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Laa diagrammaa auivant* illuatrant ia mdthodo. 1 2 3 6 on maunioN mi cha U ond ISO nsT CHAKT No. 2) 1.0 I.I lis 120 R^l^i£ /IPPLED IM/Gg J'H) «i - OJoo - PM.L A REVIEW DF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE C, Gordon Hhwitt, D. Sc, F. R. S. C, DomioioQ I^ntomologitt, Ottawa, CaaadA. The Annual Address to the EntomoloKical Society of America, delivertd at Columbus, Ohio, on December L'yth, 11(15. &RPRINTSD FROM ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Volume IX, No. i, March, 1916 /"^ / Ct . / iy . A UVBW or AFPUSD BRTOMOLOOT IN TBB BSITISH By C. OouoK HlwilT, D. 8c., F. R. 8. C, Daminlon Bfltcmologist, Otum, C«iuid«. CONTBNTS. PACB I BritiihltlM , Imperiml Biutui d Batom o logy I l^laod ....'., 5 Scotiud !!!!!!!!!!!!,'!!!!!!!!' « Intead ? Africm -- 7 Union at Soath Africa 7 RhodMia * ia Britiah But Africa !....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i | Jj Sudan \ !!!!'.!*!'.! 14 Britiah Wnt Africa I!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!:: M Australia " u New South WalM iS Victoria "17 South Anitralia 17 Quccatland I7 Tamania Ig WartaniAnWralia u Northern Tetritory 18 [!1 18 W Ceykn Fiji .-. _ India ;;;;;;; 31 NewZealaad * 30 Britidi Wot IndiM !!!]]!!! 81 Other Imperial Entomological Work H The Amnal Addreu to the Bntomolofical Society of Anicn..a, delirend at Columbna, Ohio, on December Wth, WUt. A HHols Entomological Socitty of America (Vol. IX, In the ael^tion of the (ubject of my addreu I had u my main motive the bringing of the entomologists of this country into closer touch with a large body of entomologists who are studying an infinite variety of problems in those widespread territories of the earth's surface that together constitute the British Empire. This more intimate ac .wintance is desirable for many reasons, but I will refer only to two of them. Pint, our Society recently decided to extend its membership outside the confines of North America and as a result a number of British workers, which number I am confident will increase, have been included on our membership rolls; I wish to introduce these members and some of their problems to you Secondly, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the control of insect pests and the successful prosecution of entomological investiga- tion, be it along practical or purely scientific lines, must be along international lines. Our expenence, especially during recent years, has clearly demonstrated this fact, particularly in regard to the control of insects by thei' nctural enemies. Prom the time w.'ien Koebele visited Australia in 1885 and brought the now f 'mous CoccinetUd Norius cardinalis to save the citrus groves of California from destruction up to the recent world tour of Silvestri in search of parasites of the fniit- flies, we have had repeated instances of the incalcula' . ralue of international co-operation; but it would involve too great a digression to mention even the more important of thei^. In this line of investigation alone there lie immense possibilities which will be made more easy of realization to the benefit of all concerned by a more intimate knowledge of other workers and their problems in other parts of the W"r. become the Honorary Committee of Management on which committee the government entomolo- gists of the dominions are also members. The Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt, former Secretary of State for the Colonie is Chair- man of the Committee and Dr. Guy A. K. Marshal' Director of the Bureau and Editor of its journals. The functions of the Bureau are as follows: 1. The collection and co-o/dination of information concern- ing the noxious insects of the world so that any British country may learn by enquiry what insect pests it is likely to import from other countries and the best methods of preventing their introduction and spread. 2. The authoritative identification of insects of economic importance submitted by the officials of the Departments of Agriculture and Public Health throughout the Empire. 3. The publication monthly of the Review of Applied Entomology in which concise summaries or abstracts are given of all the current literature which has a practical bearing on the investigation and control of noxious insects. 4. The investigation of blood-sucking insects, particularly in Africa. At present all the field staf! are engaged in studying the bionomics of the various species of Glossina; the special object of their investigations is to endeavour to devise some practical means of reducing the numbers of or eradicating these lOMQ Entomoloty in the British Empire carrien of the different types of Trypanosomes. The men engage'* 'n this work are Mr. W. P. Piake and Dr. G. ,"). H. Carpen. , in Uganda, Dr. W. A. Lambom in Nyaialand and Dr. J. J. Simpeon in the Gold Coast. The work of the Bureau is wholly different from that of the United States Bureau of Entomology. Its primary function is that of an intelligence bureau, a clearing house for entomo- logical information, collecting such information for the use of the British countries supporting it. It has already accomplished a large amount of sefai work and has been of particular assistance to those isolated and scattered British territories where the entomologists and medical officers suffer from lack of museums, libraries and co-workers which they would wish to constUt. Intematioral as the scope of its survey .lecessarily is, it has already dei.ionstrated how valuable a similar Bureau properly constituted on international lines might prove. Entland. The British Government in the past has not maintained an official entomologist or entomological staff. The Board of Agriculture and Pisheries has been contrnt to retain the services of an outside entomologist to prepare replies to any entomological inquiries submitted to ic by farmers and others, and their leaflets have been chiefly the work of unofficial advisers. In the absence of an official entomological staff the investigation of insects affecting agriculture has been left in the hands of men such as Prof. P. V. Theobald of the South Eastern Agricultural College who is now making a much needed study of the British aphides and whose work on mos- quitoes is well known, Mr. C. Warbiurton of Cambridge, Prof. Newstead of Liverpool, Mr. W. E. Collinge, and others. It is perhaps difficult or. this continent to understand the underlying reason for the scant development of "official" entomology in England. But it must be pointed out thr'- agricultural conditions are entirely different in such old coun- tries where there is a more intensive system of farming, a consequent closer supervision of crops, cleaner cultivation and long developed systems of rotation. More especial'y, the comparative stability of the agricultural conditions has pro- duced a more perfect balance in all those natural conditions the disturbance of which in more lately developed countricii leaJ^ to an abnormal behaviour of the insects which are poten- tially . '>xious. These facts should, therefore, be borne in mind Annals Entomological Society of America [Vol. IX, in considering the apparent lack of any extensive development in applied entomology in the older European countries. In 1912 the Horticultural Branch of the Board of Agri- culture and Fisheries was established under the direction of Mr. A. G. L. Rogers. This branch has the administration of the Destructive Insects and Pests Act to carry out which legislation five trained inspectors are employed. Their work, however, is at present largely concerned with plant diseases. An ad- vance was made in 1913 when Mr. J. C. Fryer was appointed Entomologist to the Board. His work is primarily of an advisory character, advisory to the Board in regard to legisla- tion and to the public by means of letters or leaflets. He also studies epidemic pests and insects of unusual importance. For example, Mr. Fryer has begun a study of the species of Hypo- nomeuta the Ermine Moths, whose introduction into the State of New York afforded Mr. P. J. Parrott an opportunity of studying them in a new environment. The Narcissus Flies, Merodon equestris and Eumerus strigatus have also been studied. Mr. Fryer informs me that he is now studying Hylemyia coarc- tata a serious wheat pest in low-lying marshy districts. Capsid bugs, which cause similar injuries to fruit to those with which we are familiar in the northeastern region of North America, are also receiving attention. Entomological investigations are also conducted at certain of the universities by means of grants from a Government Development Commission Fund. It would appear to be the intention to foster the investigation of insect pests in recog- nised university departments rather than in a department of the government, a plan which has advantages and disadvant- ages which I will not discuss here. As a result there is a Depart- ment of Agricultural Entomology at the Unr rsity of Man- chester under Dr. A. D. Imms, and forest insects are studied at the University of Oxford. Prof. Maxwell Lefroy of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, has also been conducting investigations in applied entomology. Scotland. A few years ago a separate Board of Agricul- ture for Scotland was established and Dr. R. Stewart McDougall of the University of Edinburgh acts as Entomolo- gist to the Board. Dr. McDougall's work is largely concerned with forest insects but his work on the Sheep Maggot Flies, Lucilia spp., is well known. 1916] Entomology in the British Empire Ireland. Prof. G. H. Carpenter of the Royal College of Science, Dublin, acts as Entomologist to the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction of Ireland and publishes an annual report on economic entomology in the Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Prof. Carpenter's investigatory work during a number of years has been confined chiefly to the study of the Warble Flies, Hypoderma bans and H. lineata. Afbica. On no other continent in the world has the struggle between insect and man been so acute as on this immense area containing tropical and sub-tropical conditions, and nowhere has the insect been so victorious or so securely entrenched in regions offering every advantage to it and every obstacle to man. The mosquito has held the key to some of the richest regions of the earth's surface, the Tsetse fly has rendered extensive transportation impossible, and the tick, if one may be permitted to use entomology in its broad sense and include ticks, has kept the white man at bay and devastated his herds. But by slow degrees the power is passing from insect to man and nowhere is the conquest of such an adverse and powerful force of nature by patient effort illustrated more strikingly than in the gradual conquest, in the real sense, of Africa. The West Coast is no longer a "White man's grave," as it was formerly called, nagana and tick fevers are losing their original terrors and we should be unworthy of our traditions did we believe that sleeping sickness would always remain the scourge that experience has demonstrated it to be within recent years. The British territories in Africa are so situated that it has fallen to the lot of our investigators to contribute largely to this notable conquest, the history of which would constitute one of the finest examples of entomological achievement that we have. But to attempt to outline such a history would exceed the limits which must necessarily be set to this account of the manner in which the work is being carried on at the present time. The Union of South Africa. Prior to the formation of the Union of South Africa the four colonies. Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal and the Orange Free State, carried on their ento- mological work independently. Cape Colony which created a Division of Entomology with Mr. C. P. Lounsbury as Chief in 1895, was the most advanced. Following the union, Mr. Annals Enlomological Society of America [Vol. IX, Lounsbiuy was made Chief of the new Division of Entomology of the Union Department of Agriculture with headquarters at Pretoria. The work of this Division comprises, in addition to the dissemination of advice on insect problems and the carrying on of investigations, the administration of government regulations concerning (1) the suppression of locusts, (2) the inspection of nurseries (3) plant and fruit imports, and (4) restrictions on the conveyance of plants and fruit. At Pretoria Mr. Lounsbury has Mr. Claude Fuller, former Entomologist for Natal, as Assistant Chief and is also assisted by Mr. D. Gunn .^nd several inspectors. The following branch laboratories are also maintained: Capetown, with Mr. C. W. Mally in charge; Bloemfontein, Mr. J. C. Faure in charge of investiga- tions in the Orange River Colony; and New Hanover, Natal, with Mr. C. B. Hardenberg in charge. In addition to the staffs at these laboratories, plant inspectors are stationed at the following ports of entry for plants and fruit: Capetown, Johannesburg, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth. The agricidtural situation in South Africa is peculiar owing to the fact that agriculture is not yet the basic industry of the country. The greater part of the agricultural lands is devoted to live stock, and the cultivation of the land is proceeding gradually. Nevertheless, the climatic conditions are eminently suitable to the cultivation of deciduous and citrus fruits with the result that progress in this direction is being made. The development of a fruit-growing industry has naturally demanded a vigilant policy in the matter of preventing the introduction and spread of foreign fruit pests and the policy has been to restrict importations of nursery stock and to foster local nurseries. On this account nursery inspection constitutes the prominent feature of the work of the Division of Entomol- ogy. This work and the inspection of imported nursery stock and fruits and regulation of the transportation of home grown fruit is carried out under the Agricultural Pests Act of 1911. To retard the spread of the codling moth which was introduced into the country, apple, pear and quince fruits may not be transported into certain areas. Equally stringent measures were adopted to prevent the spread of San Jose scale {Aspidiotus pemiciosus). Undoubtedly the control of locusts constitutes one of the most serious problems in South Africa. Of the two species of migratory locusts the brown 1916] Entomology in the British Empire 9 locust PachytUus suUicoUis is more serious than Schistocerca peregrina. From the Kalahari Desert, in what has hitherto been called German South West Africa, which is the permanent habitat of the species, vast swarms migrate to Central and Eastern Cape Colony, Transvaal, Orange River Colony and Rhodesia and breed there. These swarms sometimes have a frontage of fifteen to twenty miles and a length of sixty to seventy miles and take several days to pass a given point. They devastate the veldt of all green food with serious results; in 1906 it was estimated that the locust damage in South Africa amounted to five million dollars. The control of these locusts is regulated by law. Farmers are required to report the laying of the eggs and the appearance of the young hoppers. They are also required to destroy the young hoppers and the govern- ment furnishes the poison. Arsenite of soda mixed with water and molasses or sugar is universally used and with success over large areas, the poison being usually applied by means of bucket pumps which are loaned to the farmers. This cam- paign necessitates the keeping in stock of a large store of prepared poison and a supply of pumps for any emergency. Notwithstanding the large amount of administrative work, the entomologists in South Africa have undertaken important lines of investigation. Mr. Lounsbury's work on ticks is well known and Mr. C. W. MaDy's name will always be remembered where poisoned baits for fruit-fli^ are used. Mr. Fuller has also contributed to our knowledge of the termites and Mr. Hardenberg has made extensive studies of the insects affecting the wattle. The tick problem is a very serious one in South Africa, several most important diseases of live stock being transmitted by these agents. Of these diseases East Coast Fever, due to the protozoan parasite Theileria parva, which is carried by several species of ticks of the genus Shipicephalus, is the most serious and has pUyed great havoc. In addition the disease included under the general term Piroplasmosis namely, bilary fever in hors^ and redwater in cattle, are serious adverse factors in the main type of agriculture followed in South Africa. Fortunately the Veterinary Branch of the Department of Agriculture has attacked the tick problem in a vigorous manner alimg well known lines, no little credit being due to the work of Dr. Arnold Theilfer. 10 Annals Entomological Society of America [Vol. IX, Rhodesia. The entomological problems of Rhodesia are not very dissimilar on the whole to those of South Africa, although there are certain lines of inquiry which are peculiar to this region. Mr. R. W. Jack, the Government Entomologist has his headquarters at Salisbury and is assisted by Mr. R. L. Thompson. Their work follows along the usual lines outlined in the case of South Africa. Under the " Imjjortation of Plants Regulations" and "Nurseries Ordinance" the Govern- ment prevents the introduction and spread of insect pests and plant diseases. Four ports of entry have been established, namely, Salisbury, Bulawayo, Umtali and Gwelo, at which fumigation houses are maintained. Nurseries must register and are inspected annually. The country is subject to locust plagues and native com- missioners, cattle inspectors and members of the British South African police are required to report with full details any swarms, for the control of which locust poison, spray pumps, etc., are kept on hand. The Government protects the chief bird enemies of the locust, such as the White Stork, Cattle Egret, Lesser Locust Bird and Wattled Starling. Much attention has been devoted by Mr. Jack to the study of Tse-tse flies and each year he devotes a portion of his time to travelling through the "fly" belts for the purpose of making bionomical investigations and delimiting the areas of these belts. Areas infested wich Ghssina morsitans are defined by government regulations and adjacent areas, or "open areas" are also defined in which the destruction of all game, with the exception of ostriches and certain game birds, is permitted. The results of Mr. Jack's investigations have been published in the Bulletin of Entomological Research. Other inveetigations are mainly concerned with pests of the more important crops, such as com (maize), citrus fruits and tobacco and with the pests of lesser cereals, field crops, vege- tables tOid stone fruits. The wide range of plants and trees cultivated on the high and low parts of the territory offer an unusual broad field for research. Tenebrionids are very common and have been studied and also pests of co.n (maize). A formidable problem is afforded by certain fruit-piercing moths belonging to the genera Maenas, Ophiusa, Achaea and Sphingomorpha, which severely injure practically all fruits. 1916] Entomology in the British Jmpire 11 The control measures are not specially peculiar, although where cheap coloured labour is available hand-picking may be more commonly used than in other countries dependent upon white labour. A long dry season enables advantage to be taken of clean cultivation. Owing to the fact that the country is being opened up by a keen class of agriculturists who are experimenting with new crops and are not bound by the hard and fast traditions of old farming communities, the entomologists are frequently consulted and co-operation in experimental work is readily secured. Uganda. In this rich tropical country offering great opportunities for entomological investigations, Mr. C. C. Gowdy carries on his work as Government Entomologist single-handed. The study of the Tse-tse fly problem is not carried on by the Department of Agricidture, but independently of this Department, as I shall show later. Mr. Gowdy is stationed at Kampala and the size of the country and meth- ods of travel, namely, by the use of porters, do not * Mmpirt U the Entomological Section. The Entomotogical Section ii part of the Technical Divisiao of the Miniitry of Agmcultore. The Consulting AgricuHuritt, Mr. G. C. Dudgeon, who ii alio an entomologist, is head of the Technical Division. The Director of the Entamoki«ioal Sectioii is Dr. Lewis H. Gough, who is assisted by Messrs. 0. Storey and E. W. Adair. In addition a staff of Egyptians voder Dr. Cough's direction has charge of the inspection and fumigation of imported plants, which are treated at the port of entry. The fumigation of citrus trees, with a view to controlling Aspidiahu amidum, which is a severe jnst of oranges in the Delta region, is carried on by the Government fumigation brigades. Among the tropical fruit pests may be «nentioned the pyralid moth EpIieaHli cauMla, which seriously injures dates in some sections, and the butterfly ViraoMa *Wo, which attacks pomegranites. In Egypt one meets in a striking manner the difficulties which confront the entomologist who has to deal in tropical countries with native agricultural taboners. These difficulties necessitate the control of insects, as far as possible, without the use of poisons or spray pomps. The waive agricultural labourer is very ignorant and very careless and cannot be entrusted with poisons y the Department of Trade and Cuitom. As the 'entomolo- gical work u carried on by the vaiiout States independently it must be so described. ATntr South WaUs. Agriculture is one of the principal industries of the Sute, the largest area being devoted to sheep graimg. Cereals, com, tobacco, deddmius and oitnu fruite and sugar cane are also grown succesafully. Consequently the range of insect pests encountered in the State is extensive The work of Mr. Walter W. Proggatt, the Covemment Ento^ mologist IS weU-known. While his sphere is New Soath Wales, he carries on extensive cortespondenoe with other paru of AusteaKa, with New Gmnea, Fiji and other islands of the Faafic. His experimental work is carried on at the various experiment Farms in the Sute and at ajnuU stotion at Narara experiments on the control of fruit flies, which constitute periiaps the worst insect pest on the continent, are conducted OiWng to the serious losses inflicted by various species of blow^ ftes of the genus CalUpkora on the sheep industry a special field station has been maintained for several seasons for the investigation of sheep maggot ilies. Under the State Vine and Vegetation diseases Act a large rtaff of inspectors is employed in different districts to see that the regulations concerning spraying, etc., are earned out Imported fresh and dried fruits, seeds, etc., are subject to inspec- faon and exported fruit is fumigated if required. An unusual toe of work consiste in the certification of freedom from the fowl tick (Argas persicae) of all the potdtry going out of the State. 19161 En hm t hgy in Ik* Britisk Bmpin 17 Under th» r .^tion of Dr. Prank Tidswell, D rector of the Ooverament Bureau of Microbiology, attention hai been pai. to inwcti concerned in the tranimiuion of diieaie par- ticuWIy by Dr. J. B. Cleland, the retultk of whow in eitigationi have been published in the Annual Reporti of the I>ureau. Victoria. Agriculture in the State is of a general character „ ■?•"•■'<'"■ "^■'>v»t'o«>. particularly in cereali. is increasing. Mr. C. Fre.ich, Jr., is responsible for th* ratomologic al work but little ^'.-k of an investigatory i' ' carried on. A large part of Mr Pre the administration of the Fruit a ordinances. South Australia. About two thirrf are fanned or grazed. The climate pert fruits, almonds and olives and there i; under vineyards. The entomological w. on by liie Horticultural Division of t h state Agriculture at Adelaide. Strict men iires a- prevent the introduction of the g.-ape pbylloxt , exotic insect pests by the usual mrthods of • Nursery inspectors are also employed to cam against the codling moth and scale in Tts itfci i Queensland. The State DeparTn.Knt of maintained an Entoi-iologist sine ml and Government Entomologist, Mr. enry frvi headquarters at Brisbane, is known to mo' The varied climatic conditions of the State '» of an extensive range of insect pests, atf.'. to the usual acricultural crops and fruits, such . a. mm suo- tropical crops as cotton, sugar, pineapples, f>M»„»», coconuts and coffee. Mr. Tryon has recently retumt- from a world's tour taken for the purpose of investigating .le methoJs by which the prickly pear may be destroyed. Much of the Entomologist's time is occupied in travelling about tht State Insects affecting sugar cane receive, perhaps, th< most attention a special field station for their investigation being maintained at Gordonvale, near Cairns. In the sugar-cane growing distnct Grub Pest Destruction Committees exist for the purpose of encouraging the destruction of sugar-cane insects par- ticularly the beetle Lepidoderma albokurtum. >er appeal to be rnie is d« ited to vsrsery- Insi- ction a. are of the State ■If grov ingof c 'rus nsideriabire acreage th^' Stati ^scam-^ IVpanmeia U cnr, loved to » a . of other 1 •«•§•■ 'ion, etc. "■■ a ^ampdign mt fnitt Vrr-. -ttJiBfe has je opened up if labour and meank of trmsport were procurable. An Entomologist has been maintained since 1898 and the present occupant of the position is Mr. J. L. Norman, with headquarters at Perth. An inspection service is main- tained for the supervision of imported vegetation and the nurseries in this State, and modem methods of dealing with insect pests affecting fnat are veiy generally followed. Northern Territory. Little work on economic insects has been carried out in the State owing no doubt to the '-ck o* agricultural development. But the Government Entomologist, Mr. Gerald F. Hill, who is stationed at Darwin, has made some valuable and interesting contributions to our knowledge of the Termites. Recently he has been studying the relation of blood-sucking flies to the transmission of parasitic nematode worms, and he will no doubt have excellent opportunities for urther work on veterinary and medical entomology. Canada. The interest in each other's work and the spirit of co-opera- tion that exists between Canada and the United States renders an enumeration of our entomological problems unnecessary, for owing to the fact that we share the same continei.tal area without any barrier greater than a parallel of latitude and a loiej Enlomoloty in Iht Brilith Empin 10 few riven and lake* we are compelled to experience many of your entomological troubles and to receive the generoua over- flow your hospitality to foreign invaden provides. But while we may have to study the control of the same insects that occur in the United States, it does not necessarily follow that our methods will be the same. In many cases the environmental conditions in Canada, particulnrly in the matter of climate, are different with a resultant difference in insect behaviour and therefore in control. Accordingly, in our entomological work we are taking nothing for granted, except where we are com- pelled, but we are working out our own problems dt novo. While appH'^'l entomology was officially recognised in Ctn- ada as early as 1856 it did not have its real birth until 1869, six years after the establishment of the Canadian Entomological Society, now the Entomological Society of Ontario by reason of a provincial grant and charter. The recognition and support of this Society by the Province of Ontario constituted the only official step in applied entomology until the appointment of Dr. James Fletcher by the Dominion Government in 1884 as Government Entomologist. The Dominion Experimental Farms were established in 1886 and to this Branch of the Department Dr. Fletcher was attached as Entomoloi,ist and Botanist until his death in 1908. A separate Division of Entomology of the Experimental Farms Branch was then created and I was entrusted with the organization on my appointment in 1939 as Dominion Entomologist. In 1910 the Destructi\3 Insect and P .nt Act was passed and in 1911 the first Dominion Field Laboratory was established; these two facts are indicative of the two chief lines of the Dominion work — administrative and investigatory — and the development of the work along these special lines led in 1914 to the separation of the entomological service from the Experimental Farms Branch and its elevation to the status of an independent Branch of the Department of Agriculture. The sanction of the Dominion Parliament to increased appropriations which are now ■.:iore in accord with the needs of the country is encouraging evidence of a desire to afford the means whereby the entomological service of the Dominion shall be in a better position to meet the requirements of the situation. 20 A nnals Entomological Society aj A merica [Vol. IX, We have now nine field laboratories and two sub-stations. The laboratory at Annapolis Royal, N. S., serves as head- quarters for the control work and bionomical studies of the brown-taU moth. Mr. G. E. Sanders, the officer in charge is also investigating the bud-moths and green-fruit worms of apple and their control and is conducting insecticidal investiga- tions. A sub-station is situated at Bridgetown, N. S., at present. A new and commodious laboratory building in Predericton, N. B., serves as headquarters for the work in New Brunswick of which Mr. J. D. TothiU and Mr. L. S. McLaine have charge! Mr. Tothill is in charge of the colonization of the parasites and predatory enemies of the brown-tail and gipsy moths which enemies, through the courteous co-operation of Dr. L. O Howard, Chief of the United States Bureau of Entomology, we are collecting and importing from the New England States. In addition Mr. Tothill is conducting an intensive study of the natural control of three of our widely spread and periodically destructive insects— the tent caterpillar {MaUuosoma disstria) the spruce budworm (Harmologa fumiferana) and the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea). It is our intention to continue this study over a number of years. The results secured during the past two or ;hree years have indicated the value and necessity of such an intensive study. Mr. McLaine has charge of the field work against the brown-tail moth in the winter on which a force of seventeen to twenty inspectors is engaged, and in the summer he is stationed with two assistants at the Gipsy Moth Laboratory, Melrose Highlands, Mass.. in connection with the breeding of the parasites of the brown-tail and gipsy moths. At a field laboratory situated at Hemm-ngford, Quebec a Uttle south of Montreal, Mr. C. E. Fetch is investigating the apple and plum curculios, and other insects affecting apple in connection with which experimental and demonstrative work on spraying is conducted in a number of orchards. Mr. Fetch has also been carrying on experiments for three seasons on the control of locusts by means of the Coccobacillus acridiorum. There are two Field Laboratories in Ontario. At Vineland in the Niagara fruit district, Mr. W. A. Ross is in charge of a laboratory where fruit insect investigations are mainly carried on. For four seasons Mr. Ross has been studying the control of the apple maggot (Rhagoklis pomonella). Two years ago M161 Ealomohgy in the British Empire 21 he commenced soi investigation of the aphids affecting apple: AlMs sorbi, A. pomi and A. axena, which are very injurious. OreeiAionse and mill-infesting insects are also studied at this taborattory. At a laboratory at Strathroy, Ont., in the western l»rt of the province, Mr. H. F. Hudson, who is at present on leave in Flanders, has investigated the chinch "bug (Blissus Uucopterus) and commenced a study of the white grubs ■(Lackmalema spp.) which investigation is being continued in his absence by Mr. J. R. Gareau. Our next Field Laboratory is situated at Treesbank in southern Manitoba and here Mr. Norman Criddle, whose work on locust control is well known, is investigating the bionomics and control of white grubs (Lachnostema spp.) and in this connection I should mention that this investigation is conqjle- mentary to that now being conducted by the United Ststtes Bateau of Entomology, the intention being to study these insects over the whdle range of their distribution in North America. The value of such co-operative inquiry is obvious to 'bB. In addition Mr. Criddle is investigating the insects affecting cereals and the results of his studies of the Hessian fly and the ii^ieat-stem sawfly have been recently published. The prairie region is also served by a laboratory at Leth- bridgein southern Alberta where Mr. E. H. Strickland has been devoting particular attention to a study of the various species of cutworms which are seriously injurious to grain and other crops periodically. For example, in 1912 Porosagratis orlho- ■gmia destroyed about 35,000 acres of wheat. Last year the Army Cutworm {Choritagrotis auxUiaris) was studied and con- tool measures were demonstrated in the field with valuable ■results. Mr. Strickland has also been investigatmg the abundant nematode fauna associated with growing grain. The headquarters for our work in British Columbia are at Agassiz in the lower valley of the Frazer River. Mr. R. C. Treheme, the oiScer in charge, has been investigating both fruit insects and insects affecting vegetable crops. The results of his study of the strawberry root weevil (Otiorynchus ovatus) were published some time ago and his investigations on the calbbage root maggots are now completed. In addition he has made valuable observations as a base for further study, on the wheat midge (Diplons ? tritici) and the budmoth of apple and other apple insects. 22 Annals Entomological Society of America [Vol. IX, At Vancouver, B. C, we have a laboratory for forest insect investigations. Mr. R. N. Chrystal, the field officer in charge, has been studying in particular the insects destroying conifers in Stanley Park, especially species of Chermes and one or two lepidopterous larvae. Under the direction of Mr. Swaine he has continued the letter's observations on the Scolytida and other timber destroying beetles in the province. All the work is directed from Ottawa wiere the offices of the Entomological Branch are situated. Mr. Arthur Gibson is Chief Assistant Entomologist and in addition to assisting in the regular executive work of the Branch and the administration of the provisions of the Destructive Insect and Pest Act, he has charge of the w-ik on insects affecting field crops, garden and greenhouse anu stored products. Mr. Gibson's work on the Noctuidae is well known and during the last few years he has been investigating chiefly the control of locusts and root maggots. Mr. J. M. Swaine is Assistant Entomologist in charge of Forest Insect Investigations. The extensive coni- ferous forests of Canada naturally offer great opportunities for such investigatory work and particular attention has been paid to serious and widespread injuries by Scolytid beetles in British Columbia. For a number of years Mr. Swaine has been making taxonomic and biological studies of the Scolytidae and we hope to commence the publication of the results of this study shortly. Our studies of the spruce budworm, exclusive of its natural control, have been completed and in addition much ground work has been accomplished in the study of insects affecting shade trees. Mr. Germain Beaulieu has charge of the collections and the recent establish' nent of a national collection of insects has enabled us to give this aspect of our work the recognition it deserves. The Dominion work of preventing the introduction and spread of injurious insects is carried on under the Destructive Insect and Pest Act, 1910. Under the Regulations of this Act the importation of all nursery stock, etc., is governed. Nursery stock may be imported only during certain periods through prescribed ports of entry at which fumigation and inspection stations are provided. Importers are required to give notice of the ordering and receipt of those classes of trees and plants subject to inspection. Quarantine regulations also prohibit 1916] Entomology in the British Empire 23 the importation of certain classes of nursery stock and vegetable products, for example, the importation of conifers and ever- greens from the New England States is prohibited on account of the gipsy troth, of potatoes from CaJifomia on account of the potato tuber moth (Phlhorimaea operculella), of non- canned fruit from the Hawaiian Islands on account of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). The field work against the brown-tail moth in Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick is also carried out under the regulations of this Act. Each winter the whole of the infested area in these two provinces is scouted and all the winter webs of the brown-tail moth are collected. This careful work has so far prevented the establish- ment of this insect in New Brunswick and has kept it from increasing beyond harmless proportions in Nova Scotia. xt would exceed the limits which must necessarily be set to an account of this nature if I permitted my enthusiasm to exceed my judgment and described further aspects of our work which are reported annually, although I am aware of t'ie humiliating fate that annual reports not infrequently suffer. Mention should be made of the valuable investigations that are being carried on at Agassiz, B. C, by Dr. Seymour Hadwen, Assistant Pathologist of the Health of Animals Branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, on the life histories of Hypoderma bonis and H. lineata, which are undoubt- edly the most important hitherto carried out. In certain of the provinces applied entomology has made encouraging progress, particularly during the last few years. In Ontario, in which province applied entomology in Canada had its birth, the Entomological Department of the Ontario Agri- cultural College at Guelph has always combined with its educational work the duty of assisting the farmers and fruit growers of the province in solving their problems and with this work and the earlier woik in Canada the name of Dr. C. J. S. Bethune will always be associated. In 1912, Mr. Lawson Caesar, who is Associate Professor of Entomology in the Agricultural College, was appointed Provincial Entomologist. In addition to the investigatory work on insects affecting fruit, Prof. Caesar has charge of the inspection of nurseries in Ontario, which work is carried out under the provincial Fruit Pest Act. Annab Bntomtipcdl Sooitly tf Jtmerica l\ ol. IX, Britirii Cotumbia st present has no Provir. .ial Eatoniologtet owing to the removal of Mr. W. fl. Brittahi, the occjpant of that positiciD for one year, to Nova Scotia. Mr. Thomas Cmmingham, the Provincial Inspector of Pruit Ants has charge of the wodc invoh'ed in administeriog the regolations of the Provincial Horticiiltaral Board governing the control of insect pests and plant diseases. It is largely due to his zeal that the province is so remoi&ably free from such orchard pests as the San Jose scale and codling moth. The inspection of toreign nursery stock is carried out by a co-(^)erative arrangement with tlbe Dominion Department of Agriculture. The Province of Nova Scotia appointed a Provincial Ento- mologist in 1912, Dr. R. Motheson being the first officer. He was succeeded in 1S13 by Prof. W. H. Brittoin, who is also Profesiior of Entomology in the provincial Agricultural College at Trui.>, N. S. In addition to administering the provincial injurious Insect and Pest Act, and his teachii^ duties. Prof. Brittoin has found time to initiate several important entomol- ogical inquiries. In particular may be mentioned investiga- tions on the aphids afiecting apple, the of^le maggot and Lygus iuvUus. For the purpose of prosecuting this work two proyinoial 'field laboratories have been provided, one at KentviUe N. S., «nd the other at Smith's Cove, N. S. All nursery stock entering the province is inspected and fumigated smd the Dominion Department of Agriculture has agreed to tlie inflec- tion and fumigation by tho province of foreign nursery stock. Since the establishment in the province of Quebec of the Macdonatd Agricultural College at St. Annes in 1907, Prof. W. JxMhhead and his staff have developed the study and practice of applied entomology in the province wid at the present time entomological investigations are lieing con- ducted tliere. Much educational work is being accomplished through the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants from Insect Pests and Fungous Diseases which receives a provincial grant. In 1912 the Abbe V. A. Huard, Curator of the Pro- vincial Museum at Quebec, was ^pointed Provincial Ento- mologist and he administers a prc>rincial act passed in 1913, providing for the inspection of nurseries in the province. In the other provinces of Canada, no provincial entomol- ogists have been appointed and where entomological investi- gations are being conducted they are in connection with one 1916] Entomoloty in the British Empire 2S or other of the Domini Field Laboratories that I have men- tioned. As the ne' ^r more work, particularly of a local character, develops, additional attention will no doubt be paid by the Provincial Departments of Agriculture to applied ento- mology. In the meantime they rely on the assistance provided by the Dominion Government. Where Dominion and pro- vincial officers are carrying on investigations in the same province, the heartiest co-operation is enjoyed and arrange- ments are made witl' a view to preventing duplication of the work and consequent loss of energy. In certain cases investiga- tions are conducted conjointly and this spirit of co-operation is most valuable, particularly in its relation to the attitude of the public towards the work. Ceylon. Fc a number of years Mr. E. E. Green, who is widely known by his work on the Scale Insects, was Government Entomol- ogist to the Department of Agriculture of Ceylon and subse- quent to his relinquishing the position in 1911, entomological work on this island was carried on by Mr. A. Rutherford whose recent untimely death was a great loss to colonial entomology. Mr. E. R. Speyer is now in Ceylon investigating the most serious insect pest of the island, namely, the shot-hole borer of tea XyU^yorus fornicatus. Tea is also injured by the tea Tortrix, Capua cojfearia, the yellow tea mite, Tarsonemas translucens, and the Termite, Caiotermes mUitaris, which hollows out the stems of living tea bushes. Rubber in Ceylon is attacked by a number of insects, particularly root and other borers. Cocoa, rice and mulberry plants are subject to the attacks of a number of pests. Various species of Termites are injurious to woodwork as in most tropic^ countries where they occur. Fiji. When Mr. P. P. Jepson commenced his work as Entomol- ogist to the Department of Agricultuze of Fiji in 1909i he fotmd serious problems aw^ting his attention, particularly in the matter of insects, affecting bananas, and cocoanuts. On the island of Viti Levu cocoanut cultivation was practically abaa- doned many years ago, owing to the injury done to^ the leaves by a small moth Lemtana iridescens B. B. Since 1912' a change S6 ^""olt Entomohgicol Society of America [Vol. IX, has taken place which renders the chances of combatting the insect successfully more • opeful. The most serious pest of the bananas m Fiji is the weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germ • a' many as 100,000 individuals having been collected in one month on a single plantation. This widely dist but«d pest was mtroduced in 1901. As enemies in the form i predacious beetle larva occur in Java and Dutch Borneo, and in view of the impossibility of controlling the pest by artificial means Mr. Jepson visited Java in 1913 to studv the insect predators of this weevil and among them he found the Histerid beetle Plastus javanus Er., the most effective. Five thousand of these beetles were collected and three thousand seven hundred and nmety-two were successfully transported to Fiji where they were distributed in lots of 500 upon different badly infested banana plantations. Subsequent visits showed that the beetles were alive and repioducing after four months in the country and good results are expected from this interesting experiment which indicates the progressive character of Mr. Jepson's work. India. ^ "The control of insect pests in India is a subject of singular interest, not so much on account of the unusual nature of the insects which are encountered there but owing chiLliy to the character of the cultivators, the nature of the country and the climatic conditions. Agriculture constitutes at present the chief mdustry of the country and about sixty-five per cent, of the people are dependent upon it as a means of livelihood The European planter is practically negUgible as a constituent factor, the dominant class being the cultivators. These are native Indians who Uve on the land and have had a very limited education. In many cases they have inherited a perfect system of agnculture. But in the face of an insect outbreak their preconceived notions of such calamities, their aversion to taking hfe directly and their lack of any kind of material equipment for fightmg pests make the appUcation of modem methods of msect control almost an impossibility. Prof. Maxwell Lefroy who did valuable work of a fundamental character in India, has described some of the prevalent ideas, he says: "An inteUigent cultivator growing sugar-cane under irrigation on an extremely sound system with good manure, beUeves the cane-borer comes with the weU-water used for irrigation." He has no conception loia] Entomology in the British Empire 27 of its life history but he regards the whole thing as a mystery, not comparable with the life of any other animal; he will, as likely as not, call in a priest to check it; the priest will perhaps write four texts from holy writings, place them one at each comer of the field to confine the evil influence and then remove one to let out the influence which the texts have incommoded. Or, he will pay a man of a certain caste to plough a line across the field at night, the man having to be stark naked. In some pwts locusts are believed to be the incarnation of a particular deity and for each one killed a hundred will come; it is quite likely that this has occurred, of which a few were killed being followed later by a much larger swarm, but where we see no connection, he sees a definite sequence of events. A case came up where a man freed his rice field of a pest by a simple mechan- ical method; his crop benefited but soon after his cow died, and to that village the one was a consequence of the other. It is difficult for entomologists in countries such as ours to realize the almost impossible task of overcoming such long inherited and deeply ingrainod instincts and religious beliefs. These facts should be borne in mind in studying the methods employed. The use of insecticides is naturally enormously restricted as also is the employment of any but the simplest of mechanical devices. Largely for these reasons we find the necessity of resorting to such methods as the use of bait traps for moths and hand picking, the latter being rendered possible by the cheapness of the labor. The losses from insects in so large a country are naturally great and in many instances the failure to grow staple crops in certain regions is undoubtedly due to an inherited tradition, resulting from uncontrolled insect outbreaks, that such crops cannot be grown. An outbreak of the cotton boll worm in the Punjab and Sind in 1906-07 caused a loss of about 2,000,000 pounds sterling. In the locust campaign of 1903-04, 14,000 pounds sterling was spent in destroying these insects in one province. The great Kirman Desert of Persia constitutes the chief central breeding place for the parent flights of 5. pereg- rinum, entering India from the northwest. In ord'jr to understand the organization of the work in applied entomology it is necessary to know the system of government. The government of India is the supreme authority, 28 Annah Entomclotical Society itf Amtrica (Vol. IX, the provinces into which the country is divided being under provincial departments such as Madras, Bombay, Central Province, Bengal, etc. The Imperial Department of Agricul- ture conducts investigations and advises and directs the work of the provincial departments. The latter largely carry into effect the recommendations of the Imperial experts as they do not all employ experts of their own, although a number of them now have native or European entomologists attached to their agricultural staffs. The headquarters of the Imperial Entomologist are at the Imperial Research Laboratories at Pusa. Mr. T. Bainbrigge Fletcher is Imperial Entomologist and Mr. T. M. Howlett has chiirge of the worV in medical and veterinary entomology. In addition to English assistants there is an excellent native staff. The scope of the work includes the investigation of the life histories and bionomics of insect pests and the most practicable methods of control under local conditions and experimental work with insecticides. An important section of the entomological work has reference- to useful or productive insects particularly sericulture and the- production of lac. These constitute important industries in certain s^tions of India. For example, about three million pounds worth of lac is produced annually and: whenas at present it is mainly a forest product, collected' wild in the jungles, the entomologists have shown how it can be ptodttced. more cheaply by proper cultivation on trees fpnwino Jn pastures and wajite lands in agricultural tracts. Prof. Lefroy's work on Eri silU, t'^xluced by AUacus ricini of Assam,, fumidied ai mear.s whereby a new silk industry taigjiit be- built up in certwa localities in India. Among the more important pests the following may b» mentioned : In certain regions swarms of hairy caterpiUars, t*e larve of Arctiid moths, appear regtdhr';- after t*je first rain and causb great loss ia grass lands, etc. it has been found that these insects can be largely controlled> by capturing^ the adtalt moths in bait traps of the Andles-Maire- pattern. In one region in Bengal about lOiOOO acres of Tal land was destroyed annually for fifteen years by caterpillars of Agretis. ypaibm. Xt was fotmd that hand picking of the larva and captuse of the 1910] Enhmohty in lit British Empirt mothi by bait tnpi conitituted the best control meuuiet. In tiw bait trap! eighty per cent, of the moths were unfertilized females. Serious damage to the rice crop is caused by the rice grasshopper {Hierotlypkus furdfer). For the control of this insect ioarse bags are used, the bags being kept open by two bamboos as they are drawn through the rice which of course is grown in water; two beaters go before the bag and drive the grasshoppers towards or with it. Cotton is attacked by two boll-wonns and a Gelechia; the boU-worm is a serious bar to the growth in India of any but the short stapled cottons which mature rapidly and offer little scope for boU-worm injury. In the control of the boll-worm in the Punjab, success appears to have attended the use of parasites. The immense loss of life due to insect-borne diseases, espe- cially to malaria in India is well known and the importance of the work carried out by Mr. Howlett in conjunction with the Imperial Medical and Veterinary Departments needs no emphasizing. Entomologists and medical men in India have had no small share in the advancement of our knowledge of medical entomology from the time when Ross carried out his crucial investigations up to the present time and the standard and scope of the work in India is steadily increasing year by year through the labors of men such as Dr. W. S. Patton, F. W. Cragg and others. The condition of India in regard to that problem, which is of such vital concern to more temperate regions and regions in which agricultural development is taking place, such as the United States and Canada, namely, the introduction and estab- lishment of foreign insect pests is peculiar and full of interest from a biological standpoint. The fact that India has not taken in years past any special steps to prevent the introduction of insect pests may appear strange to the minds of many accustomed to the necessity of such measures. The omission is not due to a failure to appreciate the importance of foreign pests, but to a distinct failure on the part of foreign pests to become acclimatised to Indian conditions. India appears to be protected far more effectively, and a' -insiderably less cost, against foreign insect pests by her clima„e and topographical features. It is an isolated country bounded on the north by a vast non-agricultural territory from which it is separated by a f so Annalt Enlomehtical Society if Amtrica (Vol. IX, formidable mountain barrier. Prof. Lefroy informi ui that in India fierce dry heat ia the iniect'i enemy and the grcattst check on insect life is that period before the rains when all is parched and very hot. These are powerful adverse factors to roost foreign insects, although some, such as the cabbage white (Pirns bnutiea) and the wheat aphis (ToxopUra fraim'iiiim) have adapted themselves in different ways to the climatic conditions. A statement which Prof. Lefroy has given of the relative proportions of native and introduced insects indicates very clearly the evident check on ; he ability of foreign insects to become acclimatised to India. Of the crop pests, exclusive of scale insects and mealy bugs, out of 213 species injurious in some degree, two moths and six aphides are possible intro- ductions. Out of 109 scale insects, 24 are probably introduced and of the most injurious ones, eleven out of the fourteen, are introduced; the introduced scale insects are comparatively harmless as a rule in India. These facts afford an interesting contrast to our experience in North America. New Zealand. The chief agricultural industry in New Zealand has been sheep farming. But with development along other lines, par- ticularly in horticulture, the country has suffered the fate of all new countries dependent upon the importation of plants from foreign countries, and foreign pests have been introduced. At first these pests were not subjected to the methods that a later developed intensive system of agriculture involves and consequently they made some headway. While the entomological work of the government is largely undertaken by the Government Biologist, Prof. T. W. Kirk, the question of the control of insect pests is also dealt with by the Fields and Experimental Farms Division and by the Orchards, Garden and Apiaries Division. The latter Division administers the inspection laws, involving the fumigation and inspection of imported fruits and plants and the spreading of useful insects. The Biological Section of the Department of Agriculture inves- tigates, so far as its other duties permit, injurious insects in addition to conducting general identification work. 1016) Eniomelety in the Britiik Etnpirt SI British West Indies. In 1898 the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the Weat Indies wai eatabliihed with headquarters at Barbados for the purpose of rendering assistance in agricultural matters throughout the British West Indies, including British Guiana, Trinidad, Jamaica, British Honduras, Bahamas, Bermuda, Barbados, the Windward Islands and the Leeward Islands. It is principally concerned, however, with the smaller islands, namely, those of the Windward and Leeward groups and Bar- bados. As the larger colonies British Guiana, Trinidad end Jamaica have organized departments of agriculture and being in a more prosperous condition, it is the function of the Imperial Department to advise the Government of these colonies. In the case of British Honduras, Bahamas and Bermuda, advice by correspondence is fully available. Mr. H. A. Ballou succeeded Mr. H. M. Lefroy in 1903 as Entomologist on the staff of the Imperial Department and he carries on his work under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Dr. Francis Watts. In addition to the entomo- logical work conducted by the Imperial Department, certain of the West Indian colonies maintain entomologists or combine the work with that on plant diseases. Mr. F. W. Urich is Ento- mologist to the Board of Agriculture for Trinidad and Tobago; Mr. G. E. Bodkin, as Economic Entomologist to the Depart- ment of Science and Agriculture of British Guiana, is responsible for the entomological work in that colony. Mr. A. H. Ritchie was appointed about a year ago as Entomologist to the Depart- ment of Agriculture for Jamaica. In Barbados the entomo- logical work of the island is carried on by Mr. ]. S. Dash, the Assistant Superintendent of the local Department of Agriculture, for although the Imperial Department of Agriculture has its headquarters in Barbados it has no direct connection with the agriculture of the colony. The Entomologist of the Imperial Department of Agriculture Mr. Ballou, is directly concerned with the insect problems of the Windward Islands (Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia) and the Leeward Islands (Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis and the Virgin Islands). He has a laboratory in the departmental building and on each island facilities for field work are provided by the local agricultural departments, each AmnaU EnlomcUtUal Sueiily aj AnuHea (Vol. IX, cl which ha* a botanic garden or experiment itaticn, and lh« oAcen in charge of theie gardens or itationi auiti in the local entomdogical work. The chief liniw of entomological inveitiagtion are auodated with the principal cropt grown on the iilandt, namely, iugar cane, cotton, cacao, limei and cocoanuti. A large number of new cropt are being tried and thet will naturally introduce new liuet of entomological inquiry, liie islandi have suffered the fate of all new regions into which new crops have been intro- duced. The crop* grown at present are praccically the same ai they were ten years ago, the principal difference being the standing of the cotton industry which was then in an experi- mental stage. Now it has been established as a profitable industry and as a result of the rapid increase in the acreage of cotton, insects which previously were not recognized as pests, and in some cases were unknown to science, have assumed an important role as serious pests. For example, the flower-bud maggot of cotton (Contarinia gossypii Felt) first made its appearance in Antigua in 1907; the leaf blister mite Eriophyes tfusypii Banks, first occurred as a pest of cultivated cotton in Montserrat in 1903 and soon afterwards was found in all the other islands of the Leeward and Windward groups. The black scale (Saissetia nigra Nietn.) was formerly a serious pest of cotton, but at present it attracts little attention owing to the control brought about by the parasite (Zalopholhrix miruM) which was first reared in 1907. Important injuries are caused by certain hemipterous cotton stainers of the genus Dysdercus, and a serious internal boll disease or rot now under investiga- tion, occurring in certain islands appears to be associated with the attacks of these cotton stainers. One of the most serious classes of injurious insects occurring in the West Indies, particularly in fields of sugar cane and com (maize), are the Melolonthid larva known as white grubs on this Continent; these insects are popularly known as hard backs on the islands, the chief species being Ligyrus tumuhsus. On certain of the islands recent investigation has shown that a noticeable control is exercised by several insect parasites of these larvte. Among the control measures recommended are the planting of trap crops and hand picking the larvte which measure cheap juvenile labor renders possible. Lepidopterous 1918] Enlcmolcty in tkt Brilith Empire S3 and rhyncophorout boren, pitrticuUrly auch root borer* ai Diaprepti ahbrttialus L. and Exophlkalmut eturiens are lerioui peiU of lugar cane. Termitei are also injurioui to lugar cane. Citrui treei in the Weit Indie* have their full *hare of icale in*ect(, the purple acale (Upidotapkei htckii Newm.) being the moit important. A conriderable degree of control i* exerdied over thi* and other *cale iniect* by certain entomophagou* fungi. The red-headed fungu* (Spharoslilbe coccophUa) and the white headed fungut lOphUmKlria coccicola) attack the purple *cale, the former fungua also attacks the white fly (Aleyrodes cUri R. and H.) The green *cale (Coccus viridis Green) is con- trolled to a markrd degree by the shield scale fungua (Cepkalo- iporium lecanii). In Trinidad the fungus Melarrhitium ani- sopla has been artificially cultivated and used with a view to controlling frog-hoppera attacking sugar cane. Naturally every effort is made to prevent the introduction of foreign pests into the islands by quarantine regulations. The regulations of the various plant quarantine acts are carried out by the local agricultural officers in the varioua islands; these officers are required to inspect plant imports and to arrange for the necessary fumigation and other prescribed treatment. Much of the entomologist's time is occupied in traveling, owing to the geographical situation of the islands of the Lesser Antilles and the difficulties of steamboat travel which result in an unfortunate loss of time. Nevertheless, the pages of the Wtst Indian BulUlin, the quarterly journal of the Imperial Department of Agriculture and its fortnightly publication, The AtricuUural Nevis, and the pamphlets that have been issued dealing with the insect pests of various crops bear witness to the excellent work that is accomplished by the Entomologist in spite of the difficulties with which he has to contend. And the same may be said of those who are responsible for entomological work in the individual West Indian colonies that I have mentioned. Other Imperial Entomouxsical Work. Space forbids an individual treatment of the entomological work that is being carried out in scattered units of the British Empire to which reference has not been made. In many of these places the investigations that are being conducted relate 34 Annals Entomological Society of America [Vol. IX, chiefly to insects and ticks concerned in the transmission of disease such as those of Dr. W. M. Aders on ticks in Zanzibar. In the Seychelles entomological observations are being made by Mr. P. R. Dupont, the Curator of the Botarii :' Station; in the Federated Malay States Mr. C. Strickla. J is studying ::osqui- toes and malaria, and other entomologies work, particjlarly on locusts, is also being carried on by Mr. C. B. Holmaa i unt and Mr. P. B. Richards. M. D'Emmerez de Ci.ur::-._.ny is paying attention to the insects of Mauritius, and in Cyprus the ento- mological work is conducted by Mr. Z. G. Solomides, who is called upon to deal with the locust plagues to which this island is subject. r The Annals op thb Entomological Socistt o* America, poblished quarterly, March, June, September and December. ;V-t The regular annual subactiption price for the AiiXAts ia. in the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, Rkwaii and Mexico, $3.00; Canada; $3.50 ; other countries, $4.00. Ctaeclos, drafts or money orders e bould be drawn payable to Annau Entomolooicai. socitor OF Ahb' ica, and addressed to Hekbbkt Osbokk, Uui^^;iiig Sditor, State University, Columbus, Ohio, U. S. A." ' ,, ,' ' ;-^fVt!.::;.j'-.rf, ,*, /j;.'..r ::0 - ■ • i" L ; l:d^ '^;pM-)^:l%i^ii::