.. i INSTRUCTION SHEET This Checklist Guide lists actions that most localities must be prepared to undertake as events unfold during a nuclear emergency. It is not a substitute for a local emergency operations plan, with its supporting annexes and standing operating procedures (SOPs) . Rather, it is intended for use as a guide in developing and improving a nuclear emergency operating plan tailored to the locality's characteristics, resources, and authority structure. As a planning guide, the Checklist is appropriate to any local entity providing police, fire, and other emergency services for an area of less than about 25 square miles. This limitation, which is imposed to avoid too many operating situations to be dealt with simultaneously, is appropriate to most cities as well as many large educational and correctional institutions, industrial facilities, and military bases. To cover the range of application, the local entity is called a zone in this Checklist Guide. Large cities are usually divided into districts for emergency services, each of which can be considered a zone . However, since most zones will be whole political jurisdictions, the Checklist actions assume an authority structure based on a chief executive (e.g., Mayor), a legislative body, and five emergency operating services described elsewhere in this Instruction Sheet. Adaptation is required for other local organizational arrangements. The Checklist is subdivided into plan sections identified by tabs: A-Alert; B-Distant Impact; C-Ciear ; D-Damage; and E-Escape. Parallel to these plan sections are contingency actions related to the existence or threat of fallout, called the Radiation Control Plan. Entrance into the Checklist is normally through Plan A, the crisis plan . The user is automatically directed to other plan sections as required by events. (There is also a Reference section which contains the glossary, concept of operations, operating doctrine, and radiation guidance.) Because of the flexible nature of this planning tool, it may be used in training and operational exercises. When so used, an appropriate scenario is needed that will provide for the generation of attack-related events. EVENTS Each plan section exhibits to view a series of "triggering events" appropriate to the contingencies covered by the particular section . The events are shown in two basic locations: (1) at the head and foot of each page, or (2) highlighted on the face of the page. The lower edge of the pages in each section are cut so that all triggering events appropriate to a given situation are in full view. These are the significant events for which planned actions are contained in the Checklist and to which the user must be alert. The events displayed at the foot of each page are those that are associated with response actions within the same plan section. Flipping up the covering pages will expose the checklist of actions keyed to the event. (The event statement is repeated at the top of the page to verify that the proper response actions are displayed.) Events highlighted in the body of the checklist are generally events for which the response action directs the user to a subsequent plan section or to an action on a prior page of the checklist. As directed by the action associated with the occurrence of such events. flip up the tab of the appropriate plan section or flip down the upper page to expose the required prior action(s). Since fallout-related events can occur independently of other events after nuclear weapons arrive, all checklist pages beginning with Plan B are cut into left-hand and right-hand halves. All events on the right-hand half of the page are fallout-related events. All other events are shown on the left-hand half of the checklist page. CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN FLIPPING EVENT PAGES AND SECTION DIVIDERS NOT TO ALTER THE POSITION OF THE OPPOSITE HALF OF THE CHECKLIST. ACTIONS The planned actions in the Checklist are grouped and listed according to the appropriate triggering event. This permits the user to see all response actions planned to be undertaken together. The initial line for each action gives an identifying number, the action type, and the emergency service responsible for carrying out the action (D&C means Direction and Control). Actions are identified by a prefix letter indicating the governing plan section followed by a serial number. Actions may be of two types: automatic or conditional. Automatic actions will be taken automatically in response to the triggering event unless specifically modified or revoked by the zone controller due to circumstances not foreseen in the plan . Conditional actions become automatic actions if, and only if, the condition in the action statement is satisfied. Some conditional actions call for a judgment or decision and will not be undertaken unless specifically authorized. EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION The Checklist presumes an emergency organization consisting of Direction and Control based in the EOC, and five emergency operating services (Police, Fire, Medical, Shelter, and Resource). The missions of these services are: Police Maintain law and order through traffic and crowd control both outside and in -shelter, provide security for vital facilities and supplies, and control access to operating scenes and vacated areas. INSTRUCTIONS CONT'D Fire Prevent and suppress or control fire, lead search and rescue of entrapped persons, and assist in relocation of population threatened by fire. Medical Provide emergency medical care both outside and in-shelter, institute environmental sanitation measures, and coordinate interment of the dead. Shelter Provide shelter leadership and organization, provide support for persons displaced from other zones, and provide for the immediate needs of people upon shelter emergence, including emergency welfare services. Resource Control essential supplies and equipment, provide emergency supplies of water, power, transport, and other services, coordinate repair and restoration of vital utilities, demolish hazardous structures, remove debris, and decontaminate contaminated areas. The term, NEXTUP, found in many event and action statements is a code word for the next higher operating center or communications link to the State level. CONTROL SYMBOLS Beginning with the observation or report of a nuclear detonation that affects or could affect the zone, a set of control symbols appears in the upper center of the checklist page. These control symbols are used for internal control of conditional actions and for reporting the zone situation to NEXTUP (next higher headquarters). A black circular symbol at left of center indicates FIRE BLACK. FIRE BLACK means that the zone is experiencing a fire threat. Certain fallout-related actions on the right-hand page are conditional with respect to the fire threat. A colored symbol or open circle, with a color name within, at right of center indicates FALLOUT RED, ORANGE, or YELLOW as the case may be. FALLOUT RED means that the zone is experiencing a severe radiation threat (greater than 50 R/hr) or shortly may experience a severe radiation threat. Certain actions on the left-hand page of the check I ist are conditional with respect to a severe radiation threat. FALLOUT ORANGE indicates that the zone no longer has a previously existing severe fallout threat and that certain actions are no longer embargoed. FALLOUT YELLOW means that a moderate fallout threat exists and exposure control measures are in effect for emergency operations. Also shown at left of center is a Condition letter used exclusively (in this Checklist Guide) for reporting to NEXTUP. Condition B means aware of attack but no damage effects; Condition C means Clear of significant damage effects except for window breakage and similar minor damage; Condition D means Damage and/or fires from direct effects ; Condition E means Escape or relocation from an untenable fire situation. In the center of the control symbol array is an indication of the Basic Operating Situation (BOS) existing within the zone. The BOS is identified as a number from 1 through 9 in accordance with CPG 2-2, Concept of Operations Under Nuclear Attack, which is summarized in the Reference section. The BOS number is used (in this Checklist Guide) for situation reporting to NEXTUP and in certain conditional actions. As a matter of information, most of the "triggering events" are BOS changes or potential BOS changes, and the split-page format with fallout-related events on the right and nonfallout-related events on the left is a device for accommodating the nine Basic Operating Situations in any order of occurrence. The symbols used in this Guide are optional and reporting procedures should conform to those currently in use within the State. HOW TO USE THIS CHECKLIST GUIDE When properly used, together w ith other planning tools, this Checklist Guide will help define the actions required of each operating service under a wide range of attack contingencies as an aid to the development of effective and coordinated supporting rlans, annexes, and standing operating procedures. A logical sequence of steps in using and adapting the Checklist is as follows: (1) Using a suitable range of attack scenarios , (several examples will be provided,) conduct a number of desktop or seminar exercises with the unaltered Checklist Guide to familiarize planners and key operating officials with the general character of the emergency actions involved. (2) Review each action for pertinence to the locality and modify as appropriate. For example, Action A-9 refers to protection plans .for hospitals whereas no hospital may be available in the locality. Parti~~ darize action statements wherever possible. (3) Add any actions peculiar to the locality, such as measures needed in low areas in event of damage to dams or levees, for example. (4) Adjust action responsibilities to conform to local emergency organization as necessary. (5) Adjust reporting arrangements to conform to current practice and identify NEXTUP and NEXTUP alternates. (6) Conduct several desktop or seminar exercises using the adapted checklist. Analyze each action statement to establish who or what unit will take what steps using what equipment or resources to effect the action. Reflect these in supporting annexes or SOPs. Identify those actions that cannot be undertaken with current resources for readiness development. ENTER PLAN uA" UPON OCCURRENCE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS: e THREATENING INTERNATIONAL CRISIS e LOCAL DECISION TO INCREASE READINESS e ADVICE FROM NEXTUP TO INCREASE READINESS e ATTACK WARNING RECEIVED e ATTACK WITHOUT WARNING A-ALERT )> I . )> r m ::xJ -l Event: Threatening international development A-1 Conditional Action by CD Director If determined appropriate. . . Accelerate normal CD programs. Review Federal CD Guide Chapter G-5 and appendices and consult with NEXTUP on advisability of Increased Readiness actions. Brief chief executive on situation and NEXTUP recommendations; discuss advisability of activating local nuclear emergency operations plan ( N EOP) and initiating Increased Readiness actions. A-2 Conditional Action by personnel designated as Service Chiefs If determined appropriate or requested by CD director. . . Review and update Service Annex, including personnel and equipment assignments; review and update mutual aid p lans with counterparts in other zones; consult with chief executive and CD Director on advisability of Increased Readiness actions. A-3 Conditional Action by CD Director If chief executive authorizes activation of NEOP . .. Distribute chief executive's directive placing NEOP in effect; and implement Action A-4, to consider ap propriate internal government readiness actions. Internal government readiness actions shown on the next page are unlikely to result in more than minimum public concern, even if they are reported by the news media. Local Increased Readiness actions should be authorized by the chief executive of the local jurisdiction, exercising good judgment, if specific advice on appropriate I R actions has not been received from the State or Federal level. Event : Threatening international development Event: Decision to commence internal government readiness actions A-4 Automatic Action by D&C Assemble and brief key government and non-government officials and departmen tal personnel on NEOP, situation, and 2 -1 :E: "'tt )> n -1 N w B-DISTANT IMPACT Event: Distant weapon detonation observed or reported 8-1 Conditional Action by all Services If a bright flash of light or other weapons effects observed ... Report each observation to D&C, giving approximate direction of each presumed detonation and time of observation. 8-2 Automatic Action by D&C Advise CNEXTUPl of each NUDET observed, and time of sighting. Inform services and populace of situation and instruct them to maintain shelter posture. Initiate Radiation Control Plan (F-1, at right). If population is not yet in shelter ... Instruct services to expedite A-47 through A-55. 8-3 Conditional Action by Resource Service If essential utility services are interrupted ... Inform NEXTUP and dispatch units as needed to restore service and then re turn to shelter. 8-4 Conditional Action by all Services If requested by NEXTUP ... Dispatch equipment and units to support affected area and prepare to receive, shelter, and care for evacuees. Condition B 805 .. 1 4 7 RADIATION CONTROL PLAN F-1 Automatic Action by D&C Maintain plot of areas receiving direct weapons effects and zones receiving measured fallout, as reported by NEXTUP; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone, based on weather data and assumed surface burst( s); keep services advised; alert monitoring stations. • Event: Distant weapon detonation observed or reported Condition B Event: Movement to shelter is completed B-5 Automatic Action by D&C 805. Report to (NEXTUP) that population is in shelter. Initiate public information broadcasts to advise citizens of situation and to remain sheltered. Direct services to suspend all operations outside of shelter except where essential for safety of shelter occupants. B-6 Automatic Action by Police Service Direct movement control personnel to go to assigned shelters. Provide law and order support to shelter managers. Main tain security patrol capability at Staging Areas (SA's), with personnel in shelter. B-7 Automatic Action by Shelter Service Determine from shelters requirements for medical assistance and logistics sup port. Establish and maintain communica tions with neighborhood and block organization. Instruct population to maintain maximum protective posture upon completion of actions to reduce fire vulnerability. ----' • 8 -8 Conditional Action by all Services If Increased-Readiness (IR) actions are not complete . . . Continue actions as feasible. 8 -9 Conditional Action by Fire Service If fire is reported ... Evalu ate hazard; if appropriate dispatch Fire Unit to control and suppress fire , then return to sheltered posture. • IN THE EVENT THAT A DISTANT WEAPON DETONATION IS REPORTED ... 8-10 Automatic Action by D&C Instruct services to take actions B-2 through 8-4. Event: Movement to shelter is completed Event: Six hours elapse without attack in NEXTUP area Condition B BOS .. B-11 Conditional Action by D&C Unless advises to the contrary ... Continue broadcasts to inform citizens of situation, warn them to remain sheltered until notified that danger of attack or fallout is over, and advise them of supportive actions being undertaken. Authorize services to undertake actions B-12 through B-17, if radiological situation permits. B-12 Conditional Action by Shelter Service When authorized by D&C ... Advise shel ter managers to establish feeding and sleeping arrangements; initiate shelter logistics reporting schedule. Maintain population in shelter, in accordance with Radiation Control Plan (on right-hand page). B-13 Conditional Action by Fire Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (B-11) ... Initiate periodic fire patrol of each district. B-14 Conditional Action by Medical Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (B -11) ... Activate treatment facilities as necessary to meet case .load reported by other services. Resume essential environmental sanitation measures requiring operations outside of shelter. B-15 Conditional Action by Shelter Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED .. . Initiate neighborhood and block team contact with people in home basements, and initiate actions to relieve shelter loading imbalances, when authorized by D&C (B-11 ). B-16 Conditional Action by Police Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (B-11) . . . Initiate security patrols. Prohibit all unauthorized movement. B-17 Conditional Action by Resource Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (B-11) .. . Provide transportation service as necessary. Schedule and undertake shelter and medical resupply missions as necessary to meet requirements reported by Shelter and Medical Services. Support B-13. • IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED ... B-18 Automatic Action by D&C Disseminate warning to public and services by all means available; advise public to return to best protective location. If B-13 through B-17 were initiated ... Notify all services to return to maximum protective posture. If six hours elapse without attack in NEXTUP area ... Initiate action B-11 above. IN THE EVENTTHATADISTANTWEAPON DETONATION IS REPORTED ... B-19 Automatic Action by D&C Instruct services to take actions B-2 through B-4. Event: Six hours elapse without attack in NEXTUP area Event: Advised by NEXTUP that danger of attack is over B-20 Automatic Action by D&C Inform public of situation; advise them to relax blast protective posture but to remain in shelter until notified that fallout no longer presents a substantial hazard and what post attack controls are in effect. Instruct services to initiate or continue B-13 through B-17, as appropriate. B-21 Automatic Action by D&C and all Services Test communications and other electrical and electronic equipment and repair as required. Reconnect transmitters, receivers, and other equipment to power outlets and antennas. Reconnect EOC and other radio base stations to commercial power where available. B-22 Conditional Action by D&C If BOS-2 or BOS-3 ... Direct services to follow Radiation Control Plan (on righthand page). B-23 Conditional Action by D&C If BOS-1 and notified by (NEXTUP) that fallout from attacks in other areas is unlikely. . . Direct services to initiate B-24 through B-26 to prepare for release of population from shelter. Condition B sos lt B-28 Conditional Action by Shelter Service When authorized by D&C. . . Release sheltered groups; direct them to neighborhood welfare centers or, as necessary, to SA's for transportation to other zones; inventory and request resupply of shelter facilities as needed for part-time use by public, and to restore operational readiness. B-29 Conditional Action by all Services As personnel are released from shelter duties. . . Reestablish essential unsheltered operations. B-24 Conditional Action by Shelter B-30 Conditional Action by D&C Service When authorized by D&C. . . Establish emergency welfare centers in Staging Areas (SA's) and in each neighborhood, to provide for immediate needs of the people when they are released from shelter and for refugees from more seriously affected zones. B-25 Conditional Action by Resource Services When authorized by D&C... Reestablish essential utilities and services. Establish control of wholesale and retail stocks of essential goods. Supply emergency welfare centers. Establish transportation centers at SA's. B-26 Conditional Action by Police Service As directed by D&C... Provide support for other services. B-27 Conditional Action by D&C As SA's and neighborhood centers report readiness . . . Authorize controlled release of population from public and home shelters. • Based on NEXTUP instructions... Establish resource controls and priorities for restoration of essential industry and community services; provide support to more seriously affected zones and areas. B-31 Conditional Action by D&C Based on NEXTUP recommendations... Chief executive, legislative body, and service chiefs confer on actions necessary to reestablish normal government organization and services while maintaining readiness for possible future attacks. B-32 Conditional Action by all Services Based on decisions resulting from B-30 and B -31 ... Initiate post attack recovery operations; take action needed to rees tablish governmental organization and services. IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED... B-33 Automatic Action by D&C Initiate actions A-47 through A-55 . IN THE EVENT THAT A DISTANT WEAPON DETONATION IS REPORTED... B-34 Automatic Action by D&C Instruct services to take actions B-2 through B-4 Event: Advised by NEXTUP that danger of attack is over Event: Observation or report of nuclear detonation in vicinity B-35 Automatic Action by D&C Immediately activate Plan C. Condition B 805 . • Event: Observation or report of nuclear detonation in vicinity • C-CL EAR C-CL EAR Event: Observation or report of nuclear detonation in vicinity-effects uncertain C-1 Automatic Action by D&C Poll subordinate headquarters and weapons effects monitoring stations to determine if the weapon has caused damage or fires in their areas and if they are able to function. Report glass or structural damage, if any, and time to (NEXTUP) , for each detonation affecting zone. Report to NEXTUP any distant detonation observed and time of sighting. C-2 Conditional Action by D&C If communications with NEXTUP are not operational... Attempt to establish contact with nearby zones to determine their BOS; when lateral communications among operating zones are established, assume role of NEXTUP according to preplanned order of succession. NEXTUP Succession: 1. 2. 3. 4. C-3 Automatic Action by Fire Service Survey and report damage or developing fires. Extinguish all ignitions found. C-4 Automatic Action by Shelter Service Deploy all shelter teams and units to survey shelters and neighboring buildings for weapon-caused damage and developing fires. Suppress fires if found. Condition C BOS .. • C-5 Automatic Action by all Services Poll service units to determine if the weapon has caused damage if they are able to function. to suppress fires if found. or fires and Direct units C-6 Conditional Action by D&C and all Services If not already accomplished ... Protect against EMP by (1) disconnecting EOC and all radio base stations from com mercial power by opening master switch at electrical service entrance and transfer ing load to emergency generators; (2) disconnecting all electrical and electronic equipment not essential to immediate operations by unplugging line cord or opening switch in power lead; (3) disconnecting antennas over 5 feet in length or employing multi-story antenna leads from transmitters and receivers, and employing mobile equipment as alternate base stations where required to maintain operational control of mobile fleets; (4) continuing essential communications by telephone, teletypewriter and other wire-line systems. C-7 Conditional Action by D&C and all Services If BOS-2 or BOS-3 ... Suspend radiation dose controls until C-3 through C-6 are completed; continue monitoring total dose to personnel. IN THE EVENT THAT WEAPON-CAUSED DAMAGE OR FIRES ARE REPORTED .. . C-8 A utomatic Action by D&C I mmediate ly activa te Pl an D. 37 Event: Observation or report of nuclear detonatio n in vicinity-effects uncertain Event: Survey indicates damage and fires present negligible threat to zone Condition C C-9 Automatic Action by D&C 805. Report Condition C (clear) and BOS number 1, 2, or 3 to (NEXTUPl Advise populace of conditions and in struct them to remain in best protective shelter posture. If BOS-2 or BOS-3, reinstate radiation dose contra Is. Re quest BOS in nearby zones. C-1 0 Automatic Action by Shelter Service Determine from shelters numbers of injured and requirements for medical assistance and logistics support; advise shelter managers to ma intain shelter posture and to prepare to receive, shel ter, and care for refugees from more seriously affected zones; if fallout is present, assign refugees and returning service units to shelter space with lowest dose rates. C-11 Automatic Action by Fire Service Reestablish shelter-based fire watch; if fires threatening sheltered population occur, dispatch units to suppress fire, then return to shelter. • C-12 Automatic Action by Medical Service Activate shelter-based first aid and medical care centers to care for possible injuries among those who were inadequately protected at time of attack or from nearby more seriously affected zones. C-13 Conditional Action by Resource Service If essential utility services were interrupted . . . Dispatch units as needed to provide service. C-14 Conditional Action by all Services If population not yet in shelter at time of attack ... Initiate or continue movement to shelter (A-47 through A -55) . C-15 Conditional Action by Resource Service, Fire Service, Police Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED .. . Dispatch units and equipment to assist operations in and evacuation from more seriously affected zones; coordinate interzone support operation with NEXTUP. C-16 Conditional Action by Medical Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED . . . Activate treatment facilities outside of shelter as necessary to augment shelter-based medical care capability. 39 • IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED ... C-17 Automatic Action by D&C If effects are uncertain ... Repeat C-1 through C-6. If weapon-caused damage or fires are evident . .. Immediately ac tivate Plan D. If distant detonation(s) are sighted ... Advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed, and time of sighting; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone, based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s) . IN THE EVENT OF FIRE SPREAD FROM NEIGHBORING ZONE ... C-18 Automatic Action by D&C Immediately activate Plan D. Event: Survey indicates damage and fires present negligible threat to zone Event: Six hours elapse without additional attack in NEXTUP area C-19 Conditional Action by D&C Unless (NEXTUPJ advises to the contrary ... Continue broadcasts to inform citizens of situation, warn them to remain sheltered until notified that danger of attack or fallout is over, and advise them of supportive actions being undertaken. Authorize services to undertake actions C-20 through C-25 C-20 Conditional Action by Shelter Service When authorized by D&C . .. Advise shelter managers to establish feeding and sleeping arrangements; initiate shelter logistics reporting. Maintain population in shelter until advised that further attack is unlikely. C-21 Conditional Action by Resource Service, Fire Service, Police Service UN LESS FALLOUT RED ... Dispatch units and equipment to assist operations in and evacuation from more seriously affected zones; coordinate inter-zone support operations with N EXTUP. Condition C 805 . • C-22 Conditional Action by Medical Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED . .. Activate or continue treatment faci I ities outside of shelter as necessary to augment shelterbased medical care capability. When authorized by D&C, resume essential environmental sanitation measures requiring operations outside of shelter. C-23 Conditional Action by Shelter Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C ( C-19) . .. Initiate neighborhood and block team contacts with people in home basements. Initiate actions to relieve shelter loading imbalances. C-24 Conditional Action by Police Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (C-19) . .. Initiate security patrols. Prohibit all unauthorized movement. C-25 Conditional Action by Resource Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C (C-19) ... Provide transportation service as necessary. Schedule and undertake resupply missions as necessary to meet requirements reported by shelter and medical services. Support C-22. • IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED ... C-26 Automatic Action by D&C If effects are uncertain, repeat C-1 through C-6. If weapon-caused damage or fires are evident, immediately activate Plan D. If distant detonation(s) are sighted, advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed, and time of sighting; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s). IN THE EVENT OF FIRE SPREAD FROM NEIGHBORING ZONE ... C-27 Automatic Action by D&C Immediately activate Plan D. IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED . .. C-28 Automatic Action by D&C Disseminate warning to public and services by all means available; advise public to return to best protective location. If C-20 or C-22 through C-25 were initiated . .. Notify all services to return to maximum protective posture and prepare to repeat C-1 through C-6. Event: Six hours elapse without additional attack in NEXTUP area Event: Advised by NEXTUP that further attack is unlikely C-29 Automatic Action by D&C Inform public of situation and what post attack controls are in effect. Advise shelter service to relax blast protective posture, but to keep population in shelter until notified that fallout no longer presents a substantial hazard. Instruct services to initiate or continue C-20 through C-25, as appropriate. C-30 Automatic Action by D&C and all Services Test communications and other electrical and electronic equipment and repair as required . Reconnect transmitters, receivers, and other equipment to power outlets and antennas. Reconnect EOC and other radio base stations to commercial power where available. C-31 Conditional Action by D&C If BOS-2 or BOS-3 ... Direct services to initiate C-33 through C-41 when specified by Radiation Control Plan (see righthand page.) C-32 Conditional Action by D&C If BOS-1 and notified by that fires are under control. Initiate broadcasts to advise citizens of situation, warn population to remain sheltered, and advise of supportive actions being undertaken. If BOS 5 or BOS 6, re inst ate radiation dose controls. D-15 Automatic Action by Fire Service Maintain fire lines and either suppress residual fires or allow them to burn out; release units and shelter teams not needed for maintaining control of residual fires to return to shelter for assignment to other tasks; follow Radiation Control Plan (on right-hand page). D-16 Automatic Action by Shelter Service Receive, shelter, and care for refugees. Determine shelter loading, numbers of injured survivors, and requirements for medical assistance and log istics support; advise shelter managers t o maintain shelter posture. If fallout is present, assign refugees and returning service units to shelter space with lowest dose rates. Condition D 805. D-21 Conditional Action by Resource Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED ... Provide transportation service as necessary. Schedule and undertake resupply missions as necessary to meet requirements reported by Shelter and Medical Services; provide logistics support to D-18 and D-19; dispatch survey teams to assess damage; report surviving resources to D&C; demolish hazardous structures and secure breaks in utility services. D-17 Conditional Action by all Services UNLESS FALLOUT RED ... Provide assistance to nearby zones that are in ConditionE; assist refugees to shelter in zone or to nearby BOS 1 or BOS 2 zones. D-18 Conditional Action by Medical UN LESS FALLOUT RED . .. Activate or continue treatment facilities outside of shelter as necessary to augment shelterbased medical care capability; coordinate establishment of emergency mortuary service; resume essential environment sanitation measures requiring operations outside of shelter. D-19 Conditional Action by Shelter Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED ... Initiate neighborhood and block team contact with people in home basements; initiate actions to relieve shelter loading imbalances. D-20 Conditional Action by Police Service UN LESS FALLOUT RED . .. Support D-19; initiate security patrols; prohibit all unauthorized movement. -----• IF SIX HOURS ELAPSE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ATTACK ... D-22 Conditional Action by D&C Unless NEXTUP advises to the contrary ... Authorize Shelter service to establish sleeping and feeding arrangements; initiate shelter logistics reporting; maintain population in shelter until advised that further attack is unlikely. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED ... D-23 Automatic Action by D&C If detonation is in vicinity, repeat D-1 through D-10. If distant detonation(s), advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed and time of sighting; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone, based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s). IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED ... D-24 Automatic Action by D&C Disseminate warning to public and services by all means available; advise public to return to best protective location. Instruct services to suspend all operations outside of shelter, except those essential for fire protection of sheltered population, and to prepare for D-1 through D-1 0 in event of attack. Event: Fire Chief advises that fires have been brought under control throughout zone. Event: Fire Chief advises that fires present negligible threat throughout zone D-25 Automatic Action by D&C Report Condition D, BOS number 1, 2, or 3; and time of BOS change to (NEXTUPl' Advise public of situation and warn them to remain sheltered until danger of further attack or fallout is over. Consider authorizing services to undertake actions D-28 through D-31. D-26 Conditional Action by all Services UNLESS FALLOUT RED . .. Continue search of all damaged facilities; perform rescue and first aid as needed and assist survivors to safe locations. D-27 Conditional Action by Police Service If the boundary of significant damage passes through the zone and UNLESS FALLOUT RED . . . Establish access control to damaged area in accordance with Radiation Control Plan (on right-hand page). D-28 Conditional Action by Medical Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C, (D-25) . .. Activate or continue treatment facilities outside of shelter as necessary to augment shelter-based medical care capability; coordinate establishment of emergency mortuary service; resume essential environmental sanitation measures requiring operations outside of shelter. Condition D 805 . - D-29 Conditional Action by Shelter Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C, (D -25) . .. Initiate neighborhood and block team contact with people in home basements; initiate actions to rei ieve shelter loading imbal ances. D-30 Conditional Action by Police Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED , and when authorized by D&C, (D -25) .. . Support D-29; initiate security patrols; prohibit all unauthorized movement. D-31 Conditional Action by Resource Service UNLESS FALLOUT RED, and when authorized by D&C, (D-25) . . . Provide transportation service as necessary. Schedule and undertake resupply missions as necessary to meet requirements reported by Shelter and Medical services; provide logistics support to D-28 and D-29; dispatch survey teams to assess damage ; report surviving resources to D&C; demolish hazardous structures and secure breaks in utility services. • IN THE EVENT OF FIRE SPREAD FROM NEIGHBORING ZONE ... D-32 Automatic Action by D&C Repeat D-1 and D-2. IF SIX HOURS ELAPSE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ATTACK ... D-33 Conditional Action by D&C Unless NEXTUP advises to the contrary ... Authorize Shelter service to establish sleeping and feeding arrangements; initiate shelter logistics reporting; maintain population in shelter until advised that further attack is unlikely. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED ... D-34 Automatic Action by D&C If detonation is in vicinity, repeat D-1 through D-10. If distant detonation(s), advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed and time of sighting; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone, based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s). IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED ... D-35 Automatic Action by D&C Disseminate warning to public and services by all means available; advise public to return to best protective location. Instruct services to suspend all operations outside of shelter, and to prepare for D-1 through D-10 in event of attack. Event: Fire Chief advises that fires present negligible threat throughout zone Event: Advised by NEXTUP that further attack is unlikely D-36 Automatic Action by D&C Determine BOS; inform public of situation, and what postattack controls are in effect. Advise Shelter service to relax blast protective posture, but to keep population in shelter until notified that fires and fallout no longer present a substantial hazard. Advise services to continue fire control, search, and rescue as necessary. D-37 Automatic Action by D&C and all Services Test communications and other electrical and electronic equipment and repair as required. Reconnect transmitters, receivers, and other equipment to power outlets and antennas. Reconnect EOC and other radio base stations to commercial power where available. D-38 Automatic Action by D&C Consider actions D-39 through D-46; authorize services to initiate those actions that are feasible, dependent upon damage suffered by zone, when specified by Radiation Control Plan (on righthand page). D-39 Conditional Action by D&C If damage in zone precludes support of surviving population in place... Direct Resource service to establish Staging Areas (SA's) and provide transportation necessary to move affected population out of zone. Coordinate actions with NEXTUP. Condition D Refer to BOS existing at time event occurred. D-45 Conditional Action by Police Service, Fire Service, Medical Service As personnel are released from shelter duties. . . Reestablish essential unsheltered operations. D-46 Conditional Action by D&C Based on damage assessment (D-21) ... Consult with NEXTUP regarding resource controls and priorities for restoration of essential industry and community services. D-40 Conditional Action by D&C If damage permits . . . Direct Shelter service to establish emergency welfare centers in SA's and in each neighborhood, to provide for immediate needs of the people when they are released from shelter or return from other zones. Authorize D-41 and D-42 . D-41 Condi t ional Action by Resource Service When authorized by D&C. . . Provide essential utilities and services. Establish control of wholesale and retail stocks of essent ial goods . Supply emergency welfare centers, obtaining supplies from other zones as necessary. Establish transportation centers at SA's. D-42 Conditional Action by Police Service When authorized by D&C. . . Provide support for other services. D-43 Conditional Action by D&C As SA's and / or neighborhood centers report readiness . .. Authorize controlled release of population from public and home shelters. D-44 Conditional Action by Shelter Service When authorized by D&C . . . Release sheltered groups; direct them to neighborhood welfare centers or, as necessary, to SA's for transportation to other zones; inventory and request resupply of shelter facilities as needed for part-time use by public and to restore operational readiness. 55 • D-47 Conditional Action by D&C Based on NEXTUP recommendations... Chief executive, legislative body, and service chiefs confer on actions necessary to re-establish normal government organization and services while maintaining readiness for possible future attacks. D-48 Conditional Action by all Services Based on decisions resulting from D-46 and D-47 ... Initiate postattack recovery operations ; take action needed to reestablish governmental organization and services. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED... D-49 Automatic Action by D&C If detonation is in vicinity, repeat D-1 through D-10. If distant detonation(s), advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed and time of sighting ; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s) . IN THE EVENT THAT ATTACK WARNING IS RECEIVED... D-50 Automatic Action by D&C Disseminate warning to public and services by all means available; advise public and services to return to best protective location . Event: Advised by NEXTUP that further attack is unlikely • E-ESCAPE E-ESCAPE Event: Fire Chief advises that fires are uncontrollable in areas susceptible to mass fire E-1 Automatic Action by D&C Report Condition E (Escape) and BOS number 7, 8, or 9 to (NEXTUP) E-2 Automatic Action by all Services Order evacuation of all predesignated high-fire-risk facilities within area susceptible to mass fire and direct evacuees to move to designated relocation sites. Search each facility to insure it is vacated, performing rescue and first aid if possible. If feasible, move supplies and equipment. E-3 Automatic Action by Fire Service Erect water screens along escape routes where fire intensity would preclude movement. Concentrate fire control efforts on protection of relocation sites and establishment of fire lines to prevent mass fire from spreading to other areas; continue fire control actions outside of mass fire area; keep all services advised of areas threatened by fire spread and areas safe from fire. E-4 Automatic Action by Shelter Service Receive refugees at relocation sites; as necessary, expand into other areas of relocation shelters to accommodate refugees; improve fallout protection; continue self-help fire fighting to protect relocation sites and facilities outside mass fire area. If fallout is occurring, direct refugees to decontaminate themselves by brushing before entering shelter area. Condition E BOS .. E-10 Conditional Action by D&C If nearby zones are secure from fire and are NOT FALLOUT RED... Broadcast instructions and direct Police, Medical, and Resource Services to start moving people who are not in fallout shelter and the seriously injured to shelter and medical centers in nearby zones. E-5 Automatic Action by Resource Service Maintain water pressure if feasible, and provide auxiliary water supply by tank truck if needed; clear debris from predesignated routes and assist remedial movement; provide Medical Service with transportation for injured. E-6 Automatic Action by Police Service Control and expedite remedial movement; if requested by Fire Service, direct refugees to alternate relocation sites. E-7 Automatic Action by Medical Service Provide first aid and medical care to refugees at relocation sites. E-8 Conditional Action by D&C If BOS 8 or BOS 9 . . . Suspend radiation dose controls until actions to protect surviving population from the immediate threat of fire are completed. Continue monitoring total dose to service units and population groups. E-9 Conditional Action by D&C If communications with NEXTUP are not operational. . . Attempt to establish contact with neighboring zones to determine their BOS; when lateral communications among operating zones are established, report Condition E and BOS number to zone that assumed role of NEXTUP. 59 • E-11 Conditional Action by all Services If any relocation site, shelter, or service facility becomes untenable due to fire spread... Evacuate facility and relocate as feasible to another site; relocate fire lines as necessary. E-12 Conditional Action by all Services If Fire Service advises that an area of the zone is safe from fire... Redeploy units to other areas where fires still threaten sheltered population; initiate E-16 through E-20 in fire-safe areas. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETONATION(S) ARE REPORTED... E-13 Automatic Action by D&C If detonation is in vicinity, reassess the condition of relocation sites and service units; direct services to perform search, rescue, and medical aid as needed; report time of detonation to NEXTUP. if distant detonation(s), advise NEXTUP of each NUDET observed and time of sighting; estimate likelihood of fallout in zone, based on weather data and assumed surface burst(s). Event: Fire Chief advises that fires are uncontrollable in areas susceptible to mass fire Event: Fire Chief advises that mass fire is contained; fires are under control in remainder of zone (fire threat diminishing, surviving relocation sites and shelter base tenable) E-14 Automatic Action by D&C Advise