13.8d/0e UNY AT BUFfALO s THE LIBRARIES DEPOSITORY COPY The Nation's buildings offer refuge and safety. By attention to details in design, the natural or inherent protection in every proposed building may be significantly increased and without adversely affecting appearance, function, or cost. These design details include the judicious use of standard construction materials , informed siting, and strategic placement of openings . The graphical procedures used in analyzing preliminary designs for radiation protection presented here are easy to follow . Chances are you will be impressed with your ability to design-in shelter areas . As bonuses, designs that produce good radiation protection often also provide during the entire useful life cycle • energy conservation. • reduction of noise. • improved natural disaster shelter. • reduction of vulnerability to vandalism . I urge you to help achieve greater lifesaving capability, safety, and other benefits for your fellow citizens in your professional approach to design and construction. Using the techniques presented in this report , an architect or engineer can readily include radiation protection in the design of a building. Although no one expects a nuclear attack or major nuclear accident to occur, one could take place. Therefore , including radiation protection in buildings at the time of initial design is a lowcost and prudent action . Bardyl R. Tirana Director Defense Civil Preparedness Agency 8 MANUFACTURER the fallout shelter program a civil defense objective A major aim of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency is to encourage the use of " slanting " techniques in the design of new, remodeled , and expanded facilities to offer increased protection for the Nation's population against effects that could result from a nuclear attack upon the United States. how can this objective be achieved? There is a significant public fallout shelter resource in the central areas of many large cities . However, shortages still exist-particularly in residential areas and smaller communities. This shelter deficit can be reduced by applying slanting techniques during the design phase of new building construction . Use of these techniques will not de tract in any way from the beauty or usefulness of a building. Building owners , architects, and engineers responsible for designing new construction are urged to give serious consideration to the inclusion of shelter space in each new building design project. Construction Industry Advisory Committee DCPA has the benefit of advice from leading design professionals that comprise the Advisory Committee for the Design and Construction of Shelter. Formed at the suggestion of Philip Will, Jr., a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA) who was national president of the American Institute of Architects (AlA) in 1962, this committee has advised the directors of DCPA and predecessor agencies on all matters affecting shelter design and construction. Committee membership is comprised of staff officers and members of the American Institute of Architects (AlA), American Institute of Planners (AlP), National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Engineers Joint Council (EJC) , the Associated General Contractors of America Incorporated (AGC) , and the Consulting Engineers Council (CEC) . The Committee will continue to advise the Director of DCPA on shelter programs as they impact upon the design professions. @PRODUCT PRESENTATION basic concepts of radiation shielding Shelters with high protection factors are achieved by the planning and control of geometric and barrier relationships between the radioactive source and sheltered enclosure . Geometric shielding places people out of the direct path of radiation or at some distance from it. Barrier shielding places mass between the shelter occupant and the radioactive source . The sections on this page illustrate radiation types and sources and some of the application of shielding techniques . Other examples of shielding techniques include reducing window area (particularly raising the sill height), partially depressing a building into the ground, or grading slope away from the building to create an earth barrier, arranging retaining walls and planter boxes as barriers, utilizing screen walls at entrances to provide barrier baffles, arranging building elements to protect a core area and fill ing hollow masonry cavities with sand or gravel to increase the mass barrier. basic terminology of radiation shielding Some of the terms used in referring to protective control from fallout gamma radiation are defined briefly as follows: Protection Factor (PF) expresses the relation between the amount of gamma radiation that would be received by an unprotected person compared to the amount that would be received by one in a shelter. For example, an occupant of a shelter with a PF of 40 would be exposed to a dose rate 1 I 40 (or 2112%) of the rate to which he would be exposed if his location were unprotected . Gamma radiation reaches an individual in an enclosure from several sources: The roof contribution refers to radiation originating from radioactive particles (dust and debris) which may accumulate on an overhead source plane; the ground contribution refers to all similar radiation from fallout originating from the ground source plane. The ground contribution is further subdivided into ground direct, wall scatter, skyshine and ceiling shine . Roof Contribution The roof contribution refers to radiation which reaches the interior from fallout that may accumulate on an overhead source plane. ' I Ground Contribution-Direct The ground contribution refers to radiation which reaches the interior directly from the ground source plane without being deflected or scattered. j?3f>. Ground Contribution-Wall Scatter Some radiation interacts with particles in the wall and is deflected or scattered to the interior. Ground Contributlon-Skyshine Some radiation is scattered to the interior by interaction with molecules of the air. Ground Contribution-Ceiling Shine Some radiation interacts with particles in the ceiling and is deflected or scattered to the interior. s PRODUCT PRESENTATION incorporating nuclear radiation protection in your building slanting techniques Every building provides some shielding from nuclear radiation . The use of architectural and engineering " slanting" design techniques in the construction of new buildings or in the remodeling of existing structures can ins ure that specific levels of protection from nuclear radiation will be provided the build ing occupants. Incorporation of these design and construction features in buildings can be accomplished with little or no increase in cost to the buil ding owner, and without sacrificing the functional or esthetic qualities of the building . Shown here are examples of architec tural and engineering slanting techniques developed to maximize nuclear radiation protection. Design ed by Dean L. Gustavson Associates Salt Lake City, Utah Western Savings Building, located in Portland, Oregon contains deliberately designed shelter against nuclear blast and radiation effects. Blast hardening was incorporated in a public meeting room at the basement level. The shelter in this facility is equipped with an emergency generator, blast doors, and a separate ventilation and lighting system. mutual shielding group other buildings around shelter to limit the ground source plane of radiation. 11111111m belowgrade area locate the shelter partially or fully below grade. interior corridor arrange building elements to form a protected interior corridor. I I distance locate shelter at some distance from both the ground and roof planes (the primary sources of radiation). stairway shield use the mass of stairways and enclosures to shield ends of corridors. structural system consider a heavier type of structural system to develop the greatest amount of shielding. increase overhead mass weight use heavier roof and floor systems. build into slope locate building to take advantage of sloping terrain. core area arrange building elements to form a protected core area. aperture percentage reduce the aperture percentage in the exterior wall to increase barrier effectiveness. @TECHNICAL SUPPORT estimating and analyzing shelter yield using the easy II graphical solution form The protection factor (PF) analysis procedure explained below enables the designer to estimate the PF using the EASY II Graphical Solution Form shown on page 5. Each story of a building is analyzed separately, using data representing average building conditions. There are eight sections on the solution form . Sections 1-6 are used to determine rad iation contributions from the ground source plane; Sect ion 7 is used in analyzing the effect of radiation from the roof source plane. Section 8 combines both roof and ground solution lines to indicate the PF rating . Starting with Section 1, the solution proceeds from the top of the form to the bottom, with inputs from the side at Section 7. section 1 exterior wall mass thickness and aperture percentage Determine the mass thickness (weight in pounds per square foot) of the exterior wall and circle at the top of Section 1. The solution line follows the curving lines as shown on the sample form . Circle the percentage of apertures in the exteriorwall (considering the story's entire perimeter), and draw a horizontal line until it intersects the curving exterior-wall mass-thickness line. Drop a vertical line from this point to Section 2. section 2 height above contaminated plane In this section , make an adjustment for stories which are not level with the contaminated ground plane or adjacent rooftops . The form permits direct adjustments for heights up to 100 feet. To account for heights greater than 100 feet, draw a 45-degree line from the point of entry at the top of Section 2, to the bottom of Section 2. From the point where the 45-degree line intersects the bottom of Section 2, move 1 / 8th-inch (the equivalent of one vertical grid line) to the rig ht for every 10 feet above 100 feet. To account for heights less than 100 feet, project a horizontal line from the height value until it intersects the 45-degree line projected from the bottom of Section 1. Extend a vertical line from this intersection to Section 3. The height of the story being analyzed is not considered in determining the height above the contaminated plane. The solution line passes straight through this section when analyzing belowground stories or first-story cases where there is no height above the contaminated plane. section 3 percentage of perimeter mutually shielded Adjacent buildings, walls, or earth berms can provide shielding from nuclear radiation . However, when estimating the PF using the EASY II Graphical Solution Form, they should be considered shields only if they are within 15 feet and cover the total height of the story in question. To obtain the percentage of the perimeter mutually shielded, divide the length of the shielded portion of the story's perimeter by the total length of the perimeter. Enter Section 3 with a line drawn from the point where the solution line intersects the bottom of Section 2 to the lower right-hand corner of Section 3. Draw a horizontal line from the appropriate percentage until it intersects the solution line from Section 2. section 4 interior partitions The effect of interior partition mass thickness is determined in Section 4. Draw a horizontal line from the partition mass-thickness value. Then draw the solution line from Section 3 parallel to the guidelines (not 45 degrees), until it intersects the horizontal partition-weight line. From the point of intersection, drop the solution line vertically to Section 5. When a part ition contains doors or other apertures, adjust the mass thickness using this formula: Adjusted weight = X, (1-Ap), where X, is the weight of the partition, and Ap is the percentage of apertures in the partition. Partitions used in the analysis must be considered a barrier to nuclear radiation from all building sides. section 5 basement wall exposure When analyzing a story which is partially below ground, determine the percentage of the wall exposed by dividing the total story height into the height of the exposed wall portion. With the value obtained, draw a horizontal line over to the solution line from Section 4 which has been projected downward parallel to the guidelines. If the ground is sloping adjacent to the wall, use the average exposure. If the percentage of exposure varies substantially around the story, use the greatest exposure percentage. If the story being analyzed does not involve a partially exposed wall , the solution line passes straight through this section. section 6 story width The building width is the dimension across the narrowest side. If the width is greater than 40 feet, make an adjustment in Section 6. Wit h the width as shown on the sample form, project the adjusted solution line through Section 8. If the width is 40 feet or less, the solution line passes vertically through Section 6. section 7 roof contribution Three parameters are used to determine the effect of nuclear radiation emanating from particles on the roof source plane: roof area, distance to the roof, and total overhead mass thickness. For example, using a roof area of 3,000 sq. ft. and a distance of 30 feet to the roof (including the height of the story bein~ analyzed). a factor of 5 is obtained from the chart above Section 7, as shown on the sample form. Circle the numeral 5 at the top of Section 7, and project a vertical line downward until it intersects the curve representing the total mass thickness of the overhead floor and roof systems. From th is point, draw a horizontal line into Section 8. section 8 protection factor category The point of intersection of the ground and roof solution lines in Section 8 establishes the PF category. The sample form indicates PF category 2-3 which means the PF is between 40 and 99. PF categories shown in Section 8 correspond to specific ranges of PF categories. A correlation between protection factor categories and protection factors is shown at the top of the sample form . SAMPLE EASY II GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FORM V1 w 0: 10 20 20 EXTERIOR WALL (PSF) STANDARD LOCATION 50 Q 150 200 FACILITY NO. J VI .,..... ,.P""" BLDG . NAME ~ "' I ~ ADDRESS PART NQ___ USE CODE v I CIT Y ~ e w IL STATE Z IP CODE a. 50 c{ 1 ~ 60 t-LAT. L O N G. I ;f1 J 70 \ 1/ v.. I I 0 1'-1" i= 10 ·u. ' " 1'-I' " 20 SUMMAR Y 1-~-" I" 1'\ ~ IWc{w 30 -" l-z -OZc{ 50 f-" "' 2 ["'. FLOO R USABILITY 0-1 2+ Ictua. W!DO...J 100 h--'-I I~ ~I I S-B(S) " I --1-"' ~ .___ ,.... B 76 ~~0 ~ "" 90% 102 3 ..__ ~ 1-...J W ~ LLL r-..__ "~~ I !\ 1 ~ c{ 0 75 1- :J...J 2 u. -1-w r-+-C~ O~:Ji 3 I I t-~ ;f1 Vl a. ~ 100 r--r-r ~ 4 ~~I I'-'i--5 i'-~I ! "~'-I i e: 1'{ I'-I I'-~~I I 50 7 ~..._ V1 4 I' I'~ " :"-" ' 6 a:o z 75 f>-. I 0--I-I'-I I' ~ """'' -~ a: 100 wl 1-a: I'I' 1'-f' '-~ I i'K l TOTAL 102 r 76 zI ;:: z 150 0 0:1-~W 6 ['\ ['\ ['\"' NJ~ ~ ~ 0 0 :; ~ 2 00 f 1--z ~ "' ['._ ~~} ''\ [I] Vli::-0 I'\ 300 I' ~I 2 4 8 10", 1'--. 1 3 ! 7 9 11 I l "I " " I .\ ~ l l 200 I I 1\'~~~.' -' j_ '""0 -i l§-t _e--....:. +~ )> -~--+ r I I l _l 0 I I l \ I ~ i i I _Ll--"--< ! I Ill t' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' l 150 ll I . ll o ~ ~ ~ l ~ I ~ Ill \ I t..f N j_~ +-)> f-I I · _J_~ 0 ~a I 1--8 • . -+-, s: l"'r' --~ -+---4---.... --+--~-~ )> IX a ""I"" ~ ~ j_ 1 ~ _GQ)_ Vl Vl I f' \ il '-.._/ -i -,... :--+-----L~~-+-+-I 'II :.........: I ' 1\ '·' I I +--t-t--~--+--n :A " z i\ l ''.;.., Ill Vl -1---Vl ! I I I 1\ I I i' 1--~-50 ' I ~~.,.--;_t-:_ ,---:u i \. .,._.....__._-+-'T1 ·""""-Vl ' I Xl ' .J'r. 1=---:. --- I 20 I I l_lJ =.38 Cat 2+ 0 . 2 .6 . 8 1.0 AREA FACTORS Cat 0-1 I I I I I I 1 li j_ _1 J =.66 0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .6 . 7 . 8 . 9 1.0 @TECHNICAL SUPPORT determining shelter capacity Use the following parameters to determine the number of nuclear radiation shelter spaces provided: Usable floor area, PF category, area factors, and a 10 sq. ft. floor area allowance for each shelter occupant. Usable floor area is the net square-foot area of a story after deducting for fixed equipment or hazardous areas . Determine area factors for PF category 0-1 and 2 + (category 2-8) by extending the ground solution line in Section 8 down to the area factors at the bottom of the EASY II Graphical Solution Form . The sample form indicates a 0.38 area factor for PF category 2+ spaces, and 0.66 for PF category 0-1 spaces. In determining shelter capacity on the sample form, assume a floor area of 3,000 sq. ft., 90% usable. Use the following formulae to determine the number of shelter spaces: usable area x PF category 2 + area factor PF category 2 + spaces = 10 sq. ft. usable area x PF category 0-1 area factor PF category 0-1 spaces = 10 sq. ft. -PF category 2 + spaces The above formulae permit determina0-1 spaces exist , determine the number tion of both PF category 0-1 and PF of shelter spaces by using this formula: category 2 + spaces . If only PF category usable area x PF category 0-1 area factor PF category 0-1 spaces = 10 sq. ft. illustrative problem Each story in the illustrative problem rated PF category 0-1 due to its close has been analyzed using the EASY II proximity to the roof source plane and Graphical Solution Form on page 7. The the limited mass thickness in the roof first and second floors are rated PF system. Approximately 18 percent of the category 2-3, whereas the third story is perimeter of each story is shielded by the Parking xr =60 p.s.l. I I I I I I I I I I 10 100' ® e PROPOSED BUILDING ~ * SITE PLAN SECTION X-X y xr =60 p.s.l. ~ Xr =70 p.s.l. 0 Xr =70 p.s.l. 0 ~ SECTION Y-Y LEGEND X.= Exterior Wall Mass Thickness X,= Interior Partition Mass Thickness x, (Adjusted)=X, (1-A0 ) Xr= Floor Mass Thickness Xr= Roof Mass Thickness y A0 = Aperture Percen age adjacent building. The usable area for each floor is considered to be 90 percent of the gross area. x. =80 p.s.l. Third A0 =30% x. =80 p.s.l. Second A0 =40% x. =80 p.s .l. x. =80 p.s.l. A=30%Third 0 x. =80 p.s .l. Second AP =40% x. =80 p.s .l. AP =60% First EXAMPLE X. =BO p.s.f. X,=70 p.s.f., with 14% apertures X, (Adjusted)= 60 p.s.f. Xr = 70 p.s.f. Xr= 60 p.s.f. A.=60-40-30% EASY II GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FORM 20 200 V1 w a: :J f a: w Q. <( f 10 u. ~ ~ 50 60 70 80 90 100 PROTECTION FACTOR CATEGORIES Protection factor (PF) Category Range 8 Over 1,000 7 500-1 ,000 6 250-499 5 150-249 4 100-149 3 70-99 40--£9 1 20-39 0 10-19 X 0-9 SUMMARY SPACES (BY PF CATEGORY) FLOOR USABILITY 0-1 2+ S-B(S) B 1 90% 216 54 2 90% 162 162 3 90% 383 0 4 5 6 7 TOTAL 761 216 ROOF AREA (SQ FT) 200 500 1,000 2 3 4 (5 10,000 -4-1-J--a-1-Hl +-1--n -11 11 .;;;.... -i- f--l.-1--J 1--6-l-6-8 11 6 8 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 7 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 "'" "'" )> r 0 < fT1 150 :ll I fT1 )> 0 s: )> V1 V1 "'"! ,..-.. () ,; ~ 60 ~ fT1 z V1 '5'0 V1 "0 V1 ~ AREA FACTORS first floor Cat 0-1 second floor third floor IIIll~~~~~i~I~IUl~il[li]il~l~\il~[ji~l IllII 3 9072 02024471 5 illustrative problem (Cont'd) Shelter capacity for each story is determined as follows: first floor PF category 2+ spaces = (6,000 sq. ft. x 0.90) (0.1 area factor) 10 sq . ft. = PF category 0-1 spaces = (6,000 sq. ft. x 0.90) (0.5 area factor) 10 sq. ft. second floor PF category 2+ spaces = (6,000 sq . ft. x 0.90) (0.3 area factor) 10 sq. ft. = PF category 0-1 spaces = (6,000 sq. ft. x 0.90) (0.6 area factor) 10sq.ft. third floor PF category 0-1 spaces = {6,000 sq. ft. x 0 .90) (0.71 area factor) = 10 sq. ft. 54 spaces 54 = 216 spaces 162 spaces 162 = 162 spaces 383 spaces shelter analysis by electronic computer The EASY II Graphical Solution Form is an excellent design tool for estimating the degree of protection from nuclear radiation incorporated into a bui lding. More precise PF ratings can be obtained using the DCPA Fallout Shelter Analysis by Computer form, which is explained in DCPA technical report TR-55, Shielding Analysis for New designs. Copies of the form and instructions can be obtained from DCPA Regional Offices, or from Survey and Engineering Division, Plans and Operations, DCPA, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301. DCPA publications available to architects, engineers and building owners A partial list of publications available by writing to A. G. Publications Center, Civil Defense Branch, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, (Middle River), Baltimore, Maryland 21220, follows: MP-20 Publications Index TR-48 Fallout Shelter in Industrial and Commercial Buildings TR-49 1966 Architectural Awards Buildings with Fallout Shelter TR -51 Design Modification Studies TR-52 Radiation Shielding for Architects TR-53 Existing Schools: Their Future TR-54 Fallout Shelter Design Techniques-Apartment Buildings TR-58 HUD-Aids for Fallout Shelter Development TR-60 Shelters in New Homes TR-62 Increasing Blast and Fire Resistance in Buildings TR-63 1969 Architectural AwardsBuildings with Fallout Shelter DCPA REGIONAL OFFICES DCPA Region One Federal Regional Center Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 DCPA Region One Field Office Room 2354 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 1 0007 DCPA Region Two Federal Regional Center Olney , Maryland 20832 TR -65 12 Protected Schools TR-67 School Design StudyEnvironmental Hazards TR-68 Mass Thickness Manual for Walls , Floors and Roofs TR-69 Cost Benefits in Shelters TR-71 Decontamination Considera tions-for Architects and Engineers TR-72 A Case for Protective Design, Nuclear and Otherwise TR -73 Environment: Problems, Solutions, and Emergency Preparedness TR-7 4 Shelters in New Apartments TR -75 Protecting Mobile Homes from High Winds TR-78 Protected Educational Facilities in Found Space DCPA Region Three Federal Regional Center Thomasville, Georgia 31792 DCPA Region Four Federal Center Battle Creek , Michigan 49016 DCPA Region Five Federal Regional Center Denton , Texas 76201 TR-79 Schools in Kansas with Tornado Protection TR-80 Sound Control in Buildings TR-83 Wind-Resistant Design Concepts for Residences TR-83A Interim Guidelines for Building Occupant Protection from Tornadoes and Extreme Winds TR-83B Tornado ProtectionSelecting and Designing Safe Areas in Buildings DCPA Region Six Federal Regional Center Building 710 Denver, Colorado 80225 DCPA Region Six Field Office Room 1510 The Traders National Bank Building 1125 Grand Avenue . Kansas City, Missouri 64106 DCPA Region Seven Post Office Box 7287 Santa Rosa, California 95401 DCPA Region Eight Federal Regional Center Bothell, Washngton 98011 DEFENSE CIVIL PREPAREDNESS AGENCY tr U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 0 -236· 132