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Lee diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 >•* OF Mi'^ fT*j - .« HUD At THE MERtmANtls COFFEM^mmM^S ^ 'ji M twy\ ■Mwwtii AT THE rv . i ? -re-ff^ ti t«t lii I^RIMTJ^I^C :--jli- f /.*■"' .'-^^?iife.».»^L^ .':'■■■■ .' .t^J^H^I' ' IP 1 me dar firfl P. » the ^Ule«t and WeguIatfoM, &c &c. WE the Juhfcribing members, for the mM^ tual fupport, help and comfort of each other in ficknefs, lamenefs, hlindnefs, or the infirmities of age-, agree to /np^ port the fame by equal contributions, for the feveral purpofes herein fpecified, and fubje^ to the following rules and regula^ dons. I. THAT this fociety fliaU notconfift of more than fifiy members, to meet the firft Wednesday in each calen- dar monthj from the firft of May to the firft of September, at the hour of feven P. M. and from the firft of September to the firft of May follpwing, at the hour of 'JS P, M. II. THAT every member of this fodety ifaaU pay unto the trcafury, two JhiUings As ^ ^ I RULES AND and fix-pcnce currency, on the firft JVed^ nejday in tvety months and fiJI-p<^hfee Cur- rency to defray the expences of the night: All payments, fines and forfeitures, fhall be paid to the trcafury at evety quarterly ftieetlng, before the b )oks ai*e ctofcd, which fhall be at the hour of nifte in the eight winter months, and t«n P. u. the four fummcr months j any rhembtf fo hegleftiftgi fhall forfeit two lhifi%^ eur- rcikyj and if he do riot pay the i^me on the firft meeting after the faid quar- terly night, to forfeit 'Chf re Ihillings: the Secretary then fhall fend him notice in writing, and if not paid, then, with all fines drid fdffeitvfre^; th^ next meet|hg hight aft^r fuch written notice, to be ex- cltided. f he aforefaid quarterly meet- iiigs jftiall be il#ays feeld on the following days: tiz. thfc firll Wednesday in the iriohtK^ of j\%> Auguft^ November and Tehridt^: in. THAT every member who ful^ribes Ws mme to thcfo rules an4 regulatfensi for fee Cur- night: i, fhall lartcrljr Glofed, in the ivt. the h^t fo p etar- 1 i^me ;s: the tice in ith aU leet^g be eix- meet- lowing in the ?r and . icribes atfensi for R E G U L A T I O N S, &c. * for the eftablilhmen^of the fociety, (hall pay to the treafury the fuftn of one pound* three fhillings and four-pence cyrreneyi for the purpofe of raifing a fond for the faid fociety j exclufive of his monthly payments; and no member Ihall be enti- tled to any benefit whaterer, until tht expiration of twelve calendar months. IV. ^ THAT ^very member who ffiall be admitted after the firft Wcdnefday in Mayi fhall pay \into the treafury the funt of one pound, three fhillings and four- pence currency, for his admiflion; or, any othef fum the fociety may hereafter agree X)p6n, and fhall not be free until the expiration of twelve calendar moiith» from the time of his admifTion, the flid fom to be paid on the ni^Iit of his fac- ing propofed. Should, previous to tht' expiration of twelve months, any perfbn. wifh to joih the fociety during that time, he being in found health of body, re- quefling the indulgence to p^icipatii with us, tht eltablifhmcnt of the fociety ; on 1 mmm H UL E S AND P I i i ! on his paying equal proportion with the firft founders. IhaU be entitled to receive the fame benefits. , ■ V. Vue-Prtftdent, 'Treafurer, Secretary and Steward, who IhaU be chofen by a ma- jonty of the members prefcnt at the an- 71 JT'!!'"/^ if ^y member when elcaed refiifes to ferve any of the above offices, ihall pay the foUowing fines, viz. Prefident 5s. Vice-Prefident as. & 6d Treafurer 5s. Secretary ,os. Steward los. and then proceed to a frelh eleftion, fub- jeft to the fame fines. untU fome will ferve: butif anyof the officers who ferved laft be immediately rechofen, and it fhaU not be agreeable for them to ferve, they fhaJl not be fubjeft to any fine, and the focicty fliall proceed to a new eleftion. VI. THAT if the Prefident ihall not come, or fend the key to the fociety by eight o'clock in the fummer, or feven in ith the receive efident^ > and a'ma- he an- when above , viz. ^ 6d. I lOS. ► fub- 5 will Jrved fhall they the n. not »^by n in thf R E G U L A T I O N S, &c. 7 the winter, he fhall be fubjed to the fine of 5s. and alfo, that the Prefidcnt, (hall give notice to the Vice-Prefident, at Icaft, fix hours before the time, if he cannot attend. If neither the Prefident or Vicc- Prefident attend, then, the members pre- fcnt, fhall proceed to eled feme member then prefent, to be Prefident for that night i and if the Vice-Prefident, doth hot attend after fuch notice from the Pre- fident, he fhall be fined as. & 6d. V|I. THAT if any member ferving the office of Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Trea- furer. Secretary, or Steward fliall depute any other member to officiate for him, then the faid Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Treafurer, Secretary, or Steward fhaU not be fubjedt to any fine, provided die keys be fent, and the fociety's bufmefs not impeded by their neglea ^ and who- ever officiates for the Treafurer, Secre- tary, or Steward mufl bring their pro- per reports fi-om the fick members, or the^ (aid Treafurer, Secretary, or Steward to beiubjea; to the full fine,. VIII. I ft <^ «■ • t " R U L E S AND , VIII. That when tlic fociety hath fubfift- ed twelve calendar nionths, no mem- ber fliall be elefted to ferve any of the I. , offices, or hold ftock, but fuch as are . ^ free members. 1- f *■ • ■ ' ■ IX • ' ALL perfons jntemling to become ! members of this fociety fh?U be propofcd . on a meeting night by a member, who i fliaU declare to the Prefident, that the perfon nominated is ? man of credit and reputation, and is in a vifiblcway of get- ing his living. The perfon fo propofed (hall declare himfelf in perfeft healtli, and IhaU pay down fuch fum or fums of mo- ney to the treafury, as is at the time of his, bf ing propped the then fixed fum of admiffionj and the Steward previous to the next night of meeting ftaU make a ftna and particular enquiry into his cha- rafter and morals, and make a faithfol report to the fociety, the next meeting night. If the candidate be approved of,. he fhall be admitted on paying as above! and V f » -**'#■'.- h fubfift. o mem- Y of the K as are become ^ropofcd Br, who that the edit and of get- ropofed 1th, and of mo- time of fum of ious to make a lis cha- faithfiil leeting v^ed ofi. above, and R E G U L A T I O N S, &c. 9 and if not approved of, the money to be . returned: but if he be accepted, and fhall after that decline his intention of becoming a member, then the faid fum, or fums to be forfeited to the treafury. . X. IF any free member fhall be ren- dered incapable by ficknefs, lamenefs, blindnefs, or infirmities of age, of fol- lowing his trade, or employment, up- on his giving notice in writing to the Treafurer, Secretary, or Steward, who fhall be obliged to fend within 24 hours to the Prefident or Vice-Prefident, (whofe names and place of abode Ihall be always left at the place of meeting) or in default of fb fending to forfeit to the treafury 5s. The faid fick member fhall receive the fum of 15s. currency per week from the treafury, during the time of his illnefs, unlefs it continues above twelve weeks, then to receive 7s. & 6d. currency, as long as the faid illnefs fhall continue : and in the notice, he fhall give B an 10 RULES AND an account of his diforder i„ the bcft «nd.fK/h^ be thought ncccflanr by the Trcafurer, Secretary, or Steward for the "mc being, that a phyfician or furgeon ftall be caHed in. diat, t^.en with the confent of the officers, the Steward be •nvefted with power to fend a phyfician or furgeon to vifu the faid member, and that the Steward Ihall pay the phyfician or furgeo.1 for fuch vifit, and 'that the phydcian, or llirgeon report the fame to tlie^Treafurer; that the faid fum may be paid the Steward out of the treafurv. In order to preverr i„.pof.tions on the fociety. relative to fjch member, it is agreed and refolved that any member declaring on the treafury. agreeable to « fhall appear afterwards in the judg- ment of the furgeon, or apothecaiy, toge- ther wid, that of a phyfician, that they do not think him intitled to the weekly benefit of die treafury, dia., then in fuch cafe, the faid member fhaU be forever N. B. ^ : ^ i the bcft ^ for him ; ^^rj by the •d for the ' Turgeon with the Jward be phyfician ber, and phyfician that the fame to 1 may be treafury. J on the '!•> it is member *able to ^c. and e judg^ ^ toge- at they weekly in fuch forever N. B. REGULATIONS, &c. ii N. B. If any member be afflided with the venereal difeafe, he (hall not be inti- tied to receive any weekly money during his iilnefs, occafioned by fuch diforder. But his widow or children fhall not be excluded the benefit of the treafury, in cafe he fhould die by fuch diforder. And alfo it is further agreed, that each mem- ber notwithftanding his iilnefs, (hall con- ftandy pay his monthly money into the treafury as if in Iiealth, XL IF at any timp ^ny member (hould be on a journey exceeding four miles from the place of meeting, and be afflidled with ficknefs, lamenefs, or blindnefs, up- on a certificate, figned by the phyfician, furgeon, or apothecary attending him, and by the curate, capt. of militia, or juflice of peace, where he (hall be fo af. fli(5led, the faid certificate b.eing fent to the Prefident, Treafurer, Secretary, or Steward, once in every four wreeks,. (hall be intitied to the benefit < as though in town. B 2 the treafury, XII. Ri'i 13 RULES XII. AND THAT i£any mcmbe,- after receiving 15s. per week, for ren or eleven we k! fury, f he was fick at the fame time of declaring ofF the treafury, and byZ means he fraudulently intended to impofc -^ the focety, he fhaU be forever excL- XIII. ANY member declaring on the trca ' fury. ihaU be vifited by d>e Tre2Tr Secretary, and Steward, or either t.o!f them immediately on his renorf .^- of which they Ihall io'nrr; "'"^ treafurv th. r " J"'""^ ^^rfeit to the treaiur> the fum of 5s. and he ftall be vifited by them in turns at leaft once a daydunnghisillnefs, and that they leave a nonce m writing with the fick mJmber of the day and hour of fuch vifit, anJ mee W ft ^"'^^ '' '^' monthly meet .g, ftau ^^,,, ^, ^^^^ J to d^foeiety for their information, if «i«r liberal and laudable .%,..„.:._ _ ? sn JD fr receiving even weeks of the trea- 'irie time of ^rf by that to impofe er exclud- i the trca- Freafurer, ler two of ► omitting 'eit to the e fhall be ft once a ^ey leave nember, ifit, and monthly notices tion, if cable to in F E G U L A T I O N S, &c. 13 in omitting the fame they ill be fined 5s. and when any member ill declare off the treafury, the fame ihall be done in writing and fent to the Treafurer, Secretary, or Steward, to the following cffe6l : t/ aec/tzre off onu ovdeklif ^numtu ft Mentioning the time of his faid de- daring off. XIV. And if any member fhall be found working at his trade or calling, while he doth receive the benefit of the treafury, and fhall not have declared off, he fhall be excluded. Neverthelefs diis articte does not mean to exclude a member from giving diredions to his fervants, or writ- ing a receipt, provided the Trealiarer, Secretary and Steward deem him inca- Dable of "Wnrlrinnr ,^ mould die, and the treafi- not in noff/. mon ot lool flock at Ac fame time, in fuch REGULATIONS, &c. 15 fuch cafe, each member fliall immediate- ly pay a proportion to make' up the fom of ten pounds, to be paid to the widpw, or children of faid deceafed mem beri if requefted or demanded. Any member dying inteftate, having nei- ther wife nor children, his claim on the treafury to be confidered as a legacy left to the fociety, except in refped to. the funeral allowance. XVII. THAT upon the mifbehaviour of any member, or nciembers on a meeting night, by challenging to fight, or game, by of. fering wagers, party difputes, obfeene difcourfe, oaths or drunkenncfs, for tvery fuch offence, {hall be fined is. and not being filent when three times demanded by the Prefident, or prefiding officer, he or they fo mifbehaving ibaU forfeit 2s. & 6ds. each, and upon my further mif^ behaviour the fame evening, the faid member or members fhali quit the room at the requefl of the Freiidnt or prefid- ing officer, or forfeit the fum of los. XVIII. i 16 RULES AND > XVIII. THAT if any member or members ihaU at any time vilify, fpeak difre- fpedfuliy, or fay any thing by way of ri- dicuje, or prejudice to the fociety, con- cerning the fame, to any perfon, or per- fons that may hurt the good intent there< of, the faa being proved to the fociety; we are hereby impowered to inflid fueh ^t on the member, or members fo of- lending, as we may think proper ac- cording to the nature of the faid com- plaints, which fhaU appear before us. Any member, or members refbfing to pay the fines for fuch offences, muft abide by the confequences in rule II. XIX. THAT if any member Ihall at any time change his place of abode, he IhaU fend notice in writing to the Secretary of the fame, within 28 days after fuch re- moval, or he fliall forfeit as. & 6d, to the tieafury, / . REGULATI O NS, Sec. 17 lembers z difie- y of ri- y, Con- or per- : there- fociety; ia fueh ; fo of- )er ac- d com- )re us. fing to (l abide at any eihall ary of ch re- 6d, to uvJvt XX. THAT all difputes which niay arife on a meeting night, fliall be decided by the members then prefent, by holding up of hands, if no member demands a ballot, and that any bill for altering, or making any new laws, fhall be laid be- fore the fociety three meeting nights, be- fore it be decided as above. N. B. All bye laws hereafter made, jfhall be equally binding as thofe already made. XXI. THAT whatever fum, or fums of money may be put out at intereft, iliall be on landed fecurity, and no other : and fhall be in the names of the Prefident, Vice^Prefident, and Treafurer for zac time being, as Truftees for the fociety, they ^^iving a declaration of the fecurity, which Ihall be depofited in the fociety's chelli and every expence attending the ., fame, fhall be paid out of the treafury. XXII. X HAT if i\tnv Imjtr fiiif- Ka o/^rv-«*-^£>»«/^oJ[ againfl the fociety, or any member, or C ' mem- i8 RULES ANO w f members thereof, touching or concern- ing thefe Jaws, or any other matter relat- ing to the focicty ; the charges for defend- ing the fame, Ihall be defrayed by the treafury, or by equal contribution of each and every member, provided the treafury cannot afford the liime: and upon any fuch contribution, every member fhall be repaid the fame out of the treafury, iis foon as there is a fufficient flock. XXIII. THAT no perfon fhall be admitted a member of this fociety, whofe place of refiderice exceeds four miles from the ci- ty of Quebec i but, fhould any free member remove, and become a refident- cr in any other pnrt of the Province, if lie pays, or caufes his dues to be regular- ly paid, on his fending the proper vouch- ers, as fpecified in rule XI. he fhall be intitled to the benefits therein mentioned. XXIV. Any member of this fociet\- intendino- t>tike a long journey, or a voyage to ' Ensr- .V R E G U L A T I ON S, &:c. 19 concern- ter relat- r defcnd- • by the i~ of each treailiry X)n any er fhall reafury. Emitted :)lace of the ci- ly free irfident- ince, if ^gular- vouch- hall be tioned. ?ndino' o ige to Eng- England, *&c. &c. Ihall inform the officers of the fociety with his intentions, who are empowered to grant him a cer- tificate, fpccifying the time he been a member, and the allowance he has a right to claim from the fociety. Should the faid member during his journey, be afflidted with ficknefs, lamenefs, blind - nefs, &c. &c. he fhall tranfmit informa- tion of the fame to the fociety agreeable to rule XI. Should there not be a re- gular conveyance, from the place where fuch member may be afflicled, he is to fend the Hate of his diibrder, in die beft manner he pofTible can, Ihould he not be a~ ble to attend a m.agiftrate, or the other pro- per perfons, he iliall caufc t\vo pei fons to make affidavit of his fituation, and fend rt (ir pofliblc) every mondi to the fo- ciety. Should tlic laid member not have occafion to i:ic die certificate, on his re- ttirn he fliall deliver it id the I'reahirer. 1 XXV. 'V H AT no Derfbn be admitted a * m'ember of this fociety who is under the age of 2X years, and above 4<. XXV I. 20 E RULES AND XXVI. ^ EACH member is to furnifh himftlf with a copy of thefe rules and regulations, for which he iliall pay unto the trcafury Js. & 3d. XXVII. THAT the meeting of fociety be an- nounced in a News-paper the ill Mon- day of every month, fpecifying if a _ monthly or quarterly meeting the Wed, nefday following. xxviii. THAT diis fociety fliall not be dif- folved, without the confcnt of four-fifths of the members belonging thereto, who iliall have proper notice of the fociety's intention, (if any fuch fhould ever hap- pen) nor fliall this fociety be removed from one houfe to another, without the confent of the foregoing majority, the fame number is likewifc to determine the eledion of a new member. TFE himfdf ilations, trcafury be an- : Mon- ? if a Wed, 3e dif- r-fifths ), who )ciety's r hap- moved lilt the Ty the tie the REGULATIONS, &c. 2*t QlJEBEC, M^ I, 1789.^ , T/f/l^^ 'whofe names are hereafter rr written and fubfcribed^ as members of the Quebec provi- dent, benevolent ^Wfriend- LY SOCIETY; ejlablijhed the iji of May, 1789: Do promife to main^ tainy uphold and fupport i and agree to be bound by all the printed or writ- ten Rules and Regulations y or Bye-^ Laivs as are now cofitained in this book'y and to allfuch other Rules and Regulationsy or Bye-Lawsy as the majority of the free members prefenty on any of the quarterly meeting nightSy jhall think proper to make for the bene- fit and good of thisfociety. In wit- nefs whereof we have hereunto fub-- fcribed our names y Henry Juncken, John Rees, Godfrey King, A. Fergufon, ^ WE John Jones, Wm. Moore, Jonil Fi filer, James Hanna, John w •-*■.'■ _ il mi |r i*' ^ 22 RULES AND John Saul, Jonathan Eckart George Pafhley, John ChiUas. Daniel Frafer, jWilliam Grant, "John Urquhart, Jofias Wmcjcr, Thos. Fergufon, John Ayton, John Rhynart, Anthony Van^l- fon, ''^-''^ ' William Laing, John Robeftfoh, V t J 'V- -0 %^y ^ At Jhe beforementioned meeting the m follnving members were chofen officers '^ for the year enfiiing, Henry Junckcn, Frefident-, Jonathan Eckart, Vice-PrejUeni ; Godfi'cy King, ^reafurer-y John Jones, Secretary, t v^ill^uiri Mnnr/*. .^ft^m/iirJ V '-.- ?T-.- ••s-3 LIST REGULATIONS, &c. 23 List of P ay merit s^ Forfeitures^ ^ and BenefuEiions. £. S. Entrance Money, I 3 Monthly payment, . O; , 3 Dues not paid at the quarter- ly meeting, o 2 If not paid tlie meeting after, o 3 Refufing to fcrve as Prefident, o 5' Ditto ditto Vice ditto, o a- Ditto ditto Treafurer, o 5 Ditto ditto Secretary, o 10 Ditto ditto Src\ -ard, o ro Prefident not attending on a meeting night, or giving timely notice to the Vice, 05 Vice-Prcfident not attc^iding, after due notice, o 2 Tre:\furer, Secretary, or Ste- ward negle6ling to report the Hate of the afflided in due time, 05 r. S. or S. not vifiting the fick on report, each, 10 5 rr« D. 4 o o ? 6 o o o II i\ i ^ .:4 'mi 'iO '♦I MT y Ml T. S, 24 RULES AND r T. S. or S. not fending the reports of the fick, en a meeting night, ^ S q Omiting to acquaint the fo- ciety of a removal, 026 Mifbehaviour on nights of meeting, firft offence, o i o Second ditto, 026 Third ditto, o 10 o Price of thefe rules, &c. o i 3 Pay to the Sick, &c. Firft 1 2, weeks, pej^^^eek, o 15 o As lopg as ficknefs continues after, o 7 6 For funeral charges. 50c ■;' FINIS. s to o 5 o > c