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Un dee symboiee suivanta apparaitra sur la demiAre image de cheque microfiche, salon le caa: le symbole — ^signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Lee cartea, planchea, tableaux, ate. pauvent itra filmte i dee taux de rMuction diff Arents. Loraque le document est trop grand pour iua reproduit en un seui ciichA. il est film* i partir da Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en baa, an prenant la nombre d'imeges nteeaaaira. Lea diagrammea suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •ip^ A STANDING ORDERS ROYAL FCSILIEUS. AdoiJlod A. D. 1BY7. ■ 1. ('II AIM, i;. VI' A- S()\, I'KINii:!:-. & l-.UdklUM.KKS ■ I Colt.' S(ice(. 1-:: V :i^V( ^—-^7 t^^^ ^if \^ OHDERS- ^AJy/y' Skmion I. '111.. c;(,.,,„ I ;.,.,] or ll."in|,l >lial| iH'Staiularaof > ItM'l S inrlicv, ;);i.i \\c;»k, "^.Jcklv OP ill IUvkivmI Hi-ijfhf. A<-. '\\>'u mn^i no! h^ "iirolliMl. Alth* Inxlwil n'^- I'«'<;lfibl(' iiu'ii. (i! liritish ori^nii. aixl who lia\t' ii\''(l t'lnploymi'ii; an' alrtrn' to )>•' takf-ii. Evt'r\ '.'•'•rnit miisi he |ms«'(I hya Fi'ld OIlictT (.c hy 'III' Atljutani. Iii'torc Ihmh^'- swoi'ri in ami fri- ro||(^(i. ami t'M'ry oilicci must Im- pr-'pai^d to ■•\)()\v that f-Urh I'xaininatioii Iwis Im'.mi madn oI '■\<'iv 111,(11 (MirolK'.!. And no f'lirolli'd man ran li" (li^missi'd iVoin llic Ijcjjimf'iit on any pir- 'met' willun !'>•> an'lioi'it v ol tlii' ••oiMiita'ndiii'j- Aii\ Ollir^.cr ii'cniilii.ii- n»*'i, in <'>ritrav(Milion Mi' ilii^ order \vi!! nicnr ci'iisiirt'. .Sk<:. -2. A H<'L'in'.Milal lloll Book v.iil !.(^ iiro-T) m t, i, P'Hvd hv tliH Adhitaiil. copied from tlioCom- ^ ^ I'.iny Hull Hooks \v|.i>;ii ^vill lie prepared and kepi l,y the Cajitaiiis of Companies, and lie will kivp it correct l\ written np as (rom time to time allrrations r.vo in;ide in the Co. Hooks. The Hooks will (oio,)in the i.ames of ail men Ml" ilie ijepimeiM tal(iil;\ted as to heiir|,j .,^,,._ r^'lii^ion, r<>sidi'nce and nr,-np;iJjori, .Jso thi^ date of I heir enlislment. Si;(;. ;i. CapU'.'.ns of Compivnies will /)e caiernj n. p ^ Ihal all menoftheirCompaniesaredi'Jv sworn inenT in. and lune been IcLMHy enrolled in the terms and re(|nii'ements of ilie'Miiitia An. Ski:, 'i. The l{e^ri,i,p,;i ^vjn siricliv adhere to y* , , f the gne.Mi-s Kegnlations, in all matters of (Ms- AuuloHty^^^ '■ipline, rank, precedenee and ^'•(Mieral adminis- tlMliol.t, iWCeptinn- where )|icse conllict wiih the I>"miiiin!i \!ili!i.i \,-; !- va/kO' — I i-t. ('.ii,.,i,.i. Afa.inrs, ''.il'f.iin-. ''"'■•■'••• ''■ ""■ 'tiii"- -riiiM I,., ,11 -(;,,i ,.,,. II,, '"";' ""l'"N.,,,i,,i ,.,,■,, Ihii ,,,■,. ,,r. ,„.).,,,„,,,,] '""' "",\vr-.,.| ,,,,!,, p.. ,||,|, II ,^ , ^|,,,_ ,,| ,^ V"";''' '"; M'"''!-'! II ^1 I.I in. Miliv „„■- , ''^'":"' 'i"'>v,.^,.,., ,1,,,, ii„, ,,,,i),,„.,,N ,,r ii„. ''' "V' '■ '^ l''"'''lli. IMP. II, li.ilT.'f-U. II, ,.,| ,,,, ^1. II. I'l.,. M, ',1"''^ ^'iil ;-'i'." '-^''1 ',■ iiM^-ihi ' "■ l"''""pt 'MpI i!iMr:,:,:..h mv;,., ,,, „,,, ,,r |,,. ,„. ''.'■'■;• '•-"■'' -'^'■'I'T Wl.l l.-lk ■ 1,', i|r;.,H ,,,,,,.. ''-'" '""''•'""•■■'■"^■-'1" (Mil II;- I;. VI,,,,-, II. Hh). '■'""('■"■"- ■'- IhrC,.,, ,)„i..v ,.;,,v ,lir,.,.|. ^' '■■ '■ ' ''" ' ip'wMI 1< P-|i,,;i.,,i,;.. r,,,. I,,,, .p,. ;"■'';■;■ ^"•"- ■""' win i... ,v.,„,,,.,i,;;, ,„,, ,,„,; ""■ '.''" •'"■:"^- .I'-'' -iiii.i,,..),!. .Ni.l -1 1,1 ,,,,.. ^''•^'"" "i ""■ ""■!.. I.m ;.i>,^ r,r .|„.,r ,.,.',„, """''■" " •'' •■!: i!'n,.. II,. u,,| |,,,„| j,,^ ,,,;;,,;. '"'" "n''''''- 'in. Il; lu II;..,, ,1:,;,, , ;,|-,,.,. ,,., . ;;'- '"''^ ^""i '■l".'rly,.M,i„Mi.,| i,,iiv,„ ui,,,i ""■^'■'■'"^'^> '■ il" ^^-i -'■.• liMl i;,i;,.. ,,,■,■ '""^'■'' "■'""\ ■' li-iii Ih,' .\,-M. l;,,, u M,. \,- """'> ^v>ll,(.iM .1 wrillM,, ,,|,hT hn,).' ^ri,-^.,, r,„. ''"'"■ "" ^^''' "i-" ilH|MV.,. „;„,|1 !!„. „„.,, ^'"" 'i"iirnn)„.,',,li,AV j-,nr;nM. ^^fh,.)- irli.'i,.. ';' '■''•"'^- »'"ilMr,n:^, ''r,Mv,,.ul,..,M..,.l>:iiv ."v,r " '"■ ^^"'•" '■'"• -II""' tli.'Mi ivm,n,.„t;,l ,„,,.. [iMsi's, \ 1/ : ,.''l'''l''<'"l-- Tlll.i.':.. \\'llil.".I;frk,.!..l>,,.l,„,, ,. ";'';-M''''in uill .,-,. ,1,,,, t|„>(:,M„|,;niv i^ 'liynl-'l iMin .,,i,;,,U, ,,n,« fo; ..;.,.|, „n,, ,.;,ni "'"■'■ ';•'"- ^i"''!"-! I" lip.,,,, II,. will. h,,.,a,.. ■^"" /''■" '■••"■" •■" = '' "Vrrsi-1,1 ,,r u) I |,vn ,7"",''v. '!' ""["'" ■•'■^"■■'! '" 11-1 h'>s 111,,,! ,„„. ' '"'" "' ll"-.vlMi'-tp"ll-H,, |,M.;|,.i, nl'lM^.nh. '" ' ""!''"'^ ^^''1' "I ill. ■.mill,, r.h, „ri|. ,.(■,,„. •^^i-':. '^ I'll- Ml^;ii|,.,n> U '■ >Ul»;iltcrii.-. , ; ni' ;:'"'"'^'-r"l '—:..' .I,r,l .1,,. :;;,;'':'';• '■'M'.nnt.r,., .n :hi„. ,.„„., '.,,.,1 iV- ' . ";" ^'l""!<. au-l r,.|M„i |M,^^,.,,■,^ I, "' """'^ "' "'■■ A, I, Ml,-,,,.. ,., li,. ,,„.,„ ' ,,.. ; I ' n . \M1| K,.,. , 11,,,, . .,.,,.,, jj^. ''';'^''',i''' '.-^ ''■■!-. .Ml,.,i,M. Hi,.:,, ■.,.,,,,,., .1,;,;' ,""'^" ^^''^ !"■'!' ni, ;,|, ,1,,. ,,-.,,,:. ;— — H„v: i,.„,,,.;, ,:r, ,,':;::!!;:;!';■• '"""- ' ,V'r'^ """": '■'-'■"'• '"-'-" --''.' ';!:"'""'""''""^'^"'^ M-ni:,.!,,.,, ,,,,,1,..,.,,,,;.. II'' lull!. -I,! '''l""'l- OIIki lliiii_, |„, '"'" ,"' ''i''''ll"Il Will II:, I !„■ |MT- • I I , , , : , I I ' !'''""''''l"ns U:ll -,, l,y '.MlhwiU "^ '■Mllill, (;wll)|,;||p- "^ij:. K) "'■ '-'t.llll.llll will I,,,;, I I ;, . I . I •■ - " /!> \\ I 'r;i ( 1)1 ' I, ,!' i 1- ;''";.', f""i:'"^ ^""' '■-•,.,■,„„. in,,n .„,.,. , •^''•'■'^-'^• ',,'•,'''"'"'"'■ ■'- ^l-'-ili.M .1. nnl,., J '" "■'■""'• l'"'"nta,i, iv,:.„,i,,i lU.u.nL: -'i"i-i! : In,. ,|„,,|;„, L,.,.,„„,,.,,,.;,, ',;."" '"' i "'- "i . ,'i,' l.i'-.'iiii,'iil,,i — I, StMll'SiTfrciiits. Or.kTiv •• At . A-,-.. A-.-. ""'•'I' !"i"L .Mill :ill cth.'i r.'rnr.I- „ii.| ,iiv|ii\,'t "I III'' l{"LMiri"ril, ii(,| >|ip.ially >>y rxcliisivrh '•'I'll'!-' WiHilll III*' |in)\iiir.' nl' (ill).-r- Ollic'i'v Uiim liiiiist'll", H-' w ill ,i|i|MHril,'r ilii'.'ciioii nf |[|i. Com- lllfllMlillt'- Ollir..;-, ,111 Ikhii'.iI \vlli<-|l t Ih' ( inlfl'l \ niorii will ;ilv,i\> Im" (i|m>ii fur |,ii>iip's- .;()ii- ik'cI.mI v ill, th.> i{..^MiiH.,il,,»ii.| uli.-ri 111,' ()r.l<'i Unitk, I{()|| I^Hik (i|- (illn'r |i,i|'i'rs m;i\ lie m';- [XTl-'iJ l'\- lliosr rii(itl"r Jfi- M'l ' ''-I'' "I'lci-, i'ii!/r,'d ii, 111,. ()|.,lrr '^Nirp'.; of lii- 'i-iii'tMi-. J>""!^ I',\ 111'' Ailjiilaiil, Will lie rrad al >'\ry\ |i.iradi' and wdl I'.' a.rr-^ildi' al a '^\\,-n lutwy ■*l III'' Hi'dr! i\ li H, lor I III' inlnriiialiMii III" ,.|1| ')ni''''i'- ;)iid aii\ ono conri'nii'd. All order- ^vili III' i|..|d lor i-nnimni:i(>,it('d #0 i'\ rry ()||j,-,.|.^ SlairSi'r;:i'an!. and Orderly Si.,eeaiil, one \\,.r|- -d'lei the entry orHii'saiue iiiilie l!r-iiiienlal <>i''l''i' Iv'ok and for iion (:oiuini>-ioned-()lli- ?;ers one week alter e[ilr\- in (Jon»].an\ Or i,.r Hods. Bni pperial or nrgcnl orders iiiiist de eoiniiinnieated toOllii'ers In sendin:; l!ie llo- vniieiilal Order Hook to ili'i'in, and llie\ will initial the same, and at oni" noiilv if,,.' ,,,,ii- '-'oinniissiuired ollh'ers and olhei--. ef)n,-,.rii, d. ^^I'NDI'.V DMDKI'.S. Si:<:. |;i. To serurc^ I he utmost ellicit^ricv and nnilormilv in (h-ill, lli.' Iitslniclion oClh.' Hc-i- nient will he enliaist.'d to the menihors of ih,> <'oi'|i- orin^iructoi-s, who will he aitj.oiniL'd ]»\ till' Ollirer. Xo one. Ollieor or olla'rwise will he perainlli'd to inslrnel the moi) 'in. "<-. he i- .: niemli,.)- ,,1' (hi- f 'oi.o^ ^'•' • ''■ !'-\''i':' «.". will I-' .ii\pi-.i i.\ ii> <'i,, -iii.-ni,,!.. (..Ipt.llll IMlu Ihr •|,|>^rs. N(i. I, pcrlrrllv '•I'lll'''! Hi''!! : ':. liiirK ,l'ill(.,| i,,cii ; .!. ;i\vk\ .ril in-'ii .iik! ri'ciiiits --j,|m , ti,]- |l|.. n,,.-! ;,s ijj,.y ■ 11 i[ii:i r )imli(i.'iu\ . ^i:':. !■•. NO Ollirrc iii,i\ a!)-' iil liiiii>rli iioiii |^.,,v,. ,,f \i, I''"'"'" iiiil.v.s Ur I1I-.-I ulaaiii \>;i\>- lioiii llic.-emi'. <:oillIliail(llIlj ()lli.;,T. Ai.MMilT V. IIIjouI lra\c will \| lir>t 1.1)1 a ill lea v.- IVtuii lli.- Caiiiiia ihiiiii; ()llir,T — ""•' '"' iiiii-l ,iN(, )iiiiii-ii Ihr Ail|iil,iiil wilh Ills adilrov w i,,!,. ,|\\ a\ . •'^'■•'•- "' 'I li'' iiaiii>'> ol' ui'iilli'iii,.|i \\i>liiiiu III A.M|. st'con.j.'d. '""' l';ill<»ir.| |,,r. 'I'lii-.'c I, lack iialls ptwrnl in- .iiliiii>>i..ii. All '■ntranct' I'rr ors;-,>:, is rc((uiivi| iVoiii all upuii admission. All asscssiuciits will Ik- reckon. mI ||,,iii Wal.' ol' h.'ini: ;.'azt'U("(|, ari.l will coiiiiniif lo \)L' levied niilil -zaz.'tled out. * Skc. I,. (H-nilemen uia\ 1m' upiKjintiMl U) ilic SuiicnuiuRr- Corii.s as supei-iiuintM-aries iii iiiiniher, on.- icj '''■'^'■'• '■ach Co.. who will he n-iuetled as vacancies uceiir. Thes ran hold ikj rank, and take no jMoilioii ofcoinniand. Th>'\ mav wi'ur an Ol- li;''i' iiiiilonii. Inil without a'n\ Bailyv (d' I'ank. 'I'h'\ will |ia\ till' UMial enlriince I'ee, iuit will "iil\ he I. 'V i.'d one hair of Ihe current assess- lllt'llts. M;<;. 1(S. A yi'ti.'ral inee(in;j ol Ollici-rs w ill -^''''''i"- "I' Imj hold >,/icr rrc/'i/ A mnnUis, at which cunvnl '*"'^^'-- l»usMi»'ss will l.o M'ttled and arraiiL^ed to dal.>. .\.sses--nicnts will be|,u\ableat these ineetin-s. Si-c. l:». The Finances ol' the iieginient will i"'''"i"^'c>. Ih- controlled hy a Comniillee coiisisliiiL,' ui' the l''i''l(i ()llicer.> and Caplains ol" Co."s who will name an executive Committee. Skc. -^O. The Colors will ivniain in the ciis- ^"'(Ji'^- l'idv (if till' M. -Colon,.! and ar^' to j.e used lor liuiliuii' liul mililai\ )>ui'jios,/s — ami al ail II'MmU m| Hi,. \,J!iil,'iil \,', . , • ■-■' """ " '" '"■ ':'"'■■'" ii''U^p;ii:.r. uiil„„il^,„.,.i,..| l'''',"""^'"" '"' •^" • '' ■•■'!" I"'i\'' "I lti"<;Hiii,,,,u,,|i,, , ni, . . iit^. .\.-. ' ' " :''l''i""l '"r ■nn lMilrrl,ii„in..,,l \-\ . ;,',:"'l',""''"f ;'";"•;'- a— i.i,.,, ni,;„. 7;.-; '"•■'v""";i"iii'NMiin.ii„.,,ii,„v,..i .1' --M'll llMl.' ,■""• :/■, \''"i'ii-.-'-"i„hiv I,,.,.. „|,.,, ,„, "■'"■ ""III Hir I',ir,,,|,. i. ,ilHIll^,M,| ''I' ■ -'. \v\. •II'' hill iip^nil 'T- II '■'"■'■ '■JIv'I' will rlllniT,. this Mil,. ■'I I'''""'"':'' "• '■i''iri"~"nMn.i ,., ,,!i,,., ,,,.,. !';.Ik III- .,)■