* , v I* USAaryAnn 2> eiitecke (Decorative cArt (oueclxonj STERU N G AND FRANCINE C1A1UC ART INSTITUTE UBRAKT THE OB, TWELVE LETTERS, FROM A FARMER TO HIS SON, IN WHICH HE DESCRIBES THE METHOD OF LAYING OFT AND MANAGING THE BY P. AGRICOLA A LB ANY: PUBLISHED BY DANIEL STEELE Sc SON. JYV. 437 & Market-Street, P^knrd i, Van Benthuyiep, Prin^r- 1824, PREFACE. Horticulture is a progressive art. Every attentive practitioner will find that he becomes annually more and better informed upon the subject. But the great impediment to the progress of Gardening is to be found in the different climates of the earth, and in the variety of soils and situations : For that practice which would be proper in one place, might be very improper in another. Besides, the habits and customs of society fre- quently render important changes in this, and all other arts, quite indispensable. Every considerable district of country, therefore, requires a treatise upon the art of growing culinary vegetables pe- culiar to itself. To encourage and instruct the young Agriculturist, in the state of New- York, and country adjacent, in the best manner of conducting their Kitchen-Garden, is the intent of the following work. And in order that it might contain v as much useful matter as possible, the writings of many English, and several American G rdeners, have been ex- amined, and from them every thing which experience would i warrant, as suitable and proper for us, have been copious- ly extracted. — And that the young inquirer may have an easy access to - the particular business of every season, there is a Letter ^ far every month in the year, which he ought to consider as A Aa ti PREFACE. directly addressed to himself; ond if he will pay suitable attention to the lessons which they contain, but for a few years, he will most assuredly become not only a complete Gardener, but an improved and successful farmer ; foi such is the affinity between the arts, that every improve- ment in one, necessarily extends its benefits to the other. In this state, almost all the labour of Gardening is per- formed in the months of May, June, and July ; but in each of the other months, there is something to be done, fnany things to be prepared, and much to be learned. The last Letter (December) contains some explana- (isuo and additional instructions, and may be considered as an Appendix to the preceding numbers. To complete the whole, there is annexed a catalogue oi all the plants usually cultivated in our Gardens, arranged in alphabetical order* with their botanic names set direct- ly opposite. From the great pains taken to render every part of this work replete with practical information, it is confidently hoped that this little volume will find a place in every far* mer's library. JANUARY. My Dear Son, There is no period of life in which a father feels greater interest in the pursuits and employment of his favourite child, than when he is first entering into the practical exercises of his occupation. From your early infancy I had no greater ambition than to see you a skilful and suc- cessful farmer ; and to that point all your education has been directed. The books on natural history which you have read, and the chemical lectures and experiments which you have attended, have all been meant to form your mind for this important employ- ment, and to facilitate your success as a prac- tical husbandman. You are now to have the management of a farm, the soil of which is good, but spon- taneously it will produce nothing, except " thorns and thistles," as its late occupant can testify. It is now every thing but what a good farm ought to be, and materially dif- ferent from what I hope to see it a few years hence, under your superintendance n JANUARY. Here you will have need of all your skill, and room for all your industry. Satisfied that trifling obstacles would not impede your progress, I did not hesitate to make the pur- chase, although many of my friends said the farm was worn out, and worth but litvie. I cannot, however, think it possible that twen- ty or thirty years of the worst manage- ment can ruin a soil naturally good. I know if you maintain a family upon this farm, you must pursue a course directly opposite to that of its late owner. You must not suffer the dung to accumulate in the barn yard, so as to be under the ne- cessity of making a bea, (as he call'd it,) for its removal. Those heaps of stones piled about the fields, must be removed, and made into fences. Those naked fields, over which his meagre flock has ranged for years, must alternately be deeply ploughed and sowed to clover, for it is principally from this grass and the plough, that you are to expect the reno- vation of the soil. Upon this subject many good practical essays have already been writ- ten, which from time to time I will lay before you. There is one thing, however, upon which 1 know of no book that can give you the necessary instruction. 1 mean that of the Farmer's Kitchen-Garden. The English abound in celebrated writers upon horticulture : but none of them are cal- culated for our meridian, or suited to our country, and to our wants Their seasons JANUARV. '» are so widely different from ours, that none but an experienced gardener can read their works with profit. You might almost as well consult Virgil upon the best method of raising bees, as Abercrombie upon garden- ing. To remedy this defect, Mr. IVMVlahan, of Philadelphia, has published a large work, and has attempted to render it suitable to every part of the United States ; put here he fails, and must not be followed by our far mers. Besides, his directions are generally intended for opulent gentlemen, rather than farmers, and on that account, in many parti- culars, are not suited to our means, or our wants. His book, notwithstanding, has much mer- it ; and when you have had more experience, would recommend it to your attention. I do not expect that you will immediately be a proficient in this art. Time and observa- tian are indispensable, The former may be abridged by instruction, and the benefits of a good garden sooner realized. With proper management the garden will be a bank from which you may draw every day in the year, for the use of your family ; and that excessive use of animal food, so in- jurious to children, and so unnecessary for adults, may be avoided. Besides, how much more economical and pleasant is it, to have an abundance of good vegetables always up- on the table. 10 JANUARY. I sincerely hope you intend not to sell your farm, but, with the blessing of God, will make it your permanent residence. Frequent mov- ing, so common with young farmers in this country, is fatal to their prosperity, and fully accounts for the ignorance and hardship of their advanced age. A good garden is not the product of a sin- gle year. Time as well as skill is requisite. In fixing the site of your garden, you need not be over solicitous about the quality of the soil. With suitable means and proper manure cultivation, almost every soil may be rendered productive, and without them none will long continue so. I would not be understood to say, that ev- ery soil and situation is equally well suited to the production of garden vegetables. If you was a tenant for years, I would certainly ad- vise, that you select a spot of the richest and deepest soil upon your farm, that you might immediately, and at a small expense, supply the wants of the family. It is not necessary that the garden should adjoin the dwelling house, but for many rea- sons, it should not be far from it. It is seldom in the power of small farmers to select a place for the garden, free from any fault. A situ- ation moderately low, at the same time not liable to be overflowed, is on many accounts to be preferred. Here your tender plants will be less exposed to the cold vernal winds. JANUARY. 11 and the soil will be more retentive of mois- ture, in the heat and drought of summer, — and if it should gently slope, and face to the south, so much the better. It will be fit to work earlier in the season, and your crops will come sooner to perfection* However, in this respect, you are limited to a small place, and must content yourself with such as nature has furnished. If the soil is sufficiently deep, you may easily remedy every other defect ; and even this can be amended by art. If your soil is sandy, im- prove it with loam, and rotten dung. Ii clayey, and cold, and damp, mix plentifully of stable manure and light sandy soils. For a clay soil, sand is the best addition you can make ; this, when well wrought, will form a light loam, the best soil for a garden. In a word, that kind of ground which never fails to produce good crops of grain and grass. with small labour, will yield abundantly of garden vegetables. The next point for consideration is. the size or dimension of your garden ; and here let me caution you against imitating any of your neighbours. The farmers of this state have generally erred greatly in this particu- lar. Few of them occupy for this purpose more than a fourth of an acre, and many of them less ; and here they have their fruit, as well as kitcheti-^arden. If some of them exclude the apple tree from this favoured 12 JANUARY. spot, it is only to make room for the pear, the cherry, and the plumb, with all their nu- merous progeny. Nothing that will ever become a tree should have a place in the kitchen garden. Their shade is injurious, and the strong absorption of their roots, starve the small plants in their vicinity ; — besides, they impede the use of the plough and spade, and form a nursery for weeds and insects. Although your garden should give room to none of these occupants, it should contain at least an acre. In a field of this dimension, you may use the plough, the best of all in- struments for cultivating the earth ; not cer- tainly to the total exclusion of the spade, but its use, where the plough can work, is very much diminished. In a garden of this size, you can observe a proper rotation of crops, a practice as essentially necessary in gar- dening as in farming. This is an important fact, to which my experience can bear am- ple testimony, and I should be sorry if it should ever escape your memory. It is true, that a plenty of manure and deep cultivation, will cause most vegetables to flourish a number of years in succession in the same place ; but the time will come, when neither manure nor labour will answer the purpose. To prevent this deterioration of the soil, the only means known at present, is a change of crops : and this should be JANUARY. 13 APRIL. 49 grow irregularly and crowding, they produce but small fruit ; and the great thicket of branches excluding the rays of the sun, the berries will not ripen freely, and with a good flavour. Both gooseberries and currants must have an annual pruning, that the young bearers may have room, and the benefit of the sun and air. THE RASPBERRY is another valuable shrub, which should be allowed a place in the farmer's garden. — There are several varieties of this plant, na- tives of this country, which, if judiciously cultivated, are equal in flavour and usefulness to any brought from Europe. Our black and red raspberry are both ex- cellent, and have many admirers. " In forming a new plantation, observe that it is the young shoots or suckers which arise every summer from the old roots, that are to be chosen for this purpose. These should be planted in good ground, and in an open situ- ation. If you dig in some rotten manure, it will be of considerable service to the plants, and promote a production of large fruit." " In choosing the plants fortius plantation, select the outward young suckers of strong and robust growth, all of last summer's pro- duction : dig them up with full roots ; and as sometimes one, two, or more buds appear formed on the roots, near the bottom of the E 50 APRIL. stem, for next summer's shoots, such plants are to be particularly chosen, if to be had," " Previous to planting, shorten the shoots, cutting offabout one fourth of their length. Trim the roots, and cut away any old stumps, or hard, woody parts, annexed thereto ; then plant them in rows, four feet and a half asun- der, and from two to three feet distant in the rows. They will produce some fruit next summer, and more abundantly the second year." " Every spring, the raspberry must be carefully pruned, before the buds begin to swell ; in doing of which observe to clear away all the old decayed stems, which bore fruit last year, and to leave three, four or five of the strongest of last year's shoots stan- ding on each root, to bear next summer. All * above that number on every root, must be ' cut offclose to the surface of the ground, and all straggling shoots between the main plants must also be taken away. Each of the shoots which are left, should be shortened by cutting offabout a fourth of their original length." When you have finished pruning, or as soon after as possible, dig the ground between the plants, observing, as you dig, to clear away all stragggling roots in the intervals, leaving none but such as belong to the shoots which are left to bear ; but the buds which are placed at a small distance from the stems, must not be cut or injured, because those APRIL. ol produce the new shoots the following sum- mer. THE BLACKBERRY, or Bramble, another of our native shrubs, well deserves a place in the farmer's garden, and will liberally repay the expense of cultivation. It should be propagated and pruned in every respect like the raspberry, but being some- what larger, requires more room. It is very much disposed to throw off young shoots from the roots, and unless great care is taken to destroy them, they will spread, and fill the ground, and soon make an impenetrable wild. But this is no difficult task, if the space be- tween the rows is well wrought, and kept, as it ought to be, quite free from grass or weeds. The bramble, as well as the several kinds of raspberries, do not ripen their fruit at once, but in succession, for several weeks, as if designed to court our notice, and bounti- fully to reward the care we may bestow upon their cultivation, by a frequent offer of their bounties. The fruit should be regularly gath- ered as it comes to perfection, and be direct- ly used after being picked ; for although they may remain good on the bush a few days after being ripe, if kept in the house a single day, they will be found to have lost much of their delicious flavour. A plantation of these shrubs will come to perfection in three or four years, and if nun* 52 APRIL. ed as above directed, will continue fruitful for eight or ten years. It should then be grubbed up, and entirely renewed. Two ye*rs, however, before this, a new quarter for this fruit should be prepared. The ground upon which the old shrubs have stood will be found to be greatly impro- ved, and should now be employed for some other use. THE ORCHARD will also at this season, claim a share of your attention. As soon as the frost is quite out of the ground, the buds will begin to swell. Th^n, without delay, cut your scions for grafting. Select them from smooth, healthy, full-bearing trees ; they should be shoots of the last summer's growth, and taken from the lateral, or horizontal branches. If you cut a small piece of the older wood with the scion, so much the better. Tie them in small bunches, and place them with the large end down, halfway in the earth, and cover them with straw, to prevent drying. If you bring grafts from any considerable distance, pack them in light earth, and inclose them in moss or damp straw. The best time for putting in grafts, is usu- ally the last of this month, or the first of next, according to the season. Watch the pro- gress of vegetation in the stocks you intend to graft ; mark when their buds are swelled, APRIL. 63 so as to be nearly ready to burst into leaf ; this is the time for the operation, and if skil- fully performed, you may expect the greatest success. When you would change the fruit of an old tree, be sure to graft on smooth, healthy branches, and as near the trunk as possible. In order to perform this operation neatly ? you must be provided with a sirong knife, and fine hand-saw, for cutting off the heads of the stocks ; with a grafting-chisel, which may be made of wood, and a sharp pen-knife for shaping the grafts, and smoothing the stocks for their reception. You should also make ready, several days before hand, a quantity of grafting clay, prepared in this manner : — Take two parts of good loam, free from stones, and one part of fresh cow-dung ; mix them well together with a hoe, and add a handful or two of fine salt, to prevent cracking, or drying too fast. Work this well together, and add as much water as will make the whole into mortar ; and several times before you want it for use, re-work it, and effectually incorporate it together, for the more and oftener it is worked over the better. I have tried various methods of grafting, and recommend to your notice that which is commonly called cleft-grafting,as being quite simple, and easily learned. When the prop- er season has come, and you are suitably pre- E<2 $4 APRIL. pared with all things necessary, begin the* operation in this manner : first with your knife cut off the head of the stock, or if the stock is large, use the fine saw ; this done, fix upon a smooth part, just below where headed, and on the opposite side to that, cut away part of the stock, about an inch and a half in a sloping manner upward, so that the crown of the stock may not be more than half an inch broad, which slope and crown ? cut smooth and neat. Then prepare your grafts in the following manner : Cut them four or five inches long 5 with two or three buds to each : then take your sharpest knife and cut away the bark, and some of the wood, at the large end of the graft in a sloping manner, about an inch in length, on opposite sides, making it have a wedge-like shape, but let that edge which is to be placed outwards in the stocks, be left thicker than the other, with the bark conti- nued thereon. The graft being prepared, take your strong knife or chisel, and place it on the middle of the stock, not across, but contrarywise to the sloped part, and with a small mallet, strike the knife or chisel into the stock, observing to cleave it no farther than is necessary to admit the graft freely : then place the wedge a little way into the cleft, at the sloped part of the stock, to keep it open for the recep- tion of the graft, which directly introduce in- APRIL. ijj to the cleft, on the top of the stock, at the back of the slope, inserting it with great ex- actness, as far as it is cut, with the thickest edge outward, and so that the rind may meet exactly, every way, with that of the stock. The graft being placed, remove the wedge ; take care not to displace the scion. This done, clay the whole over, an inch thick, on every side, closing it effectually, and tapering it up to the scion, to prevent the air, sun, or rain reaching the grafted part, until the union is complete. Then finish the operation by applying a bandage of rags or coarse tow, to prevent cracking and falling off. Your shrubbery and orchard having recei- ved their due attention, be ready to move the soil in your garden ; but do not let a de- sire to have early fruit induce you to work the ground while wet, especially if the soil is of a loamy or clayey quality ; nor should you delay the business until it binds, and becomes hard : a middle course is best. As soon as the earth works freely, and neither shines or adheres to the spado, spread all over the surface, a coat of well rotted manure, and immediately introduce the plough. Take small furrows, into which rake the dung eve- ry 'bout, and plough as deeply as possible. The corners and those parts where the plough cannot come, must be carefully turned up with the spade, and made fine ; for the more minutely the soil is pulverized, and the con- 56 APRIL. stituent parts mixed and blended together, the greater will be your success. Before planting every kind of seed, let this indispen- sable operation be nicely executed, for it is much easier and better to till the ground be- fore seeding than afterwards. When your land is well prepared, the seeds not only ger- minate more freely, but the plants are more luxuriant, and less liable to be injured by insects. It is quite a mistaken and slovenly practice to plant before the ground is in good order, well mixt and fine, with a view of mending the tillage afterwards. No subse- quent labour can make up for this neglect ; for vegetables, like animals, require careful nursing in their infancy, or they never will grow large and flourish. Keeping these pri- mary principles always in view, proceed now to make your garden, and unless prevented by bad weather, or some other untoward cir- cumstances, let it be done in the following order : Dress and propagate perennial plants. HORSE-RADISH. This is a valuable plant, and merits much more attention than is usually given to it. In some families the roots are much esteemed, and upon every table, the tops are prized as an early and pleasant green. As soon as the frost is gone, it shoots up, and in a few days is fit for cutting. The flower-stalks are the APRIL. ol first that rise ; when these are five or six inches above the i^round, cut them smooth off, with all the leaves that accompany them, and in a few days fresh fine leaves will spring up ; these in their turn should be cut close and smooth to the ground, and in this way a successioual crop of fine pot-herbs may be had all summer. Remember to cut them off while young, and of a suitable size for boiling, although they may not be wanted for use^ or they will soon grow too large, and become bitter. The best way of propagating this plant is by cuttings of the roots, or from the offsets that rise from the sides of the main root. Select a border of your garden, where the plough will not interfere, and ha broke up the ground the depth of the spade, plant these sets in rows, about two feet apart. Then level the ground, and keep it free from weeds, until the plants are so far advanced as to do that business for themselves, At this season of the year, th«y will always re- quire one dressing and spading about the roots. When the roots are wanted, take care to leave some of the offsets remaining, and they will grow anew, and flourish for many years. ASPARAGUS. You will do well to plant out immediately, a bed of this fine vegetable ; for it will be three yean from the time of planting, before SB APRIL. you can cut any considerable quantity for use. A few of the strongest shoots may per- haps be taken the second year, but it must be done with a sparing hand. The ground intended for an asparagus bed should be situated so as to enjoy the full ben- efit of the sun, and should have a bountiful supply of manure, and then be regularly trenched two spades deep, and the dung bu- ried equally in each trench, a foot below the surface. This done, lay over the bed sever- al inches of well rotted manure, and work the ground over again one spade deep, care- fully mixing this top-dressing with the earth. A bed four feet wide, and thirty long, will yield a supply of this article sufficient for your family. In planting, stretch your line along the bed, eight inches from the edge. Then with a spade, cut out a small drill, close to the line, about six inches deep ; here place your plants, ten or twelve inches apart in the rows, and two or three inches below the sur- face of the ground ; draw the earth with your hand against the roots, so as to fix the plants in their proper place. This done, in the same manner plant three other rows in the bed, at equal distances. When the plants make their appearance above the ground, hoe them with care, and by no means permit weeds, or any other thing to grow near them. This is the quickest mode of raising a pro- ductive bed of asparagus. But Mr. Arm- AFRIL.. 59 strong says, " if you can postpone the use of this plant for a year or two, sowing is to be preferred, because the crop it gives (other things being equal) though later in coming, is more abundant, of better quality, and of longer duration ;" and he directs the bed to be made in the following manner, " In the summer or autumn preceding your sowing, lay out the bed four feet wide, mark- ing the angles by stakes. Excavate the bed to the depth of twenty-six inches, and if you find the bottom cold and clayey, and reten- tive of moisture, sink it half a foot deeper. Lay on this, six inches of coarse gravel, or stones, or both, and on these place a layer of equal depth of tanners' bark, or chips, brush- wood, weeds, horns, hoofs, or any other slow- ly decomposing matter, vegetable or animal. Over this, spread another layer, composed of cow-dung mixed, to the depth of twelve inches ; and on the top of all, replace the surface-soil you have thrown out, adding to it as much well rotted dung as will entirely fill up the excavation. Then rake it level, and remove the poor soil thrown out in trenching. As early in the spring as the temperature of the weather, and the state of the ground will permit, dig the bed ten or twelve inches deep, and work into it as much well rotted dung as will bring it to the level of the alley. Then rake it smooth, and trace out with the spade or the hoe, four small 60 . APRIL. trenches, lengthwise of the bed, and at equal distances, ab6ut an inch deep, and in these sow fresh, large, and well ripened seed, and so sparsely that when the plants rise,they will not be found nearer together (in the rows) than fourteen inches. Draw an inch of mould over the seeds, and then roll or tread the rows, so as to press the seeds and the earth every where into contact.' 5 When the young plants have got a few in- ches above the ground, if they stand too thick, or within ten inches of each other 7 thin out the weakest of them, and take care that the remainder are not stifled with weeds. Every spring, as soon as the frost is gone, work the ground between the rows with a strong dung-fork, and carefully loosen the whole bed to a moderate depth; but take care not to go so deep as to wound the top of the plants, now on their way coming up. The shoots are fit for use when about three or four inches high, and should be cut off slanting, three or four inches- within the ground, taking care not to wound any young buds coming up from the same root, for there are always several shoots advancing in differ- ent stages of growth. Upon good ground a considerable crop of Asparagus may be raised without this extra- ordinary labor, but the abundance which a well prepared bed will produce for ten or more years, largely compensates the ex-r pence of cultivation. APRIL. 61 THE RHUBARB, or PIE-PLANT. At this season of the year there is nothing more pleasant, and physicians tell us there is nothing more healthy, than a frequent use of thrifty green vegetables. And as variety alone can please, this plant should have a place in every kitchen-garden. The majes- ty and beauty of the rhubarb is not r surpass- ed by any tenant of the garden. When plan- ted upon rich ground, the leaves are often two feet long, and as much in breadth ; and their foot-stalks half a yard long, and nearly an inch in diameter. The flower-stalks sometimes grow five or six feet high, and are terminated by thick, close spikes of white flowers. Every part of this plant is valuable : the wide spreading leaves make a fine pot- herb ; their foot-stalks a good pie or tart, and the roots a useful medicine. The foot-stalks are dressed by paring off the rind with a sharp knife, then cutting them into small pieces, and stewing with sugar, like goose- berries. When the roots have three or four years growth, some of them may be taken up for use. This should be done in the autumn, when the leaves and stalks are quite decay- ed. When taken up, wash them clean, trim ofFall the small branches, and lay them in an airy place to dry for four or five days ; then rasp off the outward skin ; which greatly c-b- 62 APRIL. structs the quickness of drying. The mere stripping off the bark will not be sufficient ; the rasping it off, and the lacerating of the outward part of the root will be necessary ; for the lateral pores must be opened, to per- mit the confined watery fluid to exude free- ly. Then cut them in slices, which string on pack thread, so as not to touch, and hang them up in a stove room, to be kept constant- ly warm, till they are effectually dry. The drying of the roots without suffering them to get mouldy, is an essential point, and is con- sidered a difficult task. The marks of the goodness of rhubarb, are the liveliness of its colour when cut, its being firm and solid, but not flinty or hard, its being easily pulverable, and appearing when pow r dered of a bright yellow colour ; on be- ing chewed, its imparting to the spittle a deep saffron tinge, and not proving slimy, or mu- eilaginous in the mouth. The ground for this plant should be good, and prepared by deep spading and pulveriza- tion. The seed should be sown in the spring as early as possible, in hills two feet apart each way. When the young plants appear, keep them free from weeds, and for several weeks of their infancy, protect them from the scorching rays of the sun ; they will then become more hardy. Or, what some think less trouble, sow the seed in beds, and the spring following, transplant the roots into APRtt,. $3 such borders or places as you may wish to have them stand. In moving these roots, take care not to break or injure them. Let them be immediately replaced in the eartl], and many of them will bear seed the same year, and will grow stronger and better for ten years. HOPS. Every farmer's family has occasion for a few pounds of hops, and you should assign them a place in your garden. A few hills, properly attended to, will sup* ply your kitchen with this necessary article. This plant will grow upon almost any soil, but unless the land is fine and rich, it will produce but little. Hops should stand in hills, six or eight feet apart. For making these hills, dig round holes, two or three feet in diameter, and a foot in depth ; fill up these with the earth thrown out, well mixed with rotten dung. In the spring, when the plants begin to shoot, take cuttings from branches which grow from the main root; if of the la>t year's growth the better, and these are known by their white appearance ; let each have three or four buds ; bury them lightly in the bills, with the buds uppermost. Give two or three sets to a pole, and three poles to a hill. The first year, the vines will not require poles, but the ground, in this, as in all succeed-. 64 APRIL. ing years, should be kept free from weeds* As the vines rise, let them twist themselves together, and let the hills be raised a little a- roun4 the plants* Early in the spring of the second year, and annually afterwards, the ground should be dug around the hills, and some old manure mixt with the soil ; then with an iron bar make deep holes, and set three poles to every hill. Set them so as to form a triangle, with one point towards the prevailing wind, and incline them so that they nearly meet at the top. Poles often feet are iong enough for the first ye*ar ; after that they are to be fifteen or twenty feet long, ac- cording to the strength of the ground ; but th<>y should never be so long that the vines ot go beyond the tops, for they seldom b"ar much before they get to the ends of the poles. The spring ploughing and spading of your garden performed, and the perennial plants dressed out, let all things rest here for a few days. Let the loosened earth have time to dry, and imbibe the genial rays of the sun, and it will then work more freely, and will not be so liable to bake and become hard af- terwards, when your seeds are planted. Or if the weather has become tolerably mild, first plant out such cabbages, beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips, &c. as you intend for seed. The first should be planted in rows three feet apart, and about half that distance from each APRIL. i>j other in the rows, up to their heads in the earth. The rest may all be planted in sepa- rate rows two feet asunder, at the distance oi twelve inches root from root. The holes to receive them should be made sufficiently deep to admit the entire root, with the crown at least six inches below the surface of the. ground. Press the earth firmly around the roots with the hand, and cover an inch or two of loose soil over the tops ; but the cavi- ty in which they are placed must not be filled until the plants vegetate, and their seed-stalks have risen above the ground ; then draw the adjoining earth around their stems as they progress. This will give them effectual sup- port against the winds or rain, and save the necessity of stakes and cords. F am, fyc. P. AGRICOLA. F3 MAY. Mv Dear Sox, The sluggard is known by the neglect of his garden. Inattentive to the proper sea- son of planting, and too idle to perform the necessary tillage, he but lightly stirs the sur- face of the ground, and without art, sows his seed u by the way side" His plants, as might be expected, are immediately impoverished with weeds, or devoured by hungry insects, if they escape the depredation of larger ani- mals. And there is another class of men, who take much pains to manure and make their garden, and then desert it altogether, seeming to expect a crop without any further attention. These men will never derive either pleasure or profit from a garden. " The man of understanding" knows full well, that when his garden is planted, although it may be done in the most skilful manner, his care and labour is but half accomplished. It is folly in the extreme, to plant a garden, without a full determination to defend it from weeds and insects. All horticultural plants are feeble in theis £& MAY. origin, and most of them continue so a length of time. Care must be taken that they do not stand too thick, and starve for want of food and air ; and it would be equally im- proper to have their ranks too thin, and any considerable portion of the ground, with which you have taken so much pains, lie waste and unproductive. Besides all this, the health and vigor of your plants require that the ground around them should be often stirred and pulverized. And here the ap- pearance of weeds may be properly consid- ered as timely monitors, that your vegeta- ble infants want the bosom of their mother earth raised and opened for them. Without them we might forget that plants, as well as animals, must have their daily food, and that in proportion to their wants or cravings, or they must certainly become stinted, feeble, and unfruitful. If showers are frequent, the earth settles and becomes firm and unyielding around their stalks, and requires as frequently to be moved and loosened ; if the weather is dry, stirring and making the soil fine will do more to pre- vent the injurious effects of drought, than the most copious artificial watering. Indeed artificial watering is seldom useful, and when applied injudiciously is always hurtful ; but if your ground is not too wet, you can never hoe or stir the surface without advantage. Besides, frequent hoeing is the easiest and MAY. 69 cheapest mode of tillage. I had rather hoe three times than once. If, previous to planting, the ground has been put in good order, and the roots of weeds are not permitted to gain strength with age, a very trifling attention and labour will ef- fectually prevent them from starving and in- juring your garden. In a particular mai do not permit weeds to stand in the neigh- bourhood of your plants in very dry weather, for they are generally strong drinkers, and will imbibe all the moisture within the reach of their roots, while your tender plants are drooping and sickening for want of it. With these previous remarks, let us go a- gain into the garden, and put what they teach into practice. ONIONS. By the first of this month, or before if the ground works freely, without adhering to the spade or rake, make ready your onion plan- tation ; for the earlier you can ^,et in your seed, provided the ground is in ^«>od order, the larger and better onions you will lime. Onions flourish best, and are cultivated the least expense, upon a rich sand but ma v be raised upon a >il, pro- perly wrought and rightly manur If yourground was not plentifully enriched \k-i fall, now spread over a coat of fine, w.U Totted dung, aad dig it a full spade deep, in- 70 UAY. corporating the dung therewith, and pulveri- zing the earth as you proceed in digging. This done, take the coarse rake, and draw off, or pulverize all the lumps within reach of the teeth. Then take the fine rake and continue raking the surface, until the whole becomes firm and compact ; observing to keep the whole plantation level, or rather a little crowning, that water may never stand upon any part of it. This done, stretch a line eight inches from the alley, and with your small hoe make a drill an inch deep a- long the line ; here scatter the seed even, and with a liberal hand, immediately cover- ing it with a fine rake, and completing the process by pressing down the earth over the seed with the broad hoe. This done, move your line ten or twelve inches back, and re- peat every part of the operation already de- scribed, until all is planted. Over this plan- tation you may sprinkle a little lettuce and cabbage seed, for many of these plants may grow here until wanted, without the least injury to the onion crop. In planting onions, art is more requisite, perhaps, than in any other part of gardening. They must be planted early, so as to begin to bottom before our scorching dog-days. The ground must be rich, it must be made fine, yet must not be left loose and spongy. With very little skill, you may raise the long- necked scuilion ; they will grow if late plan- ted, and slovenly attended. But if you arc pleased with large, swelling, bulbous bot- toms, observe the above directions, and take care that they suffer no neglect afterwards. There are several varieties of the onion, principally distinguished by their colour ; as, the red, the yellow, the white, and silver- skinned, all requiring the same method of cultivation. And there is a separate species of this plant — THE MAGIC ONION, sometimes called the Canada, sometimes the tree, or top onion. This is a singular plant, and deserves cultivation, not only for its domestic use, but as a curiosity. All other plants raised in the garden are ovi- parous, or in other words, re-produce their species from seeds or eggs ; but this alone is viviparous, and brings forth its young aln in clusters of four or five, around the parent stalk. These continue to enlarge, until their weight brings them to the earth, where, if not prevented, they take root, and the maternal stalk now becomes useless, dries off, and the next season, these in their turn become pa- rents, and re-produce a numerous progeny . This species of onion is raised with le^s art than the other. If you would have them in perfection, make your ground ready as for the other kind ; then stretch a line ten inches from the alley, and with a small hoe make a furrow two inches deep ; in the bottom oft 1 72 MAY. place the top bulbs, or infant onions, fire or nches apart, with their points or heads uppermost ; then fill up the drill with light ea rth, which sh :>uld be pressed down with the hand or broad hoe. This done, remove the line back a foot, and in the same manner, plant as many as you please. In setting out these bulbs, you should not place the large and small ones promiscuously together, but separate the large from the small, and plant them in different rows ; for the largest will generally become breeders this season, while the small ones will enlarge, and swell into beautiful onions, fit for any use in the kitchen. The magic onions intended for seed, Or breeders, should be two years old, and the largest and best of their kind. They must on no account stand near the other species of seed onions, or they will degenerate, and a mongrel race ensue. SEED ONIONS, if not set out in the autumn, must now be planted as soon as the ground is sufficiently dry. For this purpose, make choice of a good piece of ground, which dig a full spade deep, breaking it fine as you proceed. Then select the firmest, largest, and best shaped onions of the most desirable kind, with no growth from their tops ; observing that each variety is to be placed separately, and re- mote from any other. MAi. 73 Having your ground dug, and your roots in readiness, strain a line ten inches from the alley, and with a spade throw out an opening or drill, six inches deep along the line ; here place the onions upon their bottoms, about eight or ten inches apart ; then with a rake draw the earth into the furrow, so as to cover the bulbs two or three inches ; then remove the line fourteen inches further back, and plant another row as before, and so proceed until all are planted. By planting the seed onions thus deep in the furrow, you will afterwards be able to support the stalks by drawing the earth about them, and the wind will neither loosen or throw them down. LETTUCE. This in some families is distinguished by the name ofSallad ; and it is truly a valuable one. Let it be your ambition to have it ear- ly r and of a fine quality. There are many varieties of this plant. Take care to be provided with a good kind of seed ; such as will form a large head, and will not run to seed before they attain full growth. The place selected for a lettuce bed should be defended from the northwest winds. Make the ground rich with well rotted manure, in- timately incorporated therewith. Let the surface be raked fine, and lie a little sloping G 74 MAY. to the south. Sow the seed sparingly, broad- cast or in rows, as you may choose ; then lightly, with the fine rake, cover the seed. Here you may also sprinkle a little cabbage seed, and perhaps draw a number of fine plants, without injury to the lettuce. When the lettuce comes up, take care that it does not stand too thick. While small it should be pulled out, before the plants crowd and oppress each other. These may be transplanted into good ground, at the distance often inches apart, and before they grow large, every other one should be drawn for the use of the table. Lettuce, while small, will bear transplan- ting extremely well, though the plants will never be so large as those which were left upon the spot where they were sown ; but they will cabbage finely, and come somewhat later, and save the necessity of sowing every month ; for lettuce sown after the weather becomes warm, soon runs up to seed, without heading, and is good for nothing. PARSLEY, for an early crop, should now be sown in sin- gle rows, along the edge of the quarters, or borders of the garden. It will make an use- ful and neat edging, if not suffered to grow too large, and as it bears transplanting very well, aftiy blanks may be easily filled up in rainy weather. MAY. 75 The seed will remain a long time in the ground before it comes up, but there is no danger of its perishing. It may be right here to notice, that the poi- sonous plant, called fool's parsley, or wild parsnip, a common weed upon the banks of the Mohawk and elsewhere, has sometimes been mistaken for the garden parsley. They are very easily distinguished. The leaves of the poisonous plant are of a darker green, of a different shape, and instead of the pecu- liar parsley smell, have, when bruised, a sick- ish, disagreeable odour. The timid may shun all risk of mistake by cultivating only the curled variety, which is in every respect as useful, and a more beautiful plant than the common kind. A few of the strongest plants should not be cut, but suffered to run to flower, and they will produce an abundance of seed. CABBAGE. There is no vegetable grown in the gar- den, of more value than this. There are many varieties, but all those which are com- monly called cabbage, require nearly the same treatment. The seeds should be sown as soon as the weather becomes warm, and vegetation begins : for the earlier you can get plants, the larger will your cabbage grow, and the heavier Iheir heads will be. Cabbage seed may be planted where the 76 MAV. crop is intended to stand, or may be sown in beds, and afterwards transplanted. The first method is more liable to injury from in- sects, arid will sooner run to seed ; the latter is therefore generally preferred ; and a small spot will produce abundance for your fami- ly. For this purpose, take a large box or tub, and set it in some open exposure, fair to the sun ; fill it with horse-dung within six inches of the top,when trod firmly down \ then fill the vessel with rich garden mould, and immediately sow the seed quite thick, cover- ing it half an inch deep with fine earth, which press down firmly and evenly with your hand, and finish by sifting a coat of fine soot or ash- es over all. In a few days the plants will appear, and if at this time they stand so thick as to touch each other, let some of them be pulled up. If the weather should prove dry, sprinkle them every evening, with water warmed in the sun. Plants raised in this way, will not be injured by the turnip fly. and will grow strong and vigorous when removed. There is another method of raising cabbage plants, which is preferred by some farmers. They go into the field, and dig up a spot of good earth, then heap upon it a large quanti- ty of chips, brush, or other old wood ; this they burn, and as soon as the fire is out, they rake over the bed, and carefully mix the soil and ashes together ; here they sow the seed. MAY. 77 and immediately cover it with the rake. A temporary fence is erected to defend them from the cattle, and in this way an abundance of fine plants are produced with ease and certainty. The several kinds of cabbage seed should not be sown promiscuously in the same bed ; but in separate beds, or marked allotments. Every variety of the cabbage has its pecu- liar excellence, and each in its proper season successively contributes to our wants. In the spring, as soon as vegetation com mences, the Brussels' sprouts appear, and present the first fruits of the garden. This, and Jerusalem Kale, are very hardy plants. They never head, but the leaves, after being pinched with the frost, make most delicious pot-herbs, and boil greener than any other of the cabbage tribe. They will survive a very severe winter, and afford a grateful repast, when most other plants perish. They should be planted where the northwest winds cannot approach, and where the snows of winter may lie undisturbed upon them ; or they may be taken up before the winter frosts set in with much severity, planted in trenches up to the leaves, and covered occa- sionally with straw or other light covering. The heads may be cut off as wanted, and in spring, the stems, if taken up and planted out, will produce an abundance of most delicious sprouts. G2 78 MAY* In the summer and autumn, the early Yorkshire and small Smyrna cabbage present a ripened head, and is welcomed at every table. The seeds of this cabbage should be sown in a hot bed, about the middle of A- pril, and the plants will be fit for removal by the middle of this month. When they have attained leaves as large as a cent, let them be transplanted into a nursery bed, prepared of rich earth, and in an open and warm situ- ation ; here they should stand six inches apart, and if the weather is dry, be frequently wa- tered. At the commencement of winter, the Sa- voy is in its glory, and this is followed by the drum-head and sugar-loaf — noble plants ! and the largest of the cabbage family, some of them weighing more than twenty pounds. These, if laid away with art, will bountifully supply the table until the Brussels' sprout is sufficiently growrt to take their place. Besides all these, there are many sub-vari- eties, some of which are preferable for a summer crop, others for an autumn crop, and a third set for winter supply. The cauliflower is indeed a fine plant, and justly considered to be the flower of the cab- bage family. It grows sometimes to the height of four or five feet, with its leaves loose, and in the natural way, and forms its stalk, or flower-buds, into a head, which is very tender and delicate. MAY. 79 It you would grow this plant in perfection, take care to procure seed that is genuine, or free from adulteration. In March, let it be sown in a hot bed ; when the plants are two or three inches high, they should be moved to another hot bed, of lower temperature, and larger dimensions ; here they should be set four inches apart, and remain until transfer- red to the open air, where they are to stand. The time for doing this is when the earth, by its spontaneous productions, shows the internal heat necessary for vege- tation. The cabbage-turnip, and the turnip-rooted cabbage, are both extremely hardy, and mer- it attention from every farmer. They are frequently used for culinary purposes in the same manner as turnips, and in the spring, the sprouts make delicious green?. Well might Dr. Johnson, in his " Journey. " remark, that before the Scottish peasantry acquired cabbage, they must have had no- thing. Every variety of the cabbage requires a strong rich soil, inclining rather to clay than to sand ; but will grow in any soil, if it be well worked, and liberally manured with com- post, or well rotted dung. In selecting your cabbage ground, be par- ticular to avoid the place where any thing of the kind has grown for at least two years past. This precaution is of the utmost importance : BO MAY. and although some instances may occur where cabbage or turnips are raised well for two or three years in succession on the same land, yet experience shows it to be generally a bad practice. There is no crop that exhausts and impoverishes ground more effectually ; besides, they are the favourite food of many insects, which deposite their eggs in the earth, so that if you continue for only a few years to set cabbage in or near the same place, no care or skill will overcome their united attacks. When your plants in the open ground are three or four inches high, they should be trans- planted the first moist or cloudy weather. You must not, however, wait too long for this favourable state of the atmosphere. If your plants are sufficiently grown, they should be set, whatever may be the state of the weath- er. If the earth is quite dry, the proper time forgetting cabbage is just before sunset, and they will require water in proportion to the dryness of the earth ; and this should be giv- en moderately after, not before, the plants are set in their place. Take them up with the hollow trowel, with as much dirt about their roots as possible jj place them upright in the ground, and gently press the fine earth about their roots. The large kind of cabbage should stand three feet apart when left for heading ; but the small kind may stand nearer. In bringing plants from a distance, be care- MAY. • 31 ful to preserve the lateral fibrous roots ; lay them gently in a basket upon some moist grass, and cover them lightly with green leaves, and immediately before setting, dip their roots into water, and afterwards, unless the ground is quite wet, give them a sprink- ling from the watering-pot. You should be provided with covers made of two boards, each a foot long, and nailed together at right angles, to shade immediately every plant. These covers must be taken offat sunset, that the plants may have the benefit of the even- ing dews, and again returned in the morning, if the day is likely to prove clear and warm. Although you may have observed all these directions with the nicest precision, do not conclude that your crop is certain, without further attention. Every week the plants must now be hoed, and the dirt made fine and brought about their roots, while the space be- tween the rows is kept smooth and clean. If this work is done in the morning, while the dew is on, so much the better, and if the wea- ther is very dry, it cannot be repeated too often, for otherwise they will become stinted, and infested with insects. PARSNIPS are a highly nutritious esculent, and merit much more attention than is commonly giv- en to them in this state. They make a rich and healthy sauce, and are relished by almost 82 MAY. every person ; yet, with all these excellen- cies, very few families bring them often upon the table. The parsnip is a very hardy plant, as is evident by its growing upon any good land, wherever the seed is scattered, without culti- vation, but will thrive best, and grow the lar- gest, upon a rich sandy loam. The seed should never be more than a year old, and as it re- mains a long time in the ground before it ger- minates, should be sown as early in this month as the earth can be got in proper con- dition to receive it, which ought always to be a principal consideration, for nothing can be worse than to work land whilst too wet. The ground should be spaded at least a foot deep. Take but thin spits, and break all the lumps, that the roots may have full liberty to run down long and strait ; for if the earth is not well pulverized, they will grow short and forked. Rake the ground well after you as you proceed in digging; then stretch a line eight inches from the alley, and make a drill an inch deep ; here sow the seed, and cover it by filling the drill with loose earth ; press down the ground with the broad hoe, and your work is finished. Then move back your line fourteen inches, and plant, as directed, another row, &c. Early radishes or lettuce may be planted in the intervals, and, drawn in season, will do no injury to the main crop. Or a few car- MAY, 83 rots maybe sown promiscuously among them, and if pulled up while young, will not mate- rially hinder the growth of the parsnips, which spread and swell chiefly in the latter part of the summer. CARROTS, are a very productive crop, and will abun- dantly repay the expense of cultivation, in the field or garden. If the soil is good, and the management judicious, eight hundred bushels of these valuable roots may grow up- on an acre, and the milch cows shall pay a liberal premium for the surplus quantity not wanted in the kitchen. Carrots delight in a warm, sandy soil ; it should be ploughed deep, and afterwards well broken and mixt with the spade. When manure is given to carrot ground, it should be deep buried, beyond the reach of the roots, else they are apt to become forked and diseased. In general, it is best to plant corrots upon dry land, that was well manu- red the preceding year. There are several varieties of this root ; the orange-coloured is the one usually preferred. The seed, if well laid up, will be good for several years : new seed, however, is always to be chosen. The seeds, when taken from the stalk, adhere together like burrs, and should be rubbed between the hands with considerable force, so as to separate them. 84 MAY. On account of their lightness, a calm time should be taken for sowing. They should be planted in drills, fifteen inches apart, and covered about an inch deep with fine earth ; pressed firmly down with the broad hoe. If small carrots are wanted late in the sea- son, plant a row or two more, a month hence. When the plants are come up, you should hoe the ground with a small hoe, about three inches wide, cutting down all weeds, and se- parating the plants four inches apart, that they may have room and acquire strength ; and in eight or ten days, when the weeds a- gain begin to appear, hoe the ground over a second time, and be careful not to leave two carrots close to each other, cutting down all weeds, and slightly stirring the ground in ev- ery place, the better to prevent the growth of weeds, and to facilitate the progress of the carrots. In about a fortnight after, you must hoe them a third time, when you must clear the weeds as before, and now you should cut out the carrots to the distance they are to re- main, which must be proportioned to the size you intend to have them grow. If they are to be drawn while young, four or five inches asunder will be sufficient ; but if they are to grow large, they should be separated at least ten inches. You must yet keep them clear from weeds, which, if permitted to grow a- mongst the carrots, will greatly injure them. MAY. 85 Besides the common use to which carrots are applied in every family, they are found to make an excellent pie. For this purpose they should be well boiled, then mashed tine, and afterwaads prepared and baked like pumpkin. Besides this, they make the best substitute for coffee yet discovered. For this purpose the roots are washed, and their external rind rubbed off. They are then cut transversely into slices, and thoroughly dried in a warm, not hot oven : next they should be coarsely broken in a mortar ; then slowly roasted in an iron vessel, until quite brown ; then pulverized, and drawn and served up like coffee. BEETS, like the two preceding articles, are biennial, and as they have all long tap roots, require nearly the same method of cultivation. — There are several varieties of this plant, which take their name from the colour, or form of the root, viz : — the red, the yellow, the white, and the turnip-shaped. They all grow best upon a light, but rich soil, of considerable depth, and which has not been recently ma- nured. Or, if any manure is added, let it be buried at least a foot beneath the surface, so that the roots cannot reach it. Let the ground be deep spaded, and made fine as you H 86 MAY. proceed, then levelled, and smoothed with the rake. If beets are wanted early, or are intended to be used as greens, the seed should be planted by the middle of this month, but if intended for winter consumption, the first of June is a better time. Draw a line a foot and a half from the i*st carrot row, and wilh a small hoe make a drill about an inch deep ; here place the seeds, one every two or three inches, and draw over them a light covering of the sur- face-soil. The earth immediatelv over the seed should be pressed firmly down, as in all other planting. If the seeds were good, there will be too many plants ; for a single seed will often bring forth a number. The supernumeraries must be early pulled up, or they wind themselves around each other, and it becomes difficult to separate them. When the plants are tw r o or three inches high, you will begin to pull, and use them as spinach ; taking care to do it so as to leave the plants eight or ten inches asunder; of, if you wish them to grow as large as possible, a foot, or fourteen inches will not be too much. If there be chasms in the rows, as will some- times happen from bad seed, or unskilful sowing, take a wet time, and fill them up with the surplus plants. But you will find these roots of less value than those which )i.\\. 87 were left undisturbed ; for tap-rooted plants of all kinds are never transplanted without considerable injury. The intervals between the rows should at the same time be thorough- ly cleansed from w r eeds. The oftener this operation is performed, and the ground stir- red during the course of vegetation, the larg- er will be the product, and the better its quality. While the plants are young, this process is indispensable, and will entirely save the necessity of watering, let the wea- ther be ever so dry. SALSAFY. This root is much esteemed by some per- sons, and when boiled or stewed, is ceiled the vegetable oyster. The young shoots which rise in the spring, from the plants of 1 last year, if cut while green and tender, are good to use in the manner of asparagus. The roots are long and tapering, of a fleshy, white substance : the herb smooth, sky- coloured, rising sometimes three or four feet high : the leaves resemble those of the leek : the flowers are of a dull purple hue, and close about noon. This plant requires the same soil and cul- tivation as the carrot, and should remain where sown, for when the extreme parts oi the roots are broken by transplanting, they seldom thrive well afterwards ; therefore it is far the better way to make shallow 83 MAY. drills, about a foot apart, and scatter the seeds therein ; and if the plants should come up too thick, hoe them out with the weeds, for tney should not stand nearer than four or five inches of each other in the rows. SKIRRET. The root of this plant is composed of small fleshy tubers, joined together in one head, and are the only eatable part. They are considered wholesome and nutritive, but are too sweet for some palates. They are gene- rally boiled and served with butter, like pars- nips. Skirrets should have the same manage- ment as salsafy. The seed should not be sown before the middle of this month, lest the plants flower the first season, when the roots would become harsh and woody. Re- peated thinning and hoeing are necessary, as in the case of similar crops. When the leaves begin to decay in autumn, the tubers are fit for use, but they should not be taken up faster than they are wanted, for left out of the ground a few days, they become good for nothing. Both skirrets and salsafy are cultivated as an agreeable variety, rather than for any pe-? culiar excellence which they possess ; there- fore are seldom found in the farmer's garden, where utility is principally consulted* THE RADISH is a tap-rooted annual, and the only one oi the species, used as sallad. There is no root in our garden which is so difficult to cultivate and bring to perfection, as the radish : and without perfection they are quite useless. A good radish is transparent and crisp ; and to possess these qualities, they must grow rapid, without let or annoyance of any kind; and they are peculiarly exposed to casualties. The turnip beedle is their first enemy, always ready to wound and devour them while yet in the cotyledon leaf. If they escape these nimble marauders, unless the ground is quite to their liking, they become wirey and good for nothing ; and if their bed has been pre- pared in the nicest manner, our favourite roots frequently become the birth-place and food of innumerable worms, which no art oi ours can prevent or remove. Upon new ground of a suitable quality, none of these difficulties occur, and they may be grown with great facility ; but upon old ground, no method of cultivation has been yet devised, that will always insure a good crop. Here, however, with proper at* tention, we may generally succeed so as to have some fine roots. The radish delights in a warm, sandy soil. In selecting a place for this plant, avoid the ground where anv of the cabbage or turnip H2 90 MAY. family grew the preceding year. Let the bed be bountifully manured with compost of at least a year old Let this be intimately mixed and incorporated with the soil ; rake the whole fine, and sift over the surface a coat of slacked lime or ashes, one-fourth of an inch thick ; then cover the whole two inches more with virgin earth from the woods. Rake this smooth and level, and immediately sow your seed broadcast ; rake it lightly, and tread down every part. Besides this radish plantation, sprinkle radish seed among your other crops, where they will often grow freely, and being detach- ed, will form fine, tender roots. As soon as your plants appear, take care that they do not stand too thick. When the central rough leaf is fairly formed, thin them to two or three inches apart ; for when young plants stand too near each other, they contract habits of running to leaf, and never afterwards bottom well. RED PEPPERS are much wanted for pickling. The large heart-shaped kind is most generally prefer- red for that purpose. The seeds germinate slowly, and should therefore be committed to the ground without delay. For this purpose make a seed bed in some warm exposure ; enrich it with the best of manure ; that taken from the hog-sty is the best ; rake the ground fine, and sow the seed plentifully. Or you maw yi may sow the seed in drills, eighteen inches apart, and cover them about half an inch deep ; but as they bear transplanting ex- tremely well, it will be attended with less trouble to raise them in the seed bed, and, when they are two or three inches high, plant them out in some rich border, and take care that they are not injured by the neighbour- hood of weeds. PURSLAIN. There are two species of this plant : the narrow-leaved wild purslain, which lies with its stalks upon the ground, and the broad-lea- ved garden purslain which crows erect, some- times to the height of two feet, with diffused branches. The latter is a valuable pot-herb. by many esteemed before beans or peas ; the young shoots and succulent leaves are tin parts used, and they are boiled sufficiently in a minute. When cut off. it directly sprouts a- gain, and may be recut several times. It requires a rich and light soil, and as the seed is very small, attention is necessary, or you will sow too much. There is no other culture which this plant requires, but to keep it free from weeds, and if the weather is fa- vourable, it will be tit for use in six weeks af- ter sowing. SORREL, The broad-leaved garden sorrel is an earh and pleasant sallad, and as it has considera- 9:2 maw ble virtues as a medicine, and is succesfully used for taking stains out of linen, should have a place in every garden ; particularly as it will flourish in almost any situation or soil. It should be sown early in the spring, and afterwards transplanted into shady borders, four or five inches apart. Or it may be al- lowed a separate allotment, where it will grow with very little attention for many years. BEANS. There are two species of this plant culti- vated in our gardens : the English horse-bean, and the kidney-bean. The former has seve- ral varieties, as the Windsor, Tokar, Maza- gan, &c. ; and the latter has varieties with- out number. The several kinds of English bean require a strong, rich, loamy soil, and should be planted as early in this month as it is possible to get them into the ground. Otherwise these beans will produce but little in our climate, for if the hot weather of our summers come on while they are in bloom, very few pods will set, and the crop will be poor and scanty. As soon as the weather will permit, and the ground is sufficiently dry, make ready an open allotment, and plant the early Mazagan, Tokar, and other varieties of this bean. By planting these different sorts at the same sea- >IAY. S3 son, you will secure a regular succession of fruit, according to their different degrees of earliness. You need be under no apprehen- sion that the weather will injure them, as they are of a hardy nature, and will not suffer by any frost which may happen after this time of year. Plant the small early kinds in drills, two feet apart, and four or five inches distant in the rows ; and the larger kinds three feet a- sunder, row from row\ and about six inches from each other along the drills. KIDNEY BEANS are so called from their resembling in shape the kidney of an animal. They are much more sensible of cold and wet than the pre- ceding species, and should therefore be plant- ed later, for if they are drenched with cold rain for only a few days, they turn yellow, and are stunted irreparably, and the slightest frost destroys them. The practical gardener un- derstands this, and never commits them to the earth until the weather becomes settled and warm, and if afterwards an unexpected cool evening should happen, he covers his favourite plants with light boards. They are divided by nature into two class- es : those which are called dwarf or bush beans, and those which run to vine, and re- quire poles for their support. Some of them grow best upon a sandy, others upon a loamy 1)4 MAV. soil. Select for cultivation the kind which experience shows best suited to our climate and soil, and which best supply the wants of your family. It is not necessary to plant every variety you can hear of. Choose the best of each class, and let the over curious take care of the rest. For magnitude and show, THE LIMA BEAN stands at the head of the family. It is a na- tiv e of a more southern latitude than ours, and although many of the pods become dry and fully ripe, yet the autumnal frosts which suc- ceed our longest seasons always destroy the vines in the midst of their bearing. It re- quires a strong and rich soil, and is then a luxuriant plant, and copious bearer. The beans are large, and the pods, to the number of ten or twelve, are produced one after ano- ther, upon lateral spikes, like grapes. There is of this bean a red and white variety. The flowers are gay, and in colour resemble the fruit, so that when intermixed, their deep red and white flowers make a beautiful ap- pearance. They should be put into the ground as early as the season wilJ permit. Previous to planting, provide strong poles, eight feet long ; stretch a line, and with an iron bar make holes a foot deep to receive them. The poles along the line should stand two feet from each other, and the rdlfrs four feet apart. "When the poles are firmly fixed, place four or rive beans in a circle a- bout each, and cover them two inches deep, with light earth. These beans are frequently cultivated as an ornamental flower, particularly in form- ing fancy hedges, and when trained near a wall or over an arch, and led up with lines of pack thread, they unite both characters, and are at once both ornamental and useful. During the month of August, they render a walk in the kitchen-garden extremely delight- ful ; for the flowers have a powerful fragrance. The red and white CRANBERRY BEANS may be planted in the same w r ay. The roi may be somewhat nearer together, and the poles need not be so long; if they are full of branches, so much the better. All bean- that run to vine, should have suitable sup- porters fixed in the ground before plantii that no injury may happen to their infant roots by placing them afterwards. From the numerous variety of bush select the best bearers, and thes< ted to your soil. THE CHINA BEAN, for its many good qualities, merits particu- lar notice. Upon the richest land il will never run to vine, and is always more or l< ?)6 MAY. prolific, as the soil and tillage are good. It is earlier in the pod, and sooner ripe than any other of the species, and for every use in the kitchen, is in great esteem. Let your land be bountifully manured and well wrought, and plant these beans in hills, eighteen inch- es apart each way. In general, all dwarf beans are sown in drills, about two feet asunder, three or four inches distant from each other in the lines, and covered with two inches of light soil ; press down the ground lightly with the hoe, and take care that no stone or clod prevent their egress. Beans are an important article in every family, and should abound in your garden, successively presenting their bounties. — There is perhaps no climate in the world, where the kidney-bean, with all its varieties, flourishes better or arrives to greater perfec- tion, than in our own. It was one of the few native grains which fed the aborigines of this country before the arrival of Europeans, and to this day furnishes a moiety of their vege- table food. SPINACH is the only plant cultivated for culinary use, which produces the male and female flowers on different plants. There are two principal varieties, the prickly seeded, with triangular, oblong, sagittate leaves, and the smooth MAY. 97 seeded, with round or blunt leaves. The latter has the most succulent leaves, and is preferred for summer crops. Spinach should be sown in shallow drills, about a foot apart, upon a light, dry, but rich soil. This mode is a little more labour at first, but is compen- sated by the ease with which the thinning, cleaning, and gathering are afterwards ac- complished. When the plants are come up, the ground should be hoed to destroy the weeds, and cut out the plants where they are too close, leaving the remaining about three inches ^sunder ; and when they are grown so large as to meet, you may then cut out a part of it to use, thinning them that they may have room to spread, until the plants stand eight or ten inches apart. Then hoe the ground again, and carefully destroy every ris- ing weed. Let this be done in dry weather, and your spinach will flourish, and often pro- duce foliage as large as the broad-leaved dock, and be extremely fine, making a pot- herb universally admired. Spinach is an annual, which soon runs to seed in our hot and dry summers. Sow, therefore, as soon as possible, in this month, and again about the middle, and you will not want for this article, until the growth of young beets supplies their place. . PEAS will grow well upon almost any good soil that 98 max- is sufficiently dry, and has not lately been manured. Of this pulse the varieties are endless. The farmer should not cultivate many of them in his garden; his principal crops will grow in the field, where, aided by the plough and harrow, the pea will flourish and produce abundantly ; and much room and labour in the garden be saved for other purposes. Like the bean they are naturally divided into two classes : the climbers and the dwarfs. Do not permit your desire of having peas early upon the table, to prompt the.planting before the ground is suitably dry. They will certainly bear considerable frost and not be destroyed, yet if the earth is wet as well as cold, they frequently perish. As soon, how- ever, as the ground works freely, and vege- tation commences, you may prepare for an early crop of peas. For this purpose choose a south border, of dry, light earth ; raise the soil into narrow sloping ridges, about a foot broad at the bottom, and nine inches high, and at the distance of three feet from each other, ranging these in a north and south di- rection ; then on the easterly sides of these ridges, three or four inches from the top, make your drills, and plant the early Charl- ton, or other dwarfs, and cover them two inches with line earth. In this situation they will have the advantage of the morning and mid-day sun. lie dry, and will consequently MAY. $9 advance in vegetation much more rapidly than if sown in the ordinary way. The climbers, as the Marrowfat, &c. may be planted somewhat later. When the al- lotment for these has been well dug over, rake the whole smooth and level ; then stretch a line, and make a drill two inches deep 5 here scatter the seed, and immediate- ly cover them with the rake. Then take some brush wood previously prepared, and stick it in the ground eight inches from the line, so as to form a double row, with the tops resting against each other. To these their tendrils will extend, and in this way they will be prevented from falling upon the ground, and the light and air having free ac- cess to all their branches, will cause them to be much more fruitful. Seed peas are very often full of living bugs. Never plant such if to be avoided. They will propagate their kind, and most certainly infest your future crop. If, however, no oth- er seed is to be had, immerse them in boiling water while you can leisurely count six; then instantly throw them into a basket, that the hot water may drain off. This will effectu- ally destroy the animal, and cause no injury to the pea. When the plants have attained the height of two or three inches, hoe the space be- tween the rows, and draw earth about their stems ; this will strengthen them much, and forward them greatly in their growth. 100 **«* BROOM CORN. Although this can scarcely be called a kitchen vegetable, yet surely there is none more or oftener wanted there ; and as it re- quires the best of land and tillage, it should never be absent from the farmer's garden. The border, or whatever place you may assign for broom corn, should without delay be laid up into small ridges, that it may dry and become warm by the middle of this month ; then, or as soon afterwards as possible, level down the ridges, pulverize the soil, and inti- mately mix the manure. Then stretch the line, and with the small hoe make a furrow two inches deep ; along this strew the seed with a liberal hand, and with a fine rake, cover it with light earth. Then move back your line three feet, and in this way plant whatever quantity you please. Broom corn seed of a good quality is some- times procured with difficulty. That only which is heavy, and of a bright shining colour, is worth planting. That which is pale and light may sometimes grow, but will never produce strong plants ; and the best of seed will lose its vitality in four or five years. The seed of last year is always to be preferred, for it will come up with broader leaves, and grow much faster. Good seed will certainly come up quite too thick ; but the labour of pulling out the surplus plants is trifling, and MAY. 101 tally compensated by being able to reserve those onlv which appear stout and healthy, "When the plants are three inches above the ground, destroy the most feeble, and leave the best to stand four or five inches a- part along the rows. At the same time hoe away all weeds that may have sprung up. and stir the soil around them. Broom corn, in its infancy, is a very feeble plant, and re- quires frequent and careful nursing. GUINEA CORN is a plant, in size and appearance very much like broom corn, and requires the same me- thod of cultivation. The seed is fine food for poultry, and when hulled as barley, is by ma- ny esteemed superior to rice. The grain also makes an excellent substitute for choco- late. For this purpose it is first roasted and pulverized like coffee, then prepared and served up like chocolate, which it very much resembles. SWEET CORN. Maize or Indian corn is a grain of great value, and among the numerous and useful varieties of this plant, there is none that more deserves the farmer's notice than that which is usually called sweet corn. All the other kinds seem intended by nature for storage and winter consumption ; for in a few days after the grains are fully formed, they begin 12 102 MAY, to glaze, as it is termed, and then become unfit for human food, until it has passed through the mill. But the excellence of sweet corn consists in the kernels remain- ing so long in milk, and being at the same time extremely rich and saccharine. For several weeks it is good for boiling. It is later than many other kinds of Indian com, and is just fit for the table when the field corn has become too hard. It should never be planted until the weather becomes settled and warm, and the land dry. Before the 20th of this month, your land intended for this grain should be made ready, and be planted in hills three feet apart. Put eight or ten grains in every hill, and place a shovel full of well rotted manure around each, and cover the whole two inches deep with fine earth. The seed of sweet corn is more liable to injury than almost any other grain. The best kernels when dry are flat and shrivelled, and look as if they would never germinate ; and should therefore always be tried before planting. For this purpose take a handful of seed, and place it in a dung-hill or hot-bed, and in a few days, if it has been well preserv- ed, it will sprout. Never use seed more than a year if you can avoid it, for if it should grow, the plants will not be strong and vigo- rous. Take particular care that no grains of any other kind are planted with your sweet corn. MAY. 103 for a very few plants of the field corn, grow* ing with or near it, would adulterate and spoil your crop. Indian corn produces the male flower or farina upon the very pinnacle of the plant, and this is frequently wafted by the wind to a considerable distance, so that if you would keep any of the varieties pure and distinct, never plant them within four or five rods of each other. As all kinds of maize require the same mode of cultivation, you cannot do better than to pursue the practice above recommen- ded, upon your farm. The saving of manure from this mode of applying it, is a very con- siderable item in farming economy. Six times the quantity spread over the ground and ploughed in, will not produce the same benefit. If you would make the most of your manure, let it be piled and prepared the year before it is wanted ; at the time of planting, put a shovel full around, and in con- tactwiththe seed,butneitherabove norbelow it. If you place the dung above the corn, the young sprouts will find it difficult to pass through ; if below, and the first part of the season should be dry, it will greatly increase the injurious effects of the drought. Indian corn differs materially from any other grain we cultivate. It will grow ad- vantageously, indeed it will improve, if plan- ted several years successively upon the same 104 MAY. land. The aborigines of this country plant- ed it every year upon the same spot, yet their crops were good, and the same land, now un- der our cultivation, continues to produce corn abundantly. Although I would not be understood as ad- vising you never to change your corn-field, yet if you will practice as above, you will as- suredly find the quality of the soil improve, the weight of the crop increase, and the ex- pense of tillage lessen, for at least four or five years in succession. Indian corn requires a soil naturally rich, or artificially made so. The alluvial soil, upon the banks of our streams is, of all others, the best suited to this plant ; but sandy or gravelly soil will every where, if properly cultivated and bountifully manured, produce a heavy crop — sometimes more than an hun- dred bushels per acre. In some places upon land of this kind, gypsum is a cheap and valu- able manure. Experience alone can deter- mine its utility. It is folly in the extreme to plant Indian corn upon clay or wet land, or upon any- other, so situate as to retain the copious showers that frequently fall at this season of the year. If your land is not sufficiently dry before the end of this month, plant not at all. Better sow your land to oats, or convert it to a fallow. MAY. 10i POTATOES are a perennial native plant of America, and the most valuable esculent with which we are acquainted. If we take into considera- tion the facility with which they are propaga- ted, and their extensive use, there is no crop that makes a better return. " As an article of human food," says a very eminent British writer, " potatoes are, next to wheat, of the greatest importance in the eye of a political economist. From no other crop that can be cultivated will the public derive so much food, and it admits of demon- stration, that an acre of potatoes will feed double the number of people that can be fed from an acre of wheat. Potatoes are also a nourishing and healthy food, and relished by almost every palate." Besides this, their extensive use in feeding and fattening all kinds of domestic animals, renders them peculiarly deserving the far- mer's notice. The raising the principal crop of potatoes is therefore very properly con- signed to the farm, while a small quarter of earlles alone are to be found in the garden. As potatoes are so generally esteemed, and wanted as they are upon the table almost every day in the year, it is a laudable ambi- tion in gardeners to have them ripe as soon as possible in the season. For this purpose many experiments have been made, the most 106 MAY* successful of which I will detail to you : — Take an open box, and spread the bottom an inch thick with sand : take some of the best and fairest, of the earliest kind you can procure ; cut them in two, leaving not more than three eyes upon each set ; wet these with brine, and lay a single course of them over the sand ; then cover the whole three or four inches deep with chaff : set the box upon a hot-bed or dung-hill, until they have sprung four or five inches ; then take them out with the utmost care, and transplant them into some warm border of light earth. By this means the plants are forwarded twen- ty days in their growth. The young potatoes are fit for use in June and July, and in August the tops of the parent plants change to a yel- low colour, indicating maturity. Only a few plants are taken up at once, for the young and immature tubers do not keep good be- yond a day or two. It is found better, there- fore, to let them remain in the ground till wanted, and in this way may be made to meet the later sort. The best and earliest kind we have for this kind of forcing, is the Florida whites. Thej r are a dwarfish variety, yet considerably pro- ductive, and a fine, mealy potatoe. The English whites will answer well for this pur- pose when no earlier kind can be found. The later and common potatoes should be grown in the field ; and I know of no me- MAY. 107 thodofcultivatingthem which better deserves your attention, than the following : " Choose a suitable piece of ground, green sward if you please, neither too moist nor too dry ; plough it in the fall, or early in the spring, harrow down the furrows, spread on a bountiful dressing of stable or barn-yard manure, cross-plough and cover the manure before it suffers an evaporation by the influ- ence of the sun and wind, or an exhaustion by rain ; harrow and cross-plough again ; prepare your ground by furrowing one way for drill planting, or both ways for hills, as the surface of your field shall require. If it be clear from large stones and stumps, the drill planting is far the most profitable, be- cause the horse-plough will be sufficient for tilling the ground, w r ith but little use of the hand-hoe. Let your furrows be about four feet asun- der for drill planting, in order to let in a suf- ficiency of sunshine. Plant about the middle of May ; ?t the same time remember that the largest potatoe will yield the greatest product, and support the stem in time of drought. Drop your potatoes at about every twelve or fourteen inches. When the weeds appear, give the ground a harrowing in the same direction with the furrows ; if the weeds re-appear, harrow again, and with a single horse-plough, turn the dirt into ridges be- tween the rows. When the stalks are of 108 MAY. sufficient height for hilling, a short time be- fore the potatoes set on the roots, turn the ridges to the rows, and model them suitably with the hand hoe, remembering that a flat top for the ridges is preferable, and that four inches in depth of earth is sufficient for a po- tatoe. After hilling, or ridging, keep down all weeds, and suffer none to gain seed." Two or three days before planting, pre- pare your sets. Reject all the small and un- ripe tubers, and cut the others into two, three, or at most, four pieces. Those that are less than a hen's egg should not be cut at all, for you had better err in giving over large seed, than in making it too small. When the seed is properly cut, fifteen bushels will plant an acre, but this depends greatly upon the size of the potatoes used. If they are large, a greater quantity may be required, but the extra quantity will be abundantly re- paid by the superiority of crop which large seed usually produces. Although seed for an acre of potatoes costs more than for any other crop, we often see too much used. The consequence is, the tubers are small, and the quality inferior to what it otherwise would be. If you would raise new varieties, or im- prove the breed of potatoes, take potatoe balls when fully ripe, separate the seed from the pulp, dry it and keep it in paper bags over winter. Early in the season sow it in drills. MAY. 109 about a foot asunder. When the plants rise, thin them out to four or five inches apart ; keep them clear of weeds, and draw the earth about the stems. In the autumn, when the tops decay, take up the small tubers, and preserve them carefully from frost. These are to be planted the next year, and their product the year after, when the potatoe will be in its perfection. They should be care- fully assorted, boiled separately, their re- spective qualities examined, and the best pre- served for seed. In this way new varieties of this valuable root are always to be procur- ed, to supply the place of old ones degene- rated by age. THE GOURD. This is a very numerous and important fa- mily. They are all natives of a more south- ern latitude than ours, but with proper man- agement, will flourish in the open grounds of our gardens. All-bounteous nature has divided them in- to several species, and these again are subdi- vided into a great number of varieties. They all require a warm, rich soil, and the whole length of our summers, or they do not ripen to perfection. Yet they must not be planted before the weather has become steadily warm, otherwise the seeds will per- ish in the ground, or if they germinate, the plants are sallow, and with the greatest car* K iio ma\. can seldom be made to bear fruit so soon as those which are later planted. The almost daily use of the CUCUMBER, at our tables, places it very justly at the head of the gourd genera, and there is no other that will thrive so well by artificial heat ; so that if you are ambitious of having them very early, you have only to prepare a hot-bed, give them suitable attention, and they will come at any season you please. The simple method directed by Mr. Armstrong for this purpose, well deserves imitation. He says — " scoop as many large turnips as you propose to have hills ; fill these with good garden mould ; sow in each three or four seeds, and plunge them into a hot-bed ; here they should remain until about the middle of May ; then transfer them to the beds where they are to stand. The advantage of the hollow turnip as a seed bed, over pots or vases, will be evi- dent ; for instead of the ordinary difficulty of separating the mass of earth and the plants from the pot which contained Ihem, without injury to either, you re-enter both pot and plant, and even find in the one an addition of nutriment for the other. The subsequent treatment does not differ at all from that of plants sown and cultivated in the open air. There are many varieties of the cucumber, varying in size, shape, and colour of their MAY 111 Mut. The dwarf Bouquet is the earliest with which we are acquainted, and is well suited for the frame or hot-bed cultivation. Your general plantation of cucumbers should not be made till next month, when we will furnish directions for that work. THE MELON. This genus of the gourd has two distinct varieties, the musk and water melon ; and <3ach of these several sub-varieties. The ground intended for this plant should have a free exposure to the east and to the south. The soil should be sandy, and highly manu- red wtih compost, prepared a year, at least, before it is used. It should be early dug over, made fine, and laid up in small ridges, that it may warm, and become fertilized with the sun and air. About the middle of this month, let the whole plantation be levelled. Then open parallel furrows, a spade deep, and six feet apart ; fill these with old com- post ; cover this with earth taken from be- tween the rows, so as to form ridglets six inches high; make the tops of these a little ilat, and here immediately cov r the seeds two inches deep. Remember, as in all other planting, to press down the dirt above the seed. The method recommended by the Ameri- can Gardener is certainly a good one. He says, " Prepare a piece of rich sandy ground, well exposed to the sun : manure it and give it a \n may. good digging ; then mark it out into squares of six feet every way ; at the angle of every square, dig a hole twelve inches deep, and eighteen over, into which put seven or tight inches deep of old hot-bed dung, or very rot- ten manure ; throw thereon about four inch- es of earth, and mix the dung and earth well with the spade ; after which draw the remain- der of the earth over the mixture, so as to- form a round hill, about a toot broad at the top. 14 When you rhills are all prepared as above, plant in each, towards the centre, eight or nine grains of good melon seed, distant twa inches from one another, and cover them a* bout half an inch deep. " When the plants are up, and in a state of forwardness, producing their rough leaves, they must be thinned to two or three in each hill ; the extra number in some may serve to fill up defrciences in others. Draw earth from time to time around the bills, and as high about the roots of the plants as the seed leaves ; after which, keep the ground, by frequent hoeings, perfectly free from weeds. n It sometimes happens, after we have taken the utmost pains, and our vines for a while look flourishing and healthy, that they cease to grow, then droop, turn yellow, and die. Upon pulling up the diseased plant, we find the root, and often the lower part of the stalk, perforated with a number of white MAY. IIS worms, similar to those which infest and de- stroy the radish. To prevent this misfor- tune, for there is no cure, take the rubbish of old buildings — I mean the lime mortar found between the bricks and stones when old houses are taken down — let this be inti- mately mixed with the earth in which the seeds are sown, and sow the whole planta- tion broadcast with sea salt, at the rate of a pint to every rod square. Or, what is per^ haps a more effectual preventive against these subterraneous enemies, take a bushel of dry virgin earth from the woods ; lay it upon the surface of the ground, in the place intended for a hill ; then with a hoe draw the neigh- bouring dirt around, not over it ; make the top of the hill flat, or a little dishing, and here in the new ground, plant the seed as above directed. In the choice of melon seed be extremely careful ; for the whole success of your labour depends upon it. You should annually ex- change your seeds, and not continue to save and plant the same for several years in the same ground, for they will certainly degene- rate. Purchase your seed, therefore, from a distance, and if possible, from the south. As a general rule, the largest variety of melons are the least valuable ; select your seed, therefore, from the smallest kinds ; for these* other things equal- are the highest flavoured K2 114 MAY. and will best reward the extraordinary care necessary in their cultivation. The dwarf water melon has seeds resem- bling those of an apple, will ripen in any part of this state, and is a most delicious fruit ; and among the many varieties of the musk* melon, the small Canteloup, and round Nut* meg, merit particular notice. If the weather should be dry before the vines have covered the ground, pulverize the earth, and repeat trie hoeings ; but never at- tempt to water them, for although you might augment the quantity, it would be certain to deteriorate the quality of the fruit. THE SQUASH is another valuable branch of the gourd fami- ly, and has many ramifications. They are usually divided into summer and winter squashes. The former are used only in the unripe state, and should be plucked from the vine every day, as wanted, before, or soon after they have attained their full size, and while the thumb nail will easily en- ter the rind ; otherwise they soon become hard, dry, and useless. The golden squash is an excellent variety of this kind, and is welcomed in every kitch- en. If the fruit is carefully picked offin sea- son, the vines will flourish, and continue to bear, until destroyed by frost. A few only of the first should be preserved for seed ; for; mav* 1 1 5 if you permit many to ripen, the plants are soon exhausted, and the golden shower ceases. The winter squashes should never be gath- ered until some time after the frost has killed the vines. Before winter, however, a supply for the family, of the ripest and fairest should be selected and stowed away with chaff, or fine straw, and kept in some dry place, as cold as possible and not freeze ; while the remain- der are fed to the cows. To this class belongs the small Dutch squash. It is a great bearer, yet never runs to vine. The fruit is solid and rich, and will keep well till new-year. The acorn-squash is another of the winter variety, and the most rampant of the tribe. From a single plant, more than five hundred feet of vine will sometimes proceed. The fruit is large, has a fine yellow meat, and is remarkably heavy, and fuil of seeds. It may be kept a long time, and makes the best of pies. THE PUMPKIN is a near relative of the squash, and from it*, great propensity to intermarry with all the varieties of that tribe, must never be planted in the garden ; but should be consigned to the field, where, between the ranks of Indian corn, it will often produce an abundant harvest with little expense ; for both the pumpkin 118 MAY. and squash are less niee with regard to soil, than the cucumber and melon, and will flou- rish in any good ground , well wrought. THE CALABASH, or GOURD, is another variety of the cucurbata family. There are several large and small kinds of this plant ; all cultivated for their shells alone, which are much used in the kitchen, for dip- pers, &c. The plants should be forwarded like the early cucumber, and afterwards re- moved to a warm, rich border, where they can be furnished with a grate, or other suita- ble support, MUSTARD will grow in any good soil, and with little la- bour. When the ground is well ploughed, level the surface, and sow the seed broad- cast, and rake it in. When the plants are a few inches high, thin them so as to stand about six inches apart, and destroy the weeds with a hoe ; for, like every thing else, if they are left too thick, they draw up weak, and the seeds are never so large or good. If the weeds should grow again before the plants have strength to bear them down, they must be hoed a second time ; after which they will require no further care, until the seeds are ripe. In many gardens mustard is raised as a substitute for spinach. The tops of the plant* MAY. 117 are then cut off, before they flower or run to seed, and make an excellent green. I am, fyc. P. AGR1COLA. JUNE. My Dear Son, In* the philosophic schools of antiquity, some of the great masters assembled their pupils in a garden, and there unfolded to them the arcana of nature. And where could they have selected a spot, better cal- culated for the purpose of impressing upon the youthful mind the lessons of wisdom, while their bodies were invigorated by exercise, and their senses regaled with beauty and with fragrance. It is not only the laws of vegetable life, which are here successfully taught, but entomology, or the science of in- sects, is a study no where pursued with more advantage, than in the umbrageous walks of a garden. Many tribes of these creatures here have their birth-place and their food. Their wants and appetites are like our own ; they grow, and delight to feed upon those very plants we cultivate for our own food ; and unless wc can destroy them, or divert their at- tention, the whole crop is often devoured. It is therefore the peculiar interest of the farmer to study attentively the nature of these animals. He should learn, if possible. 120 JUNE. the time and place of their hatching ; know at what season they are most voracious, and when they usually retire, or change their state, I shall not detain you with a technical clas- sification of these insects, for I know of no practical benefit you couid derive from it : nor shall I turn over the pages of Linnaeus, to dis- cover by what appellation he has distinguish- ed European insects, that bear some resem- blance to ours. Their common name, with such description as may enable you to know them at sight, is all that a gardener requires. Insects are usually divided, by naturalists, into two kinds : those which are immediately or remotely beneficial or injurious to man- kind. But I can see no justice or propriety in this distinction. Like all other classes of animals, there may be some among them that are occasionally hurtful to some of us ; but I cannot think of a single tribe which do not, directly or indirectly, contribute to the wants or luxuries of man. It is true, the depredation of insects upon vegetable bodies are often detrimental ; but it should be remembered that in these rava- ges, they usually repay the injuries they commit. The locusts, the most destructive of all in- sects, are not unproductive of advantage. Al- though, like the ox, they deprive man of a certain portion of his vegetable food, yet, in JUXL. 121 return, their bodies afford nutriment of a salu- tary and palatable kind. Travellers affirm, that the various species of locusts are the common food on which the inhabitants of many parts of the world subsist at particular seasons, and that in all the towns upon the Levant, they are salted, and constantly expo- sed to sale as provisions, like Scotch herring in our groceries. The grasshoppers, by far the most vora- cious of all the insects of this country, are seldom so numerous as to injure our crops. In many years we should rejoice if they were more plenty, for although we do not feed di- rectly upon them, as the inhabitants of the east do upon the locusts, yet our poultry do. The grasshopper, and other insects, appear to be their natural and favourite food ; they hunt them without intermission, seize them with avidity, and riot and fatten upon their flesh. And in this indirect way, are brought upon our tables, and furnish a luxurious feast. The Hessian fly, which, thirty years ago, despoiled our wheat fields, and threatened to be the u minister of famine" has, in the event, added much to the produce and riches of the state. By them we were taught the great advantage of changing seed, and the benefits of an improved method of. tillage. And in addition to this, during the scarcity, or tempo- rary absence of the wheaten loaf, we have discovered in the buckwheat cake, more than L 122 JUNE. a substitute ; for it still continues to keep its place upon our tables for several months in the year, although the cause that introduced it has long since disappeared. And those parasitical insects that fret and goad the hu- man skin, are evidently intended by the wise Author of our nature, to teach the salutary virtues of care and cleanliness, or punish us for the neglect. And if we divest ourselves of prejudice, and go into the garden, we shalL find very few of the insects which inhabit there, which were not designed by Him who "planted" the first garden, for beneficial pur- poses. The common earth-worm stirs up and loosens the soil, and thus enables the fee- ble roots of young plants to pass freely in their quest of food. The various species of grubs teach us the advantage of ridging, and exposing our lands to the winter's frost ; — while a thousand other insects are constant- ly employed in the business of fructification. Some carefully watch the opening of the flow- er buds, that they may convey the fertilizing pollen of one to the other ; some move inces- santly their silken fingers across the swelling stigma, excite their loves, and " replenish the earth," while others collect the wax, and su- perfluous nectar, and store them for our use. Great and numerous as the benefits are which we derive from this class of animals, it will not be contended but that their number sometimes exceeds their usual bounds, whef; JUNE. 1*3 we feel more or less inconvenience. But it more frequently happens that the evils we experience trom insects, originate from oui own folly or negligence ; evils which skill and vigilance would most certainly prevent ; for instance, the various grubs and wire worms are the offspring of grasshoppers, and othei winged parents. These deposit their larvae in grass ground, where the young ones feed upon the roots, as the old ones had done upon the blades. Whenever, therefore, you break up sward land for a spring crop, remember these subterraneous feeders. As you have destroyed their natural stores, they must now feed upon your plants or perish. Fall plough- ing will do much towards lessening their num- bers 5 but h some instances, enough will es- cape to injure materially, the sprouts of In- dian corn and many other plants in your gar- den ; but 1 never knew them hurt potatoes, beets or carrots, or do much damage to a crop of oats. Whenever you have reason to fear these insects in your flax ground or garden, sow the land with fine salt, broadcast, at the rate of two bushels to the acre. This will effectually destroy them, and as a manure, will more than repay the cost. The melon-bug is another insect with which I would wish you to be particularly acquain- ted ; for the intelligent gardener never suf- fers the least inconvenience from them. This bug is about the size and shape of a grain of 124 JUNE. wheat. From the neck backward, it is neatly covered with an oval shining case or shell ; this is divided longitudinally into two parts, and the same way, alternately striped with black and yellow, and are fastened with a hinge, near the lower part of the neck, just so as to shade the thorax. When the insect attempts to fly, this shell divides, and stands erect at right angles with the body. Imme- diately under, there is a pair of large, dark gauze wings, which are expanded with reluc- tance, and never used but in cases of absolute necessity. These wings are three times as large as the external tunic, yet when the ani- mal alights, they are instantly folded, and nicely secured from injury, and from sight. The head of this insect is short and black ; the antennae, which originate between the eyes, are of the same colour, long and curv- ed at the extremities. The neck is yellow. It has three pair of legs, or rather two pair of legs, and one of arms. The thighs, or upper extremities, with the legs, are of a light yel- low, while the knees and feet are of a shining ' black, like the thorax and abdomen. The back, or upper part of the body, is transverse- ly striped with black and yellow. The gourd family, with all its varieties, is the peculiar food of these animals. Melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, &c. all alike suffer from their attack. They seldom make their appearance until the middle of May, when JUNfc. 1-25 they ate extremely voracious. Their hunger sometimes continues until the solstice, when their appetites and numbers decline. From this time all their injury ceases, and they even seem desirous of repaying any damage they may have occasioned, by assiduously passing from one flower to another, conveying at eve- ry visit, the prolific pollen. All this class of plants, (cucurbita) produce the male and fe- male flowers distinct, and on different parts of the vine, and as they secrete no honey, bees and other insects might neglect to per- form this necessary work ; for honey is evi- dently a vegetable secretion, of little or no use to the plant from whence it is formed ; but being emitted by flowers at this time, serves to allure, and to reward insects for this important service. The gaudy painting, and odoriferous fragrance of flowers, are also the means of promoting and securing the com- pletion of the same indispensable object. The sagacity of the melon-bug in provid- ing foi its own personal safety, is exceeded by no other animal. While feeding upon our young and favorite plants, they even seem to foresee and expect danger ; for in the morning, when the watchful gardener is seen coming to punish their depredations, they instantly quit their repast, and with all possi- ble haste bury themselves in the earth, or hide beneath some clod or stone. If they have not time for this, they throw themselves L2 126 JUNE. upon their backs, and in this way conceal their shining envelope, and endeavour to deceive or evade our sight, by appearing like the ground upon which they lie. Here they con- tinue without motion, and apparently lifeless, until all danger is past, But if they are dis- turbed after the sun has dried up the dew, and gave pliancy to their limbs, it is only the most feeble that have recourse to this strata- gem. The strongest amongst them unfold their armour, expand their wings, and in a moment are out of sight. They always deposit their larvae in the vi- cinity of their favorite plants. Of course their numbers multiply annually, while you continue to plant their vines upon the same ground. Their destructive teeth are confined to the seed leaf only. As soon as the centre or rough leaf expands, their injury ceases, and they seek to supply their wants with younger plants. From this account of the insect, I think you will easily suggest effectual means to prevent all the mischief in their power to do. The numerous recipes which are every day pub- lished for this object, only serve to mislead and deceive. One extols the virtues of el- der leaves, another affirms that snuff or sul- phur will affright them all from the garden, while a third advises to catch them with a woollen net. But this is all mere quackery, and mu8t end in disappointment. If you JUNE* 127 have it in your power to select for these plants a new spot of ground every year, that alone will save them from the ravages of this insect, and they will come only as friends at the time of flowering. Or, if you plant after the 20th of this month, the feeding season of the insect will be past before your plants are Xjp, and they will not interrupt you any where. But if you are desirous of having fruit from these plants as early as the weather will per- mit, and yet cannot conveniently change the situation, you may certainly avoid all injury from these insects, by sowing the adjoining ground with seed in abundance. This profuse seeding should be done at the time of planting, and at later periods, that the insect may always find young and juicy leaves whereon to feed. It matters but lit- tle what kind of seed you make use of for this purpose. They are indifferently fond of the whole gourd family ; or if they have any pre- ference, it is for the acorn squash, which has a very large and succulent seed leaf. If you plant liberally of these seeds, near your cu- cumbers and melons, the insect will accept the bribe, and spare the choicer plants. But if these precautions are neglected, and your plants are attacked by the insects as soon as they appear above ground, take dry ashes, and bury them half an inch deep ; this will not impede their growth, but will effectually pro- tect them for several day*. 128 JUNE. Of all the insegt tribes that infest or frequent our fields or gardens, the turnip-fly is the most mischievous. This is a small animal, of a dark colour, and much resembles the common flea, and like them, hops or jumps, whenever it moves. This insect delights to feed upon all the varieties of the cabbage family. It is best pleased with this plant when in its coty- ledon leaf; but in the absence of other food, will devour the plant at any age. It appears very early in the spring, which has led some persons to suppose that it is the same insect which we often see hopping upon the snow, in the coldest part of the winter. They usu- ally continue to feed with avidity, until Au- gust, and during all this time their gluttony is without bounds ; for they require daily, of green vegetables, a quantity much greater than that of their whole body. But notwith- standing their insatiable appetites, there are not many years when their numbers are so great as to be materially injurious to the vi- gilant and skilful gardener ; and it is equally true, there are not many years when they are not injurious to the garden where these vir- tues are wanting. The young farmer who has not been suitably instructed, early in the spring finds all his cabbage plants destroyed ; with much inconvenience he then procures some from his more skilful neighbour, and sets them out, elate with hope ; but the fell de- stroyer is always near ; the hungry insect JtJKE. 129 marks them for his own, and while the plants are suffering under the injury of removal, the leaves are bored through with a thousand holes, and straightway all their health and beauty fades. It is in vain he sprinkles them with lime or ashes, or drives them off with elder leaves ; they prey upon the under side of the leaf, where the ashes do not come, and although frequently disturbed and affrighted with the elder bush, they as often return, un- til the plants, exhausted with their wounds, shrivel and perish altogether. These are incidents which the experienced gardener expects ; he is prepared for them, and meets them with success. First, his cab- bage seed is sown upon new ground, just burnt over, or in some vessel, raised from the earth, above the flight of these insects; in either of these ways he is sure to have plants in abundance. In the next place he takes care that his cabbage plantation is rich, that the soil is intimately mixed with the ma- nure, and at the time of setting the plants, he sows the whole, broadcast and thick, with cabbage, turnip, radish, or any other seed of that family. When they come up and show their seed leaf, they are more sweet, tender and palatable to these feeders, and the larger plants obtain, by that means, a respite. Be- sides all this, you ought so set in every hill, one or two extra plants, and if they are not destroyed after three or four weeks, and be- 130 JUNE. fore they crowd each other, take out those that appear the least promising. Sometimes the roots of cabbage swell into numerous knotty tubercles, which impoverish the tops of the plants, and prevent their head- ing. This is caused by worms, hatched in those places ; and there is no mode of de- stroying them without destroying the plants, which you had better do, for they can never be good for any thing. But although this misfortune can never be cured, it may very certainly be prevented, by changing annually your cabbage plantation ; for these stubborn, foes never appear where some of the cabbage family have not grown the preceding year. Sometimes a myriad of green parasites or lice, spread over many of your plants while the heads are forming. This is occasioned by their slow growth, and is to be prevented by every thing that accelerates or hastens their progress. If, notwithstanding, some of your plants should be over-run with these vermin, pull them up. It is better to lose them entirely, than to run the risk of their spreading over your whole plantation. The grub and cut worm are also very de- structive enemies to the cabbage plant when first removed from the seed bed. They com- mit all their depredations in the night, when they creep out of their subterraneous lodg- ings, and having found your plants, cut them off as with a scythe. In the morning they JUNE. 131 may be found, nfcar where the plant stood, just buried beneath the surface of the ground. They suould be early pursued, and every one put to death ; and as their number is never great, this and frequent hoeing will soon put an end to their ravages. The pea-bug is another troublesome insect, with which you ought to be intimately ac- quainted. It is the progeny of a small fly, metamorphosed from the bug, planted in the pea. These flies are astonishingly prolific, and carefully deposit their eggs in the young globules, by perforations through the green and tender pods. The wounds occasioned by these punctures arc visible after the pods have attained their full size. Before the pea ripens, the insect hatches and acquires its crysal slate ; it is then converted into a dirt-coloured, active bug, and in that and its previous state, feeds upon the cotyledon, or substance of the grain. Here they are en- tombed, unable to remove the hard external covering of the pea, until planted, or other- wise warmed and moistened ; they then burst their natal prison, and become an aerial in- habitant. Here they find their mates, and by the time the pods and young peas are form- ed, they have become pregnant, and are now waiting for their only place of deposit ; for it is not known that their larvae will hatch, or that they can propagate in any other place ; for they are never seen in anv district of 1 32 JUNE. country newly cleared, or in any other where- the pea is not cultivated. Although a very large portion of the pea is destroyed and oc- cupied by these bugs, yet many of them will germinate, and produce healthy stalks. But you should be extremely cautious never to plant or sow any that contain this internal enemy ; and indeed if your unwise neigh- bours do so, you will be sure to share with them the misfortune. The true method to avoid their depreda- tions is to plant none but the best of seed, and let that be done as early as the season will permit. Peas always succeed best when sown early ; but if you plant good seed as late as June, before the pods are grown, the parent fly will be extinct, and the small crop you may raise will not contain the insect. It is natural for these insects, like many others, to remain dormant through the win- ter. At the returning warmth of spring, they wake, and must be liberated, or they perish. This fact may suggest to you an effectual me- thod of destroying the whole race. Let us agree never to use peas for seed until they are at least two years old, and this bug must disappear; for in truth we plant and raise them from the seed, and then complain of the crop. So Cadmus sowed his field with ser- pents' teeth, and raised from thence a host of armed foes. There is another insect resembling the JUNEc 133 pea-bug in several particulars, to which I would wish to draw your attention. It is not many years since the plum trees in this country were healthy and flourishing, and the fruit universally rich and delicate. The best of peaches we never could raise, but the variety and excellence of our plums were unrivalled, and we fondly imagined that our climate and soil were peculiarly suited to this species of fruit. But of late our plum trees have declined ; the canker, as it is called, has overspread, and nearly destroyed the whole. This misfortune gradually approached us from the south, where we heard of its de- structive effects long before we saw it in our own trees. At the period above referred to, this country produced the pea in the greatest abundance, and of a superior quality, and it has been remarked, that the bug so fatal to them migrated to us from the same quarter, and about the same time with the disorder in our plum trees ; and if the knotty excre- scences of the latter are examined while in their green and recent state, they will each of them be found to inclose an embryo chry- salis, in every respect similar to that which the impregnated pea contains. This insect wounds, and feeds upon the alburnum of the tree, and by a spontaneous effort of nature, an extra quantity of woody matter is then thrown out. to heal the injury ; so when ani- M 134 JUNE, mal bodies are wounded, new vessels are di- iectly formed, and fungus flesh springs up to heal, and restore the continuity of the parts. As the insect grows, the nibbling and irrita- tion increases, until at length all the energies of the tree are here expended. And when the feeding state of the animalcula is past, it makes a hole through this spongy matter, takes to itself wings, and escapes. The irri- tation then ceases, and the cankerous secre- tion dies, and hardens with the sun 5 but so numerous are these attacks, that the vitality of the tree is enfeebled, and all its energies wasted. Many of the branches are quite surrounded with these dry excrescences, and all communication from the trunk to the ex- tremities entirely cut off. Meanwhile the insect, having arrived to its ultimate state, prepares for the continuation of its species, and again deposits its eggs, through the ten- der bark of the remaining live shoots; where they rest until the warmth of the next spring calls them into life. These places then begin to swell, and new warts are produced ; so that in this way, two or three years only are sufficient to destroy every tree in the neigh- bourhood. All the varieties of the plum are more or less affected by them, and the black cherries are equally liable to their attack ; but the red cherry, although standing near the other, escapes unhurt. So beans, of all kinds, and june. 13a some of the large varieties of the pea, are ex- empt from the bug. It may be difficult to assign a satisfactory reason for this discrimination. Our progress in the science of insects is yet too limited *, but, being apprised of the fact, we should re- gilate our concerns accordingly. The cause may lie in the special appetency or organi- zation of the parent, or perhaps other trees will not give life to their eggs, although de- posited in them. We know every vegetable has its local and appropriate insect, to which it gives food or nidus, and that those diminu- tive beings, guided by the unerring laws of instinct, perform operations truly surprising. The study of entomology is principally useful, as it discovers the habits of insects, and leads to a practical method of avoiding the injuries which they so often occasion ; and in the case before us, experience has furnished ample means of defence. It is only necessary that its precautions should be every where attended to, and those troublesome visitors would disappear at once. First, examine with the utmost care all your plum and black cherry trees. If you tind only a few of these protuberances scat- tered about the limbs, dissect them off. Am- putation is the only possible remedy to save the residue, and this should be done before the warts become blackened, for then the flv 136 JUNE. has escaped, and will most certainly puncture your trees again. But if you find the affection has become general, and that the animal has got posses- sion of the important branches, cut down the tree without delay, and supply its place with another. Let no hope of having a little more fruit prompt you to spare a tree thus circumstanced, or to save a limb upon which one of these knots are fastened ; for remember that each of them contains a worm, which in a few days will change into a fly, and in that state may sting your trees in a thousand pla- ces, from whence, in another year, will issue as many enemies, armed with the power of inflicting a mortal wound upon ail your fa- vourite trees. In this warfare you must en- list your neighbours ; explain to them your mutual danger, and show them the necessity of uniting against the common foe ; this done, your means of defence are easy, and your triumph certain. There is another insect, equally fatal to the plum, and all the varieties of smooth skinned stone fruit. This insect resembles the one last noticed, in several particulars. It injures and destroys the fruit, as the other does the tree, by its mode of propagation ; and like them is found only in districts which have been long cultivated. Early in the spring, as soon as the returning warmth gives life to the trees, these destroyers creep from the JUNE. 137 ground about their roots, crawl up their trunks, and spread themselves about the branches, ready for the work of destruction. As the fruit advances, they puncture the rind with their pointed rostra, and deposit their eggs in the wounds thus made. This nit soon becomes a worm, and begins to feed upon the recent pulp, until, in most cases, the fruit dies and falls off. The insect then, no lon- ger in want of food, gnaws its way through the skin, and migrates to the earth, where it remains in the form of a grub during winter, ready to be changed into a bug, as the season advances. Thus every tree furnishes tenants sufficient to devour its own fruit. Fortunate- ly, however, the devastation of this enemy is prevented by a practice, in itself greatly use- ful to the trees. Remove the earth to the depth of three or four inches around every tree, and as far from the trunks as the branch- es extend ; cover the ground thus excava- ted with house ashes op slacked lime, and fill the cavity with pounded slate, or coarse gra- vel. Let the whole be beat down smooth and level, or rather a little dishing, that the rain may descend towards the trees. Dr. Hilton, in a very judicious treatise up- on this subject, remarks, " There is no surer protection against this insect, (curculio) than a pavement; this how- ever is only applicable to a few trees. It may serve in town, but will not answer m M2 13* JONE. the country : flat stones may however be pla- ced round the tree, and where lime is at hand, they may be cemented." " Many other expedients, such as smoak- ing, brushing, watering, &c. may be success- fully employed for the protection of a favour- ite tree or two, but it is manifest, from the preceding history, that a right disposition of stock, especially hogs, among the fruit trees, can only be relied upon by a farmer with orchards of considerable extent. And that the stock, poultry, &c. may perform the task assigned them, it is evident that a proper dis- position of fruit trees is essentially, necessa- iy.» As the smooth stone fruits are the grand nurseries of the curculio, special care should be taken to have them effectually protected. Unless this can be done, a farmer should not suifer them to grow on his plantation. He will derive no benefit from them, and they will furnish a destructive vermin that will ruin his other fruit. Cherry trees, necta- rines, plumbs, apricots, &c. should therefore be planted in lanes and hard beaten yards, or paved yards, the common highway of all the stuck of the farm, and not beyond the range of the ordinary domestic fowls. Orchards of Apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, &c. should all be in one enclosure. The pear trees and peach trees, may occupy corners of the whole design, so as occasionally to be JUNE. J 39 fenced off. In large orchards, care should be taken that the stock of hogs is sufficient to eat up all the early fruit which fall, from May until August. This precaution will be more especially necessary in large peach or- chards, for otherwise, when the hogs become cloyed with the pulp of the peach, they will let it fall out of their mouths, and content them- selves with the kernel, which they like bet- ter ; and thus the curculio escaping from their jaws, may hide under ground until next spring. Solitary trees of one fruit or anoth- er remote from the orchard, should be re- garded as nurseries of the curculio, and ought to be cut down or removed to the common enclosure. A young orchard should not be planted in the place of, or adjacent to, an old one, that it may not be immediately in- fested with the curculio. It is also apparent from what has been said, that great advantages might result from an association or combination of the whole neigh- borhood against the common enemy. Al- though an intelligent farmer may accomplish much, by due care within his own territory, the total extermination of the curculio can hardly be expected, but by the concurrent efForts of whole districts. In addition to this, the peach tree of late has been attacked by another of the insect tribe, which seems to threaten universal ruin. In the transactions of the American Philo 140 JUNE. sophical Society, Mr. Ellis, of New-Jersey t with great judgment, has explained the na- ture of the insect, and pointed out a cheap and effectual preventive against their rava- ges. His remarks merit attention, and I shall extract them for your use. " The decay of peach trees is owing to a worm, which originates from a large fly, that resembles the common wasp ; this fly perfo- rates the bark, and deposits an egg in the moist or sappy part of it. The most com- mon place of perforation is at the surface of the earth ; and as soon as the worm is able to move, it descends into the earth, probably from an instinctive effort to avoid the winter's frost. This may be ascertained by observa- tion; the tract of the worm from the seat of the egg being visible at its beginning, and gradually increasing in correspondence with the increasing size of the worm, its course is always downward. The progress of the young worm is extremely slow ; and if the egg is deposited at any considerable distance above the surface of the earth, it is long be- fore the worm reaches the ground. The worms are unable to bear the cold of winter, unless covered by the earth, and all that are above ground after frost are killed. " By this history of the origin, progress and nature of the insect, we can explain the effects of my method, which is as follows : — Jn the spring, when the blossoms are out, JUNE. 141 olear away the dirt so as to expose the roots of the tree, to the depth of three inches; surround the tree with straw, about three feet long, applied lengthwise, so that it may have a covering one inch thick, which extends to the bottom of the hole, the but-ends of the straw resting upon the ground at the bottom. Bind this straw round the tree with three bands, one near the top, one at the middle, and the third at the surface of the earth ; then till up the hole at the root with earth, and press it closely round the straw. When the white frosts appear, the straw should be removed, and the tree should remain uncov- ered until the blossoms put out in the spring. " By this process the fly is prevented from depositing its egg within three feet of the root, and although it may place the egg above that distance, the worm travels so slow that it cannot reach the ground before frost, and therefore is killed before it is able to injure the tree." (For it is in the second year of its existence that it performs its deadly ope- rations.) "The truth of the principle is proved by the following fact : I practiced this method with a large number of peach trees, and they flourished remarkably, without any appear- ance of injury from .the worm, for several years. I was then induced to discontinue the straw with about twenty of them. All (hose which are zoithoiit the straw have declin. 142 JUNE. ed ; while the others which have had the straw, continue as vigorous as ever." Thus you see every species of insects may be considered as subservient to our use, either by directly contributing to our wants, or in- directly, by the advantageous lesson which they teach. 1 have detained you among the " creeping things" longer, I fear, than you will think it agreeable ; but the importance, if not the magnitude of the subject, seemed to require it. We will now return to our vegetable tenants, and see what more we can do for their prosperity. CUCUMBERS are the natives of a much warmer climate than ours, yet with a skillful attention may here be cultivated with success. The ground designed for this plant should be warm, and rich, and fully exposed to the sun. The plantation should be made ready as soon as the ground is sufficiently dry. First lay a ridge of old dun^ a foot high, and as long as you please, then with the spade cover it with the adjoining earth ; when it has laid a few days to warm and dry, mix the whole well together, and lay it up again in the same manner. In this way the oftener you can move and mix it, the better. The first week in th>s month is as soon as you can plant cucumbers in the open ground JUNE. 143 to advantage; and you should continue to plant more or less every two or three days, until the same time in July, When the weather appears steadily warm, work over the ridglels, and let the tops be a little flatened. Here strew your seeds with a liberal hand, and cover them with light earth, an inch or more deep ; press down the dirt with your hoe, and the work of planting is done. Let the ridges be six feet apart. When the plants are up and have produced their rough leaves, take out the weakest of them, and draw fine earth from time to time around the stem of the remainder, as high as the seed leaves. The superfluous plants must on no account be permitted to crowd, or even to touch each other, before they lie down for vining. It is a common error to spare too man) plants. One good plant for every yard square, is amply sufficient, two or three may be left until they begin to cover the ground, when the poorest should be removed. If your vines are too thick, they will not bear well, and the little they do produce, will be watery and insipid. Great care must be taken that weeds live no where in the vicinity of cu- cumbers, for they want all the air, all the sun, and all the moisture and enriching quali- ties of the soil, exclusively to themselves. When the plants have got the second rough leaf they should be topped, as it is 144 JUNE. technically called. This operation consists in pinching off the runner bud or eye, when the end of the shoot is not larger than a pea. By this simple process a stronger and more compact growth is promoted, and the emis- sion of fruitful lateral runners is increased. When your first vines are very luxuriant, and have already obtained several joints, without shewing the embryo iruit, let them be again topped; by this means you will cause them to bear earlier, and more abun- dantly. Take care to use good seed; that which is three or four years old, should be preferred, for the vines will run less, and bear more. There are many varieties of this plant, and if you would raise them unmixed, they must not grow near together. The bees, the me- lon bug, and other insects, will convey the pollen, and you will have a bastard progeny. I would advise, when you have a kind that you approve, to preserve the seed, and af- terwards plant no other. The small, prickly green cucumber, is on the whole, the best for kitchen use ; it bears plentifully, and if planted at different times, will furnish your table with a succession of green fruit from the middle of July, until the autumnal frost, and if taken off when small, they make the best of pickles. N. B. Cucumbers never require watering ; If the ground and weather is dry, hoe fre- JUNE. H£ quently and make the earth fine about the hills. ONIONS, yet in their infancy, require repeated nurs- ing. Take your small sharp hoe, and stir the ground between the rows, as near the plants as possible. Then with a table fork, loosen the remainder of the soil, and with the hand pull out every weed. if the onions stand too thick, reduce the number without delay, before they crowd and embarrass each other. Too many plants are as fatal to a good crop as weeds, and the skilful gardener will de- stroy them in season, and without regret. One plant every two inches along the row is quite °nougb, BEETS. Weed your early sown beets; stir all the ground between the rows ; pull up the super* numerary plants, of which there will be a great many if your seed was good ; spare the strongest. One every six inches along the drill is sufficient. The extra plants make very fine greens, and at this season should be liberally drawn, before they injure the crop. Continue to sow more seed, if you wish a full and abundant supply of this £$> .client vegetable. 146 JUNE* " CARROTS and PARSNIPS will now be advancing fast in their growth, and should be properly encouraged. Clear them from weeds, and thin them out to due distances. " This work may be done either by the hand or hoe ; but, for extensive crops particu- larly, small hoeing is the preferable method, as being the most expeditious, and by loosening the surface of the ground with the hoe, it will greatly promote the free growth of the plants. "Whatever method is pur»ued, it will be necessary to free the plants from weeds, and to thin them to proper distances, that they may have full liberty to grow and enlarge their roots. The general crop of carrots should be thinned to about six or seven inch- es, plant from plant, and the parsnips to from eight to ten, in order that each kind should at- tain its utmost perfection. u Such crops of carrots, however, as are intended to be drawn gradually for the table while young, need not be thinned at first to more than four or five inches distance, as the frequent pulling up of some for table use, will in a little time afford the others sufficient room to grow large. But the main crop should be thinned at once to the proper dis- tances." JUNE. 147 BROOM CORN now wants weeding. Take the large hoe, and loosen the ground around the plants ; pull out the small and feeble stalks, until the num- ber does not exceed one in every ten inches along the row. If you have a greater num- ber, the broom will be short and useless in proportion. Draw a little tine dirt around the stalks, and set them upright. This ope- ration should be performed every ten days during the month. CABBAGE requires frequent hoeing and stirring the ground. If drought prevails, nothing can do away its impoverishing effects like repeated moving and pulverizing the soil, and if show- ers are frequent, the hoe must be used to keep the ground light and yielding. Continue to set out new plants whenever the weather will permit. BEANS that were planted early, have already four or five leaves. The ground around them should be stirred with the broad hoe, and a little tine earth brought up about the roots ; but remember never to work among beans when wet with dew or rain. 148 jurffi. PEPPERS demand your notice. Take care that they are not shaded with weeds, and that they do not stand too near, and in that way injure each other. When they attain maturity they have considerable branches. The plants should not stand within ten inches of each other, if you would have large and handsome fruit. SWEET CORN Wants assistance. When quite small, let all the ground be stirred with the plough or hoe* Eradicate every weed ; turn over every turf, and bring up a little fine earth about the roots of the plants. If the seed planted was all good, you will have too many stalks ; remove the smallest without delay ; four or five are sufficient for each hill. LETTUCE should be it ansplanted in moist or rainy wea- ther. If done in a dry time, the plants wil! not succeed well. The ground should be fully exposed, not incumbered with trees, or near any kind of shade whatever ; for these plants never form good heads in such situa- tions, but start to seed immediately. Dig the ground neatly, and rake the sur- face smooth ; then dibble in the plants in JUNE. 149 rows, ten or twelve inches asunder, and the same distance from one another in the rows. Such as are intended to remain for heading where sown, should now be thinned to about ten inches distance every way ; and those growing among other crops should not be permitted to stand nearer to each other than three feet, GOOSEBERRIES. Take care that no grass springs up around them, and let their branches be supported with forked sticks, that the air may have free circulation beneath them ; or the fruit on those limbs will be insipid and good for no- thing. POTATOES should now be ploughed, and as they advance in growth, the hills should be enlarged, by drawing the earth up around them with the broad hoe. / am, fyc. P. AGRICOLA. N 2 JULY. Mtf Dear Son, Your garden does not, like your farm* require unremitting labour and attention. At this season, the business of the latter is every day becoming more and more pressing, while that of the former is almost finished, and out of the way. The farm, for some time to come, will need the diligent exertions of all the hands you may have at command ; while the garden will offer its refreshments to cheer and invigorate the family, all engaged in their several important tasks, peculiar to this pe- riod of the year. If you have faithfully at- tended to my previous directions, you will now, without much additional care, feast up- on its bounties. Your plants are all advancing with g;reat rapidity ; mind that they do not crowd each other ; destroy the superfluous ones in due season. Better have too few than too many plants. SWEET CORN 3 hould now be dressed for the last time. The atalks should be set upright, the suckers care- 152 JULY* fully l visted off, and the hills raised and fin- ished with the large hoe. MELONS and CUCUMBERS should now be kept very clean, and the spa- ces between the hills must be carefully hoed in dry weather ; move the vines with care, train them in a proper direction, and stop the ends of those which appear over rampant. Frequently draw tine dirt about their stems, and you will have no use for the watering pot. These plants, to an unskilful observer, often seem to want rain, when in fact all they re- quire is stirring and pulverizing the mould around them. If you expect a numerous production of good fruit, you must anticipate their necessi- ties ; for let it be remembered they will bear no neglect. In the " sluggard's garden," the delicious cucumber, and rich flavoured melon are never to be found. Their sweets are re- served exclusively for those who nurse their infancy ; and their bounties are in exact pro- portion to the skill and attention of the gar- dener. " Discharge but these kind offices, (and who " Would spare, that loves them, offices like these) " Well they reward the toil." CELERY. ■• The plants that have arrived to a sufficient JULY. 153 size, should now be finally planted out into trenches. " Choose for this purpose a piece of rich ground, in an open exposure ; mark out the trenches by line, ten or twelve inches wide, and allow the space of three feet between trench and trench, which will be sufficient for the early plantation. " Dig each trench a moderate spade deep, laying the dug out earth equally on each side between the trenches* Lay three inches deep of very rotten dung in the bottom of each trench ; then pare the sides, and dig the dung and parings with an inch or two of the loose mould at bottom, incorporating all well to- gether, and put in the plants. " Previous to planting, trim the tops of the plants, by cutting offthe long stiaggling leaves, and also the ends of the roots, leaving the for- mer about six inches long, and the latter two. " Let them be planted with a dibble, in single rows along the middle of each trench, allowing the distance of four or five inches between plant and plant. As soon as plant- ed, give them a plentiful watering, and let them be shaded until they strike root and be- gin to grow. " Small sticks may be placed across the trenches, and on these, boards or pine planks laid lengthwise, or pine or cedar boughs may be laid over the plants, which are to be taken off as soon as they begin to grow. 154 JULY. " The plants, when grown to the height of eight or ten inches, should have their tirst landing. This must be done in a dry day ; the earth should be broken small, and laid in gently to both sides of the plants, always ta- king care to leave the hearts and tops free ; repeating it every ten or twelve days, till they are blanched of a sufficient length for use. " The objects to be attained by this ope* ration are two : — first, to alter the colour of the plant from green to white ; and second, to render it more tender, sweet and succulent, by shutting out light and heat, and prevent- ing dryness, which give it an acrid tart, and render its fibres tough and hard, and even woody." TURNIPS. Unless your garden contains more than an acre, there will be no room for this plant. The field, for several reasons, is the best place for the growing of turnips. You may occasionally sprinkle some seed upon vacant spaces, or where you have already taken off an early crop, as peas, or magic onions ; but you should look to the field for a general sup- ply of this valuable root. In cultivating the turnip upon old ground, you require the assistance of all those farm- ing implements, which can most effectually mix and pulverize the soil. Upon new land, JULY. 155 well burned, if good seed is properly sown and harrowed in, a good crop may be expect- ed without further trouble. But upon old land, however rich, it is far otherwise. To say nothing about their extensive use for culina- ry purposes, every farmer should raise these roots in abundance, for his stock of cattle and sheep. The field cultivation of turnips has intro- duced into Great-Britain an important revo- lution in the art of husbandrv. Before the introduction of this root, it was, they say, impossible to cultivate their light soils suc- cessfully, or to devise suitable rotation for cropping them with advantage. It was also a difficult task to support live stock through the winter and spring months ; and a3 for feeding, and preparing catttle and sheep for market during these inclement seasons, the practice was hardly thought of. The benefit derived from turnip husbandry to the English farmer is therefore very great. Although the scorching sun of our sum- mers may prevent our deriving as much profit from the cultivation of this plant as the more temperate and moist climate of England fur- nishes to the agriculturists of that country, yet experience warrants the assertion, that with the same skill and labour which they bestow, we should seldom miss a crop. Fortunately for us, necessity does not de- mand that we should ever cultivate the tur- 156 JULY. nip so extensively as they do ; for in this country, no good farmer finds it difficult to keep his land free from weeds. Assisted by our arid sun, one or two ploughings never fail to destroy all vegetation. Besides, we can raise grass for our stock in any quantity, and make it into hay with the greatest facility ; and in addition to this we have the advantage of Indian corn, a grain peculiarly suited to our wants, and entirely denied to the English farmer. But in their turnip crop they have, perhaps, a full compensation. Their mild and open winters make them more valuable there than they ever can be here. The turnip flourishes best in a light, sandy loam, but will, with proper treatment, grow well in any dry, arable soil. But where clay predominates, it would be a waste of time to attempt their cultivation. There are several varieties of this plant all requiring nearly the same preparation of the ground. The ground intended for tur- nips should first be deeply ploughed in the autumn, and in that rough state should be left to receive the benefit of the winter's frost. In the spring, when it is sufficiently dry, level the furrows with a heavy harrow, and so lei it remain until after corn planting. Then take a dry time and cross-plough. After ten or twelve days, harrow it down again, and spread over the surface a good coat of stable manure : for turnip land cannot be made too JULY. 157 rich ; in fact the weight of the crop depends in a great measure upon its condition in this respect. Let the dung be carefully broken and sepa- rated into small pieces, that it may afterwards mix intimately with all parts of the soil ; then immediately, before it has time to dry with the sun and wind, plough it under, and smooth it down with the roller. After this, the oftener you can plough, harrow, and roll the ground, so much the better: provided it is always dry when un- dergoing either of these operations. The proper season for sowing the flat white or red turnip, is any time in this month after the tenth. Vvhen that period lias arrived. if the earth is parched with drought, as it fre- quently is, wait a while for a shower. Then plough again lightly, and directly harrow down the furrows, and sow the seed immedi- ately, broadcast upon the fresh surface ; then cover the seed with a light harrow, and finish the process by levelling the surface with a heavy roller. Rolling is a very important point, and must on no account be neglected ; for by this means all the lumps and clods are bro- ken, much of the seed that would otherwise be exposed to birds, ccc. will be covered, the surface rendered smooth and compact, and consequently more retentive of moisture. which will very much promote the germina- 158 JULY. tion of the seed, and growth of the plants* Besides, rolling the ground is experimentally found to be the most effectual method yet discovered for the preservation of the rising crop from the depredations of the fly. By rolling the ground, you not only bury up and destroy vast numbers of these little vermin, but you deprive those that remain of the harbour and retreat they would otherwise have, under the small lumps of earth, to which they usually resort for shelter from birds, and such changes of weather as are destructive to them. Try this method, and you will find it more effectual than soaking the seed in any pre- paration, or dusting the plants with any com- position whatever. The drill method of raising turnips is the one generally practised in England, and from long experience is found to be much prefer- able to the other. The mode of preparing the ground is the same as already described. As soon after the tenth of this month as the weather will permit, plough, harrow and roll down your land ; then with a large plough run a furrow every three feet ; then bring on your manure with a cart; take your stand behind it, and fill three or four of these fur- rows with a shovel, as your team moves slow- ly on. When this work is sufficiently ahead, run a small plough on each side of the dung, JULY. 159 just so as to cover it effectually. Then scatter the seed immediately over the ma- nure along the ridglets. If you do this work with the hand, take care that the seed is spread even along the rows. But if you would raise large quantities of these roots, the turnip drill is a very necessary implement. An iron rake should now be drawn lengthwise on the top of all the ridges, that the seed may be slightly covered, and the work finish- ed by passing the roller the same way over the whole plantation. If the grasshopper or fly should destroy your young plants, harrow up the ground thoroughly, and sow again, any time before the tenth of August. By this time these maurauders usually disappear, and your crop, for kitchen use, will be better than if planted earlier. Two pounds of seed will plant an acre. Let this work be done as I have directed, and you will seldom be troubled with the fly, which is the most mischievous enemy you have to fear. But as an additional security, you should sow half as much more seed broadcast over all the ground. The ex- pense of this will be trifling, and the plough and faoe will instantly sweep away all the su- pernumeraries between the rows, should these escape the flies ; to which, however, they will be principally attracted, for it is always 160 JULY. found that these insects prefer turnips grow- ing in poor ground to those in rich. The ruta baga, or Swedish turnip, requires the same method of cultivation, with this difference : the seed should be sown at least a month earlier. Some recommend sowing the seed in beds the latter part of May, like cabbage, and in the month of June transplant- ing, so as to stand in rows upon the tops of ridges. It is certain this plant will bear re- moval much better than the flat turnip, and if the expense of transplanting is not counted, it may undoubtedly be considered as the best method. CABBAGE and TURNIP SEEDS, require attention. Cut off the branches that are first ripe, and lay them up, or the wind and birds will destroy the best part of it. Some other of your early crops will soon be ripe. Let the stalks be pulled up without delay, that they may not look unsightly, or afford shelter for insects. Clean, and pre- pare the ground to receive such seeds or plants as are wanted in autumn. CABBAGE, BEANS, &c. as they advance, should have the earth drawn, about their roots. This will greatly refresh them, and prevent injury from the scorching rays of the sun. JULY. 161 ONION SEED begins to ripen. You should daily examine the state of this crop ; see if the capsules which contain the seed, begin to open, and show the black grains. Every head thus ad- vanced should be cut off without delay, or the wind will scatter the seed, or the birds carry it away, long before the whole is ripe. These heads will still contain considerable moisture, and must be spread upon a cloth, in some dry place. When all are thus collect- ed, and have become sufficiently dry, rub out the seed, separate the coarse chaff with a riddle, and throw the residue into cold water. The good seed will sink directly to the bot- tom of the vessel. The water should then be gently poured off, with whatever may float upon it. The seed thus proved should be put into a seive, and thoroughly dried, then put away into paper bags, for use. I am. fyc. P. AGRICOLA. 02 AUGUST. My Dear Soar, The analogy between plants and ani- mals, in most parts of their organization, jus- tifies the belief, that the former, like the lat- ter, have their peculiar wants and appeten- ces ; and in order to be a successful agricul- turist, or gardener, you must make yourself intimately acquainted with every thing rela- tive to the vegetable economy. Their phy- tology and general structure, are studies of great importance; their peculiar 'and varied habits, must not be neglected ; and to learn their appetences and their loves is not only a curious, but a very useful inquiry. But most of all, it should be your aim to find out the method of supplying your cultivated plants with an abundance of suitable food, at the least possible expense. These vegetables are organized bodies perfect in the soil, from whence they derive nutrition, and where all their various prop- erties are developed and their numerous species propagated. Plants resemble ani- mals in many respects, and are truly consid- ered as only an inferior grade of animated 164 AUGUST. nature ; yet in one particular they differ ma- terially. All animals with which we are acquainted, have a stomach or alimentary canal, where their food is digested, and prepared for nutri- tion, before it is absorbed into the circulation and becomes a part of the animal ; but veg- etables have no such organ. Their food is elaborated for them in the earth, and their roots are so formed as to take it up and trans- mit it with the sap, through all their system of arteries and veins; like the lacteal vessels in animal bodies, the radical mouths absorb with different degrees of vital energy. As in the animal kingdom, so in the vegetable T some are very strong feeders, and surprising- ly voracious, and by means of this facul- ty, do absolutely starve all other plants in, their vicinity. Besides, every vegetable, like every animal, has its peculiar appetence or liking, and is nourished and supported in health by different qualities to be found in the earth. If you want evidence of this fact, place a young tree where an old one of the same kind has lately stood, and you will invariably find, that it will not thrive ; if it lives the first and second year, it will perish soon afterwards, and evidently for want of food. The old tree having exhausted the earth of all nutriment suitable for that kind of tree, and as the rooti of the young tree are short, it can draw no AUGUST. 165 supply from a distance, and notwithstanding all the care you may bestow upon it, it dies with hunger. But if the transplanted tree be of a species quite distinct from the old one, it will flourish as well as if none had grown there before. It would perhaps be a waste of time to ex- amine the various and contradictory theories respecting the food of plants ; a subject which will, perhaps, be forever involved in mystery, nor could you derive the smallest benefit from such discussions. Although you may never be able to ascer- tain which of the elements contributes most to the food of plants, yet small experience and trifling observation will satisfy you, that if your land is drained of all superfluous moisture, if it is suitably manured, and suffi- ciently cultivated, the productive powers of the earth will furnish an abundant supply of food for all your vegetable family. In all your operations, keep these funda- mental principles in view, for with one or other of them, every part of rural economy is more or less connected. BEANS AND PEAS of an early kind, are now ripe. Whenever any of your plants during the warmth of sum- mer, arrive at maturity, let them be removed as soon as possible, and immediately put the ground into a complete state of summer fal- 166 AUGUST. low ; let every part be turned over with the plough or spade ; make it fine, and give it every benefit from the sun and air. At this season weeds are destroyed with the great- est ease, and the earth at the same time ren- dered fertile by the tillage. CUCUMBERS now yield abundance of fruit. Select a few of the fairest for seed, and take off the others as they advance. They should be cut, not pulled off. Every third day the vines should be examined by some careful hand, who should be charged not to tread upon the run- ners or displace the leaves. TURNIPS. It is a great misfortune that the cultivation of this root, upon old ground, should be so little practiced or understood by farmers in general. Their excellence for culinary use is admitted by every one ; yet most men are discouraged, and give up all attempts to raise them, as a fruitless waste of time and expense. I have tried (says one) several times, and failed as often ; ' My land will not produce turnips,' says another; a third asserts, 'that turnips are good for nothing, unless grown upon new ground.' Now all these farmers are quite mistaken, and I hope you will convince them of their error by your success. AUGUST. 167 Turnips can be raised upon any land which would produce Indian corn ; but then you must understand their wants, and the nature of those enemies with which you will have to contend. And here experience and ob- servation will furnish the most useful les- sons. " The turnip system," in all its details, re- quires practical knowledge, as much at least, as any other branch of husbandry, and to obtain information from this unerring source, it is not necessary that you should risk much, or go to great expense. Select a small spot, say only one fourth of an acre, let it be near the dwelling house, that you may have it every day under your eye. If the land is poor, no matter, let it be free from stumps or stones, and make it rich with the treasures of the barn yard, and with tillage, agreeable to my former direc- tions. In two or three days after the seed is skil- fully sown, if the weather is favourable, you will see the plants begin to emerge from the soil. Observe now if the flea pounces upon them, for this is the time when they are in the greatest danger from that hungry insect, which frequently destroys every plant, be- fore the inattentive farmer knows they are out of the ground. If their numbers are great, and you see- them briskly hopping from plant to plant, I know of no means in 168 AUGUST, your power to employ, that will prevent their ravage. A seasonable and copious shower will sometimes destroy these vermin, and save your crop. However, if this for- tunate occurrence should not happen, and your plants are swept away, wait until the first week in August, then break up your ground anew and sow again as before. By this time you may expect a plentiful rain, which of all things is the most fatal to these insects ; and as the nights are lengthening, they have less time to feed, for they make their destructive repast only in the day time. Without strong light they move but little, and seem unable to find the object of their desire. Your plants will thus escape from wounds, and grow rapidly. As soon as the rough leaf is fairly formed, examine the whole plantation, and if in any place, they stand in clusters, puil up and destroy the superfluous plants; then, or soon after, take them row by row, and extirpate every weed that may have sprung up; at the same time thin the plants, sparing the most vigorous, so that all stand eight or ten inches apart. When these have fixed themselves well in the soil, and the leaves begin to spread over the surface, if your crop was planted in drills, introduce a tight one horse plough, and take a slice from each side of the row and throw it from the turnips ; after a few days when the weeds have perished, again introduce AUGUST. lG9 the plough, and turn the soil towards them. The oftener this operation is repeated, the more thrifty your plants will grow ; for fre- quent stirring the ground is the life of tur- nips. It not only destroys all weeds that might spring up to star\e and impoverish them, but it disturbs and prevents the rava- ges of slugs and other insects ; and by break- ing, mixing, and pulverising the soil, the young roots are enabled to spread with ease, and to imbibe and store up abundantly. If your crop was sown broadcast, you must stir the soil and kill the weeds with the hoe ; taking care to separate the plants a foot apart, for if they are permitted to stand thicker than this, the tops may be large, standing up- right, but the bulbs will be proportionably small. CELERY. " Earth up celery, as it advances in growth, but be careful to avoid covering the hearts of the plants ; this work should always be done in a dry day. Lay up the stalks neatly, without injuring them, for if bruised they will become mouldy, and be subject to rot." CURRANT WINE. A kind and beneficent providence has fit- ted our soil and climate for the production of all the necessaries, and many of the luxuries of life, and it will be your own fault if von P 170 AUGUST. do not enjoy them in abundance. Your or chard should produce the daily beverage up- on your table, while the shrubs of your gar- den supply the friendly treat, or furnish the cordial draught in cases of sickness or debil- Foreign wines not only drain the pocket, but are invariably hurtful to the health of those who use them. As usually sold by our merchants, they are a base admixture, and should never be allowed a place upon your board; but to currant and gooseberry wine, there is no such objection. It is pure and and pleasant as Madeira, and may be made of the best quality for less than forty cents per gallon. There are several modes of making cur- rant wine. I will give you three of them. First, when your currants are fully ripe, let them be picked in fair weather, and with as much expedition as possible. To every gallon of berries add as much cold water, bruise and break them well in the water, then strain out the liquor and measure it with accuracy, and to each gallon put two pound and three fourths of good brown sugar, stir and carefully unite the whole together ; then fill your cask nearly full, and put a piece of leather with a small weight upon it, over the bung. When the wine has settled and ceas- ed to ferment, close the cask as tight as pos- sible* AUGUST, 171 The following recipe is preferred by some persons. Collect your currants as above, mash them effectually, and strain the juice through a woollen cloth ; measure it, and to every gal- lon of pure currant juice, add two gallons of cold water, then to every gallon of this mix- ture immediately put three pounds of good brown sugar; and when the whole is well united, fill up the cask, but it should not be so full as to work over; this would injure the liquor. Then cover the bung, and close the cask as in the former receipt. If your cask is new and strong, the wine may remain upon the lees, and be drawn when wanted. But it is usually thought best, early in the spring to draw it carefully from the sediment, and put it into bottles. These should be well corked, and laid away upon their sides, in some cool and secure part of the cellar. Here it should rest until wanted, and like all other wines, will be found to improve with age. Remember every part of this process must be done with neatness. The cask must be good and clean, or the flavour of > our liquor will be spoiled. If you purpose to make thirty gallons agreeable to this recipe, you will require eight gallons of juice, sixteen of water, and seventy-two pounds of sugar. A large proportion of the wine used in Great Britain, is what they call made wine. By the following recipe they make a liquos 172 AUGUST, which is fashionable and much relished, ?nd is retailed by the name of English Cham paign. To three gallons of water, put nine pounds of brown sugar of the best quality ; boil the water and sugar half an hour, skim it clean, then take a gallon of ripe currants, clean picked, but not bruised ; pour the liquor boiling hot upon them ; and when cold, add half a pint of yeast ; let it ferment two days, then strain it through flannel and put it away into a clean cask, with half an ounce of ich- thy ocolla shreded fine ; when the fermenta- tion subsides, cork it close for a month, then decant it from the lees and put it into bottles, and in every bottle put a small lump of re- fined sugar. Lay them carefully away, and in a year they will be found to contain an ex- cellent wine, and of a beautiful colour. Gooseberries flourish extremely w T ell in this state. The fruit is fine, and you may with the utmost facility have any quantity you please. By the following recipe you will make an excellent white wine. GOOSEBERRY WINE. " Take gooseberries when they are just beginning to turn ripe, bruise them well, but not so as to break their seeds, pour to every eight pounds of pulp a gallon of water, and let them stand in the vessel covered, in a cool place, twenty-four hours, then put them into AUGUSl 1 . 17.3 a. strong canvass or hair bag, press out all the juice that will run from them, and to every quart of it put twelve ounces of loaf sugar, stirring it about till it be melted ; then put it up in a well seasoned cask, and set it in a cool place ; when it has purged and settled about twenty or thirty days, fill the vessel full, and bung it down close." " When it is well worked and settled, draw it off into bottles, and keep them in a cool place. " N. B. Currants or gooseberries should be pressed out if possible, the same day they are gathered. This will add much to the fine- ness, and give flavour to the wine. In pick- ing the berries, take none that lie upon the ground, or that have grown in the shade an 1 become sour. I am ? <&c. P. AGRICOLA. P2 SEPTEMBER. My Dear Son, That animals and vegetables possess many properties in common, we have alrea- dy noticed. The living principle is a phe- nomenon evident in both ; both have the power of re-production ; both have the ener- gy to heal their own wounds ; both are great- ly influenced by habit, and hence both ace enabled to accommodate themselves to a certain extent, to the climate or soil in which they are placed. Contractibility, elas- ticity, and irritability, are also faculties which they possess in common. No characteristic line can therefore be drawn between these two great classes of organized matter; for the transition of the one to the other, is to u« quite imperceptible. Animated nature is divided into two dis- tinct classes, the viviparous, and oviparous : but the vegetable world, as far as our ac- quaintance extends, with a very few excep- tions, is oviparous, or in other words, they propagate their species through the medium of eggs ; and these bear great analogy to the eggs of animals. Those who have best s(n I 16 SEPTEMBER. died Hie physiology of vegetables, with the assistance of large magnifying glasses, inform us that " soon after the formation of the ex- ternal membrane, the albumen and vitellus are formed ; in some cases both are deposi- ted, in others only one. In the midst of this albuminous matter is the small rudiment of the plant, called the corcle, with which it freely communicates, by means of vessels which support and nourish it. The inner structure of this corcle differs at different stages. At first it consists of a thin glary flu- id ; afterwards becomes more concrete, re- gularly organized ; and at last displays the rudiments of the radicle, and of the plumule. " The albumen constitutes the bulk of some seeds, as in grasses, grain, &c. The vi- tellus is always situated between the albumen and embryo. The sole office of both is to nourish the young plant, until the root is formed." The perfect seed thus formed, is retained in its proper situation by an umbilical cord, which dries up and disappears when the seed is fully ripe. The seeds of vegetables are the ultimate production of the plant. In all annuals and biennials, this important work is no sooner finished than the whole plant instantly shows signs of decay, and gradually dies of age. In the other departments of vegetable life, when the seeds are completely formed, the SEPTEMBER. 17? enlargement or growth of the plant is ended for that season ; a state of exhaustion is evi- dent, and a complete torpor easues, which the coming spring, charged with new life and powers, alone can remove. All practical gardeners should know, and constantly bear in mind the nature and pecu- liar habits of seeds. Some are much longer than others before they germinate. As a general rule, new seeds sprout quicker than old ones of the same species. So some seeds retain their vitality much longer than others ; some, when suitably dry, and properly laid up, retain their vital principle for many years, as all the gourd family ; while others part with it very soon, as onions, parsnips, &c. All seeds which are liable to lose their germinating power before they are wanted for use, should be mixed with a due propor- tion of dry sugar. This, repeated experi- ment has proved, will long preserve their vitality. If the seeds of plants are in so many par- ticulars like bird's eggs, you will see the ne- cessity and importance of always selecting the best and most perfect of their kind for seeding. As you would certainly choose the finest animals for breeders, so let your vege- table stock spring from the soundest and best seed ; for it is not sufficient that your seeds come up ,• they should come strong and vig- 178 SEPTEMBER. orous, if you would have them grow with luxuriance. Every year endeavour to improve your seed. Most of our cultivated plants are found to degenerate, notwithstanding all the care we can bestow upon them, unless their seeds are frequently changed. This fact has been long noticed, although the true cause may not yet be known. And we are also unable to say from what part of the world they should be brought, to produce the greatest crop. It is, however, generally found, that in all cases where you desire a great weight of roots or foliage, as beets, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, &c. it is best to procure seed from a southerly climate. Whenever you use seed brought from a distance, let it be planted separate Irom any other of the kind, and note down all the par- ticulars relative to it, that you may learn whether it is truly an improvement or other- wise. Much care is also requisite to prevent a deterioration of your seeds. Whenever you would raise seed from plants of which there are different species, do not set them within fifty feet of each other. This precaution is particularly necessarv, whenever you would raise seed from any of the brassica tribe. This family has more branches, or varieties, than almost any other. From the great drum-head cabbage to the humble turnip, there are many grades, all of SEPTEMBER. 179 which have such seminal relation, that if per- mitted to flower in the neighbourhood of each other, an admixture of pollen, and consequent adulteration, is certain to ensue. The varieties of the gourd family are also very numerous, and when you intend to pre- serve the seed of any of them in purity, or aim at improvement, plant them in separate and distant sections of the garden. In par- ticular, the cucumber and melon should never grow together. They have each their pecu- liar excellence, which is materially injured by an union. So all the varieties of pumpkins and squashes are spoiled by an intermar- riage. And in like manner, all the kinds of Indian corn will mix their qualities, if they grow- within four or five rods of each other. Your sweet corn will be quite ruined, if only a few stalks of the hard kind are permitted to grow near it, and what is singular, the sweet corn alone will suffer from the adulteration, the grains of which immediately lose their soft, rich and saccharine quality, while the other appears not in the least affected. Your seed corn should always be gathered before the frost. Search for such stalks as bear two or more ears, and take the largest of them fox- seed. Let them immediately be trussed up ? and suspended in some dry place, secure from rats and mice. Here it should remain until 180 SEPTEMBER. wanted for use. When shelled from the cob, reject the grains that grow upon each end. These hints should never be neglected, nor should you plant seed corn that is more than a year old, if new can be obtained. ONIONS grow but little after the tops shrivel, and fall spontaneously, and may then be pulled up and laid on the ground, to dry and harden. If the weather should prove moist, they must be turned, or they will strike new roots and grow. When sufficiently dry, cut olf the tops, carry them in, and spread them over the floor. Here let them remain, until the commencement of cold weather; then put them into a box or cask, with alternate layers of dry chaff, or fine straw, and set them in a place where they will not freeze. A little frost, however, will not essentially injure them ; but it is better to keep them in a tem- perature a little above the freezing point. Those which have thick necks, and the bulbous parts small, and are commonly called scullions, may as well be left in ths ground during the winter. They will stand the frost, and the next spring will grow in their places to be good onions ; or they may be taken up and set in a bed made for that purpose. At all events, they are good for nothing without a second year's growth. SEPTEMBER. 181 BROOM CORN should be attended to before the arrival of frost. Cut off the brush, and hetchel or scrape off the seed. Take a few of the brightest and heaviest heads, and hang them securely up for seed. Then let the stalks be pulled up by the roots, and carried from the garden, and the ground thrown into ridges* to remain through winter. HOPS should now be carefully gathered, before the autumnal storms, or frost. When their col* our begins to change, and they emit a fragrant smell, pick them without delay. The seed, or flower, as it is generally called, is the strongest and most valuable part. The hop. therefore, should be collected so early that these will not fall, and be lost in picking. They should be thoroughly dried, under cov- er, and then packed firmly away in a bag or <;ask. When hops are raised in large quantities, the best way to dry them is on kilns, erected for that purpose ; but you will easily dry what your family may want upon a clean floor. Move the vines from the garden, and set up the poles securely for another year* Q 182 SEPTEMBER. CELERY must be earthed up, as it advances in height, observing to do it in dry weather, and be careful not to bury it above the hearts of the plants ; for that would stop its growing, and cause it to rot. " 77/ weeds grow apace," y at this season, and should now be destroyed, root and branch, before the autumnal rains ; for you will find it difficult and useless to at- tempt it afterwards. As your summer crops ripen, clear off the ground, hoe deep, and level every part. This is all the summer- fallowing your garden requires, and this must never be denied. ASPARAGUS beds should now be cleared off, and covered with dung, and some earth, taken from the alley, spread over the whole. By this means the crowns of the asparagus will be protect- ed from severe frost, and early in the spring, will rise with renewed vigour. J am, fyc. ?< AGRICOLA, OCTOBER. My Dear Sox, The judicious farmer will always socul* tivate his land as to improve its productive powers. He will manure, plough and sow, with that object in view. No immediate pro- tit will ever tempt him to a practice injurious to the fertility of his soil. At certain periods, and under certain cir- cumstances, he may very properly have re- course to the expensive method of summer- fallowing,. The stubborn nature of some soils imperiously demands it. Wherever the roots of quick-grass abound, there is no means more, certain to destroy them. In the spring, our lands are never sufficiently dry to be materially benefited by ploughing ; indeed it not unfrequently happens, that in order to procure in season a &eed bed for our spring crops, we are compelled with the plough and harrow to injure the productive qualities of clay or loamy soils. In this country, where land is plenty and cheap, and labour compa- ratively high, it may be good farming to sum- mer-fallow such land every sixth or seventh year, and not oftener, if you will observe a proper rotation of crops. In this you should be J 84 OCTOBER. directed by local circumstances, and the market demand for the several kinds of grain* Free the surface of your land from every impediment to good tillage, and let your crops succeed each other in the following order : — Beginning with a complete summer-fallow, to be sown to wheat or rye ; as soon after harvest as possible, plough in the stubble ; in the spring of the thud year, cross-plough, and plant to Indian corn ; this must be succeeded the fourth year, with barley or oats, and stocked down with clover, 15lbs. to the acre. The grass may be mowed, or pastured two or three jears, and again have recourse to summer-fallow. A practice of this kind will improve your land without the expense of manure ; but it would be well if you could afford a coat of stable manure, once, at least, in this course ; and let that be put on just previous to the corn or barley, and immediately covered with the furrow. In cultivating your garden, keep the same principles in view ; but here a naked sum- mer-fallow is never necessary. The crops in your garden are taken off at so many dif- ferent periods, and some of them so early in the season, that opportunity is always gained for working the ground in the completest manner. It is a mistaken idea, that land ever re- quires absolute rest. Let the tillage be well OCTOBER, 185 performed ; let its productions be judiciously varsed ; let suitable manure be properly ap- plied ; and your soil will every year improve. Good tillage is indispensable, upon farm or garden ; and here you will have exercise for observation and judgment. The same depth and number of ploughings which would be proper upon some land, you will find quite insufficient, or improper upon others. All clay or loamy soils are greatly benefited by fall ploughing. The winter frost will more effectually pulverize such land than all the labour you can bestow ; besides, there is no practice more destructive of grub-worms, nor can land be made fit for spring grain in any other way so cheap. A sandy soil may be wrought in a different manner. Here spring ploughing can be per- formed without injury, nor does this kind of soil require the aid of frost to make it fine and light. A skilful agriculturist is fully sat- isfied of these truths, and directs his business accordingly. POTATOES, BEETS, and CARROTS, should now be raised from the ground. — Choose a dry time for this business, and let the roots intended for family consumption, be stored away with neatness. A propor- tion for winter use, should be put into the cellar, and completely covered with dry sand. This will greatly protect them from Q2 186 OCTOBER. frost, if the cellar should he cold, and retard their vegetating, if warm. Besides, all these roots lose much of their excellence, if expo- sed only a few days to the air, in any tempe- rature. The residue of your crop may be buried Upon the surface of a dry spot of ground; pile them with regularity, and give the whole on every side, a roof-like slope 5 then cover this heap with dry sand, an inch or two deep, over which lay a good coat of drawn straw. up and down, as if thatching a house, in order to carry off the water ; then dig a trench a- round the heap, and cover the straw with the earth so dug up, in a depth sufficient to se~ cure the roots from frost. N. B* Better make this covering unneces- sarily deep, than one inch too shallow ; for the least frost will entirely spoil this kind of sauce for table use. PARSNIPS. "In the management, or rather neglect of One of our finest vegetables, than which our gardens produce no richer, we see the tyran- ny of custom. " From time immemorial, our fathers in the country have raised the parsnip only as a rarity, to be sought for a few days in the spring. And few farmers think it possible to deviate from this ancient rule, and by digging that vegetable in the fall, provide their tables OCTOBER. 187 with a very pleasant and useful winter varie- ty. By taking it up in the fall, we not only gain a lone; use of the plant, but we have it in greater perfection ; for rarely can it be taken up in the spring, before it has sprouted, and the inside of it become ligneous. Indeed all roots should be dug in the fall, and if packed in a box, with earth from the beds from which they were taken, that the same moisture may be preserved, they can be kept until quite the beginning of summer, possessing all their richness of juice, and nutritious qualities." SEED CUCUMBERS should be picked from the vines directly after the first frost. Lay them in the sun a few days, then cut them open, and scrape out their contents into a pail ; there let them re- main for a week or more, until the surround- ing pulp ferments and rots, that it may easily be Separated from the seeds ; then put water into the pail, and stir it well about. If this is repeated two or three times, the seeds will settle to the bottom, and become perfectly clean. Then spread them upon a seive, and expose them to the sun until quite dry, when they should be put into paper bags, labelled with the year, and securely laid by. Cucumber seed will keep good a long time ; but that of four or five years old is generally preferred, as producing less vigor- ous, but more fertile plants. 18B OCTOBER. COMPOST MANURE. The skilful gardener is always distinguished by the preparation and application of his ma- nure. He never carts out this powerful sub- stance, and throws it at random about his garden ; tor he knows full well, that instead of a blessing, in the hands of the ignorant, it frequently becomes a misfortune, and the im- mediate parent of sterility. Your various plants will not all require the same kind and quantity of manure. Sta- ble manure, in its recent state, for potatoes, turnips, &c. is as good, if not better than any other. But for a large proportion of garden vegetables, the first summer, it will do more hurt than benefit. For these, you should annually make ready a composition, and apply it when and where it may be want- ed. Now, for this purpose, clean out your hog-sty and hen-roost, and every other de- pository of animal excrements. If these do not furnish a supply, the barn-yard must con- tribute the deficiency. With this, when carted out, mix an equal quantity of alluvial earth, or turf-parings, taken from an old pas- ture, or highway, and in some convenient spot in the garden, make a heap three feet high, four feet wide, and as long as you please. Upon every load of this mixture, spread a bushel or two of lime, or house ashes. Let the top of this pile be flat, or a little eCTOBER. J 89 dishing, that the rain may wet it through, and to prevent loss by evaporation, cover the whole a few inches deep with mould from the garden. From a compost of this kind, most of your tender plants will derive an early supply of food, and start with strong appetites and vi- gorous habits. For cucumbers and melons, however, the following is to be preferred : Take rotten cow-dung, or the remains of old hot-beds, one part ; coarse sand, two parts ; and new vegetable mould, from de- cayed tree leaves, three parts. This should be prepared at least a year before it is used, and like other composts, be frequently turned over, and thoroughly mixed. If your soil and tillage are good, and the succession of your crops judicious, a small dressing every year from heaps like these, will accomplish much, and render your plants strong and healthy throughout the season. But when large quantities of manure of any kind are given at once, the drought and heat of our summers frequently make it destruc- tive to your favorite nurslings. Their short and feeble roots can find no moisture ; of course the whole plant droops and sickens in the sun, and is thus absolutely starved in the midst of plenty. /am, (Jr. P. AGRICOLA. NOVEMBER. My Dear Son, In the course of the past season. I hare several times drawn vour attention to the great analogy between plants a:id animals, and now, upon the approach of winter, you may see them alike preparing for that dreary period of their existence. Without this eco- nomy, a large proportion of the vegetable race, which here flourishes annually with so much utility and beauty, must inevitably pe- rish, never to re-bloom. All our numerous and charming catalogue of biennials and pe- rennials, without this faculty, must fall lifeless at the touch of frost. But such is the provi- dent law of nature, that this hybernation of plants should be considered as nothing more than their annual sleep. Unable successfully to con-end with the frigid blasts of winter, they prudently retire, like the dormouse, house-fly, &c. and in a torpid security, ac- quire new exertability, indispensable for theii further progress towards perfection, when the returning warmth of spring shall awaken their dormant energies. Most of these plants have their winter lodge in their roots, which are buried in the soil, where they find their *92 NOVEMBER. necessary food in the warm seasons, and their necessary protection in the cold. Into these reservoirs, some plants lay up or accumulate largely, as the onion, potatoe, &c. And the turnip is a remarkable instance of this kind. This plant is the production of a seed which will not weigh the fortieth part of a grain ; yet, in the short space of one hundred days after it begins to vegetate, it very frequent- ly stores away in the root alone, more than ten pounds of a pleasant and nutritious food. Deciduous shrubs and trees hybernate in their buds, and evergreens by a renovation of their foliage; and this is to them, what moulting is to birds. Nor is this preparation delayed until the approach of necessity. Soon after the au- tumnal equinox, while all is yet mild and se- rene, one vegetable tribe after another, as if conscious of the coming storm, retires, and here, in nature's ark, finds refuge. See — your rich and wide-spreading asparagus has lost its verdure — your luxuriant rhubarb has withered and fallen to the ground — and the so- ber gooseberry, which awakes so early in the spring, has long since covered the ground with leaves, and retired to rest. And have you, my son, made equal prepar- ation for the coming winter ? Who would not blush to be outdone by vegetable instinct ! In this month there is but little to be done NOVEMBER, l9o in the farmers garden, but that little can on no account be dispensed with. CABBAGE. The great value of this esculent will amply recompense every care bestowed upon it. The broccoli and Savoys may yet remain undisturbed in their beds, and will be found excellent if drawn any time before new-year. Indeed, they improve, until the cold becomes very severe, and if covered, as they some- times are, with early snow, will remain un- hurt throughout the winter. But the weath- er will soon destroy your large drum-heads and sugar-loaves, and if you would preserve them for spring use, they must be skilfully laid away. It will not be sufficient that they are secured from frost ; in a place warm and dry, they will shrivel, perish, and become good for nothing, and if buried deep with earth, they mould and rot. From the trial of various methods, and the experience of many years, I am convinced that the mode recommended by Mr. M'Mahan is the best yet devised. He says — " Immediately previous to the setting in of hard frost, take up your cabbage, observing to do it in a dry day ; turn their tops down- wards, and let them remain so for a few hours to drain off any water that may be lodged be- tween the leaves. Then make choice of a ridge of dry earth, in a well sheltered, warm R 194 NOVEMBER. exposure, and plant them down to their heads therein, close to one another. Immediately erect over them a low temporary shed, of any kind that will keep them perfectly free from wet, which is to be open at both ends, to ad- mit a current of air in mild weather. These ends are to be closed with straw, when the weather is very severe. In this situation your cabbage will keep in a high state of preserva- tion till spring ; for being kept perfectly free from wet, as well as from the action of the sun, the frost will have little or no effect upon them. In such a place, the heads may be cut off as wanted, and if frozen, soak them in cold water a few hours previous to their being cooked, which dissolves the frost, and extracts any disagreeable taste occasioned thereby." TURNIPS and PARSNIPS should now be raised from the ground. Cut off their tops, and expose the roots for a few hours, till sufficiently dry. On the surface of a dry spot of ground, well defended from the northwest wind, lay a stratum of sand, two inches thick, and on this a layer of roots, of either sort, covering them with another layer of sand, (the drier the better) and so continue till all are laid in, giving the whole, on every side, a roof like slope. Then covf r the heap all over with sand, over which place a good coat of rye straw, in order to carry off X0VLM13EK. 195 the wet, and cover the straw with earth suf ficiently to preserve the roots from frost. An opening may be made on the south side of this heap, and completely covered with straw, so as to have access to the roots at all times, when wanted. In the same manner all these roots may be preserved in a cellar, but there they are more liable to grow, and become stringey earlier in the spring. Remember sand is preferable to common earth for the preservation of all roots. You should be provided with a sufficient quantity laid up under cover, that it may be ready and dry for use. CELERY, in the early part of this month, should be earthed up to within six inches of the tops of the plants, and on the approach of hard frost, additionally earthed to the very extremity of their leaves. Then laj a covering of dry sandy earth on the top of the bed, the whole length, so as to give it a rounding. On this, place a coat of dry straw, to cast off the wet, and of a sufficient thickness to resist the frost. After this, cut a trench around the bed, to carry off and prevent the lodgement of water. Here you can have access to your celery, and it will continue in a high state of preservation during the winter : provided the 196 NOVEMBER. plants are perfectly dry when this work is done. GOOSEBERRIES may be planted any time before the ground is frozen. The best time to plant them out finally is when they have had one or two years' growth from cuttings ; for old bushes never bear large fruit after being transplant- ed. / am, fyc V. AGRICOLA, DECEMBER. My Dear Sox, With the year, my communications to vou upon the subject of horticulture are drawing to a close. This i umber will complete all that I pur- pose to say upon that subject, and it is cer* tainly not a subject of minor importance, ei- ther as it respects your interest, or rational amusement ; for when pursued in the man* ner 1 have inculcated, it will never fail to contribute its full share towards the happiness and prosperity of the farmer. Here let me caution you against despon- dency, although you may not succeed in all your attempts in the garden. Various causes may conspire, as upon the farm, to produce frequent failures. Over some of these, man has no controul, but the skilful and provident gardener will never want an abundant supply of good vegetables for every season of the year. He plants a great variety, of course has always many things that flourish, let the wea- ther be as it may. But you will soon find that a large propor- tion of your failures have originated from the 112 198. t>LCEMBER« want of skill or attention, consequently might be entirely avoided by observing the lessons of experience. At your age, I had no other instructor ; was frequently disappointed, and made many mistakes, which I am in hope these letters will enable you to avoid. And that nothing here may be wanting of amiss, let us attentively review what I have already compiled for your use, and make such amendments and additions as further reflec- tions may suggest. JANUARY. Soil and Situation for a Kitchen- Garden. — Although labour and skill may overcome every disadvantage of soil, yet in some cases, it may take a number of years, and be quite an expensive operation ; there* fore, if in your power, choose a situation where the mould is naturally of a dark ches- nut colour, which does not adhere firmly, but is short, moderately light, breaking easily in- to small pieces, without crusling in dry wea- ther, or turning to mortar when wet, and when broke up with the plough or spade, emitting a fragrant and agreeable smell. It is desirable to have soils of different qualities in the garden. The one most gene- rally wanted is that in which vegetable earth predominates. For some plants, however, a sandy soil is best ; but as it is probable that DECEMBER, 1 9t> you will not tie so fortunate as to tind both these qualities in the spot selected for your garden, you must without delay, endeavor to remedy every natural defect, and bring the soil as soon, and a3 near as possible to per- fection. This you may very certainly ac- complish, by the judicious application of ma- nures, and frequent aeration of the soil. By manures I mean any substance which, added to, or mixed with the soil, renders it more productive of strong and healthy vege- tables. Some soils abound in alumin or clay, and of course are too retentive of moisture, and too firm and adhesive to permit the ten- der roots of plants to enter. ^This defect you may convert into a'blessing, by the admixture of sand and litter from the stable. This uni- on will form a loam, the best of all soils for the greatest part of garden vegetables, In some soi!s, silex or sand predominates, and whatever moisture it may receive is not retained a sufficient time to benefit the grow- ing vegetable. Here you must add argilla- ceous marls or earth, with the scouring of ditches, and the dung of neat cattle. Besides this, nothing contributes more to meliorate the soil of a garden, than exposing it as often as possible to the influence of the air and sun. It is a good rule, therefore, that garden ground, when not in crop, should re- gularly be dug rough, or if possible, be ridged up, and left in that state to the influence of £00 DECEMBER* Hie atmosphere ; for when the ground is suf- ficiently dry, the oftener a new surface is ex- posed, the better. For a very great number of plants, an ex- cellent soil is to be found in the turf of high- ways, or old pastures, and the earth which adheres to the turf to the depth of four or five inches, mixed with a portion of cow or horse dung in a rotten state, laid together in a heap, for at least a year, and frequently turned over. It is now an established fact in practical gardening, that for the greater part of culinary plants, and for all fruit trees, com- posts or compound manures are far preferable to simple dungs, and that till the latter be completely rotted, they should not in any case be suffered to touch the roots of the plants. Even composts should not be too rich. Cabbage, especially, and trees of all kinds, are very frequently injured by the inju- dicious and excessive use of manure. The English gardeners recommend, for cold clayey land, a compost made up in the following proportion : three parts of light mould ; one part rotten stable dung ; one part sharp sand ; and one part old ashes, with a small proportion of hog or sheep dung. These several ingredients to be intimately blended, and several times turned over, the season be- fore they are used. For a light sandy soil, the following are the ingredients and proportions : to two parts of DECEMBER. 201 the natural soil add three parts of pond earth, or the scouring of ditches, and three of strong loamy earth ; one part of clay, or rather clay marl, if it can be got, and two parts of stable or cow-house dung. In some seasons, and to some plants, vege- table matter, in its recent and organized state, may be employed as a manure with more advantage than when it has been de- composed. When there is a sufficient degree of mois- ture, and the weather is warm, the putrefac- tive fermentation goes on beneath the soil, and the gasseous particles escaping, are im- bibed by the roots, and stimulate the plants to a rapid growth. Potatoes and turnips evince the truth of these remarks, when the summer is not unusually dry. FEBRUARY. Garden Seeds. — I have said that you ought to raise your own garden seeds. This, however, should be understood with the ex- press condition, that your garden contains at least an acre. With less room, you cannot ripen the numerous varieties of seed, without danger of adulteration. The vegetable king- dom in all its departments, contains so many affinities, which, if permitted to bloom in the neighbourhood of each other, never fail to mix their pollen, and become degenerate. If you have not sufficient space to guard 202 DECEMBER. against this misfortune, better buy what you may want, of some honest and skilful seeds- man. Besides, you will sometimes reap con- siderable benefit from planting seeds that grew upon soils dissimilar to your own. Every variety of the gourd and brassica families are extremely liable to be destroyed by insects. Remember this, and lay in a quantity of seed, proportioned to their wants, as well as your own. Without this precau- tion, you will frequently be disappointed, and suffer irreparable loss. MARCH. Poui try. — If your garden is located in the vicinity of the barn yard, you may reasonably fear that the dung- hill fowls will be trouble- some. In a large garden, however, they are far less injurious than in a small one ; indeed they are often materially useful, for the pur- pose of protecting our plants from the depre- dations of insects, which so frequently render abortive the utmost skill of the gardener. If hens, with their chickens, are quietly permit- ted to roam at large about the garden, they will greatly assist in destroying these mis- chievous vermin, and in this way make full atonement for any little disorder which they may occasion. But then you must take care never to keep old hens. No consideration should tempt you to permit a single domestic fowl to Jive more than one winter. Yearling hens DECEMBER. 203 are best on every account ; they are more prolific, and much less injurious to the farmer. There is also in this respect, great difference in the variety or kind of fowls. The smaller the breed, the more they are disposed to hunt the surface of the earth for insects, their fa- vourite food ; while the larger species em- ploy their strength in digging up the soil, and seeking their prey below the surface. The fruit of your shrubbery will, however, be sought after by every kind of domestic fowl, and unless you exclude them from that part of the garden, they will most certainly pick for themselves those delicious morsels which hang tempting within their reach. Hot-Bed. — Although you may grow an abundance of fine vegetables without the aid of hot-beds, yet it is certain you may have them earlier, and some of them cheaper, in this way, than in the open ground. 1 would therefore advise you to construct a small hot- bed, in which to sow the seeds of lettuce, cab bage, &c. A bed amply sufficient for all your purposes can be made with trifling expense, in the following manner : Near the south side of a wall or building, dig a pit, (if the ground be dry) three feet deep, four feet wide, and ten feet long. Let the sides be masoned. up, and the wall raised a foot above the surface of the ground, and if the top is defended with a plank, it will last many years. 204 ©ECExMBER. Soon after the equinox, or when the frost is generally out of the ground, fill this pit with new dung from the horse-stable, in which there should be part of the straw or litter commonly used in the stable. Stir every part of it with the fork, and lay it smooth and even. Frequently, or every time a load is put in, tread it down firmly, particularly around the edges, until the pit is filled to within five or six inches df the top. Then cover the bed with the best of garden mould, sufficient to fill the pit, and make it a little crowning. Here sow your sallad, radish, and cabbage seed promiscuously. They will be up in a few days, and when fit for i&kj, may be drawn without injury to each other. If weeds intrude, take care that they are removed in time. If the weather proves dry, sprinkle over the whole a pail-full of water, warmed in the sun, every evening. If there should happen some nights when you fear a hard frost, cover with boards, which remove in the morning. From this bed you may transplant lettuce, which will head finely, without running to seed until August. As the internal heat of your bed diminishes, the warmth of the sun will increase, and the plants will flourish with luxuriance. By the middle of June you will draw, or remove them DECEMBER. 206 all. Ther« work over the top of the bed, make it fine, and plant it to cucumbers. With this management you may make this spot produce four good crops in one season. APRIL. The Blackberry and Raspberry are found growing wild about our fields, and some- times they creep into the %i sluggard's gar- den," and drive him from one half of it. Yet this should not prevent you from bringing them into yours, where suitable cultivation will greatly enlarge their fruit, and augment their bounties. In forming a plantation for these shrubs, let the ground be first well wrought and levelled down, then cover the whole with sand, four inches deep. This will enable you ever after to keep down the weeds and other intruders with ease ; for it will riot be necessary here annually to dig up and mix the soil, as in the gooseberry plantation. MAY. Stone fruit trees. — In this month you should frequently examine the branches, of your plum and cherry trees. See if a green fungus begins to form upon any part of them. These knobs are the birth-place of insects, which, as the weather becomes warm, will grow rapidly, and in a few weeks gnaw their way out. In this state they will do infinite mischief among these trees, by puncturing, 206 DECEMBER, with their pointed rostra, the remaining branches. Every one of these knots should be cut oflf as soon as discovered, before they exhaust the tree by their irritation, before a diseased habit of throwing out this fungus matter is formed, and before the insect arrives at ma- turity, so as to propagate its species. If they appear upon branches that may be removed without material injury to the parent tree, cut them off without delay, and with a brush cover the wounds with thick paint. If they appear, as they sometimes do, upon the leading and important branches, now is the only time to save those branches, and the tree itself, from inevitable destruction. Im- mediately take a sharp knife, or what is bet- ter, a sharp gouge, and remove every vestige of the evil, and if you spread the wounded part with paint, so as to exclude the external air, it will directly heal, like any other injury. At this season you should also examine your peach and plum trees, to see ii they are not growing with too much luxuriance, and beginning to form too many branches. These trees, you will bear in mind, pro- duce their fruit upon the young wood of the preceding year, and should be so pruned as to cause them to produce new shoots annu- ally. This may now be done by pinching off the extremities of the most luxuriant shoots 2 and stopping the neighbouring branches. DECEMBER. 207 The shoots of this month will have time to ripen before autumn, while those that are produced late in June will be crude and pithy t and although they may sometimes produce a few blossomi, yet those will rarely bring fruit. It will, therefore well pay the expense to go over all your peach and plum trees two or three times, before the solstice, and rub off carefully all superabundant and irregular shoots. This done, you will have no occa* sion for so much cutting as is often practised on these trees, to their gre^at injury ; for their wood is generally soft and tender, and when wounded, a gum oozes out between the bark and wood, which prevents their healing as soon as many other trees, and the rain water getting into the wounded parts often causes them to canker and rot. This mis- chief, so certainly fatal to the tree, may be entirely avoided by the gentle, easy method of pinching and rubbing off the superfluous buds in the spring season, which never wounds or injures the tree. A gardener should always bear in mind that he is to act as the handmaid of nature, and in all his operations carefully aid and assist in bringing her productions to maturity. JUNE. Inoculation. — I forgot to instruct you in the art of budding, or inoculating, as it is sometimes called. ~ By this operation all the 208 DECEMBER. varieties of stone-fruit are more easily pro- pagated than by grafting. The process is very simple, and generally attended with success. Stocks for budding upon, are raised from the seeds or stones of any of this kind of fruit. The most vigorous and strong growing kinds are the best. When these stocks are two or three years old, they are large enough for this opera- tion. None but those which are smooth and healthy should J>e worked ; for if the stock is knotty or full of canker, all the labor and art you may bestow upon it, will be entirely thrown away ; for the future tree will inevi- tably partake of the disease. Although you may make buds from the plum or cherry, grow upon the peach or apricot stocks, and vice versa, yet the trees will never be durable. After a few years the irregularity of their growth causes them to perish, and it is seldom they bear fruit. The proper time for budding is soon after the summer solstice, according to the state of the season, and the particular kind of trees, which may always be known by trying the buds, whether they will come off freely from the wood. Observe also, if the buds begin to form at the ends of the shoots ; for then the spring growth is finished, and inoculation should be done without delav. "This operation should be performed in the DEOfcMBER. 20S Alter part of the day, or in cloudy weather, for the great power of the mid-day sun is apt to dry the cuttings and buds, and prevent the union that might otherways be expected ; and for the same reason it is thought best to make the incision on the norlh side of the stocks. The cuttings should not be taken off the trees until they are wanted for use; and if you are compelled to bring them from a dis- tance, take a basket and spread the bottom with fresh cut grass, upon this lay your cut- tings immediately after they are severed from the parent stocks, and cover them lightly with grass or leaves. A sharp penknife is the only instrument wanted for this operation ; and if you are provided with some bass strings or soft wool- len yarn, proceed as follows : i; Fix upon a smooth part on the side of the stock, at whatever height you intend to bud it, with your knife make a horizontal cut across the bark of the stock, quite through to the firm wood, then from the middle of this cut, make a slit downwards perpendicularly, about an inch and a half long, going, also, quite through to the wood, so that the two cuts together may be in the form of the let- ter T. Then with the point of your knife, raise the bark a little on each side of the per- pendicular cut. u This done, proceed with all expedition, to take off a bud, having immediately previ* $ 2 'J10 DECEMBER. ous to the commencement, cut off* all the leaves, leaving about an inch of the footstalk to each bud, and holding the cutting in one hand, with the thickest end outward, then enter the knife about half an inch below a bud, cutting nearly halfway into the wood of the shoot, continuing it with one clean slant- ing cut about as much more, above the bud, so deep as to take off part of the wood along with it; directly take out the woody part re- maining in the bud, by placing the point of the knife between the bark and wood, at either end, and pull off the wood from the bark, which ought, if in good condition to part freely ; then quickly examine the inside, to see if the root of the bud be left, and if there appears a small hole, the rudiments of the young tree is gone with the wood, the bud is rendered useless, and another must be prepared ; but if there be no hole, the bud is good, then place the footstalk or back part of the bud between your lips, and carefully separate the bark from the stalk on each side of the perpendicular cut, for the admission of the bud, which directly slip down close be- tween the wood and bark, till the whole is inserted within the eighth of an inch; let this part be cut through into the first transverse incision made in the stock, and the bud will fall neatly into its place, then draw the bud up gently so as to join the upper or cut end DECEMBER. 21t of it to the bark of the stock, where it will most generally first unite. *.' Let the parts be then bound with a liga- ture of bass, previously immersed in water to render it pliable and tough, or with wool- len yarn, beginning below the bottom of the perpendicular slit, and proceeding upwards close around every part, except over the eye or bud, which is to be carefully preserved, and continue it a little above the horizontal cut, not binding it too tight, but just sufficient to keep the parts close, exclude the air, sun, and wet, and thereby to promote the junction of the stock and bud, finish by making the ligature fast. " In three weeks or a month after inocula- tion, you will see which of them have taken, by their fresh and plump appearance. At that time you should loosen the bandages, for if kept on too long they would pinch the stocks, and greatly injure if not destroy the buds. Those that appear shrivelled, black, or decayed, are good for nothing. "In this dormant state the buds should re- main until the spring following, when the stocks are to be headed down that the whole nourishment may go to the inoculations, which will soon begin to advance their first shoots. " In proceeding to this, cut the heads of the stocks off sloping, behind the inoculate^ bud, either almost close thereto, or about a hand's breadth above it, which part of the 21 % DECEMBER* stock remaining above, will serve for tying thereto the first shoot from the bud in sum- mer, to secure it from the wind, but must be cut down close next spring/' JULY. Rhubarb. — A few of the best stalks only, should be permitted to ripen their seed ; for it exhausts the plant, and diminishes the pro- duction of foliage, the only part wanted for kitchen use. As soon as the flowers begin to fall off, cut the whole plant, close to the ground, and re- move all the rubbish. Then hoe up every weed, and pulverize the surface. In a few weeks, new leaves will grow, and another crop of foot-stalks be produced, of a quality superior to the first. I have now brought to a period my instruc* lions for every month in the year. And to avoid mistakes which might arise from the variety of names in common use, shall here annex a catalogue of the plants usually culti- vated in our kitchen-gardens, with their bo- tanic names set directly opposite. Asparagus • . . Asparagus, or fimproperly called Sparrow- ^aratimus officinalis. grass.] DECEMBER. 213 Artichoke, garden . Cynara scolymus. Artichoke, Jerusalem Helianthustuberosus. Bean Faba. We cultivate two distinct species of this plant, the Horse-bean . . . Vicia faba. and the Kidney-bean . Phaseolus vulgaris. [of each of these there are many varieties.] Beet Beta vulgaris. [We have five varieties, call- ed by different names, as they differ in colour and shape.] Borecole .... Brassica fimbriata. Black-berry . . . Rubus major. Cabbage . . • . Brassica capitata. [Some gardeners enumerate thirteen varieties of this plant, cultivated for culi- nary use.] Carrot .... Daucus carota. Celeri Apium duke. commonly called Salary Celeri Italorum. Corn, sweet . . . Zea mays dulce. Corn, broom . . . Holcus saccharatus. Corn, Guinea . . . Holcus Sorghum. Cucumber . . . Cucumi sativus, Currants, red Ribes rubrum. Egg-plant .... Solanum melongena. Garlic AUium sativum. Gourd-squash . . . Cucurbita melopepo. Gooseberry . . . Ribes glossularia. Lettuce, or sallad . Lactuca sativa. 214 DECEMBER. Melon, musk • . . Cucumis melo. Melon, water . . . Cucurbita oitrullus. Mustard, white . . Sinapis alba. Onion Allium cepa. Onion, magic . . . Allium canadense. Parsley Apium sativum. Pea Pisum sativum. Pepper Capsicum. Potatoe . . . . Solanum tuberosum. Pumpkin .... Cucurbita pepo. Radish .... Raphanus sativus. Radish, horse . . • Cochlearia armoracia Rhubarb .... Rheum palmatum. Raspberry .... Rubus Idaeus. Salsafy .... Tragopogon porrifo- J hum. Skirret Sium sisarum. Sorrel Rumex acetosa. Spinach Spinacia oleracea. Squash, warted . . Cucurbita verrucosa. Turnip Brassica Rupa. ERRATA. Page 9, line 9, read but, for put. Page 10, line 12, for means y read manure ; and in the next line obliterate manure. INDEX. Agriculture learned in the garden, 13. Alleys in the garden, 44. Apple trees planted, 35. Asparagus, 57, 182. B. Beet, 64, 85, 145, 185. Beans, 92. 147, 160, 165. Black-berry, 51. 205. Broom Corn, 100, 147, 181. C. Cabbage, 64, 75, 123, 130, 147, 160, 193. Carrots, 64, 83, 146, 185. Clover should grow in the garden, 13, China Beans, 95. Calabash, 116. Celery, 152, 169, 182, 195. Currants, 34, 48. Currant Wine, 169. Compost manure, 188, 200. Cramberry Beans, 95. Cucumber, 110, 142, 152, 166, 187. Cut-warm, 130. Curculio, 136. D. Dimension of the garden. Fence around the garden* G. Garden seed, 26, 30, 201. Garden tools. 27. Gooseberry, 33, 45, 149, 196 Gooseberry wine, 172. Gourd, 109. 116. Grafting, 53. Grub-worm, 130. Grasshopper, 121. Guinea Corn, 101. II. Hessian fly, 121. Horse-radish, 56. Heps, 65. Hot-bed, 203. I. Inocculation,207. K. Kidney-beans, 93. Lettuce, 73, 148. Lima beans, 94. M. Manure, 19, 24, 25, 199. Moon and stars not to be ob- served, 40. INDEX. Magic onions, 71. Melons, 111, 152. Melon bug, 123. Mustard, 116. Orchard, 52. Onions, 69, 145, 161, 180. P. Parsnips, 64, 81, 146, 186, 194. Peach trees, 146, 206. Peas, 97, 165. Pea-bug, 131. Parsley, 74. Peppers, 90, 148. Planting trees and shrubs, 34, 196. Potatoes, 105, 149, 185. Plums, 138, 205. Plum trees, 135, 206. Poultry, 202. Pumpkin, 115. Purslain, 91. Pye-plant, 61. R. Rotation of crops, 12. Raspberry, 49. Radish, 82, 89. Radish, horse, 56r Red peppers, 90. Rhubarb, 61, 212, Ruta baga, 160. S. Salsafy, 87. Seeds of vegetables, 175, 176. 179. Seed onions, 72. Scions for grafting, 52. Situation for the garden, 10. Skirret, 88. Sorrel, 91. Spinach, 96. Squash, 114. Stone fruit trees, 205. Swedish turnip, 160. Sweet Corn, 101, 148, 150. Shrubs, 33. Turnip, 64, 154, 160 166. Turnip fly, 128, 154, 158, 167, 194. W. Walks in the garden, 44 Weed, 69, 182. '*-' 1 m n