ililill ssMBiiillliliii MM. E^H i . •-..,• tJilfj^' -1, * ft K» nMiK I a&lHB Hi vinyl *» •-"•" H J .^v" ■ Kfli IHBi — few H \v/j[/sj//;s* &* ti rtXO***** CARD REPRESENTED, ^ G^No. 28.^} h *2l% tto °«*S. atfh t Ifjtfgfe atftl 4|%«fjf Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. m\\ .:;-.::{?% 0.::-::\. ::;::::y.: ::i;;|::j:l;::i:;:::|:::j{:ij}5^i«i' r :::::;::::::;: ::::::': : . :::::;. • ■■ ^i^::!n;:::H:p«^.|::;H;::; : :Hn:;iH;;:|:::|:si?::'-i;::::: rljS? /ryffi&mr **c*. ■s. %mm< tt Design Patented June 27, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements At* ^tO^Wl» CARD B E P BESENIED ^ ^ _ ^ Q^No. 27.-^0 ^ S. Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements 10*0**** CARD REPRESENT ^ 8. hy 21 s G^No. 17A,^) *• 2t All genuine reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements'. v.y.y.xv.Y.'/.:: v^^::zr;:::zz1i::ar;r%::::::;:x';::::;z: ::::::: :::::::::::::: ii*3i*;;£pi&&?i H sis a *&> ft o* rt&O***** CARD REPRESEN ^D, 8* h mi* **CL G^No. 23.-<§Q 1 i thuS Ann Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements. «* mvq tt #** o* ^*^ BD CARD REPRESENT ^ 8* v 2l* (^No. 45.~^£) >^ D0i Design Patented February 22, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. **C '**. '*. ^ateb card represented g* , 41 ^ IPC £- ^f| r Design Patented August 17, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. Beware of Infringements. <&& o* <&&»*<*» CARD REPRESE ^ED, ^ hy (^No. 1013. ^£) ^* «*fc **** IJJ Design Patented February 20, 1877. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. ■.y.y.y.VMV.v. rm v/.v.w.y.v.v.v.v.'^v///.; Iplpjlllljf- lllllllliipil x:::::::::::::::::^::x::::%:%::;jrc?^::«ct:::£:K::;;2:erc:: j8j: \y.y.zy.\y.v.y.\y.y.v.y.v.yy.v.\y.'. Hi-- MM at** cfi &*&**** CARD REPRESEN ^I>, 8* ^ Gg^No. 11 A.^E) *i* **c ^ ■s. All genuine reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. :;;;;;;;;:;;i!;;;;:;i;;:Hi;;i;;i;:;: ;: :::!::;i:::;«r:;:::-:' ; :-;;:::-n: : ;"^::;r;: ; I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- , -/x::::::::.: :::::::■:::.. >■•• -. - ■•• *'fys.fjnr,*yf. ....... .j '. » >.. i .,/..,... yntxiff* i::sKs;j::::i:jJ??:::jK::iz llliiiiljiill A1& t i&se*** 1 * CARD REPRESE » T *», *, hy 2lk ^ (^No. 15A.-<§£) ^ s. f Design Patented Nov. 3, 1874 All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^Beware of Infringements s x<& O* , t 30?O*** ia > CARD REPRESS*^ ^ fe '*«** ^intuiti ^ a* v «Ur *#< G^No. 39.-^0 c *fc «. # a 5^ mtn iftiic ilut Design Patented June 22, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. P°Beware of Infringements. &&. 6? rt&o*** * CARD repres ^ti: I > ) ^ ^ 2J* i e **, (^No. 38.^ C *fc «. e Ips Ijyigeis %EOTge oueit JfJLlie^ Design Patented May 11, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^Beware of Infringements Sfi** o? >t **0*^ ED ° ARD REPRESEN TED, 8* h *2l k C^No. 1010.^£) <*< c*> s. Design Patented October 24, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements. iiliiiiiiiiiiHiiliiiiHiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '^iijsi!; isH!!!l5Uii!p!iip{i^|ji|iigHi!! .:::;:::: pjliifilgiiiiji^ Jiiii Tip .iliilii ;::;;: &* o* 1&&***** CARD REPRESE »T2I>, 8H hy EACH DESIGN OCCUPIES ONE-HALF CARD. ««* a All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. ttrc '**& ®. * ^ %'< «f* "" ipiiiiil^i wmmmmm m ::::«:::::::^:::g::::«:::^::::«:::g::::%j^:: I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::;::::::::::: ::::;j^::::: * * '^ ''• fO****f**7*'" •••••••••• && o? rtBSO***** CABD represe ^ti:d ) 8k hy ^No. SO. 21* **C. ***< s. a Design Patented June 27, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ft ^Beware of Infringements', ■■-.V^'.'-'Ayr.. ■-■r,VA-A'.r:yiW,Y//yAV,V, . ',: "No. 24.^0 tftgg Design Patented November 24, 1874 All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. \\Y/SSSS//MMfr gl& o* ,&&***** CARD REPRES *»T£D, 8H ^ 21* **C C^No. 41.-<§£) ^ s. Design Patented August 17, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. «&> o? rt&O***** CARD REPRESENT ^, 8* hy (^No. 26.^§ 2J* **, C *fc «. It 1 Design Patented Nov.- 3, 1874. ^ V0V1 All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ft ^Beware of Infringements. dtf* o* ,^0*^ D CARD """"^ ** ^ ^^ C^No. 40.~^Q 1 t M Design Patented July 6, 1875. 3 All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. **» '*** 's. ^Beware of Infringements. ::^:::::::.:::::::2:::::::::::::::f:±^:::x::::::::::::::::::^:::::::::;^$::::::::://:x^zx;:m;:::x:: ::::;;:::::::::::::;;:::::;:::::::::::;:r:;:;:x::::xz;:;:::x^:^^z^^^/;wy/;x^:-:x::;:::x::::::::::^:::::x::; ■■■ItanHPi alllr lilhilli && o* 1****** CARD REPRESE » T ^ «, hy ^ **c (^No. 30.<§O '**. «. ft tumr that mn Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. \y.:'a\'a:y.:v.:y.y. s ii£ o* ,00****** CARI> REPRESE ^D, 8* hy 21* ■**Q tijfjer Wilfk ^tltilflre^ fo iiomc unfo Design Patented May 11, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements. ** S. si** o? WtO***** CABD REPRESE ^T ED , ^ ^ «l* **« (^No. 35.^ °^ UK* 1 Design Patented April 13, 1875 All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. «. ft tf* si** o* «*#&* CARD REPRESENTED, 8 * b :No. 34.'<§£) Design Patented April 13, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^Beware of Infringements. a*" 6 o* ifS******* CARD REPRESENT£D ' «* by «I* ^No. 1008. ^£) U lie urn i3l Design Patented October 24. 1876. i All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 **, '°*** ^"Beware of Infringements. ■■i-y--y/'/y-V' !^y!p!iiiii!i|yf ! p|i& ry/' yyy'y %,/'""" " " >, "" 'X r "",,? '"'"/' ::-:: :z::::^:::::^^:::::::::::::::::z:::::::.:::::::rV:::::::::::::>;:r^::^^^-y^"^:::::;:::::::;:::::::;;;:::::;K:::::::::::::::::::::::: JH ' %,„, m////// /; J/J/,, J>,A, W \Mk, A,k Mi. V..; ^ '/"?",, ' '.;■■■ /rws/' i, yy,y;y, r y,. (•«% y.y.y.'/.y.'y.y.'y.'/.:. ill... ...jag:: &* o* ;&#***** CARD repres ^t ED , 8k hy 21% **CL CE^No. 43.-^ *%. Design Patented October 5, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements- Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.'.. piiliiiiis^fiii:::: /» v?> • • • • vy a . . . . .X£> 0"'0 %» • vx* • • w^ • • ' rr y w y • ■ ■ • ir i#i! ^r:rfe;::;v:::::gu;*::::::::: *&> o* ,^0^^ ED CARD REPRESE ^T ED , 8H hy 21% (^No. 44. ^E) * — © Design Patented November 16, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. **CL '**. S. ^"Beware of Infringements v.vif/ZrX'k-....., ••••rSKfr:::::::::::::::::.^::x::KS^:^:^:"::::::::"::::::::::::::::::::::::::":::: JSjj,. \Y.Y.XY.Yr/SS.Y,YMY.\.YS.Y.Y.fyAyA$YMY.YSf.Y«Y.Y.\\ ....^iiii;:::::::^ . -/.irs/SYXAfy/AA'SY-X'/Y' ^::i:;:i;:;;:iiipi:;f|i^;i:fi::::^i::::;Hi::;::i^::;:^ : ::!:::Hi^:::!:;i::;:^ : ^-^^ ■::r/..::y^::^^fl%:::^^:^^«::y^:::::y::::::::::::::^:::::::::^:::::::.^:::::r^::^=::y*:: . .../.■.■.■.(/..■.■.-■.■.■■^ 20..... ifegs^ppMiffl iijj . ff 15 ff<'.' • ^ p • 4> :•* :|>^ . ># !"pypd| ■/■.■S,y/v./v.-.-.v..\<7tfM :S!S«Kyy::xxxKZK^r:^:::%p:,vi%:::::::r5«::::r;::* IKY.Y.Y.Y.y.Y.Yy "" 'fa/tft/sft/. ::::::: ^:: :::: i< : '; iiiini lltjj: ::^.-^::::^^:::::^r?::::i^^::-::::::::::::::r?^^:r.::::r9^»{?::::::: »«%3^w*c|%j^:jC«W4^j%4«w^«::::::: I:::::::::::::::::::::;:.::::::::::-::::: v I, .?, 8k v 6* * * t*r c Q^No. Ql.^O ^ &. Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements :::::J:::.::::?:::::::::S:::::s::K:::ft::::::s::::S:::?!x:-c:::::::N::S;:ss^::: :::::S:"^:::::::::::::n::::s:nn::N\Ss^::::::s:::::^:::s:::::n:s!s:sj:::;: ssnfjj ::: CARD REPRESENTED, 8jrf . ^No. 1009.^£) *s. c > Design Patented October 24, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 l^° Beware of Infringements ' :v\\-\]: jljjjjjjjjjjjjljjjjijljjjjljjipfijpijjjpipfe ...jg&pliiiililliiii... :::^?f??|::::::::::::::::: s *TO**lM> CARD REPRESENT fe ^ Qg^No. 32.^0 All genuine reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. stf* o* ?££< il?0 *** B,> CARD REPRES ^T ED , ^ ^ EACH DESIGN OCCUPIES ONE-HALF CAED. G^No. cix.^§e> 21% M H J* 111 Design Patented February 22, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. **tt **fc '5. ■I §§lgt|li ... * i a p ::£::::j£:: !!Bi! iijiiiiiii IplpfjjipHljip! „ ::^:^::^;rp:::^?^r:::yg5;"::^:::::::::; ;::::^::%::^:::^:^?:::::>?r^;^:>!;::::::::::: :::::^::^::^"::«:0::::r%«::rrp, a, by ^ Qg^No. Bl.^O Design Patented August 8, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements'. ***•* &S0**** CARD REPRESE »^D, ^ ^ O^ EACH DESIGN OCCUPIES ONE-HALF CARD. 21* *#C *d s. 11! Design Patented February 22, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ff°Beware of Infringements. *i** (^No. 1006. ^£) ***** s. Design Patented September 26, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements *& O? EACH DESIGN OCCUPIES ONE-HALF CARD. Design Patented January 11, 1876. 21* **C '** s. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. ■li-w?::::;;::::;;; ;-.::::::::r;::;"z:::::::::::::::x::::::^;::::::::::::::::::::::::f:x^:::::: ^xw^z^z^^zxj'.xx^f:^ x"aay\'a\&}ay}aa ■::::::1\*aaX\: *<& ot &&***&* CARD REPRESEN T ED , SH hy &X Q^No. 12A.^) on Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. {^"Beware of Infringements. **. C **S. ff SI* 6 6? ?¥&>*■ ?No. 1007.^0 *Yc ^ Design Patented June 27, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ft ^"Beware of Infringements |M JL ^ 4i# #4 p!!!II!Hyjsji!!!!!!!!!:::::! up m wzmm ::::::: : A :::::: :::::z:::::::: && o* **FO*** ED CARD REPRESENT ^, 8* bj 2i^ G^No. 46. ;: ^) **c '***. «. Design Patented March 28, 1876. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. iillil $&* o* ??&> T ORATEl> CARD REPRESENT ^ ^ EACH DESIGN OCCUPIES ONE-HALF CARD. (^No. CVI.^O *** Design Patented December 7, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. **c ^ % ^"Beware of Infringements. (^No. 1002. ^£) 3 II Design Patented May 2, 1876. tea* All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements &T& o? ?% j^O** 1 * 3 * CARD REPRES E * rzD ^ b y2l -*»C '**. mm. H e No. 1005. ^ S. :rt |gott|e. ■;■; Design PateDted Ansrast 29. 1ST6. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements :::::;■••:••::•:::;; i::H::n:l£?K£9K§)3:ici! .••...' .... ... , gfr o* ^YO^AIED CARD REPRESENT^ ^ hy «J# **c '**** ■s. Design Patented April 13, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. ilpill &* 6? G^No. 16A.^) **%■ tfti € ^ $. lit <* Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements ::::^::::::::::::^:fe::::::::::::jjS:%::::::::::i;Z!E::::::::::::::::is::: :.?.:::::::lr. ■ y ■ SplllHl ■':■.'■.'■.'.': i::::^::::::!y:ii-!::^%;;^iS^:::r%xXyU::-::::::i: ::::::::: ' ::: :!::::; :::!:aiHBM«KU«H««««KraK£W* ii!f!!£ll^i||l»^mkflkliil^^f^lMiiirii!Iir|MllHagHUii ^jpjilHjpjii::!: ii z::z::: ::::::?: ?. si** o? rt&o-***** CARD REPRESEN ^ D , ^ by 2J* (^No. 21. -<§0 r* carer tup Design Patented June 22, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874 ^"Beware of Infringements. **n *** «. ;9 :.::::::.::::::::, :•.:.•::: :::u;::::t:?S-.::::. ::::::;::::::::::::::::r: is;::::::::-::::::::::: J ,:::yH:::::::::ri:::::::riaj:«::::^::::^:M::::::::"S::::::::S«::::S!j::::::::::::::: SI** o* 21^ R 1 Design Patented November 24, 1874. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued . under the protection of a Patent dated January .27th, 1874. ^"Beware of Infringements. *Xc *** «. *&> o* <&#&&*» CARD REPRESENT ^, 8 * hy ^ a && 0ttH vL Design Patented May 11, 1875. All lawful reproductions on Perforated Card Board of this Design for Embroidery will be issued under the protection of a Patent dated January 27th, 1874. ^Beware of Infringements. **i C **S ■s. ■ \ yv u ' BUI • • WttQ • »**■ ^*'l I m & r bb^ i fcV, ■MPS ™ Mi *X| I ■ K .*>.