B\SON DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE ' -.· WORKBOOK LD 4 • FORWARD LD-4 This workbook is provided to assist Anny Instructors in the presentation of the LD-4 course of instruction; Advanced Leadership Development. It is \'lritten so as to insure that all cadets become familiar with the contents of the student references that are made available to them during the course of instruction, and to enhance their learning and retention abilities. The approach to the subjects covered is geared to the Program of Instruction (POI) and the following student references. ROTCM 1 45-4-3 ROTCM 145-4-2 ROTCM 145-4-1 FM 22-5 FM 22-100 Seminar in Leadership Management COURSE TITLE AND MINIMUM AND PROGRAMED HOURS COURSE TITLE ADVANCED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT HOURS REQUIRED BY POI 108 PROGRAMED 182 2 ADVANCED LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LD-4 WORKBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION SUBJECT PAGES I INTRODUCTION 4 II DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES 5 *III ADVANCED STAFF FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES 6-10 IV ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS 11-15 v ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TECHNIQUES 16-23 VI ADVANCED DRILL AND CEREMONIES 24-26 *Based on local unit (battalion) Standing Operating Procedure. Unit SOP should contain information on which the questions fn this Section are based. 3 SECTION I INTRODUCTION The Anmy Junior ROTC Program of Instruction has been developed out of a historical background of over 60 years of experience to meet the changing ~ educational philosophies and concepts of today•s institutions of secondary education. The curriculum is designed to support the desired learning outcomes stated in Section II in a wide variety of local settings. The JROTC Program of Instruction is an excellent vehicle for practical applications of leadership and citizenship theory taught in JROTC and in other high school courses. The JROTC Program is a cooperative effort on the part of the Anmy and the host school to provide secondary school students opportunities for total development. ·The JROTC learning experience is intended to be useful to students in any future career, military or civilian. Satisfactory completion of the program can also lead to advance placement credit in Senior ROTC or advanced rank in the Active Army, Army Reserve or the National Guard. 4 SECTION II DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Appreciation of the ethical values and principles that underlie goodcitizenship which include integrity, responsibility, and respect for constituted authority. 2. Development of leadership potential with the abilities to live and work cooperatively with others. 3. Ability to think logically and to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 4. Appreciation of the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health. 5. Familiarity with the history, purpose, and structure of the military services with emphasis on.accomplishments of the United States Army. 6. Knowledge of educational and vocational opportunities offered by the United States Army and the development of basic skills necessary to work effectively as a member of the military team. 5 SECTION III ADVANCED STAFF FUNCTIONS. AND PROCEDURES LD-4 You have received instruction in prior years on the organization and functions of an Infantry Battalion Staff. Now that you are in your fourth year of JROTC,it is your job to run-the school battalion. This section is designed to assist you in the requirement of the JROTC Battalion and the functions and duties of the staff. The workbook will be completed on a self study basis using 5 hours. The remainder of the time alloted for Advanced Staff Functionsand Procedures (10 hours) and the Cadet Battalion Organization (5 hours) willbe used to organize the Battalion records by the appropriate staff officer for assistance. FIRST REQUIREMENT: REFERENCE: Unit Standing Operating Procedure 1. The Battalion Commander is responsible for ------- -----~' , , , and ----------,-a-n~d -----------o-f~t~h-e~b~a~t~tal~,-on-.--------------- 2. The Bn CO makes for promotions or reductions of cadets-.------------ 3. The Bn CO makes recommendations for andsubordi n~te ----:::p-=-o~si:ntni-::-o'::"ns~.---- 4. The Bn CO must receive a copy of prior to theAnnual Formal Inspection. ---------------- 5. The Bn Executive Offic•:." .nust be thoroughly familiar with the _____of the • Assumes 6. The Bn XO and the activities of the 7. The Bn CO will normally act as the during the -----------of the battalion during the absence of the Bn CO. battalion staf~.---------------- AFI review. ------------ SECOND REQUIREMENT: The Battalion S-1 REFERENCES: Unit, SOP 1. The Battalion S-1 prepares orders for_______________and 2. The S-1 maintains a--------------------- for each student. 6 3. Which information in the heading of the student record will be recorded in ink or typed?__________________________ _ 4. Which information on the heading is recorded in pencil? 5. The S-1 should maintain the class/company and the battalion ------------- 6. The S-1 should insure each cadet has a 7. The cadet record should be posted with_______________ 8. The primary references used by the Bn S-1 are____________ THIRD REQUIREMENT: REFERENCE: Unit Security SOP 1. The basic regulation used by the S-2 is 2. The S-2 should assist the SAl in conducting the end of month---------------and prepare the reports, which are -------- --------------------' and ------------------ 3. When weapons are taken to rifle meets a shou~l~d~b-e-pr_e_p_a-re-a~.----------- 4. The keys to the arms room are kept in the and 5. How often does the S-2 and SAl count the weapons? 6. \~hat form does the SAl /AI sign when he conducts his inventory? 7. When the SAI/AI takes keys from the safe, what should they do? only the and -------'-------'----are authorized to use them. 7 8. What information is-recorded on the monthly sensitive item report? 9. What are the sensitive items at your shcool? ------------------------------------------'------------------ ------------------------------------------'------------------- FOURTH REQUIREMENT: Training Officer, S-3 1. What does the SAI/AI and S-3 use to develop the training program for the year?___________________________________________________________ 2. How many hours are prescribed by the POI for each LD level: ____________ _ How many hours do we schedule? 3. Using the POI, the S-3, ~nd SAl develop the for each LD level. The~dl.....,'f'"f.....e-re_n_c_e.....,b,....e...,t-w-ee-n--...1.,.0'1'r'8-a-n""'d--~ho~u-r~s--ar~e~u-se-dr-a-s----- 4. The master training schedule is submitted by (date) to fo_r_a_p_p_r-ov-a....,-.------------- 5. The S-3 prepares a weekly which contains what information? ----------------------- f. a.b. -------------------g. -------------------------- c. --------------------- -----------------------h. -------------------------- 1. e.d. ------------------------------------------------ 6. Where does the S-3 get the references for a class? 7. Where does the SAI/AI use to develop lesson plans?________________ 8. Where does the S-3 maintain the JROTC library? ~-------------------- -------------· What type of books are in it--------------- 8 FIFTH REQUIREMENT: 1. The duties of the Battalion Supply Officer (S-4) are: a. ---------------------------------------------------------- b. ---------------------------------------~----------- c. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. The is the document which tells the S-4 T"h-ow__m_a-ny---.i..,..t-em__s__s.,...ho-u....l....,d,......,b.--e--a-cc_o_u_n-=-te_d..,.....,f.--o-r.-- . 3. Temporary changes to the hand receipt are made with the changes recorded on form 4. To determine the correct count of an item, the S-4 should check the quantity on the , add or subtract the quantities on the , count the number issued and the quantity 1eft is what should be on the ---------.--- 5. How many clothing fonns should the S-4 keep and maintain? 6. What information is kept on a clothing fonn? a c_______________________~ b d_______________________________________ 7. Where does the S-4 get the information on how to post the clothing form? 8. What are the steps made to recover a uniform if a student drops out of school? a. --------------------~----------------------------------- c.b. ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------~~--------------------- d. -------------------------------------------------------- e. -----------------------------~--------------------------SIXTH REQUIREMENT: 1. The first duty of the Battalion Public Affairs Officer is? 2. The recruiting plan is located in-------~---------------------- 9 What means does a P/A Officer have to develop publicity? c What are the resources available to the Public Affairs Officer publicity? 10 SECTION IV ADVANCED COMMUNICATION LD-4 During your first three years of instruction you have received classes on oral communication or methods of instruction (MOl) as it was formerly called. This year you will have 26 ·hours of Assistant Instructor Training, 16 hours of advanced communications, and 10 hours of communicative.arts practicum. You will spend five hours of self study and a one hour exam. The remaining time w.111 be used to develop, rehearse, and present classes. You will be assigned a subject and time of presentation by the SAl. FIRST REQUIREMENT: REFERENCE: ROTCM 145-4-3 Chapter 22 1. The first step an instructor should accomplish is preparing a class is: 2. A class objective must be attainable-------------- 3. The w~ to write an objective that meets criterion and then modify it until it answers the question------------------- 4. By answering what questions can the instructor insure that the conditions of performance are stated accurately: 5. What does the instructor do after determining the class objectives? 6. The instructor should support each instructional step with the necessary subpoints. These should be in the form of______________ 7. Additional ways to support each main point are: 8. After developing the objective the instructor has two other important are factors to consider. They -------------------------- 11 9. What are some common sequences? 10. The· instructor should apply what guiding pri nci pl es in devising his instruction plan? ·· · · · · 11. What does a rehearsal do for the instructor? 12. Prior to class the instructor should check to see that: SECOND REQUIREMENT: REFERENCES: ROTCM 145-4-3 Chapter 23 and 24 1. Define the learning process in your own words. 2. Name the types of teaching techniques. ------------------' -----------------------' ------------------ 3. Describe the lecture method of instruction. 4. Advantages of lecture are: 5. Disadvantages of lecture are: 6. Define conference type of class: 7. Advantages of a conference are: 8. Disadvantages of a conference are: 9. Name the forms of demonstration. ---------------------·-------------------·--------------------- 10. Effective between the instructor and the student is ess-e"""nt....f_a_l-.-------------- 11. Describe the three phases of a performance-oriented class. 12. The introduction should between the instructor and his class, --------------------i·n the subject, and --------------------------------------------of the subject. 13. Name 6 items which can be used in the introduction: 14. Elements of the introduction are: 13 15. How should a class be organized? 16. To keep classes active and to promote learning use the following techniques. 17. When is a summary used in a lesson? 18. What should a review contain? THIRD REQUIREMENT: REFERENCE: As required The third requirement is designed to help you prepare your first class. The SAI will assign the subject area and the specific class. You should go to theBattalion S-3 for help in finding the class objectives.and the references youwill need. You now have the information available to prepare your presentation. 1. Assigned subject for presentation. SUBJECT------------------------LD LEVEL PERIOD OR CLASS --------------------- 2. My objective is_______________________ _ 3. References are=--------------------------------------------- 14 4. Training aids needed: 5. Assistant instructors required: 6. Lesson Plan for Assigned Class INTRODUCTION: EXPLANATION: REVIEW: SECTION V ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TECHNIQUES FIRST REQUIREMENT: Introduction REFERENCE: FM 22-100, pages V-VIII (INTRODUCTION) 1. Why has the leadership role of. the professional soldier become more complex? --------------------------------------------------~~- 2. What is a prerequisite to good leadership? --------------------~---3~ What is the concept of leadership for the US Anny based on? ----------- 4. What is the ultimate objective of leadership in a military organization? 5. Unit missions are accomplished by whom? 6. Effective leadership is accomplishing the mission with a minimum expenditure of what?____________________________________________ ~ 7. Developing leadership ability is a twofold task. a. The first task b. The second task 8. While the leader is learning more about human behavior and how to apply that knowledge, what else must be improved upon? 9. For a leader to achieve his potential, he must have the opportunity to exercise his skills. The junior, leader must be given--------- 16 10. The senior leader who fails to grant his subordinates the opportunity to learn by experience ------------------------- SECOND REQUIREMENT: Psychology of Leadership REFERENCES: FM 22-100, pages 1-1 thru 1-4 1. Give the difinition of command --------------------~-- 2. Because of the Army's system of advancement ----------------------- 3. What must a commander do to attain the numerous goals of his organization? 4. Give the definition of management-......---------------------------- 5. What does a commander do when he is unable to personally supervise each activity?_______________________________________________________ 6. Of all the resources available to the manager, which 1s the most important? \. y ----------------------------------------------- 7. Give the defi ni tion of military 1eadershi p --------------------- 8. How does a leader at the lower levels lead his unit? --------------- 9. As a leader moves up the chain of command, the size of his unit increases but his direct influence on the actions of the unit decreases. Why? ------ 10. How does the battalion commander manage all his resources?____.____ 17 THIRD REQUIREMENT: leadership Traits REFERENCES: FM 22-100, pages 2-1 thru 2-5 1. list the 14 leadership traits: a. h. b. ;. c. j. d. k. e. 1. f. m. g. n. 2. Define bearing. 3. Discuss decisiveness. 4. Discuss dependability. 5. Discuss enthusiasm. 6. Discuss initiative. 7. Discuss integrity.• 8. Define loyalty. 18 9. Define tact. FOURTH REQUIREMENT: Leadership Principles REFERENCES: FM 22-100, pages 2-6 thru 2-11 1. List the 11 principles of leadership. a. ------------------------------------------------------ b. ------------------------------------------------------ d.c. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ e.f. ------------------------------------------------------ g. ------------------------------------------------------ h. ------------------------------------------------------ j.i. ------------------------------------------------------ k. ------------------------------------------------------ 2. List two techniques for applying the 1st principle. a. ------------------------------------------------------ b. ------------------------------------~---------------- 3. L1st two techniques for applying the pri nci pl e, "Be technically and tactically proficient." a. ------------------------------------------------------ b. ------------------------------------------------------ 4. List two techniques for applying the principle, "See responsibility and take responsibility for your actions." a. ------------------------------------------------------ b. ------------------------------------------------------ 5. List two techniques for applying the principle, "Make sound and timely decisions." a. 19 b. ----------------~----------------------------~--------- 6. list four techniques for applying the principle, 11 Set the example... a. b. c. d. -------------------------------------------------------- 7. list four techniques for applying the principle, ••Know your men and look out for their welfare·. •• a. ---------------------------------------------------------- b. c. c d. -------------------------------------------------------- 8. list two techniques for applying the principle, ••Keep your men informed.•• I a. ---------------------------------------------------------- b. ---------------------------------------------------------- 9. list four techniques for applyinR the principle, ••oevelop a sense of responsibil ;ty in your subordinates.. I • a. I I ' b. I'! c. d. 20 10. List :two techniques for applying the r.rinciple, 11 1nsure that the task 1s understood, supervised, and accomplished. • a. --------------------------------------------------------- b. -------------------------------------------------------- FIFTH REQUIREMENT: Professionalism and Ethics REFERENCES: FM 22-100, page 3-1 thru 3-4 1. Give two reasons why professionalism 1s important in the military. a. --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Military men have certain common characteristics. Included among them are: a. --------------------------------------------------------- b. --~--------------------------------------------------~- c. --------------------------------------------------------- d. ------------------------------------------------------- 3. Name three attributes of military professionals: a. --------------------------------------------------------- b. --------------------------------------~------~------- c. --------------------------------------------------------- 4. Describe ethics. 5. What 1s the role of ethics fn society: 6. \~hy should the leader be concerned about ethics? 21 SIXTH ·REQUIREMENT: Effective Leadership REFERENCES: FM 22-100, Chapter 13 1. Styles of leadership vary. What is it dependent upon? a. b. -------------------------------------------------------- c. ------------------------------------------------------- 2. What is the difference between an authoritarian leader and a democratic 1 eader. 3. How can the leader improve his performance? a. -------------------------------------------------------- b. -------------------------------------------------------- c. --------------------------------------------~--------- 4. What are the four leadership indicators? a. ------------------------------------------------------- b. ---------------------------------~--------------------- c. -----------------------------------------~------------- 5. What is morale? Esprit de corps? 6. Give a definition of discipline. 7. Evaluation of discipline requires the evaluation of what factors: (listfour) a. -----~------------------------------------------------- b. -------------------------------------------------------- c. ---------------------------------------------------------- d. ----------------~------------------------------------ 8. What is meant by proficiency? 9. List four steps that will develop morale. a. ------------------------------------------------------- b. --------~------------~--------------------------- c. --------------------------------------------------------- d. ----------------~---------------------------------22 10. List four steps that will develop Esprit de Corps • .a. ------------------------------------------------------~ b. --------------------------------~--------------------- c. ------------------------------------------------------- d. ------------------------------------------------------- 23 SECTION VI DRILL AND CEREf~ONIES LD-4 FIRST REQUIREMENT: Battalion Drill REFERENCE: FM 22-5, w/C2 Chapter, Page 55 1. For the most part, unit drill merely provides the procedures for executing ---~--~--~~-----------or in conjunction whh 2. For drill purposes, a battalion or brigade consists of what? a. b. ---------------------------------------------------------- c. ------------------------------------------------ 3. To facilitate the forming of a large unit, the commander normally does what? a. -----------------------------~--------------------------- c.b. ---------------------------- d. ---------------------------------------------------------- e. --------------------------------------------------------- f. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. The battalion has two basic formations: a. --------------------------------------------------- b. -------------------------------------------------------- SECOND REQUIREMENT: Forming and Dismissing the Battalions REFERENCE: FM 22-5, C2 Chapter 8, Para 101-102, Pages 56-57 1. Who is responsible for the formation of the troops? ___________________ _ 2. What is the adjutants position when forming the troops? _______________ 3. How long does the adjutant remain facing down the line? _______________ 4. As the comnander and staff approach what does the adjutant do?______ 1 5. What does the commander do after the adjutant reports? _________________ _ 6. Where are the colors no~ally positioned when the battalion is formed in 1i ne or column?_______________________________________________ 24 7. \~hen the battalion is fanned in mass where are the colors positioned? 8. To dismiss the battalion, what co11111and does the conr.1ander give? 9. When the entire battalion is to be inspected, what is the formation used? 10. Who fonns the battalion for inspection? THIRD REQUIREMENT: Ceremonies REFERENCE: FM 22-5, C2, Chapter 9, Para 105-146, Pages 59-94 1. A review is a military ceremony designed to: a. b. --------------~----------------------------------------- c.d. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. Other ceremonial activities or combinations there of which may be incorporated within the framwork of a review are: a. c. ----------------------------------------------------------- d. ------------------------------------------------------------ e. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A review consists of the following steps in what sequence? a. ----------------------------------------------------------- b. ----------------------------------------------------------- c. -----------------------------------------------~----------- d. --------------------------------------------------------- e. f. ----------------------------------------------------------- g. -------~--------------------------------------------------- 4. The two recommended formations for conducting reviews are: a. ----------------------------------------------------------- b. ------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Practical formations for street parades are: a. ----------------------------------------------------------- b. c. ----------------------------------------------------------- 25 6. An Honor Guard cons;sts of what? a. --------------------------------------------------------- c b. --~~---------------------------------------------- c c. --------------------------------------------------------- d. ~-------------------------------------------------- 7. Why are Honor Guards held? 8. What are the three classes of m;l;tary funerals? a. --------------------------------------------------------- b. ---------------------------------------------------- c. --------------------------------------------------------- 26 INDEX SECTION SUBJECT PAGES. FORWARD 1 COURSE TITLE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 I INTRODUCTION 4 II DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES 5 III ADVANCED STAFF FUNCTIONS AND PROCEDURES (OJT) 6 First Requirement: Battalion Commander and 6 Executive Officer Second Requirement: Battali on S-1 6 Third Requirement: Battalion S-2 7 Fourth Requirement: Battalion S-3 8 Fifth Requirement: Battalion S-4 9 Sixth Requirement: Battalion Public Affairs 9 IV ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS 11 First Requirement: 11 Second Requirement: 12 Third Requirement: 14 v ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TECHNIQUES 16 First Requirement: Introduction 16 Second Requirement: Psychology of Leadership 17 Third Requirement: Leadership Traits 18 Fourth Requirement: Leadership Principles 19 Fifth Requirement: Professionalism and Ethics 21 Sixth Requirement: Effective Leadership 22 VI ADVANCED DRILL AND CEREMONIES 24 First Requirement: Battalion Drill 24 Second Requirement: Forming and Dismissing the· 24 Battalion Third Requirement: Ceremonies 25 27