'IJS D 1. 6/2: c 56/997 B\SON DoD5200.1-PH DoD Guide to Marking Classified Documents April1997 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFE~~~;?~V\/000L 6000 DEFENSE PENTAGON i' ~ 0 •.-I u SECRET ~ ~ = 0 $.,. SECRET ~ SECRET 14 "Derived from" and "Declassify on" Line SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) 26 June 1996 SUBJECT: "Derived from" and "Declassify on" Line (U) 1. (U) Identify the source used as the basis for classification on the "Derived from" line of the derivative document 2. (S) The "Declassify on" line ofthe source document is carried forward to the "Declassify on" line ofthe derivative document. This is paragraph 2. Ifit were to contain "Secret" information, this portion would be marked with the designation "S" in parentheses. 3. (U) When the "Declassify on" line ofthe source document is marked "Originating Agency's Determination Required" or "OADR", mark the "Declassify on" line ofthe derivative document to indicate: a. (S) The fact that the source document is marked "OADR." b. (U) The date oforigin ofthe source document. 4. (U) This marking will permit future determination when classified information becomes 25 years old. lfthe information is determined to be ofpermanent historic value, provisions ofthe automatic declassification program (section 3.4 ofE.O. 12958) apply. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· Source Document June 25, 1994 (Date oforigin) Derived from: ASD(C3I)Memorandum _ 3 Subject: Classification Subj: Classification Markings (U) ~ Markings (U) Declassify on: Source document marked "OADR" Date ofsource 6/25/94 Classified by: ASD(C31) Declassify on: OADR* SECRET ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· Note: "OADR" is not an approved markingfor documents originally classified under E.O. 12958. 15 Derivatively Classifying From Multiple Sources Portion Marking When using more than one classified source document in creating a derivative document, portion mark the classified information incorporated in the derivative document with the classification level indicated on the source documents. In the example shown, paragraph one ofthe derivative document incorporates "Secret" information from paragraph one ofSource 1 and paragraph two ofthe derivative document incorporates "Confidential" information from paragraph one ofSource 2. The remainder ofthe derivative document is "Unclassified". (S)--- (S) ~ (C) ~ ~-= 0 rJJ (C) ~ ~...... (U) ~ ~... - ~ ~ M ~ ~ -= 0 rJJ L...--------.....1 Overall Classification Marking The derivative document will be conspicuously marked at the top and bottom with the highest classification level of information found in any portion ofthe document. The overall classification shown here is "Secret." Ifthe derivative document contains more than one page, each page will be marked with an overall marking. (Refer to page 6for review.) SECRET I SECRET (S)____,.....------a.---, (S) -CONFIDENTIAL (C) (C) ~ (U) ~ ... ... ~ ~ ~ ... ~ -. M -~ = ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ SECRET 00._ = ~ CONFIDENTIAL 16 "Derivedfrom" Line Enter "Multiple Sources" on the "Derived from" line ofthe derivative document to indicate that more than one classified source was used. (C) (S) (S) ____ M Ql ~ (C)--- - = Classified by: SECDEF= rJ'J Declassify on: OADR Ql (U) ;;. ... Classified by: ASD(C3I) ...... Reason: l.S(d) = Declassify on: X6 ·c;;. Derived from: Multiple Sources ~ Declassify on: ---------- ~----------------~ Source document Marked "Multiple Sources" A source document that is itself marked "Multiple Sources" presents a special problem in identifying that document on the "Derived from" line ofthe new document. The "Multiple Sources" notation will not be carried forward to the new document as the actual sources of classification could not be traced. Instead, identify the source document by originator, date and subject on the "Derived from" line ofthe derivative document. SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) July 25, 1995 SUBJECT: Security Awareness of Classification Markings (U) 1. (S) This is paragraph I which contains "Secret" information This portion will therefore be marked with the designation "S" in parentheses. 2. (U) This is paragraph 2 which contains "Unclassified" information. This portion will therefore be marked with the designation "U" in parentheses. ASD(C3I) Classified by: Multiple Sources Declassify on: OADR SECRET Derivative Document used as a Source Document Prior to E.O. 12958, all documents carried a "Classified by:" line. 17 SECRET DEFENSE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE (S) Derived from: ASD(C31) Memo; Subject: Security Awareness of Classified Markings (U) Declassify on: Source marked OADR dated July 25, 1995 SECRET Derivative Document Identification ofall classified sources Maintain the identification ofall classified sources with the file or record copy ofthe derivative document. Ifpracticable, include the list with all copies ofthe derivative document. "Declassify on" Line Official File Copy Derived from: Multiple Sources Source 1: ASD(C31) Memo dtd Oct 15, 95; Subj: ---l Declassify on: X-6 Source 2: SECDEF Memo dtd July 1, 94; Subj: _ Declassify on: OADR Prior to marking the Derivative document with the "Declassify on" Line, determine which source document requires the longest period ofclassification. Once that has been determined, the derivative document should reflect the longest period ofclassification as indicated here. (To review declassification instructions, classification duration and/or exemptions, see pages 9 and 10) SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ~ WASHINGTON, DC Oct. 15, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) SUBJECT: Security Awareness of Classification Markings (U) (S) This is paragraph contains "Secret" information This portion will therefore be marked with the designation "S" in parentheses. Classified by: Emmett Paige, Jr., ASD(C31) Reason: 1.5(a) Declassify on: X6 SECRET Source 1 Classified by: SECDEF Declassify on: OADR SECRET Source 2 SECRET (S) Jul 1, 1994 (S) Declassify on: X-6 SECRET Derivative: Since both documents have indefinite dleclassification instructions, use the declassification instructions with the longest period of classification. 18 Derivatively Classifying from a Classification Guide A classification guide is a document issued by an original classification authority that provides derivative classification instructions. It describes the elements of information that must be protected, and the level and duration ofclassification Department ofDefense Security Classification Guide Subject Classification Instructions Level Reason Duration 1. Program Planning u 2. Program Progress u 3. Technical Scope c 4. Vulnerability s x-3 5. Limitations u Portion Markings Paragraph 1 of this derivative document contains information that paragraph 3 of the classification guide specifies shall be classified "Confidential." Following the guidelines of the Classification Guide, the first paragraph has been marked with a "C." All other portions are unclassified, as indicated in the Classification Guide, and are marked appropriately with a "U." Overall Classification Marking Conspicuously mark the overall classification at the top and bottom of the derivative document. As shown here, the highest classification level is "Confidential." Department of Defense Security Classification Guide -128 (U) 1 November 1995 "\ CONFIDENTIAL Title (U) (C) This paragraph includes information about technical scope. (U) This paragraph includes information on program planning (U) This paragraph includes information on program progress. ~ .::; Derived from:: Scty Class Guide #128 ~ ~ Dated: 11/l/95 .::; Declassify on: April15, 2005 ""' ~ CONFIDENTIAL 19 SECTION 3-Marking Special Types of Information and Material Classification Extensions SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) 26 August 1996 SUBJECT: Classification Extensions (U) 1. (U) An original classification authority may extend the duration ofclassification for successive periods not to exceed ten years at a time. For information contained in records determined to be permanently valuable, multiple extensions shall not exceed 25 years from the date ofthe information's origin. 2. (S) Revise the "Declassify on" line to include the new declassification instructions, and the identity ofthe person authorizing the extension and the date of the action. 3. (U) Reasonable attempts should be made to notify all holders ofa classification extension. Classified by: Emmett Paige, Jr. ASD(C3I) Classification extended on Reason: 1.5 (a) and (d) Dec. 1, XXXX until Dec. 1, 2010Declassify on:Decemher 31, XXXX by William S. Cohen, SECDEF SECRET 20 Foreign Government Information SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DEPSECDEF 27 March 1996 SUBJECT: Foreign Government Information (U) 1. (U) The U.S. Government affords protection to information provided by foreign governments. Care must be taken to identify the source ofthe information. 2. (FGI-C) Mark the portions that contain the foreign government information to indicate the country oforigin and the classification level. Substitute the words "Foreign Government Information" or "FGI" where the identity ofthe specific government must be concealed. The identify ofthe concealed foreign source in this example must be maintained with the record copy and adequately protected. 3. (UK-S) This paragraph contains information marked "Secret" by the government ofUnited Kingdom. The "Derived From" citation should cite the title ofthe document provided. Declassification date, event, or exemption category is carried forward, ifknown. Derived from: FGI Source Document or Identify Foreign Government Source Document dated Declassify on: xs, FGI When the identity of the country must be concealed, substitute "Foreign Government Information (FGI)" for the name of the specific country and note the country in the record copy of the document. SECRET Include the following statement at the bottom ofdocuments containing classified foreign government information: "This document contains (country oforigin) Information." Routine correspondence, such as this memorandum, does not require this statement. 21 Letters of Transmittal SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) August 27, 1996 SUBJECT: Letters ofTransmittal 1. Information in transmittal letters are marked on the basis ofcontent. Frequently, unclassified transmittal letters have classified attachments. The overall marking on the transmittal letter must reflect the highest classification ofits attachments. 2. Conspicuously mark an unclassified transmittal document with the higlltest classification level of any information transmitted by it. Also mark the transmittal document with an appropriate instruction indicating that it is unclassified when separated from classified enclosures, as shown here. Joseph Smith OASD(C3I) 1 Attachments:-----· 1. Secret C3I memorandum, dated subj: __ 2. Memo dated ___2. Unclassified when separated from classified enclosures ___2. SECRET 22 Letters of Transmittal SECRET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DEPSECDEF August 31, 1996 SUBJECT: Letter ofTransmittal With Classified Information (U) 1. (U) Ifthe transmittal document itself contains classified information, mark it as required for all other classified information, except: a. (U) Conspicuously mark the top and bottom ofthe transmittal document with the highest classification level ofany information contained in the transmittal document or its enclosures; b. (C) Mark the transmittal document with an appropriate instruction indicating its overall classification level when separated from its enclosures as shown in this example. 2. (U) The derived from line reflects the decision applied to the transmittal letter. Page 23 ofthe Security Classification Guide-123 requires the paragraph above to be Confidential. 3. (U) In this example, the Attachment is classified SECRET. Therefore, the overall classification ofthis particular transmittal letter is marked "SECRET". Emmett Paige, Jr. ASD(C3I) Attachment Secret memo dtd __subj __ __3. Derived from: SCG-123 Declassify on: December 31, XXXX Downgrade to Confidential when separated from Secret enclosure --1. __3. SECRET 23 Atomic Energy Information SECRET Restricted Data OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DEPSECDEF August 31, 1996 SUBJECT: Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (U) 1. (S-RD) Documents containing "Restricted Data" or "Formerly Restricted Data" as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, should have abbreviated markings ("RD" or "FRD") included with the classification marking (S-RD). a. (S-FRD) This paragraph contains "Secret" Formerly Restricted Data only. RD markings will not be applied. b. (S-RD)(N) Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI) shall be marked with an "N" in separate parentheses following the portion marking. 3. (U) Special warning notices are applied to RD, FRD, and CNWDI. If a document combines both as depicted here, only the RD warning notice is affixed. No declassification instructions are used. Joseph Smith OASD(C3I) Attachment Derived from: DoE CG-W5 Warning notice (identify the classifier) R t . t d D t es nc e a a SECRET Warning Notices: RESTRICTEDDATA. This document contains RESTRICTED DATA as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. FORMERLY RESTRICTEDDATA. Unauthorized disclosure subject to administrative and criminal sanctions. Handle as RESTRICTED DATA in foreign dissemination; Section 144b, Atomic Energy Act of 1954. CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information-DoD Directive 5210.2 applies. E.O. 12958 does not apply to "Restricted Data" or "Formerly Restricted Data." This example shows how to integrate Restricted Data and Formerly Restricted Data into a DoD-generated document. The Department of Defense does not originate RD or FRD; therefore, all documents should reflect "derived from:" byline. In this example, we are citing a Joint DoD and DoE classification guide published by the Department of Energy. For additional guidance, see your security officer. 24 Classification by Compilation CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, DC MEMORANDUM FOR DASD (I&S) August 31, 1996 SUBJECT: Classification By Compilation (U) 1. (U) When a document consisting ofindividually unclassified items ofinformation is classified by compilation, the overall classification shall be marked conspicuously at the top and bottom ofeach page and the outside ofthe front and back covers (if any). An explanation ofthe basis for classification by compilation shall be placed on the face ofthe document or included in the text. 2. (U) Ifportions, standing alone, are unclassified, but the document is classified by compilation or association, mark the portions "U" and the document and pages with the classification ofthe compilation. You must also add an explanation ofthe classification or the circumstances involved with association. 3. (U) Ifindividual portions are classified at one level, but the compilation is a higher classification, mark each portion with its own classification, and mark the document and pages with the classification ofthe compilation. An explanation ofthe classification by compilation is required. Emmett Paige, Jr. ASD(C3I) Attachment 2. Derived from: CONOP #123. The compilation of unclassified ~ training schedules reveals the impending initial operational capability (IOC) of this us it. CONOP #123 requires that unit IOC be classified CONFIDENTIAL. Declassify on: Completion of Operation OR Classified by: ASD(C3I) 2 Reason: Compilation of unclassified Training schedules fo~ · specific contingency plan is CONFIDENTIAL Sect. 1.5( a). Declassify on: August 31, 2001 CONFIDENTIAL 25 Special Access Programs 1. "Special Access Programs" (SAPs) are established lAW Chapter 8, DoD 5200.1-R, "Information Security Program Regulation." SAPs are created only when absolutely necessary to protect the Nation's most sensitive and critical information or when required by statues. Establishment shall be consistent with law, policy, and regulations, and be based on a determination that the threat and/or vulnerability (e.g. sensitivity or value ofthe information) warrants enhanced protection. 2. Any DoD program or activity employing enhanced security measures exceeding those normally required for information at the same classification level shall be established, approved, and managed as a DoD SAP. Examples ofsuch enhanced security measures include the following: a. use ofany special terminology, including code words, other than an unclassified nickname, to identify or control information dissemination; b. personnel security investigative or adjudicative requirements more stringent than those required for a comparable level ofclassified information; c. specialized non-disclosure agreements; d. exclusion ofa classified contract (use ofcarve-out); or e. a central billet system to control the number ofpersonnel authorized access. 3. All DoD programs which operate under the above enhanced procedures are considered to be SAPs, including (i) Programs managed under special delegation authorities previously approved by the Secretary ofDefense or Deputy Secretary ofDefense; (ii) Programs sponsored by other departments or agencies, but for which DoD participants manage internal DoD security controls (e.g. DoD-managed subcompartments oflarger, non-DoD SAPs; (iii) and Programs conducted in support of, or in cooperation with, other departments, agencies, branches ofgovernment, or other governments. SAPs may only be approved by the Secretary ofDefense or Deputy Secretary of Defense. 4. All marking provisions previously described in this guide apply to SAPs. Additional markings include: (i) the use of special distribution notices such as "Special Access Required" (SAR); and/or (ii) an assigned program nickname(s) or code word(s) 5. To differentiate a nickname from a code word, remember that: a. A nickname is a combination oftwo unassociated and unclassified words. b. Nicknames are normally typed in ALL CAPS. c. A code word is a single word assigned a classified meaning by appropriate authority. d. The code word is classified Confidential or higher. e. All nicknames and code words are issued through the DoD Components (usually SAP channels) and strictly controlled. 6. The unclassified examples on the following two pages, depict common markings for SAP documents. The examples are for ILLUSTRATIVE USE ONLY. The format for markings should be adjusted to accommodate software applications and production efficiency. For instance, the examples show the overall classification and nickname/code word in the header and the overall classification and special access requirement in the footer. 26 SAP "NICKNAMES" SAPs use nicknames for control ofdissemination and "need-to-know." Nicknames are assigned to the program when the SAP is approved. Nicknames are designated by two unassociated words, which are unclassified by themselves (i.e. TWISTED FEATHER). TOP SECRET/TWISTED FEATHER (U) OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY June 25, 1996 Paragraph markings in MEMORANDUM FOR SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM CENTRAL OFFICES SAP documents should contain the highest SUBJECT: Identification and Marking of Classified Documents (U) classification within the paragraph, and be 1. (U) This paragraph contains "Unclassified" information. followed by the SAP 2. (C) This paragraph contains non-SAP national security information. digraph. 1 ~ 3. (TS/TF) This paragraph contains TOP SECRET information related to the special access program TWISTED FEATHER (U). Portion markings are the same as previously described in this marking guide. The exception is the addition of the nickname digraph following the TS designation. Richard F. Williams, CPP Director, Special Programs ODUSD(P)Policy Support Classified by: USD(P) Reason: 1.5 (a) and (d) Declassify on: December 31, 2000 Highest classification and program nickname are conspicuously placed at the top and bottom. 2 TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED A SAP digraph or trigraph is a 2 or 3 letter designator given to each SAP. In this example, "TF" shown here represents the nickname "TWISTED FEATHER". A nickname, code word, trigraph, and/or digraph may be substituted for the term "SPECIAL ACCESS" Channels. Refer to the SAP Security Procedure Guide for instructions. 27 SAP Documents SAP ''CODE WORD" In addition to nicknames, SAPs also use code words for control ofdissemination and a "need-to-know". Code words, like nicknames, are assigned to the program when the SAP is approved. A code word is a single word with a classified meaning. Paragraph markings in SAP documents should contain the highest classification within the paragraph, and be followed by the SAP digraph ~ Highest classification and program code word are conspicuously placed at the top and bottom TOP SECRET/CODE WORD (S) OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR POLICY MEMORANDUM FOR SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM CENTRAL OFFICES SUBJECT: Identification and Marking of Classified Documents (U) 1. (U) This is paragraph 1, which contains "Unclassified" information. 2. (TS/CW) This paragraph reflects Top Secret information controlled in the CODE WORD classified program. Richard F. Williams, CPP Director, Special Programs ODUSD(P)Policy Support Derived from: CODE WORD SCG, dtd Declassify on: December 31, 2000 TOP SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED 28 Section 4 -"Other" Automatic Declassification -The 25-year rule 1. The automatic declassification provision (Section 3.4) ofE.O. 12958, requires declassification of information in permanently valuable historical records (as defined by Title 44, U.S. Code) 25 years from the date oforiginal classification, whether or not the records have been reviewed. Subsequently, all classified information in such records shall be automatically declassified no later than 25 years from the date ofits original classification, with the certain exceptions outlined in the E.O. 2. Only the Secretary ofDefense and the Secretaries ofthe Military Departments may exempt information from this automatic declassification, and only under certain circumstances. Information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years remains subject to the mandatory and systematic declassification review provisions. 3. Ifthe record is exempt from 25 year declassification, the following markings are used: a. Site the exemption categories for number or phrase on the "Declass" line Example: 25X __ 25X, Human Sources b. List a date for "Declass" review Example: 25X __ Review 4/15/10 4. Classified information, contained in records that are more than 25 years old, and which have been determined not to have permanent historical value, and are scheduled for disposition in agreement with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is not subject to automatic declassification. Agency retention and destruction requirements apply. 5. Consult your security officer or records manager for additional information. 29 Marking Information "Other Than" Documents Charts, maps, equipment, drawings and photographs Information must be marked with the highest level of classification regardless of what form that information may take. The next few pages show examples of marking situations to guide you. The principles are the same. Portion marking, overall marking, classification byline and declassification instruction. The legend, title and scale blocks in the following examples are treated as portions of the document. Ensure that the overall classification of the product shows when the item is folded or rolled. SECRET SECRET Full Scale (U) SECRET or 50 SECRET 40 30 20 SECRET 10 10 20 30 40 (U) Maps may have the portion marking inside or outside the map area. Mark to eliminate doubt as to what the classification of the Figure 2: (S) Charts may have the portion marking portion may be. inside or outside the chart area. Mark to eliminate doubt as to what the classification of the portion may be. SECRET SECRET If these pages are part of a classified document, mark as indicated above. When charts and maps are single page documents, include the required associated markings (i.e. Title, Origination Date, "Classified by" line, "Declassify on" line, Name and address of Originating Agency, Overall Classification, and Portion Markings). 30 Hardware and Equipment Hardware, software, computers, and equipment must have the required markings applied. SECRET-PROGRAM NICKNAME Standard Form labels are also available-see page 33. (Hardware or Equipment Tag) SECRET-PROGRAM NICKNAME Title: Derived From: Date Ori inated: Declassify on: Name and Address of Document Control Number: Originating Agency: (if required) SECRET-PROGRAM NICKNAME 31 Continuous Form (Fan Folded or Rolled) Documents Continuous form/fanfold documents are unique documents requiring specialized marking. The required 1. Apply the overall classification at the top markings must and bottom of the first and back pages. appear on the title or 2. Apply the required markings on the face front page page (either the first page or front cover). 3. Apply markings by either computer software. stamps. or other methods. 4. For production efficiency, the overall classification of interior pages may be the overall document classification. 5. Portion markings of individual lines is not required. 6. If separated. title pages must be applied to each document created as a result of breaking continuous form. Safeguard Statement: (This optional statement is often applied to these products on the first page) "HANDLE AS (enter the appropriate classification level) INFORMATION UNTIL REVIEWED BY THE ORIGINATOR OR CLASSIFICATION MANAGER." Note: The requester of the product determines the actual classification after receipt and may change the classification after review and before storing or taking other accountability actions. Transparencies, Vu-Graphs, and Slides SECRET Name and Address Title:---------- Date of Orig: of Facility of Origin: -------- SECRET Overall classification, special control notices, and other required security markings must be shown on the image area and also on the border, frame or holder. SECRET Derived from:------ SECRET Declassify on: ------ 32 Computer Media Basic document markings apply to all media. Computer disc must reflect the highest level of classification contained on the disc. Standard labels should be used for all levels of classification. SF706 -Top Secret SF707 -Secret SF708 -Confidential SF709 -Classified SF710-Unclassified SF711 -Data Descriptor SF712 -Classified SCI No standard form (SF) and/or label(s) exist for Compact Discs (CDs). The SF labels prescribed for removable storage media may be used for the marking of classified CDs and their cases. Classification must be conspicuously marked on the CD case and the CD itself. Slides must have markings on the slide cover and on the actual image so when the slide is displayed on screen, the classification is clearly identified. Applicable associated markings should be applied to the lead slide. 33 References 1. Executive Order 12958, "Classified National Security Information," April17, 1995 2. Office ofManagement and Budget Implementing Directive to E.O. 12958, October 13, 1995 3. DoD Directive 5200.1, "DoD Information Security Program," December 13, 1996 4. DoD 5200.1-R, "Information Security Program Regulation," January 17, 1997 5. DoD Directive 0-5205.7, "Special Access Program (SAP) Policy," January 4, 1989 6. Director ofCentral Intelligence Directive 1/7, "Security Controls on the Dissemination oflntelligence Information," April 16, 1996 7. Director ofCentral Intelligence Directive 5/6, "Intelligence Disclosure Policy," draft. 8. DoD Directive 5210.2, "Access to and Dissemination ofRestricted Data," January 12, 1978 This guide does not include instructions for the marking of sensitive and/or controlled, unclassified information. Refer to DoD 5200.1-R (Appendix C) for additional information. 34 Notes: Security Manager: _______________________ _ Telephone: _________________________ _ 35