SHELTER MANAGEMENT PLAN DECEMBER-1963 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE REGION TWO Foreword THE PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT is to provide for the management of this public fallout shelter during its occupancy in a civil defense emergency. Copies have been placed in the shelter. It will be used by all concerned to govern operations during the emergency. Appendix A contains charts applicable to this shelter. Appendix B contains rules and regulations for guidance of shelter teams. Appendix C contains samples of forms which should be available in the shelter in sufficient quantity for sustained operations. General Information Location: Type (District, Primary, etc.): -------------- Capacity: Useable-------Stocked--------- Protection Factor: -------------------- Shelter Manager: -------------------- Address: ----------------------CD Director: ---------------------Addre§: ---------------------SeNingEOC: ---------------------------Address: ----------------------------Shelter Manager's Authority (Law, Act, etc.): --------- Table of Contents Page FOREWORD __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m SHELTER MANAGEMENT PLAN_____________________ 1 Scope______________________________________________ 1 Concept of Operations_______________________________ 1 ORGANIZATION______________________________________ 3 Organization___________________________ ~____________ 3 Command and ControL______________________________ 3 Securing the Shelter_________________________________ 4 STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES______________ 5 General____________________________________________ 5 Initial Action___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Routine Operations__________________________________ 6 Shelter Emergence__________________________________ 9 Shelter De-Activation________________________________ 9 APPENDIX A-CHARTS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Organization Chart__________________________________ 11 Floor Plan Layout__________________________________ 13 Map of Area Surrounding Shelter_____________________ 15 APPENDIX B-RULES AND REGULATIONS__________ 17 Safety and Fire Regulations__________________________ 17 Law and Order Regulations__________________________ 18 Health and Sanitation Rules__________________________ 19 Daily Schedule______________________________________ 20 APPENDIX C-FORMS_ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 24 Shelter Registration Form____________________________ 24 Daily Log__________________________________________ 27 Supplies Inventory_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 Shelter Management Plan Scope This plan is limited primarily to those functions related to the reception of people at the shelter facility and their protection and care, up to the time of departure from the shelter into the post-disaster environment. Shelter functions covered involve management, communications, radiological monitoring, safety, supply and maintenance, feeding, sleeping, health, sanitation, information and training. Concept of Operations A. In general, survival rather than comfort is the primary objective. B. Requirements-preattack 1. A plan for utilization of space within the shelter, a staffing pattern, and a plan of operation have been developed based on the capacity, floor layout, protective factors, facilities, and other pertinent considerations. C. Requirements-shelter entry 1. Entry into the shelter shall be expedited with settlement of the shelterees assured in an orderly, even though improvised, manner, until more permanent organization and procedural arrangements can be determined. 2. Shelterees shall be permitted to bring into the shelter only those items which would increase shelter habitability and create no extra management problem. Special health foods and medicines should be retained by the shelterees unless it is desirable to turn them over to the Shelter Management for safekeeping. General purpose items should be turned into general supply for later rmssue. D. Requirements-shelter operations 1. The Shelter Manager shall be the final authority in shelter policy and operations with the advice of his staff and an advisory council made up of shelterees. 2. Unit Leaders shall be appointed by the Manager upon recommendations of the shelteree units. 3. A complete schedule for shelter activities has been established. (Appendix B) 4. A 24-hour watch and communication log shall be maintained. 5. Available furniture, equipment, etc. shall be used as necessary to improvise a more desirable environment. 6. Smoking shall be controlled, and prohibited only if absolutely necessary. 7. Food and water inventory, preparation atld distribution shall be closely controlled by the Management. 8. Health, sanitation and safety rules shall be enforced. 9. Every person shall be kept occupied through work details and training and recreational activities, temperature and ventilation levels considered. 10. The Shelter Manager shall be guided at all times by the safety and welfare of the shelterees. Organization Organization The organization chart for this shelter is outlined in Appendix A. Command and Control A. The Management Staff (in order of succession) and their functions and responsibilities are: Position Name Principal Duties Shelter Responsible to the local Di Manager rector of Civil Defense. Exercises complete authority for the administration of the shelter and its operations. Develops in-shelter rules, or ganization, operating proce dures, and schedule of operations. Deputy for Responsible to the Shelter Operations Manager for the planning, direction and conduct of the following shelter functions: feeding; sleeping, health and sanitation; communications; radiological defense; and safety (fire, police and res cue). Provides technical aid to the Deputy for informa tion and training in con ducting training courses for shelter staff and shelterees. Deputy for Responsible to the Shelter Information Manager for planning and and Training conducting trainingprograms and group activities. Re sponsible for directing a flow of appropriate information to the shelterees. Deputy for Responsible to the Shelter Supply and Manager for planning and Maintenance. directing supply and main tenance activities. Administrative Responsible to the Shelter Assistant Manager. Obtains and supervises clerical aides. Maintains daily logs, ·pre pares reports, etc. B. The first staff officer in the shelter takes charge until succeeded by a superior authority. In the event designated officers should fail to appear, emergent leadership shall take charge. The first person in charge shall designate individuals to assist management as required. Emergent leadership should read and study the "Guide for Community Fallout Management" 1 located with the shelter supplies if he has to assume permanent leadership. Securing the Shelter The Shelter Manager, or other in charge, should close the shelter to further entry when its stocked capacity of ·is reached. However, at his discretion, this capacity may be exceeded. I This will be furnished each Shelter Manager when he receives his Shelter Management Training. Standing Operating Procedures General These procedures are established for the purpose of outlining the essential actions required for the efficient operation of this shelter. Actions not listed may be taken as necessary or required. Initial Actions A. Administrative: 1. Test operation of: a. Commercial power, water and sanitation facilities. b. Heating and ventilating systems. c. Manual operated air forced ventilation systems; oxygen and C02 indicators. d. Communications equipment. e. Radef and safety equipment. 2. Check health and sanitation supplies. 3. Check food and water supply. 4. Check administrative and training supplies. 5. Post essential documents. 6. Check supplies brought into shelter by shelterees and store for safekeeping bulk articles and items which can endanger safety, such as guns, knives, etc. B. Protective: 1. Immediately pre-attack: a. Stay clear of doors. b. Stay clear of furniture and any objects that may be subject to unpredicted movement. c. Ready safety supplies and equipment for possible use. d. Eliminate potential fire hazards. e. Turn off public utility controls at shelter entry points. f. Disseminate available information relative to the threatened attack. 714-543 0-64-2 2. Immediately post-attack: a. Assess damage. b. Repair damage. C. Orientation: 1. Introduce the Shelter Management Staff and explain their responsibility and functions. 2. Explain the organization and management structure. 3. State policies pertaining to the retention and protection of personal possessions. 4. Stress the interdependency of the shelterees and their cooperation for their common health and welfare. 5. Issue instructions for the use of facilities. 6. Explain the Standing Operating Procedures. 7. Permit the shelterees to ask questions and seek clarification of instructions. D. Registration: 1. Distribute registration forms (Appendix C) to each family group and unaccompanied person. 2. Assist in the preparation of registration forms if necessary. 3. The Shelter Management will use the registration data to: a. Ascertain useful skills and interests. b. Make work assignments. c. Determine sleeping arrangements. d. Determine special requirements. e. Maintain statistics. f. Provide data for possible post shelter use. g. Identify persons needing special care. E. Operations: 1. Organize the shelterees into units of ten (10) each. Each unit selects its leader. 2. Assign sleeping areas, operating services areas, etc., in accordance with Appendix A. 3. Fill eXisting staff vacancies by selecting the best qualified shelterees. a. Instruct the new staff in their duties. 4. Implement safety and fire regulations. (Appendix B) 5. Implement law and order regulations. (Appendix B) 6. Implement health and sanitation rules. (Appendix B) 7. Select and acquaint an advisory committee with its functions. Routine Operations A. The Shelter Manager is responsible for providing information to the Emergency Operating Center via established command channels regarding the condition and needs of the shelter and the health and welfare of the shelterees. A detailed log of operations shall be maintained. (Appendix C) 1. The initial report shall cover the following: a. Time of shelter activation. b. Time of securing shelter. c. Condition of the shelter. d. Number of shelterees. e. Supply situation. 2. Subsequent reports shall cover the following: a. Condition of the shelterees: health, morale, special requirements, etc. b. Radiological monitoring. c. Supply situation. d. Special problems or situations. e. Anticipated temporary emergence from the shelter. f. Anticipated de-activation of the shelter. B. The functions of the shelter teams are as follows: 1. Feeding a. Advise the Shelter Manager daily of the quantity of food and water on hand. b. Issue food to shelterees individually and water rations to Unit Leaders as follows: Food (1) Breakfast-S biscuits per person. (2) Lunch-8 biscuits per person. (3) Dinner-10 biscuits per person. (Carbohydrate supplement may be substituted for X of these rations) Water (1) Breakfast-! cup (6 oz.) per person. (2) Lunch-1 cup (6 oz.) per person. (3) Dinner-1 cup (6 oz.) per person. (4) Bedtime-1 cup (6 oz.) per person. (5) Other-1 cup (6 oz.) if required. c. Issue special foods as necessary. d. Monitor the water drums to prevent leakage and contamination. 2. Sleeping a. Assign the sleeping quarters according to the floor plan layout. Changes may be made if necessary. b. Assign sleeping equipment and bedding as necessary to meet needs of shelterees. c. Maintain adherence to sleeping schedule. 3. Safety a. Check and eliminate fire hazards. b. Conduct daily fire (and evacuation) drills. b. Check water for potability and food supplies brought into shelter for edibility. c. Control medical supplies and equipment. d. Prevent and/or control disease by: (1) Disposing of body waste as necessary. (2) Checking shclterees for illnesses. (3) Treating illnesses. (4) Isolating seriously ill. e. Treat injured persons. f. Monitor carbon dioxide content of air every four hours. c. Enforce safety and fire regulations. d. Enforce law· and order regulations. e. Maintain safety equipment. (Appendix B) (Appendix B) 4. Health and Sanitation a. Enforce health and sanitation rules. (Appendix B) 5. Radiological a. Minimize the exposure of shelterees to fallout radiation by: (1) Periodic measurement of radiation within the shelter. (2) Applying preventive measures against the entry of fallout. b. Monitor shelterees who have been exposed to radiation and: (1) Decontaminate, if necessary. (2) Refer to the Health and Sanitation Team for treatment, if necessary. c. Monitor public water supply to determine when use should be discontinued.· 6. Communications a. Communications shall be restricted to essential information as determined by the Shelter Manager. b. Maintain a daily log of communications activities. (Appendix C) c. Monitor radio receiver continuously and log significant information for referral to the Shelter Manager. d. Receive message by----------------and refer to the Shelter Manager. e. As directed by the Shelter Manager transmit messages by __ __________ to the ___________ at times established by the -----.,------------ 7. Information and Training a. Keeps shelterees informed of the attack and post-attack situations as directed by the Shelter Manager. b. Maintain the morale of the shelterees by: (1) Conducting and supervising recreation activities. (2) Brief shelterees on methods of procuring information on relatives, friends, etc., after emergence from shelter. c. Conduct information and training classes for the shelter staff and shelterees as required. 8. Supply and Maintenance a. Receive and inventory supplies and equipment brought into shelter. b. Maintain running inventory of all supplies and equipment. (Appendix C) c. Maintenance of shelter and equipment. d. Assist the Health and Sanitation Team in: (1) Disposal of the dead. (2) Disposal of refuse. (3) Maintenance of sanitary standards. C. The daily schedule of operations shall be strictly adhered to. (Appendix B) Shelter Emergence Temporary.-When authorized by the Civil Defense Director or other competent authority the Shelter Manager may direct or permit temporary emergence for: 1. Radef monitoring. 2. Replenishment of esseJ?.tial supplies from nearby sources. (Appen dix A) 3. Movement of seriously ill and injured to nearby hospitals. 4. Morale purposes. 5. Community rehabilitation projects. In the absence of communications with the EOC, the Shelter Manager utilizes the technical advice of the Radiological Team to determine whether it is safe to permit temporary emergence. Permanent.-When authorized by the Civil Defense Director or other competent authority the Shelter Manager closes the shelter when: 1. Danger no longer exists from fallout. 2. Shelterees may move safely to their destination. 3. Shelterees can returr1 to their home. 4. Lodging is available for those whose homes are not habitable. 5. Hospitalization is available for those requiring medical care. 6. The Civil Defense Director does not need the shelter for other purposes. Shelter De-activation The Shelter Manager shall close the shelter by: 1. Collecting, inventorying and placing all remaining supplies and equipment under lock. 2. Shutting off all equiprrinet whose use is no longer necessary. 3. Disposing of all refuse and waste matter. 4. Recording all damage to the shelter during its occupancy. 5. Recording all supplies and equipment taken from sources outside the shelter. 6. Returning personal possessions to the shelterees. 7. Disposing of the dead which may have been placed temporarily outside the shelter. 8. Preparing a report to the Civil Defense Director covering:· a. All in-shelter activities. b. Number of shelterees. c. Unusual problems and their disposition. d. Vital statistics. e. Other pertinent data. 9. Acquaint the shelterees with the conditions existing in the community and to the requirements and community provision for post-shelter survival. Appendix A ORGANIZATION CHART SHELTER Administrative Advisory MANAGER Assistant Committee t-H Unit Leaders I 1 Deputy for lnfor-Deputy for Deputy for Supply motion & Training Operations and Maintenance I I Communi- Information Supply cations I I Radiological Training Maintenance Defense I Religious Safety Affairs I Health and Recreation Sanitation Feeding Sleeping MAP OF AREA SURROUNDING SHELTER LEGEND A. This Shelter B. Other Shelters C. Drug Store D. Grocery Store E. Hardware Store Appendix B SAFETY AND FIRE REGULATIONS A. All occupants shall turn in knives, flammable liquids (such as canned heat, ether or alcohol), and other potential safety hazards to the central supply for safekeeping. B. Smoking shall be controlled as required by the safety and well being of the shelterees. The minimum of control is: · 1. Smoking will not be permitted during sleeping hours. 2. Matches and cigarettes shall be extinguished in a container of sand. C. Shelterees shall watch for and report any potential fire hazard such as careless use of combustible material, electrical equipment, faulty wiring, outlets and switches. D. The following basic rules apply to fire extinguishment: 1. Wood, paper, cloth or rubbish fires can best be extinguished by water. 2. Gas, oil, or grease fires can best be extinguished by sand. 3. Electrical fires can best be extinguished by turning off current and then using sand. LAW AND ORDER REGULATIONS A. Generally, all existing laws of_____________ ___________ .shall be enforced in this shelter. B. Use of the shelter area as outlined in the Floor Plan Layout shall be adhered to. C. Interpersonal conflicts shall be resolved by Unit Leaders, if possible. D. Serious violations, such as assault, revolt against authority, etc., shall be dealt with quickly and forcefully by Shelter authority. E. Minor violations, such as violation of quiet hours, sh<~.ll be handled by Unit Leaders. F. All restraint and disciplinary action will be ordered only by the Shelter Manager. HEALTH AND SANITATION .RULES A. All shelterees shall be given instruction in basic health contained in the Medical Self-Help Manual. B. Persons with contagious diseases shall be immediately isolated. C. The daily,sick call schedule shall be observed. D. Shelter floors shall be kept clean of waste material. E. Latrine areas shall be kept clean at all times. F. Waste containers shall be disposed of as soon a:s filled. G. Drinking cups shall be marked and retained for re-use by individual shelterees. H. Towels shall be retained for re-use as long as possible. I. Deceased persons shall be immediately removed from the shelter. ~ DAILY SCHEDULE Time All Staff Feeding Info. and Trng. Health and San. Radiol. Safety Communications (a.m.) 7:00 Lights on 24-hr. service Monitor 24-hr. watch 24-hr. comm. monitoring 7:30 Receive daily rations Distrib. food and water 8:00 Breakfast Monitor 8:30 --9:00 Morning cleanup work details Sick call Staff meeting San. inspecspection Check Sick Call line Report to control point Monitor Safety inspection 9:30 -" General meeting Conduct meeting; give announcements Present news summaries and briefings - 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon (p.m.) 1:00 1:30 2:00 N ...... Information and training sessions Information and training sessions Information and training sessions Free time Lunch Recreation Recreation Mternoon cleanup Council meeting Distrib. Food Supervise training sessions Supervise training sessions Supervise training sessions Conduct recreation activities Conduct recreation activities Teach classes Teach classes Teach classes Mternoon cleanup and inspection - Teach classes Monitor Teach classes Teach classes Teach classes Teach classes Monitor Teach classes Monitor Monitor Monitor ~ Time All Staff Feeding Info. and Trng. Health and San. Radio!. Safety Communications 2:30 Fire and evacuation drill Fire and evacuation drill 3:00 Information and training classes Conduct information and training classes Teach classes Teach classes Teach classes 3:30 Information and training classes Conduct information and training classes Teach classes Teach classes Teach classes 4:00 Free time Staff meeting Monitor 4:30 Free time 5:00 Dinner Distribute food Monitor 6:00 General meeting Conduct general meeting Gives news summaries and briefings Monitor 6:30 Recreation and entertainment Organize and present programs Evening cleanup -- 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 ~ Recreation and entertainment Recreation and entertainment Moderate quiet hour; group interests and discussions Moderate quiet hours, etc. Moderate quiet hours, etc. Free time Free time Free time Lights out, quiet hours Organize and Monitor present ' programs Organize and present programs Monitor Monitor Staff meeting Monitor Sanitation Safety inspection inspection Monitor - Appendix C N .,.. SHELTER REGISTRATION FORM Family Name______________________________________________ Home Address________________________________ Phone_________ _ First Name Age Sex Skills or Illness or Assigned Social Occupation Disability Work Security No. 1 (head of family or single person) 2 Other indicate relation to Rel. head of family (i.e. son) 3 4 5 6 7 Others in family (not here) Presumed Whereabouts-or Unknown ' 8 ... Ql -+'> a; .<: w. 0 -+'> H "" ~ bll ::! 0 ... ::CI "' 8 Ql -+'> H ;;; 0 j:Q"' Ql e. "' 00 .!4 :a 8 Ql ~ DAILY LOG DateShelter No. Page Time Remarks . -· 27 SUPPLIES INVENTORY ITEM QUANTITY ISSUED ON HAND Biscuits (List Items) Water (List Items) Medical Kits (List Items) Radiation Kit-CDV 777-1 1 CD V-700 1 CD V-715 2 CD V-740's 1 CD V-750 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1964 Q-714-543