SEL US E 1.2:P 25/4 Government and Industry: Partnering for Success F e b r u a r y 9 9 8 ' ' •' ergy -Effici ent Ve~ . " f" ' c/ er Enviro11 ~ e~ n .,,e 'or a cle 11 "' " '. US. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY-OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Introduction The Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies (OAAT) has been working with the three major U.S. automakers and other federal agencies for the past four years in the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV). In january, the first fruits of this partnership were dramatically revealed at the 1998 North American International Auto Show m Detroit. Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Corporation each announced and displayed concept vehicles that could achieve 60 to 80 mpg or more. These vehicles incorporated many technologies developed by our office in partnership with industry. High-fuel-efficiency vehicles will have significant benefits for our country, ranging from improved energy security resulting from reduced oil1mports. to an improved balance of trade, to better air quality as a result of lower emissions. Having more energy-efficient vehicles also provides a means for the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help meet the targets of the international agreements reached in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997. Also, American motorists wil l save as they make fewer trips to the gas station. Our office provides two-thirds of the federal support for the development of new technologies tailored for the PNGV program. Consequently, 1t is not surprising that the newly announced concept vehicles use results from OAAT-sponsored research on hybrid electric vehicle systems (including high-power batteries. power electronics, electric motors, fuel cells, gas turbines, compression-ignition direct-injection engines, lightweight materials, and alternative fuels). In addition to supporting the PNGV, our office has been partnering with industry to develop advanced battery technologies for electric veh1cles. The progress to date has been impressive. It has taken the efforts of many partners (automakers, suppliers, national laboratories, and universities) to get to the point where we are now the initial demonstration of these technologies in concept vehicles. However, much more remains to be done. Significant research must be conducted to improve the performance, neduce the size and/or weight, and reduce the costs of these technologies to make them compet1tive and attractive to consumers. At a t1me when gasoline prices are at histone lows, the return on 1nvestments in research on efficiency improvements is uncertain; therefore, such work carries high risk. Consequently, industry cannot be expected to do it alone . If the technologies necessary for the production of clean, efficient vehicles are to become available, government must work in partnership with industry to conduct the necessary research and development. We have met the early milestones -on time and within budget. The Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies is now focused on completing the research needed to develop innovative technologies for the next generat1on of clean, effic1ent vehicles. The following recent successes highl1ght some of these technologies. SCI ENGR LIBRARY UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO . . OCT 0 7 1998 Pandit G. Patil, Ph.D., Director DOCUMENTS DEPOSITO!lY Office ofAdvanced AutomotiveTechnologies LIBRARY 0433 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES~ For more information on these accomplishments or other OAAT programs, contact: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies Mail Stop EE-32 I000 Independence Avenue S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 Voice: (202) 586-8055 Fax: (202) 586-7409 For more comprehensive information about advanced automotive technologies, please see the following Internet sites: Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles U.S. Council for Automotive Research DOE Technology Base for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Tapped by Auto Industry Background To significantly reduce our nation's dependence on imported oil. innovative concepts and technologies are required to dramatically increase automotive fuel economy. Toward that end, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is conducting a two-phase vehicle systems technology development program. Phase I is focused on developing 50-mpg, product1on-feas1ble hybnd electric propuls1on system technolog1es for lightduty vehicles by 1999. This segment of the program is a five-year, 50% costshared venture with the three major domestic automakers (Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Corporation) as contractors. Phase 2 will address advanced technologies aimed at achieving 80 mpg by 2004 in dwect support of the Pres1dent's Partnership for a New Generat1on of Vehicles Initiative. It is the goal of the program that these advanced technologies wil l comply with emission regulations projected to be in place when the technologies are available for market. As Phase of the vehicle systems technology development program nears completion, the auto industry Chrysler's ESX2 IS beginning to use technologies developed in the program. This was evidenced by the recent unveiling of several hybrid and other advanced veh1cles at the 1998 North American International Auto Show. The three domestic auto companies showcased vehicle designs that contain technologies applicable to hybrid electric vehicles as well as conventionally configured advanced vehicles. The vehicles include the Chrysler ESX2, Ford P2000, and the General Motors EV-1 platfo1·ms. These technologies include highefficiency heat engines, advanced electric -drive systems, 1mproved transmissions, and high-power batteries. They were integrated into the lightweight. aerodynamic, purpose-built veh1cle plotforms to maximize overall system performance. Compute' simulations show that some of these veh1cles could achieve 60 to 80 mpg fuel economy over the standard drive cycles specified by the U.S. Environmental Protect1on Agency. Benefits 'i< Reduces fJel consumption in a PNGV vehicle by a factor of up to three over conventional veh1cles. General Motors' EV-1 Ford's P2000 ,;; Reduces greenhouse gases in proportion to fuel economy. 'i< Improves the nation's energy security by reducing the amount of imported oil used daily. More Needs to Be Done ;;; Develop direct-injection diesel engines that meet future emission standards for automobiles and are tailored for hybrid electric drivetrains. i< SimplifY and reduce costs ofcomponents and interfaces to be competitive with conventional vehicles. :;:-Demonstrate reliability and durabi lity equivalent to today's vehicles. Research Partners Chrysler Corporation Ford Motor Company General Motors Corporation National Renewable Energy Laboratory Contact Bob Kost (202) 586-2334 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Nickel-Metal-Hydride Battery from GM Ovon1c Background The key to making electric vehicles (EVs) practical is the development of batteries that can provide performance comparable with that of conventional vehicles, and at a comparable cost. Today's lead-acid batteries for EVs have limited range, so drivers can travel only relatively short distances before the batteries must be recharged. Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) battery technology, which extends EV range, was developed by the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that started in 199 I . Developed a viable NiMH battery as the prime midterm candidate for EVs. Currently powering EVs in introductory market programs with NiMH battery packs provided by two separate developers. Benefits of:-This program has provided leadership in a key area, resulting in important improvements to NiMH batteries. Research sponsored by DOE resulted in improvements in EV driving range due to advances in the specific energy ofthe battery. of< General Motors announced that they will use the NiMH battery in the EV-1 (its electric car), as well as the Chevrolet S-1 0 electric pickup truck. Consequently, production engineering of these batteries is moving along rapidly, and limited production for vehicles is not far behind. of< Electric vehicles reduce the amount of primary energy used and consume very little petroleum. EVs are the only technology that currently meets the California definition of a zero emission vehicle. More Needs to Be Done -:f< Improve the performance of battery components and reduce the cost of materials and processes to enhance commercialization prospects of the battery technologies currently being developed by the USABC. .. Energy -Efficient Ve/J . 'c/ e,s- Metal-Hydride Batteries of< Achieve a 30% cost reduction for NiMH batteries to $2SO per kilowatthour or less. of< Support introduction of EVs, based on California's regulatory program, which has a goal of I0% market share by 2003. of< Develop new and improved methods to characterize and monitor the performance of battery components and establish engineering principles that can be used to predict the performance of batteries during operation. Research Partners USABC (Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation) GM Ovonic Ovonic Battery Company Saft America Contact Kenneth L. Heitner: (202) 580-2341 'or a OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Lightweight Composite Materials Applications Background Lightweight materials are critical to the development of highly fuel -efficient vehicles.The research focus in this area is to significantly reduce body and chassis weight. Current materials can reduce vehicle weight by more than 60%. However, the cost of these materials, the capability to design with them, and the associated manufacturing processes are inadequate to produce safe. durable, recyclable, affordable cars. Since 199 I, the Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies (OAAT) has been working with the Automotive Composites Consortium (ACC). an element of the United States Council for Automotive Research, to develop precompetitive composite material technologies for vehicle body applications. No smgle material will satisfy all the component needs of a vehicle. Therefore, research on both metals and composites is needed to improve cost, performance, manufacturability, and recyclability. The main challenge is to produce a range of lighter materials at the rates and robustness needed by automotive manufacturing schedules at life-cycle costs comparable with current materials. Compostte Matenallmpact Test Fact/tty. Oak Rtdge Nattonal Laboratory Joint OAAT/ACC research has produced material-joining technologies, crash-energy management models, in-service design data. a suite of durability test protocols, and high-volume production technologies. As the research has evolved, the individual members of the ACC (the three domestic automobile manufacturers) have adopted the technologies and initiated proprietary research for specific vehicle applications. Benefits oic Lightweight materials (including composites) will facilitate dramatic improvements in automobile fuel efficiency. thereby decreasing the nation's reliance on foreign petroleum and reducing adverse environmental impacts. oic Cost-competitive advanced materials. engineering design data and models, and manufacturing techniques will improve the international competitiveness ofthe U.S. auto industry. More Needs to Be Done oic Material costs have to be reduced and manufacturing rates improved to make these materials competitive. -:::-Long-term design data and crashenergy management models must be developed to enable cost-effective engineering of new vehicle platforms. Research Partners USCAR's Automotive Composites Consortium (Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation) Contact Joe Carpenter (202) 586-I 022 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Housing shell (upper) Integrated Gas Storage System Protective cover Housing shell and seal (lower) Integrated Storage System for Compressed Natural Gas Background Since compressed natural gas (CNG) has less energy content per unit volume than gasoline and must be stored under pressure, on-board vehicle storage technology must be developed to ensure enough capacity to permit adequate range and enough structural integrity to ensure tolerance to vehicle crashes. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been supporting the development of an integrated storage system (ISS) concept that meets the requirements for adequate storage capacity and fuel containment during vehicle crashes. The ISS concept involves the use of composite materials, placed within a high-strength fiberglass shell. Chrysler Corporation, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Siemens Automotive, and Lincoln Composites are contributing internally funded research and development efforts to the ISS program. These efforts comprise approximately 25% of the total cost ofthe ISS program. Through DOE support, Johns Hopkins University and Lincoln Composites have developed an ISS technology base forCNG. CNG storage systems are being developed that are much less expensive than previous versions, can enable acceptable vehicle range (i.e., double the previous CNG range), can withstand vehicle crashes without leakage, and overall, are suitable for automotive applications. A technology-representative ISS was fabricated, extensively safety-tested, and certified to comply with relevant federal motor vehicle safety standards. Benefits ,;, When completed, the ISS technology base will address the technology-shortfall barriers (i.e., range and safety) to the practical use of CNG in automobiles. By doing so, this technology will reduce impediments to widespread use of CNG in the nation's automotive neet and set the stage for realizing the associated benefits of reduced dependence on imported oil and major reductions in the generation ofgreenhouse gases. ,;, An ISS allows for the widespread use ofCNG by increasing vehicle range and maintaining safety: Doubles range of typical CNG vehicles. Maintains adequate trunk space. More Needs to Be Done 'i' The carbon content ofthe ISS must be reduced and the resin toughness must be enhanced to ensure the commercial viability ofthe ISS technology. 'i' To help verify ISS crashworthiness within a vehicle environment, a series of rear-end barrier crashes conducted on vehicles in which an ISS has been integrated is recommended. Research Partners Chrysler Corporation Ford Motor Company General Motors Corporation Goodyear Tire & Rubber Johns Hopkins University Lincoln Composites Siemens Automotive Contact John Garbak: (202) 586-1723 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECH Compression-Ignition Direct-Injection (CIDI) Engine Technology Advanced CIDI Engine and Generator Background The compression-ignition direct-injection (CIDI) engine is the most efficient proven internal combustion engine and is a leading propulsion system candidate for achieving the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) goal of a vehicle with fuel economy up to 80 mpg. Critical technologies include fuel injection, combustion processes, and methods for emission after-treatment and cost control. The maJOr technical barriers for CIDI engines are the particulate and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and higher cost compared to gasoline engines. Ongoing hybrid electric vehicle research and development efforts by the US Department of Energy (DOE) are being coordinated with DOE heavy-duty compression-ignition engine and fuels activities. In aJOint DOE/industry hybrid propulsion program, two different CIDI engines have been designed and developed and are undergoing tests. One engine is being developed by Ford Motor Company and FEV Engine Technology, and the other by Chrysler Corporation and Detroit Diesel Company. Both engines use the most advanced engine management systems to achieve low emissions while maintaining high efficiency. A government/industry team, experimenting with materials at different temperatures, was able to demonstrate potential new approaches for NOx reduction. The success of the NOx catalyst will enable widespread use of highly fuel-efficient engines. Benefits iic In a PNGV hybrid configuration, CIDI technology may deliver up to three times the fuel economy of today's vehicle. -:+< CIDI engines have the highest thermal efficiency of any proven automotive power plant and are excellent candidates in hybrid configurations. ;fc CIDI engines potentially meet regulatory requirements for emissions while maintaining their-traditional advantages of reliability, high efficiency, durability, and competitive cost, as well as using an established refueling infrastructure. More Needs to Be Done iic CIDI emissions control technologies must be advanced to a level that will ensure emissions do not exceed those of conventional (i.e., spark-ignition) engines while maintaining high engine efficiency and competitive cost. ii: Design concepts, advanced materials, and efficient manufacturing processes that render CIDI engine technology cost competitive with traditional sparkignition engines must be developed. -:+: Modified fuels may be needed to meet the emission requirements. Research Partners Chrysler Corporation Detroit Diesel Company FEV Engine Technology Ford Motor Company Contact Rogelio Sullivan (202) 586-8042 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ..-.; Advan ced -. 'J 1 I~ I'' ......... Catalyst for Clean CIDI Engines Prototype NOx-Reduong Catalytic Converter Background Compression-ignition direct-injection (CIDI) engines have the highest thermal efficiency of any proven automotive power plant. They are also excellent candidate propulsion systems for conventional or hybrid vehicle configurations. These engines are expected to deliver a fuel economy of up to 80 mpg in vehicles being developed under the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV). The primary technical barrier to the widespread use of CIDI engines in the light-duty market is emissions. If this obstacle can be overcome, PNGV vehicles can benefit from the CIDI advantages o f reliability, durability, and low cost as well as a wellestablished sales, service, and refueling infrastructure. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories and the three domestic aut omakers, under the cost-shared Low Emi ssions Partnership initiative, are developing advanced mate rial s for catalytic converter system s that reduce nitrogen oxid e (NO x) emi ssions from CIDI engines. Under PNGV, a full-size (I I 0-cubicinch) converter has been prepared and tested with a CIDI engine on a dynamometer. Test results have demonstrated a NOx reduction of 40%, more than double the reduction realized with commercially available catalysts. In addition to Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Corporation, the collaboration to develop advanced materials also included scientists and engineers from five government laboratories. T he breakthrough in automotive catalysis won the first Vice-President's PNGV Award in March 1997. "The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles will produce new cars for a new century. This collaboration is a shining example of the public good that comes from cooperative ventures among industry, government, and communities." (Vice President AI Gore,PNGV Medal Award Ceremony, the White House, March 31, /997) Benefits 'i:-CIDI engines are capable of increasing fuel economy by up to 35% compared with present-day engines. More Needs to Be Done 'i:-Unlike conventional gasoline engines, the exhaust of a lean-burn CIDI engine has a high concentration of oxygen; therefore, reduction of NOx in the exhaust is not possible with standard catalysts. New catalytic materials are required in combination with other measures to reduce the NOx in the lean-burn CIDI engine exhaust. Research Partners Argonne National Laboratory Chrysler Corporation Ford Motor Company General Motors Corporation Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories Contact Ken Howden: (202) 586-3631 Improved Oxygen Sensors for the Transportation Planar Oxyger Sensor Produced by New Tape-Casttng Process Industry Background Sensors are becoming increasingly important components ofthe engine system. Highly sensitive, fast-response sensors are needed for measuring and controlling exhaust emissions. Such sensors must also be cost-effective. A U.S. Department of Energysupported joint research effort between Pac1fic Northwest Nat1onal Laboratory (PNNL) and the automotive industry has produced a new method for mak1ng the oxygen sensors needed for Improving fuel economy and controlling emissions. This sensor detects oxygen in exhaust gases and uses this information to control engine performance. Small, th1n planar sensors are preferred because they use less space and are more effic1ent. PNNL has developed a tape-casting process that can be used to fabricate all components of a planar oxygen sensor. The process uses a watersoluble polymer to hold ceramic powders together before they are sintered. Benefits ii< The novel polymer used in the fabrication process precludes the need for other hazardous chemicals, eliminates organic waste from the process stream, and makes the manufacturing process environmentally fnendly. ii:· Oxygen sensors monitor the airfuel ratio and help opt1mize gas mileage in all engines under a variety of dnv1ng condit1ons. ii< A1r-fuel sensors assist in ach1evmg the h1gh mileage goals of the Partnership for a New Generation of Veh1cles. ii< The new technology introduces an environmentally friendly manufacturing process for producing sensors. More Needs to Be Done -:i:· PNNL IS currently working w1th the automot1ve Industry to scale up and fully commercialize the process. ii< Improvements 1n process efficiency and product yield are being implemented by the auto industry. -;f; The process is bemg extended to other sensor types. Research Partners Chrysler Corporation Ford Motor Company General Motors Corporation Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Contact Ken Howden: (202) 586-3631 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES , 1.. Automotive Fu el Cell Technologies from DOE National Laboratories Clean-Up System Reduces Carbon Monox1de Concentrations from I 000 to 50 ppm for Fuel Cell System Background The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories are working closely with industry partners to overcome critical techn1cal barriers to automotive fuel cell development. These barriers include the development of low-cost, high-performance fuel cell stack components and efficient. low-cost on-board fuel process ing technology. The size, weight, and cost of automotive fuel cell components must be reduced to make fuel cell power systems competitive with internal combustion engines. Los A lamos Nat io nal Lab oratory (LANL) has developed fabncat1on p rocesses for fuel cell membraneelectrode assemblies with reduc ed platinum loading that decrease the cost of the catalyst by 90%. This technology has been licensed by several fuel cell developers. LANL has also developed advanced fuel cell electrodes that have increased tolerance to impurities that may be present m the fuel stream. These electrodes are currently being evaluated by industry partners for potential licensing. LANL has developed carbon monoxide cleanup technology that was recently integrated with a gasoline fuel processor, developed under a DOE program w1th Arthur D. Little, and stacks prov1ded by Plug Power. Th1s processor generated electrical power from gasoline for the first time in a proton-exchange-membrane fuel cell. Argonne National Laboratory has developed fuel processing technology for methanol-powered fuel cell systems. Th1s technology was transfenred to a DOE program with General Motors Corporation for scale up and integration into its fuel cell development effort. Benefits '::-Fuel cell technologies may enable highly effioent, low-or zero-emission, costcompetitive. and fuel-fiexible veh1cles. ,;;. Laboratory technology is transfenred to U.S. supply base. More Needs to Be Done ;;; Low-cost components are necessary for the system to be competitive. ·::. Development of low-cost. highvolume manufacturing methods. ·::; Improvement in fuel processor technology to meet vehicle cost, start-up, and transient response requ1rements. Research Partners 3M AlliedSignal Argonne National Laboratory Arthur D. Little Chrysler Corporation Dairex Electrochem Energy Partners Ford Motor Company Foster-Miller General Motors Corporation Hydrogen Burner Technology International Fuel Cells Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Meruit Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Plug Power L.L.C. Spectracorp and others Contact JoAnn Milliken: (202) 586-2480 High-Efficiency, Direct-Hydrogen Fuel Cell System for Automobiles Background Fuel cel ls are clean, fuel efficient, and fuel fiexible.Any hydrogen-rich matenal can serve as a potential fuel source for this developing technology. Possibilities inc lude fossil-derived fuels, such as natural gas, petroleum distillates, liquid propane, and gasified coal, or renewable fuels, such as ethanol, methanol. or hydrogen. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partnered with Ford Motor Company to develop fully functional, zero-emission fuel-cell power-system technology for automotive applications. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the technology in a complete laboratory propulsion system. This fuel-cell system, whtch operates on direct hydrogen. should ach1eve weights and volumes competitive with those of internal-combustton-eng1ne propulsion system s. It should also have the potenttal to meet competit1ve production costs. 50-kW Hydrogen Fuel Cell from !nternational Fuel Cells The world's first direct -hydrogen fuelcell power system producing more than 50 kilowatts of electrical power without an air compressor was developed by International Fuel Cells under a DOE contract with Ford. This system generates enough power to propel a lightweight midsize car. Eliminating the need for a compressor greatly simplifies the system and decreases the auxiliary power requtrements, a change result1ng 1n g1·eater energy efficiency. Benefits ;i:-The power plant weighs 300 pounds, has a volume of eight cubic feet, and can easily fit under the hood ofthe car. ;i:-Ach1eve s h1gh fuel economy (two to three t1mes h1gher than conventional eng1nes). ;::-Produces zero pollution. ;ic Uses non-petroleum fuel. oic Reduces U.S . dependence on imported oil. More Needs to Be Done :i:-Low-cost components are necessary for the system to be competitive . ;::-Low-cost, high-volume manufacturing methods must be developed. ;i:-Lightweight, compact, and affordable hydrogen storage system technologies must be developed. Research Partners Ford Motor Corporation International Fuel Cells Contact Donna Lee Ho (202) 586-8000 OFFICE OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ; ''" ·;· Ethanol, Gasoline, Methanol, and Natural Gas World's First Gasoline-to- Fuel Cell Power Demonstration H, Rich Gas <40 ppm CO ~ Fuel Cell System Produong Electnc.ty (rom Gasoline, Ethanol. Methanol, or Natural Gas Background Interest in fuel cell technology for automotive applications has grown rapidly in the last severa l years because of the increased fuel economy potential -up to three times that of a conventional vehicle, depending on the fuel used. However; curre nt fuel cells can be operated on ly on methanol or hyd r ogen fuels not readily availabl e. Other barrier s include the develop ment of low-c o st. on -boa rd fuel processing tech nology. In a major automotive research breakthrough under the Partnership fo r a New Generation of Vehicles, fuel cells using gasoline as the fuel have been demonstrated for automotive use.leading the way for high-mileage, fuel-flexible, low-emission electric vehicles that can be conveniently refueled at ex isting gas stations. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) completed a cost-shared fiveyear program with Arthur D. Little that resulted in the development of a fuel -flexible fuel processor; a critical component in the system. The program was a partnership among DOE. Arthur D. Little. Plug Power L.L.C., Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Ballard Power Systems. The partners successfully demonstrated a fuel cell system that can generate electricity from a variety of fuels, including gasoline, ethanol. methanol, and natural gas. When running on gasoli ne, a fuel cell passenger car is expected to be many times cleaner than U.S. Environmenta l Protection Agency Tier 2 emissions standards. Benefits >!< Runs I00 times cleaner than conventional automobi les. i!< Reduces greenhouse gas emissions from a vehicle by SO%. if: Could double fuel economy compared with conventional vehicles using gasoline. il< Reduces dependency on imported oil. i!:· Req uires virtually no change to fuel infrastructure if gasoline is used. More Needs to Be Done i!< High-volume manufacturing technologies must be developed to reduce cost. iT: Fu ll -scale fuel cell and processor must be deve loped, then installed an d operated in an aut omobile to ensure practical ity. performance, an d durability. Research Partners Arthur D. Little Ballard Power Systems Los A lamos National Laboratory Plug Power L. L.C. Contact Pat Davis: (202) 586-8061 .. E nergY -Effi cie nt Veh . /c/ e,s 'or a . . .. .. . . Partnering for Success Brochure Development Team Coordinator: Cary Jenson Tanya Flemons Susan Jones Connie Schonefeld Ed Wall Design and Production Team Coordinator: Renee M. Nault Designer: Joanne L. Thomas Editor: Jane Andrew Editor: Betty Waterman Publishing Support Services Information and Publishing Division, Argonne National Laboratory lllllij~\llli~MIIi~~~~~~~~~ 3 9072 02519107 7 \ ' \ ......... _ \ ' ' PARTNERSHIP FOR A NEW GENERATION OF VEHICLES Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies Office of Transportation Technologies Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy