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LJ 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 m '/.■ TBQ ONZ.T PBBMANBNT BBMB- ST FOR CANADA IN MONBT BSATTBRS. [To the Editor of the Spectator.] Hamilton, Oot. 18, 1867. Sib,— We wera Uoght experienoe in 188? on this monetary qaeation, bnt men in pover seemed disposed to disregard it. We former- ly saw that, in ■nob a time, onr banks oannot issne while threatened by the existing posi- tion of money matters in the adjoining States; and the obvions resalts of this must be, that the farmers eannot sell their wheat, and that the merohaDts(eT«n if snstained by the Banks) oannot remit any money abroad. The onro of this dreadful state of things is very simple, and it should without delay be applied either by one hand or by another, thb notxs of thx OHABT iK> BA^KS (KMO^M BY BTBST ONB TO BB THB BBLJ^SBOUBITTIN TBB OOUNTBT) SHOULD BB MADX A LBQAL TBNDBB TO THB BXTXNT THB/ HATB BFBOiB, OB OAN GBT IT. As this speoie would be held against these particular notes, there oould not be the shadow of^inseourity to the holders of them. If GoTernment oannot or will not take the responnibility of th.3 measure until Parlia- ment mutt, let them not delay a single day in calling Parliament was done in 1887. This is their obvious duty, and if they fail to do it, the Ministere must not only fall with the country, but forever retain the feel- ing of having been mainly instrumental in the eonntry's ruin. As to a permanent remedy in money mat- ters, I published last Spring, when Parliament was in seision, the draft of an Act which I think would be what is wanted; and as many will take the trouble to read and sup- port this now, who formerly saw no necessity for it, yon will probably republish it at the •nd of this letter. There has always been a neeesoity for such a change as I propcse ; for at all times cmdbb oob pbbsbnt diabohoal araTBK thb lbait pkoc^bbitt if, thb uuib- WATB OADSB OF ADVBBSITT. This COU be shewn by a very simple illustration. We shall suppose all the commodities in the eoantry at a low uniform price, vimaa IB NBOBSSABILT THB 8TATB OF THIN08 UNDXB OtJB PBBSBNT gysTBif ; and we shall assume that price to be ONB SHiLUNG. But prosperity a;-- rives among us in^lhe shape of two bidders for our wheat, and other native commodities, where formerly there was bnt one ; and these rise in prjae— say from Is. to Is. 8d. In look- ing fop •» arti^ls tr **V* ?nr tK,s TisT-.V «.,i— held by him, the foreigner, or foreign nier- obant, asks the question— are all oommodities thus enhaneed in price t He finds that there is one article, vis: specie, which the law most ignorantly savea from rise in price, thus .-«4.H..Mag In the most atrocious ■vray the law of supply and demand. The for- eigner of course takes specie or Bills of Exchange, and, to bring back this article (whioh the law has ma1nlla>.a ,LnA .r..^.„ _^l,l Kxobttge, and, to bring baok this artiole '«> Canada (mewured in paper money.ianotion- (whi«h the Uw has ma<'e the basia of all bank- *<' "