BlSOf~ ~ ~· ' Nauu WI. II TR-20 [Vol. 1) CHARTS f) ,11 c. ~ JUNE 1964 (0 en ...... ... N :z:: i:! u.s . .JJI3.J:;J.: $2o 1.1. I '\liE UJCK\'1000 YEIIORIAL UIII!Aift ~fs RADIATION SHIELDING ANALYSIS CHARTS UPDATING OF SHELTER DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, VOL 1-Fallout Protection, Sept 1963 Printing Several procedural changes in the Detailed Procedure have been madesince the printing of Vol 1 in Sept 1963. These changes have beendiscussed at the recent A&E Updating Workshops. In order that all qualified analysts are brougnt up to date whether or not they attended a workshop, this d~scussion of the procedural changesis being sent to all certificate holders. In addition to procedural changes, the charts in the Detailed Procedurehave been reviewed and altered to make them easier to read and use.Except for minor differences in plotting, there are no significantchanges in the chart values themselves. The following changes to the Detailed Procedure Methodology have been made: (1) The full value of skyshine response, Ga, will always be used. The present method requires that in certain cases the difference of response functions for Ga must be used when the full view isblocked or screened by mutual shields, roof overhangs, etc. Inall such cases, other reflections are increased and the methoddoes not provide for taking these into account. Until such timeas these various reflective contributions are more exactly definedthe full value of Ga will always be used. (See Figure 1, example 1.) (2) The wall barrier factor Be(Xe,H) will be determined by usingdetector height, H, for the floor of the detector, and thefloors above and below the detector floor. For detectors located in the basement or in the first floor. A height of3ft (Be(Xe,3') will be used in lieu of the mid-height of thefloor. (See Figure 1, example 2.) A theoretical justification can be made for using a single barrierfactor for the contributions through the exterior wall regardlessof whether we are considering the floor of the detector or thefloors above and below the detector floor. Since the contributionsfrom floors other than the detector floor are usually less than10% of the total ground contribution, this modification will notsignificantly alter the total ground contribution and will decreasethe number of operations needed to effect a solution. 1 The procedure of using the mid-height for basement cases is actually not conservative. As the wall increases in story height, the barrier factor decreases whereas in reality, the total contribution increases as the contributing surface increases. Using a height of 3' will maintain a constant barrier factor while the increased wall height will provide for increased contribution through the differencing of response functions, Gs and Ga. (3) For the reduction for the second leg of shafts and entranceways, use a value of 0.2 in lieu of 0.1. This change is based on experimental evidence which indicates that the 0.1 value was unconservative in most cases. (See Figure 1, example 3.) 2 • Figure 1 -CHANGES IN DETAILED PROCEDURE METHOD Example (1) Skyshine Response Example (2) Multistory Bldgs. Example (3) Passageways & Shafts OLD METHOD was to difference skysh ine contribution for position CD and to neglect it for position ® [Ga( c.o1)-Ga( c.o2)] [1-Sw] NEW METHOD [Ga( 6J1)][n-Sw)] for position CD [Ga( c.o3)][ n -Sw)]for position® OLD METHOD Cg = Be(Xe, H) Gg + Be(Xe, Hu) Ggu + Be(Xe, H1) Ggl Note that H varies depending on floor NEW METHOD Cg = Be(Xe, H) [Gg + Ggu + Ggl] Where Gg =geometry factor for detector floor Ggu = geometry factor for floor above detector Ggl = geometry factor for floor below detector Note H remains constant even for floor above and floor below detector REDUCTION FACTOR FOR PASSAGEWAY Rt =Rfl x Rf2 OLD METHOD Rf2 =0.1 c.o2 for first right angle turn NEW METHOD Rf2 = 0. 2c.o2 for first right angle turn 3 DETAILED PROCEDURE CHART CHANGES. Chart #1. Four barrier factors are plotted on Chart 1, as follows: Bi(Xi) -Barrier factor for interior partitions for ground contribution. I Bi(Xi) -Barrier factor for interior partitions from roof contribution. (Data previously presented as Chart 11 is now included here). Bf(Xf) -Barrier factor for ground contribution through the floor below. I I Bo(Xo) -Barrier factor for ground contribution through ceiling above. This chart includes a more representative sketch of where each of these barrier factors is applied. Chart #2. Barrier factor of exterior"wall as function of height, Be(Xe,H). This chart has been plotted with the barrier reduction factor as th~ abscissa and with detector height as the ordinate. Curves of exterior wall mass thickness from 0 to 300 psf for each 10 psf are plotted. Chart #3 Solid Angle Fraction-(no change). Chart 1~. Roof Contribution. The Roof Contribution, Co, is the abscissa, the solid angle fraction is the ordinate. Curves of roof mass thickness are plotted for values from 0 to 300 psf for every 10 psf. Chart #5. Directional responses, Ground Contribution. This chart now plots ONLY Gs and Ga.. The Directional Responses are the abscissa, and the solid angle fraction is the ordinate. The solid angle fraction ordinate has been changed to a log type grid which expands the values from 0.9 to 0.99 for ease of reading. Gd values can be obtained from Chart 6. 5 Chart 1~. Directional Response for Direct Radiation, Gd. Since Gd depends on detector height, this function is now· found ONLY on Chart #6 and not on both Chart #5 and Chart #6 as before. The Height is on the abscissa and solid angle fraction on the ordinate. The solid angle is now plotted on a log grid which expands the area from 0.9 to 0.99 for ease of reading in this region. Chart #7 Fraction Scattered, Sw (no change). Chart #8 Shape Factor, E (no change). Chart I~ Barrier reduction factor for Wall-Scattered Radiation for Limited Strip of Contamination. The barrier factor Bw is the abscissa, the solid angle fraction, Ws is the ordinate. the body of the chart consists of exterior wall mass thickness curves from Xe=O to 250 psf. Chart #10 Reduction factors for passageways and shafts. This chart consits of three curves, one for vertical shafts with source over the opening, one for vertical shaft with skyshine source only, and one for horizontal shaft. The reduction factor is the abscissa, the solid angle fraction is the ordinate. These curves are normally used to compute the reduction factor down the first leg of a passageway or shaft. The second leg reduction factor is now: 6 .so .. co: 0 1 u ~ z 0 i= u ::::> 0 w co: Interior Partition Barrier To Roof Contribution Floor Barrier Factor to Ground Contribution B~(X~ Ceiling Barrier Factor to :..·~ --~-~w__,~~"''L .02 .02 .01-111...11,,~21::~:::,,~ .01 .01 .02 .03 .05 .07 .I .2 .3 .5 .7 1.0 2. 3. 5. 7. 10. 2Z n=L Chart 3 . Solid Angle Fraction Contours, W. 3 ·[•. •.7: :..: r---------, 2 • • I 0.1 \ \ I I 9 \\ I I 8 6 7 \~t 5 4 3 2 0. 01 9 8 0 7 u 6 z 0 5 i= iil 4 ;;;: o-3 z 0 u 0 2 0 "' 0.001 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 • 0001 9 8 7 61 5 4 3 2 1 I. :;~-;: ' idH; ~< ;-;-~ ~-:: I -~I '·; I ·:·' ·'\. ' IQ~ ' l.0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0.19 8 7 6 5 3 2 0.01987654 3 2 0.001 SOLID ANGlf FRACTION, W Chart 4. REDUCTION FACTOR FOR ROOF CONTRIBUTION, C0 13 1.0 i .9 .8 ,, .7 .6 .5 G5 -WALL SCATTERED RESPONSE FUNCTIONFOR UPPER AND LOWER{.() .4 G0 -SKYSHINE CASE (INCLUDES CEILINGSHINE) ,:; .2 V'lz w 0.1 0 .09 0.. V'l w ,08 "" ...J .07 _,_@ ;: • 3 .., I "" 1,. '···\. ~-\.. ' ~, . 3 .a M • 2 • 2 • • 1 . 1 0._~--._~~~--~~--.__.__._~~~~~~--~_.--~~--~~~~--~~--._-A0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 180 zoo 220 240 MASS THICKNESS, Xe (lfsf) Chart 7. Fraction of Emergent Radiation Scattered in Wall Barrier. Sw • 0 • 1 . 2 . 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 .7 .8 • 9 1.0 1.5 1.5 1. 4 - ..-------~ 1. 4 ~ ~ 1. 3 L"' V" 1. 3 / / i en :::J: / ,.. 1. 2 I 1. 2 ., 1"1"1 "' v / n .., V"/ ,.. -4 0 1. 1 I :Ill ~ v 1.1 1"1"1 v 1.0 .2 • 4 0 • 1 • 3 • 5 • 6 .7 .8 • 9 1.0 1.0 e: WIDTH/ LENGTH Chart 8. Shape Factor for Wall-scattered Radiation, E .6 .5 .4 .3 : .2 ~I· •08 ' .(JJ '' ! .06 .05 J .04 V>. .03 "" 0 1 u .02 ~ w "" ;;;: ;a"" ,, a. 0.01 ;;;: I.008V> .007 0 w 1-.006 ~ .005 :::1 .~ ';~[i .004 . \:. 1\:~: . ··~ ' 1\ ', 'i::jc!, .003 ~;:m 0 I&J .012 .02 a:: SOLID ANGLE FRACTION, W Chart 10. Reduction factors for passaveways and shafts, Av ,Ah+Aa 8 Ac; U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1964 0-732-584