420 10.21 OI«at«r Mwall Oarbarry Malbou rn« •Idnay Austin MoOracor Bacot ■urnaid* J II • I'Hllt of Hrii.idoii the A HKi n i ho i n n riVIT in ITOXHwl hy an iron hi'iilKf, mill that Hraiiilnti hilU •n-left townrilt tht> Moitthwoiit. From ('hut IT th<' North tVn- tral branch of th« (" P.H. niiiiiiiiK iiorth- I wpNtward to- war or t'lKht iiiilei). and iiiunv of tlii'in aro HUi'i'oiitided liy lirixdl xiid Iiuhv townH ; and at n<-arly all an- IaII and iiiaiMivi* clevatorH, with now and thi-n a tloiirinK mill. I'liiiripal nmoiiK th«>H«> In Oirbfrry l|Hip. 1,()24), an iiiifiortaiit Kftl'i market. After piiHHiiif; thrniiKh a hiiMli' district, with frequont (HindH ine Kiver. The market town of a rich and {Mipiiloiis di.strict, and one of thp prin<'ipal ({rain markets in the pro- vince. It haw lar^e tlourinn mills and ((rain elevatoi'H, a tirewery, bis- cuit factory and several other indus- tries. The North-western branch of the ('.P.P. eztends from here 22S miles northwest, towards Ihinrr Aii.i rt, ti'. v' Nr.rth- ern Ry. branching off at Oladstone throuKh the newly opened I.>ake Dauphin district to I^keWinnipego- sis, where there are extensive salt wells, which are yet awaiting devel- opment, another branch leading off Thuri I0S1 IM lam isao isaa isn iao9 IfiOl I4M 1487 10. ae I 14W Vaaati ^ TIMNWONTINBjrr^l. Il%|l. M4)| TK HTATIONM |>»„j„rTivii Nmm I t*m i4sa l«7 1407 1178 4V' I I tm. « : tlll.lRI Tu»i. 1 *•>. UrI i! I? I If 1482 a I A. 10 fia.«i fr-.m HI f I, II, > III ••Ituh (>l» >* wrt n |{ I V I. r Valli.y. Thrrf. Ix >♦ llfM'ftlt of l'«t fwt rnint I'ltitngr I,, /•>ii«ITtillj I..Vf|. NIsh BliHf NMitoum M«rqu«M« M«adow« hU.1 of l'.,ri»«., /„" , ^,„„„ ..Int. Ij..iwr..n Hiil.h ,,1,1... '„„rt ir .t« .? -ir"'»'<"-. TliV li„« „f iiJ .' ""■";"•'".•• "f •>'- A.«i..i»...i„.. \11Z 'I'T V"""!"" '" <^''"ni|H.K -•II..1UIII...I ,.,,,1 M.4r..,„.t»eU ,.»»,., I V Mll.'.rre'i.*-'"' ^^ v..r J^ Wlnni|»,-r Alt. 7(i.i ft. -|.,..,, ,o;„, fntl i'l""* '••^'vir.'-.M.f ,\\a„l,..u »;'«•<• ..f,' I., H..I ,u„i AH«i„ic;;,. I.. .hi..f p.«,t of th.- HudMonS. IW t-n^lv.. eiiUI)liHl„„,.nti.. Wlii.HiH.B Un'cityi«h«n.l»oni.lyl,iiilt,sitiH.r|„r ri,kHn.l St..,,.. t-lnK,tv,UI«l.l.'i u .1 iHM ,.|,.,.tr.r ,f„.,.t .Hllwav-.. ..I..,!,. ' milN ami ^rl.ill ..|..v(it<.rN. « hiiif" h»il.l,nK«.,4|.,...vlr.ri,^| Vm^ t)<.iiilnl7)n ..m,-,.H. >,„. ,.,,i^f w" "t" «li..™..,f the (!.!•. Ky. iM-twrnn M mt. iWh,..! tl... H«.iH/ar..|.,.rH. and l,'; train ynnl r.intaii.H „i,„... tf,„n '^•' '.'.'"■•* '"■"'• '""1 "<•">• tl>»' nthJlv'" '*""',"?'"" > Alillr-r In KAaifrti AmIiiitHilii, •imI Nit|Mnli« In Nrti MttiittolM, Iti7 ;tiHl 'M niili-* ilUtoril ri-»iM'itlvfljr. riiiiii<>4-i. IriK iti Hoiirl* nnif N«|Miik>* with lhi< braiiih lliix riniii Hrntuioii ItiniiiKh Iti Kalovnil or JlllK'tliili with lhr>M>-W NiMt I'ncillr liiif, HMil !«%!> iithar hmiM'hini t'ltti tiiirlh niul nmlh Wfni ; iitiv li oIIh'I Ic. hlmiy MniitiKtiti. NtiiiM>wa|| •rill Txiiloii, lU tiilli-1 iioi'th of thi> city. l*vltiK WiiinliM>K thf UihJ HlviT Im ■•I'ihuuhI lit Ml li>>lilfnr«<. a >il»tiiiftlvfly Kri'iich Kiihiirh of Win- iil|M'K, llioiiKh iiiiii'h oliliT lh(»ii Ihn l.tllcr, itixl iiiiiiiorti»h)r.* "liflU of thf lloiiiitn Minolon," niiil »H HitKK»a(lvi< of ih'Volloii lo th<* hntily voyHKciir ^h "Thf Aiiki-Ich" to thi- |M>it>'iii'i' the liiii' tiinin northwiii'il fo||owlii|{ Itml HiviT lowitnis Bird** Hill Oaner ••Iklrfc Tyndall ■•auscjeur Molaon Julius •hally Whitamouth Darwin Oulv«r Rannla Talford OresB Lak* Insolf Horner Oaosptlon Buatsad Ostcraund Kaawatin Norman Fiiiit Hflkiik. whttrt- it olrikfii •Ml << I warili y. lit-twi'i'ii t h f|Mlillt iiikI WhUt-nioiith thf roiintry hill* |iMklri» flmrno- tfridtirn. Maw- iiiillM ap|i<'..r ill thf vicinity of a n il hf y o n (I Whitj'mo' ■ h. Niiiiifn)UN|..ft- ty liik«'H are M-fn until thr> I Jlkf of the WimkIb iliNtrict in reiii'hfd, Manit> )>a hav- liiK ' "■'jn If ft aft' r pttNNinR Inifi f. Nf«r Kft'uatin .ire th> iifwiy coni- pli !p(l works of thi' Kffwatin Powor t'o., cri'iititig onf of thf ^rfHtest WAt«r powfrs in the world, milking of thf Iwikf of the \V'oo(l» a ^i^antin inill-ponil with an ai-fa of :<,00(» wiuare inileH. an.t>t J4.»* ..:*«» I*..,. ....|^ ,..:ii.. ' ~ ••" J"flp— frTt.r-, -rxrt-- inills, llniiriiiK inilUanii othfrfHtab- liohiiif ntK for Kii()plyiiiK thf uetnU of the Oicnt North-WfHt and fnriiinnii- fnotiirinK itw prrxllirtH on thfir way to RaHltTii inarki'tM. At Kft^initin (pop. I, -WO) ih tt iiuiinnioth floiiriiiK »M MOW >""»M »•• r»M* • '•■•MM Tliufi M>|»- II <0.00 «iM 00 iiin I4(» IKH taw i:«M I.Y70 i:n* l.'W lasi ItlM 1348 IIU3 t.'BS isn 1329 1314 KflO laos laoi 1286 _^ ''**'"> "^ItMUnr At H%„ NolTM :ir '»qi IMS »H.ltl of «,«„(,„ .,,W,H«I .,„ U," .t»>l Nat Pcrtac, •'■j., &,»(( «i th» •li^.J"! , ""r* «"''' ""'•'• ••"* >^l •.■ Uu-r .ll.tii,|, |„ Ih.. «,„lh. *'''''"•»■ •"'•> r.i»,|i,.,li.) .i.«„i..r llir r.Mit.. 1),,,^ lhr..u«h or f iha l..r,t. Ih.. Uk. of II,.. U.hmU it h.. UrK...| iHHiy of H„...r i».„|,nd «lMl r-,k.. M.,,^r,or. I,, ,1,1.... .... ,r« rr.L*? '"'"I'.'" """•'•" "I"!''"...!.!. U HK «rK, r ... |,.k.. I. A...W«1 ' With i.lHii.l. ittui I. * f«voii»r- ...mort IV "»•"«< •• '"".I ..Imii,,,,.. .,.,.k..r« II. w«t,.,, .„.„k tl..M,«|. « |,„.,,,^; t n, .....I f.ol .„-o i:„. WiMnl.M.BHivr I'ro... h.,... ,1... .„,„.,rv i, ..xr-I: Mf....Kl, o.,..,.,o,„ ,....kv -..plifi,. ri... M..|,..,y H of ti... «ii,i,.;, d... ^V ........... loFoH U(llh.,„ih..r.ti|. Will, |.,,,j,i ,,v,.,., „„,, „„„ . |^;»^ • .lit <'.,„tM„iUit VMluHhI.. fo,,.M» «n.i »n„y fM„„ p„,., u-illii.,., to For" .«i.HC thn ,„,„.. „^ f,,., ,.o,„„.rt..d tm.l f/»l|,«,,.»^..„. o„..ulN.v,.Hn.lth« oth..r U-lott ilif. .•Hijwjiy fiiw f,s Oarwood i Mar^ach •eovii MaoMlilan Hawk Lak« Summit Jack Pine Parrywood Qllbcrt Vermillion Bay ■acl* River MInneiakle Oxdrifi \» n.y.h'ti thf < >iilari(>(>ov<-ri|. ini'iit iiitH ..^tal.- li.X|MTi- iiii'iitiil farm. 'Ihi-i'.. li (. 1 I, (. littHf iiri'HK of rfoiMl liiiiij .<(M'ri- '•'Iv for I'lixoci fuiniinK "1"' ■lairyiiifj ^o-Hlf-iiicnf " Id ." ' •Kir-rain Jf I 'ipidly. the chipf ait V :i n- taifPHof the |.I». idpgthe facility with tm TMtXantHTIPlMirrAI. HAH. H.1ITK ■iha «Et'> ^ NTATltiNM imtnurnvm Htntm im BiJS 171* I7U tim tm 11m I7tt i7«a ins I7fi& 17011 I7«5 mi 1778 I7W ITBO I7M liW IHtl mill lfS4 IMID turn 1IM3 IfUH IN&t IIWJ IMM IH73 itm IHHt IMN) 1806 im IHMS j .1 1 a.'. !/ I.:c. I W(Nt I tiel. i »»*|S'*"^ I ■«r«lay OInorwt* •ruU , Oym«fi« Ta«h« . RalAlsH I Butlar lcna«« Faloen Tamarao Mar«tn InsMah Ntvar •habandewan Nibiook Oarlatacn UpMla ■lo«a •avanf%a At<>«tiiiiiy •>f iriKitl iiiKr< kvi«. lliolltlMlIt' • IiIk >|i(v >*I 1 1 III It < r aihI wain, alnttKl •itri- ..f n(ii> Itlrtit Ciir ■oMlt'tii ill I ha lllllllu III)' fMlillt Itf il>'|ittiiiii>' fur ihi- iif« Miitii- loll liillilliK |■•• Uioil oiiil lh>< I/>«««T Hfliir ami Itiiiiiv l.iikt< ■ llllMIt) rilll tw rpiM'hi'it li> ihtii niiil«<, Mii.,im- •>!• oiiriiiti- III! t h •' « •• WAit-rii tliin.ii; iiMviKs- tliin, itiiil 111 wliit.-i Ihrn- i* It K II II I I y I .1 ri*tii'ii( I It - timi liy K"*'*''!!- tiM'iit' Wiiiroii IHIIul Ki)lliiwiiiKtlni WiidijfiMiii unit M ti t I II H II n HIvi'i'H to Ktiiii- iiii*tii|iii(« Hip rnilMny then f llitlihit Muuiit silver ili»trlrt, juiil I tiillfM fruiii thi' nIh- lion iiri- llif Kiikaliekii Kiill-. wh till' Kanilnintii|ii» U-a[m tiiiiii n Ix'iKlit livaliuK tliat >,( NiiiftHt-tt. Tlif fallM HI!' b..«| ri'arlicil from Kurt Wllliani liy railwiiy. Williaot P::y. •imH. - A -htrt t • ImtaiK'i' friiiii tli.' imitilh of llip Kiiiiiiiii.-«iii|iila riviT. a hromj (|>-i-|i xtnuiii with Hriii ImiikN. nlTurdiiiK c%tiai>rU IIMI 1174 iiin I nil 1154 lUl 11.11 nut lUl li:k-i 1134 IIZI Hid 11 10 IIIXI tllHS luw I'KI unn |i»7o liiSI lua7 una nm 1*131 1027 1023 1016 lOtl lOOft loot fm Mi Tll^^H^u^m^lltIr^Al. imii. huitk vi.""„j ^ I N'«A riONS -DmH-BiiTivic Notes 1 Wed- nemlay Oct.M 1013 lAHHITE 0.45 •>PI«>'lunifui. f<,r»|.„it in tli.- n.-iuh. t-'il.-MMl, It |,H» Im.,...,„. „ favorlt.. UH,iltu- r.,.k ..„ the ..,,,,. ,Mte Hi.lf, „f '"'■'".•'• ••">•••••'"••'» 'I'- •S ,,i,'j^ < Mim.Mlyav.ty iini«.ilHnl Mii.lsonH Hay ( ..iiipany H ,),,Ht, anil was the Kir mia l(*i:< I 7.«5 A.M. Wed- I nimdaTi Oct. If 1 a 3< lO-Jit Mm ll>52 liWO lOTO lir77 HTATIONS— Dbhc-biftivk \otkh Port Arthur Pop ;t.2l I. < >ii ih.' w.-nt HhiMc iif Tliiiiiilcr Hay, nii iirni of \Mkf Hii|t«>i'ior. It liHM Niil>Atiiiitiiil liuiliiiiiKx itiiil hotflN, aiut i-t an iiii|ioi'tiii-i luisiiicKs rciitr*-. It ih ('iiiiiu><'lc icsoil f,,i- touriHlH iliinnn the niiiiiiik'I' iiKiiitliH, not only tin- iiatiiiiil Im-hhIv of thi' Niii'roiiii(lliiK.irtiiri'.s<|ii)< Mntt which follows ihi' ('I'cr-t'hiinxiiiK north Hhorf of I^iki- Sujx'rior. tho (n((i'r is curried by and iiroiind proinontoric!) of so startling a i-liaractcr that he is thoroiiiftily enKn>ssed in interest until Montreal, the iiielroiM.litaii city of Caiiiula, is rencheil Itocky IciIkcs, llshiiiK Kroiituls and aralile land-stretches alternate for hun- dreds of miles. AM. 9.55 j McLean's Maokensio Loon Lake Pearl RIvor Ouimet Wolf River Sprucewood NepiKon Fire Hill Ka tward to Nepi^ron Bay are many line Hshinf^streaiiiH, niiK-h praised by thedevotecH of Izaak Wal- ton. The con- stantly chaiiK- iiiK views on Nepiffon Bay are charming. All of the streainsi'inptyinRintol^ikeSiiperior conlain speckleil (roul in plenty, and in some of the Btrejiins, Ne'pigon Hiver especially, they are nol.>d for their large size six pounders being not uncoinmon. Nepigim River, which is crossed by a line iion bridge shortly after leaving the station, is .1 beautiful stream, well known to stmrtHnien. Rverywhe,.- mi Lake Superior, whitefish and the large l.-ike trout are common. H<'twpon (Iriivel liii'ir and Rossjtnrf some of the heaviest work on the entire line of railway occurs, jind approach- ing Srhreitirr, a chain of islands separates Ij»ke Suiierior from Nepi- gon Buy. ,Tack Fish is the great coaling station for the railway on the northeaflt angle of i^ake Superior. Until jfferun Hay is ttftuitj Tma AHHIVRi i H 25 i I'.M. i \V...l IWfUlAT HIlM ttota Muotnai lira P.M. 6.10 086 USO 071) 062 OfiS 046 937 920 021 48 h'f... •/* ri Mllx ttum Rut Kiiirut Trwn TKANBCC.NTINBNTAL BAIL tUWTK HTATIONH-Dmcwptivk Nweh •Mf 3 iniM ana 3f)10 2t)10 20S» 2U34 2M() 2050 re»ched th« line in earrind for ■Uty milra throiiKh and uroiin.l the hold und (NOO.V !(il2.a) !/ 12.30J Wed- I oraday •Jot. 9 Maaokama Qurnay Qraval lllvar Pay's Plat Rouport Winston •ohralbar Black Rivar ; i aoso 2068 2076 2084 2006 2103 2109 2119 2129 2137 2143 2161 2169 2168 2170 218S 2191 2195 2204 2212 2221 2231 P.M. 1.10 hui-Nh (ironion- torieM of Um north Nhore of Lake .Superior, witli diM'p rorlc ruttin^N, viit- durtM (ind tun- nels eon.stantly occurring, und and lit frequent where the railway m cut out'of the face of the cliff«, tU lake eomes Into fiill view A mile from Heron ^y "'? BiK Pic Kiver is crossed by a high iron brLige, «n P.M. Wed- I needay, 2.40 4.50 4.65 P.M. j Near Mismn- o6i« where Dog Lake is crossecf, a short portage connects the waters flowing southward into Lake SiiMrior with those flowing north- ward int<} Hud- son's Bay. Furs are brought here from the far north for shipment. Nineteen miles south of Mis- sanahlo is ex- cellent trout Ashing, and the country is rich in mi'ncrals, discoveries of free milling Sfold having been nijule at Lake Wawa, five miles from Lake .Superior. , clear. rnpk-»>ound ^'■ru"iuP-'*''*'* *" nnnierous with their connecting arms, •lack Fish StMl Laks Mlddlston Port Ooldwall Peninsula Hsron Bay IMslflrund Cache Lake Trudsau Montisambart Brsmnsr Dsnison Whit* Rivar (VBrian Amyot Qlrdwood Ryarson Qrassett Williams Otter l-ochalsh Missanabia The large, i.ikc-i that, 3 10 1.46 P.M. A.M. m.4o all. 35 /9.05 o8,05 A.M. they form a labyrinth of wat«>r8 YnT^'^^* ff^*' *'■«*« »"'' offer- ing matchless opportunities to 675 TRANMOMTINKXTAL HAIL HOUTK 4B tlTMl )12 KM 196 88 SO 73 (16 57 VtM-rr Txia STATIONS— DsTCRiPTiVB Nimw P.M. lal). lU /9 15 Carry Oalton Bolkow Windarmars Brunei Pard** ■•h«r Ohapleau Weil iiewlay Oct. 9 7'K)) iH iitiother (liviNinimljKiint, with ntilway woi'ksliopH and is II liriKht ruil- w H y town. FaMiilnKoptTii- tioiiNuii iiNiiiall sfiilt' liavf rp- ••eiitly l)een : CO III 111 (« II <• I'd here. It m rhaiiiiingly ^itiiaf.'d on lAikf Kahenuii«ht'Hiii>f, the wuten of which How into .JaineM Bay. HlttcotaHinf? is situaUnl on an ex- tensive and iiTejfular lake of the same name, and a considerable trade in furN and luuilier. ('artier in a divisional point with the iiMual collection of sidinKs and rail way striictureH. East of here there are wide intervals of Rood aKriciiltural land, but tiinbercutting la us vet the prin- cipal industry. The lands belonK to the Province of Ontari", and are open to settlers. U'avinp Phelans, a ^of importance, a branch line leads A.M. n.50 Thurs day. Oct. 10 Lac Poulin Nemegosencla Kinocama Rldout Winnebago I Woman River TurnbMll Ramsay Duchesnay Biacotasinar Eureka Lake Metagama Spanish Forks PoKamasing Straight Lake Qeneva Cariier Phelans Larchwood Chelmsford Rayslde off to Uke Hur- on and thence aloiiK its shore and the Ste. Mario River to •Saui.t Htk. .MARiK,17!>miles. at the outlet of Ljike Superior, where an ini- mensi? iron bridge affords coiiiieetionwith two American railway lines, one extending to Dnliith iind the other to Ht. Paul and M in neapolis, and thence on through Min- nesota and North Dakota to Moose Jaw, in Assiniboia, on the Main Line of the boiintl t tnmt Tntu ; UuDtnai ■[Hirtsmen and caniH-ists. Bear, uioose and deer alMiund thmuKhoiit this region, and thi> Hshing in the many lakes and rivers is eapital. (Jliiiiileau (pop. A.M. u6.()0 tW7 061 646 638 630 023 010 Wed- 'noadaj I.Sop. IS i / 1.40 \a 1.35 I A.M. 606 600 590 581 57:{ StTi 526 649 542 533 .523 615 508 408 400 4^ 478 464 461 466 460 flu MlUa I bit. thtm btiuM V«»e»> Tratt TRANIU'ONTINBNTAI. IIAII. KoUTB MTATION'H -DKtW'HiPTiVK NtiriCM 2488 2470 2475 2479 2487 2184 S4W 2S06 2616 2S19 2528 2532 2642 A.M. aB.OO A.M. Thur»- dajr, Oct. 10 ARHITI Sudbury Romford Wahnapitao Stinaons Marliatay Hasar Warron Vornor Oaoho Bay Sturcoon Falla Moadowaido Boaucaco C.P.U. Within a ffw ini|« nioNt ex- t4>nHiv<- fi)pp«r ftiKl nickel . I'usiUknuwnin l> e World. ';'"«»• i|iiunli- tie.-i of the ore« have l> f e n shipp<>d from the niineN, and a nunil)er of ,. . , e» II uiii II er oi HineltinK furnaces are in oiH-ration neur«iidl)ury. rt'diicing the ore8 on tile spot. North Bay-Po^. 2,iVG. The capital town ot the NipiMsinijf District, situ- ate on Luke Nipissing, an extensive and beautiful sheet of water 40 miles long and 10 wide, with forest- clad shores and islands. Hmall steamers ply on the lake, and the district is much fretjuented by sportsmen. Bay is a railway divisional point, with repair shops, mm- biiiiiHi Trmla Mlba KwiuMa 12.05 A.M. Wed ncMlar Hep. V n .15 P.M. Tuei4- day. Sep. it LKAVB 448 480 431 427 41B 412 407 3B8 aeo 387 378 374 364 448 490 431 427 41B 412 407 3B8 aeo 387 378 374 364 MM. . r. .„ V rHI- .•*!»■ 1 LTJIII 2H1H 2H3I 2M1I0 MI3J :«:« .(772 I.T.7 Continuation of 'Pour VIA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY l^iiv.. .\,,ilh Hi.y, ThiiiMilav. (»,( 10 tllirii.,ii, Aiiiv. Toioiilo, Thiirxliiy. (Ht. Ill 2 t»> n ui \A;t\v ToiiMito, S,iliiii|„y, (),t. 12 iiuiarii .\iiiv.(Jii.l|.li. SMlmdiy. (),l. 12 ||, |-, „',„' l,h. Siiliiiilay, ()i I. 12 III aui i Aiiivr Mi-iliii. Siiiiiiday. Oi I. I2 \„ |;( „ ,„ l^iivf Hi rliii. SariiKlay, Oit. 12 10 IH a ii AiiUf Stialfni.l, Saliii.lay. Oi I. 12 II 25 a III L.a\f StialfoKl. .Satm. «»(t. 12 .'.'.'.'.' I|:«)aiii Aiiis.. |,,,ii<|.,ii, Naiunlav, (»,t. 12 |-/ik,.... I 11^, I— in a. 111. ..- .Nia){iiia i ; Ik, HaJimlay, (»,(. 12 ',.:*t i. i,', VIA MIOHIOAM OINTRAL RAILWAY Aiiiv...ViHKaiaM,n-lh..-I.,U.., Salm.lay. (t.t. 12 II lio ,, ,i> l..av,. .\iaKaia-.,„-lli|..|^,k... M,„„lay. O.t II In :»>','.,„, VIA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Aiiivr Haihlltoii, Momlay, O, (. 14 12 (10 i,,, l-»MM' llaiiiiiliiii, Momlay, Oct. 14 :^ ;«l n in Aiiiv.. »iaiiif..i.l, .Monday, Del. 1 1 \ '.j,; ,,,„' l>-;i\<- Biantfoiil, Manilay. 0<|. 14. J ."«( iim Aniv.. \V...Ml»l..(k, Momlay, ()<•!. II ."ilOiMn l- in l^-ave HiockvUle. Tuesday, Ocl. I.-, li .Kl ,, ,„ Aiiive .SluTliiooke. Weilnesilay, Oct. !« a \tH p!ni l..'.iv.. Sheiliiooke. Wcdnesilay. 0.1. |ii ."> IKI 1. in Aiiiv e ( haudieiv .Ic[.. Wcdnesilay. ( let, II! . O.IIO VIA INTIRCOLONIAL RAILWAY Leave Cliaudieie .Id.. Wedncsdav. Oct. ill .\iilve S|. ,|„lin, N |{., Tliuisdav. Oct. 17 l,..ave St..lolin, .N.H., KH.lay, Oct. 18 Ilil0i,.n. Anlve H.difax. Saturday, Oct. Ill 10 (jo ., ,„' VIA H.iw.s. "OPHIH" l-l I* ft f» f$ ft- MAP OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAI THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST PAUL AND SAULT SIEMApiE| THE DULUTH. SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC AND CONNECTIONS. -\' \ -^ ■a-- Vm. "X'-J' 'uLi 'ly^^ P^P '--^^ ^^U. ''^k ^m :r^ ^E BSr--^^r--\ ^ _ M S ■^.-u '^^p^ ^J^'^si fSnSu* n^^rn ^r- -* 'S A .M*^. mkJ.^I^-: CANADIAN P ^ THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST PAUL THE DULUTH. SOUTH SH m %Vi D*^,, -■^iJfe'^ StaSfjr^ '^nJV" 1 ■« ^^^^^ S MAP or THE PACIFIC RAILWAY, AUL AND SAULT SIE MARIE RAILWAY. H SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY AND CONNECTIONS. '/,' • • • T ■ V^ ^. ^•1 y -in m> i i iri»%«^i«i« tAWPW \. ir Jf Jb ■"*». • AT i^.5^ i: