US D 214.9/6:5-71 BISOH FMFRP 5-71 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents LO(.;I\WULJU Ll~l •,, I UNIVERSITY AT BUFFAL MAR 0 l 1996 ooc.;urv1c1~, <:> uE:.t""U!::>I rORY IBRARY 0433 U.S. Marine Corps PCN 140 057100 00 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Headquarters United States Marine Corps Washington, DC 20380-1775 FOREWORD 6 July 1995 1. PURPOSE Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication (FMFRP) 5-71, MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents provides examples and samples of the aviation-related annexes, appendixes, tabs, and enclosures normally required in operation plans and orders. Additionally, it identifies the individuals and agencies responsible for the various tasks associated with the preparation of each document. A Document Applicability Guide is provided to help planners determine which annexes, appendixes, enclosures, and tabs are pertinent based on the situation. 2. SCOPE FMFRP 5-71 provides the MAGTF-and ACE-level planners with a reference for preparing aviation planning documents. It is designed to complement FMFM 5-70, MAGTF Aviation Planning, to provide planners with a complete foundation for aviation planning. 3. SUPERSESSION None. 4. CHANGES Recommendations for improvements to this manual are invited from commands as well as directly from individuals. Forward suggestions using the User Suggestion Form format to- COMMANDING GENERAL DOCTRINE DIVISION (C 42) MARINE CORPS COMBAT DEVELOPMENT COMMAND 3300 RUSSELL RD SUITE 318A QUANTICO, VIRGINIA 22134-5021 5. CERTIFICATION Reviewed and approved this date. BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS C. E. WILHELM Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps Commanding General Marine Corps Combat Development Command Quantico, Virginia DISTRIBUTION: 140 057100 00 User Suggestion Form From: To: Commanding General, Doctrine Division (C 42), Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 3300 Russell Road Suite 318A, Quantico, Virginia 22134-5021 Subj: RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING FMFRP 5-71, MAGTF AVIATION PLANNING DOCUMENI'S 1. In accordance with the foreword to FMFRP 5-71, which invites individuals to submit suggestions concerning this FMFM directly to the above addressee, the following unclassified recommendation is forwarded: Article/Paragraph No. Line No. Figure/Table No. Nature of Change: OAdd 0 Delete OChange OCorrect 2. Proposed new verbatim text: (Verbatim, double-spaced; continue on additional pages as necessary.) 3. Justification/source: (Need not be double-spaced.) Note: Only one recommendation per page. iii (reverse blank) FMFRP 5-71 Record of Changes Change Date of Date of No. Change Entry Organization Signature v (reverse blank) FMFRP 5-71 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents Table of Contents Page 1 Introduction Document Drafting Coordination Guide 3 Document Applicability Guide 17 Samples and Examples of Annexes, Appendices, Tabs, and Enclosures Annex A (Task Organization) 21 Annex B (Intelligence) 23 Appendix 1 (Essential Elements of Information [EEl]) 25 Appendix 9 (Helicopter Landing Zone Study) 27 Appendix 10 (Surveillance and Reconnaissance Plan) 29 31 Annex C (Operations) 33 Appendix 3 (Electronic Warfare) Appendix 6 (Search and Rescue Operations) 35 41 Appendix 7 (Deception) Appendix 8 (Rules of Engagement) 43 Appendix 11 (Concept of Operations) 45 47 Appendix 12 (Fire Support) Tab A (Air Fire Plan) 49 Enclosure 1 (Preplanned Close Air Support) 53 55 Enclosure 2 (Air Target List) 57 Enclosure 3 (Air Fire Plan Target Overlay) Tab J (Enemy Air Defenses Plan) 59 61 Appendix 17 (Operations Overlay) Annex D-Omitted Appendix 8 (Concept of Aviation Logistic Support) 63 Tab A (Aircraft Maintenance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support) 67 Tab B (Aviation Supply Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support) 69 Tab C (Aviation Ordnance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support) 71 Tab D (Automated Data Processing Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support 73 Annex K (Command and Control Systems) 75 77 Appendix 1 (Communications Security) Annex N (Air Operations) 79 Appendix 1 (Air Defense/Antiair Warfare) 83 Tab C (Sector Scramble Procedures) 87 Tab D (Air Defense Warning Procedures) 89 Tab E (Antiaircraft Missiles and Aircraft Coordination Procedures) 91 vii FMFRP 5-71 Page Tab G (Antiaircraft Missiles Instructions) 95 Tab J (Data Link/Manual Crosstell Procedures) 97 Tab L (Passive Air Defense) 101 Appendix 2 (Offensive Air Support) 103 Tab A (Air Control Procedures) 107 Enclosure 1 (Joint Tactical Air Strike Request Form) 109 Enclosure 2 (Forward Air Controller Party Instructions) 111 Enclosure 3 (CAS Briefing Form) 115 Tab B (Forward Air Controller [Airborne] Procedures) 117 Tab C (Battle Damage Assessment Reporting Procedures) 119 Tab D (Target Marking for Air Attack) 121 Tab E (General Instructions and Safety Procedures) 123 Enclosure 1 (Fire Support Coordination Line) 125 Enclosure 2 (Airspace Coordination Area Procedures) 127 Tab F (Air Interdiction and Armed Reconnaissance) 129 Enclosure 1 (Air Interdiction Overlay) 131 Enclosure 2 (Armed Reconnaissance Route Overlay) 132 Appendix 3 (Assault Support) 135 Tab B (Helicopter Control and Procedures) 141 Tab C (Assault Support Request Form) 143 Enclosure 1 (Sample Assault Support Request Form) 145 Tab H (Helicopter Availability Table) 147 Tab J (Heliteam Wave and Serial Assignment Table) 149 Tab K (Helicopter Employment and Assault Landing Table) 151 Tab L (Helicopter Landing Diagram) 153 Appendix 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) 155 Tab A (Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance/Surveillance Request Form) 157 Tab B (Air Observation Support Request Form) 161 Tab C (Joint Tactical Electronic Warfare Request Form) 163 Appendix 5 (Supplementary Air Operations) 165 Appendix 6 (Aircraft Armament) 167 Tab A (Aircraft Ordnance Codes) 169 Appendix 7 (Air Control) 171 Tab C (Airspace Control Circuit Diagram) 175 Tab E (Entry/Exit Procedures and Orbit Points) 177 Enclosure 1 (Entry/Exit, Control Holding and Orbit Points) 179 Tab F (Report In/Out Procedures) 181 Tab H (IFF/SIF Procedures) 183 Tab K (TAC[A] Procedures) 185 Appendix 8 (Air Communications) 189 Appendix 9 (Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry) 195 Tab B (Air Ferry Schedule) 199 Enclosure 1 (Leg I) 201 Enclosure 2 (Leg II) 203 Appendix 10 (Aircraft Schedules) 205 Tab C (Assault Support) 207 viii -----------------------------------------------------------------FMFRP5-71 Page 209 Appendix 11 (Air Tasking) 211 Tab B (Air Tasking Order Format) 213 Annex R (Amphibious Operations} 215Appendix 3 (Landing Plan) 217 Annex Y (Reports} 219 Appendix 1 (Recurring Reports) Aviation Estimate of Supportability 221 ix INTRODUCTION FMFRP 5-71, MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents, is a reference tool for the various functional areas of Marine aviation planning. It serves as a guide for commanders, staff officers, and others who actively influence the employment of Marine aviation forces. This publication bridges the gap between FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action, and Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) formats. The documents presented in this publication have been updated to reflect changes in doctrine and equipment and to match JOPES wherever possible. The Document Drafting Coordination Guide identifies the individual or agency that has overall responsibility for the development of annexes, appendixes, tabs, and enclosures of an operation order. It also identifies the drafter of each document as well as the agencies or individuals who provide input to the drafter. Items presented in bold print are shown by example or sample in this publication. Examples of other items may be found in the appropriate FMFM or in historical examples of actual operation plans/orders. A Document Applicability Guide is included to help planners determine which annexes, appendices, tabs, and enclosures are pertinent in order to reduce paperwork to that which is essential. This publication contains examples and samples of the annexes, appendices, tabs, and enclosures presented in bold print in the Document Drafting Coordination Guide. These examples and samples illustrate many of the most commonly used elements of an aviation plan/order and are notional in their presentation; their content is incidental. Their function is to provide a realistic image of a completed document. In some cases, fictitious unit designators have been used intentionally to reinforce the idea that this· document should not be used as a content template but rather as a guide. Many of the documents are in the traditional situation, mission, execution, administration and logistics, and command and signal (SMEAC) style. Other documents begin with a broad discussion under the heading "GENERAL," followed by any additional, appropriately-labeled paragraphs. Planners should adjust formats as necessary to conform to their particular requirements. Appendix 5 to Annex N may become one of the most critical aviation documents since MAGTF aviation faces a variety of missions, many of which may support operations other than war or operations in Third World settings. Because certain traditional threats and considerations may no longer apply and new, unusual, or possibly unforeseen threats and considerations may become critical, Appendix 5 to Annex N provides a long list of tabs and enclosures that cover employment of MAGTF aviation in nontraditional environments. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FMFRP 5-71 An example of an Aviation Estimate of Supportability is also provided. It identifies the three courses of action for an expeditionary amphibious assault. In the example, the ACE commander concludes his analysis by rating each course of action on its ability to be supported by MAGTF aviation. DOCUMENT DRAFTING COORDINATION GUIDE CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOG DOCUMENT ANNEX A TASK ORGANIZATION MAGTF S-3 GCE,ACE, & G/S-3 CSSE S-3s S-2 S-3 G/S-2 ANNEX B INTELLIGENCE ALL G/S-2 APPENDIX 1 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS S-2 OF INFORMATION APPENDIX 2 SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE S-2 S/EWCC G/S-2 G/S-2 APPENDIX 3 COUNTERINTELLIGENCE S-2 S-2 CIDET G/S-2 TAB A COUNTERSIGNS DIA/CI DET G/S-2 TAB B COUNTERINTELLIGENCE S-2 TARGETS S-2 DIA, NIPS G/S-2 TAB C PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION LIST. S-2 FSO, SAC G/S-2APPENDIX 4 TARGETING S-3, FSC G/S-2 TAB A TARGET LIST S-2 (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX C) S-2 Cl, ITT, 4TH G/S-2 APPENDIX 5 HUMAN INTELLIGENCE CAG S-2 ALL SOURCES G/S-2 APPENDIX 6 INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE S-2 NIPS, NIC G/S-2APPENDIX 7 WEATHER AND TERRAIN S-2 NIPS, N-2 G/S-2APPENDIX 8 BEACH STUDY APPENDIX 9 HELICOPTER LANDING ZONE S-2 NIPS, ACE G/S-2 STUDY APPENDIX 10 SURVEILLANCE AND S-2 S-3 RECON ADV FORCE RECONNAISSANCE PLAN COMMANDS 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------FMFRP5-71 DOCUMENT ANNEX C OPERATIONS APPENDIX 1 NUCLEAR OPERATIONS APPENDIX 2 NBC OPERATIONS APPENDIX 3 ELECTRONIC WARFARE APPENDIX 4 PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS APPENDIX 5 SPECIAL OPERATIONS APPENDIX 6 SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX N) APPENDIX 7 DECEPTION TAB A ESTIMATE OF ADVERSARY TAB B FRIENDLY ACTIONS TAB C COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS TAB D DECEPTION OBJECTIVES TAB E EXECUTION SCHEDULE TAB F MONITORING PROCEDURES TAB G SECURITY GUIDELINES TAB H SPECIAL CONCERNS, RISK AND VALUE ASSESSMENT APPENDIX 8 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT DRAFTER GCE S-3 MAGTFWEO MAGTFWEO MAGTFEWO GCE S-3 WEO AOORACE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 MAGTF S-3 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG GCE,ACE, & G/S-3 CSSE S-3s, MAGTFAO WEO,AO, ARTY MAGTFCMDR, WEO MAGTF S-3 CSSE, MAGTF G-4 WEO ELEM NBC Os, S-2 ALL S-3s, RADIO G/S-3 BN C3CMO 4TH CIVIL ACTION GP, G/S-3 S-2 WASHINGTON, D.C. S-3, S-2, N-2 WEO ACE S-3/CATF AO S-2 RADIO AO, G/S-3 RADIO BN S-2 G/S-3 G/S-3 S-2 G/S-3 G/S-3 G/S-3 G/S-3 S-2/CI G/S-3 S-2 G/S-3 ELEM S-3s, ACE G/S-3 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ------------------------ DOCUMENT APPENDIX 9 RECONNAISSANCE APPENDIX 10 COUNTER C3 APPENDIX 11 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS APPENDIX 12 FIRE SUPPORT TAB A AIR FIRE PLAN TAB B ARTILLERY FIRE PLAN TAB C NAVAL SURFACE FIRE SUPPORT PLAN TAB D CHEMICAL FIRE PLAN TAB E TARGET LIST (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX Bl TAB F FIRE SUPPORT COORDINATION .PLAN TAB G FIRE SUPPORT COMMUNICATION PLAN TAB H COUNTERMECHANIZED FIRE PLAN TAB J ENEMY AIR DEFENSES PLAN APPENDIX 13 COUNTERMECHANIZED PLAN DRAFTER GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE FSC GCEAO S-3 DIS CATF (SACC) NCWEO CATF (SACC) GCE FSC GCE FSC GCE FSC MAGTF SASS (AIRO) GCE S-3 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG S-2, RECON ADVFORCE N-2 CMDR MAGTF S-3, G/S-3 ELEM S-3s, CEO MAGTF S-3, G/S-3 ELEM S-3s ALL FSCC REPS, G/S-3 (FSO) MEB FSO, ACE, CSSE, ATF REPS ALL FSCC REPS, G/S-3 ACE, MEBAO, (MAGTF AIR 0) CSSE, CARGRU MAGTF STAFF G/S-3 (FSO) ARTYBN GCE AND MAGTF G/S-3 (FSO, MAGTF NSFS 0) ATF AND MAGTF G/S-3 (FSO) STAFF ATF AND MAGTF G/S-3 STAFF ALL FSCC REPs, MAB G/S-3 (FSO) FSO, ACE, CSSE MAGTF COMM Os, G/S-3 (FSO) FSCC REPs, MAB CEO,CSSE FSCC REPs, ARMOR G/S-3 (FSO) REP, G-3/S-3, MAB FSO GCE, ACE, S-2 G/S-3 (FSO) GCE ENGR 0, FSCC, G/S-3 MAGTF S-3 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- FMFRP5-71 DOCUMENT TAB A COUNTERMECHANIZED OVERLAY APPENDIX 14 COUNTERATTACK PLAN TAB A OPERATIONS OVERLAY TAB B FIRE SUPPORT APPENDIX 15 BREACHING PLAN APPENDIX 16 OBSTACLEIBARRIER PLAN APPENDIX 17 OPERATIONS OVERLAY ANNEX D LOGISTICS/CSS APPENDIX 1 EXTERNAL SUPPORT APPENDIX 2 SUPPLY APPENDIX 3 MAINTENANCE APPENDIX 4 TRANSPORTATION APPENDIX 5 ENGINEER APPENDIX 6 HEALTH SERVICES APPENDIX 7 SERVICES APPENDIX 8 OTHER (AS REQUIRED) ANNEX E PERSONNEL APPENDIX 1 POWs, CIVILIANS, AND OTHER U.S. PERSONNEL DRAFTER GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE ENGR GCE ENGR GCE S-3 MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-4 (ENGR) MAGTF SURGEON MAGTF S/G-4 MAGTF S/G-1 MAGTF S/G-1 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG GCE ENGR 0, FSCC, G/S-3 MAGTF S-3 MAGTF S-3 G/S-3 MAGTF S-3 G/S-3 MAGTF S-3 G/S-3 (FSO) GCE S-3, MAGTF G-3, MAGTF MAGTF G-4, ACE S-3 ENGINEER MAGTF S-3/S-4, GCE MAGTF S-3, GSC, ACE S-3 ENGINEER MAGTF S-3, ELEM S-3s G/S-3 MAGTF ELEMENTS G-4 MAGTF ELEMENTS G-4 G-4 ATF STAFF G-4 ATF STAFF G-4 MAGTF ELEMENTS, G-4 ' ATF STAFF ATF STAFF, CSSE G-4 , ATF STAFF G-4 CATF STAFF G-1 CSSE G-1 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ------------------------7 CONTRIBUTING/COORDINATING MAGTF DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOG DOCUMENT MAGTF S/G-1 CSSE G-1APPENDIX 2 PROCESSING OF FORMS FOR CAPTURED, MISSING, OR DETAINED U.S. PERSONNEL APPENDIX 3 NONCOMBATANT EVACUEES MAGTF G-1 G/S-4, G/S-2, G/S-5 G/S-1 APPENDIX 4 FINANCE AND DISBURSING MAGTF G-1 COMPTROLLER G/S-1 APPENDIX 5 LEGAL MAGTFG-1, JAO, ELEM S-1s G/S-1 ELEM S-1 APPENDIX 6 POSTAL AND COURIER SERVICE MAGTF G-1, ELEM S-1s G/S-1 ELEM S-1 MAGTFG-1, G/A-3, 4, 5 G-1 APPENDIX 7 REPORTS ELEM S-1 GCE, ACE, CSSE CHIEF OF ANNEX F PUBLIC AFFAIRS PAO STAFF CHIEF OF APPENDIX 1 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS PAO MAGTF STAFF APPENDIX 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS PAO MAGTF CHIEF OF STAFF ANNEX G CIVIL AFFAIRS S-5 OR G-3 CATF, CSSE, GCE, G/S-5 OR G/S-3 ACE S-5 OR S-3 CSSE G/S-5 OR G/S-3 APPENDIX 1 PUBLIC SAFETY S-5 OR S-3 CSSE G/S-5 OR G/S-3 APPENDIX 2 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE APPENDIX 3 INFORMATION EDUCATION S-5 OR S-3 CSSE G/S-5 OR G/S-3 ANNEX H ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES S-4 S-2, S-3 (METRO) G/S-4 ANNEX J COMMAND RELATIONSHIPS MAGTF S-3 MAGTFCOS G/S-3 APPENDIX 1 COMMAND RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM MAGTF S-3 MAGTFCOS G/S-3 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------FMFRP 5-71 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DOCUMENT DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOG ANNEX K COMMAND AND CONTROL CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEOSYSTEMS CSSE APPENDIX 1 COMMUNICAliONS SECURITY CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEOCSSE, N-5 TAB A BEADWINDOW CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEOCSSE, N-5 TAB B GINGERBREAD CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEOCSSE, N-5 TAB C ELECTRONIC PROTECTION {EP) CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEO CSSE, N-5 TAB 0 CRYPTO MATRIX CEO CEOs, GCE, ACE, CEOCSSE, N-5 APPENDIX 2 C3 PROTECTION CEO, C3CM ALL USERS CEO APPENDIX 3 COMMUNICATION PLANNING CEO ALL USERS CEO APPENDIX 4 RADIO CIRCUIT PLAN N-5, CEOs, ACE, CEO GCE, CSSE TAB A RADIO GUARD CHART CEO FREQ COORDINATOR CEO TAB 8 COMMUNICATION TRAFFIC DIAGRAM CEO ALL USERS CEO TABC DCNDSC CEO NAVCOMSTA CEO APPENDIX 5 CAll SIGNS AND ROUTING CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEOCSSE, N-5 APPENDIX 61NTEGRATED WIRE AND CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEOMULTICHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS CSSE, N-5 TAB A MULTICHANNEL FREQUENCY CEO FREQ COORDINATOR, CEOASSIGNMENTS N-5 TAB 8 CHANNELIZATION CEO ALL USERS CEO TAB C MULTICHANNEL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CEO ALL USERS CEO TAB 0 WIRE DIAGRAM CEO ALL USERS CEO MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ------------------------9 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOG DOCUMENT TAB E TELEPHONE DIRECTORY CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO APPENDIX 7 VISUAL AND SOUND CSSE, OPS COMMUNICATIONS CEO APPENDIX 8 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CSSE,OPS APPENDIX 9 COMMAND POST DISPLACEMENT CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO CSSE,OPS APPENDIX 10 TACTICAL SATELLITE CEO OPERATIONS, GCE, CEO CSSE COMMUN!CATIONS CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO APPENDIX 11 CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS CSSE APPENDIX 12 COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO CSSE APPENDIX 13 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO CSSE PROCEDURES APPENDIX 14 MESSENGER SERVICE CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO CSSE CEO CEOs, ACE, GCE, CEO APPENDIX 15 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER CSSE INSTRUCTIONS CEO ALL USERS CEO TAB A AUTODIN CEO ALL USERS CEO TAB B COMMUNICATION GUARD INSTRUCTIONS CEO ALL USERS CEO TAB C MINIMIZE ANNEX L OPERATIONS SECURITY S-3 S-2, COMM 0, G-3 C3CMO APPENDIX 1 OPERATIONS SECURITY ESTIMATE G/S-3 G/S-2, COMM 0, G/S-3 C3CMO APPENDIX 2 OPERATIONS SECURITY THREAT G/S-3 G/S-2, COMM 0, G-3 C3CMO 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FMFRP 5-71 DOCUMENT APPENDIX 3 PROTECTIVE MEASURES ANNEX M MAPPING, CHARTING, AND GEODESY APPENDIX 1 MAPPING, CHARTING, AND GEODESY REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX 2 MAPPING, CHARTING, AND GEODESY TRANSPORTATION REQQUIREMENTS ANNEX N AIR OPERATIONS APPENDIX 1 AIR DEFENSE/ANTIAIR WARFARE TAB A DETAILED CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS TAB B SECTORS OF RESPONSIBILITY AND LOCATIONS OF AAW AGENCIES OVERLAY TAB C SECTOR SCRAMBLE PROCEDURES TAB D AIR DEFENSE WARNING PROCEDURES TAB E ANTIAIRCRAFT MISSILES AND AIRCRAFT COORDINATION TAB F COMBAT AIR PATROL TAB G ANTIAIRCRAFT MISSILES INSTRUCTIONS TAB H AIRBORNE EARLY WARNING INSTRUCTIONS TAB J DATA LINK/MANUAL CROSSTELL PROCEDURES TAB K OFFENSIVE AAW TAB l PASSIVE AIR DEFENSE TAB M AAW REPORTS AND CODES DRAFTER G/S-3 S-2 S-2 S-2 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG G/S-2, COMM 0, G-3 C3CMO N-2 G/S-2 G/S-3, G/S-2, G/S-4 G/S-2 G/S-3, G/S-1, G/S-4 G/S-2 ATF & MAGTF STAFF G/S-3 CSSE,GCE, G/S-3 HQAOs/CATF GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 CSSE, GCE, G/S-3 HQAOs/CATF GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 CSSE, GCE, HQ AOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 HQAOs · G/S.:3 HQAOs G/S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents -------------------------11 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOGDOCUMENT GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 APPENDIX 2 OFFENSIVE AIR SUPPORT ACE S-3 ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB A AIR CONTROL PROCEDURES TAB B FORWARD AIR CONTROLLER ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 (AIRBORNE) PROCEDURES TAB C BATILE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 REPORTING PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB D TARGET MARKING FOR AIR ATTACK ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB E GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB F AIR INTERDICTION AND ARMED RECONNAISSANCE ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3APPENDIX 3 ASSAULT SUPPORT ACE s~3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB A HELICOPTER LANDING ZONES (OVERLAY) ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB B HELICOPTER CONTROL AND PROCEDURES GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB C ASSAULT SUPPORT REQUEST FORM ACE S-3 ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB D HELICOPTER ESCORT PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB E COUNTERMECHANIZED PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB H HELICOPTER AVAILABILITY TABLE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN LANDING PLAN} GCE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB J HELITEAM WAVE AND SERIAL ASSIGNMENT TABLE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN LANDING PLAN) GCE S-3, GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB K HELICOPTER EMPLOYMENT AND ASSAULT LANDING TABLE (OMITTED IF ACE S-3 INCLUDED IN LANDING PLAN) ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/5-3 TAB L HELICOPTER LANDING DIAGRAM (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN LANDING PLAN) DOCUMENT APPENDIX 4 RECONNAISSANCE AND SURVEILLANCE PLAN TAB A jOINT TACTICAL AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE/SURVEILLANCE REQUEST FORM TAB B AIR OBSERVATION SUPPORT REQUEST FORM TAB C jOINT TACTICAL ELECTRONIC WARFARE REQUEST FORM APPENDIX 5 SUPPLEMENTARY AIR OPERATIONS TAB A AERIAL REFUELING TAB B PASSENGER AND CARGO MOVEMENT TAB C SEARCH AND RESCUE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX C) APPENDIX 6 AIRCRAFT ARMAMENT TAB A AIRCRAFT ORDNANCE CODES TAB B TARGET/AIRCRAFT LOAD MATRIX APPENDIX 7 AIR CONTROL TAB A AIRSPACE CONTROL TAB B ESTIMATE OF AIR CONTROL AGENCIES TAB C AIRSPACE CONTROL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM TAB D AIR CONTROL AGENCIES .LOCATION OVERLAY TAB E ENTRY/EXIT PROCEDURES AND AND ORBIT POINTS TAB F REPORT IN/OUT PROCEDURES TAB G TERMINAL CONTROL PROCEDURES TAB H IFF/SIF PROCEDURES DRAFTER MAGTF S-2 ACE S-2 ACE S-2 ACE S-2 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 ACE S-3 FMFRP 5-71 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG S-3 GCE, HQ AOs G/S-2 S-2 GCE, HQ AOs G/S-2 S-2 GCE, HQ AOs G/S-2 S-2 GCE, HQ AOs G/S-2 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 CGE, HQAOs, CATF G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents 13 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DOCUMENT DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOG TAB J AIR TASKING PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB K TAC(A) PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB Y REPORTS APPENDIX 8 AIR COMMUNICATIONS ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB A CALLSIGN AND FREQUENCY ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 ASSIGNMENTS TAB B LOST COMMUNICATIONS PROCEDURES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 APPENDIX 9 AIR MOVEMENT PLAN/FLIGHT FERRY ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB A TASK ORGANIZATION ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB B AIR FERRY SCHEDULE ACES-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB C MOVEMENT CONTROL ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB D COMMUNICATIONS ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB E AIR & SEA RESCUE ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 TAB Z REPORTS ACE S-3 HQAOs G/S-3 APPENDIX 10 AIRCRAFT SCHEDULES ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB AAW TAB B OAS ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB C ASSAULT SUPPORT ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 ACE S-3 S-2, GCE, HQ AOs G/S-3 TAB D AIR RECONNAISSANCE TAB E SUPPLEMENTARY AIR OPERATIONS ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 APPENDIX 11 AIR TASKING TAB A AIR TASKING PROCESS ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 TAB B AIR TASKING ORDER FORMAT ACE S-3 GCE, HQAOs G/S-3 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FMFRP 5-71 DOCUMENT ANNEX R AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS APPENDIX 1 ADVANCE FORCE OPERATIONS APPENDIX 2 EMBARKATION PLAN APPENDIX 3 LANDING PLAN TAB A LANDING DIAGRAM TAB B SERIAL ASSIGNMENT TABLE TAB C LANDING CRAFT AND AMPHIBIOUS ASSIGNMENT TABLE TAB D LANDING SEQUENCE TABLE TAB F AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE AVAILABILITY TABLE TAB G AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE EMPLOYMENT TABLE TAB H HELICOPTER AVAILABILITY TABLE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX N) TAB J HELITEAM WAVE AND SERIAL ASSAULT LANDING TABLE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX N) TAB K HELICOPTER EMPLOYMENT AND ASSAULT LANDING TABLE (OMITTED IF INCLUDED IN ANNEX N) TAB L HELICOPTER LANDING DIAGRAM APPENDIX 4 REHEARSAL PLAN APPENDIX 5 SHIP-TO-SHORE MOVEMENT AGENCIES APPENDIX 6 ACE CSS OPERATIONS ANNEX X EXECUTION CHECKLIST DRAFTER GCE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE,ACE, CSSE, S-4 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 ELEM S-3s CO/BTRY CMDR, BN S-3 GCE S-3 S-3 S-3 ACE S-3 GCE S-3 GCE S-3 ACE S-3 S-3 GCE G/S-3 ACE S-4 S-3 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF PERSONNEL HQCOG ACE N-3 ~/S-3 S-3, RECON G/S-3 CATF STAFF G/S-4 AOAAV NAVY G/S-3 G/S-3 (MEU ONLY) MAGTF S-3, N-3 G/S-3 AAV COMMANDER G/S-3 AAV COMMANDER GCEAO ACE/NAVY ACE/NAVY GCE, AO, S-2 GCE, ACE, CSSE S-3 G/S-3 CATF STAFF G/S-3 MAGTF-3, CSSE . CSSE G/S-4 G/S-3 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ----------------------15 CONTRIBUTING/ COORDINATING MAGTF DRAFTER PERSONNEL HQCOGDOCUMENT MAGTF G/S-3 ALL G/S-3 ANNEX Y REPORTS APPENDIX 1 RECURRING REPORTS ANNEX Z DISTRIBUTION MAGTF G/S-1 MAGTF G/S-3 G/S-1 DOCUMENT APPLICABILITY GUIDE IF THIS IS NOT A FACTOR -+ Nuclear Operations Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Amphbious Operations Enemy Mechanized Forces Minefields/Obstacles Antiair Warfare Assault Support Fire Support/Targeting THEN, THIS MAY BE OMITTED Annex C, Appendix 1 Annex C, Appendix 2 Annex B, Appendix 8 Annex R Annex C, Appendix 13 Annex C, Appendix 15 Annex C, Appendix 16 Annex N, Apendix 1 Annex N, Appendix 6 Annex B, Appendix 9 Annex N, Appendix 3 Annex B, Appendix 4 Annex C, Appendix 12 Annex N, Appendix 2 Annex N, Appendix 6 EXAMPLES AND SAMPLES OF ANNEXES, APPENDICES, TABS, AND ENCLOSURES MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number (U) ANNEX A (Task Organization) to OPORD ------------- Ref: Time Zone: Landing Force Aviation (TG 65.3) MajGen NORMAN 4th Marine Aircraft Wing MWHS-4 (-) (Rein) (TU 65.3 .1) Col JERRY MWHS-4 (-) Det 2d Dental Co, FMF Det 2d Radio Bn, FMF Det 7th Comm Bn, FMF CI Team No. 8 Col ROBERT MACG-48 (TU 65.3.2) H&HS-48(-) MACS-23 MACS-24 MASS-4 MASS-6 MWCS-48(-) 4th LAAM Bn (-) MATCS-48 Col HOWARD MWSG-47 (TU 65.3.3) HQSDN-47 WES-47 WTS-47 Col WALT MAG-41 (TU 65.3.4) MALS-41(-) VMFA-410 VMFA-411 VMFA-412 VMFA-413 VMGR-234(-) MAG-42 (TU 65.3.5) Col DAYTON H&MS-42 MABS-42 VMA-421 VMA-422 VMFA(AW)-425 VMFA(AW)-225 Det VMAQ-2 Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION MAG-43 (TU 65.3.6) MALS-43(-) VMA-431 VMA-432 VMFA-433 Det VMGR-234 Col BRYAN MAG-46 (TU 65.3.7) MALS-46 HMM-771 HMM-772 HMM-763 HMH-763 HMH-764 HML/A-765 HMH-766 HML/A-769 Col FRED MAG-40 (TU 65.3.8) Det MWHS-2 HMM-362 (-) (Rein) HMM-363(-) Det HMH-462 Det HML/A-267 Det MALS-26 VMA-513 Col LARRY SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS: Advance Base Depot, NB ROTA Force Logistics Support Group (TG 65.8) Naval Aircraft Rework Facility, NAS NAPLES Naval Air Station ROTA 21 Air Force (AMC) Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number ______________ (U) ANNEX B (Intelligence) to OPORD Ref: (a) Unit SOP for Intelligence (b) Maps, charts, etc. Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION 2. ( ) MISSION AND CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS a. ( ) Characteristics of Weather and Area of Operations. (1) ( ) Refer to Appendix 6 (Intelligence Estimate) . b. ( ) Summary of Enemy Situation. (1) ( ) Refer to Appendix 5 (Human Intelligence) . c. ( ) Estimate of Enemy Capabilities. (1) ( ) Refer to Appendix 6 (Intelligence Estimate) . a. ( ) Mission. Specifies the intelligence mission of the command and defines intelligence objectives which will be undertaken in support of the tactical mission of the command. b. ( ) Concept of Operations. Identifies intelligence agencies which will undertake the objectives stated in the preceding subparagraph. Describes manner of employment in general terms. c. ( ) Intelligence Support Available. Presents intelligence agencies which are not covered by the SOP (technical intelligence teams, other service intelligence agencies, etc). Delineates means of obtaining support from, and communicating with, said agencies. 3. ( ) INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES a. ( ) Refer to reference (a) Unit SOP for Intelligence. 4. ( ) ASSIGNMENT OF INTELLIGENCE TASKS a. Orders to subordinate and attached units. b. Requests to higher and adjacent units. c. Coordinating instructions. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 5 . COMMAND & CONTROL 6. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) APPENDICES: 1 -Essential Elements of Information (EEI) 2 -Signals Intelligence (Omitted) 3 -Counterintelligence (Omitted) 4 -Targeting (Omitted) 5 -Human Intelligence (Omitted) 6 -Intelligence Estimate (Omitted) 7 -Weather and Terrain (Omitted) 8 -Beach Study (Omitted) 9 -Helicopter Landing Zone Study 10 -Surveillance and Reconnaissance Plan DIS'fRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX OPORD 1 (Essential Elements of (U) Information [EEI]) to ANNEX B (Intelligence) to Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) GENERAL. This appendix lists detailed EEls that specifically apply to the planning and execution of an amphibious operation. The nature of the mission and amphibious objective area promulgated by the initiating directive will influence the determination of which EEls are applicable to a specific operation. Modifications, additions and deletions to these EEls will be promulgated by the CATF OPLAN as necessary. 2. ( ) The essential elements of information (EEis) listed below constitute the basis for planning an intelligence collection effort: a. Prior to D-day. List applicable EEl. b. D-day and Thereafter. List applicable EEI. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format 27 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 9 (Helicopter Landing Zone Study) to ANNEX B (Intelligence) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) Maps: Time Zone: 1. LANDING ZONE MAPLE a. Location. Centered at coordinate 957438, 4.5 miles east of Obj 2. b. Elevation. 140 feet. c. ( ) Orientation and Landmarks. The south boundary is 150 yards north of State Route 16. The northeast corner is 3,500 yards from Lake RAGTOO on a heading of 2100. The western and eastern edge are flanked by a dense pine forest. Also the eastern edge is flanked by the DORAE River. d. ) Size. The landing zone is rectangular, 650 yards east to west, 400 yards wide on the eastern end tapering to 250 yards at the west end. All of the landing zones are usable except for 1,000 square yards covered by pine trees in the west central section. e. ( ) Surface Materials. Fertile soil covered with thick grass. Trafficability is excellent except during periods of heavy rainfall which will considerably impede operations of wheeled vehicles. f. ( ) Obstacles. There are no obstacles to movement of ground forces. The 30-foot pine trees in the west central section of the landing zone and the 50-foot to 80-foot pine trees located on the west flank and east of the DORAE River are obstacles to helicopter operations. g. Slope. 5 degree incline from east to west. h. Local Use. Grazing land, normally occupied by cattle. i. ( ) Exits. State Route 16 is 150 yards from and parallels the south boundary, giving excellent exits to north and south. An exit by foot can be effected cross-country to the north through sparse scrub growth by foot troops or vehicles. To the west there is a narrow dirt road which leads from the rear of the northernmost dwelling to State Route 9, 2.5 miles due west. Exits to the east require bridging for both vehicles and foot troops. To the north is a 2 mile belt of scrub pine growth j. ) Adjacent Terrain. The area to the west and to the east of the DORAE river backed by cultivated land. is heavily wooded with 50-to 80-foot pine trees. To the south is a 1-mile belt of scrub pine growth backed by an extensive swamp area. Hill 379 (Obj 2), 2.5 miles to Page Number CLASSIFICATION eli.mple format· ~ l H < ~ FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION the west, and road junction 197 are the principal critical terrain features in the vicinity. k. { ) Prevailing Wind. During May the prevailing wind is from the north, 4 to 15 knots. 2. LANDING ZONE OAK 3. LANDING ZONE PINE Is/ {Name) {Rank, Service) {Position) OFFICIAL /s/ {Name) {Rank, Service) {Position) TAB: A -Helicopter Landing Zone Overlay {Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z {Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 10 (Surveillance and Reconnaissance Plan) to ANNEX B (Intelligence) to OPORD (U} Ref: (a) NWP 22-4 (b) Maps (to be issued) Time Zone: 1. ) SITUATION See Annex B, Intelligence. 2. ( ) MISSION CATF will employ air, ground, and remote sensor reconnaissance and surveillance assets to support amphibious operations. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of Operations. Reconnaissance and surveillance tasks will be conducted in support of operations and intelligence gathering efforts as specified in this Annex and reference (a) . b. ( ) Tasks (1) ( ) The Naval Special Warfare Group conducts beach and inland reconnaissance as tasked in Tab A to this Appendix. (2) ( ) Landing force reconnaissance units as tasked in Commander, Landing Force (CTF 19) OPLAN. (3) ( ) Inshore undersea warfare conducts remote sensor operations in accordance with Tab B to this Appendix. {4) { ) The aerial reconnaissance unit conducts air visual and aerial imagery reconnaissance in accordance with Tab A to this Appendix. c. ( ) Coordinating Instructions. Reconnaissance and surveillance requirements will be forwarded to CATF. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS See basic plan. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL See basic plan. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan B -Sensor Operations (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) (Omitted) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 31MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD________________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL a. Purpose. State the purpose of the annex. b. Mission. Refer to the basic plan or order. c. Area of Operations. Refer to Appendix 17 (Operations Overlay). d. Situation. Refer to the basic plan or order. 2. ( ) CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The concept of operations is normally included in the basic order or plan. This paragraph, therefore, may simply refer to the basic order or plan. However, if lengthy or detailed, the concept of operations is stated here or as Appendix 11 (Concept of Operations) . 3. ( ) CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS a. ( ) Nuclear Operations. State whether or not the employment of nuclear If so, refer to Appendix 1 (Nuclear Operations). If not, weapons is contemplated. Appendix 1 is omitted. b. NBC Defense. Refer to Appendix 2 (NBC Operations). c. Electronic Warfare. Refer to Appendix 3 (Electronic Warfare). d. ) Psychological Operations. Indicate whether psychological operations are anticipated. If so, refer to Appendix 4 (Psychological Operations) If not, Appendix 4 is omitted. Indicate whether special operations are anticipated. e. ( ) Special Operations. If so, refer to Appendix 5 (Special Operations). If not, Appendix 5 is omitted. f. Search and Rescue. Refer to Appendix 6 (Search and Rescue Operations). g. Deception. Refer to Appendix 7 (Deception). h. ( ) Rules of Engagement. Any specific rules of engagement are addressed in (Rules of Engagement) . this subparagraph or are included in Appendix 8 i. ( ) Reconnaissance. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence). Page Number ., CLASSIFICATION . ' sampl~ fonnat ' " " I' ~ "' ~ ' ~.m; ' \ ~ "• ' FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION j. Fire Support. Refer to Appendix 12 (Fire Support). k. Air Operation and Air Defense. Refer to Annex N (Air Operations). 1. Amphibious Operations. Refer to Annex R (Amphibious Operations). m. Other. Refer to any additional areas, such as the counterattack plan. n. Coordinating instructions. 4. ( ) OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS State any constraints to the conduct of operations. Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) APPENDICES: (Other appendices might be included) 1 -Nuclear Operations (Omitted) 2 -NBC Operations (Omitted) 3 -Electronic Warfare 4 -Psychological Operations (Omitted) 5 -Special Operations (Omitted) 6 -Search and Rescue Operations 7 -Deception 8 -Rules of Engagement 9 -Reconnaissance (Omitted) 10 -Counter C3 (Omitted) 11 -Concept of Operations 12 -Fire Support 13 -Countermechanized Plan (Omitted) 14 -Counterattack Plan (Omitted) 15 -Breaching Plan (Omitted) 16 -Obstacle/Barrier Plan (Omitted) 17 -Operations Overlay DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution Page Number CLASSIFICATION 33 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 3 (Electronic Warfare) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD__________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. ( ) Enemy. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence) for an estimate of the capabilities, limitations, and vulnerabilities of enemy communications, radar, and EW systems, including the enemy's ability to interfere with the accomplishment of the EW mission of the unit issuing the plan or order. b. ( ) Friendly. Provide a summary of friendly EW facilities, resources and organizations that may affect EW operations. c. ( ) Assumptions. State any assumptions on which EW operations are based. 2. ( ) MISSION State the mission to be accomplished by EW operations in support of the overall mission. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of Operations. Summarize the scope of EW operations and the methods and resources to be employed. b. ) Tasks. In separate, numbered sub-subparagraphs, assign EW tasks and responsibilities to each appropriate unit. c. ( ) Coordinating Instructions. Include instructions applicable to two or more subordinate units. 4. ( ) GUIDING PRINCIPLES State or refer to policies, doctrines, and procedures that provide guidance to be followed for the execution of the plan or order. Describe any EW constraints that apply to the operation. 5. ( ) SPECIAL MEASURES Provide guidance on the employment of each activity, special measure, or procedure that is to be used. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 6. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Refer to Annex D (Logistics/CSS). Provide a statement of the administrative andlogistic requirements for EW. Include instructions for special reporting. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 35 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number (Search and Rescue Operations) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD___________APPENDIX 6 __(U} Ref: (a) CTF 61 OPLAN 9999, OPERATION FLANKER (b) CINCLANT EXERCISE OPLAN 2099 (NOTAL) (c) Combat Search and Rescue Procedures AO 525/90/NWP 19-2/AFR 64-3 FM 20-150/NWP 37/AFM 64-2/CG-308 (d) National Search and Rescue Manual, (e) Navy Search and Rescue (SAR) Manual, NWP 19-1 Time Zone: 1. SITUATION Search and rescue operations will be conducted for the rescue and evacuation of friendly personnel in distress. The principal consideration for the successful conduct of SAR is centralized control. Transfer of airspace control will be in accordance with reference (a) . Within the AOA, the enemy is expected to take a. ( ) Enemy. See Annex B. hostile action against SAR aircraft. Escort and cover procedures set forth in Annex N, Appendix 1 will be used. b. ( ) Friendly. All forces listed in Annex A, reference (a). Reference (b) establishes responsibilities, procedures, and facilities for SAR operations in support of TRANSLANT. and (d) will c. ( ) Definitions. Standard definitions as listed in reference (c) be used. d. ( ) Assumptions. None 2. ( ) MISSION CTF-65,3(LFA) assumes SAR responsibility for the landward sector of the AOA when control is passed ashore. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. Concept of Operations. See Annex C. b. ( ) Concept of SAR Operations. SAR operations will be conducted in accordance with references (a) through (d) as detailed in the appendix. CTF-61 has the mission to monitor and coordinate SAR operations within the AOA and the seaward sector of the JTFOA in order to render aid to persons and property in distress. The CATF's tactical air officer controls all SAR operations for the Officer in Tactical Command (OTC) and is responsible for coordination of SAR operations with other task groups and task units. LFA helicopters and other rescue facilities may be assigned the responsibility of implementing SAR operations for the tactical air officer. As Page Number CLASSIFICATION . r example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION responsibilities for coordination and control are assigned to the Landing Force (TG-65), the TAC will assume responsibility for SAR operations within the landward section of the AOA. The tactical air officer will retain coordination and control of SAR operations seaward. c. ( ) Tasks of Subordinate Units (1) ( ) MAG-46 will conduct SAR missions in support of LFA combat operationsand maintain ready SAR helicopters in appropriate alert status commensurate with the tempo of operations. (2) ( ) All Marine aircraft groups will provide forces, as available, on a not to interfere with primary mission basis, to assist SAR coordinators in SAR operations. All squadrons are available to be called upon to participate in SAR operations at any time. Therefore, all unit operations officers will be familiar with standard SAR procedures set forth in references (a) through (e) . Aircrew briefings will include SAR responsibilities, procedures, and supporting SAR forces available during deployment and employment phases of OPERATION FLANKER. d. ( ) Tasks of Friendly Forces (1) ( ) Joint Task Force 122 (JTF-122) (a) ( ) CJTF-122 will establish a joint rescue center (JRC) coordinatingall SAR operations in the JTFOA. (b) ( ) Establish liaison with SAR subregion coordinators for the exchangeof intelligence and coordination in SAR matters. (c) ( ) Keep CINCLANT and CINCLANTFLT informed of all SAR matters occurring in the Atlantic and Mediterranean that may come under the cognizance of JTF-122. (d) ( ) Provide forces, as available, to assist SAR subregion coordinators in SAR incidents during the operational deployment phase of the amphibious task force. (2) ( ) Amphibious Task Force (TF-61) (a) Establish and maintain SAR coordination center in the TACC. (b) ( ) Initiate SAR procedures for all SAR incidents within the AOA and provide forces and facilities to the fullest practical extent and requiredcoordination net participation with other agencies or:units. (c) ( ) Conduct SAR missions in support of own,. combat operations and maintain ready SAR units in appropriate alert status commensurate within the tempoof operations. ' ' (d) Retain responsibility for SAR control and coordination within the seaward sector of the AOA after control of other air operations has been passedashore. e. ) Coordinating Instructions Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION (1) ) As defined in reference (a) . (2) ) Nothing herein relieves the commander of an independent command or unit of his inherent responsibility for the safety of personnel, aircraft, or vehicles under his command. Independent action by separate units will be reported to the SAR coordination center (SCC) or the SAR subordinate commander (SSC) . (3) ( ) Diagrams of SAR responsibilities: SAR Coordinator (RCC) Norfolk Subregion Fifth Coast Guard Norfolk, Virginia SAR Coordinator JTFOA JTF-122 SAR Subordinate Commander (SCC) OTC/CTF-61 SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) Assigned by OTC SAR Subordinate Commander (SSC) TAC/CTF-65 SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) Assigned by TACC (Ashore) SAR On-Scene Commander (OSC) The first ship or aircraft on the scene of incident (4) ( ) SAR responsibilities for the RCC, sec, SMC, sse, and osc are described in detail in Appendix 6, Annex C, reference (a). 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS a. ( ) Administration. See basic plan. This headquarters will provide the TACC and TU operations officers copies of the following: (1) Surface/Air SAR Incident Report Form. (2) Rescue Report (SAR Form 37-1) . (3) Situation Report Format (SAR) . (4) Sample Narrative Form (SAR) . (5) SAR Mission Coordinator's Check-Off List. (6) SAR On-Scene Commander Instructions. b. ( ) Logistics. See Annex D. Page Number CLASSIFICATION FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Command. Command of SAR units remains with the parent authority. Operational control within the search area is exercised by the designated SMC or OSC. Operational control of units enroute to or from a search area will be exercised by the appropriate TACC. b. ( ) Control. There are two basic nets/channels for communications within the search area. They are the on-scene and the control nets. (1) ( ) SAR units on-scene use the on-scene channel to communicate among themselves. On this channel, the OSC and ships and aircraft assigned to him in his search area make assignments and receive their reports. (2) ( ) The OSC uses the control channel to pass reports to and receive orders and information from the SMC or shore radio station. On-scene units must not use the control channel for communications among themselves. (3) ( ) On-scene channel frequencies: ,, Band Primary Secondary VHF(V) 123.1MHZ 121.SMHz UHF(V) 282.8 MHZ 381.81 383.9, 243.0 MHZ SSB(V) 2703.5 kHz 2676.5 kHz VHF/FM 157.15MHz 157.10MHz (4) ( ) Control channel frequencies CW/BATT Voice SSB 2690 kHz 2702 kHz 4436 kHz 466 kHz 2640 kHz 2104.9 kHz (5) ) Emergency and distress frequencies: Frequency Emission Authorized Use 2182 kHz v International distress and calling 8364 kHz cw International lifeboat, lifecraft and survival craft 121.5 mHz v Aircraft and ships (SAR and VHF/DF primary) 156.8 mHz v National distress and calling 243.0 mHz v Survival craft and U.S. military aircraft (6) ( ) Frequency 2182 kHz is the International Maritime Mobile MF Distress frequency. Frequency 243.0 MHz is the UHF Military Common Emergency frequency. Frequency 121.5 is the International Aeronautical Emergency frequency. Emergency frequencies should not be used as on-scene working frequencies unless no other frequency is operative. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 7 {Deception) to ANNEX C {Operations) to OPORD________________ {U) Ref: List documents and other plans which have a significant bearing on the conduct of deception. Time Zone: 1. { ) SITUATION a. General. Summarize the general situation. b. ) Enemy. Refer to Annex B {Intelligence). Summarize the enemy capability to prevent attainment of the planned objectives, including his ability to conduct offensive operations against friendly forces. {1) Access probable enemy appreciation of the situation. {2) Provide an assessment of the enemy's intelligence capabilities and effectiveness to determine the intentions, objectives, and capabilities of friendly forces supporting the basic plan. {3) { ) Provide an assessment of enemy capabilities and operations to use deception and counter deception against friendly forces, including those affecting u. s. appreciation of the situation. c. Friendly. Provide a summary of deception planning resources. d. Assumptions. State any assumptions as to friendly or enemy capabilities and courses of action that may significantly influence the planning of deception operations. 2. { ) MISSION State the mission to be accomplished by deception operations in support of the mission undertaken in the basic plan. 3 . ( ) EXECUTION a. { ) Concept of Operations. State the general concept for the conduct and control of deception. b. { ) Tasks. State the deception planning tasks assigned to the deception staff in support of the basic plan. c. { ) Objectives. List specific deception objectives required to support stated planning tasks. Incorporate into a separate tab if necessary. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION d. ( ) Phasing Schedule. Provide a table which shows the time-phasing, normally with reference to D-day, for the initiation/completion of individual deception operations. Incorporate as a separate tab if necessary. e. ( ) Coordinating Instructions. Provide instructions for coordination with higher and adjacent headquarters during both plan development and the implementation of plans. f. ( ) Security. State special access, handling, and security requirements to protect deception aspects of the basic plan. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Refer to appropriate annexes that provide instructions pertaining to logistic and administrative support for deception operations. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL Describe any special command arrangements necessary for the conduct of deception operations including instructions on the establishment of a task force to carry out deception operations prior to the initiation of other operations prescribed in the basic plan. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 43 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 8 (Rules of Engagement) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD________________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. ( ) General. Describe the general situation anticipated at the time of execution of the plan or order. Provide all information needed to give subordinate units accurate insight concerning the rules of engagement. b. ( ) Enemy. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence). Describe enemy capabilities, tactics, techniques, and probable courses of action that may impact the rules of engagement. c. ( ) Assumptions. State any assumptions on which the rules of engagement are based. 2. ( ) MISSION Provide a concise statement of the application of the rules of engagement in support of the mission. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of Operations. Summarize the intended course of action and state the application of the rules of engagement. b. Tasks. Describe ROE promulgation tasks required of subordinate units. c. Coordinating Instructions. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS State any requirements for special reports. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 5. { ) COMMAND AND CONTROL Provide pertinent data such as identification of friend, a statement of geographic boundaries or control measures are applicable. foe, or neutral policy and where rules of engagement /sf {Name) {Rank, Service) {Position) OFFICIAL /sf {Name) {Rank, Service) {Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z {Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 45 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Concept of Operations) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD,_______________ APPENDIX 11 (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) MISSION State the mission of the force. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT In separate lettered subparagraphs, describe the conduct of the operation in logical sequence. The sequence used should address major units and the time-phasing of the operation. In a separate subparagraph, the reserve must be designated and discussed. In the final subparagraph, reference should be made to the operation and overlays. /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format 47 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Fire Support) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD,_______________ (U) APPENDIX 12 Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. Enemy Forces. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence). List units providing fire support for the operation. b. Friendly Forces. c. Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization). 2. ( ) MISSION • Provide a mission statement for fire support elements. 3. ( ) EXECUTION In separate lettered subparagraphs, restate the concept of operations and assign fire support tasks to all fire support units. a. ( ) Concept of Operations. Refer to paragraph 3a of the basic order or to Appendix 11 (Concept of Operations) . b. ( ) Air Support (1) General (2) Allocation/Availability (3) Miscellaneous c. ( ) Artillery Support (1) General (2) Organization for combat (3) Miscellaneous d. ( ) Naval Surface Fire Support (l) General . (2) Assignment of Support. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION {3) { ) Miscellaneous. e. { ) Chemical Support {1) General. {2) Assignment. {3) Miscellaneous. f. Nuclear Support. Refer to Appendix 1. {Nuclear Operations) . g. { Fire Support Coordination. Refer to Tab F {Fire Support Coordination Plan). h. { Coordinating Instructions. 4. { ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Refer to Annex D {Logistics/CSS) . 5. { ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. State FSCC, DASC, and CP locations. b. Control. Refer to Annex K {Command & Control Systems). /s/ {Name) {Rank, Service) {Position) OFFICIAL /s/ {Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 49 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB A (Air Fire Plan) to APPENDIX 12 (Fire Support) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD ______(U) Ref: (a} 4th MARDIV OPLAN 9999 (U) (b) IV MEF/CTF-65 OPLAN 9999 (U} (c) FMFM 2-7, Fire Support in MAGTF Operations (d) FMFM 5-40, Offensive Air Support Time Zone: 1. GENERAL The purpose of this tab is to provide a graphic illustration of a. ( } Purpose.the preplanned airstrikes scheduled in direct support of the 4th MARDIV scheme of maneuver (see reference (a}}. This tab also appears joining similar tabs for artillery in Appendix 12, Annex C, references (a} and (b), and naval gunfire to reflect the fire plans of all supporting arms within the framework of a single document. Enclosures 1 through 3 of this tab reflect all prearranged air b. ( } Scope. fire to be furnished by LFA within the 4th MARDIV area of responsibility on D-day, including on-call and on-station aircraft. c. ( } Definitions. Standard definitions as listed in references (c) and (d) will be used. The following are essential: (1} ( ) Preplanned Air Support. Air support in accordance with a program planned in advance of operations. (2) ( ) Prearranged Fire. Fire that is formally planned and executed against targets or target areas of known location and is executed during a predetermined period of time. The term used to signify that a prearranged concentration, (3) ( ) On-Call. airstrike, or final protective fire may be called for. A type of air support mission that is not requested (4} ( } Call Mission.sufficiently in advance of the desired time of execution to permit detailed planning and briefing of pilots prior to take off. Aircraft scheduled for this type of m~ssion are on air, ground, or carrier alert, and are Call missions respond to immediate mission requests. armed with a prescribed load. (5} ( ) Area of Operations. The area of operations is that delineated area in which a commander can deploy his troops (including patrols} and can engage targets without specific approval or clearance from higher headquarters. The ground combat element commander has absolute control of the terrain and airspace encompassed by his area of operations boundaries. Each area of operations has lateral, rear, and forward boundaries. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 2. ( ) CONCEPT OF AIR FIRE SUPPORT Landing force aviation (LFA) provides air fire in direct support of 4th MARDIV amphibious assault. Each unit of the ground combat element prepares a plan for airfire support to compliment naval gunfire and artillery fire plans. This planrepresents the ground unit's initial request for air fire support to be delivered in the ground unit's area of operations. Initial requests are forwarded via the chain of command for analysis modification, approval, and incorporation into the fire support plan for each succeeding ground unit. Upon approval by the CLF, each ground unit prepares an Air Fire Plan Tab (Tab A, Appendix 12 to Annex C) . It includes all preplanned air strikes to be furnished to that unit from LFA or other air elements supporting the amphibious task force. a. ( ) Pre-D-day Air Fire. Landing force (TF-65) requirements for pre-D-day airoperations concern primary intelligence needs and fire support to reduce the enemy'sability to withstand the amphibious assault. LFA (TG-65.3) conducts pre-D-day airoperations in accordance with Tab A, Appendix l, Annex·N. b. ( ) D-day Air Fire. LFA provides air fire in direct support of 4th MARDIV, inaccordance with enclosures (1) through (3). (1) ( ) Aircraft deliver prearranged fire for pre-H-hour neutralization oflanding beaches and helicopter landing zones. (2) ( ) Commencing H-hour, conducts close air support by deliveringprearranged fire, both scheduled and on-call, against targets selected for destruction. (3) ( ) LFA aircraft scheduled for close air support call missions are listedin enclosure (1) to this tab. c. ( ) Post-D-day Air Fire. Air fire in direct support of 4th MARDIV in accordance with Tabs C and D, Appendix l, Annex Nand daily ATOs. d. ( ) Coordinating Instructions (1) ( ) Pre-H-hour air strikes directed by TAC(A). Airborne forward aircontrollers mark targets as required. (2) ( ) As terminal controller's become operational ashore, they will originate all requests for on-call air strikes within the fire support coordination line. (3) FSCLs as delineated; enclosure {3) to this tab. (4) Immediate mission requests will be received by the TACC, referred tothe fire support coordinator and the supporting arms coordinator. Call mission aircraft will be assigned as appropriate. (5) ( ) Airspace coordination areas, and general safety procedures as set forth in Tab F, Appendix 2, Annex N. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 51MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION 3. { ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Logistic~. See Annex D. b. Administration {1) { ) BDA reports received by TAC{A), FAC{A) •s, and flight leaders will be submitted in accordance with paragraph 4, Annex N. {2) { ) Any changes or modifications to Enclosures {1) through (3) of this tab will be directed by frag order. 4. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. TAC(A) call sign: PLAYBOY. b. Terminal controller position marking: red smoke plus mirror signal on request. c. Code word for mirror signal: EIGHTBALL. d. Emergency signal to lift airstrike: green star cluster. Emergency code word to lift airstrike: BEATNIK, acknowledge. e. ENCLOSURES: 1 -Preplanned Close Air Support Schedule 2 -Air Target List 3 -Air Fire Plan Target Overlay Page Number CLASSIFICATION 53 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to TAB A (Air Fire Plan) to APPENDIX 12 ENCLOSURE 1 (Preplanned Close Air Support) (Fire Support) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: ATK PULL TGT CNTRL REMARKS LN # TGT TYPE AIRCRAFT TOT/TOS MSN ORDNANCE DIR -OUT MARK AGNCY DIR VMA FAE H-25 90 DASC BRIEFING AND 1 AZ PREP CONTROL BY LF 0001 AIR 40 -DO 2 AA PREP VMA FAE H-25 9001 3 AZ CAS VMFA GROUND DASC -DO9029 ROCKEYE ALERT ON-CALL H-60 TO H+60 4 AZ CAS VMFA AIR 100 DASC -DO9031 ROCKEYE ALERT ON-CALL H-25 TO H+10 RKT TAC(A) TAC{A) MARKS 5 xz CAS VMA 500 H-2 HRS 45 CTR TGT W/RKTS 2003 GP/RKT/ 20MM WP TERMINAL NGF MARKS ON 6 AB CAS VMA H-5 TO 90 3536 NAPALM/ H+S CONTROLLER REQ FLT LDR 20MM 7 AB CAS VMA H-4 60 YELLOW TERMINAL ARTY MARKS ON SMOKE CONTROLLER REQ FLT LDR 1261 NAPALM/ SNAKEYE 8 zx CAS VMA 500 H-HOUR 70 RKT TAC(A) TAC{A) MARKS CTR TGT W/RKTS 2005 GP/RKT/ 20MM Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 55 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Air Target List) to TAB A (Air Fire Plan) to Appendix 12 (Fire Support) ENCLOSURE 2 to ANNEX C (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: LN TGT TGT TGT COORD SIZE DIR/DIST SOURCE REMARKS # # DESCRIPTION UTM METERS FRIENDLY UNITS 2660 1790 PT TGT 170/ 11-100 HEAVY FOLIAGE 1 AZ ROCKET LAUNCHER0001 248 128 2000 X 180/2000 AO 100 IMMEDIATE 2 AA-90 INF ASSY AREA 1000 CASUALTIES 001 279 128 1200 X 1200 X 175/2000 A0-100 IMMEDIATE 3 AZ INF ASSY AREA 800 800 CASUALTIES 9029 CONTAMINATEDAREA 4 AZ INF ASSY 2590 1350 TO 2300 X 190/3500 A00-100 -DO2620 1350 500 9031 5 xz AA RADAR SITE 249 168 PT TGT 140/6500 11-50 IF NOT DESTROYEDBY AIR, NGF WILL 2003 ATTACK 6 AB TRENCH W/MG 290 116 100 X 200 180/500 OP-50 SKED BY NGF 3536 7 AB AW BUNKER 270 115 PT TGT 180/500 A0-100 SKED BY ARTY 1261 8 xz FROG 2 SITE 2950 1750 200 X 200 180/7000 II-50 IN DEFILADE 2005 Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 57 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 3 (Air Fire Plan Target Overlay) to TAB A (Air Fire Support) to APPENDIX 12 (Fire Support) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) Map: Series J741, Sheets II, III 2003 0001 +17 ~ f FSCL(~~EF) 120600 120600 I x1 ( X />Z I9031 NFL (1ST MAROIV) NFL (1ST MAROIV) ........ l.······································· 120600 / v AA ~ 9001 Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 59 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB J (Enemy Air Defenses Plan) to APPENDIX 12 (Fire Support) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL The FSCC working in conjunction with artillery, mortar and air elements will conduct fire in support of close air support (CAS)suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) missions during the operation. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT a. ( ) SEAD fires will be conducted in the following manner: (1) ) The terminal controller calls in the joint tactical air request via the TAR net or the TACP local net. (2) ) The terminal controller will coordinate with the ALO g1v1ng him the grid of the target that needs to be marked, the IP, attack heading and any known air defense weapons. (3) ( ) The FSCC will select known air defense targets based on input from the S-2 and other intelligence sources. (4) ( ) The FSCC will decide which assets will be used to mark the target and which will be used for suppression. The artillery liaison officer and/or the 81mm mortar representative will send a flak suppression and mark request to their respective FDC's. The artillery liaison officer will use the appropriate level fire direction net and state the grid to be marked and the grid(s) to be suppressed. Selected air defense targets will be sent to the terminal controller (5) ( ) by the ALO. (6) The aircraft will check in with the terminal controller. (7) The terminal controller will brief the aircraft giving him the TOT This time is the exact time the Terminal(synchronized clock) or a TTT (time hack) . For this reason, pilots must Controller desires the weapon(s) to hit the target. adjust their timing to consider weapon time of flight/time of fall. (8) ( ) The aircraft will "ROGER" the TOT/TTT affirming that he is capable of delivering his ordnance on time. If there is insufficient time, the pilot will request a new TOT/TTT. (9) ( ) The terminal controller will pass the TOT/TTT to the ALO. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 60 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (10) ( ) The ALO will alert the FSCC. The artillery liaison officer will coordinate the TOT/TTT with artillery unit(s). (11) ( ) Suppression of air defense fires optimally being 5 minutes prior to the TTT. These fires are a mixture of HE, smoke, and WP. (12) ( ) The marking round is fired at TTT minus 30 seconds plus the time of flight of the round. The round must impact on or near the air target 30 seconds prior to the TTT, dependent on weather conditions and wind velocity. (13) ( ) The marking will be a WP round on the target area, with an illumination round 300 meters above the target. (14) ( ) The aircraft pops up, sees the mark, acquires the target and initiates his final approach. (15) ( ) The terminal controller simultaneously identifies the target from themark. The aircraft will announce "wings level" and, if the attack heading is acceptable, the terminal controller will "clear hot." If the aircraft is not clearedhot in a very few seconds, he will abort the attack on his own. b. Aircraft Schedule. See Annex N (Air Operations) . c. Armament. See Annex N (Air Operations) . 3. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. See Appendix 12 (Fire Support) to this Annex. b. Control. Annex K (Command & Control Systems). Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Operations Overlay) to ANNEX C (Operations) to OPORD·_______________ (U) APPENDIX 17 Ref: Time Zone: + CLASSIAt.-.TlON eo,NO._ol_ ..•···· 24th MA.R{Raln) 1000 30 R Sep 199_ - MX66-1 G -10(0ponollons-to......,.c (()ponl-) B Ref (a) Mop ET23 CUBA, Sheeb 31761, II Ill, IV, onc1 SIT 81, IV, 3-AMS (MM), 1:30,000 U.R TUFUR Colonel, U.S. Marirw Corps Connendlng ······························ OFACAL.: O.P.TMREE Majoo G-2 OISTRIBunON: Annex Z(Disribu!lon) to OpOnl ofNo.10.7_ 1.28 I I · 0 24 00 .. 32~6+·· ~-+ 23~· 72 Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 62 CLASSIFICATION TAB: A -AOA Overlay (Omitted) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION FMFRP 5-71 /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) 63 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Concept of Aviation Logistic Support) to ANNEX D (Logistics) to OPORD APPENDIX 8 (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. MISSION Provide aviation logistical support for the Aviation Combat Element (ACE) . 2. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS The tactical concept of operations is analyzed in the areas listed below to determine time periods which have significantly different CSS requirements. a. Period I. D-Day to D+__ . (1) Fly-In Support Package Authorization (FISP) . State whether or not HQMC ASL has authorized deployment of the FISP. (2) Peculiar Contingency Support Package (PCSP). State requirement to move PCSP to host MALS. (3) Level of Support. (a) Intermediate (I) Level Maintenance Support. Level of I-level support expected during period I. (b) Aviation Supply Support. Level of supply support expected during period I. (c) Method of Deployment. Statement of how I-level maintenance and supply support will be moved to the area of operations. (d) Follow-on Equipment. Statement of how remain behind capabilities will be effected. (e) Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Teams (ABDR) . Statement of availability/necessity of depot ABDR teams. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (f) Availability of Flight Operations In Support of Deployed Units (FISDUs) . Statement of availability and points of origination and entry into area of operations. b. Period II. D+ to D+ As above. c. Period III. D+ to D+ As above. 3. PROVISION OF AVIATION LOGISTICS SUPPORT How aviation logistical support will be provided is described for each of the areas listed within each period. a. Period I (1) Marine Aviation Logistics Squadrons(MALS). Each organic host MALS is described using the following format: (a) Locations. May be an overlay. (b) Task Organizations and Command Relationships. (c) General Capabilities and Status. See Tabs. (2) Personnel (a) Strengths. Strength of each MALS support element (SE). b. Period II. As above. c. Period III. As above. Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS A -Aircraft Maintenance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support B -Aviation Supply Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support C -Aviation Ordnance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support D -Automated Data Processing Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number to APPENDIX 8 TAB A Aviation Maintenance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support (Concept of Aviation Logistics Support) to ANNEX D (Logistics) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL The host MALS aircraft maintenance officer (AMO) will coordinate all squadron intermediate and depot maintenance requirements. 2. CONCEPT a. Period I. (1) Support Equipment (SE) Availability. A listing of all SE which will be on-site through Period I is provided. The SE will be supported using a pool concept, and managed by the MALS AMO. (2) I Level Support. I level support during Period I will consist of battery maintenance, cryogenics, tire and wheel build-up, support equipment Elements maintenance, and non-destruct inspection (NDI) . All augmenting MALS-Support (MALS-SE) Personnel will consolidate under the host MALS AMO upon arrival. b. Period II. The SE will (1) SE Availability. An updated listing of SE is provided. be provided to users as required on a subcustody basis. (2) I Level Support. I level support will consist of the full I level capability. 3. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Aircraft Material Readiness Reporting (AMRR). All squadrons will submit an AMRR by 0600 daily to the MALS AMO in the format of ENCLOSURE (1) to this appendix. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION b. All requests for planner estimator (P&E) and ABDR team services will be submitted by the MALS AMO. c. Squadrons will request authorization to move SE to remote operating sites from the MALS S-3. ENCLOSURES: 1 -AMRR Format (Omitted) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB B Aviation Supply Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support to APPENDIX 8 (Concept of Aviation Logistics Support) to ANNEX D (Logistics) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL The host MALS aviation supply officer (AVNSUPO) will receipt, process, and expedite all squadron and IMA aviation supply requirements. 2. CONCEPT Period I. Supply support will be provided from the FISP and squadron owned Element (MALS-SE) Supply a. pre-expended bins (PEBs) . All augmenting MALS-Support (CSP) Personnel will consolidate under the host MALS AVNSUPO upon arrival. Pack-up inventories and requisitions will be managed using current version of Stand-Alone Material Management System (SAMMS) . OFC-01 financial accounting will be accomplished utilizing Aviation Storekeepers Information Tracking (ASKIT) system. OFC-50/09/10 financial accounting will be accomplished by the parent MALS using returned deployed SAMMS transactions. b. Period II. All PCSPs will be consolidated and full supply support under automated conditions will begin. 3. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION return the daily high priority a. All squadrons will review, update, and report to the ASO by 0500 daily. b. During phase I, the host MALS AVNSUPO will reconcile all high priority requisitions/requirements daily. All other requisitions/ requirements will be reconciled weekly with the parent MALS AVNSUPO. c. During phase I, all transactions (issues/requisitions) will be transmitted to the parent MALS AVNSUPO daily at 2400 via Streamline Automated Logistics Transmission System (SALTS) . Use of the most economical transmission media is directed. INMARSAT should be used as a last recourse. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION d. During phase II, all not carried and not in stock requisitions will be transmitted to the point of entry (FISC _____) daily at 2400 via INMARSAT. Use of the most economical transmission media is directed. INMARSAT should be used as a last recourse. e. Squadrons requiring pack-ups to support operations in remote areas will submit pack-up requests to the MALS S-3 upon notification. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB C Aviation Ordnance Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support to APPENDIX 8 (Concept of Aviation Logistics Support) to ANNEX D (Logistics) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL The host MALS aviation ordnance officer (OrdO) will provide assembly and distribution of Class V(A) and distribution of Class V(W) ammunition to all supported squadrons. 2. CONCEPT a. Period I. (1) Aviation Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE) . A listing of expected to be on hand is provided. All augmenting MALS-SE AWSE will be consolidated into an ordnance pool. (2) Personnel. All augmenting MALS-SE ordnance personnel will consolidate under the host MALS OrdO upon arrival. (3) Ordnance . (a) A listing of all class V(A) ordnance expected to be on hand. (b) A listing of all class V(W) ammunition expected to be on hand. b. Period II. As above regarding signifiant changes. 3. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. All squadrons will provide projected ordnance requirements to the MALS Ordo by Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB D Automated Data Processing Provisions for Aviation Logistics Support to APPENDIX 8 (Concept of Aviation Logistics Support) to ANNEX D (Logistics) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL The host MALS aviation supply officer (AVNSUPO) will provide data processing support to facilitate the execution of aircraft maintenance and supply functions. 2. CONCEPT a. Period I. All requisitions and accounting will be accomplished via non-Shipboard Uniform Allowance Data Processing System (non-SUADPS)/Naval Aviation Logistics Command Information System (NALCOMIS) systems. b. Period II. Supply support under automated conditions will begin. 3. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number (Command and Control Systems) (U) ANNEX K to OPORD Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL a. ( ) Purpose. State the purpose of the annex; i.e., to provide guidance for the conduct of command and control support of the operation. b. ( ) Situation (1) ( ) Enemy Forces. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence) and provide specific information on the enemy's communication facilities and capabilities, electronic warfare capability, and the exploitation of those facilities and capabilities. (2) ( ) Friendly Forces. Note higher, adjacent, and/or supporting units or facilities involved in communications-electronics support of the operation. (3) Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization). (4) ) Assumptions. State any assumptions on which communicationselectronics planning is based. 2. ( ) MISSION State the command and control systems mission of the command. Normally this statement will include the time communications-electronics agencies will commence and terminate operations. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Guiding Principles. Reference appropriate unit SOPs. Outline principles that are necessary for coordination and guidance but are not covered in SOPs. Selected policies or procedures contained in the references but which require emphasis may be included. b. ( ) Operational Concept. Describe how the entire operation is visualized from a communications-electronics viewpoint. Particular emphasis is placed on aspects of the basic plan which establish communications-electronics requirements, capabilities, and limitations. c. ( ) Tasks and Responsibilities. Assign, in separate numbered subcommand and control tasks for the issuing unit and for subordinate subparagraphs, units. In addition, instructions for functional communications-electronics systems Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION such as fire support, air defense, and special intelligence communications are also set forth. d. ( ) Special Measures Provide information regarding special measures or procedures necessary to support the mission, but not set forth in paragraph 3. 5. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Refer to Annex D (Logistics/CSS) . Provide a statement of logistic matters that affect the command and control system of the command. Note administrative matters significant to the command and control system mission, as well as reporting requirements. /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) APPENDICES: 1 -Communications Security 2 -C3 Protection (Omitted) 3 -Communication Planning (Omitted) 4 -Radio Circuit Plan (Omitted) 5 -Call Signs and Routing (Omitted) 6 -Wire and Multichannel Radio Plan (Omitted) 7 -Visual and Sound Communication (Omitted) 8 -System Management and Control (Omitted) 9 -Command Post Displacement (Omitted) 10 -Tactical Satellite Communications (Omitted) 11 -Contingency Communications (Omitted) 12 -Commercial Communications (Omitted) 13 -Special Maintenance Procedures (Omitted) 14 -Messenger Service (Omitted) 15 -Communications Center Instructions (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 1 (Communications Security) to ANNEX K (Command and Control Systems) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) FMFM 10-1 Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL a. ( ) Communications security is the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from the possession and study of communications. It also includes efforts to mislead unauthorized persons in their interpretations of the results of such a study. Communications security includes physical, cryptographic, transmission, and emission security. (1) ( ) Physical Security. That part of communications security concerned with all physical measures necessary to prevent unauthorized access to equipment facilities, material, information, and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, loss, damage and theft. (2) ( ) Cryptographic Security. That component of communications security dealing with the provision of technically sound cryptographic systems and the proper use of authorized codes. It includes the use of cipher devices and machines employed for encrypting and decrypting messages. (3) ( ) Transmission Security. That part of communications security which includes all measures designed to protect transmissions from unauthorized interception and exploitation. See Tab A to this Appendix. (4) ( ) Emission Security. That component of communications security which results from all measures taken to deny unauthorized people information of value derived from analysis of emissions from communications systems. b. ( ) Responsibility. Communications security is a command responsibility of the highest order. It is also the individual responsibility of all personnel utilizing communications. 2 . ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of COMSEC Support Operations. Outline specific COMSEC support requirements. b. ( ) Tasks. Provide measures to be taken and specific COMSEC tasking for units to ensure COMSEC. c. ( ) Coordinating Instructions. Provide for specific coordination among activities concerned. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 3. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS 4 . COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Identify specific COMSEC keying material and systems to be employed in support of the overall operation. b. ( ) Provide for control and reporting of compromises of crytomaterial. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TAB: A -Transmission Security (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 79 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD_______________ (U) Ref: (a) (b) (c) Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL Discuss briefly the overall objective as assigned in the references above. This discussion should involve some observations concerning the nature of the individual references. a. ( ) Purpose. State the general purpose of the annex--to outline the specific uses of the aviation elements and control measures needed. Specific individual aviation subjects will be covered in more detail in various appendixes to Annex N. b. ( ) Mission. State the mission of the aviation unit(s) involved in the operation, as deduced from the task assignments contained in the higher level OPLANS (references). This statement will be general in nature. Specifics will be contained in the various appendixes. 2. ( ) CONCEPT OF AIR OPERATIONS This statement is general in nature, but includes the salient points of how the commander intends to employ aviation. It will dovetail with, and respond to, the overall OPLAN in its projected activities and sequence of events. A concept of operations should always include the broad outline of a commander's assumptions or intent regarding not only his plans, but generally how he hopes to effect those plans. 3. ( ) CONDUCT OF AIR OPERATIONS This statement should introduce the subsequent appendixes, which will provide the details the conduct of the air operation. It also provides any information that is essential, but doesn't fit in elsewhere. Each of the following subparagraphs (3a through 3i) should contain a brief statement concerning the operation plan, and refer the reader to the appropriate appendix for specific information. a. Air Defense/AAW. b. OAS. c. Assault Support. d. Reconnaissance/Surveillance. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 80 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION e. Supplementary Air Operations. f. Aircraft Armament. g. Air Command and Control. h. Air Communications. j. Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry. k. Aircraft Schedules. 1. Air Tasking. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS a. ( ) Administration. Comments will vary based on the situation but will probably contain administrative instructions, as well as a reference to Annex Y (Reports) . One should keep in mind that this portion of Annex N deals with administrative matters involving air operations only, and has nothing to do with personnel. b. ( ) Logistics. Some general observations may be in order here concerning thesources of support and logistics chain of supply from user to provider. But thereader should be referred to Annex D (Logistics/CSS) for a full treatment of the subject. 5 . COMMAND AND CONTROL As was the case in paragraph 3, the originator of this paragraph should make any appropriate general remarks that touch upon the subject matter, but should also refer the reader to the appendixes of this annex that deal with the specifics: Air Control, the ATO, and Air Communications. /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION APPENDICES: 1 Air Defense/Antiair Warfare 2 Offensive Air Support 3 Assault Support4 Reconnaissance/Surveillance Plan 5 Supplementary Air Operations 6 Aircraft Armament7 Air Control8 Air Communications9 Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry 10 Aircraft Schedules11 Air Tasking DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number ~LASSIFICATION 83 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to OPORD_______ APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense/Antiair Warfare) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) ____(U) Ref: (a) Maps: Koolora, AMS Series V9-75, 1:50,000, Sheets 2540-I, 2640-I, II, III, IV (b) CTF 15 Operation Order 2-7 (c) CTF 13 Operation Order 1-7 (d) FMFM 5-50, Antiair Warfare Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. ( ) Enemy Forces (1) ( ) Annex B (Intelligence). (2) ( ) Current intelligence summaries are issued. b. ( ) Friendly Forces (1) Area air component will support TF 15. (2) Attack Carrier Striking Force (TF 13) will cover and support TF 15. (3) ( ) Amphibious Task Force (TF 15) conducts antiair warfare for the amphibious task force enroute to and in the objective area until control is passed ashore. (4) ) Annex N (Air Operations). 2. ( ) MISSION Participate in AAW protection of the amphibious objective area as required by TF 15 and be prepared to assume control of AAW operations when directed. The priority for air targets is given to the "Starflyer" and low altitude attack aircraft. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of Operations. TF 15 provides aircraft, AA missiles, and control facilities for the conduct of AAW operations as directed by the CTF 15 until control is passed ashore. Landing force AAW elements establish the landward extension of amphibious task force AAW area as rapidly as possible to prevent enemy air from An air surveillance screen with interfering with operations in objective area. early warning units lands immediately following assault elements to operate necessary air control agencies and is followed by the rest of the antiaircraft missile batteries and aircraft squadrons. Two antiaircraft missile batteries are Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION landed as soon as possible to establish vital, destruction, and surveillance areas. When control is passed ashore, CTF 15 assigns to CTF 19 additional means to conduct AAW. CTF 19 assigns all AAW means and delegates authority for coordination and control to CTG 19.2. b. ( ) 5th Marine Aircraft Wing (TG 19.2) (1) ( ) Provide AAW means for the conduct of AAW operations as directed byCTF IS until control is passed ashore. (2) ( ) Establish air warning and control facilities ashore in the force beachhead. Prepare to assume control of AAW operations on order. (3) ( ) Establish antiaircraft missile units ashore initially to provide AAW protection for the beaches, and subsequently to provide balanced area protectionof the vital area. (4) ( ) Be prepared to provide AAW support of subsequent operations incontiguous areas. c. ( ) Coordinating Instructions (1) ) AAW procedures: Tab A (Detailed Concept of Operations) and references (c), (d), and (e) . (2) ( ) Sectors of responsibility and locations of AAW means overlay: TabB (Sectors of Responsibility and Locations of AAW Agencies Overlay) . (3) ( ) Air raid warnings: Tab C (Sector Scramble Procedures) and Tab D (Air Defense Warning Procedures) . (4) ( ) Antiaircraft missile and aircraft coordinating procedures: Tab E (Antiaircraft Missiles and Aircraft Coordination Procedures) . (5) Combat air patrol: Tab F (Combat Air Patrol). (6) Antiaircraft missiles instructions: Tab G (Antiaircraft Missiles Instructions) . (7) AEW instructions: Tab H (Airborne Early Warning Instructions). (8) Data link procedures: Tab J (Data Link/Manual Crosstell Procedures) . (9) ( ) Offensive AAW: Tab K (Offensive AAW) and Appendix 2 (Offensive AirSupport). (10) Passive air defense: Tab L (Passive Air Defense Measures). (11) AAW reports and codes: Tab M (AAW Reports and Codes). (12) Air traffic control procedures: Appendix 10 (Aircraft Schedules). Page Number CLASSIFICATION 85 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION (13) ( ) Electronic attack, electronic protection, and electronic warfare (Electronic Warfare), Annex C (Operations). support in accordance with Appendix 3 (14) ( ) Aircraft conditions of readiness: Annex N (Air Operations) or references (d) or (e). (15) ( ) The progressive passing of air control ashore will be done in five phases in accordance with antiair warfare appendix to reference (b) and when directed by CTF 15. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATIVE AND LOGISTICS Administrative Plan 1-7 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Command Relationships (1) ( ) CTF 15 controls all AAW operations within the task force AAW area until control of air operations is passed ashore. CTF 15 is exercised through KINGMAN (TACC afloat) on automatic gain control (AGC) (2) ( ) The commander landing force (TF 19) establishes the landward extension of task force AAW area and assumes command of all AAW operations when control is passed ashore. Landing force aviation (TG19.2) operates shore-based AAW system under operational control of CTF 15 until control of air operations is passed ashore. Control then reverts to the commander, landing force (TF 19); landing force aviation (TG 19.2) control exercised through TALLBOY (TACC/TADC ashore) located at 718342. b. ( ) Control. Annex K (Command and Control Systems), Annex__ (Communications) to reference (b), and reference (f). /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 86 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION TABS: A -Detailed Concept of Operations (Omitted) B -Sectors of Responsibility and Locations of AAW Agencies Overlay (Omitted) C -Sector Scramble Procedures D -Air Defense Warning Procedures E -Antiaircraft Missiles and Aircraft Coordination Procedures F -Combat Air Patrol (Omitted) G -Antiaircraft Missiles Instructions H -Airborne Early Warning Instructions (Omitted) J -Data Link/Manual Crosstell Procedures K -Offensive AAW (Omitted) L -Passive Air Defense M -AAW Reports and Codes (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB c (Sector Scramble Procedures) to APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense/Antiair Warfare) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) The TACC will have launch authority, however, launch authority may be periods of time, or unconditionally, delegated to the TAOC for specific missions, depending on the situation. Launch authority may be granted via the daily ATO, voice communications, or message traffic. When a "strip "on-call" air defense mission is requested or directed, the following alert" or format will be used: a. "Scramble mission number (last four digits)." b. "Vector (initial sector) for CAP (name)/Bogey." c. "Contact (call sign) on Button (Color Code of Frequency)." The Flight duty officer (FDO) that launches the mission will report back the time, the mission launched, and any variations from the ATO. 2. ( ) Aircraft based at FOB will receive the scramble order from the FDO. The FDO will receive the order over the ATC hotline from either the TACC or TAOC. from the FDO, 3. ( ) Aircraft based at LZ Bluebird will receive the scramble order who will receive it from the DASC via a secure voice VHF net between the DASC and the forward site of the AV-Bs. 4. ( ) Aircraft communicating with air control elements will perform action(s) (e.g., investigate, engage, etc.) as directed by the weapons controller/air intercept controllers. a. ( ) Commands to air control units will be in accordance with the following: Action Required Command Order Investigate/Assign Perform all functions necessary to engage the specified target with fighter/interceptor aircraft. Do not fire air-to-air weapons until target becomes available for destruction under existing rules of engagement. (NOTE: MACCS TAOC can digitally originate this command, MACCS TACC cannot. TACC receives, processes and forwards command to TAOC.) Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 88 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Command Order Action ReCJ].lired Engage Engage the specified target with intent to destroy. Cease Engagement Break fighter/interceptor engagement on specified track and prepare to engage another target. Guided missiles in flightcontinue to intercept (Hawk units will break lock unlessmissiles are already in flight) . Hold Fire Emergency order. Stop firing or do not open fire on thetarget specified. This is an emergency order that terminatesthe active engagement. Discontinue intercept. Missiles inflight must be prevented from intercepting designated raid/track. Cease Fire Do not fire at specified target. Discontinue intercept.Continue to track. Missiles in flight are permitted to continue intercept. Cover The specified target either is engaged by another weaponssystem or has not yet become a significant threat. Position fighter/interceptors so as to facilitate engagement if directed. Report tracking/lock on/ready to fire to higher authority. Heads Up Informs all units that specific target has left the AO, hasnot been successfully destroyed, and has a "heads up" statuson it. b. ( ) Aircraft experiencing loss of communications with control facilities will break off the engagement (exercise only) . c. ( ) Aircraft detected and identified as hostile will be engaged by fighter/missile systems as determined by the appropriate air defense authority.Normally, breakoff fighter interceptors will be accomplished prior to penetration of established missile engagement zones. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 89 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. ___ of___ copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB D (Air Defense Warning Procedures) to APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense/Antiair Warfare) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) PROCEDURES FOR THE DECLARATION OF AIR DEFENSE WARNING CONDITIONS The declaration of air defense warning conditions will be accomplished using the following procedures: a. ( ) The ACE commander or his designated representative will establish and disseminate warning conditions to subordinate air defense commanders via data link or the appropriate voice net. A subordinate air defense commander may establish a higher air defense warning condition for his area of responsibility commensurate with his assessment of the tactical situation. The air defense warnings are defined as follows: AUDIO SIGNAL MEANING WARNING One long yelping blast Attack by enemy aircraft or RED lasting approximately 1 missiles is imminent or in minute. (Corresponding NBC progress. Take cover or evasive signal is one constant action, activate aircraft tone). dispersal plans, bring AAW units to maximum readiness posture. Attack by enemy aircraft or YELLOW Three yelping blasts, each lasting approx 2 seconds missiles is probable. Update (no corresponding NBC defensive positions, be prepared to activate emergency dispersal signal) . plans, post aircraft lookouts, upgrade AAW units to alert posture. Determine and report casualties WHITE Signal will be passed by voice or data (NBC signal and damages, execute damage control plans and procedures. for all clear is six blasts, 5 seconds each). Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 91MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB E (Antiaircraft Missiles and Aircraft Coordination Procedures) to APPENDIX 1 (U)(Air Defense/Antiair Warfare to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD Ref: Time Zone: 1. Missile Engagement Zone (MEZ) ( ) The MEZ is formed by the area of the 25nm radius circle originating at a. MCALF Bogue (34 deg 42'N, 77 deg 02'W) extending from the surface to FL400. This MEZ will be divided into two sections, the landward and seaward, with the division along the Intracoastal Waterway. (1) ( ) The landward sectors will normally be in "Weapons Hold" status. This does not supersede the SAW units right to self-defense. All aircraft should avoid flying a profile that would be indicative of a hostile threat. Flight routes should be planned perpendicular to an imaginary line extending from the aircraft's position to that of the Hawk and remain in the landward sector. (2) ( ) The seaward sector will normally be in a "Weapons Free" status. No aircraft may transit this sector except when experiencing an emergency situation that requires direct routing to an airbase. In this situation, the aircrew will request the TAOC to clear the route with the Hawk unit. NORDO aircraft requiring direct routing will proceed to the ATO designated "Emergency Hawk Reentry Point" at 10,000 MSL, perform the ATO designated turn in holding (starboard or port) and then continue directly to the airbase. "Emergency Hawk Reentry Points" will be selected from the following list and published in the daily ATO: NAME LAT/LONG NKT CUT ALTITUDE INDIA 34°22'N, 77°20'W 220/40 9,000 SWEDEN 34°18N, 77°13'W 210/40 9,000 191/38 9,000 SCOTLAND 34°17'N, 77°01'W AUSTRIA 34°18'N, 76°43'W 185/37 9,000 FRANCE 34°22'N, 76°43'W 173/34 9,000 EGYPT 34°27'N, 76°38'W 161/30 9,000 Normal traffic will follow the procedures in Appendix 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) to Annex N (Air Operations) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 92 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 2. ( ) Joint Engagement Zone (JEZ) a. ( ) The JEZ is formed by the radial zones 25 nmi to 35 nmi from MCALF Bogue(34°42 'N, 77°02 'W). b. ( ) Engagements within the JEZ will only occur when directed by the TAOC. In the event that it becomes necessary to disengage fighters in the pursuit of hostileaircraft, pilots will execute a hard ascending turn to an outbound heading whendirected to disengage by the TAOC. c. ( ) Aircraft are requested to avoid the seaward sector of this zone unless under TAOC control or on the Emergency Hawk Reentry route. 3. ( ) Fighter Engagement Zone (FEZ) a. ( ) The FEZ begins at the outer boundary of the MEZ and continues to the limits of the destruction area. b. ( ) Air defense aircraft guided by radar surveillance units will attempt destruction of ORANGE attack aircraft in the FEZ. ORANGE escort aircraft are secondary targets. c. ( ) Unless the tactical situation dictates otherwise, fighter engagements are broken off prior to penetrating the MEZ. Aircraft under.TAOC control in hot pursuit entering into the JEZ will continue the engagement until .directed to terminate by the TAOC. The TAOC must actively coordinate with Hawk units anytime penetration of the seaward sector of the MEZ is contemplated. Hostile aircraft, even though engagedby friendly aircraft, will be engaged within 20 km (12 nmi) of the center of the MEZby SAW fire units unless specifically prohibited by the TAOC. 4. ( ) LAAD Teams will be positioned to provide point defense of critical facilities, positions,and units in the vital area as designated by the ACE Commander. 5. ( ) Weapon Control Command Tab B to this appendix defines weapons control commands. 6. ( ) Combat Air Patrol (CAP) Stations CAPs are established to give the aircrews and air controllers common points of reference in the hemisphere from which the threat is expected to approach. Missions may be assigned a CAP station on the ATO for initial coordination. Once under control of the TAOC, missions may be reassigned stations as the situation develops. Aircraft will orient their orbits to maximize their surveillance capabilities to augment low-level coverage of their sector. : Page Number CLASSIFICATION 93 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION LATILONG NKT CIIT NAME MIKE 33°57'N, 77°05'W 196/60 ANDY 33°58'N, 77°5l'W 186/56 RONNIE 34°02'N, 76°38'W 174/55 IVAN .34°09'N, 76°26'W 161/51 NATHAN 34°17'N, 76°16'W 148/48 EDDY 34°27'N, 76°10'W 135/45 Air defense aircraft transiting to CAP stations will generally proceed via direct routing to assigned CAP stations with hand-off to Bonnie Sue {TAOC-6} prior to entering W-122. Air defense aircraft arriving will proceed via overland route to Wilmington, then to assigned CAP station after handoff to TAOC-6 remaining outside the seaward sector of the MEZ. Aircraft will RTB in a similar manner notifying TAOC-6 at least 10 minutes prior to anticipated departure time for processing of return flight plan routing. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 95 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB G (Antiaircraft Missiles Instructions) to APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense/Antiair Warfare) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) AIR DEFENSE WEAPONS CONTROL The following control procedures apply specifically to the type of air defense weapons system indicated: 2. ( ) SURFACE-TO-AIR a. Weapons control status within the missile engagement zone will be specified and disseminated by the ACE commander or his designated representative. Subordinate air defense commanders may temporarily impose a more restrictive weapons control status on local defense weapons within their assigned areas of responsibility and immediately notify the TAOC of all local changes in the weapons control status. Each command order that follows indicates the degree of fire control that may be imposed upon fire units in receipt of a valid order (voice of command message) . Action ReQ.Uired Command Order Air defense weapons fire units may engage any aircraft not Weapons Free positively identified as friendly in accordance with the rules of engagement. Air defense weapons fire units may engage only those aircraft Weapons Tight identified as hostile in accordance with the rules of engagement. Weapons Hold Do not fire except in self-defense or in response to a formal order. The "Weapons Hold" status is normally time, area, or unit limited as to class of aircraft protected (e.g., "Stinger Weapons Hold, 1600-1700, area AH, jets"). Investigate/Assign Perform all functions necessary to engage the specified target, but do not open fire on target until ordered or until eligible for destruction under existing rules of engagement. All units except MACCS have the same capability for exchange of this command as for engage command. MACCS will not digitally originate this command. MACCS TACC will receive and process this command but MACCS TAOC will transmit an automatic CANTPRO upon receipt. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Command Order Action Required Hold Fire Emergency order. Stop firing or do not open fire on the target specified. This is an emergency order that terminates the active engagement. Missiles in-flight must not be permitted to continue to intercept the target. Continue to track the target. NOTE: Army missile radars cease tracking the target. Acquisition radar will continue to monitor track. Cease Fire Do not fire at specified target. Permit missiles in-flight to continue to track target. (NOTE: MACCS TACC only receives this order digitally. MACCS TAOC will interpret this as "Hold Fire" and destroy missiles in flight.) Cove·r The specified target is engaged by another unit or has not yetbecome a significant threat. Assume a posture that will allow engagement of a target if directed. Report tracking/lockedon/ready to fire/bids affirm to higher authority. (NOTE: MACCS can not digitally originate this command. MACCS TAOC will transmit an automatic CANTPRO upon receipt.) Heads Up Inform all units that the specified target has left the AO, has not been successfully destroyed, and has a "heads up" status on it. (2) ( ) Those SAW units experiencing a loss of communications with higherechelons will_revert to autonomous operations and will adhere to the following: (a) ( ) Any SAW unit experiencing loss of all communications with authorized command and control elements is authorized to establish SAW status as deemed necessary and engage hostile targets. (b) ( ) Weapons control status will be in accordance with the following: .L.. ( If in free, revert to tight . 2....._ ( If in tight, remain in tight. 3. ( ) SAFETY No provision of this document will be construed to violate basic safety practices. All persons are responsible for exercising good judgement to preclude any unsafe situation. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 97 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number to APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense/Antiair TAB J (Data Link/Manual Crosstell Procedures) Warfare) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL The ACE commander will expect to be provided a real-time display of the tactical air situation. He will also demand timely situation reports regarding air support missions, fighter and missile engagements, hostile aircraft destroyed, missiles expended, and missiles remaining. It is essential that the flow of information is timely and accurate. Digital data information must be continuous and reliable. To ensure this the operating procedures in this Tab should be adhered to. 2. ( ) DATA LINK PROCEDURES a. ( ) Unless otherwise directed, establish communications for maintenance coordination one hour before operator sitdown. b. ( ) During exercise periods, TAOCs conduct continuous surveillance, identification, and classification of all targets in their sector. Tracks must be In particular, continuously updated with all available information via data link. the weapons and fuel status of air defense assets must be accurately reported and maintained on the link. Tanker fuel state will reflect give away fuel in thousands of pounds (A/C state in hundreds) . c. ( ) Be prepared to conduct link operations on TADIL A or B or both as directed by the interface coordination unit. Loss of a line path to a unit may require the reconfiguration of links to maintain data flow to all participants. Untimely responses to requests to establish additional links seriously degrades the capability for rapid link reconfiguration. Any time a unit experiences a degradation of its link capabilities, it should inform the interface coordination unit and TACC (Annex Y immediately and note it in the remarks portion of the MACCS status report. [Reports]). d. ( ) When ATDL-1 is not operational, TAOCs must enter and update fire unit positions and status. TAOC-6 must also enter DASC position. e. ( ) The status of fighter and missile fire unit engagements should be clearly indicated by pairing lines. Successful engagements by fighters or missiles should be followed by an engagement effective switch action from the TAOC. f. ( ) TADIL-C. TAOCs will establish links with all BLUE Marine F/A-18s as they are entering the air defense sector. Initial vector for the "bogey" will be provided via data link. The success of TADIL-C will be reported in the daily situation report by mission number. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 3. ( ) MANUAL CROSSTELL PROCEDURES a. ( ) Manual crosstell will be passed in Cartesian coordinates between TAOC and Hawk. Polar coordinates (in degrees magnetic) will be used between LAAD elements and from TAOC to TACC. The following POLAR applies: POLAR NAME LAT/LONG Coast Guard Station "ZEBRA" 34°38'N, 77°06 W b. ( ) Crosstell Format. Standard crosstell procedures facilitate rapid exchange of track data among air defense agencies. The following format will be used: (1) Track classification (e.g., "Hostile", "Unknown", "Friendly"). (2) Track designator (e.g., "TK #21"). (3) Position (e.g., "ZEBRA 140/25"). (4) Cardinal heading (e.g., "NORTHWEST"). (5) Raid size (e.g., "one", "few", "many"). (6) Mode IV (e.g., "positive/negative Mode IV"). 4. ( ) COORDINATION a. ( ) All specific coordinating instructions and link parameters will be passed in the OPORD. b. ( ) Identification criteria are as follows: (1) ( ) Friendly Criteria (In Priority) (a) All aircraft squawking Mode IV IFF/SIF. (b) Aircraft specifically under the control of TAOC and cleared through the MEZ or adhering to established flight plans. (c) ( ) Aircraft flying overland MEZ with appropriate Mode IV and/or under control of TAOC/DASC. (d) ( ) Aircraft flying the "Emergency Hawk Reentry" Profile. (2) ( ) Hostile Criteria (In Priority) (a) ( ) Not squawking Mode IV, greater than 250 kts and approaching the vital area. (b) Aircraft designated hostile by TAOC. (c) ( ) Aircraft within the MEZ committing a hostile act. (i.e., standoff jammer or a direct threat to an HAWK battery/LAAD element) . Page Number CLASSIFICATION 99 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION (d) ( ) Aircraft bearing the military insignia or having the configuration of aircraft employed by a known enemy nation. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB L (Passive Air Defense) to APPENDIX 1 (Air Defense Operations) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL Units in the I MEF sector will use passive air defense measures to the fullest extent possible to limit the effects of enemy air action. These measures will include cover, concealment, camouflage, deception, dispersion, and protective construction. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT The Headquarters commandant will coordinate all phases of passive air defense employment and execution to include evaluation of post attack damage control reporting readouts. The air defense coordinator's responsibilities will include, but not be limited to making airborne checks of passive air defense measures, coordinating engineer support, and directing the deception plan. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) 2nd LAAM Bn construct alternate Hawk sites to provide for mobility within the vital area. b. 2nd LAAM Bn construct dummy Hawk sites. c. Squadron commanders will implement and monitor all possible dispersal measures. d. All aircraft will be fully fueled when left on the flight line. e. ) Where possible after engine run ups or flights, the aircraft will be covered with radiation resistant netting to reduce the IR signature. f. ( ) Personnel will be thoroughly briefed as to the passive actions to be taken during each of the air defense alert conditions. g. ( ) Engineer support will be made available to assist in the construction of revetments and shelters as appropriate to afford protection to aircraft during maintenance and other periods of downtime. h. Employment of aircraft decoys will be done wherever possible. i. Decoy communications, to include deceptive communications, will be planned and conducted on an as required basis. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 102 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 4. ( ) LOGISTICS Annex D will be provided by the engineers. a. Netting will be extensive and a continuous effort. b. Decoys will be fabricated by all units. c. Natural cover and concealment will be maintained. 5. ( ) COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS a. ( ) Priorities for reporting visual aircraft sightings will be: (1) Hostile and unknown aircraft. (2) Friendly air defense aircraft. (3) Friendly attack aircraft. (4) Other friendly military aircraft. (5) Friendly civilian aircraft. (6) Routine track coordination. b. ( ) Automated data links will be established to exchange air surveillance information where possible and in accordance with Tab E to this Appendix. c. ( ) Manual plotting and crosstell information will be used in the event of data link failure and between nonautomated systems. d. ( ) Air defense operations reports will be submitted in accordance with Appendix 1 to Annex N (omitted) to this OPORD. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD______________ APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) _ (U) Ref: Maps (Should have military grid reference system.) Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL This appendix addresses the delivery of ordnance against enemy installations, to directly assist the attainment of MAGTF objectives. facilities and personnel 2 . ( ) CONCEPT Delineate concept of offensive air support (numbers of sorties available for flight, integration with preplanned and alert missions, number of aircraft in normal other fire support means, types of targets to be assigned CAS, etc.) 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) Priorities. Address means/methods for establishing priorities in assigning targets to OAS aircraft and in assigning air support to specific units. b. ( ) Air Requests Address method of processing preplanned OAS requests at (1) ( ) Preplanned. appropriate level. (2) ) Immediate. Address method for processing immediate OAS requests at this command level; be it requesting or authorizing and ordering. c. Air Control Procedures. In accordance with Tab A to this appendix. d. FAC(A) Procedures. In accordance with Tab B to this appendix. e. BDA Reporting Procedures. In accordance with Tab C to this appendix. f. Target Marking for Air Attack. In accordance with Tab D to this appendix. g. Aircraft Alert Status (1) ( ) Alert Conditions for OAS Aircraft: CONDITION STATUS ARMAMENT (2) ( ) Alert Stations for Aircraft. Define airborne alert stations. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format 104 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION h. ( ) Aircraft Armament (1) ( ) Loads as specified by daily fragmentary orders. Unless otherwise stated, all loads include full internal armament. (2) ) Pilots include numbers of each type of ordnance carried when making armament reports. (3) ( ) Armament codes in accordance with Tab A to Appendix 6 to this annex. i. ( ) Attack Limitations. Provide specific guidance for air attacks reflecting enemy antiair threat, anticipated weather interference, terrain clearance minimums for night operations, etc., as appropriate. 4. ( ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. ( ) Logistics. Designate source of supply for beacons, laser designators, landing zone marking lights, panels, marking smoke, etc., as appropriate. b. ( ) Administration. Address consolidation and forwarding of preplanned air requests, BDA reports, etc., as appropriate. Aircraft availability and schedules in accordance with Appendix 1 to this annex. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Command Relationships. Define authority to request, approve, countermand, modify, and/or divert offensive air support missions. Refer to Annex J. b. ) Control Relationships. Refer to Annex K. Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION TABS: A -Air Control Procedures B -Forward Air Controller (Airborne) Procedures C -Battle Damage Assessment Reporting Procedures D -Target Marking for Air Attack E -General Instructions and Safety Procedures F -Air Interdiction and Armed Reconnaissance DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB A (Air Control Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL Air control procedures are provided for guidance to appropriate agencies in the air control chain. Primary emphasis will be placed on control during the delivery phase of the evolution. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT a. ( ) Sequencing. Control sequencing will be from DASC to terminal controller (FAC, FAC[A]) back to DASC. b. ( ) Briefing. Pilots will be briefed on missions by DASC while inbound to target area utilizing mandatory items for OAS as depicted on Enclosure (1) to Tab A to this appendix. Remainder of items, as appropriate, will be briefed by the terminal controller. Additionally, FACs and FAC(A)s will brief pilots on wind conditions, flight or navigation hazards, and target marking methods, and will repeat such items briefed by DASC as appropriate. c. ( ) Orbit Points. Define orbit points for OAS aircraft or refer to Tab C, Appendix 7 to this annex. State agency authorized to clear aircraft from orbit point to target. d. ( ) Contact Points. Define position at which mission leader makes initial radio contact with the forward air controller. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ) Target Marking. In accordance with Tab D to this appendix. b. Marking Friendly Positions. Friendly positions will be marked by panel, smoke, mirror, light, etc. Under no circumstances will pilots deliver ordnance when the position of friendly forces is in question. c. ( ) Delivery (1) ( ) Methods. Establish the authority for determining fusing selections, dive angles, number of drops per run, number of runs, etc. (2) ( ) Clearance. Establish methods to be used to clear aircraft to drop ordnance. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 108 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (3) ( ) Corrections. Delivery correction methods must be defined (normally in meters on a clock code relative to the run-in line) . If the enemy threat dictates multiple run-in headings, an alternate must be provided. d. ( ) Exit Routes. Self-explanatory. 4. ( ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Logistics. b. Administration. BDA reports in accordance with Tab C to this appendix. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command (Annex J) b. Control (Annex K) ENCLOSURES: l -Joint Tactical Air Strike Request Form 2 -Forward Air Controller Party Instructions 3 -CAS Briefing Forms Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number ENCLOSURE 1 (Joint Tactical Air Strike Request Form) to TAB A (Air Control Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: ISee JCS Pub 12, Vol II, for instructions for JOINT TACTICAL AIR STRIKE REQUEST preparation SECTION 1-MISSION REQUEST DATE REQUEST NUMBER SENT 1. UNIT CALLED THIS IS TIME ty RECEIVED PRIORITY TIME PREPLANNED: 0 PRECEDENCE IT! ty 2. IMMEDIATE: PRIORITY m TARGET IS/NUMBER OF MORTARS. ARTY ITJ AAA ADA (I] RKTS MISSILE IT) ARMOR 0 0 PERS IN OPEN---(]] PERS DUG IN IT] WPNS/MG/RR/AT 0 VEHICLES ITl SUPPLIES, EQUIP 3. (J] BLDG$ (J] BRIDGES (Z] PILLBOX, BUNKERS--- MOVING NESW !B) CENTER (CP, COM) _ 0 AREA @]ROUTE [!] (]]REMARKS CHECKEDTARGET LOCATION IS 0 m m 0 BY 4. (COORDINATES) (COORDINATES) (COORDINATES) (COORDINATES) ITJ TGT ELEV (I] SHEET NO. __ (]] SERIES ___ 0 CHART NO.__ 5. 0 ASAP (TI Nl T (I] AT [£]TO DESIRED ORO I RESULTS 0 ORDNANCE 6. (!]DESTROY (I] NEUTRALIZE @] HARASS/INTERDICT TARGET TIME/DATE FINAL CONTROL 0 FAC/RABF AC __ (!]CALL SIGN (I] FREQ 7. [[) ASRT IT] *FREQ (!] FIX/CONT PT B. REMARKS ACKNOWLEDGED BDEIREGT DIVISION OTHER Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 110 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION SECTION II-COORDINATION 9. NGF 10. ARTY 11 . AIO/ G -2/G -3 12. REQUEST 13. BY 14. REASON FOR DISAPPROVAL D APPROVED D DISAPPROVED 15 RESTRICTIVE FIRE/ AIR PLAN 16. IS IN EFFECT 0 IS NOT. [II NUMBER 0 (FROM TIME) [I) (TO TIME) 17. LOCATION 18. WIDTH (METERS) 19. ALTITUDE/ VERTEX [I] 0 m 0 (FROM COORDINATES) (TO COORDINATES) (MAXIMUM/ VERTEX) (MINIMUM) SECTION Ill-MISSION DATA 20. MISSION NUMBER 21. CALL SIGN 22. NO. AND TYPE AIRCRAFT 23. ORDNANCE 24. EST/ACT TAKOFF 25. EST TOT 26. CONT PT I RDNVS (COORD I NAVAID 27. INITIAL CONTACT FIX) 28. FAC/ ASRT/ TAC (A) CALL 29. RESTRICTIVE FIRE I AIR PLAN 30. TGT DESCRIPTION I*31. TGT COORD/ ELEV SIGN FREQ SEE 15-19 32. ACKNOWLEDGED TUOC CRC TACP ASRT *TRANSMIT AS APPROPRIATE DD Form 1972, APR 75 Page Number CLASSIFICATION 111MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 2 (Forward Air Controller Party Instructions) to TAB A (Air Control to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) OPORD (U) Ref: (a) FMFM 5-40 (b) FMFM 5-41 Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL FAC parties serve as extensions of the air control system to advise and assist the ground commander on air support operations. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT FAC parties will be employed as instructed by the ground commander. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) Air Requests Preplanned requests will be submitted to________________ (1) ( ) Preplanned. via________________ using ________________method. (2) ( ) Immediate. Immediate requests will be submitted directly to the DASC on the TAR net. Battalion, regiment, and division TACP's will monitor and approve by remaining silent and countermand or modify by Close air support requests will be submitted in accordance (3) ( ) Format. with the format provided in Enclosure 1 to Tab A to this appendix. Forms will be completed in accordance with instructions contained in reference (a) . b. ( ) Armament Codes. Armament codes in accordance with Tab A to Appendix 2 to this annex will be used for all air support requests and briefings. c. ( ) Marking Friendly Positions. Ensure that friendly positions/locations are clearly marked as defined in accordance with instructions contained in references (a) and (b) or Tab A to this appendix. d. Air Control Procedures. In accordance with Tab A to this appendix. e. Target Marking Procedures. In accordance with Tab D to this appendix. Msn# -Mission Number. The mission number is assigned to a flight by the TACC. The mission number will be used as the flight's call sign. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 112 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Ord -Ordnance Code. The ordnance code denotes what weapons and fuzing are carried in the flight. Route. The route is the routing assigned to the flight for the entire mission. It is given in coded control points. Abort. The abort code is the single action or word that the FAC or FAC(A) can use to stop ordnance release from an aircraft in the attack. Assuming that the pilot has chosen "Alpha" as the abort authentication codeword, and abort call from a terminal controller would be: "(callsign) abort alpha, abort alpha, abort alpha." C.P. Call -Contact Point Call Sign. The contact point call sign is the call sign for the agency to be contacted at the contact point. Freq U/V/H -Frequency UHF, VHF-FM, High Frequency. The frequency is the one to be used for communications at the contact point. A frequency will be given for each type of radio the fragged aircraft possesses. C.P. Code -Contact Point Code. One of three will be given at the contact point: Cont indicates that mission should be continued as planned; Chg indicates there is change to the basic mission; CNX indicates the need for this mission no longer exists; Other is for other codes applicable to the current tactical situation. Hdg -Heading. The heading is given in degrees magnetic. It is the heading from the IP to the target. Left or right (L/R) indicates offset direction if restriction exists. The offset direction indicates the side of the IP to target line on which the attack aircraft is cleared to maneuver/position himself to attack. Dist -Distance. The distance is from the IP to a point on the target. The distance is always given in nautical miles (nmi) down to tenths. For example, 12.3 nmi would be spoken as "Twelve Point Three". Tgt Elev -Target Evaluation. The target elevation is always in feet above mean sea level (ft. MSL). Tgt Desc. -Target Description. The target description is brief and general. Its function is to help the pilot anticipate visual cues for target acquisition. Mark. The type of mark that will be given, be it smoke, photo, flash or laser. If a code or color is to be incorporated it will be given. Friendlies. The friendly position will be given in cardinal headings from the target (north, south, east, west). The distance of friendlies from the target will be given in meters. Threat/Hazard/Weather. Any known enemy antiair weapons that can possibly engage friendly attack aircraft during the course of the mission. Any known friendly fire or terrain features that may limit the attack. Target winds and altimeter setting if known. TOT -Time On Target. TOT is the time, local, assigned to the flight to have bombs on target in a no communications environment. Because of ease of coordination of Page Number CLASSIFICATION 113 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION mark and other supporting fires when operating on a universal clock, TOT is the preferred method over TTT. The number of minutes and seconds to ordnance on target. When Time to Target (TTT). communication is available, this ensures the necessary coordination between the FAC and the strike aircraft. This time is given by the FAC so that he may ensure proper coordination with other supporting arms/ground elements, and be in position to mark the target. The time is followed by the word "MARK" to ensure time synchronization between the terminal controller and the strike aircraft. If the time given by the FAC cannot be met, the flight leader must respond with earliest time capable of ordnance delivery. The FAC must then initiate another time to target hack. It is understood that the terminal controller is responsible to have the mark on target 20-30 seconds prior to the bombs on target time. For example: The FAC says "eight plus three zero, mark". If unacceptable, the flight leader says "negative, ten plus zero minimum". The FAC then reexamines the situation and says "eleven plus two zero, mark". The flight leader says "Roger". Page Number CLASSIFICATION 115 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to TAB A (Tactical Air Control Procedures) toENCLOSURE 3 (CAS Briefing Form) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD______________ APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) __ (U) Ref: Time Zone: MSN # --------ORD -------------- ROUTE -----------------------EN ROUTE FREQ ---------------------MSN CODES: CONTINUE -----CHANGE -----CANCEL -------ABORT------- CONTACT POINT: CP /CONTROLLER CALL SIGN ______/FREQ__ 1. IP/AP 2. HDG Deg MAG: OFFSET L/R 3. DISTANCE 4. TGT ELEVATION 5. TGT DESCRIPTION 6. TGT LOCATION 7. MARK TYPE CODE 8. FRIENDLIES 9. EGRESS BCN GRID ___/ ___10. BCN-TGT __ Deg MAG 11. BCN-TGT METERS TGT GRID ___/ ___ 12. BCN ELEVATION -------------FT MSL REMARKS: TOT/TTT -------------------(MIN) Page Number CLASSIFICATION .' sample fonnat 117 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB B (Forward Air Controller [Airborne] Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) FMFM 5-40 (b) FMFM 5-30 Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL FACs serve as extensions of the air control system to control air strikes in support of the ground commander. They may also control artillery and naval gunfire if conditions warrant such assistance. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT FAC(A)s employment to be outlined. Normally, they shall be used to assist the TACP's in controlling airstrikes against targets that cannot be observed by ground FACs. They may also serve as extensions of the TACC in the control of airstrikes beyond the FSCL. Numbers airborne and range of operations must be outlined. 3. ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) Air Requests. Air requests generated by FAC(A)s will normally be immediate requests. Although FAC(A)s may control both immediate and preplanned missions, preplanned requests are normally generated from the analysis of the FAC(A) debrief rather than direct requests submitted by the FAC(A). Establish guidance for the assignment of priorities to (1) ( ) Priorities. air requests submitted by FAC(A)s. (2) ( ) Submission. Establish method of submitting immediate air requests by FAC(A)s (normally through DASC if in direct support of GCE. {3) ( ) Format. Offensive air support requests will be submitted in accordance with the format provided in Enclosure 1 to Tab A to this appendix. Forms will be completed in accordance with the instructions contained in reference {a) . b. ( ) Armament Codes. Armament codes in accordance with Tab A to Appendix 6 to this Annex will be used for all air support requests and briefings. c. ( ) Marking Friendly Positions. Ensure that friendly positions/locations are clearly marked in accordance with instructions contained in references (a) and (b) If targets are greater than meters from nearest friendly or Tab A to this Appendix. positions, then friendly positions need not be specifically defined or marked. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat ~~ ~ FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION d. Air Control Procedures. In accordance with Tab A to this Appendix. e. Target Marking Procedures. In accordance with Tab A to this Appendix. f. BDA Reporting Procedures. In accordance with Tab C to this Appendix. g. Air Raid Warnings. Monitor TAR net for air defense warning conditions. {Local action and dissemination of information in accordance with Appendix 1 [AAW]to Annex N [Air Operations]). h. { ) Coordinating Instructions {1) { ) External. Fire support coordination will be in accordance with Tab F to Appendix 2 to this Annex. {2) { ) Internal. Ground commander provides instructions for coordination of his air fire support with his organic weapons such as mortars, etc. 4. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL Page Number CLASSIFICATION 119 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB C (Battle Damage Assessment Reporting Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL BDA reports will be made in conjunction with all OAS missions to provide a means of assessing the need for additional fire on the target. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT BDA reports will be provided by the terminal controller to the flight leader for each close air support mission. The flight leader, in turn, provides the report to as required. In the case of DAS the appropriate air control agency (DASC or TACC) (no terminal controller), BDA will be provided by the flight leader. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT Upon completion of air strikes, controllers/flight leaders a. ( ) Evaluation. will make evaluations of damage inflicted on enemy forces. b. ( ) Reporting (1) ( ) By terminal controllers. (Prescribe report channels for each, i.e., to pilots, DASC, TACC, ground commander, etc). Each report will evaluate or identify the following:c. Items Reported. (1) Target (number, coordinates, and type). (2) Time (on and off target). {3) Ordnance expended. Self-explanatory. (4) ) Target damage. (Completely/partially destroyed/neutralized, unknown, etc .. Terms to be utilized must be defined herein). (5) ) Enemy action. (None to heavy, type weapons, ground or air, etc .. Terms to be utilized must be defined herein) . (6) ( ) Remarks. Self-explanatory. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 121MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB D (Target Marking for Air Attack) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) GENERAL Target marking for air attack is necessary to ensure accuracy of delivery and safety of friendly forces. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT Define the concept for the marking of close air support targets. The methods and timing outlined must recognize the enemy threat and reaction capabilities as well as the means available to friendly forces. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) Target Designation (1) ( ) Map Coordinates. Give degree of coordinates (8-digit) definition required, maximum safe distance from friendly forces for use of this method, etc. (2) ( ) Geographic Location. Distance and direction from a known landmark or natural feature, also called reference point method. Define limits for this type control. 11 T 11 (3) ( ) Panel Method. Panels displayed in a aligned with the target along the run-in line so that the pilot overflies panels on run-in to target. Define dimensions and/or restrictions to use. FAC 11 talking pilot in. 11 This involves (4) ( ) Observing and Directing. corrections in the run-in to target. b. ( ) Target Marking Define types of marking methods and request procedures. (1) ( ) Artillery. (2) ( ) .Naval Surface Fire Support. Define types of marking methods and request procedures. (3) Air. Define types of marking to be used. Define types of marking methods and request procedures. (4) Mortars. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (5) ( ) Tanks. Define types of marking methods and request procedures (of particular importance in motorized/mechanized operations) . (6) ) Machine Guns. Intersecting fires of particular value in dusk or nightoperations. Define methods to be used. (7) ) Illumination. Define types of illumination to be used and requestprocedures. (8) ) Laser Designation. In accordance with Enclosure 1 to this Tab. c. ( ) Coordination. Define coordination of marking means with air supportaircraft to ensure safety. 4. ( ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Logistics. b. Administration. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a . Command . Annex J . b. Control. Annex K. ENCLOSURES: 1 -Laser Designator Instructions (Omitted) . Page Number CLASSIFICATION 123 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air TAB E (General Instructions and Safety Procedures) Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) FMFM 5-2 Series, Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL Coordination of fire support means is a necessity to preserve assets and provide for the safety of friendly forces, thus enabling the massing of firepower effectively and efficiently. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT Offensive air support must be coordinated with other fires; not only for safety purposes but also to ensure the proper application of sufficient force without piecemealing fires on a given target or over expending ordnance. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT Evaluation of the target to establish requirements for a. ( ) Target Evaluation. the amount of ordnance required should be conducted in accordance with appropriate JMEMs (reference [a]). b. ( ) Altitude Separation. Define any altitude restrictions or separations to be used by aircraft en route within the target areas (must be coordinated with guidance provided to helicopters, FAC[A] aircraft, etc). c. ( ) Route Separations. Define route restrictions or separations to be used by aircraft en route within the target areas. d. ( ) BINGO Requirements. Identify BINGO fields and fuel for OAS and FAC(A) aircraft as appropriate. e. ( ) Weather. Provide instructions on adjustments to be made for weather factors, such as criteria for changing to armament for low-level delivery, penetration, and departure procedures, etc. f. ) Troop Safety. Establish criteria for closest proximity to friendly troops for the delivery of each type of ordnance. g. ( ) Fire Support Coordination. Briefly recap methods to be used for (TACP, FAC(A), DASC, etc). coordination by appropriate agencies within the command to resolve potential or actual fire support (to include mortars) conflicts. Fire support coordination line for initial stages of operation is shown in Enclosure 1 of this Tab. Airspace coordination area guidance for pilots and air controllers is contained in Enclosure 2 to this Tab. Page Number CLASSIFICATION eumple fomlat ~,,M FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 4. LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION 5 . COMMAND AND CONTROL ENCLOSURES: 1 -Fire Support Coordination Line 2 -Airspace Coordination Area Procedures Page Number CLASSIFICATION 125 M,(\GTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 1 (Fire Support Coordination Line) to TAB E (General Instructions and to ANNEX N (Air Operations) Safety Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL The fire support coordination line (FSCL) is a line established by the appropriate ground commander to ensure coordination of fire not under the commander's control but which may affect current tactical operations. It is used to coordinate fires of air, ground, or sea weapons systems using any type of ammunition against surface· targets. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT The FSCL should follow well-defined terrain features. The establishment of the FSCL must be coordinated with the appropriate tactical air commander and other supporting elements. Supporting elements may attack targets forward of the FSCL without prior coordination with the ground force commander provided the attack will not produce adverse surface effects on or to the rear of the line. Attacks against surface targets behind this line must be coordinated with the appropriate ground force commander. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT a. ( ) Prescribing the FSCL. Describe the means for establishing the FSCL and for disseminating the trace of the FSCL. b. ( ) Trace of the FSCL. The trace of the FSCL will be defined for each day that aircraft schedules are published in Appendix 10 to this annex. (The trace should be descriptive and easily transferable to maps used in the cockpit. Thus, it will read "from coordinates NE along Swamp River to the bridge at coordinates hence N along Highway 100 to the railroad/highway junction at coordinates, continuing W along the railway to the rail tunnel at coordinates then SW along the ridge line terminating at coordinates) . The hour at which the new trace is to become effective must also be indicated. (1) Pre-D-day. (2) D-day. (3) D+l. (4) 0+2. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION c. ( ) Coordination. Coordination instructions are to be written (for the appropriate command issuing this enclosure) to define the means by which air attacks conducted short of the FSCL will be coordinated with the ground commander and other supporting arms. (1) Air-ground coordination. (2) Air-artillery coordination. (3) Air-NGF coordination. 4. ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Logistics. b. Administration. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. b. Control. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 127 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 2 (Airspace Coordination Area Procedures) to TAB E (General Instructions and Safety Procedures) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL Airspace coordination areas (ACAs) are safety measures for friendly aircraft established in areas that are reasonably safe from friendly surface-delivered fires. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT Define the conceptual use of the airspace coordination areas. 3 . ( ) CONDUCT Define the authority, means, and method for establishing a. ( ) Establishment. the ACAs. (1) Authority. Who will establish. Who will advise. (2) ( Means. The ACAs will be put into effect and disseminated by (normally the FSCC). (3) ( ) Method. Describe the method to be used to establish these safety measures. A helicopter lane may become incorporated as a formal ACA when in use. However, the size will be enlarged if the operational concept includes fixed-wing aircraft as escorts for the helicopter assault aircraft. In all cases, the methods must provide for ease of identification by the pilots in the cockpit enabling them to stay within or outside of the prescribed area. For formal ACAs, entry and exit likewise, must provide considerations must be part of the plan. Informal ACAs, · easily identifiable terrain features for the aircrew. b. ( ) Control. The agency controlling the affected areas (normally the same as that agency used as the means for establishing them) must be given (or give) guidance as to the times the prescribed restrictions are effective and how this will be incorporated into the air operations of landing force aviation. c. ( ) Coordination. The details of coordination between concerned agencies and the aircraft, artillery, NGF, and other affected fire support means must be delineated. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 4. ( ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION a. Logistics. b. Administration. 3. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. b. Control. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 129 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB F (Air Interdiction and Armed Reconnaissance) to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: As appropriate Time Zone: 1. ( ) AIR INTERDICTION In keeping with the purpose and concept of interdiction, a plan is likely to be formulated that will employ the deep strike capability of aircraft. Rail lines, roads, bridges, or any of the lines of communication that connect the AOA with potential supply areas will probably need to be interdicted. Assignments of aircraft and armament will be in response to the target and perhaps its location, and canThis section will only be determined when the specifics of a situation are known. discuss situation-specific considerations and instructions for the conduct of air interdiction missions in support of the operation, and complement the air interdiction overlay. 2. ( ) ARMED RECONNAISSANCE The purpose of armed reconnaissance is to locate and attack targets of opportunity in assigned general areas or along communication routes. Additionally, useful This section intelligence can be obtained from the aircrews who fly these missions. provides information to guide the conduct of armed reconnaissance mi~sions for the operation. It is also complemented by the armed reconnaissance overlay. ENCLOSURES: 1 -Air Interdiction Overlay 2 -Armed Reconnaissance Route Overlay Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format 131 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 1 (Air Interdiction Overlay) to TAB F (Air Interdiction and Armed (Offensive Air Support), to ANNEX N (Air Operations) Reconnaissance), to APPENDIX 2 to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) This paragraph and any subsequent subparagraphs will contain a brief discussion of the interdiction mission to be flown as well as introduce and describe the interdiction overlay that will be attached. The overlay itself will show routes to be flown, points of interdiction, the location of any friendly forces in the area, and the location of any known potential threats to the aircraft and crew. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number ENCLOSURE 2 (Armed Reconnaissance Route Overlay), to TAB F (Interdiction and Armed Reconnaissance) , to APPENDIX 2 (Offensive Air Support) , to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: As appropriate Time Zone: 1. ( ) This and any necessary sub~equent paragraphs will contain a brief discussion of the armed reconnaissance mission to be flown as well as an introduction and description of the armed reconnaissance route overlay that will be attached. The overlay itself will show the routes to be flown, the targets that the air crew might expect to encounter, the position(s) of any friendly forces, the area, and the location of any known potential threat to the aircraft/aircrew. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample format MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) of OPORD_______________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL a. ( ) The employment of helicopters, based on landing force requirements, will include command and control, assault escort, troop/logistics lifts, reconnaissance, search and rescue (SAR) , medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) reconnaissance team insert/extract, and TAC(A) support. b. ( ) Helicopters supporting this operation will operate initially from assigned shipping and will be prepared to phase ashore as directed. c. ( ) Strict adherence to air control instructions and assigned routes will be maintained. to the greatest extent possible, in formations d. ( ) Helicopters will operate, that provide mutual support and SAR coverage. 2. ) AIR AOA/GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE POINTS a. ( ) The Air area of operations (Air AOA) is described in Appendix I, Annex C of this order. 3. ( ) ASSAULT HELICOPTERS a. ( ) Assault helicopters, especially those unescorted, will remain in capable of providing mutually sufficient proximity of each other so as to be supporting suppressive fire. b. ( ) Escorted helicopters rece~v~ng ground fire will so state, and after for escort aircraft. identifying their position in the flight will identify targets Targets will be identified by reference to clock code and distance, predominant terrain feature, or by any other clear, expeditious means. 4. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL HELICOPTERS a. ( ) UH-lN helicopters will be utilized in the command and control mission to the greatest extent possible. 5. ( ) ARMED ESCORT HELICOPTERS a. ( ) Armed escort helicopters are not considered a means of fire support but suppression for escorted helicopters. have the primary mission of ground fire Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION b. ( ) TOW-equipped COBRA helicopters and other gunships may be assigned fire-support missions unrelated to helicopter escort. c. ( ) Armed escort helicopters may attack targets designated by the controllingagencies, the assault plan, friendly elements or escorted assault helicopters. Coordination will be effected by the escort leader with the HDC/DASC and affected friendly ground element prior to firing. d. ( ) Targets of opportunity will be coordinated with the affected/responsible ground commander and the HDC/DASC prior to opening fire. e. ( ) Appropriately designated escort helicopter pilots may perform TAC(A)functions. Non-TAC(A) designated pilots will not control CAS strikes except in tactical emergencies. f. ( ) When assigned as primary, the mission of the helicopter escort is paramount. 6. ( ) SAR/MEDEVAC HELICOPTERS a. ( ) SAR/MEDEVAC procedures will be in accordance with 2d MAW SOP. Althoughdedicated SAR/MEDEVAC aircraft will always be on alert or airborne, all pilots will be prepared to perform SAR/MEDEVAC missions at any time. 7. ( ) ALERT CONDITIONS: a. Condition 1: 5 minutes b. Condition 2: 15 minutes c. Condition 3: 30 minutes d. Condition 4: 60 minutes 8. ( ) HELICOPTER AVAILABILITY a. ( ) Tab H of this appendix lists helicopter availability. 9. ( ) CONTROL MEASURES a. ( ) Reference (a) lists the following control ships: Primary Control Ship-USS MOUNT WHITNEY (LCC-20) Alternate Control Ship-USS TARAWA (LHA-1) Primary HDC-USS TARAWA (LHA-1) Alternate HDC-USS SAIPAN (LHA-2) Primary MEDEVAC Recovery Ship (1)-USS IWO JIMA (LPH-2) Primary MEDEVAC Recovery Ship (2)-USS GUADALCANAL (LPH-7) . b. ( ) HDC will control all helicopter operations while air control is afloat. Aircraft inbound to the land OA will be handed off to the DASC at the wave rendezvous point while air control is ashore. Aircraft approaching ship's control areas will be passed to a land/launch frequency. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION c. ( ) Ship's control area is defined by a S-mile radius from the ship up to but not including 2,000 feet above the surface. 10. APPROACH AND RETIREMENT PROCEDURES a. ( ) Routes and Reference Points (1) ( ) Tab L of this appendix depicts the helicopter approach and retirement lanes. (2) ( ) Designated helicopter lanes are 1,000 meters wide. All aircraft are expected to fly well to the right of the route centerline. b. ( ) Landing Zones (1) Tab A of this appendix lists the helicopter landing zones. (2) ( ) Authority to change from primary to alternate LZs will be governed by paragraph 3205, FMFM 3-3, Helicopterborne Operations. c. ( ) En Route Procedures (1) ( ) Aircraft will be assigned wave rendezvous altitudes by HDC. Upon receipt of clearance, aircraft will depart the rendezvous point (RP) and descend to minimum altitude prior to reaching the departure point (DP) . Aircraft will cross the DP at minimum altitude and operate at minimum altitude while in the helicopter lanes. (2) ( ) Minimum altitude is defined as the lowest safe altitude at which the helicopter can be flown. (3) ( ) Aircraft can expect to utilize primary helo lanes inbound and alternate helo lanes outbound during the initial helicopter assaults. If the primary lanes are closed due to enemy fire, aircraft will utilize the alternate lanes for both approach and retirement. (4) ( ) Aircraft are expected to utilize the helicopter lanes for all flights. Express clearance must be received from HDC/DASC for MEDEVAC aircraft to proceed outside of published helicopter lanes. d. ( ) Helicopter Control (1) ( ) TAC(A) and ASC(A) will be designated by the air tasking order. Performance of mission is governed by the applicable SOP. (2) ( ) Flight leaders will establish positive two-way communications with HDC/DASC between the RP and the DP. If communications are not established, hold at the DP, left-hand turns, pattern length depending upon size of the flight, until clearance to proceed is obtained. (3) ( ) LZ touchdown and take-off, assigned check points, feet wet/dry, and RIO procedures will be in accordance with NATOPS. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 138 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (4) ( ) Assigned HD frequency will be maintained, unless otherwise directed, until reaching IP or reporting LZ in-sight if terminal control facility (TG) and/or control agency is available at the LZ; e.g., landing zone control team, ASC(A), etc. If there is no terminal control, maintain HDC/DASC frequency. En route information will be provided by HDC/DASC. e. ( ) Communications (1) ( ) Daily changing frequency and call sign assignments will be in accordance with wing SOP. (2) In-flight report formats will be in accordance with NATOPS. (3) Maintain radio silence and use covered nets to the maximum extent possible. f. ( ) Coordinating Instructions (1) ( ) Weather minimums for this operation will be set by CATF. Weather minimums for routine operations are: Day: 500 feet/1 Mile Night: 1000 £eet/3 Miles (2) ( ) Pilots experiencing adverse, marginal, or unforecast weather which threatens safety of flight will immediately notify CATF/CLF. (3) ( ) Requests for helicopter support will be forwarded via the helicopter request net utilizing 2 MEF SOP. (4) ( ) Use of smoke will be in accordance with Appendix 2, Annex N. /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 139 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION TABS: A -Helicopter Landing Zones (Overlay) (Omitted) B -Helicopter Control and Procedures C -Assault Support Request Form Encl 1 -Sample Assault Support Request Form Encl 2 -Instructions for Use of the Assault Support Request Form D -Helicopter Escort Procedures (Omitted) E -Countermechanized Procedures (Omitted) H -Helicopter Availability Table J -Heliteam Wave and Serial Assignment Table K -Helicopter Employment and Assault Landing Table L -Helicopter Landing Diagram DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB B (Helicopter Control and Procedures) to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) NWP 22-3 Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL a. Identify HCS, HDC, TAC(A), ASC(A), and alternates as appropriate. b. Define control responsibilities of airborne agencies. c. ( ) Identify approving authority for tactical, administrative, logistic, and utility helicopter requests. 2. ( ) HELICOPTER OPERATIONS a. Delineate land/launch procedures or refer to SOPs, NATOPs etc. b. Establish rendezvous altitudes, departure point altitudes, airspeeds, etc. c. Provide RIO instructions at appropriate checkpoints. d. Given guidance regarding HDC reports to HCS on progress of assault waves. e. Establish procedures for processing LF requests until control is passed ashore. f. Establish flight following and coordination procedures. g. Identify SACC coordination measures. h. Fuel and maintenance status reporting procedures. 3. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Provide or make appropriate reference regarding IFF/SIF mode/code assignments. b. Provide/launch communication frequencies and guidance. c. Identify command channels between control agencies and between ships. 4. ( ) PROCEDURES Outline the procedures for the accomplishment of the vertical assault. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 142 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION a. ( } Helicopter availability in accordance with Tab H of this Appendix. b. ( } Helicopter landing zones, approach and retirement lanes, and navigation/checkpoints in accordance with Tab L of this Appendix. (1} Altitudes to the landing zone. (2} Altitudes from the landing zone. (3} Special instructions regarding landing zone traffic (i.e., external loads will be delivered to landing site Green in LZ to facilitate handlingand provide access to trafficable terrain} . c. Landing zone identification methods. d. MEDEVAC/SAR procedures composition, providing agency, station, and casualty receiving and treatment ships. e. ( } Fire support. 5. ( } CONTROL MEASURES a. Helicopter control instructions in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3. b. Change of landing zones and approach and retirement lanes. (1} Approving autho7ity. (2} Request channels. c. Establish weather criteria for conduct of operations. d. Instructions for changing landing sequence. e. ( } Criteria for termination of the troop lift and reversion to normal operations. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 143 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to ANNEX N (Air TAB c (Assault Support Request Form} to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support} Operations} to OPORD (U} Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( } Mission requests of both the preplanned and immediate type may originate at any echelon of the landing force/MAGTF. The same request form should be used by the requesting unit, the controlling agency,· and the helicopter unit. The assault support request form has been developed to satisfy both immediate and preplanned mission needs. It also ensures standardization among all elements of the landing force when they submit or process an assault support request. a. ( } When submitting a preplanned request, the form will be completed in its entirety. To expedite an immediate mission request, only the items necessary for decision and execution will be completed and forwarded to the air control agency. Those items are numbered (1} through (6} below. Additional items (7} through (16} will be provided to the pilot upon initial contact with the requester. (1} Requester's identification. (2} Mission precedence. (3} Type of mission. (4} Mission description. (5} Landing zone coordinates. (6} Landing zone communications. (7} Landing zone description, especially enemy positions. (8) Landing zone marking. (9} Direction from which the helicopter should approach the landing zone. (10} Possible obstacles in the approach path. (11) Direction from which enemy fire is most likely. (12) When enemy fire was last received. (13} Positions of any suspected heavy caliber automatic weapons. (14} Directions in which aircraft is cleared to fire if enemy fire is received. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 144 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (15) ( ) Location of nearest friendly positions (direction north, south, etc) . and distance from landing zone. (16) ( ) Size of the defensive perimeter from the landing zone. b. ( ) Enclosure (1) and (2) are examples of the assault support request form and the instructions for the use of this form. These instructions will be used by all agencies in completing the form. ENCLOSURES: 1 -Sample Assault Support Request Form Page Number CLASSIFICATION 145 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 1 (Sample Assault Support Request Form) to TAB C (Assault Support Request Form) to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD__________ __(U) Ref: Time Zone: ASSAULT SUPPORT REQUEST FORM SECTION 1·MISSION REQUEST DATE 1. UNIT CALLED ITHIS IS IREQUEST NUMBER _I SENT TIME IBY2. REQUEST FOR A. 0 HELICOPTER B. 0 FIXED WING J RECEIVED3. MISSION CATEGORIES B. 0 PRIORITY ___ TIME A. 0 PREPLANNED: PRECEDENCE IBY C. 0 IMMEDIATE: PRIORITY 4. TYPE MISSION A. 0 TACTICAL B. 0 ADMINISTRATIVE 5. MISSION IS A. 0 ASSULT TRANSPORT B. 0 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT C. 0 AIR EVACUATION D. 0MEDEVAC E. 0 AERIAL DELIVERY F. Dc2 G. DTRAP H. 0SAR I. 0 ILLUMINATION J. 0 SPECIAL OPS K. 0 OTHER-- 6. PAYLOAD IS A. 0TROOPS B. 0 EXTERNAL CARGOIWT LARGEST ITEM (LxWxH) C. 0 INTERNAL CARGO WT/CU 7. INSTRUCTIONS PICKUP TIME COORDINATES LZ TIME COORDINATES A. B. c. D. 8. LZ DESCRIPTION (FTMSL) A. WIND DIRECTIONNELOCITY ---I ---B. ELEVATION C. SIZE D. OBSTICALES E. FRIENDLY POS DIRIDIST I F. ENEMYPOS DIR/DIST I G. LAST FIRE RECEIVED TIME/ TYPE I DIR/DIST I 10. LZ MARKED WITH 9. LZWILL BE A. D UNMARKED A. DPANELS B. 0SMOKE C. 0FLARES B. 0 UNMARKED WITH COLOR --D. 0 MIRROR E. 0 LIGHTS F. 0 NAVAID G. 00THER 11. COMMUNICATIONS A. PICKUP ZONE CALL SIGN /FREQUENCY (COLOR CODE) B. LZ CALL SIGN /FREQUENCY (COLOR CODE) ACKNOWLEDGED12. REMARKS BN/REGT I DIVISION OTHER I Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 13. NSFS 16. ESCORT/AERIAL REFUELING C. NOfTYPE AJC E. COMMUNICATIONS 17. REQUEST 0APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED 20. RESTRICTIVE FIRE/AIR PLAN A. DIS NOT 22. LOCATION AD (FROM COORDINATES) 25. MISSION NUMBER 28. EST/ACT TAKEOFF 30. MISSION CANCELLED/DIVERTED SECTION 11-COOROINATION 114. ARTILLERY 115. AIO/G-2/G-3 REQUESTED ASSIGNED D. CALLSIGN F. ARMAMENT 118. BY 119. REASON FOR DISAPPROVAL 21. IS IN EFFECT B.DNUMBER (FROM TIME) (TO TIME) 23. WIDTH (METERS) 124. ALTITUDENERTEX B.D A.D B.D ___ (TO COORDINATES) MAXNERTEX MINIMUM SECTION Ill-MISSION DATA 126. CALL SIGN 127. NOfTYPE AIRCRAFT I29. ETAJATA AD CANCELLED B. D DIVERTED BY 31. TERMINATE REQUEST A GO/NO GO DTG B. WHEN COMPLETED 32. MISSION RESULTS AD COMPLETE ACKNOWLEDGED TACC TADC B.D INCOMPLETE FSCC DASC SACC HOC c.D OTHER TACP TACLOG Page Number CLASSIFICATION 147 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to ANNEX N TAB H (Helicopter Availability Table) to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) (U) (Air Operations) to OPORD Ref: Time Zone: CARRIER DECK PAX CARGO REMARKSHELICOPTER NUMBER FIRST OTHER MODEL TRIPS LAUNCH UNIT AND OF TRIP 90% CAPACITY DESIGNATION AIRCRAFT (1) 75% (1) 12 10 9 CH-46E LPH-2 7 (2) 15 4,000 All externalHMM-163 (as lift capable LHA-1 9 (2) assigned) 16 13 CH-53D LPH-2 4 (2) 35 8,000 Equipped with HMH-463 (as 18 LHA-1 9 (2) aircraft assigned) recovery slings. 18 UH-1N LPH-2 7 (2) 5 1,000 10 armed withHML-267 (as 24 21 LHA-1 9 (2) GAU-2B/A. assigned) Note: (1) These percentages may vary from operation to operation. These figures represent maximum deck launch capabilities from these ships. (2) Actual available launch capability may vary with each operation. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 149 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB J (Heliteam Wave and Serial Assignment Table) to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: PERSONNEL SUPPLIES AND PERSONNEL EQUIPMENT TOTALWAVE HELITEAM UNIT EQUIPMENT WEIGHT WEIGHT WEIGHT FLIGHT SERIAL 11 1 M60 MG (24#) 3840 104 3944 1 ANVIL 1ST SQD, 1ST PLT, CO E 101 1ST MG TM, 1ST MG SQD, WPNS PLT 3 MG AMMO (80#) 1 356-1* WPNS PLT PLT SGT, 1ST PLT CORPSMAN 1 16 11 1 AN/PRC 77 (22#) 4080 107 4187 ANVIL 2D SQD, 1ST PLT, CO E 102 PLT CMDR, 1ST PLT 1 1 60 MM MORT (45#) 1 MORT AMMO (40#) 356-2 MSGR/RADIO OP, 1ST PLT 1ST 60 MM MORT SQD, WPNS PLT 3 CORPSMAN 1 17 ANVIL 3D SQUAD(-), 1ST PLT, CO E 6 1 AN/PRC 77 (22#) 3220 123 3343 103 FAC PARTY, H&S CO 5 1 AN/PRC 75 (10#) 1ST TM, 1ST AT ASLT SQD, DRAGON 2 1 AN/PRC 104 (10#) 356-3 PLT ----1 M47 DRAGON (31#) 13 2 DRAGON FDS (50#) The heliteam flight serial is as follows: ANVIL Heliteam squadron radio call sign 101 Heliteam wave number 101 Heliteam position in the wave 356-1 Troop unit serial assignment number 356-1 Troop unit heliteam number Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 151MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number {Assault TAB K {Helicopter Employment and Assault Landing Table) to APPENDIX 3 Support) to ANNEX N {Air Operations) to OPORD {U) Ref: Time Zone: LAUNCH LAND LZ LS TROOP UNIT,WAVE HELICOPTE #/MODEL FROM TO LOAD EQUIPMENT,R UNIT & A/C CARRIER REPORT TIME TIME TIME AND SERIAL FLIGHT # (ORIGIN) (LOAD) EXTERAL LOADS 1ST ANVIL 1 6 CH-46E LPH-2 LPH-2 H-30 H-26 H-HR OAK RED CO A(-) SER 101 1ST FORGE-1 6 CH-46E LPH-7 LPH-2 H-20 H-16 H-HR OAK BLUE co A(a) · SER 102 H-11 H+.5 OAK RED CO B{-) 2ND SWIFT-2 9 CH-46E LHA-3 LHA-3 H-15 SER 105 LPH-2 LPH-2 H+24 H+.28 H+.44 OAK RED ELMS CO A,3RD ANVIL-3 5 CH-46E LIWC W/DRAG SER 103 H+.44 OAK BLUE ELMS CO C,FORGE-3 4 CH-46E LPH-7 LHA-3 H+.24 H+.28 SER 110 ELMS CO B, 4TH BIG BOY-4 6 CH-53D LHA-3 LHA-3 H+38 H+.42 H+.52 OAK RED LIWC W/DRAG SER 106 CO C{-), 2 LIWC W/DRAG SER 111 Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 153 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB L (Helicopter Landing Diagram) to APPENDIX 3 (Assault Support) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: LANDING ZONE ASN(PRI) YELLOW E9 IP ( INITIAL POINT) • CP (CONTROL POINT) Q DP (DEPARTURE POINT (]) RP (RENDESVOUS POINT) 0 PCP (PENETRATION CONTROL POINT) Page Number CLASSIFICATION '' example fonnat 155 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) Maps and photographs as required Time Zone: 1. ( ) The following visual aerial reconnaissance and surveillance missions have been preplanned: Area Specific Frequency Msn # of Route Search Type AC and Duration Remarks 1 Area VMFA(AW) Daily, commencing Report every D-day -BMNT to activity as to to obtained. ____) to EENT 2 Route (Rt 134 VMFA(AW) Daily, commencing Report every from ____ D-day. Once an movement. hour BMTN to EENT to 3 Specific VMFA(AW) Daily, commencing Report every D-2. Once every activity as (Middletown) 4 hours BMNT to obtained, with EENT emphasis onHQ 8th MRD. /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION TABS: A -Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance/Surveillance Request Form B -Air Observation Support Request Form C -Joint Tactical Electronic Warfare Request Form D -Air Reconnaissance (Omitted) E -Supplementary Air Operations (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB A (Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance/Surveillance Request Form) to APPENDIX 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) to ANNEX N. (Air Operations) to OPORD__________ ___(U) Ref: Time Zone: JOINT TACTICAL AIR RECONNAISS,ANCE/SURVEILLANCE REQUEST (SEE JCS PUB 12, VOL 1/, FOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION) FROM: PREPLANNED: A. PRIORITY B. PRECEDENCE REQUEST NO. CD IMMEDIATE: c. PRIORITY Ito: DATElTIME FACTORS 0 APPROVED M 1. DATE MISSION DESIRED 2. TOT (I( ••qulnd) .. PRIOR COVERAGE ACCEPTABLE (Day• prior} 0 DISAPPROVED TYPE RECON REQUESTED 3. LTIOV BY/REASON 1. TYPE MISSION: A. VISUAL B. IMAGERY C. ELECTRONIC D.WX 2. TYPE COVERAGE: A. PINPT B. STRIP/LOC C. RT RECCE D. AREA SEAROi E. AREA DOVER F. AFLOAT SENT B.IR D. ELECTRONIC E. LASER F. OTHER TIME •3. SENSOR: A. OPTICAL C.SLAR ry N e o4. TYPE PHOTO: A. VERT B. OBLIQUE C. PAN •&. TYPE FILM: A. BLACK & WHITE B. COLOR C. CAMFLG DET. RECEIVED TIME6. STEREO PHOTO: A. NOT REQ'D B. REQUIRED ® ry MAP REFERENCE: TYPE AND SCALE SERIES SHEET EOJTION DATE CHECKED BY TARGET COORDINATES 1. UTM ACKNOWLEDGED ® ~· LAT/LONG BDE REGT 3. OTHER (8pSt. C. Mobile or permanent... c. Taxiways arrl parking areas: I.ocation, configuration. -. Nu1t;er arrl ori~~t.ation of la\DlChers/nunber D. POL: tb1iJer, size, an:1 locaticn. D. Primary wildings arrl s~rt 6lUipn,-•. loode:l. E. Activity. E. kmunitioo storage areas: ~arrl location. D. Chntrol center: I.ocation,· eeify). A. 'JYPe port: Haritine or inland ""terway. A. 'JYPe: Wantry, arm:>r, engireering, artillery, etc. B. 1\ctivity: For exanple, shiwing (nlJllber and t~). O.TII))RY 11 -I'O'IER PR:IXX:l'ICJl FACILITY C. Berthing arrl cargo handling facilities. B. NU!t>er arrl type of vehicles. D. POL facilities:.t.Utber, type. and location. C. NUrber arrl type of arnor . A. Type: Nu::lear, coal, oil, hydroelectric, D. Nultler arrl type of arty. £. Storage facilities. etc. £. 1\ctivity: Direction of IIDII'!O!IE!nt, dug in, etc. F. Shipb.Jilding arrl repair facilities. B. Size arrl construction. F. Terrain: Descripticn. G. Transportation. c. B:>iler/generators: Nultler arrl location. G. otter (Specify). 1;1. Defenses. D. Transforner yard: Size and location. I. Other (Specify). E. Ox>ling towers : NU1t>er •Cl\nXXlRY 3 -BRl[X;£ Cl\nx;oRY 7 -INWSTRIAL SITE r. Penstock/turbine outlet (hydroelectric) . ----- G. ltctivity. A. PUt pose: lt:Jad, rai1, etc: over road, etc. H. Defenses. B. 'JYPe/9Jpport: Deck, throuqh, etc; beam, truss, etc. A. 'JYPe of industry. I. Other (Specify ). C. Cbnstnrtion: W::x:ld, steel, CXJilCTete, masonry. B. Size of area. D. Piers, abltlrents, arrl awroaches; OJnstruction. c. B.Jildings: NlJnber, size and o:>nstruction. C. NUrber of Spans. D. q>en storage: Q.lantity by type. Cl'.1tlAFi 12 -AAI I.KWJ Yl\RD F. ' I..ength arrl width (Height if significant) . £. llctivity. A. Type: Classification, repair, other. G. Nultler of lanes/tracks. F. Transp:Jrt.ation facilities. B. I..ength "f'l wiClth: Onke point to choke H. By-passes in vicinity of bridge. G. Source of !D""r. point. I. llctivity. H. Defenses. c. NU1t>er of tracks. J. otter (Specify). I. Other (Specify) . D. Facilities: ~!pair shops, roundtouses, other. Cl\TEXXllY 4 -lllfl}lSIV£ PCE/S'I'I!(N; PT/Gl.N Cl\~Y 8-UX: £. It:>IIing stock. F. Defenses. A. Type and size of pJsitioo ex fortification. A. "(ype: R:Jad, rail. canal, river. G. otter (Specifl'l. B. 'JYPe weapons; rurber. 8. Oeser iption of the route. C. Fire CXll'ltrol systen. C. Onke points. Cl\'ltiXRY 13 -SH:I PS D. 9Jpporting positioos. D. Significant activity. E. Significant static targets. £. Transportatioo """"ss. F. Other (Specify!. A. Cla•s/IYPe,Nunber. F"' lbltes of ingress arrl egress. B. Headi.nq/)oblll;!m!nt. ·c. Nature of surrourding terrain arrl foilage/barriers. Cl\~Y 9 -MIL INSTl\LUITICJl/STORAGE AREA c. Nationality. H. llctivity. D. Identificatio11 (Nane/I.D. '1\Jnber ) • I. Other (Specify). A. F\Jnction: 1\ssanbly, admin, barracks, depot, etc. £. cargo. B. 1\ctivity: !'lunt>er of vehicles arrl/or personnel. F. Activity. C. Size of area (approximate). G. Other (~pecify). 0. N\JTber of buildinqs: Predcrni.nant construction only. £. Storage: 'JYPe arrl location. r. Transp:Jrtatioo: ftlads, rail, other. CA~v 14 -orf!E G. Defenses. Narrative report is rendere:l under this he,_jing in sufficient detail to insure that the request or purpose of the mission is satisfied. H. Other (Specify). Page Number CLASSIFICATION FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Title an:! Elerents E:>cplanation IBjuest N\.llt:er ~ As Oirecte:l. III.C Priority -N.C. lise niJTerical designation bel0o1 to define the tactical urqency for prepl!llllll!d or i.Jme:liate request. Priority -It is the responsibility of the requestor to establish the prior\ty. '1he cateq:>ri~s of mis~ion priority are: Priority ~. l:ef inition 1. Takes precalence over all other requests except previously assiqned Priority 1 requests. 'Ihe results of these requests are of pari!I1'0UntJ.nport.once to the .IJmoediate battle situation or objective. 2. 1he resul u. of these requirE!I"f''e'nts are in support of the qeneral batt lc situatim ard will be ac:ccnplished as 900il as possible after Priority 1 requests. !hese are requests to gain current battle information. 3. 1he results of these requests up:late the intelliqence data base but :lo mt effect the .IJmoediate battle situation. 4. The results of these requests are of a routine nature. ~se requests lii.ll be fulfilled when the re=nnaissance effort permits. s. Precedence -for preplaJ'Vlerl requests, indicates the requestor's !SSiqrTI"'I:!nt relative to hls other requests state:J alphabetically in orde"r of ilrp:lrtarre. l.ine M O!lte/ Factors t. Self-explanatory. 2. a. State 1UI' only 1ohen required. b. ~ustify in li"" U2 above. 1. LTIOV-Indicate late!:it ~-"t'O' land t.isre if a factor) information of 1alue. Deliver prior to this date/ti.rre. I. Self-explanatory. N Time Re=n Requested t. Type Mission -Self-explanatory. a. Pinpoint -self-e>tos of tarqcts of militar1 significarcc. e. Area Coverage -Ph:>toqraph.ic coveraye of a SJ-CCif iocl arc.:J. t. II!loot -~:ssanc.-of \ll!lSSels afloat. 3,H5: Self-explanatory. 11-ese lines slxluld be left blank unless it is fully understood what the selecte:l sensor, ph:>to, film can ~lish. Line 0 Hap Refere""" -Self-explanatory. Be specific and CCI!plete. Line P 1arget O:lord..nates -Circle type of c:corJinates used an:! iniicatve. Exanph!: if the only EEl desired for an airfield is "Activity, llult>er, type, an:! locaticn of aircraft,• circle target cate<;JOry and write the letter "A" in the spoce following the ...,rd "Airfield. • If all of tl-e EEl listed in a specific target cate<;JOry are desired, circle the a(Jp[Opriate target category an:! write "All" in the EEl blank. If EEl other than that listed is desired, iniicate the nunber oorresronding to the l«)rd "other" under the target cate<;JOry and then specify the rtance of a perishable natun;. . 4. IPIR-An initial ph:>tc. interpretation report which conta1ns 1.11telhqenc:e ""mission objectiws ard additional ~ignificant intelli'J"''C'!. ~. SUPIR -A suppli!I!Cltal photo inteT]m!tation report which provides detailed intelligerre ar.ts required. Qlly mission essential imagery products slxluld be requested. Lint· T Delivery .Mdress 1. Unit-delivery address for missioo essential imagery products. 2. 1\ir Drop-<:bordinates, call sign, frequency an:! run in headirq for aerial delivery of hlqh priority i"MQery prOOuc:ts. Line l' A:r.\arks/SiJL'Clal lnstl'lX'tions 1. Tar4et /\rca COntrol. lrdic.Jtc, when a~licable, the call siqn and rac.l1o (rC\!'.Je:ncy of the control element (c.q. T~. FPC. etc.). 1\:> rrJntrn! :"niss1on ,.,,;•: r~pirc close coordination .with Qround forces . .!.. \Jt:r.r -St.'lf-cY.j.i.:matory lusc this space to spr?Cify scalP ; f rerllJired and tu l:.J~t i !j ror..x.•!t;t for S(.COCi f lC 1UT). Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB B (Air Observation Support Request Form) to APPENDIX 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) FMFM 5-10 Time Zone: FOR FIELD USE ONLY ADDRESSEE: (CALL SIGN) THIS IS: (CALL SIGN) 1. Mission: A. Immediate B. Preplanned C. Unit Training X 2. Map: A. AMS V795 California 1:50,000 Sheet 2550 IV 3. Surveillance: Las Pulgas Canyon Between Basilone Road and BH (Boundaries) (Time Limits) 4. Reconnaissance: A. Area (Boundaries} N/A (Times) B. Specific (Coordinates) N/A C. Route (From) 575846 (To} 623898 D. Contact (unit) H-3-27 (Coord) 618891 (Time) 17161SFebXX B. NGF Air Spot C. FAC(A) 5. Supporting Arms: N/A A. Arty Air Obs 6. Special: A. Comm Relay B. Movement Cover C. Helicopter Escort D. Other 7. Mission Objective: To maintain surveillance of Las Pulgas Canyon and 1700-1830 conduct route reconnaissance of the Las Pulgas road at dusk. B. Execution: A. DTG support is desired: 18 1700-1830 Feb 19XX B. DTG support value is lost: 18 1800 Feb 19XX 9. Liaison: A. Is not required B. Is required C. Liaison contact is: Requesting Unit 10. Coordinating Instructions: Friendly troops in outpost at 622875 Friendly roadblock at 612883 Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 163 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB C (Joint Tactical Electronic Warfare Request Form) to APPENDIX 4 (Reconnaissance and Surveillance Plan) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD________________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: JOINT TACTICAL ELECTRONIC WARFARE REQUEST FORM (Electronic Warfare Support Measures/Electronic Countermeasures Missions) FROM Request II 1. Precedence A D 2. Priority D TO MAP REFERENCE: Producer 1. AMS 2. ACIC 3. NAVOCEANO B 4. Other (specify) Approved D Series Disapproved D Date By/Reason TYPE EW MISSION SUPPORT REQUESTED: c [!] ESM 11] ECM [TI Combination SENT MISSION iO BE SUPPORTED (DESCRIBE): TIME BY 1. Nature of Mission: 2. Route of Travel (*Altitudes): RECEIVEDD 3. Timing: TIME BY 4. Force Size: CHECKED BY ESTIMATED THREAT iO EW SUPPORT MISSION: 1. 2. 3. E 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ACKNOWLEDGED 1) ESTIMATED EOB iO AFFECT MISSION: F (Type, Electronic Frequencies, Location) 2) DESIRED RESULTS: 3) 1. ESM a. Area Search G b. Specific Search 4) 2. ECM COORDINATIONCOORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. • Mission Rendezvous 1) 2. Mission Contact (CIS, Freqs): 2) H a. Primary: b. Secondary: 3) 3. Friendly Force(s) Possibly Affected: 4) a. Unlt(s): b. Address: • Applicable or when known. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 164 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION REPORTS: 1. INFLTRPT C/S FREQ COORDINATED I 2. MISREP 3. TESM D Artillery 4. Other AIR DEF D AVN REMARKS/SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: D J 0 D NGFJAMMING FREO RESTRICTIONS Requesting Unit Notified By 1. RESTRICTIVE FIRE/AIR PLAN 2. IN EFFECT DTG 0 IS NOT [!] NUMBER 0 (from time) [!] (to time) By K 3. LOCATION 4. WIDTH (Meters) D Accept 0 [!] D Refuse (From-coordinates) (To -coordl nates) REASON 5. ALTITUDE/VERTEX 0 [!] (Maximum/VERTEX) (Minimum) AIR MISSION DATA 1. MISSION NO 12. AIRCRAFT CIS 13. NO/TYPE ACFT L 4. ESTI ACT TAKEOFF 5. RENDEZVOUS (Coord/NavFix) 6. MISSION CONTACT 7. MISSION TIMING CIS Freq TOT Duration 8. ESM 0 Area of Search [!] Signals to be Searched 9. ECM 0 Profile: [iJ Type Slgnals/Freqs for ECM: [£! Chaff/Decoy Drop: 10. INFLT RPT I 11. RESTRICTIVE FIRE/AIR PLAN C/S Freq (BLOCK K) 12. REMARKS NOTE: Joint Pub 12, Tactical Command and Control Procedures for Joint Operations, has Instruction on the proper completion of this form. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 5 (Supplementary Air Operations) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD______ ____(U) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL a. ( ) Supplementary air operations encompass missions that may not come under the normal functions of MAGTF aviation but which may be required. A general description of the types of supplementary operations required will be included in this appendix. More detailed information for each applicable type of supplementary air operation will be provided in Tabs. b. ( ) This appendix is a "catch all" device to ensure that all requirements are covered. Its contents are dictated by the nature and scope of the overall operation. The following list shows some supplementary air operations that may need to be addressed: (1) Aerial refueling (2) Combat search and rescue (CSAR) (3) Emergency defense of the amphibious task force (EDATF) (4) Passenger and cargo movement /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) ( Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX (U) 6 (Aircraft Armament) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD________________ Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL a. ( ) This plan provides an armament code to be used in the assignment of aircraft weapons loading and pilot reports for ordnance loading. Weapons and fuzing codes are listed in Tab A to this Appendix. b. ( ) Aircraft will be loaded according to aircraft schedules. Deviation should be immediately passed to the CATF. c. ( ) After completion of each mission, the flight leader will report ordnance expenditure, damage assessment, and enemy intelligence of immediate tactical importance to the controlling agency. 2. ( ) Armament fixed fuze settings will be designated by aviation units according to anticipated target application. Fuze settings selected while airborne will be designated in the following order of priority by the: a. Forward air controller. b. Forward air controller (airborne) . c. Tactical air coordinator (airborne) . Tactical air director, through the air support coordinator. d. e. Flight leader. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 168 ---------------------------------------------------------------- FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TAB: A -Aircraft Ordnance Codes B -Target/Aircraft/Load Matrix (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB A (Aircraft Ordnance Codes) to OPORD (U) to APPENDIX 6 (Armament) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) Experience has shown that it is expedient to establish armament codes to designate not only individual weapons, but specific aircraft ordnance mixes as well. Such codes provide both a modicum of secrecy and an economy of language that is especially important in aviation; radios are tied up for relatively shorter periods of time when flights check in ordnance codes to FACs or TAC(A)s rather than by specific numbers and types of ordnance. It is also much easier for planners to call for an ordnance mix by a coded word. Once a planner knows the nature of the target or the probable target, he consults his tables of available ordnance and the Joint load for the Munitions Effectiveness Manuals (JMEMs) and designates the appropriate aircraft. 2. ( ) List aviation ordnance codes arid loads to be used in the air tasking order (ATO). Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 171MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number APPENDIX 7 (Air Control) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD________________ (U) Ref: (a) Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. ( ) General. Provide a summary statement of the situation that describes the airspace/air control requirements of the operation. Of particular concern are any unique factors that require special attention from the aircrews or air controllers. Refer to the basic plan and Annex B and include any additional b. ( ) Enemy.information that could affect the prosecution of LFA missions. Estimate enemy capabilities and probable actions to interfere with friendly air control means. Refer to the basic plan and Annex N and include any existing c. ( ) Friendly. air control forces other than those tasked in this appendix that have an air control capability, either as an assigned mission or as an inherent capability. Define, as necessary, air control terms used for procedures, d. ( ) Definitions.capabilities, agencies and equipment to ensure that users of the air control forces are familiar with the support to be provided. (1) ( ) Air Control. Action taken by personnel using radio, radar, or other means external to an aircraft to maneuver that aircraft in relation to another object. (2) ( ) Air Controller. An individual especially trained for and assigned the of such aircraft as duty of the control (by use of radio, radar, and other means) may be allotted to him for operation within his area. (3) ( ) Air Control Agency. An organization possessing the capability for air control and/or air direction while maintaining a corresponding capability to coordinate such control and direction with other similar agencies. A process used to increase combat effectiveness by (4) ( ) Airspace Control. promoting the safe, efficient and flexible use of airspace. Airspace control is provided in order to prevent fratricide, enhance air defense operations, and permit greater flexibility of operations. Airspace control does not infringe on the authority vested in commanders to approve, disapprove, or deny combat operations. (5) ( ) Terminal (Air) Controller. An air controller located at or near the scene of an aircraft mission to assist assigned aircraft completing the purpose of the mission. Terminal control does not extend to internal weapon systems operation. e. ( ) Assumptions. List any assumptions not reflected in the basic plan or Annex N which are applicable to specific air control procedures. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 172 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 2. ( ) CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS Refer to the basic plan and Annexes C and M for the overall concept of LFA operations. 3 . ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Conduct of Air Control Operations. Provide the necessary detailed instructions to cover all aspects of air control to flight operations not described elsewhere in this Appendix. Attention may be directed to other annexes, if appropriate, for specialized operations or particular aspects of the operation; e.g., Appendix 3 to Annex R is helicopter control procedures during the ship-to-shore movement. Attention may also be directed to other appendixes in this annex. The intent of this paragraph is to tie together all air control proceduresand preclude omission of instructions not appropriate to other appendices. These instructions should be of universal concern to aircrews and air controllers and should not be tailored to a particular community. Subordinate unit OPLANs/OPORDswill provide for those specific instruction of less than wide concern. b. ( ) Tasks of Friendly Forces. Provide the identification of air control agencies services provided by friendly forces involved in air operations in which Marine aircraft will participate. For example: Agency OP Date Services (1) XXAF CRC Present Flt Follow Interceptor c + L. (2) CTF AEW D-20 Flt Follow Interceptor c + L. XX3 SAR D-25 Appendix 6 to Annex c to Ref (a). (3) ( ) CTF HDC D-10 Appendix 3 to Annex R. XXX4 c. ( ) Tasks of Subordinate Units. Provide an information paragraph to identifysubordinate air control agencies that are operational listing dates, times and services provided. This information reflects specific tasking that has been accomplished in the basic plan and the annex. For example: Agency OP Date Services (1) ( ) MCCG-XX TAOC D+5 Flt Follow D+7 Interceptor Control (2) ( ) MAG-XX ASC(A) D-day Appendix 11 FAC(A) D-day Appendix !2 (3) ( ) MWSG-XX TAC(A) D-day Tab E FAC(A) D-day Appendix 2 d. ( ) Coordinating Instructions. The following categories of instructions are considered appropriate for this paragraph. (1) ( ) Airspace Priorities. ! Provide the MAGTF commander's priorities for the use of airspace. Included will be relative priorities for the functional missions; e.g., air defense versus close air support, emergency criteria, agencies, or staff Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION members vested with authority to set or change mission priorities, instructions for conflict resolution, and other priority information. (2) ) Airspace Utilization. Provide identification of the various agencies responsible for aircraft clearances and their areas of responsibility. Check-in frequencies and call signs are included. Also see Appendixes 8 and 14. (3) Air Defense. See Appendix 1. (4) Fire Support Coordination. See Appendix 2. (5) Close Air Support. See Appendix 2. (6) Air Traffic Control. See Appendixes 8, 12, and 14. (7) Adjacent Agencies. Identify any peculiar or unique information required from either aircrews or air controllers by other air control elements of the JTF. Other portions of this OPLAN will discuss the details of inter-agency relationships. This paragraph is intended strictly to identify what information requirements are significant to non-ATF air control agencies. (8) ( ) Miscellaneous. Identify any unique air control requirements not included in the preceding. References may be made to Appendixes 9, 10, 11, and 12. For example, peculiar requirements for missions in support of indigenous forces could be included here. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS a. Administration. See Basic Plan. b. Logistics. See Basic Plan/Annex D. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. ( ) Control (1) Annex K, Command and Control Systems. (2) Appendix 8, Air Communications. b. ( ) Identification Procedures (1) Tab F, Report In/Out Procedures. (2) Tab H, IFF/SIF Procedures. (3) Tab E, Entry/Exit Procedures and Orbit Points. c. ( ) Command Relationships. Annex J. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 174 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -Airspace Control (Omitted) B -Estimate of Air Control Agencies (Omitted) C -Airspace Control Circuit Diagram D -Air Control Agencies Location Overlay (Omitted) E -Entry/Exit Procedures and Orbit Points F -Report In/Out Procedures G -Terminal Control Procedures H -IFF/SIF Procedures J -Air Tasking Procedures (Omitted) K -TAC(A) Procedures Y -Reports (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 175 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to ANNEX N (Air TAB C (Airspace Control Circuit Diagram) to APPENDIX 7 (Air Control) Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: LEGEND C--Net Control X--Guard 0--When Required R--Copy L--Relay Y--Net Control When Directed TASK ORGANIZATION NUMBER X Commander Joint Task Force CJTF-2 TACC CTF-1 c TACC CTF-4 u TADC CTF-5 X Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 177 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Air Control) to ANNEX TAB E (Entry/Exit Procedures and Orbit Points) to APPENDIX 7 N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) CINC OPLAN ______ (b) CJTF OPLAN ___ Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL Provide general directive instructions for the AOA and reference the p~rtinent AOA instructions. Other general instructions, such as positive air control requirements, are stated. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT See reference (b) . 3 . ( ) CONDUCT Describe the procedures to enter/exit the AOA airspace area and assign responsible agencies. Included, but not limited to, are the following: a. Designated air control agencies. b. Airspace and altitude separation. c. Clearance requirements. d. Minimum altitudes. e. Approach and retirement procedures in the AOA. (1) IFR procedures. (2) VFR procedures. (3) Reports. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS See Basic Plan/Annex D. ENCLOSURE: 1 -Entry/Exit, Control, Holding, and Orbit Points Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 179 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Entry/ExitENCLOSURE 1 (Entry/Exit, Control Holding and Orbit Points) to TAB E (Air Control) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) Procedures and Orbit Points) to APPENDIX 7 to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) CONTROL POINTS Name Location Purpose TACAN Brandy XX-XXN/XX-XXW Control/Hold 151/36 to 46 040/37 to 67 Cognac XX-XXN-XX-XXW Entry/Exit Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 181MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB F (Report In/Out Procedures) to APPENDIX 7 (Air Control) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ) RIO INFORMATION Information required for reporting in/out (RIO) is stated according to the mission. All aircraft report in to the TACC when entering, departing, or operating within the objective area, except when directed to report directly to a subordinate control agency. When pilots have completed their mission, they check out with the same agency or agencies. These reports, referred to as reporting in/out information, are maintained by the concerned control agencies until the pilot has checked out and the information has been recorded. RIO information will vary in content depending on the aircraft mission and control agency concerned. Similarly, information transmitted to the pilot upon reporting in will depend on his mission and the control agency Each major air control center maintains current status information on involved.appropriate preplanned, ground alert, and airborne aircraft. RIO information comprises an essential part of this status information vital to the success of the MACCS. 2. ( ) CALL SIGNS AND FREQUENCIES The following is hereby promulgated: Agency Call Sign Frequency a. ( ) CTFXX2 TACC BRONCO xxx.x CRC b. ( ) CTFXX4 TACC HDC c. ( ) CTFXXS TADC TAOC 3. ( ) INITIAL CONTACT PROCEDURES a. ( ) As soon as practical after take-off, mission aircrews establish initial contact with the appropriate en route control element. The following minimum information will be provided: (1) ( ) Flight call sign. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 (2} (3} (4} (5} ( ) (NAVAID) /fix. (6} ( ) directed. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) b. ( ) The (1} (2} (3} (4} CLASSIFICATION Mission number. Time airborne. Number and type of aircraft (if different from tasking order). Position-geographical point/range and bearing from navigational aid The following information will be included, as appropriate, or when Ordnance. Control point coordinates/NAVAID fix. Final control call sign and frequency. Target information. Estimated time-over-target or time-over-control point. control facility will: Establish radar/radio contact. Ensure positive identification. Acknowledge and confirm information received. Advise aircrews of changes in mission, if any. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 183 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Air Control) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) TAB H (IFF/SIF Procedures) to APPENDIX 7 to OPORD (U) Ref: (a) CTFXX OPLAN (b) CINC ~A~i-r~Control Procedures Manual Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL its relation to aircraft operationally Provide the provisions for IFF/SIF usage, ready status, and identify pertinent references. 2. ( ) ENTRY/EXIT CODES See reference (a) . 3. ( ) AIR DEFENSE IDENTIFICATION ZONE PROCEDURES See reference (b) . 4. ( ) MODE 1 CODES Identify the code structure according to appropriate authority. 5. ( ) MODE 2 CODES Identify the code structure according to appropriate authority. 6. ( ) MODE 3 CODES Identify the structure according to appropriate authority. 7. ( ) EMERGENCY IFF PROCEDURES Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 185 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Air Control) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to TAB K (TAC[A] Procedures) to APPENDIX 7 OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. ( ) SITUATION a. ( ) General. Describe the operational and geographic factors that will influence the requirement for TAC(A)s. Also identify overriding considerations on TAC(A) employment and procedures. Refer to the basic plan and Annex B. Include additional b. ( ) Enemy. information as appropriate. c. ( ) Friendly. Refer to the basic plan and Annex N. Identify those organizations in Annex N that have a specific capability or assignment to provide TAC{A)s to the operation. d. ) Assumptions. As required. 2 . ( ) CONCEPT Provide a general description of the role of TAC(A)s envisioned during the operation: pre-D-day, on D-day, and post-D-day. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Conduct. Provide instructions governing the use and restrictions on the use of TAC(A)s. Include the following: (1) ( ) Tactical conditions requiring TAC(A) (a) Communications restrictions. (b) Visibility. (c) Number of sorties for a particular operation. (d) Proximity to friendly ground forces. (e) Special operations. missions. (2) Agencies/authorities responsible for assignment of TAC{A) {3) Specific tasks related to: Page Number CLASSIFICATION ~sample fonnat 186 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (a) Coordination with ground units. (b) FAC(A) coordination. (c) Assignment of aircraft to FAC(A). (d) Advisory responsibilities to FAC(A)s and CAS aircraft. (e) Target detection. (f) Control of close and deep air support missions. (g) Control of artillery and naval gunfire. (4) Designation of areas of responsibility. (5) Saturation levels. (6) Airborne alert status. (7) Time-on-station requirements. (8) Relief-on-station procedures. (9) Procedures for turnover of aircraft to FAC(A)s. b. Tasks of Friendly Forces. See Appendix 7. c. Tasks of Subordinate Units. See Appendix 7. d. Coordinating Instructions. Included, but not limited to, are the following types of instructions: (1) Authority to request or reassign sorties. (2) Procedures and agencies for providing resources to TAC(A) immediate air support requests. (3) Air control agencies according to the sequence of the landing. (4) Authority for orbit point control. (5) En route clearance procedures. (6) Fire support coordination procedures. (7) Air defense coordination. (8) Special instructions. 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS a. ( ) Administration. Annex E. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION b. ( ) Logistics. Annex D. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a . Command. Annex J. b. Control. Annex K. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 189 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 8 (Air Communications) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD_________________ (U) Ref: (a) II MEF OPLAN 1-94 (b) II MEF (5)150600 July 1994 Time Zone: 1. ( ) Air control communications will be in accordance with Annex K (Command and Control Systems) of this plan and reference (a) . This appendix contains a list of circuit designators and functions for all nets to be employed by 2d MAW. Frequency assignment and call signs are contained in reference (b) . 2. ( ) REQUEST-PROCUREMENT a. ( ) Tactical Air Request Net (TAR). Provides a means for forward ground combat units to request immediate air support from the DASC. Intermediate ground combat echelons monitor this net and may modify, disapprove, or approve a specific request. The DASC uses the net to brief the requesting unit on the details of the mission. Additionally, target damage assessments and emergency helicopter requests may be passed over this net. Multiple TAR nets may be required depending on the scope of close air support operations. (1) DASC. (2) Tactical air control parties. b. ( ) Helicopter Request Net (HR). Provides a means for the tactical air control parties of helicopterborne units and those units assigned on-call Surface helicopters to request immediate helicopter support from the DASC or HDC. landed units will submit requests for immediate helicopter support to the DASC or net. Preplanned helicopter support TACC (afloat) via the tactical air request (TAR) for helicopterborne and surface-landed units will be submitted via command channels. (1) DASC. (2) TACC/HDC. (3) TACPs of helicopterborne units. c. ( ) Direct Air Support Net (DAS). Provides a means for the DASC to request direct air support aircraft from the TACC. Additionally, information pertaining to aircraft stationing, fuel and ordnance status, progress of direct air support missions, etc., may also be passed over this net. (1) TACC/TADC. (2} DASC. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION d. ( ) Tactical Air Command Net #1 (TACmd). Provides the primary means by which the TACC directs aircraft groups to provide aircraft for close air support and antiair warfare missions. (1) TACC/TADC. (2) TAOCs. (3) DASC. (4) All Marine aircraft groups. (5) AAOC. e. ( ) Tactical Air Command Net #2 (TACmd). Functions as an overload for TACmd Net #1. When activated, it is normally used for the transmission of requests for preplanned air strikes, lengthy operation orders, and air schedules. (1) ( ) Same as TACmd Net 1. 3. ( ) RIO (REPORTING IN AND OUT) a. ( ) Squadron Command Net. Provides a means of communications between in-flight squadron aircraft and/or with the squadron headquarters. Each aircraft squadron has its own common net. (1) Squadron headquarters. (2) In-flight squadron aircraft. b. ( ) Group Common Net. Provides a means of communications between in-flight group aircraft and/or with the aircraft group headquart~rs. Each aircraft group establishes its own common net. (1) Aircraft group headquarters. (2) In-flight group aircraft. (3) Squadron headquarters. c. ( ) Tactical Air Traffic Control Net (TATC)S. Provides a means for the TACC TAOC, and DASC to exercise control of all tactical aircraft in the objective area: Types of information passed over this net include aircraft reports of launches by mission number, clearing aircraft to their assigned c~ntrol agencies, diverting aircraft as necessary, and the aircraft completed mission reports prior to landing. Multiple TATC nets are required with the TACC/TADC, TAOC, and DASC each having its own net. (1) TACC/TADC. (2) TAOCs. (3) DASC. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents 191 CLASSIFICATION (4) Fixed-wing aircraft. (5) Helicopters. 4. ( ) DIRECTION Provides a means for the direction of a. ( ) Tactical Air Direction Net (TAD). aircraft in the conduct of close air support missions and for the DASC to brief support aircraft on target information or assignment to the terminal controller. Multiple TAD nets are required and are assigned to major air control agencies. (1) DASC. (2) TACP. (4) Tactical fixed-wing aircraft. (5) Other elements within the air command and control system. b. ( ) Helicopter Direction Net (HD) (Inbound and Outbound). These nets are used by the HDC for positive control of inbound and outbound helicopters in the amphibious objective area. The radar controller in the HDC utilizes these nets to direct flight course and altitude of helicopters and holdings, letdowns, and climb use these nets for control of helicopters in out when required. ASC(A) and TAC(A) the objective area. Both UHF and HF helicopter direction nets are employed. The HF is a backup and provides long-range control of airborne helicopters. (1) ( ) DASC. (2) HDC. (3) Helicopters. (4) Assault support coordinator (airborne). (5) Helicopter landing zone control team. (6) Tactical air coordinator (airborne) . (7) Tactical air control parties. (8) Other elements within the air command and control system. c. ( Helicopter Landing Zone Control Net (HLZC). Provides a means for the landing zone control team to control helicopters en route between the initial point and the landing zone. Multiple landing zone control nets may be required depending on the number of zones in operation at the same time. (1) Landing zone control team. (2) Helicopters en route between the initial point and the landing zone. (3) DASC. Page Number CLASSIFICATION 192 FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (4) ( ) Helicopter coordinator (airborne) . 5. ) COORDINATION a. ( ) Air Control Circuits. Listed below are the circuits to be utilized in aircommunication with tactical airfields and other information required by aircrews. CIRCUIT FUNCTION AD-1 SOUDHA BAY APPROACH AD-2 SOUDHA BAY TOWER AD-3 AKROTIRIA GROUND AD-4 AKROTIRIA APPROACH AD-S AKROTIRIA TOWER AD-6 NICOSIA GROUND AD-7 NICOSIA APPROACH AD-8 NICOSIA TOWER AD-9 LZ GROUND AD-10 LZ SWALLOW AD-11 LZ WREN AD-12 LZ ROBIN AD-13 LZ FINCH EA-1 EQRON TOWER EA-2 EQRON GROUND EA-3 HATZOR TOWER EA-4 HATZOR GROUND b. ( ) Internal Circuits. Listed below are the circuits to be utilized as group/squadron circuits that are common for those aviation units assigned to MAW. CIRCUIT UNIT GC-1 MWHS-2 GC-2 MACG-28 GC-3 MWSG-27 GC-4 MAG-14 GC-5 MAG-31 GC-6 MAG-32 GC-7 MAG-26 GC-8 MAG-29 GC-9 MAG-11 GC-10 MAG-16 GC-11 VMGR-352 SC-1 VMAQ-2 SC-2 VMA(AW)-224 SC-3 VMA(AW)-332 SC-4 VMA(AW)-533 sc-s VMGR-252 SC-6 VMFA-115 SC-7 VMFA-312 SC-8 VMFA-451 SC-9 VMFA-122 SC-10 VMA-231 SC-11 VMA-542 Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ---------------------------193 CLASSIFICATION SC-12 VMA-331 SC-13 VMA-223 SC-14 HMM-263 HMH-461 · SC-15 SC-16 HMM-264 SC-17 HMM-162 SC-18 HMM-261 SC-19 HMH-362 SC-20 HML/A-167 SC-21 HML/A-269 SC-22 VM0-1 SC-23 VMFA-314 SC-24 VMFA-323 SC-25 VMFP-3 SC-26 HMM-161 SC-27 HMH-363 /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -Callsign and Frequency Assignments (Omitted) B -Lost Communications Procedures (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 195MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 9 (Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD____ ______(U) Ref: (a) WgO P3710.21A (Translant SOP) (b) NATOPS Air Refueling Manual (c) NATOPS Flight Manuals for Type Aircraft (d) En Route Supplement/Charts N. Atlantic, Europe, and N. Africa (e) 39th AARW MSG DTG 01 1930Z Jul 94 (f) Com FAIRMED MSG DTG 020600Z Jul 94 (g) Co NAS BERMUDA MSG DTG 012330 Jul 94 (h) COMCABEAST MSG DTG 011 BOOZ Jul 94 Time Zone: 1. ) SITUATION a. Enemy Forces. Annex B (Intelligence). b. Friendly Forces (1) ( ) Commanding General, 4th MEB (CTF 62) controls Marine Corps aviation operations as part of Sixth Fleet, in Eastern Mediterranean, unit D-6. (2) ( ) Commander 39th AARW will provide DUCKBUTT and radio relay services as arranged in reference (e) . (3) ( ) Commanding Officers, NAS Bermuda, NAS Rota, and NAF Sigonella will provide billeting for aircrews and maintenance personnel, fuel, and ground support equipment as necessary in accordance with references (a) and (b) . (4) Commander Sixth Fleet assumes control of flight ferry at NAS Rota. (5) ( ) COMCABEAST supports translant with C-9B aircraft as indicated in reference (h) . c. ( ) Attachments and Detachments. Marine Attack Squadron-231 attached to MAG-14 (CTU 167.2.1) effective 0800 27 Jul 94. All Translant units attached to Commander Sixth Fleet upon arrival at NAS Rota. 2. ( ) MISSION Second Marine Aircraft Wing conducts Translant operations in support of Sixth Fleet operations in Eastern Mediterranean. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Conception of Operations. Translant ferry schedule and flight profiles are depicted in Tab B. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION b. ( ) VMGR-252 (1) ( ) Commencing 27 Jul 94, deploy six (6) KC-130 aircraft each to NAS Bermuda and Lajes AFB, Azores, to be in position by 272200R Jul 94 and to remain on-station until Translant completed. c. ( ) SOES, MCAS CHERRY PT (1) ( ) Provide C-9B services for movement of maintenance support teams to NASBermuda and other destinations are required. Maintenance support teams will bepositioned 24 hours prior to arrival of each unit at NAS Bermuda. (2) ( ) Be prepared to conduct support operations until completion of Translant. d. ( ) Marine Aircraft Group 31 (1) ( ) Commence Translant as depicted in Tab B. Upon arrival NAS Rota, chopof Commander Sixth Fleet. (2) ( ) Provide maintenance support for own ferry aircraft. e. ( ) Marine Aircraft Group 14 (1) Complete attachments of assigned units by dates/times indicated. (2) ( Commence Translant as depicted in Tab B. Upon arrival NAS Rota, chopto Commander Sixth Fleet. (3) ( ) Provide maintenance support teams for Translant units. f. ( ) Marine Aircraft Group 32 (1) Detach units to CO MAG-31 by dates/times indicated. (2) Provide Maintenance Support teams for Translant units. g. ( ) Coordinating Instructions (1) Translant operations are assigned code name AGILE BIPPY. (2) ( ) Commanding General, 2d MAW is designed Translant Commander. Assignmentof command and control personnel is as follows: Transoceanic Force Commander, Col. J. J. striker; Movement Control Officer, Maj. J. S. Steele, Tanker Force Commander; LtCol S. D. Perry. (3) ) Commander Sixth Fleet assumes command of ferry movement from NAS Rota to Cyprus. (4) Movement reports in.accordance with NWIP 10-1. (5) ( ) VMGR-252 coordinates ALTREV and CARF plans with FAA and conducts Translant briefings and coordinates movement. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS a. ( ) Deploying squadrons make preparations for AMC airlift to arrive at designated destination during operating hours NLT 9 August 1994. b. ( ) Deploying squadrons provide maintenance support teams for movement to NAS Bermuda and then to NAS Rota. Initial movement will be scheduled 24 hours prior to departure of each squadron from Beaufort or Cherry Point. Maintenance pick-up to include one spare engine and stand. c. ) All squadron personnel are paid, receive necessary immunizations, and possess individual equipment in accordance with FMFLant Deplacement SOP. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL SOP and FAA assignment. a. Communications in accordance with 2d MAW Translant name AGILE BIPPY, followed by series numbers as shown in Tab B. b. Radio call signs for Translant aircraft will be prefaced by code c. ( ) Control Functions (1) ( ) Control of Translat operations initially by CG 2d MAW and is required by designated command and control offices. (2) ( ) Commander Sixth Fleet assumes command of movement from NAS Rota to Cyprus. (3) ( ) Transfer of deploying squadrons to CG 4th MEB as directed by Commander Sixth Fleet. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION TAB: A -Task Organization (Omitted) B -Air Ferry Schedule C -Movement Control (Omitted) D -Communications (Omitted) E -Air & Sea Rescue (Omitted) Z -Reports (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB B (Air Ferry Schedule) to APPENDIX 9 (Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: Phase 1 -Translant CONUS to ROTA CALL SIGN NO TYPE LAUNCH DTG ARCP1 FUEL ARCP2 FUEL ARRIVAL REMARKS A/C TIME OTIS 1-1 THRU 6 KC-130 271300Z JUL NA NA NAS BERMUDA TANKER 1-6 271530Z JUL PREPOSITION OTIS 1-7 THRU 1-12 6 KC-130 271100Z JUL NA NA LAJES AFB 272000Z JUL TANKER PREPOSITION OTIS 1-13 THRU 1-19 6 KC-130 271000Z JUL NA NA NAS ROTA 272230Z JUL TANKER PREPOSITION & MAG-31 ADJ MAINT TM OTIS 20 1 C-9B 271700Z JUL NA NA NAS BERMUDA 271830Z JUL MAG-31 MAINT TM -VMAQ PODS LAUNCH FROM NBC R03N AGILE BIPPY 2-1 -2-6 6 F/A-18 281200Z JUL NA NA 271830Z JUL NAS BERMUDA VMFA-312 RON AGILE BIPPY 21 -26 6 F/A-18 291000Z JUL 11,000 LB/AC 21,000 LB/AC 291700Z JUL NAS ROTA RON PHASE I COMPLETE Phase II -Ferry, ROTA to CYPRESS (continue) ENCLOSURES: 1 -Leg I 2 -Leg II 3 -Leg III (Omitted) Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 201MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ENCLOSURE 1 (Leg I) to TAB A (Air Ferry Schedule) to APPENDIX 9 (Air Movement Plan/Flight Ferry) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time zone: LEG I 700nm Cherry Point Bermuda or Kindley AFB Beaufort Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat 203 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number (Air MovementENCLOSURE 2 (Leg II) to TAB A (Air Ferry Schedule) to APPENDIX 9 Plan/Flight Ferry) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: LEG II ARCP#2 ·ARCP#1 6TANKERS 6TANKERS 48,000#1 TANKER 48,000#1 TANKER 240,000# TOTAL 240,000# TOTAL 70 470 500 600 630 1900 1930 2080 2110 2830 ROTA BERMUOO. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 205 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 10 (Aircraft Schedules) to Annex N (Air Operations) to OPORD________________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. GENERAL SITUATIONS a. ( ) Event Number. Scheduled by squadron to be used in conjunction with a mission number. b. ( ) Mission. Assigned according to squadron capabilities, with specific tasks in remarks. c. ( ) Type Aircraft. Self-explanatory. d. ( ) Provided By. As scheduled, unless scheduled squadron or unit is authorized to change by TACC. e. ( ) On-Station. Time aircraft will arrive on-station or orbit point. Time-off-target will be by schedule when ordnance is expended or target destroyed. f. ( ) Report. H-hour and until appropriate units are ashore, all units will report to TACC. Helicopter escort missions and helicopter ship-to-shore movements will report to the HDC. Once control is established ashore, all units will report as appropriate to TACC or DASC/HDC. g. ( ) Remarks. Should include such things as target information, alert status, orbit point data, photo strip information, and road recon routes, etc., if known. For helicopter missions, the following should appear: LZ arrival/departure times, rendezvous time, and Wave Commander, plus any information that may be pertinent to members in the flight. 2. ( ) REQUEST FOR SCHEDULED MISSIONS Air requests from ground commanders will be submitted by each day for missions to be conducted the following day. 3. ( ) ADDITIONAL SCHEDULING INFORMATION Aircraft requirements, particularly pertaining to D-day will be furnished to landing force aviation by the CLF as such detailed planning is completed. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -AAW (Omitted) B -OAS (Omitted) C -Assault Support D -Air Reconnaissance (Omitted) E -Supplementary Air Operations (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ----------------------------207 CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERS PLACE OF ISSUE Date/time group Message reference number TAB C (Assault Support) to APPENDIX 10 (Aircraft Schedules) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: EVENT NUMBER & ON- NUMBER MISSION TYPE ACFT PROVIDED BY STATION REPORT REMARKS 1-l Troop lift 10 CH-46E HMM-162 TBA HDC Troop lift HDC of BLT 3/8 assault 11 CH-53E HMH-464 TBA 10 CH-46E HMM-365 TBA HDC withequipment.Anticipate 3waves toaccomplish. II 1-2 Helo escort/ 8 AH-lT HML/A-269 TBA HDC CIFS II 1-3 c & c 2 UH-1 HML/A-269 TBA HDC 1;...4 Logistics 3 CH-53E HMH-464 TBA HDC o/o logisticsfor BSSG 1-5 SAR 2 CH-46E HMM-162/365 TBA HDC SAR SPT 3/8 Helo SSLT 1-6 MEDEVAC 3 UH-1 HML/A-269 TBA HDC MEDEVAC SPT 3/8 Helo Asslt Page Number CLASSIFICATION example format 209 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD,_______________ (U) APPENDIX 11 (Air Tasking) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL This appendix addresses the issuance of the ATO directing flight operations in support of operation 2. ( ) AIR TASKING CYCLE Discuss the air tasking cycle (apportionment and allocation, allotment, tasking, and Set required timelines for submission ofscheduling) as pertains to the operation. requests and for the ATO cycle. Discuss interoperability with the joint air tasking cycle (if a factor). 3. ( ) ARCHITECTURE Address the hardware and software issues required to generate a MAGTF ATO and "plug in to" a joint ATO. Delineate which units will receive the ATO and what portions of it they need to receive. 4. ( ) LOGISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION Delineate any special logistic or administrative considerations required to ensure a continuous and responsive air tasking cycle to include production and distribution of the ATO. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. Annex J. b. Control. Annex K. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL Is/ ·----- (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -Air Tasking Process (Omitted) B -Air Tasking Order Format DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 211MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number TAB B (Air Tasking Order Format) to APPENDIX 11 (Air Tasking) to ANNEX N (Air Operations) to OPORD (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. UNIT ASSIGNED MISSION; EVENT/MISSION NUMBER a. Target. b. Number and type of aircraft. c. Ordnance load and fuzing. d. Time-on-target/station. e. Reference and orbit. f. Communications. g. Coordinating Instructions. 2. ( ) UNIT ASSIGNED MISSION: EVENT/MISSION NUMBER a. ( ) Etc. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 213 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ANNEX R (Amphibious Operations) to OPORD _______(U) Ref: Time Zone: 1. SITUATION a. ( ) Enemy Forces. Refer to Annex B (Intelligence). b. ( ) Friendly Forces. Note higher, adjacent, and supporting forces involved in the amphibious operation. Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization). c. d. Assumptions. State any assumptions on which the plan for the operation are based. 2. ( ) MISSION Provide a mission statement for the amphibious portion of the operation. 3. ( ) EXECUTION a. ( ) Concept of Operations. Refer to paragraph 3a of the basic order of Appendix 2 (Concept of Operations) to Annex C (Operations) . Refer to Appendix 1 (Advance Force Operations). b. ( ) Advance Force Operations. c. ( ) Beach Reconnaissance and Underwater Demolition. (Refer to Annex B (Intelligence). d. Embarkation. Refer to Appendix 2 (Embarkation Plan). e. Landing Plan. Refer to Appendix 3 (Landing Plan). f. Rehearsal. Refer to Appendix 4 (Rehearsal Plan). g. Control. Refer to Appendix 5 (CSS Control Agencies Plan). h. Withdrawal. Refer to Appendix 6 (Withdrawal Plan). i. Coordinating Instructions. Include coordination and control measures applicable to two or more· units. Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION 4. ( ) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Refer to Arinex D (Logistics/CSS). Provide any appropriate administrative guidance. 5. ( ) COMMAND AND CONTROL a. Command. Refer to Annex J. b. Control. Refer to Annex K. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) APPENDIXES: 1 -Advance Force Operations (Omitted) · 2 -Embarkation Plan (Omitted) 3 -Landing Plan 4 -Rehearsal Plan (Omitted) 5 -Ship to Shore Movement Agencies (Omitted) 6 -ACE CSS Operations (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 215 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number to ANNEX R (Amphibious Operations) to OPORD________________ APPENDIX 3 (Landing Plan) (U} Ref: (a) Maps: (b) CTF 94 OPLAN 9(c} NWP 22-3 Time Zone: 1. ) GENERAL a. ( ) This plan provides for: (Rein) and Co F (Rein), BLT 2/23 by helicopter in LZ CROW (1) ( ) Landing Co E (alternate LZ ROBIN). (2) ( ) Landing BLT 2/23(-) in amphibious vehicles and landing craft over RED Beach. ( ) Landing MSSG in landing craft over RED Beach and by helicopter into LZ (3) CROW. 2. ( ) CONTROL MEASURES a. ( ) Ship-to-Shore: and (c). (1} Movement control in accordance with references (b) (2) HDC aboard LPH-4 will control helicopter ship-to-shore movement. (a) ( ) Approach and Retirement Routes. By request to TACC, HDC, or Flight leaders may change in case of emergency. ASC(A}. (b) ( ) Landing Zone. BLT commander in conjunction with flight leader if change does not involve a change of route. In the event a change of route is request HDC to obtain permission from CATF or required, the flight leader will designated authority. b. ( ) TACLOG will function aboard LPH-4 in accordance with Appendix 5 (CSS Control Agencies Plan) . Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) TABS: A -Landing Diagram (Omitted) B -Serial Assignment Table (Omitted) c -Landing Craft and Amphibious Vehicle Assignment Table (Omitted)D -Landing Sequence Table (Omitted)F -Amphibious Vehicle Availability Table (Omitted)G -Amphibious Vehicle Employment Table (Omitted) H -Helicopter Availability Table (Omitted) J -Heliteam Wave and Serial Assignment Landing Table (Omitted) K -Helicopter Employment and Assault Landing Table (Omitted) L -Helicopter Landing Diagram (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION 217 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number ANNEX Y (Reports) to OPORD._______________ (U) Ref: Time Zone: 1 . ( ) GENERAL The purpose of this Annex is to list all reports required by CATF in connection with this operation. /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /s/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) APPENDIXES: 1 -Recurring Reports 2 -As Occuring Reports (Omitted) DISTRIBUTION: Annex Z (Distribution) Page Number CLASSIFICATION sample fonnat 219 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copies ISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number APPENDIX 1 (Recurring Reports) to ANNEX Y (Reports) to OPORD,________________ (U) REPORT TITLE TYPE SUBMITTED BY DUE REFERENCE Daily Intelligence Intelligence CATF Every 12 Cite or 24 hrs appropriate Summary (DISUM) as req. reference or Report section ofOPLAN Is/ (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) OFFICIAL /sf (Name) (Rank, Service) (Position) Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents ----------------------------223 CLASSIFICATION Copy No. of copiesISSUING HEADQUARTERSPLACE OF ISSUEDate/time groupMessage reference number AVIATION ESTIMATE OF SUPPORTABILITY Ref: (a) Maps: ______ 1:50,000 AMS Series,____, Sheets____ _ ____and__ 1. ( ) MISSION a. ( ) Basic Mission. lands, seizes, occupies, and defends the_ area of and the port and air facilities therein to permit the landing of follow-up forces for subsequent operations. b. ( ) Previous Decisions (1) ( ) Landing force aviation phases into advance base and airfield at when operational to support and follow-on forces. (2) ( ) Landing force aviation must be prepared to assume air defense of the landward sector of AOA not later than D+7. (3) ( ) Landing force aviation must be prepared to assume all air support in the landward sector by D+8. (4) ( ) The airfield at will be rehabilitated for use within 24 hours after seizure. (5) ( ) Landing force aviation map phase into prior to D-day (D-5) for preassault operations as directed. 2. ( ) SITUATION AND CONSIDERATIONS a. ( ) Enemy (1) Present disposition of major elements. See Intelligence Estimate. (2) Capabilities. See Intelligence Estimate. b. ( ) Own Forces (1) ( ) Present disposition of major elements. Staging at bases on the east coast of United States. (2) ( ) Probable tactical developments (a) ( ) The enemy air capability will be reduced by preassault operations. Page Number CLASSIFICATION example fonnat FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION (b) ( ) It is estimated that the seizure of the airfield at and Objective 2 will occur as follows: AIRFIELD OBJECTIVE c of A #1 D-day D-day c of A #2 D+2 D+1 c of A #3 D-day D+2 (3) ( ) Own courses of action (a) ( ) Course of Action #1. lands one BLT in LZ-____________seizes and defends Objective A; one BLT lands by surface means over LandingBeach Red l, seizes and defends Objective B and effects linkup with helicopter landed forces. One BLT subsequently lands in LZ-and LZ _ , seizes and defends Objectives 1 and 2. (b) ( ) Course of Action #2. lands one BLT by surface means over Landing Beach 1 to seize the naval base and northern sector of Objective B; on order, linkup with helicopterborne BLT for seizure of Objective A. One BLT landssimultaneously in LZ to seize southern sector of Objective B; onorder, linkup with surface BLT for seizure and defense of Objective A. One BLT lands subsequently for seizure and defense of Objectives 1 and 2. (c) ( ) Course of Action #3. lands one BLT by surface means over Beach Red 1; seizes Objective B, effects linkup with helicopterborne BLT. OneBLT lands by surface means over Landing Beach Red 2, seizes and defends Objectives 1and 2. One BLT lands in LZ-seizes and defends Objective A; on order, link up with surface landed RLT. c. Characteristics of the Area. See Intelligence Estimate. d. Assumptions (1) ( ) The enemy forces will be disposed as indicated by the initiating directive. (2) ( ) That NBC weapons will not be authorized for use by friendly forces andwill not be used by the enemy. (3) ) That friendly aviation resources will be sufficient to gain and maintain air superiority. e. ( ) Special Factors. Landing force aviation units are in excellent state of operational readiness and possess a high level of tactical mobility. 3. ( ) AIR SUPPORT ANALYSIS a. ( ) Landing Force Mission. The mission requires the aviation element toprovide air defense for the port and airfield and to provide air support asrequired. In order to adequately defend these facilities, the aviation element mustemplace their air defense system ashore as early as possible to ensure that it will be operational by D+7. The air element staff feels it is imperative that Hill 885(Objective 2) be seized as early as possible for surveillance and, therefore, courseof action #1 is rated first. Course of action #2 would seize Hill 885 D+1 and on Page Number CLASSIFICATION 225 MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION course of action #3 would seize the critical terrain on D+2. Course of action #1 would also seize the airfield as early as course of action #3 which reinforces the selection of course of action #1. The aviation element's basic concept of employment b. ( ) Concept of Employment. would be to phase ashore as much of the aviation assets required to accomplish the assigned mission as quickly as possible. In order to accomplish this, course of action #1 would enable us to phase ashore more rapidly than any other course of action. It might be noted here that course of action #3 does propose a helicopter borne assault from the west. This would definitely be an advantage in surprise and fire support coordination. c. ( ) Enemy Situation and Capabilities. The enemy has the capability of The enemy also has an antiaircraft launching fixed-wing attacks on the FBHL. With these two basic capability which we hope to minimize prior to the assault. capabilities, an analysis of courses of action reveal that course of action #3 would Not only does this course of action require just one helicopter assault, be best. but the landing zone is masked from the most heavily defended areas. The statementCourse of action #2 in paragraph 3b on the landing from the west applies here also. would be the second choice and course of action #1 would be last due to the three helicopter lifts into all portions of the FBHL. Based upon the initial estimate of air d. ( ) Requirement for Aviation Support. support requirements, the air element can support all three courses of action. Course of action #3 requires the least amount of tactical air support. Course of action #2 requires more to support two helicopterborne assaults, but obviously does not require as much as course of action #1. The air support required to support the in course of action #2 could helicopterborne assault on LZ interfere with the air support required for the surfaceborne assault due to proximity of the two landings. e. ( ) Topography. There are several sites that influence aviation's ability to support this operation in addition to those mentioned in paragraph 3c. We require landing zones large enough to insert the required number of troops and far enough from probable enemy direct fire weapons. Additionally, we need to uncover the airfield as early as possible. Course of action #1 provides for the earliest seizure of all essential sites and the landing zones are sufficiently large. However, LZis too close to probable enemy direct fire from Objective #1 and should be moved approximately one kilometer west. f. ( ) Weather. The weather in the area at this time of year is not an factor, course of action #3influencing factor. If, by chance, weather might be a would be the best as less aviation units are involved. Course of action #2 would be the next choice. Course of action #1 would be last, not only because it involves the most aviation support, but it has LZs close to sea level and 2,500 feet, either or which may be effected by weather. g. ( ) Observation and Surveillance. Paragraph 3a applies in the selection of course of action #1. This course of action opens up Hill 885 for observation and surveillance, but also opens up the airfield which would facilitate the earliest employment of observation aircraft. Course of action #1 involves three separate h. ( ) Communication Requirements. helicopter operations and would be the most difficult to establish essential Page Number CLASSIFICATION FMFRP 5-71 CLASSIFICATION aviation communications. Course of action #3 would be the easiest from this standpoint. i. ( ) Logistics Support. Course of action #1 uncovers the airfield earlier than the other courses of action and would, therefore, provide more time to establish fuel, ordnance, and maintenance capabilities. Course of action #1 will, however,require more initial logistic support due to the number of operations. Course of action #3 is less complex and will seize the airfield as soon as course of action #1. j. ( ) Hydrographic Conditions. Same for all courses of action. 4. ( ) EVALUATION a. ( ) Course of Action #1 (1) ( ) Advantages (a) Early seizure of airfield and port facilities. (b) Early seizure of good location for radar and LAAM sites. (2) ( ) Disadvantages (a) ( ) Requires most specific commitments of: ~ Offensive air. ~ Assault support. (b) Does not uncover sufficient LAAM sites in time to establish an effective air defense system. b. ( ) Course of Action #2 (1) ( ) Advantages. The helicopterborne assaults land nearer to their objectives than those proposed in the other courses of action. (2) ( ) Disadvantages (a) Latest seizure of airfield (D + 2) . (b) Does not uncover sufficient LAAM sites in time to provideeffective air defense system. (c) ( ) Requires helicopter assault landing on a small LZ which may prevent rapid buildup of forces. c. ( ) Course of Action #3 (1) ( ) Advantages. Requires least amount of: (a) ( ) Offensive air. Page Number CLASSIFICATION MAGTF Aviation Planning Documents CLASSIFICATION (b) ( ) Assault support. (2) ( ) Dis advantages (a) Does not provide for early seizure of essentia l radar sites. (b) Does not provide sufficient LAAM sites in time to establish an effective air defense system. (c) ( ) Does not make effective use of aviation assets. 5. ( ) CONCLUSIONS is rated first. It will require the most aviation a. ( ) Course of action #1 for the earliest seizure of the airfield, high ground, and support, but provides port facilities. the least amount b. ( ) Course of action #3 is rated second. This course requires of specific aviation commitment and would seize the_________________ airfield as early as course #1, but does not seize the necessary high ground for missiles and AAW radars until D+2. · is rated last. This course reveals our intentions c. ( ) Course of action #2 early and allows the enemy excessive time to destroy necessary port facilities and the airfield before they can be seized. It also does not make effective use of aviation assets. of action seize enough terrain to adequately d. ( ) None of the proposed courses establish our air defense system. It is recommended that an effort be made as soon clear and seize the high ground on the northern end of the____________ as possible to ____ peninsula for air defense site. It is further recommended that the helicopterborne assaults into LZ-_____ e. be made from the western side __________ , LZ-, and LZof the peninsula. This assault would then take advantage of surprise and masking terrain. Page Number CLASSIFICATION eC.S. GOVERNMEliT Plll!ITING OFfiCI: 1996-402-751/40498