I , ^^ )■ f.'l . V CIHM :^ Microfiche ? Series ' < (IMonograplis) I (W ■ I \ ■ V ICMH • ■ . Coliection de microfiches (monographle^) I; I-- •** f Canadlah liMtitut«~for Historical Microrsproduetlpra / Institut Canadian da mlcroraproductJIona historiquas , V. y' ^ ■ '.i ■ TwrtmiMi anrf MMioptpliM Hmtm I MetM iMhrn^iiM ct b(MM«f apHmMM riM Ifitliluta htt AtlAmfitMi to okUin Mm bMt ortflnal copy avMlatMt (or f itmm«. FMtHfM of iltit copy whMli ni«V ba MMlotrairtiMaNv uiMMi, vahtah may altar any •f Hm MiMfM tn Hm rtprodiMtleii, m vvMalt may lifnTlicanttv chanft ttM ummI method of (tliiiir<«, art Q Cdourtd covar*/ Cowwartura da eouiawr Covari di itian d / t^ 1 Couvartura ■ndomnwiia •^: '^^. L'liHtttyt ■ iiilcro((lnt4 la mailiawr aaamplaira ^'il lui a AtA povtMm da la procyrar, La« d4(atl« da cat aaawiplawa «|m( tont pa«it4tra uiMqHat dv point dp «wa MMtofraphtqua, ^ pauMnt modifiar una Imaft raproiKiita. ou qui paMvant aiitar una modification dam la mAthoda noniMia da f iknafa lont i9dt4u4t □ Coloarad pafit/ Pafat da coulaur A 1/ rifn andomitMfaai -f 1- : -• ■** f itoriquM b D D Covari rattorad and/or lamirutad/ Couvtrtura rattaurAa at/ou palliculte Covar titia mlatln«/ La titra da couMftura manqua Cokturad map*/ Cat tat lAoflraphiquat an coulaur Colourad ink (i.a. othar than Mua Or Maeii)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) □ Colourad plat** and/or illuttrationiA Plancha* at/ou illuitrationtwan eoulatir □ D Bound w(th othar mattrial/ RaM avac d'autrat doeumaritt tifht bindinf may eauia shadows or distortion along intarior margin/ La raliura sarrAa paut causar da rembr« ou da la distortion la long da la'marga int4riaura Blank laavas addad during rastoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar pouibla, thasa hava baan omittad from filming/ II sa paut qua eartainas pagas Manchas ajouttes lors d'una rastauralion apparaissant dans la taxta; mais. lorsqua cala (ktait potsibia, cas pagas n'ont' p«i M f ilniAas. □-Additional commants:/ Commantairas supplimantairas: this itam it filmad at ttM raducfion ratio chackad balbw/ Ca documant ast filmi au taux da reduction iiidiqui ci-dats6us. IPX \A% -. ■. XtX □ fagas rastorad arHf/or laminatad/ Pagas rastaurAas at/ou palllculAas 0^:: discolourad. statfiad or foxad/ dAcolorAat. tachatAat ou piquAat □ Pagn^uehwl/ Pagas dAtaehWt QShowthrough/ ^ TrantpAanM Quality of priht varias/ Quality inAgala da I'impratsion □ Continuous paginAtion/ Piginatipn cointinua □ Includas indax(as)/ *. Comprand un (das) indax TitIa on haadar takan from: / La titra da I'arl-tAta proviant: . □ TitIa paga of issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison □ Caption of issua/ Titra da dApart da la livraifon □ Masthaad/ Ganariqua (pAricNfiquas) da la livraison -ZaUL ?6X JO*- _ ■- B 12X ItX , 20X 1^ ^X 28X 32X \ m 4 -^ a i • El ■ • ■#<■ Th« eopv filmed h«r« ha* b—n r«produe*d thcnlis to th« ganarotlty oli- AnfliMn CtMHvfi of Cantii OMMnI lyiMrf AnM«« Th« ImaoM •pp««rino h«r« arc th« baat quality poulbia conaldarlng tha condition and laglblllty of tha original topy and In kaaping with iha filming contract apacifioatlona. • ■ > ■■ ' ^ ' ■' ' m. ■••.. '.■■■■ Original coplat in printad papar covars ara filmad beginning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or.iliustratad impraa- aion. or tha back covar whan appropriate. All othar original copiaa ara filmad^baglnning on tha - first paga with a printad or iiiuatratad impraa- aion. and anding on tha last paga with a printad or iiiuatratad impression. The laat recorded frame on eech microfiche shall contain tha symbol — *> (meaning "CON- tiNUED"). or the symbol ▼ (meaning "END"), whichever applies. ' ' * ■ IMeps. plates, eharta, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Those too large to be entirely included In one exposure are filmed beginning In the upper left hand ciornar. left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrama Illustrate the method: . , ■ *^':»* t •■ i ..■■,i: . 3 < L'eKemplaire film* fut reproduit grAce A la / ' gAn4rosit«de: ' |, , .. . . ■ AfifllBsn Ctiursh of CMMdi Ua Imagee sulventee ont At* reproddltes avac la plus grand soin. compte tenu de la condition at da la nattetA de lexemplelre filmA, et en conformitA evec lea condltlona du oontrat de filmege. Lee OMemplalrea originauN dont la cowerture en papier eat ImprlmAe aon^^fllmAs en cofnmen^ant par la premier plet et en termlfiant spit par la dernlAre pege qui comporte une emprelnte d'impression ou d'lllustratlon, aoit par la second plat, aelon le pea. Toua lee autree eMemplelree orlglnauK sent flln^As en commenpant par la i pramlAre page qui comporte une emprelnte d'Impreaalon ou d'llluatratlon et en termlnant par la dernlAre pege qui comporte une telle emprelnte.. Un dee aymbtolM auivant* apparaltra aur la dernlAre Imege de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signlfie "A 8UIVRE", le symbole V signlfie "FIN". Les cartes, planchaa, tableaux, atc/iMUvent Atrt filmAa A dee taux de rAductlon dIffArkntp. Lorsque le dpcument est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aeul cllchA, II eat f llmA A partir de I'angle aupArleur gauche, de gauche A droke. et de haut an bas, en prenant le nombre d'imagea nA^aasaira. Les diagrammeft auivanta illustrent la mAthode. « - ;-->-■■:. - — ' -• : ■; ■f'":' ■•'■^'2^ ■'; ■7'3"' ■: ■ .■■-'"-■ jr ■ * _ _ ^ •ft . ' , 4f 4 : ■ 5: : ;■ . 6 £: ^ 1 • 1 •f. mcHxom MMunioN tmt otAtf (ANSI ofid ISO T(ST CHAHT No J) /1PPLIED IN/HGE Inc I6SJ [oil Uoln SIrMi Rochnltr. New T«rli '^ I46M USA (7I«) «2 - OJOO - Phon* (7I«) »8 - SMt - ran Ti . "i TO TMK / tWCNTY-SIiCOND SYNOD OF HIS DIOCESK, ON ■ ■ V (^ ... TUKSDAY, MAY 4th ^ 189 i • • «* ier~''*i PWMTKI* AT Tll» QITEBKO: •' MOIININU CIinoSHXB " .Ot'HCK. 181)7. ---■■•■ -•■• -i -rrri '•"'•"' '^'- "' " '''' rr> — TT ' ■ ' "••■"^'" J > . .♦ .. .. 4. . ^,y^^^-^ . -r ^i'.# ; .'\ , ^.. J I I »I|.. 5 ''t-f %, iff ttii \ Xf- :m i $ •If '^ Jt . n^' 1 is !..»." fcl .• f •' r »*f f » ^ '» » iK'lll*i.^''U l^^li-lif'- il:m^ liftl'l- : ,. .-^j4^,.iy-^'. —■ '. ,-. 1 S'"'.V^s^ ' • ' •» ^^ f. ■♦ ./ TIIK LOIII) lUSIIOPS ADDRIvSS. <> '» » . «' * 1 > ' *■ ■ ,' ■* iW»/ Hfet'ttHd IWtihren, rt»i»l Itttlhrtn »Hh(f hultf:-— Wliiit u y«iir Ili4«i I* ! 1I'»«» riill of hrt|»|»y Cumiiu'inorrilloiii* ! Hmw liMitrthi' riili to tliiuikfiitii«>x» uti«l pritiof ! For, iix v«>ii itll know, vrn ur<> tltU ymr uImhU to oiliriiU) tin* IHnmonil .)tiliilt>«< of «mr Httvwn^iRii l4Wy <|uh'i» Vlnlorln j wn nm, mor^ovpr. nlHiiit to olHOivn till) tliirtMM liumlriMiih Aiiiiivnntnry of thn mlvtmt of AugHrtliio of Ciiiitorhury t« Im' tin* Wtni HImIioii of thn AiikIi*. finxoiT rtiurj'ti ; iiiut wp urn nUo^nhnttt to mnimi'momtii thii iilnntliiKof tltoC'roi4iiof oiirth'tir l.oril imkI Hiivlotir J<<-ii<*('iiriit on llih Kroiit Continent, by Him InmllnB of IIih hmvn Nnvitfiitor, Jnlm Ctiliot. who, III tlif niinifl ..f our KliiR lltni v VII, t\Ut)nv. I'ri'tl Novii Hrotliw iiM«l <'u|w llrcton j<'"*t lour hiiiiilr««il yriir-« ajjo. Yo«! f"r »*lxly ImuR yinii-* our urto.l (Juim-ii Iihh wnuiglit mirn* eiitty riml di'vlMMit ?x|iron»*lon, nmrvolhnm. U in tru« tluit tlir<'<-'KiiKll-
  • h», hh Khintlom tttrii hy flhrteiiKhMH.^hlM (iovuriiuK* wrc'Mlotl from liini, aii\t, wlmm hn mo ilourly iovod, wltli all liiH triuuiphrt umloiut. nl], IjIh victorii-M frulthwn, and all his |HHMi««ftlonrt > ; and tlu'-llftit'th vt-ar of lioor^e tliti Third'M rtdKii, width hud Immmi full of troid»lnH all ulonn, WUrt oiiiblttiMvd l»y tht' lom of IiIh favourite dauKlitifr, lead iiiff thn poor KiiiK. hiiuduiid hrokon hrartud, intou Htatoof Had and liKMirahlo iuManity. Hut tluwo /'i-t nixty yoarM, thoMo yearn of tho icinn of our lintly th«'<|»'''*'>. ^vho, in her day, hasMohravolv bonif hor poiHoual sorrows, hav«' Ihuui p<'«»uliarly fraught with prosperity and hlesftng, and there can Ite'no douht that, under (lod, thin happy state of things is to Ik* attribute*!, t«»^ a very large dogrof, to' Her Majesty's j^raiid persunal exam|ile, and to iier many j^reat an 7 of Ihp «»ii*«» w\tU whii'li ImmiIs- Miny l»^' |>r«K'iii*«l liy till, ev^n lhi» {KMjrii-l. \tu\ iilUmiitfii »•• ttiivn lini»i, whila *'rifn(i« mill Mth«r i<«Minirli<« hnvt* MitlTcrtuI Inrrthly, our I»lniii| lloMii^ nii«l, tMoi*mlly, lirtyi* i«ii« Ji»y«nl nit I|m> itii>"lloMililit hl«'nt ««M'ini iMiulittuii iifniir |i««ii|»li4i i«« how tho ii)iivi'4onivi>twnrk U(k\" Im** o "(tt (rrf, \^m\^ III ihe Aot*« of riirliitio<*|tt tiuit liiiv« lir<*it |Ni»«i**l. )li>iiliH(f vvilli hu'tiirit^n, Willi Hm* oiiiployiiii'iit III' rlillilri'ii. wllh till' ••••(iilill-liliiK of |*iih« III' lloHiliiVN ii||r. liH», Hiini h arotviti iln'ri'tiiti Ih'i'II nf piihlic opinliiti with ngiircl !•■ ihi* wvilol ilrtiiikiiiiii^ft^, wliU;!! nt ont* liton tlimiliMMil In loniin nml ruiti Kiitxliiml'i nntiotiitl life. Ttiiiik oiii-v inori* nf ||m> nMnilrrful imIviiihi' tlinl linx lukftn liloce in ««l«>iitilit*, livKiiiii* tiiMl ^ithilttry iiiiillfM ; lliink of the raiTitlufloii tloil vvn Iimvi> ^HIiomxihI )ii ilin iiii>ni>4 •if.|>«oiiiolioii mill tif lli(> i(i»ni«rtil lMtt)riivi«Mir>ut ilmi Imh lakoo |iIiiqii In llm hotiMlriK iiiMl i<«wliij I'liiiirnrt "I" mir |»«>.t|«|i» i'v«, mid I nut "dint* v<»u will !-••« IhnI mo Imvi' llw griMili -I JMif Aitti p>liii'i> It wmiiM Vi< o(t»y to ptliowr Otnt no nn« luw ilonr xti tmtrh t»i tirMiiioti> nil (hU hle4iMcdnttNi4 nnil urowlli nn tlio Uoyirl Lioly, wIhuu wft |>iMUilly linil n-* our Knit>rcMii «iu»'iu, I nio "Ui** thiit wi', im |t«ynl Hiil»j«'«t*, Hlinit iU». Ii)(lit to know lliat llcC Mn.ii»»ty h ollll nl>ln to ilUihnriri*. to n Krt>nt oxli'ot. It*'!* noNt onoViaH iiinl inuiortnni iiiiiti* in " pnii-liij« (iiO(iri*nt (mhI for IIU iliiUlmi of umii," No (liiiiht. mv lin'thri'ii. till- hinniuinl .|uliilt'«> will Im- loyally iIIkI joyfully oIlMiMVcil llirc in tin- |)ioi'CM> of (jlldrot! tift well llrt ovorywliniiolf*!' In llor Miiji-^ty'n honiinlnn*, iiml I i'uriif»*tly trujii tliiit ^onu» -|M'rillr HiiVn«'"'tioM will In' iiimlc an*l laid for . I'onHnlcratlon lirfon* thin Synotl. And. If thii- wi' lniv« tficat cfiUMp. a« ii |iiipli', for iruo ami hiartfi'lt tImiikfiiliH'-'* to Alird;rl»tv oarn- iwtly invilc>\' next Sniniiu'f (wliiili woiiht havi; born lln' n'«iilartimi) In i-onlVicii.c at Lanibftli, ju" TO Tur. mrifOD. lll«iMi|i .if tlin AiiKli»'Hitx«m riiiirrli, lh« rtttt of lh« luiif itml iruliil«rrii|«i«i| lltii> nf ltii> |tl>«lMi|H« himI ,\ri'litii«li>i|M orruiiM^ Imry, Ai»l, n|UM>iit(ii Mr. IU'Mom, lh« Wm\ Arilibt-li«»|>, him l»wn lukt»n l«>lil- lU'tl, hh «r«iit Hiii'mttMir, An'hl>l«liH|>Ti*tii|»l««, ., tlM>tK{rtl hI" thin |{|MrltMi« l,liu», |ia» r*»iii»wi'«l Ihr l|tvltiiltlril oi' ttiU tfri>nl ('MiMiii«iiiorittloii. It i* not, my hri>lhr>*ii. llinl vrt> itri* U» i'i*lfbriit«t lli« IhlrtMHi litimlrtHltJi iiiiiilvi'rMnry itf |Im> iulhMtuiihm of ('lirt«Uiiiillv Into KiiglntMl. For wi> otiii iMr forK<*l thrit Ihirn whm n llrltUh CliiirttK wliii'li hmt I'xUU'il fur two or ihn'tt IniiMtrnil vntnt nl It'iill I'lifein- the urxival u( AiidutlUuv a ItflUiJi i Uurtili wUuwi ^ Hlitho|M tin* rf<><»r«lin| to hiiv« iitttiuliul Mfvitrttl tiirly (VtuiiotU orthf CliUM'li or (lirUl, n llfithli t'hurrh wllli ii- Mnrtyro niiil ItM ritrly rniutiiM. Hut iit tlia *nuw tint** W[o kiti>w v«>rv well liitit At till' iMriiMl whtii Aut(Ui*tltii^ lnuilwd Iti Ki>iil, wlini* tlm (lutwti llrriliii wttt A ChriNtliiii woiuttti. uiinUti^roil |o liy thn Kfiifli IU-liot»'|,ul*llinrllM»rt, KliiK of Koiit, iiimI tii« mil»U(«l«, itittl. iii<|«<'«l, tln» t^\*m Hnvtm throiiKhout thfl Au|il«rn llviuft In Ibiithffn ilnrkni»M, hiivhiK itriviMi (lio tlrilixh rjiunli with Ihr l.l^ht ••!' (hf (ioiiiM'l^ ol .Fi>p«u« t'hrlit into Willi'*, Coriiwull un«l riiiiilHlin(o'' what U utill calhul Hrlttitnv In Uio North of Frnncn. ^M|><', hv th« work ot" I'Htrli'k. Nlnluii, nml <'oluniliii ninl ot"^H, thiit , florlou" l.iKhl wiip* ilawniiijr t'liiil Id Ii-i»|(hii|, iind ii|Nm th« nr<(M|, ht AilT, to /ien«tiii«, Ity thn nt, HiMhoii of llniiif», to I'ViinKolt/o our liiMtthiMi Miixoii t'ori'lutlH'rH. Ami we uIho havi) to thaiiK (ioil that wi< wt>r«> thiH, ai a country and am a |M'o(.|i', hroutdit Into touch with' tho NV»f«torn Churrli to tim iMiMhiatin^ of riiM'j Uuh( th« Kailli and Woi-hip of tho (huitli wltli tin- atUHidant n»- Ntrttintii of truo HcHiniou mid hmHhdal Artn of Civilixutioii to our unriont nhoriN. All thi«» waH for o»ir good In nmny way« ; and thuH tin- Kiivtlinh Ihamh of tin- llolv Catholir Church wan founded, and. with tho a^-f^iHtuiK-i" of thi' llritlsh or t'vltic Churth under Ahlan and other great HrUlnli Suliit»<, woon our wholo Laud reecived tin' precioiiH Messngr (»|' the Croim. Ihil, heeaii'4 were and are in Uiaue, cfttne ti» our Hlioies and heeiune llio lirst IU<.ho|t of the Anglo-Saxon ('hiiirh. thi-' nu nnne gives to the hi-li.tii of Utiriie any iHinition «»f gMvernnieiit over the Kngli^h ('luL^Ji Ihan the Arrhliinlii.ji of Canterhurv eoiihl ex- |teet to hold ..ver the KiigliMh Cliurrh here in Canada, or in tIm t'nited States, or in any other pari, of the world, on llie ground that the (irst .MiMf»4oiiarieM of our Cliureh came from Kngland .» n — -■• .• " •> • 4 f m ■ I' ■■ ■■ ;*%. .■ .. •t ^'?. ■ -J ■ . ■ ■ ■' ■" w # ■'. 'Jk^iA n 1 '"■^t" ■k ,^' TNI t^ftn iifatH)r'« ADnttRM •it>i lh» AnI IUilii»|Pi wptti itiiit*m*ritliMl l>v lli(» ArtihliUho|i of f'itnlfrlMirv nml ollirr Kiitf^tlali ltUh!i»««tit AiigUfNiMi." ihi* Km^IUIi or A»vti< omil'liun^lrwiui (tmu tUv lM»ii«it i'liurt'li***. llit iiit lli« l^itflhii «|i«NtkiM{( |)e««i|iti«, iint^ilittK •lo n>|NK. ritlitr Nt ititiiii* or <'|^il«rbtirv, loit iarttliiii m lii>r on^ i»n«MM> Mtui'l our ilmir li f1irM, lior K\n$ in Mtii, .j Wn !•»¥» tliiMi |»liiiiiljr tt/vi»rv iliiutlifiil'%mtiiirm«^iiiin !» miilie Til ifiU r«#|iii't, mul UU for tuU |itir|>«Mn i>|il«>tly llttit, nl rot|ural oMIm' Art>til»l«lio|»(i|' Cnnlitrloiry, I ami now ••niii |»ffM et^iltiitf to Khiliiiiil. A" !<• till' liUntioK of .ImImi ( 'ithot III 1 If^, rtiitl tlii* iia^titMhlioil nf llio N©w IrfiMtt for Kliia llrnry Nil of Kiitflniul. MhllMitUn loi- limoiiy lo Kiitflhh «iilor|»rifif, It htn* «!•♦» n e«r(rtiii tiii|M>rtiiiii«« t>f Aiioihnr kiiwl. It U Iriif llmt I Mt\««lr lii>tU>v(* lliiit Moii*^. Ifiii'iir Itrtiiitil, tti«» ItoiMiiii Ciitholb Arilil»l«ltoi»onju«l»(H'. !•». wnnli III* fl.Mf Ml thtt l|i*l ctiiiliirV, »%\mihM Uh' irii« ('iitliolie •«iiiiiMc«iil mIo'm ill* ki-MMl tlo* llrMt AhfllU'iiii Mti«ho|i .Moimtnln •Ml Ih>||i i'Iii>«*)i*, on liU iiMvnl hi t2iM>l>«>i! \n ITtKi, ntu\ mU\ : " It Im liiuli time, MMii««iKiii iir. Ititil yon ninii« out l» lk n(\»r your Htfiplo": for hf IImh luoitly iifknoVflfl«lgi>i|, tliiit wlill* tli0 Vft'uvU Hiiireli wii" lor tin- Krpiirli. ifm KnKJiKh l'linr«h wrn for thi- Kiiyll-li. tihtj ijiiil, nMMMt|iimitly. in ti ••••mitry inluililfflil liv tUMili«iiiiit Hiii|..iialJfl»'-.luii dtir(>ri>itl ltriiiit>lii«xiMt "ttU* hv ilili*, itml t|iffri« would l>int toit llirit. iiliiT alt. I»y vlrtun of tti«) Vhlt Ml' Ji.loi riildrt. t',Hijlnntl\ rimrrli wjin ihc /»V^< to pinad on Ihi^ CoiitiiMHit out- dfar i.ord'i lti(>M|itiitdiU) Sai;rliU*orlixino«, ir„ to the Uiulk Indiana. *>tlie' (iood Ttdintr-' o|"<;h'at Joy " ; Tor it U worth ri'inrmlicrinK that ('hrlNio|>hrr CohiiiM'iM did not loui'h iIh- Mainland of Kiulli Aini'Hca and rhtii^i tin* ^ofl lor tho ('hiinh and Crown ol'H|Miin until tin- foll.iwlni yoar. I know It may ho -ahl that \\w vinll o| John ( aliol t<» IS«iva H<*otla took jMiico l»ofoi-i» i\\v Itnt'orniation, and that Kn^land waH In tin* timi>o|' ltr, ohtaln('diKi*«'iit poui-r ovit tin' KiikII-Ii t'hnrrh. hnt It Kn» tho Kngli^h (nurrh all tlio while, '^o uimh '>o (hut tlio jvro- K^formatioii Itirdiotw always took th« oatUYII0|>^ I l\Mw\m, hL»iiv.i«Hiti. II, tti UmtiU UuftHi ..r iIm> KIi>k ihmI r'm liitiiMMl Ihdl tl liil||hl H- liiiUtNil ih.il l.» ImnI «|iriM«^-lM' I>.mI ivIjiriMol iinlin I I I lull of il.li,^. ,4%|.||mi| th .'urMi-r i|i»¥- |*.n»ri« lilt* llt'|M t,( H.mM< iMiiiviit* I Mini l(i»v Ifihl rt ritfhi i.» UMlVttfoiil ritf*. .mmI l»»r.»n' IIh'v dt|i*iMitli'i| i »«ii«iH)itt itlli |.» IiimI lh« WiMi. Iifch ..r ihi* ( lillhiKi l1itiri>|| ill .iirriMiil Lm».(i |m ^ivf ii|» iMr itifMii itttti«l<4tikil liMMvi|>l ihU miim»I|m»H»> s»k»'. II will A»|t. iMmiHi'r^lM U itUMUMiiiit inir«r«(M<<« lli.ii <'|irl-|. ^lAii |M*»i)<1i*,iil llin |*ri4i<»ii liiiv tjrHI U .IriiwH iiM.ri< , r.^N Iv !.»• ««*««*- I JWH viH'y iflM ♦♦«ifH«fr ht kmnr, flmt no MM itf tJm InMlh^ MiA)ii'lM fur •Mi«r||M*ni nl iIm' vomhur I'mt ,\)iir(UMiii ('••tiriltWIIfrJiri (I) l|M^|^>iillloM.>| nil thx IHirt* .•(III,. AMtfll.llM VUiVfvh lolKi. H«'iM,f r»ik». rliiiM , »u>\ (i) ilii. Iliitiil r i hrl*l tiiijoiii umiInIii* iMMt iiit«l)iM»t|« tif workiiiir iMWiinl* h, Aim! lli(« wHi nho Im^Ii.* -nhjiii or tin* l^>riiiiMi wlt(«li I him i.» prmuh i|).V ) iMi^irl* my mwii ryvir-liv, Hm- I iiki»r-lH of rHuiliriiltfi.. EiibIiumI. Miii;^iiii«liiv, iliA;i»Hh lM-in/»t. / Ah.l iM>M,l|>ri'liiriM. w\\h IliU litiKtliy Ki'iiirnl |»n'r,ii.,., In it, liirn Im tilt* iitriilrx > *ll t\»r Wii hl«H'i>*«>. |Hii»ii«hirrwl>lfli Hitin* more iKirlk'iilttrlv nmumliUut |»..ri' I>»«Im>, Ami, llr-l lif wll. hIIhh i\i«« Im hiintin \oii Mini mi\ hiiiry •'••r lh»lii«l t«ro s'tnr^, from nlilrli f ||jivi» rxVlmli'il ii wrinl iiiiriitH'r •»f i»l!l«'liil Ai-ryi n.iM'i'riiliitf iIm- I'Mt iiiloii »tf |»,',.,h. I'll*, nliil- liig t<» 1|m> |nir^'lMi-i' iuhI ^iiIomI' inMiH^rtv lur tl<> i hiin h Min-lfiv mill oilii»r iiiiiM«'»-«. vH n.ii-|.|- 1.1 i„, ti.,ii (iiHii f|vi. lunMlriil iiimI Ki'Vi'iityiiliin ..III. iiil All., Kr..ui llil- \)\m\ If ii|.|.«»nr- llmi Ixt^liliH* iiiliil-ttWInjr ill til.' CiiUi.'.lnil tiii.l ..iImi- rhiii. Ih'i*. aii.t bi'«»l.l«»Pi «>ii.li'iiv..rliiir t.i l.iillit it|i Miir |.n.|.|r uutw |.^/rllt'Mtiirl\ III tli« Ill-lory •»! Ilwir Cliiinli. I liuVf \mriiiitlm| to h'.|.| lAI ('otillrii)i»il..n« III llM'lt.llowliiK pliiiM- ' . Tlifl I'jillir.lnil ..t' llw Holy TrliHly (l). Hi, ,MiiiilM'tv«, liiuLpi- (■'.». Hi I'mii » Quebec (2). HI. iVl.'f*-. Miiil..'.' (•-'). Trhillv. Uih'Im-... A.t..iK. viiIp, MmIio|>"- r.ill, ;f,., Il..unf l^.iiU. HI. I'liiir-. Hiirv (2). HlT Thoiimi', Jkiry. Tiipo ('..ve (i»). i'crci'., r.mtl,uw4«' (iK N.»rHt CiifttlcookP, r.Mo|il..ii. r.Mili-liiri , Ivjiluii C.iniir. I»imivIIIi» ('.') Kiiinnfv ('-'). Tr..iill.r.M.k. IMxvill.' ci). iVri-vl.OM* (J). Httiii- ho|K!(:i), tii-uiUM .Ivlllf (2) K|rk.liiK'(L').Huiitli Oiirlitiiu, Kant AtigiiH. Af'tMt i'oriicr, Kli.li Mhv. iM'..rjrevlll.' ci). Kn-i Friiiii|»tiiii. Wi'mI Friiiii|ilnii. i',n$\„' Hiiiiii ('.'). i^lii««|>." SmiUi (2). Iliilli'y. Iiiv«'riH'p.H. f'iuMi»l»oir-l'i»nH'M Hrltlo- flBiit (2), Ht. Hylv.-tcr, iHMmoxvllle. Levi" (2). N«'w r/iverp.i.>| (f), noiirli.. Mi»rKlotoii, Dutlswcll r«-iitr»', Mi'lhouriio, M«1!Himii« Uidg*', lifikr n«'iiu|K»il. N«mv ('iiiil)^lo (*2^. ruHfMil»iuc, Ifi'iu' Town. IhIiiiiiI Hionk. IViiin^xilii ('-'), Liltlo (iiiM|k* (2). i'Mrtiu'ul', lliiloHtjoro'. Ui«'hnitMiil (2). UiviCiv^lu liAup (2). KiiiiouMki, SuimIv llriirll (2), ScotMlowti: Ciintcrlnii y, Lin^wicK (2), Auno^'. !^t. (u>oik«». ('ninh«'rlunrooK<' (:'•), I'-H'^t SlH-ilirooko. Shijfinviiki' (2), I'ort Diiiifd (2). llwbe riain. Vul.iirtU'i\ Wulcrvillc (2). Ktiftis (2). North IlutUjv, Wny'rt Milln (2), \Vinho|)'s College, Lenmtxville, ll.A. The R«v. II. S. 1 1 arte, Literate. The HiQV. A. H. Moore, of Hishoii's College, licnnoxvitle, Tl.A. Tlie llev. J. Almond, of liishop's College, Lennoxville, H.A. Tlie Kev. \\ . [{artitn, of Hishop's College, licnnoxville, B.A.' The Rev; J. S. It: Dickson,, of liisht^p'sCollege^ Lennoxville, B.A. _ . . I have also ordained tho following to be IVicsts :— The Rev, E. A. DUnn, of Pembroke College, Cambridge, M.A. Th? Rev. J. N. Hunter, of Trinity College, Tf>ront<», U.A. The' Rev. W.-J. Curran, of the Diocesan Thetdogioal College, Montreal. . ' The ReV. II. S. Hnrte, Literate.-. The Rev. A. H. ^Ioore, of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, B.A. The Rev. C. E.. Bisliop, of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, B.A. The Rev. J. Prout, of the Diocesan Theological College, Mon- ' treaL' -,./• ;\-.' .^-l. .-.--,.■-:-..- .-^^ :--;-- '•• ' ■-.;-■■;-". - During the same period I have received the following Clergy fjOifl other Dioceses :— -^^^-^ ■aajtt ia fc .aitj'- W^ ^-i^pHenrap^^BSP-' %r *"*"' "m TO TIIR BYNOn. r ■'■' > / I'Vom Kiijrliiiwl. tlio Uov. K. JurkHon. uf tho rnlvornUy of l>uHuihi, n.A. From tho ni.icp-i. ol* \V«>-«tt'ni Sfw Ynik, tlu» U«'V, A, K. \yiiiitliiiiii.ortheTli«'<.|«);.riiiil('vill<'KPuOt. AidimV. lUrkfiiliciut, Kii^ltind. Kn»iii tli»> Diiin-.' .if M |iiiiiii-o<»l" Filnd du liur, lln' Itcv. J. \\. <;iiu|lnor. Fi'tiin tin' 'l>itM-p-c uf Tt»r«inl<», tlir l!ov. K. J. KlIu'riiiL'ton, of WvcliiroColh^c. TMroiiin. It.A. Krotn till' hiufi'si' (if Ncviulii. Utnli uiul Western Colitfndo, tiio Mev. A. Amlri^H. oftlte l-H}ve»'slty«»l' IjuikI. Swnleti. H.A. ^ — From the Dioee^e ni" New York. Hie Kev. (1. \V, Dmnbell, oh' Trinity Colle;:.-, Iliulfonl, r».|). From rho Dioco-opfOtt^nvii. the l{ev.T. II. IJ.ty.i.or lUshop'ni ('(•liege, lieiiitowiJIe. M.A. . • The l"o||o\viiif» Clerjry hiive lelt the l)ioep>'e: — . " The Uev. !•;. W eiiry, of SI. .loJiuM ('<»llege. New roiiii(I!iinil, tMini-l'erretl to the |/>io/'^-o ofOhio. Tho Hev. I'rof. Wiilkins. of Je.-I('(iill ri,iiver,^ity, Altinlrciii. It.A. Tht,,' Hov. W. T. Noble, ol the liiiiverHllv'of Ouihiini, Knir- llUKl, ll.A. ' The Key. -F. I*.. N'Mvir. trMMsrorred tt» thn Uioeese of Toronto. The Jtev.T. Kudd. of the Uiiivt'isilv of Durluim. Kntrhiiid, / RA. ^/' The Kcv. ('aiion Thorncloe. of Ilishop's College. Lennoxville, D.I)., D.C.L., to ho liishop of Al-;niiia. The Key. J. N. Hunter, of Tiiiiily ('olleg(>. Toronto, 15. A.. trannferrc jiresent moment is Hoventy-two, or, inc-luding the l{islioi>, soventy-tlnUM". Ah regards changes and iippointinents, our Diocesan r('cord shoAvs that. — • The^ Rev. II. S. TIarto. on Ordination, bocanio Miasionary at Beebe Plain. (Ne\\ work.) The Rev. C. K. Hishop, on Ordination. l>ceamc Assistant Mis- sionary on the Labrador. (New Work.) The Rev. A. H. Moore, H.A.j on Ordination, hocame .Mission- ary at Newport. . The Rev. E. Jackson, R.A., became Miasionary at Marbletoo. •■» . TMK I.OUI) IIIHIIOPH ADDItRHH Tli«< .Itov. U. A. Pfti-r'H'k jM.A., Imvh«>< hoi-u upiioihtod t*r«>- fjwHiir of ( 'lii.sMk'B ill the University oC IUHli<»|rH ('nH<'K<', I,<'iiin>\- vilto, hocaiiiu (by liitoiiKO ol'.tlti' |iiHlio|i) one dI' tlio oHiciiiliiiK (Mcrj^y of lli« ('t>ri«')^t». Tlu< Uvw A. K. Wliudmiii hocmiio >liiisioimrv at NVuv'h Milln. The Kov. K. A Dumi, M.A., hociiino llvcUn' of St. VauW (JiihIh'o. Tho U(!v. J. IVoiit Ikmiuiic A8)*i,"«tiiiit Minf^innui y in the .M»K- ilulf'U ImIhiuIh, (Nflw work.) Till) IU)\. K. Kj Wilson, H.A., left llcr/Plonl uiul wont to MiiPr Itloton. Tho llov. R. A. nunn. M,A., Iiecuino MiMsionftry nt Lake Ht. John, in luhlilion to liis otiicr Cure. The Kov. K. J. KtheriiiKton, ll.A.j bociinio Hector of Trinity C'hnreh, (Jnehec. " Tlie Uev. J. H. (iuuthiorbecniiie Missionary iit St. tirsulo. (Now work.) Tiio Hev. (!. K. Hishop, U.A., b«cnme Mlssiouftry in charjfc on the Labriuhir. The Uev. .T. I'rout Wcaino Missionary in (ihurgo in tho Maw dulcn Ishiiuls. Tho Hev. J. Almond, It.A., «m Ordination, bocatnc Assistant Missionary two yourn wo hiivc lost hIn (iV th(«H«' liy tin- Vnct that llicy WOI'(> Uillllittflil (() llolv OnU'lH, lUul W«' llUVO nUn \nn[ Hl'VI'il liiolt" l»y iciJidviil or wltlulruwiil Ikmm IIh- \vtnk^ itiit ihiiinn tlio Hiuim |iorivont«>*'ii m-w Ucuil<'r<4, ni' wlioin tliirtiTii arc iii*-iiili(>i.-< of tlio ltri)tliiii\r. And with all llii' laithrul work which is h«>iii^ piM-rorint'ij hy Ihr (;l«'i-j,'y, aKfisliNl hy tmr Lay Uraih'ix, I ihm<<1 not i-tMiiiiiil you that thi'i'i' lia^ hmi nia^Miilirt'iit voluntary work rtirric*! on Continually hy tho haity jroncrally. In Quchor, our failhruF liUynu^n have u*>v«*r Hhu-kchcd their cffiu't'' to in-oniotr our Viifi(,»un iioini works, uinl thono dovotnl l,adi«'<<, the "Church IFcIpcrn, " have, durinjj; the sanio time, done wondcrn. And throughout the I)iooe.«o there have heiui <'Very where llu' liiltlilul few, (;oUi|iaftHing rvll to),'cther an initnenst* amount «>!' ^oud ; and to thin goodly hand we miHt adtl now the "Church Hoiiit'ty Helpers." ?.r., those liadinli who, hy collecting Hvstem- litically in tiur Country Parishes, luive added so miu'h to the prosporitv of our Chnrch Hueicty Funds. And, meantime, hs regards the ))oineil" Cluipter.s of tjM> Hrotherln»od of St. An- drew ; I am HWrv that there ought to l)e in most idaces a little knot of earnest ycumgnion, foremost in Christian Kxample. luid eaiger to carry out all kindH.of h»ving and yet aggressive .Mis- sionary wt)rk. One impcu-tant step, however, we have heon permitted to take (li^ring the last twt» years, and it is this: that the great nnijtuity of the (!lergy have accepted niy suggestion, to the efTect that the first Sunday in Octoher f*hould he om- Lay Helpers' Sunday, and that on that day, as far as possihie,. our Lay Helpers, shmild unite in the Holy Coinnunnou with the particular oh- joct of seeking (iod's hlessing upon our (Jomtuon work, and that, oii the sainc day. Addresses sh(»uld he given, exhihiting the grandeur of all work (h)no for (.hrist and the special hless- ing which is bestowed on those who rightlj' undertake it, and also showing that we are not a mere remnant, hut a mighty Army, all fighting in our several Parishes f(»r the one great Cause. I hope tliat, gradually, by this Feilcration of all who assist in every deimrtmcnt of our work, and by niectiftgs for Lay Helpers held from time to time at certain centres, and by 10 TIIF. I/)RD BIIIHOI''« ADnUKH^ i>n/<*i'^< tt)^«>(]i(>r niiniially in tlif IHm'ftuni (hr.tth, tint) ti ur\\ ••iiUiUHiii-m will url"*' in lli«' Horvico of tiur l*<»i(l. iind llml tlinH, hy tlio |iri'Hcnc« nn«l powor (iftho Ifoly (iliimi, (tui- |MMtr t'lrmrtp ni'iiy \ni l»l«'»**p lirivr tli\'iilr>nr now Unral f)cnn*'ri(w, «'Miii|iii«iu^ tin' I'mii-lii'" nrniiiul Hli»'rl»ni(»kt». Uicliinoiiil, Coalinxiko and ConkMliirf. Wliilc f am deeply , Honsiblo how niucli \vi' jill o\v«' to llir Hcvcrrnd Tanon Koster, who. for HO many voatv. haj tflnnildorod the roniKmclbillty oi' tlu! wimlo Dii^trlct. I yd li'C*! Hnr<> tiryt tliiK di«frilintinn of llio very important w«)rk nlloltcd l>y onr CiinoiH lo Hiiral Dcann muBt l)c productive of murli jrood. Ytm will \n> a-kcd to a^jroo to a flli^dit alteration in Canon Xlt, soafr to lUttko it nqiiarc with -the now wtate of thinj?^. Sineo we I'lHt met, the Cloijfy and WardcMis havo mont kindly made the HeturnH reouiied fjuni our Parishes upon N«vw KorniH, w'liiy >d up and re'tin'ned' at the earliest possilde moment, as they have heeii for the most part this Kaster. and I would ask just a few of our Clerjjjy to rememhor, that their neglect to do this involves an amount of labour to us here in Queh'ec, which we mij^ht well he spared. With tjie Tabular Epitome of the>e Returns, which the Hiahop has to lay behvrc Syuitd. there should also he a Ueixut tVoni <>arh Rural Dean of^ ,the proceedings of his Chapter and Deanery Hoard, each of which is required by Canon II to meet once at lea>r that these; Uorts Inay be really hel|tful, it will be convenient to supi>ly the Rural Deans with special Forms, so that the Keports sejit in may be easily compared and collated. There is one thirtj; moreover that has been made evident by the new Form:*, retjuiring our special attention, and it is this, viz., that in some places dilaj»idati<»ns are permitted toaccumulate, and that consei|uently buddings become unsoiund and uninhabitable, causing great trouble ami inconvenience to new IncuHibentsand great exi)onsc to the Diocese. I trust that we may be able, in some way. to provide, for cases of this kind, some practical remedy. ° ' Since our last Synod, the ProtestiCTit Conimittoe of the Council , of Public Instruction ban issued, as you know, a new Schedule of Subiects for Keligil)t of KtilM'ltliMlilu (jiioluM', iiihI il tlu'v would rniiiK* lllf'il-nwn r«liKloiiH IriMirucilnii In i|ii>ir Siiii«hi,v K'liMoipi, mm ihnt il I'liull Hii|)|)'(>niriit lor niir Cliuicli of KiikIiuhI "lilliliin, ulmt «•• aii' |l«rillllt«M| lO llo ill |h<1 I'llKIll- HcIiooIh nl' itjn/ I'iotIihi'. I iVfl Hitrr tliitt oU|^y«MiM)f ^|K>o|i|)> would 'ini|i'«>)| rW'tHyi* ii vcrv ^ooij mill riMil kiiowlt< ol' tlio (jrntt tlliiiK-^ oi't^il.^ Ami. in fou- iHH'tioii with tlii-« Hulijfft, I hIwuiIiI liko to tlhiw'vonr ntlcnliou to tin* \'i\v{, tliiit our lUitnuiin (ln-.tltr, which wii^ ho w(*II roiiiiil«Ml hy III*' U«'v. I'rolV'H-or I'nrrock, tiiid which Ihh niuco Ikm-h vjmv ulily ciiirrlcil on by itiiircuciit Hditoiv etMitiiliiM un».i>vei'y' uumtlu *Hoiim (tiUMtionhiii"' or CiUcchif^iiijf*, which will Mcrvp vi'i-y wt'lj lor home liiHtnictiMii, or whi<;h iiiiiy lie ulilizcil hy t'h'rgy iind Toiu'Ih'Ih ill oiiHOH where the ('hlltlrp^M'iiii he iiHliiceil all to take tli« (la/otte, HoiiH.to he aide to learn their liCr^soiH; hoiore tliey coiiio to Hnnday Hehool. ! need not say. that [ rejojeo to ohserve (he |ihenonieiiid fjyowlh of Ilishoii^H Collcffe, JiOniioxville. and the -ound revival alr<0 of lllshoji'ij (.'olleKe^chuol, !Unl it if no yjuajl Ihiiijf to he ahle to nay. that tlii'! Jnhileo Kund already iHiionnt-" in DouatioiiH. oitlier itrondned or Paid, to the yraitd ^inn orjIT.tKHt. (\tu\ that, when \\v have I'aisetl #l.(HN» more, Ihe^rund will Im» complete. -.■''- . Iiiileed tiro good' wovk do|»o hy !Msho|t'-< f olh*gi» i-* not limited to' itH own I'niverHity 'hihourM, lor nothiiij; onii Well he more helplul or more dejijihtrul than the Visttalions of the (Mcrjty, which \ am, hy the kiiulnes>* ol'tlic l'rinci|»:il and I'ro- I'essor.M, permittol t»» hold evervtw'o ytnivn in the Collet* Ihiildi •in|i»i. At tlie Visitation liift ^*all, nearly all our t'ler>ry were present ; au'a8ily forget, how much assist- aJico wof-ccoived from the instruetitinanil devotiitiis of theljuiet Day, c<»nducted by om- dear frieml, the Uight Uoverend Pr, Hall, the lU.shop of Vermont. It is a grand thing also to be ahle to record, that since our last Meeting of Synod, <»nr good and capable friend,^the Lonl Bishop of Algonui, while he was with us, managed to secure assistauec enough to clear off the heavy debt of iB.'S.OCK) which had for f'earH been a source of embarrassment to Comptim fiadiert'Col- egc. You will be glad, I am' sure, to hear that for thinJaHt few mortthH the Rev. Albert i^tevens, the Rector of Ilatley; has taken the IHshop of Alg«>ma's place on 4he Hoard of Management at Compton, and you will, many of you, agree that his able Arti* f^'M .«< n THE lA)Kt) lilMUOl* H AOUftKHH clw titn (^l||«^o. in tho A|»rU and Mftv ln«imM of ttio fhoeiM'tn HiizfUf.tiUttw alri'iuly Ihiit hlx »<«rvlc'o»« an* llkuly lo ho V«>ry vaIuiiI»Ii>. It i- u rwil itlcuMiiru to \m uhln l«» cortlly. mofe. over, thut til*' Hi-hiMtl Iuh mi elHcinnt hIiiIF itnd it i\n\\%ft very exr0llnnt wmk, licxiiitv* iiiiiiHtniiiiii|{ in cv«*ry wny a iiifili tont*. ol' wlilcli w«' may w«'|| lu<|inMiil. Il, inrnot, ('iini|it'»ii('ii||i''K«' wt-rw litit lit'ttor known, aiiit it |)Ot)|il<> onnlii but li<> lol l|trc<'iut«t)M> a#Vuntat{n'« which arn ttitxt liinlon ('oni|Mira- tivi'ly niiMlf^riil*' trrniil, t am fonllilonl tliat Ihff ntimhi>r of pii|iilrt wouiti Ih) •lMnl>l4'ii at <*ii wo ihiikI liavi> a' i all you can to rt^-oni- iiM'nd anil in to lu'l|t tlio Solmol in it** irally lixoolloiM work. And tlioro i-^ al.-*o anHtlii>r Institution tluit lian ((ivcn to um iioni,o of tiio hi'fit nf our Cloriry. wliich ou)(iit to hf nn of thi> mi?4 giMUM'nlly, wont into li»y IniniU mnl camo down to tlic ba,s^^^t U"**-"*, until it wan repurchaHod for tho (.'linroli j'omo llfty years ajro l»y tlint n<>i>lc, nturdy Cliurch- man, Mr. Itcn-ilord' Hop*'. M.I*, for tin' I'nivt'rsity of Cjun- j bridgo ; and now, Inivinf? lircn ni«)st fart-fully icalon'd. chiolty liy tho j-fftutrt of Mr. Wdwunl ('oltri loadcrnhip »>f its ahio Warden, the U»'V. ('anon .Maclear. D.D., is potent in, itH intluenC(> for jfood, (Minntuntly sending forth brave hearteili HoJBiiers of the Cut^n ii» thevery <'nd^ <»f the (>aiMh. J am jjlad, thefolVnc, to knowthat those of (turCleixv, who would naturally bo nn»fjt interested, have uidted in Hondinn a genenuH contri- bution to the Jubilee Fund. And.now, tuining to those of niy Kpl^copal Actf< which relate to now ('h,un;htN, Hurial (iiounds and 'I'lirsonages, \ have to ronort that during tho last two years I luivo consecrated tho following CJhurehoM:— St. I'oter's, Newport Point. (Jaspe. Julv 16th, lSt)."j. St. Paurrt, llarachois, Malbaie, July 2(>th. l!5D5. St. Peter's, Lingwick, Deronibor i:Uh, 1SU5. St. (Momont's, .Mutton Hay, Labrador, Jidv 2.')rd, 180(5. St. Philiii's, I/Anseaux (iascons, (Jaspe, Auguct 12th, 18".)G. Chript Ch^reh, Canterbury, December 11th, 1H9G. - I liave moreover dedicated the following Churches :— ' y St. Andrew's, Eaton Corner, October .'{rd. 18J)5. / Christ Church, Eustis,- Novemliicr .Ith, 18%. / y / y i* •^'■irf*^^ " ^'"^g^'^p:^ •^^^f^B i TO THE HYffOD. 18 HI. AuKimtliic'p*. Duuvllli', r)«Oi>iulH'r M\, lH«nt. Hi. Hmttte% l»«iin«»x villi', l)««*i)mlii*r MHli, I^N(. Ht. I»«t«»t\ Cookulilri'. DiMMJinlM-r 27tli. IHIMI. Ht. TImmiiuh', lUiry, April I\A, \H'M. I hnvn uIm* cntiitiH'mtoil tlin follntirlitK lliirlul (iroutiilii:-^ Nnw|ioit Point. Uiimih', July idtli. IHiN'i, Hiiraclioh. Mull.iiU'. .Inlv -'oili, ISlX't. Uoixft I'ltliit i»r Min^iiii, Liibmtltir, July I llli, IH'.HI. IWrylinro', Octnlicr l.'»tli. And iiIho'Ii "hot" in Mount Iternutn Centctory, (^loWc, Jttno4th, IHtW, rind ^ ^t 4^ A *' UA'* in tin* Itnrlul (ifoiinil ut nanvUI<^. IVeonilirr "tli, \H\H\. I havn nlno dodlcatiMl : " Tlu' Font in St. John'n Cliuicli. MclLotirnc, Juno 'ilHt. mWt, A NVin.low In St. IVtoi'^ Cliuirli, Itltuik liuki'. (>ott»l.or 2tHh, TImKast NVinilow In (liuiTh of llu' Advfnt, Kaft Slmrhrooko, DmMnlior -iStli, IH«Hl. N«»w lliiHHiiows that duiiMn the ln»t tw<» ycrtiH, tnnc>xvillo luiil ('ookHlilrr, liavo lifcn greatly cnlai'^cil and hi'iiutilicil. whilu of«'ourHt> nmcli k'">«I work In tin' way of roHtonition. etc., lias Immmi d live Parflona^erj, vi/... ut I'-a^t An^tos, (iiiMpe Hftsin, Melbourne. IVninsula and SawyiMville. Thi.«< loadn (n« to draw the attention of theCierjry to (iinon XVI. Avhhh Iuih liecn >ren<«rally. Imt imt in »>very ra>e oli^erVed. This Canon provides tinit. liofore th« hnildinf? of any Clinnh i,s ent<'red upi>n, hef^idcH olitaininj,' the <*rty, I Imvti iMgnml our llonnniry UnKintriir, K. U, M«r^ |irft|xtro a n\mi\sk\ Fitrni of Ktlurn, nnd I wdultl ii^nv li«>«|)#tik tli(« li«ttrty i^(H>|Ktrittioii nl' tlit* Cti^rKY. "o thitt wn iiiiiy ohtaiii ii*« i!tiiii|t|i>ti« n rttooril ni |K)Mitll>lA ul' th« DtmlM ri!liillnt{ (•• nil tliiit Mutiy^t to un. Ami lii>rp. nt thh point, I muit not fornnt to aiUI, w tth ragnnl to our Mw iiuililltiu". (Iiitt wi* own ii v««ry Inrittt ilnlit of grittl* tmlo to tli« iirrul Kuiilinh MIxKloniiry H«H'li»ty. tli«« S. I'. <'. I?., it-hifili, iu iilinioMt «vipry cniie, hnK voted townVdn our I'fTortN a -■iHiciiil ){ruuL I uiii very ^lad to bo ublv to ire(iort^ thoi't^fonv- timt iiiiiiiv of our Clergy li»v« rpccntlv unilril in luiilciuK a Tlitint( oltoriutr to tlio Sodotv limouittdiK to (|lTO.(Ki. I truMi tiuit mntiy of our otlu^f I'm i>*hot will f<»llow tidM giMid «xnui|iln wliouovcr tht>y nro iildo to tlo mo, sending tlifir olTuringK to ilio IU>v..A. J. HiilfourH who will glndly l p^.f niuiiini I'nr KxhlMtloiH lor lUvinity Htu, liutoxvil|«', mid otiirr fiivorM iti thi» way ul' gratitH of ImhiKh, (*t(*., ttikoM u very liir|{<> and practical intoroNt in thn caro of RinlgrtintH, aiid,i'MtHci|Uontlv. now that wo hav(> a rctpioHt from the SyntMl tif till' Diocc^o ol' Moiitrt'al, ii>l^ im to appoint a Huudl Coiiiiiiittco to ciMiptM'atf with tliu ( oritoratiou of thu An- drt'w'f* llooif at Mnntrcal iit I'onncctioii with th« n-nrptiou. car© and HottliMncnt of IntniigrnntA ('; to Cunuda, I trunt wo Inay Im? (ihlc to load ihc» H. I'. ('. K. to t'oopcrato with uh hnd to otfor to that I Ionic M|H>(;iul help. I hope, too. that in rci^ponnc tiva letter which I wroto reooiitly to Hcvcnd nc>Vfi in Knglnnd, with rclVrcnrc to our Knul- «rn TownMhiof-, w<> Mhall Homi lmv«' a certain nund>er t»f young 'Kngii^hnu'ii nuardiiijx wilh Home of the heA of our farmerH, or HervifMiis I'upih at the I'rovincial (iovernment'H Mixlel Kami at Coi^ttori, and learning the principl(>s and pnictioe of Cana- dian farming', with a view to proMontly taking amongst us furnut of their own. And now I have further to record, that Hincc our hint Synod, wc have lormcMl conventionally, the following additional Mi.s- Hions or I'arishoa:— Hceho Plain, S. I'rside, ■/ ^ and Agnec, liuke Meganfic. The liiat un.MaHt of tlfeseMisHionH are at the present monwut vacant, an well at* the .Mission of Hereford, Imtthey will all ho lilh'd again, I truHt, after our next Ordination. Wo have moreover conimis.-'ioncd the Rector of (^ampbel qn, N.H., to attend to the Spiritual needs of our pcr>ple living on the Queh e c sitlc uf tho Itiver Mettuwdiu. — «€€ TO nil NYNOD. lA We tiAvn hImi, iltirhiK thi« InM Iwo ymgn, *m\i i'\vray to work MN AmuUuiiiU hi lh« ftiiluwiiiK Mlt*iiiii«;— (rn llin Aii'itlMlriiitV work l« moro |>?trtl«iiliirly for lli<« \m\vl\t nf Ih0 r«IUh H«ttl*'rM ; hut t frtir it i^ liiirtily likely to \w t«rtMiiiitiit. Amu i*x|»oriiiimil, we linvn itlviMt Atlil<»rlv, wlilcli lH*loHKf>«l to Ir«liiiiil, to iMvornt^i In fxilintiitf Tor Ki^iiiAiir'* .Mitli*. wtiiili wo huvL' jjlvtiu Ui Irulmut wWiu vfi- Uuv« uU* t«k««H fr^nn \m^ iiihI nilili'il ti» lri*liuiil (In I'oiiiiiiliriitioh ot' tlirn* UAt^ imw iwo ('l«»rKy llM^ri') llhMijrIiluh. ninhilio ih« «lnly of Ink lug forth ifiit* ly Ht'rvlctw lit lU'rttde'N H«ttlMin'iil. An to tli« «<'iH'riiU|»rojiri'4.4 of .»ur work, iiiiirft \ think iiiity b« (tilth' r(<t KrfMitir VmhU't IMKI iMtii \m% im\ iwy? 'ToUUniiU ,,..... IM.lCill l'l,;»IMl '.M.f.ll •JO.'ilWV JJII.4;i!l lUttltHiim T.'IT 77ri HiN 74U 7h!» OMillimiHl... I.KNI IHTi 11112 lUlM :r|ii CiMiiMiiiitiiiiniM il,7."M> 7,;t7 7,iMi«l 7,iK«i 7,'if»7 Mi"riu«u« ... ,,.....,,. 117 |i)!» IM7 |M4 I7H liiirinU : -IVI l>VI |H| i'M 4,vt HiiiHliiy Mi'lM.lurH M, i.ii ;i,:i7 1 M.VfCi ;i.:imi :i 4(t5 IWInli lldiwrM I, i:if» 1,1 17 |,.V»J l.i;;^! ||tnr7 Molli^' mimil l»y Piirinlli-H fur ilii>iimy I'luiNlicN fur Diuww. ?*;»;i,i.vi >t I'urtii jiiii'l ut' tlii< IIUIiii|i'i4 ('olli-({f, l.cnnoivilli-, .liihilvu FmiiiI. • ;i (If Ibt* liitii, !(:irt,iin runii imrt of tlii> lllnlioji'it CiHIpk^, r.ciiiioxvillc, Jiiliileu ItMil. : With rrganl to tlics(! liuMir<'<4. tlit> a|t|>at', wo liavn ilrthirtcMl i\w iiopitlatioti of all tli«> Miitnincf. reHortH and al.-o l»y the I'art that theCh'rjry ari> ci/iitiniially tal<* iiifj ft Htrii'tor view as to iIhi««' wholtoluii^r to thrtii. Itnttho Kc. turns of naptliiiis, ('iMilinnatioiiH. CunKnUiiicaiils. Marriages iiinl Hiiriuls arc tirtite reliable, ami show that \\n dre in evoiy way hol(lin>r our own: I trust tliat in uvcMy case, h«tor« (Mcrjivnu'u ^m\ ( t / '■*•% It THE l IIIMIOP'i ADOMIM X. "'^ft miiiilHir- .»r«uii.l.y MwlmUni •mi l»«ri-h ";«r;f* -"fi;;^ uuriHHiri ttffl rtttlly m-* «i»«'«»ur««liiK. Tl»« ni.. »«y rtl-«Hl by P-lTi7'r lh..Hi-..lv.« ilww* -l««ay Kruirt , I,. Ih« air«.ll.m o '•I?- iPiH.rt. ..i..l It wuiiia \^^ Ui« -utiiD Willi th« iiioii«y r.ii««"y uiia«r(uk.t for |»"'"»''»>v«?-, . ,. ,^ Of o.mU U n.tt-l iM^boriwln ...I... that it. "'If tl.m to tbrM nX.- nblc l. ..r« obt«li.«a fr..i.i ibo Itoturu. of ll.« CU-rgy .»..< ui Iri v.-I.'a r....a.,....a »ho ii.o.it 12.000 ,H.r ...... u... |m.-*i..k thrmitf tl.« l.«...l- "t^ the Hl-I.oi. .u.a ..ot .;o...l..« In .u.v wny lit It. tl U mvMXXuU lor tl.o y*».ir« «i.ain« Ri'^tcr iHim .i.a IH»7, or I ,t*.. how onlv ...on.-.y ...H..ally mte.. ;»lti»'|' ;« yff'' th*i..ter.'Ht on L<.eiil l-JnaMwniont-, which hu.llMHm hith«rlo n- HiSP. I to the .'Vt.-nt .►r .ihoUt %im) n*y.ftr, ««. b««,. c.ir«(ully .^li I a HI..CO tl..Tn U nrv..rtl.«l«M • c»n«ia«r,iiao ..omiMO 11 . r m'«lp«H. ihU ihowH thift. nn*...'iftUy w« .ir.. hohll. k our "V.I 'na tiM' ..th.n- purtlcUr^ If wo ..lu.ly tbcni. .iro, tl.tt..k ''t'^ ln;n.l^v;:r;!' IM^^h^ M«^-W... .. .« l.on;,«r iMMma to a.. ItM ut...o«t lowiiran l... mipportol \U .M....«t..r Ir both Ch'rtfv ui.a Wura„n« nhouia ncorii U. m«iv« ii.iv n.oro fru. antral Tuna. th>u. 1. ub«olut.ly ««oe....ry, Kor wo mu" hJI lH.i.r i.. n.L.a (I) tl.nt, owing to on.' « v.nm.j. tl.o S^m/i r.« ^ "ur con o'^ior N^a Iron. invo.t,..onl. \ vry aillbult t.^n.ilntuln ovo. "m o«Kh ivo bftvi' ..aa.,.a «..;.itly tolh.Ho .nv...tn.,.MtH a.,a it wl « riurh moro aimtult Uitoro,,; ai.a W) we ....Nt r«- mon.lM.r th t ,,ro.«,.tlv, wh.H. our numh..r« In many pliioo- nro Ev to f.-wcr thai". th«v ..ro to-^y. our poop n wltl bo moro oh tol ho. thoy nro ut present, .iml they w.i <.m.eu..e..tly HM re i. the lutilre tu.MO u.si.tiu.co thu.i t>tpy . lo t.Mbiy ; .1... Xuxxs ipiii.t our ^ ( ' \\ %vfl numt not forget thut w< ■ .^ — r ,; Mi8Hio..ury work in the Diucone in one or two airectionH beloro ~i!" S-l^^TW^'^^pWiBf^" '"^ '"' -^-"^fr- TCI INN iVNtm. IT \\ eiiti Im* m\%\ llinl wt rtnrli out to mtil «i»vtr ••// our •mnlirr tromtiMiiiltiP'*, «« w«« iMiKltt lo tilt ; aihI (4) w* mmi-I mII mIIow thai it I" dlMNiltiioty M»tii<«Mrv llmt m« dIiouI*! roiitlnit«> ti» tlo wlint, I am' iiOMt lliAiiltfiil to l»«i mIiU* to rvioril, wi> Iiavp Imkiih to ito, i.t., itrit'ltliillv to rrtl«i< III* Hti|iritvi»rty» wliUtIt vnIIn ImuMy for tlii> »p\<' (lail)'tll|{ ui'iirriHilly or thiHit* lo wIiomi IImv jmIii' Ihihtiil, of nil wli't CAfA for llin llo|) tlilntc* •»! IUnJ-; I kImhiIiI In« very tflml aUo If th«Hii* wim nn* l»lt^«i>(l with thl« wrjftit** Wiiitfti WoiiUt tiiwtMt iiin lirfatiTtiu n tlaiMtfrom wtiti'li we (*oiihl iiidk^ (Irniit* tiiwnrd** the i»|*«>n>«^of hotitliiK I'lirm nhIM MU"loiiM. I ft*«l Hitfi) Ihfro iir^ In ihl" IH'N'tm*, iii v\ot» wlAfi'AiMiiity iilM«tt4 III wlilch. hy (iiNt'n hitMoliitf, lh<«re woiiht hi« n Km^k4t•y roiild hnvo iIm' loi'^liimhli* lKtiif»lU of rt well riMiiliii'liHl M|.«loii, ||||| iuch Mi"xloug iM'iM'MNliAte A M|KtriAl i«x|M'iiilUitrf> In iIm* wnv <>f literiitiir«*» trAvelUiiu nji|»tniiOf*, ntid NomeiimfM mt lioiiomniim to the Ml»tiKioiit«»ruiion A plan wliich i^A|K>rien(ie «iti»wii to lin NAtutiiry nnd lK tht' ri'TK* Will tMtio«|di»r in tli«'lr Itiii'l-dmiuiiil Clmiderp". And tliAt in, whiit cau lie done to promote the social Hidi* of Churcdi lilV. The |ioputAritynfttuiii»< to Aww that Ihcrn U \\\x^v rooui f<*r AKNtfliationii for wiwial an w«lt to have iio(;ial a^^oclA* tlon»t of our own. 'It wam oh thi«ildy, I nuiy be Able, ah tinic gooM on, to meet the ('lorgy of every Uiiriu f)eAnery «uicc a year, ah th«> nrcucnt AnhhlKhop of ('aiitorburv UMfd to do, when ho waH ItiHhop nf f Clergy, and <»f hwiiing wbat'thoy think and wIiaI they would KUggcit, I cannot exprcMM to you, my lirethrcn. tlu! tUvy sorrow with which I hrtvo t»Yrecord the nnd and boIpuui fact, that Death, the - great Hoaper, hiaH during tlicM! la»*t two yeart once more lieoii •very buMy amongst un. Kdward ('hapniaii and Ilciuy Ilomier \i\\vn, fathorw ol Hi^liop'H College ; i'ctcr Uoe, on<- ■iloiir olJeHt -*-w- . '^m^' II •nil M)llt» BMIIiiKli 4DDNIM I . % I Aitil ImmI )tiv»>l riwrnymvn ; Tli« llim<»fnil>lii JtMli« IrvltM.ftlMi^ «ip\\nt iilf ihi' iHiHtt^att nn»rNrv (^MMi««l , Curnrl tu« Jiititft*, John Itiiratttll, Wiltldiii Ka«, aH ltir«'ti I,i|0 9li«tMiN»r* of inir litiirfli H^M^My^ «iitl th« llr«t n ronliiiiMl miil «iit>n(«tt« «r«»rli«*r (ti ili«» MfMil ifiiiM*; Mr J J, KIo, iir«»iirM«»r >*i th« Qt$tt,0t it"rt*tn0 tilr>»Mi«l». who WAN Alwajf* r«*A«ly lo )m>I|i ti« (ii Nity WN^ li» hi« iMtwtr. miuI IahI, htil f|i>i |i>«i»t. Avinln** Mrmn- iii(»n«i Siroll-, tliK rffrtiiml, tfvnttt^ moirlt li»vi>«| HiiMitrnr MliliH|i% rollrfi*, l.f*iiiii»«ivil|it;n|| iri«* unmt aiiiI ilt*nr In ti4, w« inourn mir , f'.tmki, nvemd mimI lM»iov««| AroliM«lM*t» of rAttltrlinrv, Dr. U»ti«oti, will liiil MO rniK'ti In tiU iluy And tf«ni>rrttion n>r tlii» ICnifll'h rliurrli. Oh? whnt ni\\m ihf*9 mv, my llr«lhr'*nt Oh'f How '* wi> hHi|{ ffVr tlin tetufih orih« ¥tnlih«4 hAnd, AntI for th« woiiMil of lh« vnkNtf, Ihil it illll '* [ An«l, Ihi«I«I«»i* ihmo iaiI l>«rfiAVf*iu4)f-«, Ui««r«' It «»n« Jim* wlitdh, Altliotiuli wt ri'loti'M In it l»4M*MU<«^t*At anin of our Kitol««rA«tii'Af rMvliMW Mid, IntlMm uf tlio whuln TAnAiUAn Cliurch, ii V0t ii loM« which w« ahAli A*t<| ufltiuly for niAiiy a hniit ilrtv,— I r«'f»r, of cour>««», to tm r««nit»VAl «»f our frloml nml follow rrlAxI In iimi'tt thtvU'v, th« H(tv.('ttn«iit Thorni»l«Hi, D.I).. D (!!<., who hn« \wtm chtHMui^AU'l ()oni*«(trrtt(««l to Ixi thif thirti MhtlonAry tlUhop of AIkoiua. Ht^|> by ^lAp iuhI ymr by ytAr, t'ltnon Th«irnalMit hrt»l »oin«* to hd A lri«,^ii<1vc<>iiMfl<|U«>ntly, in tiit ' \ A vtry wUI% ^iM- |h In ft tin i^^ « greftit lor itlie l>titulvv^f holv I'niU. nature of th« ('aii«, there inUMt l>e, fnt^ flip, II giip which it will Ixi rcnlly hn%^ )nr gr«'iit oncouniKtnii'nl niUMt l»e (Im> lio4 In plnaRtd In lib womlroun Qon<»M«N thn uhmi' Ho U hy no iniMinM y iMUMing a little h«'ro and there on the wny, nnd hv kcjmdng niy even aiuI eiiri* optf utrjyi*! frM> fMiit nil lli* rt*ki* nrUliiit imiii itin ifiiiviittUHi* of iwAny (itli^r tii*rii T>»wi»- •lii|i« MrUii' l'rMv(iit>0 of I jtiitlMKi, Mr, tiMli««*»l, ou thf i»it«|N iim^i, Al lli« •mnc ihii«. i|itiit»«i«i rti)f, with nil It* hnu\>\ iiiinhtlii^** mill Willi mI) UpMd ItUliirlt'Ml •ii««NRltttlM|i«, iiiltfhr|i«iirh ••mm* iMnK. I iMiilt. turn lh« "t»H«h".niMl "un** ur tt mo^w vlii lUn \Viimi|«|t^ tthitrn tkLv luauv iiit tuc atitiuiiimmUL htlmfi'^-l Inn vt-mtk It) laklHii |Kirl III .ili« il«lMit«4 i»i till* (iKiivrnI ^vlt•N) Mf ikur Cliuroli. ft U ft itrriiul tlilii({ t«t kiit»w itiul ftrt. ttiiit ifm vn> tinvi* i'i»iii> |Mel«'«l iirrntiKrtiiimlM, wtiprobv. ^rMiii llii> AtUiiillnlM Uii>lVi(>|||i>, otir di^r riiiirflli of KiiKlitiui U Om ; miuI, iiiti|i'r>^)»ii>llii|t n* m» •ti>, Ihtit j|t tin« hr«ii (ttiri*i»'l fr«*»ii tlif lH({liMili»ir. timt iIm**i iiivliii'ial mill IH*>«««iaii HvimmIn, It It v«l.«>iily iiit>f| iiiiil rttflil, thiit wtp III till* ^yiMMl •litMilil riti*fv0Vvirvtltlhi( ititil «iiuiimtt!(« fmiit lU« l>«>Hi*rMt HyiMHl t>l mir riiiinli U» ||>U Tk»ih|. niim, wllli tlM« titiiiiHil lit fi>r«ii(ni» niitl re«i|i^'t. ll l» in iIiIm »|»irtt. I trtttt, tlitit wr olmll «'0|iM|iltr tlio ofliftiMfl ii((rt}«'il t» by ihi'lifn ^«fMl HyiiiMl fur tlie finrtiinlliMi itiitl (!niti||i)>«itltM) of it (H>ti«rti) IlLHiJMmirv Hoiiril. wliicti it U |iro|Hi«(>tk ^liiill tiiMtt^rtnkr iiiol "1
  • - wh t^o m| oticljioitw iiml Kt»fip||{ii Mi"-loii(iry work. r<- >l)'(vp|lliff tii'iuijl)ottrliiK IH« »>f ,\|oi(lri'i»t. ffiirii ^ rtfiiiUMrirt the rpi'wnl Hi>««iiMi (trHynt«l llwris lliiil lli«» lifw olatin i>rn|HKNMl liy tlin (ii'iKtrnl HvukiI WouM ItilViiiKf iiiitl tntArfKrn with our hlncnMAit rlKliln. mvA t iiiiipii »ay. tlnit, ih f uiidi^riritiiiiil tliU iiittttcr, tliorn In ti«> rottn^n uKntivwr for iimIi fenr. On tlm rontniry. i»liu'i> wo lmv« rt^iMJy *««•» lit In our Ki'oloHliip>ti(!tit I'roviiicitto givfl up tli(« (rfil ixliiiu of niirrelv ruling yiiioney for ttio .MlMolomtry HonictixM in %|(t»ntl. itlii(t ti« pttriku out fur ourNclvcHf I iMiUevti wo fi' Ui tmvit o«» MifMiniiiiry lioiird rooxlnniiivn in it« ooiftttMilion himI in tin o|)««i"ii i»f «»ur i)iot;cii«un «tr rrovincitil Hynml rlKhtN, l»y wll m«'iuiH |»'t %ti* mitko a strong prcRentnient of our |Hilnt ainl offer tin •ttriieMt NUggration t'orHonie chntiKo, hut let um not no fur fortici| ftinoitii* altogether. And Irt utt ut any rate, if wo can, 4t|»|M>int D^lugitto* And Hend thoin (with «»ur prooi^e InHtructioiiM) to thf pro|toR««| Executive C'onintlttee, which the? (icneral Hynod ha-* nrrjui>r«'d, nhnll meet, on tho nocond Wi'dnowduy In ()t tir nt-xt, in Mont- rctti. — ■' ~- — ; — — I T-r -'•*»— ^ -'-^S — '■- 20 •^BE liOBD BIBHOP'H ADDHRHH T ni'd-Brtv Ito ino^pupKar'iu tho HviukI AHsosMmoiit tliiit Huh boon ii^roo.!, not jiwt. utHvno.k butyt-arby vour. An- irfttll.nHto ant.rcciatotlu) value totboCburcb o| Hynoaioal aotK.n, ' or li\ otbor V..nlfl, t.» know that our Hynods I bo oaHily njet, Himnly bccnuHo all our Congr(>gatlonH will be only too glad •^ tinK the I)i<.>eoo for a little time in (»rdor to work tor tjuo- bcc a? I hopo, in the .dd Country whence I came, whde I fee gurolbat our jrood Archdoacoif will, in my absence, give al.lo .attention to all nocOflHarv busincsH, I a.-Bino you that vou wiU bo ctmtinuallv upon my heart and in my ndnd. bor tho pro- j.ent moment I can imly say now in conclusion, how much 11 iiope that'during tluH-Synod wo nhull bo oxpeditions ni our dcHnatch of business, keeping before um, as our flnecml motto, " DiedH n(4t w' ■J '»••;■■• ^^^^^^^'''. ■■'■*■■. ■ ■ " ■■ A ^^^^^ .• ^E ' ^^^^^^^^^L^ •■. ■ '■■ ^ ^^^^r ' jflR * - * . ■ ^^^^^BL '' ... ■ ^ ■ , . ■ ..'■'-■:'.'_''' - ' '-. A m ^^^^ ■'■' , i;>