._,...-l.WW.. W9W SEL US D 103.24/6:986N.1 ,I ,__,.... '*"¥!1ft H!Ci&@.i" .A14&t4£19$i'L. ~~- LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE US ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION Volume I Compiled and Indexed in SPECIAL PROJECTS BRANCH, TECHNICAL INFORMATION DIVISION US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-0631 December 1986 Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Science and Engineering Ubrmy 'It,_ .;;, I ' I , t . ·-.1: 1•· .t '·, _.1_ l.i ' ''~ t I l ,, jl ' ' . ~;:: ~ - t .,. ·· ........ r.'Z"r.'' ~ LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE US ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION Volume I Compiled and Indexed in SPECIAL PROJECTS BRANCH, TECHNICAL INFORMATION DIVISION US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180"'0631 December 1986 Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited PREFACE Description of Contents Publications issued through October 1986 by the u. s. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) are listed herein and indexed according to the key-word-out-of-context method. The publications are grouped according to the technical laboratories that prepared them*; these laboratories and their primary fields of interest are as follows: ~~-;~Jlineerin~ Research_~: Research on waves, wind, water levels, tides, currents and the resultant coastal processes; interaction of these forces and processes with shores, beaches, inlets, inner continental shelves, and coastal and offshore structures; shore and beach erosion control; flooding and storm protection; the location, design, construction, and operation of coastal harbors and coastal and offshore structures; and navigational improvements. Concrete_Laboratory: Research studies of concrete materials, methods, and equipment; laboratory and field investigations of concrete control, and of concrete, grouts, and grouting. Environmental Effects Laboratory: Reports on research regarding the environmental impacts of activities of the Corps and other government age~cies. Studies on environmental inventories and assessment of alternatives in constructing, operating, and maintaining authorized navigation channels; guidelines for recreation and roadside rest area waste treatment; feasibility of chemical fixation of hazardous waste; evaluation of overland flow mode of wastewater treatment; eco-system research and simulation; and results of the Dredged Material Research Program. Hydraulics Laboratory: River, tidal, wave action, and structural hydraulics studies conducted by office analysis, laboratory experi.nent, mathematical modeling, and field measurement. Mobility and Environmental Systems L~boratory: Field and laboratory studies of vehicle mobility, trafficability of soils, including methods of remote sensing of soil conditions, and studies to measure environmental aspects of terrain for military mobility and airfield construction purposes. Soils and Pavements Laboratorv: Geological investigations; laboratory testing and field exploration for design of earth structures and foundations; dynamic studies of soils; pavement design; development of expedient surfacings for military roads and airfields. * l:lecause the "List of publications" was growing so large and because the WES report numbering system changed when WES was reorganized, a decision was made to print the list in two volumes. This volume, Volume I, consists of all reports published under the series numbers that existed prior to the reorganization and of all miscellaneous subject reports. Volume II includes all reports published under the series numbers established after the reorganization. iii ~~eons Eff~cts Laboratory: Theoretical, analytical, and experimental studies of the design of vrotective structures and of underwater shock effects. Also, studies of use of explosives for excavation; emplacement of nuclear devices; crater dimensions, slopes, and throwout; safety and side effects of explosives; theoretical and model studies of hydraulic properties of explosive-excavated channels; finite element analysis of stress distributions beneath explosiveexcavated channels; finite element analysis of stress distributions beneath explosive-excavated slopes; small-scale studies. Certain reports on related subjects such as hydrology, instrumentation, etc. are listed under the heading "Miscellaneous Subjects." Reports of Potamology Investigations and reports that have been published and distriubted by the \~aterways Experiment Station for other agencies are also 1isted. The general types of Waterways Experiment Station publications currenlty issued are Instruction Reports, Miscellaneous Papers, Research Reports, and Technical Reports (which have replaced the earlier Technical Memoranda). These are briefly identified as follows: _L~~~-~~!9-~-~~Eorts are, as their designation indicates, publications containing instructions for conducting tests, operating equipment, or for a complete datarecording program at a construction project. Miscellaneous Paeers include reports of investigations of limited scope and/or interest; papers prepared for professional journals; interoffice and intraoffice memoranda of sufficient importance to warrant making of record; or memoranda containing technical information written for record purposes only. Editions of Miscellaneous Papers may consist of a single file copy or a sufficient number of copies for general distribution. Res~~2-~~ are reports of basic (as opposed to applied) research studies. Technical Reeorts include preliminary or final reports of specific engineering investigations considered of interest and possible value to offices and agencies other than the sponsor, and reports of other major investigations of routine interest. Preliminary reports (which may also be designated as progress or interim reports) are usually unnumbered. Also, certain final reports describing studies of limited scope may be unnumbered. Technical Reports covering investigations of major importance or interest are numbered. In addition, reports prepared under contract for the Waterways Experiment Station are listed as Contract Reeorts at the end of each laboratory's listing. The Waterways Experiment Station formerly issued a series of publications designated Bulletins, which were serial publications on general subjects of current interest to the Corps of Engineers. Originally, these bulletins appeared in two series--the Hydraulic series and the Soil Mechanics series; later they were published in a single, combined series entitled "Waterways Experiment Station Bulletins." Publication of Bulletins has been discontinued. Early reports of the liaterways Experiment Station were published as PaEe~, a designation that has been supplanted by the present report formats. iv Publications of the \~aterways Experiment Station and other Corps of Engineers offices are distributed primarily to Department of Defense agencies and certain other agencies having an interest in the work reported. Copies remaining after the initial distribution will be furnished without charge to Federal Government agencies on request until the supply of the particular item is exhausted. Thereafter, copies can be obtained on loan from the Library Branch, Technical Information Division, Haterways Experiment Station. A number of reports in this list are footnoted "Statement B. See Preface." Distribution or loan of reports so footnoted is limited to u. s. Government agencies only unless permission for release can be obtained in special cases from the controlling office. Library copies of all publications listed herein (except as otherwise noted), includ ing out-of-print items and any other engineering literature on file in the Library Branch, are available to Department of Defense agencies on loan from the Library Branch. The library loan privilege is also extended to other Federal and State agencies, scientific and educational institutions, and established engineering or industrial firms. In such cases, the loan period is usually limited to 30 days. Individuals not connected with the,Department of Defense can usually arrange for library loan either throu~h the main offices of their business concerns or through the inter library loan services of their local libraries. Lending to persons outside the continental limits of the United States is not encouraged because of the extended time periods involved and risk of loss of publications in transit. All matters concerning the distribution or loan of \laterways Experiment Station publications or of publications published and distributed by the Waterways Experiment Station for other agencies srtould be addressed to the r..ommander and Director, u. s. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, ATTN: WESIM-T, P. o. Box 631, Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631. With the exception of .li~!!_d_~29Js_f9!~~.!:.~2!!..ttom Friction, by F. E. Camfield CETA 77-7 Dec 1977 Prediction of Irregular Wave Overtop~ing, by J. Ahrens AD A049 J80 CETA 77-8 Dec 19'{7 Procedures for Preliminary Analysis of Tidal Inlet AD A049 8d1 Hydruulics and Stability, by R. M. Sorensen CETA 78-1 Feb 1978 Acceleration and Impact -Jf Structures Moved by AD A053 173 Tsunamis or Flash Floods, bv F. E. Camfield CETA 78-2 Jlll 197 8 Cevised Wave Runup Curves for Smooth Slopes, AD A0)8 407 by P. lj. Stoa CETA 79-1 Jul 1979 Wave Runup on Rough Slopes, by P. ~. Stoa AD AO'{ j 354 CI::TA '79-2 t1ay 19'79 A Method for Estimating Long-Term Erosion Rates AD A0'72 469 from u Long-Term Rise in \later Level, by J. R. Weggel CETA '79-3 Sep 1979 Sampling Macroinvertebrates on High-Energy Sand AD A0?7 070 oeaches, by A. K. Hurme, R. M. Yancv, and E. J. Pullen CETA 79-4 Sep 1979 Determination -Jf Mooring Load and Trun~uitted Wave AD AO'l'l 905 Height for a Fl-Jating Tire Breakwater, by 1'1. L. Gile'> and J. w. Eckert Cr:TA 79-5 Oct 1979 Estimating l~earslwre Sit;nificant llave Hei6ht for AD AOT( 906 Irregular Waves, by w. N. Seelig CETA '79-6 Oct 1979 Estimation of Wave Transtnission Coefficients for AD A079 J01 Permeable Bre~kwaters, by w. N. Seelig CETA '(9-7 [JOV 1'j79 Definition anJ Use of the Phi Grade Sc3le, bv H. D. 1\.D AOSO 9U3 Hobson CETA iJ0-1 Feb 1980 Maximum Uuve Hei~hls anJ Critical Water Depths for l\.D AOG4 222 Irre~ular Waves in the ~urf Zone, bv w. N. Seeli~ CERC-3 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER !lumber Date Title AD Number CETA 80-2 Feb 1980 Planting Guidelines for Seagrasses, by R~ c. Phillips AD A085 592 CETA 80-3 Mar 1980 Computation of Longshore Energy Flux Using LEO Current AD A085 526 Observations, bv T. L. Walton, Jr. CETA 80-4 Mar 1980 Data Collection Methods for Sand Inventory-Type Surveys, AD A087 260 bv D. A. Prins CETA 80-5 Jul 1980 Interpretation of Wave Energy Spectra, by E. F. Thompson AD A089 624 CETA 80-6 Apr 1980 A Guide for Estimating Longshore Transport Rate Using AD A087 261 Four SPM Methods, by P. Vitale CETA 80-7 Dec 1980 Estimation of Wave Transmission Coefficients for Over AD A098 388 topping of Impermeable Breakwaters, by W. N. Seelig CETA 80-8 Dec 1980 Estimation of Flow Through Offshore Breakwater G~ps AD A097 986 Generated bv Wave Overtopping, bv w. N. Seelig and T. L. Walton, Jr. CETA 81-1 Jan 1981 \lave Loading on Vertical Sheet-Pile Groins and Jetties, AD A098 059 bv J. R. vleggel CETA 81-2 Jan 1981 Seaward Limit of Significant Sand Transport bv \laves: AD A099 717 An Annual Zonation for Seasonal Profiles, by R. J. Hallermeier CETA 81-3 Jan 1981 A Model for the Distribution Function for Significant AD A097 983 Wave Height, by E. F. Thompson CETA 81-4 Jan 1981 Predicting Adjustments in Shore and Offshore Sand AD A097 987 Profiles on the Great Lakes, by E. B. Hands CETA 81-5 Mar 1981 The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) Data AD A101 855 Collection Program, by C. Schneider CETA 81-6 Jun 1981 A Method to Forecast Sedimentation Rates Resulting AD A103 165 from the Settlement of Suspended Solids Within Semi enclosed Harbors, by C. H. Everts CETA 81-7 Jun 1981 Some Observations on the Ecor.ornics of "Overdesignir.g" AD A107 240 Rubble-Mound Structures with Concrete Armor, by J. R. \·leggel CETA 81-8 Jul 1981 An Inexpensive, Portable Vibracoring Svstem for Shallow AD A104 323 Water and Land Application, bv K. Finkelstein and D. Prins CETA 81-9 Jul 1981 Use of Vibratorv Coring Samplers for Sediment Survevs, AD A103 158 by E. P. Meisburger and s. J. Williams CETA 81-10 Jul 1981 Critical \-lave Conditions for Sand Motion Initiation, AD A104 376 by R. J. Hallermeier CETA 81-11 Aug 1981 Fast, Accurate Two-Person Beach Survevs, bv v. A. AD A107 285 Birkemeier CERC-4 COA~TAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number Date Title AD Number ----·---------------·-----·-·--------------------------------------- --·-~---·---- --~--·--- CETA 81-12 Aug 1981 Prediction of v/ave Refraction and Slloaline; U<~ing AD A 107 241 Two Numerical Models, by J. M. Hubertz CI::TA \31-13 vet 1981 Products from Two Com~uter Programs Which Process Digital AD A108 751 Bathywetric Data, by B. E. Herchenroder CETA 81-14 Oct 19d1 Effects of Currents on \laves, by B. E. Herchenroder AD A 110 486 CETA 81-15 Nov 19[!1 Guidelines for Establishing Coastal Survey Base Lines, AD A110 738 by J. M. Hemsley CETA 81-16 Nov 1981 A Method for Estimating Depth-Limited \lave Energy, AD A112 521 oy c. L. Vincent CETtl. 81-1'7 Dec 1981 Irregular ~lave Run up on Smooth Slopes, by J. P. Ahrens AD A113 648 CETA 82-1 Jan 19[!2 Hand-Held Calculator Algorithms for Coastal Engineering, AD A116 206 by T. L. Walton, w. A. birkemeier, and J. R. Weggel CETA 82-2 Feb 1982 Energy Losses of Waves in Shallow Water, by W. G. AD A116 274 Grosskopf and c. L. Vincent Ci::TA 52-3 Feb 1982 Shore Erosion Control with Salt Marsh Vegetation, AD A116 309 oy P. L. Knutson and M. R. Inskeep CETA 82-4 i~::>v 1932 Hand-Held Calculator Algorithms for Coastal AD A123 965 Engineering (Second Series), by T. L. Walton CETA 82-5 N::>v 1982 Jse ·::>f Hit:h Resolution Seisulic Reflection and Side-Scan AD A126 497 Sonar E4ui;;ment for Offsnort:! Surveys, by s. J. llillia.ns CETA 82-6 Dec 19132 A L-:>>J-Co,;t Planting Techni4ue for Eel11,rass (Zos.!:_~~ ADA12.:) :171 !~_r_ina L.), by N. s. fonseca, W. J. Kem;orthy, and G. W. Thayer CETA 82-'7 L>ec 1982 Prediction of Nearshore Have Transformation, bv AD A125 104 J. t1. ilubertz CETA 83-1 Mar 19SJ Calculation of ·.~ave Shoaling with Uissipation Over AD A128 933 Nearshore Sands, by R. J. Hallermeier CERC-5 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number--·----...... -..... -- Date---·--·-- Title AD Number GITI 2 Jun 1975 Catalog of Tidal Inlet Aerial Photo5raphy, by J. H. AD A012 798 l:larwis GITI 3 Feb 1976 Tidal Prism-Inlet Area Relation~hip~, by J. T. Jarrett AD A022 32? GITI 4 Jan 19"{6 Annotated Bibliography on the Geologic, Hydraulic, and AD A020 355 Engineering Aspects of Tidal Inlets, by J. H. l:larwis GITI 5 Feb 19'(6 Notes on Tidal Inlets on Sandy Shore,'!, uy M. P. O'Brien AD A022 J2o GITI 6 JU!l 1977 Compari~on of Nur11erical and Physical Hydraulic r1odel~, AD A052 795 Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina, by D. L. llarri~ and B. R. Bodine JU!l 1977 Appendix 1 Fixed-Bed Hydraulic f1odel Re~ults, by R. A. AD A052 '796 Sa~er and ~. c. Seabergh Jun 19Tf Appendix 2 Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics (WRE), ~Y F. D. Masch, R. J. Brandes, and J. D. Reagan: Jun 19'7'7 Volume AD A052 797 Jun 1'-Jf7 VolUioe 2 AD A052 '798 J•Jn 19Tf Appendix 3 Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics AD A052 '{99 (Tracor), by R. J. Chen and L. A. Hembree, Jr. Jun 1977 Appendix 4 Simplified fJumerical (Lumped Parameter) AD A052 aoo Simulation, by c. J. Huval and G. L. \·linteq;;er st GITI 7 Jun 1976 Model Materials Evaluation; Sand Tests; Hydraulic AD 1.026 699 Lab<:>ratory Inve~tigation, uy E. c. f1cNair GITI 8 Ja!l 1977 Hydraulics and Dyne:unics of New Corpus Christi Pass, AD A038 472 Texas: A Case History, 1')72-73, by E. il. Behrens, R. L. Watso!1, and c. Mason GITI 9 Sep 1<;76 Hydraulics and Dyna,oics of New Corpus Christi Pass, AD A03J 607 Texas: A Case History, 1973-75, by R. L. Watson and E. W. Behrens GI'fi 10 Sep 19'76 Hydraulics and Dynamics of North Inlet, South Carolina, AD A033 419 11.)74-75, by R. J. Finley GITI 11 Apr 19T/ Laboratory Investi~ation of Tidal Inlets on Sandy AD A040 021 Coasts, by H. E. Mayor-Mora GITI 12 ~lay 197'1 " Case History of Port Mansfield Channel, Texas, AD A042 651 by J. M. Kieslich CEHC-6 COASTAL ENGINEEHING HESEARCH CENTER Number Date Title AD Number GITI 13 Auf\ 1977 Hydraulics and Stability of Tidal Inlets, by AD A045 523 F. F. Escoffier GIT I 14 Nov 1977 A Spatially Integrated Numerical Model of Inlet AD 1\.050 315 Hydraulics, by w. N. Seelig, D. L. Harris, and B. E. Herchenroder GITI 15 Nov 1977 Physical Model Simulation of the Hydraulics of AD A055 523 Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina, by R. A. Sager and w. c. Seabergh GITI 16 Sep 1978 Hydraulics and Dynamics of North Inlet, South Carolina, AD A063 986 1975-76, by D. Nu~aedal and s. M. Humphries GITI 17 Feb 1979 An Evaluation of Movable-Bed Tidal Inlet Models, by AD A077 686 s. c. Jain and J. F. Kennedy GITI 18 Hay 1980 Supplementary Tests of ilasonboro Inlet Fixed-Bed AD A088 '761 Model: Hydraulic Model Investigation, by w. c. Seabergh and R. A. Sager GITI 19 Oct 1981 Tidal Inlet Response to Jetty Construction, by AD A112 448 J. M. Kieslich GITI 20 May 1980 Geometry of Selected u. s. Tidal Inlets, by c. L. P.D 1\.087 '{95 Vincent and w. D. Corson GITI 22 Feb 1t,J82 Evaluation of Physical and Numerical Hydraulic AD A116 110 Models, Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina, by J. E. 1·1cTamany CERC-7 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Miscellaneous Paper~ ~er Date Title ·----·---- AD Number------- MP 1-64 Jan 1964 Concrete Block Revetment Near Benedict, Maryland, by AD 440 882 J. v. Hall, Jr., and R. A. Jachowski MP 2-64 Apr 1964 Calculation Procedures for Sand Transport by Wind on AD 440 883 Natural Beaches, by A. Kadib MP 3-64 Apr 1964 Summary of Capabilities, by A. c. Raynor and G. w. AD 440 884 Simmons MP 4-64 May 1964 Land Against the Sea, by A. c. Raynor, ed. AD 453 227 MP 5-64 Oet 1964 A Pictorial History of Selected Structures Along AD 612 764 the New Jersey Coasts, by w. H. Vesper and M. G. Essick MP 6-64 Nov 1974 Beach Changes at Virginia Beach, Virginia, by W. AD 612 765 Harrison and K. A. Wagner MP 1-66 Jan 1966 Interagency Conference on Continental Shelf Research, AD 629 978 by N. E. Taney MP 1-67 Jan 1967 The Wave Record Program at CERC, by J. M. Darling and AD 652 252 D. G. Dumm MP 2-67 Mar 1967 A Compilation of Longshore Current Data, by c. J. Galvin AD 652 253 and R. A. Nelson MP 3-67 Jun 1967 A Feasibility Study of a Wave-Powered Device for Moving AD 655 259 Sand, bv F. F. Monroe MP 1-68 Jul 1968 Annotated Bibliography of BEB and CERC Publications, by AD 673 721 R. H. Allen and E. L. Spooner MP 1-69 Apr 1969 Oolitic Aragonite and Quartz Sand; Laboratory Comparison AD 688 877 Under Wave Aetion, by F. F. Monroe MP 2-69 May 1969 Radioisotopic Sand Tracer Study, Point Conception, AD 690 804 California, by D. B. Duane and c. w. Judge MP 3-69 Sep 1969 Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observations from the CERC Bea("h Evaluation Program, Januarv-March 1968, bv H. D. AD 697 715 Urban and c. J. Galvin MP 1-70 Jan 1970 Experimental Dunes of the Texas Coast, bv B. o. Gage AD 702 902 MP 2-70 Feb 1970 Littoral Environment Observation Program in AD 704 720 California, Preliminary Report, by A. Szuwalski MP 3-70 May 1970 RAPLOT, A Computer Program for Data Processing and AD 708 556 Graphical Display for Radioisotopic Sand Tracer Study, by P. A. Turner MP 4-70 Aug 1970 Tracing Sand Movement in the Littoral Zone: the Radioisotopic Sand Tracer (RIST) Studv, Progress in Julv 1968- AD 713 001 February 1969, by D. B. Duane CERC-8 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Miscellaneous Papers Number Date----- Title AD Number MP 1-71 Sep 1971 Longshore Sediment Transport Rates: A Compilation of AD 734 891 Data, by M. M. Das MP 1-72 Apr 1972 GROINS: An Annotated Bibliography, by J. H. Balsillie AD 743 942 and R. H. Bruno MP 2-72 Apr 1972 A Glossary of Coastal Engineering Terms, by R. H. Allen AD 744 804 MP 3-72 Nov 1972 Coastal Imagery Data Bank: Interim Report, by AD 755 508 A. Szuwalski MP 1-73 Jan 1973 Ecological Effects of Offshore Dredging and Beach AD 756 366 Nourishment: A Review, by J. R. Thompson MP 2-73 May 1973 An Annotated Bibliography of Aerial Remote Sensing in AD 766 720 Coastal Engineering, by D. B. Stafford, R. o. Bruno, and H. M. Goldstein MP 1-74 Feb 1974 Bed Form Development and Distribution Pattern, Parker AD777911 and Essex Estauries, Massachusetts, by J. c. Boothroyd and D. K. Hubbard MP 2-74 Mar 1974 A Glossary of Ecological Terms for Coastal Engineers, by AD 777 764 A. K. Hurme MP 3-74 May 1974 Bolinas Lagoon Inlet, California, by J. W. Johnson AD 785 747 MP 4-74 Jun 1974 Hydraulic Method Used for Moving Sand at Hyperion Beach AD 785 552 Erosion Project, El Segundo, California, by J. Hurd MP 1-75 Jan 1975 A Primer of Basic Concepts of Lakeshore Processes, by AD A008 010 D. B. Duane, et al. NP 2-75 Feb 1975 Guidelines for Monitoring Shore Protection Structures AD A009 500 in the Great Lakes MP 3-75 Apr 1975 Features of Various Offshore Structures, bv J. AD A012 843 Peraino, et al. MP 4-75 Apr 1975 Concept Analysis: Offshore Breakwater-Oil Storage ~.D A010 348 Svstem, by J. Peraino and T. Plodowski MP 5-75 Apr 1975 A Selected Bibliographv of the Nearshore Environment: AD A012 854 Florida v/est Coast, by C. H. Saloman MP 6-75 Apr 1975 Establishment of Vegetation for Shoreline Stabilization AD A012 839 in Galveston Bav, by J. D. Dodd and J. w. Webb MP 7-75 Jun 1975 Evaluation of Potential Use of Vegetation for Erosion AD A014 137 Abatement Along the Great Lakes Shoreline, bv v. L. Hall and J. D. Ludwig MP 8-75 Sep 1975 Effects of Engineering Activities on the Ecologv of AD A016 948 Pismo Clams, bv J. Nybakken and M. Stephenson CERC-9 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Date----- ill.!.lL-----·------------------------- AD Number MP 9-75 Sep 1975 Constru~tion and Stabilization of Coastal Foredunes with Vegetation: Padre Island, Texas, by B-E. Dahl, et al. AD A018 065 MP 10-75 Oct 1975 Bea~h Profile Changes: East Coast of Lake Mi~higan, 1970-72, by R-A~ Davis, Jr., w. G. Fingleton, and AD A018 891 P~ c~ Pritchett MP 11-75 Dec 1975 Sand Level Changes on Torrey Pines Bea~h, California, AD A019 833 by c~ E. Nordstrom and D. L- Inman MP 12-75 Dec 1975 Wave Hunup on a 1 on 10 Slope, by J. Ahrens AD A021 577 CERC-10 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Nwnber Date Title AD Number MR 76-1 Jan 1976 Effects of Suspended Soils on Selected Estuarine AD A022 653 PlanKton, by J. A. Sherk, Jr., J. M. O'Connor, and D. A. Neumann MR 76-2 Jan 1976 An EHTS-1 Study of Coastal Features on the North Carolina AD A022 Jj6 Coast, by G. H. Miller and D. w. Berg NR 76-3 Feb 1')76 Dune Stabilization with Panicum amarum Carolina Coast, by E. D. Seneca, w. >1. Alone~ the North i/oodhouse, Jr., AD A02j 1'78 and s. w. Broome MR 76-4 Mar 1976 Simplified Design Methods of Treated Timber Structures AD A022 33'7 for Shore, Beach, and Marina Construction,-by J. Ayers and R. Stoke.<> MR 76-5 Mar 1976 Reflection and Transmission Characteristics of Porous AD A023 G32 Rul!ble-t·lound Breakwaters, uy o. s. Madsen and s. M. \lhite MR 76-6 Apr 1976 Vegetative Study at the Duck Field Research Facility, AD A025 1'78 Duck, North Carolina, by G. F. Levy MR 76-7 May 1976 Survey of Coastal Revetment Types, by B. L. t1cCartney AD A02G 255 MR 76-8 Hay 1976 Diurnal Variations in Visually Observed Breaking Waves, AD A028 275 by P. c. Pritchett MR 76-9 Jun 1976 ~ave Attenuation by Artificial Seaweed, by J. Ahrens AD A028 274 t1R 76-10 Aug 1976 The Benthic Fauna c.md Sed irnen t s ·') f the Near shore Zone AD AO_l1 992 off Panama City Beach, Florida, by c. H. Salornan MR 76-11 N-::>v 1976 Measurement Techni4ues for Coastal Waves and Currents, AD A033 041 by P. G. Teleki, F. R. Musialowski, and D. A. Prins HR Tf-1 Feb 19'77 A Positive Displacement Oscillatory \later Tunnel, by AD AOJ8 593 K. E. B. Lofquist MR 77-2 Mar 19'{7 Marine Pipelines: An Annotated Bibliography, by AD AOjG '74'7 G. L. Bowie and R. L. Viiee,el MR 77-3 Har 19T/ Size Analysis of Sand Samples from Southern New Jer~ey AD A040 082 Beaches, by M. D. R<:Jrr1sey and c. J. Galvin, Jr. MR 77-4 Har 1977 A Laboratory Study of the Stability of Sand-Filled Nylon AD A039 265 Bag Brea~water Structures, l!y R. E. Ray MR 77-5 Mar 1977 Analysis of StJort-Terrn Variations in Beach i'lorpholoe;v AD t.039 2li6 (and Concurrent Dynamic Processes) for Surruner and Winter Periods, 19'(1-'72, Plum Islanu, t~assachusetts, by H. w. Abele, Jr. f1H Tf-6 Apr 19Tf !:leach Fauna Study of the CEHC Field Research Facility, AD A040 5lJJ Duck, North Carolina, by J. F. Matta CERC-11 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number Date Title AD Number MR 7'!-'7 Laboratory Effects in Beach Studies: Jun 19'77 Volume I Procedures Used in 10 Movable-Bed Au A043 i3'70 Experiments, by R. P. Stafford and c. B. Chesnutt Aug 19Tf Volume II Movable-Bed Experiments with H0 /L0 = (1970), by c. B. Chesnutt and H. P. 0. 021 AD A045 462 Stafford Nov 197'{ VolUJne III Movable-Bed Experiments with HjL., = 0.021 AD A049 871 (19'(1), by c. B. Chesnutt and R. P. Stafford Dec 197'7 Volume IV Movable-Bed Experiments with HJLu= 0.021 AD A05 1 872 (1912), by C. B. Che~nutt and R. P. Stafford Dec 197'{ Volume V Movable-Bell Experiments with H,/L0 = 0.039 AD !i.051 484 (19'72), by c. B. Chesnutt and R. P. Stafford Mar 1978 Volume Vl Movable-Bed Experiments 1dth 1\/L, = 0.004 AD A055 186 by c. B. Cilesnutt and R. P. Stafford t1ar 1978 Volume VII Movable-Bed Experiments with H 0 /nv= 0.013 by c. B. Chesnutt and R. P. Stafford AD A055 021 Jun 1978 Volume VIII Analysis of Results from 10 Novable-Bed AD A053 703 Experiment'3, by c. B. Cl!esnutt MR 77-8 Jul 19Tf Monitorin~ of foredune~ on Padre Island, Texas, by AD A04j 375 B. E. Dahl and J. P. Goen MR 77-9 AuG 1977 The History of the Beach Erosion Board, u. s. Army AD i\.045 469 Corps of Enbineers, 1930-63, by M. L. Quinn t·1R 77-10 Oct 197'{ Mdthematical t-iodelin~ of Shor-eline Evolution, by AD A047 641 B. Le Mel!aute and M. Soldate MR 77-11 N·:>V 197'{ Sand Resources on the Inner Continental Shelf ·::>f the AD A049 132 Cape Fear Region, North Carolina, by E. P. Meisburber MR 77-12 Dec 1977 Beach Erosion and Accretion at Virginia Beach, Virginia, AD .4.049 563 and Vicinity, by v. G·::>lJS!Ilith, s. c. Str<.un, and G. R. Thoma« MR 78-1 Jan 1'378 Shoreline Plant Establishment and Uc:e of a \-/ave-Stilling AD A053 23) Device, bv J. H. i/ebb dnd J.D. Dodd NR 78-2 May 1'378 An Annotated Bibliobraphy of CERC Coastal Ecologv AD A05ll (12 Research, 0y E. J. Pullen, et al. CERC-12 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number Date Title AD Number MR '{8-3 Sep 19'78 Ecological Effects of an Artificial Island, Rincon AD A062 065 Island, Punta Gorda, California, by G. F. Johnson and L. A. de'rlit MR 78-4 Dec 1978 Effects of Beach Replenishment on the Nearshore Sand AD A067 308 Fauna at Imperial Beach, California, by T. Parr, D. Diener and s. Lacy MR 79-1 Feb 1979 An Annotated Bibliography on Detached Breakwaters and AD A068 981 Artificial Headlands, by J. R. Lesnik MR 79-2 Bank Erosion Control with Ve6etation, San Francisco Bay, AD A072 924 California, by c. L. Newcombe, et al. MR '79-3 Jul 1979 Sand Resources of Soutlleastern Lake Michigan, by E. P. AD A073 817 Meisburger, s. J. Williams, and D. A. Prins HR 79-4 Jul 1979 Sediment Distribution Sand Resources, and Geologic AD A074 393 Character of the Inner Continental Shelf Off Galveston County, Texas, by s. J. Williams, D. A. Prins, and E. P. Meisburger Aug 1979 Beach Chanties at \Jesthampton Beach, New York, 1962-73, AD A073 605 by A. E. DeiJall t-IR '19-6 Nov 1979 An Annotated Bibliography of Patents Related to Coastal AD A080 914 Engineering, by R. E. Ray, M. D. Dickey, and A. M. Lyles Appendix: Volume I AD A080 795 Volume II AD A080 796 Volume III AD A030 797 MR 80-1 Ecological Evaluation of a Beach Nourislunent Project at Hallandale (Broward County), Florida: Feb 1900 Volume I Evaluation of Fish Population Adjacent to AD AOdJ 595 Borrow Areas of Beach Nourishment Project, Hallandale (Broward County), ~lorida, by W. R. Courtenav, Jr., B. c. Hartig, and G. H. Loisel Volume II Evaluation of Benthic Communities Adjacent to AD A085 802 a Restored Beach, Hallandale (Broward County), Florida, by G. A. Marsh, et al. MR 30-2 Apr 1~80 Tt1e Effect of Structures and Lake Level ·::m Bluff and AD A08'7 262 Shore Erosio~ in Berrien Cou~ty, Michi~an, 1970-74, by w. A. biT·kemeier t!R 80-3 ~laY 19JO Beach and Inlet Chanbes at Ludlam Beach, New Jersey, by AD AOS'l 796 c. H. Everts, A. E. DeWall, and M. T. Czerniak MR 30-4 Jul 1980 Sand Resources on tl1e Inner Continental Shelf of the AD A088 636 Cape May He~ion, New Jersey, by E. P. t-leisburHer and s. J. William<: CERC-13 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number Date Title AD Number ----------------..· MR 80-5 Jun 1980 An Annotated Bibliography of CERC Coastal Ecology AD A088 585 Research, byE~ J. Pullen, et al. MR 80-6 Jul 1980 A Numerical Model for Predicting Shoreline Changes, by AD A090 133 B. Le Mehaute and M. Soldate MR 80-7 Sep 1980 An Annotated Bibliography of Seagrasses with Emphasis AD A092 584 on Planting and Propagation Techniques, by D~ B~ Knight, P~ L. Knutson, and E~ J. Pullen MR 80-8 Oct 1980 Instrumentation at CERC's Field Research Fa0ility, Du0k, AD A091 730 North Carolina, by H. c. Miller MR 80-9 Oct 1980 Beach Changes at Long Beach Island, New Jersey, 1962-73, AD A101 844 by M. c. Miller, D. G. Aubrey, and J. Karpen MR 80-10 Nov 1980 Sand Resources of Southern Lake Erie, Conneaut to AD A097 984 Toledo, Ohio -A Seismic Reflection and Vibracore Study, by s. J. Williams, et al~ MR 81-1 Jan 1981 Hydraulics and Stability of Five Texas Inlets, by AD A101 843 c. Mason MR 81-2 Jan 1981 Coastal Changes, Eastern Lake Michigan, 1970-74, by AD A097 985 W. A. Birkemeier MR 81-3 Mar 1981 Beach Changes at Atlantic City, New Jersey (1962-73), AD A101 902 by D. P~ M0Cann MR 81-4 Apr 1981 Movable-Bed Laboratory Experiments Comparing Radiation AD A101 918 Stress and Energy Flux, Movable-Bed Modeling, Sediment Transport, by P. Vitale MR 81-5 Jun 1981 A Study of the Invertebrates and Fishes of Salt AD A106 973 Marshes in Two Oregon Estuaries, by D. L. Higley and R. L. Holton MR 81-6 Jun 1981 Analysis of Coastal Sediment Transport Processes AD A103 168 from Wrightsville Beach to Fort Fisher, North Carolina, by T. c. Winton, et al. 1~R 81-7 Oct 1981 A User's Guide to CERC's Field Research Facility, by AD A110 602 W~ A. Birkemeier MR 82-1 Jan 1982 Benthic Fauna of an Offshore Borrow Area in Broward AD A110 666 County, Florida, by D. B. Turbeville and G. A. Marsh MR 82-2 Jan 1982 Long-Term Effects of Beach Nourishment on the Benthic AD A115 212 Fauna of Panama City Beach, Florida, by J. K. Culter and S. 1~ahadevan MR 82-3 Mar 1982 Benthic Community Response to Dredging Borrow Pits, AD A116 340 Panarna City Beach, Florida, by c. H. Saloman, s. P. Naughton, and J. L~ Taylor MR 82-4 Jul 1982 Field Experiences with Floating Breakwaters in the AD A119 476 Eastern United States, by A~ v. Baird and N~ w. Ross CERC-14 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Miscellaneous R!E~ Number Date Title AD Number MR 82-5 Jul 1982 Floating Breakwater Field Experience, West Coast, by AD A121 557 E~ P. Richey MR 82-6 Aug 1982 Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) Data Summaries, AD A127 640 Northern California, 1968-78, by c. Schneider and J. R~ vleggel MR 82-7 Sep 1982 Surf Zone Currents, by D. R~ Basco and R. A. Coleman: Volume I State of Knowledge AD A122 066 Volume II Annotated Bibliography AD A121 585 MR 82-8 Sep 1982 A Lightweight Pneumatic Coring Device: Design and AD A121 556 Field Tests, by J. A. Fuller and E. P. Meisburger MR 82-9 Oct 1982 Geologi0al Character and Mineral Resources of South AD A123 085 Central Lake Erie, by s. J. Williams and E. P. Meisburger MR 82-10 Oct 1982 Sand Resources on the Inner Continental Shelf off the AD A123 087 Central New Jersey Coast, by E. P~ Meisburger and s. J. Williams MR 82-11 Oct 1982 The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a AD A123 950 Differential Pressure Gage Directional Wave Monitor, by K. R. Bodge MR 82-12 Nov 1982 Long-Term Changes in Beach Fauna at Duck, North AD A125 142 Carolina, by R. J. Diaz and J. T~ DeAlteris MR 82-13 Nov 1982 Effects of Beach Nourishment on the Nearshore AD A123 066 Environment in Lake Huron at Lexington Harbor (Michigan), by R. T. Nester and T. P~ Poe MR 82-14 Dec 1982 Effects of Beach Nourishment and Borrowing on Marine AD A123 951 Organisms, by s~ M~ Naqvi and E. J. Pullen MR 82-15 Dec 1982 Regional Geology of the Southern Lake Erie (Ohio) AD A126 565 Bottom: A Seismic Reflection and Vibracore Study, bv c. H. Carter, s. J. Williams, J. A. Fuller, and E~ P. Meisburger MR 82-16 Dec 1982 CERC Field Research Fa0ility Environmental Data AD A127 066 Summary, 1977-79, by c. H. Miller MR 83-1 Jan 1983 The Elevation and Duration of Wave Crests, by AD A127 872 w. N. Seelig, J. P. Ahrens, and w. G. Grosskopf MR 83-2 Jan 1983 An Annotated Bibliography on the Biological Effects AD A128 080 of Constructing Channels, Jetties, and other Coastal Structures, by J. c. Ford, A. K. Hurme, and E. J. Pullen CERC-15 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Miscellaneou~!Eort~ Numbe,;..r___ Date Title AD Number-------- MR 83-3 Mar 1983 The Ecological Impact of Beach Nourishment with AD A128 925 Dredged Materials on the Intertidal Zone at Bogue Bank, North Carolina, by F. J~ Reilly and v. J. Bellis MR 83-4 Mar 1983 Reevaluation of Vegetational Characteristics at the AD A127 137 CERC Field Research Facility, Duck, North Carolina, by R. L~ Harris, G. F~ Levy, and J. E. Perry MR 83-5 Mar 1983 Beach Changes at Holden Beach, North Carolina, 1970-74, AD A127 986 by M~ c. Miller MR 83-6 Mar 1983 Interaction of Waves and Currents, by D. H. Peregrine AD A128 551 and I. G. Jonsson MR 83-7 Mar 1983 Annotated Bibliography on Wave-Current Interaction, by AD A127 225 D. H. Peregrine, I. G. Jonsson, and c. J. Galvin MR 83-8 Mar 1983 Posthurricane Survey of Experimental Dunes on Padre AD A128 051 Island, Texas, by B. E. Dahl, P~ c. Cotter, D. B-. \"lester, and D. D. Drbal MR 83-10 May 1983 A Numerical Model to Simulate Sediment Transport in AD A130 197 the Vicinity of Coastal Structures, by Marc Perlin and R~ G. Dean (includes Appendixes A-E) CERC-16 Number Date R 1-66 Feb 1966 R 2-66 Feb 1966 R 3-66 Feb 1966 R 4-66 Jun 1966 R 1-67 Jan 1967 R 2-6'7 Aug 1'967 R 3-67 Aug 1967 R 4-67 Sep 1967 R 1-68 Feb 1963 R 2-68 Aug 1968 R 3-63 Jun 1968 R 1-69 Apr 1')69 R 2-69 R J-69 Sep 1'969 R 4-69 R 1-70 Oct 1<:170 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Reprints Title An Ocean Wave Direction Gage, by L. c. Williams Breakwaters with Vertical and Sloping Faces, by T. Saville, Jr., w. J. Garcia, and c. E. Leo Factors Affecting Beach Nourishment Requirement-s, Presque Isle Peninsula, Erie, Pennsylvania, by D. w. Berg A Tractor-Mounted Suspended Sand Sampler, by J. c. Fairchild Coastal Processes and Beach Erosion, by J. M. Caldwell Wave Tests of Revetu1ent Using Hachine-Produced Interlocking Blocks, uy J. v. Hall, Jr. Rock Movement in Large-Scale Tests of Riprap Stability Under Wave Action, by T. Saville, Jr. Variations in Groin Design, by D. w. Berg and G. M. 1/atts Surf Observations Along the United States Coasts, by J. M. Darling Longshore Current Velocity: A Review of Theory and Data, by c. J. Galvin, Jr. Breaker Type Classification on Three Laboratory Beache~, by c. J. Galvin, Jr. Effect of Particle Size and Distribution on Stability of Artificially Filled Beach, Presque Isle Penin~ula, Pennsylvania, by D. 'vi. Berl!; and D. B. Duane Prototype Investigation of Stability of Qu~dripod Cover Layer, Santa Cruz Harbor, California, by o. F. We~aouth and o. T. Mat;;oon Creation and Stabilization of Coa~tal Barrier Dunes, by H. P. Savage and \1. ll. i/oodhouse, Jr. Sys~ematic Collection of Beach Data, by D. W. Berg Shallow Structural Characteristics of Florida Atlantic Shelf as Revealed bv Seismic Reflection Profiles, by E. P. Meisbur5 er and D. B. Duane AD Number AD 631 518 AD 631 519 AD 631 520 AD 636 951 AD 652 025 AD 659 170 AD 659 5B AD 659 172 AD 672 613 AD 672 614 AD 673 621 AD 694 204 AD 697 531 AD 69'7 532 AD 697 533 AD 702 003 H 2-70 Oct 1'970 Sand Inventor'y Program, by D. B. Duane AD 703 583 R 3-'{0 Jun 1<)'{0 Coastal Re~irue, Recent u. s. Experience, by AD 706 4o9 T. Saville, Jr. R 4-70 May 1970 Breaker Travel and Choice of Desic;n Wuve Height, by AD 712 652 c. J. Galvin, Jr. GERC-1'7 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number-------·--... - Date Tit~-~-------~---------·------________ --------------------------____ AD Number· R 1-'71 Sep 1971 The Analysis of Wave Records, by D. L. Harris AD B2 606 R 2-'71 Sep 1;171 Com~arison of Pressure and Staff W~ve Ga~e Records, AD '(32 63'( by D. c. Esteva and D. L. Harris R 3-71 Sep 1<)'71 Bottom Boundary Shear Stresses on a I>lodel Beach, by AD '7J2 643 P. G. Teleki and M. w. Anderson R 4-71 Sep 1371 Waves Generated by a Piston-Type Wavemaker, by o. s. AD '732 607 Madsen R 5-'71 Sep 1971 Synoptic Observations of Sand Movement, by D. B. Duane AD '{J2 645 R 5-71 Sep 19'71 Processing and Analysis of Radioisotopic Sand Tracer AD 732 608 (HIST) Study Data, by H. R. Brasher, et al. H 7-'71 Sep 1971 A Class of Probability Models for Littoral Drift, by AD '{32 646 ·.1. R. James R Ll-71 Sep 1971 Effect on Long Period ~laves on Hydrogral)hic Surveys, AD TJ2 609 by o. T. Magoon and W. 0, Sarlin R 1-72 May 1<)72 A Wave Climatology for u. s. Coastal Waters, by E. F. AD 746 365 Thompson and D. L. Harris R 2-72 Jul 1972 t1arsh Building with Dredge Spoil in North Carolina, uy II, \1, \/ooc.ihouse, Jr., E. D, Seneca, and S. vi. Broo1ae AD 755 178 R J-72 Sep 1972 Regional Shelf Studies: A Guide to Engineering Design, AD 754 869 uy S, J, vlilliams and u. B. D...1ane R 4-'72 Au;;; 1972 Use of Satellites in Coastal Engineering, by O. T. AD 754 890 Ma~oon, J. W. Jarman, and D. w. Berg R 5-72 Sep 1972 Finite-Amplitude Shallow-Hater Waves of Periodically AD 754 868 Recurring Form, by c. J. Galvin, Jr. R 1-73 Aug 1973 Use of Dolos Armour Units in Rubble-t1ound Structures AD '(57 973 in the Arctic, by 0, T. t1agoon and N. Shi1nizu R 2-'7"3 Oct 1973 Characteristics of Wave Records in the Coastal Zone, AD 7'.i7 Y74 by D. L. Harris R 3-73 Nov 1973 Hax imum breaker Heigilt, by J. R. Hebgel AD 757 975 R 4-73 i~ar 1Y'73 Have Brea~in6 in Shallow ~later, by C, J. AD 766 106 Galvin, Jr. R 5-73 Apr 1973 Use of Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) AD '{66 378 in Coastal Studies, by o. T. Magoon R 6-B Feb 19B Design Considerations for a j-D Laser Doppler AD 766 379 Velocimeter for Studying Gravity Waves in Shallow Water, by H. J. Hallermeier R 'f-'73 t1ar 1973 A Harkov Hodel for deach Profile Changes, by AD '{65 889 c. J. Sonu and W. R, James CERC-18 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number pate----- Title--------------... --------------------·-·--·---~- AD Nulilber--·--------- R 8-73 Jul 1973 Maximum Breaker Height for Design, by J. R. We~~el AD no 190 R 9-73 Jul 1973 Time-Interval Photography of Littoral Phenomena, by AD 774 269 D. W. Berg and E. F. Hawley R 10-73 Jul 1973 Character and Stability of a Natural Tidal Inlet, by AD '((0 184 c. Mason and R. Sorensen R 11-73 Jul 19'!3 Case History of Mission Bay Inlet, San Diego, Cali AD 770 192 fornia, by W. J. Herron, Jr. R 12-73 Jul 1<;B A Gross Lon~shore Transport Rate Formula, by c. J. AD no 181 Galvin, Jr. R 13-'73 Jul 1973 Suspended Sediment and Longshore Sediment Transport AD 770 179 Data Review, by M. M. Das R 14-73 Jul 1973 Lon0 shore Transport of Suspended Sedim~nt, by J. c. AD 770 191 Fairchild R 15-73 Jul 1973 State of Groin De~ign and Effectiveness, by J. H. AD 770 182 Balsillie and D. H. Berg R 16-73 Jul 1973 Coastal Sand Mining in Northern California, u. s. A., AD 770 178 by O. T. Magoon, J. c. Haugen, and R. L. Sloan R 17-73 Jul 1973 Remote Sensing in the Study of Coastal Process~s, by AD no 194 o. T. Ma~oon and D. M. Pirie R 13-'!3 Jul 1973 Coastal Applications of the ERIS-A Satellite, by o. T. l~agoon, D. 11. Pirie, and J. \i. Jarman AD 710 183 R 19-73 Jul 197":) 1/ave Runup on Vertical Galvin, Jr., and R. J. Cylinders, by llallermeier c. J. AD 770 166 R 20-73 1973 An Introduction to Oceanic Water Motions and Their Relation to Sediment Transport, by J. R. Weggel AD 7'70 177 R 21-73 1973 .lave Boundary Layers and Their Relation to Sediment AD 770 171 Transport, by P•. G. Teleki R 22-73 1973 Linear Shoals on the Atlantic Inner Continental Shelf,.Florida to Lon~ !'!land, by D. B. Duane, et al. AD no 112 R 23-73 1973 Wave Estimates for Coastal Re~ions, by D. L. Harris AD 770 193 R 24-73 1973 Onshore Transportation of Continental Shelf Seuiment.: Atlantic Southeastern United States, by s. H. PilKey AD no 1so and M. E. Field R n AD A051 579 R 78-11 t·1ar 1978 Some Data Points on Shoreline Retreat Attributaole to AD AO) 1 7':16 Coastal Subsidence, by E. B. Hands R 78-12 N·:)V 1978 Planting Guidelines for Dune Creation and Stabilization, AD A062 304 by P. L. Knutson R 78-13 Nov 1978 Design of Retention Structures fe>r Marsh Habitats, by AD A061 439 J. w. Eckert R 73-14 Nov 1978 Ecolo~ical Effects of an Artificial Island, by G. F. AD A062 302 Johnson, et al. R 7':1-1 t1ar 1979 Geologic Effects of Ocean Dumping on the New York AD A067 491 Bright Inner Shelf, by s. J. Williams R 79-2 Jun 1979 The Effects of the 19 December 1977 Coastal Storm on AD A070 554 Beaches in North Carolina and New Jersey, by w. A. Birkemeier R 79-3 Aug 1979 Beach Behavior in the Vicinity of Groins--Two New AD A0'73 2'{6 Jersey Field Examples, by c. H. Everts R 79-4 AU6 1979 Rubble-Mound Structures as Artificial Reef<;, l.Jy AD A073 2'17 A. K. llurme R 79-5 Au{S 197 9 Wave Action on the Savannah Tide Gates, by J. R. AD A073 302 Weg~el, J. Roberts, and J. Hagar R 7':1-6 Aug 1979 Predicting Beach Plan forms in the Lee of a Breakwater, AD A073 313 by M. Perlin R 79-7 Sep 1979 Upper Quaternary Peat Deposits on the Atlantic Inner AD A074 643 Shelf e>f the United States, by M. £. Field, et al. R 19-8 Nov 1979 The Use of Imabin~ Radar in Studyini Ocean ~aves, by AD A077 230 M. G. Mattie and D. L. Harris R 79-9 Nov 1979 Irnp·;)rtance of dandling Losses te> Beach Fill Design, by AD AOTl 228 R. D. Hobson and W. R. James R 79-10 Nov 1979 Numerical Model Investigatie>n of Selected Tidal Inlet AD AOH 231 Bay System Characteristic<>, l.Jy W. N. Seelig and R. M. Sorensen R 79-11 Nov 1979 Uses for a Calculated Limit Depth to Beach Erosion, by AD A077 232 R. J. Hallermeier R 79-12 Nov 1979 The Coastal Engineering Research Center's Field Research AD A077 269 Facility at. Duel<, Horth Carolina, by c. Mason H '(9-13 Nov 1979 Sand Bed Friction Factors for Oscillatory Flows, by AD A077 233 P. Vitale II 79-14 Jan 1;180 ifeir Jetties-Their Continuing Evolution, by N. E. Parker AD A079 686 CERC-22 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number Date---- Title AD Number R 80-1 Jun 1980 Shallow Water Surface Wave Elevation Distributions, by AD A086 253 E. F. Thompson R 80-2 Oct 1980 Surging in the Shark River Boat Basin, by J. R. AD A091 347 Weggel and R. M. Sorensen R 80-3 Nov 1980 Sand Motion Initiation by Hater Uaves: Two Asymptotes, AD A092 045 by R. J. Hallermeier R 81-1 Mar 1981 SEASAT Detection of Waves, Currents, and Inlet Discharge, AD A097 9'74 by M. G. Mattie and D. E. Lichy R 31-2 Apr 1981 Littoral Sand Transport from Longshore Currents, by AD A09'( 9'76 T. E. Walton, Jr. R 81-3 Apr 1981 A Profile Zonation for Seasonal Sand Beaches from AD A098 549 Wave Climate, by R. J. Hallermeier R 81-4 Jul 1981 Tracking of a Warm Water Ring, by D. E. Lichy, M. G. AD A101 938 Mattie, and L. J. Mancini R 81-:5 Sep 1981 Wave Direction Measured by Four Different Systems, by AD A104 193 M. G. Mattie, s. v. Hsiao, and D. D. Evans H 81-6 Oct 1981 Barrier Island Sedimentation Studies Pro~;ram, by AD A106 1'7'7 E. Meisburger, et al. R 81-7 Oct 1981 Human Influence on the Sediment Budget of a Barrier AD A10G 1'78 Island, by c. H. Everts H 81-8 Oct 1981 Recent Geologic History of a Barrier Island, by AD A107 497 R. D. Hobson, R. K. Schwartz, and F. R. Musialowski R 81-9 Nov 19tl1 Linearized Solution to Inlet Equation with Inertia, AD A107 205 by T. L. Walton and F. F. ~scoffier R 81-10 Nov 1981 Stability of Hubole Mound Breakwaters, by T. L. AD A107 343 Walton and J. R. We6~el H 81-11 Jan 1982 Measurements of Oscillatory Drag on Sand Hipple<>, AD A109 502 by K. E. B. Lofquist R 81-12 Dec 1981 Visually Observed Wave Data at Pt. Mucu, Calif., by AD A10o 942 c. Schneider and J. R. We~gel R 32-1 Feb 1982 Calculation of Trapped Reflected Waves, by F. E. AD A115 1 261 Camfield R 82-2 Feb 1982 Lont;;-v/ave ~nergy TrapiJing, uy F. E. Camfield AD A11'.i 240 R fs2-j Nov 1<.181 B::>ttow Smoothing to Preve'1t Numerical In'ltability, AD A115 309 by f. ~. Camfield H 82-4 Aug 1982 Wave Measurements in ARSLOE, by c. L. Vincent and D. E. AD A118 729 Lichy CERC-23 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Reprints Number Date Title AD Number R 82-5 · Aug 1982 Bedload and Wave Thrust Computations of Alongshore Sand AD A118 258 Transport, by R. J ~ Hallermeier R 82-6 Nov 1982 Hindered Bedload Settling as a Model of Sand Bed Planta AD A121 712 tion by Water Waves, by R. J~ Hallermeier R 83-1 Mar 1983 Oscillatory Bedload Transport: Data Review and Simple AD A126 503 Formulation, R. J. Hallermeier R 83-2 Mar 1983 Wind-Wave Growth with High Friction, by F. E~ Camfield AD A127 008 R 83-3 Apr 1983 Biological Impacts on Beach Replenishment and Borrowing, AD A127 605 by E. J. Pullen and s. M. Naqvi R 83-4 May 1983 Movable-Bed Modeling Law for Coastal Dune Erosion, by AD A128 357 S. A. Hughes R 83-5 May 1983 Analysis Method for Studying Sedimentation Patterns, by AD A128 314 J. R. Weggel R 83-6 May 1983 Design of Toe Protection for Coastal Structures, by AD A129 003 J. w. Erkert R 83-7 May 1983 The Design of Weir Sand Bypassing Systems, by J. R. AD A129 306 \veggel R 83-8 Mav 1983 Sand Transport Limits in Coastal Structure Designs, by AD A128 929 R. J. Hallermeier R 83-9 May 1983 Wave Runup on Idealized Structures, by J. P. Ahrens AD A129 230 R 83-10 May 1983 Shoreline Changes Downdrift of a Littoral Barrier, AD A129 002 by c. H. Everts R 83-11 May 1983 Low-Cost Measurements of Shoreline Change, bv R. M. AD A129 001 Clancy, F. E. Camfield, and c. Schneider R 83-12 May 1983 Breakwaters for Beach Protection at Lorain, Ohio, by AD A129 112 J. Pope and D. D. Rowen R 83-13 May 1983 Effects of CERC Research Pier on Nearshore Processes, AD A129 127 by H. c. Miller, w. A. Birkemeier, and A. E. DeWall R 83-14 May 1983 Prediction of \-lave Height in Thompson and c. L. Vincent Shallow Hater, by E. F. AD A129 000 CERC-24 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Shore Protection Manual Number Date Title AD Number SPM 1977 U~ s~ Army, Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, "Shore Protection Manual". (GPO Stock No. 008-022-00113-1) Number Date SH 1 Nov 1974 Nov 19'74 SH 2 Dec 1974 SR 3 Sep 197!3 SR 4 t1ay 19'7 9 SR 5 t1ay 197':1 SH 6 Feb 1980 SR 7 Feb 1981 SR 8 Apr 1981 SH 9 Jun 1983 SR 10 Jun 1':183 CERC-25 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Title---------·---------------------------··-------------------------------------- AD Number Evaluation and Development of \~ater 1/ave Theorie~ for Engineerin5 Application: Volume I Presentation of Reseurch Results, by R. G. AD A048 881 Dean (include~ Appendixe~ I-III) Volume II Tabulation of Dimen9ionle~9 Stream Function Theory Variable9, by R. G. Dean Small-Craft Harbors: Design, Con~truction, and Operation, AD A048 883 by J. \~. Dun haw and A. A. Finn Dune Building and 0tabilization with VeJetation, by 'w. ;~. v/ooJ house, Jr • Building Salt Marshes Along the Coa~t of the Continental U"'ited States, by vi. W. i/oodhouse, Jr·. Coastal Hydraulic Model~, by R. Y. Hud~on, et al. T~una~i EnJineering, by F. E. Camfield Tides and Tidal Datum~ i1 the United States, by D. L. Harris \leir Sand-B:n.~assi1e; SyY AD o47 213 Along Shores of New York anJ New Jersev, by J. c. Fairchild CERC-27 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Memoronda Number Date Title AD Number TM 19 Dec 1966 Budt;;et of Littoral Sands in the Vicinity of Point AD 647 214 Art;uello, California, by A4 J4 Bowen and D4 L4 Inmari TM 20 Hay 1967 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Sherwood AD 655 260 Island State Park, Westport, Connecticut, by W4 H4 Vesper TN 21 A Multi-Purpose Data Acquisition System for Instrumen 1\.D 65~ J34 tation of the Nearshore Environwent, by \~4 A4 Koontz and D4 L4 Inman TM 22 Dune Stabilization with Vegetation on the Outer Banl(s AD 659 341 ·:>f North Carolina, by W4 ~~4 \loodhouse and R4 E4 Hanes TM 23 Sep 196'! A Model Study of the Entrance Channel, Depoe Bay, AD 662 000 Orebon, by J4 P4 Ahrens TM 24 Oct 1967 Tables of the Statistical Distribution of Ocean AD 662 056 Wave Forces and Methods of Estimatin~ Drag and Mass Coefficients, by L4 J4 Brown and L4 E4 Bor6 1nan TM 25 t·1ay 1963 The Tsunami of the Alaskan EarthquaAe 1964; Engineer AD 683 491 ing Evaluation, by 84 W4 Wilson and A4 Toruw TM 26 Feu 19tJ9 Hurricane Surt;;e Fre4uency: EstiuJated for the Gulf AD 6o4 894 Coast of Texas, by 84 R4 Bodine TM 27 Nay 1969 Corrosion and Protection of Steel Pilina in Seawater, AD 6~0 803 by L4 L4 Watkins TM 28 Jun 19tJ9 Bed Forills Generated in the Laboratorv UnJer an Uscil AD G93 867 latorv Fl·:>w: Analytical and Experi~nental Study, by M4 H4 Carstens, F4 M4 Neilson, and 114 D. Altinbilek TM 29 N:>v 19ti9 Ge,~morpilolo.;y and Sediments of the Neat'shore Con AD 699 339 tinental Shelf, Niami to Palm Beach, Florida, by D. B. Duane an~ E. P. Mei~bur~er TM jO Dec 1969 CERC Wave Ga~es, by L. C4 Williams Ai:l 701 903 TM j1 Apr 19'10 Measurins Directional Velocity in Water ~aves with AD 70'7 41'7 an Acoustic Flo~ueter, by R4 H4 Multer TM 32 Od 19'lU Fini te-Di t'ference SciJeiiJ~S Cou1pared for •Jave AD 71 '.:i 720 Defor.natL'n Charocteristics in t-1athe!natical Modeli'1t;; of Two-Dimen~ional Lon~ Wave Propagation, by R. J. Sob~y TM 33 Nov 1•no H~avy Minerals in Beach and Stre~n Sediments as Indica AD 71'7 034 tors or Silore Procusseo; between i-ionterey a~1d Los An~eles, California, by c. J. Jud~e TM 34 Feb 19'!1 Geolilorpholoe;y and Sediu1~nt.s ·Jf the Inner Continental ALl 124 1J:.i Shelf, Palm Beach to Cape Kennedy, Florida, by E4 P. Heisburger ~nd D4 B. Duane CERC-28 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Hernoranda Number Date AD Number ------------ _T_it_l_~-------------------------------------- Tt1 35 t1ay 1971 Storm Sur~e on the Open Coast: Fundamentals and SimpliAD 728 128 fied Prediction, by B~ R~ Bodine ™36 Jet 1971 An Aerial Photographic Technique for Beach Erosion AD 732 833 Surveys in North Carolina, by D~ B. Stafford TM 3'7 Jun 1972 iUprap Stability Jn Earth Embankments Tested in Lar~eAD 748 414 and Small-Scale Have Tanks, by A. L. Thomsen, P~ E. Wohlt, and A. s. Harrison TM 38 Jun 1972 Geomorphology and Sediments of the Chesat>eake Bay AD '749 545 Entrance, by E. P. Meisburger TM 39 Hay 1973 Ocean Dumpinb in the New York Bi~ht: An Assessment AD 766 721 of Environ,iiental Studies, by G. Pararas-Carayannis Tt1 40 Jul 1973 Pleistocene-Holocene Sediu1ents Interpreted by Seismic AD 768 791 Refraction and Wac;h-Bore Sampling, Plum Island-Castle Necki Massachusetts, by E. G. Rhodes TM 41 Feb 19'{4 Ecological t'loni toring of Beach Erosion Control Projects, AD 778 '733 l:lroward County, Fl·Jrida, and Adjacent Areas, by \1. H. Courtenay, et al~ Tr1 42 t·1ar 1974 Geomor!Jhol·Jgy and Sediwents of the Inner Continental AD 779 ~13 Shelf, Cape Canaveral, Florida, by M. E. Field and D. B. Duane Tl·1 4.3 Mar 1974 Engineering and Ecolo~ical Evaluation of ArtificialAD 778 '740 lsland Design, Rincon Ic;land, Punta Gorda, California, by J. M~ Keith and R~ E. Skjei TM 44 Jun 19'{4 Spatial and Te1.1poral Variations in Georaetric and AD 135 572 hater ial Properties of a Natural beach, lJy 11. C. Kru~bein and W~ R~ Jrunes Tt1 45 Jul 1•:H4 Geornorl)liolo6 y anJ Sediments of the Inner New York AD 785 '577 Bi6ht Continental Shelf, by s. J. Williams and D. B. Duane Tl1 46 Auc; 1974 Propabati·Jn of ~[l~l'_~ina <:!~_e_r:_~~-f}_ora for Substrata AD 002 055 Stabilization and Salt Marc;h Develo!Jment, by w. w. ~oodhouse, Jr., E. D. Seneca, and s. 11. l::lroane Tr1 47 Oct 1974 Wave Refraction Phenomena Over the Continental Shelf AD 002 056 Near the Chesapeake Bay Entrance, by Y. Y. Chao Ti1 48 Jan 19'15 The Use of Aerial Photo~raiJllY in the Study of Wave AD A008 011 Characteristics i~ the Coastal Zone, by c. M. McClenan anJ D. L. Harris Mar 1975 Analysis and Interpretation of Littoral Environment AD A009 755 Observation (LEO) anJ Profile Data Alont;; the \/estern PanlwnJle Coast. of Florida, by J. H. Balsillie Tl·l '.)0 t1ay 19 f? Ve!'ification s·~uJy of a ilatl!stt'ophic Stot'm Surbe AD A012 799 Hodel, bv G. Pararas-Cat'ayanni s CERC-29 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 51 May 1975 Large Wave Tank Tests of Riprap Stability, by J~ P. AD A012 792 Ahrens TM 52 Jun 1975 Salt Marsh Establishment and Development, by E~ w. AD A014 136 Garbisch, Jr., P~ B. Woller, and R~ J~ McCallum TM 53 Jun 1975 Use of the Radioisotopic Sand Tracer (RIST) System, AD A014 168 by c. W. Judge TM 54 Jul 1975 Geomorphology, Shallow Structure, and Sediments of the AD A015 022 Florida Inner Continental Shelf, Cape Canaveral to Georgia, by E. P~ Meisburger and M. E. Field TM 55 Oct 1975 Stability of Gobi Block Revetment to Have Attack, by AD A015 514 B. L~ McCartney and J. P. Ahrens TM 56 Oct 1975 An Analysis of Drag Coefficient at Hurricane Windspeeds AD A023 683 from a Numerical Simulation of Dynamical Water Level Changes in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, by R. w. Whitaker, R. o. Reid, and A. c. Vastano TM 57 Nov 1975 Effects of a Breakwater on Nearshore Currents Due to AD A020 028 Breaking Waves, by P. L. Liu and C~ c. Mei TM 58 Nov 1975 Surf Observations and Longshore Current Prediction, by AD A019 512 J. H. Bal sillie TM 59 Nov 1975 Simplified Method for Estimating Refraction and Shoal AD A019 803 ing Effects on Ocean Waves, by c. M~ McClenan TM 60 Dec 1975 Techniques in Evaluating Suitability of Borrow Material AD A019 936 for Beach Nourishment, by Vi~ R. James TM 61 Dec 1975 Nature and Genesis of Some Storm V/ashover Deposits, AD A021 057 by R. K~ Schwartz TM 62 Dec 1975 An Effect of Permeability on Sand Transport by Waves, AD A020 641 by K. E. B. Lofquist CERC-30 Number Date TP 76-1 Mar 1976 TP 76-2 Mar 1976 TP 76-3 Apr 1976 TP 76-4 May 1976 TP 76-5 May 1976 TP 76-6 May 1976 TP 76-7 Jun 1976 TP 76-8 Jul 1976 TP 76-9 Jul 1976 TP 76-10 Jul 1976 TP 76-11 Jul 1976 TP 76-12 Aug 1976 TP 76-13 Aug 1976 TP 76-14 Sep 1976 TP 76-15 Oct 1976 TP 76-16 Oat 1976 TP 76-17 Oct 1976 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Papers Title Shoaling Rates and Related Data from Knik Arm Near Anchorage, Alaska, by C~ H~ Everts and H. E~ Moore Geomorphology, Shallow Subbottom Structure, and Sediments of the Atlantic Inner Continental Shelf off Long Island, New York, by s. J. Williams Geomorphology and Sediments of Western Massachusetts Bay, by E. P. Meisburger Tests of Low-Density Marine Limestone for Use in Breakwaters, by D. M. Allison and R. P. Savage Wave Climate at Torrey Pines Beach, California, by s. s. Pawka, et al. Investigation of the Operating Characteristics of the Iowa Sediment Concentration Measuring System, by F. A. Locher, J~ R~ Glover, and T~ Nakato Animal Colonization of Man-Initiated Salt Marshes on Dredge Spoil, by L~ M~ Cammen, E. D. Seneca, and B. J. Copeland Wave Reflection and Transmission at Permeable Breakwaters, by c. K. Sollitt and R~ H. Cross III Statistical Properties of Fast Fourier Transform Coefficients Computed from Real-Valued, CovarianceStationary, Period Random Sequences, by L. E~ Borgman The Statistical Anatomy of Ocean Wave Spectra, by L. E. Borgman Grain Shape and Size Distribution Effects in Coastal Models, by J. I. Collins and c. B. Chesnutt Wind-Generated Waves for Laboratory Studies, by D. L. Harris Vegetation Establishment and Shoreline Stabilization: Galveston Bay, Texas, by J~ W. Webb and J. D. Dodd Sampling Variation in Sandy Beach Littoral and Nearshore Meiofauna and Macrofauna, by J. L. Cox Effects of Dredging and Disposal on Some Benthos at Monterey Bay, California, by J. s. Oliver and P. N~ Slattery Coastal Changes, Eastern Lake Michigan (1970-73), by R. A. Davis, Jr. Floating Breakwater Field Assessment Program, Friday Harbor, Washington, by B. H. Adee, E. P. Richey, and D. R. Christensen AD Number AD A027 095 AD A025 467 AD A025 444 AD A028 344 AD A026 223 AD A027 026 AD A028 345 AD A029 000 AD A029 637 AD A029 638 AD A031 814 AD A029 639 AD A030 169 AD A032 115 AD A032 684 AD A033 297 AD A032 183 Number Date TP 76-18 Oct 1976 TP 76-19 Dec 1976 TP 76-20 Dec 1976 TP 77-1 Jan 1977 TP 77-2 Jan 1977 TP 77-3 Feb 1977 TP 77-4 Apr 1977 TP 77-5 May 1977 TP 77-6 Jun 1977 TP 77-7 Jul 1977 TP 77-8 Jul 1977 TP 77-9 Sep 1977 TP 77-10 Oct 1977 TP77-11 Oct 1977 TP 77-12 Oct 1977 TP 77-13 Nov 1977 TP 78-1 Mar 1978 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Techni~al Pa~~ Title Hydrodynamic Damping and "Added Mass" for Flexible Offshore Platforms, by c~ Petrauskas Overlay of Large, Placed Quarrystone and Boulders to Increase Riprap Stabilitv, by B~ L. McCartney and J~ P. Ahrens Lethal Effects of Suspended Sediments on Estaurine Fish, by J~ M. O'Connor, D~ A~ Neumann, and J~ ASherk, Jr. 4 Beach Changes Caused by the Atlantic Coast Storm of 17 December 1970, by A. E. DeWall, P. c. Pritchett, and c. J. Galvin, Jr~ Stilling Well Design for Accurate Water Level Measurement, by w. N. Seelig Sublethal Effects of Suspended Sediments on Estuarine Fish, by J~ M. O'Connor, D. A. Neumann, and J. A~ Sherk, Jr. Sediment Suspension and Turbulence in an Oscillating Flume, by T. C~ MacDonald Suspended Sediment in the Littoral Zone at Ventnor, New Jersev, and Nags Head, North Carolina, by J. C~ Fairchild Review of Design Elements for Beach-Fill Evaluation, by R. D. Hobson Evaluation of the Computation of Wave Direction with Three-Gage Arrays, by D. C~ Esteva Hydraulics of Great Lakes Inlets, by W~ N. Seelig and R. M. Sorensen Calculating a Yearly Limit Depth to the Active Beach Profile, by R. J. Hallermeier Littoral Environment Observations and Beach Changes Along the Southeast Florida Coast, bv A. E. DeWall Forces Exerted by Waves on a Pipeline at or Near the Ocean Bottom, by G~ L. Bowie Wind-Wave Propagation Over Flooded, Vegetated Land, by F. E. Camfield Development of Surge II Program with Application to the Sabine-Calcasieu Area for Hurricane Carla and Design Hurricanes, by R~ o. Reid, A. c. Vastano, and T~ J. Reid Wave Transformation at Isolated Vertical Piles in Shallow Water, by R. J. Hallermeier and R. E. Ray CERC-31 AD Number AD A034 534 AD A036 896 AD A037 377 AD A037 378 AD A038 282 AD A040 646 AD A041 945 AD A042 061 AD A042 748 AD A044 066 AD A044 074 AD A047 362 AD A047 608 AD A046 551 AD A048 747 AD A049 977 AD A055 409 CERC-32 Number Date TP 78-2 Mar 1978 TP 78-3 Apr 1978 TP 78-4 Apr 1978 TP 78-5 Aug 1978 TP 79-1 May 1979 TP 79-2 Jun 1979 TP 79-3 Sep 1979 TP 79-4 Dec 1979 TP 80-1 Feb 1980 TP 80-2 Feb 1980 TP 80-3 Jun 1980 TP 80-4 Jun 1980 TP 80-5 Aug 1980 TP 80-6 Aug 1980 TP 80-7 Oct 1980 TP 80-8 Oct 1980 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Papers Title Reanalysis of Wave Runup on Structures and Beaches, by P~ N. Stoa Prototype Scale Mooring Load and Transmission Tests for a Floating Tire Breakwater, by M~ L. Giles and R. M~ Sorensen Geometry of Profiles Across Inner Continental Shelves the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States, by C~ H. Everts Some Ripple Growth in an Oscillatory-Flow Water Tunnel, by K. E. B. Lofquist Relation Between Immersed Weight and Volume Rates of Longsho~e Transport, by C~ J. Galvin Sediments, Shallow Subbottom Structure, and Sand Resources of the Inner Continental Shelf, Central Delmarva Peninsula, by M. E. Field Reconnaissance Geology of the Inner Continental Shelf, Cape Fear Region, North Carolina, by E. P. Meisburger Changes in Rates of Shore Retreat, Lake Michigan, 1967-76, by E. B. Hands Transport of Dredged Sediment Placed in the Nearshore Zone--Currituck Sand-Bypass Study (Phase I), by R. K. Schwartz and F. R. Musialowski Energy Spectra in Shallow u~s. Coastal Waters, by E. F'. Thompson Estimating Nearshore Conditions for Irregular Waves, by W. N. Seelig and J. P. Ahrens The SPM Energy Flux Method for Predicting Longshore Transport Rate, by C. Galvin and c. R. Schweppe Experimental Dune Restoration and Stabilization, Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by P. L~ Knutson A Method to Predict the Stable Geometry of a Channel Connecting an Enclosed Harbor and Navigable Waters, by c. H. Everts Prediction of Shore Retreat and Nearshore Profile Adjustments to Rising Water Levels on the Great Lakes, by E. B. Hands Calculation of Wave Attenuation Due to Friction and Shoaling: An Evaluation, by W~ G. Grosskopf AD Number AD A055 562 AD A056 198 AD A055 876 AD A060 907 AD A072 524 AD A074 022 AD A076 974 AD A081 863 AD A084 186 AD A083 239 AD A091 174 AD A087 932 AD A092 110 AD A091 731 AD A098 531 AD A098 483 Number-------·-- Date--·---- TP 81-1 Feb 1981 TP 81-2 Apr 1981 TP 81-3 May 1981 TP 81-4 Nov 1981 TP 81-5 Dec 1981 TP 82-1 Jul 1982 TP 82-2 AU!!, 1982 TP 82-3 Aug 1982 TP 82-4 Oct 1982 TP 83-1 Mar 1983 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER .ill-~-------------------------------------------- Estimation of Wave Reflection and Energv Dissipation Coefficients for Beaches, Revetments, and Breakwaters, by w. N. Seelig and J. P. Ahrens Longshore Sand Trans~ort Study at Channel Islands Harbor, California, by R. o. Bruno, et al. Sand Resources and Geological Character of Long Island Sound, by s. J. Williams Base Map Analysis of Coastal Changes in Aerial Photography, by c. H. Everts and D. c. wilson Design of Riprap Revetments for Protection Against Wave Attack, by J. P. Ahrens Empirical Guidelines for Use of Irregular viave Model to Estimate Nearshore Wave Hei~ht, by M.G. Mattie C~nputer Algorithm to Calculate Longshore Energy Flux and 14ave Direction from a Two Pressure Sensor Array, by T. L. Walton and R. G. Dean Riprap Stability Scale Effects, by L. L. Broderick and J. P. Ahrens Have Transmission and l·looring-Force Characteristics of Pipe-Tire Floating Breakwaters, by v. w. Harms, J. J. Westerink, R. M. Sorensen, and J. E. McTamany Forcines Regression Through a Given Point Using Any Familiar Computational Routine, by E. B. Hands CERC-33 AD A101 879 AD A101 856 AD A104 082 AD A110 497 AD A115 220 AD A119 985 AD A119 990 AD A122 069 AD A125 142 AD A127 868 CERC-34 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Technical Reporl~ Number Date Title AD Number -~--- TR 76-1 Jan 1976 Observations of Barred Coastal Profiles Under the AD A023 191 Influence of Rising Water Levels, Eastern Lake Michigan, 1967-71, by E. B. Hands TR 76-2 Aug 1976 Propagation and Use of Spartina alterniflora for Shore AD A030 423 line Erosion Abatement, by W., w~ Woodhouse, Jr., E. D~ Seneca, and s~ W., Broome TR 76-3 Storm Surge Simulation in Transformed Coordinates: Nov 1976 Volume I Theory and Application, by J~ J~ Wanstrath, AD A034 763 et al~ Nov 1976 Volume II Program Documentation, by J. J~ Wanstrath AD A034 651 TR 77-1 Jan 1977 Wave Climate at Selected Locations Along U., S~ Coasts, AD A037 904 by E. F. Thompson TR 78-1 Oct 1978 An Evaluation of Two Great Lakes Wave Models, by AD A063 935 E. F. Thompson TR 79-1 Sep 1979 A System for Using Radar to Record Wave Direction, by AD A076 307 M~ G~ Mattie and D. L. Harris TR 80-1 Jun 1980 Two-Dimensional Tests of vlave Transmission and Reflec AD A089 603 tion Characteristics of Laboratory Breakwaters, by w~ N., Seelig TR 80-2 Aug 1980 Transformation of Monochromatic Waves from Deep to AD A098 538 Shallow vlater, by B~ Le Me haute and J ~ D.. rlang TR 81-1 Oct 1981 Floating Breakwaters: State-of-the-Art Literature AD A110 692 Review, by L., z~ Hales TR 82-1 Beach Profile Analysis System (BPAS): Jun 1982 Volume I System Overview, by M,. V. Fleming and AD A119 447 A~ E., DeWall Jun 1982 Volume II BPAS User's Guide: The Editing Routines, AD A119 448 EDIT 1 and EDIT 2, by H~ V • Fleming and T. J., Lawler Jun 1982 Volume III BPAS User's Guide: Analysis Module, AD A119 449 SURVY 1, by M., v~ Fleming and T. J. Lawler Jun 1982 Volume IV BPAS User's Guide: Analysis Module, AD A119 450 SURVY 2, by M. V~ Fleming and T. J., Lawler Jun 1982 Volume V BPAS User's Guide: Analysis Module, BEACH, AD A119 451 by M~ V~ Fleming and T~ J~ Lawler Jun 1982 Volume VI BPAS User's Guide: Analysis Module VOLCTR, AD A119 452 by M., v.. Fleming and T. J. Lawler CERC-35 COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Number----- Date Title AD Number TR 132-1 Beach Profile Analysis System (BPAS): Jun 1982 Volume VII BPAS User's Guide: Analysis Module AD A119 453 ELVDIS, by M. V. Fleming, T. J. Lawler, and Diane French Jun 1982 Volume VIII Supporting Appendixes for BPAS User's AD A118 480 Guide, by M. V. Fleming and A. E. DeWall TR 82-2 Aug 1982 Nonrandom Effect on Behavior in Field \lave Spectra and Its Grouping of High \iaves, by E. F. Thompson AD A121 558 TR 82-3 Aug 1982 Depth-Limited Significant Wave Height: A Spectral AD A120 681 Approach, by c. L. Vincent TH 82-4 Oct 1982 Performance of a Sand Trap Structure and Effects of AD A123 972 Impounded Sediments, Channel Islands Harbor, California, by R. D. Hobson CERC-36 BEACH EROSION BOARD Miscellaneous Papers Number--------- Date------ _T_it_l_e________________ AD Number MP 1-59 Apr 1959 Shore Erosion by Storm Waves, by J. M. Caldwell AD 699 407 MP 2-59 May 1959 Behavior of Sand-Asphalt Groins at Ocean City, AD A037 880 Maryland, by R. A. Jachowski MP 3-59 Sep 1959 Hurricane Sur~e Predictions for Chesapeake Bay, AD 699 408 by c. L. Bretschneider MP 4-59 Nov 1959 Hurricane Suree Predictions for Delaware Bay and AD 699 904 River, by c. L. Bretschneider MP 1-62 Jun 1962 A General Reconnaissance of Coastal Dunes of AD 699 905 California, by R. P. Zeller CERC-3'{ BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical M~noranda Number----------- Date------- Title-------·------------·-·-----------------------··----------·--------- AD Nulllber---------- TM 1 1940 A Model Study of the Effect of Subt~erged Breakwater~ on AD 6Y7 119 Wave Action, by w. c. Hall TM 2 Feb 1942 Abrasion of Beach Sand, by M. A. Mason AD 697 120 TM 3 May 1944 Shore Processes and Beach Characteri~tics, by w. c. AD 69'7 121 Krumbein Tt1 4 t4ay 1944 Surface Features of Coral Reefs, by L. Dryden AD 697 122 TM 5 May 1944 A ~/ave t1ethod for Detennining Depths Over Bottom AD 697 123 Discontinuities, by M. A. Mason TM 6 Oct 1948 An Ocean Have l1easuring Instrument, oy J. M. AD 697 124 Caldwell TM 7 Sep 1944 Shore Currents and Sand 11ovement on a Model Beach, by AD 697 129 w. c. Krumbein Tt1 tl Jul 1945 Depths of Offshore Bars, by G. H. Keulegan AD 697 130 TM 9 Jul 1948 Proof Test of Water Transparency l"'ethod of Depth AD 697 131 Determination, by J. V. Hall, Jr. TM 10 1948 Experimental Steel Sheet Pile Groin~, Palm Beach, AD 697 132 Florida, by BEB and c. w. Ross TI'1 11 Nov 1949 Reflection of Solitary Waves, by J. M. Caldwell AD 699 389 Ti'1 12 Feb 1952 Durability of Steel Sheet Piling in Shore Structures, AD 6Y9 390 by A. c. Rayner Tt1 13 Ja!'l 1950 Longshore Current Observations in Southern California, AD 699 391 by F. P. Shepard m 14 Mar 1950 Report on Beach Study in the Vicinity of Mugu Lagoon, AD 699 392 California, by D. L. Inman TM 15 Jan 1950 Lonsghore Bars and Longshore Troughs, by F. P. Shepard AD 699 393 TM 16 Hay 1950 Accretion of Beach Sand Bel1ind a Detached Breakwater, AD 699 394 by J. w. Handin Tr1 17 Ju!'l 1950 Test of Nourishment of the Shore by Offshore AD 699 395 Deposition of Sand, by J. v. Hall, Jr. TH 18 Jul 1950 The Rayleigh Disk as a Wave Direction Indicator, by AD 223 917 J. V. Hall, Jr. Ti1 19 Jul 1950 Subrnarine Topot;raphy and Sedimentation in the Vicinity AD 699 396 )f Mugu Submarine Canyon, California, by D. L. Imnun Tl1 20 Jul 1950 Beach Cycles in Southern California, by F. P. Shepard AD 699 397 nr 21 l~ov 1950 The Inter~retation of Cros~ed Orthogonals in Wave AD 699 398 Refraction Pheno1nena, by H. J. Pierson, Jr. CERC-38 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Memoranda Number------ Date Title AD Number TM 22 Mar 1951 The Source, Transportation, and Deposition of Beach AD 699 399 Sediment in Southern California, by J. w. Handin TM 23 May 1951 The Use and Accuracy of the Emery Settling Tube for Sand Analysis, by D. w. Poole, w. s. Butcher, and AD 699 400 R. L. Fisher TM 24 Apr 1951 The Accuracy of Present Wave Forecasting Methods with Reference to Problems in Beach Erosion on the New AD 699 401 Jersey and Long Island Coasts, by \-1. J. Pierson, Jr. TM 25 Nov 1951 The Slope of Lake Surfaces Under Variable Wind Stresses, AD 699 402 by B. Haurwitz TM 26 Nov 1951 Sand Movement on the Shallow Inter-Canyon Shelf at La AT! 169 582 Jc.lla, California, by F. P. Shepard and D. L. Inman TM 27 Jun 1952 Wind Set-up and Haves in Shallow v/ater, by T. AD 699 403 Saville, Jr. TM 28 Oct 1952 Source of Beach Sand at Santa Barbara, California, as AD 699 404 Indicated by Mineral Grain Studies, by P. D. Trask TM 29 Dec 1952 Artificially Nourished and Constructed Beaches, by AD 699 480 J. V. Hall, Jr. TM 30 Feb 1953 Annotated Bibliography on Tsunamis, by M. P. Cueller AD 699 405 TM 31 Feb 1953 Laboratory Study of Wave Energy Losses by Bottom AD 011 564 Friction and Percolation, by R. P. Savage TM 32 Mar 1953 Accuracy of Hydrographic Surveying in and Near the Surf AD 020 095 Zone, by T. Saville, Jr., and J. M. Caldwell TM 33 Mar 1953 Laboratory Investigation of the Vertical Rise of AD 011 565 Solitary Waves on Im~ermeable Slopes, by J. v. Hall, Jr., and G. M. Watts TM 34 Mar 1953 Development and Field Tests of a Sampler for Suspended AD 020 100 Sediment in Wave Action, by G. M. Watts TM 35 Mar 1953 Analysis of Moving Fetches for Wave Forecasting, by AD 024 440 K. Kaplan TM 36 Mar 1953 Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Michigan, by AD 020 097 T. Saville, Jr. TM 37 t1ar 1953 Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Erie, by AD 020 093 T. Saville, Jr. TM 38 Mar 1953 Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Ontario, by AD 020 099 T. Saville, Jr. TM 39 Mar 1953 Areal and Sea!'!onal Variations in Beach and Nearshore AD 020 041 Sediments at La Jolla, California, by D. L. Inman CERC-39 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Memoranda Number------- Date Title AD Number TM 40 Mar 1953 The l1echanics of Deep Water, Shallow \'later, and Break AD 020 096 ing Waves, by J. R. Morison TM 41 Aug 1954 Laboratory Study of Equilibrium Profiles of Beaches, by AD 046 515 R. L. Rector TM 42 Oct 1953 A Study of Sand Movement at South Lake \lorth Inlet, AD 024 439 Florida, by G. M. Watts TM 43 Dec 1953 On Ocean \/ave Spectra and a New ~lethod of Forecastin;; AD 026 444 Wind-Generated Sea, by G. Neumann TM 44 Jun 1954 Coast Erosion and the Development of Beach Profiles, by AD 040 418 P. Bruun TM 45 Oct 1954 Modification of Wave Height Due to Bottom Friction, AD 048 974 Percolation, and Refraction, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. o. Reid TM 46 Sep 1954 Field Investigations of Wave Energy Loss in Shallow AD 047 144 Hater Ocean Waves, by c. L. Bretschneider TM 47 Jul 1954 Stability of Oscillatory Laminar Flow Along a Wall, by AD 049 231 Huon Li TM 48 Aug 1954 Sand Movement by Waves, by T. Scott AD 049 232 TM 49 Aug 1954 Bore Hole Studies of the Naturally Impounded Fill AD 049 233 at Santa Barbara, California, by P. D. Trask TM 50 Aug 1954 Statistical Significance of Beach Sai11pling t1ethod-;;, by AD 046 516 W. c. Krwnbein TM ~1 Oct 1954 Generation of Wind Waves Over a Shallow Bottom, by AD 046 517 c. L. Bretschneider TM 52 Dec 1954 Laboratory Study of Effect of Tidal Action on Wave AD 055 553 Formed Beach Profiles, by G. M. \latts and R. F. Dearduff TM 53 S<=p 1954 Laboratory Study of the Effect of Varyin;; Wave on Beach Profiles, by G. M. Watts Periods AD 046 518 TM 54 Nov 1954 Laboratory and Field Tests of Sounding Leads, by AD on oo6 G. t1. Watts Tt1 55 Nov 1954 North Atlantic Coast Wave Statistics Hindcast by AD 060 737 Bretschneider--Revi sed Sverdr'up-Munk Hethod, by T.• Saville, Jr. TM 56 Oct 1954 An Electronic Wave Spectrum Analyzer and Its Use in AD 040 975 Engineering Problews, by w. J. Pierson, Jr. TM 5'7 Feb 1955 North Atlantic Coast Wave Stati-;;tics Hindcast by Wave AD 060 788 Spectr urn Method, by G. Neumann and R. \J. J i:ilile s CERC-40 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 58 Jul 1955 A Magnetic Tape Wave Hecorder and Energy Spectrum AD 109 838 Analyzer for the Analysis of Ocean Wave Records, by s~ S4 Chang TM 59 Feb 1955 Laboratory Study of Shock Pressures of Breaking Waves, AD 060 789 by C~ W4 Ross TM 60 Jan 1955 Generalized Laboratory Study of Tsumani Run-up, by AD 090 790 K~ Kaplan TM 61 Aug 1955 Laboratory Study of Wind Tides in Shallow Water, by AD 077 007 o. J~ Sibul TM 62 Nov 1954 Restudy of Test-Shore Nourishment by Offshore Deposi AD 055 554 tion of Sand, Long Branch, New Jersey, by R. L4 Harris TM 63 Sep 1955 A Study of Sediment Sorting by Waves Shoaling on a AD 077 008 Plane Beach, by A4 T. Ippen TM 64 Oct 1955 Laboratory Data on vlave Runup and Overtopping on AD 077 009 Shore Structures, by T. Saville, Jr4 TM 65 Oct 1955 Sand Variation at Point Reyes Beach, California, by AD 115 101 P. D4 Trask and c. A. Johnson TM 66 Dec 1955 Factors Affecting the Economic Life of Timber in AD 115 102 Coastal Structures, by R~ A. Jachowski TM 67 Dec 1955 A Model Study of the Run-up of Wind-Generated Waves AD 074 529 on Levees with Slopes of 1:3 and 1:6, by 04 J~ Sibul and E~ G~ Tickner TM 68 Feb 1956 Wave Action and Sand Movement Near Anaheim Bay, AD 115 104 California, by J4 M. Caldwell TM 69 Dec 1954 Wave Forces on Piles: A Diffraction Theory, by AD 699 406 R. c. t1cCamy and R~ A~ Fuchs TM 70 Dec 1954 The Effect of Fetch Width on Wave Generation, by AD 055 552 T~ Saville, Jr~ TM 71 Apr 1955 Re-Analysis of Existing Wave Force Data on Model AD 065 350 Piles, by R. c. Crooke TM 72 Mar 1955 Laboratory Study of the Generation of Wind Waves in AD 060 822 Shallow Water, by 0. J. Sibul TM 73 Apr 1955 Graphical Approach to the Forecasting of Waves in Moving AD 065 351 Fetches, by B. w. Wilson TM 74 May 1955 Water Surface Roughness and Wind Shear Stress in a AD 077 512 Laboratory Wave Channel, by o. J4 Sibul TM 75 Jun 1955 Mechani-:-s of Bottom Sediment Movement Due to Wave AD 077 513 Action, by M4 Manohar CERC-41 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical 11emoranda _...... ---·------------- Number-------··- Date---- Tit}.~-------·-----·-------------------·-------------- AD Number TM '76 Jun 1955 t1overnent of Sand Around Southern California AD 077 514 Promontorie~, by P. D. Tra~k TM 77 feb 1956 Behavior of Beach Fill at Ocean City, New Jersey, by AD 115 380 G. M. \Iotts Tt1 '7d Mar 1956 Hurricanes Affectin~ the Coast of Texas from Galve~ton AD 115 551 to Rio Grande, by w. A. Price TM 79 Mar 1956 Orbital Velocity Associated with Wave Action Near the AD 098 208 Breaker Zone, by D. L. Inman Tr-1 80 Apr 1956 Hodel Study of Overtopping of Wind-Generated io/aves on Levees with Slopes of 1:3 and 1:6, by o. J. Sibul and AD 088 706 E. G. Tickner TM 81 Jun 1956 Laboratory Study of Short-Cre~ted \lind \laves, by AD 071 976 G. c. Ralls, Jr., and R. L. Wiegel TM 82 Jul 1956 Changes in Sand Level on the Beach and Shelf at La AD 114 828 Jolle, California, by D. L. Inman and G. s. Rusnak Tl1 83 Jun 1956 Approximate Response of \later Level on a Sloping Shelf AD 114 829 to a Wind Fetch Which Moves Directly Towards Shore, by R. O. Reid TM 84 Dec 1956 Wave Forecasting Relationships for the Gulf of Mexico, AD 132 762 by c. L. Bretschneider Tt1 85 Se!J 1956 Viave Statistics for the Liulf of Mexico off Brownsville, AD 115 151 Texas, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. D. Gaul Tl1 86 Sep 1956 Wave Statistics for the Gulf of Nexico off Caplen, Texas, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. D, Gaul AD 115 152 Tr1 87 Oct 1956 tatistics for the Gulf of Mexico off Burrwood, AD 115 153 Louisiana, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. D. Gaul TH 88 Oct 19:56 vJave Statistics for the Gulf of Mexico off Apalachicola, AD 115 1?4 Florida, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. D. Gaul Tr1 89 Oct 1956 It/ave Statistics for the Gulf of Hexico off Tampa Bay, AD 132 763 Florida, by c. L. Bretschneider and R. D. Gaul TM 90 Sep 1956 Relative Efficiency of Beach Sampling Methods, w. c. Krwnbein and H. A. Slack by AD 115 155 TM 91 Nov 1956 Changes in ConfiJuration of Point Reyes Beach, AD 111 323 California 1955-1956, by P. D. Trask TM 92 i•lar 195'7 Sand By!Jassing at Port Huenemme, California, by AD 132 765 R. P. Savage TM 93 Feo 1957 Modification of the Quadratic Bottom-Stress Law for AD 132 766 Turbulent Channel Flow in the Presence of Surface Wind-Stress, by R. o. Reid CERC-42 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Hemoranda Number Date Title AD Number TH 94 Hay 1957 Preliminary Report: Laboratory Study of the Effect of AD 158 636 Uncontrolled Inlet on the Adjacent Beache~, by T. Saville, Jr., J. M. Caldwell, and H. B. Simmons TM 95 MaY 1957 Effect of Bottom Roughness on Wind Tide in Shallow AD 158 635 \later, by E. G. Tickner TM 96 Jun 19':)7 Factors Affecting the Durability of Concrete in AD 158 634 Coastal Structures, by B. Hather TH 97 Jul 195'7 Turbulent Flow Near an Oscillating Wall, by G. Kalkanis AD 153 751 TM 98 Jun 1957 Hurricane Wave Statistics for the Gulf of Mexico, by AD 1:i8 633 B. w. Wilson TH 99 Sep 1957 t-lodel Tests on a Triple-Bulkhead Type of Floating Break AD 150 541 water, by c. w. Ross T!1 100 Oct 1':!57 i/ave-Generated Hipple~ in Neare by AD 203 936 Current~ and Waves: Measurements with the Aid of Radioactive Tracers· in the Netherland<>, by J. J. Arlman, P. Santema, and J. N. Svasek Tt1 106 Aug 1958 Laboratory Study of Breaking Wave Forces on Piles, by AD 203 937 11. A. Hall TM 107 Aug 1958 Behavior of Beach Fill and d0rroo1 Area at Harrison AD 216 608 County, Mi~sis~ippi, by G. M. Watts TM 108 llov 1958 Surf Statistics for the Coasts of the United State<>, AD 216 609 by J. R. Helle Tl1 109 Har 1959 Laboratory Data on i/ave Runup on Roughened and AD 216 610 Imper~:Jeable Slope~, by R. P. Savage T11 110 Apr 1959 Beaches Near San Francisco, California 1956-1957, by AD 216 7'(1 P. D. Trask Tr1 111 r1ay 1959 Large-Scale Tests of ~/ave F·:)rces on Piling (Prelit•Jinarv AD 216 T(2 Report), by c. w. Hoss CERC-43 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 112 May 1959 The Propagation of Tidal Waves into Channels of AD 227 461 Gradually Varying Cross-Section (Effects of a Frictional Resistance Over the Bed), by P. Perroud ™113 Jun 1959 Behavior of Beach Fill at Virginia Beach, Virginia, by AD 227 462 G. M. Watts TM 114 Jun 1959 Laboratory Study of the Effects of Groins on the Rate AD 227 463 of Littoral Transport; Equipment Development and Initial Tests, by R. P. Savage TM 115 Jun 1959 Suspended Sediment Sampling in Laboratory Wave Action, AD 227 464 by J. c. Fairchild TM 116 Jul 1959 On the Theory of the Highest Waves, by J. E. Chappelear AD 227 465 TM 117 Aug 1959 The Damping of Oscillatory Waves by Laminar Boundary AD 227 466 Layers, by P. s. Eagleson TM 118 Aug 1959 Wave Variability and Wave Spectra for vlind-Generated AD 227 467 Gravity Haves, by c. L. Bretschneider TM 119 Aug 1960 Sand Movement by Wind Action (On the Characteristics AD 246 157 of Sand Traps), by K. Horikawa and H. w. Shen TM 120 Aug 1960 The Prediction of Hurricane Storm-Tides in New York AD 246 351 Bay, by B. H. Wilson TM 120A Apr 1961 Discussion of Technical Memorandum No. 120 (The AD 258 308 Prediction of Hurricane Storm-Tides in New York Bay), by D. L. Harris and B. w. Wilson ™121 Sep 1960 Development and Tests of a Radioactive Sediment Density AD 246 158 Probe, bv J. M. Caldwell TM 122 Nov 1960 Effects of Reefs and Bottom Slopes on Wind Set-up in AD 252 729 Shallow Water, by E. G. Tickner TM 123 Jan 1961 Transient Wind Tides in Shallow Water, by E. G. Tickner AD 252 646 TM 124 Mar 1961 Experimental Study on the Solitary Wave Reflection Along AD 258 442 a Straight Sloped Wall at Oblique Angle of Inciden~e, by T. c. Chen TM 125 Mar 1961 On the Description of Short-Crested Waves, by J. E. AD 258 443 Chapplelear TM 126 Jul 1961 Equilibrium Characteristics of Sand Beaches in the AD 266 263 Offshore Zone, by P. s. Eagleson, B. Glenne, and J. A. Dracup TM 127 Aug 1961 Behavior of Beach Fill and Borrow Area at Prospect AD 266 262 Beach, West Haven, Connecticut, by W. H. Vesper TM 128 Sep 1961 Geomorphology of the South Shore of Long Island, New AD 266 264 York, by N. E. Taney CERC-44 BEACH EROSION BOARD Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TN 129 Nov 1961 Littoral Materials of the South Shore of Long Island, AD 271 022 New York, by N4 E. Taney Tl"i 130 Nov 1961 The Analysis of Observational Data from Natural Beaches, AD 271 024 by W. C4 Krumbein TM 131 Nov 1962 Littoral Studies Near San Francisco Using Tracer AD 297 385 Techniques, by A4 M4 Kamel TM 132 Nov 1962 Waves in Inland Reservoirs (Summary Report on Civil AD 297 386 vlorks Investigation, Projects Cvl-164 and CW-165), by OCE TN 133 Feb 1963 Higher Approximation to Nonlinear Water Waves and the AD 420 426 Limiting Heights of Cnoidal, Solitary, and Stokes' Waves, by E. v. Laitone n1 134 Jun 1963 Beach Profile as Affected by Vertical Walls, uy AD 420 424 A. L. Kadib TM 135 Aug 1963 The Relationship Between ilatershed Geology and Beach AD 420 425 Radioactivity, by J. R. Byerly CONCRETE LABORATORY ·OZ !J&Z&W!" &h!UA Number 27 30 34 39 Unnumbered ________..., Date Dec 1946 Revised Jul 1947 Nov 1947 Feb 1950 Aug 1954 Aug 1949 CONCRETE LABORATORY Bulletins 11:..!:..1~---------------------------·---------------------Combined Series---------Concrete Analyses, Testing and Research AD Nurnoer Air Entrainment in Concrete Design The Relation of Thermal Expansion of Aggregates Durability of Concrete Ag~regates for Mass Concrete to the AD AD A950 073 100 933 Handbooks Handbook for Concrete and Cement@ <:no-oo_ Sup!Jlements and revisions are issued ~uarterly at subscription rates of $8.00 per year) CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers AD NumberNumber Date Title MP 6-8 t1ay 1952 Investigation of Ceramic Aggregate for Concrete MP 6-30 Apr 1953 Investigations Concrete to Develop a Test for Drying Shrinkage of MP 6-39 Jun 1953 Tests of Trief Cement and Laboratory-Ground, WaterQuenched, Blast-Furnace Slag Cement AD 756 358 f4P 6-41 Oct 1951 Basic Statistical t1ethods for the Concrete Laboratory Revised Jun 1953 Apr 1954 Supplement 1 Statistical Methods in Concrete Research Sep 1953 Comparative Tests of Soniscope for Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete AD 756 329 MP 6-70 Jan 1954 Tests of Joint Sealing Materials MP 6-72 May 1954 Ultrasonic Investigation of Cracking Floodwall (Armourdale Unit) in Kansas City AD B951 480 MP 6-80 t1ar 1954 Tests on Form Lumber and Form Oil MP 6-108 Nov 1954 Comparison of Methods of Test for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Concrete MP 6-109 Development of Nonfreezing Weathering Test for Concrete: Nov 1954 Report 3 Supplementary Program: & SWD Correlation Tests WES MP 6-111 Nov 1954 Chemical Analysis of Portland Cement for Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium Oxides, and Sulfur Trioxide MP 6-112 nee 1954 Revised Dec 1957 Activities of the Waterways Experiment Station in Connection with Civil Works Investigations Relating to Concrete -Summary Report, November 1957 MP 6-123 Investigation of Cement-Replacement f1aterials: Apr 1955 Report 1 Preliminary Investigations (Phase A) Jan 1956 Report 2 Effects on Flexural Strength (Preliminary Investigations -Phase A) AD B951 481 May 1956 Report 3 Effects of Three Chemical Properties of Concrete Admixtures · on the Apr 1956 Report 4 Preliminary Field Investigations (Phase B) AD 756 300 Mar 1957 Report 5 Performance of Various f~aterials in f1ass Concrete, Laboratory Study (Phase C) f4ay 1957 Report 6 Performance of Various f~aterial s in Mass Concrete, Field Study (Phase D) Number MP 6-123 (Cont) MP 6-132 MP 6-137 MP 6-158 MP 6-159 MP 6-165 Date Oct 1958 Aug 1959 Revised Mar 1962 Feb 1964 Aug 1962 Jun 1964 Apr 1965 Nov 1966 Oct 1966 Nov 1967 Jun 1955 Nov 1957 Jan 1958 Oct 1967 Jun 1955 Mar 1956 May 1957 Feb 1956 Apr 1956 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Report 7 Comparative Tests of Compressive Strength of Mortars Containing Pozzolans Report 8 Tests of Samples of Fly Ash, Sutton Reservoir Project Report 9 Significance of Pulse-Velocity Data for r4ass Concrete Blocks Report 10 Use of Large Amounts of Pozzolans in Lean Mass Concrete Report 11 Pulse Velocity and Compressive Strength at Advanced Ages of Phase D Concrete Blocks Report 12 Compressive Strength Development of 193 Concrete Mixtures During 10 Years of Moist Curing (Phase A), by Bryant Mather Report 13 Use of Water-Reducing and Water-Reducing,Retarding Admixtures in ~1ass Concrete, by W. 0. Tynes Report 14 Use of Large Amounts of Pozzolans in Lean Mass Concrete (Second Phase), by W. 0. Tynes Report 15 Temperature Rise of f4ass Concrete Mixtures, by W. 0. Tynes Investigation of Creep in Concrete: Report 1 Review of Literature on Creep in Concrete Report 2 Evaluation of Equipment and Initial Tests Report 3 Creep of r.1ass Concrete Report 4 Effect of Specimen Size and Wet-Sieving to Remove Aggregate Larger than 1-1/2 In., by E. E. McCoy and H. T. Thornton Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete Report of Aggregate Tests, Devil 's Kitchen Dam Report 2 Second Series of Tests Tensile Crack Exposure Tests of Stressed Reinforced Concrete Beams Tests of Concrete Cores from Devil 's Kitchen Dam, Illinois AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 757 137 756 322 757 241 756 299 757 242 756 324 756 131 756 185 756 132 661 294 C-4 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-166 Study of Variables in Moisture Loss Testing of MembraneForming Curing Compounds: Apr 1956 Report 1 Effect of Batch Order, Temperature and Velocity MP 6-169 May 1956 Cement-Aggregate Reaction: What is the Problem? MP 6-173 Jun 1956 The Partial Replacement of Portland Cement in Concrete MP 6-174 Jun 1956 Application of Petrographic Procedures neering to Highway Engi MP 6-177 Jun 1956 Revised Exposure of Concrete Specimens at Treat Island, Maine Jul 1958 MP 6-178 Jul 1956 Factors Affecting Time-Temperature Relations in Automatic Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Concrete MP 6-183 Aug 1956 Resistance to Accelerated Laboratory Freezing and Thawing of Concrete Specimens Made with Expanded LightweightAggregates r~P 6-184 Aug 1956 Report of Aggregate Tests, Cape Girardeau Floodwall MP 6-187 Nov 1956 A Brief Investigation of a Modified Penetration Apparatus for Determining Consistency of Freshly Mixed Concrete MP 6-188 Nov 1956 Study of Concrete Specimens Damaged by Electrolysis MP 6-189 Nov 1956 A Limited Investigation of the Chace Air Meter (AE-55 Air Indicator} MP 6-195 Jan 1957 An Investigation of Sanded Grouts Using Manufactured Sands MP 6-196 Feb 1957 Cooperative Sonic Tests of a Standard Specimen MP 6-198 Jan 1957 Laboratory Tests of Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cements MP 6-201 Mar 1957 Comparison of r~ethods for Estimation of Tricalcium Aluminate Content of Portland Cement in Connection with the Evaluation of Potential Sulfate Resistance t1P 6-209 t1a r 1957 Cement with Anhydrite MP 6-211 Apr 1957 Concrete Research at U. Experiment Station S. Army EngineerfWaterways MP 6-218 May 1957 Investigation of Method a Proposed Aggregate Degradation Test ~1P 6-2 23 Feb 1953 Correlation Between Laboratory Accelerated Freezing and Thawing and Weathering at Treat Island, Maine CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-235 Aug 1957 Tests of Schokbeton Precast Concrete Units in Iceland MP ~-236 Oct 1957 Investigation of Deterioration of Concrete, Davis Air Force Base, ~1uskogee, Oklahoma Feb 1958 Appendix A Cement, Sulfate, and Alkali Content and Additional Petrographic Examination of Samples of Concrete Cores MP 6-247 Dec 1957 Investigation of Pozzolanic and Other Materials to Replace Part of the Portland Cement in Mass Concrete Dams AD B951 482 MP 6-251 Jan 1958 Report of Aggregate Tests, Alton Floodwall MP 6-254 Jan 1958 Petrographic Data on Structure Research Seven Rock Samples Used in Pore- MP 6-255 Feb 1958 Development of Concrete Tests for Mechanical Plant, Greenville, Mississippi Casting ~1P 6-256 Feb 1958 Effect of Entrained Air on Resistance to Accelerated AD B951 483 Laboratory Freezing-and-Thawing of Concrete Specimens Made with Expanded Lightweight Aggregates ~1P 6-257 Feb 1958 Report of Concrete Mixture Design Studies, Devils Kitchen Dam ~1P 6-262 Mar 1958 Composition of Samples of Glacial Till from Otter Brook Oam, tlew Hampshire, and North Hartland Dam Site, Vermont MP 6-263 Mar 1958 Use of the Soniscope by Concrete Division, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engi neers r~P 6-267 Jun 1958 Investigation of the Schmidt Concrete Test Hammer AD B951 484 MP 6-270 Jun 1958 Laboratory Testing and Durability of Concrete MP 6-277 Jul 1958 Quality Materials for Highway Construction MP 6-278 Jul 1958 "Soundness" Tests of Concrete Aggregates MP 6-279 Aug 1958 The Re 1at ive Humidity t1ethod of Test for Moisture Condition of Concrete t1asonry Units r1P 6-281 Aug 1958 Tests of Concrete Aggregates, Carlyle Reservoir, St. Louis District t1ar 1959 Appendix A Tests of Huelsman Quarry Stone for Suitabil i ty for Use as Riprap, Carlyle Dam MP 6-286 Oct 1958 High-Pressure Test for Determining Air Content of Hardened Concrete AD 756 304 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-290 Oct 1958 Investigation of the Potential Portland Cements Sulfate Resistance of Ten MP 6-297 Dec 1958 Laboratory Tests of Concrete and Reinforcing Steel, Port Allen Lock MP 6-318 Jan 1959 Investigation of Causes and Determination of Methods to Prevent Formation of Incrustations on Perforated Cast Iron Collector Pipe, New Orleans District MP 6-319 Jan 1959 The Mineralogical Properties of Aggregates and Their Significance MP 6-326 Mar 1959 Tests of Dust and Concrete Cores from Runway, Dow Air Force Base, Bangor, Maine MP 6-328 Mar 1959 Comparison of Methods of r1easuring Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Masonry Units MP 6-329 Mar 1959 Tests of Construction Materials, Cooper Dam, District New Orleans MP 6-330 Mar 1959 Effects of Lignite in Sand on Compressive Strength of Mortar, Greenville Casting Plant, Vicksburg District MP 6-334 Apr 1959 Tests of Concrete Aggregates, St. Project, St. Louis District Louis Flood Protection MP 6-342 Oct 1959 Electronic Computation of Concrete Temperatures, Greers Ferry Dam, Arkansas · AD 756 298 MP 6-345 Jul 1959 Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to Alkali-AggregateReaction · MP 6-351 Jul 1959 Investigation of Reinforcing Bars from Splitter Wall,Texarkana Dam MP 6-354 Aug 1959 Determination of Sulfate Ion in Soils and Water r1P 6-384 Mar 1960 Research in Foundation Grouting with Cement MP 6-389 Apr 1960 Petrology of Concrete Aggregate MP 6-395 11ay 1960 Investigation of Compressive Strength of ~1olded Cylinders and Drilled Cores of Concrete Containing Crushed Limestone Aggregate MP 6-400 Jun 1960 Tests of Pumice, Lesser Antilles MP 6-405 Jul 1960 Tests of Aggregate Samples Proposed for Chain of Rocks,Low Water Dam No. 27 MP 6-408 Sep 1960 Petrographic Data on Beach, Dune and River Sands CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-409 Aug 1960 Project HOBO, Grouting Support MP 6-410 Sep 1960 Investigation of Sand-Cement Grouts MP 6-415 Dec 1960 Processing Aggregates for Corps of Engineers Dams MP 6-416 Mar 1961 An Investigation of Methods for Determining the Percentage of Free ~1oisture in Fine Aggregate MP 6-419 Mar 1961 Drilling and Grouting Support, Project COWBOY MP 6-420 Mar 1961. Concrete Research at U. Experiment Station S. Army Engineer Waterways MP 6-421 Mar 1961 Description of the Concrete Division, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Jackson Installation, Jackson, Mississippi MP 6-422 Mar 1961 Extremely Lean Mass Concrete with Pozzolans MP 6-425 Apr 1961 Project BUCKBOARD, Grouting Support AD 756 350 MP 6-429 Apr 1961 Special Grouting Operations for Underground Nuclear Tests MP 6-431 May 1961 Significance of ASTM Designation C 265, in Hydrated Portland Cement t1ortar Calcium Sulfate MP 6-433 Masonry Unit-Masonry Mortar Interaction: Jun 1961 Report 1 Review of Literature ~1P 6-452 Sep 1961 Investigation of a Proprietary Rapid-Setting Cementitious t1aterial AD 756 301 MP 6-456 Oct 1961 Velocity Tests of Concrete, Riverside Wall, Ashley Street Plant, Union Electric Company, St. Louis, Missouri MP 6-460 Dec 1961 Pozzolan MP 6-467 Jan 1962 Optimum Air Content for Interior ~lass Concrete MP 6-471 Jan 1962 Investigation of Cationic Admixtures in Concrete MP 6-473 Feb 1962 Fly Ash and 14ater-Reducing Admixtures for Articulated Concrete Mattress MP 6-476 Mar 1962 Comparative Compressive Strength of Rodded and Vibrated Cylinders AD 757 382 MP 6-480 Mar 1962 Evaluation of Stone for Protection Work CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number ~1P 6-493 Investigation of Concrete in Eisenhower and Snell St. Lawrence Seaway: Locks, May 1962 Report 1 Inspection and Repairs Jul 1963 Report 2 Examination of Cores MP 6-510 Jul 1962 Investigation of Abnormal Stiffening of Concrete Containing Calcined Shale Pozzolan AD A950 086 r~P 6-514 Jul 1962 Project GNOME; Design, Testing, and Grout Mixtures Field Pumping of MP 6-517 Aug 1962 Method to Determine Height of Grout in a Deep Hole r~P 6-520 High-Compressive-Strength Concrete: Aug 1962 A Review of the State of the Art Feb 1964 Report 2 Development of Concrete Mixtures AD 433 651 Sep 1965 Report 3 Summary Report, by K. and E. F. Smith L. Saucier, W. 0. Tynes, AD 622 445 MP 6-523 Sep 1962 Investigation of Aggregate Sources, Yazoo Backwater Project, Vicksburg District AD 751 599 r~P 6-527 Sep 1962 Velocity Tests of Concrete, Retaining Wall, South Amsterdam, New York AD 751 600 t4P 6-530 Sep 1962 Alkali-Silica and Alkali-Carbonate Reactivity of South Dakota Sand a AD 751 601 MP 6-531 Sep 1962 Effect of Duration of Moist Curing on the Relative Durability of Concrete in Freezing and Thawing AD 751 471 MP 6-533 Oct 1962 Effect of Added Gypsum on the One-Day Strength of t1ortar AD 751 754 MP 6-538 Nov 1962 Tests of Concrete Mixer Performance, Carlyle Reservoir Project, Carlyle, Illinois AD 751 753 ,Jan 1965 Errata Sheet MP 6-539 Nov 1962 Tests of Samples ville Reservoir, from Potential Riprap Sources, ShelbyKaskaskia River, Illinois AD 751 752 MP 6-548 Dec 1962 Shale Samples, Waco Dam, Texas (includes Appendix A) MP 6-567 Feb 1963 High-Compressive-Strength Concrete, A Progress Report AD 751 602 MP 6-568 Apr 1963 Research on Suitability of Locally Available Aggregatesfor Highway Construction MP 6-570 Jan 1963 Project DANNY BOY: Petrographic Examination and Physical Tests of Selected Cores AD 751 755 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number t~P 6-571 May 1963 Composition and Constitution of Ten Samples of Glacial Till, St. Lawrence Seaway Project AD 752 105 MP 6-575 Apr 1963 flperation NOlH;AT, Shot HARO HAT Grouting Support Al'l 423 237 MP 6-579 11ay 1963 Tests of Rock Cores from Oiversion Tunnel Oam, Caddo River, Arkansas Site, Oer.ray AO 752 181 MP 6-585 Jul 1963 Evaluation of Concrete by llltrasonic Testing, Warren Auxiliary Sites, Squadron III F. E. AO 752 182 t~P 6-586 Jul 19fi3 Temperature Rise Tests of t1ass Concrete for Locks and nams 1 and 2, Arkansas Post Canal Route, Arkansas AO 752 104 River, Arkansas t1P 6-588 Jul 1963 Investigation of Concrete Aggregates, Shelbyville Reservoir Project AO 752 109 HP 6-589 Jul 1963 Investigation of Concrete Aggregate and Riprap Stone for the Rend Lake Reservoir AD 752 106 MP 6-5CI1 Jul 1963 Petrographic Examination of Clays and Shales and Temperature Rise Test of Concrete, Amistad Dam, Texas AD 752 108 MP 6-596 Aug 1963 Investigation of Concrete 11aterials and Riprap for lise at Oer.ray Dam AD 752 419 MP 6-603 Oct 1963 Construction Materials, Columbia and Jonesville Locks AD 752 802 and nams, Vicksburg Oistrict MP 6-fi04 Oct 1963 Determining the Coordination Number of Aluminum X-ray Emission Spectroscopy Ions by AD 752 259 MP 6-609 Nov 1963 Dynamic and Static Tests of Plain Concrete Specimens AO 752 803 Nov 1964 Report ?. Phase II: Flexure and Triaxial b_v R. L. Lundeen Compression, AD 752 804 MP 6-611 nee 19fi3 nurability and Behavior of Pretensioned-Prestressed Concrete Beams AO 752 325 MP 6-613 Concrete Laboratory Studies, nworshak (Rruce's Eddy)Dam, North Fork, Clearwater River, Near Orofino, Idaho: nee 1963 Report 1 Beam Tests AD 752 805 nee 1964 Report 2 Creep Tests, by E. ann H. T. Thornton E. McCoy, J. K. Allgood, AO 752 806 Oec 1964 Report 3 Additional Tests of Large Beams, by E. Smith and W. 0. Tynes F. AD 752 807 t·1P 6-616 Jan 1%4 Evaluation of Asrhaltic ~Jaterproofing Systems for Concrete Structures AD 752 110 MP 6-624 Feb 1964 The Strength of Portland-Cement Concrete by Air, Water, and Cement Content as Affected AD 752 326 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-628 Apr 1963 Operation SUN Field Pumping BEAM; Shot SMALL BOY; Design, Testing, and of Grout Mixtures AD 411 344 MP 6-634 Mar 1964 Concrete Mixer Performance; Mattress Casting Fields, Caruthersville, Missouri, and Richardson Landing, AD 752 808 Tennessee MP 6-635 Mar 1964 Concrete Mixer Performance, Vidalia Mattress Casting AD 752 809 Plant, Vidalia, Louisiana MP 6-637 Mar 1964 Making and Curing Concrete Specimens AD 753 163 MP 6-640 Apr 1964 Project DANNY BOY: of Grout Mixtures Design, Testing, and Field Pumping AD 752 741 MP 6-643 Apr 1964 Investigation of the Feasibility of Manufacturing Aggregate by Nuclear Methods AD 601 698 MP 6-646 Apr 1964 Alkali-Silica and Alkali-Carbonate Reactivity of Some Aggregates from South Dakota, Kansas, and Missouri AD 752 810 MP 6-650 May 1964 Instruments for Determining Deep Holes the Elevation of Grout in AD 483 992 Apr 1966 Report 2 Further Investigations, by B. J. Houston AD 483 901 MP 6-653 May 1964 Examination of Concrete, Point, New York U. S. Military Academy, West AD 752 905 MP 6-658 Jun 1964 Tests of Shale and Coal Cores from Proposed Spillway Site, Shelbyville Reservoir, Kaskaskia River, Illinois AD 753 521 MP 6-659 Jun 1964 Alkali-Carbonate Reaction Dam Powerhouse in Concrete from Chickamauga AD 753 522 MP 6-660 Project Pre-SCHOONER: Jul 1964 Report 1 Stem Design (superseded by Report 2) AD 752 878 Jan 1965 Report 2 Stem Design and Shotcrete, Grout, and Concrete Support, by K. L. Saucier, J. C. Wines, and G. V.,. r1a rler MP 6-665 Jul 1964 Durability of Prestressed Concrete Beams AD 752 879 MP 6-669 Aug 1964 Sodium Chloride in Estuary Models, by R. E. Richter AD 753 523 MP 6-671 Aug 1964 Cooperative Investigation of Acceptance Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Pozzolans for Major Oxides, by AD 753 338 Leonard Pepper · MP 6-674 Oct 1964 Research on Plain Concrete, by Bryant t1ather AD 753 524 CONCRETE LABORATORY t4iscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-681 Nov 1964 Effect of Load on Modulus of Elasticity, by D. A. Linger AD 739 562 and E. E. McCoy MP 6-682 Nov 1964 Alkali Reactions with Carbonate Rock, by Bryant Mather AD 739 561 MP 6-690 Dec 1964 Effects of Sea Water on Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 739 563 MP 6-692 Jan 1965 Evaluation of 16-cu-ft Laboratory Concrete Mixer, by K. L. Saucier AD 739 564 MP 6-695 Jan 1965 Petrographic Examination of Samples from Buffalo Harbor, New York, by W. I. Luke and Katharine Mather AD 740 283 MP 6-698 Jan 1965 High-Strength, High-Density Concrete, by Katharine Mather AD 740 284 MP 6-700 May 1965 Project SHOAL, Laboratory and Field Grouting Support, Project 9.1, by J. E. t1cDonald and J. t·1. Polatty AD 739 979 MP 6-705 Feb 1965 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Elements with Bamboo Reinforcements, by E. F. Smith and K. L. AD 740 285 Saucier MP 6-709 Feb 1965 Concrete from A to Z, by Bryant Mather AD 739 980 MP 6-710 Feb 1965 Shape, Surface Texture, and Coatings by Bryant ~1ather of Aggregates, AD 739 981 MP 6-715 Mar 1965 Investigation of Damage by Fire to Concrete, Ensley Pumping Station, Memphis, Tennessee, by A. D. Buck and T. B. Kennedy AD 739 982 MP 6-716 Apr 1965 Laboratory Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 630 066 MP 6-717 Apr 1965 Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete t1inuteman Facilities, Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, by H. T. AD 740 286 Thornton MP 6-719 Apr 1965 Application of Petrography to Radiation Shielding . Concrete, by Katharine t~ather AD 740 660 MP 6-720 Apr 1965 Investigation of Procedures for Testing Grout Fluidifiers, by R. L. Curry AD 740 279 MP 6-724 Jun 1965 Investigation of a Reaction Involving Nondolomitic Limestone Aggregate in Concrete, by A. D. Buck AD 740 278 MP 6-727 Jun 1965 Admixtures for Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 740 661 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-729 Apr 1965 Project DUGOUT: Concrete, Grout, and Shotcrete Support,and Design and Postshot Evaluation of Stem, by K. L. Saucier AD 740 662 r~P 6-730 Aug 1965 Investigation of Concrete Aggregates and Riprap,Kaskaskia River, Illinois, Navigation Improvement,by A. D. Buck and B. J. Houston AD 740 663 MP 6-731 Aug 1965 Study of Microcracking of Hardened Portland-Cement AD 740 280 Grouts Induced by Dynamic Loading, by L. E. Fouche MP 6-732 Jul 1965 Aggregates, by Bryant Mather AD 740 287 MP 6-737 Aug 1965 Partially Compacted Height of Concrete Workability, by Bryant t-1ather as a Measure of AD 740 974 MP 6-738 Aug 1965 Investigation of Concrete Materials for Felsenthal and Calion Locks and Dams, Ouachita and Black Rivers, Arkan- AD 740 976 sas and Louisiana, by A. D. Buck and R. L. Curry ~1P 6-739 Sep 1965 Petrographic Examination Katharine Mather ~f Hardened Concrete, by AD 740 947 MP 6-740 Feb 1965 Investigation of Manufacture of Aggregate and Riprapby Nuclear Means, by B. J. Houston, R. L. Stowe, and D. C. Banks AD 697 666 MP 6-746 Oct 1965 A Resonant Vibration Technique for Laboratory Determination of Shear Wave Velocity, by E. E. McCoy AD 740 998 MP 6-760 Nov 1965 Soniscope Survey, Pad 39-A, Cape Kennedy, Fla., byH. T. Thornton AD 740 9:7 MP 6-761 Dec 1965 Soniscope Investigation of Elmendorf Air Force Base Hospital, Anchorage, Alaska, by H. T. Thornton AD 740 978 MP 6-762 Nov 1965 Evaluation of an Instrument to Detect Presence, Size and Depth of Steel Embedded in Portland-Cement Concrete,by K. L. Saucier AD 740 881 MP 6-771 Dec 1965 Strains in Conc-rete Cylinders Molded Loaded Vertically, by E. E. McCoy Horizontally and AD 741 931 MP 6-772 Dec 1965 Concrete Aggregates, by Bryant Mather AD 741 932 t1P 6-773 r1ay 1965 Project DRIBBLE, Salmon Event; Laboratory Design,Analysis, and Field Control of Grouting Mixtures Employed at a Nuclear Test in Salt, by J. ~1. Polattyand R. A. Bendinelli AD 624 529 MP 6-779 Laboratory Investigation of Plastic-Glass Fiber Reinforcement for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete: Feb 1966 Report 1 Plain and Reinforced Concrete, by G. and J. C. Wines C. Hoff AD 630 600 Number MP 6-779 (Cont) MP 6-780 MP 6-782 MP 6-793 MP 6-795 MP 6-796 MP 6-802 MP 6-803 t4P 6-805 MP 6-806 MP 6-807 MP 6-833 MP 6-834 MP 6-840 MP 6-845 MP 6-846 Date Jul 1966 Jan 1966 Jan 1966 Feb 1966 Mar 1966 f1ar 1966 f1ar 1966 Mar 1966 Mar 1966 Har 1966 ~1ar 1966 Aug 1966 Nov 1965 Sep 1966 Oct 1966 Oct 1966 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Report 2 Prestressed Concrete, by J. C. Wines, R. T. Dietz, and J. L. Hawley Shock-Isolating Backpacking r1aterials; A Review of the State of the Art, by G. C. Hoff Investigation of a Reaction Involving Nondolomitic Limestone Aggregate in Concrete, by A. D. Buck and W. L. Dolch Soniscope Investigation of Prestressed Concrete Piling, South Bulkhead, Manasquan Inlet, Manasquan River, N. J., by H. T. Thornton Concrete Deterioration, by Bryant f1ather Symposium on Cracking of Concretes; Cracking Induced by Environmental Effects, by Bryant Mather Results of Laboratory Tests and Examinations of Concrete Cores, Carlyle Reservoir Spillway, Carlyle, Illinois, by B. J. Houston, W. 0. Tynes, and W. I. Luke Investigation of a Proprietary Chemical Admixture for Concrete, by R. L. Curry Use of Laboratory Dynamic Triaxial Tests to DevelopCriteria for Design of Concrete Stems for Field Cratering Tests, by K. L. Saucier Evaluation of the Soniscope for Nondestructive Testing of Portland-Cement Concrete Pavements, by G. M. Pace and H. T. Thornton Materials for Use in t1itigating Blast Loads on Deeply Buried Protective Structures, by G. C. Hoff Selecting Appropriate Levels of Quality, by Bryant f1ather Ferris Wheel Series, Flat Top I Event, Grouting Support, Project 9.1, by J. E. r~cDonald and Howard Sugiuchi Blast Attenuation Studies in Dividing Wall Protection Construction, by A. A. Bombich and B. R. Sullivan Factors Which Influence the Deterioration of Concrete in Dams and Measures for Prevention of Deterioration, by Bryant t~ather Dynamic Properties of Granodiorite, Project PILE DRIVER, by R. L. Stowe AD Number AD 637 266 AD 741 933 AD 741 907 AD 741 934 AD 741 935 AD 741 908 AD 741 909 AD 742 273 AD 742 047 AD 742 268 AD 742 269 AD 742 270 AD 742 048 AD 668 237 AD 742 049 AD 742 050 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-849 Dec 1966 Investigation of a Vibrating Slope Method for Measuring Concrete \>lorkabil ity, by K. L. Saucier AD 645 529 MP 6-851 Oct 1966 Stronger Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 742 271 MP 6-856 Nov 1966 Evaluation of Methods of Attenuating Blast Pressures on Walls, by A. A. Bombich and B. R. Sullivan AD 668 238 MP 6-862 Dec 1966 Bond of Portland-Cement Grout to Large-Diameter Steel Casing, by R. A. Bendinelli and B. R. Sullivan AD 742 272 MP 6-864 Nov 1966 Investigation of Plastic and Rubber-Based Coatings Used in Lieu of Rubbed Finishes on Formed Concrete Surfaces, AD 742 051 by J. L. Hawley and B. J. Houston MP 6-866 Jan 1967 Deterioration of Concrete Sidewalks and Curbs, by A. Buck and Bryant Mather D. AD 743 919 MP 6-867 Jan 1967 Brucite Formation in Carbonate Rock Prisms, by A. Buck and Katharine Mather D. AD 743 163 MP 6-868 Jan 1967 Field Exposure Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, by E. C. Roshore AD 743 149 MP 6-871 Mar 1967 Investigation of Use of Antifreeze Compoundsand f1ortar, by C. F. Derrington in Concrete AD 743 166 f4P 6-873 Jan 1967 Investigation of Soniscope Testing Procedure, by E. ~1cCoy and H. T. Thornton E. AIJ 743 920 MP 6-875 Feb 1967 Project Handcar/Painted Pony Project 9.1, Laboratory and Field Grouting and Material Support, by J. E. McDonald AD 743 160 MP 6-890 Apr 1967 Unsolved Problems by Bryant Mather in Predicting the Behavior of Concrete, AD 743 150 MP 6-900 May 1967 Deterioration of Concrete Sidewalks and Curbs, byBryant Mather AD 743 159 f4P 6-906 Jun 1967 Laboratory Tests of Concrete Aggregate and Riprap for Clarence Canyon Reservoir, by B. J. Houston and W. I. Luke AD 743 165 MP 6-911 Aug 1967 Influence of Reinforcing Details on Yield Line Pattern and Ultimate Load-Carrying Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Slabs, by H. G. Geymayer and J. E. McDonald AD 658 293 MP 6-914 Apr 1967 Grouting in Support of Underground Nuclear Testing, by R. A. Bendinelli and W. L. Burnett AD 743 323 MP 6-916 Aug 1967 Mineralogical and Grain-Sized Data on Selected Samples from the Forest Hill Formation in Hestern f4ississippi, by B. D. Ainsworth AD 743 372 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 6-922 Aug 1967 Field and Laboratory Studies of the Sulfate Resistance of Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 743 434 MP 6-925 Aug 1967 Project Pre-Schooner II, Design, Construction, and Postshot Evaluation of Concrete Stem for Access Hole,by K. L. Saucier and F. S. Stewart AD 743 435 MP 6-926 Sep 1967 Design, Analysis, and Construction of Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement, by K. L. Saucier and E. F. Smith AD 743 436 MP 6-927 Sep 1967 Concrete Deterioration, by Bryant t1ather AD 743 437 MP 6-928 Sep 1967 Shock-Mitigating Materials, by G. C. Hoff AD 743 438 MP 6-929 Sep 1967 Deterioration of Concrete in Eisenhower Lock, St. Lawrence Seaway, by Bryant Mather AD 743 439 MP 6-934 Oct 1967 Development of Material Saucier for Modeling Rock, by K. L. AD 662 705 MP 6-936 Oct 1967 Comparative Adiabatic Temperature-Rise Tests of Mass Concrete, by E. E. McCoy AD 662 746 MP 6-938 Oct 1967 Investigation of Vacuum Mixing of Concrete, by w. Tynes o. AD 662 271 MP 6-941 Oct 1967 Admixtures for Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 743 441 MP 6-943 Oct 1967 Effects of Granular Content of Sulfur-Silica CappingCompound on Compressive Strength, by R. L. Curry AD 744 133 MP 6-958 Dec 1967 The Behavior of Concrete, by Bryant ~1ather AD 744 128 MP 6-973 Feb 1968 Project Big Papa--Phase III, Cellular Concrete Fragmentation Acceptors, by A. A. Bombich, G. C. Hoff, and w. F. McCleese AD 744 008 MP 6-975 Mar 1968 Evaluation of Spiral-Blade Concrete Mixer, ShelbyvilleReservoir Project, Shelbyville, Illinois, by K. L. Saucier AD 668 671 MP C-68-1 Jul 1968 Effect of Temperature on Air-Entraining Admixture Demand of Concrete With and Without Pozzolans, by I·J. 0. Tynes AD 674 659 MP C-68-2 X-ray Emission Analysis of Portland Cement: Jul 1968 Report 1 Variances in Analysis, by Leonard Pepper AD 673 692 MP C-68-3 Aug 1968 Effect of Rate of Loading on Strength and Young'sModulus of Elasticity of Rock, by D. L. Ainsworth and R. L. Stowe An 732 417 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-68-4 Aug 1968 Temperature Rise of f1ass Tynes Concrete l~ixtures, by W. 0. AD 732 220 MP C-68-5 Sep 1968 Investigation of Materials and Methods for Use in Removing Surface Layers of Oil on Water, by B. J. Houston AD 732 221 MP C-68-6 Sep 1968 Investigation of Resistance of Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete to Freezing and Thawing, by J. E. McDonald and W. 0. Tynes · AD 678 582 MP C-68-7 Sep 1968 Feasibility of Using Combustion-Titrimetric Apparatus and Procedure to Determine Sulfate Content in Portland AD 677 393 Cements, by T. B. Husbands MP C-68-8 Oct 1968 Investigation of ~1ethods for Removing Stains from l~ortar and Concrete, by C. F. Derrington, R. L. Stowe, and W. G. Miller (also cited as CTIAC-7) AD 680 321 I~P C-68-9 Nov 1968 Dynamic Compaction of Porous Concrete, by B. R. Sullivan AD 732 418 MP C-69-1 Jan 1969 Strength and Deformation Properties of Granite, Basalt, Limestone, and Tuff at Various Loading Rates, by R. L. Stowe AD 684 358 MP C-69-2 Mar 1969 Tests on Concrete Sheet Piles with Plastic Interlock, AD 732 419 hy P. A. Calenzo and G. S. Orenstein 11P C-69-3 Mar 1969 Tests of Rock Cores, Warren Siting Area, Wyoming, byD. L. Ainsworth and K. L. Saucier AD 754 336 MP C-69-4 Apr 1969 Laboratory and Field Grouting Support for Project Scroll, by T. L. Ellis and D. M. Walley AD 732 420 MP C-69-5 May 1969 Evaluation of a Ring Test for Determining the Tensile Strength of f4ortars and Concrete, by G. C. Hoff AD 712 296 rw c-69-6 Jun 1969 Concrete Cores from Dry Dock No. 2, Charleston Naval Shipyard, South Carolina, hy A. D. Buck and Katharine t1ather AD 690 231 r~P C-69-7 Mar 1969 Operation Flint Lock, Shot Pile Driver, Grouting and AD 733 876 Materials Control, by G. C. Hoff, R. L. Stowe, and W. L. Burnett 11P C-69-8 Jun 1969 Sulfate Soundness, Sulfate Attack, and in Concrete, by Bryant ~lather Expansive Cement AD 733 743 MP C-69-9 Jun 1969 Properties of Cedar City Tonalite, by K. L. Saucier AD 690 235 MP C-69-10 Jun 1969 Temperature-Induced Dimensional Concrete, by H. G. Geymayer Changes in Hardened AD 733 744 ~1P C-69-11 Jul 1969 Precision of Quartz Crystal and Mercury Differential Thermometers in Heat-of-Hydration Test, by Leonard Pepper AD 692 794 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-69-12 Sep 1969 Tests of Rock Cores, Mountain Home,Washington,· Areas, by K. L. Saucier Idaho, and Fairchild, AD 737 957 ~1P C-69-13 Sep 1969 Tests on Concrete Sheet Piles with Plastic Interlock, byG. S. Orenstein AD 731 875 t1P C-69-14 Sep 1969 Equation of State Studies of Eight Rock Types and One Rock-Matching Epoxy Grout, by D. L. Ainsworth and B. R. Sullivan AD 697 084 MP C-69-15 Oct 1969 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Carbonate Rock from Six Quarries, by A. D. Buck AD 697 734 MP C-69-16 Oct 1969 Tests of Rock Cores, Castle Study Area, California, byR. W. Crisp and K. L. Saucier AD 737 958 MP C-69-17 Nov 1969 Research on Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 733 872 ~1P C-69-18 Nov 1969 t~ethod of Test for Concrete Dilation, by D. and A. M. Alexander L. Ainsworth AD 733 745 MP C-70-1 Jan 1970 The Effect of Temperature on Creep of Concrete; A Literature Review, by H. G. Geymayer AD 699 825 t1P C-70-2 Jan 1970 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete, by H. F. B. Cox G. Geymayer and AD A029 842 t1P C-70-3 Jan 1970 Behavior of Concrete Exposedt1ather to the Sea, by Bryant AD A029 801 t1P C-70-4 Feb 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Bergstrom Study Area, Texas, byK. L. Saucier and A. D. Buck AD A035 371 t1P C-70-5 r~ar 1970 Use of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for Analysis of Cement, by H. H. Chang AD 704 956 ~1P C-70-6 t1ay 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Scott Study Area, R. W. Crisp and C. R. Hallford t1issouri, by AD A030 954 MP C-70-7 Jun 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Plattsburgh Study Area, by R. H. Crisp New York, AD A035 372 MP C-70-8 t1ay 1970 New Applications for Low-Density Concretes, by G. Hoff C. AD A029 839 t1P C-70-9 Jun 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Duluth-Vermillion Study Area, Minnesota, by R. W. Crisp and K. L. Saucier AD A035 373 MP C-70-10 Jun 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, t1ichigamme Study Area, Michigan,by R. W. Crisp AD A030 950 MP C-70-11 Jul 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Pease Study Area, by R. l~. Crisp New Hampshire, AD A035 374 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-70-12 Jul 1970 Admixtures, by Bryant r~ather AD A030 951 MP C-70-13 Jul 1970 Model Tests of Steel and H. G. Geymayer Tunnel Supports, by G. s. Orenstein AD 712 297 f~P C-70-14 Aug 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Pembine Study Area, t1ichigan and Wisconsin, by R. W. Crisp AD A035 375 MP C-70-15 Sep 1970 An Experimental Study of t1oisture r1igration in Concrete, by J. E. McDonald AD A030 952 MP C-70-16 Aug 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, t1achias Study Area, Maine, by R. Crisp W. AD A035 364 MP C-70-17 Sep 1970 Tests of Rock Cores, Warren K. L. Saucier II Study Area, Wyoming, by AD A035 365 MP C-70-18 Sep 1970 Portland-Cement Concrete Research, Testing, and Performance, by Bryant Mather AD A029 822 MP C-70-19 Sep 1970 Crack Extension Force Concept Applied to the Compressive Failure of Portland-Cement-Based t1ortars, by G. C. Hoff AD A029 821 MP C-70-20 Oct 1970 An Experimental Study of f·1ultiaxial by J. E. McDonald Creep in Concrete, AD A030 004 MP C-70-21 Oct 1970 Expansive Cements, by Bryant r1ather AD A030 953 t1P C-70-22 Oct 1970 Nonmetallic 1-laterstops, by G. C. Hoff and B. J. Houston AD A030 955 f~P C-70-23 Nov 1970 Low-Density Concrete Backfills for Lined Tunnels, by G. C. Hoff AD A029 820 MP C-70-24 Nov 1970 An EvaJuation of the t1SA t1ethod for Determining Particle Size Distribution, by R. L. Curry AD A029 819 MP C-71-1 Jan 1971 Comparison of In-Situ and Laboratory Test Results Granite, by R. L. Sto~1e · on AD A029 818 MP C-71-2 Feb 1971 The Influence of Variation in Grain Size and t1inimal AD A030 957 Variation in Rock Type on the Quality of Rock Property Correlations for Intack Igneous Rocks, by R. W. Crisp f~P C-71-3 Feb 1971 Substitutions in Calcium Aluminates and 'calcium Alumino- AD A029 828 ferrites, by Katharine f·1ather r~P C-71-4 May 1971 Results of In Situ Modulus of Deformation Test, Lock and Dam, by R. L. Stowe Cannelton AD A029 827 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number nate Title AD Number MP C-71-5 Investigation of Expanding Grout and Concrete: ,Jun 1971 Report 1 Summary of Field Mixture Test Results, July 1969 Through June 1970, by G. C. Hoff AD 725 986 Jan 1973 Report 2 Summary of Field Mixture Test Results, July 1970 Through June 1971, hy G. C. Hoff An 756 362 MP C-71-6 Jun 1971 Strains Developed in Concrete During and Subsequent to Hardening, by A. M. Alexander and D. L. Ainsworth AD A029 826 ~1P C-71-7 Jul 1971 Effect of Rate of Lifting of Slump Cone on Indicated Slump of Concrete, by H. K. ~lil son and R. L. Stowe An 727 679 MP C-71-R Seo 1971 Use of Concrete of Low Portland Cement Content in Combination with Pozzolans and Admixtures in Construc tion of Concrete !'lams, by Bryant ~lather MP C-71-9 Investioation of Sinking Methods Pollution from Water Surfaces: for Removal of Oil * Feb 1971 Report 1 Phase I: Survey of the State-of-the-Art, by B. J. Houston AD 725 617 * Feb 1972 Report 2 Phase I I: ~1ethods of Test for Laboratory Evaluation of Oil Sinking Materials, by F.. Roshore C. AD 741 247 * Apr 1972 Report 3 Tests and Evaluation of Oil Sinking Materials, by B. J. Houston, E. C. Roshore, and V. D. Edgerton AD 750 853 MP C-72-1 Apr 1972 Porosity-Strength Considerations for Cellular Concrete, by r,. C. Hoff AD A029 835 MP C-72-2 Feb 1972 Quantitative 11ineralogical Analysis of X-ray Diffrac AD A029 830 tion, by A. D. Ruck ~1P C-72-3 Mar 1972 Dynamic Strain Measurements ltith Carlson Strain Meters, by J. E. McDonald AD 740 160 MP C-72-4 Mar 1972 Laboratory Tests of Concrete Aggregate and Riprap for ~lew Lock and Dam No. 26, by W. n. Tynes and C. R. Hallford An A029 838 t~P C-72-5 Apr 1Q72 Examination of Cement Pastes, Hydrated Phases, and Synthetic Products by X-ray Diffraction, by Katharine Mather AD A030 958 * MP C-72-fi Apr 1972 Results of an Investigation to Develop a High-Density Fracturing t1aterial, by R. L. Stowe AD 8013 379L * Statement R. See Preface. C-20 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-72-7 Apr 1972 Relating Materials Quality to Materials Performance to AD A029 837 Structural Performance of Concrete, by Bryant Mather MP C-72-8 Cellular Concrete Studies, Project CAMPHOR: * Apr 1972 Report 1 Laboratory Investigations, by G. C. Hoff AD 894 998L * Jun 1973 Report 2 Field Construction, by G. C. Hoff AD B013 380L MP C-72-9 Apr 1972 Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reactions in Concrete: DevelopAD A030 959 ments in Specification and Control, by Bryant Mather ~1P C-72-10 Apr 1972 New Applications of Grout and Concrete as Shock AD A002 660 Impedance Matching ~1aterials for Geologic Formations, by D. L. Ainsworth (also cited as CTIAC-5) MP C-72-11 Apr 1972 Creep in Tension, Creep Rate, and Superposition; A Brief Literature Review, by E. E. McCoy and H. T. Thornton MP C-72-12 Apr 1972 Effect of Method of Preparation of Ends of Concrete AD 742 645 Cylinders for Testing, by K. L. Saucier MP C-72-13 May 1972 Concrete for Reactor Vessels, by J. E. McDonald AD A030 960 MP C-72-14 May 1972 Recycled Concrete, by A. D. Buck AD 743 460 Apr 1976 Report 2 Additional Investigations, by A. D. Buck ~1P C-72-15 Jun 1972 Rapid Repair of Bomb-Damaged Runways; Phase I: AD A029 834 Preliminary Laboratory Investigation, by P. S. Bussone, B. J. Bottomley, and G. C. Hoff MP C-72-16 Jun 1962 Determination of Practical Ultimate Strength of AD A029 813 Concrete, by K. L. Saucier MP C-72-17 Jul 1972 Tests on TVA Containment Concrete, by J. E. McDonald AD A029 833 MP C-72-18 Aug 1972 Shock Compression of Porous Concrete, by B. R. Sullivan AD A029 836 ~·1P C-72-19 Aug 1972 Economic Aspects of Curing f1ass Concrete, by Bryant AD A029 831 Mather MP C-72-20 Aug 1972 Ultimate Strain Capacity and Temperature Rise Studies, AD 757 379 Trumbull Pond Dam, by J. E. McDonald, A. A. Bombich, and B. R. Sullivan MP C-72-21 Sep 1972 Resin Concretes: A Literature Review, by J. E. Dennard AD 750 101 MP C-72-22 Oct 1972 Expansive Cements and Their Use, by G. C. Hoff (also AD A030 961 cited at CTIAC-8) * Statement R. See Preface. CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number t~P C-72-23 Dec 1972 Use of Recycled Concrete (also cited as CTIAC-9) as Aggregate, hy A. D. Buck AD A029 832 MP C-72-24 Dec 1972 Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center (CTIAC), Evaluation of Pilot Study, by Bryant ~1ather (also cited AD 755 837 as CTIAC-11) MP C-73-1 Jan 1973 Fast Setting Cement; Literature Survey, by C. Derrington (also cited as CTIAC-1) F. AD A030 962 t1P C-73-2 Jan 1973 l~aterproof ~1embrane Systems for Use on Decks, by C. F. Derrington (also cited Concrete Bridge as CTIAC-2) MP C-73-3 Jan 1973 Test Data on Aggregate Sources, New York State, by A. D. Buck (also cited as CTIAC-3) ~1P C-73-4 Jan 1973 Identification of Samples of Objects Recovered from Ocean Floor, by K. Mather (also cited as CTIAC-6) AD A030 963 ~1P C-73-5 r~ar 1973 Ultimate Strain Capacity Tests, Clarence Cannon Dam, St. Louis District, by J. E. McDonald AD A029 816 t1P C-73-6 r~ay 1973 t1ultiaxial Creep in Concrete, by J. E. McDonald AD A029 815 t·1P C-73-7 Jun 1973 Use of t1icrowave Oven to Determine Water Content of AD A029 814 Fresh Concrete, by E. C. Roshore t~P C-73-8 Aug 1973 Laboratory Tests of Concrete Cores from the New Second Lock, Sault Ste. t1arie, t·1ichigan, by A. D. Buck, K. Mather, and C. R. Hallford AD 768 177 MP C-73-9 Oct 1973 Study of the Project nanager Sys tern of t1anagement for Use in a Materials Laboratory, by K. L. Saucier AD A029 829 MP C-73-10 Oct 1973 Feasibility Study of No-Slump Concrete for ~1ass Concrete Construction, by W. 0. Tynes AD A029 812 MP C-73-11 Nov 1973 Examination of Cores from Four Highway Bridges in Georgia, by K. Mather (also cited as CTIAC-12) AD A030 964 MP C-73-12 Dec 1973 Propagation of Failure in a Circular Cylinder of Rock Subjected to a Compressive Force, by R. L. Stowe AD 773 469 t~P C-74-1 Feb 1974 Investigation of Accelerated r~ethods for the Determination of Available Alkali in Pozzolans, by W. G. t1iller AD A030 965 t1P C-74-2 Feb 1974 Studies of Concrete for Farley Nuclear Containment Structure, by J. E. McDonald AD A029 824 MP C-74-3 Feb 1974 Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America, by G. C. Hoff (also cited as CTIAC-10) AD A029 823 t1P C-74-4 Mar 1974 Development of In-House Capabilities for Determination of Quality of Water and Sediments, by C. F. Derrington, L. Pepper, and D. Bean AD 777 541 Number Date MP C-74-5 Apr 1974 t~P C-74-6 Apr 1974 MP C-74-7 May 1974 t1P C-74-8 * Jun 1974 Dec 1974 MP C-74-9 Jun 1974 MP C-74-10 Jun 1974 MP C-74-11 Jun 1974 MP C-74-12 Jun 1974 MP C-74-13 Jul 1974 * MP C-74-14 Jul 1974 MP C-74-15 Aug 1974 MP C-75-1 Mar 1975 MP C-75-2 Apr 1975 MP C-75-3 May 1975 * Statement B. See Preface. CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Condition Survey of Lock and Dam 52, Ohio River, by B. J. Houston Technique for Determining Unloading Response of Rock, by B. R. Sullivan, D. L. Ainsworth, and A. A. Bombich Condition Survey of Lock and Dam 53, Ohio River, by B. J. Houston Cellular Concrete Studies: Report 1 Project DIDO QUEEN, Field Construction, by R. H. Denson Report 2 Evaluation of Crushed Cellular Concrete, by G. C. Hoff A Low-Modulus Internal Concrete Strain Meter, by A. M. Alexander Development of Methods to Determine the HugoniotEquation-of-State of Concrete, by A. A. Bombich Feasibility Study for Building a Rapidly Constructed, Low-Cost, Inflatable-Formed, Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Structure, by F. B. Cox Pullout Resistance of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Hardened Concrete, by R. L. Stowe Static, Sustained, and Cyclic Load Tests of Steel Pile Connectors, New Orleans District, by E. F. 0' Neil Low-Strength Concrete in the New Walter Reed Hospital,Washington, o. C., by R. L. Stowe Cost and Feasibility Study; Alternate Designs to Permit Use of Slip Form and Other Techniques to Maximize Economics, Trumbull Lake Dam, Pequonnock River Basin, Connecticut, by J. F. Camellerie Emplacement and Stemming Load ~1easurements; ProjectCANNIKIN, by D. L. Ainsworth and Dale Glass Physical Property Tests of Rock Cores from the MIXED CQr1PANY Event I I I Site, by R. L. Stowe New Concern Over Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, by Bryant Mather {also ~ited as CTIAC No. 17) AD Number AD A029 804 AD 779 447 AD A029 817 AD 920 276L AD A003 172 AD 782 940 AD 781 342 AD 781 972 AD 782 941 AD A009 309 AD A009 697 AD A010 641 C-23 · CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Pape~- Number Date Title AD Number MP C-75-4 Jun 1975 Use of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in Hydraulic Structures AD A010 640 and Marine Environments, by G~ c~ Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No. 15) MP C-75-5 May 1975 Use of Regulated-Set Cement in Cold Weather Environments, AD A011 265 by G~ c.. Hoff, B. J., Houston, and F. H. Sayles (also cited as CTIAC No. 16) MP C-75-6 Jun 1975 Investigation of High-Strength Frost-Resistance Concrete, AD A012 119 by W. o~ Tynes MP C-75-8 Jun 1975 Tests of Deteriorated Concrete Blocks from Fort Dix, AD A955 007 N. J.,, by R. H. Denson and A. D., Buck (includes Appendixes A-B) MP C-75-9 Jun 1975 Rock Core Tests, Proposed Duplicate Lock -Phase II, AD A012 066 Starved Rock Lock and Dam, Illinois River, Illinois, by R. L. Stowe and J. B. Warriner (includes Appendixes A-B) MP C-75-10 Sep 1975 Investigation of the Use of Resin-Based Membrane Curing AD A015 549 and Bonding Compounds on Horizontal Construction Joints, by w. 0. Tynes MP C-75-1 1 Cold Weather Construction Materials: Dec 1975 Part Regulated-Set Cement for Cold Weather Concreting, AD A021 658 by B. J. Houston and G. c. Hoff Sep 1981 Part 2 Regulated-Set Cement for Cold Weather ConcretAD 105 596 ing; Field Validation of Laboratory Results, by B. J. Houston and G. c. Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No. 45) (includes Appendixes A-B) MP C-76-1 Apr 1976 Comparison of 4-1/2-and 7-in. (6-in. Nominal) Maximum AD A023 968 Size Aggregate Mixtures for New Lock and Dam No. 26, Mississippi River, by W. o. Tynes MP C-76-2 Apr 1976 Recvcled Concrete as a Source of Aggregate, by A. D. AD A024 055 Buck (also cited as CTIAC No. 19) MP C-76-3 Jun 1976 Potential Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reactivity of Some AD A025 761 of the Aggregate Used in Fishtrap Dam, bv A., D. Buck MP C-76-4 Jun 1976 Investigation of the Resistance of Freshly Injected AD A026 260 Grout to Erosion and Dilution by Flowing Water, by D. M. Walley MP C-76-5 Jun 1976 Detection of Calcium Sulfates and Magnesium Oxide in AD A026 181 Fly Ash by X-Ray Diffraction, by G. s. Wong and A. D. Buck MP C-76-6 Jun 1976 Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement and AD A032 082 Concrete, by G~ C. Hoff, C~ M. Fontenot, and J., G. Tom (also cited as CTIAC No., 21) Number MP C-76-6 (Cont) * MP C-76-7 MP C-76-8 MP C-76-9 MP C-76-10 MP C-76-11 MP C-77-1 MP C-77-2 MP C-77-3 * MP C-77-4 MP C-77-5 MP C-77-6 MP C-77-7 CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Date Title Sep 1977 Supplement No. 1, by G~ c. Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No~ 25) Jul 1979 Supplement No~ 2, by G~ c. Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No. 39) Sep 1980 Supplement No. 3, by G. C~ Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No~ 43) Aug 1982 Supplement No. 4, by G. c. Hoff (also cited as CTIAC No~ 48) Jun 1976 Characterization of Tuff and Development of Grouts for Mighty Epic Structures Program, by s. w. Butters, R. L~ Stowe, J. w~ LaComb, and R~ A~ Bendinelli (also cited as CTIAC No. 20) (includes Appendixes A-B) Aug 1976 Engineering Condition Survey and Structural Investigation of Emsworth Locks and Dam, Ohio River, by c. E. Pace ' Aug 1976 Engineering Condition Survey and Structural Investigation of Lo9ks and Dam 3, Monongahela River, by c. E~ Pace, R. L~ Stowe, and A. D. Buck (includes Appendixes I-VII) Sep 1976 Structural Testing and Associated Data Reduction for a Guided Projectile Control Housing, by c. E. Pace Oct 1976 A New Cement for Cold Weather Construction, by G. c~ Hoff Jc.n 1977 Engineering Condition Survey and Structural Investigation of Marsh Arch Bridge, Fort Riley, Kansas, by T. c. Liu (includes Appendixes A-B) Mar 1977 Engineering Condition Survev and Structural Investigation of Montgomery Locks and Dam, Ohio River, by c. E. Pace and J. T~ Peatross, Jr. May 1977 Creep of Concrete Under Various Temperature, Moisture, and Loading Condit'ions, by J. E. McDonald (also dted as CTIAC No. 24) May 1977 Additional Investigations of Nonshrink Grouts, by J. A. Boa, Jr. (.includes Appendix A) Jun 1977 An Investigation of Concrete Condition, William Bacon Oliver Lock and ;Spillwav, by J. E~ McDonald and R. L. Campbell .(includes Appendixes A-G) Nov 1977 Errata Sheet No. 1 Jun 1977 Dynamic Properties of Mass Concrete, by K. L. Saucier (also cited as CTIAC No. 23) Jun 1977 Determination of Maximum Concrete Placement Temperatures AD Number AD A044 433 AD A075 064 AD A090 273 AD A122 237 AD B012 430L AD A029 844 AD A029 904 AD A029 905 AD A026 042 AD A035 675 AD A038 655 AD A040 112 AD B018 814L AD A043 004 AD A042 637 for Martins Fork Dam, bv A. A. Bombich CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-77-8 Aug 1977 Concrete Temperature Control Studies -Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Projects, by A. A. Bombich, B. R. Sullivan, and J. E. t1cDonald AD A046 145 MP C-77-9 Aug 1977 Acid Attack of Concrete Caused by Sulfur Bacteria Action, Piedmont and Clendening Lakes Outlet Tunnels, MuskingumWatershed, Ohio, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. (includesAppendix A) AD A044 840 MP C-77-10 Aug 1977 The Effect of Alkalies on the Properties of Concrete, Edited by A. B. Poole (also cited as CTIAC No. 26) AD A044 565 MP C-77-11 Development of Procedures for Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Structures: Sep 1977 Report 1 Present Practices, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. AD A046 113 Apr 1980 Report 2 Feasibility of Sonic Pulse-Echo Technique,by A. t1. Alexander AD A085 598 Nov 1981 Report 3 Feasibility of Impact Technique for MakingResonant Frequency Measurements, by A. M. Alexander (includes Appendix A) AD A109 814 MP C-77-12 Oct 1977 Concrete Ships and Vessels -Past, Present, and Future, by T. C. Liu and J. E. McDonald (also cited as CTIAC No. 27) AD A045 706 * MP C-77-13 Sep 1977 Evaluation of Aramid-Fiber Ropes for Antenna Guys, byT. C. Liu and C. J. Johnson (includes Appendix A) AD B022 339L MP C-77-14 Identification of Candidate Zero Maintenance PavingMaterials, by G. C. Hoff, L. N. Godwin, K. L. Saucier, A. D. Buck, T. B. Husbands, and K. Mather May 1977 Volume AD A053 793 May 1977 Volume II AD A053 794 MP C-78-1 Borehole Plugging Program (Waste Disposal): Jan 1978 Report 1 Initial Investigations and Preliminary Data,by J. A. Boa, Jr. AD B024 442 Sep 1981 Report 2 Petrographic Examination of Several Four-YearOld Laboratory Developed Grout Mixtures, byJ. E. Rhoderick and A. D. Buck AD A105 166 MP C-78-2 Apr 1978 A Look at Type K Shrinkage-Compensating Cement Production and Specifications, by G. C. Hoff and Katharine Mather (also cited as CTIAC No. 29) AD A053 997 MP C-78-3 Apr 1978 Tests of High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures, byBryant Mather (also cited as CTIAC No. 30) AD A053 998 MP C-78-4 May 1978 Concrete and Rock Tests, Rehabilitation Work, Brandon Road Dam, Illinois Haterway, Chicago District, byR. L. Stowe AD A055 875. * Statement B. See Preface. CONCRETE LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP C-78-5 May 1978 Ultimate Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Under Cyclic Flexural Loading, by E. F. O'Neil AD A055 414 MP C-78-6 Engineering Condition Survey and Evaluation of Troy Lock and Dam, Hudson River, New York: May 1978 Report 1 Engineering Condition Survey, by C. E. Pace AD A055 871 Jan 1981 Report 2 Evaluation and Rehabilitation, by C. E. Pace, Roy Campbell, and Sam Wong (includes Appendix A) AD A094 683 MP C-78-7 May 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction Products from Several Concretes: Optical, Chemical, and X-ray Diffraction Data, by A. D. Buck and Katharine Mather (also cited as CTIAC No. 31) AD A055 742 MP C-78-8 Jun 1978 Bibliography on Grouting (also cited as CTIAC No. 13) AD A057 831 MP C-78-9 Aug 1978 Investigation of Methods for Extraction, Detection, and Identification of Water-Soluble Admixtures in Concrete, AD A059 345 by D. L. Bean and T. B. Husbands MP C-78-10 Aug 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete from Hiwassee Dam, North Carolina, Tennessee Valley Authority, by A. D. Buck and J. P. Burkes (also cited as CTIAC No. 32) AD A059 987 MP C-78-11 Aug 1978 Effects of Accelerated Curing on Hydration Products of Cement and Cement-Fly Ash Pastes, by Katharine Mather, J. P. Burkes, G. s. Wong, and R. E. Reinhold AD A059 191 MP C-78-12 Sep 1978 Concrete and Rock Core Tests, r·1ajor Rehabilitation of Starved Rock Lock and Dam, Illinois IJaterway, ChicagoDistrict, Phase I, Rehabilitation, by R. L. Stowe, B. A. Pavlov, and G. s. Wong (includes Appendixes A-F) AD A061 711 t1P C-78-13 Sep 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete from the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Georgia-South Carolina, by A. D. Buck (also cited as CTIAC No. 33) AD A059 980 MP C-78-14 Sep 1978 Acid Attack of Concrete Caused by Sulfur Bacteria Action, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. (also cited as CTIAC No. 28) AD A059 687 MP C-78-15 Sep 1978 Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures, by J. and T. C. Liu (also cited as CTIAC No. 34) E. McDonald AD A061 469 t1P C-78-16 Oec 1978 Tests of Brick-Veneer Halls and Closures for Resistance AD A064 860 to Floodwaters, by C. E. Pace MP C-78-17 Dec 1978 Evaluation of a Drop Table for Consolidating 6-In.-Diameter Cylindrical Concrete Test Specimens, by S. A. Ragan (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A064 173 MP C-78-18 nee 1978 Stability and Stress Analyses of Brandon Road Dam, Illinois Waterway, by C. E. Pace and R. L. Campbell (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A064 811 MP C-78-19 Dec 1978 Grouting of Scoured Foundation, Old River Low Sill Structure, Louisiana, by H. K. Hilson AD A072 466 Number Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 6-222 m 6-224 TM 6-225 Unnumbered TM 6-226 TM 2-241 Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 6-307 Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 6-327 Unnumbered Date Jun 1942 Jul 1942 Oct 1943 Apr 1944 Jun 1944 Jun 1944 Jul 1945 Nov 1946 Oct 1946 Dec 1946 Mar 1947 Aug 1947 Jun 1950 May 1954 Dec 1947 Jul 1949 Aug 1949 Jan 1950 Jun 1950 Jan 1951 Feb 1951 Aug 1951 Sep 1951 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Cement Durability Program, First Interim Report John f·1artin Dam, Durability of Concrete Cores and Co 1umns. Fi na1 Report Surface Scaling of Concrete Runways --Rome Air Depot Compressive Strength at 28-Days Age of Job-Made Concrete Cylinders Containing Treated and Untreated Portland Cement Durability of Horizontal Joints in t1ass Concrete Tests of Blends of Portland and Natural Cements Concrete Research. Second Interim Report Investigation of Aggregate Proposed for Use in Bull Shoals Dam Investigation of Reactivity Between Alkalies in Portland Cement and Aggregates Proposed for Use on Santee-Cooper Project, Moncks Corner, S. C. Investigation of Vacuum-Processed Concrete Concrete Investigation-Bull Report Shoals Dam. Progress Concrete Research. of Concrete Exposed Third Interim Report. to Natural Weathering Durability Supplement No. 1 Report No. 5 Summary of Results 1936-1953 AD 688 518 AD 756 397 Lateral Pressures of Tremie-Placed Concrete Jetcrete, Hydron-Formed and Conventional-Formed Concrete Disintegration of Concrete from Tuscaloosa Lock and Dam Effect of Sand Grading on the Properties of Mass Concrete Development of Non-freezing Ueathering Test for Concrete. Interim Report Tests of Fine Aggregate for Organic Impurities and Compressive Strength in flortars Evaluation of the Admixture "Hydropel" Tests of Air-Entraining Admixtures Laboratory Tests of Jetcrete AD Number AD 672 066 AD 756 426 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 6-330 Oct 1951 Investigation of the Suitability of Prepakt Concrete for Mass and Reinforced Concrete Structures Aug 1954 Appendix A: Properties of Alfesil, and Tests of Permeability and Resistance to Natural Weathering of Prepakt Concrete; and Appendix B: Use of Prepakt in Field Operations AD 756 434 TM 6-335 Dec 1951 Tests of Commercially Available Cementitious Materials AD 756 430 Tt~ 6-336 Feb 1952 Tests on Concrete and ~1ortar Surfaces Cast Against Various Types of Forms and Form Linings AD B951 668 Unnumbered Mar 1952 Results of Special Investigation of Concrete Cores from Five Dams --Petrographic Report Unnumbered Mar 1952 Report of Investigation of Placing Procedures for Elimination of Excessive Air Pockets in Concrete Surfaces, Hickman Floodwall, Hickman, Kentucky TM 6-345 May 1952 Effect of Vibration on Air Content of Mass Concrete AD 756 429 TM 6-352 Nov 1952 Investigation of Field Methods Content of Mass Concrete for Determining Air TM 6-353 Feb 1953 Investigation of Vacuum Treatment of Mass Concrete Surfaces AD B951 667 TM 6-359 May 1953 Tests of Blends of Portland Cement with Masonry Cement AD 688 650 TM 6-368 Tests for Chemical Aggregate: Reactivity Between Alkalies and Aug 1953 Report 1 Quick Chemical Test Sep 1956 Report 2 Mortar-Bar Test Oct 1967 Report 3 Further Investigation of the Mortar-Bar Test, by B. J. Houston AD 662 706 m 6-370 Sep 1953 Test Data --Concrete Aggregates in Continental States (Supplements are issued annually}: United Vol !~estern United States Vol II North Central United States Vol III South Central United States Vol IV Southeastern United States Vol V Eastern United States Sep 1976 Vol VI Alaska m 6-371 Oct 1953 Laboratory Investigation of Certain Limestone Aggregatesfor Concrete AD A950 077 CONCRETE LABORATORY Date -~-- Technical Memoranda Title ----·--·-----------~------ AD Number TH 6-380 Mar 1954 Permeability and Triaxial Tests of Lean Mass Concrete AD 690 232 TM 5-383 Field Soniscope Tests of Concrete: Apr 1954 Report 1953 Tests Mar 1958 Report 2 1953-1957 Tests AD 687 369 Mar 1967 Report 3 Ten-Year Summary of Results, by H. T. Thornton AD 649 314 TM 6-385 Jun 1954 Tests of Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete AD 688 080 TM 6-390 Aug 1954 Effects of a Proprietary Chemical Properties of Concrete Admixture on the AD 8951 666 TM 6-395 Nov 1954 Cooperative Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Concrete Specimens TM 6-399 Mar 1955 Tests of Anchors for Mass-Concrete Forms AD B951 670 TM 6-407 May 1955 Tests of Weighing Batching and Recording Equipment for Concrete AD 756 427 TM 6-410 Jul 1955 Heat of Hydration of Blends of a Cement Portland and a Natural AD B950 196 TM 6-412 Tensile Crack Exposure Tests: Jul 1955 Report 1 Tensile Crack Exposure Tests for Concrete Beams Reinforced AD 688 879 Nov 1964 Report 2 Results of Tests of Reinforced 1955-1963, by E. c. Roshore Concrete Beams, AD 687 373 Jan 1980 Report 3 Laboratory Evaluation of Series "A" Beams with Results ffom 1951 to 1975, by E. F. O'Neil AD A081 302 Mar 1984 Report 4 Statistical Analysis of the Long-Term Durability of Series "B" Beams, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-C) (also cited as CTIAC No. 59) Tr1 6-419 Tests of Sanded Grouts: Oct 1955 Report 1 Influence of Chemicals and Pumpabil i ty Mineral Fines on AD A950 003 Oct 1955 Report 2 Influence of Sand Grading and Mineral Fines on Pumpability Addition of AD A950 004 Feb 1957 Report 3 Influence of Grading and Specific Gravity of Manufactured Sands on Pumpability AD 8951 760 Oct 1958 Report 4 Influence of Manufactured Sands and on Pumpability, and Evaluation of a Mixer Admixtures Concrete AD 757 405 Apr 1963 Report 5 Effects of Fly Ash in Grouting Coarse Sands and Fine Gravels AD 8951 759 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number-------- TM 6-421 Plastic-Glass Fiber Reinforcement for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete: Nov 1955 Report 1 Summary of Information Available as of 1 July AD 845 377 1955 Nov 1959 Report 2 Summary of Information Available 1 July 1955 to 1 January 1959 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 6-437 Oct 1956 Pressure Grouting Fine Fissures AD 660 312 TR 6-440 Nov 1956 Requirements for Water for Use in Mixing or Curing AD A078 857 Concrete TR 6-445 Dec 1956 Investigation of Portland Blast· Furnace Slag Cements AD 756 441 Sep 1965 Report 2 Supplementary Data AD 756 281 TR 6-454 May 1957 Investigation of the Improved Carlson Stress Meter AD 756 440 Jul 1966 Report 2 Supplementary Tests, by E. E4 McCoy AD 637 722 TR 6-473 Feb 1958 Tests of Holding Strength of Form Anchors Embedded in AD 688 516 Concrete Placed and Cast at Reduced Temperatures TR 6-476 Mar 1958 Evaluation of Electric Meters for Determining Moisture Content of Fine Aggregate TR 6-481 Jul 1958 Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures in Preventing AD A078 856 Excessive Expansion of Concrete Due to Alkali Aggregate Reaction TR 6-486 Jul 1958 Review of Available Information on Polyvinyl Acetate as an Admixture for Concrete TR 6-518 Jul 1959 Investigation of Methods of Preparing Horizontal Con struction Joints in Concrete Jul 1963 Report 2 Tests of Joints in Large Blocks AD 688 075 Jun 1966 Report 3 Effects of Iron Stain on Joints, by J. E. AD 634 334 McDonald and E. F. Smith Aug 1973 Report 4 Evaluation of High-Pressure Water Jet and AD 766 694 Joint Preparation Procedures, bv W4 00 Tynes and w. F. HcCleese TR 6-521 Epoxy Resins for Use on Civil Works Projects: Aug 1959 Report 1 Summarv of Data Available as of 1 Mar 1959 AD 478 995 TR 6-522 Aug 1959 Investigation of Compressive Strength of Molded Cylin AD 751 101 ders and Drilled Cores of Concrete TR 6-525 Oct 1959 Evaluation Tests of a Concrete Mixer of the Turbine Type AD 751 102 TR 6-540 Apr 1960 An IBM-650 Program for the Computation of Thermal AD 751 131 Gradients in Mass Concrete Structures TR 6-541 May 1960 Portland-Pozzolan Cement Made with Tennessee Vallev AD 751 103 Authority Fly Ash Number TR 6-543 TR 6-544 TR 6-546 TR 6-553 TR 6-559 TR 6-562 TR 6-569 Date May 1960 May 1960 Oct 1962 May 1960 Mar 1961 Jun 1963 Dec 1965 Jan 1971 Jan 1968 Aug 1970 Jan 1972 Jun 1975 Jun 1960 Revised Jun 1961 Dec 1960 Mar 1961 May 1961 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Methods for Sampling and Determining Sieve Analysis of Aggregates Larger than One and One-Half Inch Sieve Influence of Fine-Aggregate Grading on Properties of Concrete: Report 1 A Review of Literature Report 2 Laboratory Investigation Investigation of Nonmetallic Waterstops: Report 1 Preliminary Laboratory and Field Exposure Tests Report 2 Evaluation of the Effect-of-Alkalies and Accelerated Extraction Tests Report 3 Progress Report of Laboratory and Field Exposure Tests Report 4 Water Retentivity and Tensile Strength of Splices Report 5 Water Retentivity of Labyrinth-Shaped Water stops, by B. J. Houston Report 6 Effect of Exposure, by B. J. Houston Report 7 Preparation of Laboratory Test Samples from Finished Waterstops, by B. J. Houston Report 8 Effect of Specimen Size and Low Temperature on Waterstop Test Results, by B. J. Houston Report 9 Final Report of Effect of Exposure, by B. J. Houston Investigation of Performance of Concrete and Concreting Materials Exposed to Natural Weathering (with periodic revisions): Volume l Active Investigations Volume 2 Completed Investigations Investigation of ~1ethods of Finishing Formed Concrete Surfaces Development of ~1ethod of Test for Concrete Mixer Per formance Sulfate-Resistant Concrete: Report l Literature Review AD Number AD 751 104 AD 751 105 AD 751 106 AD 666 203 AD 751 107 AD 751 108 AD 751 176 AD 718 226 AD 666 203 AD 714 219 AD 737 174 AD A012 118 AD A075 359 AD A093 388 AD A075 360 AD 732 222 AD 732 223 AD 731 652 CONCRETE LABORATORY Numb::.:e:;.:.r___ Date-- Titl:..:e;........._ AD Number TR 6-570 Durability and Behavior of Prestressed Con0rete Beams: Jun 1961 Report 1 Pretensioned Concrete Investigation, Progress AD 731 653 to July 1960 Mar 1967 Report 2 Posttensioned Concrete Investigation, Progress AD 650 727 to July 1966, by E c_ Roshore Oct 1971 Report 3 Laboratory Tests of Weathered Pretensioned AD 732 442 Beams, by E c_ Roshore Feb 1977 Report 4 Posttensioned Concrete Beam Investigation with AD A038 444 Laboratory Tests from June 1961 to September 1975, by E F-O'Neil Jun 1976 Report 5 Laboratory Tests of Weathered Pretensioned AD A025 694 Beams, by E~ F~ O'Neil Oct 1984 Report 6 Posttensioned Concrete Beam Investigation, AD A148 821 Supplemental Laboratory Tests of Beams Ex posed from 1961 to 1982, by E- F_ O'Neil and G- L- Odom TR 6-581 Study of Chert Popouts, Wolf River Floodwall, Memphis, Tennessee: Nov 1961 Report 1 Initial Observations AD 694 378 Feb 1972 Report 2 Further Observations, by A. D- Buck AD 740 159 TR 6-583 Nov 1961 Nature and Distribution of Particles of Various Sizes AD 731 654 in Fly Ash TR 6-584 De<:! 1961 Investigation of Water-Reducing Admixtures for Concrete AD 731 655 TR 6-593 Investigation of Gap Gradings of Concrete Aggregates: Feb 1962 Report 1 Review of Available Information AD 688 076 TR 6-596 Investigations of Concrete Masonry: Mar 1962 Report 1 Uniform Concrete Masonry Testing Procedure AD 731 656 TR 6-598 Investigation of Partially Compacted Weight of Concrete as a Measure of Workability: Apr 1962 Report 1 Preliminary Tests AD 688 517 Aug 1963 Report 2 Tests of Large-Aggregate Concrete AD 688 515 TR 6-606 Aug 1962 Investigation of Refrigerated Slurry AD 688 077 TR 6-607 Aug 1962 Investigation of Shrinkage-Resistant Grout Mixtures AD 806 962 Number Date TR 6-614 Jan 1963 TR 6-627 Jun 1963 TR 6-629 Jun 1963 TR 6-635 Nov 1963 TR 6-637 Dec 1963 TR 6-646 r~ay 1964 TR 6-654 Aug 1964 Mar 1970 TR 6-669 Jan 1965 Aug 1967 TR 6-691 Sep 1965 TR 6-706 Nov 1965 Feb 1969 TR 6-717 r~ar 1966 TR 6-747 Dec 1966 TR 6-748 Nov 1966 Oct 1976 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Project DRIBBLE, Petrographic Examination and Physical Tests of Cores, Tatum Salt Dome, Mississippi Influence of Alkali Content of Fly Ash on Effectiveness in Preventing Expansion of Concrete Aggregate Investigations, t~ilford Dam, Kansas, Examina tion of Cores from Concrete Structures High-Strength, High-Density Concrete Petrographic Examination of Concrete Cores, Chickamauga Dam Powerhouse -Unit 3, Tennessee Valley Authority Precast Concrete Elements with Bamboo Reinforcement Investigation of Instruments for Measuring Pore Pressures in Concrete: Report 1 Literature Review and Preliminary Laboratory Tests Report 2 Instruments Installed at Hartwell Dam,Georgia, by E. C. Roshore Determination of the Hugoniot Equation of State of Grout: Report 1 1963 Tests, by Howard Sugiuchi Report 2 1964 Tests, by Howard Sugiuchi and B. R. Sullivan Investigation of Expanding Cements: Report 1 Summary of Information Available as of 1 July 1963, by Bryant Mather Thermal Stabilization of Soils: Report 1 Exploratory Laboratory Studies, by D. E. Day Report 2 Stabilization in Place, by B. D. Ainsworth and Katharine Mather Effects on Concrete Quality of Fluctuations, Within Specification Limits, in Coarse Aggregate Grading, by W. 0. Tynes Development of t1ethods of Testing Aggregate Larger Than 1-1/2 Inch, by R. L. Curry and A. D. Buck Comparison of Properties of Mass Concrete Containing 3and 6-in. Maximum Size, Crushed Limestone Coarse Aggregate, by W. 0. Tynes Errata Sheet AD Number AD 804 858 AD 687 367 AD 732 224 AD 450 625 AD 732 421 AD 701 189 AD 704 718 AD 677 397 AD 674 646 AD 626 654 AD 631 239 AD 646 502 AD 643 765 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 6-763 Shock-Absorbing Materials: Mar 1967 Report 1 Backpacking r4aterials for Deeply Buried Protective Structures, by G. C. Hoff AD 654 511 Jun 1971 Report 2 Cellular Concrete by G. C. Hoff as a Backpacking Material, AD 726 967 Apr 1968 Report 3 Selection of a Suitable Low-Density Concrete for Backpacking for a Proposed Field Test, by AD 669 596 G. C. Hoff Nov 1968 Report 4 Aging of Backpacking Materials, by G. W. F. McCleese, and J. M. Holzer C. Hoff, AD 681 910 TR 6-764 Development of a Microcracking Technique for f~easuring In Situ Stress and Strain: Mar 1967 Report 1 Labot·atory Tests, by R. L. Stowe AD 650 563 ~1ar 1967 Report 2 Field Tests, by R. L. Stowe AD 650 564 TR 6-780 Study of Vibration of Concrete:. Jun 1967 Report 1 Review of Literature, by Howard Sugiuchi AD 655 261 Aug 1969 Report 2 Mechanical Sullivan Impedance Measurements, by B. · R. AD 695 615 Sep 1977 Report 3 r1echanics of Motion of Fresh Concrete, by A. ~1. Alexander AD A045 158 TR 6-782 Jun 1967 Freezing-and-Thawing Tests of Concrete of Various Strengths and Air Contents, by E. C. Roshore AD 654 800 TR 6-784 Jul 1967 Investigation of Concrete in Eisenhower and Snell Locks, St. Lawrence Seaway, by A. D. Buck, Bryant Mather, and H. T. Thornton AD 655 504 TR 6-785 Jul 1967 Deleterious Effects of Form Lumber on Concrete Surfaces, AD 654 983 by Leonard Pepper and C. F. Derrington TR 6-787 Sep 1967 Cement Performance in Concrete, by Bryant Mather AD 658 732 TR 6-788 Jul 1967 Methods of Reducing the Size and Number of Voids Formed Concrete Surfaces, by B. J. Houston on AD 657 215 TR 6-802 Nov 1967 Shock Response of Rock at Pressures Bel01~ 30 Kilobars, by n. L. Ainsworth and B. R. Sullivan AD 663 823 TR 6-804 Dec 1967 Investigation of Maximum Allowable Water-Cement Ratios for Mass Concrete, by K. L. Saucier and F. S. Stewart AD 663 796 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 6-811 Strain Meters and Stress Meters for Embedment in Models of ~1ass Concrete Structures: Jan 1968 Report 1 Summary of Information Available 1967, by H. G. Geymayer as of March AD 666 182 Jul 1972 Report 2 Evaluation of Microdot Embedment Strain Gage,by J. E. McDonald AD A032 834 TR 6-816 Mar 1968 Evaluation of a Vibrating Spade to Eliminate Surface Voids on Formed Concrete Surfaces, by B. J. Houston AD 667 967 TR 6-818 Static Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams: r~ar 1968 Report 1 Development of Iterative Analysis Procedure and Tests,of Beams Reinforced with Steel, AD 669 609 Aluminum, and Fiber Glass, With and Without Helical Compressive Reinforcement, by H. G. Geymayer TR 6-819 Apr 1968 Effect of Fineness of Continuously Graded Coarse Aggregate on Properties of Concrete, by W. 0. Tynes AD 668 914 TR C-68-1 Jul 1968 Use of t1embrane-Forming Curing Compounds on Concrete Surfaces That Are to be Painted, by B. J. Houston AD 673 705 Oct 1976 Report 2 Supplementary Tests, by B. J. Houston and E. c. Roshore (also cited as CTIAC No. 22) AD A031 636 TR C-69-1 Feb 1969 Air Entrainment in t1ass Concrete, by W. Bryant Mather 0. Tynes and AD 684 357 TR C-69-2 t1ar 1969 Correlation of Hardened Concrete Test Methods and AD 684 920 Results, by K. L. Saucier TR C-69-3 Expedient Reinforcement for Concrete for Use east Asia: in South Feb 1969 Report 1 Preliminary Tests of Bamboo, by F. H. G. Geymayer B. Cox and AD 685 824 t1ar 1970 Report 2 Preliminary Tests of Barbed Wire, Concertina Wire, Wire Rope, Landing Mat, and Landing Mat Tie Bars, by F. B. Cox and H. G. Geymayer AD 706 846 Dec 1970 Report 3 Additional Tests of Bamboo, by F. J. E. ~1i::Dona1 d B. Cox and AD A032 835 TR C-69-4 t·1ar 1969 Use of Epoxy or Polyester Resin Concrete in Tensile Zone of Composite Concrete Beams, by H. G. Geymayer AD 684 922 TR C-69-5 t~ar 1969 The Effect of Confining Reinforcement on the Ductilityof Reinforced Concrete Beams, by J. E. McDonald AD 685 809 Number Date TR C-69-6 t1ay 1969 Apr 1972 TR C-69-7 Jun 1969 TR C-69-8 Jul 1969 TR C-69-9 Oct 1969 TR C-70-1 Feb 1970 TR C-70-2 May 1970 TR C-70-3 May 1970 TR C-70-4 Sep 1970 TR C-71-1 Jul 1971 TR C-71-2 Sep 1971 TR C-72-1 Jul 1972 TR C-72-2 Aug 1972 TR C-72-3 Sep 1972 TR C-73-1 Feb 1973 * TR C-73-2 Aug 1973 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Effects of Duration of t1oist Curing on Concrete Made with Blended Cements or Pozzolans: Report 1 Laboratory Investigations of 3/4-in.-Aggregate Concrete, by W. 0. Tynes Report 2 Laboratory Investigations of 6-in.-Aggregate Concrete, by W. 0. Tynes Investigation of Colorless and t~ater-Based Concrete Curing Compounds, by C. F. Derrington Effects of Axial Restraint on Length Change of Expanding ~1ortar Bars, by B. J. Houston Accelerated Strength Tests of Pozzolans, by R. L. Curry Short-and Long-Time Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs, by H. G. Geymayer and J. E. t1cDonald Investigation of Expanding Grout and Concrete: Report 1 Preliminary Studies, by B. J. Houston A Study of the Feasibility of Methods for Increasing the Load-Carrying Capacities of Existing Concrete Beams, by F. B. Cox Tests of Selected Insulating ~1ateria1s for t1ass Concrete, by E. C. Roshore and H. T. Thornton Survey of Applications of Epoxy Resins for Civil Works Projects, by C. F. Derrington and Leonard Pepper Effects of Water on Epoxy-Resin Systems, by T. B. Husbands, C. F. Derrington, and Leonard Pepper Small-Scale '1odels for Studying Effects of Creep and Shrinkage on Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Slabs, by F. B. Cox Cement Durability Program, Long-Term Field Exposure of Concrete Columns; Final Report, by E. C. Roshore Laboratory Investigation of 4-1/2-in. Aggregate Concrete t1ixtures with High \'later-Cement Ratios, by W. 0. Tynes Analyses of Check-Test Results of Pozzolan Samples, by L. Pepper Computer Study of Steel Tunnel Supports, by G. S. Orenstein AD Number AD 690 233 AD 742 649 AD 689 539 AD 692 300 AD 697 146 AD 704 333 AD 710 964 AD 709 586 AD 756 113 AD 728 813 AD 730 744 AD 746 974 AD 747 355 AD 751 132 AD 757 148 AD 913 677 * Statement B. See Preface. Number TR C-74-1 TR C-74-2 TR C-74-3 TR C-74-4 TR C-74-5 TR C-74-6 TR C-74-7 TR C-75-1 TR C-75-2 TR C-75-3 TR C-75-4 TR C-76-1 TR C-76-2 TR C-76-3 TR C-76-4 Date Mar 1974 Jun 1974 Jul 1974 Sep 1974 Jul 1974 Aug 1974 Nov 1974 May 1975 Jul 1975 Sep 1975 Oct 1975 Feb 1976 Aug 1976 Sep 1976 Oct 1976 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Equipment and Test Procedure for Determining Multiaxial Tensile and Combined Tensile-Compressive Strength of Concrete, by K. L. Saucier AD 777 784 Correlation Between Tensile and Compressive Strengths for Lean Mass Concrete, by W. 0. Tynes AD 781 489 Laboratory Investigation of Slipform Construction for Use in Mass Concrete Structures, by K. L. Saucier AD 784 094 Use of Belt ConveyorsK. L. Saucier to Transport t1ass Concrete, by AD AOlO 327 Investigation of Shotcrete, by W. McCleese 0. Tynes and ~1. F. AD 783 460 Use of Self-Stressing Expansive Cements in LargeSections of Grout, t1ortar, and Concrete: Report 1 Pumpable t~ortar Studies, by G. C. Hoff AD 787 271 Crack-Arrest Techniques in Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements: Report 1 Laboratory Tests, by F. B. Cox AD A002 661 t1oisture Migration in Concrete, by J. E. l~cDonald AD AOll 257 A Concept for Rapid Repair of Bomb-Damaged RunwaysUsing Regulated-Set Cement, by G. C. Hoff (includesAppendixes A-B) AD A013 517 Control of Reactive A. 0. Buck Carbonate Rocks in Concrete, by AD A016 355 Time-Dependent Deformation of Concrete Under t1ultiaxial Stress Conditions, by J. E. McDonald (includesAppendixes A-C) An Evaluation of Selected Instruments Used to Measure the Moisture Content of Hardened Concrete, by E. F. O'Neil and J. E. McDonald AD A022 601 Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Polymeric Cavitation Erosion-Resistant Materials on Concrete, by T. B. Husbands and Leona~d Pepper AD A029 843 Evaluation of Admixtures for Use in Concrete Placed Underwater, by W. 0. Tynes (includesAppendixes A-B) to be AD A031 002 Investigation of Frost Resistance of Mortar and Concrete, by A. D. Buck AD A034 520 Number Date TR C-76-2 Aug 1976 TR C-76-3 Sep 1976 TR C-76-4 Oct 1976 TR C-77-l Apr 1977 Jan 1980 TR C-78-l Feb 1978 TR C-78-2 * Mar 1978 TR C-78-3 May 1978 TR C-78-4 Sep 1978 Apr 1980 Jul 19il0 CONCRETE LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Polvmeric Cavitation Erosion-Resistant Materials on Concrete, by T~ B~ Husbands and Leonard Pepper Evaluation of Admixtures for Use in Concrete to be Placed Underwater, by W. o. Tynes (includes Appendixes A-B) Investigation of Frost Resistance of Mortar and Concrete, by A. D~ Buck Investigation of Proprietary Admixtures, by w. o. Tynes Report 2 1977-1978 Tests, by K. L. Saucier Precast Concrete Elements for Structures in Selected Theaters of Operations, by J. E. McDonald and T~ C. Liu (includes Appendixes A-I) Repair and Restoration of Paved Surfaces: Report l Bomb Damage Repair Fields Trials, June 1975 -November 1976, bv c. E. Collum, R. H. Denson, and G~ C~ Hoff (includes Appendix A) Structural Integrity of Brick-Veneer Buildings, by c. E. Pace and R~ L. Campbell Maintenance and Preservation of Concrete Structures Report 1 Annotated Bibiography, 1927-1977, by T. c~ Liu, E. F. O'Neil, and J. E. McDonald Report 2 Repair of Erosion-Damaged Structures, by J~ E. McDonald Report 3 Abrasion-Erosion Resistance of Concrete, by T. c. Liu (includes Appendixes A-C) AD Number AD A029 843 AD A03l 002 AD A034 520 AD A039 612 AD A053 165 AD B026 125L AD A055 972 AD A062 694 AD A089 764 AD A090 032 * Statement B. See Preface. CONCRETE LABORATORY Date CTIAC-1 Jan 1973 CTIAC-2 Jan 1973 CTIAC-3 Jan 1973 CTIAC-4 May 1983 CTIAC-5 Apr 1972 CTIAC-6 Jan 1973 CTIAC-7 Oct 1968 CTIAC-8 Oct 1972 CTIAC-9 Dec 1972 CTIAC-10 Feb 1974 CTIAC-11 Dec 1972 CTIAC-12 Nov 1973 CTIAC13 Ju~ 1978 CTIAC-14 Jun 1974 CTIAC-15 Jun 1975 by D. L. Ainsworth (published as Miscellaneous Paper ..:.T..::i..;;t.;;.l.;;.e___________________ ·------- Fast Setting Cement; Literature Survey, by c. F. Derrington (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-73-1) vlaterproof Membrane Systems for Use on Concrete Bridge Decks, by c. F. Derrington (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-73-2) Test Data on Aggregate Sources, New York State, by A. D. Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-73-3) Investigation of Cement Pastes and Related Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction, by Katharine Mather, c. R. Hallford, J. P. Burkes, and A. D. Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper ~L-83-6) New Applications of Grout and Concrete as Shock Impedance Matching Materials for Geologic Formations, C-72-10) Identification of Samples of Objects Recovered from Ocean Floor, by K. Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-73-4) Investigation of Methods for Removing Stains from Mortar and Concrete, bv c. F. Derrington, R. L. Stowe, and W. G. Miller (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-68-8) Expansive Cements and Their Use, by G. c. Hoff (pub lished as Miscellaneous Paper C-72-22) Use of Recycled Concrete as Aggregate, by A. D. Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-72-23) Research and Development of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in North America, by G. c. Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-74-3) Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center (CTIAC), Evaluation of Pilot Study, by Bryant Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-72-24) Examination of Cores from Four Highway Bridges in Georgia, by K. Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-73-11) Bibliographv o~ Grouting (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-8) Analysis of Hardened Concretes (Analyse des betons durcis), by the Chemical Commission of the Comite d'Etudes Techniques de l'Industrie du Ciment (Committee of Technical Studies of the Cement Industry) (published as WES Translation No. 74-10) Use of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in Hydraulic Structures and Marine Environments, by G. c. Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-75-4) AD Number AD A030 962 AD A130 586 AD A002 660 AD A030 963 AD 680 321 AD A030 961 AD A029 832 AD A029 823 AD 755 837 AD A030 964 AD A057 831 AD AOlO 640 CONCRETE LABORATORY Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Reports Number Date Title AD Number CTIAC-16 May 1975 Use of Regulated-Set Cement in Cold Weather Environ AD AOll 265 ments, by G~ c. Hoff, B. J. Houston, and F. H~ Sayles (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-75-5) CTIAC-17 May 1975 New Concern Over Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, by Bryant AD AOlO 641 Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-75-3) * CTIAC-18 Apr 1976 Compaction: Present Trends (Le compactage: orienta AD B065 700L tions actuelles), by E. Leflaive and G~ Morel (pub lished as Translation No. 76-1) CTIAC-19 Apr 1976 Recycled Concrete as a Source of Aggregate, by A~ D~ AD A024 055 Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-2) * CTIAC-20 Jun 1976 Characterization of Tuff and Development of Grouts for AD B012 430L Mighty Epic Structures Program, by s. W. Butters, R. L. Stowe, J. vi. LaComb, and R. A. Bendinelli (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-7) (includes Appendixes A-B) CTIAC-21 Jun 1976 Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement and AD A032 082 Concrete, by G. c. Hoff, C. M. Fontenot, and J~ G. Tom (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-6) CTIAC-22 Oct 1976 Supplementary Tests, by B~ J. Houston and E~ c. Roshore AD A03l 636 (published as Technical Report C-68-1, Report 2) CTIAC-23 Jun 1977 Dynamic Properties of Mass Concrete, by K. L. Saucier AD A043 004 (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-77-6) CTIAC-24 May 1977 Creep of Concrete Under Various Temperature, Moisture, AD A040 655 and Loading Conditions, by J. E. McDonald (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-77-3) CTIAC-25 Sep 1977 Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement AD A044 433 and Concrete; Supplement No. 1, by G. C~ Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-6, Suppl. No. 1) CTIAC-26 Aug 1977 The Effect of Alkalies on the Properties of Concrete, AD A044 565 Edited by A. B. Poole (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-77-10) CTIAC-27 Oct 1977 Concrete Ships and Vessels -Past, Present, and Future, AD A045 706 by T. c. Liu and J. E. McDonald (published as Mis cellaneous Paper C-77-12) CTIAC-28 Sep 1978 Acid Attack of Concrete Caused by Sulfur Bacteria AD A059 687 Action, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. (published as Mis cellaneous Paper C-78-14) * Statement B. See Preface. CONCRETE LABORATORY Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Reports Number Date Title AD Number CTIAC-29 Apr 1978 A Look at Type K Shrinkage-Compensating Cement Production and Specifications, by G. C. Hoff and Katharine Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-2) AD A053 997 CTIAC-30 Apr 1978 Tests of High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures, byBryant Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-3) AD A053 998 CTIAC-31 May 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction Products from Several Concretes: Optical, Chemical, and X-ray Diffraction Data, by A. D. Buck and Katharine Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-7) AD A055 742 CTIAC-32 Aug 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete from Hiwassee Dam, North Carolina, Tennessee Valley Authority, by A. D. Buck and J. P. Burkes (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-10) AD A059 987 CTIAC-33 Sep 1978 Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete from the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Georgia-South Carolina, by A. D. Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper AD A059 980 C-78-13) CTIAC-34 Sep. 1978 Concrete for Earth-Covered Structures, by J. E. McDonald and T. C. Liu (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-78-15) AD A061 469 CTIAC-35 Jan 1979 US-USSR Scientific Exchange Program in the Field of Polymer Concrete, by J. M. Scanlon (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-3) AD A065 318 CTIAC-36 Jan 1979 nuality Control During Hot and Cold Weather Concreting,by J. r~. Scanlon (published as t·1iscellaneous PaperSL-79-4) AD A066 989 CTIAC-37 May 1979 High-Strength Concrete, Past, Present, Future, byK. L. Saucier (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-1?.) AD A069 881 CTIAC-38 Aug 1979 Testing of 6-In.-Oiameter Concrete Cores from r~artin Dam, Alabama Power Company, by D. L. Ainsworth, A. D. Buck, S. A. Ragan, and Katharine Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-17) AD A073 404 CTIAC-39 Jul 1979 Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement and Concrete; Supplement No. 2, by G. t. Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-6, Suppl. AD A075 064 No. 2) CTIAC..:4o Jun 1979 Repair of Concrete Surfaces Subjected to Abrasion Erosion Damage, by J. E. McDonald and T. C. Liu (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-15) AD A073 085 Number Date CTIAC-41 Sep 1979 CTIAC-42 Dec 1980 CTIAC-43 Sep 1980 CTIAC-44 Oct 1980 CTIAC-45 Sep 1981 CTIAC-46 Jan 1981 CTIAC-47 Jul 1981 CTIAC-48 Aug 1982 CTIAC-49 Apr 1982 CTIAC-50 Apr 1982 CTIAC-51 Jun 1982 CONCRETE LABORATORY Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Reports Title The 7.6-Angstrom Reaction Product in Smectite Clay-Lime Mixtures, by A. D. Buck and Katharine Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-79-22) Concrete Deterioration in Spillway Warm-Water Chute, Raystown Dam, Pennsylvania, by T. c. Holland, T4 B. Husbands, A. D. Buck, and G. s. Wong (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-80-19) Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement and Concrete; Supplement No. 3, by G4 c_ Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Pape~ C-76-6, Suppl. No. 3) Factors Affecting Sulfate Resistance of Mortars, by Katharine Mather (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-80-17) Cold Weather Construction Materials; Part 2: Regulated-Set Cement for Cold Weather Concreting; Field Validation of Laboratory Results, bv B. J. Houston and G. c. Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-75-11, Part 2) (includes Appendixes A-B) Porous Portland Cement Concrete: The State of the Art, by Alfred Monahan (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-81-10) Characterization and Reactivity of Silica Fume, by A-D-Buck and J. P. Burkes (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-81-13) Selected Bibliography on Fiber-Reinforced Cement and Concrete; Supplement No. 4, by G. C. Hoff (published as Miscellaneous Paper C-76-6, Suppl. No. 4) Durability of Reinforced Concrete Beams Exposed to Marine Environment, by E. F. O'Neil (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-1) Durability of Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams Exposed to Severe Natural Weathering, by E. F. O'Neil (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-2) Condition Survey of Depere Lock and Dam, Lower Fox River, Wisconsin, by R. L. Stowe and J. C. Ahlvi~ (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-3) (includes Appendixes A-B) AD Number AD A075 351 AD A094 246 AD A090 273 AD A092 831 AD A105 596 AD A098 177 AD A103 369 AD A122 237 AD A117 284 AD A117 283 AD A119 121 Number Date CTIAC-52 Jun 1982 CTIAC-53 Sep 1982 CTIAC-54 Sep 1982 CTIAC-55 Jun 1982 CTIAC-56 Jul 1982 CTIAC-57 Jul 1982 CTIAC-58 Aug 1982 CTIAC-59 Mar 1984 CTIAC-60 Sep 1982 CTIAC-61 Sep 1982 CTIAC-62 Sep 1982 CTIAC-63 May 1983 CONCRETE LABORATORY Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Reports Title AD Number Condition Survey of Cedars Lock and Dam, Lower Fox AD A119 696 River, Wisconsin, by R. L. Stowe and J. c. Ahlvin (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-4) (includes Appendixes A-B) Evaluation of Concrete Cores from Waterbury Dam, AD A123 418 Waterbury, VT., by c. E. Pace, R. L. Stowe, and G. s. Wong (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-14) Evaluation of Three State-of-the-Art Water-Jet Systems AD A123 579 for Cutting/Removing Concrete, by c. E. Pace (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-15) Determination of Properties of Concrete Used in Thermal AD A117 285 Studies :for Lock and Ddm No. 2, Red River Waterway, by T. c. Holland, T. c. Liu, and A. A. Bombich (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-5) (includes Appendixes A-B) Thermal Studies of HEMSS Cylindrical Test Beds Contain-AD A118 993 ing SRI-RMG-2C4 Grout, by A. A. Bombich (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-9) The HEMSS 3T Experiment, by A. A. Bombich (published as AD A120 669 Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-10) Optimization of High-Strength Concrete Mixture Proportions AD A118 966 for the ANMCC Improvement Project, by A. A. Bombich and A. D. Magoun (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-12) (includes Appendixes A-C) Tensile Crack Exposure Tests; Report 4, Statistical Analysis of the Long-Term Durability of Series "B" Beams, by H. T. Thornton, Jr. (published as Technical Memorandum No. 6-412, Report 4) (includes Appendixes A-C) Crack Survey and Gage Installation in Cross-Over Galleries, Kaskaskia Lock, Chester, Illinois, bv R. H. Denson, G. s. Wong, and D. Bean (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-16) (includes Appendixes A-C) Six Candidate Shock Attenuating Material Systems for the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) Improvement Project -Omaha District, by R. H. Denson, W. B. Ledbetter, and Donald Saylak (published as Miscel laneous Paper SL-82-17) (includes Appendixes A-C) Concrete Temperature Control Study for the Old River AD A120 419 Auxiliary Structure, by A. A. Bombich (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-82-18) Studies of the Constitution of Fly Ash Using AD A132 041 Selective Dissolution, by A. D. Buck, T. B. Husbands, and J. P. Burkes (published as ~1i.scellaneous Paper SL-83-5) (includes Appendixes A-B) CONCRETE LABORATORY Concrete Technology Information Analysis Center Reports Number___ Date Title AD Number CT!AC-64 Sep 1983 Preventative Measures to Limit Stress Corrosion AD A136 665 Cracking in Prestressed Concrete, byE~ F~ O'Neil (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-83-14) CT!AC-65 Aug 1983 Alkali Reactivity of Strained Quartz as a ConAD A133 909 stituent of Concrete Aggregate, by A~ D~ Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-83-13) CTIAC-66 Sep 1983 Abrasion-Erosion Resistance of Concrete Made AD A133 432 with Two Aggregates, Stonewall Jackson Dam, West Virginia, bv T~ C. Holland (published as Mis cellaneous Paper SL-83-15) CTIAC-67 Sep 1983 Abrasion-Erosion Evaluation of Concrete Mixtures AD A133 488 for Stilling Basin Repairs, Kinzua Dam, Pennsylvania, by T~ c~ Holland (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-83-16) (includes Appendixes A-C) CTIAC-68 Feb 1984 Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete in a North AD A140 098 Dakota Highwav, by A~ D~ Buck (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-84-2) CTIAC-70 Mar 1984 High-Strength Concrete for Peacekeeper Facilities, AD A140 510 by K. L. Saucier (published as Miscellaneous Paper SL-84-3) CONCRETE LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title o~_o_r~t-------------------------- AD Number THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, Hichigan CR C-71-l May 1971 Latex Modification of Fast-Fix C-1 Cement for the Rapid AD 727 728 Repair of Bomb-Damaged Runways, by R. D. Eash and G. M. Hart SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, San Antonio, Texas CR 6-87 May 1964 Feasibility of Foamed Sulfur as a Material for Shock Isolating Large Underground Structures, by J~ M. Dale, A~ c. Ludwig, and G. E. Nevill UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, STRUCTURAL MECHANICS RESEARCH LABORATORY, Austin CR 6-83 Oct 1963 A Study of Vermiculite Concrete as a Sho0k-Isolating AD 431 606 Material, by E. F. Smith and J. N. Thompson CR 6-126 Jul 1965 The Effects of Shape of Load Pulse on Shock-Mitigating AD 623 317 Characteristics of a Styrofoam Plastic, by R. I. Carr, E. s. Perry, E. A. Ripperger, and J. N. Thompson CR 6-127 Jul 1965 A Study of the Interaction of Cushioning Materials and AD 623 327 Structural Elements, by Mansour Nikkhah, N. H. Burns, and J. N. Thompson CR 6-160 Dec 1966 A Study of the Response of Backpacking Material Encas AD 647 006 ing a Tunnel Liner Subjected to a Dynamic Disturbance, by Salah Nosseir, E. s. Perry, and J. N. Thompson ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY ENVIRONr1ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Information Exchange Bulletins Volume Date Title AD Number IEB D-76-1 May 1976 Dredged ~1aterial Research; Notes, News, Reviews, etc. through through IEB D-76-8 Dec 1976 IEB D-77-1 Jan 1977 Dredged r1aterial Research, Notes, News, Reviews, etc. through through I EB D-77-11 Dec 1977 I EB D-78-1 Jan 1978 Dredged f1aterial Research; Notes, News, Reviews, etc. through through IEB 0-78-9 Sep 1978 E-2 ENVIRONf~ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP D-73-1 through MP D-73-7 Mar 1973 throughDec 1973 Dredged Material Research; Notes. News. Reviews. etc. MP D-73-8 Dec 1973 The Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program. by R. L. Montgomery and F. H. Griffis. Jr. MP D-73-9 Dec 1973 An Overview of the Technical Aspects of the Corpsof Engineers National Dredged Material Research Program. by C. J. Kirby. J. W. Keeley. and J. Harrison MP D-74-1 throughMP 0-74-10 Jan 1974 throughDec 1974 Dredged Material Research; Notes. News. Reviews. etc. MP D-74-11 Jan 1974 Engineering Challenges of Dredged Material Research. by R. M. Meccia. W. c. Allanach. Jr•• and F. H. Griffis. Jr. ~1P D-74-12 Feb 1974 Problem Identification and Assessment for the Corpsof Engineers Dredged f1aterial Research Program. by J. Harrison. R. L. f1ontgomery. and F. H. Griffis. Jr. MP D-74-13 Nov 1974 Effects of Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Material Bottom Topography Along Texas Gulf Coast. by D. F. Bastian on AD A002 659 MP D-74-14 Mar 1974 Discussion of Regulatory Criteria for Ocean Disposalof Dredged Materials: Elutriate Test Rationale and Implementation Guidelines. by J. H. Keeley and R. M. Engler AD 775 826 Unnumbered t1ar 1974 Dredged Material Research Program; First Annual Report AD 781 533 Unnumbered Jan 1975 Dredged Material Research Program; Second Annual Report AD A006 594 MP D-75-1 throughMP D-75-12 Jan 1975 throughDec 1975 Dredged Material Research; Notes. News. Reviews, etc. MP 0-75-13 Apr 1975 General Research Plan for the Field Investigationsof Coastal Dredged Material Disposal Areas. by P.R. Becker, B. W. Holliday. S. E. Palmer. and R. M. Engler AD A009 523 MP D-75-14 Oct 1975 Fourth Semiannual Interagency Briefing, February 1975. Washington. D. c.• by R. T. Saucier and M. K. Vincent (editor) (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A017 556 Unnumbered Jan 1976 Dredged Material Research Program; Third Annual Report AD A025 300 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP D-76-2 Feb 1976 Dredged Material Research; Notes, News, Reviews, etc. AD A022 058 MP D-76-4 Apr 1976 Dredged Material Research; Notes, News, Reviews, etc. AD A024 656 MP D-76-5 Jun 1976 Land Application of Waste Materials from Dredging, Construction, and Demolition Processes, by C. R. Lee, R. M. Engler, and J. L. Mahloch AD A026 842 MP D-76-6 Sep 1976 A Bioassay Dilution Technique to Assess the Significance of Dredged Material Disposal, by R. H. Plumb, Jr. AD A030 263 MP D-76-7 Sep 1976 Bioassessment of the Standard Elutriate Test, by P. J. Shuba, J. H. Carroll, and H. E. Tatem AD A030 793 MP D-76-13 Mar 1976 Dredged Material as a Natural Resource --Concepts for Land Improvement and Reclamation, by R. T. Saucier AD A024 772 MP D-76-14 Feb 1976 Fifth Semiannual Interagency Briefing, August 1975, Washington, D. C., by R. T. Saucier, C. C. Calhoun, Jr., R. M. Engler, R. M. Meccia, and H. K. Smith (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A022 377 MP D-76-15 Feb 1976 A New Concept for Dredged t1aterial M. R. Palermo and R. L. Montgomery Disposal, by AD A022 376 MP D-76-16 Apr 1976 First Steps Toward Achieving DisposalBy R. L. Montgomery and M. R. Palermo Area Reuse, AD A024 646 MP D-76-17 May 1976 Ecological Evaluation of Proposed Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material Into Navigable Waters: Interim Guidance for Implementation of Section 404(b)(1) of Public Law 92-500 (Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) (includes Appendixes A-E) AD A026 882 MP D-76-18 Jun 1976 Distribution of Manganese, Nickel, Zinc, Cadmium, and Arsenic in Sediments and in the Standard Elu AD A026 355 triate, by J. M. Brannon, R. M. Engler, J. R. Rose, P. G. Hunt, and Isaac Smith MP D-76-19 Jul 1976 Sixth Semiannual Interagency Briefing, February 1976, Washington, D. C., by C. C. Calhoun, Jr., R. M. Engler, M. D. Malkasian, R. M. Meccia, and H. K. Smith (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A029 187 Unnumbered Jan 1977 Dredged Material Research Program; Fourth Annual Report AD A043 409 MP D-77-1 Sep 1977 Pregermination Requirements and Establishment Techniques for Salt f·1arsh Plants, by P. K. Falco and F. J. Ca 1i AD A045 514 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP D-77-2 Nov 1977 Field Study to Determine the Feasibility of ElectroOsmotic Dewatering of Dredged Material, by C. E. O'Bannon and U. S. Army Engineer District, Mobile AD A048 566 MP D-77-3 Dec 1977 Feasibility of Pinto Island as a Long-Term Dredged Material Disposal Site, by T. A. Haliburton, P. A. Douglas, and Jack Fowler (includes Appendix A) AD A050 331 MP D-77-4 Dec 1977 An Evaluation of Progressive Trenching as a Techniquefor Dewatering Fine-Grained Dredged Material, by M. R. Palermo (includes Appendixes A-E) AD A052 687 MP D-77-5 Dec 1977 Review of Dredged Material Disposal Techniques to Identify Wildlife Habitat Development Factors, by Dames &Moore (on microfiche only) AD A063 441 MP D-78-1 Jul 1978 A Survey of Potential Medical and Veterinary Diseases at Habitat Development Field Sites, by J. W. Simmers (on microfiche only) AD A061 845 MP D-78-2 Aug 1978 Environmental Impact of Dredged Material Disposalthe Upper Mississippi River at Crosby Slough, byJ. W. Held (on microfiche only) on AD A061 847 MP D-78-3 Aug 1978 Perimeter Dike Raising with Dewatered Fine-Grained Dredged Material at Upper Polecat Bay Disposal Area, Mobile, Alabama, by T. A. Haliburton, Jack Fowler, and J. P. Langan AD A061 353 t1P D-78-4 Aug 1978 Land Use of Dredged Material Containment Areas: Productive Use Examples, by Environmental Laboratory,Ogden Beeman, and A. P. Benkendorf (includes Appendix A) AD A059 723 MP D-78-5 Sep 1978 A Selected Bibliography of the Life Requirements of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds and Their Relationship to Dredged Material Islands, by M. c. Landin AD A061 643 r~P D-78-6 Dec 1978 Field Bioassay Test for Detecting Contaminant Uptakefrom Dredged Material by Marsh Plants, by P. L. Wolf, J. L. Gallagher, and C. H. Pennington AD A066 802 MP D-78-7 Dec 1978 Annotated Tables of Vegetation Growing on Dredged Material Throughout the United States, by t1. C. Landin AD A068 459 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged t1aterial Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR D-74-1 Mar 1974 Investigation of Mathematical ~1odels for the Physical Fate Prediction of Dredged t1aterial, by B. H. Johnson AD 776 368 TR D-74-2 t1ay 1974 Practices and Problems in the Confinement of Dredged Material on Corps of Engineers Projects, by W. L. Murphy and T. ~1. Zeigler AD 780 753 TR D-76-1 Jan 1976 Mathematical Model for Predicting the Consolidation of Dredged t1aterial in Confined Disposal Areas, by L. D. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A020 949 TR D-76-2 Feb 1976 Treatability of Dredged t1ateri al by T. K. r1oore and B. W. Newbry (Laboratory Study), AD A022 143 TR D-76-3 Jun 1976 Application of Ecosystem Modeling Methodologies Dredged Material Research, by R. W. Hall, H. E. Westerdahl, and R. L. Eley to AD A027 207 TR D-76-4 Jun 1976 Feasibility of the Functional !Jse of Vegetation to Filter, Oewater, and Remove Contaminants from Dredged Material, by C. R. Lee, R. E. Hoeppel, P. G. Hunt, and C. A. Carlson (includes Appendixes A-E) AD A028 336 TR D-76-5 Jun 1976 A Hydroponic Study of Heavy t1etal Uptake by Selected r1arsh Plant Species, by C. R. Lee, T. C. Sturgis, and M. C. Landin (includes Appendix A) AD A033 224 TR D-76-6 Nov 1976 Feasibility Study for Dyke t1arsh Demonstration Area, Potomac River, Virginia, by t1. R. Palermo and T. W. Zeigler (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A033 524 TR D-76-7 Dec 1976 Selective Analytical Partitioning of Sediments to Evaluate Potential Mobility of Chemical Constituents During Dredging and Disposal Operations, by J. M. Brannon, R. M. Engler, J. R. Rose, P. G. Hunt, and Isaac Smith (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A035 247 TR D-77-1 Apr 1977 Low-Ground-Pressure Construction Equipment for Use in Dredged Material Containment Area Operation and Maintenance --Equipment Inventory, by C. E. Green and A. A. Rula (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A041 451 TR D-77-2 t1ar 1977 Establishment and Growth of Selected Freshwater and AD A039 495 Coastal Marsh Plants in Relation to Characteristics of Dredged Sediments, by J. W. Barko, R. M. Smart, C. R. Lee, and others Feb 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR D-77-3 t1ar 1977 Biological Assessment of the Soluble Fraction of the Standard Elutriate Test, by P. J. Shuba, J. H. Carroll, and K. L. Wong (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A040 087 TR D-77-4 Apr 1977 State-of-the-Art Applicability of Conventional Densification Techniques to Increase Disposal Area Storage Capacity, by S. J. Johnson, R. W. Cunny, E. B. Perry,and Leslie Devay (includes Appendixes A-D, AppendixesA-C are on microfiche only) AD A041 452 TR 0-77-5 f4ay 1977 Investigation of Subaqueous Borrow Pits as Potential Sites for Dredged ~1aterial Disposal, by J. D. Broughton AD A043 052 TR D-77-6 Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Disposal Site, Long Island Sound: Eatons Neck May 1978 An Environmental Inventory, by S. M. A. Granat, and others P. Cobb, J. R. Reese, AD A055 217 Sep 1977 Appendix A Investigation of the Hydraulic Regime and the Physical Characteristics of Bottom Sedimentation, by Henry Bokuniewicz, Michael Dowling, Jeffery Gebert, Robert Gordon, Peter Kaminsky, Carol Pilbeam, and Catherine Tuttle AD A047 421 Jan 1978 Appendix B Water-Quality Parameters and Physicochemical Sediment Parameters, by Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook AD A053 427 Jun 1978 Errata Sheet No.1 Nov 1977 Appendix C Predisposal Baseline Conditions of Benthic Assemblages, by D. K. Serafy, D. J. Hartzband, and Marcia Bowen AD A050 046 Sep 1977 Appendix D Predisposal Baseline Conditions of Demersal Fish Assemblages, by R. J. Valenti and Stephen Peters AD A045 720 Sep 1977 Appendix E Predisposal Baseline Conditions of Zooplankton Assemblages, by R. I. Caplan AD A045 310 Sep 1977 Appendix F Predisposal Baseline Conditions of Phytoplankton Assemblages, by Robert Nuzzi AD A045 313 TR D-77-7 Aug 1977 Low-Ground-Pressure Construction Equipment for Use in Dredged Material Containment Area Operation and Maintenance: Performance Predictions, by W. EJ Willoughby(includes Appendix A on michrofiche) · AD A044 209 Number Date TR D-77-9 Aug 1977 TR 0-77-10 Sep 1977 TR 0-77-11 Sep 1977 TR D-77-12 Oct 1977 TR D-77-13 Oct 1977 TR D-77-14 Nov 1977 TR D-77-15 Oct 1977 TR D-77-16 Oct 1977 TR D-77-17 Oct 1977 TR D-77-18 Sep 1977 TR 0-77-19 Oct 1977 TR D-77-20 May 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged t1aterial Research Program Technical Reports Title AD Number Design and Construction of Retaining Dikes for Contain-AD A045 311 ment of Dredged t1aterial, by D. P. Hammer and E. D. Blackburn (includes Appendixes A-B) Effects of t1echanical Agitation on Drying Rate of Fine-AD A044 843 Grained Dredged Material, by T. A. Haliburton, G. N. Durham, K. W. Brown, R. E. Peters, and T. B. Delaney, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-C on microfiche) Use of Dredged t1aterial in Solid Waste Management, by AD A045 509 M. J. Bartos, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-B) Mathematical Model of Estuarial Sediment Transport, AD A047 202 by Ranjan Ariathurai, R. C. MacArthur, and R. B. Krone (includes Appendixes A-F) Detailed Design for Dyke f4arsh Demonstration Area, AD A048 179 Potomac River, Virginia, by f1. R. Palermo and T. W. Zeigler (includes Appendixes A-E; Appendixes A-D are on microfiche only) A Laboratory Study of the Turbidity Generation Potential AD A055 646 of Sediments to be Dredged, by B. A. Wechsler and D. R. Cogley (includes Appendixes A-H; Appendixes A-F are on microfiche only) Oxygenation of Dredged f1aterial by Direct Injection of AD A046 482 Oxygen and Air During Open-Water Pipeline Disposal, by R. W. Neal, R. B. Pojasek, and J. C. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-E) Freeze-Thaw Enhancement of the Drainage and Consolida-AD A046 400 tion of Fine-Grained Dredged Material in Confined Disposal Areas, by E. J. Chamberlain and S. E. Blouin Feasibility Study of General Crust Management as a Tech-AD A047 509 nique for Increasing Capacity of Dredged t1aterial Containment Areas, by K. W. Brown and L. J. Thompson (ineludes Appendixes A-D) Classification and Engineering Properties of Dredged AD A047 768 Material, by M. J. Bartos, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-D) Containment Area Management to Promote Natural De-AD A047 514 watering of Fine-Grained Dredged t1aterial, by ~1. J. Bartos, Jr. Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Galveston, Texas, Offshore Disposal Site: Evaluative Summary, by T. n. Wright, D. B. t1athis, and AD AOfil 844 J. M. Brannon ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Number Date=.,::..::::___ Title AD Number TR D-77-20 (Cont) Dec 1977 Appendix A Investigation of the Hydraulic Regimeand Physical Nature of Sedimentation, byE. L. Estes and R. J. Scrudato AD A050 812 Dec 1977 Appendix B Investigation of Water-Quality Parameters and Physicochemical Parameters, by G. F. Lee, Pinaki Bandyopadhyay, Jeannie Butler,and others AD A053 102 ** May 1978 Appendix C Investigation of the Effects of Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal on Offshore Biota, by D. E. Harper, Jr. TR D-77-21 Oct 1977 Sizing of Containment Areas for Dredged Material, byS. E. Lacasse, T. W. Lambe, and W. A. Marr (includesAppendixes A-B) AD A050 038 TR D-77-22 Nov 1977 Field Study of the Effects of Storms on the Stabilityand Fate of Dredged Material in Subaqueous DisposalAreas, by H. J. Bokuniewicz, Jeffery Gebert, R. B. Gordon, Peter Kaminsky, C. C. Pilbeam, Matthew Reed,and Catherine Tuttle AD A049 978 TR D-77-23 Habitat Development Field Investigation, Windmill Marsh Development Site, James River, Virginia: Point Aug 1978 Summary Report, by J. ll. Lunz, T. Huffman, R. J. Oiaz, and others W. Zeigler, R. T. AD A066 224 *** Nov 1977 Appendix A Assessment of Vegetation on ~xistingDredged Material Island, by G. M. Silberhorn and T. A. Barnard, Jr. *** Apr 1978 Appendix B Propagation of Vascular Plants, by E. Garbisch, Jr. W. Nov 1977 Appendix C Environmental Impacts of Marsh Developmentwith Dredged t1aterial: Acute Impacts on the f-1acrobenthic Community, by R. J. Diaz and D. F. Boesch AD A055 319 Jun 1978 Appendix D Environmental Impacts of Marsh Developmentwith Dredged Material: Botany, Soils, Aquatic Biology, and Wildlife, by VirginiaInstitute of t1arine Science, Gloucester AD A061 842 Point ** Reproduced on microfiche; appendix is inclosed in a ***Reproduced on microfiche; appendix is inclosed in a no hard copies are available. Microfiche for this pocket inside the back cover of the Evaluative Summary. no hard copies are available. 11icrofiche for this pocket inside the back cover of the Summary Report. Number TR D-77-23 (Cont) TR D-77-24 Date Aug 1978 Aug 1978 Aug 1978 Jun 1978 t·1ay 1978 Nov 1977 Nov 1977 Jun 1978 Jun 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Title Appendix E Environmental Impacts of Marsh Developmentwith Dredged Material: Metals and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Compounds in ~1arsh Soils and Vascular Plant Tissues, by J. D. Lunz Appendix F Environmental Impacts of Marsh Developmentwith Dredged Material: Sediment and Water Quality: Volume I Characteristics of Channel Sediments Before Dredging and Effluent Quality During and Shortly After Marsh Habitat Development, by D. D. Adams, D. A. Darby, and R. J. Young Volume II Substrate and Chemical Flux Characteristics of a Dredged Material 11arsh, by D. D. Adams, D. A. Darby, and R. J. Young Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Duwamish WaterwayDisposal Site, Puget Sound, Washington: Evaluative Summary, by H. E. Tatem and J. H. Johnson Appendix A Effects of Dredged r~aterial Disposal on Demersal Fish and Shellfish in Elliott Bay,Seattle, Washington, by J. R. Hughes, W. E. Ames, D. A. Misitano, and G. F. Slusser Appendix B Role of Disposal of PCB-Contaminated Sediment in the Accumulation of PCB's by l~arine Animals, by V. F. Stout and L. G. Lewis Appendix C Effects of Dredged Material Disposal on the Concentration of Mercury and Chromium in Several Species of 14arine Animals, by F. M. Teeny and A. S. Hall Appendix D Chemical and Physical Analyses of Water and Sediment in Relation to Disposal of DredgedMaterial in Elliott Bay: Volume February-June 1976, by D. J. Baumgartner, D. W. Schults, and J. B. Carkin Volume II September-December 1976, by S. Sugai, W. R. Schell, A. Nevissi, S. Olsen, and D. Hun tamer AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number A062 170 A061 917 A062 841 A058 445 A058 268 A055 218 A049 616 A058 000 A058 001 E-10 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR D-77-24 (Cont) Jan 1978 Appendix E Release and Distribution of Polychorinated AD A061 987 Biphenyls Induced by Open-Water Dredge Disposal Activities, by S. P. Pavlou, R. N. Dexter, Wilson Hom, A. J. Hafferty, and K. A. Krogsl und Jun 1978 Appendix F Recolonization of Benthic Macrofauna Over a AD A058 442 ** Deep-Water Disposal Site, by R. A. Harman and J. C. Serwold Aug 1978 Appendix G Benthic Community Structural Changes Resulting AD A058 950 from Dredged Material Disposal, Elliott Bay Disposal Site, by C. R. Bingham TR D-77-25 Nov 1977 An Evaluation of Oil and Grease Contamination Associated AD A048 595 with Dredged 11aterial Containment Areas, by EngineeringScience, Inc. (includes Appendix A) TR D-77-26 Nov 1977 Assessment and Significance of Sediment-Associated Oil AD A050 044 and Grease in Aquatic Environments, by L. H. DiSalvo, H. E. Guard, N. D. Hirsch, and James Ng (includes Appendix A) TR D-77-27 Oct 1977 Patterns of Succession in Benthic Infaunal Communities AD A049 632 Following Dredginq and Dredged Material Disposal in Monterey Bay, by J. S. 01 iver, P. N. Slattery, L. 1<1. Hulberg, and J. W. Nybakken TR D-77-28 Dec 1977 Underground Biomass Dynamics and Substrate Se~ective AD A055 761 Properties of Atlantic Coastal Salt Marsh Plants, by J. L. Gallagher, F. G. Plumley, and P. L. Wolf (includes Appendixes A-C on microfiche) TR D-77-29 Dec 1977 An Assessment of Problems Associated with Evaluating AD A052 519 the Physical, Chemical, and Biological Impacts of Discharging Fill ~1aterial, by L. W. Canter, E. H. Klehr, J. W. Laguros, and others (includes Appendixes A-G) TR D-77-30 Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Columbia River Disposal Site, 'Oregon: ~1ay 1978 Evaluative Summary, by C. G. Boone, M. A. Granat, and AD A056 925 ~1. P. Fa rre11 Dec 1977 Appendix A Investigation of the Hydraulic Regime and AD A054 725 Physical Nature of Bottom Sedimentation, by R. W. Sternberg, J. S. Creager, William Glassley, and Janice Johnson ** Reproduced on microfiche; no hard copies are available. Microfiche for this appendixis inclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of the Evaluative Summary. E-ll ENVIRONt1ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged t1aterial Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR D-77-30 (Cont) Jun 1978 Appendix B Water Column, Primary Productivity, and Sediment Studies, by R. L. Holton, N. H. Cutshall, L. I. Gordon, and L. F. Small AD A058 433 Dec 1977 Appendix C The Effects of Dredged Material Disposal on Benthic Assembla~es, by M. D. Richardson,A. G. Carey, Jr., and W. A•. Colgate AD A054 561 ** Mar 1978 Appendix D Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton Studies, byR. L. Holton and L. F. Small Nov 1977 Appendix E Demersal Fish and Decapod Shellfish Studies, by J. T. Durkin and S. J. Lipovsky AD A048 412 TR D-77-31 Nov 1977 The Flora of Dredged Material Sites in Navigation Pool of the Upper Mississippi River, by S. R. Ziegler and S. H. Sohmer (includes Appendix A) 8 AD A050 778 TR D-77-32 Nov 1977 Identification of Alternative Power Sources for AD A048 312 Dredged t~aterial Processing Operations, by C. E. Parker, D. Pal, K. F. Vodraska, and J. B. Ciani (includes Appendixes A-F; Appendixes A-E on microfiche only) TR D-77-33 Nov 1977 Feasibility of Inland Disposal of Dewatered Dredged Material: A Literature Review, by SCS Engineers AD A048 203 TR D-77-34 Nov 1977 Availability of Sediment-Absorbed Selected Pesticides to Benthos with Particular Emphasis on Deposit-FeedingInfauna, by M. ~!. Nathans and T. J. Bechtel (includesAppendixes A-B) AD A055 506 TR D-77-35 Nov 1977 Modeling of Ecological Succession and Production in Estaurine Marshes, by J. C. Zieman and W. E. Odum (includes Appendixes A-C; Appendix B is on microfiche only) AD A051 929 TR D-77-36 Nov 1977 Primary Productivity of f~inor f~arsh Plants in Delaware, Georgia, and Maine, by R. J. Reimold and R. A. Linthurst (includes Appendixes A-D on microfiche) AD A051 164 Feb 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR D-77-37 Dec 1977 Ability of Salt Marshes to Remove Nutrients and Heavy Metals from Dredged Material Disposal Area Effluents, by H. L. Windon (includes Appendixes A-E on microfiche) AD A063 643 ** Reproduced on microfiche; no hard copies are available. t~icrofiche for this appendixis inclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of the Evaluative Summary. E-12 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR D-77-38 Habitat Development Field Investigations, Miller Sands t4arsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Columbia River, Oregon: Dec 1978 Summary Report, by E. J. Clairain, Jr., R. A. Cole, AD A074 872 R. J. Diaz, A. W. Ford, R. T. Huffman, L. J. Hunt, and B. R. Wells *** Jun 1978 Appendix A Physical and Chemical Inventory, by AD A074 873 Normal Cutshall and V. G. Johnson *** Jun 1978 Appendix B Inventory and Assessment of Predisposal and AD A074 874 Postdisposal Aquatic Habitats, by R. J. ~1cConnell, S. J. Lipovsky, D. A. Misitano, D. R. Craddock, and J. R. Hughes *** Mar 1978 Appendix C Inventory and Assessment of Prepropagation AD A074 875 Terrestrial Resources on Dredged t~aterial, by C. D. White, D. 0. McKay, and A. D. Grant *** Dec 1978 Appendix D Propagation of Vascular Plants on Dredged AD A074 876 ~1aterial, by W. E. Ternyik Aug 1978 Appendix E Postpropagation Assessment of Botanical and AD A062 261 Soil Resources on Dredged 14aterial, by P. E. Heilman, D. M. Greer, S. E. Brauen, and A. S. Baker May 1978 Appendix F Postpropagation Assessment of Wildlife AD A056 823 Resources on Dredged Material, by J. A. Crawford and D. K. Edwards TR D-77-39 Dec 1977 Laboratory Study of Chemical Coagulation as a t4eans of AD A050 596 Treatment for Dredged t1aterial, by Chun-Ching Wang and K. Y. Chen (includes Appendixes A-B) TR D-77-40 Dec 1977 Trace and Toxic Metal Uptake by Marsh Plants as Affected AD A050 914 by Eh, pH, and Saljnity, by Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge TR D-77-42 Aquatic Disposal Field Investigations, Ashtabula River Disposal Site, Ohio: Jun 1978 Evaluative Summary, by R. A. Sweeney AD A055 865 Jan 1979 Errata Sheet No. 1 Jul 1978 Appendix A Planktonic Communities, Benthic Assemblages, AD A061 317 and Fishery, by R. A. Sweeney *** Reproduced on microfiche; no hard copies are available. Microfiche for this appendix is inclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of the Summary Report. Number TR D-77-42 (Cont) TR D-77-43 TR D-77-44 TR D-77-45 TR D-78-1 TR D-78-2 TR D-78-3 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Date Title Dec 1977 Appendix B Investigation of the Hydraulic Regime and Physical Nature of Bottom Sedimentation, by L. G. Danek, G. R. Alther, P-P. Paily, R-G. Johnson, F-de Libero, J-F. Yohn, and F. TLovorn Jul 1978 Appendix C Investigation of Water-Qualitv and Sediment Parameters, by R-K-Wyeth and R-A-Sweeney Nov 1978 Errata Sheet No-1 Case Studies and Comparative Analyses of Issues Associ ated with Productive Land Use at Dredged Materials Disposal Sites, bv J. J. Gushue and K. M-Kruetziger: Dec 1977 Volume I Main Text Dec 1977 Volume II Appendixes A-R Jun 1978 Errata Sheet No. Commom Marsh Plant Species of the Gulf Coast Area: Dec 1977 Volume I Productivity, by J-G. Gosselink, C-sHopkinson, Jr., and R-T-Parrondo (includes Appendixes A-C on microfiche) Dec 1977 Volume II Growth Dynamics, by J-G. Gosselink, c_ s. Hopkinson, Jr., and R. T. Parrondo (includes Appendixes A-G on microfiche) Dec 1977 Impact of Fluid Mud Dredged t1aterial on Benthic Communities of the Tidal James River, Virginia, by R. J. Diaz and D. F-Boesch (includes Appendixes A-B) Jun 1978 Use of Dredged Material Islands by Colonial Seabirds and Wading Birds in New Jersey, by F-G-Buckley and c. A. McCaffrey (includes Appendixes A-D; Appendixes A and B are on microfiche) Nov 1978 Errata Sheet Jan 1978 An Assessment of the Potential Impact of Dredged Material Disposal in the Open Ocean, by W-E. Pequegnat in collaboration with D. D-Smith, R. M. Darnell, and others (includes Appendixes A-B) Jan 1978 Mineral Cycling in Salt Marsh-Estuarine Ecosystems; Ecosystem Structure, Function, and General Compartmental Model Describing t1ineral Cycles, by Douglas Gunnison (includes Appendix A) AD Number AD A051 217 AD A057 461 AD A055 386 AD A054 893 AD A052 094 AD A052 095 AD A050 915 AD A061 843 AD A053 183 AD A052 737 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Number Date Title AD Number TR D-78-4 Jan 1978 Seagrass Literature Survey, by J. c. Zieman, K. w. AD A054 480 Bridges, and c. P. McRoy Jun 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR D-78-5 Feb 1978 Feasibility Study of Vacuum Filtration Systems for De AD A053 773 watering Dredged Material, by B. w. Long and D. J. Grana (includes Appendixes A-B) TR D-78-6 Feb 1978 Prediction of Heavy Metal Uptake by Marsh Plants Based AD A054 129 on Chemical Extraction of Heavy Metals from Dredged Material, by c. R. Lee, R. M. Smart, T. c. Sturgis, R. N. Gordon, Sr., and M. c. Landin (includes Appendixes A-B) TR D-78-7 Field Study of the Mechanics of the Placement of Dredged Material at Open-vlater Disposal Sites, by H. J. Bokuniewicz, Jeffrey Gebert, R. B. Gordon, and others: Apr 1978 Volume I Main Text and Appendixes A-I AD A055 647 Apr 1978 Volume II Appendixes J-0 AD A055 648 TR D-78-8 Apr 1978 Use of Dredged Material Islands by Colonial Seabirds and AD A056 785 Wading Birds in Texas, by A. H. Chaney, B. R. Chapman, J. P. Karges, and others (includes Appendixes A-I; Appendixes D-F are on microfiche only) TR D-78-9 May 1978 A Comparison of Plant Succession and Bird Utilization on AD A056 000 Diked and Undiked Dredged Material Islands in North Carolina Estauries, by J. F. Parnell, D. M. DuMond, and R. N. Needham (includes Appendixes A-D)' TR D-78-10 May 1978 Colonial Birds Nesting on Man-Made and Natural Sites in AD A061 818 the u.s. Great Lakes, by W. C. Scharf (includes Appen dixes A-E; Appendixes C-E are on microfiche only) TR D-78-11 Habitat Development Field Investigations, Rennie Island Marsh Development Site, Grays Harbor, .Washington: Apr 1978 Summary Report, by M. K. Vincent (includes Appendixes AD A056 909 A-D; Appendixes A-C are on microfiche only) TR D-78-12 May 1978 Investigation of Containment Area Design to Maximize AD A056 525 Hydraulic Efficiency, by Brian J. Gallagher and Co. (includes Appendixes A-E) TR D-78-13 Apr 1978 An Aerial Survey of Waterbird Colonies Along the Upper AD A056 059 Mississippi River and Their Relationship to Dredged Material Deposits, by D. H. Thompson and M. C. Landin (includes Appendixes A-B) Number Date TR D-78-14 Apr 1978 Apr 1978 TR D-78-15 Aug 1978 *** Jun 1978 *** May 1978 Jun 1978 Jun 1978 TR D-78-16 May 1978 TR D-78-17 May 1978 TR D-78-18 May 1978 ENVIRONt~ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged t-1aterial Research Program Technical Reports Title AD Number Colonial Bird Use and Plant Succession on Dredged Material Islands in Florida: Volume I Sea and Wading Bird Colonies, by R. W. AD A056 086 Schreiber and E. A. Schreiber (includes Appendixes A-B) Volume II Patterns of Plant Succession, by R. R. AD A056 803 Lewis III and C. S. Lewis Habitat Development Field Investigations, Bolivar Peninsula, Marsh and Upland Habitat Development Site, Galveston Bay, Texas: Summary Report, by H. H. Allen, E. J. Clairain, Jr., AD A063 780 R. J. Diaz, A. W. Ford, L. J. Hunt, and B. R. Wells Appendix A Baseline Inventory of Water Quality, Sediment Quality, and Hydrodynamics, by J. D. Lunz Appendix B Baseline Inventory of Terrestrial Flora, Fauna, and Sediment Chemistry, by J. D. Dodd Appendix C Baseline Inventory of Aquatic Biota, by J. M. Lyon and K. N. Baxter Appendix D Propagation of Vascular Plants and PostAD A063 781 propagation Monitoring of Botanical Soil, Aquatic Biota, and Wildlife Resources, by J. W. Webb, J. D. Dodd, B. W. Cain, and others Characterization of Confined Disposal Area Influent and AD A056 371 Effluent Particulate and Petroleum Fractions, by J. C. S. Lu, Bert Eichenberger, Miroslav Knezevic, and K. Y. Chen (includes Appendixes A-C) Colonial Nesting Sea and Wading Bird Use of Estaurine AD A056 926 Islands in the Pacific Northwest, by C. F. Peters, K. 0. Richter, D. A. Manuwal, and S. G. Herman (includes Appendixes A-D) Weir Design to Maintain Effluent Quality from Dredged AD A056 062 Material Containment Areas, by T. M. Walski and P. R. Schroeder (includes Appendixes A-C) *** Reproduced on microfiche; no hard copies are available. Microfiche for this appendix is inclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of the Summary Report. E-16 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title Number .::=.;::..:::,..__ AD TR D-78-19 Jun 1978 A Methodology for Determining Land Value and Associated AD A061 841 Benefits Created from Dredged Material Containment, by E. T. Conrad and A. J. Pack (includes Appendixes A-0 on microfiche) TR D-78-20 Jun 1978 A Study of Leachate from Dredged Material in Upland AD A056 897 Areas and/or in Productive llses, by J. L. Mang, J. C. S. Lu, R. J. Lofty, and R. P. Stearns (includes Appendix A) TR D-78-21 Jun 1978 Effects of Turbidity and Suspended Material in Aquatic AD A056 035 Environments; Literature Review, by E. M. Stern and w. B. Stickle TR D-78-22 Jun 1978 Development of Procedures for Selecting and Designing AD A058 422 Reuseable Dredged Material Oisposal Sites, by T. E. Raster, H. S. Gill, D. C. Steuernagel, and D. J. Lipiro(includes Appendixes A-C) TR D-78-23 Jun 1978 Considerations in Conducting Bioassays, by D. R. AD A057 203 Rosenberger, Edward Long, Raymond Bogardus, Elaine Farbenbloom, Robert Hitch, and Susan Hitch TR D-78-24 Jun 1978 Physical and Chemical Characterization of Dredged t1ateAD A057 460 rial Influents and Effluents in Confined Land DisposalAreas, by R. E. Hoeppel, T. W. Myers, and R. M. Engler(includes Appendixes A-B) TR D-78-25 Habitat Development Field Investigations, Nott Island Upland Habitat Development Site, Connecticut River, Connecticut: Aug 1978 Summary Report, by L. J. Hunt, B. R. Wells, and A. W. Ford *** Jul 1978 Appendix A Preliminary Terrestrial Ecological Survey, by R. s. Warren and W. A. Niering *** Jul 1978 Appendix B Survey of Terrestrial Ecology and Preliminary Botanical Monitoring, by R. S. Warren Aug 1978 Appendix C Postpropagation Monitoring of Vegetation AD A059 725 and Wildlife, by 1~. J. Barry, R. S. Warren, W. A. Niering, J. L. Tabachnick, and A. C. Carroll TR D-78-26 Habitat Development Field Investigations, Buttermilk Sound Marsh Development Site, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Georgia: Jul 1978 Summary Report, by R. A. Cole AD A057 937 *** Reproduced on microfiche; no hard copies are available. Microfiche for this appendixis inclosed in a pocket inside the back cover of the Summary Report. Number TR D-78-26 (Cont) TR D-78-27 TR D-78-28 TR D-78-29 TR D-78-30 TR D-78-31 TR D-78-32 TR D-78-33 TR D-78-34 TR D-78-35 Date Jul 1978 Jun 1978 Jun 1978 Jul 1978 Jul 1978 Jul 1978 Aug 1978 Jul 1978 Jun 1978 Jun 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Title Appendix A Propagation of Marsh Plants and Postpropagation Monitoring, by R. J. Reimold, M. A. Hardisky, and P. C. Adams Needs and Areas of Potential Application of Disposal Area Reuse Management (DARM), by M. R. Palermo Dredged Haterial Transport Systems for Inland Disposal and/or Productive Use Concepts, by P. s. Souder, Jr., Leo Tobias, J. F. Imperial, and F. c. Mushal (includes Appendixes A-B) Effects of Suspended Dredged Material on Aquatic Animals, by R. K. Peddicord and v. A. McFarland (includes Appendixes A-C) Field Investigations of the Nature, Degree, and Extent of Turbidity Generated by Open-Water Pipeline Di~posal Operations, by J. R. Schubel, H. H. Carter, R. E. Wilson, W. M. Wise, N. G. Heaton, and M. G. Gross (includes Appendixes A-D; Appendixes B-D are on microfiche only) Design Concepts for In-Water Containment Structures for Marsh Habitat Development, by J. w. Eckert, M. L. Giles, and G. M. Smith (includes Appendixes A-B) Habitat Development Field Investigations, Apalachicola Bay Marsh Development Site, Apalachicola Bay, Florida: Summary Report, by vi. L. Kruczynski, R. T. Huffman, and M. K. Vincent Habitat Development Field Investigations, Port St. Joe Seagrass Demonstration Site, Port St. Joe, Florida: Summary Report, by R. c. Phillips, M. K. Vincent, and R. T. Huffman (includes Appendix A) Flume Experiments on Sand, Silt, and Clay Mixtures from the Offshore Dredged Material Disposal Site, Galveston, Texas, by A. J. Moherek (includes Appendixes A-F) Vertical Migration of Benthos in Simulated Dredged Material Overburdens: Volume I Marine Benthos, by D. L. Maurer, R. T. Keck, J. c. Tinsman, and others (includes Appendix A) AD Number AD A062 867 AD A057 920 AD A058 432 AD A058 489 AD A058 507 AD A058 732 AD A059 722 AD A058 733 AD A057 660 AD A058 725 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Re2orts Number Date Title AD Number ~"'-'-.;..__---------·--------·-- TR D-78-36 Jul 1978 The Agricultural Value of Dredged Material, by s. C. AD A061 298 Gupta, w. E~ Larson, R. G~ Gast, s. M. Combs, and R. H. Dowdy (includes Appendixes A-C) TR D-78-37 Jul 1978 Handbook for Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Development AD A061 114 on Dredged Material, by Coastal Zone Resources Division, Ocean Data Systems, Inc. (includes Appendixes A-C) TR D-78-38 Jul 1978 The Effects of Smothering a Spartina Alterniflora Salt AD A063 366 Marsh with Dredged Material, by R. J. Reimold, M.A. Hardisky, and P. c. Adams (includes Appendixes A-D on microfiche) TR D-78-39 Jul 1978 An Analysis of the Functional Capabilities and Perfor AD A060 382 mance of Silt Curtains, by JBF Scientific Corp. (in cludes Appendixes A-B) TR D-78-40 Jul 1978 A Field Study of Fluid Mud Dredged Material: Its AD A058 952 Physical Nature and Dispersal, by M. M. Nichols, G. s. Thompson, and R. W. Faas (includes Appendix A) TR D-78-41 Aug 1978 Prediction of Volumetric Requirements fpr Dredged AD A062 481 Material Containment Areas, by M. L. Hayden (includes Appendixes A-F; Appendixes C-D are on m,icrofiche only) TR D-78-42 Aug 1978 Availability of Sediment-Adsorbed Heavy Metals to AD A061 152 Benthos with Particular Emphasis on Deposit-Feeding Infauna, by J. W. Neff, R. s. Foster, and J. F. Slowey (includes Appendixes A-C) TR D-78-43 Aug 1978 Physi~al and Chemi0al Chara~terization of Dredged AD A061 846 Material Sediments and Leachates in Confined Land Dis posal Areas, by K. Y. Yu, K. Y. Chen, R. D. Morrison, and J. L. Mang (includes Appendixes A-L on microfiche) TR D-78-44 Aug 1978 Evaluation of the Submerged Discharge of Dredged Mate AD A062 616 rial Slurry During Pipeline Dredge Operations, by R. w. Neal, George Henry and s. H. Greene (includes Appendixes A-B) TR D-78-45 Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Pre dicting Contaminant Release During Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Sediments and Environmental Impact of Open Water Dredged Material Disposal: Aug 1978 Volume I Discussion, by R. A. Jones and G. F. Lee AD A064 014 (includes Appendix A) Aug 1978 Volume II Data Report, by G. F. Lee, R. A. Jones, AD A061 710 F. Y. Saleh, and others (includes Appendix A) Number TR D-78-46 TR D-78-47 TR D-78-48 TR D-78-49 TR D-78-50 TR D-78-51 TR D-78-52 TR D-78-53 TR D-78-54 TR D-78-55 TR D-78-56 Date Aug 1978 Aug 1978 Aug 1978 Reprinted Sep Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Dec 1982 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical ReE~!~ Title Laboratory Investigation of the Dynamics of Mud Flows Generated by Open-Water Pipeline Disposal Operations, by George Henry, R. W. Neal, and s. H. Greene (includes Appendixes A-C) Evaluation and Calibration of the Tetra Tech Dredged Material Disposal Models Based on Field Data, by B. H. Johnson and B. W. Holliday (includes Appendixes A-E) An Investigation of Physical, Chemical, and/or Biological Control of Mosquitoes in Dredged Material Disposal Areas, edited by W. B. Ezell, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-F) Long-Term Release of Contaminants from Dredged Material, by J. M. Brannon, R. H. Plumb, Jr., and Issac Smith (includes Appendix A) Biological Assessment Methods to Predict the Impact of Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Material, by P. J. Shuba, H. E. Tatem, and J. H. Carroll (includes Appendixes A-D) Influence of Pregermination Conditions on the Viability of Selected Marsh Plants, bv J. D. Maguire and G. A. Heuterman (includes Appendix A) Design of Laboratory Microcosm for Evaluating Effects of Dredged Material Disposal on Marsh-Estuarine Ecosystems Field Demonstration of Shrimp Mariculture Feasibility in Dredged Material Containment Areas, by J. A. Quick, D. J. Milligan, s. E. Hill, R. J. Hover, and W. F. Mcilhenny (includes Appendix A) Development and Application of Design and Operation Procedures for Coagulation of Dredged Material Slurry and Containment Area Effluent, bv R. H. Jones, R. R. Williams, and T. K. Moore (includes Appendixes A-8) Evaluation of Laws and Regulations Impacting the Land Use of Dredged Material Containment Areas, by James Cole and Michael Brainard (includes Appendixes A-I) Methodology for Design of Fine-Grained Dredged Material Containment Areas for Solids Retention, by R. L. Montgomery AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number AD A062 480 AD A059 991 AD A061 311 A060 814 A060 502 A059 629 A058 953 A062 A062 A063 A073 652 060 905 226 Number Date TR D-78-57 Dec 1978 TR D-78-58 Dec 1978 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Technical Reports Title AD Number Habitat Development Field Investigations, Salt Pond No. 3, Marsh Development Site, South San Francisco Bay, California; Summary Report, by J. H. Morris, C. L-Newcombe, R. T. Huffman, and J. s-Wilson AD A065 775 Assessment of Certain European Dredging Practices and Dredged Material Containment and Reclamation Methods, by K. d'Angremond, J. Hoekstra, w. c. H. Kleinbloesem, L-Nederlof, and J-de Nekker (includes Appendixes A-J) AD A074 219 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged f4aterial Research Program Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number AMERICAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CORPORATION, Mclean, Virginia CR D-74-7 Dec 1974 Legal, Policy, and Institutional Constraints Associated with Dredged Material Marketing and Land Enhancement, by R. C. Wakeford and Donald Macdonald AD A006 595 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Argonne, Illinois CR D-76-9 Aug 1976 Abatement of Malodors at Confined Dredged Haterial Disposal Sites, by W. Harrison, A. Dravnieks, R. Zussman, and R. Goltz (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A030 597 Feb 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC., Cambridge, Massachusetts CR D-74-4 Sep 1974 Identification of Objectionable Environmental Conditions and Issues Associated with Confined Disposal Areas, by J. E. Harrison and L. C. Chisholm (includes Appendixes A-C) AD AOOO 895 CR D-75-1 Jan 1975 A Feasibility Study of Lawn Sod Production and/or Related Activities on Dredged Material Disposal Sites AD A006 609 THE CENTER FOR Connecticut THE ENVIRONMENT &MAN, INC., Hartford, CR D-75-2 Apr 1975 Guidelines for 11aterial by L. E. Johnson and W. Appendixes A-E) Placement in Marsh Creation, V. McGuinness, Jr. (includes AD A010 725 COASTAL ZONE Carolina RESOURCES CORPORATION, l~ilmington, North CR D-76-2 Identification of Relevant Criteria and Survey of Potential Application Sites for Artificial Habitat Creation: Oct 1976 Volume I Relevant Criteria for Marsh-Island Site AD A033 525 Selection and Their Application ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number CR 0-76-2 COASTAL ZONE RESOURCES CORPORATION, Wilmington, North Carol ina (Cont) (Cont) Oct 1976 Volume II Survey of Potential Application Situations and Selection and Description of OptimumProject Areas (includes Appendix A) AD A033 526 CR D-77-2 f4ar 1977 A Comprehensive Study of Successional Plants and Animals at Upland DisposalAppendixes A-E) Patterns of Areas (includes AD A040 464 DAt4ES & MOORE, San Francisco, California CR D-74-5 Sep 1974 Demonstration of a Methodology for Dredged Material Reclamation and Drainage, by C. W. Garbe, D. D. Smith, and Sri Amerasinghe AD AOOO 896 ENVIREX, INC., Environmental Sciences Division, Milwaukee, Wisconsin CR D-75-6 Dec 1975 Laboratory Study of the Release of Pesticide and PCB Materials to the Water Column During Dredging and Disposal Operations, by Richard Fulk, David Gruber, and Richard Wullschleger (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A026 685 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN, INC., St. Michaels, t~aryland CR D-77-3 Apr 1977 Recent and Planned Marsh Establishment Work Throughoutthe Contiguous United States --A Survey and Basic Guidelines, by E. W. Garbisch, Jr. (fncludes AppendixesA-B; Appendix B on microfiche only) AD A041 464 ENVIRONt~ENTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., Stillwater, Oklahoma CR D-76-10 Dec 1976 Laboratory Study of Aeration as a Feasible Technique for Dewatering Fine-Grained Dredged Material AD A035 673 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number GREEN ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, Towson, Maryland CR D-74-2 Regional Landfill and Construction Material Needs in Terms of Dredged Material Characteristics and Availability: May 1974 Volume I Main Text, by R. E. F. Drabkowski Reikenis, V. Elias, and AD 780 750 May 1974 Volume II Appendixes A, B, C, and D, by R. and E. F. Drabkowski Reikenis AD 780 751 HITTI~AN ASSOCIATES, INC., Columbia, Maryland CR D-74-6 Oct 1974 Containment Area Facility Concepts for Dredged Material Separation, Drying, and Rehandling, by C. W. Mallory and M. A. Nawrocki AD A002 605 JBF SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, Burlington, Massachusetts CR D-76-3 Apr 1976 State-of-the-Art Survey and Evaluation of Open-Water Dredged Material Placement Methodology, by E. E. Johanson, S. P. Bowen, and George Henry (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A027 024 JOHN HUSTON, INC., Corpus Christi, Texas CR D-76-4 May 1976 Techniques for Reducing Turbidity Associated with Present Dredging Procedures and Operations, by J. w. Huston and w. c. Huston (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A026 623 LOUISIANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Baton Rouge CR D-77-4 Transformations of Heavy t1etals and Plant Nutrients in Dredged Sediments as Affected by Oxidation Reduction Potential and pH: May 1977 Volume I Literature Review, by R. A. Khalid, R. P. Gambrell, M.G. Verloo, and W. H. Patrick, AD A041 468 Jr. May 1977 Volume II Materials and Methods/Results and Discussion, by R. P. Gambrell, R. A. Khal id, t1. G. Verloo, and W. H. Patrick, Jr. (includes Appendixes AD A041 469 A-R) ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Ann Arbor CR D-74-9 State-of-the-Art Survey and Evaluation of Marsh Plant Establishment Techniques: Induced and Natural: Dec 1974 Volume I Report of Research, by J. A. W. A. Wentz Kadlec and AD A012 837 Dec 1974 Volume II A Selected Annotated Bibliography on Aquaticand ~1a rs h Plants and Their Management, by \~. A. Wentz, R. L. Smith, and J. A. Kadlec AD A012 837 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Illinois THE TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, Evanston, CR D-76-8 Aug 1976 Investigation of Effluent Filtering Systems for DredgedMaterial Containment Facilities, by R. J. Krizek, J. A. FitzPatrick, and D. K. Atmatzidis (includes AppendixesA-D) AD A031 468 Feb 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, OFFICE OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH. Stillwater CR D-73-1 Jul 1973 Feasibility Study of Hydrocyclone Systems for DredgeOperations, by W. G. Tiederman and ~1. M. Reischman AD 766 212 ROY MANN ASSOCIATES, INC., Cambridge, Massachusetts CR D-75-5 Dec 1975 Landscape Concept Development for Confined DredgedMaterial Sites, by Roy Mann, W. A. Niering, Robert Sabbatini, and Peter Wells AD A026 684 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles CR D-76-1 Feb 1976 Research Study on the Effect of Dispersion, Settling,and Resedimentation on Migration of Chemical Constituents During Open-Water Disposal of DredgedMaterials, by K. Y. Chen, S. K. Gupta, A. z. Sycip, J. C. S. Lu, Miroslav Knezevic, and W.-W. Choi AD A022 144 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged t1aterial Research Program Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number TEKNEKRON, INC., Washington, DC CR D-77-1 Design Requirements for an Information Dissemination and Technology Transfer System for the Dredged Material Research Program, by D. M. Speaker and ~1. H. Weisgerber: Feb 1977 Volume Text and Appendix A AD A038 886 Feb 1977 Volume II Appendixes B through D AD A038 887 TETRA TECH, INCORPORATED, Pasadena, California CR D-76-5 May 1976 Development of Models for Prediction of Short-Term Fate of Dredged Material Discharged in the Estaurine Environment, by t1. G. Brandsma and D. J. Divoky (includes Appendixes A-E) AD A027 131 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, College Station CR D-74-8 Dec 1974 Assessment of the Factors Controlling the Long-Term Fate of Dredged Material Deposited in Unconfined Subaqueous AD A009 127 Disposal Areas, by D. Dunlap R. Basco, A. H. Bouma, and W. A. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS, INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRON t1ENTAL SCIENCES, Richardson CR D-74-1 Jun 1974 Literature Review on Research Study for the Developmentof Dredged Material Disposal Criteria, by G. F. Lee and R. H. Plumb AD 780 755 CR D-75-4 Nov 1975 Research Study for the Development of Dredged ~1aterial Disposal Criteria, by G. F. Lee, t~. D. Piwoni, J. t1. Lopez, G. M. Mariani, J. S. Richardson, D. H. Homer, and Farida Saleh (includes Appendix A) AD A019 953 U. S. ARMY COLD REGIONS RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY, Hanover, New Hampshire CR D-76-7 t1ay 1976 Effect of Sediment Organic Matter on Migration of Various Chemical Constituents During Disposal of Dredged t1aterial, by B. E. Blom, T. F. Jenkins, D. C. Leggett, and R. P. t1urrmann (includesAppendixes A-B) AD A027 394 Number Date CR D-75-3 Nov 1975 CR D-76-6 May 1976 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Charlottesville t1ethods of Dissolved Oxygen Budget Analysis for Assessing Effects of Dredged Material Disposal on Biological Community Metabolism, by G. t1. Hornberger and M. G. Kelly (includes Appendixes A-D) i Socioeconomic 1Aspects of Dredged Material Disposal: The Creation of Recreation Land in Urban Areas, by S. S. Skjei (includes Appendixes A-B) AD Number AD A018 340 AD A029 972 Number TR DS-78-1 TR DS-78-2 TR DS-78-3 TR DS-78-4 TR DS-78-5 TR DS-78-6 TR DS-78-7 TR DS-78-8 TR DS-78-9 TR DS-78-10 TR DS-78-11 TR DS-78-12 TR DS-78-13 TR DS-78-14 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Haterial Research Program Synthesis of Research Results Technical Reports Date Title Aug 1978 Aquatic Dredged Material Disposal Impacts, by T. D. Wright Aug 1978 Processes Affecting the Fate of Dredged Material, by B. W. Holliday Dec 1978 Predicting and Monitoring Dredged Material Movement, by B. W. Holliday, B. H. Johnson, and W. A. Thomas Aug 1978 Water Quality Impacts of Aquatic Dredged ~1aterial Disposal (Laboratory Investigations), by S. A. Burks and R. M. Engler (includes Appendix A) Aug 1978 Effects of Dredging and Disposal on Aquatic Organisms, by N. D. Hirsch, L. H. DiSalvo, and Richard Peddicord Aug 1978 Evaluation of Dredged Material Pollution Potential, by J. t·1. Brannon Oct 1978 Confined Disposal Area Effluent and Leachate Control (Laboratory and Field Investigations), by K. Y. Chen, J. L. r~ang, Bert Eichenberger, and R. E. Hoeppel Dec 1978 Disposal Alternatives for Contaminated Dredged Material as a Management Tool to Minimize Adverse Environmental Effects, by R. P. Gambrell, R. A. Khalid, and W. H. Patrick, Jr. Jul 1978 Assessment of Low-Ground-Pressure Equipment for Use in Containment Area Operation and Maintenance, by W. E. Willoughby (includes Appendixes A-B) Dec 1978 Guidelines for Designing, Operating, and Managing Dredged Material Containment Areas, by M. R. Palermo, R. L. t1ontgomery, and M. E. Poindexter (includes Appendixes A-E) Sep 1978 Guidelines for Dewatering/Densifying Confined Dredged Material, by T. A. Haliburton (includes Appendix A) Dec 1978 Guidelines for Dredged t1aterial Disposal Area Reuse Management, by R. L. Montgomery, A. W. Ford, ~1. E. Poindexter, and M. J. Bartos (includes Appendixes A-B) Aug 1978 Prediction and Control of Dredged Material Dispersion Around Dredging and Open-Water Pipeline Disposal Operations, by W. D. Barnard (includes Appendix A) Dec 1978 Treatment of Contaminated Dredged t1aterial, by W. D. Barnard and T. D. Hand AD Number AD A060 250 AD A059 276 AD A063 878 AD A059 735 AD A058 989 AD A059 724 AD A062 882 AD A073 158 AD A058 501 AD A073 138 AD A060 405 AD A069 630 AD A059 573 AD A074 553 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Dredged Material Research Program Synthesis of Research Results Number TR DS-78-15 TR DS-78-16 TR DS-78-17 TR DS-78-18 TR DS-78-19 TR DS-78-20 TR IJS-78-21 TR DS-78-22 TR DS-78-23 Date Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Mar 1979 Dec 1978 Apr 1980 Technical Reports Title Upland and Wetland Habitat Development with DredgedMaterial: Ecological Considerations, by J.D. Lunz, R. J. Diaz, and R. A. Cole Wetland Habitat Development with Dredged Material; Engineering and Plant Propagation (includes Appendixes A-C) Upland Habitat Development with Dredged Material: Engineering and Plant Propagation, by L. J. Hunt, M. C. Landin, A. W. Ford, and B. R. Wells (includesAppendixes A-C) Development and Management of Avian Habitat on Dredged Material Islands, by R. F. Soots, Jr, and M. C. Landin (includes Appendixes A-B) An Introduction to Habitat Development on Dredged Material, by H. K. Smith Productive Land Use of Dredged Material Containment Areas: Planning and Implementation Considerations, by M. R. Walsh and M. D. Malkasian (includes Appendixes A-B) Guidance for Land Improvement Using Dredged t1aterial, by P. A. Spaine, J. L. Llopis, and E. R. Perrier (ineludes Appendixes A-C) Errata Sheet No. 1 Executive Overview.and Detailed Summary, by R. T. Saucier, C. C. Calhoun, Jr., R. M. Engler, T. R. Patin, and H. K. S~ith Publication Index and Retrieval System AD Number AD A067 828 AD A073 493 AD A072 409 AD A066 903 AD A067 202 AD A072 321 AD A067 195 AD A074 531 AD A087 279 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP Y-72-1 Har 1972 Disposal of Vault Wastes, Lake Ouachita and Lake Greeson, Arkansas, by John Harrison AD 739 917 MP Y-72-2 ~1ar 1972 Physical Modeling Applied to Coastal Zone Pollution Prob1ems, by H. B. Simmons, .John Harrison, R. and D. B. Mathis A. Bo 1 and, MP Y-72-3 Apr 1972 Revised Nov 1973 Study Plan for an Environmental Inventory and Assessment of the Mississippi River 9-Ft Channel Project Between St. Louis, Missouri, and Cairo, Illinois, by W. P. Emge AD 786 144 MP Y-74-1 Apr 1974 Environmental Inventory and Assessment, Illinois Waterway; 12-Foot Channel Navigation Project, by W. Emge, H. H. Allen, G. H. Hughes, G. S. Wilhelm, and J. H. Zimmerman P. MP Y-74-2 Jul 1974 v/astewater Treatment on Soils of Low Penneabil ity; Interim Report, by R. E. Hoeppel, P. G. Hunt, and T. B. Delaney, Jr. AD A008 370 MP Y-74-3 Aug 1974 Overland Flow Treatment of Wastewater, by C. Carlson, P. G. Hunt, and T. B. Delaney, Jr. A. AD A008 371 MP Y-74-4 Sep 1974 Nitrogen Transformations Hoeppel in Wetland Soils, by R. E. AD AOOO 610 MP Y-74-5 Oct 1974 Physical, Biological, and Chemical Inventory of TwentyThree Side Channels and Four River Border Areas, AD AOOO 608 Middle f1ississippi River, by W. P. Emge, R. C. Solomon, J. H. Johnson, C. R. Bingham, B. K. Colbert, and R. W. Hall Oct 1974 Appendixes A-G AD AOOO 602 Oct 1974 Appendixes H-Al AD A003 122 MP Y-74-6 Nov 1974 Physical, Biological, and Chemical Inventory and Analysis of Selected Dredged and Disposal Sites, t1iddle Mississippi River, by R. C. Solomon, J. H. Johnson, C. R. Bingham, and B. K. Colbert AD A001 726 MP Y-75-1 Jan 1975 Inventory of Physical and Cultural Elements, Middle Mississippi River Floodplain (River Reach -St. Louis, Missouri, to Cairo, Illinois), by J. K. Stoll and R. D. Brown AD A005 008 MP Y-76-1 Jan 1976 Water Usage and Wastewater Characterization at a Corps of Engineers Recreation Area, by N. R. Francingues, Jr., and A. J. Green, Jr. (includes Appendix A) AD A021 584 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP Y-76-2 Feb 1976 Feasibility of Transplantation, Revegetation, and Restoration of Eelgrass in San Diego Bay, California, by C. G. Boone and R. E. Hoeppel (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A021 484 MP Y-76-3 Jul 1976 Feasibility of Using Historic Disposal Areas, UpperMississippi River, to Evaluate Effects of DredgedMaterial Disposal on Community Structure of Benthic Organisms, by J. H. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-G) AD A028 221 MP Y-76-4 Sep 1976 Sensitivity Analysis of the Water Quality for River-Reservofr Systems Model, by K. W. Thornton and A. S. Lessem AD A032 382 MP Y-76-5 Oct 1976 Preliminary Evaluation of Water Quality of ProposedLaFarge Lake, Kickapoo River, Vernon County, Wisconsin, by K. W. Thornton, D. E. Ford, and D. L. Robey (includes Appendix A) AD A031 415 MP Y-76-6 Nov 1976 Highlights of Research on Overland Flow for Advanced Treatment of Wastewater, by C. R. Lee, P. G. Hunt, R. E. Hoeppel, C. A. Carlson, T. B. Delaney, Jr., and R. N. Gordon, Sr. AD A033 864 MP Y-76-7 Dec 1976 Predictive Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen in Dickey Lake, Maine, by K. W. Thornton (includes Appendix A) AD A033 819 MP Y-77-1 Jan 1977 The Northern Gulf Coast During the FarmdalJan Substage:A Search for Evidence, by R. T. Saucier AD A035 759 MP Y-77-2 May 1977 Preliminary Water-Quality Evaluation of a lower Pool Elevation for Proposed LaFarge Lake, Wisconsin, byD. E. Ford, K. W. Thornton, and D. L. Robey AD A040 822 MP Y-77-3 Jul 1977 Arcadia Lake Water-Quality Study, Summary 'Report, byR. W. Hall, Jr., R. L. Eley, and D. L. Robey AD A043 722 MP Y-77-4 Jul 1977 Preliminary Evaluation of Water Quality of Proposed Fountain Lake, Colorado, by R. W. Hall, Jr., and D. L. Robey (includes Appendix A) AD A043 434 MP Y-77-5 Nov 1977 The Role of Sewage Lagoons at Corps of Engineers Recreation Areas, by T. D. Hand and R. R•.Williams (includes Appendix A) AD A047 833 MP Y-78-1 Feb 1978 Preliminary Field Test of the Water Resources Assessment Methodology (WRAM); Tensas River, Louisiana, by S. E. Richardson, W. J. Hansen, R. C. Solomon, and J. C. Jones AD A050 833 MP Y-78-2 Jun 1978 Profile and Measurement of Social Well-Being Indicators for Use in the Evaluation of Water and Related Land AD A057 137 Management Planning, by P. K. Guseman and K. T. Dietrich ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP Y-78-3 Jun 1978 Preliminary Evaluation of the Water Quality of Proposed Towanda Lake, Kansas (includes Appendix A) AD A057 074 Number Date TR Y-74-1 Nov 1974 TR Y-75-1 Nov 1975 TR Y-75-2 Dec 1975 TR Y-76-1 May 1976 TR Y-76-2 Aug 1976 Jun 1977 Aug 1976 Jun 1977 TR Y-77-1 Feb 1977 TR Y-77-2 Apr 1977 TR Y-77-3 t4ay 1977 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies Technical Reports Title Environmental Analysis and Assessment of the Mississippi River 9-Ft Channel Project Between St. Louis, Missouri, and Cairo, Illinois, by J. H. Johnson, R. C. Solomon, C. R. Bingham, B. K. Colbert, W. P. Emge, 0. B. Mathis, and R. W. Hall, Jr. Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation Pools 24, 25, &26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; Summary Report, by R. C. Solomon, D. R. Parsons, D. A. Wright, B. K. Colbert, Cathy Ferris, and J. E. Scott Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation Pools 24, 25, &26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; An Aquatic Analysis; Final Report, by B. K. Colbert, J. E. Scott, J. H. Johnson, and R. C. Solomon (includes Appendixes A-J) Effects of Tow Traffic on the Resuspension of Sedi ments and on Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Illinois and Upper Mississippi Rivers Under Normal Pool Conditions, by J. H. Johnson Data Evaluations and Recommendations for Comprehensive Planning for the Yazoo River Basin, Mississippi: Volume I, by F. W. Suggitt, T. J. Wood, J. R. Clark, and P. R. Becker Errata Sheet No. 1 Volume II, by C. R. Kolb, C. R. Bingham, B. K. Colbert, E. J. Clairain, Jr., J. R. Clark, Elray Nixon, S. E. Richardson, and F. W. Suggitt Errata Sheet No. 1 Water Resources Assessment Methodology (WRAM) - Impact Assessment and Alternative Evaluation, by R. C. Solomon, B. K. Colbert, W. J. Hansen, S. E. Richardson, L. W. Canter, and E. C. Vlachos (includes Appendixes A-D) Arcadia Lake \~ater-Quality Evaluation, by R. W. Hall, Jr., R. H. Plumb, Jr., K. W. Thornton, and others (includes Appendixes A-D) Water-Quality Evaluation of a Lower Pool Elevation for Proposed Arcadia Lake, Oklahoma, by K. W. Thornton, D. E. Ford, R. W. Hall, and others AD Number AD A031 041 AD A017 865 AD A021 750 AD A025 617 AD A029 360 AD A029 391 AD A036 677 AD A039 492 AD A040 003 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmenta~_§tudies Number-------- Date Technical Title--------------- Reports AD Number TR Y-77-4 Sep 1977 TR Y-77-5 Nov 1977 TR Y-78-1 Jan 1978 TR Y-78-2 Feb 1978 TR Y-78-3 Apr 1978 TR Y-78-4 Apr 1978 TR Y-78-5 May 1978 TR Y-78-6 Mav 1982 TR Y-78-7 r~ay 1982 TR Y-78-8 Hay 1982 TR Y-78-9 Feb 1984 TR Y-78-10 Aug 1978 TR Y-78-11 Aug 1978 Laboratory and Pilot Plant Evaluation of Intermittent Loading on Small-Scale Extended Aeration Biological Systems, by J~ L. Mahlock, D. E~ Averett, and Marcia Headstream (includes Appendixes A-C) Investigation of Remote Water-Quality Monitoring Systems for Use with GOES or ERTS Water Data Transmitter, by A. W. Ford Evaluation of Ultraviolet/Ozone Treatment of Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) Groundwater (Treatability Study), by R. E. Buhts, P. G. Malone, and D. ~~. Thompson Preliminary Guide to Wetlands of Peninsular Florida; Major Association and Communities Identified (includes Appendixes A-C) Preliminary Guide to Wetlands of Puerto Rico; Major Associations and Communities Identified (includes Appendixes A-C) Preliminary Guide to Wetlands of the West Coast States; Major Associations and Communities Identified (includes Appendix A-C) Preliminary Guide to Wetlands of the Gulf Coastal Plain; Major Associations and Communities Identified (includes Appendix A-C) Preliminary Guide to the Onsite Identification and Delineation of the r/etlands of the Interior United States (includes Appendix A) Preliminary Guide to the Onsite Identification and Delineation of the Wetlands of the South Atlantic United States, by R. T. Huffman, G. E. Tucker, J. w. Wooten, and others (includes Appendix A) Preliminary Guide to the Onsite Identification and Delineation of the r/etlands of the North Atlantic United States, by R. T. Huffman, G. E~ Tucker, J. w. Hooten, and others (includes Appendix A) Preliminary Guide to the Onsite Indentification and Delineation of the Wetlands of Alaska, by R. T. Huffman and G. E~ Tucker (includes Appendixes A-B) '1/ater Quality Evaluation of Proposed Trexler Lake, Jordon Creek, Pennsylvania, by D. E. Ford, K. w. Thornton, A. s~ Lessern, and Connie Stirgus (includes Appendixes A-D) Mechanisms That Regulate the Intensity of OxidationReduction in Anaerobic Sediments and Natural Water Systems, by J. ~1. Brannon, Douglas Gunnison, P. L. Butler, and Issac Smith, Jr. AD A050 751 AD A047 795 AD A052 339 AD A054 191 AD A055 114 AD A055 106 AD A055 705 AD A117 874 AD A 117 846 AD A117 804 AD A060 080 AD A059 445 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies----- Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Titl~ of Report COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER, Fort Collins CR Y-74-2 Jul 1974 Geomorphology of the Middle Mississippi River, by D~ B~ AD 783 424 Simons, s. A~ Schumm, and M~ A. Stevens CR Y-75-3 Jul 1975 Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation AD A012 845 Pools 24, 25, and 26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; A Geomorphic Study, by D~ B~ Simons, s. A~ Schumm, M. A. Stevens, Y. H. Chen, and P. F. Lagasse (includes Appendixes A-B) MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN, St. Louis CR Y-75-1 Apr 1975 Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation AD A009 065 Pools 24, 25, and 26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; A Vegetational Study, by W~ M~ Klein, R. H. Daley, and Joanne Wedum (includes Appendixes A-C) MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION, Jefferson City CR Y-74-1 Mar 1974 Evaluation of Three Side Channels and the Main Channel AD 786 142 Border of the Hiddle Mississippi River as Fish Habitat, by D~ v. Ragland RIVER RESEARCH LABORATORY, ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY, Havana, Illinois CR Y-75-4 Dec 1975 Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation AD A020 069 Pools 24, 25, and 26, Upper Mississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; An Electrofishing Survey of the Illinois River, by R. E~ Sparks SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH LABORATORY, Carbondale CR Y-74-3 Aug 1974 A Survey of the Fauna and Flora Occurring in the Mississippi River Floodplain Between St. Louis, Missouri, and Cairo, Illinois, by: V~ A~ Terpening, L. J~ Hunt, D~ K~ Evans, s. J. Bleiweiss, and R~ c. Zoanetti Number Date CR Y-75-2 Apr 1975 CR Y-74-4 Aug 1974 CR Y-77-1 Jun 1977 ENVIRON14ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental Studies Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, COOPERATIVE WILDLIFE RESEARCH LABORATORY, Carbondale (Cant) Environmental Inventory and Assessment of Navigation Pools 24, 25, & 26, Upper ~1ississippi and Lower Illinois Rivers; Floodplain Animals and Their Habitats, by V. A. Terpening, J. R. Nawrot, ~1. J. Sweet, and D. L. Oamrau (includes Appendixes A-H) SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, FISHERIES RESEARCH LABORATORY, Carbondale Study of Importance of Backwater Chutes to a Riverine Fishery, by H. L. Schramm, Jr., and W. M. Lewis U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Fayetteville, Arkansas The Development of Fishery Compartments and PopulationRate Coefficients for Use in Reservoir Ecosystem ~1odeling, by G. R. Leidy and R. M. Jenkins (includesAppendixes A-0) AD Number AD A009 781 AD 786 544 AD A044 550 E-36 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Environmental and Water Quality Operational Studies Number IEB E-78-1 throughIEB E-78-5 Date Mar 1978 throughDec 1978 Information Exchange Bulletins Title Environmental &Water Quality Operational Studies (EWQOS) AD Number ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Reservoirs and Waterways Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR E-78-1 Jul 1978 Identification and Assessment of Environmental Quality Problems and Research Program Development, by J. W. Keeley, J. L. Mahloch, J. W. Barko, Douglas Gunnison, and J. 0. Westhoff AD A060 729 E-38 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Recreation Research Program Information Exchange Bulletins Number Date Title AD Number IEB R-77-1 Oct 1977 Recnotes IEB R-78-1 Jan 1978 Recnotes through IEB R-78-3 through Oct 1978 Number Date TR R-78-1 Oct 1978 TR R-78-2 Oct 1978 ENVIRON~1ENTAL EFFECTS LABORATORY Recreation Research Program Technical Reports Title r~odeling Recreation Use in Water-Related Parks, by R. E. Coughlin, David Berry, and Pat Cohen (includesAppendixes A-C) Development of Improved Decision-Oriented Recreation User Information System, by R. M. Mischon and R. C. Wyatt (includes Appendixes A-B) AD AD AD Number A071 898 A062 795 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY No. Date-------Jun 1938 2 3 Oct Dec 1938 1933 2 2 2 2 3 Feb Apr Jul 1939 1939 1939 2 4 Aug 1939 3 3 Feb Jun 1940 1940 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Bulletins Hyd.!:.<:!:l]_i_<:__§_erie.}! _129E_t_~!:~~-------·-------------------------------- Hydraulic Research Center; Increasing the Capacity of Pipe Lines Transporting Solids; Manning's "n" for Urban Areas; Ohio Ri. ver Probleoil Analyzed by Model; The Mayersville Sediment Survey; Permeability of Model Jetties The u. s. Waterways Experiment Station; Model Analysis of a Mississippi River Problem; Velocity Comparison Between Hodel and Prototype; Thijsse on Wind Effects; Shoaling in Galveston Bay Investigated by Model t4atthes on Roughness Coefficients; Di sct~arges Through and Over Chanoine Wicket Darns; Definition of Model Verification; Demonstration Based on Model Results; Model Analysis of a Spillway; Effects of Wave Action AtteMpting to Simulate Natural Phenomena Rifling in Dredge Pipe Lines; Spoil Areas Determined from Model; Model Analysis of an Entrance to a Harbor; Model Roughness; 3chrontz on Wind Effects; Progress of Galveston Bay Hodel Study Structure Studies; Hi ver Navigation Studies; River Flood Control Studies; Tidal Studies; Research Studies Model Study of an Outer Bar; Marked Tree Siphon; Development of a Delta; Mississippi River Channel Changes; Elements of a Movable Bed f4odel; Backwater Effects of Bridges; Model Study of Channel Improvements; i'lodel-Prototy;;e Confirmations; Jibliography 'Jn Locks; Model Appurtenances; Establishment of Research Centers' Motion Picture Library Description of Recently Accomplished Model Studies Pertaini.ng to S!Jillways and Outlet Structures; Studies for the Muskingum Watershed ProJect; Scale Effects in Spillway Models; Erosion Below Stilling Basins; Confirmation of Model Indications; Jaenichen on Sid~-Channel Spillways; Informal Study of a Spillwav Sectir.;n; Pressures Below At1nospheric Model Confirm~tion --Grand Tower, Mississip!Ji River; Spray-Wall Pressures; Model Ap!Jurtenances; Measurement of Littoral Currents; Model Study of Similitude of ~iave Action Model and Prototype Comparison; Model Study of PowerTunnel Transitions; Model Appurtenances and Devices; t-'leasurement of Dredge Product ion; Automatic r~easurement of \~aves AD Number Vol. 4 5 Number 28 31 32 37 Date May 1941 Oct 1942 Date Mar 1947 Apr 1948 Jun 1948 Jun 1951 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Bulletins Hydraulic Series Contents Principles of Similitude for Wave Action; Wave Action Problems; Model Study Procedure; Solutions of Wave Action Problems; Wave Model Appurtenances Mississippi River Flood-Control Model AD Number Combined Series Title Practical Application of Experimental Hydraulics Empirical Verification of Transference Equations in Laboratory Study :of Breakwater Stabi 1 i ty Laboratory Research Applied to the Hydraulic Design of Large Dams Hydraulic Models as an Aid to the Development of DesignCriteria AD AD Number A950 072 Number Date 1-17 Jan 1952 to date HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Hydraulic Design Criteria Contents Hydraulic design guides related to the design of facilities for spillways, outlet works, gates and valves, navigation locks and dams, artificial channels, riprap protection and storm drain outlets. Over 240 design charts with explanation sheets and example problems comprise a two-volume set. ($10.00 per set) AD AD AD Number A092 237 A092 238 Number Date IR H-77-1 Sep 1977 IR H-78-1 Aug 1978 Instruction Reports Title AD Number Guidelines for Monitoring and Reporting Demonstration Projects; Section 32 Program, Streambank Erosion Control Evaluation and Demonstration Act of 1974, by E. B. Pickett and B. J. Brown AD A046 397 Guidelines for the Design, Adjustment and Operationof Models for the Study of River Sedimentation Problems, by J. J. Franco (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A061 386 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 2-1 r~ar 1952 Correlation of Model Siphon, Arkansas and Prototype Data, Marked Tree MP 2-13 Jul 1952 Proposed Alternate Levee Plans for the Miller City Area, Illinois; Model Investigation MP 2-31 May 1953 Pressure and Air Demand Tests in Flood-Control Denison Dam, Red River, Oklahoma and Texas Conduit, MP 2-35 Sep 1953 Flume Investigation of Prototype Revetment MP 2-65 Aug 1949 Theory of Wind Tides r~P 2-75 Feb 1954 Vibration, Pressure and Air-Demand Tests in Flood AD 756 320 Control Sluice, Pine Flat Dam, Kings River, California MP 2-77 Feb 1954 Pressure Cell Tests, Bull Shoals nam Stilling Basin AD 757 390 MP 2-97 r~ar 1952 Analysis of Model Design Criteria and Prototype Data for Hydraulic MP 2-114 Jan 1955 Proposed Access Channel to Delaware City, Delaware; Delaware River Model Tests MP 2-115 Jan 1955 Potential Station Use of Radioisotopes by Waterways Experiment MP 2-125 May 1955 Effects of Circulation of Cooling Water on Temperature at Intake of Proposed Delaware City Plant; Delaware River Model Tests MP 2-133 Jun 1955 An Investigation of the Adaptability of Electronic Computers to Haterways Experiment Station Projects MP 2-139 Jul 1955 Facilities for Wave Research Station at Waterways Experiment MP 2-143 Sep 1955 Report of Model Bank Locations Study, Old River Outlet Channel, Spoil ~1P 2-146 Nov 1955 Prototype Tests of Filling and Emptying Systems, McNary Dam Lock, Washington, October 1955 MP 2-149 Jun 1952 t1emorandum on Flood-Control Hydraulic Friction Factors for Concrete Conduits and Tunnels MP 2-153 Feb 1949 Interim Report on Pilot Model Study of Southwest Pass, Mississippi River (Reprinted Apr 1956) MP 2-154 t1ar 1956 Cavitation at Baffle Piers MP 2-155 Feb 1956 Comments on the Shoaling Problem in Southwest Pass, Mississippi River HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 2-156 Sep 1955 Instrumentation for Hydraulic Research (r1odel Prototype) and MP 2-160 Mar 1956 The Effect of Artificial Stimulation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer in Rectangular Conduits MP 2-164 Apr 1956 Report on Attendance at Sixth Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research, The Hague, Netherlands, 30 August-6 September 1955, and Visits to Hydraulic Laboratories in France and England MP 2-171 Apr 1956 Stability of Crescent· City Harbor Breakwater, Crescent City, California MP 2-204 Mar 1957 Laboratory Investigations of Outlet Works r1P 2-206 r1ar 1957 Hydraulic Laboratory Investigations of Spillways MP 2-222 May 1957 DuPont Plants Effluent Dispersion in Delaware River; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 706 216 1·1P 2-224 Jun 1957 Laboratory Investigatio~ of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters MP 2-229 Jun 1957 Model Studies of Remedial Works for Niagara Falls MP 2-234 Aug 1957 Field Investigations of Spillways and Outlet ~Jorks MP 2-239 Oct 1957 Report on Attendance at Seventh Congress of IAHR, Lisbon, Portugal, and Visits to Hydraulic Laboratories in Europe and England r·1P 2-242 Nov 1957 Papers on Wave Model Laboratory Apparatus MP 2-264 Apr 1958 Spillway for McGee Bend Dam, Angelina River, Texas; Hydraulic r1odel Investigation MP 2-265 Apr 1958 Velocity Forces on Submerged Rocks MP 2-266 Apr 1958 Prototype Spillway Crest Pressures, Chief Joseph Dam, Columbia River, Washington MP 2-275 Jun 1958 11odel-Prototype Confinnation, Chain of Rocks Canal, Mississippi River MP 2-276 Jul 1958 Protective Cover Layers for Rubble-r1ound Breakwaters; Studies Completed Through March 1957 MP 2-283 Aug 1958 The Value of Prototype Tests to Hydraulic Design MP 2-291 Oct 1958 Index to Hydraulic Articles, Civil Engineering, 1930-1955 AD 756 293 1·1P 2-293 Nov 1958 Outlet Works Stilling Basin, East Barre Dam, Winooski River, Vermont; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title All Number MP 2-296 Jan 1959 Design of Tribar and Tetrapod Cover Layers for RubbleMound Breakwaters MP 2-299 Dec 1958 Prototype Confirmation of Model Investigation, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina; First Interim Report MP 2-320 Feb 1959 Considerations of Various Factors Entering Into the Evaluation of Intake Losses from Experimental Measurements MP 2-331 Mar 1959 Distribution of Ungaged Flows for 1949, 1950, and 1951 Floods, Van Buren-to-Little Rock Reach, Arkansas River and Tributaries MP 2-332 Contamination Dispersion in Estuaries: Apr 1959 Report 1 Delaware River; Hydraulic Model Investigation Apr 1959 Report 2 Narragansett Bay; Hydraulic Model Investigation Jan 1961 Report 3 New York Harbor; Hydraulic t~odel Investigation Aug 1962 Report 4 San Francisco Bay; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation MP 2-337 Apr 1959 Effect of PAStlY Intake Structure, Niagara River; Hydraulic Model Investigation MP 2-340 May 1959 A Quarter-Century Assessment of Experimental in Hydraulics Prediction MP 2-349 Jul 1959 Summary of Best Plans for Reducing Shoaling, Southwest Pass, Mississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation MP 2-358 Sep 1959 Effects of Salt-Water Barriers Across the Delaware River; Preliminary Hydraulic Model Investigation MP 2-372 Jan 1960 Design of Quadripod Cover Layers for Rubble-Mound Breakwaters; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation AD 762 185 MP 2-377 Feb 1960 Designs for Rubble-Mound Breakwater Repairs, Nawiliwili Harbor, Nawiliwili, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 762 184 MP 2-381 Feb 1960 Navigation Model Studies of New Ohio River Locks MP 2-401 Jun 1960 Report on Attendance at International Organization for Standards Meeting, Paris, France, and Visits to Hydraulic Laboratories in Europe and England AD 762 182 MP 2-403 Jul 1960 Everett Dam Spillway and Discharge Channel, Piscataquog River, New Hampshire; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation AD 762 183 MP 2-406 Jul 1960 Fixed-Bed River t~odels AD 762 187 MP 2-407 Aug 1960 Cooling Water Canal Tests Shoaling Study, Delaware River t1odel HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number t·1P 2-413 Jan 1961 Channel Improvements, Canacadea Creek, Hornell, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 756 309 MP 2-414 Dec 1960 Vibration Problems in Hydraulic Structures AD 762 186 MP 2-417 Mar 1961 Construction and Performance of the Grouted Cutoff, AD 762 834 Rocky Reach Hydroelectric Project MP 2-434 Jun 1961 Report on Attendance at International Organization for Standardization Meeting, New Delhi, India, and Visits to Indian Hydraulic Laboratories AD 763 054 MP 2-453 Sep 1961 Wave Forces on Rubble-t1ound Breakwaters and Jetties AD 763 053 MP 2-464 Dec 1961 Exchange Visit of U. S. Hydraulic Laboratory Directors to USSR, September 1961 AD 763 055 MP 2-465 Jan 1962 Design of Riprap Cover Layers for Railroad Relocation Fills, Ice Harbor and John Day Lock and Dam Projects; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 748 163 MP 2-468 Dec 1961 Swellhead Effect of Navigation Structures AD 748 821 MP 2-472 Nov 1965 Radioactive Sediment Tracer Tests Near the North and AD 748 815 South Jetties; Galveston Harbor Entrance, by L. Ingram, R. S. Cummins, and H. B. Simmons F. MP 2-484 Apr 1962 Fluctuation of Control Gates AD 748 950 MP 2-485 May 1962 Problems Created by Cavitation Phenomena AD 748 951 MP 2-496 Jun 1962 Types of Flow in Open Channels AD 748 952 MP 2-502 Jun 1962 Seiches and Currents in Duluth-Superior Harbor, June-November 1958; Analytical Investigation AD 748 817 MP 2-522 Sep 1962 Report on Ninth Congress of International Association for Hydraulic Research, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 3-7 September 1961, and Conference Excursion AD 748 818 MP 2-536 Oct 1962 Energy Dissipator, Mississinewa Dam Outlet Conduit, Mississinewa River, Indiana; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation AD 748 953 MP 2-541 tlov 1962 Contribution of t1atagorda Bay Model to Design of t1atagorda Bay Deep Draft Navigation Project AD 748 954 MP 2-543 Nov 1962 Technical Assistance to the Government of Colombia, Department of Public \4orks, a Hydraulic Laboratory on Equipping and Operating MP 2-552 Jan 1963 Riprap Requirements for Overflow Embankments AD 733 949 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD tlumber ~1P 2-558 Feb 1963 Pollution Studies for Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York Harbor f4odel; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 733 746 ~1P 2-560 Mar 1963 Estimate of Wave Action Conditions and Selection of AD 735 692 Optimum Plan for Proposed Harbor of Refuge, Kelleys Island, Ohio; Analytical Investigation MP 2-563 Mar 1963 Model and Prototype Observations of Gate Oscillations AD 733 950 MP 2-564 Mar 1963 The Use of Radioisotopes in Sediment Transport Studies AD 733 951 MP 2-578 May 1963 Visits to Hydraulic Laboratories in England and France, March 1963 AD 733 774 ~1P 2-587 Jul 1963 Turbulent Boundary Layer Development on Spillways AD 733 952 MP 2-590 Jun 1963 Demonstration of the Electric Analog Model of the Kansas River at the University of California in Berkeley AD 733 953 MP 2-597 Aug 1963 Meltwater Gaging Program, Project No. Tuto Area, Greenland 1, Approach Roads, AD 733 954 MP 2-601 Sep 1963 Nonuniform Flow Functions, Circular Section AD 733 866 MP 2-606 Oct 1963 Discharge Rating Curves Spillway Crests for Vertical Lift Gates on AD 733 955 MP 2-607 Oct 1963 Review and Evaluation of Hydraulic Problems at the Hydraulic Research and Experimental Station, Delta Barrage, United Arab Republic AD 733 956 r1P 2-622 Feb 1964 Emergency Gate Performance, McAlpine Lock, Kentucky; Hydraulic Prototype Tests Ohio River, AD 733 868 MP 2-625 Feb 1964 An Investigation of Spillway Bucket and Toe Curve Pressures AD 734 089 t~P 2-633 Mar 1964 Pollution Studies, Savannah Harbor; Hydraulic Model Investigation · AD 734 090 f-1P 2-641 Apr 1964 Effects of Proposed Runway Extensions at La Guardia Airport on Tides, Currents, Shoaling, and Dye Dispersion; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 734 091 t~P 2-642 Apr 1964 A Study of Spillway Energy Losses During Development of the Turbulent Boundary Layer AD 733 843 ~1P 2-648 May 1964 Twin-Log Floating ~reakwater, Small-Boat Basin No. Juneau, Alaska; Hydraulic f1odel Investigation 2, AD 733 845 MP 2-649 May 1964 Radioactive Sediment Tracer Tests, Cape Fear River, North Carol ina AD 733 846 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 2-699 Jan 1965 Friction Factors for Hydraulic Design of Corrugated Metal Pipe, by J. L. Grace AD 734 092 MP 2-721 Apr 1965 Discharge Characteristics of Hurricane Barrier, East Passage, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. A. Pickering and J. L. Grace AD 733 847 MP 2-723 Jun 1965 Effects of Proposed Dikes and Sediment Traps on Shoaling and Currents in Tidewater's Delaware City Channels; Hydraulic f·1odel Investigation, by W. H. Bobb AD 734 093 t1P 2-734 Jul 1965 Report on Attendance, International Standards Organization Technical Committee Meeting, London, 1965, and Hydraulics Laboratory Visits, by F. B. Campbell AD 734 094 t·1P 2-765 Dec 1965 Model Tests of Enlarged Navigation Channel at Miller Sands Bar, Columbia River Estuary, by F. A. Herrmann AD 734 095 MP 2-774 Dec 1965 Frequency Spectrum Analysis of the Old River Control Structure Vibration, by R. A. Yates AD 734 096 MP 2-777 Feb 1966 Hydraulic Design of Rock Riprap, by F. B. Campbell AD 734 097 MP 2-794 Feb 1966 Lock Culvert Outlet Basins; Hydraulic Model gation, by J. H. Ables and M. B. Boyd Investi AD 733 848 MP 2-797 Feb 1966 Plans for Protection of Paulsboro Refinery Docking Area from Tidal Currents; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by ~J. H. Bobb AD 734 098 ~1P 2-799 t1ar 1966 Stability Tests of Proposed Rubble-Hound Breakwaters, Nassau Harbor, Bahamas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. Y. Hudson and R. A. Jackson AD 734 099 MP 2-812 Apr 1966 Flushing Studies, Victoria Channel. Victoria, Texas; Hydraulic 14odel Investigation, by R. A. Boland AD 734 100 ~1P 2-821 r~ay 1966 Adequacy of Submerged Rock Weirs to Withstand Propeller Wash, St. Clair River, Michigan; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. L. Grace AD 733 871 MP 2-841 Aug 1966 Designs for Rubble-t1ound Breakwater, Noyo Harbor, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. AD 733 849 Jackson MP 2-843 Sep 1966 Status Report on F. A. Hermann the Gastineau Channel t-1odel Study, by AD 734 101 MP 2-848 Oct 1966 A t1omentum Approach J. W. Patterson to Open Channel Transitions. by AD 735 776 t1P 2-857 Nov 1966 Prototype Performance and t1odel-Prototype Relationship, by F. B. Campbell and E. B. Pickett AD 735 850 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 2-860 Nov 1966 Laboratory Research on Design of Dikes lation, by J. J. Franco for River Regu AD 735 846 MP 2-876 Feb 1967 Stilling Basin, Huntington Reservoir Spillway, Wabash River, Indiana; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by E. S. r1elsheimer and T. E. Murphy AD 735 843 MP 2-883 Apr 1967 A Review of the Experimental Data Relative to the Pilot Model Study for the Design of Hilo Harbor Tsunami Model,by G. H. Keulegan AD 735 844 MP 2-887 Mar 1967 Results of Hydraulic and Shoaling Studies in Marcus Hook-Schuylkill Reach of Delaware River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by W. H. Bobb AD 735 777 MP 2-912 Sep 1966 Effects of a Proposed 35-Foot Channel to Richmond Currents and Salinities Over the Seed Oyster Beds James River; Hydraulic Medel Investigation, by W. Bobb, N. J. Brogdon, and H. B. Simmons on in H. AD 735 849 MP 2-951 Dec 1967 Dye Dispersion Patterns for Three Outfall Locations for the Warwick River Sewage Treatment Plant; Hydraulic14odel Investigation, by l~. H. Bobb and N. J. Brogdon AD 735 778 MP 2-952 Dec 1967 Effects of Arthur Kill-Kill Van Kull Channel Deepening on Tides, Currents and Shoaling; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by \~. H. Bobb AD 735 688 MP 2-953 Dec 1967 Effects of Removal of Shooters Island and Shore 14odifi AD 735 779 cations on Tides, Currents, and Shoaling in Channels; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by the Kill l~. H. Bobb MP 2-988 Apr 1968 Pressure Tests in Flood-Control Conduits, Summersville Dam, Gauley River, West Virginia, by E. D. Hart AD 735 767 MP H-68-1 Jun 1968 Riprap Protection for Subimpoundment Dams, Rend Lake Reservoir, Illinois; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation, byN. R. Oswalt AD 724 532 MP H-68-2 Sep 1968 Entrance Loss and Boundary Development in Smooth-and Rough-Walled Rectangular Conduits, by G. H. Keulegan AD 724 533 MP H-68-3 Sep 1968 Head Losses Y. H. Chu in Subcritical Flm~ Channel Transitions, by AD 724 534 MP H-68-4 Oct 1968 Evaporation from Lake and Land Pans at the U. S. ArmyEngineer Waterways Experiment Station, January 1941 through December 1945, by R. G. Cox AD 724 535 MP H-68-5 Dec 1968 Boundary Effects of Uniform Size Roughness Elements in Two-Dimensional Flow in Open Channels, by B. J. Brown and Y. H. Chu AD 723 984 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP H-69-1 Jan 1969 Trends in Baffled, Hydraulic Jump, Stilling Basin Designs of the Corps of Engineers Since 1947, by D. R. Basco AD 724 536 MP H-69-2 Mar 1969 Radioactive Sediment Tracer Tests, Houston Ship Channel, Houston, Texas, by E. D. Hart AD 724 068 MP H-69-3 Jun 1969 Characteristic Pressure Distribution in Conduit Inlets AD 724 537 of Earth Dam Flood Control Outlet Works, by Y. H. Chu MP H-69-4 Apr 1969 A Note on Channel Junction Design, by G. H. Keulegan AD 724 538. MP H-69-5 May 1969 Hydraulic Characteristics of Nuclear Excavated Channels, by R. A. Sager, E. C. ~1cNair, and G. H. Keulegan AD 687 371 MP H-69-6 May 1969 Canal Density Currents, by R. A. Sager AD 687 372 MP H-69-7 Apr 1969 Effects of Temporary and Permanent Blankets and Currents in East River; Hydraulic Model gation, by W. H. Bobb and T. C. Hill on Tides Investi- AD 724 539 MP H-69-8 Sep 1969 Characteristic Pressure Distribution in Outlet Works Inlets, by R. G. Cox and Y. H. Chu AD 725 426 MP H-69-9 Sep 1969 The Quasi-Permanent Regime of Rivers and the Prediction of Floods, by G. H. Keulegan and G. W. Patterson AD 725 427 MP H-69-10 Sep 1969 An Analytical Model to Predict Ship Transit Capacities of Sea-Level Canals, by John Harrison, H. B. Simmons, B. G. Stinson, and F. M. Anklam AD 728 096 MP H-69-11 Sep 1969 Stability and Transmission Tests of Tribar Breakwater Section Proposed for Monterey Harbor, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. n. Davidson AD 728 097 MP H-69-12 Dec 1969 A Statistical Model to Predict the Transit Capacity of Sea-Level Canals, by R. G. Stinson, J. W. Brown, and John Harrison AD 725 428 MP H-69-13 Dec 1969 Effects of Proposed Elizabeth River Dike on Tides, Currents, Salinities, and Shoaling; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Boland and W. H. Bobb AD 728 098 MP H-70-1 Investigation of Proposed Dike SystemsRiver: on the ~1ississippi Apr 1970 Report 1 Baleshed-Ajax Bar Reach; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by J. J. Franco, T. J. Pokrefke, and J. E. Glover Apr 1981 Report 2 New Madrid Bar Reach; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by T. J. Pokrefke, Jr., and J. J. Franco AD AlOl 529 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP H-70-2 MP H-70-.3 MP H-70-4 MP H-70-5 MP H-70-6 MP H-70-7 MP H-71-1 MP H-71-2 MP H-71-3 MP H-71-4 ~1P H-71-5 MP H-71-6 t~P H-71-7 MP H-71-8 MP H-71-9 t1P H-71-10 MP H-72-1 Apr 1~70 Jun ,1970 May.l970 May 1970 May 1970 Jun 1970 Jan 1971 Jan 1971 Jan 1971 Feb 1971 ~~a r 1971 Apr 1971 Apr 1971 Jun 1971 Aug 1971 Sep 1971 Apr 1972 Insights Gained from River Sedimentation Models, by J. J. Franco Tidal Prism Measurements at Mouth of Columbia River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by F. A•. Herrmann An Experimental Study of Drag Force and Other Perform ance Criteria of Baffle Blocks in Hydraulic Jumps, by D. R. ·Basco Capabilities of Hydraulic Models, by E. P. Fortson Boundary Effects of Graded Roughness Elements in Two Dimensional Flow in Open Channels, by B. J. Brown Review and Evaluation of Work Performed by Stevens .Institute of Technology for the Atlantic-Pacific Inter oceanic Canal Study Commission, by John Harrison Salamonie Dam Flip Bucket Prototype Tests, Salamonie River, Indiana, by D. F. Bastian Hydraulic Models for the Solution of River Training Problems, by J. E. Glover Development of Alluvial Streams for Navigation, by J •. J •. franco Calcasieu Saltw.ater Barrier Prototype Sector Gate Tests, by D. F. Bastian I' , I Control of Scour at Hydraulic Structures, by T. E. Mur:phy Predicting Construction Effects by Tidal Modeling, by_H. B. Simmons, John Harrison, and C. J. Huval Prototype Observations of Snettisham Project Diversion Tunnel,, Long Lake, Alaska, by T. E. Munsey and F. M. Neil son .· Random-Length Pipe Mobile Breakwater for Expedient t1ilitary Cargo Docking and Unloading Facility, by C. E. Chatham Lock and Dam No. 4 Cofferdam Diversion Study, Arkansas River; ~ydr~ulic Model InvestigatJon, by J. J. Franco Guide for the Use of Hourly Tidal Data Plotting Program,by. L. l~ Daggett Phydcal t1odel Studies 1 of Propos.ed Hurricane Surge Protection Schemes, by N. J. Brogdon and F. A. Herrmann AD 756 152 AD 756 156 AD 757 389 Number MP H-72-2 MP H-72-3 MP H-72-4 MP H-72-5 ~1P H-72-6 MP H-72-7 t4P H-72-8 t1P H-72-9 MP H-72-10 MP H-73-1 MP H-73-2 MP H-73-3 MP H-73-4 MP H-73-5 MP H-73-6 Date Mar 1972 Apr 1972 Apr 1972 May 1972 Jun 1972 Jun 1972 ,Jun 1972 Jun 1972 Aug 1972 Aug 1972 Jan 1973 Feb 1973 Jun 1973 Jun 1973 Dec 1973 Jun 1973 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Summary Report; Model Studies of Shrewsbury Inlet, by E. C. McNair and T. C. Hill Evaluation of Coastal Zone Management Plans Through Model Techniques, by R. W. Whalin and F. A. Herrmann Estuaries, by F. A. Herrmann Practical Guidance for Estimating and ControllingErosion at Culvert Outlets, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace Hydrological Research, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Lake Watershed, 1939-1946, by E. B. Lipscomb and E. E. Moorhead: Volume I Volume II Pertinent Data on Spillway Tainter Gates for Corps of Engineers Projects, by R. G. Cox Effects of Proposed Extension of Craney Island Dis posal Area on Tides, Currents, and Salinities;Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by R. A. Boland Sea-Land Navigation Studies; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. H. Bobb Effects of Proposed Dock Expansion at Newport News on Tides, Currents, and Shoaling; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Boland Resistance Losses in Noncircular Flood Control Conduits and Sluices, by R. G. Cox Effective Hydraulic Roughness for Channels Having Bed Roughness Different from Bank Roughness; A State-of-theArt Report, by R. G. Cox Flood Routing Procedure for the Lower Ohio River, by B. H. Johnson and P. K. Senter Spilh1ay Hater-Surface Profiles, by R. G. Cox Spil h1ay Crest Design, by T. E. Murphy Drainage and Erosion Control Facilities; Field Performance Investigation, by J. L. Grace, Jr., C. C. Calhoun, Jr., and D. N. Brown AD Number AD 743 461 AD 745 883 AD 756 157 AD 755 821 AD 757 138 AD 762 128 AD 774 802 AD 762 537 Number ~1P H-73-7 MP H-73-8 MP H-74-1 MP H-74-2 MP H-74-3 ~1P H-74-4 * MP H-74-5 * MP H-74-6 MP H-.74-7 t1P H-74-8 MP H-74-9 MP H-74-10 MP H-74-11 MP H-75-1 MP .~~75-2 MP H-75-4 Date Aug 1973 Sep 1973 Jan 1974 Jan 1974 t1ar 1974 Mar 1974 May 1974 May 1974 Aug .1974 . Aug 1974 Aug 1974 Sep 1974 Dec 1974 Jan 1975 Apr 1975 May 1975 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title AD Number Cellular-Block-Lined Grade Control Structure; Hydraulic AD 766 692 ~1odel Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace, Jr. Hulci.h Dam' Emergency Bulkhead Prototype Closure Tests, AD 767 235 by W. C. Blanton, J. E. Hall, and D. F. Bastian Similitude Conditions in Free-Surface Vortex Formations, AD 775 405 by L. L. Daggett and G. H. Keulegan Concrete Armor Units for Protection Against Wave Attack; AD 774 800 Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Armor Units for Coastal Structures, edited by R. Y. Hudson ANote on the Gravity Head Viscometer, by G. H. Keulegan and L. L. naggett Analysis of Tow Entry, Locking, and Exit Times at Lock and Dam 51, Ohio River, by L. L. naggett, R. W. McCarley, and J. E. Stinehour WATSIM IV Logic Manual, by L. L. 11aggett and J. A. Eiland AD 920 Ol2L Determination of Summary Statistics of Lock Peformance AD 920 Ol3L Using the Lock Data Analysis Program: LOKDAP, by J. A. Eiland and L. L. Daggett STA-POD Stability Tests; Hydraulic t~odel Investigation,by D. D. Oavidson Models and Methods Applicable to Corps of Engineers Urban AD 786 516 Studies, by J. W. Brown, M. R. Walsh, R. W. McCarley, A. J. Green, Jr., and H. W. West Neches River Saltwater Barrier, by C. J. Huval Mathematical t1odel Study of a Flow Control Plan for the AD A054 296 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, by B. H. Johnson Effects of a Steady Nonuniform Current on the Character-AD A005 005 istics of Surface Gravity ~~aves, by L. Z. Hales and J. B. He.rbich Evaluation of Disposal Areas in James River; Hydraulic AD A054 082 Model Investigation, by R. A. Boland, Jr., and W. H. Bobb Norton Point Dike Study, Coney Island, New York; Hy-AD A054 083 draulic ~1odel Investigation, by R. F. Athow, Jr., W. H. Bobb, and R. A. Sager Scale Effects in Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability ~1odels AD A012 069 Caused by Variations in the Specific Gravity of the Armor Units and lJnderl ayer S-tones, by R. Y. Hudson * Statement R. See Preface. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP H-75-5 Jun 1975 Reliability of Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability Models, by R. Y. Hudson AD AOll 266 MP H-75-6 May 1975 River Point Directory for the Mississippi River-Gulf Coast Inland Waterways System, by L. L. Daggett and R. McCarley W. AD AOll 267 MP H-75-7 Jul 1975 Lock nesign, Sidewall by T. E. Murphy Port Filling and Emptying System, AD A013 985 MP H-75-8 Nov 1975 Westport Small-Boat Basin Revision Study; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. J. Brogdon, Jr. AD A018 422 MP H-75-9 Dec 1975 Determination of Lock Capacities Using Simulation Modeling, by L. L. Oaggett and T. D. Ankeny AD A054. 086 MP H-75-10 Dec 1975 Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina: Movable-Bed HydraulicModel Study; Effects of Temperature and ExperimentalProcedures, by R. A. Sager and N. W. Hollyfield · AD A019 266 MP H-76-1 Jan 1976 Chesapeake Bay Radioactive Tracer Study, by A. R. Tool AD A020 539 MP H-76-2 Jan 1976 Waterway Point Directory for the Great Lakes, Atlantic, and Pacific Areas, by L. L. Daggett and R. W. McCarley (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A054 090 Appendix E Waterway Point Directory for the Great Lakes Area AD A054 087 Appendix F Waterway Point Directory for the Atlantic Coast Area AD A054 088 Appendix G Waterway Point Directory for the Pacific Coast Area AD A054 089 ~1P H-76-3 Lake Erie International Investigation: Jetport ~1odel Feasihility Feb 1976 Report 17-7 Results of Numerical Steady-State, HindDriven Circulation Analysis, by D. L. Durham and H. L. Butler (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A036 242 Feb 1976 Appendix D Oct 1976 Report 17-8 Results of Numerical Time-Dependent ThreeDimensional, Storm Surge Analysis, by D. L. Durham, H. L. Butler, and D. C. AD A036 243 Raney (includes Appendixes A-F) Oct 1976 Appendix G Number t1P H-76-3 (Cont) MP H-76-4 MP H-76-5 HP H-76-6 * MP H-76-7 MP H-76-8 MP H-76-9 t1P H-76-10 MP H-76-11 MP H-76-12 Date Jan 1978 Sep 1976 t4ar 1976 Sep 1976 May 1976 t4ar 1976 Apr 1976 Apr 1976 Apr 1976 May 1976 May 1976 May 1976 Jun 1976 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Report 17-9 Results of Numerical Three-Dimensional Wind-Driven Circulation Analysis for Thermally Stratified Lake Conditions, by D. L. Durham and D. C. Raney Numerical Analysis of Tidal Circulation for LongBeach Harbor: Report 1 Existing Conditions and Alternate Plans for Pier J Completion and Tanker Terminal Study, by D. C. Raney Report 2 Tidal Circulation Velocity Patterns for Existing Conditions and Alternate Master Plan PierJ Configurations for Sohio Project, by D. C. Raney Report 3 Existing Conditions and Alternate Plans for Pier J Completion and Tanker Terminal Studywith -82 ft Channel, by D. C. Raney Report 4 Tidal Circulation Velocity Patterns for Existing Conditions and Alternate Master Plan PierJ Configurations with -82-ft Channel, by D. C. Raney Cooper River Rediversion Project, Bushy Park Water Supply Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. A. Benson and W. H. Robb Falls Lake Water-Quality Study; Hydraulic Laboratory In vestigation, by Bruce Loftis and D. c. Fontane A Simulation Model of Tow Traffic on the Gulf Intracoastal l~aterway, by T. D. Ankeny and L. L. Daggett Stability of Rubble-t1ound Breakwater, Lahaina Harbor, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. D. Carver Effects of 40-Foot Charleston Harbor Project on Tides, Currents, and Salinit~es; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. A. Benson Transmission of Wave Energy Through and Overtopping of the Long Beach, California, Breakwater; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by L. Z. Hales New Techniques and Materials for Constructing Hydraulic Models, by N. R. Os1talt and G. A. Pickering Estimation of Winds Over the Great Lakes, by D. T. Resio and C. L. Vincent AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number A050 614 A031 174 A046 914 A031 178 A064 469 A022 805 A023 754 BOlO 692L A024 773 A024 524 A025 175 A026 095 A028 022 * Statement B. See Preface. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP H-76-13 Jun 1976 Lock Filling and Emptying--Symmetrical Systems, by Hebler and F. M. Neilson ~1. T. AD B012 621L t1P H-76-14 Jun 1976 Interim Report on ~1ovable-Bed Model Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina, Tests, by N. W. Hollyfield AD A026 399 MP H-76-15 Jun 1976 Development of Navigation with Locks and Dams, Franco by J. J. AD A029 355 MP H-76-16 Aug 1976 A Variational R. W. Whalin Approach to Nonlinear Wave Theory, by AD A030 144 MP H-76-17 Sep 1~76 Enla,rgement of t1arcus Hook Anchorage, Delaware River; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, hy R. F. Athow, Jr. AD A030 541 MP H-76-18 Sep 1976 Effects of Construction of Liberty State Park on Hydraulic Characteristics of New York Harbor; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by R. F. Athow, Jr., and R. A. Boland, Jr. AD A030 471 MP H-76-19 Sep 1976 Convex Chutes Neil son in Converging Supercritical Flow, by F. M. AD A033 733 MP H-76-20 Long Beach Harbor Numerical Analysis of Harbor Oscilla tions: Sep 1976 Report 1 Existing Conditions and by J. R. Houston Proposed Improvements, AD A031 171 Sep 1976 Report 2 Alternate Plans Tanker Terminal for Pier J Completion and Project, by J. R. Houston AD A031 172 Sep 1976 Report 3 Alternate Plans for Pier J Completion and Tanker Terminal Project (62-and 82-ft Depths), by J. R. Houston AD A031 173 Feb 1977 Report 4 Alternate Plans Tanker Terminal J. J. Wans trath for Pier J Completion and Project (No Landfill), by AD A037 066 MP H-76-21 t·1ar 1977 Seasonal Variations in Great Lakes Design Wave Heights:Lake Erie, by D. T. Resio, R. t1. Brooks, and C. L. Vincent AD A039 153 MP H-76-22 Nov 1976 Igloo Have Absorber Tests for Port Hashington Harbor, !•Jisconsin; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. R. Bottin, Jr. AD A032 572 MP H-77-1 Feb 1977 Capacity Studies of Winfield Locks, Kanawha River, West Virginia, by L. L. Daggett and R. W. McCarley AD A037 382 MP H-77-2 Feb 1977 Los Angeles Harbor Numerical tions, by J. R. Houston Analysis of Harbor Oscilla AD A037 155 .* Statement B. See Preface. Number Date MP H-77-3 Mar 1977 MP H-77-4 May 1977 MP H-77-5 May 1977 MP H-77-6 May 1977 MP H-77-7 Jun 1977 MP H-77-8 Aug 1977 MP H-77-9 Aug 1977 Dec 1978 MP H-77-10 Aug 1977 MP H-77-11 Sep 1977 MP H-77-12 Sep 1977 MP H-77-13 Nov 1977 MP H-77-14 Nov 1977 MP H-78-1 Jan 1978 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Dispersion of Proposed Theodore Industrial Park Effluents in f1obile Bay; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. C. Berger, Jr., and M. J. Trawle Charleston Harbor Navigation Study, South Carolina, Verification Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. A. Benson Pressure Tests in Flood-Control Conduit, Melvern Dam, Kansas, by T. L. Fagerburg Numerical Model Results of Dredged Material Disposal at Ten Proposed Ocean Disposal Sites in the Hawaiian Islands, by B. H. Johnson and B. U. Holliday Effect of Loss of Valley Storage in the Cannelton Pool on Ohio River Flood Heights, by B. H. Johnson and P. K. Senter Tillamook Bay Entrance Refraction Study, Tillamook, Oregon, by L. Z. Hales A Numerical Hindcast r~odel for Wave Spectra on Water Bodies with Irregular Shoreline Geometry: Report 1 Test of Nondimensional Growth Rates, by D. T. Resio and C. L. Vincent Report 2 Model Verification with Observed Wave Data, by D. T. Resio and C. L. Vincent A Consultant's Review of the Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors Study, by R. 0. Reid, R. G. Dean, and L. E. Borgman Dauphin Island Littoral Transport Calculations, by A. W. Garcia A Computer-Aided Aerial Photographic Analysis of Fire Island Inlet Geomorphology, by J. H. Barwis, F. C. Perry, and v. E. LaGarde Model Study of Cool \~ater Discharge from Proposed LNG Facility, Los Angeles Harbor, California, by H. H. McAnally, Jr. Dispersion of Proposed Effluent Discharges and Salt water Intrusion in Cooper River; Hydraulic Model In vestigation, by H. A. Benson and R. A. Boland, Jr. Enhancement of Releases from a Stratified Impoundment by Localized Mixing, Okatibbee Lake, t1ississippi, by M. S. Dortch and S. c. Wilhelms AD Number AD A038 656 AD A041 291 AD A040 605 AD A041 670 AD A043 721 AD A044 051 AD A064 992 AD A043 734 AD A044 662 AD A045 187 AD A050 023 AD A051 928 AD A05l 794 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP H-78-2 Jan 1978 Preliminary Evaluation of Wind and Wave Effects at AD A049 883 Potential LNG Terminal Sites, State of California, by L. Z. Hales Apr 1978 Appendix A An Evaluation of the Relative Wave AD A054 130 Climate at Five Onshore LNG Sites Considering Island Influences and Topographic Effects, by L. Z. Hales Jul 1978 Appendix B An Evaluation of the Relative Have AD A057 426 Climate at Six Offshore LNG Sites Considering Island Influences and Topographic Effects, by L. Z. Hales MP H-78-3 Jan 1978 Automation Techniques for Physical Hydraulic ~1odels, AD A051 865 by D. L. Durham and G. C. nowning MP H-78-4 Jan 1978 Stability Tests of Nawiliwili Breakwater Repair, by An A051 620 n. D. Davidson ~1P H-78-5 An Open-Coast r1athematical Storm Surge r1odel with Coastal Flooding for Louisiana: Feb 1978 Report 1 Theory and Application, by J. J. Wanstrath AD A053 365 Feb 1978 Report 2 Program nocumentation, by J. J. Wanstrath AD B026 600L * MP H-78-6 Georgetown Harbor, South Carolina: Feb 1978 Report 1 Hydraulic, Salinity, and Shoaling Verification; AD A052 340 Hydraulic Model Investigation, by M. J. Trawle May 1979 Report 2 Effects of Various Channel Schemes on Tides, AD A071 316 Currents, and Shoaling; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by t·1. J. Trawle and R. A. Boland, Jr. MP H-78-7 Jun 1978 Practical Riprap Design, by S. T. t1aynord AD A058 837 MP H-78-8 Aug 1978 Coastal Processes Study of the Oceanside, California, AD A068 316 Littoral Cell, by L. Z. Hales MP H-78-9 Sep 1978 A Discussion of Boundary-Fitted Coordinate Systems AD A059 192 and Their Applicability to the Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Problems, by B. H. Johnson and J. F. Thompson MP H-78-10 Sep 1978 Single-Valve Prototype Tests, Main Lock, Locks and Dam AD A061 174 26, Mississippi River, Alton, Illinois, by E. D. Hart MP H-78-11 Sep 1978 Feasibility Study of a Numerical Tow r1odel, by T. D. AD A062 727 Ankeny, C. J. Huval, and L. L. Daggett * Statement B. See Preface. H-20 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number: · Date Title AD Number MP H-78-12 Oct 1978 South Jetty Stability Study, Masonboro Inlet, North AD A062 132 Carolina; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by R. D. Carver and D. G. Markle Number· Date MBM 1-1 Oct 1942 ~1B~1 1-2 Oct 1942 t~BM 1-3 Apr 1943 MBM 1-4 Jul 1951 MB!·1 1-5 Nov 1955 MBM 1-6 Aug 1971 MBM 2-1 Oct 1945 MBM 2-2 Mar 1947 MBM 2-3 May 1948 MBt~ 2-4 Aug 1948 MBM 2-5 Jun 1949 MBM 2-6 Mar 1950 MBM 2-7 Mar 1951 MBM 2-8 Aug 1952 MBM 2-9 Sep 1953 MBH 2-10 Oct 1954 t1BM 2-11 Oct 1955 MB~1 2-12 May 1956 MBM 2-13 May 1957 MB~1 2-14 May 1958 MBM 2-15 t·1ay 1959 MB~1 2-16 Jun 1960 MB~1 2-17 Sep 1960 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY t1ississippi Basin t1odel Reports Title AD Preliminary Report on Proposed Reservoir Operation Model, Mississippi River and Tributaries Report on Proposed Site Definite Project Report Description of Mississippi Basin Model Automatic Instrumentation of the Mississippi Basin ~1odel History and Description of the Mississippi Basin Model, by J. E. Foster Report of First Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Second ~1eeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Third Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Fourth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Fifth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Sixth t·1eeting of t1ississippi Basin Model Board Report of Seventh Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Eighth t1eeting of t~ississippi Basin t1odel Board Report of Ninth ~1eeti ng of t'li ss iss i ppi Basin t1ode1 Board Report of Tenth Meeting of t4ississippi Basin Model Board Report of Eleventh t1eeting of Mississippi Basin ~lcdel Board Report of Twelfth Meeting of t1ississippi Basin t1odel Board Report of Thirteenth (Fiscal Year 1957) Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Fourteenth (Fiscal Year 1958) Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Fifteenth (Fiscal Year 1959) Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Sixteenth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board, Fiscal Year 1960 Special Report of the Mississippi Basin Model Board on Curtailment of Model Limits (Seventeenth Meeting of the Board) Number Number Date MBM 2-18 Jul 1961 MBM 2-19 Jul 1962 MBM 2-20 Aug 1963 MBM 2-21 Apr 1964 MBM 2-22 Apr 1965 MBM 2-23 r1ay 1966 MBM 2-24 Jun 1967 MBM 2-25 Jun 1968 MBM 2-26 Jun 1969 MBM 2-27 Jun 1970 MBM 3-1 May 1951 Revised Apr 1958 MBM 12-1 . Apr 1952 MBM 12-2 Jun 1962 MBM 13-1 Dec 1960 MBM 14-1 Jul 1951 MBM 14-2 Nov 1952 MBM 15-1 Aug 1951 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Mississippi Basin Model Reports Title Report of Eighteenth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board, Fiscal Year 1961 Report of Nineteenth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Twentieth Meeting of r~ississippi Basin Model Board Report of T\'lenty-First r~eeting of Mississippi Basin ~1odel Board Report of Twenty-Second Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Twenty-Third Meeting of Mississippi Basin r1odel Board Report of Twenty-Fourth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Twenty-Fifth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Twenty-Sixth Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board Report of Twenth-Seventh Meeting of Mississippi Basin Model Board The r1ississippi Basin Model, published in "The l~ilitary Engineer" Verification of Sioux City-to-Hermann Reach, Missouri River and Tributaries, 1950 and 1947 Floods Verification of Si.oux City-to-l~outh Reach, Missouri River and Tributaries, 1952 and 1951 Floods : Verification of the Pickwick Dam-Kentucky Dam Reach, Tennessee River af)d Tributar.ies, 1950 and 1948 Floods Verification of Tulsa-to-Van Buren Reach, Arkansas River·and Tributa~ies, Spring 1941 and 1943 Floods Verification of Van Buren-to-Pine Bluff Reach, Arkansas River and.Tribut~ries, Spring 1941 and 1943 Floods Verification of Hannibal-to-St. Louis Reach, Mississippi River and Tributaries, 1947, 1944, and 1943 Floods AD Number Number MBM 15-2 MB~1 23-1 MBf·1 23-2 MBM 23-3 MBM 24-1 MBM 29-1 MBM 31-1 MBM 31-2 ~1BM 31-3 MBM 31-4 MBM 31-5 MBM 31-6 Date May 1952 Jun 1965 Jul 1965 May 1969 Apr 1961 Nov 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jun 1971 Jul 1957 Apr 1957 Jan 1960 Sep 1962 Jun 1977 Apr 1978 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Mississippi Basin Model Reports Title Verification of Hannibal-to-Thebes Reach, Mississippi River and Tributaries, 1947, 1944, and 1943 Floods Effects of Reservoirs and Results of Steady-Flow Tests, Cumberland River; Hydraulic Model Investigation Kentucky Reservoir Steady Flow Profiles and Effects of Pickwick Discharge Duration on Downstream Stages; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation Effects of Cheatham and Barkley Reservoirs and Coordinated Operation of Barkley and Kentucky Reservoirs, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers; Hydraulic Model Investigation Flood-Routing and Reservoir Operation Study, Tulsa-to-Van Buren Reach, Arkansas River and Tributaries Comprehensive Testing Program; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster and S. J. Ruff Appendix A 1927 Flood and Hypothetical Floods 52A, 56, and 58A Appendix B 1937 Flood Appendix C 1943 Flood Appendix 0 1945 Flood Appendix E 1950 Flood Appendix F Hypothetical Flood M52-A Appendix G Hypothetical Flood t1 56 Appendix H Hypothetical Flood t1 58:-AOR Operation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Adequacy of Project Levee in Hannibal-to-Thebes Reach, Mississippi River and Tributaries. In 2 volumes Proposed Alignments for Columbia Bottoms Levee, St. Louis Industrial Park t4ississippi River Hypothetical Flood 52A Flowline Study, Mississippi and Illinois Rivers; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by J. E. Foster Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Operation; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD Number AD A04l 695 AD A055 030 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY MississiEPi Basin Model Reports Number Date Title ·------------------------AD Number MBM 31-7 Apr 1979 Test of Birds Point New Madrid Floodway; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster and J. v. Allen MBM 31-8 Nov 1980 Effects of Closing Wax Lake Outlet and Constructing AD A093 415 Management Unit and Channel Training Levees in the Atchafalaya River Basin, by J. E. Foster and J. v. Allen MBM 31-9 Oct 1984 Effects of Various Levee Alignments and Grades on 1973 AD A151 548 and Project Design Flow Lines in the Red-Ouachita-Black River Basin; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster, J. v. Allen, and J. E. Glover MBM 32-l May 1955 Effects of Agricultural Levees on Design Flood Profiles for Kansas City Local Protection MBM 32-2 Dec 1959 Tests for Re-evaluation of Missouri River Agricultural Levees in the Kansas City District MBM 32-3 May 1960 Tests for Re-evaluation of Missouri River Agricultural Levees in the Omaha District MBM 34-l Jun 1956 Effects of Project Levees Along Point Remove Creek, Tributary of Arkansas River MBM 34-2 Apr 1957 Adequacy of Project Levee Grades Without and With Reservoir Modification, Van Buren to Pine Bluff, Arkansas River MBM 38-l Nov 1971 Effects of Height and Alignment of Levees at Confluence of Missouri and Mississippi Rivers; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster MBM 42-l Oct 1956 Hypothetical Storms Over the Iowa Tributaries NBM 43-l Feb 1962 The Ohio River Hypothetical Flood OR-1 MBM 44-l Jun 1956 Determination of Discharge Hydrographs for Arkansas River and Tributaries, April 1927 Flood MBt1 52-l Oct 1954 Tests of Channel Realignment Near St. Joseph, Missouri MBM 81-1 Jan 1959 Effects of Proposed Highway Fill Across Chouteau Island MBM 81-2 Sep 1959 Effects of Proposed Chain of Rocks Dam, Mississippi River, Mile 190.1 MBM 81-3 Dec 1967 Effects of Roadway Construction on Mississippi River Flow, Lake County, Tennessee; Hydraulic Model Investigation MBM 81-4 Mar 1972 Report of Model 'study, Effects of Modifving Operation of Old River Control Structure on 1945, 1961, 1967, and 1968 Flood Flows; Hydraulic Model Investigation Mar 1972 Appendix A Additional Hydrographs HYDRAULICS LABORATORY ~----- Date Title------------------- AD Number MBM 81-5 Dec 1973 Report of Model Study, Effects of Ultimate Channel Development in the Atchafalaya Basin; Hydraulic Model Investigation MBM 81-6 Jun 1979 Effects of Overbank Vegetation on Mississippi River Stages in the St. Louis-to-Thebes Reach, by J. E. Foster and J. v. Allen MBM 86-1 Jul 1966 Effects of Roadway Embankment and Waterway Openings of Proposed Interstate Highway 155 on Mississippi River Floods; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. c. McGee and N. w. Hollyfield MBM 86-2 Apr 1972 Effects of Southwind Maritime Centre on Ohio River Flow Conditions at Mount Vernon, Indiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation MBM 91-1 Feb 1986 MRT Flow Line and Lorran Lake Cutoff, Red River: Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster, J. V. Allen, and J. E. Glover MBM 92-1 Oct 1955 Effects on Flood Heights of Levee, Railroad, and Highway Fills in the Flood Plain of the Missouri River Number Paper H Paper Y Paper D Paper R Paper A Paper U Paper L Paper I Paper C Paper 10 Paper 11 Paper 12 Paper 13 Paper 14 Paper 15 Paper 16 Paper 17 Paper 18 Date Jul 1930 Feb 1931 May 1931 May 1931 May 1931 Dec 1931 Jan 1932 Apr 1932 Dec 1932 Jan 1933 Jun 1933 Ju1 1933 Aug 1933 Sep 1933 Jan 1934 Apr 1934 Jan 1935 Jun 1937 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Papers Title Sediment Investigations on the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries Prior to 1930 Experiment to Determine the Limit of Backwater Influence in the Illinois River Hydraulic Studies of Proposed Dam No. 37, Ohio River Experiments to Determine the Erosive Effects of Floodwaters on Railroad Embankments Experiment to Determine the Effects of the Several Proposed Levee Extensions South of Eagle Lake, Mississippi Sediment Investigations on the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries, 1930-31 Model Study of .Effects of Dikes on the River Bed at Walkers Bar, Ohio River Experiment to Determine the Effects of Proposed DredgedCutoffs in the 'Mississippi River Model Study of Effects of Operating Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Experiment to Determine the Effects of Mississippi River Backwater on the Red River Model Studies of Dike Location Investigations of Certain Proposed Methods of Bank and Embankment Protection Model Study of Shoaling Below Starved Rock Lock and Dam, Illinois River Model Studies of Spillways for St. Lucie Canal, Martin County, Florida. Model Studies for Channel Stabilization, MississippiRiver Experiments to Determine the Backwater Effects of Submerged Sills in the St. Clair River Studies of River Bed Materials and Their Movement, with Special Reference to the Lower Mississippi River Model Study of Maintenance Works at Ballona Creek Outlet, Venice, California AD Number AD A950 029 Number RR 2-1 RR 2-2 RR 2-3 RR 2-5 RR 2-7 RR 2-8 RR 2-9 RR 2-10 RR 2-11 RR 2-12 RR H-68-1 RR H-68-2 RR H-69-1 RR H-69-2 RR H-70-1 RR H-70-2 Date Sep 1957 Jul 1958 Mar 1965 Jun 1965 Apr 1966 Oct 1966 Dec 1966 Feb 1968 Jun 1968 Mar 1968 Sep 1968 Sep 1968 Oct 1969 Dec 1969 Jan 1970 Jan 1970 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Research Reports Title Hydraulic Effects of Model Distortion: Report 1 Triangular-Flume Study of Distortion Effects Design of Quarry-Stone Cover Layers for Rubble-Mound Breakwaters; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation Pilot Model Study for the Design of Hilo Harbor Tsunami Model; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. G. Housley Selection and nesign of a Bore Generator for the Hilo Harbor Tsunami t1odel; Hydraulic t·1odel Investigation, by C. C. Shen The Approximate Theories of Pneumatic Wave Generators; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by G. H. Keulegan Selection of Scale for Riprap ~1odel of In-Shore Harbor, Site X; Analytical Investigation, by A. M. Kamel Methodology-Tidal Computations for a Sea-Level Canal, by G. H. Keulegan Water Have Pressures on Seawalls and Breakwaters, by A. M. Kamel Design of Cover Layers for Rubble-~1ound Breakwaters Subjected to Nonbreaking Haves; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by R. A. Jackson Wave Dal'lping Effects of Screens; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, hy G. H. Keulegan An Experimental Study of Breaking-Wave Pressures, by 1~. J. Garcia Shock Pressures Caused by Waves Rreaking Against Coastal Structures, by A. M. Kamel Water Wave Transmission Throuqh and Reflection by Pervious Coastal Structures; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by A. M. Kamel Scale Effect Tests for Rubble-r1ound Breakwaters; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by Y. B. Dai and A. M. Kamel Investigations of Various Shapes of the Upstream nuadrant of the Crest of a High Spillway; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer and T. E. Murphy Erosion and Riprap Requirements at Culvert and Storm-Drain Outlets; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by J. P. Bohan AD Number AD 756 370 AD 780 896 AD 646 501 AD 646 509 AD 733 776 AD 733 775 AD 733 957 AD 667 354 AD 671 634 AD 668 236 AD 680 319 AD 680 318 AD 733 873 AD 756 109 AD 702 247 Number RR H-71-1 RR H-71-2 RR H-71-3 RR H-72-1 RR H-72-2 RR H-72-3 RR H-73-1 RR H-73-2 RR H-73-3 RR H-73-4 Date Apr 1971 Aug 19.71 Aug 1971 Sep 1971 Sep 1971 Dec 1971 Jun 1972 Sep 1972 Dec 1972 Feb 1973 Mar 1973 Apr 1973 Jun 1973 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Research Reports Title AD Number Evaluation of Three Energy Dissipators for Storm-Drain AD 756 110 Outlets; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by J. L. Grace and G. A. Pickering Model Studies of Outfall Systems for Desalination Plants: Part I Flume Study of the Mixing Characteristics of Dense Jets Discharged Into a Flowing Fluid: Volume 1 Main Text; Appendix A: Notation; Appendix AD A032 703 B: Conductivity Probe Calibration and Data Reduction Volume 2 Appendix C: Jet Geometry Sketches; Appendix AD A032 766 D: Dilution Contour Plots Part II Tests of Effluent Dispersion in Selected F:s tua ry ~1ode1 s: Volume 1 Main Text AD A032 710 Volume 2 Appendix A: Tabulations of Model Data AD A032 711 The Limit of Applicability of Linear Wave Refraction AD A032 767 Theory in a Convergence Zone, by R. W. Whalin Evaluation of Flared Outlet Transitions; Hydraulic Model AD 745 882 Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace Wave Damping Effects of Fibrous Screens; Hydraulic Model AD 751 133 Investigation, by G. H. Keulegan Simultaneous Multiple-Level Release from Stratified AD 754 536 Reservoirs; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by J. P. Bohan and T. L. Gloriod Wave Transmission Through Rock Structures; Hydraulic AD 757 147 Model Investigation, by G. H. Keulegan Mathematical Simulation of the Turbidity Structure AD 757 594 Within an Impoundment; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by D. G. F6ntane, J. P. Bohan, and J. L. Grace, Jr. Reflection Characteristics of Screen Wave Absorbers; AD 761 090 Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. H. Keulegan Mixing of Salinity-Stratified Hater by Pneumatic Barriers: Report 1 Preliminary Investigations; Hydraulic Model AD 762 132 Investigation, by H. H. t1cAnally Number Date RR H-74-1 Sep 1974 RR H-74-2 Dec 1974 RR H-75-1 Feb 1975 RR H-75-2 Jun 1975 Feb 1976 RR H-75-3 Jun 1975 Nov 1977 Sep 1981 RR H-75-4 Jul 1975 Jun 1978 RR H-76-1 Jul 1976 RR H-76-2 Sep 1976 RR H-77-1 Jun 1977 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Research Reports Title Criteria for Use of Ripple Tanks: Refraction Scale Effects, by R. W. ~/hal in and H. L. Butler Problem Definition and Modeling Techniques for the Studyof Kaneohe Ray, Oahu, Hawaii, by W. H. McAnally, Jr., J. D. Lunz, D. C. Raney, R. Y. Hudson, and J. V. Letter, Jr. A Numerical Model for Predicting the Effects of Landslide-Generated Water Waves, by D. C. Raney and H. L. Butler Heat Dispersion in Physical Estuarine Models: Report 1 State of the Art, by V. L. Zitta and G. W. Douglas Report 2 Experiments in the Delaware River Model, by f4. J. Trawle Physical Hydraulic Models: Assessment of Predictive Capabilities: Report 1 Hydrodynamics of the Delaware River Estuary Model, by J. V. Letter, Jr., and W. H. t~cAnally, Jr. Report 2 Movable-Bed Model of Galveston Harbor Entrance, by J. V. Letter, Jr., and W. H. r~cAnally, Jr. Report 3 Model Study of Shoaling, Brunswick Harbor, Georgia, by J. V. Letter, Jr., and W. H. McAnally, Jr. Effect of Source Orientation and Location in the Aleutian Trench on Tsunami Amplitude Along the Pacific Coast of the Continental United States, by J. R. Houston, R. W. Whalin, A. W. Garcia, and H. L. Butler Errata Sheet No. 1 Numerical Modeling of Resonant Oscillations in Deep Draft Harbors, by J. R. Houston Effect of Source Orientation and Location in the Peru-Chile Trench on Tsunami Amplitude Along the Pacific Coast of the Continental United States, by A. W. Garcia Geometric Parameters that Influence Floodplain Flow, by Maurice James and B. J. Brown AD Number AD 787 270 AD A004 033 AD A006 537 AD A012 651 AD A021 952 AD A012 766 AD A047 988 AD A106 549 AD A014 145 AD A028 051 AD A032 991 AD A041 641 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 0-2 TM 4-1 TM 4-4 TM 20-2 TM 57-1 TM 57-2 TM 61-1 m 61-2 TM 61-3 m 61-4 H1 64-1 Tt1 64-2 TM 64-3 m 81-1 Tt1 89-1 Tt4 89-2 TM 93-1 Tf.1 93-3 Feb 1931 Sep 1932 Mar 1933 Jan 1933 Jan 1935 Jun 1935 Sep 1935 Sep 1935 Sep 1935 Oct 1935 Dec 1934 Jun 1935 Sep 1935 Jun 1937 May 1936 Aug 1936 Jun 1936 Jul 1940 Experiment to Determine the Erosion at Upper Ends of the Dredge Borrow Pits in the Bonnet Carre Floodway An Experiment to Determine the Action of Tractively Transported Sedimentary Material at a Stream Fork Study of the Bed Load r~ovement in a Forked Flume Experiments to Determine the Effectiveness of Concrete Tetrahedral Blocks as Revetment Model Study for Channel Improvement of the Savannah River (Miles 188.0 to 178.5) Model Study for Channel Improvement of the Savannah River (Miles 188.0 to 178.5) Model Experiment to Determine the Directive Energy of a River Effect of Rate of Sand Feed on Developments in Directive Energy Flume Consolidation and Grain Sorting in the Bed of the Directive Energy Flume Effect of Rate of Sand Feed on Development in Directive Energy Flume Model Study for the Improvement of Navigation Conditions in the Ohio River Below Dam No. 36 Model Study for the Improvement of Navigation Conditions in the Ohio River Below nam No. 36 Model Study for the Improvement of Navigation Conditions in the Ohio River Below Dam No. 36 ·Model Study of Plans for the Elimination of Shoaling in t1are Island Strait, California. In 2 parts Model Study of Plans for Channel Improvement of the Mississippi River at t1emphis Depot Model Study of Plans for Channel Improvement of the Mississippi River at Memphis Depot Model Study of Plans for the Elimination of Shoaling in the Delaware River Entrance to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Model Study of Plans for the Elimination of Shoaling in the Delaware River Entrance to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal AD 060 788 AD 071 975 Number TM 96 TM 99-1 TM 100-1 TM 102-1 TM 102-2 TM 104-1 TM 105-1 TM 106-1 TM 107-1 TM 109-1 TM 110-1 TMlll-1 TM 111-2 TM 111-3 TM 112-1 TM 114-1 TM 115-1 Date Mar 1935 Dec 1936 Dec 1936 Sep 1936 Feb 1937 Nov 1939 Jul 1936 Dec 1938 Sep 1938 Apr 1938 Dec 1938 Oct 1936 Nov 1936 Jan 1937 Sep 1936 Aug 1937 Jan 1937 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title AD Number Effect of Distortion on Kinetic Energy in Model the Content and Distribution of Streams AD 158 634 Flume Tests Made to Develop a Synthetic Sand Which Will Not Form Riffles When Used in Movable Bed Models Model Study of Maintenance Works Venice, California at Ballona Creek Outlet, AD 150 542 Model Study of Proposed Plans for the Protection of the Kansas Citys from the Floods of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers AD 158 596 Model Study of Additional Plans for the Protection of the Kansas Citys from Floods of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers Model Study of Plans for Channel Improvement in the Chain of Rocks Reach, Mississippi River Model Tests of Conchas Dam Stilling Basin Model Study of Channel Improvements at Outer Bar, Lake of Maracaibo, Venezuela. In 3 volumes Model Study of Channel Improvement and Stabilization in the Pryors Island Reach of the Ohio River. In 2 folders (only folder 1 available) Model Study of Plans for Channel Improvement at Dogtooth ~end, Mississippi River. In 3 folders (only folder 1 available) Model Study of Plans for Channel sure Towhead, Mississippi River Improvement at Swift Model Studies of the Spillway and Stilling Basin for the Possum Kingdom nam Additional f1odel Studies of the Stilling Basin for the Possum Kingdom Dam Model Study of Baffles for the Spillway Apron of the Possum Kingdom Dam Model Study to Determine the Paths of Travel of Bed Material in the Channels Which Enclose Cow Island, Atchafalaya River Load Model Study of Plans for Channel Tower Reach, Mississippi River Improvement at Grand Studies of Pipe Line Mixers HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 115-2 Apr 1937 Studies of Pipe Line Mixers TM 121-1 Apr 1937 Model Study of Hydraulic Conditions Caused by Lock and Dam No. 6. In 2 parts TM 123-2 Nov 1937 Model Dam Study of the Proposed Outlet Structures for Sardis TM 125-1 Sep 1937 Model Study of Tidal Currents, East River, New York TM 125-3 Apr 1939 Model Final Study of Tidal Report Currents in East River, New York; n1 127-1 Aug 1940 r~odel Study of Plans for Elimination of Shoaling in Galveston.Channel and Connecting Waterways, Galveston Bay, Texas TM 132-1 May 1938 Model Study of the Proposed Spillway for Sardis Dam Sardis, Mississippi Near TM 132-2 May 1938 r4odel Study of a Section of the Proposed Spillway for Sardis Dam Near Sardis, Mississippi TM 133-1 Apr 1938 Study of Permeability of Rock Jetty Models TM 134-1 Aug 1938 Model Dam Study of the Outlet Structures for the ~Jappapello TM 137-1 Sep 1938 Study of Channels with Changing Sections TM 146-1 Oct 1938 Model Study of the Spillway for the Wappapello Dam TM 147-1 Sep 1938 Model Bayou Study of the Stilling Basin for the Outlet of the des Glaises Drainage Culvert n1 148-1 Dec 1938 Model Dam Study of the Spillway for the Great Salt Plains TM 153-1 Jun 1939 Model Study of the Spillway for New Lock and Dam St. Lucie Canal, Florida No. 1, TM 159-1 May 1940 Model Study of Plans for Channel Improvement in the Vicinity of Boston Bar, Mississippi River TM 160-1 Aug 1940 r1odel Study of Intake Structure (Plan A)Peck Dam, Missouri River for the Fort TM 161-1 Apr 1940 Hydraulic Model Studies of the Control the Denison Dam, Red River Structures for TM 165-1 Apr 1941 Model Study of Structures for Future Power Developmentfor the Franklin Falls nam, Pemigewasset River, New Hampshire HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 166-1 Dec 1940 Model Study of Spillway and Stilling Basin, John Martin (Caddoa) Dam, Arkansas River TM 167-1 Dec 1940 Model Study of Outlet Structures for Arkabutla Dam, Coldwater River TM 168-1 Aug 1940 Model Study of the Spillway for the Santee River Dam Tl1 169-1 Jan 1941 Model Study of the Spillway and Stilling Basin for the Arkabutla Dam, Coldwater River Tl1 170-1 Jul 1941 Model Study of Plans for Improvement of the Channels of Canisteo River and Canacadea Creek, Hornell, New York TM 173-1 Dec 1940 Model Study of Locations for a Proposed Breakwater in San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico TM 174-1 Dec 1940 ~1odel Study of the Intake for Bayou Badeau Outlet Structures Tt1 177-1 Dec 1941 Model Study of the Spillway for Denison Dam, Red River m 178-1 Jul 1941 Model Study of Plans for the Elimination of Shoaling Richmond (Virginia) Harbor, James River in TM 181-1 Oct 1941 Model Study of Plans for Elimination of Shoaling in Vicinity of Manchester Islands, Ohio River the Tf1185-l Nov 1941 Model Study of Hydraulic Characteristics of Power Tunnel, Fort Peck Dam Tt1 186-1 Dec 1941 Model Study of Plans for Reduction of Wave Action in Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota Tl1 186-2 Dec 1944 Revised Jun 1953 Model Study of Plans for Reduction of Wave Action in Grand Marais Harbor, Minnesota; Second Phase Unnumbered r~ar 1942 r~odel Study of Wave Report Force Against Breakwaters; Interim Tt1 188-1 Jun 1942 Model Study of Mill Cincinnati, Ohio Creek Flood-Control Project, TM 189-1 Apr 1942 Model Study of the Pump Suction Chamber for Dry Dock No. 4, Puget Sound Navy Yard TM 190-1 Aug 1942 Model Studies of the Spillway and Integral Sluices for the Canton Dam, North Canadian River, Oklahoma TM 191-1 Dec 1942 Model Study of Spillway for Dewey Dam, Kentucky Johns Creek, HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Tr1 192-1 Jan 1943 Model Study of Spillway for Fort Gibson Dam, River, Oklahoma Grand TM 193-1 Nov 1942 t4odel Study of Spillway for the Berlin Dam, t1ahoningRiver, Ohio TM 194-1 Aug 1942 Model Study of Plans for Elimination of Shoaling Wilmington Harbor, Delaware in TM 197-1 Dec 1942 Model Study of Regulating Sluices for Dale Hollow Dam,Obey River, Tennessee TM 200-1 Jun 1943 Model Study of Flood Protection Project, Prattville, Alabama, Autauga Creek TM 201-1 Jan 1944 t1odel Studies of Spillway and Regulating Sluices for Wolf Creek Dam, Cumberland River, Kentucky TM 202-1 Aug 1946 Model Studies of Spillway and Bucket for Center Hill Dam, Caney Fork River, Tennessee TM 203-1 Dec 1943 Model Study of Wave Action t4i nnesota in Agate Bay Harbor, TM 204-1 Sep 1943 Model Study of Plans for Elimination of Shoaling Absecon Inlet,. New Jersey in Unnumbered Nov 1943 Model Study of Wave Action waters; Interim Report on Cellular Caisson Break Unnumbered Jan 1944 Model Study of Wave Action Caisson Breakwaters on Triangular and Cellular TM 205-1 Feb 1944 Model Study of Stilling Basin, Delaware Dam, OlentangyRiver, Ohio m 206-1 r1ay 1944 Field Pressure Measurements, Penstock, Fort Peck, Montana Fort Peck Power House TM 207-1 t1ar 1944 Model Study of the Proposed Breakwater System for Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, Vieques, Puerto Rico :· TM 208-1 Jul 1944 Model Study of Plans for Improvement of Navigation at the Upstream Entrance to St. t1arys Falls Canal, t1ichigan TM 209-1 Oct 1944 Model Study of Stilling Basin, Narrows Dam, Missouri River, Arkansas. Revised Little Tt1 214-1 Oct 1944 Model Study of Spillway, Allatoona Dam, Georgia Etowah River, TM 214-2 Nov 1948 Sluices and Diversion Scheme for Allatoona Dam,River, Georgia; Model Investigation Etowah HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 215-1 Mar 1945 Model Study of Pontons and Pneumatic Floats Unnumbered Oct 1941 Study of the Meandering of Model Streams; Preliminary Report of Progress to September 1, 1941 Unnumbered May 1945 Laboratory Study of the r1eandering of Alluvial (Studies Conducted from 1942 to 1944) Rivers TM 216-1 Oct 1945 Model Study of Armored Levee Ends for Morganza Fuse-Plug TM 218-1 Apr 1946 Model Study of Pmter Penstocks, River, Arkansas Norfork Dam, North Fork TM 219-1 Jun 1946 Model Study of Shoaling Elimination in Basin of Navy Department Floating Dry Dock YFD-15 at Charleston, South Carol ina TM 220-1 Jun 1946 Model Study of Power Penstocks, River, West Virginia Bluestone Dam, New TM 221-1 Jun 1946 Model Studies of Water Requirements and Salt-Water Intrusion, Intracoastal l~aterway, New York Bay-Delaware River Section TM 2-223 Mar 1947 Model Study of Spillway, Enid Dam, Yocona River, f~ississippi TM 2-227 Dec 1946 Model Study of Sluice Outlet for Bluestone Dam, River, West Virginia New TM 2-228 Jan 1947 Supplementary Model Study of Stilling Basin for Spillway and Sluices, Fort Gibson Dam, Grand River, Oklahoma Tf4 2-229 Feb 1947 Model Study of Bucket-Type Energy Dissipator, Clark Hill Dam, Savannah River, South Carolina and Georgia TM 2-230 Mar 1947 Model Study of Sluices for Fall Kansas River Dam, Fall River, TM 2-231 May 1947 Model Study of Plans for Elimination of Shoaling Deepwater Point Range, Delaware River in TM 2-232 ,Jun 1947 Model Study of Suction Head, Dredge Jadwin Tt1 2-233 Jun 1947 Model Reach Study for the Improvement of the Galop Rapidsof St. Lawrence River. In 2 volumes n1 2-234 Jun 1947 Model Studies of Conduits and Stilling Basin, Shoals Dam, White River, Arkansas Bull TM 2-236 Sep 1947 Model Study of Spill1vay and Stilling Basin, County Dam, Republican River, Nebraska Harlan Number Date TM 2-237 Sep 1947 TM 2-238 Nov 1947 TM 2-239 Sep 1947 Jun 1963 m 2-242 Dec 1947 m 2-243 r~ar 1948 TM 2-244 Dec 1947 Tf4 2-251 Feb 194fl Tf-1 2-252 Apr 1948 n1 2-253 11ar 1948 m 2-255 May 1948 Tt1 2-256 Jun 1948 TM 2-258 Jul 1948 Tt1 2-259 Aug 1948 Tr1 2-260 Sep 1948 m 2-261 Oct 1948 Tt1 2-262 Oct 1948 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Techn ica 1 t-1emoranda Title Model Study of \~ave and Surge Action, Naval Operating Base, Terminal Island, San Pedro, California Wave and Surge Action, Point Fermin Naval Supply Depot, San Pedro, California; t1odel Investigation rv!odel Study of Spillway and Bucket, Stewarts Ferry Dam, Stones River, Tennessee J. Percy Priest (Formerly Stewarts Ferry) Dam, Stones River, Tennessee; Appendix A: Revised Spillway Bucket; Hydraulic Model Investigation Breakwater Location, U. S. Naval Air Station, Alameda, California; f1odel Investigation A Laboratory Development of Cavitation-Free Baffle Piers, Bluestone Dam, New River, West Virginia Plans for the Improvement of the St. Johris River, Jacksonville to the Atlantic Ocean; Model Investigation.Appendix A: Model Study of Plans for Prevention of Pollution in the St. ,Johns River at Jacksonville, Florida Entrance Channel Currents, Naval Operatirig Base, MidwayIslands; Model Investigation Spillway and Lock Approach Currents, Demopolis Lock and Dam, Tombigbee River, Alabama; f1odel ;Investigation Sluices, Hulah Dam, Caney River, Oklahoma; Model Investigation ' Wave and Surge Action, Anaheim Bay, California; Model Investigation Improvement of Freeboard Conditions on Pontons in HighVelocity Flow; f1odel Investigation I Widths of Openi~gs, Morganza Floodway Coritrol Structure, Mississippi River; Model Investigation Plans for Elimination of Shoaling in New 1Castle-Finns Point Ranges, Delaware River; Model Investigation Spillway for Detroit Dam, North Santiam River, Oregon; Model Investigation : Spillway for Osceola Dam, Osage River, ~1issouri; Model Investigation Irrigation Tunnel for St. t1ary Dam, St. Mary-Milk River Project, Alberta, Canada; Model Investigation AD Number AD 757 408 AD 757 398 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Tf·1 2-263 Oct 1948 n1 2-264 Nov 1948 TM 2-265 Sep 1949 TM 2-268 Mar 1949 Tr1 2-269 Mar 1949 Tt1 2-270 r~ar 1949 TM 2-272 Apr 1949 TM 2-275 t1ay 1949 TM 2-277 May 1949 Tf.1 2-281 Jun 1949 TM 2-282 Jun 1949 TM 2-290 Jul 1949 TM 2-291 Jul 1949 TM 2-294 Jul 1951 TM 2-295 Jul 1949 TM 2-295-1 Oct 1951 TM 2-296 llul 1949 Spillway Design for Whitney Dam, Brazos River, Texas; Model Investigation Spillway for Dillon Dam, Licking River, Ohio; t1odel Investigation Wave and Surge Action, Long Beach Harbor, Long Beach, California; Model Investigation Plans for Improvement of Navigation Conditions and Elimination of Shoaling in Savannah Harbor, Georgia, and Connecting Waterways; t1odel Investigation. In 2 volumes Spillway for Benbrook Dam, Clear Fork of the Trinity Riv~r, Texas; Model Investigation Flood Protection Plans for Brady, Texas; Model Investigation Spillway and Sluices for Conemaugh Dam, Conemaugh River, Pennsylvania; Model Investigation Combined Control Structure and High-Level Crossing t1organza Floodway; Model Investigation Plans for Reduction of Shoaling at the Entrance to Umpqua River, Oregon; Model Investigation Bucket-Type Energy Dissipator, Buggs Island Dam, Roanoke River, Virginia and North Carolina; Model Investigation Vacuum Tank Tests of ~1odel Tainter Valve for McNary Dam High-Level Crossings. Morganza Floodway. Louisiana; Model Investigation Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Oswego Harbor, New York; Model Investigation Conduits and Howell-Bunger Valves, Narrows Dam, Little Missouri River, Arkansas; Model Investigation Wave Action and Breakwater Location, East Beaver Bay Harbor, Lake Superior, Minnesota; Model Investigation Wave Action and Breakwater Location, East Beaver Bay Harbor, Lake Superior, Minnesota; Supplementary Model Investigation Breakwater Stability, East Beaver Bay Harbor, Lake Superior, Minnesota; Model Investigation HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 2-300 Aug 1949 Method of Operation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway, Missouri; Model Investigation TM 2-301 Sep 1949 Wave and Surge Action, f~onterey Harbor, Monterey,California; Model Investigation AD 756 399 TM 2-302 Oct 1949 Flood-Control Conduits for Detroit Dam, North Santiam River, Oregon; Model Investigation TM 2-303 Nov 1949 Flood-Control Project for Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Model Investigation TM 2-309 Apr 1951 Filling Characteristics, Algiers Lock, Intracoastal Waterway, Gulf Section, Louisiana; t1odel Investigation TM 2-310 Apr 1950 Salt Water Intrusion, Calcasieu River, Louisiana, and Connecting Waterways; f1odel Investigation TM 2-313 Jun 1950 Study of Butterfly Valves for Pearl Investigation River Locks; Model Tf4 2-320 Dec 1950 Memphis Harbor, Mississippi River; t1odel Investigation TM 2-321 Dec 1950 Spillway for Philpott Dam, Investigation Smith River, Virginia; t~odel Tf4 2-325 Jul 1951 Spi 11 way and Outlet \~orks, East Branch Reservoir, Clarion River, Pennsylvania; Model Investigation TM 2-326 Aug 1951 Morganza Floodway Control Structure, ~1ississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-334 Nov 1951 Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Port WashingtonHarbor, Wisconsin; t1odel Investigation TM 2-337 Delaware River Model Study: May 1956 Report 1 Hydraulic and Salinity Verification AD 709 741 Jun 1954 Report 2 Salinity Tests of Existing Channel AD 709 742 Jan 1952 Report 3 Effects of Proposed Channel EnlargementBetween Philadelphia and Trenton AD 709 743 Jan 1959 Appendix A Tests of Alternate Alignments of Specific Reaches and Closure of Burlington Island Back Channel AD 756 283 f4ay 1964 Report 4 Oike Rehabilitation AD 706 215 TM 2-338 Flood Control Project, Hoosic River, Massachusetts: North Adams, HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 2-338 (Cont) Feb 1952 Report Phase 1: Model Investigation of Stilling Basin and Junction Jun 1962 Report 2 Flood-Control Project, Hoosic River, North Adams, Massachusetts; Hydraulic Model Investigation (includes Report 1) AD 757 403 TM 2-339 Flood Control Project, Hoosic River, Adams, Massachusetts: Feb 1952 Report 1 Model Works Investigation of Phase of Improvement Feb 1957 Report 2 Model Works Investigation of Phase 2 of Improvement AD 756 398 TM 2-340 May 1952 Spillway and Lock Approach, Jim Woodruff Dam, Apalachicola River, Florida; Model Investigation TM 2-342 Mar 1952 Plans for Reduction of Shoaling in Raritan River, Jersey; Model Investigation New TM 2-346 Jun 1952 Outlet Works Stilling Basin for Texarkana Dam, Sulphur River, Texas; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-347 Jun 1952 Flood-Control Outlet Works for Blakely Mountain Dam, Ouachita River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Hodel Investigation TM 2-348 Jul 1952 Lynnhaven Bay and Inlet, Virginia; Model Investigation TM 2-350 Oct 1952 Flood-Control Stilling Basin, Buford Dam, Chattahoochee River, Georgia; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation TM 2-351 Oct 1952 Spillway for Genegantslet Dam, Genegantslet Creek, York; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation New AD 756 395 TM 2-355 Feb 1953 Channel Improvements, Model Investigation Farm Creek, Illinois; Hydraulic TM 2-356 Feb 1953 Plans for Elimination of Shoaling in the Vicinity of Head of Passes, Mississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-358 Apr 1953 Upstream Emergency Dam, Cheatham Lock, Cumberland River, Tennessee; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-363 Apr 1953 Spillway for Belton Dam, Model Investigation Leon River, Texas; Hydraulic TM 2-364 Roughness Standards for Hydraulic Models: Jun 1953 Report 1 Study of Finite Boundary Roughnessgular Flumes in Rectan AD 050 414 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical f1emoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 2-365 Jun 1953 Stability of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 021 075 TM 2-366 Jun 1953 Plans for Improvement of Navigation Conditions at Greenville Bridge, Mississippi River; Model Investigation TM 2-367 Jun 1954 Surges in Southern Outfall Sewer and Flow Conditions in State Fairgrounds (Western Parkway) Pumping Plant, Louisville, Kentucky; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation TM 2-369 Aug 1953 Spillway for Folsom Dam, American River, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-374 Tidal Flushing of Estuaries: Apr 1953 Revised Report-1 Proposed Program of Investigations for Fiscal Years 1953 and 1954 AD 020 050 Dec 1953 TM 2-375 Dec 1953 Spillway and Conduits for Pine Flat Dam, Kings River,California; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-376 Dec 1953 Flood-Control Project for Allentown, Pennsylvania;Hydraulic Model Investigation AD B951 669 TM 2-378 Jan 1954 Spillway for Savage River Dam, Savage River, Maryland TM 2-381 Apr 1954 Submergible-Type Tainter Gate for Spillway, Cheatham Lock and Dam, Cumberland River, Tennessee; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-382 Apr 1954 Plans for Improvement of Navigation Conditions in Corral Bay and the Valdivia River, Chile; Hydraulic Model Investigation H1 2-386 Jul 1954 Spillway for New Cumberland Dam, Ohio River, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-387 Jun 1954 Tainter Gate Tests, Norfork Dam, North Fork River, Arkansas; f4odel and Prototype Investigations TM 2-388 Jun 1954 Old River Control Structure Sediment Diversion; Hydrau1 ic Model Investigation Oct 1957 Report 2 Second Phase TM 2-389 Jul 1954 Slide Gate Tests, Norfork Dam, North Fork River, Arkansas;Model and Prototype Investigations H1 2-393 Aug 1954 Sluic~ Outlet Portal and Spillway Flip Bucket, Hartwell Dam, Savannah River, Georgia; Hydraulic Model Investigation HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Tt1 2-396 Dec 1954 Flood-Control Outlet Structures for Tuttle Creek Dam, Big Blue River, Kansas; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation TM 2-402 Apr 1955 Hydraulic Prototype Tests, Control Dam, Missouri River, Montana Shaft 4, Fort Peck TM 2-403 Apr 1955 Shoaling in Downstream Navigation Entrance to Chain of Rocks Canal, t1ississippi River; llydraul ic Model Investigation TM 2-404 r~ay 1955 Spillway for Gavins Point Dam, Hydraulic Model Investigation Missouri River, Nebraska; TM 2-405 11ay 1955 Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Taconite Harbor (Two Islands), Lake Superior, t1innesota; Hydraulic Model Investigation TM 2-411 Jul 1955 Preservation and Enhancement of Niagara Falls; Hydraulic Model Investigation (includes Appendix A) AD 757 406 Sep 1960 Appendix B Restudy of Niagara Remedial Control Dam AD 756 410 TM 2-413 Jun 1955 Design of Tetrapod Cover Layer for a Rubble-Mound Breakwater, Crescent City Harbor, Crescent City, California; Hydraulic t4odel Investigation Tr1 2-417 Nov 1955 Plans for the Improvement of Grays Harbor and Point Chehalis, Washington; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation n1 2-428 Entrances to Conduits of Rectangular Cross Section: Mar 1956 Report 1 Investigation of Entrance Flared in Four Directions Jun 1959 Report 2 Investigation of Entrances Flared in Three Directions and in One Direction TM 2-429 t1ar 1956 Hydraulic Capacity of t1eandering Channels in Straight Fl oodways; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation TM 2-431 11a r 1956 Outlet Works and Spillway for Garrison Dam, Missouri River, North Dakota; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation AD 756 396 Number TR 2-434 TR 2-435 TR 2-444 TR 2-446 TR 2-447 TR 2-448 TR 2-449 TR 2-456 TR 2-457 TR 2-465 TR 2-468 TR 2-469 TR 2-485 Date Jun 1956 Jun 1956 Apr 1957 Apr 1957 Apr 1957 Apr 1957 Jan 1957 Dec 1956 Jul 1957 Jun 1959 Jan 1957 Jan 1957 Jun 1957 Jun 1957 Oct 1957 Dec 1957 Jan 1958 Jul 1958 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Flood-Control Project for Northwest Branch, Anacostia River, District of Columbia and Maryland; Hydraulic Model Investigation Vibration and Pressure-Cell Tests, Flood-Control Intake Gates, Fort Randall Dam, Missouri River, South Dakota Investigation for Reduction of t1aintenance Dredging in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina; Summary Report of Model Investigation Appendix Subsidiary Model Tests Appendix 2 Data Plots Appendix 3 Flow-Pattern Photographs Navigation Conditions at Markland Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation Old River Low-Sill Control Structure; Hydraulic Model Investigation: Report 1 Downpull Forces on Vertical-Lift Gates Report 2 Studies of Riprap Placement Plans Report 3 Study of Over-all Performance Flood Protection Plans for Cumberland, t1aryland, and Ridgeley, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation Wave Run-Up and Overtopping, Levee Sections, Lake Okeechobee, Florida; Hydraulic Model Investigation Plans for Regulation of Levels of Lake Erie; Hydraulic Model Investigation Dispersion of Effluent in Delaware River from New JerseyZinc Company Plant; Hydraulic Model Investigation Flood-Control Project for Kalamazoo River at Battle Creek, Michigan Blackstone River Flood-Control Project at Woonsocket, Rhode Island; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation Navigation Conditions at Greenup Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation Stilling Basin for Warrior Dam, Warrior River, Alabama; Hydraulic t4odel Investigation AD Number AD 756 374 AD 756 437 AD 756 438 AD 756 326 AD 756 445 Number TR 2-488 TR 2-489 TR 2-491 TR 2-494 TR 2-496 TR 2-497 TR 2-498 TR 2-500 TR 2-504 TR 2-509 TR 2-510 TR 2-511 TR 2-513 TR 2-517 TR 2-519 TR 2-520 Date Nov 1958 Nov 1958 Feb 1959 Mar 1959 ~1ar 1959 Apr 1959 Apr 1959 May 1959 Jun 1959 Jun 1959 Jun 1959 Jun 1959 Jun 1959 Jul 1959 Sep 1960 Aug 1959 Jul 1959 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Stilling Basin Modifications, Bull Shoals Dam, White River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation Surges in the Intermediate Pool of Long Sault Canal, St. Lawrence River; Hydraulic Model Investigation Old River Overbank Structure, Forces on Panel Gates; Hydraulic Model Investigation Effects of Proposed Closure of Southwest Pass on the Regimen of Vermilion Bay, Louisiana; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation Old River Project; Rock-Fill Initial Closure Dam; Hydrau1ic l~odel Investigation Filling and Emptying Characteristics of Calumet River Lock, Calumet-Sag Project, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway and Outlet Works, Townshend Dam and Reservoir, West River, Vermont; Hydraulic 1·1odel Investigation Filling and Emptying System, Port Allen Navigation Lock, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Louisiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway and Conduits for Table Rock Dam, White River, Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation Location and Design of Wave Absorber, Gary Harbor, Indiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation Prototype Hydraulic Tests of Flood-Control Conduit, Enid Dam, Yocona River, Mississippi Prototype Tests of Spillway Crest and Flip Bucket, Pine Flat Dam, Kings River, California Outlet Works for Abiquiu nam, Rio Chama, New Mexico; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation Navigation Conditions at Troy Lock and Dam, Hudson River, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation Appendix A Results of Supplemental Tests Walter F. George Lock and Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama and Georgia; Hydraulic 1·1odel Investigation Modifications of Control Shaft, Fort Peck Dam Tunnel 4, Missouri River, Montana; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation AD Number AD 756 444 AD 760 937 AD 756 439 AD 760 936 AD 760 933 AD 760 934 AD 756 375 AD 756 332 AD 760 935 AD 756 277 Number Date TR 2-523 Sep 1959 TR 2-527 Oct 1959 TR 2-528 Oct 1959 TR 2-531 Jan 1960 TR 2-532 Jan 1960 TR 2-535 Feb 1960 TR 2-536 Feb 1960 TR 2-537 Jun 1961 TR 2-549 Jun 1960 TR 2-551 Jul 1960 TR 2-552 Jun 1960 TR 2-555 Aug 1960 TR 2-556 Aug 1960 TR 2-557 Sep 1960 TR 2-558 Dec 1960 TR 2-561 Apr 1961 TR 2-566 May 1961 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Harbor of Refugefor Light-Draft Vessels, Barcelona, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 760 938 Emergency Gate, Greenup Locks, Ohio River, Kentucky; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation AD 760 940 Spillway and Outlet Works, Fort Randall Dam, Missouri River, South Dakota; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 760 939 Spillways and Stilling Basins, Jackson Dam, Tombigbee River, Alabama; Hydraulic f·1odel Investigation AD 757 411 Navigation Conditions at Jackson Lock and Dam, TombigbeeRiver, Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 757 413 Navigation Conditions at New Richmond Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 760 435 Proposed Relocation of North Entrance Channel, Buffalo Harbor, Buffalo, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 756 279 ' Culvert Tainter Valves, New Lock No. River; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation 19, Mississippi AD 757 412 Filling and Emptying System, Old River Navigation Lock, Louisiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 757 410 Outlet Works, Black Butte Dam, Stony Creek, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 760 941 Hydraulic Prototype Tests of Tainter Valve, McNary Lock, Columbia River, Washington AD 760 942 Spillway, Stilling Basin, and Flood-Control Conduits, Keystone Dam; Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 760 944 Filling and Emptying Characteristics of Barge Canal Lock, Sacramento River Deep-Water Ship Channel Project, California; Hydr~ulic Model Investigation AD 760 943 Outlet Works, Oahe bam, Missouri Hydraulic Model Investigation River, South Dakota; AD 756 275 Dardanelle Lock and .Dam, Arkansas River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 756 280 Filling and Emptying System, New Poe Lock, St. f4arys River, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 756 276 Spillway for Markland Locks and Dam, Ohio River, Kentucky and Indiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 761 725 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 2-567 May 1961 Designs for Rubble-Mound Breakwater Repair, Morro BayHarbor, California; Hydraulic f1odel Investigation AD 756 278 TR 2-568 Jun 1961 Carlyle Dam, Kaskaskia River, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 756 284 TR 2-571 Jul 1961 Navigation Conditions, Columbia Lock and Dam, Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama; Hydraulic Model Inves tiga ti on AD 761 724 TR 2-572 Jul 1961 Spillway, Greenup Locks and Dam, Ohio River, Kentuckyand Indiana; Hydraulic f~odel Investigation AD 761 723 TR 2-573 Jul 1961 Intake Studies, Dardanelle Lock, Arkansas River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 761 722 TR 2-575 Jul 1961 Eufaula Dam Spillway, Canadian River, Oklahoma; Hydrau1ic r~odel Investigation AD 761 721 TR 2-576 Aug 1961 Navigation Improvements in Barnhart Island-Cornwall Island Reach, St. Lawrence River; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 761 720 TR 2-577 Aug 1961 Navigation Conditions at Pike Island Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 723 947 TR 2-578 Oct 1961 Spillway and Stilling Basin, Columbia Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama and Georgia; Hydraulic f4odel Investigation AD 724 925 TR 2-579 Oct 1961 Spillway Stilling Basins for f4axwell and Opekiska Locks and Dams, Monongahela River, Pennsylvania and West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD 724 926 TR 2-580 Savannah Harbor Investigation and Mod~l Study: Volume III Results of Model Investigations: Oct 1961 Section 1 Model Verification and Results of General AD 724 927 Studies Oct 1961 Section 2 Tests of Improvement Plans AD 724 928 Nov 1963 Section 3 Results of Supplemental Tests AD 724 929 Mar 1965 Section 4 Results of Tests of Increased Channel AD 724 930 Dimensions, by H. J. Rhodes and H. B. Simmons Apr 1965 Section 5 ~Jilmington River Pollution, by H. and H. B. Simmons J. Rhodes AD 724 931 Oct 1965 Section 6 Results of Bank Erosion in North Channel, AD 724 932 by H. J. Rhodes and H. B. Simmons Number TR 2-580 (Cont) TR 2-585 TR 2-586 TR 2-605 TR 2-608 TR 2-611 TR 2-616 TR 2-617 TR 2-620 TR 2-621 TR 2-623 TR 2-626 TR 2-628 TR 2-631 Date Sep 1979 Nov 1961 Dec 1961 Jun 1962 Aug 1962 Nov 1962 Jan 1963 Jan 1963 Mar 1963 Mar 1963 Apr 1963 Jun 1963 Jun 1963 Jul 1963 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Volume IV Reanalysis of Freshwater Control Plan; AD A075 328 Numerical Model Study, by C. J. Huval, R. H. Multer, P. K. Senter, and M. B. Boyd Spillway for New Cumberland Locks and Dam (Final Design), AD 724 933 Ohio River, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway Stilling Basin for Pike Island Locks and Dam, AD 724 934 Ohio River, Ohio and West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway for Big Bend Dam, ~·1issouri River, South Dakota; AD 723 945 Hydraulic Model Investigation Development and Maintenance of Navigation Channel, AD 723 946 Arkansas River, Arkansas and Oklahoma; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation Spillway for John Redmond Dam, Grand (Neosho) River, AD 854 674 Kansas; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Superior Entry, AD 728 095 Duluth-Superior Harbor, Superior, Wisconsin; HydraulicModel Investigation Improvement of Navigation Conditions, Conneaut Harbor, AD 724 140 Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation Impact-Type Energy Dissipator for Storm-Drainage Out-AD 710 996 falls, Stilling Well Design; Hydraulic Model Investi gation Spillway and Sluices, Allegheny Dam, Allegheny River, AD 717 972 Pennsylvania and New York; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation Navigation and Sedimentation Conditions at Typical Lock AD 717 973 and Dam, Arkansas River, Arkansas and Oklahoma; HydraulicModel Investigation Flow Characteristics in Flood-Control Tunnel 10, Fort AD 717 974 Randall Dam, Missouri River, South Dakota; Hydraulic Prototype .Tests Detached Breakwater and Improved Navigation Entrance, AD 717 975 Lorain Ha~bor, Lorain, Ohio; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation Stability of South Jetty, Siuslaw River, Oregon; Hydrau-AD 717 976 1ic Model Investigation Number TR 2-633 TR 2-636 TR 2-640 TR 2-643 TR 2-644 TR 2-645 TR 2-650 TR 2-651 TR 2-653 TR 2-655 TR 2-657 Unnumbered nate Sep 1963 Nov 1963 Jan 1964 Feb 1964 Feb 1964 Mar 1964 Jun 1964 Jun 1964 Aug 1964 Sep 1964 Oct 1965 Sep 1964 Feb 1957 Jan 1959 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Typical Spillway Structure for Central and Southern Florida Water-Control Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation Effects on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, of Hurricane Surge Control Structures and Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Channel; Hydraulic Model Investigation Design for Rubble-t1ound Breakwater Construction, Tsoying Harbor, Taiwan; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation Spillway, Millers Ferry Lock and Dam, Alabama River, Alabama; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation Designs for Rubble-Mound Breakwater Repair, Kahului Harbor, Maui, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway for Proctor Dam, Leon River, Texas; Hydraulic Model Investigation Stability of Riprap and Discharge Characteristics, Overflow Embankments, Arkansas River, Arkansas; Hydrau1ic Model Investigation Operating Forces on Miter-Type Lock Gates Spillway for Amistad Dam, Rio Grande, ~1exico and United States; Hydraulic Model Investigation Spillway for Typical Low-Head Navigation !Jam, Arkansas River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. L. Grace Appendix A Gate Sills and Stilling Basins for Locks and Dams Nos. 5 and 7; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. S. Cummins and J. L. Grace Spillway for Oahe Dam, Missouri River, South Dakota; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer and A. D. Rooke Model Study of Narragansett Bay: Interim Report Protection of Narragansett Bay from Hurricane Tides; Hydraulic Model Investigation Interim Report 2 Effects of Lower Bay Barriers on Salinities, Shoaling and Pollution in Narragansett Bay; Hydraulic Model Investigation AD Number AD 717 977 AD 717 978 AD 879 946 AD 717 979 AD 717 980 AD 71 7 981 AD 717 873 AD 718 219 AD 718 223 AD 718 218 AD 718 224 A.D 718 222 Number Unnumbered (Cont) TR 2-662 TR 2-663 TR 2-667 TR 2-668 TR 2-671 TR 2-672 TR 2-673 TR 2-678 TR 2-683 TR 2-684 TR 2-685 TR 2-687 Date Sep 1959 Sep 1959 Oct 1964 Oct 1964 Jan 1965 Jan 1965 Jan 1965 Jan 1965 Mar 1965 Jun 1965 Jul 1965 Jul 1965 Aug 1965 Aug 1965 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Interim Report 3 Effects of Fox Point Barrier on Water Temperatures Interim Report 4 Effects of Cooling-Water Channel on Temperatures of Cooling Water for Power Stations Protection of Narragansett Bay from Hurricane Surges;Summary Report; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. B. Simmons Discharge Characteristics of Hurricane Barriers, Wareham-Marion, Massachusetts; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. C. McNair and J. L. Grace Spillway ~1odifications, Miraflores Dam, Panama Canal Zone; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by T. E. Murphyand R. S. Cummins Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Half Moon BayHarbor, Half Moon Bay, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. B. Wilson Selection of Optimum Plan for Reduction of Wave Action in Harina del Rey, Venice, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild Navigation Conditions at Maxwell Locks and Dam, Monongahela River'; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar Spillway and Sluices, Red Rock Dam, Des Moines River, Iowa; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. R. Bucci and T. E. Murphy Filling and Emptying System, Jonesville Lock, OuachitaBlack Rivers, Louisiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by N. R. Oswalt, J. H. Ables, M. B. Boyd, and T. E. t1urphy Spillway for Stockton Dam, Sac River, Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer Outlet Works, DeGray Dam, Caddo River, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. R. Bucci Prototype Hawser-Force Measurements, Jackson Lock, Tomhigbee River, Alabama, by J. V. Dawsey, C. J. Huval, and W. C. Blanton Spillway for Belleville Locks and Dam, Ohio River, Ohio and West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. A. Pickering AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 950 208 950 207 718 220 756 282 718 801 718 678 718 684 718 679 718 680 718 681 718 682 718 683 719 169 719 170 Number Date TR 2-689 Aug 1965 TR 2-690 Aug 1965 TR 2-692 Sep 1965 TR 2-694 Sep 1965 TR 2-696 Oct 1965 TR 2-697 Oct 1965 TR 2-698 Nov 1965 TR 2-705 Nov 1965 TR 2-708 Dec 1965 TR 2-709 Dec 1965 TR 2-710 Dec 1965 TR 2-711 Jan 1966 TR 2-713 Feb 1966 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Tests of Structure Orientation, Spillway, and Lock Emergency Gate; Barkley Lock and Dam, Cumberland River, Kentucky; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by T. E. Murphy and R. S. Cummins Plans for Reducing Shoaling, Southwest Pass, Mississippi River; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by H. B. Simmons and H. J. Rhodes Model Study of Bessie Cutoff, Mississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and J. E. Glover Hudson River Channel, New York and New Jersey; Plans to Reduce Shoaling in Hudson River Channels and Adjacent Pier Slips, by H. B. Simmons and W. H. Bobb Selection of Optimum Plan for Improvements in Nassau Harbor, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild Stability of Rubble-~1ound Breakwaters, Nassau Harbor, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Jackson Lock Filling and Emptying System, Holt Lock and Dam, Warrior River, Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by T. E. Murphy and J. H. Ables Outlet Works, Cochiti Dam, Rio Grande, New Mexico; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. R. Bucci and T. E. Murphy U. S. Navy Ship t·1ooring Facility, West Coast of Point Lorna, San Diego, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild and C. E. Chatham Drop Structure, Cayuga Inlet, Cayuga Lake, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer and T. E. Murphy Spillway for Cannelton Locks and Dam, Ohio River, by J. L. Grace and G. A. Pickering Matagorda Ship Channel t1odel Study, t1atagorda Bay,Texas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. J. Rhodes and H. B. Simmons Filling and Emptying System, Cannelton Main Lock, Ohio River, and Generalized Tests of Sidewall Port Systems for 110-by 1200-Ft Locks; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and t1. B. Boyd AD Number AD 719 171· AD 719 172 AD 719 173 AD 720 971 AD 719 238 AD 719 816 AD 719 680 AD 719 681 AD 719 682 AD 719 683 AD 719 684 AD 719 685 AD 719 686 Number nate TR 2-715 Feb 1966 TR 2-716 Apr 1966 TR 2-718 Mar 1966 TR 2-719 Jun 1966 TR 2-724 Jun 1966 TR 2-725 Jun 1966 TR 2-728 May 1966 TR 2-730 Jun 1966 TR 2-731 Jun 1966 TR 2-733 Jul 1966 TR 2-734 Jul 1966 TR 2-735 Dec 1968 Aug 1966 Nov 1966 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Resistance Coefficients for Structural Plate CorrugatedPipe; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. L. Grace Flow in Chute Spillway at Fort Randall Dam; Hydraulic Prototype Tests, by C. J. Huval Filling and Emptying Systems, Millers Ferry and Jones Bluff Locks, Alabama River, Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and ~1. B. Boyd Spillway and Outlet Works, Shelbyville Dam, Kaskaskia River, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. R. Bucci and J. L. Grace Design for Optimum Wave Conditions, Dana Point Harbor,Dana Point, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by H. B. Wilson Designs for Rubble-Mound Breakwaters, Dana Point Harbor, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by Yin-Ben Dai and R. A. Jackson Stability of Seawall, Texas City; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Jackson Drop Structures for Walnut Creek Project, Walnut Creek, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by G. A. Pickering Spillway, Hannibal Locks and Dam, Ohio River, Ohio and West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. A. Pickering Reduction of Shoaling in Charleston Harbor and Navigation Improvement of Cooper River, South Carolina; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by W. H. Bobb and H. B. Simmons Culvert Pressures, Greenup Lock, Ohio River,Kentucky; Hydraulic Prototype Tests, by P. M. Smith and R. A. Yates Model Studies of Navigation Improvements, Columbia River Estuary: Report 1 Hydraulic and Salinity Verification, by F. A. Herrmann Report 2 Entranc~ Studies: Section 1 Fixed-Bed Studies of South Jetty Rehabilitation, by F. A. Herrmann and H. B. Simmons Section 2 Fixed-Bed Studies of North Jetty Rehabilitation, by F. A. Herrmann and H. B. Simmons AD Number AD 631 004 AD 719 687 AD 720 192 AD 720 186 AD 720 190 AD 720 189 AD 720 188 AD 720 187 AD 720 191 AD 720 193 AD 720 544 AD 720 545 AD 720 546 AD 720 547 Number TR 2-735 (Cont) TR 2-736 TR 2-738 TR 2-739 TR 2-740 TR 2-742 TR 2-743 TR 2-745 TR 2-746 TR 2-749 Date Apr 1972 Jul 1974 Feb 1971 Aug 1966 Sep 1966 Sep 1966 Sep 1966 Sep 1966 Oct 1966 Nov 1966 Oct 1966 Oct 1966 Nov 1966 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Section 3 Fixed-Bed Studies of Disposal Areas C and D, by F. A. Herrmann Section 4 Jetty A Rehabilitation, Jetty B, and Outer Bar Channel Relocation, by F. A. Herrmann, Jr. Report 3 40-Ft Channel Studies: Section 1 Wauna-Lower 14estport Bar, by F. A. Herrmann Navigation Conditions at Locks and Dam No. 4, Monongahela River, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. D. McKellar and J. J. Franco Navigation Conditions at Belleville Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows Filling and Emptying System, Cordell Hull Navigation Lock, Cumberland River, Tennessee; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and ~1. B. Boyd Investigation of In-Shore Harbor, Site X: Report 1 Design for Optimum Wave Conditions; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. B. Wilson Report 2 Designs of Riprap Cover Layers; Hydraulic Mod~l Investigation, by R. A. Jackson Steady-Flow Stability Tests of Navigation Opening Structures, Hilo Harbor Tsunami Barrier, Hilo, Hawaii; Hydrauli.c Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and M. B. Boyd Filling and Emptying Systems, Low-Lift Locks, Arkansas River Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and M. B. Boyd Spillway and Navigation Conditions, Holt Lock and Dam, Warrior River, Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer and T. E. Murphy Navigation Conditions at Lock and Dam No. 4, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar Navigation Conditions at ~1cAlpine Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 742 274 720 548 720 549 720 977 720 973 720 982 720 981 720 975 720 979 720 984 722 219 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 2-751 Jan 1967 Comparison Tests of Plain and Rifled Dredge DischargePipe, by E. B. Pittard, J. E. Glover, and A. G. Davis AD 722 215 TR 2-752 nee 1966 Fremont Drop Structure and Friction Channel, SanduskyRiver, Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer and J. L. Grace AD 721 986 TR 2-754 Jan 1967 Effects of Hurricane Barrier on Navigation Conditions in East Passage, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island; Hydrau1 ic Model Investigation, by J. G. Housley AD 721 985 TR 2-755 Jan 1967 Model Study of Hopper Dredges; Hydraulic Model gation, by J. J. Franco Investi- AD 722 214 TR 2-756 Feb 1967 Navigation Conditions at Columbia Lock and Dam, Ouachita River, Louisiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation, byJ. J. Franco and L. J. Shows AD 722 220 TR 2-760 Feb 1967 Drop Structure for Gering Valley Project, Scottsbluff County, Nebraska; Hydraulic Model Investigation, byT. E. Murphy AD 722 226 TR 2-761 Feb 1967 Selection of Optimum Alignment, Length and Height of Breakwaters, New Buffalo Harbor, Michigan; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by Y. B. Dai and H. B. Wilson AD 722 229 TR 2-762 Feb 1967 Control Structure, Little Sioux River, Iowa; HydraulicModel Investigation, by T. E. Murphy AD 722 210 TR 2-765 Mar 1967 Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, Channel Improvement; Hydraulie Model Investigation, by J. E. Glover and J. J. Franco AD 722 212 TR 2-766 Mar 1967 Stability of Proposed Breakwater, Burns Waterway Harbor, Indiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Jackson AD 722 218 TR 2-767 Apr 1967 r~agic Island Complex, Including Kewalo Basin and Ala Wai Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C•.W. Brasfeild and C. E. Chatham AD 722 227 TR 2-774 Apr 1967 Outlet Structure for Eau Galle Reservoir, Eau Galle River, Wisconsin; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by AD 722 208 E. S. Melsheimer TR 2-775 Apr 1967 Navigation Conditions at Millers Ferry Lock and nam, Alabama River, Alabama; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows AD 722 211 TR 2-776 May 1967 Willow Springs and Sag Junction Diversions, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by T. E. Murphy AD 722 230 TR 2-778 May 1967 Modernization of Filling and Emptying System, Existing McAlpine Lock (Old No. 41), Ohio River, Louisville, Kentucky; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and T. E. r~urphy AD 722 209 Number Date TR 2-792 Aug 1967 TR 2-795 Sep 1967 TR 2-796 Sep 1967 TR 2-799 Nov 1967 TR 2-805 Dec 1967 TR 2-806 Dec 1967 TR 2-809 Jan 1968 TR 2-810 Jan 1968 TR 2-815 ~1ar 1968 TR 2-817 Mar 1968 TR H-68-1 Nov 1968 TR H-68-2 Jun 1968 TR H-68-3 Jun 1968 TR H-68-4 Sep 1968 TR H-68-5 Sep 1968 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Stability of Rubble-Mound Tsunami Barrier, Hilo Harbor, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by A. M. Kamel Arkansas River Navigation Entrance; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco, L. J. Shows, and J. E. Foster Navigation Conditions at Hannibal Locks and Dam, Ohio River, Ohio and West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and J. E. Glover Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Noyo Harbor, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. B. Wilson Expansion of Santa Barbara Harbor, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. W. Ball and C. W. Brasfeild Expansion and Revision of Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild and C. E. Chatham Spillway for Kaysinger Bluff Dam, Osage River, Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. A. Pickering Acoustic Flowmeter Prototype Evaluation Tests, by E. B. Pickett Spillway for West Point Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama and Georgia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. L. Grace and E. S. Melsheimer Navigation Conditions at Lock and Dam No. 9, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. ,J. Shows Prototype Measurements of Hydro-Power Plant Transients, Garrison and Oahe Dams, Missouri River, North and South Dakota, by E. B. Pickett Hydraulic Characteristics of 11obile Breakwaters Composed of Tires or Spheres; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by A. M. Kamel and D. D. Davidson Limiting Heights of Breaking and Nonbreaking Waves on Rubble-Mound Breakwaters; Hydraulic 14odel Investigation,by R. A. Jackson Effect of Valve Position in a Sidewall Port Filling System, Newburgh Lock, Ohio River; Hydraulic f4odel Investigation, by J. 0. Farrell and J. H. Ables Navigation Conditions at Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam, Arkansas River; Hydraulic f~odel Investigation, by J. J. Franco and J. E. Glover AD Number AD 721 961 AD 722 213 AD 723 944 AD 723 951 AD 723 938 AD 723 937 AD 723 982 AD 723 983 AD 723 407 AD 723 962 AD 723 956 AD 835 673 AD 673 129 AD 724 108 AD 723 953 Number Date TR H-68-6 Sep 1968 Jun 1971 TR H-68-7 Sep 1968 TR H-68-8 Sep 1968 TR H-68-9 Sep 1968 TR H-68-10 Nov 1968 TR H-69-1 Jan 1969 TR H-69-2 Feb 1969 TR H-69-3 Feb 1969 TR H-69-4 Apr 1969 TR H-69-5 Apr 1969 TR H-69-6 Apr 1969 TR H-69-7 May 1969 TR H-69-8 Jun 1969 and C. D. McKellar HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Design for Optimum Wave Conditions, Crescent City Harbor, Crescent City, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by P. K. Senter and C. W. Brasfeild Appendix A Results of Supplemental Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by P. K. Senter Navigation Conditions in Fort Smith Reach, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows Navigation Conditions at Lock and Dam No. 3, Arkansas River, Arkansas and Oklahoma; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. tkKellar Wave and Surge Conditions After Proposed Expansion of t1onterey Harbor, Monterey, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. E. Chatham Navigation Conditions at Ozark Lock and Dam, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco Kaskaskia River Navigation Project, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar Model Study of Gaiveston Harbor Entrance, Texas; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by H. B. Simmons and R. A. Boland Navigation Conditions at Lock and Dam No. 7, Arkansas River; Hydraulic f1odel Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar Ansonia-Derby Local Protection Project, Naugatuck and Housatonic Rivers, Connecticut; Hydraulic Model Inves tigation, by G. A. Pickering and T. E. Murphy Filling and Emptying System, Dardanelle Lock, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and t1. B. Boyd · Design for Expansion of Port San Luis, California; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation, by C. E. Chatham and C. W. Brasfeil d Spillway for Rend Lake Reservoir, Big r1uddy River, Illinois; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace Wave Action in Mission Bay Harbor, California; Hydrau lic 11odel Investigation, by J. W. Ball and C. W. Brasfeild AD Number AD 723 955 AD 723 975 AD 723 973 AD 723 954 AD 723 952 AD 723 959 AD 723 949 AD 723 967 AD 723 969 AD 723 958 AD 723 966 AD 723 957 AD 723 968 HYDRNJLICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR H-69-9 Jun 1969 Theoretics in Design of the Proposed Crescent City Harbor Tsunami Model, by G. H. Keulegan, J. Harrison, and M. J. Mathews AD 723 965 TR H-69-10 Jul 1969 Mechanics of Flow from Stratified Reservoirs in the AD 723 976 Interest of Hater Quality; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by J. P. Bohan and J. L. Grace TR H-69-11 Aug 1969 Webbers Falls Lock and Dam, Arkansas River Navigation Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and J. E. Glover AD 724 107 TR H-69-12 Galveston Bay Hurricane Surge Study: Sep 1969 Report 1 Effects of Proposed Barriers on Hurricane Surge Heights; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. J. Brogdon AD 709 587 Har 1973 Appendix A Calibration Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Sager and E. C. ~kNair, Jr. AD 759 119 Jul 1970 Report 2 Effects of Proposed Barriers on Tides, Currents, Salinities, and Dye Dispersion for Normal Tide Conditions, by H. H. Bobb and R. A. Boland AD 756 125 Jul 1970 Appendix A Dye Time-Concentration Curves t1ar 1973 Appendix B Calibration Tests; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by R. A. Sager and E. C. t·1ct~air, Jr. AD 759 120 Jul 1970 Report 3 Effects of Plan 2 Alpha and Plan 2 Gamma Barriers on Tides, Currents, Salinities, and Dye Dispersion for Normal Tide Conditions; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by 1'1. H. Bobb and R. A. Boland, Jr. AD 756 134 Jul 1970 Appendix A Dye Time-Concentration Curves TR H-69-13 Oct 1969 Low-Hater Heirs on Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, Bayou Macon, and Big and Colewa Creeks, Arkansas and Louisiana; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by J. H. Ables and M. B. Boyd AD 723 939 TR H-69-14 Oct 1969 Outlet Works for New Hope Reservoir, Cape Fear River Basin, N. C.; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation, by E. S. AD 723 941 Melsheimer and N. R. Oswalt TR H-69-15 Nov 1969 Spillway for Hugo Dam, Kiamichi River, Oklahoma; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace Af) 723 979 Number Date TR H-69-16 Nov 1969 TR H-69-17 Dec 1969 TR H-69-18 Dec 1969 TR H-70-1 Feb 1970 TR H-70-2 Mar 1970 Dec 1971 TR H-70-3 Apr 1970 TR H-70-4 Apr 1970 TR H-70-5 May 1970 TR H-70-6 May 1970 TR H-70-7 Jun 1970 TR H-70-8 Jul 1970 TR H-70-9 Jul 1970 TR H-70-10 Jul 1970 TR H-70-11 Sep 1970 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Channel Improvement, Fire Island Inlet, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by W. H. Bobb and R. A. Boland Jones Bluff Lock and Dam, Alabama River Navigation Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco, J. E. Glover, and B. K. Melton Outlet Works for Beltzville Dam, Pohopoco Creek, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer · Water Temperature Control l~eir for Meramec Park Dam, Meramec River, Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. P. Bohan Operating Forces on Sector Gates Under Reverse Heads; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt Appendix A Results of Supplemental Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and T. E. Murphy Considered Lake Erie-Lake Ontario Waterway; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by T. E. Murphy Spillway for Alum Creek Dam, Alum Creek, Ohio; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation, by G. A. Pickering Wave Action and Breakwater Location, Vermilion Harbor, Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild Estuary Entrance, Umpqua River, Oregon; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. M. Fisackerly Spillway and Outlet Works, Rowlesburg Dam, Cheat River, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables and M. B. Boyd Lock and Dam No. 13, Arkansas River Navigation Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows Spillway for Copan Dam, Little Caney River, Oklahoma; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher Spillway and Outlet Works, Tocks Island Dam, Delaware River, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer Design for Flood Control and Wave Protection, Chagrin River, Eastlake, Ohio; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. E. Chatham AD Number AD 709 588 AD 723 943 AD 723 942 AD 756 144 AD 756 137 AD 734 890 AD 756 114 AD 756 115 AD 756 148 AD 756 116 AD 756 138 AD 756 139 AD 756 140 AD 756 117 AD 756 118 Number Date TR H-70-12 Sep 1970 TR H-70-13 Nov 1970 Dec 1972 TR H-70-14 Dec 1970 TR H-70-15 Dec 1970 TR H-71-1 Feb 1971 TR H-71-2 Feb 1971 TR H-71-3 Apr 1971 TR H-71-4 Jun 1971 TR H-71-5 Jun 1971 TR H-71-6 Sep 1971 TR H-71-7 Oct 1971 TR H-71-8 Nov 1971 TR H-72-1 Jan 1972 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Development of Navigation at Lock and Dam No. 17, Arkansas River Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco, J. E. Glover, and B. K. Melton Spillway for Oakley Dam, Sangamon River, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. s. Melsheimer Appendix A Type 2 (Revised) Spillway; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer Spillway for Kaw Dam, Arkansas River, Oklahoma; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace Gated Spillway for Raystown Reservoir, Juniata River, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and T. E. Murphy Lock and Dam No. 14, Arkansas River Navigation Project; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows Design of Proposed Crescent City Harbor, California, Tsunami Model; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by P. K. Senter Wave Transmission and Mooring Force Tests of Floating Breakwater, Oak Harbor, Washington; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. D. Davidson Selective Withdrawal Characteristics of Weirs; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by J. L. Grace Spillway Gate Vibrations on Arkansas River Dams, Arkansas and Oklahoma; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by G. A. Pickering Howell-Bunger Valve Vibration, Summersville Dam Prototype Tests, by F. M. Neilson Spillway for Clarence Cannon Reservoir, Salt River, Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher Proposed Jetty-Head Repair Sections, Humboldt Bay, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. D. Davidson Outlet Works for Branched Oak and Cottonwood Springs Dams, Oak Creek, Nebraska, and Cottonwood Springs Creek, South Dakota; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. L. Grace AD Number AD 756 141 AD 756 142 AD 754 535 AD 756 149 AD 756 209 AD 756 150 AD 756 210 AD 756 211 AD 756 151 AD 731 491 AD 732 867 AD 756 212 AD 736 855 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR H-72-2 Grays Harbor Estuary. Washington: Apr 1972 Report 1 Verification and Base Tests; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by N. J. Brogdon AD 743 169 May 1973 Appendix A Supplementary Base Test Data; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by N.J. Brogdon. Jr•• and G. M. Fisackerly Sep 1972 Report 2 North Jetty Study; Hydraulic gation, by N. J. Brogdon l~odel Investi AD 748 813 Sep 1972 Report 3 Westport Small-Boat Basin Study; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by N. J. Brogdon AD 748 814 Sep 1972 Report 4 South Jetty Study; Hydraulic t~odel vestigation. by N. J. Brogdon In AD 749 257 Oct 1975 Report 5 Maintenance Studies of 35-Ft-Deep (MSL) Navigation Channel; Hydraulic Model Investigation.by N. J. Brogdon. Jr. AD A017 561 Apr 1976 Report 6 45-Ft MSL (40-Ft MLLW) Navigation Channel Improvement Studies; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by N. J. Brogdon. Jr. AD A024 983 TR H-72-3 Apr 1972 Navigation Conditions in the Little Rock Reach. Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by J. J. Franco and L. J. Shows AD 743 168 TR H-72-4 Aug 1972 Effects of Submerged Sills in the St. Clair River; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by J. J~ Franco and J. E. Glover AD 748 393 TR H-72-5 Sep 1972 Plans for Reduction of Shoaling in Brunswick Harbor and Jekyll Creek. Georgia; Hydraulic Model Investigation.by F. A. Herrmann and I. C. Tallant AD 751 749 TR H-72-6 Sep 1972 Navigation Conditions and Filling and Emptying System.New Bankhead Lock. Black Warrior River. Alabama; AD 750 573 Hydraulic Model Investigation. by N. Ables. and T. E. Murphy R. Oswalt, J. H. TR H-72-7 Nov 1972 Shoaling Conditions. St. Louis Harbor. Mississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by J. J. Franco AD 752 421 TR H-72-8 Nov 1972 Disposal of Dredge Spoil; Problem Identification and Assessment and Research Program Development. by M. B. Boyd, R. T. Saucier. J. W. Keeley. and dthers AD 757 599 TR H-72-9 Nov 1'372 Navigation Channel Improvement. Gastineau Channel, Alaska; Hydraulic Model Investigation. by F. A. Herrmann AD 753 337 Number Date TR H-73-1 Feb 1973 TR H-73-2 Mar 1973 TR H-73-3 Feb 1973 TR H-73-4 Mar 1973 TR H-73-5 Apr 1973 TR H-73-6 Jun 1973 TR H-73-7 Jun 1973 TR H-73-8 Jun 1973 TR H-73-9 Jun 1973 Jun 1973 TR H-73-10 ~lay 1973 TR H-73-11 Jun 1973 TR H-73-12 Aug 1973 TR H-73-13 Aug 1973 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Channel Conditions, Devil 's Island Reach, MississippiRiver, ~1issouri and Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and c. n. McKellar, Jr. AD 756 442 Navigation Conditions at Confluence of Arkansas, Verdigris, and Grand Rivers; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar, Jr. AD 757 598 Outlet Works, Warm Springs Dam, Dry Creek, Russian River Basin, Sonoma County, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr., and G. A. Pickering AD 757 596 Selective Withdrawal from Man-~1ade Lakes; HydraulicLaboratory Investigation, by J. P. Bohan and J. L. Grace, Jr. AD 757 595 Outlet l~orks Stilling Basin for Tallahala Dam, Tallahala Creek, Mississippi; Hydraulic Model Investigation, byN. R. Oswalt AD 759 905 Outlet Works Stilling Basins, Clinton and Fort Scott Dams, Hakarusa and Marmaton Rivers, Kansas; HydraulicModel Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer AD 762 553 Model Study of Trotters Shoals Spillway; HydraulicModel Investigation, by R. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace, Jr. AD 762 539 Study of Beach Widening by the Perched Beach Concept,Santa Monica Bay, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. E. Chatham, Jr., D. D. Davidson, and R. W. Whalin AD 765 433 Port Construction in the Theater of Operations, byA. A. Clark, R. J. Lacavich, D. N. Brown, W. K. Dornbusch, R. W. Whalin, and F. B. Cox AD 763 175 Errata Sheet No. 1 Lock and Dam No. 8, Arkansas River Navigation Project;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C • n • Me Ke 11 a r , Jr. AD 763 174 Energy Dissipator for Santa Paula Creek, Santa Clara River, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr. AD 762 540 Houston Ship Channel, Galveston Bay, Texas: Report 1 Hydraulic and Salinity Verification; HydraulicModel Investigation, by W. H. Bobb, R. A. Boland, Jr., and A. J. Banchetti AD 766 693 Wave Action and Breakwater Design, Hamlin Beach Harbor, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by C. W. Brasfeild AD 766 738 Number TR H-73-14 TR.H-73-15 TR H-73-16 TR H-73 .. 17 TR H-74-1 TR H-74-2 TR H-74-3 TR H-74-4 TR H-74-5 TR H-74-6 Date Sep 1973 Oct 1973 Oct 1973 Oct 1973 Mar 1974 Apr 1974 May 1974 Jun 1978 Jun 1974 Jun 1974 Jul 1974 Apr 1975 Sep 1975 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Selective \~ithdrawal from Beech Fork Lake, Beech Fork River, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by T. L. Gloriod and J. P. Bohan AD 768 777 Spillway for Lock and Dam 26, Mississippi River,Missouri and Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and G. A~ Pickering AD 768 780 Enlargement of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal; Hydraulic and ~1athematical Model Investigation, byM. B. Boyd, W. H. Bobb, C. J. Huval, and T. C. Hill AD 768 779 Outlet Works for Site 16, Papillion Creek and Tributaries,Nebraska; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher AD 770 398 Navigation Channel Improvements, Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. A. Sagerand N. W. Hollyfield · AD 778 191 South Ellenville Flood Control Project, Rondout Creek Basin, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by E. S. Melsheimer AD 778 716 Type 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for Pacific Coastal Communities, hy J. R. Houston and A. W. Garcia AD 785 533 Instructive Addendum Errata Sheet No. 1 Remedial Plans for Prevention of Harbor Shoaling, Port Orford, Oregon; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by M. L. Giles and C. E. Chatham, Jr. AD 781 483 Use of Tow Sequencing Procedures to Increase the Capacityof Existing Lock Facilities, by L. L. Daggett, R. W. McCarley, and J. A. Stinehour AD 781 482 Lake Erie International Investigation: Jetport Model Feasibility Report Scope of Study and Review of Available Data, by 0. L. Durham and D. G. Outlaw AD 783 463 Report 17-2 Physical Model Feasibility Study, by D. G. Outlaw, O; L. Durham, D. D. Davidson, and AD A009 729 R. W. Whalin Report 17-3 Longshore \~ave Energy Analyses, by D. Outlaw and D. L. Durham G. AD A016 900 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR H-74-6 (Cont) Apr 1977 Report 17-4 Numerical f,1odel Feasibility Study, byD. C. Raney, D. L. Durham, and H. L. Butler AD A038 972 Jan 1978 Report 17-10 Nontechnical Summary of Project, by D. Raney, o. L. Durham, and R. \~. Hhal in C. AD A050 749 TR H-74-7 Jul 1974 Van Buren Reach, Arkansas River Navigation Project;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by L. J. Shows and J. J. Franco AD 784 091 TR H-74-8 Sep 1974 Unsteady Flow Computations on the Ohio-CumberlandTennessee-Mississippi River System, by B. H. Johnson AD AOOO 611 TR H-74-9 Oct 1974 Practical Guidance for Design of Lined Channel Expansions at Culvert Outlets; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace, Jr. AD AOOO 612 TR H-74-10 Oct 1974 Spillway for Aliceville Lock and nam, Tombigbee River,Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt AD AOOl 724 TR H-74-11 Nov 1974 Tillamook Bay Model by G. M. Fisackerly Study; Hydraulic Model Investigation, AD A002 658 TR H-74-12 Nov 1974 San Diego Bay Model by G. M. Fisackerly Study; Hydraulic Model Investigation, AD A002 632 TR H-74-13 Nov 1974 Spillway for Columbus Lock and Dam, Tombigbee River,Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and G. A. Pickering AD A002 657 TR H-74-14 Dec 1974 Richard B. Russell Lake Water Quality Investigation;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. G. Fontane and J. Bohan P. AD A004 000 TR H-74-15 Dec 1974 Potential Landslide-Generated Water Waves, Libby Dam and Lake Koocanusa, Montana; Hydraulic Model Investigation,by D. D. Davidson and R. W. Whalin AD A003 814 TR H-74-16 Dec 1974 Design of an Interisland Barge Harbor for the Island of Tau, American Samoa; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation, byL. G. Crosby AD A005 009 TR H-75-l Jan 1975 Design of Agana Small-Boat Harbor, Territory of Guam;Hydraulic t~odel Investigation, by C. E. Chatham, Jr. AD A005 146 TR H-75-2 Jan 1975 Turbulent Flow in Rectangular Outlet Conduit,Dam, Big t1uddy River, Illinois, by C. A. Pugh Rend Lake AD A005 150 TR H-75-3 Jan 1975 Waimano Stream Flood Control Project, Pearl City, Hawaii;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by P. E. Saunders AD A006 020 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR H-75-4 Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Model Study: Jun 1975 Report 1 Prototype Data Acquisition and Observations, by E. B. Pickett, D. L. Durham, and W. H. t1cAnally AD A012 147 Jan 1975 Report 2 Observations of Ship Mooring and t1ovement, L. G. Crosby and D. L. Durham by AD A005 149 Jul 1976 Report 3 Analyses of Wave D. L. Durham, J. and L. G. Crosby and Ship Motion Data, by K. Thompson, D. G. Outlaw, AD A029 646 Feb 1977 Report 4 Model Design, by D. G. Outlaw, D. C. E. Chatham, and R. W. Whalin L. Durham, AD A037 154 Feb 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 Sep 1975 Report 5 Tidal by W. Verification and Base Circulation Tests, H. McAnally, Jr. (includes Appendix A) AD A016 904 Sep 1975 Appendix B Surface-Current Pattern Mosaics, by W. H. McAnally, Jr. AD A046 914 Aug 1979 Report 6 Resonant Response of the Modified Phase Plan, by D. G. Outlaw AD A075 728 TR H-75-5 Mar 1975 Spillway for Burnsv,ille Dan, Little Kanawha River, West Virginia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher AD A008 372 TR H-75-6 Apr 1975 Navigation Conditions at Cannelton Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. J. Franco and C. D. McKellar AD A009 489 TR H-75-7 Apr 1975 Flood Control Project on Lytle and Warm Creeks and Santa Ana River, California; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr., and G. A. Pickering AD A009 493 TR H-75-8 Apr 1975 Expansion of Port Hueneme, California; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by L. G. Crosby, D. L. Durham, and C. E. Ohatham, Jr. AD AOlO 324 TR H-75-9 May 1975 Navigation Conditions at Uniontown Locks and Dam, Ohio River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by L. J. Shows and J •.J. Franco AD AOl 0 639 TR H-75-10 May 1975 Outlet Works for Beltzville Dam, Pohopoco Creek, Pennsylvania; Prototype Tests, by E. D. Hart and C. Pugh A. AD AOlO 636 TR H-75-11 Jun 1975 Barkley Lock Prototype Tests, Kentucky, by F. M. Neilson Cunberland River, AD A012 767 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR H-75-12 Aug 1975 Outlet l~orks for Taylorsville Lake, Salt River, Kentucky; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by M. S. Dortch AD A014 974 TR H-75-13 Mobile Bay Model Study: Sep 1975 Report 1 Effects of Proposed Theodore Ship Channel and Disposal Areas on Tides, Currents, Salinities, and Dye Dispersion, by R. J. Lawing, R. A. Boland, and W. H. Bobb (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A015 475 Sep 1975 Appendix C Dye Time-Concentration Curves for Plan lD and Plan lG (Modified); Appendix D: Dye Time-Concentration Curves for Plan lE (Modified), by R. J. Lawing, R. A. Boland, and W. H. Bobb Oct 1975 Errata Sheet Mar 1979 Report 2 Effects of Enlarged Navigation Channel on Tides, Currents, Salinities, and Dye Dispersion, Mobile Bay, Alabama; Hydraulic AD A068 322 Model Investigation, by R. C. Berger, Jr., and R. A. Boland, Jr. (includes Appendix A) TR H-75-14 Sep 1975 Design of Entrance Channel Improvements for Ludington Harbor, Michigan; Hydraulic r1odel Investigation, by L. G. Crosby and C. E. Chatham, Jr. AD A016 148 TR H-75-15 Sep 1975 Wave and Current Conditions for Various r~odifications of Kewalo Basin, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; Hydraulic AD A016 149 r1odel Investigation, by ~1. L. Giles TR H-75-16 Nov 1975 Shore Effect Model, Atlantic Generating Station; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. D. Carver, D. Davidson, R. W. Wha1in, and J. H. Barwis D. AD A017 793 TR H-75-17 Nov 1975 Type 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for ~1onterey and San Francisco Bays and Puget Sound, by A. W. Garcia and J. R. Houston AD A018 421 TR H-75-18 Nov 1975 Design for Wave Protection, Flood Control, and Prevention of Shoaling, Cattaraugus Creek Harbor, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. R. Bottin, Jr., and C. E. Chatham, Jr. AD .1\019 024 TR H-75-19 Dec 1975 Fou nnil e Run Loca1 Fl ood-Contro 1 Project, A 1 exandri a and Arlington County, Virginia; Hydraulic r,1odel Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt, J. F. George, and G. A. Pickering AD A019 826 TR H-76-1 Design Wave Infonnation for the Great Lakes: Jan 1976 Report 1 Lake Erie, by D. T. Resio and C. L. Vincent AD A020 345 Number (Cont) TR H-76-2 TR H-76-3 TR H-76-4 TR H-76-5 TR H-76-6 TR H-76-7 TR H-76-8 TR H-76-9 TR H-76-10 TR H-76-11 TR H-76-12 Date Mar 1976 Nov 1976 Sep 1977 Jun 1978 Jan 1976 Feb 1976 Apr 1976 Apr 1976 Apr 1976 Apr 1976 May 1976 May 1976 Jul 1976 Oct 1976 Aug 1976 Aug 1976 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Report 2 Lake Ontario, by D. Vincent T. Resio and C. L. Report 3 Lake Michigan, by D. Vincent T. Resio and C. L. Report 4 Lake Huron, by D. Vincent T. Resio and C. L. Report 5 Lake Superior, by D. C. L. Vincent T. Resio and Design of Jubail Harbor, Saudi Arabia, Royal Saudi Naval Expansion Program; Hydraulic Hodel Investigation,by M. L. Giles and C. E. Chatham, Jr. B. EverPtt Jordan Lake \~ater-Quality Study, by Bruce Loftis, P. E. Saunders, and J. L. Grace, Jr. Improvements for Masonboro Inlet, North Carolina;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by W. C. Seabergh Volume Volume II Tioga Outlet Works, Tioga and Hammond Lakes, Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt Connecting Channel for Tioga and Hammond Lakes, TiogaRiver and Crooked Creek, Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt and G. A. Pickering Bay Springs Lake Water-Quality Study; Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by S. C. Wilhelms Wainae Small-Boat Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, Design for Wave Protection; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. R. Battin, Jr., C. E. Chatham, Jr., and R. D. Carver Ice Flushing from St. Lawrence Seaway Locks; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt North Fork Lake Spillway, San Gabriel River, Texas; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation, by E. D. Rothwell Effects of Flood Flows on Hater Qua 1i ty of Ti ega-HammondLakes; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by t1. S. Dortch Chute Spillway for Cowanesque Dam, Cowanesque River,Pennsylvania; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher AD Number AD A023 210 AD A036 029 AD A046 414 AD A057 127 AD A020 917 AD A021 682 AD A024 434 AD A024 435 AD A026 262 AD A026 116 AD A025 023 AD A026 134 AD A028 021 AD A078 855 AD A029 1~3 AD A030 644 Number Date TR H-76-13 Sep 1976 Oct 1976 May 1981 Apr 1981 Apr 1981 TR H-76-14 Sep 1976 TR H-76-15 Sep 1976 TR H-75-16 Sep 1976 Nov 1976 TR H-76-17 Oct 1976 TR H-76-18 Oct 1976 TR H-76-19 Nov 1976 TR H-76-20 Dec 1976 TR H-76-21 Dec 1976 by E. D. Hart and A. R. Tool HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Beach Nourishment Techniques: Report 1 Dredging Systems for Beach Nourishment from Offshore Sources, by T. W. Richardson Report 2 A Means of Predicting Littoral Sediment Transport Seaward of the Breaker Zone, by A. W. Garcia and F. C. Perry Report 3 Typical IJ. S. Beach Nourishment Projects Using Offshore Sand Deposits, by R. D. Hobson Report 4 Wave Climates for Selected U. S. Offshore Beach Nourishment Projects--Main Text, by D. L. Durham, L. Z. Hales, and T. W. Richardson Appendixes A-K, by D. L. Durham, L. z. Hales, and T. W. Richardson Effects of Hurricane Surge Barrier on Hydraulic Environment, Jamaica Bay, New York; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. F. Athow, Jr. Prototype Tests, Old River Low-Sill Control Structure, April 1973-June 1975, by F. M. Neilson and A. R. Tool Hydraulic Characteristics of Rigolets Pass, Louisiana, Hurricane Surge Control Structures; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. C. Berger, Jr., and R. A. Boland, Jr. (includes Appendix A) Errata Sheet No. 1 Sluice Pressures, Gate Vibrations and Stilling Basin Wall Pressures, Libby Dam, Kootenai River, Montana, Divide Cut Drainage Structures, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Mississippi and Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr. Entrance to Upstream Approach Canal, Gainesville Lock, Tombigbee River, Mississippi and Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by L. J. Shows and J. J. Franco Stability of Rubble-Mound Breakwater, Jubail Harbor, Saudi Arabia; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation, by R. D. Carver and D. D. Davidson Center Sluice Investigation, Libby Dam, Kootenai River, Montana; Hydraulic r~odel Investigation, by M. S. Dortch AD Number AD A030 645 AD A032 349 AD A102 385 AD A100 472 AD A102 376 AD A030 638 AD A030 971 AD A031 756 AD A032 665 AD A032 666 AD A033 539 AD A034 815 AD A034 805 Number Date TR H-76-22 Dec 1976 TR H-77-1 Feb 1977 TR H-77-2 Feb 1977 TR H-77-3 Mar 1977 TR H-77-4 Mar 1977 TR H-77-5 Apr 1977 Feb 1978 TR H-77-6 Apr 1977 * TR H-77-7 Apr 1977 TR H-77-8 Apr 1977 TR H-77-9 May 1977 TR H-77-10 May 1977 TR H-77-11 May 1977 * Statement B. See Preface. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Hydrothermal ~1odel Study;Hydraulic Laboratory Investigation, by ~1. S. Dortch, Bruce Loftis, D. G. Fontane, and S. C. Wilhelms Design for Small-Boat Harbor Improvements, Port Washington Harbor, Wisconsin; Hydraulic Model Investi gation, by R. R. Bottin, Jr. Old River Existing Low-Sill Control Structure, Louisiana; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by E. D. Rothwell and J. L. Grace, Jr. Flow Conditions at Pumping Stations, Cairo, Illinois; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher and J. L. Grace, Jr. Lake Dardanelle, Arkansas River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster and J. J. Franco f1arysville Lake Hydrothemal Study: Report 1 900-MW Project; Hydraulic and Mathematical f4odel ;Investigation, by D. G. Fontane, M. S. Dortch, C. H. Tate, Jr., and Bruce Loftis Report 2 2250-MW Project; Hydraulic and Mathematical Model Investigation, by t~. S. Dortch Spillway Vibration, Pressure, and Velocity t1easurements, Ozark Lock and Dam, Arkansas River, Arkansas, by C. A. Pugh Filling and Emptying System for r~edium-Lift Locks, Trinity River, Texas; Hydraulic 11odel Investigation,by N. R. Oswalt Powerhouse Intake Gate Catapult Study, Big Bend Dam,South Dakota, and Stockton, Harry S. Truman, and Clarence Cannon Dams, Missouri; Hydraulic t1odel Investigation, by J. F. George and G. A. Pickering Literature Survey and Preliminary Evaluation of Streambank Protection Methods, by 1·1. P. Keown, N. R. Oswalt, E. B. Perry, and E. A. Dardeau, Jr. Positioning Techniques and Equipment for U. S. ArmyCorps of Engineers Hydrographic Surveys, by E. D. Hart and G. C. Downing Navigation Conditions at Columbus Lock and Dam,Tombigbee River, Mississippi and Alabama; Hydraulici4odel Investigation, by Ll. J. Franco and L. J. Shows AD Number AD A034 538 AD A037 088 AD A036 996 AD A038 051 AD A039 066 AD A042 556 AD A052 655 AD A040 132 AD 8018 810L AD A043 876 AD A042 052 AD A041 062 AD A042 027 Number Date TR H-77-12 May 1977 TR H-77-13 Jun 1977 TR H-77-14 Jul 1977 TR H-77-15 Aug 1977 TR H-77-16 Aug 1977 TR H-77-17 Sep 1977 TR H-77-18 Oct 1977 TR H-77-19 Nov 1977 TR H-77-20 Nov 1977 TR H-77-21 Nov 1977 TR H-77-22 nee 1977 TR H-78-1 Jan 1978 TR H-78-2 Apr 1978 by C. R. Curren and C. E. Chatham, Jr. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Pumping Stations for Drainage District No. 17, Mississippi County, Arkansas; Hydraulic Model In vestigation, by P. E. Saunders Red River Water1~ay, La., Tex., Ark., and Okla., Mississippi River to Shreveport, La., Reach, Lock and Dam No. 1; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt Reaeration Tests, Outlet Works, Beltzville Dam, PohopocoCreek, Pennsylvania, by E. D. Hart and S. C. Wilhelms Imperial Beach, California, Design of Structures for Beach Erosion Control; Hydraulic Model Investigation, Tsunami-Wave Elevation Frequency of Occurrence for the Hawaiian Islands, by J. R. Houston, R. D. Carver, and D. G. Markle Supplement Nearshore Numerical Storm Surge and Tidal Simulation, by J. J. Wanstrath A Mathematical Model for Unsteady-Flow ComputationsThrough the Complete Spectrum of Flows on the Lower Ohio River, by B. H. Johnson Do 1os Annor Units Used on Rubb 1e-Mound Breakwater Trunks Subjected to Nonbreaking Waves with No Overtopping, by R. D. Carver and D. D. Davidson Port Ontario Harbor, New York, Design for Wave Protection and Prevention of Shoaling; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. R. Battin, Jr. Improvements for Little River Inlet, South Carolina; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by W. C. Seabergh and E. F. Lane Breakwater Stability Study, Imperial Beach, California;Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. G. Markle and R. D. Carver Temperature Analysis and Selective-Withdrawal DesignStudy, Tallahala Creek Lake, Mississippi; Mathematical Model Investigation, by S. T. Maynard, Bruce Loftis, and D. G. Fontane Navigation Conditions at Aliceville Lock and Dam, Mississippi and Alabama, Tombigbee River; HydraulicModel Investigation, by L. J. Shows and J. J. Franco AD Number AD A042 892 AD A041 642 AD A043 291 AD A044 108 AD A045 023 AD A073 012 AD A047 994 AD A047 242 AD A048 434 AD A049 246 AD A049 539 AD A048 036 AD A052 620 AD A054 414 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Numb~---- Date Title AD Number TR H-78-3 May 1978 Model Studies of the Portugues and Bucana Rivers Chan- AD A055 441 nelization, Puerto Rico; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by N. R. Oswalt TR H-78-4 Apr 1978 Improvements for Murrells Inlet, South Carolina; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by Maj. F. c. Perry, AD A054 242 Jr., W. c. Seabergh, and E. F. Lane TR H-78-5 Effects of Depth on Dredging Frequency: May 1978 Report l Survey of District Offices, by M. J. Trawle AD A056 042 and J. A. Boyd, Jr. Jul 1981 Report 2 Methods of Estuarine Shoaling Analysis, AD A102 892 by M. J. Trawle Apr 1985 Report 3 Evaluation of Advance Maintenance Projects, AD A156 635 by R. c. Berger, Jr., and J. A. Boyd, Jr. TR H-78-6 May 1978 Capacity Studies of Gallipolis Locks, Ohio River, West AD A056 026 Virginia, by L. L. Daggett and R. w. McCarley TR H-78-7 Jun 1978 Shoaling Conditions in Sawyer Bend and Lower Entrance AD A058 731 to Chain of Rocks Canal, Mississippi River; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. E. Foster, c. M. Noble, and J. J. Franco TR H-78-8 Jun 1978 Indian Creek Pumping Station, Mankato, Minnesota; AD A056 687 Hydraulic Model Investigation, bv B. P. Fletcher TR H-78-9 Jun 1978 Bav Springs Canal Surge Study, Tennessee-Tombigbee AD A058 604 Waterway, Mississippi and Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by c. H. Tate, Jr. TR 11-78-10 Jun 1978 Navigation Conditions, Surok Bend Reach, Ghatta- AD A056 704 hoochee River, Alabama and Georgia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. K. Melton and J. J. Franco TR H-78-11 Jun 1978 Numeriroal Simulation of Tidal Hydrodynamics, AD A063 080 Great Egg Harbor and Corson Inlets, New Jersey, by H. L,. Butl~r .{includes Appendixes A-E; Appendix E is on microfiche only) TR H-78-12 Jun 1978 Navigation Conditions at Aberdeen Lock and Dam, AD A058 605 Tombigbee River, Mississippi and Alabama; Hydraulic Model Investig.ation, bv L. J. Shows and J. J. Franroo TR H-78-13 Jul 1978 An Estimate of Channel Roughness of Interoroeanic AD A058 706 Canals, by G •. ~- Keulegan TR H-78-14 Jul 1978 Walnut Creek Channel Improvement Project, Contra Costa AD A059 428 County, Ca)ifornia; Hydraulic Model Investigation, bv J. F. George TR H-78-15 Orot 1978 Outlet Structure for Meramec Lake, Meramec River, AD A062 109 Missouri; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher Number TR H-78-16 TR H-78-17 TR H-78-18 TR H-78-19 TR H-78-20 TR H-78-21 TR H-78-22 TR H-78-23 TR H-78-24 * TR H-78-25 TR H-78-26 Date Sep 1978 Oct 1978 Oct 1978 Nov 1978 Nov 1978 Jan 1979 Sep 1978 Nov 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 Dec 1978 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Filling and Emptying System, New Ship Lock, MississippiRiver-Gulf Outlet, Louisiana; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr. River Tow Behavior in ~~aterways: Report 1 Exxon Test Program, by R. ~1. Schulz Report 2 Second Exxon Test Program, by R. t1. Schulz Design for Harbor Entrance Improvements, Wells Harbor, l~aine; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by R. R. Bottin, Jr. Filling and Emptying System for Bay Springs Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee ~~aterway, Mississippi; HydraulicModel Investigation, by J. H. Ables, Jr. Errata Sheet No. 1 Numerical Analysis of Harbor Oscillations for Barbers Deep Point Deep-Draft Harbor, by D. L. Durham Typical Tennessee-Tombigbee Canal Section SpillwaysA and B; Hydraulic t4odel Investigation, by B. P. Fletcher Numerical Simulation of the Coos Bay-South SloughComplex, by H. L. Butler Terminal Island Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall, Los Angeles Harbor, California; Hydraulic l~odel Investigation, by IL H. McAnally, Jr. Navigation Conditions in Alexandria Reach, Red River Navigation Project, Louisiana; Hydraulic ~1odel Investigation, by L. J. Shows and J. J. Franco An Analytical Approach for Computing Lock Capacity,by L. L. Daggett and T. D. Ankeny T,vpe 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for the West Coast of the Continental United States, by J. R. Houston and A. ~. Garcia AD Number AD A062 074 AD A062 503 AD A062 504 AD A063 272 AD A063 267 AD A063 795 AD A063 730 AD A063 698 :.::> A063 247 AD A064 397 AD B033 097L AD A063 663 * Statement B. See Preface. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, W. M. KECK LABORATORY OF HYDRAULICS AND WATER RESOURCES, Pasadena CR 2-131 Oct 1965 Wave-Induced Oscillations of Small Moored Vessels, byFredric Raichlen CR H-68-2 Aug 1968 Motions of Small Fredric Raichlen Boats Moored in Standing Waves, by AD 756 143 CR H-69-2 Dec 1969 Wave Induced Oscillations in Harbors of Arbitrary Shape,by Jiin-Jen Lee AD A032 587 CR H-71-2 Aug 1971 Wave Induced Oscillations in Harbors with Connected Basins, by Jiin-Jen Lee and Fredric Raichlen AD A032 589 FRANK B. CM1PBELL, Consultant, Vicksburg, Mississippi Unnumbered May 1969 Report on Spillway Vibration Studies CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES, Cleveland, Ohio CR H-75-1 Lake Erie International Jetport 14odel Investigation: Feasibility Oct 1975 Report 17-5 The Wind-Driven Currents and Contaminant Dispersion in the Near-Shore of LargeLakes, by Yea-Yi Peter Sheng AD A017 694 Mar 1976 Report 17-6 Application of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Hodel to Study Effects on Proposed .Jetport Island on Thermocline Structure in Lake Erie, by J. F. Paul and W. J. Lick AD A022 588 A. H. GLENN AND ASSOCIATES, New Orleans, Louisiana CR H-74-1 Mar 1974 Wind, Wave, Water Level, and Ice Conditions Affecting Design and Construction of the Proposed Lake Erie International Jetport, Cleveland, Ohio AD 776 975 Number Date CR H-73-3 Dec 1973 CR H-74-2 Mar 1974 CR H-77-1 Sep 1977 CR 2-124 Aug 1965 CR 2-151 Oct 1952 CR H-69-1 Feb 1969 CR H-71-1 Feb 1971 CR 2-46 Nov 1961 CR 2-5 Sep 1950 CR 2-7 Jun 1951 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report GULF COAST RESEARCH LABORATORY, Ocean Springs, Mississippi Salinity Problems of Organisms in Coastal Areas Subject to the Effect of Engineering Works, by G. Gunter, B. S. Ballard, and A. Venkataramaiah Studies of the Effects of Salinity and Temperature on the Commercial Shrimp, Penaeus Aztecus Ives, With Special Regard to Survival Limits, Growth, Oxygen Consumption and Ionic Regulation, by A. Venkataramiah, G. J. Lakshmi, and G. Gunter Studies on the Time Course of Salinity and Temperature Adaptation in the Commercial Brown Shrimp Penaeus Aztecus Ives, by A. Venkataramiah, G. J. Lakshmi, Patricia Biesiot, J. D. Valleau, and Gordon Gunter UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, IOWA INSTITUTE OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, Iowa City Resistance to Flow Over Boundaries with Small Roughness Concentrations, by E. M. O'Loughlin Instruments for Measuring Large-Scale Turbulence in Water, by P. G. Hubbard, D. W. Appel, and S. C. Ling Some Aspects of Flow-Induced Vibrations of Hydraulic Control Gates, by F. A. Locher Some Characteristics of Pressure Fluctuations on LowOgee Crest Spillways Relevant to Flow-Induced Structural Vibrations, by F. A. Locher ARTHUR T. IPPEN, Consulting Engineer, Cambridge, Massachusetts The Feasibility of a Dynamic t1odel of Lake ~1ichigan, by D. R. F. Harleman, E. R. Holley, J. A. Hoopes, and R. R. Rumor UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Ann Arbor Model Study for Harbor of Refuge for Light Draft Vessels at Hammond Bay, Michigan, by E. F. Brater Model Study for Harbor of Refuge for Light-Draft Vessels at Harrisville, Michigan, by E. F. Brater and L. n. Stair AD Number AD 775 761 AD 777 794 AD A045 674 AD 689 457 AD 728 115 AD A008 932 Number CR 2-116 CR H-68-1 CR 2-50 CR-2-60 CR 2-122 CR 2-104 CR 2-109 CR 2-117 Date May 1965 Sep 1968 Sep 1968 Apr 1962 Jun 1962 t1ar 1963 Jun 1965 Apr 1964 Jan 1964 Jul 1965 Jul 1965 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, Columbia Analytical Study of Flow Characteristics for Flow Over Curved Spillway Bucket, by J. J. Cassidy Appendix A Spillway Bucket Analysis, by J. J. Cassidy Analytical Study of Flow Over a Spillway Toe Curve, by J. J. Cassidy a AD AD Number A054 192 NATIONAL ENGINEERING California SCIENCE COMPANY, Pasadena, Design of Wave Tanks: Final Report Addenda to Final Report, Variable Stroke Mechanism for Wave Flume Facility Tsunami Model for Hilo Bay, Hawaii, by B. l~. Wilson Wave Absorbers in Harbors, by Bernard LeMehaute AD AD AD A054 080 A054 081 704 721 NATIONAL MARINE CONSULTANTS, Anaheim, California Technical Proposal; Theoretical Study of the Velocity Field Due to Waves Reflected from a Breakwater A Solution for the Wave Velocity Field Existing on an Underwater Portion of an Impervious Sloping Breakwater, by Anthony Trampus and R. W. Whalin A Numerical Solution for the Wave Velocity Field Existing on an Underwater Portion of an Impervious SlopingBreakwater: Volume Volume I, by Anthony Trapus II Computer Output, by Joseph Jaime Number CR 2-136 CR H-76-1 CR H-73-1 CR H-73-2 CR 2-1 Date Oct 1965 May 1976 Jun 1973 Aug 1973 Apr 1946 Aug 1946 Dec 1946 Oct 1949 Oct 1951 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report AD Number SCIENCE,ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, San Marino, California Feasibility Study for a Surge-Action Model Harbor, California, by B. W. Wilson, J. A. and R. E. Kilmer of MontereyHendrickson, AD 684 953 SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY, CALIFORNIA, La Jolla, California UNIVERSITY OF Study and Evaluation of Remedial Sand Bypassing Procedures, by R. W. Harris, D. L. Inman, J. A. Bailard, and R. L. Oda AD A026 480 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, RESEARCH FOUNDATION, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, College Station The Brackish Water Clam Rangia Cuneata as Indicator of Ecological Effects of Salinity Changes in Coastal Waters, by S. H. Hopkins, J. W. Anderson, and K. Horvath AD 763 176 Annotated Bibliography on Effects of Salinity and Salinity Changes on Life in Coastal Waters, by S. H. Hopkins AD 767 562 U. S. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Washington, DC Model Laws for Density Currents: First Progress Report Second Progress Report The Problem of Salt Water Intrusion in Canal Locks and the Sufficient Conditions for Adequate Model Experiments Third Progress Report The Problem of Salt Water Intrusion in Rivers and the Sufficient Conditions for Adequate l~odel Experiments Fourth Progress Report The Determination of Salinities in Tests on DensityCurrents Fifth Progress Report Distorted ~1odels in Density Current Phenomena, by G. H. Keulegan Number CR 2-1 (Cont) CR 2-66 Date Jun 1952 Jun 1955 Aug 1955 Jun 1954 Nov 1955 Oct 1957 Apr 1958 t1ar 1957 Jan 1960 Feb 1963 HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report U. S. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS (Cont) Sixth Progress Report Effectiveness of Salt Barriers in Rivers, by G. H. Keulegan Seventh Progress Report Interface Mixing in Arrested Saline Wedges, by G. H. Keulegan Eighth Progress Report Significant Stresses of Arrested Saline Wedges, by G. H. Keulegan Ninth Progress Report An Example of Density Current Flow in Permeable Media, by G. H. Keulegan Tenth Progress Report An Experimental Study of Internal Solitary Waves, by G. H. Keulegan Eleventh Progress Report Form Characteristics of Arrested Saline Wedges, by G. H. Keulegan Twelfth Progress Report The Motion of Saline Fronts in Still Water, by G. H. Keulegan Thirteenth Progress Report An Experimental Study of the Motion of Saline Water from Locks Into Fresh Water Channels, by G. H. Keulegan Fourteenth Progress Report Mixing Effect of Wind Induced Waves, by G. H. Keulegan and Victor Brame Y. s. YU and J. S. McNOWN, University of Kansas, Lawrence Runoff from Impervious Surfaces, by Y. S. Yu and J. S. McNown AD Number AD 730 732 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABOHATORY MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Instruction Reports Number Date Title AD Number Unnumbered Oct 1961 Tropical Soil Studies; Plan of Tests Unnumbered Jan 1962 Tropical Soil Studies in Panama and Puerto Rico;Plan of Tests IR 6 Environmental Data Collection Manual: Sep 1965 Volume V Surface r~icrogeometry (Informationin this no longer valid) Unnumbered Apr 1968 Instruction Manual for WES Tunnel Explorer Locator System, by B. R. Davis, P. A. Smith, and R. E. Riley IR 10 Environmental Data Collection Methods: Volume IV Vegetation: May 1968 Instructional Manual 1 Vegetation Structure AD 671 663 * IR M-75-1 Jun 1975 Automated Procedure for Airfield Site Evaluation, AD B004 845L by M. P. Keown, J. A. Parks, and J. K. Stoll IR M-76-1 Automated Procedure for Evaluating Sites for Suit ability as Helicopter Landing Zones: Jun 1976 . Volume Descriptions and Instructions for Use AD A030 173 of Computer Programs, by J. A. Parks * Jun 1976 Volume II Listings of Computer Programs, by J. A. AD B013 638L Parks IR M-78-1 Jan 1978 Guide for Airborne Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys, AD A052 035 by L. E. Link, Jr. IR t4-78-2 Guidance for Application of Remote Sensing to Environmental Management: Mar 1978 Appendix A Sources of Available Remote Sensor AD A053 673 Imagery, by J. R. May Mar 1978 Appendix B Sources of New Imagery Missions, by AD A053 673 J. R. r~ay * Statement R. See Preface. t~OBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 4-18 Nov 1952 Airfield Reconnaissance, Vieques Airfield, Puerto AD 010 354 Rico MP 4-19 Nov 1952 Report.on Trafficability Conditions and Airfield Site Selection in an Area in Norfolk County, East Anglia, England MP 4-101 Nov 1954 Trafficability Survey of Selected Areas, Camp Stewart, Georgia MP 4-117 Mar 1955 Field Tests of Nuclear Instruments for the Measurement AD 073 388 of Soil Moisture and Density ~1P 4-135 Jul 1955 The Development of Methods for Predicting Soil Moisture Content, Report on the Fairbanks, Alaska, Extension AD 747 826 MP 4-147 Jan 1956 Vehicle Mobility on Soft Soils AD 841 344 MP 4-230 Stresses Under Moving Vehicles: Jul 1957 Report 1 A Pilot Study of WES Earth Pressure Cell Action in Comparatively Soft Soil (SeeTR 3-545 for subsequent reports in this series) AD 841 345 MP 4-238 Nov 1957 Statistical Occurrence of Soil Strength AD 8951 475 MP 4-241 Oct 1957 Vehicle t-1obil ity AD 841 346 t~P 4-282 Aug 195R Comparison of Performance Characteristics in Snow of the Polecat and Weasel MP 4-284 Auq 1958 A Limited Study of Factors That Affect Soil Strength r1P 4-298 Jan 1959 Meteorological and Trafficability Data, U. Arctic ~eather Stations S.-Canadian AD 756 305 MP 4-300 Jan 1959 Aerial Penetrometer Demonstration at Fort Rucker, AD 625 601 Alabama MP 4-322 Feb 1959 A Limited Sturly of Snap-Tracs AD 756 291 MP 4-327 Mar 1959 Effect of t·1old Size and Other Factors on Laboratory AD 841 347 Cone Index Measurements MP 4-338 Apr 1959 Prediction of Soil Records t~oisture from Soil and \~eather AD A006 496 t1P 4-350 Jul 1959 Pilot Study to Evaluate the Squeeze Test for Use Vehicle-Mobility Research in AD 841 348 MP 4-355 Trafficability Predictions in Tropical Soils: Sep 1959 Report 1 Four Soils in the Panama Canal Zone AD A006 520 ~·1-3 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTH1S LABORATORY ~1i see11 aneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number t1P 4-355 (Cont) Feb 1960 Report 2 Puerto Rico Study AD A032 705 Aug 1966 Report 3 Panama Study No. 2 (October 1961-September AD 801 321 1963), by A. R. McDaniel * Nov 1967 Report 4 Columbia Study (July 1962-July 1963), by AD 824 734L A. R. McDaniel * Dec 1967 Report 5 Costa Rica Study No. 1 (January 1963-January AD 824 882L 1965), by A. R. McDaniel Nov 1968 Report 6 Puerto Rico Study No. 2 (March 1962-November AD 845 616 1963), by J. G. Kennedy and T. E. Hicks Nov 1970 Report 7 Hawaii Study, by C. A. Carlson, W. P. Bohnert, AD 877 577 and r1. P. Meyer * Aug 1971 Report 8 Costa Rica Study No. 2 (January 1964-AD 888 OOlL September 1965), by A. R. McDaniel and M. H. Smith MP 4-362 Oct 1959 Preliminary Study of Stresses Under Off-Road Vehicles AD 841 349 MP 4-371 Jan 1960 Laboratory Tests of Liquid Nitrogen Soil-Moisture AD 756 311 Samplers MP 4-404 Jul 1960 The Army t~obi 1ity Research Center Testing Facility MP 4-412 Nov 1960 A Limited Study of the Performance of the 2-Ton t1eil i AD 756 321 .Flex-Trac MP 4-438 Jul 1961 Trafficability Tests with Ju~bo Truck on Organic and AD 756 331 Coarse-Grained Mineral Soils MP 4-439 Aug 1961 Trafficability Tests with the Airoll on Organic and AD A006 497 ~1ineral Soils MP 4-441 Aug 1961 Measurement and EstiMation of the Trafficabil ity of Fine-Grained Soils MP 4-442 Aug 1961 Soil Trafficability Classification Scheme MP 4-443 Aug 1961 The Behavior of Sand Under Pneumatic Tires MP 4-444 Aug 1961 Classification of Terrain for r1obil ity Purposes AD 666 222 MP 4-446 Aug 1961 Comparison of Trafficabil ity of t1uskeg with Traffic-AD 754 332 ability of Other Soft Soil Terrains MP 4-447 Aug 1961 Properties of Surface Soils in the Wet Season AD 754 335 MP 4-457 Nov 19fil Some Factors Affecting t1oisture Content-Density-AD 753 641 Cone Index Relations * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Number MP 4-461 MP 4-462 MP 4-463 MP 4-469 MP 4-477 MP 3-482 MP 4-497 MP 4-505 MP 4-513 MP 3-521 Unnumbered MP 4-528 MP 4-535 r~P 4-547 * MP 4-549 MP 4-556 t~P 3-592 MP 4-594 MP 4-602 MP 3-610 Date Dec 1961 Dec 1961 Dec 1961 Feb 1962 Apr 1962 Apr 1962 t·1ay 1962 Aug 1962 Jul 1962 Aug 1962 Aug 1962 Sep 1962 Oct 1962 Jan 1963 Feb 1963 Jan 1963 Jul 1963 Aug 1963 Oct 1963 IJec 1963 Miscellaneous Papers Title A Technique for Mapping Trafficability Measuring Soil Trafficability Characteristics Stresses in Yielding Soils Under Moving Wheels and Tracks Distribution of Stresses on an Unyielding Surface Be neath a Pneumatic Tire Trafficability Tests with the 5-Ton GOER (XM520) on Fine-and Coarse-Grained Soils Predicting Soil-Moisture Distribution in Areas of Seasonal Frost, Feasibility Study Deflection of a Moving Tire on Firm to Soft Surfaces Operation Wheel track, Camp A. P. Hill, Virginia, 25-30 April 1962 Airoll Performance in Snow Classification of Landscape Geometry for Military Purposes Report of Mobility Consultants Conference, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 13-15 June 1962 Documentation of Conditions Attendant to Army Tactical Mobility Requirements (Howze) Board Testing A Technique for Estimating the Slope-Climbing Ability of Wheeled Vehicles in Sand Identifying Soil Parameters with an Infrared Spectrophotometer Evaluation of Airstrip at Binh Hung, South Vietnam Visit to Swamp Fox II Operation Terrain Evaluation for Mobility Purposes Visit to University of Illinois to Discuss Tropical Soils Studies Study of the Characteristics of Rice Fields in the United States Military Evaluation of Geographic Areas, Reports on Activities to April 1963 AD Number AD 754 334 AD 754 333 AD 646 591 AD 756 302 AD 744 463 AD 744 223 AD 744 213 AD 744 214 AD 744 220 AD 908 325L AD 744 216 AD 744 ?.17 AD 744 215 AD 450 616 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRON~1ENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 4-621 Jul 1963 Speed Tests Conducted in Canada During MuskegTrafficability Test Program, August 1962 AD 744 219 MP 4-623 Feb 1964 Comments on Mobility Research AD 744 221 MP 4-626 Feb 1964 Revised Theory for a Towed Wheel in Soil AD 744 132 Sep 1964 r1P 4-629 Feb 1964 Norma 1 Stresses at the Tire-So i 1 Interface in AD 744 224 Yielding Soils MP 4-630 Feb 1964 Terrain Reconnaissance with Electromagnetic Sensors MP 4-638 Apr 1964 The Terrain-Vehicle Programs of the U. Waterways Experiment Station S. Army Engineer AD 744 218 MP 4-647 Apr 1964 Variation in the Trafficability of Sands MP 4-651 May 1964 Tracks Versus Wheels in Soft Soil and Snow AD 744 222 MP 4-652 May 1964 A Comparison of Quantitative Versus NonquantitativeTerrain Descriptive Systems for l~obility Analysis AD 745 148 r1P 4-670 Aug 1964 Report of Second Meeting of ARPA Advisory Committee on Mobility Environmental Research Study (24-26 February1964, Vicksburg, Mississippi) AD 478 994 I~P 4-687 Dec 1964 Retention of Detail in Map Generalization, by E. Addor and W. E. Grabau E. AD 745 149 r1P 4-702 Feb 1965 Vicksburg Mobility Exercise A, Vehicle Analysis for Remote-Area Operation, by S. J. Knight AD 613 366 MP 4-713 r1a r 1965 Trafficability of Snow in Arctic and Subarctic Regions, by B. G. Schreiner AD 745 150 MP 4-726 Mobility Environmental Research Study: Jun 1965 Report 1 Selection and Description of Test Areas, U. Military Reservations, by H. K. Hoods and J. H. Shamburger S. AD 745 151 MP 4-743 Oct 1965 Tests to Evaluate the r1obility of Jiger and Fisher Vehicles, by M. P. t4eyer AD 901 950 MP 4-750 Nov 1965 Center-line Deflection of Pneumatic Tires MovingDry Sand, by D. R. Freitag and M. E. Smith in AD 745 152 MP 4-751 Nov 1965 Trafficabil i ty Tests with the r1arsh Screw Amphibian,by S. J. Knight, E. S. Rush, and B. G. Stinson AD 745 153 MP 4-757 Nov 1965 A Study of the Effects of Het Surface Soil Conditions on the Performance of a Single Wheel, by J. L. Smith AD 745 154 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 4-758 Dec 1965 Mechanics of Wheels Test Results, by E. on Soft Soils; A Method for Presenting M. Leflaive AD 746 399 MP 4-766 Jan 1966 Tests with the CH-47A Chinook Helicopter in Soft Clay Soil, by E. s. Rush AD 627 377 MP 4-767 Jan 1966 Effects of Air Surcharge on the Bearing Capacity of Soft Cohesive Soils, by L. J. Lanz AD 630 804 t1P 4-769 Dec 1965 Traffic Tests to Determine the Benefits of Vegetation in Increasing Traffic Coverages, by L. M. Womack AD 746 622 t1P 4-791 Feb 1966 Report of Conference of the Board of Consultants on Remote Terrain Analysis by Electromagnetic t·1eans; Haterways Experiment Station, 18-19 November 1965 AD 747 095 MP 4-822 May 1966 Effects of Soil Layering on the Use of VHF Radio Waves for Remote Terrain Analysis, by H. J. Nikodem AD 747 096 MP 4-823 May 1966 Laboratory Investigations of the Gamma-Ray SpectralRegion for Remote Determination of Soil Trafficability AD 747 097 Conditions, by A. N. Williamson MP 4-828 Jul 1966 Development of a Formula for Towing Resistance for Wheel in Soft Soil, by J. L. McRae a AD 746 400 t4P 4-829 Aug 1966 Campa rison .of Ground ~1obi 1 i ty Characteristics of LandMarine Interfaces of Flordia and Thailand, by E. E. Garrett AD 800 075 MP 4-835 Aug 1966 A Dimensional Analysis of the Performance of Pneumatic Tires on Clay, by D. R. Freitag AD A032 707 MP 4-836 Aug 1966 A Dimensional Analysis of the Performance of Pneumatic Tires on Sand, by D. R. Freitag AD 716 341 MP 4-838 Aug 1966 Variation in Trafficability of Four Loess Soils, by J. R. Bassett, A. R. McDaniel, and S. J. Knight AD 800 144 MP 4-854 Nov 1966 Concepts for Vehicles for Off-Road Use in Remote Areas, by A. A. Rula, D. R. Freitag, and S. J. Knight AD 746 401 t1P 4-870 Feb 1967 Theory for Predicting Performance of Soil, by J. L. HcRae a ~~heel in Soft MP 4-879 Mar 1967 Trafficability Tests in Fine-Grained Soils with Two Vehicles with 9-!to 10-Ton Wheel Loads, by E. S. Rush and R. G. Temple 1 AD 811 217 I Unnumbered Apr 1967 Report of Confer~nce on Soil Trafficability Prediction, U. S. Army Engineer Haterways Experiment Station, 29-30 November 1966 AD A019 176 MOBILITY AND ENVIR0Nf1ENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 4-893 May 1967 Bumps and Grinds: Shockley Study in Body Motions. by 1~. G. AD 747 098 MP 4-899 May 1967 Aerial Cone Penetrometer for Measuring ability of Soils. by S. J. Knight the Traffic AD 746 402 MP 4-909 Jul 1967 Special Site Description. Panama Canal Grabau and B. 0. Benn Zone. by W. E. AD 817 593 MP 4-917 Aug 1967 Trafficability Tests with a Two-l~heel-Drive Industr.ial Tractor. by E. S. Rush and B. G. Stinson AD 819 857 f1P 4-919 Aug 1967 Environmental Characteristics of Tunnels Vietnam. by E. E. Addor in South AD 657 599 MP 4-921 Aug 1967 A Suggested Procedure for the Selection and Description of Reference Test Areas. by W. E. Grabau AD 658 659 * MP 4-940 Oct 1967 Soil Buildup Between Wheels and Sponson of XM759 Logistical Carrier. by E. S. Rush AD 902 843L MP 4-942 Oct 1967 Effects of Tread Pattern on the Surface Traction of AD 747 099 Terra-Tires. by J. L. Smith MP 4-944 Nov 1967 A Qualitative Approach to the Pneumatic Tire-Soft Soil System. by L. r1. Kraft AD 823 995 MP 4-949 Dec 1967 Expedient Surface-Soil and C. A. Blackmon Sampling. by s. J. Knight AD 746 350 MP 4-950 Dec 1967 A Limited Study of Effects of Soil Strength Speed. by E. s. Rush and A. A. Rula on Walking AD 746 403 MP 4-959 Jan 1968 Application of Trafficability Analysis D. R. Freitag and B. Y. Richardson to Forestry. by AD 746 404 MP 4-960 Jan 1968 Penetration Tests for Soil Measurements. by D. R. AD A032 708 Freitag MP 4-961 Jan 1968 Summary of Comparison of Engineering Properties of Selected Temperate and Tropical Surface Soils. by M.P. Meyer AD 746 757 MP 4-979 r1ar 1968 Report of Second fleeting. Vicksburg f1obility Exercise A. Design of Field Test Program (8-10 February 1967. Vicksburg. f·1ississippi) AD A019 174 MP 4-982 Mar 1968 A Quantitative Description of Vegetation in the Rain Forest of Puerto Rico. by W. on Two Sites N. Rushing AD 833 734 MP 4-986 Apr 1968 Gamma-Ray Measure~ents to Evaluate Soil A. N. Williamson Properties. by AD A032 709 * Statement B. See Preface. M-8 Number Date ~1P M-68-1 Aug 1968 MP M-68-2 Aug 1968 ~1P M-68-3 Sep 1968 MP M-68-4 Sep 1968 MP M-68-5 Dec 1968 MP M-68-6 Dec 1968 MP M-68-7 Dec 1968 MP M-68-8 Dec 1968 MP M-69-1 Jan 1969 MP M-69-2 Jun 1969 MP M-69-3 Aug 1969 MP M-69-4 Sep 1969 MP M-69-5 Oct 1969 * Oct 1969 MP M-69-6 Dec 1969 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTH1S LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Effects of Test Techniques on Wheel Performance, by N. R. Murphy and A. J. Green Description and Comparison of Tire Performance in Sand in Terms of Energy Parameters, by E. M. Leflaive A Computer Method for Determining Upper Canopy Closure at El Verde, Puerto Rico, by A. P. Desmarais Trafficability Tests with Major/Minor Wheel Vehicle Equipped with 16xl4.5-6 Tires, by J. H. Robinson and E. s. Rush Simulating Dynamic Ride Characteristics of Pneumatic Tires, by A. S. Lessem Stress-Displacement Relations and Terrain-Vehicle Mechanics: A Critical Discussion, by K. W. Wiendieck A Mathematical Model for Traversal of Rigid Obstacles by a Pneumatic Tire, by A. S. Lessem and A. J. Green A Theoretical Evaluation of the Shear-to-Normal Stress Ratio at the Soil-Wheel Interface, by K. W. Wiendieck Trafficability Tests with a Rubber-Tired Log Skidder, by J. H. Robinson, R. P. Smith, and B. Y. Richardson Vehicle Dynamics Research at Waterways Experiment Station, by A. J. Green and G. G. Switzer Effects of Cesium137 Irradiation on Vegetation Structure and Optical Density at El Verde, Puerto Rico, by A. P. Desmarais and B. T. Helmuth Limited Trafficability Tests with Major/Minor Wheel Vehicle Equipped with 20xl4-10 Tires, by R. P. Smith and J. H. Robinson Utility Carrier Development Program: Report 1 Limited Study of Effects of Jungle Trail Characteristics on Performance of Selected Self-Propelled Vehicles, by E. S. Rush Report 2 Limited Study of Effects of Vegetation Characteristics on Performance of Selected Self-Propelled Vehicles, by T. D. Hutto, J~ L. Decell, and A. A. Rula The Role of Ground Crawling Vehicles in the Ocean, by K. W. Wiendieck and D. R. Freitag AD Number AD 746 758 AD 746 759 AD 841 803 AD 841 855 AD A032 894 AD A040 177 AD A032 896 AD A040 176 AD 848 416 AD 746 760 AD 860 631 AD 859 719 AD 753 427 AD 902 842L AD A032 898 Number Date MP M-69-7 Dec 1969 MP M-69-8 Dec 1969 MP M-70-1 Mar 1970 * MP M-70-2 Apr 1970 MP M-70-3 May 1970 MP M-70-4 May 1970 * t4P M:_70-5 May 1970 MP M-70-6 May 1970 MP M-70-7 Sep 1970 MP r1-70-8 Dec 1970 * MP M-70-9 Dec 1970 r1P ~1-70-1 o Dec 1970 MP M-71-1 Feb 1971 MP M-71-2 Feb 1971 * Statement B. See Preface. by W. P. Bohnert and M. P. Meyer MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Effects of Cone Velocity and Size on Soil Penetration Resistance, by G. W. Turnage and D. R. Freitag A General Theory of Stresses and Displacements in Elastic and Viscoelastic Layered Systems, by Yu-Tang Chou A Comparison of Environments of Rain Forests in Dominica and Puerto Rico, by r1. Soriano-Ressy, A. P. Desmarais, and J. W. Perez Worldwide Strength Conditions of Surface f4aterials, Aerial Infrared Survey of the Walter F. George Lock and Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama-Georgia, by L. E. Link Performance Evaluation of Wheels for Lunar Vehicles (Summary Report), by D. R. Freitag, A. J. Green, and K.-J. Melzer Environmental Characteristics of Border Security Sites in Puerto Rico, by M. Soriano-Ressy, J. R. Lundien, and W. N. Rushing Effect of Pressure Distribution Under Pneumatic Tires on Stresses and Displacements in the Supporting Elastic Media, by Y. T. Chou A Plan for Quantitative Evaluation of the Cross-Country Performance of Prototype Vehicles, by w. E. Grabau, J. K. Stoll, and B. G. Stinson Tests with an Experimental Wheel on Clay, by K. W. Wiendieck Limited Performance Tests of the XM759, 1-l/2-Ton Logistical Carrier, Amphibious, by B. G. Schreiner and E. S. Rush Effects of Soil Surface Conditions on Drawbar Pull of a Wheeled Vehicle,;by E. s. Rush Standard Penetration Test and Relative Density, by K.-J. Melzer Evaluating Penetration Tests in Clay from Measured Soil Particle Movements, by Y. T. Chou AD Number AD A032 899 AD A032 900 AD A032 901 AD 869 490L AD A032 902 AD 705 570 AD B017 262L AD A032 903 AD 877 016 AD A032 904 AD 879 172L AD A032 961 AD A032 962 AD A032 591 Number Date MP M-71-3 Feb 1971 MP M-71-4 Mar 1971 MP M-71-5 Jun 1971 Unnumbered Aug 1971 MP M-71-7 Nov 1971 * MP M-72-1 Mar 1972 MP M-72-2 Apr 1972 MP M-72-3 Apr 1972 MP M-72-4 Apr 1972 MP M-72-5 May 1972 Unnumbered May 1972 MP r~-72-6 Jul 1972 MP r~-72-7 Oct 1972 MP M-72-8 Nov 1972 Nov 1972 Jan 1973 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEf~S LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title The Performance 0f Two Boeing-GM Wheels (GM VII and GM VIII) for the Manned Lunar Rover Vehicle, by A. J. Green and K.-J. Melzer Event Dial Pack; Project LN309: Effectiveness of Craters as Barriers to f1obility, by C. A. Blackmon and A. A. Rula Utilization of Synthetic Soils in Engineering Research, by A. J. Green Report of Conference on Seismic Propagation Study, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, 22 June 1971 Automation of Cross-Country Locomotion Model, by J. A. Parks and J. K. Stoll Automation of Model for Predicting the Clearing of Vegetation by Explosives for Helicopter Landing Zones (HLZ r~odel), by M. H. Smith Effect of Design Changes on Vehicle Performance; A Limited Study of the M35A2 (Modified) and the f1113Al Operations and Maintenance Manual for a Scale-Model Lunar Roving Vehicle, by A. S. Lessem Effects of Environment on Seismic Intrusion Detector Performance; A Preliminary Report, by B. 0. Benn and L. E. Link Evaluation of Surface Shear Strength Measurements for Use in Laboratory Mobility Studies, by T. R. Patin Report of Second Conference on Seismic Propagation Study, IJ. S. Army Research Office, 15 December 1971 A Method for Producing Quantitatively Based Military Geographic Intelligence Products for an Airmobile Division, by J. L. Decell, W. E. Grabau, B. 0. Benn, J. K. Stoll, and B. G. Stinson A System for f1easuring Tree or Stand Productivity for Use in the f1anagement of Forest Lands, by H. H. All en and H. W. West Ground Truth Requirements for Remote Sensor Data Acquisition and Analysis, by L. E. Link Errata Sheet No. Errata Sheet No. 2 AD Number AD A032 963 AD 720 986 AD A006 519 AD 755 909 AD A032 964 AD BOO? 718L AD A017 725 AD 757 392 AD 894 404 AD 743 167 AD 756 191 AD 757 388 AD 752 420 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP ~1-72-9 Dec 1972 Overt Ecologic Effects of Ejecta from Nuclear Excavation, Proposed Interoceanic Canal Route 25, by E. E. Addor MP M-73-1 Jan 1973 Automation of a Model for Predicting Soil Moisture and Soil Strength (SMSP Model), by M. H. Smith and r~. P. Meyer AD 755 095 MP ~1-73-2 Apr 1973 Power Requirements for Wheels OperatingSoils, by K.-J. Melzer in Fine-Grained AD 759 501 t1P M-73-3 Apr 1973 Site Characterization of Vehicle Signature Study Sites, General Motors Proving Grounds, ~1ilford, Michigan, by J. R. Curro, Jr. AD 760 431 MP M-73-4 May 1973 Suggested t1ethod for Application of the WES VCI/RCI Criteria to Helicopters and Related Ground SupportEquipment, by E. S. Rush AD A017 731 MP M-73-5 Jun 1973 Event t·1ixed Company III; Project LN305: Effectiveness of Craters as Barriers to Mobility, by C. E. Green AD 910 627 MP M-73-6 May 1973 Project DIAMOND ORE; Phase IIA: Effectiveness of Craters as Barriers to t1obility, by C. A. Blackmon and C. E. Green AD A017 726 MP M-73-7 May 1973 Analysis of the Ability of a Laser Profilometer Systemto Evaluate Unprepared Landing Sites, by L. E. Link, Jr. AD 763 180 MP M-73-8 Jun 1973 Characterizing Vegetation from Existing Source Material for Predicting t1unition Height of Burst in Inaccessible Areas, by H. H. Allen and J. G. Collins AD 763 179 MP M-73-9 Jun 1973 Environmental Characteristics at Line Sensor Sites, AD A012 631 Woodbridge and Fort Belvoir, Virginia, by C. A. Miller * ~1P M-73-10 Jun 1973 r1unition Burst Probability as Related to Vegetation, Fuze, and Munition Trajectory Characteristics, by J. Collins and H. H. Allen G. AD 911 69ll MP M-73-11 Aug 1973 The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for Detection and Identification of Pollutant Discharges, by L. E. Link, Jr. AD A017 727 MP M-73-12 Sep 1973 Generation and Propagation of Microseismic Signals from Footsteps, by J. R. Lundien and B. 0, Benn AD A029 380 r1P M-73-13 Sep 1973 Water Hyacinth Research in Puerto Rico, by W. N. Rushing AD A032 970 * MP M-73-14 Sep 1973 Vehicle r1obility Assessment of r~unitions Transfer Truck on Selected Areal Terrains, by B. G. Schreiner and H. E. Willoughby AD BOO? 716L * Statement B. See Preface. ~1-12 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Number * Unnumbered MP M-73-15 MP M-73-16 Unnumbered ~1P M-74-1 MP M-74-2 * MP M-74-3 Unnumbered * MP t~-74-4 MP M-74-5 * MP t~-74-6 MP M-74-7 ~1P ~1-74-8 ~1P t1-75-l t1P M-75-2 * Statement B. Date Nov 1973 nee 1973 Dec 1973 Mar 1974 Apr 1974 May 1974 May 1974 May 1974 Jun 1974 Sep 1974 Aug 1974 Sep 1974 Oct 1974 Jan 1975 Jan 1975 See Preface. Miscellaneous Papers Title AD Number Report of Third Program Review of Seismic Sensor Systems AD A017 728 Investigation The Effect of Military Transportation Activities on the AD A032 971 Environment, by A. J. Green, D. D. Randolph, and A. A. Rula Prediction of Aircraft Ground Performance by Evaluation AD 775 744 of Ground Vehicle Rut Depths, by G. W. Turnage and D. N. Brown Terrain Analysis for the Armored Reconnaissance Scout AD 776 387 Vehicle Test Program, by D. D. Randolph and C. A. Blackmon A Limited Study of the Performance of an Interim 3/4-Ton AD A032 972 Wheel/Track Convertible Test Rig, Houghton, Michigan, and Vicksburg, Mississippi, by \4. E. Willoughby Remote-Sensing Practice and Potential, by A. N. AD A035 977 Williamson, W. K. Dornbusch, and W. E. Grabau A Preliminary Study of Scale-Model Bulldozer Blades AD B017 264L Report of Symposium on the Design, Testing, and Deployment AD 780 752 of Unattended Ground Sensors, u. S. Army Engineer Water ways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 11-12 September 1973 Experimental Study of Tripline Deployments in Selected AD 920 453L Environments at Jefferson Proving Ground, Indiana, by H. W. West and V. E. LaGarde Beach Trafficability Testing with Off-Road t~aterials AD A017 723 Handling Equipment, Anzio Beach, Little Creek, Virginia, by E. S. Rush t4obility Validation Test Results for the Armored AD B003 764L Reconnaissance Scout and Comparison Vehicles, by W. E. Willoughby and :.B. G. Schreiner Characterization of Selected Road Sections in Western AD A018 289 1 United States~ by A. A. Rula and J. H. Robinson f ~1apping of Selected ARSV Test Courses at Fort Knox, AD AOOl 520 Kentucky, and Comparison with Other Selected Terrains, by D. D. Randolph A Possible Decision Structure for Environmental Manage-AD A005 147 ment, by W. E. Grabau and B. 0. Renn A Guide for Collecting Seismic, Acoustic, and ~1agnetic AD A005 148 Data for Multiple Uses, by B. 0. Benn and P. A. Smith (includes Appendix A) MOBILITY AND ENVIRONt1ENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP M-75-3 Apr 1975 PROJECT Green ESSEX I, Phase 1, Mobility Experiments, by C. E. AD AOll 493 * MP M-75-4 ~lay 1975 Terrain Description, Vehicle Mobility, and Cover and Concealment Characteristics for the Bushmaster Middle AD BOOS 325L East and Europe Scenarios: A Qualitative Assessment, by H. W. West and B. G. Schreiner MP t1-75-5 Jun 1975 Comparison of the Ride Qualities of Standard M60Al and Hybrid (Tube-Over-Bar) M60AlE3 Tanks, by N. R. Murphy,Jr., and J. H. Robinson (includes Appendix A) AD A013 986 * t4P M-75-6 May 1975 An Experiment in Fixed-Installation Camouflage, Aircraft Shelter Complex at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, by T. L. Engdahl and W. N. Rushing (includes Appendix A) AD BOOS 510L MP M-75-7 Jun 1975 WES Papers Presented at 5th International Conference, International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, June 2-6, 1975, Detroit-Houghton, Michigan AD A012 653 t·1P M-75-8 Aug 1975 Estimating the Performance Capability of 50,000-Lb-Capacity Container Handler on Beach and Desert Sands, by E. S. Rush and G. tl. Durham (includes Appendix A) AD A014 273 * MP M-75-9 Sep 1975 Terrain Characteristics Data Acquisition Study at Fort Bragg, North Carol ina, by T. L. Engdahl (includes Appendix A) AD B014 780L ~1P M-75-10 Nov 1975 Rationale and Plan for Field Data Acquisition Required for the Rational Design and Evaluation of Seismic and Acoustic Classifying Sensors, by B. 0. Benn AD A018 346 MP M-76-1 Feb 1976 Preliminary Tests of Gloss-Reduction and ColoringAgents for Camouflage of Polyvinyl Acetate Dust-Control Film, by C. R. Styron III and E. E. Addor AD A021 652 * MP t1-76-2 Feb 1976 Limited Evaluation of Vertical-Cut Belt Loader in Over- AD B009 657L burden Removal and Surface 11ining of Coal, by E. S. Rush and J. R. Sargeant MP M-76-3 Feb 1976 Terrain Constraints on the Design, Testing, and Deployment of the GATOR Mine, by J. R. Lundien (includes Appendix A) AD BOlO 050 Unnumbered Feb 1976 Dictionary of Unique Terms of Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System (REMBASS) and Related Sensor Systems AD A021 583 MP t1-76-4 Mar 1976 Feasibility of Using Large Tractor Dozers in the Surface t1ining of Coal and the Reclamation of t1ined Areas, by E. S. Rush and W. E. Willoughby (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A022 852 * Statement B. See Preface. ~10BILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Number MP M-76-5 MP M-76-6 * MP M-76-7 MP M-76-8 MP M-76-9 MP M-76-10 * MP M-76-11 MP M-76-12 MP M-76-13 MP M-76-14 MP M-76-15 * MP M-76-16 MP M-76-17 * MP M-76-18 * MP M-76-20 Date Apr 1976 Mar 1976 Mar 1976 Apr 1976 May 1976 May 1976 Jun 1976 Jun 1976 Jun 1976 Jun 1976 Aug 1976 Jul 1976 Aug 1976 Oct 1976 Nov 1976 Miscellaneous Papers Title Computer-Calculated Tank-Defender Intervisibility on Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation Sites Alpha and Bravo, by V. E. LaGarde and T. D. Hutto Comparison of the Ride and Mobility Characteristics of Selected Commercial l/4-to 3/4-Ton Vehicles and the Military Ml51A2 Utility Truck, by n. D. Randolph (includes Appendixes A-B) Project ESSEX I, Phase 2, Mobility Experiments, by C. E. Green Air-Photo Analysis of Armor Stones on Cleveland Dikes, by L. E. Link, Jr. (includes Appendix A) Pixel Problems, by W. E. Grabau Feasibility of Monitoring Flow Patterns and Sediment and Pollutant Dispersion of Water Bodies with 24-Channel Spectral Data, by M. H. Smith Terrain Description, Cover and Concealment Calculations, and Vehicle Speed Predictions for A~10RES, by T. D. Hutto and H. W. West A Concept for Constructing Vegetation Physiognomy, by by W. E. (]rabau Seismic Methods of Locating Military Ground Targets, by D. H. Cress (includes Appendixes A-C) Demonstration of a New Technique for Rapidly Surveying Roof Moisture, by L. E. Link, Jr. A Study of Impact and Penetration of the Gator Mine in Earth Materials, by J. R. Lundien and C. A. Miller A Technique for Achieving Geometric Accordance of LANDSAT Digital Data, by J. G. Kennedy and A. N. Williamson (includes Appendixes A-C) Performance of Towed Wheels Operating in Turned Mode on Soft Soils--A Pilot Study, by K.-J. Melzer Preliminary Evaluation of the Ability of the C-12A Aircraft to Operate Safely on Substandard Airstrips, by G. N.,Durham and N. R. Murphy, Jr. (includes Ap pendixesA-B) Constraints of Terrain on Deployment of Patriot Systems, by M. M. Culpepper AD Number AD A023 211 AD A022 853 AD BOlO 489L AD A024 066 AD A026 598 AD A025 333 AD BOll 942L AD A026 261 AD A027 369 AD A026 722 AD B0:2 007 AD B013 354L AD A028 909 AD B014 711L AD B015 851L * Statement R. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP M-76-21 Dec 1976 Camouflage Materials for Fixed-Installation Concealment, by T. L. Engdahl (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A033 933 t1P M-76-22 Dec 1976 Water-Quality and Rainfall Data Collected with Automated Field Station, Fort McClellan, Alabama, by M. H. Smith, H. M. Floyd, and H. 1~. West AD A035 825 MP M-77-1 Jan 1977 Mobility Performance of Towed and Self-Propelled Artillery and Related Vehicles, by D. D. Randolph and J. H. Robinson (includes Appenrlixes A-G) AD A036 188 MP M-77-2 Jan 1977 Roof Moisture Surveys at Pease AFB, New Hampshire, and Offutt AFB, Nebraska, by L. E. Link, Jr. AD A036 090 * MP M-77-3 Mar 1977 Ride and Shock Test Results for the Leopard 2 AV Tank, by B. G. Schreiner AD B017 429L * MP M-77-4 Mar 1977 Mobility Test Results for the \~est German 7-Ton r~AN 6X6 Cargo Truck and 10-Ton MAN 8X8 Cargo Truck, by B. G. Schreiner AD B017 533L MP M-77-5 Apr 1977 Environmental nata Collected with Automated Field Station at the Upper Blakeley Island Disposal Area, Mobile, Alabama, by ~1. H. Smith, H. M. Floyd, and H. W. West AD A040 004 MP M-77-6 Apr 1977 Characterization of Selected Areas for Evaluation of Performance of the XM718/741 Remote Anti-Armor Mine System (RAAMS), by A. A. Rula and Behzad Rohani (ineludes Appendixes A-B) MP t~-77-8 Jun 1977 Soil/Terrain Evaluation of Representative Test Areas, Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation, California, by A. A. Rula AD A042 523 * ~1P M-77-9 Jul 1977 Ride and Shock Test Results for the M60Al, XM-1 Chrysler, and XM-1 General Motors Tanks, by B. G. Schreiner AD B020 475L MP M-77-10 Jul 1977 Survey of Relative Hardness of Selected Impact Areas, Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, by A. A. Rula and Behzad Rohani AD A042 310 MP M-77-11 Sep 1977 Description of Terrain to be Used in Evaluating the Lofted Mine Concept, by E. E. Addor and E. E. Garrett AD A046 157 MP M-77-12 Sep 1977 Event DICE THROW Mobility Experiments, by C. E. Green AD A046 146 MP M-77-13 Sep 1977 Terrain Characteristics at Gator Mine Impact and Penetration Test Sites, Aberdeen Proving Ground, AD A046 540 Maryland, by C. E. Green * Statement B. See Preface. M-16 Number Date * Unnumbered Oct 1977 MP M-77-14 Nov 1977 MP M-78-1 Jan 1978 * MP M-78-2 Feb 1978 * MP M-78-3 Feb 1978 t4P M-78-4 Feb 1978 ~1P M-78-5 Mar 1978 MP M-78-6 Jun 1978 * MP M-78-7 Jun 1978 * MP ~1-78-8 Jul 1978 MP M-78-9 Aug 1978 MP M-78-10 Nov 1978 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Report of Second Symposium on the Design, Testing, and Deployment of Unattended Ground Sensors, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., 11-12 May 1976 An Example of Applying Remote Sensing to a Corps of Engineers Archeological Problem, by L. E. Link, Jr. Status Report for Selection of Sites for Background Noise Signature Data Base Development, by M. A. Zappi Experimental and Analytical Study of Tripline Per formances, by H. W. West and V. E. LaGarde A Limited Study of Surface Treatments to In pede Vehicle Mobility, by B. G. Schreiner Innovations in Digital Image Processing, by A. N. Williamson Limited Evaluation of Experimental and Standard Tractor Dozer Blades, by E. S. Rush, B~ G~ Schreiner, and W. E. Willoughby (includes Appendixes A-B) Preinstallation Survey Guide for Maid~Miles System, by C. A. Miller (includes Appendix A) Comparative Evaluation of Ride Associated with Normal, Prone, and Supine Seating in a Light Combat Vehicle, by G. G. Switzer · · Mobility Performance Evaluations of Three Off-Road Materials Handling Vehicles, Anzio Beach, Little Creek, Virginia, by J. :H. Rohinson Mobility Performance of Selected 1-1/4-to 5-Ton Cargo Trucks in the HIMO West Germany Study Area (TACV Excursion), by D. D. 'Randolph (includes Appendixes A-C) Mobility Performance of 1/4-to 10-Ton Tactical Trucks and Cargo Carriers in the HIMO West Germany Study Area (TACV Study), by D. D. Randolph (includes Appendixes A-C) AD Number AD B023 097L AD A048 106 AD A051 316 AD B026 148L AD B026 017L AD A082 048 AD A053 767 AD A056 703 AD B027 949L AD B033 601L AD A060 324 AD A062 455 * Statement B. See Preface. Number Unnumbered TM 3-240 Date Sep 1945 Nov 1947 Mar 1948 Aug 1948 Oct 1948 Apr 1949 May 1949 Sep 1949 Jun 1950 May 1951 r1ay 1951 Jan 1954 Aug 1954 Nov 1954 Nov 1955 Dec 1956 Jun 1959 Aug 1961 May 1963 ~10BILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEr4S LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Trafficability of Soils Trafficability of Soils; Pilot Tests, Self-Propelled Vehicles Supp1ement 1 Laboratory Tests to Determine Effects of ~1oisture Content and Density Variations Supplement 2 Trafficability Studies-Fort Churchill, Summer 1947 Supplement 3 Development of Testing Instruments Supplement 4 Tests on Self-Propelled Vehicles, Yuma,Arizona, 1947 Supplement 5 Analysis of Existing Data Supplement 6 Tests on Self-Propelled Vehicles, Vicksburg, r4ississippi, 1947 Supplement 7 Tests on Towed Vehicles, 1947-1948 Supplement 8 Slope Studies Supplement 9 Vehicle Classification Supplement 10 Tests on Natural Soils with Self Propelled Vehicles, 1949 and 1950 Supp1ement 11 Superseded by Supplement 16 ·Supplement 12 Tests on Natural Soils with Self-Propelled Vehicles, 1951-1953 Supp1ement 13 Pilot Study. Tests on Coarse-Grained Soils Supplement 14 A Summary of Trafficability Studies Through 1955 Supplement 15 Tests on Coarse-Grained Soils with Self-Propelled and Towed Vehicles, 1956 and 1-957 \ Supplement 16 Soil I Classification Supplement 17 Tests on Coarse-Grained Soils with Self-Propelled and Towed Vehicles, 1958-1961 AD Number AD 108 278 AD 108 279 AD 108 280 AD 108 451 AD 108 452 AD 108 453 AD 038 092 AD 108 454 AD 108 455 AD 034 076 AD 052 206 AD 082 187 AD 121 975 AD 218 089 AD 265 743 AD 409 691 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAl SYSTH~S LABORATORY Techni ca1 t1emoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 3-240 (Cant) Mar 1968 Supplement 18 Development of Revised Mobility Index Formula for Self-Propelled Hheeled Vehicles in Fine-Grained Soils, byJ. G. Kennedy and E. S. Rush AD 832 912 Apr 1971 .Supplement 19 Effects of Surface Conditions on Drawb~r Pull of a Wheeled Vehicle, by E. S. Rush and J. H. Robinson AD 723 406 Apr 1974 Supplement 20 Development of Vehicle Performance Prediction Equations and Classification System for Coarse-Grained Soils, byJ. G. Kennedy AD 778 717 TM 3-331 Forecasting Trafficability of Soils: Oct 1951 Report 1 Meteorological and Soil Mississippi, 1948-1949 Data, Vicksburg, Jun 1952 Report 2 Meteorological and Soil Mississippi, 1949-1951 Data, Vicksburg, AD A950 030 Report 3 The Development of Methods for Predicting Soil Moisture Content: Oct 1954 Volume Sum~ary Report AD 053 867 Oct 1954 Volume 2 Prediction Sites at Vicksburg, Miss. AD 053 868 Oct 1954 Volume 3 Prediction Sites at Other Locations and AD 053 869 Related Studies Oct 1954 Appendix Special Studies and Records of Soil t1oisture and Weather AD 053 870 Feb 1957 Report 4 Information for Predicting Moisture in Surface Foot of Various Soils the AD A950 084 Jun 1959 Report 5 Development and Testing of Some Average Relations for Predicting Soil Moisture AD 218 088 Report 6 Airphoto Approach: Jun 1963 Volume AD 409 916 Jun 1963 Volume II AD 41 0 212 Jun 1964 Report 7 A Pilot Study of Soils Subjectedand' Thawing to Freezing AD 450 626 Dec 1967 Report 8 Variability of Physical Properties of Loess Soils, Warren County, Mississippi, by C. A. Carlson and A. R. McDaniel AD 824 443 ~1-19 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONr1ENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 3-331 (Cont) Jul 1968 Report 9 Water Table Study at Crossett, Arkansas, byJ. R. Bassett and ~1. P. f1eyer AD 838 517 Jul 1971 Report 10 Relations of Strength to Other Properties of Fine-Grained Soils and Sands with Fines, AD 728 814 by J. G. Collins TM 3-414 Trafficability of Snow: Aug 1955 Report 1 Vehicles in Snow: State of the Art A Critical Review of the Aug 1955 Report 2 Greenland Studies, 1954 AD 082 188 May 1960 Report 3 Greenland Studies, 1955 and 1957 AD AD 239 552 756 111 Oec 1960 Report 4 Tests on Subarctic Snow AO AD 266 508 A950 085 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-462 Studies of Aerial Cone Penetrometer: Jul 1957 Report 1 Laboratory Study of Mechanical Principles AD 138 265 Apr 1958 Report 2 Field Tests AD 161 067 Aug 1963 Report,3 Field Tests in Fine-Grained Soils, 1960 AD 450 613 Jun 1970 Report 4 Impact Velocity-Impact Force Investigations,1968, by J. G. Kennedy AD 871 005 TR 3-505 Approach Roads: Jun 1959 Report 1 Greenland 1955 Program AD 712 512 Apr 1963 Report 2 Greenland 1956-1957 Program AD 404 483 TR 3-516 Deflection of Moving Tires: Jul 1959 Report 1 A·Pilot Study on a 12x22.5 Tubeless Tire AD 219 384 Aug 1961 Report 2 Tests with a 12.00-22.5 Tubeless Tire on Asphaltic Concrete, Sand, and Silt, 1959-1960 AD 265 742 May 1965 Report 3 Center-line Deflection Studies Through July1963, by M. E. Smith and D. R. Freitag AD 615 510 TR 3-545 Stresses Under Moving Vehicles: Report 1 in this series Paper No. 4-230 was published as Miscellaneous May 1960 Report 2 Wheeled Vehicles (M135),1957 Lean and Fat Clay, AD 238 973 Jul 1960 Report 3 Tracked Vehicles Clay, 1956 (M29C, D4, and D7) on Fat AD 241 537 Jul 1964 Report 4 Distribution of Stresses on an UnyieldingSurface Beneath Stationary and Towed Pneumatic Tires AD 450 620 Jul 1965 Report 5 Distribution of Stresses Beneath a Towed Pneumatic Tire in Air-Dry Sand, by A. J. Green and N. R. Murphy AD 468 723 TR 3-565 Tests with Rigid Wheels: May 1961 Report 1 Tests in Fat Clay, 1958 AD 266 510 TR 3-609 Aug 1962 Operation SwampObservations Fox I, Terrain and Soil Trafficability AD 290 529 ~10BILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEt1S LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 5-625 May 1963 Environmental Factors Affecting Ground Mobility in Thailand; Preliminary Survey AD 411 528 May 1963 Appendix A Results of Survey of Existing Data and Literature AD 411 530 May 1963 Appendix B Soil Classification AD 411 533 May 1963 Appendix C Soil Trafficability AD 411 534 ~~ay 1963 Appendix D Vegetation AD 411 531 May 1963 Appendix E Surface Geometry AD 411 529 May 1963 Appendix F Hydrologic Geometry AD 413 984 11ay 1963 Appendix G Weather and Climate AD 411 532 t1ay 1963 Appendix H Evaluation of Road Observations AD 411 535 TR 3-639 Jan 1964 Strength-t1oisture-Density Relations of Fine-Grained Soils in Vehicle Mobility Research AD 450 623 TR 3-n41 Jan 1964 Trafficability Tests with the Marsh Screw AmphibianCoarse-Grained and Fine-Grained Soils on AD 450 621 TR 3-652 Measuring Soil Properties in Vehicle Mobility Research: Aug 1964 Report 1 Strength-Density Relations of an Air-Dry Sand AD 450 614 Oct 1965 Report 2 An Evaluation of the Rectangular Hyperbolafor Describing the Load-Deformation Responseof Soils, by N. R. Murphy AD 625 737 Nov 1970 Report 3 Effects of Velocity, Size and Shape of Probes on Penetration Resistance of Fine-Grained AD 878 789 Soils, by G. W. Turnage Jul 1971 Report 4 Relative Density and Cone Penetration Resistance, by K.-J. Melzer AD 729 367 Jun 1973 Report 5 Resistance of Fine-Grained Soils Penetration, by G. W. Turnage to High-Speed AD 763 184 Jul 1974 Report 6 Resistance of Coarse-Grained Soils to High-Speed Penetration, by G. W. Turnage AD 781 991 Jun 1975 Report 7 Behavior of Fine-Grained Soils Under High-Speed Tire Loads, by G. W. Turnage AD A012 146 TR 3-656 Trafficability Tests (Muskeg): on Confined Organic Terrain Sep 1964 Report 1 Summer 1961 Tests, by N. E. S. Rush W. Radforth and AD 450 618 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-656 (Cont) Report 2 Summer 1962 Tests, by E. S. Rush, Schreiner, and N. H. Radforth B. G. Dec 1965 Volume AD 629 522 Dec 1965 Volume II AD 735 773 TR 3-666 Performance of Soils Under Tire Loads: Jan 1965 Report 1 Test Facilities and Techniques, by J. McRae, C. J. Powell, and R. D. Wismer L. AD 456 426 Aug 1965 Report 2 Analysis of Tests in Yuma Sand Through August 1962, by C. J. Powell and A. J. Green AD 621 045 Feb 1966 Report 3 Tests in Clay Through November 1962, by R. Wismer D. AfJ 631 029 Feb 1966 Report 4 Analysis of Tests in Sand from September1962 Through November 1963, by G. W. Turnageand A. J. Green AD 632 245 Jul 1967 Report 5 Development and Evaluation of Mobility Numbers for Coarse-Grained Soils, by A. Green J. AD 817 122 Oct 1967 Report 6 Effects of Test Techniques mance, by N. R. Murphy on Wheel Perfor AD 823 500 Apr 1972 Report 7 Extension of Mobility Prediction Procedures to Rectangular-Cross-Section Tires in CoarseGrained Soil, by T. R. Patin AD 741 770 Sep 1972 Report 8 Application of Test Results to Tire Selection for Off-Road Vehicles, by G. W. Turnage AD 751 750 TR 3-670 Jan 1965 Wheels on Soft Soils; An D. R. Freitag Analysis of Existing Data, by AD 457 877 TR 3-681 Mobility Environmental Research Study: Jun 1965 Report 1 A Literature Survey of Environmental Factors in Thailand, by J. D. Broughton, J. H. Shambur~er, and D. B. Del Mar AfJ 620 030 TR 3-688 Aug 1965 A Dimensional Analysis of the Performance of Pneumatic Tires on Soft Soils, by D. R. Freitag AD 621 955 TR 3-693 Terrain Analysis by Electromagnetic r~eans: Oct 1965 Report 1 Laboratory Investigations in the 0.765.00-Micron Spectral, by B. R. Davis, E. B. Lipscomb, and S. J. Knight to AD 472 873 Number TR 3-693 (Cont) TR 3-702 TR 3-703 TR 3-726 Date Sep 1966 Nov 1967 May 1967 Feb 1971 Dec 1965 Nov 1965 r1ay 1968 Jan 1968 Sep 1967 Mar 1968 Nov 1967 May 1966 Apr 1968 Jun 1966 t~OBILITY AND ENVIR0Nt1ENTAL SYSTEr1S LABORATORY Technical Reports Title AD Number Report 2 Radar Responses to Laboratory Prepared Soil AD 802 104 Samples, by J. R. Lundien Report 3 Laboratory Investigations in the 0-to 2.82-AD 825 172 Mev Gamma-Ray Spectral Region, by J. R. Lundien Report 4 Laboratory Investigations of the Infrared AD 815 453 Emissivity of Soils Below a Wavelength of 7.7 Microns, by N. J. Lavecchia, A. N. Williamson, and H. J. Nikodem Report 5 Laboratory Measurement of Electromagnetic AD 881 799 Propagation Constants in the 1.0-to 1.5-GHz Microwave Spectral Region, by J. R. Lundien Characteristics of U. S. Rice Fields and Their Effects AD 628 734 on Ground Mobility, by J. G. Kennedy and E. S. Rush A Study of the Effects of \~et Surface Soil Conditions AD 625 390 on the Performance of a Single Pneumatic-Tired Wheel, by J. L. Smith Mobility Environmental Research Study: A Quantitative ~1ethod for Describing Terrain for Ground ~1obility: Volume Summary, by J. H. Shamburger and vi. E. Grabau AD 835 392 Volume II Surface Composition, by R. C. \~right and AD 827 289 J. R. Burns Volume I II Surface Geometry, by H. K. Dornbusch AD 820 788 Volume IV Vegetation, by J. D. Broughton and E. E. AD 830 l34 Addor Volume V Hydrologic Geometry, by E. E. Garrett and AD 827 290 J. H. Shamburger Volume VI Selected Air-Photo Patterns of Terrain AD 484 656 Features, by R. E. Frost, P. L. Johnson, R. D. Leighty, V. H. Anderson, A. 0. Poulin, and J. N. Rinker Volume VII Development of Factor-Complex ~1aps for AD 833 829 Ground t1obility, by W. K. Dornbusch Volume VIII Terrain Factor-Family Maps of Selected AD 487 500 Areas MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title TR 3-727 Apr 1966 Feasibility Study of the Use of Radar to Detect Surface and Ground Water, by B. R. Davis, J. R. Lundien, and A. N. Williamson TR 3-729 Jun 1966 Mechanics of Wheels on Soft Soils; A Method of Analyzing Test Results, by E. ~1. Leflaive Nov 1967 Report 2 Effect of Width on by E. M. Leflaive Rigid Wheel Performance, TR 3-732 Jun 1966 Comparison of Engineering Properties of Selected Temperate and Tropical Surface Soils, by ~1. P. Meyer TR 3-744 Trafficability Tests (Muskeg): on Unconfined Organic Terrain Nov 1966 Report 1 Summer 1963 Tests, by E. Schreiner S. Rush and B. G. TR 3-753 Jan 1967 Trafficability Classification of Thailand Soils, byM. P. Meyer TR 3-769 Mar 1967 Feasibility Study of the Use of Very High FrequencyRadio Imaging Techniques for Detection of Tunnels, byH. J. Nikodem TR 3-783 An Analytical Model for Predicting Cross-CountryVehicle Performance: Jul 1967 AppendiX A Instrumentation of Test Vehicles, by B. Benn and Malcolm Keown o. Appendix B Vehicle Performance in Lateral and tudinal Obstacles (Vegetation): Longi- Dec 1968 Volume Lateral Obstacles, by C. J. K. Stoll A. Blackmon and Jul 1968 Volume II Longitudinal Obstacles, by C. and 0. D. Randolph A. Blackmon Feb 1972 Appendix c Vehicle Performance in Vertical Obstacles (Surface Geometry), by C. N. R. Murphy A. Blackmon and Feb 1970 Appendix D Performance of Amphibious Vehicles in the Water-Land Interface (Hydrologic Geometry),by C. A. Blackmon, B. G. Stinson, and J. K. Stoll Apr 1971 Appendix E Quantification of the Screening Effects of Vegetation on Driver's Vision and Vehicle Speed, by B. G. Stinson Aug 1970 Appendix F Soil-Vehicle Relations on Soft Clay Soils (Surface Composition), by C. A. Blackmon AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 483 864 485 854 824 232 486 478 805 328 808 540 381 811 817 532 846 257 838 872 737 687 866 165 724 070 875 612 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-790 Jul 1967 Pilot Study of Response of CV-2 Aircraft to Terrain, by A. J. Green and E. S. Rush Irregular AD 818 980 TR 3-791 Moisture-Strength Characteristics of Selected Soils in Thailand: Aug 1967 Volume Analyses and Application of Data, by J. G. Kennedy, J. G. Collins, and rt H. Smith AD 820 220 Aug 1967 Volume II Basic Data, by J. G. Kennedy, J. Collins, and M. H. Smith G. AD 820 221 * TR 3-808 Jan 1968 Evaluation of the Performance of the XM759 Carrier, by B. G. Schreiner and A. A. Rula Logistical AD 826 114L TR M-68-1 Dynamics of Wheeled Vehicles: May 1968 Report 1 A Mathematical Model for the Traversal of Rigid Obstacles by a Pneumatic Tire, by A. S. Lessem (includes Appendix A) AD 834 324 Aug 1969 Appendix B Digital Implementation of Segmented Tire Model, by N. R. t1urphy AD 857 163 Mar 1971 Report 2 Implementation of Wiener-Bose Theory and Application to Ride Dynamics, by A. S. Lessem AD 723 403 Apr 1971 Report 3 A Statistical Analysis of Terrain-VehicleSpeed Sys terns, by N. R. r1u rphy AD 723 405 ~1a r 1972 Report 4 A Statistical Analysis of Obstacle-Vehicle-Speed Systems, by G. G. Switzer AD 739 916 TR M-68-2 May 1968 Contribution to the Mechanics of Rigid Wheels by K. W. Wiendieck on Sand, AD 833 871 TR M-69-1 Jan 1969 Vegetation Structural Characteristics at Selected Sites in the Panama Canal Zone and Thailand, by H. W. West AD 848 404 TR r~-69-2 May 1969 Improved Hheel Performance on Sand by Controlled Ci rcumferential Rigidity, by K. W. Wiendieck AD 688 876 TR M-69-3 Evaluation of Construction t1unitions for Clearing Helicopter Landing Zones in Forested Areas, Project Combat Trap: * Aug 1969 Report 1 Effects of Bomb Blast on Trees, by B. 0. Benn, J. G. Collins, W. N. Rushing, and AD 505 295L E. W. Eckard * Statement B. See Preface. M-26 Number TR M-70-1 TR ~1-70-2 TR M-70-3 TR M-70-4 TR M-70-5 TR t~-70-6 TR M-70-7 Date Mar 1970 Mar 1970 t4ar 1970 Mar 1970 Apr 1970 Apr 1970 May 1970 May 1970 TR M-70-8 TR M-70-9 * TR M-70-10 Jul 1970 Jun 1970 Jul 1970 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title The Basic Sinkage Equations and Bearing Capacity Theories, by M. J. Hvorslev Performance Evaluation of Wheels for Lunar Vehicles, by D. R. Freitag, A. J. Green. and K.-J. Melzer Evaluation of WES Analytical Model in Selected Terrains (XM559El GOER Tests at Camp Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada), by B. G. Stinson Relative Off-Road Mobility Performance of Six Wheeled and Four Tracked Vehicles in Selected Terrain, by J. K. Stoll, D. D. Randolph, and A. A. Rula Performance of Riverine Utility Craft (RUC) in Riverine Environments, by B. G. Schreiner, R. P. Smith, and C. E. Green Quantitative Description of Selected West German Terrain for, Ground t1obil i ty, by H. K. v/oods and J. H. Shamburger Evaluation of the Relative Off-Road Performance of 15 Vehicles in Synthalogous Theaters of Operation (STOP)Terrain Factor Complexes: Volume I Application of an Analytical Model for Predieting and Evaluating Vehicle Performance in STOP Terrain Factor Complexes; and Appendix A: Analytical t1odel for Predicting Cross-CountryVehicle Performance, by D. D. Randolph Volume II Appendix B: Vehicle Performance Predictions in Tropical Climate Theater; Appendix C: Vehicle Performance Predictions in Arid Climate Theater; Appendix D: Vehicle Performance Predictions in Temperature ~limate Theater, by D. D. Randolph and R. H. Johnson AD A032 765 A Preliminary Study of Seafloor Trafficability and Its Prediction, by K. W. Wiendieck A Mathematical Model for Predicting the First-Collision Probabiliti~s of Spheres on Tree Branches and Stems, by H. J. Nikodem and H. W. West Relative Off-Road Mobility of r~BT70 and M60A1El Tanks in Selected Terrains in West Germany, by A. A. Rula, C. A. Blackmon, B. G. Stinson, and J. K. Stoll AD Number AD 869 015 AD 702 246 AD A032 764 AD A040 175 AD 869 011 AD A040 174 AD A032 836 AD 710 965 AD 872 254 AD 511 150L MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR M-70-11 Mobility Exercise A (MEXA) Field Test Program: Mar 1971 Report 2 Volume l, Performance of MEXA and Three AD 883 199 Military Vehicles in Soft Soil, bv B. G. Schreiner Jul 1970 Report 3 Performance of MEXA and Three Military Ve AD 875 940 hicles in Lateral Obstacles, by J. L. Decell Jan 1974 Report 4 Performance of Selected t4EXA and Military AD A032 769 Vehicles in Vertical Obstacles, by N. R. Murphv, Jr., and A. A. Rula TR M-70-12 European Waterways Study; A Procedure for Describing Tactical Gaps, by R. R. Friesz, A. P. Desmarais, K. s. Fife, w. G. Willis, and w. E. Grabau: * Jul 1970 Volume l AD 875 511L * Jul 1970 Volume 2 AD 875 512L * Jul 1970 Volume 3 AD 875 546L TR M-70-13 Intratheater Transportation Requirement Study, a Pro cedure for Constructing Synthalogous Environments: * Sep 1970 Volume 1 Rationale, by w. E. Grabau and J. H. Shamburger AD 876 345L Sep 1970 Volume 2 Maps AD 876 382 TR M-70-14 Penetration Resistance of Soils: Nov 1970 Report l Tests with Circular Footings in Air-Drv Sands, AD 715 979 by A. J. Green Nov 1970 Report 2 Gamma-Ray Techniques for Nondestructive AD 715 980 Measurements of Soil Density and Density Pro file, by A. N. Williamson Jul 1971 Report 3 Tests with Circular Footings in Cohesive AD 726 968 Soils, by A. J. Green TR M-70-15 Oct 1970 Performance of Boeing-GM Wheels in a Lunar Soil Simu lant (Basalt), by A. J. Green and K.-J. Melzer (superseded by M-71-10, Report l) * TR M-71-l May 1971 Performance Evaluation of a First-Generation Elastic AD B007 715L Loop Mobility System, bv K.-J. Melzer and A. J. Green * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR M-71-3 Environmental Characterization of M1mitions Test Sites: Jul 1971 Volume I Techniques and Analyses of Data, by AD 887 926 H. w. West, R. R. Friesz, E~ A~ Dardeau, Jr., G. F. Brown, L. E. Couch, and J~ A. Parks Jul 1971 Volume II Data I, by H. w. West, R. R. Friesz, AD 887 927 E. A. Dardeau, Jr., G. F. Brown, L. E. Couch, and J. A. Parks Jul 1971 Volume III Data II, by H. w. West, R. R. Friesz, AD 887 928 E. A. Dardeau, Jr., G. F. Brown, L. E. Couch, and J. A. Parks Jun 1972 Volume IV Supplementary Characterizations, by E. A. AD 745 411 Dardeau, Jr., R. R. Friesz, H. w. West, G. F. Brown, L. E. Couch, and J. A. Parks TR M-71-4 Jul 1971 An Analysis of Ground Mobility Models (ANAMOB), by AD 886 513 A. A. Rula and c. J. Nuttall TR M-71-5 Performance of Soils Under Track Loads: Jul 1971 Report 1 Model Track and Test Program, bv G. w. Turnage AD 728 496 Nov 1971 Report 2 Prediction of Track Pull Performance in a AD 733 926 Desert Sand, by G~ w. Turnage May 1976 Report 3 Track Mobility Number for Coarse-Grained AD A026 721 Soils, by G. w. Turnage TR M-71-6 Sep 1971 Prediction of the Slope-Climbing Capability of ElasticAD 731 205 Rim Wheels, by K. W. Wiendieck TR M-71-7 Oct 1971 Effect of Yaw Angle on Steering Forces for the Lunar AD A006 518 Roving Vehicle Wheel, by A. J. Green TR M-71-8 Nov 1971 Performance of Dual-Wheel Configurations in CoarseAD 732 864 Grained Soil, by K.-J. Melzer TR M-71-9 Dec 1971 A Technique for Quantifying Forest Stands for Management AD 735 784 Evaluations, by H. W. West and H. H. Allen TR M-71-10 Performance of the Boeing LRV Wheels in a Lunar Soil Simulant: Dec 1971 Report 1 Effects of Wheel Design and Soil, by A. J. AD 756 213 Green and K.-J. Melzer (supersedes Technical Report M-70-15) Dec 1971 Report 2 Effects of Speed, Wheel Load, and Soil, by AD A006 498 K.-J. Melzer TR M-72-1 Jun 1972 Studies of the Dynamics of Tracked Vehicles, by A. S~ AD 743 464 Lessem and N. R. Murphy MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR M-72-2 Seismic and Environmental Characteristics of the Sensor Test Areas in the Panama Canal Zone: Jun 1972 Report 1 Dry-Season Conditions, by L. West, and B. 0. Benn E. Link, H. W. AD 907 867 May 1973 Report 2 Wet-Season Conditions, by W. and R. E. Leach F. Marcuson III AD A017 724 TR M-72-3 Aug 1972 A Mathematical Model for Preliminary Evaluations of Candidate Reservoir Systems, by J. L. Decell AD 756 119 TR M-72-4 Nov 1972 Detennining Presence, Thickness, and Electrical Properties of Stratified Media Using Swept-Frequency Radar, AD 752 509 by J. R. Lundien TR M-73-1 Sep 1972 Veh i c 1 e t1obi 1i ty Assessment for Project Wheels Study Group (with Addenda), by A. A. Rula, C. J. Nuttall, Jr., and H. J. Dugoff AD A008 286 TR M-73-2 Effects of Environment on Microseismic Wave Propagation Characteristics in Support of SID Testing at Fort Bragg, N. C.: * Jun 1973 Report 1 Dry-Season Conditions, by H. W. West AD 8008 460L * Dec 1974 Report 2 Comparison of Summer-and Winter-Season Conditions, by T. L. Engdahl and H. W. West AD 8009 250L TR M-73-3 Jun 1973 Effects of Terrain on the Propagation of Microseismic Waves and Implantation Characteristics of Air-Delivered Sensors at Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Wet-and Dry-Season Conditions, by H. W. West and B. Rohani AD 8005 327 TR t1-73-4 Jun 1973 A t1athematical f~odel for Predicting t1icroseismic Signals in Terrain Materials, hy J. R. Lundien and H. Nikodem AD A012 632 * TR M-73-5 Aug 1973 A Numerical Model of the Ride Dynamics of a Vehicle Using a Segmented Tire Concept, by W. F. Ingram AD 913 281L TR M-73-6 Nov 1973 Detection Capability of by R. A. Weiss a Strain-Sensitive Cable Sensor, AD 771 901 TR M-74-1 Jan 1974 Helicopter Movement and C. E. Green on llnimproved Terrain, by E. S. Rush AD 780 698 TR M-74-2 Feb 1974 Application of Remote Sensors to Army Facility Management, by L. E. Link, Jr., and J. H. Shamburger (includes Appendix A) AD 775 407 * Statement R. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONt1ENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR M-74-2 (Cont) Jan 1975 Appendix B Validation of Environmental Maps Produced Through Air-Photo Interpretation, by J. H. Shamburger and H. K. Woods AD A005 556 * TR M-74-3 Apr 1974 A Variable-Stress Vehicle Reliability Model, by A. Lessem S. AD 919 333L TR M-74-4 Analytical Study of Ground-Surface Shielding Characteristics of Selected Road Terrains: Jun 1974 Volume I nevelopment of Shielding ~1odel and Analysesof Results, by H. W. West, P. L. Doiron, and J. A. Parks AD 781 491 Jun 1974 Volume II Output of Shielding Model, by H. P. L. Doiron, and J. A. Parks W. West, AD A040 173 TR M-74-5 Computer-Calculated Geometric Characteristics of Middle-Mississippi River Side Channels: Jun 1974 Volume Procedure and Results, by V. S. J. ~Jinfrey E. LaGarde and AD A031 773 Jun 1974 Vo 1ume I I Side-Channel Contour t1aps, by V. and S. J. Winfrey E. LaGarde AD A031 771 TR M-74-6 A User-Accessed Computer Information System for Environmentally Sensitive Wildlife: Jun 1974 Volume I, by E. E. Addor and V. E. LaGarde AD 787 258 Jun 1974 Volume II, by E. E. Addor, J. K. ~toll, and v. E. LaGarde AD 787 259 Jun 1974 Volume III, by E. V. E. LaGa.rde E. Addor, J. K. Stoll, H. K. Woods, and AD 787 260 Jan 1975 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR M-74-7 Jun 1974 Performance Evaluation of a Second-Generation Elastic AD A031 772 Loop r1obility System, by K.-J. Melzer and G. D. Swanson TR M-74-8 The Use of Remote Sensing Systems for Acquiring Data for En vi ronmenta 1 t1anagement Purposes: Nov 1974 Report 1 A Procedure for Predicting Image Contrasts in Photographic Remote Sensor Systems, by L. E. Link, Jr. AD A002 070 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR M-74-8 (Cont) May 1976 Report 2 Application of Photographic Remote Sensors an Environmental Management Problem, by D. Cress and L. E. Link, Jr. to H. AD A025 616 May 1976 Report 3 A Nomogram for Computing Optical Density Contrast, by L. E. Link, Jr., and J. R. Stabler AD A026 718 TR M-75-1 Jun 1975 Small-Scale Mobility Tests in Fine-Grained Layered Soils, by G. D. Swanson and T. R. Patin AD A013 491 TR M-75-2 Selected Legally Protected Animals: Jun 1975 Report 1 Inventory for Use by United States Army Installations and Major Activities in the Continental United States, by V. E. LaGarde, A. M. B. Rekas, P. D. Lazarine, and J. K. Stoll (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A015 572 Jun 1975 Report 2 Inventory for Use by Corps of Engineers Division and District Offices in the Contiguous United States, by A. M. B. Rekas, V. E. LaGarde, P. D. Lazarine, and J. K. Stoll (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A015 578 TR ~1-75-3 Oct 1975 Development of Procedure for Airfield Site Evaluation, by M. P. Keown, J. A. Parks, and J. K. Stoll (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A017 853 * TR M-76-1 Jan 1976 AMC-74 and R. Vehicle Dynamics ~1odul e, by N. R. Murphy, Jr., B. Ahlvin (includes Appendixes A-0) AD B009 205L TR M-76-2 Jan 1976 Experimental Verification of a Theoretical Loading Function Describing ~1omentum Trans fer from an Exp1osion to a Tree Stem, by M. P. Keown, J. K. Stoll, and Hansjoerg Nikodem (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A021 188 TR M-76-3 Feb 1976 Mobility Analyses of Standard-and High-Mobility Tactical Support Vehicles (HIMO Study), by C. J. Nuttall, Jr., and D. D. Randolph (includes Appendixes AD A020 986 A-G) * TR M-76-4 Feb 1976 Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) Mobility Performance Evaluations, by J. H. Robinson and A. A. Rula (includes Appendixes A-R) AD B009 810L TR M-76-5 Mar 1976 Validation of the Ar1C-71 Mobility ~1odel, by B. Schreiner and W, E. Willoughby G. AD A023 609 Mar 1976 Appendix A: Vehicle Data; Appendix B: Description of Test Sites; Appendix C: of Terrain Terms and Procedures Used to Location and Definitions Collect Ter AD A023 608 rain Data for Validation Tests; Appendix D: Terrain Data Basic * Statement B. See Preface. M-32 Number Date TR M-76-6 Jun 1976 * TR M-76-7 Jun 1976 TR M-76-8 Aug 1976 TR M-76-9 Sep 1976 TR M-76-10 Sep 1976 TR M-76-11 Nov 1976 * TR M-76-12 Dec 1976 TR M-77-1 Mar 1977 TR M-77-2 Jun 1977 Sep 1977 Sep 1980 TR M-77-3 Oct 1977 * Statement B. See Preface. MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEr1S LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Use of Automated Remote Sensing Techniques to Define the Movement of Tow-Generated Suspended Material Plumes on the Illinois and Upper Mississippi Rivers, by L. E. Link, Jr., and A. N. Williamson, Jr. A Comparative Analysis of Selected Seismic and SeismicAcoustic Target Classifiers, by D. H. Cress (includesAppendixes A-H) Procedures for the Systematic Evaluation of Remote Sensor Performance and Quantitative Mission Planning, by L. E. Link, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-E) Powered Wheels in the Turned Mode Operating on YieldingSoils, by G. N. Durham (includes Appendixes A-C) Baseline Elements and Information Sources for Environmental Quality t1anagement of Military Installations,by t4. P. Keown and M. R. Weathersby (includes AppendixesA-C) An Automated System for Collecting, Processing, and Displaying Environmental Baseline Data, by H. W. West and H. M. Floyd Computer Procedure for Calculating and Displaying the Boundaries of a Watershed, by V. E. LaGarde and r~. H. Smith Inventory of Sediment Sample Collection Stations in the Mississippi River Basin, by M. P. Keown, E. A. Dardeau, Jr., and J. G. Kennedy (includes Appendix A) Acquisition of Terrain Information Using Landsat ~1ultispectral Data: Report 1 Correction of Landsat Multispectral Data for Extrinsic Effects, by Horton Struve, W. E. Grabau, and H. W. West Report 2 An Interactive Procedure for Classifying Terrain Types by Spectral Characters, by Hortqn Struve, W. E. Grabau, and H. W. West Report 3 Application of an Interactive Classification Procedure in South Louisiana, by M. H. Smith and Horton Struve An Automated Procedure for Slope t1ap Construction: Volume I Description and Instruction for Use of the Automated Procedure, by Horton Struve AD Number AD A025 733 AD B012 041L AD A030 728 AD A030 701 AD A033 117 AD A033 359 AD B016 l95L AD A039 571 AD A042 999 AD A045 871 AD A092 807 AD A047 794 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number * TM M-77-3 (Cant) Oct 1977 Volume II Listing and Glossary for Program SLOPEMAP, by Horton Struve AD B023 657L TR M-77-4 Environmental Baseline Descriptions for Use in the Management of Fort Carson Natural Resources: Oct 1977 Report 1 Development and Use of Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Data, by A. M. B. Rekas (includesAppendixes A-D) AD A048 656 Sep 1977 Report 2 Water-Quality, Meteorologic, and HydrologicData Collected with Automated Field Stations, AD A046 827 by H. W. West and H. M. Floyd (includesAppendix A) Apr 1978 Report 3 Inventory and Assessment of Current Methods for Rangeland Conservation and Restoration, by A. M. B. Rekas and W. L. Kirk (includesAppendixes A-D) AD A053 975 Feb 1978 Report 4 Analysis and Assessment of Soil Erosion in Selected Watersheds, by M. P. Keown and H. W. West AD A052 347 Sep 1977 Report 5 General Geology and Seismicity, by E. Dardeau, Jr., and M. A. Zappi A. AD A046 828 TR t1-78-1 May 1978 Terrain Considerations and Data Base Development for the Design and Testing of Devices to Detect IntruderInduced Ground Motion, by D. H. Cress (includes Appendixes A-G) AD A055 602 TR M-78-2 Aug 1978 Movement of Suspended Particles and Solute Concentrations with Inflow and Tidal Action, by A. N. Williamson (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A062 684 TR ~1-78-3 Dec 1978 Study and Parametric Analysis of Trafficability, RunningGear, and Stability Considerations for Nearshore BottomCrawling Vehicles, by G. W. Turnage and W. c. Seabergh(includes Appendixes A-D) AD A063 733 * Statement B. See Preface. M-34 MOBILITY.AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center Number PSTIAC-1 PSTIAC-2 PSTIAC-3 PSTIAC-4 PSTIAC-5 Date Apr 1975 Nov 1975 Aug 1976 Jun 1977 Aug 1977 Aug 1977 Aug 1977 · Reports Title Microthesaurus of Vehicle Mobility, Environment, and Pavement Terms Bibliography of Papers Presented at r~eetings or in Technical Journals on Studies of the f'1obility and Environmental Systems Laboratory, by M. P. Meyer A Bibliography with Abstracts of ll. S. Army EngineerWaterways Experiment Station Publications Related to Vehicle Mobility, by M. P. Meyer A Bibliography with Abstracts of U. S. Army EngineerWaterways Experiment Station Publications Related to Terrain, by M. P. ~1eyer A Bibliography with Abstracts of U. S. Army EngineerWaterways Experiment Station Publications Related to Pavements: Volume I List of Reports and Indexes, by ~4. P. Meyer and Virginia Dale Volume II Report Document Page Data, Part 1: Bulletins, Instruction Reports, Miscellaneous Papers, by r1. P. r1eyer and VirginiaDale Volume III Report Document Page Data, Part 2: Technical Memoranda, Technical Reports,Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center Reports, Contract Reports, by M. P. Meyer and Virginia Dale AD Number AD AOll 269 AD A018 290 AD A031 524 AD A043 789 AD A045 024 AD A045 025 AD A045 026 Number Date CR 3-114 Mar 1965 Mar 1965 Apr 1965 Apr 1965 CR 3-154 Jun 1966 CR 3-15 May 1955 CR 3-78 Jun 1961 Jun 1962 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report CHRYSLER CORPORATION, Detroit, Michigan A Study of the Vehicle Ride Dynamics Aspect of Ground Mobility: Volume I Summary, by B. D. Van Deusen Volume II Human Response to Vehicle Vibration, by B. D. Van Deusen Volume III Theoretical Dynamics Aspects of Vehicle Systems, by B. D. Van Deusen Volume IV Field Measurements, by B. D. Van Deusen and C. H. Hoppe COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, Fort Collins Instrumentation for Vehicle Mobility Testing in a Tropical Environment, by S. J. Clark CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, New York An Environmental Analysis of the Fort Churchill, t1anitoba, Region, by T. A. Cheney and D. K. B. Beckel Text I Text II Folio DREXEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A System for Describing, Classifying, ~lapping and Com paring Surface-Water Bodies for r1ilitary Purposes; Pre liminary Report, by Irwin Remson, R. C. Stiefel, and R. V. Giles Some Systems for Describing, Classifying, Mapping and Comparing Surface-Water Bodies for Military Purposes; Annual Report Number II, by Irwin Remson, R. V. Giles, R. L. Drake, and others AD Number AD 467 024 AD 467 025 AD 467 026 AD 467 027 AD A032 585 AD 474 157 Number Date CR 3-33 Sep 1964 CR 3-155 Feb 1966 Unnumbered Jul 1964 Jul 1964 Jul 1964 Jul 1964 ,Ju 1 1964 Jul 1964 Jul 1964 Unnumbered Aug 1965 CR 3-13 Dec 1954 CR 3-24 Sep 1957 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report FMC CORPORATION, ORDNANCE ENGINEERING DIVISION, San Jose,California A Research Study Concerning the Application of a Fourier Series Description to Terrain Geometries Associated with Ground Mobility and Ride Dynamics. Phase I:. Terrain and Vehicle Models A Computer Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics While TraversingHard Surface Terrain Profiles THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, Tallahassee A Study to Develop Methods for the Analysis of the Fine Structure of Sea-Land Boundary Zones, by R. E. Stevenson and others Appendix A Photographs Appendix B Maps and Overlays Appendix c Profiles Appendix D Trafficability Data Appendix E Vegetation Data Appendix F Vegetation Data Environmental Studies of Protected Sea-Land Boundary Zones Along the West Coast of Florida, by R. E. Stevenson and D. A. Warnke THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Washington, DC Coding Handbook (revised editior.) Historical Records Project, Final Report: Section 1 Introduction, Evaluation, and Recommendations Section 2 The Environmental Element in Military Operations Section 3 Military Operations as Characterized by the Effects of Environment Section 4 The Impact of Environment on Military Operations AD Number AD 803 194 ~1-37 Number CR 3-24 (Cont) CR 3-150 CR 3-72 CR 4-103 CR 3-64 Date Jun 1966 May 1964 r~ay 1964 Jun 1962 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report AD Number THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (Cont) Section 5 The Nine-Coordinate Probability Model Describing Environment-Military Operations Relationships Section 6 The t·1il itary Region: A Mathematical Model Section 7 Evaluation of the Factor Analysis in a Study of the Effects of Environment on Military Operations Section 8 Delineation of the ~1il itary Region KASETSART UNIVERSITY, Bangkok, Thailand Great Soil Group Survey of Selected Study Areas in Thailand, by Santhad Rojanasoonthon: Volume 1 Summary Report AD 488 314 Volume 2 Appendixes A through G AD 488 315 MARSHALL UNIVERSITY, Huntington, West Virginia Quantitative Physiognomic Analysis of the Vegetation AD 450 738 of the Florida Everglades The Physiognomy of Vegetation: A Quantitative Approach to Vegetation Geometry Based Upon the Structural Cell Concept as the Minimum Sample Size: Concepts and Analytical Methods AD 617 727 Appendix Field Data, Structural Diagrams and Sampling AD 617 728 Area Locations of the Vegetation of Camp t~cCoy, Wisconsin MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES AND t1ETALLURGY, Ro 11 a Test of Quantitative Terrain Description Systems at AD 653 631 Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, by James C. Maxwell Number CR 3-31 CR 3-163 CR 3-164 CR 3-18 CR M-70-1 CR 4-6 Date Apr 1958 May 1959 Nov 1966 Nov 1966 Jul 1956 May 1970 May 1970 Jun 1951 Jun 1951 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF MONTREAL, Canada A Universal System for Recording Vegetation, by Pierre Dansereau Part II The Special Case of Aquatic Vegetation--AnExample in Southern Quebec, by Pierre Dansereau NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx, New York A Methodological Critique of Vegetation RecordingSystems, by Pierre Dansereau, P. F. Buell, and Ronald Dagon Studies on the Vegetation of Puerto Rico, by Pierre Dansereau and P. F. Buell NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE, Raleigh Terrain Study of the Panama Canal Zone with Specific Reference to the Ft. Sherman Area and Vicinity, by C. R. McCullough OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, Corva 11 is Characterization of Water Tables in Oregon Soils with Reference to Trafficability: Volume Data, by Larry Boersma and G. H. Simonson Volume II Analysis, by Larry Roersma, and D. G. Watts G. H. Simonson, AD 870 793 AD 870 796 PURDUE UNIVERSITY, ENGINEERING EXPERit1ENT STATION, Lafayette, Indiana Application of Airphoto Pattern Analysis to Soil Trafficability Studies: Book One, by 0. W. Mintzer, E. J. Yoder, and J. R. Shepard Rook Two Glacial Patterns AD Number AD 206 414 AD 813 749 AD 813 748 AD 111 676 Number CR 4-6 (Cont) CR 4-12A CR 3-14 CR 4-20 CR 3-108 Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumhered Date Dec 1952 Jun 1951 Feb 1954 Jun 1954 Sep 1956 Dec 1957 Oct 1954 Mar 1955 Sep 1956 Nov 1953 Dec 1970 Jun 1971 Dec 1971 Jun 1972 Dec 1972 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report PURDUE UNIVERSITY. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION (Cont) Book Three Alluvial Patterns Book Three (Second Edition) Water Deposited Materials Book Four Miscellaneous Patterns Book Five Wind Deposited Soils Book Six Residual Materials (in 2 parts) Supplement No. 1 Prepared by R. D. Miles and R. D. Leighty Supplement No. 2 Glacial Deposited Materials. preparedby R. D. Miles and D. G. Shurig Effect of Soil Moisture and Other Natural Variables on Aerial Photo Gray Tones Terrain Study of the Yuma Test Station Area. Arizona Techniques for Predicting Soil Trafficability Informa tion from Aerial Photographs. by R. D. Miles Statistical Analyses of Trafficability Data. by Paul Irick RICE UNIVERSITY. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY. Houston. Texas Development of Remote ~1ethods for Obtaining Soil Information and Location of Construction t4aterial !Ising Gamma Ray Signatures for Project Tlm·1IS (in 2 volumes) Appendix 1 Engineering Drawings Development of Remote t1ethods for Obtaining Soil Information and Location of Construction Materials UsingGamflla Ray Signatures for Project THEt~IS Development of Remote Methods for Obtaining Soil Information and Location of Construction Materials UsingGamma Ray Signatures for Project THEMIS De~elopment of Remote Methods for Obtaining Soil In formation and Location of Construction Materials UsingGamma Ray Signatures for Project THEMIS Development of Remote Methods for Obtaining Soil Information and Location of Construction Materials UsingGamma Ray Signature for Project THHHS AD Number AD 626 500 AD 718 519 AD 885 986 AD 737 717 AD 901 555 AD 909 670 Number CR 3-36 Part 1 CR 3-36 Part 2 CR 3-80 CR 3-82 CR 3-34 CR 3-56 CR 3-57 Date May 1959 May 1959 Nov 1962 Oct 1963 r~ay 1959 May 1959 May 1959 May 1958 Jun 1958 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Columbia Coding Handbook (Second Revised Edition) Environmental Stresses and Effects on Military Activities; Final Report, by D. 0. Bushman and J. J. Petty UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Mapping, Classification, and Quantitative Expression of Microrelief Features A Study of Microrelief; Its Mapping, Classification, and Quantification by Means of a Fourier Analysis, by R. 0. Stone and James Dugundji SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Syracuse, New York A Methodology for Military Evaluation and Comparison of Tropical Terrain: Volume 1, by H. V. B. Kline, V. G. Mazzucchelli, and D. C. Bennett Volume 2 A Methodology for Recording Vegetation Descriptions, with Comparisons of Vegetation Types of the Panama Canal Zone and Other Tropical Areas, by C. C. Larson Addendum An Application of a Methodology for Military Evalua~ion of Tropical Terrain to the Panama Canal Zone, by H. V. B. Kline, V. G. Mazzucdhelli, and D. C. Bennett ! A Comparison of the Terrain Characteristics and Vegeta tion of Tropical ~frica and Panama, by H. V. B. Kline, D. C. Bennett, and C. C. Larson A Methodology for Tropical Terrain Comparisons; Final Report, First Phase, by H. V. B. Kline, D. C. Bennett, and c. C. Larson AD Number AD 759 498 AD A006 597 AD 450 828 AD A006 598 AD 226 311 AD 716 976 AD 201 154 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville CR 3-70 Environmental Descriptions of Ranger Training Areas: Jun 1963 Part 1 Mountain Training Area, North Georgia AD 466 271 Aug 1964 Part 2 Eglin Field Area, Florida AD 466 272 Vegetation Diagrams, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida AD 466 275 Aug 1964 Part 3 Fort Benning Area, Georgia AD 466 273 Vegetation Diagrams, Fort Benning, Georgia AD 466 274 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, Dallas CR 4-96 Phase I System Analysis for a Waterways ExperimentStation Terrain Analysis Radar (ProjectWESTAR); Final Report Jan 1963 Phase II System Implementation, Waterways Experiment Station Terrain Analysis Radar (ProjectWESTAR); Final Report and Engineering Handbook AD 465 402 Jan 1965 Phase III Analysis of Results, Waterways ExperimentStation Terrain Analysis Radar (ProjectWESTAR); Final Report AD 465 403 CR 4-100 t1ar 1964 Final Report Waterways Experiment Station Terrain Analysis Gamma (Project WESTAG) ROYAL THAI GOVERNMENT, SOIL SURVEY DIVISION, LAND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, Bangkok, Thailand CR 3-156 Oct 1966 Soil Series Survey of Selected Study Areas in Thailand, Summary Report, by F. R. ~1oormann, F. J. Dent, and Lek Moncharoen AD 807 704 Oct 1966 Appendix A Soil Survey of the Nakhon Sawan Area, byLek Moncharoen and Manu Omakupt AD 807 699 Aug 1966 Appendix B Soil Survey of the Lop Buri Area, by F. Dent and Mana Cheutongdee J. AD 489 699 Aug 1966 Appendix c Soil Survey of Chiang Mai Dent and Manu Omakupt Area, by F. J. AD 489 700 Number CR 3-156 (Cont) CR 3-118 CR 3-11 CR 3-27 Date Aug 1966 Oct 1966 Aug 1966 Aug 1965 Mar 1954 Aug 1954 Revised Sep 1957 Mar 1955 Jun 1955 Sep 1955 nee 1955 Apr 1956 Jan 1957 Dec 1957 May 1959 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report ROYAL THAI GOVERNMENT (Cont) Appendix D Soil Survey of the Pran Buri Area, by Lek Moncharoen, Suraphon Charoenpong, and F. J. Dent Appendix E Soil Survey of the Khon -Kaen Area, by Lek Moncharoen, n. A. Libby, and Mana ·· Cheutongdee Appendix F Soil Survey of the Chanthaburi Area, by Lek Moncharoen and F. J. Dent U. S. ARMY ENGINEER OHIO RIVER DIVISION LABORATORIES, Cincinnati Photoelastic Studies for Vehicle Mobility Research, by f. M. Mellinger, J. H. Hubbard, and R. L. Peters U. S. ARMY QIJARTERMASTER RESEARCH &ENGINEERING CENTER, Natick, Massachusetts Analogs of Yuma Climate: In the Middle East; Yuma Analogs No. 1 In Northeast Africa; Yuma Analogs No. 2 In Northwest Africa; Yuma Analogs No. 3 In South Central Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran); Yuma Analogs No.4 In Soviet Middle Asia; Yuma Analogs No. 5 In Chtnese Inner Asia; Yuma Analogs No. 6 In East Centr.al Africa; Yuma Analogs No. 7 In North America; Yuma Analogs No. 8 Climatic Analogs of Fort Greely, Alaska, and Fort Churchill, Canada: In Eurasia In North America AD Number AD 489 701 AD 807 703 AD 489 702 AD 621 221 Number CR 3-30 CR 3-43 CR 3-143 CR 3-153 Date Apr 1958 Jun 1958 Jun 1958 Jul 1958 Jul 1958 Sep 1958 Jun 1959 Jul 1959 Oct 1960 Nov 1960 Jul 1960 Jan 1965 Feb 1966 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report AD Number U. S. ARMY QUARTERMASTER RESEARCH &ENGINEERING CENTER (Cont) Analogs of Canal Zone Climate: In Middle America; Canal Zone Analogs In India and Southeast Asia; Canal Zone Analogs II In East Central Africa; Canal Zone Analogs III In West Central Africa; Canal Zone Analogs IV In South Central Africa and Madagascar; Canal Zone Analogs V In South America; Canal Zone Analogs VI In Indonesia, the Philippines, and Borneo; Canal Zone Analogs VII In Australia and New Guinea; Canal Zone Analogs VIII In the Far East; Canal Zone Analogs IX In the Pacific Islands; Canal Zone Analogs X U. S. ARMY SNOW ICE AND PERr~AFROST RESEARCH ESTABLISHt1ENT, Wilmette, Illinois Photo-Interpretation of Vegetation; Literature Survey and Analysis, by V. P. Finley U. S. ARMY TANK AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, LAND LOCOMOTION LABORATORY, Warren, Michigan ~1obility Environmental Research Study One-Pass Program, AD 467 165 by P. W. Ha 1ey Mobility Environmental Research Study, Mobility Testing AD 800 462 Procedures, by R. A. Liston, T. Czako, P. W. Haley, and others Number Date CR 4-8 Nov 1951 Nov 1951 Jul 1952 CR 3-22 1957 1957 CR 3-25 Nov 1957 CR 3-37 Jun 1959 Jan 1961 CR 3-23 Jul 1964 Dec 1964 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report U. S. FOREST SERVICE The Development of Methods for Predicting Soil Moisture Content: Progress Report 1: Volume I, by E. J. Dortignac and H. W. Lull Volume II, by E. J. Dortignac and H. W. Lull Progress Report II U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, MILITARY GEOLOGY BRANCH, Washington, DC Terrain Study of the Army Test Area, Fort Greely, Alaska Volume Text, by G. W. Holmes and W. S. Benninghoff Volume 2 Maps Techniques for Determination of Terrain Analogs, by G. E. Stoertz Analogs of Fort Greely and Fort Churchill Terrain: Analogs of Fort Greely and Fort Churchill Terrain in Alaska: Evaluation of Present Test Areas and Recommendation of Alternative and Supplementary Test Areas in Alaska, by G. E. Stoertz Plates Analogs of Fort Greely and Fort Churchill Terrain in Central East Greenland, by G. E. Stoertz VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, Nashville, Tennessee The Description and Classification of Hydrologic Characteristics for Military Purposes, by P. A. Krenkel, P. B. Hoadley, and J. A. Carpenter Supplement, by P. A. Krenkel, J. A. Carpenter, and P. C. Chen AD Number AD 147 108 AD 147 109 AD 716 975 AD 229 476 AD 254 050 AD 489 876 Number CR 3-68 CR 4-86 CR 3-94 CR 4-16 CR 4-17 CR 3-112 CR 3-119 CR 3-120 CR 3-130 CR 3-152 , CR 3-162 Date Jun 1963 Mar 1963 Apr 1962 Oct 1955 Mar 1956 May 1965 Nov 1964 through Jun 1965 ~1ar 1965 nee 1965 Jul 1966 May 1967 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONt4ENTAL SYSTEt4S LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY (Cont) Application of t1acrogeometry and Vegetation Descriptive Techniques to Fort Knox, Kentucky Manual; A Technique for Macrogeometry Terrain Analysis Application of Terrain Descriptive Techniques to Fort Knox Kentucky WILSON, NUTTALL, RAIMOND ENGINEERS, INC., Chestertown, Maryland Vehicle t4obility Research: A Preliminary Review of Major Accomplishments and Current Activities in the Field, by C. J. Nuttall Vehicle t1obility Research, 1956: A Review and a Suggested Program, by C. J. Nuttall Observing, Analyzing, and Forecasting the State of the Ground, by W. C. Grenke Summary of Trafficability Tests Through 1963 (in 11 volumes) An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Terrain Surface Obstacles on Vehicle Performance; Final Oraft, by G. T. Cohron and R. A. Werner A Dimensionless Consolidation of WES Data on the Per formance of Sand Under Tire Loads, by C. J. Nuttall One-Pass Performance of Vehicles on Fine-Grained Soils, by C. J. Nuttall, C. W. Wilson, and R. A. Werner Ground-Crawling: 1966; The State-of-the-Art of De signing Off-Road Vehicles, by C. J. Nuttall An Number AD 658 655 AD 672 498 AD 616 616 AD A032 584 AD 626 993 AD 487 446 AD 816 577 Number Date Volume IEB A-77-1 IEB A-78-1 Jan 1978 IEB A-78-2 Mar 1978 IR A-77-1 Jan 1977 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Title AD Number Information Exchange Bulletins Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Instruction Reports Test Plan for the Large-Scale Operations Management AD A036 197 Test of the Use of the White Amur to Control Aquatic Plants, by E. E. Addor and R. F. Theriot Number Date * Unnumbered Jun 1972 * Unnumbered Aug 1974 MP A-76-1 Oec 1976 MP A-77-1 Jun 1977 MP A-77-2 Jun 1977 MP A-77-3 Aug 1977 MP A-78-1 Aug 1978 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Miscellaneous Papers Title AD Number Proceedings, Research Planning Conference Plant Control Project, 12 January 1972 on Aquatic AD 745 895 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on Integrated Systems of Aquatic Plant Control, 29-30 October 1973 AD 787 302 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program, 22-24 October 1975, Charleston, S. c. (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A036 072 A Concept for the Development of Long-Term Management Plans for Aquatic Plant Control, by D. R. Sanders and J. 1_. Decell AD A041 301 A Management Procedure for the Introduction of Biological Agents for Control of Aquatic Plants, by \~. F.:. Grabau AD A041 302 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program, 19-22 October 1976, Atlantic Beach, Fla. AD A044 590 Proceedings, Research Planning Conference on the Aquatic Plant Control Program, 3-6 October 1977, New Orleans, La. AD A060 779 *These reports were published prior to WES's being designated as primary manager of the Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. M-48 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Technical Reports Number Date No. Title AD Number Aquatic Plant Control Program: * Unnumbered Oct 1972 Controlled Release Herbicides, by E. 0. Gangstad, AD 750 223 R. H. Scott, and R. G. Cason Unnumbered Dec 1972 2 Response of Aquatic Weeds to Laser Radiation, by AD 754 590 Richard Couch Unnumbered Apr 1973 3 Biological Control of Alligator Weed AD 759 500 Unnumbered Jun 1973 4 Herbivorous Fish for Aquatic Plant Control AD 765 437 Unnumbered Oct 1973 5 Aquatic-Use Pattern for Silvex AD 769 583 Unnumbered Jan 1974 6 Biological Control of Water Hyacinth with Insect AD 775 408 Enemies Unnumbered Nov 1974 7 Aquatic-Use Patterns for 2,4-D Dimethylamine and AD A002 568 Integrated Cont~ol Unnumbered Nov 1974 8 Aquatic Weed Control with Plant Pathogens AD A002 567 Unnumbered Mar 1975 9 Integrated Control of Alligator Weed and Water AD A008 980 Hyacinth in Texas, by E. 0. Gangstad, Clifford Novosad, et al Unnumbered Jun 1975 10 Integrated Program for Alligator Weed Management, by AD A012 008 E. 0. Gangstad, R. D. Blackburn, et al Unnumbered Nov 1975 11 Effects of co?. Laser on Water Hyacinth Growth, by AD A018 866 K. S. Long ano P. A. Smith Unnumbered ~1ar 1976 12 Butoxyethanol Ester of 2,4-n for Control of AD A024 105 Eurasian Water Milfoil, by E. 0. Gangstad, Frederick Fish, R. A. Stanley, and others Unnumbered Sep 1976 13 Aquatic Use Pattern for Diquat for Control of AD A034 202 Egeria and Hydril1a, by R. D. Blackburn, E. 0. Gangstad, R. R. Yeo, and others *These reports were published prior to WES's being designated as primary manager of the Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. Number Date TR A-77-1 Feb 1977 TR A-77-2 Sep 1977 TR A-78-1 Jan 1978 TR A-78-2 Jun 1978 Dec 1979 May 1979 Jun 1979 Jun 1981 Nov 1981 Apr 1979 May 1982 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY "~~if) .!'1..~~--~ontrol Research Program Title Evaluation of Herbicide Application Platforms for Use in Aquatic Plant Control: Report 1 Evaluation of the Marsh Screw Amphibian (MSA), by E. S. Rush and W. E. Willoughby (includes Appendixes A-B) A Field Test of Selected Insects and Pathogens for Control of Waterhyacinths: Report 1 Preliminary Results for the 1975-76 Season, by E. E. Addor (includes Appendixes A-B) Development and Evaluation of Controlled Release Herbicides, by G. A. Janes, s. M. Bille, and N. F. Cardarelli Large-Scale Operations Management Test of Use of the White Amur for Control of Problem Aquatic Plants: Report 1 Baseline Studies: Volume I The Aquatic ~1acrophytes of Lake Conway, Florida, by L. E. Nall and J. D. Schardt (includes Appendixes A-G on microfiche) Volume II The Fish, Mammals, and Waterfowl of Lake Conway, Florida, by Vincent Guillory Volume III The Plankton and Benthos of Lake Conway, Florida, by Roger Conley, E. c. Blancher II, Floor Kooijman, Charles Ferrick, J. L. Fox, and T. L. Crisman Volume IV Interim Report on the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading Characteristics of the Lake Conwav, Florida, Ecosystem, by E. c. Blancher II and c. R. Fellows Volume V The Herpetofauna of Lake Conway, Florida, by J. s. Godlev, R. w. 11cDiarmid, and G. T. Bancroft (includes Appendix A) Volume VI The Water and Sediment Quality of Lake Conwav, Florida, by H. D. Miller, P. B. Ragsdale, James Adams, and R. T. Kaleel Volume VII A Model for Evaluation of the Response of the Lake Conway, Florida, Ecosystem to Introduction of the White Amur, by K. C. Ewel and T. D. Fontaine III Volume VIII Summary of Baseline Studies and Data, by E. c. Blancher II and E. G. Buglewicz (includes Appendix A) AD Number AD A036 970 AD A044 392 AD A053 029 AD A057 345 AD A081 132 AD A072 392 AD A072 393 AD A102 744 AD A 109 492 AD A069 897 AD A 117 385 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquat!c Plant Control ~~ch Pro~!-~ Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR A-78-2 (Cant) Report 2 First Year Poststocking Results: Feb 1982 Volume II The Fish, Mammals, and Waterfowl of Lake AD A113 853 Conway, Florida, by Scott Hardin, Roy Land, Gary Morse, and Mike Spelman (includes Appendix A) Nov 1981 Volume III The Plankton and Benthos of Lake Conway, AD A109 516 Florida, by T. L. Crisman and F. M. Kooijman Aug 1982 Volume IV Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics of the AD A118 700 Lake Conway Ecosystem: Loading Budgets and a Dynamic Hydrologic Phosphorus Model, by E. c. Blancher II and c. R. Fellows (includes Appendixes A-B) Jul 1983 Volume V The Herpetofauna of Lake Conway, Florida: AD A134 341 Community Analysis, by R. W~ McDiarmid, G~ T. Bancroft, and J. s. Godley (includes Appendixes A-B) Feb 1982 Volume VI The vlater and Sediment Quality of Lake AD A113 854 Conway, Florida, by H. D~ Miller Nov 1981 Volume VII A Model for Evaluation of the Response AD A109 493 of the Lake Conway, Florida, Ecosystem to Introduction of the White Amur, by K. C. Ewel and T. D. Fontaine III (includes Appendix A) Report 3 Second Year Poststocking Results: Jul 1983 Volume V The Herpetofauna of Lake Conway, AD A134 341 Florida: Community Analysis, by R~ w. McDiarmid, G~ T. Bancroft, and J. S. Godley (includes Appendixes A-B) Aug 1982 Volume VI The Water and Sediment Qualitv of Lake AD A118 701 Conway, Florida, by H. D. Miller and Rick Potts Report 4 Third Year Poststocking Results: Jan 1983 Volume VI The Water and Sediment Quality of AD A124 443 Lake Conway, Florida, by H. D. Miller and James Boyd Jun 1984 Report 5 Svnthesis Report, by A. c~ Miller and R. H. AD A145 988 King (includes Appendixes A-C) MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Technical Reports Number Date Title TR A-78-3 Mechanical Harvesting of Aquati0 Plants: Report 1 Field Evaluation of the Aqua-Trio System, by M. M. Culpepper and J. L~ Decell: Oct 1978 Volume I (includes Appendixes A-E) Oct 1978 Volume II Appendix F Jun 1980 Report 2 Evaluation of Selected Handling Functions of Mechani0al Control, bv P- A~ Smith Cin0ludes Appendixes A-G) May 1984 Report 3 Evaluation of the Limnos System, by J- L. Smith Cin0ludes Appendixes A-B) AD A063 932 AD A063 960 AD A088 635 AD Number Number Dete CR A-76-2 Oct 1976 CR A-77-2 May 1977 CR A-76-1 Oct 1976 CR A-77-1 Apr 1977 MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS LABORATORY Aquatic Plant Control Research Program Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Gainesville Biological Control of Aquatic Weeds with Plant Pathogens, by T~ E~ Freeman, R~ Charudattan, K~ E4 Conway, and F~ W4 Zettler SYRACUSE RESEARCH CORPORATION, Syracuse, New York Fate of 2,4-D in Fish and Blue Crabs, by H~ c. Sikka U~ s. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, FISH FARMING EXPERI MENTAL STATION, Stuttgart, Arkansas Production of Monosex White Amur for Aquatic Plant Control, by J. G~ Stanley (includes Appendix A) WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, Dayton, Ohio Characterization and Evaluation of Polymers Containing Herbicides as Pendent Side Chains, by F. w. Harris AD Number AD A032 862 AD A040 678 AD A033 911 AD A038 507 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Vol. Number ----·-- 1 l-9 10 11 Unnuw b~rea 12 13 14 15 29 33 3:) 3d Nar 1939 Nov 1938 tt,ar 1939 Aug 1939 Sep 1939 Jun 1940 Feb 1'342 Jul 1942 Jun 1947 Se!J 1949 Jun 1950 l·lav 19':)2 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Bulletins Con_t_~~~-~-·-------------------------------------------------- Soil Mechanics Series Information About the Engineer Department Research Center and Type of Information Available; Notes on Other Soil Mechanics Laboratories and Progress of Work; Soil Testing Equipment; Characteristics of Bentonite-Treated Sands; New Chemical Grouting Processes. (Second Printing) Efficacy of Bentonite for Control of Seepage; Triaxi.al Compression Machine; Sei.smo5raph Demonstration in Ohio River Division; 11otorized Drill Rig; Lateral Pressures Exerted by lmJJOUnded Debri.s Terzaghi Lectures in Texas (Review of Lecture); Drainage v/ells for Levee Foundations; Tri-axial Notes; Specific Viscosity Correction Factors; Flood ~/all Foundation Photoelasti.c Studies; Compaction of Canal Lining Tri-axial Cowl-lression Testing Internal Drainage of Pervious Levees; Bentonite Grout Tests; Tri-axial llotes; r.osts of Mot(Jrized Drill Rig; Study of Silt Sar.1plers; Field Installation of Test Apparatus; Large Consolidometers Mobile Rotary Drill Rig barge-Mounted; Critical Void Ratio; Soil-bentonite Mixtures; Field Permeability Tests; Com!Jutagram Scale Speeds Sieve Analyses; Form for Loose Triaxial Speciwens; Hinged !wan-Type Auger Relations Between the behavior of Clay Minerals with Respect to Water and the Phvsical Properties of Cohesive Soils; Permeability Characteristics of Mud ~1ountain Impervious Core Material German-English Vocabulary of Soils Terms (compiled by H. B. Edwards) Combined Series Certain Considerations in tne Design of Flexible Pavements, Bases and Sub~rade Electrical Resistivity Exploration Undisturbed Sand Sampling below the Water Table Time Lag and Soil Permeability in Ground-water Observations Torsion Shear Apparatus and Testing Procedures AD Number ---·--------.. AD A950 071 AD 077 625 AD A950 075 AD A950 076 S-2 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Nwnber------ ~e______ IR 1 Apr 1956 Instructions for Use of Field In-place California AD A950 083 Bearing Ratio Apparatus IR 2 Apr 1957 Field Density Determinations by Sand Volume and Drive Cylinder Metr10ds IR 3 Dec 1957 Instructions for Installation ond Observations of Engineering Measurement Devices; Port Allen Lock, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Pl aquewine-l1ort!;CJO City Route IR 4 Nov 1959 Developing a Set of CBR Design Curves AD 658 078 IR 5 Nov 1959 Instructions for Installation and Observations of Engineering Measurelllent Devices, Uld River Navit;ation Lock IR 7 Oct 1965 Description and Application of Airfield Cone Penetrome ter, by w. B. Fenwick IR S-69-1 t~ar 1969 Het Track Abrasion Test for Desi.gn of Asphalt Slurry AD 739 999 Seals IR S-69-2 Apr 1969 Use of Polvpropylene-Asphalt Membrane as an Expedient AD 744 1372 Surfacin6 Material r.. D. Burns and v. in tne Theater of Operations, by c. Barber IR S-69-3 Jul 1969 InstallatirJn of XM18 Mat, by D. W. White Extruded AlUfuinum Airfield Landing AD 856 70u IR S-69-4 Jul 1969 Installation 0f Xi119 Airfield Landing l·lat anu Ancillary AD 856 534 Items, by H. L. Green and o. A. Ellison (includes ApfJendix A) Jun 1973 Appendix B Placement of XM19 Special Surfacing Landing AD 762 1'37 Mat, by G. L. r.arr IR S-69-5 Jun 1969 t·lembrane-Enveloped Soil Layers as !3ase Courses for Air AD 739 565 fields, by C. D. Burns and W. N. orabston IR S-69-6 Jun 1969 Landing Mat Overlays on DeteriorateJ Landing Mat or AD 739 566 Pavements, by c. D. Burns and W. N. Brabston IR S-70-1 Apr 19'70 Rapid Assessment of Soil Strength at Aircraft Landing AD 705 572 Sites, by G. M. Ha~nitt IR S-70-2 flji;jy 1970 Criteria for Inspection, Evaluation, Classification, AD 700 J9l and Reuse of Used Airfield Landing Mat, by P. J. Ve<.Jros and D. N. Brown IR S-70-~ J..Jri 1970 Restoration of Landing-Mat-Surfaced Subgrades by Grouting r~ethods, by c. D. Burns and V. c. Barber SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number IR S-70-4 IR S-70-5 IR S-71-l IR S-71-2 IR S-72-1 IR S-72-2 IR S-72-'3 IR S-73-l IR S-74-1 IR S-74-2 IR S-74-3 IR S-75-l IH S-76-l IR S-77-1 IR S-77-2 IR S-77-3 Date Jun 1970 Dec 1970 Feb 1971 Mar 1971 Mar 1972 Apr 1972 Sep 1972 May 1973 Apr 1974 Jun 1974 May 1974 Jun 1974 Sep 1974 Jun 1975 Apr 197b Jun 1977 Jul 1977 Nov 1977 ..;;T.;;i~t_-::l..;;e__________________________________________ Description, Placement Maintenance and Recovery In structions for XW18 Membrane, by s~ G-Tucl{er and R. H., Grau romputer Method for ~ggregate Blending, by B. E., Lutter and T., D. rlhite Techniques for Rapid Road ronstruction Using MembraneEnveloped Soil Layers, by A. H., Joseph and s. L., Webster Maintenance and Repair Practices for Pavements Geometric Design of Military Roads in the Theater of Operations (Interim Procedure), by V. c. barber and D.. N. Brown Blasting Guide Emplacement and Maintenance of Dust-rontrol Materials, by M. M., Culpepper Evaluation and Maintenance of Expedient-Surfaced Airfield Facilities, by P., J., Vedros, Jr. Determination of In-Place Moisture and Density by Nuclear Methods, by S., L. Webster Errata Sheet No. 1 Installation of ~eavy-Duty Truss-Web Extruded Aluminum Airfield Landing Mat, by D. w. White, Jr., Errata Sheet No. l Stabilization of Soil and Ag;~regate ~iaterials for Forward Area Operations, by R. W., Grau Slurry Seal Surface Treat•nents, by L. N. Godwin (includes Appendixes A-C) Research and Deve1opt.,ent ~lanagement Analysis Systeln (RDMAS), by S., F., Rutz (includes Appendixes A-E) Procedures for Development of CBR Design Curves, by A. Taboza Pereira (includes Appendix A) Heater-Planer, Heater-Scarifier, and Heater-Re~ix Overlay Maintenance Procedures for Bituminous Pave ments, by R., w. Grau (includes Appendix A) Procedure for Upe,rading Deteriorated Theater of Opera tions (TO) Pavement Facilities, by c. D. Burns AD Number AD 756 369 AD 756 127 AD 720 194 AD 739 915 AD 756 179 AD 762 126 AD 779 422 AD 779 423 AD AOOl 521 AD A014 164 AD A025 447 AD A043 447 AD A043 270 AD A047 630 SuiLS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number------- Date Title AD Number MP 3-2 Apr 1952 Analysis ·of Design, Drainage Structures Below Hor!!,an City, Franklin, Centerville, Maryland, North Bend, Ellerslie and Gordy; Foundation Investigation MP 4-3 Condition Survey: Apr 1952 Report Sewart Air Force Base, Smyrna, Tennessee Oct 1952 Report 2 Pope Air Force Base, Fort Bragg, North AD 010 210 Carolina Nov 1952 Report 3 Lawson Air Force Base, Fort Benning, Georgia AD 010 351 Mar 1953 Report 4 Ardmore Air Force Base, Ardmore, Oklahoma AD 010 352 Jun 1953 Report 5 Eglin Air Force Base, Valparaiso, Florida Jun 1953 Report 6 Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D~ c~ Sep 1954 Report 7 Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New ~1exico, Surveys of 1945-1952 MP 3-4 Apr 1952 Construction and Testing of the Cone Sounding Device MP 3-5 Apr 1952 Pumping Tests on Pressure Relief Well System, Outlet Structure Excavation, Grenada Dam MP 3-6 May 1952 Field Observations on Texas and Pacific Main Line Rail road Embankment, Morg.anza Flood way, Louisiana MP 3-9 Aug 1952 Potomology Barrel Samples MP 3-10 Sep 1Y52 Torsion Shear Study AD 8951 469 MP 3-12 Aug. 1952 Study of Variability of Sand Deposits MP 3-14 AUt;; 1952 Tentative Design Curves for Military Vehicular Traffic MP 3-15 Sep 1952 Freezing Test on Soil AD 010 353 MP 4-16 Oct 195.2 Development of Tentative CBR Curves for Airplane Wheels AD 010 355 on Unsurfaced Soils MP 3-17 Sep 1952 Review of Soi.ls Desig.n and Construction of Bayou Rapides AD B951 .469 Draina~e Structure : ~1P 4-'29 Dec 1952 Develop111ent or Tentative C:BH Design Curves for Landing AD 008 639 Mats MP 4-32 Nov 1Y52 Experimental Puvements at Presque Isle Air Force Base, Maine Numuer Date MP 4-34 Apr 1953 MP 3-37 Jun 1953 MP 4-38 Feb 1954 HP 3-40 CJct 1952 * jvJp 4-i-!3 Jul 1953 t1P 4-44 Jul 1953 t4P 4-4:i Jul 19')3 lAP 4-46 Au.;; 1953 MP 4-47 Au~ 1953 ~1P 3-50 (Jet 1953 M? i.l-51 Jet 1953 iW 3-52 Oct 1953 ~lP i-53 Nov 1953 :'IP 4-54 Get 19'53 r1P :J-'::>7 Oct 1952 MP 3-59 Jan 1952 l4P 3-bO ,Jan 1952 i'li-' '~-.j l Jun 1951 l"tP 4·-02 Jan 1950 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Title--------------------·--------·----..... --------·---·--------·-........ -------- AD Nurnl!er Jet Operations on Parking Aprons ~t E~lin, MacDill, and Pinecastle Air Force Bases and Recmmoended Test Procedure to Simulate the Operations Review of Soils Ue::;ig.n Calumet Flood~ates and r:onstruction of East and West Collection of Available Data Bituminous Paving Mixes on Shell Ag~regate for Review of Soils Design Canal Pumping Plant and Construction of WalKer Lake Report of Limited Laboratory Tests on Baromix Limited Investigation of Use of Emulsified Hot-~ix Asphaltic Concrete Asphalt in Study of Effect of Asphalt ,uent Durability Content on Bituminous Pave Tentative Changes Paving Mixes When Gravity in Vr; ids Cr i.teria for Bituminous Using 'Bulk-Impregnated' Specific Subgrade Preparation Sharonville, Ohio for Overlay, Test Trar.k No. 2, Investibation of Jnderseepage, Sections River Levee, Memphis, Tennessee b and 7, Wolf Rollini Resistance Tests on Landing Mat AD 126 281 Instructions Concerning Borings and Installations of Piezometers and Pressure Relief Wells Review of Soils Design and Field rocodrie Drainage Structure Observations of B~you Traffic Tests on Metal and Vinvl Membranes An Investi~ation of the Water Perweability und Hesistance of a Bituminous roncrete Paving Mix Various De~rees of Densitv Jet-Fuel at Seismic Survey of Grand Island Seismic Su.rvey of Dam Sites in Upstate New York Collection of Letter Curves Reports on Flexible Pavement Design Evaluation of Pavements, Vdirbanks, Alaska ~ielson Air Force Base, SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number Date--·---- Title--·--------------------------... ---.. ----------.....---·-----------·-·-- AD Number MP 3-64 Aug 1<:151 Seismic Survey of the S!JOkane River Valley * MP 4-71 Dec 1953 Summary of Investigations at the Proposed Carneri Ai.r Base Site, Cameri, Italy MP 4-73 Sep 1954 A Study of ~1oisture-Content Determinations on Selected AD 041 085 Soils r4P 3-78 Feb 1954 DeLong Pier Foundation Tests * l~P 4-79 Nov 1952 Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Tar and Tar Rubber Blends for Binders for Flexible Paveu1ents to Resist Jet Fuel and Jet Blasts MP 4-81 Apr 1954 Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course with Shell Aggregate, Eglin Field No. 9 MP 4-84 Apr 1954 Relative Stress Distributing Efficiency of Pav~nent Layers MP 3-86 Corrosion Tests of l~etals, Sardis Dam, Mississi!Jpi: Apr 1<:154 Report 1 Hesults of Three and One-half Years Exposure MP 4-3o May 1954 Investigation of the Penetration of Asphalt Into Porous Aggre~ates ~s Related to and Affecting the Specific Gravity of the Aggregate MP 3-90 Jun 1954 Plastic Pipe for Relief Well Risers MP 4-91 Jul 1954 Effect of Exhaust of F-lOOA Aircraft on Airfield Pave AD 756 327 ments; Summary -M-:mthan Air Force base, Arizona * MP 4-<:12 Aug 1954 Investigation of Formula VL as a Protective Treatment for Asphaltic-Concrete Surfaces MP 4-93 Condition Surveys of Soil-Cement Construction: Se!J 1954 Report 1 Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia Nov 1954 Report 2 Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, Georgia MP 4-95 Sep 1953 Effect of Addition of Sodium Tetraphosphate to Vicksburb Lean Clay 111' 4-98 11ar 1952 Jet-Blast and Fuel-Spillage Tests at Hunter Air Force Ba::;e, Georgia MP 4-100 t~ar 1955 Construction Index !\D A'::i50 079 t1P 4-102 Oct 1954 The Canputation of Stress and Strain in a Two-Laver Sy:;tem * ~tatement b. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number Date----- Title--------------------------------------------- AD Number ---~ * MP 4-104 Mar 1955 Evaluation of Forward Airstrip Criteria for Soil Strength AD 112 973L MP 3-106 Aug 1950 Shellperm Process for Impermeabilizing Sand MP 4-110 Nov 1954 Plane Operations on Unprepared Landing Strip at Eglin AD 756 112 Air Force Base, Florida MP 4-111 Feb 1955 Analytical Studies of Urthotropic Landing Mats for Forward Airfields MP 4-118 Feb 1955 Tests on an Absorptive Aggregate to Study Effect of Absorption and Gradation on Voids in C:ompacted Bituminous Paving Mix MP 4-121 l'lar 1955 Procedures for Establishing Family of Voids Curves for Hot-Mix Bituminous Pavement MP -~-122 Summary Review of ~oil Stabilization Processes: Apr 1955 Revort 1 Summary Review of Lignin and Chrome-Lignin AD B951 470 Processes for Soil Stabilization Jan 1956 ReiJort 2 Calcium Acrvlate Tr~atment AD 085 062 Sep l95b Report 3 Soil-Cement AD 107 687 Nov 1956 Report 4 Bituminous Treatment AD 113 306 Aug 1957 Report 5 Hydrated Lime and Quicklime May 1961 Report 6 Mixing Principles, Techni4ues and Equipment AD 653 533 Oct 1961 Report 7 Electrical Stabilization of Fine-Grained Soils MP 4-124 Apr 1955 Laboratorv Investigation of Rubber Waterstop Failures in AD 756 308 Concrete Structures Caused by Differential t4ovements of Adjacent l"lonol i ths MP ::1-126 !-lay 1955 Geologic Conditions at the Low-Sill Structure, Old River Control Site HP 4-127 May 1955 Field Compaction Tests with Impact Comj.Jactor MP 4-129 Oct 1954 Present Status of Soil Stabilization MP 4-130 Oct 1954 Present Status of Studies Related to Airhead C:onstructi·:m MP 3-131 May 1955 Control of Underseepage, Hississippi River Levees, St. Louis District, l.orps of Engineers MP 4-134 Jun 1955 Test of Congercote as a Jet-Fuel-Resistant Coating MP 4-136 Jul 1955 Investigation of Shell and Sand-Shell Mixes for Base AD 084 818 Courses * Statement B. See Preface. Number-------- Date MP 3-138 May 1956 MP 3-140 Aug 1955 l4P 4-142 Aug 1955 MP 4-144 Sep 1955 MP 3-145 Sep 1955 MP 3-148 Jan 1956 MP 4-150 Jan 1956 MP 3-151 Feb 1956 MP 4-152 Feb 1956 MP 3-157 Feb 1956 MP 4-162 Mar 1956 MP 4-170 May 1956 Mar 1962 MP 4-172 Jun 1956 MP 4-175 Jun 11}56 1·1P 3-176 Jul 1956 MP 4-179 Jul 1956 MP 4-180 Aug 1956 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Title Operational Suitability Test of Mobile Materials Laboratory M-2 Memphis, Wolf River, and Nonconnah Creek, Tennessee Project, Section 1-B Floodwall; Investigation of Failure of \lol f River Bank and Preliminary Investigation of Alternate ilall Alignment Fuel-Spillage Tests on Tar-Rubber Paving, Homestead Air Force Base, Florida Report of Trip to Savannah District and Hunter, Pinecastle, and MacDill Air Force Bases in Connection with Drainpipe Study Preliminary Investigation of Chrome-Lignin as a Stabi lizing Agent in Vicksburg Loess Soil Pile Loading Tests, Low-Sill Structure -Old River Control i'iaterways Experiment Station Large Triaxial Device A Quaternary Ammonium Salt as a Stabilizing Agent in Vicksburg Loess Soil Cooperative Study of Bulk Impregnated Specific Gravity Foundation Studies for DeLong Piers in the NorfolK, Virginia, Area Specific Gravity and Voids Relationships in Bituminous Pavement Mix Design Weathering Tests on Bituminous Pavement Samples: Report 1 Observations of Effects Through 1954 Report 2 Observations of Effects Throue;h November 1959 Laboratory Report of Tests on Harmon Air Force Base Asphalt and Asphalt Pavement Moisture Conditions Under Flexible Airfield Pavements Review of Materials and Methods for Dustproofing and ilaterproofing Soils Laboratory Investigation of Use of Volcanic Cinders for Bituminous Paving for Lajes Air Force Base, Azores A Study of the Effects of H-21 Helicopter Operations on Flexible Puvewents AD Number AD A006 527 AD B951 471 AD 8951 472 AD 756 294 AD 105 20~ SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number _.............. -···--... Date Tit],__~···-···-----·-··--·••.....·-------·-·-···----·--------------·-- AD Number ---------------- MP 3-181 Sep 1956 Air Photo Interpretation of Alluvial Soils in the Valley of the Lower Mississippi River and Their Engineering Significance MP 3-182 Sep 1956 Air Photo Interpretation in Marshland Areas as Exempli fied by Central Coastal Louisiana, u. s. A. MP 3-185 Sep 1956 Mi.ssissippi River and Tributaries, Old River Control, Low-Sill Structure; Pumping Tests on Deep Well System for Dewatering Excavation * l·1P 4-186 Nov 1956 Experiments in Destabilizi.ng Soils with C:hemicals AD A006 525 MP 4-190 Dec 1956 Field C:ompaction Tests with Jay (Model J-12) Plate-Type Vibratory Compactor MP 4-194 Mar 1957 Limited Investigation of Stresses and Strains Produced Within a Mass of Sand Confined in a Rigid Cylinder 14P 4-197 Jan 1957 A Study of In-place Density Determinations for Base Courses and Soils MP 4-199 Mar 1957 Study of Nuclear Probes for Determinati.on of Airfield Densi.ties and Moistures t·1P 3-200 l~ar 1957 Dewatering Excavation, Low Sill Structure, Old River, Louisiana MP 4-202 t~ar 1957 Effects of H-21 Helicopter Landing Gear Loadings on Flexible Pavements MP 3-205 t·1ar 1957 Underseepage and Its Control -- Mississippi River Levees ~1P 4-207 l'lar 1957 Tests on Asphalt Paving for Frobisher, N~ w. T. HP 3-203 !~ar 1957 Mississippi Valley Geology, Its Engineerin~ Significance ~1? 4-210 Mar 1957 Cor!lpaction of Bituminous Concrete I'IP 4-213 Condition Surveys of Pavement Subjected to Channelized Traffic: Apr 1957 Report 1 Davis-Monthan AFI:l, Tucson, Arizona AD 756 295 Jun l95i.l Report 2 March Air Force Base, Riverside, C:alifornia AD 756 296 Nr;v 1951! Report 3 McCoy Air Force Base, Orlando, Florida AD 756 297 Dec 1959 Report 4 l'ialker Air Force Base, Roswell, New Mexico MP 3-215 t1ay 1957 Geology of the Proposed Lower Auxiliary Channel, Yazoo River Basin * Statement B. See Pref'ace. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number------ ~--- Title--------···--,·--·-··--·-.. -... ---------·---_____________.,.______ --...... ...... ----·-·- AD Number____.. ____________ MP 4-216 Apr 1957 Laboratory Tests on Aggregate and Preliminary 13i turninous Mix for Sondrestromfjord, Greenland MP 4-220 May 1957 Relationship Between Tire Pressure and Marginal-Road Deterioration, Pilot Tests MP 4-221 May 1957 Possible Auxiliary Uses of Extruded Tll Aluminum and TU AD 756 303 Magnesium Landing Mats MP 4-225 Hay 1957 Effects of Jet Blast and Fuel Spillage on Bituminous Pavements MP 4-228 Jul 1957 Evaluation of McConnaughay (Model HTD-500) Asphalt Patch Plant t1P 4-232 Aug 1957 Placement of rold-Mixed Asphaltic Pavements in the \.aribbean Area MP 4-233 Aug 1957 Interim Report on Study of Porpoising MP 4-240 Oct 1957 Effect of Tire Pressures and Lift Thicknesses on r.om paction of Soil with Rubber-Tired Rollers MP 4-243 Nov 1957 Development of Multiple-1/heel \.BR Design Criteria t~P 4-244 Nov 1957 Asphalt Mix Design for Different Climatic Regions AD l:l951 476 MP 4-245 Dec 1957 Laboratory Investigation of the Use of Various Elastotllers with Tar as a binding Agent for Jet-Fuel-and Jet-Blast Resist-nt Pavements MP 4-246 Nov 1957 Dry-Ice Freezing of a Small Unprepared Soil Area AD l:l951 477 MP 4-252 Jan 1958 Notes on the Corps of Engineers' CBR Design Procedures MP 4-253 Jan 1958 Study rJf Soi.l-Cement Base rourses on ~·iil itary Airfi.elds NP 3-258 Mar 1958 Geological Heconnai ssance, \.oo per Dam Site, South Sulphur River, Texas MP 3-259 Feb 1958 Geological Investi~ation of the Mississippi River-Gulf' Outlet Channel MP 4-260 Mar 1958 Failure Cri.teria for Flexible Ai.rfield Pave111ents HP 4-261 t1ar 1958 Progress Report on the r.orps of l::ngineers' Kneadin6 r.om pactor for Bituminous Mixtures MP 4-269 Jun 1958 Index of Compar;tion Characteristics * t1P 11-271 Jun 195!l Field C:rJCnpaction Tests wi.th Terrapac Vi bratorv Holler * HP 4-'272 Jun l95!l Field CrJmpaction Tests ;li.th Duo-PactrJr SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP 4-273 Jun 1958 Field Compaction Tests with Dynapactor * MP 4-287 Oct 1958 Fuel-Spillage and Traffic Tests Coat ,Material on Jennite J-16 Seal MP 4-288 Oct 1958 Laboratory Investigation of Asbestos Fibers with Emulsified Seal-Coat Materials for Rubberized-Tar Concrete MP 4-292 Nov 1958 Laboratory Study for Improvement of Rubberized-Tar Specifications ~1P 4-294 Nov 1958 Evaluation of the California Extractor for Bituminous Pavement MP 4-301 Feb 1959 Use of Nonflammable Solvents in Determining the Hater Content of Bituminous Mixtures MP 4-302 Jan 1959 Laboratory Tests for Bituminous Seal-Coat Materials Specifications Jan 1959 Accelerated Proof-Tests of Runway Pavement, Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi MP 4-304 Feb 1959 Performance of Rubberized-Tar Concrete Pavements on Airfield Facilities ~1P 4-305 Dec 1957 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Goodfellow Air Force Base, Auxiliary Field No. 6, Van Court, Texas MP 4-306 t1ar 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas MP 4-309 Apr 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Dyess Air Force Base, Abilene, Texas r1P 4-31 o r1ay 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; James Base, Waco, Texas Connally Air Force MP 4-311 Airfield Pavement Evaluation: May 1958 Report 6 on McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, California Dec 1959 Report 7 on McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, California Feb 1960 Report 8 on McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, California MP 4-312 Jun 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, California MP 4-313 Jun 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Gray Air Force Base, Killeen, Texas * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP 4-314 Jul 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, Georgia MP 4-315 Sep 1958 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Bergstrom Air Force Base, Austin, Texas t4P 4-316 Jan 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Report 7 on Force Base, Sacramento, California Mather Air MP 4-317 Jan 1959 Laboratory Investigation of t4oment-Transferring End Joints for Airplane Landing Mat MP 4-321 Feb 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Report 8 on 1·1ather Air Force Base, Sacramento, California MP 4-325 Mar 1959 Measurements of Ground Blast, Redstone Missile ~1P 4-333 Apr 1959 Theory and Application of a Gyratory Testing Machine for Hot-Mix Bituminous Pavement ** MP 4-335 Apr 1959 Effects of Asbestos Fibers in Asphaltic Concrete PavingMixtures MP 3-336 Apr 1959 Review of Report, "Navigation Feature, Arkansas River Multiple-Purpose Plan of Improvement Route Below Pine Bluff, Arkansas" MP 3-339 Apr 1959 Design Memorandum, Construction r4aterials for Cooper Dam MP 3-341 Jun 1959 Sources of Pertinent Geologic Data for Lower 11ississippiValley Division Engineers ~1P 3-346 Jul 1959 Liquid Limit Results from Various Types of GroovingTools MP 4-347 Jul 1959 Measurement of Effects of Traffic with the Shell Road Vibration Machine t·1P 4-348 Jul 1959 Dynamic Testing of Pavements ~1P 4-352 Aug 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Altus Air Force Base, Altus, Oklahoma MP 4-353 Aug 1959 Airfield Pavemeht Evaluation, Altus Air Force Base, Altus, Oklahoma (Oet~iled Report Complete with Supporting Data) t1P 4-356 Sep 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Davis Oklahoma Field, Muskogee, MP 4-357 Sep 1959 Comparison of Compaction Data Developed by Various Typesof 11echanical and Hand Compaction Hammers AD B951 478 * Department of Defense Use Only.** Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEt4ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 3-359 Oct 1959 Microstudy of Boring Samples, Cooper Dam Sulphur River, Texas Site, South t1P 3-360 Oct 1959 Critical Elements of Design and Construction of HeavyDuty Flexible Pavements MP 3-361 Oct 1959 Summary of Rotary Cone Penetrometer Investigations AD 8951 473 t1P 4-364 Nov 1959 Investigation of Effects of 50,000-lb Wheel-Load Traffic on a Shallow-Buried Flexible Pipe AD A006 522 ~1P 4-365 Nov 1959 Traffic Evaluation Tests of Rogers Dry Lake, California MP 4-366 Nov 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas * MP 4-367 Dec 1959 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins, Georgia MP 3-368 Jul 1952 Prelirlinary Investigation of t1ultiple-Stage-Loading Triaxial Shear Tests rw 4-369 Jan 1960 Study of Lateral Runways Distribution of Aircraft Traffic on MP 4-373 Jan 1960 Nondestructive Testing of Pavements t1P 4-375 Jan 1960 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Reese Air Force Base, Lubbock, Texas, and Appendix A: ation Studies Made for Evalu MP 4-376 Jan 1960 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; James Base, Waco, Texas, and Appendix A: Evaluation Connally Air Force Studies Made for * ~1P 4-379 Feb 1960 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Hunter Air Force Base, Savannah, Georgia, Evaluation and Appendix A: Studies Hade for MP 4-380 Feb 1960 Summary of Results of Compaction Studies Conducted Road Research Laboratory, England by t1P 3-383 t~ar 1960 Compaction of Emban~nents MP 4-385 Mar 1960 Life Expectancy of Sand-Asphalt nixes for Upper-Bank Revetments t~P 3-337 Apr 1960 Shore-Line Fluctuations Bayou, Louisiana in the Vicinity of Fresh1~ater AD A006 526 MP 4-388 Apr 1960 Evaluation Tests of Epon-Asphalt Pavement ~1P 4-390 May 1960 Duplication of Prototype Stress-Strain Relations by Laboratory Tests * Statement B. See Pr~face. S-14 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP 4-391 Jun 1960 Field Tests of Divided Bathtub-Type Blast Deflector, Nike-Ajax Missile * MP 4-392 Jun 1960 Blast Deflector Field Tests, Corporal Missile MP 4-393 Jun 1960 Stresses and Deflections in Homogeneous Soil Masses MP 4-394 t1ay 19fi0 Strength Requirements Operations in Unsurfaced Soils for Aircraft MP 4-396 Jul 1960 Preliminary Investigation of a Fiber-Resin Depositor for Expedient Ground Surfacing rw 4-397 Jun 1960 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Perrin Air Force Base, Sherman, Texas, and Appendix A: Evaluation Studies Made for MP 4-39R Jun 1960 Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Hebb Air Force Rase, Big Spring, Texas, and Appendix A: ation Studies Made for Evalu HP 4-411 Sep 1960 Army Airfield Pavement Evaluation; Lawson Army Airfield, Fort Benning, Georgia, and Appendix A: Studies Made for Evaluation AD 756 328 MP 3-418 Mar 1961 Theoretical Study of the Displacement of Long Footings by Dynamic Loads AD 255 054 MP 4-427 Apr 1961 Airfield Pavement ~valuation; Reese Air Force Base Auxiliary Airfield, Terry County, Texas, and Appendix A: Studies Made for Evaluation AD 756 310 ~1P 3-428 Jan 1961 Physical Components of the Shear Strength of Saturated Clays * t1P 4-430 t1ay 1961 Blast Deflector Field Tests, Honest John Rocket AD 465 808L t1P 3-432 ,Jun 1961 Calibration and Installation of Electrical Measuring Devices and Wall Deflection Pipes, Port Allen Lock AD A006 521 r1r 4-436 Jul 1961 Interim Report of Experimental Crack Sealing in Asphaltic Concrete Pavements, Thule Air Base, Greenland, 8-?.4 August 1960 t1P 3-437 Jun 1961 Results of Tests on Concrete Cylinders and fill, Port Allen Lock Sand Back- AD 756 357 t1P 4-440 Aug 1961 Effect of Heavy \/heel Loads on 12-In.-niameter Rigid Pipe Under Various nepths of Cover nr 3-445 Aug 1961 Dynamic Loading r1achine and Results of Prelirnindry Small-Scale Footing Tests * Statement B. See Preface. Number .• MP 3-449 MP 4-451 MP 3-454 MP 3-455 MP 4-459 MP 4-466 MP 4-470 f1P 3-474 MP 3-478 * * Statement B. Date Aug 1961 Sep 1961 May 1962 Oct 1961 Dec 1961 Rev'; sed Jul 1965 Jan 1962 Feb 1962 Feb 1962 Nov 1958 r1ay 1960 Apr 1961 Apr 1961 Feb 1962 Oct 1963 Feb 1965 Jun 1964 Feb 1968 Oec 1967 See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMEflTS LABORATORY. Miscellaneous Papers Title Soils Team for Inspection of ICBt1 Facilities Condition Survey of NE-SW Runway and Parallel Taxiway, Foss Field, Sioux Falls, South Dakota . . . Development of. llnderreamer for Small Spherical Cavities Investigations with Rotary Cone Penetrometer Ground Flotation Requirements for Aircraft Landing Gear Construction of Epoxy-Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida Critical Problems Affecting Ouality of Heavy-Duty Flexible Pavements Feasibility Study of the Gyratory t1achine for Testing Soils Evaluation of Soil t·1echanics Laboratory Equipment: Report Warlam Triaxial Apparatus for 6-In.-Diameter Samples Report 2 Evaluation of Karol-Harner Conbel Consolidation Loading Device Report 3 Evaluation of Available Liquid Limit Devices Report 4 Determination of Liquid an.d Plastic Limits of Soils by the Cone Penetration f1ethod Report 5 Comparison .of Speed of Various .Balances Report 6. Sieve Analyses of Granular Soils for Division La bora tori es Report 7 The ETCO Consolidation Device, by J. E. Mitchell Report 8 Evaluation of the Beckman Model 930 Air Compari son Pycnometer, by ,J. E. r~itchell Report 9 Comparison of Controlled-Stress and Controlled-Strain Direct Shear Tests on Two Compacted Soils, by J. E. f1itchell Report 10 Pore Water Pressure Measuring Devices for Triaxial Compression Testing of Soils, by J. R. Compton, D. M. Vick, and J. E. t1itchell AD Number AD A006 534 AD 620 312 AD 756 306 AD A032 586 AD A032 588 AD A032 590 AD A032 643 AD A032 644 AD A032 645 AD A032 646 AD A032 647 AD A032 648 AD 8015 262L SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title An Number MP 3-478 * (Cont) Jan 1970 Report 11 Anteus Back-Pressure Consolidation Apparatus,Model A, by Leslie Oevay AD 908 494L Jun 1971 Report 12 ~1odified Berkeley Pneumatic Tamper for Compacting Test Specimens of Cohesive Soils, by AD 756 184 B. N. Maciver and R. T. Oonaghe Aug 1974 Report 13 Feasibility Study, Microwave Oven Used for Rapid Detennination of Soil Water Contents, by P. A. Gilbert MP 4-479 Mar 1962 Load-Carrying Evaluation of Alkali Missile Range, flew Mexico Flat Area, White Sands AD 672 493 MP 3-481 Apr 1962 Distribution and Engineering Significance of Sediments Bordering the ~1ississippi from Donaldsonville to the Gulf AD A006 536 MP 4-483 Apr 1962 Preliminary Investigation of Effects of SkydrolAsphalt Concrete Pavement on Epoxy ~1P 4-486 Apr 1962 Controlled Tests of f1ixed Loads on Flexible Pavements 1·1P 4-487 Apr 1962 Design of Flexible Pavements Considering 14ixed Loads and Traffic Vo1ume' ~1P 3-488 Apr 1962 Comparison of Results of Liquid Limit Tests by Standard and One-Point Methods 11P 3-489 Jul 1962 Review of 11cGee Bend Dam nes ign MP 3-492 f1ay 1962 Investigation of Vicksburg Limestone for Initial of Old River Closure 11P 4-494 11ay 1962 Gyratory Compaction Method for Detennining DensityRequirements for Subgrade and Base of Flexible Pavements MP 4-495 ~lay 1962 A Study of Surface-Type Nuclear Instrur.1ents for Determining Soil Moisture and Density ~1P 4-496 Jun 1962 Traffic Testing of Pipe Beneath Heavy-Load Rigid Pavement MP 3-499 Jul 1962 Review of Beaver Dam Design 1·1P 4-501 Jun 1962 Development of CBR Design Curve for 119112 Landing ~1at MP 3-503 Jul 1962 Seepage Analysis for Columbia Lock and Dam MP 3-504 Jul 1962 Results of Investigations of Slide Area at Mint SpringsBayou Bridge, Vicksburg National Military Park ~1P 3-507 Jul 1962 Ouachita River, General Geology * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number_______... ___ Date Title----··-·-···------------------------------------- AD Number MP 3-508 Jul 1962 Project Otter: Data Collection and Instrumentation Plan MP 3-509 Jul 1962 Plan for Surface Storage of Salt, Tatum Dome, Lamar AD 757 391 County, Mississippi MP 3-518 Aug 1962 Geologic Aspects of Site Selection, Columbia Lock and Dam, Ouachita River, Louisiana MP 4-519 Aug 1962 Visit to Detachment 1, 445th Troop Carrier Wing, As~ault, USAF, Memphis Municipal Airport, Memphis, Tennessee, 9 May 1962 MP 4-525 Aug 1955 Construction and Fuel-Spillage Tests, Firestone Panels 512 and 510B MP 4-526 Aug 1962 Bomb-Grater Repair Study, Fort Bragg, N. c., 23 June- AD A032 893 3 July 1962 MP 3-532 Oct 1962 Results of Laboratory Tests on Foundation and Borrow Soils, Beech River Dam MP 3-534 Sep 1962 Waterstop Failure in Tunnel at Complex 1-G, Larson Air Force Base, Titan I Facility HP 4-537 Sep 1962 Goose Air Base, Labrador, Epoxy-Asphaltic Pavement Project, 14 July-11 August 1962 MP 4-540 Oct 1962 Investigation of Possible Damages to Ole Miss Airport at Oxford, Mississippi, 26 October 1962 MP 3-544 Nov 1962 Review of Stability Analysis, Table Rock Dam ~1P 4-545 Nov 1962 Visit to Fort Bragg, N. c., and Charleston AFB, s. c., 17 October 1962 11P 3-546 Dec 1962 Lower OUachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana, AD A006 535 General Geology MP 4-550 Ja:1 1963 Important Considerations Resulting from Corps of Engineers' Flexible Pavement Experience MP 3-554 Ja:1 1963 Calibration and Installation of Electrical Measuring Devices and Results of Tests on Concrete and Sand Back fill, Old River Lock MP 3-555 Feb 1963 General Geology, Lower St. Francis River, Arkansas t1P 4-557 Feb :963 Preliminarv Examination of Space-Vehicle Launch AD A006 528 Facility Foundation Data MP 4-559 Feb 1963 Importance of Compaction and Quality of Crushed-Stone Bases Number Date MP 3-561 Mar 1963 MP 3-562 Mar 1963 MP 4-565 Mar 1963 MP 3-566 Mar 1963 MP 3-569 Apr 1963 MP 3-571 Apr 1963 MP 3-572 Apr 1963 MP 3-574 May 1963 MP 4-576 May 1963 MP 4-577 Jun 1963 MP 4-580 Jun 1963 MP 4-581 Jul 1963 MP 3-582 Jun 1963 MP 4-584 Jul 1963 MP 3-595 Aug 1963 MP 4-599 Sep 1963 MP 4-600 Sep 1963 MP 3-605 Oct 1963 MP 4-614 Dec 1963 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Paper.;;_ Title ---------------------------·-··-- Methodology and Paleogeographic Interpretation of Flysch Formations; A Summary of Studies in the Maritime Alps Distribution and Lateral Variability of Heavy Minerals in the Annot Sandstones Visit to Fort Campbell, Ky., to Construct Tl5 t1embraneSurfaced Runway and Helicopter Landing Pad, 17-24 September 1962 Vertical Petrographic Variability in Annot Sandstone Turbidities: Some Preliminary Observations and Generalizations Site Geology, Columbia Lock and Dam, Ouachita River, Louisiana Geologic Aspects pf Site Selection, Jonesville Lock and Dam, Black River,: Louisiana Dynamic Bearing Capacity of Soils--Field Test--The Response of Impulsively Loaded Square Footings on Frenchman Flat Silt Stability of Crater Slopes, Project Sedan (superseded by Miscellaneous Paper 3-662) Investigation of Foundations for Launch Facilities for Space Vehicles, Cape Canaveral, Florida A Procedure for Determining Elastic Moduli of Soils by Field Vibratory Techniques Effect of Antenna Operation on Structure and Foundation Behavior TTR Tower, White Sands Missile Rarige, New Mexico Evaluation of M9Ml Landing Mat Review of Greers Ferry Dam Design Nondestructive Dynamic Testing of Proposed Radar Sites, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico Geologic Aspects of Site Selection, Haleside Pumping Station, Lower St. Francis River, Arkansas Development of CBR Design Curves for AMl Landing Mat Improved Beach Matting Tests at Onslow Beach, N. c., 20-25 May 1963 Soil Stabilization Requirements for Military Roads and Airfields in the Theater of Operations Report of Trip to Griffiss Air Force Base, 7-18 October 1963 AD Number ----·---·-- AD A006 529 AD A006 532 AD A006 531 AD 409 826 AD 756 292 AD A006 530 AD 749 988 AD 749 992 AD 749 989 AD 749 993 AD 749 994 AD 450 617 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous PaEers Number Date Title AD Number ---~------------ MP 4-615 Jan 1964 Development of CBR Design Curves for Harvey Aluminum AD 749 _467 Landing Mat MP 4-617 Jan 1964 Dynamic Tests, Proposed Navy X-Band Antenna Site, AD 749 995 Waldorf, Maryland MP 3-618 Jan 1964· Project PRE-SCHOONER, Geological Investigations for Test AD 749 466 Site Selection, Gold Meadows Area, Nevada Test Site MP 4-620 Feb 1964 Construction of Membrane-Surfaced Runwav and Helicopter AD 749 996 Launching Pad, Ft. Benning, Georgia MP 4-636 Mar 1964 Vibration Tests, Nevada Test Site, Mercury, Nevada, AD 749 997 11-16 February 1964 MP 3-639 Apr 1964 Additional Site Exploration, Vacuum Solar Telescope Site, AD 749 990 Sacramento Peak, New Mexico MP 4-645 Apr 1964 Dynamic Tests, Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, Mercury, AD 750 274 Nevada MP 4-655 Jun 1964 Development of CBR Design Curve for Modified AMl Landing AD 749 810 Mat MP 4-656 Jun 1964 Evaluation of Convair Landing Mat AD 749 812 MP 4-657 Jul 1964 WES Investigational Project -Soil Infiltration Studies AD 845 375 of Corrugated Steel Pipe MP 3-661 Jun 1964 Field Vane Shear Investigation, Willow Point, Louisiana AD 749 811 MP 3-662 Jul 1964 Project SEDAN, Stability of Crater Slopes (supersedes AD 749 991 Miscellaneous Paper 3-574) MP 3-664 Jul 1964 Effect of Large-Size Particles on the Shear Strength of a Saturated Clay Gravel MP 4-666 Jan 1965 Dvnamic Soils Investigations, PROJECT BUGGY, Buckboard AD 751 099 Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Mercury, Nevada_, by z. B. Fry MP 3-675 Sep 1964 Stratigraphic-Sedimentological Investigation of Missis AD 751 174 sippi River Bank Failure, Fort Jackson, Louisiana, by D. J. Stanlev MP 3-676 Oct 1964 Compaction Tests on Gravelly Soils with Cohesive Soil AD 752 713 Matrix, by R. w. Gunny and W. E. Strohm MP 4-679 Nov 1964 Performance of C-130 Ramp Kit on Various Soil Con AD 751 100 ditions, by w. B. Fenwick MP 3-683 Aug 1964 Upper Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana, General AD 751 096 Geologv, by E. L. Krinitzsky MP 3-684 Nov 1964 Site Geology, Jonesville Lock 1and Dam, Black River, AD 751 097 Louisiana, by R. T. Saucier Number Date MP 3-686 Nov 1964 MP 4-688 Jan 1965 MP li-691 Dec 1964 MP 4-694 Dec 1964 MP 3-696 Jan 1965 MP 4-697 Jan 1965 MP 4-701 Aug 1965 MP 3-703 Feb 1965 MP 4-704 Feb 1965 MP 4-707 Nov 1964 MP 4-712 Feb 1965 MP 4-714 Feb 1965 MP 4-722 Apr 1965 May 1965 Jun 1965 Jun 1965 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title AD Number Effects of Vibratory Loads and z~ B~ Fry on Piles, by A~ A~ Maxwell AD 751 098 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia, September 1963, and Appendix A: Studies Made for Evaluation, by P~ J~ Vedros AD 751 366 Determination of Soil Shear Moduli at Depths by In-Situ Vibratory Techniques, by R~ F~ Ballard AD 692 861 Effect of Antenna Operation on Structure and Foundation Behavior, FPS-26 Towers, Bellefontaine Air Force Station, Ohio, and Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, by R~ F~ Ballard and Jack Fowler AD 751 175 Geologic Aspects of Site Selection, Felsenthal Lock and Dam, Ouachita River, Arkansas, by R~ T~ Saucier AD 735 780 Army Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, by P~ J~ Vedros AD 735 695 F5A Austere Field Test, Landing Strip Evaluation, by W~ B~ Fenwick AD 735 694 Preshot Geologic Investigations, Project SULKY, Buckboard Mesa, Nevada Test Site, by R~ C~ Nugent and Dc. Banks AD 735 848 Behavior of Epoxy-Asphalt Airfield Pavements, Inspections, by A. H~ Joseph 1963 AD 735 701 Construction of Firestone Tar-Rubber Test Pavement at Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan, by w. H~ Larson AD 735 847 Tests with a L. M. Womack C-l30E Aircraft on Unsurfaced Soils, by AD 613 170 Visit to Ft~ Benning, Georgia, for Construction of Fiber Glass Membrane Surfacing, December 1964, and Inspections of Surfacing, January 1965, by S~ G•.Tucker AD A032 649 Phase ; I Field Tests of Tl7 Membrane Palliatives: Surfacing and Dust Report l Fort Bragg, N_ C~, 13-15 January 1965, by s. Tucker and R. c. Eaves G~ AD A032 650 Report 2 Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, 26-28 January 1965, by R. H~ Grau and R. c. Eaves AD A032 651 Report 3 Eglin Air Force Base, F1a~, 9-26 February 1965, by R. H. Grau and R~ C-Eaves AD A032 652 Report 4 Langley Air Force Base, Va~, 22-26 March and 1~3 April 1965, by R. H. Grau and Rc. Eaves AD A032 706 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number__... __________ Date-------- MP 4-728 Ju1 1965 MP 4-735 Ju1 1965 MP 4-747 Oct 1965 MP 3-749 tlov 1965 MP 4-753 Nov 1965 MP 4-756 Nov 1965 MP 4-759 Nov 1965 MP 3-763 Dec 1965 MP 3-768 Dec 1965 MP 3-775 De0 1965 ~1P 4-776 Jan 1966 t1P 3-731 Ju1 1965 MP 3-783 Sep 1965 MP 4-734 Jan 1966 MP 4-785 Jar: 1966 ~1P 4-786 Jan 1966 Title ------------------.--------------- Effe0ts of Methyl Bromide Treatment on Response of a Soil to Stabilization with Cement and Lime, by J~ D~ Stouffer Investigation of WESTCO D-1 and D-2 Mud Control Additives, by G~ R~ Kozan Evaluation of Harvey Modified AM2 Landing Mat, by W~ B~ Fenwick Statistical Evaluation of Cone-Penetration-Test Data, by J~ K. Poplin Evaluation of Washington Aluminum Company AM2 Landing Mat, by W. B~ Fenwick Guide Manual for Selection and Use of Dust Palliatives and Soil Waterproofers in the Theater of Operations, by G~ R. Kozan and R. A. Pimental Evaluation of U. s~ Steel Type 4.5 Air-Dek Landing Mat, by H. L. Green and G~ L. Carr Properties of Foundation Materials, Vacuum Solar Telescope Site, Sacramento Peak, New Mexico, by A~ L~ Mathews, R. T~ Saucier, and R. F. Ballard Tentative Placement Technique for Cylinders Buried in Clay Specimens, by E. B. Perry Geologic Aspects of Site Selections, Calion Lock and Dam, Ouachita River, Arkansas, by R. T. Saucier Investigation of Expedient Ground Surfacing with a Glass Fiber-Resin Mixture by a Spray-Deposition Technique, by Robert Turner Visit to u~ s~ Army Engineer District, Little Rock, Ark~, and to Arkansas River Lock llo. 2, Lock No. 3, and Dam No. 2, 24-26 May 1965 ?reshot Investigations for Project PRE-SCHOONER, Buckboard Mesa, Nevada Test Site, by R. C~ Nugent and D. C4 Ba:1ks Field Tests of Ceramic-Coated Aluminum Blast Panels with Hawk Missile, by G. w. Leese Statistical Analysis of Data from a Comparative Laboratory Test Program Sponsored by ACIL, by G~ M. Hammitt Evaluation of Various Sizes of Harvey Aluminum AM2 Landing Mat, by W. B. Fenwick AD Number AD 736 125 AD 735 689 AD 735 851 AD 736 121 AD 736 126 AD 475 186 AD 735 910 AD 735 911 AD 736 122 AD 736 123 AD 735 913 AD A032 704 AD 736 124 AD 735 912 AD 736 624 AD 736 727 Number Date MP 4-787 Jan 1966 MP 4-788 Jan 1966 MP 4-789 Feb 1966 MP 3-798 Mar 1966 MP 4-801 Mar 1966 MP 4-804 Apr 1966 MP 4-811 Apr 1966 MP 3-813 Apr 1966 MP 4-815 May 1966 MP 4-816 May 1966 MP 4-817 May 1966 MP 3-818 May 1966 MP 4-819 Jun 1966 MP 4-820 May 1966 MP 4-824 May 1966 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Title Evaluation of Various Sizes of Butler AMl Landing Mat, by C~ D~ Burns and W~ B. Fenwick Evaluation of AM2 Landing Mat Replacement Panels and Keylock Assemblies, by W~ B. Fenwick Evaluation of Butler AM2 Landing Mat, by w. B~ Fenwick and M~ J~ Mathews Subgrade Stabilization with Portland Cement and Hydrated Lime Under t·1od i fied Tll Landing Mat, by w~ N. Brabston and R. A. Pimental Meeting at WES with Representatives of Pipe Manufacturing Industry to Discuss Culvert Research, 8-9 February 1966, by c. c. Calhoun Rocket-Blast-Resistant Materials: Report 1 Rocket Engine Blast Tests on Expedient Surfacing Materials, by G. w. Leese Report of Conferences on Dust Control, January 1966, by W~ L~ Mcinnis Preliminary Analysis of Results of Division Laboratory Tests on Standard Soil Samples, by W~ E. Strohm Condition Survey, Vance Air Force Base, Enid, Oklahoma, by P. J. Vedros Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Opalocka Airport, Florida, by P. J. Vedros Development of CBR Design Curves for Runways to be Surfaced with M8Al (Formerly TlO) Steel Landing Mat, by c. D. Eurns and W~ B. Fenwick Review of Needs for Geological Research in Fine-Grained Deposits of the Lower Mississippi Valley, bv E. L. Krinitzsky Dust Alleviators: Report l Resin-and Latex-Base Concrete Curing Compounds, by J. L. Decell Field Tests of AM3 Landing Mat, by H. L. Green Collection of Documents Pertinent to Development of Military Soil Stabilization Objectives and Requirements (1956-1959), by G. R. Kozan and J. D. Stouffer AD Number AD 736 643 AD 736 728 AD 736 642 AD 630 561 AD 736 729 AD 633 264 AD 736 626 AD 736 725 AD 483 707 AD 736 730 AD 484 220 AD 736 726 AD 486 704 AD 737 272 AD 737 393 SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP 4-827 Jul 1966 A Survey of the Use of Nuclear Instruments for In Situ Soils f~easurements Within the Corps of Engineers, byL. M. Womack AD 891 959L MP 3-832 Sep 1966 Rotary Cone Penetrometer InvestigationsW. E. Strohm and Leslie Devay in Clay, by AD 737 273 * MP 4-839 Aug 1966 Investigation of Thiokol V. Cassino Pavement Coating, by AD 891 955L * MP 3-842 Sep 1966 Geology and Soils Data, train, Louisiana Seabrook Lock, Lake Pontchar MP 4-844 Sep 1966 XV5A Aircraft Flight Tests Landing Strip Evaluations,by W. B. Fenwick AD 737 274 MP 4-847 Oct 1966 Heat-Strength Tests on f·1embranes, by J. L. Decell AD 802 402 MP 4-850 Oct 1966 Evaluation of Guide Rail in Conjunction with Kaiser and Harvey Landing f·1at (Af~2), by C. D. Burns and W. Barker R. AD 737 275 MP 4-852 Nov 1966 Evaluation of Harvey Two-Piece LandingC. D. Burns and W. R. Barker ~!at (A~12), by AD 738 348 MP 4-855 Oct 1966 Service Tests of Tl7 f~embrane and WX18 Membrane Surfacing, Fort Camp be11 , Ky. , 9-12 f~ay, 2-3 June, and 15-30 June 1966, and Inspections of the Surfacing 10-23 July and 8-12 August 1966, by R. H. Grau AD 738 349 MP 4-858 Nov 1966 Dynamic Foundation Investigation, Roi-Namur, KwajaleinAtoll, Marshall Islands, by R. F. Ballard and D. R. Casagrande AD 737 771 ~1P 4-859 nee 1966 Frequency Spectrum flethod for Analyzing Ground-~1otion Data Produced by Single and Multiple Vibratory Sources,by R. F. Ballard and R. E. Leach AD 645 479 MP 3-861 Dec 1966 Terrain Evaluation of a Portion of the Fort GreelyAutonotive Test Course; Final Report, by J. H. Shamburger, C. R. Kolb, and H. K. Woods AD 806 538 MP 3-865 Nov 1966 Project rJANNY BOY, Engineering-Geologic Investigations,by R. C. Nugent and n. C. Banks AD 738 346 MP 3-869 Feb 1967 A Technique for Delineating Subsurface Fracture Zones Resulting from High-Yield Detonation, by R. F. Ballard AD 648 407 MP 4-872 Dec 1966 Traffic Tests on "t1o-Mat", by H. L. Green AD 737 768 MP 4-878 Feb 1967 Dynamic Foundation Investigations, TAA-2A Radar Site,Cape Kennedy, Florida, by R. F. Ballard and D. R. Casagrande AD 737 765 * Statement B. See Preface. S-24 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP 4-880 Mar 1967 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Iwo Jima Air Force Base, Volcano Islands, and Appendix A: Studies Made for Evaluation, by P. J. Vedros and J. H. Shamburger AD 909 243L MP 4-881 Mar 1967 Kaiser Landing t1at Failure Study (MX-19), by L. Heller W. AD 738 351 MP 4-882 r1ar 1967 Forklift Operations on Tl7 Membrane Surfacing on Sand Subgrade in Open-Storage Areas; Engineer Tests, by S. Tucker and T. W. Vollor G. AD 812 811 MP 4-884 Apr 1967 Tests of Lightweight Waterproofing t1embranes for Use Beneath AMl Landing r~at, by S. G. Tucker and R. H. Grau AD 813 986 MP 4-886 Apr 1967 Evaluation of Three-Piece AM2 by W. N. Brabston Aluminum Landing Mat, AD 737 767 MP 4-888 Apr 1967 In Situ Investigations of Foundation Soils at Two AD 737 766 Building Sites, Detroit Arsenal, by R. F. Ballard * MP 4-891 Apr 1967 Pavement Condition Survey Report, Pease Air Force Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, by P. J. Vedros AD 908 327L rw 4-892 Apr 1967 Refraction Seismic Investigations, Oakley Dam Decatur, Ill., by J. R. Curro Site, AD 738 352 MP 3-894 Nov 1966 Project Sulky, Geologic and Engineering PropertiesInvestigations, by R. J. Lutton and F. E. Girucky AD 724 163 MP 3-895 r-1ay 1967 Preshot Geological and Engineering Conditions Project Flivver Site, Nevada Test Site, by W. Carter, D. r1. Bailey, and R. W. Hunt at the D. AD 737 770 MP 4-897 Aug 1967 Evaluation of Kaiser Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat, by Robert Turner and G. L. Carr AD 820 223 MP 4-898 May 1967 Condition Survey, Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, t1aine, by P. J. Vedros AD 737 769 MP 3-902 Jun 1967 Chukar Mesa Investigation; Exploration of Areas for a Possible Hard-Rock Cratering Site, by R. J. Lutton and R. 1~. Hunt AD 737 772 MP 4-903 Jun 1967 Rocket Engine Jet Blast Attenuation Leese in Water, by G. W. AD 654 507 MP 3-904 Jun 1967 Soil Tests for Bomb by ,J. L. Ga tz Penetration Study, Hill AFB, Utah, AD 680 898 MP 4-907 Jun 1967 Boundary Layer Investigation in the Impingement Area of Rocket Engine Blast, by J. T. Knight AD 738 353 * ~1P 4-908 Jul 1967 V/STOL Aircraft Characteristics Affecting Behavior of Supporting Surfaces, by T. D. White AD 892 485L * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number ~---------------------------------------- rw 4-910 Jul 1967 Dynamic Soils Investigation for Ground Radius Effects Study, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, by D. R. Casagrande AD 738 613 t1P 3-915 Apr 1967 Project Pre-Schooner, Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigation, by R. J. Lutton, F. E. Girucky, and R. W. Hunt AD 657 638 I-1P 3-918 Aug 1967 X-Radiography of Unopened Soil Cores, by t1. C. Haase AD 692 474 MP 4-920 Aug 1967 Lance t1issile Launcher Stability Tests, by G. and J. L. Decell W. Leese AD 824 442 MP 4-923 Aug 1967 Flotation Requirements for Aircraft, by R. and 0. N. Brown G. Ahlvin AD 739 551 MP 4-924 Sep 1967 Condition Survey, Bicycle Army Airfield, California, by P. J. Vedros Ft. Irwin, AD 738 374 ~1P 4-931 Oct 1967 XC-142A Aircraft Flight Tests Landing Strip Evaluations, by W. B. Fenwick AD 738 376 11P 4-932 Aug 1967 Project Pre-GONDOLA R. F. Ballard I, Structures Instrumentation, by AD 735 668 14P 4-933 Oct 1967 A Procedure for DeterMining Elastic Moduli of In Situ Soils by Dynamic Techniques, by A. A. 14axwell and Z. B. Fry AD 739 136 rw 4-935 Sep 1967 Evaluation of M8A1 Attachments, by H. Landing Mat with Various L. Green Fix AD 824 212 MP 4-937 Oct 1967 Investigation of Dynamic Behavior of the Navy X-Band Antenna at ~Jaldorf, 11aryland, by Jack Fowler and R. E. Leach AD 662 062 MP 4-945 Nov 1967 Evaluation of Republic Steel Ground Mat for Use in Depot Open-Storage Areas, by H. L. Green and G. L. Carr AD 738 838 * 1·1P 4-948 Sep 1957 Ground-Flotation Investigation of 11odel J. E. Watkins and W. J. Hill Wide Tire, by AD 822 345L MP 4-954 nee 1967 Comparative Performance Tests of AM2 Mat from Various Extruders and Fabricators, by C. D. Burns and W. R. Barker AD 739 506 11P 4-955 Dec 1967 Effect of Antenna Operation Behavior, AMRAD and RAMPART on Structure and Foundation Radar Towers, White Sands AD 664 764 r1issile Range,Fowler New Mexico, by R. F. Ballard and Jack 11ar 1%9 Appendix A Transient 14otion t1easurements at AMRAD Facility, February 1969, by R. F. Ballard AD 756 128 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP 4-966 Feb 1968 Tests of Expedient Ramps Traffic, by V. C. Barber to Carry Over-the-Beach AD 741 615 MP 4-967 Feb 1968 Engineering and Laboratory Tests of t,18A1-A ing Mat, by D. W. White Steel Land AD 830 088 MP 4-968 Mar 1968 Stabilization of Shifting Sand, by G. R. Kozan AD 829 653 MP 4-969 Feb 1968 Gel atin Modeling Methods Dynamics, Ground Motion, for the Study of Foundation and Seismic Phenomena, by AD 712 301 Y. K. Pack and L. W. Heller MP 4-970 Feb 1968 In Situ Site Survey, Vibratory and Seismic Techniques, Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant, Decatur, Alabama, by J. R. Curro AD 738 778 t1P 4-971 Feb 1968 Preshot, In Situ Site Investigation, Vibratory and AD 738 779 Seismic Techniques, Pre-Gondola II, Fort Peck, Montana, by J. R. Curro MP 3-974 Feb 1968 Settlement of Fallback Materials, by ~1. C. Sherman AD 739 305 MP 4-976 f1ar 1968 Condition Survey, Michael Army Airfield, Dugway AD 757 136 Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, by P. J. Vedros * ~lP 4-977 Mar 1968 Dust-Cloud Sampling During Operation Distant Plain, AD 828 979L by G. W. Leese and P. J. Vedros MP 3-978 t1ar 1968 Results of Second Division Laboratory Testing Program AD 739 306 on Standard Soil Strohm Samples, by t1. t1. Johnston and W. E. MP 4-980 Jul 1968 Factors That Influence the Development of Soil tutive Relations, by J. G. Jackson Consti- AD 695 619 MP 3-981 Mar 1968 Survey of Slope Failures in Reservoirs, by W. C. Sherman AD 739 643 MP 4-983 f1ar 1968 Structure and Foundation .Behavior During Antenna Operation, TAA-2A Vero Beach, Florida and TAA-3 Merritt Island, Florida, by Jack Fowler and R. E. Leach AD 669 239 f4P 3-985 Apr 1968 Borehole Television Examination, Meramec Meramec River, Missouri, by J. L. Gatz Park Reservoir, AD 739 644 t1P 4-989 Apr 1968 Condition Survey, Robert Gray Army Airfield, Texas, by P. J. Vedros Fort Hood, AD 739 296 MP 3-990 Apr 1968 Soil Survey and Support Activities, Operation Distant AD 669 616 Plain Event 6, by J. L. Gatz MP 3-991 Oct 1967 A Study of Selected Rock Excavations Large Nuclear Craters, by R. J. Kley as Related to and R. J. Lutton AD 737 737 t1P S-68-1 May 1968 Condition Survey, Sheridan Army Airfield, Illinois, by P. J. Vedros Ft. Sheridan, AD 730 917 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number nate Title AD Number MP S-68-2 May 1968 Condition Survey, Liberty Army Airfield, Georgia, by P. ,J. Vedros Ft. Stewart, AD 730 918 MP S-68-3 May 1968 Application of Finite Element Method in Determining Stability of Crater Slopes; Preliminary Report, byD. C. Banks and J. B. Palmerton AD 676 836 MP S-68-4 Laboratory Tests of Relief Well Filters: May 1968 Report 1 Wells Along Mississippi River Levees, Alton to Gale, Illinois, by Frederick Mitronovas AD A036 368 * MP S-68-5 May 1968 Subsurface Investigation for HEST V, by F. L. Smith AD 834 823L and J. L. Gatz (.:> MP S-68-7 Jun 1968 Evaluation and W. B. Fenwick Design of Helicopter Revetments, by AD 734 313 MP S-68-8 Jul 1968 Selected Methods for Analyzing the Stability of Crater Slopes, by D. C. Banks AD 673 997 MP S-68-9 Jul 1968 Evaluation of Dow Chemical H. L. Green and G. L. Carr Extruded Landing Mat, by AD 838 926 MP S-68-10 Jul 1968 Evaluation of Load-Distributing Capability of T17 Membrane in Road Construction, by C. D. Burns and J. L. McCa 11 AD 837 424 ~1P S-68-11 Jul 1968 Evaluation of Hay Two-Piece Grau Af~2 Landing ~1at, by R. W. AD 730 728 MP S-68-12 Jul 1968 Application of Radiography to the Study of Small-Scale Footing Tests in Clay, by E. B. Perry AD 673 130 MP S-68-13 Jul 1968 Membrane-Envelope Technique for liaterproofing Soil Base Courses for Airstrips; Bare Base Support, by C. D. Burns and W. N. Brabston AD 684 356 MP S-68-14 Jul 1968 Project Altair, Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, Static and Dynamic Response of a Ring-Beam Antenna Foundation, by AD 673 706 D. R. Casagrande MP S-68-15 Aug 1968 Compaction of Cohesionless f~aterials, by J. and W. E. Strohm R. Compton AD 730 729 MP S-68-16 Feb 1968 Project Dugout, Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by R. ,J. Lutton MP S-68-17 Sep 1968 Uniaxial Strain Testing of Soils for Blast-Oriented Problems, by J. G. Jackson AD 730 733 MP S-68-18 Oct 1968 Site Selection Investigation for the f·1ine Shaft Series, AD 842 301 by ~J. J. Farrell and J. R. Curro * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number ~~---------------------------------------- MP S-68-19 11ay 1968 Project Pre-GONIJOLA II Structures Instrumentation, by AD 730 734 R. J . Ba 11 ard MP S-68-20 Oct 1968 Evaluation of Thin Steel Membranes, by J. E. Watkins AD 846 175 I~P S-68-21 Oct 1968 Project Palanquin Preshot Geologic and Engineering AD 730 735 Properties Investigations, by R. C. Nugent and F. E. Girucky t1P S-68-22 Nov 1968. A Study of the Condition of Piezometers in the 1949 InAD 730 730 stallation at Reid-Bedford, Louisiana, by J. L. McCall * MP S-68-23 Nov 1968 Soil Property Investigation for HEST Test V, SuppleAD 863 378L mentary Report, by J. G. Jackson and R. G. Burlingame Mp S-68-24 Oct 1968 Preshot Geological Engineering Investigations for Pro ject Cabriolet, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, by R. H. Hunt, D. M. Bailey, and L. IJ. Carter MP S-68-25 Nov 1968 An Investigation .of the Cement Requirements for Soil AD 730 736 Cement Compacted to Modified Maximum IJensity, by J. E. Windham MP S-68-26 Nov 1968 Condition Survey, Davison Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, AD 730 919 Virginia, by P. J. Vedros MP S-68-27 Dec 1968 Missile Bases: Design and Construction Problems, by AD 703 838 W. J. Turnbull and A. J. Hendron ~1P S-68-28 Dec 1968 Field Performance Investigation, Subsurface Drainage AD 888 290 Facilities, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, 4-6 November 1968, by C. C. Calhoun 11P S-69-1 Jan 1969 Materials Investigated for !Just-Control Program (South-AD 848 430 east Asia), by D. W. White and J. L. IJecell MP S-69-2 Jan 1969 Engineering Tests of Harvey 1-by 6-ft Landing Mat with AD 849 108 Integral End Connectors, by C. T. McCormick t1P S-69-3 Jan 1969 Evaluation of Washington Aluminum Company, Inc., Pro-AD 730 731 duct ion N12 Landing Mat, by C. IJ. Burns and D. P. l~olf MP S-69-4 Feb 1969 Evaluation of Dow Chemical Extruded Aluminum Landing AD 849 107 Mat (Modified MX18-B), by L. R. Lenzner MP S-69-5 Jan 1969 Evaluation of 11o-1·1at Ground Cover for Use in Army Depot AD 848 114 Open-Storage Areas, by H. L. Green and C. J. Gerard r1P s~69-6 Feb 1969 Vibro/Seismic Survey and Crater Oisturbance Zone De-AD 684 340 1 ineation, Pre-GONDOLA I, Fort Peck, t1ontana, by D. R. Casagrande MP S-69-7 Mar 1969 Soils Engineering in the Design and Performance of AD 849 018 Artillery Foundations, by J. K. Poplin * Statement FL See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP S-69-9 Feb 1969 Investigation of Enzymatic t1aterials for Soil lization, by G. R. Kozan, J. H. Ables, and J. Stouffer StabiD. AD 850 629L MP S-69-10 r~ar 1969 Evaluation of Surfacing t1aterials for Firm Base Tactical Airfields; Bare Base Support, by C. D. Burns and W. N. Brabston AD 685 826 ~1P S-69-11 Expedient Surfacing and Drainage of Roads, Streets, and Parking and Storage Areas in Theater of Operations: * 1·1ar 1969 Report 1 Tests Conducted Between July 1966 and August1968, by C. D. Burns and V. C. Barber AD 850 667L Feb 1971 Report 2 Tests Conducted Between August 1968 and 1969, by C. D. Burns and V. C. Barber July AD 907 934 r~P S-69-12 Apr 1969 Variation in Angle of Internal Friction with Confining Pressure, by D. C. Banks and B. N. Maciver AD 688 078 tW S-69-13 Apr 1969 Evaluation of Harvey Electron Beam Welded AM?. Landingt1at (Ar1 2 t10D 2), by C. D. Burns and D. P. Wolf AD 730 741 ~1P S-69-H r~ar 1969 Lower 3ound Estimates to Allowable Dynamic Loads on AD 888 307 Mortar Baseplates, by P. F. Hadala ~1P S-69-15 Apr 1969 Evaluation of Nuclear t1ethods of Determining Surface In Situ Soil Hater Content and Density, by T. B. Rosser and S. L. Webster AD 688 079 t1P S-69-16 Apr 1969 Analysis of Laboratory Test Data to Derive Soil Constitutive Properties, by J. G. Jackson AD 699 326 r~P S-69-17 r~ay 1969 Evaluation of t1odified Tl1, Dow, and Fenestra Landing Mats, by G. ll. S. Steel L. Carr Alcoa Tll, AD 853 531 * ~1P S-69-18 May 1969 Evaluation of Equipment Used Anchors, by C. J. Gerard for Emplacement of Earth AD 853 865 rw S-69-19 May 1969 Condition Survey, La1vson Army Airfield, Ft. Georgi a, by A. H. Joseph and P. J. Vedros Benning, AD 888 292 t1P S-69-20 r1ay 1969 Apparatus and Tests for Determining Negative Pore Water Pressure Characteristics of Desiccated Clays, by C. A. Carlson AD 730 742 r~P S-69-21 Jun 1969 Foundation Precompression with Vertical S. J. Johnson Sand Drains, by AD 730 737 MP S-69-22 Jun 1969 His tory of Dow D. 1-J. vJhite Chemical Extruded t1ed i um-Duty t1a t, by AD 730 743 MP S-69-23 Jun 1969 Precompression for S. J. Johnson Improving Foundation Soils, by AD 731 111 * Statefllent 3. See Preface. S-30 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number t·1P S-69-24 Jun 1969 Review of Literature L. D. Johnson on Expansive Clay Soils, by AD 709 583 MP S-69-25 Ground Wash Flow Over Deflecting Walls: Jun 1969 Report 1 Feasibility Study, by G. W. Leese AD 731 199 MP S-69-26 Apr 1969 Field Performance Investigation, Subsurface Drainage Facilities, Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, 17-19 14arch 1969, by C. r:. Calhoun AD 731 112 MP S-69-27 Jun 1969 Landing Mat Overlay on Deteriorated Pavement, Support, by C. D. Burns and W. N. Brabston Bare Base AD 690 801 MP S-69-28 Jul 1969 Evaluation of XM20 Landing Mat Under Medium-Duty Load, AD 856 826 by C. J. Gerard r~P S-69-29 Jul 1969 Evaluation of Harvey Nonwelded Aluminum Landing Mat, AD 731 200 by C. D. Burns and R. W. Grau ~1P S-69-30 Jul 1969 Development of a Vibropacker System for Inducing Polarized Shear Waves and Compression Waves at Depths, AD 731 453 by R. F. Ballard and R. E. Leach MP S-69-31 Jul 1969 Field Investigation of Selected Foundation Piezometers, AD 735 702 by C. R. Furlow * t1P S-69-32 Aug 1969 Acoustic Subbottom Profiling Survey, Walter F. Reservoir, Alabama-Georgia, by R. T. Saucier George AD 888 504L MP S-69-33 Aug 1969 Flexible Pavement for Tomorrow's Major Airports, byD. N. Brown, G. M. Hammitt, and D. M. Ladd AD 731 113 MP S-69-34 Aug 1969 Seepage Characteristics of Explosively Produced Craters in Soil and Rock, by W. C. Sherman and D. C. Banks AD 731 454 t4P S-69-35 Sep 1969 Jet Engine Exhaust Blast Tests Duty Landing t1at Panels, by J. on Kaiser XM19 W. Carr Medium AD 860 358 MP S-69-36 Sep 1969 Jet Engine Exhaust Blast Tests Panels, by J. W. Carr on Goodyear Aluminum Mat AD 860 084 rw s-69-37 Aug 1969 Condition Survey, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia, by A. H. Joseph, P. J. Vedros, and W. B. Abbott AD 731 641 * MP S-69-38 Aug 1969 Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, by A. H. Joseph and W. B. Fenwick AD 890 782L * Jun 1970 Supplement, by P. J. Vedros MP S-69-39 Sep 1969 Evaluation of XM20 and R. W. Grau Aluminum Landing Mat, by C. D. Burns AD 735 768 * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date MP S-69-40 Sep 1969 MP S-69-41 Sep 1969 ~1P S-69-42 Apr 1969 MP S-69-43 Sep 1969 MP S-69-44 Sep 1969 ~1P S-69-45 Sep 1969 * MP S-69-46 Oct 1969 MP S-69-47 Oct 1969 r~P S-69-48 Oct 1969 MP S-69-49 Dec 1969 * MP S-69-50 Dec 1969 MP S-69-51 Dec 1969 MP S-69-52 nee 1969 MP S-69-53 Dec 1969 MP S-70-1 Jan 1970 * MP S-70-2 Jan 1970 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Evaluation of Dow XM18-E and Alcoa AM2 Landing Mat, by C. D. Burns and D. P. Wolf Evaluation of Harvey and Kaiser Production AM2 Landing f4at, by C. D. Burns and R. H. Grau Project Buggy, Preshot Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by R. J. Lutton, R. H. Hunt, and R. E. Rowland Airfield Pavement Evaluation Report, Hirsch Auxilary Field, Laredo, Texas, by P. J. Vedros and W. B. Fenwick Airfield Pavement Evaluation Report, Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, by P. J. Vedros and W. B. Fenwick Airfield Pavement Evaluation Report, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi, by A. H. Joseph and J. 1~. Hall Summary of Information from Questionnaires on Uses of Filter Cloths in the Corps of Engineers, by C. C. Calhoun Condition Survey, Simmons Army Airfield, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, by P. J. Vedros and \L B. Abbott Comparison of Results of Dynamic In Situ and Laboratory Tests for Determination of Soil f,1oduli, by R. W. Cunny, S. S. Cooper, and Z. B. Fry Evaluation of Goodyear All-Bonded Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat, by C. T. McCormick and G. L. Carr Reconstruction of Landing-Mat Test Facility and Its Performance During C-141A Flight Test Program, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, by C. D. Burns and R. W. Grau Evaluation of Dow Chemical Extruded Aluminum Landing Mat (XM18El), by D. W. White and C. J. Gerard Pavement Tests to Provide for the Jumbo Jets, by R. G. Ahl vin Preliminary Finite Element Analysis, Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levees, Test Section 3, by J. B. Palmerton Motion of Rifle Gap Dam, Rifle, Colorado; Project Rulison Underground Nuclear Detonation, by Jack Fowler Interim Report; Investigation of Plastic Filter Cloths, by C. C. Calhoun, Jr. AD Number AD 735 769 AD 890 515 AD 735 845 AD 890 784 AD 890 783 AD 890 785 AD 890 981L AD 860 556 AD 735 852 AD 865 408 AD 863 821L AD 865 599 AD 735 781 AD 735 782 AD 919 OOOL SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-70-3 Seepage in Mississippi River Banks: Feb 1970 Report 1 Analysis of Transient Seepage Using Viscous Flow Model and Numerical Methods, by C. S. Desai AD 757 396 MP S-70-4 Feb 1970 Evaluation of Harvey New-Profile AM2 Landing t·1at, by c. D. Burns, V. C. Barber, and R. W. Grau AD A032 965 MP S-70-5 Feb 1970 Evaluation of Modifications of N12 and XM18 Mat, by C. D. Burns and D. P. Wolf Landing AD 757 383 MP S-70-6 Feb 1970 Evaluation of xr~20 Production Landing Mat, by C. Burns and R. W. Grau D. AD 757 385 MP S-70-7 Shear Strength Characteristics of Earth-Rock Mixtures: Feb 1970 Report 1 Survey and Evaluation of Existing Laboratory Apparatus for Large-Scale Testing of CompactedRock and Earth-Rock Mixtures, by A. H. Feese AO A035 017 ~1P S-70-8 Effects of Strain Rate in Consolidated-Undrained Tri axial Compression Tests of Cohesive Soils: Feb 1970 Report 1 Vicksburg Silty Clay (CL), by R. Oiaz and J. R. Compton F. Esquivel AD A032 966 May 1971 Report 2 Vicksburg Buckshot Clay (CH), by R. T. Oonaghe AD 756 192 MP S-70-9 t1ar 1970 M8Al Steel Landing t1at Comparison Tests, by 0. and 0. A. Ellison W. White AD 866 224 MP S-70-10 Mar 1970 Pavement Failure Report, Ramey Air Force Base, Puerto Rico, by A. H. aoseph and w. B. Abbott AD A032 967 MP S-70-11 Apr 1970 Investigation of a Proprietary Chemical Agent for Soil Stabilization, by G. R. Kazan and J. D. Stouffer AD 873 019 MP S-70-12 Apr 1970 Hard Rock Silo Prototype Test Site Selection Investigations, by C. R. Kolb, W. J. Farrell, and J. R. Curro AD 756 323 I MP S-70-13 Analysis of Field C,ompaction Data: Apr 1970 Report 1 Perry Dam, Delaware River, Kansas, by V. H. AD A032 968 Torrey Dec 1970 Report 2 Littleville Dam, Westfield River, by V. H • .Torrey ~1assachusetts, AD 756 196 t~P S-70-14 r1ay 1970 Evaluation of Soil Strength of Unsurfaced Forward-Area Airfields by Use of Ground Vehicles, by G. M. Hammitt AD 709 589 MP S-70-15 t1ay 1970 Origin of the St. Francis Sunk Lands, Hissouri, by R. T. Saucier . , Arkansas and AD A032 969 Nur:tber t~P S-70-16 MP S-70-17 Unnumbered MP MP MP t~P MP t1P t1P t1P ~1P MP MP MP S-70-18 S-70-19 S-70-20 S-70-21 S-70-22 S-70-23 S-70-24 S-70-25 S-70-26 S-70-27 S-70-28 S-70-29 Date 11ay 1970 May 1970 ,Jun 1970 Jun 1970 ,Jun 1970 t1ay 1970 Jul 1970 Aug 1970 Sep 1970 Sep 1970 Nov Nov Nov Dec Aug 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title AD Number Origin and Chronologie Significance of Late Quaternary Terraces, Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana, by R. T. Saucier and A. R. Fleetwood AD A033 142 Geoelectrical Survey Performance and Evaluation, Walter F. George Reservoir, Alabama-Georgia, by R. Saucier T. AD A035 985 Proceedings, Seismic Instrunentation Conference and Concrete Dams, November 1969 on Earth AD 777 498 The Influence of End Restraint and Method of Consolidation on the Drained Triaxial Compressive Strength of Crushed Napa Basalt, by M. M. Al-Hussaini AD A033 143 Restoration of Landing-Mat-Surfaced Subgrades by Grouting Methods, by C. D. Burns and V. C. Barber AD 710 962 Dynamic Behavior of Launch Facility Foundation and Surrounding Areas, by R. F. Ballard Evaluation of Kaiser XM19 All-Bonded Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat, by H. L. Green and C. J. Smith AD 875 981 Operation Mine Shaft; Geological Investigation of the t~ine Shaft Sites, Cedar City, Utah, by C. R. Kolb, W. J. Farrell, R. H. Hunt, and J. R. Curro AD 876 514 Techniques for Overlaying Deteriorated Landing Mat, Bare Base Support; Project 3782-63, by C. D. Burns and W. N. Brabston AD 756 197 Soil Strength Criteria for Operation of Fighter Aircraft on Unsurfaced Airfields; Bare Base Support; Project 378265, by D. r1. Ladd AD 756 158 The Effects of Geological 1:. L. Krinitzsky Features on Soil Strength, by AD 756 159 Evaluation of Alcoa Brazed Ar15 Burns and D. P. Wolf Landing t1at, by C. D. AD 757 384 Dust Control by Thermal Katharine Mather Methods, by B. D. Ains~wrth and AD 878 791 Theoretical Investigation of the Half Wavelength Theory, by G. Y. Baladi AD A033 144 Geological Observations of the Origin, Nature and Distribution of !1udlumps, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reefs of Coastal Louisiana, by C. R. Kolb and R. T. Saucier (Revised) S-34 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP S-70-30 Sep 1970 Development of Landing Mat Ground Flotation Evaluation Criteria, by D. M. Ladd AD 878 066L r~P s-71-1 Jan 1971 Airfield Pavement Evaluation Report, Godman F1rmy Airfield, Fort Knox, Kentucky, by A. H. Joseph, P. J, Vedros, and R. 0. Jackson AD A006 517 t~P S-71-2 Jan 1971 Geological Investigation, HRS Prototype Test Site investigation, Laramie Range, \riyorning, by R. ~L Hunt, R. E. Leach, J. R. Curro, J. L. Gatz, and R. L. Stowe f\D 756 319 MP S-71-3 Jan 1971 Thickness Requirements for Soils Beneath Landing t~ats; Bare Base Support; Project 3732-64, by H. H, Ill ery and AO 756 198 D. P. \4olf * MP S-71-4 Feb 1971 History of Kaiser t·1edium-Duty .1\luminum Sandwich by G. L. Carr ~1at, AD 908 324L MP S-71-5 Jan 1971 Airfield Pavement Requirements for t1ultiple-\'iheel Heavy Gear Loads, by D. N. Brown and J. L. Rice AD 721 530 MP S-71-6 Mar 1971 Free-Field Code Predictions Versus Field t1easurements: AD 722 403 A Comparative Analysis for the Prairie Flat Event, byJ. S. Zelasko and G. Y. Baladi MP S-71-7 t1ar 1971 Evaluation of Kaiser Production Aluminum HoneycombLanding Mat, by C. T. t1cConnick AD 883 189 MP S-71-8 Feb 1971 Extractio~ Procedure for Rubberized-Tar Paving ~1ixtures, by T. D. White AD 881 757 MP S-71-9 t1ay 1971 Calculation of Stress and Strain from Triaxial Test Data on Undrained Soil Specimens, by J. Q. Ehrgott AD 724 619 MP S-71-10 May 1971 The Influence of Construction Step Sequence and Nonlinear Material Behavior on Cracking of Earth and RockFill Dams; Preliminary Study, by W. E. Strohm and S. J. Johnson AD A033 145 rw s-71-11 Apr 1971 Condition Survey, Libby Army Airfield, Arizona, by P. J. Vedros 1-t. Huachuca, AD 724 069 t1P S-71-12 Fragment and Projectile Penetration Resistance of Soils: * Jul 1971 Report 1 Literature Review and Preliminary Theoretical Study of Soils as a Fortification Material, AD 886 828L by G. N. Reeves and B. Rohani * ,Jun 1973 Report 2 High-Velocity Fragment Penetration Into Laboratory-Prepared Soil Targets, byB. Rohani AD 911 768L * Statement n. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEr4ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-71-13 Dec 1971 Some Theoretical and Experimental Implications of Constant Shear r4odulus Constitutive Models, by Behzad Rohani and J. G. Jackson AD 735 343 * MP S-71-14 Mar 1971 Pavement Design for Various Levels of Traffic Volume, by D. L. Cooksey and D. r~. Ladd AD 882 234L MP S-71-15 May 1971 Investigation of Pavement Surface Cracking, Amedee ArmyAirfield, Herlong, California, by P. J. Vedros AD 725 533 MP S-71-16 May 1971 Sum~ary of Special Equipment for Laboratory Soils Testing at U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Division Laboratories AD A034 668 MP S-71-17 Earthquake Resistance of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams: May 1971 Report 1 Discussions by Professors H. B. Seed and R. V. Whitman, by R. W. Cunny and J. E. Ahlberg AD A055 598 Jun 1972 Report 2 Analysis of Response of Rifle Gap Dam to Project Rulison Underground Nuclear Detonation, by J. E. Ahlberg, Jack Fowler, and L. W. Heller AD 744 420 Sep 1972 Report 3 Feasibility of Simulating Earthquake Effects Earth and Rock-Fill Dams Using UndergroundNuclear Events on AD 748 816 Jan 1975 Report 4 Transient Two-Dimensional Analysis of Soils byLatticework ~1ethod, Lopez Dam Case Study, byE. B. Wylie, V. L. Streeter, C. N. Papadakis,and F. E. Richart, Jr. AD A006 587 Nov 1977 Report 5 Permanent Displacements of Earth Embankments by Newmark Sliding Block Analysis, by A. G. Franklin and F. K. Chang AD A048 346 MP S-71-18 Jun 1971 Deflection-Coverage Relationship for Flexible Pavements,by A. H. Joseph and J. W. Hall AD 725 992 MP S-71-19 Jun 1971 Investigation of Fiber Glass Reinforced Resins for Stabilization of Missile Launching Sites, by G. W. Leese AD A006 511 * MP S-71-21 Aug 1971 Theoretical Landing Mat Analysis, by T. D. ~Jhite AD 887 547L MP S-71-22 Oct 1971 Study of Clay Shale Slopes, by D. C. Banks AD A035 018 MP S-71-23 Oct 1971 Settlement of Large Hydraulic Structures, byKaufman and W. C. Sherman R. I. AD A033 146 MP S-71-24 Nov 1971 Evaluation of Foamed Plastics for Use as Structural AD 733 874 Supporting Layers in Pavements and Foundations, byA. H. Joseph, R. D. Jackson, and T. B. Rosser * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date MP S-71-26 Oct 1971 MP S-71-27 Dec 1971 MP S-71-28 Dec 1971 ~1P S-71-29 Dec 1971 t4P S-72-1 Jan 1972 MP S-72-2 Jan 1972 MP S-72-3 Jan 1972 MP S-72-4 Feb 1972 MP S-72-5 Feb 1972 MP S-72-6 Feb 1972 MP S-72-7 t1ar 1972 MP S-72-8 Mar 1972 t1P S-72-9 Mar 1972 * MP S-72-10 t1ar 1972 MP S-72-11 Apr 1972 May 1973 0. C. Banks * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Vibro-Seismic Survey, High-Stability AEC Structure, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, by Jack Fowler and P. F. Hadala Design of Unsurfaced Soil Facilities for Operations of C-5A Aircraft, by D. M. Ladd and V. C. Barber Evaluation of Dow Chemical Company Extruded Aluminum, Two-Piece 2-by 12-ft Landing Mat (MX18-D), by D. W. White Evaluation of Harvey Aluminum 1-by 12-ft Extruded Light-Duty Landing Mat with Overlap/Underlap End Connectors, by H. L. Green and C. T. McCormick X-Ray ~1easurement of Soil Densities in Models, by E. L. Krinitzsky Application of Finite Element Method in Determining Stability of Crater Slopes, by J. B. Palmerton and Three-Dimensional Seepage Model Study, Oakley Dam, Sangamon River, Illinois, by C. L. t1cAnear and C. C. Trahan Evaluation of Kaiser XM19 Waterproof Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat with D and Dl Connectors, by G. L. Carr Evaluation of MO-MAT 158 as Light-Duty Landing Mat, by C. J. Smith Feasibility of Using Membrane-Enveloped Soil Layers as Pavement Elements for Multiple-Wheel Heavy Gear Loads, by C. n. Burns, W. N. Brabston, and R. W. Grau Application of Model Theory to nesign and Evaluation of Airfield Pavement, by Y. T. Chou and 0. 0. Thompson Condition Survey, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia, by R. D. Jackson and P. J. Vedros Notes on Proving Rings and Frames for Soil Testing Equipment, by t1. J. Hvors 1ev Observation of C-5A Operations on Landing Mat Test Facility, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, by H. L. Green Damping Capacity of Soil During Dynamic Loading: Report 1 Review of t1a thema t i ca1 Materia 1 Mode 1s, by Behzad Rohani Report 2 Review of Laboratory Methods of Determining Damping, by W. F. t1arcuson III AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number A033 147 735 344 735 345 735 783 736 850 737 178 A033 148 738 840 738 137 738 839 741 368 757 387 756 199 919 835L 742 647 762 129 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number nate Title AD Number ~------------------------------------------ MP S-72-12 Apr 1972 Investigation of Full-Depth Asphaltic Concrete Overlays on Highways, by G. M. Hammitt AD A033 149 t1P 5-72-13 Apr 1972 Constitutive Property Studies to Support In-Cell Incident Investigation at Big Black Test Site, by C • .]. Schexnayder AD 742 231 and P. F. Hadala I~P S-72-14 Jun 1972 Engineer Design Tests of Dust-Control Materials and Emplacement Equipment, by M. M. Culpepper and W. A. Wil vert AD 745 086 * MP S-72-1S May 1972 Static Finite Element Study of Soil Stresses and Displacements Under a Perimeter Acquisition Radar Building, by C. J. Schexnayder AD 894 928L r1P S-72-lE ~1ay 1972 Evaluation of Ancillary Items t1ats, by G. L. Carr for XM1R and XM19 Landing AD 743 161 t1P S-72-17 t>lay 1972 Geology of Boring 93 UES, Test Section III; Atchafalaya Levee System, Louisiana, by E. L. Krinitzsky and J. T. AD A033 150 Lewis t1P S-72-19 Jun 1972 Condition Survey, Campbell Army Airfield, Fort Campbell, AD 743 462 Kentucky, by P. J. Vedros and S. J. Alford r1P S-72-20 Jun 1972 Condition Survey, Davison Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, by P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson AD 743 463 ~1P S-72-21 ,Jun 1972 Investigation of ~elief Wells, Mississippi River Levees, 1\.lton to Gale, Illinois, by R. L. t1ontgomery AD 757 395 IW S-72-?.2 Jun 1972 Condition Survey, Forney Army Airfield, Fort Leonard \food, l~issouri, by P, J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson AD 743 856 ~w s-72-?3 ,Jun 1972 Condition Survey, /\labama, by P. ,J. Redstone Army Airfield, Huntsville, Vedros and S. J. Alford AD 743 857 rw s-72-24 Jun 197~ Condition Survey, Fort Polk Army Airfield, Fort Polk, Louisiana, by P. J. Vedros AD 743 858 t1P S-72-25 .Jun 1972 Condition Survey, Sherman Army Airfield, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, by P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson AD 743 912 ~1P S-72-26 ,Jun 1972 Condition Survey, Butts Army Airfield, Fort Carson, Colorado, by P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson AD 743 859 t1P S-72-27 Jun 1972 Erosion Control at the ARES Facility, Kirtland Air AD 744 783 Force Base, tlew 1·1exico, by C. R. Styron jun 1912 Literature Review of Skid-Measuring Equipment and Techniques, by A. H. Joseph and R. A. Andress AD 901 528L rw S-72-29 .Jt:n l'P2 Comparisons of Vibrated Density and Standard Compaction AD A033 141 Tests on Sands with Fines, by F. C. Townsend S-38 SOILS AND PAVEt1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * t~P S-72-30 Aug 1972 Interim Analysis of Data from Instrumentation Program,Columbia Lock, by R. L. Montgomery and A. L. Sullivan AD 908 322L MP S-72-31 Aug 1972 IJH-1H Downwash Velocity f1easurefllents, by G. \L Leese AD A034 667 MP S-72-32 Aug 1971 Revised Aug 1972 Second Program of Special Shear Tests of East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee Foundation Soils, by R. C. Horz and G. P. Hale * t1P S-72-33 Aug 1972 Theoretical Study of the Penetration of an AntipersonnelMine Projectile Into Earth t~aterials, by Behzad Rohani AD B017 263L * MP S-72-34 Nov 1972 Relative Surfacing Requirements for Container-HandlingVehicles, by D. N. Brown, A. A. Clark, R. J. Lacavich, and E. S. Rush AD 905 l95L MP S-72-35 Sep 1972 Hydrostatic and Shear Responses of Two Tuff r~aterials Under Various Rates of Stress, by J. Q. Ehrgott AD 749 256 t1P S-72-36 Jun 1972 Vibroseismic Survey, Railroad Test Embankment, Aikman, Kansas, by J. R. Curro AD 757 386 MP S-72-37 Sep 1972 Movement of Variable-Density Inclusions Under Blast Loading, by E. B. Perry in Wet Sand AD 750 572 MP S-72-38 Oct 1972 Evaluation of Harvey Aluminum 1-by 12-ft Extruded Light-Duty Landing r~at with Symmetrical Butt-Type End Connectors, by H. L. Green AD 752 079 MP S-72-39 Dec 1972 Evaluation of XM20 and XM20El Duty Load, by C. J. Smith Landing Mats Under Heavy AD 753 935 t·1P S-72-40 Dec 1972 Evaluation of Dow Chemical Mat, by D. W. White Extruded Truss-Web Landing AD 753 921 MP S-72-41 Dec 1972 Geological and Seismological Factors for Design Earthquakes, Patoka Damsite, Indiana, by E. L. Krinitzsky AD A035 984 MP S-72-42 Dec 1972 Earthquake Liquefaction Potential at Patoka Dam, Indiana, by W. F. Marcuson and P. A. Gilbert AD 921 576 Unnumbered Dec 1972 Trip to European Research Institutions Relative to Work of Soils and Pavements Laboratory MP S-72-43 Aug 1972 Strengthening of Keyed Longitudinal Construction Joints in Rigid Pavements, by R. W. Grau AD 759 570 MP S-72-44 Oct 1972 Construction of Fibrous Reinforced Concrete OverlayTest Slabs, Tampa International Airport, Florida, byF. Parker, Jr. AD 760 638 * Statement R. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellan~ous Papers Number Date Title ----------------- AD Number MP S-73-1 State-of-the-Art for Assessing Earthquake Hazards in the United States: Jan 1973 Report 1 Design Earthquakes for the Central United AD 756 447 States, by o. w. Nuttli May 1974 Report 2 Fault Assessment in Earthquake Engineering, by E. L. Krinitzsky AD 780 686 Jun 1974 Report 3 Factors in the Specification of Ground Motions for Design Earthquakes in California, by R. B. AD 781 490 Hofmann Sep 1975 Report 4 Earthquake Intensity and the Selection of Ground Motions for Seismic Design, by E. L. AD A015 550 Krinitzsky and F. K. Chang Mar 1976 Report 5 Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Assessment, by AD A023 967 J. L. vial per May 1977 Report 6 Faults and Slerrunons Earthquake Magnitude, by D. B. AD A040 870 Dec 1977 Report 7 Specifying Peak Motions for Design Earthquakes, by E. L. Krinitzsky and F. K. Chang AD A048 309 Dec 1977 Report 8 Duration, Spectral Content, and Predominant Period of Strong Motion Earthquake Records AD A050 750 from He stern United States, by F. K. Chang and E. L. Krinitzsky Report 9 Catalogue of Strong Motion Earthquake Records: Apr 1978 Volume I Western Chang United States, 1933-1971, by F. K. AD A055 971 Jul 1978 Errata Sheet No. Jul 1978 Report 10 Attenuation of High Frequency Seismic Waves in the Central Mississippi Valley, by o. w. AD A059 073 Nuttli and J. J. Dwyer Dec 1978 Report 11 Imagery in Earthquake Analysis, by Glass and D. B. Slerrunons c. E. AD A065 739 Mar 1979 Errata Sheet No. 1 Dec 1978 Report 12 Credible Earthquakes for the Central United States, by 0. W. Nuttli and R. B. Herrmann AD A064 832 Jul 1979 Report 13 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analvsis, by AD A075 400 M. K. Yegian Aug 1979 Report 14 Representation of Earthquake Ground Motion: Scaled Accelerograms and Equivalent Response AD A075 401 Spectra, by E. H. Vanmarcke Nov 1979 Report 15 Tsunamis, Seiches, and Landslide-Induced Water AD A079 917 Waves, by J. R. Houston Nov 1979 Report 16 The Relation of Sustained Acceleration and Velocity Maximum Ground to Earthquake In AD A079 918 tensity and Magnitude, by o. W. Nuttli Jan 1982 Errata Sheet No.1 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number Date --------------- Tit1~--------------------------------------------_---_-·- MP S-73-1 (Cont) Oct 1981 Report 17 Interpretation of Strong Ground f1ot ion Records, by B. A. Bolt (includes Appendixes A-B) Jan 1982 Report 18 Errors in Probabilistic Seismi~ Hazard Analysis, by Daniele Veneziano Jun 1982 Report 19 The Evidence for Reservoir-Induced Macroearthquakes, by R. B. Meade Aug 1983 Report 20 The Contribution of Directivity Focusing to Earthquake Intensities, by B. A. Bolt (includes Appendixes A-B) Aug 1986 Report 21 Seismic Source Zones of the Eastern United States and Seismic Zoning of the Atlantic Seaboard and Appalachian Regions f·1P S-73-2 Feb 1973 Condition Survev, Grav Army Airfield, Fort Lewis, Washington, by P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson MP S-73-3 Feb 1973 Vibroseismic Survev, High Reynolds Number Tunnel Site, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tennessee, by J. Fowler MP S-73-4 Mar 1973 Studv of Behavior of Bituminous-Stabilized Pavement Lavers, bv c. D. Burns, R. H. Ledbetter, and R. W. Grau MP S-73-5 Feb 1973 Rapid Road Construction Using Membrane-Enveloped Soil Layers, by A. H. Joseph, R. D. Jackson, and s. L. Vlebster * MP S-73-6 Feb 1973 C-5A Aircraf~ Live Flight Support Test Operations, Harper Lake, California, bv R. W. Grau MP S-73-7 Mar 1973 Test Fills for Rock-Fill Dams, by D. P. Hammer and v. H. Torrey III MP S-73-8 Mar 1973 Evaluation of Goodvear Medium-Duty Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat, bv G. L. Carr MP S-73-9 Mar 1973 Evaluatior. of Dow Chemical Companv Extruded Alumi:-:um 4-Piene 4-by 4-ft Landing Mat (MX18-E), by D. VI. White, Jr. MP S-73-10 Mar 1973 Condition Sur.vey, Biggs Armv Airfield, Fort Bliss, Texas, bv P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson MP S-73-11 Mar 1973 Evaluation of Kaiser MX19-B and MX19-C Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat, by G. L. Carr and D. A. Ellison MP S-73-12 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, by P. J. Vedros MP S-73-13 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, by P. J. Vedros and H. T. Thornton, Jr. MP S-73-14 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, by R. D. Jackson AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number AD A108 615 AD A110 619 ADA116449 758 840 A032 885 A032 886 A032 887 A132 A172 756 A035 757 907 A035 758 758 758 696 473 446 982 397 989L 981 444 445 446 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-73-15 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base, Michigan, by H. T. Thornton, Jr., and S. J. Alford AD A032 912 ~1P S-73-16 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Robert Gray Army Airfield, Texas, by P. J. Vedros and R. D. Jackson Fort Hood, AD A032 888 MP S-73-17 Apr 1973 Influence of Suction L. D. Johnson on Heave of Expansive Soils, by AD 759 903 MP S-73-18 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, P. J. Vedros Beale Air Force Base, California, by AD A032 889 ~1P S-73-19 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Castle Air Force Rase, California, by P. J. Vedros AD A032 890 ~~p S-73-20 Apr 1973 Rayleigh-Have Dispersion Technique for Rapid Subsurface Exploration, by F. K. Chang and R. F. Ballard, Jr. AD A035 980 t1P S-73-21 Apr 1973 Results of Two Free-Field Code Calculations Versus Field Measurements for the Distant Plain lA Event, by AD 760 432 B. R. Phillips and G. Y. Baladi f1P S-73-22 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Malmstrom Air Force Base, R. D. Jackson r~ontana, by AD A032 892 f1P S-73-23 Apr 1973 Condition Survey, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, by P. J. Vedros AD A032 913 ~1P S-73-24 !1ay 1973 Tensile Testing of Soils M. M. Al-Hussaini and F. -A Literature Review, by C. Townsend AD 760 433 MP S-73-25 Compaction Characteristics of Earth-Rock Mixtures: r1ay 1973 Report 1 Vicksburg Silty Clay and DeGray Dam Clayey Sandy Gravel, by R. T. Oonaghe and F. C. Townsend AD A035 979 Aug 1975 Report 2 Blended t·1aterial, by Townsend R. T. Donaghe and F. C. AD A014 894 MP S-73-25 May 1973 Evaluation of Structural by R. W. Grau Layers in Flexible Pavement, AD 762 131 * MP S-73-27 r~ay 1973 Design of Landing-Mat-Surfaced Airfields for Operation of C-5A Aircraft, by D. N. Brown and V. C. Barber AD 911 509L MP S-73-28 Properties of Expansive r.lay Soils: t-1ay 1973 Report 1 Jackson Field Test Section Study, by L. D. Johnson AD 761 084 Apr 1975 Report 2 A Numerical Procedure for Predicting Heave with Time, by L. D. Johnson and C. S. Desai AD A009 492 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-73-29 May 1973 Condition Survey, McConnell by R. D. Jackson Air Force Base, Kansas, AD A032 915 MP S-73-30 May 1973 Condition Survey, Kincheloe Air Force Base, Michigan,by H. T. Thornton, Jr., and P. J. Vedros AD A032 916 MP S-73-31 May 1973 Condition Survey, Mather Air Force Base, California, by P. J. Vedros AD A032 917 MP S-73-32 May 1973 Investigation of the Static Uniaxial Strain and Triaxial AD 763 178 Shear Response of Cellular Concrete, by J. Q. Ehrgott MP S-73-33 t1ay 1973 Condition Survey, Glasgow Air Force Base, Montana, byR. D. Jackson AD A032 918 t4P S-73-34 May 1973 Condition Survey, Pease Air Force Base, New by R. D. Jackson Hampshire, AD A032 919 MP S-73-35 Jun 1973 Missile-Site Ground Cover, by J. W. Carr AD 762 136 MP S-73-36 Rapid Subsurface Exploration: May 1973 Report 1 Review of Selected Geophysical Techniques, byR. F. Ballard, Jr., and F. K. Chang AD A035 978 MP S-73-37 Jun 1973 Investigation of Gage-Placement Effects on Gage Embedded in Grout, by J. Q. Ehrgott a Stress AD 763 182 MP S-73-38 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, March Air Force Base, California, by R. D. Jackson AD A032 920 MP S-73-39 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Carswell R. D. Jackson Air Force Base, Texas, by AD A032 927 MP S-73-40 Jun 1973 Detection of Subsurface Cavities, by E. R. Bates AD 762 538 MP S-73-41 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Westover Air Force Base, Massa AD A032 928 chusetts, by R. D. Jackson MP S-73-42 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, by P. J. Vedros and H. T. Thornton, Jr. AD A087 441 MP S-73-43 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, byR. D. Jackson AD A087 439 MP S-73-44 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, R. D. Jackson Forbes Air Force Base, Kansas, by AD A032 929 MP S-73-45 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, by P. J. Vedros and S. J. Alford AD A032 930 MP S-73-46 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Plattsburgh Air Force Base, by R. D. Jackson New York, AD A032 931 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-73-47 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Ft. Devens Army Airfield, Ft. Devens,Massachusetts, by R. D. Jackson and P. J. Vedros AD A032 932 MP S-73-48 Jun 1973 Uniaxial Strain Response of a Sawdust-Sand t4ixture, byB. F. Wright and J. Q. Ehrgott AD 763 183 MP S-73-49 Jun 1973 Effect of Variation in Conventional Soil Properties on Dynamic Constrained t~odulus for Several Glacial Tills, byH. M. Taylor, Jr. AD 765 434 MP S-73-50 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Laguna Army Airfield, Yuma ProvingGround, Arizona, by P. J. Vedros, R. D. Jackson, and S. J. Alford AD A032 933 MP S-73-51 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Loring Air Force Base, Maine, byR. D. Jackson AD A032 934 ~1P S-73-52 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Bangor International ~1a i ne, by R. D. Jackson Airport, Bangor, AD A032 935 MP S-73-53 Jun 1973 Environmental Effects by 1~. F. ~1arcuson III on Microseismic Wave Propagation, AD A031 329 MP S-73-54 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Lockbourne Air Force Base, Ohio, byR. D. Jackson AD A032 936 MP S-73-55 Jun 1973 Condition Survey, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, by R. D. Jackson AD A032 937 MP S-73-56 Jul 1973 Lateral Distribution of Aircraft Traffic, by D. and 0. 0. Thompson N. Brown AD 765 435 MP S-73-57 Jun 1973 Radiographic, Petrographic, and SEt1 Evaluation of AD 764 229 Ballistically Loaded Clay, by D. M. Patrick * MP S-73-58 Jun 1973 Theoretical Study of Impact and Penetration of a Remotely Emplaced Antitank Mine Projectile Into Earth Materials. by B. Rohani An 911 692L MP S-73-59 Jun 1973 Constitutive Property Tests Effects, by J. Q. Ehrgott on Tuff to Determine Rate AD 766 163 MP S-73-60 Jul 1973 Comparison of Undrained Shear Strength in Anisotropically and Isotropically Consolidated Clay, by R. T. Donaghe and C. L. McAnear AD 771 145 MP S-73-61 Jun 1973 Surface Velocities and Temperature Changes for C-130, C-141, and C-5A Exhaust Blasts and C-5A Wing-TipVortex, by J. W. Carr AD 764 228 MP S-73-62 Oct 1973 Preshot t1aterial Property Investigation for the r·1ixed Company Site: Summary of Subsurface Exploration and Laboratory Test Results, by J. Q. Ehrgott AD 769 580 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVH~ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number ~1P S-73-63 Oct 1973 Flexible Pavement Analysis by the Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method, by J. B. Palmerton AD 770 383 MP S-73-65 Nov 1973 Development of f1inimum Pipe-Cover Requirements for C-5A and Other Aircraft Loadings, by C. C. Calhoun, Jr., AD 771 174 and H. H. Ulery, Jr. HP S-73-66 Jul 1973 The Behavior of Flexible Airfield Pavements Under AD 766 480 Loads --Theory and Experiments, by Y. R. H. Ledbetter T. Chou and MP S-73-67 Dec 1973 Engineer Design Tests of Modified Dust-Control Materials and Prototype Equipment, by M. M. Culpepper and R. Osmond AD 772 961 MP S-73-68 Dec 1973 Effect of Loading Rate on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a Clay Shale in Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression, by R. A. Knott AD 771 926 MP S-73-69 Oct 1973 An Investigation of the Structural Properties of Stabilized Layers in Flexible Pavement Systems, byW. R. Barker, W. N. Brabston, and F. C. Townsend AD 769 292 MP S-73-70 Dec 1973 Investigation of Dust-Control Materials, by C. Styron III and R. C. Eaves R. AD 774 834 MP S-74-1 Jan 1974 Material Properties for Postshot Mixed CompanyAnalyses: Recommendations Based on Recent Laboratory and In Situ Test Data, by J. Q. Ehrgott and J. G. Jackson, Jr. AD 774 801 ~1P S-74-3 Feb 1974 Small Aperture Testing for Airfield Pavement Evalua AD 775 406 tion, by J. W. Hall, Jr., and D. R. Elsea MP S-74-4 Feb 1974 Use of Concentration Index for Pavement Design, by R. G. Ahlvin, Y. T. Chou, and H. H. Ulery, Jr. AD A035 976 MP S-74-5 Apr 1974 Cyclic Triaxial Compression Tests, Center Hill Dam, Dekalb County, Tennessee, by W. F. t~arcuson III and S. A. Collins AD 778 714 rw s-74-6 Mar 1974 Evaluation of Dow Chemical Production Extruded Truss AD A032 884 Web Landing Mat, by D. W. White, Jr. MP S-74-7 ~1ar 1974 Geology and Material Property Comparisons MIOnLE GUST Test Sites, by J. E. Windham, and J. S. Zelasko for the R. A. Knott, AD 778 163 MP S-74-8 May 1974 Postshot In Situ ~1aterial Property Tests at the Mixed Company Site, Colorado, by J. B. Palmerton and J. B. Harriner AD 779 424 MP S-74-9 Apr 1974 Cyclic Triaxial Compression Tests, Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Site, Southeast Tennessee, by P. A. Gilbert and S. A. Collins AD 778 713 SOILS AND PAVEt1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number ~1P S-74-10 Jun 1974 Investigation of Tensile Testing of Compacted Soils, by M. t1. Al-Hussaini and F. C. Townsend AD 781 481 ~1P S-74-11 Apr 1974 Evaluation of the O'Neil Shear-0-Meter for Performing Constant-Volume Direct Shear Tests, by P. A. Gilbert AD 778 715 MP S-74-12 May 1974 Engineer Design Test of Modified XM19 Landing Mat, by G. L. Carr Special Surfacing AD 781 480 MP S-74-13 May 1974 Construction of MESL Demonstration Road Texas, May 1972, by S. L. Webster at Fort Hood, AD 780 756 MP S-74-14 May 1974 Evaluation of XM18Q Extruded Aluminum Landing Mat, by C. J. Smith and D. W. White, Jr. AD A032 938 MP S-74-15 May 1974 Lectures and Discussions by Prof. N. N. Ambraseys on Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, U. Army Engineer \~aterways Experiment Station, April-May 1973, by S. J. Johnson and L. U. Heller S. AD A032 942 MP S-74-16 t1ay 1974 Field Tests of the Cucaracha Formation, Panama Canal, 1942-1946, by C. K. Smith and R. J. Lutton AD A032 943 t4P S-74-17 Jun 1974 Helicopter Downwash Data, by G. Knight, Jr. W. Leese and J. T. AD 780 754 MP S-74-18 Jun 1974 A Simple Elastic Constitutive Equation for Granular Material, by M. M. Al-Hussaini AD 781 487 MP S-74-19 Jun 1974 Psychrometric t1easurement of Total Suction in axial Compression Test, by L. D. Johnson a Tri AD 781 488 t1P S-74-20 Jun 1974 Correlation of Engineering Properties of Cohesive Soils Bordering the Mississippi River from Donaldsonville to Head of Passes, La., by R. L. Montgomery AD A035 019 ~1P S-74-21 Jun 1974 Residual Strength Test, Paraitinga and Paraibuna Dams, Brazil, by F. c. Townsend and P. A. Gilbert AD A032 891 MP S-74-22 t1ay 1974 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Airfield Pavement, by H. J. Treybig, B. F. t1cCullough, and W. R. Hudson: Volume Tests on Existing Pavements and Synthesisof Design Methods AD 780 511 Volume I I Design Manual for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Overlay Pavements AD 779 953 Volume III Design t1anual for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements AD 780 953 Volume IV Guide Specification AD 780 513 S-46 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-74-23 Sep 1974 Soil Stabilization for Roads and Airfields in the Theater of Operations, by W. N. Brabston and G. M Hammitt II AD 787 257 MP S-74-24 Sep 1974 Analysis of Data from Instrumentation Program,Lock, by A. L. Sullivan, Jr. Columbia AD A027 058 MP S-74-25 Nov 1974 Investigation of Tar-Rubber Pavement Overlays, by P. Vedros, Jr., and R. D. Jackson J. AD A032 944 t~P S-74-26 Nov 1974 One-Dimensional Wave-Propagation Analysis, Patoka Dam,Indiana, by W. F. Marcuson III AD A003 167 MP S-74-27 Nov 1974 Condition Survey, Felker Army Airfield, Virginia, by R. D. Jackson Fort Eustis, AD A003 168 MP S-74-28 Dec 1974 Use of Loess Soil Lutton for !1odeling Rock Mechanics, by R. J. AD A003 813 MP S-74-29 Dec 1974 Cyclic Triaxial Compression Tests, Newburgh Lock and Dam, Ohio River, Indiana and Kentucky, by W. F. Marcuson III and P. A. Gilbert AD A003 169 MP S-74-30 Dec 1974 Concrete Strength Relationships, by G. M. Hammitt II AD A003 170 * t1P S-74-31 Dec 1974 Penetration Performance of a Remotely Emplaced Antitank Mine Projectile at Jefferson Proving Ground: Analyses Based on Both Field Test Results and Theoretical Calculations, by D. C. Creighton AD B001 095L t~P S-75-1 Jan 1975 Review of Construction Equipment and Methods ments, by C. L. Rone for Pave- AD A005 007 MP S-75-2 Feb 1975 Evaluation of Resonant Column Dynamic Testing Devices,by G. R. Skoglund, W. F. Marcuson III, and R. W. Cunny AD A005 554 MP S-75-3 Feb 1975 Analysis and Design Relating to Embankments; the-Art Review, by S. J. Johnson A State-of- AD A005 555 r~P s-75-4 Feb 1975 In Situ Seismic Investigation, Fort Peck Dam, Montana, by J. R. Curro, Jr., J. E. Horn, and R. F. Ballard, Jr. AD A006 510 * MP S-75-5 t1ar 1975 User's Manual, by C. S. Desai Finite Element Codes for General Seepage, AD B003 154L MP S-75-6 Jun 1975 Geophysical Investigation, Prado Dam and Mentone Damsite, California, by J. R. Curro, Jr., G. R. Skoglund, and R. F. Ballard, Jr. AD AOll 268 MP S-75-7 Apr 1975 Evaluation and Analyses of Some Finite Element and Finite Difference Procedures for Time-Dependent Problems,by C. S. Desai, J. T. Oden, and L. D. Johnson AD A009 739 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Hiscellaneous Papers Number Date Title"------ AD Number MP S-75-8 Mar 1975 Evaluation of Vertical Sand Drains for St. Charles Parish AD A009 310 Lakefront Levee, Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans, La~, by c. L. McAnear MP S-75-9 Apr 1975 Engineer Design Test of Dow's 4-by 4-l/2-ft Truss Web AD A009 738 Heavy-Duty Landing Mat, by c. J-Smith MP S-75-10 Apr 1975 Seismic Field Methods for In Situ Moduli, by R. F. AD A009 488 Ballard, Jr., and F~ G. McLean MP S-75-11 May 1975 Scanning Electron Microscope Evaluation of Fabric in AD AOlO 325 Impact-Compacted Kaolinite, by D. M. Patrick MP S-75-12 Feb 1975 Porous Friction Surface Course, by T. D. White AD A009 012 MP S-75-13 May 1975 Engineer Design Tests of Dow Truss Web Landing Mats with AD A012 068 Waterproofable Connectors and Seals, by G. L. Carr MP S-75-14 Jun 1975 Landing Mat Over Membrane-Enveloped Soil Layers, by C~ D. AD A012 142 Burns and G. L. Regan MP S-75-15 Jun 1975 Evaluation of Empirical and Analytical Procedures Used AD A012 143 for Predicting the Rigid Body Motion of an Earth Penetrator, by P~ F~ Hadala MP S-75-16 Jun 1975 Ml9 Landing Mat Uplift, bv G. w. Leese AD AOl2 652 MP S-75-17 Jun 1975 Improvement of Core Drill Methods, by J~ L. Gatz AD A012 141 HP S-75-18 Jun 1975 Airfield Pavement Construction-Slipform Paving Method, AD A012 769 by Frazier Parker, Jr. MP S-75-19 Jun 1975 Materials Evaluation for Aircraft Blast and Helicopter AD A121 761 Downwash Protection, by G~ w. Leese and J. w. Carr MP S-75-20 Jun 1975 Development of a 1.22-m-Diam Dynamic Air Overpressure AD A013 391 Soil Test Facilitv, bv S~ S~ Cooper and R~ c. Sloan Unnumbered Jun 1975 A Review of Engineering Experiences with Expansive Soils AD A020 309 in Highwav Subgrades, bv D~ R~ Snethen, F. C~ Townsend, L~ D., Johnson, D~ M~ Patrick, and P~ J., Vedros MP S-75-21 Jul 1975 Jet Blast Tests on Fiberglass-Reinforced DCA-1295, by AD A013 515 C~ R. Styron III MP S-75-22 Aug 1975 Geologic Control 0f Sand Boils Along Mississippi River AD A014 274 Levees, bv c. R. Kolb MP S-75-23 Evaluation of a Nu~lear Asphalt Content Gage, by G. L~ AD A016 854 Regan MP S-75-24 Sep 1975 Identifving Flow Patterns, Sedimentation Con<:>entrations, and Seepage from Remote Imagerv, by H~ K~ Woods, J~ R. May, J. D~ Brought,Jn, and J., H.. Shamburger S-48 Number Date MP S-75-25 Sep 1975 MP S-75-26 Sep 1975 MP S-75-27 Oct 1975 Unnumbered Feb 1976 Jun 1976 Sep 1976 MP S-76-l Mar 1976 MP S-76-2 Apr 1976 * ~1P S-76-3 Apr 1976 MP S-76-4 Apr 1976 tW S-76-5 Apr 1976 MP S-76-6 Apr 1976 Unnumbered Mav 1976 MP S-76-7 MC!V 1976 M------------... -----·-·-·--------- * State~!nt B. Sec Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Title ----·---------- Analysis of Projectile Penetration Into Concrete and Rock Targets, by Behzad Rohani Design and Potentials of the Californium-252 Radiation Facility at WES, by J~ T. Lewis and E. L. Krinitzsky Development of a High-Veloeity Powder Gun and Analysis of Fragment Penetration Tests Into Sand, by D. K. Butler MX Valley Studies Program: Subsurface Boring Logs and Soil Sample Classifications for Three Selected Areas ~Jithin the vlhite Sands Missile Range, by A. E~ Jackson, Jr. Subsurface Boring Logs and ~;oil Sample Classifications for Four WSMR and Five LBGR Locations, by A. E. Jackson, Jr. Laboratory Test Results for Materials Obtained from Three Selected Areas Within White Sands Missile Range, by A. E. Jackson, Jr. An Empirical Interpretation of the Effects of Topographv on Ground Motion of the San Fernando, California, Earthquake, 9 February 1971, bv F. K. Chang Tables for Determining Isotl'Opic and Anistropic Shear Strengths from Consolidated, Undrained Triaxial Com pression Tests, by s. J. Johnson and Yu-Shih Jeng Modification and Evaluation of HONDO: A Dvnamic, Axi symmetric, Finite Element Code, by J. o. Curtis (in cludes Appendixes A-C) Case Histories of Liquefaction Failures, bv P. A. Gilbert Effects of Specimen .Reconstitution on Cyclic Triaxial Resultq, by W. F. MarcuRon JII and F. C. Townsend The Effects of Cyclic Triaxial Testing Techniques on the Liquefaction Behavior of Mor:terey No. 0 Sand, bv J. P. Mulilis, R. C. Horz, Jr., and F. c. Townsend Svmposium on Nondestructive Test and Evaluation of Air port Pavement, 18-20 Novemher 1975, Vicksburg, Mississippi (also available from USAE\~ES at $30.00 per copv) Shear Strength Properties for the Antelope Lake Target, Tonopah Test Range, Nevada, bv R. W. Peterson and P. F. Hadala AD Number AD A016 909 AD A016 787 AD A017 056 AD A024 056 AD A024 025 AD BOlO 466L AD A025 378 AD A024 917 AD A026 454 AD A025 442 AD A025 332 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-76-8 Apr 1976 Investigation of the Liquefaction Potential at the \L G. Huxtable Pumping Plant Site, by W. F. Marcuson III (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A025 497 MP S-76-9 Jun 1976 Centrifuge Model Testing of Soils: by ~1. M. Al-Hussaini A Literature Review, AD A027 432 MP S-76-10 Jun 1976 Vibratory Compaction of Bituminous Concrete Pavements, by c. D. Burns AD A026 843 * MP S-76-11 Jun 1976 Prediction of the Shear Strength and Compaction Characteristics of Compacted Fine-Grained Cohesive Soils, by Yu-Shih Jeng and W. E. Strohm, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-E) AO B012 226L * MP S-76-12 Jun 1976 Evaluation of Some Inclinometers, Related Instruments, and Data Reduction Techniques, by R. E. Leach (includes Appendix A) AD B012 490L * Unnumbered Jun 1976 r~aterial Property Investigation for Pre-DICE THRmJ I and II: Results from the Subsurface Exploration Programs, by A. E. Jackson, Jr., R. F. Ballard, Jr., and AD B012 880L J. R. Curro, Jr. MP S-76-13 Apr 1976 Field Performance of Porous by T. D. White Friction Surface Course, AD A025 245 r~P s-76-14 Aug 1976 Investigation of Fabrics and Bituminous Surfaces for Use in MESL Construction, by S. L. Webster and R. A. Andress AD A030 540 r~P s-76-15 Aug 1976 Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Creep Tests of St. Charles Parish Lakefront Foundation Clays, by L. D. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A028 590 MP S-76-16 Aug 1976 Compaction Study of Zero-Slump Concrete, by C. D. Burns AD A030 906 Unnumbered Aug 1976 Notes on Earthquake Shaking in Soils, Guatemala Earthquake of 4 February 1976, by E. L. Krinitzsky and S. B. Bonis; Appendix A: Analysis of Sands, by D. M. Patrick AD A028 585 MP S-76-17 Sep 1976 Effects of Depth of Burst and Geology on Calculated SBM Peak Stress Environments, by G. Y. Baladi, J. s. Zelasko, H. E. George, and R. E. Hahl AD A030 238 MP S-76-18 Sep 1976 Use of Californium-252 in Laboratory Testing for t·1oisture and Density of Soils, by J. T. Lewis AD A033 042 MP S-76-19 Sep 1976 Recommended Design for Rigid-Flexible Airfield Pavement Junctures, by E. C. Odom AD A031 351 * MP S-76-20 Oct 1976 Evaluation of Salviacim Pavement, by C. cludes Appendix A) L. Rone (in AD B015 023L * Statement B. See Preface. S-50 Number Date MP S-76-21 Oct 1976 MP S-76-22 Nov 1976 MP S-76-23 Nov 1976 * Unnumbered Nov 1976 MP S-76-24 Dec 1976 MP S-76-25 Dec 1976 MP S-76-26 Dec 1976 MP S-77-1 Jan 1977 MP S-77-2 Jan 1977 MP S-77-3 Jan 1977 * MP S-77-4 Jan 1977 t1ar 1977 MP S-77-5 Feb 1977 t4P S-77-6 Mar 1977 MP S-77-7 Apr 1977 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Title Finite Element Method for Analysis and Design of Piles, by C. S. Desai (includes Appendix A) Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Butts Army Airfield, Fort Carson, Colorado, by P. J. Vedros Skid Tests on XM18, XM19, and T11 Landing Mats Placed in Contact with Soil and Placed on Membrane on Soil, by G. L. Carr r1aterial Property Investigation for Pre-DICE THROW I and II: Results from the Laboratory Testing Programs,by A. E. Jackson, Jr., and R. W. Peterson Usage of Landing Mat as Overlay on Asphalt Runway DuringMilitary Field Exercises, by H. L. Green (includes Appendixes A-D) One-Dimensional Wave-Propagation Analysis, NewburghLocks and Dam, Ohio River, Indiana and Kentucky, by W. F. Marcuson III A Preliminary Study of Natural Construction Materials on St. Croix, tl. S. Virgin Islands, by D. t1. Patrick, D. M. Hyman, J. H. Shamburger, A. D. Buck, and 1~. B. Hall (includes Appendixes A-C) Summary of Buckling and Tension Tests of Landing r~ats as Related to C-5A Aircraft Bow \~ave Problems, by H. L. Green and C. J. Smith (includes Appendixes A-B) Earthquake Investigations at the Dickey-Lincoln School Oamsites, Maine, by E. L. Krinitzsky and 0. ~1. Patrick Reservoirs and Induced Seismicity at Corps of Engineers Projects, by S. ,J. Johnson, E. L. Krinitzsky, and N. A. Dixon Evaluation of Mechanical and Manual Compactors in Standard Effort Compaction Tests, by G. N. Durham and G. P. Hale (includes Appendixes A-B) Errata Sheet No. 1 Effects of the New t1ad rid Earthquake Series in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, by R. T. Saucier Hydraulic Fracturing of Soils; A Literature Review, by R. E. Leach Torque Transmission Through Rock Bolts, by G. H. Bragg, Jr. AD Number AD A033 702 AD A033 994 AD B015 694L AD A033 914 AD A035 326 AD A037 000 AD A037 068 AD A036 309 AD B016 729L AD A036 471 AD A038 443 AD A039 838 SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-77-8 May 1977 Definition of "Active Fault," by D. Roy McKinney B. Slemmons and AD A040 295 MP S-77-9 May 1977 Preliminary Investigation of General-Purpose ~1at/Panel Materials, by H. L. Green, D. W. White, Jr., and G. L. Carr AD A047 241 MP S-77-10 Jul 1977 A Probabilistic Analysis of Embankment StabilityProblems, hy L.,w. Gilbert AD A043 579 Unnumbered Jul 1977 Trip Report: Study Tour, England, France, Russia, and Japan, Centrifuge Installations and Modeling Techniques in Structure Foundation Design, 13 June -13 July 1977 AD A045 764 MP S-77-11 Aug 1977 Material Response Characterization, by J. G. Jackson, Jr. AD A044 045 MP S-77-12 Aug 1977 Earthquake Generated SH Waves in the Near Field and NearRegional Field, by R. B. Herrmann AD A045 668 * MP S-77-13 Sep 1977 Swell Behavior of NAF-II Sigonella Foundation Soil, byL. D. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-F) AD B021 492L MP S-77-14 Sep 1977 The Influence of Polymers on the Engineering Properties of Cement-Stabilized Soil, by J. C. Oldham (includes Appendix A) AD A044 514 MP S-77-15 Sep 1977 Materials Evaluated as Potential Soil Stabilizers, by J. C. Oldham, R. C. Eaves, and D. W. White, Jr. (includes Appendix A) AD A045 470 Unnumbered Oct 1977 Symposium July 1977 on Detection of Subsurface Cavities, 12-15 AD A046 823 MP S-77-16 Nov 1977 Empirical Analysis of Projectile Penetration in Rock, by R. s. Bernard (includes Appendix A) AD A047 989 MP S-77-17 Assessment of Terrain Input Data Construction Effort Model: to Engineer Horizontal Sep 1977 Volume I Main Text, by J. H. Shamburger AD A046 396 MP S-77-18 Sep 1977 Use of Borehole Geophysical Methods in Dete~ining In Situ Bulk Densities and \~ater Contents in Un AD A046 114 consolidated Materials, by R. W. Hunt MP S-77-19 Sep 1977 Mechanical Constitutive t1odels for Engineering Materials, by Behzad Rohani (includes Appendix A) AD A048 071 * MP S-77-20 Nov 1977 Title I Design Foundation Investigation for Static Loading, Gaseous Diffusion Add-On Plant, Portsmouth, Ohio, by H. M. Taylor, Jr., R. D. Bennett, R. C. Harz, R. W. Hunt, R. J. Lutton, and G. B. Mitchell AD 8023 170L * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number MP S-77-21 Nov 1977 Contribution to the Engineering Soil Classification of Cohesionless Soils, by M. M. Al-Hussaini (includesAppendix A) AD A048 658 MP S-77-22 Nov 1977 In Situ Stress ~1easurements, Park River Project, Hartford, Connecticut, by ~1ysore Nataraja AD A048 049 MP S-77-23 Nov 1977 Numerical Analyses of Penetration Dynamics in Supportof Investigations of Scaling Relatings for Earth Penetrators, by M. H. Wagner and C. C. Fulton AD A048 644 MP S-77-24 Dec 1977 Subsurface Exploration in Alluvial Terrain by Surface Geophysical Methods, by lJ. L. r1urphy AD A049 125 MP S-77-25 Dec 1977 Dynamic Techniques for Detecting and Tracing Tunnel Complexes, by .R. F. Ballard, Jr. AD A048 415 MP S-77-26 Dec 1977 Observations of Portland Cement Concrete and Porous AD A052 282 Friction Course Pavement Construction, by Frazier Parker, Jr., R. C. Gunkel, and T. D. White MP S-78-1 Jan 1978 Geophysical Survey of Cavernous Areas, Patoka Dam, Indiana, by S. S. Cooper and \1. A. Bieganousky AD A053 174 MP S-78-2 Feb 1978 Rank Distress of Low Water Weirs by S. P. ~4iller on Big Creek, La., AD A052 558 MP S-78-3 Mar 1978 A Review of the Physical and Engineering Propertiesof Raw and Retorted Oil Shales from the Green River AD A053 999 Formation, by D. R. Snethen, W. J. Farrell, and F. C. Townsend (includes Appendix A) MP S-78-4 Apr 1978 Seismic Attenuation Tests at the Portsmouth~ Ohio Gaseous Diffusion Add-On Site, by J. R. Curro, Jr., P. F. Hadala, and G. B. Landers AD A054 350 MP S-78-5 Reports 1-17 publishedReports as Potamology Investigation Apr 1978 Report 18 Verification of Empirical ~1ethod for Determining Riverbank Stability, Report 12-23 -1972 and 1973 Data, by A. R. Gann (includesAppendh A) AD A056 580 Feb 1981 Report 19 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability, Report12-24 -1974 Through 1977 Oata, by A.· R. Gann (includes Appendix A) AD A097 710 MP S-78-6 Jul 1978 Resonant Column Test, by V. P. Ornevich AD A058 902 MP S-7P.-7 Jul 1978 Nondestructive Evaluation Procedure for ~1ilitary AD A058 736 Airfields, by J. H. Hall, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-C) SOILS AND PAVB1ENTS LABORATORY Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP S-78-8 Jul 1978 CROSSHOLE: An Interpretive Computer Code for Crosshole Seismic Test Results, Documentation, and Examples, by D. K. Butler, G. R. Skoglund, and G. B. Landers (includes Appendixes A-B) AD B030 453L MP S-78-9 Aug 1978 Optimum Station Distribution and Determination of Hypocenters for Small Seismographic Networks, by B. A. Bolt, Paul Okubo, and R. A. Uhrhammer (includes Appendix A) AD A058 662 ~1P S-78-10 Aug 1978 Feasibility Study for Railroad Embankment Evaluation with Radar Measurements, by J. R. Lundien AD A058 387 MP S-78-11 Aug 1978 Instrumentation Observations from the U-Frame Lock of the Arkansas River Lock and Dam 5, by R. E. Leach AD A061 073 MP S-78-12 Aug 1978 In Situ and Laboratory Determinations of Shear and Young's Moduli for the Portsmouth, Ohio, Gaseous Diffusion Add-On Site, by J. R. Curro, Jr., and W. f1arcuson III (includes Appendixes A-B) F. AD A059 988 * t~P S-78-13 Aug 1978 EQS User's Manual: A Computer Program for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Earth Slopes by the Sarma Method, by M. E. Hynes (includes Appendixes A-D) AD B031 531L t~P S-78-1.4 Aug 1978 An Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Relation for Transverse-Isotropic Three-Phase Earth r~aterials, by G. Y. Baladi (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A059 683 MP S-78-15 Sep 1978 Summary of Numerical Analyses of the Effect of W/A in Earth Penetration, by ~1. H. \~agner and C. C. AD A060 424 Fulton MP S-78-16 Nov 1978 In Situ Seismic Investigation, Isabella Project, California, by G. B. Landers and J. R. Curro. Jr. AD A063 168 Dec 1978 Errata Sheet No. 1 MP S-78-17 Dec 1978 True Load-Deformation Relationships for Coated and llncoated Fabrics, by T. W. Vollor AD A065 488 * Statement R. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Research Reports Number Date Title AD Number RR S-69-1 Aug 1969 Fractures and Failure Mechanics in Loess and Applications to Rock r~echanics, by R. J. Lutton AD 695 616 RR S-72-1 Dec 1972 Three-Dimensional Behavior of a Central J. B. Palmerton and G. Lefebvre Core Dam, by AD 756 443 RR S-76-1 Oct 1976 Laboratory Investigation of Undisturbed Sampling of Cohesionless Material Below the Water Table, byS. s. Cooper AD A032 350 RR S-76-2 Liquefaction Potential of Dams and Foundations: Oct 1976 Report 1 Laboratory Standard Penetration Tests Bedford Model and Ottawa Sands, hy W. Bieganousky and W. F. r~arcuson III on A. Reid AD A033 337 Feb 1977 Report 2 Laboratory Standard Penetration Tests on Platte River Sand and Standard Concrete Sand, AD A039 828 by H. A. Bieganousky and W. F. Marcuson III Feb 1977 Report 3 Development of an Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Relationship for Saturated Sand, by G. Y. Baladi and Behzad Rohani AD A037 192 Aug 1977 Report 4 Determination of In Situ Density of Sands, byW. F. Marcuson III AD A044 262 Aug 1978 Report 5 Development of a Constitutive Relation for Simulating the Response of Saturated Cohesionless Soil, by G. Y. Baladi and Behzad Rohani (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A061 039 r~ar 1979 Report 6 Laboratory Strength of Sands Under Static and Cyclic Loadings, by F. C. Townsend and J. P. Mulilis (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A070 362 Nov 1980 Report 7 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, State of the Art-1980, by H. F. Marcuson III, A. G. Franklin, and P. F. Hadala AD A093 247 Number TM 8-1 n~ 8-2 TM 8-4 TM 17-1 TM 17-2 Tr1 39-1 TM 41-1 TM 48-1 TM 52-1 TM 53-1 TM 62-1 TM 62-2 TM 65-1 TM 70-1 TM 73-1 n1 77-1 Tr1 80-1 Date Jun 1931 Nov 1931 Jul 1933 Mar 1933 Apr 1933 Dec 1933 Feb 1934 Jun 1934 Jun 1934 Jul 1934 1934 Jan 1935 Nov 1934 Jan 1935 Mar 1935 May 1935 Jun 1935 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Experiment to Determine the Comparative Stability of a Sluiced Levee and a Dry Fill Levee Experiment to Determine Effect of Impervious Walls in Levees Shear Tests of Buckshot from Borrow Pits of the Wilman New· Levee Analyses, Bed Load Samples from Cottonwood Bar Tractive Force Data on Samples from Cottonwood Bar, About F~il e 555 Identification and Oetemination of the Source of Soil in the Montgomery Cut-Off Near the Mouth of White River Investigation of Soil Samples Nos. 1 and 2 from Fort Peck Dam Site Sediment Investigation in the Atchafalaya Basin ·Investigation of the Levee and Borrow-Pit ~1aterial in the Vicinity Immediately East of the Big Lake Reser vation in Arkansas Tests to Determine Some of the Physical Properties and Condition of Soil in Fitler New Levee Unit and Beulah Lake Vermillion Levee Unit Comparison of Bed Materials from Mississippi River with Those of Certain Tributaries Petrographic Character of Bed ~1aterial s from the Mississippi River, Cairo to the Gulf Investigation of the Soil Available for the Construction of a Levee in Mauvais Terre Levee and Drainage District, Scott County, Illinois Report on the Design of the Supplementary Dam and the Sub-soil Exploration in the Vicinity of the Proposed Dam Site at the Waterways Experiment Station Soils Tests of Material from Site of Proposed West Monroe Levee Wall Report on the Distribution of Grain Sizes in Samples of Soil from Alton, Illinois Report on the Foundations and Recommended Design of a Levee in the Clear Creek Drainage and Levee District, Union County, Illinois AD Number Number TM 80-2 TM 90-1 Tt1 94-1 TM 94-2 Tt-1 97-1 TM 101-1 Tt1 101-2 TM 108-1 TM 113-1 Tt1 113-2 Unnumbered TM 116-1 TM 117-2 TM 118-1 m 124-1 TM 131-1 Tt~ 135-1 Date Aug 1937 Jan 1936 Apr 1937 Apr 1938 Jun 1936 Aug 1936 Jul 1937 Aug 1936 Oct 1936 Nov 1936 Nov 1936 Mar 1937 Oct 1937 Feb 1937 May 1937 Dec 1938 Oct 1938 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Report on the Redesign of a Levee in the Clear Creek Drainage and Levee District, Union County, Illinois An Investigation of a Soil to Determine the Stable Slope for a Graded Embankment Formed by It at the Site of the ll. S. Marine Hospital, t1emphis, Tennessee Preliminary Report of Investigation of Lateral Pressure Exerted by Mining Debris Against Dams in Central California Final Report on Laboratory Studies of Lateral Pressures Exerted Against Dams by Submerged Debris Report on Tests of Soil and Rock for the Conchas Dam Project Report of Experiments and Investigations to Determine the Efficacy of Sub-levees and Berms in the Control of Seepage Report of Additional Investigations to Determine the Efficacy of Sub-levees in the Control of Seepage Report on Investigation of Condition of and Materials in the Murray Dam, Near Ardmore, Oklahoma Report on Tests of Foundation t1aterials, Possum KingdomDam Report on Tests of Proposed Core t•1atet'ial s for the Possum Kingdom Dam Project Laboratory Procedure in Testing Soils and Sediment Studies in Connection with Stability of the Hydraulic Fill at Verba Buena Islahd, San Francisco Bay,California Preliminary Report on Foundation Investigation, Proposed Additional Lock at Hastings, Minnesota Report on Soil Tests and Design of Dike, Lake Traverse Project Analyses of Samples from Route of Proposed Ship Channel, Lake Charles, Louisiana Foundation Investigation; Lock Site No. 2, ProposedPearl River Improvement Experiments to Detemine· the Efficacy of Bentonite in Reducing Seepage Through and Under Levees AD Number Number TM 138-1 TM 140-1 TM 142-1 TM 145-1 TM 149-1 TM 150-1 TM 150-2 TM 151-1 Tt4 154-1 TM 155-1 Tr1 156-1 TM 156-2 Tt1 163-1 Tl4 164-1 TM 172-1 TM 175-1 m 176-1 Tl1 179-1 Date Aug 1938 Jul 1938 Dec 1938 Aug 1938 Feb 1939 Dec 1938 Mar 1939 Feb 1939 Jun 1939 Jun 1939 Aug 1939 Feb 1940 Dec 1939 Dec 1939 Jan 1941 Mar 1941 Mar 1941 Jul 1941 SOILS AND PAVEI4ENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Report of Soils Tests of Foundation Material for Dam on the Warrior River, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Report of Tests on Foundation and Overburden Material, Proposed Lock and Dam, Demopolis, Alabama Investigation of Mellwood (Arkansas) Levee Unit Report on Investigation of the Foundation Medium, Proposed Railway Bridge Over Wax Lake Outlet, Calumet, Louisiana Soil Investigation, Proposed Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Tombigbee Route Report on Investigation of a Portion of Levee System, Lake Okeechobee, Florida Report on Investigation of a Portion of Levee System, Lake Ok~echobee, Florida Efficacy of Systems of Drainage Wells for the Relief of Subsurface Hydrostatic Pressures Investigation of Levee Unit, East Side Levee and Sanitary District, East St. Louis, Illinois Model Study of Internal Drainage Systems in Pervious Levees Investigation of the Proposed Mill Creek Dam, Walla Walla, Washington Results of Triaxial Compression Tests of Loess from Foundation and Abutments of Mill Creek Dam, Walla Walla, Washington Investigation of Fouridation and Design of Levee Unit, Clear Creek Drainage and Levee District, Alexander and Union Counties, Illinois Results of Soil Tests on Material from Proposed Mud Mountain Dam, White River, Washington Study of Foundation of Test Section, Pendleton New Levee, Arkansas River, Arkansas Soil Mechanics Fact Finding Survey: Progress Report Seepa'ge Studies; Soil l~echanics Fact Finding Survey: Permeability Testing; Progress Report Investigation of Foundation and Design, Little Grassy Dam, Carbondale, Illinois AD Number SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 182-1 Oct 1941 Seepage Model of Greenville Front Levee, Greenville, ~1ississippi TM 183-1 Nov 1941 Revised Investigation of Filter Requirements for Underdrains Dec 1941 n1 184-1 Oct 1941 Investigation of Underseepage, Lower Mississippi River Levees TM 187-1 Feb 1942 Investigation of the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soil-Cement Mixtures Unnumbered Jul 1942 Pressure Cell Installation, Arkabutla Dam; Interim Report m 195-1 Oct 1942 Field and Laboratory Investigation of Design Criteria for Drainage Wells TM 196-1 Nov 1942 Investigation of Soil Stabilization with Vinsol Resin TM 198-1 Jan 1943 Seismic and Resistivity Geophysical Exploration Methods TM 199-1 Feb 1943 Critical Study of Shallow Seismic Exploration in the Limestone Areas of the Ozark Highlands Unnumbered Sep 1943 Results of California Bearing Ratio Tests Performed on Undisturbed and Remolded Samples of Soil Obtained from Service Behavior Test Section, Barksdale Field, Louisiana ' Unnumbered Jan 1944 Pavement Failure Study of Morristown Airport, Morristown, New Jersey TM 210-1 Jul 1944 "Soil Mechanics Fact Finding Survey:Investigation; Interim Report Soil Pressure Cell TM 211-1 Jul 1944 Field Tests on Final Report Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing; Unnumbered Nov 1944 Performance of Woven Wire Landing Mat During Traffic Tests I . . Unnumbered Nov 1944 Performance of Latisteel Traffic Tests Airplane Landing Mat During Unnumbered Dec 1944 Performance of Laminated Wood During. Traffic Tests Airplane Landing Mat ', Unnumbered Dec 1944 Performance of General During Traffic Tests Electric Airplane !Landing Mat Unnumbered Dec 1944 Performance of Steel Pierced Plank Mat with "T" Connectors nurirg Traffic _Tests Number Unnumbered TM 211-2 Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 211-3 TM 211-4 TM 211-5 TM 211-5A TM 212-1 TM 212-2 TM 212-3 TM 212-4 TM 212-5 Date Dec 1944 Jan 1945 Jan 1945 Jan 1945 Feb 1945 Mar 1945 Mar 1945 Apr 1945 May 1945 Oct 1945 Oct 1945 Mar 1946 Aug 1944 Sep 1944 Oct 1944 Oct 1944 Nov 1944 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Performance of Thaden Articulated Hood Slat Airplane Landing Mat nuring Traffic Tests Behavior of Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing Under Pierced Plank Landing Mat nuring Traffic Tests Performance of Irving Grid Landing t1at nuring Traffic Tests Performance of Standard Heavy Bar and Rod Airplane Landing Mat During Traffic Tests Performance of Standard Pierced Plank Airplane Landing Mat Under Traffic Tests Performance of Heavy Bar and Rod Airplane Landing Mat with New Connectors Under Traffic Tests Rigid Plate Bearing Test Investigation Conference on Control of Underseeoage, Cincinnati, Ohio, 13-14 June 1944 Behavior of Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing Under Airplane Landing Nat, During Traffic Tests with 20,000-lb Wheel Load Tests on Methods of Employing Pierced Plank Landing Mat with Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing Soil Mattress Construction for Runways with Prefabri cated Bituminous Surfacing Subgrade Moisture Protection with Prefabricated Bituminous Surfacing; Supplemental Report Results of Traffic Tests on Various Combinations of Light Bar and Rod Airplane Landing Mats and Base Courses; Final Report Airplane Landing Mat Investigation Tests on Steel Pierced Plank Airplane Landing t·1ats, with Integral Locking Lugs and Overlapping Turned Down Ends; Final Report Comparative Traffic Tests on Various Methods of Laying Pierced Plank Airplane Landing Mat; Final Report Pierced Plank Airplane Landing Mat with Integral Locking Lugs; Final Report AD Number Number TM 212-6 TM 212-7 TM 212-8 TM 213-1 Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 217-1 Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Date Apr 1945 May 1945 May 1946 Jul 1945 Jul 1945 Aug 1945 Aug 1945 May 1946 Aug 1946 Sep 1946 Oct 1946 Jan 1947 Feb 1947 t1ar 1947 Apr 1947 May 1947 Jul 1947 Jul 1947 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical t1emoranda Title Comparative Traffic Tests on Standard Pierced Plank and Model 2-T6 (Wichert) Pierced Plank Airplane Landing Mat Traffic Tests on Aluminum Alloy Pierced Plank Mat with Reduced Vertical Bayonet Clearance Traffic Test on Airplane Landing Mat, Steel, Pierced Type M-6 The California Bearing Ratio Test as Applied to the Design of Flexible Pavements for Airports Laboratory Study of Asphalt Paving Mixtures for Upper Bank Protection Certain Requi.rements for Flexible Pavement Design for B-29 Planes Rigid Pavement Tests, Marietta, Georgia Resinous Water Repellents for Soils; Interim Report Investigation and Design of Texas and Pacific Railroad (Port Allen:Branch Line) and Louisiana State Highway No. 30 Joint Embankment, Morganza Floodway Crossing,Morganza, Louisiana. In 2 volumes (only Volume 1 available) Investigation of Foundation, Bayou Sorrel Lock Investigation and Review of Design of the Proposed Texas and Pacific Railroad Main Line Embankment, MorganzaFloodway, McKneely to Red Cross, Louisiana Woodlawn Bridg~ -Foundation Investigation Accelerated Tr~ffic Tests; Summary Report Foundation Investigation of the East Calumet and West Calumet Floodq~tes, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana Soil Mechanics. Fact. Finding Survey: Triaxial Shear Research and Pressure Distribution Studies on Soils; Progress Report Flexible Pavement Behavior Studies; Interim Report 2 Fine Grained Alluvial Deposits and Their Effects on f~ississippi ·River Activity. In 2 volumes St. Johns Rayou Floodgate Structure Drainage System,New Madrid, Missouri AD Number AD A950 005 AD A950 041 SO! LS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Unnumbered Jul 1947 Cooper Dam, South Sulphur River, Paris, Texas; Soils Investigation -Survey Report Unnumbered Aug 1947 Investigation of Foundation Borrow Materials and Embankment Design for New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad, West Atchafalaya Floodway Crossing Unnumbered Nov 1947 Soils Study of Military Reservation, Fort Benning, Georgi a TM 3-245 ,Jan 1948 Laboratory Investigation of Filters for Enid and Grenada Dams Tl1 3-246 Dec 1947 Investigation of Solvent Resistant Treatments for Bituminous Pavements Tl1 3-247 Study of Relief Well Installations Nonconnah Creek Projects, Memphis, at Wolf River and Tennessee nee 1947 Volume 1 AD 757 402 Revised Feb 1952 Dec 1947 Volume 2 Plates Revised Feb 1952 m 3-24i3 Dec 1947 Filter Stability Tests on 11ud Mountain Dam Transition and Core Material Tl~ 3-249 Jan 1948 Catfish Point Control Structure Foundation Investigation Tl1 3-250 Feb 1948 Investigation of Wooden Well and Sardis Dams Screens for Grenada, Enid, AD 845 376 Unnumbered t1ar 1948 Foundation Investigation Structure -Schooner Bayou Control Un nur,lbe red r~ar 1948 Foundation Investigation of Sump and Water Tower, r~i ss iss i ppi Basin t,1odel, Clinton, Mississippi Unnumbered May 1948 Meeker Control Structure, Foundation Investigation TM 3-254 Investigation of the Design and Control Paving 11ixtures: of Asphalt May 1948 Volume 1 Summary Report, Inclosure I: Inclosure II: Procedures Formulas, and AD A012 503 11ay 1948 Volume 2 Appendix A: Selection of Design and Control Method; Appendix B: Presentation of Initial Laboratory Test Data; and Appendix C: Design and Construction of Test Section AD A012 504 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Volume 3 Appendix D: Traffic Tests; and Appendix E: Final Laboratory Correlation Tests Investigation of Embankment and Cut Slopes, Illinois Central Railroad Relocation, Grenada Reservoir Airplane Landing Mat Investigation, Tests on Steel, Pierced Type, M7 Efficacy of Partial Cutoffs for Controlling Underseepage Beneath Levees Walker Lake Canal Pumping Plant, Greenwood, Mississippi; Foundation Investigation Soil Compaction Investigation: Report 1 Compaction Studies on Clayey Sands Report 2 Compaction Studies on Silty Clay Report 3 Compaction Studies on Sand Subgrades Report 4 Subgrade Compaction Studies Report 5 Miscellaneous Laboratory Tests Report 6 Effect of Size of Feet on Sheepsfoot Roller Report 7 Effect on Soil Compaction of Tire Pressure and Number of Coverages of Rubber-Tired Rollers and Foot-Contact Pressure of Sheeps foot Rollers · Report 8 Effect of Lift Thickness and Tire Pressure Report 9 Compaction of a Graded Crushed-Aggregate Base Course ' Report 10 Evaluation of Vibratory Rollers on Three Types of Soils, by J. vJ. Hall Plate Bearing Tests -Outlet Works Stilling Basin, Bayou Bodcau Dam Geological Investigation of Gravel Deposits in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Adjacent llplands Tests on Soils Samples from Overseas Air Bases Combined f1organza Floodway Control Structures, Texas and Pacific Railroad·and Louisiana State Highway No. 30; Soils Investigation Number TM 3-254 (Cont) Unnumbered m 3-266 TM 3-267 Unnumbered Tt1 3-271 Unnumbered Tt1 3-273 TM 3-274 TM 3-278 Date May 1948 Aug 1948 Dec 1948 Jan 1949 Mar 1949 Apr 1949 Jul 1949 Oct 1949 Feb 1950 Jun 1950 ,Jun 1954 Jun 1956 Oct 1957 Oct 1963 Mar 1968 Jan 1949 May 1949 Apr 1949 May 1949 AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number A006 523 757 399 052 540 105 204 145 865 450 615 667 966 757 115 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS L~BORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 3-279 Jul 1948 Blakely Mountain Dam, Investigation of Foundation, Borrow Materials, and Embankment Design; Interim Report 1 Jul 1949 Blakely Mountain Dam, Embankment, Foundation and Borrow Areas; Interim Report 2. In 2 volumes TM 3-284 Jun 1949 Investigation of Foundation, Borrow Materials, and Embankment nesign for the Relocation of U. S. Highways 190 and 71 -West Atchafalaya Flood\tay Crossing TM 3-285 Jun 1949 Engineering Tests of Aggregate Dryer, Barber-Greene Company ~1odel 837, Single Drum AD 757 400 TM 3-286 Correlation of Soil Properties with Geologic Information: Jun 1949 Report 1 Simplification of the Liquid Limit Test Procedure AD 707 462 Dec 1951 Report 2 Correlation of Liquid Limit and Analysis ~1echanical AD 8951 762 TM 3-287 Jun 1949 Corrosion of Drainage Wells at Sardis Dam, Mississippi TM 3-288 Jun 1949 Geological Investigation of Mississippi River Activity, f1emphis, Tennessee, to Mouth of Arkansas River TM 3-289 Jul 1949 Foundation and Soils Investigation, Bayou Cocodrie Drainage Structure Unnumbered Jul 1949 Progress Report, Civil Works Investigation, Development of Velocity Meter for Relief Wells (CW 462-F) TM 3-292 Aug 1949 Lecompte Control Structure, Foundation Investigation TM 3-293 Feb 1949 Revised Jul 1949 Texarkana Dam, Terrace Section, Foundation and Borrow Investigation and Embankment Design; Interim Report 1. In 2 volumes TM 3-297 Aug 1949 Foundation Investigation, Wolf River Floodwall, Section 1A, Memphis, Tennessee TM 3-298 Aug 1949 The Entrenched Valley of the Lower Red River TM 3-299 Aug 1949 Field Permeability Tests, Commerce Landing, Mississippi, and Wilson Point, Louisiana TM 3-304 Nov 1949 Relief Well Systems for Dams and Levees Foundations; Model Investigation on Pervious TM 3-306 Dec 1949 Preservation of Sliced Soil Samples TM 3-308 Jan 1950 Pile Loading Tests, Structure Combined Morganza Floodway Control AD 8951 758 Number Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 3-311 TM 3-312 TM 3-314 Unnumbered Unnumbered TM 3-315 TM 3-316 TM 3-317 TM 3-318 TM 3-319 Unnumbered Unnumbered H1 3-322 Unnumbered Unnumbered Date Jan 1950. Mar 1950 May 1950 May 1950 Jun 1950 Jun 1950 . Jun 1950 Jun 1950 Jun 1950 Jun 1950 Revised Aug 1950 Sep 1950 Sep 1950 Oct 1950 Oct 1950 Jan 1951 Feb 1951 11ar 1951 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Jonesville Floodwall and Pumping Plant; Foundation Investigation Mississippi Basin Model .Foundation Investigation. In 2 volumes (only Volume 1 available) Geological Investigation of Faulting in the Lower Mississippi Valley Investigation of Effects of Traffic with High-PressureTires on Asphalt Pavements Effects of Traffic with Small High-Pressure Tires on Asphalt Pavements Bayou Lamourie Control Structure, Foundation Investigation Minutes of Conference on Soil Mechanics, 21, 22 June 1950 Undisturbed Sampling of a Clay Using Vacuum-and Piston Type Samplers Investigation of Underseepage and Its Control by Relief Wells, Commerce and Trotters, Mississippi. In 2 volumes Determination of Required Pile Lengths, Combined MorganzaFloodway Control Structure Bank Caving Investigations, Morville Revetment, Mis sissippi River Geology of the Lower Red River Morganza Control Structure, .Review of Use of Long and Heaviiy Loaded Piles Analysis of Design, Bayou Boeuf Lock, Soils and Foundation Investigation · Investigation of Heaving of Floor Slabs of Building,~Fort Gulick, Panama Canal Zone Analysis of D~sign, Wolf:River Floodwall, Section 1-C,Memphis, Tennessee; Foundation Investigation Design of Closure Section and Pressure-Relief Systemfor Outlet Structure Excavation, Grenada Dam AD Number AD 756 373 Number TM 3-323 Unnumbered TM 3-324 TM 3-328 TM 3-329 Unnumbered TM 3-:B2 H1 3-333 Unnumbered Tt1 3-341 Date ~1ar 1951 Oct 19!11 Sep 1953 nee 1954 Dec 19fi0 Apr 1951 t·1ay 1951 Aug 1951 Aug 1951 Sep 1951 ()ct 1951 Oct 1951 1952 Jan 1955 Apr 1952 Feb 1954 Jun 195 7 clun 1960 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Investigations of Pressures and Deflections for Flexible Pavements: Report 1 Homogeneous Clayey-Silt Test Section Report 2 Pilot Tests on New Four-Gage Cell Report 3 Theoretical Stresses Induced by Uniform Circular Loads Report 4 Homogeneous Sand Test Section Report 5 Development of Representative Soil Strengths from Laboratory Tests Analysis of nesign, Wolf River Floodwall, Section 1-E, Memphis, Tennessee; Foundation Investigation Airplane Landing Mat Investigation, Engineering Tests on Steel, Pierced Type, ~48 and Aluminum, Pierced Type, M9 Torsion Shear Tests on Atlantic Muck, The Panama Canal Investigation of t1ass Placement of Sand Asphalt for Underwater Protection of River Banks Head Loss Through Steel Sheet Piling, Hickman Floodwall, Reach No. 1, Hickman, Kentucky Geology of the Lower Arkansas River Alluvial Valley, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, to Mouth Field Penetration Tests for Selection of Sheepsfoot Rollers Poisson's Ratio Factor for Earth Pressure at Rest; Progress Report Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest and Poisson's Ratio; Progress Report 2 Control of Underseepage by Relief Wells, Trotters, Mississippi. In 2 volumes (includes Appendix A) /\ppendix B Analysis of 1952 Well Flow and Piezometric Data; and Appendix C: 1953 Pumping Tests. In 2 volumes Appendix D Analysis of 1955 Well Flow and Piezometric Data; and Appendix E: 1957 Pumping Tests Appendix F 1959 Pumping Tests AD Number AD A950 002 AD A006 499 AD 021 652 AD 052 207 AD 265 628 AD 780 299 AD B951 761 AD 757 407 AD 756 413 AD 120 973 AD 756 425 AD 757 409 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S-66 SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Technical t~emoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 3-341 (Cont) Jul 1962 Appendix G Analysis of 1961 Well Flow and Piezometric Data; and Appendix H: 1961 Pumping Tests, Chemical Analyses and Well Repairs Apr 1964 Appendix I 1963 Pumping Tests AD 756 411 Jul 1968 Appendix J 1965 Pumping Tests AD 756 201 Sep 1970 Appendix K 1969 Pumping Tests, by C. C. Trahan AD 756 208 Dec 1972 Appendix L 1971 Pumping Tests, by C. C. Trahan Unnumbered Jul 1952 Study of Effect of Current-Type Jet Aircraft on Airfield Pavements; Interim Report on Heat and Blast Effects on Pavements m 3-343 Limited Reconnaissance for Pavement Evaluation and Soil Type-Serial Photograph Ties: Dec 1952 Report 1 Keflavik and Patterson Airfields, Iceland Jan 1953 Report 2 Torbay Airfielrl, Newfoundland Dec 1952 Report 3 Harmon Air Force Base, Stephenville,Newfoundland, Canada Jan 1953 Report 4 BW-8 Airfield, Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland Jan 1953 Report 5 BW-1 Airfield, Narsarssauk, Greenland Nov 1952 Report 6 Goose Bay Airfield, Labrador, Canada Jan 1953 Report 7 Gander Airport, Gander, Newfoundland Aug 1952 Report 8 Reykjavik Airfield, Reykjavik, Iceland Feb 1953 Report 9 Cazes Airport, Casablanca, French Morocco Mar 1953 Report 10 Khouribga Airfield, Khouribga, French Morocco Feb 1953 Report 11 Oujda Airfield, Oujda, French Morocco Mar 1953 Report 12 Rabat-Sale Airfielrl, Rabat, French Morocco Dec 1952 Report 13 Roberts Field, Liberia Mar 1953 Report 14 Marrakech Airfield, French Morocco Mar 1953 Report 15 Meknes Ai~field, Meknes, French Morocco r~ar 1953 Report 16 Santa Maria Airport, Santa Maria Azores Island, * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 3-343 * (Cont) t1a r 1953 Report 17 Lages Air Force Base, Terceira, Azores Apr 1953 Report 18 Evreux-Fauville Air Base, Evreux, France * May 1953 Report 19 Toul-Rosieres Air Base, Toul-Rosieres, France * * May 1953 Reprirt 20 Chaumont Air Base, Chaumont, France ~1ay 1953 Report 21 Laon-Couvron Air Base, Laon, France * * Jun 1953 Report 22 Bordeaux-Merignac Air Base, Bordeaux, France * Jul 1953 Report 23 Bitburg I Air Base, Bitburg, Germany Jun 1953 Report 24 Bitburg II Air Rase, Spangdahlem, Germany * Jun 1953 Report 25 Hahn Air Base, Hahn, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 26 Landstuhl Air Base, Landstuhl, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 27 Sembach Air Base, Sembach, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 28 Tempelhof Air Base, Berlin, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 29 Wiesbaden Air Base, Wiesbaden, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 30 Erding Air Base, Erding, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 31 Neubiberg Air Base, Neubiberg, Germany * Aug 1953 Report 32 Furstenfeldbruck Air Base, Furstenfeldbruck, * Germany Oct 1953 Report 33 Stuttgart Airport, Stuttgart, Germany * Oct 1953 Report 34 Giebelstadt Airfield, Giebelstadt, Germany * Cct 1953 Report 35 Kitzingen Airfield, Kitzingen, Germany * Oct 1953 Report 36 Rhein-t·1ain Air Base, Frankfurt am t1ain, Germany * Oct 1953 Report 37 Ciampino Airport, Rome, Italy * * Oct 1953 Report 38 Capodichino Airfield, Naples, Italy * Oct 1953 Report 39 Foggia-r~ain Airfield, Foggia, Italy * Oct 1953 Report 40 Foggia-Amendola Airfield, Foggia, Italy Oct 1953 Report 41 Treviso I Airfield, Treviso, Italy * * Oct 1953 Report 42 Treviso II Air Base, Treviso, Italy * Statement B. See Preface. Number TM 3-343 * (Cont) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement B. Date Oct 1953 Nov 1953 Nov 1953 Nov 1953 Nov 1953 Feb 1954 Jan 1954 Jan 1954 Jan 1954 Feb 1954 Feb 1954 t~ar 1954 Mar 1954 Apr 1954 Apr 1954 May 1954 Jun 1954 Aug 1954 Jun 1954 Jun 1954 Jul 1954 Jul 1954 Jun 1954 Jul 1954 See Preface. SOILS Title Report 43 Report 44 Report 45 Report 46 Report 47 Report 48 Report 49 Report 50 Report 51 Report 52 Report 53 Report 54 Report 55 Report 56 Report 57 Report 58 Report 59 Report 60 Report 61 Report 62 Report 63 Report 64 Report 65 Report 66 AND PAVEMENTS LARORATORY Technical ~1emoranda AD Number Aviano Air Base, Aviano, Italy Ghedi Air Base, Ghedi, Italy Montichiari Air Base, f·1ontichiari, Italy Orio Al Serio Airfield, Bergamo, Italy Pisa San Giusto Airfield, Pisa, Italy Investigation of Calcareous Soils in French Morocco Phalsbourg Air Base, Phalsbourg, France Chateauroux-Deols Air Base, France Chambley Air Base, Chambley, France Etain-Rouvres Air Base, Etain, France St. Nazaire-Montoir Air Base, St. Nazaire, France Orlandet Air Base, Norway Stavanger-Sola Airport and Forus Airfield, Stavanger, Norway Gardermoen Air Base, Oslo, Norway Karup Air Base, Karup, Denmark Tirstrup Air Base, Tirstrup, Oenmark Vaerlose Air Base, Vaerlose, Denmark Vandel Air Base, Vandel, Denmark Luxemburg Airport, Luxemburg, Luxemburg Summary Report on the Geology and Soils of French Morocco Summary Report on the Geology and Soils of Western Germany Athens-Ell i'n ikon Airport, Athens, Greece Timbakion Air Base, Timbakion, Crete Kastellion Air Base, Kastellion, Crete SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Tit1 e AD Number * TM 3-343 (Cont) Jul 1954 Report 67 Araxos Air Base, Greece Jul 1954 Report 68 Larisa Air Base, Larisa, Greece * Aug 1954 Report 69 Etimesut Air Base, Ankara, Turkey * Aug 1954 Report 70 Esenboga Airport, Ankara, Turkey * Oct 1954 Report 71 Eskisehir Air Base, Eskisehir, Turkey * Oct 1954 Report 72 Balikesir Air Base, Balikesir, Turkey * Aug 1954 Report 73 Diyarbakir Air Base, niyarbakir, Turkey * Aug 1954 Report 74 Adana Airport, Adana, Turkey * Aug 1954 Report 75 Adana Air Base, Adana, Turkey * Jun 1954 Report 76 Sanjurjo Airport, Zaragoza, Spain * Jun 1954 Report 77 Torrejon de Ardoz Air Base, Madrid, Spain * ,Jun 1954 Report 78 Summary of Investigations at a Proposed * Airfield Site, Moron de la Frontera, Spain Jul 1955 Report 79 Wheelus Air Base, Tripoli, Libya * Feb 1955 Report 80 Idris Airport, Castel Benito, Libya * Jan 1955 Report 81 Misurata West Airfield, Misurata, Libya, * North Africa Jan 1955 Report 8~ Berea II Airfield, Benghazi, Libya * Jan 1955 Report 83 Benina Airport, Benghazi, Libya * Jan 1955 Report 84 El Adem Air Base, El Adem, Libya * Feb 1955 Report 85 San Pablo Airport, Sevilla, Spain * f1ar 1955 Report 86 Los Llanos Air Base, Albacete, Spain * Apr 1955 Report 87 Reus Air Base, Reus, Spain * Feb 1955 Report 88 Muntadas Airport, Barcelona, Spain * Mar 1955 Report 89 Barajas International Airport, Madrid, Spain * Aug 1955 Report 90 Royal Air Force Station Manston, Kent, * England Oct 1955 Report 91 RAF Station Brize Norton, Oxford, England * * ~tatement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number * TM 3-343 (Cont) Oct 1955 Report 92 RAF Station Mildenhall, Suffolk, England Oct 1955 Report 93 RAF Station Molesworth, Huntingdonshire, * England Aug 1955 Report 94 Royal Air Force Station Holme, Yorkshire, * England Oct 1955 Report 95 RAF Station Elvington, Yorkshire, England * Aug 1955 Report 96 RAF Station Alconbury, Alconbury * (Lincolnshire), England * Oct 1955 Report 97 RAF Station East Kirkby, Lincolnshire, England Dec 1955 Report 98 RAF Station Fairford, Gloucestershire, * England * Oct 1955 Report 99 RAF Station Bentwaters, Suffolk, England * Oct 1955 Report 100 RAF Station Burtonwood, Lancashire, England * Oct 1955 Report 101 RAF Station Wethersfield, Essex, England Dec 1955 Report 102 RAF Station Woodbridge, Suffolk, England * * Dec 1955 Report 103 RAF Station Shepherds Grove, Suffolk, England Dec 1955 Report 104 RAF Station Lakenheath, Suffolk, England * * Dec 1955 Report 105 RAF Station Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, England Dec 1955 Report 106 RAF Station Tibenham, Suffolk, England * Dec 1955 Report 107 RAF Station Beaulieu, Hampshire, England * * Dec 1955 Report 108 RAF Station Sturgate, Lincolnshire, England Feb 1956 Report 109 RAF Station Blyton, Lincolnshire, England * Feb 1956 Report 110 Blackbush Airport, Surrey, England * * Feb 1956 Report 111 RAF Station Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England Feb 1956 Report 112 RAF Station Sandtoft, Lincolnshire, England * * Feb 1956 Report 113 RAF Station Sculthorpe, Norfork, England 11ar 1956 Report 114 RAF Station Carnaby, Yorkshire, England * Statement B. See Preface. * SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Tr1 3-343 * (Cont) Feb 1956 Report 115 RAF Station St. Mawgan, Cornwall, England * Mar 1956 Report 116 RAF Station Wroughton, Wiltshire, England * Apr 1956 Report 117 RAF Station Chelveston, Northamptonshire, England * Apr 1956 Report 118 RAF Station Full Sutton, Yorkshire, England * Apr 1956 Report 119 RAF Station East Fortune, East Lothian, Scotland * May 1956 Report 120 RAF Station Lindholme, Yorkshire, England * ~1ay 1956 Report 121 RAF Station Oakington, Cambridgeshire, England * ~1ay 1956 Report 122 Royal Naval Air Station Ford, Sussex, England * Mar 1957 Report 123 RPAF Station Mauripur, Karachi, West Pakistan * Feb 1958 Report 124 Dhahran Airfield, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia * Feb 1958 Report 125 PAF Station Peshawar, Peshawar, West Pakistan * Dec 1957 Report 126 PAF Station Drigh-Road, Karachi, West Pakistan TM 3-344 Airfield Pavement Evaluation: Jan 1953 Report 1 Campbell Air Force Base, Kentucky AD 010 425 Dec -1953 Report 2 Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas Dec 1953 Report 3 Boca Raton Airfield, Florida Dec 1953 Report 4 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona Jan 1954 Report 5 Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina Oct 1953 Report 6 Palm Beach International Airport, Florida nee 1955 Report 7 Perrin Air Force Base, Sherman, Texas AD 756 330 Jan 1956 Report 8 Ardmore Air Force Base, Ardmore, Oklahoma AD 756 372 TM 3-349 Design of Flexible Airfield Pavements Landing Gear Assemblies: for Multiple-Wheel Sep 1952 Report 1 Test Section with Lean Clay Subgrade AD 010 209 Jun 1955 Report 2 Analysis of Existing Data AD 083 086 * Statement B. See Preface. S-72 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Tt1 3-354 Feb 1953 Topsoil and Seeding Studies at Vicksburg, Mississippi AD 003 396 H1 3-357 Apr 1960 ReprintedMay 1967 The Unified Soil Classification System (includesAppendix A: Characteristics of Soil Groups Pertaining to Embankments and Foundations; and AppendixR: Characteristics of Soil Groups Pertaining to Roads and Airfields) AD A026 473 TM 3-360 Apr 1953 Filter Experiments and Design Criteria AD 771 076 TM 3-361 Apr 1953 Recommended of Turf Practices for Establishment and Maintenance AD 010 208 TM 3-362 Apr 1953 Investigation of Bituminous Cold Mixes for the Protection of Upper River Banks AD A006 533 TM 3-372 Tar-Rubber Test Section at \4aterways Experiment Station: Nov 1953 Report Design and Construction of Test Section AD 024 381 Oct 1957 Report 2 Heat and Blast Effects AD 147 194 TM 3-373 Design of Upper Base Courses for High-Pressure Tires: Dec 1953 Report 1 Base Course RequirementsPressures as Related to Contact AD 025 962 TM 3-377 Jan 1954 Heat and Blast Effects on Tar and Tar-Rubber Pavements, AD 030 247 Presque Isle Air Force Base, ~1aine n~ 3-379 Analysis of Piezometer and Relief-Well Data: Feb 1954 Report 1 Data from Sardis Dam, Mississippi TM 3-384 Aug 1954 Review of Soils and Foundation Design and Field Observations, t~organza Floodway Control Structure, Louisiana * m 3-391 Jun 1954 Geological Investigation of the New Orleans Harbor Area TM 3-392 Jul 1954 Topsoil Indiana and Seeding Studies I at Purdue University, II ~ ~ Unnumbered Aug 1954 Construction Inspectors ~anual for Flexible Pavements TM 3-394 Oct 1954 ',,lj'Heat and Blast Effects of Current-Type Jet Aircraft on Airfield Pavements ' I 'I Tr~ 3-400 ~1ar 1955 Comparative Engineering ~raffic Tests of 10-, 11-, and 12-Gage MR Steel Landin~Mat AD 062 773 * Statement R. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEt1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda AD NumberNumber nate Title H1 3-401 Field Moisture Content Investigation~ t~ay 1948 Interim Report 1 Apr 1955 Report 2 October 1945-November 1952 Phase AD 069 343 May 1961 Report 3 November 1952-May 1956 Phase AD 266 782 Nov 1963 Report 4 August 1955-March 1959 Phase AD 432 810 TM 3-408 Jun 1955 Grouting of Foundation Sands and Gravels AD A950 080 Jan 1956 Appendix A Tests of Acrylamide N, N' Methylene-bisacrylamide as a Grouting Agent AD A950 081 TM 3-409 Oct 1955 Review of Soils Design and Field Observations, Enid Dam, Yocona River, Mississippi; Prototype Analyses (Soils) (includes Appendix A) AD A950 197 t1ar 1959 Appendix B Analysis of Piezometric and Relief Well Data Tt1 3-415 Oct 1955 A Study of In-Place Density Determinations for Soils AD 080 870 TM 3-416 Nov 1955 Tests of Vinyl Membrane as Surfacing for Airplane AD 083 085 Landing Facilities TM 3-418 Oct 1955 Theoretical Landing Mat Studies AD 083 084 TM 3-420 Nov 1955 Summary of Investigations of Effects of Jet Blast, Spillage, and Traffic on Experimental Tar-RubberConcrete Pavements Fuel AD 079 771 TM 3-423 Nov 1955 Delong Pier Tests at Le Verdon, France AD 082 371 TM 3-424 Investigation of Underseepage and Mississippi River Levees: Its Control, Lower Oct 1956 Volume 1 (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A012 771 t1ay 1964 Appendix E Analysis of 1961 Piezometric Data AD 756 412 Oct 1956 Volume 2 Tt1 3-425 Jan 1956 Drainage Systems and Engineering t1easurement Devices, St. Johns Bayou Floodgate, Missouri Nov 1964 Appendix A Engineering Measurements and Remedial Operations, 1955-1963 Sep 1965 Appendix B Pumping Tests and Inspection of Wells, 1965 H1 3-426 Feb 1956 Study of Channelized Traffic AD 085 797 TM 3-430 Apr 1956 Investigation of Underseepage, Mississippi River Levees, Alton to Gale, Illinois. In 2 volumes Number Date TR 3-432 Apr 1956 TR 3-433 Apr 1956 TR 3-436 Jun 1956 TR 3-439 Oct 1956 TR 3-441 Nov 1956 TR 3-442 Nov 1956 TR 3-443 Dec 1956 TR 3-450 Feb 1957 TR 3-451 Jan 1957 TR 3-452 t1ar 1957 TR 3-453 Apr 1957 TR 3-455 Jun 1957 Aug 1958 Jul 1960 Nov 1960 Mar 1962 Jun 1963 Feb 1965 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Investigation of Means of Placement of Rubber WaterstopsWithout Splitting Concrete Forms Investigation of Effects of Improved Joints and Direction of Traffic on Life of M8 Landing Mat Review of Petrographic Studies of Bed Material, Mississippi River, Its Tributaries, and Offshore Areas of Deposition Review of Soils Design, Construction, and PrototypeAnalysis, Blakely Mountain Dam, Arkansas Mathematical Expression of the CBR Relations Engineering Tests on Mobile t1aterials Laboratory M-II Performance of Relief Wells Along t1issouri River Levees, 1951-1952 Floods Delong Pier Tests at Fort Eustis, Virginia Review of Soils Design, Construction, and PrototypeData, Bayou Rigolette Floodgate Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Benbrook Dam, Texas Review of Soils Design, Pile Loading Tests, Construction, and Performance Observations, Section 1-B Floodwall, Memphis, Tennessee Soil Stabilization: Report 1 Field Evaluation of Calcium Acrylate (WESTest Lanes 1 and 2) Report 2 Initial Laboratory and Field Tests of Quicklime as a Soil-Stabilizing Material Report 3 Investigations of a Chemically Modified Cement as a Soil-Stabilizing Material Report 4 Investigati6ns 1 of Phosphorus Pentoxide as a Soil-Stabilizing Material Report 5 Investigations of Quicklime as a Stabilizingt1aterial Report 6 Investigations of a Chemically Modified Quicklime as a Stabilizing Material Report 7 Laboratory Investigation of Soil Stabilizing Systems for f~ilitary Purposes, by G. R. Kazan and W. B. Fenwick AD Number AD 099 683 AD B951 688 AD 119 141 AD 118 919 AD 756 393 AD 123 796 AD 135 305 AD 201 742 AD 241 536 AD 266 509 AD 402 304 An 411 145 A[) 613 171 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-458 Jun 1957 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Bayou Boeuf Lock TR 3-459 Jun 1957 Demonstration Test of Performance of Heavy-Load Airfield Pavements, Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Texas AD 137 963 TR 3-460 Jun 1957 Review of Observations from Hydrostatic Pressure Measuring Devices, Wappapello nam, Wappapello, Missouri AD 756 349 TR 3-461 Jul 1957 Engineering Tests of Experimental T7 Magnesium and Modified Standard Steel Airplane Landing Mats AD 138 269 TR 3-463 Jul 1957 Soils and Foundation Analyses for Delong Pier Installation at Little Creek, Virginia AD 139 084 TR 3-464 Aug 1957 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, John H. Kerr Project (Buggs Island and Island Creek Dams), Virginia AD 756 376 TR 3-466 Army Airfield Pavement Evaluation: Oct 1957 Report 1 Blackstone Army Airfield, Camp Pickett, Virginia Oct 1957 Report 2 navison Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, Virginia Oct 1957 Report 3 Fort Polk Army Airfield, Fort Polk, Louisiana Jan 1958 Report 4 Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Jan 1958 Report 5 Redstone Army Airfield, Huntsville, Alabama May 1958 Revised Report 6 Felker Army Airfield, Fort Eustis, Virginia t1ay 1959 Aug 1958 Report 7 \~alker Army Airfield, Fort Monroe, Virginia Aug 1958 Report 8 Gary Army A i rfi e 1 d, San t·1a rcos, Texas Aug 1958 Report 9 Lawson Army Airfield, Fort Benning, Georgia Aug 1958 Report 10 Post Army Airfield, Fort Sill, Oklahoma Jan 1959 Report 11 Libby Army Airfield, Fort Huachuca, Arizona Jan 1959 Report 12 Gray Army Airfield, Fort Le1~is, Washington Nov 1959 Report 13 Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, Alabama Nov 1959 Report 14 Laguna Army Airfield, Yuma Test Station, Yuma, Arizona S-76 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-466 (Cont) Feb 1960 Report 15 t~ichael Dugway, Army Airfield, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah t-1ay 1960 Report 16 Wolters Army Airfield, Camp Wolters, Texas May 1960 Report 17 Crissy Army Airfield, Presidio of San Francisco, California Jul 1960 Report 18 Butts Army Airfield, Fort Carson, Colorado * TR 3-470 Jan 1958 Tests of M-15 Antitank Mine in Soils of Various Strengths TR 3-474 Mar 1958 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Tom Jenkins Dam, Ohio AD 756 325 TR 3-477 May 1958 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Vicksburg Floodwall TR 3-479 Jun 1958 Analysis of Piezometer and Dam · Relief Well Data, Arkabutla TR 3-480 Jun 1958 Revised Mar 1968 Geological Investigation of the Yazoo Basin, Lower Mississippi Valley TR 3-483 Jul 1958 Geology of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain, Southeastern Louisiana. In 2 volumes TR 3-484 Sep 1958 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and PrototypeObservations, Texarkana Dam, Texas AD A006 524 TR 3-487 Aug 1958 Settlement Observations -New Orleans, Texas, and Mexico Railroad High-Level Crossing Over West Atchafalaya Floodway TR 3-490 Dec 1958 Proof-Test Section, Columbus Air Force Base AD 209 219 TR 3-492 Prefabricated Airfield and Road Surfacing Membrane Investigation: Feb 1959 Report 1 Engineering Tests, July 1953-December 1954 Oct 1962 Report 2 Engineering Tests, January 1956-December 1959 AD 295 472 TR 3-493 Fuel Spillage, Traffic, and Blast Testing of Maintenance Materials for Rubberized-Tar Concrete Airfield Pavements: Feb 1959 Report 1 1956-1957 Tests AD 211 969 TR 3-495 r~ar 1959 Combined CBR Criteria AD 213 706 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-499 Apr 1959 Evaluation Tests of Three-Quarter-Ton Trailer Equipped with Soil Testing Equipment Set No. 1 Revised AD 216 186 TR 3-501 Apr 1959 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Observations, Harlan County Dam, Nebraska Performance AD 763 048 TR 3-502 t-1ay 1959 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Observations, Lookout Point Dam, Oregon Performance AD 763 049 TR 3-503 t1ay 1959 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Observations, Algiers Lock, Louisiana Perfonnance AD 763 047 TR 3-506 t1ay 1959 Handbook; A Technique for Preparing Desert Terrain Analogs AD 217 639 TR 3-507 Jun 1959 Engineering Tests of T10 Steel Airplane Landing Mat U1odified t18), Dust-Alleviation Type AD 217 750 TR 3-508 Jun 1959 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance AD 763 046 Observations, Wister Dam, Oklahoma TR 3-514 Jun 1959 Lacquering of Sampling Tubes Corrosion for Protection Against AD 763 050 TR 3-515 Prefabricated Airfield and Road Surfacing Membranes: Jul 1959 Report 1 Temperate Zone Storageability Tests, 19531956 AD 219 383 r1ay 11)60 Report 2 Torrid Zone Storageability Tests, 1954-1957 AD 238 027 TR 3-524 Oct 1959 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance AD 763 051 Observations, Yazoo City Pumping Station TR 3-529 Nov 1959 Compaction Requirements for Soil Flexible Airfield Pavements Components of AD 230 082 TR 3-530 Dustproofing and Waterproofing of Soils: Dec 1959 Report 1 Field and Laboratory Investigations of Selected Materials AD 231 925 Jul 1963 Report 2 Laboratory Studies of Soil Waterproofing t·1aterial s AD 450 631 TR 3-533 Dec 1959 Proof-Test Section, Columbus Air Force Rase, AD 231 549 Structural Investigation of Pavements TR 3-534 Jan 1960 Core Drilling in Frozen Ground AD 233 396 TR 3-538 ~1ar 1960 Review of Soils nesign, Construction, and Observations, Ferrells Bridge Dam, Texas Prototype AD 763 052 Number Date TR 3-539 Apr 1960 TR 3-542 May 1960 TR 3-548 Jun 1960 TR 3-554 Jul 1960 TR 3-560 Jan 1961 TR 3-563 May 1961 TR 3-574 Jul 1961 TR 3-582 Aug 1961 TR 3-587 Jan 1962 TR 3-588 Dec 1961 Feb 1965 * TR 3-591 Jan 1962 TR 3-592 Feb 1962 TR 3-594 Feb 1962 TR 3-595 Feb 1962 TR 3-599 Jun 1962 * For Official Use Only. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Criteria for Designing Runways to be Surfaced with Land ing Mat and Membrane-Type Materials Portable Surfacing for Military Access Roads: Report 1 Laboratory and Tank Traffic Tests Investigation of Behavior of Flexible Airfield Pavements, Effect of Channelized, Heavy-Aircraft Traffic Validation of Soil-Strength Criteria for Aircraft Operations on Unprepared Landing Strips Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Bayou Courtableau Drainage Structure, La. Engineering Tests of T12 Plastic Airplane Landing Mat Engineering Tests of Experimental T8 Magnesium Airplane Revised Method of Thickness Design for Flexible Highway Pavements at Military Installations A Limited Study of Effects of Mixed Traffic on Flexible Pavements Project Otter (Overland Train Terrain Evaluation Research): Report 1 Pretest Report Report 2 Test Report, by J. H. Shamburger and L. M. Duke Investigation of Slide and Fill Areas, u. s. r~il itary Academy, West Point, N. Y. Beach Stabilization Tests of Landing Mats and Prefabricated Membranes Pavement Mix Design Study for Very Heavy Gear Loads; Pilot Test Section Development of the Gyratory Testing Machine and Procedures for Testing B~tuminous Paving Mixtures Dynamic Bearing Capacity of Soils: Report 1 Dynamic Loading r~achine and Preliminary Small-Scale Footing Tests AD Number AD 236 364 AD 238 028 AD 240 275 AD 241 546 AD 756 274 AD 265 630 AD 265 629 AD 270 581 AD 275 972 AD 402 257 AD 613 166 AD 908 328L AD 401 508 AD 687 370 AD 280 912 AD 286 011 SOl LS AND PAVEf4ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-599 (Cont) Sep 1965 Report 2 Dynamically Loaded Small-Scale Footing Tests on Dry, Dense Sand, by ,J, K. Poplin AD 623 516 Dec 1964 Report 3 The Application of Similitude to Small-Scale Footing Tests, by J. G. Jackson and P. F. Hadala AD 454 374 Jun 1965 Report 4 Investigation of a Dimensionless Load-Displacement Relation for Footings on Soft Clay, byP. F. Hada1a AD 467 081 Sep 1963 Report 5 Vertical Displacements of Spread Footings Clay: Static and I~pulsive Loadings on AD 450 619 TR 3-600 Jul 1962 Exploration Equipment for r~ilitary Construction, Engineering Tests AD 8951 689 TR 3-601 Jun 1962 Distribution of Soils Bordering the Mississippi River from Donaldsonville to Head of Passes TR 3-602 Jun 1962 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Performance Observations, Low-Sill Structure, Old River Control TR 3-603 Jun 1962 Review of Soils Design, Construction, and Observations; Grenada Dam, Mississippi Prototype TR 3-604 Jun 1962 Engineering Properties of Fine-Grained Mississippi Valley Alluvial Soils, Meander Belt and BackswampDeposits ' AD 706 213 TR 3-610 Nov 1962 Total Thickness and Compaction Requirements for Flexible Pavements to he Subjected to Channelized Traffic AD 296 042 TR 3-612 Nov 1962 A Technique for r~apping Terrain ~1icrogeometry AD 295 473 TR 3-619 t1ar 1963 Three-Dimensional Studies Electrical Analogy Seepage Model May 1964 Appendix A Flow to Circular Well Arrays Centered side a Circular Source; Series G In AD 735 840 Mar 1965 Appendix B Flow to a Single Well Centered Inside a Circular Source; Series H, by D. C. Banks AD 735 841 TR 5-622 Apr 1963 Organization and Presentation of for Office of Civil Defense Use; (includes Appendixes A-E) Environn~ntal Data A Feasibility Study AD 402 917 Sep 1964 Appendix F Engineering-Geologic Map Folio; Cost .A.D 447 529 Analysis, by R. T. Saucier; Appendix G: Environmental Data Source; Directory Investigations TR 3-624 Jun 1963 Aircraft Operations on Unsurfaced Soil; Soil ments and Analyses, Project ROUGH ROAD ALPHA Measure AD 410 099 SOILS AND PAVEr·1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 3-630 Analogs of Yuma Terrain: Feb 1958 Revised Report 1 Analogs of Yuma African Desert Terrain in the Northeast Jun 1962 Mar 1959 Revised Report 2 Analogs of Yuma Asian Desert Terrain in the South Central AD 478 846 Aug 1962 Apr 1959 Report 3 Analogs of Yuma Terrain in the Mexican Desert AD 478 847 Report 4 Analogs of Yuma Terrain in the t1iddle East Desert: May 1960 Revised Jun 1966 Volume Analogs of Yuma Terrain in the Middle East Desert, by C. R. Kolb and W. K. Dornbusch, Jr. AD 487 475 r~ay 1960 Volume II Analogs of Yuma Eastern Desert Terrain in the Middle AD 478 848 Revised Jun 1966 Volume II Analogs of Yuma Terrain in the Middle East Desert, by C. R. Kolb and W. K. Dornbusch, Jr. AD 487 434 Report 5 Analogs of Yuma Terrain United States Desert: in the Southwest Jun 1963 Volume AD 466 089 Jun 1963 Volume II AD 450 611 Report 6 Analogs of Yuma Terrain in the Northwest African Desert: Feb 1958 Revised Jun 1965 Volume I, by J. R. Van Lopik, J. H. Shamburger C. R. Kolb, and AD 466 206 Feb 1958 Volume II AD 466 207 Revised Jun 1965 TR 3-632 Development and Evaluation of Soil Bearing Capacity, Foundations of Structures: Jul 1963 Report 1. Field Vibratory Tests Data AD 672 494 TR 3-634 Sep l9G3 Engineering Tests of Experimental Tll Landing Mat (includes Appenctix A), Aluminum Airplane AD 450 622 Feb 1966 Appendix B Development of Revised Design Criteria for Tll Landing Mat, by D. N. Brown AD 630 599 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Num::..:be:.:.r__ nate Title AD tlumber TR 3-638 Jan 1964 Laboratory and Field Study of Epoxy-Asphalt Concrete AD 434 896 TR 3-642 Feb 1964 Review of Soils Design, Construction and Performance Observations, Overbank Structure, Old River Control AD 735 774 ,Jan 1968 Appendix A Pumping Tests and Well Cleaning Operations, 1966, by C. C. Trahan and F. Mitronovas AD A054 084 Oct 1971 Appendix R Pumping Tests and Well Cleaning Operations, 1969-1970, by C. C. Trahan and R. L. i1ontgomery AD A054 085 Mar 1975 Appendix C Pumping Tests and Well Cleaning Operations, 1973, by t~. A. Vispi TR 3-648 Feasibility of Constructing Large Underground Cavities: Jul 1964 Volume Background, Site Selection, and Summary AD 621 729 Jun 1964 Volume II The Stability of Deep Large-Span Underground Openings AD 621 747 Jun 1964 Volur1e I I I Report on Cost and Constructability AD 621 742 TR 3-658 Groundwater in Alluvium of the Lower Mississippi Valley (Upper and Central Areas), by E. L. Krinitzsky and J. C. Wire: Sep 1964 Volume AD 735 772 Sep 1964 Volume II AD 735 773 TR 3-659 Sep 1964 Geological Investigation of the St. Supplements), by R. T. Saucier Francis Basin (and TR 3-664 Oct 1964 Helicopter Downwash Blast Effects Study. by G. W. Leese AD 452 177 TR 3-675 Anchor Systems for Prefabricated Membrane Surfacing for Army Helicopter Landing Pads: t1ay 1965 Report 1 Engineering Tests, t1ay 1964, by S. G. Tucker AD 616 249 TR 3-677 Jun 1965 Engineering Tests of Tl3 by Robert Turner Plastic Airplane Landing Mat, AD 620 041 TR 3-679 Jun 1965 Operational Test of i1odi fied Tll Aluminum Landing Mat, England AFB, Louisiana, by C. D. Burns and G. L. Carr AD 620 031 TR 3-580 Jun 1965 Improved Beach t1atting for U. S. Navy Amphibious Operations, Engineer Tests, January-August 1964, by S. G. Tucker AD 620 138 n 3-686 Aug 1965 Portable Surfacing for IJ. S. Army Helicopter Landing Pads, Engineering Field Tests, by S. G. Tucker AD 621 685 S-82 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number Date Title AD Number ---------------------------·-------------------·---------- ----·------ TR 3-699 Engineering Properties of Nuclear Craters: Oct 1965 Report 1 Site Selection Investigations, Wet Medium AD 626 899 Cratering Experiments, by R~ T. Saucier and D. c. Banks Report 2 Theoretical Studies of Cratering Mechanisms Affecting the Stability of Cratered Slopes, Phase II, by A. s~ Vesic, W. E. Wilson, G. w. Clough, and T. L. Tai Dec 1965 Report 3 Review and Analysis of Available Information on AD 487 981 Slopes Excavated in Weak Shales, by R. c. Hirschfeld, R. V. Whitman, and L. A. Wolfskill Aug 1967 Report 4 The Formation and Initial Stability of Slopes AD 668 918 on Cohesionless Materials, by B. N. Maciver Dec 1966 Report 5 Residual Shear Strength of iieak Shales, by AD 651 746 H. G. Herrmann and L. A. Wolfskill Mar 1967 Report 6 Theoretical Studies of Cratering Mechanisms AD 668 247 Affecting the Stability of Cratered Slopes, Phase III, by Tein-Lie Tai and A. s. Vesic TR 3-700 Nov 1965 Portable Surfacing for u. S. Army Pioneer-Type Runways, AD 626 150 Laboratory and Engineering Field Tests, by s. G. Tucker TR 3-712 Jan 1966 Selected Geologic Literature, Lower Mississippi Vallev AD 628 983 Division Area, Index and Annotated Bibliography, by R. T~ Saucier Aug 1984 Supplement 6, by R. T. Saucier and R. w. Hunt (includes AD A\48 945 Appendixes A-B) (supersedes Supplement 5 which superseded Supplements 1-4) TR 3-714 Feb 1966 Artillery ileapon Dust Alleviation Tests, bv J. L. Decell AD 628 731 * TR 3-721 Nov 1966 Evaluation of Applicability of AASHO Road Test Results AD 804 117L to Corps of Engineers Flexible Pavement Design Criteria, by D. N. Brown and P. J. Vedros TR 3-722 May 1966 Embankment Pore Pressures During Construction, bv G. li. AD 735 842 Clough and J. W. Snyder TR 3-737 Aircraft Ground-Flotation Investigation: Aug 1967 Part I Basic Report, by D. M. Ladd and H. H. Ulery AD 821 088 Apr 1966 Part II Data Report on Test Section 1, by W. N. AD 484 672 Brabston, A. H. Rutledge, and w. J. Hill Apr 1966 Part III Data Report on Test Section 2, bv W. N. AD 484 673 Brabston, A. H. Rutled~e, and W. J. Hill * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date TitlE: AD Number TR 3-737 (Cant) Apr 1966 Part IV Data Report on Test Section 3, by W. N. Brabston, A. H. Rutledge, and W. J. Hill AD 485 274 Aug 1966 Part V Data Report on Test Section 4, byBrabston and W. J. Hill 1~. N. AD 809 381 Aug 1966 Part VI Data Report on Test Section 5, byBrabston and W. J. Hill \~. N. AD 809 189 Aug 1966 Part VII Data Report on Test Section 6, byBrabston and W. J. Hill \~. tJ. AD 809 190 Aug 1966 Part VIII Data Report on Test Section 7, by H. Brabston and W. J. Hill N. AD 808 382 Sep 1966 Part IX Data Report on Test Section 8, by A. Rutledge and W. J. Hill H. AD 805 290 Sep 1966 Part X Data Report on Test Section 9, by H. Brabston and W. J. Hill N. AD 805 295 Sep 1966 Part XI Data Report on Test Section 10, by w. Brabston and W. J. Hill N. AD 805 278 Sep 1966 Part XII Data Report on Test Section 12, by w. Brabston and G. M. Hammitt N. AD 805 279 Oct 1966 Part XIII Data Report on Watkins and G. Test Section M. Hammitt p~' by J. E. AD 809 193 Sep 1966 Part XIV Data Report on Watkins and G. Test Section 14, by J. M. Hammitt E. AD 805 296 Sep 1966 Part XV Data Report on Watkins and G. Test Section 14A, by J. M. Hammitt E. AD 805 280 Sep 1966 Part XVI nata ReportWatkins and on 1~. Test Section 15' J. Hill by J. E. AD 805 297 Sep 1966 Part XVI I Data Report on Watkins and G. Test Section 16, by J. M. Hammitt E. AD 805 298 Sep 1966 Part XVI I I Data Report on Watkins and W. Test Section 17, by J. J. Hill E. AD 805 281 Oct 1966 Part XIX Data Report on Light-Load Traffic Tests, byA. H. Rutledge and G. M. Hammitt AD 808 381 Number Date TR 3-741 Sep 1966 TR 3-757 Feb 1967 TR 3-772 Apr 1967 TR 3-773 Apr 1967 TR 3-777 Apr 1967 TR 3-779 Jun 1967 TR 3-781 Jun 1967 TR 3-786 Jul 1967 TR 3-793 Aug 1967 TR 3-798 Nov 1967 TR 3-800 Nov 1967 TR 3-803 Nov 1967 TR 3-812 Jan 1968 TR 3-820 Apr 1968 * TR S-68-1 Apr 1968 TR S-68-2 Jul 1968 AD 824 225 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Pile Tests, Columbia Lock and Dam, Ouachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana, by N. L. Worth, G. W. Clough, J. C. Chang, and C. C. Trahan Geological Investigation of the Boeuf-Tensas Basin (and Supplements), by R. T. Saucier Engineering Tests of Tl7 Membrane Used as All-Weather Surfacing for Two-Way Military Roads, by S. G. Tucker and T. W. Voller Laboratory and Engineering Field Tests of ElectronicWelded Membrane Surfacing (Tl5) for Helicopter Landing Pads, by S. G. Tucker Stability of Slopes and Foundations (Reprint of El1 1110-2-1902 dated February 1962) Evaluation of Gasketing Tapes for Waterproofing Structural-Plate Joints and Seams, by C. C. Calhoun Laboratory Investigation of Soil Infiltration Through Pipe Joints, by E. H. Nettles and J. R. Compton Drainage Characteristics of Base Course t1aterials, Laboratory Investigation, by E. H. Nettles and c. C. Cal hour. A r,1odel Study of the Small Boy Footing Behavior, by P. F. Hadala and J. G. Jackson Geological Reconnaissance of the Sulphur River and Cypress Creek Basins, Texas, by R. T. Saucier Engineering Tests of Tl4 Plastic Airplane Landing Mat, by H. L. Green Effect of Placement i~ethod on Response of Soil Stress Gage, by P. F. Hadala Evaluation of TlO Dust-Alleviation-Type Steel Landing Mat as Expedient Surfacing for Tactical Assault Air fields; Engineering Field Tests, 1961-1966, by S. G. Tucker Engineering Tests of Modified Tl2-Plastic Airplane Landing Mat, by H. L. Green Soil Property Investigation for HEST Test V, by J. G. Jackson and J. E. Windham Pore Pressures in Embankment Foundations, by J. H. Snyder AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 730 738 812 809 813 587 756 351 816 071 653 599 655 505 659 254 730 739 663 797 826 466 832 940 888 293L 730 745 Number Date * TR S-68-3 Jul 1968 TR S-68-4 Aug 1968 TR S-68-6 Sep 1968 Nov 1969 May 1969 TR S-68-7 Sep 1968 TR S-68-8 Nov 1968 TR S-68-9 Nov 1968 TR S-68-10 Dec 1968 TR S-69-2 Mar 1969 TR S-69-3 r~ar 1969 r~ar 1969 TR S-69-4 Apr 1969 TR S-69-6 Jul 1969 TR S-69-7 * Jun 1971 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Braking Tests on Nonskid Materials Applied to Tl7 t1embrane Surfacing, November l964-t1arch 1966, by R. H. Grau and S. G. Tucker Sidewall Friction Reduction in Static and Dynamic Small Blast Load Generator Tests, by P. F. Hadala Gyratory Compaction of Soils: Report 1 Pit-Run Clay Gravel, Data Report, by W. B. Abbott Report 2 Lean Clay, Data Report, by J. F. Sirr, S. L. Webster, and L. M. Womack Report 3 Crushed Limestone, Data Report, by W. B. Fenwick Analysis of Data from Instrumentation Program, Port Allen Lock, by W. C. Sherman and C. C. Trahan Effect of Shallow Burial on Load-Displacement-Time Response of Square Footings in Clay Under Impulsive Loading, by E. B. Perry Design and Evaluation of a Device for Determining the One-Dimensional Compression Characteristics of Soils Subjected to Impulse-Type Loads, by Larry Schindler Pile Tests, Jonesville Lock and Dam, Ouachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana, by C. R. Furlow Geological Investigation of the Ouachita River Area, Lower Mississippi Valley, by A. R. Fleetwood A Model Study of Dynamically Loaded Square Footings on Dry Sand, by J. K. Poplin Appendixes A-J, by J. K. Poplin Geological Investigation of the Mississippi River Area, Artonish to Donaldsonville, La., by R. T. Saucier Effects of Relative Density and Pulse Duration on Dynamic Response of Footings Buried in Sand, by P. F. Hadala and J. K. Poplin Distribution of Coarse-Grained Construction Materials and Potential Construction Sites in the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam: Volume I Text, by \L K. Dornbusch AD Number AD 837 658 AD 675 396 AD 679 165 AD 701 191 AD 689 454 AD 730 746 AD 680 905 AD 680 317 AD 730 747 AD 685 825 AD 692 299 AD 885 547L Number TR S-69-7 * (Cont) * TR S-69-8 TR S-69-10 TR S-70-1 TR S-70-2 TR S-70-3 TR S-70-5 TR S-70-9 * Statement B. Date Aug 1969 Jun 1970 Sep 1969 Nov 1969 Jun 1970 Jun 1970 Jun 1970 Apr 1970 t1ay 1970 t1ay 1970 ,Jul 1970 ,Jan 1973 Nov 1970 Apr 1975 See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Volume II Plates, by \L P. Covey, J. R. f1ay, and \·J. K. Dornbusch Supplement to Volume II, by \4. K. Dornbusch, J. R. May, and H. K. Woods Geology of Backswamp Deposits in the Atchafalaya Basin,Louisiana, by E. L. Krinitzsky and F. L. Smith Foundation Investigations, NASA Mississippi Test Facility: Report 1 Static and Vibratory Load Testing of Foundation Piles at Test Stand S-lC, by J. B. Stevens Report 2 Static Load Testing of Foundation Piles at Test Stand S-II, Al, by J. R. Stevens, Jack Fowler, and R. G. Guernsey Report 3 Load Transfer by Foundations S-lC and S-II Test Complexes During Construction, by Jack Fowler and iJ. B. Stevens ·, Report 4 Dynamic Behavior of Piling During Initial Test Firings on the S-lC and S-II Test Complexes, by Jack Fowler I Acoustic Subbottom Profiling Systems, a State-of-the Art Survey, by R. T. Saucier Correlation of Rackswamp Sediments, Atchafalaya Test Section VI, Atchafalaya Levee System, Louisiana, by E. L. Krinitzsky Effect of Saturation on Dynamic Response of Footings in Sand, by J. K. Poplin Thickness Requirements for IJnsu rfaced Roads and Airfields; Bare Base Support, Project 3782-65, by G. M. Hammitt and W. Aspinall Errata Sheet No. 1 I Study of Clay ~hale Slopes Along the Panama Canal: Report 1 East Culebra and West Culebra Slides and the r1odel Slope, by R. J. Lutton and D. C. Banks Report 2 His tory, r.eo1 ogy, and r~echan ics of Deve1opmentof Slides in Gaillard Cut: Volume Text, by R. J. Lutton AD Number AD 863 584L AD 875 325L AD 695 617 AD 698 028 AD 708 553 AD 708 554 AD 708 555 AD 706 212 AD 710 966 AD 707 956 AD 713 897 AD 715 977 S-87 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports AD NumberNumber Date Ti tl_e____ ,--------------------------------- TR S-70-9 (Cont) De~ 1974 Volume II Plates of Maps and Sections, by R. J. Lutton, R. W. Hunt, w. L. Murphv, with contributions by R. H. Stewart Jun 1975 Report 3 Engineering Analyses of Slides and Strength AD A013 516 Properties of Clay Shales Along the Gaillard Cut, by D. c. Banks, w. E. Strohm, Jr., Mariano De Angulo, and R. J. Lutton Aug 1978 Supplemental Report, A Reanalysis of the East Culebra AD A061 404 Slide, Panama Canal, by D. c. Banks TR S-71-2 Investigation of Plane Strain Shear Testing: Mar 1971 Report 1 WES High-Capacity Plane Strain Shear AD 756 120 Apparatus, bv M. M. Al-Hussaini Jun 1971 Report 2 Drained Plane Strain and Triaxial Compression AD 756 121 Tests on Crushed Napa Basalt, by M. M. Al-Hussaini Sep 1972 Report 3 Plane Strain and Triaxial Compression Tests AD 756 122 on Painted Rock Dam Material, by M. M. Al-Hussaini TR S-71-4 Ground Sho~k Calculation Parameter Study: Apr 1971 Report 1 Effect of Various Nonlinear Elastic-Plastic AD 723 981 Model Formulations, by G. Y. Baladi and P. F. Hadal a Nov 1972 Report 2 Effects of Various Bottom Boundarv Conditions, AD 752 423 by G. Y. Baladi Apr 1974 Report 3 Influen0e of Type of Constitutive Model on AD 778 164 Ground Motion Calculations, by G. Y. Baladi and I. Nelson TR S-71-5 Jun 1971 Geological Investigation of the Western Lowlands Area; Lower Mississippi Vallev, by R. T. Saucier and F. L. Smith TR S-71-6 Engineering Properties of Clay Shales: Jun 1971 Report 1 Development of Classification Indexes for Clay AD 756 123 Shales, bv W. Heley and B. N. Maciver Aug 1974 Report 2 Residual Shear Strength and Classification AD 786 554 Indexes of Clay Shales, bv F. C. Townsend and P. A. Gilbert Sep 1976 Report 3 Preliminary Triaxial Test Program on Taylor AD A032 992 Shale from Laneport Dam, by R. H. G. Parry Sep 1982 Report 4 Laboratory and Computational Procedures for AD A121 448 Prediction of Pore Pressures in Clay Shale Foundations, by D. A. Leavell, J. F. Peters, and F. C. Townsend (includes Appendixes A-C) S-88 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title-------------- AD Number TR S-71-10 Jul 1971 Evaluation of Anchors Used to Secure Membrane Surfacings, AD 729 802 by R. H. Grau TR S-71-ll Aug 1971 Comparison of Performance of Experimental Membranes, AD 729 803 Nonskid Compounds, Adhesives, and Earth Anchors with Regard to C-130 Aircraft Operational Requirements, by T. w. Voller * TR S-71-12 Nov 1971 A One-Dimensional Plane Wave Propagation Code for AD 889 905L Layered Nonlinear Hysteretic Media, by N. Radhakrishnan and B. Rohani TR S-71-14 Earth Vibration Effects and Abatement for Military Facilities: Nov 1971 Report 1 Site Selection for Ground Motion Studies, AD 733 875 by L. w. Heller Apr 1972 Report 2 The Particle Motion Field Generated by the AD 741 772 Torsional Vibration of a Circular Footing on Sand, by L. W. Heller Sep 1972 Report 3 Analysis Method for Footing Vibrations AD 749 507 Through Layered Media, by Gunter Waas Jan 1974 Report 4 Ground Motion Transmission in Nonhomogeneous AD A025 364 Soils, by R. A. Weiss TR S-71-15 Nov 1971 Development of a Dvnamic High-Pressure Triaxial Test AD 734 312 Device, by J. Q. Ehrgott and R. C. Sloan * TR S-71-16 Dec 1971 Evaluation of a Transmitting Boundary for a Two AD 889 996L Dimensional Wave Propagation Computer Code, by Paul Had ala TR S-71-17 Multiple-Wheel Heavy Gear Load Pavement Tests: Nov 1971 Volume I Basic Report, by R. G. Ahlvin, H. H. Ulery, AD 889 705 R. L. Hutchinson, and J. L. Rice Nov 1971 Volume II Design, Construction, and Behavior Under AD 889 889 Traffic, by C. D. Burns, R. L. Hutchinson, H. H. Ulerv, J. E. Watkins, and R. W. Grau Nov 1971 Volume IliA Presentation and Initial Analysis of AD 890 779 Stress-Strain-Deflection and Vibratory Measurements; Instrumentation, by R. H. Ledbetter, J. L. Rice, H. H. Ulery, F. w. Kearnev, and J. B. Gambill SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR S-71-17 (Cont) Nov 1971 Volume IIIB Presentation and Initial Analysis of StressStrain-Deflection and Vibratory 11easurements; nata and Analysis, by R. H. Ledbetter, J. L. Rice, H. H. Ulery, F. W. Kearney,J. B. Gambill, and J. W. Hall AD 890 780 Nov 1971 Volume 1V Analysis of Behavior Under Traffic, by G. Hammitt, R. L. Hutchinson, J. L. Rice, M. AD 890 668 0. 0. Thompson, and D. N. Brown TR S-72-2 Feb 1972 Effect of Grid Size on Cutoff Frequency in the Numerical Solution of an Elastic One-Dimensional Wave PropagationProblem, by P. F. Hadala and H. M. Taylor AD 738 533 TR S-72-4 Apr 1972 Physical Property and Dynamic Compressibility Analysis of the Watching Hill Blast Range, by J. G. Jackson AD 741 773 TR S-72-5 Apr 1972 An Evaluation of an Existing Procedure for Determining Shear Moduli at Depths by In Situ Vibratory Technique, by ,Jack Fowler AD A050 481 TR S-72-6 t1ay 1972 Dynamic Response of Rectangular Footings Sand, by H. M. Taylor in Clay and AD 743 634 TR S-72-7 Jun 1972 Development of Design Criteria and Acceptance Specifi AD 745 085 cations for Plastic Filter Cloths, by C. C. Calhoun TR S-72-10 Jun 1972 Analysis of Data from Instrumentation Program, River Lock, by W. C. Sherman and C. C. Trahan Old AD 756 126 TR S-72-11 Aug 1972 State-of-the-Art of Marine So{ltion Engineering Mechanics and Founda AD 747 366 TR S-72-12 Nov 1972 In Situ Tests for the Determination of Rock Mass Shear AD 752 422 Strength, by T. W. Zeigler TR S-73-3 May 1973 Evaluation of Redesigned XW18 Membrane and Accessories, by F. M. Palmer AD 761 089 TR S-73-4 May 1973 Analysis of Stress and Strain Distributions in Triaxial Tests Using the r1ethod of Finite Elements, byN. Radhakrishnan AD 763 181 TR S-73-5 Seepage in Mississippi River Banks: May 1973 Report 1 Analysis of Transient Seepage Using a ViscousFlow t1odel and the Finite Difference and AD 762 556 Finite Element 14ethods, by C. S. Desai TR S-73-6 Aug 1973 Effect of Constitutive Properties of Earth Media on Outrunning Ground Shock from Large Explosions, byP. F. Hadala AD 768 176 Number . TR S-73-10 TR S-73-11 TR S-73-12 TR S-73-13 TR S-74-1 TR S-74-2 TR S-74-3 TR S-74-5 TR S-74-6 TR S-74-7 TR S-74-8 Date Oct 1973 Oct 1973 Oct 1973 Dec 1973 Jan 1974 Feb 1974 Apr 1974 Jul 1974 Jul 1974 Sep 1974 Jun 1974 Apr 1977 Dec 1974 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Material Property Investigation for Project MIDDLE GUST, Events I, II, and III: Report 1 Subsurface Exploration and Laboratory Test Results, by J. E. Windham, E. E. Chisolm, J. L. Gatz, and J. T. Lewis t1aterial Property Investigation for Project MIDDLE GUST,Events IV and V: Report 1 Subsurface Exploration and Laboratory Test Results, by R. A. Knott, r1. A. Vispi, and W. J. Farrell Model Study of the Response of Silo-Type Structures in Dry Sand Under One-Dimensional Plane Wave Loading, by E. B. Perry Vehicle/Road Compatibility Analysis and t1odification Systems (VRCAt4S), by V. C. Barber and N. R. t4urphy An Evaluation of the Thermocouple Psychrometric Tech nique for the Measurement of Suction in Clay Soils, by L. D. Johnson Engineer Design Test of Heavy-Duty Membrane Airfield Surfacing, by F. M. Palmer Analysis of Pile Tests, by W. C. Sherman, Jr., D. M. Holloway, and C. C. Trahan Geological Investigation of the Lower Red River Atchafalaya Basin Area, by F. L. Smith and D. P. Russ Finite Element,Analysis of the Columbia Lock Pile Foundation System, by C. S. Desai, L. D. Johnson, and C. M. Hargett ·Stresses and Shearing Resistance in Soil Beneath a Rigid Wheel, by M. M. Al-Hussaini and P. A. Gilbert Comparative Performance of Structural Layers in Pavement Systems: Volume I Design, Construction, and Behavior Under Traffic of Pavement Test Sections, by C. D. Burns, C. L. Rone, W. N. Brabston, and H. H. Ulery, Jr. · Volume II Analysis of Test Section Data and Presentation of Design and Construction Procedures Volume III Design and Construction of MESL, by G. M. Hammitt II AD Number AD 771 036 AD 771 920 AD 771 927 AD 772 962 AD 774 863 AD 776 331 AD 779 425 AD A037 805 AD A049 480 AD AOOO 609 AD 785 024 AD A052 154 AD A005 893 SOILS AND PAVH1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR S-74-8 (Cont) Jan 1977 Volume IV Analysis of Insulating Layers in Pavement Test Sections, by W. R. Barker and Frazier Parker, Jr. AD A038 116 * TR S-74-9 Nov 1974 Ratiocinative Design Criteria for Membrane-EnvelopedFine-Grained Soil Layers, by G. M. Hammitt II AD B025 049L TR S-74-10 Prestressed Concrete Pavements: Oct 1974 Volume Dulles Test Road Instrumentation and Load AD AOOO 456 Tests, by E. C. Odom and R. H. Ledbetter Nov 1974 Volume II Design and Construction Procedures for Civil 'Airports, by E. C. Odom and P. F. Carlton AD A003 477 TR S-74-11 Sep 1974 Aircraft-Pavement Compatibility Study, by F. Jr., and M. A. Gamon H. Griffis, AD AOOl 408 TR S-74-12 Nov 1974 Steel Fibrous Concrete for Airport Pavement Applications, by Frazier Parker, Jr. AD A003 123 Dec 1975 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR S-75-1 Jan 1975 Evaluation of Experimental Polyurethane-Coated Membranes, by T. W. Vollor AD A005 151 TR S-75-2 Jan 1975 Field Tests of Tl6 Membrane Beneath A~12-A~15-Landing-Mat-Surfaced SATS Airfield, by R. H. Grau AD A006 144 * TR S-75-3 Mar 1975 Material Property Investigations for the ESSEX I Test Site at Fort Polk, Louisiana, by J. Q. Ehrgott and R. Stanley (includes Appendixes A-J) L. AD B004 634L * TR S-75-5 Jun 1975 Wave Equation Analyses of Pile Driving, by D. way (includes Appendixes A-B) M. Hollo- AD B004 854L TR S-75-6 Jun 1975 Pleistocene Sediments of the New Orleans-Lake Pontchar train Area, by C. R. Kolb, F. L. Smith, and R. C. Silva TR S-75-7 Jun 1975 An Analytical Study of Projectile Penetration Into Rock, by D. K. Butler AD A012 140 TR S-75-8 Jun 1975 Evaluation and Selection of Experimental Membranes Use as Medium-Duty Surfacing, by A. J. Bush III for AD A012 144 TR S-75-9 Development of a Projectile Penetration Theory: Jun 1975 Report 1 Penetration Theory for Sha11 ow to ~1oderate Depths, by R. S. Bernard and S. V. Hanagud (includes Appendixes A-0) AD A013 361 Feb 1976 Report 2 Deep Penetration Theory for Homogeneous Layered Targets, by R. S. Bernard and AD A022 649 * Statement B. See Preface. S-92 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number * TR S-75-10 Jul 1975 Development of a Structural Design Procedure for AllBituminous Concrete Pavements for Military Roads, by W. N. Brabston, W. R. Barker, and G. G. Harvey (includes Appendixes A-D) AD B006 299L TR S-75-11 Pavement Response to Aircraft Dynamic Loads: Jun 1975 Volume Instrumentation Systems and Testing Programs, by W. J. Horn and R. H. Ledbetter AD A016 450 Sep 1975 Volume II Presentation and Analysis of Data, by R. Ledbetter H. AD A022 806 Sep 1975 Appendix A Automatic Data Processing, by B. W. ~1cCleave Sep 1975 Appendix B Data, by R. H. Ledbetter AD A018 337 Jun 1976 Volume III Compendium, by R. H. Ledbetter AD A028 378 TR S-75-13 Oct 1975 Effects of Anisotropic Versus Isotropic Consolidation in Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests of Cohesive Soils, by R. T. Donaghe and F. C. Townsend (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A049 481 TR S-75-14 Nondestructive Vibratory Testing of Airport Pavements: Sep 1975 Volume I Experimental Test Results and Development of Evaluation Methodology and Procedure, by J. L. Green and J. W. Hall (includes AppendixesA-C) ! AD A017 511 Apr 1975 Volume II Theoretical Study of the Dynamic! Stiffness and Its Application to the Vibratory Nondestructive ~1ethod of Testing Pavements, byR. A. Weiss : AD A013 681 TR S-75-15 Nov 1975 Piping in Earth Dams Constructed of Dispersive Clay; Literature Review and Design of Laboratory Tests, byE. B. Perry (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A018 695 Aug 1976 Errata Sheet TR S-75-16 Dec 1975 Investigation of K Testing in Cohesionless Soils, by M. M. Al-Hussaini ~nd F. C. Townsend AD A019 503 TR S-75-17 Sep 1975 Development of a Structural Design Procedure for Flexible Airport Pavements, by W. R. Barker and W. N. Brabston (includes Appendixes A-K) AD A019 205 TR S-76-1 Mar 1976 Dynamic Analysis of Fort Peck Dam, by W. F. Marcuson and E. L. Krinitzsky (includes Appendixes A-E) III AD A022 390 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR S-76-2 Jan 1976 Determination of Rock Mass Permeability, by T. Zeigler (includes Appendixes A-C) W. AD A021 192 TR S-76-3 Feb 1976 An Iterative Layered Elastic Computer Program for Rational Pavement Design, by Yu T. Chou (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A024 334 TR S-76-4 Jun 1976 Effect of Backfill Compaction on Design Criteria for Hardened Facilities: Results of Soil-Structure Interaction Calculations for Dry Types I and II Backfill Materials, by J. E. Windham (includes Appendixes A-B) AD A026 936 TR S-76-5 Jun 1976 Geology and Geotechnical Properties of Laterite Gravel, by F.. L. Krinitzsky, D. M. Patrick, and F. C. Townsend (includes Appendixes A-F) AD A026 505 TR S-76-6 Jun 1976 Review and Analysis of Blasting and Vibrations head Lick, by R. J. Lutton at Bank AD A026 735 TR S-76-7 Jun 1976 The Changeable Interaction Between Soils and Pressure Cells; Tests and Reviews at the Waterways ExperimentStation, by M. J. Hvorslev AD A029 161 Aug 1976 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR S-76-8 Jun 1976 Analysis of Behavior of Expansive Soil Foundations, byL. D. Johnson and W. R. Stroman (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A028 724 TR S-75-9 Aug 1976 Investigation of Accelerated Curing of Soil-Lime and Lime-Fly Ash-Aggregate 11ixtures, by F. C. Townsend and R. T. Donaghe (includes Appendixes A-F) AD A029 142 TR S-76-10 Sep 1976 Evaluation of Parameters Affecting Horizontal Stability of Landing Mats, by Yu T. Chou, H. R. Barker,·and W. P. Dawkins (includes Appendix A) AD A030 882 TR S-76-11 Sep 1976 Effect of Horizontal Reinforcement Earth !lasses, by t1. 11. Al-Hussaini on Stability of and E. B. Perry AD A036 120 TR S-76-12 Aug 1976 Evaluation of Nonl i near Resilient t1odul i of Unbound Granular Materials from Accelerated Traffic Test Data, by Yu T. Chou (includes Appendix A) AD A030 377 * TR S-76-13 Nov 1976 Projectile Penetration in Earth t1aterial s: Computer Analysis, by R. S. Bernard and D. (includes Appendixes A-D) Theory and C. Creighton AD B016 183L TR S-76-14 Nov 1976 An Evaluation of the Design and Applications of Yieldable Rock Bolts, by W. 0. Miller (includes Appendix A) AD A034 026 TRS-76-15 Dec 1976 Pavement Deterioration Analysis for Design and Evaluation Systems, by V. C. Barber, E. C. Odom, and R. w. Patrick (includes Appendix A) AD A037 076 * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date TR S-76-16 Nov 1976 TR S-76-17 Sep 1976 TR S-77-1 Feb 1977 TR S-77-2 Feb 1977 TR S-77-3 Apr 1977 TR S-77-4 May 1977 * TR S-77-5 May 1977 TR S-77-6 Jul 1977 TR S-77-7 Aug 1977 TR S-77-8 Feb 1977 TR S-77-9 Feb 1977 TR S-77-10 Sep 1977 TR S-77-11 Aug 1977 TR S-77-12 Nov 1977 TR S-78-1 Jan 1978 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVE~1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Plastic and Resilient Properties of Heavy Clay Under Repetitive Loadings, by F. C. Townsend and E. F.. Chisolm (includes Appendix A) Behavioral Characteristics of Gravelly Sand and Crushed Limestone for Pavement Design, by E. E. Chisolm and F. C. Townsend (includes Appendix A) Investigation of Construction Techniques for Tactical Bridge Approach Roads Across Soft Ground, by S. L. Webster and J. E. Watkins Microearthquake Monitoring at Corps of Engineers Facilities, by D. M. Patrick (includes Appendix A) Constitutive Property Investigations in Support of Full-Scale Penetration Tests in Dakota Sandstone, San Ysidro, New Mexico, by D. K. Butler, R. R. Nielsen, R. K. Dropek,and S. W. Butters (includes Appendixes A-D) Investigation of a Proposed Full-Scale Rock Penetration Test Site Near Los Lunas, New Mexico, by D. K. Butler Numerical Analysis of Partially Penetratin( Random Well Arrays, by J. B. Warriner and D. C. Banks includes Appendixes A-D) Finite Element Analysis of a Reinforced Earth Wall, by M. M. Al-Hussaini and L. D. Johnson (includes AppendixesA-C) Evaluation of Laboratory Suction Tests for Prediction of Heave in Foundation Soils, by L. D. Johnson Analysis of Permanent Deformations of Flexible AirportPavements, by Y. T. Chou Engineering Behavior of Pavement Materials: State of the Art, by Y. T. Chou General Deformation (Elastic and Inelastic) and Stress Distribution Theory in Soils, by R. H. Ledbetter Design and Construction of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Airport Pavements, by G. G. Harvey Airfield Pavement Smoothness Requirements, by IJ. J. Horn Strength and Deformation Properties of Rock Fill , by R. T. Donaghe and M. W. Cohen AD Number AD A035 035 AD A033 336 AD A037 351 AD A038 896 AD A040 056 AD A042 127 AD B019 285L AD A043 069 AD A044 027 AD A044 269 AD A045 272 AD A045 022 AD A049 970 AD A050 921 AD A051 795 Number Date TR S-78-2 Feb 1978 * TR S-78-3 May 1978 TR S-78-4 Jun 1978 TR S-78-5 Jun 1978 TR S-78-6 Jul 1978 TR S-78-7 Jul 1978 TR S-78-8 Jul 1978 TR S-78-9 Aug 1978 TR S-78-10 Aug 1978 TR S-78-11 Sep 1978 TR S-78-12 Sep 1978 * TR S-78-13 Sep 1978 TR S-78-14 Sep 1978 TR S-78-15 Oct 1978 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Study of Feasibility of Using Wissa-Type Piezometer Probe to Identify Liquefaction Potential of Saturated Fine Sands, by J. H. Schmertmann Damage to Dams from Nuclear Weapons Effects (Formerly ESSEX II); Vulnerability of an Earth Dam to Buried Explosions, Preliminary Studies, by\~. C. Sherman, Jr. Depth and Motion Prediction for Earth Penetrators, by R. S. Bernard Effect of Backfill Property and Airblast Variations on the External Loads Delivered to Buried Box Structures, by J. E. Windham and J. 0. Curtis (includes Appendixes A-B) Investigation of Construction Concepts for Pavements Across Soft Ground, by s. L. Webster and S. J. Alford Predicting Potential Heave and Heave with Time in Swelling Foundation Soils, by L. D. Johnson (includes Appendixes A-H) The Deterioration and Reliability of Pavements, by V. C. Barber, E. C. Odom, and R. W. Patrick (includes Appendixes I-IV) Comparison Between the Strengths of Undisturbed and Reconstituted Sands from Niigata, Japan, by M. L. Silver Cyclic Strength of Undisturbed Sands from Niigata, Japan, by t-1. L. Silver Fabric Analysis of Undisturbed Sands from Niigata, Japan, by J. K. Mitchell, F. J. Guzikowski, and W. C. B. Villet Response of Linear Elastic Transverse-Isotropic Media to Borehole Pressuremeter Loadings, by G. Y. Baladi and M. ~. George Uncertainties in Predicting Earth Penetrator Per formance in Inaccessible Geologic Targets, by Behzad Rohani, P. F. Hadala, and D. C. Creighton Non-Nonnal Impact and Penetration: Analysis for Hard Targets and Small Angles of Attack, by R. S. Bernard and D. C. Creighton (includes Appendixes A-D) Gyratory Shear Apparatus Design, Testing Procedures, and Test Results on Undrained Sand, by Arthur Casa grande and Franklin Rendon (includes Appendix A) AD Number AD A052 910 AD B028 609L AD A056 701 AD A058 669 AD A058 930 AD A059 069 AD A058 895 AD A061 001 AD A060 626 AD A061 145 AD A061 140 AD B031 408L AD A061 512 AD A062 843 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVE~1ENTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR S-78-16 Oct 1978 Effect of Shear Stress on Dynamic Bulk Modulus of Sand. by J. H. Schmertmann (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A062 256 TR S-78-17 Oec 1978 Feasibility Study of an Earth Melting Penetrator System for Geoprospecting Tunnel Right-of-Ways. by D. L. Black AD A067 565 S-97 SOILS AND PAVEr1ENTS LABORATORY Translations Number Date Title AD Number 69-5 Jun 1969 Physical Properties of Remolded Cohesive Soils (Uber AD 735 432 die Festigkeitseigenschaften gestorter bindiger Boden), by M. J. Hvorslev SOILS .. AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Soil Mechanics Information Analysis Center Number Date Title AD Number Unnumbered Sep 1972 Applications of the Finite Element t1ethod in Geotechnical Engineering; Proceedings of the Symposium held at Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1-4 May 1972; edited by c. s. Desai Volume 1 AD A020 800 Volume 2 AD A020 801 Volume 3 AD A020 802 Unnumbered Apr 1974 f·1icrothesaurus of Soil ~1echanics Terms AD A003 812 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number AGRICULTURAL AVIATION ENGINEERING COMPANY, Santa Clara,California CR 3-169 Sep 1967 Development of Aerial Dispersal System for Rapid-Landing-Site Stabilization, by G. S. Sanders AD 908 495 ARE, INC., ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, Austin, Texas CR S-75-6 Aug 1975 State-of-the-Art in Variability of r~aterial Propertiesfor Airport Pavement Systems, by T. W. Kennedy, W. R. Hudson, and B. F. McCullough AD A018 800 ARMOUR INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL CO., ~1cCook, Illinois CR S-68-7 Nov 1968 Bituminous and Resinous Materials R. D. Thomas for Dust Control, by AD 857 645 ASHLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY, Minneapolis, Minnesota CR S-68-5 Nov 1968 Research Study on Soil Treatment Materials for OustPalliation, Soil Waterproofing and Soil Strengthening,by C. N. Impala and D. A. Olsen AD 859 274 AUSTIN RESEARCH ENGINEERS, INC., Austin, Texas CR S-76-11 Sep 1976 Data Collection and Analysis, Runway 4R-22L, O'Hare International Airport, by H. J. Treybig, H. L. Von Quintus, and B. F. McCullough AD A030 806 BOOZ-ALLEN APPLIED RESEARCH, INC. , Bethesda, r1a ryland CR S-71-3 Aug 1971 Cost-Effectiveness Study of Prefabricated AirplaneLanding t1ats; Final Report, by G. R. Bierman, C. T. deLorimier, and K. Behari AD 756 172 BOYNTON ASSOCIATES, La Canada, California CR 3-98 May 1962 Preliminary Design and Economic Study for Load Generator; Final Report a Dual CR 3-99 Jan 1963 Charge Development Study and Fabrication of Test Equipment for Footing Loader of Dual Load Generator;Final Report SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number U~IVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley CR 3-89 Feh 1964 Effects of Sampling and Disturbance on the Strength of Soft Clays, by H. B. Seed, I. Noorany, and I. M. Smith AD 837 276 CR 3-132 Nov 1965 The Effect of Anisotropy and Reorientation of Principal Stresses on the Shear Strength of Saturated Clay, by J. M. Duncan and H. B. Seed AD 837 277 CR 3-133 Nov 1965 Errors in Strength Tests and Recommended Corrections, AD 837 278 by J. M. Duncan and H. B. Seed CR 3-134 Nov 1965 The Effect of Temperature Changes During Undrained Tests, by J. M. Duncan and R. G. Campanella CR 3-145 Behavior of Stabilized Soils Under Repeated Loading: Dec 1965 Report Background, Equipment, Preliminary Investigations~ Repeated Compression and Flexure Tests on Cement-Treated Silty Clay, by J. K. AD 632 802 Mitchell, Chih-Kang Shen, and C. L. Monismith Sep 1966 Report 2 Behavior in Repeated Flexure, Frequency and Duration Effects, Fatigue Failure Analyses, by J. K. Mitchell and C. L. Monismith AD 651 938 May 1969 Report 3 Repeated Compression and Flexure Tests on Cement-and Lime-Treated Buckshot Clay, Confining Pressure Effects in Repeated Compression for Cenent-Treated Silty Clay, by J. K. Mitchell, P. E. Fossberg, and C. L. Monismith AD 863 756 Oct 1970 Report 4 Stresses and Deflections in Cement-Stabilized Pavements, by M. C. l~ang, J. K. Mitchell, and C. L. Moni smith AD 877 607 Aug 1972 Report 5 Performance Evaluation of Cement-Stabilized Soil Layers and Its Relationship to Pavement Design, by J. K. ~·1itchell, T-S. Ueng, and C. L. r1oni Srli th AD 747 352 Oct 1974 Report 6 A Summary Report with a Suggested Structural Pavement Design Procedure, by J. K. t~itchell, Peter Dzwilewski, and C. L. Monismith AD AOOl 524 CR 3-159 Aug 1966 The Significance of Cap and Base Restraint in Strength Tests on Soils, by J. M. Duncan, H. B. Seed, and AD 693 307 P. Dunlop CR S-68-3 Feb 1968 Finite Element Analyses of Slopes J. M. Duncan and R. E. Goodman in Jointed Rock, by AD 678 632 CR S-68-4 Jun 1968 Slopes in Stiff-Fissured Clays and Shales, by J. M. Duncan and P. Dunlop AD A040 183 Number Date CR S-68-6 May 1968 CR S-69-6 Sep 1969 CR S-69-8 Nov 1969 CR S-70-3 Jan 1970 CR S-71-6 May 1971 CR S-72-2 Jan 1972 CR S-73-2 Jan 1973 CR S-74-3 Oct 1974 CR S-76-2 Apr 1976 CR S-76-4 Jun 1976 CR S-76-5 Jun 1976 CR S-76-6 Jun 1976 CR S-77-3 Jan 1977 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley (Cont) Finite Element Analyses of Slopes in Soil, by P. Dunlop, J. M. Duncan, and H. R. Seed Finite Element Analyses of Port Allen and Old River Locks, by G. W. Clough and J. M. Duncan Finite Element Analyses of Stresses and Movements in Embankments During Construction, by F. H. Kulhawy, J. M. Duncan, and H. R. Seed Strength and Stress-Strain Behavior of AtchafalayaLevee Foundation Soils, by J. M. Duncan Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analyses of Dams, by G. Lefebvre and J. M. Duncan Effect of Reservoir Filling on Stresses and Movements in Earth and Rockfill Dams, by E. S. Nobari and J. M. Duncan Hydraulic Fracturing in Zoned Earth and Rockfill Dams,by E. S. Nobari, K. L. Lee, and J. t~. Duncan Finite Element Analyses of Transverse Cracking in Low Embankment Dams, by Guy Lefebvre and J. M. Duncan Finite Element Analyses of Stresses and Movements in Birch Dam, by Antonio Soriano, J. M. Duncan, Kai Wong,and J.-t~. Simon State-of-the-Art Review on Shotcrete, by T. L. Brekke,University of California, Berkeley; H. H. Einstein,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center, Denver, Colorado; and R. E. Mason, A. A. Mathews, Inc., Rockville, Maryland The Influences of Sand Fabric on Liquefaction Behavior,by J. K. Mitchell, J. M. Chatoian, and G. c.·carpenter The Role of Fill Strength in the Stability of Embank ments on Soft Clay Foundations, by Suphon Chirapuntuand J. M. Duncan Influence of Sample Disturbance on Sand Response to Cyclic Loading, by Kenji t1ori, H. B. Seed, and c. K. Chan AD Number AD 687 376 AD 713 900 AD A040 187 AD 731 231 AD 745 216 AD 766 728 AD AOOl 523 AD A025 448 AD A028 031 AD A026 884 AD A027 087 AD A044 075 S-102 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Number CR S-77-4 * Date Sep 1977 Sep 1977 Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley (Cont) Analysis of Consolidation of Earth and Rockfill Dams: Volume I Main Text and Appendixes A and B, by C. S. Chang and J. M. Duncan Volume II Appendixes C-E: User's Manual for ComputerProgram CON2D for the Finite Element Analysis·of Consolidation in Zoned Dams, by C. S. Chang and J. M. Duncan AD AD AD Number A045 332 B022 321L CR S-76-1 CR S-77-1 Mar 1976 Jun 1977 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Influence of End Restraint in Cyclic Triaxial Tests, byK. L. Lee Effect of Frictionless Caps and Bases in the CyclicTriaxial Test, by F. J. Vernese and K. L. Lee AD AD A022 811 A042 041 * CR S-75-1 CR S-75-4 Feb 1975 Aug 1975 May 1975 CALIFORNIA RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, INC., Woodland Hills,California Analysis of Dynamic Stresses Within a Terminal DeliveryVehicle During Penetration of a Hard Earth Target, byY. M. Ito, K. N. Kreyenhagen, r,. E. Eggum, and W. S. Goerke Numerical Analysis of Projectile Impact and DeepPenetration Into Earth Media, by M. H. Wagner, K. N. Kreyenhagen, and H. S. Goerke Supplement Time Histories of Stresses, Velocities, and Displacements. Part I: Deformable-BodySolution. Part II: Rigid-Body Solution. AD AD B004 777L A014 142 CR CR S-76-3 S-76-10 May 1976 Sep 1976 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, England Pore Pressures in Soft Ground Under Surface Loading;Theoretical Considerations, by R. H. G. Parry and c. P. Wroth Pore Pressures in Soft Ground Under Surface Loading;Interpretation of Field Records, hy R. H. G. Parryand C. P. Wroth AD AD A024 998 A030 891 * Statement B. See Preface. SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number LEO CASAGRANDE CR 3-141 Aug 1964 Conceptual Studies in the Fields of Mass Movement of Earth and Stabilization of Earth (With Special Attention to Peaty Soils) COLUMBIA IJNIVERSITY, New York, New York CR 4-12 Jun 1954 Influence Values for Certain Stresses and Displacementsin a Three-Layer Pavement System for Airfields, byD. t1. Burmister CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY, Ponca City, Oklahoma CR S-68-2 Dec 1968 A Research Study to Determine the Occurrence and Structural Competency of Deep Rock Formations bythe Use of Surface Vibrators, by D. E. Dunster and D. E. Miller AD 726 332 CORNELL tmiVERSITY, Ithaca, New York CR 3-73 Feasibility Study of Electrokinetic Processes for Stabilization of Soils for t1ilitary ~1obility Purposes: Progress Report, February 1, 1963-July 31, 1963, by ~1. Esrig I. May 1964 Report 1 A Theoretical Study of the Equations GoverningElectroosmotic Flow, and A Laboratory Investigation of the Effects of Electrokinetic Treatment on an Ill itic Soil, by r1. I. Esrig An 450 691 Jun 1965 Report 2 An Analysis of the Electroosmotic Phenomenon in Soil Capillary Systems, by 11-1. I. Esrig and S. ~1aj tenyi AD 469 599 Aug 1966 Report 3 Results of a Preliminary Field Investigation,by M. I. Esrig - AD 808 317 Jul 1967 Report 4 Laboratory Investigation of Electrokinetic Treatment of Consolidated Soils, by ~1. I. Esrig AD 822 728 ~1ar 1968 Report 5 A Study of Pore 11ater Pressures DuringElectrokinetic Treatment, by ~1. I. Esrig AD 839 645 S-104 SOILS AND PAVE~1ENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Repott AD Number M. T. DAVISSON, Foundation Engineer, Champaign, Illinois CR S-69-3 Apr 1969 Effect of Degree of Saturation on Compressibility of Soils from the Defense Research Establishment, Suffield, AD 687 365 by A. J. Hendron, M. T. Davisson, and J. F. Parola BARRY J. DEMPSEY, Consulting Engineer, Urbana, Illinois CR S-76-12 Jun 1976 Climatic Effects on Airport Pavement Systems; State of the Art, by R. J. Dempsey AD A029 422 DOl~ CHH1ICAL Cm1PANY, t1idl and, Michigan * CR S-71-1 t1ar 1971 Research Study for the Design, Development, Fabrication and Delivery of Heavy Duty Landing t1at, by G. K. Glaza AD 882 170L CR S-74-1 May 1974 Research Study for the Design, Development, Fabrication, and Delivery of Truss Web Heavy Duty Landing t1at with Integral Waterproofing, by G. K. Glaza AD A040 182 DIJKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, North Carol ina CR S-75-5 Dec 1975 The Mechanics of Pile-Soil Interaction in Cohesionless AD A019 298 Soils, by n. M. Holloway, G. H. Clough, and A. S. Vesic * CR S-76-13 Sep 197fi !Jser's Manual for AXISYM: A Finite Element Program for Axisvmmetric or Plane Strain Simulation of Soil AD B014 047L Structure Interaction, by D. M. Holloway * CR S-76-14 Sep 1976 User's r1anual for DUKFOR: A Computer Program for Analyses of Pile-Soil Interaction, by D. M. Holloway AD B015 379L DYMATECH CORPORATION, Canbridge, Massachusetts CR 3-172 Jan 1967 Development of Urea-Based and Latex Emulsion Systems for Dust Control in Support of Military Operations, by A. R. Reti, J. E. Ehrreich, and G. B. Gilbert AD 822 886 CR S-70-4 ,Jul 1970 Latex Systems for Dust Control in Support of Military Operations, by A. R. Reti, J. E. Ehrreich, and R. L. AD 873 344 \~entworth * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date CR 4-79 Sep 1963 CR 4-85 Jan 1964 CR 3-166 Jun 1967 CR 3-53 Sep 1962 CR 3-137 r~ar 1964 CR 3-75 Sep 1963 CR S-70-2 Feb 1970 Feb 1970 Feb 1970 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report EUSTIS ENGINEERING COMPANY, Metairie, Louisiana Analysis of Data; Non-destructive Dynamic Soil Tests at AASHO Road Test Analysis of Data; Non-destructive Dynamic Soil Tests, Foss Field, Sioux Falls, South Dakota FAIRCHILD HILLER, REPUBLIC AVIATION DIVISION, Farmingdale, Long Island, New York Research Study for the Design of a Portable VTOL Blast Controlling Platform, by W. M. Dervin, R. S. r~oss, and F. H. Ringler UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville Study of the Propagation and Dissipation of "Elastic" Wave Energy in Granular Soils, by F. E. Richart, J. R. Hall, and J. Lysmer GENERAL AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION, Niles, Illinois Conceptual Studies in the Fields of Mass Movement of Earth and Stabilization of Earth, by F. E. Wolosewick, N. T. Guttenberger, and A. A. Arentz GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Atlanta Theoretical Studies of Cratering Mechanisms Affecting the Stability of Cratered Slopes, by A. S. Vesic and R. D. Barksdale Study of Soil Behavior Under High Pressure: Report 1 Response of Two Recompacted Soils to Various States of Stress, by B. B. Mazanti and C. N. Holland: Volume Volume II Volume III AD Number AD 757 417 AD 818 913 AD 286 075 AD 709 315 AD 756 124 AD A040 186 Number Date CR 3-176 Aug 1967 CR S-71-7 Sep 1971 CR 3-3 Jul 1949 Jul 1950 CR 3-42 May 1960 Apr 1962 Nov 1963 Oct 1964 CR 3-84 Mar 1964 CR S-69-5 Apr 1969 CR S-70-5 Jun 1970 CR S-70-7 Jul 1970 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report GEOTECH, A TELEDYNE COMPANY, Garland, Texas Research, Development, and Prototype Production of an Ultraviolet Sensing Soil ~1oisture Meter, by J. B. Cohen GLOBE ALBANY CORPORATION, Buffalo, New York Research and Development of Prefabricated Airfield and Road Surfacing r~embrane, by G. C. Pedersen HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Cambridge, t~assachusetts Investigation of Effect of Long Time Loading on the Strength of Clays and Shales at Constant Water Content: Final Report, by A. Casagrande and S. D. Wilson Report on the 1949-1950 Program, by A. Casagrande, J. M Corso, and s. D. Wilson Investigation of Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Compacted Clays: First Progress Report, by A. Casagrande and R. C. Hirschfeld Second Progress Report, by A. Casagrande and R. c. Hirschfeld Third Progress Report, by A. Casagrande, R. C. Hirschfeld,and S. J. Poulos Fourth Progress Report, by A. Casagrande and s. J. Poulos Report on Control of Leakage in the Triaxial Test, byS, J, Paul OS Cracking of Earth and Rockfill Dams; A Theoretical Investigation by Means of the Finite Element t1ethod, by S. W. Covarrubias Residual Strength of Clay and Clay-Shales by Rotation Shear Tests, by D. P. LaGatta Cracking of Earth and Rockfill Dams; Tension Zones in Embankments Caused by Conduits and Cutoff Walls, by A. Casagrande and S. W. Covarrubias AD Number AD 837 529 AD 756 180 AD 714 633 AD 708 935 AD 756 171 AD 720 550 Number CR S-71-5 CR S-71-11 CR 3-81 CR S-75-7 CR 3-38 CR 3-45 CR 3-52 CR 3-74 CR S-71-4 Date Aug 1971 Apr 1971 Jan 1964 Nov 1964 Aug 1975 Oct 1959 Jan 1961 Jul 1962 Aug 1963 Sep 1971 SOILS AND PAVEt1ENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Ma~sachusetts (Cont) The Effect of Rate of Displacement on Measuring the Residual Strength of Clays, by D. P. LaGatta Cracking of Earth and Rockfill Dams; Comparison of Observed and Theoretical Tensile Strains in the Crests of Two Earth and Rockfill Dams, by S. W. Covarrubias HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois Feasibility Study of Improved Methods for Riverbank Stabilization: Six Months Progress Report Final Report \~. RONALD HUDSON, Consulting Engineer, Austin, Texas State-of-the-Art in Predicting Pavement Reliability from Input Variability, by W. R. Hudson UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Urbana Report on Survey of Literature in Connection with the Dynamic Bearing Capacity of Soils, by Narbey Khachaturian Analytical Study of Dynamic Bearing Capacity of Foundations, by G. E. Triandafilidis Experimental Studies of Dynamically Loaded Footings on Sand, by W. E. Fisher Tests on Clay Subsoils Beneath Statically and Dynamically Loaded Spread Footings, by T. D. Johnson and H. 0. Ireland Measurement of Stress and Strain During One-Dimensional Compression of Large Compacted Soil and Rockfill Specimens, by M. W. C. Emerson and A. J. Hendron AD Number AD 746 351 AD 736 372 AD A018 904 AD 232 102 AD 255 092 AD 290 731 AD 422 094 AD 730 772 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number Date Contractor and Title of Report AD Number ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Chicago CR 3-168 Jun 1967 A Bibliography on the Response of Earth Media and Buried Structures to Ground Shock Loading, by R. L. Chiapettaand C. J. Costantino AD A040 180 CR S-69-2 Jun 1968 Study of Wave Propagation in Confined Soils, by D. Hampton and P. J. Huck AD 684 338 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Baltimore, Maryland CR 3-28 Vibratory Cutting, Penetration and Compaction of Soils: Dec 1957 Technical Report No. 1 Laboratory Apparatus for Vibratory Cutting and Penetration of Soils, Preliminary Development, by R. S. Ayre and R. L. Kondner Jan 1958 Technical Report No. 2 Bibliography Relating to Vibratory Cutting, Penetration and Compaction of Soils, by S. C. Cowin, R. L. Kondner, and R. S. Ayre AD 160 028 Feb 1958 Technical Report No. 3 Bibliography Relating to Vibratory Cutting, Penetration, and Compaction of Soils, SupplementNo. 1, by S. C. Cowin, R. L. Kondner, and R. S. Ayre AD 200 147 Apr 1958 Technical Report No. 4 A Critical Review of Selected Literature Relating to the Vibratory Cutting, Penetration and Compaction of Soils, by S. C. Cowin, R. L. Kondner, and R. S. AO 200 148 Ayre Jun 1958 Technical Report No. 5 Laboratory Investigation of the Vibratory Cutting and Penetration of Soils, Part I, by R. L. Kondner, R. S. Ayre, and Yong Suk Chao Jun 1958 Technical Report No. 6 Study of Vibratory Cutting, Penetration and Compaction of Soils, Summary Report 1957-1958, byR. L. Kondner and R. S. Ayre AD 201 946 Number CR 3-28 (Cont) CR 4-9 CR 3-148 CR 3-2 CR 3-4 CR 3-26 Date Jul 1959 Aug 1960 Dec 1951 Nov 1965 Mar 1948 through Nov 1961 Sep 1949 Dec 1950 Jun 1951 Feb 1953 Feb 1955 Nov 1957 Jan 1959 SOILS AND PAVEI~ENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report AD Number THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Baltimore, Maryland (Cont) Technical RepGrt No. 7 The Vibratory Cutting, CompacAD 232 298 tion and Penetration of Soils, Part II, by R. L. Kondner Technical Report No. 8 A Non-dimensional Approach to AD 243 486 the Vibratory Cutting, Compaction and Penetration of Soils, by R. L. Kondner KANSAS STATE COLLEGE, Manhattan Analytical Studies of Landing f~ats for Forward Airfields, by Gerald Pickett KONDNER RESEARCH, Deerfield, Illinois A Rheologic Investigation of the Dynamic Response Spectra AD 633 802 of Cohesive Soils; Summary Report, hy R. L. Kondner MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge Solid Solidification (Stabilization) by Chemical Methods, Final Report; Phases I .Through XIII Research ·on Shearing Characteristics of Clay: Report 1 Report 2 Triaxial Research on Clay Report 3 Report 4 Effects of Duration of Pre-shear Consolidation and Rebound Pressures Report 5 Review of Research on Shearing Strength of Clay, by D. W. Taylor The Response of Soils to Dynamic Loadings: Report 1 Scope of Test Program and Equipment Specifications Report 2 Test Equipment for High-Speed Triaxial Tests Number Date CR 3-26 (Cont) Oct 1959 Aug 1960 Nov 1960 Apr 1961 Jun 1961 Jul 1961 May 1962 Jun 1962 Sep 1962 Dec 1962 Feb 1963 Mar 1963 Mar 1963 Apr 1963 May 1963 May 1963 Aug 1963 SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge (Cont) Report 3 First Interim Report on Dynamic Soil Tests Report 4 One-Dimensional Compression and \~ave Velocity Tests, by R. V. Whitman, J. E. Roberts, and Shieh-Wen Mao Report 5 Pore Pressure Measurements During Transient Loadings, by K. A. Healy Report 6 Effects of Rate of Strain on Stress-Strain Behavior of Saturated Soils, by A. M. Richardson Report 7 Adaptation and Use of the Boynton Device for Rapid One-Dimensional Compression Tests, by P. J. ~1oore Report 8 Laboratory t1easurement of Dilatational Wave Propagation Velocity, by F. V. Lawrence Report 9 Shearing Resistance of Sands During Rapid Loadings, by R. V. Whitman and K. A. Healy Report 10 Strength of Saturated Fat Clay, by R. V. Whitman, A. M. Richardson, and N. M. Nasim Report 11 Triaxial Tests Upon Saturated Fine Silty Sand, by K. A. Healy Report 12 Static Tests llpon Thin Domes Buried in Sand, by R. V. Whitman, Zvi Getzler, and Kaare Hoeg Report 13 The Dependence of Dilation in Sand on Rate of Shear Strain, by K. A. Healy Report 14 Propagation Velocity of Ultrasonic Waves Through Sand, by F. V. Lawrence Report 15 Undrained Strength of Saturated Clayey Silt, by K. A. Healy Report 16 Effective Stress vs. Strength: Saturated Fat Clay, by A. r1. Richardson Report 17 Stress-Strain-Time Behavior of Soil in One Dimensional Compression, by R. V. Whitman Report 18 The Dynamic Passive Pressure Problem for Sand, by W. C. Kerr. Report 19 Stresses and Strains in a Planar Array of Elastic Spheres, by E. T. Miller AD Number Number Date CR 3-26 (Cont) Nov 1963 Oct 1963 Mar 1964 Jan 1965 Mar 1966 May 1966 ~1ay 1970 CR 3-32 Sep 1958 throuqhJan 1960 CR 3-63 May 1963 Sep 1963 Jul 1964 Oct 1964 Jun 1965 Report 20 Further Study of a Rapid Response Pore Pressure Gage, by E. T. Miller SOILS AND PAVEMENTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge (Cont) Report 21 One-Dimensional Compression and Wave Propagation in a Sand, by P. J. Moore Report 22 Dynamic Response of a Particulate Soil System,by \.,,' Pre-BUGGY Pre-BUGGY II BUGGY Pre-SCHOONER Pre-SCHOONER Pre-SCHOONER Pre-SCHOONER Pre-SCHOONER Pre.-SCHOONER Pre-SCHOONER .Pre-SCHOONER ·Pre-SCHOONER II EFFECTS LABORATORY PNE REPORTS Title Stability of Crater Slopes, by\~. E. Strohm, J. S. Ferguso~. Jr., and E. L. Krinitzsky Scope of Chemical Explosive Cratering Experiment, by E. Graves, W. R. Wray, and R. B. Pierce· Venting Measurements, by W. R. Wray and R. B. Pierce Emplacement and Firing of-High-ExplosiveCharges and Crater Measurements, by A. D. Rooke Jr., and L. K. Davis Base Surge Analysis, by J. B. Knox and R. Rohrer Studies of the Pre-BUGGY II Apparent Craters, by J. L. Spruill and F. F. Videon Preshot Geologic and Engineering Properties Investi9ations, by R. J. Lutton, R. W. Hunt, and R. E. Rowland Stem Design, by K. L. Saucier Stem Design and Shotcrete, Grout, and Concrete Support, by K. L. Saucier Crater t1easurements, by J. L. Sprui 11 ·and R. A. Paul Base Surge and Cloud Formation, by Robert Rohrer Strong t4otion Seismic Measurements, by L. J. Cauthen, Jr. Preshot Investigations, by R. c. Nugentand D. C. Banks . Geologic and Engineering PropertiesInvestigations, by R. J. Lutton, F. E. Girucky, and R •. w. Hunt Surface Motion Measurements, by W. G. Christopher and J. E. Lattery Technical Oirector's Summary Report, by B. C. Hughes AD Number AD 606 948 AD 417 659 AD 747 818 AD 617 884 AD 735 845 AD 779 533 AD 657 638 · AD 779 532 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY PNE REPORTS Number Date Subject Title AD Number PNE 508 May 1967 Pre-SCHOONER I I Apparent-Crater Studies, by R. H. Benfer PNE 509 Dec 1967 Pre-SCHOONER I I Preshot Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by R. J. Lutton, F. E. Girucky, R. W. Hunt, and J. R. Curro, Jr. PNE 510 Aug 1967 Pre-SCHOONER II Design, Construction, and Postshot Evaluation of Concrete Stem for AD 743 435 Access Hole, by K. L. Saucier and F. S. Stewart PNE 511 Jun 1966 Pre-SCHOONER II Cloud Development Studies, by W. Day and Robert Rohrer c. AD 637 746 PNE 512F Feb 1908 Pre-SCHOONER I I Air-Blast Measurements, by J. W. Reed AD 735 652 and L. J. Vortman PNE 513 Oct 1968 Pre-SCHOONER I I Surface Motion Measurements, by W. Christopher and K. L. Larner G. PN E 514 Apr 1966 Pre-SCHOONER I I Ground Shock Measurements, by L. Davis K. PNE 515 Jun 1966 Pre-SCHOONER I I Subsurface Effects Measurements, by M. Heusinkveld and R. E. Marks PNE 516 Nov 1967 Pre-SCHOONER I I Postshot Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by A. D. Frandsen PNE 527 Jan 1971 SCHOONER Far-Out Fallout Collection Program, by T. M. Tami, T. A. Gibson, and A. L. Prindle PNE 601F Aug 1965 DUGOUT Apparent Crater Studies, by J. Spruill L. AD 735 770 PNE 602F Feb 1968 DUGOUT Geologic and Engineering PropertiesInvestigations, by R. J. Lutton PNE 609F May 1965 DUGOUT Deep Underground Shock Measurements, by J. D. Day AD 680 910 PNE 610F Apr 1965 DUGOUT Concrete, Grout, and Shotcrete Support, and Design and Postshot Evaluation of AD 740 662 Stem, by K. L. Saucier PNE 713F Oct 1965 SULKY Crater Measurements, by F. Videon PNE 719P Jul 1965 SULKY Preshot Geologic Investigation, by R. C. Nugent and D. C. Banks Number Date PNE 720F Nov 1966 PNE 904F Jul 1966 PNE 905F Oct 1968 PNE 957 Mar 1970 PNE 966 Oct 1968 PNE 1100 May 1968 PNE 11 01 Feb 1967 PNE 1102 ~1ay 1968 PNE 1103 May 1969 PNE 1104 Sep 1967 PNE 1105 Jul 1967 PNE 1106 Aug 1967 PNE 1107 Dec 1967 PNE 1107 Feb 1969 PrJE 1108 Sep 1967 WEAPONS Subject SULKY PALANQUIN PALANQUIN CABRIOLET CABRIOLET Pre-GONDOLA Pre-GONDOLA Pre-GONDOLA Pre-GONDOLA I Pre-GONDOLA I Pre-GONDOLA Pre-GONDOLA I Pre-GONDOLA (Part I) Pre-GONDOLA I (Part I I) Pre-GONDOLA I EFFECTS LABORATORY PNE REPORTS Title Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by R. J. Lutton and F. E. Girucky Studies of the Apparent Crater, by F. F. Videon Preshot Geologic and Engineering Properties Investigations, by R. C. Nugent and F. E. Girucky Engineering Properties Investiga tions of the Cabriolet Crater, by A. D. Frandsen Preshot Geological Engineering Investigations for Project Cabriolet, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, by R. W. Hunt, D. M. Bailey, and L. D. Carter Seismic Site Calibration, by M. K. Kurtz, Jr., and B. B. Redpath Site-Selection Investigations, by H. A. Jack anrl W. W. Dudley Technical Director's Summary Report, by t·1. K. Kurtz, Jr. Geologic Investigations and Engineer ing Properties of Craters, by P. R. Fisher, R. J. Kley, and H. A. Jack Close-In Ground Motion, Earth Stress, and Pore Pressure Measurements, by J.D. Day, D. W. Murrell, and W. C. Sherman Intermediate Range Ground Motions, by D. V. Power Structures Instrumentation, by R. F. Ba 11 a rd, Jr. Crater Studies: Crater Measurements, by R. W. Harlan Crater Studies: Surface t1otion, by W. G. Christopher and J. E. Lattery Cloud Development Studies, by W. C. Day and R. F. Rohrer AD Number AD 724 163 AD 730 735 AD 735 658 AD 735 717 AD 735 719 AD 735 669 AD 735 668 AD 735 670 AD 735 671 AD 735 656 W'-17 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY PNE REPORTS Number Date Subject Title AD Number PNE 1110 Jul 1967 Pre-GONDOLA I Lidar Observations of the Pre-GONDOLA AD 735 659 I Clouds, by J. W. Oblanas and R. T. H. Collis PNE 1111 Jul .1967 Pre..;.GONDOLA I Preshot Geophysical t1easurements,. byR. T. Stearns and J. T. Rambo AD 735 666. PNE 1112 Feb 1971 .Pre-GONDOLA II Summary Report, edited by W. c. Day AD 720 602 PNE 1113 Oct 1968 Pre-GONDOLA II Close-In Ground Motion and Earth AD 748 823 Stress, by C. E. Joachim PNE 1114 Apr 1970 Pre-GONDOLA (Phase I). III Summary Report, by J. P. Cress, J. Lattery, J. B. Andrews, et al E. AD 737 736 PNE 1115 Oct 1968 Pre-GONDOLA II Intermediate Range Ground Motions for' Pre-GONDOLA II and Associated Events, by D. V. Power PNE 1116 May 1968 Pre-GONDOLA II Structures Instrumentation, by R. Ballard, Jr. F. AD 730 734 PNE 1117 Mar 1971 Pre-GONDOLA (Phase I I) III Summary Report: Connecting Row-Crater Experiment, Edited by J. E. Lattery AD 735 720 PNE 1118 Jun 1971 Pre-GONDOLA (Phase I I) III Microbarograph Measurements, by J. Reed w. AD 74l 359 · PNE 1119 Jan 1968 Pre-GON!10LA II Airborne Lidar Observations, byR. T. H. Collis and John Oblanas AD 735 657 PNE 1120 Jan 1972 Pre-GONDOLA III Connection of a Row Crater to a AD 737 198 (Phase III) Reservoir, by B. B. Redpath PNE 5001 P Jul 1964 Geology of Buckboard Mesa, by D. Banks and R. T. Saucier c. AD 462 139 PNE 5003 Feb 1965 Investigation of Manufacture of Aggregate and Riprap by Nuclear Means, by J. M. Polatty, B. J. Houston, R. L. Stowe, and D. C. Banks AD 697 666 PNE 5004P Apr 1966 Construction Techniques and Costs for Underground Emplacement of Nuclear Explosives, by W. J. Samuelson, J. R. Hair, and P. R. Fisher AD 633 511 PNE 5004F Apr 1969 Construction Techniques and Costs for Underground Emplacement of Nuclear Explosives, by J. L. Hair AD 689 443 PNE 5005 Nov 1966 DANNY BOY Engineering -Geologic Investigations,by R. C. Nugent and D. C. Banks AD 738 346 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY PNE REPORTS Number Date Subject Title AD Number . PNE 5006 Aug 1966 Trace Elements in Common Rock Types and Their Relative Importance in Neutron Induced Radioactivity Calculations, by R. A. Paul and W. C. Day i. PNE '5ooa Feb 1968 Distribution of Selected Trace Elements in Rocks, by R. J. Kley PNE 5009 Aug 1967 The Formation and Initial Stability of AD 668 918 Slopes on Cohesionless Materials, by B. N. t~aciver · PNE 5010 Oct 1967 A Study of Selected Rock Excavations AD 737 737 . as Related to Large Nuclear Craters,by R. J. Kley and R. J. Lutton ; __,·,·' PNE 5011 Oct 1967 · The Formation of a Crater as Observed in a Series of Laboratory-ScaleCratering Experiments, by R. G. Beningand M. K. Kurtz, Jr. PtiE 5012-I Feb 1968 Engineering Properties of Craters: AD 737 734 Description of Crater Zones and Site Investigation Methods; Report I, by P. R. Fisher PNE, 5013 Crater Stability Under the Influence AD 730 762 of Large Seismic f~otions, by T. J. Shackelford : ,;,·::·. Number Oate RR 1-4 ~1ay 1965 RR 1-6 * May 1965 * RR N-72-1 Mar 1972 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Research Reports Title ·Ray Theory for Energy Transmission in Snow, by J. W. Brown Damage to Model Tunnels Resulting from an ExplosivelyProduced Impulse: Report 1 Test in a Simulated Rock Mass of Medium Strength, by A. J. Hendron, G. B. Clark, and J. N. Strange Upper Critical Depth Wave Generation, by Akira Sakurai AD AD AD AD Number 463 257 371 771l 893 273l * Statement B. See Preface. W..,.20 Number TM 65-1 Tt1 65-2 TM-65-3 TM 65-4 TM 65-5 TM 65-7 TM 65-8 Tr1 65-9 TM 65-10 TM 65-11 TM 65-12 TM 65-13 TM 65-15 TM 66-2 Date Mar 1965 Apr 1965 May 1965. Aug 1965 May 1965 Jul 1965 Nov 1965 Oct 1965 Jul 1965 Nov 1965 Nov 1965 Nov 1965 Nov 1965 Jan 1966 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY. Technical Memoranda* Title Computer Code Input and Pri.ntout Interpretation for the A. V. Shelton Fallout Model (FLIP), by w. Day and G. A. Morris t· :. Pre-SCHOONER Ground Surface r~otion Study, by K. L. Larner . Surface. Geo1ogy of the Pre-SC~OONER I I Area, by R. A. Paut · Post -Shot Field Investigations, Buckboard Mesa, . Nevada Test Site, by A. D. Frandsen Appendix A Photographs of Postshot Trench Excavation for Pre-SCHOONER Charlie, DUGOUT and SULKY Craters Analysis of Knox Fallout Prediction System (KFOC), by G. A. Morris Ground Water Contamination Study and Evaluation, by R. A. Cooper Study of the Shape and Slope of Explosion-Produced Craters, by B. C. Hughes, R. H. Benfer, and F. H. Foster Project ZULU: A One-Pound High Explosive Cratering Experiment in Scalped and Remolded Desert Alluvium, by B. C. Hughes and R. H. Benfer Analysis of A. V. Shelton Fallout Prediction System (FLIP CODE), by J. E. Lattery Geologic Examination of the Access Shaft and Explo sive Cavity for Project Pre-SCHOONER II, by R. A. Paul Preliminary Model for Analysis of Nuclear Crater Slope Stability in Homogeneous Medium, by J. W. Peck A Preliminary Assessment of Overexcavation as a Possible Solution to Potential Slope Stability Problems, by J. W. Peck Preliminary Report of the Analytic Study of Tide- Induced Currents in a Sea-Level Canal, by D. D. DeFord The Knox Fallout Prediction System's (KFOC) Response to Changes in Input Parameters Which Define the Activity-Particle Size Distribution, by G. A. r1orris AD Number * The Techni ca 1 r~emoranda 1is ted on pages l~-20 through l~-26 are a discontinued series issued by the former Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory. Number , TM 66-3 TM 66-4 TM 66-5 TM 66-6 TM 66-7 TM 66-8 m 66-11 m 66-12 TM 66-13 TM 66-14 m 66-15 TM 66-16 TM 66-17 Date Feb 1966 Feb 1966 Feb 1966 Aug 1966 Nov 1966 Sep 1966 Jul 1966 Aug 1966 Apr 1967 May 1967 Apr 1967 Oct 1966 Oct 1966 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY . Techn i ca1 .Memoranda Title AD Number Summary of the Opinions of the Technical Associates to the Atlantic-Pacific Interoceanic Canal Study Commission and Opinions of the Consultants to the Waterways Experiment Station Which Are Related to the Nuclear·. Excavation Cuts, by W. J. Slazak, J. W. Peck, P. R. Fisher, and R. s. Holmes. ·. .. , ' Early Estimates of Radioactivity in the Fallout Field, by R. A. Cooper Phenomenology of the Formation of a Crater By Detonation of a One-Pound Charge Buried at a Depth of Burst of Two Feet in the. ZULU II Moist Sand, by R. G. ,Bening and K. L. Larner The Effects of Inhomogeneities in a .Controlled Sand · .,Medium on Small Scale High Explosive Experiments, by W. G. Christopher · ' Consolidated Report, Operation BREAKUP, FY 66, Ice Cratering Experiments, Blair Lake, Alaska, by t4. K. Kurtz, Jr. Cloud Dimensions for Cratering Explosions, by 1~. C. ·Day A Computer Sol uti on Using the Pi 11 sbury. Method for Computation of Tides and Currents in Nuclear Excavated,Conventionally Excavated or Combination Channels, by R. G. Bening Stem Design for Tactical Emplacement of Nuclear Explosives, by M. K. Kurtz, Jr. A Model of the Formation of the NEPTUNE Crater, by W. G. Christopher \ Analysis of Surface Motion Phenomena of One-Pound ~ ZULU I I Charges of Varying Depth of Burst, by W. G. Christopher Analysis of the Phenomena Within the Immediate Crater Area Resulting from the Detonation of One-Pound ZULU II Charges, by H. G. Christopher Tidal Hydraulics -Preliminary Report on the Results of Tidal Hydraulic Computations Performed Using the Pillsbury Method of Solution, by R. G. Bening. Tidal Hydraulics -Hydraulic Characteristics of Tidal Channels Produced by Nuclear Excavation Techniques,by w. J. Slazak \, Number ·' TM 66-18 TM 66-19 TM 66-20 TM 67-1 Tt1 67-2 TM 67-3 TM 67-5 TM 67-6 TM 67-7 TM 67-8 TM 67-9 TM 67-10 TM 67-14 TM 67-16 TM 67-17 TM 67-18 Date Oct 1966 Nov 1966 . ..: )' Dec 1966 Feb 1967 Jan 1967, r1ar 1967 ' Mar 1967 Apr 1967 Jan 1967 Jul 1967 Aug 1967 Jul 1967 Revised Jan 1968 Sep 1967 Sep 1967 Sep 1967 Oct 1967 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical t1emoranda Title Variation of Project ZULU II Crater Dimensions Versus Medium Properties, by R. H. Benfer . Zone of Bulking, Project SULKY, by P. R. Fisher A Report of the Scope and Preliminary Results of Project Pre-GONDOLA I, by M. K. Kurtz, Jr. Predicted Dose Rates Within the Nuclear Crater and Lip Area, by W. C. Day Channel Criteria for the Evaluation of the Tides and Currents in a Nuclear Excavated Sea-Level Canal, by R. G. Bening ' Engineering Properties of Craters, by P. R. Fisher An "L" Shaped Row Charge Cratering Experiment, by W. G. Christopher The EUCLID Code, a Computer Program for the Calculation of the Nuclear Explosive Requirements for a Nuclear Excavated Channel, by 1~. R. Bechtell Trace Elements in Common Rock Types and Their Relative Importance in Neutron-Induced Radioactivity Calculations, · by W. C. Day and R. A. Paul Pre-SCHOONER Target Horizontal Displacement and Velocity Histories, by W. J. Christopher , A Report of the Scope and Preliminary Results of Project Pre-GONDOLA II, Row Charge Cratering Experiment, by M. K. Kurtz, Jr. Pre-GONDOLA Seismic Decoupling Series, by R. W. Harlan, W. G~:~hristopher, and B. B. Redpath Explosively Producing an Embankment Across a Narrow, Steep-Walled Canyon, by E. H. Kleist Nuclear Excavation Feasibility Study, Construction of Rockfill Embankment for a Dam, edited and abridged by E. H. Kleist Site Selection Investigation for a High Explosive Cratering Experiment in Varying Terrain, by A. D. Frandsen Conceptual Study: Dam Construction in Dimond r,orge, Western Australia, by R. S. Holmes, E. H. Kleist, and M • K. Ku rtz , J r • AD Number Number nate TM 67-19 Dec 1967 Tr1 67-20 Nov 1968 Tr1 68-l Feb 1968 Tr1 68-2 Feb 1968 TM 68-3 May 1968 TM 68-4 Feb 1968 TM 68-5 Mar 1968 n1 68-6 Apr 1968 H1 68-7 Apr 1968 TM 68-8 Jul 1968 TM 68-9 Nov 1968 TM 68-10 Jul 1968 TM 68-11 Oct 1968 TM 68-12 Jan 1969 Tr1 68-13 Nov 1968 H1 68-14 Nov 1968 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title Concepts of Techniques of Seismic Site Calibration for Project Pre-GONOOLA, by 8. B. Redpath Project ANGLEDOZER: Site Selection Investigations, by A. D. Frandsen and R. W. Fleming The WIND Code: A Computer Program for Calculating and Summarizing \Hnd Hodographs, by W. R. Bechtell Concepts of Nuclear Excavation, by E. H. Kleist Project Pre-GONOOLA II: Physical Characteristics Studies, Fort Peck Dam Embankment, by R. J. Kley Effective Yields for Effects Predictions for Row and Array Emplacement of Surface and Buried Nuclear Charges, by W. C. Day Results of Array Modeling Experiment to Produce Flat Slopes Using the T\vo Pass Concept Summary of Nuclear Crater Slope Stability Empirical and Analytical Studies, FY 1963 -FY 1968, by Earth Sciences Group Preliminary Assessment of Nuclear Crater Slope Stability as Related to the Interoceanic Canal Studies, by B. C. Hughes A Computer Program for Analyzing the Stability of Nuclear Crater Slopes, by W. R. Bechtell Project ZULLI II: Summary Report of Flat-Slope ArrayExperiments, by J. P. Cress Preliminary Report: NCG Pre-GONOOLA III Sixty-FourPound TNT Flat-Slope Experiments Conducted at Fort Peck, Montana, by J. P. Cress Sensitivity of Nitromethane and Survivability of a One-Ton Aluminum Sphere Under High Pressure Loading,by cl. P. Cress BORHOL: A Computer Program to Compile GeologicalEngineering Parameters from NX Borehole Camera Data, by G. Furst and J. F. Fischer Analysis of the Feasibility of Channel Improvement byNuclear Excavation at Sergius and Whitestone Narrows, Alaska, by R. W. Mattes Analysis of Vesic Crater Modeling Experiments, by D. L. Nelson and T. s. Taylor III AD Number WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number TM 68-15 H1 68-16 H1 69-1 TM 69-3 TM 69-5 TM 69-6 H1 69-7 TM 69-9 TM 69-11 n1 69-12 H1 70-1 Tr1 70-3 n1 70-4 rt.1 70-5 TM 70-6 T~1 70-7 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Jan 1969 Feb 1970 Apr 1970 Jan 1970 May 1969 Aug 1970 Jul 1970 Jan 1970 Mar 1970 Jan 1971 Jan 1971 Feb 1971 Aug 1970 Apr 1971 An Analysis of the Grid Photography Technique as a Means of Determining the Size Distribution of Crater Fallback and Ejecta, by B. D. Anderson II Preliminary Assessment of the Postshot Engineering and Construction Requirements for the Cape Keraudren Port Development Project, by J. D. Johnson Preliminary Estimation of the Postshot Interval Required for Radionuclide Concentration in Family Cow Milk to Decay to Acceptable Levels, by A. E. Sowers Project ZULU II: Harbor ~1odeling Study, by D. J. Fitchett A Method for Predicting Final Rubble Size in Explosive Excavations, by J. F. Fischer General Site Selection Study, by A. D. Frandsen Predicted Exposure Rates Within the Nuclear Crater and Lip Area, by T. M. Tami Estimating the Internal Radiation Dose to Man Via Major Ecological Pathways for Plowshare Nuclear Cratering Events, by A. E. Sowers, L. J. Corsiglia, and R. Vollmerhausen Summary of Explosive Cratering Performance Tests Conducted at Site 300 During 1969, by R. F. Bourque Lunar Excavation with Buried Explosives, by R. F. Bourque Analysis and Reevaluation of Bulking Factors, by A. D. Frandsen Chemical Explosive Excavation State-of-the-Art, by R. K. Leu Explosive Excavation on the Moon: The Lunar Surface, Lunar Explosives and Emplacement, Terrestrial Modeling Techniques, and Seismic, Blast, and Ejecta Effects, by R. F. Bourque Conceptual Lunar Applications of Chemical Explosives, by G. E. Thorne Training for Chemical Explosives Employment for Lunar Applications, by K. E. Sprague Analysis of Hydrologic Transport of Tritium, by W. M. Little Number m 70-8 Tt1 70-11 TM 70-12 Tt1 70-13 Tt1 70-14 n1 70-15 TM 71-1 Tr~ 71-2 TM 71-3 Tr1 71-4 TM 71-5 Tt1 71-6 TM 71-7 TM 71-8 m 71-9 Tr1 71-10 Tt1 71-11 Date Feb 1971 Aug 1971 t1ar 1971 Apr 1971 Mar 1971 Oct 1970 Feb 1972 Dec 1971 Sep 1971 Dec 1971 t·1ay 1971 Jan 1972 Feb 1971 Mar 1972 Jan 1972 Mar 1972 Aug 1971 \~EAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Title AD Number Rainfall Leaching Model Code, by W. r1. Little for Fallout Tritium: The RAIN Summary of Underwater Cratering Tests Conducted at Site 300 During 1970, hy K. T. Sakai and R. F. Bourque AD A027 426 Feasibility of Constructing a ~1ilitary Harbor Using Nuclear Explosive·;, by F. F. Warden and T. r1. Tami A Method for Estimating the Bulking Factor of Rubble Explosive Excavation, by J. C. Struckel in A Review of t1aterial on Predicting Underwater Shock Wave Dynamics and Safe Distances for Underwater Swimmers, by L. J • Co rs i g1i a User's Manual for Crater Data: A Computer Code for Analyzing Experimental Cratering Tests, by R. F. Bourque Cost Experience of Explosive Excavation Experiments, by W. J. Wnuk Explosive Cavity Construction by Drilling and Underreaming, by J. C. Struckel and W. J. Wnuk t1edia Classification for Explosive Excavation, by R. Gates and C. E. Gardner H. Wedge Slope Stability Analysis of Explosive Excavations, by R. E. Zehrbach Groundwater and Piezometric Records Craters, by T. J. Shackelford for Pre-GONDOLA Results of Cylindrical Charge Tests, Site 300, 1970 71, by D. R. Gilson and L. W. Mays - Design and Analysis of Spherical Aluminum Containers Used in the MIDDLE COURSE Cratering Experiments, byF. F. Warden Tree Damage from the TRINIDAD Cratering Experiments C-1, C-2, and C-3, by C. M. Snell Underwater Explosive Excavation Modeling Tests, by E. H. Kleist and 1'1. R. Florey Project MINI-MOUND, by T. J. Shackelford A Study of Emplacement Construction Techniques for the Explosive Excavation of SERGIUS NARROWS, by K. E. Sprague W-2f'i Number Date TM 71-12 Dec 1971 TM 71-15 Oct 1972 TM 71-17 Apr 1972 m 71-18 Apr 1972 TM 71-29 Mar 1972 TM 71-30 Jan 1972 Tr1 72-1 Feb 1972 TM 72-2 Jan 1972 H1 72-4 Apr 1972 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranrla Title AD Number Explosive Excavation Test Facility, Site 300, by W. J. Wnuk DIAMOND ORE, Phase I Shock Wave Interaction and Near-Surface Cavitation, Project TUGBOAT, by C. M. Snell Development of Large Diameter Core Barrel, by T. J. Shackelford Simulation of Subsurface Nuclear Explosions with Chemical Explosives, by D. E. Burton and E. J. Leahy User's Manual for CPM Computer Code, by W. J. Wnuk User's Manual for MIDOL Cost Minimization Computer Code, by W. J. Wnuk Anthology on Explosive Excavation, 19f'i8 -1971, edited by R. H. Gates User's Manual for MITIM Time Minimization Computer Code, by L. W. t1ays WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Memoranda Number Date Title AD Number Unnumbered Effects of Explosions in Shallow Water: Dec 1951 Report 1 Cratering Effects in Loess Soil and Surface Waves for a Scaled Water Depth of 200 Ft (AFSWP-131) Mar 1952 Report 2 Cratedng Effects in Loess Soil and Surface AD 223 190 Waves for a Scaled Water Depth of 30 Ft (AFSWP-343) Jul 1952 Report 3 Cratering Effects in Sand and Surface Waves for a Scaled Uater Depth of 200 Ft (AFSWP-132) Aug 1952 Report 4 Cratering Effects in Loess Soil for Scaled Water Depths of 200 and 30 Ft (Addenda to Reports Nos. 1 and 2) (AFSWP~l33) Jan 1953 Report 5 Cratering Effects in Sand, Surface Waves, and AD 003 400 Air Blast Measurements for a Scaled Water Depth of 30 Ft (AFSWP-134) Apr 1953 Report 6 Cratering Effects in Sand, Surface Waves, and AD 019 803 Air-Blast Measurements for a Scaled Water Depth of 200 Ft (AFSWP-135) Jul 1953 Report 7 Cratering Effects in Sand and Loess. Soil, Sur-AD 021 161 face Waves and Air-Blast Measurements for Scaled Water Depths of 60 and 100 Ft (AFSWP136) Sep 1953 Report 8 Cratering Effects in Clay Soils for Scaled AD 019 .990 Water Depths of 30, 60, 100, and 200 Ft (AFSWP-137) Sep 1953 Report 9 Instrumentation (AFSWP-138) AD 025 961 Unnumbered Jul 1952 Soil Conditions Beneath Coastal Harbors -United States TM 2-397 Jan 1955 Underwater Explosion Test, Sevier Bridge Reservoir, AD 055 434 Utah (WES Portion of Program) (AFSWP-806) TM 2-406 Apr 1955 Effects of Explosions in Shallow Water; Final Report. AD 061 696 (AFSWP-452) . TM 2-422 Nov 1955 Study of Energy Partitioning for Pa~rtially ·confined AD 085 063 . Explosives (AFSWP-788) · TM 2-427 Feb 1956 Effects of Explosions in Deep l4ater; .Final Report(AFSWP-960) Number ** TR 1 TR 2 TR 3 TR 5 TR 6 TR 7 TR 8 TR 10 TR 11 TR 12 TR 13 TR 14 TR 15 TR 17 TR 18 Date Jun 1966 Sep 19'68 Nov 1968 Nov 1968 Oct 1968 Aug 1971 Oct 1968 ~1ar 1969 May 1970 t1ar 1970 Dec 1970 Sep 1969 nee 1970 Jul 1971 Jun 1969 t1ar 1970 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports* Title Military Engineering with Nuclear Explosives, by M. K. Kurtz, Jr;, and B. C. Hughes Nuclear .Construction Engineering Technology, by B. c. · Hughes, R. s. Holmes, B. B. Redpath, et al Project ZULli II -Phase I, Single-Charge Calibration Series, by 1~. W. Johnson and D. L. Nelson Project ZULU II -Laboratory-Seale Row-Charge Cratering Ser:ies, .by.N. A. Novak Nuclear Excavation Design of a Transisthmian Sea-Level Canal; by_.B. C. Hughes Prediction.of Airblast Overpressures from Underground Explosions, by C. M. Snell, D. L. Oltmans, and E. J. Leahy The Corps of Engineers Nuclear.Explosives Studies for Civil Construction, by B. C. Hughes Constructi()n Techniques and Costs for Emplacement of Nuclear Explosives in Disturbed Media, by J. L. Hair Nuclear.Explosive Quarrying Potential Within North Pacific Engineer Division · Conventional Excavation Methods and Costs for Use in Feasibility Studies of Nuclear and Conventional Earth work Projects, by J. n. Wills and t. 0. Brunken Quarrying with Nuclear Explosives, by A. S. Vesic Natural Rubble Slopes and Their Relevance to Crater Fallback Slopes, by R. J. Lutton · Empirical Study of Behavior of Clay Shale Slopes, by R. W. Fleming, G. S. Spencer, and n. C. Banks Volume 1 • ' I ~ .Project. TANK TRAP:. A Field Evaluation of Nuclear Terrain-Barriers A Simple Technique to Determine the Size Distribution of Crater Fallback and Ejecta, by B. D. Anderson II AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 814 714L 685 798 682 736 681 941 681 228 743 173 680 187 688 170 873 452 707 439 734 332 699 412 722 249 729 849 693 817 707 .440 · *The Technical Reports listed on paqes W-28 and 1~-29 are a series issued by the former Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory which is now discontinued. ** For Official Use Only. WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Repo!.~ Number Date Title AD Number · ------····----- TR 19 Jan 1970 TR 21 Jun 1971 TR 22 Sep 1971 TR 25 Feb 1971 TR 27 Aug 1970 TR 28 Nov 1970 TR 29 Nov 1970 TR 30 Sep 1970 TR 33 Nov 1971 TR 35 Jun 1971 TR 36 Jul 1971 TR 37 May 1971 TR 38 Aug 1971 TR 3.9 Nov 1971 TR 40 Nov 1971 The NGG Fallout Scaling Model: A Graphic-Numerical Method of Predicting Fallout Patterns. for Nuclear Gratering Detonations, by D. E. Burton AD 704 ·688 Explosive Excavation Technology, by s•.M. Johnson AD 727 651 Fallout Prediction Procedure for Subsurface ADM's, by Charles Snell, Donald Burton, and John O'Connor AD 736 852 Study of Explosives for Lunar Applications AD 724 646 Seepage Characteristics of Explosively Produced Graters in Soil and Rock, by W. G~ Sherman and· D. G. Banks AD 715 727 Project Trencher -Evaluation of Aluminized Blasting Agents for Gratering and Hole Springing, by R. F. Bourque AD 892 049 The Initiation of Failure in Slopes in Overconsolidated Clays and Clay Shales, by I. V4 Gonstantopoulos, J 4 T. Christian, and R~ V. Whitman AD 738 140 Hydrologic Transport of Radionuclides from Graters and Quarries, by Paul Kruger · Nuclear AD 737 210 Project Sergius Narrows -Summary of Tests Island, Alaska, 1970, by R. H-Gillespie on Liesnoi AD 740 657 Middle Course I Gratering Series, by D. J. Fitchett AD 738 139 Analytical and Graphical Methods for the Analysis of Slopes in Rock Masses, by A. J-Hendron, Jr., E. J. Gording, and A-K. Aiyer AD 738 929 Summary of Time-Delayed Row-Charge Gratering Experiments, Site 300, 1970, by R. J. Meisinger AD 734 294 Project Pre-Gondola III, Phase III, Row Grater to a Reservoir, by B. B- Connection of a Redpath AD 737 198 A Revised Empirical Approach to Airblast Pr.ediction, by G. M. Snell arid 04 'L. Oltmans · AD 742 673 Prediction of Ground-Shock-Induced Airblast Overpressures for Subsurface Explosions from Peak Vertical' Spall Velocity, by G. M. Sn.ell and D.• L4 Oltmans AD 739 509 W-30 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 2-438 Jan 1957 Effects .of. Stemming on Underground Explosions AD 121 974 TR 2-467 Nov 1957 Model Determination of Explosion Damage to Concrete AD 912 603 Runways (Feasibility Study) * TR 2-471 Mar 1958 Feasibility of Reducing Wave Heights by Means of Large AD 909 045L Craters TR 2-472 Apr 1958 The Effects of Explosions on Gravity-Type Dams AD 156 860 TR 2-478 May 1958 Effects of a Soil-Rock Interface on Cratering AD 161 068 TR 2-482 Jun 1958 Crater.ing ,Effects of Surface and Buried HE Charges in AD 219 888 Loess· arid Clay TR WT-1420 Jun 1959 . Blast Loading and Response of Underground Concrete AD BOOl 855 Arch Protective Structures (Operation PLUMBBOB - Project 3.1):, by W. J. Flathau, R. A. Breckenridge, and c. K. Wtehle TR 2-512 Jun 1959 The Effect of the Angle of Incidence on Water-Shock AD 309 534 Loading of Urderwater Structures TR 2-547 Cratedng from High Explosive Charges: • May 1960 Report 1 I cdmpendium of Crater Data AD 238 430L • Jun 1961 Report 2 Analysis of Crater Data AD 263 170L TR 2-564 Apr 1961 Shock-Wave Attenuation Properties of a Bubble Screen AD 323 151 TR 2-590 Jan 1962 Design and Analysis of Underground Reinforced-Concrete AD 274 727 Arches TR 2-597 Feb 1962 Air Blast in an Arctic Environment AD 274 722 * TR 2-615 Feb 1963 A Quantitative Evaluation of the Underwater Sho~k AD 336 409L ~lave Resulting from Surface and Underwater Explosions TR 1-647 Surface Wave,s Resulting from Explosions in Deep Water: • Jul 1964 Report 1 I . . . . Summary of Experimental Procedures and Results AD 354 598L of Tests at WES Underwater Explosion Test Site • Apr 1966 Report·2. Su~marv of Experimental Procedures and Results AD 374 708L of Tests at Pinkston .· Lake Ouachita, Arkansas, by J. M. · • Apr 1968 Report 3 Pr;opagation Characteristics, by c. E. Pace, AD 836 949L R. w. Whalin, and J. N. Strange • Jan 1969 Report 4 Effect of Charge Depth of Submergence on W~ve AD 848 044L Height and Energy Coupling, by c. E. Pace, R. W. Whalin, A. Sakurai, and J. N. Strange * Statement B. See Preface. W.;.31 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 1-647 * (Cont) Mar 1970 Report 5 Summary of R~sults, Comparison with Theory, and Deve1opm~nt of a Prediction t4ethod, byC. E. Pace, R. W. Whalin, and J. N. Strange AD 501 521L TR 1-649 Structures in an Arctic Environment: Report 1 (not published) Report 2 (not published) Oct 1964 Report 3 Airblast and Subsurface Shock of High-Explosive Tests, hy c. E. Joachim AD 450 624 TR 1-660 Nov 1964 Model Study of Loading, by R. a Buried Arch SubjectedK. Tener to Dynamic AD 452 104 TR 1-665 Nov 1964 Craters Resulting from Repeated Explosions Along a Common Vertical Axis, by J. N. Strange and A. D. Rooke AD 452 611 TR 1-674 May 1965 An Experimental Study of ArchingMcNulty in Sand, by J. W. AD 615 511 TR 1-676 Jun 1965 Static Tests of Reinforced-Concrete Deep Beams, byG. E. Albritton · AD 467 023 TR 1-682 Jul 1965 Response of Horizontally Oriented Buried Cylindersto Static and Dynamic Loadings, by A. F. Dorris AD 621 340 * TR 1-695 Oct 1965 Some Basic Principles of Scaling Explosion-Produced Damage to Deep Unlined Openings in Rock, by_G, B. Clark AD 368 244L TR 1-701 Nov 1965 Review of the Literature Pertaining of neep Beams, by G. E. Albritton to the Analysis AD 626 589 TR 1-704 Water-Shock Wave Reflection Properties of Various Bottom Materials: * Nov 1965 AD 369 080L * Sep 1967 AD 821 241 L * Sep 1968 Report 3 Reflection Properties of a Concrete Bottom, by Louis t1iller, J. N. Strange, and J. M. Pinkston AD 842 023L * Statement B. See Preface. Number . TR 1-704 * (Cont) -' . ·* * TR 1-707 TR 1-720 TR 1-723 TR 1-750 . TR 1-758 TR 1-759 TR 1-768 TR 1-770 * TR 1-771 * * * Statement B. · WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Date Title Report 4 Final Report: ' ,,.. ' MayJ971 ' ·vbl u~~ i Main Text, by Louis Miller, J. N. Strange, ;! : . and J. M. Pinkston May 1971 Volume II Appendixes,· by Louis Miller, J. N. Strange, and J. M. Pinkston •' Dec 1965 Description, Proof Test, and Evaluation of Blast Load Generator Facility, by G. E. Albritton ..· I ·.·. Apr 1966 ·The:pastic Response of Buried Cylinders, Critical Literatt:.it'e Review and Pilot Study, by G. E. Albritton, J. L. Kirkland, T. E. Kennedy, and, A. F. Dorris Jun 1966 Initial Evaluation of the Free-Field Response of the Large Blast Load Generator, by T~ E. Kehnedy, G. E. Albritton~.. and R. E. Walker · · · . ' . ;,,1''. Dec 1966 Response of a Buried Prototype Communications Conduit to StaTic and Dynamic Loading, by A. F. Dorris and G. E. Albritton Feb 1967 . Static and Dynamic Laboratory Tests of Unreinforced Concrete Fixed-End Arches Buried in Dry Sand, by G. D. Meyer and W. J. Flathau 1 Mar 1967 Operation Snowball; Project 3.6-Earth Motion Measure ments,by D. W. Murrell 'oynamic Test of a Model Flexible-Arch-Type Protective .. Shelter: Apr 1967 Report 1 Pilot Test, ·by T. E. Kennedy and J. T. Ballard Nuclear' Weapons Effects on' Dams and-Other Submerged and Semisubmerged Hard Targets: · · Apr 1967 · Report Literature Survey and ProposedResearch to Study Damage.from Contact Burst, by L. K. Davis. and A. D. Rooke :·. (•, ! :' ·,·_·. ': ("-• I • t~ ; _ , : ~ " ' , . ,! ., , . -~ I • 1 , • • ·Water Shock Waves Resul t1ng from. ~xplos1ons Above an Air-Water Interface: ··· Apr '1'967 . · R~po'rt~' ,1:' Results of a T,heoret1cirl Investigation, by · 'Akira Sakurai and a. ~·k Pinkston May 1970 Report 2 Experimental Study, by Louis Miller, J. M. Pinkston, and J. N. Strange See Preface. ·' ". AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD Number 884 576L 884 577L 477 079 633 673 636 729 646 608 650 851 649 769 651 349 813 982L 814 396L 870 820L ' ) WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 1-789 Jul 1967 A Dynamic Ultimate Strength Study of Simply Supported AD 658 749 Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs; Fi na 1 Report, by D. R. Denton TR 1-794 Sep 1967 Shock Transmission Through Ice and Snow, by c. E. AD 659 774 Joachim TR 1-797 Sep 1967 The Dynamic Response -of Buried Concrete Arches, Project AD 661 632 3.2, Operation Snowball, by N. Palacios and T. E. Kennedy TR 1-801 Nov 1967 Development of On-Structure Stress Gages, by R. ~/. AD 664 127 Faust and J. K. Ingram TR 1-807 Jan 1968 Similitude Study of Flexible Burfed Arches Subjected AD 666 204 to Blast Loads, by J. P. Balsara TR 1-813 Jan 1968 The Stability During Construction of Three Large UnderAD 666 183 ground Openings in Rock, by E. J. Cording TR 1-814 Feb 1968 Development of a Free-Field Soil Stress Gage for Static AD 666 769 and Dynamic Measurements, by J. K. Ingram TR 1-821 Apr 1968 Behavior of Flexible Cylinders Buried in Sand Under AD 670 015 Static and Dynamic Loading, by G. E. Albritton * TR N,..68-l. Aug 1968 Design, Construction, and Evaluation of Protective AD 839 513L Military Structures, by G. L. Carre TR N-69-1 Jan 1969 Modeling of Beams and Arc_hes Made from Processed Snow AD 681 909 and Subjected to Static Loads, by J. M. Watt TR N-69-2 Response of Deep Two-Way-Reinforced and Unreinforced Concrete Slabs to Static and Dynamic Loading: Mar 1969 Report 1 Review of the Literature and Nuclear ~~eapons AD 849 9G6L * Effects Pertaining to Deep Slabs, by G. E. Albritton and K~ M. Cole Oct 1969. Report 2 The Dynamic Response of Deep Slabs, Project AD 86i 163L * Hercules, by G. E. Albritton and K. t1. Cole Nov 1969 Report 3 Static Tests of Deep Slabs Having a Span-to-AD 863 637L * Thickness Ratio of 4. 12, by K. M. Cole, G. E. Albritton, and J. E. Beavers Nov 1969 Report 4 Mine Shaft Series, Mine Under Event; Program AD 862 558L * 3 -Structural Response, Deep-Slab Tests, by -G. E. Albritton, J. P. Balsara, and D. M. Bayer Sep 1970 Report 5 Static Tests of Deep Square Composite Slab, AD 877 404L * by J. E. Beavers and G. E. Albritton * Statement B. See Preface. W-34. WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR N-69-2 * (Cont) Sep 1970 Report 6 Mine Shaft Series, Mineral Rock Event, ProAD 877 405L gram 3 -Structural Response Studies, DeepSlab Tests, Phase 2, by J. M. Watt, J. P. Balsara, and G. E. Albritton May 1971 Report 7 Static Tests of Deep Slabs Having Various AD 884 574L * Span-to-Thickness Ratios, by J. E. Beavers and G. E. Albritton Jun 1974 Report 8 Oynamic Tests of Oeep Slabs Having a Span-toAD 920 839L * Thickness Ratio of 4.12, by J. M. Watt, Jr. Jul 1973 Report 9 Summary Report, by r.. E. Albritton and R. D. AD 912 7llL * Crowson TR N-69-3 Shock Waves Resulting from Explosions at an Air-Hater Interface: May 1969 Report 1 Analytical Study, by Akira Sakurai AD 854 OlOL * Jan 1971 Report 2 Experimental Study, by L. t4iller and J. M. AD 514 070L * Pinkston, Jr. TR N-69-4 Runup Characteristics of Explosion-r.enerated Waves in Major Harbor Areas: Jun 1969 Report 1 Wave Intrusion Into Monterey Harbor, CaliforAD 854 998L * nia, by D. R. Bucci ~nd R. H. Whalin Sep 1970 Report 2 Methodology for Conducting Runup Tests in a AD 877 123L * Distorted Model and Wave Intrusion Into San Diego Bay, California, by D. R. Bucci and R. ~1. Whalin * TR N-69-5 Nov 1969 Critical Charge Standoff Distances for Destroying AD 506 471 Various Types of B~idge Piers, by J. N. Strange, L. Miller, and D. R. Bucci TR N-69-6 Oct 1969 Elastic Response of Shock-Isolated Cylinders Buried AD 696 083 in a Dense, Ory Sarid, by D. C. Foster · * TR N-69-7. Nov 1969 Dynamic Response of a Small Shear Wall Structure, by AD 863 820L J. n. Bakos TR N-69-8 Army Aircraft Protective Structures Designs: Nov 1969 ·.Report 1 Helicopter Revetment Systems Using FieldAD 861 853 Availabl~ Materials for Protection Against Weapon Fragmentation, by G. L. Carre and W. L. Huff * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date TR N-69-8 * (Cont) Sep 1970 Aug 1971 * Nov 1971 Apr 1972 * * Mar 1972 * Jan 1972 * Jun 1972 * Jun 1972 TR N-70-1 Dec 1970 TR N-70-3 Jan 1970 * Apr 1970 * * TR N-10-4 Feb 1970 * TR N-70-5 Feb 1970 TR N-70-6 Mar 1970 AD Number AD 512 410L AD 730 673 AD 889 678L WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Report 2 Weapons Effects and Vulnerability Analyses --Mortars, by A. D. Rooke, Jr., C. A. Miller, and H. D. Hardcastle Report 3 Response of Selected t4aterials to High-SpeedFragment Impact, by J. W. Brown and W. G. Dykes Report 4 Fragmentation Tests of Selected Statically Detonated t4ortar and Rocket Rounds, by G. L•. Carre Report 5 ~Jeapons Effects and Vu 1 nerabi 1 i ty Ana lyses --Rockets, by H. D. Hardcastle and H. L. Knudson Report 6 Weapons Effects and Vulnerability Analyses Parking Areas, by A. D. Rooke, Jr. • ,< Report 7 Evaluation of Thin-Walled Revetments, by G. L. Carre Report 8 Analysis, Construction, and Evaluation of a Large Hardened Arch Shelter, by J. P. Balsara, et al. Report 9 Design, Construction, and Evaluation of Snall Shelters, by B. B. Hoot, et al. Strength and Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column Connections Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loadings; Final Report, by M. E. Criswell Subscale Static Tests Closure Analysis and Test Program: Report 1 Data Report for First-Phase Tests, by J. ~1. Watt Report 2 Data Report for Second-Phase Tests, by J. t1. Watt Mine Shaft Series, Subtask Nl23, C~l~bration Cratering · Series, by L. K. Davis Results of Surface Wave Experiments, Mono Lake Explosion Test Series, 1965, by J. M. Pinkston, F. W. Skinner, and J. N. Strange Dynamic Response of a Model Buried Field Shelter, Project LN314, Operation Prairie Flat, by T. E. Kennedy * Statement B. See Preface. AD AD AD ·AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD 520 665L 520 259L 891 901 901 717 443L 053L 054L 308 865 527L 873 550L 867 467L 867 008L 704 957 W-36 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR N-70-7 An Experimental Investigation of Soil-Structure Interaction in a Cohesive Soil: Mar 1970 Volume I, by G. E. Jester AD 706 210 Mar 1970 Volume II, by G. E. Jester ,·, 'i AD 706 211 * TR N-70-8 Mar 1970 Mihe·Shaft Series, Events Mine Under and Mine Ore, AD 871 472L Subtask Nl21, Crater Investigations, by L. K. Davis * TR N-70-9 Apr 1970 Surface Waves Resulting from Explosions Above a Water Surface, by C. E. Pace AD 869 576L TRN-70-10. Apr 1970 Suryey of Gulf Coast Structural Hurricane Camille, August 1969; Criswell ahd R. S. Cummins Damage Resulting from Final Report, by M. E. AD 707 941 * TR N-70-11 Jul 1970 In-Stru.cture Motion Measurements, Project LN315, Operation Prairie Flat, by T. E. Kennedy AD 875 023L * TR N-70-12 Aug 1970 Mono Lake Explosion.Test Series, 1965, Analysis of Surface Have and Wave Runup Data, by R. W. Whalin, C. E. Pace, and W. F. Lane AD 876 073L TR N-70-14 Sep 1970 Distant Plain Events 6 and lA, Project 3.02A, Earth r1otion and Stress r1easurements, by D. W. t4urrell AD 716 769 * TR N-71-1 Feb 1971 In-Structure f,1otion Studies for Shallow Buried Pro AD 882 988L tective Facilities; Phase lib, by T. E. Kennedy TR N-71-2 Apr 1971 Dynamic Tests of Large Reinforcing Bar Splices, byW. J. Flathau AD 723 045 TR N-71-3 May 1971 Project Officer's Final Report, Operation Distant Plain, Events 1, 2A, 3, 4, and 5; Project 3.02A, Earth t·1otion and Stress Measurements, by J. K. Ingram AD 725 534 * TR N-71-6 Jun 1971 Portable Bunker Tests and Evaluation, by B. B. Hoot AD 885 285L TR N-71-7 Jun 1971 Digital 'Filters for Explosion Effects Analysis, byH. D. ·carleton AD 725 993 TRN-71-8 Jull971 Dynamic Response of Concrete Arch Bunkers; Pack, Project LN314A, by R. K. McGrath · Event Dial AD 726 969'' TR N-71...:9 Jul 19'71 The Dynamic Resporise of a Simulated Buried Arch Hl as t Loading, by T. E. Kennedy to AD 727 678 * TR N-71-10 Jun 1971 Fragme.nt Defeating Capabilities of Plastic Armor, byw. ·w. Kakel · I , AD 887 621L * TR N-72-1 Jan 1972 Mine Shaft Series, Events Mine Under and Mine Ore; Subtask SS222, Ground t-1otion and Stress Measurements, AD 891 597L by C. E. Joachim * Statement B. See Preface. WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR N-72-2 Feb 1972 Operation Prairie Flat, Project LN 302: Earth Motion and .Stress f1easurements, by D. ~1. 11urrell AD 738 138 * TR N-72-3 Feb 1972 Generation of Water Surface Waves by t1ultiple Explosions, by C. E. Pace and F. t~. Skinner AD 892 377L TR N-72-4 Bridge Response to Explosion-Produced Hater Plumes: * Feb 1972 Report 1 Physics of the Plume in Deep Water, byW. H. McAnally, Jr., and R. L. Rand, Jr. AD 519 529L * Jan 1974 Report 2 Physics of the Plume in Shallow Water, byD. G. Outlaw and J. N. Strange AD 917 077L r~ar 1974 Errata Sheet No. 1 * TR N-72-5 Feb 1972 · Subsurface Sensors for f1easuring Surface Waves, Mono Lake Explosion Test Series, 1969, by. J. R. Houston and D. R. Bucci AD 892 366L TR N-72-6 Apr 1972 Operation Mine Shaft, Mineral Rock Event, Far-Out Ground Motions from a 100-Ton Detonation Over Granite,by D. W. t1urrell AD 741 771 TR N..:72-7 Fundamental Studies of Medium-Structure Interaction: Jun 1972 Report 1 Finite Element Analysis of Buried Cylinders,by J. L. Kirkland and R. E. Walker AD 743 862 * TR N-72-9 Sep 1972 Shock ~lave Propagation in Shallow Hater, by Louis Miller and J. N. Strange AD 904 283L TR N-72-10 Nov 1972 Design and Testing of a Blast-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Slab System, by M. E. Criswell AD 755 096 TR N-72-12 An Assess~ent of the State-of-the-Art for Vulnerabilityand Hardness Analysis of Ballistic Missile Defense Facilities: * Dec 1972 Chapter 1 Introduction, by T. E. Kennedy AD 915 366L * Dec 1972 Chapter 4 Ejecta, by A. D. Rooke and J. ~l. t1eyer AD 915 372L r1ar 1973 Errata Sheet No. 1 * Dec 1972 Chapter 6 Nuclear Radiation, by L. S. Abbott AD 915 373L TR E-72-16 Apr 1972 EstiMating Water-Shock-Induced Airblast from tions in a f·1edium Overlain with Water, by C. Snell DetonaM. AD 755 099 TR E-72-23 Feb 1972 Project TUGBOAT: Explosive Excavation of in Coral, by W. C. Day a Harbor AD 754 534 * Statement B. See Preface. Number TR E-72-24 TR E-72-26 TR E-72-31 TR E-72-32 TR E-73-1 TR N-73-1 TR E-73-2 * TR N-73~2 TR E-73-3 * TR N-73-3 TR E-73-4 TR N-73-4 TR E-73-5 TR N-73-5 TR E-73-6 TR N-73-6 Date Jun 1972 Jun 1972 Dec 1972 Jul 1972 Jul 1972 Revised Apr 1973 May 1973 Apr 1973 Jul 1973 May 1973 Aug 1973 May 1973 Oct 1973 Jul 1973 Oct 1973 Oct 1973 Sep 1973 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Title Hole Springing, by R. H. Gillespie Construction of Nuclear Geostorage Facilities for Petroleum Products, by K. E. Sprague Cratering' in Layered Media, by A. S. Vesic, N. M. F. Ismael, and Kul Bhushan Annotated Bibliography of Explosive Excavation Related Research Project Trinidad -Explosive Excavation Tests in Sandstone and Shale, by B. B. Redpath Behavior of Stiff Cylinders Buried in Sand Under Static Loading, by C. D. Norman and J. D. Prendergast Military Engineering Applications of Comme'rcial Explosives: An Introduction, by ,Joseph Briggs Operation r~ine Shaft; Ground Shock from Underground and Surface Explosions in Granite, by D. W. Murrell and H. D. Carleton Middle ,course II Cratering Series, by K. E. Sprague Event Mine Throw I: Cratering Effects of a Multiton Near-Surface Detonation in Desert Alluvium, by B. L. Carnes and J. A. Conway Seismic Refraction Exploration for Engineering Site Investigations, by B. B. Redpath Operation Dial Pack, Project LN 305: Earth Motion and Stress Measurements in the Outrunning Region, by D. W. Murrell Project Drum Inlet: Explosive Excavation in Saturated Sand, by C. M. Snell and R. H. Gillespie Influence of Backfill Properties on the Collapse of Pipes Under Dynamic Loads, by J. L. Drake and c. E. Joachim · Errata Sheet No. 1 Explosive Selection and Fallout Simulation Experiments: Nuclear Cratering Device Simulation (Project Diamond Ore), by J. J1. O'Connor Behavior of Lined Openings in Jointed and Unjointed Model Rock Masses, by J. G. Wallace AD Number AD 755 097 AD 755 100 AD 755 098 AD 757157 AD 767 480 AD 760 434 AD 763 177 AD 910 114L AD 765 436 AD 910 941L AD 768 710 AD 762 172 AD 769 581 AD 765 432 AD 776 361 AD 767 543 * Statement B. See Preface. WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Report$ Number Date Title AD Number TR N-73-7 Oct 1973 Mathematical Model for Describing Stress Wave gation in a Jointed Rock Mass, by J. L. Drake Propa- AD 769 582, TR N-73-8 Dec 1973 Dynamic Strength Study of Small, Fixed-Edge, Longitudinally Restrained, Two-Hay ReinforcedConcrete Slabs; Final Report, by H. M. Brown and t1. S. Black AD 774 848 * TR N-73-9 Dec 1973 Evaluation of SAFEGUARD System 'Perimeter' Acquisition Radar Building Shear Key Connections, by J. P. Balsara and J. R. Hossley · AD 916 585L TR E-74-1 Jan 1974 Project Trinidad: Explosive Excavation of Railroad Cuts 2 and 3 by Mounding and Directed Blasting, byJ. E. Lattery AD 775 824 TR N-74-1 Jan 1974 Cratering by Explosions: A Compendium and an Analysis,by A. D. Rooke, Jr., B. L. Carnes, and L. K; Davis AD B024 657 TR N-74-2 Mar 1974 Vibration Characteristics of the North by J. P. Balsara, R. E. Walker, arid J. Fork Dam Model, Fo~ler AD 777 548 TR E-74-3 Dec 1974 Fallout Simulation: Nuclear Cratering Device Simulation (Project DIAMOND ORE), by E. ,J. Leahy, D. Oltmans, C. M. Snell, T. J. Donlan, and W. B~ Lane AD A006 295 TR N-74-3 Apr 1974 Earth Motion and Stress Measurements, Project LN Operation Dia,l Pack, by D. W. Murrell 302, AD 779 505 TR N-74-4 May 1974 Application of Field Available Materials tions, by G. L. Carre to Fortifica- AD 780 735 * TR N-74-5 Aug 1974 Evaluation of Field Fortifications, by B. B. Hoot, et al. AD 921 985L * TR N-74-6 Sep 1974 Shock-Have Reflection Characteristics of a Typical Bottom, by Louis Miller and J. N. Strange Sea AD 922 866L * TR N-74-7 Sep 1974 Expedient Field Fortifications for Use Against Nuclear Heapons, by T. E. Kennedy, J. H. Ball, B. B. Hoot, and P. J. Rieck AD 923 220L * TR N-74-8 Dec 1974 Investigation of Idealized Silo r1otions~ and R. E. Walker by C. E. Pace AD BOOO 947L TR E-75-l Jan 1975 Project Lost Creek: trolled Blasting, byA-H) . Field Tests of t1ounding and Con-C. C. t1cAneny (includes Appendixes AD A007 156 * TR N-75-1 Feb 1975 ~1iddle Gust Calibration Shots; Ground Motion t1easure· ments, by J. D. Day, J. H. Stout, and D. W. t·1urrell (includes Appendfxes A-I} · : · AD B002 758L TR E-75-2 Jun 1975 Project R. 0. BAILEY Experimental Excavation Program, by lL R. Bechtell (includes Appendixes A-D) AD A013 388 * Statement B. See Preface. W-40 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR N-75-2 Jun 1975 Collapse Strength of a Two-Way-Reinforced Concrete Slab Contained Within a Steel Frame Structure, byW. L. Huff (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A012 825 TR N-75-3 Jul 1975 Digital Filters for Earthquake Site Studies, by H. Carleton D. AD A014 194 * TR N-75-4 Sep 1975 ESSEX -DIAMOND ORE RESF.ARCH PROGRAM; ESSEX VI -Effects of Low-Yield Nuclear Explosions on Airfields and Railway Systems, Calendar Year 1973 ExperimentalEffort, by L. K. Davis AD B007 658L TR N-75-5 Oct 1975 Effect of Charge Shape on Crater Dimensions, by J. Strange (includes Appendixes A-B) N. AD A017 291 Jan 1976 Errata Sheet No. 1 * TR N-75-6 Nov 1975 Mechanical Impedance Tests of Prototype and r1odel Concrete Arch Aircraft Shelters, by R. D. Crowson (includes Appendixes A-C) AD B008 214L TR N-76-1 Jun 1976 Dredged Sediment Movement Tracing in San Francisco Bay Utilizing Neutron Activation, by E. J. Leahy, IL B. Lane, T. M. Tami, and others AD A026 844 May 1976 Appendix A San Francisco Bay Sampling Data, byE. J. Leahy, W. B. Lane, T. M. Tami, and others AD A027 133 TR N-76-3 Mar 1976 Dynamic Response Characteristics of a Model Arch Dam, by C. D. Norman, R. D. Crowson, and J. P. Balsara AD A024 301 TR N-76-4 Mar 1976 Final Report on a Calculational Parameter Study of Soils Typical of Some ESSEX I Cratering Sites, by M. F. Goodrich, J. B. Bryan, J. M. Thomsen, and C. r1. Snell (includes Appendix) * TR N-76-5 Apr 1976 Analysis and ~1odeling of Buried Vertical CylindersUnder Dynamic Loading (includes Appendixes A-B) AD BOll 479L Aug 1976 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR N-76-6 t1ay 1976 Development and Evaluation of Corrugated Metal ing Hole Cover Designs, by J. W. Ball Fight AD A025 697 * TR N-76-7 Jun 1976 Design of Earth-Covered Structures to Defeat Contact Burst Rounds, by D. R. Bucci and P. F. Mlakar AD B012 031L TR N-76-9 Sep 1976 A Method for Designing Deep Underground Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads, by ,J. L. Drake and J. R. Britt AD A030 601 * Statement B. See Preface. WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number * TR N-76-10 Dec 1976 ESSEX -DIAMOND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAt4; Damage Predictions for Contact Bursts on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers, Project ESSEX III, by J. W. Ball (includes Appendixes A-B) AD B016 lOlL TR N-76-11 Dec 1976 Explosive Tests of Airport Lockers, by D. R. Coltharp TR N-77-1 r~ar 1977 Comparison of Vibration Test Results for Prototype Arch Dam, by R. D. Crowson and a Model and c. n. Norman AD A038 060 TR N-77-2 Federal Republic of Germany Structures 'Test Program, · DICE THROW Event: * Jun 1977 Report 1 Pretest Planning and Analyses, by J. M. Watt, Jr., Gerhard Zahlmann, and R. A. Cole (includes Appendixes A-E) AD B019 367L * Oct 1978 Report 2 Construction and Test nata, by J. t4. Watt, Jr., and R. R. Kaufmann (includes Appendix A) AD B032 566L * Oct 1979 Report 3 Results of Posttest Analysis, by J. r4. Jr., R. R. Kaufmann, and M. K. McVay Watt, AD B042 708L * Aug 1979 Report 4 Geotechnical Investigation, by A. Jackson, Jr., and B. R. Phillips E. AD B042 466L * Nov 1979 Report 5 Small-Scale High-Explosive Tests, by R. Cummins and G. E. Albritton s. AD B043 878L * TR N-77-3 Dec 1977 'ESSEX -DIAMOND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAM; Aircraft Shelter Response, Project ESSEX V, by R. D. Crowson (includes Appendixes A-C) AD B024 716L * TR N-77-4 Aug 1977 ESSEX-D lAMOND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAt~, A Pre1imina ry Assessment of the Radiation Simulation Experiments of Project ESSEX I, by N. J. Adans, W. R. Lane, and L. C. Webster (includes Appendixes A-1) AD B021 646L TR N-77-5 Sep 1977 Effects of Instrument Canister Placement Conditions on Ground Shock Measurements, by J. K. Ingram and M. B. Ford (includes Appendixes A-D) · AD A045 999 TR N-77-6 CENSE Explosion Test Program: Sep 1977 Report 1 CENSE 1, Explosions in Sandstone, by J. K. Ingram (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A046 147 Oct 1977 Errata Sheet No. 1 Dec 1977 Report 2 CENSE 2, Explosions in Soil, by J. K. Ingram (includes Appendixes A-C) AD A050 348 TR N-78-1 Apr 1973 Expedient Upgrading of Existing Structures for Fallout Protection, by W. L. Huff AD A053 763 * Statement B. See Preface. W-42 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number ~~----------~------------------------~-- * TR N-78-2 Aug 1978 ESSEX -DIAMOND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAM; Vibration Tests and Analyses of ESSEX VModel Structures, by R. 0. Crowson (includes Appendixes A-B) AD R032 132L * TR N-78-3 May 1978 ESSEX -DIAt·10ND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAM; StructureMedium Interaction and Structural Response Calculations for the ESSEX Phase 3 Event, by S. H. Pangand J. Isenberg (includes Appendix I) AD B030 790L TR N-78-4 Aug 1978 Computer f1odelling of Jointed Rock Masses, by Tidu t4aini, Peter Cundall, Joaquin t4arti, Peter Beresford, Nigel Last, and Margaret Asgian (includes AppendixesI-XVI) AD A061 658 Jan 1979 Errata Sheet No. 1 TR N-78-5 ESSEX -DIArmND ORE RESEARCH of the ESSEX Program: PROGRAM; Summary Report * Dec 1978 Volume Phenomenology and Effects, by J. et al N. Strange, AD B035 227L * Apr 1979 Volume II Target Response Studies, by J. et al N. Strange, AD B040 512L * TR N;..78-7 Oct 1978 Static Test of a Hardened Shallow-Buried Structure, by S. A·Kiger (includes Appendix A) AD B033 103L * TR N-78-8 Dec 1978 Static Loading of Shallow-Buried Model Cylinders,Phase I of III, by V. T. Cost an.d J. M. Watt, Jr. (includes Appendix A) AD B033 120L * TR N-78-9 Dec 1978 Static Loading of Shallow-Buried t4odel Cylinders,Phase II or Ill, by V. T. Cost and J. M. Watt, Jr. (includes Appendix A) AD B034 151L * Statement B. See Preface. Number Date CR 2-19 Aug 1956 CR 2-39 r~ar 1960 CR 2-35 May 1959 CR 2-44 Aug 1960 Aug 1960 CR 2-54 Oct 1962 CR 2-69 Mar 1963 CR 1-97 Nov 1960 CR 1-113 Jun 1962 CR 1-128 Jun 1963 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report M1~1AN & WHITNEY, New York, New York Design Report for Three Basic Types of UndergroundStructures BARODYNAMICS, INC., Georgetown, Colorado Application of the Livingston Crater Theory to Blasts in Loess .and Clay, by C. W. Livingston BOYNTON ASSOCIATES, La Canada, California Final Report Feasibility Study, Dynamic Load Generator Capable of Subjecting Structures and Soils to Loads Similar to Those Created by a Nuclear Explosion Final Report: Part I Design of Blast Load Generator Capable of Subjecting Structures and Soils to Loads Similar to Those Created by Nuclear Explosion Part II Structural Analysis of Blast Load Generator Capable of Subjecting Structures and Soils to Loads Similar to Those Created by a Nuclear Explosion Final Report Technical Consultation During Fabrication of the Steel Portion of the Large Blast Load Generator Final Report Design of the Large Blast Load Generator Operational Controller System, Evaluation of Pressure Transducers, Manufacture of the Controller, Controller Operation Manual Operation Manual for 250 psi 4-Foot Diameter Dynamic Load Generator Final Report Technical Consultation on the Construction of the Central Firing Station, Large Blast Load Generator Facility Final Report Proof Testing Large Blast Load Generator, First Phase AD Number AD 234 078 AD 757 418 ~~-44 Number Date CR 1-175 Jan 1968 Unnumbered Dec 1969 CR N-70-1 Jan 1970 Unnumbered Apr 1972 CR 1-170 Apr 1967 CR 2-49 t1ar 1962 Jun 1962 Sep 1962 CR N-69-2 May 1969 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley A Computer Program for the Dynamic Stress Analysis of Underground Structures, by E. L. Wilson The Behavior of Sands Under Seismic Loading Conditions, by M. L. Silver and H. R. Seed (Earthquake EngineeringResearch Center, Report No. EERC 69-16) A Nonlinear Finite Element Code for Analyzing the Blast Response of Underground Structures, by !raj Farhoomand and Edward Wilson Seepage and Groundwater Effects Associated with Explosive Cratering, by J. M. Duncan, P. A. Witherspoon, J. K. Mitchell, D. J. Watkins, J. H. Hardcastle, and J. C. Chen (Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, Report No. TE-72-2) GEORGE B. CLARK AND ASSOCIATES, Rolla, Missouri A Comparison of Plane and Spherical Transient VoigtWaves with Explosion Generated Waves in Rock Masses, by G. B. Clark, G. B. Rupert, and J. E. Jamison ENGINEERING-PHYSICS COMPANY, Rockville, Maryland Analysis of Bubble Screen Phenomena: First Bi-monthly Report, by Vincent Cushing and Robert Heller Second Bi-monthly Report, by Vincent Cushing and Robert Heller Third Bi-monthly Report, by V. J. Cushing GENERAL AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION, Niles, Illinois Theory and Operation ~1anual, 1500 psi Dynamic Load Simulator, by R. J. Klima and L. E. Fugelso AD Number AD 832 681 AD 714 982 AD 703 920 AD 782 356 AD 660 340 AD A040 178 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number nate Contractor and Title of Report AD Number, HOLMES &NARVER, INC., Los Angeles, California CR 2-21 Oct 1956 Analysis Report for Basic Types of Underground Structures CR 2-29 Apr 1958 Post-Shot Analysis for Project 3.1, Operation Plumbbob ILLINOIS Chicago INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITtJTE, CR 1-90 Jul 1964 Evaluation and Analysis of Central Firing Station of WES Large Blast Load Generator, by A. Longinow AD 450 954 CR 1-105 Nov 1964 A Miniature Piezoelectric Gage Soil Stress Measurement, by E. for St~tic and 6ynamic T. Selig and R. A. Wetzel AD 453 457 CR 1-107 Mar 1965 Stress and Strain Distributions in a Long Cylindrical Shell with Arbitrary Pressure and Shear Loadings Imposed on the Outer Surface, by W. F. Riley AD 672 499 CR N-71-1 Comparison of a Soil/Structure Interaction Formulation with Experimental nata for the SAFEGUARD Power Plant: * Sep 1971 Volume I, by R. R. Robinson AD 894 677L * Sep 1971 Volume II, by R. R. Robinson AD 894 678L UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Urbana CR N-69-1 Geomechanical rlodel Study of the Behavior of Underground Openings in Rock Subjected to Static Loads: Oct 1969 Report 1 Development of Modeling Techniques, byR. E. Heuer and A. J. Hendron AD 697 735 Feb 1971 Report 2 Tests on Unlined Openings in Intact Rock, by R. E. Heuer and A. J. Hendron (includes Appendixes A-C) AD 722 830 Jun 1972 Report 3 Tests on Lined OpeningsRock, by A. J. Hend,ron, in Jointed and Intact Paul Engeling, A. K., AD 745 212 Aiyer, and Appendix by,s. L. Paul MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Cambridge * CR 2-40 Apr 1960 t~odeling and Analysis Techniques for Evaluating the Effects of Dynamic Loading on Gravity Dams, by M. J. Holley, H. T. Miyamoto, and H. D. Smith * Statement B. See Preface. Number CR N-73-2 CR 2-41 CR 2-55 CR 2-67 CR 1-110 CR 1-135 CR E-74-1 CR 1-121 Date Dec 1973 May 1960 Oct 1962 Nov 1962 Jul 1963 May 1965 Nov 1965 Dec 1974 Aug 1965 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report McDONNELL DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS COMPANY, West Huntington Beach, California Research Study of Ejecta Impact Parameters NATHAN M. NEWMARK AND ASSOCIATES, Urbana, Illinois Analysis and Desiqn of Flexible Underground Structures: Interim Report: Volume I, by N. M. Newmark, J. W. Briscoe, and J. L. t~erri tt Final Report; First Phase, by N. t1. Newmark, J. W. Briscoe, and J. L. Merritt Design of Openings for Buried Shelters; PreliminaryReport Design of Openings for Buried Shelters, by N. M. Newmark Design of r~odel Test Program for a Buried Field Shelter Feasibility of ~1odel ing Cavity Behavior in Jointed Rock Masses PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL Cot·1PANY, San Leandro, California Ground Motion and Airblast Measurements on Shot 6M of DIAMOND ORE, by C. T. Vincent PICATINNY ARSENAL, Dover, New Jersey Preliminary Investigation of a Blast Load Generator, by A. G. Edwards and Edward Lee AD Number AD A038 106 AD 298 347 AD 427 616 AD 465 567 AD 631 028 AD A005 001 AO 467 444 Number Date CR 2-47 Feb 1962 CR 2-48 Mar 1962 CR 2-51 Jun 1962 CR 2-58 Jul 1962 CR 2-59 Aug 1962 CR 2-61 Apr 1963 CR 2-65 Apr 1963 * Apr 1963 CR 2-71 Apr 1963 CR 2-76 Jun 1962 CR 1-93 Aug 1964 CR 1~95 Sep 1963 CR 1-106 Aug 1964 CR 1-111 May 1965 and H. H. Hosack WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY ~~~and Title of Report RECON, INCORPORATED, Tallahassee, Florida Subseismic Impulsive Pressure on an Elastic Half-Space, by G. L. Rogers, D. M. Palmer, and w. c. Sachdev Subseismic Distributed Pressures on an Elastic Half Space, by G. L. Rogers, D. M. Palmer, w. c. Sachdev, Transeismic and Superseismic Pressures on an Elastic Half-Space, by G. L. Rogers, D. M. Palmer, and w. c. Sachdev Numerical Studies of Moving Pressure Pulses Over an Elastic Halfspace, by G. L. Rogers and D. M. Palmer Stress Wave Propagation in Layered Elastic Cylinders, by G. L. Rogers and J. W. Shiver Stress Wave Propagation in Complex Solid Rods, by J. W. Shiver The Use of Explosives in a Fallout Shelter Building Program, by T. W. Wood, G. L. Rogers, T. M. Fisher, and R. D. Heins Supplement, by T. w. Wood, G. L. Rogers, T. M. Fisher, and R. D. Heins A Studv to Find the Phenomenon Associated with the "Regressive" Wave in Seismic Readings Taken Near Ex plosions on Tundra Ice, by D. M. Palmer, H. G. Ryland, and R. E. Walker Feasibility Study on the Use of Explosives in a Fallout Shelter Building Program as a Substitute for or as an Aid to Conventional Earth-Moving Methods; Interim Report Additional Studies on Buried Cylinders, by D. M. Palmer and James Lankford The Experimental and Theoretical Studv of Buried Cylinders Under Dynamic Loading, bv D. M. Palmer and James Lankford A Computer Program for the Analysis of Deep Beams, by G. L. Rogers and c. W. Waring A Systems Science Approach to the Study of Mechanical Radiation Effects on Buried Structures, bv G. L. Rogers, T. M. Fisher, D. M. Palmer, and E. E. Watson AD Number AD 404 610 AD 403 500 AD 408 789 AD 908 354L AD 672 495 AD 464 880 * Statement B. See Preface. \-/-48 Number------ Date----- CR 1-147 1963 CR l-125 Jul 1964 * CR N-77-l Mar 1977 CR l-167 Jun 1967 Jun 1967 Jun 1967 * CR N-77-2 May 1977. CR N-70-2 May 1970 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Contractor and Title of Report RECON, INCORPORATED, Tallahassee, Florida (Cont) The Experimental and Theoretical Study of Buried Cylinders Under Static Loading, by D~ M~ Palmer, R4 M4 Root, James Lankford, and T~ C~ Troutner SHANNON AND WILSON, INC8, Seattle, Washington Soil Vibration Tests, Suffield Experiment Station, Canada SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, San Antonio, Texas Development of a Design of a Relocatable Command and Control Bunker, by E~ J~ Baker, L~ R. Garza, and P. s~ rlestine TETRA TECH, INC., Pasadena, California Analysis of Data on Water Waves: Volume I Theoretical Developments Related to Water Waves Generated by Explosions in Deep Water; by R. W. Whalin Volume II Mono Lake Field Experiment, by R. W. Whalin Volume III Shallow Water Wave Studv, by R~ w. Whalin WEIDLINGER ASSOCIATES, Menlo Park, California ESSEX -DIAMOND ORE RESEARCH PROGRAM; Structural Response Analysis for ESSEX V, by s~ H~ Pang and ·J. Isenberg PAUL WEIDLINGER, Consulting Engineer, New York, New York Stress Waves in a Soil-Filled Cylindrical Shell, by John Kovarna and H. H~ Bleich AD Number AD A950 202 AD 8017 945L AD A040 170 AD A040 171 AD A040 172 AD B020 242L AD 709 726 WEAPONS EFFECTS LABORATORY Contract Reports Number nate Contractor and Title of Report AD Number J. H. WIGGINS COMPANY, Redondo Beach, California * CR N-75-1 Oct 1975 System Survivability Analysis,-hy J. D. Collins AD BOll 734l * Statement B. See Preface. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Number 40 53-1 54-1 55-1 55-2 57-1 58-1 58-2 59-1 60-1 61-1 61-2 61-3 62-1 fi3-1 64-1 65-1 68-1 Date Jan 1955 Jun 1953 Nov 1953 Sep 1954 Apr 1955 Jan 1957 Jun 1957 Jan 1958 Jun 1958 Jun 1959 Apr 1960 Jun 19fi1 Jun 1961 Jun 1961 Jun 1962 Jun 1963 Feb 1964 Jan 1965 t~ay 1968 MS-1 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS · Bulletins Title AD Number Combined Series Pressure Cells for Field Use Development of Hydrologic Equipment, Engineering Studies, Project ES-173 Project Bulletins: No title No title No title No title No title Technical Bulletin 1 No title Operating Characteristics of Keyer P-8 Concise Report on Subproject Accomplishments During FY 1959 Recently Developed Recorder and Power Supply Sacramento District Radio Communications Network Evaluation of Low-Drain Precipitation Keyer Development of Remote-Reporting Precipitation Gage Measurement and Telemetry of Current Velocity and Direction Digital Recording of Reservoir Inflow and Outflow Hydrologic and Weather Variables on Teletype Red Rock Reservoir Telemetering System Summary of Developments of 1965-68 MS-2 Volume Date IEB K-76-1 Jun 1976 IEB K-76-2 Aug 1976 IEB K-77-1 Apr 1977 IEB K-77-2 Sep 1977 IEB K-78-1 Jan 1978 through through IEB K-78-3 Nov 1978 IEB 0-76-1 May 1976 IEB 0-76-2 Dec 1976 IEB 0-77-1 Jan 1977 through through IEB 0-77-5 Oct 1977 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Information Exchange Bulletins Title AD Number Engineering Computer Notes Engineering Computer Notes Engineering Computer Notes Engineering Computer Notes· Engineering Computer Notes Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES MS-3 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Number Date Title AD Number------- IR 9 Sep 1967 Guide for Preparation of iiaterways Experiment Station Technical-Information Reports (superseded by Instruc tion Report 0-74-1) IR K-78-1 Dec 1978 Analyzing Sliding Stability of Structures Using the Computer Program GWALL, by R. L. Hall (revised by AD A064 201 IR K-83-7) IR 0-74-l Dec 1975 Guide for Preparation of Waterways Experiment Station Technical-Information Reports (Second Edition) (super seded by Instruction Report 0-79-1) IR 0-74-2 Aug 1974 Guide for Preparation of Waterways Experiment Station AD A044 356 Contract Reports IR 0-77-l Mar 1977 Guide for Effective Engineering Graphics, Waterways AD A038 649 Experiment Station MS-4 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Number Date---- Title-------------------- AD Number * MP 5-21 Oct 1954 Summary of Earth Pressure Cell Development to 1954 AD 071 982 ~1P 5-28 Mar 1952 Maintenance Instructions, Duluth Ship Canal Current Revised Indicator Jul 1953 * t4P 5-36 May 1953 Proposed \vES Concrete Stress Meter MP 5-49 Nov 1953 Notes on the Reproduction of Drawings in Waterways AD 106 366 Revised Experiment Station Technical Reports Sep 1955 * 1'1P 5-63 Mar 1950 Review of Model Study for Breakwater Locations, Alameda Naval Air Station MP 5-83 Apr 1954 Waterways Experiment Station Relief Well Flow Meter MP 5-87 Jul 1954 Model Gate Vibration and Downpull Measuring Apparatus; AD A951 959 Civil Works Investigation ~~ 827 MP 5-163 Apr 1956 Catalog Card Reproduction bv Addressograph MP 5-193 Jan 1957 Development and Application of Improved Techniques and Equipment in the Telemetering of Hydrologic Data MP 5-214 Apr 1957 Photography cf Surface Currents in Hydraulic Models, by AD 475 247 F. B. Gauthier MP 5-217 May 1957 Procedures of the Research Center Library MP 5-219 May 1957 Report of the International Photographic Exposition and National Industrial Photographic Conference MP 5-226 Jun 1957 Repetitive Flash Tracks Tow in Model Tests MP 5-231 Jun 1957 Development of Wave-Height Measuring Device MP 5-248 Dec 1957 Tracing Currents with "Salt-Water" Lights MP 5-280 Jul 1958 u. s. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station t4P 5-295 Dec 1958 Genesis of the Waterwavs Experiment Station ~1P 5-343 Jul 1959 Data-Reduction Facilities ~1P 5-458 Research Coordination Meeting, u. s. Bureau of Reclama tion, U. s. Army Corps of Engineers, Tennessee Vallev Authority: Oct 1961 Report 1 Report of Sessions on Soils, Denver, Colorado, 13 August 1961 MS-5 Number MP 5-458 (Cant) r~P 5-475 r~P 5-515 MP 5-542 * MP 5-583 * * MP 5-619 f·1P 5-627 * MP 5-667 rw 9-708 MP 5-711 MP 5-770 MP 5-905 * r~P K-72-1 * t1P K-73-1 * MP K-73-2 Date Oct 1961 Oct 1961 Oct 1961 Mar 1962 Jul 1962 Sep 1962 Jun 1963 Jan 1965 Jan 1964 Feb 1964 Jul 1964 Feb 1965 Feb 1965 Jan 1966 Aug 1967 Aug 1972 Jan 1973 Mar 1973 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Miscellaneous Papers Title Report 2 Report of Sessions on Hydraulics, Denver, Colorado, 1-3 August 1961 Report 3 Report of Sessions of General Group, Denver Colorado, 1-3 August 1961 Report 4 Report of Sessions on Concrete, Denver, Colorado, 1-3 August 1961 Present Status of Evaporation Reduction by Chemical Films Computer Programming for Swedish Slip Circle Method of Slope Stability Analysis Attendance at lOth Annual Engineering Management Confer ence A GE-225 Computer Program for Numerical Integration with Automatic Method Selection Addendum A GE-225 Computer Program for Slope Stability Analysis A Mathematical Method for Aggregate Mix Design A GE-225 Computer Program for Simple Linear and Curvi linear Regression Analyses (Method of Least Squares) U. S. Army Engineer l,laterways Experiment Station,Lecture Before Engineer Officers Career Class, 21 October 1964, by Col. A. G. Sutton, Jr. Telemetry of Soil-f~oisture and Weather Variables, by F. P. Hanes and L. M. Womack The Significance of Numbers and the Reporting of Numerical Values, by J. N. Strange and Bryant Mather Development of In-House Capability for Use of the Finite Element r1ethod of Analysis of Boundary Condition Problems, by J. F. Smith and W. F. Ingram Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, by S. I. Kang and J. B. Cheek Instruction Manual for Using Haterways Experiment Station Time Sharing Computer Program "FEDIT" for Rewriting Other FORTRAN Programs, by J. B. Cheek, Jr.,and P. K. Senter Instruction t1anual for Using WES Time-Sharing System for Analysis of Slope Stability (The Circular Arc Method), by J. B. Cheek, Jr. AD Number AD 756 312 AD 748 820 AD 677 382 AD 748 819 AD 748 882 AD 748 172 AD 764 976 AD 912 009L AD 912 OlOL AD 912 OllL * Statement B. See Preface. MS-6 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Miscellaneous Papers Number Date Title AD Number * MP K-73-3 May 1973 A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Program for SteadyState and Transient Seepage Problems, by F. T. Tracy AD 911 148L * MP K-73-4 May 1973 A Plane and Axisymmetric Finite Element Program for Steady-State and Transient Seepage Problems, by F. T. Tracy AD 912 012L * MP K-73-5 Jun 1973 A Computer Program for Lock Culvert Frame Analysis, by P. K. Senter and F. T. Tracy AD 912 138L * 11P K-73-6 Aug 1973 Computer-Aided Design of Horizontally Framed Miter Gates, by W. L. Boyt (superseded by Miscellaneous AD 913 915L Paper K-75-9) * MP K-73-7 Nov 1973 Urgent Automatic Data Processing Equipment Requirements and Justification for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, by D. L. Neumann AD 771 034L * ~1P K-74-1 f~ar 1974 A Computer Program for Contouring the Output of Finite AD 917 837L Element Programs, by F. T. Tracy * MP K-74-2 r~ar 1974 Instruction t~anual for Using WES Time-Sharing System for Analysis of Slope Stability; Wedge 11ethod \~ith Excess Pore Pressures, by J. B. Cheek, Jr. (superseded by Miscellaneous Paper K-77-1) AD 918 699L * r~P K-74-3 Jun 1974 Stability Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Finite Element l~ethod Programs, by F. T. Tracy and J. L. Kirkland AD 920 530L Unnumbered Jan 1975 Engineering Computer Graphics Colloquium, 8-9 April 1974, edited by N. Radhakrishnan, J. B. Cheek, Jr., and D. L. Neumann AD A007 251 * MP K-75-1 Feb 1975 Development of a WESNET Data Communications SystemSimulation, by J. R. Mitchell AD 8002 285L MP K-75-2 f1ay 1975 Background Theory and Documentation of Five University of Texas Soil-Structure Interaction Computer Programs,by N. Radhakrishnan and Frazier Parker, Jr. AD A012 067 MP K-75-3 Mar 1975 Engineering Computer Notes MP K-75-4 Apr-l~ay 1975 Engineering Computer Notes MP K-75-5 Jun 1975 Engineering Computer Notes * MP K-75-6 Jun 1975 Documentation of Twoand Three-Dimensional Seepage Problems Using the Finite Element f1ethod, by R. L. Hall, F. T. Tracy, and N. Radhakrishnan AD B005 326L MP K-75-7 Aug 1975 Engineering Computer Notes * Statement B. See Preface. MS-7 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Miscellaneous Pa2ers Number Date Title------ ------------------ AD Number MP K-75-8 Oct 1975 Engineering Computer Notes * MP K-75-9 Nov 1975 Computer-Aided Design of Horizontally Framed Miter AD BOOS 176L Gates, by W. L. Boyt (supersedes Miscellaneous Paper K-73-6) MP K-76-1 Jan 1976 Engineering Computer Notes (Special Issue -Computers and Urban Studies) * MP K-76-2 Apr 1976 Corps Data Communication System Long Range Planning, by AD BOll l99L D. D. Boozer * MP K-76-3 Jun 1976 Instruction Manual for Using WES Time-Sharing Svstem for AD B012 219L Analysis of Slope Stability; Wedge Method, by J. B. Cheek MP K-76-4 Jul 1976 NETDEN: An Interactive.Network Design Graphics Simu AD A029 225 lation, bv D. D. Boozer and R. K. Williams * MP K-77-1 Apr 1977 Analysis of Slope Stability, Wedge Method Using Head AD B018 763L Profiles to Model Uplift Pressures, by J. B. Cheek (supersedes Miscellaneous Paper K-74-2) * MP K-77-2 May 1977 Instruction Manual for the Interactive-Graphics Lock AD B018 780L Culvert Analvsis Program, by R. L. Hall * Unnumbered Jun 1977 Manual for a Conversationally Oriented Real-Time AD B02l 383L Program-Generating Svstern (CORPS), by H. W. Jones * MP K-77-3 Aug 1977 Instruction Manual for the Use of the Interactive AD 8021 472L Graphics Program STRUPUT, by R. L. Hall * MP K-77-4 Aug 1977 An Interactive Graphics Postprocessor for Finite AD B021 395L Element Method Results, by F. T. Tracy * MP K-77-5 Aug 1977 An Interactive Graphics Finite Element Method Grid AD 8021 396L Generator for Two-Dimensional Problems, by F. T. Tracy * MP K-78-1 May 1978 A Computer Program for Computer-Aided Design/Analysis AD B098 505L Revised of Three-Girder Tainter Gates, bv W. A. Price III Oct 1984 (includes Appendixes A-E) Unnumbered Graphics in the Corps; Proceedings of the Computer Graphics Colloquium, edited bv J. M. Jones, R. L. Hall, and N. Radhakrishnan: 1978 Volume I Papers and Presentations AD A062 478 1978 Volume II Abstracts of Computer Graphics Programs (in AD A062 479 eludes Appendixes A-C) MP 0-69-1 Aug 1969 Visits to Hvdraulic Laboratories in The Netherlands and AD A043 787 England, April 1969, by L. A. Brown, COL, CE * Statement B. See Preface. MS-R tJumber nate t1P 0-70-1 Mar 1970 t1P 0-70-2 Jun 1970 I-1P 0-71-1 Jun 1971 MP 0-71-2 Jul 1971 ~1P 0-72-l Sep 1972 ~w 0-72-2 Oct 1Q72 ~1P 0-72-1 nee 1972 MP 0-73-1 Jan 1973 11P 0-73-2 Feh 1973 t~P 0-73-3 ~1a r 1973 t1P 0-73-4 Apr 1Q73 ~w 0-73-5 Apr 1973 ~1P 0-73-fi ~1ay 1973 * ~1P 0-73-7 Jul 1973 * ~1P 0-73-8 ,Jul 1g73 t1P 0-73-9 ,lul 1CJ73 t1P 0-73-1() Sep 1g73 '1P 0-73-11 Oct 1<173 t1P 0-73-12 nee 1973 ~1P 0-74-1 Feh 1974 nP n-74-2 r1ar 1974 t1P 0-74-3 ~1ay 1974 MP 0-74-11 .lul 1974 ~1ISCELLANEOIIS SIIR,JECTS Miscellaneous Papers Title Signal Conditioning Systel'l for Velocity r.ages, by F. P. Hanes Operation tHNE SHAFT; An Electronic System for Precise Til'linq and Firing Control of Explosive Tests, by F. P. Hanes Potential Nonstructural or Low Cost Haterways Systemll'lprovements, by LTC F. M. Anklal'l ' Application of Spline Interpolation Methods to Engineering Problems, by J. R. Cheek, Narayanas1vamy Radhakrishnan, and F. T. Tracy Engineering and Scientific Research at WFS Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Field Evaluation of the ll. S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories' Laser nam Alignment Instrument, by C. n. navis En9ineering and Scientific Research at WF.S Engineering and Scientific Research at I.JES Exit Report, by Br. E. n. Peixotto A ~1anaqer's Overview of \·JFS, by 8r, E. o. Peixotto Engineering and Scientific Research at HES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Enqineerinq and Scientific Research at WES An Em pi rica1 Study of Light Path Rehavior, and Application of the Findinqs to the resign of Precise Surveying Systel'ls for nam Aliqnl'lent Fngineerinq and Scientific Research at HES Engineering and Scientific Research at \JES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at HES AD Number AD A044 354 AD P.72 246 AD A044 343 AD A044 344 AO A044 362 AD A044 351 AD A044 350 AD A044 347 AD A044 348 AD A044 349 AD 759 904 AD A044 360 AO A044 359 An A044 358 An A044 357 AD A044 361 AO 773 6S4 An A044 346 An A044 34 5 * Statement R. See Preface. Number--·--·------- Date------ MP 0-74-5 Aug 1974 MP 0-74-6 Sep 1974 MP 0-74-7 Oct 1974 MP 0-74-8 Nov 1974 MP 0-74-9 Dec 1974 MP 0-75-1 Jan 1975 through through MP 0-75-10 Dec 1975 MP 0-76-l Feb 1976 MP T-69-l Jun 1969 * MP T-70-l Apr 1970 Unnumbered Jun 1977 Unnumbered Jun 1978 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Miscellaneous Pa~r_;: Title ------------·--------------------- Engineering and Scientific Reserach at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at v/ES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES Engineering and Scientific Research at WES (Piping in Earth Dams Constructed of Dispersive Clays, by E. B. Perry. Numerical Simulation of Tsunamis, by A. W. Garcia) Operations Research/Systems Analysis, by J. F. Smith A General Purpose Contouring System, by J. T. Long and F. T. Tracy WES Microthesaurus of Scientific and Technical Terms Periodicals Holdings of the u. s. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Library, by A. s. Clark, P. A. Taccarino, C. E. McMillin, and R. M. T. Peck MS-9 AD Number AD A044 355 AD 879 662L AD A042 743 AD A058 836 * Statement B. See Preface. MS-10 Number Date TM 0-4 1931 TM 27 May 1933 TM 71-1 Feb 1935 TM 78-1 May 1935 TM 78-2 May 1936 TM 83-2 Apr 1939 TM 91-1 Jan 1936 TM 120-1 Apr 1937 TM 120-2 May 1940 ™122-1 Feb 1939 ™139-1 f4ay 1938 TM 158-1 Sep 1939 Unnumbered Ju1 1942 Unnumbered Sep 1943 Unnumbered Dea 1943 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Technical Memoranda Title Experiment to Determine Flotation Effect on Pipe Line Across Bonnet Carre Floodway Report on Investigation of Method of Propagating Willow Trees Bentzel Velocity Tube. The Use of the Instrument as a Current Direction Indicator; including "The Bentzel Velocity Tube," a paper delivered at an annual ASCE meeting Hydraulic Data Secured at the u. s. Waterways Experi ment Station During the Flood of May 6, 1935 Hydraulic Data Secured at the u. s. Waterways Experiment Station During the Flood of April 29, 1936 Hydrological Study, Experiment Station \.Jatershed Design and Calibration of Diaphragm Orifices Report on Sediment Investigation, Mississippi River, Low Water of 1936 Report on Sediment Investigation, Mississippi River, Low Water of 1939 Study of Materials in Suspension, Mississippi River Calibration of Venturi Meter Study of Materials in Transport, Passes of the Mississippi River Hydrological Research Project -Storm Studies. In 2 folders Electrical Measuring Equipment, Service Behavior Test, Barksdale Field, Louisiana Evaporation from Lake and Land Pans, u. S. Waterways Experiment Station (January 1941 Through December 1942). Revised AD Number ----·--·-·--- MS-11 MIS\.ELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Technical Reports Number Date Title AD Number TR 5-589 Jan 1962 An IBM-650 Program for Simultaneous Multi-Stage Backwater AD 748 824 Analysis Unnumbered Jun 1968 History of the Waterways Experiment Station; J. B • Tiffany, Technical Director, Editor Unnumbered 1969 Activities Summary, FY '69 Unnumbered 1970 Activities Summary, FY 1970 Unnumbered 1971 Activities Summary, FY 1971 Unnumbered 1972 Activities Summary, FY 1972 Unnumbered 1973 Activities Summary, FY 1973 Unnumbered 1974 Activities Summary, FY 1974 Unnumbered 1975 Activities Summary, FY 1975 Unnumbered 1976 Activities Summary, FY 1976 * TR K-76-1 Jun 1976 Documentation for Modified Uframe Program, by AD B012 380L N. Radhakrishnan and H. W. Jones TR K-78-1 Feb 1978 List of Computer Programs for Computer-Aided AD A052 789 Structural Engineering, by N. Radhakrishnan, Deborah Kaufman, W. A. Price, and D. B. ~1ay * Statement B. See Preface. t~S-12 Number Date 1-22 1951 to 1972 CR 0-69-1 May 1969 CR K-76-1 Aug 1976 Aug 1976 MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS Title Annual Summary Annual Summary of Investigations in Support of the Civil Works Program Contract Reports JOHN CAIRNS, JR., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg; and PHILIPS. HUMPHREY, University of Kansas, Lawrence A Water Resources Ecology Capability for the WaterwaysExperiment Station and Corps of Engineers, by John Cairns, Jr., and P. S. Humphrey LEROY Z. EMKIN, Consulting Engineer, Tucker, Georgia General Purpose Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Tainter Gates: Volume I Theoretical Manual, by L. Z. Emkin Volume II Procedural Manual, by L. Z. Emkin AD Number AD 751 783 AD A030 854 AD A029 938 POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Number 1-1 1-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 3-1 4-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 7-1 8-l Date Nov 1947 Dec 1947 Jun 1950 Sep 1951 Nov 1951 Apr 1953 Jul 1953 Jul 1948 Jul 1948 Revised May 1950 Jul 1947 Jun 1948 1·1ay 1950 May 1950 Mav 1950 May 1951 Jun 1951 Jun 1950 Title Instructions and Outline for Potamologv Investigations Outline of Plans for the Potamology Investigations Preliminary Tests of Mississippi River Dikes, Bank Stabilization Model Preliminary Tests of Experimental Baffles, Bank Stabilization Model Preliminary Flume Tests of Mississippi River Revetment (2nd Interim Report) Investigation of Bank Stabilization, Miller Bend, Mississippi River Verification of Bank-Stabilization Model Interim Report on Investigation of Sand-Asphalt Revet ment Investigation of 110-Volt Echo Sounder Geological Investigation of Reid Bedford Caving Area Field Investigation of Reid Bedford Bend Revetment, Mississippi River Volume l Text Volume 2 Plates Volume 3 Appendix A -Soils Investigation Triaxial Tests on Sands, Reid Bedford Bend, Mississippi !liver Piezometer Observations at Reid Bedford Bend and Indi cated Seepage Forces Standard Penetration Tests, Reid Bedford Bend, Mississippi River Undisturbed Sand Sampling and Cone Sounding Tests, Reid Bedford Bend Revetment, Mississippi River Soils Investigation, Bauxippi-Wyanoke Revetment Hardscrabble Bend, Mississippi River, Revetted Bank Failure; Soils Investigation AD Number AD A950 074 POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Number Date------ Title----·------ AD Number 9-1 Nov 1951 Bank Caving Investigations, Kempe Bend Revetment, Mississippi River; Soils Investigation 10-1 Jun 1948 Preliminary Development of Instruments for the Measure ment of Hydraulic Forces Acting in a Turbulent Stream 10-2 May 1950 Turbulence in the Mississippi River 10-3 Mar 1951 Evaluation of Instrwnents for Turbulence Measurements, 1948-1949 10-4 Apr 1951 Evaluation of Instruments for TUrbulence Measurements, 1949-1950 11-0 Feb 1947 Resume of Conference Initiating Potamology Investigations 11-1 Mar 1948 Report of Conference on Potamology Investigations, 15 t1arch 1948 11-2 Dec 1948 Report of First Potamology Conference with Hydraulics Consultants 11-3 Apr 1949 Minutes of Conference on Soil Studies, Potamologv Investigation, 18 April 1949 11-4 May 1949 Report of Second Potamology Conferenl"!e with Hydraulic Consultants 11-5 Oct 1949 Minutes of Conference with Soils Consultants, Stability of Mississippi River Banks, 5 and 8 October 1949 11-6 Apr 1951 Report of Conference on Potamologv Investigations, 6-7 October 1949 (in 2 volumes) 11-7 Oct 1950 Minutes of Conference on Soil Aspel"!ts of Potamology Program, 17-18 June 1950 11-8 Apr 1951 Minutes of Conference on Potamology Program, 5 April 1951 12-1 Jun 1952 Density Changes of Sand Caused by Sampling and Testing 12-2 Or!t 1952 Summary Report of Soils Studies 12-3 Apr 1954 Verification of Empiril"!al Method of Determining Slope Stability 12-4 Jun 1955 Verification of Empirical Method of Deter1nini.ng Slope Stability-1954 Data 12-5 Jun 1956 A Review of the Soils Studies POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Number Date Title AD Number --·-----·---- ------------.--------------.. -----·-"' _.... -------- ·-.... _·--....._ __ ------------------------·--··· 12-6 Jul 1956 Verification of Empirical Method of Determining Slope Stability -1955 Data 12-7 Jun 1957 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Slope Stability-1956 Data 12-8 Jan 1959 Verification of Empirical Method for Deter~ining Riverbank Stability-1957 Data 12-9 Sep 1959 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability-1958 Data 12-10 Dec 1960 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability-1959 Data 12-11 Dec 1961 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability-1960 Data 12-12 Oct 1962 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stabilitv-1961 Data 12-13 Sep 1964 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stabilitv-1962 Data, by w. E. Strohm and w. K. Caldwell 12-14 Apr 1965 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability -1963 Data, bv W. E. Strohm and W. K. Caldwell 12-15 Sep 1965 Geological Influences on Bank Erosion Along Meanders of AD A951 793 the Lower Mississippi River, by E. L. Krinitzskv 12-16 Methods of Preventing Flow Slides, by D. C. Banks and W. E. Strohm 12-17 Mav 1966 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining RiverAD A951 794 bank Stabi1itv-1964 Data, by w. K. Caldwell 12-18 Dec 1967 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability-1965 Data, bv W. K. Caldwell and C. C. Calhoun 12-19 Jul 1968 Verification of Empirical Method for Determinin~ RiverAD A951 795 bank Stability-1966 Data, by C. c. Calhoun 12-20 Apr 1969 Verification of Empirical Method for Determini~g RiverAD A951 796 bank Stabilitv -1967 Data, bv C. C. Calhoun ar.d C. P. Flanagan 12-21 Oct 1972 Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stabilitv-1968 and 1969 Data, bv v. H. Torrey POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Number ---------·- 12-22 13-1 14-1 15-1 16-1 17-1 18-1 18-2 19-1 19-2 19-3 20-l 21-l 21-2 21-3 _ Date..... -......... Apr 1976 Jt.!D 1952 Jun 1952 May 1952 Sep 1953 Apr 1954 Jun 1962 Jun 1965 Sep 1965 Apr 1967 Jun 1970 Dec 1965 Mar 1967 Mar 1967 May 1969 Title ---···-.----.--..---------... ----·-----·-------------------·-·- Verification of Empirical Method for Determining Riverbank Stability -1970 and 1971 Data, by v. H. Torrey III and A. R. Gann Bank Caving Investigations, Huntington Point Revetment, Mississippi River; Field Investigation Goodrich Landing Revetment, Mississippi River, Field Investigation Bank Caving Investigations, Free Nigger Point and Point Menoir, Mississippi River; Soils Investigation Development of Operating Technique for and Verification of Channel-Meander Model Hydrographic and Hydraulic Investigations of t~ississippi River Revetments; Field Investigations Rotary Cone Penetrometer Investigations Verification of Cone Criteria for Determining Riverbank Stability, by W. E. Strohm and Laszlo Devay Hydraulic Analysis of Mississippi River Channels, Miles 373 to 603, Fiscal Year 1964; Potamology Research Project No. 10, by M. G. Anding (prepared by Vicksburg District) Resume of Research Studies of Hydraulic Characteristics of Mississippi River Channels; Interim Report FY 1967; Potamology Research Project 10, bv P. W. Pierce and C. M. Elliott (prepared bv Vicksburg District) Hydraulic Characteristics of Mississippi River Channels; Interim Report FY 1970; Potrunology Research Project No. 10, by M. G. Anding (prepared by Vicksburg District) Effects of River Stages on Bank Stabilization; Analvsis of Field Data; Potrunology Research Project l, bv J. J. Franco Sand-Filled Bags as Dike t~aterial; Potamology Research Project 9, by R. T. Easley (prepared by Memphis District) Review of Past Experience with Contraction Works; Potamo1ogv Research Project 9, by J. G. Fairley and R. T. Easlev (prepared by Memphis District) Investigation of Existing Dike Systems; Potamology Research Project 9, bv B. J. Littlejohn (prepared bv Memphis District) AD Number AD A951 797 AD A951 805 AD A951 776 Number Date 21-4 Jun 1970 21-5 Aug 1977 300-1 Aug 1977 POTAMOLOGY INVESTIGATIONS Reports Title AD Number Use of Plastic Filter Cloth in Revetment Construction; Potamology Research Project 11, by J~ G~ Fairley, R~ T. Easley, J~ H. Bowman, and B. J~ Littlejohn (prepared by Memphis District) Use of Plastic Filter Cloth in Revetment Construction; AD A061 851 Potarnology Research ProJect II, by B. J. Littlejohn Suspended Sediment and Bed Material Studies on the Lower AD A044 285 ~1ississippi River, by L~ G. Robbins REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY u_ s_ ARMY ENGINEER WATERiiAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Number Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered REPORTS Date Nov 1948 Jul 1945 Jan 1982 Apr 1952 Mar 1949 ~1ar 1950 Nov 1950 PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Agency and Title AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, and the U. S. ARf4Y ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION, Vicksburg, Mississippi Subsurface Exploration and Sampling of Soils for Civil En~ineering Purposes, by M. J. Hvorslev INTERNATIONAL TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, Washington, DC, and the CHINESE SUPPLY COmUSSION Study of Harbor Design, compiled by Chao Hwa, Chu TengKao, and Hsu Zan-liang. In 4 volumes JOINT SERVICES CIVIL ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPf1ENT COORDINATING GROUP (JSCERDCG) Airfield Damage Repair; Sub-Committee Report MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMt1ISSION, Vicksburg, Mississippi Geological Investigation of the Atchafalaya Basin and the Problem of f1ississippi River Diversion: Volume Text Volume II Plates OFFICE, CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, DEPARTt1ENT OF THE ARMY, Hashington, DC Slope Protection for Earth Dams. Preliminary Report Proceedings of Conference on Foundations and Embank ment Construction, Kansas City, Missouri, 23, 24, 25 f·1ay 1949 Summary of Regional Soil Mechanics Conferences, 1950 AD Number AD B063 873L Number Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered 1-Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered Unnumbered REPORTS Date May 1956 Apr 1956 Feb 1957 May 1958 Oct 1958 Jun 1959 1960 to date Jun 1972 Oct 1972 Oct 1973 Aug 1973 Nov 1973 Nov 1974 Dec 1974 Mar 1976 PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Agency and Title OFFICE, CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, Washington, DC (Cont) Tidal Hydraulics, by Brigadier General George B. Pillsbury, U. S. A., Retired. Revised edition Guide to Good Practice in Technical Report .Preparation Corps of Engineers Greenland Ice Cap Research Program;Studies Completed in 1954. In 2 volumes Corps of Engineers Greenland Ice Cap Research Program;Studies Conducted in 1955-56: Volume Volume 2 Volume 3 Earth Dam Criteria Reports Investigation of the Behavior of Large Sections of Expansive Concrete, Jonesville lock, by G. C. Hoff U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrographic Survey Con ference, 9-11 f1ay 1972; edited by E. D. Hart and G. C. Downing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrographic SurveyConference, 30-31 May 1973; edited by E. D. Hart and G. C. Downing Supplement No. 1, by G. C. Downing Influence of Reservoir Discharge Location on Water Quality, Biology, and Sport Fisheries of Reservoirs and Tailwaters, 1968-1971, by R. G. f1artin and R. H. Stroud Report of Ninth Interagency Conference on HydraulicLaboratory Techniques and Instrumentation U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Third HydrographicSurvey Conference, 21-22 t1ay 1974; edited by E. D. Hart and G. C. Downing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fourth HydrographicConference, 5-6 flovember 1975; edited by E. 0. Hart and G. C. Downing AD Number REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Number----- Date Agency and Tit]~---------- AD Number OFFICE, CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, Washington, DC (Cont) Unnumbered Mar 1978 u. s. Army Corps of Engineers, Fifth Hydrographic AD A055 031 Survev Conference, 8-9 November 1977; edited by E. D. Hart and G. c. Downing Unnumbered Aug 1980 U~ s. Army Corps of Engineers, Sixth Hydrographic Survey Conference, 4-5 December 1979; edited by J. E. Hite, Jr., E. D. Hart, and G. C. Downing (includes Appendixes A-F) Section 32 Program, Streambank Erosion Control Eval uation and Demonstration: Unnumbered Final Report to Congress: Dec 1981 Main Report AD A119 104 Dec 1981 Appendix A Literature Survey AD A121 131 Dec 1981 Appendix B Hydraulic Research AD A121 132 Dec 1981 Appendix C Geotechnical Research AD A121 133 Dec 1981 Appendix D Ohio River Demonstration Projects AD A121 134 Appendix E Missouri River Demonstration Projects: Dec 1981 Volume AD A121 135 Dec 1981 Volume 2 AD A121 136 Dec 1981 Appendix F Yazoo River Basi:1 Demonstration Projects AD A121 137 Dec 1981 Appendix G Demonstration Projects on Other Streams, Nationwide: Dec 1981 Volume AD A121 138 Dec 1981 Volume 2 AD A121 139 Appendix H Evaluation of Existing Projects: Dec 1981 Volume AD A121 140 Dec 1981 Volume 2 AD A121 141 REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Number Date AD Number r/ork Unit 2 Inspection Reports: 1 Oct 1977 Field Inspection; Field Inspection of Yazoo River AD A143 931 (Vicksburg to Redwood, Mississippi), by s. T. Maynord 2 Nov 1977 Evaluation of Existing Bank Protection; Field Inspection of Sites in St. Paul and Rock Island Districts, by M. P. Keown 3 Nov 1977 Evaluation of Existing Bank Protection; Inspection of AD A143 692 Sites in Albuquerque District, by M. P. Keown 4 Feb 1978 Evaluation of Existing Bank Protection; Field InAD A143 701 spection of Bank Protection Measures on the Upper Yazoo River, by s. T. Maynord 5 Oct 1978 Evaluation of Existing Bank Protection; Field Inspection AD A143 839 of Sites in the Vicksburg District in the Upper Yazoo Basin, by M. P. Keown and E. A. Dardeau, Jr. 7 Sep 1979 Evaluation of Existing Bank Protection; Field Inspection AD A144 000 of Morameal Revetment on the Red River, by M. P. Keown and E. A. Dardeau, Jr. REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Number Date----- ~-n..':.l:'.i!.'2~ T. Maynord 2 Nov 1977 Hydraulic Research; Wave Stability Study of Cellular Concrete Blocks; Hydraulic Model Investigation, by D. G. Markle 3 Apr 1978 Hydraulic Research; Bank Protection Techniques Using AD A143 730 Gabions, by N. R. Oswalt and S. T. Maynord Work Unit 4 Investigation Reports: Feb 1979 Research on Soil Stability and Identification of Causes AD A065 428 of Streambank Erosion; Evaluation of Sprav-On Stabi lizers for Bank Protection, by J. c. Oldham 2 May 1979 Research on Soil Stability and Identification of Causes AD A116 808 of Streambank Erosion; Evaluation of Rigid and Flexible Materials for Bank Protection, by C. R. Styron III Number Unnumbered REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES Date !_gen_~.!lv 1980 May 1980 Apr 1981 EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES U~ S~ FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, Washington, DC Design of Civil Airfield Pavements for Seasonal Frost and Permafrost Conditions, by R. L. Berg, U. s~ Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH (includes Appendixes A-E) Field Survey\and Analysis of Aircraft Distribution on Airport Pavements, by Victor A. HoSang, Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff, Alexandria, VA (includes Appendixes A-B) Statistical Quality Control Procedures for Airport Pavement Materials, by E~ R. Brown (includes Appendixes A-D) Criteria for Airport Pavements; Final Summary Report Improvements to Airport Drainage Criteria, Phase I, by Jack Fowler Structural Design of Pavements for Light Aircraft, by D. M. Ladd, Frazier Parker, Jr. and A. T~ Pereira (includes Appendix A) Plastic Pipe in Airport Drainage Systems, by G. G. Harvey (includes Appendixes A-B) Subgrade Elastic Moduli Determined from Vibratorv Testing of Pavements, by R. A. Weiss (includes Appendixes A-B) Literature Review -Elastic Constants for Airport Pavement Materials, by J. L. Green (includes Appendix A) Filter Fabrics for Airport Drainage, by s. P. Miller (includes Appendixes A-B) A Review of Fabric Usage in Pavements Constructed on Low-Strength Soils, by D. M. Ladd Pavement Evaluation and Overlav Design Using Vibratory Nondestructive Testing and Layered Elastic Theorv: Volume I Development of Procedure, by R. (includes Appendixes A-B) A. Weiss Volume II Validation of Procedure, by R. and J. W. Hall, Jr. A. Weiss Nondestructive Testing for Light Aircraft Pavements: Phase I Evaluation of Nondestructive Testing Devices, by A~ J. Bush III Phase II Development of the Nondestructive Evaluation Methodologv, bv A. J. Bush III Procedure for Condition Survey of Civil Airports, bv J. w. Hall, Jr., and D. R. Elsea Condition Survev of Porous Friction Surface Course, bv J. E. Shoenberger AD Number AD A006 284 AD A011 488 AD A017 594 AD A033 644 AD A041 300 AD A041 200 AD A055 158 AD A056 195 AD A085 509 AD A083 076 AD A087 186 AD A087 716 AD A083 597 AD A099 593 AD A089 437 AD A100 312 Z-1'7 REPORTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY WATERWAYS Number---- Date Unnumbered Jun 1974 Unnumbered Jun 1975 Unnumbered Aug 1975 Aug 1975 Feb 1977 Oct 1978 Dec 1978 Unnumbered Jan 1976 Unnumbered Jan 1977 Unnumbered Jun 1977 Unnumbered Jul 1977 Jul 1977 Unnumbered Sep 1977 EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGENCIES A~ency and_ Titl~---------------------------- U~ s. FEDERAL HIGHVIAY ADMINISTHATION, \lashington, DC Users' Manual for Membrane Encapsulated Pavement Sections (MEPS), by s_ L-Webster A Review of Engineering Experiences with Expansive Soils in Highway Subgrades, by D. R. Snethen, F. c~ Townsend, L,. D-Johnson, D,. M-Patrick, and P,. J,. Vedros Design and Construction of Compacted Shale Embankments: Volume 1 Survey of Problem Areas and Current Practices, by J. H~ Shamburger, D. M. Patrick, and R,. J. Lutton Volu10e 2 Evaluation and Remedial Treatment of Shale Embankments, by G. H. Bragg, Jr., and T. W. Zeigler Volume 3 Slakin~ Indexes for Design, by R~ J. Lutton Volume 4 Field and Laboratory Investigations, Phase III, by ',i. E. Stroh;n, Jr. (includes Appendixes A-B) Volume 5 Technical Guidelines, by w. E,. Strohm, Jr,., G. H. Bragg, Jr., and T. w. Zeigler (includes Appendixes A-B) An Occurrence and Distribution Survey of Expansive Materials in the United States by Physiographic Areas, by D. M. Patrick and D. R,. Snethen An Investigation of the Natural Microscale ~lechanisms That Cause Volume Change in Expansive Clays, bv D. R,. Snethen, L,. D,. Johnson, and D. M-Patrick An Evaluation of Expedient Hethodology for Identifica tion of Potentially Expansive Soils, by D-R. Snethen, L. D. Johnson, and D. M. Patrick Case Studies of Pavement Performance: Phase I Kentucky, by P,. J. Vedros, Jr., and W. R. Barker (includes Appendixes A-B) Phase II Texas, by P. J. Vedros, Jr., and v. R. Barker (includes Appendixes A-B) Wastewater Treatment Systems for Safety Rest Areas, by G. w. Hughes, D. E,. Averett, and N. R. Francingues, Jr,. (includes Appendixes A-D) AD Number AD A020 30Y HEPOHTS PREPARED OR PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUED BY WATER~AYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR OTHER AGE~CIES Number Date AD Nulil,.;;b.;:;;e;_r__ U. s. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, Washin~ton, DC ( Cont) UnrtutrtbereJ Feb 1979 Dynami.c Testing of Slotted Underdrain Pipe, by A. J. Bush III and H. T. Sullivan Unnumbered Jun 1979 Technical Guideli.nes for Expansi.ve Soils in Highway Sub~rades, by D. R. Snethen (includes Appendixes A-F) U. S. NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER, China Lake, California * UnnumJered Sep 1980 Full-Scale Penetration into Semiconfined Diorite Lioulders by CJ Semiarmor-Piercing (SAP) Bomb and a Slender Penetrator, by c. F. Austin, c. c. Halsey, and s. L. Berry U. S. \-lEATHER BUREAU, DEPARTMENT OF COMt1ERCE, AND CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. s. ARMY Hydrometeorological Reports: 1943 t'laximurn Possible Precipitation Over the Ompompanoosuc Basin Above Union Village, Vermont 1941 Maximum Possible Precipitation Over the Ohio River Basih Above Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3 1943 Maximum Possible Precipitation Over the Sacramento Basi.n of California 4 1943 Maximum Possible Precipi.tation Over the Panama Canal Basin 5 1947 Thunderstorm Rainfall: Part Text Pdrt 2 Figures ----------------~---------------------- * Statement B. See Preface. INDEX KEY-WORD-OUT-OF-CONTEXT (KWOC) INDEX Term----------------------- A. v. Shelton Fallout ~lodel Prediction System AASHO Road Test Aberdeen Lock and Dam Proving Ground Abiquiu Dam Abrasion Erosion Damage Evaluation Resistance Sand Absecon Inlet Absorptive Aggregate Accelerated Curing Hvdration Products of Cement Soil-Lime Traffic Test Eglin Field Langley Field Natchitoches Muni~ipal Airport Accelerograms Accelerometers Access Channel Acid Attack of Concrete ACIL Acoustic Classifying Sensors Flowmeter Magnetic Data Subbottom Profiling Target Classifie\S Acrylamide N Activities Su~nary Adana Air Base Airport Addressograph Adhesives Adiabati~ Temperature-Rise Tests Admixture Concrete TM 65-1 TM 65-10 CR 4-79 TR 3-721 TR H-78-12 MP M-77-13 TR 2-513 CTIAC-40 CTIAC-67 CTIAC-66 MP C-78-4/3 TM2 TM 204-1 MP 4-118 MP C-78-11 TR S-76-9 TM TR S-76-12 MP S-73-1/14 MP 1-672 MP 2-114 CTIAC-28 MP C-77-9 MP C-78-14 MP 4-785 MP M-75-10 TM 31 TR 2-810 MP M-75-2 MP S-69-32 TR S-70-1 TR M-76-7 TM 3-408/A TR TM 3-343/75 TM 3-343/74 MP 5-163 TR S-71-11 MP 6-936 CTIAC-30 MP 6-471 MP C-70-12 MP C-71-8 MP C-78-3 TM 6-419/4 TR C-77-1 MP 6-471 HP 6-727 MP 6-803 MP 6-941 MP C-78-9 TR 6-584 ~_e____Ter"!.-------------------------------- Admixture (Cont) lv-20 Concrete (Cont) W-20 Underwater TR C-76-1 C-38 S-105 Hydropel TM C-27 S-82 Mass Concrete MP 6-123/n C-1 ADM's TR 22 1-1-29 H-68 AEC Structure, Oak Ridge MP S-71-26 S-36 M-15 Aeration H-42 Biologi~al Systems TR Y-77-4 E-31 Dewatering Fine-Grained Dredged Material CR D-76-10 E-22 C-42 Aerial C-45 Cone Penetrometer MP 4-899 M-7 C-45 TR 3-462 M-20 C-39 Dispersal System for Rapid-CERC-37 Landing-Site Stabilization CR 3-169 S-99 H-33 Infrared Survey MP M-70-3 t1-9 S-7 Penetrometer MP 4-300 M-2 Photo Gray Tones CR 4-121\ M-19 Photographi~ Techniques TM 36 CERC-28 C-26 Photographs CR 4-20 M-39 S-93 Photography GITI 2 CERC-5 S-60 TM 48 CERC-28 S-93 Survey of Waterbird Colonies TR D-78-13 E-111 Z-13 Afghanistan CR 1-11/4 M-42 Z-14 Africa CR 3-56 M-40 TM 3-143/81 S-69 Z-13 Canal Zone Analogs CR 1-30 M-43 S-19 t1ad agascar V CR 1-.10/V M-43 W-3 Yuma Analogs CR 3-11 11-42 H-4 African Desert TR 3-630/1 S-80 C-41 TR 3-630/6 S-80 C-25 Agana Small-Boat Harbor TR H-75-1 H-61 C-26 Agate Bay Harbor Tf1 203-1 H-13 S-21 Aggregate CTIAC-65 C-45 IR S-74-3 S-3 M-13 MP 4-88 S-6 CERC-27 MP 6-8 C-2 H-53 MP 6-132/4 C-3 M-12 MP 6-256 C-5 S-30 MP 5-278 C-5 S-86 MP 5-319 C-6 M-32 t1P 6-389 C-6 S-73 MP 6-395 C-6 MS-11 MP 6-416 C-7 MP 6-646 C-10 S-69 MP 6-710 C-11 S-69 t1P 6-732 C-12 t1S-4 MP 6-740 C-12 S-88 MP 6-772 C-12 C-15 MP C-72-4 C-19 C-42 MP C-76-2 C-23 C-7 PNE 5003 il-17 C-18 TM C-27 C-19 TM 6-224 C-27 C-25 TR 6-543 C-32 C-29 TR 6-593 C-33 C-39 TR 6-747 C-34 C-7 TR 6-819 C-36 C-11 Blending IR S-70-5 S-3 C-13 Bull Shoals Dam TM 6-222 C-27 C-15 Carlyle Reservoir MP 6-281 C-5 C-26 C-31 * The letters C, CERC, E, H, M, S, and Wbefore numbers indi~ate the originating WES laboratory as follows: C --Concrete; CERC --Coastal Engineering Research Center; E --Environmental Effects; H --Hydraulics; M--Mobility and Environmental Systems; S -Soils and Pavements; and W--!~eapons Effects. The letters MS, P, and Z designate Miscellaneous Subjects, Potomalogy Investigations, and Reports prepared or published and distributed by WES for other agencies, respectively. 2-INDEX Term Report No. Term ---------------------- Report No. Aggregate (Cant) Con~rete TR C-69-6/1 C-37 Mixtures with High Water- TR C-69-6/2 C-37 Cement Ratios TR C-72-'l C-37 Corps of Engineers Dams MP 6-415 C-7 Degradation Test Method MP 6-218 C-4 Dryer, Barber-Greene Company .Model 8'37 TM 3-285 S-63 Durability of Concrete B 34 C-1 Fishtrap Dam MP C-76-'l C-23 Grading TR 6-717 C-34 Highway Constru~tion MP 6-568 C-8 Hass Concrete B 39 C-1 Mix Design MP 5-627 MS-5 Mixtures for New Lock and Dam No.26 MP C-76-1 C-23 Nuclear Methods MP 6-643 C-10 Stone for the Rend Lake Reservoir MP 6-589 C-9 St. Louis Flood Prote~tion Project MP 6-334 C-6 Samples MP 6-405 C-6 Shelbyville Reservoir Project MP 6-588 C-9 Sources New York State CTIAC-3 C-40 MP C-73-3 C-21 Yazoo Backwater Project MP 6-523 C-8 Stonewall Jackson Dam CTIAC-66 C-45 Tests Alton Floodwall MP 6-251 C-5 Cape Girardeau Floodwall MP 6-184 C-4 Devil's Kitchen Dam MP 6-158 C-3 Agricultural Value of Dredged Material TR D-78-'36 E-18 Air Content Hardened Con~rete MP 6-286 C-5 Interior Mass Concrete MP 6-467 C-7 Mass Con~rete TM 6-345 C-28 TM 6-352 C-28 Demand MP 2-31 H-4 MP 2-75 H-4 Entraining Admixture MP C-68-1 C-15 TM 6-'327 C-27 Entrainment Conorete B 30 C-1 Mass Concrete TR C-69-1 C-36 Open-Water Pipeline Disposal TR D-77-15 E-7 Overpressure Soil Test Facility MP S-75-20 S-47 Photo Interpretation Alluvial Soils TR MP M-74-2/B 3-181 M-30 S-9 Marshland Areas MP 3-182 S-9 Patterns of Terrain Features Pockets in Concrete Surfaces TR TM 3-726/VI M-23 C-28 Airblast Arctic Environment TR 2-597 W-30 Detonations TR E-72-16 \~-37 Ground Shock MP N-75-'l \1-11 Loading Large Metal Shi.pping Container MP N-70-5 W-7 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole MP 1-984 W-6 Measurements Z-15 CR E-74-1 \~-46 Airblast (Cant) Measurements (Cant) PNE 512F W-15 TM W-27 Data Report MP N-78-4 ¥/-13Open Entranceways MP 1-631 W-3 Overpressure MP N-68-4 ~1-7 TR 7 W-28 Measurement Program MP E-75-4 1~-11 Prediction TR 39 W-29 Protective Structures MP 1-608 \~-3 Variations TR S-78-5 S-95 Airborne Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys IR M-78-1 M-1 Aircraft MP M-73-16 M-12 MP S-71-27 S-35 Blast and Helicopter Downwash Protection MP S-75-19 S-47 Distribution on Airport Pavements Z-16 Dynamic Loads TR S-75-11 S-92 Ground-Flotation TR 3-737 S-82 Landing Gear MP 4-459 S-15 Pavement Z-16 Compatibility Study TR S-74-11 S-91 Protective Structures Designs TR N-69-8 W-34 Shelter TR N-75-6 \~-40 Complex MP M-75-6 M-13 Response TR N-77-3 \-1-41 Substandard Airstrips MP M-76-18 M-14 Traffic MP S-73-56 S-43 Runways t~P 4-369 S-13 Airfield Z-7 CR 4-9 S-109 MP S-70-14 S-32 MP S-73-27 S-41 MP S-78-7 S-52 TM 3-357/B S-72 Bare Base Support MP S-69-10 S-29 Damage Repair Z-1 Densities and Moistures MP 4-199 S-9 Pavement Z-7 Z-16 MP 4-91 S-6 MP S-72-7 S-36 MP S-74-22 S-45 TM S-66 TM 3-349 S-71 TM 3-394 S-72 TR 3-493 S-76 Construction MP S-75-18 S-47 Evaluation t~P 4-311 S-11 MP 4-316 S-12 MP 4-321 S-12 MP S-74-3 S-44 TM 3-344 S-71 TR 3-466 S-75 Altus Air Force Base MP 4-352 S-12 MP 4-353 S-12 Bergstrom Air Force Base MP 4-315 S-12 Butts Army Airfield MP S-76-22 S-50 Davis Field MP 4-356 S-12 Dyess Air Force Base MP 4-309 S-11 Godman Army Airfield MP S-71-1 S-34 Goodfellow Air Force Base MP 4-306 S-11 Gray Air Force Base MP 4-313 S-11 Hirsch Auxiliary Field MP S-69-43 S-31 Hunter Air Force Base MP 4-379 S-13 Iwo Jima Air Force Base MP 4-880 S-24 l-INOEX Ter.£11_______________ Term Airfield (Cont) Alameda Naval Air Station MP 5-6i MS-11 Pavement (Cont) TM 2-242 II-1(> Evaluation (Cont) Alaska Cll 1-17 M-4'1 James Connallv Air For~e TM 6-170/VI C-23 Base MP 4-110 S-11 TR Y-78-9 r:-:n ~lP 4-·n6 s-n Alaskan Earthquake TM 25 CERC-27 Keesler Air Force Base MP S-69-45 s-11 Al bacete, Spain S-69 TM 1-11Ji/86 Laredo Air Force Base MP S-69-44 S-i1 Albuquerque District INR 1 Z-4 Moodv Air Force Base MP 4-114 S-12 Al<-oa Opalocka Airport MP 4-816 S-22 AM2 Landi~g Mat MP S-69-110 S-11 Perrin Air Force Base MP 4-197 S-14 Brazed AM5 Landing Mat MP S-70-26 S-11 Reese Air Force Base MP 4-375 s-n T11 MP S-69-17 S-29 MP 4-427 S-14 Alconburv (Lincolnshire), Robert Gray Armv Airfield MP 4-697 S-20 England TM 1-11Ji/96 S-70 t1P S-69-18 S-10 Aleutian Trench RR ll-75-4 H-29 Robins Air Force Base MP 4-367 s-n Alexandria Sheppard Air Force Base MP 4-166 s-n and Arlington Countv TR ll-75-19 H-61 Travis Air Force Base MP 4-312 S-11 Reach TR ll-78-24 ll-69 Turner Air Force Base 4-688 Alfesil C-28 MP S-20 TM 6-110/A/B Webb Air Force Base MP 4-198 S-14 Algiers Lo<'k TM 2-109 H-18 Junctures MP S-76-19 S-49 TR 1-501 S-77 Kelly AFB TR 3-459 S-75 Algorithm CETA 32-1 CERC-4 Loads MP S-71-66 S-1<4 CETA C?-11 CERC-I! Smoothness Requirements TR S-77-12 :3-94 TP 82-2 CERC-i1 and Railway Systems TR N-75-1< \-1-40 Aliceville Lock and Dam TR H-711-10 ll-61 Reconnaissance, Vieques TR ll-78-2 ll-67 Airfield, Puerto Rico MP 4-18 M-2 Alkali CTIAC-26 C-111 and Road Surfacing Membrane CR S-71-7 S-106 Aggregate Reaction CTIAC-17 C-111 TR 3-492 S-76 MP 6-1115 C-6 TR 3-515 S-77 MP C-75-1 C-22 Site MP C-77-10 C-25 Evaluation IR M-75-1 M-1 TM 6-168 C-28 TR M-75-3 M-31 TR 6-1181 C-11 Moron de la Frontera, Spain TM i-'143/78 S-69 Carbonate Selection MP 4-19 M-2 Reartion in Conrrete MP 6-659 C-10 Surfacing TR S-74-2 S-90 Reactivitv CTIAC-65 C-45 Theater of Operations MP S-74-2'1 S-46 MP 6-510 C-8 Airhead Construction MP 4-110 S-7 MP 6-6116 C-10 Airmobile MP M-72-6 M-10 Roc,k Airoll MP 4-439 M-3 Reactions in Concrete MP C-72-9 C-20 MP 4-513 M-4 Reactivity MP C-76-'l C-21 Airphoto Portland Cement TM 6-224 C-27 Approach TM 3-331/6 M-18 Pozzolans MP C-71<-1 C-21 Pattern Analysis CR 4-6 M-38 Reactions with Carbonate Rock MP 6-682 C-11 Airplane Silica MP 6-5'l0 C-8 Landing MP 6-646 C-10 Facilities TM 3-1116 S-73 Reaction CTIAC-68 C-45 Mat CR S-71-3 S-99 Concrete Investigation TM 212-2 S-59 Hi. wassee Dam CTIAC-12 C-42 Steel, Pierced Tvpe M-6 TM 212-8 S-60 MP C-78-10 C-26 Wheels MP 4-16 S-4 New Savannah Bluff Lock Airport MP S-69-33 S-30 and Dam CTIAC-"31 C-'12 TR S-74-10/II S-91 MP C-78-13 C-26 Drainage Z-16 Products CTIAC-11 C-42 Lockers TR N-76-11 W-41 MP C-78-7 C-112 Pavement Z-16 Allatoona Dam TM 214-1 H-14 MP S-48 TM 214-2 H-,11 TR S-74-12 S-91 TR 2-621 H-46 TR S-75-14 S-92 Allentown, Pennsylvania TM 2-176 H-40 TR S-75-17 S-92 Alligator Weed TR M-48 TR S-77-8 S-94 All uvial TR S-77-11 S-94 Deposits TM S-61 Materials Z-16 Patterns CR 4-6/3 M-39 CR S-75-6 S-99 River RR 1 Z-5 CR S-76-12 S-104 TM H-35 Airstrip MP M-76-18 M-14 TR 6 Z-8 MP S-68-1"3 S-27 TR 7 Z-8 Binh Hung, South Vietnam MP 4-549 M-4 Soils MP 3-181 S-9 Ala r/ai Boat Harbor TR 2-767 H-52 Meander Belt and Backswamp Deposits TR 3-604 S-79 4-INDEX Term Term ~ort No. Alluvial (C<;nt) Ammonium Salt a3 a Stabilizing Stream:; MP ll-71-1 H-12 Agent MP 3-151 S-8 Terrain MP S-77-24 S-52 AMORES MP M-76-11 M-14 Alluvium TR N-71-1 W-18 Amphibian (MSA) TR A-77-1/1 M-49 Alp:; MP 1-561 S-18 Amphibiou3 MP M-70-9 11-9 Altair MP S-68-14 S-27 Vehi~le:; MP N-68-2 W-7 Alternate National Mil i tarv TR ~-783/D M-24 Command Center (ANMCC) AMRAD HP 4-955 S-25 Improvement Proje~t CTIAC-6 1 C-44 Ana~ostia River TR 2-434 H-42 Alternative Power Sour~e3 TR D-77-12 E-1 1 Anaerobi" Sediments TR Y-78-11 E-33 Alton Anaheim Bay ™68 CERC-40 FloorJwo.ll MP 6-251 C-5 TM 2-255 H-36 Ill i noi :; ™77-1 S-55 Analogs TR 3-506 S-7'7 Al tu:; Air Forne Ba:;r! tW 4-152 S-12 Canal Zone Climate CR 3-10 M-41 MP 11-151 S-12 Fort Greely and Fort Churchill MP S-71-14 S-40 Terrain CR 3-17 M-44 A l urn Crc"k Dam TR H-70-IJ H-56 Yuma AJumi~izerJ Bla~ti~e Agent~ TR 28 <1-29 Climate CR 3-11 M-42 Al umi nurn MP S-71-28 S-16 Terrain TR 3-630 S-80 MP S-71-9 S-110 Analyti~al Alloy Pi erned Plank Mat TM 212-7 S-60 Model Cr,ated Hire:; TH 6-611 C-14 Predhting Container;.; TM 71-7 1-1-25 Cros:;-Country Vehide Hon"vnornb Landing Mat MP S-69-119 S-11 Performance TR 3-783 M-24 MP S-70-21 S-11 Vehinle Perforrnan~e TR M-70-7/I M-26 t1P S-71-7 S-14 Ship Transit Capacities MP H-69-10 H-11 MP S-72-4 S-16 Terrains TR M-70-3 M-26 MP S-71-8 S-40 Study of Ground-Surface MP S-71-11 S-40 Shielding TR M-74-4 M-30 Ion:; bv X-rav F.mi :;;.;ion ANAMOB TR M-71-4 M-28 !3pentro:;0 rJpv MP 6-604 C-9 Annhor TR 3-675 S-81 Landing Mat MP S-69-29 S-10 TR S-71-10 S-88 MP S-69-19 S-10 Mass-Concrete Forms TM 6-399 C-29 MP S-69-51 S-11 Annhorage, Alaska Z-12 MP S-72-18 S-18 Angle of MP S-74-14 S-45 In"idence TR 2-512 W-30 Mat Panel:; MP S-69-16 S-10 Internal Friction MP S-69-12 S-29 Pierned Tvpe, M9 Ti~ 1-124 S-65 ANGLE DOZER TM 67-20 W-23 Sandwi dl Mat Ml' S-71-4 S-14 Animal Sphere TM 68-11 W-21 Colonization TP 76-7 CERC-30 AM 1 Landing Mat MP 4-599 S-18 Habitats CR Y-75-2 E-35 MP 4-655 S-19 Upland Disposal Areas CR D-77-2 E-22 MP 4-787 S-22 Anisotropic MP 4-884 S-24 Shear Strength MP S-76-2 S-48 AM2 Versus Isotropic Consolidation TR S-75-13 S-92 Al urni nurn Landing Mat MP 4-886 S-24 Anisotropicallv Consolidated -AM5-Landing-Mat-Surfa0ed SATS Clay MP S-73-60 S-43 Airfield TR S-75-2 S-91 Anisotropy CR 3-132 S-100 Landing Mat MP 4-747 S-21 Ankara, Turkey TM 3-343/69- MP 4-751 S-21 70 S-69 MP 4-786 S-21 ANMCC Improvement Project CTIAC-58 C-44 MP 4-788 S-22 CTIAC-61 C-44 MP 4-789 S-22 An not Sand stone MP 3-562 S-18 MP S-68-11 S-27 MP 3-566 S-18 MP S-69-3 S-28 Annual Summary MP S-69-13 S-29 Civil Works Program MS-12 MP S-69-40 S-31 Ansonia-Derby Local Protection TR H-69-4 H-54 MP S-69-41 S-31 Antelope Lake Target MP S-76-7 S-48 MP S-70-4 S-32 Antenna MP 4-937 S-25 MP S-70-5 S-32 Foundation MP S-68-14 S-27 Mat MP 4-954 S-25 Guys MP C-77-13 C-25 AM3 Landing Mat MP 4-820 S-22 Anteus Back-Pressure Consoli- AM5 Landing Mat MP S-70-26 S-3~ dation Apparatus MP 3-478/11 S-16 Ambrasevs on Engineering Antifreeze Compounds MP 6-871 C-14 Seis:nology MP S-74-15 S-45 Antipersonnel Mine Projectile MP S-72-13 S-38 AMC-71 Mobility Model AMC-74 Vehinle Dynamics Module TR M-76-5 TR M-76-1 M-31 M-31 Antitank Ditching with Explosives MP W-12 Amedee Army Airfield Amistad Dam MP S-71-15 MP 6-591 S-35 C-9 Mine Projectile TR 3-470 MP S-74-31 S-76 S-46 TR 2-653 H-47 MP S-73-58 S-43 5-INDEX Term Terl'!.--------------------------- ---·----------------------------- Anzio Beach MP M-74-5 t1-12 Arching in Sand TR 1-674 W-31 MP M-73-8 M-16 Arctic Apalachicola Bay Marsh Environment TR 2-597 W-30 Development Site TR D-78-12 E-17 TR 1-649 \·1-31 Aperture Testing MP S-711-3 S-44 Subarctic Regions MP 4-'71:'! 11-5 Approach Roads TR S-77-1 S-94 Ardmore Air Force Base t1P 4-"V4 S-4 Greenland TR 1-505 M-20 TM 3-344/8 S-71 Aqua~Trio System TR A-78-3/1 M-51 ARES Fa~ility, Kirtland Air Aquatic Force Base MP S-72-27 S-37 Animals TR D-78-29 E-17 Arid Climate Theater TR M-70-7 /II M-26 Biology TR D-77-2VD E-8 Arizona Canal Diversion Channel TR 14 Z-8 Biota TR D-73-15/C E-15 Arkabutla Dam TM S-58 TR D-78-15/D E-15 TM 16'7-1 H-11 Disposal Tl1 169-1 H-33 Duwamish Waterway TR D-77-24 E-9 TR 3-479 S-76 Field Investigations Arkansas Ashtabula River TR D-77-42 E-12 Post Canal Route MP 6-586 C-9 Columbia River TR D-77-30 E-10 River MP H-71-9 H-12 Eatons Neck TR D-77-6 E-6 TM 3-332 S-65 Galveston, Texas TR D-77-20 E-7 TR 2-608 H-46 Dredged Material Disposal TR DS-78-1 E-27 TR 2-650 H-47 TR DS-78-4 E-27 TR 2-746 H-51 Environments TR D-77-26 E-10 TR 1-1-68-8 11-54 TR D-78-21 E-16 TR H-69-3 H-54 Habitats TR D-77-18/B E-12 TR H-70-12 H-5'7 Harsh Plants CR 0-74-9/II E-24 TR H-73-2 11-59 Organisms TR DS-78-5 E-25 TR H-77-4 H-66 Plant IR A-77-1 M-46 TR ll-77-6 ll-66 MP A-77-2 M-47 Dams TR H-71-5 H-57 TR A-78-3 M-51 Lock Control CR A-76-1 M-52 and Dam 5 MP S-78-11 MP M-47 No. 2, Lock No. 3, and MP A-77-1 M-47 Dam No. 2 t1P 3-781 S-21 TR ~~-48 Multiple-Purpose Plan t1P 3-336 S-12 TR A-77-1 M-49 Navigation TR 2-795 ll-53 Pro!Sram TR M-48 TR H-70-8 H-56 22-24 October 1975 t1P A-76-1 M-117 TR H-71-1 H-5'7 19-22 October 19'76 MP A-77-3 M-47 TR H-71-10 fl-59 1-6 October 1977 MP A-78-1 M-47 TR H-74-7 H-61 Project, 12 January 1972 MP M-47 Tributaries MBM 211-1 H-23 Research Prograrn IEB A-78-1 M-46 Spring 1941 and 194 3 IEB A-78-2 M-46 Floods MBM 111-1 !1-22 MP M-47 MBN 14-2 H-22 TR M-48 Arlington County TR H-75-19 H-63 Use Pattern TR M-48 Armor CETA 81-7 CERC-3 Diquat TR M-118 TR N-71-10 \1-16 Silvex TR M-48 OBSTACLE II MP E-71-4 \'1-9 Vegetation CR 3-11/II M-38 Stones HP 11-76-8 11-1 1i \-leed Units MP H-74-2 H-14 Control with Plant Pathogens TR M-48 R 1-71 CERC-17 Laser Radiation TR M-48 Underlayer Stones t1P H-75-4 H-14 Plant Pathogenc, CR A-76-2 M-52 Armored Reconnaissance Snout Aramid-Fiber Ropes MP C-'17-13 C-25 Vehicles 11P M-12 Araxos Air Base TM 3-'343/67 S-69 ~1? M-74-6 M-12 Ar•,adi a Lake MP Y-77-3 E-30 Army TR Y-7'1-2 E-"32 Aircraft Protective TR Y-77-3 E-32 Structures Designs TR N-69-8 \{-34Arch TR 1-797 ;1-3:1 Airfield Pavement Evaluation TR 3-466 S-75 Blast Loading TR 1-807 W-31 Lawson Army Airfield MP 4-411 S-14 TR N-71-9 \i-36 Facility Management TR M-74-2 11-29 Buried in Drv Sand TR 1-758 \-1-32 Mobilitv Research Center MP 4-404 tFl Darn TR N-76-3 'd-40 Tactical Mobility Require-TR N-77-1 \<-41 ments (Howze) MP 4-528 M-4 Dynamic Loading TR 1-660 \1-31 Arnold Engineering DevelopmentLoaded Statically MP N-70-2 11-7 Center MP S-73-1 S-40 Processed Snow TR N-69-1 \i-33 ARPA Advisory Co~nittee on Shelter TR N-69-8/8 V/-35 Mobility Environmental Structure MP 1-742 \1-4 Research 11P 4-670 f1-5 MP 1-963 W-6 Arsenic in Sediments t1P D-76-18 E-1Archeological Problem MP M-77-14 M-16 6-INDEX terE!.________________________ _ ____________.._________ Term ARSV test Courses MP M-74-8 M-12 Atlantic ( Cont) Arthur Kill-Kill Van Kurl Coastal Salt Marsh Plants TR D-77-28 E-10 Channel MP 2-952 H-10 Generating Station TR H-75-16 H-63 Arti0ulated Con~rete Mattre~s MP 6-473 C-7 Muck TM 3-328 S-65 Artifi~ial Pacific Interor.eanic Canal Armor Units MP H-74-2 H-14 Study Commission MP H-70-7 H-12 Island t1R 78-'3 CERC-12 TM 66-3 W-21 78-14 CERC-21 Shelf R 1-70 CERC-16 De .3 ign TM 43 CERC-28 R 79-7 CERC-21 Reef~; R 79-1< CERC-21 Atomic Absorption SpectroSeaweed MR 76-9 CERC-10 photometer MP C-70-5 C-17 Art i fi.,.,i allv Attenuation of Airblast HP 1-608 \i-3 Filled Bear>h R 1-69 CERC-16 MP 1-631 H-3 Nouri8hed Bea,.,hes TM 29 CERC-38 Auger B 13 S-1 Artillery Australia; Canal Zone Foundations t1P S-69-7 S-28 Analogs VIII CR 3-30/VIII M-43 and Related Vehicles MP M-77-1 M-15 Autauga Creek TH 200-1 H-34 Asbestos Fibers MP 4-335 S-12 Automated Ashtabula River Disposal Site TR D-77-42 £-12 Field Station MP M-76-22 M-15 A:>ia MP M-77-5 M-15 Canal Zone Analogs II CR 3-30/II M-43 TR t1-77-4/2 M-33 Yuma Analogs CR 3-11/4-6 M-42 Procedure A:;ian Desert TR 3-630/2 S-80 Airfield Site Evaluation IR M-75-1 M-1 Asphalt MP li-44 S-5 Evaluating Sites IR M-76-1 M-1 MP 4-45 S-5 Slope Map Construction TR M-77-3 H-32 Content Gage MP S-75-23 S-47 Remote Sensing Techniques TR M-76-6 M-32 Mix Desi.gn MP 4-244 S-10 System for Collecting, Patr>h Plant TM 4-228 S-10 Processing, and Displaying Pavements TM 3-312 S-64 Environmental Baseline Data TR M-76-11 M-32 TM 3-314 S-64 Automation Paving MP 4-207 S-9 Cross-Country Locomotion ~·1ixtures TM S-60 Model MP M-71-7 M-10 TM 1-254 S-61 Model for Predicting the Runway MP S-76-24 S-50 Clearing of Vegetation MP ~1-72-1 M-10 Slurry Seals IR S-69-1 S-2 Techniques for Physical Underwater Proter.tion of Hydraulic Models MP ll-78-3 H-19 River Banks TM 3-329 S-65 AV tank MP M-77-3 M-15 Asphaltic Avian Habitat TR DS-78-18 E-28 Con,.,rete MP 4-1<4 S-5 Aviano Air Base TM 3-343/43 S-68 TR 3-516/2 M-20 AXISYM CR S-76-13 S-104 Overlays on Highways MP S-72-12 S-37 Axisymmetric Pavements, Thule Air Base MP 4-1B6 S-14 Finite Element Code MP S-76-3 S-48 Paving Mixtures MP 11-335 S-12 Plane Strain Simulation CR S-76-13 S-104 Surfar>es MP 4-92 S-6 Azores MP 4-179 S-8 Pavements in the Caribbean TM 3-343/16 S-66 Area MP 4-232 S-10 TM 3-343/17 S-67 Assemblages TR D-77-30/C E-11 Atr.hafalaya Basin Z-1 MBM 81-5 H-25 B. Everett Jordan Lake TR H-76-3 H-64 TM 48-1 S-55 Backfill TR S-69-8 S-86 Compaction TR S-76-4 S-93 TR S-74-5 S-90 Property TR N-73-5 \·/-38 Protection TR S-78-5 S-95 Levee MP S-69-53 S-31 Background Noise Signature Foundation Soils t1P S-72-32 S-38 Data Base Development MP M-78-1 M-16 Floodway TM 3-284 S-63 Backpacking TR 3-487 S-76 Material CR 6-160 C-46 Levee MP S-72-17 S-37 MP 6-780 C-13 TR S-70-2 S-86 TR 6-763/1 C-35 Foundation Backswamp Clavs CR S-72-3 S-114 Deposits TR 3-604 S-79 Soils CR S-70-3 S-101 Sediments TR S-70-2 S-86 River Basin MBM 31-3 H-24 Backwater Athens-Ellinikon Airport TM 3-343/64 S-68 Analysis TR 5-589 MS-11 Atlantic Chutes CR Y-74-4 E-35 City, New Jersey MR 81-3 CERC-13 Effects R 12-74 CERC-19 Bridges B 21'3 H-1 Coast t1P H-76-2/F H-15 Submerged Si11 s p 16 H-26 TP 78-4 CERC-32 7-INDEX Term ________________________ Report No. Term ~-e___ Backwater. ( Cont) Illinois River p y H-26 Red River p 10 H-26 Baffle Bank Stabilization Model R 2-3 P-1 Blocks MP H-70-4 H-12 Piers MP 2-154 H-4 Bluestone Dam TM 2-243 H-36 BAILEY MP E-75-4 W-11 Experimental Excavation Program TR E-75-2 W-39 Balances MP 3-478/5 S-15 Baleshed-Ajax Bar Reach MP H-70-1/1 H-11 Balikesir Air Base TM 3-343/72 S-69 Ballistic Missile Defense Facilities TR N-72-12 W-37 Ballistically Loaded Clay MP S-71-57 S-43 Ballona Creek Outlet p 18 H-26 TM 100-1 H-31 Bamboo TR C-69-3/1 C-36 TR C-69-3/3 C-36 Reinforced Concrete MP C-70-2 C-17 Reinforcement MP 6-705 C-11 MP 6-926 C-15 TR 6-646 C-34 Bangor International Airport MP S-73-52 S-43 Bank Caving Investigations Free Nigger Point and Point Menoir R 15-1 P-4 Huntington Point Revetment R 13-1 P-4 Kempe Bend Revetment R 9-1 P-2 Morvi lle Revetment TM 3-318 S-64 Distress of Low Water Weirs MP S-78-2 S-52 Erosion TR 2-580/ III/6 H-45 Lower Mississippi River R 12-15 P-3 Failure R 8-1 P-1 Protection INR 2 Z-4 INR 3 Z-4 INR 4 Z-4 INR 5 Z-4 INR 7 Z-4 INV 1 Z-5 INV 2 Z-5 INV 3 Z-6 p 12 H-26 RR 3 Z-5 TM S-60 TR H-77-9 H-66 Roughness MP H-73-2 H-13 Stabilization CETA 77-3 CERC-2 R 20-1 P-4 Miller Bend R 2-5 P-1 Model R 2-6 P-1 Bankhead Lock TR S-76-6 S-93 Bar B 2/3 H-1 Channel Relocation TR 2-735/2/4 H-51 and Rod Airplane Landing Mat TM S-59 TM 212-1 S-59 Splices TR N-71-2 l-1-36 Barajas International Airport TM 3-343/89 S-69 Barbed Wire TR C-69-3/2 C-36 Barber-Greene Company Model 837 TM 3-285 S-63 Barbers Point Deep-Draft Harbor TR H-78-20 H-69 Barcelona, Spain TM 3-343/88 S-70 Barcelota, New York TR 2-523 H-43 Bare Base Support MP S-70-23 S-33 MP S-70-24 S-33 MP S-71-3 S-34 Barge Canal Lock, Sacramento River Deep-Water Ship Channel Project TR 2-556 H-44 Harbor TR H-74-16 H-61 Barkley Lock and Dam TR 2-689 H-49 Prototype Tests TR H-75-11 H-62 Reservoirs MBM 23-3 H-23 Barksdale Field TM MS-10 TM S-58 Barnegat Inlet TR H-74-1 H-60 Barnhart Island-Cornwall Island Reach TR 2-576 H-45 Baromix MP 4-43 S-5 Barrier RR H-B-4 H-28 TR /2 H-47 TR /3 H-47 TR H-69-12/1 H-55 TR H-69-12/2 H-55 TR H-69-12/3 H-55 Islands MP S-70-29 S-33 R 81-7 CERC-22 R 81-8 CERC-22 Basalt MP C-69-1 C-16 ~1P S-70-18 S-33 TR M-70-15 M-27 TR S-71-2/2 S-87 Base Course Airfields IR S-69-5 S-2 Materials TR 3-786 S-84 Soils MP 4-197 S-9 Surge Analysis PNE 304F W-14 Cloud Formation PNE 503F W-14 Baseline Conditions Benthic Assernblages TR D-77-6/C E-6 Demersal Fish Assemblages TR D-77-6/D E-6 Phytoplankton Assemblages TD D-77-6/F E-6 Zooplankton Assemblages TR D-77-6/E E-6 Inventory Aquatic Biota TR D-73-15/C E-15 Terrestrial Flora, Fauna, and Sediment Chemistry TR D-73-15/B E-15 Water Quality, Sediment Quality, and Hydro dynamics Bathymetric Data TR D-78-15/A CETA 81-13 E-15 CERC-4 Bathtub-Type Blast Deflector MP 4-391 S-14 Battlefield Sensor System MP H-13 Bauxippi-Wyanoke Revetment R 7-1 P-1 Bay Springs Canal Surge Study, Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway TR H-78-9 H-68 Lake Water-Qualitv Study TR H-76-7 H-64 Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway TR H-78-19 H-69 Bayou Bodcau Dam TM S-62 Outlet Structures TM 174-1 H-33 Boeuf Lock TM S-64 TR 3-458 S-75 8-INDEX Term HeE_ort No. Term Report No. Bayou ( Cont) Co~odrie Drainage Structure Courtableau Drainage Stru~ture des Glaises Drainage Culvert Lamourie Control Stru~ture Macon Rapides Drainage Structure Rigolette Floodgate Sorrel Lock Beach Accretion Behavior Changes Cycles Data Desert Sands Dune Erosion Board Control Surveys Eval!Jation Progr·am Fauna Fill Evaluation Material Ocean Citv, N. J. Matting Tests at Onslow Beach Morphology Nourishment MP 3-53 TM 3-289 TR 1-560 TM 147-1 TM TR H-69-13 MP 3-17 TR 3-451 TM CETA 79-3 MP 2-64 R 3-68 R 1-69 R 25-73 R 4-75 R 78-9 TM 29 TM 41 TM 44 TM 110 TM 130 TP 81-1 MR 77-12 R 79-3 MP 6-64 MR 79-5 MR 80-3 MR 80-9 MR 81-3 MR 33-5 TP 77-1 TP 77-10 TM 20 R 4-69 MP M-75-8 MP 6-408 MP 4-74 t1R 77-12 R 1-67 R 79-11 TM 24 MR 77-9 TM 41 TR H-77-15 Tr1 36 MP 3-69 MR 77-6 11R 82-12 R 12-74 R 13-74 TM 11 TM 20 Tt1 102 TM 113 TM 127 R 78-10 R 79-9 TP 77-6 TM 16 TM 77 TR 3-680 MP 4-600 MR 77-5 MP 1-73 MP 80-1 S-5 S-63 S-78 H-32 S-64 H-55 S-4 S-74 S-60 CERC-2 CERC-7 CERC-16 CERC-16 CERC-13 CERC-19 CERC-20 CERC-38 CERC-39 CERC-2!3 CERC-42 CERC-44 CERC-33 CERC-11 CERC-21 CERC-7 CERC-12 CERC-12 CERC-1'3 CERC-13 CERC-15 CERC-31 CERC-31 CERC-37 CERC-16 M-13 C-6 CERC-8 CERC-11 CERC-16 CERC-21 CERC-38 CERC-11 CERC-28 H-67 CERC-28 CERC-7 CERC-10 CERC-14 CERC-19 CERC-19 CERC-26 CERC-27 CERC-42 CERC-43 CERC-43 CERC-21 CERC-21 CERC-31 CERC-26 CERC-41 S-81 S-18 CERC-10 CERC-8 CERC-12 Beach (Cont) Nourishment (Cont) MR 82-2 CERC-13 MR 82-13 CERC-14 MR 82-14 CERC-14 MR 83-3 CERC-15 R 3-66 CERC-16 TM 17 CERC-37 TM 60 CERC-29 TR H-76-13 H-65 TR H-76-13/1 H-65 TR H-76-13/3 H-65 TR H-76-13/4 H-65 -Ocean-Atmosphere System TM 7 CERC-26 Plan forms R 79-6 CERC-21 Processes R 78-4 CERC-20 Profile MP 10-75 CERC-9 R 7-73 CERC-17 TM 44 CERC-39 TM 52 CERC-39 TM 53 CERC-39 TM 134 CERC-44 TP 77-9 CERC-31 Analysis System TR 82-1 CERC-34 Radioactivity TM 135 CERC-44 Replenishment MR 78-4 CERC-12 R 83-3 CERC-23 Sampling Methods TM 50 CERC-39 TM 90 CERC-41 Sand TM 16 CERC-37 TM 28 CERC-38 Sediment TM 22 CERC-38 TM 39 CERC-38 Stability Z-12 Studies MR 77-7 CERC-11 TM 14 CERC-37 Surveys CETA 81-11 CERC-3 Trafficability HP M-74-5 M-12 Widening TR H-73-8 H-59 Beale Air Force Base MP S-73-18 S-41 Beam CR 1-106 11-47 CTIAC-59 C-44 MP N-68-3 W-7 MP N-71-2 W-8 TM 6-412/3 C-29 TM 6-412/4 C-29 TR 6-570/5 C-33 TR 6-570/6 C-33 TR 1-701 W-31 Arches TR N-69-1 W-33 Dynamic Loads MP 2-344 W-2 Investigation TR 6-570/4 C-33 Reinforced TR 6-818/1 C-36 Tests MP 6-613/1 C-9 Under Static and Dynamic Loading MP 1-874 11-5 Bearing Capacity TR M-70-1 M-26 Foundations CR 3-115 S-107 Soils CR 3-38 S-107 TR 3-599 S-78 Beaulieu, Hampshire, England TM 3-343/107 S-70 Beaver Dam MP 3-499 S-16 Beckman Model 930 Air Comparison Pycnometer MP 3-478/8 S-15 Bed Form MP 1-74 CERC-8 TM 28 CERC-27 Friction R 79-13 CERC-21 9-INDEX Ter_m________________ ~------- Berlin Load R 82-5 CERC-23 Dam TM 193-1 H-34 R 82-6 CERC-21 Germany 3-341/28 S-67 R 81-1 CERC-23 Berms TM 101-1 S-56 Berrien County, Michigan MR 80-2 CERC-12 Bed (Cont) Material TM 112-1 H-31 4-4 Bessie Cutoff TR 2-692 H-49 Movement in a Forked Flume TM H-30 Samples from Cottonwood Bar TM 17-1 S-55 Beulah-Lake Vermillion Levee 53-1 S-55 Material TM 2 CERC-26 Unit TM Bibliography PSTIAC-2 M-34 Mississippi River R 300-1 P-5 TM 62-2 S-55 Abstracts TR 3-436 S-74 Pavements PSTIAC-5 M-34 17 Terrain PSTIAC-4 M-34 Movement p H-26 H-13 Vehicle Mobility PSTIAC-3 M-34 Roughness MP H-73-2 Aquatic and Marsh Plants CR D-74-9/II E-24 Beech H-73-14 H-60 Beach Erosion Board CERC-1 Fork Lake TR MP 1-68 CERC-7 River Dam MP 3-532 S-17 Bellefontaine Air Force Station MP 4-694 S-20 Biological Effects of Belleville Locks and Dam TR 2-687 H-48 Constructing Coastal TR 2-738 H-51 Structures MR 81-2 CERC-14 Breakwaters MR 79-1 CERC-12 Belt Conveyors TR C-74-4 C-38 Coastal Loader t1P M-76-2 M-13 Ecology MR 78-2 CERC-11 MR 80-5 CERC-13 Belton Dam TM 2-363 H-39 Engineering Research Center CERC-1 Beltzville Dam TR H-69-18 H-56 1-68 CERC-7 TR H-75-10 H-62 MP TR H-77-14 H-67 Colonial Nesting Waterbirds t1P D-78-5 E-4 Ben-Weld No. 11 Reinforcing Desert Areas of the United Steel MP N-73-5 W-9 States CR S-116 TM 2-269 H-37 Explosive Excavation TR E-72-32 W-38 Benbrook Dam TR 3-1152 S-74 Fiber-Reinforced Cement and CTIAC-21 C-41 Benghazi, Libva TM 3-343/82 S-69 Concrete TM 3-343/83 S-69 CTIAC-25 C-41 CTIAC-39 C-42 Benina Airport TM 3-341/83 S-69 Benito, Libya TM 3-343/80 S-69 CTIAC-43 C-43 CTIAC-48 C-43 Benthic Assemblages TR D-77-6/C E-6 MP C-76-6 C-23 TR D-77-30/C E-11 Groins MP 1-72 CERC-3 TR D-77-42/A E-12 Mexican Desert CR S-116 Community MR 80-1/II CERC-12 Mobility and Environmental MR 82-3 CERC-13 Systems Laboratory PSTIAC-2 M-34 TR D-77 -23/C E-8 Nearshore Environment MP 5-75 CERC-8 TR D-77-24/G E-10 Patents MR 79-6 CERC-12 TR D-77-45 E-13 Remote Sensing MP 2-73 CERC-8 Fauna t1R 76-10 CERC-10 Salinity and Salinity Changes MR 82-1 CERC-13 on Life CR H-73-2 H-73 MR 82-2 CERC-13 Seagrasses MR 80-7 CERC-13 Infaunal Communities TR D-77-27 E-10 Tidal Macrofauna TR D-77-24/F E-10 Hydraulics R 2 Z-9 GITI CERC-5 Organisms MP Y-76-3 E-30 Inlets 4 Benthos TP 76-15 CERC-30 Tsunamis TM 30 CERC-38 TR D-77-34 E-11 Wave-Current Interaction MR 83-7 CERC-15 TR D-78-35 E-11 Bicycle Army Airfield MP 4-924 S-25 TR D-78-42 E-18 Big Lake Conway TR A-78-2/ Bend Dam TR 2-605 H-46 1/III M-49 TR H-77-8 H-66 TR A-78-2/ Black Test Site MP S-72-13 S-37 2/II M-50 Creek, La. MP S-78-2 S-52 Bentonite B s-1 H-69-13 10 TR H-55 TM 135-1 S-56 Lake Reservation in Arkansas TM 52-1 S-55 Grout B 12 S-1 Muddy River TR H-75-2 H-61 Sands B 1/1-9 S-1 Papa MP 6-973 C-15 Bentl1-5Pavement Z-7 MP N-69-1 vl-7 IR S-77-2 S-3 TR 1-707 \·1-32 MP 4-121 S-7 TR 1-723 \'i-32 MP 4-225 S-10 TR S-68-.4 S-85 MP 4-294 S-11 Operational Controller TM 3-246 S-61 Systems CR 2-69 W-43Durability MP 4-45 S-5 Tests Using M-9 Propellant MP 1-913 \-1-5Mix Design MP 4-162 S-8 Loaded Structures MP 1-825 W-5Samples MP 4-170 S-8 Loading TR WT-1420 v/-30Paving Oriented Problems MP S-68-17 S-27Lajes Air Force Base MP 4-179 S-8 Panels MP 4-784 S-21 Mix MP S-5 'l-38 Phenomena from Explosions MP 1-814 W-5MP 4-46 S-5 Pressure MP 4-118 S-7 Measurements in Snow MP 2-274 W-2Mixtures TR 3-595 S-78 Walls MP 6-856 C-14 Stabilized Pavement Layers MP S-73-4 S-40 Protective Structures MP 1-631 W-3Surfaces for Use in MESL Resistant Reinforced Concrete Construe ti on MP S-76-14 S-49 Slabs TR N-72-10 W-37 Surfani.ng TM 211-1 S-58 Response of Underground TM 211-2 Structures CR N-70-1 W-44 thru Tests MP S-69-36 S-30 211-5A S-59 Valves MP 1-790 W-4Treatment MP 3-122/4 S-7 Blasting TR E-74-1 W-39Black Agents TR 28 W-29Butte Dam TR 2-551 H-44 Guide IR S-72-2 S-3 River MP 3-546 S-17 Loess and Clay CR 2-39 W-43 TR 3-741 s-84 Vibrations at Bankhead Lock TR S-76-6 S-93Blackbush Airport TM 3-343/110 S-70 Blended Cements C-69-6 TR C-37Blackstone Blends of Portland and Natural Army Airfield TR 3-466/1 S-75 Cements TM C-27 River Flood-Control Project TR 2-468 H-42 Blair Lake, Alaska TM 66-7 W-21 11-INDEX Ter.;m~-------------------- ~----·----------- Block Botanical Analysis MP S-71-17/5 S-35 Monitoring TR D-78-25/B E-16 Revetment R 78-5 CERC-20 Soil TR D-73-15/D E-15 TM 20-2 H-30 Resources TR D-77-38/E E-12 Blue Botany TR D-77-23/D E-8 Clay CR 3-101/15 S-113 Bottom Crabs CR A-77-2 M-52 Friction TM 31 CERC-38 Bluestone Dam TM 2-227 H-35 Materials TR 1-704 1~-31 TM 2-243 H-36 Roughness TM 95 CERC-42 TM 220-1 H-35 Sediment TM 75 CERC-40 TM 104 CERC-42 Blyton, Lincolnshire, England TM 3-343/109 S-70 TM 105 CERC-42 Boat Sedimentation TR D-77-6/A E-6 Basin MP H-75-8 H-15 TR D-77-30/A E-10 Moored in Standing Waves CR H-68-2 H-70 TR D-77 -42/ B E-13 Boca Raton Airfield TM 3-344/3 S-71 Slopes TM 122 CERC-43 Body Motions MP 4-893 M-7 Topography MP D-74-13 E-2 Boeing Boulders TP 76-19 CERC-31 GM Wheels MP M-71-3 M-10 Boundary TR M-70-15 M-27 Condition MP 5-905 MS-5 LRV Wheels TR M-71-10 M-28 TR S-71-4/2 S-87 Boeuf Development MP H-68-2 H-10 River TR H-69-13 H-55 Effects MP H-68-5 H-10 -Tensas Basin TR 3-757 S-84 MP H-70-6 H-12 Bogue Bank, North Carolina MR 83-3 CERC-15 Fitted Coordinate Systems MP H-73-9 H-19 Boliver Peninsula TR D-73-15 E-15 Layer MP 2-587 H-8 Bolling Air Force Base MP 4-3/6 S-4 R 21-73 CERC-18 Bolts TR S-76-14 S-93 Bow Wavt Problems MP S-77-1 S-50 Bomb Z-18 Boynton Device CR 3-26/7 S-110 MP N-71-5 1~-8 BPAS TR 82-1 CERC-34 Blast on Trees TR M-69-3/1 M-25 Brady, Texas TM 2-270 H-37 Crater Repair MP 4-526 S-17 Braking Damage Repair TR C-78-2/1 C-39 Drag Force and Shrinkage Z-7 Damaged Runways CR C-71-1 C-46 Tests on Nonsltrai.nts CR 3-159 S-100 Tonalite MP C-69-9 C-16 Model CR S-77-2 S-115 Utah MP S-70-22 S-33 Cape Cedars Lock and Dam, Lower Fox Cod, Massa~husetts TP 80-5 CERC-32 River CTIAC-52 C-44 Fear MR 77-11 CERC-11 Cellular TP 79-'l CERC-32 Block-Lined Grade Control River MP 2-649 H-8 Structure MP H-73-7 H-14 Basin TR H-69-14 H-55 Caisson Breakwaters TM H-34 Girardeau Floodwall MP 6-184 C-4 Concrete MP C-72-1 C-19 Kennedy MP 6-760 C-12 MP C-72-8 C-20 MP 4-878 S-23 MP C-74-8 C-22 Keraudren Port Development TM 68-16 \·1-24 MP C-74-8/2 C-22 May, New Jersey MR 80-4 CERC-12 MP S-73-32 S-42 Capodir.hino Airfield TM 3-343/18 S-67 Backpacking Haterial TR 6-763/2 C-35 Carbonate Rock MP 6-682 C-11 Blocks RR 2 Z-5 MP C-69-15 C-17 Fragmentation Acceptors MP 6-973 C-15 TR C-75-3 C-38 Cement Handbook C-1 Cargo MP 6-236/A C-5 Carriers MP M-78-10 M-16 TR 6-691 C-34 Truck MP M-77-4 M-15 Aggregate Reaction MP 6-169 c-4 MP M-78-9 M-16 Anhydrite MP 6-209 C-4 Caribbean Area HP 4-232 S-10 Cold Weather Carlson Concreting MP C-75-11 C-23 Strain Meters MP C-72-3 C-19 Construction t1P C-76-11 C-24 Stress Meter TR 6-454 C-31 and Concrete CTIAC-21 C-41 Carlyle CTIAC-25 C-41 Dam MP 6-281/A C-5 CTIAC-39 C-42 TR 2-568 H-45 CTIAC-43 C-43 Reservoir MP 6-281 C-5 CTIAC-48 C-43 MP 6-538 C-8 MP C-76-6 C-23 Spill way MP 6-802 C-13 Durability TM C-27 Carnaby, Yorkshire, England TM 3-343/114 S-70 TR C-72-2 C-37 Carswell Air Force Base MP S-73-'39 S-42 Fly Ash Pastes MP C-78-11 C-26 Casablanca, French Morocco TM 3-343/9 S-66 Lime MP 4-728 S-21 Cast-Iron Collector Pipe MP 6-318 C-6 Pastes CTIAC-4 C-40 Castle MP C-72-5 C-19 Air Force Base MP S-73-19 S-41 Study Area MP C-69-16 C-17 15-INDEX ~e___ _ Term Cement (Cant) Channel (Cant) Performance in Concrete TR 6-787 C-35 Improvement (Cant) Production and Specifications CTIAC-29 C-41 Fire Island Inlet TR H-69-16 H-55 MP C-78-2 C-25 Gastineau Channel TR H-72-9 H-58 Replacement Materials MP 6-123 C-2 Grand Tower Reach TM 114-1 H-31 Requirements for Soil Cement MP S-68-25 S-28 Ludington Harbor TR H-75-14 H-63 Soil-Stabilizing Material TR 3-455/3 S-74 Mississippi River TM 89-1 H-30 Stabilized TM 89-2 H-30 Pavements CR 3-145/4 S-100 Outer Bar, Lake of Maracaibo TM 106-1 H-31 Soil MP S-77-14 S-51 Savannah River TM 57-1 H-30 Layers CR 3-145/5 S-100 TM 57-2 H-30 Treated Silty Clay CR 3-145/1 S-100 Swiftsure Towhead TM 110-1 H-31 CR 3-145/3 S-100 Islands Harbor, California TR 82-4 CERC-35 Cementitious Material MP 6-452 C-7 Junction MP H-69-4 H-11 TM 6-335 C-28 R 2-100 Z-13 CENSE Maintenance Z-11 Explosion Test Program TR N-77-6 W-41 Meander Model R 16-1 P-4 1, Explosions in Sandstone TR N-77-6/1 W-41 Realignment Near St. Joseph MBM 52-1 H-24 2, Explosions in Soil TR N-77-6/2 W-41 Relocation TR 2-735/2/4 H-51 Center Hill Dam MP S-711-5 S-44 Roughness TR H-78-13 H-68 TM 202-1 H-34 Schemes on Tides, Currents, Centerville MP 3-2 S-4 and Shoaling MP H-78-6/2 H-19 Central Core Dam RR S-72-1 S-54 Sediments TR D-77-23/ Centrifuge FII E-9 Installations and Modeling MP S-51 Stabilization TR 1 Z-7 Model Testing of Soils MP S-76-9 S-49 Mississippi River p 15 H-26 Ceramic TR 2 Z-13 Aggregate for Concrete MP 6-8 C-2 Publications TR 4 Z-8 Coatrd Aluminum Blast Panels MP 4-784 S-21 Transitions MP H-68-3 H-10 Cesium 37Irradiation MP M-69-3 M-8 Channelized Traffic TR 3-426 S-73 CH-47A Chinook Helicopter MP 4-766 11-6 TR 3-548 S-78 Chace Air Meter MP 6-189 C-4 Chanoine Wicket Dam B 1/3 H-1 Chagrin River TR H-70-11 H-56 Chanthaburi Area CR 1-156/F M-42 Chain of Rocks Charge Canal MP 2-275 H-5 Calibration TR 3 W-28 TM 2-403 H-41 Depth TR 1-64'7/4 \·/-30 TR H-78-7 H-68 Shape TR N-75-5 W-40 Dam MBM 81-2 H-24 Standoff Distances TR N-69-5 \-1-34 Low Water Dam No. 27 MP 6-405 C-6 Tests TM-71-6 W-25 Reach TM 104-1 H-31 Charleston Chambly Air Base TM 3-343/51 S-68 AFB MP 4-545 S-17 Channel Z-6 Harbor MP 2-299 H-6 R 1-109 Z-13 Z-11 MP 2-498 H-7 Z-12 MP H-68-5 H-10 MP H-76-9 H-16 MP H-69-5 H-11 MP H-77-4 H-18 MP H-73-2 H-13 TR 2-444 H-42 TM 67-6 W-22 TR 2-713 H-50 TM 137-1 H-32 Naval Shipyard MP C-69-6 C-16 Closure Z-12 Charts for Design of Deep Conditions, Devil's Island Underground Structures MP N-77-3 W-12 Reach TR H-73-1 H-59 Chateauroux-Deols Air Base TM 3-343/50 S-68 Contour Maps TR M-74-5/II M-30 Chatham (Stage) Harbor Z-11 Currents, Naval Operating Chaumont Air Base TM 3-343/20 S-67 Base, Midway Islands TM 2-251 H-36 Cheatham Deepening Z-12 Lock TM 2-358 H-39 Depth TB 8 Z-10 Reservoir MBM 23-3 H-23 Development in the TM 2-381 H-40 Atchafalaya Basin MBM 81-5 H-25 Chelveston, Northamptonshire, Expansions at Culvert Outlets TR H-74-9 H-61 England TM 3-343/117 S-71 Improvement B 2/3 H-1 Chemical TM 6-419/1 C-29 TM 107-1 H-31 Admixture MP 6-123/3 C-2 TR 2-765 H-52 Concrete MP 6-803 C-13 TR H-72-2/6 H-58 TM 6-390 C-29 Barnegat Inlet TR H-74-1 H-60 Agent for Soil Stabilization MP S-70-11 S-32 Boston Bar TM 159-1 H-32 Analysis of Portland Cement MP 6-111 C-2 Canacadea Creek MP 2-413 H-7 Coagulation TR D-77-39 E-12 Chain of Rocks Reach TM 104-1 H-31 Constituents CR D-76-1 E-24 Contra Costa County TR H-78-14 H-68 CR D-76-7 E-25 Dogtooth Bend TM 109-1 H-31 TR D-76-7 E-5 Farm Creek TM 2-355 H-39 Control of Mosquitoes TR D-78-48 E-19 Data CTIAC-31 C-42 MP C-78-7 C-26 16-INDEX Term Term Chemical (Cont) Classification (Cont) Explosive TM 70-5 W-24 of Dredged Material TR D-77-18 E-7 TM 70-6 W-24 Indexes of Clay Shales TR S-71-6/2 S-87 TM 71-29 W-26 Terrain MP 4-444 M-3 Cratering PNE 300P W-14 Classifying Terrain by Ex"avation TM 70-3 W-24 Spectral Characteristics TR M-77-2/2 M-32 Extraction of Heavy Metals TR D-78-6 E-14 Clay CR 2-39 W-43 Films MP 5-475 MS-5 ,CR 3-3 S-106 Flux Characteristics of a CR 3-4 S-109 Dredged Material Marsh TR D-77-23/ CR 3-26/16 S-110 F/II E-9 CR 3-26/23 S-111 Impact of Discharging Fill CR 3-42 S-106 !1aterial TR D-77-29 E-10 CR 3-89 S-100 Reactivity TM 6-368 C-28 CR 3-101 S-112 Stabilization of Selected and Tropi ~al Soi 1 s CR 3-63/4 S-111 S-113 Chena River Lakes Project TR 10 Z-8 CR 3-132 S-100 Chert Popouts, Wolf River CR 3-145/1 S-100 Flood wall TR 6-581 C-33 CR 3-145/3 S-100 Chesapeake CR S-68-4 S-100 Bay Z-12 CR S-70-5 S-106 MP 3-59 CERC-36 CR S-71-5 S-107 TM 38 CERC-28 CR S-72-3 S-114 TM 47 CERC-28 MP 3-428 S-14 Radioactive Tracer Study MP H-76-1 H-15 MP 3-832 S-22 Delaware Canal MP H-74-10 H-14 MP 4-835 M-6 TM 93-1 H-30 MP M-70-8 M-9 TM 93-3 H-30 MP M-71-2 M-9 TR H-73-16 H-60 HP S-69-20 S-29 Ch i.ang Mai Area CR 3-156/C M-41 MP S-73-57 s-43 Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal TR 2-776 H-52 MP S-76-15 S-49 Chi'>kamauga Dam Powerhouse TR 6-637 C-34 TM 3-271/2 S-62 Chief Joseph Dam MP 2-266 H-5 TM 3-315 s-64 Chincoteague Inlet Z-12 TR 29 \'i-29 Chinese Inner Asia; Yuma TR 2-482 W-30 Analogs No. 6 CR 3-11/6 M-42 TR 3-545 M-20 Chinook Helicopter MP 4-766 M-6 TR 3-565/1 M-20 Chlorinated Hydrocarbon TR 3-666/3 11-22 Compounds TR D-77-23/E E-9 TR S-68-6/2 S-85 Chouteau Island MBM 81-1 H-24 TR S-75-15 S-92 Chrome-Lignin MP 3-122/1 S-7 Foundations CR S-76-6 S-1 01 MP 3-145 S-8 Gravel MP 3-664 S-19 Chromium TR D-77-24/C E-9 TR S-68-6/1 S-85 Chukar Mesa Investigation MP 3-902 S-24 Lime Mixtures CTIAC-41 C-43 Chute Spillway Minerals B 14 S-1 Cowanesque Darn TR H-76-12 H-64 Shoaling Problems TB 10 Z-10 Fort Randall Dam TR 2-716 H-50 Mixtures TR D-78-34 E-17 Riverine Fishery CR Y-74-4 E-35 Shale CR S-70-5 S-106 Circular MP S-73-68 S-44 Arc Method MP K-73-2 MS-5 TR 29 W-29 Loads TM 3-323/3 S-65 TR S-70-9/3 S-87 Circulation TR S-71-6 S-87 Analysis MP H-73-3/ TR S-71-6/5 S-87 17-7 H-15 Foundations TR S-71-6/4 S-87 MP H-76-3/ Slopes MP S-71-22 S-35 17-9 H-16 TR 15 \'i-28 Long Beach Harbor MP H-76-4 H-16 Panama Canal TR S-70-9 S-86 Tests TR H-75-4/5 H-62 Soil MP 4-765 M-6 Civil Works MP S-69-24 S-30 Investigations MP 6-112 C-2 MP S-73-28 s-41 Program MS-12 TM /8 '<1-27 Clam 13_a_ngia Gun_~~~ CR H-73-1 H-73 TR 3-783/F M-24 Clarence Cannon TR S-74-1 S-90 Dam MP C-73-5 C-21 Subsoils CR 3-74 S-107 TR H-77-8 H-66 Under Repetitive Loadings TR S-76-16 S-94 Reservoir MP 6-906 C-14 Clayey TR H-77-7 H-57 Sands TM 3-271/1 s-62 Clark Hill Dam TM 2-229 H-35 Sandy Gravel MP S-73-25/1 S-41 Classifi~ation Cohesionless Soils MP S-77-21 S-52 17-INDEX TermTerm Coastal (Cant) Silt CR 3-26/15 S-110 Structures (Cant) R 8'!-6 CERC-23Clayey (Cant) R 3'!-8 CERC-23 CR 3-63/6 S-112 CR 3-61/8 S-112 RR H-68-2 H-27 SR 10 CERC-25TM 3-323/1 S-65 TM 66 CERC-40 Bottom TR 1-704/1 W-31 TM 96 CERC-42 Clear Creek Drainage and 80-1 Survey Base Lines CETA 81-15 CERC-4 Levee District TM S-55 TM 80-2 S-56 Waters H-73-1 CR H-73 TM 163-1 S-57 CR H-Tl-2 H-71 TP 80-2 CERC-32 Clendening Lake Outlet Tunnels MP C-77-9 C-25 Waves MR 76-11 CERC-10 Cleveland Dikes MP M-76-8 M-14 TM 48 CERC-28 Climate CR 3-11 M-42 Zone CR 3-30 M-43 Management MP H-72-3 H-12 TR 5-625/G M-21 Pollution Problems MP Y-72-2 E-29 Coated Membranes TR S-75-1 S-91Climatic M-42 Coatings MP 6-864 C-14 Analogs CR 3-27 Dam TR 2-705 H-49 Effects on Airport Pavement CR S-76-12 S-104 Cochiti Clinton Dam TR H-73-6 H-59 Coding Ha:'ldbook CR 3-13 M-36 Cloud PNE 1110 W-17 CR 3-36 M-40 Development Studies PNE 511 W-15 Cofferdam Diversion Studv, PNE 1108 W-16 Arkansas River MP 11-71-9 H-12 Dimensions for Cratering Cohesionless Explosions TM 66-8 W-21 Material MP S-68-15 S-27 RR S-76-1 S-54 Formation PNE 503F W-14 S-75-5 S-104 Coagulation TR D-77-39 E-12 Soil CR TR D-78-54 E-19 MP S-77-21 S-52 Coal MP M-76-2 M-13 RR S-76-2/5 S-54 MP M-76-4 M-13 TR S-75-16 S-92 Coarse Cohesive Soil CR 3-62 S-115 CR 3-148 S-109 Aggregate TR 6-819 C-36 MP 3-478/12 S-16Grained MP 3-676 S-19 Construction Materials TR S-79-7 S-85 Soil MP 4-477 M-4 MP 4-767 M-6 TM 3-240 M-17 MP S-70-8 S-32 and MP S-74-20 S-45 M-18 MP S-76-11 S-49 TR 3-652/6 M-21 TR M-70-14/3 M-27 TR 3-666/5 M-22 TR N-70-7 \i-36 TR 3-66617 M-22 TR S-75-13 S-92 TR M-71-8 M-28 Transl 69-5 S-97 Coast Erosion TM 44 CERC-39 Cold Mixed Asphaltic Pavements MP 4-232 S-10 Coastal Changes MR CERC-13 81-2 Weather TP 76-16 CERC-30 Concreting CTIAC-36 C-42 MP C-75-11 C-23 Currents R 76-3 CERC-20 Dredged Material Disposal Construction MP C-75-11 C-23 Areas MP D-75-13 E-2 MP C-76-11 C-24 Dunes MP 1-62 CERC-36 Environments CTIAC-16 C-41 Engineering CETA 82-1 CERC-4 MP C-75-5 C-23 CETA 82-4 CERC-4 Colewa Creek TR H-69-13 H-55 MP 2-73 CERC-8 Colombia MP 4-355/4 M-3 R 4-72 CERC-17 MP 2-543 H-7 Research Center R 1-75 GERG-19 Colonial Terms MP 2-72 GERC-8 Bird TR D-78-10 E-14 Features MR 76-2 CERC-10 TR D-78-14 E-15 Flooding for Louisiana MP H-78-5 H-19 Nesting Waterbirds MP D-78-5 E-4 Imagery Data Bank t1P 3-72 GERC-8 Seabirds TR D-78-1 E-13 CERC-2 TR D-78-7 E-13 Inlet CETA 77-1 Marsh Plants TR D-77 -2 E-5 Colorado River Z-12 Models TP 76-11 CERC-30 TR 9 Z-8 MP H-78-8 H-19 Coloring Agents for Camouflage MP M-76-1 M-13Processes R 1-67 CERC-16 Columbia H-23 Profiles TR 76-1 CERC-34 Bottoms Levee MBM 31-3 CERC-16 Dam MP 6-603 C-9 Regime R 3-70 TR 2-578 H-45 Revetment MR 76-7 CERC-10 Sediment Transport MR 81-6 CERC-13 Estuary Z-11 Lock MP S-72-30 S-38 Structures MP H-74-2 H-14 MR 83-10 CERC-15 MP S-74-24 S-46 and Dam MP 3-503 S-16 MP 3-518 S-17 18-INDEX Term Report No. Term Report No. Colombia ( Cont) Compressive ( Cont) Lock (Cont) Strength ( Cont) and Dam ( Cont) MP 3-569 S-18 Molded Cylinders and TR 2-571 H-45 Drilled Cores MP 6-395 C-6 TR 3-7111 S-84 Soil-Cement TM 187-1 S-58 TR 2-756 H-52 Computer MP 2-133 H-4 Pile Foundation TR S-74-6 S-90 MP K-76-1 MS-7 River Z-12 Aided MP H-70-3 H-11 Analysis and Design of Disposal Site TR D-77-30 E-10 Tainter Gates CR K-76-1 MS-12 Estuary MP 2-765 H-9 Design TR 2-735 H-50 Analysis of Three-Girder Restoration TR 13 Z-8 Tainter Gates MP K-73-1 MS-7 Col urnbus Horizontally Framed Miter Air Force Base MP 4-303 S-11 Gates HP K-75-9 MS-6 TR 3-490 S-76 Structural Engineering Z-6 TR 3-533 S-77 Structural Engineering TR K-78-1 MS-11 Lock and Dam TR H-74-13 H-61 Analysis of Vehicle Dynamics CR 3-155 M-36 TR H-77-11 H-66 Calculated Column Test MP S-78-6 S-52 Geometric Characteristics TR M-74-5 M-30 Combat Vehicle MP H-78-7 M-16 Tank-Defender IntervisiCommand and Control bility MP H-76-5 M-14 Bunker CR N-77-1 \o/-48 Code TM 71-30 W-26 Structure MP N-76-5 W-11 TM 72-1 W-26 Commerce, Mississippi Tt1 3-299 S-63 TM 72-4 W-26 TM 3-316 S-64 Crosshole Seismic Test MP S-78-8 S-53 Commercial 1 /11-3/4-Ton Vehicles MP M-76-6 M-14 Graphics Colloquium MP MS-6 Committee MP MS-7 on Channel Stabilization Z-7 In format ion System for thru Environmentally Sensitive Z-8 Wildlife TR M-74-6 M-30 on Tidal Hydraulics Model 77-1 Z-9 CETA CERC-2 thru Modelling of Jointed Rock Z-12 Masses TR N-73-11 \o/-42 Communication Conduit TR 1-750 W-32 Notes K-75-3 MP Compacted thru Fine-Grained Cohesive Soils MP S-76-11 S-49 K-75-5 MS-6 Kaolinite MP S-75-11 S-47 MP K-75-7 HS-6 Rock HP S-70-7/1 S-32 MP K-75-8 MS-6 Compaction CTIAC-18 C-41 Program CETA 81-13 CERC-4 Bituminous Concrete MP 4-210 S-9 IR M-76-1 M-1 Pavements MP S-76--10 S-49 MP K-75-2 MS-6 Characteristics MP 4-269 S-10 Analyses of Pile-Soil Earth-Rock Mixtures MP S-73-25 S-41 Interaction CR S-76-14 S-104 Data MP S-70-13 S-32 CADSE Z-6 Embankments MP 3-383 S-13 CON2D CR S-77-4/II S-102 Har:11ners MP 4-357 S-12 Design/Analysis of ThreeSoils CR 3-28 S-108 Girder Tainter Gates MP K-78-1 MS-7 MP 4-240 S-10 Drawing Finite Element Grids MP N-76-2 W-11 Study HP 4-380 S-13 Dynamic Stress AnalysisZero-Slump Concrete MP S-76-16 S-119 of Underground Structures CR 1-175 W-44 Tests HP S-77-4 S-50 FEDIT MP K-73-1 MS-5 Gravelly Soils MP 3-676 S-19 GWALL IR K-78-1 MS-3 Sands with Fines MP S-72-29 S-37 Linear and Curvilinear Compactor Regression Analyses MP 5-667 HS-5 Bituminous Mixtures MP 4-261 S-10 Measuring the StrengthStandard Effort Compaction Behavior of Stabilized Te'sts MP S-77-4 S-50 Soils CR 3-63/2 S-111 Composite Slabs TR N-69-2/5 \i-33 Numerical Integration MP 5-583 MS-5 Compressibility CR 3-63/6 S-112 Radioisotopic Sand Tracer HP 3-70 CERC-7 Analysis of the \-latching Hill Rational Pavement Design TR S-76-3 S-93 Blast Range TR S-72-4 S-89 Slope Stability Analysis MP 5-619 MS-5 Soils CR S-69-3 S-104 Static and Dynamic Analysis Compression of Earth Slopes MP S-78-13 S-53 Apparatus CR 3-62/4 S-115 Structural Engineering TR K-78-1 MS-11 Tests, Ne;1burgh Lock and Dam MP S-74-29 S-46 TWDA Z-14 \-laves HP S-69-30 S-30 CON2D CR S-77-4/II S-102 Compressive Concentration Index for PaveFailure of Portland-Cementment Design MP S-74-4 S-44 Based Mortars MP C-70-19 C-18 Concertina Wire TR C-69-3/2 C-36 Strength Conchas Dam TM 97-1 S-56 Concrete TR C-74-1 C-38 Stilling Basin Tl1 105-1 H-31 Lean Mass Concrete TR C-74-2 C-38 Concrete CTIAC-5 C-40 CTIAC-26 C-41 19-INDEX ~m _ Term Concrete (Cont) CTIAC-54 C-44 Concrete (Cont) CTIAC-66 C-45 Cores (Cont) CTIAC-68 C-45 Chi~kamauga Dam Powerhouse TR 6-6'37 C-'34 MP 5-458/4 MS-5 TM C-27 MP 6-709 C-11 Dam3 --Petrographic Report TM C-28 MP 6-737 C-12 Devil's Kitchen Dam MP 6-165 C-1 MP 6-890 C-14 Dry Dock No. 2, Charleston MP 6-958 C-15 Naval Shipyard HP C-69-6 C-16 MP C-71-5 C-19 Martin Dam CTIAC-38 C-42 MP C-72-7 C-20 New Second Lock, Sault Ste. MP C-72-10 C-20 Marie MP c-n-8 C-21 MP C-71-10 C-25 Runway, Dow Air Force Ba3e MP 6-326 C-6 MP C-78-9 C-26 Cylinders MP 3-437 s-14 MP S-75-25 s-48 MP 6-771 C-12 TR C-70-2 C-37 MP C-72-12 C-20 TR C-75-3 C-38 TM C-27 Aggregate CTIAC-65 C-45 Dams MP s-:n MP 6-772 C-12 MP C-71-8 C-19 TM 6-370 C-28 Deep Beams MP 1-874 W-5 Clarence Cannon Reservoir MP 6-906 C-14 MP N-71-2 W-8 Kaskasia River MP 6-730 C-12 Deterioration MP 6-795 e-n Airfield Pavement MP S-74-22 S-45 MP 6-927 C-15 Airport Pavements TR S-77-11 S-94 Dilation MP C-69-18 C-17 Analyses B 27 C-1 Division, u. s. Army Engineer Arch MP 1-736 W-4 Waterways Experiment Station MP 6-421 C-7 MP 1-809 W-4 Eisenhower and Snell Locks MP 6-493 C-8 TR 2-590 \-1-30 TR 6-784 C-15 Aircraft Shelters TR N-75-6 W-40 Elements Bunkers MP N-71-4 W-8 Bamboo Reinforcement TR 6-646 C-311 TR N-71-8 W-36 Structures in Selected Protective Structures TR WT-1420 W-30 Theaters of Operations TR C-78-1 C-19 Armor Units CETA 81-7 CERC-3 Exposed MP H-74-2 H-14 Natural Weathering TM 6-226 C-27 Backfills for Lined Tunnels MP C-70-23 C-18 Sea MP C-70-3 C-17 Backpacking TR 6-763/3 C-35 Farley Nu~lear Containment Batching TM 6-407 C-29 Structure MP C-74-2 C-21 Beam MP 6-159 C-3 Fixed-End Arches TR 1-758 W-32 MP 6-611 C-9 Flat Slabs TR C-70-1 C-37 MP 6-665 C-10 Freezing and Thawing MP C-68-6 C-16 MP 6-868 C-14 Investigation -Bull Shoals MP N-78-7 W-13 Dam TM C-27 TM 6-412/1 C-29 Lined Channel TR 14 Z-8 TM 6-412/2 C-29 Manhole MP N-72-5 W-8 TR 6-570 C-33 Masonry MP 6-279 C-5 TR 6-818 C-36 TR 6-596 C-33 TR C-69-4 C-36 Materials and Riprap for Use TR C-69-5 C-36 at DeGray Dam MP 6-596 C-9 TR C-70-3 C-37 Mattress MP 6-473 C-7 Exposed TR 6-613 C-14 Marine Environment CTIAC-49 C-43 Mixer MP 6-692 C-11 Natural Weathering CTIAC-50 C-4'3 TM 6-419/4 C-29 Investigation TR 6-570/4 C-33 Performance TR 6-562 C-32 Block MP 6-123/9 C-1 Carlyle Reservoir MP 6-538 C-8 MP 6-123/11 C-3 Shelbyville Reservoir MP 6-975 C-15 RR 2 Z-5 Turbine Type TR 6-525 C-'31 Fort Dix MP C-75-8 C-23 Mixture MP 6-520/2 C-8 Revetment MP 1-64 CERC-7 Devils Kitchen Dam MP 6-257 C-5 Bottom TR 1-704/3 \-1-31 High Water-Cement Ratios TR C-73-3 C-37 Bridge Decks CTIAC-2 C-40 Kinzua Dam CTIAC-67 C-45 MP C-73-2 C-21 Proportions CTIAC-58 C-44 Cement Handbook C-1 10 Years of Moist Curing MP 6-123/12 C-3 Columns TR C-72-2 C-37 Old River Lock MP 3-554 S-17 Concreting Materials TR 6-553 C-32 Pavement TR S-74-10 S-91 Condition, William Bacon Construction MP S-77-26 S-52 Oliver Lock and Spillway MP C-77-5 C-24 Military Roads TR S-75-10 S-92 Cores CTIAC-53 C-44 Placement Temperatures MP C-77-7 c.:..24 MP 6-216/A C-5 Port Allen Lock MP 6-297 C-6 TM C-27 Quality TR 6-717 C-34 Carlyle Reservoir Spillway MP 6-802 e-n Reactor Vessels MP C-72-13 C-20 Research MP 6-211 C-4 20-INDEX Term Report No. Term Report No. Concrete (Cont) Condition Survey (Cont) Research (Cont) MP 6-420 C-7 Butts Army Airfield S-72-26 MP S-37 TM C-27 Campbell Army Airfield MP S-72-19 S-37 Retaining Wall, South Carswell Air Force Base MP S-73-39 S-42 Amsterdam, New York MP 6-527 C-8 Castle Air Force Base MP S-73-19 S-41 Runways--Rome Air Depot TM C-27 Civil Airports Z-15 Sand RR S-76-2/2 S-54 Davison Army Airfield MS S-68-26 S-28 Sheet Piles MP C-69-2 C-16 MP S-72-20 S-37 HP C-69-13 C-17 Dyess Air Force Base MP S-73-43 S-42 Ships and Vessels CTIAC-27 C-41 Ellsworth Air Force Base MP S-73-12 S-40 HP C-77-12 C-25 Felker Army Airfield MP S-74-27 S-46 Slab MP 1-877 W-5 Forbes Air Force Base MP S-73-44 S-42 MP 6-911 C-14 Forney Army Airfield MP S-72-22 S-37 MP 1-965 \~-6 Fort MP N-68-5 W-7 Devens Army Airfield MP S-73-47 S-43 TR 1-789 W-33 Polk Army Airfield MP S-72-24 S-37 TR C-69-2 W-33 Glasgow Air Force Base MP S-73-33 S-42 TR C-72-1 C-37 Grand Forks Air Force Base MP S-73-42 S-42 TR N-73-8 l'i-39 Gray Army Airfield MP S-73-2 S-40 TR N-75-2 H-40 Hunter Army Airfield MP S-69-37 S-30 Southeast Asia TR C-69-3 C-36 K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base MP S-73-15 s-41 Source of Aggregate CTIAC-19 C-41 Kincheloe Air Force Base MP S-73-30 S-42 MP C-76-2 C-23 Laguna Army Airfield MP S-73-50 S-43 Specimens MP 6-637 C-10 Lawson Army Airfield MP S-69-19 S-29 Damaged by Electrolysis MP 6-188 C-4 Libby Army Airfield MP S-71-11 S-34 Treat Island, Maine MP 6-177 C-4 Liberty Army Airfield MS S-68-2 S-27 Stems for Field Cratering Lockbourne Air Force Base MP S-73-54 S-43 Tests MP 6-805 C-13 Loring Air Force Base MP 4-898 S-24 Strength MP S-74-30 S-46 MP S-73-51 S-43 Stress Meter MP 5-36 MS-4 Malmstrom Air Force Base HP S-73-22 S-41 Structures MP C-77-11 C-25 March Air Force Base MP S-73-38 S-42 TR C-73-4 C-39 Mather Air Force Base MP S-73-31 S-42 Surfaces CTIAC-40 C-42 McConnell Air Force Base MP S-73-29 S-42 TM 6-316 C-28 Michael Army Airfield MP 4-976 S-26 TR 6-559 C-32 Minot Air Force Base MP S-73-23 S-41 TR 6-785 C-35 Pease Air Force Base MP S-73-34 S-42 TR 6-788 C-35 Plattsburg Air Force Base MP S-73-46 S-42 TR 6-816 C-36 Porous Friction Surface Painted TR C-68-1 C-36 Course Z-16 Technology Information Redstone Airfield Army MP S-72-23 S-37 Analysis Center CTIAC-11 C-40 Robert Gray Army Airfield MP 4-989 S-26 MP C-72-24 C-21 MP S-73-16 S-41 Temperature Sheridan Army Airfield MP S-68-1 S-26 Control Study CTIAC-62 C-44 Sherman Army Airfield ~1P S-72-25 S-37 MP c-n-8 C-25 Simmons Army Airfield MP S-69-47 S-31 Greers Ferry Dam MP 6-342 C-6 Soil-Cement MP 4-93 S-6 Test MP C-78-4 C-25 Troy Lock and Dam MP C-78-6 C-26 MP C-78-12 C-26 Vance Air Force Base MP 4-815 S-22 Mechanical Casting Plant MP 6-255 C-5 1/estover Air Force Base MP S-73-41 S-42 Hethods TR C-69-2 C-36 Whiteman Air Force Base MP S-73-45 S-42 Spe0imens MP C-78-17 C-26 Wright-Patterson Air Force Thermal Studies for Lock and Base MP S-73-55 S-43 Darn No. 2 CTIAC-55 C-44 Wurtsmith Air Force Base MP S-73-13 S-40 Underwater TR C-76-3 C-38 Conductivity Probe Calibration RR H-71-2/I u. s. Military Academy MP 6-653 C-10 /1 H-28 MP S-72-3 S-36 Conduit Z-6 Units in Iceland t1P 6-235 C-5 MP H-68-2 H-10 Walter Reed Hospital MP C-'74-14 C-22 MP H-73-1 H-13 Workability MP 6-737 C-12 TM 2-428 H-41 MP 6-849 C-14 Bull Shoals Dam TM 2-234 H-35 TR 6-598 C-33 Cutoff Walls CR S-70-7 S-106 Condition Survey MP 4-3 S-4 Denison Dam MP 2-31 H-4 HP 4-213 S-9 Detroit Dam TH 2-302 H-38 MP 4-451 S-15 Enid Dam TR 2-510 H-43 Altus Air Force Base MP S-73-14 S-40 Inlets of Earth Dam MP H-69-3 H-11 Bangor International Airport MP S-73-52 S-43 Keystone Dam TR 2-555 H-44 Beale Air Force Base MP S-73-18 S-41 Melvern Dam MP H-77-5 H-17 Bicycle Armv Airfield MP 4-924 S-25 Narrows Dam TM 2-294 H-37 Biggs Army Airfield MP S-73-10 S-40 Pine Flat Dam TM 2-375 H-40 21-INDEX Term ~------------- Conduit (Cvnt) Con sol idated Rend Lake Dam TR H-75-2 H-61 Soils CR 1-73/4 S-103 Summersville Dam MP 2-988 H-10 Undrained Triaxial Compression Table Rock Dam TR 2-504 H-43 Tests MP S-70-8 S-32 Cone TR S-75-13 S-92 Criteria R 18-2 P-4 Consolidation MP S-70-18 S-31 Index Dredged Material in Confined Measurements MP 4-327 M-2 Disposal Areas TR D-76-1 E-5 Relations MP 4-457 M-3 Earth and Rockfill Dams CR S-77-4 S-102 Penetration Fine-Grained Dredged Material TR D-77-16 E-7 Method MP 3-478/4 S-15 Zoned Dams CR S-77-4/II S-102 Resistance TR 3-652/4 M-21 Con sol idometers B 12 S-1 Test Data MP 3-749 S-21 Constitutive Penetrometer CR S-69-4 S-116 Equation MP S-74-18 S-45 IR 7 S-2 Model MP S-71-13 S-35 MP 3-455 S-15 Engineering Materials MP S-77-19 S-51 MP 4-899 M-7 Ground Motion R 18-1 P-4 Calculations TR S-71-4/3 S-87 TR 3-462 M-20 Predictions CR S-71-10/2 S-118 Sounding Property MP S-72-1"3 S-17 Device MP 3-4 S-4 TR S-77-3 S-94 Tests, Reid Bed ford Bend Earth Media TR S-73-6 S-89 Revetment R 5-6 P-1 Ground Motion Calculations CR S-75-2 S-119 Velocity MP M-69-7 M-9 Relation MP S-78-14 S-53 Conemaugh Dam TM 2-272 H-37 RR S-76-2/1 S-53 Coney Island, New York MP H-75-2 H-14 RR S-76-2/5 S-54 Conference Construction Aquatic Plant Control Coastal Zone R 2-75 CERC-19 Program Equipment MP S-75-1 S-46 22-24 October 1975 MP A-76-1 M-47 TR D-77-1 E-5 19-22 October 1976 MP A-77-3 M-47 TR D-77-7 E-6 Project, 12 January 1971 MP M-47 Index MP 4-100 S-6 Inspectors Manual for Flexible Computer-Aided Design in Pavements TM S-72 Structural Engineering Z-6 Joints MP C-75-10 C-23 Earth and Concrete Dams MP S-33 Material CR D-74-2 E-2-'l Foundations and Embankment f~P C-75-11 C-23 Construction Z-1 MP S-76-26 S-50 Integrated Systems of Aquatic SR 10 CERC-25 Plant Control, 29-30 October TR S-69-7 S-85 1973 MP M-47 Munitions TR M-69-3 M-25 Potamology Tactical Bridge Approach Roads TR S-77-1 S-94 Investigations R 11-1 P-2 Contact Burst TR 1-770/1 11-32 R 11-6 P-2 TR N-76-7 W-40 Program R 11-8 P-2 TR N-76-10 IV-41 Seismic Propagation Study MP M-10 Container Soil Handler MP M-75-8 M-n Potamology Handling Vehicles MP S-72-34 S-38 Investigation R 11-3 P-2 Containment Program R 11-7 P-2 Area Stability of Mississippi Design TR D-78-12 E-14 River Banks R 11-5 P-2 Dredged ~1aterial TR D-77-21 E-8 Confined Effluent TR D-78-54 E-19 Disposal Facility CR D-74-6 E-23 Area CR D-74-4 E-21 Management TR D-77-19 E-7 TR D-76-1 E-5 Operation TR DS-78-9 E-27 TR D-77-16 E-7 Structures TR D-78-31 E-17 TR D-78-16 E-15 Contaminant TR D-78-24 E-16 Dispersion CR H-75-1/ TR D-78-43 E-18 17-5 H-70 Dredged Material TR DS-78-11 E-27 Dredged Materials TR D-76-4 E-5 Sites CR D-75-5 E-24 Release TR D-73-49 E-19 Soils CR S-69-2 S-108 TR D-78-45 E-18 Confinement of Dredged Material TR D-74-2 E-5 Contaminated Dredged Material TR DS-78-8 E-27 Congercote MP 4-134 S-7 TR DS-78-14 E-27 Conneaut Harbor TR 2-617 H-46 Contamination Dispersion in Connecting Channel for Tioga Estuaries MP 2-332 H-6 and Hammond Lakes TR H-76-6 H-64 22-INDEX Terl'!.------------------------Term ,l?.!!ll_e_ Continental Shelf MP 1-66 CERC-7 Cordell Hull Navigation Lock TR 2-739 H-51 MR 77-11 CERC-11 Core MP 6-493/2 C-8 MR 79-4 CERC-12 MP 6-570 C-8 MR 80-4 CERC-12 Barrel TM 71-18 V/-26 MR 82-10 CERC-14 Concrete TR 6-522 C-31 R 22-73 CERC-18 Structures TR 6-629 C-34 TM 29 CERC-27 Dam RR S-72-1 S-54 TM 34 CERC-27 Petrographic Report TM C-28 TM 42 CERC-28 Drill Methods MP S-75-17 S-47 TM 45 CERC-28 Drilling in Frozen Ground TR 3-534 S-77 TM 47 CERC-28 Highway Bridges in Georgia CTIAC-12 C-40 TM 54 CERC-29 MP C-73-11 C-21 TP 76-2 CERC-30 Material B 14 S-1 TP 78-4 CERC-32 Possum Kingdom Dam TM 113-2 S-56 TP 79-2 CERC-32 Tatum Salt Dome TR 6-614 C-34 TP 79-3 CERC-32 Coring Device MR 82-8 CERC-14 Sediment R 24-73 CERC-18 Corporal Missile MP 4-392 S-14Contouring System MP T-70-1 MS-9 CorpsContra Costa County TR H-78-14 H-68 Data Communication System MP K-76-2 MS-7Contract Reports IR 0-74-2 MS-3 of EngineersContraction Works R 21-2 P-4 CBR Design Procedures MP 4-252 S-10 Control Committee on Tidal Aquati" Plants M-50 Hydraulics TB 18 Z-10 MP A-77-2 M-47 Dams MP 6-415 C-7 TR A-78-2 M-49 Division and District Bunker CR N-77-1 W-48 Offices TR M-75-2/2 M-31Gates CR H-69-1 H-71 Dredged Material Research MP 2-484 H-7 Program MP D-73-8 E-2Housing MP C-76-10 C-24 MP D-73-9 E-2Shaft 4, Fort Peck Dam TH 2-402 H-41 MP D-74-12 E-2Stru"ture MP H-73-7 H-14 Facilities TR S-77-2 S-94 TM s-61 Kneading Compactor MP 4-261 S-10 TM 3-249 S-61 Recreati.on Area MP Y-76-1 E-29 TM 2-275 H-37 MP Y-77-5 E-30 TR 2-447 H-112 Tidal Projects TB 12 Z-10 TR H-76-15 H-65 Corpus Christi Pass, Texas Z-12 TR ll-77-2 H-66 GITI 8 CERC-5 Denison Dam TM 161-1 H-32 GITI 9 CERC-5 Little Sioux River TR 2-762 H-52 Corral Bay TM 2-382 H-40 Controlled Corrosion TM 27 CERC-27 Blasting TR E-75-1 \o/-39 Tests of Metals, Sardis Dam MP 3-86 S-6Release Herbiaides TR M-48 Corrugated TR A-78-1 M-49 Metal Convair Landing Mat MP 4-656 s-19 Cover Designs TR N-76-6 W-40Converging ·Supercritiaal Flow MP H-76-19 H-17 Pipe MP 2-699 H-9 Conversati-onally Oriented Real- Steel Pipe MP 4-657 S-19 Time Program-Generating System MP Corson MS-7 Inlets TR H-78-11 H-68 Convex Chutes MP H-76-19 H-17 Cost Conveyors to Transport Mass Estimates for a Hardened Concrete TR C-74-4 C-38 Military Command Center MP N-78-6 W-13Cook Inlet Z-11 Explosive Excavation TM 71-1 W-25Cool Water Disaharge MP H-77-13 H-18 Minimization Computer Code TM 72-1 W-26Cooling Water MP 2-125 H-4 Costa Rica Canal Shoaling MP 2-407 H-6 No. 1 MP 4-355/5 M-3Channel TR /4 H-48 No. 2 MP 4-355/8 M-3Cooper Cottonwood Dam MP 3-258 S-10 Bar TM 17-1 S-55 MP 6-329 C-6 TM 17-2 S-55 MP 3-339 S-12 Springs Dams TR H-72-1 H-57 MP 3-359 s-n Cover TM s-61 Designs TR N-76-6 W-40 River Z-12 Layers MP 2-296 H-6 MP H-76-5 H-16 MP 2-372 H-6 MP H-77-14 H-18 RR 2-11 H-27 TR 2-733 H-50 Cow Island TM 112-1 H-31 Coordinate Systems MP H-78-9 H-19 Cowan sque Dam TR H-76-12 H-64 Coos Bay-South Slough Complex TR H-78-22 H-69 COWBOY MP 6-419 C-7Copan Dam TR H-70-9 H-56 Cowlitz River Restoration TR 13 Z-8Copperclad Steel Wires TR 6-613/2 C-34 CPM Computer Code TM 71-30 W-26 Coral TR E-72-23 tl-37 Reefs TM 4 CERC-37 23-INDEX ~T~er~m~----------------- ~1'!.------------------ Crack Crater (Cent) Arrest Techniques TR C-74-7/1 C-38 Slope (Cent) MP S-72-2 s-16 Sealing MP 4-436 S-14 PNE 234F '11-14 Survey CTIAC-60 C-44 TM 68-8 \-1-21 Cracking Stability TM 65-12 W-20 Con<:>retes MP 6-796 C-13 TM 68-6 \1-21 Earth and Rockfill Dams CR S-69-5 S-106 TM 68-7 \-1-23 CR S-70-7 S-106 Soil and Rock MP S-69-34 S-30 CR S-71-11 S-107 TR 27 \i-29 Induced by Environmental MP S-71-10 S-34 Stability Studies PNE 5013 PNE 1107 ',-/-18 W-16 Effects MP 6-796 C-13 Theory CR 2-19 vl-43 Kansas City Floodwall MP 6-72 C-2 Cratered Slopes CR 3-75 s-105 Low-Embankment Dams Craney Island Disposal Area Crater CR S-74-3 MP H-72-8 MP 2-524 S-101 H-13 W-3 Cratering TR 3-699/2 TR 3-699/6 MP E-73-3 S-82 S-82 \i-9 MP 1-677 W-3 MP E-74-2 W-10 MP N-75-5 W-11 MP N-71-8 \i-8 PNE 508 W-15 MP N-72-6 \i-8 PNE 601F W-15 MP N-75-3 \·1-11 PNE 904F W-16 PNE 300P \i-14 PNE 1103 W-16 PNE 5011 vl-18 PNE 1120 W-17 TM 65-9 vl-20 PNE 5012-I W-18 TM 67-5 vl-22 TM 65-4/A W-20 TM 67-17 \i-22 TM 65-8 \~-20 TM 69-11 \·1-211 TM 66-5 W-21 TR 28 W-29 TM 67-3 W-22 TR 37 \i-29 TR 30 W-29 TR 2-478 \-1-.10 TR 38 \-1-29 TR 2-471 W-30 Detonations ~1P E-74-3 \·/-10 TR 3-699 S-82 MP E-75-1 14-10 Area TM 66-15 \-1-21 TR 19 \1-29 TM 67-1 W-22 Device Simulation MP N-76-12 vl-12 TM 69-7 W-24 MP N-76-15 W-12 Barriers to Mobility MP 11-71-4 M-10 MP N-78-2 \i-1 1 MP M-73-5 M-11 TR E-73-6 ~1-38 MP M-73-6 M-11 Effects TR N-71-3 \F38 Data Design Test Series TM 70-15 MP N-76-6 W-25 W-12 Clay Loess TM /8 TM \i-27 \i-27 Dimensions TM 66-18 W-22 Sand TM W-27 Disturbance Zone Delineation TR N-75-5 MP S-69-6 W-40 S-28 Surface TM 17 '1/-27 Ejecta Characteristics MP N-76-7 W-12 Buri.ed HE Charges Underground Explosions TR 2-482 MP 1-778 11-30 W-4 Dust MP 1-754 \~-4 Experiments TM 71-7 W-25 Measurements MP 1-853 W-5 TM 71-8 W-25 MP N-71-1 W-8 Fort Polk Z-7 Near-Surface Bursts Z-15 Shallow \later MP 1-946 W-6 Engineering Structures MP E-72-2 W-8 Explosions ™66-8 \i-21 Fallback Slopes TR 14 H-28 TR N-74-1 \i-39 Measurements MP 2-490 W-2 Greenland Icecap Snow MP N-70-6 \1-7 MP 2-529 MP 1-663 MP 1-764 W-3 \~-3 \4-4 High Explosive Charges Kinetics Layered Media TR 2-547 MP N-77-2 TR E-72-31 \i-30 \·/-12 1.1-38 MP 1-896 W-5 Mechanisms CR 3-75 S-1 05 MP 1-987 MP N-78-3 PNE 502F \·/-6 W-13 vl-14 Series TR 3-699/2 TR 3-699/6 TR 35 S-82 S-82 \·1-29 Modeling Permanent Displacement TM 68-14 W-23 Z-15 Site TR E-73-3 MP 3-902 \;-'18 S-24 Measurement MP 2-424 \'1-2 TR N-76-4 \i-40 MP N-76-1 \4-11 Tests Tt~ 70-11 \1-25 MP N-77-1 W-12 TM 70-15 W-25 Resulting from Repeated Crawling Vehicles t1P 11-69-6 11-8 Explosions MP N-68-1 \-1-6 Creep TR C-72-1 C-37 TR 1-665 W-31 TR C-72-11 C-28 Slope MP 3-662 S-19 Concrete CTIAC-24 C-41 MP S-68-3 S-27 HP 6-132 C-3 MP S-68-8 S-27 24-INDEX Term Term Page Creep ( Cont) Current (Cont) R 81-2 CERC-22 Con,.,rete (Cont) MP C-70-1 C-17 TM 7 CERC-37 MP C-70-20 C-18 TM 10 CERC-26 MP C-77-3 C-24 TM 57 CERC-29 Mass Con~rete MP 6-112/3 C-3 TR H-69-12/2 H-55 Tests MP 6-61V2 C-9 TR H-69/12/3 H-55 MP S-76-15 S-49 TR H-73-13 H-63 Crescent City Harbor TM 2-413 H-41 Direction Indicator TM 71-1 MS-10 TR H-68-6 H-54 Duluth-Superior Harbor MP 2-502 H-7 TR H-71-2 H-57 East River MP H-69-7 H-11 Breakwater MP 2-171 H-5 Estuaries and Canals TB 16 Z-10 Tsunami Model TR H-69-9 H-55 Indicator MP 5-28 MS-4 Crete TM 3-343/65-Observations CETA 80-3 CERC-3 66 S-68 TM 13 CERC-37 Crtssy Armv Airfield TR 1-466/17 S-76 Pattern Mosaics TR H-75-4/5/B H-62 Crosby Slough MP D-78-2 E-4 Prediction TM 58 CERC-29 Cross Sea-Level Canal TM 65-15 \1-20 Country Velocity R 2-68 CERC-16 Locomotion Model MP M-71-7 M-10 Curvilinear Regression Analyses MP 5-667 MS-5 Per forma nee MP M-70-7 M-9 Cushioning Materials CR 6-127 C-46 Vehi,.,le TR 3-783 M-24 Cutoff P I H-26 Performance TR M-70-7/I M-26 Rockv Reach Hydroelectric Over Galleries, Kaskaskia Lock CTIAC-60 C-44 Project MP 2-417 H-7 Crossett, Arkansas TM 1-331/9 M-19 Walls CR S-70-7 S-106 CROSSHOLE MP S-78-8 S-51 CV-2 Aircraft TR 3-790 M-25 Cru:;hed CW 462-F TM S-63 Aggregate Base Course Tt1 3-271/9 S-62 Cyclic Cellular Concrete MP C-74-8/2 C-22 Load Tests of Steel Pile Stone Bases MP 4-559 S-17 Connectors MP C-74-13 C-22 Crust Management TR D-77-17 E-7 Loading CR S-77-3 S-101 Cu.-,aracha Formation, Panama MP C-78-5 C-26 Canal MP S-74-16 S-45 RR S-76-2/6 S-54 Culebra Slides TR S-79-9/1 S-86 Shear CR S-76-8 S-115 Culvert Strength of Undisturbed Sands TR S-78-10 S-95 Outlet:> MP H-72-5 H-13 Triaxial TR H-74-9 H-61 Compression Tests MP S-74-29 S-46 Pressures, Greenup Lock TR 2-734 H-50 Center Hill Dam MP S-74-5 S-44 Research MP 4-801 S-22 \-latts Bar Nuclear Power Storm-Drain Outlets RR H-70-2 H-27 Plant Site MP S-74-9 S-44 Cumberland Results MP S-76-5 S-48 Maryland TR 2-448 H-42 Test CR S-76.:.1 S-102 River MBM 23-1 H-23 CR S-77-1 S-102 MBM 23-3 H-23 Testing Techniques MP S-76-6 S-48 TR Il-75-11 Il-62 Cylinders CR 2-~9 H-47 Curing CR 1-93 \·1-47 Compounds MP 6-166 C-11 MP 6-476 C-7 MP 4-819/1 S-22 R 19-73 CERC-18 MP C-75-10 C-21 TR 1-720 W-32 TR C-69-7 C-37 TR N-72-7/1 \-1-37 Concrete TR 6-440 C-31 TR N-78-8 ~1-42 Soil-Lime TR S-76-9 S-91 TR N-78-9 <1-42 Current Z-12 Buried CETA 81-14 CERC-4 Clay Specimens MP 3-768 S-21 MP 2-67 CERC-7 Dense, Dry Sand TR N-69-6 W-34 MP 5-248 MS-4 Sand TR 1-821 W-38 MP 2-641 H-8 TR N-71-1 11-38 MP 2-912 H-10 Dynamic Loading CR 1-95 W-47 MP 2-952 H-10 TR N-76-5 11-40 MP 2-953 H-10 Sand MP 1-810 W-5 MP H-69-11 H-11 Static MP H-72-8 H-13 Dynamic Loadings TR 1-682 W-31 MP H-72-10 H-13 Loading CR 1-147 \-1-48 MP H-76-9 H-16 Cylindrical MP H-78-6/2 H-19 Charge Tests TM 71-6 W-25 MR 76-11 CERC-1 0 Shell CR N-70-2 ~1-48 MR 82-7 CERC-14 Test Beds CTIAC-56 C-44 MR 83-6 CERC-15 Cylindrically Cased Equivalence MR 83-'7 CERC-15 Charge MP N-77-8 W-13 R 76-3 CERC-20 Cypress Creek Basin TR 3-798 S-84 R 81-1 CERC-22 25-INDEX _ ~!:!!!. Term Dakota Sandstone, San Ysidro, Deep (Cont) Water TM 40 CERC-39 New Mexico TR S-77-3 S-94 197-1 Disposal D-77-24/F E-10 Dale Hollow Dam TM H-34 Site TR Dam CR S-77-4 S-102 Point Range TM 2-231 li-35 MP s-'3 Well System for Dewatering MP 'l-185 S-9 MP 2-386 W-2 Defense Research Establishment, MP H-68-1 H-10 Suffield CR S-69-3 S-104 RR S-76-2 S-54 Deflecting Walls MP S-69-25 S-30 TR 1-770 W-32 Deflection TR S-78-3 S-95 Coverage Relationship MP S-71-18 S-35 Alignment MP 0-73-12 MS-8 Moving Tires TR 1-516 M-20 Instrument MP 0-73-4 MS-8 Reinforced Concrete.Flat Slabs TR C-70-1 C-37 Construction in Dimond Gorge TM 67-18 W-22 Deformable-Body Solution CR S-75-4/ No. 36, Ohio River TM 64-1 H-30 Suppl S-102 TM 64-2 H-30 De format ion TR S-77-10 S-94 TM 64-3 H-30 Concrete TR C-75-4 C-38 No. 37, Ohio River p D H-26 Flexible Airport Pavements TR S-77-8 S-94 Site at the Waterways ExperiProperties of Rock Fill TR S-78-1 S-94 ment Station TM 70-1 S-55 DeGray Dam MP 6-579 C-9 ~/arrior River TM 138-1 S-57 MP 6-596 C-9 Damage MP S-73-25/1 S-41 Contact Burst TR 1-770/1 W-32 TR 2-684 H-48 TR N-76-10 \-1-41 Del Rio Clay Shale TR S-71-6/5 S-87 Damping MP S-72-11/2 S-36 Delaware TP 76-18 CERC-31 Bay MP 4-59 CERC-36 Capacity of Soil MP S-72-11 S-36 Dam TM 205-1 H-34 Dana Point Harbor TR 2-724 H-50 Estuary Z-11 TR 2-725 H-50 Z-12 DANNY BOY MP 6-570 C-8 River Z-12 MP 6-640 C-10 MP 2-332/1 H-6 MP 1-673 \-1-'l MP 2-158 fl-6 MP 1-754 W-4 MP H-76-17 H-17 PNE 5005 W-18 TR 2-457 li-42 H-30 Dardanelle Lock TR 2-573 H-45 Entrance TM 93-1 TR H-69-5 H-54 TM 93-3 H-30 and Dam TR 2-558 H-44 Estuary Model RR H-75-1/1 H-29 DARM TR D-78-27 E-17 Model MP 2-114 H-4 MP 2-125 H-4 Data Acquisition System TM 21 CERC-27 MP 2-407 H-6 Base Development TR M-78-1 M-33 RR H-75-2/2 H-29 Processing Equipment MP K-73-7 MS-6 TM 2-337 H-38 Reduction MP 5-343 MS-4 DeLong Pier MP S-76-12 S-48 Found at ion MP 3-78 S-6 Dauphin Island MP H-77-11 H-18 Little Creek TR 3-463 S-75 Davis Norfolk, Virginia MP 3-157 S-8 Air Force Base MP 6-236 C-5 Tests Field MP 4-356 S-12 Fort Eustis TR 3-1150 S-74 Monthan Air Force Base MP 4-91 S-6 Le Verdon, France TM 3-423 S-73 MP 4-213/1 S-9 Delta B 2/3 H-1 TM 3-344/4 S-71 Barrage, United Arab Republic MP 2-607 H-8 Davison Army Airfield MP S-68-26 S-28 Demersal Fish TR D-77-6/D E-6 MP S-72-20 S-37 TR D-77-30/E E-11 TR 3-466/2 S-75 Demolition of Ft. Meade Dam MP E-73-1 \-1-9 DCA-1295 MP S-75-21 s-47 Demopolis Lock and Dam TM 2-252 H-36 Debris B 10 S-1 Denison Dam MP 2-31 H-4 TM 94-1 S-56 ™161-1 H-32 TM 94-2 S-56 TM 177-1 H-33 Decapod Shellfish TR D-77-30/E E-11 Denmark TM 1-343/ Decoupling of Ground Shock MP N-74-1 l>'-10 57-60 S-68 Deep Densification CR S-76-8 S-115 Beams CR 1-106 W-47 TR D-77-4 E-6 MP N-68-3 W-7 Density IR S-74-1 S-1 MP N-71-2 W-8 MP 4-117 M-2 TR 1-676 W-31 MP 4-495 S-16 TR 1-701 \-1-31 MP M-71-1 t~-9 Draft Harbors RR H-76-1 H-29 MP S-69-15 S-29 Slabs TR N-69-2 W-33 MP S-72-37 S-38 and MP S-77-18 S-51 W-34 TR 3-652/4 M-21 Changes of Sand R 12-1 P-2 26-INDEX Term Term -----·--------------··---·--~"-=------------------ Density (Cant) Dewatered Currents CR 2-1 H-73 Dredged Material MP D-78-3 E-4 and TR D-77-33 E-11 H-74 Dewatering MP H-69-6 H-11 Dredged Material CR D-76-10 E-22 TB 2 Z-6 MP D-77-2 E-4 Determinations MP D-77-4 E-4 Base Courses and Soils MP 4-197 S-9 TR D-77-19 E-7 Soils TM 1-415 s-n TR D-78-5 E-14 Sands RR S-76-2/4 S-54 TR DS-78-11 E-27 Soils MP S-76-18 S-49 Excavation MP 3-185 S-9 Variations TM 3-240/1 M-17 Low Sill Structure, Old Depere Lo~k and Dam CTIAC-51 C-43 River MP 3-200 S-9 Depoe Bay, Oregon TM 23 CERC-27 Dewey Dam TM 191-1 H-33 Depth Determination TM5 CERC-27 Dhahran Airfield TM 3-343/124 S-71 TM 9 CERC-37 Dial Pack MP M-71-4 M-10 Desalination Plants RR H-71-2 H-28 MP N-72-4 IV-8 Desert TR 3-630 S-80 MP N-72-9 W-9 Alluvi.um TM 65-9 W-20 TR N-71-8 W-36 TR N-71-3 W-38 TR N-73-4 \-1-38 Sand MP M-75-8 M-13 TR N-74-3 \·/-39 TR M-71-5/2 M-28 DIAMOND ORE CR E-74-1 W-46 Terrain Analogs TR 1-506 S-77 TR E-73-6 W-38 United States CR S-116 TR E-74-3 W-39 Desic~ated Clays MP S-69-20 S-29 Phase Design I TM 71-15 W-26 Changes on Vehicle Performan~e MP M-72-2 M-10 IIA MP M-73-6 M-11 Criteria B 37 H-2 Diaphragm Orifices TM 91-1 MS-10 Drainage \/ells Tt~ 195-1 S-58 DICE THROI/ Membrane-Enveloped Fine-Event TR N-77-2 W-41 Grained Soil Layers TR S-74-9 S-91 Mobility Experi.ments MP M-77-12 M-15 Earthquakes MP S-73-1/7 S-39 I and II MP S-49 Hurric,anes TP 77-13 CERC-31 MP S-50 Wave TR H-76-1 H-63 Series Z-15 Destabilizing Soils with Dickey Chemicals MP 4-186 S-9 Lake MP Y-76-7 E-30 Destruction of Earthen Tunnels MP 1-930 \-1-6 Li.ncoln School Detecti.on Damsites, Maine MP S-77-2 S-50 Calcium Sulfates and Magnesium Lakes Hydrothermal Model TR H-76-22 H-66 Oxide in Fly Ash MP C-76-5 C-23 Dictionary MP M-13 Subsurface Cavities MP S-51 DIDO QUEEN MP C-74..:8/1 C-22 MP S-73-40 S-42 Differential Tunnels TR 3-769 M-24 Equations MP K-72-1 MS-5 Deteriorated Con"'rete Blocks MP C-75-8 C-23 Movements of Adjacent Deterioration Monoliths MP 4-124 S-7 Concrete Pressure Gage Directional Dams MP 6-845 C-13 Wave Monitor MR 82-11 CERC-14 Davis Air Force Base MP 6-216 C-5 Diffusion R 9-74 CERC-19 Eisenhower Lock MP 6-929 C-15 Digital Sidewalks and Curbs MP 6-866 C-14 Bathymetric Data CETA 81-13 CERC-4 MP 6-900 C-14 Data MP M-76-16 M-14 Pavements TR S-78-8 S-95 Filters TR N-75-3 \-1-40 Detonation MP 3-869 S-23 Data Reduction MP N-70-1 \1-7 t1P N-71-6 \v-8 Explosion Effects Analysis TR N-71-7 W-36 Desert Alluvium TR N-73-3 W-38 Image Processing MP M-78-4 M-16 Layered Medium MP N-72-92 W-9 Recording of Reservoir Inflow Over Granite TR N-72-6 W-37 and Outflow B 63-1 MS-1 16-Ton Charge Deep in Granite MP N-70-4 \;-7 Dike MP 2-723 H-9 Detroit MP 2-860 H-10 Arsenal MP 4-888 S-24 MP H-69-13 H-11 Dam TM 2-260 H-36 PL H-26 TM 2-302 H-38 R 2-2 P-1 Devil's TR D-77-9 E-7 Island Reach TR H-73-1 H-59 Lake Traverse Project TM 118-1 S-56 Kitchen Dam MP 6-158 C-3 Location p 11 H-26 MP 6-165 C-3 Materi.al R 21-1 P-4 MP 6-257 C-5 Raising with Dewatered FineGrained Dredged Material MP D-78-3 E-4 27-INDEX _T_e_rm_________________ Term Re12,ort No. Dike (Cont) Disposal (Cont)Rehabilitation TM 2-337/4 H-38 Operations CR D-75-6 E-22 Study, Coney Island, New York MP H-75-2 H-14 TR D-78-10 E-17 Systems R 21-3 P-4 PCB-Contaminated Sediment TR D-77-24/B E-9 Mississippi River MP H-70-1 H-11 Site TR D-77-20 E-7 Dilatational Wave Propagation CR 3-26/8 s-110 TR D-78-7 E-14 Dilation in Sand CR 3-26/13 s-110 Hawaiian Islands MP H-77-6 H-17 Dillingham, Alaska Z-11 Middle Mississippi River MP Y-74-6 E-29 Dillon Dam TM 2-264 H-37 Techniques to IdentifyDilution Contour Plots RR H-71-2/I/2 H-28 1/ildlife Habitat Develop-Dimensional Analyses MP E-75-1 1-1-10 ment Factors MP D-77-5 E-4 Dimethylamine and Integrated Dissipation of "Elastic" Wave Control TR M-48 Energy CR 3-53 S-105 Dimond Gorge TM 67-18 W-22 Dissolved Oxygen in Dickev Lake MP Y-76-7 E-30 Diorite Boulders Z-18 Distant Plain MP 4-977 S-26 Diquat for Control of Egeria Apparent Crater Ejectaand Hydrilla TR M-48 Measurements MP 1-901 W-5Disaggregation CR 3-138 s-116 Events Discharge 1, 2A, 3, 4, and 5 TR N-71-3 l-1-36 Dredged or Fill Material into 1A MP S-73-21 S-41 Navigable Waters MP D-76-17 E-3 6 and 1A TR N-70-14 W-36 Duration MBM 23-2 H-23 Project 3.01 MP N-71-1 ~1-8 Hydrographs for Arkansas River MBM 44-1 H-24 Ditching with TNT MP N-77-7 W-13 Rating Curves for Vertical Diversion Tunnel, Long Lake,Lift Gates MP 2-606 H-8 Alaska MP H-71-7 H-12 Discrete Explosion-Produced Divide Cut Drainage Structures TR H-76-18 H-65 Crater-Ejecta Characteristics 11? N-76-7 \-1-12 Division Laboratory Tests on Diseases at Habitat Development Standard Soil Samples MP 3-813 S-22 Fteld Sites MP D-78-1 E-4 Diyarbakir Air Base TM 3-~43/71 S-69Disintegration of Concrete from Dock Expansion at Newport News MP H-72-10 H-n Tuscaloosa Lock and Dam TM C-27 Docking and Unloading Facility MP H-71-8 H-12 Dispersion Documentation for Modified Proposed Theodore Industrial Uframe Program TR K-76-1 MS-11 Park Effluents MP H-77-3 H-18 Dogtooth Bend TM 109-1 H-31Chemical Constituents CR D-76-1 E-24 Dolos R 1-73 CERC-17 Dispersive Armor Units TR H-77-19 H-67 Clay MP 0-76-1 MS-9 Domes Buried in Sand CR 3-26/12 S-110 TR S-75-15 S-92 Dominica MP M-70-1 ll-9Displacement MP M-69-8 M-9 Dow Earth Embankments MP S-71-17/5 S-35 Air Force Base MP 6-326 C-6 Gage MP 1-644 W-3 Chemical Measurements MP 2-424 W-2 Extruded MP N-75-5 \-1-11 Aluminum Landing Mat MP S-71-28 S-36Disposal MP S-73-9 S-40 Alternative for Contaminated Modified MX18-B MP S-69-4 S-28 Dredged Material TR DS-78-8 E-27 XM18E1 I~P S-69-51 S-31Area CR D-74-4 E-21 Landing Mat MP S-63-9 S-27 CR D-74-3 E-25 Medium-Duty Mat MP S-69-22 S-29 CR D-H-2 E-22 Truss-~leb Landing Mat MP S-72-40 S-38 MP D-75-13 E-2 MP S-74-6 S-44 MP H-72-8 H-13 Landing Mat MP S-69-17 S-29 TR D-76-1 E-5 MP S-69-40 S-31 TR D-77-16 E-7 Truss Web Landing Mat CR S-75-3 S-118 TR D-77-22 E-8 MP S-75-9 S-47 TR D-78-16 E-15 11? S-75-13 S-47 TR DS-78-7 E-27 Downpull Measuring Apparatus MP 5-87 MS-4 TR H-75-13/1 H-63 Downwash James River MP H-75-1 H-14 Data MP S-74-17 S-45Reuse MP D-76-16 E-3 Protection MP S-75-19 S-47Management TR DS-78-12 E-27 Velocity Measurements HP S-72-31 S-38 TR D-78-27 E-17 Dozer Storage CapacitY TR D-77-4 E-6 Blades MP M-78-5 M-16 Criteria CR D-74-1 E-25 Surface Mining of Coal MP M-76-4 M-13 CR D-75-4 E-25 Drag R 81-11 CERC-22Dewatered Dredged Material TR D-77-33 E-11 Coefficient TM 24 CERC-27Dredged Material MP D-74-13 E-2 TM 56 CERC-29 MP D-74-14 E-2 Force MP H-70-4 H-12 Open Ocean TR D-78-2 E-14 Shrinkage Z-7 28-INDEX Term Reeort No. _r_er_,~------------------ Drainage Dredged (Cont) Base Course Materials TR 3-786 S-84 Material (Cont) Criteria Z-16 Confined Disposal Areas TR D-76-1 E-5 Distri~t No.17, Mississippi TR D-77-16 E-7 Countv, Arkansas TR H-77-12 H-67 Containment CR D-76-8 E-24 Erosion Control Facilities MP H-73-6 H-B TR D-78-19 E-16 Fine-Grained Dredged Material TR D-77-16 E-7 TR D-78-58 E-20 Structure ~1P 3-2 S-4 Areas MP D-73-4 E-4 MP 3-17 S-4 TR D-77-1 E-5 ·~P 3-53 S-5 TR D-77-7 E-6 TR H-76-18 H-6S TR D-77-17 E-7 System Z-16 TR D-77-25 E-10 TM 3-425 S-73 TR D-78-18 E-15 New Madrid TM S-60 TR D-78-41 E-1tl Previous Levee:; TM 1~5-1 S-57 rR o-n-53 E-19 Wells TM 151-1 S-57 TR D-78-55 E-19 ™195-1 S-58 TR D-78-56 E-19 Levee Foundations B 11 S-1 TR DS-78-10 E-27 Sardis Darn TM 3-2U7 S-63 TR DS-78-20 E-27 Drained Plane Strain TR S-71-2/2 S-83 Deposits TR D-78-13 E-14 Drai.npi.pe Study MP 4-144 S-8 Discharged in the Estuarine Drawpar Pull MP M-70-10 M-9 Environment CR D-76-5 E-25 ™ 3-240/19 M-18 Dispersion TR DS-78-13 E-27 Drawings in \laterways ExperiDisposal Z-12 ment Station Techni~al CR D-74-1 E-25 Reports MP 5-49 t1S-4 CR D-75-1 E-21 Dredge Spoil Z-12 CR D-75-3 E-26 DredgeJ TR 2-755 H-52 CR D-75-4 E-25 Di sr.harge Pipe TR 2-751 H-52 CR D-76-6 E-26 Disposal Activities TR D-77-24/E E-10 CR D-76-9 E-21 Jadwin TM 2-232 H-35 MP D-75-13 E-2 Produ~tion B 3/2 H-1 MP D-76-6 E-23 Spoil R 2-72 CERC-17 MP D-76-15 E-3 TP 76-7 CERC-30 MP D-77-3 E-4 TR H-72-8 H-58 MP H-77-6 H-18 Dre TR D-77-24/A E-9 Material CR D-71~-2 E-23 TR D-77-24/C E-9 CH D-74-8 E-2~ TR D-77-24/G E-10 CR D-75-5 E-24 TR D-77-43 E-13 CR D-76-1 E-24 TR D-78-22 E-16 MP D-74-13 E-2 TR D-78-34 E-17 MP D-74-14 E-2 TR D-78-45 E-18 t1P D-76-17 E-3 TR D-78-48 E-19 MP D-77-2 E-4 TR DS-78-4 E-27 MP D-77-4 E-4 Benthic Assemblages TR D-77-30/C E-11 MP D-78-3 E-4 Community Structure of MP ll-78-6 E-4 Benthic Organisms MP Y-76-3 E-30 MH 33-3 CERC-15 Effluents TR D-77-37 E-11 TR D-74-1 E-5 Impacts TR DS-78-1 E-27 TR D-74-2 E-5 Marsh-Estuarine Ecosystems TR D-78-52 E-19 TR D-76-2 E-5 Models TR D-78-47 E-19 TR D-77-9 E-7 Monterey Bay TR D-77-27 E-10 TR D-77-10 £-'7 Offshore Biota TR D-77-20/ C E-8 TR D-77-18 E-'1 Open Ocean TR ll-78-2 E-14 TR D-77-19 E-7 Reuse Management TR DS·-78-12 E-27 TR D-77-21 E-3 Techniques to Identify TR D-77-18/C E-12 Wildlife Habitat DevelopTR D-77-38/E E-12 went Factors MP D-77-5 E-4 TR D-77-38/F E-12 Upper Mississippi River TH D-77-39 E-12 at Crosby Slough MP D-78-2 E-4 TR D-77-45 E-13 Elliott Bay TR D-77-24/D E-9 TR D-78-5 E-14 Islands MP D-78-5 E-4 TR D-73-6 E-14 TR D-77-23/ A E-8 TR D-78-20 E-16 TR D-78-1 E-13 TR D-73-36 E-13 TR D-78-8 E-14 TR D-78-50 E-19 TR D-78-9 E-14 A4uatic Animals TR D-78-29 E-17 TR D-78-14 E-15 TR DS-78-18 E-28 29-INDEX Term Term------------------------·--...·--------------------- Dredged ( Cont) Dredging (Cont) Material ( Cont) Frequency TR H-78-5 H-68 Literature Review TR D-77-'B E-11 Practices TR D-78-58 E-20 Marketing CR D-74-7 E-21 Procedures and Operations CR D-76-4 E-23 Marsh TR D-77-23/ Systems for Bea~h Nourishment TR H-76-11/1 H-65 F/II E-9 DRIBBLE MP 6-7Tl C-12 Movement TR DS-78-3 E-27 TR 6-614 C-34 Natural Resource MP D-76-13 E-3 Dr i gh-Road, Karachi , He st Navigation Pool of the Upper Pakistan TM 3-1Wi/126 S-71 Mississippi River TR D-77-31 E-11 Drill MP S-75-17 S-47 Ocean Waters Z-15 Rig B 10 S-1 Open-1-later Disposal Sites TR D-78-7 E-14 B 12 S-1 Overburdens TR D-78-35 E-17 B 13 S-1 Placement Methodology CR D-76-3 E-23 Drive Cylinder IR 2 S-2 Pollution Potential TR DS-78-6 E-27 Drop Processing Operations TR D-77-32 E-11 Structure TR 2-752 H-52 Reclamation and Drainage CR D-74-5 E-22 Cayuga Inlet TR 2-709 H-49 Research Gering Valley Project TR 2-760 H-52 Notes, News, Reviews, etc. IEB D-76-1 Walnut Creek Project TR 2-TlO H-50 thru Table for Consolidating D-76-8 E-1 Cylindrical Concrete IEB D-77-1 Test Specimens MP C-78-17 thru Drum Inlet TR E-73-5 D-77-11 E-1 Dry IEB D-78-1 Dock thru No. 4, Puget Sound Navy Yard TM 189-1 H-:n D-78-9 E-1 YFD-15 TM 219-1 H-35 MP D-73-1 Fill Levee TM 8-1 S-55 thru Ice MP 4-246 S-10 D-73-7 E-2 Season TR M-72-2/1 M-29 MP D-74-1 TR M-Tl-2/1 M-29 thru TR M-Tl-3 M-29 D-74-10 E-2 Drying Rate of Fine-Grained MP D-75-1 Dredged Material TR D-77-10 E-7 thru Dual D-75-12 E-2 Load Generator CR 3-98 S-99 MP D-76-2 E-3 CR 1-99 S-99 t4P D-76-4 E-3 Wheel TR M-'71-8 M-28 Program MP D-73-8 E-2 Duck, North Carolina MR 82-12 CERC-14 MP D-73-9 E-2 Field Research Facility MR 76-6 CERC-10 MP D-74-12 E-2 MR 77-6 CERC-10 Annual Report MR 80-8 CERC-13 1st-3d MP E-2 MR 81-7 CERC-13 4th MP E-3 MR 82-16 CERC-14 Sediments TR D-78-43 E-18 MR 83-4 CERC-15 Separation, Drying, and R 79-12 CERC-21 Rehandling CR D-74-6 E-23 R 83-13 CERC-23 Slurry TR D-78-44 E-18 Ducts with Baffles t4P N-70-3 TR D-78-54 E-19 Dugout MP 1-733 \J-4 Solid Waste Management TR D-77-11 E-7 MP S-68-16 S-27 Subaqueous Disposal Areas TR D-77-22 E-8 PNE 601F \·/-15 Transport Systems TR D-78-28 E-17 PNE 602F H-15 Sediment CR D-77-4 E-23 PNE 609F W-15 TP 80-1 CERC-32 PNE 610F \-1-15 TR D-77-2 E-5 Concrete, Grout, and Shotcrete MP 6-729 C-12 TR D-78-45 E-18 SULKY Craters TM 65-4/A W-20 Movement Tracing in San Dugway Proving Ground t1P 4-976 S-26 Francisco Bay TR N-76-1 \-1-40 TR 3-466/15 S-76 Dredging MP 1-73 CERC-8 DUKFOR CR S-75-14 S-104 MR 82-3 CERC-13 Dulles Test Road TR S-74-10/I S-91 TP 76-15 CERC-30 Duluth TR D-77-20/C E-8 Ship Canal Current Indicator MP 5-28 t4S-4 TR D-77-23/ Superior Harbor MP 2-502 H-7 F/1 E-9 TR 2-616 H-46 TR D-77-27 E-10 Vermillion Study Area MP C-70-9 C-17 Charleston Harbor TR 2-444 H-42 Dune MP 1-62 CERC-36 Disposal MP 1-70 CERC-7 Aquatic Organisms TR DS-78-5 E-27 MP 9-75 CERC-9 Operations CR D-75-6 E-22 30-INDEX Term Term''---- -------·-----·---------------- Dune (Cont) MR 77-8 CERC-11 Dvess Air Force Base MP 4-309 S-11 MR 83-8 CERC-15 MP 4-722/2 S-20 R 3-69 CERC-16 MP S-69-50 S-31 R 25-Tl CERC-18 MP S-72-10 S-35 R 26-73 CERC-18 MP S-73-43 S-42 Erosion R 8'-4 CERC-23 Dyke Marsh Demonstrat ton Area, Formation TM 101 CERC-42 Potomac River TR D-76-6 E-5 Re:;toration TP 80-5 CERC-32 TR D-77-13 E-7 Sand MP 6-408 C-6 Dynamic Stabilization CETA 77-4 CERC-2 Air Overpressure Soil Test I~R 76-1 CERC-10 Facility MP S-75-20 S-47 R 78-12 CERC-21 Analysis Z-6 SR 3 CERC-25 Earth Slopes MP S-78-13 S-53 TM 22 CERC-27 Fort Peck Dam TR S-76-1 S-92 Tl1 101 CERC-42 Axisymmetric, Finite Element TP 80-5 CERC-32 Code MP S-76-1 S-48 Duo-Pa~tor MP 4-272 S-10 Bearing Capacity DuPont Plants Effluent Foundations CR 3-'15 S-107 Dispersion MP 2-222 H-5 Soils CR 3-38 S-107 Durability TR 3-599 S-78 Behavior of Prestressed Behavior Con.-,rete Beams TR 6-570 C-33 Piling TR S-69-10/4 S-86 Concrete B 34 C-1 Soils CR 3-91/1 S-117 MP 6-270 C-5 Foundation Investigations MP 4-878 S-23 ™96 CERC-42 High-Pressure Triaxial Test Test for Stabilized Soils CR 3-63/7 S-112 Device TR S-71-15 S-88 Dust MP 3-418 S-14 Alleviation TR 3-507 S-77 Load MP N-77-3 vl-12 TR 1-714 S-82 TR N-73-5 W-38 TR 3-812 S-84 TR N-76-9 vl-40 Alleviators MP 4-819 S-22 MP 3-418 S-14 Cloud Sampling MP 4-977 S-26 Generator CR 2-'35 il-43 Control CR 11-172 S-104 CR 1-97 W-43 CR S-68-7 S-99 Mortar Baseplates MP S-69-14 S-29 CR S-70-4 S-104 Si.mulator CR N-69-2 W-44 CR S-71-2 S-119 Loading CR 1-95 W-47 MP 4-811 S-22 CR 3-26 S-109 tiP S-69-1 S-28 and Film MP M-76-1 M-13 s-110 Materials IR S-72-3 S-3 MP N-68-5 \'i-1 MP S-72-14 S-37 TR N-69-2 W-33 MP S-73-67 S-44 MP S-72-11 S-36 MP S-73-70 S-44 TR N-76-5 \'1-39 Roads and Airfields CR 3-165 S-114 Gravity Dams CR 2-40 W-45 Sy:Jtem CR S-71-9 S-117 Machine MP 3-445 S-14 Thermal Methods MP S-70-27 S-33 TR 3-599/1 S-78 Palliation CR S-68-5 S-99 Model of Lake Michigan CR 2-46 H-71 Palliative CR 3-174 S-119 Mud Flows TR D-78-46 E-19 CR S-69-1 S-116 Passive Pressure Probleto for MP 4-722 S-20 Sand CR 3-26/18 S-110 MP 4-756 S-21 Properties of Mass Concrete CTIAC-23 C-41 Dustproofing Soils MP 3-176 S-8 MP C-77-6 C-24 TR 3-530 S-77 Response CR 3-26/22 S-111 Dutch Friction-Cone Penetrometer CR S-69-4 S-116 Concrete Arch Bunkers MP N-71-4 W-8 Duwa•nish TR N-71-8 W-36 River Z-12 Footings Buried in Sand TR S-69-6 S-85 Waterway Disposal Site TR D-77-24 E-9 Model Dwellings MP N-75-6 W-11 Arch Dam TR N-76-3 W-40 Dworshak (Bruce's Eddy) Dam MP 6-613 C-9 Buried Field Shelter TR N-70-6 W-35 Dve R 2-74 CERC-19 Rectangular Footings TR S-72-6 S-89 Dispersion MP 2-641 H-8 Shear vlall TR N-69-7 \'1-34 TR H-69-12/2 H-55 Simulated Buried Arch to TR H-69-12/3 fl-55 Blast Loading TR N-71-9 ~1-36 TR H-75-13 H-63 Spectra Patterns MP 2-951 H-10 Cohesive Soils CR 3-148 S-109 Time-Concentration Curves TR H-69-12/ Soils CR 3-62 S-115 2/A fl-55 1'/eapon Found ations CR 3-173 S-116 TR H-69-12/ 3/A H-55 31-INDEX Term Re2_ort No. Term Dynamic (Cont) Earth (Cont) Soil Motion (Cont) TR N-7'-4 \V-38 Stress Measurement CR 1-105 11-45 TR N-74-3 W-19 Tests CR 3-26/3 S-110 Movement CR 3-142 S-115 AASHO Road Test CR 4-79 S-105 CR 1-157 S-116 Foss Field CR 4-85 S-105 Penetration MP S-78-15 S-53 Stiffness TR S-75-14/II S-92 Penetrator MP S-75-15 S-47 Stress MP S-77-23 S-52 Strain CR 3-91 S-117 TR S-78-4 S-95 Terminal Delivery Vehicle CR S-75-1 S-102 TR S-78-13 S-95 Testing Physics CR 3-101 S-112 Devices MP S-75-2 S-46 Pressure Ce 11 MP 5-21 I~S-4 Pavements MP 4-348 S-12 Ro"k Mixtures MP S-70-7 S-32 Tests MP s-n-25 S-41 Large Reinforcing Bar Splices TR N-71-2 lv-36 Slopes MP S-78-13 S-53 Model Stress MP 1-885 W-5 Flexible-Arch-Type MP 1-956 1-1-6 Protective Shelter MP N-71-3 H-8 Target CR S-75-1 S-102 Radome Structure MP N-77-4 W-12 Vibration Effects TR S-71-14 S-88 Wheeled Vehicles TR M-68-1 M-25 Wall TR S-77-6 S-94 Dynamically Loaded Earthen Footings on Sand CR 3-52 S-107 Stru"tures MP N-71-8 11-8 Square Footings on Dry Sand TR S-69-3 S-85 Tunnels MP 1-930 1~-6 Dynapactor MP 4-273 S-11 I~P N-71-6 H-8 Earthquake MP S-73-1/7 S-19 · 1\nalvsis Z-6 MP S-73-1/11 S-39 Eagle Lake, Mississippi p A H-26 Assessment MP S-73-1/5 S-39 Earth CR 3-92 S-119 California MP s-n-111 S-19 CR 3-137 S-105 MP S-76-1 S-48 CR 3-139 S-118 Central United States MP S-71-1/1 S-39 CR 3-92 s-119 MP S-71-1/12 S-39 Anchors MP S-69-18 S-29 Effects MP S-71-17/3 S-35 TR S-71-11 S-88 Engineering MP S-73-1/2 S-39 Covered Structures CTIAC-34 C-42 MP S-74-15 S-45 MP C-78-15 C-26 RR S-76-2/7 S-54 Dam Z-1 Generated SH Waves MP S-77-12 S-51 CR S-69-5 S-106 Ground Hot ion 14? S-B-1/14 S-39 CR S-70-7 S-106 Guatemala MP S-9 CR S-71-11 S-107 Hazards in the United States MP S-73-1 S-39 CR S-72-2 S-101 Intensity MP S-73-1/4 S-39 CR S-73-2 S-101 MP S-Tl-1/16 S-39 CR S-77-4 S-102 MP S-73-1/20 s-40 MP S-3~3 Investigations at the DickeyMP S-71-10 S-34 Lin"oin School Damsites MP S-77-2 S-50 MP S-71-17 S-35 Liquefaction Potential at MP S-71-17/3 S-35 Patoka Dam MP S-72-!12 S-33 Constructed of Dispersive Magnitude MP S-73-1/6 S-39 Clays 1·1P 0-76-1 MS-9 Patoka Damsite MP S-72-41 S-38 Criteria Reports Z-2 Records MP S-71-1/8 S-19 Flood Control Outlet \vorks MP H-69-1 H-11 MP S-B-1/9 S-:<9 Embankments MP S-71-17/5 S-35 Resistance MP S-71-17 S-35 TM 37 CERC-28 Series in the Mississippi Masses TR S-76-11 S-93 Alluvial Valley MP S-77-5 S-50 Materials MP M-76-15 M-14 Site Studies TR N-75-3 \i-40 MP S-72-33 S-38 Earthwork TR 12 11-28 MP S-73-58 S-41 East MP S-78-14 S-53 Anglia, England t~P 4-19 H-2 TR S-76-13 S-93 Barre Dam MP 2-293 ll-5 Media CR 3-168 S-108 Beaver Bav Harbor TM 2-295 ll-37 CR S-75-4 S-102 TM 2-295-1 H-37 TR S-73-6 S-89 TM 2-296 H-37 Melting Penetrator System TR S-78-17 S-96 Bran"h Reservoir, Clarion Motion MP 1-673 W-3 River TM 2-125 H-13 TR 1-759 1/-32 Calumet and West Calumet TR N-70-14 11-16 Floodgates MP 3-37 S-5 TR N-71-3 vl-36 TM S-60 TR N-72-2 W-37 32-INDEX Ter!'!,.___________________ Rel?,ort No. Term East (Cont) Eisenhower Lock MP 6-493 C-8 Culebra MP 6-929 C-15 Slide, Panama Canal TR S-70-9/ TR 6-784 C-35 Suppl S-87 Ejecta Z-15 and West Culebra Slides TR S-70-9/1 S-86 MP M-72-9 M-11 Fortune, Scotland TM 3-14V119 S-71 TM 68-15 W-24 Kirkbv, Lincolnshire, England TM 'l-'343/97 S-70 TR 18 W-28 Lothian, s~otland TM 3-434/119 S-71 Characteristics MP N-76-7 W-12 Pa:;sage, Narragansett Bay TR 2-754 H-52 Effects TM 70-4 H-24 River MP H-69-7 H-11 Impact Parameters CR N-73-2 W-46 TM 125-1 H-32 Measurements MP E-75-3 W-10 Tt1 125-3 H-32 El Adem Air Base, El Adem, Libya TM 3-343/84 S-69 Side Levee and Sanitary El Verde, Puerto Rico MP M-68-3 M-8 Distri~t, East St. Louis, MP M-69-3 M-8 Illinois S-57 Elastic Eatons Ne~k Disposal Site, Constants for Airport Pavement Long Island Sound TR D-77-6 E-6 Materials Z-16 Eau Galle Reservoir TR 2-774 H-52 Constitutive Equation MP S-74-18 S-45 Echo Sounder R 4-1 P-1 Half-Space CR 2-47 W-47 Ecologic Effe~ts of Ejecta MP M-72-9 M-11 CR 2-48 W-47 E'">ologlnal CR 2-51 W-47 Effe~ts of Salinitv Changes CR 2-58 W-47 In Coastal Waters CR H-B-1 H-71 Loop Mobility System TR M-71-1 M-27 Evaluation of Proposed TR M-74-7 M-30 Disr>harge MP D-75-17 E-3 Media MP M-70-6 M-9 Suc"ession and Production in Moduli Z-16 Estuarine Marshes TR D-77-35 E-11 MP 4-577 S-18 Terms MP 2-74 CERC-8 MP 4-933 S-25 Ecologv CR 0-69-1 MS-12 Plastic Pi ;;mo Clams MP 8-75 CERC-8 Constitutive Relation MP S-78-14 S-53 Er.osv~tem TR A-78-2/ MP S-76-2/3 S-54 2/VII M-50 Model Formulations TR S-71-4/1 S-87 t~od eli ng CR Y-77-1 E-35 Soil CR 3-129/4 S-114 TR D-76-1 E-5 Porous Material CR 3-129/1 S-113 Stru"ture TR D-78-3 E-13 Response TR N-69-6 W-34 Eelgrass CETA 82-6 CERC-4 Buried Cylinders in Sand MP 1-810 IV-5 San Diego Bay MP Y-76-2 E-30 Ri.m Wheels TR M-71-6 M-28 Effective Stress CR 3-26/16 S-110 Spheres CR 3-26/19 S-110 Effluent CR D-76-8 E-24 and VIscoelastic Layered TR D-78-16 E-15 Systems MP M-69.,.8 M-9 TR D-78-24 E-16 Wave Energy CR 3-53 S-105 TR D-78-54 E-19 Elasticity of Rock MP C-68-3 C-15 TR DS-78-7 E-2'7 Elastomers MP 4-245 S-10 Delaware River TR 2-457 H-42 Electric Dischar5es in Cooper River MP H-77-14 H-18 Analog Model of the Kansas Di sper .s ion RR H-71-2/II H-28 River MP 2-590 H-8 De1 aware River MP 2-222 fl-5 Meters for Determining Mobile Bay MP H-77-3 H-18 Moisture Content of Fine Quality TR D-77-21/ Aggregate TR 6-1176 C-31 F/I E-9 Electrical TR D-78-18 E-15 Analogy Seepage Model TR 3-619 S-80 Egeria TR M-48 Measuring E:glin Devices MP 3-4:'l2 S-14 Airfield Z-7 MP 3-554 S-17 Air Force Base CR S-69-4 S-116 Equipment TM MS-10 CR 3-70/2 t1-41 Pressure Transducers CR 3-101/5 S-112 MP 4-3/5 S-4 Resistivity Exploration B 33 S-1 MP 4-34 S-5 Stabilization of Fine-Grained MP ~~-110 S-7 Soils MP 3-122/7 S-7 MP 4-722/3 S-20 Electrofishing Survey of the MP M-75-6 M-13 Illinois River CR Y-75-4 E-34 Field Z-13 Electrokinetic CR 3-70/2 M-41 Processes CR 3-73 S-103 No. 9 MP 4-81 S-6 Treatment CR 3-73/5 S-103 Eh, pH, and Salinity TR D-77-40 E-12 Consolidated Soils CR 3-73/4 S-103 Eielson Air Force Base, FairIllitic Soil CR 3-73/1 S-103 banks, 1\laska r~P 4-62 S-5 'l'I-INDEX ______________ __________________________..____ ~.!'!... Term Electromagnetic Energy (Cont) Propagation Constants TR 3-691/5 M-23 Flume TM 61-2 H-'10 Pulse Shields MP N-72-7 \'1-9 TM 61-3 H-30 Sensors MP 4-630 M-5 TM 61-4 H-30 Electron Flux MR 81-4 CERC-1i Microscope MP S-75-11 S-47 TP 80-4 CERC-32 Microscopy CTIAC-4 C-40 TP 82-2 CERC-D Electronic Computers MP 2-133 H-4 Losses CETA 82-2 CERC-4 Electroosmotic Partitioning for Partiallv Dewatering of Dredged Material MP D-77-2 E-4 Confined Explosives TM 2-422 \·1-21 Flow CR 3-73/1 S-103 Ri.ver TM 61-1 H-'10 Phenomenon CR 3-73/2 S-103 Settling Tube ™21 CERC-33 Elizabeth River Dike MP H-69-13 H-11 Spectra TP 80-2 CERC-32 Ellerslie MP 3-2 S-4 Spectrum Analyzer TM 58 CERC-12 Elliott Bay TR D-77-24/A E-9 Transmission in Snow RR 1-4 \1-19 TR D-77-24/D E-9 Engineer Ellsworth Air Force Base MP S-73-12 S-40 Horizontal Construction Model MP S-77-17 S-51 Elmerdorf Air Force Base Officers Career MP 9-708 MS-5 Hospital MP 6-761 C-12 Engineering Elutriate MP D-76-18 E-3 Behavior of Pavement Materials TR S-77-9 S-94 Test MP D-76-7 E-3 Challenges of Dredged Material MP D-78-45 E-2 Research MP D-74-11 E-2 TR D-77-3 E-6 Computer TR D-78-45 E-18 Graphics Colloquium MP MS-6 Embankment Z-17 Notes IEB MS-2 CR S-69-8 S-101 MP K-75-3 MS-6 MP 3-383 S-13 MP K-75-4 MS-6 MP S-75-3 S-46 MP K-75-5 MS-6 TM 67-14 vl-22 MP K-75-7 MS-6 TM 90-1 S-56 MP K-75-8 MS-6 Dams CR S-74-3 S-101 MP K-76-1 MS-7 Design TM 3-279/1 S-63 Condition Survey MP C-78-6/1 C-26 Evaluation with Radar Criteria for Use of SlurryMeasurements MP S-78-10 S-53 Type Explosives MP N-78-5 W-11 Found ations CR 3-76-6 S-101 Geologic TM 3-357/A S-72 Investigations PNE 5005 \-1-18 TR S-68-2 S-84 Map Folio TR 5-622/F S-79 Pore Pressures TR 3-722 S-82 Management Conference MP 5-542 MS-5 Protection p 12 ll-26 Materials MP 1-693 W-4 Stability r1P S-77-10 S-51 MP S-77-19 S-51 Emergency Gate MP 2-622 H-8 Measurement Devices, St. Empirical Johns Bayou Floodgate TM 3-425 S-73 Analysis MP S-77-16 S-51 Properties PNE 957 1-1-16 Method MP S-78-5/18 S-52 Cement-Stabilized Soil MP S-77-14 S-51 MP S-78-5/19 S-52 Cohesive Soils MP S-74-20 S-45 Emplacement Craters PNE 5012-I W-18 Nuclear Explosives PNE 5004F W-17 TM 67-3 <1-22 PNE 5004P W-17 Dredged Material TR D-77-18 E-7 TR 10 W-28 Nuclear Craters TR 3-699 S-82 Stemming Load Measurements MP C-75-1 C-22 Oil Shales MP S-78-3 S-52 Emsworth Locks and Dam, Ohio and s~ientific Research at HES IEB MS-2 River MP C-76-8 C-24 MP 0-79-1 Emulsified Asphalt MP 4-44 S-5 thru End 0-73-11 MS-8 Restraint In Cyclic Triaxial MP 0-74-1 Tests CR S-76-1 S-102 thru \iall Designs MP N-68-7 W-7 0-74-5 MS-8 Endochronic Constitutive Law MP 0-74-5 for Liquefaction of Sand CR S-76-9 S-115 thru Energy 0-76-1 MS-9 Dissipation TP 81-1 CERC-31 England MP 4-19 M-12 Dissipator TR 2-620 H-46 TM 3-143 S-69 Buggs Island Dam TM 2-281 H-37 thru Clark Hill Dam TM 2-229 H-35 S-71 Mississinewa Dam Outlet AFB TR 3-679 S-81 Conduit MP 2-536 H-7 Enid Dam TM 2-223 H-35 Santa Paula Creek TR H-7'3-11 H-59 Tr1 3-245 S-61 Storm-Drain Outlets RR H-71-1 H-28 34-INDEX ~.!.'!.-----------·------------------Term Enid Dam (Con t) S-61 Environmental (Cont)™™3-2503-1109 S-73 Stresses CR 3-36 M-40 TR 2-510 H-43 Studies of Protected Sea-LandEnsley Pumping Station MP 6-715 C-11 Boundary Zones Entran~e CR M-36 and Water Quality Operational Channel Improvement5 for Studies Ludington Harbor TR H-75-14 IEB E-78-1 H-63 Harbor B 2/1 H-1 thru Loss E-78-5 E-36 MP H-68-2 H-10 Enzymatic Materials for Soil Studies TR 2-735/2 H-50 Stabilization Entrenched Valley of the Lower MP S-69-9 S-29 EOSLIB Red River MP E-74-1 W-10 Environment ™3-298 S-63 Epon-Asphalt Pavement MP 4-388 S-13 CR 3-24/3 H-36 EpoxyMP M-73-15 M-12 AsphaltTR M-70-13 M-27 Airfield Pavements MP 4-704 S-20TR M-73-2 M-29 Concrete Analysis TR 3-638 S-81 Demolition A~tivities CR 3-15 M-35 Pavement MP 4-483 S-16 MP N-7'3-6 '<1-9 Military Operations CR 3-24/4 M-36 MP 4-537 S-17 Patrick Air Force Base MP 4-466 S-15CR 1-24/5 M-37 Grout MP C-69-14 C-17 Terms CR 3-2417 M-37 Polyester Resin Concrete TR C-69-4 C-36 PSTIAC-1 M-34 Resin TR 6-521 C-31 EnvironmentalAnalysis and Asses:;ment of TR C-71-1 C-37 the Mississippi. River 9-Ft TR C-71-2 C-37Channel TR Y-74-1 E-32 Erding Ai.r Base S-53 EQS User's Manual MP S-78-13 Baseline ™3-343/30 S-67 Erosion Z-14 Data TR r1-76-11 M-32 Abatement Descriptions TR M-77-4 M-33 MP 7-75 CERC-8Chara,-,teristic,s TR 76-2 CERC-34 MP M-70-5 M-9 Control CETA 32-3 CERC-4 MP M-73-9 M-11 MP H-73-6 H-13TR M-72-2 M-29 Chara,-,terization TR M-71-3 M-28 MR 79-2 CERC-12 Conditions R 78-2 CERC-20 CR D-74-4 E-21 ARES Facility, Kirtland Air Data IR 6 M-1 Force Base MP S-72-27 S-37IR 10 M-1 Evaluation and Demonstration Z-3 MP M-77-5 M-15 thru TR 5-622 S-79 Descriptions of Ranger Z-6 Training Areas IR H-77-1 H-3 CR 3-'70 M-41 Damage CTIAC-40 C-42Effe~ts on Microsei.smic Wave Structures Propagation MP S-7'!-53 S-43 Rates TR C-78-4/2 C-39Element in Military Operations CR 3-211/2 M-36 Resistance CETA 79-2 CERC-2 Factors in Thailand TR 3-681/1 M-22 Concrete MP C-78-4/3 Impact TR D-78-45 E-18 C-39 Materials on Concrete TR C-76-2 C-38Dredged Material Disposal MP D-78-? E-4 Watersheds Mar3h Development with TR M-77-4/4 M-33 ERTS R 3-74 CERC-19 Dredged Material TR D-77-23/C E-8 1Inventorv and Assessment MR 76-2 CERC-10 R 5-73 CERC-17 Illinois Waterway MP Y-74-1 E-29 A Mississippi River 9-Ft R 18-73 CERC-18 Water Data Transmitter TR Y-77-5 Channel E-'33 MP Y-72-3 E-29 Esenboga Airport Navigation Pools CR Y-75-1 E-34 Eskisehir Air Base ™3-343/70 S-69 CR Y-75-2 E-35 TM 3-343/71 S-69 CR Y-75-3 E-34 ESSEXCR Y-75-4 E-34 -DIAMOND ORE MP N-73-8 W-9TR Y-75-1 E-32 RESEARCH PROGRAM \-1-10 TR Y-75-2 E-32 Management IR M-78-2 M-1 thru W-13 NP M-75-1 M-12 CR N-77-2 W-48TR M-74-8 M-30 MP N-78-8 W-13TR M-74-8/2 M-31 Maps TR N-76-10 \-1-41 TR r1-74-2/B M-30 Modeling MP 1-972 W-6 TR N-77-3 W-41 Quality TR N-77-4 \-1-41 Management of Military TR N-78-2 W-42 Installations TR M-76-10 M-32 TR N-78-3 W-42 Research Program Development TR E-78-1 E-37 ESSEX VI TR N-78-5 \-1-42 TR N-75-4 W-40 I MP M-75-3 M-13TR N-77-4 M-41 35-INDEX Term Ter_!ll___________________ ~-e__ ESSEX (Cont) Evaluation I (Cont) Cratering Sites TR N-76-4 M-40 Existing Bank Protection INR 3 Z-4 Phase MP N-76-15 \o/-12 INR 4 Z-4 1 MP N-77-2 W-12 INR 5 Z-4 and 2 MP N-78-3 \o/-13 INR 7 Z-4 Test Site at Fort Polk TR S-75-3 S-91 INR 8 Z-5 2 MP N-76-11 W-12 INR 9 Z-5 ~1P N-76-12 W-12 INR 10 Z-5 MP N-78-8 1-1-13 INR 11 Z-5 Mobility Experiments MP N-76-7 M-14 Projects /H Z-4 3 MP N-77-1 \o/-12 Remote Sensor Performance TR M-76-8 M-12 MP N-78-2 \o/-13 Rigid and Flexible Materials MP N-78-9 W-13 for Bank Protection INV 2 Z-5 Event TR N-78-3 W-42 Spray-On Stabilizers for II TR S-78-3 S-96 Bank Protection INV 1 Z-5 III TR N-76-10 W-41 Three Side Channels CR Y-74-1 E-.14 v CR N-77-2 W-48 Evaporation Model Structures TR N-78-2 W-42 Lake and Land Pans MP H-68-4 H-10 Essex Estuary Estuarial MP 1-74 CERC-8 Reduction by Chemical Films TM MP 5-475 MS-10 MS-'5 Sediment TB 7 Z-10 Event Transport TR D-77-12 E-7 Dial Pack TR N-71-8 W-36 Shoaling Processes TB 19 Z-11 DICE THROW Mobility Experi Estuarine ments MP M-77-12 M-15 Ecosvstems TR D-78-1 E-B MINE UNDER and MINE ORE; Environment CR D-76-5 E-25 Ejecta Studies MP N-69-2 W-7 Fish TP 76-20 CERC-31 Everett Dam Spillway and TP 77-3 CERC-31 Discharge Channel MP 2-403 ll-6 Islands TR D-78-17 E-15 Evreux-Fauville Air Base Tt1 3-34"3/18 S-67 Marshes TR D-77-35 E-11 EWQOS IEB E-73-1 Models RR H-75-2 H-29 thru Navigation Projects TB 17 Z-10 E-73-5 E-3G Plankton MR 76-1 CERC-10 Excavated or Combination Sedimentation TB 8 Z-10 Channels TM 66-11 W-21 Shoaling Analysis Water Resources Planning TR TB H-78-5/2 15 H-68 Z-10 Excavation Design of a Transisithmian Estuary MP 1-74 CERC-8 Sea-Level Canal TR 6 W-28 MP 2-332 H-6 Methods TR 12 W-28 MP H-72-4 H-13 Nuclear Explosives MP 2-491 W-2 MR 81-5 CERC-13 Exchange Program in the Field R 25-73 CERC-18 of Polymer Concrete CTIAC-15 C-42 R 26-73 CERC-13 Executive Overview and De TB 2 Z-9 tailed Summary TR DS-78-22 E-28 TB 5 Z-9 Exhaust TB 20 Z-11 Blasts MP S-73-61 S-ll 3 TM 2-374 H-40 F-lOOA Aircraft MP 4-91 S-6 TR D-78-9 E-14 Exit Report MP 0-P,-7 MS-8 TR H-72-2 H-58 Expanded Lightweight Aggregates MP 6-183 C-4 Canals TB 16 Z-10 TR C-70-2 C-37 Entrance, Umpqua River TR H-70-6 H-56 Expansion Model MP 6-669 C-10 Concrete TR 6-627 C-34 RR H-71-2/II H-28 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction MP 6-345 C-6 RR H-75-3/1 H-29 TR 6-481 G-31 Tide Calculation TB 9 Z-10 Expansive Etain-Rouvres Air Base ETCO Consolidation Device TM MP 3-343/52 3-47817 S-68 S-15 Cement CTIAC-8 MP C-70-21 C-40 C-18 Etimesut Air EUCLID Code Base TM TM '3-'343/69 67-6 S-69 1-1-22 MP TR C-72-22 C-74-6/l C-20 C-38 Eufaula Dam Spillway TR 2-575 H-45 Concrete MP C-69-8 C-16 Eurasia CR 3-27 M-42 Clay Z-17 Eurasian Water Milfoil TR M-48 Soils MP S-69-24 S-30 Europe Scenarios MP M-75-4 M-13 11P S-P.-28 S-41 European Concrete, Jonesville Lock Z-2 Dredging Practices TR D-78-58 E-20 Materials Z-17 Research Institutions MP S-38 Waterways TR M-70-12 M-27 16-INDEX ~!11--------------------------- _Re gor t__No. Ter~--------------------- Expansive (Cant) Explosion (Cant) Soil Z-17 Produ~ed Z-18 Crater TM 65-8 1-1-20 MP S-1.1-17 S-41 Ejecta Characteristics CR N-77-2 W-48 Foundations TR S-76-8 S-93 MP N-76-7 W-12 Highwav Subgrades Expedient Field Fortifi~aticns MP TR N-74-7 S-47 W-19 Damage to Deep Unlined Openings in Rock Granitic Ro~k Ejecta TR MP l-695 W-31 W-11 Ground Surfa0ing Methodology for Identifi~ation of Potentially Expan:;ive Soils Ramp:; Rei~for~ement for Con~rete MP MP TR 4-196 4-966 C-69-1 S-14 Z-17 S-26 C-16 Water Plumes Salt-Water Barriers Sandstone Shallow Hater TR MP TR MP TM TM N-72-4 2-370 N-77-6/1 2-103 2-406 H-37 W-2 \i-41 \V-2 Vl-27 Vl-27 Surfa~ed Airfield Fa0ilities IR S-1.1-l S-1 Soil TR N-77-6/2 1·1-41 Sur fa~i ng Drainage Materials Te~hniques for Strengthening TR ·3-812 MP S-69-ll MP 4-304/l S-84 S-29 S-21 Test Program Pseudo Models of Underwater Storage Containers MP TR MP 1-689/2 N-77-6 1-689/1 W-3 vl-41 11-1 Floor Joist Systems Triggering Screens Upgrading of Existing Stru~tures for Fallout MP MP N-75-6 N-76-3 \-1-ll \-1-12 Sevier Bridge Reservoir Tundra Ice Underground Launch Cell Water Sur face TM CR MP TR 2-397 2-71 1-792 N-70-9 W-27 W-47 W-4 W-36 Protection TR N-78-l W-41 Explosive MP 11-12 Experiment Station WaterRhed TM 33-2 MS-10 Experimental Ex0avation Program Hydraul i~s Predi~tion in Hydrauli~s TR B MP E-75-2 28 2-140 W-39 11-2 H-6 MP MP MP 2-491 E-74-6 N-77-5 W-2 W-10 H-13 Study of ~1odel Deep Exploration Alluvial Terrain Beams MP MP N-63-3 S-77-24 li-7 S-52 PNE 5004F PNE 5004P TM 69-12 W-17 W-17 W-24 Equipment for Military Constru~tion TH 1-600 S-79 TM TR 2-422 E-73-2 L·/-27 W-18 Explosion CR t4P S-77-2 2-424 S-119 W-2 Charges Comparison Tests MP MP l-663 N-76-3 W-3 W-ll t4P 2-490 W-2 Cratering CR W-44 MP 2-529 W-1 TM 65-9 \-1-20 MP 1-885 11-5 TM 69-11 1-1-24 MP N-68-1 H-6 Detonation MP N-71-6 \o/-8 TR 2-418 \·/-30 Ditching with TNT I~P N-77-7 W-13 TR 2-615 \i-30 Excavation MP E-72-l vl-8 TR TR 1-665 M-76-2 lo/-31 M-31 TM TM 69-5 70-3 \i-24 \-1-24 TR S-73-6 S-89 TM 70-13 W-25 TR S-73-3 S-95 TM 71-l W-25 Air-Water Interfa~e HP 1-814 TM 71-3 1;/-25 TR 1-771 ll-32 TM 71-4 11-25 Cell TR CR N-6':)-1 3-149 \·/-34 S-116 TM TM 71-9 72-2 \·/-25 W-26 Damage Dam:> to Con'"!rete Runways TR MP 2-467 1-972 W-30 \o/-6 Harbor in Coral TR TR E-72-32 E-72-23 \·1-38 li-37 Deep Hater CR TM TR 1-167/I 2-427 1-647 W-48 \o/-27 li-30 Moon Railroad Research Cuts TM TR MP 70-4 E-74-1 E-72-11 W-24 \-1-39 W-9 Device CR 3-lil9 S-ll6 Laboratory Projects MP E-74-6 W-10 Dry Sand Generated HP 2-524 W-1 Saturated Sand SERGIUS NARROWS TR TM E-71-5 71-11 W-38 W-25 Hater Surface i/aves ';/ave Effects in Inland Water rw l-741 W-4 Technology Test Sandstone and Shale TR TM TR 21 71-12 E-73-1 W-29 '11-26 1-1-38 ways Harbor Areas MP TR N-72-8 N-69-4 \i-9 \i-311 Experiments Fallout Shelter Building MP N-72-10 \i-9 Rock Masses CR 1-170 J/-44 Program CR 2-65 W-47 Granite TR N-73-2 W-38 CR 2-76 \-1-47 Gravity-Type Dams Indu~ed Sho~k Waves TR MP 2-472 2-399 \-1-10 ~/-2 Lunar Applications Project ESSEX Quarrying TR MP TR 25 E-74-4 11 W-29 W-10 1-1-28 Systems Tactical Structural Targets MP MP N-76-9 N-78-5 W-12 W-13 17-INDEX Ter_!ll__________________________ _ ~--------------------- Fatique Failure Analyses CR 3-145/2 S-100 Explosive (Cont) Tests MP 0-70-2 Fault MP S-77-8 S-51 TR 1-649/3 Earthquake Airport Lockers TR N-76-11 Engineering MP S-71-1/2 S-19 t1agni tude MP S-73-1/6 S-19 Explosively Created Ground Shock Faulting in the Lower Phenomena MP N-76-10 W-12 Mississippi Valley TM 3-111 S-64 Fauna TR D-78-15/B E-15 Produced Craters in Soil and Rock MP S-69-14 S-30 Mississippi River Floodplain CR Y-74-1 E-14 Exposure TR 6-546/0 C-32 Feasibility Extruded Aluminum Landing Mat MP S-74-14 S-45 Pinto Island MP D-77-1 E-4 Extruders and Fabricators MP 4-954 S-25 Study Exxon Test Program TR H-78-17 H-69 Earth Melting Penetrator System TR S-78-17 S-96 Numerical Tow Model MP H-78-11 H-19 Federal F-lOOA Aircraft MP 4-91 S-6 Republic of Germany MP N-76-13 W-12 F5A Austere Field Test MP 4-701 S-20 Structures Test Program TR N-77-2 ~~-41 F. E. Warren Auxiliary Sites HP 6-585 C-9 Water Pollution Control Act Fabric MP S-78-17 S-53 Amendments of 1972 MP D-76-17 E-3 Analysis of Undisturbed Sands TR S-78-11 S-95 FED IT MP K-71-1 MS-5 Bi.tuminous Surfaces for Use Felker Armv Airfield MP S-74-27 S-46 in MESL Construction MP S-76-14 S-49 TR 1-1166/6 S-75 Pavements Z-16 Felsenthal Lock and Dam MP 3-696 S-20 Factor Analysis CR 3-2417 M-37 MP 6-718 C-12 Fenestra Landing Mats MP S-69-17 S-29 . Failure Criteria for Flexible Ferrells Bridge Dam TR 3-518 S-77 Airfield Pavements HP 4-260 S-10 Ferris Wheel Series, Flat Top Event MP 1-896 W-5 Footing-Supported Buried Stee1 Arches MP N-70-2 W-7 I Event, Grouting Support MP 6-834 e-n TM 71 CERC-40 Slopes TR 29 \1-29 Fetch t1-2 Width TM 70 CERC-40 Fairbanks, Alaska MP 4-135 Fairchild, Washington HP C-69-12 C-17 Fiber Fairford, Gloucestershire, Glass England TM 3-343/98 S-70 Membrane Surfacing 11P 4-714 S-20 Fall River Dam TM 2-230 H-35 Reinfor0.ed Resins MP S-71-19 S-15 Fallback TM 68-15 W-24 Rein forced TR 18 W-28 Cement and Concrete CTIAC-21 C-41 Materials MP 3-974 S-26 CTIAC-25 C-41 Slopes TR 14 1~-28 CTIAC-39 C-42 Fallout CTIAC-43 C-43 Collection Program PNE 527 W-15 CTIAC-48 C-48 Field TM 66-4 H-21 MP C-76-6 C-23 Patterns TR 19 W-29 Concrete CTIAC-10 ~~-40 Predict ion TM 65-5 W-20 MP C-74-3 C-21 TM 65-10 W-20 rw c-78-5 C-26 TM 66-2 W-20 HydraulIc Structures CTIAC-15 C-110 TR 22 1-1-29 MP C-75-1~ C-23 Protection TR N-78-1 \·1-41 Structure MP C-74-11 C-22 Shelter Building Program CR 2-65 W-47 DCA-1295 MP S-75-21 S-47 CR 2-76 \-1-47 Resin Depositor MP 4-196 S-14 Simulation TR E-73-6 W-38 Fibrous TR E-74-1 \1-39 Concrete TR S-74-12 S-91 Tritium TH 70-8 W-25 Screens RR H-72-2 H-28 F~lls Lake Water-Qualitv Study MP H-76-6 H-16 Field Far East; Canal Zone Analogs IX CR 3-30/IX M-43 Demonstration of Shrimp Farley Nuclear Containment Mariculture TR D-78-51 Structure MP C-74-2 C-21 Fortifications TR N-74-5 Farm Creek, Illinois TM 2-355 :-J-19 TR N-74-7 Farmdalian Substage MP Y-77-1 E-30 Inspection Fast Bank Protection Measures on Fix C-1 Cement CR C-71-1 C-46 the Upper Yazoo River INR 4 Z-4 Setting Cement CTIAC-1 C-40 Fisher River Channel INR 11 Z-5 MP C-73-1 C-21 Mill CreeK Midfloodway Fat Clay CR 3-26/10 S-110 Gabion Barrier INR 9 Z-5 CR 3-26/16 S-110 Morameal Revetment on the TR 3-545 M-20 Red River INR 7 Z-4 TR 3-565/1 M-20 Sites Ohio River Division INR 8 Z-5 18-INDEX Term Term ----------------·--------------- Field (Cont) Fine (Cont) Inspe~tion (Cont) Grained ( Cont) Sites (Cont) Dredged Material MP D-77-4 E-4 Missouri River Division INR 10 Z-5 MP D-78-3 E-4 St. Paul and Rock Island TR D-77-10 E-7 Districts INR 2 Z-4 TR D-77-19 E-7 Vicksburg District in the Con fined Disposal Areas TR D-77-16 E-7 Upper Yazoo Basin INR 5 Z-4 Containment Areas TR D-78-56 E-19 Yazoo River INR l Z-4 Layered Soils TR M-75-1 M-31 Mixing of Bulk Explosives MP N-77-5 W-13 Soi.l CR 3-152 M-45 Moi.sture Content Investigation TM 3-401 S-73 MP 3-12217 S-7 Performan~e Investigation MP S-69-26 S-10 MP 4-441 M-3 Stations TR t1-77-4/2 M-33 MP 4-477 M-4 Vibratory Techniques MP 4-577 S-18 MP 4-879 M-6 Fighter Aircraft MP S-70-24 S-31 MP M-73-2 M-11 Fighting Hole Cover Designs TR N-76-6 W-40 TM 3-240118 M-18 Fill MP S-73-7 S-40 TM 3-331110 M-19 Material MP D-76-17 E-) TR 3-639 M-21 TR D-77-29 E-10 TR 3-652 M-21 Strength CR S-76-6 S-101 Layers TR S-74-9 S-91 Filling and Emptying Under High-Speed Tire Characteristics Loads TR 3-652/7 M-21 Barge Canal Lock, Sands TR S-78-2 S-95 Sacramento River DeepSilty Sand CR 3-26/11 S-110 Hater Ship Channel TR 2-556 H-44 F'ini te Calumet River Lock TR 2-497 H-4) Difference MP S-7)-5/1 S-89 System MP H-75-7 H-15 TM )2 CERC-27 Bay Springs Lock, TenneTR S-73-5/1 S-89 ssee, Tombigbee Waterway TR H-78-19 H-69 Element TR S-73-4 S-89 Cannelton Main Lock TR 2-'713 H-49 Analyses Cordell Hull Navigation Dams CR S-71-6 S-101 Lock TR 2-739 li-51 Port Allen and Old Rover Dardanelle Lock TR H··69-5 H-54 Locks CR S-69-6 S-101 Jone'-lville Lock TR 2-678 H-48 Slopes Low-Lift Lock,, Arkansas Jointed Rock CR S-68-3 S-100 River TR 2-7113 H-51 Soil CR S-68-6 S-101 M~Alpine Lock TR 2-778 H-52 Stresses and Movements M~Narv Dam Lock MP 2-146 H-4 Birch Dam CR S-76-2 S-101 Medium Lift Locks TR H-77-7 H-66 Embankments CR S-69-8 S-101 Mi.llers Ferry and Jones Transverse Cracking CR S-74-3 S-101 Bluff Lo~ks TR 2-718 H-50 Analysis New Atchafalaya Basin ProtecBankhead Lock TR H-72-6 ll-58 tion Levees Poe Lock TR 2-561 H-44 MP S-69-53 S-31 Ship Lock, Mississippi Buried Cylinders TR N-72-7/1 \-1-37 River-Gulf Outlet TR H-78-16 H-69 Columbia Lock Pile Old River Navigation Lo0k TR 2-549 H-44 Found at ion TR S-74-6 S-90 Port Allen Navigation Lock TR 2-500 H-43 Consolidation in Zoned Filter Dams CR S-77-4/II S-102 Cloth MP S-69-46 S-31 North Fork Dam ~1od el t1P N-75-2 ~1-10 t1P S-70-2 S-31 Reinforced Earth Wall TR S-77-6 S-94 R 21-4 P-4 Code CR N-70-1 Vl-44 R 21-5 P-4 MP S-75-5 S-46 TR S-72-7 S-89 MP S-76-3 S-48 Enid and Grenada Dams TM 3-245 S-61 Grids MP N-76-2 W-11 Experiments TM 3-160 S-72 Method CR S-69-5 S-106 Fabrics Z-16 MP 5-905 MS-5 Requirements for Underdrains Tt1 183-l S-58 MP K-74-3 MS-6 Stability Tests on Mud MP K-75-6 MS-6 Mountain Dam TM 3-248 S-61 t1P K-77-4 MS-7 Filtering Systems CR D-76-8 E-24 MP K-77-5 MS-7 Filtration Systems TR D-78-5 E-14 MP S-72-2 S-36 Fine MP S-73-63 S-44 Aggregate MP 6-416 C-7 MP S-76-21 S-50 Grading TR 6-544 C-32 SMIAC S-98 Grained TR S-73-5/1 S-89 Cohesive Soils MP S-76-11 S-49 Procedure MP S-75-7 S-46 Deposits HP 3-818 S-22 39-INDEX ~e__ Term Report No. Term Finite (Cont) Flexible (Cont) Element (Cont) Pavement (Cont) MP 4-202 S-9 Program CR S-76-13 S-104 MP 4-360 s-n MP K-73-3 MS-6 MP 4-470 S-15 MP K-73-4 MS-6 MP 4-486 S-16 MP K-74-1 MS-6 MP 4-487 S-16 Study MP S-72-15 S-37 14P 4-494 S-16 Fire Island Inlet MP H-77-12 H-18 MP 4-550 S-17 TR H-69-16 H-56 MP S-69-'33 S-'30 Firestone MP S-71-18 S-35 Panels 512 and 5108 MP 4-525 S-17 MP S-73-69 S-44 Tar-Rubber Test Pavement MP 4-707 S-20 TM S-72 Fish CP A-77-2 M-52 TM '3-'323 S-65 MR 80-1/I CERC-12 TR 3-587 S-78 MR 81-5 CERC-13 TR 3-610 S-79 TP 76-20 CERC-31 Airports TM 213-1 S-60 TP 77-3 CERC-31 Analysis MP S-71-63 S-114 TR A-78-2/ Behavior TM S-60 1/II M-49 Design MP 4-61 S-5 TR A-78-2/ TM S-60 2/II M-50 TR 3-721 S-82 TR D-77-24/A E-9 Pipe MP IJ-364 s-n TR D-77-30/E E-11 Flexure MP 6-609/2 C-9 Aquatic Plant Control TR M-48 Flint Lock MP C-69-7 C-16 Assemblages TR D-77-6/D E-6 Flip Habitat CR Y-74-1 E-24 Bucket MP H-71-1 H-12 Fisher Pine Flat Dam TR 2-511 H-4'3 River Channel Realignment INR 11 Z-5 CODE TM 65-10 W-20 Vehicles MP 4-743 M-5 Flivver Site rw 3-895 S-24 Fishery CR Y-74-4 E-35 Floating TR D-77-42/A E-12 Breakwater MP 2-648 H-8 Compartments CR Y-77-1 E-35 MR 82-4 CERC-13 Fishtrap Dam MP C-76-'3 C-23 MR 82-5 CERC-14 Fissures TR 6-437 C-31 TM 99 CERC-42 Fitler New Levee Unit TM 53-1 S-55 TP 76-17 CERC-30 Fixed-Bed TP 82-4 CERC-33 14odel GITI 18 CERC-6 Oak Harbor TR H-71-3 H-57 River Models MP 2-406 H-6 Tire Breakwater CETA 79-IJ CERC-2 Flared Outlet Transitions RR H-72-1 H-28 TP 78-3 CERC-32 Flash Flocculation TB 19 Z-11 Floods CETA 78-1 CERC-2 Flood 148M 12-1 H-22 Tracks Tow r4P 5-226 MS-4 MBM 12-2 H-22 Flat MBM 13-1 H-22 Plate MP N-68-4 W-7 MBM 14-1 H-22 Slope TM 68-5 W-23 MBM 14-2 H-22 Array Experiments TM 68-9 W-23 MBM 15-1 H-22 Experiments TM 68-10 W-23 MBM 15-2 H-23 Top MBM 29-1/A-H H-23 Event MP 1-896 W-5 MBM 31-4 H-2'3 I Event HP 6-834 C-13 MBM 43-1 H-24 Flex-Trac MP 4-412 M-3 MBM 44-1 H-24 Flexible MBM 86-1 H-25 Airfield Pavement MP 2-374 <1-2 MP 4-175 S-8 MP H-69-9 H-11 MP 4-260 S-10 April 29, 1936 TM 78-2 MS-10 MP S-73-66 S-44 Control 8 2/2 H-1 TM 3-349 S-71 TR H-75-18 H-63 TR 3-529 S-77 Chagrin River TR H-70-11 H-56 TR 3-548 S-78 Denison Dam MP 2-31 H-4 Junctures MP S-76-19 S-49 Detroit Dam TM 2-302 H-38 Airport Pavements TR S-75-17 S-92 Enid Dam TR 2-510 H-43 TR S-77-8 S-94 Keystone Dam TR 2-555 H-44 Arch-Type Protective Shelter MP N-71-3 W-8 Mel vern Dam MP H-7'1-5 H-18 TR 1-768 W-32 Summersville Dam MP 2-988 H-10 Highway Pavements TR 3-582 S-78 Lower Colorado River TR 9 Z-9 Materials for Bank Protection INV 2 Z-5 Pavement Z-7 8 29 S-1 MP 4-180 S-8 40-INDEX _ ~m TerEJ____________________ Flood (Coot) Flow (Cont) Control ( Cont) Curved Channels R 1-109 Z-13 Project Lines MBM 31-9 H-24 Alexandria and Arlington Lower Ohio River TR H-77-18 H-67 County TR H-75-19 H-63 MBM 31-9 H-24 Allentown, Pennsylvania TM 2-376 H-40 Model MP S-70-311 S-32 Anacostia River TR 2-434 H-42 Open Channels MP 2-498 H-7 Hoosi~ River ™2-338 H-38 Over ™2-338/2 H-39 Boundaries CR 2-124 H-71' ™2-339 H-39 Deflecting Walls MP S-69-25 S-30 Johnstown, Pennsylvania ™2-303 H-38 Patterns MP S-75-24 S-47 Kalamazoo River TR 2-465 H-42 MP M-76-10 M-14 Lytle and Warm Creeks and Slides R 12-16 P-3 Santa Ana River TR H-75-7 H-62 Flowline Study, Mississippi Pearl Citv, Hawaii TR H-75-3 H-61 and Illinois Rivers MBM 31-5 H-23 Rondout Creek Basin TR H-74-2 H-60 Flowmeter MP 5-83 MS-4 \loonso0ket, Rhode Island TR 2-468 H-42 TR 2-810 H-53 now:; MB~l 81-4 H-24 Flui.d Mud Dredged Material TR D-78-40 E-18 TR H-76-11 H-64 Flume RR 2-1/1 H-27 Heights MP H-77-7 H-18 TM 4-4 H-30 Insuranl"'!e TR H-74-3 H-60 ™61-2 H-30 TR H-75-17 H-63 TM 61-3 H-30 TR H-78-26 H-69 ™61-4 H-30 May 6, 1935 TM 78-1 MS-10 TP 77-4 CERC-31 Missouri and Kansas Rivers ™1-2-1 H-31 TR D-78-34 E-17 ™1-2-2 H-31 Tests TM 99-1 H-31 Protection Mississippi River Revetment R 2-4 P-1 Brady, Texa:; ™2-270 H-37 Flushing Studies, Victoria Cwnberland, Maryland TR 2-448 H-42 Channel MP 2-812 H-9 Prattville, Alabama Tt4 200-1 H-34 Flux Characteristics of a Routing !113M 24-1 H-23 Dredged Material Marsh TR D-77-23/ E-9 Lower Ohi<) River MP H-7'-3 H-13 F/II Floodgate MP 3-37 S-5 Fly Ash CTIAC-63 C-44 S-60 MP 6-123/8 G-3 ™ Tt1 3-425 s-n MP 6-473 C-7 TR 3-451 S-711 MP C-76-5 C-23 Floodplain GR Y-74-3 E-34 ™6-419/5 C-29 MBI4 92-1 H-25 TR 6-541 C-31 Animals GR Y-75-2 E-35 TR 6-583 C-33 now RR H-77-1 H-29 TR 6-627 C-34 Flysch Formations MP 3-561 s-18 Floodwall Z-14 B 11 S-1 Foamed MP 6-184 C-4 Plastics MP S-71-24 S-35 MP 3-140 S-8 Sulfur CR 6-87 C-46 TR 3-477 S-76 Foggia Memphis, Tennessee TR 3-453 S-74 Amendola Airfield TM 3-343/40 S-67 Main Airfield TM 3-343/39 S-67 Floodwaters MP C-78-16 C-26 p R H-26 Folsom Dam TM 2-369 H-40 Floodw;,y MBM 31-1 H-23 Footing CR 3-74 S-107 11BM 31-6 H-23 CR 3-115 S-114 p G H-26· CR 3-129/2 S-113 S-60 CR 3-146 S-114 ™ H-41 MP 3-418 S-14 ™2-429 Flora TR D-78-15/B E-15 TR 3-793 S-84 Dredged Material Sites TR D-77-31 E-11 Air-Dry Sands TR M-70-14/1 M-27 E-34 Buried in Sand TR S-69-6 S-85 Mississippi River Floodplain GR Y-74-3 TR 3-599/5 S-79 Florida CR M-36 Clay MP 4-829 M-6 TR S-68-8 S-85 TR Y-78-2 E-33 TR S-72-6 S-89 Cohesive Soils TR M-70-14/3 M-27 Everglades GR 3-72 M-37 TR S-69-3 S-85 Water-Control Proje~t TR 2-633 H-47 Dry Sand Flotation MP 4-923 S-25 Elastic-Plastic Soil CR 3-129/4 S-114 ™0-4 MS-10 Frenchman Flat Silt MP 3-572 S-18 Loader CR 3-99 S-99 Flow 3-52 S-107 Characteristics GR 2-116 H-72 Sand CR TR S-70-3 S-86 Computations TR H-77-18 H-67 TR S-71-14/2 S-88 Conditions TR H-77-3 H-66 Soft Clay TR 3-599/4 S-79 Control Plan for the Chesa ~eake and Delaware Canal MP H-74-10 H-14 41-INDEX ~m--------------- Term ------------------ Footing (Cont) Fort (Cont) Tests MP 3-445 S-14 Peck (Cont) MP S-68-12 S-27 Dam (Cont) TM 185-1 H-31 TR 3-599/1 S-78 TM 2-402 H-41 TR 3-599/2 S-79 TR S-76-1 S-92 Vibrations TR 3-599/3 TR S-71-14/3 S-79 S-88 Embankment Tunnel 4 TM TR 68-3 2-520 \1-23 H-43 Vibratory Loads CR 3-88 S-114 Power House Penstock TM 206-1 H-34 Footsteps MP M·73-12 M-11 Polk Z-7 Forbes Air Force Base MP S-73-44 S-42 MP N-76-3 r/-11 Ford, Sussex, England TM 3-3431122 S-71 TR S-75-3 S-91 Forecasting Wind-Generated Sea TM 43 CERC-39 Army Air field MP S-72-24 s-:n Forest TR 3-'1661> S-75 Hill Formation MP 6-916 C-14 Randall Dam TR 2-4'35 H-42 Lands MP M-72-7 M-10 TR 2-528 ll-41~ Stands TR M-71-9 M-28 TR 2-626 H-46 Forestry MP 4-959 M-7 TR 2-716 H-50 Form Riley MP C-77-1 C-24 Anchors TR 6-473 C-31 Ru~ker MP 4-300 M-2 Linings TM 6-336 C-28 Scott Dam TR H-73-6 H-59 Lumber MP 6-80 C-2 Sherman CR '3-18 M-33 TR 6-785 C-35 Smith Reach TR H-68-7 H-54 Oil MP 6-80 C-2 Fortification MP S-71-12/1 S-311 Formed Con~rete Surfaces MP 6-864 C-14 TR N-74-4 //-19 TR 6-559 C-32 TR N-74-5 ~·/-'39 TR 6-788 C-35 TR N-74-7 ~1-39 TR 6-816 C-36 FORTRAN MP K-7'3-1 MS-5 Formula VL MP 4-92 S-6 Forus Airfield TM '3-143/55 S-68 Forney Army Airfield MP S-72-22 S-37 Forward Area Operations IR S-71~-3 S-3 Fort Foss Field CR 4-85 S-105 Benning CR 3-70/3 M-41 MP 4-451 S-15 TM s-61 Foundation CR 3-45 S-107 Bragg MP 4-545 S-17 14P S-70-20 S-13 MP 4-620 S-19 MP S-71-24 S-35 MP 4-714 S-20 RR S-76-2 S-54 MP 4-722/1 S-20 TM 140-1 S-57 MP M-75-9 M-13 TM 163-1 A-5? TR M-73-2 M-29 TM 172-1 s-5·r Campbell MP 4-855 S-23 TM 3-'357/A S-72 Carson MP S-76-22 S-50 TR 3-777 S-84 Natural Churchill Resources TR M-77-4 CR 3-15 M-33 ~1-35 TR TR S-60-10/3 S-68-2 S-86 S-84 CR 3-27 M-42 TR S-76-8 S-91 TM-3-240/2 M-17 Bayou Sorrel Lo~k TM S-60 Terrain CR 3-37 M-44 Beech River Dam MP 3-532 S-17 Devens Army Airfield MP S-73-47 S-43 DeLong Piers MP 3-157 S-8 Dix MP C-75-8 C-23 Design MP S-51 Eustis MP S-74-27 S-46 TM 3-384 S-72 TR 3-450 S-74 Little Grassy Dam TM 17')-1 S-5? Gibson Dam TM TM 192-1 2-228 H-34 H-35 Dynami Z-6 MP S-75-23 S-47 France ™3-341/ TR 3-803 S-84 18-22 S-67 TR l-814 \1-33™3-343/ Arrays TP 77-7 CERC-31 49-53 S-65 Installation CTIAC-60 C-44 Frankfurt am Main, Germany ™3-343/36 S-67 Gaillard Cut TR S-70-9 S-86 Franklin MP 3-2 S-4 Gainesville Lock TR H-76-19 H-65 Falls Darn Tt1 165-1 H-32 Gallipolis Locks TR H-78-6 H-68 Free Ni~ger Point R 15-l P-4 Galop Rapids Reach TM 2-233 H-35 Freeze-Thaw Enhan'!ement TR D-77-16 E-7 Galveston Freezing Bay B 1/2 H-1 and Thawing MP 6-531 C-8 MP 6-75 CERC-8 ™3-331/7 M-18 TP 76-13 CERC-30 Concrete Spe..,imens t1P 6-183 C-4 TR D-78-15 E-15 MP 6-256 C-5 Hurricane Surge TR H-69-12 H-55 Tests Model Study B 211 H-1 Concrete MP 6-178 C-4 Channel TM 127-1 H-32 MP 6-716 C-11 County MR 79-4 CERC-12 TR 6-782 C-35 Harbor Z-12 Spe~imens ™6-395 C-29 Entrance MP 2-472 H-7 Treat I~land, Maine MP 6-223 C-4 RR H-75-3/2 H-29 Test on Soil MP 3-15 S-4 TR H-69-2 H-54 Fre1uont Drop Stru~ture TR 2-752 11-52 Offshore Disposal Site TR D-77-20 E-7 French Morocco ™3-343/ TR ll-78-34 E-11 9-15 S-66 G;;mma-Ray™3-343/48 S-68 Measurements MP 4-986 M-7 ™3-343/62 S-63 Signatures CR M-39 Frenchman Flat Spectral Region MP 4-823 M-6 Nevada Test Site MP 4-645 S-19 TR 3-693/3 M-23 Silt MP 3-572 S-18 Techniques TR M-70-14/2 H-27 Frequency Measurements MP C-7'7-11 /3 C-25 Gander Airport TM 3-343/'f S-66 Vresh Concrete TR 6-780/3 C-35 Gap TR M-70-12 t·l-27 Freshwater Gradings of Concrete Bayou, Louisiana MP 3-387 S-13 Aggregates TR 6-593 C-33 Control Plan TR 2-580/IV H-46 Gardermoen Air Base TM 3-343/56 S-68 Plants TR D-77-2 E-5 Garrison Dam TM 2-431 H-41 -Salt Water Density TR H-68-l H-53 Currents TB 2 Z-9 Gary Friction Army Air field TR 3-466/8 S-75 Channel TR 2-752 H-52 Harbor TR 2-509 H-43 Reduction TR S-68-4 S-85 Gaseous Diffusion Add-On Sur face Course MP S-75-12 S-47 Plant MP S-77-20 S-51 MP S-76-13 S-49 Site MP S-78-4 S-52 Frictionless Caps and Bases CR S-77-1 S-102 Gasketing Tapes 'TR 3-779 S-84 FridaY H;;rl.Jor, Washington TP 76-17 CERC-30 Gastineau Channel Z-11 MP 2-843 H-9 TR H-72-9 H-58 43-INDEX Term Report No. Term ·-------------------------- Gate Z-6 Geological (Cont) TR 2-447/1 H-42 Investi.gation (Cont) TR 2-491 H-41 Western Lowlands TR S-71-5 S-87 TR H-70-2 H-56 Yazoo Basin TR 3-480 s-76 Catapult Study TR H-77-8 H-66 Observations MP S-70-29 S-31 Greenup Locks TR 2-527 H-44 Reconnaissance r: Oscillations MP 2-563 H-8 Cooper Dam Site MP 1-258 S-10 Sills TR 2-655/A H-47 Sulphur River and Cypress Vibration MP 5-87 MS-4 Creek Basins TR '3-'798 S-84 TR H-76-17 H-65 Geology MP 3-507 s-16 Arkansas River Dams TR H-71-5 H-57 MP S-76-17 s-49 Gated Spillwav for Raystown TP 79-3 CERC-12 Reservoir TR H-70-15 H-57 TR M-77-45 M-33 GATOR Mine MP M-76-3 M-13 TR S-70-9/2 S-86 MP M-76-15 M-14 Arkansas River TM 1-132 S-65 MP M-77-13 M-15 Auxiliary Channel, Yazoo River Gavins Point Dam TM 2-404 H-41 Basin MP 3-215 S-9 GE-225 Computer Program MP 5-583 MS-5 Backswamp Deposits TR S-69-8 s-86 MP 5-619 MS-5 Boring 93 liES MP S-72-17 S-17 MP 5-667 MS-5 Buckboard Mesa PNE 5001P ri-17 Gelatin Modeling MP 4-969 S-26 French Morocco TM 3-34'3/62 S-68 Gelled Nitromethane MP N-76-9 W-12 Jonesville Lock and Dam MP 3-684 s:...19 Explosive MP E-74-4 W-10 Lake Erie MR 82-15 CERC-14 Genegantslet Dam TM 2-151 H-39 Laterite Gravel TR S-76-5 S-93 General Mississippi River Deltaic Electric Airplane Landing Mat TM S-58 Plain TR 3-1183 S-76 Investigation of Tidal Inlets CERC-5 Red River TM 3-319 S-64 CERC-6 St. Francis River MP 3'-555 S-17 Motors Proving Grounds MP M-73-3 M-ll Western Germany TM 3-343/63 s-68 Geoelectrical Survey MP S-70-17 S-33 Geomechanical Model Study CR N-69-1 W-45 Geologic Geometric Control of Sand Boils MP S-75-22 S-47 Accordance MP M-76-16 M-11~ Data MP 3-341 S-12 Characteristics TR M-74-5 M-30 and Engineering Pr6perties MP 3-894 S-24 Parameters RR 11-77-1 H-29 MP 3-915 S-25 Geomorphic Study CR Y-75-3 E-14 MP S-68-16 S-27 Geomorphology MP 11-77-12 H-18 MP S-69-42 S-31 TM 29 CERC-27 PNE 322 W-14 TM 34 CERC-27 PNE 505F W-14 TM 38 CERC-28 PNE 516 W-15 TM 42 CERC-28 PNE 602F W-15 TM 45 CERC-28 PNE 720F W-16 TM 54 CERC-29 PNE 905F 1-1-16 ™128 CERC-43 Examination TM 65-ll W-20 TP 76-2 CERC-30 Investigation PNE 7l9P W-15 TP 76-3 CERC-36 PNE 1103 \>1-16 Mississippi River CR Y-74-2 E-34 Literature TR 3-712 S-82 Geophysical Map Folio TR 5-662/F S-79 Exploration TM 198-1 S-58 Targets TR S-78-13 S-95 Investigation, Prado Dam and Geological Hentone Damsite MP S-75-6 S-46 Engineering MP S-68-24 S-28 Measurements PNE 1111 \i-11 TM 68-12 W-23 Methods MP S-77-18 S-50 Conditions MP 3-895 S-24 MP S-77-24 S-52 Factors for Design Earthquakes MP S-72-41 S-38 Survey of Cavernous Areas, Features on Soil Strength MP S-70-25 S-33 Patoka Dam MP S-78-1 S-52 Investigation Techniques MP S-73-36/l s-42 Atchafalaya Basin Z-1 Geoprospecting Tunnel Ri.ghtBoeuf-Tensas Basin TR 3-757 S-84 of-V1ays TR S-78-17 S-96 Gold Meadows Area MP 3-618 S-19 Georgetown Harbor Z-11 Gravel Deposits TM 3-273 S-62 Z-12 HRS Prototvpe Test Si.te MP S-71-2 S-34 MP H-78-6 H-19 Mississippi River TM 3-288 s-63 Geotechnical TR S-69-4 S-85 Earthquake Engineering RR S-76-2/7 S-54 Gulf Outlet Channel TM 3-259 S-10 Engineering R 76-5 CERC-20 New Orleans Harbor TM 1-391 S-72 SMIAC S-98 Ouachita River TR S-69-2 S-85 Properties of Laterite Gravel TR S-76-5 S-93 Red River-Atchafalaya Basin TR S-74-5 S-90 Research IC Z-1 St. Francis Basin TR 3-659 S-81 Gering Valley Project TR 2-760 H-52 44-INDEX Term Report No. Term---------------- German Gravel MP 3-664 s-19 English Vocabulary of Soils TM 3-408 S-71 Terms B 15 S-1 TM 6-419/5 C-29 Terrain TR M-70-6 M-26 TR S-68-611 S-85 Germany MP N-76-13 W-12 TR S-76-5 S-93 TM 3-14V Deposits TM 3-273 s-62 r 23-36 s-67 Gravelly Structures Test Program TR N-77-2 W-41 Sand TR S-76-17 S-95 Ghed i Air Base TM 3-143/44 S-68 Soils MP 3-676 3-19 Giebelstadt Airfield TM 3-341/14 S-67 Gravity GITI Reports CERC-5 Dams CR 2-40 vl-45 CERC-6 MP 2-386 W-2 Gl ada1 MP 1-718 W-4 Deposited Materials CR 4-6/S-2 M-39 TR 2-472 W-30 Patterns CR 4-6/2 M-38 Head Viscometer MP H-74-3 H-14 Till MP S-B-49 S-42 Monoliths Z-6 Otter Brook Dam MP 6-262 C-5 Waves MP H-74-11 H-14 St. Lawrence Seaway Project MP 6-573 C-9 R 6-73 CERC-17 Glasgow Air Force Base MP S-73-D S-43 Gray Glass Fiber-Resin Mixture MP 4-776 S-21 Air Force Base MP 4-313 S-11 Gloss-Reduction MP M-76-l M-13 Army Airfi.eld MP S-73-2 S-40 Glos:;arv TR 3-466/12 S-75 Coastal Engineering Terms MP 2-72 CERC-8 Grays Harbor Z-11 Ecologi~al Terms MP 2-74 CERC-8 Z-12 GNOME MP 6-514 C-8 TM 2-417 H-41 Gobi Blo~k Revetment TM 55 CERC-29 TR D-78-11 E-14 Godman Army Airfield MP S-71-l S-34 Estuary TR H-72-2 H-58 GOER TR M-70-3 M-26 Grease XM520 MP 4-477 M-4 Aquatic Environments TR D-77-26 E-10 GOES Water Data Transmitter TR Y-77-5 E-33 Contamination TR D-77-25 E-10 Gold Meadows Area, Nevada Great Test Site MP 1-618 S-19 Egg Harbor TR H-78-11 H-68 Goodfellow Air Force Base MP '1-105 S-11 Lakes CETA 81-4 CERC-3 t1P 4-106 S-11 MP 2-75 CERC-8 Goodrich Landing Revetment R 14-l P-4 MP 7-75 CERC-8 Goodyear MP H-76-12 H-16 Aluminum Mat Panels MP S-69-36 S-30 MP H-76-2/E H-15 Honeycomb Landing Mat MP S-69-49 S-31 TP 80-7 CERC-32 MP s-n-8 S-40 TR D-78:...10 E-14 Goose TR H-76-1 H-63 Air Base MP 4-537 S-17 Design Wave Heights MP H-76-21 H-17 Bav Airfield TM 3-'341/6 S-66 Inlets TP 77-8 CERC-31 Gordy MP 3-2 S-4 Wave Models TR 78-1 CERC-34 Grain Salt Plains Dam TM 148-1 H-32 Shape R 4-75 CERC-19 Soil Group CR 3-150 M-37 TP 76-11 CERC-30 Greece TM 3-343/64 S-63 Sizes TM 77-1 S-55 TM 3-343/ Grand 67-68 s-69 Forks Air Force Base MP 6-717 C-11 Green River Formation MP S-78-3 S-52 MP S-73-42 S-42 Greenland CR 3-'37 M-44 Island MP 3-59 S-5 MP 4-216 S-10 Marais Harbor TH 186-l H-33 MP 2-597 H-8 TM 186-2 H-33 TM 3-343/4-5 S-66 River TR H-73-2 H-59 TM 3-414 M-19 Tower B 3/l H-1 Ice Cap Reach TM 114-1 H-31 Research Program Z-2 Granite HP C-69-1 C-16 Snow MP N-70-6 vl-7 MP C-71-1 C-18 1955 Program TR 3-505/1 M-20 TR N-72-6 \·1-37 1956-1957 Program TR 3-505/2 M-20 Granitic Rock Ejecta MP 1-1-11 Greenup Granodiorite MP 6-846 C-13 Lock TR 2-527 H-44 Granular TR 2-734 H-50 Material MP S-74-18 S-45 and Dam TR 2-469 H-42 TR S-76-12 S-9'3 TR 2-572 H-45 Soils CR 3-53 S-105 Greenville r1P 3-478/6 S-15 Bridge TM 2-366 H-40 Graphics MP MS-7 Front Levee TM 182-l S-58 Simulation MP K-76-4 MS-7 Greers Ferry Dam MP 6-'342 C-6 MP 3-582 S-18 45-INDEX Term Terr'l------------------ Grenada Ground (Cont) Dam TM S-64 Shock (Cont) MP N-71-8 W-(J TM 3-245 S-61 HP N-75-3 W-11 TM 3-250 S-61 TR S-71-4 S-tl7 TR 3-603 S-79 Computation CR S-'71-8 S-113 Reservoir TM S-62 Effect CR S-68-1 S-118 Grid CR S-71-10 S-118 Generator MP K-77-5 MS-7 Explosions TR S-73-6 S-B~ Photography TM 68-15 \·1-24 Rock Cavities MP N-74-1 W-10 Size TR S-72-2 S-89 Induced Airblast Over-Griffiss Air Force Base MP 4-614 S-18 pressures TR 40 H-29 Groin CETA 81-1 CERC-3 Instrumentation MP N-70-7 W-8 MP 1-72 CERC-8 Loading CR 3-168 S-108 MP 2-59 CERC-36 Measurements MP N-78-4 W-1.'-l R 79-3 CERC-21 TR N-77-5 W-41 TM 10 CERC-37 Phenomena CR 3-171 S-117 TM 114 CERC-43 ~\P N-76-10 W-12 Design R 4-67 CERC-16 Phenomenology MP N-73-2 W-9 R 15-73 CERC-18 Subsurface Explosions CR S-77-2 S-119 Grooving Tools MP 3-346 S-12 Underground and Surface Ground CR 3-112 M-45 Explosio.ns TR N-73-2 W-38 Acceleration MP S-73-1/16 S-39 Support Equipment MP M-73-4 M-11 Blast; Redstone Missile MP 4-325 S-12 Surface Motion Study TM 65-2 W-20 Cover MP S-69-5 S-28 Vehicles MP S-70-14 S-32 MP S-73-35 S-42 \-lash Flow MP S-69-25 S-'30 Crawling CR 3-162 M-45 Groundwater Z-15 Facilities MP W-10 B 36 S-1 Flotation MP 4-459 S-15 CR \1-44 11P 4-948 S-25 TM 65-7 \-1-20 TR 3-737 S-82 TR 3-658 S-81 Motion CR 3-158 S-114 TR 3-727 M-24 11P 4-859 S-23 TR Y-78-1 E-33 HP 4-969 S-26 Grout CTIAC-5 C-40 MP E-73-3 \-1-9 CTIAC-56 C-44 MP E-75-7 rl-11 MP 6-195 C-4 HP N-76-11 \'1-12 MP 6-410 C-'f MP N-76-15 \-1-12 MP 6-660/2 C-10 MP N-76-16 \-l-12 MP 6-731 C-12 MP N-78-8 \v-13 MP 6-862 C-14 MP N-78-9 Vl-13 MP C-71-5 C-19 MP S-73-1/14 S-39 MP C-72-10 C-20 HP S-73-1/17 S-40 MP C-7b-4 C-23 PNE 11-5 W-.16 MP C-77-4 C-24 PNE 1113 V/-17 TM 6-419 C-29 TR M-78-1 M-33 TR 6-6b9 C-311 TR N-72-6 ~1-37 TR C-70-2 C-3'7 TR S-71-14/1 S-88 TR C-74-6/1 C-3:> TR S-71-14/4 S-88 Deep Hole MP 6-S 17 C-8 Calculations CR S-118 HP b-650 C-10 CR S-74-4 S-119 Fluidifiers MP 6-720 C-11 CR S-75-2 S-119 Mighty Epic Structures Program CTIAC-20 C-41 TR S-71-4/3 S-87 HP C-76-7 C-24 ,, Design Earthquakes MP S-73-1/3 S-39 Mixtures MP b-514 C-u High-Explosive Experiments MP N-72-10 Vl-9 11P 6-628 C-10 Measurements Z-15 HP 6-640 C-10 CR E-74-1 W-46 MP C-78-1/2 C-25 TR N-75-1 \-1-39 TR 6-607 C-33 Predictions CR S-71-10/2 S-118 Grouted Cutoff, Rocky Reach Pre-GONDOLA II PNE 1115 11-17 Hydroelectric Project MP 2-417 H-7 Project MIRACLE PLAY MP N-70-8 \-l-8 Grouting CTIAC-13 C-40 San Fernando Earthquake MP S-76-1 S-48 IR S-70-3 S-2 Seismic Design MP S-73-1/4 S-39 MP 6-875 C-14 Radius Effects Study, Redstone MP C-69-7 C-16 Arsenal MP 4-910 S-25 MP C-78-8 C-26 Sensors MP r1-12 MP S-70-19 S-33 MP M-16 TM 6-419/5 C-29 Shock Z-14 TR 6-437 C-31 Z-15 46-INDEX Term____________ Term Report No. ------·---...------............. -----·----- Grouting (Cont) Habitat (Cont) Agent TM 3-408/A S-73 Development (Cont) Cement MP 6-384 C-6 Field (Cont) Foundation Sands and Gravels TM 3-408 S-73 Investigations (Cont) Mixtures MP 6-773 C-12 Salt Pond No. 3 TR D-78-57 E-20 s~oured Foundation, Old River MP C-78-19 C-26 Windmill Point TR D-77-23 E-8 Support MP 6-409 C-7 Site MP D-78-1 E-4 MP 6-1125 C-7 Columbia River TR D-77-38 E-12 MP 6-700 C-11 Galveston Bay TR D-78-15 E-15 Proje~t Hahn Air Base TM 3-343/25 s-65 COWBOY MP 6-419 C-7 Haleside Pumping Station MP 3-595 S-18 Scroll MP C-69-4 C-16 Half Underground Nuclear Test MP 6-429 C-7 Moon Bay Harbor TR 2-668 H-48 MP-6-914 C-14 Tide Harbor R 77-1 CERC-20 Growth/Dynamics TR D-77-44/II E-13 Wavelength Theory MP S-70-28 S-33 Guam TR H-75-1 H-61 Hamlin Beach Harbor TR H-73-13 H-59 Guatemala Earthquake MP S-49 Hammond Guide Rail MP 4-850 S-23 Bay, Michigan CR 2-5 H-71 Guided Projectile Control Lake TR H-76-5 H-64 Housing MP C-76-10 C-24 TR H-76-6 H-64 Guidelines TR H-76-11 H-64 Dewatering/Densi.fying Dredged Handbook Material TR DS-78-11 E-27 Concrete and Cement Handbook c-1 Dredged Material Containment Wildlife Habitat Development TR D-78-37 E-18 Areas TR DS-78-10 E-27 Handcar/Painted Pony MP 6-875 C-14 Disposal Area Reuse Management TR DS-78-12 E-27 Hannibal Material Pla~ement in Marsh Locks and Dam TR 2-731 H-50 Creation CR D-75-2 E-21 TR 2-796 H-53 Models for River Sedimentation IR H-78-1 H-3 St. Louis Reach MBM 15-1 H-22 Gulf Thebes Reach MBM 15-2 H-23 Carpentaria, Australia R 3-74 CERC-19 MBM 31-2 H-23 Coast TP 78-4 CERC-32 Harbor B 2/1 H-1 TR D-77-44 E-13 CETA 81-6 CERC-3 Farmdali.an Substage MP Y-77-1 E-30 CR 2-122 H-72 Hurricane Camille TR N-70-10 W-36 CR H-69-2 H-70 Inland Waterways MP H-75-6 H-15 MP H-77-10 H-18 Coastal Plain TR Y-78-5 E-D RR 2-8 H-27 Intracoastal Waterway MP H-76-7 H-16 SR 2 CERC-25 GWI\LL IR K-78-1 MS-3 TP 80-6 CERC-32 Gyratory TR 2-740 H-51 Compac>tion MP 4-494 S-16 TR E-72-23 1'1-37 TR S-68-6 S-85 TR N-69-4 1'1-34 Machine MP 4-333 S-12 Breakwater, Crescent City, MP-3-'H4 S-15 California MP 2-171 H-5 TR 3-595 S-78 Connected Basins CR H-71-2 H-70 Design Z-1 Entrance R 25-73 CERC-18 R 26-73 CERC-18 H-21 Helicopter Improvements, Wells Harbor TR H-78-18 H-69 Flexible Pavements MP 4-180 S-8 Improvements, Port Washington Landing Gear MP 4-202 S-9 Harbor TR H-77-1 H-66 Habitat Nuclear Explosives TM 70-12 W-25 Creation CR D-76-2 E-21 Oahu, Hawaii TR H-76-8 H-64 Data TR M-77-4/1 M-33 Oscillations MP H-76-20 H-17 Development MP D-77-5 E-4 MP H-77-2 H-17 Dredged Material TR D-78-17 E-18 Barbers Point Harbor TR H-78-20 H-69 TR DS-78-15 E-27 of Refuge CR 2-5 H-71 TR DS-78-16 E-28 CR 2-7 H-71 TR DS-78-17 E-28 TR 2-523 H-44 TR DS-78-19 E-28 Kelleys Island MP 2-560 H-8 Field Shoaling, Port Orford, Oregon TR H-74-4 H-60 Investigations United States TM W-27 Apalachi~ola Bay TR D-78-32 E-17 HARD HAT Grouting Support MP 6-575 C-9 Bolivar Peninsula TR D-78-15 E-15 Hardened Buttermilk Sound TR D-78-26 E-16 Concrete CTIAC-14 C-40 Nott Island TR D-78-25 E-16 MP C-69-10 C-16 Port St. Joe TR D-78-33 E-17 TR C-76-1 C-38 Rennie Island TR D-78-11 E-14 47-INDEX Term Term ~~---------------------- Hardened (Cont) Heavy (Cont) Military Command Center MP N-78-6 W-13 Meta1·s CR D-77-4 E-23 Shallow-Buried Structure TR N-78-7 W-42 TR D-77-·n E-11 Structure MP N-77-8 W-13 TR D-78-6 E-14 Hardness TR D-78-42 E-18 Impact Areas, Yuma Proving Minerals TM 33 CERC-27 Ground MP M-77-10 M-15 Helicopter MP M-T!-4 M-11 Program MP W-10 Downwash MP S-74-17 S-45 Hardscrabble Bend R 8-1 P-1 Blast Effects TR 3-664 S-81 Harlan County Dam TM 2-236 H-35 Protection MP S-75-19 S-47 TR 3-501 S-77 Landing Harmon Air Force Base TM 3-343/3 S-66 Gear Loadings MP 4-202 S-9 Asphalt MP 4-172 S-8 Pad MP 4-565 S-18 Harper Lake MP S-73-6 S-40 MP 4-766 M-6 Harrison County, Mississippi TM 107 CERC-42 TR 3-675 S-81 Harrisville, Michigan CR 2-7 H-71 TR 3-686 S-81 Harry s. Truman Dam TR H-77-8 H-66 TR 3-773 S-84 Hartwell Dam TM 2-393 H-40 Zones IR M-76-1 M-1 TR 6-654/2 C-34 t1P M-72-1 M-10 Harvesting of Aquatic Plants TR A-78-3 M-51 TR M-69-3 M-25 Harvey Landing Mat MP 4-615 S-19 Launching Pad, Ft. Benning MP 4-620 3-19 MP 4-747 S-21 Movement on Unimproved Terrain TR M-74-1 M-29 MP 4-786 S-21 Revetment MP S-68-7 S-27 MP 4-850 S-23 TR N-69-811 W-34 MP 4-852 S-23 HEMSS MP S-69-2 S-29 3T Experiment CTIAC-57 C-114 MP S-69-13 S-29 Cylindrical Test Beds CTIAC-56 C-44 MP S-69-29 S-30 Herbicide CR A-77-1 1~-52 MP S-69-41 S-31 TR M-48 t1P S-70-4 S-32 TR A-78-1 M-49 MP S-71-29 S-36 Application Platforms TR A-77-1 M-49 MP S-72-38 S-38 Herbivorous Fish TR M-48 Hawaii MP 4-355/7 M-3 Hercules TR N-69-2/2 ;1-33 MP H-76-8 H-16 llerpetofauna TR A-78-2 M-49 TR 2-644 H-47 HEST V MP S-68-5 S-27 TR H-75-3 H-61 MP S-68-23 S-28 TR H-75-15 H-63 TR S-68-1 S-84 RR H-74-2 H-29 Heyford, Oxfordshire, England TM 3-'343/105 S-70 !lawai ian Islands MP H-77-6 H-18 Hickman Floodwall TM C-28 TR H-77-16 H-67 TM S-65 Hawk Missile MP 4-784 S-21 High Hawser-Force Measurements TR 2-685 H-48 Compressive-Strength Concrete MP 6-520 C-8 HE Charges MP 2-192 W-2 MP 6-567 C-8 TR 2-482 W-30 Density Concrete MP 6-698 C-11 Head TR 6-635 C-311 Loss MP H-68-3 H-10 Explosive TM S-65 Charges TR 2-547 W-30 of Passes TM 2-356 H-39 Detonation Z-14 Heat and Blast Effects TM s-66 Point-Detonating Ammunition MP N-76-8 W-12 TM 3-372/2 S-72 Frequency Radio Imaging TR 3-769 M-24 TM 3-377 S-72 Mobility Tactical Support TM 3-394 S-72 Vehicles TR M-76-3 M-31 Dispersion in Physical Pressure Cap Model CR S-77-2 S-119 Estuarine Models RR H-75-2 H-29 Speed Hydration MP C-69-11 C-16 Penetration TR 3-652 M-21 TM 6-410 C-29 Tire Loads TR 3-652/7 M-21 Strength Tests on Membranes MP 4-847 S-23 Strength Heater-Remix-Overlay Maintenance IR S-77-2 S-3 Concrete CTIAC-37 C-42 Heave MP S-73-28/2 S-41 CTIAC-58 C-44 Foundation Soils TR S-77-7 S-94 CTIAC-70 C-4') Heavy MP 6-698 C-11 Clay TR S-76-16 S-94 TR 6-635 C-34 Duty Frost-Resistant Concrete MP C-75-6 C-23 Flexible Pavements MP 4-470 S-15 Highway Subgrades Z-17 Landing Mat CR S-71-1 S-104 Z-18 MP S-75-9 S-47 MP S-47 Membrane Airfield Surfacing TR S-74-2 S-90 Hill AFB MP 3-904 S-24 Equipment Transporter TR M-76-4 M-31 48-INDEX Term .~.E.ort No. Term .Report No. Hila Bay Harbor Tsunami Barrier Model !HMO West Germanv Study Area Hirsch Auxiliary Field Histori~ Disposal Areas Hi story of the vlaterways Experiment Station Hi.wassee Dam HOBO, Grouting Support Holden Beaoh, North Carolina Hole Cover Desi.gns Springi.ng Holt Lo~k and Dam Homestead Air Force Base Homogeneous Clayey-Silt Test Section Sand Test HONDO Honest John Rocket Honev~omb Landing Mat Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii Hoosic River Hopper Dredges Horizontal Di.splacement Reinforcement Stability Hot ~1i. X Asphalti~ Concrete Bituminous Pavement Weather Concreti.ng Houghton, Michi.gan Housatonic .River Houston Ship Channel Howell-Bunger Valve Narrows Darn Surrunersvi11e Dam HRS Prototype Test Site Hudson River Channel Huelsman Quarry Stone Hugo Dam Hugoniot Equation Hulah Dam Emergency Bulkhead CR 2-60 TR 2-792 TR 2-742 MP 2-883 RR 2-3 RR 2-5 TR M-76-3 MP M-78-9 MP M-78-10 MP S-69-43 MP Y-76-3 TR CTIAC-12 MP C-78-10 MP 6-409 MR 83-5 TR N-76-6 TR 28 TR E-72-24 TR 2-698 TR 2-745 MP 4-142 TM 3-121/1 TM 3-32V4 MP S-76-3 MP 4-1130 MP S-69-49 MP S-70-21 MP S-71-7 MP S-72-4 MP S-73-8 MP S-73-11 TR H-75-15 TM 2-338 TM 2-318/2 TM 2-339 TR 2-755 TM 67-8 TR S-76-11 TR S-76-10 MP 4-44 MP 4-121 MP 4-333 CTIAC-36 MP M-74-1 TR H-69-4 MP H-69-2 TR H-73-12 TM 2-294 TR H-71-6 MP S-71-2 MP C-78-6 TR 2-694 MP 6-281/A TR H-69-15 MP C-74-10 TR 6-669 TM 2-253 MP H-73-8 H-72 H-53 H-51 H-10 H-27 H-27 M-31 M-16 M-16 S-31 E-30 MS-11 C-42 C-26 C-7 CERC-15 W-40 W-29 W-38 H-49 H-51 S-8 S-65 S-65 S-48 S-14 S-31 S-33 S-34 S-36 S-40 S-40 H-63 H-38 H-39 H-39 H-52 W-22 S-93 S-93 S-5 S-7 S-12 C-42 M-12 H-54 H-ll 11-59 H-37 H-57 S-34 Z-11 C-26 H-49 C-5 H-55 C-22 C-34 H-36 H-14 Humboldt Bay Humidity Hunter Air Force Base Army Airfield Liggett Military Reservation Huntington Point Revetment Reservoir Spillway Hurlburt Airfield Hurricane Barrier Narragansett Bay Wareham-Marion, Massachu setts Camille Carla Storm-tides Surge Barrier, Jamaica Bay, N. Y. Control Structures Heights Protection Tides Wave Statistics Hyacinth Hydrated Lime Phases Hydration Products Hydraulic Analysis of Mi.ssissippi River Channels Articles Capacity of the Mississippi River Characteristics Mississippi River Channels New York Harbor Tidal Channels Design Criteria Effects Efficiency Fill at Yerba Buena Island Forces Stream Fracturing Soils Friction Factors Jump TR H-71-8 MP 6-279 MP 4-98 MP 4-144 MP 4-379 MP S-69-37 MP S-72-8 MP M-76-5 MP M-77-8 R 13-1 MP 2-876 TM 56 TM 78 MP 2-721 TR 2-754 TR 2-663 TR N-70-10 TP 77-13 TM 120 TM 120A MP 3-59 MP 4-59 TM 26 TR 2-662 TR H-69-12 TR H-76-14 TR 2-636 TR H-76-16 TR H-69-12/1 MP H-72-1 TR TM 98 MP M-73-13 TR TR A-77-2 MP 3-122/5 MP C-72-5 MP C-78-11 MP 5-458/2 R 19-1 MP 2-291 TR 12 R 19-2 R 19-3 MP H-76-18 TM 66-17 MP 2-97 RR 2-1 TR D-78-12 TM 116-1 R 10-1 CR S-73-2 MP S-77-6 MP 2-149 MP H-69-1 MP H-70-4 H-57 C-5 S-6 S-8 S-13 S-30 S-36 M-14 M-15 P-4 H-10 Z-7 CERC-29 CERC-41 H-9 H-52 H-48 1"1-36 CERC-31 CERC-43 CERC-4 3 CERC-36 CERC-36 CERC-27 H-48 H-55 H-65 H-47 11-65 H-55 H-12 H-47 CERC-42 M-11 M-48 M-49 S-7 C-19 C-26 MS-4 P-4 H-5 Z-8 P-4 P-4 H-17 W-21 H-3 H-4 H-27 E-14 S-56 P-2 S-101 S-50 H-4 H-11 H-12 49-INDEX Term Term------------------------ Hydraulic (Cont) Hydrologic (Cont) Laboratories Variables B 64-1 MS-1 England and France MP 2-578 H-8 Transport Europe and England MP 2-401 H-6 Radionuclides TR 30 W-29 France and England MP 2-164 H-5 Tritium TM 70-7 11-24 The Netherlands and England MP 0-69-1 MS-7 Hydrological Laboratory Z-2 Research MP H-72-6 H-n MP 2-434 H-7 Study TM 83-2 MS-10 MP 2-543 H-7 Hydrometeorological Reports Z-18 MP 2-7'34 H-9 Hydropel TM C-27 Directors to USSR MP 2-464 H-7 Hydroponic Study of Heavy Model B 37 H-2 Metal Uptake TR D-76-5 E-5 GITI 6 CERC-5 Hydro-Power Plant Transients, GITI 22 CERC-6 Garrison and Oahe Dams TR H-68-1 H-53 MP H-70-5 H-12 Hydrostatic MP H-76-11 H-16 Pressure n1 151-1 S-57 MP H-78-3 H-19 Measuring Devices, WappaRR H-75-3 H-29 pello Dam TR 3-1160 S-75 SR 5 CERC-25 Response MP S-72-35 S-38 TH 2-364 H-39 Hydrothermal Study TR H-76-22 H-66 Investigation TR H-77-5 H-66 TR H-77-5 H-66 Regime TR D-77-6/A E-6 Hyper ion Beach HP 4-74 CERC-8 TR D-77-20/A E-8 Hypocenters for Seismographic TR D-77-30/A E-10 Networks MP S-78-9 S-53 TR D-77-42/B E-13 Hypotheti1-33 Delaware River Estuary Model RR H-75-3/1 H-29 Condit ions CR H-74-1 H-70 Great Egg Harbor and Corson Cratering TM 66-7 W-21 Inlets TR H-78-11 H-68 Flushing TR H-76-9 H-64 Model CR H-75-1/ Harbor MP 2-465 H-7 17-6 H-70 Iceland MP 6-235 C-5 Hydrographic TM 3-343/l S-66 Conference, 5-6 November 1975 Z-2 TM 3-W3/8 S-66 Survey R 8-71 CERC-17 Ichthyoplankton Studies TR D-77-30/D E-11 TM 32 CERC-38 Idris Airport TH 3-343/80 S-69 TR H-77-10 H-66 Igloo Wave Absorber Tests MP H-76-22 H-17 Conference Igneous Rocks MP C-71-2 C-18 9-11 May 1972 Z-2 IITRI Soil Strain Gage IR N-73-1 '1-l 30-31 May 1973 Z-2 Illinois 21-22 May 1974 Z-2 Central Railroad Relocation TM S-62 8-9 November 1977 Z-3 River MBt4 31-5 H-23 4-5 December 1979 Z-3 p y H-26 Hydrologic TR M-76-6 M-32 Characteristics CR 3-23 M-44 TR Y-75-1 E-32 Data Z-13 TR Y-75-2 E-32 MP 5-193 MS-4 TR Y-76-1 E-32 TR M-77-4/2 M-33 Electofishing Survey CR Y-75-4 E-34 Equipment MS-1 Floodplain Animals CR Y-75-2 E-35 Geometry TR 5-625/F M-21 Geomorphic Study CR Y-75-3 E-34 TR 3-726/V M-23 Vegetational Study CR Y-75-1 E-34 TR 3-783/D M-24 Waterway MP C-78-4 C-25 Phosphorus Model TR A-78-2/ MP Y-74-1 E-29 2/IV M-50 50-INDEX Term Term ..~ort No. --------·-·----------- Ill i tic Soil CR 3-73/1 S-103 Inlet ( Cont) Image Contrasts TR M-74-8/1 M-30 Discharge R 81-1 CERC-22 Imagery Entrance TM 8 CERC-26 Earthquake Analysis MP S-'73-1/11 S-39 Equation R 81-9 CERC-22 Missions IR M-78-2/B M-1 Hydraulics GITI 14 CERC-6 Imaging Radar R 79-8 CERC-21 Insects for Control of Impact MP C-77-11/3 C-25 Waterhyacinths TR A-77-2 M-49 MP t1-77-10 M-15 Inspection of Sites in AlMP M-77-13 M-15 buquerque District INR 3 Z-4 MP N-76-10 W-12 Inspectors Manual for Flexible TR S-78-14 S-95 Pavements TM S-72 Compacted Kaolinite MP S-75-11 S-47 Instrument MP S-76-12 S-49 Compantor MP 4-127 S-7 TM 3-240/3 M-17 Velocity TR 3-462/4 M-20 Canister Placement Conditions TR N-77-5 W-41 Impeden"e Measurement MP N-77-6 W-13 Detect Steel Embeded in Imperi.al Beach, California MR 78-4 CERC-12 Portland-Cement Concrete MP 6-762 C-12 TR 11-77-15 H-67 Hartwell Dam TR 6-654/2 C-34 TR H-77-22 H-67 Measure the Moisture Content TR C-76-1 C-38 Impermeabilizing Sand MP 3-106 S-7 Measurement of Hydraulic Impermeable Breakwaters CETA 80-7 CERC-3 Forces R 10-1 P-2 Impervious Walls TM 3-2 S-55 Measuring CR 2-151 H-71 Impulse-Type Load :l TR S-68-9 S-85 Turbulence R 10-3 P-2 In R 10-4 P-2 Cell Incident HP S-72-13 S-37 Pore Pressures in Concrete TR 6-654 C-34 Place Density Determinations MP 4-197 S-9 Instrumentation Z-2 Shore Harbor TR 2-740 H-51 MR 80-8 CERC-13 Situ TM 21 CERC-27 Density RR S-76-2/4 S-54 TR S-74-10/I S-91 Moduli MP S-75-10 S-47 TR S-75-11/I S-92 Inclinometers MP S-76-12 S-49 Arkansas River Lock and Darn 5 MP S-78-11 S-53 Index Columbia Lock MP S-72-30 S-38 Clay Shales TH S-71-6/2 S-87 MP S-74-24 S-46 Compaction Characteristics MP 4-269 S-10 Conference on Earth and India Concrete Dams MP S-33 Canal Zone Analogs II CR 3-10/II M-43 Earth Stresses MP 1-885 W-5 Yuma Analot~s No. 4 CR 3-ll/4 M-42 Hydraulic Research MP 2-156 H-5 I>1dian cr'eek PUiiliJing Station, Mississippi Basin Model MBM 1-5 11-21 Mankato TR H-78-8 H-68 Old River Lock TR S-72-10 S-89 Indonesia, Canal Zone Analogs Port Allen Lock TR S-68-7 S-85 VII CR 3-30/VII M-43 Test Vehicles TR 3-783/A 11-24 Industrial Wastes and Sludges Z-15 Vehicle Mobility Testing CR 3-154 M-35 Inelastic Two-Phase Medium CR S-76-7 S-115 Insulating In fauna TR D-77-34 E-ll Layers in Pavement TR S-74-8/IV S-90 TR D-73-42 G-18 Materials for Mass Concrete TR C-70-4 C-37 Inflow TR H-78-2 M-33 Intake Influent TR D-78-16 E-15 Bayou Bodcau Outlet Structures TM 174-1 H-33 TR D-78-24 E-16 Dardanelle Lock TR 2-573 H-45 Information Gate lJi ssemi.nat ion CR D-77-1 E-25 Catapult Study TR H-77-8 ll-66 System TR M-71!-6 t1-30 Fort Randall Dam TR 2-435 H-42 Infrared Losses MP 2-320 H-6 Emissivity of Soils TR 3-693/4 M-23 Proposed Delaware City Plant MP 2-125 H-4 Hoof Moisture Surveys IR M-78-1 M-1 Structure MP 2-337 H-6 Spectrophotometer MP 4-547 M-4 Fort Peck Dam TM 160-1 H-32 Survey of the Walter F. Interaction Between Soils George Lock and Dam MP M-70-3 M-9 and Pressure Cells TR S-76-7 S-93 Inhomogeneities TM 6b-6 1'1-21 Interactive Graphics Z-6 Inland Finite Element Method Grid Disposal TR D-78-28 E-17 Generator MP K-77-5 MS-7 Dewatered Dredged Material TR D-77-33 E-11 Lock-Culvert Analysis HP K-77-2 MS-7 -27 s-41 TR DS-78-7 E-27 SATS Airfield TR S-75-2 S-91 Leakage in the Triaxial Test CR 3-84 s-lo6 Subgrades IR S-70-3 MP S-70-19 S-2 S-33 Lean Clay TR 3-545/2 M-20 Test Facility MP S-69-50 S-31 TR S-68-6/2 s-85 MP S-72-10 S-36 Subgrade TM 3-34911 S-71 Tie Bars TR C-69-3/2 C-36 Mass Concrete TM 6-380 C-29 Upl i.ft XM18El MP S-75-16 MP S-69-51 S-47 S-31 Least Squares TR MP C-74-2 5-667 C-38 MS-5 Pads TR 3-675 S-81 Lecompte Control Structure TM 3-292 S-63 TR 3-686 S-81 LEO CETA 81-5 CERC-3 TR 3-773 s-84 MP 2-70 CERC-7 Sites MP M-73-7 M-11 MR 82-6 CERC-14 Strip MP MP 4-701 4-844 S-20 S-23 R TM 4-74 49 CERC-19 CERC-28 MP 4-931 S-25 Leopard 2 AV Tank MP M-77-3 M-15 TR 3-554 S-78 Lesser Antilles MP 6-400 C-6 Eglin Air Force Base MP 4-110 S-7 55-INDEX Term Levee Alignments Clear Creek Extensions South of Eagle Lake Found at ions Grades Kansas City District Lake Okeechobee Lake Pontchartrain Louisiana Mauvais Teree Miller City Missouri and Mississippi Rivers Omaha District Point Remove Creek st. Louis Industrial Park Sanitary District, East St. Louis Lexington Harbor, Michigan Libby Army Airfield Dam Liberia Liberty Army Airfield State Park Libya Lidar Observations Liesnoi Island Lift Locks, Trinity River, Texas Thickness Light Draft Vessels Path Behavior Lightweight Aggregates Lignin Lignite Lime Fly Ash-Ae~gregate Mixtures .Regort No. ~.!'!.-------------- B 12 S-1 Limestone MP C-69-l C-16 MBM 31-8 H-24 TP 76-4 CERC-30 MBM 32-1 H-24 TR S-68-6/3 S-85 MP S-69-53 S-31 Aggregate MP 6-395 C-6 TM 8-1 S-55 MP 6-724 C-11 TM 8-2 S-55 MP 6-782 C-13 TM 52-1 S-55 TM 6-371 C-28 TM 67 CERC-40 TR 6-748 C-34 TM 80 CERC-41 Ozark Highlands TM 199-l S-58 TM 135-1 S-56 Pavement Design TR S-76-17 S-95 TM 142-1 S-57 Limnos System TR A-78-3/3 M-51 TM 155-1 S-57 Lindholme, Yorkshire, England TM 3-"34"3/120 S-71 TM 184-1 S-58 Linear TM 3-267 S-62 Regression Analyses MP 5-667 MS-5 TM 3-424 S-B Statistical Analysis MP N-78-7 11-n MBM 31-9 H-24 Wave Refraction RR H-71-3 H-28 TM 80-1 S-55 Lined TM 80-2 S-56 Channel Expansions TR H-74-9 H-61 TM 163-1 S-57 Openings in Jointed Rock CR N-69-113 \i-45 p A H-26 TR N-73-6 il-38 B 11 S-1 Liquefaction CR S-76-5 S-101 MBM 34-2 H-24 RR S-76-2 S-54 MBM 32-3 H-24 Failures MP S-76-4 S-48 TM 150-1 S-57 Monterey No. 0 Sand t4P S-76-6 S-48 T;1 150-2 S-57 Sand CR S-76-9 S-115 TR 2-449 H-42 TR S-78-2 S-95 MP S-75-8 S-46 w. G. Huxtable Pumping Plant MP S-76-8 S-49 TR S-70-2 S-86 Liquid TM 65-1 S-55 Limit MP 3-146 S-12 MP 2-13 H-4 TM 3-286/2 S-63 Devices MP 3-473/3 S-15 MBM 38-1 li-24 Test MP 3-1188 S-16 MBM 32-3 H-24 TM 3-286/1 S-63 MBM 34-1 H-24 Nitrogen Soil-Moisture MBM 31-3 H-23 Samplers ~IP 4-371 M-3 Literature TM 154-l S-57 Review ~IP S-76-9 S-119 MR 82-13 CERC-14 MP S-77-6 S-50 TR D-77-33 E-11 MP S-71-11 S-34 Survey /A Z-4 TR TR 3-466/11 H-74-15 S-75 H-61 Little Creek, Virgi.nia MP M-74-5 M-12 TR H-76-17 H-65 MP M-78-8 M-16 TR H-76-21 H-65 TR 3-463 S-75 TM 3-343113 S-66 Grassy Dam TM 179-1 S-57 Kanawha River TR H-75-5 H-b2 MP S-68-2 S-27 River Inlet, South Carolina TR H-77-21 H-67 MP H-76-18 H-17 Rock TM 3-343/ 79-80 S-69 Air Force Base Reach, Arkansas River MP TR S-68-28 H-72-3 S-23 H-58 TM 3-343/ 82-84 S-6':1 Sioux River Littleville Darn TR MP 2-762 S-70-13/2 H-52 S-32 PNE 1110 ',i-17 Littoral PNE 1119 il-17 Barrier R 77-6 CERC-20 TR 33 li-29 R 33-10 CERC-23 Cell MP H-78-8 H-19 TR H-77-7 H-66 Currents B 3/l H-l TM 3-2'71/8 S-62 Drift R R 7-71 25-73 CERC-17 CERC-18 CR 2-5 H-71 R 26-73 CERC-18 CR 2-7 H-71 Phenomena R 9-73 CERC-13 MP 0-73-12 MS-8 Sand TM 19 CERC-27 MP 6-25b C-5 Transport R 81-2 CERC-22 MP 3-122 S-7 Sediment Transport TR H-76-n/2 il-65 MP 6-330 C-6 Studies TM 131 CERC-44 HP 3-122/5 S-7 Transport MP li-77-ll H-18 TR S-76-9 S-93 TM 18 CERC-26 TM 114 CERC-4·~ 56-INDEX Term Term Littoral ( Cont) Lock (Cont) Zone r4P 4-70 CERC-7 Filling and Emptying System HP H-76-13 H-17 TP 77-5 CERC-31 Holt Lock and Dam TR 2-698 H-49 Livingston Crater CR 2-39 W-43 Gates TR 2-651 H-47 LN305 MP M-73-5 M-11 Hastings, Minnesota TM 117-2 S-56 LN309 MP M-71--4 M-10 No. 19, Mississippi River TR 2-537 H-44 LNG Performance MP H-74-6 H-14 Facility, Los ~ngeles Harbor MP ll-77-13 H-18 Pile Foundation TR S-74-6 S-90 Terminal Sites MP H-78-2 H-19 Prototvpe Tests TR H-75-11 H-62 Load Sault Ste. Marie MP C-73-8 C-21 Buried Box Stru~tures TR S-73-5 S-95 Site No. 2, Proposed Pearl Carrying Evaluation MP 4-479 S-16 River Improvement TM 131-1 S-56 Deformation HP S-73-17 S-53 Trinity River, Texas TR H-77-7 H-66 Fra~ture CR S-76-15/I S-119 Viall MP N-75-8 W-11 Generator CR 3-98 S-99 Lockbourne Air Force Base MP S-73-54 S-43 CR 1-99 S-99 Locomotion Model MP M-71-7 M-10 Transfer TR S-69-10/3 S-86 Loess CR 2-39 Vl-43 Loading CR 3-26/5 S-110 MP 4-838 H-6 CR 3-26/9 S-110 MP S-74-28 S-46 Conditions CTIAC-24 C-41 RR S-69-1 S-54 rw c-77-3 C-24 TM V/-2'7 Function TR M-76-2 M-31 TM 156-2 S-57 Tests CR 3-146 S-114 TR 2·-482 \-1-30 Lock B 2/3 H-1 Lofted Mine Concept MP M-77-11 M-15 CR 2-1/13 H-74 Log Skidder MP M-69-1 1'1-8 ~rkansas River TR 2-743 H-51 Logistical Carrier MP M-70-9 M-9 Capacity MP ll-75-9 H-15 LOKDAP MP ll-74-6 H-14 Tll ll--73-25 H-69 Long Culvert Beach ~nalysis Program MP K-77-2 MS-7 Breakwater MP ll-76-10 H-16 Frame Analysis MP K-73-5 MS-6 Harbor MP H-76-4 H-16 Outlet Basins MP 2-794 H-9 MP H-76-20 H-17 and Dam MP H-76-15 H-17 MP H-77-10 H-18 TR H-75-9 H-62 TM 2-265 H-37 Arkansas River TR 2-623 H-46 Island, New Jersey MR 80-9 CERC-13 Demopol is, Al abarna TM 140-1 S-57 Model TR H-75-4 H-62 No. Branch, New Jersey TM 62 CERC-40 1 Island TM 128 CERC-43 Red River Waterwav TR H-77-13 H-67 Sound TP 81-3. CERC-33 St. Lucie Canal TM 153-1 H-32 TR D-77-6 E-6 c, Red River Waterway CTIAC-55 C-44 Lake, Alaska MP H-71-7 H-12 3 Sault Canal TR 2-489 H-43 Arkansas River TR H-6o-8 H-54 Shot MP 1-957 V/-6 Monongahela River MP C-76-9 C-24 Wave Energy R 82-2 CERC-22 4 Longshore Arkansas River TR 2-746 H-51 Bars TM 15 CERC-37 Cofferdam Diversion MP H-71-9 H-12 Energy Flux CETA 80-3 CERC-3 Monongahela River Tll 2-736 H-51 Transport R 77-6 CERC-20 5 and 7, Arkansas River TR 2-655/A H-47 TP 79-1 CERC-32 6 TM 121-1 H-32 Rate CETA 80-6 CERC-3 7, Arkansas River TR H-69-3 H-54 R 12-73 CERC-18 8, Arkansas River TR H-73-10 H-59 TP 80-4 CERC-32 9, Arkansas River TR 2-817 H-53 Troughs TM 15 CERC-37 1~, ~rkansas River TR H-'70-8 H-56 Wave Energy TR li-74-6/ 14, Arkansas River TR H-71-1 H-57 17-3 H-60 17, Arkansas River TR H-70-12 H-57 Lookout Point Dam TR 3-502 S-7'7 26, Mississippi River MP C-72-4 C-19 Lop Buri CR 3-156/B M-41 MP C-76-1 C-2·1 Lopez Dam MP S-71-17/4 S-35 HP H-73-10 H-19 Lorain TR H-73-15 ll-60 Harbor TR 2-628 H-46 51, Ohio River HP H-74-4 H-14 Ohio R 83-12 CERC-23 52, Ohio River MP C-74-5 C-22 Loring Air Force Base MP 4-898 S-24 53, Ohio River MP C-74-7 C-22 MP S-73-51 S-43 Data Analysis Program MP H-74-6 H-14 Lorran Lake Cutoff MBM 91-1 H-25 Design MP H-75-7 H-15 Los Angeles Emergency Gate, Barkley Dam TR 2-689 H-49 County Drainage Area R 2-212 Z-12 Fa<:!ilities TR H-74-5 ll-60 District INR 9 Z-5 57-INDEX Term Los Angeles (Cant) Harbor Model Llanos Air Base Lunas, New Mexico Lost Creek Louisiana State Highway No. 30 Low Density Concretes Ground-Pressure Equipment Sill Control Structure, Louisiana Structure, Old River Strength Concrete Soils Yield Nuclear Explosions Lower Mississippi River Levees Valley LRV Wheels Ludington Harbor Ludlam Beach, New Jersey Lunar Applications • Chemical Explosives Excavation Explosives Rover Vehicle Roving Vehicle ) ilheel Soil Simulant Surface Vehicles Luxemburg Airport Lynnhaven Bay and Inlet Lytle Creek M8 Landing Mat Steel Landing Mat M8Al Landing Mat Steel Landing Mat M9Ml Landing Mat M9M2 Landing Mat M-15 Antitank Mine MP H-77-10 MP H-77-2 MP H-77-13 TR H-78-23 TR H-75-4 TM 3-343/86 TR S-77-4 TR E-75-1 TM TM 3-278 MP C-70-8 TR DS-78-9 TR H-77-2 MP 3-148 MP 3-200 TR 3-602 MP C-74-14 MP N-76-1 MP N-77-1 MP N-78-3 TM 184-l TM 3-424 MP 3-818 TM 3-273 TM 3-311 TR 3-658 TR 3-712 TR S-71-5 TR M-71-10 TR H-75-14 MR 80-3 TM 70-6 TR 25 TM 70-5 TM 69-12 TM 70-4 t1P M-71-3 MP M-72-3 TR M-71-7 TR M-70-15 TR M-71-10 TM 70-4 TR 11-70-2 TM 3-343/61 TM 2-348 TR H-75-7 TR 3-433 TM 3-400 MP 4-935 MP 4-817 MP 4-967 MP S-70-9 MP 4-581 MP 4-501 TR 3-470 H-18 H-17 H-18 H-69 H-62 S-69 S-94 W-39 S-61 S-62 C-17 E-27 H-66 S-8 S-9 S-79 C-22 Z-16 W-11 ~~-12 W-13 S-58 S-73 S-22 S-62 S-64 S-81 S-82 S-87 M-28 H-63 CERC-12 \1-24 W-29 li-24 W-24 \J-24 M-10 M-10 M-28 M-27 M-28 \/-24 M-26 S-bil H-39 H-62 S-74 S-72 S-25 S-22 S-26 S-32 S-lil S-16 S-76 1!;!:."!.----------------------------- Ml9 Landing Mat Uplift M35A2 (Modified) f160Al Tank M60A1El Tanks M60AlE3 Tanks Mll3Al Ml51A2 Utility Truck MacDill Air Force Base Machias Study Area, Maine Macrobenthic Community Macroearthquakes Macrofauna Macrogeometry Terrain Analysis Macroinvertebrate Macrophytes of Lake Conway Madagascar; Canal Zone Analogs V Madrid, Spain Ma~ic Island Complex Magnesium Oxide Magnetic Data Tape Wave Recorder Maid-Miles System Maintenance Projects Malmstrom Air Force Base Malodors f1ammals Man 6X6 and 8X8 Cargo Truck Manager's Overview of WES Manasquan Inlet Manchester Islands Manganese in Sediments Manhole Mankato Manning's "n" Manston, Kent, England Map Construction Generalization c;round Mobility Mapping Terrain Microgeometry Trafficability Maracaibo March Air Force Base Marcus Hook Anchorage, Delaware River Schuylkill Reach Mare Island Strait Marina del Rey Marine Animals Benthos MP S-75-16 MP M-72-2 MP M-75-5 MP t1-77-9 TR M-·ro-lo MP M-75-5 MP M-72-2 MP M-76-6 MP 4-34 MP 4-144 MP C-70-16 TR D-77-2'>,/C TR S-71-1/19 TP 76-14 TR D-77-24/F CR 3-68 CR 4-86 CETA 79-3 TR A-78-2/1 /I CR 3-10/V TM 3-143/7'7 TM 3-141/89 TR 2-767 MP C-76-5 MP M-75-2 TM 58 t1P M-78-6 TR H-7:!-513 t1P S-73-22 CR D-76-9 TR A-78-2/1/ II TR A-7'd-2/2/ II MP M-77-4 MP 0-73-8 MP b-793 TM 1131-1 MP D-76-18 MP 1-984 MP N-72-5 TR H-78-8 B 1/1 TM 3-343/90 TR 3-726/ VIII TR M-74-2/B TR M-77-3 MP 4-687 TR 3-726/VII MP M-74-8 TR 3-612 HP 4-461 TM 106-1 MP 4-213/2 MP S-73-~8 MP il-76-17 MP 2-887 TM 81-1 TR 2-671 TR D-77-24/ B-C TR D-78-35/1 S-47 M-10 M-H M-15 M-26 M-n M-10 M-14 S-5 S-8 C-18 t:-8 S-40 CERC-10 E-10 ~1-4~ M-115 CC:HC-2 M-4~ M-43 S-69 S-b9 H-52 C-21 M-12 CERC-40 M-16 H-68 S-41 E-21 M-49 M-50 M-15 HS-8 C-13 H-33 E-1 ~~-6 \v-3 H-68 ll-1 S-69 M-2·~ M-30 H-32 M-5 11-23 M-12 S-79 M-4 H-31 S-9 S-42 11-17 H-10 H-30 H-48 E-9 E-17 58-INDEX Term Term ~.£ort No. Marine (Cont) Masonry TR b-596 C-33 Environment CT!AC-15 C-40 Cement TM 6-359 C-28 CTIAC-49 C-43 Unit-Masonry Mortar InterMP C-75-4 C-23 action MP 6-433 C-7 Limestone TP 76-4 CERC-30 Mass Organisms MR 82-14 CERC-14 Coefficient TM 24 CERC-27 Pipeline MR 77-2 CERC-10 Concrete B 39 C-1 Soil Mer,hani."s TR S-72-11 S-89· CTIAC-23 C-41 Maritime Alps t1P 3_:561 S-18 MP 6-123/5 C-2 Marked Tree Siphon B 2/3 H-1 MP 6-123/6 C-2 MP 2-1 H-4 MP 6-123110 C-3 Markland Locks and 'Dam TR 2-446 H-42 MP 6-123113 C-3 TR 2-566 H-44 MP 6-123114 C-3 Markov Model H 7-73 CERC-17 MP 6-123115 C-3 Marrakech Airfield TM 3-343114 . S-66 MP 6-132/3 C-3 Marsh TR D-77-35 E-11 MP 6-467 C-7 Arch Bridge, Fort Riley MP C-77-1 C-24 MP 6-586 C-9 Creation CR D-'75-2 E-21 MP 6-936 C-15 Develop~nent CETA 77-1 CERC-2 MP C-72-19 C-20 Site MP C-73-10 C-21 Apalachicola Bay TR D-78-32 E-17 MP C-77-6 C-24 Columbia River TR D-77-38 E-12 TM C-27 Galveston Bay TR D-78-1~ E-15 TM 6-307 C-27 Grays flarbor TR D·-78-11 E-14 TM 6-345 C-28 James River TR D-77-21 E-8 TM 6-352 C-23 South San Francisco Bay TR D-TB-57 E-20 TM 6-380 C-29 E:>tabl L;iunent Work CR D-77-3 E-22 TR 6-748 C-34 E~:>tuarine Ecosystems TR D-78-3 E-13 TR 6-804 C-35 TR ll-78-52 E-19 TR C-69-l C-36 Habitat 78-13 CERC-21 TR C-70-4 C-37 Development TR D-77-23/ TR C-74-2 C-38 F-I E-9 TR C-74-4 C-38 TR D-78-31 E-17 Blocks MP 6-123/9 C-3 Island Site Selection CR D-76-211 E-21 Dams MP 6-247 C-5 Plant CH D-74-9/Il E-24 Mixtures MP C-68-4 C-16 t1P D-77-1 E-3 Pozzolans MP 6-422 C-7 MP D-78-6 E-4 Structures TR 6-540 C-31 TR D-77-2 E-5 TR 6-811 C-36 TR D-77-28 E-10 TR C-74-3 C-38 TR D-77-40 E-12 TM 6-330 C-28 TR ll-78-6 E-14 Surfaces TM 6-353 C-28 TR D-78-2b/A E-17 Earth Movement CR 3-92 S-119 TR D-78-51 E-19 CR 3-137 S-105 Delaware, Georgia, and Maine TR D-'77-36 E-11 CR 3-138 S-116 Establishment CR D-74-9 E-24 CR 3-139 S-118 Species TR D-76-·5 E-5 CR 3-141 S-103 Gulf Coast Area TR ll-77-44 E-13 CR 3-142 S-115 Screw Amphibian MP 4-751 M-5 CR 3-157 S-116 TR 3-641 M-21 Cll 3-138 S-116 TR A-77-111 11-49 Placement of Sand Asphalt TM 3-329 S-65 Soils TR D-77-23/E E-9 Stabilization of Earth CR 3-92 S-119 Vegetation SR 9 CERC-25 Massachusetts Bay TP 76-3 CERC-30 Marshall Islands MP 4-855 S-23 Hatagorda MP S-68-14 S-27 Bay MP 2-541 H-7 Marshland Areas MP 3-182 S-9 Ship Channel Z-12 Martin Darn CTIAC-18 C-42 Model TR 2-711 H-49 Martins Fork Dam MP C-77-7 C-24 Material Maryland MP 3-2 S-4 Evaluated as Soil Stabilizers MP S-77-15 S-51 Marysville Lake Hydrothermal Handling Equipment MP M-74-5 M-12 Study TH H-77-5 H-66 Highway Construction MP 6-277 C-5 Hasonboro Inlet GITI 6 CERC-5 Modeling Rock MP 6-934 C-15 GITI 15 CERC-6 Property GITI 18 CERC-6 Airport Pavement Systems CR S-75-6 S-99 GITI 22 CERC-b Investigation MP S-49 MP H-75-10 H-15 MP S-50 MP H-78-12 H-20 Response Characterization MP S-77-11 S-51 TR H-76-4 H-64 Suspension TM 122-1 MS-10 Movable-Bed Model MP H-76-14 H-17 Transport TM 158-1 MS-10 59-INDEX Term Term-------------------- Mathematical Mechanical (Cont) Material Models CR S-68-1/1 S-118 Impedance TR 6-780/2 C-35 MP S-72-ll/1 S-36 TR N-75-6 ;1-40 Model CR 3-24/6 M-37 Radiation Effects CR 1-lll ';/-4'( MP H-74-10 H-14 Hechanics of \/heels TR 1-729 t1-24 MP M-68-7 M-8 TR M-68-2 M-25 TR D-74-1 E-5 Media Classification for TR D-76-1 E-5 Explosive Excavation TM 71-3 W-25 TR D-77-12 E-9 Medical and Veterinary Diseases MP D-78-1 E-4 TR H-73-16 H-60 Medium TR H-77-5 H-66 Lift Locks, Trinity River TR H-77-7 H-66 TR H-77-18 H-67 Structure Interaction TR N-72-7 H-37 TR H-78-1 H-67 Meeker Control Structure TM S-61 TR M-68-1/l M-25 Meili Flex-Trac MP 4-412 t1-3 TR M-70-9 M-26 Meiofauna TP 76-14 CERC-~0 TR M-72-3 M-29 Meknes Air field TM 3-343/15 S-66 TR M-73-4 M-29 Mekong Delta, South Vietnam TR S-69-7 S-85 TR N-73-7 11-39 Mellwood (Arkansas) Levee Unit TM 142-l S-57 Modeling MR 77-10 CERC-11 Meltwater Gaging Program MP 2-597 H-8 TM 32 CERC-27 Helvern Dam MP H-77-5 H-18 Simulation RR H-73-2 H-28 Membrane CR S-71-7 S-106 Storm Surge Model MP H-78-5 H-19 MP 4-847 S-23 Mather Air Force Base MP 4-316 S-12 MP S-6/:l-20 S-2U MP 4-321 S-12 MP S-76-23 S-50 MP S-73-31 S-42 TR 3-492 $-7/J Matthes on Roughness Coeffi-TR 3-592 S-7/:l cients B 1/3 H-1 TR S-71-11 S-8i.J Mattress Casting MP 6-634 C-10 rR s-n-3 s-89 Haui, Hawaii TR 2-644 H-47 TR S-75-1 S-91 Mauripur, Karachi, "est Pakistan TM 3-343/123 S-71 TR S-75-2 S-91 Mauvais Terre Levee and Drainage TR S-75-8 S-91 District TM 65-1 S-55 Airfield Surfaci~~ TR S-74-2 S-90 Maxwell Locks and Dam TR 2-579 f!-45 Curing and Bonding Compounds MP C-75-1 0 C-2"3 TR 2-672 H-48 Encapsulated May Two-Piece AM2 Landing Mat MP S-68-11 S-27 Pavement Sections Z-17 Mayersville Sediment Survey B 1/1 H-1 Soil Layer Z-7 t~BT70 Tanks TR M-70-10 M-26 Enveloped Soil Lavers IR S-69-5 S-2 McAlpine Lock MP 2-622 H-8 IR S-71-1 S-"3 TR 2-778 H-52 MP S-68-13 S-27 and Dam TR 2-749 H-51 MP S-72-6 S-3G McClellan Air Force Base MP 4-311/6 S-11 HP S-73-5 S-40 MP 4-311/7 S-11 MP S-75-14 :)--47 MP 4-311/8 S-11 TR S-74-9 S-91 McConnaughay Asphalt Patch Plant MP 4-228 S-10 Forming Compounds TM 6-385 C-29 McConnell Air Force Base MP S-73-29 S-42 TR C-68-1 C-36 McCoy Air Force Base MP 4-213/3 S-9 Surfaced Runway MP 4-620 S-19 McGee Bend Dam MP 2-264 H-5 Sur facing CR S-70-1 S-119 MP 3-489 S-16 TR S-'71-10 S-88 HcNary TR 3-675 s-81 Darn TM 2-252 i!-37 TR 3-773 S-84 Lock MP 2-146 H-4 TR S-b3-3 S-85 TR 2-552 ll-44 Type t1aterials TR 3-539 ::l-73 Meander Memphis HP 3-140 S-8 Belt TR 3-604 S-79 Engineer Depot TM 89-1 !·1-30 Model R 16-1 P-4 r:~ tJ9-2 il-30 Meandering Harbor Tt~ 2-'320 !1-38 Alluvial Rivers TM H-35 Municipal Airport MP 4-519 S-17 Channels TM 2-429 H-41 ~1cess Roads TR 3-542 S-78 TR 6-481 C-31 Activities CR 3-36 M-40 51-INDEX Term Term Mineral (Cont) Mississippi (Cont) Cycling TR D-78-3 E-13 River (Cont) Fines TM 6-419/1 C-29 Deltaic Plain TR 3-1183 S-76 TM 6-419/2 C-29 Dikes R 2-2 P-1 Grain Studies TM 28 CERC-38 Diversion Z-1 Resources MR 82-9 CERC-14 Fish Habitat CR Y-75-4 E:-34 Rock Event MP N-73-4 \~-9 Flood-Control Model B 'J/1 ll-2 TR N-69-2/6 W-34 Floodplain CR Y-74-3 E-34 TR N-72-6 W-37 MP Y-75-1 E-29 Soils MP 4-438 M-3 Animals and Their Habitat CR Y-7?-2 E-35 Vacuum CR 3-101/2 S-112 Floods t1BM 86-1 11-25 Mineralogical Properties of Flow, Lake County, Tennessee MBM o1-3 H-24 Aggregates MP 6-119 C-6 Geomorphic Study CR Y-75-3 E-34 MINI-MOUND TM 71-10 H-25 Gulf Mining of Coal MP H-76-2 M-13 Coast Inland Waterway MP H-75-6 H-15 MP M-76-4 M-13 MP 3-259 S-10 Minot Air Force Base MP S-73-23 S-41 Outlet Z-12 Minuteman Launch Facility MP N-74-2 W-10 TR H-78-16 H-69 MIRACLE PLAY MP N·-70-8 11-8 TR 2-636 H-47 Mi.raflores Dam TR 2-667 H-43 Levees MP 3-131 S-7 MISERS BLUFF Series Z-15 ~1P ·i-205 S-9 MP N-78-4 W-13 MP S-6tl-4/1 S-27 Missile MP E-74-2 W-10 MP S-72-21 S-37 Bases MP S-68-27 S-28 MP S-75-22 S-47 Detonation MP 1-853 W-5 TM 3-424 S-73 Explosion MP 1-792 \J-4 m 3·-430 S-73 Launcher Stability Tests MP 4-920 S-25 9-Ft Channel TR Y-74-1 E-32 Launching Sites MP S-71-19 S-35 Red River Landing TR 1 Z-8 Site MP S-73-35 S-42 Revetn1ent R 2-4 P-1 Mission Bay 17-1 P-5 Harbor TR H-69-8 H-54 Side Channels TR M-74-5 :1-30 Inle:. R 11-73 CERC-18 Stages MBM 81-6 H-25 Mississinewa Dam MP 2-536 11-7 and Tributaries TR 12 Z-8 Mississippi 1947, 1944, and 1943 Alluvial Valley MP S-77-5 S-50 Floods MBM 15-1 H-22 Basin MBM 15-2 H-23 Model H-21 Vegetational Study CR Y-75-1 E-34 thru Test Facility TR S-69-10 S-86 H-25 Valley MP 3-818 S-22 TM s 61 MP S-73-1/10 S-39 Board H-21 TR 3-658 S-81 thru Geology MP 3-208 S-9 ll-25 Missouri River Foundation Investigations TM S-64 Demonstration Projects /E L-3 County, Arkansas TR H-77-12 H-67 Division INR 10 Z-5 River B 1/2 H-1 Levees TH 3-1JIJ3 S-74 CR Y-74-2 E-34 and Tributaries CR Y-75-4 E-34 1950 and 1947 Floods t·1Bt1 12-1 H-22 MBM 31-5 H-23 1952 and 1951 Floods MBM 12-2 H-22 MP H-70-1 H-1 Misurata West Airfield, p l! H-26 Misurata, Libya TH 3-341/31 S-69 p u H-2ll M~ I. T~ Plane Strain Device CR 3-101/12 s-1n R 300-1 P-5 Miter TM 3-288 S-63 Gates MP K-73-b MS-6 TR 2 Z-8 MP K-75-9 MS-6 TR D-77-31 E-11 Type Lock Gates TR 2-651 H-47 TR H-74-8 H-61 MITIM Time Minimization Computer TR H-77-13 H-67 Code TM 72-4 \1-26 TR M-76-6 M-32 MIXED COMPANY Event Z-14 TR Y-75-1 E-32 Z-15 TR Y-75-2 E-32 CR S-118 TR Y-76-1 E-32 CR S-74-4 S-11~ Bank R 11-5 P-2 CR S-75-2 S-119 TR t1-77-1 M-32 MP C-75-2 C-22 TR S-73-5 S-89 MP M-73-5 M-11 Failure MP 3-675 S-19 MP N-75-4 d·-11 Channel B 2/3 H-1 MP S-73-62 S-4i R 19-1 P-4 MP S-74-1 S-44 R 19-2 P-4 MP S-74-8 S-44 R 19-3 P-4 Mixing MP 3-122/6 S-7 MP H-78-1 H-18 Bulk Explosives MP N-77-5 ;1-13 Concrete TR 6-440 C-'i1 62-INDEX Term Report No. ---------------·--------------Term ------------ Mobile Model (Cant) Bay MP H-7?-3 H-18 Engineering Materials MP S-77-19 S-51 Model Study TR H-75-13 H-6~ Estuarial Sediment Transport TR D-77-12 E-7 Breakwater MP ll-71-8 H-12 Fate of Dredged Material CR D-76-5 E-25 TR H-68-2 H-53 Gate Vibration MP 5-87 MS-4 Materials Laboratory MP 3-138 S-3 Laws for Density Currents CR 2-l H-73 TR 3-442 S-74 and ~lability CR 3-33 M-36 H-74 CH 3-114 M-35 Limits MBM 2-17 H-21 MP 1~-147 M-2 Materials Evaluation GITI 7 CERC-5 MP 76-6 M-14 Prototype MP M-73-3 M-16 Arch Dam TR N-77-1 W-41 TR 3-702 M-23 Comparison B 3/2 H-1 TR 3-726/VII M-23 Confirmations B 2/3 H-1 TR M-70-6 M-26 Data, Marked Tree Siphon MP 2-1 H-4 TR M-70-10 M-26 Relationship MP 2-857 H-9 TR M-76-4 M-31 River Sedimentation IR H-78-1 H-3 Analysis MP 4-652 M-5 Roughness B 2/1 H-1 TR M-76-i M-31 Testing of Soils MP S-76-9 S-49 Assessment MP M-73-14 M-11 Tests MP H-76-14 H-17 TR M-73-1 M-29 Theory MP S-72-7 S-36 Chemical Constitutentc; TR D-76-7 E-5 Tunnels RR 1-6 \/-19 Con3ultant~ Conference MP t·1-4 Urban Studies MP H-74-8 H-14 environmental Research CR 3-143 M-43 Verification B 1/3 H-1 CR 3-153 M-43 Modeling MP 4-670 M-5 Behavior of a Real Soil CR S-68-1/2 S-117 MP IJ-726 M-5 Buried Vertical Cylinders TR N-76-5 W-40 TR 3-681 M-22 Ecolo~ical Succession TR D-77-35 E-11 TR 3-726 M-23 Recreation Use TR R-78-1 E-39 and Environmental Systems Rock Mechanics MP S-74-28 S-116 Laboratory PSTIAC-2 M-34 Techniques MP S-51 Exer~ise A MP 4-979 M-7 HR ll-74-2 H-29 TR M-70-11 M-27 Modulus of Experiments MP M-75-3 M-13 De format ion MP C-71-4 C-18 MP M-77-12 M-15 Elasticity MP 6-681 C-11 Index Formula TM 3-240/18 M-18 Moist Curing on Concrete TR C-69-6 C-37 Models TR 11-71-4 M-28 Moisture Number for Coarse-Grained Conditions CTIAC 24 C-41 Soils TR 3-666/5 M-22 MP 4-175 S-8 TR M-71-5/3 M-28 MP 6-279 C-5 Performance TR M-70-4 M-26 MP C-'17-3 C-24 Off-Road t1aterials Handling Content TM 3-240/1 M-17 Vehicles HP M-78-8 M-16 Detenninations MP 4-73 S-6 1-1/4-to 5-Ton Cargo Trucks MP H-78-9 M-16 Fine Aggregate TR 6-476 C-31 1/4-to 10-Ton Tactical Hardened Concrete TR C-76-1 C-38 Trucks and Cargo Carriers MP M-78-10 M-16 Investigation TM 3-401 S-73 Towed and Self-Propelled and Density Artillery MP M-77-1 M-15 Nuclear ~lethods IR S-74-1 S-3 Predicti.on TR 3-666/7 M-22 Soils MP S-76-18 S-49 Requirements (Howze) MP 4-528 M-4 Migration in Concrete f1P C-70-15 C-18 Research CR 11-16 M-45 TR C-75-1 C-38 CR 4-17 M-45 Stren6th Characteristics TR 3-791 M-25 CH 3-118 M-42 Surveys IR M-78-1 M-1 MP 4-623 M-5 Mold Size MP 4-327 M-2 TR 3-639 r1-21 Molded Cylinders TR 6-522 C-31 TR 3-652 M-21 Molesworth, Huntingdonshire, Studies MP M-72-5 M-10 England TM 3-343/93 S-70 Tests TR M-75-1 M-31 Mo-Mat HP 4-872 S-23 Thailand TR 5-625 t1-2l MP S-69-5 S-28 Validation Test Results MP M-74-6 M-12 MP S-72-5 S-36 Model Manent-Transferring End Joints MP 4-317 S-12 Appurtenances B 2/3 H-1 Mono Lake B 3/1 l!-1 Explosion Test Series B 3/2 r!-1 1965 MP 1-947 W-6 Arch Dam TR N-76-3 \~-40 TR N-70-5 W-35 Clearing of Vegetation by TR N-70-12 W-36 Explosives MP M-72-1 M-10 1969 TR N-72-5 W-37 Design TR H-75-4/4 H-62 Field Experiment CR 1-167/II W-48 Distortion RR 2-1 H-27 Monoliths Z-6 D3-INDEX Term Term -------------------- Monongahela River MP C-76-9 TR 2-736 C-24 H-51 Movable-Bed Experiments MR 77-7 CEHC-11 Monterey MR 81-4 CERC-10 Bay TP 76-15 TR H-75-17 CERC-30 H-63 Hydraulic Model Model Study MP B H-75-10 2/3 H-15 H-1 TR D-77-27 E-10 GITI 17 CERC-6 Harbor CR 2-136 H-73 R 1-75 CERC-19 MP H-69-11 H-11 TM 99-1 H-31 TM 2-301 H-38 Galveston Harbor Entrance HR H-75-3/2 H-2~ TR H-68-9 li-54 Tests MP H-76-14 l!-17 TR N-69-411 W-34 Modeling R 83-4 CEHC-23 No. 0 Sand MP S-76-6 S-48 Movement Montgomery Birch Darn CR S-76-2 S-101 Cut-Off TM 39-l S-55 Tow-Generated Suspended Locks and Dam MP C-77-2 C-24 t1aterial Plumes TR M-76-6 Montichiari Air Moody Air Force Base Base TM MP HP 3-343/45 4-93/2 4-314 S-68 s-6 S-12 MRT Flow Line MSA Method for Determining Particle Size Distribution MBM 91-1 MP C-70-24 C-18 Moon TM 70-4 W-24 Mt. St. Helens Eruption TR 13 Z-8 Moored Vessels CR 2-131 H-70 Mud Mooring Control Additives MP 4-735 S-21 Force TR H-71-3 H-57 Dredged Material TR D-77 -45 E-13 Load CETA 79-4 CERC-2 TR ll-78-40 E-18 TP 78-3 CERC-32 Flows TR D-73-46 E-19 Morameal Revetment INR 7 Z-4 Mountain Morgan City MP 3-2 S-4 Dam TM 164-l S-57 Morganza Control Structure TM S-64 Impervious Core Material TM B 1-248 14 S-61 S-1 Floodway MP 3-6 S-4 Mud lumps MP S-70-29 S-13 TM S-60 Mugu TM 2-275 H-37 Lagoon TM 14 CERC-37 TM 2-290 H-37 Submarine Canyon m 19 CERC-17 Control Structure TM 2-258 H-3b Multiaxial TM 3-278 S-62 Creep in Concrete MP C-73-6 C-21 TM 3-308 S-63 Stress TR C-75-4 C-18 TM 3-317 S-611 Multiple-Wheel TM 2-326 H-38 CBR Design Criteria MP 4-243 S-10 TM 3-384 S-72 Heavy Gear Load Z-7 Fuse-Plug Levee TM 216-1 H-35 f1P S-71-5 S-34 Moron de la Frontera, Spain TM 3-343/78 S-69 MP S-72-6 S-36 Morristown Airport TM S-58 Pavement Tests TR S-71-17 S-88 Morro Bay Harbor Mortar TR MP 2-567 6-330 H-45 c-6 Landin!> Gear Multispectral TM 3-'349 S-71 HP 6-533 C-8 Data TR M-77-2 t1-"J2 TM C-27 Photo;>rarnmetry R 2--74 CERC-19 MP C-69-5 C-16 Municipal Landfills Z-15 TR C-74-611 C-38 Munition TR C-76-4 C-38 Burst MP M-70-10 1'1-ll TR N-69-8/2 ~~-35 Clearing Helicopter Landing TM 6-368/2 C-23 Zones TR M-69-3 t1-2S TM TR 6-36iJ/3 N-69-8/4 C-28 1-1-3'5 Height of Burst Test Sites MP TR M-73-8 M-71-3 M-ll 11-28 Bar TR C-69-8 C-37 Trajectory MP M-7"3-10 M-11 Baseplates MP S-69-14 S-29 Transfer Truck MP t~-73-14 M-ll Containing Pozzolans MP 6-123/7 C-3 Muntadas Airport TM 3-343/88 S-69 Surfaces TM 6-336 C-28 Murray DaHl TM 108-l S-56 Morville Revetment TM 3-318 S-64 Murrells Inlet, South Carolina TR H-78-4 H-61! Mosler Blast Valves MP 1-790 W-4 ~1uskeg MP 4-446 t1-3 f1osqui toes TR D-78-48 E-19 TR 3-656 M-21 Motion TR 1-744 1~-24 Measurements TR N-70-11 W-36 Trafficability Test MP 4-621 M-5 Picture Library 13 2/3 H-l Muskingurn Mounding TR E-74-1 \~-39 River Basin Z-13 TR E-75-l W-39 Watershed B 2/4 H-1 Mountain MP C-77-9 C-25 Home, Idaho MP C-69-12 C-17 MX Valley Studies Pro!>ram MP S-48 Training Area CR 3-7011 M-41 MX19-B and MX19-C Aluminum Honeycomb Landing Mat MP S-73-11 S-40 64-INDEX Ter,E:______________________ Term ~art No. NAF-II Sigonella Foundation Soil MP S-77-13 S-51 Navigation (Cant) Nakhon Sawan Area CR 3-156/A M-41 Conditions (Cant) Napa Basalt MP S-70-18 S-33 New TR S-71-2/2 S-87 Bankhead Lock TR H-72-6 H-58 Naples, Italy TM 3-341/38 S-67 Richmond Locks and Dam TR 2-535 H-44 Narragansett Bay MP 2-332/2 H-6 Ohio River Below Dam 36 TM 64-1 No. H-30 TM 64-2 H-30 TR 2-662 H-48 TM 64-3 H-30 MP 2-721 H-9 Ozark Lock and Dam TR H-68-10 H-54 TR H-47 Pike Island Locks and Dam TR 2-577 H-45 TR /2 H-47 Robert s. Kerr Lock and Dam TR H-63-5 H-53 TR 2-754 H-52 Savannah Harbor TM 2-268 H-37 Hurricane Suck Bend Reach, ChattaNarrows Dam ™209-1 H-34 hoochee River TR H-78-10 H-68 TM 2-294 H-37 Uniontown Locks and Dam TR H-75-9 H-62 Nar~arssauk, Greenland TM 3-343/5 S-66 Dam, Arkansas River TR 2-655 H-47 NASA tHssissippi Test Facility TR S-69-10 S-86 Entrance, Lorain Harbor TR 2-628 H-46 Na:;sau Harbor MP 2-799 H-9 Improvement TH 2-696 H-49 Columbia River Estuary TR 2-735 H-50 TR 2-697 H-49 Cooper River TR 2-733 H-50 Natchitoches Municipal Airport Z-13 Lock and Dam No. 1'7, Nat i.onul Shoreline Study Z-14 Arkansas River TR H-70-12 H-57 Natural Resources TR M-'17 -4 M-33 Lower Colorado River, Texas TR 9 Z-8 Naugatui!k TR H-69-4 H-54 Model Studies of New Ohio Naval Operat i nJ Base River Locks MP 2-381 H-6 thdway Islands TM 2-251 H-36 Pool CR Y-75-1 E-34 Terminal Island ™2-217 :J-36 CR Y-75-2 E-35 Navigable Waters TP 30-6 CERC-32 CR Y-75-3 E-34 Navigation Z-11 CR Y-75-4 E-34 Z-12 TR D-77-31 E-11 MP ll-76-15 !l-17 TR Y-75-1 E-32 Channel TR H-72-2/5 H-58 TR Y-75-2 E-32 TR ll-73-13 H-63 St. Marys Falls Canal TM 208-1 H-34 Arkansas River TR 2-608 H-46 Structures MP 2-468 H-7 Improvement TR ll-72-2/6 H-58 Studv, South Carolina MP H-77-4 H-18 13arneg'lt Inlet TR H-74-1 H-60 Typical Lock and Dam, Gastineau Channel TR ll-72-9 H-58 Arkansas River TR 2-623 H-46 Miller Sands Bar MP 2-765 H-9 N;ovy Conditions Department Floating Dry Dock TM 219-1 H-35 Auerdeen Lock und Dam TR H-78-12 H-68 X-Band Antenna Alexandria Reach TH H·-78-24 H-69 \ialdorf, Maryland MP 4-617 S-19 Aliceville Lock and Dam TH ll-78-2 11-67 MP 4-937 S-25 Belleville Locks and Dam TR 2·-738 H-51 Nawiliwili Cannelton Locks and Dam TR H-75-6 H-62 Breakwater MP H-78-4 H-19 Columbia L')ck and Dam TR 2-5'71 H-4'.) Harbor MP 2-377 H-6 TH 2-756 H-52 NCG Fallout Scaling ~bdel TR 19 W-29 Col umbtJS Lock and Dwn TR H-'17-ll H-66 Near-Surface Confluence of Arkansas, Bursts Z-15 Verdi~ris, and Grand Cavitation TM 71-17 1>-26 Hi.vers TR ll-73-2 H-59 Nearshore Corral Bay Tt1 2-382 H-40 Bottom-Crawling Vehicles TR M-78-3 M-31 East Passage, Narrangansett Environment MP 5-75 CERC-8 Bay TR 2-754 H-52 Numerical Storm Surge TR H-77-17 H-67 Fort Smith Reach TR ll-68-7 H-54 Neches River Saltwater Barrier MP H-711-9 H-14 Greenup Locks and Dam TR 2-469 H-42 NEPTUNE Crater TM 66-13 >1-21 Greenville Bridge TM 2-366 11-40 NETDEN MP K-76-4 MS-7 Hannibal Locks and Dam TR 2-796 H-53 Netherlands ™105'l CERC-42 Holt Lock and Dam TR 2-745 H-51 Neubiberg Air Base, Germany ™3-343/31 S-67 Jackson Lock and Dam TR 2-532 H-44 Neutron Little Rock Reach TH H-72-3 H-58 Activation TR N-76-1 \·-40 Lo~k and Dam No. Induced Radioactivity PNE 5006 Vl-18 3, Arkansas River TR H-68-8 H-54 ™67-7 W-22 4. Streaming MP N-'10-3 11-7 Arkansas River TR 2-746 !1-51 Nevada Test Site MP 3-618 S-19 Monongahela River TR 2-736 H-51 MP 4-636 S-19 7, Arkansas River TR H-69-3 H-54 MP 4-645 S-19 9, Arkansas River TR 2-817 H-53 MP 4-666 S-19 Markland Locks and Dam TR 2-446 d-42 MP 3-703 S-20 Maxwell Loaks and Dam TR 2-672 H-48 MP 3-783 S-21 McAlpine Locks and Dam TR 2-749 H-51 Millers Ferry Lock and Dam TR 2-775 H-52 b5-INDEX Term Term ~-e___ --------------------------------------------·------- Nevada Test Site (Cont) MP 3-895 S-24 Nitrogen MP S-68-24 S-28 and Phosphorus, Lake Conway TM 65-4 W-20 Ecosystem TR A-78-2/1/ New IV t1-49 Bankhead Lock TR H-72-6 H-58 TR A-78-2/ Buffalo Harbor TR 2-761 H-52 2/IV 11-'50 Castle-Finns Point Ranges TM 2-259 H-36 Transformation MP Y-74-4 E-29 Cwnberland Nitromethane MP N-76-9 11-12 Dam TM 2-336 11-40 TM 68-11 \/-2'1 Locks and Dam TR 2-585 H-46 No-Slump Concrete MP C-7'1-10 C-21 Guinea; Canal Zone Analogs Nomogram TR M-74-8/3 M-31 VIII CR 3-30/VIII M-43 Nonbreaking Waves RR 2-ll H-26 Hope Reservoir TR H-69-14 H-55 TR H-6ll-i H-53 Jersey Zinc Company Plant TR 2-457 H-42 TR H-77-19 H-67 Lock and Dam No. 26 MP C-76-l C-2i Nonconnah Creek MP 3-140 S-8 Madrid ™3-247 S-61 Bar Reach MP H-70-1/2 H-11 Nondestructive Earthquake Series MP S-77-5 S-50 Dynamic Soil Tests Floodway MBM 31-6 H-23 AASHO Road Test CR 4-79 S-105 MBM 31-7 H-24 Foss Field CR 4-85 S-10') Orleans Evaluation Procedure for Harbor TM 3-391 S-72 Military Airfields MP S-78-7 S-52 Inner Harbor Navigational t-1easurements of Soil Density TH M-70-14/2 t1-27 Canal Lock Wall MP N-75-8 W-11 ~lethod of Testing Pavements TR S-75-14/II S-92 Lake Pontchartrain Area TR S-75-6 S-91 Test of Airport Pavement MP S-48 Texas and Mexico Railroad TM S-61 Testing Z-16 TR 3-487 S-76 Concrete Structures HP C-77-11 C-25 Poe Lock TR 2-561 H-44 Flexible Pavements Z-7 Richmond Locks and Dam TR 2-535 H-44 Light Aircraft Pavements Z-16 Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam CTIAC-33 C-42 Pavements Z-6 MP C-78-10 C-26 Z-7 Ship Lock, Mississippi RiverMP 4-373 s-n Gulf Outlet TR H-78-16 H-69 Vibratory Testing TR S-75-14 S·-92 York Nonfreezing \leather in6 Test Bay TM 120 CERC-43 for Con<~rete MP b-109 C-2 TM 120A CERC-43 TM C-27 Bight R 79-1 CERC-21 Nonhomogeneous Soils TR S-71-14/4 S-88 TM 39 CERC-28 Nonlinear Harbor Z-11 Flou R 77-4 CEHC-20 MP 2-332/3 H-6 Material MP S-71-10 S-34 MP H-76-18 H-17 Resilient Moduli TR S-76-12 S-93 Model MP 2-558 H-8 v/ater Waves Tt1 133 CERC-43 Newburgh Lock TR H-68-4 H-53 \lave l11eory MP H-76-16 H-17 and Dam MP S-74-29 S-46 Nonmetal! i c Waterstops MP C-'10-22 C-18 MP S-76-25 S-50 TR 6-546 C-32 Newfoundland, Canada TM 3-343/2 S-66 Nonskid TM 3-343/3 S-66 Compounds TR S-71-ll S-88 Tt1 3-343/7 S-66 Materials TR S-68-3 S-85 Newmark Sliding Block Analysis MP S-'71-17/5 S-35 Nonuniform Flow MP 2-601 H-tl Newport News MP H-72-10 H-13 Nor fvrk Dam m 218-l H-35 Niagara TM 2-387 d-40 Falls MP 2-229 H-5 TM 2-389 H-40 TM 2-411 H-41 North Remedial Control Dam TM 2-411/B H-41 i\frica Tt1 3-34 3/8 l S-69 Nickel in Sediments MP D-76-18 E-3 A1nerica CR 3-27 M-42 Niigata, Japan TR S-78-9 S-95 Yuma Analogs No. ~ CR 3-ll/8 M-42 TR S-78-10 S-95 Atlantic United States TR Y-7tHl E-33 TR S-78-11 s-~5 Bend MP 3-2 S-4 Nike-Ajax Missile MP 4-391 S-14 Fork 1927 Flood MBM 29-l/A H-23 Dam Hodel ~1P N-75-2 \1-10 MBM 44-l H-24 TR N-74-2 ;>-39 1937 Flood MBM 29-1/B H-23 Lake Spillway TR H-7b-10 ll-64 1943 Flood MBM 29-1/C H-23 Hartland Dam ~lP 6-262 C-5 1945 MBM 29-1/D H-23 Inlet, South Carolina GITI 10 CERC-5 Flood GITI 16 CERC-6 1961, 1967, and 1968 Flood Norton Point Dike Study MP H-75-2 H-14 Flows f.1BM 81-4 H-24 Norway TM 3-343/1950 Flood t1Bt1 29-l/E H-23 54-56 S-68 1951-1952 Floods TR 3-443 S-74 Ninilchik, Alaska Z-12 66-INDEX Ter.!,_'!_ __________________________ ~------------------------- Nott Island Upland Habitat Nuclear (Cont) Development Site TR D-78-25 E-16 Rocket MP E-73-2 W-9 NOUGAT, Shot HARD HAT Grouting MP 6-575 C-9 Terrain Barriers TR 17 W-28 Noyo Harbor MP 2-841 H-9 Weapons TR N-74-7 W-39 TR 2-799 H-53 Effects TR N-69/2-1 W-33 Nuclear TR S-78-3 S-95 Asphalt Content Gage MP S-75-23 S-47 Amphibious Vehicles MP N-68-2 W-7 Charges TM 63-4 <1-23 Dams MP 1-800 W-4 Construction Engineering TR 1-770 \-1-32 Technology TR 2 W-28 Numerical Crater MP 1-991 S-26 Analyses PNE 5010 W-18 Effect of W/A in Earth TM 67-1 1-1-22 Penetration MP S-78-15 S-53 TM 69-7 W-24 Penetration Dynamics MP S-77-23 S-52 TR 30 11-29 Analysis TR 3-699 S-82 Harbor Oscillations MP H-76-20 H-17 Slope TR 63-3 11-23 MP H-77-2 H-17 Stability Tl4 65-12 1-1-20 Barbers Point Deep-Draft™68-6 W-23 Harbor TR H-78-20 H-69 ™68-7 1·1-23 Projectile Impact CR S-75-4 S-102 Crater i.ng Tidal Circulation for Long Detonations TR 19 W-29 Beach Harbor MP H-76-4 H-16 Device Simulation MP E-75-6 \I-ll Well Arrays TR S-77-5 S-94 HP N-76-12 W-12 Calculation TM 6 CERC-26 .'IP N-76-15 W-12 Hindcast Model MP H-77-9 H-18 MP N-78-2 \-1-13 Instability R 82-3 CERC-22 TR E-73-6 W-38 Integration MP 5-583 MS-5 TR E-74-3 W-39 Methods MP S-70-3/1 S-32 Detonation MP S-70-l S-31 Model CETA 81-12 CERC-4 MP S-71-17 /2 S-35 GITI 6 CERC-5 Earthwork TR 12 \1-23 GITI 14 CERC-6 Events MP S-71-17/3 S-35 GITI 22 CERC-6 Excavated Channel MP ll-69-5 H-11 MR 80-6 CERC-13 TM 67-6 i/-22 MR 83-10 CERC-15 Excavation .'IP M-72-9 M-11 R 79-10 CERC-21 TM 66-17 IJ-21 RR H-75-1 H-29 T.'l 63-2 1-1-23 Dredged Material Disposal MP H-77-6 H-18 Cuts TM 66-3 V/-21 Feasibility Study TR H-74-6/ Design of a Transisthmian 17-4 Sea-Level Canal TR 6 \-1-28 Ride Dynamics TR M-73-5 M-29 Fensibilitv Study TM 67-16 \/-22 Study TR 2-580/IV H-46 Ser:.~i.us and Whitestone Modeling Narrows, Alaska Tl~ 68-13 11-23 Hydraulic Problems MP H-78-9 H-19 Explosions MP l-800 1·/-4 Resonant Oscillations in MP N-75-5 W-ll Deep Draft Harbors RR H-76-1 H-29 MP N-76-l \-I-ll Procedure for Predicting Heave MP S-73-2B/2 S-41 MP N-77-l \J-12 Simulation TM 56 CERC-29 MP N-78-3 W-13 Coos Bay-South Slough TM 71-29 W-29 Complex TR H-78-22 H-69 Airfields and Railway Tidal Hydrodynamics, Great Systems TR N-75-4 \i-40 Egg Harbor and Corson Explosive CR 3-157 S-116 Inlets TR ll-78-11 H-68 MP 2-491 11-2 Tsunamis MP 0-76-1 MS-8 PNE 5004F \-1-17 Solution of Differential PNE 5004P ·,/-1'7 Equations MP K-72-1 MS-5 ™66-12 \'1-21 Steady-State, Wind-Driven Tl~ 70-12 H-25 Circulation Analysis MP H-76-3/ TR l \·/-28 17-7 H-15 TR 8 1-1-23 Storm Surge TR H-77-17 H-67 TR 10 \-1-28 Models Z-11 TR 13 1-1-28 Tow Model MP H-78-11 H-19 Quarrying TR 11 W-28 Values MP 5-770 MS-5 Geostorage Facilities TH E-72-26 W-38 Nutrients TR D-77-37 E-11 Instruments MP 4-117 M-2 NX Borehole Camera TM 68-12 W-23 MP 4-495 S-16 MP 4-827 S-23 Methods MP S-69-15 S-29 Probes MP 4-199 S-9 Oahe Dam TR 2-557 H-44 Radiation TR N-72-12/6 \-1-37 TR 2-657 H-47 67-INDEX Term _____ Term-------------------- Oahe Dam (Cont) TR H-68-1 H-51 Ohio (Cont) Oahu, Hawaii RR H-74-2 H-29 River ( Cont) TR H-75-15 H-63 Basin R 2 Z-18 TR H-76-8 H-64 Below Dam No. 36 TM 64-1 H-30 Oak Harbor TR H-71-3 H-57 TM 64-2 11-30 Oakington, Cambridgeshire, TM 64-3 H-30 England TM 3-143/121 S-71 Demonstration Projects ID Z-3 Oakley Dam MP 4-892 S-24 Division INR 8 Z-5 MP S-72-3 S-36 Flood Heights MP H-77-7 H-18 TR H-70-13 H-57 Flow Conditions t~BM 86-2 H-25 MP C-73-4 C-21 Locks MP 2-381 H-6 Obstacle CR 3-120 M-45 Oil MP C-68-5 C-16 MP M-68-7 M-8 Aquatic Environments TR D-77-26 E-10 TR 3-783 1~-24 Contamination TR JJ-77-25 E-10 TR M-68-1/1 M-25 Pollution MP C-71-9 C-19 TR M-70-11 M-27 Shales MP S-73-3 S-52 Vehicle-Speed Systems TR M-68-1/4 M-25 Sinking Materials MP C-71-9/2 C-19 Ocean TR D-78-2 E-13 MP C-71-9/3 C-19 Bottom TP 77-11 CERC-31 Storage System MP 4-75 CEHC-(l City, Maryland MP 2-59 CERC-36 Okatibbee Lake, i~ississippi ~1P H-78-1 H-18 Disposal Old River MP 3-492 S-16 Dredged Materials t1P D-74-14 E-2 TR 2-496 H-43 Sites in the Hawaiian Auxiliary Structure CTIAC-62 C-44 Islands MP 11-77-6 H-18 Control MP 1-148 S-8 Dumping R 79-1 CERC-21 TR 3-602 S-79 TM 39 CERC-38 TR 3-642 S-81 Floor CTIAC-6 C-40 Lo11-Sill Structure MP 3-185 S-9 MP C-73-4 C-21 MP 3-200 S-9 Waters Z-15 MP C-78-19 C-26 \/ave R 79-8 CERC-21 TR 2-447 H-42 TM 46 CERC-39 TH H-76-15 H-65 TM 59 CERC-29 TR H-77-2 H-66 Direction gage R 1-66 CERC-16 Site MP 3-126 S-'1 Forces TM 24 CERC-27 Structure MBM 81-4 !l-24 Measuring Instruments TM 6 CERC-37 Sediment Diversion TM 2-388 H-40 Records TM 58 CERC-40 Vibration MP 2-774 H-9 Spectra TM 43 CERC-39 Lock CR S-69-6 S-101 TP 76-10 CERC-30 MP 3-554 S-17 Oceanside, California, TR S-72-10 S-89 Littoral Cell MP li-78-8 H-19 Navigation Lock IR 5 S-2 Off-Road TR 2-549 fl-44 Materials Handling Vehicles MP M-78-8 M-16 Outlet Channel MP 2-143 H-4 Mobility TR M-70-4 M-26 Overbank Structure TR 2-491 H-4'l TR M-70-10 M-26 Ole Miss Airport t1P 4-540 S-17 Performance TR M-70-7 M-26 Ompompanoosuc Basin R 1 Z-18 Vehicles CR 3-162 M-45 One-Dimensional Compression CR 3-26/4 S-110 MP 4-362 M-3 CR 3-26/7 S-110 TR 3-666/8 M-22 CR 1-26/17 S-110 Offshore CR 3-26/21 S-111 Bars Tl~ 8 CERC-37 CR S-'71-4 S-107 Beach Nourishment Projects TR H-76-13/4 H-65 O'Neil Shear-0-Meter MP S-74-11 S-45 Breakwater R 78-8 CERC-20 Onslow Beach, N. c. I~P 4-600 S-18 Dredged Material Disposal Site TR D-78-34 E-17 Oolitic Aragonite MP 1-69 CERC-7 Plat forms TP 76-13 CERC-31 Opalocka Airport MP 4-816 S-22 Sand Deposits TR H-76-13/3 H-65 Opekiska Lock and Dam TR 2-579 H-45 Structures MP 3-75 CERC-8 Open Surveys CETA 82-5 CERC-4 Channel MP H-68-5 H-10 Zone TM 126 CERC-43 MP H-70-b rl-12 Offutt AFB, Nebraska MP M-77-2 M-15 Junctions R 2-100 z-n Ogee Crest Spillways CR H-71-1 H-71 Transitions MP 2-84B H-9 O'Hare International Airport CR S-76-11 S-99 Storage Areas MP 4-945 S-25 Ohio MP S-69-5 S-28 Cumberland-TennesseeWater Mississippi River System TR H-74-8 H-61 Disposal River B 1/1 H-1 Dredged MP C-76-8 C-24 11aterial CR D-76-1 E-24 MP H-73-3 H-13 TR D-78-50 E-19 MP H-74-4 H-14 Sediments TR D-78-45 E-18 TR H-77-18 H-67 Sites TR D-78-7 E-14 TR H-78-6 H-68 Dredge Disposal TR D-77-24/E E-10 Dredged Material Placement Methodology CR D-76-3 E-21 68-INDEX Term Term Heeort No. ----------------·--...--------- Open (Cont) Outlet (Cont) Water (Cont) works (Cont) Pipeline Disposal TR D-78-30 E-17 Beltzville Dam TR H-69-18 H-56 TR D-7il-46 E-19 TR H-75-10 H-62 TR DS-73-13 E-27 TR H-77-14 H-67 Operation Black Butte Dam TR 2-551 H-44 Distant Plain MP '1-990 S-26 Blakely Mountain Dam TM 2-347 H-39 Mine Shaft MP S-70-22 S-33 Branched Oak and Cottonwood Operations Research/Svstems Springs Dams TR H-72-1 H-57 Analysis MP T-69-1 MS-9 Cochiti Dam TR 2-705 H-49 Optical DeGray Dam TR 2-684 H-48 Data CTIAC-31 C-42 East Branch Reservoir TM 2-325 H-38 MP C-78-7 C-26 Fort Randall Dam TR 2-528 H-44 Density TR M-74-8/3 M-31 Garrison Dam TM 2-431 H-41 El Verde, Puerto Rico MP M-69-3 M-8 Inlets MP H-69-8 H-11 Oregon Soils CR M-70-1 M-38 New Hope Reservoir TR H-69-14 H-55 Organi" Soils MP 4-438 M-3 Oahe Dam TR 2-557 H-44 MP 4-439 M-3 Papillion Creek TR H-73-17 H-60 Organisms CR H-B-3 H-71 Rowlesburg TR H-70-7 H-56 Orifices ™91-1 MS-10 San Antonio Dam R 2-106 Z-13 Orio Al Serio Airfield TM 3-343/46 S-68 Shelbyville Dam TR 2-719 H-50 Orlandet Air Base TM 3-343/54 S-68 Stilling Basin Orthogonals ™ 21 CERC-37 Bayou Bodcau Dam TM S-62 Orthotropic Landing Mats CR '1-10 S-119 Clinton and Fort Scott Dams TR H-73-6 H-59 MP 4-113 S-7 East Barre Dam MP 2-293 H-5 Osceola Dam TM 2-261 H-36 Tallahala Dam TR H-73-5 H-59 Oc;cillat i.on:; in Deep Draft Texarkana Dam TM 2-346 H-39 Harbors RR ll-76-1 H-29 Taylorsville Lake TR H-75-12 H-63 Oscillatory Tocks Island Dam TR H-70-10 H-56 Flow R '79-13 CERC-21 Townshend Dam and Reservoir TR 2-498 H-43 TM 28 CERC-27 \~arm Springs Dam TR H-73-3 H-59 Waves TM 117 CERC-43 Overbank Vegetation MBM 81-6 H-25 Oslo, Norway ™3-343/56 S-68 Overburden Oswego Harbor TM 2-291 H-37 Material TM 140-1 S-57 Ottawa Sands RR S-76-2/1 S-54 Removal MP M-76-2 M-13 Otter (Overland Train Terrain Overexcavation TM 65-13 \1-20 Evaluation Research) MP 3-508 S-1'7 Overflow Embankments MP 2-552 H-7 TR 3-588 S-78 Overland Ouachita River MP 3-507 S-16 Flow Treatment of Wastewater MP Y-74-3 E-29 MP 3-546 S-17 MP Y-76-6 E-30 MP 3-683 S-19 Train Terrain Evaluation MP S--70-16 S-33 Research TR 3-588 S-78 TR 3-741 S-84 Overlay MP S-74-25 S-46 TR S-69-2 S-85 1\sphalt Runway MP S-76-24 S-50 Oujda Airfield ™3-343/11 S-66 Highways MP S-72-12 S-37 Outfall Haintenance IR S-77-2 S-3 Locations MP 2-951 H-10 Test Slabs, Tampa InterSewer TM 2-367 H-40 national Airport MP S-72-44 S-38 Systems RR H-71-2 H-28 Overlaying Deteriorated Landing Outlet Mat MP S-70-23 S-33 Bayou des Glaises Drainage Overpressure Soil Test Facility MP S-75-20 S-47 Culvert TM 147-1 H-32 Overtopping CDM 76-1 CERC-2 Conduit, Rend Lake Darn TR H-75-2 ll-61 CETA 80-7 CERC-3 Structure B 2/4 H-1 TM 80 CERC-41 TM 174-1 H-33 Long Beach, California MP H-76-10 H-16 Arkabutla Dam TM 167-1 H-33 Ox ford, England TM 3-343/91 S-69 Eau Galle Reservoir RR 2-774 H-52 Oxidation-Reduction CR D-77-4 E-23 Excavation, Grenada Dam TM S-64 TR Y-78-11 E-33 Meramec Lake TR H-78-15 H-68 Oxygen TR D-77-15 E-7 Sardis Dam TM 123-2 H-32 Budget Analysis CR D-75-3 E-26 Tuttle Creek Dam TM 2-396 11-41 Dickey Lake MP Y-76-7 E-30 Wappapello Dam TM 134-1 H-32 Oxygenation of Dredged Material TR D-77-15 E-7 Transitions RR H-72-1 H-28 Oyster Tunnels, Muski ngum Water st1ed MP C-77-9 C-25 Beds MP 2-912 H-10 \i•)rks MP 2-204 H-5 Reefs MP S-70-29 S-33 MP 2-234 H-5 Ozark MP H-69-3 H-11 Highlands TM 199-1 S-58 Abiquiu Dam TR 2-513 H-43 Lock and Dam TR H-68-10 H-54 TR H-77-6 H-66 ll9-INDEX Term ~----------------------------------------- Pacific Patoka Coast MP H-76-2/G H-15 Dam MP S-72-42 S-38 Coastal Communities TR H-74-3 H-60 MP S-74-26 S-46 Islands; Canal Zone Analogs X CR 3-30/X M-43 MP S-78-1 S-52 Northwest TR D-78-17 E-15 Damsite MP S-72-41 S-38 Padre Island, Texas MR 77-8 CERC-11 Patrick Air Force Base MP 4-466 S-15 MR 83-8 CERC-15 Patriot Systems MP M-76-20 M-14 PAF Station Patterson Airfield, Iceland TM 3-"343/1 S-66 Drigh-Road, Karachi, West Paulsboro Refinery Docking Area MP 2-797 H-9 Pakistan TM 3-343/126 S-71 Paved Surf3ces TR C-78-2 C-39 Peshawar, West Pakistan TM 3-343/125 S-71 Pavement Z-16 Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site MP S-63-24 S-28 CR ~-145/4 S-100 Painted Rock Dam TR S-71-2/3 S-87 IR S-71-2 S-3 Pakistan CR 3-11/4 M-42 MP S-69-27 S-30 TM 3-343/123 S-71 MP S-71-24 S-35 TM 3-343/ MP S-72-43 S-38 125-126 S-71 MP S-75-1 S-4u Palanquin MP S-68-21 S-28 PSTIAC-5 M-34 PNE 904F W-16 TR S-77-8 S-94 PNE 905F W-16 TR S-78-6 S·-9'J Palm Beach International Airport TM 3-344/6 S-71 TR S-78-8 S-9~ Panama CR 3-56 M-40 Coating MP 4-839 S-23 CR 3-63/4 S-111 Condition Survey, Pease Air IR M-1 Force Base ~1P 4-891 S-24 Canal MP S-74-16 S-45 Construction MP S-77-26 S-52 TM 3-328 S-65 Design CR 3-145/5 S-100 TR S-70-9 S-86 CR ~-145/6 S-100 R 4 Z-18 MP S-'71-14 s-~5 Zone CR 3-18 M-38 MP S-74-4 S-44 CR 3-34/2 M-40 TR S-76-3 S-93 MP 4-355/1 M-2 TR S-76-17 S-95 MP 4-909 M-7 Detericration TR S-76-15 S-93 TM 3-322 S-64 Evaluation Z-16 TR M-69-1 M-2S TM 3-343 S-66 TR M-72-2 M-29 Failure City Beach, Florida MR 76-10 CERC 10 Morristown Airport TM S-58 MR 32-2 CERC-13 Ramey Air Force Base MP S-70-10 S-32 MR 82-3 CERC-13 Layers MP 4-84 S-6 Study No. 2 MP 4-355/3 M-3 MP S-73-4 S-40 Panel Light Aircraft Z-16 Gates TR 2-491 H-43 Materials Z-16 Materials MP S-77-9 S-51 TR S-77-9 S-94 Panicum Amarum MR 76-3 CERC-10 Mix Design TR 3-594 S-71! raper:MiT"CSI;idge Land fills Z-15 Per forrnance Z-17 Papillion Creek and Tributaries TR H-73-17 H-60 Models CR S-76-15 S-119 Paraibuna Dam MP S-'74-21 S-45 Reliability CR S-75-7 S-107 Paraitinga Dam MP S-74-21 S-45 Repair Z-7 Park TR R-78-1 E-39 Response CR S-75-8 S-117 River Project, Hartford, TR S·-75-11 S-92 Connecticut MP S-77-22 S-52 Sections Z-17 Parker Estuary MP 1-74 CERC-8 Smoothness Requirements TR S-77-12 S-94 Parking Surface Cracking, Amedee Army Aprons MP 4-34 S-5 Airfield t1P S-71-15 S-35 Areas MP S-69-11 S-29 Systems CR S-76-15/I S-119 TR N-69-8/6 '•1-35 TR S-74-8 S-90 Particle Terms PSTIAC-1 M-34 Motion TR S-71-14/2 S-88 Test TR S-71-17 S-88 Orbital Speed TM 3 CERC-26 Jumbo Jets MP S-69-52 S-31 Overpassing R 1-74 CERC-19 Sections TR S-74-8/I S-90 Size Distribution MP C-70-24 C-18 TR S-74-8/IV S-90 Velocity CR 3-91/3 S-117 Paving Particulate Haterials MP C-77-14 C-25 Fractions TR D-78-16 E-15 Methods MP S-75-18 S-47 Soil System CR 3-26/22 S-111 PCB PASNY Intake Structure MP 2-337 ll-6 Contaminated Sediment TR D-77-24/B E-9 Pathogens CR A-76-2 M-52 Materials CR D-75-6 E-22 TR M-48 Peacekeeper Facilities CTIAC-70 C-45 Control of Waterhyacinths TR A-77-2 r~-49 Pearl City, Hawaii TR H-75-3 H-61 70-INDEX _________.,.._____.,...,________ Term Report No. Term -------------..~ Pearl (Cont) Perrin Air Force Base MP 4-397 S-14 River TM 3-344/7 S-71 Im!Jrovernent TM 131-1 S-56 Perry Dam MP S-70-13/1 S-32 Locks TM 2-113 H-38 Peru-Chile Trench RR H-76-2 H-29 Pease Pervious Air Force iJase IW 4-891 S-42 Coastal Structures RR H-69-1 H-27 MP M-77-2 M-15 Found at ions TM 3-304 S-63 MP S-71-34 S-42 Peshawar, West Pakistan TM 3-343/125 S-71 Study Area MP C-70-11 CERC-21 Pesticide CR D-75-6 E-22 Peat Deposits R 79-7 CERC-21 TR D-77-35 E-11 Peaty Soils CR 1-141 3-103 Petroe;raphic MP S-73-57 S-43 Pechora-Kama Canal MP N-76-14 W-12 Character of Bed Materials TH 62-2 S-55 Pembi.ne Study Area, Michi.gan Data MP 6-254 C-5 and Wi.sconsin MP C-70-14 C-18 Examination MP C-78-1/2 C-25 Pendent Side Chains CR A-77-1 M-52 TR 6-614 C-34 Pendleton New Levee, Arkansas Hardened Concrete MP 6-137 C-3 River TM 172-1 S-57 ~IP 6-739 C-12 Penetration CR 1-28 S-108 Samples TR S-78-14 S-95 Buffalo Harbor, New York MP 6-695 C-11 Apparatus MP 6-187 C-4 Concrete Cores MP 6-236/ A C-5 Asphalt into Porou3 Ag~regates MP 4-88 S-6 Procedures MP 6-174 C-4 Diorite Boulders Z-18 TR 3-436 S-74 Dyndtlltr:!s MP S-77-23 S-52 Petroleum Fraction TR D-78-16 E-15 Gator Mine MP M-76-15 M-14 pH CR D-77-4 E-23 Perforrnan"e of Anti tank Mine TR D-77-40 E-12 Projectile MP S-74-31 S-46 Phalsbourg Air Base TM 3-343/49 s-6o Resi.stance HP M-69-7 M-9 Pt1i Grade Scale CETA 79-7 CERC-2 TR 3-652/3 M-21 Philippines; Canal Zone Test TR M-70-14 M-2'1 Analogs VII CR 3-30/VII M-43 11P 4-960 M-7 Philpott Dam TM 2-321 H-38 MP M-71-1 M-9 Phosphorus TR A-78-2/1/ R 5-5 P-1 IV M-49 RR S--76-2/1 ;:i-54 TR A-78-2/2/ RR S-76-2/2 S-54 IV M-50 Clay MP M-'11-2 M-9 Pentoxide TR 3-455/4 S-74 Dakota Sandstone TR S-77-3 S-94 Photoelastic Studies CR 3-118 M-42 Sites MP M-77-13 M-15 Photo.srammetric Experiments R 9-74 CERC-19 Penetrator CR S-69-4 S-116 Photogrammetry R 2-74 CERC-19 MP 4-300 M-2 Photographic MP 3-361 S-13 Exposition and National MP 3-455 S-15 Industrial Photographic MP IJ-t!99 M-7 Conference MP 5-219 MS-4 MP S-75-15 S-47 Remote Sensor TR M-74-8/1 M-30 MP S-77 -23 S-52 TR M-74-8/2 M-31 R 18-1 P-4 Photography MP 5-214 ~1S-4 TR 3-462 H-20 Photointerpretation CR 3-43 11-4 3 TR S-78-17 S-96 Physical Penetrometer rw 3-832 S-23 Hydraulic Models MP 11-78-3 H-19 Penstocks R H-75-3 H-29 Bluestone Dam TM 220-1 H-35 Modeling ~1P Y-72-2 E-29 Norfork Dam TM 218-1 li-35 Properties Transl 69-5 S-97 Pepper Clay Shale TR S-71-6/5 S-t!7 Physiocochemical Perched Beach TR H-71-8 H-59 Parameters TR ll-7'7-20/ll E-8 Percolation TM 31 CERC-38 Sediment Parameters TR D-77-6/B E-6 Perimeter Acquisition Radar Physiognomic Analysis of ouilding MP S-72-15 S-3'1 Vegetation CR 3-72 M-37 TR N-73-9 \~-39 Physiognomy of Vegetation CR 4-103 M-37 Periodicals Holdings of the Physiographic Areas Z-17 U. s. Arrnv Engineer Waterways Phytoplankton Assemblages TR D-77-b/F E-6 Exl'eriment Station Library MP MS-9 Pickwick Permafrost Z-16 Dam-Kentucky Dam Reach MllM 13-1 H-22 Permeability CR 3-63/6 S-112 Discharge Duration MBM 23-2 H-23 TM 62 CERC-29 Piedmont Lake Outlet Tunnel MP C-77-9 C-25 f1odel Jetties rl 1/1 H-1 Pier J Testing TM 176-1 S-57 Comvletion and Tanker Terminal MP H-76-4/1 H-16 Tests TM 3-299 S-63 MP H-76-4/3 H-16 TM G-380 C-29 MP H-76-20/2 H-17 Permeable Breakwater CETA 79-6 CERC-2 MP H-76-20/3 H-17 TP 76-8 CERC-30 MP H-76-20/4 H-17 Configurations MP H-76-4/2 H-16 MP H-76-4/4 H-16 Term Pierced Plank Landing Mat Piezoelectric Gage Piezometer Piezometric Data Pike Island Locks and Dam Pile Connectors DRIVER Driving Foundation Lengths Load int! Tests Soil Interaction Tests Columbia Lock and Darn Jonesville Lock and Dam Piling ·Hickman Floodwall Nanasquan Inlet Pillsbury Method Pilot Plant Evaluation Pine Flat Darn l'inecastle Air Force Base Pinto Island Pipe Cover Requirements Dynamic Loads Joints 71-INDEX Report No. ~----·--------------- Pipe (Cont) Line Bonnet Carre Floodway Disposal Dredge Operations Mixers Transporting Solids Manufacturing Industry Mobile Breakwater Tire Floating Breakwater Piping in Earth Dams Pisa San Giusto Airfield Pismo Clams Piston-Type Samplers Wavemaker Pixel Problems Plain Concrete Strain Deformation Analysis of Soil Device Loading Shear Apparatus Device Tests Wave Loading Propagation Code Plankton Planktonic Communities Plant Nutrients Pathogens Propagation Succession Planting Plastic Airplane Landing Mat Artnor Coatings Filter Cloth Glass Fiber Reinforcement Pipe Properties of Heavy Clay lone Plate Tecto!'lics Platforms Platte River Sand Plattsburgh Air Force Base Study Area TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM CR MP MP MP TM TR R TM TH TM TR TR MP MP TM TM TM TM TM TP TR TR TM MP TM TR CR CR TR TR TR TR H1 MP TM Tr~ TR MP TM TR MP MP MP MP MP MP MP MP TR TR MP TR Til MP C-74-13 MP 6-846 TR S-75-5 TR S-74-6 S-58 S-59 S-59 S-59 S-59 S-5'! S-5'! S-60 S-60 W-45 S-5 S-28 S-30 S-72 S-76 P-1 S-65 S-73 S-73 H-45 H-46 S-20 S-50 S-64 CERC-26 CERC-40 CERC-40 CEHC-42 CERC-31 S-86 S-86 C-22 C-13 S-91 Z-6 S-90 S-64 S-8 S-63 S-74 S-104 S-104 S-90 S-84 S-85 S-86 S-65 C-13 W-21 .1-21 E-33 H-4 H-40 H-43 S-5 S-8 E-4 Z-18 C-b S-14 S-16 S-19 H-9 H-50 H-52 S-44 W-38 S-84 211-2 211-4 212-3 212-4 212-5 212-6 212-7 1-105 3-52 S-68-22 S-6'!-31 3-379 3-479 ~-4 3-341 3··409/B 3-424/E 2-577 2-58b 3-686 S-76-21 15 69 71 106 78-1 S-69-10/1 S-69-10/2 3-317 3-148 3-308 3-453 S-75-5 S-76-14 S-711-3 3-741 S-68-10 S-69-10/4 6-79'3 66-11 66-16 Y-77-4 2-75 2-375 2-S 11 4-34 4-144 D-77-3 6-318 4-440 4-4'ib 4-657 2-699 2-715 2-751 S-73-65 N-73-5 3-781 TP 77-11 TM 0-4 TR D-77-15 TR D-78-46 TR DS-78-13 TR D-78-44 ™115-1 TM B MP MP TP MP TR TM HP TH R MP fiP MP TR CR CR CR TR CR CR TR TR TR TR TR TM CR CR CR TR TR TR TR TR TM TR TR MP ~1P H TR MP TM 1-;p TR CR MP TR RR HP f1P 115-2 1/1 4-801 H-71-8 tl2-4 0-76-1 S-75-15 3-34'~/47 8-75 3-315 4-71 M-76-9 6-674 6-779/1 S-71-2 i-1291> 3-101/12 3-129/5 S-71-2/1 3-101/10 3-101/15 S-B-12 S-'71-12 A-78-2/ 1/III A-78-2/2/ II D-77-42/A 102-2 D-77-2 D-77-4 A-76-2 DS-75-16 DS-78-17 D-73-9 D-78-14/Il 101 3-800 11-71-10 6-864 S-70-2 21-5 S-72-7 6-779 6-421 3-90 S-76-16 3-129/2 S-73-l/5 A-77-l S-76-2/2 S-73-46 C-70-7 CERC-31 MS-10 E-7 E-19 E-2'7 E-1tl H-31 H-32 H-1 S-22 ii-12 Cio:HC-3i MS-9 S-92 S-68 CERC-8 S-64 CEKC-17 11-14 C-10 C-12 S-87 S-113 S-11< S-114 S-l\7 S-113 S-11i S-90 s-o8 M-4'! M-50 E-12 il-31 E-22 <:-2~ M-52 11-48 E-2!l E-2tl i::-14 E-15 CERC-42 S-34 \1-36 C-14 S-31 P-4 S-89 C-12 c--,o Z-1u S-6 S-91l S-113 S-~9 M-49 S-54 S-42 C-17 72-INDEX Teru1 Term -~-e- Pleistocene Sediments TR S-75-6 S-91 Ponce de Leon Inlet Z-12 Plowshare Nuclear Cratering Pontons TM 215-l H-35 Events TM 69-9 H-24 TM 2-256 H-36 PLUMBtlOB CR 2-29 H-45 Pool Elevation TR Y-77-3 E-32 TR v/T-1420 1'1-30 Pope Air Force Base MP 4-3/2 S-4 Plume TR M-76-6 M-32 TM 3-344/5 S-71 Deep Water TR N-72-4/1 W-37 Pore Shallow Water TR N-72-4/2 \-1-37 Pressure TR 3-722 S-82 Pneumatic Clay Shale Foundations TR S-71-6/4 S-87 Barriers RR H-73-4 li-28 Concrete TR 6-654 C-34 Coring Device MR 82-8 CERC-14 Embankment Foundations TR S-68-2 S-84 Floats TM 215-1 H-35 Gage CR 3-26/20 S-111 Tire MP 'i-443 M-3 Measurements CR 3-26/5 S-110 MP 4-469 M-4 MP 1-956 W-6 MP M-68-7 M-8 Soft Ground CR S-76-3 S-102 TR M-68-111 M-25 CR S-76-10 S-102 Clay MP 4-835 M-6 Structure Research MP 6-254 C-5 Dry Sand MP 4-750 M-5 Water Pressure CR 3-73/5 S-103 Sand MP 4-836 M-6 MP S-69-20 S-29 Soft Soil MP 4-944 M-7 Measuring Devices MP 3-478/10 S-15 TR 3-688 M-22 Porous Tired 1/heel TR 3-703 M-23 Concrete MP C-68-9 C-16 Wave Generators RR 2-7 H-27 MP C-72-18 C-20 Pohopoco Creek TR H-69-18 H-56 Friction TR H-75-10 H-62 Course Pavement Construction MP S-77-26 S-52 TR H-77-14 H-67 Surface Course Z-16 Point MP S-75-12 S-47 Arguello TM 19 CERC-27 MP S-76-13 S-49 Chehalis TM 2-417 H-41 Portland Cement Concrete CTIAC-46 C-43 Conception MP 2-69 CERC-7 Porpoising MP 4-233 S-10 Fermin Naval Supply Depot TM 2-238 H-36 Port Hueneme TM 92 CERC-41 Allen Lock CR S-69-6 S-101 Mansfield Channel GITI 12 CERC-5 IR 3 S-2 Menoi r R 15-1 P-4 MP 6-297 C-6 Mu,.;u R 81-12 CERC-22 MP 3-432 S-14 Reyes bea~h TM 65 CERC-40 MP 3-437 S-14 TM 91 CERC-41 TR 2-500 H-43 Poisson's Rati.o TM S-65 TR S-68-7 S-85 POKEHOLES Cratering Series MP N-76-3 H-11 Construction in the Theater POL of Operations TR H-73-9 11-59 Containers MP 1-689/2 ".-1-3 Hueneme TR H-75-8 H-62 Stora~e Facilities IR N-70-1 \-/-1 Ontario Harbor TR H-77-20 H-67 MP 1-689/3 il-3 Orford TR H-74-4 H-60 MP N-72-4 \i-8 St. Joe Seagrass rw N--73-1 \·1-9 Demonstration Site TR D-78-33 E-17 Polecat MP 4-282 M-2 San Luis TR H-69-6 H-54 Bay Disposal Area, Mobile MP D-78-3 E-4 Washington Harbor MP H-76-22 H-17 Pollutant TM 2-334 H-38 Discharges MP M-73-11 M-11 TR H-77-1 H-66 Dispersion MP M-76-10 M-14 Portable Pollution MP Y-72-2 E-29 Bunker TR N-71-6 W-36 TR 2-580/ Surfacing TR 3-542 S-78 III/5 H-45 TR 3-686 S-81 Narragansett Bay TR /2 H-47 TR 3-700 S-82 New York Harbor Hodel MP 2-558 H-8 Portland St. Johns River TM 2-244 H-36 Blast-Furnace Slag Cements MP 6-198 C-4 Savannah Harbor MP 2-633 H-8 TR 6-445 C-31 Polychlorinated Biphenyls TR D-'17-24/E E-10 Cement MP 6-111 C-2 Polyester Resin Concrete TR C-69-4 C-36 MP 6-173 C-4 Polymer CR A-77-1 M-52 MP 6-201 C-4 ~1P S-77-14 S-51 MP 6-290 C-6 Concrete CTIAC-35 C-42 TM 6-359 C-28 Emulsions CR S-71-2 S-119 MP 3-798 S-22 Polymeric Cavitation Erosion-MP C-68-2 C-15 Resistant Materials TR C-76-2 C-38 MP C-68-7 C-·16 Polypropylene-Asphalt Membrane IR S-69-2 S-2 MP C-71-8 C-19 Polyurethane-Coated Metnbranes TR S-75-l S-91 TM C-27 Polyvinyl Acetate TR 6-486 C-31 TM 6-410 C-29 Dust-Control Film MP M-76-1 M-13 Latex CR S-71-9 S-117 ~-------------- Portland (Cont) Cement ( Cont) Based Mortars MP C-70-19 C-18 Concrete CTIAC-46 C-43 MP 6-624 C-9 MP 6-762 C-12 MP C-70-18 C-18 MP S-77-26 S-52 Grout MP 6-862 C-14 Mortar MP 6-431 C-7 Pozzolan Cement TR 6-541 C-31 Portsmouth, Ohio MP S-77-20 S-51 MP S-78-4 S-52 MP S-78-12 S-53 Portugues River, Puerto Rico TR H-78-3 H-63 Possum Kingdom Dam TM 111-l H-31 TM 111-2 H-31 TM lll-3 H-31 TM 113-l S-56 TM 113-2 S-56 Post Army ~irfield, Fort Sill TR 3-466/10 S-75 Attack Pavement Repair Z-7 Tensioned Concrete Beams CTIAC-50 C-43 Posthurricane Survey MR 83-8 CERC-15 Postprocessor for Finite Element Method MP K-77-4 MS-7 Posttensioned Concrete TR 6-570/2 C-33 Beam TR 6-570/4 C-33 TR 6-5'70/6 C-33 Potamology Barrel Samples MP 3-9 S-4 Conference R 11-2 P-2 R 11-4 P-2 Investigations R 1-l P-l 1-2 P-l R ll-0 P-2 R ll-1 P-2 R ll-6 P-2 Program R ll-8 P-2 Potomac River TR D-76-6 E-5 TR D-77-13 E-7 Powder Gun MP S-75-27 S-48 Power Sources TR D-77-32 E-11 Stations TR /4 H-48 Tunnel Fort Peck Dam Tl4 185-l H-33 Transitions B 3/2 H-1 Powered \/heels TR 11-76-9 M-32 Powerhouse Intake Gate Ca~apult TR H-77-8 H-66 Pozzolan MP 6-123/7 C-3 MP 6-422 C-7 MP 6-460 C-7 MP 6-510 C-3 MP 6-671 C-10 MP C-68-1 C-15 MP C-71-8 C-19 TR C-69-6 C-37 TR C-69-9 C-3'7 Lean Mass Concrete MP 6-123/10 C-3 MP 6-123/14 C-3 Samples TR C-73-l C-37 Pozzolanic Materials MP 6-247 C-5 Prado Dam MP S-75-6 S-46 Prairie Flat MP S-71-6 S-34 TR N-70-6 W-35 TR N-70-ll vl-36 73-INDEX ..!T.::.e~rm:!!.-------------------- Pran Buri Area CR 3-156/D M-41 Prattville, Alabama TM 200-l H-34 PRE-BUGGY MP l-663 \·/-3 PNE 300P 11-14 PNE 30lF W-14 PNE 302 W-14 PNE :=!04F W-14 PNE 315F \l-14 Precast Concrete Elements MP 6-926 C-Ei TR C-78-1 c--~9 Precipitation R 1 Z-18 R 2 Z-18 R 3 Z-18 R 4 Z-13 Gage B 61-3 MS-1 Keyer B 61-2 MS-1 ?recompression for Improving Foundation Soils MP S-69-23 S-29 Pre-DICE THROW Z-15 ~1P S-49 MP S-50 Predicting Dredged Material Movement TR DS-78-3 E-27 Earth Penetrator Performance TR S-73-13 S-95 Potential Heave TR S-78-7 S-95 Soi.l Moisture Content CR 4-8 M-44 Predict ion Floods MP 11-69-9 H-11 Heave TR S-77-7 S-94 Heavy Metal Uptake TR 0-78-6 E-14 Predisposal Baseline Conditions Demersal Fi.sh Assemblages TR D-77-6/D E-6 Phytoplankton Assemblages TR D-77-6/F E-6 Zooplankton Assemblages TR D-77-6/E E-6 Prefabricated Airfield and Road Surfacing Membrane CR S-71-7 S-106 Ai.rplane Landing Mats CR S-71-3 S-99 Bituminous Surfacing TM 211-l S-58 TM 211-2 S-59 TM 211-3 S-59 TM 211-4 S-5~ TM 211-5 S-59 TM 211-5A S-59 Membrane Surfacings CR S-70-l S-11~ Pregermination MP D-77-1 E-3 TR D-78-51 E-19 Pre-GONDOLA PNE 1100 W-16 PNE 1101 W-16 TM 67-10 \1-22 TM 67-19 ~1-23 TM 71-5 \/-2~ I MP 4-932 S-2~ I~P 1-956 \1-b MP S-69-6 S-28 PNE 1102 11-16 PNE 1103 1-1-16 PNE 1104 \1-16 PNE 1106 ii-16 PNE 1107/I W-1b PNE 1107/II 1-1-16 PNE 1108 il-16 PNE 1110 11-17 PNE 1111 W-17 TM 66-20 \/-22 II MP 4-971 S-26 MP N-68-8 W-7 MP N-68-9 W-7 TR N-72-2 11-37 MP S-68-19 S-23 74-INDEX Term Ter"!,______________ Pre-GONDOLA (Coot) Pressure (Coot) II (Coot) PNE 1112 11-17 Gage CR 3-26/20 S-111 PNE 1113 U-17 Grouting TR 6-437 C-31 PNE lll5 W-17 Pulses CR 2-58 W-47 PNE lll6 vl-17 Tests MP H-77-5 H-18 PNE lll9 \~-17 Transducers CR 3-101/5 S-112 TM 67-9 W-22 Pressuremeter Loadings TR S-78-12 S-95 TM 63-3 W-23 Prestressed Concrete CTIAC-64 C-45 III PNE lll4 W-1'7 MP 6-779 C-12 PNE 1117 W-1'7 MP 6-779/2 C-13 PNE 1118 U-17 TM 6-421 C-30 PNE 1120 iv-1'1 Beams TR 6-570 C-33 TM 68-10 W-23 Pavements TR S-74-10 S-91 TR 18 11-29 Pretensioned Prepakt Concrete TM 6-330 C-23 Beams TR 6-570/3 C-33 Pre-SCHOONER MP 6-660 C-10 TR 6-570/5 C-33 MP 1-618 S-19 Concrete TR 6-570/1 C-33 MP 3-783 S-21 Probability Model CR 3-24/5 M-37 MP 3-915 S-25 Probes TR 3-652/3 M-21 PNE 501P 1<-14 Proctor Dam TR 2-645 H-47 PNE 501F ~1-14 Profile R 11-74 CERC-19 PNE 502F \i-14 Profilometer System MP M-73-7 M-11 PNE 503F W-14 Project PNE 504F W-14 Combat Trap TR M-69-3 M-25 PNE 505F H-14 Manager System MP C-73-9 C-21 PNE 505P \i-14 Projectile MP S-74-31 S-46 PNE 506F \o/-14 Control Housing MP C-76-10 C-24 TM 65-2 li-20 Earth Materials MP S-72-33 S-38 TM 67-8 \·/-22 MP S-73-58 S-43 Charlie TM 65-4/A W-20 Impact CR S-75-4 S-102 II MP 6-925 C-15 MP S-73-58 S-43 PNE 507 W-14 Penetration PNE 508 \1-15 Concrete and Rock Targets MP S-75-25 S-48 PNE 509 W-15 Earth Materials TR S-76-13 S-93 PNE 510 W-15 Rock MP S-77-16 S-51 PNE 511 \·1-15 TR S-75-7 S-91 PNE 512F vl-15 Resistance MP S-71-12 S-34 PNE 513 1·1-15 Theory TR S-75-9 S-91 PNE 514 \V-15 Propagation of Elastic PNE 515 li-15 Wave Energy CR 3-53 S-105 PNE 516 \~-15 Propeller Wash RR 1 Z-5 TM 65-3 \/-20 Prospect Beach, Connecticut TM 127 CERC-43 TM 65-11 \·/-20 Protective Preservation Construction MP 1-654 W-3 Con~rete Structures TR C-78-4 C-39 Cover Layers MP 2-276 H-5 Sli~ed Soil Samples TM 3-306 S-63 Facilities TR N-71-1 W-36 Pre.sque Isle Military Structures TR N-68-1 H-33 Air Force Ba:Je MP 4·-32 S-4 Structures MP 1-608 \i-3 Peninsula R 3-66 CERC-16 MP 6-807 C-13 R 1-69 CERC-16 TR 6-763/1 C-35 TM 3-377 S-72 TR WT-1420 \i-30 Pressure CR 1-107 \i-45 Desi6n TR N-69-8 \i-34 CR S-68-1/3 S-118 Prototype Tests MP 2-283 H-5 MP 2-31 H-4 Proving Rings and Frames MP S-72-9 S-36 MP 2-75 H-4 Pryors Island Reach TM 107-1 H-31 Cell B 40 MS-1 Psychrometric Technique TR S-74-1 S-90 MP 5-21 MS-4 Public Law 92-532 Z-15 TM 210-1 S-58 Puerto Rico CR 3-63/4 S-111 TM 3-323 S-65 CR 3-164 M-38 TR H-77-6 Ii-66 IR M-1 TR S-76-7 S-93 MP 4-18 M-2 Installation TM S-58 MP 4-355/2 M-3 Tests MP 2-77 H-4 MP 4-982 M-7 TR 2-435 H-42 MP M-68-3 M-8 Distribution MP M-69-3 M-8 Outlet Works Inlets MP H-69-8 H-11 MP M-70-1 M-9 Pneumatic Tires MP M-70-6 M-9 MP M-70-5 M-9 Exerted A6ainst Dams TM 94-1 S-56 MP M-73-13 M-11 TM 94-2 S-56 TR H-78-3 H-68 Fluootuations CR H-71-1 H-71 TR Y-78-3 E-33 Study No. 2 MP 4-355/6 M-3 75-INDEX Term Report No. Term Puget Sound Z-12 Radioactive TR D-77-24 E-9 Sediment TR H-75-17 H-63 Density Probe TM 121 CERC-43 Navy Yard TM 189-1 H-33 Tracer Tests MP 2-472 H-7 Pullout Resistance MP C-74-12 C-22 Cape Fear River MP 2-649 H-8 Pulp and Paper-Mill Sludge Houston Ship Channel MP H-69-2 H-11 Landfills Z-15 Tracer MP H-76-l H-15 Pumice MP 6-400 C-6 TM 105 CERC-42 Pumpability TM 6-419 C-29 Radioactivity TM 66-4 \;-21 Pumpable Mortar Studies TR C-74-6/1 C-38 Calculations PNE 5006 11-18 Pumping TM 67-7 \1-22 Stations TR H-77-3 H-66 Radiography MP S-68-12 S-27 TR H-77-12 H-67 Radioisotopes MP 2-115 H-4 Tests TM 3-341 S-65 MP 2-564 H-8 TM 425/B S-73 Radioisotopic Sand TR 3-642/A-C S-81 Tracer Study MP 2-69 CERC-7 Pycnometer MP 3-478/8 S-15 MP 3-70 CERC-7 MP 4-70 CERC-'( R 6-71 CERC-17 TM 53 CERC-29 Quadripod Cover Layers MP 2-372 H-6 Radionuclide TR 30 \;-29 R 2-69 CERC-16 Concentration TM 69-l W-24 Quality MP 6-833 C-13 Radome Structure MP N-77-4 W-12 Control CTIAC-36 C-42 RAF Station Materials MP 6-277 C-5 Alconbury TM 3-343/96 S-70 Water and Sediments MP C-74-4 C-21 Beaulieu TM 3-343/107 S-70 Quarry TR 30 W-29 Bentwaters TM 3-343/99 S-70 Stone TP 76-19 CERC-31 Blyton TM 3-343/109 S-70 Cover Layers RR 2-2 11-27 Brize Norton TM 3-343/91 S-69 Quarryin!i TR 11 W-28 Burton wood TM 3-343/100 S-70 Nuclear Explosives TR 13 W-28 Carnaby TM 3-343/114 S-70 Quartz CTIAC-65 C-45 Chelveston TM 3-343/117 S-'71 Crystal Thermometers CR 3-101/7 S-113 East Fortune TM 3-343/119 S-71 MP C-69-11 C-16 East Kirkby TM 3-343/97 S-70 Quaternary Terraces MS S-70-16 S-33 Elvington TM 3-343/95 S-70 Quebec CR 3-31/II M-38 Fairford TM 3-343/98 S-70 Quicklime TR 3-455 S-74 Full Sutton TM 3-343/118 S-71 MP 3-122/5 S-7 Lakenheath TM 3-~~43/104 S-70 Lindholme TM 3-343/120 S-71 Mildenhall TM 3-343/92 S-70 Molesworth TM 3-343/93 S-70 R. D. BAILEY MP E-75-4 W-11 Oakington TM 3-343/121 S-71 TR E-75-2 \1-39 St. Mawgan TM 3-343/115 S-71 RAAMS MP M-77-6 M-15 Sand toft TM 3-343/112 S-70 Rabat-Sale Airfield TM 3-343/12 S-66 Sculthorpe TM 3-343/113 S-70 Radar R 79-8 CERC-21 She!Jherd s Grove TM 3-343/103 S-70 TR 79-1 CERC-34 Spi1 sby TM 3-343/111 S-70 TR M-72-4 M-29 Sturgate TM 3-343/108 S-70 Building MP S-72-15 S-37 Tibenharn TM 3-343/106 S-70 TR N-73-9 \1-39 Upper Heyford TM 3-343/105 S-70 Detect Surface and Ground Wethersfield Tl~ 3-343/101 S-70 Water TR 3-727 M-24 1/oodbridge ™3-343/102 S-70 Measurements MP S-78-10 S-53 \/roughton TM 3-343/116 S-71 Responses to Soil Samples TR 3-693/2 M-23 Railroad Site Cuts TR E-74-1 W-39 Cape Kennedy, Florida MP 4-878 S-23 Embankment p R H-26 White Sands Missile Range MP 4-584 S-18 MP 3-6 S-4 Radiation MP S-73-10 S-53 Dose to Man TM 69-9 \1-24 High-Level Crossing TR 3-4<37 S-76 Effects on Buried Structures CR 1-lll \;-47 Relocation Fills MP 2-465 H-7 Facility at WES MP S-75-26 S-48 Test Embankment MP S-72-36 S-38 Shielding Concrete MP 6-719 C-11 Railway Simulation Experiments TR N-77-4 W-41 Bridge TM 145-l S-57 Stress MR 81-4 CERC-13 Systems TR N-75-4 './-40Radio Rain Communications Network B 61-l MS-1 Code TM 70-8 Imaging Techniques TR 3-769 M-24 Forest MP 4-982 M-7 MP M-70-1 M-9 76-INDEX Term Report No. ~---------------- Rainfall R 5 Z-18 Redstone Data MP ti-76-22 M-15 Army Airfield MP S-72-23 S-37 Erosion Z-14 TR 3-466/5 S-75 Leachi.ng Model TM 70-8 W-25 Arsenal MP 4-910 S-25 Ramey Air Force Base MP S-70-10 S-32 Missile MP 4-325 S-12 RAMPART Radar Towers MP 4-955 S-25 Reefs TM 122 CERC-43 liamps MP 4-966 S-26 Reese Air Force Base MP 4-375 S-13 Rangeland Conservation TR M-77-4/3 M-33 MP 4-427 S-14 Ranger Training Areas CR 3-70 M-41 Reference Test Areas MP 4-921 M-7 Rapid Reflected \laves R 82-1 CERC-22 Landing-Site Stabilization CR 3-169 S-99 Refraction MP H-77-8 H-18 Road Construction IR S-71-l S-3 RR H-74-l H-29 Raritan River TM 2-342 H-39 Regression TP 83-1 CERC-33 Ratiocinative Design Criteria TR S-74-9 S-91 Regressive Wave CR 2-71 W-47 Ray Theory RR l-4 \l-19 Regulated-Set Cement CTIAC-16 C-41 Rayleigh t1P C-75-5 C-23 Disk TM 18 CERC-37 MP C-75-11 C-23 Wave Dispersion MP S-73-20 S-41 TR C-75-2 C-38 Raystown, Pennsylvania MP N-76-6 W-12 Rehabilitation of Starved Rock Reservoir TR H-70-15 H-57 Lock and Dam HP C-78-12 C-26 ROMAS IR S-76-l S-3 Reid-Bed ford MP S-68-22 S-28 Reactor Vessels MP C-72-13 C-20 Bend R 5-3 P-1 Reaeration Tests TR H-77-14 H-67 R 5-4 P-1 Rebar Penetrations MP N-72-7 \l-9 R 5-5 P-1 Reclamation CR D-74-5 E-22 Revetment R 5-2 P-1 TR D-7tl-58 E-20 R 5-6 P-1 Mined Areas MP M-76-4 M-13 Caving Area R 5-l P-1 Recnotes IEB R-77-1 E-38 Model RR S-76-2/l S-54 IEB R-78-1 Reinforced thru Concrete MP 6-779 C-12 R-78-3 E-38 TM 6-421 C-30 Recolonization of Benthic Macro-TR C-74-7/1 C-38 fauna TR D-77-24/F E-10 Airport Pavements TR S-77-11 S-94 Recomvacted Soils CR S-70-2/l S-105 Beam CTIAC-49 C-4'3 Reconstituted Sands TR S-78-9 S-95 MP 1-874 il-5 Recorder and Power Supply B 60-1 MS-1 MP N-78-7 W-13 Recreation Bridge Piers TR N-76-10 \l-41 Area MP Y-76-l E-29 Slab MP 6-911 C-14 MP Y-77-5 E-30 TR N-73-,.8 W-39 Land CR D-76-6 E-26 TR N-75-2 W-40 Resee~rch Progre~tn IEB R-77-l E-38 Structures TM b-330 C-2tl IEB R-78-l Earth Wall TR S-77-6 S-94 thru Reinforcing R-78-3 E-38 Bars MP 6-351 C-6 Use in Water Related Parks TR R-78-1 E-39 MP 1-837 W-5 User Information Sy~tem TR R-78-2 E-39 MP C-74-12 C-22 Rectangular Conduits MP 2-160 H-5 Steel MP N-73-5 W-9 t1P H-68-2 H-10 Port Allen Lock MP 6-297 C-6 Recycled Rejuvenators for Bituminous Concrete MP C-72-14 C-20 Pavements Z-7 Aggretate CTIAC-9 C-40 Relief Well MP 3-52 S-5 CTIAC-19 C-41 TM S-63 MP C-72-23 C-21 Commerce and Trotters, MP C-76-2 C-23 t1ississippi TM 3-316 S-64 Materials in Airfield Data MP 3-5 S-4 Pavements Z-7 TM 3-304 S-63 Red TM 3-379 S-72 Ouachita-Black River Basin MBM 31-9 H-24 TM 3-409/B S-73 River INR 7 Z-4 Arkabutla Dam TR 3-479 S-76 p 10 H-26 Filters MP S-68-4 S-27 TM 3-298 S-63 Flow Meter MP 5-83 MS-4 TM 3-319 S-64 Installations TM 3-247 S-61 TR S-74-5 S-90 Mississippi River Levees MP S-72-21 S-37 Landing TR 3 Z-tl Missouri River Levees TR 3-443 S-74 Navigation Project TR H-78-24 H-69 Risers MP 3-90 S-6 Waterway CTIAC-55 C-44 Trotters, Mississippi TM 3-341 S-65 TR H-77-13 H-67 REMBASS MP M-13 Rock Remote Dam TR 2-673 H-48 Anti-Armor Mine System MP M-77-6 M-15 Reservoir B 65-1 MS-1 Imagery MP S-75-24 S-47 77-INDEX Term -----------------~-m--------------------- Remote (Cont) Shear Strength Sensing IR M-78-2 M-1 Clay Shales TR S-71-6/2 S-87 MP 2-73 CERC-3 Weak Shales TR 3-69':!/5 S-82 MP H-73-11 M-ll Strength HP S-74-21 S-45 MP M-74-2 M-12 Clay CR S-70-5 S-106 MP M-77-14 M-16 CR S-71-5 S-105 R 17-73 CERC-18 Resilient Moduli TR S-'76-12 S-93 TR M-74-8 M-30 Resin MP S-71-19 S-35 TR M-76-6 M-32 Based Membrane Curing and Sensor MP M-72-8 M-10 Bonding Compounds MP C-75-10 C-23 TR M-74-2 M-29 Concretes MP C-72-21 C-20 TR M-74-8/1 M-30 and Latex-Base Concrete TR M-76-8 M-32 Curing Compounds MP 4-819/l S-22 TR M-74-8/2 M-31 Resinous Imagery IR M-78-2/A M-1 Materials CR S-68-7 S-9':! Terrain Analysis MP 4-791 M-6 Water Repellents TM 217-1 S-60 Water-Quality Monitoring Resistance Systems TR Y-77-5 E-33 Coefficients TR 2-715 ll-50 Remotely Monitored Battlefield Freshly Injected Grout MP C-76-4 C-23 Sensor System MP M-B Losses MP H-73-1 H-n Rend Lake Resistivity Geophysical ExploDam TR H-75-2 H-61 ration Methods TM 195-1 S-58 Reservoir MP 6-589 C-9 Resonant MP H-68-1 H-10 Column TR H-69-7 H-54 Dynamic Testing Devices MP S-75-2 S-46 Rennie Island Marsh Development Test MP S-78-6 S-52 Site TR D-78-11 E-14 Frequency Measurements MP C-77-11/1 C-25 Repair Oscillations RR H-76-1 H-29 Bomb-Damaged Runways MP C-72-15 C-20 Response TR H-75-4/6 H-62 TR C-75-2 C-38 Vibration Technique MP 6-746 C-12 Paved Surfaces TR C-78-2 C-39 Response of Earth Media CR 3-168 S-108 Repeated Rest Areas Z-17 Compression CR 3-145/1 S-100 Retaining Dikes TR D-77-9 E-7 CR 3-145/3 S-100 Reus Air Base TM 3-34V87 S-69 Flexure CR 3-145/2 S-100 Reusable Dredged Material Load Fracture CR S-76-15/I S-119 Disposal Sites TR D-73-22 E-16 Loading CR 3-145 S-100 Reverse Heads TR H-70-2 H-56 Repetitive Revetment MP 2-35 H-4 Explosion Device CR 3-149 S-ll6 MP 1-64 CERC-7 Loadings TR S-76-16 S-94 MP 4-385 S-13 Republic Steel Ground Mat MP 4-945 S-25 MR 76-7 CERC-10 Research R 2-4 P·-1 Center Library MP 5-217 MS-4 R 2-67 CERC-16 Concrete MP C-69-17 e-n R 3-1 P-1 and Development Management R 5-2 P-1 Analysis System IR S-76-1 S-3 R 5-6 P-1 Soil Stability INV 1 Z-5 R 17-1 P-4 INV 2 Z-5 R 78-5 CERC-20 INV 3 Z-6 TM 20-2 H-30 Reservoir Z-2 TM 55 CERC-29 HBM 23-1 H-23 TP 81-1 CEHC-33 MP 3-981 S-26 TP 81-5 CEHC-33 MP S-77-3 S-50 TR N-69-8/7 \l-35 PNE 1120 W-17 Construction R 21-4 P-4 RR H-72-3 H-28 R 21-5 P-4 TM 132 CERC-44 Revetted Bank Failure R 8-1 P-1 Til 38 11-29 Reykjavik Airfield m 3-343/3 S-66 TR H-69-1 0 H-55 Rhein-Main Air Base TM 3-343/36 S-67 TR M-72-3 M-29 Rheologic Ecosystem Modeling CR Y-77-1 E-35 Investigation CR ::l-62 S-115 Filling CR S-72-2 S-101 CR 3-148 S-109 Induced Macroearthquakes TR S-73-1/19 S-40 Properties TB 7 Z-10 'Inflow and Outflow B 63-1 MS-1 Rice Fields MP 4-602 M-4 Operation MBM 24-1 H-23 TR 3-702 M-23 Model MBM l-1 H-21 Richard B. Russell Lake Water Residential Dwellings MP N-75-6 \'i-ll Quality Investigation TR H-74-14 H-61 Residual Richmond (Virginia) Harbor TM 178-1 H-33 Materials CR 4-6/6 M-39 78-INDEX Term --·---------------...-·--~---- Ride MP M-78-7 M-16 River (Cant) Characteristics MP M-68-5 M-8 Bank (Cant) MP M-76-6 M-14 Stability (Cant) Dynamics CR 3-33 M-36 1957 Data R 12-8 P-3 CR 3-114 M-35 1'158 Data R 12-9 P-3 TR M-68-1/2 M-25 1959 Data R 12-10 P-3 TR M-73-5 M-29 1960 Data R 12-11 P-3 Qualities MP M-75-5 M-13 1961 Data R 12-12 P-3 dnd Sho"k Test MP M-77-3 M-15 1962 Data R 12-13 P-3 MP M-77-9 M-15 1963 Data R 12-14 P-3 Rid6 eley, West Vir~inia TR 2-448 H-42 1964 Data R 12-17 P-3 Rifle Gap Darn MP S-70-l S-31 1965 Data R 12-18 P-3 MP S-71-17/2 S-35 1966 Data R 12-19 P-3 Riflin~ in uredge Pipe Lines B 2/l H-1 1967 Data R 12-20 P-3 Ri.gid 1968 and 1969 Data R 12-21 P-3 Body 1970 and 1971 Data R 12-22 P-3 Motion HP S-75-15 S-47 Stabilization CR 3-81 S-107 Solution CR S-75-4/ Border Areas, Middle Missis-Suppl S-102 sippi River MP Y-74-5 E-29 Flexible Navigation B 2/2 H-1 Airfield Pavement Junctures MP S-76-19 S-49 Point Directory MP H-75-6 H-15 Materials for !lank Protection INV 2 Z-5 Regulation MP 2-860 H-10 Pavement HP 4-496 S-16 Reservoir Systems Model MP Y-76-4 E-30 Tests TM S-60 Sand MP 6-408 C-6 Plate Bearing Test TM S-59 Discharge TR 5 Z-8 ~lheel TR 3-565 M-20 Sedimentation IR H-78-1 H-3 TR S-74-7 S-90 Models MP H-70-2 H-12 Rigolets Pass, Louisiana TR H-76-16 H-65 Stages R 20-1 P-4 Rincon Island, California MR 78-3 CERC-12 Training MP H-71-2 H-12 TM 43 CERC-28 Riverine Ring Fishery CR Y-74-4 E-32 Beam Antenna Foundation 11P S-68-14 S-27 Utility Craft TR M-70-5 M-26 Test MP C-69-5 C-16 Road HP S-69-11 S-29 Ripple TM 100 CERC-42 MP S-74-23 S-46 Tanks RR H-74-1 H-29 TM 3-357/B S-72 Hipl)led Bed" R 77-5 CERC-20 TR S-70-5 S-86 Rij.>rap MP 2-552 H-7 Construction MP S-73-5 S-40 MP 6-740 C-12 Crater Design Test MP N-76-6 \i-12 MP 2-Tf7 H-9 Greenland TR 3-505 M-20 MP H-68-1 H-10 Observations TR 5-625/H M-21 PNE 5003 rl-1'7 Research Laboratory, England MP 4-380 S-13 R 76-2 CERC-20 Sections in Western United RR H-70-2 H-27 States MP M-74-7 M-12 TR 2-650 H-47 Surfacing Membrane CR S-71-7 S-106 Carlyle Dam MP 6-281/A C-5 TR 3-492 S-76 Clarence Canyon Re3ervoir MP 6-906 C-14 TR 3-515 S-77 Cover Layers MP 2-465 H-7 Terrains TR M-74-4 M-30 TR 2-740/2 H-51 Test Results TR 3-721 S-82 DeGray Dam MP 6-596 C-9 Robert De3ign MP H-78-7 H-19 Gray Army Airfield MP 4-697 S-20 Kaskaskia River MP 6-730 C-12 MP 4-989 S-26 Model of In-Shore Harbor RR 2-8 H-27 MP S-69-26 S-30 New Lock and Dam No. 26 MP C-72-4 C-19 MP S-69-38 S-30 Placement TR 2-447/2 H-42 MP S-73-16 S-41 Revetments TP 81-5 CERC-33 s. Kerr Lock and Dam TR li-68-5 H-53 Source3, Shelbyville Reservoir MP 6-539 C-8 Roberts Field, Liberia TM 3-343/13 S-66 Stability R 3-67 CERC-16 Robins Air Force Base MP 4-367 S-13 TM 37 CERC-28 Rock CR N-69-1 \o/-l!5 TM 51 CERC-29 CR S-68-3 S-100 TP 76-19 CERC-31 MP C-73-12 C-21 TP 82-3 CERC-33 MP C-74-6 C-22 Stone for the Rend Lake MP S-69-34 S-30 Reservoir MP 6-589 C-9 MP S-77-16 S-51 River MP H-69-9 H-11 PNE 5008 li-18 Bank 11P S-70-3 S-32 TR 6-802 C-35 TM 3-329 S-65 TR 1-813 \i-33 Stability MP S-78-5/18 S-52 TR S-75-7 S-91 MP S-78-5/19 S-52 Bolts MP S-77-7 S-50 R 18-2 P-4 TR S-76-14 S-93 7~-INDEX Term. _______________________ ~port No. ~--------·--------- Rock (Cont) Co;·e MP C-75-2 C-22 Bergstrom Study Area, Texas MP C-70-4 C-17 Castle Study Area, Cali fornia MP C-69-16 C-17 DeGray Dam MP 6-579 C-9 Duluth-Vermillion Study Area MP C-70-9 C-17 Machias Study Area, Maine MP C-70-16 C-18 Michiga~ne Study Area, Michigan MP C-70-10 C-17 Mountain Home, Idaho MP C-69-12 C-17 Pease Study Area, New Hampshire MP C-70-11 C-17 Pembine Study Area, Michigan and Wisconsin MP C-70-14 C-18 Plattsburgh Study Area, New York MP C-70-7 C-17 Scott Study Area, Missouri MP C-70-6 C-17 Tests MP C-75-9 C-23 MP C-78-12 C-26 Warren, Wyoming MP C-69-3 C-16 MP C-70-17 C-18 Ejecta MP W-11 Excavations MP 3-991 S-26 PNE 5010 W-18 Fill TR S-78-1 S-94 Formations CR S-68-2 S-103 Island District INR 2 Z-4 Jetty Models TM 133-1 H-32 Lined Transitions R 1-110 Z-13 Mass CR 1-135 \l-46 CR 1-170 '.l-44 RR l-6/l Il-l~ TR N-73-6 W-38 TR N-73-7 ~1-39 TR N-73-4 W-42 Permeability TR S-76-2 S-93 Shear Strength TR S-72-12 S-89 Mechanics MP S-74-28 S-46 RR S-69-l S-54 Mixtures MP S-70-7/l S-32 Movement R 3-67 CERC-16 Penetration Test Site TR S-77-4 S-94 Samples MP 6-254 C-5 Silo Prototype Test Site MP S-70-12 S-32 Structures RR H-73-1 H-28 Targets MP S-75-25 S-48 Tests MP C-78-4 C-25 Types MP C-69-14 C-11 PNE 5006 \l-18 Weirs MP 2-821 H-9 Rocket MP 4-430 S-14 TR N-69-3/5 1<-35 Blast-Resistant Materials MP 4-804 S-22 Engine Blast Tests MP 4-804/1 S-22 Jet Blast MP 4-903 S-24 Rounds TR N-69-3/4 W-35 Rock fill Dams CR S-69-5 S-106 CR S-70-7 S-106 CR S-71-11 S-107 CR S-72-2 S-101 CR S-73-2 S-101 CR S-'77-4 S-102 MP S-71-10 S-34 MP S-71-17 S-35 MP S-71-17/3 S-35 MP S-73-7 S-39 TR 2-496 H-43 Rockfill (Cont) Embankment TM b7-l6 rl-22 Specimens CR S-71-4 S-107 Rocky Mountain Arsenal TR Y-78-l E-33 Reach Hydroelectric Project MP 2-417 H-7 Rods CR 2-61 W-47 Rogers Dry Lake, California MP 4-365 S-13 Rogue River Z-12 Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands MP 4-858 S-23 Rome Air Depot TM C-27 Italy TM 3-341/37 S-67 Rondout Creek Basin TR ll-74-2 H-60 Roof .Moisture MP M-76-14 M-14 Surveys IR M-78-l M-1 MP M-77-2 M-15 Roosevelt Roads Naval Base TM 207-1 H-34 Ropes MP C-77-13 C-25 Rotary Cone Penetrometer MP 3-361 s-n MP 3-455 S-15 MP 3-832 S-23 R 18-1 P-4 Rotation Shear Tests CR S-70-5 S-lOb ROUGH ROAD ALPHA TR '-624 S-79 Roughness Coefficients TR 14 Z-8 Elements MP H-68-5 H-10 ~1P 11-70-6 H-12 Standards TM 2-364 H-39 Row and Array Emplacement TM 68-4 \l-23 Charge Cratering TM 67-5 w-22 TM 67-9 \1-22 TR 5 11-28 TR 37 W-2Y Crater PNE 1120 11-17 TR 38 W-29 Rowlesburg Dam TR H-70-7 H-56 Royal Air Force Station Holme TM 3-343/94 S-70 Manston TM 3-343/90 S-69 Naval Air Station Ford TM 3-343/122 S-71 RPAF Stati.on Mauripur TM 3-343/123 S-71 Rubbed Fini.shes f1P b-864 C-14 Rubber llased Coatings MP b-864 C-14 Tired Rollers MP 4-240 S-10 1/aterstop TM Til 3-271/7 3-432 S-62 S-74 Failures MP 4-124 S-7 Rubberized-Tar Concrete Airfield Pavements TR 3-493 S-76 Pavements MP 4-288 S-11 t~P 4-304 S-11 Paving Mixtures MP S-71-8 S-34 Specifications MP 4-292 S-ll Rubble TM 70-13 W-25 Mound Breakwater MP 2-224 H-5 MP 2-276 H-5 MP 2-296 H-6 MP 2-372 H-6 MP 2-453 H-7 MP H-76-8 H-16 MR 76-5 CERC-10 R 81-10 CERC-22 RR 2-2 H-27 80-INDEX Term Reeort No. Term Reeort No. Rubble (Cont) St. ( Cont) Mound (Cont) Johns Breakwater (Cont) RR 2-11 H-27 Bayou Floodgate TM S-60 RR H-69-2 H-27 TM 3-425 S-73 TM 2-365 H-40 River TM 2-244 H-36 TR H-68-3 H-53 Lawrence Cresent City Harbor TM 2-413 H-41 River 2-233 TM H-35 Dana Point Harbor TR 2-725 H-50 TR 2-489 H-43 Jubail Harbor, Saudi TR 2-576 H-45 Arabia TH H-76-20 H-65 Seaway Nassau Harbor MP 2-799 H-9 Locks TR H-76-9 H-64 TR 2-697 H-49 Project MP 6-573 C-9 Noyo Harbor MP 2-841 H-9 Louis Repair Flood Protection Project MP 6-334 C-6 Kahului Harbor TR 2-644 H-47 Harbor TR H-72-7 H-58 Morro Bay Harbor TR 2-567 H-45 Industrial Park MBM 31-3 H-23 Nawiliwili Harbor MP 2-377 H-6 to-Thebes Reach t4BM 81-6 H-25 Stability Models MP H-75-4 H-14 Lucie Canal p 14 H-26 MP H-75-5 H-15 TM 153-1 H-32 Stru,tures CETA 81-7 CERC-3 Mary Dam TM 2-262 H-36 R 1-73 CERC-17 Marys Falls Canal TM 208-1 H-34 R 79-4 CERC-21 Mawgan, Cornwall, England TM 3-343/115 S-71 Trunks TR H-77-19 H-67 Nazaire-Montoir Air Base TM 3-343/53 S-68 Tsoying Harbor TR 2-640 H-47 Paul District INR 2 S-4 Tsunami Barrier, Hilo Harbor TR 2-792 H-53 Salamonie Dam Flip Bucket MP H-71-1 H-12 Size TM 69-5 W-24 Saline Slopes TR 14 ~~-28 Fronts CR 2-1/12 H-74 RUG TR M-70-5 M-26 Water CR 2-1113 H-74 Rulison Underground Nu"lear Wedges CR 2-1/7 H-74 Detonation MP S-70-1 S-31 CR 2-1/8 H-74 MP S-71-17/2 S-35 CR 2-1/11 H-74 Running Gear TR M-78-3 M-33 Salinity CR 2-1/4 H-73 Runoff CR 2-66 H-74 CR H-73-3 H-71 Runway MP C-72-15 C-20 CR H-74-2 H-71 MP S-76-24 S-50 CR H-77-1 H-71 TR 2-467 \~-30 MP 2-912 H-10 TR 3-539 S-78 MP H-69-13 H-11 TR 3-700 S-82 MP H-72-8 H-13 TR C-75-2 C-38 MP H-76-9 H-16 O'Hare International Airport CR S-76-11 C-99 TB 13 Z-10 Pavement, Columbus Air Force TB 20 Z-11 Base MP 4-303 S-11 TR /2 H-4'7 TR D-77-40 E-12 TR H-69-12/2 H-55 TR H-69-12/3 H-55 Sacramento TR H-73-13 H-63 Basin R 3 Z-18 Changes in Coastal \laters CR H-73-1 H-73 Distri~t Radio Communications CR H-73-2 H-73 Network !l 61-1 MS-1 Intrusion Z-11 Peak, New Mexico MP 3-639 S-19 TB 5 Z-9 MP 3-763 S-21 TB 13 Z-10 River Deep-\later Ship Channel TR 2-556 H-44 TB 20 Z-11 SAFEGUARD TR N-73-9 \1-39 Stratified Water RR H-73-4 H-28 Power Plant CR N-71-1 ~~-45 Tests TM 2-337/2 H-38 TSE Ground Facilities MP W-10 Verification MP H-78-6/1 H-19 Sag Junction TR 2-776 H-52 TM 2-337/1 H-38 St. TR 2-735/1 H-50 Charles Parish Lakefront TR H-73-12/1 H-59 Foundation Clays MP S-76-15 S-49 Salt CR 3-101/3 S-112 Levee MP S-75-8 S-47 Barriers CR 2-1/6 H-74 Marsh MR 81-5 CERC-13 Clair River MP 2-821 H-9 SR 4 CERC-25 p 16 H-26 TP 76-7 CERC-30 TR H-72-4 H-58 TR D-77-37 E-11 Croix, u. s. Virgin Islands MP S-76-26 S-50 TR D-78-38 E-18 Francis Development TM 46 CERC-28 Basin TR 3-659 S-81 TM 52 CERC-29 River MP 3-555 S-17 Estuarine Ecosystems TR D-78-3 E-13 Sunk Lands MP S-70-15 S-32 Plants MP D-77-1 E-3 TR D-77-28 E-10 Vegetation CETA 82-3 CERC-4 81-INDEX Ter.E!._________________ Term Salt (Cent) Sand (Cent) RR S-76-2/1 S-54 Pond No. 3, Marsh Development RR S-76-2/2 S-54 Site TR D-78-57 E-20 RR S-76-2/3 S-54 River, Kentucky TR H-75-12 H-63 RR S-76-2/4 S-54 Water RR S-76-2/6 S-54 Barriers MP 2-358 H-6 TM W-27 MP H-71-4 H-12 TM 17 \/-2"1 MP H-74-9 H-14 TM2 CERC-37 Intrusion n1 9 CEHC-26 Calcasieu River TM 2-310 H-38 TM 62 CERC-40 Canal Locks CR 2-l/2 H-73 TM 66-5 W-21 Cooper River MP H-77-14 H-18 TM 76 CERC-41 Intracoastal Waterway TM 221-1 H-35 TM 9')-1 H-31 Rivers CR 2-l/3 H-73 TM 102 CERC-42 Lights MP 5-248 MS-4 TM 3-271/1 S-62 Salviacim Pavement MP S-76-20 S-49 TM 1-323/4 S-65 Samoa TR H-74-16 H-61 TM 1-3.31/10 M-1'.! Sample Disturbance CR S-77-3 S-101 TM 3-408 S-71 Samplers TM 3-315 S-64 TM 6-419/3 C-2'1 Sampling CETA 79-3 CERC-2 TM 6-419/4 C-29 Gohesionless Material RR S-76-l S-54 TM 6-419/5 C-29 Soils Z-13 TR 3-516/2 M-20 Variation TP 76-14 CERC-30 TR 3-545/5 M-20 San TR 3-599/2 S-79 Antonio Dam R 2-106 Z-2 TR 3-65211 M-21 Diego Bay MP Y-76-2 E-30 TR 3-666 M-22 TR N-69-4/2 W-34 TR 1-674 11-31 Model TR H-74-12 H-61 TR D-78-34 E-17 Fernando, California, EarthTR E-73-5 \1-38 quake MP S-76-l S-48 TR M-68-2 M:-25 Francisco Bay Z-12 TR M-69-2 M-25 MP 2-332/4 H-6 TR M-70-14/1 M-27 MR 79-2 CERC-12 TR M-71-5/2 M-2\J MP 2-370 W-2 TR S·-76-17 S-')5 TR H-75-17 H-63 TR S·-78-2 S-95 TR N-76-1 W-40 TR S-78-15 S-95 Gabriel River TR H-76-10 H-64 Analysis TM 23 CERC-3~ Juan Harbor TM 173-l H-33 Asphalt .MP 4-385 S-13 Pablo Airport TM 3-343/85 S-69 TM 3-329 S-65 Ysidro, New Mexico TR S-77-3 S-94 Backfill Sanctuaries Act of 1972 Z-15 Old River Lock MP 3-554 S-17 Sand B 1/1-9 S-1 Port Allen Lock MP 3-437 S-14 CR W-44 Bea-47 H-46 H-12 CERC-19 S-72 S-72 S-1 1-1-44 S-30 S-32 S-46 S-56 S-56 S-56 ~1-29 S-16 S-32 S-89 S-79 S-58 S-36 MS-6 MS-6 S-47 S-57 M-29 ll-7 S-39 M-32 S-52 M-29 M-12 ~1-22 S-39 il-24 S-58 S-58 S-47 S-39 S-40 S-33 M-10 S-46 S-53 W-44 Z-14 ,/-14 M-14 11-18 S-26 11-10 CERC-4 CERC-13 CERC-14 CERC-16 CERC-28 11-38 Seismic ( Cont) Region MP E-75-7 W-11 MP N-76-11 W-12 Sensor MP M-12 MP M-75-10 M-13 Site Calibration PNE 1100 W-16 TM 67-19 11-23 Source Zones MP S-73-1/21 S-40 Survey Dam Sites MP 3-60 S-5 Grand Island MP 3-59 S-5 Spokane River Valley MP 3-64 S-6 Techniques Brown's Ferry Nuclear Plant MP 4-970 S-26 Pre-Gondola II MP 4-971 S-26 Test Results MP S-78-8 S-53 Waves MP S-73-1/10 S-39 Seismicity MP S-77-3 S-50 TR M-77-4/5 M-33 Seismograph Demonstration B 10 S-1 Seismographic Networks MP S-78-9 S-53 Seismological Factors for Design Earthquakes 11P S-72-41 S-38 Seismology MP S-74-15 S-45 Selective Withdrawal TR H-73-4 H-59 TR H-73-14 H-60 Self-Propelled Artillery MP M-77-1 M-15 Vehicles TM 3-240 M-17 Wheeled Vehicles TM 3-240/18 M-18 Selfridge Air Force Base MP 4-707 S-20 Sembach Air Base TM 3-343/27 S-67 Semiarmor-Piercing Bomb Z-18 Sensor MP H-16 TR M-73-6 M-29 Fort Huachuca TR M-73-3 M-29 Sites, Woodbridge and Fort Belvoir MP M-73-9 M-11 Test Areas in the Panama Canal Zone TR M-72-2 M-29 SERGIUS NARROWS TM 68-13 W-23 TM 71-11 l'i-25 TR 33 W-29 Series 11 A11 Beams TM 6-412/3 C-29 "B" Beams CTIAC-59 C-44 Tl~ 6-412/4 C-29 Settlement Fallback Materials l-IP 3-974 S-26 Large Hydraulic Structures MP S-71-23 S-35 7.6-Angstrom Reaction Product CTIAC-41 C-43 Sevier Bridge Reservoir TM 2-397 W-27 Sevilla, Spain TM 3-343/85 S-69 Sewa;;e Lagoons HP Y-77-5 E-30 Treatment Plant MP 2-951 H-10 Outfall, Los Angeles Harbor TR H-78-23 H-69 Sewart Air Force Base MP 4-311 S-4 SH \laves MP S-77-12 S-51 Shale CR 3-3 S-106 CR S-68-4 S-100 TR 3-699/3 S-82 TR 3-699/5 S-82 TR E-73-l W-38 TR S-71-6/5 S-87 and Coal Cores MP 6-658 C-10 Embankments Z-17 Laneport Dam TR S-71-6/3 S-87 Samples, Waco Dam MP 6-548 C-8 85-INDEX Term -~.e.~!:~~ l.~ Term _______________ ~~No~ ~e__ Shallow Water CETA 77-6 CERC-2 Shelter CR 2-55 W-46 CETA 82-2 CERC-4 r.R 2-67 W-46 R 6-73 CEHC-17 CR 1-110 \i-46 R 83-14 CERC-23 MP N-71-3 \i-8 TM 4 CERC-37 TR 1-768 ~-1-3<' TM 27 CERC-3d TR N-69-8/8 \1-'35 TM 40 CERC-'3':1 TR N-69-8/9 W-3~ TM 123 CERC-43 TR N-70-6 li-35 TP 78-1 CERC-31 Building Program CR 2-65 'd-47 Wave Study Shark River Boat Basin CR R 1-167/III 80-2 \i-48 CERC-22 Concepts r.R 2-76 W-47 Z-14 Sharonville, Shear Ohio MP 4-47 S-5 Response Shelton Fallout TR N-77-3 \1-41 Apparatus Key Connections Modulus TR TR TR S-71-2/1 N-73-9 S-72-5 S-87 \1-39 S-89 Model Prediction System Shepherds Grove, Suffolk, TM TM 65-1 65-10 W-20 W-20 MP S-78-12 S-53 England TM 3-343/103 S-70 Constitutive Models MP S-71-13 S-35 Sheppard Air Force Base MP 4-366 S-13 Sand CR 3-161 S-114 TM 3-344/2 S-71 Responses Strength Antelope Lake Target of Clay Shales Earth-Rock Mixtures MP MP MP TR MP S-72-35 S-73-60 S-76-7 S-71-6/2 S-70-7 S-38 S-43 S-48 S-87 S-32 Sheridan Army Airfield Sherman Army Airfield Sherwood Island State Park Shielding Model Shifting Sand MP MP TM TR MP S-68-l S-72-25 20 M-74-4 4-968 S-26 S-37 CERC-27 M-30 S-26 Stabilized Soils Measurements CR MP 3-63/5 M-72-5 S-lll M-10 Shrinkage Compensating Cement CTIAC-29 Z-7 C-41 Saturated Clay CR MP 3-132 3-428 S-100 S-14 Ship MP C-78-2 CTIAC-27 C-25 C-41 Gravel MP 3-664 S-19 t1P C-77-12 C-25 Stress R 3-71 CERC-17 Canal TR 2-776 H-52 TR S-78-16 S-96 Channel, Lake Charles, Tests CR CR 3-101/14 S-70-5 S-113 S-106 Louisiana Mooring TM TR 124-1 H-75-4/2 S-56 H-62 MP S-72-32 S-38 Facility TR 2-708 H-49 MP S-74-11 S-45 Motion Data TR H-75-4/3 H-62 Compacted Soils Saturated Clays to-Normal Stress Ratio MP CR MP 3-478/9 3-101/16 M-68-8 S-15 S-113 M-8 Transit Capacities Shipping Container SHOAL, Grouting Support MP MP MP H-69-10 N-70-5 6-700 H-11 il-7 r.-11 Wave MP S-69-30 S-30 Shoaling Z-11 Velocity Shearing Characteristics of Clay Resistance MP CR 6-746 3-4 C-12 S-109 CETA 81-12 CETA 83-1 MP 2-641 Z-12 CERC-4 CERC-4 H-8 Sands Soil CR \TR 3-26/9 S-74-7 S-110 S-90 MP MP 2-952 2-953 H-10 H-10 Sheepsfoot Roller TM TM 3-271/6 3-27117 S-62 S-62 MP MP H-69-13 H-72-10 H-11 H-13 TM 3-333 S-65 MP H-78-6/2 H-19 Sheet Pile R 76-1 CERC-19 Cells Z-6 TB 4 Z-9 Walls Z-6 TB 10 Z-10 Shelbyville Dam TR 2-719 H-50 TM TM 59 63 CERC-29 C:ERC-40 Reservoir MP 6-539 C-8 TM 2-403 H-41 MP 6-588 C-9 TP 76-1 CERC-30 MP 6-658 C-10 TP 80-8 CERC-32 MP 6-975 C-15 TR 12 H-47 Shelf Studies R 3-72 CERC-17 TR H-77-20 H-67 Shell Cll 1-107 W-45 Absecon Inlet TM 204-1 H-34 CR N-70-2 \1-48 Analysis TR H-78-5/2 1!-68 MP 4-136 S-7 Brunswick Harbor RR H-75-3/3 H-29 Aggregate MP MP 4-38 4-81 S-5 S-6 Cattaraugus Creek Harbor TR TR H-72-5 H-75-18 H-58 H-63 Road Vibration Machine MP 4-347 S-12 Charleston Harbor TR 2-733 H-50 Shellfish TR D-77-24/A E-9 Conditions TR D-77-30/E E-11 St. Louis Harbor TR H-72-7 H-58 Shell perm MP 3-106 s-·r Sawyer Bend Deepwater Point Range TR TM H-78-7 2-231 H-68 H-35 86-INDEX Term -~..E.ort No. Term ----... -----·----------...------ Shoaling ( Cont) Shooters Island MP 2-953 H-10 Delaware Shore City Channels MP 2-723 H-9 Effect Model TR H-75-16 H-63 River Erosion MP 1-59 CERC-36 Entrance TM 91-1 H-30 MR 80-2 CERC-37 TM 93-3 H-30 Processes TM3 CERC-37 Model MP 2-407 H-6 Protection Elimination TM 219-1 H-35 Manual SPM CERC-24 Galveston Structures MP 2-75 CERC-8 Bay B l/2 11-1 Retreat TP 79-4 CERC-32 Channel TM 127-1 H-32 TP 80-7 CERC-32 Head of Passes TM 2-356 H-39 Stabilization SR 9 CERC-25 Hudson River Channels TR 2-694 H-49 Structures TM 12 CERC-37 Manchester Islands TM 181-1 H-33 Shoreline Marcus Hook-Schuylkill Reach MP 2-887 H-10 Changes MR 80-6 CERC-13 Mare Island Strait TM 81-l H-30 R 33-10 CERC-23 New Castle-Finns Point Ranges TM 2-259 H-36 R 83-11 CERC-23 Port Orford, Oregon TR H-74-4 H-60 Evolution MR 77-10 CERC-11 Raritan River TM 2-342 H-39 Fluctuations MP 3-387 S-13 Richmond (Virginia) Harbor TM 178-l H-33 Geometry MP H-77-9 H-18 Savannah Harbor TM 2-268 H-37 Plant Establishment MR 78-1 CERC-11 Southwest Pass MP 2-155 H-4 Retreat R 78-11 CERC-21 MP 2-349 H-6 Stabilization MP 6-75 CERC-8 TR 2-690 H-49 TP 76-13 CERC-30 Starved Rock Lock and Dam p 13 H-26 Short-Crested Waves TM 81 CERC-41 Umpqua River TM 2-277 H-17 TM 125 CERC-43 Verifi,.,ation MP H-78-6/1 H-19 Shot Wave::; TM 104 CERC-42 Pile Driver MP C-69-7 C-16 Wilmington Hdrbor TM 194-l H-34 6M of DIAMOND ORE CR E-74-1 W-46 Shoals R 22-73 CERC-18 Shotcrete CR S-76-4 S-101 Shock MP 6-660/2 C-10 Absorbing Materials TR 6-763 C-35 TR C-74-5 C-38 Attenuating Material Systems CTIAC-61 c-44 Shrewsbury Inlet MP H-72-2 H-13 Behavior CR 3-91/4 S-117 Shrimp Effects MP N-71-7 W-8 Mariculture TR D-78-53 E-19 Impedance CTIAC-5 C-40 Pene'!':!.:!. Az_!._e_~~ Ives CH H-74-2 H-71 t1PC-72-10 C-20 CR H-77-1 H-71 Induced Airblast TR E-72-16 \/-37 Shrinkage of Concrete MP 6-30 C-2 Isolating Masonry Units MP 6-328 C-6 Backpacking Materials MP 6-780 C-13 SID Testing at Fort Bragg TR M-73-2 M-29 Material CR 6-83 C-46 Side Underground Structures CR 6-87 c-46 Chains CR A-77-1 M-52 Isolation MP \'1-10 Channel MP Y-74-5 E-29 t1P N-68-6 \1-7 TR M-74-5 M-30 Loaded Dry Sands CR 3-91/2 s-117 Contour Maps TR M-74-5/II M-30 t1easurements MP 1-73"3 ~1-4 Spillway B 2/4 H-1 PNE 609F ii-15 R 2-106 Z-13 TR N-77-5 H-41 Sidewall Port TR 2-713 H--49 Mitigating Filling and Emptying System MP ll-75-7 H-15 Characteristics CR 6-126 C-46 TR H-68-4 H-53 Materials MP 6-928 c-15 Sieve Analysis B 13 S-1 Pressures RR H-68-2 ll-27 MP 3-478/6 S-15 TM 59 CERC-40 TR 6-543 C-32 Propagation CR 3-171 S-117 Signal Conditioning System MP 0-70-1 MS-(1Response of Rock TR 6-802 C-35 Sigonella Foundation Soil MP S-77-13 S-51 Test MP M-77-3 M-15 Silica Fume CTIAC-47 C-43 MP M-77-9 M-15 Silo Transmission MP 2-402 \-1-2 Interaction Study MP N-75-4 W-11 TR 1-794 \-1-33 Motions TR N-74-8 Vl-39 Wave MP 2-212 W-2 Type Structures TR S-73-12 S-90 MP 1-808 w-4 Silt CR 3-26/15 S-110 TR 2-615 1-1-30 CR 3-63/6 S-112 TR N-69-3 1-1-34 CR 3-63/8 S-112 Ice and Snow, Greenland MP 2-399 1-1-2 TR 3-516/2 M-20 Interaction TM 71-17 W-26 TR D-78-34 E-17 Propagation MP 1-831 1-1-5 Curtains TR D-78-39 E-18 t1P E-75-1 W-10 Samplers B 12 S-1 Shallow Water TR N-72-9 1-1-37 Siltation in Estuaries TB 2 Z-9 Reflection TR N-74-6 W-39 87-INDEX JE_m______________ Term Silty Sliding Block Analysis MP S-71-17/5 S-35 Clay CR 3-145/1 S-100 Slip Form MP C-74-15 C-22 CR 3-145/3 S-100 Construct ion TR C-711-3 C-38 MP S-73-25/1 S-41 Paving Method MP S-75-18 S-47 MP S-70-3/1 S-32 Slope Z-14 TM 3-271/2 S-62 TM 109 CERC-42 Sand CR 3-26/11 S-110 TR ~-777 S-84 Silvex TR M-48 Climbing Similitude B 3/1 H-1 Wheeled Vehicles MP 4-535 M-4 B 4/1 H-2 Elastic-Rim Wheels TR M-71-6 M-28 MP 1-654 W-3 Cohesionless Materials PNE 5009 W-18 MP H-74-1 H-14 Excavated in \leak Shales TR 3-699/3 S-82 MP N-71-2 H-8 Failures in Reservoirs MP ~-981 S-26 Simmons Army Airfield MP S-79-47 S-31 Map Construction TR M-77-3 M-32 TR 3-466/4 S-75 Overconsolidated Clays TR 29 S-29 Simulated Low-Yield Nuclear Protection for Earth Dams Z-1 Explosions MP N-76-l W-ll Rainfall Erosion Z-14 MP N-77-1 \~-12 in MP N-78-3 \~-13 Rock Masses TR 36 \1-29 Simulation TM '71-29 \·1-26 Soil CR S-68-6 S-101 Model MP H-76-7 H-16 Stiff-Fissured Clays CR S-68-4 S-100 Modeling MP H-75-9 H-15 Stability R 12-3 P-2 Single Wheel MP 4-757 M-5 1\nalysis MP 5-515 MS-5 Sinkage Equations TR M-70-1 M-26 MP 5-619 MS-5 Sinking Methods MP C-71-9 C-19 TM 71-4 W-25 Sioux City-to-Circular Arc Method MP K-73-2 MS-5 Hermann Reach MBM 12-1 H-22 1954 Data R 12-4 P-2 Mouth Reach MBM 12-2 H-22 1955 Data 12-6 P-2 Site 1956 Data R 12-1 P-3 Artificial Habitat Creation CR D-76-2 E-21 Problems TM 65-13 <1-20 Background Noise Signature \-ledge Method t1P K-76-3 MS-7 Data Base Development MP M-73-1 M-16 MP K-77-1 MS-7 Characterization MP M-73-3 M-ll Studies TM 3-240/8 M-17 Description, Panama Canal Zone t1P 4-909 M-7 SLOPEMAP TR M-77-3/II M-33 Dredeed Material Disposal TR D-77-5 E-6 Sludge l-1S Geology, Columbia Lock and Dam MP 3-569 S-18 Landfills Z-15 Investigations TR E-73-4 \1-38 Sluice MP H--B-1 H-13 Selection Allatoona Dam TM 214-2 H-14 Calion Lock and Dam MP 3-775 S-21 Allegheny Dam TR 2-621 H-46 Columbia Lock and Dam MP 3-518 S-17 Canton Dam TM 190-1 H-33 Ground Motion Studies TR S-71-14/l S-88 Dale Hollow Dam TM 197-1 H-34 Investigation PNE 111 W-16 Fall River Dam TM 2-2~0 H-35 TM 67-20 W-23 Fort Gibson Dam TM 2-228 H-35 Hiuh Explosive Cratering Hulah Dam TM 2-253 H-36 Experiment Tt1 67-17 W-22 Libby Dam TR H-76-21 H-65 Mine Shaft Series MP S-68-18 S-27 Outlet Study Tt1 69-6 ~1-24 Bluestone Dam TM 2-227 H-35 Siuslaw River TR 2-631 H-46 Hartwell Dam TM 2-393 H-40 Size Distribution R 11-75 CERC-19 Pine Flat Dam MP 2-75 H-4 TP 76-11 CERC-30 Pressures TR H-76-17 Il-65 Model TM 16 CERC-26 Red Rock Dam TR 2-673 ll-48 Sizing of Containment Areas \lolf Creek Dam TM 201-1 H-34 for Dredged Material TR D-77-21 E-8 Sluiced Levee TM 8-1 S-55 Skid Slump of Concrete MP C-'71-7 C-19 t-leasuring Equipment 11P S-72-28 S-37 Slurry TR 6-606 C-13 Tests MP S-76-23 S-50 TR D-73-54 E-19 Skydrol MP 4-4!33 S-16 Con sol idometer CR S-70-6 S-115 Slab TR N-69-2 rl-33 Militarv Bulk Explosive and Systems MP N-76-9 \1-12 \·1-34 Seal Surface Treatments IR S-75-1 S-3 Column Connections TR N-70-l \1-35 Type Explosives MP N-78-5 \1-13 Slag Cement MP 6-39 C-2 Small MP 6-198 C-4 Boat TR 6-445 C-31 Basin Z-11 Slaking Indexes Z-17 Z-12 Slide TR S-70-9/3 S-87 HP H-75-8 H-l'.i Gaillard Cut TR S-70-9/2 S-86 TR H-72-2/3 H-58 Gate Tests, Norfork Dam TM 2-389 H-40 No. 2, Juneau, Alaska MP 2-648 H-li Mint Springs Bayou Bridge t1P 3-504 S-16 Harbor TR ll-75-1 H-61 u. s. Military Academy TR 3-591 S-78 Port Washington TR H-77-l H-66 BOY 11P 6-628 C-10 Footing Behavior TR 3-793 S-84 Craft Harbor SR 2 CERC-25 88-INDEX Term------------------------ Ter.;;;m____ .Report No. Small (Cont) Soil (Cont) S'!ale Explosion Tests Smectite Clav-Lime Mixtures MP 2-103 MP 1-689/1 CTIAC-41 1/-2 ~1-3 C-43 Capillary Systems Cement CR MP MP 3-73/2 3-122/3 S-68-25 S-103 S-7 S-28 SMI Field Test Pro6ram MP N-74-2 \1-10 Base Courses MP 4-253 S-10 :;moothness Requirements TR S-77-12 S-94 Construction MP 4-93 S-6 Snap-Tracs rw 4-322 M-2 Mixtures TM 187-1 S-58 Snell Lock MP 6-491 C-8 Classification TM 3-240/16 M-17 TR 6-784 C-35 TM 3-357 S-72 Snettisham Project Snow MP MP H-71-7 2-274 H-12 \-1-2 Cohesionless Soils TR 5-625/B MP S-77-21 M-21 S-52 MP 4-282 M-2 Compaction TM 3-271 S-62 MP 4-513 M-4 Conditions Beneath Coastal MP 4-651 M-5 Harbors TM W-27 MP 4-713 M-5 Constitutive MP N-70-6 \-1.:.1 Properties MP S-69-16 S-29 RR 1-4 V/-19 Relations MP 4 -980 S-26 TM 3-414 M-1'1 Cores MP 3-918 S-25 TR N-69-1 1·1-33 Density MP S-72-1 S-36 Tunnel SNOWBALL MP MP 2-378 1-736 \-1-2 W-4 Design TR M-70-14/2 TR 3-439 M-27 S-74 MP 1-764 \1-4 TR 3-451 S-74 t1P 1-987 \-1-G TR 3-452 S·-74 / TR l-759 \-1-32 TR 3-453 S-74 TR l-797 1-1-3:l TR 3-458 S-75 Ground Mot ions t1P l-745 W-1~ TR 3-464 S-75 So'!ial Well-Bein~ Indl,.,ators MP Y-73-2 E-30 Disaggregation CR S-73-1 S-114 Sod Product ton CR D-75-1 E-21 Displacement CR 3-149 S-ll6 Sodium Dynamic Loadings CR 3-26 S-109 Chl0ride MP 6-669 C-10 and Silicate CR S-69-1 S-116 S-110 Tetraphosphate MP 4-95 S-6 Engineering MP S-69-7 S-28 Soft C1av CR 1-89 S-100 Erosion ESSEX I Cratering Sites TR TR M-77-4/4 N-76-4 M-33 U-40 Found at ions CR S-76-6 S-101 Fortification Material MP S-71-12/1 S-34 Soils Cohesive Soils Ground TH MP CR 3-783/F 4-767 S-76-3 t·1-24 M-6 S-102 French t1orocco Germany TM TM TM 3-343/48 3-343/62 3-343/63 S-68 S-68 S-6!l CR S-76-10 S-102 Group CR 3-150 M-37 Soil TR S-78-6 t1P 4-651 S-95 M-5 Embankments and Foundations Roads and Airfields Tr1 TM 3-357/A 3-357/B S-72 S-72 MP 4-370 M-6 Highway Subgrades MP S-47 TR 3-670 M-22 Infiltration TR 3-781 S-84 TR 3-688 M-22 In format ion CR M-39 TR 3-729 M-24 Investigation TR M-70-ll/2 M-27 Baux ippi-\o/yanoke Revetment R 7-1 P-1 Soi1io Project MP H-76-4/2 H-16 Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway TM 149-1 S-57 Soil IR MP S-74-'1 3-15 S-3 S-4 Layers CR 3-145/5 MP S-73-5 S-100 S-40 MP 5-458/1 MS-4 MP S-75-14 S-47 MP S-69-34 S-30 Lime TR S-76-9 S-91 MP S-'71-12 S-34 Literature Review MP S-73-24 S-41 TM S-56 Low Permeability MP Y-74-2 E-29 TM 3-384 S-72 Masses MP 4-393 S-14 TH 3-415 S-73 Mattress TM 211-5 S-59 TR 3-666 M-22 Measurements MP 4-960 H-7 TR D-77-23/D E-8 Mechanics TM S-64 TR M-70-14 M-2'7 Conferences Z-1 TH M-'71-5 M-28 Fact Finding Survey TM S-60 Alton, Illinois TM 77-1 S-55 Laboratories B 111-9 S-1 Bearing Capacity TH 3-632 S-80 Laboratory Equipment I~P 3-478 S-15 Behavior CR S-70-2 S-105 Terms SMIAC S-98 Beneath Moduli MP S-69-48 S-31 Landing ~iat:> MP S-71-3 S-34 Moisture CR 4-12A t·1-39 Rigid Wheel TR S-74-·7 S-90 MP 4-117 M-2 Bentonite Mixtures B 13 S-1 MP 4-338 M-2 Bordering the Mississippi MP 4-495 S-16 River TR 3-601 S-79 MP 5-711 MS-5 Buildup MP 4-940 M-7 MP M-73-1 M-11 89-INDEX Terr'l.___________________ Term f2£.e__ Soil (Cont) Soil (Cont) Moisture (Cont) Structure Interaction (Cont) MP 1-685 11-3 Content CR 4-8 M-44 TR N-70-7 W-36 MP 4-135 M-2 TR S-76-4 S-9·3 TM 3-331/3 M-18 Computer Programs MP K-75-2 MS-6 Distribution MP 3-482 M-4 Studies R 12-2 P-2 Meter CR 3-176 S-106 R 12-:> P-2 Samplers MP 4-371 M-3 Subjected to Particle Movements MP M-71-2 M-9 Freezing and Thawing TM 3-331/7 M-18 Penetration Resistance MP M-69-7 M-9 Impulse-Type Loads TR S-68-9 S-85 Permeability 8 36 S-1 Surface MP M-70-10 M-9 Pressure CR 3-101/5 S-112 System CR 3-26/22 S-111 Cell TM 210-1 S-58 Targets HP S-71-12/2 S-34 TR S-76-7 S-93 Team for Inspection of ICBM Properties MP 4-986 M-7 Facilities MP 3'-449 S-15 MP S-73-49 S-43 Terms B 15 S-1 TR 3-652 M-21 Terrain Evaluation MP M-77-8 M-15 Property Investigation for Test TM 164-1 S-57 HEST Test V MP S-68-23 S-28 Facility B 111-9 S-1 TR S-68-1 S-84 MP S-72-9 S-36 Puerto Rico and Panama CR 3-63/4 S-111 MP S-75-20 S-47 Records MP 4-338 M-2 TR 3-499 S-77 Resources TR D-77-38/E E-12 Testing, CR 3-62/1 S-115 Rock Interface on Cratering TR 2-478 w-30 MP S-71-16 S-35 Sample MP 3-813 S-22 Thailand TR 3-7':11 M-25 MP 3-978 S-26 Trafficability t1P 4-823 t1-6 TR 3-693/2 M-23 TR 5-625/C M-21 Classifications MP S-84 Classification Scheme MP 4-442 M-3 Overseas Air Bases TM 3-274 S-62 Prediction MP M-6 Sampling MP 4-949 M-7 Treatment Series Survey CR 3-156 M-41 Dust Shear Moduli MP 4-691 S-20 Control CR S-71-2 S-119 Shoaling TB 4 Z-9 Palliation CR S-68-5 S-99 Shock Tube CR 3-171/2 S-117 Palliative CR 3-174 S-119 Solidification CR 3-2 S-109 Type-Aerial Photograph Ties TM 3-343 S-66 CR 3-32 S-111 Vehicle Relations TR 3-783/F t1-24 Specimens CR S-71-4 S-107 Vibration Tests, Suffield MP S-71-9 S-34 Experiment Station CR 1-125 <1-48 Stabilization CR 3-63 S-111 Water Content MP 3-4'/8/13 S-16 CR 3-140 S-117 HP S-69-15 S-29 MP 3-122 S-7 Water.,roofers MP 4-756 S-21 MP 4-129 S-7 \laterproofing CR S-68-5 S-99 MP 4-824 S-22 TR 3-530/2 S-?7 MP S-69-9 S-29 Wet Season MP 4-447 M-3 MP S-70-11 S-32 Wheel Interface 11P M-68-6 11-(l TR 3-455 S-74 Solid Roads and Airfields MP S-74-23 S-46 Retention TR D-71)-56 E-19 Vinsol Resin TM 196-l S-58 Waste Management TR D-'77-11 E-7 Stabilizers MP S-77-15 S-51 Solitary Waves CR 2-l/10 H-74 Strain Gage IR N-73-l 11-1 TM 11 CERC-37 Strength MP 4-104 S-7 TM 33 CERC-38 MP 4-238 t1-2 Solute Concentrations TR M·-78-2 M-31 MP 4-284 M-2 Solvent Re3istant Treatments TM 3-246 S-61 MP 4-950 M-7 Sonar E4uipment CETA 82-5 CERC-4 MP M-73-1 M-11 Sondrestromfjord, Greenland liP 4-216 S-10 MP S-70-25 S-33 TM 3-343/4 S-66 TM 3-323/5 S-65 Sonic Aircraft Landing Sites IR S-70-l S-2 Pulse-Echo Technique MP C-77-11/2 C-25 Criteria MP S-70-24 S-33 Tests MP 6-196 C-4 TR 3-554 S-78 Soniscope MP b-263 C-5 Unsurfaced Forward-Area Investigation of Elmendorf Airfields MP S-70-14 S-32 Air Force Base Hospital MP 6-761 C-12 Strengthening CR S-68-5 S-99 Nondestructive Testing MP 6-806 C-13 Stress MP S-72-15 S-37 Survey, Pad 39-A, Cape Gage IR 8 1-1-1 Kennedy, Fla. MP 6-760 C-12 TR 3-803 S-84 Testing Procedures MP 6-873 C-14 Measurement CR l-105 \1-45 Tests of Concrete Ti1 6-383 C-29 Structure Interaction CR N-71-1 11-45 Ultrasonic Testing of Concrete MP 6-48 C-2 CR S-76-13 S-104 Sounding Loads Ti1 54 CERC-39 Soundness Tests of Concrete Aggregates MP 6-278 C-5 90-INDEX Term Ter_m____________ South Spillway (Cont) Ameri~a; Canal Zone Analogs VI CR 3-~Q/VI M-43 Copan Dam TR H-70-9 H-56 Atlanti~ United States TR 'f-78-7 E-33 Cowanesque Dam TR H-76-12 H-64 Dakota Sand MP 6-530 C-8 Crest MP 2-606 Il-8 Ellenville Flood Control TR ll-74-2 H-60 Desi!Sn MP H-73-5 H-13 Lake Worth Inlet, Florida TM 42 CERC-39 Pine Flat Dam TR 2-511 H-43 San Fr anc(t 3co Bay TR D-78-57 E-20 Pressures, Chief Joseph Dam MP 2-266 H-5 Southea~t Asia; Canal Zone Denison Dam TM 177-1 H-33 Analogs II M-43 Design for Whitney Dam TM 2-263 H-37 Southwest Pass Z-14 Detroit Darn TM 2-260 H-36 t1P 2-15 3 H-4 Dewey Dam TM 191-1 H-33 MP 2-155 H-4 Dillon Dam TM 2-264 H-37 MP 2-349 H-6 and Discharge Channel MP 2-403 H-6 TR 2-494 Ii-43 Energy Losses MP 2-642 H-8 TR 2-690 H-49 Enid Dam TM 2-223 H-35 Southwind Maritime Centre MBM 86-2 ll-25 Flip Bucket, Hartwell Dam TM 2-393 H-40 Soviet Middl@ Asia; Yuma Folsom Dam TM 2-369 H-40 Analog'; No. 5 CR 3-11/5 M-42 Fort Gibson Darn TM 192-1 H-34 Space-Vehicle Launnh Facility Garrison Dam TM 2-431 H-41 Found at ion MP 4-557 S-17 Gate Vibrations on Arkansas Spain TM 3-343/ River Dams TR H-71-5 H-57 76-73 S-69 Cavins Point Dam TM 2-404 H-41 TM 3-343/ Genegantslet Dam TM 2-351 H-39 85-89 S-69 Great Salt Plains Dam TM 148-1 H-32 Spall Velo~ity TR 40 ~~~29 Greenup Locks and Dam TR 2-572 H-45 SpanJdahlem, Germany TM 3-~43/24 S-67 Hannibal Locks and Darn TR 2-731 H-50 1E~r.t.!!l_e_ !!~~!:'2ii.l'?!:'~-Salt Marsh TR D-78-38 E-18 Hugo Dam TR H-69-15 H-55 Spe~ifi~ Gravity MP 4-162 S-8 and Integral Sluices for the MP H-75-4 H-14 Canton Dam TM 190-1 H-33 TM 6-419/3 C-29 John Redmond Dam TR 2-611 H-46 Specimen Reconstitution MP S-76-5 S-48 Kaw Dam TR H-70-14 H-57 Spectroptwto,nete r MP 4-547 M-4 Kaysinger Bluff Dam TR 2-809 H-53 MP C-70-5 C-17 and Lock Spectrum Analyses R 6-74 CERC-19 Approach Sphere CR 3-26/19 S-110 Demopolis Lock and Dam Tt~ 2-252 H-36 TM 68-ll IJ-23 Jim Woodruff Dam TM 2-340 H-39 TR H-68-2 H-53 Emergency Gate, Barkley TR M-70-9 M-26 Lo~k and Dam TR 2-689 H-48 Spillway B 1/3 H-l Lock and Dam 26, Mississippi B 2/4 H-1 River TR H-73-15 H-60 CR H-71-1 H-71 Markland Locks and Darn TR 2-566 H-44 MP 2-206 H-5 McGee Bend Dam MP 2-264 H-5 MP 2-587 ll-8 Millers Ferry Lock and Dam TR 2-643 H-47 RR H-70-1 H-27 Models B 2/4 H-1 TR 2-575 H-45 Modifications, Miraflores Dam TR 2-667 H-48 TR H-73-7 H-59 and Navigation Conditions, TR H-78-21 H-69 Holt Lock and Dam TR 2-745 H-51 Aliceville Lock and Dam TR H-74-10 H-61 New Allatoona Darn TM 214-1 H-34 Cumberland Alum Creek Dam TR H-70-4 H-56 Dam TM 2-386 H-40 1\mi stad Dam TR 2-653 li-47 TR 2-585 H-46 Apron ·:>f the Posc;um Kin(;dom Lock and Dam No. 1, St. Darn TM 111-3 H-31 Lucie Canal TM 153-1 H-32 Belleville Locks and Dam TR 2-687 H-48 Oahe Dam TR 2-657 H-47 l:lel ton Dam TM 2-363 H-39 Oakley Dam TR H-70-13 H-57 Benbrook Dam TM 2-269 H-37 Osceola Dam TM 2-?61 H-36 Berlin Dam TM 193-1 H-34 and Outlet Works MP 2-234 H-5 Big Bend Dam TR 2-605 H-46 East Branch Reservoir TM 2-325 H-38 Buclcet CR 2-116 H-72 Fort Randall Dam TR 2-528 H-44 MP 2-625 H-8 Rowlesburg Dam TR H-70-7 H'-56 TM 2-239/A H-36 Tacks Island Dam TR H-70-10 H-56 Burnsville Dam TR H-75-5 H-62 Townshend Dam TR 2-498 H-43 Cannelton Locks and Dam TR 2-710 H-49 Philpott Dam TM 2-321 H-38 Center Hill Dam TM 202-1 H-34 Proctor Dam TR 2-645 H-47 Cheatham Lock and Darn TM 2-381 H-40 Raystown Reservoir TR H-70-15 H-57 Clarence Cannon Reservoir TR H-71-7 H-57 and Regulating Sluices for Columbus Lock and Dam TR H-74-13 ll-61 Wolf Creek Dam TM 201-1 H-34 and Conduits Rend Lake Reservoir TR H-69-7 H-54 Pine Flat Dam m 2-375 H-40 Santee River Dam TM 168-1 H-33 Table Rock Dam TR 2-504 H-43 Sardis Dam TM 132-1 H-32 TM 132-2 H-32 91-INDEX ~e____ Term Term----------------~.::~.!!.~!- Spillway (Cont) Stabilization (Cont) Savage River Dam TM 2-378 H-40 Earth CR 3-137 S-105 and Sluices CR 3-139 S-118 Allegheny Dam TR 2-621 H-46 CR 3-141 S-10:'l Conemaugh Dam TM 2-272 H-37 Missile Launching Sites MP S-71-19 S-15 Fort Gibson Dam TM 2-228 H-35 Shifting Sand MP 4-968 S-26 Red Rock Dam TR 2-673 H-48 Soil CR 3-138 S-116 St. Lucie Canal p 14 H-26 IR S-74-3 S-3 Stewarts Ferry Dam TM 2-239 H-36 TR 6-706 C-34 and Stilling Basin Cement and Lime MP 4-728 S-21 Arkabutla Dam TM 169-1 H-33 Military Mobility CR 3-73 S-101 Columbia Dam TR 2-578 H-45 Processes CR 3-140 S-117 Harlan County Dam TM 2-236 H-35 Sulfur CR 3-144 S-116 Jackson Dam TR 2-531 H-44 Stabilized John Martin (Caddoa) Dam TM 166-1 H-33 Clayey Silt CR 3-63/6 S-112 Keystone Dam TR 2-555 H-44 CR 3-63/8 S-112 Maxwell and Opekiska Locks Layers in Flexible Pavement and Dams TR 2-579 H-45 Systems MP S-73-69 S-44 Pike Island Locks and Dam TR 2-586 H-46 Soil CR 3-63 S-111 Possum Kingdom Dam TM 111-1 H-31 and Stockton Dam TR 2-683 H-48 S-112 Structure for Central and CR 3-145 S-100 Southern Florida WaterMP S-77-14 S-51 Control Project TR 2-633 H-47 Stabilizers for Bank Protection !NV 1 Z-5 Tainter Gates MP H-72-7 H-13 Stage-Discharge Relations TR 6 Z-8 Toe Curve CR H-68-1 H-72 Stainless Steel Wires TR b-6l'l/2 C-34 Typical Low-Head Navigation Stains from Mortar and Concrete CTIAC-7 C-40 Dam, Arkansas River TR 2-655 H-47 MP C-68-8 C-16 Vibration CR H-70 Standard Ozark Lock and Dam TR H-77-6 H-66 Effort Compaction Tests MP S-77-4 S-50 Wappapello Dam TM 146-1 H-32 Elutriate Test TR D-77-3 E-6 Water-Surface Profiles MP H-73-4 H-13 Penetration Tests RR S-76-2/1 S-54 West Point Dam TR 2-815 H-53 RR S-76-2/2 S-54 Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England TM 3-343/111 S-70 Starved Rock Lock and Dam MP C-75-9 C-23 Spline Interpolation Methods MP 0-71-2 MS-8 MP C-'78-12 C-26 Spoil p 13 H-26 Areas B 2/1 H-1 State Fairgrounds Pumping Plant, Bank Locations MP 2-143 H-4 Louisville, Kentucky TM 2-367 H-40 Spokane River Valley MP 3-64 S-6 Static Spray-Wall Pressures B 3/1 H-1 and Spread Footings CR 3-74 S-107 Airblast Overpressures MP N-68-4 W-7 Squeeze Test MP 4-350 M-2 Dynamic SRI-RMG-2C4 Grout CT IAC-56 C-44 Analysis of Earth Slopes MP S-78-13 S-53 STA-POD Stability Tests MP H-74-7 H-14 Soil Stress Measurement CR 1-105 \1-45 Stability MP S-77-10 S-51 Load CR N-69-1 H-45 TR M-78-3 M-33 Testing of Foundation Piles TR S-b9-10/2 S-86 Analysis, Table Rock Dam MP 3-544 S-17 Loading CR 1-147 W-48 Beach Fill Material TM 16 CERC-26 MP N-68-5 \1-7 Brandon Road Lock and Dam MP C-78-18 C-26 MP S-77-20 S-51 Crater Slopes MP 3-662 S-19 TR N-69-2 \j-33 MP S-68-3 S-27 RR S-76-2/6 S-5~ MP S-68-8 S-27 Shallow-Buried 11odel MP S-72-2 S-36 Cylinders TR N-78-8 11-42 PNE 234F W-14 TR N-78-9 W-42 Cratered Slopes CR 3-75 s-105 Test TR 3-699/2 S-82 Closure Analysis TR N-70-3 11-35 TR 3-699/6 S-82 Hardened Shallow-Buried Earth Masses TR S-76-11 S-93 Structure TR N-78-7 W-42 Embankments CR S-76-6 S-101 Plain Concrete MP 6-609 C-9 Rubble-Mound Breakwater MP H-76-8 H-16 Reinforced Concrete Slopes PNE 5009 W-18 Beams TR 6-818 C-36 TR 3-777 S-84 Deep Beams TR 1-676 11-31 Tests MP H-74-7 H-14 Steel Pile Connectors MP C-74-13 C-22 Nawiliwili Breakwater Repair MP H-78-4 H-19 and Vibratory Load Testing TR S-69-10/l S-86 Stabilization Statistical Chemical Methods CR 3-2 S-109 Analysis Dunes MP 9-75 CERC-9 Obstacle-Vehicle-Speed Systems TR M-68-l/4 M-25 Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column MP N-78-7 W-13 92-INDEX Ter~--------------- Ter.m Statistical (Cant) Stilling (Cant) Terrain-Vehicle-Speed Basin (Cant) Systems TR M-68-1/3 M-25 Huntington Reservoir Spill- Definitions MP 2-250 W-2 way MP 2-876 H-10 Methods for the Concrete Jackson Dam TR 2-531 H-'14 Laboratory MP 6-'11 C-2 John Martin (Caddoa) Dam TM 166-1 H-33 Model MP H-69-12 H-11 Keystone Dam TR 2-555 H-44 Quality Control Z-16 Kinzua Dam CTIAC-67 C-'15 Stavanger-Sola Airport TM 3-3'13/55 S-68 Locks and Dams Nos. 5 and 7 TR 2-655/A H-47 Steady Maxwell and Opekiska Locks Flow Profiles MBM 23-2 H-23 and Dams TR 2-579 H-'15 Tests, Cumberland River MBM 23-l H-23 Narrows Dam TM 209-1 H-34 Nonuniform Current MP H-7'1-11 H-1'1 Pike Island Locks and Dam TR 2-586 H-46 Steel Possum Kingdom Dam TM 111-1 H-31 Fiber-Reinforced Concrete TM 111-2 H-31 Stru~ture MP C-74-ll C-22 Tallahala Dam TR H-73-5 H-59 Fibrous Concrete TR S-74-12 S-91 Texarkana Dam TM 2-346 H-39 Frame Structure TR N-75-2 W-40 Wall Pressures TR H-76-17 H-65 Land in.s Mat TR 3-461 S-75 Warrior Dam TR 2-485 H-42 MP S-70-9 S-32 Well TR 2-620 H-46 Membranes MP S-68-20 S-28 Design TP '77-2 CERC-31 Pierced Plank Mat TM S-58 Stockton Dam TR 2-683 H-48 Pile Connectors MP C-74-13 C-22 TR H-77-8 H-66 Piling TM 27 CERC-27 Stone MP H-75-4 H-14 Reinfordng Bars MP 1-837 \i-5 Protection Work MP 6-'180 C-7 Sheet Stonewall Jackson Dam CTIAC-66 C-45 Pile Groins TM 10 CERC-37 Stop Piling TM 12 CERC-37 Logs Z-5 Tunnel Supports MP C-70-13 C-18 Terrain Factor Complexes TR M-70-7/I M-26 TR C-73-2 C-37 Storage Areas MP S-69-11 S-29 Stem MP 6-729 C-12 Storageability TR 3-515 S-77 PNE 61-113 Clinton and Fort Scott Dams TR H-73-6 H-59 Tests CR 3-101/15 S-113 Columbia Dam TR 2-578 H-45 Simulation CH S-76-13 S-10'1 Delaware Dam TM 205-1 H-34 Stratified Desl&ns MP H-69-1 H-11 Impoundment MP H-78-1 H-18 East Barre Dam MP 2-293 H-5 Lake Conditions MP H-76-3/ Fort Gibson Darn TM 2-228 H-35 17-9 H-16 Harlan County Dam TM 2-236 H-35 Media TR M-72-4 M-29 Reservoirs RR H-72-3 H-28 TR H-69-10 H-55 93-INDEX Term Report No. Term Stratigraphic-Sedimentological Stress (Cont) Investigation MP 3-675 S-19 Strain ( Cont) Streambank Clay Shale MP S-73-68 S-44 Erosion Control Evaluation Distribution CR 1-107 li-45 and Demonstration Z-3 TR S-73-4 S-89 thru One-Dimensional Compression CR S-71-4 S-107 Z-6 Relations MP 4-390 S-13 IR H-77-1 H-3 MP 1-831 li-5 Protection Methods TR H-77-9 H-66 Soils CR 3-129 S-113 Strength Time Behavior of Soil CR 3-26/17 S-110 Behavior Triaxial Tests MP S-71-9 S-34 Atchafalaya Levee Two-Layer System MP 4-102 S-6 Foundation Soils CR S-70-3 S-101 Strength Behavior of Stabilized Clay CR 3-3 S-106 Clayey Silt CR 3-63/8 S-112 CR 3-101/8 S-113 Soil CR 3-63/3 S-111 Shales TR S-70-9/3 S-87 CR 3-63/9 S-112 Compacted Clays CR 3-42 S-106 CR 3-63/10 S-112 Concrete MP C-72-16 C-20 System on the Behavior of Moisture-Density Relations TR 3-639 M-21 Saturated Clays CR 3-101/1/II S-112 Rock Fill TR 3-78-1 S-94 Under Moving Vehicles MP 4/230 M-2 Stabilized Soils CR 3-63/2 S-111 TR 3/545 M-20 CR 3-63/3 S-111 Uniform Circular Loads TM 3-323/3 S-65 CR 3-63/5 S-111 Unyielding Surface MP 4/469 M-4 Surface Materials MP M-70-2 M-9 Vehicle Reliability Model TR M-74-3 M-30 Tests CR 3-133 S-100 Wave Undisturbed Sands CR S-75-4/ S-102 Propagation Suppl Complex Solid Rods CR 2-61 11-47 TR S-78-9 S-95 Jointed Roek Mass TR N-73-7 V/-39 TR S-73-10 S-95 Layer Elastic Cylinders CR 2-59 V/-47 Stress Soil-Filled Cylindrical Analysis of Brandon Road Lock Shell CR N-70-2 1/-48 and Dam MP C-78-18 C-26 Yielding Soils MP 4-463 M-4 Conditions TR C-75-4 C-38 Stressed Reinforced Concrete Corrosion CTIAC-64 C-45 Beams MP 6-159 C-3 Deflection TR S-71-17I S-88 Strong Motion Earthquake Records MP S-73-1/8 S-39 III and MP S-73/1/9 S-39 S-89 Stronger Concrete MP 6-851 C-14 Deformation of Compacted Clays CR 3-42 S-106 Structural and Displacement Analysis MP N-75/8 11-11 Elastic Media MP M-70-6 M-9 Design Layered Systems MP M-69-8 M-9 Flexible Airport Pavements TR S-75-17 S-92 Relations MP M-68-6 M-8 Pavements Z-16 Three-Layer Pavement System CR 4-12 S-103 Engineering Z-6 Distributing Efficiency MP 4-84 S-6 TR K-73-1 MS-11 Distribution Theory of Soils TR S-77-10 S-94 Layers Environments MP S-76-1'7 S-49 Flexible Pavement MP S-73-26 S-41 Gage Z-15 Pavement Systems TR S-74-8 S-90 IR-8 H-1 Response CR N-77-2 11-48 MP S-73-37 S-42 Supporting Layers MP S-71-24 S-35 TR 1-801 li-33 Vibrations CR H-71-1 H-71 TR 1-814 li-33 MP N-77-6 V/-13 Measurement MP S-77-22 S-52 Structure CETA 78-1 CERC-2 TR N-70-14 W-36 MP 5-64 CERC-7 TR N-71-3 H-36 MP 4-983 S-26 TR N-72-2 li-37 MP C-7'7-11 C-25 TR N-73-4 \/-38 MR 76-4 Cl::RC-10 TR N-74-3 V/-39 Artie Environment TR 1-649 li-31 Meter MP 5-36 MS-4 Beach Erosion Control TR H-77-15 H-67 and t1overnents Fallout Protection TR N-78-1 \·/-41 Birch Dam CR S-76-2 S-101 Foundation Design MP S-51 Earth and Rockfill Dams CR S-72-2 S-101 Instrumentation MP 4-932 S-25 Ratio MP M-68-8 M-8 PNE 1106 1/-16 Shear Strength of Saturated PNE 1116 V/-17 Clay CR 3-132 S-100 Medium Interaction TR N-78-3 W-42 Shearing Resistance in Soil TR S-74-7 S-90 Subjected to Dynamic Loads MP N-77-3 11-12 Strain CR 3-91 S-117 TR N-76-9 \/-40 TR 6-764 C-35 Test MP N-75-7 W-11 Behavior of Saturated TR N-77-2 W-41 Clay CR 3-101/1/I S/112 Theaters of Operations TR C-78-1 C-39 Soil CR 3-26/6 S-110 STRUPUT MP K-77-3 MS-7 94-INDEX Term Term Reeort No. Study Tour, England, France, Russia, and Japan Sturgate, Lincolnshire, England Stuttgart Airport Styrofoam Plastic Subaqueous Borrow Pits Disposal Areas Subartic Regions Snow Subbottom Profiling Surveying Systems Subgrade Compaction Elasti~ l~odule Preparation Stabilization Sub-levees in the Control of Seepa;se Submarine Topography Submer.sed Rocks Sills in the St. Clair River Submergence Subseismi~ Distributed Pressures Impulsive Pressure Substrate of a Dredged Material Marsh Selective Properties of Atlantic Coastal Salt Marsh Plants Subsurface Boring Logs Cavities Dratnage Effect~ Measurenents Exploration Alluvial Terrain Explosions Fracture Zones Investigation Nuclear Explosions Sensors Subterrene Suck Bend Reach, Cattahoochee River Suction Head, Dredge Jadwin Heave of Expansive Soils Tests Triaxial Compression Test MP TM 3-343/108 TM 3-343/33 CR 6-126 TR D-77-5 CR D-74-8 TR D-77-22 MP 4-713 TM 3-414/4 MP S-69-32 TR S-70-1 MP MP S-70-19 TM 3-2'71/4 MP 4-47 MP 3-798 TM 101-1 TM 101-2 TM 19 MP 2-265 p 16 TR H-72-4 R 78-7 CR 2-48 CR 2-47 TH D-77-23/ F/II TR D-77-28 MP MP MP S-68-28 MP S-69-26 PNE 515 MP MP S-73-20 MP S-73-'!6 MP S·-7'-62 TR S-73-10/1 TR S-73/11/1 MP S-77-24 CR S-77-2 TH 40 MP 3-869 MP S-68-5 TM 71-29 TR N-72-5 MP E-74-5 TR H-78-10 TM 2-232 MP S-73-17 TR S-77-7 MP S-74-19 S-51 S-70 S-67 C-46 E-6 E-25 1::-8 M-5 M-19 S-30 S-86 Z-17 Z-18 S-47 S-33 S-62 Z-15 S-5 S-22 S-56 S-56 CERC-37 ll-5 H-26 H-58 CERC-20 11-47 \~-47 E-9 E-10 S-48 S-51 S-28 S-30 V/-15 Z-1 S-49 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-90 S-90 S-52 S-119 \-1-29 S-23 S-27 1-1-26 1-1-37 1-/-10 H-68 H-35 S-41 S-94 S-45 Suffield Experiment Station CR 1-125 W-48 Sulfate Attack MP C-69-8 C-16 Content MP C-68-7 C-16 Ion MP 6-354 C-6 Resistance Concrete t1P 6-922 C-15 TR 6-569 C-32 Portland Cement MP 6-290 C-6 Soundness MP C-69-8 C-16 Sulfur CR 3-144 S-116 Bacteria Action CTIAC-28 C-41 MP C-77-9 C-25 MP C-78-14 C-26 Silica Capping Compound MP 6-943 C-15 SULKY MP 3-703 S-20 MP 3-894 S-24 PNE 713F W-15 PNE 719F W-15 PNE 720F W-16 TM 66-19 \/-22 Craters TM 65-4/A W-20 Sulphur Dust Palliative CR S-69-1 S-116 River TR 3-798 S-84 Summersville Dam MP 2-988 H-10 TR H-71-6 H-57 Sump TM S-61 SUN BEAM MP 6-628 C-10 Supercritical Flow MP H-76-19 H-17 R 2-100 Z-13 R 1-109 Z-13 Superseismic Pressures CR 2-51 W-47 Surf Observations R 1-68 CEHG-16 R 78-1 CERC-20 TM 58 CERC-29 Statistics TM 108 CERG-42 Zone CETA 80-1 GERG-2 TM 32 GERG-38 Currents MR 82-7 CERG-14 Surface Current Hydraulic Models MP 5-214 MS-4 Pattern Mosaics TR H-75-4/5 /B ll-62 Geology TM 65-3 V/-20 Geometry TR 5-625/E M-21 TR 3-726/III M-23 TR 3-783/C M-24 Gravity Waves MP H-74-11 H-14 and Ground Water TR 3-727 M-24 Loading CR S-76-3 S-102 CR S-76-10 S-102 Microgeometry IR 6 M-1 Mining MP M-76-2 M-13 MP M-76-4 M-13 Motion Measurements PNE 506F W-14 PNE 513 ·w-15 Soils MP 4-447 M-3 Treatments IR S-75-1 S-3 MP M-78-3 M-16 Underwater Explosions TR 2-615 W-30 Vibrators CR S-68-2 S-103 Water Bodies CR 3-78 M-35 Wave Experiments TR N-70-5 W-35 Multiple Explosions TR N-72-3 W-37 Explosions in Deep Water TR 1-647 W-30 Rays TM 17 GERC-26 95-INDEX ~-e___ _ Term ----------------Ter.!'!.------------------------- Surfacing TR S-74-2 . S-90 T10 Materials MP S-69-10 S-29 Dust-Alleviation-Type Steel Requirements for-ContainerLanding Mat TR 1-812 S-84 Handling Vehicles MP S-72-34 S-38 Steel Airplane Landing Mat Surge TP 77-13 CERC-31 (Modified M8) Til 3-507 S-77 TR 2-489 H-43 T11 Monterey Harbor CR 2-136 H-73 Aluminum Til H-68-9 H-54 Airplane Landing Mat TR 3-634 S-80 Surging Basin R 80-2 CERC-22 Landing Mat MP 4-221 S-10 Surrey, England TM 3-343/110 S-70 TR 3-679 S-81 Survey Landing Mat MP 3-798 S-22 Guide for Maid-Miles System MP M-78-6 M-16 MP S 69-17 S-29 Potential Med ic.al and VeteriMP S-7CJ-23 S-SO nary Diseases MP D-78-1 E-4 TR 1-b14/B S-80 Surveying Syst~ms for Dam T12 Plastic Airplane Landing Mat TR 1-563 S-7tl Alignment MP 0-73-12 MS-8 TR 3-820 S-84 Survivability Analysis CR N-75-1 \4-49 T13 Plasti~ Airplane Landing Mat TR 3-677 S-81 Suspended T14 Plasti~ Airplane Landing Mat TR 3-800 S-84 Dredged Material TR ll-78-29 E-17 T15 Mernllrane Runway MP 4-565 S-18 Haterial TR D-78-21 E-16 T16 Membrane TR S-75-2 S-91 Particles TR M-78-2 H-33 T17 Membrane MP 4-855 S-21 Sediment R 13-73 CERC-18 MP S-68-10 S-27 R 14-73 CERC-18 TR 1-772 S-34 TM 34 CERC-38 Surfacing MP 4-722 S-20 TM 11:i CERC-43 MP 4-882 S-24 TP 76-20 CERC-31 TR S-63-3 S-85 TP 77-3 CERC-31 TAA-2A TP 77-5 CERC-31 Radar Si.te MP 4-878 S-23 Soils MR 76-1 CERC-10 Vero Beach MP 4-983 S-26 Solids CETA 81-6 CERC-3 TAA-3 Merritt Island MP 4-983 S-2b Susquehanna River Basin TR H-76-5 H-64 Table Rock Dam t1P 3-544 S-17 Sutton Reservoir MP 6-123/8 C-3 TR 2-504 H-43 Swamp Fox TR 3-609 M-20 Taconite H<>rllor ™2-405 H-lj1 MP 4-556 M-4 Tactical Swedish Slip Circle Method MP 5-515 MS-5 Bridge Approach Roads TR S-77-1 S-94 Swell Behavior MP S-77-13 S-51 Gaps TR M-'70-12 M-27 Swellhead Effect MP 2-468 H-7 Structural Swelling Foundation Soils TR S-78-7 S-95 Targets MP N-78-5 \-1-13 Swept~Frequency Radar TR M-72-4 M-29 Vehicles TR M-76-3 M-.31 Swiftsure Towhead TM 110-1 H-31 Trucks MP t1-78-10 M-16 Symmetrical Systems MP H-76-13 H-17 TACV Symposium '· Excursion MP M-78-9 H-16 Channel Stabilizat'ion Problems TR Z-7 Study MP M-78-10 M-16 Design, Testing, and Deploy-Tailwaters Z-2 ment of Unattended Ground Tainter Sensors HP M-12 Gate CR K-7b-1 MS-12 Detection of Subsurface MP H-72-7 H-13 Cavities MP S-51 t1P K-73-1 MS-7 Nondestructive Test and Cheatham Lock and Dam TM 2-381 H-40 Evaluation of Airport Norfork Dam TM 2-38'( H-40 Pavement MP S-48 Valve Synthalogous ~lc Nary Environments TR M-70-13 M-27 Dam T/1 2-282 H-37 Theaters of Operation TR M-70-7 H-26 Lock TR 2-552 H--44 Synthetic New Lock No. 19, Mississippi Products MP C-72-5 C-19 River TR 2-537 H-44 Soils MP M-71-5 M-10 Taiwan TR 2-640 H-47 System Tallahala Analysis CR 4-96/I 1~-41 Creek Lake, Mississippi TR H-78-1 H-67 Implementation CR 4-96/II M-41 Dam TR H-73-5 H-59 Survivability Analysis CR N-75-1 \1-48 Tampa International Airport MP S-72-44 S-38 Tank MP M-77-3 M-15 MP M-77-9 M-35 TR M-70-10 M-26 T7 Magnesium Landing Mat TR 3-461 S-75 Defender Intervisibility MP M-76-5 M-14 T8 Magnesium Landing Mat MP 4-221 S-10 TRAP TR 17 w-28 TR 3-574 S-78 Tanker Terminal t1P H-76-4/1 H-16 MP H-76-4/3 H-16 96-INDEX Term Term --------·-··---------------·----- Tanker Terminal (Cant) MP H-76-20/2 H-17 TENPLT (Tensor Graphics Code) MP E-74-1 W-10 MP ll-76-20/3 H-17 Tenstead Air Forr.e Testing Ba:Je r~P 4-142 S-8 Compacted Soils t~P S-74-10 S-45 Test Section TM 3-372 S-72 Soils MP S-73-24 S-41 Target MP M-76-13 11-14 Tension TR 1-770 \i-32 Tests MP S-77-1 S-50 TR S-78-14 S-95 Zones in Embankments CR S-70-7 S-106 TR S-75-9/2 S-91 Tensor Graphics Code MP E-74-1 W-10 Cla::ssifiers TR M~76-7 M-32 Terceira, Azores TM 3-343/17 S-67 Response Studies TR N-78-5/11 W-42 Termina-l Island TM 2-237 H-36 Tatum Dome MP 3-509 S-17 Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall TR H-78-23 H-69 TR 6-614 C-34 Terra-Tires MP 4-942 M-7 Tau, Ameri~an Samoa TR H-'711-16 ll-61 Terrain CR 3-33 M-36 Taylor Shale TR S-71-5/3 S-87 CR 3-34 11-40 Taylorsville Lake TR H-75-12 H-63 MP M-73-14 M-11 Tet::!hni(!al MP M-74-8 M-12 Information Reports IR 0-74-1 MS-3 MP M-76-20 M-14 Report P•·epara t ion Z-2 HP M-77-11 ~~-5 T!.!chnolo<,y Transfer Sy::stem CR D-77-1 E-25 MP S-77-24 S-52 Tectonir.s MP S-73-115 S-39 PSTIAC-4 M-34 Telernetering TR 3-609 M-20 Hydrologic Data MP 5-193 11S-4 TR 3-790 M-25 Sy3tem 8 65-1 MS-1 TR M-70-4 M-26 Telemetry TR M-73-3 M-29 Current Velocity B 62-1 MS-1 TR M-74-1 M-29 Soil-MoL>ture and Weather TR M-74-4 M-30 Variables MP 5-711 MS-5 TR M-77-2/2 M-32 Tempelhof Air Base TM 3-343/28 S-67 TR M-78-1 M-33 Temperate Analogs CR 3-25 M-44 Climate Theater TR H-70-1/II M-26 TR 3-506 S-77 Soils 11P '1-961 M-7 Analysis CR 4-86 M-45 TR 3-732 H-24 MP M-12 Zone Storageability TR 3-515/1 S-77 MP ~-822 M-6 Temperature CR H-77-1 H-71 ·Electromagnetic Means MP 4-791 M-6 CTIAC-24 C-41 TR 3-693 M-22 MP C-77-3 C-24 Gamma CR 4-100 M-41 MP ll-75-10 H-15 Radar CR 4-96 M-41 Analysis TR H-78-1 H-67 Barriers Til 17 \i-28 Changes During Undrained Tests CR 3-134 S-100 Characteristics CR 3-56 M-40 Control Study CTIAC-62 C-44 Data Acquisition Study MP M-75-9 M-13 MP C-77-8 C-25 Gator Mine MP M-77-13 M-15 Martins Fork Dam t1P C-'77-7 C-24 Comparisons CR 3-57 M-40 Ri.:;e Constraints HP 11-76-3 M-13 Mass Concrete HP 6-123/15 C-3 Data HP S-77-17 S-51 Trumbull Por.d Dam MP C-72-20 C-20 TR M-76-5/ Si1rimp CR ll-74-2 ll-71 A-D 11-31 CR H-77-1 H-71 Description MP M-75-4 M-13 Tennessee MP M-76-11 M-14 River and Tributaries, 1950 Fort Leonard Vlood CR 3-64 M-37 and 1948 Floods MBM 13-1 H-22 Descriptive Tornbigbee Systems for Mobility Canal Section Spillways TR H-78-21 H-69 Analysis MP 4-652 M-5 Waterway MP C-77-8 C-25 Techniques CR 3-94 M-45 TM 149-1 S-57 Evaluation MP 3-592 M-4 TR 11-76-18 ll-65 MP 3-861 S-23 TR H-78-9 H-68 MP M-77-8 H-15 TR H-78-19 H-69 TR 3-588 S-78 Valley Authority MP 5-458 MS-4 Factor Fly Ash TR 6-541 C-31 Complexes TR M-70-7 M-26 Family Maps TR 3-726/VIII M-23 Features TR 3-726/VI M-23 97-INDEX Term _Report No. · ~ Term________________ Terrain (Cont) Thermal Geometries CR 3-33 M-36 Analysis MP E-73-2 \1-9 Ground Mobility TR 3-726 M-23 Expansion TR M-70-6 M-26 Aggregates B 34 C-1 Mobility Purposes MP 4-444 M-3 Concrete MP 6-108 C-2 Information TR M-77-2 M-32 Methods MP S-70-27 S-33 Materials TR M-73-4 M-29 Soil Stabilization CR 3-140 S-117 Microgeometry TR 3-612 S-79 Stabilization of Soils TR 6-706 C-34 Profiles CR 3-155 M-36 Studies Reconnaissance MP 4-630 M-5 IIEMSS Cylindrical Test Beds CTIAC-56 C-44 Study Lock and Dam No. 2 CTIAC-55 C-44 Fort Greely CR 3-22 f1-44 Thermally Stratified Lake Panama Canal Zone Yuma Test Station CR CR 3-18 3-14 M-38 M-39 Conditions MP H-76-3/ 11-9 ll-16 Surface Obstacles CR 3-120 M-45 Thermistor Probe TM 3 CERC-26 Terms TR M-76-5/ Thermocline Structure CR H-75-1/ A-D M-31 17-6 H-'70 Vehicle Thermocouple Psvchrometric Mechanics MP M-68-6 M-8 Technique TR S-74-1 S-90 Programs MP 4-638 M-5 Ther111ometers in Heat-of S!Jeed TR M-68-1/3 M-25 Hydration Test MP C-69-11 C-16 Systems West Germany MP TR M-75-7 M-70-10 M-13 ~-26 Thijsse Thiokol on 11/ind Effect Pavement Coatin.; B MP 1/2 4-1!'~9 H-1 S-23 Terrapac Vibratory Roller MP 4-271 S-10 Three Terrestrial Ecological Survey TR D-78-25/A E-16 Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model CR H-75-1/ 17-6 H-'70 Ecology TR D-78-25/B E-16 Layer Pavement Svstem CR 4-12 S-103 Flora TR D-78-15/B E-15 Thule Air Base MP 4-436 S-111 Modelin~ Techniques TM 70-4 ~1-24 Thunderstorm Rai.nfall R 5 Z-18 Resources Wildlife Habitat Development TR TR D-77-38/C D-78-37 E-12 E-18 Tibenham, Tidal Suffolk, England TM 3-343/10b S-70 Terzaghi Lectures B 11 S-1 Action TM 52 CERC-39 Test Areas MP 4-921 M-7 Channels TR M-78-2 ™66-17 M-13 1-1-21 Track No. 2, Sharonville, Ohio MP 4-47 S-5 Circulation Testing Long Beach Harbor MP H-76-4 H-16 Instruments Procedures Tetra Tech Dredged Material TM 3-240/3 TR S-78-15 M-17 S-95 Velocity Patterns Computations MP MP RR H-76-4/2 11-76-4/4 2-9 H-16 H-16 H-27 Disposal Models TR D-78-47 E-19 Currents MP 2-797 ll-9 Tetrahedral Blocks TM 20-2 H-30 TM 5 CERC-26 Tetrapod Cover Layer MP TM 2-296 2-413 H-6 H-41 East River Ti~ 125-1™125-3 H-32 H-12 Texarkana Dam TM 3-293 S-63 Data Plotting MP H-71-10 H-12 TM 2-346 H-39 Datum SR 7 CERC-25 TH 3-484 S-76 Flow in Entrances TB 3 Z-9 Texas City, Texas TR 2-728 H-50 Flushing of Estuaries TB 14™2-374 Z-10 ll-40 Coast MP 1-70 CERC-7 Hydraulic Z-;2 Gulf Coast and Pacific Railroad MP D-74-13 ™ 3-278 E-2 S-62 R R 1 2 Z-9 Z-9 Main Line Embankment MP 3-6 S-4 R 3 Z-9 TM S-60 TB 6 Z-10 Thaden Articulated Wood Slat TB 18 Z-10 Airplane Landing Mat TM S-59 Computations TM 66-16 \1-21 Thailand CR 3-150 H-37 Problems in United States TB b Z-10 CR 3-156 M-41 Hydrodynamics TR rl-78-11 11-68 MP 4-829 M-6 Inlet CETA '77-8 CERC-2 TR 5-625 M-21 GITI 2 CERC-5 TR 3-681/1 M-22 GITI 4 CERC-5 TR TR "3-791 M-69-1 M-25 M-25 GITI GITI 5 11 CERC-'j CERC-5 Soils TR 3-753 M-24 GITI 13 CEHC-6 Theater of Operations Pavement GITI 17 CERC-6 Facilities IR S-77-3 S-3 GITI 19 CERC-6 THEM IS CR M-39 GITI 20 CERC-b Theodore R 10-73 CERC-18 Channel TR H-75-13/1 H-63 R 10-74 CERC-19 Industrial Park MP H-77-3 H-18 Bay System Characteristics R 79-10 CERC-21 Modeling MP H-71-6 H-12 98-INDEX Term Report No. Page -·---............-----··---------Term ·----~------------------ Tidal ( Cont) Tire (Cont) Prism Model TR M-68-1/1-B M-25 Inlet Area GITI 3 CERC-5 Moving in Dry Sand MP 4-750 M-5 Measurements MP il-70-3 H-11 Performance in Sand MP H-68-2 M-8 Proje~ts TB 12 Z-10 Pressure MP 4-220 S-10 Simulatio~ TR H-77-17 H-67 MP 4-240 S-10 Studies B 2/2 H-1 TM 3-271/8 S-62 Verifi~ation TR H-75-4/5 H-62 Sand MP 4-836 M-6 \laterways TB 1 Z-8 Selection for Off-Road Tide Z-12 Vehicles TR 3-666/8 M-22 MP 2-65 H-4 Soft Soil MP 4-944 M-7 MP 2-641 H-8 TR 3-688 M-22 HP 2-952 H-10 Soil Interface MP 4-629 M-5 11P 2-953 H-10 Spheres TR H-68-2 H-53 HP H-69-13 H-11 Tired Wheel TR 3-703 M-23 MP H-72-8 :i-13 Tirstrup Air Base TM 3-343/58 S-68 MP H-72-10 H-13 Titan I Facility MP 3-534 S-17 MP H-76-9 H-16 TNT MP N-77-7 W-13 MP H-78-6/2 H-19 Charge on Granite MP N-73-4 W-9 SH 7 CERC-25 Detonation on Granite MP N-72-1 W-8 TB 1 Z-8 Tacks Island Dam TR H-70-10 H-56 TM 61 CERC-40 Toe TR H-69-12/2 H-55 Curve Pressures MP 2-625 H-8 TR H-69-12/3 H-55 Protection R 83-6 CERC-23 TR H-7>-13 H-63 Tom Jenkins Dam TR 3-474 S-76 and Currents Tombigbee East River MP H-69-7 H-11 River TM 2-252 H-36 Estuaries and Canals TB 16 Z-10 TR 2-531 H-44 Nu~lear Ex~avated TR 2-532 H-44 Channels TM 66-11 W-21 TR H-74-10 H-61 Sea-Level Canal TM 67-2 H-22 TR H-74-13 H-61 Indu~ed Currents TM 65-15 11-20 TR H-76-19 H-65 Tidewater's Delaware City TR H-77-11 H-66 Channels MP 2-723 ll-9 TR H-78-2 H-67 Tillamook !:lay Z-12 TR H-78-12 H-68 t1P H-77-8 H-18 Waterway MP C-77-8 C-25 TR H-711-11 IJ-61 TM 149-1 S-57 Timbakion Air Base TM 3-343/65 S-68 Tonalite MP C-69-9 C-16 Timber TM 66 CERC-40 Tonopah Test Range, Nevada MP S-76-7 S-48 Time Topographic Effects MP H-78..:.2/A H-19 Delayed Row-Char~e Cratering TR 17 W-29 MP H-78-2/B H-19 Dependent Problems MP S-75-7 S-46 Topography MP S-76-1 S-48 Histories of Stresses, VelociTopsoil and Seeding Studies ties, and Displacements CR S-75-4/ Purdue University TM 3-392 S-72 Suppl S-102 Vicksburg TM 3-354 S-72 Mi ntu1i zation Computer Code Tl~ 72-4 \1-26 Torbay Air field TM 3-343/2 S-66 Sharing SyC>tem for Analysis of Torque Transmission Through Slope Stability MP i<-76-3 MS-7 Rock Bolts MP S-77-7 S-50 Tiny Tot 11P 1-810 W-5 Torrejon de Ardoz Air Base TM 3-343/77 S-69 Tioga Lake TR H-76-5 il-64 Torrey Pines Beach, California MP 11-75 CEHC-9 TR li-76-6 H-64 TP 76-5 CERC-30 TR H-76-11 H-64 Torrid Zone Storageability TR 3-515/2 S-77 Tire MP 4-443 ~~-3 Torsion Shear HP 4-469 M-4 Apparatus B 38 S-1 MP 4-942 M-7 Study MP 3-10 S-4 MP 4-948 S-25 Tests TM 3-328 S-65 MP M-b8-5 M-8 Toul-Rosieres Air Base TM 3-343/19 S-67 MP M-68-7 M-8 Toutle River Restoration TR 13 Z-8 MP M-69-4 M-8 Tow MP M-70-6 M-9 Behavior in Waterways TR H-78-17 H-69 Tt1 3-373 S-72 Entry MP H-74-4 H-14 TR 3-516 M-20 Generated Suspended Material TR 3-545/4 M-20 Plumes TR M-76-6 M-32 TR t1-68-1/1 M-24 Model MP H-78-1 H-10 Air-Dry Sand TR 3-545/5 M-20 Tests MP 5-226 MS-4 Clay MP 4-835 M-6 Sequencing TR H-74-5 H-60 Coarse-Grained Soil TR 3-666/7 M-22 Traffic MP H-76-7 H-16 Firm to Soft Surfaces MP 4-497 M-4 TR Y-76-1 E-32 Loads Gil 3-130 M-45 Towanda Lake. MP Y-78-3 E-31 TR 3-652/7 M-21 TR 3-666 M-22 '!9-INDEX Term Term Towed Trafficability (Cent) Pneumatic Tire TR 3-545/4 M-20 Studies CR 4-6 M-38 TR 3-545/5 M-20 Fort Church ill TM 3-240/2 M-17 and Self-Propelled Artillery MP M-77-1 M-15 Through 1955 TM 3-240/14 M-17 Vehicles TM 3-240 M-17 Survey of Camp Stewart MP 4-101 M-2 Wheel MP M-76-17 M-14 Test MP 4-621 M-5 Soil MP 4-626 M-5 Airoll MP 4-439 M-3 Towing Resistance MP 4-828 M-6 Confined Organic Terrain TR 3-656 M-21 Townshend Dam and Reservoir TR 2-498 H-43 Fine-Grained Soils MP 4-879 M-6 Toxic Metal TR D-77-40 E-12 5-Ton GOER MP 4-477 M-4 Trace Jumbo Truck MP 4-4~8 M-3 Elements Rock PNE 5006 W-18 Marsh Screw Amphibian MP 4-751 M-5 PNE 5008 W-18 TR 3-641 t1-21 TM 67-7 W-22 Rubber-Tired Log Skidder MP t1-69-1 M-8 Metal TR D-77-40 E-12 Through 1963 CR 3-119 M-45 Tracer TM 131 CERC-44 Two-Wheel-Drive Industrial Study MP H-76-1 H-15 Tractor MP 4-917 M-7 Tracing in San Francisco Bay Til N-76-1 W-110 Unconfined Organic Terrain TR 3-744 M-24 Track MP 4-463 M-4 Wheel Vehicle MP M-68-4 M-6 Loads TR M-71-5 M-28 MP M-69-4 M-8 Mobility Number for CoarseTransducer for Pressure Grained Soils TR M-71-5/3 M-28 Measurements MP 1-59"3 \1-3 Pull Performance TR M-71-5/2 M-28 Transeismic Pressures CR 2-51 W-47 Versus \~heels in Soft Soil and Transference Equations B 31 H-2 Snow MP 4-651 M-5 Transient Tracked Vehicles TR 3-545/3 M-20 Loadings CR 3-26/5 S-110 TR M-72-1 M-28 Seepage TR S-B-5/1 S-89 Tractive Force Data TM 17-2 S-55 Two-Dimensional Analysis of Tractor MP 4-917 M-7 Soils MP S-71-17/4 S-"35 Dozer MP M-76-4 M-13 Transisthmian Sea-Level Canal TR 6 w-28 Blades MP t1-78-5 M-16 Transit Capacity of Sea-Level Traffic TM 3-312 S-64 Canals MP H-69-12 H-11 TM 3-314 S-64 Transmission of Wave Energy ~1P H-76-10 H-16 TM 3-420 S-73 Transmitter TR Y-77-5 E:-19 TM 3-426 S-73 Transmitting Boundaries in TR 3-433 S-74 Ground Shock Computation CH S-71-8 S-118 TR S-71-17/IV S-89 Transplantation MP Y-76-2 E-30 Test TM S-60 Transport Systems TR D-78-28 E-17 TR S-76-12 S-93 Trashracks Z-6 Volume MP S-71-14 S-35 Travis Air Force Base MP 4-312 S-11 Trafficability CR M-70-1 M-38 Tread Pattern MP 4-942 M-7 MP 4-19 M-2 Treat Island, Maine ~1P 6-177 C-4 MP 4-461 H-4 MP 6-223 C-4 MP 4-823 M-6 Treatability of Dred15ed ~laterial TR D-76-2 E-5 TR M-78-3 M-33 Treated Timber Structures MR 76-4 CERC-10 Analysis MP 4-959 M-7 Treatment of Wastewater MP Y-76-6 £-30 Characteristics MP 4-462 M-4 Tree TR M-69-3/1 M-25 Classi fie at ion MP 4-442 M-3 Branches and Stems TR M-70-9 M-26 Thailand Soils TR 3-753 M-24 Stand Productivity MP M-72-7 M-10 Data CR /D M-36 Stem TR M-76-2 M-31 CR 3-108 M-39 Tremie-Placed Concrete Ti" 2-241 C-27 Fine-Grained Soils MP 4-441 M-3 Trencher -Evaluation of AlumiInformation fro•n Aerial nized Blasting Agents TR 28 11-29 Photographs CR 4-20 M-39 Trenching for Dewatering MP D-77-4 E-4 Loess Soils HP 4-838 M-6 Treviso Musket MP 4-446 M-3 I Airfield TM 3-343/41 S-67 Observations TR 3-609 M-20 II Air Base TM 3-343/42 S-67 Prediction MP M-6 Trexler Lake, Jordan Creek TR Y-78-10 E-33 TR M-70-8 M-26 Triangular Breakwaters TM H-34 Tropical Soils MP 4-355 M-2 Triaxial Sands MP 4-647 M-5 Apparatus MP 3-478/1 S-15 Snow MP 4-713 M-5 Compression MP b-609/2 C-9 TM 3-414 M-19 MP S-73-68 S-44 Soils MP 4-899 M-7 Machine B 10 S-1 TM M-17 Test MP S-74-19 S-45 TM 3-240 M-17 MP S-76-2 S-48 TM 3-331 M-18 Center Hill Dam MP S-74-5 S-44 Cohesive Soils MP S-70-8 S-32 TR S-75-13 S-92 100-INDEX Term_________________________ Term-----·----------- Triaxial (Cont) Troy Lock and Dam MP C-78-6 C-26 Compression (Cont) TR 2-517 H-43 Test (Cont) Trumbull Crushed Napa Basalt TR S-71-2/2 S-87 Lake Dam MP C-74-15 C-22 Painted Rock Dam TR S-71-2/3 S-87 Pond Dam MP C-72-20 C-20 Watts Bar Nuclear Power Truss-Web Plant Site MP S-74-9 S-44 Extruded Aluminum Airfield Testing B .1 S-1 Landing Mat IR S-74-2 S-3 Soils H!' 3-4'73/10 S-15 Heavy-Duty Landing Mat CR S-74-1 S-104 Cornpressive Strength of MP S-75-9 S-47 Crushed Napa Basalt MP S-70-18 S-33 TSE Ground Facilities MP W-10 Creep Tests MP S-76-15 S-49 Tsoying Harbor, Taiwan TR 2-640 H-47 Device MP 4-150 S-8 Tsunami CETA 78-1 CERC-2 Equipment CR 3-63/2 S-111 MP 0-76-1 MS-9 Research on Clay CR 3-4/2 S-109 MP S-73-1/15 S-39 Results MP S-76-5 S-48 SR 6 CERC-25 Shear TM 25 CERC-27 Research TM S-60 TM 30 CERC-38 Response of Cellular Amplitude RR H-75-4 H-29 Concrete MP S-73-32 S-42 RR H-76-2 H-29 Tests MP 3-168 S-13 Barrier, Hilo TR 2-792 H-53 Test CR 3-26/2 S-109 TR 2-742 H-51 CR 3-84 S-106 Model MP 2-883 H-10 CR S-76-1 S-102 RR 2-3 H-27 CR S-77-1 S-102 RR 2-5 H-27 MP 6-805 C-13 TR H-69-9 H-55 Data on Undrained Soil TR H-71-2 H-57 Specimens MP S-71-9 S-34 Hilo Bay, Hawaii CR 2-60 H-72 Device TR S-71-15 S-88 Predictions TR H-74-3 H-60 Lean Mass Concrete TM 6-380 C-29 TR H-75-17 H-63 Method of Finite Elements TR S·-'11-4 S-89 TR H-78-26 H-69 Program on Taylor Shale Run up TM 60 CERC-40 from Laneport Dam TR S-71-6/3 S-tl7 Wave Elevation Frequency TR H-77-16 H-66 Sands, Reid Bedford Bend R 5-3 P-1 TTR Tower, \/hi te Sands Missle Saturated Fine Silty Sand CR 3-26/11 S-110 Range MP 4-580 S-18 Testing Techniques MP S-76-6 S-48 Tubeless Tire TR 3-516/1 M-20 Tribar TR 3-516/2 M-20 Breakwater MP 2-296 H-6 Tubes Buried in Sand MP 1-964 W-6 MP H-69-11 H-11 Tuff CTIAC-20 C-41 Tricalci.um Aluminate MP 6-201 C-4 MP C-69-1 C-16 Trief Cement MP 6-39 C-2 MP C-76-7 C-24 Triggering Screens MP N-76-8 W-12 MP S-73-59 S-43 TRINIDAD TM 71-8 fl-25 Material MP S-72-35 S-38 TR E-73-1 \·/-38 TUGBOAT TM 71-17 W-26 TR E-74-1 1-1-39 TR E-72-23 1-1-35 Trinity River, Texas TR H-77-7 ll-66 Tulsa-to-Van Buren Reach MBM 14-1 H-22 Tripline MBM 24-1 H-23 Deployments MP M-74-4 M-12 Tundra Ice CR 2-71 11-47 Per forrnances MP M-78-2 M-16 Tunnel Z-6 Tripoli, Libya TM 3-343/79 S-69 MP 2-149 H-4 Tritium Tl~ 70-7 W-24 RR 1-6 lt/-19 TM 70-8 W-25 TR 3-769 M-24 Tropical Complexes MP S-77-25 S-52 Africa CR 3-56 M-40 Destruction MP N-73-8 W-9 Areas CR 3-34/2 M-40 MP N-78-1 ~/-13 Climate Theater TR M-70-7/II M-26 Explorer Locator System IR M-1 Environment CR 3-154 M-35 Liner CR 6-160 C-l.j6 Soil MP 4-355 M-2 Right-of-Ways TR S-78-17 S-96 Puerto Rico and Panama CR 3-63/4 S-111 Site MP S-73-3 S-40 Studies IR M-1 South Vietnam MP 4-919 M-7 l1P 4-594 M-4 10, Fort Randall Dam TR 2-626 M-46 Panama and Puerto Rico IR M-7 Turbidity CR D-76-l.j E-23 Sur face Soils MP 4-961 M-7 TR D-77-14 E-7 TR 3-732 11-24 TR D-75-21 E-16 Terrain CR 3-34 M-40 TR D-78-30 E-17 CR 3-57 M-40 Structure RR H-73-2 H-28 Trotters Turbulence CR 2-151 H-71 J~ississippi TM 3-316 S-64 Mississippi River R 10-2 R-2 TM 3-341 S-65 Turbulent Shoals Spillway TR H-73-7 H-59 Boundary Layer MP 2-160 H-5 MP 2-642 H-8 • 101-INDEX ~_EO.___ Term Term Report No. Turbulent (Cont) Underground (Cont) Flow TM 93 CERC-l!1 POL TM 97 CERC-42 Storage MP N-72-4 W-8 Stream R 10-1 P-2 Svstem IR N-70-1 1/-1 Turf TM 3-361 S-72 Protective Military Structures MP N-68-7 W-7 Turkey TM 3-3l!3/ Reinforced-Concrete Arches TR 2-590 \-1-30 69-75 S-69 Shock Measurements MP 1-TB W-4 Turnagain Arm, Alaska Z-11 PNE 609F \-1-15 Turned Mode MP M-76-17 M-14 Storage Facility MP N-B-1 W-9 TR M-76-9 M-32 Structures CR 2-19 W-43 Turner Air Foree Base MP l!-93/1 S-6 CR 2-21 i-1-45 MP l!-688 S-20 CR 2-41 \·/-46 Turning Basin Z-12 CR 1-175 W-44 Tuttle Creek TR 2-765 H-52 CR N-70-1 W-44 Tuscaloosa Lock and Dam TM C-27 MP N-77-3 vl-12 Turtle Creek Dam TM 2-396 H-41 TR N-76-9 \-1-40 TVA Containment Concrete MP C-72-17 C-20 Underrearner MP 3-454 S-15 T-v/alls Z-6 Under seepage TM S-59 Z-14 Commerce and Trotters, TilDA Z-14 Mississippi TM 3-316 S-64 Two-Dimensional Mississippi River Levees MP 3-131 S-7 Flow MP H-68-5 H-10 MP 3-205 S-9 MP H-70-6 H-12 TM 184-1 S-58 Problems MP K-77-5 MS-7 TM 3-424 S-B 2,li-D CR A-77-2 M-52 Alton to Gale MP '1-430 S-73 TR M-48 Trotters, Mississippi TM 3-341 S-65 Two-Layer System MP l!-102 S-6 Wolf River Levee MP S-50 S-5 Type K Shrinkage-Compensating Underwater Cement CTIAC-29 C-41 Cratering MP C-78-2 C-25 Detonations MP E-75-1 W-10 Tests TM 70-11 \-1-25 Explosion MP 1-689 W-3 Test MP 1-689/2 \-1-3 U-Frame TR 1-647/1 W-30 Lock Z-6 Sevier Bridge Reservoir TM 2-397 vl-27 Arkansas River Lock and Dam MP S-78-11 S-53 Explosive Excavation TM 71-9 \-1-25 Program TR K-76-1 MS-11 Nuclear Explosions MP 1-800 W-4 UH-1H Downwash Velocity MeasProtection of River Banks TM 3-329 S-65 urements MP S-72-31 S-38 Shock MP 2-553 W-3 Ultimate Strength MP C-78-5 C-26 MP N-71-7 W-8 Ultrasonic Wave TM 70-14 \i-25 Investigation of Cracking in TR 2-615 W-30 Kansas City Floodwall MP 6-72 C-2 Storage MP 1-689 U-3 Shear Wave Veloeitie's CR 3-26/23 S-111 Structures TR 2-512 \1-30 Testing Undisturbed Concrete MP 6-l!8 C-2 Sampling of Cohesionless Minutemen Facilities MP 6-717 C-11 Material RR S-76-1 S-54 F. E. Warren Auxiliary Sites MP 6-585 C-9 Sands TR S-78-9 S-95 Waves CR 3-26/1l! S-110 TR S-7~-10 S-95 Ultraviolet TR S-78-11 S-95 Ozone Tr~atment TH Y-78-1 E-33 Uniaxial Strain MP S-68-17 S-2'7 Sensing Soil Moisture Meter CR 3-176 S-106 Mp S-73-32 S-42 Umpqua River TM 2-277 H-37 MP S-73-48 S-43 TR H-70-6 H-56 Unified Soil Classification Entrance Z-12 System TM 3-357 S-72 Unconfined Subaqueous Disposal Union Electric Company, St. Areas CR D-7l!-8 E-25 Louis MP 6-456 C-7 Unconsolidated Materials MP S-77-18 S-51 Uniontown Locks and Dam TR H-75-9 H-62 Underdrain TM 183-1 S-58 United Pipe Z-18 Arab Republic MP 2-607 H-8 Underground States Biomass Dynamics TR D-77-28 E-10 Army Cavities TR 3-6li8 S-81 Corps of Engineers MP 5-458 MS-4 Emplacement of Nuclear Hydrographic Survey TR H-77-10 H-66 Explosives PNE 500l!F W-17 Engineer Waterways ExperiPNE 500l!P \'i-17 ment Stat ion MP 5-280 MS-4 Explosions MP 1-'f78 W-4 MP 9-708 · MS-5 TR 7 W-28 Helicopter Landing Pads TR 3-686 S-81 TR 2-l!38 ~'i-30 Installations TR M-75-2/1 M-31 Openings CR N-69-1 W-45 Pioneer-Type Runways TR 3-700 S-82 102-INDEX _Te_r~m______________ Page Term Report No. Pa11e United (Cont) Variable States ( Cont) Moduli Material CR S-68-1/5 S-118 Bureau of Reclamation MP 5-458 MS-4 Modulus Material CR S-64-1/4 S-118 Can ad ian Arctic Weather Vascular Plant TR D-77-38/D E-12 Stations MP 4-298 t1-2 TR D-78-15/D E-15 Desert TR 3-630/5 S-80 Tissues TR D-77-23/E E-9 Highways 190 and 71 TM 3-284 S-63 Vault Wastes, Lake Ouachita Marine Hospital, Memphis TM 90-1 S-56 and Lake Greeson MP Y-72-1 E-29 Military VCI/RCI Criteria MP M-73-4 M-11 Academy TR 3-591 S-78 Vegetation CETA 82-3 CERC-4 Reservations MP 4-726/1 S-78 CR /E M-36 Naval Air Station, Alameda TM 2-242 H-36 CR IF M-36 Navy Ship Mooring Facility TR 2-708 H-49 CR 3-31 M-38 Steel Landing Mat MP 4-759 S-21 CR 3-43 M-43 MP S-69-17 S-29 IR 10 M-1 USSR Scientific Exchange MP 6-75 CERC-8 Program CTIAC-35 C-42 MP 7-75 CERC-8 Universal Systems for Recording MP 4-769 M-6 Vegetation CR 3-31 M-38 MP 4-982 M-7 Unlined Openings in Intact Rock CR N-69-1/2 U-45 HP D-78-7 E-4 Un.'steady MP M-72-7 H-10 Flow Compensations TR H-74-8 H-61 HP M-73-8 M-11 Salinity Intrusion TB 20 Z-11 MP M-73-10 H-11 Unsurfaced MR 79-2 CERC-12 Forward-Area Airfields MP S-70-14 S-82 R 78-2 CERC-20 Roads and Airfields TR S-70-5 S-86 SR 3 CERC-25 Soil MP 4-394 S-14 SR 9 CERC-25 MP 4-712 S-20 TM 22 CERC-27 MP S-71-27 S-36 TM 101 CERC-42 Upland Habitat Development TR DS-78-15 E-27 TP 76-13 CERC-30 TR DS-78-17 E-28 TR 5-625/D H-21 Uplift Pressures MP K-77-1 MS-7 TR 3-726/IV M-23 Urban TR 3-783/B H-24 Areas CR D-76-6 E-26 TH 3-783/E M-24 Studies MP H-74-8 H-14 TR D-76-4 E-5 MP IC-76-1 MS-7 TR D-77-23/A E-8 Urea-Based Emulsion System CR 3-172 S-104 TR D-78-25/C E-16 U';er' s Manual Africa and Panama CR 3-56 H-40 AXIS YM CR S-76-13 S-104 Characteristics MP 11-69~5/2 M-8 DUKFOR CR S-69-5 S-104 Descriptive Techniques CR 3-68 M-46 Utility Carrier MP M-69-5 M-8 Diagrams Eglin Air Force Base CR 3-70-2 11-41 Fort Benning CR 3-'70/3 M-41 Florida Everglades CR 3-72 M-37 Vacuum Geometry CR 4-103 11-37 Filtration System TR D-78-5 E-14 Mississippi River Stages in Mixing of Concrete MP 6-938 C-15 the St. Louis-to-Thebes and Piston-Type Samplers TM 3-315 S-64 Reach MBM 81-6 H-25 Processed Concrete TM 6-225 C-27 Panama Canal Zone and Other Solar Telescope Site MP 3-63'1 S-19 Tropical Areas CR 3-34/2 11-40 MP 3-763 S-21 Physiognomy HP M-76-12 M-14 Treatment of Mass Concrete Puerto Rico CR 3-164 M-38 Surfaces TM 6-353 C-28 Recording Systems CR 3-163 M-38 Vneriose Air Base Tt1 3-343/59 S-68 Structural Characteristics TR M-69-1 H-25 Valdivia River TH 2-382 ll-40 Structure MP M-69-3 M-8 Valley Storage in the Cannelton Vegetational Pool MP H-77-7 H-18 Characteristics MR 83-4 CERC-15 Valve Study CR Y'-75-1 E-34 Position TR H-68-4 B-53 Vegetative Study MR 76-6 CERC-10 Prototype Tests t1P H-7o-10 H-19 Vehicle CH 3-152 M-45 Van Buren CR 3-162 M-45 Little Rock Reach, Arkansas MP M-12 River HP 2-331 H-6 MP 4-230 t1-2 Pine Bluff MBM 34-2 H-24 MP 4-362 H-3 Reach MBM 14-2 H-22 MP M-68-4 M-8 Reach TR H-74-7 B-61 MP M-69-4 M-8 Vance Air Force Base MP 4-815 S-22 MP M-69-5/1 M-8 Vandel Air Base TM 3-343/60 S-68 MP M-69-5/2 M-8 Vane Shear Investigation MP 3-661 S-19 HP M-69-6 M-8 103-INDEX Term _____________ ___ _ ~e___ ~_e_ ~"!---------------- Vehicle (Cont) MP M-70-4 M-9 Velocity (Cont) MP M-70-7 M-9 Earthquake Intensity and MP M-70-10 M-9 Magnitude MP S-73-1/1b S-39 MP M-74-6 M-12 Forces on Submerged Rocks MP 2-265 H-5 MP M-76-6 M-14 Gages MP 0-70-1 MS-8 MP S-70-14 S-32 Measurements, Ozark Lock and MP S-72-34 S-38 Dam TR H-77-6 H-66 TM 3-240 M-17 Meter for Relief Wells TM S-61 and Profiles TB 20 Z-11 M-18 Tests of Concrete TR 3-545 M-20 Retaining Wall, South TR 3-666/8 M-22 Amsterdam, New York MP u-527 C-8 TR 3-783/A M-24 Riverside \/all MP 6-45b C-7 TR M-63-1 M-25 Venting Measurement PNE 301F '.1-14 TR M-70-11/3 M-27 Venturi Meter TM 1i9-1 HS-10 TR M-72-1 M-28 Verdigris River TR H-73-2 H-59 TR M-73-5 M-29 Vermiculite Concrete CR 6-tl3 C-46 TR M-76-3 M-31 Vennil ion TR M-73-3 M-33 Bay TR 2-494 H-43 Analysis for Remote-Area Harbor, Ohio TR H-70-5 H-56 Operation MP 4-702 M-5 Vertical Classification TM 3-240/3 M-17 Cut Belt Loader MP M-76-2 11-13 Dynamics CR 3-155 M-36 Lift Gates TR 2-447/1 H-42 ~IP M-69-2 M-8 Spillway Crests MP 2-606 H-8 TR M-76-1 M-31 Sand Drains MP S-75-8 S-47 Mechanics MP M-68-6 M-8 Vesic Crater Modeling TM b8-14 ~'-23 Mobility MP 4-241 M-2 Vessels CR 2-5 H-71 MP M-75-4 M-13 CR 2-7 H-71 MP M-78-3 M-16 CR 2-131 H-70 PSTIAC-3 M-34 CTIAC-27 C-41 TR M-73-1 M-29 MP C-77-12 C-2') Terms PSTIAC-1 M-34 Veterinary Diseases MP D-78-1 E-4 Research CR 4-16 M-45 VHF Radio Waves MP 4-822 M-6 CR 4-17 M-45 Vibracore Study MR 80-10 CERC-13 MP 4-'350 M-2 MR 82-15 CERC-14 TR 3-639 M-21 Vibracoring System CETA 81-8 CERC-3 TR 3-6~2 M-21 Vibrated Density MP S-72-29 S-37 Soft Soils 11P 4-147 M-2 Vibrating Testing CR 3-154 M-35 Slope Method MP 6-849 C-14 Models CR 3-33 M-36 S!Jade TR 6-816 C-36 Off-Road Use in Remote Areas MP 4-854 M-6 Vibration CR '3-114/II M-35 Performance CR 3-120 M-45 t1p 2-75 H-11 MP 11-72-2 M-10 MP 2-774 H-9 TR 3-733 M-24 MP N-77-6 !rl-13 TR M-70-7 M-26 TM 6-345 C-23 Prediction Equations TM 3-240/20 M-18 TR 2-435 H-42 Vertical Obstacles TR 3-783/C M-24 Bankhead Lock TR S-76-6 S-93 TR M-70-11/4 M-27 Circular Footing on Sand TR S-71-14/2 S-83 Reliability Model TR M-74-3 M-30 Concrete TR 6-780 C-35 Ride Dynamics CR 3-114 M-35 Hydraulic Roa~ Compatibility Analysis Control Gates CR H-b9-1 H-71 and Modification Sv:>tems TR S-73-13 S-90 Structures MP 2-414 H-7 Rut Depths MP M-73-16 M-12 t1easurement f1P N-77-6 \1-13 Sand 11P 4-535 M-4 North Fork Dam Model TR N-74-2 H-'l9 Signature Study Sites MP M-73-3 M-11 Ozark Lock and Dam TR H-77-6 H-66 Snow TM 3-414/1 1~-19 Test ~IP 4-636 S-10 Soft Soil TR M-70-11/2 M-27 TR N-77-1 i-1-41 Speed MP M-76-11 M-14 TR N-78-2 H-42 TR 3-783/E M-24 Vibrators CR S-68-2 S-1 03 TR M-58-1 M-25 Vibratory Synthalogous Theaters of Compaction MP S-76-10 S-49 Operation TM M-70-7 M-26 Compactor MP 4-190 S-9 Terrain TR M-70-4 M-26 Coring Sampler CETA 81-9 CERC-3 Vibration CR 3-114/11 M-35 Cutting CR 3-28 S-108 Vehicular Traffic MP 3-14 S-4 Load CR 3-88 S-114 Vela Uniform MP 1-957 W-6 Piles MP 3-686 S-20 Velocity CR S-75-4/ Testing TR S-69-10/1 S-86 Suppl S-102 Measurements TR S-71/17/ III S-88 and S-89 104-INDEX Term -------------·--------------------Term ------------- Vibratory (Cont) Vulnerability (Cont) Nondestructive Testing Z-16 Analyses Pavements TR S-75-14/II S-92 Mortars TR N-69-8/2 ·w-35 Roller MP 4-271 ::;-10 Parking Areas TR N-69-8/6 ~~-35™3-271/10 S-62 Rockets TR N-69-3/5 W-35 Sourf".!es MP 4-859 S-23 Te~hnique MP 4-691 S-20 MP 4-970 S-26 MP 4-'1'71 S-26 w. G. Huxtable Pumping Plant MP S-76-8 S-4Y TR S-72-5 S-89 Waco Dam MP 6-548 C-8 Testing of Pavements Z-16 TR S-71-6/5 S-87 TH S-75-14 S-92 Waianae Small-Boat Harbor, Oahu, Vibro/Sei.smic Survey MP S-69-6 S-28 Hawaii TR H-76-8 H-64 MP S-71-26 S-36 Waimano Stream Flood Control TR H-75-3 H-61 MP S-72-36 S-38 \Valker t1P S-73-3 S-39 Air Force Base HP 4-213/4 S-9 Vibro~acker System MP S-69-30 S-30 Army Airfield TR 3-466/7 S-75 Vicksburg Lake Canal Pumping Plant t1P 3-40 S-5 Buckshot Clay MP S-70-8/2 S-32 TM S-62 Floodwissip~i MP M-74-1 M-12 Deflection Pipes MP S-432 S-14 Mobility Exercise A 11P 4-702 H-5 Structure TR N-69-7 11-34 MP 4-979 M-7 Walnut Creek TR 2-730 H-50 National Military Park MP 3-')04 S-16 Channel Improvement Project TR H-73-34 H-6l\ Silty Clay MP S-70-8/1 S-32 Walter MP S-73-25/1 S-41 F.. Geor~e Victoria Channel, Texas MP 2-ll12 M-9 Lock and Dam MP M-70-3 M-9 Vidalia Mattress Casting Plant MP 6-6-~5 C-10 TR 2-519 H-43 Vieques Airfield MP IJ-18 M-2 Reservoir MP S-69-32 S-30 Vietnam MP 4-549 M-4 MP S-70-17 S-33 MP 4-919 M-7 Reed Hospital MP C·-74-14 C-22 TR S-69-7 S-8:) Wappapello Dam TM 134-1 H-32 Vinsol Re.~in TM 196-1 S-5il TM 146-1 H-32 Vinyl Membr,8 Insect Enemies Puerto Rico MP M-73-13 t1-11 Temperature TR 6 Z-8 TR M-48 Control 1-leir TR H-'10-1 H-56 Texas Tower, Mississippi Basin Model TM S-61 Jet Systems CTIAC-54 C-44 CETA 79-2 CERC-2 Tunnel TP 7tl-5 CERC-:12 Level MP E-29 CR H-74-1 H-70 U:ia5e Y-76-1 TM 83 CERC-41 Wave CR 1-167/I \/-45 HP S-73-1/15 S-3':) TP 80-7 CERC-32 R 80-3 CERC-22 Measurement TP 77-2 CERC-31 R 32-6 CERC-23 Plume MP N-75-1 W-10 RR H-75-1 ll-2'1 TR N-72-4 11-37 TM 3 CERC-26 Quality MP H-76-6 H-1b TM 11 CERC-27 ~IP Y-77-3 £-30 TR D-77-23/F E-9 HI 1'3 CEHC-4'1 TR H-74-15 H-61 TR D-78-15/A E-15 TR H-69-10 H-54 Pressures RR 2-10 H-27 Theory SR 1 CERC-25 TR H-71l-14 H-61 TR :-l-76-3 H-64 Transmission RR H-69-1 H-27 TR H-76-7 H-64 Waterbird MP D-78-5 E-4 Data t1P M-76-22 11-15 Colonies TR D·-73-13 E-14 TR t1-77-4/2 M-~3 Waterbury Dam CTIAC-5 3 C-44 MP Y-77-2 E-30 Waterfowl TR A-73-2/1 Evaluation /II TR Y-77-2 E-32 TR A-78-2/2 TR 'l-77-3 E-32 /II M-50 Trexler Lake, Jordan Creek TR Y-73-10 E-33 Waterproof Membrane Systems CTIAC-2 C-40 Fountain Lake MP Y-77-4 E-30 Impacts of Aquatic Dredged MP C-73-2 C-21 Material Di3~0.1al TR DS-73-4 E-27 1/aterproofing _ CR S-74-1 S-104 t1P Y-7b-5 E-30 Concrete Structure~ MP 6-616 C-9 LaFar~;e Lake LHke Conway TR A-78-2/1 Materials Tll l·-'5 30/2 S-77 /VI M-4Y 1<\embranes MP 4-384 S-24 TR A-78-2/2 Soil MP 3-176 S-0 /VI M-50 T~ !-53ll S-77 TR A·-7:3-2/3 Base Courses MP S-68-13 S-27 /VI M-50 Structur~l-Plate Joint~ unJ TR A-78-2/4 Seams TR ">,-?79 S-811 /VI M-50 Watershed MP H-72-6 fl-13 ~1onitori.ng Systems TR Y-77-5 E-3:1 TM 83-2 MS-10 TR D-77-6/B £-6 TR M-76-12 M-32 Parameter TR 11-77-4/4 M-31 TR D-77-42/C E-13 Geology TM 135 CERC-44 TR D-77-20I B E-9 C-1/:l River-Reservoir Systerns Waterstop MP C-70-22 t1odel MP Y-76-4 E-30 TR 3-432 S-74 TR 6-546 C-32 Tioga-Hammond L1-37 Relief Well Flow Meter l·1P 5-83 MS-4 Loading TR 2-512 1-1-30 Terrain Analysis Wave MP 1-808 1/-4 Gamma CR 4-100 M-41 MP 1-814/1 1-1-5 Radar CR 4-96 M-41 TR 1-771 1-1-32 106-INDEX ___________________..__ Term _Reeort No. Pa~e Term ------------ \later way ( Cont) Point Directory Atlanti" Coast Area Great Lakes Area PaC!ifi" Coa"t Area System Improvements WAT~IM IV Logi" Manual 1/atts Bar Nuclear Power Pla~t Wauna-Lower Westport Bar Wave Absorber Gary Harbor Harbors Action Agate Bay Harbor and Breakwater East Beaver Bay Harbor Half Moon Bay Harbor Harnl in Bear!h Harbor Harbor of Refu~e Noyo Harbor Oswego Harbor Port Washington Harbor Superior Entry, Duluth- Superior Harbor Taconite Harbor Ver.ni lion Harbor Cellular Caisson Breakwaters Grand Marais Harbor t1arina del Rey Mission Bay Harbor Revetment Triangular and Cellular Caisson Breakwaters Attenuation Breaking \lave ( Cont) Characteristics ™48 CERC-28 H-15 Climate R 81-3 CERC-22 H-15 TP 76-5 CERC-30 H-15 TR 77-1 CERC-34 MS-8 TR H-76-13 H-14 /14 H-65 S-44 Offshore LNG Sites MP H-7H-2/B H-19 H-51 Onshore LNG Sites MP H-78-2/A H-19 H-1 Climatology R 1-72 CERC-17 CERC-4 R 77-2 CERC-20 Ct:RC-4 Condit ions TR 2-740/1 H-51 H-74 TR H-75-15 H-63 H-70 Cresent City Harbor TR H-68-6 H-54 H-70 Dana Point Harbor TR 2-724 H-50 H-14 Crest MR 83-1 CEHC-14 CERC-15 R 77-4 CERC-20 CERC-17 Damping Effects of Screens RR 2-12 H--7 Gulf Coastal Plain TR Y-78-5 E-33 IJeed Habitat Development TR D!>-78-15 E-27 Managemeflt TR M-48 Interior United States TR Y-7ll-6 E-33 jn Texas TR M-48 North Atlantic United States TR Y-78-8 E-33 Weighing and Re~ording EquipPeninsular Florida TR Y-78-2 E-33 ment for Con'!rete llatchi ng TM 6-40'{ C-2'1 Puerto Rico TR Y-78-3 E-33 ll·~i r R ll1-7 CERC-23 Soils t1P Y-74-4 E-29 :>R ll CERC-25 South Atlantic United States TR Y-78-7 E-33 TR H-11-4 H-57 West Coast States TR Y-78-4 E-33 lJi g Creek, La. MP S-78-2 S-52 Wheel MP 4-463 M-4 Ut;euf and Tenaa;_.; River~> TH H-69-13 H-55 MP 4-626 M-5 De3i.gn TR D-78-18 E-15 MP 4-757 M-5 Jetties R 79-14 CERC-21 MP 4-758 M-6 Meramec Park Dam TR H-70-1 H-56 MP 4-828 M-6 St. Clair River MP 2-821 H-9 MP 4-870 M-6 \I ell TM 3-425/B S-73 MP 4-940 M-7 TR 3-619/B S-79 t1P M-70-ll M-9 Arrays TR 3-619/A S-79 MP M-11-3 M-10 TR S-77-5 S-94 MP M-73-2 M-11 Cleaning Operations TH 3-642/A-C S-81 MP M-76-17 M-14 HarbiJr, Maine TR ll-7d-18 H-69 TR 3-565 11-20 Mi:>~i.:isippi River Levees MP S-63-4/1 S-27 TR 3-D70 M-22 Sr.reen:; TM 3-250 S-61 TR 3-329 M-24 IJell :; Hdrbor Z-11 TR M-68-2 M-25 liES MP 0-B-8 MS-8 TR M-70-15 M-27 Anal vt ical Hodel TR M-70-3 M-26 TR M-71-b Jq-28 Can,.,rete Streus Meter MP 5-36 MS-4 TR M-71-7 M-2B Earth Pre39ure Cell MP 4-2-30/1 1~-2 TR M-71-10 M-28 Hi~h-Capa~ity Plane Strain TR M-76-9 M-32 Shear Apparatus TR S-71-2/1 S-87 TR S-74-7 S-91 Large Bla~t Load Generator CH 1-90 W-45 Load MP 4-879 M-6 Sel !-Recordi.ne, Di.splace.aent TR M-71-10/2 M-28 Gage MP 1-644 U-3 Lunar Vehicles MP M-70-4 M-9 Tunnel Explorer Lo'!ator System IR M-1 TR M-70-2 t1-26 Underwater Explosion Test Site TR 1-647/1 W-30 Performance rw 11-oi:l-1 M-8 VGI/RCI Criteria to Heli-TR 3-666/6 M-25 <:!opters MP H-73-4 M-11 Sand TR M-69-2 ~~-2'J \IE!:iNET Data Communications Study Group TR M-73-1 M-29 Sy~tern SiJnulati·Jn MP K-75-1 MS-6 Track Convertible Test Rig MP M--7'1-1 M-12 lle:.;t Wheeled Vehicle MP L!-535 M-4 ~tchafalaya Floodway Tl1 3-284 S-63 MP M-68-L! M-8 TR 3-4ll7 S-76 TM 3-240/19 M-18 C:;lunJet Floode,atec; TM S-60 TR 3-535 M-4 Coast States TR Y-78-11 E-33 TR 3-545/2 M-20 Culebra Slides TR S-70-9/1 s-ob TR t1-70-4 M-26 German TM 3-343/63 S-68 \/heel track t4P 4-505 M-4 '1-Ton !~AN 6Xb C~rgo Truck I·IP M-77-4 M-15 Wheelus Air Base TM 3-343/79 S-69 Terrain TR M-70-6 M-26 White Germany TR M-70-10 M-26 Amur TR A-78-2/1 Study Area MP M-78-9 M-16 /VII M-49 MP M-78-10 M-16 TR A-78-2/2 Monroe Levee Wall TH 73-1 S-55 /VII M-50 Point Dam TR 2-815 H-53 Aquatic Plant Control CR A-76-1 M-52 IIESTAG CR IJ-100 M-41 IR A-77-1 M-46 \.JE!>TAR CR 4-'.)6 11-41 TR A-78-2 M-49 WE::>TCO D-1 and D-2 Mud Control and Additives MP 4-735 S-21 M-50 vJestharnpton Beach, New York MR 79-5 CERC-12 River TM 39-1 S-55 ;/estover Air Force Base MP S-73-41 S-42 :>ands Missile Range MP S-48 IJestjJOrt Small-Boat Basin MP H-75-8 H-15 MP 4-479 S-16 TR H-72-2/3 H-58 MP 4-580 S-18 66/