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CONSTRUCTION OF HEW LABORATORIES. THE OPPORTUNITY FOR EARLY PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUPPORT FOR ONGOING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All CONTRIBUTE TO OUR PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE. ARL PEOPLE ENJOY THE FREEDOM TO TRY HEW IDEAS. THE ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY REPRESENTS AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE SECURITY OF THIS COUNTRY•••IT REPRESENTS AN INVESTMENT IN AMERICA'S FUTURE. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION When the Army Researc~'l Laboratory reaches its present goals in 1997, it will have facilities at five locations. The majority of the work will be accomplished at two Maryland locations. Two other research facilities are co:located with National Aeronautics and Space Administration centers. and large outdoor experimental areas are located at White Sands Missile Range. RESEARCH AREAS ARL research. technology development and analysis are focused m 10 areas . Each is equ 1pped w!th advanced research faci!JtJes and staffed by recognized experts Although each group conducts research m Jts own fleld of study. virtually all ARL programs reqUJre cooperation among several orgamzatwns. ADElPHI lABORATORY CENTER, MARYlAND ARL DIRECTOR ELECTRONICS AND POWER SOURCES • SENSORS, SIGNATURES, SIGNAL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING BATTLEFIELD ENVIRONMENT ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYlAND WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY HUMAN RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS .. ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES SURVIVABILITY/LETHALITY ANALYSIS NASA lANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER, VIRGINIA VEHICLE STRUCTURES H-+-+-NASA UWIS RESEARCH CENTER. OHIO VEHICLE PROPULSION ' New laboratory replacing New Jersey factlity ··New laboratory replacmg Massachusetts facthty Weapons technology Survivability/lethality analysis Sensors, signatures, signal and information processing Electronics and power sources Materials Battlefield environment Human research and engineering Advanced computational and information sciences Vehicle propulsion Vehicle structures ARL RESEARCH FACILITIES Two new ARL buildings are planned: an electronic devices research and development facility at Adelphi and a materials research building at Aberdeen. These specialized laboratories are designed to provide increased research and development capability. The Electronics Devices R&D Facility will include: MICROELECTRONICS RESEARCH FACILITY III/IV DEVICES W ULTRALITHOGRAPIIY W II/VI DEVICES W DISPLAY DEVICES W FREDUENCY CONTROL DEVICES W DEVICES MICROAIIALYSIS CENTER DEVICE PACKAGING CENTER OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATIONS DEVICE PHYSICS W IR DEVICES AIID ARRAYS W NON-LINEAR OPTICAL DEVICES W MICROWAVE/MILLIMnER-WAVE DESIGN CENTER COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN/ENGINEERING CENTER POWER SOURCES RESEARCH CENTER The 300.000-square-foot Materials Research Facility will contain: ION BEAM SURFACE ENGINEERING FACILITY COMPOSITES/HYBRID MATERIALS PROCESSING FACILITY ADHESIVE BONDING MICRDFACTORY MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION FACILITY DYNAMIC MATERIALS PROPERTIES FACILITY MATERIALS DURABILITY ANALYSIS/LIFE PREDICTION FACILITY ROBOTICS AIID AUTOMATED CONTROL WDRATORY ARL engineers and scientists have access to some of the most modern research facilities that can be found anywhere m the world. giving them the capability to conduct comprehensive research in almost any relevant technological field. These facll!tles mclude: INSTRUMENTED DIVISIOII-SIZED ARfA FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH lASER RESEARCH MffiOROLOGICAL SUPPORT FACILITY AEROSOL / lASER ENERGY INTERACTION LABORATORY SINGLE PARTICLE AEROSOL FLUORESCENCE LABORATORY ATMOSPHERIC PROFILER RESEARCH FACILITY COUNTERMEASURE AEROSOL CHARACTERIZATION LABORATORY LONG-PATH ABSORPTION AND SPECTROSCOPY LABORATORY MOBILE IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY LABORATORY TRANSONIC RAIIGE SMALL/MEDIUM CALIBER TEST FACILITIES LARGE CALIBER EXPERIMENTAL TEST FACILITY ADVANCED AEROSPACE VULNERABILITY TEST RAIIGE DU RAIIGE BLAST RANGE HIGH POWER MICROWAVE RESEARCH FACILITY IIUCLfAR RADIATION EFHCTS FACILITY AIR GUliS (AMBIENT AND COMPRESSED GAS TECHIIIOUESJ ELECTROMAGNETIC POWER SCALE MODEL TRIAXIS VIBRATOR INDOOR / OUTDOOR ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION RESEARCH/TEST FACILITIES COMPUTERIZED MOBILITY I PORTABILITY TEST COURSE COMPUTERIZED &OD-MmR SMALL ARMS RAIIGE MICROWAVE / MIUIMffiR WAVE DESIGN CENTER ADVANCED MICROANALYSIS CENTER ELECTROCHEMICAL RESEARCH CENTER IIAIIOELECTRONIC FABRICATION FACILITY FREOUENCY CONTROL AND ACOUSTIC SIGNAL PROCESSING FACILITY ELECTROLUMINESCENT DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY FACILITY ULTRALITHOGRAPHY LABORATORY ION BEAM SURFACE ENGINEERING FACILITY COMPOSITES / HYBRID MATERIALS PROCESSING FACILITY ADHESIVE BONDING MICROFACTORY MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION FACILITY DYNAMIC MATERIALS PROPERTIES FACILITY MATERIALS DURABILITY ANALYSIS/LIFE PREDICTION FACILITY ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATED CONTROL LABORATORY ELECTRO-OPTICAL COUNTERMEASURES MISSILE FLIGHT SIMULATOR SIMULATED ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURE TECHNIOUES EVALUATOR FUZE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT FACILITY ELECTRO-OPTICAL VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT FACILITY ULTRA WIDE BANDWIDTH RADAR TEST FACILITY OCULOMmR ACOUSTIC LABORATORY PHYSICS-OF-FAILURE LABORATORY FAILURE DIAGNOSTIC / RELIABILITY CENTER The Electronics Devices R&D Facility at the research complex at Adelphi. above . and the Materials Research Facility at Aberdeen . ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY Ill THE YEARS 1988 THROUGH 1992, ARL'S COMPOIIEIIT ORGAIIIZATIOIIS WERE ISSUED 341 PATENTS AIID FILED 670 IIIVEIITIOII IISCLOSURES. BY THE WAY, ARL PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO SHARE Ill THE FINAIICIAL REWARDS OF PATENT LICEIISIIIG AGREEMENTS FOR THEIR DISCOVERIES, A BENEFIT IIOT UNIVERSALLY AVAILABLE TO SCIENTISTS. We have taken part in 24 data exchange agreements with eight foreign countries and entered into 54 cooperative research and developments, 11 patent license agreements, and joint research programs with 14 Historically Black Colleges and Universities . In a three-year period, awards won by ARL individuals or elements included five SES Presidential Rank Awards, one Office of the Secretary of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award, two Army Exceptional Civilian Service Awards, ten Army Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, three Army Superior Civilian Service Awards, 14 Army R&D Awards , and nine Army Science Conference Awards . ARL PEOPLE ARL offers opportumties for people with a wide vanety of technical skills. Our a1m as we progress through the planned transitiOn from component laboratones mto one umfied orgamzat10n 1s to employ, m the ··end state.' approximately 3.000 people Sixty percent of those will be scientists and engineers. while the total orgamzatwn will mclude some 750 Ph D s ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS 29 0fo GENERAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 22 0fo PHYSICAL SCIENTISTS 140fo PHYSICISTS 121/e OTHER (AEROSPACE, CERAMICS, CHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS; COMPUTER SCIENTISTS; MATHEMATICIANS AND STATISTICIANS; AND OPERATIONS RESEARCHERS) 23 1/e ARL PARTNERS The Army Research Laboratory receives research and development projects from many organizations within the Army as well as from other branches of the Defense Department. A typical sampling of organizations m partnership with ARL m a single year includes: ADVAIICED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY ALLIAIIT TECHSYSTEMS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY IIATIOIIAL WORATORIES DYNAMIC SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY, INC. FMC CORP. APPLIED PHYSICS WORATORY, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ODETICS, INC. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE IIATIOIIAL AERONAUTICS AIID SPACE ADMINISTRATION IIATIOIIAL INSTITUTE OF STAIIDARDS AIID TECHNOLOGY IIATIOIIAL INSTITUTES OF HWTH IIATIOIIAL OCEAIIOGRAPHIC AIID ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY SIMUlATION, TRAINING AIID INSTRUMENTATION COMMAIID STRATEGIC DEFENSE COMMAIID UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKREY UNIVERSITY OF DElAWARE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH The Army Research Laboratory works in close cooperation with many other research institutions to provide Amenca's technological needs. Included in our network of cooperating organizations are numerous small businesses. minority-owned businesses and the Historically Black Colleges and Umversities By delegation from the Army Materiel Command. ARL manages the Army-wide Independent Research and Development program. overseeing 37 industry !R&D programs with more than $500 million in total expenditures !R&D is non-contracted work initiated and performed by DoD contractors to maintam technical supenority at both domestic and international levels. For employment information: US Army Research Laboratory ATTN: AMSRL-OP-HR 2800 Po-wder Mill Road Adelphi, MD 20783 -ll4S Telephone (301) 394-2816 AS ONE OF THE WORLD'S MAJOR MILITARY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, ARL HAS THE STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY TO MEET THE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ANALYSIS HEEDS OF THE ARMY. ITS MISSION IS TO PROVIDE AMERICA'S SOLDIERS THE TECHNOLOGICAL EDGE TO DETER OR DEFEAT ANY POSSIBLE ENEMY. THIS IS THE STORY OF HOW ARL IS ACCOMPLISHING THAT MISSION. A P r o s p e c t u s R BOTICS ON THE BATTLEFIELD: Picture yourself in a defensive alignment on a battlefield, when suadenly a string of unmanned vehicles comes over the hill. By the time you see them. they are alrea y relaY-ing information about your whereabouts and may even be zeroing in their teleoperated weapons on you. You can probably destr y som.e of them-but which ones should you go for ? A certain number are probably "drones," just there to d ivert attention from the others. In the approaching era of military robotics, such vehicles will have important work to do. But most important of all. by replacing humans in hazardous situations. they will save lives. ARL scientists and engineers are developing robotic equipment to handle chores. both on and off the battlefield, that are dangerous or tedious. or that humans are simply not able to do. In much the same way that industrial robots perform countless functions in industry. military robots-through artificial intelligence-will perform many tasks autonomously under human supervision. Robotics will aG.d strength to the smaller forces of the new army and increase flexibility in combat. Tomor:-ow's military robot could be an automated version of the ""hummvee"" (the High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle-or HM.'AWV-the all-purpose military vehicle). But it will integrate a variety of electronic equipment. allowing it to receive messages from its control unit, perform assigned functions and COMPOSITE HULL FOR ARMORED VEHICLES ARL DEVELOPED ORBANIC-MATRIX REINFORCED PLASTICS AS All ALTERNATIVE TO METAL ARMORED VEHICLE HULLS . REDUCIIIB WEIBHT WHILE MAIIITAIIIIIIB STRUCTURAL AIIO BALLISTIC REQUIREMENTS. THIS LED TO THE SUCCESSFUL FIELD TESTIIIB OF ACOMPOSITE IIIFAIITRY FIBHTIIIB VEHICLE PROTOTYPE. ARL IS DEVHOPIIIB A COMPOSITE FULL-SIZE HULL STRUCTURE FOR ASO-TOll TAIIK . STRUCTURAL INTEBRITY OF IITEBRATED COMPOSITES THIS WORK EMPHASIZES THE DEVELOPMENT Of ADVANCED GETTING MORE DONE STRUCTURAL ANALYSES. FAILURE CRITERIA AIID INSPECTION METHODS WITH FEWER PEOPLE WHILE FOR COMPOSITE STRUCTURES . THE RESULTIIIB DESIBN TOOLS WILL BE REDUCING RISK PROVIDED TO THE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES INDUSTRY. INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS FOR ROTORCRAFT ARL IS DEVHOPINB EFFICIENT. COSTEFFECTIVE DESIBNS FOR ADVANCED COMPOSITE AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES. relay information back to headquarters . The robotic vehicle will be ACTIVE CONTROL OF SOUND TRANSMISSION NOISE REDUCTION TECHNIOUES driven by a pre -programmed software package, controlled from a UNDER DEVELOPMENT WILL IMPROVE console that could be located many miles away. COMFORT AND CREW PERFORMANCE INSIDE VEHICLES THAT USE A robot ou n tted for reconnaissance , as one example , will ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS. carry an Automatic Target Acquisition package, including a camera that makes use of state-of-the-art image processing algorithms operating on the latest computer hardware to process its video output, an infrared sensor and a laser range-finder. This New Technol ogies Create Powerful Armored Vehicles package of equipment will be Some time in the not-too-distant future , the U.S. Army will field a tank, not only lighter and faster than today's armor, but able to search a suspect area w1th substantially greater range and far less susceptibi lity to detection by an enemy. and report on any target it Thanks to a host of new features, including a specially finds there. Using designed engine and the almost total absence of heavy metallic armor, this tank moves into banle at speeds of more than 60 miles information received from the per hour. As it moves forward, its built-in sensors detect incoming missiles . Instantly, the tank ' s electronic brain fires a series of robot, the controller can then counter-munitions it's all done automatically, there is no time for dispatch a missile to eliminate the one -or two-second delay of human reaction time and the hostile missiles are engaged and (continued)• the target or take other appropriate action. There is a long list of other potential uses for robotic vehicles in combat a n d non-combat situations . One obvious battlefield use is mine detection. Few pieces of equipment could be more welcome at the fwnt than a robot equipped with sensors to 3 Specially adapted unmanned vehicles will prowl the battlefield of tomorrow . destroyed at a suffic ient distance to prevent any danger to the tank or its crew. But just to be sure, the tank commander taps into the eme rgency energy stored in his engine for an extra burst of speed as he moves out of the impact area . This scenario describes what ARL engineers call "active protection, " a range of electronic weaponry that protects the tank by detecting and destroying hostile fire before it can reach the vehicle . A number of technology enhancements are under consideration by ARL as it works to meet the Army's need for a more easily deployable heavy attack force . The goal is to offer tanks at least the same levels of ballistic protection for the crew that heavy plates of metal provide and reduce weight by a third . Also under study is a variation of the active protection idea using electric currents or find and map a minefield-or better yet. to destroy the mines. Detection of nuclear. biological or chemical contamination is another way robotics can save lives in combat areas. Robots are ideal for some types of guard duty, in cases in which replacing live sentries is feasible . Repair of damaged installations, especially in sectors still subject to attack, is another use coming under study. In this instance, heavy construction machinery will be equipped with the appropriate software electromagnetic fields to deflect and destroy projectiles or packages and other electronic other threats. Another technique under investigation would appurtenances required for replace metal armor with composite materials , most likely the work. reinforced plastics , just as effective as steel in fending off antitank fire, but far lighter and -a ve ry i mportant additional There are probably advantage-largely invisible to enemy radar. Major advances in composite materials technology have brought this type of scores-and maybe hundredsarmor within the realm of possibility. Lighter armor means more speed and mobility for of more mundane tasks that the vehicle , maki ng it easier to transport and reducing fuel robots can handle in the consumption . A tank with composite shielding can provide a better environment for its crew-less vibration, less noise , logistical area, with cooler and safer. Tanks constructed from non-metallic concurrent savings in manpower that in the long run will more than offset the investment in equipment. Robotic control of military vehicles has been made possible by technological advances in sensors. computers and 4 communication links. ARL. in cooperation with other robotics research centers. is focusing its efforts on further development of robotic mobility and control. remote unmanned teleoperation. computer-assisted constrained autonomous operation. and remote control of more than one vehicle by a single operator. Army scientists have accomplished the integration of teleoperated HMMWVs with a navigation system . communication systems for data and video, and a very materials are less subject to corrosion and other incidental compact operator control damage, reducing maintenance costs . These tanks may be station. Field experiments now built with modular, interchangeable parts that can be replaced to fit the needs of a given mission . Armor or armament-even in progress are exploring new internal segments such as power or drive components-can be easily replaced . methods of remote driving and The other technology that will contribute to the Army's main battle tank of the future is the compound cycle monoscopic versus stereoscopic engine . ARL engineers see the compound cycle engine as a displays . high power density, turbo-diesel piston engine, with the diesel exhaust not only providing the turbocharge but powering Of perhaps greatest turbine blades as well, for added horsepower. Fuel consumption at least 30 percent less than in other systems will value in the field of robotics is reduce the lo.gistical support burden . A lower exhaust ARL's leadership of a national consortium for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. which is exploring new modes of human interaction with intelligent systems. The "driver" of this ve hicle may be many miles away. temperature (less than 300°F) has two advantages: It saves fuel and makes it more difficult for hostile sensors to recognize the presence of a tank. The smaller volume of air needed for combustion will provide greater overall engine efficiency. Diesel cores with extremely high reciprocating speeds and high cycle pressures and temperatures present technological challenges for study. These include new or improved materials and lubrication and new technologies for valving, fuel injection and combustion . Both the compound cycle engine and the new armor technologies have potential for other types of vehicles including aircraft. A super-efficient, heavy duty engine will find a ready civilian market, and lighter weight armor may provide protection in terrorist attack or in spacecraft. 5 A NEW ERA FOR ARTILLERY AS Artillerymen since the lSth century have been vexed by a common pmblem: how to gather data to correct th eir aim and hit the target. Over the centuries. forward observers have perched on hills. in trees. in balloons and even in light aircraft. The disadvantage of all such posts was that the observers themselves became a primary target of enemy fire . In the near future. a new step in technology will provide the U.S. Army's artillery observers with the best observation post in the universe-outer space. Satellites with a perfect fix on the artillery ground station will feed second-by-second trajectory position information to a translator in the nose of a ISS-millimeter howitzer shell. The translator will relay the information to the ground station-actually a receiver-processor-computer built into the weapon-to be processed in near-real-time so that any required corrections can be made. This technology, called the registration fuze program, takes advantage of a network of military satellites known collectively as the Global Pos:tioning System CGPS). GPS is a round-the-clock, worldwide locating system that gives any military plane. ship, land vehicle or individual soldier the capability of determining exact position to within 16 meters anywhere on earth. Of course GPS is not. in the strictest sense. an artillery observer. But by transmitting data that can be used to correct the & ULTRA WIDEBAND FOLIAGE PENETRATION RADAR THIS PROJECT IS DEVELOPING THE BASIC UNDERSTANDING NEEDED TO PROVIDE AU-WEATHER DETECTION , LOCATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF STATIONARY TACTICAL GROUND TARGETS THAT ARE CAMOUFLAGED , CONCEALED OR USING DECEPTION TECHNIQUES. SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TECHNOLOGY WILL SATISFY THE ARMY 'S MUD TO DETECT, LOCATE AND CLASSIFY I RECOGNIZE HIGH VALUE , HIGH PRIORITY TARGETS IN DEEP HIDE. THESE TARGETS INCLUDE SURFACE AND BURIED LAND MINES . SATELLITES HELP PATRIOT MISSILE SYSTEM ELECTRONIC WARFARE GUNNERS FIND VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS WERE CONDUCTED SUPPORTING THEIR TARGET CONTINUED IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PATRIOT MISSILE SYSTEM . gun setting. it serves that function . As a rule. conventional registration-that is. zeroing a gun in on its target-requires firing several rounds. The goal of the GPS registration fuze program is to enable artillerymen to do it with one round. assisted by the GPS satellites. That will make it possible for the artillery unit to begin firing for effect sooner. accomplish its mission faster and move on before it is located by enemy fire. Generally, for a GPS High-Speed Propulsion Adds Punch to Army's Firepower receiver. the location is determined by calculating the An anti -armor or anti -aircraft weapon that can fire a projectile at three kilometers a second -close to twice the delay between the time at velocity attained by today's weapons -represents improvement of major proportions . Increased velocity results in deeper which signals are transmitted penetration of the target, and the reduced flight time means less interference from external sources, like wind . The range of the by at least four satellites and weapon will be increased, too, due to the higher muzzle velocity . the time they are received. In There are still technical problems to be solved before weapons with muzzle velocities in the three -kilometer-per-second practice. GPS registration range can be built and put into use. (continued) ,.. procedure will work something like this: A gun crew establishes its exact location using its GPS ground station. The gun crew will then be given the location of the target on which to fire . The computer predicts the trajectory needed to hit the target. and the registration round is fired. GPS signals received by the translator and relayed to the ground station indicate the difference between the intended and 7 ARL is studying all aspects of hyperveloc ity, including propulsion systems, missile structure, aeroballistics and armor vulnerability. The program combines firing in specially designed test ranges with computer simulations and modeling in an effort to gain a better understanding of the phenomena involved in hypervelocity. The propuls ion system for hypervelocity weapons will be different from the gunpowder or liquid propellants currently in use. ARL is considering electromagnetic or electrothermal propulsion as possibilities . Electrothermal or Complex components of the video imaging projectile fit inside a ISS-millimeter artillery round. the actual trajectories. enabling the crew to make the correction before firing for effect on the target. Since the registration round will be destroyed by the impact. it can only be used once; thus. a key goal of ARL is to package the round as inexpensively as possible. Practicality of the project has been demonstrated by the firing of demonstration rounds. and work currently in progress is aimed at miniaturizing the translator to fit into the electrothermal/chemical propulsion systems use a fluid nine cubic inches of space activated by an electrical source to provide thrust. In an electromagnetic gun, an electric current would be established available in the nose of a using a rail or coil, with the electromagnetic field causing the propulsion-a principle similar to that of the electric engine . standard ISS-millimeter shell. A parallel technology is ram acceleration, much like The success of the the system used in the ramjet aircraft engine . In ram acceleration, the gun tube contains a gas propellant, and the registration fuze technology projectile is forced into the tube at a velocity sufficient to ignite the gas, providing the thrust needed for hypervelocity speed . opens the way for a closely related project known as VIP, for Video Imaging Projectile. which is being developed with the aid of Sandia National Laboratories. This might be the true artillery observer of the future. a lSSmm round relaying a video image at least sharp enough for viewers at the gun to tell whether they are seeing a column of tanks or simply trucks on a highway. The VIP will be equipped with a GPS translator to pinpoint its location and a video sensor and transmitter to relay back an image of the ground beneath the trajectory. The video scan will be 8 A hypervelocity projectile discards sabot petals shortly after firing . Note atmospheric oxidation resulting from the speed of the projectile's flight. provided by the rotation of the projectile. each spin producing a quick glimpse of a rectangle of ground immediately beneath the camera. The constant stream of these momentary glimpses of earth. fed back to the receiving station. will enable the viewers to identify a target and establish its location. VIP also will answer a need for real-time battle damage assessment. With GPS and VIP working in tandem. the speed and effectiveness of artillery Along with propulsion systems, ARL is examining bombardment will be vastly the structure of the projectiles to be used in hypervelocity increased. Now rapid. weapon systems. Extreme speeds will require modification in materials and design currently used, both to ensure that the pinpoint target acquisition. proJectile itself isn't damaged in firing and to guarantee maximum impact on the target. Testing of propulsion systems shelling of the target and and projectiles also has given ARL an opportunity to study the damage caused to conventional armor by hypervelocity impact, accurate damage assessment and to begin fabricating new and stronger protective materials can be carried out in a matter that will make army combat vehicles less vulnerable to of moments. and accomplished with an economy of expended ammunition not previously possible . VIP. like the registration fuze. has undergone successful test fire demonstrations. Work on the project continues as scientists explore ways to sharpen the video resolution and to increase the speed of data transmission. both from "round to ground" and from receiving station to command post . Electronics experts prepare for a CPS test firing at the Yuma Proving Ground. Ariz . projectiles launched by an enemy in some future war. This technology also offers benefits to the U.S. space program, suggesting modifications in the design of spacecraft and space stations that will make them better able to survive hypervelocity impact from sources such as meteoroids and space debris. A primary source of research in the field of hypervelocity is the Armament Research , Development & Engineering Center (ARDEC), whose engineers are working in close cooperation with ARL. 9 SENSORS AND COMPUTERS COMBINE The battle of New Orleans was fought after the War of 1812 had ended-the news hadn't reached the commanders in the field. Custer and his men died because they had no way to notify friendly units n earby that they had been attacked . The telegraph , field telephone, radio and eventually the computer h ave revolutionized military communications and sent the dispatch rider in to retirement , and the revolution continues. Modern warfare creates an enormous thirst for information. Mechanized units are expected to cover dozens of miles a day while reporting where they are, maintaining coordination with close air support. receiving and implementing orders from superior officers . The communications systems that worked yesterday-even the ones that work today-won't work tomorrow. The ability of modern sensors and powerful computer systems to generate information is rapidly overwhelming the radio systems available at the fighting units. What will work tomorrow is a completely automatic system. based on preprogrammed data waiting to be activated by critical information. Such a system could form a common pipeline for information originating from autonomous ground-based sensors to satellites. A platoon of U.S. infantry moves cautiously through heavily-wooded terrain, probing for an enemy thought to be out in front. Suddenly they turn, realign quickly and ELECTROTHERMAL -CHEMICAL GUll APPLICATIDIIS ATWO ·MEGAJOULE PULSER MODULE HAS BUll OESIGIIED . BUILT AIID SUCCESSFULLY TEST FIRED TO DEMONSTRATE APPLICATIOIIS FOR ELECTROTHERMAL-CHEMICAL (ETC ) GUll PROPULSIOII . DEVHOPMEIIT IS COIITIIIUIIIG 011 ATRAIUR·MOUIITED SIX·MEGAJOUU PULSER THAT . WHEII COMPLETE . WILL PROVIDE ARL WITH AMOBILE . EIIERGY PULSE-FORMING SYSTEM FOR ETC EXPERIMEIITATIOII AIID RESEARCH . KINETIC EIIERGY PEIIETRATDRS ARL IS FABIICATIIIG AHIGH ·IROII· COIITEIIT MATRIX ALLOY TO REDUCE THE RHIAIICE 011 DEPLETED URAIIIUM AIID MAXIMIZE TO PROVIDE INSTANT PERFORMAIICE OF KINETIC EIIERGY PEIIETRATORS FOR USE Ill AIITI · MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS ARMOR WEAPOII SYSTEMS. begin moving to their right flank. Moments later the enemy unit, taken by surprise, is engaged and neutralized. An observer would have heard no order given, seen no hand signal. and have had no idea how the enemy had been detected. What happened? Simultaneously, each soldier in the unit was alerted by information on a personal heads-up display identifying the hostile unit's location and relaying orders for the attack. Somewhere a sensor had detected the enemy soldiers and automatically delivered the information to the troops who needed it. At the same moment. a worldwide network. based on the same Information Distribution M i niaturization Pays Off in Speed and Efficiency Technology CIDT) software. Working with electronic parts smaller than brain cells, could be sending entirely ARL scientists are taking the next step in miniaturizationdifferent sets of data to a nanoelectronics, the fabrication of submicroscopic solid state devices . Nanoelectronics brings totally new concepts of speed Corps Headquarters thousands and performance to smart targeting , fire -and -forget missiles, cryptographic systems, artificial intelligence, optical signal of miles away, to a helicopter processing, pattern recognition, real-time data acquisition, superhigh-speed computers, magnetic resonance imaging (M RI ) for pilot's instrument panel medica l diagnostics in the field , and much more . (continued)~ during a training flight in California and to a convoy of trucks in Africa . An IDT-based network has an amazing potential to deliver information. By referring to large amounts of reference data by brief number codes and computing meaningful data updates out of volumes of raw data. military intelligence may be sent to individuals or units that need the information. There would be no delay due to human reaction time because the only humans II The worldwide lDT network will flash vital information and orders to military units anywhere in the world . involved would be the end users of the information. Up to that point. the entire operation could be accomplished automatically, with minimal delay. One of the major technology breakthroughs required for realization of an IDT-based network on a worldwide scale is the design of a database that can be adapted to every conceivable command and control function for every branch of all the military services. Clearly, this is an The tiny components that will make up the next door to ultra-high -speed switching and the fabrication of ultra generation of electronic weaponry -virtually within reach high-frequency electronic and photonic devices . enormously complex task, but today-are so small that the scientist studying them is dealing Once out of the laboratory and into production for it's one that has been shown to with an entirely new area of physics. Electrons confined in a military use-a move already begun-the impact of these quantum well (a two -dimensional semiconductor) can be devices will be simply unprecedented . Optoelectronic be technologically feasible . controlled by photons of light energy . By taking advantage of integrated circu its will bring a new level of efficiency to areas this effect to program electron behavior with light, ARL is like optical sensing and image processing . New Local operators could establish creating components lighter in weight, with smaller power semiconductor structuring will create a new generation of requirements, ultra·fast, ultra-dense -and incredibly more electronic warfare and commun i cations intelligence criteria and determine the efficient. Development of such miniaturized devices opens the applications. Permanent -magnet circuits will make possible action to be taken whenever incoming signals meet these criteria. The commands could be very specific. such as the exact low-level units (companies or battalions) to be notified of any armor movement in a precisely-defined sector. In the prototype system. the IDT network is composed of nodes. or individual units. each containing four entities: • A free -form. memory-resident factbase used to store information. • A security control module to control the flow of information in and out of the factbase. • A protocol designed to provide efficient information exchange over low bandwidth channels. • An interface allowing sophisticated application programs to access the factbase. IZ semiconductors called quantum wells. seen under a powerful microscope. make possible the creation of smaller. vastly more efficient electronic components. With IDT. information will be shared instantly by troops at all levels. eliminating the time-consuming Loading of reference material-facts common to the entire system process of sending it up the chain of will hold down the amount of information that must be command and across high-level commands. exchanged, since these facts can be accessed from any node by means of a common code or ID number. The security control module will execute predefined rules governing the distribution of information to other nodes. It also will inform application programs of incoming information. The low bandwidth protocol will miniaturized , and thus portable , MRI , nuclear magnetic have vital traffic control resonance (NMR) and ultraviolet rocket signature technologies. These are only the beginnings of the possibilities. functions. one of the most Signal processing, transmission , microwave and millimeterwave communications and imaging sensors all will benefit from important being to ensure development of ultra -high-speed frequency and photon/ that the most urgent microwave devices , wh ile other devices that combine millimeter-wave and infrared modes can be applied to imaging information is transmitted and many other applications. first. Application programs that make use of all this information (and may create it. as well) will extract information from the factbase an d enter information into the factbase. and will display the information to the soldier in a "user friendly" manner. The long-range goal of the IDT program is to provide a foundation for vast numbers of these sophisticated programs, representing the full array of military uses. 13 TECHIIOLOBIES WORK TOGETHER TO IMPROVE In the next century, the United States may field an army of power-enhanced soldiers-or soldiers with their own outboard motors-breaking speed and endurance records and scrambling all previous notions of how fast a soldier can travel loaded down with full field gear. ARL is planning a device for soldiers to wear that will actually increase mobility by helping them walk faster and farther with less fatigue. even fully loaded with weapons, field packs and electronic gear. The device is the exoskeleton, and it will be a welcome tool. The equipment the soldier has to carry is steadily increasing in weight and volume, with an inevitable impact on mobility. At the same time, military force reductions signal a need for each soldier to become still more effective. The starting point for exoskeleton technology is a new protective field uniform that already exists in prototype versions. Made of lightweight. bullet-resistant materials. the gear can be fitted out with life support, communications and monitoring systems so the soldier can wear it for up to 72 hours. The exoskeleton overlay-the motion part-begins with a power source possibly batteries, fuel cells. or a small internal or external SCEIIE VISUALIZATIDII THIS RESEARCH WILL CREATE A COMPUTER MODEL THAT PROVIDES PHYSICALLY CORRECT ATMOSPHERIC SCEIIE VISUALIZATION OF BATTLE· FIELD SMOKE AIID DUST. CALLED BATTLEFIELD EMISSIOII AIID MULTIPLE SCATTERIIIS MODEL (BEAMS ), THIS MODEL PREDICTS THRH·DIMEIISIOIIAL MULTIPLE SCATTERIIIS AIID EMISSIOII FROM SMOKE AIID DUST CLOUDS THAT HAVE 11011-UIIIFORM COIICEIITRA· TIOIIS AIID OPTICAL PROPERTIES. BEAMS CAll BE USED TO DEVELOP IIEW OBSCURAIITS AS THE BASIS THE IIIFAIITRY FOR SCEIIE SEIIERATIOII AIID TO PROVIDE STATISTICS 011 THE SOLDIER'S STRENGTH RADIATIVE PROCESS Ill CLOUDS. AIID SPEED HIGH -POWER LITHIUM BATTERIES IIEW LITHIUM THIOIIYL CHLORIDE BATTERIES HAVE BUll DEVELOPED FOR USE Ill ARMY SYSTEMS UIIDER DEVELOPMEIIT. All ADVANCED BATTERY THAT PROVIDES TWICE THE EIIERSY LEVEL OF CURREIITLY FIELDED LITHIUM BATTERIES IS BElliS FIELD TESTED FOR THE combustion engine. When the soldier begins to walk, kinematic SOLDIER IIITESRATED PROTECTIVE sensors will detect the movement and flash a signal to a controller-EIISEMBLE. AHIGH·EIIERGY, HIIIH· POWER THROWAWAY BATTERY WAS processor. The controller-processor governs a series of actuators ALSO DEVELOPED FOR USE Ill LASER RAIISEFIIIDERS; IT PROVIDES (an idea borrowed from robotics) that enhance the walking motion MAIIITEIIAIICHREE OPERATIOII by applying mechanical force-in effect, providing a power boost. DOWII TO ·20 °F, HAS AFIVE-YEAR SHELF LIFE AIID PROVIDES A The basic technology underlying the exoskeleton operation TEIIFOLD IIICREASE Ill THE IIUMIER OF RAIIIIIIISS OVER THE CURRENTLY· may be either electromechanical or electrohydraulic. The FIELDED IIICKEL CADMIUM IATTERY. advantages and User-Friendly Displays: Instant Information for the Soldier disadvantages of both are Tomorrow's soldier, whose head will be encased in the being explored helmet of the protective field uniform, won't be able to sight a rifle stock-to-cheek, the way foot soldiers have done since the days of simultaneously at cooperating the muzzle -loader. Instead, the soldier will fire from the hip, emulating the heroes of a thousand cowboy movies. national laboratories- Soldiers will use a display insi(;!e the helmet connected to a thermal rifle sight This is one of many anticipated electromechanical at Oak uses for the technology known as helmet-mounted d isplays Ridge National Laboratory (HMDs). (continued! ~ and electrohydraulic at Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Similarly, a number of possible actuator technologies are under consideration, including gear-driven, tendon-driven and electro-propulsive drive systems . Construction of the exoskeleton is likely to be modular. to the extent possible for such a complex system, for easier maintenance and field repair. 15 The new army's maintenance mechanic is going to have a difficult job, too, working in cramped quarters with complex equipment. The mechanic's HMO will show the appropriate page of the maintenance manual, probably with a see -through display, so the actual parts are still visible . HMOs could show soldiers command and control information ... pilots could get a continuous reading from their plane 's infrared sensors...even a map could be displayed, allowing the viewer to scan at will. Current research, in fact, is improving the interactive nature of displays. The technology to do these things is almost within reach . Existing prototypes make use of high -performance cathode ray tubes about the size of the viewer on a camcorder. See-through helmet mounted displays connected to thermal gunsights will help tomorrow's soldiers aim their weapons. The exoskeleton will not only improve the individual's speed and range of movement but will make the soldier a more effective and less vulnerable fighter. And this advance will certainly expand the number of weapons and other battlefield systems that may be considered portable. This package is still a bit heavy for field use, however, and it's not capable of providing a color display-important because of the need to distingu ish between types of information, on a map, for example , quickly and under battle stress. ARL is continuing to de'Jelop flat-panel technology to replace the CRTs. using small liquid crystal or scanned lightemitting diode displays or active matrix electroluminescence to provide the needed color. Scient sts are working on improved optics for the HMO, which will most likely employ a form of diffractive optics-either binary or holographic light-wave deflect on. Whatever form the final technology takes, it should be in the field in the 1990s, providing U.S. service people with a lightweight, high resolution displa\' that requires minimal power. 16