B\SON DCAAM 7730.17 I f FAO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (FMIS) LOCKWOOD liBHAdY UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO SEP 0 9 1994 DOCUMENTS DEPOSITORY LIBRARY 0433 DEFENSE CONTRACT AUDIT AGENCY USER MANUAL Volume I This reprint is a revision to DCAA Manual 7730.17 and reflects fMIS xersiori 3.00 . . . :i REPRINTEDJULY 1994 FMIS .USER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS- VOLUME I PAGESECTION I. OVERVIEW OF MANUAL ••••..••.•.•••.•.••.••••..•••.••••..._. 1-1 1-1 Purpose ................................... ·...........·...... 1-1 Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Instructions .. ; ....·.............. ~ ..................... 1-2 A. Management of Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-1 1. Contractor Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-7 1-A-25 2. Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. Contracts Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-29 b. Task Order Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-2a) . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-43 3. Demand Audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-59 a. Audit Request Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-3) .......... 1-A-61 b. Demand Setup/Modify/Delete (Forms 7000-4 and 7000-4a) ... 1-A-71 c. Demand Disposition (Form 7000-5) ...................... 1-A-103 d. Audit Exceptions (Form 7000-6) ......................... 1-A-125 4. Self-Initiated Assignments ............................... 1-A-139 a. Self-Initiated Setup/Modify/Delete (Forms 7000-7 and 7000-7a) 1-A-141 b. Self-Initiated Disposition (Form 7000-8) ................... 1-A-171 c. Audit Exceptions (Form 7000-6) ......................... 1-A-193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-207 5. Defective Pricing a. Demand DP Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-9) . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-209 b. Self-Initiated DP Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-10) ....... 1-A-237 c. Defective Pricing Disposition (Form 7000-11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-261 d. Audit Exceptions (Form 7000-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-A-279 6. Major Contractor Summary Dollars (Form 7000-13) 1-A-289 . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION PAGE 7. Supplemental Audit Information (Form 7000-14) .............. 1-A-299 8. PNM Follow-Up Letters (Form 7000-15) .................... 1-A-315 9. Indirect Assignments (Form 7000-16) ...................... 1-A-321 10. Employee Activity Reporting (Form 7000-17) ................. 1-A-329 B. Requirements Plan/Program Plan ............................ 1-B-1 1. Contractor Profile Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-18) ........ 1-B-5 2. Requirement and Program Plan Setup/Modify/Delete (Form 7000-18a) ...................................... 1-B-15 APPENDICES A. DCAA Guidance for Computing and Reporting Audit Results in the FMIS ....................................... A-1 B. Acronyms ............................................... B-1 C. Table of Codes ........................................... C-1 ii FMIS USER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II SECTION PAGE II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 II.A. ASSIGNMENT MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-A-1 II.A.1. Assignment Table Menu ................................ 11-A-3 II.A.1.a. Setup ....................................... 11-A-4 II.A.1.b. Disposition ................................... 11-A-12 II.A.1 .c. Supplemental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-A-17 II.A.1 .d. Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-A-18 II.A.1.e. Followup Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-A-21 II.A.1.f. Reimbursable Changes ......................... 11-A-22 II.A.1.g. Maintenance Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-A-27 II.A.2. Request Table Window ................................. 11-A-37 II.A.3. Supervisors Table Window .............................. 11-A-38 II.A.4. Teams Table Window .................................. 11-A-39 II.A.5. Report Menu ......................................... 11-A-40 II.B. CONTRACTORS MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-B-1 11.8.1. Contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-8-2 11.8.2. Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-8-4 II.C. CONTRACTS MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-C-1 II.C.1. Contracts Setup/Modify/Delete ........................... 11-C-2 II.C.2. Task Order Setup/Modify/Delete .......................... 11-C-5 II.C.3. Contract Vouchers Setup/Modify/Delete .................... 11-C-7 II.C.4. Payment Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-C-8 11-C-9 II.C.5. Contract Number Change iii SECTION PAGE II.C.6. Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-C-10 II.D. ETS MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • • . . 11-D-1 II.D.1. Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-D-3 II.D.1.a. Establish New Pay Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-D-3 II.D.1.b. ETS Hours Entry/Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-D-5 II.D.1.c. Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-D-11 II.D.2. Quick Reference-ETS Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-D-13 II.E. MONTHLV HOURS MODULE . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-1 II.E.1. Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-3 II.E.1.a. Rollup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-4 II.E.1.b. TDY Hours Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-8 II.E.1.c. History Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-12 II.E.1 .d. Personnel Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-17 II.E.1.e. SSN Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-20 II.E.1.f. Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-E-21 II.E.2. Quick Reference-Monthly and Fiscal Year-End Procedures . . . 11-E-23 II.F. PLAN MODULE . . . . . . . • . • • . . • • . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . 11-F-1 II.F.1. General Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-2 II.F.2. Detailed Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-3 II.F.2.a. Contractor Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-3 II.F.2.b. Plan Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-5 II.F.2.c. Copy Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-7 II.F.2.d. Copy In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-8 II.F.2.e. Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-10 II.F.2.f. Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-14 II.F.2.g. Change Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-16 II.F.2.h. Table Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-F-18 II.F.2.i. Report Menu ....................... , . . . . . . . . . 11-F-20 iv SECTION PAGE II.G. REIMBURSABLE BILLING MODULE • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-1 II.G.1. Budget Menu ......................................... 11-G-7 II.G.1.a. Initial Budget/Outyear Budget .................... 11-G-7 II.G.1.b. Revised Budget ............................... 11-G-9 II.G.1.c. Update Budget Totals .......................... 11-G-11 II.G.2. Monthly Menu ........................................ 11-G-12 II.G.2.a. Update Billings .... ~· ........................... 11-G-12 II.G.2.b. Print Billings .................................. 11-G-13 II.G.2.c. Cancel Billings ................................ 11-G-14 II.G.2.d. Errors ....................................... 11-G-14 II.G.2.e. Other Charges ................................ 11-G-16 II.G.3. Reimbursable Billing Adjustments Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-18 II.G.3.a. Rejects ...................................... 11-G-18 II.G.3.b. Adjustment Dates ............................. 11-G-22 II.G.3.c. Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-22 II.G.3.d. List Adjustments/List Suspensions ................ 11-G-26 II.G.4. Parameter Menu ...................................... 11-G-28 II.G.4.a. Hourly Billing Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-28 II.G.4.b. Reimbursable Adder Rates ...................... 11-G-29 II.G.4.c. RAR Pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-30 II.G.4.d. Billing Code Suffixes ........................... 11-G-31 II.G.S. Report Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-32 II.G.6. Quick Reference Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-G-33 II.H. SPECIAL PROCESS MODULES . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-1 II.H.1. Export, Import, Transfer Module .......................... 11-H-2 II.H.1.a. Transfer Assignments to Team ................... 11-H-3 II.H.1.b. Transfer Assignments to Supervisor ............... 11-H-7 II.H.1.c. Change Home FAO Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-9 II.H.1.d. Export Assignments, Etc. . ...................... 11-H-11 v SECTION PAGE II.H.2. II.H.3. II.H.1.e. Import Assignments, Etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Workload Analysis Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ Tables Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.H.3.a. DODAAC Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-24 11-H-43 11-H-49 11-H-50 II.H.3.b. Office Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-51 II.H.3.c. All Other Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-52 II.H.3.d. Field Detachment Tables Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-H-53 11.1. MONTH'S-END PROCESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1-1 11.1.1. AMIS Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1-2 11.1.2. 11.1.3. Close Routines (incl Purge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initialize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1-17 11-1-27 II.J. MAINTENANCE MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-1 II.J.1. System Maintenance Menu II.J.1.a. Home Office Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-2 11-J-2 II.J.1.b. II.J.1.c. II.J.1.d. Process Password Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Password Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clear Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-3 11-J-4 11-J-5 II.J.1.e. II.J.1.f. Software Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diskette Process Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-6 11-J-7 II.J.2. II.J.1.g. Temporary Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.J.1.h. ServiceRequest .............................. Table Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-9 11-J-10 11-J-11 II.J.2.a. II.J.2.b. II.J.2.c. II.J.2.d. II.J.2.e. II.J.2.f. II.J.2.g. View a Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-11 Edit a Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-12 Dump a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-13 Resize a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-14 Update Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-15 I Fix Indexing Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-17 AREV Table Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-J-18 vi SECTION PAGE II.K. EXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-K-1 II.K.1. Quit FMIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-K-2 II.K.2. Exit to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-K-3 APPENDICES D. Input Forms .............................................. D-1 E. Data Element Listing ....................................... E-1 vii THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK i. I. viii FMIS USER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME Ill SECTION PAGE Ill. FMIS REPORTS .............................................111-1 A. Overview of Universal Report Menu ...........................111-A-1 1. Scheduled Report ......................................111-A-3 2. Single Report .........................................111-A-11 3. R/LIST ...............................................111-A-17 4. Design A/LIST .........................................111-A-25 5. Access A/LIST ........................................111-A-31 6. Easywriter ............................................111-A-35 7. Retrieve Disk Reports .................................. .111-A-81 8. Print Queries ..........................................111-A-85 B. Standard Report Descriptions ................................111-B-1 1. Assignment Reports ....................................111-B-3 2. Contract Listing ........................................111-B-183 3. Contractor Listing ......................................111-B-187 4. Reimbursable Reports ..................................111-B-195 5. Requirements/Program Plan Reports .......................111-B-237 6. Hours Reports .........................................111-B-261 7. ETS Reports ..........................................111-B-287 ix THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK X I. OVERVIEW OF MANUAL PURPOSE: The FAO Management Information System (FMIS) User Manual provides uniform guidance and instructions to the audit and administrative staff for the operation and maintenance of FMIS. The Manual is divided into three sections providing comprehensive and detailed instructions for the audit and administrative staff and a complete description of standard and ad hoc reports. While the responsibilities of the audit and administrative staff are separate, each responsibility is an integral part of this system. Consequently, all personnel responsible for the operation and maintenance of this system need to become familiar with the entire contents of this Manual. The audit staff has the responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the data entered on the forms. For this purpose, the first portion of the Manual-Audit Functions-provides the coding instructions, definitions, and edit requirements for each data element. The section on audit functions also provides information to assist the audit staff in their responsibilities for the operation of the Requirements/Program Plan Module. Because the audit and administrative staff share in the responsibility of the accuracy of the data, the section on audit functions also includes instructions for Ad Hoc Reporting and Workload Analysis. Data integrity is of extreme importance, since data collected in FMIS will be uploaded to the Agency Management Information System (AMIS) for reporting DCAA's performance to outside agencies. The section on operating instructions is designed to assist the individual(s) with the responsibility for the overall operation and maintenance of the system by providing a complete working knowledge of FMIS. This section provides the information required to input data prepared by the audit staff into the system. All of the data input screens and special functions are contained in this section. Because the audit and administrative staff share in the responsibility of monitoring the accuracy and completeness of the data, the Report section of the manual is included as a separate volume for easy reference by all personnel. Special features offered by the system, i.e., "options", "softkeys" and "relations" are for the convenience of the operator and are explained in detail under each module. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Assistant Director, Operations has overall responsibility for the following: • Design and operation of the FMIS. • Maintaining the FMIS User Manual on a current and complete basis. 1-1 • Providing advice regarding the technical accuracy of data elements included in the FMIS and ensuring definitions are consistent with existing audit policy and guidance. Regional Directors, Heads of Principal Staff Elements, Headquarters, DCAA, and FAO Managers are responsible for ensuring that the instructions prescribed in this Manual are adhered to in preparation and submission of the data and ensuring the integrity of the output for statistical reporting outside DCAA. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Situations not covered by this Manual which may require additional guidance should be directed through the Regional FMIS Monitor to DCAA, ATTN: OTN, 25 South Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314. 1-2 I.A. MANAGEMENT OF ASSIGNMENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION This section of the manual is a comprehensive guide covering the use of data input forms which the FAO will use in the day-to-day management of its audits. Each data entry form corresponds to one of the FMIS input screens. The forms have been designed to follow the patterns of the input screens to allow for easier data entry. The sequence ofthe manual was established to simulate the flow of data gathered in an FAO environment. For example, it begins with the set up of Contractors and Contracts, continues with the procedures for setting up, modifying, and dispositioning assignments, and finishes with the processing of hours expended on direct and indirect assignments. Each major section of Management of Assignments contains the following: 1. General Description -This provides an overview of how the particular area being covered relates to the overall operation of the Agency. 2. Introduction to the Form -This is included for each form and contains the following: a. PURPOSE: b. WHO PREPARES: c. WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: d. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When using this section of the manual, users should be especially careful to read the Special Instructions as they contain important information. Usually, the Special Instructions contain procedures or practices which are critical to the successful operation of FMIS. 3. The applicable DCAA Form-These forms are to be used by FAO personnel to enter data into FMIS. 4. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS -These are included for each data element contained in the FMIS forms. Each definition includes: a. DATA ELEMENT NAME-This contains the narrative data element description and the FMIS data element name which is used in Easywriter or Rlist reports. b. DATA STRUCTURE-This defines the number of characters which can be input and whether the data to be entered is alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric. c. CODING INSTRUCTIONS-This instructs the user on the content of data that must be input and options that may be available. d. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION -This provides guidance on what the data element represents in narrative form. 1-A-1 e. EDIT REQUIREMENTS-Any checks in the FMIS programming used to prevent erroneous data are described here. In determining the proper dollar amounts to be entered into FMIS, the guidance in Appendix A "DCAA Guidance for Computing and Reporting Audit Results in the FMIS" should be used. The guidance contained therein is comprehensive and provides detailed information regarding the computation of dollars examined, questioned costs, etc. To summarize where dollar amounts can be reported, the following matrix by activity codes is presented. Activity Dollars Questioned Unsupported Cost Codes Description Examined Costs Costs Avoidance Incurred Costs: 10100 Major Contractor Summary X 105XX Operations Audits X 106XX Operation Audit Followup 11XXX Financiai/EDP Audits X 12XXX Materials X 13XXX Labor X 14XXX Indirect Costs X 15300 Final Price Proposals X* 15400 CACS 15500 Provisional Billing Rates 15600 Limitation of Payments 15900 Other Incurred Costs X 16100-Other Direct/Indirect X 16980 16990 All Inclusive Incur. Cost X X 16991 CACS 16992 Financial and EDP Audits X 16993 Compensation Audits X 16994 Labor Cost Charge/AIIoc. X 16995 Nonmajor MMAS X 16996 Nonmajor Joint CIPR X 16999 Additional System Survey X Special Audits: 17100 Terminations X X 17200 Equitable Adjustments X X 17300 Hardship Claims X X 17400 Escalation Claims X X 17500 Progress Payments 17600 Financial Capability 17700 Accounting System Survey 17740 Preaward Accounting Surv. 17750 cscsc 17800 Govt. Facility Rental X X 17850 Contract Fund Status Rpt 17860 Other Req.Contract Rpt. 17900 Other Special Audits X X 1-A-2 Activity Codes Description Dollar.s Examined Questioned costs Unsupported Cbsts .Cost Avoidance Cost Accounting Standards: 19100 CAS Disclosure Stmts. 19200 CAS Noncompliance 194XX CAS Compliance 19500 CAS Cost Impact X X Forward Pricing: 21000 Individual Bid Proposals X X X 22000 Should/Could Cost Reviews X** X** x·· 23000 Forward Pricing Rates 24XXX Estimating System 25000 Telephone Rate Requests 26000 Other System Surveys 27000 Specified Cost Element X X X 28000 Agreed Upon Procedures 29500 Catalog Items/SF 1412 Procurement Liaison Activities: 3XXXX PLA Activities Other Direct/Indirect: 40000- Various Other Direct 41800 43010- Various Other Direct 49950 5XXXX Auditor Indirect 6XXXX Administrative Indirect Total Net Activity Contract Recommended RecommendedRecommended Codes Description Value Adjustment Setoff Adjustment Defective Pricing: 4201 0- Defective Pricing X X X X 42098 42099 Def. Pricing Followup * -Dollar amounts are acceptable for this code only if questioned costs were not reported under other incurred cost activity codes. •• -Dollars examined, questioned costs and/or unsupported costs will not be reported in FMIS for should/could cost indirect rate studies. 1-A-3 REPORTING AUDITED CONTRACTOR DOLLARS IN FMIS Dollars Examined-Dollars examined are reported in FMIS as cumulative assignment to date totals. Current fiscal year (FY) dollars examined for an assignment are identified as those reported into FMIS during that FY. Prior FY dollars examined for an assignment are those reported in previous fiscal years. In FMIS, dollars examined for an assignment are stored in four data fields as follows: 1. DOLEX: A multivalued data field containing dollars examined. This data field stores each entry made from the inception of the assignment, including "in-process" dollars. 2. CDOLEX: A single value data field containing current FY dollars examined. 3. PDOLEX: A single value data field containing prior FY dollars examined. 4. DOLEX.LAST: A single value data field which stores the last reported cumulative total dollars examined. If an assignment status is in process (INPR), the dollar value displayed represents the last dollars examined entered. Also, when an assignment is closed (COMP or $REC), the dollar value displayed represents the total dollars examined for the assignment. Modifying Dollars Examined -Modifications to either current or prior FY dollars examined must be completed as a separate entry in FMIS. 1. A change to prior FY dollars examined may impact current FY performance data. Modification of prior FY dollars examined must be coordinated with the Regional FMIS Monitor. PRIOR YEAR DOLLARS EXAMINED ARE PASSWORD PROTECTED AND CAN ONLY BE MODIFIED THROUGH THE FMIS ASSIGNMENT TABLE MAINTENANCE MODULE. I 2. Modification of current FY dollars examined is accomplished by accessing the assignment disposition screen increasing or decreasing from the reported total amount listed for the assignment. 1-A-4 Reporting Supplemental Audit Dollars Examined -There are three cases that require consideration when reporting supplemental audit dollars examined. · 1. When an assignment in FMIS has been closed, supplemental dollars examined are reported as a cumulative assignment-to-date total on DCAA Form 7000-14, Supplemental Audit. 2. If a supplemental audit report is issued where the original assignment has been purged from FMIS, a new assignment must be established. In this case, supplemental results will be reported on FMIS disposition forms instead of Form 7000-14. Dollars examined will be reported onlyif.total dollars examined exceed those originally reported. Dollars examined reported on the new assignment must exclude dollars previously reported. 3. Multiple supplemental audit reports may be recorded against an assignment. Dollars examined will be the cumulative total to date. Questioned Costs -There are three data fields where questioned dollars are stored in FMIS. These data fields are: 1. CQUEST: Total current FY questioned dollars. 2. PQUEST: Total prior FY questioned dollars. 3. QUEST: Total current and prior FY questioned dollars. Modification of total questioned dollars is accomplished by accessing the disposition screen and increasing or decreasing the amount listed as questioned costs. Modifications to prior FY questioned costs must be coordinated through the Regional FMIS monitor. Unsupported Costs-There are three data fields where unsupported dollars are stored in FMIS. These data fields are: 1. CUNS: Total current FY unsupported dollars. 2. PUNS: Total prior FY unsupported dollars. 3. UNS: Total current and prior FY unsupported dollars. Modification of total unsupported dollars is accomplished by accessing the disposition screen and increasing or decreasing the amount listed as unsupported costs. Modifications to prior FY unsupported costs must be coordinated through the Regional FMIS monitor. I~A-5 Cost Avoidance -There are three data fields where cost avoidance dollars are stored in FMIS. These data fields are: 1. CAVOID: Total current FY cost avoidance dollars. 2. PAVOID: Total prior cost avoidance FY dollars. 3. AVOID: Total current and prior FY cost avoidance dollars. Modification of total cost avoidance dollars is accomplished by accessing the disposition screen and increasing or decreasing the amount listed as cost avoidance. Modifications to prior FY cost avoidance must be coordinated through the Regional FMIS monitor. 1-A-6 I.A.1. CONTRACTOR SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-1) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to establish a new contractor for a Field Audit Office (FAO), change existing contractor data, or delete a contractor from the system. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is normally prepared by supervisory personnel, but may vary in each FAO. (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed when a determination has been made to perform an audit at a new contractor, or when modifications to existing contractor information are required. To modify previously entered data, circle Modify on the form, enter the Contractor ID and the field(s) to be changed. To delete a contractor, circle Delete on the form, and enter the Contractor ID Code. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: In order to enter data into FMIS, there must be an established contractor profile table. Therefore, all Contractor identification codes entered in the Assignment Module and the Plan Module are verified against the Contractor Table. The Contractor Table must be updated periodically from information residing in the FAO contractor permanent file (DCAAM 5015.1, File 810.1) to ensure data integrity. A contractor cannot be deleted from the Contractor Table until all assignments and contracts associated with that contractor are cleared from the following FMIS tables: (a) Assignment Table (b) Assignment Purge Table (c) Contract/Task Order Table (d) Requirement/Program Plan Table 1-A-7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANK 1-A-8 CONTRACTOR SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) Code: (R)CAGECode: _____ Acronym: _ (R) Name (Max 40): (R) Street (Max 29): (R) City (Max 20): ------- (R) State/Prov.: (R) ZipCode/PostaiCode: _____ -____ (R) Country: __ Telephone:(___) ___-____ (R) Audit Team: (R) Total Number of Contracts: _____ (R) Number of CAS Covered Contracts: _____ {More than one team allowed} (R*) File Disclosure Statement: _ (R) CFY End Month: __ (R*) PPC Export Flag: _ (R*) Overhead Claim Required: _ (R*) Mobile Indicator: _ (*) Contract Audit Co-ord Code: ___ (*) Prime Administrator: __ (R*) IC Major/Non-Major Indicator: _ Last CFY Audited: __ (*) Audit Determined/Negotiated: _ {Required only if Overhead Claim Required is Y} (R*) CAS Code: _ (*) ADV Contractor: {At time of set up, update if necessary} Transition Year: __ {Year Audit Determined becomes Negotiated or vice versa.} (R) (S) (*) Required Entry System Generated See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-1 Jun 94 1-A-9 01 =NASA 02 =ERDA 03= DOT 04=HHS 05=ACTION 06=VA 07=AID 08=CSA 09 =NSF 10 = INTERI 11 = COMMER CAS CODE 0 = Not CAS Covered 1 = Full CAS Coverage 2 = Modified CAS Coverage DCAA Form 7000-1 Jun 94 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT N = CAS Disclosure Statement Not Required Y = CAS Disclosure Statement Required PPC EXPORT FLAG 0 = Do Not Export to PPC File 1 = Export to PPC File OVERHEAD CLAIM REQUIRED N = No Overhead Claim Is Required Y =Overhead Claim Is Required MOBILE INDICATOR 0 = Contractor Is Not Audited On A Mobile Basis 1 = Contractor Is Audited On A Mobile Basis CAC CODE See Appendix C of the FMIS User Manual PRIME ADMINISTRATOR 12 =LABOR 23 =EPA 60 =NAVY 13 =USPS 24 = CASB 70=AF 14 =STATE 25 = FEA 75=0TDOD 15 = JUSTIC 26 = USRLWY 79 = DCAS 16 = TREASU 27 = CTA 80 =GERMAN 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 18 = USACDA 29 = ENG/OT 82= UK 19 = AGRI 30 =DOE 83=AUSTRL 20 =USIA 31 = EDUC 84 =BRAZIL 21 = HUD 39 =OTHER 85 =IRAN 22 =GSA 50 =ARMY 99=0TCOU IC MAJOR/NON-MAJOR INDICATOR M = Major Contractor R = Non-Major Contractor AUDIT DETERMINED/NEGOTIATED Blank = Not Applicable D =Audit Determined N = Audit Negotiated ADV CONTRACTOR Y=Yes N= No 1-A-10 I.A.1. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Identification Code (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the 3-digit code as assigned by the FAO for each individual contractor. 2. An entry of 998 indicates a "Housekeeping" assignment (49900, 41700, 25000, etc.) 3. An entry of 999 is only valid for Requirements & Program Plans for non-major group contractors. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Should be 998 for "Housekeeping" type of assignments (49900, 41700, 25000, etc.). • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the standard code that is assigned to each contractor by the contracting officer. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAGE codes are assigned to contractors located world-wide. The code is used by DoD and other government agencies to identify a contractor's name, geographical location, former name (if applicable), and status. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 1-A-11 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Acronym (CONACRON) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the acronym used for the contractor, if applicable. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor acronym is an abbreviated version of the contractor's name. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 1-6 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the contractor's name. Abbreviations may be used. For those parent organizations with a CAC Code, use a "Short Title" followed by a "dash". Then enter the next subordinate organizational entity or entities; for example, ABC Corp. -Fluid Mechanics Division. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-12 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Street (STREET) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-nine (29) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the street address for the contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element indicates the street location or the mailing post office box number of the contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 1-29 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: City (CITY) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty (20) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the city that corresponds with the street address. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The city is the location of the contractor related to the street address. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 1-20 characters. 1-A-13 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: State/Prov (STATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the official abbreviation for the state or foreign country in which the contractor is located. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The State is the official abbreviation for the state or foreign country in which the contractor is located. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 2 alphabetic characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Zip Postal Code (ZIP) DATA STRUCTURE: Nine (9) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate zip code as assigned by the U.S. Postal Service. If only the 5-digit code is entered, it should be left justified in the five positions provided on the form. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Zip Code is the five-or nine-digit code assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to designate mailing locations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. Only five or nine numeric digits will be accepted by the system. 1-A-14 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Country (COUNTRY) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate two letter abbreviation from Appendix C for the country in which the contractor is located. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The country is the abbreviation for the country in which the contractor is located. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 2 alphabetic characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Telephone (PHONE) DATA STRUCTURE: Ten (10) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the phone number of the contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Phone number is the complete telephone number including area code for the contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must not be blank. 2. Must contain 1 0 numbers. 1-A-15 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Audit Team (TEAM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter an alpha character (A-Z, excluding E) to indicate the responsible audit team(s). The system will allow for multiple entries. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Team is the alphabetic character assigned to a specific workload or supervisor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be an alphabetic character. 2. The letter 'E' cannot be used. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Number of Contracts (NUMCONTA) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total number of flexibly-priced contracts or subcontracts associated with the contractor over which ,, DCAA has audit cognizance for the CCFY -,same number as contained in the program plan. ' DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The total number of contracts is the number of contracts and subcontracts for a contractor or group of contractors which ~re subject to an incurred cost audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-A-16 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number of CAS Covered Contracts (NUMKCAS) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of CAS covered contracts. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Number of CAS Covered Contracts is the total, number of CAS covered contracts and subcontracts for a contractor or group of contractors. This number includes both fixed and flexibly priced contracts and subcontracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: File Disclosure Statement (DISCLOSE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. Y =CAS Disclosure Statement required. 2. N = CAS Disclosure Statement not required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The File Disclosure Statement indicates whether the contractor is required to file a disclosure statement in accordance with Cost Accounting Standards regulations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must beY or N. 1-A-17 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PPC Export Flag (PPCEXP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. 0 =Do not export to PPC file. 2. 1 = Export to PPC file. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The PPC export flag identifies active contractors with projected incurred cost audit workload for the next fiscal year. During the requirements plan/program plan cycle, the initial dBASE PPC file will be exported from FMIS. All contractors with a flag equal to 1 will be exported. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0 or 1. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CFY End Month (ENDMO) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a numeric indicator for the month in which the contractor's fiscal year ends. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor's fiscal year end month designates the month in which the contractor's fiscal year ends. ' EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 01-12. 1-A-18 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Overhead Claim Required (CLAIM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. Y = Overhead Claim is required. 2. N =No Overhead Claim is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Overhead Claim Required field . indicates whether the contractor's flexibly-priced contracts or subcontracts mandate the submission of an overhead claim to finalize its annual indirect rates. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must beY or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Audit Coordinator Code (CACCDE) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 3-digit code assigned by Headquarters. See Appendix C for appropriate CAC code. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAC Code is a 3-digit code assigned by Headquarters. The codes are used by FAOs to identify contractors which are members of a contract audit coordinator network. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 001-100. 1-A-19 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: IC Major/Non-Major Indicator (MORA) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. M =Major Contractor. 2. R = Non-major Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The IC Major/Non-Major Indicator is a unique code assigned to distinguish between a major and non-major contractor. This field must be updated annually during the requirements/program plan cycle. A major contractor is identified as having current contractor fiscal year (CCFY) incurred costs of $70 million or more on flexibly priced contracts and subcontracts. Non-major contractors have less than $70 million of CCFY incurred costs on flexibly priced contracts and subcontracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be M orR. 2. Must be the same as the program plan file. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Mobile Indicator (MOBILE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. 0 = The contractor is not audited on a mobile basis. 2. 1 =The contractor is audited on a mobile basis. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Mobile Indicator shows whether or not the contraCtor is audited on a mobile basis. If DCAA does not have an audit staff physically located at the contractor's site, it is considered I to be audited on a mobile basis. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be a 0 or 1. 1-A-20 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Prime Administrator (AGNCY) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code listed in Appendix Cor on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-1. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Prime Administrator indicates the agency that has prime contract administration responsibility or majority contract administration responsibility. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or match the Prime Administrator table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Last CFY Audited (LASTYAUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the last two digits of the contractor fiscal year that all incurred cost audit effort has been completed and all reports issued. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Last CFY Audited indicates the most recent contractor fiscal year for which all required audit effort on flexibly priced contracts and subcontracts has been completed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or a 2-digit fiscal year. 1-A-21 • DATA ELEMENTNAME: Audit Determined/Negotiated (AUDNEG) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code. 1. D = Audit determined. 2. N =Negotiated. 3. Blank = No Overhead Claim Required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates if the contractor's final indirect rates are negotiated or audit determined. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank, D or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ADV Contractor (ADV) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code to indicate if this contractor is subject to ADV audits: Y (Yes) or N (No). I DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The , ADV Contractor field identifies whether or not a, contractor will require an audit of flexibly-priced contracts or subco~tracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must beY or N. 2. If Overhead Claim Required, this field must= Y. 1-A-22 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Code (CASCODE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a 1 if contractor is subject to full CAS coverage; 2 if subject to modified CAS coverage (CAS 401, 402, 405, and 406 only); or 0 if contractor is exempt from CAS. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAS Code designates whether a contractor is subject to full or modified CAS coverage or exempt from CAS coverage entirely. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0, 1 or 2. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Transition Year (TRANSYR) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 2-digit fiscal year in which the contractor's incurred indirect rates changed from audit determined to negotiated or vice versa. 1. If indirect rates have always been audit determined or negotiated, the transition year must be 00. 2. The transition year must be the fiscal year in which the indirect rate establishment procedures changed from audit determined to negotiated or vice versa. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: If there has been a change in the indirect rate determination procedures, the transition year indicates the first fiscal year in which the contractor's incurred indirect rates changed from audit determined to negotiated or changed from negotiated to audit determined. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 00-99. 1-A-23 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-24 I.A.2. CONTRACTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION This module provides the ability to set up, modify, and delete contracts and task orders as well as the ability to track contract vouchers. Also, this module is used to set up RFP's, RFQ's or other solicitation data necessary for preparing reimbursable billings on proposal reviews. Contracts and Task Orders must be set up under the Contract and Task Order Setup/Modify/Delete options for all reimbursable audits. Maintenance of these two tables for all other audits is optional. DCAA Forms 7000-2 and 7000-2a have been designed to allow FAO personnel to enter required and optional contract/task order information. No form is necessary to maintain the Contract Voucher Detail file. The information is taken directly from the voucher. Although this table is optional, it can be used to track the receipt and release of vouchers at an FAO. Complete details on the three contract options are contained in the Operating Instructions section of this manual. NOTES: 1. The contract, task order, and voucher files are normally maintained by the FMIS Administrator. 2. The system will not accept the contract number for a task order or a voucher until the contract has been set up in the Contracts file. 3. When entering estimated cost and fee amount for a contract or task order, the following matrix based on type of contract should be used: Contract Type Description Cost Fee 0 Cost Reimbursable R D 1 Cost Sharing R D 2 Cost Plus Fixed Fee R R 3 Cost Plus Incentive Fee R R 4 Cost Plus Award Fee R R 5 Time & Material A A 6 Fixed Price Incentive A A 7 Fixed Price Redeterminable A A 8 Firm Fixed Price A A 9 Other A A Where R = Positive Value Required A= Zero or Positive Value Allowed D = Zero Allowed Only 1-A-25 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-26 CONTRACT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) Contract NumberiRFP Number (Max 31 ): ---------------------- (S) Entry Date: __I __I _ _(_R*) Contract Level: ------------- (R) Grant: _ (R*) Prime Contract No. (Max 31): ----~------~-----{Required for Subcontracts Only} (R*) CAS Covered Code: _ CONTRACTOR: (R) ID: ___ (S) Name (Max 40): _____________ (S) Acronym: (R) Billing Code: ___. __ (R) Suffix ___ (R*) True Contract: _ {If N, no further entries are allowed} (R*) Type of Contract: _ Estimated Start Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) Issuing Agency: __ Estimated Completion Date: __I__I__ Payment Office: ____ (*) Completion Code: _ (R) Estimated Cost Fee Amount (R) Modification No. (000) {No Commas} (000) {No Commas} {NI A for initial} (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Initials Date Supvsr. DCAA Form 7000-2 Admin Jun94 1-A-27 CONTRACT LEVEL PRIME.CONTRACT SUBCONTRACT TRUE CONTRACT Y =Contract N = RFP, Task Order, or Basic Ordering Agreement TYPE OF CONTRACT 0 = Cost Reimbursable 4 = Cost+ Award Fee 7 = Fixed Price Redeterminable 1 = Cost Sharing 5 = Time & Material 8 = Firm Fixed Price 2 = Cost + Fixed-fee 6 = Fixed Price Incentive 9 =Other 3 = Cost + Incentive ISSUING AGENCY 01 =NASA 12 =LABOR 23 =EPA 60 =NAVY 02= ERDA 13 =USPS 24 = CASB 70=AF 03= DOT 14 =STATE 25 = FEA 75 = OT DOD 04=HHS 15 = JUSTIC 26 = USRLWY 79 = DCAS OS=ACTION 16 = TREASU 27=CTA 80 =GERMAN 06=VA 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 07=AID 18 = USACDA 29 = ENG/OT 82= UK 08=CSA 19 = AGRI 30 =DOE 83 =AUSTRL 09 =NSF 20 =USIA 31 = EDUC 84 =BRAZIL 10 = INTERI 21 = HUD 39 =OTHER 85 =IRAN 11 =COMMER 22 =GSA 50=ARMY 99=0TCOU COMPLETION CODE 1 = Audit Closing Statement Issued 2 =Termination Report Issued 3 = Audit Responsibility Transferred 4 =Other CAS COVERED 0 = Not CAS Covered 1 = Full CAS Coverage 2 = Modified CAS Coverage BILLING CODES See Appendix C of the FMIS User Manual DCAA Form 7000-2 Jun94 1-A-28 I.A.2.a. CONTRACT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-2) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to submit and update data relating to specific auditable contracts or to delete contracts from the system. It is also used to set up RFP's, etc., necessary for reimbursable billings on proposals. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is normally prepared by supervisory personnel but may vary in each FAO. (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be prepared to establish new contracts for a contractor, to change previously submitted contract data as a result of a contract modification or completion of required audit coverage, or to delete contracts no longer auditable by the FAO. To modify previously entered data, enter the contract number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: FMIS requires contract information for all reimbursable contracts and must also be input if the contract voucher file is to be used; otherwise, the form is optional. A contract cannot be deleted until all assignments for that contract have been cleared from the system. 1-A-29 THIS PAGEINTENTINALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-30 I.A.2.a. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the contract number as shown on the contract. If this is a subcontract, enter the subcontract number. 2. If this is a grant issued by the Department of Transportation (DOT) under Source Codes 103.1 through 103.10, the DOT Audit Request Number should be entered in this field. If this is a DOT grant under Source Code 1 03.11, the DOT OIG Audit Request Number should be entered. For all other grants, enter the word "GRANTS" followed by a dash ("-"), the billing code, another dash ("-"),and the grant number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number assigned to a contractual agreement between the Government and a contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must not exceed 31 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Entry Date (ENTDAT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: None. The system defaults to the current date. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The date the contract was entered into the contracts file. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-31 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Level (CONTLVL) DATA STRUCTURE: Fourteen (14) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter either PRIME.CONTRACT or SUBCONTRACT". P or S may be entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Contract level denotes whether a contract is a prime or a subcontract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Entry must be PRIME.CONTRACT or SUBCONTRACT. 2. If SUBCONTRACT is entered, the prime contract must exist in the contracts file. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Prime Contract Number (PRIME.CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If a prime contract number was entered in the Contract Number field, this field must be blank. If a subcontract number was entered in the Contract Number field, the associated prime contract number must be entered in this field. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the prime contract number, when data entered relates to a subcontract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. If PRIME.CONTRACT level was selected, this field must be blank. 2. If SUBCONTRACT level was selected, this field requires a prime contract number. 1-A-32 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a Y (Yes) if the contract is a reimbursable grant. Enter an N (No) if this is not a grant. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Grant Determinant denotes whether or not a contract is a grant at an institution. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must beY or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Covered Code (CASCOVRD) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a 1 it the contract is subject to full CAS coverage, 2 if the contract is subject to modified CAS coverage, or 0 it the contract is not subject to CAS coverage. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: CAS Covered Code designates whether the contract is subject to full or modified CAS coverage or exempt from CAS coverage entirely. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0, 1 or 2. 1-A-33 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Identification Code (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 3-digit contractor ID code which will identify the contractor associated with the contract. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Entry must be 001-998. 2. The entry must reside in the FMIS contractor table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-34 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Acronym (CONACRON) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor acronym is an abbreviated version of the contractor's name. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reimbursable billing codes applicable to the contract. Enter 000 for non-reimbursable contracts. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The billing codes are identifiers for the client agencies for whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract or proposal. These billing codes are synonymous with the reimbursable source codes found in DCAAM 7200.1, Chapter Ill. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match a code in the Billing Code table contained in Appendix C. 1-A-35 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned to billing codes listed in the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO assigned code that represents the Agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Each separate office for the following Billing Codes requires that a separate Billing Cod~ Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table: 107.02 -Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt Agencies (DCAS NY -Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII other DoD Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or three numeric. 2. Suffix must exist on the FAO's Misc. Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-36 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: True Contract (FLAG) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a Y (Yes) if entry is a contract or an N (No) if entry refers to a Request for Proposal (RFP) or basic ordering agreement. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: True contract denotes whether the contract number refers to a contract or to an RFP/RFQ or basic ordering agreement. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. True contract is a required entry and cannot be skipped. 2. Entry must beY or N. 3. If Y is entered, task orders cannot be set up against this contract. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Type of Contract (CONTTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code. for the type of contract. See reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-2 or Appendix C for appropriate codes. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contract type indicates type of contract awarded. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9. 1-A-37 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the contract start date in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the scheduled start date for the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 0 1-12; Day must be 01-31 ; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Completion Date (ESTCOMP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the estimated contract completion date in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the estimated completion date.as specified in the contract or contract modification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-38 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Issuing Agency (AGNCY) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the issuing agency code as shown on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-2 or in Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This code is assigned by DCAA to the agency which issued the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must match Agency Code Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Payment Office (PAYOFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 4-character identifier assigned by the FAO, if used; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Payment office is an optional identifier assigned by the FAO to assist in differentiating between paying office responsibilities for a variety of contracts. This identifier can be used as a cross-reference to mailing addresses for public vouchers. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be blank or have four alphanumeric characters. 1-A-39 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Completion Code (CMPCDE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the completion code as shown on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-2 if contract is completed. If pending, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The completion code identifies the completion s'tatus of a contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be 1-4. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Cost (COSTAMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Ten (10) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the estimated or target cost of the contract rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the estimated or target cost excluding fee as specified in the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9999999999. 1-A-40 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Fee Amount (FEEAMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Ten (10) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If contract type is 2-4, fee amount rounded to the nearest thousand dollars must be entered. For contract types 5-9, fee amount is optional. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The fee amount is the fee or target fee as specified in the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-9999999999. 2. Fee amount cannot exceed estimated cost. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Modification Number (MODNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number specified as the modification number to the contract; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the number assigned to a contract modification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be blank or four alphanumeric characters. 1-A-41 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-42 I.A.2.b. TASK ORDER SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-2a) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to submit and update data relating to specific auditable task orders on contracts. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is normally prepared by supervisory personnel but may vary by FAO. (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be prepared to establish task orders under a contract, to change previously submitted task order data as a result of a modification or completion of required audit coverage, or to delete task orders no longer auditable by the FAO. To modify previously entered data, enter the Contract Number, Task Order Number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. FMIS requires contract/task order information for all reimbursable contracts and must also be input if the Contract Voucher file is to be used; otherwise, the form is optional. 2. Task Order information can only be input if the Basic Ordering Agreement was previously set up using the Contract Setup form (DCAA Form 7000-2). 1-A-43 THIS PAGE INTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-44 TASK ORDER SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) Contract NumberiRFP (Max 31): -------:--------(R) Task Order: _____ Entry Date: (S) Contract Level: (S) Prime Contract No: (S) Grant: (S*) CAS Covered Code: CONTRACTOR: (S) ID: ___ (S) Name (Max 40): ____________ (S) Acronym: (R) BillingCode: ___. __ (R) Suffix ___ (S*) True Contract: _ (R*) Type of Contract: _ Estimated Start Date: _ _/~_/__ (*) Issuing Agency: __ Estimated Completion Date: __I__I__ Payment Office: ____ (*) Completion Code: _ (R) Estimated Cost Fee Amount (R) Modification No. (000) {No Commas} (000) {No Commas} {NIA for Initial} (R) (S) (*) Required Entry System Generated See Reverse for Code DCAA Form 7000-2a Jun 94 Supvsr. Admin Initials Date 1-A-45 CONTRACT LEVEL PRIME.CONTRACT SUBCONTRACT TRUE CONTRACT Y =Contract N = RFP, Task Order, or Basic Ordering Agreement TYPE OF CONTRACT 0 = Cost Reimbursable 4 =Cost+ Award Fee 7 = Fixed Price Redeterminable 1 = Cost Sharing 5 = Time & Material 8 = Firm Fixed Price 2 =Cost+ Fixed-fee 6 = Fixed Price Incentive 9 =Other 3 = Cost + Incentive ISSUING AGENCY 01 =NASA 12 =LABOR 23 =EPA 60 =NAVY 02 =ERDA 13 =USPS 24 = CASB 70=AF 03= DOT 14 =STATE 25 = FEA 75 = OT DOD 04= HHS 15 = JUSTIC 26 = USRLWY 79 = DCAS 05=ACTION 16 = TREASU 27 = CTA 80 =GERMAN 06=VA 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 07 =AID 18 = USACDA 29 = ENG/OT 82 =UK 08 = CSA 19 = AGRI 30 =DOE 83 =AUSTRL 09 =NSF 20 =USIA 31 = EDUC 84 =BRAZIL 10 = INTERI 21 = HUD 39 =OTHER 85 =IRAN 11 = COMMER 22 =GSA 50= ARMY 99 = OT COU COMPLETION CODE 1 = Audit Closing Statement Issued 2 =Termination Report Issued 3 = Audit Responsibility Transferred 4 =Other CAS COVERED 0 = Not CAS Covered 1 = Full CAS Coverage 2 = Modified CAS Coverage BILLING CODES See Appendix C of the FMIS User Manual DCAA Form 7000-2a Jun94 1-A-46 I.A.2.b. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the contract number as shown on the contract. If this is a subcontract, enter the subcontract number. 2. If this is a grant issued by the Department of Transportation (DOT) under Source Codes 103.1 through 103.10, the DOT Audit Request Number should be entered in this field. If this is a DOT grant under Source Code 103.11, the DOT OIG Audit Request Number should be entered. For all other grants, enter the word "GRANTS" followed by a dash ("-"), the billing code, another dash ("-"), and the grant number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number assigned to a contractual agreement between the Federal Government and. a contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must not exceed 31 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Task Order Number (TSKORDNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order number shown on the task order. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the task order number as shown on the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be 1-5 alphanumeric characters. NOTES: Zeros are considered as characters. Entry of 001 will be treated differently than 01 or 1. Consequently, lead zeros should not be entered unless part of the actual task order number. 1-A-47 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Entry Date (ENTDAT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: None; the system defaults to the current date. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The date the task order was entered into the Contract Task Order File. ! EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Level (CONTLVL) DATA STRUCTURE:: Fourteen (14) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: The system defaults to PRIME.CONTRACTj or SUBCONTRACT depending on how the basic contract was set up. No entry is required. I DEFINITION/DESC81PTION: Contract Level denotes whether a contract is a prime or a subcontract. I EDIT REOUIREMEMTS: None. 1-A-48 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Prime Contract Number (PRIME.CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: No entry is required. The system defaults to the contract number entered when the basic contract was established. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Indicates the number assigned to a prime contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: No entry is required. The system defaults to a Y (Yes) if the contract is a reimbursable grant, or an N (No) if this is not a grant, depending on how the basic contract was established. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Grant Determinant denotes whether or not a contract is a grant at an institution. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-49 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Covered Code (CASCOVRD) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: No entry is required. The system defaults to a 1 if the contract is subject to full CAS coverage; 2 if the contract is subject to modified CAS coverage; or 0 if exempt from CAS coverage, depending on how the basic contract was established. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Denotes whether contract is or is not subject to CAS coverage. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Identification Code (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric · CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 3-digit contractor ID code which will identify t~e contractor associatep with the task order. DEFINITION/DESGRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit num~ric code assigned by ',the FAO to each contractor associated with th~t field office. The contractor is an entity which ·I enters into contracts with the Government:1.' i I EDIT REQUIREMENTS: I ~ i I 1. Entry must be 001-998. 2. The entry must, reside in the FMIS contractor table. I 1-A-50 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Acronym (CONACRON) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Acronym is an abbreviated version of the contractor's name. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-51 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reimbursable billing code applicable to the contract. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Billing Codes are identifiers for the client agencies for whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract or proposal. ' These billing codes are synonymous with the reimbursable source codes found in DCAAM 7200.1 , Chapter, Ill. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must match codes in the Billing Code Table contained in Appendix C. 2. Must match;Billing !Code in base record. 1-A-52 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned ·. to billing codes listed in the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO assigned code that ·represents the Agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Each separate office for the following Billing Codes requires that a separate Billing Code Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table: 107.02-Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -_ All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt. Agencies (DCAS NY-Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII other DoD Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: . 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or three numeric. 2. Suffix must exist on the FAO's Misc. Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-53 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: True Contract (FLAG) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: No entry is required. The system defaults to a "Y" (Yes) for task orders. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: True Contract denotes whether the Task Order refers to a contract, or to an RFP/RFQ or basic ordering agreement. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Type of Contract (CONTTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) numeric CODING INSTHUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code from the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-2a or Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Type of Contract indicates the anticipated or tt~e actual type of contract/task order to be awarded. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9. I 1-A-54 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order start date in MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Estimated Start Date is the scheduled start date of the task order. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Completion Date (ESTCOMP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the estimated task order completion date in MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the estimated completion date as specified in the task order or task order modification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12: Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-55 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Issuing Agency (AGNq_Y) / DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Issuing Agency Code as shown on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-2a or in Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned by DCAA to the agency which issued the task order. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must match Agency Code Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Payment Office (PAYOFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 4-character identifier assigned by the FAO, if used; otherwise, leave blank. I DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Payment Office is an optional identifier assigned by the FAO to assist in differentiating between paying office responsibilities for a variety of contracts. This identifier can be used as a cross-ref~rehce to mailing addresses for public vouchers. I ' I EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be blank or have 1-4 alphanumeric characters. 1: !' 1-A-56 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Completion Code (CMPCDE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the completion code as shown on the reverse side of the Form 7000-2a. If pending, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The completion code identifies the completion status of a task order. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be blank or 1-4. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Cost (COSTAMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Ten (10) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the estimated or target cost of the task order, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the estimated or target cost as specified in the task order. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9999999999. 1-A-57 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Fee (FEEAMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Ten (10) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If contract type is 2-4, fee amount rounded to the nearest thousand dollars must be entered. For contract types 5-9, fee amount is optional. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Fee amount is the fee or target fee as specified in the task order. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 0-9999999999. 2. Fee amount cannot exceed estimated cost. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Modification Number (MODNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) AlpHanumeric - CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter :the number specified as the modification number to the task order;1 otherwise, leave blank. I DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This::field is the number assigned to a task order modification. 1 EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be exactly four alphanumeric. characters. 1-A-58 I.A.3. DEMAND AUDITS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) performs contract auditing for the Department of Defense (DoD) as well as other Federal agencies and provides accounting and financial advisory services to assist in the negotiation, administration, repricing and settlement of contracts. A demand audit is one where a request for audit services is received in a field audit office (FAO) of DCAA from a DoD component or non-DoD agencies, such as the Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency and others. The office reviews all requests and determines if an audit can or will be performed by themselves or another DCAA office. The FAO must then schedule all demand and self-initiated audits, plus administrative responsibilities in order of importance to meet their programmed goals. When a request is received, the FAO tracks the assignment by using DCAA Forms 7000-3, 7000-4, 7000-4a, 7000-5, and 7000-6. Request information is documented on 7000-3 or 7000-4, set-up data on 7000-4, CAS supplemental data on 7000-4a, disposition information on 7000-5, and audit exceptions on 7000-6. These forms are used by the FAO to record type of assignment or audit, supervisor and auditor assigned to each audit, dollars audited, hours required to perform the audits, and Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) being reviewed for compliance or correction of non-compliance. This information is used in both formal reports at Headquarters and ad-hoc reports at the F AO and regional level. When a request is received from a non-DoD agency or from DoD regarding an FMS case, DCAA receives payment for its services. When an assignment is conside'red "reimbursable", the FMIS forms are used to collect this reimbursable data such as the agency being billed, hours worked on the assignment, and the contract that was audited. The DCAA audit report is issued to a Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) or Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO). The PCO uses the audit report as a basis for negotiating with the contractor. The purpose of this negotiation meeting is to reach a mutual agreement on a price for the work to be performed. If the auditor has found questioned or unsupported costs and has recommended a price adjustment, an agreement is reached in negotiations and the results (post negotiation memorandum, PNM) are furnished to the office that performed the audit so that audit exceptions can be recorded into FMIS. The ACO uses the audit reports to perform a variety of contract administration functions including processing progress payments, Cost Accounting Standards administration, etc. FAO personnel must take certain steps to assure that required PNMs are received by the FAO by issuing PNM followup letters to the PCO. If sufficient time has elapsed and no response is forthcoming, assignment may qualify for possible estimating of the Net Savings. 1-A-59 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-60 I.A.3.a. AUDIT REQUEST SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-3) (Optional) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to setup, update, and delete audit request data. Since all information on this form also resides on the Demand Audit Setup forms (DCAA Form 7000-4 and 7000-9), this form is optional if the assignment is set up at the same time as entering the audit request information. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Administrative and/or Supervisory Auditor personnel. (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form should be completed as soon as a request for audit is received by the FAO. If the assignment is set up at the same time, FAOs should record required request information directly on the applicable demand audit setup form (DCAA Forms 7000-4 or 7000-9). To modify previously entered data, enter the request number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The administrative personnel should fill in the fields pertaining to the request letter and leave the other fields to be filled in by the cognizant supervisory auditor. If Forms 7000-3 and 7000-4 or Forms 7000-3 and 7000-9 are being used by the FAO, enter all the request data on Form 7000-3. When the assignment set-up form is being filled out, only the Request Number field in the request information section should be filled out. All the other request fields will be automatically filled when the request number is entered into the system. Once the assignment is set up, any request information to be modified must be entered on a demand setup form, not the request setup form.· 1-A-61 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-62 AUDIT REQUEST SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (D) Request No.: ____ Reque~Description(Max4~: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (R) Request Letter Rec'd Date: __I_ _j__ (R)ACOCode: ______ Request Letter Date: _ _j_ _j__ PCOCode: ______ _ Requested Due Date: _ _j_ _j__ Case Number: (R) Supervisor: __ (R) Contractor: ___ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): ~~~-~~~~-~~~-- OPTIONAL FORM This form is not required if the demand assignment is being set up at the same time as entering the audit request. (R) (S) (*) Required Entry System Generated See Reverse for Code Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-3 Jun94 Supvsr. Admin 1-A-63 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-64 I.A.3.a. CONTINUED (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Number (REQNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number assigned to the request for audit. The number is determined by the FAO. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is a sequential number assigned to a, request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-9999. 2. Must be a unique number not currently used by another open request. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Description (ROES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate description as identified in the letter requesting the audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field provides a description of the demand audit as identified in the request letter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-65 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Letter Received Date (RL TRE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format that the request letter was received. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the request letter was received by the FAO. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than or equal to Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 20 days after Request Letter Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Letter Date (REQLD) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date of the request letter. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the letter requesting an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month mu~t be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be less than or equal to date request was received. 4. Should not be more than 20 days before request letter received date. I 1-A-66 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Requested Due Date (ROUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the requested due date in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents the date requested for completion of audit and issuance of the audit report. If no date was requested in the request letter, a date must be obtained from the requesting agency. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 75 days after Request Letter Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G of DFARS. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the-contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits,. enter D plus the R/ORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requestor is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-67 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on sy$tems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pridng audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the RIORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). r f EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G or DFARS. ' 1-A-68 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Case Number (CASENO) DATA STRUCTURE: Twelve (12) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the case number assigned by the requestor. If none specified on request, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number that a requestor uses as a reference in the request for audit. The Case Number serves as the requestor's method for tracking the audit request. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-12 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code as assigned by the FAO to represent cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-69 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 3-digit code as assigned by the FAO for each individual contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. 3. Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-70 I.A.3.b. DEMAND AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-4 and DCAA Form 7000-4a) (1) PURPOSE: Form 7000-4 is used to setup, modify, or delete a demand assignment (excluding defective pricing, 420XX). Form 7000-4a is used as a supplemental form to 7000-4 to record Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) information. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form should be completed when the supervisory auditor determines that work is ready to begin on the demand audit. Complete each data element listed on the form using the detailed instructions for the type of assignment being setup or modified~ To modify the assignment information, list the assignment number and only the data elements being changed. Deletion of an assignment only requires circling "DELETE" at the top of the form and entry of the assignment number. Extreme caution should be taken when deleting an assignment since all information associated with that assignment will be purged from the system. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If the assignment is coded as reimbursable, the Billing Information block on Form 7000-4 must be completed. Contract numbers must be listed in the Contracts Table. Across-the-board percentages (ATB%) must total 100%. For more information, reference the data element detail. Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, any modifications to an open assignment cannot be entered unless the assignment is re-opened. When an assignment is re-opened that has prior FY dollars (examined, questioned cost, etc.), the total dollars must be re-entered regardless of the disposition date because all dollars (current & prior FY) will default to the current FY. The Dollars Change Menu, which requires a password provided by the Regional FMIS Monitor, must be used to re-establish the dollars in the prior FY. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. WARNING: If supplemental audit data is recorded against an assignment and it is re-opened all disposition and supplemental data will be lost. To record supplemental audit results, the assignment does not require re-opening. However, to record supplemental audit information when the original assignment no longer exists in FMIS, a NEW assignment must be established and dispositioned as "N" (No Audit Report Issued). This allows the reporting of the new supplemental audit findings/data. 1-A-71 If the FAO is not using DCAA Form 7000-3, Audit Request Setup, all request information should be entered directly on DCAA Form 7000-4, and the "Request Number" field left blank. When calculating in-process dollars on assignments, the dollar amount must be the cumulative amount examined from the inception of the assignment through the in-process reporting date. For example, if an assignment had in-process dollars of $1 ,000 as of 3/31/93 and an additional $2,000 was examined in the quarter ended 6/30/93, you should report $3,000 as in-process as of 6/30/93. (5) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DCAA FORM 7000-4a (CAS SUPPLEMENTAL) Whenever CAS information is identified and reportable for Demand Assignments, this CAS SUPPLEMENTAL form must be used to record the information required for input into the FMIS. There are four primary 5-digit activity codes for recording CAS assignments. They are explained below: 1. Activity code 19100 is to be used for initial and revised Disclosure Statement adequacy/compliance audits. 2. Activity code 19200 is to be used for the reporting of all identified noncompliances, regardless of the circumstances under which found. 3. Activity codes 194xx are to be used for CAS compliance testing (standards and disclosed/established practices) on CAS 403 through 420. Where the FAO's risk assessment indicates that the establishment of individual codes by CAS Standard would not be cost effective, you may use activity code 19400 for CAS compliance ·auditing on all applicable standards. THE FOLLOWING RISK ASSESSMENT FACTORS SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE USE OF CAS COMPLIANCE CODE 19400: a. Number of CAS covered contracts b. Value of CAS covered contracts c. The amount of planned audit activity in the current requirements or program plan (i.e. number of planned visits, estimated value of CAS covered proposals to be reviewed). 4. Activity code 19500 is to be used for cost impact audits. Only activity code 19500 is to be used to report dollars. FOR FURTHER DETAIL ON RECORDING CAS INFORMATION, REFER TO APPENDIX A. 1-A-72 DEMAND AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (A) AssignmentNo.: (A) Working Office: _____ ---------- (A) As~gnme~Description(Max4~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RFPIContract Number(Max 31):.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Request Information (A) Request No: ____ {(A) if Form 7000-3 is used} (A) Acknowledgment Letter Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) Request Desc: Revised Acknowledgment Letter Date: _ _/_ _/__ (A) Date Request Rec'd: _ _/__I__ (A) Estimated Start Date: _ _/_ _/__ (A) Request Letter Date: __I_ _/__ (A) Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ Requested Due Date: _ _/__I__ Revised Assignment Due Date: _ __J _ _/__ (A*) ACOCode: ______ Case Number:------------ PCOCode: ______ (A) Supervisor: __ (A) Contractor: _ _ _ (S) CAGE Code: _____ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Auditor Assigned: ___ (*) Proposal Type {(A) if Activity 21000, 27000, or 28000}: _ (A) Total Budget Hours:_______ Est. Dollar Amt. (000): ________ Revised Budget Hours: _ _ _ _ _ (*) Type of SIC: _ Current FY Budget Hours: _ _ _ _ _ {(A) for activity 48600 only} In Process Dollars (000): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In Process Date: _ _/_ _/__ Comments Requested Date: __I__I__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*)IS THIS ASSIGNMENT REIMBURSABLE?_ BILLING INFORMATION BillinQ Suf RIS Special Reference ATB% Contract Number TIOrd Grant TOTAL (S) Reimbursable Flag: (S) NASA Indicator: Procurement Liaison Audit Indicator: PLA Request Date: _ _/__!__ (A) RAR Pointer: __ (S) RAR Description (A) Required Entry (S) System Generated Initials Date (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. DCAA Form 7000-4 Admin Jun94 1-A-73 PROPOSAL TYPE 0 =Cost Reimbursable 4 = Cost+ Award Fee 7 = Fixed Price Redeterminable 1 =Cost Sharing 5 =Time & Material 8 =Firm Fixed Price 2 =Cost + Fixed-fee 6 =Fixed Price Incentive 9 =Other 3 =Cost + Incentive TYPE OF SIC (B)idrigging (S)ecurity (U)nallowables (G)ratuities (P)roduct Substitution (M)aterial Costs Mischarging (K)ickbacks (T)heft/Embezzlement (O)ther (L)abor Mischarging (F)alse Claims/Statements REIMBURSABLE ASSIGNMENT N = Not Reimbursable R = Reimbursable-enter fresh data P = Reimbursable copy data form previous assignment PROCUREMENT LIAISON AUDIT INDICATOR 0 = Not Applicable F = Full-time Service PLA R = "When requested" service PLA ACO/PCO Code See Appendix C of the FMIS User Manual DCAA Form 7000-4 Jun94 1-A-74 DEMAND AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} SUPPLEMENTAL AssignmentNo.: ----------- CAS INFORMATION -19XXX Cross Reference Assignment No.:___________ {(R) Only if Activity 19200 or 19500 (*) CAS Standards or Noncompliance Codes: {(R) Only if Activity 19200} (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (4) -- (5) -- (R) (S) (*) Required Entry System Generated See Reverse for Code Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-4A Jun 94 Supvsr. Admin. 1-A-75 CAS STANDARDS OR NONCOMPLIANCE CODES 401 411 402 412 403 413 404 414 405 415 406 416 407 417 408 418 409 420 41 0 DIS (Disclosed or Established practices) DCAA Form 7000-4A Jun94 1-A-76 I.A.3.b. Continued (6) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code from the FMIS activity code table (Appendix C). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number.· EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be 00-99. 2. Fiscal year must not be greater than current FY. 3. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 4. Activity must match a valid code in the Activity Table. 5. Sequence Number must be 001-999. 6. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter appropriate R/ORG code where . the assignment is to be performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The working office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. 1-A-77 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter up to 40 characters to describe assignment to be performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. Cannot exceed 40 characters. 3. Required field. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RFP/Contract Number (RFP) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the RFP/RFQ, contract, or proposal number applicable to the assignment; otherwise, leave blank. ' DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field for entry of the RFP or contract number. For audits subject to contract audit follow-up (DoD Directive 7640.2), the contract number is a necessary element used in the tracking process. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-31 characters. l1 1-A-78 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Number (REQNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, enter applicable request number for assignment. If not, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is a sequential number assigned to a request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-9999. 2. Must be a unique number not currently used by another open request. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Description (ROES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate description identified in the letter requesting the audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field provides a description of the demand audit as identified in the request letter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-79 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date Request Received (RLTRE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DDIYY format that the request letter was received. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this date will be entered by default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the request letter was received by the FAO. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Must be less than or equal to current date. 4. Should be greater than or equal to Request Letter Date. 5. Should not be more than 20 days after Request Letter Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Letter Date (REQLD) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date that the request letter was received. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this field will be automatically filled.' DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the letter requesting an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be less than or equal to current date. 4. Should be less than or equal to date request was received. 5. Should not be more than 20 days before request letter received date. 1-A-80 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Requested Due Date (ROUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the requested due date in the MM/DDIYY format. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this field will be automatically filled. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date requested for completion of audit and issuance of the audit report. If no date was requested in the request letter, the field may be left blank. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric or blank.-2.. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 75 days after Request Letter Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Acknowledgment Letter Date (ACKNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the office acknowledges receipt of request for an audit, in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the letter from DCAA which acknowledges the receipt of the request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31 ; Year must be 00-99. 3. Request information must exist before this field is entered. 4. Cannot be earlier than the Request Letter Date. 5. Cannot be more than 5 days beyond the current date. 6. Should not be more than 21 days after the Request Letter Date. 1-A-81 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Acknowledgment Letter Date (RACK) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter date of revised acknowledgment in the MM/DDIYY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the latest Revised Acknowledgment Letter Date. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should not be more than 21 days after Acknowledgment Letter Date. 4. Cannot be earlier than the Acknowledgement Letter Date. 5. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the office estimates the audit to begin in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the date that work is estimated to begin. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-82 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Due Date (DUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the office will have the report to the requestor, in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the original due date for the assignment. It is assigned by the office performing the audit based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. It is the anticipated date that DCAA will furnish the report to the requestor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be later than the Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 75 days after the Request Letter Date. 5. Cannot be earlier than the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Assignment Due Date (RVDUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised assignment due date in the MM/DD/YY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised due date for the assignment based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than Original Due Date. 4. Should not be more than 180 days after Request Letter Date. 5. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-83 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G of DFARS. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . First position cannot be blank. 2. If requestor is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-84 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODMC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the RIORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221}. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G or DFARS. 1-A-85 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Case Number (CASENO) DATA STRUCTURE: Twelve (12) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the case number assigned by the requester. If none specified on request, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number that a requestor uses as a reference in the request for audit. The Case Number serves as the requestor's method for tracking the audit request. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-12 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code as assigned by the FAO to represent the cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-86 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Contractor ID which identifies the contractor being audited. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this field will be automatically filled. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. 3. Must not be blank. DATA ELEMENT NAME: Commercial and GoVernment Entity Code (CAGE) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAGE codes are assigned to contractors located world-wide. The code is used by DoD and other government agencies to identify a contractor's name, geographical location, former name (if applicable), and status. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 1-A-87 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Auditor Assigned (AUDTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the initials of the auditor assigned to perform the audit or leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the initials of the auditor in charge or the auditor perforn:ing the assignment or audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Initials must exist in the Personnel file. 2. Middle initial can be a space. 1-A-88 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Proposal Type (PTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code for type of proposal. This is required for Activity Codes 21000, 27000, and 28000, and may be used for 17XXX asssignments; otherwise, leave blank. See the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-4 or Appendix C for applicable codes. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the type of contract anticipated to be awarded under forward pricing proposals. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Required field, if Activity Code is 21000, 27000, or 28000. 2. Must be blank or 0-9. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Budget Hours (BUDGT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the entire life of the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field . is the original hours budgeted for an assignment. It is the total hours to be allocated for the anticipated duration of the work assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1~99999. 2. Must be greater than or equal to Current FY Budgeted Hours. 1-A-89 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Budget Hours (RBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total revised budgeted hours for the assignment, if applicable, otherwise leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised total budgeted hours for an assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Cannot be less than Current FY Budgeted Hours. 3. Should not be less than Total Budgeted Hours. 4. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Current FY Budgeted Hours (FYBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the assignment in the current fiscal year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents hours budgeted for the assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999. 2. Must be less than or equal to Revised Total Budget Hours. 1-A-90 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Dollar Amount (ESTDL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total amount of dollars to be audited, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the estimated total dollar amount to be examined for the specific assignment, if applicable. See Appendix A for applicable assignments. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Must be a valid activity code in Appendix A which requires estimated dollar amount. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Type of SIC (TYPSCASE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If activity code is 48600, select and enter the appropriate code from the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-4 or Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Suspected Irregular Conduct is the category of potential unlawful activities or improper practices by a contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Activity code must be 48600. 2. Code must exist on the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-4 and in Appendix C. 1-A-91 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Dollars (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount which is to be reported as examined based on audit progress. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: In-Process reporting of dollars examined is used to assess audit progress. The calculation of In-Process Dollars is based on the criteria in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: In-Process Dollars should be equal to or ' I less than Estimated Dollars To Be Examined. i • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Date (ASOF) I DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/E>DIYY) I CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the, date in the MM/DDIYY format ,I that the In-Process Dollars are calculated. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date that In-Process Dollars are calculated. It is usually at the end 9f a quarter. ' ' EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-92 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date Comments Requested from the Contractor (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) DATE (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDNY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date (soft edit). • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date Comments Received from the Contractor (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) DATE (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-93 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter · applicable code for the agency/office for whom the assignment is being performed. Applicable codes are contained in the Billing Code Table in Appendix C. If assignment is not reimbursable, the value 000 (DoD) will be the default. ' DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The billing codes are identifiers for the client agencies 'tor whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract or proposal. , These billing codes are synonymous with. the reimbursable source codes found in DCAAM 7200.1, Chapter IlL EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on the Billing Code Table in Appendix C. 2. Assignm~nt must be coded as reimbursable. 1-A-94 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned to billing codes listed in the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO assigned code that represents the Agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Each separate office for the following Billing Codes requires that a separate Billing Code Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table: 107.02-Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt Agencies (DCAS NY -Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII Other Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or three numeric. 2. Suffix must exist on FAO's Misc. Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-95 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RIS Special Reference (RISREFCE) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-Four (24) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reference information required for specific billing codes; if not required, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the client agency's identifier and is required for certain billing codes. Information should be contained in client's request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Required for specific Agencies below: 103-DOT, enter OIG Number. (IG Assignment No.) 106 -VA, enter Audit Control Number. 107-AID, enter the AID Task Number 110-DOl, enter Audit Assignment Identification Number, Control No., Bureau No. 111 -Dept. of Commerce, enter OIG Number. 113 -USPS, enter the USPS Billing Code. 115-DOJ, enter Bureau making request for audit. 116-Dept. of Treasury, enter Bureau Name. 123-EPA, enter OIG number, or Audit Control No. Various-FMS, enter Case Numb~r. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ATB% (ATBPCT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter percentage of hours considered reimbursable. Enter the percentage in the format (###.#). The decimal point must be included. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Across The Board percentages (ATB%) allocates the hours charged to the assignment among the various client agencies, and/or DoD. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Mustbe.1%-100.0%. 2. The total must equal 1 00%. If less, remaining percentage must be charged to DoD code (000). 1-A-96 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract/RFP Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter contract number(s) associated with each Billing Code within the assignment. There may be more than one reimbursable contract for any assignment. If a subcontract is involved, the subcontract number must be used rather than the prime contract number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the Contract or RFP Number associated with the Billing Code(s) being entered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 2. Cannot contain spaces. 3. First position must not be blank. 4. Must have previously been entered into FAO's Contracts Table. 5. Must not be blank, unless billing code is DoD (000) or it is a PLA audit. 6. Must match the contractor and billing code in the Contracts Table. 7. Must match the number in the Contracts Table exactly. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Task Order Number (TSKORDNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order number shown on the contract; otherwise leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the task order number as shown on the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-5 characters. 2. Must exist on task order number table. 1-A-97 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This denotes whether or not contract is a grant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Read only field. 2. Must be changed from the Contracts Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Reimbursable Flag (REIMB) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ReimbursableFiag is an indicator which identifies ~n assignment as (F)ully or (P)artially reimbursable. ' i EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-98 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA Indicator (NASA) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA Indicator describes an assignment as being related to a NASA contract/proposal (1) or not related to a NASA contract/proposal (0). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Procurement Liaison Audit Indicator (PLAIND) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If activity code is 30000, enter an F for full service or an R for when requested. System defaults to 0 for all other activity codes. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates whether a Procurement Liaison Audit is "full-service" or audited on request. This controls the dates printed on the DCAA Form 7200-10 (Billing Statement). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be For R if activity code is 30000. 1-A-99 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PLA Request Date (PLAREQD) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the PLA requested the audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the PLA requested the audit. On self-initiated, the default is the ESTRT date; on Demand assignments the default is the REQLD date. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Date edit only. 2. Required if Activity code is 30000, else defaults to a null value. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Pointer (RARPNTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable reimbursable adder rate (RAR) pointer for the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the 2-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to a specific reimbursable adder rate. Each different rate has a unique "pointer" used in calculating the amount of reimbursable hours for billing purposes. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on RAR Pointer Table. 2. If not reimbursable, system defaults to 00. 1-A-1 00 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Description (DESCRIPTION) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-five (25) Alphnumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: System generated when RAR pointer is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: A free-form field for description of the assocated RAR pointer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cross Reference Assignment Number (CRASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19200, enter the assignment number which generated the CAS noncompliance. For 5-digit activity code 19500, enter either the disclosure statement (5-digit activity code 191 00) or noncompliance assignment (5-digit activity code 19200) which generated the need for the cost impact audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the assignment that generated the noncompliance or cost impact audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must match the 11-digit assignment number pattern. 2. Must be a valid 5-digit activity code. 3. This field is only required if the assignment being setup has a 5-digit activity code of 19200 or 19500. 1-A-1 01 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Standards or Noncompliance Codes (CASSTDS) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the CAS Standard (401 through 420) and/or D/S for Disclosure Statement. NOTE: If there are more than five entries, a separate assignment must be setup for the additional noncompliances. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to identify the CAS Standard(s) and/or practices in noncompliance. EDIT REQUIREMENTS : 1. Entry/Entries must be 401 through 418, 420, or D/S. 2. The 5-digit activity code must be 19200. 1-A-1 02 I.A.3.c. DEMAND AUDIT DISPOSITION/MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-5) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to disposition or modify demand audit disposition information except defective pricing assignments (activity code 420XX). (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed whenever updated demand audit disposition information is available. To modify previously entered information, enter assignment number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The supervisor must be careful to fill in the appropriate form (DCAA Form 7000-5) for dispositioning demand audits. Assignment disposition is broken down into type of assignment, i.e., Demand Audit, Demand Defective Pricing Audit, and Self-Initiated. Each form may have fields specific to only that type of audit. Therefore, the correct form must be completed for input. NOTE: Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, modifications to selective assignment data cannot be recorded unless the assignment is re-opened. When submitting modifications to either current or prior fiscal year (FY) dollars examined or exception dollars, the amount(s) should be reported as cumulative-to-date total(s), NOT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the originally recorded amount and the modified amount. WARNING: When making modifications to assignments with prior FY dollars reported, the total dollars (current and prior FY) will default to the current FY. Modification to prior FY dollars examined or exception dollars must be accomplished through the Assignment Table Maintenance Menu and requires the FAO FMIS MONITOR OBTAIN A PASSWORD FROM THE REGIONAL FMIS MONITOR. This will allow modifications to both the prior and current FY dollars. When a modification/change is made to prior FY dollars a brief description of the reason for the change should be entered in the comment section of the FMIS form. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. 1-A-103 There are three codes (R, N, C) for dispositioning an assignment. The description and definition of these codes are as follows: FMIS Code Description R Report Issued N No Report Issued Assignment Cancelled Definition Designates that a formal report meeting CAM guidelines was issued upon completion of the assignment. The report is generally issued outside of the Agency. Designates that the assignment was completed and no formal report was issued. This includes Memorandums For Record (MFR). It should not be used to close an assignment established pursuant to an external formal request from PCOs/ACOs or other sources. Designates that the assignment was terminated prior to completion because (i) the requestor of the financial services being rendered no longer requires the audit results, (ii) the requested services could not be rendered after the assignment was established, (iii) the FAO determines the need for the data to be provided by the assignment is no longer required. This assignment disposition code can be used for all activity codes. Note: Cancelling an assignment only changes the status of the assignment; it does not delete it from the system. 1-A-104 DEMAND AUDIT DISPOSITION/MODIFY {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) AssignmentNo.: ___________ (S) Working Office: _____ ~) A~~nme~~~ri~on: ____________________________ _ (R*) Disposition of Assignment: _ (R) Disposition/Audit Report Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) OM CODE: (R) Estimated Dollar (000} Amount: ________ Dollars (000} Examined: ________ Costs (000} Questioned: ________ Costs (000) Unsupported: ________ Cost (000} Avoidance Recommended: ________ (R) No. of Audit Reports: ___ Total Exception Dollars: ___________ {Total Unrounded} (*) Defective Pricing Rating: _ {(R) if Activity 21000, 27000, or 28000} (R*) Disclaimer of Opinion: _ (S)ACOCode: ______ (R)PCOCode: ______ Comments Requested Date: __I_ _/__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) Last Supplement No.: (S) Date of Last Supplement: Audit Opinion: __ (*) Brief Written Alert: ______ HQCaseNumber: ________ DocketNumber: ________ Is this a Potential ASBCA Case? YES NO CAS Information -19XXX *) CAS Disclosure Statement Adequacy:_ {(R) If Activity 191 00} *) CAS Compliance: _ {(R) If Activity 194XX} Noncompliance Cross-reference Assignment No.: __________ _ {(R) Only if Noncompliant} *) Inadequate or Noncompliant Status Code: ___ {(R) If Activity 19100 or 19200} *) CAS Net Increase I Decrease: _____ {(R) If Activity 19500} Comments {70 characters maximum per line; 210 maximum total characters}: ---------- (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-5 Jun94 Supvsr. Admin. 1-A-105 DISPOSITION OF ASSIGNMENT (R)eport Issued (N)o report issued (C)ancelled QM CODE Blank = Not Used 0 = E-Z-QUANT 5 = DATATRAK 1 = DRI 6 = 4TH Gen. (SAS, FOCUS) 2 =CASH 7 = AUTOWAREIIAW 3 = FASB13/LVPA 8 = WEARS -TYPE 4 = COMPUSTAT 9 = ATS/BBS DEFECTIVE PRICING RATING DISCLAIMER OF OPINION 0 = Lowest Risk 0 = Report Issued W/0 Disclaimer 1 1 = Report Issued with Disclaimer 2 3 BRIEF WRITTEN ALERT 4 5 AlGA =Assistant Inspector General for Investigations 6 DCIS = Defense Criminal Investigative Service 7 CIC =U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command 8 NIS = Naval Security & Investigative Command 9 = Highest Risk AFOSI =Air Force Office of Special Investigations IGNASA = Inspector General, NASA OTHER = Other AUDIT OPINION CAS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADEQUACY ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEY Y =Adequate N = Not Adequate (Codes 2401 0 and 24030): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. CAS COMPLIANCE 2 -Recommended partial disapproval of the system. 3 -Recommended total disapproval of the system. Y = Compliant N = Noncompliant ACCOUNTINGSYSTEMSANDOTHERSYSTEMSURVEYS (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 5 -Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. INADEQUATE OR NONCOMPLIANT STATUS CODES: a. Report issued, awaiting ACO determination b. Sustained by ACO, awaiting contractor rebuttal or impact proposal. c. Contractor rebuttal/impact proposal received, audit in process. d. FAO has responded to contractor rebuttal/impact proposal. e. Sustained by ACO, issue resolved. f. Not sustained by ACO, no further action. g. Other-Explain in comments field. CAS NET INCREASE/DECREASE 0 = No Net Effect 1 =Increase 2 =Decrease DCAA Form 7000-5 Jun94 1-A-106 I.A.3.c. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number previously input in the Demand Audit Setup. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match an assignment number in the Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It may be changed at this time, if necessary. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The working office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. 1-A-1 07 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed is included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition of Assignment (ADISP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable code: (R) Report Issued (N) No Report Issued (C) Assignment Cancelled DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates how the assignment is being closed. Refer to Special Instructions in the introduction to Demand Disposition. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be R, N, or C. 1-A-1 08 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition/Audit Report Date (DSPDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format, that the assignment is dispositioned. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of final disposition of the assignment. If a report is issued, it must be the date of the report. If no report is issued, it is the date the assignment is complete. If cancelled, it is the date the assignment is cancelled. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Year must not be greater than current FY. 4. Must be greater than request letter date. 5. Should not be more than 180 days after the request letter date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: OM Code (OM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter OM code(s), from list on reverse of DCAA Form 7000-5, which were used to perform audit; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the Quantitative Methods Technique(s) used in the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Code must be 0-9 or blank. 2. More than one code may be input. 1-A-109 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number of Audit Reports (NRPTS) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of audit reports issued for this assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number of reports issued for the assignment. Usually only one report per assignment is issued. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99. 2. If audit disposition is (N) no report issued or (C) cancelled, no entry is required. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Defective Pricing Rating (DEFPR) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter numeric rating, from 0 (lowest risk) to 9 (highest risk); if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the judgmental risk factor given to proposals,when an audit is complete. . i EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-9., 2. Required for' codes 15300, 17100, 17200, 21000, 22000, 27000, 28000, and 29500. 1-A-11 0 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disclaimer of Opinion (DSCLM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter 0 (no disclaimer), or 1 (disclaimer). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates that the audit report was issued without expressing an audit opinion (disclaimer of opinion) because the requestor was unable to provide sufficient time to perform a complete audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0 or 1. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Dollar Amount (ESTDL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Field is system generated from information entered when the assignment was setup. Can be edited if needed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the estimated total dollar amount to be examined 'for the specific assignment, if applicable. See Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Should be greater than, or equal to, dollars examined. 1-A-111 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Dollars Examined (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter amount of dollars reviewed, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on dollars examined for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents the amount of dollars reviewed as defined in Appendix A. Dollars examined amounts must exclude unsupported and unresolved costs. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Dollars examined will be reported only if the assignment is complete and the audit report has been issued. 3. No dollars examined will be reported on a cancelled assignment. 4. Dollars examined should be less than or equal to estimated dollar amount. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Questioned (QUEST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric " CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost questioned, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on cost questione8 for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Questioned is the amount in the contractor's cost proposal to which the auditor has taken exception as unreasonable, unallowable, or unallocable. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-9999999. 2. Assignment must be dispositioned to report cost questioned. 3. Cost questioned should not exceed dollars examined. 1-A-112 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Unsupported (UNS) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of unsupported cost, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on cost unsupported for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Unsupported represents those items, generally related to pricing proposals, for vvhich documentary evidence furnished by the contractor is insufficient to enable the auditor to reach a definitive conclusion. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Activity code must be 21000, 22000, or 27000. 3. Cost unsupported plus dollars examined should not exceed estimated dollar amount. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Avoidance Recommended (AVOID) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost avoidance recommended, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for detail information on Cost Avoidance Recommended for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The cost avoidance recommended is a conservative estimate of the annual savings achievable after the auditor's recommendations are fully implemented. The value of cost avoidance recommendations represents the difference between the cost of current or prior practices, procedures or expenditures and the cost of recommended practices, procedures or expenditures based on the contractor's most recent fiscal year costs or prices. Cost avoidance recommendations should be reported when the report is issued, regardless of whether the contractor is in agreement with the audit results. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Valid only for activity codes 10501-10511 and 10590. 1-A-113 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Exception Dollars (TOTEXDOL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unrounded total exception dollars (Cost Questioned + Cost Avoidance) from the audit report. For defective pricing audits enter the Net Recommended Price Adjustment. For supplemental defective pricing audits enter the Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used in dispositioning assignments under the 5 digit activity codes identified as reportable under DoD Directive 7640.2. This field contains the total exception dollars from the audit before rounding. The dollars entered must be the total cost questioned, and total cost avoidance dollars or Net Recommended Price Adjustment as stated in the audit report. It must include all dollars resulting from assist audits, technical reviews, or other outside assistance. Total exception dollars should not be adjusted to reflect reductions due to Government participation. The unrounded dollars. are one of the criteria used by DLA and the military services for tracking and reporting contract audits in accordance with DoD Directive 7640.2. I :! EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999999. 2. Must be greater than 0 if dollars entered in the questioned, avoidance, or net recommended price adjustment fields are greater than 0. 1-A-114 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated from information entered when the assignment was setup. No entry is required, but the field may be modified. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-115 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a spe,cific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. ' Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-116 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) DATE (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDNY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) DATE (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-117 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Last Supplement Number (SUPPLMNT) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. Information is displayed only if data has been previously entered for a supplemental audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the latest (if any) supplement number pertaining to the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date of Last Supplement (SUPP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. Information is only displayed if data has been previously entered for a supplemental audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the latest (if any) disposition date of a supplemental report issued against the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-118 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Audit Opinion (MAJDEFPD) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one of the following audit opinions for the activity codes indicated. Estimating System Suvey (Codes 24010 & 24030) 1 - The system is adequate or generally adequate. 2 - Recommend partial disapproval of the system. 3 - Recommend total disapproval of the system. Accounting System and Other System Surveys (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000) 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 5 - Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to report the audit opinion for estimating system, accounting system, and other system surveys. Assignments coded 2, 3, and 5 will be reported under the requirements of DoD Directive 7640.2 to DLA and the Services. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1, 2, 3, or 5. 2. Activity code must be 24010, 24030, 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Brief Written Alert (BRIWRALT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the investigative agency abbreviation to which the FAO sent the Brief Written Alert. See reverse of DCAA Form 7000-5 or Appendix C for list of choices. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the agency designator for the cognizant investigative agency to which the brief written alert was sent. Reference CAM 4-702.4.C(1). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must exist on table or be blank. 1-A-119 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Headquarters Case Number (HQCASENO) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number assigned to referrals by DL; if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the case number identification of project or circumstance which requires follow-up monitoring. It is assigned by Headquarters to all cases, such as SIC, Suspected Fraud, Access to Records, etc. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 1-8 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Docket Number (DOCKTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For firm cases, enter the docket number assigned by the Court or an Administrative Board. For potential cases, enter a "P" until a docket number is obtained. This field should be modified when the docket number is obtained. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: When an issue is presented to the Courts or to an Administrative Board, a docket number is assigned to the case in accordance with their monitoring system. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank, P, or 1-6 characters. 1-A-120 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Disclosure Statement Adequacy (DSADQ) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alpha CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19100, enter (Y)es if the disclosure statement is considered adequate or (N)o if considered inadequate; leave blank if not applicable. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element indicates whether a contractor's disclosure statement is adequate or inadequate. The contractor's disclosure statement is considered inadequate if an Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) returns the formal disclosure statement to the contractor for a revision or if the ACO notifies a contractor that part of the disclosure statement is inadequate. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Activity code must be 19100. 2. Must be blank, Y or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Compliance (COMPL) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alpha CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity codes 19100 or 194XX, enter (Y)es if the standards reviewed are considered compliant and an (N)o if considered noncompliant; leave blank if not applicable. Note: For 5-digit activity code 19400, when more than one CAS standard is being reviewed, enter (Y)es if all standards reviewed were compliant or enter (N)o if one or more standards were noncompliant. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element indicates whether or not the cost accounting standard(s) reviewed is (are) compliant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. The 5-digit activity code must be 19100 or 194xx. 2. Must be blank, Y or N. 3. Required for 5-digit activity code 194xx. 1-A-121 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Noncompliance Cross Reference Assignment Number (NC.CRASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the eleven digit noncompliance assignment number (Activity Code 19200). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element is the 11 digit assignment number where the disclosure statement inadequacy or the CAS noncompliance issue will be reported (19200). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must match the 11-digit assignment number pattern. 2. Noncompliance assignment (activity code 19200) must exist in system. 3. Required if CAS Compliance is 'N'. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Inadequate or Noncompliance Status Code (CASSTAT) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the inadequate or noncompliant status code listed on DCAA Form 7000-5 or 7000-8. When the assignment is initially dispositioned, FMIS will generate a status code of A. THIS CODE MUST BE UPDATED AS AUDIT SITUATIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element is the status code(s) which reflects· the adequacy/inadequacy of a contractor's disclosure statement or the compliance/noncompliance with CAS as determined by the ACO for assignment(s) with 5-digit activity codes 19100 or 19200. ' EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Status codes must be A through G (See Volume I, Appendix C). 2. Must be 5-digit activity codes 19100 or 19200. 3. If status code 'G' is entered, an explanation must be entered in the Comments field. 1-A-122 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Net Increase/Decrease (CASNET) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19500 assignments, enter 1 for net increase, 2 for net decrease or 0 for no net effect on dollars examined. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element reflects whether the cost impact proposal was a net increase/decrease or a "no change". EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1 or 2 or 0. 2. The 5-digit activity code must be 19500. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments (CORCOMMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter any comments. If the status code G is entered for cost accounting standards (CAS) assignment number(s) with 5-digit activity code(s) 19200 or 19100 contractor comments must be entered; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a descriptive free-form field for comments regarding corrective actions related to Estimating System Surveys (240XX), CAS (19XXX) assignments, or Defective Pricing Reviews. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Maximum of 70 characters per line. 2. Maximum total of 210 characters. 1-A-123 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-124 I.A.3.d. AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-6) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to disposition or modify audit exceptions on demand or self-initiated audit assignments following negotiations with the contracting officer, through an estimate, or when the "NPE" code (see below) is applicable. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be prepared to input or modify audit exceptions when one or more of the following events occurs: (a) Upon receipt of a Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM). (b) For code 21000 and 27000 assignments with questioned cost of $50 thousand or under, audit exceptions will be dispositioned using the "NPE" basis 90 days after report issuance, if no PNM is received. (c) When a contractor appeals a decision of a contracting officer to an Administrative Board or Court, the assignment will be dispositioned using the "APP" basis. Entry of the code "APP" will erase existing entries for PNM Received Date and any Sustained or Net Saving entries. (d) When a Board or Court Decision is rendered, and the appeal is Resolved (RES). (e) When estimating (EST) net savings after attempts to obtain a PNM are unsuccessful or the PNM is inadequate. (f) Upon advice that the proposal did not result in the award of a contract or on other than code 2XXXX assignments, the claim or submission was not accepted or did not result in a contractual modification (CNA). (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When a PNM is received, the date should be entered even if the exceptions are not yet recorded. This information is required for standard report #26, "PNMs Received and not Processed." 1-A-125 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-126 AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/MODIFY {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) AssignmentNo.: ___________ Initials Date Admin. (R*) Basis for Net Savings: ______ Date PNM Received {if basis is PNM}: _ _/_ _/__ {If Basis is not CNA, enter first 3 characters only; if basis is CNA, complete all 6 characters} Cost and Savings Amounts Cost Questioned Sustained (000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Questioned (000): __-.-__________ Cost Unsupported Sustained (000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Unsupported Sustained (000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Avoidance Recommended (000): ________ (*) PNM Defective Pricing Rating: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (R) Net Savings Disposition Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) ACOCode: ______ (S) PCOCode: ______ (*) Attendance at Factfinding: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (*) Attendance at Negotations: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (*) Resolution of Adverse/Disclaimer of Opinion: _ (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated Initials Date (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. DCAA Form 7000-6 Jun94 1-A-127 BASIS FOR NET SAVINGS PNM = Procurement Negotiation Memorandum IssuedNPE = No PNM, No Estimate {only if questioned is 50(000) or under}APP = PNM is in Appeal RES = Appeal has been ResolvedEST = Estimated Savings CNA = Contract Not Awarded {Use supplemental schedule also}or Contractor Unsuccessful CONTRACT NOT AWARDED{Supplemental Schedule} -AB = Another bidder awarded contract-NA = No award -PA =Partial Award -RP = Revised proposal submitted DEFECTIVE PRICING RATING 0 = Lowest Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = Highest Risk ATIENDANCE AT FACTFINDINGS 1 = Attended some sessions 2 = Attended all sessions 3 =No sessions held 4 =Did not attend any sessions ATTENDANCE AT NEGOTIATIONS 1 = Attended some sessions2 = Attended all sessions 3 = No sessions held4 = Did not attend any sessions RESOLUTION OF ADVERSE/DISCLAIMER OF OPINION 0 = No Disclaimer Exists 1 = Resolved before contract awarded2 = Not Resolved before contract awarded DCAA Form 7000-6Jun94 1-A-128 I.A.a.di; Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number previously input. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match an assignment number in the Assignment Table. 1-A-129 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Basis for Net Savings (NSDSP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one of the applicable codes for the . basis of ~et savings (see reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 for detail): Note: If the Code entered is CNA, an entry is required for the next line on the form "If Basis is CNA". Enter one of the applicable codes from the reverse side of DCAA F6rm 7000-6. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Basis for Net Savings describes the occurrence which provided the auditor with the rationale for determining and reporting the contracting officer's actions or decisions on audit recommendations related to a particular assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be PNM, APP, RES, NPE, EST, CNA; cannot be blank. 2. If CNA, must contain the suffix -AB, -NA, -PA, or -RP. 3. NPE is valid only for activity codes 21000 or 27000 with cost questioned of $50,000 or less. 4. Assignment must be dispositioned before using this form. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date PNM Received (PNMDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the PNM is received by the FAO. Enter the date in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM) was received by the FAO from the Contracting Officer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Date must be equal to or later than the assignment disposition date. 4. Date is required if Basis for Net Savings is equal to PNM, RES, or APP. 1-A-130 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Questioned Sustained (QSUST} DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost questioned sustained, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. If basis for net savings is "APP", entry will be changed to 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The cost questioned sustained is the amount of reported cost questioned which is sustained as a result of contractor concurrence, Contracting Officer decision, negotiation, litigation, or DCAA estimate. In the case of a PNM, the cost questioned sustained will be based on the Contracting Officer's final decision unless the basis for net savings is "APP". If APP is used, the dollars will be zeroed out until the litigation is complete and the basis for savings is changed to RES. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Must be 0-99999999. 3. Cost Questioned Sustained must be less than or equal to Cost Questioned. 4. Must have entered cost questioned on disposition form (DCAA Form 7000-5). • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings From Cost Questioned {NSQST} DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the net savings realized from cost questioned, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The net savings from cost questioned is the net amount of savings realized from cost questioned. Use the computation instructions for net savings in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost questioned sustained must be greater than 0 if net savings is greater than 0. 1-A-131 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Unsupported Sustained (USUST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost unsupported sustained, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. If basis for net savings is "APP", entry will be changed to 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Cost Unsupported Sustained is the amount of reported cost unsupported which is sustained as a result of contractor concurrence, Contracting Officer decision, negotations, litigation, or DCM estimate. In the case of a PNM, the cost unsupported sustained will be based on the Contracting Officer's final decision unless the basis for net savings is "APP". If APP is used, the dollars will be zeroed out until the litigation is complete and the basis for savings is changed to RES. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost unsupported sustained must be less than or equal to cost unsupported. 3. Must have entered cost unsupported on disposition form (DCAA Form 7000-5). 4. Must be activity code 21000, 22000, or 27000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings From Cost Unsupported Sustained (NSUNS) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of net savings resulting from cost unsupported, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The net savings from cost unsupported costs sustained is the amount of savings realized from cost unsupported. Use the computational instructions for net savings in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost Unsupported Sustained must be greater than 0 if net savings is greater than 0. 3. Must be activity code 21000, 22000, or 27000. 1-A-132 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings from Cost Avoidance Recommended (NSAVD) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost avoidance recommended which was sustained for the assignment, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the amount of cost avoidance recommendations sustained based on contractor implementation of DCAA recommendations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost Avoidance Recommended must be greater than 0 if Net Savings are greater than 0. 3. Must be activity code 1 05XX. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PNM Defective Pricing Rating (PNMDP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the defective pncmg rating determined after net savings have been resolved, ranging from 0 (lowest risk) to 9 (highest risk); if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the defective pricing rating after net savings. This is a judgmental risk factor from 0-9 given to proposals at the time audit exceptions are resolved. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Required for activity codes 15300, 17100, 17200, 21000, 22000, 27000,28000, and 29500. 2. Must be blank or 0-9. 1-A-133 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings Disposition Date (NSRES) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the disposition date of net savings in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date that the net savings calculated by the FAO is entered into FMIS. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Year must be in the current fiscal year. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six {6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated from information entered when the assignment was setup. No entry is required, but the field may be modified. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code {or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit {Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor {Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, ehter the code for the contract administration office· to whom the request for audit was addressed as the AGO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the AGO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code {e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . First position cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-134 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the F AO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-135 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Attendance at Fact Findings {FACT) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter appropriate code listed on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate the auditor's attendance at the fact finding meetings. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the extent of the auditor's attendance at fact finding meetings between Contracting Officer and the contractor subsequent to audit report issuance but prior to the negotiation conference. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-4. 2. Required for activity codes 21000 or 27000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Attendance at Negotiations (NEGO) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code listed on the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate the auditor's attendance at the negotations. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the extent of auditor attendaljlce at negotiation conferences held by the Contracting Officer subsequent to audit ~eport issuance and fact finding sessions. · EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-4 2. Required for activity codes 21000 or 27000. 1-A-136 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Resolution of Adverse/Disclaimer of Opinion (DSRES) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code from the list on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate how the disclaimer of audit opinion was resolved during negotiations. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates how the disclaimer or adverse opinion was resolved at negotiations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 0-2. 1-A-137 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-138 I.A.4. SELF-INITIATED ASSIGNMENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Defense Contract Audit Agency performs contract auditing for the Department of Defense as well as other Federal agencies and provides accounting and financial advisory services to assist in the negotiation, administration, repricing and settlement of contracts. Self-initiated assignments consist of those direct audit assignments performed by the FAO other than requested audits discussed previously in the Demand Audit section. It also excludes Defective Pricing assignments which are covered in a later section. Self-initiated assignments include a wide range of audit activities; for example: incurred cost audits, various system reviews, operations audits, and housekeeping assignments (such as processing PNM's, planning/programming, supervision, etc.). These assignments are set up to control audit workload. However, they are not generally subject to the same time constraints as Demand Audits. DCAA Forms 7000-7 (assignment setup), 7000-7a (CAS Supplemental), 7000-8 (assignment disposition) and 7000-6 (audit exceptions) are used in tracking the assignment from inception through reporting of net savings or other resolution. These forms are used by the FAO to record type of assignment or audit, supervisor and auditor assigned, dollars audited, net savings, CAS information, etc. In many instances, self-initiated assignments include work performed for other agencies. This frequently occurs on cost audits where the contractor is performing on both DoD and non-DoD contracts. When an assignment is considered "reimbursable", the FMIS forms are used to collect this reimbursable data, such as agency being billed, percent reimbursable to the agency, and the contract that was audited. I-A~139 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-140 I.A.4.a. SELF-INITIATED SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-7 and DCAA Form 7000-7a) (1) PURPOSE: Form 7000-7 is used to setup, modify, or delete self-initiated assignments associated with each workpackage of direct audit effort using a unique assignment number. Form 7000-7a is used as a supplemental form to 7000-7 to record Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) information. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form should be completed when the supervisory auditor determines that work is ready to begin on the assignment. Complete each data element listed on the form using the detailed instructions for the type of assignment being setup or modified. To modify the assignment information, list the assignment number and only the data elements being changed. Deletion of an assignment only requires circling "DELETE" at the top of the form and entry of the assignment number. Extreme caution should be taken when deleting an assignment since all information associated with that assignment will be purged from the system. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If the assignment is coded as reimbursable, the Billing Information block on Form 7000-7 must be completed. Contract numbers must be listed in the Contracts Table. Across-the-board percentages (ATB%) must total 100%. For more information, reference the data element detail. Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, any modifications to assignment information cannot be entered unless the assignment is re-opened. When an assignment is re-opened that has prior FY dollars (examined, questioned cost, etc.), the total dollars must be re-entered regardless of the disposition date because all dollars (current & prior FY) will default to the current FY. The Dollars Change Option which requires a password provided by the Regional FMIS Monitor must be used to re-establish the dollars in the prior FY. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. WARNING: If supplemental audit data is recorded against an assignment and it is re-opened, all disposition and supplemental data will be lost. 1-A-141 To record supplemental audit results, the assignment does not require re-opening. However, to record supplemental audit information when the original assignment no longer exists in FMIS a NEW assignment must be established and dispositioned as "N" (No Audit Report Issued) to allow the reporting of the new supplemental audit findings/data. See "Supplemental Audit Information" for further guidance. When calculating in-process dollars on assignments, the dollar amount ~ be the cumulative amount examined from the inception of the assignment through the in-process reporting date. For example, if an assignment had in-process dollars of $1,000 as of 3/31/93 and an additional $2,000 was examined in the quarter ended 6/30/93, you should report $3,000 as in-process as of 6/30/93. (5} SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DCAA FORM 7000-7a (CAS SUPPLEMENTAL) Whenever CAS information is identified and reportable for Self-Initiated Assignments, this CAS SUPPLEMENTAL form must be used to record the information for input into the FMIS. There are four primary 5-digit activity codes for recording CAS assignments. They are explained below: 1. Activity code 19100 is to be used for initial and revised Disclosure Statement adequacy/compliance audits. 2. Activity code 19200 is to be used for the reporting of all identified noncompliances, regardless of the circumstances under which found. 3. Activity codes 194xx are to be used for CAS compliance testing (standards and disclosed/established practices) on CAS 403 through 420. Where the FAO's risk assessment indicates that the establishment of individual codes by CAS Standard would not be cost effective, activity code 19400 may be used for CAS compliance . auditing on all applicable standards. THE FOLLOWING RISK ASSESSMENT FACTORS SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE USE OF CAS COMPLIANCE CODE 19400: a. Number of CAS covered contracts. b. Value of CAS covered contracts. c. The amount of planned audit activity in the current requirements or program plan (i.e. number of planned visits, estimated value of CAS covered proposals to be reviewed). 1-A-142 4. Activity code 19500 is to be used to report cost impact audits. Only activity code 19500 is to be used to report dollars. FOR FURTHER DETAIL ON RECORDING CAS INFORMATION, REFER TO APPENDIX A. 1-A-143 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-144 SELF INITIATED AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (A) Assignment No.: ___________ (R) Working Office: _____ (A) As~gnmentDescription(Max40):.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contract/RFP Number(Max 31):~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::--~~~~~~~~~~ (R) Estimated Start Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ _ _/__/__ (R) ACOCode: ______ Revised Assignment Due Date: PCOCode: ______ (R) Supervisor: _ (S) CAGE Code: _____ (R) Contractor: ___ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Auditor Assigned: ___ (R) Total Budget Hours: _____ Est. Dollar(OOO) Amt: ------- Revised Total Budget Hours: _____ (*) Type of SIC: _ {(R) Only if Activity 48600} (R) Fiscal Year Budget Hours: _____ In Process Dollars (000): ________ In Process Date: _ _/_ _/__ Comments Requested Date: _ _/__I__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) IS THIS ASSIGNMENT REIMBURSABLE?_ BILLING INFORMATION Billing Suf RIS Special Reference ATB% Contract Number T/Ord Grant (S) Reimbursable Flag: (S) NASA Indicator:TOTAL PLA Indicator: {(R) Only if Activity 30000} PLA Request Date: __\__\__ (R) RAR Pointer: _ _ (S) RAR Description: (R) Required Entry Initials Date (S) System Generated Supvsr. (*) See Reverse for Code Admin. DCAA Form 7000-7 Jun94 1-A-145 TYPE OF SIC {Activity 48600 Only} (B)idrigging (G)ratuities (K)ickbacks (L)abor (S)ecurity (P)roduct Substitution (T)hefVEmbezzlement (F)alse Claims (U)nallowables (M)aterial Costs Mischarging (O)ther REIMBURSABLE ASSIGNMENT N = Not Reimbursable R = Reimbursable -enter fresh data P =Reimbursable -copy data from previous assignment PROCUREMENT LIAISON AUDIT INDICATOR 0 = Default Value F =Full-time Service PLA R = "When requested" service PLA DCAA Form 7000-7 Jun94 1-A-146 SELF INITIATED AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} CAS SUPPLEMENTAL FORM Assignment No.: ___________ CAS INFORMATION -19XXX Cross Reference Assignment No.: ___________ {(R) Only if Activity 19200 or 19500} (*) CAS Standards or Noncompliance Codes: {(R) Only if Activity 19200} (1) (2) -- (3) -- (4) (5) (R) (S) (*) Required Entry System Generated See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-7a Jun94 1-A-147 CAS STANDARDS OR NONCOMPLIANCE CODES 401 411 402 412 403 413 404 414 405 415 406 416 407 417 408 418 409 420 410 DIS (Disclosed or Established practices) DCAA Form 7000-7a Jun94 1-A-148 I.A.4.a. Continued (6) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code from the FMIS activity code table (Appendix C). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be 00-99. 2. Fiscal year must not be greater than current FY. 3. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 4. Activity must match a valid code in the activity table. 5. Sequence number must be 001-999. 6. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. 1-A-149 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate RIORG code where the assignment is to be performed. The default value is the RIORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The working office is the RIORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's RIORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the RJORG table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter up to 40 characters to describe assignment to be performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . First position cannot be blank. 2. Cannot exceed 40 characters. 3. Required field. 1-A-150 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (RFP) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the RFP/RFQ, contract, or proposal number applicable to the assignment; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field for entry of the RFP or contract number. For audits subject to contract audit follow-up (DoD Directive 7640.2), the contract number is a necessary element used in the tracking process. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-31 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the assignment is estimated to begin in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the date that work is estimated to begin. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-151 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Due Date (DUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format that the assignment is to be complete or the office will issue the report. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the original due date for the assignment established by the office performing the audit and is based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Assignment Due Date (RVDUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised assignment due date in the MM/DD/YY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised due date for the assignment based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than the Assignment Due Date. 4. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-152 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G of DFARS. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-153 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RJORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an AGO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RJORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-154 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA ELEMENT NAME: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code assigned by the FAO to represent cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the contractor ID which identifies the contractor being audited or 998 for "houskeeping" assignments. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. A code of 998 should be entered for "housekeeping" assignments. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-155 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAGE codes are assigned to contractors located world-wide. The code is used by DoD and other government agencies to identify a contractor's name, geographical location, former name (if applicable), and status. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-156 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Auditor Assigned (AUDTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the initials of the auditor assigned to perform the audit, or leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the initials of the auditor in charge or the auditor performing the audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Initials must exist in the Personnel File or may be blank. 2. The middle character may be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Budget Hours (BUDGT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the entire life of the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the original hours budgeted for an assignment. It is the total hours to be allocated for the anticipated duration of the work assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Must be greater than or equal to Current FY Budgeted Hours. 1-A-157 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Budget Hours (RBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total revised budgeted hours for the assignment, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised total budgeted hours for an assignment, if applicable; otherwise leave blank. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Cannot be less than Current FY Budgeted Hours. 3. Should not be less than Total Budgeted Hours. 4. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Current FY Budgeted Hours (FYBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the current fiscal year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This fields represents the hours budgeted for the1,assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999. 2. Must be less than or equal to Revised Total Budgeted Hours. 1-A-158 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Dollar Amount (ESTDL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total amount of dollars to be audited, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the estimated total dollar amount to be examined for the specific assignment, if applicable. See Appendix A for applicable assignments. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Type of SIC (TYPESCASE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If activity code is 48600, select the appropriate code from the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-7 or Appendix C. Otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Type of Suspected Irregular Conduct is the category of potential unlawful activities or improper practices by a contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Activity code must be 48600. 2. Alpha code must exist on the code table on reverse of DCAA Form 7000-7 or in Appendix C. 1-A-159 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Dollars (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount which is to be reported as examined based on audit progress. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: ln.:process reporting of dollars examined is used to assess audit progress. The calculation of In-process dollars is based on the criteria in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. In-Process Dollars should be equal to or less than Estimated Dollars to be Examined. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Date (ASOF) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DDNY format that the In-Process Dollars are calculated) DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date that In-Process Dollars are calculated. It is usually at the end of a quarter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-160 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when the comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDNY) 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY). CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-161 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable code for the agency/office for whom the assignment is being performed. Applicable codes are contained in the Billing Code table in Appendix C. If assignment is not reimbursable, the value 000 (DoD) will be the default. · DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The billing codes are identifiers for the client agencies for whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract or proposal. These billing codes are synonymous with the reimbursable source codes found in DCAAM 7200.1, Chapter Ill. ' EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Billing Code Table in Appendix C. 2. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 1-A-162 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned to billing codes listed in the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table and as entered when setting up the contract. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO assigned code that represents the Agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Each separate office for the following Billing Codes requires that a separate Billing Code Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. 107.02-Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt Agencies (DCAS NY -Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII Other DoD Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or 3 numeric. 2. Suffix must exist on the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-163 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RIS Special Reference (RISREFCE) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-Four (24) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reference information required for specific billing codes; if not required, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the client agency's identifier and is required for certain billing codes. Information should be contained in client's request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Required for specific agencies below: 103-DOT, enter OIG Number. (IG Assignment No.) 106 -VA, enter Audit Control Number. 107-AID, enter the AID Task Number. 110-DOl, enter Audit Assignment Identification Number, Control No., Bureau No. 111 -Dept. of Commerce, enter OIG Number. 113 -USPS, enter the USPS Billing Code. 115 -DOJ, enter Bureau making request for' audit. 116-Dept. of Treasury, enter Bureau Name. 123-EPA, enter OIG Number, or Audit Control No. Various -FMS, enter Case Number. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ATB% (ATBPCT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter percentage of hours considered reimbursable. Enter the percentage in the format (###.#). The decimal point must be included. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The across-the-board percentages (ATB%) allocate the hours charged to the assignment among the various client agencies and/or DoD. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be .1%-100.0%. 2. The total must equal 1 00%. If less, remaining percentage must be charged to DoD code (000). 1-A-164 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter contract number(s) associated with each Billing Code within the assignment. There may be more than one reimbursable contract for any assignment. If a subcontract is involved, the subcontract number must be used rather than the prime contract number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the Contract or RFP Number associated with the Billing Code(s) being entered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 2. Cannot contain spaces. 3. First position must not be blank. 4. Must have previously been entered into FAO's Contracts Table. 5. Must not be blank, unless billing code is DoD (000) or it is a PLA audit. 6. Must match the contractor and billing code in the Contracts Table. 7. Must match the number in the Contracts Table exactly. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Task Order Number (TSKORDNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order number shown on the contract; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the task order number as shown on the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-5 characters. 2. Must exist on task order number table. 1-A-165 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM} DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on information entered when the contract was setup. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field denotes whether or not contract is a grant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Read only field. 2. Must be changed from the Contracts Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Reimbursable Flag (REIMB) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Reimbursable Flag is an indicator which identifies an assignment as (F)ully or (P)artially reimbursable. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-166 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA Indicator (NASA) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA Indicator describes an assignment as being related to a NASA contract/proposal (1) or not related to a NASA contract/proposal (0). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PLA Indicator (PLAIND) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If activity code is 30000, enter an F for full service or an R for when requested. System defaults to 0 for all other activity codes. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates whether a Procurement Liaison Audit is "full-service" or audited on request. This controls the dates printed on the DCAA Form 7200-10 (Billing Statement). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be For R if activity code is 30000. 1-A-167 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PLA Request Date (PLAREQD) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight {8) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the PLA requested the audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the PLA requested the audit. On self-initiated, the default is the ESTRT value; on Demand assignments the default is the REQLD value. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . Date edit only. 2. Required if Activity code is 30000, else defaults to a null value. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Pointer (RARPNTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable reimbursable adder rate (RAR) pointer for the assignment. · DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a 2-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to a specific reimbursable adder rate. Each different rate has. a unique "pointer'' used in calculating amount of reimbursable hours for billing purposes. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on RAR Pointer Table. 2. If not reimbursable, system defaults to 00. 1-A-168 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Description (DESCRIPTION) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-five (25) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: System generated when RAR Pointer is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: A free-form field for description of the associated RAR pointer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cross Reference Assignment Number (CRASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (1) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19200, enter the assignment number which generated the CAS noncompliance. For 5-digit activity code 19500, enter either the disclosure statement (5-digit activity code 191 00) or noncompliance assignment (5-digit activity code 19200) which generated the need for the cost impact audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the assignment that generated the noncompliance or cost impact audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must match the 11-digit assignment number pattern. 2. Must be a valid 5-digit activity code. 3. This field is only required if the assignment being setup has a 5-digit activity code of 19200 or 19500. 1-A-169 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Standards or Noncompliance Codes (CASSTDS} DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the CAS Standard (401 through 418 or 420) and/or DIS for Disclosure Statement. NOTE: If there are more than five entries, a separate assignment must be setup for the additional noncompliances. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to identify the CAS Standard(s) and/or practices in noncompliance. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Entry/Entries must be 401 through 418, 420, or DIS. 2. The 5-digit activity code must be 19200. 1-A-170 I.A.4.b. SELF-INITIATED ASSIGNMENT DISPOSITION/MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-8) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to disposition or modify . self-initiated assignment information except defective pricing assignments (activity code 420XX). (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed whenever updated demand audit disposition information is available. To modify previously entered information, enter assignment number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The supervisor must be careful to fill in the appropriate form (DCAA Form 7000-8) for dispositioning self-initiated assignments. Assignment disposition is broken down into type of assignment, i.e., Demand Audit, Demand Defective Pricing Audit, and Self-Initiated. Each form may have fields specific to only that type of audit. Therefore, the correct form must be completed for input. NOTE: Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, modifications to selective assignment data cannot be recorded unless the assignment is re-opened. When submitting modifications to either current or prior fiscal year (FY) dollars examined or exception dollars, the amount(s) should be reported as cumulative-to-date total(s), NOT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the originally recorded amount and the modified amount. WARNING: When making modifications to prior FY dollars reported, the total dollars (current and prior FY) will default to the current FY. Modifications to prior FY dollars examined or exception dollars must be accomplished through the Assignment Table Maintenance Module and REQUIRES THAT THE FAO FMIS MONITOR OBTAIN A PASSWORD FROM THE REGIONAL FMIS MONITOR. This will allow modifications to both prior and current FY dollars. When a modification/change is made to prior FY dollars a brief description of the reason for the change should be entered in the comment section of the FMIS form. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. 1-A-171 There are three codes (R, N, C) for dispositioning an assignment. The description and definition of these codes are as follows: FMIS Code Description R Report Issued N No Report Issued Assignment Cancelled Definition Designates that a formal report meeting CAM guidelines was issued upon completion of the assignment. The report is generally issued outside of the Agency. Designates that the assignment was completed and no formal report was issued. This includes Memorandums For Record (MFR). It should not be used to close an assignment established pursuant to an external formal request from PCOs/A COs or other sources. Designates that the assignment was terminated prior to completion because (i) the requestor of the financial services being rendered no longer requires · the audit results, (ii) the requested services could not be rendered after the assignment was established, (iii) the FAO determines the need for the data to be provided by the assignment is no longer required~ This assignment disposition code can be used for all activity codes. Note: Cancelling an assignment only changes the status of the assignment; it does not delete it from the system. 1-A-172 SELF INITIATED AUDIT DISPOSITION/MODIFICATION {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (S) Working Office: _____ (R) Assignment No.: __________ _ (S) Assignment Description (Max 40): (R*) Disposition of Assignment: _ (R) Disposition/Audit Report Date: _ _ ! _ _/__ (*) OM CODE: Estimated Dollar (000) Amount: _______ _ Dollars (000) Examined: ______ Costs (000) Questioned: ______ Costs (000) Unsupported: ______ Cost (000) Avoidance Recommended: ______ Number of Audit Reports: __ Total Exception Dollars: __________ _ _ (S) ACOCode: ______ {Total Unrounded} (R) PCOCode: ______ NASA% Dollars Examined: ___ NASA% Exceptions: ___ {(R) only if NASA Reimbursable} {(R) only if NASA Reimbursable} Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ Comments Requested Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) Last Supplement No.: (S) Date of Last Supplement: HQCaseNumber: _______ _ Audit Opinion: __ (*) Brief Written Alert: ______ DocketNumber: -------- Is this a Potential ASBCA Case? YES NO CAS Information -19XXX (*) Disclosure Statement Adequacy: _ {(R) If Activity 191 00} (*) CAS Compliance:_ {(R) If Activity 194XX} Noncompliance Cross-reference Assignment No.: __________ _ {(R) Only if Noncompliant} (*) Inadequate or Noncompliant Status Code: ___ {(R) If Activity 19100 or 19200} (*) CAS Net Increase I Decrease: _____ { (R) If Activity 19500} Comments {70 characters maximum per line; 210 maximum total characters}:----------- (R) Required Entry Initials Date (S) System Generated Supvsr. (*) See Reverse for Code Admin. Form 7000-8 Jun 94 1-A-173 DISPOSITION OF ASSIGNMENT (C)ancelled (N)o report issued (R)eport issued OM CODE Blank = Not Used 0 = E-Z-QUANT 5 =DATATRAK 1 = DRI 6 =4TH Gen. (SAS, FOCUS) 2 =CASH 7 =AUTOWARE/IAW 3 = FASB13/LVPA 8 =WEARS -TYPE 4 = COMPUSTAT 9 =ATS/BBS BRIEF WRITIEN ALERT AlGA =Assistant Inspector General for Investigations DCIS = Defense Criminal Investigative Service CIC =U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command NIS =Naval Security & Investigative Command AFOSI =Air Force Office of Special Investigations IGNASA = Inspector General, NASA OTHER = Other CAS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADEQUACY Y = Adequate N= Not Adequate CAS COMPLIANCE Y =Compliant N =Noncompliant INADEQUATE OR NONCOMPLIANT STATUS CODES: a. Report issued, awaiting AGO determination b. Sustained by ACO, awaiting contractor rebuttal or impact proposal. c. Contractor rebuttal/impact proposal received, audit in process. · d. FAO has responded to contractor rebuttal/impact proposal. e. Sustained by ACO, issued resolved. f. Not sustained by AGO, no further action. g. Other-Explain in Comments field. CAS NET INCREASE/DECREASE 0 =No Net Effect 1 =Increase 2 =Decrease ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEY (Codes 24010 and 24030): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 2-We recommended partial disapproval of the system. 3 -We recommended total disapproval of the system. ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND OTHER SYSTEM SURVEYS (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate.. 5 -Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. DCAA Form 7000-8 Jun94 1-A-174 I.A.4.b. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number previously input in the Self-Initiated Audit Setup. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must exist in the Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It may be changed at this time, if necessary. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the RIORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's RIORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the RIORG Table. 1-A-175 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract tYpe, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition of Assignment (ADISP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable code: (R) Report Issued (N) No Report Issued (C) Assignment Cancelled DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates how the assignment is being closed. Refer to Special Instructions in the introduction to Self-Initiated Assignment Disposition. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be R, N, or C. 1-A-176 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition/Audit Report Date (DSPDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the in MM/DD/YY format, that the assignment is dispositioned. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of final disposition of the assignment. If a report is issued, it must be the date of the report. If no report is issued, it is the date the assignment is complete. If cancelled, it is the date the assignment is cancelled. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99 3. Year must not be greater than current FY. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: QM Code (QM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter OM code(s), from list on reverse of DCAA Form 7000-8, which were used to perform the audit; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the Quantitative Methods Technique(s) used in the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Codes must be 0-9. 2. More than one code may be entered. 1-A-177 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number of Audit Reports (NRPTS) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of audit reports issued for this assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number of reports issued for the assignment. Usually only one report per assignment is issued multi-year incurred cost audits if only one assignment number is used. Assignment 92A16990010 covering fiscal years 88-90 would require 3 audit reports (88, 89, 90). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99. 2. If audit disposition is (N)o report issued or (C)ancelled, no entry is required. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Dollar Amount (ESTDL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric . CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Field is system generated based on information entered when the assignmen't was setup. Can be edited if needed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the estimated total dollar amount to be examined for the specific assignment, if applicable. See Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Should be greater than or equal to dollars examined. 1-A-178 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Dollars Examined (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter amount of dollars reviewed, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on dollars examined for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents the amount of dollars reviewed as defined in Appendix A. Dollars examined amounts must exclude unsupported and unresolved costs. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Dollars examined will be reported only if the assignment is complete and the audit report has been issued. 3. No dollars examined will be reported on a cancelled assignment. 4. Dollars examined should be less than or equal to estimated dollar amount. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Costs Questioned (QUEST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost questioned, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for detailed discussion on cost questioned for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Questioned is the amount in the contractor's cost proposal to which the auditor has taken exception as unreasonable, unallowable, or unallocable. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Assignment must be complete to report cost questioned. 3. Cost questioned should not exceed dollars examined. 1-A-179 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Costs Unsupported (UNS) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of unsupported cost, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on costs unsupported for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost unsupported represents those items related to pricing proposals for which documentary evidence furnished by the contractor is insufficient to enable the auditor to reach a definitive conclusion. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Activity code must be 21000, 22000, or 27000. 3. Cost unsupported plus dollars examined should not exceed estimated dollar amount. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Avoidance Recommended (AVOID) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost avoidance recommended, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. Refer to Appendix A for detail information on Cost Avoidance Recommended for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The cost avoidance recommended is a conservative estimate of the annual savings achievable after the auditor's recommendations are fully implemented. The value of cost avoidance recommendations represents the difference between the cost of current or prior practices, procedures or expenditures and the cost of recommended practices, procedures or expenditures based on the contractor's most recent fiscal year costs or prices. Cost avoidance recommendations should be reported when the report is issued, regardless of whether the contractor is in agreement with the audit results. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Valid only for activity codes 10501-10511 or 10590. 1-A-180 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Exception Dollars (TOTEXDOL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unrounded total exception dollars (Cost Questioned + Cost Avoidance) from the audit report. For defective pricing audits enter the Net Recommended Price Adjustment. For supplemental defective pricing audits enter the Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used in dispositioning assignments under the 5 digit activity codes identified as reportable under DoD Directive 7640.2. This field contains the total exception dollars from the audit before rounding. The dollars entered must be the total cost questioned, and total cost avoidance dollars or Net Recommended Price Adjustment as stated in the audit report. It must include all dollars resulting from assist audits, technical reviews, or other outside assistance. Total exception dollars should not be adjusted to reflect reductions due to Government participation. The unrounded dollars are one of the criteria used by DLA and the military services for tracking and reporting contract audits in accordance with DoD Directive 7640.2. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999999. 2. Must be greater than 0 if dollars entered in the questioned, avoidance, or net recommended price adjustment fields are greater than 0. 1-A-181 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on information entered when the assignment was setup and no entry is required, but modifications may be made. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement ,or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-6 characters. 2. If DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-182 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D plus their RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-183 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA % Exceptions (NXPTN) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If assignment is coded as fully or partially NASA reimbursable, enter the percentage (rounded to the nearest whole percent) of the audit exceptions that are applicable to NASA contracts and subcontracts. Otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA % Exceptions is a field which identif.ies the percentage of the audit exceptions recorded which are applicable to NASA contracts and subcontracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: If NASA reimbursable, must be 0-100. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA% Dollars Examined (NXMND) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If assignment is coded as fully or partially NASA reimbursable, enter the percentage (rounded to the nearest whole percent) of the total dollars examined which are applicable to NASA contracts and subcontracts. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA % Dollars Examined is a field which identifies the percentage of total dollars examined for an audit or assignment which are applicable to NASA contracts and subcontracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: If NASA reimbursable, must be 0-100. 1-A-184 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DD/YY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-185 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Last Supplement Number (SUPPLMNT) DATA STRUCTURE: Two {2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. Information is. only displayed if data were previously entered for a supplemental ~udit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the latest {if any) supplement number pertaining to the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date of Last Supplement (SUPP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING .INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. Information is . only displayed if data were previously entered for a supplemental 'audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the latest (if any) disposition date of a supplemental report issued against the assignment. · EDIT REQU'JF~EMENTS: None. 1-A-186 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Audit Opinion (MAJDEFPD) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one of the following audit opinions for the activity codes indicated. Estimating System Suvey (Codes 24010 & 24030) 1 - The system is adequate or generally adequate. 2 - Recommend partial disapproval of the system. 3 - Recommend total disapproval of the system. Accounting System and Other System Surveys (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000) 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 5 - Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to report the audit opinion for estimating system, accounting system, and other system surveys. Assignments coded 2, 3, and 5 will be reported under the requirements of DoD Directive 7640.2 to DLA and the Services. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1, 2, 3, or 5. 2. Activity code must be 24010, 24030, 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Brief Written Alert (BRIWRALT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alpha CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the investigative agency abbreviation to which the FAO sent the Brief Written Alert. See reverse of DCAA Form 7000-8 or Appendix C for list of choices. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the agency designator for the cognizant investigative agency to which the brief written alert was sent. Reference CAM 4-702.4.C(1). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must exist on table or be blank.. I-A~187 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Headquarters Case Number (HQCASENO) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number assigned to referrals by DL; if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The case number identifies the project or circumstance which requires follow-up monitoring. It is assigned by Headquarters to all cases, such as SIC, Suspected Fraud, Access to Records, etc. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 1-8 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Docket Number (DOCKTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For firm cases, enter the docket number assigned by the Court or Administrative Board. For potential cases, enter a P until a docket number is assigned. This field should be modified when the docket number is obtained. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: When an issue is presented to Court or to an administrative board, a docket number is assigned to the case in accordance. with their monitoring system. , EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank, P1 or 1-6 characters. 1-A-188 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Disclosure Statement Adequacy (DSADQ) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alpha CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19100, enter (Y)es if the disclosure statement is considered adequate or (N)o if considered inadequate; leave blank if not applicable. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element indicates whether a contractor's disclosure statement is adequate or inadequate. The contractor's disclosure statement is considered inadequate if an Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) returns the formal disclosure statement to the contractor for a revision or if the ACO notifies a contractor that part of the disclosure statement is inadequa:te. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Activity code must be 19100. 2. Must be blank, Y or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Compliance (COMPL) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphanumeric· CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity codes 19100 or 194xx, enter (Y)es if the standards reviewed are considered compliant and an (N)o if it is considered noncompliant; leave blank if not applicable. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element indicates whether the cost accounting standard(s) reviewed is (are) compliant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. The 5-digit activity code must be 19100 or 194xx. 2. Must be blank, Y or N. 3. Required for 5-digit activity code 194xx. 1-A-189 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Noncompliance Cross Reference Assignment Number (NCRASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the eleven digit noncompliance assignment number (Activity Code 19200). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element is the 11 digit assignment number where the disclosure statement inadequacy or the CAS noncompliance issue will be reported (19200). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must match the 11-digit assignment number pattern. 2. Noncompliance assignment (activity code 19200) must exist in system. 3. Required if CAS Compliance is 'N'. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Inadequate or Noncompliance Status Code (CASSTAT) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the inadequate or noncompliant status code listed on DCAA Form 7000-5 or 7000-8. When the assignment is initially dispositioned, FMIS will generate a status code of A. THIS CODE MUST BE UPDATED AS AUDIT SITUATIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES CHANGE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element is the status code(s) which reflects :the adequacy/inadequacy of a contractor's disclosure statement or tHe compliance/noncompliance with CAS as determined by the ACO fdr assignment(s) with 5-digit activity codes 19100 and 192oo. I EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Status codes must be A through G (See Volume I, Appendix C). ,, 2. Must be 5-aigit activity codes 19100 or 19200. 3. If status cbde 'G' is entered, an explanation must be entered in the Comm~nts field. 1-A-190 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Net Increase/Decrease (CASNET) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For 5-digit activity code 19500 assignments, enter 1 for net increase, 2 for net decrease or 0 for no net effect on dollars examined. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This data element reflects whether the cost impact proposal was a net increase/decrease or a "no change". EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1, 2 or 0. 2. The 5-digit activity code must be 19500. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments (CORCOMMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter any comments. If the status code G is entered for cost accounting standards (CAS) assignment number(s) with 5-digit activity code(s) 19200 or 19100 contractor comments must be entered; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a aescriptive free-form field for comments regarding corrective actions related to Estimating System Surveys (240XX), CAS (19XXX) assignments, or Defective Pricing Reviews. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Maximum of 70 characters per line. 2. Maximum total of 210 characters. 1-A-191 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL LEFTBLANK 1-A-192 I.A.4.c. AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-6) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to disposition or modify audit exceptions on demand or self-initiated audit assignments following negotiations with the contracting officer, through an estimate, or when the "NPE" code (see below) is applicable. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be prepared to input or modify audit exceptions when one or more of the following events occurs: (a) Upon receipt of a Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM). (b) For code 21000 and 27000 assignments with questioned cost of $50 thousand or under, audit exceptions will be dispositioned using the "NPE" basis 90 days after report issuance, if no PNM is received. (c) When a contractor appeals a decision of a contracting officer to an Administrative Board or Court, the assignment will be dispositioned using the "APP" basis. Entry of the code "APP" will erase existing entries for PNM Received Date and any Sustained or Net Saving entries. (d) When a Board or Court Decision is rendered, and the appeal is Resolved (RES). (e) When estimating (EST) net savings after attempts to obtain a PNM are unsuccessful or the PNM is inadequate. (f) Upon advice that the proposal did not result in the award of a contract or on other than code 2XXXX assignments, the claim or submission was not accepted or did not result in a contractual modification (CNA). (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When a PNM is received, the date should be entered even if the exceptions are not yet recorded. This information is required for standard report #26, "PNMs Received and not Processed." 1-A-193 THIS PAGE INTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-194 AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/MODIFY {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) AssignmentNo.: ___________ Initials Date Admin. (R*) Basis for Net Savings: ______ Date PNM Received {if basis is PNM}: _ _j_ _j__ {If Basis is not CNA, enter first 3 characters only; if basis is CNA, complete all6 characters} Cost and Savings Amounts Cost Questioned Sustained (000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Questioned {000): ________ Cost Unsupported Sustained {000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Unsupported Sustained {000): ________ Net Savings from Cost Avoidance Recommended (000): ________ (*) PNM Defective Pricing Rating: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (R) Net Savings Disposition Date: _ _j_ _j__ (S) ACOCode: ______ (S) PCOCode: ______ (*) Attendance at Factfinding: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (*) Attendance at Negotations: _ {(R) for Activities 21000 or 27000} (*) Resolution of Adverse/Disclaimer of Opinion: _ (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated Initials Date (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. DCAA Form 7000-6 Jun 94 1-A-195 BASIS FOR NET SAVINGS PNM = Procurement Negotiation Memorandum Issued NPE = No PNM, No Estimate {only if questioned is 50(000) or under} APP = PNM is in Appeal RES = Appeal has been Resolved EST = Estimated Savings CNA = Contract Not Awarded {Use supplemental schedule also} or Contractor Unsuccessful CONTRACT NOT AWARDED {Supplemental Schedule} -AB =Another bidder awarded contract -NA = No award -PA =Partial Award -RP =Revised proposal submitted DEFECTIVE PRICING RATING 0 = Lowest Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 =Highest Risk ATTENDANCE AT FACTFINDINGS 1 =Attended some sessions 2 = Attended all sessions 3 = No sessions held 4 =Did not attend any sessions ATTENDANCE AT NEGOTIATIONS 1 =Attended some sessions 2 = Attended all sessions 3 = No sessions held 4 =Did not attend any sessions RESOLUTION OF ADVERSE/DISCLAIMER OF OPINION 0 =No Disclaimer Exists 1 = Resolved before contract awarded 2 = Not Resolved before contract awarded DCAA Form 7000-6 Jun94 1-A-196 I.A.4.c. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number previously input. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match an assignment number in the Assignment Table. 1-A-197 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Basis for Net Savings (NSDSP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one of the applicable codes for the basis of net savings (see reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 for detail). Note: If the Code entered is CNA, an entry is required for the next line on the form "If Basis is CNA". Enter one of the applicable codes from the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Basis for Net Savings describes · the. occurrence which provided the auditor with the rationale for determining and reporting the contracting officer's actions or decisions on audit recommendations related to a particular assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be PNM, APP, RES, NPE, EST, CNA; cannot be blank. 2. If CNA, must contain the suffix -AB, -NA, -PA, or -RP. 3. NPE is valid only for activity codes 21000 or 27000 with cost questioned of $50,000 or less. 4. Assignment must be dispositioned before using this form. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date PNM Received (PNMDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format, that the PNM is received by the FAO. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM) was received by the FAO from the Contracting Officer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Date must be equal to or later than the assignment disposition date. 4. Date is required if Basis for Net Savings is equal to PNM, RES, or APP. 1-A-198 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Questioned Sustained (QSUST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost questioned sustained, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. If basis for net savings is "APP", entry will be changed to 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The cost questioned sustained is the amount of reported cost questioned which is sustained as a result of contractor concurrence,· Contracting Officer decision, negotiation, litigation, or DCAA estimate. In the case of a PNM, the cost questioned sustained will be based on the Contracting Officer's final decision unless the basis for net savings is "APP". If APP is used, the dollars will be zeroed out until the litigation is complete and the basis for savings is changed to RES. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Must be 0-99999999. 3. Cost Questioned Sustained must be less than or equal to Cost Questioned. 4. Must have entered cost questioned on disposition form (DCAA Form 7000-5). • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings From Cost Questioned (NSQST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the net savings realized from cost questioned, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The net savings from cost questioned is the net amount of savings realized from cost questioned. Use the computation instructions for net savings in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost questioned sustained must be greater than 0 if net savings is greater than 0. 1-A-199 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Unsupported Sustained (USUST} DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost unsupported sustained, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. If basis for net savings is "APP", entry will be changed to 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Cost Unsupported Sustained is the amount of reported cost unsupported which is sustained as a result of contractor concurrence, Contracting Officer decision, negotations, litigation, or DCAA estimate. In the case of a PNM, the cost unsupported sustained will be based on the Contracting Officer's final decision unless the basis for net savings is "APP". If APP is used, the dollars will be zeroed out until the litigation is complete and the basis for savings is changed to RES. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost unsupported sustained must be less than or equal to cost unsupported. 3. Must have entered cost unsupported on disposition form (DCAA Form 7000-5). 4. Must be activity code 21000, 22000, or 27000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings From Cost Unsupported Sustained (NSUNS) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of net savings resulting from cost unsupported, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The net savings from cost unsupported costs sustained is the amount of savings realized from cost unsupported. Use the computational instructions for net savings in Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost Unsupported Sustained must be greater than 0 if net savings is greater than 0. 3. Must be activity code 21000, 22000, or 27000. 1-A-200 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings from Cost Avoidance Recommended (NSAVD) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of cost avoidance recommended which was sustained for the assignment, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars; if none, enter 0. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the amount of cost avoidance recommendations sustained based on contractor implementation of DCAA recommendations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999. 2. Cost Avoidance Recommended must be greater than 0 if Net Savings are greater than 0. 3. Must be activity code 1 05XX. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PNM Defective Pricing Rating (PNMDP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the defective pnc1ng rating determined after net savings have been resolved, ranging from 0 (lowest risk) to 9 (highest risk); if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the defective pricing rating after net savings. This is a judgmental risk factor from 0-9 given to proposals at the time audit exceptions are resolved. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Required for activity codes 15300, 17100, 17200, 21000, 22000, 27000, 28000, and 29500. 2. Must be blank or 0-9. 1-A-201 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings Disposition Date (NSRES) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the disposition date of net savings in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date that the net savings calculated by the FAO is entered into FMIS. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Year must be in the current fiscal year. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: The ACO ·code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the con~ract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration offi~e to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other1assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g.; D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO code is the standardized 6-digit number assigned to the procurement/contract administration ' I office contained in DFARS Appendix G responsible for resolving audit recommendations. For non-DoD agehcies, it is the billing code. If work is performed for another DCAA office, it is their R/ORG code preceeded by a D. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-202 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the RIORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-203 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Attendance at Fact Findings (FACT) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter appropriate code listed on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate the auditor's attendance at the fact findings meetings. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the extent of the auditor's attendance at fact finding meetings between Contracting Officer and the contractor subsequent to audit report issuance but prior to the negotiation conference. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-4. 2. Required for activity codes 21000 or 27000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Attendance at Negotiations (NEGO) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code listed on the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate the auditor's attendance at the negotations. If not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the extent of auditor attendance at negotiation conferences held by the Contracting Officer subsequent to audit report issuance and fact finding sessions. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-4 2. Required for activity codes 21000 or 27000. 1-A-204 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Resolution of Adverse/Disclaimer of Opinion (DSRES) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code from the list on the reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-6 to indicate how the disclaimer of audit opinion was resolved during negotiations. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates how the disclaimer or adverse opinion was resolved at negotiations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 0-2. 1-A-205 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-206 I.A.5. DEFECTIVE PRICING GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Truth In Negotiations Act (contained in 10 U.S. Code 2306a) requires that contractors submit accurate, complete and current cost or pricing data to the Government during the negotiation of the contract price. The FAR clause implementing this Act provides that the Government can adjust the contract price if cost or pricing data are found to be defective, i.e., the data submitted during the negotiation of the contract price were inaccurate, incomplete or noncurrent and the contractor had knowledge that the data was defective. If the prime contractor has subcontractors performing a portion of the contract, this clause is also applicable to its subcontractors. The basic objective in performing a Defective Pricing audit is to assure that the contract or subcontract price was not increased significantly because the cost or pricing data was defective. If defective data were used, the auditor must recommend a price reduction for the amount of the price increase, including profit that resulted from the use of defective data. 1-A-207 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-208 I.A.5.a. DEMAND DEFECTIVE PRICING SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-9) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to setup, modify, or delete Demand Defective Pricing Assignments. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form is submitted each time a Demand Defective Pricing assignment is setup, modified, or deleted. Complete each data element listed on the form using the detailed instructions for the type of assignment being setup or modified. To modify the assignment information, list the assignment number and only the data elements being changed. Deletion of an assignment only requires circling "DELETE" at the top of the form and entry of the assignment number. Extreme caution should be taken when deleting an assignment since all information associated with that assignment will be purged from the system. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If the assignment is coded as reimbursable, the Billing Information block on Form 7000-9 must be completed. Contract numbers must be listed in the contract table. Across-the-board percentages (ATB%) must total 100%. For more information, reference the data element detail. Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, any modifications to assignment information cannot be entered unless the assignment is re-opened. When an assignment is re-opened that has prior FY dollars (examined, questioned cost, etc.), the total dollars must be re-entered regardless of the disposition date because all dollars (current & prior FY) will default to the current FY. The Dollars Change Option which requires a password provided by the Regional FMIS Monitor must be used to re-establish the dollars in the prior FY. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. WARNING: If supplemental audit data is recorded against an assignment and it is re-opened all disposition and supplemental data will be lost. To record supplemental audit results, the assignment does not require re-opening. However, to record supplemental audit information when the original assignment no longer exists in FMIS, a NEW assignment must be established and dispositioned as "N" (No Audit Report Issued) to allow the reporting of the new supplemental audit findings/data. See "Supplemental Audit Information" for further guidance. 1-A-209 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-210 DEMAND DEFECTIVE PRICING AUDIT SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R*) Assignment No.: ___________ (R) Working (Sub) Office: _____ (R) As~gnme~Description(Max4m=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cont~ctNumber(Max31):~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Request Information (R) Request No: ____ ((R) If Form 7000-3 is used} (R) Acknowledgment Letter Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) Request Desc: (R) Date Request Rec'd: _ _/__I__ Revised Acknowledgment Letter Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) Request Letter Date: __I__I__ (R) Estimated Start Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) Request Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ Revised Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) ACOCode: ______ Case Number: ------------ PCOCode: _____ _ (R) Supervisor. __ (S) CAGE Code: _____ (R) Contractor: ___ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Auditor Assigned: ___ (R) Total Budget Hours: _____ (*) Contract Type: _ Revised Total Budget Hours: _____ Contract Value (000): ________ Current FY Budget Hours: _____ Comments Requested Date: __I__I__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) IS THIS ASSIGNMENT REIMBURSABLE? _ BILLING INFORMATION Billing Suf RIS Special Reference ATB% Contract Number T/Ord Grant TOTAL (S) Reimbursable Flag: (S) NASA Indicator: (R) RAR Pointer: __ (S) RAR Description: (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code DCAA Form 7000-9 Jun 94 Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date 1-A-211 DEFECTIVE PRICING ACTIVITY CODES 42010 = $100,000,000 or greater42020 = $25,000,000 to 99,999,99942030 = $10,000,000 to 24,999,999 42040 = Under$10,000,00042097 = Any Amount -Add-ons to contract or subcontract42098 = Any amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricingmatrix (i.e., 4201 0-42040}42099 = No dollar value follow-up TYPE OF CONTRACT 0 = Cost Reimbursable 4 = Cost + Award Fee 7 = Fixed Price Redeterminable 1 = Cost Sharing 5. = Time & Material 8 = Firm Fixed Price 2 =Cost+ Fixed-fee 6 =Fixed Price Incentive 9 =Other 3 = Cost + Incentive ACO/PCO CODE See Appendix C of the FMIS User Manual REIMBURSABLE ASSIGNMENT N = Not Reimbursable R =Reimbursable -enter fresh data P = Reimbursable -copy data from previous assignment DCAA Form 7000-9 Jun 94 1-A-212 I.A.S.a. CONTINUED 5. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code from the FMIS activity code table (Appendix C or reverse of Form 7000-9). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be 00-99. 2. Fiscal year must not be greater than current FY. 3. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 4. Activity must be 42010-42999. 5. Sequence number must be 001-999. 6. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. 1-A-213 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate R/ORG code where the assignment is to be performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter up to 40 characters to describe assignment to be performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. Cannot exceed 40 characters. 3. Required field. 1-A-214 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (RFP) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the contract number applicable to the assignment; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field for entry of the RFP or contract number. For audits subject to contract audit follow-up (DoD Directive 7640.2), the contract number is a necessary element used in the tracking process. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-31 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Number (REQNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, enter applicable request number for assignment. If not, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is a sequential number assigned to a request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-9999. 2. Must be a unique number. not currently used by another open request. 1-A-215 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Description (ROES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate description identified in the letter requesting the audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field provides a description of the demand audit as identified in the request letter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Letter Received Date (RLTRE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DDIYY format that the request le~ter was received. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this date will be entered by default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the request letter was received by the FAO. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12, Day must be 01-31, Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than or equal to Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 20 days after Request Letter Date. 1-A-216 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Request Letter Date (REQLD) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date that the request letter was received. It DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this date will be entered by default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the letter requesting an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be less than or equal to date request was received. 4. Should not be more than 20 days before request letter received date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Requested Due Date (ROUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the requested due date in the MM/DD/YY format. It DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this date will be entered by default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date requested tor completion of audit and issuance of the audit report. It no date was requested in the request letter, the field may be left blank. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric or blank. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 75 days after Request Letter Date. 1-A-217 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Acknowledgement Letter Date (ACKNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the office acknowledged receipt of request for an audit in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the letter from DCAA which acknowledges the receipt of the request for audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Request information must exist before this field is entered. 4. Cannot be earlier than the Request Letter Date. 5. Cannot be more than 5 days beyond the current date. 6. Should not be more than 21 days after the Request Letter Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Acknowledgement Letter Date (RACK) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date of the revised acknowledgement in the MM/DD/YY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the date of the latest revised acknowledgement letter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should not be more than 21 days after Acknowledgement Letter Date. 4. Cannot be earlier than the Acknowledgment Letter Date. 5. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-218 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the office estimates the audit to begin in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the date that work is estimated to begin. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Due Date (DUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format that the office will have the report to the requestor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the original due date for the assignment. It is assigned by the office performing the audit based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. It is the anticipated date that DCAA will furnish the report to the requestor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be later than the Request Letter Date. 4. Should not be more than 75 days after the Request Letter Date. 1-A-219 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Assignment Due Date (RVDUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised assignment due date in the MM/DDNY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised due date for the assignment based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be greater than Original Due Date. 4: Should not be more than 180 days after Request Letter Date. 5. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-220 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable DODMC code from Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. If non-DoD, enter Billing Code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their RIORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requestor is part of DoD, ACO/PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-221 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their RJORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an AGO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODMC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an AGO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-222 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Case Number (CASENO) DATA STRUCTURE: Twelve (12) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the case number assigned by the requester. If none specified on request, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number which a requestor uses as a reference in the request for audit. The Case Number is the requestor's method for tracking the audit request. EDITREQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-10 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code as assigned by the FAO to represent cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-223 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Contractor ID which identifies the contractor being audited. If DCAA Form 7000-3 was completed, this field will be enter~d by default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that ,f,eld office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. I 1. Must be 001-997. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. 3. Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: !Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAGE codes are assigned to contractors located world~wide. The code is used by DoD and other government agencie~: to identify a contractor's name, geographical location, former name! (if applicable), and status. ,, j;l EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 1-A-224 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: ·This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION:.. The contractor name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Auditor Assigned (AUDTR) DATA 'ELEMENT NAME: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the initials of the auditor assigned to perform the audit or leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the initials of the auditor in charge orthe auditor performing the assignment or audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Initials must exist in the Personnel File. 2. The middle character may be a space. 1-A-225 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Budget Hours (BUDGT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the entire life of the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the original hours budgeted for an assignment. It is the total hours to be allocated for the anticipated duration of the work assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Must be greater than or equal to Current FY Budgeted Hours. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Budget Hours (RBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised total budgeted hours for the assignment, if applicable; otherWise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This 'is the latest Revised Total Budgeted Hours for an 1assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Cannot be less than Current FY Budgeted Hours. 3. Should not be less than Total Budget Hours. 4. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-226 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Current FY Budgeted Hours (FYBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five {5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for assignment in the current fiscal year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents hours budgeted for the assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999. 2. Must be less than or equal to Revised Total Budget Hours. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Type (CONTTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter code for a type of contract. See reverse of DCAA Form 7000-9 or Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the type of contract being reviewed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9. 1-A-227 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Value (VALCONT) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the value of the contract or subcontract, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contract value reflects the amount (including profit) of the contract or subcontract being reviewed for Defective Pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Contract values are broken down by the following activity codes: 42010-$100,000,000 or greater 42020-$25,000,000 to 99,999,999 42030-$10,000,000 to 24,999,999 42040-Under $10,000,000 42097-Any Amount-Add-ons to contract or subcontract 42098-Any Amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricing matrix (i.e., 4201 0-42040) 42099-No dollar value follow-up 2. Must be 0-99999999. NOTE: It is important to check that the dollars recorded for the Value of Contract correspond with the above listed activity codes. In cases where a supplemental audit report ,is issued and the Contract Value had previously been entered in a prior fiscal year on an assignment now purged from the system, the Value of the Contract will be entered as 0. This is essential since dollars will NOT be duplicated for reporting in the DCAA Management System. 1-A-228 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDIYY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-229 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable code for the agency/office for whom the assignment is being performed. Applicable codes are contained in the Billing Code Table in Appendix C. If assignment • is not reimbursable, leave all billing information fields blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The billing codes are identifiers for the client agencies fbr whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract ·or proposal. These billing codes are synonymous with the reimbursable sources codes found in DCAAM 7200.1, Chapter Ill. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Billing. Code Table in Appendix C. 2. Assignment must b~ coded as reimbursable. 1-A-230 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned to billing codes listed on the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table and as entered when setting up the contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO assigned code that represents the agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Specific offices require that a separate Billing Code Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. 107.02-Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt Agencies (DCAS NY -Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII Other DoD Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or three numeric 2. Suffix must exist on the FAO's Misc. Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-231 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RIS Special Reference (RISREFCE) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-Four (24) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reference information required for specific billing codes; if not required, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the client agency's identifier and is required for certain billing codes. Information should be contained in client's request for an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Required for specific agenices below: 103-DOT, enter OIG Number. (IG Assignment No.) 106-VA, enter Audit Control Number. 107-AID, enter the AID Task Number. 110 -DOl, enter Audit Assignment Identification Number, Control No., Bureau No. 111 -Dept. of Commerce, enter OIG Number. 113 -USPS, enter the USPS Billing Code. 115-DOJ, enterBureau making request for audit. 116-Dept. of Treasury, enter Bureau Name. 123-EPA, enter OIG Number, or Audit Control No. Various-FMS, ;enter Case Number. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ATB% (ATBPCT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter percentage of hours considered reimbursable. Enter the percentage in the format (###.#). The decimal point must be included. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The across the board percentage (ATB%) allocates the hours charged to the assignment among the various client agencies and/or DoD. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be .1%-100.0% 2. The total must equal 100%. If less, remaining percentage must be charged to DoD Code (000). 1-A-232 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract/RFP Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter contract number(s) associated with each Billing Code within the assignment. There may be more than one reimbursable. contract for any assignment. If a subcontract is involved, the subcontract number must be used rather than the prime contract number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the Contract or RFP Number associated with the Billing Code(s) being entered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 2. Cannot contain spaces. 3. First position must not be blank. 4. Must have previously been entered in to FAO's Contracts Table. 5. Must not be blank, unless billing code is DoD (000) or it is a PLA audit. 6. Must match the contractor and billing code in the Contracts Table. 7. Must match the number in the contract file exactly. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Task Order Number (TSKORDNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order number shown on the contract; otherwise leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the task order number as shown on the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-5 characters. 2. Must exist on task order number table. 1-A-233 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on information entered previously. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Denotes whether or not a contract is a grant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Read only field: 2. Must be changed from the Contracts Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Reimbursable Flag (REIMB) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Reimbursable Flag is an indicator which identifies as assignment as (F)ully or (P)artially reimbursable. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-234 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA Indicator (NASA) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA Indicator describles an assignment as being related to a NASA contract/proposal (1) or not related to a NASA contract/proposal (0). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Pointer (RARPNTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable reimbursable adder rate (RAR) pointer for the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the 2-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to a specific reimbursable adder rate. Each different rate has a unique "pointer" used in calculating the amount of reimbursable hours for billing purposes. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on RAR Pointer Table. 2. If not reimbursable, system defaults to 00. 1-A-235 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Description (DESCRIPTION) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-five (25) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on the RAR Pointer entered. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field for description of the associated RAR pointer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-236 I.A.S.b. SELF-INITIATED DEFECTIVE PRICING SETUP/MODIFY/ DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-1 0) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to set up, modify, or delete Self-Initiated Defective Pricing Assignments. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form is submitted each time a Self-Initiated Defective Pricing Assignment is setup, modified, or deleted. Self-Initiated assignments refer to those selected from the Defective Pricing Universe in each FAO. Complete each data element listed on the form using the detailed instructions for the type of assignment being set up or modified. To modify the assignment information, list the assignment number and only the data elements being changed. Deletion of an assignment only requires circling "DELETE" at the top of the form and entry of the assignment number. Extreme caution should be taken when deleting an assignment since all information associated with that assignment will be purged from the system. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: If the assignment is coded as reimbursable, the Billing Information block on Form 7000-1 0 must be completed. Contract numbers must be listed in the contract table. Across-the-board percentages (ATB%) must total 100%. For more information, reference the data element detail. Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, any modifications to assignment information cannot be entered unless the assignment is re-opened. When an assignment is re-opened that has prior FY dollars (examined, questioned cost, etc.), the total dollars must be re-entered regardless of the disposition date because all dollars (current & prior FY) will default to the current FY. The Dollars Change Option which requires a password provided by the Regional FMIS Monitor must be used to re-establish the dollars in the prior FY. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. WARNING: If supplemental audit data is recorded against an assignment and it is re-opened all disposition and supplemental data will be lost. To record supplemental audit results the assignment does not require re-opening. However, to record supplemental audit information when the origin~l assignment no longer exists in FMIS a NEW assignment must be established and dispositioned as "N" (No Audit Report Issued) to allow the reporting of the new supplemental audit findings/data. See "Supplemental Audit Information", for further guidance. 1-A-237 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-238 SELF INITIATED DEFECTIVE PRICING SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R*) Assignment No.: __________ _ (R) Working Office: _____ (R) Assignment Description (Max 40): ------------------------Contract Number (Max 31): -------------------------- (R) Estimated Start Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ Revised Assignment Due Date: _ _/_ _/__ (R) ACOCode: ----- (S) CAGE Code: _____PCOCode: ----- (R) Supervisor: _ (R) Contractor: ___ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): --------------- Auditor Assigned: ___ (*) Contract Type: _ (R) Total Budget Hours: ___ -._ Revised Total Budget Hours: _____ Current FY Budget Hours: _ _ _ _ _ (R) Contract Value (000): _______ _ Comments Requested Date: _ _/__I__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) IS THIS ASSIGNMENT REIMBURSABLE? _ BILLING INFORMATION Billing Suf RIS Special Reference ATB% Contract Number T/Ord Grant (S) Reimbursable Flag: (S) NASA Indicator: TOTAL (R) RAR Pointer: __ (S) RAR Description: (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-10 Jun94 1-A-239 DEFECTIVE PRICING ACTIVITY CODES 42010 = $100,000,000 or greater 42020 = $25,000,000 to 99,999,999 42030 = $10,000,000 to 24,999,999 42040 = Under $1 0,000,000 42097 = Any Amount -Add-ons to contract or subcontract 42098 = Any amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricing matrix (i.e., 4201 0-42040) 42099 = No dollar value follow-up TYPE OF CONTRACT 0 =Cost Reimbursable 4 =Cost+ Award Fee 7 = Fixed Price Redeterminable 1 =Cost Sharing 5 = Time & Material 8 =Firm Fixed Price 2 =Cost + Fixed-fee 6 =Fixed Price Incentive 9 =Other 3 =Cost + Incentive REIMBURSABLE ASSIGNMENT N = Not Reimbursable R = Reimbursable DCAA Form 7000-10 Jun94 1-A-240 I.A.S.b. Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code from the FMIS activity code table (Appendix C or reverse of Form 7000-1 0). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be 00-99. 2. Fiscal year must not be greater than current FY. 3. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 4. Activity must be 42010-42999. 5. Sequence Number must be 001-999. 6. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. 1-A-241 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate R/ORG code where the assignment is to be performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric ' CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter up to 40 characters to describe the assignment to be performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position ,cannot be blank. 2. Cannot exceed 40 characters. 3. Required field. 1-A-242 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (RFP) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the contract number applicable to the assignment; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field for entry of the RFP or contract number. For audits subject to contract audit follow-up (DoD Directive 7640.2), the contract number is a necessary element used in the tracking process. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: May be blank or 1-31 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date that the office estimates the audit to begin in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the date work is estimated to begin. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-243 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Due Date (DUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in MM/DDIYY format that the office will issue the report. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the original due date for the assignment. It is assigned by the office performing the audit based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. It is the anticipated date that DCAA will issue the report. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revisea Assignment Due Date (RVDUE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised assignment due date in the MM/DDIYY format; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised due date for the assignment based upon the estimated ability to complete the task. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Should be later than Original Due Date. 4. This field can only be accessed by modifying an existing assignment. 1-A-244 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on information previously entered. No entry is required, but the field may be modified. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position .cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-245 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their R/ORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the RIORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-246 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code assigned by the FAO to represent cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Contractor ID which identifies the contractor being audited. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-247 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAGE codes are assigned to contractors located world-wide. The code is used by DoD and other government agencies to identify a contractor's name, geographical location, former name (if applicable), and status. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-248 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Auditor Assigned (AUDTR) DATA ELEMENT NAME: Three (3) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the initials of the auditor assigned to perform the audit, or leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the initials of the the auditor-in-charge or the auditor performing the audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Initials must exist in the Personnel File. 2. The middle character can be a blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Budget Hours (BUDGT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the entire life of the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the original hours budgeted for an assignment. It is the total hours to be allocated for the anticipated duration of the work assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Must be greater than or equal to Current FY Budgeted Hours. 1-A-249 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Budget Hours (RBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total revised budgeted hours for the assignment, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest Revised Total Budgeted Hours for an assignment. · EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-99999. 2. Cannot be less than Current FY Budgeted Hours. 3. Should not be less than Total Budgeted Hours. 4. This field · can only be accessed by modifiying an existing assignment. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Current FY Budgeted Hours (FYBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the current fiscal year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents hours budgeted for the assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999. 2. Must be less than or equal to Revised Total Budget Hours. 1-A-250 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Type (CONTTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code for the type of contract. See reverse of DCAA Form 7000-1 0 or Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the type of contract being reviewed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9. 1-A-251 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Value (VALCONT) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the value of the contract or subcontract, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contract value reflects the amount (including profit) of the contract or subcontract being reviewed for Defective Pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Contract values (not rounded to nearest thousand dollars) are identified by the following activity codes: 42010-$100,000,000 or greater 42020-$25,000,000 to 99,999,999 42030-$10,000,000 to 24,999,999 42040-Under $10,000,000 42097 -Any Amount -Add-ons to contract or subcontract 42098 -Any Amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricing matrix (i.e., 4201 0-42040) 42099 -No dollar value follow-up 2. Must be 0-99999999 NOTE: It is important to check that the dollars recorded for the Value of Contract correspond with the above listed activity codes. In cases where a supplemental audit report is issued and the Value of the Contract had previously been entered in a prior fiscal year on an assignment now purged from the system, the Value of the Contract will be entered as 0. This is essential since dollars will NOT be duplicated for reporting in the DCAA Management System. 1-A-252 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDIYY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-253 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Billing Code (BILNG) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable code for agency/office for whom the assignment is being performed. Applicable codes are contained in the Billing Code Table in Appendix C. If assignment is not reimbursable, leave all billing information fields blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The billing codes are identifiers for the client agencies for whom DCAA is performing audit services regarding a contract or proposal. These billing codes are synonymous with the reimbursable sources codes found in DCAAM 7200.1, Chapter Ill. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Billing Code Table in Appendix C. 2. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 1-A-254 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Suffix (BILNG.SUFFIX) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3} Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unique 3-digit suffix assigned to billing codes listed on the Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is an FAO-assigned code that represents the agency address for whom the reimbursable work is being done. Each separate office for the following Billing Codes requires that a separate Billing Code Suffix be established in the FAO's Miscellaneous Billing Code Suffix Table. 107.02-Agency for International Development (Field Offices) 122 -General Services Administration 129 -Corps of Engineers Other (Non-FMS) 199 -Other (Audit) 299 -All Other Foreign Governments 301.2 -FMS-Army (CE-Other) 304.1 -FMS-Other U.S. Govt Agencies (DCAS NY -Central Control Point) 401.X -MAP/IMETP-Army All Other 402 -MAP/IMETP-Navy All Other 403 -MAP/IMETP-Air Force All Other 404 -MAP/IMETP-AII Other DoD Agencies EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Billing Code Suffix must be blank or three numeric. 2. Suffix must exist on the FAO's Misc. Billing Code Suffix Table. 3. Billing Code must correspond to those listed in the above description. 1-A-255 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RIS Special Reference (RISREFCE) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-Four (24) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the reference information required for specific billing codes; if not required, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the client agency's identifier and is required for certain billing codes. Information should be contained in client's request for an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Required for specific agencies below: 103-DOT, enter OIG Number. (IG Assignment No.) 106-VA, enter Audit Control Number. 107-AID, enter the AID Task Number. 110 -DOl, enter Audit Assignment Identification Number, Control No., Bureau No. 111 -Dept. of Commerce, enter OIG Number. 113 -USPS, enter the USPS Billing Code. 115-DOJ, enter Bureau making request for audit. 116-Dept. of Treasury, enter Bureau Name. 123-EPA, enter OIG Number, or Audit Control No. Various-FMS, e11ter Case Number. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ATB% (ATBPCT) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCT'IONS: Enter percentage of hours considered reimbursable. Enter the percentage in the format (###.#). The decimal point must be included. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The across-the-board percentages (ATB%) allocate the· hours charged to the assignment among the various client agencies and/or DoD. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0.1-100.0. 2. The total must equal 1 00%. If less, remaining percentage must be charged to DoD Code (000). 1-A-256 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Number (CONTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Thirty-one (31) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter contract number(s) associated with each Billing Code within the assignment. There may be more than one reimbursable contract for any assignment. If a subcontract is involved, the subcontract number must be used rather than the prime contract number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains the Contract or RFP Number associated with the Billing Code(s) being entered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Assignment must be coded as reimbursable. 2. Cannot contain spaces. 3. First position must not be blank. 4. Must have previously been entered into FAO's Contracts Table. 5. Must not be blank, unless billing code is DoD (000). 6. Must match the contractor and billing code in the Contracts Table. 7. Must match the number in the Contracts Table exactly. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Task Order Number (TSKORDNO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the task order number shown on the contract; otherwise leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies the task order number as shown on the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1-5 characters. 2. Must exist on task order number table. 1-A-257 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Grant Determinant (GRANTDTM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on information previously entered. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field identifies whether or not a contract is a grant. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. May only b'e changed by modifying an existing contract. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Reimbursable Flag (REIMB) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information sectio~. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Reimbur~able Flag is an indicator which identifies an assignment as (F)ully or (f)artially reimbursable. 'i EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-258 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: NASA Indicator (NASA) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on data entered in the Billing Information section. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The NASA Indicator describes an assignment as being related to a NASA contract/proposal (1) or not related to a NASA contract/proposal (0). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Pointer (RARPNTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable reimbursable adder rate (RAR) pointer for the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the 2-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to a specific reimbursable adder rate. Each different rate has a unique "pointer'' used in calculating the amount of reimbursable hours for billing purposes. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on RAR Pointer Table. 2. If not reimbursable, system defaults to 00. 1-A-259 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: RAR Description (DESCRIPTION) DATA STRUCTURE: Twenty-five (25) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on ttw RAR Pointer entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: A free-form field for description of the associated RARpointer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-260 I.A.S.c DEFECTIVE PRICING DISPOSITION/MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-11) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to disposition or modify Defective Pricing assignment information. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed whenever updated demand audit disposition information is available. To modify previously entered information, enter assignment number and only the field(s) to be changed. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The supervisor must be careful to fill in the appropriate form ( DCAA Form 7000-11) for dispositioning defective pricing audits. Assignment disposition is broken down into type of assignment, i.e., Demand Audit, Defective Pricing Audit, and Self-Initiated. Each form may have fields specific to only that type of audit. Therefore, the correct form must be completed for input. NOTE: Generally, after an assignment has been dispositioned, modifications to selective assignment data cannot be recorded unless the assignment is re-opened. When submitting modifications to either current or prior fiscal year (FY) dollars examined or exception dollars, the amount(s) should be reported as cumulative-to-date total(s), NOT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the originally recorded amount and the modified amount. WARNING: When making modifications to prior FY dollars reported, the total dollars (current and prior FY) will default to the current FY. Modifications to prior FY dollars examined or exception dollars must be accomplished through the Dollars Change option and REQUIRES THAT THE FAO FMIS MONITOR OBTAIN A PASSWORD FROM THE REGIONAL FMIS MONITOR. This will allow modifications to both prior and current FY dollars. When a modification/change is made to prior FY dollars a brief description of the reason for the change should be entered in the comment section of the FMIS form. For more detail, see the "Reporting Audited Contractor Dollars in FMIS" section of this manual. 1-A-261 There are three codes (R, N, C) for dispositioning an assignment. The description and definition of these codes are as follows: FMIS Code Description R Report Issued N No Report Issued Assignment Cancelled Definition Designates that a formal report meeting CAM guidelines was issued upon completion of the assignment. The report is generally issued outside of the Agency. Designates that the assignment was completed and no formal report was issued. This includes Memorandums For Record (MFA). It should not be used to close an assignment established pursuant to an external formal request from PCOs/ACOs or other sources. Designates that the assignment was terminated prior to completion because (i) the requestor of the financial services being rendered no longer requires the audit results, (ii) the requested services could not be rendered after the assignment was established, (iii) the FAO determines the need for the data to be provided by the assignment is no longer required. This assignment ~isposition code can be used for all activity codes. Note: Cancelling an assignment only changes the status of the assignment; it does not delete it from the system. 1-A-262 DEFECTIVE PRICING DISPOSITION/MODIFY {Circle Appropriate Action Above} _ (R) AssignmentNo.: ___________ (S) Working Office: ____ (S) Assignment Description: --------------------------- (R*) Disposition of Assignment: _ (R) Disposition/Audit Report Date: _ _/_ _/__ (*) Issuing Agency: __ (R) No. of Audit Reports: __ (S) Contract Type: (R*) Prime/Subcontractor Indicator: _ (R) FY Contract Awarded: __ (R) Contract Value (000): ________ (R) Total Recommended Price Adjustment (000): ________ (R) Recommended Setoff Amount (000): ________ (S) Net Recommended Price Adjustment (000): ________ (R) Total Exception Dollars: __________ _ {Total Net Recommended Price Adjustment Unrounded} (R) ACO Code: ______ (See Note) (R) PCOCode: ______ Comments Requested Date: _ _/_ _/__ Comments Received Date: _ _/_ _/__ (S) Last Supplement No.: (S) Date of Last Supplement: (*) Brief Written Alert: ______ HQCaseNumber: ________ DocketNumber: ________ Is this a potential ASBCA Case? YES NO Comments: (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Initials Date Supvsr. Admin. DCAA Form 7000-11 Jun94 1-A-263 DISPOSITION OF ASSIGNMENT , (C)ancelled (N)o report issued (R)eport issued ISSUING AGENCY 01 =NASA 12 =LABOR 23 =EPA 60 =NAVY 02 =ERDA 13 =USPS 24 = CASB 70=AF 03= DOT 14 =STATE 25 = FEA 75=0T DOD 04= HHS 15 = JUSTIC 26 = USRLWY 79 = DCAS 05=ACTION 16 = TREASU 80 = 6GERMAN 06=VA 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 07=AID 18 = USACDA 29 = ENG/OT 82 =UK 08 = CSA 19 = AGRI 30= DOE 83 = AUSTRL 09= NSF 20= USIA 31 = EDUC 84 =BRAZIL 10 = INTERI 21 = HUD 39 =OTHER 85 =IRAN 11 =COMMER 22 =GSA 50 =ARMY 99=0TCOU PRIME/SUBCONTRACTOR INDICATOR P = Prime contractor S = Subcontractor BRIEF WRITTEN'ALERT AlGA =Assistant Inspector General for Investigations DCIS = Defense Criminal Investigative SeNice CIC = U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Command NIS = Naval Security & Investigative Command AFOSI =Air Force Office of Special Investigations IGNASA = Inspector General, NASA OTHER = Other NOTE: If DP assignment is self-initiated, the ACO Code and and PCO Code are required entries. If the DP assignment is demand, the ACO Code will be system generated. DCAA Form 7000-11 Jun94 1-A-264 II.A.S.c Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number previously input the Defective Pricing Setup. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match an assignment number in the Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It may be changed at this time, if necessary. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. 1-A-265 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based upon input from the setup screen. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free form field which contains pertinent information about an assignment. Usually contractor name, contract number, or type of audit to be performed are included in the description. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition of Assignment (ADISP) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable disposition code: (R) Report 1 1ssued (N) No Report Issued (C) Assignment Cancelled DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the disposition of the audit assignment. Refer to Special Instructions in the introduction to Defective Priting Disposition. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Entry must be R, N, or C. 1-A-266 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disposition/Audit Report Date (DSPDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the assignment is dispositioned. Enter the date in the MM/DDNY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of final disposition of the assignment. If a report is issued, it must be the date of the report. If no report is issued, it is the date the assignment work is complete. If cancelled, it is the date the assignment was cancelled. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; day must be 01-31; year must be 00-99. 3. Year must not be greater than current FY. 4. Must be greater than request letter date (for demand defective pricings). 5. Should not be more than 180 days after the request letter date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number of Audit Reports (NRPTS) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of audit reports issued for this assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the number of reports issued for the assignment. Usually only one report per assignment is issued except in the case of CACS assignments. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99. 2. If audit disposition is (N)o report issued or (C)ancelled, no entry is required. 1-A-267 • DAtA ELEMENT NAME: Prime/Subcontractor Indicator (PRSB) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic -CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a P for Prime contractor, or S for Subcontractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates whether the contractor being reviewed is a Prime Contractor or a Subcontractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be a P or S. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Issuing Agency (AGNCY) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code from the reverse of Form 7000-11 or Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Agency code identifies the agency which issued the contract. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 01-99. 2. Entry must exist on Agency Code Table. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-268 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Type (CONTTYPE) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field is system generated based on information previously entered. It can be edited if necessary. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the type of contract being reviewed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: FY Contract Awarded (FYAWD) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the last two digits of the Government fiscal year in which the contract was awarded. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the Government fiscal year in which the contract was awarded. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or 00-99. 1-A-269 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Value (VALCONT) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8} Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It can be edited if necessary. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contract value reflects the amount (including profit) of the contract or subcontract being reviewed for defective pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Contract Values (not rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) are broken down by the following activity codes: 42010 =$100,000,000 or greater 42020 =$25,000,000 to 99,999,999 42030 =$10,000,000 to 24,999,999 42040 = Und~.r $10,000,000 42097 =Any Amount -Add-ons to contract or subcontract 42098 =Any Amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricing matrix (i.e., 42010-42040) 42099 = No dollar value follow-up. 2. Must be 0-99999999. NOTES: It is important to check that the dollars recorded for the contract value corresponds with the above listed activity codes. In cases where a supplemental audit report is issued and the contract value had previously been entered in a prior fiscal year on an assignment now purged from the system, the contract value will be entered as 0. This is essential since dollars will NOT be duplicated for reporting in the DCAA Management System 1-A-270 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Recommended Price Adjustment (TOTRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the amount of initial Recommended Price Adjustments, if any, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Recommended Price Adjustment is the initial total result of positive findings in a Defective Pricing review. This amount should exclude any applicable assist audit recommended price adjustments or setoff amounts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Recommended Setoff Amount (SETOFF) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the initial setoff amount for the contract reviewed, if any, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Recommended Setoff Amount is the initial cost understatement by the contractor for which credit is allowed against cost overstatements in calculating the Recommended Price reductions for Defective Pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. 1-A-271 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Recommended Price Adjustment (NETRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the field which is automatically calculated and displays the difference between the Total Recommended Price Adjustment and the Recommended Setoff Amount. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Exception Dollars (TOTEXDOL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unrounded total exception dollars (Cost Questioned + Cost Avoidance) from the audit report. For defective pricing audits enter the Net Recommended Price Adjustment. For supplemental defective pricing audits enter the Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used in dispositioning assignments under the 5 digit activity codes identified as reportable under DoD Directive 7640.2. This field contains the total exception dollars from the audit before rounding. The dollars entered must be the total cost questioned, and total cost avoidance dollars or Net Recommended Price Adjustment as stated in the audit report. It must include all dollars resulting from assist audits, technical reviews, or other outside assistance. Total exception dollars should not be adjusted to reflect reductions due to Government participation. The unrounded dollars are one of the criteria used by DLA and the military services for tracking and reporting contract audits in accordance with DoD Directive 7640.2. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999999. 2. Must be greater than 0 if dollars entered in the questioned, avoidance, 9r net recommended price adjustment fields are greater than 0. 1-A-272 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: ACO Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. For demand defective pricings, this is a system generated field based on information previously entered which may be edited if required. 2. For self-initiated defective pricings, enter the applicable DODACC Code from Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. If non-DoD, enter the Billing Code. For other DCAA offices, enter D and their R/ORG code (e.g., D02221). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . First position cannot be blank. 2. If requestor is part of DoD, ACO/PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-273 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} · DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their RIORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the R/ORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1 . Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-274 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Requested Date (COM.RQSTD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were requested from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. May be blank or date (MM/DDNY). 2. Must not be after the Comments Received Date. 3. Should not be before the Estimated Start Date. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments Received Date (COM.RECVD.DATE) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date when comments were received from the Contractor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to record the date when comments were received from the Contractor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Optional if Comments Requested Date has been entered; however, a warning will be displayed. 2. Not allowed if Comments Requested Date has not been entered. 1-A-275 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Last Supplement Number (SUPPLMNT) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It displays information only if data has been previously entered for a supplemental audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field displays the latest (if any) supplement number pertaining to that assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Date of Last Supplement (SUPP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It displays information only if data has been previously entered for a supplemental audit. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field displays the date of the latest (if any) supplement number pertaining to that assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-276 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Brief Written Alert (BRIWRALT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the investigative agency abbreviation to which the FAO sent the Brief Written Alert. See reverse of DCAA Form 7000-11 or Appendix C for list of choices. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the agency designator for the cognizant investigative agency to which the Brief Written Alert was sent. Reference CAM 4-702.4.C(1 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Mwat exist on table or be blank. • DATA ELEMENT NAM~: Headquarters Case Number (HQCASENO) DATA STRLJCTURE: Eight (8) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number assigned to referrals by DL; if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCf31PTION: The case number identifies the project or circumstance which requires follow-up monitoring. It is assigned by Headquarters to all cases, such as SIC, Suspected Fraud, Access to Records, etc. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-277 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Docket Number (DOCKTNUM) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: For firm cases enter the docket number assigned by the Court or an Administrative Board. For potential cases, enter a P until a docket number is obtained. This field should be modified when the docket number is obtained. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: When an issue is presented to the Courts or to an Administrative Board, a docket number is assigned to the case in accordance with their monitoring system. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank, P, or 1-6 characters. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Comments (CORCOMMT) DATA STRUCTURE: Alphanumeric (Unlimited) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter any comments; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a descriptive free-form field for comments regarding other corrective actions. Only the first 70 characters will be retrieved for standard reports. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-278 I.A.5.d DEFECTIVE PRICING AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/ MODIFY (DCAA Form 7000-12) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to input or modify audit exceptions on a Defective Pricing review following negotiations with the contracting officer. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO Personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be prepared to input or modify audit exceptions when one or more of the following events occur: (a) Upon receipt of a Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM) (b) When a contractor appeals a decision of a contracting officer to an Administrative Board or Court. (c) When a Board or Court Decision is rendered. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When a PNM is received, the date should be entered even if the exceptions are not yet recorded. This information is required for standard report #26, "PNMs Received and not Processed." 1-A-279 THIS PAGE /NTENTIONALL Y LEFTBLANK 1-A-280 DEFECTIVE PRICING AUDIT EXCEPTIONS DISPOSITION/MODIFY (R) AssignmentNo.: ------------Initials Date Admin. (R*) Basis for Net Savings: ___ (R) Date PNM Received {if basis is PNM}: _!_!_ (R) Net Savings Disposition Date: _ _j_ _j__ ACOCode: _____ _ PCOCode: ______ Negotiated Defective Pricing Reporting (R) Negotiated Total Price Adjustment (000): ________ (R) Negotiated Setoff Amount (000): ________ (R) Net Savings to Government (000): ________ (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code DCAA Form 7000-12 Jun94 Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date 1-A-281 BASIS FOR NET SAVINGS PNM = Procurement Negotiation Memorandum Issued APP = PNM is in Appeal RES = Appeal has been Resolved DCAA Form 7000-12 Jun94 1-A-282 I.A.S.d Continued (5) DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment code previously input in the Defective Pricing Setup. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must exist in the Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Basis for Net Savings (NSDSP) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one applicable code for the basis of net savings (see reverse side of DCAA Form 7000-12 or Appendix C). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Basis for Net Savings describes the occurrence which provided the auditor with the rationale for determining and · reporting the contracting officer's actions or decisions on audit recommendations related to a particular assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be PNM, APP, or RES. 2. Assignment must be dispositioned before using this form. 1-A-283 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Data PNM Received (PNMDT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the·· date the Price Negotiation Memorandum (PNM) is received by the :FAO. Enter the date in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date the PNM was received by the FAO from the Contracting Officer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Date must be greater than or equal to the assignment disposition date. 4. Required field. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings Disposition Date (NSRES) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDIYY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the disposition date of net savings in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The date that the net savings are calculated/resolved by the FAO. This should normally be the date the net savings are entered into the FMIS. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must b13 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 3. Year must be in the current fiscal year. 1-A-284 • DATA ELEMENI.NAME: ACe Code (ACO) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on information previously entered. No entry is required, but the field may be modified. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The ACO Code is the standardized DOCAAC code (or billing code for non-DoD customers) of the procurement or contract administration office requesting the audit (Demand Assignment) or the contract administration office assigned primary contract administration authority for the contractor (Self-Initiated Assignment). On advance requests for audit, enter the code for the contract administration office to whom the request for audit was addressed as the ACO Code. If there are multiple ACOs, enter the ACO who has been assigned authority for systems approval. For assist audits, enter D plus the RIORG code of the requesting DCAA office. For all other assignments, enter D plus the FAO's five digit RIORG code (e.g., D02221). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. If requester is part of DoD, ACO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-285 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: PCO Code (PCO) {The PCO CODE definition has been revised to reflect the new data element name Dispositioning Official (DO) and revises the definition to more clearly state the CAFU requirements. The data element name will be changed to Dispositioning Official in FMIS as part of a future update.} DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter applicable DODAAC code from Appendix C of this manual or from Appendix G or FAR. If non-DoD, enter billing code. If request is an assist audit from another DCAA office, enter D and their R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The DO Code is used to determine the contracting officer responsible for Contract Audit Follow Up under DoD Directive 7640.2. In FMIS, the DO Code always represents the contracting officer responsible for resolution of the audit recommendations regardless of whether it is an ACO or a PCO. For example: on systems reviews (such as, accounting, purchasing, estimating, compensation, etc.) the DO Code will ordinarily be the DODAAC code for the administrative contracting officer. For claims and defective pricing audits, the DO Code will normally be the DODAAC code for the procurement contracting officer. For assignments where there are multiple PCOs involved such as systematic defective pricing issues; input the code for the PCO with the largest DoD dollar impact unless a specific ACO/PCO has been designated to settle the audit findings. Exceptions to the above definition are (1) subcontract and/or assist audits, even if requested by an ACO or PCO, enter D plus the RJORG code of the FAO cognizant of the next higher tier contractor (2) audits for non-DoD agencies, enter the billing code contained in Appendix C of this manual (3) for all other assignments that are not contractor specific, enter D plus the FAO's five digit R/ORG code (e.g., D02221 ). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Can be blank or six (6) alphanumeric. 2. If requester is part of DoD, PCO code should be contained in Appendix C of this manual or Appendix G of DFARS. 1-A-286 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Negotiated Total Price Adjustment (NTOTRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total amount of contract price reductions, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, resulting from the Contracting Officer's final action on Total Recommended Price Adjustments. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Negotiated Price Adjustment is the total amount of contract price reductions resulting from the Contracting Officer's final action on Recommended Price Adjustments. This amount DOES NOT include any setoff amounts agreed to by the Contracting Officer. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Negotiated Setoff Amount (NSETOFF) DATASTRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Negotiated Setoff Amount, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, resulting from the Contracting Officer's final decision. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Negotiated Setoff reflects the amount of cost understatements determined by the Contracting Officer to be allowable against cost overstatements in calculating final contract price reductions for Defective Pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. 1-A-287 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Savings to Government (NSAVGOV) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total amount of Net Savings, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, on the final submission for the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Ne~ Savings to Government is the total net amount of savings which the Government can claim from the Defective Pricing Audit. For FFP contracts, savings will consist of the Negotiated Total Price Adjustment le1 ss Negotiated Setoff Amount plus applicable profit. For CPAF)C~FF contracts, the savings will consist of the fee/profit reduction. ·For CPIF/FPI contracts, the savings will consist of the fee/profit 1 reduction plus the contractor share of the cost reduction. Refer t'o Appendix A for further guidance. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. 1-A-288 I.A.6. MAJOR CONTRACTOR SUMMARY DOLLARS SETUP/UPDATE (DCAA Form 7000-13) a. PURPOSE: This form is used to submit and update assignments which summarize Major Contractor's FY dollars. b. WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). c. WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: Major Contractor Summary Dollar assignments are established at the beginning of each FY to record Dollars Examined for each major contractor for all incurred cost assignments contained in the Program Plan. A single 101 00 Code assignment will be set up for each major contractor to record dollars examined regardless of how many contractor fiscal years will be examined. d. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When calculating in-process dollars on assignments, the dollar amount must be the cumulative amount examined from the inception of the assignment through the in-process reporting date. For example, if an assignment had in-process dollars of $1,000 as of 3/31/89 and an additional $2,000 were examined in the quarter ended 6/30/89, you should report $3,000 as in-process as of 6/30/89. 1-A-289 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-290 MAJOR CONTRACTOR SUMMARY DOLLARSSETU~UPDATE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (R) AssignmentNo.: ___________ (R) Working (Sub) Office: _____ Contractor Information (R) Supervisor. __ (R) Contractor: ___ (S) Contractor Name (Max 40): ------------- (R) Estimated Dollar (000) Amount: ________ In Process Dollars (000): ________ In Process Date: _ _/_ _/__ __!_ _/__ __!__!__ _ _/_ _/__ (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-13 Jun94 1-A-291 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-292 I.A.6. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTUR,E: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code (1 0100 only). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated default. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which dollars are recorded. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be the current year. 2. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 3. Activity must be 10100. 4. Sequence number must be 001-999. 5. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. 1-A-293 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate R/ORG code where the assignment is to performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supervisor (SUPV) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the code as assigned by the FAO to represent cognizant supervisor. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the code assigned to supervisory auditors within an FAO. This code is established by the FAO in the Supervisors Table. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must exist on Supervisors Table. 2. Must be integer between 01-99. 3. Must not be blank. 1-A-294 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the Contractor ID which identifies the contractor being audited. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 001-998. 2. Entry must exist in the FAO Contractors Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This field will be automatically filled in when the Contractor ID is entered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Name is the name which the contractor uses for identification. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must not be blank. 1-A-295 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Dollar Amount (ESTDL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric . CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total amount of dollars to be audited, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars . . DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the total amount to be examined for a major contractor for the current fiscal year. Normally, this amount is the total programmed dollars to be audited. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Dollars (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the dollars examined to date, . rounded to the nearest thousand, based on hours expended. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: In-Process reporting of dollars examined is used to assess audit progress. See Appendix A for a description of calculation procedures. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: In-Process Dollars must be less than or equal to Estimated Dollars To Be Examined. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: In-Process Date (ASOF) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date in the MM/DDIYY format through which the In-Process Dollars are calculated. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date through which In-Process Dollars are calculated. It is usually at the end of a quarter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-297 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-298 I.A.7. SUPPLEMENTAL AUDIT INFORMATION (DCAA Form 7000-14) (1) PURPOSE: Form 7000-14 is used to submit and update Supplemental Audit Information. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Supervisory Auditor). (3) HOW AND WHEN PREPARED: This form is completed whenever a Supplemental audit report is issued. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When reporting audited dollars for supplemental audits, three different scenarios may exist. The following guidance should be adhered to: (a) Assignment(s) dispositioned in the Current FY with a Supplemental Audit Report Dispositioned in the Current FY. When the assignment in FMIS has been dispositioned, with DCAA Form 7000-5, 8, or 11, the supplemental audit dollars examined or exception dollars are reported as a cumulative-assignment-to-date total using DCAA Form 7000-14. NOTE: Dollar fields labeled "(S)" for system generated data elements on DCAA Form 7000-14 should also be completed by the auditor. The purpose for requiring system generated (S) dollars amounts to be recorded on DCAA Form-14 is to ensure that the recorded dollar amount(s) coincide with the amounts already recorded in FMIS. (b) Assignment(s) Dispositioned in the Prior FY with a Supplemental Audit Report Dispositioned in the Current FY. When an assignment with a status of exception dollars recorded ($REC) has been dispositioned in a prior FY, the supplemental audit dollars examined or exception dollars are reported as a cumulative-assignment-to-date total using DCAA Form 7000-14. CAUTION: IF AN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED IN FMIS CONTAINING PRIOR FY AUDITED DOLLARS WITH A STATUS OF $REC IS RE-OPENED, THE TOTAL DOLLARS MUST BE RE-ENTERED REGARDLESS OF THE DISPOSITION DATE BECAUSE ALL DOLLARS (CURRENT & PRIOR FY) WILL DEFAULT TO THE CURRENT FY. THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR FMIS INPUT MUST THEN RE-ESTABLISH THE DOLLARS IN THE PRIOR FY USING THE DOLLARS CHANGE OPTION WHICH REQUIRES A PASSWORD PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL FMIS MONITOR. 1-A-299 (c) Prior FY Assignment Deleted From FMIS during FY-End Purge Process and a Supplemental Audit Report is Issued in the Current FY. When a supplemental audit report is issued and the original FMIS assignment number was purged from FMIS in the prior FY, a NEW assignment must be established in FMIS to allow the reporting of the new supplemental audit findings/data. In this case the assignment will be dispositioned as "N" (No Audit Report Issued) with no dollars reported on DCAA Form 7000-5, 8, or 11. Supplemental dollars examined and exception dollars, if any, will be reported on DCAA Form 7000-14, against the new assignment and dispositioned as a supplemental audit report issued. NOTE: Additional examined or exception dollar amounts reported against a NEW assignment as a result of a supplemental audit must exclude all prior FY audited dollar amounts previously reported in FMIS. 1-A-300 SUPPLEMENTAL AUDIT INFORMATION (R) AssignmentNo.: ----------(R) Working (Sub) Office: _____ (R) Supplement No.: _ (R) Supplemental Audit Report Date: _ _}_ _}__ Dollars Examined (000): ________ (*) QM Code (MT): _ Cost Questioned (000): ________ Costs Unsupported (000): ________ Cost Avoidance Recommended (000): ________ Total Exception Dollars (Net RPA Unrounded): ___________ {Total Unrounded} Audit Opinion: __ (*) Defective Pricing Rating: _ (*) Adverse/Disclaimer of Opinion: _ Defective Pricing Information {Activity 420XX only} Contract Value (000): ________ (S) Total Recommended Price Adjustment (000): (S) Recommended Setoff Amount (000): (S) Net Recommended Price Adjustment (000): (R) Revised Total Recommended Price Adjustment (000): ________ (R) Revised Recommended Setoff Amount (000): ________ (S) Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment (000}: Total Exception Dollars: ___________ {Total Net Recommended Price Adjustment Unrounded} (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated Initials Date (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. DCAA Form 7000-14 Jun94 1-A-301 OM CODE Blank= Not Used 0 = E-Z-QUANT 5 =DATATRAK 1 = DRI 6 =4TH Gen. (SAS, FOCUS) 2 =CASH 7 =AUTOWAREIIAW 3 = FASB13/LVPA 8 =WEARS -TYPE 4 = COMPUSTAT 9 =ATS/BBS DEFECTIVE PRICING RATING 0 = Lowest Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = Highest Risk DISCLAIMER OF OPINION 0 = No Disclaimer 1 = Disclaimer AUDITOPION ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEY (Codes 24010 and 24030): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 2 -Recommended partial disapproval of the system. 3 -Recommended total disapproval of the system. ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND OTHER SYSTEM SURVEYS (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000): 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 5 -Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. DCAA Form 7000-14 Jun94 1-A-302 I.A.7. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 11-character assignment number associated with the assignment ·for which the supplemental audit is being performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Assignment Number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code, and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must match a closed assignment in the· Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate R/ORG code where the assignment is to performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the FAO's R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. 1-A-303 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supplement Number (SUPPLMNT) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the most recent supplement number associated with the assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a sequential number associated with all supplemental work performed on an audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 1-9. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Supplemental Audit Report Date (SUPP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date of the supplemental audit report was issued in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the most recent supplemental audit report issued against an assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-304 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Dollars Examined (DOLEX) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Generally, the revised amount of dollars reviewed, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, will be entered, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. However, refer to item (4) of this section, "Special Instructions" for discussion on recording current and prior FY dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on calculating dollars examined for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field represents the amount of dollars reviewed as defined in the Special Instructions and Appendix A. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Must be other than activity code 420XX. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Questioned (QUEST) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Generally, the revised amount of cost questioned, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, will be entered, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. However, refer to item (4) of this section, "Special Instructions" for discussion on recording current and prior FY dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on calculating cost questioned for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Questioned is the amount in the contractor's cost proposal to which the auditor has taken exception as unreasonable, unallowable, or unallocable. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-999999999. 2. Must be other than activity code 420XX. , 1-A-305 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Unsupported (UNS) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Generally, the revised amount of cost unsupported, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, will be entered, if applicable; otherwise leave blank. However, refer to item (4) of this section, "Special Instructions" for discussion on recording current and prior FY dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on calculating cost unsupported for each audit type. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Unsupported represents those items, generally related to pricing proposals, for which documentary evidence furnished by the contractor is insufficient to enable the auditor to reach a definitive conclusion. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Activity code must be 21000, 22000, or 27000. 1-A-306 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Cost Avoidance Recommended (AVOID) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Generally, the revised amount of cost avoidance recommended, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars, will be entered, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. However, refer to item (4) of this section, "Special Instructions" for discussion on recording current and prior FY dollars. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed discussion on calculating cost avoidance recommended for operation audits. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Cost Avoidance Recommended is a conservative estimate of the annual savings achievable after the auditor's recommendations are fully implemented. The value of cost avoidance recommendations represents the difference between the cost of current or prior practices, procedures or procedures or expenditures. Cost avoidance recommendations should be reported when the report is issued, regardless of whether the contractor is in agreement with the audit results. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 1-99999999. 2. Valid only for activity codes 1 05XX. 1-A-307 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Exception Dollars (TOTEXDOL) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the unrounded total exception dollars (Cost Questioned + Cost Avoidance) from the audit report. For defective pricing audits enter the Net Recommended Price Adjustment. For supplemental defective pricing audits enter the Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment. ·· DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field i.s used in dispositioning assignments under the 5 digit activity codes identified as reportable under DoD Directive 7640.2. This field contains the total exception ,, dollars from the audit before rounding. The 9p11ars entered must be the total cost questioned, and total cost ayoidance dollars or Net Recommended Price Adjustment as stated in the audit report. It must 1[ include all dollars resulting from assist audits,'!Jechnical reviews, or other outside assistance. Total exception dollars 1.should not be adjusted to reflect reductions due to Government parti~ipation. The unrounded dollars are one of the criteria used by DLA a~d the military services for tracking and reporting contract audits in acc&dance with DoD Directive 7640.2. ,! EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 0-99999999999. 2. Must be greater than 0 if dollars entered in the questioned, avoidance, or net recommended price !adjustment fields are greater than 0. 1-A-308 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Audit Opinion (MAJDEFPD) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter one of the following audit opinions for the activity codes indicated. Estimating System Suvey (Codes 24010 & 24030) 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 2 - Recommend partial disapproval of the system. 3 - Recommend total disapproval of the system. Accounting System and Other System Surveys (Codes 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000) 1 -The system is adequate or generally adequate. 5 - Deficiencies disclosed requiring contractor corrective action. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is used to report the audit opinion for estimating system, accounting system, and other system surveys. Assignments coded 2, 3, and 5 will be reported under the requirements of DoD Directive 7640.2 to DLA and the Services. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 1, 2, 3, or 5. 2. Activity code must be 2401 0, 24030, 12500, 16995, 17700, 17750, and 26000. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: QM Code (QM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised OM code(s), from the list on the reverse of DCAA Form 7000-14, which were used to perform the audit; if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates the Quantitative Methods Technique(s) used in the assignment. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Code(s) must be 0-9, or blank. 2. More than one code may be entered. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Defective Pricing Rating (DEFPR) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised numeric rating, from 0 (lowest risk) to 9 (highest risk); if not applicable, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the judgmental risk factor given to proposals when an audit is complete. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be blank or 0-9. 2. Required for activity codes 15300, 17100, 17200, 21000, 22000, 27000,28000,or29500. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Disclaimer of Opinion (DSCLM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter 0 (no disclaimer) or 1 (disclaimer); if none, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field indicates that the audit report was issued without expressing an audit opinion (disclaimer of opinion) because the requestor was unable to provide sufficient time to perform a complete audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0 or 1. Not applicable for activity code 420XX. 1-A-310 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contract Value (VALCONT) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. It can be edited if necessary to reflect supplemental information. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contract value reflects the amount (including profit) of the contract or subcontract being reviewed for defective pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Contract values (not rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) are identified by the following activity codes: 42010 = $100,000,000 or greater. 42020 = $25,000,000 to 99,999,999. 42030 = $10,000,000 to 24,999,999. 42040 =Under $10,000,000. 42097 = Any Amount -Add-ons to contract or subcontract. 42090 = Any amount -Audit leads which are not selected through the defective pricing matrix (i.e. 4201 0-42040). 42099 = No dollar value follow-up. 2. Must be 0-99999999. NOTES: It is important to check that the dollars recorded for the contract value correspond with the above listed activity codes. In cases where a supplemental audit report is issued and the contract value had previously been entered in a prior fiscal year on an assignment now purged from the system, the contract value will be entered as 0. This is essential since dollars will not be duplicated for reporting in the DCAA Management System. 1-A-311 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Recommended Price Adjustment (TOTRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on information previously entered. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Recommended Price Adjustment is the initial total result of positive findings in a Defective Pricing review. This amount should exclude any applicable assist audit recommended price adjustments or setoff amounts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Recommended Setoff Amount (SETOFF) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field based on information previously entered. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Recommended Setoff Amount is the initial cost understatement by the contractor for which credit is allowed against cost overstatements in calculating the Recommended Price reductions for Defective Pricing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-312 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Net Recommended Price Adjustment (NETRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. No entry is required. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is automatically calculated and displays the difference between the Total Recommended Price Adjustment and the Recommended Setoff Amount. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Recommended Price Adjustment (RTOTRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total revised recommended price adjustment excluding any setoff amount, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Revised Total Recommended Price Adjustment is a new amount field in FMIS that results from supplemental audit work related to a Defective Pricing Audit and reflects the revised total price adjustment before setoffs. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999 if activity code is 420XX. 1-A-313 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Recommended Setoff Amount (RSETOFF) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the revised setoff amount, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Revised Setoff Amount is a new amount field in FMIS which represents the setoff amount for a Defective Pricing Audit that results from supplemental audit work. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999 if activity code is 420XX. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Net Recommended Price Adjustment (RNETRPA) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field which is automatically calculated and displays the difference between the Revised Total Recommended Price Adjustment and the Revised Setoff Amount. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Revised Recommended Price Adjustment is an amount which is calculated by FMIS for supplemental audit work on a Defective Pricing Audit. This amount field is the difference between the Revised Total Recommended Price Adjustment and the Revised Setoff Amount. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-A-314 I.A.8. PNM FOLLOWUP LETTERS (DCAA Form 7000-15) (1) PURPOSE: The purpose of this form is to record the dates that the FAO has issued requests for Post Negotiation Memoranda (PNM). (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (usually administrative staff). (3) HOW AND WHEN PREPARED: This form should be prepared as soon as the first followup letter is issued by the FAO and again when the second letter is issued. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None. 1-A-315 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-316 PNM FOLLOWUP LETTERS (R) AssignmentNo.: -----------Followup Letter Dates (R) 1st Followup Letter Date: __I_ _/__ 2nd Followup Letter Date: _ _/_ _/__ NOTE: Not applicable for Code 21000 or 27000 proposals with Cost Questioned less than $50 thousand. (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-15 Jun 94 1-A-317 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK 1-A-318 LA~a. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate 11-character assignment number. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must exist in the Assignment Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: 1st Followup Letter Date (PNM1) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the first PNM request letter was issued, in the MM/DD/YY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of the first letter sent by DCAA to the PCO, ACO or other DCAA office as a followup effort to extract, in writing, the results of negotiations in order to report the disposition of exceptions found during the course of an audit. These are normally sent 90 days after the audit report was issued. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be greater than assignment's disposition date. 2. Must be numeric. 3. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-319 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: 2nd Followup Letter Date (PNM2) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DD/YY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the date the second PNM request letter was issued, in the MM/DDIYY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the date of DCAA's second letter to the PCO, ACO, or other DCAA office requesting the written results of the negotiation of audit exceptions with the contractor. These are normally sent 90 days after the first followup letter. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be greater than first followup letter. 2. Must be numeric. 3. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. 1-A-320 I.A.9. INDIRECT ASSIGNMENTS SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {DCAA Form 7000-16) (1) PURPOSE: This form is used to setup, modify, or delete indirect assignments. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by FAO personnel (Administrative). (3) WHEN PREPARED: Indirect assignments, i.e., 5XXXX and 6XXXX, are generally set up at the beginning of each FY for all auditor and administrative indirect time. This form is also used if a new indirect assignment is required during the fiscal year. Estimated Start Date should be the first day of the fiscal year (10/01/XX) or the day the assignment is created. Estimated Completion Date should always be the last day of the fiscal year (09/30/XX). (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None. 1-A-321 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-322 INDIRECT ASSIGNMENTS SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE {Circle Appropriate Action Above} (A) AssignmentNo.: ___________ (A) Working Office: _____ (A) Assignment Description (Max 40): ----------------------- (A) Estimated Start Date: _ _ !__!_ _ (A) Estimated Completion Date: _ _ ! _ _/__ (A) Budget Hours: _____ Revised Budget Hours: _____ (A) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code Supvsr. Admin. Initials Date DCAA Form 7000-16 Jun94 1-A-323 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-324 I.A.9. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Number (ASSN) DATA STRUCTURE: Eleven (11) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Enter the last two digits of the DCAA fiscal year in which the assignment is setup. 2. Enter the alpha (A-Z) audit team character (excluding E). 3. Enter the applicable 5-digit activity code from the FMIS activity code table (Appendix C). 4. Enter the 3-digit sequence number assigned by the FAO or leave blank for system generated fault. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The assignment number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific workpackage or general workload area against which hours are charged and dollars recorded, if applicable. The assignment number is subdivided as follows: fiscal year, audit team, activity code and sequence number. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Fiscal year must be current FY. 2. Team indicator must be A-Z (excluding E). 3. Activity must match a valid code (5XXXX or 6XXXX) on the Activity Table. 4. Sequence number must be 001-999. 5. Assignment number must contain 11 characters. 1-A-325 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Working Office (WORKING.OFFC) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate R/ORG code where the assignment is to be performed. The default value is the R/ORG code for the location of the FMIS system. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Working Office is the R/ORG code which identifies the location where an audit or assignment is to be performed. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be 5 alphanumeric characters. 2. First digit must be zero. 3. First 4 digits must be the same as the appropriate FAO, region, or Headquarters R/ORG code. 4. Must match a valid code on the R/ORG Table. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Assignment Description (ADES) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter up to 40 characters to describe assignment to be performed. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is a free-form field for entry of pertinent information about an assignment. It provides a definition of the indirect assignment to which hours will be charged. Examples are Holiday, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Training, etc. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. First position cannot be blank. 2. Cannot exceed 40 characters. 3. Required field. 1-A-326 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Start Date (ESTRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the first day of the fiscal year (1 0/01/XX) for all indirect assignments that are established at the beginning of each fiscal year. For indirect assignments added during the fiscal year, enter the date the assignment is added in the MM/DDNY format. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the beginning of the fiscal year or the date a new indirect assignment is established. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be numeric. 2. Month must be 01-12; Day must be 01-31; Year must be 00-99. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Estimated Completion Date (ESTCOMP) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Date (MM/DDNY) CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the last day of the fiscal year (09/30/XX) for all indirect assignments. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: For all indirect assignments, the estimated completion date is the last day of the fiscal year in which hours will be charged to the assignments. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Month must be 09; Default for Day is 30, but can be overwritten; Year must be current fiscal year. 1-A-327 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Budget Hours (BUDGT) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of hours budgeted for the current fiscal year for the indirect assignment. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field is the original hours budgeted for an indirect assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 1-999999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Revised Total Budget Hours (RBUD) DATA STRUCTURE: Six (6) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total revised budgeted hours for the indirect assignment, if applicable; otherwise, leave blank. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the latest revised total budgeted hours for an assignment for the current fiscal year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 1-999999. 1-A-328 I.A.1 0. EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY REPORTING (DCAA Form 7000-17) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Employee Activity Form (DCAA Form 7000-17) is the DCAA tool for the collection of hours expended daily on assignments by an employee. The hours are entered into FMIS through the Electronic Time Sheet (ETS) Module. The Employee Activity Form is a bi-weekly time sheet which is required to be submitted by all DCAA employees at the end of every week. At the end of each fiscal year, all on-board employees who have charged hours in the prior fiscal year will remain in the Personnel file after the year-end purge. New employees must submit to the FMIS Administrator his/her full name and social security number for input into the Personnel file before an Employee Activity Form can be entered into FMIS for that employee. At the beginning of each biweekly pay-period, all employees will complete the top section of the form as follows: (1) insert INITIALS which are assigned to them by the FMIS Administrator and OFFICE Code to which they are assigned; (2) print employee name in NAME block; and (3) enter the pay-period beginning and pay-period ending dates. At the end of the biweekly pay-period, employees will review for accuracy and sign the form in the EMPL SIGNATURE block certifying that the charges are correct. The supervisor will then review and sign in the SUPV SIGNATURE block. The forms will be submitted to the FMIS Administrator no later than close of business of the Thursday in the second week of the pay-period. Auditors who are on loan to another DCAA office will submit the 7000-17 form to their assigned home office and complete the DCAA OFFC EXCEPTION Code column with the appropriate office code being charged. Regional auditors and GS-13 and below and who perform audits at FAOs are also required to complete the appropriate office codes for which they are charging time. The ETS Module retains eight (8) pay periods of data. Therefore, changes within the eight pay periods of the current date will be identified and marked on DCAA Form 7000-17 and submitted to the ETS monitor for input. Extreme care should be taken when processing changed hours to ensure all necessary changes to the TALES and Unit Cost System are carried through to all of the systems. 1-A-329 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-A-330 EMPLOYEEACTnnTYREPORT INITIALS: IOFFICE C()DE: ~ NAME: I EMPL SIGNATURE: SUPV SIGNATURE: PAY PERIOD BEGINNING: PAY PERIOD ENDING: ""."""./""'"/."'"".~"""~s"""t""'d""~""····••••""FM!s""NT""····.=Nmm""···=··""·····=t=i""~=~""'~=.'>!!,iJff:~J~' ~~~ '1::~=~~:1WED ITHU IFRI Ii~TIsUN IMOW Ime IWEDITHU IFRI IsAT ~~~J RH - RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH ' I RH I I I I I I I I ~ :I I I I I =+=I==-===±~· I""'? l I . I l I I . r~ r ; .I ,/·1 I I I I l AL !ANNUAL LEAVE p SL I SICK LEAVE I HL HOLIDAY LEAVE IOTHERLV, __ :::::_~, cu CREDIT TAKEN, CL COMPTAKEN, I CR CREDIT WORKED, -· OT OTWORKED, lr.J ,I I I I I IE 1. TALE CODE = Exception code (see reverse side of this form). 3. Total hours by assignment and enter in 'TOTAL" column. 2. Enter hours expended each day by assiomment 4. For Other Leave, enter TALE CODE from the reverse side ofthis form. DCAA FORM 7000-17 May 1993 Supercedes DCAAF 7000-17, September 1992 Page 1 of2 EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY REPORT ~~omerfJiWI!us.l STARTING TIME: STOPPING TIME: STARTINO BALANCE LUNCH PERIOD: UNIT COST CODE: EARNED MATRIX CODE: USED SCHEDULED MAXIFLEX DAY (DATE): ENDING BALANCE BASIC WORK REQUIREMENT: q I I ••. ( I • , ••.... \ I . ........ ~R.F;MJ:Ul\fli cu Credit Leave Taken I VJ VJ 1\) i~~;;:;J,lli~ ~ ~~:~~~~~ cw DN DP EO Compensatory Hours Worked Disability Compensation Non Pay Disability Compensation Paid Environmental Overtime EV Environmental Pay FL Furlough HL Holiday Leave HW Holiday Worked HZ Hazard Pay JD Jury Duty LW Leave Without Pay ML Military Leave ND Night Differential NW Non-Work Hours OT Overtime PG Productivity Gain Sharing (PGS) Leave RH Regular Hours Worked RS Restored Leave RL = Religious Leave Taken RW = Religious Hours Worked SL = Sick Leave Q r i············· siiP'ER.:VfsO:RA.'PP:RbvA.u· > . · zJCJ:] SP su Sunday Premium Suspension SIGNATURE: IDATE: TO 99 Time Off Award Leave Delete Entry DCAA FORM 7000-17 Supercedes DCAAF 7000-17, September 1992 Page 2 of2 May 1993 LB. REQUIREMENTS PLAN/PRGGRAM PLAN GENERAL DESCRIPTION The preparation and execution of the Requirement and Program Plans are an integral part of the Field Audit Office (FAO), Regional and Headquarters annual planning process. Before development of the Requirements Plan begins, Headquarters issues annual guidance in its Planning and Staff Allocation Document (PSAD). The PSAD provides general guidance as well as areas of special emphasis. The Program Plan represents the FAO's planned audit activities based on distributed staffing. The Program Plan is an essential ingredient in the management of the FAO since it is the yardstick against which audit progress is measured. The requirements planning process is used to determine an inventory of incurred cost backlog. Estimated hours and dollars are required for each open Prior Contractor Fiscal Year (PCFY) and dollars only are required for the Current Contractor Fiscal Year (CCFY). 1-8-1 I.B. Continued GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this module is to input or modify Requirements Plan (RP) or Program Plan (PP) data. This data may be input directly or by copying in the contents of the PPOXXXX.DBF and the PPCXXXX.DBF dBASE files. Generally, the RP are created in dBASE during the June/July timeframe. Upon Headquarter's approval, the PP data is copied into FMIS in the October/November timeframe. Subsequent changes to the Program Plan are made in FMIS, but only after the Headquarters approved Program Plan has been uploaded to AMIS. You will be notified by your Regional office when Headquarters is satisfied that a successful upload has been made to AM IS. Before inputting RP/PP data, all contractor data must be checked to ensure that it is current. Major and identified non-major contractor data should be obtained from the Contractor Permanent File maintained by the FAO in accordance with DCAAM 5015.1, "Files Maintenance and Disposition Manual," Section 810.1, Contractor Permanent File. The Contractor File residing in the Contractors Module should be updated by using DCAA Form 7000-1 . For the RP, requirements must be identified by individual contractor. In the PP, entries may be summarized using the grouped contractor code "999" for activity codes not included in the RP. Summarized/grouped non-major contractor data may be input to FMIS using DCAA Form 7000-18a or through the PPOXXXX.DBF. DCAA Form 7000-18a may also be used to setup, modify or delete RP/PP data from FMIS. Every completed form must include data for the Contractor 10, Contractor Name, Team, Activity Code, Contractor FY Effort, and Prior/Current Year. The remaining fields are optional or have a default value of zero. 1-8-2 I.B. Continued FOREWORD -INPUT AND CHANGES One of the primary functions of the DCAA reporting system is to generate meaningful management reports which compare performance data to the Program Plan. The present version of FMIS allows the dBASE version of the Requirements and Program Plan to be directly copied into FMIS from the FAO's PPOXXXX.DBF and PPCXXXX.DBF files. To function properly, these files must be in the exact format as provided by Headquarters. FAO Managers are authorized to revise Program Plans without formal written requests or prior approval of upper management. A simple narrative explaining the reason for the change(s) should be prepared and maintained at the FAO. Revision of the FMIS Program Plan should not be made unless the change is so significant that it invalidates the usefulness of the existing plan as a management tool. However, it's suggested that an informal record of revisions be maintained for use by the FAO manager staff. Modifications should be made by completing DCM Form 7000-18a. When preparing the form to input modifications, the top portion (including Contractor 10, Contractor Name, Team, Activity Code, Contractor FY Effort, and Prior/Current Year) must be completed to properly identify the entry to be changed. The lower portion of the form should be completed for any Program Plan changes. 1-8-3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-B-4 1.8.1. CONTRACTOR PROFILE SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-18) (1) PURPOSE: This form establishes a new summarized group of contractors ("999" contractors) for those non-identified contractors in the Program Plan. It is also used to modify or delete existing data. (2) WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by Supervisory Auditors. (3) WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed during the preparation of the annual Program Plan and the data must be input before Program Plan data can be input. It should also be used to modify or delete existing summarized group contractor information. (4) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: The Contractor Profile in the Requirements Plan/Program module of FMIS is only used for input of summarized group contractor information. Contractor data for other contractors must be input using DCAA Form 7000-1 . 1-8-5 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-B-6 GROUP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (R) Team:_ (R)Zip: _____ Contractor 10: 999 (R) Contractor Name (Max. 40): --------------------------- Summarized Contractor Data (R) CFY End Month: __ (R) Total Number of Q()ntracts: ____________ (R) Contractors without ADV: ___ (R) Number CAS Covered Contracts: ____ (R) CAS Covered with ADV: ___ (R) Contractors with ADV: (R) Non-CAS Covered without ADV: ___ (R) Number Req to File Disci: ___ (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code DCAA Form 7000-18 Jun94 1-B-7 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL Y LEFTBLANK 1-B-8 1.8.1. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Identification Code (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. No entry is required. The default is 999: DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: A contractor code of 999 is used to summarize Program Plan data. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Contractor ID's other than 999 must be input using the Contractors Module accessed from the Main Menu. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Team (TEAM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable alpha (A-Z) character to indicate the responsible auditteam (excluding E). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the alphabetic character assigned to a specific workload or supervisor. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be A-Z (excluding E). 2. Must not be blank. 1-8-9 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Zip Code (ZIP) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code as assigned by the U.S. Postal Service. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The zip code is a 5-digit code assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to designate mailing locations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be five numeric. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor Name (CONNAME) DATA STRUCTURE: Forty (40) Alphanumeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter an appropriate title for the group level of contractors; e.g. "Team A Mobile". DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This field contains a description of team and effort for a "999" group level of contractors. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Required field. 1-B-1 0 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CFY End Month (ENDMO) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a numeric indicator for the month in which the contractor's fiscal year ends. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor's fiscal year end month designates the month in which the contractor's fiscal year ends. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 01-12. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Number Of Contracts (NUMCONTA) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total number of flexibly-priced contracts and subcontracts associated with the summarized contractor group over which DCAA has audit cognizance for the CCFY. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The total number of contracts is the number of contracts and subcontracts for a group of contractors which are subject to an incurred cost audit. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-9999. 1-B-11 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number Of CAS Covered Contracts (NUMKCAS) DATA STRUCTURE: Four (4) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of CAS covered contracts for the summarized group of contractors. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Number of CAS Covered Contracts is the total number of contracts and subcontracts for a group of contractors which are subject to the provisions of CAS. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0~9999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractors With ADV (CONADV) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of contractors with ADV for the DCAA Plan year for the summarized contractor group. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractors With ADV field is the number of contractors included in the summarized group of contractors who have incurred cost audits (Activity Code 1699X) contained in the Requirements/Program Plans. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-999. 1-B-12 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractors Without ADV (CONNOADV) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of contractors without ADV for the summarized contractor group. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractors Without ADV field is the number of contractors included in the summarized group of contractors who do not have incurred cost audits (Activity Code 1699X) contained in the Requirements/Program Plans. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CAS Covered Contractors With ADV (CASADV) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of contractors included in the Contractors With ADV data element who are also CAS covered. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The CAS Covered Contractors With ADV are those contractors with incurred cost audits included in the Requirements/Program Plan that are also CAS covered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-999. 1-B-13 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Non-CAS Covered Contractors Without ADV (NOCASADV) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of contractors with no ADV who are non-CAS covered for the summarized contractor group. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Non-CAS Covered Contractors Without ADV are those contractors without incurred costs audits included in the Requirements/Program Plan who are also not CAS covered. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Number Required To File Disclosure Statements (CONDS) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the number of CAS covered contractors that are required to file a disclosure statement for the summarized contractor group. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Number Required to File Disclosure Statements is the number of CAS covered contractors required to file disclosure statements for the fiscal year of the plan. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-999. 1-B-14 tD N C"') c ::I ... - QJ n - 1.8.2. REQUIREMENT AND PROGRAM PLAN SETUP/MODIFY/ DELETE (DCAA Form 7000-18a) a. PURPOSE: This form is used to input new Requirements and Program Plan data, or modify or delete existing Requirements or Program Plan data. b. WHO PREPARES: This form is prepared by supervisory auditors. c. WHEN AND HOW PREPARED: This form will be completed for the current operating fiscal year to add, modify, or delete current operating Requirements/Program Plan data. d. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This form is only used to correct errors if the Requirement/Program Plan Copy In option is used to input Plan information, or there is a need to revise the Program Plan due to changes in a FAO's workload not anticipated when its initial Requirements/Program Plan was established prior to the commencement of the current fiscal year. 1-B-15 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-B-16 REQUIREMENT AND PROGRAM PLAN SETUP/MODIFY/DELETE (R) Contractor ID: ___ (R) Team: (R) ActivityCode: _____ (R) Contr FY Effort: __ (R*) Prior/Current Yr.: _ ZipCode: _____ REQUIREMENT INFORMATION (S) CFY End Month: (S) Priority: (R*) MAARS: _ (S) Summary Code: (S) Subactivity Description: (R) Required Entry (S) System Generated (*) See Reverse for Code DCAA Form 7000-18a Jun94 HOURS AND DOLLARS REQ PLAN PRO PLAN Hours (R) Total Hours: Dollars ($000) (R) Total Dollars: (R) Num Audits: T/Sense MAARS Hrs: {(R) if MAARS = Y} Oth MAARS Hrs: {(R) if MAARS =Y} 1-B-17 PRIOR/CURRENT YEAR P = Prior Contractor Fiscal Year C =Current Contracotr Fiscal Year MAARS Y=Yes N =No DCAA Form 7000-18a Jun 94 1-B-18 1.8.2. Continued e. DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS: • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contractor ID (CONTR) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the 3-digit code assigned by the FAO for each individual contractor, housekeeping assignment code (998) or summarized group contractor (999). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Identification Code is a unique 3-digit numeric code assigned by the FAO to each contractor associated with the that field office. The contractor is an entity which enters into contracts with the Government. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 001-999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Team (TEAM) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the applicable alpha (A-Z) character to indicp.te the responsible audit team (excluding E). DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: This is the alphabetic character assigned to a specific workload or supervisor. EDIT REQUIREMENT: Must be A-Z (excluding E). 1-B-19 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Activity Code (ACTV5) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate 5-digit activity code from the FMIS Activity Code table in Appendix C. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Activity Code is a unique 5-digit code established by DCAA Headquarters to identify specific audit work areas or categories of workload. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When using Activity Codes in the Requirements/Program Plan, special care must be taken to assure that the Code being used is valid for use in the Plan. Since the Requirements/Program Plan data being entered or modified pertains to DCAA's current operational year, only currently active FMIS Activity Codes can be used. The Activity Codes available for grouping Requirements data during the planning cycle should not be used. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be five numeric. 2. Must match codes in the Activity Code Table. 3. Must be valid for Requirements/Program Plan. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Contr Fy Effort (CFYEFFRT) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the last two digits of the contractor fiscal year of effort for which the Requirements/Program data is being reported. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Contractor Fiscal Year of Effort is the last two digits of the contractor's :fiscal year for which the Requirements/Program effort related to the Activity Code is being identified. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be numeric 00-99. 1-B-20 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Prior/Current Yr (PORC) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter P or C to indicate whether the entry relates to a prior or current contractor fiscal year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Prior/Current Year describes whether the Plan entry is a Prior Contractor Fiscal Year (PCFY) or a Current Contractor Fiscal Year (CCFY). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be P or C. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Zip Code (ZIP) DATA STRUCIURE: Five (5) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the appropriate code as assigned by the U.S. Postal Service. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The zip code is a 5-digit code assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to designate mailing locations. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be blank or five numeric. 1-B-21 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: CFY End Month (ENDMO) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The contractor's fiscal year end month designates the month in which the contractor's fiscal year ends. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 01-12. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Priority (AGPRIO) DATA STRUCTURE: Two (2) Numeric CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Priority is a systematic ranking of audit workload used by Headquarters in allocating staffing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-B-22 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: MAARS (MAARS) DATA STRUCTURE: One (1) Alphabetic ~ . - -. . -- CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter (Y)es or (N)o to indicate whether the Plan entry will be used to complete one or more Mandatory Annual Audit Requirements (MAARS) DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: MAARS are annual audit steps which must be accomplished to express an unqualified audit opinion on a contractor's proposal to settle a fiscal year of incurred cost effort on flexibly priced contracts and/or subcontracts. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must beY or N. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Summary Code (SUM.CODE) DATA STRUCTURE: Three (3) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Summary Code is a code assigned by Headquarters to summarize data for groupings of Activity Codes. The FMIS Summary Code Table is updated by DCAA Headquarters. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. 1-B-23 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Subactivity Description (DESCRIP) DATA STRUCTURE: Alphanumeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: This is a system generated field. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Subactivity Description is the narrative description associated with a Summary Code. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: None. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Hours Req Plan (HRSREQ) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total required hours allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Required Hours is a conservative estimate of the total hours necessary for the auditor or administrative effort associated with the applicable Activity Code/ Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. This data element is used for both direct and indirect effort. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-B-24 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Hours Pro Plan (HRSPRO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total programmed hours allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Programmed Hours are the hours which are expected to be incurred in the Plan year based on authorized staffing levels. This data element is used for both direct and indirect effort. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Dollars Req Plan (DOLREQ) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total required dollars associated with the hours allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Required Dollars is a conservative estimate of the dollars to be reviewed associated with the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999, rounded to ($000). 1-B-25 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Total Dollars Pro Plan (DOLPRO) DATA STRUCTURE: Eight (8) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total programmed dollars allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Programmed Dollars are the dollars which are associated with hours expected to be incurred in the Plan year based on authorized staffing levels. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999999, rounded to ($000). • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Num Audits Req Plan (NOAUDS) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total number of required audits allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Number of Required Audits is a conservative estimate of the number of audits necessary for the auditor and administrative effort associated with the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-8-26 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Num Audits Pro Plan (AUDSPRO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total programmed audits allocated to the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: The Total Number of Programmed Audits are the number of audits which are expected to be performed in the plan year based on authorized staffing levels. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Time Sensitive MAARS Hours Required (TSMAARS) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total hours required to perform time sensitive MAARS (MAARS 6 & 13) for the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Time Sensitive MAARS Hours Required is a conservative estimate of the audit hours to perform those audit steps necessary which must be done in the CCFY to render an unqualified audit opinion on an incurred cost submission. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-B-27 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Time Sensitive MAARS Hours Programmed (TSMAARSPRO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total hours programmed to perform time sensitive MAARS (MAARS 6 & 13) for the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Time Sensitive MAARS Hours Programmed is the number of hours programmed in the Plan year based on authorized staffing to perform those audits which must be done in the CCFY. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Other MAARS Hours Required (OTHMAARS) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total hours required to perform MAARS audit steps other than time sensitive MAARS (MAARS 6 & 13) for the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/ Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Other MAARS Hours Required is a conservative estimate of the audit hours to perform those MAARS audit steps necessary to render an unqualified audit opinion on an incurred cost submission other than those which must be performed in the CCFY (Time Sensitive MAARS). EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-B-28 • DATA ELEMENT NAME: Other MAARS Hours Programmed (OTHMAARSPRO) DATA STRUCTURE: Five (5) Numeric. CODING INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the total hours programmed to perform other than time sensitive MAARS (MAARS 6 & 13) for the applicable Activity Code/Contractor/ Contractor Fiscal Year. DEFINITION/DESCRIPTION: Other MAARS Hours Programmed is the number of hours which are programmed for MAARS requirements other than those which must be performed in the CCFY (Time Sensitive MAARS) for the Plan year based on authorized staffing. EDIT REQUIREMENTS: Must be 0-99999. 1-B-29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 1-B-30 APPENDIX A DCAA GUIDANCE FOR COMPUTING AND REPORTING AUDIT RESULTS IN THE FMIS A-1 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK A-2 '!his guidalx:le consolidates and updates previcusly p.lblished guidance for oc:.arpltinJ am reportinJ audit results within the OCAA Field Al.rlit Office Management Information System (FMIS). To assure Agency-wide consi.sterx:y' illustrations am explanations for oc:.arpltinJ and reportirg audit results are provided. '!his guidance does oot provide information relative to the varicus types of oarp.rt:.er program CXldes that are used to ir.prt: information into the FMIS. '!his type of information is contained in the body of the FMIS User's Manual. For eadl major audit area involvirg reportable dollars, explanations for dollars examined, questioned costs, questiooed costs sustained, cost avoidance, cost avoidance sustained, ~costs, UJ'lSllRX)rted costs sustained, rea:mreJ'Xied price adjustJnents, reculltetded price adjustments sustained, and net savirgs are provided. '!his guidalx:le might oot provide the methodology for reportirg all pcssi.ble types of audit ctisclosures in the FMIS. In such a case the FAO is expected to obtain regional office guidance. '!he regional office shool.d coordinate with Headquarters on unusual questions raised try an FAO. Also, FADs are expected to coordinate with their regional seo.1rity office to resolve questions that pertain to report.irg sensitive assignments in the FMIS. Sensitive assignments are those that require special han:llin;J due to the seo.1rity classification of the dollars and/or ex>ntractor bein;J audited. Information fran the FMIS is used for internal management p.1I"ppSeS, and is reviewed try other governmental agencies and c.on:JresS. It is OCAA' s policy that information i.ncluied in the FMIS be conseiVative and data validation procedures be sufficient to provide reasonable assurarre that the statistics can be relied upon for their interded p.n:poses. Fach FAO is expected to inplement a quality control review procedure to ensure that the information reported in the FMIS carplies with this guidance. '!be elements that should be considered for inclusion in the review process are ootlined in Section XIII. ~y C. HEIDEMANN Assistant DirectorOperations A-3 TABLE OF CXNI'ENI'S Page SEX:TION A-5 I. Operations Audits A-9 II. Incurred costs A-19 III. Special Aldits A-25 IV. Forward Pricin:J Proposal A-49 v. Forward Pricin:J Rate Audits A-53 VI. Tel~Rate Requests VII. Forward Pricin:J Proposal A-55 Specified Element Audit VIII. Review of Part of A Price Proposal-Agreed Upon Procedures A-57 A-59 IX. SF 1412 Audits A-61 X. Defective Pricin:J A-67 XI. Cost Aa::amtin;J stardards A-73 XII. Price Negotiation Meroc>rama XIII. FMIS ~lity Control A-77 Review Elements A-4 I. Operations Audits A-5 Operations Audits A. General Guidance 1. An operations au:ti.t (Code 105XX) is perfonned to develq> a CXI'I'prehensive un:ierstan:lin:;J of contractor operations arrl managerrent practices am to brin;J to the contractor's attention additional ~rtunities to increase efficiency arrl econany. When the contractor inplerrents an au:tit reocmnerrlation that results in toore efficient am econanical q>erations arrl management practices, the reduction in operatirg costs is rep::>rted in the FMIS as cost avoidarx:e. Cost avoic:larxle calrul.ations are made to estimate the cost ilnpact of any r::x::AA-reccmnen:ied ~rtunities for the contractor to increase econany arrl efficiency. 2. ~rtunity for the contractor to reduce operating costs can be otserved while performi.n;J other than operations audits. However, all recxrnmen::ied cost avoidance amounts will be reported in the FMIS un:ier a Code 105XX assignment. If, while perforrni..rg a nonoperations audit, it is ol::served that the contractor can reduce operating costs, then a separate Ccxie 105XX assignment will be established to report the cuoount reccmnen:ied for cost avoidance or to perform the additional audit effort that might be necessary to develop the CX>St avoidance recornme.rrla.tion. 3. Dollars examined are not reported in the FMIS for operaticn; audits. B. Reporti.rn Audit Results 1 . Dollars Exa:m.i.ned Dollars examined are not reported for operations audits even tha.Jgh this type of assigrunent may include attest arrl Sts, : the CX>St ilnpact of any reccmnerrlation is reportable if it can be neasured or realistically estimated. 'lbe cost avoidance recamnerrled aroc>unt is a conservative estimate of the sav.irq; achievable for a 12 month pericxi, after irrplementation of the rea:mnerrlations. A-6 Operations Alxlits c. 'lbe value of cost avoidance recx:mneniatioos represents the difference between the cost of current prooedures or expenlltures and the cost of recutaien:led practices, prooedures, or experditures, based on the contractor's JOOSt . recent fiscal year costs or prices. 'lhe gross savi.rgs annmt will be CXIIplted on the basis of the contractor's total qmatioo and then prorated based oo the percentage of total Government sales {this i.ncluies fixed price and flexibly priced contracts as well as suboontracts) • Ilrplementatioo and installatioo costs should be deducted fran the total contractor savin;Js prior to prorati.rg savin]s to all Goverrlnent contracts and be clearly shown in the audit report. d. COst avoidance calculations shc:W.d i.nclude the oost of ~licable fri.rge benefits, tut not general and administrative (G&A) expenses or overhead allocations. e. Urx:ler no circumstances will a recx:mnerrled cost avoidance include an aiOOUnt catplted for interest. f. 'lhe ana.mts reported in the FMIS and included in the audit report as cost avoidance recu1aterrled llllSt be the same. 3. Savirgs fran Cost Avoidance RecaiRrerrlations a. Net savin:;Js fran cost avoidance recx:mnerdations will be reported Wl:ier the same Code 105XX assignments that the cost avoidance recx:mneniation is reported. Jlor.Never, the net savin:;Js annmt is not to be reported until a follOllemented before cost avoidance sustained can be reported. If a capital invest:rnent was reoc:.mnerrled for contractor oonsideratioo, a purchase order must be issued arrl inplementatian an:i installation started for at least part of the equipnent, before cost avoidance sustained can be reported. 'Ihe recxmne.rded aJIII.'U'lt will always remain uncl'l.ar¥3'ed. d. 'Ihe total repJrted sustained cost avoidance annmt camot exceed the am::unt incltrled in the au::lit report. A-8 II. Incurred Costs A-9 Incurred Costs A. General Guidance 1. 'lhe direct am i.n:ti.rect costs contractors claim for rei.rnbJrsement on Govermlent flexibly priced contracts are subject to audit to determine that the CXlSts are reasonable, allocable, am allor.Nclble as prescribed by Federal AaiW.sition Regulations (FAR) am provisions of the contracts. 2. To administer incurred cost audits at major contractors, each contractor's system am costs of operations are divided into audit workpackages in accordance with CAM Cllapter 3, the Program Objective Document (POO), or other current DCAA directives. Audit assigranents shoo.ld be established for the workpackages urrler the activity codes that irrli.cate the nature of the costs to be audited. Workpackages are a means for managin;J the audit of direct am irrlirect costs, rut the audited dollars are reported in the FMIS urrler a single Code 10100 assignment. 3. For each nonrnajor contractor, dollars examined should be claimed either urrler a separate all-inclusive Code 16990 assignment for each open contractor fiscal year (c::x::mparable to the Code 10.100 assigrnnent used for major contractors) or urrler one all-inclusive Code 16990 assignment if the nn.1ltiyear audit approach is used. B. Reporting Audit Results 1. Dollars Examined a. 'Ihe costs for which the auditor can e>q:>ress an opinion as to reasonableness, allocability, am allC7.olability for the performance of Government flexibly priced contracts will be reported in the FMIS as dollars examined. b. Activity cedes that are used for auditing the direct an::l in:iirect costs for performance of Government flexibly priced type contracts are listed below. Dollars are reported in the FMIS where irrli.cated by an "X" : Activity Code Dollars Examined ~estioned Costs Major Contractors 10100 Auditable Dollars 11XXX Performance & Financial Controls 12XXX Materials 13XXX I.al:x:>r 13500 I.al:x:>r Cost Olargi.ng am Allocation 14XXX rro.irect Expenses 15300 Final Price SUl:Jni.ssions 15400 Contract Audit Closing stat.enents (CACS) X X(*) X X X X X X(*) A-10 Incurred Costs Activity Dollars Q.lestioned Code Examined Costs Major Contractors Cont'd 15500 Provisional Billing Rate ALrlits 15600 Limitation of Payments 15900 other Incurred Costs X 16100 -16970 other Direct arrl I.rxlirect X Non-Major Contractors 16990 All-inclusive Scheduled Audits X X 16991 Contract Audit Closing statements 16992 Financial and EDP Audits X 16993 Coopensation Audits X 16994 Labor Cost Olarging and Allocation Audits X 16995 Nonmajor Contractor MMAS Audits X 16996 Joint CIPRs at Nonmajor Contractors X 16999 Al:k:li.tional Systems SUrvey Effort X (*) Except for special audits, incurred costs dollars audited are reported un:ier Codes 10100 or 16990. If, ha.Never, a final contract price sul:rni.ssion is received for audit and the CX>Sts for whatever reason were not included in the am:>unt reported for Code 10100 or 16990, then the audit should oo performed and dollars reported under Code 15300. c. '!he am:>unt of dollars examined is one criterion for evaluating progress t.oward aCOCI'I'plish.in:J the annual audit plan established for the fiscal year. Because of its i.nportance in assessi.n;J audit progress and its use for determining the need for an::i allocation of audit resources, dollars examined nust be reported prarptly and accurately. FAD managers are responsible for ensuring that quarterly in-process and yearerrl dollars examined are properly reported to reflect the status of audit activity (see B.l. i-1 for fonm1las, pages II-5 arrl II-6). d. Incurred cost dollars reported as examined are limited to CX>Sts claimed for IR&D arrl B&P and the perfonnance of flexibly priced Government contracts and sul:x:ontracts (i.e., Cost Rei.mb.lrsable, CPFF, CPIF, CPAF, FPI, and FPR) arrl billed am::>Unts for T&M arrl labor hour contracts. H01o1ever, arrcunts for assist audits, corporate and hane office A-ll Incurred Costs allocations, ani centrally paid or accrued costs au:tited by another FAD are to be exchx:led. SUperseded guidarx::e also required that proposal ano.mts clai.rood as examined be re:luced for oorporate or hane office audiL-; of :in:lirect allocations arxi centrally paid or accrued expenses. Ha..vever, effective with this guidance, audit of these costs will no lon:Jer be excluded fran the proposal dollars reported by the FAD that audits the segment's proposals. See Section V for additional guidance relative to forward prici.r¥3 rate audits for proposals. e. In the case of oorporate or hane office au:tits of allocations ani centrally paid or accrued costs such as pensions, insurarx::e, an:i taxes, the reportable dollars examined may have tc be estimated. 'Ihese estimates sho.lld be reasonable awroximations of the inpact on flexibly priced GoverTn'l'el1t activity arxi sho..lld be based on dat~ received fran the oontractor or the other FADs involved. Since the precise base data may not be available, sources such as historical sales, incurred costs, or a similar base may be used to determine the Governrren': flexibly price::i portion of the allocation or costs. Sales data may oftet"'. be available fran the IR&D/B&P advance agreement proposal. Examples follow in order of preference: (1) Preferred Methcx:l Se.cr.ent Government Flexibly Priced Contract Sales (a) Total Sales (b) Gov't Percent (ajb=c) Corporate Allocation (d) Dollars Exa.':tined (cxcr-e) A B All others $ 7,500,000 7,500,000 0 $15.000,000 $ 10,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 $100,000,000 75% 18.75% 0 15% $ 7,500,000 $ 5,625,000 30,000,000 5,625,000 37,500,000 0 $75,000,000 $11.250,000* (2) Al 1:P-rnati ve One Total oorporate allocation tq segments $7~00 Allocation to segments with Goverrunent activity $37,500,000 Government flexibly priced portion of sales, incurred costs, etc., at those segments (Segment A &B $15,000,000/$50,000,000) X 30% Dollars examined $11.250,000* (3) Alternative 'l'No Total oorporate allocation to segments $75,000,000 Incurrerl Costs Government flexibly priced portion of sales, incurred cost, etc. X 15% Dollars examined $11.250,000* * Altl'lc\lgh 'Whole dollars are used in the alx>ve exanple, yoo are rernin:ierl that the last J~gits (000) are anitted fran the inplt of dollars into FMIS. f. Dollars examined in assist audits will require coordination between the FAOs. Requests for assist alrlits should incl\Xle the ano.mt of dollars to be examined arrl reported at the assist audit location. g. Dollars examined will not include costs related to (i) assist audits requested, (ii) allocations fran hane office, coqx>rate, or group, etc., urrler the cognizance of another DCAA audit office, am (iii) corporate or home office centrally paid or accruerl expenses such as pensions, taxes, arrl insurance urrler the cognizance of another DCAA audit office. In those cases 'Where division-based auditors perform a significant portion of an audit typically performed by the hane office audit (e.g., insurance), dollars examined at the division level shall.d be ooordinated between audit offices and formally dOCI..Dnented. In no case will dollars examined be duplicated. However, as mentioned in d. above, audit of in:li..rect costs for allocations fran corporate, or hane office centrally paid or accruerl expenses are treated differently for reporting fol'Wc\r'd pricing prq:x::sals dollars examined. See Section V for additional guidance relative to fol'Wc\r'd pricing rate audits for proposals. h. Fee or profit will not be included in amounts reported as examined on incurred cost audits, except for time and material am labor hoor oontracts. i. 'll1e interim am yearerrl reporting for contractor's fiscal year (CFY) dollars examined will be ccrrp.1ted on the basis of (i) hoors experrlerl during the program plan FY in auditing the CFY, (ii) an estimate of llour9 to oarplete (EIC) all audit effort related to the subject CFY, and (iii) the actual total dollars associated with each CFY. 'llle dollars not reported as examined by the errl of the program plan FY are known as ".backl.CXJ dollars." '!be CFY dollar ano.mt used to C011plte dollars examined at the errl of the program plan FY should be based on the FAD's latest information. 'lllere may be situations 'Where the CFY dollars identified at the beginnin3 of a program plan FY need adjustment because of data obtained by the FAD after program plans have been finalizerl. In those. cases, the CFY dollar annunts used to report dollars examined am .backlCXJ dollars at yearerrl should be adjusted acx::ordingly. Explanations for adjustments to dollars or hoors programned will be maintained in the 'Nerkpapers that SURX>rt ccrtpltations of reported dollars examined. j . In-process dollars examined will be calculated for each CFY as follC7«S: A-13 Incurred Costs CF'i Dollars examined = CFY Dollars prcgra"!'11ned X ----'H'-"o""'ur=-==s~i:!.n.!:::curr=""'-'=erl::::....__ Hours Progra.r.vned k. Dollars examined to be reported at the end of the FY will be calculated as follows for each CFY: CF'i dollars examined = CFY dollars less dollars reported in prior FY X Hours incurred (Hours incurred + ETC) E>canple: CF'i dollars = $25,000,000 CF'i dollars rep::>rted in prior FY = $ 5,000,000 CFY hours incurred = 150 Estimated hours to CC1'1l'lete (ETC) examination of CF'i = 50 150 CF'i dollars examined= ($25,000,000 -$5,000,000) x (150 + 50) = $20,000,000 X .75 = $15,000,000 1. The ETC should be prepared to separately identify by CFY all audit effort necessary to complete the audit of each open year. The ETC at yearerxi should not include any hours for operations audits, time sensitive MAARs, or any other audits or reviev:s that must be performed duri.rq the current contractor fiscal year (CCFY). In other words, the ETC should be limited to compliance and attest-type audits which can be performed on a retroactive basis to complete the audit of each CFY. Audit hours used in this computation at major contractors will be limited to Codes 11XXX through 14XXX and 16100 through 16970. Audit hours used in this ccxrputation at norunajor contractors will be limited to hours recorded in the 1699X Codes, except 16991. Audited dollars are computed by contractor fiscal year. 2. Qyestioned Costs a. The direct and indirect costs that the auditor determines are not reasonable, allocable or allowable for the performance of Government flexibly priced contracts are reported in the FMIS as questioned costs. The amounts reported will be based on costs either disapproved on OCAA Form 1 or its equivalent, or questioned in audit reports, except as noted in b. and c. below. Questioned costs will be reported only for completed assigrunents and will be reported against those A-14 !no.liTed Costs assignments' activity cxxles. Where multiple assignments are used to audit i.ncurred oosts, questioned costs might be reported in the FMIS as assignments are carpleted. 'Iherefore, when the audit report is issued, the auditor nust ensure that the audit report annmt am annmts reported in the FMIS on an interim basis agree, or otherwise make the necessary adjustlnents. b. care shoold be taken to avoid duplicate reportin:;J of questioned oosts. In situations involvin:;J assist audits, only the office perfOl"Jilin;J the assist atdit will report questioned costs in the FMIS; however, the reoeivi.rg office shruld include as questioned costs any i.rrlirect oosts that are allocable to the assist audit questioned costs. Likewise, only the division, group, c6rporate, or bane office auditor will report questioned oosts pertai.ni.n;J to amounts or rates questioned at their respective levels, incluclirg centrally paid or accrued costs. However, assist audit questioned costs of group, corporate or bane offices i.n:ti.rect cost allocations for forward pricing prop::>sals are reported at the division level. See section V for additional guidance. c. Only annmts which can be associated with the results of a\rlit effort will be reported as questioned costs. Annmts questioned, alorg with i.n:ti.rect oosts when applicable, whidl are attri.b.rt:able to technical assistance ren:iered by others will not be i.ncluied. d. .Annlnts claimed in excess of contractual ceilings incluclirg IR&D/B&P rate limitations will be reported as questioned costs. lioiNeVer, if a request is reoeive::l to audit the excess annmts, the request will be treated as a price pxqxlSCil audit for additional fun::lin]. 1>ny ackiitional f'un::linJ that is provided for costs that exceed contractual ceilings am IR&D/B&P advance agreements or rate limitations will reduce the anomt of reported questioned oosts. e. 'Ihe contractor's final overhead arrl G&A costs claim is audited in total. However, if there are any questioned costs, only the oosts awlicable to flexibly priced Government contracts, except T&M contracts, are reported in the FMIS. Precautions shruld be taken to avoid reportin;J in the FMIS questioned costs in conjunction with the final overhead auiit plus contract repricing audits for fee determination. f. Contractor's vohmtary deletion of costs fran its claim shoold not be reported as dollars examined or questioned costs unless deleted as a result of in-process or final a\rlit action. g. 'Ihe annmt of hane office expenses questioned is the annmt allocable to Government flexibly priced contracts exclt¥iin:;J T&M contracts. 'Ihe FAD performin:J the hane office aooit will report the annmt questioned; other FAOs will exclude fran their questioned costs the amount of oosts questioned by the hane office FAD. However, as mentioned in b. above, assist a\rlit questioned costs of group, corporate or bane offices i.rrlirect cost allocations for forward pricin:;J prqxlSals are reported at the division level. See Section V for additional guidance. A-15 Incurred Costs h. For atdits of final price proposals un::ler fixed-priceincentive-type contracts, report only questioned costs in the audit reportwhi.dl were not previously reported in the OOS. Any resultin;J increases in the contractor's incentive profit will not be taken into account for reportin;J p.u-poses. i. Q1 atrlits of grants, enter the total aiOOUnt of questioned costs in reports issued, less those previously reported in the FMIS. j. In response to contractin;J officers' requests, atdit reports occasionally i..rx:looe information for interest related to questioned costs. Hawever, \lJ'X3er no ci.rc:umst.aoces will interest be included in questioned costs reported in the FMIS (i.e., moounts on deferred ptagiess payments, defective prici.n:J, cost inpact statement, etc.). 3. Unsupported Costs 'Ihe category of unsupported costs should not be used in ~ audit results for incurred cost audits. Aioounts included in the contractor's irx::urred cost recx:>rds for which adequate stJRX>rt is not provided should be reported as questioned costs. FAR obligates the contractor to sub;tantiate costs .incurred in the performance of Goverrment contracts. 4. Unresolved Costs Unresolved costs are not reported in the FMIS. 'lhe atrlit results of an incurred cost assist audit that are not received in time for incorporation into the atdit report bein;J issued is an exanple of unresolved costs. 'lhe audit action that results in the resolution of assist atdit costs will be awrq>riately reported in the FMIS as dollars examined ani either accepted or questioned by the assist~ FAO. 'Ihe FNJ that receives the assist audit report will report in the FMIS related acXi-ons as questioned costs. 5. Questioned Costs sustained a. 'lhe reporti.n:J of dispositioned audit results due to unilateral ex>ntract~ officer decisions will be held in abeyance until the 90 day period (FAR 33.211] the ex>ntractor has to advise the contracti.n;J officer of an intent to awe,al has expired. If after the 90 day period we have not been advised by the ex>ntractirg officer that the contractor int.en:is to awe,al, audit results as unilaterally dispositionedwill be reported. In the event the ex>ntracti.n:J officer advises the cognizant DCAA office of the ex>ntractor's intent to appeal, the reportirgof contractin;J officer unilaterally dispositioned audit results, incl\Xlin:J resultant savi.n:Jg, will be held iri abeyance until litigation is carplete. Upon cx:xrpletion of litigation, any reportin;J of savin;Js will be based on the litigation o..rt.c:ane. A-16 Incurre:l Costs b. ~estioned CXlSts sustained cannot exceed the anount of questione:i CXlSts. Reported questioned costs sustained will be based on one or more of the follCJWing: (1) 'Ihe ex>ntractor's written ooncurrence with an adjust:Jnent for audit determined overhead rates. (2) 'Ihe ex>ntracting officer's full or partial recognition of audit results where final settlement is the result of negotiation. If a negotiation me.norarrlum is not received in a reasonable tilre, FADs will foll""" the procedures provided in the "Price Negotiation Merrorar¥3a" section of this guidance. Only those reductions resulting fran audit effort will be reported. ( 3) Resolution of a OCAA Form 1 through ex>ntractor acceptance or ex>ntracting officer decision. Questioned costs sustained will be based on the oontracting officer's final decision. c. Interest arrl penalty amounts will not be included in questioned costs sustained reported in the FMIS. 6. Net Savings a. Net savings resulting from questioned costs sustained will be cx::llplted recognizing the follCJWing: (1) Un::ier oost-type oontracts, the questioned CXlSts sustained will be reported as the net savings amount. ( 2) Un::ier incentive-type ex>ntracts, the net savings arrount to be reported is the Goverrurent's share of any questioned CXlSts sustained. (3) For overhead, G&A, arrl horre office allocations, net savin;Js will be calculated using the mix of ex>ntracts in (1) arrl (2) above awlied to the questioned costs sustained. b. EXamples of net savings calculations follCJW: A-17 Questioned overhead rate sustained CPFF labor base CPFF net savings Incentive labor base Sustained reduction Total Questioned Cost Sustained Goverment portion of cost sharin;! Goverment share of reduction and net savings Total net savings b. G&A rate reduction Less corporate portion from assist audit Net G&A rate reduction CPFF G&A base Sustained reduction and net savings Incentive G&A base Sustained G&A reduction Total Questioned Cost Sustained Goverl'lllent portion of cost sharing* Goverment net saving share Total net savings c. Corporate office allocation negotiated reduction CPFF portion of pool CPF F net savings Incentive portion of pool Incentive reliJI:tion Total Questioned Cost SUstained Goverment sharing percentage! Net savings • Incentive Portion Total net savings (I) (b) (I)X(b):(c) (d) (I)X(d)•(e) (c)+(e) (f) (e)x( f)•(g) (c)+(g) (a) (b) (a)x(b)•(c) (d) (a)x(d)=(e) (c)+(e) (f) (e)x(f)•g (c)+(g) (a) (b) (a)X(b)=(C) (d) (I)X(d)•(e) (c)+(e) (f) (e)x(f)•(g) (c)+(g) C£!!!2!:!tation AIR:lll'tS 25X s 1,000,000 s 250,000 s 4,000,000 s 1,000,000 70% s 700,000 s 950,000 14% _g m S15,000,000 s 1,500,000 S20, 000, 000 s 2,000,000 70% s 1,400,000 s 2,900,000 s 3,000,000 15% s 450,000 20% s 600,000 70% s 420,000 s 870,000 Questioned Cost !!! Sustained Savings ($000) (S000) s 250 s 250 S1 .000 S1.250 s 700 s 950 S1 ,500 S1,500 S2.000 S3.500 S1,400 S2.900 s 450 s 450 s 600 S1,050 s 420 !...!Z2 * Exanples consider COJIUacts with an incentive arrangement of Gowmnent -70%/eontractor-30%. A-13 III. SPEX:IAL AUDITS A-19 Special Audits A. General Guidance Special Audits involve audit effort performed after cx:>ntract award in response to written audit requests, except for Activity Codes 17600 "Financial capability Audit" arxi 17700 "Aa:::ounti.rg Systems Audits" whidl may be initiate:i without a written request. 1. System audits at cx:>ntractors with auditable dollars should not be charged to special audits even when they are not scheduled arrl are performed in response to a specific written request; such effort should be charged to the awropriate incurred CX>St activity cxxie. 2. System audits at cx:>ntractors with no auditable dollars will not be charged to a 17XXX activity code. 'Ihis effort should be charged to COde 26000 if the W'Ork is performed due to pricin;J cx:>nsiderations, whether the audit is FAD-initiate:i or performed as the result of a specific written audit request. 'Ihese audits typically include areas such as evaluatin;J the adequacy of the accounti.rg system arxi its internal controls. 3. All audits of cx:>ntractor requests for pro;Jress payments should be charged to Code 17500. 'Ihis code also includes other audit effort related specifically to progress payments such as audits of revised progress payment rates, alternate liquidation rates, flexible pro;Jress payrrent rates, arxi flexible progress payment float arxi lag factors. 4. All prea¥-'ard accounti.rg system surveys, includin;J accounting system audits of new cx:>ntractors performed in cx:>nnection with price proposal evaluations, should be charged to Code 17740. 5. Audits performed as the result of an audit request may be charged to "other Special Audits" (Code 17900) when another code is not appropriate. For example, an audit to determine the propriety of the incentive fee billed for a FPI cx:>ntract. B. Report@ of Audit Results 1. Dollars Examined a. 'Ihe followi.rg types of audits are cx:>vered in this section. Dollars are reported in the FMIS where Wicated by an "X". Activity Dollars Questioned Code Examined Costs 17100 Terminations X X 17200 Equitable Adjustments X X 17300 Hardship Claims X X A-20 Special Audits Activity Code Dollars E>cami.ned Questioned Costs 17400 17500 17600 17700 17740 17750 17800 17850 Escalation Claims Prog. Payrrent Financial cap. Aooounti.rg systems Preaward Aooounti.rg SUrvey C/SCSC Government Facility Rental Payments Contract F\.lrd status X X X X 17860 17900 Reports (CFSRs) other Required Contract Reports other Special Audits X X for b. codes For special audits, 17100, 17200, 17300, dollars 17400, examine17800, d should be reporte1 only and 17900 and should not duplicate dollars examined for incurred cnst audits. 'Ihe aiOCJUnts reported as examined should equal the amount of the proposal or claim, inclu:li.rg any awlicable fee or profit rut excluding the dollar anount of any subcontract or interdivisional effort audited by another FAO. HC7ft'ever, the value of any ack:l-on factors (such as material b.lrden or G&A e>q:ense) at the prime contractor level should be reported as dollars examined by the prime contractor FAO. The arnount reported as examined urx:ler Code 17800, Government Facility Rental Payments, should be the amount of the rental payment being audited. c. Dollars examined will be reported only if the assigranent is cx:rrplete arrl the audit report has been issued. Do not report dollars for cancelled assignments. 2. Qyestioned Costs 'Ihe questioned costs reported in the FMIS should be the total of questioned costs in the audit report, less the folle7ft'ing: a. Assist Audits. Airounts questioned in assist audits will be reported by the FAO performing the assist audit. Accordingly, these arnounts should not l::e included in the anount reported by the recipient FAO. However, the value of add-on factors (such as labor overhead arrl G&A e>cpense) at the prime contractor level, is to be reported as questioned costs by the prime contractor FAO. b. Tedmical Reviews. When the results of the t.echni.cal review have been incorporated into the audit report, questioned costs attri.brt:able to the review will not be reported in the FMIS as questioned costs. 'Ihe value of add-on factors (such as labor overhead and G&A e>q:ense) associated with the technical exceptions also will be excluded fran questioned costs reported in the FMIS. A-21 Special Audits c. Profit. Questioned rosts rep::>rted in the FMIS shoold not irx:lme prqn;ed profit, even thoogh profit may be questioned in the audit Iepott. d. Interest· In response to contracting officers' requests, audit zeports occasionally irx:l\de information for interest related to questioned CXJSts. 1-k:lwever, urx:ler no circumstances will interest be irx:l\Xled in questioned CXlSts rep::>rted in the FMIS (i.e. , azoounts on deferrerl progress payments, defective prici..n;, rost inpact statement, etc.). 3. Q.lestioned Costs SUstained a. 'lhe rep::>rti..Jl; of ctispositioned audit results due to unilateral contracting officer actions will be held in abeyance until the 90 day pericxi [FAR 33.211) the contractor has to advise the contracti.n;J officer of an intent to aweal has expired. If after the 90 day pericxi we have not been advised t7j the contracting officer that the contractor interrls to ~1, audit results as unilaterally dispositioned will be rep::>rted. In the event the contracti..n; officer advises the cognizant DCAA office of the contractor's intent to a~l, the reporting of contracti.n;J officer unilaterally ctispositioned audit results, including resultant savings, will be held in abeyance until litigation is. catplete. Upon oarpletion of litigation, any rep::>rti..Jl; of savings will be based on the litigation rutcane. b. ()lestioned costs sustained ci:annot exceed the azoount of questioned CXlSts rep::>rted in the FMIS. c. Interest arrl penalty cuoounts will not be included in questioned CXJSts sustained reported in the FMIS. 4. Unsupported Costs 'lhe category of unsupported rosts should not be used in rep::>rti..Jl; audit results for special audits. 'Ihe contractor has an obligation to provide any needed information reqarding costs that are claimed. <).lestion any item incl\Xled in a claim for which the contractor fails to provide SUWOit· 5. tJnresolved Costs tJnresolved CXJSts are not reported in the FMIS. 'Ihe audit results of an incurred CXlSts assist audit that are not received in time for ilxx>Iporation into the audit rep::>rt being -issued is an exanple of \D'll'eSOlved CXlS'ts. 'lbe audit action that results in the resolution of assist audit costs will be appropriately reported in the FMIS as dollars examined an:l either accepted or questioned by the assisting FAO. 'Ihe FAO that receives the assist audit report will report in the FMIS related a&i-ons as questioned costs. A-22 6. Net Savirns a. 'lhe aJOOUnt reported in the FMIS for net savirqs should represent the total reduction in the contractor's claim resulti.rq fran audit. Reported savi.rqs should not include reductions due to technical evaluations. b. Savirqs resulti.rq fran CXISts questioned sustained . on subcontract or interdivisional effort audited t7j another FAD should be reported t7j the FAD perforrni.n;J the assist audit am excluded fran savi.rqs reported l:ry the higher tier auditor. c. For hardship claims (Code 17300), net savi.rqs will be the questioned costs sustained if the contractor received a grant. No questioned costs sustained will be reported if the contractor received a loan. d. In cases where claims are denied in total due to lack of entitlement, assigrnnents should be reported as "Contract Not Awarded" (CNA). A-23 'IHIS PAGE INI'ENI'IONALLY LEFT BlANK rJ. Fon.ra.rd Pricin) Proposals FoiWcU"d Pricim Proposals A. General Guidance 1. '!he 5-di.git activity codes used to establish assignments for foiWcU"d pricinl type audits are listed below. Dollars are reported in the FMIS where i.rxticated by an "X." Activity Dollars Questioned Codes EXamined Costs 21XXX Irrlividual Price Proposals X X X 22000 Shoold/Cc:W.d Cost Audits X(*) X(*) X(*) 23000 Forward Pricing Rate Audits 24XXX Fsti.mati..rg system SUrveys 25000 TelE!Plone Rate Requests 26000 other system Surveys 27000 Specified Elen-ent Audits X X X 28000 Ji.greed Upon Procedures 29500 SF 1412 Audits (*) Dollars examined, questioned or unsupported costs will not be reported in the FMIS for indirect should/CX>Uld cost rate studies. 2. 'Ihe nature of audit effort related to the above 5~igit activity oodes is described as follows: a. 21XXX -Audit of Irrlividual Proposals. Represents effort experrled to evaluate price prq:osals sul:mitted by contractors in connection with the prospective award or modification of Goverranent contracts. A prqx:sal that is priced on both an SF 1411 an:i SF 1412 will be audited UJ"rler an Activity COde 21XXX assignment. However, the SF 1412 portion of the contractor's proposal will not be reported in the FMIS. Guidance for reportirx.J the results fran auditing SF 1412s is inclwed in Section IX, SF 1412 Audits. b. 22000 -Should/Could Cost Audits. Represents effort experrled on forward pricing team reviews to (i) determine the scope of the • • I , • shalldfoa.ll.d cost study, (l.l.) perfonn an audl.t of selected areas, (iii) issue aooit reports, (iv) ~· supp::>rt negotiations, an:i (v) prepare dissentf.n:J reports, if applicable. For Wirect should/could cost rate studies, dollars (e.g., dollars examined, questioned arrl/or \.ll1S\JWOrted costs) are not reported in the· FMIS. c. 23000 -Forward 'Pricing Rate Audits. Represents effort experrled to a\.Klit forecasted ~ates arrl factors for prici.n:J proposals. 'Ibis Ux:lwes the audit of laror rates, overhead rates, G&A rates, an::l scrap factors. It also Ux:lwes material arrl labor loading factors whidl either (i) lead to the establfshrnent of fonnal or infonnal forward pricirx.J rate agreements or (ii) fonn the basis for sul::sequent auditor reccrrmendations on prospective, costs. Forward prici..rg rate audits also include audits of prq:x:>sed B~/IR&D advance agreements. See Section V for detailed guidance. ' A-26 Fo:nvard Pricirq PrQJX?Sals d. 24XXX -Fstinating System survevs. Represents effort ~toperform a review of a oontractor's organization, policies, procedures, ard practices for preparin;J oost estinates arxi pricin;J proposals. e. 25000 -Tel§ilone Rate Requests. Represents effort expended to resporrl to verbal requests for oonfinnation of rates or other pricin;J data whim have already been established. See section VI for detailed guidance. f. 26000 -other system SUrveys. Represents effort expended to review ac:x::amting systems arxi internal controls, arxi update pennanent files, for contractors \tJhidl have no flexibly-priced contract work, bit have a significant price pzqnsal workload. 'Ibis effort includes audit tests of oost accountin;J systems whose products (i.e., i.rx::urred oost data) are used for inportant elements of pricin;J prc.posals. 'Ibis may involve only the system \tJhich pertains to particular oost elements or to all cost elements, depen:iin;J on the oost mix or significance. g. 27000 -Audit of Part of a Price Prqx?sal -Specified Element Audit. Represents effort experxied to express an opinion on one ar 100re specified elements or items of oost in a proposal. see section VII for detailed guidance. h. 28000 -Review of Part of a Price PrQJX?Sal -Agreed Uoon Procedures. (1) Represents effort expended as a result of application of agrea:l upon procedures, such as verification of rates, verification of factors, or review of specific estinating techniques. see section VIII for additional guidance. (2) Often, oontractin;J officers request a review of a price proposal that is subnitted by the oontractor as a Best arxi Final Offer (BAFO} (see FAR 15.611). Since a BAFO represents the resul:lnission of a previous proposal that was audited un:ler Activity Ccxle 21XXX, its review shoold be established un:ler Activity COde 28000 arxi no dollars are to be reported in the FMIS. However, if the AOJ/PCD's request for review exten::is beyorrl a review that would be made for a BAFO (e.g. , an audit of a specific oost element) then the audit shoold be established un:ler Activity COde 21XXX or 27000 as deemed appropriate based on discussions with the AOJ/PCO. i. 29500 -Review of an SF 1412. Represents effort e.xpen:led to review a proposal subnitted on an SF 1412, "Claim for EXerrption Fran SUbni.ssion of certified Cost or Pricin;J Data." see Section IX for detailed guidance. 3. A 21.XXX or 22000 5-digit activity cxxie assigrnnent, as appropriate, should be established to audit all oost elements of a price proposal sutmi.tte:i on a SF 1411. Usually, one price proposal relates to the issuance of one audit report which is to be used for ona prccurernent A-27 Forward Pricirg Proposals action. '!be audit report arrl the expected procurement action, whether prime or subcontract, are the criteria for proposal count, arrl not the number of SF 1411 fonns received. One price proposal rray include IOC>re than one SF 1411 issued try the cx>ntractor. Separate audit assignrrents shalld not be established for each SF 1411 when only one contract is expected to be awarded, except for a proposal with time-phased options each of which exceeds $100 million, as explained in paragraph B.l.g. belO'W. a. When establishi..rg a price proposal audit assigrunent, an estimate of the dollars to be examined should be made arrl reported in the FMIS. '!he reported dollars are used to prepare management reports that show pr<::.p:)Sal information try dollar strata. 'lberefore, the estimated annmt should awroximate as closely as p::>SSi..ble the amount that is expected to be reported as dollars examined. '!be estimated am:xmt will be based on the contractor's total proposal includi..rg profit/fee. 'Ihe difference between the total proposal amount arrl the amount reported as dollars examined generally represents adjustments that are made for proposal costs audited by another FAO (assist audit). 'Ihese arrl other types of adjustments are explained in ITOre detail under paragraph B.1. belO'W. b. An FAO should only report price proposal amounts actually alrl:ited by that FAO, even if previously reported audit recornmerrlations are used by a procurement activity on a sul::sequent, b..lt unaudited, proposal. c. A price proposal with several quantity options, only one of which will be contracted for, will be considered as one proposal. 'Ihe option representi..rg the highest dollar value will be used to report dollars to be examined. d. A proposal which includes prices based on l:x:>th an SF 1411 arrl an SF 1412 should be identified as an Activity Code 21XXX proposal. No credit should be taken for dollars examined or costs questioned related to the SF 1412 portion of the ~oposal. e. A si..rgle price proposal may involve several contract types, such as a finn-fixed-price proposal that includes a cost reirnb..lrsable line item. s~only one contract will result, examined, questioned, sustained, arrl saved costs will be separately calculated for each portion arrl the resultant arrounts oanbined for reporti..rg in the FMIS. Contract types used for reporti..rg should reflect largest dollar amount. 4. '!be amounts reported in the FMIS for each issued proposal audit report will be based on audit results recorded on the form on page IV-21, "PRICE PROPC>SAL -SI'ANDARD FOR-t FOR CALCUlATING AMXJNl'S EXAMINEDI QUESTIOOED, UNSUProRI'ED, SUSTAINED AND NEI' SAVINGS." 'Ihe audit results will be recorded on the form immediately Upon completion of the audit arrl filed with the workpapers that will be used for processi.rg ard fili.rg the PNM. When the PNM is received, ithe st.arx:Iard form will be completed to A-28 Forward Pricioo PIooosals calculate questioned and lU'lSl.JWOrted costs sustained am relate1 net savin]s far the final djspositiOllin;J of an assigranent. A OJPY of the starrlard form is in=looed in the Forward Pric~ Proposal guidance section alcn;r with illustrations far its c:anpletion. 5. Auditors atterrli.rx.} negotiations frequently encounter situations wilere the contractor sul:mi.ts revised and/or additional data for the a\Xlitor's review at the negotiation conference. In sane cases this sul:lsequent oartzactar disclosure and aooit reviai effectively alters the a\Xlit report position on CXISts questioned/\.JilSURX)rted, and/or the reported dollars examined. While awropriate adjustment of previously reported a\Xlit results within the reportin;J year has always been permitted, there has not been specific guidance permittin;J the c::harg~ of audit results reportin;} based on the a\XUtor's reviai of J'lello1 or ~eddata at the negotiation conference. Accortiirqly, wnere dollars examined and/or audit results are effectively am materially revised based on the auditor's reviai of J'lello1 or ack:litional contractor data provided durin;J the negotiation conference, previously reported dollars examined and aOOit exceptions shool.d be revised in FMIS to properly reflect the i.npact of the au::li.tor's reviai of contractor data at the negotiation conference. Olar¥;Jes to previously reported audit exceptions should be documente1 by the aOOitor's memorarrlurn on atterdance at the negotiation conference. '1his procedure shoo.ld br~ aOOit exceptions reported in FMIS in line with the aOOit position that actually existed at the time of negotiations. B. Reportim Aooi t Results 1. Dollars Examined a. 'lhe dollars examined will be reported in the FMIS :imnediately upon issuance of the audit report. '!he anount that is reported will be based on the contractor1 s total proposal amount, i.ncl'lXiin:;J profit or fee for wnich the auditor can rerxier a definitive opinion in the aOOi t report. '!he auditor might not be able to rerrler a definitive opinion an the total proposal amount and consequently be required to report a reduced amount in the FMIS. '!he reasons are explained below. (1) Corrlitions '!hat Reduce Total Proposal Dollars. (a) Assist Audits. '!he value of subcontract or interdivisional assist au:tits received or in process will be deducted fran dollars examined. '!he FNJ perfo:rmi.ng the assist audit will report those dollars examined. However1 the value result~ fran the use of any awlicable rates (such as material D.trden or G&A expense) at the higher-tier contractor level should be reported as dollars examined by the FNJ at that level. care should be taken to avoid duplication of dollars examined. SUperseded guidance also :required that prqx:sal amounts claimed A-29 Forward Prici.rg Proposals as examined be reduced for corporate or horre office audits of i.rdirect allocations arrl centrally paid or accrued expenses. HONever, effective with this guidance, assist audits of these costs will no longer be excl\Xied fran the proposal dollars reported by the FAD that audits the segment's proposal. See Section V for additional guidance. (b) UrlsuJ:p:>rted Costs. Annmts shown as W1S\JRX>rted in the audit report will be reported as such in the FMIS, b.lt deducted fran the dollars examined cuoount to be rep::>rted. 'Ihe deduction recognizes that the auditor was precluded fran rerrlering an opinion on these costs .because of the lack of auctitable supporting data. Do not quantify overhead arrl G&A expense awlicable to unsupported cnsts in the audit report. (c) Procurement Directed. Generally, am.mts propose:l as prcx::urement directed involve limited review effort. 'Iherefore, procurement directed am.mts will not be reported in the FMIS as dollars examined. (2) Conditions That Increase Total Proposal Dollars. Results of Rate Audit. Dollars examined will be inc:reased to recognize the difference between rates subnitted for the forward pricing rate audit arrl the formal or informal agreed-to rates used in the price proposal. For exanple, the contractor may propose an in:lirect expense rate of 100 percent in a forward prici.ng rate sul::rni.ssion. HONever, the DCM audit report recornmen:ied a rate of 90 percent which is negotiated arrl included in the forward pricing rate agzeement (FPRA). Although Sllbx!quent price prop:>Sals subnitted by the contractor i.ncl\Xie the FPRA rates, the dollars examined anount will be adjusted upward to reflect the 10 percent difference between the 100 percent initially sul::mi.tted for the forward pric~ rate study and the 90 percent agreed-to-rate used in the proposal. b. cancelled Proposals. Do not rep::>rt dollars examined for a cancelled assignment unless the audit rep::>rt had been issued prior to reoeiving notice of the cancellation. c. Requests for Additional FUnding. Dollars examined for price prqxlSals for additional fUJ"Xii.ng should be limited to the am.mt of prq:nsed acktitional fUJ"Xiing. d. Proposals Involvirn Additions and Deletions. For proposals that have acktitions arrl deletions, the dollars examined amount will be OCilp.lted arrl reported in the FMIS as atsolute values. 1hat is, the sum of acktitions (positive numbers) an::i deletions (negative numbers) is expressed as a positive rn.nnber. However, 'any negative questioned costs will be reported and used to reduce positive questioned costs, an::i the net a:nomt will be reported in FMIS (see EXamples 1 and 2 below). A-30 Fo!WcU'd Pricing Proposals Exanple 1 Contractor's Proposal Ack:litions $1,000,000 Deletions (250.000) Net Cost $ 750,000 Profit @10% 75.000 Total Price S 825.000 Dollars Questioned Examined Costs $1,000,000 $ 100,000 250.000 50.000 $1,250,000 s 150.000 75.000 $1.325.000 Anamt Negotiated QuestionEd Costs SUstained $ 900,000 (275.000) $ 625,000 $ 100,000 25.QQO s 125.000 62.500 s 687.500 (1) Anamt to be reported as dollars examined should be the absolute value of the contractor's proposal, i.e., additions of $1,000,000 plus deletions of $250,000 plus the proposed profit of $75,000, or a grand total of $1,325,000. (2) Anamt to be reported as questioned costs should be $150,000. In the above exarrple, the auditor is reccmnend.ir¥:J that additions be limited to $900,000 and deletions should be $300,000 or a net contract cost increase of $600, 000. (3) Anamt to be reported as questioned costs sustained should be the $100,000 of additions plus the $25,000 of deletions, or a total of $125,000. ( 4) Anamt to be reported as net savinjs 1ro1a1ld deperd oo the type of contract. If the above were FFP, net savin:Js would be ·the total of questioned costs sustained of $125,000 plus profit at the negotiated rate of 10 percent ($12,500), or $137,500. If the above were CPFF, net savings wcW.d be limited to the fee reduction of $12,500 as a result of audit. In the exanple below net values should be reported for questioned costs and questioned costs sustained. Example 2 Questioned Contractor's Dollars ().lestioned Arrnmt Costs Proposal EXamined Costs Negotiated SUstained Additions $ 800,000 $ 800,000 $ 150,000 $ 680,000 $ 120,000 Deletions (900,000) 9oo.ooo (120.000} (780.000} (120.000} Net Cost $(100,000) $1,700,000 s 3o.ooo $ (100,000) s -o- Profit @10% C 10.000) 10.000 ( 10.000} Total Price $(110,000) $1£710£000 ${110£000) A-31 Forward Pricing Proposals (1) 'lhe anount reported for dollars examined is the absolute anount of $1,710,000. (2) 'lhe net aiOOUnt of $30,000 should be reported as questioned costs because the recanmerrlation is to decrease the additions by $150,000. However, there is recognition of $120,000 as a reduction of deleted costs. (3) 'lhe anount to be reported as questioned costs sustairied is zero (0) because the questioned costs sustained for additions was offset by the same amount recognized for deletions. e. Proposal for Indefinite Quantities. Proposals for sane types of contracts such as labor hours, time and material, and spares contracts, and for basic ordering agreements (OOA) , may not include definite quantities because the resulti.n:;J contract is to be used on an as-required basis. 'lhe dollar value of such proposals cannot be detennined fran the proposal itself. In these situations, an estimate of the probable award should first be requested fran the procurement office and if unsuccessful then fran 'the contractor, and that value used for reporting dollars examined. · f. Proposals with Mutually Exclusive Quantity Options. A proposal with nutually exclusive option quantities will be considered as one proposal. 'lhe reported dollars examined will be for the option with the highest dollar value. g. Proposals with Time-Phased Options. A proposal with option quantities, all of which are. expected to be exercised during the life of the contract, will be considered as one or several proposals as explained belC1w': (1) Where the proposal amount for each option is less than $100 million, the reported dollars examined will include all options. (2) Where the proposal amount for any option is greater than $100 million, irrlividual assignrrents will be established for the basic contract and each option exceedi.n:;J $100 million. Options for less than $100 million will be added to the basic contract. Appropriate dollars examined will be reported for the basic contract and each option assigrunent, adjusted as necessary for assist audits, unsupported costs, and etc. as explained above. 2. Questioned Costs a. 'lhe amount of questioned costs to be reported in the FMIS should be the total of questioned costs in the audit report, plus or minus the follC1w'i.n:;J: (1) Assist Audits. Arrounts questioned in sul:contractjinterdivisional assist audit reports will be reported by the A-32 Forward Prici.m Proposals FAD perforrni.rg the assist audit; accordingly, these amounts should not be reported by the recipient FAD. However, the value resulti.rq from the use of any awlicable rates (such as material b.lrden or G&A expense} at the higher-tier contractor level should be reported as questioned costs by the FAD at that level. Urder certain cirCLUTI.Stances, a prime contract auditor may not request an assist audit, an::l instead use rates previously furnished by the auditor cognizant of the segment for which costs are estimated an::l are i.ncl\rled in a proposal. In sudl cases, the prime auditor shoold cmp.1te am report as questioned costs any differences between rates used in the prcp:lSal an::l audit reocmnerrled rates. (2} Technical Reviews. Technical exceptions generallyrelate to labor hours or material types or quantities. When the results of the teduti.cal review are inc:x>rporated into the DCAA audit report, the resultin3' questioned costs will not be reported in the FMIS as questioned costs. If an auditor i..rrleperrlently questions the same cost (such as t:.hraJgh a review of actual cost elements incurred on similar programs},this am:xmt should be reported as questioned costs. 'Ihe value resulti.rqfran the use of any appropriate rates (such as labor overhead am G&A expense) attril::utable to the technical exceptions also will not be reported as questioned costs in the FMIS. However, the value resultin3' fran any audit exceptions to the proposed fol'WcU'd pricin3' rates will be included in reported questioned costs, even though the base is excluded as attri.bJtable to the technical review. (3} Results of Forward Prici..nc:J Rate Audits. Questioned costs for applicable Activity Code 21000 or 27000 assignments should be increased to recognize the i.npact of rates questioned UJ"rler the fcl'WcU'd pricin3' rate proposal (Activity Code 23000} assigrunent. 'Ihis adjustmentis illustrated in the CC~TpUtations for Exarrple 2 on page IV-15 am EXample 3 on page IV-18. (4} Negotiated Increased/Decreased Q.lantities. 'Ihe pricenegotiation memorarrlum (PNM} may disclose that quantities negotiateddiffer fran those audited UJ"rler the Activity Code 21XXX assignment. '!he method for dispositioning an assignment where audited versus negotiatedquantities differ is presented below: (a) Quantity Increase. In the event of a quantityincrease, dollars examined arrl questioned costs should not be increased to reflect higher quantities negotiated unless additional audit work has been requested arrl perfonned to evaluate the proposed increase. (b) (Nantity Decrease -Assignment an::l Audit Exceptions Dispositioned in the Same Fiscal Year. When the negotiated quantity is less than the audited quantity an::l the assignment is dispositioned for audit exceptions an::l net savi.rqs within the same fiscal year, the followi.rq FMIS i..J"p.rt will be made: (i} establishment of a new assignment to report dollars examined an::l questioned costs associated with the quantities that were not negotiated, (ii) silm.lltaneous disposition of the new assignment · "no report issued" (N} arrl "Contract Not Awarded" (CNA) A-33 Forward Pricing Proposals arrl, (iii) adjustJnent of the original assigrunent to report dollars examined arrl questioned costs applicable to the negotiated quantities, alor¥;1 with the questioned costs sustained arrl related net saviN;Js based on analyses of the PNM. (c) Q.Iantity Decrease -Audit Exceptions DiSJX)Sitioned in a SUbsequent Fiscal Year. When the negotiated quantity is less than the audited quantity an:1 the assigrunent is dispositioned for audit exceptions an:1 net savi.rgs in a subsequent fiscal year, dollars examined arrl questioned costs will be reruced to reflect the lCI'w'er negotiated quantities alor¥;1 with the questioned costs, questioned costs sustained and related net savi.rgs. (5) Ti.Jre-Phased Options (a) For oPtions less than $100 Million. ~estioned costs should include all options. Ha..oever, for those options not exercised when the PNM is reviewed, the guidance in B.2.a. (4) above is applicable to the unexercised options W'hen dispositioni.rg the assignment for audit exceptions. (b) For options greater than $100 Million. ~estioned costs will be rep::>rted as applicable to the proposed anount for the basic contract arrl each individual option. However, if an option exceedirg $100 million is negotiated for less than $100 million, the guidance in B.2.a. (4), page IV-9 is applicable when disp::>Sitioning the assignment for audit exceptions. Likewise, when dispositioning the assigrunent for the basic contract an:1 any options that are less than $100 million, the guidance in B. 2. a. ( 4) applies. (6) Revised Proposals. Often contractors sutmit revised proposals for audit after the FAO has issued an audit rep::>rt on the original sutmission an:1 rep::>rted dollars examined arrl costs questioned in the FMIS. Any voluntary contractor reductions attril::utable to audit and reflected in a revised proposal should be rep::>rted against the revised proposal. The original proposal should be rep::>rted as "Contract Not Awarded. II 3. Unsupported Costs ~rted costs rep::>rted in the FMIS should be the audit report a"rrUJ1t attril::utable to the FAD issui.rg the audit rep::>rt. Any l..lJ"lSURX>rted costs fran assist audits will be excluded from the curount to be reported by the recipient FAO. 'Ille value resulting from the use of applicable rates (such as overhead or G&A expense) will not be categorized as unsupported in the audit rep::>rt or in the FMIS. 4. Unresolved Costs Unresolved costs are not rep::>rted in the FMIS. The audit results of an incurred costs assist audit that are not received in ti.Jre for A-34 Fcn.rard Pricirg Proposals incorporation into the audit report bein:J issued is an exanple of unresolved costs. 'Ihe audit action that results in the resolution of assist audit costs will be awropriately reported in the FMIS as dollars examined an::i either acx::epted or questioned by the assistin; FAO. 'Ihe FAD that receives the assist auclit report will report in the FMIS related add-ons as questioned costs. 5. Q.lestioned Costs SUstained a. q:,on receipt of a PNM fran the procurement activity, cuoounts sustained an::i the resulti.rg net savi.rgs shrul.d be prarptly carp.1ted am reported in the FMIS. 'Ihe PNM should be carefully reviewed am CCI'IparE!d to the auclit report to detennine the extent of audit exceptions sustained. 'Ihe extent of detail furnished will vary between PNMs. If the IN1 is unclear on any significant audit exceptions or issues, the negotiator should be contacted for clarification. (For additional guidance, see section entitled "Price Negotiation Melrorama" on page XII-1. ) Arrounts reported as sustained in the FMIS will exclude cuoounts attrib.ltable to assist audits am technical reviews, similar to the carp.ltation of questioned costs ~lained above. Copies of the PNM shcW.d be furnished to all OCAA offices that provided assist audits. b. ~estioned costs sustained fran the PNM should be increased to recognize the difference between rates sut:mitted urrler the forward pricin;J rate st00y am the rates used in the price proposal. 'Ihe cuoount of the increase should be the same as the dollars examined increase explained in paragra!Xl B. 1.a. ( 2) , above. c. tmsuworted. costs sustained shruld .include the value resultin; fran the use of awlicable intirect expense rates. (1his cc:W.d result in over 100 percent of unsupported costs bei.rg reported as sustained. ) d. 'Ihe price negotiation mem:>rarrlum (PNM) may disclose that quantities negotiated differ fran those audited under the Activity COde 2l..XXX assignment. Except as noted belON, dollars examined and questioned costs will be adjusted to reflect quantities negotiated. (1) In the event of a quantity increase, dollars examined, questioned costs, and questioned costs sustained should not be increased to reflect higher quantities negotiated \.Ull.ess additional audit 'WOrk has been requested an::i performed to evaluate the proposed increase. (2) In the event of a quantity decrease, dollars examined an::i questioned costs will be reduce:i to reflect the lONer quantities negotiated. .'!he balance should be reclassified as "Contract Not Awarded. " Questioned costs sustained am net savin:Js should then be CCI!plted based on the actual quantity negotiated. See guidance urrler B.2.a.(4), page IV-9. A-35 Forward Pricing Proposals e. A contracting officer's decision for definitizing a letter contract or establish..in:J the prices that the Goverrurent will pay for spare parts are exanples of proposal-type unilateral decisions that could be ~led l7j the contractor. '!he reporti.n;J of dispositioned audit results due to a unilateral contracting officer decision will be held in abeya"lCe lD'ltil the 90 day period (FAR 33.211] the contractor has to advise the contracting officer of an intent to aweal has expired. If after the 90 day period we have not been advised l7j the oantracti.n;J officer that the . contractor intends to ~1, au:lit results as unilaterally dispositioned will be reported. In the event the contracting officer advises the cognizant DC'AA office of the contractor's intent to awe,al, the reportin] of contracting officer unilaterally dispositioned audit results, includi!'l:J resultant savings, will be held in abeyance until litigation is ccrrplete. Upon OCI'l'pletion of litigatioo, any reportirq of savirqs will be based on the litigation rut.care. f. Time-Phased Options (1) Imividual options less than $100 Million. Q.Iestioned costs sustained will be reported in the FMIS only for the q~tions exercised at the time the PNM is reviewed. See guidance under B. 2. a. (4) , page IV-9. (2) Imividual options greater than $100 Million. Q..testioned costs sustained will be reported in the FMIS for the basic contract am options exercised. SUstained questioned costs applicable to options that are not initially exercised will be reported as the options are exercised. If it becanes known that an option will not be exercised, then the related dollar anomt shoo.ld be dispositioned as "Contract Not Awarded. " See guidance un::ler B. 2.a. (4) , page IV-9 • 6. Net Savings a. Net savirqs shcW.d always be CXI'tplted based up::m the contract type negotiated, regardless of the contract type proposed aro audited. '!he affect of contract type on the anounts calculated for net savin}s is explained in (1) thrrugh (5) below: (1) Finn-Fixed-Price (F'FP). Net savirqs represe.'1t the total audit exception sustained anounts, plus profit applied to the anounts sustained (less cost of roney sustained) at the negotiated profit rate. (2) Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF) and Fixed-PriceIncentive CFPil. Net savings represent the S\.Dll of (i) the anount resultirq fran the awlication of the negotiated target profit/fee rate to questioned costs sustained (less cost of money sustained), am (ii) the anount resulting fran the awlication of the negotiated contractor incentive share percentage awlied to audit questioned costs sustained. (Refer to the illustration on page IV-23.) A-36 Forward Pricing Proposals (3) Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee CCPFF) arrl Cost-Plus-Award-Fee CCPAF). Net savings represent the amount resulting fran the application of the negotiated fee related to sustained annmts (less cost of noney sustained) that resulted fran audit. (4) Time & Material CT&Ml. Net savings will be limited to the cost and profit reduction, resulting fran audit, (whidl shruld be oarp.rt:ed to in::ltrle the inpact of any rate reductions) on the labor boor portioo only. Net savings are not reported for material questioned cost sustained, since the contractor is only rei.mb.Jrsed for actual material costs incurred am no fee or profit is paid. (5) Cost Reilnb.Jrsable arrl Cost Sharing Contracts. Net savings will not be reported for cost reilnb.Jrsable (rn) (no fee) or cost sharing (CS) contracts. b. Dollars associated with time-phased options greater than $100 million cannot be resolved upon receipt of the initial PNM because, while all the qJt.ion prices may have been negotiated, they may not yethave been exercised. 'lherefore, aiOOUnts sustained arrl net savings associated with the basic contract and options already exercised will be reported upon receipt of the initial PNM. When subsequent options are exercised, annmts sustained arrl net savings should be entered at that time. See guidance UJ"X:ler B. 2 . a. ( 4) , page IV-9 . A-37 Forward Prici.m Proposals 7 • Exanples. '!he followin3' guidance pertains to nost price proposal audits. On page IV-21 is a starrlard form for computin3' reportable dollars. FAR 15.901 and DFARS 230.7005(a) (2) provide that the cost of money shall not be :in:l\.Kied as part of the profit/fee base. Acconiinlly, (altha.tgh none of the exanples :in:looe the cost of money), the starrlard form does provide for deductin3' the cost of m::>ney sustained al'OC)l.ll1t fran the total arramt sustained for net savin3's c::atpltations • Followin3' is an exarrple SlJltiTiarY: Negotiated or Agreed-to Rate Re:iuctions Die To Technical Contract Activity Code 23000 Report 'JYpe Audit Recomrnerrlations Aoolies Exa:rrple 1 CPFF No Yes Exa:rrple 2 CPIF Yes Yes Example 3 FFP Yes Yes Since Activity Code 23000 audit dollars are to be reported in FMIS as part of the Activity Code 21000 price prop:>sal dollars, the Activity Code 21000 dollars must be increase::i for the negotiated (or agreed-to) reduction in forward prici..r¥3 rates resultin3' fran the Activity Code 23000 (rates) audit. 'Ihe "rates/factors adjustment" line on the starrlard form is for reportin3' these additional dollars as follows: (i) Dollars Ex.arni.ned and Questioned Costs SUstained JrUSt be :in:reased to recognize the difference between the forward pricin3' rates sul::mitted for audit (Activity Code 23000) and the FPRA or infonnal agreed-to rates used in the price proposal. ( ii) Q..lestioned Costs must be increase::i to recognize the difference between the proposed and the audit recommerrled rates contained in the rate audit (Activity Code 23000). a. Ex.anple 1 CCPFFl is base::i on the followi.m simulated workpaper and set of assumptions for illustrative };All]X)SeS: Q..lestioned Costs Contractor's Die to Die to Proposal Total Audit Tech. Direct I..al::or $1,000,000 $100,000 $ $100,000 OVerhead 150% 1,500,000 150,000 150,000 Material 500,000 50,000 50,000 Total Manufacturin3' Costs $3,000,000 $300,000 $50,000 $250,000 G&A 10% 300,000 30,000 5,000 25,000 Total Cost $3,300,000 $330,000* $55,000* $275,000 Fixed Fee 8% 264,000 Total Pioposed Price $3.564,000* * Although the exarrple uses whole dollars, you are rernirrled that the last 3-digits (000) are omitted from dollars entered into FMIS. A-38 Fon.rard Pricing Proposals Exanple 1 Continued (1) No exception is taken to the contractor's proposed overhead and G&A rates of 150 percent and 10 percent, respectively. (2) Exceptions taken to the proposal by the technical reviewer are quantified in the audit report. (3) 'Ihe audit of proposed material costs resulted in questioning $50,000. (4) 'Ihe prqx:sal is sul::Jnitted for a CPFF type of contract. (5) 'Ihe proposal costs questioned by the auditor were sustained. ( 6) 'Ihe staOOard fonn that was corrpleted to. dena'lStrate the method for reporting Exanple 1 arrounts in the FMIS is on page IV-22. '!he proposal exceptions included in the technical report and quantified in the audit report will not be reported in the FMIS, therefore, $275,000 is subtracted fran the total questioned costs reported in the FMIS. b. Exanple 2 CCPIFl is based on the follc:Ming s.imulated 'NOrkpaper and set of assunptions for illustrative purooses: ()Jestioned Q:)sts Contractor's D.le to D.le to Proposal Total Audit Tech. Direct Labor $1,000,000 $100,000 $ $100,000 OVerhead Proposed -150% 1,500,000 330,000 Questioned - 20% 200,000 130,000 Material 500,000 50,000 50,000 Total Manufacturing Costs $3,000,000 $480,000 $250,000 $230,000 G&A - 10% 300.000 48.000 25.000 23.000 Target Cost $3,300,000 $528,000* $275,000* $253,000 Target Fee 8% 264,000 Total Proposed Price $3,564,000* * A1though the exanple uses whole dollars, you are remirded that the last 3-digits (000) are omitted fran dollars entered into FMIS. (1) 'Ihe proposal is sul::Jnitted for a CPIF type of contract. 'Ihe sharing ratio is 70/30 (Governrnentfcontractor) • (2) 'Ihe auditor questioned $50,000 of proposed material costs. A-39 Fonrcm:l Pricim Proposals Exanple 2 Continued (3) Proposed labor boors were estimated for senior arrl staff en:Jineers am:AJJ'ltirg to 8, 000 arrl 40, 000 hours, respectively. (4) Slla;equent to the receipt of the Activity Cede 21000 prcplSal, the prqxlSErl Activity Cede 23000 labor overhead rate of 150 percent was negotiated at the 130 percent audit recanmerrled rate. Labor overhead questioned costs of $330, 000 are applicable to the 20 percent (150%-130%) rate questioned an:i technical labor base questioned a:rrp.rt:.ed as follows: Prqxlsed direct labor $1,000,000 Overhead rate questioned 20~ OVerhead costs questioned due to rate questioned ($1,000,000 X 20%) $200,000 Technical labor base questioned $100,000 OVerhead CX>Sts questioned due to base questioned 130,000 ($100,000 X 130%) Total $330,000 It is the auditor's responsibility to evaluate an:i recxmnerrl direct labor, labor overhead, arrl G&A rates. Therefore, the auditor takes credit for the full inpact of rate aroc>Unts questioned. (5) ~estioned costs related to the technical review represent hours questioned in the technical report arrl quantified by the awlication of FoiWcU"d Pricirg Rate Ja.greement (FPRA) rates. ( 6) Proposed CX>Sts questioned by the auditor are sustained incl\Xlin;J labor overhead questioned CX>Sts. (7) 'lhe proposed direct labor arrl G&A rates are based on a FPRA. A foNard pricirg rate audit that recanmerrled reductions to rates piqXJSed by the cx:mtractor was used to negotiate the rates as follCJl.II'S: Audit Recom· FPRA Proposed mended Questioned Sustained J!!L Direct labor rate: Senior Engr. s 26.00 s 24.75 s 25.00 s 1.25 s 1.00 Staff Engr. s 21.00 s 19.50 s 20.00 s 1. 50 s 1.00 Labor overhead rate 150X 130X 130X 20X 20X G&A rate 10X 10X 10X (8) 'lhe cx:rrp.1tations for the "ratesjfactors adjustment" to the Activity Cede 21000 price proposal dollars examined, questioned costs, arrl questioned CX>Sts sustained are shovm below. For addit iol"k · guidance, see section entitled "FoNard Pricing Rate Audits" on pagL V-1 A-40 Forward Pricim Proposals Dca.nple 2 Continue::l Activity Code 23000 Proposal Au::! it Ouest i one (S3, 173, 075/S79, 326,925) factor to be applied to Activity Code 21000 proposed total cost, and the resultant amount added to Activity Code 21000 q-;es t i oned costs on standard form "rates/factors adjustment" line (S4,627 ,401/S79,326,925) 5.83X Example 2 Activity Code 21000 Proposal Ouest ioned Contractor's Questioned Costs Proposal Costs Sustained Ta~get Cost S3,300,000 S3,300,000 S3,000,000 less: quest. labor overhead (plus awl icable G&A) attributable to audit * 220,000 220,000 220,000 Net Arrolllt 53,080,000 53,080,000 53,080,000 Factor 4.00X -~5~.8~3X 4.00X Rates/factors Adjust. Amolllt s 123,200 $ 179 564 s 123,200 * '!he Activity Cede 21000 audit report includes questioned costs of $200,000 ($220,000 includ.i.rq applicable G&A) based on the 20 percent (150% -130%) rate sustained in the FPRA after the Activity Ccde 21000 proposal was prepare::l. 'Ihis a.nount is subtracte::l from proposed target cost to prevent the amount adde::l on the "rates/factors adjustment" line fran duplicating dollars include::l on the "total per audit report" line of the starrlard for (9) A c:orrpleted st.a.roard form (page IV-23) sh~ the amounts that are reported in the FMIS for :.Y.a.!Tple 2. The amJUnts on the form are explained as follows: (i) questioned costs of $253,000 related A-41 Forward Prici.oo Piooosals Exanple 2 Contimed to the t.edmical review are nat reported in the FMIS, and are therefore deducted fran total questicmed costs am, (ii) dollars examined are in::reased by $123,000 (l'CAJRied fran $123,200) for questioned am sustained forward pricirg rates that were negotiated prior to sul:Jni.ssion of the pi'cposal, and questioned costs are increased by $180,000 (roonded fran $179,564) far the difference between subnitted and a\.Xii.t reoatmerded rates oootained in the forward pricin} rate alklit (Activity Oxie 23000). '1he . questioned oosts sustained will only be increased by $123, 000 (l'CAJRiedfran $123,200) far the difference between proposed and negotiated forward pricin} rates. c. Exanple 3 CFFPl is based on the followirg sinulated workpaper and set of assunpt.ions for illustrative tmp:?SeS. Questioned Costs Contractor's [)Je to [)Je to Plg;x?Sal Total Audit Tech. Direct Labor OVerhead -130% Material $1,000,000 1,300,000 500,000 $100,000 130,000 5o.ooo $ $100,000 $130,000 50.000 Total Manufacturi.rq Costs G&A -9% $2,800,000 252.000 $280,000 25.200 $ 50,000 4.500 $230,000 ~0.700 Total Cost $3,052,000 $305.200* $ 54.500* $250.700 Profit 12% 366.240 Total Ptcposed Price $3,418,240* * Although the exanple uses whole dollars,· you are remin:led that the last 3-digits (000) are anitted fran dollars entered into FMIS. (1) 'Ihe picplSal is for an FFP contract. 'Ihe shari.rq ratio is 70/30 (Governnent/contractor) . (2) 'Ihe atxtitor questioned $50,000 of prq:x>Sed material costs. (3) Prqlosed labor hours were estimated for senior am staff en;Jineers annmti.rq to 8, ooo and 40, ooo hours, respectively. ( 4) ~ioned costs related to the techni.cal review represent hem's questioned in the technical report and quantified by the awlication of FPRA rates. (5) Total prcposed costs questioned were sustained in negotiations. (6) 'lhe pt:cposed direct labor, labor overhead an:l G&A rates are negotiated FPRA rates resu1ti.rq fran recc:rnrnerrlations Jr, ·:ie ·1 forward pricirg rates al.ktits. G&A rate information was furnished L/ tl.e cognizant oarparate FAD. '!hA rates are •.as follCh!S: A-42 Forward Pricing Proposals E>@!ple 3 Continued Audit RecomFPRA Proposed mended ___!!!!.... Questioned Sustained Direct labor rate: Senior Engr. s 26.00 s 24.75 s 25.00 s 1.25 s 1.00 Staff Engr. s 21.00 s 19.50 s 20.00 s 1.50 s 1.00 Labor overhead rate 150X 128X 130X 22X 20X G&A rate 10X 8X 9X 2X 1X (7) 'lhe cx::mprt:ations for the "rates/factors adjustment" to dollars examined, questioned CXlSts, ani questioned costs sustained resulti.rg fran the negotiation of the FPRA rates are shown bela.i. For acktitional guidance, see section entitled "Forward Prici.rg Rate Audits" on page V-1. Activity Code 23000 Proposal Audit Questioned Contractor's Prop. RecomQuestioned Costs FPRA Elements of Proposal Rate Amo~t mended Costs Sustained Amount ~ Direct Labor: Sr. Eng. 375,000 hrs. S26.00 S 9,750,000 S 9,281,250 S 468,750 S 375,000 S 9,375,000 S25.00 Steff Eng. 750,675 hrs. S21.00 15.764.175 14,638,162 1,126,013 750.675 15.013.500 S20.00 Total Direct Labor S25,514, 175 $23,919,412 S1,594,763 S1, 125,675 $24,388,500 Labor Overhead 150X 38,271,262 30,616,847 7,654,415 6,566,212 31,705,050 130X Direct Materiel 11.214,563 10,935,092 279,471 -----=0 11.214,563 Total Manufacturing Costs S75,000,000 $65,471,351 S9,528,649 S7,691,887 $67,308,113 G&A 10X 7.500,000 5.237,708 2,262,292 1,442.270 6.057,730 Total Cost S82,500.000 S70.709.059 S11.790,941 S9,134.157 S73.365.843 Based on the above information from the Activity Code 23000 audit and negotiation, the composite adjustment factors to be applied to the Activity Code 21000 proposed cost to determine the added BITD~ts to be reported in the FMI S are c~ted as follows: Factor to be applied to Activity Code 21000 proposed total cost, and the resultant amount added to Activity Code 21000 dollars examined and questioned costs sustained on standard form "rates/factors adjustment" line S82,500,000 -S9, 134,157 =S73,365,843) (S9, 134, 157/$73,365,843) 12.45X 12.45X Factor to be applied to Activity Code 21000 proposed total cost, and the resultant amount added to Activity Code 21000 ~tioned costs on standard form "rates/factors adjustment" line ($1 1I 790, 941/$73,365,843) 16.07X Example 3 Activity Code 21000 Proposal Questioned Contractor's Questioned Costs Proposal Costs Sustained Total Cost S3,052,000 $3,052,000 $3,052,000 Factor 12.45X 16.07X 12.45X Rates/Factors Adjust. Amount :} 379,974 s 490,456 s 379,974 A-43 FoNard Pricim Proposals Exanple 3 Continued (8) A CC~~pleted st..arx:1ard form (page IV-24) shONS the ann.mts that are reported in the FMIS for Example 3. 'Ihe am::>UJ'lts on the fonn are explained as follONS: (i) questioned costs of $250,700 related to the technical review are not reported in the FMIS an:l are therefore deducted fran total questioned costs an:l, (ii) dollars examined are increased by $380,000 (rourded fran $379,974) for questioned an:l sustained forward pricin;J rates, an:l questioned costs are increased by $490,000 (ra.m:led fran $490,456) for the difference between subnitted an:l audit rec:urarerrled rates contained in the foiWcU"d pricin;J rate audit (Activity Code 23000) • 'Ihe questioned costs sustained will only be increased by $380,000 for the difference between proposed arrl negotiated (i.e. sustained) foNard pricin;J rates. A-44 PRICE PROPOSAL · STANDARD FORM FOR CALCULATING AMOUNTS EXAMINED, QUESTIONED, UNSUPPORTED, SUSTAINED AND NET SAVINGS Total per audit report DEDUCT: Assist audits Technical review Unresolved cost unst.q10rted cost Slbtotal ADD: Rates/factors adjust. Total · Enter at Assign. Completion Sustained -From PNM or Other Plus: Applicable indirect expenses Total Sustained (1) NEGOTIATED: CC»4PUTATION OF NET SAVINGS: Total Sustained (1) Less: Cost of Money Sustained Profit/Fee Rate Base (2) CPFF or CPAF Contract Alllount(s) en (2) above times negotiated fee rate of --" FFP Contract Alllount(s) sustained· from (1) above plus Alno .========== ========= NEGOT.IATEO: Contract T.ype: _ _,.C=--'PFwF___ Sharing:_:Q:_\1 -0-X (Govt.) (Contr.) COMPUTATION OF IIET. SAVINGS: T.otal Sustained <1> s 55 s -0-Less: Cost of Money Sustained -o--os 55 -0 Profit/Fee Rate Base <2> ======== ========== CPFF or CPAF Contract Anlc:Mlt(s) on <2> above times s -o-(0) negotiated fee rate of __8_X s 4. ========== z::===== FFP Contract s Anlc:Mlt(s) sustained -from ( 1) above s plus Anlc:Mlt(s) on <2> above times negotiated profit rate of __ X T.otal net savings -FFP -o-s -0-(0) ========= c::====== CPIF or FPI Contract Amo\rlt(s) on <2> above times negotiated target profit/fee rate of __ X s s plus Anlc:Mlt(s) on (1) above times contractor's negotiated incentive share of __X -o-s -0-(0) T.otal net savings -CPIF or FPI ==================== (A) From audit report or W/P ---· CB> From supporting W/P which adequately documents that the contractor's reduced rates/factors are the direct result of audit eH,prt performed within the preceding 12 1110nths. Cost difference will be reported as dollars Ulltllined, questioned costs, ard questioned costs sustained. (C) From PIIM or W/P --· (0) Enter at ti11e of disposition of audit ellceptions. Approved: Supervisor___ FAO Manager___ A-46 Ex~le 2 for Cost·Plus·lnc:entive·Fee (CPIF) Price Proposal PRICE PROPOSAL · STANDARD FORM FOR CALCULATING AMOJNTS EXNIINED, QUESTIONED, UNSUPPORTED, SUSTAINED AND NET SAVINGS AMOJNTS SHCIJLD BE REPORTED TO THE NEAREST THQJSANO (CI41T 000) Dollars Questioned 0. c. Uns\4)p0rted u. c. Examined Costs Sustained Costs Sustained Total per audit report s 3.564 s 528 s ·0· DEDUCT: Assist audits ·0· -0- Technical review 253 Unresolved cost -0 -0 lJnsl4lPOrted cost Slbtotal s 3.564 s 275 ADD: (8 s 123 s 180 s 123 Rates/factors adjust. Total · Enter at Assign. C~letion s 3,687 s 455 s -o =========== ========== =========== s -0-(C Sustained -From PNM or Other s 275 s -0-((Plus: Appl icllble irdirect expenses s -0-(!; s 398Total Sustained (1) ========== ========= NEGOTIATED: Contract Type: __::CP'-'I'""F__ Sharing:___lQ__l/ 30 X (Govt.) (Contr.) CCI4PUTATION OF NET SAVINGS: Total Sustained (1) s 398 s -o-Less: Cost of Money Sustained -0--oProfit/Fee Rate Base <2> s 398 -0· ========== ========== CPFF or CPAF Contract Amo\1\t(s) on <2> above times s -0-(0 11e9otiated fee rate of __ x s -o ==s====== ========== FFP Contract Amount(s) sustained · from (1) above s s plus Amo\1\t ( s) on (2) abo~te times negotiated profit rate of __ x Total net savings · FFP s -o-s ·0-(C ======== ========== CPIF or FPI Contract Amo\1\t( s) on <2) above times s -0· negotiated target profit/fee rate of __8_% s 32 plus Amount(s) on (1) above times contractor's 119 -0· negotiated inc:efltive share of _]Q_X Total net savings -CPIF or FPI s 151 s -0· ========== ========== (A) From audit report or IJ/P __ . (B) From suppo~ting W/P which adequately documents that the contractor's reduced rates/factors are the direct result of audit effort performed within the preceding 12 months. Cost difference will be reported as dollars examined, questioned costs, ard questioned costs sustained. (C) From PNM or W/P --· (0) Enter at time of disposition of audit exceptions. Approved: Supervisor___ FAO Manager___ A-47 Example 3 For A Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) Proposal PRICE PROPOSAL -STANDARD FORM FOR CALCULATING AMOUNTS EXAMINED, QUESTIONED, UNSUPPORTED, SUSTAINED AND NET SAVINGS AMOUNTS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE NEAREST THOUSAND (OMIT 000) Total per audit report $ Dollars Examined 3,418 $ Questioned Costs 305 0. c. Sustained Uns~rted Costs $ -0 u. c. Sustained (A) DEDUCT: Assist audits Technical review Unresolved cost Uns14'P0rted cost Sliltotal $ -0· -0-o3,418 $ -0· 251 54 (A) (A) (A) ADO: Rates/factors adjust. Tot~l -Ente~ at Assign. Completion $ $ 380 3, 798 ========== $ $ 490 544 =========== $ 380 $ ·0· =========== (B) Sustained -From PNM or Other Flus: Applicable indirect expenses Total Sustained (1) $ 54 $ 434 ========== S ·OS $ -0· ========-:.= (C) (C) (!'~ NEGOTIATED: Contract Type: __.:..F:..:FP___ Sharing:_-_o_-_'1./ -0-X CGovt.) (Contr.) COMPUTATI~ OF NET SAVINGS: Total Sustained (1) Less: Cost of Money Sustained Profit/Fee Rate Base <2> $ $ 434 -c434 ========== $ -0-o-0========== CPFF or CPAF Contract AmoU'It above t i mes negotiated fee rate of __'X $ -0=========== $ -0========== (D; FFP Contract Amount(sl sustainedfrom (1) above plus Amount(s) on (2) above times negotiated profit rate of __!!_'X Total net savings -FFP $ 434 52 $ 486 ========== $ -0-0$ -0========== (0) CPIF or FPI Contract AmoU'It(s) on <2> above times negotiated target profit/fee rate of __X plus AmoU'It(s) on (1) above times contractor's negotiated irocentive share of __X Total net savings -CPIF or FPI $ $ -0========== $ $ -0========== (D) (A) from audit report or W/P ___• CB> From supporting W/P which adequately documents that the contractor's reduced rates/factors are the direct result of audit effort performed within the preceding 12 months. Cost·difference will be reported as dollars examined, questioned costs, questioned costs sustained. (C) From PNM or W/P (D) Enter at time of disposition of audit exceptions. Approved: Supervisor___ FAD Manager___ A-48 V. FoiVclrd Pric:irv;J Rate Audits A-49 Forward Pricim Rate Audits A. General Guidance Assigmnents will be established under Activity Ccx:le 23000 to audit contractors' projected or forecasted foNard pric~ rates or factors. Audi.ts under this code include audits of labor rates, overhead rates, G&A rates, oorporate hane office projected allocations, oorporate or hare office centrally paid or acx::rued costs, scrap factors, material an:i labor loadin;J factors .ni.ch either; (i) lead to establishment of formal or informal forward pric~ rate agreements, or (ii) will fonn the basis of sutsequent au:ti.tor recx:mnerrlations regarcl.i.rq prospective costs. 'lhis activity code is also used for (i) IR&D/B&P audits for advance agreements, arrl (ii) other reviews oorrlucted to establish advance agreements. Segment overhead arrl G&A forecasts will be presented as one subni.ssion. audited under one assignment if B. Reportim Alrlit Results 1. Dollars Examined a. Dollars examined under Activity Code 23000 will not be reported in the FMIS. SUperseded guidance required FAOs responsible for corporate or heme offices to report dollars examined for audits of forecasted centrally paid in:iirect expenses allocated to ope.rat~ segments. 'Ihe FAOs that audited the segments' proposals excluded audited costs fran the anount reported for dollars examined to avoid duplication. However, effective with this guidance, dollars examined will no lorqer be reported l:1j FADs responsible for audits of corporate or hare office costs allcx::ated to the segments for forward pricing. Forward pricing rate annmts are incl\Ded in the value of oontractors' price proposals an:i therefore are reported as a portion of total audited proposal dollars. Price pzqxlSal dollars examined will be increased to recognize the differerx::e between contractors' subnitted rates audited under Activity o:xie 23000 ani the FPRAs or agreed-to rates used in the price proposal. No dollars examined relative to rate audits will be reported urx:ler any activity code withoot a fonnal request for audit. b. FAOs that audit proposals which include costs allocated fran contractors' corporate bane office or service denters will obtain fran the FAD cognizant of these cost centers, rate information that should be used to au:ti.t price prqxx;als sul::mi.tted by the segments. For instance, where there is a FPRA G&A rate, the FAD that audits the segment proposal should use the rate information as follows: (1) 'lhe oontract.or's G&A rate sul:mitted for the foNard pric~ rates a\Dit should be obtained. 'lhis rate is obtained because it is awlied to arrt cost that is canputed for differences between the rates sul:mitted by a segment for audit arrl the reslilting FPRA rate included in the segmentIS prcp:lSalo (2) 'lhe questioned G&A rate sustained is obtained because it is awlied to the segment's proposal G&A base costs to conp..1te the sustention of reduced proposal G&A costs. A-50 FoiWcrrd Pricing Rate Audits (3) Total G&A CXJSts calculated fran the awlicatioo of the rates as explained in notes (1) ard (2) above, are ad:ied to the segment's total proposal dollars to calculate total dollars examined and reported in the FMIS. Ex.anple 3 in Section IV includes an illustration far these calculations. (4) 'lhe oorporate heme office and service centers Fl'RA rate is obtained ard awlied to arrt proposal base cnrt.s questioned. 'Ibis rate infonnation is also used as basis for rerderin;J an opinioo oo the acceptability of the proposal costs. office below: or (5) An illustration of rate infonnation far oorporate, haDe service center CXJSts allocated to CJlE!IClti.n::J segments is shcMl Total allocated Corporate costs $7,500,000 Segrrent A B c Total Manufactur:in:J Costs Total Manufactur:in:J Costs Total Manufactur:in:J Costs Total $35,000,000 25,000,000 15.000.000 $75,000.000 Proposed G&A Rate ($715001000/$7510001000) 10% G&A questioned ard sustained CXJSts $ 750,000 G&A questioned ard sustained rate ($7501000/$7510001000) 1% G&A FPRA rate (10% -1%) 9% office c. Procedures ardjor service used to negotiate or reccmnerx:l oorporatefhane center rates may vacy. Conse::JUe11tly, the SClli'Oe of data used to canpute questioned costs sustained will vary. Nonnally, the results of negotiations will be reported in a PNM by the caib::acti.n::J offic:er; however1 in sare cases it may be necessary to rely on the oorporate auditor's documentation of negotiations. If the CAOO has made a unilateral forward pric:in:J recommerrlation or decision rather than negotiatin;J an agreement1 this should be used as the basis for CXIIplt.i.n::J the sustained questioned rate. If the oorporate or hane office oontractin;J officer has left negotiations up to the segment AOO, an estimate may have to be used to determine sustained questioned costs and FPRA rates based on infonnation received frc:sn segment auditors. • A-51 Forward Pricim Rate Audits 2. Rates/Factors Adjustment to Price Proposal Dollars '1he stardard fonn (page IV-21) for price proposals includes a "rates/factors adjustment" line for reporti..rg the dollars as explained in paragi'aiil B.l. above. CUnp::site factors based on the Activity Ccxie 23000 au:lit should be cx:rrp.1ted to determine the "rates/factors adjustment" annmts to be added to individual price proposal dollars resultirq fran the negotiated (or agreed-to) reductions in the oontractor's prqx:sed rates. ~ separate factors nust be oatp..rt:.ed to adjust (i) dollars examined an:i questioned costs sustained, an:i (ii) questioned costs. Orre oatp..rt:.ed, the cxttp:osite factors will awly to all price prcposals(Activity Codes 21000 an:l 27000) aooited while the FPRA is in effect,thereby eliminati..rg the need for detailed cxtrpJtations for each i..rrli.vidual prqx:sal. 'Ihe catpUtations are shown in :EXairples 2 ard 3 in Section IV. Both involve a si.Jrplified rate structure for illustrative p.n:poses. In actual practice, the corrp.1tations should also be kept as sbrple as possible, provided that the cx:rrp:>site factors developed are reasonablyaccurate. 'Ihe followirq techniques will assist in sbrplifyirq the ccrtpJtations: (i) For those oontractors with a ccrtplex rate structure (e.g. numero..lS labor categories), it is acceptable to base the cxttlpCSitefactors cala.Uation on the major rate categories if the percentagesquestioned ard sustained are representative of all categories. (ii) When the Activity Code 23000 audit includes nulti-yearrates with different reductions each year, the base need not be broken down for CCI'I'p.ltation of separate factors for each year if a representative average can be catpUted. 'Ihe cutp::site factors are catpUted based on the fonlard prici..rgrate proposal (Activity Ccx:ie 23000) total oost, ard therefore nust be awlied to the total oost line in iniividual Activity Code 21000 price prqx:sals because "dollars examined" reported in the FMIS incl\Xle profit/fee. When there is a timing difference between the negotiation of the FPRAs an:i the sul::mission of in:iividual Activity Ccx:ie 21000 prqa;als, the factors nust be awlied to Activity Code 21000 proposed total oost minus the Activity Code 21000 questioned oosts attril:utable to rate differences (incl\ld:inJ ar.plicable b..trden) for any rate(s) no~'i yet negotiated. 'Ih.is is necessary to prevent the aiOOUnt added on the "rates/factors adjustment"line of the stan:1ard fonn fran duplicatirq dollars included in the Activity Code 21000 a\Xlit results to be repbrted in the FMIS. An illustration of this oc:rrp1tation is shown in Section IV (:EXalrple 2, page IV-17) for an Activity Ccx:ie 21000 proposal which is priced at the ActivityCode 23000 proposed labor overhead rate because the FPRA negotiations for labor overhead had not been concluded. A-52 VI. Telephone Rate Requests A-53 Telet:h.one Rate Reguests A. General Guidance Code 25000 awlies solely to tel~requests for the confirmation of rates or other pricin:J data already determined. Assignrrents will be set up as necessary to control arrl. dc:cument responses to telephone rate requests. However, a separate assigrnnent for each request is not awropriate. 1. 'When a resp:>nse is made to a tel~ rate request based on data available in the files, dollars examined, questioned costs, questioned costs sustained, an:i net savin:Js will not be reported urrler any activity code. 2. 'When telepx,ne requests are received for data which are not available fran the files an:i which require audit effort, the auditor shall.d ask for a written request. Upon receipt of the written request, an assignment shall.d be set up urrler the awropriate forward pricin:J activity code. A-54 VII. FOJ:Ward Pricirq Prqxlsal -Specified Element Audit A-55 Forward Prici.m Proposal -Specified Elerrent Audit A. General Guidance For consistency, dollars examined, questioned, a.rxi sustained for audits perfonned \ll"Xier Code 27000 will be calculated. a.rxi reported in the same manner as all other fo!WcU'd pricing proposal evaluations (Section IV). 'Ihe specifics for reporting are discussed below. B. Reporting of Audit Results 1. Dollars examined for a specified element(s) audit will include the total anomt of the cost elernent{s) audited per the audit request,plus related expenses such as overhead a.rxi G&A. In addition, an awrq:>riate annmt of profit/fee will also be included in the total dollars to be reported as examined. For exanple, if a requested audit of direct labor is perfonned, total direct labor dollars, related. add-on {labor overhead, G&A, cost of roney, aro applicable profit/fee) dollars,would be reported as dollars examined. Dollars examined would exclude annmts audited on an assist basis by another FAO. 2. Questioned. costs for a specified elerrent audit of a proposal are reported the same as UJ"rler a nonnal proposal except the reporting is limited to the dollars for the specified element a.rxi related. add-ons as in the dollars examined exanple in 1. , alxwe. 3. SUstentions for specific element exceptions are calculated the same as for in:lividual price proposal audits (Code 21XXX). 4. Net savings for specific element exceptions sustained are calculated the same as for Wividual price proposal audits (Code 21XXX). ' A-56 VIII. Revierw of Part of A Price Prqnsal .Agreed Upon Prcx::edures A-57 Review of Part of A Price Prop.?sal Agreed Upon Prcx:=edures A. General Guidance F.st.ablishment of an assignment uroer Code 28000 relates to effort for awlyirg agreed upon procedures, sudl as the verification of rates arxi factors, or the review of specific estimati..rg techniques. In oontrast with the specified element aullt, agreed upon procedures reviews represent effort associated with reviewirg a part of a cost element such as direct labor rates versus alrlitirg an entire cost element whidl would entail alrlitirg the labor rates plus the related hours. B. Reportirq of Review Results No dollars will be reported in the FMIS for an agreed upon procedures review. ~ese reviews are less than conplete element audits and are so limited in 8Cq)e that reportin:;J annmts as examined or questioned would be i.nai:Prq>riate arxi misleadirg. If a request is made for both an agreed upon procedures review arxi an alrlit of specified elements, the 5-digit cxxie for the effort entailirg the greater effort should be used. IX. SF 1412 Audits A-59 SF 1412 Alxlits A. General Guidance A plq)OSal based solely on an SF 1412, "Claim for Exenption fran SUl:Jnission of Certified Cost or Pricin;J Data," will be audited umer COde 29500. B. Reportirg of Aooi t Results Dollars examined will not be reported in the FMIS for the audit of SF1412s. However, if the auditor concludes that the contractor's prcposal does not meet the FAR requirements, arx:l the contractin;J officer sustains this rec:x:mnendation, then the contractor is required to sul::Jni.t the pzoposal on an SF 1411, which will be audited umer Code 21XXX. Any reduction fran the initial SF 1412 proposed price, resubnitted on a SF 1411, should be reported as questioned costs, questioned costs sustained, arx:l net savin;Js W'lder the 2'1XXX assignment, unless it is determined that the reduction is applicable to a reduced scope of work. A-60 X. Defective Pricing A-61 Defective Pricim A. General Guidance 1. A defective pricin;J alrlit (Code 420XX) is performed to detennine whether a CXX'ltractor furnished current, c:atplete, an:i accurate data at the time of negotiatioos, in accordanoe with 10 USC 2306a. If warranted, DCAA recxmnends that the ccrJtzactin;J officer make a price adjustment to the negotiated pricin;J actioo. 2. 'lhe dollar aunmt reported in the FMIS as examined for defective pricin;J au:tits is generally the total contract price, an:i the i.np..tt is captioned in au:tit perf~ reports as "Value of Contract Reviewed." 'lhe dollar :i.rplt amrunt shcul.d not be reduced when the au:tit is limited to a specific line item(s) or element(s) of cost in the contract. However, if the defective prici.rg alrlit is for a specific contract mdificatioo, then the anomt reported in the FMIS should be :J..imited to the total price of the IOOdification, unless the total contract price incl\.dirg the IOOdification has been previously reported. In such a case, the :i.rplt for the IOOdi.fication should be zero. '1he contract wlue reported in the FMIS shrul.d be reduced for the aJTOUJ"'t covered by assist audits. i, 3. An au:tit exception to the contract price reported in the FMIS is captioned in audit perf~reports as "R.ecdmnerxied Price Adjustment." 'lbe anomt reported in FMIS should be the audit report aJTOUJ"'t, excl\.dirg recx:mnerded price adjustments fran assist alld.lts. In response to contractin;J officers' requests, audit reports ocx:::asionally include infonnation for interest related to r~ed price adjustments. :tiowever, un:ler no cirrumstances will inp.Ited ihtE!rest be included (i.e., annmts on deferred progress payments, defective pricin:J, cost inpact statement, etc.), in reoc:mnerded price adju.st:ment .aiOOUJ"lts reported in the FMIS. : 4. other cuoounts reporte::l in the FMIS fo;r defective pricing audits are as follows: a. Reccmnerxied Setoff Annmt. '!he 'RfXXHoiDIDID SEroFF AMXJNI' is the cost un:ierstatement by the contractor for which credit is allowed against cost overstatements in calculati..rq the Net Reccmnerxled Price Adjustment for defective prici.rg. b. Net Rec:x:lmlerrled Price Adjustinent. '!he NEI' REXXI+tENDID PRICE AOJUS'IMENl' is an annmt calculated by the FMIS which represents the differerre between the 'roi'AL REXXMIDIDID PRICE ADJUS'IMENI' arrl the REXXJ+tENDID SEroFF AMJUNI'. ,, c. Negotiated Total Price Adjustment. '!he NEnJl'IA'I'ID 'lOl'AL PRICE ADJUSIMENI' is the' total aiOOUJ"lt of .contract price reductions resultin;J fran the contractin;J.officer's action ~~,'IDI'AL REXXI+tENDID PRICE AllJUS'IMENI'S. It does not 111Clude any setoff arrounts agreed to by the contracti..rq officer. A-62 Defective Pricing d. Negotiated Setoff Am::>unt. 'Ihe NEGOI'IATID SEIOFF AM:XJNI' is the aJroUJ'lt of oost urx:lerstatements detennined by the oontracti..rg officer to be allowable against oost overstatements in calculati..rg the final contract price reductions for defective prici..rg. e. Net Savi..J'ss 'Ib Goverrunent. 'Ihe NE1' SAvrnGS 'ID ~is the net am:xmt of savi..rgs which the Government can claim fran the defective pricin:J au::lit based on the followi..rg: {1) FFP oontracts. 'Ihe savi..rgs will represent the annmt of the contract price adjustment. {2) CPIF/FPI oontracts. 'Ihe savi..rgs will consist of the target fee/profit reduction plus the contractor share of the target cost reduction. {3) CPFF contracts. 'Ihe savi..rgs will represent the fee reduction. ( 4) CPAF contracts. 'Ihe savi..rgs will represent the base fee reduction plus the awlicable award fee, usi..rg the negotiated mini.nurn award fee percentage. " f. Revised 'Ibtal Recommended Price Adjustment. '1he RE.VISED 'IUl'AL RIXXMMEND.ED PRICE AilJUS'IMENI' is a new amount field in FMIS that results from supplemental audit work related to a defective prici..rg audit. 'Ihe anount reported in the FMIS will represent the recanrnen:3ations made in the supplenental au::li t report. g. Revised Setoff Anomt. 'Ihe RE.VISED SEIOFF AKXJNI' is a new aJroUJ'lt field in FMIS which represents the setoff annmt for a defective prici..rg audit that results fran suwlemental a\Xiit work. '1he annmt reported in the FMIS will represent the recanrnen:3ations made in the suwlenental audit report. h. Revised RE!CCIIlltleJ"Xed Price Adjustment. '1he RE.VISED REX:Xl-1MEND.ED PRICE AilJUSIMENI' is an amount which is calculated by FMIS for suwlemental audit work on a defective pricin::J revie,..r. 1his annmt field is the difference between the RE.VISED 'rol'AL RD:XMIDIDED PRICE AOJUSIMENI' am the RE.VISED SEIOFF AMXJNI'. B. Reporting Aud.it Results 1. Value of Contract Audited a. 'Ihe oontract value moount reported in the FMIS shool.d not be duplicated. In those cases where a suwlemental report is issued ard the value of the contract audited was previously reported, a zero annmt should be entered for the supplemental audit report. Obviously, this can result in a recxmnerrl.ed price adjustment without a correspomi.rq contract value arro.mt. However, this is essential to avoid duplicati..rg aJroUJ'lts reported in thP. FMIS. A-63 Defective Pric.im b. 'Ihe value of contract audited for assist audits should lx reported at ally the assist audit location. Ha..~ever, the value of any a&i-on factors applicable to the pri.rre contractor (e.g., reterial b..lrde.'1 or G&A), shruld be i.nclooed in the contract value amount reported in the FMIS at the l..JR)er-tier contractor audit location. c. In those cases where a IXSitive fi.nc:li.nj(s) is disclosed on a si.n:jle contract and the disclosure(s) is also applicable to other contracts, then separate assignments should be established for report.in:J the value of additional contracts audited and the recommerrled price adjusbnent for each of the affected contracts. If one of the affected contracts is sul:sequently selected for defective pric.in:J audit of other cost areas, a zero will be entered for the value of contract reviewed on that sul:sequent auclit. 2. Reccmnerrled Price Adjustment. Report the result of positive fi.n::ii.rgs excl\Xiing assist aooits. No recornmerded price adjustment will b? reported on unexercised contract options. 3. Revised R.ecommerrled Price AdjustJrent. Report any additional rec:x:mnerrled price adjustJnents, exclud.in:J assist aooits, that resulted fr01T1 suwlernental audit reports. When supplerrental audit reports are issued in a year different than the initial report, the additional recommended price adjusbnent shruld be reported in the fiscal year that the supplerrental report is issued. 4. Negotiated Price Adjustment. a. Report the total am:>Unt of contract price adjustment resulti.n:j fran the contract.in:J officer's final action on the recommerrled price adjustment incluclin;J .. any reduction for negotiated setoff amounts. Detenni.nation of the net savin:Js reportable in the FMIS accordin::J to type of contract is discussed in A. 4 • above. b. Interest an:l penalty am:JUnts will not be included in the anomts reported in the FMIS for sustention of recomrrerrled price adjustlnents. c. The reporting of dispositioned audit results will be held in abeyance until the 90 day period (FAR 33.211] the contractor has to advise the oontracting officer of an intent to appeal has expired. If after the 90 day period we have not been advised by the contracting officer that the contractor interrls to awe,al, audit: results as unilaterally dispositioned will be reported. In the event the contracting officer advises the cognizant DC.AA office of the contra<:tor's intent to appeal, the report.in:J of contracting officer unilaterally dispositioned audit results, i.nclud.ln:J resultant savings, will be held in abeyance until litigation is cx::rrplete. Upon cx:mpletion of litigation, anyi reporting of sav.in:Js will be based on the litigation outoame. 1 * Although whole dollars are used in the examples belor.,.,r, you are remirrled that the last 3-digits (000) are omitted from the input of dollars into FMIS. A-64 Defective Pricing 5. Elgmples. Detailed belOIN are four exanples that illustrate carp.rt:ations of ana.mts that would be reported in the FMIS for defective pricirg audits. a. Reccmnerded price adjustment arrl net savirgs withc:ut setoffs. (1) DCAA reoc.mnerrls a $200, 000 price adjustment resulti.n:J fran the audit of a $500,000 lOCXiification to a $10,000,000 FFP contract that has not previoosly been reported in the FMIS for a defective prici.n:J audit. Value of contract reviewed $500,000* Re.canmerrled price adjustment $200,000* (2) '!be Aro or PCD subsequently negotiates the $200,000* reoc:mnen:ied price adjusbnent shor.vn above, arrl reduces the contract t7j the entire reoc:mnended annmt: Negotiated price adjustment $200,000* (3) Net Savings $200,000* b. Rec:amnen:ied Price Adjustment arrl Net Savirgs with a Setoff. (1) OCAA initially recornmerx:is a $200,000 price adjustment to a $500,000 modification on a $10,000,000 FFP contract and, before closin;J art: the assignment, subsequently recornmerx:is a $5,000 setoff. Value of contract reviewed $500,000* Re.canmerrled price adjustment $200,000* Re.canmerrled setoff $ 5,000* (2) OCAA's $200,000 recommended price adjustment and $5,000 reoc:mnen:ied setoff sh<::1Nn above are negotiated, arrl the contractirg officer reduces the contract price by $195,000 ($200,000-$5,000). Re.canmerrled price adjustment $200,000* Negotiated setoff $ 5,000* Negotiated price adjustment $195,000* (3) Net Savings $195,000* A-65 Oefective Pricirn c. Reportin:J value of contract reviewed arrl recornmerrled price adjustments on suwlemental audit reports issued in a different fiscal year than the initial audit report. (1) In FY 19XX DCAA initially recommends a $200,000 price adjustment resulting from the audit of a $500,000 modification on a $10,000,000 FFP oontract. In the next fiscal year a supplemental reportis issued on the same $500,000 modification with an additional reoc:mnerx:led price adjustment of $10,000 for a total reoc:mnerx:led price adjustment of $210,000. FY 19XX Value of contract reviewed $ 500,000* Re.canmerrled price adjust:Jrent $ 200,000* Next Fiscal Year Value of contract reviewed $ 0 Recanrnerrled price adjust:Jrent $ 10,000* d. Carp.J.tin:J Net Savings to the Government on CPIF/FPI Contracts. Value of oontract reviewed $ 500,000 Re.canmerrled price adjustment $ 200,000 Negotiated price adjustment $ 200,000 Value of contract modification $ 446, ooo ~et costs Value of target fee or profit applicable to contract modification (12%) $ 54,000 TOtal contract modification dollars examined $ 500,000 CcJip.rt:ation of Net Savin:Js to the Government: Negotiated sharinj: 70% Government/30% Contractor Negotiated Price Adjustment (a) $200!000* Divide by Target Profit or Fee + 1 (b) 1.12 Negotiated Target Cost Adjust:Jrent (a)f(b) = (c) $179,000 Negotiated Target Profit Adjustment (a)-(c) = (d) $ 21!000 Contractor's Share of Cost Reduction (e) 30% Reduction in Incentive Fee or Profit (e)x(c) = (f) $ 54,000 Net Savinjs to Governrrent (d)+(f) = (g) $ 75,000* A-66 XI. Cost Accountirq starrlards A-67 Cost Aocc:mtting stamards A. General Guidance 1. '!he types of revie\115 ani audit performed in the Cost Ac:cc::mltin;l stamards (CAS) area are as follows: a. A review to determine the adequacy of the contractor's descriptioo of ac:xDJntin; practices in an initial CAS Disclosure statement an:i the <50.000> <50.000> -o-Net CPFF Increase $ 50,000 $ 60,000 $ 10,000 FFP Increase $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ -o-FFP Decrease <600.000> <610.000> <10.000> Net FFP $ <200,000> $<210,000> $ <10,000> Total Net Increased Costs to the Gove.."'1'11Dent $ 250,000* $ 2701000* $ 201000* ** * Although '«hole dollars are used in the above exa:rrple, you are remi.rrled that the last 3-digits (000) are omitted from the inp.It of dollars into FMIS. ** Per the CASB regulations, increased costs to the GoverTinel"lt inclme (i) increased costs allocated to cost-type contracts (since they would be directly reilnb.lrsed via vouchers) 1 and (ii) decreased costs allocated to FFP contracts (since the Gove.."'1'11tlent is paying the same fixed price, even though actual costs incurred on the contract have decreased bele7W that originally contezrplated by the negotiating parties). a. In this exa:rrple, proposed increases represent add.itional costs allocated to contracts1 aro proposed decreases represent lesser costs allocated to contracts. b. In this exanple1 per CASB regulations1 the net CPFF annmt is $50, 000 increased cost to the Government, aro the net FFP annmt is a $200,000 increased cost to the Government. 'lberefore1 the net cost reallocation is $2 50 1 000, 'Nhich should be entered in the FMIS as dollars examined. Note that this amount represents a net cost increase to the Goverrm~ent per the CASB regulations. c. If the cost inpact resulted from a contractor-initiated ~e, the questioned cost reported in the FMIS should be the net exceptions, or $20, 000. If the cost inpact resulted from a noncorrpliance, questioned cost would be $2701000 that the Government will not have to pay. B. Reporting of Audit Results 1. Dollars E>carnined. '!be amount reported in the FMIS will be the net (to the Government) of the contractor's CAS CIS. 'Ibis arrount can be OCIIp)SE!d of both increased cost allocated to some contracts, aro decreased A-69 oost allocated to others. However, the total oost :inpact is the net anomt rather than the amolute value. 2. Q.lestioned Cost a. 1he aJOOUllt reported in the FMIS will be the net exceptions taken to the contractor's CIS, except in the followin:j ci.rc:umstanc:le: ( 1) When the contractor's oost ilrpact statement results fran a DCAA reported CAS nonc::atpliance, questioned oost reported in the FMIS shoold equal the total of the increased costs to the Government reported in the contractor's CAS CIS plus any oost exceptions taken to the contractor's subnission. 1he entire ex>st inpact originated with DCAA reporti..n;J the CAS nonc::atpliance urrler a Ccx:le 44200 audit assigrment. 'lherefore, DCAA should take credit for the total oost inpact sul:Jnission, plus any aQ:titional aJOOUllts questioned. ( 2) When the contractor's CIS results fran a voluntary d'larqe initiated in response to a DC.AA audit recanmen::lation, it shcW.d be considered a Government-initiated change under (FAR 52.230-3(a)(4)(iii)). ~ioned oost reported in the FMIS should equal the total of the net anomt of the contractor's CAS cost impact statement, unless it is a net oost increase, plus any cost exceptions taken to the contractor's subnission. b. Questioned oost may result from a review of contractor prqlOSEd aocountin:j charqes when the auditor concludes the prcposa:i dlan::Je is in oonoc:::rrpliance with CAS rules an::l regulations. 1he questioned oost will be reported when, as a direct result of the audit recx:mnerdation, the prqlOSEd d'larqe or a portion of it is withdrawn by the contractor arrl results in the CIS being subnitted for a lesser annmt or is no lorger required. c. In response to contracting officers' requests, audit reports occasionally include information for interest related to questioned oosts. Hc:7wever, un:ier no cira.nnstances will interest be included in questioned oosts reported in the FMIS (i.e. , anomts on deferred progress payments, defective prici..n;J, oost inpact statement, etc.). 3. Q.lestioned Cost Sustained a. 1he reporting of dispositioned audit results due to unilateral contractin:j officer decisions will be held in abeyance until the 90 day period [FAR 33.211] the contractor has to advise the contracti..n;J officer of an intent to appeal has e>q>ired. If after the 90 day period we have not been advised by the contractin:j officer that the contractor int:erxis to a~l, audit results as unilaterally dispositioned will be reported. In the event the contracting officer advises the cognizant DCAA office of an intent to appeal, the reporti..n;J of contractin:j officer unilaterally dispositioned audit results, including resultant savi..n;Js, will be held in abeyance until litigation is OCII'plete. Upon OCII'pletion of litigation,, any reportinJ of saviBJs will be based on the litigation outoame. b. Notwi1:hstarrliJ'q the waitinJ period discussed above, the PNM sho.lid be carefully reviewed ani c:x:.l'lpU'ed with the audit report to detennine the extent of audit exceptions sustained. '!he extent of detail furnished will vary between PNMs. If the PNM is unclear on artf significant auii.t exceptioos or issues, the negotiator shalld be contacted for clarification. (For additional guidance, see section entitled "Price Negotiation Merrmania. ") c. Questioned cost sustained must represent a realistic estimate of the dollar effect of the portion of the prqx>Sed aoocuntinJ cha.rqe determined to be in nonc:x::~~pliance with CAS rules and regulations. question d. Interest ed costs sustai and penalty cuoounts ned in the FMIS. will not be in:ltded in 4. Net Savings Net savirgs calculations will vary, based on the oontract types, as explained below. 'lhe auii.tor should group all contracts by type. (1) Firm-Fixed-Price CFFPl. Net savirgs reported in the FMIS will be the total contract price adjustments that are attril:utable to audit. · (2) Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee CCPF'F) ani Cost-Plus-Award-Fee CCPAFl. Net savi..n;Js will be any adjustment to fee attril:utable to auii.t, any fl.ll"l:lin;J reductions resulti..n;J fran the cost i.npact attril:utable to audit plus any reductions in allc:Mable oosts resulti.n:j fran oonoarplial'lO! related oost increases. (3) Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee CCPIFl and Fixed-Price-Incentive CFPil. Net savi.n:Js represent (i) any adjustment in the target fee attri..b..Itable to auii.t, ani (ii) the total reduction to target cost attril:utable to audit. 5. 'Ibis guidance might not provide the methodology for reporti.n:J all possible types of audit disclosures in the FMIS. 'lherefare, in a situation where this guidance is fourrl insufficient for reportin} a particular type of auii.t fiirlinJ, the FAD is expected to obtain regional office guidance. 'lhe regional office should cxx:>rdinate with Headquarters on unusual questions raised by an FAD. A-71 '!HIS PAGE INI'fNI'IONAILY LEFT BlANK A-72 XII. Price Negotiation Merroran:ia Price Negotiation Memoranda A. General Guidance 1. A price negotiation metTOrarxium {PNM) is required by FAR 15. 808 whenever an initial or revised price is negotiated on a oontract. '!his inchr::les prici..rq actions sudl as the initial prici.n:J of a oontract based on a price prO(XlSal, adjusbnent of contracts based on a oontractor sul:Jnission of actual costs or overhead rates, reprici.n:J due to a Cost Acx:xJ..mti.n;J Starrlards J'lOJ'lOa'IPliarre, etc. FAR 15.808{b) requires that a ~ of the PNM be provided to the cognizant au:lit office if a field prici..rq report has been sul:Jnitted in suwort of the prici.n:J action. When an au:litor does not atterd negotiations, the PNM is the au:litor's best sa.u:ce for detenni.ni.rg the resolution of au:lit reocmnerx3ations. Specific ~ledge of resolution of au:lit rec:x::rnrrerdations is essential to the accurate CXI!pltation an:i reporti.n;J of cuoounts sustained an:i net sav.injs. SUd1 cuoounts, when catpiled for all DCM. elements, are i.np:>rtant in detenni.ni.rg h:Jercy resources. Consequently, DCM. places oonsiderable inp::>rtance on obtainin) PNMs. 2. CAM Olapter 10 states that, deperxii..rq on the catplexity of the proposal or the audit conclusion, the audit report should recx::mnem that the au:litor be invited to att.errl the negotiation conference. Alr::li.tor atterrlance not only provides first.harrl knowledge of disposition of a\r::li.t reccrnmen::iations, rut generally results in a higher rate of questioned costs sustained. CAM requires that a statement be included in all ~licable au:tit reports, which references the acquisition regulation requirements to provide the record of negotiations (PNM). B. PNM Follg«up 1. If the PNM is not received by the a\.r::litor within a reasonable time after the negotiation is either known to have been catpleted or CDll.d be expected to be c::x::arpleted, the FAD should take appropriate follOJUp action. A form letter listing the audit action (Audit Report No. ard date) , the procurement refererx::e (RFP, RFQ, etc.) , an:l prici.n:J case number or other awropriate refererx::e, should be issued to the cognizant acquisition activity, with a copy of the request to the procurement liaison au:litor (PIA) within 90 days follO¥/i..rq issuance of the a\r::li.t report. FNJ proce:iures should also provide for issuance of a seoon:i followup letter within 180 days of the initial request for the PNM if necessary am providi..rq the questioned costs exceed $50, ooo. In addition to these request letters, the auditor should contact the PIA to obtain assistance, at least in cases of significant cost exceptions or a\r::li.t reccmnerrlations. 2. FAOs will not follow up on price prop:lSal evaluations with questioned CXl6ts of $50, 000 or less. 1bese assigrunents should be held qlen 90 days. If the PNM is received (without followup) within 90 days the assigrunent should be closed as usual. HO¥/ever, if after 90 days no PNM has been received, the assignment should be closed an:l dispositioned with no questioned costs sustained an:l no net savi..rqs. 1bese assignments A-74 Price Negotiation Memoranda shruld not be cleared as "unsuccessful, " unless there is t.an;Jible evidence of sud1 a fact. 'Ihese assigranents will be cleared as "no PNM -no estimate" (NPE) ($50, ooo or less questioned costs) . 3. FAD analysis of open pric~ actions where a PNM has not been received may disclose that certain procurement activities repeatedly fail to furnish the auditor with negotiation results. In this event, the FAD shc:uld elevate the matter to the regional office for coordination with the cognizant PI.A for resolution. 4. When a PNM is received, the auditor should contact the Goverrunent negotiator to clear up any questions oo significant audit reccmnerrlations. In sane cases, the final negotiation result is a ":tottan line" agreement, without concurrence on in:iividual line items or issues. Nevertheless, the Goverrunent negotiator generally interprets the results arxi allocates negotiated cost reductions to irxiividual cost elements. While the Government's interpretation may differ from the contractor's, the auditor should use the Government PNM to c::onp.1te aiOOUnts sustained arxi net sav~s. If the Government negotiator does not provide an interpretation on the "l:x>ttorn line" agreement, the auditor should make reasonable att.errpts to obtain adequate details from the negotiator. If these atte.rrpts are unsuccessful, arrl controversial issues are involved, the matter should be elevated to the regional office for coordination with the cognizant PLA for resolution. c. SUbcontract and Intercorrpany Price Negotiation Results 1. Note that "price negotiation me.norarrltnns" as such are not legally required for contractor negotiations with suppliers, the tenn "PNM'' is used to include c:x:Jilllarable records of negotiation that a contractor should prepare as a good business practice. 2. Obtaining a PNM on a sutcontract or intracatpany pricing action is generally toore diffirul.t than on a prime contract, since the negotiation is usually corducted by the prime contractor with no Goverrurent representative in attendance. Note that CAM Chapter 10 states that the aCXIUisition regulation citation requiring sul::mission of the PNM to the audit office should be anitted from audit reports on sutcontracts (because the requirement does not apply to subcontracts or intraCXJTpany work). 3. 'Ihe prime contract PNM will usually contain the value i..nc:x>rporated into the prime contract for subcontract arrl intrac:x:rrpany actions, arxi may also irxlicate if the lower-tier negotiations have been finalized. 'Ihe information that should be obtained by the assist auditor to detenni.ne how the audit assigranent should be dispositioned is discussed as follaws (this applies equally to subcontract and intrac:::orrpany work): a. If negotiations are finalized between the upper-tier arxi 1~-tier parties before they are for the prime contract, then the 1~-tier auditor should obtain through contract audit channels a copy of A-75 Price Negotiation Memoranda the tJR)er-tier ex>ntractor's record of the negotiations to determine the ano.mt to report in the FMIS for questioned costs sustained and related net savirqs. b. If negotiations for the prime contract precede those between the prime and subcontractor and a recapture clause was not negotiated in the prime contract, the subcontract auditor should obtain a copy of the PNM for the pr.i.rne contract to determine the aJOOUnt to report in the fMIS for subcontract questioned costs sustained and related net savirqs. c. If, hc:1,.rever, negotiations for the prime contract precede those between the prime and sul:x:xmtractor, rut a recapture clause was negotiated in the prime contract, then the sul:x::ontract auditor shoold obtain a cq:rj of the PNM related to the suboontractor to determine the ano.mt to report in the FMIS for suboontract questioned costs sustained and related net savirqs. In each of these scenarios, the assist auditor should exx>rdinate with the \JR)er-tier auditor to ensure the accuracy of the aJOOUnt reported in the FMIS and detennine the propriety of the pricirq action between the tJR)er-tier and lCJ.r.ler-tier parties. D. Nonreceipt of PNMs 1. 'Ibis section does not apply to proposals with questioned cost of $50,000 or less. 2. '!here may be occasions when repeated rut unsuccessful attenpts are made to obtain a PNM, or the PNM that is received is considered inadequate and the negotiator is not available to clarify questions related to the negotiations. In such cases, the auditor will make a conservative estimate of net savings on the basis of the best information available. As a minimum, the auditor will determine if a contract was awarded. Sa1rces for this information include contract logs maintained l:1j the oarpany an:l/or the 'contract administration activity. If a contract was awarded, the auditor sho.ild brief the contract and c:x::q:lare it to the pzqx:sal to determine any cl'lan;Jes in quantity, i terns procured, and unit prices. '!his data should Pennit a reasonable calculation of aJOOUnts sustained and net savirqs. :'lhe auditor should fully docurrent the basis for all calculations and aJOOUntS reported in the FMIS. ' I ' 3. If the auditor cannot deternune that a contract was awarded for an audited proposal, then the assigrunent urrler which the proposal was atnited will be disp:lSitioned a5 "Contract Not Awarded." ! A-76 XIII. FMIS ~lity Control Review Elements A-77 FMIS Qlality Control Review Elements A. General 1. 'lhe FHIS is a major cxxnponent of the Agercy's quality control system. Dollars examined, questioned costs, unsupported costs, and questiooed and \J1'lSURX)tted costs sustained for the performance of Goverrment flexibly-priced contracts are data that is used for makin;J significant auii.t management decisions and audit plans. For pnxient decisions and plaJ'll'linJ, it is i.nperative that the information used. be acx:::urate and c:redi.ble. FMIS is not just used for internal managernent p.u-poses, b.It by other Government organizations as well. For instance, the annual b..dget and staffin;J provided the Agercy are based upon DoD and ~, assessments of our performance reported fran the FMIS. ~ly, eadl enployee who reports information in the FMIS has the responsibility of reportirg accurate a.rrl credible data. 2. 'lhis guidance is provided for purposes of info:rmirx.J and demonstratirg to eadl enployee how he or she can contri.b.lte to a major cc::mponent of the }qercy's quality cx:>ntrol system. In addition, each FAO is e>cpected to inplernent a quality control review procedure to ensure that the informatioo guidarx:=e. reported in the FMIS is made in accordance with this B. Reyiew Elements 1. 'lhe FNJ's review of am::>Unts reported in the FMIS must not be perfurct.ory, b.It instead, should be thorough and CXI'I'plete. 2. 'lhe FNJ' s reviews should be performed on a regular basis to preclu:le recurrence of possible errors. 3. 'lhe FAO's procedure should require supervisory review and ~1of anamts reported in the FMIS. 4. 'lhe review lliJSt include tests that verify the mathematical acx:::uracy of reported ano.mts. 'lbe last three digits (000) nust be anitted fran the annmts reported in the FMIS. 'lbe input for one thousard dollars is entered as [ $1 ] and not [ $1000 ] which would be read as one million dollars. 5. Dollars Examined a. Incurred Costs (1) Althrugh the total anount of the contractor's direct and irxtirect oosts might be examined for determi.nin::J allowability and allocability as prescribed by FAR and contract clauses, the anomt reported in the FMIS cannot exceed the portion applicable to the performance of Goverranent flexibly-priced contracts (Governrtent's percent of participation). A-78 FMIS Q.lality Control Review Elerrents (2} Dollars examined arrl reported in the FMIS by the FAO that has primary responsibility must exclude the amount that is audited on an assist basis. (3) Hours charged to activity codes 15XXX am 17XXX sho.J.l.d not be used in the fol'1Tllla to carp.lte dollars examined arrl reported in the FMIS un:ier COde 10100 far major oontractors. (4r 'lbe fornula for CXI\1)\lti.rq incurred costs dollars examined is a cx>nvenient device for determini.rq am reportir¥} in the .FMIS progress toward ac:carplishi.n;J the annual audit plan. b. Price Proposals am Rate Audits (1) '!be FAD that has the primary audit responsibility for a contractor's proposal must exclude from the arrount reported in the FMIS, suJ:x:ontract costs audited on an assist basis atrl unsupported prcposal costs. (2) 'lhe cuoount reported in the FMIS for contractors' proposal dollars examined that include FPRA rates is generally increased if the rates are based on audit recormnendations. (3} 'lhe dollars reported in the FMIS for a prqxsal with mutually exclusive options will be based on the option with the highest dollar value, unless the request for audit specifies otherwise. However, if a lc:.:J~o~~er option is negotiated, the arrount reported in the FMIS will be adjusted da.mward. (4) Proposals with Mutually Exclusive Q..iantity Options. A proposal with mutually exclusive option quantities will be considered as one proposal. 'lhe aiOCRJnt reported for dollars examined will reflect the option with the highest dollar value. (5} Proposals with Time Phased q>tions. A piqXJSal with option quantities all of which are expected to be exercised duri.J'l:j the life of the contract will be considered as one or several piqXJSals as disolSSed belc:.:J~o~~: (a} Where the proposal amount for each option is less than $100 million, then the anount reported for dollars examined will reflect all options. A-79 OOS ~lity Control Review Elerrents (b) Where the proposal ano.mt for any c:ption is greater than $100 million, intividual assigranents will be established for the basic contract arx:i eadl option exceedirx.J $100 million. Options for less than $100 million will be added to the basic contract. AR:>rc:priate dollars examined will be reported for the basic contract arx:i each q:Jtion assignment. 'lhe annmts reported for the basic contract arx:i each q:Jtion might require reportin;J adjusted ano.mts for assist audits, Ul'lS\.JWOrted costs, ard etc., as djsoJSSed in Section IV. 6. Questioned o:sts a. !l'D.lrred Costs (1) '!he direct or i.rrlirect costs reported in the FMIS will represent the anount awlicable to the performance of Govermnent flexibly-priced contracts. (2) t.Jrrler no circumstances will questioned costs include annmts for inprt:.ed interest. b. Pricin:J Pl:oposals arx:i Rate Audits 'Ihe annmt reported in the FMIS will not include questioned costs awlicable to an assist audit, UJ'lSlJRX>rted costs, or the technical exceptions that are quantified in the audit report. 7. Q.lestioned Costs SUstained and Net Savings a. Irp.Jrred Costs (1) '!he anounts reported in the FMIS for sustained questioned costs will be basej on the results of negotiations between the contractor ani AOO/FUJ, or fonnally agreed-to by the contractor uroer the a'l.Di.t determination method. A letter signed by the contractor agreeirx.J to reduce direct or .inlirect costs allocated to Governrrent flexibly-priced contracts is also a basis for· rep::>rtirx.J savirx.Js in the FMIS. (2) '!he sustained questioned costs an:i related net savin;Js rep::>rted in the FMIS will be the amount applicable to Government flexibly-priced contracts. b. Price Proposals arxl Rate Audits (1) Fstimated annmts cannot be reported in the FMIS for sustained questioned costs arxl related net savi.n;Js for a proposal audit if the auditor cannot detenn.ine that the prop:>Sal resulted in an awarded contract. Instead, such oosts will be dispositioned "Contract Not Awarded" (ani not by the input of zero(s) to purge the assigranent fran inventory) . A-80 FMIS Quality Control Review Elements (2) 'Ihe methods for computirg net savirgs for CPFF, CPIF, FPI, an:i FFP type contracts are significantly different. Accordirgly, FAD reviews should verify that amounts computed an:i reported in the FMIS are a,wropriate for the type of contract awarded. (3) SUstained questioned costs an:i applicable net savirg related to contract options cannot be reported in the FMIS before the q:Jtions are exercised. ( 4) SUstained questioned costs an:i applicable net savirgs will not be reported by upper-tier FAOs in the FMIS for arrounts awlicable to assist audits. Nor will sustained questioned costs an:i applicable net savirgs related to the technical report be reported in the FMIS. ~ver, the b.lrden applicable to questioned subcontract costs an:i costs sustained will be included in the sustained amount reported by the FAO cognizant of those cost elements. ( 5) '!he i.rrlirect costs applicable to unsupported costs sustained will be included in the total used to compute net savings an:i the total sustained amounts reported in the FMIS. (6) Assignments dispositioned for net savirgs will include a "WOrkpaper that supports the computations of amounts reported in the FMIS. 'lhe 'WOrkpaper will be cross-referenced to the PNM an:i audit report ano.mts. (7) AnDunts applicable to proposed time phased options will be reported as "Contract Not Awarded" for any options that are not incll.Ded in the agreed-to contract. A-81 APPENDIX B ACRONYMS B-1 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK B-2 ACRONYM AAT ACO ADV AREV ASBCA ATB% BOA CAC CAGE CAFU CAS CFY DBMS DOD DODAAC DOl DOJ DOT ETS FAO FAR FMIS FMS FY IC NASA OH OIG PCO PLA PNM QM RAR RFP RFQ RIS RORG SIC SSN TALES YTD ACRONYMS USED IN FMIS DESCRIPTION Advanced Audit Technique(s) Administrative Contracting Officer Annual Dollar Volume Advanced Revelation Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Across the Board Percentage Basic Ordering Agreement Contract Audit Coordination Commercial and Government Entity Contract Audit Followup Cost Accounting Standards Contractor Fiscal Year Defense Business Management System Department of Defense Department of Defense Agency Address Code Department of Interior Department of Justice Department of Transportation Electronic Time Sheet Field Audit Office Federal Acquisition Regulations FAO Management Information System Foreign Military Sales Fiscal Year or Plan Year Incurred Cost National Aeronautics & Space Admin. Overhead Office of Inspector General Procuring Contracting Officer Procurement Liaison Audit Price Negotiation Memorandum Quantitative Methods Reimbursable Adder Rate Request for Proposal Request for Quotation Reimbursable Information System Regional Organization Code Suspected Irregular Conduct Social Security Number Time and Leave Exception System Year to Date B-3 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK 8-4 APPENDIX C TABLE OF CODES C-1 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK C-2 TABLE OF CODES ArN In:ticator: Y -Yes N • No Attendance at Factfindings (for Activity 21000 or 27000) : 1 • Atterrled Sane Sessions 2 -Atterrled All Sessions 3 -No Sessions Held 4 • Did Not Attend Fmy Sessions Attendance at Negotiations (for Activity 21000 or 27000) : 1 • Atterrled Sane Sessions 2 • Attended All Sessions 3 -No Sessions Held 4 • Did Not Attend Fmy Sessions Audit Determined or Negotiated Blank • Not Applicable D • Audit Determined N -Negotiated Basis for Net Savings: PNM • Procurement Negotiation Memoran::lurn Issued NPE • No PNM, No Estimate (only if questioned is $50 (000) or under) APP • PNM is in Appeal RES • Appeal has been Resolved EST -Estimated Savings CNA • Contract Not Awarded (Use .s~..IWlemental schedule also) or Contractor Unsuccessful Contract Not Awarded (SUWlemental Schedule): AB • Another Bidder Awarded Contract NA • No Award PA • Partial Award RP • Revised Pro:posal SU1:::rnitted C-3 THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK C-4 TABLB T.BILNG RBIMBURSABLB BILLING CODBS -10:09 -PAGB 1 BILNG AGBNCY OFFICB NAMB CODB 000 100 101 101.01 101.02 101.03 101.04 101.05 101.06 101.07 101.08 101.10 101.11 101.12 101.13 101.14 101.15 101.16 102 102.01 102.02 102.03 102.04 102.05 102.06 102.07 102.08 102.09 102.10 102.11 102.12 102.13 102.14 102.15 102.16 102.17 Department of Defense Non-FMS Agencies National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration National Aeronautical Administration Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy Department of Bnergy and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space and Space HQ Acquisition Division HQ Procurement Office Marshall Space Flight Center Ames Research Center Dryden Flight Research Facility Resident Procurement Office -JPL Kennedy Space Center Goddard Space Flight Center Lewis Research Center Resident Procurement Office -Reston Johnson Space Center Langley Research Center Wallops Flight Facility Stannie Space Center Office of the Inspector-General Albuquerque Operations Office Brookhaven Office Chicago Operations Office Idaho Operations Office Nevada Operations Office Morgantown Bnergy Technology Center Oak Ridge Operations Office Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office Richland Operations Office San Francisco Operations Office Savannah River Operations Office Schenectady Naval Reactors Office Canoga Park Area Office Kansas City Area Office Office of Procurement Operations, Washington DC Office of Coal Research Bonneville Power Administration C-5 TABLB 'T.BILNG RBIMBURSABLB BILLING CODBS -10:09 -PAGB 2 BILNG AGBNCY OFFICB NAMB CODB 102.18 Department of Bnergy 102.19 Department of Bnergy 102.20 Department of Bnergy 102.21 Department of Bnergy 102.22 Department of Bnergy 102.23 Department of Bnergy 102.24 Department of Bnergy 102.25 Department of Bnergy 102.26 Department of Energy 102.27 Department of Energy 102.28 Department of Bnergy 102.29 Department of Bnergy 102.30 Department of Bnergy 102.31 Department of Bnergy 102.32 Department of Bnergy 102.33 Department of Energy 102.34 Department of Energy 102.35 Department of Bnergy 102.36 Department of Bnergy 102.37 Department of Energy 102.38 Department of Energy 102.39 Department of Bnergy 102.40 Department of Bnergy 102.41 Department of Bnergy 102.42 Department of Bnergy 102.43 Department of Bnergy 102.44 Department of Bnergy 102.45 Department of Energy 102.46 Department of Energy 102.47 Department of Energy 102.48 Department of Energy 102.49 Department of Energy 102.50 Department of Bnergy 102.51 Department of Bnergy 103 Department of Transportation 103.01 Department of Transportation 103.02 Department of Transportation 103.03 Department of Transportation 103.04 Department of Transportation 103.05 Department of Transportation 103.06 Department of Transportation 103.07 Department of Transportation 103.08 Department of Transportation 103.09 Department of Transportation Strategic Petroleum Reserves Blk Hills Petroleum Reserves Princeton Area Office Superconducting Super Collider Project Office Rocky Flats Office Grand Junction Projects Office (AL) Oak Ridge Field office (Clinch River Breeder Reactor) Portsmouth Site Office (CR) Environmental Measurements Laboratory (CH) Morgantown Bnergy Technology Center (Grand Forks Project) Bartlesville Project Office (PBTC) Laramie Projects Office (MBTC) Pittsburgh Bnergy Technology Center Los Alamos Area Office (AL) Federal Bnergy Regulatory Commission Boston Support Office (CH) New York Support Office (CH) Philadelphia Support Office (CH) Atlanta Support Office (CH) Chicago Support Office (CH) Dallas 'support Office (CH) Kansas City Support Office (CH) Denver Support Office (CH) San,Francisco Support Office (CH) Richland Support Office (CH) Western Area Power Administration Southeastern Power Administration Southwe'stern Power Administration Alaska Power Administration Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves in co, UT & WY (HQ) Chicago Field office (Salt Repository Project Office} Tesh AWarding Office Golden Field Office Fernald Field Office Federal Aviation Administration St Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation u.s.. cOast Guard Fed~ral Highway Administration Office .of the Secretary Urban Mass Transportation Administration Transportation Systems Center Federal Railroad Administration National Highway Traffic Safety C-6 TABLE T. BILNG REIMBURSABLE BILLING CODES -10:09 -PAGE 3 BILNG AGENCY OFFICE NAME CODE 103.10 103.11 104 104.01 104.02 105 106 107 107.01 107.02 108 108.01 108.02 109 110 111 111.01 111. 02 112 113 114 115 115.01 115.02 115.03 115.04 115.05 115.06 115.07 115.08 116 116.01 116.02 116.03 116. 04 116. OS 116. 06 116.07 116.08 Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services Government Printing Office Veterans Administration Agency for International Development Agency for International Development Agency for International Development Community Services Administration community Services Administration Community Services Administration National Science Foundation Department of the Interior Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Commerce Department of Labor United States Postal Service Department of State Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury Administration Research and Special Programs Administration U.S. Maritime Administration Medicare All Other (not Medicare} Washington DC Field Offices Grant ~lose-out Assistance All Other (not Grant Close-out Assistance) Depart~ent of Commerce National Oceanic, and Atmospheric Administration Office.of Justice Programs JMS Supported Programs Federal Bureau of Investigation Drug Enforcement Agency Immigration and Naturalization Service Bureau of Prisons/National , Institute Federal Prison Industries United States Marshalls Service Internal Revenue Service United States CUstoms Service Financial Management Service/Direct Deposit Division United States Savings Bond Division Bureau of Engraving and Printing Departmental Offices/Office of the Secretary United States Mint Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and C-7 TABLB T.BILNG RBIMBURSABLB BILLING CODBS -10:09 -PAGB 4 BILNG AGBNCY OFFICB NAMB CODB 116.09 Department of the Treasury 116.10 Department of the Treasury 116.11 Department of the Treasury 116.12 Department of the Treasury 119 Department of Agriculture 121 Department of Housing and Orban Development 122 General Services Administration 123 Environmental Protection Agency 125 Federal Emergency Management Agency 128 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 129 Corps of Engineers (non-FMS) 132 Department of Education 189 All Others (MOOs) 189.01 All Others (MOOs) 189.02 All Others (MOOs) 189.03 All Others (MOOs) 189.04 All Others (MOOs) 189.05 All Others (MOOs) 189.06 All Others (MOOs) 189.07 All Others (MOOs) 189.08 All Others (MOOs) 189.09 All Others (MOOs) 189.10 All Others (MOOs) 189.11 All Others (MOOs) 189.12 All Others (MOUe) 189.13 All Others (MOUe) 189.14 All Others (MOOs) 189.15 All Others (MOOs) 189.16 All Others (MOUe) 189.17 All Others (MOOs) 189.18 All Others (MOOs) 199 Other (Audit) 200 Foreign Governments 201 Federal Republic of Germany 202 Sweden 204 Australia 205 Israel 207 Netherlands 209 NATO -NICSMA 210 NATO -NAMMA 299 All other foreign governments 300 Foreign Military Sales 301 FMS -Department of the Army 301.1 FMS -Department of the Army 301.2 FMS -Department of the Army Firearms Federal Law Enforcement Training Center United States Secret Service Bureau of the Public Debt Office of the Inspector General Interstate Commerce Commission Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System Bxecutive Office of the President -Office of Administration Peace Corps ACTION Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Office of Technology Assessment International Communications Agency Selective Service System General Accounting Office Federal Bnergy Regulatory Commission Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Bxport-Import Bank of the United States Library of Congress National Archives Small Business Administration Smithsonian Institution U.S. Railroad Retirement Board DARCOM (Saudi-Arabia -SANG) Corps of Bngineers (Other) C-8 TABLB T. BILNG RBIMBURSABLB BILLING CODBS -10:09 -PAGB BILNG AGBNCY COD!l 301.3A FMS -Department of the Army 301.38 FMS -Department of the Army 301.X FMS -Department of the Army 302 FMS -Department of the Navy 302.X FMS -Department of the Navy 303 FMS -Department of the Air Force 303.1A FMS -Department of the Air Force 303.18 FMS-Department of the Air Force 303.2A FMS-Department of the Air Force 303.28 FMS -Department of the Air Force 303.X FMS-Department of the Air Force 304 FMS -Other DoD Components 304.1 FMS -Other DoD Components 304.X FMS -Other DoD Components 400 MAP/IMBTP Billing Activities 401 MAP/IMBTP -Department of the Army 401.1A MAP/IMBTP -Department of the Army 5 MAP/IMBTP -Department of the Army MAP/IMBTP -Department of the Navy 403 MAP/IMBTP -Department of the Air Force 404 MAP/IMBTP -All other DoD agencies ALL All agencies OFFICB NAMB Corps of Bngineers (Middle Bast (RBAR) MBDDC-SA) Corps of Bngineers (Middle Bast (RBAR) MBDDC-SFM) All Others All F16 Program -BPG (AFSC) CONUS F16 Program -BPG (AFSC) CASBUR Air Force Saudi Arabia In-country (Saudi Arabia) Air Force Saudi Arabia Other (not In-country) All Other DCAS New York -Central Control Point All Other DoD Components C-9 TABLB T.BRIWRALT INVESTIGATIVE AGBNCY CODBS -11:38 -PAGB 1 INVBST AGBNCY NAMB AGBNCY APOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations AlGI Assistant Inspector General for Investigations CIC U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command DCIS Defense Criminal Investigative Service IGNASA Inspector General, NASA NIS Naval Security and Investigative Command OTHBR Other C-10 TABLB T. CACCDB CONTRACT AUDIT COORDINATOR CODBS -11:05 -PAGB 1 CAC COMPANY NAMB CDB 001 McDonnell Douglas Corporation 002 Rockwell International Corporation 003 General Dynamics Corporation 004 Lockheed Corporation 005 The Boeing Company Inc. 006 General Blectric Company OOB United Technologies Corporation 009 Raytheon Company 010 Litton Industries Inc. 011 Grumman Aerospace Corporation 012 Martin Marietta Corporation 013 Westinghouse Blectric Corporation 015 Unisys Corporation 016 International Business Machines 017 Honeywell Inc. 019 ITT Corporation 023 General Motors Corporation 026 Northrop Corporation 02B Textron Inc. 030 Allied -Signal Inc. 041 Hercules Inc. 044 Teledyne Inc. 045 Loral Corporation OFFIC RBGION 03611 Central 04701 Western 06611 Mid-Atlantic 04341 Western 04241 Western 02401 Northeastern 02641 Northeastern 02671 Northeastern 04331 Western 02441 Northeastern 06611 Mid-Atlantic 06371 Mid-Atlantic 02491 Northeastern 06271 Mid-Atlantic 03751 Central 06531 Mid-Atlantic 04511 Western 04721 Western 02124 Northeastern 06241 Mid-Atlantic 06363 Mid-Atlantic 04111 Western 02211 Northeastern OFFICB DESCRIPTION McDonnell Douglas Corp Res Ofc Rockwell Int Corp/Seal Beach ResOfc Beltway CAC Branch Office Lockheed Corporation Res Ofc Rainier Branch Office General Blectric CAC Res Ofc UTC P&W Manufacturing Res Ofc Raytheon Corporate Res Ofc Litton Systems Inc Resident Office Grumman Aerospace Corp Res Ofc Beltway CAC Branch Office Three Rivers Branch Office Unisys Corp Resident Office National Branch Office North Lakes Branch Office ITT Resident Office Hughes Corporate Office Res Ofc Northrop Corporation Res Ofc Textron Lycoming suboffice Meadowlands Branch Office Hercules Inc Suboffice South Bay Branch Office New York Branch Office C-11 DEFENSE a:Nl'RACT AUDIT AGENCY FAO MAW!GEMENT mFORMA.TION SYSI'EM TABLE OF CX)DES CAS Code: 0 • Not CAS Covered 1 • F\J.l.l CAS Coverage 2 • M:x:lified CAS Coverage CAS canpliance Y • canpliant N • Not Canpliant CAS Covered: 0 • Not CAS Covered 1 • F\J.l.l CAS Coverage 2 • M:x:lified CAS Coverage CAS Disclosure statement Ad~acy Y = Ad.a:Ju,ate N -Not Ad.a:Ju,ate CAS Net Increase/Decrease: 0 -No Net Effect 1 • Increase 2 -Decrease CAS starDards or Noncanpliance Codes: 401 • Consistency in Estimate, Accumulate, and Report Costs 402 -Consistency in Charging Costs for the Same Purpose 403 -Allocation of Hane Office Expense to 8egments 404 .. Capitalization of ·Tangible Assets 405 • Accounting for uriallowable Costs 406 .. Cost Accounting ~ricx:i 407 • Cost for Direct Material and Labor 408 -Cost of canPansatlng Personal Absence 409 -Depreciatioa of Tangible Capital Assets 410 -Allocation o'f BuSiness Unit G&A to Cost Objectives 411 -Acquisition Costs1iof Material 412 -Canposition Measurement Pension costs 413 -Adjustment Ailocation Pension Costs 414 .. Cost of Money as: ,~lernent o~ Capital Cost 415 -Cost of Deferred 'G:anpensatlon o I' I I~ :t 416 = Accountlllg for Insurance Costs 1! I , I ~ 417 • Cost of Money -,Capital Assets under Construction 418 -= Allocation of Direct and Indirect costs 420 • Accounting for IR&n/B&P costs D/S • Disclosed or! Est~lished Practices Contract Level: Prime.contract SUbcontract C-12 DE:F'ENSE a:NI'RACT AUDIT AGENCY FAD ~INFORMATICl'l SYSTEM TABLE OF CODES Contract Type:o • Cost Reimbursable 1 -Cost Sharing 2 • Cost + Fixed-fee 3 • Cost + Incentive 4 -Cost + Award Fee 5 • Time &Material 6 • Fixed Price Incentive 7 = Fixed. Price Redeterminable 8 • Firm Fixed Price 9 • other Contractor status M • Major Contractor R -Non-Major Contractor C-13 TABLE T. COUNTRY FIPS COUNTRY CODES-13:18 -PAGE 1 co COUNTRY NAME STATE TBRM PST BBL USA UN OFC TR y AF Afghanistan Jurisdiction OTH No No AL Albania Jurisdiction OTH No No AG Algeria Jurisdiction OTH No No AQ American Samoa State USA No Yes AN Andorra Jurisdiction OTH No No AO Angola Jurisdiction OTH No No AV Anguilla Jurisdiction OTH Yes No AY Antarctica Jurisdiction OTH No No AC Antigua and Barbuda Jurisdiction OTH Yes No AR Argentina Jurisdiction OTH No No AM Armenia Jurisdiction OTH No No AT Ashmore and Cartier Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No AS Australia State OTH No No AU Austria Jurisdiction OTH No No AJ Azerbaijan Jurisdiction OTH No No BF The Bahamas Jurisdiction OTH Yes No BA Bahrein Jurisdiction OTH No No FQ Baker Island Jurisdiction OTH No Yes BG Bangladesh Jurisdiction OTH No No BB Barbados Jurisdiction OTH Yes No BS Bassas da India Jurisdiction OTH No No BE Belgium Jurisdiction OTH No No BH Belize Jurisdiction OTH No No BN Benin Jurisdiction OTH No No BD Bermuda Jurisdiction OTH Yes No BT Bhutan Jurisdiction OTH No No BL Bolivia Jurisdiction OTH No No BK Bosnia and Herzegovina Jurisdiction OTH No No BC Botswana Jurisdiction OTH No No BV Bouvet Island Jurisdiction OTH No No BR Brazil Jurisdiction OTH No No IO British Indian Ocean Territory Jurisdiction OTH No No VI British Virgin Islands Jurisdiction OTH Yes No BX Brunei Jurisdiction OTH No No BU Bulgaria Jurisdiction OTH No No uv Burkina Jurisdiction OTH No No BM Burma Jurisdiction OTH No No BY Burundi Jurisdiction OTH No No BO Byelarus Jurisdiction OTH No No CB Cambodia Jurisdiction OTH No No CM Cameroon Jurisdiction OTH No No CA Canada Province CAN Yes No CV Cape Verde Jurisdiction OTH No No CJ Cayman Islands Jurisdiction OTH Yes No CT Central African Rebublic Jurisdiction OTH No No CD Chad Jurisdiction OTH No No CI Chile Jurisdiction OTH No No CH China Province OTH No No KT Christmas Island Jurisdiction OTH No No IP Clipperton Island Jurisdiction OTH No No CK Cocos (Keeling) Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No CO Colombia Jurisdiction OTH No No CN Comoros Jurisdiction OTH No No C-14 TABLE T. COUNTRY FIPS COUNTRY CODES -13:18 -PAGE 2 co COUNTRY NAME STATE TERM PST BEL USA UN OFC ? TR y CF Congo Jurisdiction OTH No No CW Cook Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No CR Coral Sea Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No cs Costa Rica Jurisdiction OTH No No HR Croatia Jurisdiction OTH No No cu CUba Jurisdiction OTH No No CY cyprus Jurisdiction OTH No No EZ Czech Republic Jurisdiction OTH No No DA Denmark Jurisdiction OTH No No DJ Djibouti Jurisdiction OTH No No DO Dominica Jurisdiction OTH Yes No DR Dominican Republic Jurisdiction OTH Yes No BC Ecuador Jurisdiction OTH No No EG Egypt Jurisdiction OTH No No ES El Salvador Jurisdiction OTH No No BK Equatorial Guinea Jurisdiction OTH No No BR Eritrea Jurisdiction OTH No No BN Estonia Jurisdiction OTH No No ET Ethiopia Jurisdiction OTH No No EU Europa Island Jurisdiction OTH No No FO Faeroe Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No FA Falkland Islands (Is.Malvinas) Jurisdiction OTH No No FJ Fiji Jurisdiction OTH No No FI Finland Jurisdiction OTH No No FR France Department OTH No No FG French Guiana Department OTH No No FP French Polynesia Jurisdiction OTH No No FS French Southern/Antarctic Lnds Jurisdiction OTH No No GB Gabon Jurisdiction OTH No No GA The Gambia Jurisdiction OTH No No GZ Gaza Strip Jurisdiction OTH No No GG Georgia Jurisdiction OTH No No GM Germany Jurisdiction OTH No No GH Ghana Jurisdiction OTH No No GI Gibraltar Jurisdiction OTH No No GO Glorioso Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No GR Greece Jurisdiction OTH No No GL Greenland Jurisdiction OTH No No GJ Grenada Jurisdiction OTH Yes No GP Guadeloupe Jurisdiction OTH No No GQ Guam State USA No Yes GT Guatemala Jurisdiction OTH No No GK Guernsey Island UK No No GV Guinea Jurisdiction OTH No No PU Guinea-Bissau Jurisdiction OTH No No GY Guyana Jurisdiction OTH No No HA Haiti Jurisdiction OTH No No HM Heard Isl. and McDonald Isle. Jurisdiction OTH No No HO Honduras Jurisdiction OTH No No HK Hong Kong Jurisdiction OTH No N<> HQ Howland Island Jurisdiction OTH No Yes HU Hungary Jurisdiction OTH No No IC Iceland Jurisdiction OTH No No C-15 TABLB T. COUNTRY PIPS COUNTRY CODBS -13:18 -PAGB 3 co COUNTRY NAMB STATB TBRM PST BBL USA UN OFC TR y IN India Jurisdiction OTH No No ID Indonesia Jurisdiction OTH No No IR Iran Jurisdiction OTH No No IZ Iraq Jurisdiction OTH No No IY Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone Jurisdiction OTH No No BI Ireland County OTH No No IM Isle of Man Island UK No No IS Israel Jurisdiction OTH No No IT Italy Jurisdiction OTH No No IV Ivory Coast Jurisdiction OTH No No JM Jamaica Jurisdiction OTH Yes No JN Jan Mayen Jurisdiction OTH No No JA Japan Jurisdiction OTH No No DQ Jarvia Island Jurisdiction OTH No Yes JB Jersey Island UK No No JQ Johnston Atoll Jurisdiction OTH No Yes JO Jordan Jurisdiction OTH No No JU Juan de Nova Island Jurisdiction OTH No No KZ Kazhakhstan Jurisdiction OTH No No KB Kenya Jurisdiction OTH No No KQ Kingman Reef Jurisdiction OTH No Yea KR Kiribati Jurisdiction OTH No No KN Korea, Dem Peoples Republic of Jurisdiction OTH No No KS Korea, Republic of Jurisdiction OTH No No KU Kuwait Jurisdiction OTH No No KG Kyrgyzstan Jurisdiction OTH No No LA Laos Jurisdiction OTH No No LG Latvia Jurisdiction OTH No No LB Lebanon Jurisdiction OTH No No LT Lesotho Jurisdiction OTH No No LI Liberia Jurisdiction OTH No No LY Libya Jurisdiction OTH No No LS Liechtenstein Jurisdiction OTH No No LH Lithuania Jurisdiction OTH No No LU Luxembourg Jurisdiction OTH No No MC Macau Jurisdiction OTH No No MK Macedonia Jurisdiction OTH No No MA Madagascar Jurisdiction OTH No No MI Malawi Jurisdiction OTH No No MY Malaysia Jurisdiction OTH No No MV Maldives Jurisdiction OTH No No ML Mali Jurisdiction OTH No No MT Malta Jurisdiction OTH No No MB Martinique Department OTH No No MR Mauritania Jurisdiction OTH No No MP Mauritius Jurisdiction OTH No No MF Mayotte Jurisdiction OTH No No MX Mexico Jurisdiction OTH No No MQ Midway Islands Jurisdiction OTH No Yea MD Moldova Jurisdiction OTH No No MN Monaco Jurisdiction OTH No No MG Mongolia Jurisdiction OTH No No MW Montenegro Jurisdiction OTH No No C-16 TABLB T. COUNTRY FIPS COUNTRY CODBS -13:18 -PAGB 4 co COUNTRY NAMB STATB TBRM PST BBL USA UN OFC ? TR y MH Montserrat Jurisdiction OTH Yes No MO Morocco Jurisdiction OTH No No MZ Mozambique Jurisdiction OTH No No WA Namibia Jurisdiction OTH No No NR Nauru Jurisdiction OTH No No BQ Navassa Island Jurisdiction OTH No Yes NP Nepal Jurisdiction OTH No No NL Netherlands Jurisdiction OTH No No NA Netherlands Antilles Jurisdiction OTH No No NC New Caledonia Jurisdiction OTH No No NZ New Zealand Jurisdiction OTH No No NU Nicaragua Jurisdiction OTH No No NG Niger Jurisdiction OTH No No NI Nigeria Jurisdiction OTH No No NB Niue Jurisdiction OTH No No NF Norfolk Island Jurisdiction OTH No No CQ Northern Mariana Islands State USA No Yes NO Norway Jurisdiction OTH No No MU oman Jurisdiction OTH No No PK Pakistan Jurisdiction OTH No No LQ Palmyra Atoll Jurisdiction OTH No Yes PM Panama Jurisdiction OTH No No PP Papua New Guinea Jurisdiction OTH No No PF Paracel Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No PA Paraguay Jurisdiction OTH No No PB Peru Jurisdiction OTH No No RP Philippines Jurisdiction OTH No No PC Pitcairn Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No PL Poland Jurisdiction OTH No No PO Portugal Jurisdiction OTH No No RQ Puerto Rico State USA Yes Yes QA Qatar Jurisdiction OTH No No RB Reunion Jurisdiction OTH No No RO Romania Jurisdiction OTH No No RS Russia Jurisdiction OTH No No RW Rwanda Jurisdiction OTH No No SH St. Helena Jurisdiction OTH No No SC St. Kitts and Nevis Jurisdiction OTH Yes No ST St. Lucia Jurisdiction OTH Yes No SB St. Pierre and Miquelon Department OTH No No VC St. Vincent and the Grenadines Jurisdiction OTH Yes No SM San Marino Jurisdiction OTH No No TP Sao Tome and Principe Jurisdiction OTH No No SA Saudi Arabia Jurisdiction OTH No No SG Senegal Jurisdiction OTH No No SR Serbia Jurisdiction OTH No No SB Seychelles Jurisdiction OTH No No SL Sierra Leone Jurisdiction OTH No No SN Singapore Jurisdiction OTH No No LO Slovakia Jurisdiction OTH No No SI Slovenia Jurisdiction OTH No No BP Solomon Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No SO Somalia Jurisdiction OTH No No C-17 TABLB T. COUNTRY FIPS COUNTRY CODBS-13:18 -PAGB 5 co COUNTRY NAMB STATB TBRM PST BilL USA UN OFC TR y SF South Africa Jurisdiction OTH No No SP Spain Jurisdiction OTH No No PG Spratly Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No CB Sri Lanka Jurisdiction OTH No No su Sudan Jurisdiction OTH No No NS Suriname Jurisdiction OTH No No sv svalbard Jurisdiction OTH No No WZ Swaziland Jurisdiction OTH No No SW Sweden Jurisdiction OTH No No SZ Switzerland Jurisdiction OTH No No SY Syria Jurisdiction OTH No No TW Taiwan Jurisdiction OTH No No TI Tajikistan Jurisdiction OTH No No TZ Tanzania, United Republic of Jurisdiction OTH No No TH Thailand Jurisdiction OTH No No TO Togo Jurisdiction OTH No No TL Tokelau Jurisdiction OTH No No TN Tonga Jurisdiction OTH No No TD Trinidad and Tobago Jurisdiction OTH Yes No TB Tromelin Island Jurisdiction OTH No No NQ Trust Terr. of Pacific Islands State USA No Yes TS Tunisia Jurisdiction OTH No No TU Turkey Jurisdiction OTH No No TX Turkmenistan Jurisdiction OTH No No TK Turks and Caicos Islands Jurisdiction OTH No No TV Tuvalu Jurisdiction OTH No No UG Uganda Jurisdiction OTH No No UP Ukraine Jurisdiction OTH No No TC United Arab Bmirates Jurisdiction OTH No No UK United Kingdom county UK No No US United States of America State USA Yes Yes UY Uruguay Jurisdiction OTH No No uz Uzbekistan Jurisdiction OTH No No NH Vanatu Jurisdiction OTH No No VT Vatican City Jurisdiction OTH No No VB Venezuela Jurisdiction OTH No No VM Vietnam Jurisdiction OTH No No VQ Virgin Islands of the u.s. State USA Yes Yes WQ Wake Island Jurisdiction OTH No Yes WF Wallis and Futuna Jurisdiction OTH No No WE West Bank Jurisdiction OTH No No WI Western Sahara Jurisdiction OTH No No ws Western Samoa Jurisdiction OTH No No YM Yemen Jurisdiction OTH No No CG Zaire Jurisdiction OTH No No ZA Zambia Jurisdiction OTH No No ZI Zimbabwe Jurisdiction OTH No No C-18 DEFENSE c:x::NI'RM:T AUDIT AGENCY FAD MAW\GEMENl' mFORMATION SYSTEM TABLE OF CDDES Defective Pricin:J Ratin:]: o • UMest Risk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Highest Risk Disclaimer of q;>inion: 0 • Report Issued Without Disclaimer 1 • Report Issued With Disclaimer Disclosure statement: N -CAS Disclosure statement Not Required Y = CAS Disclosure statement Required Disposition of Assignment: c -= cancelled N = No Report Issued R = Report Issued Inad.equate or Noncanpliant status Ccx:ies a. Report issued, awaiting ACD determination (system generated with closing of assignment) b. sustained by ACO, awaiting contractor rebuttal or i.np.It proposal. c. Contractor rebuttal/impact proposal received, audit in process. d. FAO has responded to contractor rebuttal/impact proposal. e. sustained by ACO, issue resolved. f. Not sustained by ACD, no further action. g. other -Explain in carments field. Issuing Agency: 01 .. NASA 12 = lABOR 23 = EPA 60 =NAVY 02 • ERDA 13 = USPS 24 = CASB 70 = AF 03 14 .. SI'ATE 25 = FEA 75 = ar OOD -oor 04 ., HHS 15 = JUSTIC 26 = USRI..WY 79 = DCAS 05 .. ACI'ION 16 = TREASU 27 = CI'A 80 =GERMAN 06 •VA 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 07 .. AID 18 = USACDA 29 = :m:;;ar 82 =UK 08 = CSA 19 = AGRI 30 = OOE 83 = AUSTRL 09 .. NSF 20 = USIA 31 = EOOC 84 = BRAZIL 10 .. m:rERI 21 = HUD 39 = OI'HER 85 =IRAN 11 = CCMMER 22 = GSA 50 =ARMY 99 = ar ccu C-19 DEFENSE CXNI'RACI' AUDIT AGENCY FAD MANAGEMENI' INFORMATICN SYSTEM TABLE OF CODES MIS status COde: MIS . Sl'A'IUS. CODE 0 • OPEN ~rut not in process 1 -INPR In process 2 -OOMP Completed with no exceptions 3 -CANC cancelled 4 -UNSC Unsuccessful 5 -$REC Completed rut with exceptions 6 -NETS Exceptions resolved 8 -~ Purged, Exp:>rted, Transferred, Deleted 9 -???? Undetermined MObile Indicator: 0 -Contractor Is Not Audited On a t-bbile Basis 1 -Contractor Is Auclited On a t-bbile Basis OVerhead Claim R~red: N -No overhead Claim Is R~red Y -OVerhead Claim Is R~red Plan Year Indicator C -a.rrrent Year P -Prior Year Prime Administrator: 01 .. NASA 12 = lABOR 23 =EPA 60 =NAVY 02 "' ERI:lP. 13 = USPS 24 = CASB 70 =AF 03 • ror 14 = srATE 25 .. FEA 75 .. or roD 04 .. HHS 15 = JUSTIC 26 • USRLWY 79 = DCAS 05 • ACITON 16 = TREASU 27 = CI'A 80 =GERMAN 06 =VA 17 = NAS 28 =NRC 81 = IAF 07 • AID 18 = USACDA 29 "' EN:;jar 82 =UK 08 • CSA 19 = AGRI 30 = roE 83 = AUSI'RL 09 • NSF 20 =,USIA 31 = EIXJC 84 = BRAZIL 10 = INSTERI 21 = HUD 39 = OI'HER 85 = IRAN 11 = cc::MMER 22 ='GSA 50 =ARMY 99 = or CCXJ C-20 DEFENSE a::Nl'RACl' AUDIT JI.GENCY FNJ ~mFORMATICN SYSTEM TABLE OF OODES Prime/SUbcontract Indicator: P -Prime Contract s -SUbContract Procurement Liaison Audit Indicator: 0 -Not Applicable F -Full-time service PLA R -"When Requested" service PLA Proposal Types: (Same as Contract Types) Purge status: 0 -Do not Purge 1 '"' Purge 2 • Purge & Rewrite with Assignment No. having CUrrent FY 3 .. Do not Purge -Write 0 to FY hours 4 -Purge and do not rewrite because Activity Code is Inactive 5 -Undetennined. CM Code: Blank -Default 0 • E-Z-Quant 6 • 4TH GEN. (SAS, FO:US) 1 .. DRI 7 .. 'PJJI.UilARE/IAW 2 • CAS 8 • WEARS-type 3 • F1\SB13/LVPA 9 "'ATS/BBS 4 • a:MPUSTAT 5 '"' DA.TATRAK Rate Determinant: OOD = DoD -Non-reimbursable FMS = Foreign Military Sales NASA = NASA only NFMS = Non-FMS (Non-NASA) Regions: 01 .. Eastem 02 = Northeastem 03 = Central 04 "'Westem 06 • Mid-Atlantic 08 • Headquarters 09 • Field Detachment 10 -Headquarters SUpport C-21 TABLB T. STATB STATB AND PROVINCE CODBS -14:00 -PAGB 1 ST STATB/PROVINCB NAMB CODNTRY NAMB CO FI INC AT UN PS LUD B TR B? y AL Alabama United States of America US 01 Yea AK Alaska United States of America us 02 Yes AB Alberta Canada CA Yes AS American Samoa American Samoa AQ 60 Yea AZ Arizona United States of America us 04 Yea AR Arkansas United States of America US OS Yea BC British Columbia Canada CA Yea CA California United States of America us 06 Yea CO Colorado United States of America us 08 Yea CT Connecticut United States of America us 09 Yea DB Delaware United States of America US 10 Yea DC District of Columbia United States of America US 11 Yea FM Federated States of Micronesia United States of America US 64 Yea FL Florida United States of America US 12 Yea GA Georgia united states o·f America US 13 Yes GU Guam Guam GQ 66 Yea HI Hawaii United States of America US 15 Yea ID Idaho United States of America US 16 Yea IL Illinois United States of America US 17 Yea IN Indiana United States of America US 18 Yea IA Iowa United States of America US 19 Yea KS Kansas United States of America US 20 Yea KY Kentucky United States of America us 21 Yea LB Labrador Canada CA Yea LA Louisiana United StateS of America US 22 Yea ME Maine United States of America US 23 Yea MB Manitoba Canada CA Yea MH Marshall Islands United States of America US 68 Yea MD Maryland United States of America US 24 Yea MA Massachusetts United States of America US 25 Yea MI Michigan United States of America US 26 Yea MN Minnesota United States of America US 27 Yea MS Mississippi United States of America us 28 Yea MO Missouri United States of America US 29 Yea MT Montana United States of America US 30 Yea NE Nebraska United States of America US 31 Yea NV Nevada United States of America US 32 Yea NB New Brunswick Canada CA Yea NH New Hampshire United States of America us 33 Yea NJ New Jersey United States of America us 34 Yea NM New Mexico United States of America US 35 Yea NY New York United States of America US 36 Yea NF Newfoundland Canada CA Yea NC North Carolina United States of America US 37 Yea ND North Dakota United States of America US 38 Yea MP Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands CQ 69 Yea NT Northwest Territories Canada CA Yes NS Nova Scotia Canada CA Yea OH Ohio United States of America US 39 Yea OK Oklahoma United States of America us 40 Yea ON Ontario Canada CA Yea OR Oregon United States of America US 41 Yea PW Palau Trust Terr. of Pacific Islands NQ 70 Yea C-22 TABLE T.STATB STATB AND PROVINCE CODBS -14:00 -PAGB 2 ST STATB/PROVINCB NAMB COUNTRY NAMB co PI INC AT UN FS LUD B TR B? y PA Pennsylvania United States of America us 42 Yes PB Prince Bdward Island Canada CA Yes PQ Province of Quebec Canada CA Yes PR Puerto Rico Puerto Rico RQ 72 Yes RI Rhode Island United States of America us 44 Yes SK Saskatchewan Canada CA Yes sc South Carolina United States of America us 45 Yes so South Dakota United States of America us 46 Yes TN Tennessee United States of America us 47 Yes TX Texas United States of America us 48 Yes UM u.s. Minor Outlying Islands Navassa Island BQ 76 No Jarvis Island DQ 86 Baker Island FQ 81 Howland Island HQ 84 Johnston Atoll JQ 67 Kingman Reef KQ 89 Palmyra Atoll LQ 95 Midway Islands MQ 71 Wake Island WQ 79 UT Utah United States of America us 49 Yes VT Vermont United States of America us 50 Yes VI Virgin Islands Virgin Islands of the U.S. VQ 78 Yes VA Virginia United States of America us 51 Yes WA Washington United States of America us 53 Yes wv West Virginia United States of America us 54 Yes WI Wisconsin United States of America us 55 Yes WY Wyoming United States of America us 56 Yes YT Yukon Territory Canada CA Yes C-23 TABLB T. STATUS ASSIGNMBNT STATUS CODBS -14:02 -PAGB 1 ST DBSCRIPTION DBL PUR CAS RBP BXP BXT BXP AT BTB GBD HIS LAC RTD RCT ORT us ? ? ? - ------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- CH Changed Yes Yes No Yes No No No CL Closed No No No No No Yes Yes DL Deleted Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes BC Changed by reimport Yes Yes No Yes No No No BP Bxport pending No No No No Yes No No BX Bxported Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No OP Open No No No No No Yes Yes PC Changed by purge Yes Yes No Yes No No No PG Purged Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes TP Transfer pending No No No No No No No TR Transferred Yes Yes No Yes No No No C-24 DEFENSE a:NI'RACl' AUDIT AGENCY f1.\D ~INFORMATION SYSI'EM TABLE OF Q)DES SUrrmaJ:y COdes: 101 Major Contractor Auditable Dollars 105 <::p:!rations Audits 110 Financial Controls 115 EDP Audits 120 Materials & services 130 Labor 140 Indirect Expenses 150 other SCheduled Reviews 160 other Direct & Indirect 169 Nonmajor Contractor Incurred Costs 170 Special Audits 190 Cost Accounting standards 210 Individual Bid Proposals 220 Should Costs Reviews 230 Forward Pricing Rate Agreements 240 Estimating System SUrveys 250 Telephone Rate Requests 260 other System surveys 270 Specified Element Review 280 Agreed Upon Procedures 295 catalogue Price Audits 390 Defective Pricing 400 SUpervision and Management 404 FAO Acting SUpervision 407 FAO Special Assistant 409 Procurement Liaison 430 Congressional and IG Activity 486 Suspected Irregular Misconduct 490 Negotiation Activity 499 other Direct Effort 599 Auditor Indirect 699 Administrative Effort Type of SUspected Irregular Conduct : B .. Bidrigging F • False Claims/Statements G • Gratuities K .. Kickbacks L = Labor Mischarging M • Material costs Mischarging o =other P • Product SUbstitution s .. Security T • Theft/Embezzlement U • Unallowables C-25 DEFENSE CXNl'RACl' AUDIT .AGENCY FAD MAWI.GEMEN'l' INFORMATICN SYSTEM TABLE OF CODES SLmrnary Code Sort Codes: 01 -Incurred Cost 17 • Special Audits 19 -Cost Accounting standards 20 -Forward Pricing 39 -Defective Pricing 40 • other Direct 50 • Indirect Audits 60 Field Administration m Unit Cost Codes 105013000 110013000 115013000 120013000 130013000 140013000 150013000 160013000 169013000 170013000 190013000 210013000 230013000 240013000 300013000 400013000 420013000 486013000 500013000 551013000 699013000 900013000 Operations Audits Financial Controls EDP Audits Materials and Services Labor· Indirect Expenses other Scheduled Reviews other Direct & Indirect Nonmajor Contr Inc Costs Special Audits Cost Accounting standards Individual Bid Proposals Forward Pricing Rate Agr ~imating system surveys Prpcurement Liaison other Audit Activity Defective Pricing SUSpected Irregular Conduct Technical Support & Travel PIA . Administrative Effort Field Detachment C-26 ACTIVITY CODE DEFINITIONS POST CLOSING INCURRED COST AUDITS 10100 -MAJOR CONTRACTOR AUDITABLE DOLLARS This activity code is to be used to record all auditable incurred cost dollars by Contractor Fiscal Year (CFY) for major contractors. A 10100 assignment will be established, for each CFY that a Final Incurred Cost Audit Report has not been issued. These assignments will be used to record the Total Annual Dollar Volume (ADV) for the applicable CFY and the dollars examined during each Government Fiscal Year (GFY) . These assignments will remain open until the Final Incurred Cost Audit Report is issued. The Total ADV amount will be the amount shown when it was first included in a requirements plan. The ADV amount will not be revised unless there is a significant change in the amount. Significant is defined as that which would have an impact on the operations of the FAO or Region. If it is determined that a change must be made, the amount will be provided in the requirements plan narrative. 10150 -MAJOR CONTRACTOR INCURRED COST FINAL REPORT Represents effort expended to prepare the final incurred cost audit report for major contractors. The use of this activity code will be limited to one assignment per contractor per CFY. However multiple years can be audited under the one assignment. The assignment will be used to record the effort associated with (i) issuing the final overhead audit report, (ii) the effort incurred in auditing the contractors submission if separate packages are not required, and (iii) recording the questioned costs related to that contractor 'fiscal year or multiple contractor fiscal years. If separate packages are required to segregate the various accounts or elements being audited, that effort would be charged to activity code 10160. All questioned cost that are found in auditing the contractor incurred cost claim will be recorded under this activity code when the final audit report is issued. For complete Requirements the CFY Plan audit purposes, should be all inclu hours ded in required this activ to ity code, c~ 10160 -MAJOR CONTRACTOR INCURRED COST (INDIVIDUAL PACKAGES) This activity code is designed to give the FAO the flexibility to setup as many assignments as they feel are necessary to audit the contractor final incurred cost submission. If only one assignment is needed to audit the submission, then activity code 10150 would be used. If significant issues are identified during the audit, a report to the ACO/PCO identifying the issues and/or the costs questioned should be issued under the Activity Code 10160 assignment. However, any questioned cost found that is associated with these assignments will be recorded under the 10150 assignment when the final incurred cost audit report is issued. This activity code is not used for requirements planning. 10200 -NONMAJOR CONTRACTOR AUDITABLE DOLLARS This activity code is to be used to record all auditable incurred cost dollars by Contractor Fiscal Year (CFY) for nonmajor contractors. A 10200 assignment will be established, for each CFY that a final incurred cost audit report has not been issued. These assignments will be used to record the Total ADV for the applicable CFY and the dollars examined during each Government Fiscal Year (GFY) . These assignments will remain open until the final audit report is issued. The Total ADV amount will be the amount shown when it was first included in a requirements plan. The ADV amount will not be revised unless there is a significant change in the amount. . Significant is defined as that which would have an impact on the operations of the FAO or Region. If it is determined that a change must be made, the amount will be provided in the requirements plan narrative. 10250 -NONMAJOR CONTRACTOR INCURRED COST -ALL INCLUSIVE AND/OR FINAL REPORT Represents effort expended to prepare the final incurred cost audit report for~ nonmajor contractors. The use of this activity code wfll be limited to a one assignment per contractor per CFY. However multiple years can be audited under the one assignment. C~8 The assignment will be used to record the effort associated with (i) issuing the final incurred cost audit report, (ii) the effort incurred in auditing the contractor•s submission if separate packages are not required, and (iii) recording the questioned costs related to that contractor fiscal year or multiple contractor fiscal years. If separate packages are required to segregate the various accounts or elements being audited that effort would be charged to activity code 10260. All questioned cost that are found in auditing the contractor•s claim will be recorded under this activity code when the final incurred cost audit report is issued. For Requirements Plan purposes, all hours required to complete the CFY audit should be included in this activity code. 10260 -NONMAJOR INCURRED COST This activity code is designed to give the FAO the flexibility to setup as many assignments as they feel are necessary to audit the contractor final incurred cost submission. If only one assignment is needed to audit the submission, then activity code 10250 would be used. If significant issues are identified during the audit, a report to the ACO/PCO identifying the issues and/or the dollars questioned should be issued under the Activity Code 10260 assignment. However, any questioned cost found that is associated with these assignments will be reported under the 10250 assignment when the final incurred cost audit report is issued. This activity code is not used for requirements planning. TIME SENSITIVE MAARS These activity codes are established for recording of effort related specifically to MAARS 6 and 13 which can only be performed during the CCFY. Any other audit effort relating to the review of labor and material costs and/or systems will be charged either to the incurred cost activity codes define above or the other concurrent activity codes (series 11XXX through 14XXX). 10310 - TSMAARS MAAR No 6 LABOR FLOOR CHECKS OR INTERVIEWS Represent effort associated with interviews, and other physical analyses of employee time keeping. performing floor observations and checks, related C-29 10320 -TSMAARS MAAR No. 13 PURCHASES EXISTENCE AND CONSUMPTION Represents effort associated with the physical observation and .inqu1r1es regarding documentation and verification of contract charges for purchased materials and services. OPERATIONS AUDITS 10501 -MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Relates to audits directly concerned with the economy and efficiency of contractor operating systems. Audits which would fall under this code would include: Computer Systems and Equipment, Automated Production and Business Equipment and Facilities Systems. 10502 - LABOR ELEMENTS Relate to audits directly concerned with the economy and efficiency of labor. 10503 - MATERIALS AND OTHER COST Relates to efficiency audits directly concerned of areas concerned with with the economy inventory, tools and and equipment and travel. 10580 - COST AVOIDANCE OTHER THAN CODES 105XX Currently the FMIS system does not allow for the recording of cost avoidance on any audits other than Operations Audits. Therefore this code is used exclusively to record cost avoidance recommended and/or sustained resulting from audits performed under activity codes other than 10501, 10502, and 10503. 10601 -OPERATIONS AUDITS FOLLOW UP This activity code will be used to perform the follow-up audit for all operations audits with recommended cost avoidances. Audits will be titled the same as the initial operations audit. C-30 FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND BUDGET AUDITS 11010 -BILLING SYSTEM AUDIT (ICR) Represents effort expended auditing the contractor's billing system and related internal controls that generate interim and final public vouchers, progress payment requests, terminations, FPI closings, etc. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the contractor's billing system provides reasonable assurance that billings applicable to U.S. Government Contracts are prepared in accordance with U.S. laws and regulations misstatements are and prev the ented contract or detected terms, and and corre material cted in a timely manner. 11020 -BUDGET SYSTEM AND FINANCIAL CONTROL AUDIT (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's planning and budgetary system, and related internal controls. The purpose of the audit is to ascertain whether controls are in place to ensure that budgets are (1) prepared for appropriate time periods and in all areas which impact government contracts; (2) prepared in a timely manner; (3) consistent with strategic and long range plans; (4) aggressive but attainable; (5) approved by an appropriate level of management; and (6) communicated to appropriate individuals within the organization. 11050 -OTHER INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's internal control system not identified by Activity Codes 11010 and 11020. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. EDP AUDITS 11510 -EDP -GENERAL CONTROLS (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's internal controls within data processing operations to ensure proper procedures and controls over (1) the adequacy of supervision and segregation of functions; (2) systems development and documentation; (3) program and system maintenance; (4) computer operations and access to data files; and (5) file reconstruction and processing recoveries. C-31 11530 -EDP -COMPUTER BILLING ALGORITHM Represents effort expended to audit the acceptability of the computer billing algorithm used to manage the computer resources and allocate computer costs. 11540 -EDP -LEASE VS BUY Represents effort expended to audit the reasonableness of the contractor's decision to lease vs. buy EDP hardware. 11590 -EDP -OTHER EDP AUDITS Represents effort expended to perform other EDP audits not covered under Activity Codes 11510-11540. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. 11990 -FINANCIAL CONTROLS AND EDP FOLLOW-UP (REQ/PROG PLAN ONLY) Represents effort required to 'follow-up on recommendations or findings of prior financial control and EDP audits. This activity code is to be used only for requirements and program planning to segregate follow-up effort from other audit effort planned under this subactivity. Actual follow-up effort expended should be charged to the appropriate activity code under this subactivity. MATERIAL AUDITS 12030 -CONTRACTOR PURCHASING SYSTEM REVIEW (CPSR) (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the effectiveness of the internal controls over the purchasing functions including (1) vendor selection; (2) price analysis; (3) price negotiation; (4) order placing and administration; and (5) delivery expediting. This activity code is only to be used for auditor participation on the DLA CPSR Team Review. 12500 -MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS (MMAS) (ICR) Represents effort to perform comprehensive audits of the adequacy and reliability of contractors' systems for managing and accounting for materials. This includes effort expended for reviewing contractor's compliance ~ith DFARS 252.242-7004, Contractor Material Management and Adcounting Systems (MMAS) . Efforts to perform audits to quant,ify the cost impact of system deficiencies should be charged to the appropriate activity code, e.g., progress payment audit, defective pricing audit, incurred cost audit, etc. C-32 12980 -OTHER CONCURRENT MATERIAL AUDITS Represents effort expended to audit other material activities selected for audit during the CCFY based on risk assessments. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. 12990 -MATERIALS & SERVICES AUDIT FOLLOW-UP (REQ/PROG PLAN ONLY) Represents effort required to follow-up on recommendations or findings of prior materials and services audits. This activity code is to be used only for requirements and program planning to segregate follow-up effort from other audit effort planned under this subactivity. Actual follow-up effort expended should be charged to the appropriate activity code under this subactivity. LABOR AUDITS 13010 -ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL OF LABOR COSTS (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the effectiveness of the contractor's manual and EDP internal controls over its labor accounting system. 13020 -COMPENSATION AUDITS (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's compensation system and related internal controls, including both manual and automated (EDP) activities, to provide reasonable assurance that government contract costs are allowable, allocable and reasonable in accordance with contract terms and that material misstatements are prevented or detected and corrected in a timely manner. Cost avoidance recommendations resulting from this audit are to be recorded in Activity Code 10580. 13500 -LABOR COST CHARGING AND ALLOCATION Represents effort expended to determine the propriety of the allocation of labor costs. C-33 13980 -OTHER CONCURRENT LABOR AUDITS Represents effort expended to audit other labor activities selected for audit during the CCFY based on risk assessments. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. 13990 -LABOR AUDIT FOLLOW-UP (REQ/PROG PLAN ONLY) Represents effort expended to follow-up on recommendations or findings of prior labor audits. This activity code is to be used only for requirements and program planning to segregate follow-up effort from other audit effort planned under this subactivity. Actual follow-up effort expended should be charged to the appropriate activity code under this subactivity. INDIRECT & ODC AUDITS 14410 -JOINT CONTRACTOR INSURANCE PENSION REVIEWS (CIPR) Represents effort expended to perform joint CIPRs. 14980 -OTHER INTERNAL CONTROL INDIRECT AND ODC AUDITS (ICR) Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's internal controls over indirect costs and other direct costs. The purpose is to provide reasonable assurance that indirect costs and other direct costs billed, claimed or proposed on U.S Government contracts are properly classified as allowable, allocable and reasonable in accordance with FAR 31.2 and CAS. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. 14990 -INDIRECT AND ODC AUDITS FOLLOW-UP (REQ/PROG PLAN ONLY) Represents effort required to follow-up on recommendations or findings of prior indirect cost and other direct cost audits. This activity code is to be used only for requirements and program planning to segregate follow-up effort from other audit effort planned under this subactivity. Actual follow-up effort expended should be charged to the appropriate activity code under this subactivity. C-34 PROVISIONAL AND BILLING AUDITS 15300 -FINAL PRICE SUBMISSIONS Represents effort expended to accumulate audit findings and conclusions from all audits related to cost incurred for a specific fixed-price incentive or fixed-price redeterminable contract or subcontract during its performance period. These findings will emanate from (1) annual audits, (2) functional and comprehensive audits of material and labor costs incurred, (3) CAS compliance audits (and related cost impact proposal audits), (4) internal control audits, and (5) assist audit reports. Contract costs for unaudited years may be audited under this activity code; however, dollars examined will be reported against the appropriate 10100 or 10200 codes. 15400 -CONTRACT AUDIT CLOSING STATEMENTS Represents effort expended to accumulate audit findings and conclusions from all audits and reports related to cost incurred for a specific cost type contract or subcontract. This activity occurs subsequent to the audit of incurred costs. 15500 -PROVISIONAL BILLING RATE AUDITS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's provisional or interim indirect cost rates used for obtaining reimbursement through cost type contract billings and progress payment requests. This code should also be used to develop quick closeout rates to expedite contract closeout. 15600 -LIMITATION OF PAYMENTS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's compliance with the financial reporting requirements of any "Limitation on Payments'' (FAR 52.216-16(g)) clauses contained in the contractor's Government contracts. SPECIAL AUDITS 17100 -TERMINATIONS Represents audit effort required to review cost submissions under contracts and subcontracts which have been partially or fully terminated before completion. 17200 -OTHER CLAIMS Represents audit effort required to audit a contractor's (i) proposal for a Equitable Price Adjustment, (ii) claim for financial assistance where there is potential threat of closure by the contractor or subcontractor without such aid (Hardship Claim) and (iii) claim for an Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) . C-35 17500 -PROGRESS PAYMENTS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's requestfor payment for work accomplished on the undelivered portionof a contract. This effort will also include flexible progress payment rate submissions and proposed advanced agreements covering progress payment lag and float factors. 17600 -FINANCIAL CAPABILITY AUDITS Represents effort expended to determine whether the contractor's finances are adequate to perform the contract. 17700 -ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AUDITS (ICR) Represents effort expended to review the contractor's accounting system and related internal controls to determine whether the contractor's accounting system is adequate and suitable for accumulating costs under Government contracts. This activity does not includes preaward surveys, see ActivityCode 17740. 17740 -PREAWARD ACCOUNTING SURVEY Represents effort expended during the contract preaward phaseto determine whether the contractor's accounting system is adequate and suitable for accumulating costs under Government contracts. 17750 -COST SCHEDULE CONTROL CRITERIA, C/SCSC AUDITS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's information management system on selected weapons systemcontracts. This work is intended to ensure the validity of C/SCSC reporting. 17800 -GOVERNMENT FACILITY RENTAL PAYMENTS Represents effort expended to audit rental payments for the authorized non-Government use of Government facilities and equipment (including industrial production equipment)furnished a contractor. This audit includes a verification of (1) the basis of the rental computation, and (2) the proprietyof the procedures for controlling, recording, and reporting usage in accordance with contract provisions. , C-36 17850 -CONTRACT FUND STATUS REPORT (CFSRs) Represents effort expended to audit information in the CFSR about contract funding requirements for specifically designated programs. 17860 -OTHER REQUIRED CONTRACT REPORTS Represents effort expended to audit information in other required contract reports. 17900 -OTHER REQUESTED SPECIAL AUDITS Represents effort expended to perform other unscheduled audits of a special nature not described or provided for under other activity codes. An assignment should not be set up under 17900 just because it was requested but not previously programmed. For example, if a billing system audit is requested, it should be set up and performed under a 11010 Activity Code. Effort charged to this code should be minimal. The nature of the audit should be included in the assignment description. CAS AUDITS 19100 -CAS INITIAL & REVISED DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ADEQUACY/COMPLIANCE AUDITS Represents effort expended to audit the contractor's initial and revised disclosure statement for adequacy and compliance with CAS and FAR. 19200 -CAS, REPORTING OF ALL NONCOMPLIANCE WITH CAS, FAR, & DISCLOSED PRACTICES Represents additional effort to report and resolve a noncompliance issue after it is identified and its existence is fully supported as a part of an incurred cost, price proposal, CAS compliance, or any other type of regular audit. This will include time spent to (i) prepare and issue the noncompliance audit report, (ii) provide audit support to the ACO, (iii) counsel procurement officials during conferences, and (iv) other actions necessary to resolve the issue. 19400 -CAS COMPLIANCE AUDITS NONMAJOR OR NO ADV CONTRACTORS Where the FAO's risk assessment indicates that establishment of individual assignments by CAS Standard would not be cost effective, FAOs may use Activity Code 19400 for CAS compliance testing on all applicable standards. No dollars are to be recorded under this activity code (see Activity Code 19500). The following risk assessment factors should be considered in determining whether to use CAS compliance code 19400: * Number of CAS covered contracts * Value of CAS covered contracts Activity Codes 19403 through 19420 are to be used for CAS compliance testing for CAS standards 403 through 420. No dollars are to be recorded under these activity codes, see Activity Code 19500. Separate activity codes for CAS Standards 401 and 402 compliance testing have not been an established as these audit steps are considered to be such integral part of every audit of a CAS covered contractor that compliance testing and documentation are to be recorded in each individual audit assignment. The following activity codes are being assigned to specific CAS Standards for which compliance testing is to be performed. 19403 -CAS STANDARD 403, Home Office Allocation 19404 -CAS STANDARD 404, Capitalization of Capital Assets 19405 -CAS STANDARD 405, Accounting for Unallowable Costs 19406 -CAS STANDARD 406, Cost Accounting Period 19407 -CAS STANDARD 4071 standard Costs 19408 -CAS STANDARD 408, Compensated Personal Absence 19409 -CAS STANDARD 409, Depreciation of Tangible Capital Assets 19410 -CAS STANDARD 410, Allocation of Business Unit G&A Expense 19411 -CAS STANDARD 411, Acquisition Cost of Material 19412 -CAS STANDARD 412, Composition/measurement of Pension Costs C-38 19413 - 'CAS STANDARD 413, Adjustment and Allocation of Pension Costs 19414 - CAS STANDARD 414, Cost of Money (COM) Facilities Capital 19415 - CAS STANDARD 415, Deferred Compensation 19416 - CAS STANDARD 416, Insurance Costs 19417 - CAS STANDARD 417, Cost of Money (COM) Capital Assets Under Construction 19418 - CAS STANDARD 418, Direct/Indirect Costs 19420 - CAS STANDARD 420, IR&D B&P Costs 19500 -COST IMPACT STATEMENT (Price Adjustment) Represents effort expended to audit a contractor•s cost impact proposal. All dollars examined, questioned cost and questioned cost sustained will be recorded under code 19500. FORWARD PRICING ACTIVITY 21000 -INDIVIDUAL PRICE PROPOSALS Represents effort expended to evaluate estimates in price proposals submitted by contractors in connection with the award, modification, or repricing of Government contracts or subcontracts. 22000 -SHOULD COST STUDIES Represents auditor effort expended while participating on a forward pricing should cost team to (1) determine the scope of the should cost study, (2) perform an audit of selected areas, (3) issue audit reports, and (4) prepare dissenting reports, if applicable. 23000 -FORWARD PRICING RATE AGREEMENTS Represents effort expended to audit projected or forecasted bidding rates and pricing factors. These studies include the audit of labor rates, overhead rates, G&A rates, scrap factors, and material and labor loading factors, which either C~9 (1) lead to the establishment of formal or informal rate agreements, or (2) form the basis for subsequent recommendations regarding prospective costs. Forward rate studies also include B&P/IR&D audits of agreements. forward auditor pricing advance 25000 -TELEPHONE RATE REQUESTS Represents effort expended to respond to verbal requests for confirmation of rates or other pricing data which have already been determined. Dollars will not be reported under these assignments. 27000 -SPECIFIED ELEMENT REVIEW Represents effort expended to express an opinion on one or more specified elements or items of cost in a forward pricing proposal. 28000 -AGREED UPON PROCEDURES Represents effort expended as a result of application of agreed upon procedures, such as, the verification of rates, the verification of factors, or the audit of spec~fic estimating techniques. Dollars will not be reported under these assignments. 29500 -CATALOG PRICE AUDITS A proposal based solely on an SF1412, "Claim for Exemption from submission of Certified Cost or Pricing Data" will be audited under Activity Code 29500. Dollars will not be reported under these assignments. ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEYS 24010 ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEYS (ICR) Represents the effort expended to perform an audit of a contractor's organization, policies, procedures, and practices for preparing cost estimates and pricing proposals to assure that these policies~ procedures .and practices provide reasonable assurance that estimated government contract costs are allowable, allocable and reasonable in accordance with contract terms, and that material misstatements are prevented or detected and correct~d in a timely m~nner. C-40 24020 -ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEYS, REAL-TIME AUDITS Represents the effort expended in those situations where an evaluation (e.g., price proposal or estimating systemsurvey/follow-up) discloses a new estimating deficiency or deficiencies. This includes the effort necessary to fullyreview the identified deficiencies and issue real-time estimating system reports. 24030 -ESTIMATING SYSTEM SURVEYS, UPDATE/FOLLOW-UP AUDITS Represents the effort expended to determine the status of corrective actions taken by contractors on previouslydisclosed estimating deficiencies. Effort expended to pursue any new deficiencies disclosed during follow-up audits should be charged to Activity Code 24020 (real-time audits) . NO ADV CONTRACTOR AUDITS 26000 -OTHER SYSTEMS SURVEYS CONTRACTORS WITH NO ADV Represents effort expended to audit accounting systems and internal controls, and update permanent files at contractors who have no flexibly-priced contract work, but do have a significant price proposal workload. This effort includes audit tests of cost accounting systems whose products (i.e.,incurred cost data) are used for important elements of pricing proposals. This may involve only the system which pertains to particular cost elements, or to all cost elements, depending on the significance of the cost. Do not charge this activitycode for Required/Programmed MMAS effort. PROCUREMENT LIAISON ACTIVITY 30000 -PART-TIME PROCUREMENT LIAISON Represents effort expended to perform the Agency's procurementliaison functions on a part-time or sporadic basis by field offices. SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT 40000 -FAO SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT Represents effort expended by branch managers, resident auditors, CAC assistants, and FAO supervisory auditors; but excludes (i) nonsupervisory auditors acting for supervisoryauditors, see Activity Code 40020 and (ii) FAO GS-13 Special C-41 Assistants who will record all their direct time under Activity Code 40100. Activity Code 40000 will be used to record all direct FAO supervision and management effort incurred by permanent and temporarily promoted supervisoryauditors. The only exception where a different activity code may be charged will be when an FAO GS-13 and above supervisoryauditor is performing direct effort as a result of a specialassignment directed or approved by the regional director or Headquarters, DCAA. All indirect time for FAO GS-13 and above auditor personnel will be charged to the appropriate 5XXXX activity code. 40020 -FAO ACTING SUPERVISION Represents effort expended by auditors GS-12 and below who have been designated in writing to act on behalf of an absent supervisor. It will not include time charges for those temporarily promoted to GM-13 since they will charge directly to Activity Code 40000, FAO Supervision and Management.Absent will be defined as the supervisor being away from the FAO on leave or other temporary duty for more than one day. A supervisor is not absent simply because his/her own office is not physically located at the same location where his/herauditors are assigned. Only actual effort expended on supervisory duties is to be charged to this activity code and it is not intended to be a blanket assignment to be chargedfor the full amount of time the supervisor is absent. If acting supervisory auditors work on their own audit assignments during the time they are designated as acting,they will continue to charge the respective assignments actually worked on. 40100 -FAO SPECIAL ASSISTANT This is the only activity code that will be used by GS-12 and GS-13 FAO Special Assistants to charge their direct time. In no event will they charge Activity Code 40000, or any other direct activity code, regardless of the work assignment. All indirect time will be charged to the appropriate 5XXXX activity code. OTHER DIRECT ACTIVITY 41000 -CONTRACT AUDIT COORDINATOR (CAC) PROGRAM Represents effort expended by GS-12 and below auditors only to discuss and coordinate on CAC problems including dealings with other DCAA personnel, contractor representatives, and cognizant procurement officials. The CAC program includes C42 effort to (1) disseminate information, (2) monitor and track problem areas, (3) arrange and attend CAC conferences, (4) write minutes of CAC conferences, (5) report on field· trips made in conjunction with CAC matters, and (6) attend negotiation conferences as a CAC. Direct audit time expended on coordinated corporate-wide studies or evaluations initiated by the CAC should not be included as a part of this activity but should be charged to the appropriate incurred cost or forward pricing activity. 41100 -FAO MONITORS (AUDIT RELATED FUNCTIONS) Represents effort expended by FAO personnel to perform FAO EDP, QM, DP, CAS, or other formally established FAO monitor functions. 41200 -MONITORING/TRACKING Represents effort expended to monitor and track costs and other aspects of the contractor's operations that identify trends and audit leads. Effort is limited to collection and organization of statistics and data. Effort expended to analyze the statistics and data should be charged to the appropriate audit. 41300 -PERAMBULATIONS Represents effort expended to perform physical observations at contractor facilities to obtain audit leads. Conditions observed may include (1) employee idleness, (2) extensive use of labor for rework operations, (3) excessive number of workers, (4) lack of appropriate protection of property from theft or the elements, and (5) unused floor space and equipment. 41400 -BRIEFING CONTRACTS Represents effort expended to initially brief subcontracts, and inter/intracompany orders. contracts also includes updating the briefs as contracts, Briefing a result of changes and/or modifications to procurement actions and monitoring special contract provisions. 41500 -PROCESSING PUBLIC VOUCHERS Represents auditor effort expended to process the contractor's reimbursement vouchers. C43 41600 -ANALYZING PNMs AND REPORTING RESULTS Represents effort expended to review negotiation memoranda associated with audit assignments that have been completed and closed. This activity also includes the effort required to (1) compute sustained and net savings data based on analysis of PNMs or estimates, (2) prepare reports on significant audit savings (including the Monthly Accomplishment reporting), and (3) follow-up actions. 41700 -MEETINGS Represents effort expended to attend meetings with contractor and Government officials and discuss issues not covered under any specific audit assignment or negotiation conference. 41800 -PERMANENT FILE MAINTENANCE Represents effort expended to develop and maintain permanent files. 43010 -IG, GAO AND CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITY Represents effort expended to respond to inquires received from or addressed to: General Accounting Office (GAO), Congressional inquiries, Inspector General Activity (DoD-IG) or other IG's. 48010 -SPECIAL PROJECTS/HEADQUARTERS OR REGION Represents effort expended on projects and studies requested or approved by DCAA Headquarters and/or Regional Offices. This type of effort normally will be for work which is beyond the scope of normal audits. 48600 -SUSPECTED IRREGULAR CONDUCT (SIC) Represents effort expended related to SIC referrals and responses to requests from investigative agencies or the Department of Justice regarding suspected fraud and other suspected irregular , practices. This activity includes the development of evidence for (1) presentation to a U.S. attorney or a grand jury, or (2) prosecution at a trial. C-44 49100 -PRENEGOTIATIONS Represents effort expended to prepare and provide information that is to be used directly or indirectly at negotiation conferences related to procurement actions (regardless of whether or not the auditor(s) will physically attend the negotiation conference) . This effort normally occurs after an audit assignment has been completed and closed, and, for which effort has been expended to perform an audit of incurred costs, a special audit, a forward pricing_ audit, or a defective pricing audit. Negotiation conference preparations pertaining to CAS should be charged to the appropriate CAS assignment. 49200 -ATTENDANCE AT NEGOTIATIONS Represents effort expended at negotiation conferences related to procurement actions. This effort normally occurs after an audit assignment has been completed and closed, and, for which effort has been expended to perform an audit of incurred costs, a special audit, a forward pr1c1ng audit, or a defective pricing audit. Attendance at negotiations pertaining to CAS should be charged to the appropriate CAS assignment. 49300 -BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS (BCA) CASES Represents effort expended to prepare, review, and testify before the BCA or higher judicial body. 49500 -PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING Represents effort expended by GS-12 or below auditors to prepare the requirements and program plans. This is the effort involved in the development and rev1s1on of these formal plans and does not include effort expended for normal supervision and management functions. 49900 -OTHER DIRECT AUDIT ACTIVITY Represents effort expended to perform other direct effort which can not be identified with any of the above "Other Audit Activities." The type of effort being performed should be specifically stated. in the assignment description, the title Other Direct Audit Activity should not be used. C45 DEFECTIVE PRICING AUDITS 42010 -DEFECTIVE PRICING CONTRACT VALUE > $100 MILLION Represents effort required to perform defective pricing audits, except hard leads, for contract values greater than or equal to $100 million. 42020 -DEFECTIVE PRICING CONTRACT VALUE $25 MILLION TO $100 MILLION Represents effort required to perform defective pricing audits, except hard leads, for contract values greater than or equal to $25 million and less than $100 million. 42030 -DEFECTIVE PRICING CONTRACT VALUE $10 MILLION TO $25 MILLION Represents effort required to perform defective pricing audits, except hard leads, for contract values greater than or equal to $10 million and less than $25 million. 42040 -DEFECTIVE PRICING CONTRACT VALUE < $10 MILLION Represents effort required to perform defective pricing audits, except hard leads, for contract values greater than or equal to $100 Thousand but less than $10 million. 42097 -DEFECTIVE PRICING ADD-ON Represents efforts of a prime contractor FAO to apply add-ons to subcontract defective pricing where no separate prime contract defective pricing audit is being performed. 42098 -DEFECTIVE PRICING LEADS Represents effort required to perform defective pricing audits selected based on "hard" audit leads that were not included in Activity Codes 42010-42040 (i.e., were not selected through the defective pr1c1ng . matrix) for the planning period. All effort programmed and expended on defective pricing leads should be charged to this activity code. This code should not be used for audits performed as a result of an audit request unless the request identifies a "hard" lead. C-46 42099 -DEFECTIVE PRICING FOLLOW-UP Activity Code 42099 was established to accumulate the hours expended on follow-up and should not include any dollars. Set up separate 42099 assignments for each follow-up and include reference to the original assignment number in the FACS/AMIS assignment description. Changes to the original recommended price adjustments as a result of the follow-up effort will be reflected through a supplemental report to the original assignment number. Record the disposition of any recommended price adjustments against the original assignment number. AUDITOR INDIRECT ACTIVITY 51100 -CONDUCTING TRAINING Include effort related to conducting orientation and training programs including the preparation of instructional material to be used in course presentations. 51200 -ATTENDING TRAINING Includes time expended during normal duty hours attending training courses. This will include attendance either as a student or as an observer for purposes other than course development. 51500 -UPWARD MOBILITY Includes all direct effort of upward mobility employees. 52100 -ANNUAL LEAVE Used to record time expended by auditor personnel on annual leave. 52200 -SICK LEAVE Used to record time expended by auditor personnel on sick leave. 52300 -HOLIDAYS Used to record time expended by auditor personnel absent because of an official holiday. C-47 52400 -CPA/BAR EXAMS OR SIMILAR ACTIVITIES Used to record time expended by auditor personnel in sitting for CPA or Bar examination or other similar activities. 52500 -OTHER LEAVE Used to record time expended by auditor personnel on other authorized absences not appropriately covered by one of the activity codes defined above, including Time Off Award Leave, jury duty, active military duty for training, voting, blood donations, worker's compensation due to on-the-job injury, parades, transportation strikes, official release because of weather conditions, or natural disasters. Does not include credit or compensatory hours used or any leave category where the employee is in a nonpay status. 53100 -AUDIT TRAVEL ~his activity code is use to record all auditor travel other than that associated with PCS. This activity code will be used for all work hour travel required to perform either one or multiple audits, travel associated with procurement liaison activities, prenegotiation or negotiation conferences, and board appeal case hearings. 53600 -TRAVEL FOR PERMANENT CHANGE OF DUTY STATION (PCS) This activity code will only be used to record normal duty hour travel time expended in accomplishing a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) (excluding leave) : 54000 -ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT Includes effort of auditor personnel related to the following activities: a. Recruitment of new hires. b. Administering the employee rating and performance appraisal systems and related personnel administration and management matters. c. Preparing required external and DCAA internal reports, except for those chargeable to 56000. d. Staff management. e. Handling correspondence and related office operations required for overall administration or operation of a DCAA organization element. C-48 55000 -TECHNICAL DIRECTION AND SUPPORT Includes effort of auditors assigned to Headquarters, DCAA, and regional offices engaged in the following types of activities: a. Includes effort of regional auditors in providing direction and guidance to field audit offices. Includes preparing for, reporting on, and performing visits to provide technical assistance, including regularly scheduled visits to field audit offices or audit sites, such as supervisory audit visits performed for the purpose of (i) appraising audit programs, (ii) ascertaining that audits are planned and performed in accordance with established DCAA audit policies, (iii) assuring that a uniform approach is maintained, and (iv) identifying and assisting in the resolution of problems. (See DCAA Regulation 7640.9, subject: Annual Summary Evaluation Reports (FAO Profiles) on Operations of Field Audit Offices, for additional guidance on effort covered by this subactivity code.) b. Regional auditors assigned to the office of the Regional Special Programs Manager will charge their effort to Assignment Numbers containing the standardized "Special Projects'' control numbers contained in Appendix III.A.4. c. Includes effort of Headquarters, DCAA, auditor personnel on all aspects of technical direction and guidance required for effective performance of contract audit service by DCAA. Includes all elements of audit management and review, such as: (i) formulation of policies, procedures, and techniques for the performance of contract audits, (ii) on-site or written assistance in the resolution of complex or sensitive audit problems, (iii) supervisory visits to audit sites to assure the consistency of audit approach and cost treatment on a DCAA-wide basis, (iv) participation in the planning,programming, and scheduling of audits, and (v) all review, analyses, and other professional activities effort. 55040 -TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION This activity code is to be used by all auditor personnelworking on the Total Quality Management (TQM) Process Action Team (PAT) . Only PAT members who are officially appointed to regional or Headquarters Process Action Teams may charge this code. TQM training time should be charged to the appropriatetraining code. C49 55100 -FULL-TIME PROCUREMENT LIAISON Represents effort expended to perform the Agency's procurement liaison functions by auditors assigned, on a full time basis, to the Headquarters Procurement Liaison Division. 55500 -DoD INSPECTOR GENERAL INDIRECT AUDITOR ACTIVITY Includes effort related to developing information and commenting on reports, including letter reports from the DoD IG Headquarters. Also includes effort related to discussions and conferences with DoD IG personnel and with DCAA, contractor, or procurement officials on DoD IG matters. 56000 -MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM This activity code will be used to record all auditor effort required to record and accumulate data necessary to operate and maintain the DCAA MIS. 57000 -STAFF CONFERENCES Includes time expended during normal duty hours for attendance at or participation in formal staff conferences. Includes meetings such as Executive conferences conducted by Headquarters, DCAA, and regional FAO conferences. This activity code will not be used for conferences or meetings related to a direct audit assignment (time expended in such cases will be charged to the assignment number specifically established for that activity) . In addition, the activity code will not be used for conference or meetings which are primarily for the purpose of providing or attending formal training or orientation. An appropriate training assignment number will be established for such activities in accordance with the instructions provided above. Unassigned time will not be charged to this activity. 57500 -REPRESENTATIVE FUNCTIONS Representational functions mean those activities undertaken byemployees on behalf of other employees pursuant to the rights of employees to representation under statue, regulation, executive order, or the terms of a collective bargaining agreement. The FMIS accepts records of official time spent by employees who act as the representative of other employees or groups of employees. Time for representative functions must be recorded in one of the following categories with specific control numbers: · C-50 100 Negotiation .of a basic contract --official time granted to employees representing an exclusive representative for negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement, the renegotiation of a collective bargaining agreement or reopener negotiations. Time spent in meetings with FMSC and FSIP relating to these negotiations must also be recorded. 200 Midterm negotiations official time granted to employees representing an exclusive representative for negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement other than that included in 100. 300 Labor Management relations official time granted to employees representing an exclusive representative for representational functions in connection with all labor-management committees, consultation, OSHA inspections, FLRA proceedings, labor relations training for union representatives, and formal grievances (include grievances being processed under the negotiated agreement) and Weingarten meetings. 400 Grievance and Appeals --official time granted to any employee for representational functions in connection with grievances (other than those being processed under a negotiated agreement), adverse actions, EEO complaints and other complaints or appeals. Official time spent by management representatives will not be recorded nor will the official time of the employee being represented be recorded. 57600 -EEO FUNCTIONS Official time spent in connection with EEO activities, such as the following: a. Processing EEO complaints b. EEO counseling c. EEO compounds investigation d. Preparing EEO reports e. Participating in affirmative action activities, (1) campus recruiting (2) sitting on selection panels (3) FEB participation, etc. f. Attending EEO training/orientation C-51 g. Conducting EEO training/orientation h. Attending/conducting Agency EEO conferences i. Administration and support by the EEO staff j. Administration and support by non-EEO staff k. Representative in EEO complaint (complainant) 1. Representative in EEO complaint (Agency) m. EEO officer interregion travel n. Special emphasis activities (FWPM, HEPM, HEC) 59900 -OTHER INDIRECT AUDITOR ACTIVITY This activity code reflects unassigned time and time expended on miscellaneous indirect duties not otherwise provided for in the above subactivity codes. Time charged to this activity code will be kept to a minimum. Includes time charged by FAO auditors on temporary duty assignments outside DCAA which do not require audit or audit-related experience. Regional or Headquarters auditor personnel who expend audit effort on direct audit assignments which have been established by an FAO will charge such time to the FAO assignment number. 59950 -REGIONAL AUDITOR INDIRECT TIME, YEAR-END ADJUSTMENT This activity code is limited to the regional auditor indirect time allocation to FAOs at year end. 59999 -LUMP-SUM REQUIREMENTS PLAN ONLY For requirements and program plan purposes only, all auditor indirect activity may be included in this lump sum activity code. ADMINISTRATIVE INDIRECT ACTIVITY THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE APPLICABLE TO ALL EMPLOYEES AT ANY ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL AND, THEREFORE, MAY BE USED AGENCYWIDE. THESE CODES ARE NOT JUST FOR FAO USE, BUT MAY BE USED BY THE FAO, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, AND DCAA HEADQUARTER'S EMPLOYEES. 61100 -CONDUCTING TRAINING Time required for conducting or attending training, or orientation courses presented or conducted in a classroom environment, or engaging in self-study instruction using structured material prescribed or approved by appropriate DCAA authority. Includes formal training conducted at work site C-52 and effort anticipated for preparing and reviewing course material. Time required for on-the-job training, including work on assignments before employee has acquired practical proficiency in tasks to be performed will be charged to this code. Also included is attendance as a student and course preparation or presentation. 61200 -ATTENDING TRAINING Time required for attending, during normal duty hours, formal training or orientation courses presented in a classroom or seminar enviro~ent. This code includes attendance as a student or .for purposes other than course preparation or presentation. Training conducted in a classroom environment or engaging in self-study instruction using structured material prescribed or approved by appropriate DCAA authority, including formal training conducted at work site will be charged to this code. 62100 -ANNUAL LEAVE Used to record time expended by personnel on annual leave. 62200 -SICK LEAVE Used to record time expended by personnel on sick leave. 62300 -HOLIDAYS Used to record time expended by personnel absent because of an official holiday. 62500 -OTHER ABSENCES Authorized absences not covered by one of the activity codes prescribed above; include such absences as: jury duty; military leave; voting; blood donation; worker's compensation due to on-the-job injury; and official release because of weather conditions, natural disasters, and similar circumstances. Does not include credit or compensatory hours used or any leave category where the employee is in a nonpay status. 63000 -TRAVEL -TDY/PCS Time required to travel to one or more places away from a permanent duty station to perform duties for a temporary period of time and upon completion of assignment return or proceed to permanent duty station. C-53 Time required accomplishing a Permanent Change of station (PCS) (excluding leave) which includes first duty station travel for a newly recruited employee or appointee, renewal agreement travel, separation travel. permanent change-of-station travel, and 64000 -ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT Effort required for administration and support which does not require detail level reporting. This includes secretarial support, such as, setting up assignments, requisitioning office supplies, processing PNM follow-ups, telephone rate request, text processing, filing documents, arranging for travel, etc. Also, includes time required for support functions that cannot reasonably be associated with any other activity/subactivity code. 64001 -SUPERVISION & MANAGEMENT Effort required for planning, directing and controlling workload, and for performing supervisory personnel management responsibilities. 64008 -VOUCHER PROCESSING AND CONTRACT BRIEFING Includes effort expended in processing contractors• reimbursement vouchers. Time required for processing vendor invoices, Government forms, etc. for obligation and payment; includes check processing. Includes time expended for contract briefing effort at the FAO level. 64009 -SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION Time required of all systems operations, maintenance and administration functions, including running and restoring system backups; monitoring system performance; purging files; processing system updates; providing guidance in operation of DIIS subsystems; developing operating procedures; troubleshooting; briefing management· officials; and site planning. Also includes time for the administration of pro formas installed on DIIS subsystems. 64016 -PHYSICAL SECURITY Time required for performing tasks and functions necessary for operation and administration of physical security program (protection of personnel, equipment, and facilities). C-54 64017 -PERSONNEL SECURITY Time required for performing tasks and functions associated with the investigation and clearance of current or prospective employees. 64018 -INFORMATION SECURITY Time required for performing tasks and functions associated with the safeguarding of information, (includes voice, computerized, and textual information) . 64019 -COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY Time required for performing tasks and functions associated with measures taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived from telecommunications of the U.S. Government concerning national security and to ensure the authenticity of such telecommunications. Programs include personnel THE FOLLOWING HEADQUARTERS USE CODES ONLY. ARE FOR DCAA HEADQUARTERS AND REGIONAL 64101 -PERSONNEL Time required for operating and administering the personnel management program at DCAA. staffing; operating and administering the merit promotion program, position management and classification; employee benefits and services; employee relations; performance and promotion appraisal program; occupational health and safety; and incentive awards and suggestion program. Includes time required to administer training and development programs. This does not include actual training conducted or attendance at training classes. (DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) 64201 -ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS Time required for accounting for funds, including recordation of commitments, obligations, expenses, and to review and reconcile the DBMS system generated reports. Perform functions associated with DCAA's interrelationship with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. (DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) C-55 64206 -MANPOWER ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF STAFFING REQUIREMENTS Time required to develop and execute manpower programs.Includes time required to develop and monitor hiring plans,update Tables of Authorized Strength, and implement staffingreallocations and allocation of additional staffing. Also includes time required for developing and revising annual staffing plans and applying staffing models. (DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) 64208 -BUDGET Time required to formulate budget submissions, prepare the Agency Program Objective (POM), and time required for budgetexecution throughout the fiscal year. (DCAA HQs & RegionalHQs USE ONLY) 64217 -MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS AND SUPPORT. FUNCTIONS Time required for developing and implementing and administering programs to include planning of reviews and studies. Also includes time required to implement Agencyproductivity measurement and enhancement programs as well as regional initiative in these progr~ms. Includes time requiredfor administering the following programs: travel and transportation; facilities and space management; PCS and relocation services; telecommunications; interservice support; property management; and procurement and contract management.Time required for administrating. records management programs(including FOIA/Privacy Act) wh~ch includes the records management program of: files m~intenance and disposition; 1 postal/commercial/electronic mail systems, correspondence,vital records, forms, reports, publications, and copy management; information resources management; and oversight of the Agency automated information systems. (DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) 64303 -ADP SECURITY Time required to develop and implement programs and procedures necessary to assure protection of ADP equipment and software from intentional or inadvertent loss or damage; and for assuring protection of Agency data bases. (DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) C-56 64304 -SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Time required for: (1) designing, developing, and implementing software to meet requirements, and for preparing and maintaining programming and operational documentation in accordance with prescribed standards; (2) installing and operating procedures to assure proper version control of both off-the-shelf or Agency-developed software; (3) assuring conformance to Agency standards and licensing agreements; and (4) developing and implementing procedures necessary for effective software management. This also includes time required by functional personnel to assist in the development of automated applications. Time required for managing regional office or Agencywide data bases such as FMIS/AMIS, ~DBMS, DAISY, SIS, etc. DCAA HQs & Regional HQs USE ONLY) THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE APPLICABLE TO ALL EMPLOYEES AT ANY ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL AND, THEREFORE, MAY BE USED AGENCYWIDE. THESE CODES ARE NOT JUST FOR FAO USE, BUT MAY BE USED BY THE FAO, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS, AND DCAA HEADQUARTER'S EMPLOYEES. 65040 -TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This activity code is to be used by all administrative employees working on total quality management (TQM) process action teams (PAT) . Only PAT members who are officially appointed to regional and Headquarters process action teams may charge to this code. TQM training time should be charged to the regular training codes. 67000 -LEGAL ACTIVITY Time required for performing tasks and functions associated with legal activities. 67503 -LABOR MANAGEMENT Official time granted to employees having exclusive representation in connection with all labor-management committees; consultations; OSHA inspections; FLRA proceedings; labor relations training for union reps.; formal grievances (includes grievances being processed under a negotiated agreement) and Weingarten meetings. Official time granted to employees having exclusive representation for the purpose of negotiating (or renegotiating) a collective bargaining agreement, or reopenings. Includes related time spent in C-57 meetings with FMCS and FSIP. Official time granted to anyemployee for representational functions in connection with grievances {other than those processed under a negotiatedagreement), adverse actions, EEO complaints and other complaints or appeals. Also includes time required for investigation of grievances. {Excludes investigations of EEO complaints -see 67600) . 67600 -EEO ACTIVITIES Time required for service as Deputy EEO Officer, Regional EEO Officer, counselor, special emphasis program manager or investigator. Time granted to any employee for representational functions or as a witness associated with EEO complaints pursuant to employee rights under 29 CFR 1613. 68000 -STAFF CONFERENCES Time required during normal duty hours for attending or participating in formal staff conferences. Includes meetingssuch as executive conferences that are conducted byHeadquarters, DCAA; and Headquarters, regional, and FAO staff conferences. Does not include conferences or meetings that are included in this held primarily for training or management and supervisory meetings. orientation. Includes 69900 -LUMP SUM REQUIREMENTS/PROGRAM PLAN All administrative indirect activity (60000 series) should be lump sum code for requirements/program plandata. This code is not to be used for recording actual time associated with the planning process. ·Use code 64000 for that purpose. C-58 TABLI! T.DODAAC DODAAC CODI!S -10:14 -PAGI! 1 DODAAC S AAN SI!RVICI! DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMI! ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODI! I! CODI! R v A5245A 1 DAAA09 Department of Army U S ARMY ARMAMENT MUNITIONS AND ROCK ISLAND CHEMICAL COMMAND IL DAAA03 1 DAAA03 Department of Army PINI! BLUFF ARSENAL PINB BLUFF ATTN: SMCPB-PO AR DAAAOS 1 DAAAOS Department of Army USA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ARSENAL DI!NVI!R CO ATTN: SCMRM-IPS COMMI!RCI! CITY co DAAAOB 1 DAAAOB Department of Army USA ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL ROCK ISLAND ATTN: SMCRI-PR IL DAAA15 1 DAAA15 Department of Army CHEMICAL R & D CI!NTI!R ABBRDI!I!N PROVING GROUND ATTN: AMSMC-PR-P(A) ABI!RDI!I!N MD DAAA21 1 DAAA21 Department of Army ARMAMENT RI!SBARCH AND DBVBLOPMI!NT CI!NTI!R DOVBR ATTN: AMSMC-PRS(D) NJ DAAA22 1 DAAA22 Department of Army USA WATI!RVLII!T ARSENAL WATERVLIET ATTN: SMCWV-PPA NY DAAA27 1 DAAA27 Department of Army RADFORD ARMY AMMUNITION PLANT RADFORD VA DAAA31 1 DAAA31 Department of Army USA AMMUNITION PLANT MCALI!STI!R ATTN: SMCMC-PPC OK DAAA32 1 DAAA32 Department of Army CRANE ARMY AMMUNITION ACTIVITY CRANI! ATTN: SMCCN-CT IN DAAB07 1 DAAB07 Department of Army USA COMMUNICATIONS & MATI!RII!L RI!ADINBSS FORT MONMOUTH C P & D DIRI!CTORATI! NJ ATTN: AMSI!L-PC DAABOB 1 DAABOB Department of Army USA COMMUNICATIONS & I!LI!CTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH FT MONMOUTH PROCURI!MBNT BRANCH NJ ATTN: AMSBL-PC-CM DAAB10 1 DAAB10 Department of Army US ARMY COMMUNICATIONS AND I!LI!CTRONICS P 0 BOX 1648 COMMAND VINT HILL PROC OFC VBNT HILLS FARM STATION ATTN: AMSI!T,-PC-S-VF-0 WARRENTON VA DAAB11 1 DAAB11 Department of Army USA CECOM C3I ACQUISITION cgNTI!R VBNT HILL FARMS STATION ATTN: AMSBL-AC-VHA-HB BASE OPS WARRENTON VA DAACOl 1 DAAC01 Department of Army ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT ANNISTON ATTN: SDSAN-DPR AL DAAC07 1 DAAC07 Department of Army SIERRA ARMY DBPOT HERLONG ATTN: SDSSI-CONT CA DAAC09 1 DAAC09 Department of Army SACRAMENTO ARMY DEPOT SACRAMENTO ATTN: SDSSA-PMD-B CA DAAC67 1 DAAC67 Department of Army LI!TTERKENNY ARMY DI!POT CHAMBERSBURG ATTN: SDSLI!-P PA DAAC69 1 DAAC69 Department of Army NBW CUMBERLAND ARMY DI!POT NBW CUMBERLAND ATTN: SDSNC-AR PA DAAC71 1 DAAC71 Department of Army TOBYHANNA ARMY DI!POT TOBYHANNA ATTN: SDSTO-K PA DAAC72 1 DAAC72 Department of Army SI!NI!CA ARMY DI!POT SI!NBCA ATTN: SDSSI!-LC NY DAAC79 1 DAAC79 Department of Army RI!D RIVI!R ARMY DI!POT TEXARKANA ATTN: SDSRR-AP-X TX DAAC83 1 DAACB3 Department of Army USA DI!POT CORPUS CHRISTI ATTN: SDSCC-A TX C-59 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 2 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v DAACB9 1 DAACB9 Department of Army TOOELE ARMY DEPOT BLDG 1002 ATTN: SDSTE-DP TOOLELE UT DAAD01 1 DAAD01 Department of Army YUMA PROVING GROUND YUMA AZ DAAD03 1 DAAD03 Department of Army JEFFERSON PROVING GROUND MADISON IN DAAD05 1 DAAD05 Department of Army ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND ABERDEEN MD DAAD07 1 DAAD07 Department of Army WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE WHITE SANDS NM DAAD09 1 DAAD09 Department of Army DUGWAY PROVING GROUND PROCUREMENT OFFICE P 0 BOX 545 DUGWAY UT DAAD10 1 DAAD10 Department of Army HDQTRS USA TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND ABERDEEN MD DAAD20 1 DAAD20 Department of Army HQS U.S. MILITARY TRAINING MISSION BOX 2 UNIT 61300 APO AB ATTN: MAJOR SYSTEMS OFFICE DAAG36 4 DAAG36 Defense Logistics Agency NEW CUMBERLAND ARMY DEPOT THIS NUMBER ATTN: CAROL CROSSLEY MUST REMAIN IN THE FILE! ! ! DDRE IS NEW CUMBERLAND STILL PROCESSING 350 RECORDS AND USING PA THIS CODE DAAG60 1 DAAG60 Department of Army U S ARMY MILITARY ACADEMY WEST POINT MILITARY RESERVATION ATTN: MAPC WEST POINT NY DAAG99 1 DAAG99 Department of Army USA PROJECT MANAGER SANG APO AB ATTN: AMCPM-NGA DAAH01 1 DAAH01 Department of Army US ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ATTN: AMSMI-PC-MAROMMAND AL DAAH03 1 DAAH03 Department of Army P & C DIVISION USA MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL AL DAAH04 1 DAAH04 Department of Army U.S. ARMY ,RESEARCH LABORATORY P 0 BOX 12211 ' I TRIANGLE PARK ATTN: AMXRO-PR RESEARCH NC DAAJ02 1 DAAJ02 Department of Army AVIATION APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE FORT EUSTIS US ARMY AVIATION RESEARCH/TECHNOLOGY CMD VA , I ATTN: SAURT-CY-TD DAAJ04 1 DAAJ04 Department of Army USA AVIATION SYSTEMS CMD GRANITE CITY I ATTN: AMSAV-PDS-1 ADP ER IL DAAJ05 1 DAAJOS Department of Army US ARMY AVIATION SYSTEMS COMMAND FORT EUSTIS ATTN: INTERGRADED AVIATION SYSTEMS VA ! 21 WORKIN~ GROUP DAAJ09 1 DAAJ09 Department of Army US ARMY AVIATION SYSTEMS COMMAND 4300 GOODFELLOW BLVD ATTN: AMSAV-PRR ST LOUIS MD DAAK01 1 DAAK01 Department of Army US ARMY SUPPORT COMMAND 4300 GOODFELLOW BLVD I ATTN: AMSTR-PY ST LOUIS MD DAAK60 1 DAAK60 Department of Army USA NATICK R & D CENTER NATICK ATTN: AMSTR-PW MA C-60 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:14 -PAGB 3 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB E CODE R v DAAK70 1 DAAK70 Department of Army USA BELVOIR R & D CllNTBR FORT BELVOIR ATTN: AMSTR-PVDA VA DAAL01 1 DAAL01 Department of Army ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & DBVICilS LAB FORT MONMOUTH NJ DAAL02 1 DAAL02 Department of Army ISA/LABCOM PROCUREMBNT OFFICE 2800 ADELPHI ROAD ATTN: SLCIS-PR-PO ADELPHI MD DAAL03 1 DAAL03 Department of Army USA RESEARCH OFFICE BOX 12211 RBSBARCH TRIANGLE PK NC DAAL05 1 DAAL05 Department of Army PROJECT MANAGER ALL SOURCE ANALYSIS 1500 PLANNING RESEARCH DR SYSTEM MCLBAN ATTN: SFAB-CC-INTOOC VA DAAL06 1 DAAL06 Department of Army USA MATERIALS & MECHANICS RESEARCH CTR ARSENAL ST WATERTOWN MA DABT01 1 DABT01 Department of Army US ARMY AVIATION CllNTBR & FORT RUCKER FORT RUCKER ATTN: ATZQ-DI-PC AL DABT02 1 DABT02 Department of Army US ARMY MILITARY POLICY/CHEMICAL. SCHOOLS FORT MCCLELLAN CONTRACTING OFFICB AL ATTN: ATZN-DOC DABT10 1 DABT10 Department of Army USA INFANTRY CENTER COLUMBUS CONTRACTING OFFICE GA ATTN: ATZB-DCP DABT11 1 DABT11 Department of Army US ARMY SIGNAL CBNTBR FORT GORDON CONTRACTING OFFIC!l GA ATTN: ATZH-DIP DABT15 1 DABT15 Department of Army US ARMY SOLDIBR SUPPORT CENTER FT BENJAMIN HARRISON CONTRACTING OFFICE IN ATTN: ATZI-DI-P DABT19 1 DABT19 Department of Army US ARMY COMBINED ARMS CENTER BLDG 198 DIRBCTORATE OF CONTRACTING FORT LBAVBNWORTH ATTN: ATZL-GDC KS DABT23 1 DABT23 Department of Army US ARMY ARMOR CENTER BLDG 4022 CONTRACTING OFFIC!l FORT KNOX ATTN: ATZJ-DI-P KY DABT31 1 DABT31 Department of Army US ARMY TRAINING CBNTBR (US ARMY) ENGINEER PROCUREMENT DIVISION p 0 BOX 140 ATTN: ATZT-DI-PC FORT LEONARD WOOD MO DABT35 1 DABT35 Department of Army US ARMY TRAINING CBNTBR BURLINGTON ATTN: ATZDGD-G NJ DABT39 1 DABT39 Department of Army USA FIBLD ARTILLBRY CBNTBR (US ARMY) DIRBCTORATB OF CONTRACTING p 0 BOX 3501 ATTN: ATZR-Q FORT SILL OK DABT43 1 DABT43 Department of Army CONTRACTING OFFICB CARLISLB BARRACKS ATTN: ATZB-DI-P PA DABT47 1 DABT47 Department of Army US ARMY TRAINING CllNTBR BLDG 4350 CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT JACKSON ATTN: ATZJ-DIP sc DABT51 1 DABT51 Department of Army US ARMY TRAINING CENTBR IlL PASO CONTRACTING OFFICE TX C-61 TABLB T . DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:14 -PAGB 4 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DBSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB ll CODB R v ATTN: ATZC-DIP DABT56 1 DABT56 Department of Army US ARMY BNGINBBR BLDG T742 CONTRACTING OFFICE FORT BELVOIR ATTN: ATZA-DIP VA DABT57 1 DABT57 Department of Army US ARMY TRANSPORTATION CBNTBR BLDG 2745 CONTRACTING OFFICE FORT EUSTIS ATTN: ATZF-DIO-CD VA DABT58 1 DABT58 Department of Army HBADQUARTBRS CONTRACTING OFFICE BLDG T-195 ATTN: ATZG-C #62 FORT MONROE VA DABT59 1 DABT59 Department of Army US ARMY QUARTBRMASTBR CBNTBR BLDG T7124 CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT Lllll ATTN: ATZL-DIP VA DABT60 1 DABT60 Department of Army US ARMY TRADOC BLDG 1748 CONTRACTING ACTIVITY -BAST FORT EUSTIS ATTN: ATCA-B VA DABT61 1 DABT61 Department of Army THB JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERALS SCHOOL CHARLOTTESVILLE CONTRACTING/BUDGET BR VA DABT63 1 DABT63 Department of Army HQ US ARMY GARRISON FORT HUACHUCA ' ATTN: ASHDOC-S BFFBCTIVB 1 OCT 90 AZ DABT64 1 DABT64 Department of Army FORT CHAFFBB PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING BLDG 1390 OFFICE FORT CHAFFBB ATTN: ATZR-ZQ AR DABT65 1 DABT65 Department of Army MISSION CONTRACTING ACTIVITY 614 CUSTER RD ATTN: ATOB-AL FORT LEAVENWORTH KS DACAOl 1 DACAOl Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT MOBILE P 0 BOX 2288 MOBILE AL OACA03 1 DACA03 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT LITTLE ROCK P 0 BOX 867 LITTLB ROCK Ak DACA05 1 DACA05 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT SACRAMENTO 650 CAPITOL MALL SCRAMBNTO CA DACA07 1 DACA07 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO 211 MAIN ST SAN FRANCISCO CA DACA09 1 DACA09 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT LOS ANGBLBS P 0 BOX 2711 LOS ANGBLBS CA DACAlO 1 DACAlO Department of Army BNGINBBR PROCURBMBNT ACTIVITY KINGMAN BUILDING #1A09 FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES FORT BELVOIR ATTN: CBBP VA I DACAl? 1 DACAl? Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT JACKSONVILLE P 0 BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE FL DACA21 1 DACA21 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT SAVANNAH P 0 BOX 889 SAVANNAH GA DACA23 1 DACA23 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT CHICAGO 219 S DBARBORN ST CHICAGO IL C-62 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 5 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE E CODE R v DACA25 1 DACA25 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DISTRICT ROCK ISLAND P 0 BOX 2004 ROCK ISLAND IL DACA27 1 DACA27 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DISTRICT LOUISVILLE p 0 BOX 59 LOUISVILLE KY DACA29 1 DACA29 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DISTRICT NBW ORLEANS p 0 BOX 60267 NBW ORLBANS LA DACAJ1 1 DACAJ1 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DISTRICT BALTIMORE p 0 BOX 1715 BALTIMORB MD DACAJ3 1 DACAJ3 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DISTRICT NEW ENGLAND 424 TRAPBLO RD WALTHAM MA DACAJS 1 DACAJS Department of Army USA ENGINBBR DISTRICT DBTROIT p 0 BOX 1027 150 MICHIGAN AVB DBTROIT MI DACA37 1 DACAJ7 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ST. PAUL 1210 USPO & CUSTOMS HOUSH ST ST PAUL MN DACA3B 1 DACA3B Department of Army USA ENGINBBR DISTRICT VICKSBURG P 0 BOX 60 VICKSBURG MS DACA39 1 DACAJ9 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR P 0 BOX 631 WATBR-WAYS BXPBRIMBNT STATION VICKSBURG MS DACA41 1 DACA41 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT KANSAS CITY 700 FBDBRAL BUILDING 601 B 12TH ST KANSAS CITY MO DACA43 1 DACA43 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ST. LOUIS 210 N 12TH ST ST LOUIS MO DACA45 1 DACA45 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT OMAHA US POST OFFICB AND COURTHOUSE ROOM 6012 OMAHA NB DACA47 1 DACA47 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ALBUQUBRQUB P 0 BOX l.SBO ALBUQUBRQUB NM DACA49 1 DACA49 Department of Army USA ENGINBBR DISTRICT BUFFALO FOOT OF BRIDGB ST BUFFALO NY DACA51 1 DACA51 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NBW YORK 26 FBDBRAL PLAZA CONTRACTING DIVISION NBW YORK NY DACA54 1 DACA54 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT WILMINGTON 308 CUSTOM HOUSH WILMINGTON NC DACASS 1 DACASS Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DIVISION OHIO RIVBR p 0 BOX 1159 CINCINNATI OH C-63 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:14 -PAGB 6 DODAAC S AAN · SBRVICB CODB 8 CODB R DACA56 1 DACA56 Department DACA57 1 DACA57 Department DACA59 1 DACA59 Department DACA60 1 DACA60 Department DACA61 1 DACA61 Department DACA62 1 DACA62 Department DACA63 1 DACA63 Department DACA64 1 DACA64 Department DACA65 1 DACA65 Department DACA66 1 DACA66 Department DACA67 1 DACA67 Department DACA6B 1 DACA6B Department DACA69 1 DACA69 Department DACA72 1 DACA72 Department DACA74 1 DACA74 Department DACA75 DACA75 Department DACA76 1 DACA76 Department DESCRIPTION of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army of Army ACTIVITY NAMB USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT TULSA USA BNGINBER DISTRICT PORTLAND USA ENGINEER DISTRICT PITTSBURGH USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT CHARLESTON USA BNGINEER DISTRICT PHILADELPHIA CONTRACTING DIVISION USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NASHVILLE USA ENGINEER DISTRICT PORT WORTH USA BNGINBER DISTRICT GALVESTON USA BNGINEER DISTRICT NORFOLK CONTRACTING DIVISION USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT MBMPHIS USA BNGINEBR DISTRICT SBATTLB USA BNGINBER DISTRICT WALLA WALLA USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT HUNTINGTON HUMPHREY ENGINEER SUPPORT ACTIVITY CTR RIVERS AND HARBORS BOARD OF ENGINBBRS USA BNGINBBR DIVISION MIDDLB BAST USA ENGINEER TOPOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES ACTIVITY ADDRBSS P 0 BOX 61 TULSA OK P 0 BOX 2496 PORTLAND OR FEDERAL BUILDING 1000 LIBERTY AVE PITTSBURGH PA P 0 BOX 905 CHARLESTON sc WANNAMAKER BUILDING 100 PBNN SQUARE BAST PHILADELPHIA PA P 0 BOX 1070 NASHVILLB TN P 0 BOX 17300 FORT WORTH TX P 0 BOX 1229 GALVESTON TX 803 FRONT ST NORFOLK VA ROOM B202 CLIFFORD DAVIS FBDBRAL OFFICE BLDG MBMPHIS TN P 0 BOX C-3755 SBATTLB WA BLDG 602 CITY-COUNTY WALLA WALLA WA 502 BTH ST HUNTINGTON wv KINGMAN BUILDING FORT BELVOIR VA TEMPO C BUILDING 2ND & 0 STS WASNINGTON DC APO AB FORT BBLVOIR VA C-64 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -. 10:14 -PAGE 7 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v DACA78 1 DACA78 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DIVISION MIDDLE BABT P 0 BOX 2250 WINCHESTER VA DACA79 1 DACA79 Department of Army US ARMY BNGINBBR DISTRICT JAPAN APO AP DACA81 1 DACA81 Department of Army US ARMY BNGINNBR DISTRICT FAR BAST APO AP DACA83 1 DACA83 Department of Army U.S. ARMY BNGINBBR BLDG 230 PACIFIC OCEAN/HONOLULU DIVISION FORT SHAFTER HI DACA84 1 DACA84 Department of Army USA ENGINEER DIVISION PACIFIC OCEAN BLDG 230 FORT SHAFTER HI DACA85 1 DACA85 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ALASKA P 0 BOX 7002 ANCHROAGE AK DACA86 1 DACA86 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT RIYADH APO All DACA87 DACA87 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DIVISION HUNTSVILLE P 0 BOX 1600 WEST STATION HUNTSVILLE AL DACA88 1 DACA88 Department of Army USA CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING P 0 BOX 4005 RESEARCH LABORATORY CHAMPAGIN IL DACA89 1 DACA89 Department of Army USA COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND 72 LYME RD ENGINEERING LABORATORY HANOVER NH DACA90 1 DACA90 Department of Army USA BNGINBBR DIVISION EUROPE BUDPS-C APO All DACA91 DACA91 Department of Army BNGINBBR PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY KINGMAN BUILDING #1A09 FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES FORT BELVOIR ATTN: CBBP VA DACA94 1 DACA94 Department of Army MX PROGRAM AGENcY (CBMXPA) NORTON AFB CA DACW01 5 DACW01 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT MOBILE P 0 BOX 2288 MOBILE AL DACW03 5 DACW03 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT LITTLE ROCK P 0 BOX 867 LITTLE ROCK AR DACW05 5 DACW05 USA Corps of / Engineers USA ENGINBBR DISTRICT SACRAMENTO 650 CAPITOL MALL SACRAMENTO CA DACW07 5 DACW07 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO 211 MAIN ST SAN FRANCISCO CA DACW09 5 DACW09 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES P 0 BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES CA DACW10 1 DACW10 Department of Army ENGINEER PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY KINGMAN BUILDING #1A09 FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES FORT BELVOIR ATTN: CEEP VA DACW17 5 DACW17 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT JACKSONVILLE P 0 BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE FL DACW21 5 DACW21 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT SAVANNAH P 0 BOX 889 SAVANNAH C-65 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 8 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v GA DACW23 5 DACW23 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT CHICAGO 219 SOUTH DEARBORN ST CHICAGO IL DACW25 5 DACW25 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ROCK ISLAND P 0 BOX 2004 ROCK ISLAND IL DACW27 5 DACW27 USA Corps of Engineers USA llNGINBBR DISTRICT LOUISVILLE P 0 BOX 59 LOUISVILLE KY DACW29 5 DACW29 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINEBR DISTRICT NBW ORLEANS P 0 BOX 60267 NBW ORLEANS LA DACW31 5 DACW31 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBER DISTRICT BALTIMORE P 0 BOX 1715 CONTRACTING DIVISION BALTIMORE MD DACW33 5 DACW33 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NBW ENGLAND 424 TRAPBLO RD WALTHAM MA DACW35 5 DACW35 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT DETROIT P 0 BOX 1027 150 MICHIGAN AVE DETROIT MI DACW37 5 DACW37 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ST. PAUL 1210 USPO & CUSTOMS HOUSE ST PAUL 'MN DACW38 5 DACW38 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT VICKSBURG P 0 BOX 60 VICKSBURG 'Ms DACW39 5 DACW39 USA Corps of Bngineers USA BNGINBBR P 0 BOX 631 WATER-WAYS BXPBRIMBNT STATION VICKSBURG MS DACW41 5 DACW41 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBER DISTRICT KANSAS CITY 700 FBDBRAL BUILDING 601 EAST 12TH ST KANSAS CITY MD DACW43 5 DACW43 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT ST. LOUIS 210 NORTH 12TH ST ST LOUIS MD DACW45 5 DACW45 USA Corps of Engineers USA llNGINBBR DISTRICT OMAHA 6014 USPO & COURT HOUSH OMAHA Nil DACW47 5 DACW47 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT ALBUQUERQUE P 0 BOX 1580 ALBUQUERQUE NM DACW49 5 DACW49 USA Corps of Engineers USA llNGINBBR DISTRICT BUFFALO FOOT OF BRIDGE ST BUFFALO NY DACW51 5 DACW51 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NBW YORK 26 FBDBRAL PLAZA CONTRACTING DIVISION NBW YORK NY DACW54 5 DACW54 USA Corps of Engineers USA llNGINBBR DISTRICT WILMINGTON 308 CUSTOM HOUSH WILMINGTON C-66 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 9 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE B CODE R v NC DACW55 5 DACW55 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DIVISION OHIO RIVER P 0 BOX 1159 CINCINNATI OH DACW56 5 DACW56 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT TULSA P 0 BOX 61 TULSA OK DACW57 5 DACW57 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT PORTLAND P 0 BOX 2496 PORTLAND OR DACW59 5 DACW59 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT PITTSBURGH PBDBRAL BUILDING 1000 LIBERTY AVB PITTSBURGH PA DACW60 5 DACW60 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT CHARLESTON P 0 BOX 905 CHARLESTON sc DACW61 5 DACW61 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT PHILADELPHIA WANNAMAKER BUILDING CONTRACTING DIVISION 100 PENN SQUARE BAST PHILADELPHIA PA DACW62 5 DACW62 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NASHVILLE P 0 BOX 1070 NASHVILLE TN DACW63 5 DACW63 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT PORT WORTH P 0 BOX 17300 PORT WORTH TX DACW64 5 DACW64 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT GALVESTON P 0 BOX 1229 GALVESTON TX DACW65 5 DACW65 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT NORFOLK 803 FRONT ST CONTRACTING DIVISION NORFOLK VA DACW66 5 DACW66 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT MEMPHIS ROOM 8202 CLIFFORD DAVIS PBDBRAL OPPICB BLDG MEMPHIS TN DACW67 5 DACW67 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT SEATTLE P 0 BOX C-3755 SEATTLE WA DACW68 5 DACW68 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT WALLA WALLA BUILDING 602 CITY-COUNTY AIRPORT WALLA WALLA WA DACW69 5 DACW69 USA Corps of Engineers USA BNGINBBR DISTRICT HUNTINGTON 502 8TH ST HUNTINGTON wv DACW72 5 DACW72 USA Corps of Engineers HUMPHREY BNGINBBR SUPPORT ACTIVITY CTR KINGMAN BUILDING PORT BELVOIR VA DACW74 5 DACW74 USA Corps of Engineers RIVERS AND HARBORS BOARD OF BNGINBBRS TEMPO C BUILDING 2ND & 0 STS S W WASHINGTON C-67 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 10 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v DC DACW75 5 DACW75 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DIVISION MIDDLE EAST APO AB DACW76 5 DACW76 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER TOPOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES FORT BELVOIR VA DACW78 5 DACW78 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DIVISION MIDDLE EAST p 0 BOX 2250 WINCHESTER VA DACW79 DACW79 USA Corps of Engineers US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT JAPAN APO AP DACW81 5 DACW81 USA Corps of Engineers US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT FAR EAST APO AP DACW83 1 DACW83 Department of Army U.S. ARMY ENGINEER PACIFIC OCEAN/ BLDG 230 HONOLULU DIVISION FORT SHAFTER HI DACW84 5 DACW84 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DIVISION PACIFIC OCEAN BLDG 230 FORT SHAFTER HI DACW85 5 DACW85 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT ALASKA P 0 BOX 7002 ANCHORAGE AK DACW86 DACW86 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DISTRICT RIYADH APO AB DACW87 5 DACW87 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DIVISION HUNTSVILLE P 0 BOX 1600, WEST STATION HUNTSVILLE AL DACWSS 5 DACWSS USA Corps of Engineers USA CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING P 0 BOX 4005 RESEARCH LABORATORY CHAPMAIGN IL DACW89 5 DACW89 USA Corps of Engineers USA COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND 72 LYME RD ENGINEERING LABORATORY HANOVER NH DACW90 5 DACW90 USA Corps of Engineers USA ENGINEER DIVISION EUROPE EUDPS-C APO AB DACW91 1 DACW91 Department of Army ENGINEER PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY KINGMAN BUILDING #1A09 FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES 'FORT BELVOIR ATTN: CEEP 1VA DACW94 5 DACW94 USA Corps of Engineers MX PROGRAM AGENCY (CEMXPA) NORTON AFB CA DADA01 1 DADA01 Department of Army LETTERMAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO ATTN: HSHH-LCP BLDG 1060 PRESIDIO CA DADA03 1 DADA03 Department of Army FITZSIMONS ARMY MEDICAL CENTER AURORA ATTN: HSHG-IOC-HPSP co DADAOS 1 DADAOS Department of Army DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER MEDICAL CENTER BLDG 39706 CONTRACTING OFFICE 40 A ST ATTN: HSAA-D FORT GORDON GA DADA09 1 DADA09 Department of Army WILLIAM BEAUMONT ARMY MEDICAL CENTER BOX 70003 ATTN: HSHM-LOC-CO EL PASO TX DADA10 1 DADA10 Department of Army US ARMY HEALTH SERVICES COMMAND FORT SAM HOUSTON ATTN: CENTRAL CONTRACTING OFFICE TX DADA11 1 DADA11 Department of Army BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON ATTN: HSHE-LOC TX DADA13 1 DADA13 Department of Army MADIGAN ARMY MEDICAL CENTER TACOMA PURCHASING & CONTRACTING OFFICE WA C-68 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:14 -PAGE 11 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v ATTN: HSHJ-LOC DADA15 1 DADA15 Department of Army WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER BLDG T-20 ATTN: HSHL-P&C WASHINGTON DC DADA16 1 DADA16 Department of Army TRIPLER ARMY MEDICAL CENTER TRIPLBR AMC ATTN: HSHK-LD-PC HI DABA08 1 DABA08 Department of Army HQ 7TH SIGNAL COMMAND FORT RITCHIE BLDG 148 ATTN: ASN-OA-PC FORT RITCHIE MD DABA16 1 DABA16 Department of Army COMMANDER 5TH SIGNAL COMMAND DCSLOG APO AB ATTN: ASB-LG-C DABA20 1 DABA20 Department of Army COMMANDER 1ST SIGNAL BRIGADE USACC APO AP ATTN: ASK-LC DABA26 4 DABA26 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB DBPOT RBGION BAST KBBP THIS ON ATTN: CAROL CROSSLEY FILB -DLA STILL HAS DD FORMS 350 TO NBW CUMBERLAND INPUT AND THIS MUST RBMAIN VALID PA DABA28 1 DABA28 Department of Army US ARMY INFORMATION SYSTEMS FORT BELVOIR BNGINBBRING COMMAND VA ATTN: ASW-MSD(STD140) DABA30 1 DABA30 Department of Army TBLBVISION AUDIO SUPPORT ACTIVITY 8350 FRUITRIDGB RD DIRBCTORATB OF CONTRACTING SCRAMBNTO ATTN: ASQB-RTV-C CA DABA31 1 DABA31 Department of Army HQ USAISC DIRBCTORATB OF CONTRACTING FORT DBVBNS ATTN: ASPC-D MA DABA32 1 DABA32 Department of Army HQ USAISC OFFICB OF ACQUISITION FORT HUACHUCA MANAGBMBNT AZ ATTN: ASPC-T DAHA01 1 DAHAOl Department of Army USP&FO FOR ALABAMA P 0 BOX 3715 MONTGOMERY AL DAHA02 1 DAHA02 Department of Army USP&FO FOR ARIZONA 1815 N 52ND ST PHOBNIZ AZ DAHA03 1 DAHA03 Department of Army USP&FO FOR ARKANSAS CAMP JOSBPH T ROBINSON LITTLB ROCK AR DAHA04 1 DAHA04 Department of Army USP&FO FOR CALIFORNIA P 0 BOX G SAN LUIS OBISPO CA DAHA05 1 DAHA05 Department of Army USP&FO FOR COLORADO CAMP GBORGB WEST GOLDBN co DAHA06 1 DAHA06 Department of Army USP&FO FOR CONNECTICUT NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY HARTFORD CT DAHA07 1 DAHA07 Department of Army USP&FO FOR DBLAWARB GRIBR BUILDING 1161 RIVBR ROAD NBW CASTLB DB DAHA08 1 DAHA08 Department of Army USP&FO FOR FLORIDA STATB ARSENAL SAINT AUGUSTINE FL DAHA09 1 DAHA09 Department of Army USP&FO FOR GEORGIA P 0 BOX 178B2 C-69 DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 12 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v ATLANTA GA DAHA10 1 DAHA10 Department of Army USP&FO FOR IDAHO P 0 BOX 1098 BOISB ID DAHA11 1 DAHA11 Department of Army USP&FO FOR ILLINOIS CAMP LINCOLN 1301 NORTH MCARTHUR BLVD SPRINGFIELD IL DAHA12 1 DAHA12 Department of Army USP&FO FOR INDIANA P 0 BOX 41346 INDIANAPOLIS IN DAHA13 1 DAHA13 Department of Army USP&FO FOR IOWA CAMP DODGB 7700 NW BEAVBR DRIVB JOHNSTON IA DAHA14 1 DAHA14 Department of Army USP&FO FOR KANSAS KANSAS STATE ARSENAL 27TH & KANSAS AVE TOPBKA KS DAHA15 1 DAHA15 Department of Army USP&FO FOR KENTUCKY BOONE NATIONAL GUARD CENTBR FRANKFORT KY DAHA16 1 DAHA16 Department of Army USP&FO FOR LOUISIANA NBW ORLEANS HQ BUILDING JACKSON BARRACKS LA DAHA17 1 DAHA17 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MAINB CAMP KBYES AUGUSTA MB DAHA18 1 DAHA18 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MARYLAND P 0 BOX 206 STATE MILITARY RESERVATION HAVRE DB GRACB MD DAHA19 1 DAHA19 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MASSACHUSETTS 143 SPEEN ST NG SUPPLY DEPOT NATICK MA DAHA20 1 DAHA20 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MICHIGAN 3111 W ST JOSBPH ST LANSING MI DAHA21 1 DAHA21 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MINNESOTA P 0 BOX 288 CAMP RILBY LITTLB FALLS MN DAHA22 1 DAHA22 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MISSISSIPPI P 0 BOX 4447, FONDREN STATION JACKSON MS DAHA23 1 DAHA23 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MISSOURI 1715 INDUSTRIAL AVB JEFFERSON CITY MO DAHA24 1 DAHA24 Department of Army USP&FO FOR MONTANA P 0 BOX 1157 STATB ARSENAL BUILDING HBLENA MT DAHA25 1 DAHA25 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NEBRASKA 1234 MILITARY RD LINCOLN C-70 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 13 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v NB DAHA26 1 DAHA26 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NEVADA 2601 S CARSON ST CARSON CITY NV DAHA27 1 DAHA27 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NBW HAMPSHIRE STATE MILITARY RESERVATION CONCORD NH DAHA28 1 DAHA28 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NEW JERSEY P 0 BOX 2000 TRENTON NJ DAHA29 1 DAHA29 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NBW MEXICO P 0 BOX 4277 SANTA FE NM DAHA30 1 DAHA30 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NBW YORK BLDG 4 STATE CAMPUS ALBANY NY DAHA31 1 DAHA31 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NORTH CAROLINA P 0 BOX 26328 RALEIGH NC DAHA32 1 DAHA32 Department of Army USP&FO FOR NORTH DAKOTA P 0 BOX 1817 BISMARCK ND DAHA33 1 DAHA33 Department of Army USP&FO FOR OHIO 2811 W GRANVILLE RD WORTHINGTON OH DAHA34 1 DAHA34 Department of Army USP&FO FOR OKLAHOMA 2501 MILITARY CIRCLE NB OKLAHOMA CITY OK DAHA35 1 DAHA35 Department of Army USP&FO FOR OREGON P 0 BOX 14840 SALEM OR DAHA36 1 DAHA36 Department of Army USP&FO FOR PENNSYLVANIA ANNVILLE C/0 DEPT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS IGMR PA DAHA37 1 DAHA37 Department of Army USP&FO FOR RHODE ISLAND 51 STENTON AVB PROVIDENCE RI DAHA38 1 DAHA38 Department of Army USP&FO FOR SOUTH CAROLINA P 0 BOX 1090 COLUMBIA sc DAHA39 1 DAHA39 Department of Army USP&FO FOR SOUTH DAKOTA RAPID CITY CAMP RAPID SD DAHA40 1 DAHA40 Department of Army USP&FO FOR TENNESSEE P 0 BOX 40748 NASHVILLE TN DAHA41 1 DAHA41 Department of Army USP&FO FOR TBXAB P 0 BOX 5218 WAS AUSTIN TX DAHA42 1 DAHA42 Department of Army USP&FO FOR UTAH P 0 BOX 8000 SALT LAKE CITY UT DAHA43 1 DAHA43 Department of Army USP&FO FOR VERMONT BLDG CAMP JOHNSON C-71 DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 14 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v WINOOSKI VT DAHA44 1 DAHA44 Department of Army USP&FO FOR VIRGINIA 401 E MAIN ST RICHMOND VA DAHA45 1 DAHA45 Department of Army USP&FO FOR WASHINGTON CAMP MURRAY TACOMA WA DAHA46 1 DAHA46 Department of Army USP&FO FOR WEST VIRGINIA BUCKHANNON wv DAHA47 1 DAHA47 Department of Army USP&FO FOR WISCONSIN CAMP DOUGLAS WI DAHA4B 1 DAHA4B Department of Army USP&FO FOR WYOMING P 0 BOX 1709 CHllYNNE WY DAHA49 1 DAHA49 Department of Army USP&FO FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 2001 E CAPITOL ST WASHINGTON DC DAHA50 1 DAHA50 Department of Army USP&FO FOR HAWAII FORT RUGER HONOLULU HI DAHA51 1 DAHA51 Department of Army USPFO FOR ALASKA p 0 BOX B CAMP DENALI FORT RICHARDSON ATTN: P & C DIVISION AK DAHA70 1 DAHA70 Department of Army USP&FO FOR PUERTO RICO p 0 BOX 3786 SAN JUAN PR DAHA72 1 DAHA72 Department of Army USP&FO FOR VIRGIN ISLANDS p 0 BOX 1050 CHRISTIANSTED ST CROIX VI DAHA74 1 DAHA74 Department of Army USP&FO FOR GUAM p 0 BOX GC DEPT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS AGANA GU DAHA90 1 DAHA90 Department of Army NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU WASHINGTON DC DAHC21 1 DAHC21 Department of Army EASTERN AREA MTMC BLDG 4217 ATTN: MTE-AQ BAYONNE NJ DAHC22 6 DAHC22 Department of Defense HQ MTMC 5611 COLUMBIA PIKE DIRECTORATE OF PASSENGER TRAFFIC FALLS CHURCH ATTN: MTPT VA DAHC23 1 DAHC23 Department of Army WESTERN AREA MTMC OAKLAND ARMY BASE ATTN: MTMCWA ACQUISITION DIVISION OAKLAND CA DAHC24 1 DAHC24 Department of Army HDQTRS MILITARY TRAFFIC 5611 COLUMBIA PIKE MANAGEMENT COMMAND FALLS CHURCH VA DAHC25 1 DAHC25 Department of Army DIRECTORATE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY MTMC WASHINGTON DC DAHC26 1 DAHC26 Department of Army HQS MILITARY TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT COMMAND FALLS CHURCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE VA ATTN: MT-TP C-72 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 15 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE ll CODE R v DAHC30 1 DAHC30 Department of Army HDQTRS MILITARY DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON BLDG 15 ATTN: HCA STAFF OFFICE CAMBRON STATION AL!lXANDRIA VA DAHC31 1 DAHC31 Department of Army THE ADJUTANT GENERAL CENTER HOFFMAN BUILDING ARMY PUBLICATION DIRECTORATE ALEXANDRIA DAIM-AFR-F VA DAHC32 1 DAHC32 Department of Army NATIONAL DllFilNSil UNIVERSITY FORT LESLIE J MCNAIR BLDG 59 WASHINGTON DC DAHC35 1 DAHC35 Department of Army FT BELVOIR DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING 9410 JACKSON LOOP ATTN: ANFB-OC FORT BELVOIR VA DAHC40 1 DAHC40 Department of Army USA TROOP SUPPORT AGENCY BLDG T5204 SOUTHEAST COMMISSARY REGION FORT Lllll CONTRACTING DIVISION VA DALD-TAC-C DAHC41 1 DAHC41 Department of Army USA TROOP SUPPORT AGENCY FORT GEORGE G MllADil NORTHEAST COMMISSARY REGION MD CONTRACTING DIVISION DAHC42 1 DAHC42 Department of Army USA TROOP SUPPORT AGENCY FORT SAM HOUSTON MIDWEST COMMMISSARY REGION TX DALO-T-M-P DAHC43 1 DAHC43 Department of Army USA TROOP SUPPORT AGENCY FORT LBWIS WllSTBRN COMMISSARY REGION WA CONTRACTING OFFICE DAHC44 1 DAHC44 Department of Army USA TROOP SUPPORT AGBNCY BLDG P-12400 CONTRACTING GROUP P 0 BOX 5310 FORT Lllll VA DAHC75 1 DAHC75 Department of Army U.S. ARMY BLDG T115 PACIFIC OFFICE OF THB ACSAM PALM CIRCLE DRIVE ATTN: APAM FORT SHAFTER HI DAHC76 1 DAHC76 Department of Army U.S. ARMY GARRISON p 0 BOX 5-525 ALASKA DIRBCTORATB OF CONTRACTING FORT RICHARDSON ATTN: APVR-DOC AK DAHC77 1 DAHC77 Department of Army US ARMY WBSTBRN COMMAND BLDG 1547 DIRBCTORATB OF CONTRACTING FORT SHAFTBR ATTN: APAM HI DAHC90 1 DAHC90 Department of Army US ARMY INTBLLIGilNCil & SECURITY CMD ARLINGTON HALL STATION ATTN: IAPARC-CSA ARLINGTON VA DAHC92 1 DAHC92 Department of Army HQ US ARMY SOUTH APO AA ATTN: socs-c DAHC94 1 DAHC94 Department of Army INFORMATION SYSTBMS FOR COMMAND CONTROL 2461 lliSilNHOWilR AVE COMMUNICATIONS & COMPUTBRS (DISC 4) AL!lXANDRIA ATTN: SAIS-P VA DAHT01 1 DAHT01 Department of Army VINT HILL FARMS STATION WARRENTON VA DAJA01 1 DAJA01 Department of Army CHIEF RCO VICBNZA UNIT 31401 BOX 33 ATTN: ABUCC-I AFO AB DAJA02 1 DAJA02 Department of Army CHIEF RCO SBCKBNHBIM UNIT 29331 APO AB C-73 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 16 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME CODE E CODE R v ATTN: ABUCC-S DAJA04 1 DAJA04 Department of Army CHIEF RCO FUERTH UNIT 28130 ATTN: ABUCC-FU DAJA06 1 DAJA06 Department of Army CHIEF RCO STUTTGART UNIT 30616 ATTN: ABUCC-ST DAJA09 DAJA09 Department of Army RCO GIESSEN DAJA10 1 DAJA10 Department of Army CHIEF RCO AUGSBURG UNIT 25047 ATTN: ABUCC-A DAJA16 1 DAJA16 Department of Army CHIEF RCO GRAFENWOEHR UNIT 28130 ATTN: ABUCC-G DAJA18 1 DAJA18 Department of Army DIRECTORATE OF PURCHASING ARMED FORCES RECREATION CENTER (GERMANY) DAJA23 1 DAJA23 Department of Army CHIEF RCO BERLIN UNIT 26704 ATTN: ABUCC-BN DAJA25 1 DAJA25 Department of Army CHIEF RCO BREMERHAVEN UNIT 22449 ATTN: ABUCC-BR DAJA3 7 1 DAJA3 7 Department of Army CHIEF USAREUR CONTRACTING CENTER UNIT 25602 ATTN: .ABUCC-C DAJA45 1 DAJA45 Department of Army CHIEF RCO BURTONWOOD CMR 31560 ATTN: ABUCC-BW DAJA61 1 DAJA61 Department of Army CHIEF RCO BENELUX PSC 79 ATTN: ABUCC-B DAJA75 1 DAJA75 Department of Army COMMANDER 200TH TAMMC LIAISON OFFICE ATTN: DPGMM DAJA76 1 DAJA76 Department of Army CHIEF RCO FRANKFURT UNIT 25601 ATTN: ABUCC-F DAJA84 1 DAJA84 Department of Army U S ARMY CONTRACTING COMMAND EUROPB USAREUR ATTN: ABUCC-F FULDA RCO DAJA85 1 DAJA85 Department of Army CHIEF RCO HANAU ATTN: ABUCC-H DAJA86 1 DAJA86 Department of Army MAINZ-KASTEL RCO U S ARMY CONTRACTING COMMAND EUROPE USAREUR MAINZ-KASTEL RCO AT ATTN: ABUCC-F-MK I DAJA87 1 DAJA87 Department of Army TEL AVIV RCO ATTN: ABUCC-F DAJA88 1 DAJA88 Department of Army OXBRIDGB RCO ATTN: ABUCC-F DAJA89 1 DAJA89 Department of Army U S ARMY CONTRACTING COMMAND EUROPE USAREURIWUERZBURG RCO ATTN: ABUCC-FU-W DAJA90 1 DAJA90 Department of Army BADKREUZNACH SUBOFFICE RCO FRANKFURT i ATTN: ABUCC-F-BK DAJB03 1 DAJB03 Department of Army USA KOREA CONTRACTING AGENCY ATTN: ACJ DAKF01 1 DAKF01 Department of Army PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO ATTN: AFZM-DI-PR DAKF03 1 DAKF03 Department of Army 7TH INFANTRY DIVISION & FORT ORD I AFO AB APO AB APO AB APO AB APO AB APO AB BOX 360 APO AB APO AB BOX 49 APO AB APO AB BOX 003 APO AB APO AB BOX 73 APO AB p 0 BOX APO AB BOX 169 APO AB APO AB p 0 BOX APO AB p 0 BOX APO AB APO AB APO AB APO AP BLDG 650 ACTIVITY ADDRESS 73 73 73 SAN FRANCISCO CA p 0 BOX 27 C-74 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 17 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v ATTN: AFZW-DI-PC FORT ORD CA DAKF04 1 DAKF04 Department of Army U S ARMY NATIONAL TRAINING CENTER P 0 BOX 10039 ATTN: AFZJ-DCP FORT IRWIN CA DAKF06 1 DAKF06 Department of Army FT CARSON CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT CARSON ATTN: AFZC-CQ-C co DAKF10 1 DAKF10 Department of Army FT STEWERT CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT STEWART ATTN: AFZP-DIP GA DAKF11 1 DAKF11 Department of Army FORT MCPHERSON CONTRACTING DIVISION ATLANTA ATTN: AFZK-DI-P GA DAKF12 1 DAKF12 Department of Army FORSCOM CONTRACTING OFFICE BLDG 228 ATTN: AFLG-PR FORT MCPHERSON ATLANTA GA DAKF15 1 DAKF15 Department of Army FORT SHERIDAN CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT SHERIDAN ATTN: AFZO-DI-C IL DAKF19 1 DAKF19 Department of Army FORT RILEY CONTRACTING DIVISION P 0 BOX 2248 ATTN: AFZN-DI-C JUNCTION CITY KS DAKF23 1 DAKF23 Department of Army FORT CAMPBELL CONTRACTING DIVISION OAKGORVE ATTN: AFZB-DI-PC KY DAKF24 1 DAKF24 Department of Army FORT POLK CONTRACTING DIVISION LEESVILLE ATTN: AFZX-DI-GP LA DAKF27 1 DAKF27 Department of Army FORT GEORGE G MBADE CONTRACTING DIVISION FORT GEORGE G MBADE ATTN: AFZI-DI-C MD DAKF29 1 DAKF29 Department of Army DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING BLDG 5418 ATTN: AFZI-DOC SOUTH SCOTT PLAZA FORT DIX NJ DAKF31 1 DAKF31 Department of Army DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING BLDG 227 ATTN: AFZD-DOC FORT DEVENS MA DAKF36 1 DAKF36 Department of Army FORT DRUM CONTRACTING DIVISION WATERTOWN ATTN: AFZS-DI-P NY DAKF40 1 DAKF40 Department of Army FORT BRAGG CONTRACTING DIVISION DRAWER 70120 ATTN: AFZA-DI-C FAYETTE NC DAKF48 1 DAKF48 Department of Army FORT HOOD CONTRACTING DIVISION KILLEN ATTN: AFZF-CI-CON TX DAKF49 1 DAKF49 Department of Army FORT SAM HOUSTON CONTRACTING DIVISION SAN ANTONIO ATTN: AFZG-DI-C TX DAKF57 1 DAKF57 Department of Army FORT LEWIS CONTRACTING DIVISION TACOMA ATTN: AFZH-DIP WA DAKF61 1 DAKF61 Department of Army FORT MCCOY CONTRACTING DIVISION SPARTA ATTN: AFZR-DI-P WI DAKF70 1 DAKF70 Department of Army HQ 172D INFANTRY BRIGADE P 0 BOX 5-525 ATTN: AFZT-DI-D FORT RICHARDSON AK DAMD17 1 DAMD17 Department of Army USA MEDICAL RESEARCH AND FORT DETRICK DEVELOPMENT COMMAND FREDERICK MD DASA01 1 DASA01 Department of Army COMMANDER U S ARMY FORCES APO AB C-75 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -. PAGE 18 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CENTRAL COMMAND DASA02 1 DASA02 Department of Army COMMANDER ARTAS-K APO AB ATTN: AFRD-KU-KO DASA03 1 DASA03 Department of Army COMMANDER ARCBNT CONTRACTING DIVISION BLDG 363 ATTN: AFRD-PARC FORT MCPHERSON GA DASG60 1 DASG60 Department of Army US ARMY STRATEGIC DEFENSE COMMAND HUNTSVILLE HUNTSVILLE CONTRACTING & ACQUISITION OFC AL ATTN: DASH-H-CCP DASG62 1 DASG62 Department of Army USARSPACB 1670 NORTH NEWPORT RD SUITE 211 COLORADO SPRINGS co DATM01 1 DATM01 Department of Army U S ARMY OPTBC CONTRACTING ACTIVITY P 0 BOX Y FORT HOOD TX DCA100 6 DCA100 Department of Defense DEFENSE COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY WASHINGTON CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DIVISION DC ATTN: PL DCA200 6 DCA200 Department of Defense DBCCO SCOTT AFB ATTN: RGC IL DCA300 6 DCA300 Department of Defense DBCCO-PAC 1154 BISHOP ST HONOLULU HI DCA400 6 DCA400 Department of Defense DBCCO-BUR APO AB ATTN: RS DBCA01 1 DBCA01 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY FORT LEE BAST SERVICE CENTER VA ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION DBCA02 1 DECA02 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY KELLY AFB WEST SERVICE CENTER TX ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION DBCA03 1 DBCA03 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY FORT MEADE NORTH BAST REGION MD ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION DBCA04 1 DBCA04 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CENTRAL REGION NORFOLK ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION VA DBCA05 1 DBCA05 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY BLDG 835 SOUTHERN REGION MAXWELL APB ATTN: DBCA-SO-AM AL DBCA06 1 DBCA06 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY KELLY AFB MIDWEST REGION TX ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION DBCA07 1 DBCA07 Department of· Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY BLDG 317 SOUTH WEST REGION MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, EL TORO ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION SANTA ANA CA DBCA08 1 DBCA08 Department of Army DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY FORT LEWIS NORTHWEST REGION WA ATTN: CONTRACTING DIVISION DLA006 4 DLA006 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION REGION CENTRAL MEMPHIS OFFICE OF CONTRACTING TN C-76 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 19 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB E CODB R v DLA132 4 DLA132 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE SUBSISTENCE OFFICB KANSAS CITY ROOM 1768 601 3 12TH ST KANSAS CITY MO DLA200 4 DLA200 Defense Logistics Agency DEPENSB RBUTILIZATION AND MARKETING FEDERAL CBNTER SERVICE HAZARDOUS SYSTEM BATTLB CRBBK MI DLA210 4 DLA210 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE REUTILIZATION AND MARKETING FEDERAL CENTBR SERVICB SUPPLY SYSTEM BATTLE CREEK MI DLA411 4 DLA411 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE GBNERAL SUPPLY CENTER CONTRACTS 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY DIVISION III EMERGENCY SUPPLY OPERATIONS RICHMOND CENTER SUPPORT VA DLA412 4 DLA412 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE GENERAL SUPPLY CENTER CONTRACTS 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY DIVISION III ELECTRONIC SOURCB BRANCH RICHMOND VA DLA413 4 DLA413 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE GBNERAL SUPPLY CENTER CONTRACTS 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY DIVISION III SPECIAL PURCHASB BRANCH RICHMOND VA DLA414 4 DLA414 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE GENERAL SUPPLY CENTER 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CONTRACTS DIVISION III, RICHMOND SYSTEMS AUTOMATED, SMALL PURCHASE I VA DLA440 4 DLA440 Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE GENERAL SUPPLY CENTER 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CONTRACTS DIVISION I, BRANCH A RICHMOND VA DLA441 4 DLA441 Defense Logistics Agency DBPENSE GENERAL SUPPLY CENTBR 8000 JBPPERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CONTRACTS DIVISION I, BRANCH B RICHMOND VA DLA450 4 DLA450 Defense Logistics Agency DEPENSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CENTER 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CONTRACTS DIVISION II, BRANCH A RICHMOND VA DLA451 4 DLA451 Defense Logistics Agency DBPBNSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CENTER 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CONTRACTS DIVISION II, BRANCH B RICHMOND VA DLA460 4 DLA460 Defense Logistics Agency DBPENSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CENTBR 8000 JBPPBRSON DAVIS HIGHWAY AVIATION DIVISION, AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL RICHMOND COMPONENTS BRANCH VA DLA461 4 DLA461 Defense Logistics Agency DEPENSB GENERAL SUPPLY CBNTBR 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY AVIATION DIVISION, AIRCRAFT RICHMOND ACCESSORIES & COMPONENTS BRANCH VA DLA8WV 4 DLA8WV Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GRUMMAN P 0 BOX 9650 MELBOURNE FL DMA600 6 DMA600 Department of Defense DBPBNSE MAPPING AGENCY SYSTEMS CENTBR 8301 GREENSBORO DR SUITE 800 MCLEAN VA DMA700 6 DMA700 Department of Defense DEFENSE MAPPING AGENCY AEROSPACE CENTER 3200 S 2ND ST ST LOUIS MO DMA800 6 DMA800 Department of Defense DBPENSE MAPPING AGENCY HYDROGRAPHIC/TOPO 6500 BROOKBS LANB C-77 DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 20 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SBRVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v GRAPHIC CBNTER WASHINGTON DC DNA001 6 DNA001 Department of Defense DBFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY WASHINGTON DC DNA002 6 DNA002 Department of Defense HEADQUARTERS FIELD COMMAND KIRTLAND AFB DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGBNCY NM DNA004 6 DNA004 Department of Defense ARMED FORCES RADIOBIOLOGY BETHESDA RESEARCH INSTITUTE MD DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY DSAA01 1 DSAA01 Department of Army Defense Security Assistance Agency DSSA, PENTAGON ROOM 4E841 WASHINGTON DC F01600 3 F01600 Department of Air Force 3800 LS/LGC MAXWELL AFB AL F01620 3 F01620 Department of Air Force SSC/PK GUNTER AFS AL F02600 3 F02600 Department of Air Force 82 SG/LGC WILLIAMS AFB AZ F02601 3 F02601 Department of Air Force 355 CONS/CC DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB AZ F02604 3 F02604 Department of Air Force 58 CONS/CC LUKE AFB AZ F03601 3 F03601 Department of Air Force 97 LOGSS/LGLC BAKER AFB AR F03602 3 F03602 Department of Air Force 314 CONS/LGC LITTLE ROCK AFB AR F04604 3 F04604 Department of Air Force 93 CONS/LGC CASTLE AFB CA F04605 3 F04605 Department of Air Force 22 CONS/LGC MARCH AFB CA F04607 3 F04607 Department of Air Force 63 MAW/LGC NORTON AFB CA F04609 3 F04609 Department of Air Force 35 FW/LGC GEORGE.AFB CA F04611 3 F04611 Department of Air Force AFFTC/PK BDWARDS AFB CA F04612 3 F04612 Department of Air Force 323 LG/LGC MATHER AFB CA F04626 3 F04626 Department of Air Force 60 MAW/LGC TRAVIS AFB CA F04666 3 F04666 Department of Air Force 9 CONS/LGC BEALE AFB CA F04684 3 F04684 Department of Air Force 4392 ABROSW/LGC VANDERBURG AFB CA F04689 3 F04689 Department of Air Force 2ND SATELLITE TRACKING GROUP/LKD ONIZUKA AFB SUNNYVALE CA F04690 3 F04690 Department of Air Force CSTC/PM SUNNYVALE CA F04693 3 F04693 Department of Air Force SSD/PMB BASE CONTRACTS LOS ANGELES CA F04699 3 F04699 Department of Air Force SM-ALC/PKO MCCLELLAN AFB C-78 DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 21 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CA F04700 3 F04700 Department of Air Force APFTC/PKO EDWARDS APB CA F04701 3 F04701 Department of Air Force SSD/PK LOS ANGELES CA F04702 3 F04702 Department of Air Force 1352 AVS/PK NORTON APB CA F04703 3 F04703 Department of Air Force 30 SW/PK VANDERBURG APB CA F04704 3 F04704 Department of Air Force BMO/PK NORTON APB CA F04709 3 F04709 Department of Air Force DET 42 SM-ALC NORTON APB CA F05600 3 F05600 Department of Air Force 3415 CONS/LGC LOWRY APB co F05603 3 F05603 Department of Air Force HQ AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND/PKD PETERSON APB co F05604 3 F05604 Department of Air Force 3D SPACE SUPPORT WING/PKB PETERSON APB co F05611 3 F05611 Department of Air Force USAPA/LGC AIR FORCE ACADEMY co F07603 3 F07603 Department of Air Force 436 AW/LGC DOVER APB DE F08602 3 F08602 Department of Air Force 56 CONS/CC MACDILL APB FL F08620 3 F08620 Department of Air Force 1 SOW/LGC HURLBURT FIELD FL F08621 3 F08621 Department of Air Force 31 CONS/CC HOMESTEAD APB FL F08626 3 F08626 Department of Air Force ASD-OL/PK EGLIN APB FL F08630 3 F08630 Department of Air Force WL/MNK EGLIN APB FL F08637 3 F08637 Department of Air Force 325 CONS/CC TYNDALL APB FL F08650 3 F08650 Department of Air Force ESMC/PMK PATRICK APB FL F08651 3 F08651 Department of Air Force APDTC/PKO EGLIN APB FL F09604 3 F09604 Department of Air Force DET 8 2762 LOGISTICS SQ SPECIAL (APMC) ROBINS APB GA F09607 3 F09607 Department of Air Force 347 CONS/CC MOODY APB GA F09609 3 F09609 Department of Air Force 94 CSG/LGC DOBBINS APB GA F09634 3 F09634 Department of Air Force HQ APRES/LGC ROBINS APB GA F09650 3 F09650 Department of Air Force WR-ALC/PRO ROBINS APB GA F10603 3 F10603 Department of Air Force 366 CONS/CC MOUNTAIN HOME APB ID F11602 3 F11602 Department of Air Force 3345 LG/LGC CHANUTE APB IL C-79 DODAAC CODBS -10:15 -PAGB 22 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DBSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB CODB B CODB R v F11603 3 F11603 Department of Air Force 928 TAG/LGC F11623 3 F11623 Department of Air Force 375 AAW/LGC F11624 3 F11624 Department of Air Force CSPO/PGZ F11626 3 F11626 Department of Air Force HQ AMC/XOK F12617 3 F12617 Department of Air Force 305 CONS/LGC F14614 3 F14614 Department of Air Force 384 CONS/LGC F16600 3 F16600 Department of Air Perce 23 FW/LGC F16602 3 F16602 Department of Air Force 2 CONS/LGC F17600 3 F17600 Department of Air Force 42 CONS/LGC F17608 3 F17608 Department of Air Force 101 ARBFW/LGC F19617 3 F19617 Department of Air Force 439 CSG/LGC F19628 3 F19628 Department of Air Force BSD/PK F19630 3 F19630 Department of Air Force AFCAC/PK F19650 3 F19650 Department of Air Force BSD/PKO F20603 3 F20603 Department of Air Force 379 LOGSS/LGLC F20613 3 F20613 Department of Air Force 410 CONS/LGC F21611 3 F21611 Department of Air Force 934 CSS/LGC F22600 3 F22600 Department of Air Force 3380 CONS/LGC F22608 3 F22608 Department of Air Force 14 CONS/LGC F23606 3 F23606 Department of Air Force 351 CONS/LGC F23608 3 F23608 Department of Air Force 442 CSG/LGC F24604 3 F24604 Department of Air Force 301 CONS/LGC F25600 3 F25600 Department of Air Force 55 CONS/LGC F25606 3 F25606 Department of Air Force 3908 CONS/LGC F26600 3 F26600 Department of Air Force 544 CONS/CC ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CHICAGO O'HARB ARFF CHICAGO IL SCOTT AFB IL SCOTT AFB IL SCOTT AFB IL GRISSOM AFB IN MCCONNBLL AFB KS BNGLAND AFB LA BARKSDALB AFB LA LORING AFB MB BANGOR INTBRNATIONAL AIRPORT BANGOR MB WBSTOVBR AFB MA HANSCOM AFB MA HANSCOM AFB MA HANSCOM AFB MA WURTSMITH AFB MI K I SAWYBR AFB MI ST PAUL lAP MINNBAPOLIS MN KBBSLBR AFB MS COLUMBUS AFB MS WHITBMAN·AFB MO RICHARDS-GBBAUR AFB MO MALMSTROM AFB MT OFFUTT AFB NB OFFUTT AFB NB NBLLIS AFB NV C-80 DODAAC CODBS -10:15 -PAGB 23 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DBSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB B CODB R v F26606 3 F26606 Department of Air Force 37 FW/LGC NBLLIS AFB NV F28609 3 F28609 Department of Air Force 438 MAW/LGC MCGUIRB AFB NJ F28620 3 F28620 Department of Air Force OL-A 1605 MASW/LGC MCGUIRB AFB NJ F29601 3 F29601 Department of Air Force PL/PK KIRTLAND AFB NM F29605 3 F29605 Department of Air Force 27 CONS/CC CANNON AFB NM F29650 3 P29650 Department of Air Force PL/PKO KIRTLAND AFB NM F29651 3 F29651 Department of Air Force 49 CONS/CC HOLLOMAN AFB NM F30602 3 F30602 Department of Air Force RL/PK GRIFFISS AFB NY F30617 3 F30617 Department of Air Force 914 TAG/LGC NIAGARA FALLS IAP NY F30635 3 F30635 Department of Air Force 416 CONS/LGC GRIFFISS AFB NY F30636 3 F30636 Department of Air Force 380 CONS/LGC PLATTSBURGH AFB NY F31601 3 F31601 Department of Air Force 317 CONS POPB AFB NC F31610 3 F31610 Department of Air Force 4 CONS/CC SBYMOUR JOHNSON AFB NC F32604 3 F32604 Department of Air Force 5 CONS/LGC MINOT AFB ND F32605 3 F32605 Department of Air Force 319 CONS/LGC GRAND FORKS AFB NB F33600 3 F33600 Department of Air Force WPCC/PKR, PKS, PKT & PKY WRITHT-PATTBRSON AFB OH F33601 3 F33601 Department of Air Force WPCC/PKO WRIGHT-PATTBRSON AFB OH F33615 3 F33615 Department of Air Force WL/PK WRIGHT-PATTBRSON AFB OH F33630 3 F33630 Department of Air Force 910 TAG/LGC YOUNGSTOWN MAP OH F33657 3 F33657 Department of Air Force ASD/PK WRIGHT-PATTBRSON AFB OH F33659 3 F33659 Department of Air Force AGMC/PK NBWARD AFS OH F33660 3 F33660 Department of Air Force AGMC/PKO NBWARK AFS OH F33733 3 F33733 Department of Air Force WL/MTD WRIGHT-PATTBRSON AFB OH F34600 3 F34600 Department of Air Force 71 FTW/CVC VANCB AFB OK F34608 3 F34608 Department of Air Force HQ CSC/PK TINKBR AFB OK F34612 3 F34612 Department of Air Force 443 CON SQ/LGC ALTUS AFB OK F34650 3 F34650 Department of Air Force OC-ALC-PKO TINKBR AFB C-81 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:15 -PAGE 24 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE E CODE R v OK F35610 3 F35610 Department of Air Force 114 TFTS/LGC KLAMATH FALLS OR F36629 3 F36629 Department of Air Force 911 TAG/LGC GRBATBR PITTSBURGH IAP PITTSBURGH PA F36700 3 F36700 Department of Air Force 913 TAG/LGC WILLOW GROVE ARF PA F38601 3 F38601 Department of Air Force 363 CONS/CC SHAW AFB sc F38604 3 F38604 Department of Air Force HQ USCENTAF/LGC SHAW AFB sc F38606 3 F38606 Department of Air Force 354 FW/LGG MYRTLE BEACH AFB sc F38610 3 F38610 Department of Air Force 437 MAW/LGC CHARLESTON AFB sc F39601 3 F39601 Department of Air Force 28 CONS/LGC BLLSWORTH AFB SD F40600 3 F40600 Department of Air Force ABDC/PK ARNOLD AFB TN F40650 3 F40650 Department of Air Force ABDC/PKO ARNOLD AFB TN F41612 3 F41612 Department of Air Force 3750 CONS/LGC ·sHBPPARD AFB TX F41613 3 F41613 Department of Air Force 7 LOGSS/LGLC CARSWBLL AFB TX F41614 3 F41614 Department of Air Force 3499 CONS/LGC GOODFELLOW AFB TX F41620 3 F41620 Department of Air Force 64 CONS/LGC RBBSB AFB TX F41621 3 F41621 Department of Air Force HQ AFIC/LBC SAN ANTONIO TX F41622 3 F41622 Department of Air Force HSD/PKO BROOKS AFB TX F41624 3 F41624 Department of Air Force HSD/PK BROOKS AFB TX F41636 3 F41636 Department of Air Force 3700 CONS/CC LACKLAND AFB TX F41640 3 F41640 Department of Air Force HQ AFCOMS/DOC KBLLY AFB TX F41650 3 F41650 Department of Air Force SA-ALC/PKO KBLLY AFB TX F41652 3 F41652 Department of Air Force 96 CONS/LGC DYI!SS AFB TX F41685 3 F416B5 Department of Air Force 47 CONS LAUGHLIN AFB TX ·F41687 3 F41687 Department of Air Force 67 RW/LGC BI!RGSTROM AFB TX F41689 3 F41689 Department of Air Force 3303 CONS/CC RANDOLPH AFB TX F41691 3 F41691 Department of Air Force 12 CONS/LGC RANDOLPH AFB TX F41999 3 F41999 Department of Air Force AFNAF PURCHASING OFFICI! SAN ANTONIO C-82 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 25 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE E CODE R v HQ AFMPC/DPMSK TX F42610 3 F42610 Department of Air Force 00-ALC/PK HILL AFB ICBM DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING UT F42620 3 F42620 Department of Air Force 00-ALC/PK HILL AFB AIRCRAFT DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING UT F42630 3 F42630 Department of Air Force 00-ALC/PK HILL AFB COMMODITIES DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING UT F42650 3 F42650 Department of Air Force 00-ALC/PKO HILL AFB UT F44600 3 F44600 Department of Air Force 1 CONS/CC LANGLBY AFB VA F44650 3 F44650 Department of Air Force 4400 CONS/LGCN LANGLEY AFB VA F45603 3 F45603 Department of Air Force 62 CONS MCCHORD AFB WA F45613 3 F45613 Department of Air Force 92 CONS/LGC FAIRCHILD AFB WA F47606 3 F47606 Department of Air Force 440 TAW/LGC MILWAUKEB WI F48608 3 F48608 Department of Air Force 90 CONS/LGC F B WARREN AFB NY F49620 3 F49620 Department of Air Force AFOSR/PK BOLLING AFB DC F49642 3 F49642 Department of Air Force 1100 CNS/CN (AFDW) ANDRBWS AFB DC F49650 3 F49650 Department of Air Force 1100 CNS/SP (AFDW) ANDRBWS AFB DC F61040 F61040 Department of Air Force 1605 MASW/LGC APO AB F61051 3 F61051 Department of Air Force SDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -BRUSSELS F61060 3 F61060 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -SOFIA F61080 3 F61080 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMBRICAN CONSULATB GBRBRAL -PRAGUB F61100 3 F61100 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -COPBNHAGBN F61101 3 F61101 Department of Air Force DET 1 APO AB SPACE COMBAT OPSRATIONS STAFF/LGC F61130 3 F61130 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -HBLSINKI F61171 3 F61171 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMBRICAN BMBASSY -ATHBNS F61180 3 F61180 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN CONSULATB GBRBRAL -BUDAPEST F61210 3 F61210 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN BMBASSY -ROME F61211 3 F61211 Department of Air Force 401 FW/LGC APO AB F61230 3 F61230 Department of Air Force OL-PM WR-ALC/PKB APO AB F61250 3 F61250 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING OFFICE APO AB OL-B DET 6, 7000 CONTR SQ F61260 3 F61260 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMBRICAN BMBASSY -THE HAGUB F61270 3 F61270 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB C-83 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 26 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE 8 CODE R v AMERICAN EMBASSY -OSLO F61271 3 F61271 Department of Air Force USAFE, CONTRACTING OFFICE AFO AB OL-D DET 4, 7000 CONS/LGC F612BO 3 F612BO Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN CONSULATE GERERAL -BELGRADE F61290 3 F61290 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -LISBON F61301 3 F61301 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -BUCHAREST F6130B 3 F6130B Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING REGION -SPAIN DET 5, 7000 CONTR SQ F61310 3 F61310 Department of Air Force USDAO APO AB AMERICAN EMBASSY -MADRID F61354 F61354 Department of Air Force 7241 ABG/LGC APO AB F6135B F61358 Department of Air Force 39 TACG/LGC APO AB F61503 F61503 Department of Air Force 435 TAW/LGC APO AB F61504 3 F61504 Department of Air Force 7350 ABG/LGC APO AB F61517 F61517 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING REGION -EIFEL APO AB DET 3, 7000 CONS/LGC F61519 3 F61519 Department of Air Force 50 TFW/LGC APOAB F61521 3 F61521 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING REGION -RHEINLAND APO AB DET 2, 7000 CONTR SQ F61546 3 F61546 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING CENTER APO AB OL-A DET 2, 7000 CONS/LG F617DB 3 F61708 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING REGION -THAMES VALLEY AFO AB OL-E DET 4, 7000 CONS/LGC F61712 3 F61712 Department of Air Force USAB CONTRACTING OFFICE APO AB OL-B DBT 4, 7000 CONS/LGC F61730 3 F61730 Department of Air Force USAFB CONTRACTING OFFICE APO AB OL-C DET 4, 7000 CONS/LGC F61775 3 F61775 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING REGION -UK NORTH APO AB DET 4, 7000 CONS/LGC F61B15 F61815 Department of Air Force 32 FG/LGC APO AB F61B17 F61817 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING OFFICE APO AB OL-A DET 5,, 7000 CONS/LGC F61910 3 F61910 Department of Air Force USAFE CONTRACTING OFFICE APO AB OL-A DET 3, 7000 CONS/LGC F62032 3 F62032 Department of Air Force HQ USMTM/SAS-LGC APO AB F62321 3 F62321 Department of Air Force 18 CONS/LGC APO AP F62509 3 F62509 Department of Air Force 432 CONS/LGC APO AP F62562 3 F62562 Department of Air Force 475 CONS/LGC APO AP F62600 3 F62600 Department of Air Force 5 DSCS/LGC APO AP F63197 3 F63197 Department of Air Force 7276 ABG/LGC APOAB F64133 3 F64133 Department of Air Force 633 CONS/LGC APO AP F64605 3 F64605 Department of Air Force 15 CONS/LGC HICKAM AFB HI F64620 3 F64620 Department of Air Force CINCPACAF/LGC HICKAM AFB HI F64719 F64719 Department of Air.Force 13 AF/OLAB APO AP F65501 3 F65501 Department of Air Force 3 CONS/LGC ELMEMDORF AFB AK F65503 3 F65503 Department of Air Force 343 CONS/LGC EIELSON AFB AK C-84 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 27 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v F66501 3 F66501 Department of Air Force FD2020 3 F42600 Department of Air Force FD2030 3 F34601 Department of Air Force FD2040 3 F04606 Department of Air Force FD2050 3 F41608 Department of Air Force FD2060 3 F09603 Department of Air Force FY1704 3 F04700 Department of Air Force FY7081 F61355 Department of Air Force FY7374 F61214 Department of Air Force FY7621 F08635 Department of Air Force FY7625 3 F08606 Department of Air Force FY8896 3 F04720 Department of Air Force FY8982 3 F33620 Department of Air Force HQ0103 2 N00034 Department of Navy JM2821 4 DLABXA Defense Logistics Agency M00027 2 M00027 Department of Navy M00146 2 M00146 Department of Navy M00243 2 M00243 Department of Navy M00263 2 M00263 Department of Navy M00264 2 M00264 Department of Navy M00318 2 M0031B Department of Navy M00681 2 M006B1 Department of Navy M60050 2 M60050 Department of Navy M62204 2 M62204 Department of Navy M62974 2 M62974 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME 24 CONS/LGC 00-ALC/PK DICTORATE OF CONTRACTING OC-ALC/PK SM-ALC/PK SA-ALC/PK WR-ALC/PK AFFTC BASE CONTRACTING 7217 ABG/LGC 7275 ABG/LGC AFDTC/PK AIR FORCE DEVELOPMENT TEST CENTER 45 SW/PK AFCMD OL-AD AF PLANT 42 APPRO ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL NORTH AMERICAN AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS OL/AB DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE CLEVELAND CENTER DCMC INTERNATIONAL U S MARINE CORPS CO CODB = MSO-MS9 MARINB CORPS AIR STATION MARINE CORPS RECRUIT DEPOT MARINE CORPS RECRUIT DEPOT MARINE CORPS SCHOOLS DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION COMMAND MARINE CORPS AIR STATION (KANEOHE BAY OAHU HI} MARINS CORPS BASE MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS BASE MARINE CORPS AIR STATION ACTIVITY ADDRESS APO AA HILL AFB UT TINKER AFB OK MCCLELLAN AFB CA KELLY AFB TX WARNER ROBINS AIR LOGISTICS CENTER ROBINS AFB GA EDWARDS AFB CA APO AB APO AB EGLIN AFB FL PATRICK AFB FL 2503 BAST AVBNUB P PALMDALE CA 4300 E 5TH AVE COLUMBUS OH 1240 BAST NINTH ST CLEVELAND OH AREA C, BLDG 1 WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH WASHINGTON DC CHERRY POINT NC SAN DIEGO CA PARRIS ISLAND sc QUANTICO VA FPO SAN FRANCISCO CA CAMP PENDLETON OCEANSIDE CA MARINS CORPS AIR STATION, EL TORO SANTA ANA CA BARSTOW CA YUMA C-85 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 28 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v M67001 2 M67001 Department of Navy M67004 2 M67004 Department of Navy M67011 2 M67011 Department of Navy M67013 2 M67013 Department of Navy M67015 2 M67015 Department of Navy M67016 2 M67016 Department of Navy M67017 2 M67017 Department of Navy M67019 2 M67019 Department of Navy M67021 2 M67021 Department of Navy M67025 2 M67025 Department of Navy M67029 2 M67029 Department of Navy M67030 2 M67030 Department of Navy M67290 2 M67290 Department of Navy M67351 M67351 Department of Navy M67353 2 M67353 Department of Navy M67354 2 M67354 Department of Navy M67385 2 M67385 Department of Navy M67391 2 M67391 Department of Navy M67399 2 M67399 Department of Navy M67400 2 M67400 Department of Navy M67428 2 M6742B Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME MARINE CORPS BASE MARINE CORPS LOGISTICS BASE 1ST MARINE CORPS DISTRICT CO CODE = MSA MAJ00027 4TH MARINE CORPS DISTRICT co CODE = MSC MAJ00027 6TH MARINE CORPS DISTRICT co CODE = MSE MAJ00027 8TH MARINE CORPS DISTRICT co CODE = MSG MAJ00027 9TH MARINE CORPS DISTRICT co CODE = MSJ MAJ00027 12TH MARINE CORPS DISTRICT co CODE MSL MAJ00027 MARINE AIRCRAFT WING 4 NEW ORLEANS CO CODE = MUC MAJ00027 FLEET MARINE FORCE PACIFIC MARINE BARRACKS CO CODE = MSN MAJ00027 MARINE CORPS SECURITY FORCE BATALLION PACIFIC CO CODE = MUP MAJ00027 MARINE AVIATION TRAINING SUPPORT GROUP 90 NATTC CO CODE = MSY MAJ00027 MARINE DETACHMENT HEADQUARTERS BATTALION MARINE CORPS CO CODE = MAJ MAJ00027 POST SUPPLY OFFICER HEADQUARTERS MARINE CORPS CAMP H. M. SMITH U.S. MARINE CORPS CO CODE = MUO-MU1 MAJ00027 MARINE CORPS CAMP DET MARINE CORPS AIR GROUND COMBAT CENTER MARINE CORPS PROCUREMENT OFFICE OKINAWA CO CODE = MUA MAJ00027 MARINE CORPS AIR BASES WESTERN AREA MCAS EL TORO ACTIVITY ADDRESS AZ CAMP LEJEUNE NC ALBANY GA LONG ISLAND GARDEN CITY NY PHILADELPHIA PA ATLANTA GA NEW ORLEANS LA SHAWNBB MISSION KS SAN FRANCISCO CA 4400 DAUPHINE ST NEW ORLEANS LA FPO, AP OAHU HI WASHINGTON DC NAVSTA MARB ISLAND VALLEJO CA NAVAL AIR STATION -MEMPHIS MILLINGTON TN PPO AS HENDERSON HALL ARLINGTON VA NAVY ANNEX ARLINGTON VA HALAWA HEIGHTS OAHU HI CAMP ELMORE NORFOLK VA TWENTYNINE PALMS CA CAMP SMEDLEY D BUTLER, MARINE CORPS BASE, RYUKU ISLAND SOUTHERN FPO, SEATTLE WA SANTA ANA CA C-86 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:16 -PAGB 29 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB ll CODB R v M67443 2 M67443 Department of Navy MARINE CORPS FINANCE CBNTBR KANSAS CITY MO M67842 2 M67842 Department of Navy BAST COAST COMMISSARY COMPLEX CAMP LBJBUNB MARINE CORPS BASB NC M67853 2 M67853 Department of Navy MARINE CORPS SECURITY FORCB CO NAVAL BASil CODB = MUR MAJ00027 NORFOLK VA M67854 2 M67854 Department of Navy MARINE CORPS RBSBARCH DBVBLOPMBNT AND WASHINGTON ACQUISITION COMMAND CO DC CODB = MU6-MU9 MAJ00027 M68479 2 M68479 Department of Navy 4TH MARINE DIVISION (RBIN) 4400 DAUPHINE ST FMF USMCR USMCR CO NEW ORLEANS CODB = MSU MAJ00027 LA M68522 2 M68522 Department of Navy MARINE CORPS RBSBRVB SUPPORT CBNTBR 16950 BL MONTB PURCHASING DBPT CO OVBRLAND PARK CODB = MSW MAJ00027 KS MDA902 6 MDA902 Department of Defense AMERICAN FORCES RADIO AND TBLBVISION 1016 N MCCADDEN PL SBRVICB LOS ANGBLBS CA MDA903 1 MDA903 Department of Army DBFBNSB SUPPLY SBRVICB -WASHINGTON ROOM 1D245 THB PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC MDA904 6 MDA904 Department of Defense MARYLAND PROCURBMBNT OFFICE 9800 SAVAGB RD PROCURBMBNT & PRODUCTION DIRBCTORATB FORT GBORGB G MBADB MD MDA905 6 MDA905 Department of Defense UNIFORMED SBRVICBS 4301 JONBS BRIDGE RD UNIVERSITY OF THB HEALTH SBRVICBS BBTHBSDA MD MDA906 6 MDA906 Department of Defense OFFICE FOR THB CIVILIAN HBALTH AND AURORA MEDICAL PROGRAM OF THB UNIFORMED co SBRVICBS (CHAMPUS) MDA907 6 MDA907 Department of Defense MBNWITH HILL STATION APO All MDA908 MDA908 Department of Defense VIRGINIA CONTRACTING ACTIVITY P 0 BOX 46353 WASHINGTON DC MDA911 1 MDA911 Department of Army COMMANDER UNITBD STATES MACDILL AFB SPBCIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND FL MDA946 6 MDA946 Department of Defense WHS CONTRACTING OFFICB ROOM 21l174 ATTN: RBAL BSTATB/FACILITIBS THB PENTAGON DIRBCTORATB WASHINGTON DC MDA970 6 MDA970 Department of Defense DBFBNSB TBST & EVALUATION SUPPORT AGENCY KIRTLAND AFB NM MDA972 6 MDA972 Department of Defense DBFBNSB ADVANCB RBSBARCH PROJECTS AGBNCY 1400 WILSON BLVD ATTN: CONTRACTS MANAGBMBNT OFFICE ARLINGTON VA N00011 2 N00011 Department of Navy CHIBF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS CO WASHINGTON CODB -LBZ DC N00013 2 N00013 Department of Navy JUDGB ADVOCATB GBNERAL NAVY DBPARTMBNT 200 STOVALL ST ALEXANDRIA VA N00014 2 N00014 Department of Navy OFFICB OF NAVAL RBSBARCH ARLINGTON C-87 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 30 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v VA N00015 2 N00015 Department of Navy NAVAL INTELLIGENCE COMMAND HQ CO 4600 SILVER HILL RD CODE = LOZ (SUITLAND, MD) WASHINGTON DC N0001B 2 N0001B Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL COMMAND CO WASHINGTON CODE = MCZ DC N00019 2 N00019 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND CO WASHINGTON CODE = EFO-EF9 DC N00023 2 N00023 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON CODE = 4J0-4J9 DC N00024 2 N00024 Department of Navy NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND CO WASHINGTON CODE = EHO-EH9 DC N00025 2 N00025 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND CO 200 STOVALL ST CODE = EJO-EJ9 VA ALEXANDRIA N00030 2 N00030 Department of Navy STRATEGIC SYSTEM PROGRAMS CO DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CODE = EKO-EK9 WASHINGTON DC N00033 2 N00033 Department of Navy MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND WASHINGTON DC N00039 2 N00039 Department of Navy SPACE AND NAVAL WARFARE SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON DC N00060 2 N00060 Department of Navy COMMANDER IN CHIEF NORFOLK ATLANTIC FLEET CO VA CODE = LHZ N00062 2 N00062 Department of Navy CHIEF OF NAVAL EDUCATION & TRAINING PENSACOLA NAVAL AIR STATION CODE = 013 PENSACOLA FL N00063 2 N00063 Department of Navy INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION WASHINGTON NAVY YARD CENTER WASHINGTON DC N00065 2 N00065 Department of Navy NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHY COMMAND CO NSTL BAY CODE = SOZ ST LOUIS MS N00069 2 N00069 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY GROUP HQ CO 3801 NEBRASKA AVE NW CODE = 8QZ WASHINGTON DC N00070 2 N00070 Department of Navy COMMANDER IN CHIEF FLEET CO NAVAL PACIFIC STATION CODE = LPZ PERAL HARBOR HI N00072 2 N00072 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE FORCE CODE 17 CO NBW ORLEANS CODE = 9TZ LA N00074 2 N00074 Department of Navy NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE COMMAND CO NAVPHIBASE CORONADO CODE = QHZ SAN DIEGO CA N00101 2 N00101 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION SOUTH WEYMOUTH MA N00102 2 N00102 Department of Navy PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD PORTSMOUTH NH N00104 2 N00104 Department of Navy NAVY SHIPS PARTS CONTROL CENTER MECHANICSBURG PA N00105 2 N00105 Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL CLINIC NAVSHIPYD C-88 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 31 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v PORTSMOUTH NH N00109 2 N00109 Department of Navy NAVAL WBAPONS STATION YORKTOWN VA N00123 2 N00123 Department of Navy NAVAL REGIONAL CONTRACTING CENTER 937 N HARBOR DR SAN DIEGO CA N00124 2 N00124 Department of Navy NAVAL WAR COLLEGE NBWPORT RI N00127 2 N00127 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION QUONSET POINT RI N00128 2 N00128 Department of Navy SUPPLY DEPARTMENT GREAT LAKES NAVAL ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND IL NAVAL TRAINING STATION N00129 2 N00129 Department of Navy SUBMARINE BASE NEW LONDON GROTON CT N00140 2 N00140 Department of Navy NAVAL REGIONAL CONTRACTING CENTER BLDG 600 NAVAL BASE PHILADELPHIA PA N00146 2 N00146 Department of Navy MARINB CORPS AIR STATION CHERRY POINT NC N00151 2 N00151 Department of Navy PHILADELPHIA NAVAL SHIPYARD PHILADELPHIA PA N00153 2 N00153 Department of Navy NAVAL HOME 01800 E BBACH BLVD GULFPORT MS N00158 2 N00158 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION WILLOW GROVE PA N00161 2 N00161 Department of Navy NAVAL ACADEMY ANNAPOLIS MD N00163 2 N00163 Department of Navy NAVAL AVIONICS CENTER 21ST AND ARLINGTON AVE INDIANAPOLIS IN N00164 2 N00164 Department of Navy NAVAL WBAPONS SUPPORT CllNTilR CRANE IN N00166 2 N00166 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR FACILITY CO BLDG 3086 CODE = LCO-LC1 MAJ00072 ANDREWS AFB WASHINGTON DC N00167 2 N00167 Department of Navy DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH & CARDEROCK LABORATORY DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD N00168 2 N00168 Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL COMMAND BETHESDA NATIONAL CAPTIAL REGION MD N00171 2 N00171 Department of Navy HQ NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC N00173 2 N00173 Department of Navy NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY WASHINGTON DC N00174 2 N00174 Department of Navy NAVAL ORDNANCE STATION INDIAN HEAD MD N0017A 2 N0017A Department of Navy ATLANTIC FLEET WBAPONS TRAINING FACILITY BOX 3023, FPO AA C-89 TABL!l T. DODAAC DODAAC CODilS -10:16 -PAG!l 32 DODAAC S AAN SllRVICil DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAM!l COD!l ll COD!l R v (COD!l 51) NOOlBl 2 NOOlBl Department of Navy NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD N001B3 2 N001B3 Department of Navy COMMANDING OFFICER NAVAL HOSPITAL N001B7 2 N001B7 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CBNTBR NOOlBB 2 NOOlBB Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N001B9 2 N00189 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR N00191 2 N00191 Department of Navy CHARLESTON NAVAL SHIPYARD N00193 2 N00193 Department of Navy NAVAL WEAPONS STATION (CODB 11) CO CODB = BHD-BHG MAJ00024 N00196 2 N00196 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION ATLANTA (CODB 60) N00197 2 N00197 Department of Navy NAVAL ORDNANCE STATION N00203 2 N00203 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CODB = MCL MAJ00018 N00204 2 N00204 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION (CODB 19Pl0) N00205 2 N00205 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (CODB N443) N00206 2 N00206 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N00207 2 N00207 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N00211 2 N00211 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CODB = MCQ-MCS MAJ00018 N00213 2 N00213 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N00215 2 N00215 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION (CODB 60) N00216 2 N00216 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION (CODB 194) N00221 2 N00221 Department of Navy MARB ISLAND NAVAL SHIPYARD N00228 2 N00228 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR N00231 2 N00231 Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL CLINIC N00232 2 N00232 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CODB MCC-MCB MAJOOOlB N00236 2 N00236 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N00244 2 N00244 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR ACTIVITY ADDRESS NAVAL STATION ROOSBVBLT ROADS, PR PORTSMOUTH VA PORTSMOUTH VA NORFOLK VA NORFOLK VA NORFOLK VA NAVAL BASil CHARLESTON sc CHARLESTON sc MARIETTA GA LOUISVILLE KY PENSACOLA FL PENSACOLA FL NBW ORLEANS LA NBW ORLEANS LA JACKSONVILLB PL GREAT LAKES IL KBY WBST FL DALLAS TX BLDG 10 CORPUS CHRISTI TX VALLEJO CA OAKLAND CA QUANTICO VA JACKSONVILLE FL ALAMEDA CA 937 N HARBOR DR NAVAL BASil SAN DIEGO C-90 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:16 -PAGB 33 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION CODB B CODB R v N00245 2 N00245 Department of Navy N00246 2 N00246 Department of Navy N00247 2 N00247 Department of Navy N00249 2 N00249 Department of Navy N00250 2 N00250 Department of Navy N00251 2 N00251 Department of Navy N00253 2 N00253 Department of Navy N00255 2 N00255 Department of Navy N00267 2 N00267 Department of Navy N00274 2 N00274 Department of Navy N00275 2 N00275 Department of Navy N00276 2 N00276 Department of Navy N00281 2 N00281 Department of Navy N00285 2 N00285 Department of Navy N00288 2 N00288 Department of Navy N00296 2 N00296 Department of Navy N00311 2 N00311 Department of Navy N00314 2 N00314 Department of Navy N00334 2 N00334 Department of Navy N00383 2 N00383 Department of Navy N00389 2 N00389 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAMB NAVAL STATION CO CODB = LPN MAJ00070 NAVAL AIR STATION NORTH ISLAND NAVAL TRAINING CBNTBR CIVIL BNGINBBR SUPPORT OFFICB NAVY RBSALB & SBRVICBS SUPPORT OFFICB PUGBT SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD NAVAL UNDBRSBA WARFARB BNGINBBRING STATION NAVAL STATION PUGBT SOUND NAVY MBDICAL CLINIC CO CODB = MCO-MC1 MAJ00018 NAVAL AIR FACILITY DBTROIT SUPPLY DBPARTMBNT CO CODB = LCA-LCB MAJ00072 NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL AIR STATION FLBBT COMBAT TRAINING CBNTBR ATLANTIC CO CODB = L90-L91 MAJ00062 NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CODB = MDR MAJ00018 NAVAL PUBLICATIONS AND FORMS CBNTBR NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL SHIPYARD SUBMARINB BASB NAVAL AIR STATION U S NAVY AVIATION SUPPLY OFfiCB CONTRACTING OFFICBR (CODB 192) ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CA SAN DIBGO CA SAN DIBGO CA SAN DIBGO CA NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CBNTBR PORT HUBNBMB CA FORT WADSWORTH STATBN ISLAND NY BRBMBRTON WA KBYPORT WA SBATTLB WA KBY WBST FL MT CLBMBNS MI GLBNVIBW IL TWIN CITIBS MINNBAPOLIS MN DAM NBCK VIRGINIA BBACH VA CORPUS CHRISTI TX 5801 TABOR AVB PHILADBLPHIA PA MOFFBTT FIBLD CA BOX 400 NAVAL SHIPYARD PBARL HARBOR HI NAVAL SUBMARINB BASB PBARL HARBOR HI NAVAL AIR STATION BARBBRS POINT HI 700 ROBBINS AVB PHILADBLPHIA PA BOX 3002 C-91 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 34 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v N00406 2 N00406 Department of Navy N00421 2 N00421 Department of Navy N00600 2 N00600 Department of Navy N00604 2 N00604 Department of Navy N00612 2 N00612 Department of Navy N00619 2 N00619 Department of Navy N00620 2 N00620 Department of Navy N00639 2 N00639 Department of Navy N00651 2 N00651 Department of Navy N00702 2 N00702 Department of Navy N00743 2 N00743 Department of Navy NOO?BB 2 N00788 Department of Navy NOOB49 2 NOOB49 Department of Navy NOOBB6 2 NOOBB6 Department of Navy N00927 2 N00927 Department of Navy N00950 2 N00950 Department of Navy N0417A 2 N0417A Department of Navy N042BA 2 N042BA Department of Navy N0429A 2 N0429A Department of Navy N0463A 2 N0463A Department of Navy N04BBA 2 N04BBA Department of Navy N0597A 2 N0597A Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER PUGET SOUND NAVAL AIR TEST CENTER NAVAL REGIONAL CONTRACTING CENTER NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER RCD CODE = 200M NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CODE = QA0-QA9 MAJ00018 NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND NAS MEMPHIS NAVAL SUPPLY DEPOT SUBIC BAY NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO CODE = BQM-BQN MAJ00069 NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION NAVAL COMMUNICATION UNIT WASHINGTON NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO CODE = BQC MAJ000069 NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION SAN FRANCISCO U S NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION CO CODE = NTA MAJ00063 NAVAL COMMUNICATION AREA MASTER STATION EASTPAC NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY CO CODE = EJA MAJ00025 NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL AIR STATION NAVY EXPERIMENTAL DIVING UNIT NAVCOASTSY SCEN CO CODE = EHC MAJ00024 NAVY MANPOWER ENGINEERING CENTER DETACHMENT OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY ADDRESS FPO AA BREMERTON WA PATUXENT MD WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER PEARL HARBOR HI CHARLESTON sc OAKLAND CA OAK HARBOR WA NAVAL AIR STATION MEMPHIS (84) MILLINGTON TN BOX 33 FPO AP PHILIPPINES WINTER HARBOR ME BOX 3022 FPO AA ROSEVELT ROADS, PR (CHELTENHAM, MD) WASHINGTON DC SKAGGS ISLAND SONOMA CA ROUGH & READY ISLAND STOCKTON CA FPO AP (SAN MIGUEL) WAHIAWA HI P 0 BOX 1000 THURMONT MD PATUXENT MD POINT MUGU CA BLDG 321 PANAMA CITY FO SAN DIEGO CA BLDG A-67 CO C-92 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 35 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v SOUTHEAST REGION NAVAL BASE CODE = HXP-W MAJ31699 NORFOLK VA N0598A 2 N0598A Department of Navy OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT BOX 119 PACIFIC DIVISION CO PEARL HARBOR CODE = HXN MAJ31699 HI N0604A 2 N0604A Department of Navy OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 2890 NORTH MAIN ST NORTHWEST REGION CO SUITE 301 CODE = HXH-HXL MAJ316996 WALNUT CREEK N0605A 2 N0605A Department of Navy OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT BLDG 75-3 CO NORTHEAST REGION NAVAL BASE CODE = HXG-HXH MAJ31699 PHILADELPHIA PA N0618A 2 N0618A Department of Navy SCHOOL OF MUSIC NORFOLK NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE LITTLE CREEK CO VA CODE = SAB MAJ00062 N0619A 2 N0619A Department of Navy NAVAL HEALTH SCIENCES BETHESDA EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND MD NAVMEDCOM NATCAPREG N08939 2 N08939 Department of Navy NAVY SECTION CARACAS, VENEZUELA U S MILITARY GROUP WASHINGTON DBPARTMENT OF STATE DC N09534 2 N09534 Department of Navy NAVY SECTION FPO AA US MILITARY GROUP LIMA, PERU N09550 2 N09550 Department of Navy FLEET AIR MEDITERRANEAN FPO AB NAPLES, ITALY N30492 2 N30492 Department of Navy DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP R & D CENTER BREMERTON DETACHMENT PUGET SOUND CO WA CODE = NSC MAJ00039 N30776 2 N30776 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION KINGSVILLE ORANGE GROVE AUXILIARY LANDING FIELD DETACHMENT TX N30779 2 N30779 Department of Navy NAVAL AUXILIARY LANDING FIELD GOLIAD TX N30829 2 N30829 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY FPO AB NAPLES DETACHMENT GABTA, ITALY N30929 2 N30929 Department of Navy NAVY FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION SQUADRON NAVAL AIR STATION (BLUE ANGLES) PENSACOLA ATTN: SUPPLY OFFICER FL N31149 2 N31149 Department of Navy NAVAL SEA LOGISTICS CENTER DET NAVAL BASE PHILADELPHIA CO PHILADELPHIA CODE = EHA-EHB JAJ00024 PA N31699 2 N31699 Department of Navy OFFICE OF UNDER SECRETARY OF THE NAVY CO WASHINGTON ORDER DC CODE = V8Z N31701 2 N31701 Department of Navy ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON (SHIPBULDING AND LOGISTICS) CO DC CODE = V80-V81 MAJ31699 N31863 2 N31863 Department of Navy NAVAL AUDIT SERVICE P 0 BOX 1206 CAPITAL REGION FALLS CHURCH VA N31954 2 N31954 Department of Navy SUBMARINE TRAINING FACILITY CO SAN DIEGO CODE = ROX MAJ00062 CA N32525 2 N32525 Department of Navy U S NAVAL COMMUNICATION DETACHMENT FPO AB C-93 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:16 -PAGE 36 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v NAPLES SIGONELLA, ITALY N3277B 2 N32778 Department of Navy FLEET ACTIVITIES CHINHAB C/0 FPO AP CODE = 4LE MAJ00070 KORBA N32832 2 N32832 Department of Navy NAVAL AVIATION LOGISTICS CENTER APO AB EUROPEAN REPAIR AND REWORK ACTIVITY REPRESENTATIVE N32960 2 N32960 Department of Navy NAVY SUPPORT OFFICE LA MADDELENA FPO AB SARDINIA, ITALY N33137 2 N33137 Department of Navy NAVAL INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS GROUP FPO AB DET CTG 168.4 MUNICH, GERMANY N35949 2 N35949 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO TWENTYNINE PALMS CODE = JSS MAJ00018 CA N39167 2 N39167 Department of Navy NAVAL BRANCH MEDICAL CLINIC NAVAL AIR STATION MERIDIAN MS N39353 2 N39353 Department of Navy INTEGRATED COMBAT SYSTEMS TEST FACILITY SAN DIEGO CA N41756 2 N41756 Department of Navy NAVY ENGINEERING LOGISTICS OFFICE WASHINGTON DC N42237 2 N42237 Department of Navy NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE KINGS BAY CODE N411 GA N44405 2 N44405 Department of Navy ANTILLES CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL SYSTEM BOX 3200 C/O CODE = BAA MAJ00062 FPO AA ROOSEVELT ROADS, PR N44416 2 N44416 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLISHING AND PRINTING SERVICE 700 ROBBINS AVE NORTHERN AREA PHILADELPHIA C/0 CODE = 4JL MAJ00023 PA N44930 2 N44930 Department of Navy INTRA FLEET SUPPLY SUPPORT OPERATIONS NORFOLK PROGRAM VA N44967 2 N44967 Department of Navy NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND DETACHMENT SAN FRANCISCO (PERA-CSS) CA N45045 2 N45045 Department of Navy NAVY COMPTROLLER RALEIGH OAKS PLAZA OFFICE STANDARD SYSTEMS ACTIVITY DET BLDG 3606, AUSTIN PEAY HIGHWAY C/O CODE = VBA MAJ31699 MEMPHIS TN N45406 2 N45406 Department of Navy NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND DETACHMENT BREMERTON (PERA-CV) WA N45854 2 N45854 Department of Navy FLEET SURVEILLANCE SUPPORT COMMAND CHEASPEAKE CHESAPEAKE VA C/O CODE LBE MAJ00011 N46079 2 N46079 Department of Navy MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND OFFICE APO AB NORTHERN EUROPE BREMERHAVEN, GERMANY N46450 2 N46450 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE CHARLESTON DETACHMENT KINGS BAY GA N46531 2 N46531 Department of Navy OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 801 N RANDOLPH ST NATIONAL CAPITOL REGION CO ARLINGTON CODE HXO-HX MAJ31699 VA N46656 2 N46656 Department of Navy TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT DETACHMENT 937 N HARBOR DR WEST SAN DIEGO CA N46657 2 N46657 Department of Navy TELECOMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT DEATCHMENT WAHIAWA PACIFIC CO HI C-94 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:16 -PAGB 37 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB CODB B CODB R v N46658 2 N46658 Department N46659 2 N46659 Department N46904 2 N46904 Department N47408 2 N47408 Department N47877 2 N47877 Department N52846 2 N52846 Department N52855 2 N52855 Department N53825 2 N53B25 Department N57007 2 N57007 Department N57012 2 N57012 Department N57016 2 N57016 Department N57023 2 N57023 Department N57032 2 N57032 Department N57053 2 N57053 Department N57075 2 N57075 Department N57095 2 N57095 Department N57100 2 N57100 Department N60002 2 N60002 Department N60028 2 N60028 Department N60036 2 N60036 Department DBSCRIPTION of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy of Navy ACTIVITY NAMB CODB = NTO-NT1 MAJ00063 TBLBPHONB MANAGBMBNT DBTACHMBNT BAST SUITB 222 TBLBPHONB MANAGBMBNT DBTACHMBNT BUROPB PRBCOMMISSIONBD UNIT ANTISUBMARINB WARFARB TRAINING GROUP ATL CO CODB = J00-J01 MAJ00060 NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CBNTBR CO CODB = BJP-BJW MAJ00025 NAVAL TBCHNICAL RBPRBSBNTATIVB DBT ST LOUIS NAVAL AVIATION DBPOT OPBRATIONS CBNTBR DBTACHMBNT BUROPBAN RBPAIR AND RBWORK ACTIVITY NBRRA CO CODB = BFA-BFB MAJ00019 SPBCIAL BOAT UNIT 11 NAVAL SURFACB FORCB USLANTFLT COMMANDBR MIDDLB BAST FORCB NAVAL AIR FORCB U S ATLANTIC FLBBT SUBMARINB FORCB US ATLANTIC FLBBT CO CODB = JON MAJ00060 OPBRATIONAL TBST & BVALUATION FORCB NAVAL AIR FACILITY NAVAL FACILITY CBNTBRVILLB BBACH CODB = LPQ MAJ00070 NAVAL FACILITY ARGBNTIA CO CODB = LH9 MAJ00060 ATLANTIC FLBBT HQS SUPPORT ACTIVITY CINCLANTFLBBT CO CODB = LHO-LH1 NAVAL SPBCIAL WARFARB GROUP 1 CO CODB = LPO-LP1 MAJ00070 NAVAL HOSPITAL NAVAL STATION TRBASURB ISLAND NAVAL WBAPONS STATION ACTIVITY ADDRBSS · WARDS CORNBR BXBCUTIVB CBNTBR SUITB 222, 138 B LITTLB CRBBK ROAD NORFOLK VA FPC AB NAPLBS, ITALY BLDG CBP 104 NAVAL STATION NORFOLK VA C PORT HUBNBMB CA P 0 BOX 516 ST. LOUIS MO BOX 50 FPC AB NAPLBS, ITALY FPC AP NORFOLK VA FPC AB JUFAIR, BAJRAIN NAVAL AIR STATION NORFOLK VA NORFOLK VA NAVAL BASB NORFOLK VA APOAB MILDBNHALL, UK FBRNDALB CA FPC AB CANADA NORFOLK VA NAVPHIBASB CORONADO SAN DIBGO CA MILLINGTON TN SAN FRANCISCO CA CONCORD CA C-95 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 38 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v N60042 2 N60042 Department of Navy N60050 2 N60050 Department of Navy N60087 2 N60087 Department of Navy N60169 2 N60169 Department of·Navy N60191 2 N60191 Department of Navy N60200 2 N60200 Department of Navy N60201 2 N60201 Department of Navy N60211 2 N60211 Department of Navy N60234 2 N60234 Department of Navy N60241 2 N60241 Department of Navy N60258 2 N60258 Department of Navy N60259 2 N60259 Department of Navy N60268 2 N60268 Department of Navy N60376 2 N60376 Department of Navy N60462 2 N60462 Department of Navy N60478 2 N6047B Department of Navy N60495 2 N60495 Department of Navy N60SOB 2 N60508 Department of Navy N60514 2 N60514 Department of Navy N60530 2 N60530 Department of Navy N60656 2 N60656 Department of NaVy N60663 2 N60663 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME NAVAL AIR FACILITY CO CODE = LPU MAJ00070 NAVAL AIR STATION MARINE CORPS AIR STATION NAVAL AIR STATION OCEANA NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL STATION NAVAL AUXILIARY LANDING FIELD NAVAL AIR STATION WHITING FIELD NAVAL AIR STATION LONG BEACH NAVAL SHIPYARD NAVAL AIR STATION NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT CHICAGO CO CODE = MQO-MQ1 MAJ62980 NAVAL AIR STATION CHASE FIELD NAVAL AIR STATION U S NAVAL WEAPONS STATION EARLE NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL STATION NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY COMMISSARY SUPPORT OFFICE ACTIVITY ADDRESS EL CENTRO CA MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, EL TORO SANTA ANA CA BRUNSWICK ME BEAUFORT sc VIRGINIA BEACH VA CECIL FIELD FL P 0 BOX M MAYPORT FL CROWS LANDING CA OLP SAUFLEY FIELD PENSACOLA PL BLDG 2701 KINGSVILLE TX LONG BEACH CA MIRAMAR SAN DIEGO CA GLENVIEW IL BEEVILLE TX PPO SEATTLE, WA ADAK, AK COLTS NECK NJ FALLON NV WITING FIELD MILTON FL BOX 33 FPO AB GUANTANOMO BAY, CUBA CHINA LAKE CA NAVAL STATION ANAPOLIS MD BLDG 2600 NAVAL BASE GREAT LAKES C-96 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 39 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v IL N60666 2 N60666 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST PL N60676 2 N60676 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE AND SERVICES SUPPORT OFFICB NAVAL AIR STATION FIELD SUPPORT OFFICE COMMISSARY DIVISION MICHANICSBURG PA N60681 2 N60681 Department of Navy NAVY COMMISSARY STORE DIVISION NAVAL STATION NAVRESSOFSO SAN DIBGO CA N60693 2 N60693 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY BOX 110 COMMISSARY SUPPORT OFFICE NAVAL STATION PERAL HARBOR HI N60701 2 N60701 Department of Navy NAVAL WEAPONS STATION SEAL BEACH CA N60865 2 N60865 Department of Navy NAVAL FORCES MARIANAS CO FPO AP CODE = VSX MAJ00070 GUAM N60872 2 N60B72 Department of Navy NAVAL MAGAZINE CO FPO SAN FRANCISCO CODE = VST MAJ00070 GUAM N60895 2 N60895 Department of Navy COMMISSARY STORE DIVISION NAVRESSOFSO NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA CA N60921 2 N60921 Department of Navy NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER DAHLGREN HEADQUARTERS VA N60935 2 N60935 Department of Navy COMMISSARY STORE DIVISION NAVRESSOFSO NAVAL AIR STATION JACKSONVILLE FL N60936 2 N60936 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL AIR STATION COMMISSARY REGION SUPPORT OFFICE PENSACOLA FL N60937 2 N60937 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY DET NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY COMMISSARY STORE NEW ORLEANS LA N6093B 2 N60938 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL AIR STATION COMMISSARY SUPPORT OFFICE CORPUS CHRISTI TX N60939 2 N60939 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL AIR STATION -MEMPHIS (32) COMMISSARY STORE MILLINGTON TN N60951 2 N60951 Department of Navy FLEET ACCOUNTING AND DISBURSING CENTER NORFOLK U S ATLANTIC FLEET CO VA CODE = LUH MAJ00060 N60956 2 N60956 Department of Navy NAVY REGIONAL FINANCE CENTER CO GREAT LAKES CODE = VBJ-VBN MAJ31699 IL N61115 2 N61115 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY SUBMARINE BASE NEW LONDON/GROTON CT N61119 2 N61119 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY DEPOT FPO AP GUAM N61165 2 N61165 Department of Navy SUPPLY OFFICER BLDG NS46 NAVAL STATION CHARLESTON C-97 TABL!l T. DODAAC DODAAC COD!lS -10:17 -PAG!l 40 DODAAC S AAN SllRVICll DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESSCOD!l ll COD!l R v sc N61174 2 N61174 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION NllW YORK BROOKLYN NY N61189 2 N61189 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION PHILADELPHIA PA N61217 2 N61217 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALil ACTIVTY NAVAL AIR STATION FPO All BBRMUDA N61331 2 N61331 Department of Navy NAVAL COASTAL SYSTEMS CllNTilR PANAMA CITY FL N61337 2 N61337 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL BEAUFORT sc N61339 2 N61339 Department of Navy NAVAL TRAINING SYSTEMS CllNTilR (N-601) 12350 RllSBARCH PARKWAY ORLANDO FL N61414 2 N61414 Department of Navy NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASil LITTLB CRBBK NORFOLK VA N61463 2 N61463 Department of Navy NAVAL BASil CO NORFOLK CODB = N6143 MAJ00060 VA N61466 2 N61466 Department of Navy NAVAL BASil BLDG NH48 CHARLESTON sc N61510 2 N61510 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALil ACTIVITY BOX 179 NAVAL STATION FPO AP GUAM N61533 2 N61533 Department of Navy DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP ANNAPOLIS RBSBARCH AND DBVLOPMBNT LABORATORY MD N61564 2 N61564 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL NAVBASB FPO All GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBAN61577 2 N61577 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION, AGANA (GUAM) BOX 60 FPO SAN FRANCISCO GAUM N61581 2 N61581 Department of Navy FLBBT ACTIVITIES CO FPO AP CODB = 4LT MAJ00070 YOKOSUKA, JAPANN61685 2 N61685 Department of Navy NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHY COMMAND CBNTBR CO BOX 12 CODB = SOA MAJ00065 FPO AP GUAM N61726 2 N61726 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL NAVAL SUBMARINE BASil NBW LONDON/GROTON CT N61751 2 N61751 Department of Navy NAVAL MBDICAL RBSBARCH UNIT NO 3 CO FPO NBW YORK CODB = MCN MAJ00018 CAIRO, BGYPT N61755 2 N61755 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION CO FPO SAN FRANCISCO CODB = VSB MAJ00070 GUAM N61762 2 N61762 Department of Navy NAVAL ORDNANCE MISSLB TBST FACILITY WHITB SANDS MISSLB RANGB WHITB SANDS NM N62021 2 N62021 Department of Navy NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASil CORONADO SAN DIBGO CA N62161 2 N62161 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB ACTIVITY DBT ROUGH & RBADY ISLAND STOCKTON CA N62190 2 N62190 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBARCH LABORATORY UNDBRWATBR P 0 BOX 8337 C-98 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 41 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v N62191 2 N62191 Department of Navy N62254 2 N62254 Department of Navy N62269 2 N62269 Department of Navy N62271 2 N62271 Department of Navy N62285 2 N62285 Department of Navy N62306 2 N62306 Department of Navy N62367 2 N62367 Department of Navy N62376 2 N62376 Department of Navy · N62381 2 N62381 Department of Navy N62382 2 N62382 Department of Navy N62383 2 N62383 Department of Navy N62387 2 N62387 Department of Navy N62395 2 N62395 Department of Navy N62401 2 N62401 Department of Navy N62404 2 N62404 Department of Navy N62410 2 N62410 Department of Navy N62412 2 N62412 Department of Navy N62415 2 N62415 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME SOUND REFERENCE DETACHMENT NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS AND NAVAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT CO CODE = L97 MAJ00062 FLEET ACTIVITIES OKINAWA NAVAL AIR FACILITY KADENA CO CODE = 4LX MAJ00070 NAVAL AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL NAVAL OBSERVATORY WASHINGTON DC CO CODB = SOO-S01 MAJ00065 NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE (CODB 4410) NATIONAL SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY NAVY CLOTHING AND TEXTILE RESEARCH FACILITY CO CODB = 4JC MAJ00023 NAVAL AIR PROPULSION CBNTBR MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND ATLANTIC MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND OFFICE GULF SUBAREA MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND PACIFIC COMMANDER MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND (CODB M10-3) NAVAL PUBLIC WORKS CENTER NAVY PUBLICATION AND PRINTING SERVICE OFFICE DEFBNSB PRINTING SBRVICB MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND FAR BAST NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT CO CODE = MQ6 MAJ62980 NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT CO CODB = MLR MAJ62980 NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT CO ACTIVITY ADDRESS ORLANDO FL ROOM 298-125 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECH CAMBRIDGE MA BOX SU/CR, FPO AP SOUTH RYUKYU ISLANDS JOHNSVILLE WARMINSTER PA MONTEREY CA 34TH AND MASSACHUSETTS AVB NW WASHINGTON DC BAY ST LOUIS MS 21 STRATHMORE RD NATICK MA P 0 BOX 7176 TRENTON NJ BLDG 42 MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL BAYONNE NJ 4400 DAUPHIN ST NBW ORLEANS LA NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR OAKLAND CA WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC FPO AP MARIANA ISLAND, GUAM THE PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC FPO SEATTLE YOKOHAMA, JAPAN P 0 BOX 8667 ALBUQUERQUE NM PERRY HILL OFFICE PARK 3815 INTERSTATE COURT MONTGOMERY AL STROM THURMAOND FBDBRAL BUILDING C-99 DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 42 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CODE MLX MASJ62980 SUITE 771, 1835 ASSENBLY ST COLUMBIA sc N62416 2 N62416 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT COLUMBUS FEDERAL BUILDING, ROOM 609 200 N HIGH ST COLUMBUS OH N62419 2 N62419 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT MELROSE BUILDING 1121 WALKER ST HOUSTON TX N62422 2 N62422 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT 2974 WOODCOCK DR JACKSONVILLE FL N62423 2 N62423 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT 301 CENTER ST LITTLE ROCK AR N62425 2 N62425 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT 1808 W END AVE SUITE 1312 NASHVILLE TN N62427 2 N62427 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT OMAHA CO CODE OVERLAND-WOLF BUILDING CODE = MLP MAJ62980 6910 PACIFIC OMAHA NB N62429 2 N62429 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT PORTLAND CO 1220 SW THIRD AVE CODE = MLE MAJ62980 SUITE 576 PORTLAND OR N62430 2 N62430 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT 1001 NAVAHO DR RALEIGH NC N62435 2 N62435 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT BOSTON CO 495 SUMMER ST CODE = MQE MAJ62980 BOSTON MA N62437 2 N62437 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT co 918 S ERVAY ST CODE = MQ4 MAJ62980 DALLAS TX N62438 2 N62438 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT DENVER CO CAPITAL LIFE CENTER, 3RD FLOOR CODE = MLQ MAJ62980 1600 SHERMAN ST DENVER co N62440 2 N62440 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT co 2420 BROADWAY CODE = MLT MAJ62980 KANSAS CITY MO N62441 2 N62441 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CO 5051 RODEO RD CODE = MLG MAJ62980 LOS ANGELES CA N62442 2 N62442 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING DISTRICT ATLANTA 612 TINDER ST SUITE C MARIETTA GA N62443 2 N62443 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT CO FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING C-100 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:17 -PAGB 43 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DSSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMS ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB B CODB R v CODS MLV MAJ62980 2ND AND WASHINGTON AVBNUBS S MINNBAPOLIS MN N62444 2 N62444 Department of Navy NAVAL RSCRUITING DISTRICT 4400 DAUPHINS ST CODB 602-2 NSW ORLSANS LA N62448 2 N62448 Department of Navy NAVY RBCRUITING DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO 1500 BROADWAY co ROOM 210 CODS MLN MAJ62980 OAKLAND CA N62449 2 N62449 Department of Navy . NAVY RSCRUITING DISTRICT SBATTLS CO BLDG 30 CODB = MLC MAJ62980 NAVAL STATION SBATTLB WA N62467 2 N62467 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITISS SNGINSSRING COMMAND P 0 BOX 10068 SOUTHSRN DIVISION 2155 BAGLS DR (SOUTHNAVFACSNGCOM) CHARLSSTON sc N62470 2 N62470 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITISS SNGINBSRING COMMAND NORFOLK ATLANTIC DIVISION VA N62471 2 N62471 Department of Navy OFFICSR IN CHARGS OF CONSTRUCTION NAVAL STATION NAVAL FACILITISS SNGINSSRING COMMAND PBARL HARBOR CONTRACTS MID-PACIFIC HI N62472 2 N62472 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITISS SNGINBBRING COMMAND NAVAL BASS NORTHSRN DIVISION PHILADSLPHIA PA N62474 2 N62474 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITIBS BNGINBBRING COMMAND SAN BRUNO WSSTBRN DIVISION CA N62477 2 N62477 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITISS SNGINSSRING COMMAND WASHINGTON NAVY YARD CHSSAPBAKS DIVISION WASHINGTON DC N62481 2 N62481 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION BSRMUDA FPC NBW YORK N62507 2 N62507 Department of Navy COMMANDING OPFICSR NAVAL AIR FACILITY, BOX 3 ATSUGI, JAPAN PPO SBATTLB N62522 2 N62522 Department of Navy MILITARY SBALIFT COMMAND SUROPS BOX 3 (LONDON UK) PPO AB N62535 2 N62535 Department of Navy MARINS CORPS AIR STATION (HSLO) TUSTIN CA N62537 2 N62537 Department of Navy MILITARY SBALIFT COMMAND BOX 23 MSDITSRRANBAN SUB-ARBA FPC AB NAPLSS, ITALY N62538 2 N62538 Department of Navy MILITARY SBALIFT COMMAND OFFICS BLDG Y100A NSC NORFOLK VA N62539 2 N62539 Department of Navy MILITARY SBALIFT COMMAND OFFICS BOX 29 UNITSD KINGDOM FPO AS LONDON, UK N62573 2 N62573 Department of Navy MARINS CORPS AIR STATION NSW RIVBR PLAZA JACKSONVILLB NC N62576 2 N62576 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLISHING AND PRINTING SSRVICS CO 700 ROBBINS AVS CODS = 4JG MAJ00023 PHILADSLPHIA PA C-101 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 44 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE E CODE R v N62578 2 N62578 Department of Navy NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CBNTBR DAVISVILLE RI N62583 2 N62583 Department of Navy NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CBNTBR PORT HBUNBMB CA N62585 2 N62585 Department of Navy COMMANDBR NAVAL ACTIVITIES FPO NBW YORK UNITBD KNIGDOM LONDON, UK N62586 2 N62586 Department of Navy NAVAL SHIP RBPAIR FACILITY FPO SAN FRANCISCO GAUM N62588 2 N62588 Department of Navy US NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY FPO NBW YORK NAPLBS, ITALY N62593 2 N62593 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS & PRINTING SBRVICB DBT UNIT 601-3-B OFFICB SOUTHBAST DIV 4400 DAUPHINB ST NBW ORLBANS LA N62603 2 N62603 Department of Navy FLBBT AND MINI! WARFARB TRAINING CBNTBR BLDG 647 NAVAL BASil CHARLBSTON sc N62604 2 N62604 Department of Navy NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CBNTBR GULFPORT MS N62613 2 N62613 Department of Navy COMMANDING OFFICBR MARINI! CORPS FPO SBATTLB AIR STATION IWAKUNI, JAPAN N62638 2 N62638 Department of Navy NAVAL INSHORB UNDBRSBA WARFARB GROUP TWO BLDG 111 NSC CHBATHAM ANNBX WILLIAMSBURG VA N62645 2 N62645 Department of Navy NAVAL MBDICAL MATBRIBL SUPPORT COMMAND FORT DBTRICK FRBDBRICK MD N62649 2 N62649 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY DBPOT FPO SBATTLB YOKOSUKA, JAPAN N62651 2 N62651 Department of Navy NAVAL PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICB PBNSACOLA DBTACHMBNT OFFICB SOUTHBAST DIVISION FL N62653 2 N62653 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICB BLDG 1628 OFFICI! SOUTHBAST DIVISION CO NAVAL BASil CODB 4JW-4JX MAJ00023 CHARLBSTON sc N62654 2 N62654 Department of Navy NAVAL WBAPONS EVALUATION FACILITY CO KIRTLAND AFB CODB = BFB MAJ00019 ALBUQUBRQUB NM N62665 2 N62665 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING CONVERSION BARNBS BUILDING, 6TH FLOOR AND RBPAIR USN 495 SUMMBR ST BOSTON MA N62670 2 N62670 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING DRAWBR T CONVERSION AND RBPAIR USN MAYPORT NAVAL STATION JACKSONVILLE FL N62673 2 N62673 Department of Navy SUPBRVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING NAVAL BASil CONVERSION AND RBPAIR USN CHARLESTON sc N62678 2 N62678 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING P 0 BOX 215 CONVBRSION AND RBPAIR USN PORTSMOUTH C-102 TABLB T.DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:17 -PAGB 45 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB B CODB R v VA N626B6 2 N626B6 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLISHING & PRINTING SBRVICB BLDG 151-2 OFFICB NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC N626BB 2 N626BB Department of Navy NAVAL STATION NAVAL BASB NORFOLK VA N62695 2 N62695 Department of Navy AUDITOR GBNBRAL OF THB NAVY P 0 BOX 1206 NAVAL AUDIT SBRVICB HBADQUARTBRS FALLS CHURCH VA N62700 2 N62700 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICB BLDG 2A DBT OFFICB NORTHBRN DIVISION CO GRBAT LAKBS CODB = 4JJ MAJ00023 IL N62703 2 N62703 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICB BLDG 530 DBTACHMBNT OFFICB CO PUGBT SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD CODB = 4JA MAJ00023 BRBMBRTON WA N62705 2 N62705 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICB NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR DBTACHMBNT OFFICB CO OAKLAND CODB = 4JN MAJ00023 CA N62706 2 N62706 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS & PRINTING SBRVICB BLDG 154 OFFICB WBSTBRN DIVISION SAN DIBGO CA N62707 2 N62707 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATION & PRINTING SBRVICB DBT BOX 126 OFFICB WBSTBRN ARBA CO PBARL HARBOR CODB = YJS-YJU MAJ00023 HI N62735 2 N62735 Department of Navy COMMANDBR, FLBBT ACTIVITIBS FPO SBATTLB SASBBO, JAPAN N62741 2 N62741 Department of Navy NAVY SUPPLY CORPS SCHOOL CODB 60 ATHBNS GA N62742 2 N62742 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITIBS BNGINBBRING COMMAND PBARL HARBOR PACIFIC DIVISION HI N62745 2 N62745 Department of Navy OFFICBR IN CHARGB OF CONSTRUCTION APO AB NAVAL FACILITIBS BNGINBBRING COMMAND MADRID, SPAIN CONTRACTS MBDITBRRANBAN N62755 2 N62755 Department of Navy NAVAL PUBLIC WORKS CBNTBR NAVAL PUBLIC WORKS CBNTBR PBARL HARBOR HI N62757 2 N62757 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB CBNTBR CO 7410 W ROOSBVBLT RD CODB = 9TW-9TX MAJ00072 FORBST PARK IL N62766 2 N62766 Department of Navy OFFICBR IN CHARGB OF CONSTRUCTION FPO AP NAVAL FACILITIBS BNGINBBRING COMMAND GUAM CONTRACTS N62770 2 N62770 Department of Navy NAVAL SHIP RBPAIR FACILITY CO BOX 34 CODB = LPJ-LPL MAJ00070 FPO SAN FRANCISCO SUBIC BAY N627B6 2 N62786 Department of Navy SUPBRVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING 574 WASHINGTON ST CONVERSION AND RBPAIR USN BATH MB N627B9 2 N627B9 Department of Navy SUPBRVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING GROTON CONVERSION AND RBPAIR USN CT C-103 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGB 46 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB B CODB R v N62791 2 N62791 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING BOX 119 CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN NAVAL STATION SAN DIEGO CA N62793 2 N62793 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING NEWPORT NBWS CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN VA N62794 2 N62794 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING FLUSHING & WASHINGTON AVBNUBS CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN BROOKLYN NY N62795 2 N62795 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING PASCAGOULA CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN MS N62798 2 N62798 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING SAN FRANCISCO CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN CA N62799 2 N62799 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING SBATTLB CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN WA N62808 2 N62808 Department of Navy PUBLIC WORKS CENTER SUBIC BAY CO RBPUBIC OF THB PHILIPPINES CODB = FZO MAJ00025 FPO SAN FRANCISCO LUZON N62832 2 N62832 Department of Navy NAVAL ACTIVITIES FPO AB ROTA, SPAIN N62836 2 N62836 Department of Navy OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION BOX 61 NAVAL FACILITIES BNGINBBRING COMMAND FPO AP CONTRACTS FAR BAST YOKOSUKA, JAPAN N62841 2 N62841 Department of Navy NAVAL ORDNANCE TBST UNIT CO CAPB CANAVERAL CODE = BKA MAJ00030 FL N62844 2 N62844 Department of Navy NAVAL IMAGING COMMAND WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC N62849 2 N62849 Department of Navy NAVAL AVIATION ENGINEERING SBRVICB UNIT PHILADELPHIA co PA CODB = BFC MAJ00019 N62852 2 N62852 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEM SECURITY 3801 NEBRASKA AVB NW BNGINBBRING CBNTBR NAVAL SECURITY WASHINGTON STATION DC N62856 2 N62856 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR·FACILITY APO NBW YORK LAJBS, AZORES N62863 2 N62863 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION FPO NBW YORK ROTA, SPAIN N62864 2 N62864 Department of Navy OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION FPO AP NAVAL FACILITIES BNGINBBRING COMMAND CONTRACTS SOUTHWEST PACIFIC N62892 2 N62892 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO CARD SOUND RD CODB = SQA MAJ00069 SITB 'B' HOMESTEAD FL N62907 2 N62907 Department of Navy NAVAL PLANT RBPRBSBNTATIVB OFFICE· JOHNS HOPKINS ROAD APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY LAUREL MD N62908 2 N62908 Department of Navy NAVAL WEAPONS BNGINBBRING SUPPORT WASHINGTON NAVY YARD ACTIVITY WASHINGTON DC N62911 2 N62911 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING ARBA ONB CO SCOTIA CODB = MQC MAJ62980 NY N62913 2 N62913 Department of Navy NAVAL RECRUITING ARBA THRBB CO CODB ML p 0 BOX 4887 C-104 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:17 -PAGB 47 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DBSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB CODB B CODB R v CODB MLL MAJ62980 N62917 2 N62917 Department of Navy. NAVY RBCRUITING ARBA SBVBN CO CODB = MLO-ML1 MAJ62980 N62918 2 N62918 Department of Navy NAVY RBCRUITING ARBA BIGHT CO CODB = MLA MAJ62980 N62922 2 N62922 Department of Navy RBSIDBNT OFFICBR IN CHARGB OF CONSTRUCTION PACIFIC DBPARTMBNT OF THB NAVY N62974 2 N62974 Department of Navy MARINB CORPS AIR STATION N62980 2 N62980 Department of Navy NAVAL MILITARY PBRSONNBL COMMAND CO CODB = MQR-MQZ N62990 2 N62990 Department of Navy SUPBRVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING CONVBRSION AND RBPAIR USN N62995 2 N62995 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N63005 2 N63005 Department of Navy ADMINISTRATIVB SUPPORT UNIT N63007 2 N63007 Department of Navy NUCLBAR WBAPONS TRAINING GROUP ATLANTIC CO CODB = LHS MAJ00060 N63015 2 N63015 Department of Navy NAVAL BDUCATION AND TRAINING SUPPORT CBNTBR PACIFIC FLBBT STATION N63026 2 N63026 Department of Navy MARINB CORPS AIR STATION CO CODB = MUJ MAJ00027 N63028 2 N63028 Department of Navy POLARIS MISSILB FACILITY ATLANTIC N63032 2 N63032 Department of Navy U S NAVAL STATION N63038 2 N63038 Department of Navy U S NAVAL COMMUNICATION UNIT CUTLBR N63042 2 N63042 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N63043 2 N63043 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR STATION N63051 2 N63051 Department of Navy NAVAL INVBSTIGATIVB SBRVICB SOUTHBAST RBGION N63053 2 N63053 Department of Navy NAVAL INVBSTIGATIVB SBRVICB OFFICB N63055 2 N63055 Department of Navy NAVAL INVBSTIGATIVB SBRVICB MID-ATLANTIC RBGION NORFOLK CO CODB = LBJ MAJ00011 ACTIVITY ADDRBSS 451 COLLBGB ST MACON GA 1499 RBGAL ROW SUITB 501 DALLAS TX 7677 OAKPORT ST SUITB 650 OAKLAND CA P 0 BOX 418 SAN BRUNO CA YUMA AZ WASHINGTON DC P 0 BOX 26 STURGBON BAY WI FPO NBW YORK SIGONBLLA FPO AB BAHRAIN NORFOLK VA P 0 BUILDING SAN DIBGO CA FPO SBATTLB FUTBNMA, JAPAN CHARLBSTON sc FPO NBW YORK KBFLAVIK, ICBLAND BAST MACHIAS MB LBMOORB CA MBRIDIAN MS BLDG NH53 NAVAL BASB CHARLBSTON sc P 0 BOX 6438 NBW ORLBANS LA 293 INDBPBNDBNCB BLVD SUITB 525, PBMBROOK 5 VIRGINIA BBACH C-105 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 48 DODAAC S AAN ·SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v N63058 2 N63058 Department of Navy N63073 2 N63073 Department of Navy N63080 2 N63080 Department of Navy N63082 2 N63082 Department of Navy N63110 2 N63110 Department of Navy N63111 2 N63111 Department of Navy N63124 2 N63124 Department of Navy N63134 2 N63134 Department of Navy N63135 2 N63135 Department of Navy N63136 2 N63136 Department of Navy N63143 2 N63143 Department of Navy N63152 2 N63152 Department of Navy N63165 2 N63165 Department of Navy N63182 2 N63182 Department of Navy N63204 2 N63204 Department of Navy N63209 2 N63209 Department of Navy N63210 2 N63210 Department of Navy N63211 2 N63211 Department of Navy N63212 2 N63212 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAME NAVAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE NORTHWEST REGION CO CODE = LBC MAJ00011 U S NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY RAF NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL TECHNICAL TRAINING CBNTBR CHIEF OF NAVAL AIR TRAINING (CODE N-73) CHIEF OF NAVAL TECHNICAL TRAINING SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN FLBBT NUMERICAL OCEANOGRAPHY CENTER NAVY PUBLISHING & PRINTING SERVICE MANAGEMENT OFFICE CO CODE = 4JD-4JB MAJ00023 NAVY SECTION U S MILITARY GROUP AGRENTINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE U S NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION FLBBT COMBAT DIRECTION SYSTEMS SUPPORT ACTIVITY NAVY REGIONAL DATA AUTOMATION CBNTBR WASHINGTON NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION NAVAL PLANT RBPRBSBNTATIVB OFFICE GOODYEAR AEROSPACE CORP NAVAL.RBSBRVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIT CO CODE = L9A MAJ00062 NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIT CO CODE L9B MAJ00062 NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIT CO CODE = L9C MAJ00062 NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS ACTIVITY ADDRESS VA BLDG 7 NAVSTA TREASURE ISLAND SAN FRANCISCO CA FPO AB BOZELL, UK SOUTH KORBA FPO AP CHINHAB CORRY STATION CODE 4460 PENSACOLA FL NAVAL AIR STATION CORPUS CHRISTI TX NAVAL AIR STATION -MEMPHIS MILLINGTON TN NEW ORLEANS LA MONTEREY CA WASHINGTON DC BUENOS AIRES WASHINGTON DC BOX 22 FPO AB KBFLAVIK, ICELAND SAN DIEGO CA WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC FPO AB ROTA, SPAIN AKRON OH UNIVERSITY OF NBW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE NM IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AMES IA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR MI UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN C-106 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:17 -PAGB 49 DODAAC S AAN SBRVIC!l DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB ll COD!l R v UNIT CO AUSTIN CODE = L9G MAJ00062 TX N63213 2 N63213 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UNIT CO BBRKBLBY CODE = L9J MAJ00062 CA N63214 2 N63214 Department of Navy NAVAL RllSBRVll OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS BOX 374 UNIT CO UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CODB = L9M MAJ00062 BOULDER co N63215 2 N63215 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRV!l OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS ILLINOIS INSTITUTB OF TECHNOLOGY UNIT CO CHICAGO CODE = L9U MAJ00062 IL N63216 2 N63216 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI UNIT CO COLUMBIA CODB = L9W MAJ00062 MO N63217 2 N63217 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY UNIT CO CORVALLIS CODE = L9Z MAJ00062 OR N6321B 2 N6321B Department of Navy NAVAL RllSllRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY UNIT CO EVANSTON COD!l = ROB MAJ00062 IL N63219 2 N63219 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS P 0 BOX 1B92 UNIT CO RICE UNIVERSITY CODE = ROB L99 MAJ00062 HOUSTON TX N63220 2 N63220 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UCLA MENS GYM, ROOM 123 UNIT CO 405 MILGARD AVE COD!l = ROL MAJ00062 LOS ANGELES CA N63221 2 N63221 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHBRN CAL UNIT CO PBD 101, UNIVERSITY PARK MC 0654 COD!l = BAB MAJ00062 LOS ANGBLBS CA N63222 2 N63222 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBVB OFFICER TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIT CO LAWRBNCB CODB = ROH MAJ00062 KS N63223 2 N63223 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF NBBRASKA UNIT CO LINCOLN CODE = ROK MAJ00062 NB N63224 2 N63224 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIVBRSITY OF WISCONSIN UNIT CO 1610 UNIVBRSITY AVB CODB = BAD MAJ00062 MADISON WI N63225 2 N63225 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS MARQUBTTB UNIVBRSITY UNIT CO MILWAUKBB CODB = BAH MAJ00062 WI N63226 2 N63226 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIT CO MINNEAPOLIS CODE = BAJ MAJ00062 MN N63227 2 N63227 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVBRSITY OF IDAHO UNIT CO MOSCOW CODE = BAK MAJ00062 ID N6322B 2 N6322B Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS TULANB UNIVBRSITY C-107 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 50 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v DNIT CO NEW ORLEANS CODE = BAM MAJ00062 LA N63229 2 N63229 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA DNIT CO NORMAN CODE = BAN OK N63230 2 N63230 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME DNIT CO NOTRE DAME CODE = BAR MAJ00062 IN N63231 2 N63231 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF UTAH DNIT CO SALT LAKE CITY CODE = SAW MAJ00062 UT N63232 2 N63232 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DNIT CO SEATTLE CODE = BAY MAJ00062 WA N63234 2 N63234 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DNIT CO 505 E ARMORY ST CODE L9Q MAJ00062 CHAMPAIGN IL N63235 2 N63235 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS PURDUE DNIVBRSITY DNIT CO WEST LAFAYETTE CODE = ROS MAJ00062 IN N63273 2 N63273 Department of Navy FLEET COMBAT DIRECTION SYSTEMS SUPPORT DAM NECK ACTIVITY VIRGINIA BEACH VA N63274 2 N63274 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ENGINEERING VALLEJO CENTER CA N632BS 2 N632BS Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY AND INVESTIGATIVE COMMAND WASHINGTON co DC CODE LBO MAJ00011 N63290 2 N63290 Department of Navy COMBAT SYSTEMS ' TECHNICAL SCHOOLS COMMAND MARE ISLAND co VALLEJO CODE = ROO-R01 MAJ00062 CA N63291 2 N63291 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS BARTON HALL DNIT CO CORNELL DNIVERSITY CODE = ROF MAJ00062 ITHACA NY N63294 2 N63294 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER DNIT CO ROCHESTER CODE = BAV MAJ00062 NY N63295 2 N63295 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE DNIT CO TROY CODE = ROM MAJ00062 NY N63296 2 N63296 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS AUBURN DNIVERSITY DNIT CO AUBURN CODE = L9F MAJ00062 AL N63299 2 N63299 Department of Navy NAVAL RES~RVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS DUKE DNIVBRSITY DNIT co I DURHAM I CODE = ROA MAJ00062 NC I N63301 2 N63301 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS GEORGIA TECH I DNIT CO ATLANTA CODE = L9D MAJ00062 GA i N63303 2 N63303 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS DNIT CO I WORCESTER I C-108 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 51 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CODE = ROU MAJ00062 MA N63306 2 N63306 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MIAMI UNIVERSITY UNIT CO OXFORD CODE = BAS MAJ00062 OH N63307 2 N63307 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS BOX 69 UNIT CO UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI CODE = RON MAJ00062 UNIVERSITY MS N6330B 2 N6330B Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA UNIT CO CHAPEL HILL CODE = L9R MAJ00062 NC N63309 2 N63309 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY UNIT CO COLUMBUS CODE = L9Y MAJ00062 OH N63310 2 N63310 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS WAGNER BUILDING UNIT CO PENN STATE UNIVERSITY CODE = ROP MAJ00062 UNIVERSITY PARK PA N63311 2 N63311 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIT CO PHILADELPHIA CODE = BAT MAJ00062 PA N633D 2 N63313 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIV!lRSITH OF SOUTH CAROLINA UNIT CO COLUMBIA CODE = 9LX MAJ00062 sc N63315 2 N63315 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERV!l OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS WESTSIDE HALL UNIT CO VANDERBILT UNVERSITY CODE = BAL MAJ00062 NASHVILLE TN N63316 2 N63316 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY UNIT CO VILLANOVA CODE = ROR MAJ00062 PA N63317 2 N63317 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MAURY HALL UNIT CO UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CODE = L9T MAJ00062 CHARLOTTBSVILLB VA N63325 2 N63325 Department of Navy NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING SUPPORT BLDG Z-B6 CENTER ATLANTIC NAVAL STATION NORFOLK VA N63339 2 N63339 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION FPO AP ADAK, AK N63340 2 N63340 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION FPO AB ARGENTIA, CANADA N63341 2 N63341 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY DET NAVAL AIR STATION COMMISSARY STORE CHASE FIELD BEllVILLE TX N63344 2 N63344 Department of Navy NAVY COMMISSARY STORE REGION NAVAL STATION CHARLESTON sc N63345 2 N63345 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION FPO All GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA C-109 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:17 -PAGE 52 DODAAC S AAN SllRVICil DllSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMil ACTIVITY ADDRilSS CODil ll CODil R v N63346 2 N63346 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALil ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION FPO All KllFLAVIK, ICilLAND N63348 2 N63348 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALil ACTIVITY DllT NAVAL AIR STATION COMMISSARY STORil KINGSVILLil TX N63349 2 N63349 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALil ACTIVITY NAVAL AIR STATION LllMOORil CA N63350 2 N63350 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALil ACTIVITY COMNAVACT FPO All DUNSTABLil, llNGLAND N63351 2 N63351 Department of Navy NAVY RllSALB ACTIVITY DBT NAVIlL STATION NAVY COMMISSARY STORE REGION LONG BllACH CA N63352 2 N63352 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB ACTIVITY DBT NAVAL AIR STATION COMMISSARY STORE MllRIDIAN MS N63353 2 N63353 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB ACTIVITY NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY COMMISSARY SUPPLY OFFICE FPO All NAPLilS, ITALY N63357 2 N63357 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION FFO All ROTA, SPAIN N63362 2 N63362 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB ACTIVITY PHILIPPINilS COMMISSARY SUPPJRT OFFICE P 0 BOX 28, FPO AP SUBIC BAY N63365 2 N63365 Department of Navy NAVY RBSALB'ACTIVITY BOX 33 COMMISSARY SUPPORT OFFICE FPO AP YOKOSUKA, JAPAN N63367 2 N63367 Department of Navy COMMISSARY DIV NAVY RllSALil AND SllRVICilS NORFOLK SUPPORT OFFICE VA FIELD SUPPORT OFFICE N63369 2 N63369 Department of Navy MILITARY SEALIFT' COMMAND OFFICE NETHERLANDS BBNBLUX AFO NBW YORK ROTTERDAM N63381 2 N633B1 Department of Navy JOINT US MILITARr ADVISORY GROUP APO AP THAILAND CO CODil = I LBA MAJ00011 N633B7 2 N633B7 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC I WORKS CBNTBR NAVAL BASil SAN DIEGO CA N63394 2 N63394 Department of Navy NAVAL SHIP WEAPON SYSTEMS PORT HUBNBMB BNGINBBRING .STATION CA N63395 2 N63395 Department of Navy US NAVAL I COMMUNICATION STATION FPO All N63402 2 N63402 Department of Navy THURSO STRATEGIC I WEAPONS· FACILITY CAITHNESS, BREMERTON UK N63406 2 N63406 Department of Navy PACIFIC NAVAL SUBMARINE I I BASil WA 140 SYLVESTER RD SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO CA N63408 2 N63408 Department of Navy NAVY MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION OFFICE NORFOLK N63410 2 N63410 Department of Navy NAVY MANPOWER I I AND MATERIAL ANALYSIS VA NORFOLK ' I 1C-110 DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 53 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CENTER ATLANTIC VA N63427 2 N63427 Department of Navy US NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION FPO AP HAROLD E HOLT EXMOUTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA N63429 2 N63429 Department of Navy NAVAL COMMUNICATION UNIT FPO AB LONDON, UK N63439 2 N63439 Department of Navy NAVAL OPTHALMIC SUPPORT AND TRAINING YORKTOWN ACTIVITY VA N63543 2 N63543 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE CENTER CO 3070 ROSS LN CODE = 9TC MAJ00072 CENTRAL POINT OR N63821 2 N63821 Department of Navy NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER BAHAMA ISLANDS AUTEC AN DROS RANGE DETACHMENT CO FPO SEATTLE CODE = NASA-NSB MAJ00039 ANDROS ISLAND N63886 2 N63886 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO FPO AP CODE = 8QO-BQ1 MAJ00069 ADAK, AK N63891 2 N63891 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY GROUP NORTHWEST CO CHESAPEAKE CODE = BQG MAJ00069 VA N64165 2 N64165 Department of Navy NAVAL UNIT CO LOWRY AFB CODE = ROZ MAJ00062 co N64181 2 N64181 Department of Navy DEPARTMENT OF NAVAL SCIENCE CO TEXAS MARITIME ACADEMY CODE = ROW MAJ00062 GALVESTON TX N64267 2 N64267 Department of Navy NAVAL WEAPONS STATION SBAL BEACH CORONA ANNEX DETACHMENT FLEET ANALYSIS CENTER CORONA CA N64281 2 N64281 Department of Navy NAVAL SEA COMBAT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING NAVAL STATION STATION NORFOLK VA N64356 2 N64356 Department of Navy NAVAL ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND ARMED FORCES STAFF COLLEGE NORFOLK VA N649BO 2 N64980 Department of Navy NAVAL WEAPONS FACILITY DETACHMENT FPO AB MACHRINHANISH, UK N64981 2 N64981 Department of Navy NAVAL WBAPONS FACILITY FPO AB ST MAWGAN, UK N65113 2 N65113 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER BLDG 1A GREAT LAKES IL N65114 2 N65114 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER CO NAVAL AIR STATION CODE = EJC MAJ00025 PENSACOLA FL N65115 2 N65115 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER CO BOX 13 CODE = FZA MAJ00025 FPO SEATTLE YOKOSUKA, JAPAH N65116 2 N65116 Department of Navy NAVY-MARINE CORPS APPELLATE REVIEW WASHINGTON NAVY YARD ACTIVITY WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL DC N65146 2 N65146 Department of Navy PROCUREMENT BRANCH OP-09B31 WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS DC SUPPORT ACTIVITY N65198 2 N65198 Department of Navy NAVAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT 550 FIRST ST IDAHO FALLS ID C-111 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 54 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE ll CODE R v N65202 2 N65202 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING BOX 400 CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN NAVAL SHIPYARD PERAL HARBOR HI N65236 2 N65236 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 4600 GOER RD CENTER NORTH CHARLESTON sc N65256 2 N65256 Department of Navy NAVY OFFICE OF INFORMATION BAST CO 133 E 58TH ST CODE = VBC MAJ31699 1ST FLOOR NEW YORK NY N65428 2 N65428 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL FPO AA ROOSBVBLT ROADS, PR N65440 2 N65440 Department of Navy NAVY RESALE ACTIVITY WESTERN AUSTRALIA FPO AP EXMOUTH N65491 2 N65491 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO PHILIPPINES CODE = J5P MAJOOOlB FPO AP SUBIC BAY N65492 2 N65492 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL ORLANDO FISCAL AND SUPPLY SERVICE, CODE 32C CO FL CODE = MCA MAJOOOlB N65497 2 N65497 Department of Navy COMMISSARY STORE DIVISION 2801 C ST SW NAVRESSO FIELD SUPPORT OFFICE AUBURN WA N65540 2 N65540 Department of Navy NAVAL SHIP SYSTEMS ENGINEERING STATION PHILADELPHIA co PA CODE = EHP-BHS MAJ00024 N65575 2 N65575 Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL CLINIC CO SEATTLE CODB = MCY MAJ00018 WA N65576 2 N65576 Department of Navy NAVY SPACE SYSTEMS ACTIVITY P 0 BOX 92960 WORLDWAY POSTAL CENTER LOS ANGELES CA N65580 2 N65580 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS llNGINilllRING P 0 BOX 55 CENTER PORTSMOUTH VA N65584 2 N65584 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ENGINEERING P 0 BOX 80337 CENTER BLDG 4 CODE 104 SAN DIEGO CA N65849 2 N65849 Department of Navy OFFICE OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SAN DIEGO SOUTHWEST REGION CO CA CODE = HXY-HXZ N65870 2 N65870 Department of Navy SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING NAVAL SHIPYARD CONVERSION AND REPAIR USN LONG BEACH CA N65886 2 N65886 Department of Navy AVIATION DEPOT NAVAL AIR STATION JACKSONVILLE FL N65888 2 N65888 Department of Navy AVIATION DEPOT NORTH ISLAND SAN DIEGO CA C-112 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:18 -PAGB 55 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB B CODB R v N65889 2 N65889 Department of Navy AVIATION DBPOT NAVAL AIR STATION CODB 56000 PENSACOLA FL N65912 2 N65912 Department of Navy NAVAL SBA SUPPORT CBNTBR ST JULIBNS CRBBK ANNBX ATLANTIC PORTSMOUTH VA N65913 2 N65913 Department of Navy NAVAL SBA SUPPORT CBNTBR SAN DIBGO PACIFIC CA N65918 2 N65918 Department of Navy SHORB INTBRMBDIATB MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY NAVAL STATION SAN DIEGO CA N65926 2 N65926 Department of Navy NAVAL UNDBRWATBR SYSTEMS CBNTBR WBST PALM BBACH DBTACHMBNT AUTBC FL WBST PALM BEACH DBTACHMBNT CO CODE = NAS-NSB MAJ00039 N65928 2 N65928 Department of Navy NAVAL TRAINING CBNTBR ORLANDO FL N65980 2 N65980 Department of Navy NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ENGINBBRING ST INIGOES ACTIVITY CO MD CODB = NSL-NSN N65995 2 N65995 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY FPO AB HOLY LOCH, UK N66001 2 N66001 Department of Navy NAVAL OCBAN SYSTEMS CBNTBR SAN DIBGO CA N66021 2 N66021 Department of Navy FLBET AIR FPO AP WBSTBRN PACIFIC ATSUGI, JAPAN N66022 2 N66022 Department of Navy NAVAL DBNTAL CLINIC CO SAN DIBGO CODB = MOW MAJ00018 CA N66032 2 N66032 Department of Navy NAVY AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING SBLBCTION BLDG 218 OFFICB WASHINGTON NAVY YARD WASHINGTON DC N66074 2 N66074 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS PARIRIE VIEW A & M UNIVERSITY UNIT CO PARIRIB VIBW CODB = BAU MAJ00062 TX N66094 2 N66094 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO CHBRRY POINT CODE = QAA-QAB MAJ00018 NC N66095 2 N66095 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO NAVAL AIR STATION CODB = J5B MAJ00018 LBMOORB CA N66097 2 N66097 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO OAK HARBOR CODB = MOB MAJ00018 WA N66125 2 N66125 Department of Navy NAVAL FACILITY CO FPO AP CODB = V5J MAJ00070 GUAM N66231 2 N66231 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB RBADINBSS' CBNTER CO BLDG 2711 CODB = 9TS MAJ00072 NAVAL TRAINING CBNTBR GRBAG LAKBS IL N66398 2 N66398 Department of Navy NAVY MOTION PICTURE SBRVICB CO CODB FLUSHING & WASHINGTON AVBNUBS CODB = ML6-ML7 MAJ62980 NBW YORK NY N66458 2 N66458 Department of Navy NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHY COMMAND CO NAVAL AIR STATION CODB = SOC MAJ00065 BRUNSWICK C-113 TABL!l T.DODAAC DODAAC COD!lS -10:18 -PAGB 56 DODAAC S AAN SllRVIC!l DllSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAM!l ACTIVITY ADDR!lSS COD!l ll COOS R v Mll N66604 2 N66604 Department of Navy NAVAL UNDBRWATSR SYSTSMS CBNTBR NEWPORT RI N66612 2 N66612 Department of Navy NAVAL RSSSRV!l OFFICSRS TRAINING CORPS TH!l CITADEL UNIT CO CHARLESTON CODS = L95 MAJ00062 sc N66630 2 N66630 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR RSSSRVS NAVAL AIR STATION POINT MUGU POINT MUGU CA N66691 2 N66691 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY GRBBC!l FPO NBW YORK SOUDA BAY, CRBT!l N66715 2 N66715 Department of Navy COMMANDSR 801 N RANDOLPH ST NAVAL RECRUITING COMMAND ARLINGTON VA N66753 2 N66753 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRV!l OFFICSRS TRAINING CORPS JACKSONVILLE UNIVERSITY UNIT CO JACKSONVILLE CODS = ROG MAJ00062 FL N66754 2 N66754 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO FPO AA CODS = 8QL MAJ00069 SABANA SBCA, PR N66809 2 N66809 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSSRVS OFFICSRS TRAINING CORPS SAVANNAH STAT!l COLLBG!l UNIT CO SAVANNAH CODS = ROV MAJ00062 GA N66810 2 N66810 Department of Navy NAVAL RSSSRVS OFFICSRS TRAINING CORPS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND UNIT CO A & M COLLBG!l CODS = L9H MAJ00062 BATON ROUG!l LA N66833 2 N66833 Department of Navy U S NAVAL STATION PANAMA CO FPO AA CODS = LHL MAJ00060 RODMAN, CANAL ZON!l N66863 2 N66863 Department of Navy NAVAL BIODYNAMICS LABORATORY CO MICHOUD ASSEMBLY FACILITY COOS = MCU-MCX MAJ00018 13800 OLD GBNTILLY RD NBW ORLEANS LA N66890 2 N66890 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION MARS ISLAND SUPPLY AND BLDG 851 FISCAL COOS 90 VALLEJO CA N66898 2 N66898 Department of Navy NAVAL MEDICAL CLINIC NBW ORLEANS LA N66957 2 N66957 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVICS BLDG 2049 DBT BRANCH SOUTHSAST DIVISION BRANCH NAVAL TRAINING CBNTBR SOUTHSAST DIVISION ORLANDO FL N66959 2 N66959 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLICATIONS AND PRINTING SBRVIC!l D P 0 BOX 3 DBT OFFICE SOUTHEAST DIVISION NAVAL AIR STATION JACKSONVILLE FL N66965 2 N66965 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLISHING AND PRINTING SSRVIC!l DBT POINT MAGU OFFICE WSSTSRN ARSA CO CA CODS 4JQ MAJ00023 N66972 2 N66972 Department of Navy NAVY RSCRUITING DISTRICT 5901 SW 74TH ST MIAMI FL N67596 2 N67596 Department of Navy NAVY RSCRUITING DISTRICT 102 W RECTOR ST C-114 ...,..)' ' TABLB T: DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:18 -PAGB 57 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB B CODB R v SAN ANTONIO TX N68011 2 N68011 Department of Navy NAVY RBCRUITING DISTRICT STBRICK BUILDING 8 N 3RD ST MBMPHIS TN N68047 2 N68047 Department of Navy NAVY OFFICB SINGAPORB CO FPO AP CODB = 4LO MAJ00070 N68056 2 N68056 Department of Navy NAVY MEDICAL COMMAND SAN DIBGO SOUTHWEST RBGION CA N68057 2 N68057 Department of Navy NAVY RBGIONAL DATA AUTOMATION CBNTBR NORFOLK NORFOLK CODB 212 S VA N68064 2 N68064 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS VAN FLBET HALL, ROOM 26 UNIT CO UNIVBRSITY OF FLORDIA CODB = ROD MAJ00062 GAINBSVILLB FL N68072 2 N68072 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS TEXAS A & M UNIVBRSITY UNIT CO COLLBGB STATION CODB = L9V MAJ00062 TX N68084 2 N68084 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL (CODB 206) CHARLBSTON CODB = MDJ-MDM MAJ00018 sc N68086 2 N68086 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL NBWPORT RI N68090 2 N68090 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO LONG BEACH CODE = MDO-MD9 MAJ00018 CA N68092 2 N68092 Department of Navy NAVAL MBDICAL COMMAND GRBAT LAKBS NORTHBAST RBGION IL N68093 2 N68093 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CAMP LBJBUNB NC N68094 2 N68094 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CAMP PBNDLBTON CA N68095 2 N68095 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL BOONB RD BRBMBRTON WA N68096 2 N68096 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO FPO AP CODE =JSO MAJOOOlB GAUM N68097 2 N68097 Department of Navy NAVY MBDICAL COMMAND OAKLAND NORTHWBST REGION CA N68101 2 N68101 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO 17TH ST & PATTISON AVB CODB = MDT-MDV MAJ00018 PHILADELPHIA PA N68139 2 N68139 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS FLORIDA A & M UNIVERSITY UNIT CO TALLAHASSBB CODB 8AZ MAJ00062 FL N68141 2 N68141 Department of Navy NAVALL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MAINB MARITIME ACADBMY UNIT CO CASTINB CODB = L9P MAJ00062 ME N68166 2 N68166 Department of Navy NAVAL TECHNICAL INTELLIGBNCB SUPORT 4301 SUITLAND RD CENTER CO WASHINGTON CODB = L01-L02 MAJOOOlS DC N68171 2 N68171 Department of Navy NAVAL RBGIONAL CONTRACTING CBNTBR FPO NBW YORK NAPLBS, ITALY N68175 2 N68175 Department of Navy NAVY RBCRUITING DISTRICT NBW JBRSBY CO PARKWAY TOWBRS BUILDING A C-115 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 58 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE ll CODE R v CODE MQA MAJ62980 485 US ROUTE 1 SO ISELIN NJ N68199 2 N68199 Department of Navy NAVY OFFICE OF INFORMATION 1459 PBACHTRBB ST Nil SOUTHEAST SUITE 300 ATLANTA GA N68200 2 N68200 Department of Navy NAVY OFFICE OF INFORMATION 1114 COMMERCE ST SOUTHWEST SUITE 811 DALLAS TX N68221 2 N68221 Department of Navy NAVAL PERSONNEL RESEARCH ANn DBVBLOPMBNT SAN DIEGO CENTER CA N68246 2 N68246 Department of Navy OFFICER IN CHARGE FPO SEATTLE U S NAVAL SUPPLY DEPOT, YOKOSUKA DBT. SASBBO, JAPAN N68248 2 N68248 Department of Navy OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION NAVAL SUBMARINE BASil NAVAL FACILITIES BNGINBBRING COMMAND KINGS BAY CONTRACTS GA N68292 2 N68292 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO FPO AP CODE JSA MAJ00018 YOKOSUKA, JAPAN N68297 2 N68297 Department of Navy NAVAL MAGAZINE LUALUALBI HI N68303 2 N68303 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS STATE UNIVERSITY OF NBW YORK UNIT CO MARTIMB COLLBGB, FORT SCHuYLER CODE = ROC MAJ00062 BRONX NY N68306 2 N68306 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READINESS COMMAND WNY BUILDING 200 REGION SIX CO WASHINGTON CODE = 9TF MAJ00072 DC N68307 2 N68307 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READINESS COMMAND NEW ORLEANS REGION 10 CODE 431 LA N68308 2 N68308 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READINESS COMMAND BLDG 1 REGION 20 CO CODE = 9TQ NAVSTA TRBASURB ISLAND SAN FRANCISCO CA N68311 2 N68311 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION LONG BBACH CA N68322 2 N68322 Department of Navy NAVAL EDUCATION & TRAINING PROGRAM SAUFLBY FIBLD MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ACTIVITY· CODE SU1 PENSACOLA FL N68323 2 N68323 Department of Navy NAVAL LEGAL SERVICE OFFICE CO 200 STOVALL ST CODE = LBC MAJ00011 ALEXANDRIA VA N68328 2 N68328 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READINESS COMMAND BLDG 9 REGION 22 CO NAVAL STATION CODB = 9TJ MAJ00072 SBATTLB WA N68330 2 N68330 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READ.INBSS COMMAND BLDG 1 RBGION 13 CO CODB 712 NTC CODB = 9TN MAJ00072 GRBAT LAKES IL N68332 2 N68332 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB READINESS COMMAND 301 NAVY DRIVB RBGION 18 CO INDUSTRIAL AIRPORT C-116 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 59 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CODE = 9T0-9T1 MAJ00072 KS N68335 2 N68335 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR ENGINEERING CENTER SUPPLY DEPT LAKEHURST PURCHASE DIVISION NJ N68348 2 N68348 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND BLDG E-35 REGION 9 MILLINGTON NAVAL AIR STATION MEMPHIS (76) CO TN CODE = 9TG MAJ00072 N68355 2 N68355 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE UNIT CO LEXINGTON CODE = ROJ MAJ00062 VA N68356 2 N68356 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND NAVAL BASE REGION 7 CO CHARLESTON CODE = 9TD MAJ00072 sc N68357 2 N68357 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND SCOTIA REGION 2 CO NY CODE = 9TL MAJ00072 N68358 2 N68358 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND NAVAL AIR STATION REGION 8 CO JACKSONVILLE CODE = 9TA MAJ00072 FL N68359 2 N68359 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND BLDG 11 REGION 11 NAVAL AIR STATION DALLAS TX N68378 2 N68378 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER SAN FRANCISCO BAY OAKLAND CA N68391 2 N68391 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT 310 N SECOND ST HARRISBURG, CO HARRISBURG CODE = MLB MAJ62980 PA N68401 2 N68401 Department of Navy NAVY RECRUITING DISTRICT BLDG 335 SAN DIEGO CO NAVAL TRAINING CENTER CODE = MLJ MAJ62980 SAN DIEGO CA N68402 2 N68402 Department of Navy NAVY OFFICE OF INFORMATION 408 ATLANTIC AVB NEW ENGLAND BRANCH CO BOSTON CODE = V8E MAJ31699 MA N68409 2 N68409 Department of Navy NAVAL DENTAL CLINIC CO SAN FRANCISCO CODE = MDC MAJ00018 CA N68436 2 N68436 Department of Navy NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE CODE 863 CO BANGOR CODE = KC J6 BREMERTON WA N68441 2 N68441 Department of Navy NAVAL DENTAL CLINIC NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA FL N68443 2 N68443 Department of Navy NAVAL DENTAL CLINIC BREMERTON WA N68451 2 N68451 Department of Navy NAVY REGIONAL DATA AUTOMATION CENTER NAVAL AIR STATION SAN FRANCISCO ALAMEDA CA N68470 2 N68470 Department of Navy NAVAL HOSPITAL CO FPO AP CODE = JSJ-JSM MAJ00018 OKINAWA, JAPAN N68497 2 N68497 Department of Navy NAVAL ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND NAVAL TRAINING CENTER CODE 40 ORLANDO C-117 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 60 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTiON CODE E CODE R v N68499 2 N68499 Department of Navy N68518 2 N68518 Department of Navy N68520 2 N68520 Department of Navy N68527 2 N68527 Department of Navy N6S546 2 N6S546 Department of Navy N68547 2 N68547 Department of Navy N6S561 2 N6S561 Department of Navy N68593 2 N6S593 Department of Navy N6S60S 2 N6S60S Department of Navy N68610 2 N68610 Department of Navy N68646 2 N68646 Department of Navy N6S691 2 N6S691 Department of Navy N6S692 2 N6S692 Department of Navy N68695 2 N68695 Department of Navy N68699 2 N68699 Department of Navy N68707 2 N6S707 Department of Navy N6S709 2 N6S709 Department of Navy N68710 2 N6S710 Department of Navy ACTIVITY NAMB NAVAL COUNCIL OF PBRSONNBL BOARDS NAVAL RBSBRVB SUPPORT OFFICB INTBRNAL SUPPLY CODB S43 AVIATION DBPOT OPERATIONS CBNTBR NAVAL AIR STATION NAVAL & MC RBSBRVB RllADINBSS CBNTBR ARMBD FORCBS RBSBRVB CBNTBR CO CODB = 9TT MAJ00072 .NAVY BNVIRONMBNTAL HBALTH CBNTBR PBRSONNBL SUPPORT ACTIVITY CO CODB = LHQ MAJ00060 NAVY MANAGBMBNT SYSTBMS SUPPORT OFFICB co CODB = NSB MAJ00039 NAVAL OCBAN PROCESSING FACILITY CO CODB = LHB MAJ00060 NAVY RBGIONAL DATA AUTOMATION CBNTBR CO CODB = LBP-LBY MAJ00011 FLBBT HOSPITAL SUPPORT OFFICB NAVBL SBA SYSTBMS COMMAND CO CODB = BHJ-BHK MAJ00024 NAVAL PLANT RBPRBSBNTATIVB OFFICB NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIT CO CODB = SAX MAJ00062 SHORB INTBRMBDIATB MAINTBNANCB ACTIVITY NAVAL RBSBRVB MAINTBNANCB FACILITY CO CODB = LHG MAJ00060 NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIT HAMPTON ROADS CO CODB = SAP MAJ00062 NAVAL RBSBRVB MAINTBNANCB TRAINING FACILITY CO CODB = 9TU MAJ00072 NAVAL AIR STATION MAYPORT NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICBRS TRAINING CORPS UNIT CO ACTIVITY ADDRBSS FL BALLSTON CBNTBR, TOWBR 801 N RANDOLPH ST ARLINGTON VA 4400 DAUPHINS ST NBW ORLilANS LA PATUXBNT RIVBR MD FLOYD BBNNBTT FIBLD BROOKLYN NY NAVAL STATION NORFOLK VA NORFOLK VA NORFOLK VA DAM NBCK VA 4400 DAUPHINE ST NBW ORLilANS LA BLDG 5 620 CENTRAL AVE ALAMEDA CA AUTOMATED DATA SYSTEMS ACTIVITY INDIAN HllAD MD APO AP MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO SAN DIBGO STATB UNIVERSITY SAN DIBGO CA BLDG 133 NAVAL BASil PHILADELPHIA PA 5215 HAMPTON BLVD NORFOLK VA PUGBT SOUND TACOMA WA MAYPORT FL VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTB AND STATB UNIVERSITY C-118 DODAAC CODBS -10:18 -PAGB 61 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB B CODB R v CODB L9K MAJ00062 BLACKSBURG VA N68717 2 N68717 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS BOSTON UNIVERSITY UNIT CO 116 BAY STATB RD CODB = L9L MAJ00062 BOSTON MA N68725 2 N68725 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA UNIT CO TUCSON CODB = ROQ MAJ00062 AZ N68726 2 N68726 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSERVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS GBORGB WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY UNIT CO WASHINGTON CODE = ROT MAJ00062 DC N68727 2 N68727 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MEMPHIS STATB UNIVERSITY UNIT CO MEMPHIS CODE = 8AF MAJ00062 TN N68728 2 N68728 Department of Navy NAVAL RBSBRVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS NORWICH UNIVERSITY UNIT CO NORTHFIELD CODB = BAQ MAJ00062 VT N68733 2 N68733 Department of Navy STRATEGIC WEAPONS FACILITY ATLANTIC CO KINGS BAY CODB = BKC MAJ00030 GA N68742 2 N68742 Department of Navy NAVAL BASH CO SBATTLB CODB = LPA MAJ00072 WA N68753 2 N68753 Department of Navy NAVAL PACIFIC REPAIR ACTIVITY DBT., SAB SINGAFORB SINGAFORB FPO SAN FRANCISCO N68831 2 N68831 Department of Navy SHORB INTBRMBDIATB MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY BLDG 162 SAN FRANCISCO NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA CA N68836 2 N68836 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR CO JACKSONVILLE CODB = J9 FL N68857 2 N68857 Department of Navy NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS TEXAS TBCH UNIVERSITY UNIT CO LUBBOCK CODB = SAC MAJ00062 TX N68860 2 N68860 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPLY CBNTBR PENSACOLA PENSACOLA FL N68863 2 N68863 Department of Navy NAVAL COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATION OFFICE 4401 MASS AVE NW WASHINGTON DC N68877 2 N68877 Department of Navy NAVEL RBSBRVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS CARNBGIB MELLON UNIVERSITY UNIT CO PITTSBURGH CODB = ROY MAJ00062 PA N68881 2 N68881 Department of Navy NAVAL RESBRVB OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MORBHOUSB COLLEGE UNIT CO ATLANTA CODB = L9E MAJ00062 GA N68891 2 N68891 Department of Navy NAVAL STATION INGLESIDE TX N68925 2 N68925 Department of Navy NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER 901 M ST SB WASHINGTON NAVY YARD BLDG 175 WASHINGTON DC N70092 2 N70092 Department of Navy NAVAL SECURITY STATION CO 3801 NEBRASKA AVE NW CODB = 8QJ-8QK MAJ00069 WASHINGTON DC C-119 TABLB T.DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:18 -PAGB 62 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODB B CODB R v N70240 2 N70240 Department of Navy NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION 937 N HARBOR DR SAN DIBGO SAN DIBGO CA N70272 2 N70272 Department of Navy NAVAL COMMUNICATION ARBA NORFOLK MASTBR STATION -ATLANTIC VA N70273 2 N70273 Department of Navy NAVAL RADIO STATION T JIM CRBBK oso WA N7027B 2 N7027B Department of Navy NAVAL COMMUNICATION STATION BOX 3 FPO AP YOKOSUKA, JAPAN N70283 2 N70283 Department of Navy CODB 30 NAVAL SECURITY GROUP ACTIVITY CO CANAL ZONB CODB = BQB MAJ00069 FPO AA GALBTA ISLAND N70294 2 N70294 Department of Navy U S NAVAL COMMUNICATION ARBA FPO AB MASTBR STATION -MBD NAPLBS, ITALY N70310 2 N70310 Department of Navy NAVAL RADIO STATION R SUGAR GROVB wv N86879 4 DLABFM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO FMC MINNEAPOLIS 4800 B RIVBR RD MINNEAPOLIS MN OSIAOl 6 OSIAOl Department of Defense ON-SITB INSPECTION AGBNCY 300 WBST SBRVICB RD ATTN: ACQUISITION MANAGBMBNT WASHINGTON DC R45411 2 R45411 Department of Navy ASSAULT"CRAFT #5 MARINB CORPS BASB C/0 CODB = LPB MAJ00070 CAMP PBNDLBTON CA R55418 2 R55418 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT FORCB NBW ZEALAND ANTARTICA DBTACHMBNT CHRISTCHURCH CO FPO AP CODB = V50 MAJ00070 CHRISTCHURCH R62894 2 R62894 Department of Navy NAVAL FORCBS KORBA CO APO SAN FRANCISCO CODB = 4LA MAJ00070 YONGSAN, SOUTH KORBA R68251 2 R68251 Department of Navy SHORB INTBRMBDIATB MAINTBNANCB ACTIVITY BOX 141 PBARL HARBOR CO PBARL HARBOR CODB = LPC MAJ00070 HI R68831 2 R6B831 Department of Navy SHORB INTBRMBDIATB MAINTBNANCB ACTIVITY BLDG 162 SAN FRANCISCO NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA CA S0101A 4 DLABBA Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BIRMINGHAM 2121 8TH AVB NORTH ROOM 104 BIRMINGHAM AL S0102A 4 DLABHB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO PBMCO ABROPLBX, INC. P 0 BOX 12447 BIRMINGHAM AL S0104A 4 DLABAS Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO ATLANTA 805 WALKBR ST TERMINATION SBTTLBMBNT DIVISION MARIETTA GA S0302A 4 DLABPA Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO PHOENIX THB MONROB SCHOOL 215 N 7TH ST PHOENIX AZ C-120 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGB 63 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DBSCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB E CODE R v S0304A 4 DLA8ML Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MCDONNBLL DOUGLAS HBLICOPTBR 5000 B MCDOWBLL RD MBSA AZ S0305A 4 DLA8HT Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HUGHBS P 0 BOX 11337 M/S B-4 TUCSON AZ S0506A 4 DLA8LA Defense Logistics Agency DCMD WBST 222 N SBPULVBDA BLVD EL SEGUNDO CA S0507A 4 DLA8SF Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SAN FRANCISCO 1250 BAYHILL DR SAN BRUNO CA S0512A 4 DLA8VC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO VAN NUYS 6230 VAN NUYS BLVD VAN NUYS CA S0513A 4 DLA8AC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SANTA ANA P 0 BOX C 12700 34 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA SANTA ANA CA S0514A 4 DLA8DC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SAN DIBGO 7675 DAGGET ST SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO CA S0520A 4 DLA8FS Defense Logistics Agency DPRO FMC p 0 BOX 367 1125 COLEMAN AVE SAN JOSE CA S0523A 4 DLA8WS Defense Logistics Agency DCMO WBSTINGHOUSB, SUNNYVALB p 0 BOX 3499 M/S 11-7 401 E HENDY AVE SUNNYVALE CA S0524A 4 DLA8CS Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GBNBRAL DYNAMICS P 0 BOX 85357 5001 KBARNY VILLA RD SAN DIEGO CA S0529A 4 DLA8LC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BL SBGUNDO 222 N SEPULVEDA BLVD EL SEGUNDO CA S0530A 4 DLA8MH Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MCDONNBL DOUGLAS SPACB SYSTBMS CO 5301 BOLSA AVE HUNTINGTON BBACH CA S0532A 4 DLA8FT Defense Logistics Agency DCMO LORAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, ROOM 303 FORD RD NBW PORT BBACH CA S0533A 4 DLA8HU Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HUGHBS BLDG 600 P 0 BOX 3310 M/S C107 FULLERTON CA S0536A 4 DLA8GG Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GBNBRAL DYNAMICS, POMONA P 0 BOX 2505 POMONA CA S0537A 4 DLA8AU Defense Logistics Agency DCMO ABROJBT, SCRAMBNTO P 0 BOX 15846 C-121 TABLE T . DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 64 DODAAC S A!\N SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODE E CODE R v SACRAMENTO CA S0539A 4 DLA8HL Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HUGHES, LOS ANGELES P 0 BOX 92463 LOS ANGBLBS CA S0540A 4 DLA8RD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO ROCKWELL, ANAHEIM 3370 MIRALOMA AVB M/S AB02A ANAHEIM CA S0542A 4 DLA8RC Defense Logistics Agency DPRO ROCKWELL, CONOGA PARK 6633 CANOGA AVB CANOGA PARK CA S0543A 4 DLA8LF Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LOCKHEED, SUNNYVALE P 0 BOX 3504 SUNNYBALB CA S0544A 4 DLA8DL Defense Logistics Agency DPRO DOUGLAS, LONG BEACH 3855 LAKBWOOD BLVD LONG BBACH CA S0545A 4 DLA8TR Defense Logistics Agency DPRO TRW, REDONDO BEACH ONB SPACB PARK RBDONDO BBACH CA S0546A 4 DLA8NK Defense Logistics Agency DPRO NORTHROP, HAWTHORNE ONB NORHROP AVB HAWTHORNE CA S0602A 4 DLA8DN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO DENVER 750 w HAMPDEN AVB SUITB 250 BNGLBWOOD co S0605A 4 DLA8MD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MARTIN MARIETTA, DENVER p 0 BOX 179 DENVER co S0701A 4 DLA8HC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO, HARTFORD 130 DARLIN ST BAST HARTFORD CT S0702A 4 DLA8BC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BRIDGEPORT 555 LORDSHIP BLVD STRATFORD CT S0703A 4 DLA8HS Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HAMILTON STANDARD 1 HAMILTON RD WINDSOR LOCKS CT S0704A 4 DLA8KA Defense Logistics Agency DPRO KAMAN AEROSPACE P 0 BOX 2 OLD WINDSOR RD BLOOMFIELD CT S0706A 4 DLA8BL Defense Logistics Agency DPRO TEXTRON LYCOMING DIV 550 S MAIN ST STRATFORD CT S0707A 4 DLA8SS Defense Logistics Agency DPRO UTC SIKORSKY AIRCRAFT DIV STRATFORD CT S0708A 4 DLA8PB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO PRATT & WHITNEY, BAST HARTFORD 400 MAIN ST BAST HARTFORD CT S1002A 4 DLA8NF Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO ORLANDO 3555 MAGUIRE BLVD C-122 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:18 -PAGE 65 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODB R v ORLANDO FL S1005A 4 DLA8MM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MARTIN MARIETTA, ORLANDO P 0 BOX 55837 MP 49 ORLANDO FL S1008A 4 DLA8WT Defense Logistics Agency DCMO GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP P 0 BOX 9015 STUART FL S1009A 4 DLA8MB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HARRIS, MELBOURNE 1425 TROUTMAN BLVD NE PALM BAY FL S1010A 4 DLA8AM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MCDONNELL DOUGLAS P 0 BOX 5669 TITUSVILLE FL S1011A 4 DLA8PW Defense Logistics Agency DPRO PRATT & WHITNEY, WEST PALM BRACH P 0 BOX 109600 WEST PALM BEACH FL S1102A 4 DLA8AT Defense Logistics Agency DCMD SOUTH 805 WALKER ST MARIETTA GA S1103A 4 DLA8AL Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO ATLANTA 805 WALKBR ST MARIETTA GA S1104A 4 DLA8MC Defense Logistics Agency DPRO ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL -TSD P 0 BOX 1357 DULUTH GA S1109A 4 DLA8AN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO CLEARWATER 1100 CLEVELAND ST SUITE 200 CLEARWATER FL S1110A 4 DLA8AP Defense Logistics Agency DCMO GRUMMAN, ST AUGUSTINE 5000 US HIGHWAY 1 NORTH P 0 DRAWER 3447 ST AUTUSTINE FL S1111A 4 DLA8LG Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LOCKHEED AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS CO 86 S COBB DR GEROGIA MARIETTA GA S1201A 4 DLA8HR Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SAN FRANCISCO HAWAII RESIDENCY FEDERAL BUILDING, ROOM 4115 300 ALA MOANA BLVD HOHOLULU HI S1211A 4 DLA8AQ Defense Logistics Agency DCMC AIRCRAFT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE 805 WALKBR ST MARIETTA GA S1221A 4 DLA8WV Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GRUMMAN, FLORDIA P 0 BOX 9650 MELBOURNE FL S1402A 4 DLA8CH Defense Logistics Agency DCMD NORTH CENTRAL P 0 'BOX 66926 O'HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CHICAGO IL S1403A 4 DLA8EC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO CHICAGO P 0 BOX 66911 0' HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT C-123 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:1B -PAGE 66 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v CHICAGO IL S1501A 4 DLABJJ Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO INDIANAPOLIS BLDG 1 FORT BENJAMIN HARRIS IN S1505A 4 DLABJL Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MAGNAVOX 1616 DIRECTORS ROW FORT WAYNE IN S1601A 4 DLABCD Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO CEDAR RAPIDS 1231 PARK PLACE NE CEDAR RAPIDS IA S1701A 4 DLABWK Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO WICHITA us COURTHOUSE, SUITE B-34 401 NORTH MARKET WICHITA KS S1702A 4 DLABBW Defense Logistics Agency DPRO BOEING MILITARY AIRPLANES P 0 BOX 7723 WICHITA KS S1903A 4 DLABAR Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MICHOUD 13800 OLD GENTILLY HWY, BLDG 350 p 0 BOX 29503 NEW ORLEANS LA S2101A 4 DLABBM Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BALTIMORE 200 TOWSONTOWN BLVD WEST TOWSON MD S2102A 4 DLABRA Defense Logistics Agency DCMC RESIDENCY, ANNAPOLIS p 0 BOX 14BB ANAPOLIS MD S2103A 4 DLABWB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO WESTINHOUSE ELECTRIC, BALTIMORE P 0 BOX 1693 M/S 1265 BALTIMORE MD S2202A 4 DLABBP Defense Logistics Agency DCMD NORTHEAST 495 SUMMER ST BOSTON MA S2203A 4 DLABSY Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GTE GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS CORP 200 FIRST AVE NEEDHAM MA S2204A 4 DLABGL Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, M/S 9-2 P 0 BOX 5BB AUTOMATED SYSTEMS DEPT BEDFORD ST BURLINGTON MA S2205A 4 DLABRB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO RAYTHEON SPENCER LABORATORY WAYSIDE AVE BURLINGTON MA S2206A 4 DLABBS Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BOSTON 495 SUMMER ST BOSTON MA S2207A 4 DLABGE Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GENERAL ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT ENGINES, 1000 WESTERN AVENUE LYNN LYNN MA S220BA 4 DLABGR Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GENERAL ELECTRIC, PITTSFIELD 100 PLASTICS AVE PITTSFIELD MA C-124 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:19 -PAGE 67 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME CODE B CODE R v S2209A 4 DLA8TW Defense Logistics Agency DPRO TEXTRON DEFENSE SYSTEMS S2303A 4 DLA8GM Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO GRAND RAPIDS S2305A 4 DLA8DM Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO DETROIT S2306A 4 DLA8GW Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GENERAL DYNAMICS, WARREN S2401A 4 DLA8MN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO TWIN CITIES S2402A 4 DLA8HM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HONBYWBLL/ALLIANT TBCHSYSTBMS S2403A 4 DLA8FM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO FMC, MINNEAPOLIS S2404A 4 DLA8BM Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO BALTIMORE S2603A 4 DLA8SL Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO ST LOUIS S2606A 4 DLA8MS Defense Logistics Agency DPRO MCDONNELL DOUGLAS, ST LOUIS S3001A 4 DLA8NH Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LOCKHBBD SANDERS, INC S3101A 4 DLA8NJ Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SPRINGFIELD S3102A 4 DLA8BT Defense Logistics Agency DPRO ALLIED SIGNAL S3109A 4 DLA8HD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GBC/KBARFOTT S3110A 4 DLABPR Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GB ABROSPBCB S3304A 4 DLA8SK Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LIND FLIGHT SIMULATION S3305A 4 DLABBU Defense Logistics Agency DCMO BUFFALO ACTIVITY ADDRESS 201 LOWELL ST WILMINGTON MA RIYERV~BW ~ENTER, BLDG 678 FRONT ST NW GRAND RAPODS MI MCNAMARA FEDERAL BUILDING 477 MICHIGAN AVE DETROIT MI 2305 FORD PARKWAY ST PAUL MN HONBYWBLL PLAZA 2701 4TH AVE S MINNEAPOLIS MN 4800 BAST RIVBR RD MINNEAPOLIS MN 200 TOWSONTOWN BLVD WEST TOWSON MD 1222 SPRUCE ST ST LOUIS MO p 0 BOX 516 ST LOUIS MO p 0 BOX 868 DANIEL WEBSTER HIGHWAY NASHUA NH 955 SOUTH SPRINGRIBLD AVE SPRINGFIELD NJ ROUTE 46 TETERBORO NJ 164 TOTOWA RD M/S 11A30 WAYNE NJ MARNE HIGHWAY AND BORTON LANDING RD MORRBSTOWN NJ P 0 BOX 1237 KIRKWOOD PLANT BINGHAMTON NY 1103 FEDERAL BUILDING C-125 TABL!l T. DODAAC DODAAC CODllS -10:19 -PAGE 68 DODAAC S AAN SllRVIC!l DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME COD!l ll COD!l R v S3306A 4 DLABSN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SYRACUSE S3309A 4 DLABGN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO GARDBN CITY S3310A 4 DLABNZ Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO NllW YORK S3314A 4 DLABNN Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HARRIS S3315A 4 DLABNM Defense Logistics Agency DPRO IBM S3316A 4 DLABGB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GRUMMAN ABROSPAC!l, BBTHPAG!l S3317A 4 DLABUG Defense Logistics Agency DPRO PARAMBX SYST!lMS CORP S331BA 4 DLABllG Defense Logistics Agency DPRO BATON AIL DIV S3401A 4 DLABBN Defense Logistics Agency DPRO AT&T TllCHNOLOGIBS, INC S3602A 4 DLASCL Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO CLEVELAND S3603A 4 DLABCN Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO CLllVllLAND, A J CllLBRllZZll PBDBRAL BLDG S3605A 4 DLABDP Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO, DAYTON C/0 DllFBNS!l llLllCTROINCS SUPPLY C!lNTllR S3613A 4 DLABGD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO WBSTINGHOUS!l, CLBVBLAND S3615A 4 DLABWR Defense Logistics Agency DPRO WILLIAMS INTERNATIONAL C/O WILLIAMS INTERNATIONAL CORP S3616A 4 DLA8CO Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LORAL S3618A 4 DLA8GP Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GllNBRAL DYNAMICS, LIMA S3619A 4 DLA8GC Defense Logistics Agency DPRO Gll AIRCRAFT ENGINES, CINCINNATI ACTIVITY ADDRESS 111 W HURON ST BUFFALO NY 615 BRill BLVD WEST SYRACUS!l NY 605 STEWART AVE GARDllN SITY NY 201 VARICK ST NBW YORK NY 6801 JERICHO TURNPIK!l SYOSSET NY ROUT!l 17C OWBGO NY BBTHPAGB NY GRllAT NECK LONG ISLAND NY COMMACK RD DEER PARK NY 204 GRAHAM HOPEDALE RD BURLINGTON NC A J CELBBRBZZB FEDERAL BUILDING 1240 ll NINTH ST CLEVELAND OH 1240 BAST NINTH ST CLBVllLAND OH BLDG DAYTON OH 18901 EUCLID AVB CLBVBLAND OH 2280 W MAPLE RD WALLED LAKll MI 1432 llXBTllR RD AKRON OH 1155 BUCKBY!l RD LIMA OH MAIL DROP N-1 CINCINNATI C-126 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:19 -PAGE 69 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v OH S3620A 4 DLA8WP Defense Logistics Agency DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT COMMAND 2000 HAMILTON ST INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS DIVISION DAYTON OH S3910A 4 DLA8PH Defense Logistics Agency DCMD MID-ATLANTIC P 0 BOX 7478 PHILADELPHIA PA S3911A 4 DLA8PP Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO PITTSBURGH 1612 FEDERAL BUILDING 1000 LIBERTY AVE PITTSBURGH PA S3912A 4 DLA8RP Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO READING 45 S FRONT ST READING PA S3915A 4 DLA8PL Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO PHILADELPHIA P 0 BOX 7699 PHILADELPHIA PA S3916A 4 DLA8BQ Defense Logistics Agency DPRO BOEING HELICOPTER P 0 BOX 16859 PHILADELPHIA PA S4402A 4 DLA8DB Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO DALLAS P 0 BOX 50500 DALLAS TX S4404A 4 DLA8SA Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO SAN ANTONIO P 0 BOX 1040 615 E HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO TX S4406A 4 DLABDD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL 3200 E RENNER RD M/S 462-115 RICHARDSON TX S4407A 4 DLABLT Defense Logistics Agency DPRO E-SYSTEMS INC P 0 BOX 6379 GREENVILLE TX S4408A 4 DLA8TB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO TBXAS INSTRUMENTS INC P 0 BOX 660246 M/S 256 DALLAS TX S4418A 4 DLABBF Defense Logistics Agency DPRO BBLL HELICOPTER, TEXTRON P 0 BOX 1605 FORT WORTH TX S4419A 4 DLABGF Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GBNBRAL DYNAMICS P 0 BOX 371 FORT WORTH TX S4420A 4 DLA8LD Defense Logistics Agency DPRO LORAL/VOUGHT P 0 BOX 655907 M/S 4915 DALLAS TX S4502A 4 DLABHN Defense Logistics Agency DPRO HERCULES, MAGNA P 0 BOX 157 MAGNA UT S4503A 4 DLABTB Defense Logistics Agency DPRO THIOKOL P 0 BOX 524 M/S Z-10 BRIGHAM CITY UT S4601A 4 DLA8BV Defense Logistics Agency DPRO GBNBRAL BLBCTRIC CO LAKESIDE AVB C-127 TABLE T.DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:19 -PAGE 70 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CODE E CODE R v S4710A 4 DLA8PM Defense Logistics Agency S4801A 4 DLA8SW Defense Logistics Agency S4804A 4 DLA8BR Defense Logistics Agency S4807A 4 DLA8BG Defense Logistics Agency S5001A 4 DLA8MW Defense Logistics Agency SBLOOA 4 DLA8XB Defense Logistics Agency SCN01A 4 DLA8NC Defense Logistics Agency SDI084 6 SDI084 Department of Defense SGR18A 4 DLA8XF Defense Logistics Agency SKR08A 4 DLABXK Defense Logistics Agency SML04A 4 DLA8XL Defense Logistics Agency SP0100 4 DLA100 Defense Logistics Agency SP0103 4 DLA140 Defense Logistics Agency SP0200 4 DLA120 Defense Logistics Agency SP0300 4 DLA13H Defense Logistics Agency SP0301 4 DLA136 Defense Logistics Agency SP0302 4 DLA137 Defense Logistics Agency ACTIVITY NAME DPRO IBM, MANASSAS DCMAO SEATTLE DPRO BOEING SEATTLE DPRO, STEWARD AND STEVENSON, INC ATTN: DCMDS-RXD DCMAO MILWAUKEE DCMAO BRUSSELS F-16 CASEUR DCMAO OTTAWA STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE ORGANIZATION ATTN: SDIP/DCT (MRS. WILHELM) DCMAO FRANKFURT DCMAO KIMHAB DCMAO KUALA LUMPUR-1799 PO BOX 97144 DEFENSE PERSONNEL SUPPORT CENTER DIRECTORATE OF CLOTHING & TEXTILES DEFENSE PERSONNEL SUPPORT CENTBR (INSTALLATION SUPPORT) DEFENSE PERSONNEL SUPPORT CENTER DIRECTORATE OF MEDICAL MATERIEL DEFENSE PERSONNEL SUPPORT CENTER DIRECTORATE OF SUBSISTENCE DEFENSE SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, CHEATHAM DEFENSE SUBSISTENCE REGION, PACIFIC ACTIVITY ADDRESS BURLINGTON VT 9500 GODWIN DR MANASSAS VA BLDG 50 NAVAL STATION PUGET SOUND SEATTLE WA P 0 BOX 3707 SEATTLE WA WEST P 0 BOX 457 5000 INTERSTATE 10 SEALY TX H S REUSS FEDERAL BLDG, SUITE 340 310 W WISCONSIN AVE MILWAUKEE WI APO AE P 0 BOX 3416, STATION D K1P 6L4, CANADA OTTWA, ON THE PENTAGON ROOM 1E1019 WASHINGTON DC BOX 48 APO AE APO AP DEPARTMENT OF. STATE WASHINGTON DC 2800 S 20TH ST PHILDELPHIA PA 2800 S 20TH ST PHILADELPHIA PA 2800 S 20TH ST PHILDELPHIA PA 2800 S 20TH ST PHILDELPHIA PA BLDG 113 CHEATHAM ANNEX WILLIAMSBURG VA 2155 MARINER SQUARE LOOP ALAMEDA CA C-128 TABLB T. DODAAC DODAAC CODBS -10:19 -PAGB 71 DODAAC S AAN SBRVICB DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAMB ACTIVITY ADDRBSS CODB B CODB R v SP0303 4 DLA139 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB SUBSISTBNCB RBGION, BUROPB APO AB SP0400 4 DLA400 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CBNTBR 8000 JBFFBRSON DAVIS HIGHWAY RICHMOND VA SP0410 4 DLA410 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CBNTBR CONTRACTS 8000 JBFFBRSON DAVIS HIGHWAY DIVISION III SPBCIAL ACQUISITION AND RICHMOND BASB SUPPORT BRANCH VA SP0420 4 DLA420 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CBNTBR 8000 JBFFBRSON DAVIS HIGHWAY EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIBS BRANCH RICHMOND VA SP0430 4 DLA430 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB GBNBRAL SUPPLY CBNTBR RICHMOND COMMODITY ORIBNTBD LOGISTICS OFFICB VA SPOSOO 4 DLASOO Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CBNTBR 700 ROBBINS AVB PHILADELPHIA PA SP0510 4 DLAS10 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CBNTBR BASB 700 ROBBINS AVB OPERATING SUPPORT SYSTBM (BOSS) PHILADELPHIA PA SPOS20 4 DLAS20 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CBNTBR PRODUCT 700 ROBBINS AVB VERIFICATION TBSTING (PVT) ACQUI PHILADELPHIA PA SP0600 4 DLA600 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB FUBL SUPPLY CBNTBR CAMBRON STATION ALEXANDRIA VA SP0700 4 DLA700 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 3990 COLUMBUS OH SP0701 4 SP0701 Defense Logistics Agency DIRBCTORATB OF CONTACTS AND PROD BLDG 12 2 DBFBNSB CONTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR COLUMBUS ATTN: DDCO TTC OH SP0710 4 DLA710 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 16704 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES AND SBRVICBS COLUMBUS BRANCH OH SP0720 4 DLA720 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 16704 WOOD PRODUCTS BRANCH COLUMBUS OH SP0730 4 DLA730 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 3990 MILITARY INTBRDBPARTMBNTAL PURCHASB COLUMBUS RBQUBST (MIPR) DIVISION OH SP0740 4 DLA740 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 3990 HIGH DBMAND GROUP (MINI-ICP) COLUMBUS OH SP0750 4 DLA750 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 16704 CONTRACTS DIVISION I COLUMBUS OH SP0760 4 DLA760 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 16704 CONTRACTS DIVISION II COLUMBUS OH SP0770 4 DLA770 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CBNTBR P 0 BOX 16704 CONTRACTS DIVISION III COLUMBUS OH SP0780 4 SP0780 Defense Logistics Agency GOVBRNMBNT FURNISHED PROPERTY ACCT P 0 BOX 16704 ATTN: DCSC PACB COLUMBUS C-129 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:19 -PAGE 72 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE B CODE R v OH SP0833 4 DLA300 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB NATIONAL STOCKPILE CENTER 1745 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY SUITE 100 ARLINGTON VA SP0834 4 DLA301 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB NATIONAL STOCKPILE CENTER 26 FEDERAL PLAZA ZONE 1 MANAGEMENT OFFICE, ROOM 19-116 NEW YORK NY SP0835 4 DLA302 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB NATIONAL STOCKPILE CENTER 3200 SHEFFIELD AVE ZONE 2 MANAGEMENT OFFICE HAMMOND IN SP0836 4 DLA303 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB NATIONAL STOCKPILE CENTER 819 TAYLOR ST ZONE 3 MANAGEMENT OFFICE FORT WORTH TX SP0900 4 DLA900 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER 1507 WILMINGTON PIKE DAYTON OH SP0901 4 DLA910 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER 1507 WILMINGTON PIKE BASE CONTRACTING SECTION DAYTON OH SP0902 4 DLA920 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB ELECTRONIC SUPPLY CENTER 1507 WILMINGTON PIKE ATTN: DBSC-PKCC DAYTON OH SP3100 4 DLA004 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB DISTRIBUTION REGION BAST (DDRB) NEW CUMBERLAND OFFICE OF CONTRACTING PA SP3200 4 DLA005 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB DISTRIBUTION REGION WEST (DDRW) BLDG S-4 OFFICE OF CONTRACTING LATHROP CA SP3400 4 DLA003 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB DEPOT OGDEN OGDEN UT SP3500 4 SP3500 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB DISTRIBUTION RBGIONAL CBNTRAL MBMPHIS OFFICB OF CONTACTING TN ATTN: DDRC-P SP4200 4 DLA002 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB INDUSTRIAL PLANT EQUIPMENT CTR DBFBNSB DEPOT -MEMPHIS MEMPHIS TN SP4400 4 SP4400 Defense Logistics Agency DBF RBUTILIZATION MKTG SERVICE FEDERAL CENTER BATTLE CRBBK MI SP4410 4 SP4410 Defense Logistics Agency DBF RBUTILIZATION MKTG SERVICE FEDERAL CENTER ' DRMS-PP SPECIAL CONTRACTS DIVISION BATTLE CRBBK MI SP4700 4 DLAHOO Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB LOGISTICS AGENCY CAMBRON STATION ADP/TBLBCOMMUNICATIONS CONTRACTING ALEXANDRIA OFFICE VA SP0490 4 DLA490 Defense Logistics Agency DBFBNSB INDUSTRIAL PLANT EQUIPMENT, 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY CENTER INDUSTRIAL PLANT EQUIPMENT & RICHMOND SUPPORT VA SPR01A 4 DLABMF Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO PUERTO RICO BOX DLA N S G A FPC AA SSR01A 4 DLA8XT Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO TEL AVIV BOX 32 APO AB STR02A 4 DLABXC Defense Logistics Agency DCMAO ANKARA APO AB C-130 TABLE T. DODAAC DODAAC CODES -10:19 -PAGE 73 DODAAC S AAN SERVICE DESCRIPTION ACTIVITY NAME ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE E CODE R v C/0 TUSAS AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SUK12A 4 DLABXU Defense Logietice Agency DCMAO UXBRIDGE RAP UXBRIDGE, BLDG 69 APO AE V04697 2 V04697 Department of Navy USS SIMON LAKE CO PPO AA CODE = LHA MAJ00060 V35316 2 V35316 Department of Navy PATROL COMBATANT MISSION SQUARON 2 TRUMBO POINT ANNEX MOBILE LOGISTICS SUPPORT GROUP CO NAVAL AIR STATION CODE = JOG MAJ00060 KEY WEST PL VS3210 2 VS3210 Department of Navy ASSAULT CRAFT UNIT 2 CO NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CODE = LHJ-LHK MAJC0060 LITTLE CREEK NORFOLK VA V53999 2 V53999 Department of Navy SEAL TEAM 6 CO NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS CAMP CODE = JOQ-JOR MAJ00060 NORFOLK VA VS5131 2 VS5131 Department of Navy CARGO HANDLING AND PORT GROUP CO ORDER WILLIAMSBURG CODE = JOA-JOB MAJ00060 VA V55322 2 V55322 Department of Navy EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL GROUP TWO CO PORT STORY CODE = LHN MAJ00060 VA V57049 2 V57049 Department of Navy NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY CO PPO AA CODE = JOB-JOP MAJ00060 ANTIGUA, WEST INDIES V62856 2 V62856 Department of Navy NAVAL AIR FACILITY CO APO AE CODE = LHW-LHX MAJ00060 V68829 2 V68829 Department of Navy SHORB INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY BLDG 68 NBTC (NRMP) CO PIER 2 CODE = JOJ MAJ00060 NEWPORT RI W56QKC 1 DAAE07 Department of Army USA TANK-AUTOMOTIVE COMMAND MI C-131 THIS PAGEINTENT/ONALL YLEFTBLANK C-132